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A43727 Apokalypsis apokalypseos, or, The revelation revealed being a practical exposition on the revelation of St. John : whereunto is annexed a small essay, entituled Quinto-Monarchiæ, cum Quarto Omologia, or, A friendly complyance between Christ's monarchy, and the magistrates / by William Hicks ... Hicks, William, 1621-1660. 1659 (1659) Wing H1928; ESTC R20296 349,308 358

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murther rather then cure and save alive Object But you will object How is the justice of God vindicated if he smites both godly and ungodly together for the sins of the wicked among them I answer If the godly in a church do connive freely tolerate or wink at the sins of the wicked they are come partakers with them also therein so also justly in their judgments and miseries The churches and faithfull in Pergamus and Thyatira were justly visited by God for suffering the doctrines of Balaam Nicolaitans and Iezabel among them and righteously wrapt up in one common calamity with the Balaamites and Nicolaitans But secondly if the faithful in a Church do protest declare against and endeavour as much as in them lies and by all lawful means for the purging out of the evil and erroneous persons and doctrines among them they have done their duty towards God and delivered their souls from guilt Though the common calamity and judgment of God on the wicked may reach these too without any derogation to divine justice for it toucheth not them as a judgment but as tryals and for other good ends of God Jeremiah Daniel Ezekiel and other faithful servants of God suffered very much in the Caldean captivity yet not as for their own sins but for other especial ends of God But very often God doth and will save his faithful ones as wheat amongst the chaff by a temporal salvation in the midst of judgments and destruction of wicked ones round about God will call out righteous Lot from Sodom and will provide Noah an Ark when he comes with flames of fire or flouds of desolating waters on the wicked world did not God's persevering providence and special mark of grace appear in this Nation in preserving and keeping many precious graines of Wheat amongst all our chaff in this late day of our winowing and tribulation And many whereof as it were were taken by the hand by God as righteous Lot and Noah and Arks provided for them by God to pass from Sodome and the wicked world over the flouds into a land of rest the Mountains of Ararat I mean the wildernesses of America And so indeed the faithful witnesses of Christ by the Dragon 's powring out of flouds of persecution after them fled into the wilderness and were there preserved for some times until the day of wrath was over Therefore when you see your faithful Lots Noahs c. fly from you or called by God to places of security look then for desolating times Isa 26.20 21. When our Halc●●n birds as Swallows c. fly from us it is a signe of approaching winter So when good and godly men are removed out of their places or driven into corners then observe it as a true Prognostick Judgment and Indignation is nigh at hand Observ 5. When God is wrath with a people he turns his sweetest mercies into the most terrible judgments The word of God's mouth which is the staff and comfort of his people he can turn unto the voyce of Trumpets and as the roaring of many waters for terribleness When we keep close unto Christ then all things are ours Friends Servants Riches children and our Tables are mercies to us But when we are become enemies to Christ by evil works then Friends Servants Riches Children our Tables and all are become snares unto us When the King frowns on us all his Courtiers and Nobles will do it also Whilst God is our Friend all the whole creation will serve us freely but if he frowns all will conspire and rebel against us His Angels whom he formerly commanded for our safety to pitch their Tents about us will then be commanded to come with slaughter weapons against us When a mans wayes please the Lord hee maketh his enemies to be at peace with him Prov. 16.7 Babylon could never have hurt Zion till Zion had offended When Pergamus Thyatira and the rest of the offending Asian churches forsaked God instead of the powerful sword of Christ's mouth or word of grace in convincing them of sin and mortifying their corruptions or speaking comfortably to them he sends forth another word a word of judgment and indignation commanding their adversaries to go forth with their destroying weapons either of War Pestilence or Famine to sweep them off from the land of the living that their place should be no more found O therefore let us be sure to keep God our friend Vers 17. He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden Manna and will give him a white Stone and in the Stone a new name writen which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it He that is wise and hath an understanding heart amongst you let him consider those premonitions which I have so often inculcated lest the judgments threatned for your sins overtake you and therefore hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden Manna as if Christ had said although I will come against the wicked ones in the church of Pergamus and fight against them with the sword of my mouth yet to him that overcometh that is that opposeth and escapeth the temptations of those pernicious doctrines amongst them and keep themselves undefiled therein to them will I give to eat of the hidden Manna Here some difficulty or interpretation offers what is meant by this hidden Manna many assert it to be Christ which is that invisible food received by faith according to John 6.32 33 34. which cometh down from Heaven and there typified forth by Manna but saving due reverence to the learned that goes that way I cannot joyn with them singly in that Interpretation for First It is here called hidden Manna or strange Manna not as yet undiscovered now Christ was the known and manifest spiritual food and Manna unto all believers and so that of John 6.3 is brought thereby to verifie it and allude therunto Secondly Every believer hath Christ already as his spiritual food and Manna and therefore it is but a surplusage and tautologie to promise that as a crown and reward to the conquering faithful ones which they enjoy already even from their first day or in their lowest state of faith therefore surely it must be somwhat more then Christ spiritually eaten by faith Manna was the food that came down from Heaven that God gave to his children of Israel in the wilderness Exod. 16.14 15. c. And as Antiquity and Iewish Rabbies testifie in the eating thereof is represented all sorts of meat to the taste that the appetite or curiosity could wish for and therefore it was a fit Type for to represent Christ by who was the true bread of life that could fill and answer all our necessities and that he that should eat thereof should never hunger more but this is a hidden Manna a strange secret bread of life not yet
is under it and having plucked up the rotten prop the building thereon must needs fall to ground and come to nought Cum tollitur causa tollitur effectus and instead of this broken reed let the faithful soul comfort and support it self in patience with the hopes of Christ's true and real Kingdom wherewith John was affected and supported Rev. 1.9 which shall come in glory and great power and none shall say as now Lo here is Christ or there is Christ but he shall be most evident and perspicuously glorious Lo He cometh in the clouds and every eye shall see him and they that pierced him and every one shall mourn because of him v. 7. This Kingdom of Christ is not advanced by any capricious whimsies of ours but is brought to light in power and great Majesty where Christ comes with his Armies and myriads of Angels and raised Saints Rev. 19.14 20.4 to take the Kingdom unto himself when Antichrist and all his adherents are destroyed by the appearance of the Lord Christ then shall they fly unto the Rocks and the Mountains and call to them to fall upon them to hide them from the presence of the Lamb that sitteth on the Throne and then all the Kingdoms of the world shall become the Kingdoms of our God and his Christs and he shall reign for ever and ever Hallelujah Amen And for a conclusion of all let the faithful ones of Christ hearken to the often repeated admonition of the Spirit in the last verse Vers 22. He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches He that is an understanding christian among you let him consider what graces the Spirit hath set forth to their imitation and approved of by various encouragements and promises of rewards and what sins and faults he hath reproved and menaced with dreadful judgements in each and every one of those seven Asian churches that he may avoid the one and embrace the other that so his portion may fall in the land of the living What was written to them was written for our example and if we be found in their conditions we shall receive our rewards accordingly for every one shall receive according to his works O Lord Christ that has moved the heart of thy servant to make these things known unto the children of men let him be a learner himself at the foot-stool of thy grace and blessed be thy holy Name that hath gone thus far with thy poor servant O let his own words be imprinted in his own heart Keep him humble Lord that he be not lifted up in his own eyes lest whiles he comes a Teacher unto others he himself becomes a cast-away O Lord Christ Give thy servant power from thy self to overcome his temptations that he may sit with thee in thy Throne even as thou hast overcome and art set down in thy Fathers Throne Pardon O Christ not only the faults of this undertaking but the many sins and errours of all his life O cover him and them with thy white rayment and then he shall walk in white before thee and at thy appearance his nakedness shall not appear Remember O Lord thy Church and People among us for good O let them hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches That thy Name may be gloriously exalted within our days That thy Truth may run to and fro and be increased and that all be kept and preserved within the compass of their duty both towards God and Man That so we may have sweet smelling Gardens holy Assemblies within our Land where the Lord may take delight to dwell in Hear O Lord thy poor servant for thy wonted mercies sake in and thorow the Son of thy own love to whom with thy Self and holy Spirit one Eternal Ever-living Lord God be all glory dominion praise and power for ever and for ever Amen Δοξὰ μονῷ τῷ Θεῷ FINIS
go undiscovered that deserve such Titles better themselves or at least wise so to raise a Scar-crow to drive away the fearful and dis-ingenious from a full enquiring into the Truths of God that would discover the vanity and folly of their opposers But no more of this And here by the way I shall not be ashamed to acquaint you with one mistake of mine who once thought as most men do that God in his Providential disposing the Kingdoms o● this world and in exalting men of low degre● into the Throne of Princes and throwing down great Princes and their Progenies into the state of slaves it was only to manifest his Soveraignty over the Kingdoms of this world to give them to whom he pleaseth but more maturely considering the All-wise ordering hand of God in such great Transactions I have found the issue in all Ages to be very advantagious to the Church of God and the result of all such State-shakings and Revolutions to be in mercy towards his Church and People When God broke the great Caldeo-Assyrian Monarchy and transferred it to the Medio-Persian how vvonderfully and by vvhat strange providence did God raise Cyrus his servant or instrument for that work Who was exposed to be destroyed by the command of his Grandsire Astyages whiles an Infant upon pretence of some fatal Prophesie yet preserved and brought up amongst Shepherds as his Story goes that afterwards he became most providentially the great deliverer of God's people the Jews from their Assyrian bondage Moses the great Captain of Israel we are sure trod almost the same path under a strange providence of Preservation that at last he became the deliverer of Israel from their Aegyptian thraldome When Saul was set by who was of a Kingly Presence and by the Head and Shoulders above his brethren David was called from the Sheep-cot to the Throne the issue whereof was the exaltation of Israel and the downfal of their enemies If we shall but reflect since Christ's coming in the flesh on the example of Constantine the Great Son unto Helena a Brittish Lady who through many glorious and eminent Victories and Services was at last advanced to the Imperial Seat and how he at last became as a Temporal Saviour to the Church of Christ and Destroyer to the Kingdom of the Dragon is most marvellous to consider It is worth further the taking notice of how wonderfully God in late ages raised the Spirits of some obscure persons as Martin Luther and his Associates of the first Reformation with some other Reformed Ministers since that they have made the great Hierarchy of Rome to shake with their Power so that many Christian Princes then and since began to hate the Whore with the Wine of whose Fornications they were made drunken and now begin not only to hate her but to make her desolate and naked and to eat her flesh But yet that age was but the first fruits or Prodromus not the consummation of the work for she having since lifted up her head and endeavoured to cover her nakedness and to cure her self of her great Wound received but all in vain for her period drawing nigh God exasperates her sore more and more and makes those Horns those Princes that were once her strong Supporters to fall off from her and to hate her Indeed the first Reformers took off her outward garments and showed her nakedness in her false Doctrine and partly in her false Worship and then began to eat her Flesh in taking off some of her pompous Revenues but yet the main Work was left undone to its appointed time For as this great City rose not in one day but gradually so will also her ruine be by several Measures or Vials of God's wrath poured out upon her until the consummation of her ruine come with fire both Material and Analogical the one the fire of God's Word first destroying quite her false Worship which daylie goes on in perfecting the other God's fire of War and Judgements destroying quite up her outward State and Policy that her place be no more found And to the bringing about this great end God works very variously somtimes in moving on the hearts of Princes and so makes them willing unto this work somtimes in laying aside Princes of ancient and potent Families and raising up meaner and lower Persons on their Thrones as he most wonderfully hath done of late among our selves to whom he gives Hearts Spirits and Gifts meet for this great work and lastly in over-ruling the designs of others that though they go about to seek themselves and to advance their own Dominion and Power of Ruling yet the All-wise providence of God knows how so to order them as to bring about his predesigned end For I cannot believe that they will be all pious good Princes and right in their ends that shall be employed about this work for they are the ten Horns or ten Kings that receive power one hour with the Beast and were Members of him that shall destroy the Whore and burn her with Fire Rev. 17.12.16 I am of the minde that few conclude that Hen. 8. and some other Princes were so justifiable in their ends in expelling the Authority of Antichrist as they should have been and yet God employed them as his Instruments in this Work and when they have done his business God knows how to lay them by and all such self-ended persons as useless or at least make them but as Gibeonites or Hewers of Wood in the House of the Lord. Lastly Your Worship may be pleased to take notice that some conceive those and the like Interpretations of dark Prophesies to be but the issues of distempered brains and of little certainty To whom I answer Seeing that this is a Book that hath the publique impress of the Spirit in it and left as it were as its last Legacy of this sort in the Church of Christ I profess soberly I know not what tolerable sense to set on this Book of the Revelation if it be not for an historical discovery under Types and Figures of all the Changes and Revolutions with their Periods and Issues that should befal the Church of God and their Oppressors and Enemies until the end of all I confess there may be some difference in Interpreting and in not rightly Applying some of the several Characters Periods and Visions of this Book and in other circumstantial parts thereof and wherein I fail I entreat not only your Worship but all others to remember my weakness and our common attribute Humanum est errare and especially being amongst such Prophetical deeps and difficulties which may well plead for his failings who is conscious of his insufficiencies for so high and difficult an undertaking Yet this I dare be bold to say that the substantial part of this Prophesie is here cleared and discovered And if any receive light hereby to the better understanding the dark Mysteries thereof give me leave to say with Daniel cap.
in himself is too weak for such a work may be fitted in some measure from thy self who art the Wisdom of God and to whom the Revelation of all things is given of the Father because thou art found worthy O do thou enlighten his minde with true Light from above And remove all impediments his iniquities out of thy sight by the washing of thine own bloud then thou maist discover thy minde unto thy poor Servant being hallowed by thy self to a fruitful reception thereof Grant O Christ that by thy favour and the guidance of thy good Spirit he may diligently consider the misteries of this Book and that unto sobriety and declare it forth unto others that the Church of God may receive some advantage by him And if thy Servant O Lord hath herein through weakness built any hay and stubble upon thy precious structure O let it be consumed but so as that thy Servant may be saved in the great day of the Lord God Almighty but if any of thine receive good hereby to thee for it as most due which is and which was and which is to come the Almighty be praise glory and Dominion for ever and ever Amen A Catalogue of diverse Questions in this Treatise discussed WHether this Book of Revelation be of divine authority pag. 1 Whether John the divine the subordinate Author thereof be the same with John the Apostle and Evangelist or some other Person 5 Whether the Title of this Book viz. The Revelation of John the Divine be John's own or some other Persons 7 What is meant by the Christian wish or salutation grace and peace unto you 19 How comes John to wish grace and peace to the Churches whilst being Churches of Christ they had this grace and peace aforehand 19 Whether Christ shall have two last commings to Iudgment 25 Whether Christians when they are called unto it are bound in duty to suffer for the profession of all the truths of God 31 and 112 Whether the Lords day mentioned Rev. 1.10 wherein John received his Visions be the first day of the week or not 33 How shall we know Divine raptures extasies or Visions from diabolicall the Divel being Gods ape herein 34 Doth not the Divel often foretell the truth of events 37 Did not Satan tell Saul in that apparition of Samuel in the 1 Sam. 28 19. That he should be delivered with all his host into the hands of the Philistines and that he and his Sons on the morrow should be all with Samuel that is dead and was not that prediction truly fullfilled 38 Whether that Samuel which the Witch of Endor raised unto Saul was the true Prophet Samuel or the Divel in his shape and likeness or otherwise some cousening consort and confederate of the cousening Pythonists 38 39 Whether Christ according to his manhood appeared unto John Rev. 1 13. when he appeared to him as one like unto the Son of man 43 Whether there can be any separation between the deity and manhood of Christ 44 Whether the two edged sword that proceeded out of Christs mouth is to be only spiritually understood and not matterially also 50 51 Whether the blessed heavenly Spirits and Angels or glorified Persons after the Resurrection do or shall see the essential glory of God 53 Do not Angels see Gods face in Heaven and did not Moses and Jacob see God and talked with him face to face 54. and do not divines hold that in Heaven we enjoy the beatifical Vision 55 Whether Christ according to his divine nature was impassible 58 Why John is commanded particularly to write to each Church of the seven apart 68 Whether a sound Church may censure a corrupted Church 69 70 Whether by Angel of the Church of Ephesus be meant the Metropolitane over the rest of the Bishops of Ephesus and whether the Angel of Ephesus was the Metropolitane over the other six sister Churches 71 Whether the Angel of the Church of Ephesus is to be interpreted the Presbytery 72 What gives unto our works the denomination of good works And whether any of our works are simply and strictly to be called good and perfect 79 and 80 In whom lyes the power to try judge and examine false Apostles false teachers and their Doctrines 83 and 196 Whether the jurisdiction of the Church be above the word 84 Whether wicked Persons or unsound in the faith are to be admitted or being admitted to be tolerated in the fellowship of the Church 85 86 c. Whether any else besides true and real Saints or believers in the judgment of charity are to be admitted into Church fellowship 86 87 Whether the judicials or ceremonials of Moses are any foundation for a Gospel ordinance 88 89 Whether Baptisme is administred with best satisfaction of conscience upon infants 88 Whether it must be true justifying faith or dogmatical only that entitles to Baptisme 90 91 Whether the Apostolical Office be ceased to the Church or not and whether it was only tyed unto the first twelve 92 93 94 95 Whether the first 12 Apostles were but of equal authority with other ordinary Officers as Pastors Elders c. 95 Whether the gift of miracles does continue unto the Church 97 How shall we know or try false Apostles from the true 101 102 c. To what Church shall one repaire to receive a sound and orthodox call for the min●stery of the Gospell 105 106 c. How should the first reformers have a right call to the ministery if they ● had it not from Rome 108 Whether the Presbytery of England have a right call from the late Bishops as true Presbyters 110 VVhether Believers complaints for want of wills to repent be just or not 118 Whether it be a Legal Teaching to denounce wrath and Judgments on non-amendment or for want of Repentance 119 VVhether Repentance is to be joyned to Christ in some causality unto salvation or joyntly with him somwhat subordinate to that great end 120 And whether Faith and Repentance be the condiiion properly so taken of the Covenant of Grace 121 VVhat is meant by the Spirit that speaks unto the seven Asian Churches 126 What is meant by the Tree of Life and what is meant by Paradice 130 Whether Paradice and Heaven above be all one 131 Whether God tempteth man And whether he tempteth unto evil or sin 143 Doth not many Scriptures say That God tempteth man 144 Whether God hath a hand or efficiency in and about sin 146 Why doth God often afflict his own children with so sharp tribulations And whether the justice of God can be vindicated in that particular 149 VVhether great corruptions nullifies a Church 173 What is the reason that full Reformation cannot be attained 171 172 How is Gods justice vindicated if he smites godly and ungodly together for the sins of the wicked among them 179 VVhether Christ received now by faith to justification and absolution be the hidden Manna and white Stone promised Rev. 2.17 to
he is the high Steward and great Dispenser in God's Kingdom All power is given unto him in heaven and in earth Observ 3. That that Prophesie which comes from so sure an Author as Jesus Christ must infallibly be true and come to pass for he is and always was the great Prophet of his Church it was he that gave visions and Prophesies to the Prophets Isaiah Ieremiah Ezekiel Daniel somtimes by his ministring spirits the Angels somtime by himself in the appearance of the likeness of the son of man Ezek. 1. v. 26. And all know that their prophesies stood sure and were accomplished in their respective seasons But as unto the stedfastness and faithfulness of this book of Prophesies see what Christ himself testifies in Rev. 3.7 14. and in ch ult v. 6. These things saith the Son of God who is the faithful and true witness therefore of most sure performance in God's appointed seasons From the words which God gave unto him to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass Observe 1. That Christ's servants are very privie to Gods counsels and knows much of his designes This Christ hath verified First From that ground of union which is between Christ and his members for being once become his members or servants then they in Christ and Christ in them and according to that 1 John 2.20 They have an unction from him that is holy and they know all things so that they that have the Son have the Father also for they both are one in will counsel power and essence John 17.21 22. And the secrets of the Lord are with those that fear him 2. They know much of the mind of God in all the combustions changes and revolutions of this world Many think that they come by chance ill fortune or for want of foresight in management of State affairs but the servants of God know that the hand of God is in all those revolutions and State-shakings and that there can no evil befal unto the City but that there is the providence of God in it directing and over-ruling it unto its end so that they do foresee that this change and that alteration in the world will come too and can rightly conclude that all tend as in a chain of providences to bring about God's great end in the exaltation of Christ's Throne and the pulling down his enemies Observ 2. God reserved the more full revelation of all things concerning the changes and revolutions of the Church and State and the end of all unto the day of Christs exaltation in glory Christ on earth was not so glorious as Christ in heaven he had not so full commission to send out so much of his Spirit while he was on earth as when he was in heaven John 7.39 So in like manner it is no sin to say that God had not communicated unto Christ's manhood whiles here on earth the compleat knowledge of times and seasons and the end of all for he is said to grow in knowledge and therefore according to his manhood whiles here on earth might be ignorant in some things But yet it is clear the Father revealed it to him when he ascended into heaven that he might reveal it to his Church as the due reward of all his sufferings chap. 5. 9. Thou art worthy to take the Book and open the Seals thereof for thou wast slain c. Which must shortly come to pass See vers 3. on these words The time is at hand And he sent and signified it by his Angel unto his servant John From these words you may observe That God reveals these Prophesies not immediately from himself but mediately and by instruments First God gives this Revelation to Christ Christ gives discovery partly himself and partly gives commission to his Angels for the same Thirdly The Angels instruct John Fourthly John directeth the same to the seven Churches And fifthly From the seven Churches they are left to all the Churches of Christ for information unto the end of the world The infinity of God and the finiteness of creatures are not compatible therefore God uses instruments sutable to our capacities for discovery of his mind Observ 2. From the Messenger or Angel by whom partly this prophesie was sent Observe That Christ employs Angels in great services for his Church Angels were the first publishers and preachers of Christs birth an Angel tells the Apostles that Christ should return in that manner they had seen him go up to heaven Acts 1.11 Angels tells Abraham and Lot what God would do to Sodom Christ tells John Rev. 22.16 That he sent his Angels to testifie those things in the Churches The Angels are made ministring spirits for the service of the church and their service is more manifest in these particulars 1. They inform us of God's will and God of our ways they ascend and descend Zac. 1.11 Gen. 18.19 2. They oppose the enemies of Christ and his Church Rev. 12.7 Dan. 10.20 Numb 21.22 3. They execute the judgements of God upon his enemies Exo. 12.23 Gen. 19.11.13 c. Isa 37 36. Rev. 16. throughout 4. They defend the godly both against wicked men wicked spirits and wicked practises Rev 7.1 2 3 c. Psal 34.7 and 91.11 Gen. 32.1 2. 2 King 6.14 15 c. 5. Next after the spirit of Christ they comfort the afflicted in their distresses Luke 1.30 Acts 10.4 and 27.24 Dan. 6.10 11 12. Luke 22.43 6. They are God's reapers and gatherers of God's elect at the end of the world Mat. 24.31 From the person to whom this prophesie was sent and revealed by the Angel under this relation of his servant John what this Iohn was is made fully to appear in the preliminary discourse unto the Title it was Iohn the brother of Iames our Lord's kinsman the beloved disciple a great Pillar and Apostle in the Church of Christ and yet he is here described under the title and relation of servant not only so by right of creation but of redemption special right covenant and service From which observe That to be related to Christ by way of service is a higher priviledge then any outward relation to him Better be Christ's bondman then his kinsman inward priviledges are more honourable then carnal Mary was happier in carrying Christ in her heart then in her womb Iohn glories more to be Christ's servant then his cosin Mat. 12.47 48 c. Christ professeth that they are his kindred who shall do the will of his father and he that is related to Christ in grace and faith is as sure of his love and acceptation as any of his nearest friends or kinsmen Observ 2. It is man's greatest honour to be Christ's servant It was a curse upon Cain Gen. 9. to be a servant of servants but to be Christ's servant is not only free but noble Iohn though he was a great pillar a prophetical Apostle the darling Disciple yet Christ calls him but his servant Paul
Disciples should be offended because of him and that they should be cast out imprisoned reviled and suffer many persecutions for his names sake And the ground or reason of all this is from that promise in Gen. 3. That God would set enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent and this enmity hath abided ever since and will ever abide between those two mystical seeds until the seed of the woman Christ and his members shall become absolute conquerors in the binding up the old serpent who is the father of all enmities and mischiefs This informeth God's people that it should not seem strange unto them when the world and their enemies do rage against them Here a question may come in Whether christians when they are called unto it are bound in duty to suffer for the profession of all the Truths of God To clear this question I shall premise briefly That Truths are either about fundamentals or circumstantials Fundamentals are such as without the knowledge thereof we cannot ordinarily be saved and they are conversant either about the very being of a Saint and Christian or secondly about the well-being in preserving and building up this Christian in his holy faith and these are called principles or rudiments of Religion Heb. 6.1 You know no one can proceed to be an Artist in any Art or Science or come to any perfection therein without some certain rules and principles to proceed by so none can become a true Christian or Artist in that heavenly Science of Christianity without some first laid principles And amongst those Fundamentalls which are necessary to the Being of a christian I believe as some have been too large in the description of their Fundamentals so some have been too narrow and therefore seeing they are not precisely determined by any universal assembly of christians but are left to be gathered up here and there in the Word of God by parcels I shall not be so presumptuous to define their certain number only I say thus much That that Creed which is called the Apostolical setting a qualified sense on that article of Christ's descent into hell to be the exactest square and rule of principles that relates unto the very Being of a Christian that is this day extant and he that is not ready to suffer for the profession thereof is not worthy the name of a Christian Now secondly other Fundamentals are about the well-being of a christian and such are all the Ordinances of the Gospel As Baptism Lord's Supper Prayer Thanks-givings all Church Orders and Fellowships Preaching Exhorting Reproving Overseeing and the like And if it be in our power we are rather to forbear the use of one of them then to defile our souls or consciences under corrupt administrations of them but if at any time we were called to suffer for the essential truth of them we are bound to suffer and to bear them a testimony as a part of the Truth and Word of God But for every opinion that arises about the right administrations of the latter or manner of understanding of the former principles which are but the circumstantials of Religion to set bonds upon the conscience therein it savours rather of a spirit of contention heat and passion then of found judgement and christian wisdom This is to make hard knots where there is none and Christ calls his yoke easie this were to make it burdensom and intollerable The substantial part of Christian Religion is plain and easie and the blinde may walk therein and a lamb may wade thorow This is life eternal that they may know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent John 17.3 It is true there are mysteries high questions and deep things of God in the word these are for the exercise of our spirits and gifts not of our faith no further then as part of the revealed mind of God and therefore we believe them to be truth though we understand them not which are reserved until the day of the revelation of all things when we shall know as we are known and when all our ignorances and imperfections shall be done away This sets a check upon some hot spirits of these times that rather then lose or part with their wilde opinions or let them lie unvented would break all the bonds of peace charity and communion amongst Christians and so utterly deprive the churches of Christ of all the benefit which otherwise their gifts and parts might stand in stead for I doubt all sorts of christians of our times are too far baptized into this errour and Satan hath too great a stroke in it to divide the hearts of Christians about circumstantials when as they hold one and the same fundamentals joyntly together The Lord in mercy to his churches remedy this great evil and sin of our times Vers 10. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day and heard behind me a great voice as of a Trumpet In the Greek copie it is no more but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I was in the Spirit which in Beza's translation is rendred correptus in Spiritu I was rapt in Spirit It was indeed a rapture of spirit an extasie wherein John received this Vision and so it hath been with all the Prophets of old they were acted by the Spirit in all their visions and prophesies they were lift up above themselves and out of themselves when they were to have cognizance of Divine things and this was by the Eternal Spirit of God working mightily in their spirits Observ That the Spirit of God does as it were set a violence on those persons he employs about the high mysteries and discoveries of his choicest Truths Paul that great light of the Gentiles he had his raptures into the third heaven whether in the body or out of the body he could not tell Exekiel when he was to receive those high Visions he oft reports of the Spirit entring into him and taking him up cap. 3.12 and 2.2 John for his better accomplishment to receive those divine Visions he is here said to be rapt in Spirit And the reasons of this is First That he might be the better enabled to take a clear and full view of those divine discoveries which were about to be shown unto him When we would show one things distinctly we use to place him up on high for the better sight Secondly That he might have satisfaction in his own spirit that those his visions were from God seeing he had so extraordinary taste of the Spirit in the first place he might well conclude he was now as it were to become the mouth of the Spirit unto the churches Lastly That his thoughts and heart might have been sequestred from things below and his contemplation raised higher on things divine as a true Prophet of God ought to have Another Note from hence is as a corrollary to the former That when Christ sets up any eminent Officer or Light in
his church for the service thereof God first fills them with his Spirit When John was but upon entring upon his prophetical office God ravishes him with his Spirit and fills him therewith to fit him for this office When men in the Apostles days were to be chosen but for the lowest services in the Church as for the over-sight of the poor and the like yet they must be men full of the holy Ghost and wisdom Acts 6.3 Much more then for the highest places as Prophets Pastors Teachers and Elders c. It is said Paul and Barnabas were filled with the holy Ghost and therefore to be separated unto the work Acts 11.24 and 13.2 The Offices of the churches of Christ are for those that have the Spirit of Christ in them in some fulness of it those places are not for such as are filled with the spirit of envie covetousness pride the world contention ignorance and antichristian lording such have not the spirit of Christ in them it may be well said of such that they run for profit here and the like but the Lord sent them not Jer. 14.14 and 23.21 They flatter themselves and think they are called and sent of God because God hath given them some common acquired gifts and parts yet want all the especial graces of the Spirit as meekness self-denial contempt of this world humility bowels of compassion ready to forgive sound knowledge in the truth and holiness and righteousness in their lives and conversations they that want those graces in the truth of them are neither fit for those high functions in the church nor can satisfyingly perswade themselves or others that they are called unto it Let this be as a memento to all such that climbe over the walls into those holy Functions and are well satisfied with a call from men when they were never called of God I say let all such fear and tremble lest God spew them all our together with their flocks that would have it so in his wrath for ever John was rapt in Spirit on the Lord's day 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Greek Whether this day be here called the Lord's day for the great discoveries of those visions made unto John upon this day or because it was the Lord's day for the assembling of the Saints to perform their services unto God it being the same day with that which the Apostles call the first day of the week and our christian Sabbath I shall not much contend but rather am enclined unto the latter for these two reasons First Because the great work of Christ's resurrection on that day wherein he was manifested Lord and Conquerour over hell and Satan purchased it that Title of the Lords day Secondly Because the observation of the Sabbath with all christian publique services were transferred to that day and so is called the Lord's day 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or according to the Scottish dialect the Kirks day the Churches day because they held their assemblies and performed their publique services upon that day Hence note Observ That the Lord's day or the day of the great and publique assemblings of the Saints is the fittest time for God's highest discoveries of Grace and Truth John received here on this day his high irradiations of spirit and Prophesies This is God's great Market day wherein there is a constant and mutual Exchange or Bartering of heavenly and divine commodities the Saints come with the returns of their improvements of mercies in praises prayers and thanksgivings God gives out in return farther supplies of grace and greater measure of knowledge in his ways and truths Therefore sure most happy most knowing and most gracious are those Saints that are most found in this way O! this should make all of us that are not in this way to wail for it as David in his absence and exile from the church of God that being the special habitation of God's glory Psal 96.6 and to breath after it even as the Hart brayeth after the fountain streams for this is the day of the Saints assemblings wherein the Angel comes down the Angel of the New Covenant Christ in spirit to stir upon the waters of Bethesda upon the hearts and affections of all his people When John was in this rapture of spirit on the Lord's day then he heard behind him a mighty voice as it were of a Trumpet loud and terrible The Trumpet being a warlike Instrument whose sound is to prepare unto Battel and to the terror of the adversary God's publique admonitions are so unto his church it not only prepares his own unto repentance but is also of terrible signification unto all his impenitent enemies But here comes in a question fit to be discussed John had here his raptures of spirit extasies and heard a great voice as of a Trumpet The Quere will be How shall we know Divine raptures extasies or visions from diabolical For Satan is God's Ape and hath his raptures possessions strange apparitions sounds and voices also For answer first know that God's visions are given either in the sleep as unto Jacob when he saw a ladder reaching from earth to heaven and Angels ascending and descending in Gen. 28. but such are more properly called Divine Dreams Or secondly When the person is awake as here when Iohn was at Patmos on the Lord's day doubtless either in God's services or holy contemplations he received those visions and raptures of spirit and those extasies or raptures of spirit do cause a great alteration upon the person that receives them he is as it were taken out of himself that is in this posture and frame and therefore it is called a rapture or extasie quasi extra se raptus being in that posture not master of the faculties of his own soul which are wholly in the power and motions of the Spirit that acts them and this is common to both sorts of raptures whether from the good or evil spirit Now to discern what spirit moves in such raptures or visions observe first Whether the person passive or that is under such raptures of spirit were always or for the most part of their lives faithful witnesses unto the word of God and of Jesus Christ such have not only the promise of the holy Spirit to teach them all things 1 Iohn 2.27 but to be preserved against the evil one in their bodies souls and spirits Secondly Observe the matter of their visions in such raptures whether it be to denounce God's judgments against sinful practises or not for surely Satan will never be divided against himself if we will believe our Saviour for so his kingdom could not stand though I have read a story in some old Popish Mass-monger that the divel once in the shape of a Priest preached a very catholique sermon but being discovered by some Saint in presence it seems one of an excellent endowment in discerning spirits asked him how durst Satan to appear in that presence with so sound holy
and catholique instructions in his mouth The divel or the divelish preacher answered him that whilst he preached good and sound doctrine unto his auditors and they were not followers of it he had his end even the aggravation of their condemnation for their neglect inproficiency and contempt of such good doctrine surely how this odd designe should come into the divel 's head I know not being a liar from the beginning and the truth abideth not in him nor will confess it no further then he is compelled to do it by an over-mastering divine power this were indeed to destroy his own Kingdom and God never sends the evil spirits to be the messengers to provoke to break off from sins to live to God holiness and works of reformation his very nature is contrary to such works and therefore is the great hinderer not the promoter of them This is another mark to discern of what spirits visions are of Thirdly Another distinguishing mark is That in respect those visions and raptures of spirit carries with them a terribleness in the strange apparitions therein they leave a high and strange impression of spirit upon the parties under them and those that are from God leaves always behind them when they are passed away a holy awe and reverence of the divine Majesty and glory and a contempt of themselves and their own worthlesness Isaiah the Prophet when he saw the Lord and had discoveries of his glory he could call out Wo is me for I am undone I am a man of unclean lips for my eyes have seen the King the Lord of Hosts Isa 6.5 Iob also confesseth cap. 42. 5 6. Now mine eyes seeth thee I abhor my self and repent in dust and ashes The sight of divine glory and majesty doth always humble in that it brings to sight our own worthlesness even in our best attainments in respect of it which causeth a godly sorrow Now the contrary spirit brings contrary fruits and effects as pride vain-glory c. and therefore not difficult to be differenced in their operations Fourthly Visions extasies or raptures of the Divine Spirit though often they may much grieve and trouble their spirits that are under them as in Dan. 7.15 and 8.27 and take away their senses for the present and their strength and comliness and make them as it were faint dead dumb and breathless as in Daniel cap. 10. 8. 15. 17. verses and as Iohn in verse 17. at the vision of Christ he fell at his feet as dead and in the examples of Zachariah Paul c. yet after they are passed they have no impairing in the parts either of their bodies or souls but rather a greater glory put upon them as Moses whose face did shine coming from the presence and visions of God Paul grew a most eminent light and the highest of all the Apostles after he was strucken as dead with his converting vision Acts 9. Iohn here receives great and high revelations from Christ after he was stricken as dead at his feet by the glory of the vision God is no hard master none were ever losers to be his instruments in this sort for unto such he commonly adds greater additions of parts grace and glory But on the other side by the evil spirit's raptures or possessions many have not only lost the due temperature of their reason and understanding and so become altogether besotted and wittols but have also their bodies impaired by the hard service of their master Hence it is that as it is reported and commonly by experience seen of witches and such wretched creatures that are truly bewitched by the spirit of delusion and have given up themselves as servants to his will have the faculties of their souls so impaired and hurt by his possessions and daylie disturbing of them he being an Apollyon or destroyer from the beginning that being broken in their reasons they conceive in their raptures that they are transformed into strange shapes of cats dogs hares c. and in an instant to be transported and carried into far places distant and in and out to houses though the doors were shut things in themselves above the efficiency of any creature and contradictory to nature and all its works and unless persons of such belief makes two Omnipotents it can never stand Indeed the true ground hereof and of all their confessions in this kind proceeds from hence that the divel from whom they have their frequent extasies and raptures hath so befooled them in their understandings that they do verily believe those things to be really done and acted which the divel does represent unto them in their extasies and trances and so when they are out of them having lost their reasons believes and often confesses them to be of truth though many of them be impossibilities in nature without a miracle and had never a being further then in the fancies of their confused and disturbed brains This is the reward of the divel 's instruments in this kind Fifthly and lastly If all these former distinguishing marks fail for a hypocrite may go very far in complying with the signs of God's word yet herein he cannot deceive to wit in the truth of his vision or revelation in the event thereof this will be sure to try him whether his vision be from God or not Events discovers visions and distinguishes prophets Jer. 28.9 The prophet which prophesieth of peace when the word of the prophet shall come to pass then shall the prophet be known that the Lord hath truly sent him and this is according to that of Deut. 18.21 22. The question is How we shall know whether a vision be from God or not Look to the event if it comes to pass it is of God if not it is a lie Jeremiah prophesied against Jerusalem Hananiah and other false prophets the contrary Jer. 28.2 3 4. Ahab feared not to go against Ramoth Gilead whiles Zedekiah the false prophet told him Go and prosper 1 Kings 22. but when the words of Micaiah proved true to Ahab in his destruction then the false prophets were confounded and Zedekiah ran into an inner chamber to hide himself 2 Kings 22.25 Object But hath not the divel often foretold the truth of events Yes but not with that clearness as the divine Spirit does he leaves no hesitation or doubting on which side the overthrow will be The Beast together with the false Prophet and their adherents must be taken and destroyed the Saints must remain the conquerors Satan in his predictions is but as a good guesser or conjecturer at best to keep his credit good with his complices he gives out his predictions in riddles or aenigma's as of old in the Oracles at Delphos Aio te Aeacides Romanos vincere posse Or that of Croesus Croesus Halyn penetrans magnam pervertet opum vim Both which may be taken in a diverse sense which the constructors took in advantage as to themselves and so proved to both fatal in not
in part to come written without that is plain for discovery open to the view All which imports that Iohn was to write of the then present state of Affairs and of the churches which was plain and open and as of things that are and also of the future state of things which are as a book written within sealed and secret in respect of their futurity 2. Another Note hence is That God's true Prophets and faithful Ministers will commend no more to the observation of their churches as visions from God then what they have really seen and hath been discovered from God unto them They are not to come with the word of the Lord in their mouth and pretend visions from God like the false prophets in Ier. 14 whiles their mouths and hearts are full of lying vanities Iohn writes no more then what he saw to the seven churches nor discovers no more then what he saw was then present or should come to pass in after time What we haue seen and heard saith the Apostle we speak and are bold to preach and to commend unto you Christ's Ministers should press no more then what they are assured are experienced truths I doubt me every opinion concerning outward forms of Government Discipline and the like will not at last appear to be visions of God which some do now a days so hotly contend for it may be one day said unto such hot-spurs Boanerges sons of Thunder who required such things at your hands whiles you let the greatest works as of love righteousness and judgement lie prostrate at your feet as if they did not concern you Vers 20. The mysterie of the seven Stars c. Christ in the last verse to make things plain unto John and to give him a taste of the discovery of those mysteries in his book interprets the mystery of the vision of seven Stars and of the seven Candlesticks presented unto his sight in the precedent 12 and 16 verses and he calls it the mysterie of seven Stars and candlesticks because indeed unto John it was a secret and hidden thing what those figures of stars and candlesticks did mystically mean or represent and unto John it would be still a mysterie if Christ himself had not here interpreted Hence Note That this book of Revelations is made clear obvious and manifest by a diligent observation and a right applicationof the mystical characters and figures of each vision Christ himself in this verse hath made the first enterance and essay on this account He tells us that the seven Stars in his right hand and the seven golden candlesticks do mystically represent the seven Angels or Messengers of his churches and the seven candlesticks the churches themselves In the seventeenth chapter Christ is more large in interpreting the mysterie of Babylon the great the mother of harlots c. All which connotes unto us Observ That the wise observant christian may attain unto the revelation and discovery of the mysteries of this book of Prophesies by the help of the Spirit of God upon a diligent enquiry thereinto The Spirit says often in the second and third chapters Let him that hath an ear hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches and in chap. 13. vers 18. Here is wisdom let him that hath wit count the number Here is the mind that hath wisdom cap. 17. v. 9. so that it is for him that hath an ear an intelligent understanding ear and wisdom a wise heart to consider that is fit and capable to open and apply aright the mysteries of this book It is a mystery therefore difficult to all but unto the spiritualized eye and unto the mind that hath wisdom but it should not therefore be accounted presumption in such to undertake this essay seeing it hath pleased Christ to give us the first fruits himself in opening the mysteries of the vision of the seven stars and the seven golden candlesticks which is as an enterance into the whole and since he hath interpreted unto us that by the seven stars are meant the seven Angels of the churches by the seven golden candlesticks the seven famous Asian churches by the woman arrayed in scarlet the mother of harlots in the seventeenth of the Revelations to be the great City that reigneth over the Kings of the earth and the Beast with seven heads and ten horns to signifie a Government Empire or Kingdom on seven Mountains where the great harlot reigneth under ten Kings why should it be thought strange rash or presumptuous to interpret the rest of the mystical figures and hyeroglyphick characters of this book according to their natural and genuine tendency and as they are opened and applyed in other prophetical writings by one and the same Spirit of Prophesie whose wisdom it was ever from the beginning to represent the risings progress and downials of the great Empires and Kingdoms of the word by such dark and mysterious figures and representations unto God's servants his Prophets And conceive one great reason of this dark and mysterious carriage of the Spirit is That the Intendments of God towards the Powers and Kingdoms of the world may be revealed and made known but unto few such as have spirits sutable and wills to conform to the will of God in all things for if those great events and revolutions of State were made vulgar and known unto all it would raise innumerable combustions in the world and great sufferings and afflictions to the children of God from those Powers that they live under for whose sakes these great concussions and subversions of States and Kingdoms do come to pass that Christ's and their Interest may be exalted at the last 2. Note That it is the Spirit of Christ in his Word that makes known and opens the secrets of all Divine mysteries unto his servants Christ discovers unto John those mysteries of stars c. It is this Spirit that searcheth into the deep things of God He shall take of mine as Christ saith John 16.15 and shall show it unto you and hence he is called the Comforter because he makes the love of the Father and the grace of Christ which was before-hand hid in the bosome and counsel of God manifest unto poor souls and so sheds abroad the love of God in their hearts by faith The discovery of Divine mysteries are too high a work for the ablest and wisest person in his natural capacity without the help of Christ's Spirit for they are spiritually not carnally to be discerned But to proceed The mysterie of the seven stars Christ interprets to be the Angels of the seven churches Stars in all prophetical writings do signifie persons of eminency and honour and in Heraldry it is accounted the most noble sort of blazoning peculiar alone to the Armory of Princes The Angels of the seven churches or rather Messengers for so the Greek word signifies because they come with the best message and news that ever came to man to wit the glad tydings of
them to their Master who after he hath proceeded on his white horse with offers of peace and reconciliation and they continue obstinate and not turn by repentance he can go forth on his red Horse of wrath and fury and remove his candlestick his church and the glory thereof from amongst them and leave them desolate The first that I read of that extended the wings of his authority beyond his own just limits and boundaries was Victor Bishop of Rome about the end of the second century who hotly contended with Ireneus and others of the Affrican churches to have a Supremacy over them and to impose his Dictates on them and that very pertinaciously about a frivolous controversie the observation of Easter Herein that mysterie of Iniquity did begin to work which in few after succeeding ages came to its full stature To this I shall only add that all ancient and modern history both civil and ecclesiastique do testifie that this Prelacy and affecting of Supremacy over other churches whether it be in one single church person or many combined ones hath not only been very dangerous and prejudicial to the faithful churches of Christ but is and hath been always the very first born of pride and luxury Thirdly Another reason is that Christ writes particularly to each of the seven churches is to shew That Christ hath an equal care and respect to all his churches whiles they continue his though under foul prevarications and backslidings Christ hath bowels of compassion towards them as long as they keep faithful to his name though otherwise in themselves very faulty and he is found to be walking in the midst of them providentially caring for them holding the seven Stars in his right hand and teaching them by his Word if so be he may bring them to repentance Lastly These messages are directed to each particular church out of Christs especial tenderness towards them that they might endeavour to reform their enormities within and amongst themselves That the churches errours and infirmities may not be told in Gath nor published abroad to their reproach amongst their enemies whilst there is any hope of the recovery of backsliders Christ comes with a rod and strokes of a loving and tender hearted father to cure them not to shame and reproach them and therefore Christ directs John to write his messages to the Angels of each particular church To the Angel of the Church of Ephesus Write What is meant by Angel I refer to the sixteenth and last verses of the first chapter But the question is Whether by Angel of the church of Ephesus be intended the chief Pastor or Bishop being as Superintendent or Archbishop over the rest of the Bishops and Pastors of the church of Ephesus Or Whether the Angel of Ephesus were the Metropolitan over the other six Sister churches I answer first to the latter There is no colour at all for that opinion for the reasons but in the former page specified and to add a word Because Christ commands each Angel to reform their abuses within themselves He sends not the Angel of one church to reform another that has no authority over it the Angel of the church of Ephesus is not sent to Smyrna nor Smyrna unto Ephesus nor unto the rest but an extraordinary Officer a Prophet John a man of God is sent unto them all to tell them of their faults and to exercise that authority which Christ hath given and deposited in all his Gospel churches and to each of them in particular for their dealings and recoveries out of their backslidings Indeed any one that hath an extraordinary Spirit and call as John had may exercise that unlimited authority over the churches of Christ but I know not any in these days or since the Apostles times that do pretend unto it but that great and rampant Roman man of sin who is the great and only pretender to that Spirit of Infallibility and yet who more fallible then himself in his judicial sentences doctrines and ways of worship Indeed if he had what he pretends that Spirit of infallibility justly might he assume authority in censuring directing and governing all other churches but before that does appear let himself and others that assumes the like authority with himself hide their faces in shame and confusion for ever Secondly To the first question I answer That those I confess of the Episcopal Interests do hold that the Superscription of the particular church directed to the Angel of the churches of Ephesus Smyrna c. do intend and signifie that they are directed to the chief Pastor or Bishop that is supream Overseer Director and Mediator over all the rest of the Bishops and Pastors of the particular churches within Ephesus Smyrna c. As if this had been written to the Angel of the church of England that is saith the Episcopals to the Archbishop who is the chief Prelate and Bishop over all other the Prelates and Bishops in England Or if it had been directed to the Angel of the church of London Salisbury Exeter c. that is say they to the Bishop of London Salisbury or Exeter c. who is the chief Bishop Pastor and Overseer over all the rest of the Bishops and Pastors within his own Jurisdiction and Diocess I answer first that the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which we translate according to the Latine Dialect Bishops and Pastors or according to our own proper Idiome Overseers and Feeders of the Flock are Synonimas and are but as several denominations of one and the same Office which do arise from divers acts therein For the faculty of over-seeing guidance and direction he is called a Bishop for that of teaching instructing and spiritually feeding his flock in all kinds he is called a Pastor and very often too in Scripture for his rootedness and soundness in faith life and doctrine he is called an Elder so that these are but several names of one and the same office and often applyed in Scripture reciprocally to one and the same person somtimes he is called the Elder of the church somtimes the Bishop somtimes the Pastor to denote unto us that such as guide well their flocks and feed them with the green pastures of wholsome doctrines are most worthy of double honour amongst the Saints but lest herewith they should be elevated above their proper station they ought to eye another Title too which is given them in Scripture they are Ministers that is Servants that attend on Christ and his churches they receive Christ's messages and commend them unto his churches and come again with returns of the churches improvements in obedience and thankfulness unto Christ and for this reason they are here entitled by the name of Angels Messengers Ambassadors or Ministers of Christ and how these humble Titles of Servitors and Messengers will suit and agree to the Lording stomacks of Metropolitans and Lord Bishops or chief Pastors over many
very sin abundantly witnessed against by God in most of the old Prophets When as some would stand up and prophesie peace when there was no peace as Ezek. 13.10.16 And what have they to do with peace while their hands are full of blood and iniquity I could wish it were not the sin of some of the pretended Angels of the churches in those days where is that faithful one to be found It may be one of a thousand that as a true Angel or Ambassador from Christ will deal roundly with their sins and tell Israel of her sins and Judah of her transgressions Good Physitians will search the wounds thorowly the rather for to cure them It is also Christ's method to lay open the wounds and sins of his churches that so he may like the good Samaritane pour oyl into them and heal them and bring to repentance Christs Ministers should follow their master's pattern deal faithfully simply and roundly with the sins of their people according to Gospel rule in that case provided and not as many do speak peace and words of comfort the true portion of spiritual members of Christ unto professed enemies to Godliness and the Saints scorners and deriders of Christ's ways and ordinances drunkards swearers c. what have such to do with the childrens bread so continuing unrepentant and obstinate It is much to be feared for this lukewarmness of many Ministers and churches it will come to pass that Christ wil spew them out of his mouth cap. 3. 16. as he did the church of Laodicea and the church of Israel of old Mat. 21.43 I shall only add that of Ezek. 13.22 23. to be seriously considered in the close of this point The Prophet speaking to those that sowed pillows under the Arms-holes because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad whom I have not made sad and strengthned the hands of the wicked that he should not turn from his wicked way by promising him life Therefore ye shall see no more vanity nor divine divinations for I will deliver my people out of your hand and ye shall know that I am the Lord. Observ 2. Another correllary hence riseth That all churches and persons ought to have and receive a due acknowledgement of all graces and vertues that they are eminent in though chargeable with many defections and failings otherwise Christ spares not to acknowledge but makes honourable mention of the graces of the churches in this and the next chapter though otherwise many aberrations and failings were laid unto their charge Though the church of Ephesus was to be reproved for the coldness in her first love yet she had these commendable vertues and graces in her constancy and patience under sufferings for Christ's sake and hatred to all evil workers and false lights and Apostles that come with doctrines destructive to the great fundamental or corner stone the true doctrine of faith in Christ and so Christ proceeds with the other churches in the like method and lays a commendable character on them all for those graces in them worthily calling for it Paul could give a just acknowledgement to his brethren the Jews though otherwise perverse enough bearing them witness that they had a zeal to God though not according to knowledge Rom. 10.2 And Christ told the Jews and spoke it with approbation and to their commendation Ye believe in God believe ye also in me It is the great fault of most of professors of these days of all sort of perswasions that they will not almost acknowledge him a brother in Christ or give him the right hand of fellowship that is not baptized into the same opinions and interest with himself but this rather savours of a spirit schismatical and factious then of a meek christianlike peace-making temper which will bear all things that are indifferent rather then break the communion and unity of brethren who have put on one Lord one Faith one Baptisme O! what a lamentable practise it is for such as are Presbyterians to rake up all the faults and dirt they can and cast it in the faces of Independents And again for Independents to cast it back on the Presbyterians and both of them to cast it in the faces of those called Anabaptists and they again as ready as the former to repay it back again Why Have you so learned Christ O! for shame let all that fear God of each sort be ashamed of this unchristianlike practise let it not be told in Gath nor published in Askelon but follow the steps of your common Saviour what you see of God in your brethren commend it encourage it cherish it Though there may be failings in each sort and that great ones yet for that grace and appearance of God in them love them honour them and think better of them then of thy self though thou mayst be righter in some externals of Worship then they yet they may be righter then thee in doctrinals and though thou art sounder then they in doctrinals yet they may be the more holy and better men I speak not this to comply with any corrupt doctrine or worship but to give every one his due titles of honour love and commendation for their gifts and graces and for their faults and failings deal with them in a spirit of love and charity Gal. 6.1 for their recovery and repentance according to Gospel order for so thou mayest win thy brother but by the other way thou art sure to drive him farther from thee It is observable that the Familistical Notionists the Quakers in these days are highly baptized in this sin and out run all others in this uncharitable and unchristian-like practise they are sharp censurers of all others churches and persons that will not run in the same fanatique wilde courses with themselves and which is strange and most observable is that they never will acknowledge nor give a due commendation to any though never so self-denying and godly and filled abundantly with all the graces of the Spirit unless they take up the same mad opinions with themselves and therefore not strange when they have lost the spirit of love and charity and in stead thereof are filled with a spirit of self-fulness and pride that they tread under foot the blood of the covenant as an unholy thing and so carried on to damnable and blasphemous opinions and heresies Amongst the many reasons that we ought to give a due acknowledgement to the graces in the godly these are some 1. That God may have the due honour as the author of them 2. Because all graces are of the same Spirits working and therefore worthy of honour wheresoever they are found 3. For the encouragement and cherishing all persons under all hardships and afflictions in acquiring and maintaining those graces alive fructifying and effective 4. And lastly That their sins may not so discourage the godly as to think nothing praise worthy in them whiles they have many things in them worthy to
officers now at present authorized in the churches meerly as such officers then surely there are some officers wanting unto the churches by which it may be rightly dispensed But the major being formerly cleared the consequence I believe none will deny that looks upon the preaching of the word as an act of authority and office therefore the conclusion is evident And therefore to shut up this discourse I am very much of opinion that all primitive offices and officers which were of positive institutions in the Apostles times are moral positive laws and still constringent and perpetual unless you can show their repeals See Cawdry on the Sabbath part 1. cap. 2. hereon and therefore binding unto the church in all ages Confer hereunto that of Eph. 4.11 12 13. All which indeed the church doth virtually and implicitely maintain though they have laid by the names thereof so necessary do they find the acts of the said offices though the offices themselves nominally are thrust out of doors When we send Preachers to our American plantations for the discipling the poor Indians are they not tantamount as Apostles When Eusebius the centurists and later Church Historiographers do historifie the acts and occurrences of the church are they not in a qualified sense Evangelists when persons do interpret and enucleate dark or prophetical Scriptures do they not look like Prophets When by the faith and prayers of the faithful corruptions are vanquished the will 's reformed health restored and Satanical dispossessions accomplished do they not carry the face of miracles And why then should we not entertain the offices and gifts themselves nominally as well as operatively and virtually though with some mark of distinction as by a crescent as unto younger brothers acknowledging always and that justly a pre-eminence of gifts and spirit in those of the first age and nearest unto the fountain of life and verity but far thereby from concluding that their offices were buried with the first founders together with their most excellent gifts in one arme but still kept alive and preserved for the good of the Church and the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the station of the fulness of Christ And that none may judge me rash or presumptory in this opinion I submit it to the tryal of Christ's churches and add Adhuc sub Judice lis est Try all things hold fast that which is good Let every one be perswaded fully in his own mind and in the mean to walk in that measure of light that he hath attained unto In the next place the question may be seasonably set how shall we know or try false Apostles from true Christ's ministers from antichrist's or the pseudo-prophets from the Orthodox Seeing the false ones can transform themselves into the Apostles of Christ and say they are Apostles and Ministers of Christ as well as true ones 2 Cor. 11.13 Rev. 2.2 This question indeed is worthy the discussion useful both for the rectifying of the private judgement of discretion as well as of the publique authoritative judgement of the church in this particular for indeed it is no new thing nor strange to the purest churches of God to have false Prophets and false Apostles in them In the days of Ahab 1 Kings 18.19 the prophets of Baal were four hundred and fifty and of the Groves four hundred but the true ones hid by Obadiah were but one hundred Ezekiel Jeremiah met them too in Babylon Jer. 28 29 chap. and Ezek. 12.2 3. The Apostolique primitive churches were much troubled and vexed with false Apostles false prophets and false teachers also witness 2 Cor. 11.13 2 Pet. 2.1 Gal. 5.12 Matth. 24.11 and those churches of Ephesus Pergamus Sardis c. had their share also in this trouble by the doctrine of Balaam Nicolaitans Jezabel c. and this God often suffers with the sad consequences thereof in and upon his churches to make the Truth more clear and precious to try the godly and discover hypocrites and to shew his power and wisdom that can produce good out of evil and preserve his undefiled in the midst of contagions but the wisdom of the Saints is to try them and discover them that so they may be avoided with all their malignant influences and pernicious doctrines Now a false Apostle or Prophet may be discovered two ways First Either from his false doctrine or prophesie Or secondly From his false call or mission The ancient Prophets of God were called Seers from the clear divine revelations and irradiations they had of the mind of God 2 Kings 17.13 and this was called the Gift of Prophesie Next They had a clear call to exercise that Gift But the false Prophets they prophesied out of their own hearts and follow their own spirits and have seen nothing as in Ezek. 12.2 3. that is They are Prophets because they will be Prophets it is their own motion that makes them prophesie they thrust themselves upon it and make their own wills the highest original of their call and therefore in the next place the things they prophesie are their own what their fancies lusts private interests affections and carnal reason suggest unto them so their prophesies come by the will of man not of God as that of 2 Pet. 1.21 and therefore however esteemed and magnified by men is worthless in God's account because it only proceeds from their own spirits and not from God's Spirit the true Spirit of prophesie Now I would not here be mistaken as if I pressed for enthusiastique prophesies but to keep close to that Spirit of prophesie in the Word of God which will not close with man's base interests and motions but is according to the will of God in all things and this is the true spirit of prophesie and therefore what comes from the will of man and private Spirits are in the Scriptures variously branded under the Titles of lies dreams vain divinations perverse things the commandments of men Mark 7.7 wisdom of this world 1 Cor. 2.6 another Jesus another Spirit another Gospel 2 Cor. 11 4. Therefore Paul durst not preach any other thing but Christ Jesus the Lord and what he had from him by his Spirit that he preached unto them 2 Cor. 4.5 Therefore we may plainly judge a false Prophet or Apostle when he comes with doctrines and prophesies of his own motions and own Spirit and own designs being opposite and destructive to the Spirits doctrine of faith and godliness within the Gospel Object But will not some say that all heretiques false apostles and false Teachers will come with verbum Domini in their mouth and pretend highly that their doctrines are concordant and agreeable to the word of God or else in vain to broach and attest them And who more high then
they in this particular witness the Jesuitish Sect with their many pretended miracles voluminous interpretations of Scriptures Councels Fathers Traditions super-numerary Sacraments c. I confess it is the common trade with all new and false doctrine-mongers to amuse the vulgar with their intricate Scriptural glosses that so thereby they may the better swallow down the hook or poison undiscovered within the artificially composed bait and pill and as the fish Sepia darkens the water with its inky humour to avoid the hand of the Fisher so do these serpentine Fry so cloud the truth with their polemical discourses that unawares they have brought many heretical Syncretismes upon the church of God under the pretence of Scriptural truths and reasons but notwithstanding their high pretence to Scripture and Reason both are undermined by them and have endeavoured the overthrow thereof by their strange conclusions which are both false and opposite to the truth as it is in Jesus Now understand that I hold not that every difference of opinion about the externals or accidentals of Religion is sufficient to denominate the holder thereof a heretique or false Teacher for then which of the Fathers would go clear nor but few if any of their Successors But that truly and really denominates a heretique or false teacher is the holding and maintaining such errors as directly strike at and will subvert the foundation Now this is the foundation article That ye believe in God and in Jesus Christ whom he hath sent for this is life eternal John 17 3. And that doctrine that strikes at this either directly or consequentially is heresie and false doctrine and therefore justly were they called false Apostles that went about to add Circumcision unto the Gospel and said they could not be saved without it Acts 15. This was to nullifie Christ's sacrifice and satisfaction and to make Christ of none effect as the Apostle Paul tells the Galathians That hereby they hearken to a new Gospel Therefore it is of plain and easie discernment for a competent spiritualized Christian to make discovery of a false Apostle Prophet false Teacher or Heretique by the doctrine he brings For first If it strike at the root or tends to the subversion of the true fear of God and godliness it is of Satan and from hell Next If it strikes directly or consequentially at the subversion of Christ in any of his offices be sure that doctrine is not of God for there is no name way or practise under heaven whereby we may be saved but in the name and faith of Christ who is the alone way unto the Father and none cometh unto him but in and by the Son all other ways are not only broken reeds but dangerous this only in the Son is eternal life 2. In the next place false Apostles and Teachers may be discerned from their false calls or missions and this will the better be evinced by first considering its contrary the right Call of true and faithful Teachers and Apostles of Christ and their Call was either first from God or secondly from the church God's call is by giving abilities gifts and affections sutable to the work and office that he ordains him for He gave some Apostles some Prophets some Evangelists c. and so when God sent Moses he furnished him for the great work he appointed him to Moses pleads his unaptness and slowness of speech but God said Go and I will be with thy mouth and teach thee c. Exod. 4.12 and so unto all the Prophets of old God came with his Spirit upon them and filled them with a sufficiency thereof before they were sent upon their errands God calls Apostles of Fishers and makes them Fishers of men and so spirits them and enables them that they fear not the faces of men nor the learned of the world for he tells them Go preach and lo I am with you to the end of the world that is by a peculiar assistance by his grace strength comfort direction Spirit Those that Christ calls and sends he gives them a full supply of all gifts and graces necessary to discharge their respective services Secondly God's call gives affections and heart unto the work he moves strongly by a secret impulse of Spirit on the soul that he sends on his employments it will not consult with flesh and blood but will on as Paul did in the work of the Lord without hesitating or securing his carnal interests Yet secondly This call must proceed orderly unto the exercise thereof since extraordinary Gifts and Calls are ceased the mediate call must concur to set the seal and authority upon the first God's giving to a man the call of abilities parts and affections to an office do not really and ipso facto invest him in that office it maybe said that he hath jus ad rem but not jus in re he hath a potential right thereunto but not a right of possession for Christ hath delegated that power unto his church of setting their publique Signature upon all Officers for his service for whom God qualifies with a call of abilities he is only judged and deemed fit for the Ministry of Christ but not really a Minister or Officer of Christ before he is ordained thereunto by the church by the first call only he may perform many good duties and services unto the church as an able and faithful Disciple or member but by the conjunction of the other he can do it ex officio and authoritatively Therefore such as pretend their call to publique offices as Apostles Teachers Pastors c. only as from God and contemn the other from the church surely I am of judgement as unto their mission they are false Apostles and are neither called of God nor man for if their call of abilities was from God as they boast of then it would manifest it self to be of God by a submitting to the wisdom of God in the order of the dispensation of his Ordinances in his word Therefore both conjunct together makes up a compleat officer and shining star within the church In the next place Those that boast of their callings from the church and want the first call of God of abilities they are good for nothing but as unsavoury salt to be cast unto the dung useless to any service they will not serve so much as to make a pin in the house of God such are false Apostles to the purpose fit to be spewed out of all Christian churches in the world Wherefore all faithful christian assemblies should have a special care not to admit of such who can only manifest their call from man and not from God in competent gifts and parts fit for so high a calling They cannot work at all to edification in the Lord's house for they want supplies to that end We know an Artificer can do little work without his tools or instruments but unto those who should be employed about spiritual buildings if God hath
denied the instrumentality of his Spirit be sure that in stead of a Zion such will erect a Babel and being ignorant where the green pastures of the Gospel lies they will like idle Shepherds either starve the sheep of their flocks or at least poyson them with unwholsome herbage And these I account as sufficient rules to try and examine false Apostles and Teachers by and to find them liars Object But an Objection may here arise from him that hath the first call of abilities from God That if I count it so necessary for him to denominate him Orthodox in his call to have the additional call of the church also But then saith he to what church shall I repair to receive this call seeing there are so many that are pretenders to be the true and right churches of Christ and that the alone ordaining authority is in them and not in others This is indeed locus lubricus a slippery question and I should be loth to deal with it lest I should offend the contrary minded by ventilating my judgement herein but I profess ingeniously it was neither men nor parties self interests nor by-affections that did lead me first to this undertaking but only the general good of christians unto which the Lord moved my heart with much singleness of Spirit being clearly unbyassed and not so over-much engaged to any of the new parties of these times but that I can reserve my judgement free to close with truth wheresoever I can find it And therefore I think it not amiss but to prosecute my first intendment in the singleness of heart to endeavour to clear up truth according to the scantle of my judgement not as walking in the clouds but in plainness and perspicuity though for my reward I may have his hire that traced truth so near at the heels that had his teeth dashed out for his pains but if I be a fool herein yet being reputed a fool for the promotion of truth it will be some comfort and if I suffer loss herein yet this consideration will consolate Magnis tamen excidit Ausis First then to the business Understand that the word Church in Scripture is ordinarily taken to avoid all criticizing upon the word to be the company of the faithful gathered out of all Nations by the ministry of the Word and Spirit and this I conceive to be the genuine definition of the church which may abundantly be made good both by good authority and Scripture Now this church is either more improperly first called the invisible church or secondly more properly the visible church The invisible church comprehends only the elect and seeing their number to us are unknown therefore they are denominated invisible But secondly The visible church is either to be taken for the visible universal catholique church or secondly for a visible particular political church Now the question is concerning the church in this last notion for 't is apparent the invisible church as invisible hath not to do in visible and outward ordinances Neither secondly the visible universal church can by themselves or others their representatives convene for the institution of Officers for how can it stand with conveniency or with the least shew of reasonableness that all the churches of Christ dispersed and planted in the various and far distant corners and Ilands of the world should either by themselves or their representing Officers meet together in one catholique assembly for the disposing and conferring of all mediate calls and Offices And therefore Christ hath ordained that All wise order and gubernation in and over his mystical body the church that every part of this universal body I mean every particular christian assembly of the church catholique for every particular is part of the whole should have within their own limits and jurisdiction a full power to exercise all the offices and ordinances which Christ hath given and instituted for the good and edification of his church unto the end of the world Neither is the church to be called catholique in respect of any her Officers for we know no such office since the first Apostles that were so extraordinary gifted as to have the denomination of Catholique authority over the universal church though they may be accounted to have Jus ad rem fit to be officers of any parts of the catholique church and so to have a potential right thereunto yet actual they have not before their particular calls does invest them into Jus in re as well as their gifts and abilities does to Jus ad rem But the profession of that catholique universal faith which is one and the same in all churches over the whole world that gives denomination to the universal or catholique church therefore the results and conclusions of combined Churches Provincial or National may be only admitted as prudentially binding and obliging as Ecclesiastical Laws and Canons but not as having a divine authority stamped upon them though agreeable to the divine truth it self so that such constitutions are to be received and embraced not solely virtute authoritatis convocation is sed virtute veritatis propositae which if the same conclusions were enjoyned by a particular christian political church were to be received by all of that church not only for the truths sake therein but in submission to the divine authority of the church that commands and institutes them Such is the difference between prudential Ecclesiastique Edicts and Ecclesiastique divine Institutions the one is humane and binding only prudentially the other is divine and obligeth conscienciously These considerations being cleared I come to answer the question to what particular visible church must a candidate apply himself for a mediate authoritative call and mission to receive it rightly and according to the mind of God and satisfaction of a good Conscience I answer and take leave here first to distinguish and take notice between the bene esse and the esse of a call There may be particular churches which I cannot deny but to be truly churches of Christ but not true ones that is they may have being in Christ by faith as branches in the Vine yet mixed with much rottenness and unsoundness and as a leprous person is a man yet a sorry one so a church holding the faith which is as the soul and life thereof yet entertaining much corruption and errour may be truly called a christian church but a sad one So the Ministerial call does answer the constitution of the churches from whence they proceed It s observable that the off-springs constitution do follow the parents temperature strong issues are not to be expected of sickly parents Fortes creantur fortibus as Seneca so in politique bodies of particular churches if they are found and healthy in the faith their off springs are strong and healthy also then their officers and ordinances will be lively efficacious and virtual If ootherwise be with them they will lose much of their vigour life and vertue and
and good works as formerly she did as the true effects and issues of that love or else c. Hence Note Observ That the contemplation of grace is the only Gospel motive unto true repentance The commemoration of God's former gracious dealing unto a backslidden soul will operate very strongly if not judicially hardned to recal him unto his God The straying prodigal experienced this truth in himself Luke 15.17 when he came to himself and considered how that many hired servants in his fathers house had bread enough and yet he starving for hunger it made him to reflect upon that full and gracious condition when he was as an obedient son with his father which moved him to set on the resolution to be a Trewant no longer but to arise and go unto his Father and say Father I have sinned against heaven and before thee If any thing will break the course of sin and recall the heart unto its first love the consideration of the former gracious dealings of God with it will effect it It will reason thus with it self was it not better with me when I kept close to God then now it is since I have broken with him Was not my soul more at peace within it self when I was more zealous of God's glory and of keeping his commands then now when I am more remiss and colder in my affections both towards God and christian duties Was not then my food more spiritual and my delights more heavenly then now when I am clogg'd with the vanities of this world and the bewitching lusts thereof Had I not then a freer access to God and of a freer spirit in my approches crying Abba Father then now having strayed from him instead thereof having a spirit of bondage and of fear In short when I kept close with God did not a face of heaven as it were appear in all my performances and relations but now having departed from him all is turned into hell and bitterness against me Surely those considerations of grace formerly received will work more upon an ingenious spirit then any thundring Legal threats whatsoever yet I add if these will not do Christ hath another course and method and can come judicially and remove his candlestick from amongst such obstinate and unrepentant sinners Observ 2. Another Note is That true Gospel repentance consists not only in changing the mind but of practise and conversation also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rescipicite to wax wiser or repent do not only consist to grow wiser in the judgement but in the choice of the practical affections also If the will be not right as to its objects as well as the judgement it will not denominate a true repentant The church of Ephesus was right as to her faith for which she suffered in patience yet her practise and affections were not streight for which she had the check and commanded to do the first works works of love works of charity works of piety which formerly she had been zealous in In true repentance there is a Terminus a quo and Terminus ad quem Turn ye turn ye every one from the abomination of his ways there is the terminus a quo but this is not all a negative righteousness will not serve turn but there must be Terminus ad quem a positive righteousness also There must be a doing of the first works of holiness and godliness towards God and of love and righteousness towards all but more especially towards the houshold of faith These are the adequate ingredients of true and Gospel repentance It is a gross deceit in many that think that they have believed sufficiently and they have repented sufficiently when they have altered their judgment or at least their weather-cock opinion from one external form unto another as when an Episcopal man is become for a Presbyterie O most kind and benigne Sun-shine quoth he but when a Presbyterian turns Independent in judgement he presently cries out that heaven is opened unto him never considering that the kingdom of heaven does consist in godliness and righteousness but in outward forms of worship which if rightly regulated somthing of each might be rightly admitted to make a just composure In the next place some think their repentance very sound when they have changed one errour for another when of an Arminian or Pelagian are become Antinomists rightly so termed denying and opposing the morality of the Law as a rule of duty obliging unto christians when of an Arrian or Antitrinitarian are become Tridheites or worshippers of three Gods c. So corrupt is the heart of man that will make his own opinion an Idol and all that looks not that way nor brings any flowers to that sacrifice and yet otherwise apparently gracious shall neither have the title of a true believer or a repentant soul amongst them Therefore with all such I would leave this Scripture as a Signet upon their finger Remember from whence thou art fallen and repent and do thy first works Observ 3. Another Note from the authority of the person Christ that gives this memento is That Christ's commands in his Word should be very powerful and efficacious to bring us unto repentance Shall Christ be our Anamnestes or Remembrancer and set our faults before us by his Spirit in the Word and shall not our hearts be molten for it Shall he call from heaven to us in his ever-living word of Prophesie and shall we not intend or hearken to that heavenly vision He gave but one glance on Peter reflecting on his unkindness and denial which caused Peter to turn aside and weep bitterly And shall he not only look upon us with his daylie providential acts of goodness and mercy which leadeth unto repentance but give us line upon line and precept upon precept and yet not return by repentance It is the signe of most obdurate hearts and of stiff-necked sinners But some will say We want wills to it and if Christ gave wills as well as commands we should readily follow him I answer first Where Christ lays his commands on his chosen ones he also gives there the first grace of his Spirit to enable to obey that command and we know the Spirit may be opposed and the Spirit may be quenched and is so often by our own defects and by reason of the abundancy of corruptions so that the want of wills to good things proceed from our own base and corrupt wills not for want of power from Christ who commands us to them but take notice though the operations of the Spirit may by the Elect themselves be opposed darkned and quenched partially but not totally and finally but at last will get the victory in bringing forth the work of God unto perfection Secondly It is in vain for persons in an ●nregenerate state to complain for want of wills for before Christ moves thereon by his Spirit of grace they cannot rightly will any good thing or work but the first grace being given
Christ hates it and his church hates it and therefore surely it hath some poysonous and pestilential quality in it somtimes it amounts so far as to defile both judgement and practise joyntly as it did in the Sect of the Nicholaitans And this it most frequently does unless in such a time when the appearance of an Angel of light will seem better with Satans designs for if the Theoretique part of the understanding be not sound the practique can hardly be streight where the light of the eye is darkned our feet will soon stumble and the will and judgement are so linked together that some make the will to be the last act of the understanding or the practique part of the judgement so nearly they are related into oneness that the contagion of the one will be the defilement of the other Yet secondly Satan is so serpentine and crafty that often he can restrain the will and put on the forms of an Angel of light and set on a stricter garb of holiness and mortification then ordinary even unto an Erenetique monastical conversation denying the lawful comforts of humane life and society that he may make the greater impression to deceive thereby as he does in some of the crafty deceiving heretiques of these days Therefore it is not only the duty of all Christ's faithful ones but their honour and glory and their crown to abominate and hate all such deeds and mysteries of Satan even as they are abominated and hated by Christ himself Verse 7. He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches To him that overcometh will I give to taste of the Tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradice of God The ear is the chief instrument or organ by which we hear and the Spirit sets it here metonimically for hearing it self such a hearing or right understanding as is mentioned in Rom. 10.17 as comes by the Word of God by a sagacious and diligent prepending of the mind of God in the word stirred up and warmed by the influence of the same Spirit and such a hearing or such an ear is here called as competently fit for the comprehension of the mind of the Spirit in these prophesies Hence Note Observ That there is chiefly required a spiritualized and enlightned reason and a well ordered judgement for the discovery of the mysteries of this book of Prophesies Holy and good affections without sound knowledge will not reach it It is for him that hath understanding that must count the number of the Beast Rev. 13.18 God hath given diversity of gifts to his Church for the profit of the whole some one is excellent for an interpretation of Tongues another for Prophesie another for exhortation another for a Psalm another for gubernation and discipline another is excellent about justification another about the doctrines of holiness and sanctification others again are for unlocking prophetical deeps and mysteries c. So every one hath their variety of gifts and excellencies that the body may be compleated and made perfect by the co-assistance and harmony of the whole Let it not seem strange that this book is dark and difficult to the supine and lazie christian it is only for him that hath an ear to hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches What is meant by the Spirit that speaks unto the churches is to be enquired into It cannot be understood neither Angel nor the holy Spirit personally considered for in the next immediate verse the same Spirit is called the first and the last which was dead and is alive Now this must be Christ who appeared unto John not in his humanity but spiritually in his Deity under the figure and likeness of the Son of man Review v. 13. of the first chapter more fully to this purpose And here he is called the Spirit to denote Observ That Christ is one and the same not only in properties and qualities with the holy Spirit but in essence also He hath the incommunicable properties of the Father in the words in the next verse and precedent chapter v. 4 8 17. who is the first and the last In vers 18. of this chapter he is called The Son of God and in this verse he is called The Spirit all making up this harmonious conclusion and truth that Christ is one and the same everlasting Father Son and Spirit our God blessed for ever Observ Another Note from these words are That every wise and judicious christian ought to be very intent and enquiring into the mind of God in and about all his providential dealings and discoveries towards his churches abroad in the world What God speaks unto his churches is not of a private interpretation but of a publique concernment unto all others If God have dealt in judgement and righteousness with those Asiatique churches and for their abounding iniquities unrepented of hath anathematized and utterly unchurched them all think not that we shall go free if we be found in the same transgressions with them There were other churches too as well as these once famous for their faith and piety now become the Dens of Dragons and habitation of all unclean spirits Therefore to avoid the stroke of divine judgement by a timely repentance how behoveful and necessary it is for him that hath an ear to hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches For be sure if we run the same course of sin with them we shall drink the same cup of indignation with them also if we continue obstinate and repent not for God is the same immutable Being just and righteous and a hater of all iniquity today and for ever But to him that overcometh that is holds out against the spiritual assaults of Satan and so overcome his temptations will I give saith Christ to eat of the Tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradice of God Here we have the tryumphant Christian Conqueror described together with his Crown and Reward To him that overcometh that is the Conqueror The reward is To eat of the Tree of life in the Paradice of God But if it should be asked wherein should a christian combatant overcome to denominate him a true conqueror and to overcome indeed I answer As God hath furnished us with variety of spiritual weapons and armory from himself which are mighty through God to pull down the strong Holds of Satan so we have divers and various stratagems and wyles of his to meet with in our christian warfare here beneath we have not only to fight with our corruptions within but we must meet with divers assaults of Satan also from without enticements and allurements to false Doctrines and Worships and if we comply not we may be sure to meet his buffettings from without in revilings reproaches afflictions c. and often as Paul did fight with unreasonable and bestial men as he did after the manner of Beasts at Ephesus So that he that overcometh to
unwholesome stenches and savours So God emits his comfortable beams of providences towards us spreads our tables with good things and our own base lusts make them a snare unto us presents us with objects of Beauty as a remedy against sin and our base hearts and lusts makes them occasions to sin God gives us the fruit of the Vine to cherish us and we turn them to drunkenness The providence of God disposes riches and honours on us for good ends and we employ them on our lusts usurpations and grinding the poor All the creatures of God are in themselves good phisically considered and we tacitely reflect on God as the author of our sin when we lay the blame of our sins on the occasions thereof Women wine riches honours are excellent creatures of God and for singular uses and comforts unto men but the occasions that are taken thereby to sin rise not from any innate quality in those objects for they all are good but from the lusts of the heart of man consider that of 2 Pet. 1.4 The corruption that is in the world through lust the world is the object lust is the cause The reason that men are covetous effeminate voluptuous drunkards sensual c. is not in riches gold wine women c. but in mens most corrupt and naughty affections and dispositions of heart which does as the Spider or Toad by their own corrupt natures turn the extraction of the sweetest flowers into poyson Object But again doth not many Scriptures say that God tempteth man As Gen. 22.1 God tempted Abraham God tempted or moved David to number the people 2 Sam. 24.1 God stirred up Pul King of Assiria to carry away the Jews captive 1 Chron. 5.26 and also Psal 105.25 he turned their heart to hate his people and to deal subtilly with his servants Thus also 1 Kin. 22.22 Thou shalt be a lying spirit go forth and do so and thou shalt prevail It is also said Rom. 1.26 28. that God delivers over to a reprobate sense and to send strong delusions 2 Thes 2.11 It is said of Joseph Gen 45.5 8. speaking to his Brethren Be not grieved nor offended it was not you that sent me hither it was not you but God Or that Is there any evil in the City but God is in it Amos 3. And many other places say That God delivered Christ to be bruised and afflicted by his unbelieving enemies which was an evil act Therefore from those and the like places it may fully be objected that God tempteth to evil and hath a hand in sin and iniquity I answer First We must be careful to distinguish between temptations that are in themselves simply sinful and those that are not so God may justly try the faith of Abraham by calling him to sacrifice his only son Isaac for he is the God and Maker of the whole Creation and therefore without any injustice or sin can call for the life of any of his creatures God can lay afflictions on Job and who can question his righteousness for it God can chastise the church of Smyrna with ten days of tribulation and who shall lay any thing to his charge Tryals and temptations on this account are not simply evil neither are they absolutely to be deprecated but with a submission unto the Will of God for though no affliction at present seemeth joyous but grievous yet the fruits thereof are eternal life If our judgement were rightly enlightned we would not look upon the afflicting hand of God or his tryals by the cross a bitter thing considering the happy effects and consequents thereof even mortification of sin and a crown of eternal life If God comes with sharp corrections and Tryals on us be sure we have strong corruptions to be mortified and if we are called to great tryals our hopes are the greater and more sublime and indeed a faithful christian is of that heroick spirit that he can look upon all the sufferings of this present world with an eye of contempt and not worthy to be compared with the joys that shall be revealed and so with Moses can esteem the reproach of Christ better then the treasures of Aegypt and so often on this score God tries his children and this is for their bettering not for their worse But secondly I answer When ye read that God moves or tempts to that act that is sinful it is either permissively or judicially most commonly understood as when God moves David to number the people it was on God's part both permissively and judicially for the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel and he moved David to number the people 2 Sam. 24.1 God suffered it and that judicially but Satan did it maliciously and destructively God suffered Satan tempted God judicially permitted it Satan executed it for it is said 1 Chron. 21.1 Satan stood up and provoked David to number the people So it was a judicial act of God to stir up Pul of Assyria to carry away a rebellious people the Jews into captivity 1 Chron. 5.26 God only permits the lying Spirit to go forth to deceive Zedekiah 1 Kings 22. and so permits the Egyptians to deal deceitfully with his people the Jews Psal 105.25 that thereby he might rise in judgement against them And where it is said that God delivers over to a reprobate sense to harden the heart to blinden or send strong delusions God does it most justly and judicially to punish evil with evil administers occasions of sin that the sins of the obstinate may be heightned and aggravated that their judgements may be the greater and in the case of Joseph that was wickedly handled by his brethren yet it is said that God sent him into Egypt and there is no evil done in the City but God is said to do it yea if it be rebellion it self as 1 Kings 12.15 First God pre-ordains it intends and appointed it should be Next He permits it and that not by an idle permission but by an efficacious permission then he disposes the events thereof to his own glory according to his pre-ordained purposes and decrees And lastly God is said to deliver Christ to bruise and afflict him that is God pre-ordains him to that end and hinders it not but permits it by a providential assistance and co-operation by which every physical action of the creatures comes to pass for in him we live move and have our being Object But then it seems you make God to have a great hand or efficiency in and about sin I answer There would be no sin if God had not given the commandment If there were no Law there were no transgression neither is it beside the Will of God nor against his Will for if it were then he were not God omniscient or omnipotent neither can we without a continued concurrence and supportation of providence produce any action or work of ours wherein there is sin and therefore God has an agency and concurrence in the action
wherein sin is but not in the sinfulness of the action as the Sun that emits his efficacious beams upon a dunghil yet it self is undefiled from the corruption of the dunghil so God that has his hand and efficiency about sin is far from mixing with the obliquities of the creature neither can he be said to be the direct author of it nor the next proper cause thereof sin is only a moral being or entity and it hath subsistence alone in our corrupt natures but all our physical actions are good wherein God hath a concurrence and they become ill or sinful by our own depravities and so the divel and our own lusts are the mixt proper authors and fountains of all sin So let God be justified and all men lyars Secondly Yet I say God hath his hand and efficiency about sin several manner of ways and for distinct method sake I shall briefly set them down 1. God foresees and pre-ordains it else as I said it could not come to pass seeing God is omniscient and omnipotent to hinder it if he would Acts 2.23 Christ was delivered by the fore knowledge and determinate counsel of God What was a greater sin then the betraying the innocent and that too the Saviour of the world Yet this was pre-ordained of God and he meant to draw excellent good out of it and Gen. 15.19 20. Joseph tells his brethren As for you ye thought evil but God meant it for good to bring it to pass as it is this day to save much people alive 2. God permits it God's Decrees imply a necessity that sin shall be but do not impel or enforce thereunto We being left to our free choice God is not bound to hinder us he suffered them to walk in their own ways Acts 14.16 and we being left unto our own choice without God's special grace we are sure to chuse the worser part 3. God hath his concurrence in every action wherein sin is but not in the obliquity of it all our actions and motions are from God but the sinfulness thereof is from the lusts of the heart of man 4. God withdraws his preventing Grace or suspends it from a sinner for God is not bound up to Laws and conditions unto us and he may do it out of Soveraignty and he will do it somtimes in wisdom to try us and see whether we will seek after him and keep close unto him as he did to Hezekiah 2 Chron. 33.31 God left Hezekiah that he might know what was in his heart So somtimes he withdraws his grace in Justice and Judgement Psal 81.12 I gave them up to their own hearts lusts and they walked in their own counsels 5. God gives a concession and permission to wicked Instruments to stir up and move to evil as 1 Kings 22.22 I will go forth and be a lying Spirit in the mouth of Abab's Prophets And God said Go forth 6. God wisely disposes his Providences that they become a snare unto the sinner and yet no dishonour to God for his acts of Providences are in themselves good and are rather motives to holiness and duty if our hearts were sound then temptations to sin yea his very mercies will become unto them a snare Psal 69.22 Let their Table become a snare and their Welfare a Trap. A sinner like the Sea will make all it receives brackish though ever so sweet that runs into it 7. God's hand is conversant about sin as some of his judiciary punishments that he afflicts the sinner with as Rom. 1.26 2 Thes 2.11 God gave them up to vile affections and gave them strong delusions When we leave God and his ways justly may he give us up to our own lusts and perverse ways in a Judiciary way and to a reprobate sense 8. God limits sin Thus far thou shalt go and no farther Psal 76.10 The wrath of man shall praise thee and the remainder thereof shalt thou restrain So far as God gets glory by the permission of sin God will let the sinner take his swing but it shall not exceed its bounds but can presently destroy it or stop the current of it in an instant And so the remainders of wrath thou wilt restrain 9. God disposes the events and ends of all sin to his glory God would never permit sin if he could not bring good out of it Rom. 3.7 Adam's sin as one wittily said was a happy sin because it made way for the grace of God to be more clearly manifested unto the creature Many of God's attributes would never be so clearly advanced if it were not for sin to wit his mercy in pardoning justice in punishing wisdom in ordering power in over-ruling it Let us never therefore murmure against God for pre-ordaining and permitting sin for though the wages thereof be death yet thanked be God we have Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ Observ 4. Another Note from the words The Divel shall cast some of you in prison is That it is the Saints great comfort to know that their imprisonments and afflictions comes from Satan and his wicked instruments Saint Peter's rule was 1 Pet. 4.15 Let none of you suffer as an evil doer The comfort of sufferings will be quite abated by the guilt of sin neither must the Saints sufferings be voluntary and out of choice for unto such it may one day be said Who required these things at your hands There must be a just call unto afflications that must make them comfortable to us It is but a fond presumption to cast our selves upon imprisonments and tribulations Satan and his wicked instruments will be apt enough to do it and in that we may truly rejoyce that Christ hath thought us worthy to be Martyrs to his Truth Acts 5.41 Matth. 5.12 and hath given us so sure and strong a token of our Interest in him together with a sight of that glory of our interest which we then under that condition must virtually and strongly enjoy in him by faith but such are very fond that will desire to fall into imprisonments and tribulations out of an affectation to Martyrdom as many of the Quakers of these days do and Christ hath taught us to pray Lead us not into temptation and this had not been taught us had it not been grievous and evil to fall into it whether it were either the temptation unto sin or temptation of affliction or the cross for Christ himself prayed when his soul was troubled within him Father save me from this hour and Let this Cup pass from me John 12.27 though Christ submitted to the will of his Father and freely chose death and sufferings as our Mediator yet as a private person he would manifest the same affections that are in us and deprecate the evil of sufferings if possibly he could Therefore for us to desire or rush into them would be a mad zeal and irregular and not according to sound knowledge but if we desire to wait on God sincerely and live godly
were Ezekiel Daniel and others of Gods precious children in Babylon amongst the Caldeans It is the common lot of the godly to be amongst Briars and Thorns that will nothing but scratch and tear them and therefore it should be no strange thing nor too great a vexing burden unto us that God and providence hath disposed of our habitations amongst the ungodly For hereby 1. God hath the greater glory from us 2. We are kept closer to him 3. Our Graces shine more eminently as Stars in a frosty night shine clearest and Fishes in the saltest Seas are sweetest so we keep our savor the better for it and our Graces are more enlivened 4. Our Conversations it sutable to Gods word may be a means of their conversion amongst whom we live Obs 3. To a Godly soul to have its habitation amongst the wicked is a Soul vexing grief Righteous Lot was vexed with the filthy conversation of the Sodomites 2 Pet. 2.7 Though God hath disposed this in his providence yet it is an affliction and for the present grievous Wo is me saith David that I sojourn in Mesech and that I dwell in the Tents of Kedar with a barbarous profane people that were like to the posterity of Mesech and Kedar O what a burden it was to Moses and to all true Israelites to dwell amongst the Egyptians How did the poor captive Israelites weep when they were in Caldea by the River of Chebar And what a burden it is still for honest believing Souls to dwell amongst a profane and wicked multitude Where they cannot stir out of doores or converse but with very few but that they shall hear God profaned his Name blasphemed his Truths and Scriptures slighted vilified derided and jested at his Saints and Faithful ones either spitefully treated openly persecuted or at least closely undermined to bring the rod of affliction upon them Therefore among the truly godly the society and cohabitation of the Saints is most desirable but of the wicked most grievous and loathed Obs 4. God hath the more special eye of care and providence over his people that have their habitations amongst the wicked and ungodly Though they dwell where Satan's Seat and Throne is yet God holdeth them as the seven Stars in his right hand verse 1. and he knoweth their works of tribulation and where they dwell and therefore is present with sutable grace and strength from himself for their support and comfort Thou remembrest us said David in our low estate Where Christ's Church hath the greatest enemies God will shew himself their greatest friend where his Saints are most afflicted and straitned there he will supply with a greater measure of grace and enlargement In Babylon of old among the inveterate enemies of God and his Israel God sent an Ezekiel Daniel Ezra c. choice men and Prophets of God for their comfort and consolation So we often see in the most barbarous and wicked places of the World that God sends there the greatest soundest and clearest light to his servants that dwels amongst them Ephesus Smyrna Pergamus c. places of Idolatry and cruelty and where Satan's seat was had their Angels and Martyrs that shined in true faith and godliness The Churches of Christ of late years have shined more eminent in faith and holiness in Switzerland in Saxony in Savoy and the barbarous corners of the Pyrenean mountains and Alpes then other places of the World and so in England and Scotland under the Antichristian and persecuting Bishops of late the Saints then living under them did shine more eminent in their graces then now they do in this their day of prosperity and many then were more faithful Martyrs unto the truth of Christ then now they are for the more high Satan and his instruments are against the Saints God's care over them is the more intense and the measure of his graces the more enlarged towards them Obs 5. That it is the Saints great duty and their highest glory to hold fast their faith and profession of the truth in the worst times and amongst the worst of people The Church at Pergamus is approved for holding fast Christ's Name and Faith amongst them in whom Satan did bear sway and in such a time when Antipas was Martyred and suffered death for the same profession It is an easy matter to carry a full sail of profession when the soft gale of prosperity bloweth neither is it any difficult matter for an hypocritical heart to seem godly with the godly to be sober with the sober or to be righteous amongst the righteous But the spirit of a man is then tried when his habitation is amongst the ungodly that can keep himself sound amongst their corruptions upright and perfect amongst the unrighteous and untainted with their follies and sweet as Fishes in the Brackish Ocean The three faithful children would not bow in Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar's Image though death it self attended them Be thou faithful unto the death and thou shalt have a Crown of life Many will follow Christ in smiling times or when the State does countenance Christ and godliness this is to follow Christ for the loaves sake But when Christ is hurried to Pilat's Hall of Judgment his formal followers will forsake him yea Peter himself may deny him weak Christians may stumble and draw back when Pillars of the Church as Peter fall so fouly He is the only approved Christian that will hold his profession fast before the face of Nero and Dioclesian as the virum victoriae which St. Austin mentions and at the Stake can freely with Stephen forgive his enemies and commend his spirit unto his God Jo Hus Hierom of Prague the poor Waldenses and our later Christian Martyrs as Bradford Philpot Glover c. in our English Marian days hath with Antipas for their constant witnessing unto the truth and faith of Christ attained the ever-living and honorable names of faithful Martyrs of Christ and that most justly in that they suffered in the worst of times when Antipas was slain that is in a persecuting bloody age when many godly persons burnt at the Stake and amongst the worst sort of people the wicked Antichristian Tyranizing and bloody Prelates for holding fast the profession of the truth and faith in such ungodly times and amongst such a divelish crew amongst whom Satan had his Throne sway and full Dominion they justly shall ever live in the memory and hearts of all the faithful as Reverend Martyrs unto Christ and his truth Thus for a man to be a Lot in Sodom never touched with Sodom's wickedness to keep himself pure and sincere and undefiled in the midst of a crooked generation to shine as a light in the midst of darkness this brings honor both to God and man Obs 6. The graces of well approved and faithful Christians departed are to be set forth as patterns and examples to the living both for encouragement and imitation Antipas is here set as an example of
to them and as apt to hear them as they you But I confess you have those christian societies and churches among you that are as Lillies shining in graces among those Thorns and unfruitful Nations and to retard our reformation in church and ordinances till all be squared and hewn fit for this work or before the Magistrate compels all unto this work is a vain expectation seeing that there is so much of that old leven of our ancestors National Churches National Officers Birth priviledges and Ordinances on that account c. still remaining in the hearts of most amongst us that it will not only render the work of a full reformation in this generation most difficult but the attempt thereof rather dangerous and prejudicial not only to the faithful in this Land but generally to the cause of Christ in all the reformed Nations round about us Witness the intemperate zeale of many that lived in the days of the first reformation who became a reproach and a shame in their irregular attempts about this work Though they had good hearts and desired and aimed at good and just things yet they prosecuted it not justly for to denominate a good action or work The thing it self desired and attempted must not only be a good and honest thing in it self as a full reformation to God's word is but it must have other honest circumstances in it also 1 The time when must be considered in such a time when God and a clear providence calls unto it 2 The manner how must be considered in a peaceable maner it is to be endeavoured and promoted as the work of the spirit of peace not with wars tumults and rebellions against Magistrates which is as the sin of witchcraft So that the best action may lose its reward and the atempters thereof suffer justly for the unjust prosecution thereof It is a sure rule to christians that they are to do no evil that good may come thereof We are not to sin against the Laws of God nor his Ordinance of Magistracy unless cases of inevitable necessity where God will rather have mercy then Sacrifice to promote any just end or good whatsoever for we are bound to walk by the rule of God's commands and precepts not of events and providences Therefore all ye faithfull ones of this land be wise and sober in this your way of temptation stop not the current of God's reformation by your precipitate and irregular actings be you still and you shall see the salvation of our God You see the main hinderance of this full work amongst us even the old leven of false worships derived and left unto us from our ancestors God will remove this more and more by steps and degrees and that more generally and will enlarge the Tents of Jacob among us if we provoke not God by our sins towards him But to expect a total reformation never look for it until the day Star shall arise with an incomparable glory In the interim let us walk honestly and soberly like children of the Light serving and fearing God and honoring the King and then God will make them unto us Nursing Fathers and Nursing Mothers And most happy and blessed are the people that have their portion and lot in such a Land Object But after all this an Objection may be risen The church of Pergamus had those among them that held and maintained the doctrines of Balaam and the Nicolaitans and practised spiritual and corporal adulteries so held the church of Corinth Thyatira had the doctrines of Jezabel Galathia the Jewish doctrine of circumcision and many other great corruptions were among those primitive churches as drunkenness denying the resurrection incest eating things offered unto Idols and the obscenity of the Nicolaitans Yet these are still called the churches of Christ his seven candlesticks his faithful ones called and elect And are not then our Parochial churches our National churches as truly churches of Christ as those were And are they not as sound in doctrine and practises as those first primitive christians and churches were and so deserve the Name of churches of Christ faithful elect and called as well as they 1 I Answer We are to look unto the first institution of all churches if they are gathered and planted by the Ministry of the Gospel and Spirit they are truly churches of Christ elect and called though in process of time the envious one sowed plentifully among the good Wheat his Tares and Darnel as among those of Corinth Pergamus and others in the Primitive time yet I believe Christ had but a few things against theirs in respect what he has against ours they were but corrupt in part ours all leprous they lost but some members we the very vitals For I much question whether our National churches were of this Gospel structure as those primitive churches were at the first seeing we read in History of their civill institution and beginning being so divided or ordained by the politique Laws of the Nation Yet withall I say we had the sincere faith of Christ here preach'd amongst us presently after if not in the very Apostles days by Joseph of Arimathea as Historians testifie this good seed was almost lost among us but again revived by the providence of God in after ages but held captive and low under the Tyranny of Antichristian darkness yet doubtless God had here and elswhere his invisible church and elect ones Our succession to the Apostles is by cleaving to their doctrines and so we own a succession from them but not a visible succession of churches for so we have sayled under the Antichrists raign and tyranny over us and to plead that our parochial Societies are churches of Christ is but at best to plead that our Hundreds or Counties are churchdivisions Presbyteries or Ecclesiastique Jurisdictions also being of the same civil institution with the former But some write that Dionysius Pope of Rome was the first divider and institutor of Parishes about Anno 267. and brought into England by Honorius Bishop of Canterbury as learned Master Selden in his Book de Decimis testifies 2 I Answer If our churches were right in their first institution gathered by the word and spirit we have as really lost the very being of our churches under Antichrist's raign as the churches of Corinth Pergamus Ephesus Smyrna c. under the Saracenical tyranny and Mahometanism And therefore there is as great need to call our churches out of Babylon and to restore them from Antichristianisme as Pergamus c. of the miserable captivated Asian churches from Turcism and Mahometanism unless we grant that the whore of Babylon had the keeping and was the preserver of the Ordinances of the true Spouse and had the power of the Keys committed unto her And therefore the authority that many churches pretend unto by succession of churches is but a sorry one and at the best but Antichristian and Popish Lastly I Answer That it is not corruptions in
Mountains to fall upon them and hide them from the face of him that sits upon the Throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. This is the terrible and unknown name of Christ which no man knoweth but Christ himself which one day he will manifest when all his enemies are made his footstool and takes the Kingdom unto himself O let this thy Kingdom come and blessed is he that shall sit down with Christ in his Kingdome Observ 2. Christ is very zealous and intense on the punishment of delinquent Churches Christ comes all in a fiery posture against Thyatira and withall tels her ver 22 23. that for suffering Jezabel within her Behold I will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultery with her into great Tribulation except they repent of their deeds And I will kill her children with death c. Christ when he whipped out of the Temple the buyers and sellers Jo 2. did it so zealously that for that very act it was formerly prophesied of him The zeal of thy house hath eaten me up How zealous was Christ in his carriage and ready to punish all those delinquent Asian churches He tels Ephesus in the first place Except she repent and recover her first love and do her first works he will come quickly and remove her candlestick out of its place To Pergamus he saith Repent or I come quickly against thee with the sword of my mouth How zealous was Christ against the zeal-fallen church of Laodicea cap. 3. 15 16. I know thou art neither hot nor cold I would thou wert cold or hot so then because thou art lukewarm I will spew thee out of my mouth You see Christ will not spare his delinquent churches but come quickly against them except they repent And this proceeding of Christ with his Churches answers to this apparition of his to Iohn who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire and feet like burning brass cap. 1. 14 15. Vers 19. I know thy works and charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works and the last to be more then the first All those graces here mentioned by the Spirit and found in the church of Thyatira are to be understood of true ●eal graces not only so in appearance and opinion but in truth and sincerity and therefore Christ before he fals on the charge against her first he gives an approbation and an encouragement to her graces and in effect tels her 'T is true O church of Thyatira I must acknowledg thy works of grace as thy true love towards me which hath produced and brought forth in thee the happy fruits of thy zealous service and thy faith enlivened by love together with thy constant patience under sufferings for my names sake and by this it appeareth that thou hast received the truth in the love thereof and withal I must add unto thy praise that there is a growth and improvment in those gracious works and the last to be more then the first That is Though thy first works were done out of much zeal yet the latter were done on more certain and sober grounds of knowledg and sincerer ends then the first and therefore as thou hast made an improvement of thy graces so thou art more in esteem and thy works also then at the first By the way here Observ We may Observe Though the Church of Thyatira be never so blame-worthy yet Christ will give her her due and set too his Seal of approbation to all that is sound and righteous in her It seems there were graces sufficient in Thyatira to denominate her a golden candlestick and a church of Christ notwithstanding Christ had a few things to say against her it savors not of the Dove-like spirit of Christ and love when any shall be so rigid as will not acknowledg such societies to be churches of Christ because some imperfections in them either in doctrine or manners though otherwise abounding in works of holiness as love to God and his Saints and faith towards Jesus Christ zeal towards God's worship and service and in suffering for Christ's sake Doubtless with some rigid persons in these days the churches of Pergamus and Thyatira would be unchurched and anathematized by them had they but authority over them though Christ had set his Seal upon them and marked them as golden candlesticks As in a natural body some members may be rotten and dead and yet a lively body So in those spiritual bodies politiques there may be som members rotten and dead at the root yet the body still an organical body and no great hinderance to the whole And again in a natural body there may be a catholique disease seasing upon every part and member of the body which may render it very uncapable for its seruices and yet still a lively body So it may be in a church a body politique it may be catholiquely sick and infected with some venomous disease some pestifferous doctrine or other and yet a church still though a decrepid infirm and lame one but when the disease comes to be mortal leaprous or incurable it is time then to cry out Sum impurus sum impurus Procul hinc procul ite For the words I know thy works and thy loue c. Here we see the good works that God does approve of in his people and does also render them as approved Saints both unto themselves and the whole world Christ alone is the publique approved person in the room of all his members in the sight of God as unto justification and perfect righteousness yet before these graces does appear in the Saints to evidence their calling they are but the children of wrath as well as others Election does secure our eternal estate but before the spirit of grace comes to evidence it by faith that worketh by love sin and death hath dominion over us And though we are heirs of all in God's predetermination yet differ we not at all from servants in the state of unregeneracy yea therein we are slaves and captives to sin and Satan These gracious works are called thy works though they are the gifts of God and wrought by his spirit in us yet God's goodness does call them ours because they are acted by the instrumentality of our souls as passing through our wils affections and understandings and here love or charity is put in the first place among all the graces of the Spirit Whether love in order of nature is before faith I shall not here dispute only thus much I say that all generally grant that faith's first act is an assent to the truth as unto a proposition now unless love come in to ingrediate the affection unto the truth proposed it will only be but a bare opinion and never come to a lively faith Secondly I say love is here proposed as first in order as being the most excellent Gospel grace 1 Cor. 13. throughout Now abideth faith hope and charity but the greatest of
was a she Prophetess of the Nicolaitans and that she was one of that Sect is evident from this that she comes with the same cursed Nicolaitish doctrines in the 14 and 15. verses mentioned teaching and drawing God's people to Idolatry and Fornication First herein appears her impudence who contrary to the modesty of her sex and Apostolical prohibition yet she takes the name of a Prophetess upon her self and to teach publiquely contrary to the Apostle 1. Cor. 14 34. Next observe her falsity and deceit she is a Prophetess and why it is only to deceive and seduce Christ's Servants Thirdly observe the ways and means of her seductions it is by false doctrines by teaching Idolatry and communicating in the Sacrifices of Idols and Fornications to be things indifferent for I always take these to be two great distinct sins and errors of the Nicolaitans Idolatry and Fornication and not only Idolatry which is a spiritual Fornication or Adultery for Balaam's advice was not only that the children of Israel in the business of Baal Peor Mumb. 25.1 2. should fall to Idolatry but to fornication also with the Midianitish women so also Jezabel Ahab's wife who provoked him to set up Idolatry unto Baal in Israel 1 King 16.31 32. compared to 1 King 21.25 was also a notable Adultress as by that of 2 King 9.22 What peace whilst the woredoms of thy Mother Jezabel and her witch-crafts are yet in great number and her carriage being accordingly impudent ver 30. doth convince her whoredom for she painted her face and tyred her head and looked out at window the posture rather of a Strumpet then of Majesty as some would have it And therefore Balaam and Jezabel are here fitly brought in by the Spirit to personate this lewd Nicolaitish Sect and their great Prophetess in the church of Thyatira Observ 1. Hence Note That it is no new defigne of Satan's to trouble the Church with false she Prophetesses As there were false Prophets Balaamites and Nicolaitans in the church of Pergamus so there was a false Prophetess and a very impudent one of the same Sect in Thyatira If God will have he or she Prophets the Devil will be God's Ape and will have the same If God to honor that weaker Sex sometimes raised up she Prophets to help his people be sure the Divel will be upon the same work he will have his Jezabels his Maximillae for her service also We find in Ezekiel's days there were false Propheteses who sowed Pillows to ahe Arm-holes 13. 1k 18. Prophesied pleasing things unto the people and Neh. 6.14 there is mention made of one Noadia a Prophetess she with other false Prophets Prophesied against the building of the Temple encouraged Sanballet and endeavoured to discourage Nehemiah and the builders of it And some such there were and will be in all ages who with their false doctrines will deceive unwary people Simon Magus had his Helena Carpocrates his Marcellina Montanus had his Prisca and Maximillina and so all erronious Sects hath their she Prophetesses as well as he Prophets for the Divel's defign thrives on both ways Observ 2. False she Prophetesses are not only very bold but very subtile to deceive and seduce God's servants from the truth And therefore they are likned to Jezabel a bold setter up of Idolatry and a subtile deceiver as in the business of Naboth and seeking the death of the true Prophets appeareth And it appeareth also henbe that this false Nicolaitish Prophetess was not only a very impudent one for she calls herself a Prophetess to teach but was also a very sly and subtile one or else she could not be said to deceive Christ's Servants I conjecture that her practise was somwhat like the ranting Familists and Anti-scripturists of our days who pretending some high notions and transcendent matters above the common pitch of plain and wholsom doctrine and so flying beyond sobriety God suffers them to fall into the snare of Satan and to deny the Law of God as a rule to them and to stand in awe to sin is but of a legal spirit and of bondage and sin cannot at all reach God or offend his Majesty and then they can freely among the Heathens as the Nicolaitish christians did of old partake of the Sacrifices of Baal of Bacchus Priapus Venus or any of their Heathenish Idols and can freely without regret eat of their idolothites and joyn and commix with their corporal fornications also High and untroden speculations and novelties carries the vizor of deceit with them wholsome doctrine is old and plain but novel and erroneous is held forth in most high and unintelligible motions which false ProProphets and Prophetesses on purpose make use of to amuse confound ensnare and deceive the easy credulous and simple people many of these false she Prophetesses goes up and down with their new Light new Christ and new Gospel and all within them in these very days of ours a true branch of the old Gnosticks and Nicolaitans Observ 3. Some of God's own faithful Servants may be deceived and carried away by the Doctrines of false Teachers This Jeze●el or false Lady Prophetess had seduced Christ's Servants and had entised them to their filthy Idolatries and Adulteries we know Peter and Barnabas were drawn away by such into errour Gal 2.13 14 The old lying Prophet deceived the young Prophet of God and drew him into a snare which cost him his life for a Lion devoured him 1 Kin. 13. Christ hath foretold us Mat. 24. That many false Prophets shall arise and deceive many But whence do they arise From the bottomless Pit and do raise such a smoake with their false doctrines Rev. 9. that they darken the Heavens that is the Gospel truths that the Saints cannot clearly see their ways and therefore not strange if they stumble Did not many precious Souls stumble in the late days of Prelacy and were turned away with their errors and have not many stumbled in these days of liberty and carried away and deceived by Familistical Anti-scriptural errors and the like But seeing these things are so let us hearken to the advice of Peter 2 Epist 3.17 18. Beware lest ye also being led away with the errors of the wicked fall from their own stedfastness But grow in grace and in the knowledg of our Lord Jesus Christ. But to return to the charge which was against Thyatira and it was because she suffered the woman Jezebel A church is not so blame worthy for having a Jezebel a false Prophet or Prophetess among them but for suffering for countenancing owning and freely tolerating of them this was the crime of this church of Thyatira Whence Note Observ That the toleration and indulgence of false Teachers in a Church is a great evil Surely it is not the way of God nor his will to suffer opinions in a church that are dissonant from his truth that will corrupt the soul with sin Though I should plead for a just
cap. 18. The Beast and false Prophet joynt companions in evil the one upholding and confirming the other the one by an unrighteous and tyrannical Sword the other by false doctrines and miracles till at last both are caught by Christ and his Armies and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone Rev. 19.20 And if common tribulations were not enough for false teachers and their folowers Christ will cast them into a bed wherein they shall roul themselves in grief cover themselvs in grief and with great tribulation and if all this will not do to bring them to repentance for their wicked deeds and practises Christ hath another bed to cast them into a bed of death and destruction in the next verse And I will kill her children with death except they repent of their deeds Repentance is the only remedy against divine judgments turning from sin and turning to God will turn God's wrath from us and his love towards us See more hereon about repentance ver 5. and 16 of this cap. Vers 23. And I will kill her children with death and all the Churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reines and hearts and I will give unto every one of you according to your works As the true church of Christ hath her children begotten and fostered up by the immortal seed of the word so false Teachers and Heretiques have their children also begotten by the spirit of deceit and falshood and nourished by errors and wickedness So this false Nicolaitish Prophetess had her children followers of her Fornication and Idolatry In the former verse we read of her Adulteries that doth commit fornication with her and promote her doctrines of Idolatries equally with her self and that Christ would cast them together into great tribulation except they repent and here we find their Issue children of the same cursed stock which Christ will aso shew no mercy to but kill her children with death that is will sweep them away in judgment not only with a violent and precipitant deatnh ●ut will also slay them with a death eternal Hence Note Observ 1. That children that tread in the steps of their wicked parents are envolved under the same judgments with themselves If we be partakers of our Father's sins it is just that we should be partakers of their punishments If we follow the steps of our faithful parents we shall have the same reward with them of our faithfulness in the latter day God giveth to every one according to his works the child shall not dye for the sin of his parent nor shall the child be saved for the faith or obedience of his parent For the Soul that sinneth shall dye And he that believeth shall be saved But as for the little ones that are uncapable of actual sin or faith their salvation or damnation is according to his will that sheweth mercy on whom he will and whom he will he hardens Rom. 9. Quest. But if it be demanded How will it stand with the justice of God to cut off little children which are innocent nor ever yet done good or evil together in judgment with their parents Answ Little children that had never committed actual sin even babes new born or in the womb doubtless perished in the floud and many in Sodome and yet without impeachment of or derogation to divine Justice First God can do it out of Soveraignty and absolute dominion which he hath over his creatures He is the Potter he that made the Vessel can break it he that gave life to babes can take it away and who can say why dost thou this Secondly all Infants are defiled with original sin and as the wages of sin is death so God can justly inflict death on them both temporal and eternal as the due wages thereof together with their parents Thirdly Little children are part of their parents substance and family and God may justly punish the living parent in his child by death as well as any others of his stock and substance as by a temporal punishment Fourthly Though God may often sweep away in his temporal judgments many little innocent children as by the Sword Famine c. and yet they not perish eternally for violent or sudden death is no Argument of God's hatred to them for many precious souls expire by a more terrible and violent death then that of the Sword Pestilence or Famine Fifthly and lastly For the comfort and the better support of the hopes of faithful parents for the well being of their little innocent dying infants whether they are taken off by God either by an ordinary death or in a common judgment let them understand for their comfort that God hath made an everlasting covenant of grace and salvation with Christ for all his Elect ones Gal. 3.16 Isa 53.11 12. and though the Infants of believers die before they can receive the promise of the Spirit by faith yet the chosen ones in Christ are secure by virtue of God's eternal love towards them in Christ being chosen in him from all eternity Ephes 1.14 and let me with reverence speak it Christ may as soon perish as one of them he being the head they the members making up one mystical church Had God ever cloathed himself with flesh in the person of the Son had it not been to lay down a sufficient price and ransom to divine Justice for all his ever beloved chosen ones And where there is such a predeterminating love as God's is towards his Elect and such an inestimable and compleat price paid for them as Christ's death is how can any such possibly perish without violation and impeachment both of divine Love and divine Justice This is a surer ground of the salvation of some dying Infants of believing parents then that that some Arminianising persons of these days do make to wit the parents faith the condition of the Infant 's salvation Dying Infants with those of that perswasion I leave these few following considerations First They should do well in the first place to produce that grant which they pretend to be in the Gospel covenant that the parents faith is the condition of their Infants salvation dying so but this will be done ad Graecas Calendas it savors too much of works of Supererrogation and Popery to be true Secondly If some dying Infants of believing parents are saved on the condition of their parents faith then all are so saved that dyes so before they have forfeited their condition by their own actual transgressions and if all of them are saved dying so then happier would faithful parents be to see all their children dy whilst Infants and innocent for then they should be sure of their salvation then to see them live for some of them must become reprobate and wicked for few godly parents have ever had all godly children Abraham had Ishmael as well as Isaac Isaac had an Esau as well as a Jacob Jacob had a Reuben Simeon and Levi. brethren
life in the Paradise of God c. all being variety of expressions to set forth the great and excellent glories of the other world Christ did formerly promise the participation of himself in that his glorious kingdom to the conquering Saints under the Types of Hidden Manna Tree of Life and in this verse as the morning Star Christ is the bright morning Star First Because he then brings comfort with him to his afflicted churches Secondly He brings light with him to his ancient people the Jews that now sit in darkness and in the shadow of death Rom. 11.25 2 Pet. 1.19 This morning Star is the same with that Sun that rises in Malachy 4.2 with healing in his wings and must of necessity signifie Christ's personal appearance again as the greatest part of the crown and reward of his faithful ones and for the healing enlightning and conversion of his ancient church and people the Jews Hence Note Observ That Christ will appear again to the comfort of his afflicted Gentile churches and to the enlightning and conversion of his ancient people the Jews before the ultimate end of all and general judgement Because then is a day of total destruction not an appearance for the conversion of them that are in unbelief That is the time when the Saints receive their utmost glory not striving ruling and over-powring the Nations Christ then delivers up all power unto the Father 1 Cor. 15.24 therefore that is no day to give power into their hands over the Nations In the day of ultimate judgment Gog and Magog and all the churches enemies are caught and cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone for evermore cap. 19. 20. Therefore it is no day of ruling over them for that day then will be past and over To conclude the Saints temporal reigne begins with the appearance of this Morning Star and ends with the final destruction of all the wicked but their heavenly glory shall never end And for the conclusion of this chapter Vers 29. He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches Let the wise intelligent christian consider and ponder what the Spirit saith to each of these churches and from the often repetition of the Spirits memento in these words take this conclusion That Christ's Doctrines and Prophesies cannot be too often inculcated upon the hearts and memories of his people CHAP. III. Verse 1. And unto the Angel of the Church in Sardis write these these things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God and the seven Stars I know thy works that thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead CHrist proceeds with his charge against the church at Sardis superscribed unto the Angel or chief Minister of that church for the reasons before specified chap. 2. v. 1. Write these things saith he that hath the Spirits of God and the seven Stars I cannot joyn unto their Interpretation that makes the seven Spirits and the seven Stars to be all one to wit Christ's seven Angels of his Churches which he carries in his hand cap. 1. 20. so it would seem a tautologie whilst a more convenient sense may be found applicable to it to wit These things saith he which hath the seven Spirits of God that is the Spirit of God in his sevenfold graces and perfections for the number seven in all Prophetical writings doth intimate perfection as cap. 1. 5. and 4. 5. and this sevenfold spirit of perfection being Christ's own spirit and being sent by him and at his disposal and therefore Christ may be truly verified to have the seven Spirits of God or the sevenfold operating Spirit of God as well as the seven Stars in his hand and disposal Hence Note Observ That the Spirit of grace and a gratious Ministry are the special inseparable gifts of Christ towards his Churches They are inseparable companions where the one doth go the other is present also If Christ comes with seven Stars in his right hand he comes with the seven Spirits in his left hand to that people also A true Ministry and the Spirit are never separated Though I should not ty up God to those means only yet ordinarily it is in vain to expect Christ in the Administration of the Spirit without the Ministerial Adminstration of his Stars and Angels They are as it were the Charioteers of the Spirit The Word is the Spirit 's Vehiculum or Chariot but the Ministers thereof are those that carry and support this Chariot on the shoulders never think that the Spirit the glory of this Chariot will come or rest in our Temples unless it be brought unto us by the feet of those Stars those beautiful ones that bring the glad tidings of peace God hath so linked together in his all-wise decrees and predeterminations the concatenation of subordinate causes or mediums unto salvation that ordinarily one cannot be effected without the other and so we are saved by faith in Christ through the sanctification of the spirit and word One will not doe this work without the concurrence of the other but when Christ comes with them joyntly together either to a particular Soul or Church he makes them of a wilderness and a land of darkness a Goshen and a land of light And happy is that people to whom Christ so cometh with his seven Spirits and his seven Stars with his gracious Spirit and spiritual Ministry and for such whose lot is fallen in such a Land I say their lot is fallen in a goodly Heritage But what is the reason that Christ here appears under this representation of one that hath the seven Spirits of God and the seven Stars I Answer Christ is upon discovery of the hypocritical defections of the church of Sardis and thererefore he needs to appear not only under a searching piercing and spiritual administration as one that can search the reines and hearts cap. 2. 23. and as one that hath the seven spirits of God or the sevenfold searching Spirit of God which knoweth the hidden things of man but also under a lightsom administration of the seven Stars for a further discovery and conviction of their hypocritical practises and therefore the church of Sardis's hidden hypocrisies and inward rottenness being searched out by the Spirit of God and made manifest by the true light and Ministry of the seven Stars Angels or Ministers of the word he falls upon them with his charge against them and tells them I know thy works that thou hast a Name that thou livest and art dead Hence by the way Note Observ That Christ's spiritual Ministry in the hands of his Ministers and Embassadors can try the secret and hidden things of man The spiritual man saith the Apostle judgeth all things and is judged of none And if a private spiritual member may judge Judicio discretionis then surely much more the publique Embassadors and authorised Ministers of Christ they can try by the Word and Spirit whither our works profession
be only in name and outward or whither inward and sincere they are the Masters of the Assemblies and the experienced Elders of the church and therefore are and ought to precede and excel all others in every spiritual work and service whatsoever Observ Another Note hence is That the Spirits's Method is first to convince of sin before it manifests its remedy against sin The whole saith Christ need not the Physitian but the sensible sick and wounded Christ first convinces Sardis that she had only a Name that she lived but was dead before he lays down her remedy in the third ver in bringing her to repentance so he deales with Pergamus Thyatira and other delinquent churches also It is an Anti-scriptural Method of some that preach up faith and repentance unto a sinful and backslidden people before they have first fully convinced them by the Spirit in the Word that they are under bondage sin and misery This is no legal Method as the Antinomists do conjecture but of a spiritual and Gospel spirit for unless we be first sensibly convinced of our loss and misery by sin how should we looke for a Saviour or salvation by faith in Christ All the primitive converts that we read of were first pricked unto their hearts for sin before they asked What shall we do to be saved Acts 2. But to return to Christ's charge against Sardis I know thy works for thou hast a Name that thou livest but thou art dead as if he had said Thou hast a name a reputation that thou livest that is that thou art a faithful professing church and livest in me by faith but thou art dead that is not altogether dead for then it was in vain to put her afterwards to strengthen the remainder of grace but as good as dead low weak and infirm and that faith and profession which thou pretendest to be in thee is but as a dead profession and liveless faith Hence Note Observ That though Churches may carry a fair outward profession and a common reputation of faithful ones yet they may be very hipocritical and no better then dead liveless and rotten at the root This church at Sardis had a name that she lived but she was dead her graces were even at deaths dore yet still would keep up the Name of a christian church Who higher in profession and name then the church of Rome Doth she not take unto her self and go under the name of Catholique as if she had been the only church that holds the general faith delivered unto the Saints And yet what church more dead and rotten then she Notwithstanding our nominal faith and common-reputed christianity among us yet we may be dead to all motions and operations of all true spiritual life in the church of Smyrna cap. 2. 9. they were those which said they were Jews but they were not and Christ tels them I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews are not but are of the Sinagogue of Satan It is a kind of blasphemy and dishonour done unto God when under the cover of profession we endeavour to excuse our errors and profaness Open opposition is less dishonorable unto God then impure and dead lives under the vizor of profession Mat. 21.28 29. That froward Son in the Parable was less guilty that said he would not do the will of his Father then he that said I will and did it not James resolves the Question in that Interrogation of his cap. 2. 14 What doth it profit if a man saith he hath faith and hath not works can faith save him meaning a dead nominal faith without fruits and works So would I put the question here what will the pretended faith and christianity of our nominal and national christians profit or advantage them The Divel hath such a faith that is only in the tongue and the lip and yet fare nough from salvation or the grace of God these formal outward graces are so far from bringing in any real comfort or hope of glory in the future to the souls that only have them that they bring in real disadvantage and loss unto them for they argue a conviction of the truth yet a refusal thereof in the love and power thereof And secondly it hath been always a harder work of the Ministry to bring pretended and formal professors unto the power of godliness then open Harlots Publicans and Sinners witness the Pharisees of old in Christ's days and the National Formal Jews who would boast of their carnal priviledges and of having Abraham to their Father and the Oracles and Temple of God among them somwhat like the late Levitical Prelatical Tribe among us and yet who more blind and dead then they unto true spiritual knowledg And who more eager persecutors and enemies to Christ his ways and Saints then those Formal National Jews who say they are Jews and are not but are of the Sinagogue of Satan But to give you a test and taste to try whither your profession and faith be a living profession and faith or not First True and lively faith uniteth us to Christ and draweth life and vertue from him I live by faith in the Son of God Gal. 2.20 You know there is life in a body by the notions and beating of the pulses A living faith will be active and discover it self in some gracious effects and operations If Christ be in you he will live in you he will not be dead and idle but be moving in you to gracious duties and operations for there is none liveth in Christ but he bringeth forth much fruits Io. 15.5 It is true faith may not always be alike lively and active but where it is true and real it will be always living and though you be not sensible of its activity yet you will be sensible of deadness and complain under it which is a signe of a living faith though not a lively one Secondly Where this true faith is there will be its constant concomitant that forcible principle love See cap. 2. 19. Affection followeth perswasion and where love is there will be service and worke for faith worketh by love for when we apprehend by faith God's love in Christ to us it begets in us a return of love and acts of services and thankfulness to God True faith will not be idle but will be a working faith and will produce that labour of love mentioned Heb. 6.10 1 Thess 1.3 Thirdly A living faith must needs be active being wrought by the quickning spirit of Christ help engageth to action and where the spirit of Christ shall worke who shall resist his power Fourthly Where true faith is there will be high aimes to glorifie God for it will not be so dis-ingenious to take and receive mercies from God but it will study how to give and render unto God due praises and glory for it for we are not redeemed by Christ to live unto our selves but to glorifie God in our souls
to the church visible as members thereof and are so justly reputed by others because they have submitted to the ordinances of the church which is sufficient nothing appearing to the contrary to denominate them Saints called elect and written in the book of life Now when God is said to blot out names names being put for persons out of the book of life it only signifies that God will manifestly declare and make it known both to the parties themselves and others that they never were true members of the church nor in the state of election and salvation nor never written in the book of life I will not blot his name out of the book of life Under this negative promise unto the conquering Saint is contained a strong Affirmation of the continuance of the contrary blessing Christ will not only not blot out his name out of the book of life that is confirm and continue his undoubted right and title unto eternal life but he will also manifestly declare and make known unto others his lawful Title and interest according as he hath ordained him thereunto in his book of life from all eternity and so the subsequent words do intimate I will confess his name before my Father and before his Angels often in Scripture things are then said to be done when they are only manifested to be done according to that saying Res tum demum dicuntur fieri cum incipiantur manifestari Reg. Petrum As to instance by Heb. 1.5 Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee The Spirit in that Scripture not intending that the Son was not begotten of the Father before that day when that word was uttered but that on that day he was more eminently declared and manifested to be the only begotten Son of God then formerly So that when it is said in Scripture that God will blot their names out of the book of life it only imports That God will discover to themselves and others that their names were never written in the book of life nor had any right or interest at all in election or salvation farther then in the outward appearance From the words Note Observ That the eternal state of God's chosen ones is sealed and secured by God from everlasting Their names are written in the eternal book of God's decrees of life and he will not blot them out for being once enrolled in the book of God's election and among the catalogue of his Saints in the church invisible they can never be razed out for the foundation of God continueth sure Rom. 9.11 and hath a twofold seal 2 Tim. 2.19 First God's knowledge whereby he knoweth them that are his Secondly His Spirit of Regeneration which sealeth them unto eternal life Now if any thing would blot out those that are thus enrolled or written in the book of life it must be their sins and pollutions that would do it but the sins of God's chosen ones cannot move the Lord to raze us out of his book of life for then the fore-sight and knowledge of our sins in God's eternal counsel would much more have hindred him from chusing and enrolling us in the book of his Election seeing every one knoweth that a less cause will hinder the choice of any then move them to reject the person once chosen nay rather because the Lord hath chosen us therefore he will give us his holy Spirit whereby he will preserve us though not altogether from falling into sin yet from finally lying dormant and impenitent therein and as he hath freely chosen us to eternal life without any respect to our own worthiness so also he will freely execute this decree by giving us all the good means conducing to that end Object But some may say Though the conquering Saints are secure and their names shall not be blotted out of this book yet this doth intimate that others whose names are written therein for their sinful pollutions and iniquities unrepented of may be blotted out according to that of Exod. 32.33 Whosoever hath sinned against me saith God him will I blot out of my Book And as David prayeth Psal 69.28 Let them be put out of the book of the living and not be written with the righteous Answ First This threatning is not against the true members of Christ or his church who are enrolled in the book of life but those that are the members of the visible church only and are only seemingly written in the book of life members in shew and not in truth branches in the Vine by profession but not in practise and life of the Lord's family and in the number of his servants in their own and others opinion but not really and in truth according to God's estimation Secondly Whereas God saith he will blot such out of his book we are not to understand thereby that he would blot them out of the book of his election unto life wherein they were never written or that he would reject them whom he had chosen but that he would raze them out of the other book of life the book of the execution of his decrees to wit the book and roll ●f his visible church and that it might be manifestly declared that they who in their own opinion and in respect of their outward profession in the opinion of others might seem to be written in both books or both parts of the book of life of that of God's decrees which only relates to the invisible members and church of Christ and also of that other book or roll of the visible church yet were not in truth ever enrolled in either farther then in outward profession and appearance only And lastly Whereas David prays that the obstinate enemies of God and himself might be put out of the book of the living and not be written with the righteous is no more but as if David had said Do not O Lord write them down or reckon them in the number of thy faithful ones or if they come to be numbred among thy church and people and to be accounted written in the book of the living in respect of their outward profession and external walking with the people of God yet discover such and display them that it may manifestly appear that they were never truly written in the book of the living nor are to be accounted among the righteous that so they may be put out of the company of thy church and children that all may know that they were but hypocrites For in regard that God's decree of election is unsearchable to man those are said to be elected and written in the book of life who are outwardly called and added to the visible church professing themselves members thereof which are the outward but not the infallible signs of God's election because they are common both to hypocrites and sound believers and so likewise God is said to blot persons out of this book whose sins and hypocrisies are discovered and so thrust out of the company of
the Sinagogue of Satan The words in the Greek copy are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Beza's Version reads them Prebebo eos qui sunt ex Synaga Satana The Verb is in the Present tense I give and not in the Future and what is given Those that call themselves Jews I give or I yeild is put in the present tense either for the more certain denotation of the certainty of the good promised to come in the future for so the latter clause doth intimate I will make them that they shall come and worship c. Or else Secondly it denotes unto us that God did at that present time make some of the Iews to submit themselves unto his church as it were a taste and first fruits or as a pawn and earnest of their more full general and universal call and subjection to the Scepter of Iesus Christ which should ensue in future ages which the latter clause of this verse is full unto whereof more hereafter I formerly she wed on cap. 2. ver 9. how those Iews that are only so by lineage and descent do lye when they cal themselves Iews and are not To call ones self a Iew in those days when John wrote this Revelation was as much as to profess and to arrogate to themselves that they were the seed of Jacob and had Abraham to their Father and were the Israel of God the only people of God his peculiar Inheritage to whom the promises appertained the children of the Kingdom to whom the Oracles of God were committed and all others Aliens and Barbarians in respect of them who alone had the priviledges of the children a holy Nation the Lord's Portion who alone had the Temple Divine Ordinances Worship and clear Visions of God Now when those persons that boasted themselves of those priviledges yet persecuted reviled and blasphemed Christ and his churches as they did that of Smyrna cap. 2. 9. They cease to be true Iews and make a lye when they call or profess themselves Iews true Israelites of God when indeed they are children of the Divel and of the Sinagogue of Satan for his works and counsels they do really execute and performe they do synagere work together plot study and execute one and the same thing and therefore worthy to be denominated his Disciples of this infernal Colledg and Synagogue and not of Christ's church colledg or of the Society of Iesus Hence Note Observ That many are apt to call and boast themselves to be true Jews true Israelites of God true Christians that in truth are not for their evil works and blasphemies both towards Christ and true Christians doth evidently shew that they do lye in their Profession and Indeed are not true inward Jews and Christians but of the Synagogue of Satan You would have thought it strange to hear of a Sinagogue of Satan an University as it were for the Divel set up among the holy people of God his own Inheritance and yet it was most true John Baptist could have called them a generation of Vipers and Christ more plainly the children of the Divel for his works they did do and John here a Synagogue of Satan and that most deservedly for their contumelious reproaches and oppositions against the Gospel of Christ and true Believers We have a true counterpane of these carnal Jews among the christian churches in those days who call themselves christians and children of the Kingdome and yet only fit to be cast into utter darkness They crack of the Temple of God of Ministry of Ordinances of true Visions of God and the truth and yet who more enemies to the truth and to true godliness They are just like the Iews of old that boast of Abraham to be their Father and that they are Israelites as from Jacob and yet are ready with the Iews to crucifie the Lord of life in his Saints and followers They think it enough with their elder Brethren the Iews to have Abrahams and Iacobs to their Ancestors and Progenitors but for Abraham's faith or Jacob's spirit in wrestling with God let that alone for them that will They think it safe enough to be of Israel according to the flesh to be born in a christian Nation or church and to have some external badges and priviledges of children as Baptisme or the like then all is well whilst the weightiest things of the Law and the most substaintial parts of Religion they let ly by and contemn And what are all their arrogating Titles when truth is wanting but a kind of blasphemy and a lye I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not cap. 2. 9. for indeed he is not a Iew which is one outwardly in circumcision of the flesh but he is a Iew which is one inwardly whose heart is circumcised and is one in the spirit Rom. 2.28 There were two sorts of people that did call themselves Iews and were not but did lye 1. The Samaritans 2. They of Iudea and Ierusalem and both by their perverse carriages to Christ and the truth did blaspheme and dishonour the honourable name of a Iew. So among christians there are two sorts that wound this honourable name of christians who call themselves christian churches and are not but do wrong and blaspheme the honourable name of church and christians I mean the Romish Popish Synagogue and many of the pretended reformed churches The first like the Iews of old cry out The Temple of the Lord The Temple of the Lord O The Church The holy Catholique Church The Chaire of Peter The infallible Chair of Peter We are the only Spouse of Christ no salvation without our jurisdiction and yet who greater blasphemers reproachers and persecutors of the true christian churches and Saints then they And seeing they will not part with the Title of the church let them keep it but is such a one as is here mentioned the church or Synagogue of Satan not of Christ and as long as their Idolatries continue she will ever be a Babel not a Bethel counterfeit Iews no real spiritual ones christians only in Title and shew not in truth notwithstanding all their high pretentions and claimes to the contrary 2. So many of the pretended reformed christians cry out We are of the reformation we are baptised we are of the Lutheranes confession we are of the Calvinists and yet no Papist more blind more ignorant more vile more profane or greater enemies to Christ in the power of godliness The names titles and honour of christians they love they esteem they expect and yet who vainer who more profane more ungodly or less deserve it then they They are only nominal christians outward Iews but to the inward spiritual Iew who more strangers to it then they Let them therefore look to it notwithstanding their high and honourable affected titles least the spirit of God shall declare the very truth and manifest to all true christians that they are only seeming Iews and do lye
were as much hopes of us if we were altogether Romish then half Reformed as we are The reasons that this luke-warm temper is more blame-worthy and dangerous then coldness it self are First Because where there are most means of grace there should be greatest improvement Sin is more sinful where grace is more abounding the servant that knows his masters will and doth i● not is worthy of many stripes the sin of our first parents was the more aggravating being committed in paradice the fall of the Angels in heaven left them remediless and unpardonable and that idolatry of those twenty five men in Ezek. 8.16 between the Porch and the Altar was most detestable God would rather that his grace should not be known then that it should be neglected and despised he will be sanctified of all that come near unto him Therefore if Baal be God follow him why halt ye between both God hateth such scrupulous inquisition as if it were hard to determine which part to follow Secondly Because there are greater hopes of the conversion of the irreligious profane of the world if God shall be pleased to afford them the means then of the luke-warm christians who think all is well with them because of their moderation and peaceableness which indeed is honoured of the world and for some other external priviledges that they enjoy O! How hard a thing it is this day to perswade the moderate indifferent State-christians into the true power of godliness or unto a fervent zeal for God and his Truths they think they have enough in their birth-right church priviledges or common profession to make them everlastingly happy and therefore think they what need they trouble themselves more they never intended to take heaven by violence if it would descend unto them in a bed of Doune in an easie way then they would be in for it but if otherwise it be to be taken by striving and violence then let the violent take it for them they will have nothing more to do with it Therefore surely Publicans and Harlots shall sooner enter into the Kingdom of heaven then such easie luke-warm Professors who are neither hot nor cold I would they were hot or cold Vers 16. Therefore because thou art luke-warm and neither cold nor hot it will come to pass that I will spew thee out of my mouth The greatness of Laodicea's sin for her luke-warm temper appears by the severe punishment afflicted on her for the same one would have thought that luke-warmness being some degrees neerer unto heat then coldness should be somwhat more commendable as nearest unto heat yet they are equally abominable unto God for he will spue out all such indifferent Professors out of his mouth as offensive and nauseous to his stomack It is said by Naturalists That the stomack will rather admit of hot or cold things in it quietly then tepid or luke-warm by reason that it puts forth its digestive faculty more operative and effective towards such things in which work it is delighted but luke-warm things being near to its own natural heat and temper gives not so much delight unto it nor puts it so a working as the contrary quality does and therefore remains therein unconcocted and of easie egestion as by experiment of drinking warm water it appeareth If it be demanded who is to be spewed out The answer is ready Thou lukewarm Angel of Laodicea and thou lukewarm church of Laodicea for though the charge be directed to the particular Angels of each church yet the churches too being guilty of the same sins are under the same judgements and threats which are inscribed unto their Angels or Pastors and therefore there is still added as an Epiphonema to each Epistle He that hath an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches For the matter of their sin it is luke-warmness an indifferent disposition and temper in Religion which is neither hot nor cold which was opened in the last precedent verse and the danger thereof demonstrated accordingly but in this by the way I would be understood not that Christ simply alloweth coldness in Religion but only preferreth it before luke-warmness for the reasons before on the last verse expressed and we daylie see that God spareth longer notoriously wicked persons or those that are strangers from him altogether rather then the luke-warm Professors and this appears from God's long forbearance of the church of Rome who hath played egregiously the harlot and departed from the truth and yet flourisheth outwardly whiles the Reformed churches are corrected and chastised out of hand when they incline unto luke-warmness and indifferency in Religion Hence Note Observ God's judgements on luke-warm Christians are dreadfully judicious This appeareth if we consider but what Christ meaneth when he saith He will spew him out of his mouth by which is meant an utter casting out of this luke-warm church from her church-state and profession he will no longer entertain her as his candlestick but will discharge his care of her in that particular as a stomack-sick person with eating or drinking that which he loatheth desireth vomit to ease him of his sickness so Christ desireth to discharge his stomack his care his vigilance of this loathed luke-warm church 2. As meat once vomited up lies loathed and abhorred and never to be licked up again but by Dogs or Sows so this luke-warm church is to be spewed out as a loathed thing not that Christ would ever return to so unclean a thing again 3. As in vomiting an unclean place is sought for so Christ will seek for an unclean place to spew out those luke-warm Professors into He will make the place of their habitation a Cage of all unclean birds Ziim and Oiim shall dwell there Hath not Christ begun this work of spewing out of his mouth the luke-warm Prelatical church within our days How long did it lye as a loathed and indigested lump in the stomack of Christ before it came to egestion This was Christ's goodness long expecting repentance and thorow reformation from our churches who began in the days of Queen Elisabeth to be warm in Religion and never came to a farther degree then luke-warmness or a moderate civil State-religion and therefore Christ's stomack being long troubled with this undigested bit up it must come at last So it was in Germany in Bohemia the Palatinate Stiria Alsatia Austria and other Provinces there whiles God expected they should reform up to the pattern in the Mount they only stick'd to Luthers and Zuinglius first principles and moved no farther and withal abated so much of their first heat that they became luke-warm and indifferent to things of Religion as if Popery and Reformation were things indifferent and so clothed their reformed doctrines and worship with many of the Harlots raggs rites and trumperies for which tepid and mongrel disposition of theirs they were severely chastised by Christ and some of the churches quite spewed out of his
so called for on the performance of every condition by vertue of compact it hath a legal influence merit and causality unto the production of its end Neither indeed is there any such compact in the Word since the fall of Adam that on the performance of any conditions be they never so Evangelical as Faith Repentance c. Justification or life was promised thereupon only the condition of the old covenant between God and man was death upon disobedience and life upon obedience Man having forfeited the one by his disobedience Christ steps in as the Mediator of a better and surer covenant and makes his soul an offering unto death which was the full performance of the penal condition due unto the sinner and so absolutely purchased a blessed seed unto himself and on such stable conditions performed altogether by himself that they cannot possibly forfeit their inheritance being in so sure a hand and are still heirs though whiles under years they differ not from servants that is whiles under sin and unregeneracy are still in bondage until faith come to discover their heirship and interest unto the purchased possession and in the mean time by evil works they are as enemies strangers and aliens to God and the commonweal of Israel according to the old Legal distinction they have notwithstanding Jus ad Rem though not Jus in Re. And though I deny faith or repentance to be conditions properly so called in the covenant to life or justification yet I say they are required in the same new Law Covenant or Testament as conditions improperly so called or as conditions in order preceding one the other and as benefits of the same covenant But seeing the word condition is of late glown so rampant and overmuch perfumed with the Spiceries of Rome I shall willingly let it lie as that other term of merit which in their first births were more innocent and inoffensive and shall rather call them as duties and qualities required in the new covenant by Christ as necessary in all his redeemed ones to life and salvation And when I say they are duties necessary I would be understood not absolutely necessary but virtate precepti and virtute medii unto all such as are capable of their duties but not unto Infants or Idiots that want the use of reason for to believe and repent are acts of the will and understanding which Infants or Idiots are not capable of and therefore we exempt them from salvation dying so if the condition of faith was absolute and peremptory as Augustine once dreamed and therefore was called durus pater Infantum and all others must conclude the like harsh judgement on them also that hold actual faith and repentance as absolute necessary conditions unto justification and life But again If it were true what the Arminian says That none are saved but on the condition of the To credere or act of faith and none damned but for unbelief then I re-assume that some persons according to this are neither damned nor saved for Infants dying such as aforesaid cannot have by reason of their incapacity the act of faith nor unbelief which is a privation by refusal or resistance of the truth made manifest Indeed such absurdities do they incur that assert such absolute conditions in the covenant of grace to be done on man's part yet I say they are absolute and peremptory on Christ's part to be performed and he having fully finished all the conditions for his elect ones by his death though some of them dying Infants yet are saved by vertue of that everlasting covenant made with Christ in for and on the behalf of all his chosen ones of whom he will not lose one which the Father hath given him From this precedent discourse you may plainly conclude that though I grant repentance a necessary Gospel duty and for divers good ends it is ordained so yet do not in the least place it in any subordinate causality joyntly with Christ in the work of our salvation but only as our duty thorowfare or way thereunto commanded and instituted by Christ as part of his new Law that he himself might have the pre-eminence in all things and the name and glory alone of our salvation And this hereon shall suffice See more hereon v. 23. Observ 2. Another Note hence is That the doctrine of judgments and threats is a very useful Gospel doctrine When Christ hath passed with his doctrine of grace and offers a reconcilement freely if the sinner will but turn from his iniquities and repent and yet the sinner will refuse his gracious terms he hath another burden to tell him that after he hath refused so great salvation he can cast both soul and body into hell fire the most obdurate and incorrigible child must have the sharpest rod a smile or a love-token will work upon the ingenious but saith Solomon a rod is for the back of a fool Neither is judgement a strange work unto Christ for as he is related unto his church as a Saviour and a Father respecting his grace and loving kindness so he is as well a Judge and a Legislator and so may justly chastise his church as contemners and transgressors of his Royal Law If he calls us to repent which is part of his new covenant Law as he did the church of Ephesus and yet go on obstinately in sin justly may he remove his candlestick from amongst us If his Lamb-like quality of mercy and grace will not invite us to return he can roat as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah which will cause us to call upon the mountains to fall upon us and to hide us from the presence of the Lamb wherefore they are much mistaken that would shut out as useless the doctrine of threats and judgements from the Gospel which are to be preached soberly and conditional not peremptory and absolute for if there were not a curb and fear of loss and punishment the wanton straying soul would hardly be reclaimed though the more tender hearted the apprehension of grace and love might reclaim and mollifie Observ 3. Another Observation is To take off God's candlestick or to unchurch a Nation or people is the most grievous of all God's judgements Christ could not afflict the church of Ephesus with a greater loss then to remove his church from among them for hereby First Privatively His glory and special presence of grace and favour is withdrawn Secondly The guidance light and comfort of his holy Spirit is departed Thirdly His Ordinances are all defiled and vanished Fourthly His special protection is withdrawn also Fifthly and lastly Instead of his gracious presence they have his presence in wrath judgements and fiery indignations Instead of his Spirit of light and comfort they have the dismal spirit of darkness errour and despair instead of Christ's holy Ordinances they have the Divel's sacrifices and instead of God's special protection over them they are carried captives by Satan to all foul and
unclean lusts whatsoever This is the most sad condition when God does unchurch a people for their sins witness the habitation of these seven Asian churches wherein the Synagogue of Satan in Mahumatism and Heathenism is set up in the room of Christ's holy Doctrine and Ordinances and all for their impenitency and obstinacy in their loud crying abominations and therefore I cannot too often recognize this verse to backslidden souls Remember from whence thou art fallen and repent and do thy first works or else I will come against thee shortly and will remove thy Candlestick out of his place except thou repent Verse 6. But this thou hast that thou hatest the works of the Nicolaitans which I also hate Christ goes on and tells the church of Ephesus that though she was justly faulty for her defection in her first love yet she had this commendable point in her to be added unto her other commendable graces That she abhorred the abominations of the Nicolaitans both in judgment and practise which also was most hateful and abominable unto Christ himself Now the Sect of the Nicolaitans as all Ecclesiastique history testifies took the denomination from Nicholas a Deacon of Antioch but whether he was their leader himself or whether they falsly pretended him the first founder of their heresie is disputable Indeed Ireneus Tertullian and Epiphanius are of opinion that he himself was their leader yet Clemens Alexandrinus and Eusebius lib. 3. do say That the Nicolaitans had falsly pretended the name of Nicholas to their heresie as M. Baxter asserts in his book of Infidelity p. 132. However we see their heresies were abominable for Christ hated them and their heretical practises and opinions consisted as Antiquity testifies under the name of christians to hold and practise all manner of corporal obscenities and adulteries lawful and all manner of spiritual fornication and idolatries also and which they grounded on this wicked principle That there was no difference in good or evil but only in opinion and therefore took liberty to all sorts of wickednesses And that these were chief heads of their heresies is somwhat evident from verse 14 15. of this chapter where the doctrine of Balaam and Nicolaitans are joyned and compared Now we know that Balaam's wicked doctrine was To lay a stumbling block before the children of Israel to entice them to offend God both in corporal and spiritual whoredom in the business of Baal Peor that so by offending him they might perish Numb 25. compared to 31.16 The Nicolaitans were this false Prophet's true disciples and were true branches of the Gnosticks of old who pretended strange and unknown high mysteries and discoveries of light which plain and orthodox christians never heard of as many of the same spirit now a days pretend unto on purpose to amuse the simple and to draw them into the snare of Satan and how well these filthy dreamers amongst us do correspond with their elder Brethren the Nicholaitans compare the heresies and blasphemies of some of these times with that description of the Nicholaitans made by M. Baxter out of historical Antiquity page 129. of his said book of Infidelity speaking of the Nicholaitans whose inhumane filthiness saith he was such and their divelish conceits so many and vile that I will forbear to mention them only this They made themselves like Christ and some of them to be equal to him and some the same with him That good and evil differed not in deed but in mens opinions they worshipped Images they lived in such horrid ways in lust and filthiness as is not to be named Epiphanius himself unhappily fell in amongst them and knew their ways from their own mouths and actions but happily escaped when they would have drawn him to their lusts They have multitudes of amazing words and notions like our Behmenists that would bring a man into a suspition of witchcraft to read them They used witchcrafts and several sorts of inchantments and kept divels in familiarity with them that by their means they might encrease their knowledge and power Thus far M. Baxter And he professes afterward that it is not one nor two but all church histories of those times that makes mention of them do say the same things and if they will read Epiphanius himself who once fell in amongst them they will see much more Having thus far described the Nicholaitans and their heresies in the next place take this Note Observ That the more pure sound and undefiled the church is the divel is most solicitous to raise heresies and schisms in it How busie the divel was in those Asian churches in the Apostles times to bring in the foul heresies of the Nicolaitans the doctrines of Balaam and Jezabel if possibly he could so to entice them to sin against their God that he might have his purpose on them but when the church became more corrupted tyrannical and antichristianized under the headship of the Bishop of Rome their heresies were less and their schismes fewer then in the primitive purer times for Satan would rather hereticate and poyson the whole then a part and indeed the divel has his designe accomplished when he sees a church rushing onward to their own destruction by the multitude of their corruptions and amongst such he hath no need to lay any of his stratagems of heresies and schisms but only to let them in peace and security and they will hasten on fast enough unto their own destruction Therefore hence unto me it is a good argument that we have true and faithful churches of Christ amongst us and that the true doctrine of the Gospel is sincerely preached and taught amongst our churches or else Satan the envious one would not be so ready to sow also his tares of heresies and errour as he does at present amongst us to overthrow if he may our hopes and harvest It seems to me but a sad saying when some Ministers affirm they give thanks to God that their churches are not troubled with the heresies of the times though I confess heresies are great evils and to be fervently deprecated from all Christ's flocks yet when they say they are all at peace it is much to be feared that there is another strong man keeping the house besides Christ for be sure when Christ comes to bruise Satan's head he will bite Christ's heel and no sooner is the man-child Christ born in the souls of his faithful ones but the Dragon will presently send forth floods of water of heresies errours and persecutions if possibly to destroy both it and them Rev. 12.15 and this proceeds from that everlasting enmity set between the seed of the woman and the seed of the Serpent even from the beginning Gen. 3.15 and will continue until he be bound up in everlasting chains of darkness and therefore the purer the church is the busier will Satan be to undermine them if he may Observ 2. Another Note is That all heresie is defiling and abominable
then what Magistrates as such can take cognizance of 1 Tim. 1.20 Mat. 18.17 1 Cor. 5.4 5. and by those Laws in the Apostles and Primitive times were errors depressed and punished and not by the Laws of Magistrates there was no appealing unto Cesar for this work Object But some Erastianizing or rather sycophantizing Doctors of these days that are willing and ready to gratifie the Magistrate with a boon more then is justly due unto him comes and objects Is not the Magistrate subordinate as unto Christ as Mediator to make Laws for him and to rule next and immediate under him in his church Answ Indeed this objection was of some weight when by Act of Parliament Henry 8. was made Supreme Head of the church and whilst the sound thereof was continued down to his Successors even till ten years since in the constant publique prayers for a blessing on the chief Magistrate under the Title of the Supreme Head of the church next and immediate under Christ Then I say this objection was somwhat but now it is judged to savour of too much levity and ostentation Secondly But to answer more fully I grant that all Magistrates are subordinate unto Christ not only by the law of creation and gubernation by which as God he rules the whole Universe but also by the law of Redemption and his Mediatorship so by him Kings reigne and decree justice If Christ had not died there had been no King or Subject in the whole world There 's a common temporal salvation attain'd for all by the death of Christ all had so died if Christ had not died Many have benefit by the death of Christ this way in a temporal salvation which shall never taste the benefit of Christ's death savingly or eternally Christ is a Saviour of all but especially of those that believe So I say all Soveraign Authorities in the world have a being by vertue of Christ's death and Mediatorship and by vertue of that purchase are subordinate unto him holding their Kingdoms and Principalities as in chief from him for all power is given unto him as a reward of his sufferings and the travels of his soul both in heaven and in earth Matth. 28.18 In heaven over the Saints militant and tryumphant and in earth over all Powers and principalities thereof So that Christ hath at present a two-fold kingdom and people to govern and rule the one is of the world and the Nations thereof which now he governs and rules only providentially by placing Kings and Princes over them to rule and reigne next and immediate under him by laws which the Legislators conceive most conducing to the well-being of their States and Kingdoms and herein Christ's concurrence is no more but in common providence and preservation which he exercises equally towards all the works of his creation and redemption But he hath another Kingdom and people to rule and govern which are a spiritual people his church which were the main and principal purchase of his death Christ hath another eye a more distinguishing respect to those then to the others and therefore more especially he provides for them to reigne and rule over them with special and peculiar Laws suiting to their spiritual conditions not that Christ exempts them from the wholsome temporal laws of Magistrates but that he suits them laws and ordinances fit for his own body whereof he himself is Head influendo infundendo And for this spiritual body and oeconomy Christ hath his Laws his Ordinances and his subordinate Officers which are for the perfecting of the body till all come to the unity of the faith unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ Eph. 4.12 And amongst the whole catalogue of Christ's Officers we can find no mention of King Prince or Parliament that are ordained to such a work and therefore sure their work is another work then to make Laws for so spiritual a people as Christ's church is they are to hear no other voice but their masters nor to derogate so far from their spiritual Head Lord and Soveraign as to suffer any to reigne and rule over them in this spiritual oeconomy but him alone who hath his Laws his Ordinances his Officers to which they must obey and he substitutes none next and immediate under him in this his dispensatory Kingdom of Grace but his Vicar general the holy Spirit which doth virtuate all his holy Laws and Ordinances unto their ends And therefore such Powers of the world as go about as subordinate to Christ to make and impose Laws on the church of Christ should as soon attempt to give Laws and Ordinances to the Stars of heaven for though they are creatures of this world yet too high for their laws to reach so are the other Stars God's churches for they are from heaven and born from above neither are they of this world and therefore how vain and absurd it is for the Magistracy of this world to make laws and rules for them that have their conversation in heaven and live in another world they live in heaven and by heavenly laws they are governed their life is hid with God in Christ and Christ's Edicts they only hear and follow They live in a spiritual blessed state and nothing but spiritual Laws will they hearken to Their lot is fallen into an Utopia and none but Utopian laws shall be their rules But if they fall as men let the laws of men take hold upon them Though man cannot make Laws sutable to the Saints conditions yet it the Saints transgress the wholesom Ordinances of man they shall justly suffer as men and not as Saints for in things honest and indifferent the canon is universal Let every soul be subject to the higher Powers whether Saint or other Therefore give God his due and Cesar his Vers 8. I know thy works behold I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it for thou hast a little strength and hast kept my Word and hast not denyed my Name Christ comes to a narration of the gracious works of the church of Philadelphia and first tolls what he hath done for her Behold I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it As if Christ had said Behold I have given thee a fair opportunity and access to the knowledg of my Gospel and to preach the same to others and none shall be ever able to bereave or hide the same from thee any more for an open door is either put for the power of preaching the Gospel Col. 4.13 as the Apostle Paul would have the Colossians to pray earnestly to God for him That God would open a door of speech unto him Or secondly For a readiness of the reception of the Gospel as Paul in 1. Cor. 16.9 A great and effectual door is opened unto me and 2 Cor. 2.12 And this door is opened when mens hearts are opened as was Lidias ready to
receive the truth revealed by the Spirit of Truth The church of Philadelphia may be said to have this double door opened a free power given her by Christ to preach the Gospel and ready and willing hearts to receive it which no man should be able to take away from her for it is the great Key-bearer of David himself that hath opened it and maugre all the malice of devils and wicked men in their hellish designs it can never be obscured and shut up more Hence Note Observ That it is Christ alone that vouchsafes and gives fair opportunities and accesses to preach the Gospel and opens the hearts of the hearers for a kindly entertainment of it also 'T is not the force of man's wit conceit or eloquence of words will open this door either to one self or others Christ must first open and give a door of utterance or else the tongue will be as dumb as Zachariah's before John was born unto all Gospel mysteries Next the hearers will be as deaf unto the sound thereof as dumb unto the utterance of it before the Spirit comes and works kindly on their hearts to a fruitful reception thereof How possibly else could twelve plain Tradesmen Mechanicks Fishermen c. go on with that boldness in preaching the Gospel and have that door of utterance and entertainment almost in the whole world amongst inveterate and malicious enemies of God and Christ if the great Key-bearer of David had not touched their tongues and unshut their mouths and t●● hearts of their hearers both at once the one with a power of speaking the other with a power and willingness of hearing receiving and treasuring up what they had heard and learned What a large door hath Christ laid open since the first days of reformation to this present day This could never be attained unto by the power of man but by Christ who by weak and despicable things and persons hath confounded the wise and mighty of the antichristian world as Luther was wont to say consider with what weapons I have overcome their errors I have never touched them with a finger but Christ hath destroyed them all with the Spirit of his mouth i. e. the word of his Gospel What doings what imprisonings what finings what punishments what tortures what punishments what deaths did the old Popish Doctors and clergy and of late the prelatical Bishops raise and invent to shut up this door that Christ had opened to his faithful witnesses in this land and yet what did they prevail and get thereby but by dashing themselves against the corner stone and by endeavouring to suffocate and shut up the true light became themselves the children of darkness and broke themselves to pieces against the corner stone and became the scorn of the whole world And if such endeavours are again set on foot against Christ's faithful witnesses to shut that door which Christ hath laid open to them let the experience of the time past towards the Prelatical persons and others of the same stamp be a curb unto such undertakers and an encouragement to all his faithful ones that they need not fear the reproaches or actings of men against them for it is Christ that hath opened a door unto them and no man shall shut it For thou hast a little strength and hast kept my word and hast not denyed my name These words are no diminution to the praise of the church of Philadelphia for having a little strength for the sense runs thus Because though thy strength be but small and thy gifts be but low in respect of others yet thou hast well improved those which thou hast and hast maintained my truth and hast not denyed my name This manner of speaking is usual among the Hebrews who put the coupling particle and for the disjunctive thou●h or yet This is called little strength not in opposition of much corruption that reigned in Philadelphia as Sardis that had but a few names alive because the greatest part were dead but this is called little strength being apparently no great strength comparatively to what others had and that God had given her for her talent which she improving and putting to profitable uses according to the parable Matth. 25. and therefore of all the seven churches this is most commended of God and in nothing reproved by him Hence Note Observ That a small Talent well improved is followed both by a benediction and a commendation from God himself The Parable in Mat●h 25. confirms this where he that encreases his Talent is made owner of more and Governour of many Cities This church of Philadelphia bears the name from all her Sisters for her proficiency in the Truths of Christ Though her strength was not so great nor her profession and abilities seemed so high as the rest yet she was more fruitful then the rest and therefore she surpasses them all and hath the greatest portion and blessing given her then to any other and so becoms the only daughter of her mother the peerless Sister of the seven Have not of late many low despicable churches and persons for well improving their small Talents became fragrant gardens and eminent workmen in God's Vineyard whiles others of higher profession parts and abilities for want of husbanding their Talents both lost their Talents and became barren Desarts and like unsavoury Salt fit only to be cast into the Dunghil Though my years be but few and my experience small yet for want of this improvement I have known great Doctors to become Wittalls in the things of Christ and on the other hand children and babes by bettering of their Talents though but of small and of a little strength and as but a Mustard-seed in the beginning yet to become sound Doctors in the church of Christ and at last to grow up as great Trees in the Vineyard of God whereunto the Birds of the Ayr may fly for shelter Vers 9. Behold I will make them of the Sinagogue of Satan which call themselves Jews and are not but do lye Behold I say I will make them that they shall come and worship before thy feet and they shall know that I have loved thee By this double remarkable Asterisme or twice repeated Note of attention Behold In one verse Christ is about to bring to pass some notable worke in his church and what is it but to make the perverse Iews that troubled the peace of the churches in blaspheming the truths of Christ and endeavouring to bring afflictions and tribulations on the true Professors thereof but to make them stoop to the Scepter of Christ and to make them worship him before their feet to make them one flock and one church and to make them know that this Christ and this church whom they have vilified blasphemed and persecuted to be the only special object of God's Law and the only way and means to salvation and eternal life But to explicate the words more fully Behold I will make them of