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B22610 Etmullerus abridg'd: or, A compleat system of the theory and practice of physic. Being a description of all diseases incident to men, women and children. With an account of their causes, symptoms, and most approved methods of cure, physical and chirurgical. To which is prefix'd a short view of the animal and vital functions; and the several vertues and classes of med'cines. Translated from the last edition of the works of Michael Etmullerus, late professor of physic in the University of Leiptsich; Opera omnia: nempe, instutionis medicinæ. Abridgments. Ettmüller, Michael, 1644-1683. 1699 (1699) Wing E3385A 488,676 677

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hungry Habitations to a fat Pasture In particular she ought to avoid Acids Sweetmeats Cheese Wine Summer-fruits or whatever is apt to curdle and clot the Milk And as her Diet ought to be clean and regular so she ought to preserve a calm dispassionat temper of Mind since Fear Anger and Grief clot the Milk by diverting and withdrawing the Spirits that should keep up its equal temperature Nay the influence of Fear and other Passions is visible in the natural Marks that are intail'd to Children in the Mother's Womb by the violent Motion of the Mother's Spirits determin'd upon one part and by the way these Marks are cur'd by applying frequently a hot bloody Secundine or Clouts dip'd in Menstrual Blood and the touch of a dead Child's hand Some apply Clouts dip'd in the Blood of Toads or Fernelius's Aqua Divina or in case of extremity cut 'em off If Fear or Passion actually prevail and cause the Coagulation of Milk let the deprav'd Milk be first suck'd out by a Puppy and the Medicines recommended against the same Symptoms in the foregoing Book be exhibited before the Child be admitted to suck In general the curdling of the Milk is best prevented by eating Anise and Fennel-seeds after Meals and abstaining from cold drink or avoiding any external Cold especially by diverting the menstrual Purgation and shunning the Emotions of Venery which by curdling the Milk in the Child 's Stomac frequently entail to it an Antipathy against Cheese as being a natural resemblance of the curdled Milk that was wont to annoy it After the Child has suck'd about a year it ought to be weaned especially a little after the Equinoxes during the increase of the Moon The chief Inconvenience Children are liable to is drinking in the Nighttime which swells up their Belly and occasions Loosenesses and many other bad Symptoms To prevent this let the Essence of Wormwood be mix'd with their drink or if these Evils prevail already exhibit a little Spanish Wine and apply Aromatic Bags to the Belly Besides as for the other Food of young Children it ought to consist of white Bread dry'd and beaten small Yelks of Eggs and Aniseed boil'd in Milk or Water to the Consistence of a thin Pulp That which is commonly made of Flower and Milk or Water is fitter for Paste than any thing else for it lies heavy in the Child 's Stomac and degenerats into a viscous tough Crudity whereas the Bread being already fermented is sooner and more easily digested 'T is customary among Nurses to attenuate the Child's Food in their own Mouths before they give it and indeed 't is true that a healthy Nurses Spittle is of use for promoting the quick Digestion But if scorbutic Salts be lodg'd in her Gums or if a Cacochymy prevail in her Body it is too apt a Vehicle for conveying a morbifical Tincture into the Child's Body These premises if duly weigh'd will furnish us with a distinct Idea of the Causes of Childrens Diseases The Excrements retained and vicious Milk or Pap receiv'd into the Stomac degenerat into an acid Crudity which if imprison'd in a viscid Vehicle displays its force within and if diluted with a thinner Serum breaks out upon the Skin in various Eruptions From this Source it were easy to derive all the particular Diseases of Children their violent Gripings and voiding of discolor'd Excrements the generation of Wind and distention of the Belly Vomiting and Inappetency Hiccough Watchings Convulsions and the numberless Train of cuticular Eruptions or aches on the Skin occasion'd partly by the Efflux of a ferous acid and partly by a want of due transpiration which obliges it to stagnat in the out parts Now forasmuch as all these Diseases of Children are deriv'd from one Cause and consequently demand the same Method of Cure 't will be needless to trace every distinct Symptom apart and therefore we shall content our selves with a general Account of the Method of Cure And indeed if the foregoing Hypothesis be duly considered and understood 't will be an obvious Consequence that the Basis of the Cure falls upon Alcalies or such Medicines as discuss a viscid Crudity and imbibe an acid These are first the volatil Alkalies especially the Spirit of Sal Armoniac succinat which tho dreaded by some is recommended by experience as an incomparable Medicine for Children 'T is given in the Mother's Milk or in Mint or Fennel-water To this Class we may join oily Aromatics as Aniseed given in Pouder to half a Dram Castor Myrrh and Elixir Proprietatis prepar'd without Acids In the second Rank we place the fix'd absorbent Alcalies viz. Coral Crabs-eyes Pearl Sea Horse-teeth Ivory Bezoar-stone To which we may add the Tincture of Tartar or that of the Dross of the Regulus of Antimony and Venice Triacle or Mithridate given to two Grains stronger Narcotics and more generous Medicines being improper As for example Take of prepar'd Crabs-eyes half a Dram Hartshorn prepar'd without fire half a Dram prepar'd red Coral half a Scruple choice Myrrh six or nine Grains Venice Triacle three or four Grains distill'd Oil of Anise three or six Drops Make a Pouder Or Take of Hartshorn prepar'd without Fire a Scruple Crabs-eyes and red Coral of each half a Scruple volatil Salt of Hartshorn six Grains Venice Triacle four Grains choice Myrrh three Grains Make a Pouder of which give a convenient quantity in Milk or Pap. Take of Elder-flower-water two Ounces Spirit of Sal Armoniac fifteen Drops Hartshorn prepar'd without Fire the Jaw-bone of a Pike and prepar'd Unicorn of each half a Scruple Syrup of Poppies two Drams Make a Potion to be given by little Spoonfuls Now the acid Crudity being thus subdu'd and prepar'd it remains only to make Provision for its Evacuation first by Clysters of the Decoction of Chamomil-flowers mix'd with Salt of Tartar Hony of Rue and Oil of Anise or those of Milk with Turpentin dissolv'd by the Yelk of an Egg or in a difficult Case thus Take of the Decoction of Carminative Ingredients with Salt of Tartar two Ounces Sala's Emetic Syrup two Drams Hony of Roses two Drams Make a Clyster If a viscid Slime stuff the Breast we may exhibit for a Potion three Drams of Hyssop Water half a Dram of the Syrup of Tobacco and a Scruple of Sala's Emetic Syrup mix'd or half an Ounce of Mint-water with half a Dram of the Emetic Syrup As for Purgatives take what follows Take of the Solutive Syrup of Roses two Drams prepar'd Crabs-eyes half a Dram prepar'd red Coral twelve Grains With a few Drops of the Spirit of Anis make a Mixture Or Take of the Pouder of Jalap six Grains Tartar vitriolat half a Scruple Make a Pouder Manna given to two or four Drams in Breast-milk or Pap is also a good Laxative But above all sweet Mercury is the most effectual Correcter and Evacuater of acid viscous Humours especially upon the approach of the Small Pox or Measles 'T is given
state of the nutritious balmy Juice which alone is able to consolidate and repair the loss They are prescrib'd in these or the like Forms First Internally Take of River-Crabs in number twelve Comfry-roots an Ounce Leaves of Bugloss and Ground-Ivy and Tops of St. John's-wort of each a handful Boil them in Water and Wine and sweeten the strain'd Decoction with the Syrup of Ground-Ivy and if a nervous part be wounded add Oil of Amber Dose six Ounces twice a day Note 1. The simple vulnerary Medicines are best Therefore Crabs-eyes and Diaphoretic Antimony in Feavers Antimonial Nitre and in nervous Wounds the Oil or Spirit of Amber are sufficient for internal use Note 2. When any heterogeneous Matter is lodg'd within the Wound or when 't is very foul we add to such Decoctions Savin Mugwort Speedwel Agrimony c. and when the Wound is sufficiently cleans'd leave 'em out Secondly Vulnerary Medicines are prescrib'd for Injections As Take of the Herbs Speedwel Winter-green Sanicle and Tobacco leaves of each two handfuls Dog's Dung four Ounces Boil them in Water Add to the strain'd Liquor Spirit of Wine with Hony and wash the Wound with the Mixture Thirdly They 're prescrib'd in the Forms of Oils or Balsams to be drop'd into the Wound of which the Oil of St. John's wore Balsam of Sulphur or that of Peru and especially Capaivi are infinitely the best Fourthly Ointments As Take of Benzoin an Ounce Spirit of Wine an Ounce and a half Mastic a Dram of the black Balsam half an Ounce Make a Liniment Or Take of Ear-wax two Drams Sugar of Lead two Drams With the express'd Oil of Walnuts make an Ointment Note 1. Ear-wax is of peculiar use for Wounds of nervous parts 2. Spirit of Wine not over-rectify'd is of admirable Efficacy for preventing Corruption and Consolidating Hence Venice Triacle mix'd with it and applied to the Wound is much approv'd Fifthly Plaisters of which Paracelsus's Oppodeldoch and Crollius's Styptic Plaister are the best Some pretend to cure Wounds by Sympathy as by mixing the Blood of the Wound with the Vitriol of Copper calcin'd by the Sun or by applying Arsmart to the Wound it being first dip'd in cold Water and then removing it from the Wound while 't is hot and burying it in a Dunghil But the Colcothar of Vitriol wash'd and dissolv'd infus'd or boil'd in Wine for washing the Wound is certainly a useful Medicine The general Cure of Wounds being thus premis'd we come next to consider some particular sorts as 1. Bruises or those which partake of Contusion If the Contusion be very considerable 't will be needful to scarify the Wound if not the common Digestives and suppurating Medicines will sufficiently cleanse it to which we may add the Oil of Wax express'd Oil of St. John's-wort and the Plaister of Cummin Towards the end of the Cure we may apply the Spirit of Sal Armoniac distill'd with Quick-lime Of this Nature are the Wounds receiv'd from Guns for so much as Bullets tear and bruise wherever they come in curing them we ought first to promote Suppuration by applying Tents dip'd in Spirit of Wine and cover'd with the following Liniment Take of the Oil of White Lillies four Pound boil two Puppies in it till their Bones be dissolv'd then add of Earth-worms boil'd in Wine a Pound Boil them together and when the Liquor is strain'd add Venice Turpentin three Gunces Spirit of Wine an Ounce and a half Make a Liniment After Suppuration is obtain'd let the Wound be cleans'd with the following Ointment Take of Venice Turpentin five Ounces Oil of Roses an Ounce Hony of Roses strain'd three Ounces Myrrh Aloes Mastic and round-rooted Birth-wort of each half a Dram Flower of Barly three or four Drams Make an Ointment to be sprinkled with Spirit of Wine If the Part be much corrupted we may add precipitat Mercury If the Bones be seiz'd with Aches after they 're cur'd as it sometimes happens in these Wounds anoint 'em with the Oil of Turpentin If when the Wound was receiv'd the Gun was very near the Person the wounded part will be likewise burnt in which case Quick-lime-water with the Juice of River-Crabs and Phlegm of Allum is very useful 2. Malignant and venomous Wounds The Causes are a poisoned Instrument or the biting of an angry or mad Animal The Symptoms are an unaccountable Pain sudden blewness or blackness of the Part and its tendency to a Gangrene difficulty of Breathing cold Sweats Swoonings Headaches c. If the Wound be deep it must be scarify'd and Venice Triacle with Spirit of Wine applied to it If it was caus'd by the biting of a Viper apply a living Toad bruis'd or the Pouder of a dry'd Toad in Vinegar and touch the part with a hot Iron but so as not to burn it and exhibit Urine to drink For the Bites of mad Dogs c. apply the Stone of an Indian Serpent or in want of that Sala's Magnetic Plaister mix'd with the Pouder of River-Crabs or a Cataplasm of Onyons Garlic Venice Triacle and Yest After the Poison is extracted we apply Digestives as above Wounds receiv'd by poysoned Darts c. are cur'd after the same manner In the mean while we administer internally Venice Triacle Diaphoretic Antimony c. with distill'd Vinegar 3. Wounds of Veins and Arteries In which the most pressing Indication is to stop the Bleeding For this end we apply styptic Liquors of the Solution of the Vitriol of Steel mix'd with a half quantity of the Solution of Allum in some Astringent Vehicle or a mixture of strong Vinegar Crocus of Steel and the dulcify'd Caput Mortuum of Vitriol or above all the Moss of a dead Man's Scull or the Mushroom call'd Crepitus Lupi tied very hard to the part If the bleeding be obstinat and if there be no Nerves or Tendons in the way we apply a Caustic of Vitriol calcin'd till it become white mix'd with Crepitus Lupi For Amputations Ligatures are of very good use Internally we exhibit nitrous Acids with Astringent Tinctures But in the mean while the Patient must carefully avoid all Emotions either of Body or Mind 4. Wounds of the Nerves or nervous Parts are very dangerous by reason of their liableness to Convulsions Inflammations Gangrenes c. If a Nerve or Tendon be prick'd drop into it the distill'd Oil of Turpentin mix'd with Spirit of Wine and Camphyr or Euphorbium If a Nerve or Tendon be cut across avoid all Tents and express'd Oils or fat Ingredients and apply volatil vulnerary Balsams sharpen'd with the distill'd Oil of Amber or the Pouder of Earthworms mix'd with Turpentin or the Pouder of Snake's Cast-Coats mix'd with that of Crabs-eyes or a Mixture of the Oil of Earthworms Oil of Foxes Man's Fat and Juice of Earthworms rubbing the whole Interval betwixt the wounded part and the Original of the Nerve Sometimes when Tendons are cut across they may be few'd together with a fine Needle according to the
qualities of the morbific matter These you may expect in the separat and particular description of every disease and the method of its Cure SECT III. Of Acid Alcalin Pituitous and Sercus Cacochymies or Corruptions of the Juices in the Body IF the Indisposition be owing to a prevailing Acid it ought to be Corrected by Alcali's These may be divided into the Vegetable Animal and Mineral Classes The Vegetable furnishes us with the Vrinous and Ashy Salts of Wormwood Centaury c. Which destroy the Acid and transform it into another concrete With Spices Aromatic herbs such as Mint Fennel c. And Oyly Sulphureous medicines that take off the edge of the Acid Parts Some of these are prepared by Distillation and some by Expression but the former are more effectual such as Spirit of Wine Water-Cresses Scurvy-Grass c. And the Distill'd Oyls of Mace Cloves c. Camphyr and its Productions belong to this Family In the Animal Class we have the Spirits and Volatil Salts extracted from the parts of Animals Such as the Spirits of Hartshorn Vrine Sal armoniac c. Which are of great use in all Acid Constitutions The hard and friable Parts of Animals are likewise very proper As Crabs Eyes Burnt Hartshorn c. The Mineral Province affords us very Powerful Medicines not Inferior to those of the other two Such as are Diaphoretic Antimony and the fix'd Sulphurs of other Minerals Earths Stones and Mettals as Chalk seal'd Earth and several Metallic Productions Whatever partakes of Gold or Silver is of noted excellency in subduing the inveterat Acids that proceed from Wine and are peculiar to Gouty Constitutions Lead and its Salt call'd Saccharum Saturni have that property of assuming a sweet taste when they meet with Acids and are thereupon Intitled to the Character of Alkali's But above all Steel may justly claim a preference And all remedies that have it for their Basis are certianly the most Sovereign Conquerors of Acids These are the remedies we use for Correcting Acids in General which may be prescrib'd after this or the like manner Take of prepar'd Crabs Eyes Red Coral prepar'd burnt Hartshorn of each a scruple Salt of Tartar and Wormwood of each fifteen Grains distill'd Oyl of Cloves and Cumin of each twelve drops and four or five Grains of Laudanum Opiatum Prepar'd by fermentation Mix all together It will make a Powder for six or seven Doses Or Take of Crabs Eyes prepar'd a Dram and a half Vnicorn Mineral Red Coral prepar'd and burnt Hartshorn of each half a Dram. Salt of Wormwood a Dram. Powder of Nutmegs two scruples Mix all and use it as the former Powder Or Take of Prepar'd Crabs Eyes a Dram Cuttle-bone half a Dram red Coral Prepar'd and Chalk of each a scruple Salt of Wormwood two Scruples Nutmegs half a Dram. Make a Powder to be us'd as before Or Take of burnt Hartshorn or pr●par'd Spodium half a Dram Red Coral Salt Prunel and seal'd Earth or Salt of Wormwood of each half a scruple make a Powder as before These are to be us'd before Evacuation in order to qualify and prepare the peccant Acid. Take Salt of Wormwood and Crabs Eyes prepar'd of each half a Dram. Make a Powder for two Doses Take of Carduus Benedictus and Fennel Water of each an Ounce and a half Spirit of Sal armoniac a Dram and a half Crabs Eyes and Red Coral prepar'd of each fifteen Grains Salt of Fumitory twelve Grains distill'd Oyl of Cloves Six drops Syrrup of Mint one Ounce Mix them for a draught These are the common forms of Recipe's against Acids in General but steel is a peculiar specific for subduing an Acid in the first Passages Sometimes we meet with an Austere Hypochondriac or Hysteric Acid which requires Volatil remedies They may be prescrib'd in this or the like form Take Marjoram Water Mint or Rosemary Water of each an Ounce and a half or two Ounces Aquae Vita Matthioli from three to six Drams Essence of Castor a Dram and a half Spirit of Sal armoniac or instead of it Spirit of Hartshorn with Amber from half a Dram to a Dram Syrup of Fumitory from half an Ounce to six Drams Mix all together and give a spoonful often Sometimes we add fifteen or twenty four Grains of Red Coral and Crabs Eyes or three or six drops of the distill'd Oyl of Cloves An Alcalin Depravation must be cur'd by Acids The vegetable Acids are Vinegar Juice of Citrons Berberis Quenches c. The Acid Spirits are commonly extracted from Minerals as the Spirit of Salt Vitriol and Nitre which last if dulcify'd with Spirit of Wine is of excellent use in a redundancy of Choler It allays the Saline sharpness and fixes that Volatil mobility which occasions preternatural Commotions Mineral and Metalline Sulphurs mix'd with Nitre are very proper on the same occasion Such as are Antimony Diaphoretic and Bezoar Mineral which qualifie the sharp and curb the inflammable Particles They are likewise Pacific and Evacuate the Particles thus fix'd and corrected by the pores of the skin Neither are the Composing Medicines that partake of Opium to be neglected in this case 'T is true their cure is but Palliative but the service they do in Composing the Spirits and Quelling all irregular motions do sufficiently justify their use All Acid remedies augment the quantity of Acids in the Body The Aromatic and Spirituous Liquors the Volatil Salts as well sharp as Oyly and the bitter Ingredients which we generally exhibit in Intermitting Feavers are all effectual restorers of the Volatil Oyly Salt in the blood and consequently of the Choler which it produces If a sharp Volatil and Choleric Salt Reign in the Body it commonly produces Thirst Choleric Loosenesses and such like symptoms that attend burning Feavers The following prescriptions are usual in that case Take of Tartar Vitriolated one Dram the Salt call'd Arcanum Duplicatum half a Dram or two Scruples Bezoar Mineral one Scruple Make a Powder for three Doses Or Take of Nitre Prepar'd with Antimony or Arcanum Duplicatum half a Dram Bezoar Mineral one Scruple Mix them for two Doses Or Take of Nitre Prepar'd with Antimony half a Dram Arcanum Duplicatum Fifteen Crains or one Scruple Mix for a Powder Take Powder of Ivory and Liverwort of each half a Dram. Mix them for two Doses Take Powder of Liverwort two Scruples Crabs Eyes Prepar'd one Scruple Make a Powder to be divided into three Parts These Prescriptions are very useful before Evacuation where an Oyly Volatil Salt prevails Take Sorrel and Rasberry Water of each an Ounce and a half fresh Juice of Citrons or Quinces one Ounce Diaphoretic Antimony from one Scruple to one Dram. Bezoar Mineral from half a Scruple to a whole one Syrup of Rasberries six Drams or one Ounce With a convenient quantity of the Spirit of Nitre dulcified make a Julep Dose two spoonfuls Take of Rasberry Water three Ounces Juice of Rasberries three Drams Diaphoretic Antimony
one Dram. Syrup of Rasberries half an Ounce With the Spirit of Vitriol as much as sufficeth for a grateful sharpness Make a Julep Thus I have hinted at the general Cures of Alcaline and Acid Corruptions Besides these already mention'd there are some Universal Remedies not confin'd to either side but useful in both Cases These are Emulsions extracted from the Milky Seeds the distill'd Oyls of Vegetables Gums Mucilages and the Sulphurous Productions of Minerals which are all of a temperate Nature and equally remov'd from either extreme A Pituitous Cacechymy must be cur'd by Altering Attenuating and Resolving remedies Namely Alcali Salts as well fix'd as Volatil the more penetrating Gums and Generous Aromatics The Morbific matter being viscid and tough must be prepar'd and digested before we attempt any Evacuation The common forms for Digestives are as follows Take of Tartar Vitriolated and the Salt call'd Digestivum Hypochondriacum of each fifteen Grains Salt of Wormwood and of Carduus Benedictus of each half a Scruple Mix for a Powder to be divided into two parts Or Take of Tartar Vitriolated one Dram Salt of Carduus Benedictus half a Dram flowers of Sal armoniac fifteen Grains Mix them together and divide the Powder into three Doses Or Take of Tartar Vitriolated half a Dram Crabs Eyes prepar'd one Scruple Salt of Tartar half a Scruple Mix them for two Doses Take Tartar Vitriolated half a Dram Salt of Wormwood Crabs Eyes prepar'd of each fourteen Grains Make a Powder to be divided into three or four Doses Take of the Cream of Tartar one Dram Tartar Vitriolated half a Dram Salt of Wormwood and Cichory of each half a Scruple Make a Powder and divide it into three equal parts These Powders must be exhibited a Day or two before Evacuation The following Powder is to be taken twice a Day in the Morning before Dinner and in the Afternoon two or three hours before Supper Take of Sal armoniac depurated a Dram and a half Mastic half a Dram Cinnamom a Scruple Salt of Wormwood six Grains Mix them and use as before directed If Liquid forms are more acceptable they may be prescrib'd thus Take of Mint Water one Ounce the Salt call'd Arcanum Duplicatum one Scruple Crabs Eyes prepar'd half a Scruple Salt of Tartar five Grains Syrup of Hyssop half an Ounce Mix them for a draught Or thus Take of Mint Water two Ounces Cinnamom Water six Drams Gum Ammoniac dissolv'd in Vinegar one Dram Tartar Vitriolated one Scruple Syrup of Roses one Ounce Mix them for two or three Doses A Serous Cacochymy is remov'd by the use of such remedies as alter the vicious serum and evacuate it These last mention'd are the subject of the ensuing Paragraph SECT IV. Of the Medicines that evacuate the Corrupt Juices of the Body AFter the use of altering Medicines 't is a proper season to exhibit those that evacuate the prepar'd humors They are distributed into five Classes The first contains those which operate by Vomiting The Second those which move the Belly and perform their office by stool Those of the Third pass by Urine The Fourth by the Pores of the Skin And Lastly the Fifth is allotted to the Medicines which evacuate by Salivation This last Class I have taken notice of elsewhere but the other four I shall briefly run over CHAP. I. Of Vomiting Medicines THE Animal Family affords no Vomits that I know of except the Pairings of the Nails of Human Bodies Which we infuse in generous Wine over Night and in the Morning give the strain'd Liquor to Drink 'T is an excellent Vomit Among the Vegetables Asarabacca is the safest and most successful Vomit Dioscorides and the Ancients were not Ignorant of its efficacy It Enjoys a sharp pungent salt resembling that of Ginger and Zedoary which provokes Urine Corrects the causes of Chronical distempers and irritates the Fibres of the Stomach I have known Inveterat Tertian and Quartan feavers cur'd by the use of Asarabecca with white Pepper that would not yield to any other Medicines It may be given by way of Powder Infusion or Decoction If it be exhibited in form of a Powder it ought to be Pounded very fine for the grosser Particles cannot enter into the Pleats of the Stomach and being eluded there procure to themselves a Passage by Stool Its Dose is from half a Dram to a whole Dram. For a gentle Infusion we take Nine or Ten Green Leaves of Asarabecca and chop 'em small and infuse them for the space of a Night in four Ounces of Carduns Benedictus Water and half an Ounce of Mead. In the morning let the strain'd Liquor be exhibited 'T is a gentle Vomit For a stronger Infusion take Nine Green Leaves of Asarabecca Beat them in a Marble or Stone-Mortar pouring simple Mead upon 'em till ye have reduc'd them to a Juice Then take this juice and dilute it with two Ounces of Carduus Benedictus Water 'T is an Admirable Vomit As for Decoction Helmont Zwelfer and the Honourable Mr. Boyle have observ'd that if ye boyl Asarabecca Roots in Water they lose their Vomiting quality and become Diuretic whereas if ye boyl them in Wine 't is an excellent Emetic The Reason of which I take to be this Viz. That their diuretic vertue proceeds from an essential salt not very Volatil the saline Volatil Emetic parts being evaporated in boyling with Water but Wine penetrates into the Texture of its body before these Volatil salts are gone and so partakes of their Vertue If ye boyl Asarabecca Roots in Mead ye have a Noble Pectoral Medicine It Attenuates the slimy humors in the Breast and has no Emetic force There are no other Vegetable Vomits fit to be us'd White Hellebor 't is true was frequently exhibited by the Ancients But they infus'd it in a sweet Wine which qualify'd its sharpness and besides the difference of Climats alters the Vertues of Medicines I have seen very Tragical effects produc'd by white Hellebor and therefore would not advise any to use it except in one case Namely Madness 'T is a specific for that disease and is frequently attended with success where Antimonial Vomits have prov'd ineffectual Let it be us'd thus Take of the Roots of White Hellebor one Dram infuse it in Rhenish Wine or rather macerate it in some hot place for the space of one Night Then boyl it strain off this Wine and throw it away for 't is too sharp And pour fresh Wine upon it only to stand in infusion all Night In the Morning exhibit a Dram and a half or two Drams of the strain'd Liquor to the Mad Person 'T is a Medicine admirably fit for this case and this only In the Mineral Family Antimony and Vitriol are the two noted Emetics But Vitriol is not so Friendly to Nature as the former it weakens the Body and disorders the Stomach whereas Antimony produces no such effects The Vitrum Antimonii alone is of more use and efficacy than a Thousand
two or three Ounces Restharrow or Winter Cherry-Water one Ounce Elixyr of Juniper Berries from similitude of taste call'd Malvaticum six Drams or one Ounce or an Ounce and a half Spirit of putrified Earthworms three-Drams Volatil Spirit of Tartar from half an Ounce to six Drams Syrup of Ground Ivy or Syrup of Fennel from three to six Drams Mix and make a Potion Of which exhibit a spoonful at a time Or Take of Ground Ivy-Water Restharrow-Water and Parsley-Water of each an Ounce Elixyr of Juniper call'd Malvaticum an Ounce and a half Rectify'd Spirit of putrify'd Earthworms three Drams Spirit of Sal-armoniac a Dram and a half Syrup of Ground Ivy one Ounce Mix and make a Potion Dose two three or four Spoonfuls Or add three or four drops of distill'd Oyl of Turpentin or six drops of Oyl of Juniper in the Room of Spirit of Sal-armoniac Or Take of Strawberry-Water two Ounces Tincture of Tartar two Drams Syrup of Ground Ivy half an Ounce Mix and make a Potion Ye may add Essential Salt of Tartar or dulcify'd Spirit of Salt or Quintessence of Urine Amelungius's Nephritic Tincture is a Powerful Diuretic 'T is made of Nitre Tartar Hungarian Antimony and a sort of Flint Stones that are speckl'd with yellow spots The Nitre is first dissolv'd in Simple Water then the other Ingredients are added and after Digestion the Liquor is drawn off by Distillation Michael's Carminative Spirit is likewise an excellent Medicine for this purpose which is drawn from Nitre Tartar and Spirit of Wine Tartaris'd But above all Amber with its Volatil Salt and Distill'd Oyl All the Aromatic Herbs but especially fleabane are good Diuretics Camphyr Turpentin Juniper Human Urine Earthworms and their various Preparations are likewise of the same Family The Juice of the Birch-Tree provokes Urine more effectually than any other Medicine It ferments like Wine and becomes sowr like Vinegar and is an incomparable Medicine for Nephritic Pains Next to it is the Infusion of Spanish flies which I prepare thus Take of the Powder of Spanish flies one Scruple Infuse them in three or four Ounces of the best Rhenish Wine Let them stand in a warm place for several Days and Nights Then strain it out through Paper The Dose ten fifteen or twenty drops to be exhibited in a draught of warm Broth. Sometimes this Medicine causes Ulcers in the Bladder and a Pissing of Blood but a large draught of Milk with a little Salt of Tartar will quickly remove these Symptoms For a Diuretic Decoction Prescribe thus Take of the Leaves of Strawberries and Pellitory of the Wall of each a handful and a half Of the five opening Roots ten Drams Winter Cherries and Juniper-Berries of each six Drams The Seeds of the Ash-Tree and Red Vetches of each three Drams Cream of Tartar two Drams Boyl them in Parsley and Winter-Cherry-Water Strain out a pint and a half in which dissolve Rob of Juniper two Ounces Fernelius's Syrup of Marshmallows one Ounce Spirit of Salt dulcify'd with the Spirit of Straw-Berries as much as sufficeth to give it a grateful sharpness So much for Volatil Diuretics The fix'd Medicines that provoke Urine are all the fix'd Salts of Herbs and the Artificial Compound Salts as Tartar Prepar'd with Vitriol and the Salt call'd Digestivum Hypochondriacum Which is the Caput Mortuum remaining after the Destillation of Salarmoniac with Salt of Tartar Gromwell-Seeds Violet-Seeds and the Emulsions Prepar'd from them belong to this Class The forms of Prescription are these Take of Tartar Prepar'd with Vitriol a Dram and a half Salts of Bean stalks broom and Pigeons dung of each half a Dram. Mix and make a Powder for several Doses to be taken in Wine Ye may add the Distill'd Oyl of Turpentin or of Juniper Berries As Take of the Salt call'd Arcanum Duplicatum half a Dram. Salt of Broom or Pigeons Dung a Scruple Distil'd Oyl of Juniper Berries or of Turpentin four drops Mix and make a Powder for two Doses Cream of Tartar or Crabs Eyes or Nitre or Vitriol of Steel or Volatil Salt of Amber may be added by turns The Natural Spaw Waters provoke Urine plentifully as also the Spirit of Salt and Dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre If the form of a Bolus be desir'd prescribe thus Take Rob of Juniper one Dram. Crabs Eyes Prepar'd fifteen Grains Tartar Prepar'd with Vitriol half a Scruple Mix and make a Bolus Or if an Electuary be more acceptable Take of Conserve of Violets one Ounce Rob of Juniper half an Ounce Crabs Eyes Prepar'd two Drams Arcanum Duplicatum one Dram. With a sufficient quantity of Syrup of Ground Ivy make an Electuary Which sprinkle with a few drops of the Spirit of Salt CHAP. IV. Of the Medicines that procure Sweat THE dissolution of the Blood and its swifter Circulation cause the separation of the serum which is evacuated by the Glandules in the skin The Medicines of this fourth Class are such as produce these effects Some of which are Volatil and others fix'd Of the first sort are the Spirits and Volatil Salts Extracted from Animal and Vegetable Productions such as Spirit of Hartshorn Urine Vipers Human Blood c. And the Spirits Prepar'd from Vegetables by Putrefaction The Distill'd Oyls of Amber Tartar Guajacum and such as are drawn from the Bones and other Parts of Animals All Resinous Aromatic bitter and Attenuating Vegetables and their various Compositions as Venice Triacle Mithridate Diascordium c. They are prescrib'd in these or the like forms Take of Volatil Salarmoniac fifteen Grains Camphyr two Grains Mix and make a Powder Or Take of Fumitory Water one Ounce Spirit of Harts-horn together with its Volatil Salt one Dram. Syrup of Carduus Benedictus two Drams Mix for a Potion Or Take of Elder Flower Water one Ounce Spirit of Elder-Berries one Dram. Spirit of Sal-armoniac from half a Dram to a whole one Camphyr two Grains Syrup of Carduus Benedictus half an Ounce Make a Potion for one Dose Or Take of Carduus Benedictus Water an Ounce and a half Spirit of Sal-armoniac a Dram. Or Volatil Sal-armoniac a Scruple Distill'd Oyl of Cloves two drops Syrup of Fennel or Orange Peel half an Ounce Mix for a daught Take of Viper Grass Water one Ounce Cinnamom-Wated half a Dram. Spirit of Triacle Prepar'd with Cam●●●● half a Dram. Vola●●● Salt of Hartshorn twelve 〈◊〉 Volatil Salt of Amber six Grains Syrup of Scor 〈…〉 Ounce Make a ●o●ion As for the fix'd Medicines that procure sweat such are all Lixivial Salts well alkalis'd and the fix'd sulphurs of Metals and Minerals Antimony Steel and Nitre joyn'd together make a Powerful Sudorific or the Sulphur of Antimony and Steel The Bezoar stone is an ineffectual Medicine by reason that there is not one of a Thousand that is Genuin The stone cut out of Human Bodies is infinitely better and a Sovereign Antidot in all Pestilential Diseases We prescribe such Medicines in these or the like forms Take of
of the eight pair be disorder'd the Mouth of the Stomac becomes insensible and so eludes the influence of the Acid. These Nerves may be disorder'd upon their own Account or by consent of other Parts as in Nephritic and Colic Pains Or perhaps the Nerves are faultless and the Spirits are stupify'd by the use of Narcotics as Opium or Tobacco Or are diverted and imploy'd upon other things so as not to mind the impulse of the ferment as in the Case of Love Grief Madness c. If the Nerves or Spirits be not faulty the cause must be Lodg'd in the Stomac Sometimes the Acid is blunted by a superfluity of viscid matter in the Stomac Or the Spittle is become viscid and takes off its edge as in Hectic and Hypocondriac Persons This last cause is effectually-remov'd by drinking Wine in which Elecampane Roots Horse Radishes and Scurvy-Grass have been infus'd The hasty swallowing down of much meat drinking new and fermenting Liquors Cloying the Stomac with fat Oyly things or acid and austere Fruits do all cause a bluntness of the ferment The frequent use of Brandy or sulphurous Liquors Corrects the sharpness of the acid and occasions an inappetency The fatness and redundancy of the Bile whether in the Blood or Stomac may also vitiat the ferment When this cause takes place 't is known by a bitter taste in the mouth and a gnawing at the mouth of the Stomac And Lastly the suppression of wonted evacuations as stopping of the Terms or sudden forbearing of Venery c. May concur to the same effect Sometimes the acid it self is deficient If a Volatil Choler reign in the Blood or the Spirits are so disorder'd by a Feaver or otherwise that the alteration of the humors and particularly of the lympha is not regularly perform'd or if the heat of Summer exhausts the Spirits that should serve to exalt the ferment Immoderat drinking especially of whey which enjoys a temperat nitrous Salt allays the acidity of the ferment The frequent use of Alcali's as Chalk Hartshorn and all Chalybeat medicines little stones engender'd in the Stomac and the drinking of Urine which is a specific in hungry feavers are frequently the causes of a weak ferment As for Prognostics If it continue long in the beginning of a disease it weakens nature and adds force to the disease If it do not decline along with the distemper it portends a relapse In Chronical Diseases and such as come by Fits it is the forerunner of the Paroxysm In Children it is more suspected than in adult Persons If the Appetit seem to Answer in general and yet flags when Food is offer'd Or If after a loathing of meat the Patient of a sudden covet food and swallow it down greedily 't is a very bad Omen In the method of Cure a particular regard must be had to the difference of causes which may easily be distinguish'd without a long train of Diagnostics Generally the peccant cause is the abounding of slimy humors or of Choler or Fat in the Stomac Which is only remov'd by evacuating Medicines Of which Vomits are the best One Vomit is of more efficacy in this case than ten Purges As Take of Mynsichtius's Emetic Tartar three Grains fine sugar six Grains make a Powder Or if a liquid be more acceptable exhibit the Infusion of Crocus Metallorum minding heedfully the quantity of the Liquor and not the Crocus When a viscid Matter is lodg'd in the Stomach 't is fit to add some attenuating Ingredients As Take of Hyssop-water one or two Ounces Cinnamom-water two Drams Vinegar of Squills and the Emetic Syrup above prescrib'd of each half an Ounce compound Spirit of Verdigrease from two Scruples to a Dram. Mix c. If the Patient do not Vomit easily exhibit purging Medicines among which Aloe is the best but it ought not to be wash'd It is a common Ingredient into Pills and operates but very gently If there be occasion for a stronger Purgative Take the Pills of Hiera with Agaric adding to them Gum-ammoniac or some attenuating Medicine Thus Take of the Mass of Pills of Hiera with Agaric from twelve to fifteen Grains Extract of Wormwood or Gum-ammoniac dissolv'd in Vinegar eight Grains or half a Scruple Scammonium Sulphuratum one Grain Extract of the Troches Alhandal from half a Grain to two Grains For those who are Obnoxious to Hypochondriac Fits the following Pills are very useful Take of the Pills of Hiera with Agaric half a Scruple or twelve Grains Gum-ammoniac dissolv'd in Vinegar half a Scruple Scammony prepar'd with Juice of Roses two Grains Extract of Troches Alhandal one Grain with the Essence of Steel make Pills Or Take of the Pills of Mastic fifteen Grains extract of Wormwood twelve Grains Extract of Troches Alhandal one Grain Make Pills This purging Powder is likewise very good for Hypocondriac Persons and such as are easily purg'd viz. Take of Tartarum Vitriolatum fifteen Grains Scammony prepar'd with Sulphur four Grains Troches Alhandal one Grain distill'd Oyl of Cummin-seeds two drops Make a Powder If a Potion be more agreeable Take of Hyssop-water Mint-water of each half an Ounce Tartarum Vitriolatum and Extract of Agaric of each six Grains Scammony sulphurated two Grains Mix for a Potion So much for Purging Medicines After gentle Evacuations we proceed to the use of such Medicines as strengthen the Walls of the Stomac and resolve the slimy Mucilage that sticks to them To this purpose all sharp volatil and aromatic Medicines are proper as the Stomachical Herbs Spices the hot Seeds and Antiscorbutic's especially Horse-Raddishes Those of a gentle astringent quality restore the Natural Constitution of the Stomac when vitiated by the use of Opium strong Liquors Brandy c. As for Acid Medicines I cannot much approve them I never saw any good Effect produc'd by them in this case excepting Cream of Tartar and the dulcify'd Spirit of Salt or of Vitriol 'T is true they are fit to provoke the Stomac and imitate Nature in prompting it to crave Food but the Business of a Physician is rather to remove the Encumbrances that annoy the Natural Function than to supply an Artificial Appetit The Essence of Bread distill'd thro' a Retort is a sovereign Restorer of the ferment These Medicines may be prescrib'd thus Take of Wormwood Mint of each a handful Roots of Acorus two Drams Gentian Roots half an Ounce the four hot Seeds of each two Drams Slice and chop 'em small And tie them up in a Bag to be infus'd in Wine Let the sick Person drink a Draught twice a Day adding to every Draught six Drops of dulcify'd Spirit of Salt Or Take of Mint three handfuls fresh Roots of Acorus two Ounces Roots of Elecampane or Horse-Radishes from one Ounce to an Ounce and a half Zedoary Roots six Drams Cinnamom three Drams put them into a Bag to be infus'd in Wine Take of Mint three handfuls Carduus Benedictus one handful Wormwood Tops and lesser
Centory of each half a handful Elecampane and Evans Roots of each half an Ounce Mustard-seeds or Rocket-Seeds one Ounce Cinnamom two Drams Cloves one Dram. Infuse as above If ye desire to make it a little loosening Take of Mint two handfuls tops of Wormwood one handful Roots of Aron Roots of Crude black Hellebor of each half an Ounce Roots of Elecampain and the Leaves of pick'd Senna of each one Ounce Aniseeds Fennel-seeds of each six Drams Galangal Zedoary and Ginger of each two Drams Salt of Tartar three Drams Infuse as above When the Spittle is glutinous and the Mouth tasts bitter the Roots of Horse-Radishes and Elecampane in equal quantities infus'd in Rhenish or Wormwood-wine or Pepper infus'd in like manner or Wheaten-Bread dipp'd in Wine or even a Draught of good generous Wine are approved Remedies or Thonerius's Decoction thus Take of Cichory-Roots of the Herbs Roman Wormwood Carduus Benedictus and Rosemary of each a handful lesser Centory a handful and a half boil them in equal quantities of Wine and Water till a third part be consum'd Dose half a Pint Morning and Evening Or Pachequus his Decoction of Agrimony Wormwood and lesser Centory in Water If ye please ye may add some temperat Acids As Take of Mint-water two Ounces Cinnamom-water from two Drams to six Drams Juice of Quinces from one Ounce to an Ounce and a half Syrup of Quinces either simple or aromatis'd from half an Ounce to six Drams Mix and make a Potion of which the Patient may take at pleasure Take of Mint-water one Ounce Cinnamom-water half a Dram Spirit of Treacle a Dram and a half Laudanum Opiatum prepar'd by fermentation two Grains Syrup of Cinnamom half an Ounce Mix c. The Spirit of Mastic and Spirit of Bread and the Mineral Acid Spirits dulcify'd with Spirit of Wine the dulcify'd Spirit of Vitriol given from twenty to thirty drops in a warm Vehicle about two hours before eating the volatil Salt of Amber c. are proper to this purpose But they ought to be well qualify'd or joyn'd with vegetable Stomachic's as in Elixir proprietatis which is a noble Medicine For Example Take of Elixir proprietatis two Drams Essence of Wormwood and Mint or Aromatic Calamus of each a Dram. Mix c. Or Take of the Conserve of the Pulp of Citrons an Ounce and a half Conserve of Mint Vitriolated one Dram the red Hepatic Powder two Drams Spirit of Salt coagulated two Scruples with a sufficient quantity of the Syrup of Quinces spic'd make an Electuary Michael's Stomachical Elixir is not improper in this case As Take of Mint four handfuls Roman Wormwood Rosemary of each two handfuls Sage Penny-Royal Baum of each one or two handfuls Acorus-roots fresh three Ounces or dried one Ounce Burnet or Elecampane-roots two Drams round Cypress-roots one Dram Mastic six Drams or an Ounce and a half or two Ounces of the four hot Seeds of each half a Dram Mustard seed six Drams of the Shavings of Sassafras three Drams Zedoary Galangal of each a Dram and a half or two Drams or three Drams of Cubebs Nutmegs Mace Cinnamom Ginger Cloves of each three Drams or half an Ounce Coriander-seed one Dram pour upon 'em Spirit of Salt or Philosophical Spirit of Vitriol which is almost the same as much as sufficeth for a grateful sharpness Extract the Tincture with Spirit of Mint Strain it and add as much of the compound Stomachical Extract as it will bear Dose fifty or sixty Drops For a Scorbutic and Hypochondriac Constitution it may be mix'd with the Spirit of Scurvy-grass taking a Dram and a half of the Spirit to three Drams of the Elixir Mynsichtius his Elixir Vitrioli and the Essence of Amber are much commended And likewise Alcali's sharpen'd with other Salts As Take of the sharpest Tincture of Tartar and Elixir proprietatis prepar'd without the Acid of each three Drams Mix c. Sal-armoniac is a good Stomachic but it ought not to be joyn'd with fix'd Alcali's which drive away the volatil part of the Armoniac and fix the remaining Acid. It succeeds better when joyn'd with Spices As Take of the Flowers of Sal-armoniac or depurated Sal-armoniack one Dram. The Powder call'd Diatrion Pipereon or Powder of Cubebs or any other Aromatic Powder a Scruple or half a Dram. Mix and make a Powder for three or four Doses of which the Patient may take one every Morning Or Take of depurated Sal-armoniac one Dram Ginger and the Powder of Diatrion Pipereon of each a Scruple or fifteen Grains Mix for three Doses Or Take of dried Aron roots one Dram prepar'd Crabs-Eyes Salt of Wormwood of each from a Scruple to half a Dram distill'd Oyl of Cloves three Drops Mix for three Doses Or Take of Aron-roots half a Dram black Pepper a Dram and a half Ginger half a Dram Flowers of Sal-armoniac two Drams distill'd Oyl of Aromatic Calamus a Scruple Make a Powder Or Take of the Conserve of Wormwood-tops Conserve of Elecampane-roots of each two Drams candy'd Ginger six Drams Powder of Diatrion Pipereon three Drams Sal-armoniac one Dram with the Syrup of Quinces make an Electuary Some use Sal-armoniac in Wormwood-wine Tartar also and its various Productions are very proper And the saline Stomachical Powders such as Michael's which is made thus Take of the Powder of dry'd Aron-roots two Pound the Salt call'd Arcanum duplicatum one Pound Salt of Wormwood Arabian Costus and Aromatic Calamus-roots of each two Ounces Cinnamom and Cloves of each an Ounce and a half Mace Long Pepper Ginger Cubebs Cardamoms Grains of Paradise Zedoary and Coriander-seeds of each one Ounce Mix and make a Powder Dose from a Scruple to half a Dram. If a shorter Process be more agreeable Take of the Powder of Aron-roots one Dram Arcanum duplicatum two Scruples distill'd Oyl of Mint six Drops Mix and make a Powder If Inappetency be caus'd by the Animal Spirits or the Nerves take the Essence of Ambergrise and joyn it to other Stomachic's Wine and all Spiritous or Aromatic Liquors especially the Essence of Baum and Penny-Royal with a few Drops of the Distill'd Oyl of Juniper-Berries are very proper on this occasion As also the Balsam of Peru either taken in the Yelk of an Egg or exhibited in Sugar or Wine or in the form of a Tincture extracted with the Tincture of Tartar And Paracelsus his Stomachical Electuary as follows Take of Rob of Juniper six Drams Powder of Ginger half a Dram Aromatic Calamus Mace of each two Drams Cubebs one Dram with a sufficient quantity of Sugar make an Electuary Or Take of Cichory-roots candy'd Vipergrass-roots candy'd of each one Ounce Conserve of curl'd Mint Conserve of Roman Wormwood of each an Ounce and a half Conserve of Cichory-Flowers Conserve of Roses Conserve of Rosemary-Flowers and Powder of Zedoary of each one Ounce of Aromatic Cala●●us Ginger and the sharpest Cinnamom of each a Dram of Mithridat or Venice-Treacle two
Drams With a sufficient quantity of the Syrup of Curl'd Mint make an Electuar Or Take of the Conserve of Curl'd Mint Conserve of Roman Wormwood of each an Ounce and a half Conserve of Roses or of Rosemary-Flowers an Ounce candy'd Cichory-roots half a Dram Roots of Aromatic Calamus candy'd three Drams Powder of Zedoary six Drams the Magistery of Coral prepar'd with the Juice of Citrons Powder of Cinnamom of each two Drams Ginger Cloves and Tincture of Coral of each a Dram with a sufficient quantity of the Syrup of curl'd Mint make an Electuary upon which pour some drops of the dulcify'd Spirit of Salt Or Take of Conserve of red Roses two Ounces Conserve of Mint one Ounce Ginger candy'd in the Indies six Drams aromatic Calamus candy'd three Drams the Powder of Diatrion Pipereon with Mosch three or four Drams with a sufficient quantity of the Syrup of Clove-gilliflowers make an Electuary When a redundancy of fat and bilious Humours weaken the Appetite Elixir Proprietatis mix'd with bitter Ingredients is a proper Medicine If Narcotics have stupify'd the Stomac we exhibit acid Remedies If at any time the use of Acids disorder the Appetit as it happens frequently in Hypochondriac cases the absorbent Powders of Crabs-Eyes Chalk c. and Elixir proprietatis prepar'd without an acid or with the Spirit of Sal-armoniac may supply their room As for external Topic's Liniments Cataplasms and Fomentations may be us'd and made of Wine and Elixir of Mint Bread and the Aromatic Powders Crato's Oyl and Plaister are not amiss Or Take of express'd Oyl of Mace a Dram and a half distill'd Oyl of Cloves a Scruple the distill'd Oyls of Wormwood Mint and Juniper of each half a Dram. Mix for a Liniment Hartman's Stomachical Plaister or Plaister of Tacamahac mix'd with Balsam of Peru is proper to be laid upon the Stomac I have also seen many good Effects produc'd by the application of a Vultur's Skin to the Stomac CHAP. II. Of the Depravation of the Appetite THE Appetite is deprav'd when it avoids the proper and craves improper Food In the former Case it avoids some particular Object thro' the prevalency of prejudice the Memory of a preceding Surfeit or the confluence of vicious Humours in the Stomac Those who are troubled with a bitter Taste in their Mouth either through the use of Opium or the height of a Fever are averse to Hopp'd Drink by reason of the near resemblance between the taste of the Beer and that which then annoys ' em As the exhibiting of bitter Resinous Purgatives will occasion an Antipathy to Ale Upon this account we take it for a good sign in acute Distempers if the Patient be able to drink Ale Meat also is formidable to feaverish Constitutions by reason that when eaten it is not digested and so melts into a bitter musty Crudity These are the Causes of an acquir'd Aversion to particular Meats or Liquors The Cure is perform'd by the use of Elixir proprietatis Womrwood Mint Quinces Wine and their various Productions together with some Acid Spirits The most remarkable Instances of deprav'd Appetites are what we call Pica and Malacia The former is a Longing for such things as are not fit to be eat as raw Meat Coals Leather Lime c. The latter is a violent and infatiable longing for usual Food as Herrins and such like The Part affected is partly the Orifice of the Stomach where the appetising ferment is naturally seated and partly the Fancy and Animal Spirits For tho the Vellication of the Stomac constitute a general Appetit 't is the Fancy that directs it to a particular Object Besides such things are oft times long'd for as are not Objects of the Stomach as the crackling noise of Cinders the smell of Leather c. which makes it to appear that the Animal Spirits and the Organs of Sense are deprav'd as well as the Stomach That the Sense of Smelling is vitiated is evident from the Pleasure such Persons take in smelling to stinking unsavory Objects That the Sense of Tasting is likewise corrupted may be infer'd from the Depravation of the Spittle occasion'd by its Affinity to the Stomachical ferment and is sufficiently exemplified by their relishing and coveting the taste of such things as at other times they abhor The like may be said of all the Senses The Cause is the Alteration and Depravation of the ferment of the Stomac We see that the various Modification of this ferment in several Animals creates in 'em contrary and distinct Appetites by vertue of this diversity of ferments Men Dogs Cats Geese c. are prompted to covet their peculiar Food The ferment is deprav'd by the corruption of Matter in the Stomac which renders it saltish sharp and in some measure corrosive and consequently apt to overact its part by vellicating the Mouth of the Stomach in an unwonted manner and prompting the fancy to pursue and entertain unusual Objects after the method of Melancholic Hypocondriac Fits to which this Distemper is near ally'd The occasional remote Causes are the Suppression of the Terms which occasion the Stagnation and Corruption of the Blood and by consequence of the Lymph which waters the Coats of the Stomach Ulcers in the Throat distilling corrupt Matter into the Stomac The suppression of the Genital Liquor or any wonted Evacuation and an hereditary Conveyance from Mothers liable to this Disease which is equally compatible to Men and Women Maids and Mothers The things coveted and Long'd for in a Pica are such as are agreeable to the vicious ferment which is so fierce and keen that it digests without any trouble or harm a great many noxious and offensive Objects providing their quantity taken down do not exceed the extent of the Appetit 'T is true indeed that if absurd and uncommon things are frequently eat tho' in the mean time they occasion no visible disturbance yet they amass deprav'd Humours in the Body and so cause Dropsies Cachexies and many dismal Symptoms As for Child-bearing Women who are frequently obnoxious to irregular Appetites if they cannot be dissuaded by rational Motives they must be furnish'd with what they Long for for fear of bad consequences happening to the Child in the Belly The Cure is perform'd by evacuating the Stomach and tempering the ferment Vomits and particularly Mercurius Vitae are very proper if occasional Circumstances do not forbid 'em such as a natural difficulty of Vomiting the first and last Months of a Womans being with Child c. in which case let Purges of Aloe Extract of Hellebor Coloquintida and sweet Mercury be exhibited It will not be improper to mix both the Vomiting and Purging Medicines with the things Long'd for that so the ferment eagerly joyning them may be carried off If the whole Mass of Humours be deprav'd Antimonial Sudorifics are very convenient After Evacuation let the vicious ferment be temper'd by moderat Acids and palatable Stomachics such as the Juices of
not so easily diluted as otherwise This Salt is of an Alcalin nature contrary to that which causes immoderat Hunger The privative cause is the Defect of Saliva whose Office 't is to water those parts and dilute the Salts The remote external Causes are Purging Medicines Pepper Salt Spices Arsenic sublimat Mercury talking loud sleeping with the Mouth open c. The internal remote Causes are the prevalency of a bitter Oyl in the Choler depraving the Lymph an Oyly sharpness in the Saliva occasion'd by Catarrhs extravasation of Serum or Scorbutic glutinous Lymph the Deficiency Glutinosity and Saltish sharpness of the Saliva as in Feavers Phthisicks Hectics c. To which we may add the disorder diversion or paucity of the Spirits which hinder the due secretion of the Spittle as in the Instances of Weakness Fatigue Anger Pain c. The heat of the Blood in the Lungs and dejection of the Appetit in the Stomac have likewise a great hand in causing Thirst Sometimes Thirst is attended by a Feaverish heat at other times it is quite free of it as in Scorbutic Hydropic and Catarrhous cases In general a sudden Thirst without any visible cause prognosticates some Disease or other If the Tongue be dry the Mouth beset with a tough Phlegm and the Body oppress'd with heat and yet the Person be insensible of Thirst 't is an Argument of a Delirium or great disorder among the Animal Spirits or of the stupidity of the Tongue and adjacent parts and is justly look'd upon as a malignant Symtom If in drinking the Liquor makes a noise as it falls into the Stomac it is an Argument of the Disorder of the Stomac In Feavers it disappears together with them But in Chronical Distempers 't is not so easily shaken off As for the method of Cure the irritating Cause must be first remov'd by Medicines vary'd according to its Nature Such are partly austere Acids partly temperat Medicine● which correct the sharp or urinous or oyly or saline Particles The Acids are Wood-sorrel Prunes Citrons Quinces Oranges Pomgranates Rasberries Barberries Corants Cherries and all their Juices and especially Tamarinds which not only abate the Thirst but open the Body The Juice of Houseleek Vinegar Strawberry-water Tinctures of Roses of Viclets and of Dasies Cream of Tartar Spirits of Vitriol of Sulphur of Salt or the Spirit distill'd from equal Quantities of Sulphur Antimony and Vitriol drop'd into the ordinary Drink The temperate Remedies are Milk Whey clarify'd with Citrons Emulsions of Seeds Raisins Liquorice e. The second Indication of Cure is to augment the quantity of Serum and Spittle by exhibiting Liquids alter'd with Wine or Cinnamom or mix'd with acid Spirits Simple cold Water tho' commonly us'd is very noxious Besides 't is not convenient to throw in too large quantities of Liquors for fear of loading the Stomac therefore Gargles and Mucilages applied to the Tongue and Throat will not be improper As for the Forms of Recipe's these following will suffice Take of the Decoction of the Leaves and Roots of Wood-sorrel one Pound fresh Juice of Wood-sorrel three Ounces Syrup of Bay-berries and Pomgranats of each six Drams Mix them Take of the Decoction of Barly one Pound Juices of Citrons and of Quinces of each two Ounces Tinctures of the Flowers of Dasies and Roses of each two Drams Syrup of the Juice of Citrons an Ounce and a half Spirit of Salt as much as sufficeth Make a Julep Take of the Flowers of Dasies six Drams sprinkle 'em with Spirit of Sulphur and infuse 'em in two Pound of Barly-water till it extract a Tincture strain the Liquor and add three Ounces of the Syrup of Rasberries Take of Tamarinds two Ounces bruis'd small Raisins an Ounce and a half boil them in Water and infuse in the strain'd Liquor while 't is yet hot an Ounce of fresh Citron-peel When 't is cold strain it out and add half an Ounce of the Tincture of Roses Make a Julep Take of Barly-water a Pound and a half Cinnamom-water an Ounce purify'd Nitre or Nitrum Antimoniatum from a Dram to a Dram and a half Mix them for a Potion This and all Nitrous Potions are proper for such as do not agree with Acids In Scorbutic Phthysical and Hydropic Cases the Saltness of the Lymph and Spittle is admirably corrected by Whey mix'd with Juice of Citrons or with the Juices of Scurvy-grass and Wood-sorrel Spirits of Salt and of Nitre are likewise very proper Emulsions prepar'd from the cooling and milky Seeds and the Decoction of China with Raisins and Liquorice are likewise conducive to the same purpose Acids in this case are improper But Liquorice and Fennel-Seeds boil'd are much approv'd As Take of Barly a handful small Raisins bruis'd an ounce and a half Anniseeds Fennel seeds of each a Dram and a half Liquorice-roots six Drams Boyl them in fair Water till the fourth part be consum'd adding towards the end a Dram and a half of Cinnamon Strain out the Liquor of which the Patient may drink at pleasure Gargles of Water Small-beer or Water impregnated with Nitre or the Juice of Houseleek or Mucilages of Quince-seeds Fleawort-seeds c. extracted with Rose-water or Phlegm of Vitriol and mix'd with the Juice of Houseleek applied to the Tongue and held in the Mouth are very useful especially when the Tongue is black dry and rough Some healthy Persons are molested with Thirst every Morning for whom Wormwood-wine is very proper Others are thirsty thro' Labour Fatigue and Exercise for whom the Spirit of Wine is very convenient SECT III. Of the Diseases relating to the Chewing Faculty HAVING dispatch'd the Disorders of the Appetit which is the first Spring of Nourishment I am now arriv'd at the manner of receiving Food It is first receiv'd by the Mouth Chew'd and impregnated with Spittle which being of a fermentative Nature not unlike that of the ferment in the Stomach predisposes and prepares it for Digestion Now if the Power of Chewing be deficient or disorder'd 't is neither impregnated with Spittle nor cut small so as to be fit for Digestion The Disorders of this Nature are such as respect either the Muscles imploy'd in that Motion the Jaw-bones or the Teeth Of these in order CHAP. I. Of the Contorsion of the Muscles of the Mouth or a Dog Cramp THE Temporal Muscles and those common to the Cheeks and Lips are the Instruments which move the under Jaw-bone in order to joyn it with the upper in the Act of Chewing If they are seiz'd with Convulsions or Cramps the under Jaw-bone is inseparably united to the upper if they be Paralytic it falls down by its own weight and they are not able to fetch it up But these Cramps and Palsies never happen but when the whole Body is equally affected and then they yield to the general Cure If one part or side of these Muscles be seiz'd with Convulsions or Palsy while the other is sound the Mouth stands awry inclining
to one side In which posture one of the Eyes cannot be duly shut neither can the Person pronounce the Letter O with a full Mouth or Spit but at one side of the Mouth If it be a Palsy the part affected is loose soft and follows the Motion of the sound Muscles and the under Eyelid falls down whereas if it be a Cramp or Convulsion the part is hard painful and draws the sound Muscles to it As for the Causes of Convulsions and Palsies they are accounted for elsewhere This Contorsion is a fatal Symptom in acute continual Feavers or after an universal Apoplexy or Epilepsy The Cure is accomplish'd by Purgative Medicines volatil and aromatic Sudorifics decoctions of Woods Castor given inwardly or its Essence apylied outwardly or its Extract roll'd in the Mouth Or Take of Nutmegs two Drams Roots of Pellitory of Spain and of Angelica Seeds of Staves-acre Mustard-seeds of each a Dram Cumin-seeds and Cubebs of each half a Dram Pepper half a Scruple Mastic a Dram and a half with Wax make Tablets to be roll'd in the Mouth The Mouth may be wash'd with Spirit of Wine in which Castor is dissolv'd or the Decoction of Pellitory-roots with Rocket-seeds Platerus was wont to cure the Convulsive distortion of the Mouth by Opiats mix'd with Aromatics as Mithridat Syrup of Poppies c. If the Case be Paralytic Blistering Plaisters may be applied to the Ear or Nap of the Neck As for the Disorders of the Jaw bones If they are disjoynted by external Violence Yauning or Gaping they are easily set right by a Cuff under the Chin. If they are incumbred by Tumors or Inflammations in the Throat if their motion be cramp'd by the swelling of the Glandules behind the Ears or the settlement of a tartarine thick Humour upon the conjunction with the Bones of the Temples the regular motion is retriev'd by the respective Cure of those Causes If the Antagonist Muscles that bring up and pull down the under Jaw-bone be reciprocally contracted thro' Cold Worms c. there insues a gnashing of the Teeth Which in Feavers and adult Persons is an unlucky Symptom and is cur'd by the external Application of Balsam of Peru and the removal of its Causes CHAP. II. Of the Loss Corruption Blackness Looseness Numness and Chilness of the Teeth THE Teeth are nourish'd not only by the Arteries and Veins inserted into their Roots but likewise by the Gums When they are uncapable thro' Age or otherwise to receive Nourishment they fall out or are ground away by continual use The Causes which promote this their decay are the abuse of Stupifying or Narotic over cold or over hot Medicines or of Viscous and Corruptible things which stick to the sides of the Teeth and corrupt their Nourishment such as Sugar Sweet-meats Figs Cheese Milk c. The Scurvy Salivation handling of Mercury external Violence c. The Cure consists in removing the Causes If Mercury be the cause Leaves of Gold or Solar Preparations are very proper Sometimes the Teeth are corrupted thro' the acidity of their own direct Nourishment or of that receiv'd sideways from the Gums External Injuries are apt to produce the same Effect At first there appears a black Spot in the Tooth then it becomes a Hole and the Tooth grows hollow the corrupted Matter lodg'd within corodes the Tooth causes pain and sometimes reaches the Gums and Jaw-bone creating Ulcers which degenerate into Fistula's Sometimes the corrupted Matter degenerates into Worms Sometimes the Teeth stink and infect the Breath by reason of corrupted Meat sticking in their Chinks or in the hollow Tooth If the Corruption be confirm'd it cannot be Cur'd without drawing the Tooth The Juice of Sun-spurge mix'd with Sal-armoniac and Flour and put into the Hollow-Tooth will render the Operation easy the Juice of Celandin the greater or a bruis'd Grashopper are proper for the same purpose Or Take of Gum-ammoniac Henbane-seeds Juice of Henbane of each a Dram and a half with the fat of Green Frogs and Wax make an Ointment to be applied to the Tooth before 't is drawn If the Corruption be not too far advanc'd a stop may be put to its further progress by applying an actual Cautery and afterwardsfilling the Tooth with Gold-leaf beat up with Myrrh and Wax or with Turpentine or with the Decoction of Ginger in Oxymel or with Coral and Camphyr Or Take of prepar'd red Coral bone of a Cuttle and burnt Hartshorn of each two Scruples choice Myrrh half a Dram Camphyr five or six Grains with the mucilage of Tragacanth make Pills to be put into the Hollow-Tooth Some choose potential Cautery's instead of actual ones as Aqua-Fortis or the Spirit of Salt If the Teeth stink let 'em be wash'd with Water in which Sal-armoniac is dissolv'd If they are infested with Worms wash 'em with the Decoction of Savin in Wine or apply the Spirit of Sulphur with Cotton or let the fumes of burnt Henbane-seed be receiv'd at the Mouth Sometimes if the Gums be flaccid loose or otherwise disorder'd the lateral Nourishment they afford to the Teeth is viciated and sticks like an Excrement upon their surface and either grows hard like a friable Stone or blackens and disorders the Teeth Hence we see that whatever affects the Gums as the Scurvy Mercurial Salivation c. is follow'd by a blackness and sordid colour of the Teeth If this Symptom be recent and not confirm'd let the Teeth and Gums be rub'd with the following Powder Take of burnt Hartshorn three Ounces Coral a Dram and a half Roots of Florentine Orris two Scruples burnt Allum and Salt of Tartar of each a Scruple make a Powder to be sprinkled with Spirit of Scurvy-grass adding some drops of the distill'd Oyl of Cloves If the Excrement be stiff and confirm'd let Spirit of Salt mix'd with Honey be applied to the Gums and Teeth Or Take a Polypody-root and soak it for the space of four and twenty Hours in Wine sharpen'd with Spirit of Sulphur Then dry it for a Powder for the Teeth Let the Teeth and Gums be wash'd every Morning with Human Urine and after eating with Plantan and Houseleek-water in which Sal-armoniac and Salt of Tartar are dissolv'd The Powders of hard stones such as Flint Pumice-stone c. are not so convenient unless it be in a very inveterat case because they consume the Gums As touching the looseness of the Teeth 't is occasion'd either by their own intrinsic fault of which above or the relaxation of the Fibres of the Gums which frequently proceeds from the sharpness of the Saliva or Serum as appears by the aptness of the Scurvy Tooth-ach and Mercurial Salivation to cause it Opiats also us'd for the Tooth-ach sometimes cause a looseness of the Teeth by relaxating the Fibres of the Gums If it be inveterat it may run to that height that the Gums are exulcerated corrupted and dispos'd to a Gangrene Sometimes if the Texture of the Gums is very solid and
relaxating Causes assault it it shoots up a loose flaccid sordid sort of Flesh that ' twines about and covers the Tooth The Cure consists in corroborating the flaccid Gums by Astringents cleansing the Ulcers if any there be and preserving them from further Corruption Tincture of Lac with Myrrh is a noted Medicine for this Effect Spirit of Salt with Honey of Roses is also a powerful cleanser Take of the Flowers of Holyhocks half an Ounce prepar'd burnt Hartshorn two Drams burnt Allum Nutmegs of each a Dram. Make a Powder to rub the Gums with after cleansing the Teeth and washing the Mouth with the following Gargle Take of Sage-leaves two handfuls Flowers of Holyhocks one handful Polypody-roots half an Ounce Boyl them in fair Water To a Pound of the strain'd Decoction add Honey of Roses two Ounces and a half Antimonial Nitre three Drams burnt Allum and seal'd Earth of each a Dram. Mix c. Take of the Leaves of Sage and Scurvy-grass of each three handfuls boyl them in Milk To a Pound of the strain'd Liquor add fresh Juice of Scurvygrass two Ounces Syrup of Columbines four Ounces Mix for an Antiscorbutic Gargle Take of crude Allum a Dram and a half Flowers of Columbines and Sage-leaves of each two Drams Roots of Florentin-Orris three Drams choice Myrrh two Scruples Sprinkle 'em liberally with Spirit of Scurvygrass adding a few Drops of the distill'd Oyl of Cloves Make a Liniment for the Teeth For a Scorbutic Excrescence of the Gums Spirit of Scurvygrass mix'd with burnt Allum is very proper or the Decoction of small Houseleek with Allum and Hony or a mixture of the Scum of Quicklime Water with Lac Vitriol and Rose-water are much approv'd If the Excrescence be over luxuriant we must have recourse to the Decoction of Verdigrise and Allum mix'd with Vinegar or the Ointment Aegyptiacum mix'd with Hony of Roses or the following Powder Take of burnt Allum and Sal-armoniac of each a Scruple Mastic and Frankincense of each half a Dram. Make a Powder to be rub'd upon the Teeth after washing the Mouth with the Decoction of Sage Tormentil and red Roses The Numness of the Teeth proceeds from the Acidity of the Lymph and is cur'd by chewing fresh Purslain or Cheese or applying the White of an Egg boyl'd hard but especially by warm Urine The chilness of the Teeth or their aptitude to shrink and ache at the approach of any cold thing is cur●d by applying Treacle or Spirit of Wine or chewing hot Bread or the Yelk of an Egg rosted SECT IV. Of the Diseases that hinder Swallowing THE Food receiv'd and prepar'd in the Mouth must be forwarded by the Tongue to the upper part of the Pharynx and thence convey'd downwards to the Stomach by the successive contraction of the Muscles of the Gullet This we call Swallowing The Disorders 't is obnoxious to are such as tend either to impair or deprave it Those of the former sort are occasion'd by the Palsy of the Sphincter and M●s●les of the Throat The Convulsion or Contraction of the Gullet caused by Hypocondriac Hysteric and Epileptic Fits Worms want of Spittle or Moisture violent Exercise astringent Liquors c. Or the narrowness of its Passage caus'd by Tumors Obstructions and Inflammations either of it self or the adjacent parts Or the Inflammation Excoriation Ex●lceration and Tumor of the upper Orifice of the Stomach or its queasyness and aversion to Food or Wind irritating its Muscles to contract themselves and deny admission to the Food The Depravation of the Swallowing Faculty discovers it self three ways 1. When Liquors can be taken down but no solid thing 2. When solid things are easily receiv'd but such as are liquid are thrown up by the Mouth and Nostrils by reason that the Epiglottis does not duly cover the opening of the Wind-pipe 3. When some things both solid and liquid are easily taken down and some are not Of which more under the Head of a Queasy Stomac In acute Diseases or Wounds the Convulsion of the Gullet is fatal as also its relaxation for want of Spirits If any external thing taken down stick in the Gullet it occasions Imposthumes Ulcers c. and together with the corrupted Matter works it self out either upwards or downwards or cuts out a new Passage through the neighbouring parts Or if it reach the Stomach may either be voided by Stool without any harm or cause Obstructions in the Pylorus Looseness in the Guts c. according to its Nature and Bulk The Cure vary's according to the quality of the Causes If the Head of the Gullet is Paralytic let the Decoction of Sage and Rocket-seeds in Wine or the Infusion of Thyme and Lavender-flowers in Aqua-Vitae with Castor or the Essence of Castor mix'd with Spirit of Venice-Treacle and Aqua Anhaltina be held in the Mouth Let the Juice of Sage with Nutmegs and Castor or Turpentine dissolv'd with the Yelk of an Egg in the Water of Primroses or some drops of the distill●d Oyls of Amber Sage Anniseeds c. be gradually taken down Let the Neck and neighbouring parts be anointed with Spirit of Earth-worms and distill'd Oyl of Cloves Amber c. If the Muscles of the Gullet be seiz'd with Convulsions let Cephalic and Opiat Medicines be us'd both internally and externally If want of moisture and extreme dryness cause their contraction Let the mucilage of Quinces extracted with the Water of Frogs-Spawn be held in the Mouth and insensibly swallow'd Hysteric and Hypocondriac Contractions of the Pharynx are cur'd by Chalybeat and absorbent Remedies Pins Bones pieces of Glass and such like pointed things swallow'd down and sticking in the Gullet ought to be brought back if possible by Sneezing Coughing or taking down liquid Vomits and drinking in the mean while Oyly soft Liquors or by the help of Instruments made for the purpose SECT V. Of the Hindrances of Chylification THE Food convey'd by the Mouth and Gullet into the Stomac is there dissolv'd partly by the heat of the Stomac and adjacent Bowels and partly by the salin and spirituous Juice in the Stomac which likewise encounters the alcalin Salts of the Food when dissolv'd and by means of a fermentation works it into a volatil temperat milky substance which we call Chyle That this ferment in the Stomac is an acid salin substance is sufficiently made out by the acid Belchings that attend even those who are well by the evident vertue which Acids have of promoting and fat oyly Anti-acids of impairing the Appetit The original of this ferment is the Lymph deposited by the Glandules of the Stomach into its Cavity where it meets the remains of Food impregnated with Spittle and render'd acid by delay and combines with 'em in the form of an acid ferment CHAP. I. Of Diseases Incumbring or Extinguishing Chylification IF the Food be not sufficiently elaborat in the Stomac and in due time converted into Chyle it remains unfit for nourishing the Body as being nothing
Calamint and Wormwood of each a handful Elecampane-roots Acorus-Roots of each an Ounce Galangal three Drams Cinnamom three Drams Mace one Dram 't is very oyly and therefore a small Quantity will suffice Anniseeds three or six Drams Cut bruise and tie them in a Bag to be infus'd in Rhenish Wine in a warm place for twelve Hours Let the Patient take a Draught of the Infusion before Eating adding to every Draught fifteen drops of dulcify'd Spirit of Salt The Rob of Juniper-Berries with Ginger Mace and Sugar may be us'd by way of Electuary Sal-armoniac given in Wormwood-wine Arcanum Duplicatum or essential Salt of Tartar mix'd with Aromatic Powders the Infusion of Aron and Elecampane roots in Wine Chocolat and Thea are all of excellent use As for musty Crudities Vomits and gentle Purges of Rhubarb and Tamarinds are proper Then precipitating Earthy Powders follow'd by Acid Juleps As Take of Arcanum Duplicatum two Scruples prepar'd Cuttle-bone a Scruple Powder of Nutmegs six Grains Mix for two or three Doses Take of Mint-water an Ounce and a half Cinnamom-Water two Drams Juice of Quinces six Drams Syrup of the Juice of Quinces half a Dram. Mix for a Potion Dulcify'd Spirit of Salt Spirit of Mastic Elixir Proprietatis Ivory Coral Cream of Tartar Quinces c. are all proper Ingredients Acid Crudities are remov'd by absorbent Powders and volatil Aromatics such as Scurvygrass lesser Centory Wormwood Rhubarb and especially Ginger volatil Spirits of Mint Sage Scurvygrass that of Sal-armoniac mix'd with Vegetable Spirits Spirit of Tartar Hartshorn c. Elixir Proprietatis prepar'd without an Acid together with the fixed Salts of Wormwood Carduus Benedictus c. the digestive Hypocondriac Salt Hartshorn Ivory Crabs-Eyes c. Above all River-Crabs together with the Shells are much approv'd All Acids must be avoided and after the Acid is vanquish'd Purgatives administred Besides internal Medicines external Applications are proper for promoting Chylification As Take of the Oyl of Mint prepar'd by Infusion and boyling two Drams express'd Oyl of Nutmegs a Dram distill'd Oyls of Mint of Mace and of Cloves of each half a Scruple Mix and anoint the Region of the Stomach Balsam of Peru is very proper for the same purpose Take of Tacamahac three parts Gum-Caran one part soften 'em with Balsam of Peru or distill'd Oyl of Mint and make a Plaister to be applied to the Stomac A Spunge dip'd in Wine impregnated with the Vehicle of Stomachic Simples and applied hot to the Stomac is also much approv'd CHAP. II. Of Wind in the Stomach and Guts WHEN the Work of Chylification is disturb'd Wind oft times molests and distends the Stomach which if it break upwards with a noise is call'd Belching if it be discharg'd both upwards and downwards 't is call'd a dry Cholera Wind is somewhat different from Vapors and Exhalations either of which is resolv'd by heat and thicken'd by cold whereas it undergoes no such alteration Nay 't is neither heat nor cold that is directly concern'd in giving it a Being 't is only the vicious fermentation of a Preternatural Acid within a thick viscous Body Thus we see that Spirit of Nitre pour'd upon a Metallin soluble Body boyls up into Wind and Noise The like will happen in the distillation of Tartar or the effusion of Vinegar or Juice of Citrons upon Corals or Crabs-Eyes In like manner Bread or new Wine if fermented will rise up with a windy noise but if fermentation be neglected no other process of boyling macerating distilling c. is able to produce that effect And once more if Apples be expos'd to the Sun so as to undergo a fermentation by vertue of the heat their Skin will chop and break to give way to the Wind and no other management whatsoever can compass that end Thus 't is made to appear that Wind is not pre-existent in the Liquors or Humors themselves but newly created by vertue of the imprisonment of acid and urinous Salts within a viscous Body which they endeavour to attenuate and break through when dissolv'd and put into motion by the addition of a ferment Now that the Vehicle is viscid is sufficiently made out by the tenacious gross Humors that are voided upwards by Vomiting The Part affected is the Cavity of the Stomach and its upper Orifice The immediate Cause is already explain'd To which we may add a violent compression which obliges the Wind in pursuit of a larger space to move in to break forth and forsake its narrow Habitation just as Air condensated displays its Elastic force and seeks to enlarge its Bounds driving before it the contiguous interfering Bodies with a notable noise The remote Causes are the eating of viscous Food and retention of acid Crudities Flatulent Meats may be very apt to encourage a Windy noise but without the fermentatation of an inclosed Acid they cannot of themselves produce it Therefore 't is that the same Meats will occasion such disturbances in acid Constitutions that are digested by other Persons without any disorder Some flatulent Distentions are natural produc'd by the oyly Bile and acid Mucus of the Stomac and Guts when their Cavities are Empty and projected by Nature to keep their walls from joyning and continue the openness of their Pores As to the Differences of Belchings some are Acid as in Hypocondriac cases and after long fasting some musty of which above some answerable to the natural quality of Food receiv'd as those caus'd by eating Onyons Radishes c. some quite insipid and lastly tho very rarely some are attended by a prodigious stink Now the cause of flatulent stinks must be fetch'd from the Chymical Experiment of dissolving fat Sulphureous Substances with Alcali's and precipitating with Acids As Antimony calcin'd with Nitre and Tartar in the Preparation of Crocus Metallorum then dissolv'd in Water and precipitated with Vinegar yields a most noysom Smell so the oyly Salts of the Bile first resolv'd and then precipitated by Acids are indow'd with the like Quality The Signs are these If the Wind cannot force its passage the Breast or Belly is distended and perplex'd if touch'd it rebounds as it were the respiration is very difficult especially when the Persons lie on their Backs they are molested with violent Pains and tossing from side to side they perceive a sort of flatulent noise within Just before the Wind breaks forth they complain of a vast Perplexity in their Breasts but when it gains its Passage are benefited by it Sometimes these flatulent Distentions reach the Neck and Back and occasion a Swelling about the Mouth of the Stomac which prevents the breaking of Wind downwards and reaps no advantage by those which pass upwards And Eating augments this Distention As for Prognostics They are usually the Symptoms of a Hypocondriac Illness and if they happen upon the recovery of a Disease portend its relapse If they continue long they threaten Dropsies If they stink horridly they are very malignant and
contagious The Cure is perform'd by attenuating and discharging the viscid Matter discussing the Wind and moderating its force In the first place let Antimonial Emerics be exhibited and next to them the Stomachical Purgatives prescrib'd in the last Chapter After the first Passages are clear'd the oyly volatil salin Simples are equally proper for tempering the Acid and attenuating the viscous Humour As for Example Take of Fennel and Mint-water of each an Ounce and a half Carminative-water prepar'd with Wine an Ounce Spirit of Anis Essence of Orange-peel of each three Drams distill'd Oyl of Mace five drops Syrup of Orange-peel six Drams Make a Potion to be taken by Spoonfuls Chamomil with the four hot Seeds both larger and lesser boyl'd in Wine or their distill'd Oyls or their Spirits mix'd with that of Sal-armoniac Castor or its Essence prepar'd with Spirit of Sal-armoniac Myrrh Treacle Orange-peel Amber-grise Cinnamom and all Oyly Volat-Salts are proper for the same purpose As for Example Take of Coriander-seeds half an Ounce Anniseeds Fennel-seeds of each two Drams Zedoary Ginger Galangal and Sal-armoniac of each a Dram ●owder of Diatrion Pipereon a Dram and half aromatic Oyl of Sugar two Drams Make a Coarse Powder Balsam of Sulphur is of very good use as likewise the aromatic compound Waters of the above mention'd Simples but above all the Carminative Spirit de Tribus that is the Spirit distill'd from Tartar and Nitre mix'd with Spirit of Wine tartaris'd and rectify'd Take of Mint-water two Ounces Roman Chamomil water an Ounce Zedoary-water half an Ounce Carminative Spirit de Tribus a Dram and a half Essence of Opium a Scruple Syrup of Orange-peel an Ounce Mix for a Draught Take of Elixir proprietatis prepar'd without Acids three Drams Essence of Castor two Drams Essence of Opium a Dram. Mix. Dose forty drops If Wind be accompanied with Flushings in the Face and a notable heat there is nothing comparable to the Spirit of Nitre dulcify'd with Spirit of Wine and impregnated with the vertue of Carminative-Simples after Sylvius's Method Sylvius's extemporary mixture is very serviceable in this case viz. Take of Fennel and Mint-water of each two Ounces rectify'd Spirit of Wine or Matthiolus's Aqua Vitae or Sylvius's Carminative Spirit an Ounce Spirit of Nitre twenty drops distill'd Oyl of Mace six drops Laudanum Opiatum three Grains Syrup of Mint an Ounce and a half Mix. Dose two Spoonfuls As for inveterat acid Belchings five or six Pepper-corns taken every Morning fasting are very useful as likewise absorbent Earthy Powders mix'd with Aromatics Essence or Juice of Wormwood taken at Meals and the Powder of Coral Cuttle-bone and Ostiocolla mix'd with Spirit of Wine impregnated with Juniper If the Wind proceed from a thick stubborn Mucilage exhibit the Asthmatical Syrup mix'd with a double quantity of Michael's Elixir for the Stomac Externally let the place affected be fomented with the Oyls of Chamomil and of the Carminative-seeds or with a mixture of Anis-water Spirit of Wine camphoris'd and Treacle or cover'd with a Plaister of Tacamahac Balsam of Peru and Treacle 'T is also proper to inject Clysters of Man's Urin in which the Carminative Ingredients have been boyl'd SECT VI. Of the Diseases that hinder the Retention of Food in the Stomac CHAP. I. Of Vomiting and Loathing of Meat HAVING thus accompany'd the Food from its first entry into the Mouth till its arrival in the Stomac we are now to view the Causes that disturb its Repose That Sense which with respect to external parts is call'd Pain is Christen'd Irritation among the Internal Membranes as the upper Orifice of the Stomach is said to be irritated when any Object grates upon or displeases it Now the natural result of Irritation is that Crowds of Spirits are summon'd in by the angry part and upon their arrival it contracts it self Thus the Mouth of the Stomac being extremely sensible contracts it self upon the least Irritation the natural consequence of which is a loathing of Meat or denying admission to it when swallow'd or if it happen to force its passage the imprison'd Wind belches out at the new open'd Gate But if this contraction be continu'd to the Pylorus or lower Orifice of the Stomac its Fibres being stronger than those of the upper throw up the Contents with force sufficient to master the Passage and hence insues a direct Vomiting So that Loathing and Vomiting differ in this point That the one is a contraction of the upper the other of the lower Orifice of the Stomac Vomiting is said to be Essential when the Irritating cause is lodg'd within the Stomach Such Causes are a Wound Inflammation Ulcer Gangren or Schirrus of the Stomac or Pylorus sharp Scorbutic Salts convey'd thither in company with the Spittle or deposited by the Arteries the vicious effervescency or recoyling of the Gall and Pancreatic Juice clotted Blood corrupt Matter or any Humor dislodg'd of its proper Habitation and hurry'd into the Stomac the Assumption of sharp Irritating Medicines Vomits Purges Poyson c. or of fat things which relaxat the Fibres of the upper Orifice and struggle with the acid ferment Crudities Worms c. If the Cause be seated elsewhere the Vomiting is caus'd by consent by reason either of the Stomac's being one continu'd piece with the affected part or of their mutual commerce maintain'd by the Nerves Thus the Disorders of the Bowels Guts Midriff Head Kidneys Womb Liver and Spleen are frequently the causes of Vomiting A Schirrus or corruption of the Sweetbread stagnation of the Seminal Juice in Widows and stale Maids and in a word whatever disturbs or inflames the Animal Spirits will produce the same effect Vomiting is usher'd in by Anxiety and Trouble in the Breast Swiming of the Head trembling of the Under-Lip plentiful evacuations of Spittle and Convulsive Motions of the Stomac An Essential Vomiting ought to be carefully distinguish'd from that which is Sympathical If when the Stomac is empty'd by Vomiting there remains still a propensity to Vomit if the Stomac continue heavy and blown up and nauseat Food if acid or musty Belchings insue we take it for an essential Vomiting If it be incorrigible and obstinat usher'd in at first by a pain in the Breast and after a Day or two a Loathing in a word if no fault can be fasten'd on the contain'd Humours it proceeds from a Callosity Schirrus or such like default in the Stomac If it come in a surprizing manner without the precedent Si●ns of Trouble in the Breast Loathing weak Stomac c. 'T is a shrewd Argument that it proceeds by consent from the disorder of some other part that is not yet come to light If it be caus'd by a viscid Humor 't is hard to cure it If the Chyle and Food be frequently thrown up with a feaverish heat 't is an ill circumstance Long and continual Vomiting in Malignant Feavers especially if the Matter be livid blackish or fetid is very dangerous In benign Feavers
may be useful for strengthning the Fibres of the Guts But to what Purpose should the Irritating and Floating Humors be bound up 'T is better they should take their Course than be thrown upon a Nobler Part. 'T is true Tormentil seal'd Earth Sugar of Lead and such like things are very useful but 't is not upon the account of their Adstringent but Absorbing and Correcting Vertue 7. 'T is the Ridiculous Humor of some to avoid Wine Whereas nothing is more Friendly to the Stomac or more proper against a Looseness Of All the Medicines us'd against Loosenesses Opium is the Head 'T is a Powerful Controuler of all Tumultuous Motions 'T is exhibited in Vinegar Or rather Recent Diascordium may supply its Room being given from a Dram to two Drams Some extoll the use of two Eggs boyl'd very hard sprinkled with Rose-Vinegar and Pouder of Mace and Nutmegs Others recommend a Quince fill'd with Wax and Roasted Goats Tallow melted and mix'd with Flower Extract of Tormentil dissolv'd in Cinnamon or Mint Water together with a Grain or two of Laudanum the Juice of Austere Fruits such as Medlars and Quinces mix'd with the Juice of Arsmart The Rob made from the Juice of unripe sorbe Apples the Conserve of Quinces mix'd with Distill'd Oyl of Cinnamon and Laudanum Opiatum The Decoction of Masticwood or in the Room of it that of Mastic it self with Mace and Cinnamon mix'd with Gelley of Hartshorn for Ordinary Drink or Water impregnated with the fumes of Mastic The Decoction of Juniper-berries or that of Hartshorn and Stag's Pizzle or the Decoction of Gum Arabic and Sugar in Ale The Golden Earth found in Gold Mines dissolv'd with the Spirit of the Vitriol of Steel Whey or Vinegar impregnated with Steel Crocus of Stee● Dulcify'd Gaput Mortuum of Vitriol exhibited in an Acid Vehicle Coral Crystal mix'd with Hysteric Laudanum and Chalybeat Bezoar against a Bilious Looseness Blood Stone Sugar of Lead Plantan Purslain Tormentil and Columbin-Waters and the Juices of Quinces and Pomgranats These are all specifics in this Disease Take of Plantan-Water three Ounces Cinnamom-Water an Ounce Fracastorius's Diascordium two Drams Prepar'd Red Coral two Scruples seal'd Earth a Scruple Syrup of Myrtles an Ounce Make a Potion Give a spoonful now and then Vinegar of Wine or of Roses and Diaphoretic Antimony may be added Take of Mint-water two Ounces Cinnamom-water two Drams Extract of Tormentil eight Grains Astringent Crocus of Steel and Hysteric Laudanum of each six Grains Syrup of Quinces half an Ounce Mix for one Dose Dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre may be added Or to temper the sharpness of the humors an Emulsion may be made from sweet Almonds and White Poppy Seeds with the Decoction of Hartshorn and mix'd with absorbent Powders Take of Vitriolated Conserve of Mint an Ounce and a half Diascordium half an Ounce Seal'd Earth a Dram Chalybeat Diaphoretic Antimony and Extract of Tormentil Roots of each half a Dram. With Syrup of Masterwort make an Electuary Dose two Drams twice or thrice aday When a Looseness is attended by Gripings black excrements thirst and inappetency give what follows Take Conserve of Mint and Diascordium of each two Ounces Rhubarb a Dram Red Coral two Scruples With Syrup of Coral make an Electuary Of which let the Patient take a Convenient quantity frequently In malignant Epidemical Loosenesses Alexipharmacal sudorifics ought to be mix'd with proper specifics as Spirit of Venice Treacle with Spirit of Mastic Seal'd Earth and Volatil Salt of Vipers c. Or thus Take of Seal'd Earth and Diaphoretic Antimony of each fifteen Grains Powder of Mace four Grains Volatil Salt of Vipers six Grains Mix for one Dose Take of Mint and Scordium Waters of each an Ounce and a half Cinnamon Water three Drams Vinegar of Wine six Drams Venice Treacle a Dram and a half Mineral Bezoar half a Dram Syrup of Quinces three Drams Mix for a Potion In the mean while let the Stomac be fortify'd by the Juice of Quinces Dulcify'd Spirit of Salt or a Draught of Generous Wine In case of a Tenesmus inject Milk-Clysters frequently If a Looseness be caus'd by Poyson give twelve Grains of Emerald with Conserve of Quinces The External Remedies against Loosenesses are Venice Treacle mix'd with Balsam of Peru and the Distill'd Oyl of Mastic sprinkl'd with the Distill'd Oyl of Mace and Applied to the Belly or the Crust of Tosted Bread soak'd in Vinegar and Cover'd with Cloves and Nutmegs in Powder or a Cataplasm of yest Powder of Mint Leaves Zedoary Cloves Galangal Ginger and Rose Vinegar applied to the Navel Fomentations of the same place with Decoctions of Aromatic Ingredients or Inunctions with Distill'd Aromatic Oyls incorporated with Express'd Oyl of Nutmegs applying after Inunction a hot Brick are also proper If there be a necessity of cleansing the Intestines either in the Beginning or Declension of the Disease give half a Dram of Rhubarb with eight Grains of Nutmegs and three Grains of Hysteric Laudanum Or give the Decoction of Tamarinds But these things are most proper in the Declination of the Disease or if in the beginning it must be when the humours are hurry'd into the Guts from other Parts or the first Passages are very foul as when a Looseness proceeds from Summer Fruits If the Great Intestines are the Seat of the Evil Clysters of Milk are proper as also when the Person goes frequently to stool and voids but little which is a sign of the Acrimony of the humor In that case Emollient Clysters of Chalybeat Milk Yelks of Eggs Turpentin and Hony of Roses are very useful If the Anus be excoriated foment with Milk in which Emollient-Herbs are Boyl'd If a Looseness be occasion'd by over violent Purgation let Laudanum Opiatum Wormwood Rue Essence of Venice Treacle mix'd with Anodyns and Diaphoretic Powders such as Seal'd Earth Sugar of Lead Blood stone Diaphoretic Antimony c. Be exhibited Let Venice Treacle be applied to the Navel or the Belly be fomented with Wine in which Wormwood Mint and Spices are Boyl'd If the Person be Grip'd or Molested with a perpetual Itch of going to stool inject a Clyster of warm Milk in which Venice Treacle is dissolv'd If a Looseness proceed from an Error in the use of External things as Summer Fruits c. It ought not to be stopped unless it overbear or cause an inappetency and weak Concoction in which case we exhibit the absorbent Powders with Opiats in the same method as above If a Looseness proceed from the transferring of the morbific matter to which Catarrhous Persons are obnoxious in the Night-time and which the Ancients fancy'd to flow from the Brain it is cur'd by aversion and derivation by Issues and Blistering Plaisters If a Looseness be caus'd by the spontaneous course of humors 't is cur'd as a common Looseness or by Chalybeat Medicines and Bathing But these last sorts of Loosenesses require no Cure unless they prove exorbitant ART II. Of the
Syrup of Carduus Benedictus half an Ounce Make a Potion for one Dose In fine the Common Prescriptions against all sorts of Dysenteries are such as these following Take of the shavings of a Stag's Pizzle half an Ounce Comfrey Roots Tragacanth and Nutmegs of each three Drams seal'd Earth Bole Armenic Burnt Hartshorn and Zedoary of each a Dram and an half Make a Powder You may add Laudanum Opiatum and Oyl of Cinnamom Take of the Extract of Tormentil twenty four Grains Vipers Livers Prepar'd Crabs Eyes of each a Scruple Hysteric Laudanum nine Grains Distill'd Oyl of Cinnamom two Drops Mix for two Doses Ye may add Troches of Amber and Prepar'd Crystal Take of Venice Treacle a Dram Prepar'd Blood-stone a Scruple Dead Men's Bones Calcin'd fifteen Grains Sugar of Lead six Grains Make a Bolus Take of the Rob of the Fruit of the Service Tree a Dram and a half Chalybeat-Bezoar fifteen Grains Dulcify'd Earth of Vitriol six Grains Laudanum Opiatum two Grains make a Bolus Take of Diascordium an Ounce and a half the Shavings of a Whales Pizzle three Drams Troches of Amber a Dram and a half Flowers of Sulphur a Dram. With Juice of Quinces make an Electuary Of which take a Convenient quantity at Morning Noon and Evening Take of Crude Allum half a Dram Cinnamon an Ounce and a half Make a Powder Dose a Scruple to be taken in Red Wine Take of Tormentil Water two or three Ounces Cinnamon-Water Prepar'd with Quinces an Ounce Spirit of Venice Treacle Camphoris'd three Drams Syrup of Comfrey an Ounce Mix for a Vehicle to the above-mention'd Powders Take of Plantan Water three Ounces Cinnamon Water six Drams Vinegar of Roses half an Ounce Diascordium two Drams Troches of Amber or those of Seal'd Earth half a Dram Prepar'd Crabs Eyes two Scruples Diaphoretic Antimony a Scruple Syrup of Myrtle-berries or of Quinces an Ounce Mix. Sugar of Lead Dulcify'd Earth of Vitriol Extract of Tormentil and Shavings of a Dead Man's Scull may be added or mutually shifted by turns After the Symptoms are mitigated by the use of the foregoing Prescriptions it will not be improper to exhibit some healing things calculated for the Corrosion or Ulceration of the Intestines Such are the Balsam of Sulphur prepar'd with Oyl of Amber or Annis or of Juniper-berries or of Turpentin Balsam of Peru given to half a Scruple with Sugar or with the Yelk of an Egg To which we may add the Vulnerary Decoctions As Take of the Leaves of Ground-Ivy Plantan and Tormentil of each a handful Pomgranat Flowers three little handfuls Shavings of a Whale's Pizzle three Ounces Boyl 'em in Black-Smiths-water To two Pounds of the strain'd Liquor add Syrup of Coral and that of Comfrey of each three Ounces Mix and exhibit a large Draught twice or thrice a day with fifteen Drops of the Balsam of Sulphur As for Clysters we ought to be very cautious of using ' em Anodyn Clysters for allaying the Pain and tempering the sharp Humors are made of Chalybeat Milk with Emollent Ingredients boyl'd in it and mix'd with Laudanum Opiatum Turpentin Venice Treacle Goats Tallow and Yelks of Eggs. Pouders are not convenient for they stick to the Guts and provoke ' em Vulnerary Healing Clysters are prepar'd from Vulnerary Decoctions or the Decoction or Juice of River Crabs mix'd with Balsam of Peru Goats Tallow and Oyl of Linseed Externally apply a Plaister of Venice Treacle to the Belly and take of Express'd Oyl of Nutmegs half an Ounce Balsam of Sulphur prepar'd with Oyl of Anis two Drams Balsam of Peru a Dram. Make a Liniment and anoint the Belly Take of Oak leaves and Bran of each three handfuls Flowers of Chamomil and of Mullein of each two handfuls Make two Quilted Bags to be dipp'd in warm Vinegar one large and round to be applied to the Navel the other long and small for the Breech Some reap benefit by sitting upon the Caput Mortuum of Vitriol when they go to stool others by applying a Cataplasm of Arsemart Leaves bruis'd and beaten up with Chalybeat Wine others by receiving the smoak of Burnt Harts-horn or Vinegar or Ginger thrown upon burning Coals just under their Breech when they go to stool A Tenesmus is a Retainer to Dysenteries being a perpetual but vain desire of going to stool The Immediat Cause is the irritation of the Intestinum Rectum especially that part of it that is surrounded with the Sphincter This Irritation may proceed by Consent or Sympathy from Nephritic Pains a Stone in the Bladder or Distention of the Womb or Essentially from a tenacious Corrosive Acid Humor thrown upon that Gut either by a preceeding Dysentery or sharp Purgatives from Inflammations occasion'd by the suppression of the Piles and the Corrosion of the worms call'd Ascarides An Essential Tenesmus is more dangerous than a Sympathetical one If it continue long it degenerats into Ulcers and Fistula's of the Anus In Women with Child it frequently causes miscarriage As for the Cure Let the Irritation be abated by Opiats If a Tenesmus proceed from a sharp renacious humor Abstergent Clysters and Fomentations are proper If the Intestin be excoriated temperat soft Ingredients are requir'd Take of Mullein flowers two handfuls Seeds of Red Vetches two Ounces Salt of Tartar a Dram Boyl 'em in Water To a Pound of the strain'd Liquor add two Ounces of Goats Tallow and an Ounce of Hony of Roses Mix for two Clysters The Decoction of Worms in Milk is likewise very proper But all Clysters ought to be injected in small quantities at a time Foment the Anus with the Decoction of Mullein flowers in Milk Or apply a bag quilted with Toad flax and Mullein Leaves and the flowers of Mullein and Chamomil and boyl'd in Chalybeat Milk Or let the Anus be fumigated with hot Bricks or Iron thrown into warm Vinegar Or with the Decoction of Savin in Water and Vinegar Or with Myrrh Frankincense Roses c. thrown upon burning Coals If the Intestin be Ulcerated inject Vulnerary Decoctions with the Oyl of Wax Or anoint with a Liniment of the Oyl of Roses and Earthworms mix'd with the Solution of Litharge in Vinegar Or thrust up a suppository of Unguentum Album Camphoratum Diapompholygos and dulcify'd Earth of Vitriol Internally the Oyl of Mastic with Mint Water or the red Oyl of Vitriol with Broth is much approv'd The Hepatic flux is a Painless voiding of Watry Blood from the Internal Hemorrhoid Veins which the Ancients fancy'd to proceed from the Liver It either follows the Excoriation caus'd by a preceeding Dysentery or is occasion'd by the ordinary Causes of Eruption of Blood of which elsewhere Opiats Astringents and gentle Laxatives especially Raisins are the Basis of its Cure Some Persons are troubled with an Itching of the Anus If it be caus'd by the approach of any External sharp thing let it be fomented with warm Milk and Rose Water If it tend to an Ulcer apply a Liniment of Sulphur
Spanish VVine and Oyl of Chamomil For a Flatulent Colic Take of Bay Leaves a handful Chamomil flowers a handful and a half Angelica or Lovage Roots six Drams The four lesser hot Seeds of each two Drams Boyl them in fair Water To ten Ounces of the strain'd Liquor add Electuary of Bayberries six Drams Venice Treacle one or two Drams Distill'd Oyls of Angelica Caraways Cumminseed and Bayberries of each three or four drops With the Yelk of one Egg Make two Clysters to be injected at two several times by reason of the wind disturbing the Injection Or Take of the Carminative Decoction six Ounces Man's Urine four Ounces Yest a Dram Common Salt a Scruple Hony of Roses an Ounce Make a Clyster in flatulent Colics In the beginning of the Disease Gentle Emollient Anodyn Clysters are not improper in any Colic As take of Henbane Leaves a handful Boyl them in Milk To ten Ounces of the Decoction add an Ounce of the Honey of Roses Mix for a Clyster Afterwards when we have discover'd that vicious matter or hard Excrements are Lodg'd in the great Guts we may pres●● be Emollient Clysters sharpen'd with Sal Gem and if these prove ineffectual add sharp Purgatives as above If the Anus be much retracted and threaten an Iliac let Clysters be sparingly us'd as likewise in all true Convulsive Colics 2. If the Intestines are much Contracted either by foreign Convulsions or vicious matter within proper Purgatires ought to be avoided for they promote the Contraction and Lock up the Excrements closer In this case Whey or an Ounce of the Oyl of sweet Almonds with Spanish Wine and Sperma Caeti are more effectual than the strongest Purgatives If the Guts be inflamed all Laxatives whatsoever are Pernicious If the Colic proceed from a tenacious viscid humor and be attended by a heavy Boring pain Purgatives mix'd with attenuating Ingredients are allowable tho rather after the Fit has made some progress and the Symptoms are a little abated than just in the beginning especially if the Pain be very Violent The safer way is to begin with Emollient Abstergent Prescriptions such as that of the Oyl of Almonds and Wine and Sperma Caeti and then after some time prescribe thus Take of Mint Water an ounce and a half Cinnamon Water half an ounce Gum Ammoniac dissolv'd in Vinegar half a dram Tartar Vitriolated fifteen Grains Scammony Sulphurated and Troches Alhandal of each two Grains Solutive Syrup of Roses or of Apples half an ounce Make a Potion for a Colic proceeding from a tenacious acid humor in the Guts In the Declension of the Fit 't is expedient to exhibit sweet Mercury with the Pills of Hera with Agaric for dissolving and washing off the remains of the viscous Acid. Or if in the beginning of the Fit it be safe or convenient to Purge let Laudanum Opiatum be added As Take of Gum Ammoniac dissolv'd in Vinegar a dram Diagrydium six Grains Laudanum Opiatum four or five Grains Mix c. Fulminatory Gold is likewise a proper Ingredient After the Paroxysm is over Sudorifics and Purgatives mix'd together are not improper 3. If the Stomac and upper Guts are stuff'd with peccant matter Vomits are very useful If the pain bear downwards they are very Pernicious 4. Narcotics especially Hysteric Laudanum are very useful in Convulsive Colics and such as proceed from a thin fiery humor They are given in the beginning and during the increase of the fit while the Patient has yet strength sufficient In case of a viscous acid humor they are not so proper till the Guts be cleans'd by Purgatives unless the Violence of Symptoms require ' em The better way is to mix 'em with the Purgatives and exhibit 'em also after Purgation Or to give 'em before Purging so as that they have not finish'd their office till the succeeding Purge joyn ' em 5. The Stomac and Feet ought to be well Arm'd against Cold and all Cold Liquors avoided for sometimes they cause a Colic and in that case a large draught of Juniper Water is a Sovereign Remedy 'T is true there are some Instances of Colics cur'd by drinking Cold Water which perhaps relaxats the contracted Guts But 't is an accidental case and ought not to be look'd upon as a precedent 6. When the Belly is open'd if the Symptoms do not disappear let Aromatic Ingredients be us'd as being admirably fitted for tempering the acid attenuating the viscid matter discussing Wind and fortifying the Nerves against Convulsions Such are Male Speedwell Chamomil its Decoction in Water or its Oyl taken inwardly Clary Orange Peel Zedoary Garlic Gentian Elecampane Wormwood the four large hot-seeds Castor Sulphur Horse Dung and Stones Spirit of Sal-armoniac Spirit of Treacle Camphoris'd Spirit of Tartar Spirit of Hartshorn the Carminative Spirit de tribus c. Some commend the Decoction of Wormwood Elecampane Roots and Orange Peel with mithridat Take of Chamomil and Elder flowers Leaves of Mint and dry'd Rue of each three handfuls fresh Juniper berries two ounces and a half Bay berries Peel'd six drams Cummin Seeds an ounce Anis and Fennel Seed of each half an ounce Aromatic Calamus an ounce and a half The yellow part of Orange Peel three ounces Cinnamon six drams Zedoary three drams Pound them well and sprinkle 'em with six drams of rectify'd Spirit of Wine Infuse them in a sufficient Quantiy of Spirit of Wine not over-rectify'd for the space of twelve hours over a gentle heat of Sand then Distil slowly Dose a spoonful or two Take of the Waters of Anised and Chamomil flowers of each two ounces Cinnamon Water an ounce Spirit of Zedoary half an ounce Dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre two drams Distill'd Oyl of Anis six drops Laudanum Opiatum two Grains Syrup of Orange Peel an ounce Make a Potion to be taken by spoonfuls in Bilious Colics Take of the Waters of Chamomil flowers Mint and Penny Royal of each an ounce Essence of Castor two or three drams Spirit of Hartshorn Succinated or Spirit of Sal-armoniac a dram and a half Laudanum Opiatum three Grains Syrup of Mugwort an ounce Mix for two or three Doses in Convulsive Colics Take of Chamomil Water two drams Mint Water an ounce Essence of Opium half a dram Jaw bone of a Pike a dram Volatil Salt of Hartshorn fifteen Grains Syrup of Fennel three drams Mix and give a spoonful now and then in Convulsive Colics Take of the flowers of Sulphur two drams Jaw bone of a Pike a dram Distill'd Oyls of Caraways Cummin seed and Fennel seed of each four drops Laudanum Opiatum four Grains Make a Powder for three four or five Doses in the Colics that proceed from humors In Nephritic Colics Pills of Turpentin are very proper If the Gripings are attended by a burning heat the dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre If by a Coldness the fix'd salts and absorbent Powders are useful Take of the shavings of Ivory two scruples Prepar'd red Coral and Crabs Eyes of each
Take of the Leaves of Hyssop and white Horehound of each two handfuls Elecampane Roots two Ounces Fennel seeds half an Ounce Anis seed two drams Terra foliata Tartari three drams Common Water three Pound Scum'd Hony half a Pound Boyl them in a close Vessel Scum the Liquor and add three drams of Cinnamon and a dram of Oriental Saffron Strain it for use Let the Patient take a draught twice or thrice a day Take of Hyssop and Speedwell Water of each an ounce and a half Cinnamon Water an ounce Essence of Zedoary half an ounce Gum Ammoniac dissolv'd in Vinegar and a dram and a half Oxymel of Sqills an ounce Mix for two or three Doses Take of Hyssop Poppy flower and Asthmatical Waters an ounce and a half Asthmatical Spirit Prepar'd f●om Gum Ammoniac Verdigris and Brimstone an ounce and a half Oxymel of Squills or Syrup of Tobacco an ounce Take of the Tincture of Tartar half an ounce Spirit of Sal-armoniac two drams Mix and take thirty or forty drops in a warm Vehicle Take of the Roots of Fennel of Asarabacca and of Florentin Orris of each three drams Liquorice two drams Boyl them in Water till the third part be consum'd To eight ounces of the strain'd Liquor add Gum Ammoniac a dram Oxymel of Squills an ounce Syrup of Horehound an ounce or two Mix. This is Brunnerus his Potion Note Sugar and Sweet things ought to be Cautiously us'd in this Disease They are offensive to the Stomac and Lungs and favour a Phthisic Take of Rape flower Water four ounces strong Cinnamon Water half an ounce Syrup of Tobacco an ounce Spirit of Sulphur as much as sufficeth for a Grateful Acidity Mix c. A dram of Gum Ammoniac may be added Take of Cinnamon Water two ounces Sperma Caeti two drams Oxymel of Squills an ounce Mix c. Take of the Wine and Infusion of Woodlice eight ounces Extract of Elecampane Roots two drams Extract of Saffron half a dram Syrup of Hyssop and Syrup of white Horehound of each two drams Mix and take a draught twice a day As for the Convulsive dry Asthma's they are cur'd by premising a Vomit excepting the case of Hysterical Symptoms exhibiting Antiepileptic Medicines such as the Volatil Salt of Amber the Spirits of Tartar Amber Harts-horn Sulphur and Sal-armoniac especially the Essence of Castor whose Oyly salt conquers the Acid most effectually the Spirit of Putrify'd Earthworms and the Distill'd Oyls of Amber Anis and Turpentin mix'd with Narcotics Externally we apply the Oyl of sweet Almonds with Saffron to the Breast and Blistering Plaisters to the Shoulder-Blades and Arms. ART II. Of a Hiccough THE Hickets are a Convulsive motion of the Diaphragm bending it downward distending the Belly and provoking it to accelerat and interrupt Inspiration The Ancients refer'd it to the Stomac but its influence over the Belly its necessary dependence upon Inspiration its ready Obedience to the Command of our Will its being cur'd by continu'd Inspiration Sneesing Mirth and Violent Passions argue that 't is Seated in the Middriff 'T is true the Irritating Cause is frequently lodg'd in the upper Orifice of the Stomac from whence it has a short influence upon the Middriff thro' which the Orifice Passes Thus sharp acid Cold Liquors and Victuals or an acid Viscous Phlegm in the Stomac such as Children are Obnoxious to are frequently the Authors of this Disease As also the Convulsive motions of any other Membran that Corresponds with the Middriff Violent Purgatives Disjoynting of the Ribs Inflammations of the Liver Ruptures and whatever injures the Guts or Adjacent Membrans If a Hiccough proceed from the assumption of sharp Liquors or External things 't is not so dangerous as when it follows the Inflammations of the Liver Costiveness Colics or Feavers especially towards their height The Cure consists in abating the Convulsive sense of the Middriff and removing the material cause The former end is compass'd by Narcotics mix'd with Specifics Now the Specifics are Cinnamon Mastic Galangal Ginger Aniseed Burnt Hartshorn or Ivory Spirit of Sal-armoniac and especially Castor Take of Venice Treacle half a dram Laudanum Opiatum two Grains Aniseed half a Scruple Distill'd Oyl of Mace two drops With the Juice of Quinces Make a Bolus If the Evil be Inveterat 't will be necessary to Vomit Or at least to Purge with Pills of Aloe and Sweet Mercury mix'd with Laudanum After their Operation is over exhibit the following Mixture Take of Wine Impregnated with Quinces and the Tincture of Roses of each an ounce Extract of Zedoary fifteen Grains Laudanum Opiatum two Grains Distill'd Oyl of Orange Peel four drops Syrup of Quinces half an ounce Mix c. If the Stomac be distended with Wind add the Dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre If the Person be molested with Hysterical Symptoms add the Extract of Castor Externally we apply to the Stomac Cataplasms of yest Aromatic Powders and Oyl of Castor Or hot Bread soak'd in Spanish Wine or in Vinegar in which Pepper Castor and Mustard seeds are Boyl'd If a Hiccough proceed from Crudities in the Stomac besides the General method of Vomiting and Purging with Aloe 't will be requisit to exhibit Stomachical Mixtures of the Essence of Zedoary Spirit of Mastic Elixyr Proprietatis prepar'd with Spirit of Sal-armoniac Essence of Wormwood c. If it be occasion'd by sharp Corrosive rusty humors 't will be needful to joyn the above mention'd Specifics with Absorbent Powders such as Seal'd Earth Crabs Eyes Coral Solar Earth and especially the Inner skin of a Hen's Breast If it take its Root from Poyson or be Accompany'd by Malignity let Alexipharmacal Ingredients be added In Feavers Antimonial Nitre given to a dram is of Noted Efficacy If sudden Cold or Drinking of Cold Liquors immediatly after heat gave being to the Disease 't will be proper to Bathe in the Decoction of Nervous Plants ART III. Of the Night Mare THE Night-Mare is either Accidental or Habitual The former is occasion'd by the Distention of the Stomac with Wind or Crudities and prevails when Persons are asleep and lye upon their Backs For then the Stomac dilated presses the Middriff and Muscles of the Bread most and so incumbers the descent of the one and dilatation of the other which are necessary for Inspiration Thus the Blood stagnats in the Lungs and the Person is not able to speak or breathe freely but fancies himself press'd by some particular Object The Habitual is occasion'd by some Acid Lymph that disorders the Spirits and Creates a Paralytic or Convulsive Disposition of the Nerves of the Middriff and Muscles of the Breast which by consent Cramp those of the Wind Pipe whose Contraction raises a sense of strangling and abolishes the Power of an Articulat Voice Hypochondiac and Scorbutic Persons are most subject to this habitual sort which is frequently attended by red spots in the skin and seems to be near a-kin to an Epilepsy Sometimes 't is the effect of Worms
the Disease In order to solve this difficult knot let us consider in the first place that Nature is forc'd to these Evacuations by the sharpness of the humors which ought to be corrected by temperat Medicines in the next place that if they exceed in quantity they may be safely curb'd or if deficient in quantity may be gently incourag'd If the quality of the matter be faulty that is if such things are evacuated as ought not to be 't is allowable to stop it according to Hipp. Sect. 2. Aph. 2. If both quantity and quality be faultless and the evacuation charg'd with no Crime but that of its being ill tim'd it may nevertheless prove Critical Blood-letting is frequently injoyn'd in Feavers but oft-times it do's more harm than good The general Plea for it is that it ventilats and cools the Blood whereas on the contrary the more space be given to the Blood to boyl in the higher it boyls In intermitting Feavers I positively aver that 't is noxious in malignant Feavers 't is next door to cutting the Patient's Throat And as touching the continual burning Feavers it ought to be very cautiously gone about by reason of a latent malignity that oft-times attends them If the Patient be plethoric young and lusty if a Vomit could not conveniently be exhibited in the beginning of the Feaver if any wonted evacuation of Blood be stop'd and such other circumstances indicate Blood-letting 't is well But however it be 't is never safe after the third or fourth Day As for evacuating Remedies Hippocrates's Aphorism is a standing Rule namely that Concocted not crude humors ought to be evacuated So proper Purgatives are inconvenient till after the height of the distemper Indeed gentle lenitives that do not reach further than the first ways may be mix'd with digestive Salts and exhibited in the beginning or progress avoiding the time of the Crisis Vomits are proper in all kinds of Feavers especially if there be any inclination to Vomit sour Belchings murmuring noise in the Guts Head-ach or Giddiness They ought to be Administred only in the beginning of acute Feavers In the progress of slow Feavers they may likewise be given Clysters are proper for mitigating the Heat and redressing the disorders of the Head and Guts But upon the point of Critical Evacuations or Eruptions they are altogether improper Sweating Medicines are authoris'd by Nature's Example They ought to be frequently repeated and that not only after signs of Concoction but during the whole course of the disease especially if it be malignant Such of 'em as are sharp aromatic rosinous oyly or Hot are to be avoided and those which are temperat as the fix'd absorbents and the thin volatils are only proper for this purpose If sweat do not easily insue add Opiats to them Which are never to be us'd without a sudorific mixture nor about the time of the Crisis nor in the very first beginning of the disease In Feavers Sugar and sweet things ought to be avoided by reason that they promote the Fermentation Thirst generally attends Feavers and proceeds from the deficiency of Spittle and from Alcalin Salts lodg'd in the Palat. 'T is a vulgar Error to derive it from Heat for a few drops of Spirit of Sulphur are more efficatious in quenching it than a whole Gallon of Water or cooling Liquors Wine is likewise of noted efficacy for quenching Thirst corroberating the Stomac and Spirits and promoting Urine But it ought to be of a sharp thin Body for the sweet fat Wines from Spain Florence c. are hurtful Hippocrates was wont to exhibit Wine in all Feavers at least in intermitting and malignant Feavers 't is of soveraign use In continual burning Feavers what disorders it may occasion are presently visible and yield to absorbent Powders for 't is not the hot Spirit but the Acid of the Wine that can do the least harm nor that neither but only in some particular Constitutions Ale or Beer is not agreeable to feaverish Persons because the digestive faculty of the Stomac being languid it corrupts and causes bitter musty Belchings Waters and thin Liquors mix'd with Acids are preferable As Take of the Flowers of red Roses two handfuls extract a Tincture from them with Water sharpen'd with Spirit of Sulphur then add the Syrrup of the Juice of Gitrons or of Barberries or of Rasberries and make a Julep Or Take three Citrons slic'd and throw upon 'em white Sugar Then Boyl them in common Water Take of this Liquor strain'd a Pound and half fresh juice of Citrons three Ounces Flowers of Roses and of red Poppies of each a handful with a small quantity of dulcify'd Spirit of Salt Let them stand in a warm infusion in order to extract a Tincture In continual Feavers let the Patient drink at pleasure But the Liquor must not be cold nor much of it drunk at once In intermitting Feavers these Acid potions ought not to be Administred till after the cold Fit The Spirit of Sulphur with common Water is a proper Liquor both for quenching thirst and promoting sweat Or Take of Whey two Pound Citron Juice three Ounces Dasies and red Poppy Flowers of each an Ounce and a half Boyl in a close Vessel till the Tincture be extracted The Citron Juice depurates the Whey It is useful in all continual Feavers and qualifies Scorbutic or Hypochondriac Salts As for Diet. They ought to avoid Meat Fishes and Summer Fruits In a word let them eat but a little and as their Appetit requires What they eat must be thin and watry but never forc'd upon ' em Broth Panado's a Tost in Wine or at most poach'd Eggs are their proper food Quiet and Rest are good Signs and sleep if it be not preternatural composes the Spirits and procures Sweat CHAP. II. Of Intermitting Feavers A Feaver is styl'd Intermitting when the fermentation and agitation of the Blood and Spirits is interrupted and after a certain interval of time revives again If it return with equal force every Day 't is call'd Quotidian If it return every other Day leaving an interval of one intire Day 't is a Tertian if the interval consist of two Days 't is a Quartan Some return after three Days some after four five c. Some every Week some every Month and some every Year but these are very unfrequent If the fit return twice or thrice in one Day 't is call'd a double or treble Quotidian If two Paroxisms happen every other Day or if the intermitting Days of Tertians have likewise Paroxysms corresponding to one another 't is a double Tertian If two Fits come in the Fir Days and but one in the Intermitting 't is a treble Tertian If the Fits return every Day so as that the first for duration and other Symptoms is parallel to the fourth the second to the fifth third to the sixth c. 't is a treble Quartan If the Feaver intermit only every third Day 't is a double Quartan 'T is
crouded into the Stomach while its Mouth is stubborn and not easily mov'd to vomiting as in Hypocondriac and the like cases In scorbutic Feavers attended by convulsive Pains of the Belly or Loins those made of Milk Sugar Hony and the Yelk of an Egg are very useful In Hypochondriac and Histeric Fevers the same Clysters are given or mix'd with Turpentin The carminative and gentle Abstersive Clysters are as follows Take of the carminative and emollient Ingredients of each a handful Salt of Pot-ashes two or three Drams Dross of Regulus Antimonii a Dram Boil in a sufficient quantity of Water To eight Ounces of the strain'd Liquor add Electuary of Bay-Berries one Ounce distill'd Oyl of Turpentin a Scruple Or Take of the carminative or emollient Ingredients two handfuls Salt of Tartar a Dram or two Boyl them in Water To nine Ounces of the strain'd Liquor add of Electuary of Bayberries one Ounce distill'd Oyl of Amber half a Scruple and the Yelk of one Egg. Make a Clyster Take of Chamomil Flowers two handfuls Juniper-Berries one Ounce Aniseeds half an Ounce boil them in equal quantities of Water and Human Urine To eight Ounces of the Decoction strain'd add of lenitive Electuary one Ounce distill'd Oyl of Juniper Berries a Scruple Make a Clyster Take of Roman Chamomil one handful Bay-leaves and Elder-Flowers of each half a handful Angelica and Lovage Roots and Aniseeds of each six Drams boil them in Water To nine Ounces of the Decoction strain'd add Electuary of Bay-Berries and lenitive Electuary of each six Drams Antimonial Nitre a Scruple distill'd Oyl of Angelica Oyl of Bayberries and Oyl of Rue of each four grains with the Yelk of one Egg make a Clyster Take of Bay-Leaves and Elder-Flowers of each half a handful Chamomil-Flowers one handful Lovage Roots six drams Fenugrec Seeds half an Ounce Boil them in Water and Humane Urine Strain the Decoction and add to nine Ounces of it Electuary of Hiera with Agaric six Drams Electuary of Bay-berries three Drams distill'd Oyl of Angelica Caraways and Rue of each four drops Make a Clyster Take of the Leaves of Wormwood and Carduus Benedictus of each a handful Roots of Elecampane one Ounce Lovage Roots six Drams Juniper Berries one Ounce Salt of Tartar a Dram boil them in Whey And to eight Ounces of the strain'd Decoction add Electuary of Hiera with Agaric one Ounce Hony of Roses six Drams Sal Gem a Dram and a half Mix for a Clyster Take of Chamomil Flowers two handfuls Mint one handful Juniper Berries an Ounce boil them in Water and Human Urine and inject the warm Decoction In scorbutic Feavers the Clysters must be compos'd of Milk as take of Goats or Cows Milk from nine Ounces to a Pound Hony of Roses Hony of Rue of each an Ounce or an Ounce and a half and two Yelks of Eggs. Make a Clyster for two Injections This and all other Clysters ought always to be injected about an Hour or two before the Paroxysm VI. These general evacuations can never compass the cure unless follow'd by Diaphoretics 'T is true sweating Medicines ought not to be exhibited till after Vomiting c. But the Feaver is not right cur'd if they be totally omitted or Sweats do not insue 'T is true Hot sharp Aromatics are justly avoided but the saline Febrifuga's must not be neglected VII The sick Person must take care to have an empty Stomac when the fit comes VIII Diaphoretic Medicines are not to be given in the Paroxysm but an Hour or two before it in order to promote sweating in the end of the Fit for if that be wanting the Person is seiz'd with the Head-ach But withal 't is an improper way to procure Sweat by a heavy load of Coverings IX The Physician must observe nicely if a Tertian partakes of malignity If the Tongue be rough and black and the Person seiz'd with a sudden Weakness 't is a shroud evidence of a malignant Tertian In this case Emulsions of Citron Seeds with Alexipharmacal Medicines joyn'd to Febrifuga's are proper X. Spirit of Sal-Armoniac is an infallible comforter either in the Cold or Hot Fit In Scorbutic Feavers 't is of soevereign use if mix'd with Spirit of Scurvy-grass It may be given before the Paroxysm or on the intermitting Day Take of Spirit of Sal-armoniac a dram Essence of Opium fifteen drops Mix for one Dose to be taken immediatly before the Paroxyism Take of Spirit of Sal-armoniac three drams Spirit of Harts-horn succinated a dram dose thirty or forty drops Take Water of Carduus Benedictus an ounce Spirit of Sal-armoniac half a dram or a dram Laudanum Opiatum two grains Syrup of Carduus Benedictus half an ounce mix for a Potion before the Paroxysm Take of Mint Water one ounce Spirit of Salarmoniac half a dram Diaphoretic Antimony a scruple Distill'd Oyl of Cloves or of Amber two drops Syrup of Orange peel two drams mix as above If the cold Fit be very troublesome add a grain of Laudanum Opiatum In Scorbutic Feavers add Spirit of Scurvy-grass Take of Mint Water two ounces Cinnamom Water two drams Spirit of Sal-armoniac a dram Diaphoretic Antimony sixteen grains Syrup of Betony two drams mix as above Take of purify'd Sal-armoniac a scruple Antihectcum Poterii twelve or fifteen grains distill'd Oyl of Cloves two drops make a Powder to be taken before the accession of the Fit Take of Sal-armoniac fifteen grains prepar'd Crabs Eyes half a Scruple Laudamim Opiatum one grain make a Powder and use as above Take of Antiscorbutic Water and Water of Carduus Benedictus of each an ounce and a half Spirit of Scurvy-grass or Spirit of Sal-armoniac a dram prepar'd Crabs Eyes and Strobelbergerus his specific against Feavers of each a scruple Laudanum Opiatum two grains Forestus's Syrup of Scelotyrbium an ounce Mix c. XI When the cold Fit is extreamly violent the use of Spirit of Sal-armoniac may be confin'd to the intermitting Days and the fix'd Alcali Salts exhibited on the Fit Days As Take of Red Coral prepar'd Salt of Wormwood of each fifteen grains Laudanum Opiatum a grain distill'd Oyl of Cloves or of Juniper Berries two drops Make a Powder to be given in a warm Vehicle about an Hour or two before the Paroxysm in order to procure Sweat Or Take of Salt of Wormwood a scruple Volatil Salt of Harts-horn five grains Laudanum Opiatum two grains Make a Powder as above Or Take of Salt of Wormwood fifteen grains Volatil Salt of Harts-horn three grains prepar'd red Coral half a scruple Distill'd Oyl of Cloves two drops Make a Powder c. Take of Salt of Wormwood two scruples prepar'd Crabs Eyes half a dram Diaphoretic Antimony half a scruple Mix for three Doses to be exhibited before a Quartan Paroxysm Take of red Coral prepar'd Salt of Wormwood of each a Scruple Fulminating Gold six Grains Make a Powder Take of Harts horn prepar'd without Fire two Scruples Salt of Carduus Benedictus Salt of
lesser Centory of each eight Grains Make a Powder for two Doses Take of Salt of Wormwood fifteen grains Diaphoretic Antimony half a Scruple prepar'd red Coral twelve grains distill'd Oyl of Sassafras or of Mace two Drops-Mix c. If the form of Potions be more acceptable take of Water of Carduus Benedictus one Ounce Salt of Wormwood a Scruple Salt of lesser Centory half a Scruple Julep of Roses three Drams Mix for one Dose Take of Water of lesser Centory an Ounce or two Salt of Wormwood fifteen or twenty Grains prepar'd Crabs Eyes ten or fifteen grains Syrup of Carduus Benedictus half an Ounce Make a Potion to be given before the Paroxysm adding two Drops of distill'd Oyl of Cloves Take of Parsley Water two Ounces Fennel Water one Ounce Spirit of Venice Triacle a Dram and a half Volatil salt of Amber a scruple Syrup of Carduus Benedictus an Ounce Mix and exhibit a Spoonful now and then Take of the Water of Carduus Benedictus two Ounces Triacle Water two Drams Salt of Wormwoood half a Dram Spirit of Sal-armoniac a scruple Syrup of red Poppies three Drams Mix for a Potion XII The fix'd Salts consisting of an Alcali and an Acid such as Arcanum Duplicatum Sal Hypochondriacum digestivum c. are proper to be us'd in the beginning of the Disease before Evacuations and likewise on the intermitting and Fit-Days As Take of Hypochondriac Salt half a scruple Salt of Wormwood five grains Mix for a Powder Take of purify'd Sal-●rmoniac a Dram Antimoniall Nitie a scruple Make a Powder for two Doses one to be taken in a hot Vehicle in the Morning and the other in a cold Vehicle at Night Take of Arcanum duplicatum fifteen or twenty grains Diaphoretic Antimony half a scruple Mix. Let it be taken before the Invasion of the Fit and twice on the intermitting Day Take of Arcanum duplicatum fifteen grains prepar'd Crabs Eyes twelve grains distill'd Oyl of Juniper Berries two drops Mix and make a Powder to be us'd as above Take of Arcanum duplicatum fifteen grains Salt of Wormwood prepar'd red Coral of each half a scruple Laudanum Opiatum one grain Make a Powder Take of prepar'd Crabs Eyes Areanum duplicatum Salt of Wormwood of each half a Dram Volatil Salt of Amber twelve grains Laudanum Opiatum three Grains Make a Powder for three Doses One to be taken immediatly before the Fit and two on the intermitting Day Take Ivory prepar'd without Fire Arcanum duplicatum of each twelve grains fulminatory Gold six Grains Or Take of Cream of Tartar a Dram Tartar vitriolated half a Dram Spirit of Sulphur three or four Drops Make a Powder for two Doses Riverius recommends Crollius's specific Potion to be taken before the Paroxysm viz. Take of Cichory Water one two or three Ounces Spirit of Sulphur or Spirit of Vitriol fifteen or twenty Drops Salt of Wormwood half a Dram. Mix for a Potion XIII When the hot Fit is very violent and the cold one short and inconsiderable nitrous Salts are very proper Dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre effectually allays the Feaver after the height of the Paroxysm Antimonial Nitre or Nitre vitriolated is a sovereign Remedy in scorbutic Feavers Take of Antimonial Nitre fifteen grains Sal-armoniac six grains Make a Powder to be administred before the Paroxysm Take of Antimonial Nitre half a scruple Arcanum duplicatum twenty or thirty grains Poterius's Antihectic Powder nine or twelve grains Mix for three Doses Take of Antimonial Nitre two scruples Harts-horn prepar'd without Fire a scruple Diaphoretic Antimony eight grains Mix for two Doses Take of Arcanum duplicatum fifteen or twenty grains volatil Salt of Amber six or ten grains Make a Powder XIV Acids are not very proper in intermitting Feavers If the Feaver approach to a continual or be attended by an immoderat burning Heat insufferable Thirst and a difficulty of sweating they may be exhibited but never before the height of the Fit As Take of the Water of Carduus Benedictus two Ounces Mint Water one Ounce Diaphoretic Antimony half a Dram Laudanum Opiatum a grain or two Syrup of Carduus Benedictus six drams Dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre as much as sufficeth to render it grateful Mix and give it by spoonfuls in the declination of the Paroxysm Take of Rasberry Water three ounces Juice of Rasberries three or six drams Diaphoretic Antimony half a dram or a dram Syrup of the Juice of Citrons half an ounce or a whole ounce Dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre as much as sufficeth for a grateful acidity mix Take a spoonful now and then It quenches thirst allays the heat and promotes sweating Take of the Water of red Poppy Flowers four ounces Diaphoretic Antimony two or three scruples Syrup of red Poppies half an ounce Dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre as much as sufficeth c. Sometimes Crabs Eyes mix'd with Vinegar are useful in the Fit as take of the Water of Carduus Benedictus Cichory Water of each an ounce and a half Wine Vinegar six drams simple Spirit of Triacle three or four drams Powder of Crabs Eyes half a dram Syrup of the five opening Roots an ounce mix and exhibit a spoonful now and then Or Take of Sorrel Water Fumitory Water Mint Water of each an ounce Rasberry or Elder Vinegar six drams simple Spirit of Triacle a dram and a half or two drams prepar'd Crabs Eyes two or three scruples Syrup of Orange Peel three drams Mix and use as above 'T is useful against straitness of the Breast Gripings Wind and Hypochondriac symptoms of the Belly Take of the Water of Carduus Benedictus Endive Water and House-leek Water of each an ounce Vinegar six drams Dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre a scruple prepar'd Crabs Eyes half a dram Diaphoretic Antimony fifteen grains Syrup of the Juice of Citrons six drams Mix as above Take of Chervil Water four ounces Wine Vinegar six drams prepar'd red Coral prepar'd Crabs Eyes of each a dram Laudanum Opiatum two grains Syrup of Ground Ivy half an ounce Mix c. XV. Opiats are of Extraordinary use But if unseasonbly administred are very pernicious Digestive and Evacuating Medicines must always precede the use of Opium After them it mitigates the cold and shivering and effectually removes such Paroxysms as return more by Custom than the force of the morbific matter It must always be joyn'd to proper specifics As Take of Mynsicthius's Arcanum Duplicatum a scruple Salt of Wormwood half a scruple Laudanum Opiatum two Grains Make a Powder to be taken in Wormwood Wine before the invasion of the Fir. Take of the Febril Elixyr two drams Essence of Opium half a dram Dose forty or fifty drops XVI If the Paroxysm do's not end in sweating Head-aches follow it For which Sympt in let the Head be fomented with some hot camphoris'd Liquor XVII In Chronical Feavers Blistering Plasters applied to the Wrists or Pit of the Neck are very serviceable Mercurial Salivations somtimes remove inveterat Quartans but the Cure is worse
than the Disease Aguish Persons are very apt to salivate by taking but a few grains of sweet Mercury which inconvenience ought to be prevented by Purgation or forcible sweating XVIII Chronical Feavers thicken the Blood and Lymph and are apt to degenerat into slow Hectic Feavers which are best prevented by the use of Sal-armoniac a Vomit being premis'd or the following Powder viz. Take of Arcanum Duplicatum twelve or fifteen grains Ivory prepar'd without fire half a scruple mix and exhibit two hours before the Fit Inappetency succeeding to such Feavers is cur'd by the continued use of Wormwood or lesser Centory XIX Chronical Feavers and such as are cur'd by repeated Doses of absorbent Powders are frequently follow'd by Colics Dropsies swellings of the Feet c. Such Symptoms are obviated or remov'd by the internal use of the Decoction Essence Juice or extract of Wormwood and the external application of Celandin the greater XX. In the Declination of an Intermitting Feaver or after their removal or on the intermitting Days 't is not improper to obviat the Cachectic indispositions that generally follow 'em by the use of the following Vegetable Febrifuga's which sharpen the Bile enervat the Acid and fortify the Stomac Take of Essence of Wormwood or of lesser Centory or of Gentian or of Myrrh half an ounce Spirit of Sal-armoniac two drams Mix. Dose thirty or forty drops twice a Day Take of Michael's Febril Elixyr and Elixyr Proprietatis of each a dram and a half Mix. Dose forty or fifty drops Take of the sharpest Tincture of Tartar three drams Elixyr Proprietatis prepar'd without an Acid two drams Mix c. Take of the sharpest Tincture of Tartar three drams Quintessence of Wormwood one dram Mix c. Take of the sharpest Tincture of Tartar three drams of the Carminative Spirit a dram Mix. Dose forty or fifty drops twice a Day XXI During the cold Fit the sick Person must abstain from Eating or Drinking After the height of the Fit when the Sweat begins to breath forth and the Heat is violent he may drink plentifully Warm Wormwood Wine or Wormwood Ale is not improper if there be any apprehension of a scorbutic Feaver the Wine may be Tinctur'd with Antiscorbutics But in Quartan Paroxysms 't is adviseable to drink little or none at all or at least to drop forty drops of Spirit of Sal-armoniac into the Liquor which must always be warm Let the ordinary Drink be Water or small Beer mix'd with Wormwood Wine or clarify'd Whey with a few drops of the juice of Citrons Refrigerating Juleps are improper barring the case of immoderat Heat for which warm Drink with Nitre or Spirit of Vitriol is very proper As Take of the Flowers of red Poppies Flowers of Roses of each half a Handful Infuse them in a Pound and a half of Poppy Flower Water or Clarify'd Whey and sharpen it with Spirit of Sulphur per Campanam Let them stand in a warm place till the Tincture be Extracted Then add of Syrup of Jujubes two ounces Syrup of Violets an ounce Make a Julep Take of the Conserve of Wood Sorrel Conserve of Roses Conserve of Clove Gilly-flowers of each an ounce dissolve 'em in a sufficient Quantity of the decoction of Vipers-grass or Boyl them gently in a close Vessel Strain the Liquor and reserve it for use Take of the Roots of Woodsorrel and Tamarinds of each an ounce Boyl them in Water To four pound of the strain'd Liquor add three Handfuls of red Roses sprinkl'd with dulcify'd Spirit of Vitrol Set them in a warm place till the Tincture be extracted Then strain it and add the Syrup of red Corants and Syrup of Rasberries of each three ounces Mix and reserve for use Take of Spring Water half a pound Cinnamom Water half an ounce fresh Juice of Citrons an ounce and a half Spirit of Vitriol as much as sufficeth for a grateful Acidity Mix c. XXII In Tertians let not Sweat be artificially promoted before the fourth Fit and if it comes naturally in the declensions of the Fits let the Person be lightly Cover'd In Quartans Sudorifics are improper till the signs of Concoction appear but if sweat break forth of its own accord before that time it must not be suppress'd XXIII The chilness shivering shaking c. attending the cold Fits are admirably accounted for by applying Aromatic Oyls to the Stomac Breast Back-bone Loins and Soles of the Feet As Take of Balsam of Peru a dram the distill'd Oyls of Cloves of Mace and of Amber of each half a scruple Mix and Anoint the above mentioned Parts Take of express'd Oyl of Nutmegs a dram distill'd Oyl of Cloves distill'd Oyl of Cinnamom of each fifteen grains Mix c. Take of the distill'd Oyl of Juniper-Berries and Rosemary a scruple distill'd Oyl of Cloves half a scruple Inwardly the same symptoms are mitigated by exhibiting the fixed Salts Aromatic extracts and distill'd Aromatic Oyls But they are peculiarly calculated for such Feavers where the cold Symptoms are more violent than the hot The forms of prescribing are such as these Take of the Salt of Wormwood a scruple prepar'd Oyster-shells and white Pepper in Powder of each six or seven grains Take of Sal-Armoniac fifteen grains Cloves and white Pepper of each five grains Make a Powder for two Doses To be taken before the invasion of the Fit Take of prepar'd Pearl half a scruple Salt of Wormwood fifteen grains distill'd Oyl of Cloves two drops Make a Powder Take of the Salt of Wormwood fifteen grains Diaphoretic Antimony half a scruple Laudanum Opiatum one grain distill'd Oyl of Cloves two drops Make a Powder to be taken two or three Hours before the Fit Take of Crollius's specific against Feavers a dram Salts of Wormwood and of lesser Centory of each half a scruple distill'd Oyl of Cloves three drops Make a Powder for two Doses Take of Carduus Benedictus Water an ounce Cinnamom Water a dram extract of Gentian half a dram Spirit of Sal-Armoniac half a dram Syrup of Carduus Benedictus two drams Make a draught to be exhibited two Hours before the Fit In Quartans when the cold Symptoms prevail most the Dose of the Extract may be augmented but in Tertians when the Heat obtains the ascendant the Quantity of the Spirit of Sal-Armoniac ought to be inlarg'd Take of the Extracts of Wormwood Carduus Benedictus lesser Centory and Triacle of each from five to six Grains distill'd Oil of Cloves three Drops Make Pills to be given before the Fit when cold and its Appendants prevail and little or no heat insues For Oil of Cloves is an incomparable Antidote against shivering Laudanum Opiatum and Extract of Troches Alhandal are proper Ingredients for the same purpose XXIV If the heat and its Consequences be more troublesome than the coldness Sal Armoniac or its urinous Spirit is the only proper Medicine As Take of Sal Armoniac a Scruple Poterius's Antihectic Ponder half a Scruple Mix and make a Pouder
to be given before the Fit If a raging heat succeeding to the cold Fit be attended by a notable prostration of Strength short Breathing a quick frequent and small Pulse Spirit of Sal Armoniac mix'd with Vinegar and Crabs-eyes will readily give relief If attended by Heart-burnings gnawings of the Stomac Unquietness anxiety of the Breast imminent Suffocation as it frequently occurs in Hypocondriac Hysteric and Scorbutic Constitutions the same Spirit of Sal Armoniac is proper to be given after premising Vomits or Clysters according to the Circumstances of the Patient and in the mean while 't is not amiss to apply a Plaister of Tacamahac mix'd with Oil of Amber or Balsam of Peru to the region of the Stomac XXV In Chronical Quartans let the Physician inquire if there be any schirrous Swelling in the Bowels or hardness in the Hypocondria if Wind molest the Guts or scorbutic Symptoms beset the Body for these Symptoms must be particularly accounted for before the Feaver can be cur'd which generally in this case ends in the eruption of the Itch or Scab XXVI In stubborn Quartans the Spaw-waters are convenient provided the Stomac and Bowels be regular and in good order Otherwise Chalybeat Medicines are more proper As Take of the Essence of Wormwood half a Dram solution of Steel in the Juice of Apples a Dram. Mix them to be given before the Fit Steel and its Productions are of excellent use in all Hysteric Hypocondriac splenetic and scorbutic Constitutions It not only removes the obstructing Acid in the Bowels which the Jesuits Powder would six and settle but mitigats the impetuosity of the Fit which Anodyns do only palliat and soment XXVII Tho Chronical Agues may seem to be discuss'd by reason of the disappearance of the Fit yet 't is advisable not to desist for some time from a spare and cautious Diet and the use of the more noted Febrifuga's such as Sal Armoniac Salt of Hartshorn volatil Salt of Amber volatil Salt of Vipers c. for that ofttimes they relapse after the discontinuation of several Weeks If these Remarks be heedfully minded the Cure of Agues will prove easy and safe and many fatal Symptoms which insue an untimely suppression of the Fits or any other disorderly part of Cure will be effectually prevented As for the Scorbutic Feavers that I 've so frequently mention'd 't is to be remark'd that if the Scurvy be not directly taken care of 't will be impossible to compass the Cure of the Feaver For which purpose the Spirit of Scurvy-grass and Mynsicthius's Arcanum Duplicatum are noted specifics they may be mix'd with other Ingredients as follows Take of Quercetanus's Antiscorbutic Water an Ounce Spirit of Sal Armoniac half a Dram Spirit of Scurvy-grass a Scruple Laudanum Opiatum one or two Grains Forestus's Antiscorbutical Syrup two Drams Mix them to be exhibited before the Fit after the universal Evacuations are premis'd Take of the Water of Carduus Benedictus and Elderflowe-water of each two Ounces Spirit of Scurvy-grass two Drams Spirit of Sal Armoniac a Dram Mynsicthius his Arcanum Duplicatum a Scruple prepar'd red Coral fifteen Grains Forestus his Antiscorbutical Syrup an Ounce Mix as above Take of Mint Water Fennel Water Fumitory Water and Carminative Water of each an Ounce Spirit of Scurvy-grass Spirit of Venice Treacle of each a Dram dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre twelve Drops prepar'd Crabs-eyes half a Dram Laudanum Opiatum a Grain and a half Syrup of Orange Peel six Drams Mix and give a spoonful now and then in the very time of the Fit It is of wonderful use in scorbutic Feavers attended by extream heat straitness of the Breast Wind violent pains in the Joints c. Poterius's Antihectic Powder with magistery of Coral prepar'd with Juice of Citrons is a sovereign Medicine in S●●●butic Quartans that threaten a Phthisie It may be giv●● in a convenient Vehicle both before and in the Fit Whey of Goats-milk impregnated with the virtue of Antiscorbutic Herbs is a proper Liquor both for restaining the heat and conquering the Scurvy or it may be mix'd with gentle Laxatives by reason that Scorbutic Feavers are attended by a constipation of the Belly As Take of Tamarinds half an ounce Boyl them in Whey Then strain the Whey and add of the Ti●cture of the flowers of Dazies two drams with Solutive Syrup of Roses Make a Julep to be given during the Violence of the not Fit Take of the Decoction of Corants in clarify'd Whey a pound and half Juice of Scurvy-grass clarify'd by standing three ounces fresh juice of Citrons an ounce Make a Julep as above Milk mix'd with Sugar or Spirit of Sal-armoniac is very proper before and after the Paroxysm From what has been said upon the whole matter we may gather the general method of curing intermitting Feavers into this form First the Stomac must be prepar'd with a Digestive Powder or two then a Vomit must be exhibited before the Fit or a Laxative administred on the intermitting Day Afterwards volatil Alteratives or chalybeat Medicines given during the time of intermission according as the Symptoms require and in the time of the Fit the precipitating Alcali's both volatil and fix'd of which Class are the bitter Herbs partaking something of an aromatic Virtue such as Wormwood lesser Centory Fumitory Carduus Benedictus Chamomil Celandin Gentian Zedoary c. They are us'd by way of Powder Decoction express'd Juice Extract or in the form of a fix'd Salt In Powder some give a Dram of the Flowers of lesser Centory or of Carduus Benedictus c. As for Decoctions those of a few Ingredients are infinitely the best As Take of the Leaves of Carduus Benedictus a handful or two of Asarabecca roots an Ounce infuse them for the space of a Night in four Pints of Water then boil away the third part Let the Patient take three or four Ounces of this Decoction w●rm in Bed six Hours before the Fit and 't will procure a plentiful sweat The Juice of Wormwood exhibited in Wormwood-wine some Hours before the Paroxysm is much approv'd The Extracts of these bitter Herbs are likewise frequently given both during the time of intermission and a few Hours before the Fit Or an Essence may be prepar'd thus Take of the tops of lesser Centory and Wormwood of each three handfuls of the Leaves of Mouse-Ear and Asarabecca of each two handfuls of the Herbs Cinquefoil Hore-hound Rue Carduus Benedictus of Water Germander of each a handful tops of St. John's Wort half an Ounce Roots of Celandin Dandelion Angelica Zedoary Gentian Master-wort white Dittany Devil's-bit Fearn and round-rooted Birth-wort of each an Ounce Cloves and Ounce long Pepper six Drams Ginger half an Ounce Extract the Essence with Spirits of Wormwood Carduus Benedictus and lesser Centory Dose forty or fifty drops to be given on the intermitting day But the Vegetable Salts prepar'd from these Herbs together with Spirit of Sal-Armoniac are much beyond any other
Ounce melt it in a Copper Kettle then throw in twenty or thirty living Spiders stir them about with a wooden Spatula 'till the Spiders be cover'd Then add of the Powder of Toad's-flesh dry'd Powder of red Land-Toads dry'd of each an Ounce crude Tartar an Ounce Savin two or six drams With Oyl of Scorpions make a Plaister If we suspect any swelling of the Spleen or Bowels 't is proper to apply to the region thereof the Plaister of Hemlock or of Tobacco or Vigo's Plaister with Mercury mix'd with Gum Ammoniac The thicken'd juice or extract of Tobacco is conducive to this purpose as also Sylvius's Carminative Plaister If the region of the Spleen or Belly be molested with pains apply what follows Take of the Extract of Tobacco prepar'd by decoction three Ounces Opium dissolv'd in Wine and reduc'd to the consistence of an Extract one Ounce Wax half a pound With Turpentine and Oil of Tobacco make a Plaister Having thus dispatch'd the regular cure of Feavers 't will not be improper to propose some method of relief for those who by an unseasonable and unskilful suppression of the Feaver are liable to frequent relapses convulsive pains in the Belly Head-aches Asthma's weariness of the Body c. In this case let the Body be render'd soluble by the Decoction of Raisins and such like laxative and emollient Ingredients Then exhibit some pacific mixture as Take of Mint-water an Ounce and a half Spirit of Sal-Armoniac half a Dram Hysteric Laudanum two or three grains Syrup of Orange-peel three or six drams Mix for a Draught and continue the use for some time If any swelling or violent pain continue in the Hypogastria apply the Plaister of Gum-Ammoniac and of Galbanum with Oyl of Bricks After the symptoms are gone 't is advisable to continue for some time the use of Wormwood or such Remedies as partake of it SECT IV. Of continual Feavers ART 1. Of Day-Feavers OFt-times the abuse of the six no● natural things disturbs the natural fermentation of the Blood accelerats the Pulse and in some measure disorders the functions which symptoms disappear in a days time either of their own accord or by using some gentle sudorific This Feaver is call'd Continual by reason that it does not intermit from beginning to ending If the Blood be vitiated it is apt to degenerat into a Synoehus or a Fever that lasts above one day In order to prevent which give the following Julep Take of the decoction of Harts-horn with Vipers-grass one pound juice of Citrons juice of Quinces of each half an ounce tincture of Columbine-flowers and of Dazies of each a dram and a half Syrup of Rasberries two Ounces Spirit of Vitriol as much as sufficeth for a grateful acidity Make a Julep or instead of the Julep make a decoction of the like Ingredients together with gentle laxatives If the Belly be swell'd and the Body very hot take of Fennel Water an ounce and a half carminative Water six Drams dulcifi'd Spirit of Nitre three drams Syrup of Orange-peel half an Ounce Mix and make a Julep ART 2. Of the Principal acute Feavers THE continual Feavers that last above one day are either primary or symptomatical The former are a Disease subsisting by it self which if its period be short and its Symptoms grievous is call'd Acute if it be slow-pac'd and advance without any notable disturbance 't is call'd a Slow Feaver Both of which are call'd Compounds or periodical continual Feavers if they admit of any remission or exacerbation in their continued progress But if their vehemence be still the same they are call'd simple Synochus's If Acute Feavers come without the inflammation of any particular part they are call'd Solitary And if dismal Symptoms happen beyond the apparent reach of the Feaver 't is stil'd Malignant But if otherwise Benignity is its Character The primary simple continual solitary hot benign Feavers are caus'd by the prevalency of a volatil oyly bilious Salt in the Mass of Blood that hotly encounters the acid Particles creates a violent motion and Heat accelerates the Pulse tinctures the Urine and while the Victory is undetermin'd renders it thin and crude but when these volatil parts are subdu'd and precipitated by the Acid the Urine deposits a sediment and affords the true signs of Concoction The remote cause for the most part is the depravation of the Chyle occasion'd by the defect of the Choler or a faulty digestion in the Stomac for the stomachic digestion is the Mother and source of all the fermentations of the other Juices in the Body Now the vicious heterogeneous Particles convey'd in the Chyle to the Blood disturb its natural fermentation and provoke its constituent parts to rise up in order to expel the Hostile Intruders Thus we see that those whose Blood is well stock'd with bilious Particles whose Constitution is foul corpulent and plethoric who feed high and drink strong Liquors are most liable to this preternatural fermentation In like manner whatever stops the insensible transpiration accumulats oily Particles in the Blood and exalts the Spirits does pr●●●ispose the Blood for receiving a feaverish impression The Cause of acute compound periodical Feavers is some vicious acid juice proceeding from the Stomac returning by intervals while the volatil oily Ferment continues its course without intermission They are as it were compounded of a Continual Acute Feaver and an Intermitting one which is always a Tertian for Quotidian and Quartan continued periodical Feavers if any such there be are rather slow than acute This Compound sort of Acute Feavers is oft-times attended by a notable heat without any shivering If an insufferable thirst driness of the Tongue Head-aches Deliriums a high tincture and muddiness of Urine attend a continual Feaver 't is call'd a Causus or Burning Feaver The cause of these Symptoms is the hot ingagement of a sharp volatil Acid with the volatil oily Particles Besides the stomachic ferment being vitiated and unqualifi'd for its wonted Office the contents of the Stomac degenerat into an alcalin oily texture which sticks to its Pleats irritats the Membranes of the Gullet and by consent the Tongue it self And moreover when it joins the Blood impregnats the Lymph which waters the Throat and is voided by way of Spittle with a volatil only Salt And if this vicious Saliva stick to the Tongue and Throat it becomes troublesome and inflaming causing in these parts a redness hear and pain known by the name of Prunella Continual Acute Feavers are styl'd Lipyria's when the superficial parts of the Body are molested with a sense of Cold while those within are beset with a violent Heat They proceed for the most part from the in●ammation of some very sensible Membranous internal part and upon that account are referable to the symptomatical Class If there be any such thing as a primary Lipyria the sense of external Cold must proceed from the irritation of the nervous membranous parts and that of inward heat
Vitriol contains in it some metallin Parts that are very offensive In the vegetable Province the clarify'd Juices of Acid Fruits are very proper and much preferable to the Syrpus such are the Juices of Citrons of Quinces of Barberries of red Corants c. The Juices of House-leek Purslain Plantain c. are likewise very useful Tamarinds are much approv'd by reason of their Laxative and Cooling quality As for the forms of Receipts prescribe as follows If there be any suspicion of a latent malignity let forty or sixty drops of the Bezoardic Tincture be exhibited in the beginning of the Disease Then Take of the Decoction of Harts-horn with the roots of Vipers-grass a pound fresh juice of Citrons two ounces Syrup of Water Lilly-flowers Syrup of white Poppies of each six drams dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre as much as sufficeth for a grateful Acidity Make a Julep Or Take of the Decoction of Harts-horn with the roots of Vipers-grass one Pound Juice of Barberries Juice of red Corans of each an ounce and a half Tincture of Roses Tincture of Violets of each a dram Syrup of the Juice of Citrons an ounce and a half Spirit of Sulphur as much as sufficeth for a grateful Acidity Mix for a Julep Or Take of Common Water a Convenient Quantity with a little Wine and as much of the Juice of Quinces as sufficeth for a grateful Acidity Mix c. Take of Borrage Water Bugloss Water and Water of Rasberries of each an ounce Cinnamom Water three drams fresh Juice of Citrons six or eight drams Confection Alkermes a dram and a half Syrup of Rasberries half an ounce Mix c. Take of the Conserves of Wood-sorrel of the Pulp of Citrons and of Clove Gilly-flowers of each an ounce Rob of red Corants six drams Confection Alkermes two drams with a sufficient quantity of the Syrup of Rasberries Make an Electuary The Decoction of the Roots and Leaves of Wood-sorrel mix'd with the Juice of red Corants and Syrup of Rasberries is a very palatable Liquor for quenching Thirst Extemporary Tinctures may be drawn from the Flowers of Dazies Poppies Roses Clove Gillyflowers Violets Golumbines c. with common Water or the Decoction of Harts-horn and Vipers-grass or red Poppy Water c. The Flowers being first sprinkl'd with Spirit of Sulphur or of Vitriol These Tinctures are of a pleasant red Colour for all blue Flowers when mix'd with an Acid Spirit yield a rutilant Tincture These Tinctures may be sweeten'd with Syrup of Rasberries or of Violets or of Iujubes and are sometimes joyn'd to the dulcify'd Acid Spirits and drop'd into the Patient's ordinary Drink Instead of Juleps or Tinctures some use the Decoction of Tamarinds as take of the Pulp of Tanmarinds from two to three ounces Boyl them in a sufficient quantity of Whey To two pound of the strain'd Liquor add Juice of Citrons six or eight drams Tincture of Dazy Flowers three drams Syrup of the Juice of Citrons an ounce and a half Mix and Exhibit for ordinary Drinking Whey is an admirable Drink for Feaverish Persons if purify'd by Juice of Citrons or Pulp of Tamarinds As Take of Whey two pound fresh Juice of Citrons three drams Flowers of Dazies and of red Poppies of each a handful and a half Let 'em boyl in a close Vessel till the Whey be impregnated with the Tincture Strain the Liquor and sweeten it with Syrup of Poppies or of Rasberries Next to the foregoing Medicines is Nitre which is universally approv'd by all Practitioners the preparation of it with Sulphur call'd Sal-Prunellae is of no efficacy but if the Crude Nitre be purified by some sharp Lye it proves an admirable Remedy Nitrum Antimoniatum which is a complication of Nitre with the Sulphur of Antimony may be given to a dram in their ordinary Drink three or four times a Day or in Powder together with Antihecticum Poterii Diaphoretic Antimony Mineral Bezoar or that call'd Joviale or Saturninum together with Harts-horn prepar'd without fire and the above mention'd absorbent Earths are all proper for mitigating the fermentation and promoting a gentle breathing Heat As Take of Rasberry Water two ounces Water of Vipers-grass and fresh Juice of Quinces of each an ounce Bezoardicum Joviale a scruple Syrup of white Poppies an ounce dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre as much as sufficeth Take a spoonful now and then Take of the Water of the Flowers of the Sloe-tree Water of Elder-Flowers and Dandelion Water of each an ounce Gelly of Harts-horn an ounce and a half Harts-horn prepar'd without fire a scruple Poterius's Antihectic and Diaphoretic Antimony of each twelve grains Syrup of Poppies six drams Mix and use as above In a Solid form they are prescrib'd thus Take of purify'd Nitre sixteen grains Poterius Antihectic Powder half a scruple Sugar of Lead five grains If a Delirium be fear'd or Malignity suspected add a grain or two of Camphyr Take of Nitrum Antimoniatum two scruples Chalybeat Diaphoretic Antimony half a dram Laudanum Opiatum a grain or two Mix for two Doses to betaken at Night in a convenient Vehicle Depurated Nitre or Nitrum Antimoniatum may be dissolv'd in their ordinary Drink after the rate of half an ounce in twenty four Hours Emulsions are next in order They are very proper for tempering the Bilious Salt and qualifying the acrimony of the Blood But they ought not to be too frequently or copiously us'd for that they weaken the Stomac and clog the Appetit Let 'em be mix'd with fix'd Powders Thus Take of sweet Almonds two drams Seeds of white Poppies a dram of the four cold Seeds of each a dram with Water of Wood-sorrel make an Emulsion To which add Diaphoretic Antimony and Mineral Bezoar of each half a dram Sweeten it with pearl'd Sugar and exhibit a spoonful now and then So much for Internal Remedies Externally some are wont to apply Cataplasms to the Palms of the Hands and soles of the Feet as in the case of Watchings Deliriums Pains c. Take of fresh Rue Leaves two or three handfuls Radish Roots slic'd in number two or three Salt a handful of the strongest Yest two ounces with Rue Vinegar make a Cataplasm to be applied as above The Juice of River Crabs may be applied in like manner or by way of Epithema to the fore-head When the Mouth and Head are much affected 't is not improper to open the Vein under the Tongue or the Vein in the Fore-head or to apply Leeches behind the Ears The application of convenient Liquids to the Fore-head and Temples is also not improper As Take of the Water of Dill or of Roses or of Elder Flowers or of Vervain two ounces Apoplectic Water half an ounce Philonium Romanum or Requi●s Nicolai or Triacle a dram Mix and apply it warm to the Fore-head and Temples with a Linnen Cloath Take of white Poppy Seeds two or three drams Henbane Seeds half a dram Water of Frogs spawn three ounces House-leek Water Night-shade Water and
the common Hypnotic Water of each an ounce Make an Emulsion To which add six or seven grains of Camphyr and the Juice of River Crabs Mix for an Epitheme to be us'd as above In Deliriums Camphyr is a sovereign Remedy but in the case of watchful Slumbers it ought to be cautiously us'd Take of Betony Water Elder Flower Water and the Water of red Poppy Flowers of each an ounce express'd Juice of River Crabs three ounces Spirit of Wine camphoris'd three drams Mix for the above mentioned use Take of the Oyntment of Alabaster or of Poplar three drams express'd Oyl of Nutmegs half a dram or a dram Camphyr six grains or Philonium Romanum or Venice Triacle half a dram Mix and anoint the Fore-head and Temples If the Head be much oppress'd or if the fore-mention'd Symptoms be occasion'd by the stopping of an external Eruption blistering Plaisters may be applied to the Arms and Thighs and sharp Clysters injected As for the particular Symptoms of a Prunella viz. the redness heat and roughness of the Tongue c. Let the Patien● take a convenient Quantity of the following mixture and hold it in the Mouth Take of the Seeds of Quinces of Mallows of Fleawort of each two drams with Water of Frogs spawn Make a Mucilage to which add Sal-armoniac a dram compound House-leek Water two ounces Juice of River Crabs an ounce mix c. Nitre may also be added or mix'd with the Decoctions of cooling Herbs As Take of the Leaves of Self-heal Willows and Strawberries Barley not bruis'd of each a handful Boyl them in Water and add to a pound of the strain'd Liquor one ounce of the Syrup of Mulberries and half a dram of Nitrum Antimoniatum Mix for a Gargle Or Take six River Crabs bruise 'em with Rasberry Vinegar and express the Juice to which add Juice of House-leek three ounces Rob of Nuts one ounce Nitrum Antimoniatum a dram Mix and anoint the Tongue Or Take of House-leek Water a pound and a half Juice of River Crabs four ounces Sal-Armoniac purify'd a dram and a half Mix and make a warm Gargle Sal-Armoniac and Nitre are noted Ingredients in all Gargles of this Nature Water Spirit of Wine and Hony are very useful for the same purpose in malignant Feavers attended by a roughness and Dryness of the Palat without any slimy Crust Fresh Lard or Butter or Juice of Rapes boyl'd to a Syrup are likewise very proper to be laid on the Tongue in such an extremity In continual periodical Feavers regard must be had to the Paroxysms by exhibiting before the hour of their Invasion fix'd Antimonial Powders Coral Crabs Eyes Vitriolated Nitre Salt of Carduus Benedictus Poterius's Antihectic and forming Compositions of the Acid and Earthy Ingredients and varying them according as the Symtoms require Semitertian Feavers ought to be treated in the same Method only we must remember to vary it according as the Symptoms are slow or acute favourable or malign If they are attended by Inflammations of particular parts especially such as are very sensible and of the nobler Character let these be carefully accounted for Absorbent Alcali's are proper for vanquishing the Shivering and Shaking Vomits are convenient in all Cases prevailing heat is abated by such Medicines as render the Body soluble and promote a breathing Sweat Inflammatious are appeas'd by Diaphoretics And when the Feaver moves slowly cleansing and attenuating Salts such as Sal-armoniac Arcanum Duplicatum c. are of peculiar use In a Causus or burning Feaver Nitre dissolv'd in the ordinary Drink and Laudanum Opiatum cautiously administred effectually abate the violence of Heat Lipyria's must be treated after the method of Inflammations of which elsewhere In melting Feavers the sharp humor must be corrected by temperat Medicines or absorbent Powders mix'd with Acids as Diaphoretic Antimony seal'd Earth c. Mix'd with the Juices of Currans Barberries Quinces Citrons Cherries c. Sylvius recommends the dulcify'd Spirit of Salt others the Tincture of Blood-stone some Camphyr others Diascordium mix'd with Juice of Citrons Symptomatical acute Feavers are such as follow other Diseases and disappear upon their removal If they follow Wounds the following mixture is of Catholic use Take of Hyssop Water two ounces Fennel Water an ounce Spirit of Triacle three drams distill'd Vinegar of Wine three or four drams Powder of Crabs Eyes a dram Syrup of Carduus Benedictus three drams Mix them c. Or Take of prepar'd Crabs Eyes a scruple Extract of Triacle two grains Mix and exhibit Those occasion'd by Inflammations as Pleurisies Quinsies c. are cur'd by removing the Inflammations of which more elsewhere If they are caus'd by the Extravasation of congeal'd Blood they require such Medicines as resolve clotted Blood viz. Diaphoretic Antimony red Poppies Chervil Flowers of St. John's wort and vulnerary Ingredients CHAP. IV. Of Slow Feavers SLow Feavers are such as do not quickly finish their Course are accompany'd by mild Symptoms and terminat by way of a gradual solution without any notable Crisis They are for most part Benign for malignity is akin to accuteness They are caus'd by the successive mixture of Vicious Lymph with the Blood which is either convey'd immediatly to it by the axillary Vein fromt he Glandules call'd Conglobatae that is gather'd round into a Globe or empty'd into the Conduit of the Breast by the Glandules call'd Conglomeratae that is roll'd into a Heap ART 1. Of Catarrh-Feavers or such as proceed from the Lymph separated in the round Globe-like Glandules IF the Lymph of the Glandules seated about the Head and Breast become sharp and saline it creates a notable alteration of the Blood and Spirits a biting sharp Heat tho' not over vehement or intense and a sense of shooting Pains Weariness and as it were Contusions of the Joynts and being plentifully cast forth about the Brain and Neck occasions a weighty drousie Head-ach Defluxions into the Mouth and Lungs a Hoarseness and Cough the usual Symptoms of a Feaverish Catarrh This Feaver seems to be near ally'd to the continual Quotidian Periodical Feavers of the Antients In the Evening when the Quantity of vicious Lymph is augmented within the Body by the diminution of the insensible transpiration the Symptoms especially the Heat are heighten'd About Midnight they begin to relent and in the Day-time are sometimes follow'd by a gentle Shivering The Pulse is frequent and swift pretty large and vehement The Urine is at first high Colour'd but after two or three Days it thickens becomes muddy and yellowish and deposius a copious Sediment If this Feaver be Epidemical or Malignant and proceed from the Contagion of the Air which seldom happens 't is dangerous and terminats in mortal Convulsions The Indications of Cure divide themselves into three Branches 1. To extinguish the irritation of the solid Parts which provokes the Spirits and occasions the effusion of the Lymph 2. To qualifie the peccant Acrimony of the Lymph 3. When 't is thus qualify'd
to evacuat it by convenient Passages The first is accounted for by Opiats the second by Volatil Alcalin Salts absorbent temperat and thickening Medicins as the fix'd preparations of Antimony Poterius's Antihectic Flowers of Sulphur prepar'd Amber Oyl of Amber Spirit of Mother of Thyme Decoction of Sassafras Myrrh Camphyr volatil Salt of Harts-horn Spirit and volatil Salt of Human Blood c. The third Design is compass'd by diaphoretic diuretic and expectorating and when the Lymph is well concocted by sneezing and chewing Medicins Take of Fennel-Water and Water of red Poppy-flowers of each an Ounce and a half Spirit of Harts-horn impregnated with Amber a Dram and a half Essence of Opium Jaw-bone of a Pike of each half a Dram Syrup of the Flowers of red Poppies half an Ounce or six Drams Mix them for a Julep of which exhibit a spoonful every Hour towards Evening Take of the Spirit of Sal-Armoniac annisated or of the Essence of Amber two Drams Essence of Opium half a Dram. Mix 'em and exhibit forty or fifty drops some Hours before the periodical exasperation and reiterate the same Dose at Night Take of prepar'd Amber half a Scruple choice Myrrh five grains volatil Salt of Amber four grains Extract of Saffron two grains Laudanum Opiatum one grain distill'd Oyl of Amber one drop Mix for a Powder to be exhibited in like manner If the Lymph be saltish Liquorice Figgs Jujubes Barly emulsions of Poppy-Seeds Opiats Pills of Storax and such like are proper If hoarsness and a difficulty of speech prevail give what follows Take of Mint-Water two Ounces Cinnamon-water half an Ounce Spirit of Sal-Armoniac anisated a Dram Laudanum Opiatum three grains Syrup of Raisins six Drams Mix and give a spoonful now and then If the Wind-pipe Gullet and Throat be excoriated Syrup of Diacodium Loh of Raisins and licking Medecins are proper If a dry Cough molest the Patient let thickning and pacific Remedies be us'd As Take of the Water of wild Thyme Water of Carduus Benedictus of each an Ounce Spirit of Treacle camphoris'd Essence of Sassafras of each two Drams Spirit of Harts-horn succinated a Dram Syrup of white Poppies half an Ounce Mix them and administer a spoonful frequently in the Evening This method if insisted on together with the continued use of the Decoction of Sassafras will in time conquer the Feaver After the Feaver is abated and the Spirits reduc'd to order let the Body be loosen'd by Queretanus's Pills of Ammoniac or Crato's Pills of Amber Or Take of Crato's Pills of Amber a scruple volatil Salt of Amber six grains Rosin of Jalap three grains extract of Troches Alhandal one grain distill'd Oyl of Amber two drops with Essence of Sassafras make Pills In order to evacuate the prepar'd Lymph give forty or fifty drops of the Liquor of Terra Foliata Tartari twice a day which is a proper Diuretic or express'd Juice of Radishes with Sugar which attenuats the Phlegm or the following expectorating mixture Take of Hyssop-water two Ounces Asthmatic-water half an Ounce Spirit of purifi'd Gum Ammoniac two Drams Syrup of Tobacco four or six Drams Sala's emetic Syrup a dram Mix c. In the beginning while the Cough is yet dry temperat thickening Medicins are requir'd but afterwards when the Cough brings up large quantities of viscous Matter let cutting expectorating Remedies be us'd If the Phlegm be notably tough and thick let Oyl of Amber be appli'd to the Nostrils or let the Person smell frequently of Spirit of Sal-Armoniac or that of Urine or of Harts-horn In the last extremity let the Powder of black Helebor and white Sugar with distill'd Oyl of Cloves be thrown into the Nostrils If the pain of the Head be violent anoint the Crown with Oyl of Amber or Balsam of Peru or apply the Plaister of Bettony soften'd with Oyl of Amber After the Disease is in good measure subdu'd the following Decoction is of excellent use for purifying the Blood correcting the sharpness of the Lymph fortifying the Lungs and preventing a Phthisic Take of the shavings of red Saunders one Ounce shavings of Sassafras half an Ounce steep them in seven pound of Water for the space of twelve Hours then boil them till a pound and a half be consum'd and add of the Leaves of Ground Ivy Leaves of Speed-well Flowers of St. John's Wort of each two handfuls Liquorice Roots half an Ounce Fennel-Seeds six drams bruis'd Currans three Ounces Boil the Liquor into four Pounds strain it and exhibit a large draught warm Morning and Evening ART 2. Of Feavers proceeding from the Lymph of Conglomerat Glandules or such as are roll'd into a heap THE conglomerat Glandules deposit their juice into cavities from whence 't is convey'd to the Blood The chief of 'em are the Sweet-bread and those behind the Ears The former waters the Guts the latter the Mouth If their Serum be viscous or over saline it occasions a slow sort of a Feaver All slow Feavers are periodical as being exasperated either in the Evening after the method of Quotidians or after eating in the form of Hectic Feavers Those which are independent of any other Disease are call'd Primary And those which follow the Corruption of any inward part or the mismanagement of a preceding Disease are stil'd Symptomatical Tho' the last approach very near to the primary form Of independent slow Feavers They are usher'd in by a gentle shivering which continues for some time and is follow'd by a mild Heat somewhat sharper in the extream parts The Appetit is dejected and after eating the Stomach and Guts are distended and opprest with a heavy pain Towards the Evening or after Meals they increase their force at which time the Pulse is frequent and not very large If the Spittle be notably viscous the Mouth and Throat are cover'd with slime and the Person molested with Thirst If the Juice of the Sweet-bread be likewise over viscid or saline anxiety invades the Breast and griping shooting pains beset the Belly the Pulse is frequent and swift and in some measure weak and small The Urine at first is high colour'd afterwards it becomes muddy and drops a sediment The Joints are seiz'd with a weariness and shooting pains and sometimes the Head with a dull heavy ache If the Lymph be simply saline the symptoms are fiercer if it be likewise viscid and tough they are weaker but continue longer The slow Feavers differ from acute ones in this that the cause of the latter is a volatil sharp Acid which in the former is invelop'd with a viscous tenacious Vehicle The Original cause is a vicious Digestion rendring the Chyle viscid or tending to a sort of acid saline taste If the Evening Paroxysms are long the Strength and Appetit much impair'd 't is a dangerous circumstance The most favourable sort if not cautiously taken care of terminates in Cachexies or Hectic Feavers These Feavers are cur'd by retrieving the lost Digestion in the Stomac
correcting the viscidity or sharpness of the Lymph especially the saliva and pancreatic juice evacuating the crude Phlegm and Lymph thus prepar'd and mitigating the Symptoms If the Breast be oppress'd let a gentle Vomit be exhibited or a mild purgative As Take Mynsicht's emetic Tartar two or three grains purifi'd Sal-Armoniac eight grains Or Take of Ruffius's Pills de tribus fifteen grains fulminatory Gold three grains prepar'd Scammony Treches Alhandal of each a grain With compound Tincture of Tartar make Pills In the next place attenuating Diuretic Remedies are proper as dulcifi'd Spirit of Salt of excellent use against a Hectic dulcifi'd Spirit of Nitre essential Salt of Tartar Sal-Armoniac Nitrum Antimoniatum Tartar vitriolated Terra foliata Tartari or its Liquor Tincture of Tartar Essence of Myrrh tartaris'd carminative Spirit Spirit of Sal-Armoniac anisated Poterius's Antihectic c. Take of purifi'd Sal-Armoniac half a dram Poterius's Antihectic a scruple make a Powder for two Doses one in the Morning and the other at Night before the Fit Nitrum Antimoniatum mix'd with an equal quantity of Sal-Armoniac or Arcanum duplicatum mix'd with diaphoretic Antimony or Sal-Armoniac mix'd with Galangal and Ginger are successfully us'd after the same method Take of Mint-Water and Fennel-Water of each an ounce and a half Spirit of Treacle two or three Drams dulcifi'd Spirit of Salt half a dram or a whole dram Poterius's Antihectic a scruple Syrup of Hyssop six or eight drams Mix for two Doses Let the Mouth be gargaris'd with small Beer and Hony of Roses or with Water Vinegar and purifi'd Nitre or the infusion of Holyhoc-flowers in Water with a little Spirit of Salt and a convenient Syrup The Feaver call'd Epiala in which the inward parts are oppress'd with heat while the external are cold is by some referr'd to this Head But 't is only a combination or rencounter of either a Continual and Intermitting or two Intermitting Feavers The Swoonings that sometimes attend both this and other sorts of Feavers are caus'd either by some viscious slime irritating the Mouth of the Stomac or some sharp rusty Humour lodg'd in it In the last case Unicorn's Horn or the Decoction of Tamarinds in Water are much approv'd But if a viscid windy Matter arise to them volatil spiritous Remedies are proper Tho' after all 't is worthy our consideration what Ballonius remarks upon this matter viz. That many Physicians are faulty in giving strong Cordials against swooning where purging were more proper Of Symptomatical slow Feavers These Feavers are frequently occasion'd by a preposterous use of Absorbents in Intermitting and Continual Feavers which fix the heterogeneous Particles and render the Chyle and Lymph viscid or by over-feeding in the declination of other Feavers while the digestive faculty is weak by which means the Chyle is loaded with Crudities They may likewise follow other Diseases proceeding from a viscous Acid. Their Symptoms are the same as above to which we may add that sometimes they are accompanied by a looseness or voiding of liquid pituitous Matter The Cure consists in tempering the saltish Acid attenuating the viscid Matter and procuring to it an egress by vomiting stool urine or sweat They sometimes proceed from Ulcers especially of the internal parts retention of the After-birth a dead Child in the Womb chronical Pains and are cur'd by removing the respective Cause by Medecins alotted to that purpose In general gentle Vomits and Purges are proper and in a word the whole series of Medicins prescrib'd for the independent Slow Feavers Sometimes such Feavers follow an unseasonable use of sudorific Decoctions against the Pox before the Body be evacuated and are cur'd by vomiting and the repeated use of Sal-Armoniac Of Hectic Feavers A Hectic is a Slow Feaver advancing insensibly If it be a principal independent Disease it proceeds from the Corruption of undigested Food in the Stomac immoderate fatigue sorrow watchings want over-liberal evacuations excessive Bathings c. Oft-times 'tis only a symptom of other Diseases and follows the irregular Cure of Continual and Intermitting Feavers Inflamations of the Bowels Lungs Mesentery Womb and Kidneys the French-Pox c. The Part affected is not the habit of the Body as the Ancients fancy'd but the mass of Blood and Lymph Hence the greatest heat is perceiv'd about the Arteries As for the independent Principal sort of Hectics the Stomac and digestive Faculty are the original seat of their cause The immediat cause is the indisposition and unequal texture of the Blood caus'd by the saltish sharpness of the Lymph in the conglobat Glandules and the viscosity of that in the Conglomerat From whence insue a deprav'd and diminish'd fermentation weakness weariness deficiency of Spirits and the whole train of Hectic Symptoms The salin and viscid Blood is render'd unfit for nourishing the parts and after eating when the thin readier part of the fresh Chyle dilutes the Blood and disengages its Salts the Pulse is a little enlarg'd and the Heat augmented and after some time sink again to their ordinary pitch And the coarse remains of the Chyle are frequently voided by Night-Sweats as having receiv'd a vicious Tincture in the Stomac from the Saliva and being upon that Account equally disagreeable to the Blood and solid parts As for the Remote Causes Fatigue and Labour Watchings and Care exhaust the Spirits and watery Vehicle of the Blood Anger exalts the Bilious Salt which joyning with the Acid acquires a saline Acrimony Grief and Sorrow increase the Acid which joyning to the urinous Salt becomes dull and unactive indigested Crudities in the Stomac or the want of Food occasion a stricter union between the Acid and urinous Salts and their mutual degeneracy into a third sharp saline Body Ulcers both internal and external corrupt the Blood by vertue of their salin sharp Matter continual and intermitting Feavers attended by plentiful Sweats exhaust the dewy watry part of the Blood or the unseasonable use of absorbent earthy Powders administred for their Cure destroys the Ferment of the Stomac and increases the Acrimony of the Blood Thus they all conspire to render the Blood and Lymph saltish or viscous There are three Essential Signs of a Hectic Feaver 1. An obscure insensible Heat increasing after eating 2. The successive Consumption of the Body 3. A swift frequent small weak and oft-times a hard Pulse To which we may add in some cases Night-Sweats the falling off of the Hairs an universal Weariness inward Heat and averseness to sleep in the morning If Ashy belchings precede the appearance of these Symptoms they serve for a confirmation In the beginning of the Disease the Urine resembles that of healthy Persons unless the Stomac be much deprav'd in which case 't is white pale and thick afterwards when the Appetit and Digestion are in a manner quite abolish'd it becomes thin transparent and high Colour'd and when 't is form'd into a perfect Consumption a fat oily Crust resembling Cobwebs swims on the Top. But we ought
grains or Laudanum Opiatum a grain or two Syrup of Carduus Benedictus an ounce Mix for two Doses in order to Sweat This is to be given in the beginning or increase of the Disease after the general Premises As likewise these following Take of Rue Water and that of Vipers-grass Roots of each an ounce of the Mixtura Simplex a dram rectify'd Spirit of Soot half a dram Syrup of Water Germander half an ounce Mix for two Doses Take of the Cordial Saxony Water an ounce Cinnamom Water half an ounce Spirit of Venice Triacle camphoris'd two drams volatil Salt of Harts-horn a scruple volatil Salt of Amber half a scruple Syrup of Clove Gilly Flowers half an ounce Mix and give a spoonful frequently when Delirium's are threaten'd Take of the Water of Carduus Benedictus Water of Goat Rue and that of Elder Flowers of each six drams Spirit of Venice Triacle camphoris'd a dram and a half volatil Salt of Vipers a scruple Diascordium two drams Syrup of Carduus Benedictus six drams Mix for two Doses Take of the Water of Vipers-grass Roots and that of Water Germander and Vinegar of Wine of each an ounce Venice Triacle two drams Diaphoretic Antimony two scruples Camphyr six grains Syrup of Rasberries an ounce Mix for two or three Doses If the Heat be violent exchange the Triacle for Diascordium Take of the Water of Carduus Benedictus and that of Water Germander of each an ounce and a half fresh Juice of Citrons six drams Venice Triacle a dram and a half mineral Bezoar half a dram Laudanum Opiatum a grain and a half Syrup of Mint dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre a sufficient quantity Mix for two Doses Take of the Conserve of Citrons and Conserve of Roses vitriolated of each an ounce and a half Rob of Juniper half an ounce Diascordium two drams Camphyr a scruple With Syrup of Citrons make an Electuary Take of Venice Triacle a dram Diaphoretic Antimony fifteen grains Salt of Wormwood half a scruple Mix for a Dose or two to be taken in Vinegar of Wine This is to be given in case of great Malignity When the Disease is further advanc'd towards the height volatil Sulphureous Medicines must be cautiously us'd As take of Fumitory Water three ounces Harts-horn prepar'd without Fire two scruples mineral Bezoar a scruple extract of Treacle six grains Syrup of Orange Peel three drams Mix for three Doses Myrrh may also be added Take of the simple Mixture six drams the Spirit de tribus distill'd from Antimony Sulphur and Nitre two drams Flowers of Sulphur a scruple Fumitory Water two drams Syrup of the Juice of Citrons an ounce Make a Potion for one Dose Take of Diaphoretic Antimony Cinnabar of Antimony of each half a scruple volatil Salt of Harts-horn four or five grains volatil Salt of Amber two or three grains Camphyr two grains Make a Powder I have seen the good effects of this Powder in the case of Delirium's and imminent Convulsions Take of Harts-horn prepar'd without Fire a dram mineral Bezoar two scruples seal'd Earth and mineral Unicorn of each fifteen grains laudanum Opiatum prepar'd by fermentation four grains Make a Powder for four Doses Nitrum Antimoniatum Poterius's Diaphoretic Gold solar and Jovial Bezoar volatil Salt of Vipers and Myrrh are proper Ingredients for the same purpose Take of Sennertus's Bezoardic Powder prepar'd Unicorn's Horn of each a scruple solar and Jovial Bezoar of each six grains Mix for two Doses Take of the red Powder of Pannonia fifteen grains Nitrum Antimoniatum twelve grains Poterius's Diaphoretic Gold five grains Make a Powder During the use of these or suchlike Alexipharmacal Prescriptions let Acid Mixtures be exhibited for quenching the Thirst and comforting the Spirits after sweating As Take two fresh Citrons slice ' em Add of white Sugar three ounces Vipers-grass Roots two or three drams Spring Water six pound Boyl them till two parts of three be evaporated and strain it for use Take of Mynsicthius his Decoction of Citrons a pound and a half Gelly of Harts-horn an ounce and a half Syrup of Cherries and Syrup of Rasberries of each an ounce with a sufficient quantity of the Juice of Citrons make a Julep Take of the Decoction of Harts-horn with the Roots of Vipers-grass one pound Tincture of Columbine Flowers and that of Piony Flowers of each a dram Syrup of the Juice of Citrons an ounce and a half Syrup of Rasberries six drams with a sufficient quantity of the Spirit of Nitre make a Julep The Syrup of Poppies in case of violent Heat is added with good success Take of the shavings of Sassafras six drams boyl them in Water to a pound and a half of the strain'd Liquor add two ounces of the Juice of Citrons an ounce and a half of the Syrup of Citrons and a sufficient quantity of the Spirit of Nitre to render it grateful Take of the Decoction of Tamarinds with Raisins a Pound Syrup of the Juice of Citrons Syrup of Rasberries of each an ounce with a little of the Spirit of Nitre make a Potion Sometimes the Confection Alkermes or Diascordium or Diaphoretic Antimony is dissolv'd in these acid mixtures During the time of Swearing some apply a little Loaf hot from the Oven the under Crust being par'd off and the Heart excavated and fill'd with Triacle and Wine thus they apply it to the Navel to attract the Malignity If the Patient bleed at Nose which is a fatal Symptom apply a dry Toad to the Arm-pits or take of Vervain Water three ounces Spirit of Wine Comphoris'd an ounce Opium five grains Make an Epithema for the Forehead which is also of use to prevent Head-achs and Delirium's If the Stomac be much disorder'd apply to it a Plaister of Tacamphac Balsam of Peru and Venice Triacle If the Throat and Palat be dry without a slimy Crust make a Gargle of fair Water Spirit of Wine rectify'd and Hony If a Looseness attend a malignant Feaver exhibit two scruples of the red Powder of Pannonia or Venice Triacle mix'd with Opium and fix'd Sudorifics Prepar'd Harts-horn Bole Armenic seal'd Earth mineral Unicorn are also proper to be added to Alexipharmacal Ingredients If a malignant Feaver be attended by Heartburnings and gnawings of the Stomac violent Head-achs Watchings Deliriums and a grievous Prunella 't is call'd the Hungarian or Camp Feaver and is highly Contagious Vomits commence its Cure which ought be follow'd by Acid Juleps and fix'd or meagre Sudorifics The Hungarians are wont to Cure it by rubbing the Body with a Root of Garlic soak'd in Spirit of Wine and bruis'd and then covering up the Person in order to Sweat The Prunella is accounted for by washing the Mouth with a mixture of House-leek Water Juice of House-leek and Sal-Armoniac Some malignant Feavers are accompany'd by Spots in the Skin resembling Flea-bitings These Spots are also compatible to some Tertian and Scorbutic Feavers that are not tinctur'd with Malignity When they attend malign Feavers they
quickly white in the middle and retaining a red Circumference when they are most numerous in the extreme Parts appearing about the fourth day ripening quickly and finishing their Course by the fourteenth The dangerous Symptoms are just the reverse of these To which we may add Pits or black Points in the middle of the Pushes a livid Circumference the interjection or following of malignant Spots convulsive motions continuing after the Eruption moist Hands while the Arms are very dry the distention and murmuring of the Belly attended by Anxiety and Unquietness betokening the Inflammation of the Intestins the continuance of the Feaver and difficult Respiration after the Eruption signifying that the Bowels Lungs Midriff and internal Parts are inflam'd and beset with Wheals violent Pains of the Back accompany'd by an unaccountable Weakness and malignant Symptoms pissing Blood or voiding Blood either upwards or downwards Loosenesses and Bleeding at Nose following the Eruption c. Sometimes indeed Bleeding at Nose in the beginning of the Sickness in a large quantity and without the least Interruption and ceasing of its own accord is a favourable Circumstance Some have observ'd that the Children of Parents who were pox'd before Marriage are always in great danger when attack'd by the Small-Pox Those who dye of this Disease are seiz'd with Quinsies or a stuffing of the Lungs Loosenesses Dysenteries or Convulsions If they recover the Eyes are in danger of being damag'd the Lungs and Guts of being ulcerated the external Parts of Imposthmes and the whole Body of Obstructions and Cachexies The Cure is perform'd by moderating the sharp Ferment expelling it when corrected and mitigating the Symptoms In order to a regular pursuit of these Ends let 's observe the following Cautions 1. We ought to distinguish the time of Separation from that of Expulsion During the former the Blood boyls high and ought not to be spurr'd on by expelling Medicines unless the Patient be very weak but appeas'd and arm'd against the Influence of the malign Miasma's by absorbent fixing Ingredients But during the latter Alexipharmical and expelling Medicines especially Emulsions of the expelling Seeds ought to be exhibited and persisted in till the Pushes disappear 2. During the Progress of the Disease Purges or Clysters are highly pernicious In the beginning of the Feaver if it be very high and free of Malignity and if the sick Person 's first Passages be stuff'd 't is not improper to exhibit a gentle Laxative with sweet Mercury After the Declination of the Pox or Measles 't is highly necessary to purge with the same Ingredients in order to prevent the Influence of the acid Remains 3. If a Looseness happen after the Eruption we ought to be cautious of suppressing it especially if the Feaver be not malignant and the Humors be putrify'd within In this case we ought still to persist in the use of Sudorifics which divert the Humors to the Surface of the Body In other Cases a symptomatical Loosness ought to be stopp'd by adding Astringents If it proceed from Worms it 's frequently fatal 4. Blood-letting in Germany is highly pernicious unless the Patient be of a full Plethoric Constitution and seis'd with a Frensie and even then it only takes place in the beginning before the Eruption 5. Opiats are of excellent use for promoting Expulsion mitigating the pernicious Symptoms of the Nerves and lower Belly and for incouraging the swelling of the Hands and Face which is a most favourable Circumstance in this Disease 6. After Recovery the Lungs Throat Belly and internal parts ought to be arm'd against the influence of the remaining acid 7. External Applications for preventing Scars and Pits are very prejudicial especially before Maturation The most useful External is Bracelets of Amber applied to the Wrists which promote the Expulsion 8. If the Feaver be high during the time of Separation avoid too much Heat If the Patient be weak and Nature unable to perform its part artificial Heat is not improper 9. During the time of Separation the Diet must be thin Wine is improper the Decoctions of Lentils or of any sort of Pulse are flatulent and prejudicial Let Gelly of Harts-horn be dissolv'd in small Beer mixt with the Tincture of Columbines or in which a Bag of Columbine and Turnep Seeds is infus'd for ordinary drinking For Children let hot Horses Dung be infus'd in what they drink for it promotes Sweat and defends the Neck and Throat Having premis'd these Cautions the next thing is to take a view of the Materia Medica For moderating the motion of the Blood and mitigating the Symptoms of the Breast and Belly and promoting Expulsion we use mineral Unicorn diaphoretic Antimony Cinnabar of Antimony of excellent use for preventing Convulsions and especially Unicorn's horn and Emulsion of the expulsive Seeds viz. The Seeds of Cresses Columbines Turneps and Carduus Benedictus To which we add some volatil Ingredients such as the Salt and Spirits of Harts-horn Vipers and Human Blood when the Acid afflicts the Nerves and the Pushes break out but slowly The specific Remedies of great Note are Myrrh and Castor or their Essences prepar'd with Spirit of Wine tartaris'd To which we may add Saffron the Dung of Animals especially Horse's or Sheep's Dung infus'd in Wine Figs or their Decoction to which we add Millet Seeds to qualifie their loosening Virtue Take of Harts-horn prepar'd without Fire and Diaphoretic Antimony of each fifteen grains Myrrh half a scruple Make a Powder to be exhibited before the Eruption If the Patient be troubled with a shivering just upon the point of Eruption add the Salt of Carduus Benedictus Take of Harts-horn prepar'd without Fire and Cinnabar of Antimony of each half a scruple Castor three grains Myrrh two grains volatil Salt of Vipers four or five grains Make a Powder to be given after eruption or when the Pushes advance but slowly Or Take of Harts-horn prepar'd without Fire fifteen grains solar Bezoar half a scruple volatil Salt of Harts-horn five grains Laudanum Opiatum half a grain Mix for one Dose In case of a looseness or unquietness and malignity add two grains of Camphyr Or Take of Scabious Water an ounce and a half Essence of Myrrh a Dram Harts-horn prepar'd without Fire a scruple Mineral Bezoar half a scruple Laudanum prepar'd by fermentation a Grain Syrup of Carduus Benedictus three Drams Make a Potion The volatil Salt of Vipers or that of Harts-horn Camphyr Sennertus's Bezoardic Powder Spirit of Treacle and in case of a Looseness seal'd Earth may be added by turns Take of the yellow part of Orange Peel two drams Citron Seeds a dram Seeds of Columbines and Carduus Benedictus Myrrh of each half a dram sweet Almonds a dram With Viper-Grass-water make an Emulsion and sweeten it If the Patient be much disquieted add the Syrup of Poppies and Essence of Castor Take of the Tincture of Tartar two drams Essence of Myrrh prepar'd with the Spirit of Sal-Armoniac a dram Mix and
're remov'd the Blisters kept open with the Plaister of Melilot cover'd with the Powder of Cantharides But if the Bladder be inflam'd or the Urine hot if the Patient be very weak or with Child or look for her Terms they are improper 8. Blood-letting is always pernicious 9. In the beginning of the Disease Vomits are very useful They ought to be mix'd with Sudorifics Purgatives and Clysters are not safe 10. If the Patient be molested with a vomiting so that Sudorifics cannot be retain'd in the Stomac let Sweat be forc'd by applying a hot Loaf as above and covering up the Body and Face The Specifics that are us'd in this Disease are Camphyr given in substance or its Oyl mix'd with Oyl of Amber and that of Citron Peel called Heinsius's Oyl Ivy-Berries given to a Dram in Vinegar and Wine Juniper and Elder Berries and the Rob of either given in Vinegar Garlic Heads bruis'd and exhibited in Vinegar the Blood of a Stork or its volatil Salt the Spirit of Harts-horn sharpned with its own volatil Salt and given to a Dram the volatil Salt of Vipers above all sprinkl'd with Oyl of Amber and mix'd with Camphyr Man 's Ordure applied externally to Bubo's and given internally with the Patient 's own Urine Sulphur or its Flowers given to a Dram in an acid Vehicle or rather the fix'd Sulphurs of Antimony which in this case surpasses all other Medicines the Oyl and volatil Salt of Amber and Diascordium given to two drams in Aromatic Vinegar Take of the Flowers of Sulphur half a dram Cinnabar of Antimony fifteen Grains Camphry six Grains Make a Powder The volatil Salt of Vipers or that of Harts-horn or prepar'd Amber may be added by turns Take of the Rob of Juniper three ounces Diascordium and Mithridat of each an ounce and a half Venice Treacle half an ounce Flowers of Sulphur two or three ounces Myrrh three drams Frankincense six drams Camphyr two drams Saffron half a dram Juice of Citrons half an ounce Make an Electuary Dose a dram and a half in a convenient Vehicle Take of the Water Carduus Benedictus an Ounce and a half Vinegar of Wine six drams Diascordium a dram and a half Camphyr six grains Syrup of the Juice of Citrons half an Ounce Make a Potion for one or two Doses Take of hot Verdigrease a Pound sprinkle it with three Ounces of distill'd Vinegar distill through a Retort in Sand with an intense heat then add to the Spirit thus distill'd a double quantity of rectifi'd Spirit of Tartar and half a dram of Camphyr and a little Opium for every Ounce of the compound Spirit and let all stand for digestion This is call'd Elixyr Antiloimicum and is of excellent use Besides the universal Cure of the Plague it is requisite also to have a peculiar regard to its incident Symptoms As for Bubo's or swellings of Glandules they require the application of attracting ripening and cleansing Ingredients If they be black and livid and threaten a Gangrene they ought to be cut up with a Launce without waiting for maturation otherwise 't were proper to endeavour their maturation and attract the Poison by applying roasted Onyons mix'd with Mustard-seeds Or in case of great Pain the Juice of Onyons mix'd with Venice Treacle and Soot Man's Ordure or a Melisot Plaister mix'd with the Powder of dry'd Toads and that of Amber from which Spirit of Wine has been thrice evaporated are much approv'd for the same use But of all Plaisters Sala's Magneticum Arsenicale is the best 'T is prepar'd thus Take of crude Antimony yellow Sulphur and white Arsenic of each two Ounces Set them in hot Sand in a Phiol 'till they melt and become a dusky Mass Then take of this Mass Gum sagapanum Gum Ammoniac and Galbanum of each three Drams Turpentin and Wax of each half an Ounce distill'd Oyl of Amber two Drams dulcifi'd Spirit of Vitriol a Dram. Dissolve the Gums in Vinegar then strain 'em through a Linnen Cloth and thicken 'em again Melt the Turpentin and Wax apart then add the Gums and make a Plaister according to Art This Plaister will raise a malignant Crust which ought to be taken off by applying the Ointment of Basilicon mix'd with Venice Treacle If the Skin be thick and the swelling lie so low that the Plaister cannot reach it let a sharp blistering Plaister be first applied or if that be ineffectual a Cautery of quick Lime and Spanish Soap that so the Plaister may operat more freely If it cause an Inflammation let foft'ning Cataplasms be applied above the Plaister 'till the Crust come off After the swelling is open'd it ought to be cleans'd by the Infusion of Birth-wort Myrrh Aloe and Saffron in Spirit of Wine Tartaris'd Or Balsam of Peru and Balsam of Sulphur mix'd with Treacle and applying emplastrum Album mix'd with Oyl of Tobacco After 't is sufficiently cleans'd apply Rulandus's Plaister Diasulphuris for consolidation In all Compositions relating to pestilent glandulous Swellings Mercury Vinegar Opium and Lead ought to be avoided Carbuncles are the beginning of a Mortification which displays it self with a purple Colour surrounded with a red or livid Circumference incroaching gradually upon the adjacent parts 'till the mortifi'd part fall off In order to prevent their spreading let a Circle be drawn round 'em with an Emerald stone 'till the part become livid then touch the point or top with Butter of Antimony and when the Crust appears apply Sala's Plaister call'd Magneticum Arsenicale Some chuse to open it first with an actual Cautery and then apply either this Plaister or attracting and emollient Cataplasms of Garlic Water Germander Marsh-mallows Meal of Lentils Berries of the Herb Paris Pigeon's Dung Black Soap and Hony or in case of great pain the Plaister of Hounds Tongue But after all be sure to avoid fat things After the Matter is evacuated apply a Cataplasm of Comfrey Roots boil'd or the Ointment of Basilicon with Balsam of Sulphur and Treacle or a Cataplasm of Comfrey Roots boil'd The symptom of Heat is but seldom violent in Malignant Feavers or at least ought not to be much restrain'd for fear of repressing the cuticular eruptions If necessity require that it should be moderated Antimonial Nitre and all nitrous Medicines taken inwardly and applied outwardly with Juice of House-leek and Rose-water to the Wrists Fore-head and Temples will answer the Design Head-aches Watchings and Deliriums are frequently the Companions of pestilential Feavers If they happen in the beginning they require a Cure but if their first appearance be put off 'till towards the time of the Crisis 't is not safe to oppose ' em If the hinder part of the Head be particularly affected it signifies a peculiar disorder of the Head and Animal Spirits independent of the Feaver If the Head-ache seize chiefly the fore part or be attended by anxiety of the Breast and unquietness it proceeds from the Stomac and ought to be prevented by Vomits and sometimes
Clysters in the beginning of the Disease However for mitigating these Symptoms let Cataplasms of Rue-leaves Raddish-roots Salt Pigeons Dung and Elder Vinegar be applied to the soles of the Feet and palms of the Hands or the Temples and Forehead fomented with the dissolution of Nitre in some convenient Water or anointed with the Ointment of Alabaster and express'd Oyl of Poppies but so as to have a care of stopping the Pores and hindering transpiration Inwardly exhibit the emulsions of the Cold Seeds Poppy Seeds c. An● add Opium to the other Specifics after the first two or three Days are elaps'd If a Drousiness and inclination to sleep attend the Pest let Opium Treacle and all Compositions partaking of it be avoided let Tincture of Caster and Vinegar be frequently taken inwardly and applied to the Nose or Frankincense Bayberries and Pepper beaten up with the Yelk of an Egg be applied to the Fore-head A symptomatical bleeding at Nose is cur'd by applying a Toad under the Arm-pits washing the Hands and Feet with Vinegar applying to the Forehead Neck and Temples Cataplasms of Chalk and Potters Clay beat up with Vinegar and giving inwardly large quantities of Nitre Spirit of Vitriol Spirit of Salt and Opiats mix'd with astringent Juleps After the Bleeeding is stop'd a gentle laxative may be exhibited if other Circumstances allow of it Thirst is also abated by Nitre especially Nitrum Antimoniatum or clarify'd Whey with Juice of Citrons mix'd with the Spirit of Salt and Gelly of Hartshorn A gnawing at Heart and vomiting is cur'd by the following Electuary Take of the Conserve of Mint vitriolated Conserve of the Pulp of Citrons of each an ounce and a half preserv'd Citron-peel and Diascordium of each six drams Confection Alkermes two drams Salt of Wormwood a dram with the Juice of Quinces Make an Electuary In the mean while foment the Stomac with a mixture of the Spirit of Wine Apoplectic-water Venice Treacle and Camphyr or anoint it with express'd Oil of Nutmegs and the distill'd Oyls of Wormwood and Mace and apply afterwards the Plaister of Caranna or that of Tacamahac mix'd with Venice Treacle and Balsam of Peru. A Looseness or griping of the Guts attending a Plague are accounted for by exhibiting Diascordium Opium absorbent Powders Extract of Treacle or that of Tormentil Camphyr Vinegar and dulcifi'd Spirit of Salt A suppression of Urine happening about the Crisis is a token of critical sweats If it assault the Patient at any other time let the Pubes be anointed with Oyl of Scorpions and Ointment of Marshmallows and all blistering Plaisters omitted Swooning palpitation of the Heart and anxiety proceeding from the Stomac are alleviated by absorbent Powders If they proceed from clotted Blood or the convulsive motion of the Spirits let the Confection Alkermes Castor Spirit of Harts-horn and that of Sal-Armoniac be exhibited externally sprinkle the Face and Temples with cephalic mixtures join'd to Castor and Vinegar of Roses A Prunella or Quinsey is mitigated by applying outwardly to the Neck a Bag quilted with Elder-flowers and Safron sprinkl'd with Spirit of Sal-Armoniac or gargling the Mouth with the Decoction of Germander Self-heal and red Roses in Barley-water mix'd with Nitre and Sal-Armoniac As for the Spots resembling Flea-bitings which frequently appear in the Back Arms and Legs the above mention'd Sudorifics especially Myrrh Castor Camphyr and the volatil Salts are most proper All manner of Cold must be carefully avoided and the Body rub'd all over every Day with a Bag of hot Salt or salt Petre and cupping-glasses frequently applyed to the Back Arms and Legs and frequently taken off SECT XVI Of Disorders relating to the motion of the Blood from the Heart to the Extreme Parts HAving thus dispatch'd the Disorders relating to the Fermentation or intestin motion of the Blood we come now in order to consider those of its circular progress The Blood receiving new Life in the Lungs throws it self with fresh vigour into the left Ventricle of the Heart inlarges its Capacity and distends its Fibres This distention or irritation of the Fibres of the Heart occasions an unwonted crowd of Spirits which repair thither from the Brain contract the whole Heart straiten its Cavity and impetuously squeeze out the Blood into the great Artery In like manner the distention of the Artery caus'd by the eruption of the Blood solicits the Spirits to sally out and contract their offended Fibres and drive the blood forwards 'till it arrive at the Veins thro' which it steers an easie Course to the Heart moving without offence or irritation from narrow Passages into broader Channels so that the Veins whose Tunicles are soft and not over-touchy are in no danger of being provok'd to Contractions by a languid impoverish'd Mass This successive contraction and dilatation of the Heart and Arteries call'd by the Ancients Systole and Diastole the former occasion'd by the Spirits repairing to them and the latter by the violent irruption of Blood are what we call the Pulse This we generally inquire after where the Arteries are most accessible viz. About the Wrists Temples and Ancles in order to discover the state of the Blood And if we find the Artery much dilated by turgid Blood we call it a large Pulse if the if the Blood move forcibly and impetuously we term it strong if the Arteries yield to the touch and do not seem to resist or rebound we stile it a Soft Pulse If the Blood move swiftly the Pulse is Frequent and if the Heart and Arteries be suddenly and much irritated 't is Quick Now Small Weak Hard unfrequent and flow Pulses are the direct reverse of these Circulation is of use to renew the strength of the Blood in the Lungs and supply all the Parts of the Body with Nourishment For 't is the united Mass of Blood and Chyle that furnishes the spermatic parts with Chyle or milky imperfect Blood and those that are sanguin with finish'd Blood according to the natural Demand of the respective Parts CHAP. I. Of the Palpitation and trembling of the Heart WHEN the Blood circulats thro' the Heart it occasions a regular Systole and Diastole But a palpitation of the Heart is a disorderly convulsive unequal vehement Contraction and sometimes scarce perceivable in the Arteries tho' at other times exalted to that pitch that it makes an audible noise A trembling of the Heart is a weak imperfect Contraction Both are equally owing to the irritation of the Heart but with this difference that a palpitation is attended by a violent and resisting strength and a trembling by a yielding weakness This irritation is sometimes the effect of the sharpness or over-bearing quantity of Serum or of Worms in the Heart-purse or of little Wheals or Excrescences within and about the Heart or great Arteries sometimes it proceeds from little Clotts of Blood left by the vicious Mass in the Heart or from a provoking Acid prevailing in the Mass of Blood as it passes along or
Matter Having dispatch'd the general Consumption of the Body 't will not be improper in this place to take notice of the Dryness or Decay of particular parts of the Body occasion'd by whatever intercepts the Blood or Spirits in their Passage thither or weakens and exhausts the innate Spirit of the Part whose office it is to ferment and assimilat the nutritious Juice Hence Palsies Convulsions Dislocations Falls Bruises Wounds c. are its usual Causes As for Cure Wurzius his Arcanum of Allum is a Catholicon against all dry'd or wither'd Parts 'T is thi● Take of Plumous Allum and melted Salt of each equal Quantities melt 'em over a strong Fire Then set 'em to Cool and they will condensat into a Stone upon which pour Water to dissolve the Salts and precipitat the Arcanum Of which take three ounces and mix 'em with an ounce and a half of the Oyl of Bricks and four ounces of the Oyl of Human fat distill'd with the Ashes of Vine-tiwgs Make a Liniment and anoint the Part after rubbing If the dryness of the Part be occasion'd by a Wound or Efflux of its spirituous Juice temperat hot things and such as are moist or inrich'd with a Dewy Juice are best Hence some order the Part to be drench'd in the Blood of an Ox just kill'd and fomented with the Decoction of the Feet Head Liver and Lungs and other joints of a Sheep or Calf boyl'd to Rags or anointed with the Juice of River Crabs mix'd with the Oyl of sweet Almonds or with an Ointment of equal quantities of the fat of Herns the fat of Frogs and that of Hogs If the dryness be caus'd by a Palsy or Compression of the Tendons without any visible Wound or Hurt hot irritating things are most proper as if the part be strongly rub'd down three or four times a Day with green Nettles till it become Red and Hot and then cover'd with the Liniment of the Arcanum of Allum or fomented with the following Water Take of the seeds of Roman Nettles one pound the Roots of Horse Radishes bruis'd from four ounces to half a pound Roots of Cuckow-pint four ounces long Pepper three ounces Digest 'em in white Wine fourteen Days in a Balneum Mariae shaking the Vessel often And then distill the Spirit which is of excellent use when the part is num'd and stupid If a Defluxion at Catarrh falling upon the part give rise to its decay let Sudorifics be taken inwardly and the Spirit of Ants and that of Earth Worms rectify'd with some Alcalin Salt or the Aqua Articularis mix'd with the spirit of Sal-Armoniac and Oyl of Soap or the Ointment of Agrippa be applied outwardly the part being first rub'd down till it become red or sensible CHAP. II. Of Immoderat Nutrition or Corpulency IF the nutritious Juice be too copiously distributed thro' the Body the Muscles and Joints are extended and for want of room are disabled to recoyl and contract themselves with due nimbleness and the Belly being over-charg'd with Fat and Juice inlarges its Dimensions So that the true Cause of Corpulency or fatness is the temperat softness of the Blood the less Consumption of the Nutritious Juice by reason of a slow Fermentation and the late assimilation of the Chyle in company of the Blood giving it opportunity to be coagulated and appropriated by the peculiar acid Spirits that guard the respective Parts The remote Causes of fatness are abstinence from Drink especially Hop'd Beer or Ale made of Malt or whatever dilutes the Nutritious Juice and consequently promotes its exhalation drinking moderatly Ale made of Corn which has a peculiar fattening Vertue eating much Bread which promotes the Fermentation and Digestion of Food much sleep freedom from Care Exercise and Venery Corpulency squeezes the Spermatic Vessels and causes Barrenness nay it oppresses all the Vessels in the Body retards the Motion of the Blood anticipats the matter that should be converted into Spirits cramps all muscular Motions and accelerats Death The Cure is compass'd by preventing the immoderat increase of Chyle or evacuating it before its Assimilation to the Part or melting and diluting it with Serum after its appropriation The first design is answer'd by a spare thin Diet and eating of salt Meat The second and third by Purgation with Extractum Catholicum and sweet Mercury repeated till it salivat or the Pills of Aloes and Elixyr Proprietatis which was known among the Ancients for a drying Medicine Now that which they call'd Drying is nothing but the melting down of the Nutritious Juice Hence Myrrh Gentian Wormwood Cresses and all Diuretic or Diaphoretic Ingredients are of use by reason of their attenuating resolving Quality But Vinegar of Squills Tartar Tartar Vitriolated Nitre and all Acids are intitled to a preference Bleeding Issues chewing Medicines the Decoctions of Woods Venery and in a Word whatever attenuats the Nutritious Juice and dilutes it with a serous Vehicle in order to evacuation either by Urine Sweat or otherwise is recommended against Fatness Only this Caution ought to be taken notice of that sudden and liberal Evacuations are apt to weaken fat People To Conclude I subjoyn a Recipe for Pills that are much approv'd Take of the Gum of the Juniper Tree two drams Choice Myrrh Shavings of Lignum Sanctum extract of Wormwood and Aloe of each a Scruple Coagulated Spirit of Vitriol half a dram Make Pills CHAP. III. Of a Deprav'd Nutrition ART 1. Of a Cachexy Leucophlegmacy and Anasarca IF the Chyle or Nutritious Juice is not duly digested and assimilated to the Blood it Tinctures it with a pituitous Crudity Stifles its saline particles and cramps its due turgescence whereupon the Skin is discolour'd and the Muscles instead of receiving elaborat nourishment are stuff'd and bloated up with crude matter and so render'd flaccid This we call a Leucophlegmacy And if this crude vicious Juice obstruct the Glandules of the Muscles or if the Lymph be upon any account oblig'd to Stagnat the Blood becomes serous and a Collection of Serum or Water lodg'd under the Skin causes an Anasarca Now a Cachexy is a general Term importing the Crudity of the mass of Blood and its weaker Fermentation which give rise to these two Diseases The remote Causes are want of motion care grief suppression of the Terms chronical Diseases suppression of Urine the French Pox and in a word whatever weakens Digestion and stifles the Fermentation of the Blood The Symptoms observe the following Method The Cachectic Person grows Pale and in some measure Livid his Face and in process of time the whole surface of the Body is swollen upon any quick motion or walking up an ascent he is troubled with a shortness of breath and palpitation of the Heart and temporal Arteries an universal Weariness seizes the Joints and after eating Anxiety and a sense of Compression oft-times invades the Breast the Appetit which at first is good decays by degrees the Pulse is unequal small frequent and
The most common sort of Dropsie is that call'd Ascites which begins at the Feet and in a short time reaches the Belly and Scrotum This Serum whose Extravasation causes a Dropsie for the most part is deposited into the respective Cavities by the Blood circulating in the Arteries 'T is true the Rupture and Obstruction of the lymphatic and milky Vessels may cause a Stagnation or Extravasation but that happens by accident Whereas the standing and direct source of Dropsies is the vicious Crasis of the Blood as being unqualified for digesting and assimilating its Serum and its languid Motion giving the Serum an opportunity of squeezing through the Vessels especially about the Capillary Arteries where the influence of the Heart the primum mobile is but very small and more easily communicable to the thick resisting Blood than to the weak yielding Serum Now that the slow motion of the Blood will occasion a Transmission of the Serum is plainly made out by Dr. Louer 's Experiment of tying a Ligature about the Vena Cava under the Heart and that the vicious Crasis or Crudity of the Blood occasions an imperfect Turgescence and a weak Propulsion from the Heart is too evident to need a proof I grant that there are some melting Dropsies that proceed from the Colliquation of the Humours originally contain'd in the part without the assistance of foreign Serum as in Hectic Feavers and after hot acute Diseases but these are not proper Dropsies as being only Symptoms of a Colliquation According to this Hypothesis we need not be at a loss to scan the Influence of remote Causes 'T is an obvious Conjecture that whatever weakens Digestion accumulats Crudities enfeebles the natural Functions and in a word all Chachectic Disorders are apt to degenerat into Dropsies The suppression of Urine and that of insensible transpiration are either the Causes or inseparable Companions of a Dropsie Nay I doubt much if an universal Ascites can ever take place unless the Kidneys be disorder'd And 't is a notorious observation to this purpose that whoever drinks much and does not piss proportionably may justly make account to encounter a Dropsie e're he dies and that whoever attempts the Cure of a Dropsie without Diuretic Medicines is but lamely equip'd for his Office The drinking of Brandy and Sulphureous Liquors that melt down the Humors sharpen the Lymph and relaxat the Stomac the inconsiderat use of cold Water immediatly after violent Heat the suppression of any wonted Evacuation and excess of any Flux whether of Blood or other Humors the attenuation of the Serum by the use of Mercury the Jaundice and inactivity of the Bile Chronical Agues mismanag'd Asthma's Phthisics and Spitting of Blood and in fine whatever weakens Nature renders the Blood uncapable to assimilat the Chyle or retards its circular Motion and disturbs its due Targescence these I say are the natural Authors of a Dtopsie The tumors of the Mesentery Liver and other Bowels do generally accompany this Disease but oft-times are rather effects than Causes The Symptoms of a Dropsie display themselves after this method The Feet at first begin to swell and receive Pits by the pressing of one's Finger in the Night time the swelling abates but regains new force the succeeding Day By degrees it reaches to the Abdomen and Scrotum and frequently affects the Prepuce and Testicles The Water thus inclos'd in the Belly sometimes possesses one side sometimes both and as the Person turns in his Bed it rolls with a noise and sometimes visibly from one side to the other in the mean while the Breast Neck and upper Parts waste and decay The Face and Hands sometimes swell An itching and oft-times a scab molests the Skin and spots or wheals beset the Legs A slow Feaver pursues him and increases towards the Evening The Pulse is small frequent and a little hard An unquenchable Thirst loss of Appetit straitness of the Breast shortness of Breath especially in the Night time and a dry Cough oft-times usher in a Dropsie Big belly'd Women are oft-times apt to suspect a Dropsie without occasion The signs which serve to undeceive 'em are these In a Dropsie the Face is pale and Livid the Eyes are rob'd of their sparkling Vigor the Water contain'd in the Belly Floats to and again falls as the Woman turns her self and is very weighty The swelling is soft equal and bends downward it do's not impair the Flux of the Terms but diminishes the quantity of Urine and gives it a high Tincture and causes a violent Thirst all which Symptoms are contrary to those of Being with Child The Hydro●ic Water is not always of the same Colour as being either Green Yellow or Blackish c. But 't is generally salin and sharp apt to corrode the Bowels and to cause Ulcers on the Legs or to cast a Froth like Lather when mix'd with other Water nay the distention and stiffness of the Membrans inwrapping it seems to argue that it ferments within and provokes them to Contractions As for Prognostics If a Dropsie follow Chronical Diseases or indiscreet Purgation or invade those whose strength is decay'd if it be attended by unspeakable Thirst Coughing Schirrus of the Bowels difficult Respiration scarcity and redness of Urine hardness of the Belly extreme inappetency or a melting Feaver Ulcers or livid Spots in the Legs Black Excrements when the Person do's not use Steel These I say are dismal Circumstances whereas the Reverse of 'em are look'd upon as hopeful Signs Convulsions and Apoplexies succeeding a Dropsie are very fatal The Cure turns upon two indications 1. To remove the stagnating Serum 2. To prevent its further increase by retrieving the due Crasis of the Blood and fortifying the Stomac in order to a regular Chylification The first is answer'd by Evacuations and abstaining from Drink Of evacuating Medicines Purgatives are the first especially the Roots of the Common Flower-de-luce and Elaterium or the Juice of the wild Cucumber The former do's not only evacuat but enjoys also an alterative Vertue and is given to three drams in Infusion or its Juice express'd to half an ounce with a scruple of the Powder of Soldanella Elaterium or its Extract prepar'd with Spirit of Wine Tartaris'd given to fifteen grains is fitly joyn'd with sweet Mercury The Infusion or Decoction of half an ounce of Bryony with Salt of Tartar is of excellent use against Dropsies of the Womb. When the Serum is mix'd with viscous Humors Coloquintida or the extract of Troches Alhandal ought to be added The lunar Pills made of the Crystals of well refin'd Silver prepar'd with Spirit of Nitre or Aquafortis or Mercurius Vitae render'd Laxative by mixing it with sweet Mercury are also noted Purges against Dropsies To which we may add the Rosin of Jalap the Infusion of a handful of the Flowers of Acacia in Whey the Syrup and Conserve of Peach Flowers Gutta Gamba given in Powder to sixteen grains or its Rosin given to twelve
will not be improper to Bath it with the Spirit of Wine and strong Waters as for astringent Fomentations I doubt they do more harm than good If the Vessels or Organs be broke we may add vulnerary Ingredients to the above mention'd Specifics If the difficulty of breathing be very troublesome 't is usual to give a dram of Sperma Caeti in Spanish Wine after vomiting If Hydropical Persons be extream thirsty we must be very cautious of pleasing them or answering their demands since abstinence from Drink is the better part of the Cure Nitre melted in the Mouth Wine temper'd with Juice of Citrons the dulcifi'd Spirit of Salt Vinegar diluted with Chalybeat Water and the Decoction of Juniper Berries in Whey given for ordinary drinking are of use for mitigating this Symptom In the mean while it will not be improper to inject Clysters of hydropical Purgatives and aromatic Ingredients or of Herrin-Pickle or of a Child's Urine impregnated with carminative Seeds in case of Wind or mix'd with Turpentin and Nitre Nor will it be amiss to apply discussive Aromatics to the soles of the Feet Belly and Cod. Such are the Leaves of Celandin the greater Bags quilted with aromatic Seeds and Bran Man's Ordure Goats Dung boil'd in Mint-Water or mix'd with Man's Urin in the form of a Cataplasm Horse's Dung mix'd after the same method with Meal of Barley and Vinegar Quick-lime-Water mix'd with Spirit of Wine is of excellent use for bathing the Legs Belly and Scrotum especially when a Gangrene is threaten'd by the appearance of Spots Cataplasms made of Cockles bruis'd together with their Shells and mix'd with Goats-Dung are particularly recommended by Thonerus If these Cataplasms prove uneasie they may be shifted for aromatic Oyls such as the Oyl of Scorpions distill'd Oyl of Juniper Oyl of Bays Oyl of Toads mix'd with the Ointments Agrippae Martiatum c. Or an Ointment made of Sulphur Quick-lime and the Extracts of sharp Plants Some commend Bathing but 't is only of use against Anasarca's It remains only to annex a few Recipe's for illustrating the Method of prescribing Take of the Extract of Elaterium fifteen or twenty grains Rosin of Jalap from two to five grains Troches Alhandal one or two grains distill'd Oyl of Juniper two drops With Essence of Wormwood make Pills for a Hydropical Purge To which we may premise the Tincture Spirit or Salt of Tartar as a Digestive Take of the Conserve of Peach-Flowers a dram twelve grains of Mercurius vitae mix'd with fifteen grains of sweet Mercury Extract of Elaterium a grain or two With the Syrup of Buckthorn make a Bolus for one Dose Take of the Rob of Juniper an Ounce and a half Extract of Steel prepar'd with Juice of Apples half an ounce Powder of Rhubarb two or three drams with Cinnamon-Water make an Electuary for corroborating the Stomac Take of Swallow-wort Roots two ounces Leaves of Celandin the greater Hore-hound and Wormwood of each a handful Citron and Orange-peel of each six drams Seeds of the Ash-tree of Cumin Fennel and Annis of each two or three drams Juniper Berries bruis'd an ounce and a half Galangal Cloves Ginger of each a dram Salt of Tartar six drams infuse them in Wine Of which let the Patient take a Draught frequently Take of the Salt of Vine-twigs or that of Pigeons Dung of each a dram Powder of Toads two scruples Make a Powder for two Doses Take of the carminative Spirit de tribus half an ounce Spirit of Sal-Armoniac two drams Mix. Dose half a dram twice a day Take of the Decoction of Camomil Flowers half a Pound Man's Urine three Ounces lenitive Electuary six drams distill'd Oyl of Turpentin a scruple Make a Clyster Take of the carminative Decoction six Ounces Man's Urine three ounces Yest a Dram common Salt a scruple Hony of Roses an ounce Make a Clyster Take of Cockles and their Shells bruis'd a Pound Powder of Caraway-Seeds two ounces Goats Dung an ounce Make a Cataplasm to be applied to the Belly and Cod. Take of the Ointment of Sowbread an Ounce Ointment of Agrippa half an ounce Oyl of Scorpions an Ounce and a half distill'd Oyl of Toads three drams Mix for a Liniment and anoint the Belly frequently ART 3. Of the Yellow Black and White Jaundice A Jaundice is a cachectic disposition of Body attended by a preternatural Colour of the Skin it is caus'd either by the corruption of the Chyle in the Stomac or its vicious fermentation with the Bile and Juice of the Pancreas in the Duodenum or by the immediat putrification of the Mass of Blood The first cause defiles the Mass of Blood and taints it with various Recrements according to the manner of its corruption Hence Milk curdled in the Stomacs of Children Summer-Fruits Cucumbers Fish c. being converted into a musty Crudity will cause a Jaundice by mixing the corrupt Chyle with the Blood which being unfit for nourishment or assimilation is thrown out in a serous Vehicle upon the Glandules of the Skin and sometimes upon internal Glandules The Jaundices which follow Feavers or extreme bleeding which are attended by vomiting of yellow corrupt Matter musty Belchings Heart-burnings and Excrements colour'd as in a healthy state seem to arise from this cause and are accordingly cur'd by Vomits and bitter stomachical Medicines The second Cause takes place when an Acid prevails and the Bile is lazy or unactive and either cannot make good its secretion through the Liver and consequently recoils into the Blood or when separated stagnates in the Gall-Bladder and settles into Stones so as to cause an Obstruction of the Passage Hence sulphureous strong Liquors that exalt the Oyl of the Bile and cramp its active Volatil Salt are frequently charg'd with causing a Jaundice Sometimes the Convulsions of the neighbouring Membranes may contract the Gall-Bladder and so shut up the Passage upon which account Vomiting Colic-pains Hysteric Passions and hard Labour in Child-bearing are observ'd to introduce this Disease The prevalency of an Acid in the Duodenum arising either from the austere Recrements of the Stomac or the degeneracy of the Juice of the Pancreas will also pervert the Chyle and consequently the Mass of Blood So that the greatest part of Jaundices are wholly owing to a preternatural corrupt Acid in the Stomac or Duodenum and the inactivity or imperfect distribution of the Chyle As for the third Cause viz. The immediat putrefication of the Mass of Blood 't is occasion'd by Poyson birings of Vipers or Mad Dogs malignant Ulcers suppression of the Terms the Scurvy c. And when a Jaundice springs from this cause the Stomac Bile and Colour of the Excrements continue in their natural state Now any of these three Causes will occasion a preternatural colour of the Skin which always attends the Jaundice For the Blood being vitiated and tinctur'd with corrupt Recrements precipitats and throws 'em out in a serous Vehicle upon the Skin where the miliar Glandules are
ought always to be dissolv'd in a watry Vehicle that so its Rosin may be separated Sometimes we mix Laxatives with Specific Alteratives and continue their use for some time And whet 'em if there be occasion with Coloquintida or Troches Alhandal Raisins Prunes Tamarinds and ripe sweet Apples or their express'd Juice are of great efficacy against Costiveness But Sugar and other sweet things ought to be carefully avoided Rhubarb or Cream of Tartar sharpen'd with Powder of Jalap are recommended to such as are of a juicy Constitution As for the forms of Receipts they are as follows Take of Quercetanus's Pills call'd Melanagogae a Dram and a half Extract of Senna Leaves half a Dram Rosin of Jalap a dram and six grains Tartar vitriolated thirteen grains volatil salt of Amber a scruple the Seeds of Mustard Scurvy-grass and Garden Cresses of each half a dram With some Antiscorbutic Water make Pills This is the Composition of Timaeus his Antiscorbutic Pills of which a scruple or half a dram is a Dose Take of the Pills of Hiera with Agaric twelve grains Gum Ammoniac dissolv'd in Vinegar half a scruple Scammony sulphurated two grains With the Essence of Steel make Pills Take of Quercetanus's Pills of Ammoniac a scruple sweet Mercury fifteen grains Extract of Troches Alhandal two grains the distill'd Oyl of Caraways two drops With the Essence of Gum Ammoniac make Pills The Vitriol of Steel calcin'd white and the Extract of Steel prepar'd with Juice of Apples may be added by Turns The Extract of black Hellebor is also a proper Basis for Pills Take of the Aperitive Crocus of Steel a scruple Scammony sulphurated and Salt of Tartar of each five grains Make a Powder Take of the fresh Leaves of Scurvy-grass Garden Cresses and Rose-mary of each a handful fresh Horse Radish Roots an ounce and a half pick'd Senna Leaves an ounce choice Rhubarb half an ounce Crude black Hellebor three drams Juniper Berries six drams Cinnamon and Galangal of each a dram and a half Salt of Tartar three drams Tye 'em in a Bag to be infus'd in Wormwood Wine of which let the Patient take a draught Morning and Evening Take of Wormwood three handfuls lesser Centory two handfuls black Hellebor Roots three ounces Polypody of the Oak an ounce and a half Bark of the Ash-tree and white Tartar of each half an ounce filings of Steel three drams Sprinkle 'em with nine Drops of the dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre and tye 'em in a Bag to be infus'd in Wine Take of pick'd Senna Leaves two drams Polypody Roots three drams black Hellebor Roots two scruples Ginger half a scruple Salt of Tartar a scruple infuse 'em for the space of a Day in Whey then boyl 'em gently To three ounces of the strain'd Liquor add of the Spirit of Scurvy-grass a scruple Syrup of Apples three drams Mix for one Dose Take of Corants two ounces Bruise and boyl them in Water adding while the Water is yet hot pickt Senna Leaves three drams Violet Flowers three little handfuls Cream of Tartar a dram Let 'em stand for some time in a hot place then strain the Liquor for use Take of the Pulp of Corants three ounces Arcanum Duplicatum a dram purify'd Sal-Armoniac and the Powder call'd Diatrion Pipereon of each two Scruples With the Syrup of Apples make an Electuary for nine or twelve Doses After Purgatives we subjoyn Emollient abstergent Clysters especially those of Carminative Ingredients boyl'd in Childs Urine against Hypochondriac pains in the Belly those of Milk and Turpentine against Nephritic pains and those of Whey or rather of Milk injected every other Day in a confirm'd Scurvy As Take of Cows Milk nine ounces Lenitive Electuary an ounce Electuary of Bay-Berries half an ounce With the yelk of one Egg make a Clyster to be injected at Bed-time and retain'd all Night Some inject the Decoction of Elder Flowers and Henbane Leaves in Milk against Scorbutical Pains The Patient's Body being thus prepar'd we advance to Alteratives Such are Steel and all fix'd Salts or whatever subdues an Acid. To these we joyn either the Aperients Diuretics and bitter Stomachical Aromatics or the Spirituous volatil Salts Thus the filings of Steel all its Aperitive Crocus's the vitriol of Steel calcin'd the solar Liquor of Steel the natural Spaws consisting of Steel dissolv'd in Sulphur the Tincture of the vitriol of Steel the solution of Steel prepar'd with the juice of sweet Apples and mix'd with the Spirit of Scurvy-grass Chalybeat Diaphoretic Antimony Chalybeat Bezoar the Bezoar Stone c. These I say are all of good use But when the Bowels are stuff'd or threaten'd with hard swellings they are improper Besides while Spaw Waters are drunk 't will be requisite to defend the Stomac by some Stomachical Ointment or Plaister Next to Steel are the bitter Plants dedicated to the Stomac and Spleen such are Fumitory lesser Centory Juniper Barries Wormwood Agrimony Cuckow-pint and Elecampane Their Decoctions Essences and above all their fix'd Salts and the Salt taken from the Caput Mortuum of the Spirit of Sal-Armoniac Mynsichtius's Arcanum Duplicatum is of excellent use especially when the Person is lyable to flushings and sudden Inflammations Elixyr Proprietatis prepar'd without an Acid and mix'd with the Spirit of Scurvy-grass and that of Sal-Armoniac is also proper The volatil Salt and Spirit of Tartar the Tincture of Tartar mix'd with the Spirit of Sal-Armoniac and given to forty Drops the Garminative Spirit prepar'd from Tartar Nitre and Spirit of Wine the Spirit distill'd from a Mixture of Quick-lime Spirit of Sal-Armoniac and Spirit of Wine impregnated with Aromatics the Spirit of Sal-Armoniac mix'd with Antiscorbutic Spirits and espepecially the Liquor of the Terra Foliata of Tartar mix'd with Spirit of Sal-Armoniac are very much approv'd both in the Hypocondriac and Scorbutical Distemper especially when the Person is lyable to Heats and Flushings and apt to be offended by the Oily Aromatic Ingredients In which case purify'd or Antimonial Nitre is also useful Nay some are very diffuse in their Encomium's upon a mixture of Nitre and the Powder Diacumini The forms of Alterative Recipe's are such as these following Take of the Conserve of Fumitory an ounce and a half Confection Alchermes a dram and a half Crude Steel pulveris'd three drams Magistery of Coral prepar'd with the Juice of Citrons a dram With the Syrup of Apples make an Electuary Take of the Essence of Gum Ammoniac half an ounce Spirit of Sal-Armoniac mix'd with Oyl of Sassafras two drams Dose fifty drops Take of Elixyr Proprietatis prepar'd without an Acid half an ounce Spirit of Sal-Armoniac mix'd with Oyl of Cloves two drams Spirit of Scurvy-grass a dram and a half Dose forty drops thrice a Day Take of Fumitory Water two ounces Borrage and Bugloss Waters of each an ounce Carminative Spirit de tribus two drams prepar'd red Coral a dram Syrup of red Poppies half an ounce Mix and exhibit a spoonful now and then in
the Hypochondriacal Fit The Specifics that are peculiarly devoted to the Scurvy are of two sorts 1. Such are the volatil sharp Ingredients that amend the indisposition of the Blood 2. Balmy Oily Medicines that repair the losses of the solid and nervous Pasts Of the first sort are Scurvy-grass Marsh Trefoyl Water Cresses Celandin Pilewort the Herb call'd Trinity Arsmart especially its distill'd Water Horse Radishes Mustard-seeds and those of Garden Cresses Rockets Scurvy-grass and Columbines To these we add the Juice of Sorrel Citrons Oranges and such like Acids to temper the volatil sharpness that frequently offends young hot Constitutions Of the latter sort are the Buds and Bark of the Pine or Fir Tree the Pine Apple or Pine Wood Sassafras Guajacum China Roots Juniper Wood Winter Cinnamon the Rinds of the Ash-tree Tamarisk Citrons and Oranges Water Germander Fumitory Wormwood Elecampane Zedoary Galangal Angelica Lovage the Fruit of the Knotberry-bush and its Electuary Cacao Nuts the flowers of Broom St. John's wort Elder and Saffron Earth-worms and Goose Dung given to a dram in Wine The Antiscorbutics of the former sort being volatil wo'nt admit of Decoction Upon which account we choose to infuse 'em in Wine for Cold in Whey for Bilious and in Milk for dry wither'd Constitutions As Take of fresh Scurvy-grass Fumitory and Water-cresses of each a handful Horse Radish Roots three ounces fresh Elecampane Roots an ounce Corants six drams Cut bruise and tye them in a Bag to be infus'd in Wine Whey or Milk of which exhibit a draught thrice a Day If they be infus'd in Wine 't will be proper to add half a dram of Crabs-eyes to every draught for preventing the bad effects of the acidity that prevails in Wine Take of fresh Scurvy-grass and Water-cresses of each a handful Elecampane Roots an ounce and a half Acorus Roots an ounce Shavings of Sassafras and Filings of Steel of each two ounces Orange-peel Citron-peel and Galangal of each two drams Tye 'em in a Bag as above If we desire to render 'em Purgative we add Senna Leaves black Hellebor Rhubarb and Salt of Tartar Take of the Juices of Scurvy-grass Water-cresses and Fumitory of each three ounces Ci●●ons and Wood-sorrel of each two ounces clarify'd Goats-whey three pound Let 'em stand till they become clear then strain the Liquor and give five ounces for a Dose twice a Day adding to every Draught a convenient quantity of the Essence of Steel prepar'd with the Juice of Apples Take of the Chalybeat Cachectic Powder two drams Cuckow-pint Roots and Arcanum Duplicatum of each a dram distill'd Oyl of Scurvy-grass eight drops Make a Powder From the above-mentioned Simples we draw Spirits First by Fermentation then by frequent Cohobation upon fresh Ingredients These Spirits digested with the extract of Steel or with the extract and thicken'd juice of the other Ingredients yield noble antiscorbutic Essences that are given from half a dram to a dram To these we frequently joyn the distill'd Oyls of the same Plants and the volatil Spirits of Animals especially the Spirit of Sal-Armoniac and that of Earth-Worms Of the balmy Antiscorbutics that are calculated for the disorder of the Nerves and solid parts Sassafras China Roots the wild Pine-tree and the Pine-apple are the most noted As Take of the Buds of the wild Pine-tree two ounces China Roots sliced an ounce infuse 'em in two pounds of Ale and boyl 'em till the half evaporat Exhibit a draught of the strain'd Liquor warm Morning and Evening in order to sweat Juniper-berries Fir-tops and Raisins are also proper Antiscorbutics The extract of Juniper-berries or the thicken'd decoction of the Pine-apple reduc'd to Essences with the Spirit of Scurvy-grass are admirable for this purpose being given from forty to fifty drops But withal we ought to take notice that all Remedies prepar'd from the Pine-tree are enrich'd with a plentiful volatil Oyl that dejects the Appetit and if too long us'd causes Feavers Pushes or cuticular Eruptions in young People But both the Indications of subduing the scorbutical Acid and relieving the solid parts are admirably accounted for by a Milk diet The time of exhibiting Milk is after the general Evacuations and the use of Steel Goats Milk is accounted the best and for those who are feaverish we choose Whey If the Patient be of a lean dry Constitution and if the scorbutical Acid be fiery and sharp Milk alone is best But otherwise we boyl antiscorbutical Ingredients in the Milk or add their Juices and Spirits As Take of Goat's Whey a quart and boyl it in a close Vessel with a handful of fresh Fumitory leaves Then strain it and add to every draught twenty drops of the Spirit of Scurvy-grass and a little Sugar to prevent its curdling Thus let the Patient continue the use of it for some time interlacing a laxative every fourth day remembring always to walk after taking it in order to promote Urin and abstain from Wine and acid Liquors This method of infusing or boyling antiscorbuticks in Milk ought to be follow'd during the Spring and Summer but in the Autumn Wine is the more proper Vehicle The general Cure of the Scurvy being thus dispatch'd it remains to account for its particular Symptoms These are I. The Laxity Swelling Bleeding Ulceration or Putrifaction of the Gums For removing such Inconveniencies we use Gargarisms Tinctures Powders and Ointments The Gargarisms are made of the juice of Sage and Scurvy-grass or the Decoction of Sage and Scurvy-grass in Milk Whey or Wine Or of Privat-wood Pine-tree tops Cresses and Allum in Milk Whey or Wine To which we add by turns Snake-weed Roots Tormentil Birthwort Myrrh Lac Spirit of Salt c. As Take of Sage-leaves three handfuls Scurvy-grass and Water-cresses of each half a handful Flowers of Mallows two handfuls Polipody Roots six drams Boyl them in two pound of fair Water till the half be consum'd Then strain the Liquor and add of the Hony of Roses an ounce and a half burnt Allum a dram purify'd Nitre three drams seal'd Earth and Florentin Lac of each a dram Mix for a Gargarism If the Gums are putrify'd boyl Lesser Centory Plantan Savin Water Germander Roses Birthwort Roots and Mastic in austere Wine and add to a pound and a half of the strain'd Decoction an ounce and a half of the Ointment Aegyptiacum and a dram and a half of crude Allum Take of Plantan Self-heal and Rose-water of each four Ounces Tincture of Roses Spirit of Scurvy-grass of each two drams Spirit of Salt Spirit of Vitriol of each a scruple Mix and rub the Gums After Gargarising the Mouth 't is proper to rub the Gums with Tinctures especially Mynsichtius his Tincture of Lac which may be improv'd by adding Myrrh and shifting the Phlegm of Allum for that of Vitriol The following Tincture is also very effectual viz. Pour warm Water upon Quick-lime and boyl it then let it stand till it be clear and strain it Draw off this strain'd Lye till a
Seeds of Dill Rapes Mustard and Cummin Saffron Camphyr Swallow-wort the Dung of Animals the Juice of River-Crabs the Persons own Urine the Spirit of Wine Sal-Armoniac and Juice of House-leek The common Practitioners generally add astringent Ingredients whereas they are very pernicious and augment the Inflammation by hindring the Bloods access to the Veins upon which account we only use attenuating volatil Ingredients as for a Gargarism the Decoction of Rapes mix'd with Sal-Armoniac Or Take of Lovage-Roots six drams Smallage-Roots three drams Elder-flowers a handful and a half Mallows leaves a handful Boil them in Barley-water and add to the strain'd Decoction Hony of Mercury an ounce Spirit of Venice Treacle six drams spirit of Sal-Armoniac a dram Make a Gargarism After the beginning of the Disease Gargarisms are improper as requiring a motion prejudicial and painful to the inflam'd Parts Upon which Account we order the Patient only to let the Liquor lie in the Mouth for some time As for Discussing Cataplasms those of bruis'd Wormwood-leaves mix'd with Hoggs-Fat or of a Swallow's Nest boil'd in Wine apply'd to the Swelling are of excellent use For a Plaister we apply that of Melilot soften'd with distill'd Oyl of Amber For an Ointment the Oyl of sweet Almonds mix'd with Sal-Armoniac as also the following Oyl Take of Brimstone pulveris'd and Salt of Tartar of each a Dram. Melt 'em and let 'em stand 'till they grow cold Then pulverise the Mass and add of the Oyl of sweet Almonds three ounces Oyl of Camphyr half a Dram. Mix and set 'em to digest for three Days 2. If the Tumor be not quickly discuss'd we must set aside all sharp provoking Ingredients and endeavour to bring it to maturity by soft temperat ripening Medicines Such are the Decoctions of the Herbs Mallows and Melilot Marsh-mallows-Roots and Figs in Whey or Milk and sweeten'd with Hony for a Gargarism or the Oyl of sweet Almonds and Ointment of Marshmallows with which we anoint the outward Parts and then apply the following Cataplasm Take a Swallows-nest with the Dung three roasted Onyons and two or three handfuls of Elder-flowers Boil 'em in Milk Beat the Pulp thro' a Sive and add half an Ounce of Album Graecum half a dram of the distill'd Oyl of Chamomil and a sufficient quantity of the Oyl of White Lillies in order to make a Cataplasm 3. The Tumor being thus ripen'd we must endeavour to open it by anointing the Jaws with Hony mix'd with Dog's Dung Or if that be successless by a Gargarism of Mustard-Seed boil'd in Mead or of the Oyl of Vitriol mix'd with White-Wine and ordering the Patient to Cough and Hauk and in the last extremity administring a Vomit or opening the Larynx 4. When the Ulcer is open'd it ought to be cleans'd by the Decoction of Barly or Speedwell mix'd with Hony of Roses or Black-smith's Water for a Gargarism If it prove very sordid we may add the rectifi'd Spirit of Salt or Spirit of Vitriol and in desperate cases touch the Ulcer with Vnguentum Aegyptiacum or Platerus's green Water mix'd with Hony After 't is sufficiently cleans'd touch it with an Ointment of Myrrh Florentin Orris-Roots Burnt-Allum and Hony of Roses and gargle the Mouth with vulnerary astringent mixtures As for the Thrush or excoriation of the Mouth it frequently attends Feavers when the Stomac is stuff'd with green rusty Humours and the Physician neglects to cleanse it and then it reaches from the Stomac to the Tongue In other cases it proceeds from the sharpness of Spittle If the Crust is black livid green flat and continues long dry it portends a tedious Disease The Cure consists in moistening and softening the affected Part. For which end let the Juice of Rapes or mucilage of Quinces with Nitre or fresh Butter and Sugar be applied to the Tongue If it degenerat into Ulcers gargle the Mouth with the Decoction of Speedwell mix'd with Hony or wash the Ulcers with the Phlegm of Vitriol and Plantan-Water In Scorbutical Cases add the spirit of Salt and that of Vitriol and for Venereal cases Platerus's green Water The falling of the Vvula is cur'd by applying to it Sal-Armoniac and Pepper gargling the Mouth with the Decoction of Self-heal mix'd with Sal-Armoniac and crude Allum or the Decoction of Hemp-seed in Vinegar and Water and applying to the Crown of the Head a mixture of Yest Spirit of Wine Mastic and Amber ART 2. Of Inflammations of the Stomac Guts and Fundament THE Causes of an Inflmamation of the Stomac are the same as those of other Inflammations The Symptoms are an Acute Feaver a Tumor a Pain and sense of Heat under the short Ribs an unquenchable Thirst unquietness and Watchings The profundity of the Pain the comparative invisibility of the Tumour and the acuteness of its Symptoms distinguish it from the Inflammation of the Liver or of the Muscles of the Belly Sometimes the Inflammation suppurates and then if the purrulent Matter fall inward upon the Guts there is not so much danger as if it were discharg'd into the external Cavity As for the Cure Purgatives during the increase are improper Bleeding ought to be cautiously manag'd by reason of the Swoonings and Convulsive Symptoms that attend this Diste●per Clysters are very convenient But the Sudorifics recommended above for Inflammations in general are the Basis of the Cure Especially Antimonial Nitre or the dulcifi'd spirit of Nitre mix'd with the Decoction of Liquorice for ordinary Drinking The Sugar of Lead mix'd with Poterius's Antihectic Pulp of Tamarinds Mineral Bezoar and Tartar vitriolated Externally foment with the Decoction of Chamomil and red Roses in Wine and apply discussing Cataplasms of Aromatick Plants boil'd in Wine If the Tumor incline to suppurat apply the following Cataplasm Take of Fenugree Seeds three Ounces Pigeon's Dung two Ounces Yest and Hony of each an Ounce Oyl of Chamomil an ounce and a half Mix c. As for internal Administrations In case of Suppuration exhibit Turpentin dissolv'd with the Yelk of an Egg in Scabious Water or the rectifi'd Spirit of Tartar and the Juice of Syrup of Scabious If the Tumour is open administer the Decoction of Hyssop mix'd with Hony or Chalybeat Milk or the Decoction of China-Roots and Scabious Leaves with absorbent Powders Balsam of Peru Balsam of Sulphur and the Oyl or Extract of the Flowers of St. John's Wort If the Stomac be ulcerated by the corrosion of sharp Liquors administer first a Vomit and then the Mucilages of Fleawort and Quince-seeds mix'd with Tragacanth and Syrup of Roses The Inflammation of the Guts is caus'd by Dysenteries Ruptures Iliac Pains c. The Symptoms are a Tumor Heat and beating Pain a Lipyria Feaver in which the external Parts are cold while the internal are unsufferably hot Costiveness Retraction of the Anus and suppression of Urine If the small Guts are the seat of the Inflammation it appears about the Navel and is attended by a difficulty of Breathing and Vomiting If the
into an Ulcer Clysters indeed are very Convenient when the Belly is Costive 3. Of all Medicines Sudorifics are the best especially for pleurisies In the beginning we exhibit volatil Salts and Opiats notwithstanding the violent Heat of the Disease and towards the height fix'd Diaphoretics especially Diaphoretic Antimony 4. Expectorating Remedies ought not to be administred till towards the height of the Disease when the matter begins to Concoct If they are given sooner they promote Coughing and consequently the frustraneous and painful concussion of the inflam'd Parts not to speak of their attempting to evacuat crude Matter However when their season comes we ought to beware of mixing 'em with Sugar Hony or sweet Acids 5. Opiats are only useful during the increase of the Disease they allay the pain and promote the Concoction of the Matter but in the height when the Matter is already prepar'd they hinder its due evacuation 6. There 's nothing more pernicious than cold Drink It hurts the Lungs increases the Inflammation provokes the Cough hinders Concoction and thwarts evacuation Therefore let their ordinary Drink be always warm and such as the Decoction of Barly and Liquorice mix'd with the Tincture of Poppy Flowers Now as for the Specifics that dissolve stagnating Blood those for a Pleurisie are of the same use in all Inflammations of the Breast Such are red Poppies Carduus Benedictus and Carduus Mariae especially their seeds Chervil-water the Decoction or Powder of Burdoc-roots the Juice of Dandelyon the Soot of Wood-fire given to a dram in Elder Vinegar the Pizzle of a Whale or Hart given in Powder to a dram or by way of Decoction the Powders of Boars-teeth Pike Bones Pearch and Carp-stones given to two scruples the volatil Salt of the Jawbone of a Pike the Blood of a Goat or of a Hare strangled after Hunting dry'd and given in Powder to a dram the Infusion or Juice of Horse or Sheeps Dung the Powder of Pigeons Dung Sperma Ceti given to a dram with Castor the Spirit of Nitre dulcify'd with the Spirit of Wine impregnated by Cohobation with Antipleuritical Ingredients given to two drams the Bezoardic Tincture given to a dram the Flowers of Sulphur or Gunpowder given to a dram and Antimony calcin'd by the heat of the Sun The forms of prescription are as follows Take of the Seeds of Carduus Benedictus and Carduus Mariae of each two drams white Poppy Seeds a dram with Chervil-water make an Emulsion To which add of the Jawbone of a Pike half a dram Diaphoretic Antimony a scruple sweeten it for a draught in order to Sweat Take of the Waters of Carduus Benedictus and Chervil of each an ounce and a half of Treacle Water six drams clarify'd Juice of Dandelyon an ounce and a half prepar'd Crabs Eyes a dram and a half Syrup of red Poppies an ounce and a half Mix and exhibit two Spoonfuls every quarter of an Hour Take of the Extracts of red Poppy Flowers Holy-hocks and Misletoe of the Oak of each a dram and a half shavings of Boars-teeth and an Unicorn's Horn of each two drams Jawbone of a Pike a dram and a half the inner Rinds of Filberts a dram Antimonial Nitre half a dram Magistery of Coral a dram and a half with the thicken'd Juice of Scabious make a Mass of which a scruple is a Dose to be given in Poppy Flower Water Take of the Waters of Carduus Mariae Chervil and red Poppies of each an ounce the spirit of Venice Treacle Camphoris'd three drams Diaphoretic Antimony and Jaw-bone of a Pike of each half a dram volatil Salt of the Jawbones of a Pike twelve grains Laudanum Opiatum three grains Syrup of red Poppies an ounce Mix and give a Spoonful now and then Take of the Blood of a Goat a scruple Mineral Bezoar half a scruple Laudanum Opiatum a grain Make a Powder for two Doses Take of the spirit of Venice Treacle Camphoris'd three drams Essence of Saffron a dram Mix. Dose fifty or sixty Drops If these dissolving Medicines cannot discuss the Inflammation by Sweating we must indeavour to promote the Concoction and Evacuation of the Matter by Spitting For this end we first use thickening Ingredients and after Concoction those of an attenuating force Of the former sort are the Decoctions of Barly Liquorice Elecampane Scabious Jujubes Raisins Speedwell red Poppies c. An Apple excavated stuff'd with a dram of Frankincense or Mastic and half a dram of the Flowers of Sulphur and so roasted and ●●hibited with Carduus Benedictus Water the spirit of Sal-Armoniac the Conserve of Violets the Syrup of Poppies with the Flowers of Benzoin and above all the fresh Oyl of Linseed given to three ounces in a convenient Vehicle or in want of that the express'd Oyl of sweet Almonds As for the latter Indication viz. Attenuating and Expectorating concocted Matter 't is compass'd by adding to the Decoction of these Ingredients in Mead the Syrups of Hissop Hedgmustard or Tobacco and especially the fresh Juice of Radishes and dulcify'd spirit of Nitre As for external Application 't is proper to allay the pain by fomenting the Part with the Decoction of Emollient and Anodyn Ingredients or applying Frogs-spawn with Burdock Roots or an Ointment of the Juice of Coleworts and Powder of Cummin seed or of the Fat of a Country Mouse or Hen's Dung with Oyl of Chamomil Or Thus Take of the Ointment of Marsh-mallows an ounce Oyl of sweet Almonds half an ounce distill'd Oyl of Cummin a scruple Camphyr nine grains Mix and anoint the part every three hours applying afterwards the Plaister of Melilot mix'd with the Plaister call'd Filii Zachariae and soften'd with the Oyl of Mullein Every thing must be applyed hot and the part kept very Warm If the Inflammation can neither be discuss'd nor dissolv'd by Expectoration 't will be needful to promote its suppuration by giving inwardly Preparations from Tobacco Ground Ivy Chervil and Scabious and applying outwardly Cataplasms of Holy-hocks boyl'd in Milk or the Plaister Filii Zachariae After 't is sufficiently Ripe we must provide for opening it by Vomiting Sneezing or administring the Decoction and smoak of Tobacco which is of Excellent use especially when the Imposthume is seated in the Lungs Otherwise we may discover the part where it lyes by the Heat Pain Swelling c. and open a direct Passage into it betwixt two of the Ribs When the Imposthume opens of it self its Matter do's not always run into the Cavity of the Breast as many imagine but is oft-times gather'd within the dilated Membran that surrounds the Pleura in which Case a Paracentesis or opening in the usual place for an Empyema is of no use After opening the Imposthume the next thing is to cleanse it by exhibiting the Decoctions of Chervil or rather the Syrup or Juice of ground Ivy and Syrup of Tobacco with the Balsam of Sulphur Balsam of Peru and the Spirit and Oyl of Turpentin Having dispatch'd the
Prognostic of Empyema's those of the Brain attended by Vomiting are Mortal nay oft-times the Patient dies before the clotted Blood come to a Head Those of the Abdomen are frequently discharg'd by Imposthumes in the Groyn Those of the Breast if they be not cur'd betimes are apt to cause Phthisics and Consumptions If white smooth Purulent Matter be voided by Stool or Urine or copiously expectorated in an Empyema of the Breast and if the Thirst Inappetency Feaver and difficulty of Breathing relent 't is a good Omen But the reverse of these Circumstances is fatal The Cure consists in dissolving and evacuating the clotted Blood or promoting its suppuration evacuating the Pus and restoring the injur'd part to its due strength As for the evacuating Indication the efforts of Nature must be our Directory as if it incline to void the Matter by Urine Sweat or Stool it must be accordingly assisted If the clotted Blood be lodg'd in the Abdomen we give it Vent by a Paracentesis if in the Breast by opening the interval between the fifth and sixth Ribs reckoning downwards if in the Brain by a Trepanation All these Operations are both proper and safe if they be perform'd betimes and not put off till the Patient's strength be exhausted or the Matter be alter'd and render'd unfit for evacuation If it come by a prick we inlarge the Orifice of the Wound If the Person be Plethoric and the Blood be apt to boyl high or if the Evil was occasion'd by a Fall or Bruise Bleeding will be requisit especially that for Revulsion according to the Circumstances of the part As for internal Medicines The first in order are those which dissolve and disengage clotty Blood Such are the Decoction of Madder in Wine the Tincture of the lesser Dasies the Decoction of the Roots Leaves and Flowers of Arnic in Ale the Juice of the Herb Robert Sperma Ceti given to a dram Castor the Blood of Goats given to a dram Sparrow's Dung dissolv'd in Vinegar Man's fat melted given to half an ounce the Herbs Savin Ground Ivy Hyssop Chervil Wormwood St. John's-wort c. The Roots of Angelica Swallow-wort Birth-wort c. The Seeds of Carduus Benedictus Chervil and St. John's-wort the vulnerary Tinctures Bezoar Stone Diaphoretic Antimony and in a word all absorbent Powders especially Crabs dissolv'd in Vinegar These Ingredients ought always to be mix'd with evacuating Medicines that so the Blood when dissolv'd may be readily voided Thus if it be lodg'd in the Abdomen or if nature incline to void it by Stool we add Rhubarb and Laxatives if in the Breast we add Diuretics and Diaphoretics according to Nature's Motions In general Diuretics are the most proper The forms of Receipts are as follow Take of the Decoction of Ground Ivy a pound while 't is yet warm infuse in it over Night Rhubarb one ounce pick'd Senna Leaves half an ounce Salt of Tartar half a dram In the Morning strain the Liquor and add of the Powder of Crabs Eyes a dram and a half the Powder against Falls prescrib'd in the Ausberg Dispensatory a dram Sweeten it with the Syrup of Ground Ivy and exhibit a Draught now and then Take of the Powder of Crabs Eyes Sperma Ceti and Blood of Goats of each half a dram Mix for two Doses to be taken in Vinegar Note Vinegar renders the Crabs Eyes very Diuretic Take of Chervil Water three ounces Vinegar of Wine an ounce prepar'd Crabs Eyes a dram Diaphoretic Antimony a scruple Syrup of Ground Ivy six drams Mix for two Doses If the Head be bruis'd or Convulsions be fear'd add half a dram of the Cinnabar of Antimony Myrrh Laudanum Opiatum Spirit of Sal-Armoniac spirit of Treacle Camphoris'd Poppy-flower-water volatil Salt of Amber Essence of St. John's-wort and the vulnerary Essences may be added by turns Having dispatch'd the Cure of clotty Blood which for the most part degenerats into Empyema's we proceed to that of an Empyema it self which consists in evacuating the Purulent Matter qualifying its sharpness and strengthening the Part. The means for evacuation are either Natural or Artificial the latter are mention'd above The former are either Urine Sweat Stool or Spitting Empyema's of the Breast which may serve for a Pattern for all others as to the Cure for the most part empty themselves by Spitting and Urine tho' the Passages thro' which the Matter reaches either the Mouth or the Reins are yet undiscover'd However 't is a Physician 's part when he descry's Purulent Urine to exhibit Diuretics and when the Matter moves upwards and provokes Coughing to administer expectorating Medicines or rather a Vomit which is of wonderful Efficacy supposing still that there be no danger of a Spitting of Blood for in that case it ought to be omitted and shifted for expectorating Medicines temper'd according as the Matter is sharp or thick As for the sharpness of the Matter 't is admirably accounted for by exhibiting the Flowers and Balsam of Sulphur Balsam of Peru Myrrh and fix'd Antimonial Sulphurs such as Diaphoretic Antimony Poterius's Antihectic c. The injuries done to the solid parts by the purulent Matter are repair'd by Goats Milk and by the Decoctions of Woods Scabious Chervil and especially Ground Ivy. But Vulnerary or Balmy Medicines are not to be exhibited without such as evacuate one way or another nor without a particular regard to the Feaver that accompanies this Distemper As for Example Take of Hyssop and Scabious Water of each an ounce and a half the Flowers of Sulphur half a dram Diaphoretic Antimony a scruple Jovial Bezoar half a scruple Syrup of Tobacco an ounce Make a Potion for two Doses To which if the Feaver be high add a few Drops of the dulcify'd spirit of Nitre Take of the Water of red Poppies three ounces Vinegar of Wine six drams prepar'd Crabs Eyes a dram Diaphoretic Antimony half a dram Syrup of red Poppy Flowers six drams Make a Potion to be given by Spoonfuls Take of the Juice of Ground Ivy four ounces the Juice of Hore-hound two ounces With Sugar make a Syrup to which add of Frankincense and choice Myrrh of each a dram Mix. c. The Decoction of China Roots mix'd with Diaphoretic Antimony or that of Guajacum with the Juice of Ground-Ivy or that of Ox-bones with the Gelly of Hartshorn are also very proper The hot Balsams may be mix'd with Sugar of Lead when heat prevails Take of the Shavings of Gujacum an ounce Sassafras half an Ounce boil them in seven Pound of Common Water 'till a Pound and a half be consum'd Then add Ground-Ivy Flowers of St. John's-wort and the Herb Speedwell of each two handfuls Liquorice-Roots half an ounce Fennel-seed six drams Corants bruis'd three Ounces Boil all 'till a Pound and a half more be consum'd Strain the Decoction and exhibit a Draught thrice a Day CHAP. III. Of Bleeding or the Bursting of the Blood Vessels THE stagnation of the Blood in its own Vessels
of Spirits From whence ensues the variety of the animal or sensitive Phaenomena's 2. That the Brain and Spirits have a peculiar dependance upon the Moon and upon that account the Diseases of the Head encrease or diminish in proportion to its Age. The Spirits when disorder'd are more sensible of this Influence than in their natural State 'T is true the Sun has some Ascendant over our Bodies but that properly relates to the vegetable and vital Functions the Animal Province being more peculiarly allotted to the Moon 3. That there is an admirable Sympathy betwixt the Brain and the Bowels especially the Stomac An ungrateful Imagination disturbs the Stomac and Vomiting and Giddiness do equally give rise to one another The Disorders of the Stomac and lower Belly have a visible Influence upon the Fancy as in the case of Hysteric or Hypocondriac Fits and the ridiculous Appetites of Women Helmont was very happy in this Observation and the practical Inferences he deduc'd from it but his Theoretic Conjectures are frivolous The reason why the Spirits and the Stomac do so sensibly affect one another seems to be this That the Mouth of the Stomac is the first part of all the Body that receives any sensible Impression in the Womb for so much as all Alterations in the Embryo must be produc'd by the Nourishment convey'd to the Stomac This establishes an early Correspondence betwixt it and the Spirits and lays the lasting Foundation of their future Intimacy 4. That the Spirits are liable to the same material Alterations with the Blood CHAP. I. Of immoderate Watchings WE are said to wake when the Spirits are distributed through the Organs of Sense and extend their Fibres On the contrary Sleep unbends the Fibres and imprisons the Spirits The Privation of which causes Disorders in the Body The immediate Cause of Watchfulness is a continued or violent Incursion of Spirits into the Organs of Sense The remote Cause barring some external Object must either be the Disorder of the animal Spirits or some defect in the Brain The Spirits are oft-times too nimble and moveable as in young People and such as feed high and drink generous Liquors The Heat of Summer or travelling in a hot Climat eating of Venison immoderat Care Study and the Passions of the Mind the accession of foreign heterogeneous Particles from malignant Distempers or drinking Tee and Cossee are the natural Causes of the Mobility and Disorder of the Spirits and consequently of Watchfulness As for the Brain Watchings will insue upon the Openness of its Pores occasion'd by a Dryness or want of Moisture to fill up the Intervals This may happen through Fasting or eating of sharp volatil Meats immoderat Venery Sweating smoaking Tobacco which tho it be an Opiat exhausts the Moisture of the Brain an unseasonable Use of purging Medicines or a Deficiency in the first Digestion which not only affects the Spirits by Consent but robs the Brain of its wonted Recruits in neglecting the regular distribution of the Chyle This Disease is manifest of it self As for Prognostics It infers a Weakness and Feebleness 'T is more sufferable in Youth than in a State of Manhood and among Men than among the Female Sex It portends ill in acute Distempers But in Chronical Diseases may be longer endur'd tho 't is oft-times follow'd by Phrensies Folly or Stupidity The Cure is perform'd by taking off the remote Causes If it be caus'd by the Inflammation and Impetuosity of the Blood a Vein must be open'd If the Blood be sharp and oppress'd with heterogeneous Particles Purgation and Sweating take place If it spring from the Disorder of the animal Spirits they must be reduc'd to Order by the use of pacific Medicines such as Opium or Laudanum opiatum or their Compounds Bartholetus commends the Essence of Opium prepar'd with Spirit of Vitriol or Spirit of Cockle Ens Veneris which consists of Vitriol and Salt Armoniac and likewise the Anodvn Sulphur of Vitriol are proper in this case But in using Opium we ought to observe these Causions Not to exhibit it when the Watchings are owing to the Efforts of Nature endeavouring a Solution of a Disease or when attended with a straitness in the Breast or difficulty of Breathing or when they proceed from the deficiency and want of Spirits as in old Men c. The mildest Opiats are the safest Let them be given in small Quantities and repeated often As Take of the Conserve of wild Poppy Flowers one Dram Venice Treacle or Diascordium half a Dram Laudanum Opiatum one Grain Make a Bolus Or Take of native Cinnabar fifteen Grains Saccharum Saturni eight Grains Laudanum Opiatum one or two Grains with the Extract of Saffron make Pills to be taken in the Evening about an hour before Supper The Seed of Thorn Apple is of excellent use in this case As for the Watchings which arise from the Dryness and Openness of the Brain moist and cooling Medicines are most proper such as Emulsions and other oily temperat Compositions Take of the four greater cold Seeds of each half an Ounce Garden Poppy Seeds two Drams sweet Almonds from two Drams to half an Ounce with a sufficient quantity of the Water of Water Lillies make an Emulsion Add of Cinnamom Water half an Ounce and sweeten it with Syrup of Poppies Or the Emulsion may be accommodated to whatever acute Distemper accompanies the Watchings as in a malignant Fever Take of sweet Almonds and Garden Poppy Seeds of each two Drams of the four greater cold Seeds of each a Dram With Viper Grass Water make an Emulsion sweeten it with pearl'd Sugar and add half an Ounce of Ci●namom Water and a Scruple of Bezoar Mineral It pacifies the Spirits and obviats the Malignity of the Distemper The Decoction of Barley with Poppies and Liquorice is much applauded And in general all moist nourishing milky chilous Medicines are very conducive in this case● especially the Seed of Thorn Apple of the Fruit we make Pills thus Take of Thorn Apples six Pound bruise and boil them in twelve Pints of Lettice Water to eight Pints express the Decoction and digest it in the Sun sprinkle it with Spirit of Wine and set it to dry To an Ounce of the Juice thus thicken'd and dry'd add half an Ounce of Saffron and two Scruples of the Oil of Citron Peel Make a Mass for Pills Dose a Grain or two It procures Sleep and stops all Fluxes In the Watchings of old Men or such as proceed from a scarcity of Spirits or a frigid Crudity in the Stomac Opiats are inconvenient Comforting and aromatic Medicines are only proper Some give Opiat Clysters or Suppositories to procure Sleep but 't is a dangerous Method unless the Watchings be accompany'd with a Loosness or Pains in the Guts Besides the internal Use of moistening and quieting Medicines some apply them outwardly to the Forehead Temples Feet and Hands They foment and bathe the extreme Parts with the Decoctions of Anodyn and
Extractum Phlegmagogum from half a Scruple to a Scruple Castor half a Scruple Troches Alhandal two Grains Rosin of Jalap one two or five Grains With the Essence of Castor make Pills To which you may add some sweet Mercury Next to evacuating Medicines we exhibit the sharp Volatil Cephalics which dispel the serous Humour and disengage the Spirits such are Spirit of Salt Armoniac Spirit of Mustard Seeds Spirit of the Lilly Convally Salt of Amber and especially Castor The Decoction of Tee is much commended in all sleepy Distempers The sharpest Cephalic Medicines are best As Take of Marjoram and Rue Water of each an Ounce and a half Apoplectic Water six Drams Essence of Castor a Dram and a half Spirit of Soot two Scruples Syrup of Betony one Ounce Mix c. Or Take of the Spirit of Mother of Thyme Spirit of Citron Peel of each a Dram and a half Spirit of Human Blood one Dram Mix. Or Take of the Conserve of Sage Conserve of Rosemary and Lavender Flowers of each one Ounce the Pouder Dianthos a Dram and a half Pouder of Cubebs a Dram Mustard-seeds and Castor of each two Scruples with the Syrup of Piony Flowers make an Electuary If the Lethargy proceed from a narcotic Virulency that has seiz'd the Spirits then the Volatil Acids are most proper especially the Volatil spirit of Vitriol and the Volatil Spirit of Verdigreese They are given from twenty to thirty Drops in any convenient Vehicle to which Castor always ought to be added it being an admirable specific in these Cases When a Lethargy proceeds from this cause prescribe thus Take of black Cherry Water Mother of Thyme Water of each an Ounce and a half Myasichtus his Hysteric Vinegar or Vinegar of Squills half an Ounce Essence of Castor two Drams Oxymel of Squills six Drams mix c. Or Take of prepar'd Amber a Dram Cinnabar of Antimony half a Dram Castor two Scruples make a Pouder for four Doses After the use of these Medicines the Cure may be compleated by the Sudorific decoctions of Woods c. Next succeed the sneezing and chewing Medicines which evacuate by the Mouth and Nose To this purpose are the sharp pointed irritating Medicines which ought always to be mix'd with Volatil Salts that so while the one irritates and provokes to an evacuation the other may penetrate and prepare the Humor As Take of Pouder of Tobacco Pouder of Lilly Convally of each a Dram white Hellebor Roots a Scruple Castor from twelve Grains to a Scruple distill'd Oil of Marjoram six drops make a Pouder to be blown into the Nostrils thro a Quill Or Take of white Hellebor Castor white Pepper of each a Scruple the distill'd Oils of Rue of Marjoram and Sage of each two drops mix and make a Pouder for the same Use This prescription was peculiar to Timaeus Or Take of Treacle of Andromachus two Drams Extract of Castor half a Scruple Pouder of Pellitory Roots one Scruple distill'd Oil of Amber six Drops mix and make a Medicine for cleansing the Palat. To these we add the external Remedies As Take of the distill'd Oil of Sage half a Dram the distill'd Oils of Castor and of Amber of each a Scruple mix and make an Oil with which anoint the Face and Temples Or Take of the distill'd Oils of Rue of Savory and of Mother of Thyme of each a Scruple Castor half a Scruple With a sufficient quantity of some convenient Balsam mix and reserve for Use Or Take of Swallow Water prepar'd with Castor two Ounces the Spirit of the Crystals of Verdigrease two Drams mix and foment the Face and Temples with i● Or Take of Vinegar of Rue two Drams Spirit of Verdigreese prepar'd with Sulphur two Drams Essence of Castor a Dram and a half mix and use as before Or thus Take of the Herbs Savory and Rue of each half a handful Zedoary half an Ounce Juniper-berries six Drams Laurel-berries half an Ounce Mustard Seeds and the Seeds of Water Cresses of each two Drams boil them in a sufficient quantity of Vinegar and foment the Face and Temples The Spirit of Vitriol and Vinegar applied to the Nostrils are of admirable use against feaverish Coma's As for the waking Coma's a Cataplasm of a fresh Horse Radish Root beat up with Rue Vinegar common Salt and a sufficient quantity of Lees may be applied to the Feet If the Lethargy proceed from Mercurial or Sulphurous Fumes c. let a Vomit be exhibited upon the first view then apply Vinegar and Castor to the Nose and likewise give it inwardly Or thus Take of Mint Water of Rue Water of Rue Vinegar of each an Ounce Essence of Castor six-Drams Syrup of Mint or of the Juice of Citrons one Ounce mix and let the Patient take a Spoonful often Where the immoderate Use of Opium causes a Lethargy Vinegar of Rue or of Squills or of Vitriol mix'd with Castor is a sovereign Remedy or if that prove ineffectual add Mustard Seed or Rocket Seeds or inject a Clyster of Spanish Wine If any sleepy Distemper ensue upon hard Drinking let a Vomit be first exhibited then foment the Forehead and Temples with Vinegar mix'd with the Juice of Smallage or apply the juice of Sengreen the greater with Vinegar and Nitre to the Scrotum Spirit of Salt Armoniac or of Soot are very serviceable in this Case Upon the whole the Remedies made use of in a Lethargy must be particularly appropriated to the Cause that produc'd it If it proceed from an external Cause Vomiting and the use of Vinegar with Castor will finish the Cure If it owe its Original to an internal Cause or be preceded by other Distempers the Cure must be vary'd according to the respective Indications There is a near resemblance betwixt these Distempers and what we call a Catalepsis in which the Patient is depriv'd of all Sense and Motion and seiz'd with a stiffness in his Members tho moveable by any external impulse and apt to remain in the posture they 're left in It is an uncommon Distemper and very surprising being accompany'd with a staring of the Eyes and distortion of the Countenance The Cause is the coagulation and fixedness of the Spirits it may remotely proceed from Cold suppression of the Terms Hypocondriac Fits Worms sulphurous Fumes and discontent of the Mind It is a dangerous Disease As for the Cure exhibit Antimonial Vomits and apply sharp Cataplasms or Suppositories Spirit of Wine is us'd in this Case both Internally and Externally SECT II. Of the Disorders of the external Senses EXternal Sense proceeds from the influence of outward objects upon the Organs where the Nerves are inserted The Animal Spirits ought naturally to bend and extend these Nerves so that when the outward Extremities are mov'd the same motion may readily be communicated to the Spirits in the Brain This secondary motion of the Spirits within occasion'd by the impulse from without is the foundation of internal Sense by
virtue of which we form Idea's exactly parallel to the motion of the external Object Thus when the Arm is cut off there ofttimes remains an imaginary pain as if deriv'd from the first Finger These outward Senses are five in number among which that of seeing is justly intitled to the noblest Character CHAP. I. Of the Diseases belonging to the Eyes THE Rays of Light are either convey'd to us in a direct line from a luminous Body or reflected from the surface of a dark solid Substance If this reflecting Body be smooth and polish'd the Rays are return'd in the same condition and manner as they 're receiv'd if it be rough and unequal they suffer various determinations according to the respective Figures and Texture of the Parts from whence ensues the admirable variety of Colours These Rays terminat in the Retina where they form the inverted image of the Object after having suffer'd a Decussation in the Crystallin Humor And the size of this imaginary Picture is augmented or diminish'd according to the proportional largeness of the Angles of Intersection The sense of seeing may be extinguish'd or diminish'd when the Rays of Light have not a free access to the Eye as when the Eyelids are seiz'd with a Palsy which is cur'd by applying a Plaister of Tacamahac and Caran or distill'd Oil of Tartar with Wax or an Ointment of Balsam of Peru and Aqua Vitae Sometimes the Rays are not admitted by reason of a Web or preternatural Tunicle covering the Eye which proceeds from a corrosion of the Glandule in the internal corner of the Eye by the sharpness of the Serum and some disorder of the general Coat call'd Adnata The nutritious juice of this Coat and the Serum separated by the Glandule being thus vitiated congeal into a thicker Substance which encreases by degrees and at length covers the whole Eye If the small blood Vessels adjacent to the Glandule be likewise vitiated some strokes of Blood appear in it which is a sign of Malignity and if it be thick rough and painful withal it approaches to a Cancer and ought not to be meddled with If it be thin clear and white 't is a good Sign If it be inveterat or attended by a suffusion 't is safest not to touch it In curing the Diseases of the Eyes the following Cautions are fit to be taken notice of 1st That all sharp irritating Medicines are improper 2. That they ought to be neither very cold nor very hot but temperat 3. That when the Humors are sharp and apt to inflame the part Wine is not convenient Tho 4. when a cold moisture prevails Wine Fennel Eyebright and especially the Decoction of Sassafras are incomparable internal Remedies 5. That drinking of Spaw-Waters is very conducive in the end tho it seem to offend the Eyes at first 6. That Alcali's are always proper Quercetanus prepar'd an excellent Water thus Take of Childs Urine half a Pound white Vitriol and Tutty of each four Ounces juice of Celandin two Pounds let them stand to digest for some days then distil and reserve the Spirit for use Others thus Take of the Roots of Celandin the greater and of Valerain of each one Pound of the Herbs Rue and Eyebright of each four handfuls Aniseeds Fennel-seeds Lovage-seeds of each two Ounces Marygold-flowers Roses Borrage-flowers and flowers of Comfrey the greater of each four handfuls and fifteen Crabfishes chop 'em all small and pour upon them equal quantities of the weak Spirit of Vitriol and juice of Celandin let them stand to digest for a Month then distil putting a dram of Camphyre into the Alembic reserve one half for use add to the other half two Drams of Crocus Metallorum let it stand for the space of two Hours and then strain it 'T is an admirable Water for the Eyes Hartman's Eye Water was thus prepar'd Take of Fennel Water Anniseed Water of each a Pound Dissolve in them half an Ounce of the purest white Vitriol Then infuse in it the Roots of Elecampane in Pouder Strain the Liquor and reserve it in a Glass Or Take of the Water of the Flowers of Comfrey Royal of Blew-bottle Flowers of Night-shade Flowers of each an Ounce White Vitriol from half a Scruple to twelve Grains To the strain'd Liquor add half a Dram of prepar'd Tutty Let it be dropt into the Corner of the Eye or applied with a warm Cloth The best Method of using these liquid Remedies is that the Patient be laid flat on his Back and the Liquor drop'd into the Eye and then the Eye must be carefully cover'd Blistering Plaisters and Issues are very proper as also a moderate use of sneezing Medicines To return to the Web upon the Eye It ought to be remov'd either by resolving Medicines or by the help of a Needle And afterwards Astringents ought to be applied In order to the former Sugar Candy Honey burnt Harts-horn Egg-shells c. are very proper either by way of Pouder or form'd into an Ointment Quercetanus's Ophthalmic Water is generally us'd 'T is this Take of Eye-bright Water Fennel Water and Water of Celandin the greater of each one Ounce Crocus Metallorum or Glass of Antimony or Buttyr of Antimony a Scruple let it stand warm for the space of two or three Weeks then strain the Liquor and drop it while warm into the Eye for all cold things are hurtful to the Eyes Or Take of the Glass of Antimony pouder'd from half a Scruple to fifteen Grains infuse it in Water of Blew-bottle Flowers Eyebright and Fennel Waters of each one Ounce Let them stand in a warm place over Night In the Morning strain the Liquor and add six Grains of Camphyr Or Take of Sal-gem a Dram dissolve it in Rose-water and Fennel-water of each one Ounce mix for a Collyrium The Gall of a Pike and several other Fishes also a Water drawn from human Gall or from young Goose Dung are by some reserv'd for Nostrum's The following Water is incomparable and much us'd Take a Vessel of Brass pour into it half a Pound of quick Lime Water prepar'd with Water of Comfrey Royal and add half a Dram of Salt Armoniac Let them stand till the Color alter The Juice of Celandin mix'd with the Dew gather'd from Fennel or Eye-bright Water is a great Specific in this case As for Pouders white Vitriol leads the Van. Sometimes they 're diluted with Waters as Take of White Vitriol a Dram prepar'd Tutty Sugar Candy Collyrium Albi Rhasis of each four Scruples Camphyr six Grains Rose Water Vervain Water and Water of the Flowers of Eye-bright of each four Ounces Mix. 'T is good for removing Inflammations as the following is for taking off the Web. Take of the Bone of a Cuttle one Scruple Sugar Candy one Dram white Vitriol half a Scruple prepar'd Tutty half a Dram Mix for a Pouder Riverius pilfer'd this Prescription out of Poterius and was not so just as to take any notice of its Author If
you please you may dilute it with Celandin and Royal Comfrey Water of each one Ounce Take of Blood-stone half a Scruple white Vitriol fifteen Grains Myrrh and Saffron of each five Grains white Sugar Candy one Scruple make a Pouder or mix it with some convenient Water and apply it to the Web with a Feather If such Medicines prove ineffectual we must have Recourse to sublimat Mercury Plempius's wonderful Arcanum was this Take of sublimat Mercury from five Grains to half a Scruple dissolve in Rose Water Eye-bright Water and Fennel Water of each one or two Ounces Touch the Web with a Drop or two of this Liquor every Morning and Evening The Juice of red Ants express'd and drop'd into the Eye is of wonderful Success Having thus consider'd the first Obstacle to the passing of the Rays of Light the next is when the Horn Coat or White of the Eye is disorder'd This may happen 1. When it is unequally nourish'd or some Parts of it elated while the others are depress'd by reason of the Viscidity of the nutritious Juice 2. When white Scars remain in this Coat after the small Pox or any other Ulcer 3. When by an external Accident the Blood is forc'd out of its Vessels and creates an Inflammation The Signs are these In the first case this Coat appears white and thick In the second we discover as it were a white Spot upon the Eye The third is known by the blue livid Colour that attends it Children are more easily cur'd of these Maladies than adult People If they are of a long standing 't is a difficult matter to remove 'em only the last is generally more tractable As for the Cure The Viscidity of the Chylous Juice and the Scars upon the Coat ought equally to be remov'd by attenuating sharp Medicines which ought to be somewhat sharper in the latter than in the former case The Seeds of Clary applied to the Eye are converted into a Mucilage by the Lymph which waters those Parts and thus prove an incomparable Medicine in this case The Gall of a Pike or of a Partridg and Ox Gall or a Water distill'd from it are much commended they are us'd with the Water of Frogs Spawn If the Scars or Clouds in the Eye succeed the Small Pox exhibit what follows Take of Fennel Water two Ounces of the Gall of an Eel from a Dram to a Dram and a half Sugar Candy in fine Pouder a Dram Mix and let them stand warm for the space of a Night The Spirit of Urine distill'd with Vitriol the Juice of Eye-bright or Fennel new drawn mix'd with a little Balsam of Peru or rather the Juice of Fennel mix'd with Sugar of Lead are very proper to this purpose The Liver of a Lamprey melted into an oily Liquor is accounted a Specific 'T is a sharp Medicine and ought only to be applied to the Eyelids unless the Malady be inveterat The Scar may be gently anointed with Oil of Paper or burnt Rags with a Feather or with the white Water of Honey If the Cloud or Scar be inveterat take the yellow Water of Honey or the following compound Water Take of Honey from the Combs two Pound tops of Elder Flowers Eye-bright and Fennel tops of each half a handful Sugar Candy four Ounces Distil in the Balneunt Mariae with a strong Fire The Juice of Celandin the greater or of Rue or of Brooklime or its Water either drop'd into the Eye alone or mix'd with Honey of Roses are of excellent use As also the Water of quick Lime with Sal Armoniac as above prescrib'd or Platerus's famous Experiment especially if the Serum be sharp or apt to inflame the part viz. Take of the Pulp of four Apples half a Pound chop 'em small and boil them in Rose-water and Fennel-water to the Consistency of a Mucilage Then add two or three Ounces of the Mucilage of Fenugree Seeds and two or three Yelks of Eggs half a Dram or a Dram of prepar'd Blood-stone and two Drams of the Rinds of Pomgranats pouder'd Mix and make a Cataplasm to be applied and continually kept upon the closed Eye and renewed twice a day The Waters distill'd from Cichory Flowers or Blew-bottle Flowers according to Schroder and Hoffman's Method Fennel Water with the Gall of an Eel the Pouder of the Bone of a Cuttle with white Sugar the compound Pouder of Crabs Eyes and the Scales of a Serpent either blown into the Eye or diluted with a convenient Vehicle are all noted Specifics But above all sublimat Mercury is the most effectual Medicine exhibited as above When Children are seiz'd with these Distempers the Nurse or Mother may chew a little Fennel Seed and then breathe upon the Child's Eye or touch it with her Tongue When the Eye is beat black and blew by an external Accident apply Cloths dipt in Chervil-water Hyssop-water or the Water of Blew-bottle Flowers The chewing of Cumin Seed or Fennel-Seed or Cloves and then breathing upon the Eye is a celebrated Remedy Fomentation with Wine in which the tops of Hyssop have been boil'd is very successful but for a forlorn Hope take what follows Take of Comfrey Roots six Ounces the Roots of Solomon's Seal two Ounces Elder Flowers an Ounce and a half Meal of Beans one Ounce mix and use them by way of Decoction or Cataplasm or reduce them with fresh Butter into the form of a Liniment Or Take of the Roots of Comfrey the greater and of the lesser of each half a Pound Chamomile and Melilot Flowers of each two Ounces Meal of Beans four Ounces fresh Butter three Ounces Fenugrec Seeds one Ounce Saffron half an Ounce Boil them and foment with the Decoction which is better than a Cataplasm by reason that all fat oily things offend the Eyes Or Take of Blew-bottle Flowers and Flowers of Comfrey Royal of each a little handful tops of Hyssop half a handful Comfrey Roots three Drams Roots of Solomon's Seal a Dram and a half chop and beat them small and then boil them in a sufficient quantity of Wine Add to two or three Ounces of the strain'd Liquor two or three Drams of Spirit of Wine camphoriz'd If there happen a Collection of Matter under this Coat it must be drawn forth by the hand of a Surgeon Sometimes little Blisters appear upon this and the native Tunicle which are caus'd by the suppression of sharp Humours They are cur'd by applying Hartman's vitriolated Water or a simple Solution of white Vitriol or by blowing the following Pouder into the Eye Take of prepar'd Calaminar Stone half a Dram prepar'd Tutty half a Scruple Sugar of Lead half a Scruple mix c. If the Blisters are open'd the Water of the Whites of Eggs is very proper Having thus dispatch'd the Disorders that may affect the Coats of the Eye let us next consider those of the watry Humor The watry Humor is indispos'd when a viscid Matter is mix'd with it and interrupts the Rays of
Diseases if the Urine remain crude and the Person is seiz'd with a Deafness it portends Doating If it be accompany'd with the signs of Concoction it signifies the Solution of the Disease If attended by a Perturbation of the Eyes a Heaviness in the Head and a Distention of the lower Belly it bespeaks a Bleeding at the Nose especially if the Patient be apt to rub it A Deafness succeeding to Doating is a better Circumstance than if it went before As for the Cure In acute Diseases it disappears upon the Solution of the Disease or if it continue longer is cur'd by Cupping behind the Ears or smoaking Tobacco or putting into the Ears a little Cotton dip'd in Aqua Anhaltina If it subsist by it self without any dependance upon other Distempers the Cure must be accommodated to the Cause that produces it If it arise from an Obstruction in the Passage occasion'd by the hardening of the Earwax or otherwise 't is cur'd by injecting the Juice or Essence of Wormwood or Child's Urine or the Spirit of Urine unrectify'd If it proceed from other internal Causes a tender regard must be had to the Drum and the hearing Nerve by preserving their due Order with Aromatic and Nervous Medicines In a Catarrhous case give internally what follows Take of the Essence of Rosemary Flowers of Saint John's Wort and of Sassafras of each two Drams mix c. Amber given inwardly or apply'd to the Ear in a little Cotton is an admirable Medicine for old People Mosch or Civet or Balsam of Peru diluted with Spirit of Wine or Origanum Water distill'd with Wine or the Water of Carduus Benedictus rectify'd by frequent Cohobation are all us'd externally the same way If Deafness be attended by a remarkable Heat in the Ears the Water that drops from one end of a piece of Ash-wood while t'other is put into the Fire or the Water of Ants or the Water distill'd from Flies or Magpy Water with Castor or the Juice of Radishes or of Onions mix'd with Oil of Amber and Oil of Bitter Almonds are all applauded Remedies and are to be us'd with Cotton or a Linnen Cloth Above all the penetrating Aromatics as Spirit of Treacle Essence of Wormwood and of Cloves c. are preferable Human Gall or the Galls of other Animals infus'd in Spirit of Wine are much commended Or Take of Ox's Gall and Spanish Wine of each equal Quantities distil from them a Liquor to be drop'd into the Ear or applied in Cotton or a Linnen Cloth Take of the Roots of black Hellebor half a Dram Roots of Aromatic Calamus two Scruples Pulp of Coloquintida a Scruple Bay Berries a Dram Cumin Seeds from two Scruples to two Drams and a half Cut and beat them small and infuse them in four Ounces of Spirit of Wine and use the strain'd Liquor as above or sharpen it with Essence of Amber All Preparations from Ants are of wonderful use in this case As Take of the Eggs of Ants one Ounce and six Galls of Hares beat them up with a double Quantity of Hony and then drop it into the Ear. Or Take twenty of the little white Worms that are found betwixt the Bark and Wood of an Oak-tree Let them boil in two Ounces and a half of the Oil of unripe Olives Then take the Root of Sowbread and cut it hollow Fill the hollow space with the Oil of these Worms and add of prepar'd Pellitory Roots and of the Roots of Aromatic Costus from half a Scruple to a Scruple Oil of Costus or of Rue as much as it can hold Close up the Root and roast it under the Ashes then bruise it in a Mortar and with force express the Juice and pour some Drops of it into the Ear every day for ten ays together Timaeus and Heertodius recommend it for an incomparable Remedy The Fat of Serpents or of Vipers or the Fat that drops from roasted Eels are proper in this case and may be mix'd with the Oil of Amber or Aniseeds Some commend a Fumigation of the Ears from a mixture of Sal Armoniac Oil of Tartar per Deliquium and a double quantity of Quicklime with common Water After the application of these external Remedies the Ear ought always to be stop'd with Cotton and Amber or Musk upon it and the Patient must lie upon the sound Ear that so the Virtue of the Medicines may penetrat the more Besides 't is to be remark'd that oily viscid Medicines are not so mild as those of a thin spirituous Substance and that they ought never to be applied till the Ear be purg'd and wip'd clean All Medicines thus applied must be just luke-warm and two or three Drops may always suffice for one time If Deafness come by Fits or depend upon a Catarrhous Disposition of the Brain just before the Invasion of the Paroxism 't is proper to apply to the Crown of the Head a Cloth dip'd in Apoplectic Spirits or Oils If it be occasion'd by a vehement Noise 't is not amiss to apply hot Bread from the Oven with Juniper and Bay-Berries baken into it Or Take of the Herbs Marjoram Sage Rosemary and the Flowers of red Roses of each half a handful Juniper Berries one Ounce Cumin Seeds half an Ounce chop and beat them small and stitch them into a Bag to be applied hot or wet with a convenient Vehicle A Fumigation receiv'd at the Ear from a Decoction of Filings of Steel with distill'd Vinegar and Cephalic Herbs or from the Flowers of Sulphur is much esteem'd After the Fumigation is over apply to the Ear distill'd Oil of Fennel with Cotton In Chronical or Catarrhous Cases the hot Baths are very proper both for Bathing and Pumping upon the Head An Issue cut in the Arm of the same side with the affected Ear is likewise very useful on this occasion If Deafness be caus'd by a Fall Contusion or external Violence distill'd Soubread Water is a proper Remedy and a Plaister made of equal Quantities of Tacamahac and Cerecloth of Betony may be applied to the Head shav'd Hot Urine taken from a hunted Hare is commended by some If any Obstruction or such like cause give rise to a Deafness 't is probable a Salivation procur'd by Mercury may be useful But 't is a desperate Cure and must be cautiously undertaken Thus I 've dispatch'd the first Branch of the Disorders of the Ear the next is when the Sense of Hearing remains and the Patient is molested with a tingling or noise in his Ears It proceeds from a preternatural Motion of the internal Air contain'd in the Cavity of the Ear which affects the Fibres of the Drum and so represents an imaginary Sound This Motion may be occasion'd by subtil foreign Fumes exhal'd from the Blood in the adjacent Arteries which disturb the Repose of the internal Air or by the Irritation or violent misplacing of the Drum from any internal or external Cause Convulsions of this Membran may be occasion'd by
The volatil Remedies prepar'd from human Urine and the Parts of Animals are all proper Antidots against a volatil Acid. As for example Take of Aqua Articularis for external use from an Ounce and a half to two Ounces Spirit of Urine or Spirit of Sal Armoniac prepar'd with Quicklime six Drams putrify'd Earthworms or Earthworms mix'd with a volatil Salt two or three Drams Mix and bathe the Part affected Or Take of the Leaves of Tobacco of Sage of Rosemary of each one handful Angelica Roots half an Ounce Roots of Cuckow Pint and Pelsitory of Spain of each two Drams Rosemary Flowers Lavender Flowers and Flowers of Arabian Stechas of each two little handfuls Rocket Seeds six Drams Castor three Drams pour upon them two Pints of Spirit of Wine and one Pint of Spirit of Worms Let them stand warm for some days in a close Vessel And then strain the Liquor to be us'd as above Venice Soap dissolv'd in Spirit of Wine is good for Arthritic Pains In case of a burning Pain it ought to be mix'd with Water of Frogs Spawn or Spirit of Wine with Camphyr and Saffron Camphyr Oil of Frogs and the Oil of the Juice of Dwarf-Elder and all emollient Oils are convenient in Arthritic Pains Paracelsus's Oil prepar'd from Galbanum with Turpentine and Oil of Spike and the Oils distill'd from Aromatic Seeds from the Bones and Fat of Animals or from Wax digested with Spirit of Wine are celebrated Medicines in all Pains arising from an Acid. Or Take of Balsam of Peru one Ounce dissolve it with the Yelk of an Egg and add three Ounces of the Spirit of Juniper Berries or of Elder Flowers Mix for external Unction The Gums and Plaisters prepar'd from 'em are proper in the case of a viscid Acid. And likewise Cataplasms of human Dung or the Dung of Animals with Oil of Roses Among Purgatives in this case sweet Mercury is the best And Sudorifics are the best internal Medicines 2. All Anodyn Pacific Medicines are us'd for Aches As Milk Emulsions Mucilages or Oils of softening Herbs Cataplasms made of white Bread Milk and Saffron Or Take of the Crum of white Bread a sufficient quantity let it soak in Cows Milk Mix it with Yelks of Eggs and fresh Butter and an Ounce and a half of the Oils of Chamomile Dill white Lillies and Earthworms Apply it to the Part affected with a warm Cloth Swallow-water with Castor Liniments of the Fat of Animals and emollient Oils and all oily softening Liquors or Ointments are all proper for external use 3. Narcotic Medicines stupify the Part and so lessen the Sense of Pain But where a viscid Acid prevails they are inconvenient In case of a sharp Serum they are not amiss As Take of the Hypnotic Ointment two Drams express'd Oil of Nutmegs two Ounces Oil of Henbane Seeds one Ounce mix Or Take of Oil of Dill and express'd Oil of Poppies of each a Dram Oil of Henbane half a Dram mix The Oil of the Seeds of Henbane mix'd with Camphyr Saffron and Spirit of Wine cover'd with fermented Dough and bak'd in an Oven yield an incomparable Liquor for Pains of the Legs ART II. Of the sharp tearing Pains in the Joints THese Pains are frequently met with in Scorbutic Cases They proceed from a subtil Acid fix'd in membranous and musculary Parts And generally rage more by Night than by Day Blood-letting sometimes gives Relief Blistering Plaisters conveniently applied and Issues are oft-times not improper The volatil Sudorifics Decoctions of Woods and all volatil Alcali Salts such as we call Antiscorbutic together with Anodyn Absorbents as Chalybeat and Antimonial Preparations are proper to be given inwardly Take of the Roots of Swallow-wort an Ounce and a half Myrtle Leaves one handful Seeds of St. Johns Wort and choice Rhubarb of each a Dram and a half Boil them in common Water and in six Ounces of the strain'd Liquor dissolve an Ounce and a half of the Syrup of Maidenhair Mix and give it inwardly Or Take of the Shavings of Juniper-wood three Ounces Sprouts of a young Pinetree two handfuls of the Herb Rosemary one handful Infuse them in six Pints of simple Water and let them stand over night in a Balneum Mariae In the Morning boil it to four Pints and give it for a Draught It has a peculiar Virtue in the Obstructions of the Glandules about the Head and Chops External Medicines must be cautiously us'd fat unctuous things are hurtful Take of the Spirit of Lilly of the Valley not much rectify'd four Ounces Spirit of Sal Armoniac prepar'd with Quicklime two Ounces Essence of Castor half an Ounce Mix for external Use Or Take of Aqua Articularis for external Use an Ounce and a half Spirit of Sal Armoniac six Drams Spirit of putrify'd Earthworms three Drams Mix and apply with a warm Cloth Or Take of the Leaves of Tobacco Leaves of Origanum Flowers of Elder of each one handful Roots of Angelica an Ounce Roots of Cuckow-Pint and of Pellitory of Spain of each two Drams Flowers of Arabian Stechas of Lavender and of Lilly Convally of each two little handfuls Rocket-Seeds six Drams Castor three Drams Infuse them in two Parts of Spirit of Wine and one part of Spirit of Earth-worms Let 'em digest for some days Strain the Liquor for use Venice Soap dissolv'd in Spirit of Wine and volatil Spirit of Tartar Cataplasms of Comfrey Roots and the use of hot Bathes are much commended ART III. Of the Toothach THE Toothach proceeds from an acid Humor that corrodes the Membrane surrounding the Tooth Sometimes the nutritious Juice of the Teeth is vitiated and causes the Pain Sometimes an acid Humor is distill'd from the neighbouring Glandules or collected in the Cavities of the Bones of the upper Jaw under the Eye and gives rise to it This Corruption of the Humor sometimes runs to that height that the Substance of the Teeth is eaten away and little Worms ingendred in ' em The Membrane is the original Seat of the Pain which oft-times seizes the whole side of the Head attended by an Inflammation of the Jaw or a Swelling of the Face For the nervous Fibres being contracted in Sympathy with the Membrane the Passages of the Blood and other Juices are straitened The remote Causes are a Depravation of the Juices of the Body and consequently of the nutritious Juice of the Teeth as in Scorbutic and Venereal Cases the use of acid Liquors Sugar or Honey which ferment and acquire a notable Acid very prejudicial to the Substance of the Teeth The Toothach is not dangerous of it self but may be follow'd by Convulsions Inflammations Tumors and Ulcers If the Tooth be corrupted it must be drawn If it proceed from a Scorbutic Cause Antiscorbutics must be added to the Remedies exhibited If from a venereal Cause the Decoction of Guajacum or its Oil must be us'd As for the common Remedies some use Decoctions of Herbs As Take of the
to the sudorific Decoctions The volatil Salt of Amber Camphyr the diaphoretic Preparations of Antimony and urinous volatil Salts are proper Alteratives in all Pains of the Head The Decoction of Tea in Wine or Water the Essence of Silver the volatil Spirit of Vitriol c. are of the like nature Take of prepar'd Amber from half a Scruple to fifteen Grains Cinnabar of Antimony half a Scruple Laudanum Opiatum one Grain distill'd Oil of Sassafras one Drop Mix for a Pouder Or Take of native Cinnabar or Cinnabar of Antimony a Scruple Extract of the Wood Aloe fourteen Grains Extract of Castor eight or ten Grains Laudanum Opiatum four or five Grains Make Pills for four Doses Or Take of the Conserves of Sage Flowers Rosemary Flowers and Clove Gillyflowers of each six Drams Amber a Dram native Cinnabar or Cinnabar of Antimony half a Dram of the Pouder Diambra and of the Pouder Diamoschus dulcis of each two Scruples with Syrup of Clove Gillyflowers make an Electuary Or Take of black Cherry Water Vervain Water of each one Ounce Water of Lilly Convally prepar'd with Wine six Drams the Spirit of Harts-horn with Amber two Scruples Syrup of Betony three or four Drams Or Take of the Spirit and volatil Salt of Harts-horn three Drams Essence of Opium tartariz'd one Dram Mix. Dose forty or fifty Drops Or Take of the compound Essence of Castor two Drams Essence of Amber and Spirit of Hartshorn with Amber of each a Dram Mix. 'T is profitable in a Catarrhous Headach 9. Among the external Medicines Vervain leads the Van. Next are the Flowers of red Poppies and the Herb Betony As Take of Betony two handfuls Wormwood one handful Cubebs two Drams Boil them in two Pints of Wine and foment the Head with the Decoction The Root of Rhodium may be beat up with Vervain Water and applied to the Head in the form of a Cataplasm Or Take of the Root of Rhodium an Ounce and a half Flowers of red Poppies and of Roses of each half a handful with three Poppy-heads boil them in Water and apply the strain'd Liquor warm to the Forehead and Temples Or Take of Vervain Water Water of Elder Flowers Betony Water of each one Ounce Pouder of Zedoary half an Ounce Use as above Timaeus fomented the Head with the following Mixture Take of Vervain Water an Ounce Betony Water Elder Water of each half an Ounce Pouder of Rhodium Roots two Drams Rose Vinegar six Drams Mix c. Emulsions made from narcotic Seeds and cephalic Waters or Decoctions of cephalic Herbs are sometimes us'd both inwardly and outwardly The following Infusion is mightily esteem'd Take of the Seeds of Henbane one Ounce Rose Vinegar five Ounces put 'em into a Viol well stopp'd and let them digest in Balneum Mariae for five or six hours Apply it to the Head with a Spunge The Ointment of Alabaster is us'd in all Pains of the Head Or Take of express'd Oil of Poppy Seeds a Dram express'd Oil of Peach Seeds two Drams express'd Oil of Henbane and distill'd Oil of Dill of each a Scruple with a sufficient quantity of Wax make a Liniment to be applied to the Temples Take of the Extract or thicken'd Juice of Vervain a Dram express'd Oil of Henbane half a Scruple make a Liniment 'T is excellent in scorbutic cases Take of Extract of Vervain and of Dill of each two Scruples express'd Oil of white Poppies and of Henbane of each half a Scruple distill'd Oil of Dill and of Chamomile of each five Drops In Chronical Aches external Narcotics are of no great use They may be fitly exchang'd for a Plaister of Tacamahac with distill'd Oil of Amber 10. If the Headach be caus'd by the Effervescency of the Blood a Clyster ought to be injected before Blood-letting Absorbent diaphoretic Pouders and gentle acid Juleps are proper outwardly we apply the Juice of Houseleek and Purslain warm to the Forehead Temples and Stones likewise Emulsions and Ointments As Take of Ointment of Alabaster three Drams Triacle of Andromachus or Philonium Romanum half a Dram express'd Oil of Nutmegs half a Scruple Make a Liniment Or Take of the fresh Juice of River Crabs three Ounces Betony Water Water of Chamomile Flowers and Water of Elder Flowers of each one Ounce Pouder of Zedoary two or three Drams Make an Epithema Or Take of the Herb Vervain of Violets of each a handful Of the Flowers of Roses of Elder and of Violets of each half a handful Tie them into a Bag and boil it in sharp Wine If a Plaister be more acceptable Take of the Plaister de Ranis with Mercury a convenient quantity of the Plaister of Betony and of Alabaster of each half as much Make a Plaister If there be any apprehensions of Phrensies or Convulsions Take of the Leaves of Rue a handful and a half Pigeons Dung an Ounce common Salt half an Ounce Capital Lees two Ounces With Elder Flower Vinegar make a Cataplasm to be applied to the Feet 11. If a Headach be caus'd by a redundancy or sharpness of the Serum and the Person be of a Plethoric Constitution first of all let Blood If Bleeding be inconvenient inject a Clyster or exhibit a Laxative then apply blistering Plaisters to the Neck or behind the Ears and in inveterat Pains to the Head In the interim Opiats may be cautiously exhibited and when the Pain relents Purging Sweating and diuretic Medicines may take their turns In order to provoke Sweating and Urine take what follows Take of the Roots of Elecampane of Avens and Sarsaperilla of each six Drams Roots of Florentin Orris and Shavings of Sassafras of each half an Ounce Of the Herbs Rosemary Sage and Chervil of each half a handful Galangal two Drams Fennel-seeds three Drams Boil them in a sufficient quantity of Water and add two Ounces of Syrup of Betony or of red Poppies to a Pint and a half of the strain'd Liquor Dose two or three Ounces twice or thrice a day 12. If the Pain be fix'd and obstinat it arises from a viscid tenacious matter which ought to be remov'd by the sweating Decoctions above mention'd and applying of Balsam or distill'd Oil of Amber and the Plaister de Ranis with Mercury to the Head When the Sutures of the Head open this Plaister is of excellent use in which case sharp Clysters are also proper As Take of the Electuary of Hiera with Agaric four Ounces Electuary of Bay-berries two Ounces Pouder of black Hellebor Roots an Ounce and a half the Gall of a Bull thicken'd three Drams Mix and add two Ounces to the common Decoction for Clysters For a change instead of the Plaister the Head may be fomented with this Decoction Take of the Herbs Rosemary Vervain Betony and Chamomile Flowers of each half a handful Boil them in Wine 13. If the Pain proceed from Cold discussing Medicines are requir'd As Take of Millet Seeds tosted a convenient quantity Common
Salt dry'd upon the Fire a quarter of that quantity Quilt them into a Bag to be fumigated with Gum Animi and applied to the Head Or Take of Millet Seeds tosted a handful common Salt dry'd over a Fire half a handful of Vervain or Betony or Elder Flowers and Chamomile Flowers of each half a handful Pouder of Rhodium Roots half an Ounce Sow them into a quilted Bag 'T is very proper for old Men as likewise blistering Plaisters 14. If the Headach be caus'd by external Accidents apply the following Plaister Take of the Gum Hedera or Elemi three Ounces Rosin half an Ounce Wax and Turpentin of each three Ounces Oil of Roses two Ounces and a half the Gum Animi dissolv'd in Vinegar two Ounces Juice of the Flowers of Ivy four Ounces Meal of Beans as much as sufficeth to make a Plaister The Ointment of Alabaster or Hartman's Bag of Amber with the Essence of Pepper or a Plaister of Tacamahac with Oil of Amber are very useful on this occasion 15. If the Pains of the Head are caus'd by Worms Take of the Pouder of Aloe and of Earthworms of each two Drams the Gall of a Bull a Dram Oil of Wormwood and Wax of each a sufficient quantity for a Plaister to be applied to the Head Then make a Fumigation of the following Pouder to be receiv'd by Mouth and Nose Take of the Pouders of lesser Centory Horehound and Betony of each two Drams Zedoary half a Dram Roots of Angelica two Drams Amber a Dram Crude Antimony an Ounce Millet Seeds or Ginger a Dram and a half Bole Armenic a Dram Roots of round Birthwort two Drams Wormwood two or three Drams Make a Pouder for a Fumigation A sneezing Medicine compos'd of Pepper and Castor and the Fumes of Spirit of Wine Myrrh and Seeds of Fennel Flower convey'd into the Ear are convenient in this case 16. If the Pains proceed from immoderat Drinking Vomits and Purges are first requir'd Then Pepper Cephalic Spirit of Vitriol and Elixir Proprietatis Cold Water with Vinegar may be thrown upon the Head and Stones 17. When one half of the Head only is affected 't is call'd a Hemicrania and is the highest degree of Headachs A Cataplasm of the Root of a wild Cucumber or Bryony with Vervain and Wormwood or a Decoction of them may be applied to the Part affected Or Take of Euphorbium one Ounce sweet Oil a Pound let them boil together then add three Ounces of Wax and make an Ointment to be applied to the Temples Forehead c. 18. If it arise from the Womb apply a Bag of Amber and Essence of Pepper or a Plaister of Tacamahac and Oil of Amber In all these particular cases the general Evacuations must be first taken care of and no external Medicines are sufficient for the Cure without the Assistance of Internals ART VII Of Arthritic Pains THE Parts immediatly affected are the membranous Ligaments surrounding the Joints The Cause is a volatil Acid join'd to the Spirits which gnaws the Membrans and thickens their nutritious Juice This Acid takes its first rise from the Disorders of the Stomac It displays it self in the Foot and is call'd the Gout in the Huckle Bones and is call'd the Sciatica in the Hands and several other Parts of the Body Sometimes 't is hereditary In other cases 't is acquir'd by the use of acid Wine Venery and Passion or any Commotion of the Spirits that increases the Acid in the Body This Acid affects chiefly the solid Parts and serves to depurat the Blood and fluid Humors When it invades a solid Part it leaves some small Particles in it that afterwards revive and make a new Paroxism The Paroxysm is ushered in by a Constipation of the Belly difficulty of Breathing an unsufferable Heat at the Stomac Thirst and loss of Appetite In the Gout the great Toe is first affected in the Sciatica the Huckle Bone where it receives the Bone of the Thigh and all the Membrans from thence downward to the Foot are contracted If the Acid be sharp and fiery these Symptoms are aggravated if it be viscid and what we call cold the Symptoms are weaker and the Fits of a longer Duration In forming Prognostics we may expect the Paroxysm when the wonted Excrements betwixt the Toes disappear and the Belly is constipated The Sciatica is more obstinat than the Gout which if inveterat hereditary or attended by Nodes is incurable in old Men. If the Joints adjacent to the Original of the Nerves be seiz'd it portends Death If any part be put out of Joint by arthritic Pains 't is a hard matter to set it right The frequency of bad Symptoms and the moving of the Pains towards the Throat and upper Parts betokens Death If the Paroxysm do not finish its Course but break off abruptly 't is an ill Omen As for the Cure When we foresee a Paroxysm 't is convenient first to exhibit the Pouder of Crabs Eyes with Salt of Tartar and Osteocolla then a Vomit and afterwards the following Purge Take of Cream of Tartar Salt of Wormwood Arcanum duplicatum of each eight Grains Digrydium three Grains make a Pouder Or Take of the Conserve of Rosemary Conserve of Sage of each six Drams Paracelsus his purging Pouder for the Gout a Dram and a half Rosin of Jalap half a Scruple with Syrup of Buckthorn make an Electuary All purging Medicines ought to be avoided during the increase of the Fit but after it has pass'd the height and the Feaver and other Symptoms have disappear'd give what follows Take of Ruffius his Pills de tribus Extract of black Hellebor of each half a Scruple Turbith Mineral prepar'd with Spirit of Sulphur two or three Grains make Pills Opiats ought never to be us'd but after the universal Evacuations and along with purging and sweating Specifics As Take of the Pills Aloephanginae two Drams Laudanum Opiatum half a Dram make Pills for four Doses to be taken in Wine fasting three or four hours after Take of prepar'd Crabs Eyes Mynsichtus his Arcanum Duplicatum of each twelve Grains Salt of Amber six Grains Hysteric Laudanum three Grains make a Pouder Or Take of Triacle from half a Dram to a Dram Salt of Wormwood a Scruple with Wine make a Draught Or Take of Fennel Water Water of Carduus Benedictus of each an Ounce and a half Spirit of putrified Earthworms a Dram and a half Salt Armoniac Magistery of Corals prepar'd with Juice of Citrons of each half a Dram laudanum Opiatum two Grains Syrup of Orange Peel half an Ounce mix In Arthritic Pains Blood-letting is pernicious But in the Sciatica 't is needful in the beginning of the Paroxysm to open a Vein in the Foot of the same Side with the affected Part. Clysters ought to be injected during the whole Course of the Paroxysm The Specifics that are proper in the Paroxysm are sweating Medicines both fix'd and volatil as red Corals Cinnabar of
Antimony volatil Salt of Hartshorn or of Vipers Spirit of Sal Armoniac Volatil Spirit of Tartar and the Decoction of Sudorific Woods Antiscorbutics ought to be mix'd with ' em External Medicines ought not to be applied till the Paroxysm have arrived at its height In a hot Gout attended by Inflammations take Quick Lime and Sal Armoniac pour Spirit of Wine upon 'em and distil adding to the distill'd Spirit a little Camphyr Apply it to the Part. Or Take of Aqua Articularis ad extra two Ounces Spirit of Worms an Ounce Spirit of Sal Armoniac three Drams mix and use as above Or Take a sufficient quantity of Elder Flowers beaten put 'em into a new earthen Vessel so that the Vessel may be full stop it close and set it under ground till the Flowers be converted into a Liquor to be applied hot with a Cloth Mullen Flowers Henbane Flowers may be boil'd in Milk or the Leaves of Valerian or Burdock may be applied to the Part with good Success Or Take of the Crums of white Bread three Ounces Pouder of Marshmallow Roots one Ounce Flowers of Chamomile Meal of Beans half an Ounce Meal of Linseeds and Fenugrec of each three Drams Boil them in a sufficient quantity of Milk to the Consistency of a Pultise then add of Vnguentum Anodynum an Ounce Balsam of Soap two Drams with the Yelk of one Egg make a Cataplasm The Lean of Beef applied to the Part and chang'd Morning and Evening is much commended Human Dung and Urine are likewise proper Or Take of Ox Dung one Pound Rose-water and Water of Speedwel of each two Ounces the Yelk of an Egg beaten up with a little Allum Saffron a Dram Camphyr a Scruple Mix. The Plaister of Frogs Spawn with a large quantity of Sugar of Lead or Tachenius's Plaister de Alcalibus with Camphyr are proper All oily things ought to be avoided and the Cataplasins or Plaisters frequently renew'd If the Gout be cold Spirit of Sal Armoniac prepar'd with Quicklime and Spirit of Urine may be applied Or Take of Venice Soap an Ounce and a half Camphyr six Drams Castor half a Dram. Dissolve in a sufficient quantity of Spirit of Earth Worms Apply with a Feather to the Parts affected The Oil of Soap or the Roots of black Hellebor boil'd in Rock Oil or Balsam of Peru mix'd with the Yelk of an Egg and Spirit of Worms or Tacamahac mix'd with Oil of Amber or Mysinchtus his Diaphoretic Plaister mix'd with Triacle and stinking Oil of Tartar or Triacle mix'd with Spirit of Salt Armoniac are all much esteem'd in this case Blistering Plaisters ought to be cautiously us'd In a cold Gout perhaps they are not amiss If the Pains are follow'd by Nodes or hard Swellings apply Spirit of Quick Lime or old Cheese with the Decoction of Pork or a thin plate of Lead to the part The Cure of the Sciatica differs in some things from that of other arthritic pains In this Leeches applied to the Hemorrhoid Veins are very useful after which inject sharp Clysters as Take one Coloquintida Apple and divide it into four equal parts Tie one part in a Bag and boil it in Wine and Child's Urine of each a Pint adding a handful of Honey-suckles till two thirds be consumed Inject it for a Clyster Vomits and strong Purges are more allowable in the beginning of a Sciatica than of the other sorts And in the progress of the Disease Troches Alhandal and sweet Mercury are safely given As for external Remedies the following Cerecloth is equall'd by none Take of Pitch four Ounces Turpentine half an Ounce Mastic Amber of each two Drams Brimstone in Pouder half an Ounce make a Cerecloth I cured the Sciatica in a young Gentleman by this Method He being plethoric I first ordered a Vein to be opened then I prescribed thus Take of Diaphoretic Antimony Chalybeat Bezoar of each half a Scruple Diaphoretic Gold five Grains make a Pouder to be frequently repeated Take of the Waters of Mother of Thyme of Mint and Elder Flowers of each one Ounce Spirit of Sal Armoniac a Dram and a half prepar'd human Bones two Scruples Diaphoretic Antimony a Scruple Laudanum Opiatum three Grains Syrup of Carduus Benedictus six Drams Mix and give it by Spoonfuls Take of the Spirit of Sal Armoniac Liquor of Hartshorn with Amber of each a Dram and a half Mix and reserve for use Externally I applied the above-mention'd Cerecloth for some days then I order'd the part to be rubb'd and fomented with the following Mixtures Take of Aqua Articularis ad extra an Ounce and a half Spirit of Salt Armoniac prepar'd with Quick-lime six Drams Mix c. Take of Aqua Articularis ad extra two Ounces Spirit of Juniper-berries one Ounce Balsam of Peru dissolv'd with the Yelk of an Egg three Drams Mix. Cataplasms of Antiscorbutic Herbs boil'd in Wine and bathing in Wine or in the Decoction of Ants in Wine are much commended If after the Paroxysm there remain a Swelling 't is proper to fumigate the part with Wormwood Rocket and Mugwort boil'd in Wine and Water or to apply the Nurimberg Plaister The Decoctions of Aromatic Vegetables in Wine are good for strengthning the Joints If there remain a Weakness in the Joints without any Swelling let Issues be cut in several parts of the Body And indeed an Issue in the Groin is not improper Thus much for what is proper to be done in the Paroxysms It remains now briefly to point out the Method of preventing them The vicious Acid must be carefully rooted out of the Stomac by the use of Mercurial and Antimonial Preparations and a regular Diet. Those who are meagre and can easily digest Milk may confine themselves to a Milk Diet. Vomits are absolutely necessary Turbith Mineral sweet Mercury black Hellebor and Coloquyntida are much used Gentle Purges and such as regard the Stomac are best Sweat ought to be frequently procur'd by the use of Diaphoretic Antimony Antichecticum Poterii Antimonial Sulphurs and urinous Sudorifics Next are Diuretics which are of excellent use in preventing the Gout As Spirit of Sal Armoniac of Worms of Hartshorn c. or the greazy Stagflies or Take of prepar'd Crabs Eyes two Scruples prepar'd red Coral a Scruple Volatil Salt of Amber fifteen Grains Mix for three Doses As for Alteratives Aromatic Volatil Medicines are proper As Take of the Roots of Elecampane Pyony and Avens of each six Drams China Roots one Ounce Of the Herbs Sage Baum Germander Ground-pine of each a handful Rosemary tops two handfuls Juniper-berries an Ounce and a half Galangal Ginger Cinnamon of each two Drams Salt of Tartar from three to four Drams Tie them in a Bag to be infus'd in Wine Or Take of the Herbs Germander and Strawberry of each a handful and a half Rest Harrow Flowers of St. John's Wort of each a handful Bryony Roots an Ounce and a half Sarsaperilla one Ounce Nephritic Wood three Ounces
fresh Juniper Berries half a Pound Aromatic Costus three Drams tie them in a Bag to be put into fermenting Ale A Salivation may be attempted before the Disease be confirmed but afterwards 't is dangerous 'T is usual also to make Washes for the Feet As Take of Juniper Berries half a Pound of the Herb Rosemary six handfuls Mother of Thyme and Marjoram or Sage of each two handfuls Boil them in Lees and bathe the Feet at Night going to Bed CHAP. IV. Of the Disorders of the Sense of Tasting THE Nerves of the Tongue terminat in a great many Glandules dispers'd along its Surface which are endow'd with such a peculiar Texture as to be sensible of the various Impressions of the minutest saline Particles according to their respective Circumstances in which consists the sense of Taste This Sense is extinguish'd or render'd dull by the misplacing of the Nerves of the Tongue the relaxation of its Fibres sharp Defluxions or Paralytic and Apoplectic Diseases 'T is sometimes vitiated and counterfeits false Tastes by virtue of the Depravation of the Spittle as in Scorbutic Hypochondriac and Catarrhous Cases or those of a Jaundice or internal Ulcers This Depravation is cur'd by taking a Vomit drinking Whey with Juice of Citrons or mineral Spirits and removing the principal Cause In case of an Abolition or Flatness Aromatic and Cephalic Medicines are proper Horse-Radish Roots chew'd in the mouth or the Juice of Sorrel and Purslain us'd by way of Gargal are of noted virtue for restoring the Taste If the Muscles of the Windpipe or the recurrent Nerves are seiz'd with a Palsy or Convulsions there insues an Aphonia or want of Voice which if attended by a Hick-cough is very dangerous In the Method of curing an Aphonia the remote causes which occasion the relaxation or contraction of the Muscles or Nerves must be taken care of Internally give the Spirit of Sal Armoniac or of Hartshorn with Castor or Amber In an inveterat Palsy the Decoction of Sudorific Woods is very proper Sometimes 't is convenient to procure a Salivation by chewing For external Use apply to the Neck a Bag of aromatic Ingredients sprinkl'd with Spirit of Wine or bathe it with the Essence of Castor Spirit of Worms or of Ants or the distill'd Oils of Amber Lavender Rue Juniper mix'd with Triacle or Balsam of Peru. After a fit of an Apoplexy give what follows Take of the Herbs Sage and Rosemary of each a handful Rocket-seeds two drams boil them in a sufficient quantity of simple Water in a close Vessel To a Pint of the strain'd Liquor add Spirit of Black Cherries six Drams Spirit of Sal armoniack a Dram Hony of Rosemary Flowers one Ounce mix for a Gargal 'T is proper to open a Vein under the Tongue if the Circumstances of the Patient admit of it Sometimes the Muscles of the Windpipe are in good order and the Voice remains but cannot be form'd into an articulat Sound or Speech by reason of the Paralytic or Apoplectic Disorders of the Tongue In this case Take of the Herbs Rosemary Marjoram Sage of each a handful Roots of Pellitory of Spain half an Ounce Rocket-seeds or Mustard-seeds two or three Drams Cloves a Dram boil them in a close Vessel in Water To a pint of the strain'd Liquor add Spirit of Juniper Berries or of Black Cherries from six Drams to an Ounce and a half Spirit of Sal-armoniac prepar'd with Quick-lime or with Cloves from a Dram to a Dram and a half Hony of Rosemary Flowers from six Drams to an Ounce make a Gargal Or Take of Sage Hyssop Acorus of each a handful boil them in Water Strain the Liquor and add an Ounce of Oxymel of Squills Mix for a Gargal Take of Rocket-seeds Squills Onyons Smallage of each half a Dram Ginger Pepper Cinnamom and Nutmegs of each a Dram Of the Pouders Diambra Diamoschus dulcis and Dianthos of each two Scruples With a sufficient quantity of Aqua Vitae make a Mixture and anoint the Tongue and Palat. The Essence of Castor or Castor it self applied to the bridle of the Tongue is very useful especially for the stuttering of Children The distill'd Oils of Cloves or Aniseeds or Amber the Cephalic Spirit of Vitriol or Spirit of Black Cherries or Spirit of Triacle with Camphyr c. are all very proper As Take of Mithridat three Drams Extract of Castor half a Dram distill'd Oils of Lavender Amber and Aniseeds of each four drops mix and rub the Tongue Take of Mithridat three ounces candy'd Roots of Acorus an ounce Ginger Nutmegs of each two drams Volatil Salt of Amber a dram Mix all together in a Mortar and add of the Juice of Sage clarify'd an ounce and scum'd Hony as much as sufficeth to make an Electuary which sprinkle with distill'd Oil of Aniseeds or Amber rub the Tongue frequently with it and lay about the bigness of a Nutmeg upon it to be swallow'd down by degrees If old People are seiz'd with a difficulty of Speech exhibit every Morning and Evening an ounce of the Essence of Lavender Flowers infus'd in Spirit of Wine A Cataplasm of Lees with Amber or Oil of Amber and other Cephalic Ingredients may be applied to the top of the Head with good success CHAP. V. Of the Disorders of the sense of Smelling THE Organ of Smelling is the Membrane plac'd near to the sieve-like Bone above the Nostrils which is variously affected by the different Textures of the sulphurous Particles that proceed from external Objects This Sense is abolish'd or impair'd by the Apoplectic Paralytic and Convulsive Disorders of the Spirits by the obstruction of the Passages or Compression of the nervous Filaments that reach to the Nostrils and by the relaxation of the Membrane which may be occasion'd internally by copious Defluxious and externally by the forcible Impressions of odoriferous or sneezing things If it proceed from this last Cause 't is almost incurable As for the Cure The Disorders of the Spirits ought to be redress'd the Defluxions prevented and external offending Objects remov'd betimes The Medicines that are proper for these different purposes are recounted elsewhere Marjoram and Fennel Flowers are two noted Specifics in this case The Extract or Essence of Marjoram mix'd with the Oils or Essences of Penny Royal and Rosemary may be taken inwardly from eight grains to half a scruple Take of the Oils of Fennel-flower and of Orris of each half a dram distill'd Oil of Marjoram half a scruple Apply it to the inner side of the Nostrils 't is admirable in the case of an Obstruction or Catarrh Or Take of Marjoram and Fennel-flower-seeds each two drams sprinkle 'em with some drops of distill'd Oil of Marjoram or of Aniseeds and according to Art make a little Bag for the Nostrils Take of Fennel-flower-seeds infus'd in strong Vinegar and afterwards dried Rue Fumitory and Castor of each a dram reduce them to a fine Pouder and with Child's Urine beat it up into the
form of a Syrup Let the Patient snuff up five or six drops in the Morning fasting leaning his head backwards and holding warm Water in his mouth The Obstruction of the Nostrils may be caus'd by a Polypus or fleshy Excrescency that fills up the space Sometimes it rises from the glandulous Membran at the top of the Nostrils but more frequently from the nervous Filaments in the sieve-like Bone Sometimes it descends to the inside of the Mouth Sometimes it has but one stalk at other times more It s Colour is white or red if it be livid and painful 't is near akin to a Cancer It proceeds from the Corruption and Redundancy of the nutritious Juice and the occasional breach of the Unity of the Part. If it be white soft and painless it is a good sign If 't is deep rooted and reaches to the nervous Filaments 't is dangerous The Cure is chiefly perform'd by external Applications If the Body be disorder'd 't is not improper to prepare it by internal evacuating and altering Medicines The external Remedies must be us'd in the last quarter of the Moon because the Swelling then decreases The milder sort are the juice of Pomegranats Mustard-seeds mix'd with Vinegar the juice of Onopostus a sort of Thistle the Pouder of Turnsole the Juice of Watercresses or the Juice of the roots of Aron all which may be applied with Cotton to the part affected The fiercer Remedies are sublimate Mercury Verdigreese and Lees the Acid mineral Spirits Aqua fortis c. As Take of the Juice of Pomegranats three parts Oil of Vitriol one part mix Or take of the Oil of Vitriol a scruple burnt Alum a dram Plantain Water an ounce mix and sprinkle the Polypus with it Or Take of the Cerecloth of Myrtles an ounce of the Ointment call'd Aegyptiacum two drams mix for a Liniment you may sharpen it with precipitat Mercury frequently wash'd Or Take of the Ointment Aegyptiacum half an Ounce the Rinds of Pomegranats and Galls of each half a dram Oil of Vitriol a scruple Mix and touch the Polypus with it every day In applying these Caustics care must be taken that they touch not the neighbouring parts by using a silver Fistula or Cotton or a Tent. If a Polypus have any tendency to a Cancer it ought not to be meddled with If it be ulcerated apply the Water or Ashes of Frogs Pouder of Crabs Lead melted and dulcify'd the Crocus of Steel and such like If it only hang by one stalk it may be cut off or a thread of Silk well wax'd ty'd about the root After 't is taken off the bleeding must be stopp'd by Astringents and the Pouder of Gentian with the Juice of Figwort applied on a Tent to the Nostrils in order to prevent its return The Smell may be adulterated by an Ulcer in the Nostrils call'd Ozaena which sometimes seizes only the membranous soft parts at other times the Cartilages and Bones It may occasion bleeding at the Nose or a plentiful Evacuation of sordid matter or a Corruption of the adjacent parts or a Polypus The external Causes of an Ozaena are various the internal for the most part is the Pox. It ought to be cautiously handled for fear of a Cancer If it be inveterat and affect the sieve-like Bone 't is not easily cur'd The Ulcer may be cleans'd by snuffing up the Decoction of lesser Centory and Aromatic Calami●s in Wine till the patient be sensible of its falling into the Palat or Marjoram Water with Hony Myrrh Sugar Candy and a little Cinamon Take of the Ointment of Tobacco three drams Balsam of Sulphur for external use a dram mix and apply to the Ulcer The fresh Leaves of Tobacco may be put into the Nose and kept there some months then taken out and anointed with this Balsam If there appear a Crust upon the Ulcer it ought not to be remov'd by force but by applying Oil of Sweet Almonds or Oil of Roses with fresh Butter and then proceed to the cleansing Remedies among which Clary boil'd with Hony of Roses is the most noted The Decoction of Agrimony and Vervain in Hony or Child's Urine or the smoak of a red Wax-candle receiv'd at the Nostrils are proper for the same purpose Or Take of Marjoram and Plantain Water of each an ounce and a half rectify'd Spirit of Wine three drams Hony of Roses six drams mix and inject with a Syringe If it do not yield to these Medicines we must have recourse to Mercurial Preparations As Take of Plantain Water four ounces in which dissolve of Sublimat Mercury twelve grains strain the Liquor and apply it to the Ulcer Sweet Mercury well dulcify'd or precipitat Mercury with Ointment of Roses or the Ointment Aegyptiacum may be applied with a Tent to the Ulcer or Oil of Vitriol drop'd on a little Cotton may be applied twice or thrice and then follow'd by proper Ointments SECT III. Of the Disorders of the Internal Senses and Animal Functions THE Internal Senses depend upon the various Motion and Agitation of the Spirits in the Brain The Organs of External Sense communicate the Impressions they receive from Objects to the Original of the Nerves where a Motion not unlike to their own insues and is called Common Sense This Motion in the Common Sensory is imparted to the Spirits in the Corpus Callosum where the Fancy resides The Spirits thus mov'd roll to and again among the Nerves of the Cerebrum and Cerebellum and their frequent returns thro the same Passages are christen'd The Memory These Faculties are equally compatible to Men and Brutes and are distinguish'd from those of the rational Soul by their unacquaintedness with reflex Knowledg If they are disorder'd all the Functions and Motions of the Body suffer by it The natural and involuntary Motion sof the nervous Fibres that surround the Stomach and Guts depend upon the regular Recruits of Spirits convey'd thro the Nerves from the Cerebellum and those of the Muscles which obey the command of our Wills are owing to the due distribution of the Spirits from the Cerebrum This Motion of the Muscles is perform'd by contraction The Spirits croud into the Cavities of the Fibres and by extending their width abridg their length and in the interim the arterial Blood flows copiously into the middle of the musculary Fibres where it meets with least resistance Thus the bloated Muscle contracts it self and exchanges its Rhomboides Figure for a Rectangular Form CHAP. I. Of a Swimming in the Head or a preternatural Commotion of the Spirits in the Brain THERE are several degrees observable in this Distemper Sometimes there is only an apprehension that all things are carry'd round and toss'd up and down sometimes 't is attended by a dimness of the Eye-sight and a false representation of various Colours and ofttimes the Sight is quite lost and the Person falls down which is mostly follow'd by Convulsions and a tingling in the Ears The part affected is
the Eye where the Spirits wheel round and make such Impressions on the Retina as external circular Motions are wont to produce This proceeds from the irregular and confus'd Incursions of the Spirits and their imprisonment in the round Globe of the Eye The dimness and loss of Sight proceeds from the interruption and deficiency of Spirits in which case their whole System is disorder'd and the other Senses are brought into trouble If a Dizziness proceed originally from some disorder in the Brain 't is call'd essential but that rarely happens For the most part 't is a Symptom of other Diseases especially those of the Stomac For the least disturbance of the Orifice of the Stomac do's quickly disorder the Spirits in the Brain Some studious and hypochondriac Persons are apt to be seiz'd with a swimming while their Stomac is empty but by eating ward it off Vomiting generally attends it and drinking eating of windy Meat and sulphurous Fumes offensive to the Stomac are apt to cause it Old Men whose digestion is weak hysteric Women and Persons troubled with Worms in the Guts or disorders of the Spleen or Kidneys are obnoxious to it For the Contraction of the Membranes of those parts is continu'd to the Brain which resembles the ascending of Vapours and so gives occasion to the vulgar Mistake Sometimes a swimming may be caus'd by a redundancy of Blood or by its vaporous halituous Disposition as in scorbutic and hypochondriac Cases If it proceed from an original Disorder of the Brain 't is caus'd by external accidents or the accession of heterogeneous Particles or an immoderat Consumption of the Spirits A Symptomatical Dizziness is distinguish'd by the concurring Disorders of other parts and the apparent good order of the Brain If it be inveterat it portends an Apoplexy in old Persons and Convulsions in those that are young 'T is more or less fear'd according to the height of its degrees If it seize the hinder part of the head more than the fore part 't is more dangerous The Cure of preservation takes place after the Paroxysms and is perform'd by Vomits and stomachic Medicines when it owes its Original to the Stomac If the Stomac be not faulty gentle Purges may stand in the room of Vomits But fierce Purgatives ought always to be carefully avoided Upon the whole Dizziness and Convulsions require the same Remedies In the time of the Fit 't is necessary to commence the Cure by a Vomit by reason that for the most part it arises from the Disorders of the Stomac or at least sharp Clysters must be injected Take Mysichcius his Emetic Tartar two grains Sal armoniac depurated nine grains mix and make a Pouder After vomiting Take of the Pills of Mastic a scruple Extract of Agaric five grains Scammony sulphurated two grains distill'd Oil of Amber two drops With Essence of Amber make Pills Crato's Pills of Amber with Extract of Coloquintida or the Pills call'd Aloephanginae are likewise proper Or Take of sweet Mercury fifteen grains Scammony sulphurated three grains make a Pouder If the swimming be inveterat strong or frequent Purgatives are improper 'T is sufficient every New Moon or Full Moon to give at night a dose of gentle loosening Pills compos'd of Aloe Gum Ammoniac Myrrh Mastic and the like Bloodletting is for the most part noxious But in a suppression of a wonted Evacuation or a Redundancy or Inflammation of the Blood 't is not improper Sneezing Medicines ought to be carefully avoided Issues and Blistering Plaisters are of excellent use for old Persons or Cacochymical Dispositions In a suppression of the Piles or disorder of the Womb the Legs are their proper Seat When the Paroxysm is over the cure of preservation commences As Take of Galangal half an ounce Cubebs two drams Sugar a dram and a half make a Pouder Dose two drams with Bisket dip'd in Wine an hour or two before Supper or Dinner Or Take of Piony Seeds Coriander Seeds Nutmegs Misselto of the Oak Cubebs Galangal of each two Drams long Pepper Ginger Tormentil Roots and Rosemary Leaves of each a Dram. Make a Pouder Dose half a Dram at pleasure Elixir Proprietatis with Spirit of Mastic or Elixir of Mint or Galangal mix'd with Amber are proper to this purpose Or Take of the Conserves of Rosemary Flowers of Sage of Marjoram of each half an Ounce Ginger candi'd in the Indies Nutmegs candi'd of each three Drams Rocket Seeds Mustard Seeds of each a Dram and a half prepar'd Amber two Drams Cardamom Cubebs Galangal of each a Scruple volatil Salt of Amber half a Dram Spirit of Black-cherries a Dram. With Syrup of Clove Gillyflowers make an Electuary Dose the bigness of a Nutmeg Morning and Evening For old Persons Confection Alkermes may be added Take of the Conserves of Mint of Baum of each half a Dram Cinnabar of Antimony half a Scruple distil'd Oils of Rosemary of Amber of each two Drops with Syrup of Mint make a Bolus These are the proper Remedies for a symptomatical or less inveterat Giddiness but if it prove habitual Specifics must be added As Take of the Essences of Chervil Sage and common Basil of each a Dram Castor a Dram and a half Amber half a Dram. Dose forty or fifty Drops twice a day Or Take of Conserve of Rosemary-flowers three Ounces distill'd Oils of Boxwood which is much esteem'd Nutmegs and Mint of each half a Dram make an Electuary Dose half a Dram. Or Take of the Juices of Wormwood Horehound and Stechas Pouders of Mastic Rhubarb Germander and Ground-Pine of each three Drams Hyssop a Dram Agaric two Ounces five Drams and a half make an Electuary Or Take of Triacle of Andromachus and Conserve of Sage of each one part Conserve of Roses two parts With Honey of Rosemary-flowers make an Electuary Peacocks Dung is a famous Specific 'T is often dry'd and given in Pouder with Sugar or infus'd in Wine or any convenient Vehicle or in the form of an Electuary with Conserve of Rosemary Flowers A compound Pouder may be prescrib'd thus Take of Peacocks Dung three Ounces Male Piony Roots an Ounce Pouder of Cloves three Drams Make a Pouder The Brains of Sparrows are recommended by some As Take the Brains of fifty Sparrows Veal Brains wash'd in Wine and dried in Smoak Filberds of each an Ounce Mithridat three Drams With Syrup of Citron Peel make an Electuary The Spirit of Hartshorn prepar'd with Amber Castor and Spirit of Sal Armoniac anisated are mightily approv'd for this purpose In the mineral Province Cinnabar is a famous Specific Let it be us'd thus Take of Peacocks Dung in Pouder three Drams Cinnabar of Antimony or native Cinnabar two Drams Cubebs Galangal and volatil Salt of Amber of each half a Dram make a Pouder Add as much of distill'd Oil of Aniseeds mix'd with Sugar as sufficeth to render it grateful Take now and then as much as will lie upon the Point of a Knife or exhibit it
in the following Mixture Take of Chervil-water three Ounces Sage-water an Ounce and a half Cinnamon-water six Drams Spirit of Lilly Convally and of Sage of each three Drams mix for the use above-mentioned Or Take of Chervil-water three Ounces Spirit of Hartshorn with Amber a Dram mix Amber may be given inwardly and its Oil applied to the Crown of the Head Rock Oil may supply the want of Oil of Boxwood As Take of Conserve of Mint an Ounce Conserve of Rosemary Flowers half an Ounce white Rock Oil a Dram with Syrup of Mint make an Electuary If you please you may add fifteen Grains of Salt of Amber I have cur'd some with a Vomit and this Electuary alone In the last Extremity we have recourse to Laudanum Opiatum mix'd with Amber or volatil Medicines which oft-times proves more effectual than any other thing As Take of Sage-water an Ounce and a half Mint-water an Ounce Spirit of Lilly Convally three Drams Spirit of Sal Armoniac a Dram and a half Laudanum Opiatum two or three Grains Syrup of Orange Flowers three Drams Mix. Or Take of Black-cherry Water Mint-water and Lilly Convally Water prepar'd with Wine of each an Ounce Spirit of black Cherries three Drams Essence of Castor a Dram and a half Volatil Salt of Hartshorn a Scruple Volatil Salt of Amber half a Scruple Syrup of Clove Gilly-flowers half an Ounce Mix and give a spoonful or two in the Fit If the Disease be caus'd by the Disorders of the Womb Take of Swallow-water an Ounce and a half Baum-water prepar'd with Wine an Ounce Spirit of Lilly Convally Spirit of black Cherries of each a Dram Spirit of Sal Armoniac half a Dram Volatil Salt of Amber fifteen Grains Laudanum Opiatum two or three Grains Syrup of Orange Peel half an Ounce Mix and use as above Essence of Castor Spirit of Sal Armoniac distill'd Oil of Amber and in a word whatever is used in Epileptic Fits may be applied to the Head Temples Nostrils Breast c. CHAP. II. Of the irregular Incursions of the Spirits into the external Parts THE Instruments of all Motion are the Fibres whether gathered into a Muscie or dispers'd in a Membran The Muscles for the most part receive Spirits from the Cerebrum and their regular Motions depend upon the Will The other Fibres are supplied with Spirits from the Cerebellum and perform involuntary Motions If either the musculary or membranous Fibres are preternaturally mov'd the former without the direction of the Will or the latter with Violence and Pain we call them Convulsive Motions If the Part be contracted and remain immovable in the same posture 't is call'd Convulsio tonica and divided into several sorts If the Head be drawn forwards towards the Breast 't is call'd Emprosthotonos Vid. Hipoc Sect. 4. Aph. 35. If backwards Opisthotonos If it be stiff and immovable to either side Tetanos The Convulsions of the Yard in a Priapismus of the Jaws in a Dog Cramp of the Knees Arms c. are all included under this general If the Contraction of the Part cease and return alternatly 't is call'd a Concussion or Convulsio Clonica ART I. Of alternat Convulsions and the Epilepsy or Falling-Sickness THE Epilepsy is an alternat Concussion of several Members of the Body attended for the most part by a Cessation of Sense It admits of three degrees The first is not different from the third degree of a Vertigo of which above The second is when the whole Body is toss'd with convulsive Motions and the Senses both internal and external either remain in their wonted State or become delirious The Person is taken with Laughter Crying Screeking Singing beats his Breast talks ridiculously skips up and down the room and performs a great many antic Actions And when the Fit is over is perfectly ignorant of all that pass'd Melancholy Persons are obnoxious to it and for them the Spirit of Hartshorn prepar'd with Amber is a proper Cure This kind of Epilepsies is very unfrequent But the third sort is very common that is when the Body is thrown upon the Ground all Reason and Sense abolished the Thumbs shut close within the Hands the Feet tremble the Arms toss'd about the Teeth gnash against one another and bite the Tongue and Lips Froth is cast forth at the Mouth and the whole Body is successively lifted up and depressed And when these Symptoms remit the Person slumbers and groans and when he comes to himself complains of a Heaviness of the Head and a Weariness of the Joints but remembers nothing that pass'd The Part immediatly affected is the Fibres If the external musculary Fibres are only affected 't is call'd an external Convulsion If the Internal are seiz'd 't is call'd Internal As in Nephritic Colic Hypochondriac and Hysteric Fits and the Pains of Women after Delivery These Convulsions of the internal Membrans are apt to cause Convulsions in the external Muscles by communicating their Disorder to the Brain and so produce an universal Epilepsy The immediat Cause is the rapid unequal and disorderly Motion of the Spirits for the Spirits are equally the Cause both of natural and preternatural Motions If the Sickness be inveterat or hereditary perhaps the Animal Spirits are degenerat from their natural Constitution and become more elastic and moveable The remote Causes are the Irritation of any sensible part as the puncture of a Nerve the Collection of heterogeneous Particles in the Brain or their mixture with the Spirits as in Wounds of the Head malignant Feavers and the Cessation of any wonted Evacuation of Blood Sometimes the vicious Recrements of the Blood are convey'd to the Brain with the Lympha and infect the Spirits or mix with them and sometimes are lodg'd in other parts These noxious Particles are nitrosulphureous and in some measure Elastic according to Willis and the nature of the Remedies used against them sufficiently proves them to be acid Upon which account 't is that Scorbutic Hypochondriac and Hysteric Persons are most liable to Convulsions for the peccant Acid infinuats it self into the fibrous and tendinous Parts of the Muscles and renders them stiff and unwieldy And besides supposing it did not lodg in the Muscle it affects the Nerves where-ever 't is and depraves the chylous Juice of the Glandules especially those of the Mesentery where it often lurks This Acid is for the most part bred in the Stomac or first ways and frequently produces Convulsions in gouty and arthritic Constitutions If the Brain or what it contains be immediatly affected without the intervening of any other part 't is call'd an essential Convulsion But if another part be first affected 't is Sympathical as when Convulsions are caus'd by Worms by the Disorders of the lower Belly Ulcers or Aches of external Parts by the suppression of the Terms or Piles neglect of Venery causing a Corruption of the seminal Liquor in Women the Indisposition of the Stomac the Disorders of the Kidneys Bladder and
Epileptic Specifics and Anti-Acids as the Bones and Dung of Animals native Cinnabar Castor Vitriol Amber Misselto of the Hazel-tree Piony Opium Camphyr c. The true Cure of this Disease consists in preservation and preventing the Paroxysm Vomits are the first in order Next are purging Medicines which ought to be strongest in an essential Epilepsy Take of the Extract of black Hellebor sweet Mercury right prepar'd of each fifteen Grains Extract of Troches Alhandal one or two Grains distill'd Oil of Amber two Drops with Essence of Myrrh or of Castor make Pills Or Take of sweet Mercury fifteen Grains Scammony prepar'd with Sulphur four or five Grains Make a Pouder Or Take of the Conserve of Rosemary-flowers a Dram Pouder of Jalap half a Scruple sweet Mercury fifteen Grains with the Syrup of Apples make a Bolus Sweet Mercury and Mercurius vitae well pounded and exactly mix'd prove laxative and are mighty useful in this case The Specifics for this Disease are very numerous I shall briefly recount those that are most universally receiv'd In the vegetable Province Male Piony is a famous Specific if gather'd in its proper season the neglect of which has abridg'd its Reputation It ought to be gather'd at Noonday in July or August or before the Sun rising when both the Sun and Moon are in Aries during the wain of the Moon It is both given inwardly and ty'd about the Neck with good Success Next are the Flowers of Lilly of the Valley They ought to be gather'd before the rising of the Sun while they are wet with the Dew and presently distill'd with Spanish Wine which may be distill'd again several times upon fresh Flowers If you infuse Castor in this Spirit it extracts a noble Essence which may be given from half a Dram to a Dram. Hazelwood yields an excellent Spirit and Oil. The Misselto of this Tree and the Catkins that grow upon it are endow'd with an Anodyn Sulphur and are very successful Specifics against this Disease The Misselto ought to be gather'd in the wain of the Moon in March and may be given from half a Dram to a Dram. Misselto of the Oak is likewise useful But while they are us'd 't is needful to purge now and then lest their fixing Quality should occasion other Diseases In the Spring we gather a Sulphur from the Catkins of Hazel that may be given inwardly from a Scruple to a Dram. The Misselto and Flowers of the Limetree Boxwood Lavender Flowers Flowers of Dill Angelica and Valerian Roots Roots of Swallowort Acorus Briony Seeds of Soapwort and Rue are much esteem'd Black-cherries Assa faetida Camphyr Spirit of Soot Extract and Essence of the Wood of Aloe are likewise Specifics Some commend the Coals dig'd from under Mugwort which Deckers takes to be the antient Roots of Mugwort resembling Coals These are the most noted vegetable Specifics to which we generally add Cephalic and Aromatic Medicines As Take of the Leaves and Flowers of Sage six Ounces Flowers of Lilly of the Valley three Ounces Flowers of sweet Lavender an Ounce Male Piony Roots two Ounces Leaves and Flowers of Marjoram half an Ounce choice Cinnamom two Ounces Cubebs half an Ounce Cloves three Drams Mace two Drams infuse them in fourteen Pound of Rhenish or Spanish Wine Let them macerat for fourteen days then distil in a Balneum Mariae You may add Castor and Spirit of Sal Armoniac In the Animal Province the Spirit Oil and volatil Salt of human Blood taken from a beheaded Criminal are celebrated Specifics The Spirit of a human After-birth putrified given from fifteen to forty Drops is reserv'd by some for a Secret Or the Pouder of it dried in an Oven may be given from half a Dram to a Dram. The Skull of one that dies a violent Death may be given in Pouder from a Scruple to a Dram. It yields a Spirit and volatil Salt of wonderful use and its Oil when rectify'd and applied to the Crown of the Head prevents the Epileptic Fit Oil of Amber distill'd with the Pouder of Man's Soul yields a most penetrating Oil for the same use The human Brain its Spirit and Oil and Bones of Men are likewise much esteem'd The Bones of other Animals especially the Teeth of a Sea-horse the Livers of green Frogs the Liver of a Wolf the Gall of a black Cat the Spirit of Urine the Blood of a hunted Hare Castor together with Spirits and volatil Salts are much in use As Take of volatil Salt of Amber volatil Salt of a human Skull of each a Scruple Castor two Drams Infuse in Spirit of Wine let them digest and circulat and they yield an admirable Tincture against this Disease Peacocks Dung Quails Eggs Spirit of Sal Armoniac prepar'd with Quick-lime Spirit of Tartar Assa faetida Elks Claws Swallows with the Spirits and volatil Salts are common Specifics In the mineral Family The fix'd Sulphurs of Antimony lead the Van. Cinnabar of Antimony sublimated several times and reduc'd to a fine Pouder with some spirituous Water is given in Substance or a Tincture may be extracted from it with some vegetable Spirit that is of sovereign Virtue in this case Or the Cinnabar may be dissolv'd in a Menstruum prepar'd from Nitre and Sal-Gem and precipitated into Crystals which pass by the name of Astrum Mercurii Secretum Native Hungarian Cin●abar is likewise very useful But above all the Sulphur taken from the Dross of the Regulus of Antimony after this manner After you have separated the Sulphur Auratum by a second Precipitation take the same strain'd Liquor and pour on some distill'd Vinegar and Spirit of Urine It precipitates a noble Sulphur of incomparable use against an Epilepsy Three Grains may be given to adult Persons Next to the fix'd Sulphurs of Antimony is Vitriol It s fix'd Anodyn Sulphur and its sulphureous volatil Spirit right prepar'd are mightily applauded by Helmont and Paracelsus The common Spirit of Vitriol is corrosive not volatil but the true volatil Spirit is drawn from Vitriol expos'd to the Air and the preceding Phlegm is chamfer'd The Spirit drawn from Vitriol and human Urine is an excellent Medicine for the Alcali of the Urine dissolves the Metallin Sulphur and the Spirit renders it volatil In like manner any other vegetable Spirit mix'd with Vitriol yields a cephalic Spirit of Vitriol which may be mix'd with Spirit of human Blood and exhibited in an hereditary Epilepsy Amber concludes the mineral Catalogue It yields a Spirit volatil Salt and Oil which may be mix'd with Spirit of Hartshorn or of human Blood Sometimes Camphyr may be added which is a noted Pacific and of singular use together with Opium against the Epilepsies arising from the Womb. The Methods of prescribing these Specifics are as follows Take of Black-cherry-water Lilly Convally-water and Langius's Epileptic Water of each one Ounce Spirit of Hartshorn succinated or rectify'd Spirit of a human Skull a Dram Syrup of Clove Gilly flowers an Ounce Mix.
Or Take of the Water of Lime-tree-flowers Sage-water Black-cherry Water of each an Ounce Spirit of Hartshorn with Amber three Drams Spirit of Triacle camphoriz'd or Essence of Castor a Dram Essence of Opium a Scruple Syrup of Piony Flowers an Ounce Mix and give two or three Spoonfuls twice or thrice a day Take of the Water of the new Horns of a Hart two Ounces Spirit of human Brains an Ounce Spirit of human Blood a Dram and a half prepar'd human Skull a Dram volatil Salt of human Skull fifteen Grains volatil Salt of Amber half a Scruple Laudanum Opiatum three or five Grains Syrup of Arabian Stechas an Ounce Mix and use as above Take of the Water of Piony Flowers three Ounces Water of human Brains distill'd with Wine six Drams essential Spirit of human Blood a Dram and a half prepar'd Unicorn a Dram Cinnabar of Antimony half a Dram Laudanum Opiatum a Grain and a half Syrup of Arabian Stechas an Ounce Mix and use as above Take of the Waters of Piony Flowers and of Limtree Flowers of each an Ounce rectify'd Cinnamon-water half an Ounce unburnt Hartshorn a Scruple native Cinnabar Mineral Bezoar of each half a Scruple Hysteric Laudanum five Grains Syrup of Piony Flowers half an Ounce Mix c. Take of the Water of Piony Flowers two Ounces Misselto of Hazel a Scruple native Cinnabar mineral Bezoar of each half a Scruple Hysteric Laudanum six Grains Syrup of Piony Flowers half an Ounce Dose a Spoonful twice or thrice a day Take of Fennel-water and Water of Lime-tree Flowers of each an Ounce Spirit of Sal Armoniac Spirit of Harts-horn with Amber of each half a Scruple Essence of Castor a Scruple Syrup of Poppies and Syrup of Arabian Stechas of each half an Ounce mix as above Take of the Water of Piony Flowers two Ounces Pennyroyal-water an Ounce Apoplectic Water or Langius's Epileptic Water six Drams volatil Salt of Hartshorn twelve Grains volatil Salt of Amber six Grains Syrup of Piony Flowers three Drams mix and use as above Take of Baum-water two Ounces Sage-water an Ounce Essence of Castor two Drams Spirit of Hartshorn with Oil of Amber a Dram Syrup of Piony Flowers half an Ounce mix c. As for Pouders Take of Cinnabar of Antimony half a Dram volatil Salt of Amber twelve Grains Laudanum Opiatum prepar'd by Fermentation two or three Grains make a Pouder for two Doses For a Vehicle Take of Sage-water and Water of Lilly of the Valley of each an Ounce Spirit of Lilly of the Valley and Spirit of Black-cherries of each a Dram and a half mix Take of the Pouder of human Skull prepar'd without Fire a Dram Cinnabar of Antimony half a Dram or two Scruples volatil Salt of Hartshorn twelve Grains volatil Salt of Amber six Grains make a Pouder for four Doses Or Take Cinnabar of Antimony fifteen Grains volatil Salt of Hartshorn Volatil Salt of Vipers of each four Grains Camphyr two or three Grains Make a Pouder as above Or Take of Diaphoretic Antimony Native Cinnabar prepar'd Amber of each eight or ten Grains Volatil Salt of Amber three or five Grains Laudanum Opiatum one Grain Make a Pouder as above Take Cinnabar of Antimony prepar'd Amber of each a Scruple Castor twelve Grains Volatil Salt of Amber Volatil Salt of Hartshorn of each half a Scruple Camphyr three Grains make a Pouder for three Doses Take of the Pouder of a human Scull prepar'd without Fire a Dram Cinnabar of Antimony half a Dram Castor fifteen Grains Volatil Salt of Hartshorn Volatil Salt of Amber of each half a Scruple make a Pouder for three Doses The common Vehicle for these Pouders may be this following Take of the Water of Lilly Convally Black Cherry Water and Water of Limetree-flowers of each a Dram Essence of Rosemary-flowers or Essence of Castor from two Drams to three Drams Essential Spirit of human Scull a Dram Syrup of Clove Gilly-flowers six or eight Drams mix c. As for external Remedies some are wont to apply Amulets of Elder or the Roots of Master-wort slic'd to the Thumbs and Toes or Rings of the Teeth of Sea-horses and the like Cephalic Bags Emplaisters Ointments and the specific Oils above-mentioned may be applied to the Back-bone Crown of the Head and the affected part But a special regard must be had to the peculiar Constitution of the Pat●●●t for some are extremely offended by the approach of ●doriferous Oils Oil of Amber and Oil of Spike or the fat of a wild Cat may be applied to the Belly when the Disease is symptomatical both during the Paroxysm and at other times If the Epilepsy proceed from the Disorders of the Spleen the Emplaister de ranis cum Mercurio is very useful Upon other occasions a Compound-plaister may be prescrib'd thus Take of the Emplaister Diacalcitheos two Ounces Diachylum ●reatum an Ounce and a half Emplaister of Betony two Ounces Mix c. Crato's Plaister is likewise very proper for this purpose Thus far I have consider'd the Method of preserving from or preventing Epileptic Fits My next business is to shew what ought to be done during the time of the Fits If the Person be Plethoric let blood but take care to draw forth but a small quantity Then give a strong Emetic If the temporal Muscles or those of the Gullet are so affected that the Person cannot open his mouth or take down any thing you must open the mouth with a Spoon and throw it in or wet a Feather with the Emetic Syrup and a Grain or two of Mercurius Vitae and thrust it into the Throat If a Vomit cannot conveniently be given inject frequently sharp Clysters adding to them antimonial Infusions and volatil specific Salts Sneezing Pouders ought to be cautiously us'd during the Fit for they cause Convulsions In room of them put Spirit of Sal armoniac or of Urine to the Nostrils or drop it upon the Tongue The smell of Amber thrown upon the Coals is very effectual The external Parts may be rub'd but withal very gently If the Epilepsy proceed from any external Part Ligatures are very proper The Backbone may be anointed with specific Oils or Liniments In the mean while 't is not improper to throw into the mouth two or three spoonfuls of some Epileptic Mixture as above-prescribed If the Tongue be hurt by the Teeth throw upon it the Pouder of Crabs-eyes or anoint it with some vulnerary Extract and Sugar ART II. Of a Cramp or continu'd Contraction WHEN a nervous Part is affected continually and without interruption it becomes rigid and inflexible The Cause of this Irritation may be either manifest or hidden Of the former kind are the pricking of a Nerve immoderat Purging the unseasonable use of Mercurial or Antimonial Medicines external Violence drinking of Aqua fortis or acid Liquors for all Acids have a contracting Virtue as appears by Leather dip'd in an Acid. The hidden Causes are acute or malignant
proper If it proceed from metallin or mercurial Fumes Cinnabar of Antimony and antimonial Sulphurs ought to be mix'd with human Bones and exhibited in order to procure Sweat The Decoction of Elecampane and Fennel Roots in Wine taken Morning and Evening the Person being cover'd in order to sweat is famous for expelling and correcting Mercury in the Body Leaves of Gold or Medicines partaking of Gold are proper in this case to be given inwardly and an Ointment of Gold may be applied outwardly As for external Remedies Forestus recommends rubbing and washing the Part with fresh Urine In room of which you may use what follows Take of Aqua Articularis for external use three or four Ounces Spirit of Earth-worms an Ounce and a half Spirit of Ants six or eight Drams Essence of Castor three or four Drams mix and bathe the part affected Petrus à Castro orders the part to be frequently fomented with distill'd Water of Nettles The Leaves of an Ash infus'd in Lees are commended If the Trembling be inveterat the natural Bathes or artificial Bathes of a Decoction of Ants ty'd in a Bag are incomparably useful CHAP. III. Of the Diseases in which the Animal Spirits cease to move ART I. Of an Apoplexy WHEN Persons are seiz'd with Apoplexies they are like dead People in every respect except the beating of their Pulse Breathing and the color of their faces If the Respiration be much impair'd the Pulse very low and scarce perceptible and the Person snort and froth at the Mouth 't is a violent Fit If the whole Body be equally seiz'd 't is an universal Apoplexy If only one side of the Head and Body or the Trunk of the Body alone or a particular part by it self be affected while the others are at ease 't is call'd a particular Apoplexy 'T is usual among Writers to refer the Apoplexies of particular Parts to Palsies but indeed these Disorders of particular Members proceeding from internal Causes and call'd by them Paralytic were by the Antients accounted slight Apoplexies Vid. Hip. Sect. 2. Aph. 42. The Cause of Apoplexies may be deriv'd from the failure of the motion of the Animal Spirits either in the Cerebrum or Cerebellum If in the latter the Circulation of the Blood and Motion of the Heart are in a manner quite extinguish'd If the Animal Spirits be hindred to visit the Heart by the Convulsion of its Nerves or such other Causes the same effect will follow These Causes are call'd Privative which do not affect the Spirits immediatly but only prevent their Excursions or withdraw the matter of their Generation as all Obstructions of the Brain a Fall c. The positive Causes are such as stupify the Spirits or render 'em unfit for performing their Office as narcotic Medicines c. A privative Apoplexy is occasion'd by stopping the Circulation of the Blood This is caus'd either by an Obstruction in the Brain imprisoning the Spirits or by the Compression tearing or breaking of the Blood-vessels As when external Violence is us'd an Apoplexy may be caus'd by the Ligature or Compression of the Carotid Arteries and consequently the interruption of the Blood in its Passage to the Brain This Hippocrates understood by his Obstructio Venae it being customary among the Antients to signify by Veins the Arteries and Nerves The other privative Apoplexies proceeding from internal Causes are rather owing to the stoppage of the Blood in the Veins and its subsequent Stagnation in or Distention of the Brain for suppose one of the Carotid Arteries were straiten'd by some internal Cause the other Artery communicating with it would supply the Brain with Blood and so no Apoplexy would insue upon that occasion 'T is the hindrance therefore of the Reflux of the Blood and its subsequent Stagnation that in internal cases distends the Brain straitens its Passages extinguishes the motion of the Animal Spirits and so causes the Apoplexy Sometimes the Blood is so thick and congeal'd that of it self it stops in the Vessels within the Brain without any determination to that effect from the Blood Vessels as in Heart-swooning which is a case not only parallel but near a kin to this it stagnates in the Lungs The Antients deriv'd the cause of an Apoplexy from a Collection of Serum in the Ventricles of the Brain but Anatomical Dissections make it appear that the Brains of Apoplectic Persons are not always molested with any such matter and that several People are who were never seiz'd with an Apoplexy in their Lives It remains therefore to be concluded that the immediat Cause of all Apoplexies is the Abolition either of the motion of the animal Spirits or of the Circulation of the Blood The remote Causes with reference to a defective Circulation of the Blood are sudden Cold excessive Heat gormandizing in a sedentary way of Living washing the Head with warm Water and then exposing it to the Cold Swellings in the Scull suppression of wonted Evacuations of Blood using Dragons Blood after violent Purges immoderat Venery especially in old Age Anger and all turbulent Passions of the Mind With reference to the motion of the animal Spirits the remote Causes of Apoplexies are a Contusion or violent Commotion of the Brain by Thunder Cannon shooting c. any sudden and impetuous Force that drives inwards the Lymph which waters the Cortical part of the Brain Impostumes or any vitious matter lodg'd in the Head all which straiten the Passages of the Brain and Original of the Nerves and so cramp the Spirits that they cannot perform their wonted Office Excessive Drinking may occasion a Prevalency or Redundancy of Serum in the Brain that presses down the Walls of the Passages Accordingly we sometimes meet with great quantities of Serum in dissecting the Heads of such as die of Apoplexies The Small-pox or Scab struck inwards and several other Causes may likewise produce the same effect Upon this account I shall not scruple to admit the distinction of privative Apoplexies into such as are Sanguin and those which are Serous tho a nice Theorist might cavil against it The former kind is apt to invade those whose Blood is thick and prone to congeal the latter for most part seizes old decrepit Catarrhous Constitutions Mercurial and subterranean Vapors not only clog the Spirits but thicken the Blood and so cause a privative Apoplexy As for positive Apoplexies caus'd by an immediat Depravation and Fixation of the Spirits I am of Helmont's Opinion that not only external things but an internal Ferment bred in the Stomac oft-times causes ' em This I am induc'd to believe by these Considerations 1. Vomits sharp Clysters and stomachic Medicines are sovereign Remedies against a positive Apoplexy which is a sign that the Stomac is concern'd 2. The Steams of Coals Smoak of Tobacco and eating ungrateful Food cause Apoplexies Now undoubtedly these affect the mouth of the Stomac most immediatly 3. I remember an instance of a Woman that was seiz'd with a
more sensible Parts of the Body frequently twitch'd and pull'd Then let Blood in the right Arm if it be convenient and exhibit a Vomit with all possible Expedition or inject a Clyster of Aromatic Herbs with Pulp of Coloquintida or Infusion of Crocus Metallorum with Sal Gem or Sal Armoniac and other volatil Salts All oily Ingredients must be omitted As Take of the Leaves of Tobacco and Sage Chamomil Flowers of each a handful Roots of Pellitory of Spain from half an Ounce to six Drams Pulp of Coloquintida ty'd in a Bag a Dram. Boil in a sufficient quantity of Water To nine Ounces of the Liquor strain'd add Honey of Roses or of Rosemary Flowers half an Ounce or six Drams Electuary of Hiera with Agaric from half an Ounce to an Ounce Castor in Pouder from a Scruple to half a Dram Sal Gem from half a Dram to two Scruples mix for a Clyster Or Take of Mother of Thyme Tobacco-leaves tops of lesser Centory of each a handful Lavender Flowers half a handful Roots of Pellitory of Spain Roots of common Flower de-luce of each three Drams Nettle-seeds two Drams Pulp of Coloquintida ty'd in a Bag a Dram and a half boil in a sufficient quantity of human Urine In eight Ounces of the Liquor strain'd dissolve of Electuary of Hiera with Agaric an Ounce Extract of Troches Alhandal half a Scruple Essence of Castor a Dram mix for a Clyster Or Take of the Decoction of Rue in which half a Dram of Crocus Metallorum hath been boil'd nine Ounces Bulls Gall thicken'd a Dram and a half Extract of Troches Alhandal half a Scruple Honey of Rosemary-flowers an Ounce and a half mix for a Clyster Or Take of the Decoction of Chamomil Flowers half a Pound Infusion of Crocus Metallorum in Wine two or three Ounces Honey from half an Ounce to an Ounce mix and make a Clyster As for Suppositories Take of the Roots of white Hellebor in Pouder Scammony sulphurated Troches Alhandal of each half a Scruple Castor in Pouder eight Grains Sal Armoniac a Scruple With a sufficient quantity of Honey make a Suppository In the Interim some Apoplectic mixture may be thrown down the Throat As Take of strong Apoplectic Water one Ounce Water of Lilly Convally half an Ounce Matthiolus's Quintessence two Drams Spirit of Hartshorn a Dram Syrup of Clove-gilly-flowers half an Ounce Mix. Spirit of Black-cherries is of extraordinary virtue in this case As Take of Black-cherry Water Mint Water of each an Ounce and a half Spirit of Black-cherries six Drams Spirit of Hartshorn succinated or Spirit of Sal Armoniac or Spirit of human Blood two or three Drams distill'd Oil of Amber four or six Drops Syrup of Clovegilly-flowers half an Ounce Mix and give a Spoonful now and then Take of Lavender-flower-Water Sage-water of each one Ounce Langius his Epileptic Water six Drams Essence of Castor a Dram and a half Spirit of Sal Armoniac one Dram distill'd Oil of Amber eight drops Syrup of French Lavender one Ounce mix c. Take of Apoplectic Water two Ounces Spirit of Mother of Thyme two Drams Spirit of Hartshorn succinated a Dram Syrup of Clovegilly-flowers half an Ounce mix and use as above Take of Apoplectic Water two Ounces Water of Swallows with Castor an Ounce Spirit of Triacle camphoriz'd Spirit of Hartshorn succinated of each three Drams Confection Alkermes half an Ounce mix as above Take of Lilly Convally Water prepar'd with Wine an Ounce and a half Elder-flower Water an Ounce Carminative Water half an Ounce Spirit of Hartshorn succinated a Dram and a half Confection Alkermes a Dram mix as above Take of Black-cherry Water two Ounces Spirit of Black-cherries simple Spirit of Triacle of each half an Ounce Syrup of Clovegilly-flowers six Drams mix Timaeus's Arcanum is of excellent use in a speechless Fit viz. Take of volatil Salt of Amber half a Dram Triacle of Andromachus a Dram and a half Pouder of Castor two Scruples distill'd Oils of Rue and Rosemary of each three Drops make an Electuary Dose as much as will lie upon the point of a Knife to be exhibited in some Apoplectic Vehicle The Palat and Tongue may be rubb'd with this Electuary or distill'd Oils and Apoplectic Spirits As Take of Lilly Convally Water prepar'd with Wine two Ounces Spirit of Juniper-berries an Ounce Essence of Castor three Drams volatil Aromatic Salt half a Dram mix for the above-mentioned use This Method being observ'd if the sick Person do not come to himself in a quarter of an hour blow the following Pouder into the Nostrils viz. Take of the Roots of white Hellebor and Pellitory of Spain Marjoram Leaves Flowers of Lilly of the Valley Castor of each a Scruple make a Pouder and use as above Or Take of the Flowers of Lilly of the Valley a Dram Roots of white Hellebor a Scruple reduce 'em to Pouder and add distill'd Oil of Cloves and Marjoram of each three Drops Spirit of Urine Spirit of Sal Armoniac and Spirit of Hartshorn succinated are fit for the same use or the Fumes of Castor and Amber may be receiv'd at the Nostrils and the Temples and Nose anointed with Apoplectic Balsams or bath'd with the following Mixture Take of Baum Water Lilly Convally Water prepar'd with Wine of each two Ounces Apoplectic Water an Ounce Vinegar of Rue two Drams Mix c. The rectify'd Oil and volatil Salt of Amber mix'd with Apoplectic Waters are given inwardly with wonderful success or with Camphyr or Oil of Camphyr drop'd into the Ear. The Back Neck Temples and Stomac may also be fomented with it or the following Mixture Take of express'd Oil of Mace a Dram and a half distill'd Oil of Rue a Scruple Oil of Spike Oil of Amber of each half a Scruple Or Take of white Rock Oil two Drams distill'd Oil of Amber a Dram distill'd Oils of Lavender Marjoram and Sage of each a Scruple mix and anoint the above-mentioned parts but withal we must be cautious in not over-doing lest the Head be affected by an indiscreet quantity of odoriferous Oils applied to the Body If the Paroxysm do not yield to these Medicines the Vomits and Clysters must be repeated blistering Plaisters applied to the Neck Arms Thighs Wrists behind the Ears c. the Feet rub'd and chaf'd with Pickle or Vinegar and Salt and the external Parts of the Body prick'd and twitch'd Having thus discuss'd the Fit it remains now to corroborat Nature and prevent future Paroxysms by a preservative Cure For which purpose after Purgation Sudorifics and Stomachics are most proper Sage is much applauded as also Cubebs Cardamom Rocket-seeds and Mustard-seeds As Take of Cardamoms half a Dram Coriander-seed two drams Rocket-seeds half an Ounce make a Pouder for several Doses to be taken when going to Bed 'T is a very good Preservative If an Electuary be more acceptable Take three large Figs and a spoonful of Rocket or Mustard-seed mix them in a Mortar adding a
spoonful of strong Lavender Water and half an Ounce of the Juice of Violets Dose the Bigness of a Walnut to be taken every Morning and after Dinner Let the Person take some drops of Spirit of Sal Armoniac anisated or the Carminative Spirit de tribus Some distil a urinous Spirit from Rocket-seeds and Quick lime which is of admirable use Spirit of Black Cherries is receiv'd by all as a great Specific And likewise the Spirit of Vitriol thus prepar'd Take of Hungarian Vitriol calcined in the Sun a convenient quantity with Spirit of Wine drawn off from Aromatic Plants reduce it to the consistence of a Pultise Let it stand and digest some weeks and then distill with an open fire Take the Spirit thus drawn off and distil it thro an Alembic 't will come off chafer'd when it appears Cloudy change the Receptacle and receive a volatil Spirit of Vitriol Mix all the Spirits and after digestion cohobat ' em Maebius his Apoplectic Spirit is very useful viz. Take of the Flowers of Lilly Convally six pound Cinamom one pound Zedoary half a pound Saffron an Ounce Mace and Cloves of each half an Ounce Let 'em digest in Spanish Wine for a Month and then distil the Spirit in which steep the following Ingredients Take Roots of Valerian Swallowwort and Piony of each two Ounces the Leaves of Baum Oak of Jerusalem and Rosemary of each three handfuls Lime-tree-flowers six handfuls Flowers of Lavender Spike Sage and Thyme of each a handful Macerat them in the Spirit for a month in a close Vessel then add a sufficient quantity of Spanish Wine and distil the Spirit which may afterwards be rectify'd upon-Amber Mosch and Camphyr 'T is a noble Apoplectic Medicine but is not fit to be given in the Paroxysm For such inflammable oily Spirits have a stupifying quality and are very offensive to some People In a sanguin Apoplexy the volatil urinous Spirits and lean volatil Salts are preferable to these sulphurous Medicines Essence of Castor mix'd with vegetable Spirits Spirit of Sal Armoniac camphoris'd the volatil Salts of human Blood human Scull c. are all much approv'd In fine from the infinit variety of Apoplectic Medicines I shall single out the following Recipe's Take of Quintessence of Rosemary two Drams and a half Quintessence of Lavender a Dram and a half mix and give twenty drops every Morning and in the Evening thirty drops of Spirit of Sal Armoniac Or Take of the Essence of Castor a Dram and a half Spirit of Sal Armoniac anisated Spirit of Sal Armoniac succinated of each a Dram. Dose thirty or forty drops twice a Day Take of the Waters of the Flowers of the Lime-tree Lavender and Primroses of each an Ounce Apoplectic Water Spirit of Black Cherries of each a Dram and a half Essence of Primroses three Drams volatil Salt of Amber half a Dram Syrup of Clove Gilly-flowers an Ounce and a half Mix. Dose two spoonfuls every three hours Take of Mint Water Lilly Convally Water Black Cherry Water of each an Ounce Spirit of Black Cherries three Drams Essence of Castor a Dram and a half volatil Salt of Hartshorn a Scruple volatil Salt of Amber half a Scruple Syrup of Clove Gilly-flowers half an Ounce Poterius's Diaphoretic Gold given with Conserve of Clove Gilly-flowers is a famous Specific Likewise the following Pouder Take of prepar'd red Coral a Dram Cinnabar of Antimony half a Dram volatil Salt of Amber a Scruple Cubebs half a Dram. Make a Pouder Or Take of the Conserves of Sage-flowers Rosemary-flowers and Clove Gilly-flowers of each half an Ounce Confection Alkermes Mustard-seeds of each three Drams Cardamoms Cubebs and Mace of each half a Dram. With Syrup of Clove Gilly-flowers make an Electuary Take of the Conserves of Rosemary and Lavender-flowers Conserve of Baum of each an Ounce candy'd Orange-peel six Drams candy'd Ginger half an Ounce Mustard-seeds Rocket-seeds of each three Drams Cubebs Cinnamon Cardamoms volatil Salt of Amber of each a Dram. With Syrup of Clove Gilly-flowers make an Electuary Take of Conserve of Mint two Ounces Conserve of Rosemary-flowers one Ounce Pouder of Mustard-seeds six Drams Cinamom Cloves of each half a Dram volatil Salt of Amber a Dram distill'd Oils of Mint and of Mace of each eight Drops With a sufficient quantity of the Confection Alkermes make an Electuary Take of the Conserves of Rosemary-flowers and of Sage-flowers of each an Ounce and a half Ginger candy'd in the Indies Mustard-seeds of each six Drams prepar'd red Coral a Dram and a half Unicorn Cinnabar of Antimony volatil Salt of Amber of each a Dram distill'd Oil of Amber half a Dram. With the Brodium of Ginger make an Electuary Take of Confection Alkermes or Conserve of Clove Gilly-flowers an Ounce and a half Nutmegs candy'd two Drams Rocket-seeds two Drams Cumin-seeds a Dram prepar'd Amber a Dram and a half Cardamoms Cubebs and Cinnamom of each a Scruple Spirit of Black Cherries a Dram. With Syrup of Clove Gilly-flowers make an Electuary Take of Conserve of Rosemary-flowers Conserve of Sage-flowers of each half an Ounce Confection Alkermes two Drams Pouder of Castor the Pouder Diambra and Diamoschus dulcis of each a Scruple Cinnabar of Antimony distill'd Oil of Amber of each half a Dram. With Syrup of Clove Gilly-flowers make an Electuary Take of the Pouders Diambra and Diamoschus dulcis of each a Dram prepar'd Pearls prepar'd red Coral of each a Scruple prepar'd white Amber four Scruples Confection Alkermes two Drams Extract of the Roots of Elecampane two Scruples Extract of Orris half a Dram Extract of Aromatic Calamus a Scruple Extract of Piony and of the wood Aloe of each half a Scruple the distill'd Oils of Sage Rosemary and Amber of each sixteen Drops distill'd Oil of Lavender twenty Drops the distill'd Oils of Spike Aniseeds Fennel Mace and Nutmegs of each twelve Drops distill'd Oils of Cubebs and Cloves of each eight Drops distill'd Oil of Rue six Drops fine Sugar seven Ounces Mix c. This was Kolbius's Mixture so much celebrated for its Vertue against Apoplexies But it may be rendred more effectual by adding Rocket-seeds and Mustards-seeds All these Prescriptions are proper to be us'd both in and after the Paroxysm Now in pursuance of the preserving Cure let us view the evacuating Medicines fit to be given after or before the Paroxysm Among which Vomits obtain the Precedency as Mercurius Vitae Or Take of Mynsichtius his Emetic Tartar two Grains Sal Armoniac nine Grains Make a Pouder Or Take of Tartar vitriolated six Grains Mynsichtius's Emetic Tartar two Grains Scammony sulphurated one Grain Purgative Medicines are next in order As Take of Crato's Pills of Amber Extract of Wormwood of each half a Scruple Extract of Troches Alhandal one Grain distill'd Oil of Amber two Drops With Essence of Primroses make Pills Take of sweet Mercury a Scruple Scammony sulphurated five Grains With Conserve of Clove Gilly-flowers make a Bolus Take of
Ruffus his Pills de tribus half a Scruple Extract of black Hellebor five Grains Tartar vitriolated three Grains With distill'd Oil of Caraways make Pills Take of Gum Ammoniac dissolv'd in Vinegar Bdellium dissolv'd in Vinegar of each half a Dram Vitriol of Steel calcinated till it become white a Scruple Magistery of the Gum of Peru fifteen Grains Scammony prepar'd according to Brendelius's Method a Scruple Extract of Troches Alhandal six Grains make a Mass for Pills fifteen of which are one Dose The Decoction of sudorific Woods are very proper in the declination of the Paroxysm and ought to be continued for some time If these and such like Remedies do not accomplish the Cure we must have recourse to Setums Cuppingglasses Issues c. If the Person be of a Catarrhous Constitution an Issue in the pit of the Neck is very proper But these external Helps are of no use in positive Apoplexies in the privative indeed where the Blood or Lymph is faulty they frequently afford relief The Plaister de Ranis with Mercury mix'd with Balsam of Peru dissolv'd with the Yelk of an Egg may be applied to the Head with good success When the Disease declines a Salivation perhaps may not be improper ART II. Of particular Apoplexies WHEN an Apoplexy seizes a particular part 't is call'd Paraplegia and by most of Writers is referr'd to Palsies but the frequent reciprocal Permutation of general Apoplexies and Paraplegia's vouch for their near alliance Sometimes it is only a retainer to a universal Apoplexy at other times it comes of it self in the form of a principal Disease It admits of three degrees 1. When the Sense of the Part remains and only its motion is lost 2. When 't is depriv'd both of Sense and Motion but retains its natural heat 3. When 't is destitute of Sense Motion and Heat and becomes flaccid and soft Some assign the Obstruction of the Nerves for its Cause but Experience teaches us that it may proceed by consent from other parts from Hysteric Fits Worms in the Guts and the Pastions of the Mind The true cause seems to be the contraction of the nervous Parts about the root of the Spinal Marrow which interrupts the intercourse of the Spirits to the part affected perhaps by the consent of the Nerves as the Stone in the Kidneys is wont to stupify the Leg of the respective side It undergoes a frequent Permutation into Convulsions and Palsies The manner of its succession to privative Apoplexies is accounted for above It succeeds likewise to positive Apoplexies and in that case seems to be tinctur'd with a convulsive Quality The Method of cure is the same as that of an universal Apoplexy Vomits are always proper especially if it follow an universal Apoplexy As Take of Mercurius Vitae two Grains Scammony sulphurated three Grains with Conserve of Bugloss-flowers make a Bolus If Vomiting be very uneasy to the Patient give a strong Purge As Take of Resin of Jalap half a Scruple dissolve it with the yelk of an Egg in Fumitory Water six drams Cinnamom Water a Dram. Mix. When it follows privative Apoplexies Bloodletting is proper otherwise it ought to be avoided except in the case of a Plaethora Issues Blistering Plaisters laid on the Pit of the Neck and scarify'd Cupping-glasses applied between the Shoulders are likewise useful against this privative sort These general Remedies being premis'd Sudorifics come next as the volatil Salts and Spirits of human Scull or human Blood and all Apoplectic or Epileptic Specifics The Decoction of Woods with Juniper and Laurel-berries and Roots of Elecampane is very much us'd for this purpose As Take of Sassafras Wood two Ounces Rosemary-leaves a handful or two fresh juicy Juniper-berries or Laurel-berries an Ounce and a half or two Ounces boil 'em in a Balneum Mariae in Wine and Water of each a pound and a half with an Alembic Mix the strain'd Decoction and the distill'd Liquor and add of Spirit of Juniper-berries four Ounces Spirit of Sal Armoniac three or four Drams Syrup of Clove Gilly-flowers three Ounces Mix and give a large draught thrice a day Poterius's Diaphoretic Gold is admirably fitted for this Case He either prepar'd it of Gold calcined by Amalgamation or mix'd Aurum fulminans with a double quantity of flowers of Sulphur and reduc'd it to a Pouder of a purple Colour by putting red hot Coals into the Crucible then digested it for fifteen days in rectify'd Spirit of Wine impregnated with Aniseeds and afterwards separated the Spirit either by distillation or deflagration and reserv'd the Pouder for use 'T is not fit to be given in a liquid form for that it sinks to the bottom but thus Take of Conserve of Clove Gilly-flowers a Dram Diaphoretic Gold from fifteen Grains to a Scruple Make a Bolus for two Doses Or Take of prepar'd human Scull prepar'd Unicorn's Horn of each fifteen Grains Diaphoretic Gold half a Scruple Mix. Or Take of human Scull prepar'd without fire prepar'd red Coral of each fifteen Grains fulminatory Gold three Grains Mix. Or Take of human Scull prepar'd without fire prepar'd Unicorn's Horn of each twelve Grains fulminatory Gold four Grains volatil Salt of Vipers six Grains Mix. After the first Dose of these Pouders the Person may take a spoonful or two of Spirit of Triacle and then make account to sweat Cinnabar of Antimony is likewise a noble Sudorific As Take of Cinnabar of Antimony fifteen Grains Amber half a Scruple volatil Salt of Amber five Grains make a Pouder Or Take of prepar'd human Scull prepar'd red Coral Cinnabar of Antimony of each half a Scruple distill'd Oils of Cinnamom and of Cloves of each a Drop Make a Pouder to be taken in a convenient Vehicle Or Take of Black Cherry Water Lilly Convally Water Mint Water of each an Ounce Spirit of Black Cherries six Drams Cinnabar of Antimony half a Dram volatil Salt of Hartshorn fifteen Grains Syrup of Clove Gilly-flowers an Ounce Mix. For an Apoplexy of the Hands foment the Pit of the Neck with distill'd Oils and spirituous Waters If the Feet be affected apply them to the Loins and neighbouring Parts But fat express'd Oils must be avoided Take of Mustardseeds one part Juniper-berries two parts bruise and infuse them in Spirit of Wine which reserve for Fomentation Take of Spirit of Wine camphoris'd or Spirit of Ants three Ounces Spirit of Earthworms an Ounce and a half Essence of Castor six Drams Spirit of Sal Armoniac with Quicklime three Drams mix and bathe the Back-bone immediatly after sweating applying afterwards a warm Cloth fumigated with Gum Ammoniac or rubbing it with distill'd Oils mix'd with Oil of Tartar or some of the Oils of the fat and hard parts of Animals strip'd of their nauseous stink by frequent Cohobation upon their Caput Mortuum If they are of themselves too sharp or apt to draw Blisters qualify 'em with the Oil of Earthworms by decoction If the part affected be apt to
Sort they are esteem'd Signs of Recovery In regulating the method of Cure we must heedfully distinguish the privative apoplectic Palsies from the positive sort If the former arise from external Causes the Cure turns upon their removal and inunctions of the part with the Queen of Hungary's Water Rock Oil Oil of Juniper Oil of Lavender and above all Balsam of Peru. Internally nothing equals Oil of Lavender taken to the quantity of four or six drops in bed in order to sweat for which purpose distill'd Oil of Amber is likewise proper If they proceed from internal Causes Sudorific and Cephalic Medicines are us'd in the same manner as for particular Apoplexies and in an inveterat Case a Salivation is the last Refuge As for positive Palsies the peccant matter must be corrected and discharg'd by aromatic and volatil Sudorifics and the nervous Parts corroborated and restor'd to life by the external application of penetrating meagre Oils In order to compass these ends 't will be needful to observe the following Rules 1. Since the peccant matter is an Acid that owes its Original to the first Passages Saline Digestives Vomits and sharp Clysters ought to be premis'd and whatever purgative Medicines are us'd they must be very gentle especially in the beginning 2. A temperat milk Diet ought to be closely pursu'd for that it vanquishes any Acid and supplies the Nerves with a Chyl-like Juice capable to repair their loss of moisture occcasion'd by copious Sweats 3. When a Palsy is caus'd by a Colic or Scurvy by all means avoid strong Purges lest Convulsions insue Soft Laxatives in which black Hellebor is the chief Ingredient may be ventur'd upon Or Clysters impregnated with Carminative Oils may be frequently injected but at first they must be gentle and soft as those of Milk and Turpentine c. and in the progress of the Disease if the Patient reap no benefit by 'em you may add a small Whet 4. Fat viscous Oils are improper for external Use Penetrating and spirituous Liniments are only convenient and ought always to be us'd immediately after Sweating while the Pores are yet open Indeed if the Person be scorbutic temperat things are best to begin with And when the affected part begins to wither and the Person withal is of a choleric Constitution 't is advisable to abstain from applying these subtil volatil Remedies But where a Palsy proceeds from a Corruption of the Lymph and the part is swell'd up they are very needful 5. If the stopping of any wonted Evacuation of Blood give rise to a Palsy repeated Blood-letting is wont to finish the Cure I am now advanc'd to the Prescriptions of proper Remedies For Vomiting the Flowers of Antimony with Extract of Scammony are recommended by Hartman For Purging Sweet Mercury is much applauded by Sylvius and Turpentin by Platerus Hellebor and Turbith are generally approv'd but Coloquintida ought always to be added for a Whet. Take of the Arthritic Pills a Scruple Scammony sulphurated four Grains Extract of Troches Alhandal a Grain With Essence of Sage make Pills Or Take of the Herbs Germander and Groundpine of each a handful Flowers of Rosemary of Primroses and of Sage of each two little handfuls Roots of Angelica Masterwort and Florentin Orris of each three Drams Roots of black Hellebor a Dram pick'd Senna six Drams Roots of common Spurge half a Dram Cardamoms and Cubebs of each three Drams Salt of Tartar a Dram and a half Mix for a Bag to be infus'd in Wine Sudorific Decoctions of Guajacum Burdoc c. are much in use But Willis has remark'd that those whose Blood is stuff'd with a fix'd Salt and not much diluted with inspid Serum are apt to be offended by Sweating The internal Specifics for this Disease are much the same as those for Apoplexies and Epilepsies The Decoction of Rosemary over a gentle Fire in Balneum Mariae mix'd with a little Essence of Castor is a noble Medicine A large draught of it ought to be taken in the Morning with a fasting Stomac Primroses French Lavender distill'd Oils of Lavender and Amber are much approv'd The Decoction of Elecampane is a sovereign Remedy for Palsies arising from a Colic Sassafras and Guajacum are of excellent use especially the former Rosemary and Juniper or Bay-berries ought always to be boil'd with em Poterius found great benefit by the following Prescription Take of the shavings of Sassafras Wood one Ounce Bay-berries an Ounce and a half boil them in six pound of Wine to three pound and reserve it for use Instead of the Decoctions of these Woods Essences and Spirits may be prepar'd from 'em that are of singular use Lindanus recommends a Wood call'd Pavana given to the quantiry of two Scruples in a spoonful of Spirit of Wine It procures Vomiting Purging and Sweating without impairing the strength of the Person Millet-seeds are likewise very proper for procuring Sweat The volatil Preparations of Tartar are wonderfully extoll'd It s volatil Salt or Spirit drawn from the dregs of Wine or stinking Oil of Tartar or the Spirit of Tartar cohobated with tartaris'd Spirit of Urine are very useful in Cholic Hypochondriac and Scorbutic Palsies Sylvius was wont to cure Cholic Palsies with his Sal volatile Oleosum Next are the Spirit and volatil Salt of Urine prepar'd by putrefaction Spirit of Sal Armoniac Spirit of Lavender the Spirit and volatil Salt of Vipers Spirit of Hartshorn succinated volatil Salt of Amber given along with Cinnabar of Antimony and Magistery of Pearls But above all the volatil Preparations from Worms and Ants have merited the greatest approbation If you digest a vegetable Spirit with Ants for some time you 'll have an incomparable Medicine that may be us'd both internally and externally But withal we are to remember that these volatil Remedies are not fit to be given upon the first invasion of the Disease till the Acid in the first Passages be in a good measure vanquish'd Upon which account the fix'd Absorbents ought to lead the Van. As Take of prepar'd human Bones from a Scruple to half a Dram Cinnabar of Antimony from twelve to twenty Grains volatil Salt of Amber from ten to twelve Grains Make a Pouder for two Doses Now after a discreet use of such like fix'd Medicines is the time to exhibit the volatil Sudorifics Poterius's Diaphoretic Gold is a noted Specific Six Grains may be given for a Dose Helmont commends the volatil Tincture of Coral I have seen an admirable Tincturemade with volatil Spirit of Tartar in his Majesty of Great Britain's Laboratory but Mr. Febure conceal'd the way of Preparation If a positive Palsy proceed from the Relaxation or prevailing Moisture of any Part 't is convenient to anoint both the Part it self and the Back-bone with the following Liniment Take of human and Goose Fat of each an Ounce Oil of Earth three Drams Mix. Tacamahac and Balsam of Peru are fit for the same use The Plaister for the Nerves of
Tacamahac and Galbanum softn'd in distill'd Oil of Amber and Oil of Bricks may be applied to the Joints If the Ligaments are much unbended and flat apply Crollius's styptic Plaister soften'd with Oil of Bricks and Oil of Earth and in the mean while endeavour to procure Sweat by giving Venice Triacle inwardly Barbette recommends the following Plaister Take of Gum Caran half an Ounce Galbanum an Ounce Oil of Euphorbium a Dram and a half Make a Plaister If the Disease proceed from mercurial Fumes exhibit the Decoction of Elecampane and Fennel and after the Mercury is thrown out by sweating let the Patient drink Whey or Milk In a scorbutic light Palsy the urinous volatil Medicines and Milk are proper The Decoction of Pine-Apple is likewise much commended Or Take of the Tendrels of Fir an Ounce and a half China Roots an Ounce cut them small and boil them in Ale and Water till the half be consum'd Give a draught of the strain'd liquor twice a day These Ingredients may be also boil'd in Milk The Decoction of Betony with Juniper berries or an Essence prepar'd from the Rob of Pine-apples with some Antiscorbutic Spirit and mix'd with Castor are very proper After a regular use of fix'd Absorbents and volatil Medicines Milk or Whey mix'd with Antiscorbutics is a sovereign Remedy but it ought always to follow these Premises Issues and Setums are not improper in this Case If a Palsy proceed from the Colic the Belly must be chiefly taken care of Lenitive Clysters of Turpentin and Milk frequently injected and strong Purgatives carefully avoided The Decoction of Elecampane of Millet-seeds and the four hot Seeds and Sassafras are proper Sudorifics Whey mix'd with Antiscorbutics is much esteem'd Let the Navel and part affected be fomented with Spirit of Tartar or of Sal Armoniac and anointed thrice a day with Paracelsus his Galbanetum So much for the internal Cure of Palsies It remains now to consider the external Forms If the Disease be inveterat and the Part begin to wither temperat fat Oils are proper If the sense of Feeling be not much impair'd and the power of Moving only lost the strong Apoplectic Waters or rectify'd Spirit of Wine in which the Pouders of Mustard-seeds Pepper Rue-seeds Nettle-seeds Aron-roots and Pellitory of Spain have been infus'd and digested are fit for external Fomentation Or Take of fresh Tobacco-leaves a handful or two Leaves of Origanum Flowers of Elder of each a handful Roots of Angelica from an Ounce to two Ounces Roots of Pellitory of Spain Aron-roots of each an Ounce Euphorbium Castor and Myrrh of each from half an Ounce to six Drams white and black Pepper of each three Drams Flowers of Arabian Stechas of Lavender and Lilly Convally of each half an Ounce Rocket-seeds or Mustard-seeds Seeds of Mountain-Siler from six Drams to an Ounce and a half cut and beat them small and pour upon 'em of rectify'd Spirit of Wine two parts of Spirit of Earth-worms one part digest 'em in a Balneum Mariae and draw off the Spirit by distillation With which foment the parts immediatly after sweating Or Take of the Herbs Rosemary Sage Marjoram or Lavender of each a handful Lavender-flowers Lilly Convally-flowers and Rosemary-flowers of each two little handfuls Juniper-berries an Ounce Mustard-seeds from half an Ounce to an Ounce Castor three Drams black Pepper a Dram and a half Infuse them in Spirit of Wine and after digestion reserve the strain'd Liquor for use as above And if the Disease be accompany'd by scorbutic Pains add to it some Spirit of Sal Armoniac prepar'd with Quick-lime Or Take of Aqua Articularis for external use two three or four Ounces Spirit of Sal Armoniac with Quick-lime from an Ounce to two Ounces Spirit of Earth-worms prepar'd by putrefaction half an Ounce Mix and bathe the part thrice a day Or Take of Spirit of Wine camphoris'd three Ounces Spirit of putrify'd Earth-worms an Ounce Essence of Castor six Drams Mix and use as above Or Take of Apoplectic Water three Ounces Spirit of putrify'd Earth-worms and Spirit of Sal Armoniac succinated of each half an Ounce Mix c. In a Colic Palsy rectify'd Spirit of Tartar mix'd or cohobated with Spirit of Wine tartaris'd are externally us'd with great success Balsam of Peru dissolv'd with the Yelk of an Egg and mix'd with Essence of Amber extracted by rectify'd Spirit of Wine is much approv'd for external use in all sorts of Palsies Take of common stinging Nettles three handfuls Chamomil one handful Cumin-seeds a Dram Salt three Ounces beat 'em well in a Mortar and boil them in a sufficient quantity of human Urine till the fourth part be consum'd Bathe the part Morning and Evening with this Decoction and wrap it up in a Cloth dip'd in the Liquor and after three or four days anoint it with Oil of Foxes In Apoplectic Palsies pricking with Nettles is a very successful Remedy Bathing in fermenting Wine or such as is reduc'd to a Fermentation by throwing Quick-lime into it is of extraordinary use both against Palsies and Sciatica's for by this means the volatil Tartar of the Wine insinuats it self into the Part. A bag full of Ants thrown into boiling Water yields a Vapor which is conveniently receiv'd upon the part is very serviceable after the Bag has lost its smell it may be boil'd in Water for the Patient to bathe in Take of Brimstone and Bay-berries of each half a pound Roots of Gentian three handfuls Roots of Elecampane and long Birth-wort of each two handfuls boil them in Quick-lime Water for an artificial Bath The last Refuge is the Hot-baths But if a Colic or use of Wine gave rise to the Disease or arthritic and gouty Pains accompany it they are not proper In a word they are more convenient for a Sanguin or Phlegmatic than a Choleric Constitution Take of the Herbs Marjoram and Sage of each a handful Rosemary two handfuls Juniper-berries four Ounces Bay-berries two Ounces Roots of Pellitory of Spain an Ounce Boil them in Water and place the hot Decoction under the Person 's Feet that the Fumes may ascend Take of Galbanum half a pound Oil of Turpentin a pound and a half distil the Oil from them to which add an Ounce of Oil of Lavender and then repeat the distillation which produces an excellent Balsam to be digested and circulated with rectify'd or tartaris'd Spirit of Wine This may be applied to the Navel Back or Part affected as occasion requires Take of white Rock Oil two Drams distill'd Oil of Amber half a Dram distill'd Oils of Lavender Marjoram and Spike of each a Scruple mix and anoint the affected parts As for Plaisters those of Tacamahac are most approv'd especially when the Nerves are overcharg'd with Moisture But if the Person be scorbutic or the Part depriv'd of all manner of Sense temperat oily things are best As Take of human or Goose fat of each three four or six Ounces distill'd Oil of Turpentin
of each a little handful Distil thro an Alembic and receive the Spirit in a large open Body which set into a heap of large black Ants such as resort to resinous Trees When four or five handfuls of Ants have crept into it stir them with a stick till they be all stifled Then set 'em to digest for fourteen days in the Sun and after that draw off the Spirit and infuse into it of the Confection of Anacardium Cinnamom of each an Ounce Saffron half a Dram Mosch twelve Grains Mix digest and strain out the Spirit of which exhibit a spoonful in a Glass of Wine every Morning Take of Tobacco-leaves two handfuls Flowers of Common Basil of Baum of Primroses and of Marjoram of each a handful Bruise 'em and mix with Oil of Olives and fresh Butter of each three Ounces Rhenish or Spanish Wine five Ounces boil for a Liniment to be strain'd and applied to the Temple and top of the Head Montagnana extoll'd the following Prescription for a valuable Arcanum Take of Cubebs Calamint Mastic Nutmegs and Cloves of each a Dram Eastern Ambergrease half a Dram Mosch five Grains With Juice of Marjoram make Pills Let the Patient take down a few at Night and double the quantity next Morning Sebizius recommends the following Pills viz. Take of Aloe an Ounce Rhubarb two Drams Myrrh Saffron and Agaric of each a Dram Gentian and Zedoary Roots of each a Scruple With Venice Triacle make small Pills Dose seven or nine Tea boil'd in Wine is a sovereign Remedy for corroborating the Memory and Judgment Or Take of the Cephalic Water for internal use and Aqua Sophorum of each two Ounces Matthiolus's Quintessence half an Ounce Spirit of black Cherries Spirit of Lilly Convally Spirit of Primroses and Essence of Amber of each a Dram Syrup of Betony an Ounce Mix for internal Use Or Take of Conserves of Rosemary-flowers of Sage-flowers and of Clove Gillyflowers of each half an Ounce Candy'd Nutmegs three Drams of the Pouders Diambra and Diamoschus dulcis and Spirit of Lilly Convally of each a Dram and a half With a sufficient Quantity of Syrup of Clove Gilly-flowers make an Electuary Or Take six fat Figs Rocket-seeds six Drams Bastard Saffron a Scruple With Syrup of Clove Gilly-flowers make an Electuary of which take every morning the bigness of a Walnut using after Dinner Spirit of Hartshorn or Spirit of Sal Armoniac succinated Silver dissolv'd in Spirit of Sal Armoniac is likewise commended As for external Applications Let Oil of Myrrh per deliquium be applied to the Temples and hinderpart of the Head When the Head is oppress'd with cold Humours let the Sutures call'd Coronalis and Sagittalis be fomented with Spirit of Wine with Pepper infus'd in it In the like Case Hildesheim recommends the following Essence viz. Take of the Leaves of Betony of Sage of Lavender of Rosemary and flowers of red Roses of each a handful Nutmegs long Pepper Galangal and round rooted Cyperus of each four Scruples Castor two Drams Nutmegs half an Ounce Myrrh and Frankincense of each three Ounces Saffron half a Dram or two Scruples Infuse them in Spirit of Wine digest and strain it for anointing the Nostrils Temples and top of the Head ART II. Of Deliriums in general THE Depravation of the Rational Faculty is call'd a Delirium or Doating which sometimes seizes the Apprehension alone and at other times reaches to all the three Operations of the Intellect together The immediat Cause is the disorder of the Animal Spirits in respect of their Substance and Motion which occasions varions Deliriums according to the Humour and Constitution of the Patient as one and the same Wine fills one Man with Anger and Fury a second with Mirth and Jollity and inspires a third with Love The remote Causes are either external as narcotic Vegetables poisonous or mad Animals c. of which more anon or internal as Feavers Melancoly c. These internal Causes determin the Animal Spirits to such and such particular Motions after the same manner as the Titillation of the Genital Liquor occasions particular Dreams and nocturnal Pollutions ART III. Of Deliriums arising from Internal Causes WHEN a violent Feaver attends a Delirium 't is call'd a Phrensy or if the Delirium be not very high a Paraphrenitis If it be quite free from a Feaver we call it a melancholic Madness Of Phrensies THE immediat Cause is the confus'd and rapid Motion of the Spirits in the Brain especially in the Corpus Callosum The remote Causes are either the Heat and Effervescency or the Stagnation of the Blood in the Brain In the beginning of burning Feavers the former occasions the Agility and Perturbation of the Spirits and consequently the Watchings and light Deliriums that then molest the Patient If these Symptoms happen without a notorious Effervescency 't is a fatal sign of Malignity The latter inflames the Membrans and Cortical Part and so causes a Phrensy properly so call'd This Inflammation is made to appear by diffecting Phrenitic Persons after death and is justly suspected when Pleurisies and Inflammations of the Lungs or any external Inflammations disappear of a sudden and are succeeded by Phrensies The remote Causes are excessive Heat drinking of spirituous Liquors suppression of any usual Evacuation of Blood or of a virulent Gonorrhy Anger and the exalted Passions of the Mind It ought to be remark'd that tho all Phrensies are attended with Feavers they do not always proceed from the Feaver as in malignant Feavers where the Blood do's not boil high Sportive ridiculous Phrensies ought to be carefully distinguish'd from those of a serious angry and eager Character According to Hippocrates the former are of a more benign Stamp than the latter As for the Symptoms An actual Delirium is easily perceiv'd An imminent Delirium is discover'd by a sudden alteration of the Patient's Humour a bold fierce way of talking much unquietness and tossing in Bed the nauseous repetition of one thing or forgetfulness of what was said or done obstinat Watching or the interruption and uneasiness of sleep When the Delirium has actually seiz'd upon 'em they become morose and furious leap out of Bed and talk strangely the Urine is at first thick and in a little time after grows thin and transparent the Head feels hot the Eyes look glittering fiery and very moveable If they appear stiff and staring 't is an infallible sign of a furious Phrensy If in the beginning of an acute Disease the Person complain of a pain of the Eye-balls or an Inflammation of the Eyes or be apt to imagin strange Colors 't is a fatal Presage of Doating and Convulsions A proper Phrensy which proceeds from the Inflammation of the Membrans of the Brain is foreseen from the violent beating of the Arteries in the Neck and Temples It is attended by an unsufferable Pain of the hinder part of the Head a difficult Respiration an invincible Heat and continual Feaver free
from the sense of Thirst a proneness to rub and toss the Head and pull up the Hairs When the Inflammation relents it tends to a Gangrene which occasions Convulsions Lethargies and a total inactivity A true Phrensy proceeding from the Inflammation of the Brain is very dangerous If it increase after sleeping if it be serious and fierce if a clammy cold Sweat drop from the Head while the Body is unconcern'd if it be attended by a difficult Respiration immoderat Watching Headaches notable Weakness a ghastly Countenance an invincible Forgetfulness a Hiccough gnashing of the Teeth trembling of the Tongue and Hands and involuntary voiding of Excrements if the Person he speechless apt to gather up or pick the Bed-cloaths or become lethargic if the Nostrils drop and the Urine be not tinctur'd All these Symptoms portend Death A Paraphrenitis proceeding only from the Heat and Effervescency of the Blood and Spirits is more tolerable A Symptornatical Phrensy is a proper Subject of Cure but a Critical one ought not to be meddled with It is follow'd for the most part by bleeding at the Nose and is distinguish'd by the following Symptoms The Urine affords signs of Concoction the Pulse is unequal but strong and large the Eyes sparkle a murmuring Noise disturbs the Ears the Nostrils itch the Face is red and the lower Belly softly distended Sometimes 't is usher'd in by a sudden Headache or the sick Person is young and apt to bleed at the Nose If these Symptoms are wanting the Phrensy is symptomatical and ought to be cur'd by allaying the Heat and Turgency of the Blood and Spirits or removing the Stagnation In the first place let the Physician take care that he be not impos'd upon by drunken Persons whose Phrensies resemble those of Feavers In the next place if the phrentic Person be molested with Head-aches and immoderat Watchings Narcotic Medicines are very proper but ought to be cautiously administred for fear of exalting the Phrensy or converting it into a Lethargy In order to avoid such Consequences let us take notice of the following Cautions 1. That in acute hot Diseases Opiats ought to be prepar'd with Vinegar 2. That they ought not to be administred in the beginning or height of the Distemper but only during its increase 3. That when the Person is very weak they should be omitted 4. They ought still to be mix'd with Bezoardic Diaphoretic Pouders Blood-letting is always convenient unless the Feaver be very malign and ought to be liberally perform'd and in the following manner 1. Let a Vein in the Hams be first open'd then in the Arm and afterwards in the Forehead Incase of a particular Suppression of Blood in the lower Region let the Vein in the Ancle be first open'd Instead of breathing the Vein in the Forehead some recommend the Application of scarify'd Cupping-glasses to the forepart of the Head 2. Let the Surgeon while the Vein is open lay his hand upon the Patient's Head and mind the beating of the Artery in order to adjust the quantity of Blood to be drawn forth and the strength of the Patient 3. Let the Orifice of the Vein be stop'd and open'd by turns by the Surgeon's Finger Thus the stagnating Blood is evacuated without impairing the strength of the Patient in so great a measure as otherwise As for external Applications all strong smelling things except Camphyr ought to be avoided Vinegar must be added but in small quantities because its sharpness hinders sleep A symptomatical Phrensy disappears upon the removal of the principal Disease Cooling and narcotic Medicines are its proper Cure to which Diaphoretic Febrifuga's are join'd according to the Degree and Circumstances of the Feaver Take of the Waters of Male Pimpernel Purslain and white Water-Lillies of each an Ounce and a half Syrup of Water-Lillies and Syrup of Poppies of each six Drams The Acid Mineral Spirits of Vitriol Salt Sulphur dulcify'd Spirit of Nitre and dulcify'd Spirit of Salt are very useful against Phrensies Camphyr has a peculiar pacific Virtue If it be added to Opiats their Dose ought to be proportionably lessen'd As Take of the Conserve of red Poppy-flowers vitriolated half a Dram Langelot's Laudanum Opiatum one Grain Camphyr two Grains Mix c. Sugar of Lead prepar'd with Spirit of Nitre is a powerful Pacific The Decoction of the Flowers of Male Pimpernel in Water whetted with a little Rhenish Wine is of excellent use Take of the four great Cold-seeds of each a Dram and a half white Poppy-seeds three Drams With Purslain-water make an Emulsion To which add human Scull prepar'd without Fire half a Dram Bezoar Mineral a Scruple Syrup of Purslain half an Ounce Mix for use In a malignant Phrensy let the following Pouder be exhibited viz. Take of Cinnabar of Antimony twelve or fifteen Grains Lunar Bezoar six or eight Grains Laudanum Opiatum a Grain Camphyr two Grains Make a Pouder for two Doses to be exhibited in the Emulsion of white Poppy-seeds made with Pimpernel and Purslain Water Or Take of the Cephalic Specific Pouder a Scruple Sugar of Lead six Grains Camphyr two Grains Laudanum Opiatum a Grain and a half Acid Juleps are likewise very proper and if the Belly be constipated Tamarinds may be boil'd in ' em Externally let Cataplasms of Rue Chamomile Vervain Briony-roots and Soap or of Radishes Salt sharp Vinegar and Yest be applied to the soles of the Feet Or Take of the Juice of Houseleek new drawn six Drams sharp Wine Vinegar an Ounce and a half Nitre two Drams Camphyr half a Dram. Mix and apply to the Stones soles of the Feet and forepart of the Head When the Person sleeps it ought to be taken off the Head A Cataplasm of Houseleek Purslain and Roses may be applied to the Temples and Forehead The Pulp of a Gourd applied to the Head shav'd is commended by Bartholet Some set their Feet into an excavated Gourd and find benefit by it The Juice of live River-Crabs newly express'd is applied to the Forehead with wonderful success Or Take of Rose-water ten Ounces Opium a Dram Saffron half a Scruple Mix them and apply with a doubled Linen Cloth to the Forehead Take of the Water of Frogs Spaun six or eight Ounces fresh Juice of River-Crabs two three or four Ounces Opium dissolv'd in Vinegar half a Dram or two Scruples Camphyr and Saffron of each six eight or ten Grains Mix c. Or Take of the Juice of River-Crabs extracted with the Water of Frogs Spawn six Ounces Vinegar of Roses two Ounces Triacle of Andromachus two Drams Camphyr half a Scruple Saffron six Grains Mix and foment the Head and Temples Let the Liquor be lukewarm or somewhat cold Lindanus attributes much to the antient way of applying live Creatures cut up along the middle as a Dove a Cock c. to the Head shav'd But in the first beginning of a Phrensy they rather enforce it Oftimes the phrentic Persons thro inadvertency neglect to void their
Intestinum Duodenum and Bowels under the short Ribs is the cause of the grossness thickness and vitious Acidity of the Blood which is the immediat material Cause of Madness The formal Cause is the Spirits which degenerating from their seminal and friendly Complexion become of a sharp saline and as it were sulphureous acid Quality and consequently being too too movable and less capable to be check'd in their ordinary Motions and withal penetrating every where by virtue of their pointed parts they become the Cause of Restlesness Watchings Fury extraordinary Strength c. This Disease is more incident to the Young than Old to Men than to Women but especially to melancolic Constitutions If it proceed from internal Causes it is an Evil of long continuance and of difficult Cure which tho it remit for some Months or Years yet it often leaves Melancoly behind which being easily exasperated returns with fresh Rage and accompanies the Patient till Strength failing through Watchings Fastings and almost perpetual Movings it kindly shuts up their miserable Life In curing this Disease we must endeavour 1. To mitigat the Fury that the Patient may be the easier manag'd and Medicines exhibited 2. To remove the Distemper of the Blood and Spirits The first is excellently perform'd by strong Vomits and frequent Bleeding Preparations from Steel and Lead joined with Anodine Medicines correct the Blood and other Humors as Remedies from Camphyr and Musk do recreat and restore the Spirits The Foundation therefore of the Cure must be laid by administring strong and generous Vomits not only in the beginning but progress of the Disease For this purpose the Antients us'd white Hellebor-roots with excellent success But it ought not to be given in substance Take of white Hellebor-roots from half a Dram to a Dram boil them in Wine till it become soft infuse the Root thus prepar'd in fresh Wine all night in a hot place strain the Liquor or squeeze more or less according to the measure of its desired strength Dose a Dram. Some instead of this use Infusions of Antimonial Emetics but they prove too weak Morcurius Vitae is good Aurum Vitae Kegleri is much commended also the Leaves of Asarabacca but all these must be given in a greater Dose than ordinary As Take of the Conserve of the Leaves of Asarabacca a Dram Pouder of its Roots two Scruples Mercurius Vitae one Grain make a Bolus The Infusion of human Nails is also a strong Emetic surpassing those of Antimony If in the beginning of this Disease Purging is required you may use what I have above prescrib'd for Melancoly chiefly black Hellebor and its Extract the Extractum Melanogogum Quercetani c. to which Antimony Purgative or Mercurius Vitae Laxative ought still to be added As Take of the Essence of black Hellebor a Dram and a half of that of Pimpernel half a Dram Emetic Syrup of Angelus Sala half an Ounce After strong Purgation copious and frequent Bleeding is proper first in the Ancle then in the Arm and Forehead some have been cur'd by opening an Artery Cauterizing and trepaning of the Skull have been successfully used as hath also Salivation by Mercury But while these things are a doing such Alteratives are to be given as may restrain the boiling and wild Motion of the Blood and Spirits and together with these Opiats and sulphureous Minerals and fix'd Anodines and that in a strong Dose Such altering Remedies as we prescrib'd for Melancoly may be us'd here Particularly those from Tartar Steel Lead c. But withal Nitre and its Preparations are not to be neglected As Take purify'd Nitre half a Dram Camphyr eight Grains Mix 'em and make a Pouder Or Take purified Nitre two Scruples Laudanum Opiatum two Grains Make a Pouder We may also use appropriated Specifics such as the Arterious Blood of an Ass Pimpernel with the red Flowers St. John's-wort Fumitory Water-Lilly Borrage Baum Spleen-wort the Herb True-love Polypody of the Oak to all which Camphyr may be added As Take a clean Linen Rag of a hands length and breadth dip'd in Asses Blood infuse it in a sufficient quantity of Water of St. John's-wort to two Ounces of the strain'd Infusion add Essence of Pimpernel half a Dram Laudanum Opiatum about a Grain Or Take the Leaves of True-love together with the Berries two handfuls Leaves of red flower'd Pimpernel Flowers of St. John's-wort of each an handful Roots of Polypody of the Oak an Ounce small Raisins bruis'd two Ounces boil these in a sufficient quantity of Whey to three pounds of the strain'd Decoction add Essence of Pimpernel an Ounce and a half Mix them Or Take leaves of Baum cut small an handful infuse 'em in four Ounces of Spirit of Wine add half a Dram of prepar'd Pearls Dose two Spoonfuls to be repeated every day The Epitheme prescrib'd for Melancoly may also be us'd here Or Take of Musk twelve Grains Camphyr a Scruple Red-rose-water impregnated with the Tincture of red Saunders fifteen Ounces In this Mixture dip several Folds of Linen Cloth to be apply'd to the shav'd Head and Temples wetting the Cloth as it dries for twenty four hours space or anoint with the following Liniment Take of the Sleep-causing Ointment two Drams distill'd Oil of Camphyr a Scruple Musk half a Scruple Saffron eight Grains Mix ' em Or Take Rose-water or Juice of River-Crabs ten Ounces Opium half a Dram Saffron half a Scruple make an Epitheme for the Forehead and Temples ART IV. Of Deliriums from an external Cause THIS Cause for the most part is the biting of some other Creature enrag'd with Anger or taken with Madness As in the case of a Canina Rabies which is so called because 't is oftenest occasioned by the biting of a mad Dog tho the Infection may be deriv'd from any other Creature For if any Creature chaf'd with Anger bites another 't will cause either Madness or a very malignant and dangerous Wound These things relating to this Disease are most worthy our Observation viz. 1. The manner of Infection which may be by the slightest bite or hurt of the mad Creature or even the least touch of its Spittle 2. A Hydrophobia or the fear of Water and other liquid things accompanies this Distemper 3. The malign Contagion lies hid and as it were asleep in the Body sometimes two three or as some say thirteen or twenty years 4. In the Spittle and Urine of rabid Animals are often seen other small Creatures resembling the Form of the first Authors of their Madness And lastly the infected Creature exactly imitates the Actions and Meen of that which gave the Contagion The Cause of this Disease consists in a certain peculiar Ferment which affecting first the Spirits and then the Blood do's in some sort assimilat 'em to those of the furious Creature This Ferment is carried along with the Saliva into the Wound It is of importance to know whether the Creature by which a Man has been bitten be
mad or not in order to prevention the manner of the Discovery is this apply and rub upon the Wound Crum of Bread till it is impregnated with the moisture and if a Dog will neither eat nor smell to it or dies if he does 't is a sign the Creature was mad Sometimes this Disease is accompany'd with a Feaver and sometimes not The Signs that attend its beginning are an anxious heaviness of Heart Anger without a manifest Cause complaining of the offensiveness of the Ambient Air heaviness of the Body c. The Signs of a perfect Rabies are Convulsive Distentions of the Members a bloated Face anguish of Heart frothing at Mouth frightful Eyes barking like a Dog or otherwise aping the infecting Animal restlesness perpetual Watching c. but especially an Hydrophobia or shrinking at the sight of any Liquor If taken at the beginning it may be cur'd with proper Remedies but if it is come to perfection and accompany'd with an Hydrophobia it is an acute Distemper which seldom admits of Cure but brings Death the second or third or at most the fourth day from the Invasion of this Symptom In the Cure of this fatal Distemper two Periods of times are to be noted 1. That of receiving the first Hurt or Wound 2. That of the supervening Madness and subsequent Hydrophobia To begin with the latter we must endeavour by all means to explode that venomous Ferment already possessing the Mass of Blood This must be done by internal Antidots as well common as specific such are Roots of Gentian and Swallow-wort Galen's Mad-wort Rue St. John's-wort Pimpernel Carduus Benedictus Fuller's Thistle Sage Betony Myrrh and the like As Take of the Leaves of Rue Sage Plantan Polypody Vervain common Wormwood Mint Mugwort Baum Betony St. John's-wort Lesser Centory of each a convenient quantity beat them into a Pouder to be taken from one to two Drams in hot Broth or a draught of Wine or in half a Dram of Venice Triacle and Syrup of Lemmons for forty days together at least The Waters of Germander Carduus Benedictus Tormentil Triacle white Maiden-hair and the like are convenient Vehicles for such Pouders Moreover seal'd Lemnian and Melitean Earths are good also Venice Triacle Mithridat Electuarium de Ovo c. but above all Theriaca Diatessaron with Opium As Take of the Water of the Flowers of St. John's-wort an Ounce and a half Venice Triacle half an Ounce Bezoardic Tincture a Dram and a half Essence of Crabs-eyes a Dram mix them for one Dose Or Take of Venice Triacle one Dram Salt of Wormwood half a Dram let them be taken in a Draught of sharp Wine The use of these and such like Antidots must be persisted in for two or three Months for oftentimes after it has lain hid for some Months nay sometimes years the Hydrophobia will again show it self so that tho the use of Sudorifics may yet that of Specifics ought not to be discontinu'd As for example Take of prepar'd Crabs-eyes burnt Hartshorn prepar'd and prepar'd Jaw-bone of a Pike of each a Dram. Mix and make a Pouder The River-Crab alone is a Specific against the biting of a mad Dog It must be gathered in the Dog-days and calcin'd alive A Dram or two of the Ashes with a Dram of Pouder of Gentian may be given in a Cup of good Wine the Patient being prepar'd for Sweating But the better way of exhibiting River-Crabs is to distil them being well bruis'd with an Alembic in a Water-bath so you shall have the fam'd Water of Crabs and what remains at bottom may be given inwardly from half a Dram to a whole one in their own distill'd Water adding Pouder of Gentian-root or Pimpernel Or Take of Venice Triacle a Dram River-Crabs thus prepar'd Roots of Pimpernel of each half a Dram. The Root of the wild Rose-tree is commended by the Antients Staeckerus us'd to give a Dram of Pouder of Gentian mix'd with as much Venice Triacle every Morning for three days injoining the Person to fast five or six hours after and make account to sweat having first ty'd on the Wound Garlic Rue and Salt bruis'd and mix'd in the form of a Cataplasm which Method he says never fail'd him Some Remedies are taken from the mad Creature it self such as its Blood pulveriz'd given to a Dram for three days Its Hair Heart or Liver boil'd or pouder'd Some plunge the Patient into cold Water over head and ears suddenly keeping him under Water a small time Purging is sparingly to be us'd and that only when the Hydrophobia is but just a beginning in this Case white and black Hellebor as also Species of Hiera picra are proper Strong Diuretics are not amiss among which Valerian and Cantharides are Specifics As to the Wound by which the Infection is receiv'd so soon as possible the malignant Poison is to be drawn forth lest it diffuse it self through the blood Let the Hair of the mad Creature if it can be had be laid on the Wound or the place being scarify'd and cleans'd with the exactest care apply this Cataplasm Take one of the sharpest Onions five Cloves of Garlic and half of its Root Venice Triacle six Drams with half an Ounce of Yest make a Cataplasm Several other things may be added such as Hony Mustard-seed Germander Gentian c. Some apply the Liver or Flesh of the Creature as also live Pigeons others use Scarification and Cupping-glasses others wash the scarify'd Wound with Wine or its Spirit camphoris'd Brine Salt Water Decoction of Germander or Gentian-root in Water or Wine applying afterwards the following Plaister Take six Ounces of Wax Oil of Olives and Goats Fat of each three Ounces melt them and add of best Frankincense half an Ounce The Wound is to be kept open for some time or even enlarg'd and if it is clos'd up before the compleat Cure of the Disease it must again be open'd But the most safe and withal the most speedy Remedy is burning with a hot Iron or an actual Cautery which utterly destroys all the Poison abolishing its seminal Crasis and so leaves the Patient secure as to the fear of dismal Events This were the proper place to treat of the Delirium Musicum occasion'd by the biting of the Tarantula and cur'd by Music but seeing it is not to be found with us we shall pass it over As for Deliriums proceeding from poisonous things whether taken down by the Mouth or drawn in with the Breath the first is cur'd by a Vomit given at first and the last after universal things are premis'd by Vinegar Castor and Camphyr given together or separately with proper Medicines As for Love-fits they are remov'd partly by rational Perswasions and partly by such Medicines as have been prescrib'd in Melancoly and Melancolic Distempers with this only difference that the milder sort will here prevail AN ABRIDGMENT OF ETMULLERUS HIS Practice of PHYSIC c. BOOK III. Of the Diseases peculiar to the
provoking Venery External Inunctions are not Improper Let the Perinaeum Cod Stones Groyn and Nut of the Yard be anointed with the Apoplectic Balsam or distill'd Oil of Mace with Oil of Cloves Mosch and Civet or with the Spirit or Juice of Ants. But care must be taken that their smell do not reach the Nostrils As for the Causes of the Deficiency of the Seed relating to the Stones if they be hid within the Abdomen we must endevour to bring 'em down by jumping leaping c. by emollient Baths and anointing the place where they are lodg'd with Balsam of Sulphur The swelling of the Stones is occasion'd either 1. By Blood and is call'd an Inflammation Or 2. By Wind call'd Pneumatocele 3. By a Collection of Serum within their Membrans call'd Hydrocele 4. By a schirrous Tumor 5. By a superfluous Flesh call'd Sarcocele 6. By the dilatation of the Spermatic Vessels call'd Hernia Varicosa Of these in order ART I. Of the Inflammation of the Stones THE Stagnation of the Blood causes Inflammations of the Stones or Cod. That may be occasion'd by the suppression of a Gonorrhaea violent Ligatures Contusion Blows Compression by riding c. The Signs are a pricking shooting Pain notable heat and redness besetting the affected Testicle and neighbouring parts accompany'd by a slow Feaver The Pain is exasperated by touching and reaches almost to the Loins If it be not quickly discuss'd it tends to a Gangrene or Impostume especially the Inflammation of the Cod. The Cure consists in discussing the swelling and mitigating the Pain If that cannot be obtain'd it must be ripen'd and open'd For the former purpose Bleeding and the common Evacuations and such gentle Diaphoretics as promote the Circulation of the Blood are the proper internal Remedies Outwardly apply the following Cataplasm Take of the Meal of Beans three or four Ounces Pouder of Cuminseeds two Ounces With Vinegar make a Cataplasm If the Vinegar be too sharp add of Lytharge of Ceruse from one to three Ounces For Lead and its Productions dulcify the sharpness of Vinegar Apply this Cataplasm warm to the part for all sorts of Inflammations Take of Quick-lime-Water a Pound or a Pound and a half Spirit of Wine camphoris'd half an Ounce or an Ounce Ceruse or Sugar of Lead a Dram and a half Make an Epithema to be applied hot And if the pain be violent add of Opium dissolv'd in Vinegar one Scruple For venereal Inflammations let the Part be fomented with the Decoction of China-roots and Elder-flowers in Ale or Wine Rue Agrimony Vervain Chamomile the Herb Paris Elder-flowers c. are also proper Ingredients for Cataplasms or Decoctions If the Pain be violent add to them Leaves of Henbane thus Take of the Leaves of Wormwood Lady's Mantle and lesser Centory the Flowers of the Sloe-tree Chamomile and Mullein and Leaves of Henbane of each a handful Boil them in Wine with a little Water and apply the strain'd Liquor with a warm Cloth to the Part. The Mucilage of Fleawort-seeds extracted with Water of Frog's Spawn may be added to the foregoing Ingredients If the Tumour cannot be discuss'd emollient suppurating things are proper as the Plaister call'd Filii Zachariae soften'd with Balsam of Sulphur prepar'd with Oil of Turpentin If the Pain be overbearing let the Leaves of Henbane be rosted under the Ashes bruis'd and applied with Lard in the form of a Cataplasm When the swelling is ripe let it be open'd with a Lance by a skilful Surgeon ART II. Of a Pneumatocele or distention of the Stones by Wind. IT is ofttimes accompany'd by a Hydrocele or Collection of Water The Wind is either deriv'd from the Abdomen or owing to the acid vitious quality of the nutritious Liquor of the Membrans surrounding the Stones The Signs are a swelling and distending pain without any sense of weight If it likewise seize the Cod it moves too and again when press'd by the hand All internal carminative Medicines are proper Externally let Carminative and discussing Cataplasms be applied As Take of the Pouder of Chamomile and Melilot-flowers and Meal of Beans of each six Drams Goats Dung and Bay-berries of each half an Ounce With Wine and Oil of Dill make a Cataplasm Take of Cows Dung two pound Brimstone and Cumin-seed of each an Ounce With Hony or Oil of Dill make a Cataplasm This is more effectual than the former If it be accompany'd by a Hydrocele anoint the part with Balsam of Sulphur prepar'd with Oil of Turpentin or Juniper and afterwards apply Rulandus's Plaister Diasulphuris temper'd with Oil of Nutmegs by expression Or Take of Coriander-seeds half an Ounce Cumin-seeds Aniseeds of each two Drams Allum half a Dram Wine common Water of each a pound and foment with the Infusion ART III. Of a Hydrocele or Collection of Water within the Membrans of the Stones THE Cause is the Rupture of the Lymphatic Vessels in the Stones or whatever stops the reflux of the Lymph from thence The Signs are a sense of something floating in the Cod the alteration of the form and bigness of the Stone the lucid and unwrinkled appearance of the Cod before a Candle At first the Swelling is soft and yields to the touch but do's not retire into the Belly by lying down or compression afterwards by continuance it becomes harder but is capable of receiving Pits and the Membrans grow thick and stiff The Cure is perform'd inwardly by Antihydropic Medicines Externally let the Balsam of Sulphur prepar'd with Oil of Turpentin or Schroder's Plaister ad Horniam or the Ausburg Hydropic Plaister be applied Or Take of the Plaister of Bay-berries Goat's Dung of each an Ounce and a half Cumin-seeds Flowers of Sulphur of each two Drams Mix with the Oil of Rue and Chamomile and make a Plaister Take of the Flowers of Chamomile of the Herb Paris of each two handfuls Meal of Beans from half an Ounce to an Ounce Goat's Dung three Ounces Pouder of Cockle-shells two Ounces Boil them in four parts of Chamomile-water and one part Vinegar to the Consistence of a Cataplasm Take of Goat's Dung one Pound Chamomile-flowers Elder-flowers of each two handfuls Cumin-seeds an Ounce Boil them in Child's Urine Foment with the strain'd Liquor and make a Cataplasm of the remainder Take of Cockles bruis'd together with the Shells four Ounces Bay-berries Brimstone of each two Ounces Goat's Dung three Ounces With Lees make a Cataplasm If a Hydrocele be inveterat all external Discussives are in vain and only Surgery can afford relief There are two ways by which it performs the Cure 1. By pricking or boring a hole in the Cod and outermost Coat of the Stone under which the Lymph is wont to be lodg'd 'T is a safe Operation in a simple Hydrocele but in hydropic Tumours for the most part it causes a Gangrene 2. By cutting away the affected Stone for ofttimes it relapses after a pricking or the neighbouring parts are in danger of a Gangreen in which
case Amputation is needful ART IV. Of the Schirrous Swellings of the Stones A Hard painless Swelling free of all Inflammation or Heat is call'd a Schirrus If a pricking Pain attend a hard Swelling it degenerats to a Cancer The Cause is the indiscreet Treatment of a preceding Inflammation which gives the accompanying Acid liberty to settle and thicken the matter Platerus mentions an Instance of little Stones within the Testes causing a Schirrus As for the Cure 't is perform'd by the Application of Gums dissolv'd in Vinegar and discussive Plaisters As Take of Gum Ammoniac dissolv'd in Vinegar six Drams Plaister of Hemlock soften'd with distill'd Oil of Tartar as much as sufficeth for a due Consistence The Balsam of Sulphur or Rulandus's Plaister Diasulphuris or the Ausburg-Plaister of Ammoniac are of good use Baths of Wine and in venereal Cases the Plaister de ranis with Mercury are not improper Timaeus recommends the following Composition Take of the Mucilage of Marshmallow-roots Fenugrec-seeds and fat Figs tosted of each three Ounces Gum Ammoniac Bdellium Galbanum of each an Ounce Goose-fat Hens-fat Goat's Tallow and Turpentin of each six Drams Oil of Lillies and Wax as much as sufficeth for a Plaister If it be attended by pain we ought to proceed very cautiously for fear of a Cancer upon which account Gummy Ingredients are only to be insisted upon If it tend to suppuration it must be open'd or the Stone cut quite off ART V. Of a Sarcocele or fleshy Swelling of the Stones EXternal Blows Falls and such like Accidents do not only cause Inflammations but sometimes tear the Vessels and Membrans of the Stones and so oblige the Blood and nourishing Juice to stagnat and settle into a fleshy Substance sticking to one or both the Stones or to the Membran of the Cod call'd Dartos The Signs are these the Swelling is indolent hard constant and increases by degrees There is a near resemblance between it and the swelling of the Epididimes occasion'd by a Redundancy of Seed or the Stagnation of the Blood caus'd by the Schirrus of the Stones but the preceding Signs if carefully trac'd will discover the difference If it be attended by a shooting it discovers a malignant nature and tendency to a Cancer and ought not to be meddled with As touching its Cure inward Remedies are seldom effectual Let the universal Evacuations be first premis'd then exhibit the Antiscrophulous Specifics as the Pouder or Decoction or Essence of Restharrow-roots and dulcify'd Spirit of Salt Pouder of Comfrey-roots seal'd Earth Rupture-wort and Spunge-stone c. Outwardly foment with a Mixture of Vinegar Nitre and the Ashes of Vine-twigs or apply a Cataplasm of Sulphur Cockle-shells and Vinegar or the following Plaister which is mightily extoll'd Take of Gum Ammoniac an Ounce and a half Bdellium Mustard-seeds Nettle-seeds of each six Drams Spunge-stone one Ounce Pouder of Birthwort-roots Sulphur of each half an Ounce Turpentin an Ounce Spirit of Wine an Ounce and a half Oil of Olives four Ounces Wax six Ounces Make a Plaister Take of the Gums Animi Sagapenum Opoponax and Galbanum of each an Ounce Dissolve 'em in Vinegar of Roses Then thicken it and with a sufficient quantity of Oil of Bricks make a Plaister which is equally fitted for Suppuration or Discussion If it tend to Suppuration after opening apply the Plaister of Gums and black Rosin and afterwards when 't is proper to consolidat a styptic Plaister Vigo's Plaister with Mercury is of incomparable use but the Mercury may deprive the Stones of their prolific Virtue The natural Baths are of very good use If these Medicines prove ineffectual the Excrescence must be cut out either alone or together with the Stone as its Circumstances will admit ART VI. Of a Distention of the Spermatic Veins or Hernia Varicosa WHatever disturbs the Reflux of the Blood by the Spermatic Veins causes an uneven inconstant sort of rising towards the Stone resembling a Cluster of Grapes The Stone drops and hangs loose and the Swelling is painless unless the Guts be molested with Wine or the Feet expos'd to cold Bathing is very proper Let the Plaister of Mucilage mix'd with the Plaister of Ammoniac and Oil of Bricks or the Ointment Basilicum mix'd with the Fat of Animals be applied to the part If it be inveterat it must be committed to the care of a Surgeon CHAP. II. Of the irregular Ejaculation of the Seed THE Ejection of the Genital Liquor is irregular 1. When 't is cast forth without any venereal Provocation 2. When in the act of Venery its Egress is too precipitant and hasty 3. When 't is too slow 4. When 't is not ejected at all ART I. Of a Running or involuntary Emission of the Genital Liquor A Running is either spurious or genuin To begin with the last a simple running is said to be such when the true genuin seminal matter is cast forth without the erection of the Yard or venereal Pleasure The Part affected is the seminal Vesicles 't is attended or follow'd by a weariness of the Limbs Weakness inability to move a pale Countenance hollow Eyes diminution of Sight Inappetency trembling and tendency to a Consumption In a word it robs the body of its balmy Moisture The Causes are threefold 1. The Redundancy or Turgescence of the seminal matter 2. It s sharpness which stimulats and contracts the Fibres of the seminal Vesicles and adjacent Muscles 3. It s tenuity and watriness together with the concurring flaccidity of the Vesicles and the patency of their Passages into the Urethra The remote Causes of the first are high feeding and drinking an intire freedom from Labour and Care abstaining from the wonted Measure of Venery frequent Correspondence with venereal Objects lying upon the Back c. The Remote Causes of the second are a sharp saltish Disposition of the Blood as in scorbutic and hypochondriac Constitutions an immoderat use of sharp aromatic volatil things as Pepper Mustard Rocket-seeds Water-cresses Wine Cantharides and sharp volatil Purgatives Those of the third are excessive Venery especially in ones Youth and manual Violence which not only relaxats the seminal Vesicles but destroys the Ferment in the Stones as appears by the watry inelaborat Consistence of the Seed If a genuin Running be inveterat it degenerats into a Hectic and is not easily cur'd nor is it safe to stop it suddenly lest the Suppression of the wonted Evacuation should cause an Inflammation or Tumour in the Testicles The general Indications of Cure are to lessen the vicious quantity or qualify the sharpness of the matter or to corroborat the Ferment and Texture of the parts For the first of these Purposes acid thin Food short Commons frequent Exercise and Watchings are proper Spirit of Vitriol and Crude Nitre powerfully curb the Ferment of the Testicles But the Juices of Citrons Pomegranats and Lemons are more temperat and universally applauded for stopping all manner of Runnings The Juice of Lemons with
of Civet eight Grains Ambergrise six Grains Mosch five Grains distill'd Oil of Cinnamom eight Drops distill'd Oil of Nutmegs four Drops Balsam of Peru as much as sufficeth for a due Consistence Mix and anoint the Perinaeum and Nut of the Yard CHAP. II. Of the immoderat Erection of the Yard THIS proceeds from the Contraction of the Muscles at the Root of the Yard hindring the Recess of the Blood which may be occasion'd two ways 1. When the Redundancy and Turgescence of the seminal Liquor irritats to a perpetual Erection and desire of Venery which for the most part ceases after repeated Injoyment 2. When the Muscles are seiz'd with Convulsions and the Erection is attended with Pain exasperated by venereal Embraces and free of any Inclination that way As for the first viz. the Heat Sharpness and Turgescence of the Seminal Liquor 't is occasion'd by a sedentary Life high Feeding use of Spices or venereal Incentives wanton Thoughts and Conversation volatil sharp Purges c. It prognosticats fast Living an universal Weakness and a short Life 'T is cur'd by frequent Blood-letting imploying the Mind exercising the Body fasting watching the continu'd use of Nitre and Spirit of Vitriol or of Camphyr or of Sugar of Lead Hempseed is a proper Specific Purslain Lettuce Water-Lillies Vervain Mint Willow-Twigs and Leaves c. are generally approv'd Take of Hemp-seed Melon-seeds of each two Drams the four cold Seeds of each a Dram Lettuce-water Sorrel-water and Water of the Flowers of Water-Lillies of each three Ounces make an Emulsion and sweeten it with Syrup of white Poppies Take of the Waters of Vine-leaves and of Willow-leaves of each an Ounce and a half dulcify'd Spirit of Vitriol half a Dram. Mix and sweeten with pearled Sugar Take of the Phlegm of Vitriol two Drams Tincture of Dazies Tincture of Rose-flowers of each half a Dram. Mix c. Take of the Pouder of the Seeds of Chast Lamb depurated Nire of each two Drams Camphyr half a Scruple Laudanum Opiatum six Grains Make a Pouder Let the Juices of Plantain Nightshade Hemlock Henbane and Comfrey be mix'd with distill'd Vinegar and Sugar of Lead and applied to the Cod and Sharebone Or make Cataplasms of the same Ingredients with Vinegar Let the Juice of Comfrey or of Lettuce in which Nitre is dissolv'd be applied to the Stones Loins and all round the Genital Parts As touching the Second viz. The Convulsion of the Muscles causing a Priapismus hindering the Reflux of the Blood and imparting somewhat convulsive to the Yard 't is occasion'd by the iritation of the Animal Spirits whether by an internal or external Cause Cantharides or other venereal Incentives unseasonably and immoderatly us'd frequently produce it If it be attended by violent Pain it portends an Inflammation or Impostume in the Part or the Convulsions of other Parts As for the Method of Cure Vomits are more proper than Purgatives by reason that the latter frequently prove Incentives to Venery After Vomiting let vitriolic and nitrous Acids be exhibited The Decoction of Lentils with the Seed of the Chast Tree is applauded by Lindanus Opium and Camphyr with the Juice of Citrons Diaphoretic Gold Rue Mint c. are much in use If it proceed from the use of Cantharides Milk is not improper Let the Perinaeum be anointed with Oil of Rue or of Mint or fomented with Wine in which Rue and Cumin-seeds have been boil'd or apply Cataplasms of Mint Rue Flowers of Water-Lillies Vinegar and Water Or anoint with Camphyr dissolv'd in Oil of Sweet Almonds or in Vinegar Vitriolic and nitrous Liquors are proper for the same use CHAP. III. Of the Depravation of the Erection of the Yard THE Erection of the Yard is deprav'd when it stands awry or departs from the natural Posture If the Bridle be short it stands crooked but that is cur'd by cutting the Bridle If the Depravation proceed from the Inflammation of the Yard 't is cur'd by emollient Cataplasms such as we prescrib'd for the Inflammation of the Testicles Sometimes Erection is hindred by a Pain in the Yard caus'd by frequent Venery which is cur'd by thrusting into the Passage Balsam of Peru or the Leaves of Hemlock bruis'd If the Pain be caus'd by a Stone in the Bladder there is nothing better than to put the Yard into the Water of the Whites of Eggs with Woman's Milk and Camphyr The remaining Causes which disturb the Erection of the Yard are those relating to the Foreskin They are of two sorts 1. When the Prepuce imprisons and straitens the Nut and cannot be drawn back This is call'd Phimosis 2. When the Prepuce being drawn off cannot be brought to cover the Nut again This is call'd Paraphimosis As for the first if the Prepuce be naturally so strait it ought to be cut but so as to avoid the Vein that runs along its side If it proceed from the accidental Corrugation of the Prepuce let the Cream of Quicklime be beaten up with fresh Butter and applied to it If it proceed from an Inflammation occasion'd by the Embraces of a foul Woman foment the Prepuce and Nut with the following ●●ixture Take of the Mucilages of Fleawort-seeds of Quince-seeds of Fenugrec-seeds extracted with Plantain-water of each an Ounce the Yelk of one Egg and three Ounces of Cows Milk Mix c. Or Foment with the Water or Decoction or Quick-lime warm if you please you may add to it Sugar of Lead or sweet Mercury Take of Chamomile and Elder-flowers of each a handful Henbane-flowers Aniseeds and Fennel-seeds of each half a handful Bay-berries half an Ounce Cut bruise and boil them in Lime-water and apply the hot strain'd Liquor to the Part. Or make a Cataplasm of the Meal of Beans with Lime-water for the same use As for a Paraphimosis 't is occasion'd for the most part by the first Venereal Encounter and is ofttimes accompany'd by a swelling of the Prepuce Upon which account softning and discussing Ingredients ought to be joyn'd together Take of the Leaves of Marshmallows common Mallows and Pellitory of the Wall of each a handful Marshmallow-roots and white Lilly-roots of each an Ounce Flowers of red Roses and Flowers of Chamomil of each two little handfuls Boil them in Milk to the Consistence of a Pultise and apply to the part Flowers of Chamomil or of Elder or of Henbane may be boil'd in Milk or Lime-water for a Fomentation Or apply a Cataplasm of white Bread Yelks of Eggs Oil of Roses and Saffron If the Pain be violent Saffron ought always to be added AN ABRIDGMENT OF ETMULLERUS HIS Practice of PHYSIC c. BOOK IV. Of Diseases peculiar to Women SECT I. Of the Disorders of the Menstrual Flux THE most notable Alteration which happens to Women when they are ripe for Men's Embraces is the monthly Evacuation of Blood by the secret Parts beginning ordinarily in the fourteenth year of Age and ending in the forty ninth tho sometimes it anticipates the former
Chalybeat and absorbent Medicines 3. To strengthen the Womb and its Vessels with Astringent and chiefly Martial Remedies Now with regard to these Indications we must observe 1. That a Flux of any considerable standing must not be stop'd of a sudden 2. The Diet must be well order'd the Patient must be kept warm with rest of Body and Mind her Drink must be warm and she ought to abstain from Wine 3. Mild Purgatives and such as leave some astriction behind them may be used before the Flux when a superfluous Serosity abounds as a Dram of Rhubarb mix'd with Conserve of Roses or Syrup of Quinces also Myrobalans Or Take Pouder of choice Rhubarb a Dram Marmalad of Quinces half an Ounce Plantain-water an Ounce Mix for a draught 4. Bleeding increases the Disorder and ought not to be us'd but instead of it if the Blood is waterish you may have recourse to Sudorifics and Diuretics 5. Opiats are of singular use in preventing and curing the Paroxism but special regard must be had to the Patient's Strength Remedies therefore in this Disease are either absorbent or allaying in regard of the Blood or astringent with respect to the Womb. The Oil and Spirit of Vitriol given in Plantane-water do's notably allay the ardour of the Blood also prepar'd Nitre Lapis prunellae and mild acid Astringents As for Astringents which thicken the Blood and correct its fluidity These are Plantane Purslain Shepherds Purse Nettles white flower'd Yarrow and chiefly their Juices the Moss of the wild Plum-tree and that of the Oak given to a Dram twice or thrice in a potch'd Egg Loostrife with a purple Flower the greater Comfrey and its Root the Root of Bistort Nutmegs Rinds of bitter Oranges and their Decoction the Bark of the Root of the Mulberry-tree Rinds of Pomegranates and their Flowers Poppv and Henbane-seeds Pears Services Quinces Medlars Mastic and Wood of the Mastic-tree Misletoe of the Oak Steel and Chalybeat Remedies Coral and its Preparations Allum Bole-Armenic seal'd Earth Amber Dragons Blood the Dung of an Ass Goose or Dog the Yelk of an Egg burnt Hartshorn c. Of these and such like many forms may be prescrib'd As Take red Coral prepar'd yellow Amber Bole-Armenic Dragons Blood of each two Drams Plantain-seed calcin'd Borace of each a Dram Laudanum Opiatum six Grains Hartman's Extract of Saffron a Scruple Make a Pouder which is of excellent use when the Disease proceeds from watry Blood Take Conserve of Roses vitriolated an Ounce burnt Hartshorn prepar'd Blood-stone prepar'd of each a Dram Allum prepar'd with Sugar twelve Grains Laudanum Opiatum two Grains Make an Electuary with the Syrup of acid Pomgranates which is excellent in all bleedings of the Womb. Or Take Water of Frogs Spawn and of Oak-leaves of each six Drams prepar'd Bloodstone two Scruples Moses of human Scull a Scruple Syrup of Myrtles three Drams But it is in vain to multiply Prescriptions which any one may vary at his Pleasure Externals may likewise be us'd Some hang a Jasper about the Neck Some a Toad kill'd and dry'd A Pessary may be made of Asses and Hogs Dung with Juice of Plantane and the Mucilage of Quince-seed Injections for the Womb may be made of the Decoctions of simple Astringents or their Juices with addition of Allum If a grievous Pain and sense of burning molest the Vagina Henbane and Poppy-seeds may be added to Astringents Some order a Woman to put on a Shift that has been for eight days worn by a Man and add that by so doing she runs the risque of never having her Terms again Some commend Cataplasms As Take Carpenters Ruddle Bloodstone and dulcify'd Earth of Vitriol with red Bole of each equal parts Mix them into a Cataplasm with Whites of Eggs and Vinegar to be apply'd to the Belly and particularly the Region of the Groin Natural hot Baths are excellent if the Evil is inveterat Some also have found much good by fomenting the Region of the Groin with a Spunge dip'd in the Decoction of Allum either alone or with the addition of Knotgrass Roots of Bistort and the like CHAP. III. Of the Depravation of the Menstrual Flux WE shall cast into this Head several Accidents and Defaults of this Flux of which we treat in the following Articles ART I. Of the difficulty of the Terms TO Women of an impure and Cacochymic Body it often happens that a day or two before their Courses are upon them and sometimes when they begin to flow they are afflicted with Headaches pricking and grievous Pains of the Stomac beating and shooting Pains of the Loins reaching sometimes to the Groin also Pains in the Belly Palpitations of Heart difficulty of Breathing which Symptoms either cease or at least diminish when the Terms come till these being over those also vanish These Pains proceed from the Vessels of the outer Neck of the Womb which either being too small or stop'd up by the foregoing Flux hinder the discharge of the fermenting Blood Moreover in those of an ill habit of Body Wind coming from the vitiated Bile and pancreatic Juice and passing from the Guts to the Mesentery occasions Spasms and Contractions of the Nerves and Membranes whence insue the racking pains resembling those of the Cholic This Distemper if not timely prevented ends in a total Suppression of the Terms sometimes dismal hysteric and other bad Symptoms ensue In order to adjust the Cure we must endeavour to rectify the vitiated Crasis of the Blood by Chalybeat and aromatic volatil Remedies with the addition of gentle Laxatives In the Paroxysm the Fermentation of the Blood should be promoted by volatil Aromatics the Effervescence of the Bile and pancreatic Juice should be restrain'd by Chalybeat Medicines and fix'd Acids In the Paroxysm let gentle loosening Clysters with Turpentine be injected then exhibit the compound Essence of an Ox's Milt either alone or with the liquid Essence of Steel to which may be added Essence of Saffron also Elixir proprietatis compound Tincture of Tartar distill'd Oil of Aniseed or that of Amber Or Take Penyroyal-water two Ounces Water of Mugwort half an Ounce Essence of Castor a Dram and a half Spirit of Sal Armoniac half a Dram distill'd Oil of Aniseed three Drops Syrup of Mugwort six Drams Mix and make a Potion If eight days before the flowing of the Terms an Alterative and laxative Bag be given in Wine the following hysteric Pills will effect the Cure Take of Aloe three Drams best Myrrh a Scruple Extracts of Calamus Aromaticus and Carduus Benedictus of each half a Scruple of Saffron three Grains of Roots of Gentian round-rooted Birthwort and Dittany of each five Grains With Essence of Myrrh make Pills to be given during the time of the Flux from half a Dram to a whole one for some days Sweet things ought to be avoided but the following Potion to be taken by Spoonfuls is of singular efficacy Take Water of Swallows with Castor an Ounce and a
Salt of Tartar of each a Dram boil them in a sufficient quantity of common Water to nine Ounces of the strain'd Decoction add Electuary of Bay-berries an Ounce distill'd Oil of Amber volatil Salt of Hartshorn or Urine of each a Scruple the Yelk of one Egg Mix them and make a Clyster To such Decoctions you may also add Electuary of Hiera Picra Castor distill'd Oils of Cumin Caraways Amber Juniper-berries Turpentine c. Or instead of distill'd Oils volatil Salts from a Scruple to half a Dram as that of Urine Hartshorn Amber c. Clysters of the Smoak of Tobacco are also approv'd If the Patient is plethorick a Vein may be opened but with due caution Internally in the time of the Fit volatil and oily Salts are to be us'd and in particular such as readily cause sweat to which Opiats may be added Bitter things therefore are in common use such as Set-wall Southernwood Wormwood Lovage Angelica Gentian-root Mint Galangal Penny-royal Fever-few Clary its Decoction and Spirit Roman and common Chamomil Orange Peel wild Carrot-seed Juniper-berries Garlic taken in Wine its Electuary Saffron Rosemary Myrrh Elder and dwarf Elder-berries c. all which by virtue of an oily volatil Salt destroy the vitious Acid. To these we may add Castor Assa foetida the volatil Salts themselves as Spirit of Sal Armoniac Hartshorn volatil Salt of Amber given from five Grains to twelve in Swallow-water with Castor distill'd Oil of Amber volatil Salt of Soot the Tincture of Tartar Tincture of the Dross of the Regulus of Antimony Tincture of Castor prepar'd with Spirit of Wine or otherwise all the several Preparations of the fore-mention'd Simples Crollius's Elixir for the Womb Camphyr the Spirit of human Secundine chiefly that of the first Child the Juice of Courser's Dung express'd with Wine or Ale or its Decoction to all which we join Opium Hysteric Laudanum Mithridate and Triacle of which innumerable Prescriptions might be made up As Take of the Waters of Mint Elder-flowers and Fever-few of each an Ounce Essence of Castor three Drams volatil Salt of Hartshorn twelve Grains that of Amber eight Grains Hysteric Laudanum nine Grains Syrup of Orange Peel six Drams Mix and make a Potion Or Take prepar'd Amber prepar'd Pearls or Crabs-eyes Castor of each a Scruple distill'd Oils of Rue and Amber of each five Drops Mix and make a Pouder 'T is to be noted that Preparations with Castor and such like fat volatil Salts yielding a strong smell agree not with some Patients for whom meagre Salts are more proper as dulcify'd Salt of Nitre c. If sweet Smells or Tasts be offensive we choose Medicines of contrary qualities After the Fit is over if a Relapse is feared it may be prevented by the use of Medicines partaking of Steel As Take Antiscorbutic and Hyssop-water of each an Ounce and a half Solution of Steel in Juice of Apples three Drams Spirit of Scurvy Grass a Dram and a half fermented Laudanum two Grains Syrup for the Scurvy three Drams Mix and make a Potion But if what is above prescrib'd prove ineffectual we may try a strong Snuff and if that has no effect give a Vomit yea Blood-letting has been found sometimes to avail in desperat Cases Hitherto we have prescrib'd what is to be done during the Paroxysm when 't is over we first give Digestives then Vomits and afterwards Anti-hypocondriac and Antiscorbutic Remedies for Digestives I refer you to the hypocondriac and scorbutic Diseases Or Take red Coral prepar'd or Mother of Pearl or Crabs-eyes prepar'd half a Dram Arcanum Duplicatum a Scruple Salt of Wormwood half a Scruple Mix for three Doses For a Vomit take Arcanum Duplicatum or Tachenius's vitriolated Tartar nine Grains Mynsicht's Emetic Tartar two or three Grains Mix and make a Pouder Next to these Aromatics mix'd with mild Laxatives are to be us'd and these almost the same as the internal Specifics prescrib'd in the Fit In short the Method of Cure is the same with that of hypocondriac and scorbutic Disorders So that alterative Bags of carminative Ingredients such as are friendly to the Nerves and Womb infus'd in Wine are of very good use Or whatever partakes of a volatil Alcali or a volatil oily aromatic Salt more or less bitter which destroys Acids or has an anodine Quality as the Roots of Angelica Butter-burr Set-wall Lovage Gentian and the like also Orange-peel and all Aromatics especially Clary and its Decoction also Baum Rosemary Mugwort Sage c. the Carminative Seeds or those call'd hot to which wild Laxatives such as black Hellebor and Briony may be added As for example Take of the Leaves of Baum Fever-few Pennyroyal of each a handful Leaves of Senna Roots of Gentian and black Hellebor of each a Dram prepar'd Spurge and true aromatic Costus of each three Drams Set-wall Salt of Tartar of each half an Ounce Cut bruise and tie them in a Bag to be infus'd in Wine Medicines of Steel are wonderfully helpful as also succinated Spirit of Salt Ammoniac given to thirty Drops at night and mild Laxatives mix'd with Opiats Take Gum Ammoniac dissolv'd in Vinegar half a Scruple Vitriol of Mars five Grains Extract of Castor three or four Grains Extract of Troches Alhandal a Grain or of the Troches themselves three Grains Make Pills with the distill'd Oil of Amber SECT IV. Of the Disorders of Women denying admission to Men. CHAP. I. Of the down-falling of the Womb. SOmetimes the outer Neck of the Womb especially its internal wrinkled Membrane either by hard Labour or the unskilful hand of a Midwife or by an immoderate red or white Flux is so relaxated and extended that it hangs out in form of a Ball having a hole in the middle two Fingers breadth without the Privity and sometimes some part of the internal Membrane is relaxated and hangs out like a blind round Ball by a small Neck In this Case both the Antients and some of the Moderns fancy that the Womb falls down Whereas that Symptom never happens but when an unskilful Midwife pulls it down by force and so kills the Patient outright This Distemper is usher'd in by a stretching Pain of the Parts to which the Womb is fastened sometimes a Feaver and Convulsions supervene and sometimes the prominent Substance becomes the Seat of an Ulcer or Gangrene and must be cut out by the hand of the Surgeon All that Art can do is 1. To restore the Part fallen down to its natural Place 2. To confirm it there either truly by Astringents or palliatively by other means 3. If that can't be compass'd Amputation is the only relief The Patient being conveniently plac'd on her Back let the part be gently put up with ones Fingers cover'd with a soft Cloth wet with the Decoction of mild discussive Aromatics such as Rosemary Sage Wormwood c. boil'd in equal parts of Wine and common Water or Water from the Forge This done Decoctions prepar'd of vulnerary Astringents
are to be us'd internally such as those of Rupture-wort Mousear Knot-grass Comfrey-root Cyprus-Nuts Betony Tormentil c. to which Anise and Fennel-seeds and the four greater hot-seeds may be added Externally also Astringents must be us'd the place may be fumigated with their Smoak or their Decoction injected or the Privity fomented therewith or a Pessary of carded Wool may be dip'd in it and apply'd Such Astringents are Galls Oak-leaves and those of the Myrtle Sloe-tree Horse-tail Ladies-Mantle Milfoil Pomegranat-rind Sumac and the like which may be boil'd in Forge-water adding Allum if the Parts be not excoriated or exulcerat The Moss of the Oak-tree also and Nettles and Sun-flower are commended For a Palliative Cure you may use Wax or Cork white Wax or the Mass of a Plaister made of Wax Colophon Gum Elemi and the like shap'd into a round oblong or pear-like Form according as there is occasion with a hole in the middle and a thread fasten'd to 'em their bigness must exactly answer that of the Vagina But if it is only an Excrescence or one or two wrinkles of the Vagina or if the Vagina it self being fallen down is altered by the Air or corrupted or ulcerated it must be cut off by the Root a Ligature being first made with a Thread and then it must be cur'd as an Ulcer CHAP. II. Of the Inflammation of the Womb. THIS is caus'd by Blood stagnating in the Pores of the Womb which is occasion'd either by too frequent Coition or cold catch'd after Labour or the Terms or by hard labour The Signs are a Swelling Heat stretching Pain of the Genitals Groin and Navel which if the Finger is put up into the Genitals is exasperated extending to the Lips Back-bone and Shoulders the Vagina is red with swollen Veins the Terms suppress'd with a burning continual Fever Thirst driness of the Tongue Head-ach Delirium and Convulsions It is dangerous enough and is easily converted into a Gangrene Discussion is safer than Suppuration sometimes it degenerates into a Schirrus and is accompanied by a Dropsy The Patient must in the beginning be let Blood at the Arm and a Clyster being given next day at the Ancle afterward you may use temperat emollient and resolving Clysters of the Decoction of Lettuce Mallows Violet-leaves Flowers of Chamomil c. boil'd in Lime-water mix'd with Lenitive Electuary solutive Syrup of Roses and Nitre To loosen the Belly give Decoction of Tamarinds wherein Senna with Cream of Tartar has been infus'd Externally we foment the Groin or apply Cataplasms of Mallows Marsh-mallows Pennyroyal Mugwort Melilot c. boil'd in common or Lime-water or Wine CHAP. III. Of Vlcers of the Womb and Vagina THE Causes are either internal as retention of the Loches suppurated Inflammations Corruption of the Foetus or Mola a virulent Clap the Whites c. or external as frequent and excessive Venery fretting of the Vagina hard Labour c. The naked Eye or a Womb-glass discovers 'em or if they lie deep in the Womb it self the troublesom biting Pain of these Parts when tickl'd in Coition or by sharp Injections reveals the Mystery They degenerate frequently into Fistulas or end in a Dropsy and tho they be cicatriz'd infer Barrenness If they proceed from an external Cause they must be cur'd by consolidating Remedies if from the sharpness of Humours they must be corrected and evacuated but first of all the Pain must be mitigated Internally cleansing vulnerary Decoctions are useful such as those of the tops of St. John's-wort ground Ivy Plantane Sawicle Shavings of Hartshorn c. Externally the same Decoctions may be injected Or Take of Chalybeat Milk one pound Turpentin dissolv'd in the Yelk of an Egg half an Ounce Hony of Roses an Ounce to be often injected for cleasing and consolidating the Ulcer SECT V. Of the Disorders of Conception COnception is nothing else but the Impregnation of one of the little Eggs contain'd in the female Testes by a certain Air or Spirit exhal'd from the seminal Liquor of the Male received into the Womb. The Egg thus influenc'd falls off into one of the Womb-Trumpets which at that time embrace the Testes and thence passes unto the Womb. Being received there it straight begins to increase and then one little point begins to distinguish it self by its tremulous and leaping Motion being surrounded with subtil red Threads the Rudiments of the Blood-vessels round which some small time after is to be seen something more gross and white like a little Cloud distinguish'd into two parts whose greater part consisting of four little Bags represents a rude Draught of the Brain Cerebellum and two Eyes and the lesser part being strech'd out below like a Ship 's Keel is the Rudiment of the Back-bone from which the Limbs gradually extend themselves while the Bowels successively shoot out from the Blood Vessels till the perfect Foetus is form'd The matter of which it is form'd is partly a clear Liquor resembling the white of an Egg convey'd thither by the Arteries and squeez'd through the glandulous Substance of the Womb into its Cavity and partly Blood elaborat from the foresaid Chyle or nutritious Juice so that the Parts are rightly distinguish'd into sanguine and spermatic There are scarce any infallible Signs of Conception however ordinarily if a Woman hath conceived the internal Orifice of the Womb is close shut up the Terms are stopp'd In the first days after Coition a certain shivering or wandring Sense of Cold spreads it self over the Body or its extreme parts the Appetite is impair'd she vomits every Morning and is troubled with longings and loathing such Meats as formerly were grateful If the Woman is cacochymical and scorbutic she is troubled with hysteric Affections tho unacquainted with 'em before a gradual Swelling invades the Belly and points upwards In the third fourth or fifth Month the Child is felt to move in the Belly first more obscurely and afterwards more distinctly finally the first Months oftentimes discover a heavyness and giddiness of the Head and sometimes the Tooth-ach from which Signs concurring we may conclude the Woman is with Child With reference to Conceptions we shall treat of false Conceptions Barrenness and vitious Conceptions Conception is counterfeited by an Inflation or Swelling of the Belly caused by external Air received unto the Womb after Child-bearing or Abortion or Bathing or in the time of or after the Menstrual Flux attended sometimes with cruel pains girding the whole Belly This is distinguished from a true Conception by these Symptoms 1. The Belly is not always equally distended 2. There is no motion or at least none but what may easily be distinguish'd from that of a Child 3. The Swelling is greater and less weighty not pressing so much upon the Pubes This Distemper is seldom dangerous tho sometimes when the Flux of the Terms or Lochia is stopt 't is attended by grievous Pains in the Womb. In which case let the Vein Saphaena be opened let
a word whatever was recommended for the Sciatica Particularly the following Oil Take of the distill'd Oil of Man's Bones one part stinking Oil of Tartar two parts Mix 'em with Quick-lim● and distil through a Retort a most penetrating Oil. If the Relaxation of the Ligaments occasion'd by a saltish Serum threaten a Dislocation administer inwardly Poterius's Diaphoretic Gold the Spirit of Earthworms Essence of Sassafras and Sal Volatile Oleosum and rub externally with the Spirit of Earthworms and the Oil of Earth applying a Plaister of Tacamahac and Caran soften'd with the Oil of Amber or Crollius's Styptic Plaister mix'd with Stone Oil. CHAP. V. Of Fractures BONES are broken mostly by external Causes tho there are some uncommon Instances of Fractures occasion'd by violent internal Convulsions Some Fractures come across the Bone and frequently cause Splinters which gall the nervous Parts most sensibly and sometimes wound the Skin They are easily discover'd by their extreme pain loss of Motion the contraction and distortion of the muscular Fibres the inflammations and soft swellings of the Part and by feeling with one's fingers especially if the Bone be out of its place But the Inflammations that attend 'em at first ought to be distinguish'd from the Erysipelas that sometimes appears about the fourth day being usher'd in by shiverings and accompany'd by a Feaver as arising from the growing Acidity of the nutritions Juices of the injur'd Membrans which provoke 'em to Contractions and so waken all the Juices in the Body Other Fractures are more properly Fissures viz. When the Bone is split lengthways The Symptoms of a Fissure are these A profound Pain gradually seizes the Bone but 't is still capable of performing its wonted Offices Afterwards a small reddish Tumor appears especially if the Fissure be great the nutritious Juice of the Bone runs out of the Cleft and glides along the Member till the Tendons about the Joints thwart its Passage and oblige it to stagnat and so become an Ulcer In the mean while the Bone it self where 't is split becomes rotten and feeds the Ulcer with continual supplies of corrupt matter tho at some distance Therefore a Surgeon ought to be very cautious in all Ulcers lying near the Joints to examin the Bone narrowly and inquire after the above-mention'd Symptoms since Ulcers proceeding from Fissures can never be cur'd 'till the distant Cause be trac'd out and accounted for As touching Prognosticks Fractures in the middle of the Bone without Wounds or Splinters are more favourable than those about the Joints or where the two joining Bones are both broke or where the Bone is beaten to pieces and the Wounds whether occult or manifest threaten Ulcers Fractures about tendonous places are very dangerous The Bones of the Thigh seldom consolidat being closely block'd up by bulky Muscles The time of the Re-union of broken Bones is uncertain as depending upon the difference of Ages and Constitutions Women with Child are not easily cur'd but after Delivery their Cure succeeds When a Bone is broken across 't is the Surgeon's Office to extend the Member and join the two ends together fastening 'em with proper Ligatures and ordering an easy Posture of the Part according to the custom of the Patient Thus the two ends of the broken Bone being laid together the nutritious Juice will stagnat betwixt 'em and gradually harden into a Substance of equal Consistence joining 'em together If the Part be inflam'd nothing can be attempted towards setting till the Inflammation be remov'd After 't is set bathe it with the Spirit of Wine mix'd with a third part of the Spirit of Earthworms or anoint it with the Oil of Earthworms distill'd Oil of Rosemary and the Oil of Man's Fat rectify'd upon Man's Bones applying afterwards a Plaister of Tacamahac soften'd with the distill'd Oil of Rosemary or the common Plaister of white Rosin Turpentin Pouders of Snakeweed and Birthwort-roots the Extract of round-rooted Birth-wort prepar'd with Spirit of Wine and distill'd Oil of Amber The Plaister must be so applied that its two ends do not come quite together lest they should suppress the Tumors that always happen If the Part be bruis'd apply Hony with the Spirit of Wine After the Plaister is applied tye it down with Swathes and Splents but the Swathes must not be too hard tied nor the Splents too many Astringent Cataplasms are generally us'd but to the detriment of the Patient If Cataplasms are demanded let 'em be made of the Leaves of the Herb Robert bruis'd or of the Pouder of Snakeweed-roots with Wine In the mean while 't will be proper to exhibit inwardly vulnerary Decoctions especially of Rosemary Agrimony Savin and the Herb Robert The Stone of Osteocolla given to a Dram in Wine or Vinegar is of singular use As for Fissures the divided parts of the Bone must be join'd the above-mention'd Plaister applied and the Member tied up with Swathes If a Tumor beset the Part let it be open'd and treated as a Fracture with a Wound If an Ulcer happen lay it open to the very Fissure and cleanse the rotten Bone and Ulcer as above If a Fracture be attended by a Wound it must be kept open for some time to give vent to the pieces of Bones that do not consolidate with the rest If the Bone hang out at the Wound and be not tainted by the Air it ought to be put into its proper place if otherwise it must be saw'd off or otherwise separated The Separation may be promoted by the following Liniment Take of Aloes and Myrrh of each half a Dram Comfry and Birthwort-roots of each three Drams Euphorbium two Drams With Turpentin and Wax make a Liniment Sometimes the Callus which joins the Bones is too bulky and causes a Deformity which may be help'd while 't is soft and green but it if be confirm'd there 's no relief For if a new Fracture be endeavour'd it will not fall upon the Callus but near to it CHAP. VI. Of a Gangrene and Sphacelus A Gangrene and Sphacelus differ only gradually the former being an imperfect the latter a perfect Mortification They are equally the Consequents of all the preceding Disorders viz. Tumors Wounds Ulcers Dislocations and Fractures and therefore seem'd to claim a peculiar Chapter to themselves Their immediat Cause is a prevailing Alcali that destroys the innate volatil Acid and dissolves its Sulphur The remote Causes are whatever prevents the Influx and Circulation of the Blood and Animal Spirits which are wont to recruit the volatil Acid as Ligatures Bruises Wounds Cold or the sudden Contraction of the Pores Poyson malignant Diseases c. The Symptoms are these At first the Arteries beat very high in the Part but the Pulsation Heat and Sense dwindle gradually away the Muscles become soft and flaccid and separat as it were from the Skin whose Color becomes pale blew and at length black If an Ulcer degenerat into a Gangrene it voids no corrupt Matter or if there be any 't is discolour'd and fetid If a Gangrene proceed from an internal Cause 't is incurable for tho the Part be cut off 't will revive elsewhere Nervous parts are more liable and more difficult to cure than the sanguine Sometimes a Tendon when seiz'd by a Gangrene may be mov'd by the Muscle which being long and at some distance is not touch'd and therefore Motion is no certain sign of a sound part For Cure In a Sphacelus the mortified part must be cut off In a recent Gangrene we must prevent its progress internally by exhibiting the Spirit of Triacle camphoris'd Spirit of Wine camphoris'd Spirit of Juniper-berries Spirit of Hartshorn c. and externally by applying the Spirit of Wine camphoris'd with Myrrh Aloes and Frankincense or the Decoction of Quick-lime mix'd with Spirit of Wine and Sweet Mercury or the Decoction of the Dross of Antimony in Vinegar or the Decoction of Lupines with White Wine Lye and Saffron Cataplasms of Germander Wormwood Hyssop Sage Agrimony c. boil'd in Lime-water and Clouts dip'd in the Decoction of the Caput Mortuum of Aqua fortis in Rose water are also much commended If the Gangrene be far advanc'd let the part be scarify'd and wash'd with the following Mixture Take of Pickle four Ounces Spirit of Wine camphoris'd two Ounces Ointment Aegyptiacum an Ounce Mix c. After 't is wash'd apply the Butter of Antimony or sublimat Mercury with Myrrh Aloes Allum and the Caput Mortuum of Vitriol or precipitat Mercury boil'd with the Oil of Nuts Some extol the following Cataplasm Take of Wormwood-tops Chamomil and Elder-flowers of each a handful and a half of the Herb Germander a handful and a half Rue half a handful Horse-dung three Ounces Boil them in Pickle adding in the end two Ounces of Ink and three Ounces of the Spirit of Wine In a Sphacelus the mortified part must be cut off with all convenient Speed without waiting as some do till it come to the Joint Some perform Amputations with red hot Instruments thinking thereby to prevent the excessive bleeding others are content with cold Instruments and stop the bleeding with the Pouder of Hog's Dung and dulcify'd Earth of Vitriol or with Clouts dip'd into a Mixture of the Vitriol of Steel and Allum with the Juice of Plantain FINIS
but a heap of crude Matter Sometimes it melts into a fix'd Viscous acid that falling short of its due thinness and volatility is the source of all Chronical Distempers which by the Ancients were imputed to the unequal Disposition of the Bowels or the cold Constitution of the Stomac complicated with the heat of the Liver This we call the acid Crudity of the Stomac At other times it degenerates into a Cruditas Nidorosa a putrid Matter smelling like something burnt or roasted The causes of these Disorders are the deficiency confusion or flatness of the Spirits thro' Weakness Passions Pains and want of Exercise the corruption or fixation of the acid ferment occasion'd by vicious Acids sweet things and such as tend to an acid Crudity or its dullness and inactivity occasion'd by the oyly Salt of the Choler abounding in the the Stomac eating of fat Food as Eggs fry'd with a large quantity of Butter and such like which produce a Cruditas Nidorosa the fixation and viscidity of the Reliques of preceding Digestions in the Pleats of the Stomac following the preposterous administration of fix'd absorbent Powders in Feavers eating of disagreeable and unwonted Food which renverses the Seminal Crasis of the ferment and requires a new proportion of digestive Salts whereas the Food that the Appetit calls for and is by custom well acquainted with meets with a more wellcome reception from the ferment that is in some measure ally'd to it by vertue of the remains of food of the same Nature lodg'd in the Stomac the Relaxation Exulceration Excoriation and Obstruction of the Stomac Its Sympathy with the Kidneys in Nephritic Pains c. These Causes relate to the Stomac and its ferment The Causes relating to the Object or Food receiv'd are gormandizing or over-charging the Stomac and ferment variety of contrary Meats which are not equally digested one part remaining crude while the other is already transform'd departing from the usual Measures and Seasons of Eating or anticipating Meals before the former be digested crossing the Natural Appetit by pressing such things as are loath'd and denying that it long'd for abstaining from Bread or using such as is not sufficiently fermented and impregnated with that volatil Acid that so notably promotes Digestion hard viscous and oyly Food or such as is not easily dissolv'd or mix'd with watery Vehicles excessive Drinking which over dilutes the ferment relaxes the Fibres of the Stomac and causes the Food to float unsteddily Eating of solid Foot without a sufficient quantity of moisture for its Vehicle neglect of Chewing c. The particular Causes of an acid Crudity are the redundancy of acid Humours in the Body the frequent use of Acids whether open or occult or of Spices and such like sharp things as are apt to exalt an Acid. Those of a musty Crudity are the recoyling of the Bile and Alcalin Humors the deficiency of Acids as in acute Feavers the undue stay of Food in the Stomac or the contraction of the Pylorus stopping its passage using fat oyly fix'd or Chalybeat Ingredients soon perishing Fruits in a word whatever is apt to corrupt or contract a Nidor The Symptoms of an impair'd Chalification are a heavy pain about the Stomac and distention of the Breast after eating frequent Belchings whether insipid putrid sulphureous or resembling the very taste of the Food tho' five or six Hours after eating Sometimes especially in Hypochondriac Persons the Face is inflam'd and respiration is difficult while they lie on their Backs In a Morning their Mouth is beset with a viscous Phlegm The Urine is sometimes thin and watry at other times thick and muddy Sometimes a Vertigo happens attended by all the Symptoms of the Hypochondriac Illness which takes its rise from the Stomac The Signs of an acid Crudity are Heart-burning acid Belchings much Wind the Constipation of the Belly and the thickness and viscidity of whatever is vomited up whether Naturally or by Art Those of a musty Crudity are these In the Morning they perceive an uncouth ashy Taste like that of rotten Wood afterwards a gnawing in the Stomac and loathing of Meat with a Bitterness in the Mouth their Belchings resemble the taste of rotten Fish or fry'd Eggs the Belly is open and loose and what they vomit is either insipid or bitterish As for Prognostics An acid Crudity is the fore-runner and cause of Intermitting Feavers Hypocondriac Illness Scurvy Cachexies Colic Passions Arthritic and Nephritie Pains Melancholy and fore'd Eruptions in the Skin In a word 't is the source of all the Chronical Dstempers which by the Ancients were refer'd to the Obstructions of the Bowels Mesentery Liver ●pleen c. Chylification is the Work of Nature not to be compass'd by Art Wherefore the Cure consists only in removing the offensive Crudity cleansing the Stomach and gently whetting the Appetite In the first place Antimonial Vomits mix'd with attenuating Ingredients are requir'd Then Stomachical Purges of Hiera with Agaric Aloe and Mastic Or Take of the Pills call'd Aleophanginae a Scruple Tartar vitriolated six Grains Scammony sulphurated two Grains Extract of Troches Alhandal a Noble Medicine for cutting pituitous Humours a Grain and a half with the Tincture of Tartar make Pills Take of Quercetanus's Pills of Ammoniac a Scruple Extract of Steel half a Scruple Extract of Troches Alhandal two Grains distill'd Oyl of Mace two Grains With Elixir Proprietatis or Essence of Sassafras or Essence of Mint or Spirit of Mastic make Pills Or a Purging Medicine may be made of Salts Thus Take of Tartar vitriolated Cream of Tartar of each half a Scruple Scammony sulphurated four Grains Troches Alhandal two Grains Distill'd Oyl of Anniseeds two Drops make a Powder If a Liquid Form be desir'd Take of Wormwood or Hyssop-water Mint-water of each half an Ounce Tartar vitriolated Extract of Agaric of each half a Scruple Extract of Troches Alhandal one Grain Scammony sulphurated two Grains solutive Syrup of Roses half an Ounce Mix for a Potion Of Alterative Medicines Galangal and Ginger are much the best Next are the Carminative Seeds Anniseeds Caraway-seeds Cumin-seeds the four lesser hot Seeds Acorus-roots preserv'd Nutmeg not by it self but in conjunction with Stomachic Simples among which Mint and Wormwood lead the Van. Next to them are Myrrh Zedoary Rosemary Sassafras Quinces dulcify'd Spirit of Salt an incomparable Remedy Spirit of Mastic mix'd with that of Mint Elixir Proprietatis is an excellent Stomachic but for acid Crudities it ought to be prepar'd without an Acid and mix'd with Spirit of Sal-armoniac For musty Crudities let it be prepar'd with an Acid and mix'd with Spirit of Scurvygrass Mynsichtius his Elixir of Vitriol Michael s Stomachical Elixir mix'd with the Asthmatic Spirit or with the Spirits of Mastic and Scurvygrass Essence of Baum mix'd with the Philosophical Spirit of Vitriol as likewise those of Penny-royal Mint Rosemary Sassafras and Myrrh are all very proper Wormwood-Wine is likewise useful Or Take of curl'd Mind wild
vomiting in the beginning or height is good If it follow Wounds or Bruises of the Head 't is frequently mortal The Periodical Vomitings of Hypochondriac Scorbutic and Splenetic Persons are of a good Character If the Matter vomited be a mixture of Choler and Pituita 't is a Friendly Symptom but either of them apart is more noxious The vomiting of Worms Excrements of the Belly Clysters c. is much suspected Before we launch into the method of Cure 't will not be improper to take Notice of the following Cautions 1. That Critical Vomits or those which happen in the beginning of Benign Diseases or those of Women with Child in their first Months ought not to be stopp'd unless they exceed measure 2. That in Scorbutic Cases absorbent mitigating Ingredients are more proper than hot sharp Aromatics 3. That a Vomiting of Blood ought to be curb'd betimes for fear of exhausting the Spirits 4. In case of Worms it ought to be incourag'd and the Body kept soluble 5. That in all Vomitings 't is convenient to keep the belly open by gentle Purges and Clysters But withal the quantity of the Liquor for Clysters must be small lest the Colon being distended it should press or irritate the incumbent bottom of the Stomac 6. By all means let Sleep be promoted 7. All Vomitings occasion'd by assumption of Poyson ought to be encourag'd and continu'd till the Poyson be rooted out For which end fat and tempering Liquors are very Proper for that all Vegetable and Mineral Poysons are endu'd with an excessive Acrimony As touching Animal Poysons indeed the case is alter'd 8. That Inappetency Loathing and such like Infirmities of the Stomac ought to be obviated betimes by Vomits lest delay remove the opportunity The General Indications of Cure are these The Remote Causes must be remov'd the exquisite sense of the Stomac and fierceness of the Spirits abated by Opiats the Stomac gratify'd with agreeable Aromatics and fortify'd by Astringents The first Indication must be satisfied according to the variety of the Causes Gentle Vomits and Purges are convenient if vicious Humors in the Stomach or Poyson are blam'd as the Cause For the second Indication Laudanum Opiatum is an incomparable and universal Remedy Mithridat Venice Treacle and especially Diascordium are entitled to the same Character As for Example Take of Treacle half a Dram Laudanum Opiatum a Grain distill'd Oyl of Mace two Drops with Juice of Quinces make a Bolus The third Indication is answer'd by sweet-scented Aromatic Stomachic Remedies Such as are Quinces Mint Wormwood Baum Zedoary Orange Peel Mastic Camphir Cloves Nutmegs and especially Cinamom their Waters Spirits Essences Extracts and distill'd Oyls The Astringent Ingredients are Quercetanus's Syrup of Coral Syrup of dry Roses Juice of Pomgranats Vinegar with Zedoary infus'd Elixir of Vitriol and especially the Spirit of Vitriol of Steel and Juice of Quinces Seal'd Earth beat into a Pultise with Spirit of Vitriol or of Nitre hardens into a Stone which if powder'd and put into a moist place melts into a Styptic Liquor of admirable use for all Astringent Indications Take of Mint-Water two or three Ounces Cinnamom-Water six Drams Juice of Quinces an Ounce rectify'd Spirit of Vitriol five or six Drops Distill'd Oyl of Cinnamom three Drops mix Take a spoonful now and then adding sometimes one two or three Grains of Laudanum Opiatum or if the Person be very weak a Scruple of the Essence of Ambergrise or in a case of Extremity four or five Grains of Allum Venice Treacle mixt with Vinegar or form'd into a Bolus with Spirit of Vitriol is much approv'd In malignant Feavers Salt of Wormwood with Juice of Limons when the Stomach is stuff'd with thick Humors Spirit of Salt or of Nitre with Treacle and when the Stomach is inflam'd or corroded the Muci●age of Fleawort and Quince-seeds with solutive Syrup of Roses are very convenient Externally Let Aromatic and Corroborating Ingredients be boyl'd in Vinegar and the warm Decoction applied with a Spunge to the Stomach or let toasted bread soak'd in Vinegar and cover'd with Aromatic Pouders be applied to the Region of the Stomach Spirit of Wine Camphoris'd is very effectual in Fomentations A Bag may be quilted with Mint Nutmegs Cloves Mace and Cinnamom sprinkl'd with Triacl'd Spirit of Wine and Distill'd Oyl of Mint and applied Some commend the application of a bag of Saffron Liniments are compos'd of Venice Treacle Balsam of Peru or Oyls of Mastic Wormwood Quinces c. Or Take of Express'd Oyl of Nutmegs two Drams Distill'd Oyls of Mint Cloves and Mace of each half a Scruple Distill'd Oyl of Cinnamom five Drops make a Liniment and anoint the Stomach and Breast Plaisters may be made of Tacamahac and Gum Caran with Aromatic Oyls after the Example of Crato's Cataplasms are likewise proper as Take of the sharpest Yest four Ounces Pouder of Mint an Ounce of Zedoary six Drams Nutmegs three in number Mace Cloves and Cinnamom of each two Drams Aniseeds Cuminseeds and Fennelseeds of each three Drams With a little vinegar of Roses make a Cataplasm to be applied to the Stomach When the Irritating Cause is transfer'd from other parts to the Stomach Purging Bleeding and such like Diversions are very proper As Women with Child are sometimes cur'd of vomiting by Blood-letting When we are oblig'd to stop an Artificial vomiting 't is convenient to exhibit Milk boyled with Bread or Bread soak'd in Generous Wine Inject Clysters of Milk with Treacle administer Opiats and apply outwardly as above If the Assumption of an harsh Purge dispose one to vomit there 's nothing better than to chew fresh Citron Peel or smell to toasted Bread dipp'd in vinegar and cover it with Pouder of Cloves CHAP. II. Of a Vomiting of Blood THis Symptom may be caus'd by the suppression of the Piles or Terms in Maids or Women with Child Opening of a Vein or Artery as that of the Vas breve thro the Obstruction of the Spleen which emptys its Blood into the Stomac or any of the Pancreatic Veins occasion'd by the sharpness of its Juice which Veins deposit their Blood into the Duodenum and then it is voided both upwards and downwards Sometimes the healing up of a sordid Ulcer may occasion it by reason partly that the Blood was formerly evacuated in the form of corrupt Matter and partly that the Ferment of the Ulcer may have corroded the Vessels in the Lungs It succeeds frequently to Amputations the Blood being then crouded into Fewer Channels The Signs are these Arterious Blood is fluid and reddish If the vomited matter be of an obscure colour and clotted resembling the Liver it comes from the Veins If it incline to a black colour be voided with a biting pain and tended by an austere taste 't is not Blood but an acid corrupt humor or Atra Bilis If it proceed from the rupture of the Vas breve 't is usher'd in by a beating pain in the left side of the
a scruple Seal'd Earth twelve Grains the Distill'd Oyl of Orange Peel the Distill'd Oyls of Anis Caraways Fennel and Zedoary of each a drop Make a Powder for two Doses Take of Castor half a scruple Volatil Salt of Amber five Grains Laudanum Opiatum a Grain or two Make a Powder for Convulsive Colics Or Take of the Tincture of Tartar half an ounce Essence of Gum Ammoniac three drams Essence of Myrrh Tartaris'd a dram and a half Mix c. Dose fifty drops Elixyr Proprietatis Essence of Castor or that of Opium may be added by turns Pills of the Extract of Castor and that of Venice Treacle mix'd with some convenient Oyl are very proper The Decoction Essence Powder and Oyl of Orange Peel especially in a strangury and all Preparations from Clary are of Sovereign use in all Colics The flowers of sulphur are of unknown Vertue if mix'd with Myrrh or Distill'd Oyls Spirit of Nitre well rectify'd with Spirit of Wine distill'd from aromatic Ingredients is an incomparable thing in all hot Colics 'T is given with the Decoction of Elecampane Roots for a Vehicle The Oyl or Spirit of Turpentin digested with Juniper Berries and Flowers of St. Johns wort which by the way are possess'd of a rich Oyl is given against the Colics caus'd by humors in the Guts to a scruple with wonderful success The Carminative Spirit made of Nitre Tartar and Spirit of Urine given to half a dram in some warm Vehicle is likewise much applauded The Powder of Horse's Stones given to a dram in Lilly Convally Water with a little Saffron the shavings of a Bull 's Pizzle given to a scruple in Spanish Wine the Powder of Soot mix'd with Vinegar or its Spirit are all approv'd Remedies Sugar of Lead is excellent where acidity prevails As the juice of Horse Dung or that of other Beasts mix'd with warm Ale is inferior to no Medicine in that Case After taking any of these Medicines the Patient ought to be very quiet and make account to sweat If a Colic tend to a Palsy of the Guts let sharp Clysters be injected and Volatil Salts exhibited such as that of Urine Spirit of Hartshorn or of Sal-armoniac and especially the Volatil Spirit of Tartar or which is yet more Volatil the Spirit Distill'd from the Dregs of Wine In a scorbutic Colic let Volatil Salts and Antiscorbutic Ingredients be added In a Colic caus'd by any External error Laxatives mix'd With Absorbents are proper If cold or Drinking occasion it give Pepper and Spirit of Wine As for External Applications against Colic● Let the Belly and Navel be well fomented with Li●●●ents of express'd Oyls mix'd with those that are Distill●● and afterwards cover it with a hot Brick The fot of a Wild Cat and Zivet is much approv'd for this use As also Galbanum melted and mix'd with the Distill'd Oyls of Spike and Amber Plaisters made of Tacamahac Balsam of Peru or that of Bay berries with that of Tobacco Cataplasms of Horse Dung with Oyl of Rue And Quilted Bags of Milletseeds or of Anodyn and Aromatic Ingredients are likewise applied to the belly with good success Take of the Oyls of Bays of Dill and of Chamomil of each half an ounce Galbanum a dram Distill'd Oyl of Amber half a dram Distill'd Oyls of Caraways Cummin and Fennel of each half a scruple Make a Liniment The Oyl of Orange Peel the Distill'd Oyl of Angelica and the Oyl of Castor or Powders of Castor are also proper Ingredients The Oyl of Soap and white Rock Oyl are of excellent use Externally in all Convulsive Colics Take of the tops of Henbane and Elder Flowers of each two handfuls Chamomil flowers three or four handfuls fresh Juniper berries two ounces Make a Quilted Bag to be infus'd in hot Wine or boyl'd in Goats Milk and applied to the Belly and frequently reiterated especially in Scorbutic Colics Take of the Leaves of Bays and Rue of each three handfuls Tops of Dill and lesser Centory flowers of Roman Chamomil Elder flowers of each half a handful Angelica and Lovage Roots of each two ounces Bay berries an ounce Juniper berries half an ounce the four greater hot seeds of each two drams Boyl them in Wine for a Bag. Some choose to apply Bags of Oats Juniper berries and Coriander seeds Others apply a little Puppy to the Belly So much for the cure of a Colic fit After the fit is over let Diuretic and Garminative Medicines be us'd The solution of Steel with the juice of Apples the Spirit of Sal-armoniac and to robust Constitutions the Solar Liquor of Steel are then very useful SECT XII Of the Vicious Postures of the Guts CHAP. I. Of Ruptures THE Caul and Guts are wrap'd into the Peritonaeum If this Membran be relaxated or broke they fall out upon the Infirm Part either separately or both together The Guts which are liable to this Eruption are the Jejunum and Ileum The great Guts are secure from that danger as being more firmly fastned This Relaxation of the Peritonaeum happens for the most part in one of its two Processes the one surrounding the Umbilical the other the Spermatic Vessels The Bursting at the Navel is sometimes caus'd by hard Labour in Child-birth Vomiting Jumping crying aloud carrying of heavy Burthens Coughing Sneezing violent Purgations or whatever divides or stretches the Membran of the Peritonaeum are the General Causes of all Ruptures Children whose Membrans are tender and most expos'd to Violence are very obnoxious to this Disease Sometimes the Infirmity is Hereditary or produc'd by Internal Causes but withal very rarely If the Process of the Peritonaeum surrounding the Spermatic Vessels be dilated either the Caul or the Guts or both fall down either upon the Groyn or into the Cod. If the Membran be quite broke they stop about the Muscles of the Groyn But if it be only dilated they trace its Progress to the Cod. Sometimes but very rarely this bursting falls out upon the sides of the belly or upon the Loyns or thro a Breach in the Womb. And Surgeons ought to be very cautious that they be not impos'd upon by it under the appearance of an Ulcer in those unwonted Places The Stones sometimes are drawn into the Groyn and Resemble a Rupture and are oft times taken either for that or an Imposthume A Rupture therefore is a soft Tumor sometimes decreasing sometimes increasing If it be Recent it disappears when the Patient lies on his Back and returns when he stands upright For the most part 't is Painless and easy to put up unless the Gut be inflam'd or molested with Wind or harden'd Excrements And besides it increases if the Patient cough By these Signs it is distinguish'd from Bubo's or the Testicle sticking in the Passage If the Gut be irritated either externally by Cold Bruises c. Or Internally by Wind hard Excrements c. Iliac or Colic Pains insue and are very fatal as likewise Inflammations or Gangrenes or Suppuration of
Scars following the Corrosion of a Dysentery or Looseness or interrupted by its own viscidity or slime squeez'd into its Vessels from the Guts and afterwards congeal'd of which we have a plain Instance in the Case of drinking cold Liquors after a violent hot Exercise for as much as the heat melts the slime and the motion drives it into the Vessels and the sudden arrival of cold Liquor cuts off its retreat by causing its Coagulation so that it either stagnats or proceeds with the Chyle to the Blood and depraves its Crasis This viscidity or crudity of the Chyle or of the Humor its Companion is the true cause of all Chronical Distempers falsly imputed by the Ancients to Obstructions or contrary Qualities of the Bowels That there are Obstructions I do not deny Some in the Blood Vessels causing Inflammations Others in the Lymphatic or perhaps those of the Chyle causing the rupture of the Vessels and effusion of the Lymph upon the Cavities of the Body And others again in the Bowels appearing in the form of Imposthumes and Schirrus's But these are rather the effect than cause of Chronical Diseases That stagnation of the Liquors in their respective Vessels is occasion'd by their viscidity The viscidity is caus'd by acid Crudities attending the Chyle and debauching the Blood and Lymph Moreover the proneness of Imposthumes to suppurate and that of Schirrus's to become Ganeers are solid proofs of their being caus'd by a viscous acid And as to the Antipathy of the Bowels 't is inconsistent with the Laws of Circulation The Blood and Spirits are equally the cause of heat all over the Body if all the parts be equally 〈◊〉 pos'd for their Reception 'T is true indeed a partic●●●● Bowel or external part may be occasionally weak●●● and suffer a Relaxation of its Fibres or by vertue of acid pointed Particles darted into its Bosom like that of a Thorn into the Finger may be disturb'● with Heat and Inflammation while the others retain their cooler Temperature But it plainly appears that these effects are not owing to any Radical Antipathy in the Qualities of the Bowels but the occasional unequal Distribution of the viscous acid Particles It remains therefore to be concluded upon that the acid Crudity of the Chyle impress'd upon it in the first Passages is the natural and obvious cause of Chronical Distempers and that Obstructions may be effected by the long duration of these Distempers but cannot claim the priviledge of being their Causes This Hypothesis will be set in a clearer light by surveying the Symptoms and the Method of Curing these Chronical Distempers The former are acid Belchings Wind loss of Appetit Gripings and noise in the Guts incident heat and Inflammation Looseness c. the natural Progeny of an acid Crudity And as touching the latter the whole Circle of Specifics is generally made to center in an aperient Vertue Now the Preparations of Steel and Lead do justly lead the Van of this numberless Catalogue And how these astringent Medicines should be intitled to an opening Vertue all the Posse of Writers is at a loss to explain Whereas 't is an obvious Solution that these metallin Particles suck up and incounter the acid Crudity and transform it into a vitriolic Concrete which is afterwards evacuated under the form of black Excrements So that it opens or unlocks the Passages only indirectly by subduing the hostil Intruder Antiscorbutic volatil salin Medicines and Gums are likewise us'd Now they attinuat the viscous Humor precipitat the rank acid fortifie the Stomac the original source of the Evil and whet the Bile And here by the way 't will not be improper to take notice that the Essences commonly prepar'd from volatil Antiscorbutic Herbs as the Essence of Scurvygrass c. fall short of the original vertue of their Herbs as containing only the volatil Salt strip'd of the fix'd Salt which withal is very useful Upon which account I prefer the Quintessences made of the Oyl and both the Spirits one prepar'd by Fermentation and the other by Putrefaction These two being mix'd with the distill'd Oyl by long Digestion and frequent Cohobation And besides all Antiscorbutic Spirits prepared by Fermentation ought to be frequently cohobated in order to extract the fixed Alcalin Salt Tartar also is a great Specific in these Cases But its Cream is too acid Let it be mix'd with half the quantity of Salt of Tartar dissolv'd in warm water after Fermentation filtrated and set to evaporat Thus its Acidity is conquer'd It s volatil Spirit or rather that drawn from the Dregs of Wine or the Carminative Spirit prepar'd from Nitre Tartar and Spirit of Wine and all volatil Preparations of Tartar are of wonderful efficacy in clearing the first Passages correcting the Digestive Ferment and conquering the acid of Wine that we in these Countries are so obnoxious to In the Animal Province Man's Urine given to drink and all urinous Spirits and Salts especially the Spirit of Salarmoniac prepar'd with Quick-lime are noted antiacids in all Chronical Distempers The Spirit of Ants and that of Earth-worms are famous Anti-scorbutics Of the Mineral Family Steel is the Head It ought not to be much impregnated with an acid otherwise it will not dissolve in the Body The best way of giving it is either in crude Powder or by way of extract taken from its Infusion in the Juice of Apples Quinces or of Tamarinds or a Tincture taken from the same with Spirit of Scurvygrass The Tincture of Steel prepar'd with Spirit of Bread is likewise a proper form It s Crocus is best prepar'd by sprinkling it with Juice of Cichory and exposing it to the Sun Next to Steel is Lead especially its Sugar and the Antiphthisical Tincture prepar'd from it and vitriol of Steel with Spirit of Wine From these Premises we infer that the Cause of all Chronical Distempers is a viscous acid Crudity either bred in the Stomac or caus'd by the vicious Effervescencies of the Gall and the Juice of the Pancreas in the Guts Upon which Account all Stomachical attenuating anti-acid Medicines are the true Antidote of these Diseases And whoever attempts to cure 'em without a special regard to the Stomac and first Passages shoots short of his Mark The forms of Recipe's shall be inserted in the particular Description of the respective Diseases SECT XIV Of Diseases relating to the Lungs and Organs of Respiration THUS far we have consider'd the Chyle in its separat State It remains now to survey its state of Complication with the Blood The mix'd Mass of Blood and Chyle is carried from the Axillary Vein to the descending Trunc of the Vena Cava from thence 't is convey'd to the right Ventricle of the Heart and before its entry into the left Ventricle is thrown into the Lungs by the Vena Arteriosa The Lungs are a heap of little Bladders joyn'd by a simple Membran endow'd with moving Fibres and require to be dilated before the Blood
in the Air and attended by fiery Botches Bubo's Carbuncles or malignant Spots This Miasm is volatil and spirituous and fir for encountering Mens Spirits and defiling the vital Spirit of the Air. Perhaps it approaches near to the nature of Arsenic The Passions of the Mind Fear and Apprehension subterranean Damps let loose by Earth-quakes Famine corruption of dead Bodies and such like are its remote causes When this poisonous Miasm afflicts Mankind it joins to the Human Spirits and disperses it self where these meet with the readiest reception upon which account Relations are liable to the Contagion tho' in distant places and the Beasts are secure when Mankind falls an universal Sacrifice The Plague is not always accompany'd by a Feaver When Nature is weak it yields to the oppression and makes no Feaverish resistance The Symptoms are the same as those of Malignant Feavers rais'd to the highest pitch to which we may add swellings in the Arm-pits Groin behind the Ears or in any glandulous place with a pricking shooting pain in the middle Botches and Carbuncles in the Fingers Nostrils Eyes and Lips sometimes fatal Black-spors or malignant Ulcers all over the Body a sudden prostration of strength violent pains of the Head without any cause or following the passion of fear c. the degeneracy of the Pulse from being large and swift to a small languid intermitting unequal state and a burning heat within but moderat on the external surface of the Body An imminent Plague is foretold from unwonted swarms of Insects resorting to a Country The Prognostics of a Plague are very fallacious 'T is an acute Disease ending sometimes in Twenty four Hours sometimes in two three or seven Days in general those who are scabby or Pocky are in least danger as being defended by their peccant Acid. Preceding Fatigue or Fear are bad Omens Black livid Spots are a worse Symptom than Carbuncles and these worse than Bubo's Scars or Marks of mortification are always fatal Many and large Bubo's are a good sign as also copious Sweats But cold Sweats or many Carbuncles coldness of the extream Parts especially the Nose a livid circumference surrounding the swellings Carbuncles growing upon Bubo's in places full of Tendons the imperfect eruption or retreat of the Tumors a Hiccough succeeding to the eruption the white blue or livid Colour of Carbuncles while the Feaver is not abated Pains of the Throat and difficulty of swallowing attending Bubo's in the Neck or behind the Ears are all fatal Symptoms If blistering Plaisters raise no Blisters 't is an infallible sign of Death in all Diseases If a Cautery applied raise a white Crust after the application or if the place be dry or not cover'd with Pushes and the Botch continue to spread further or if Issues dry up of a sudden 't is a desperat case Carbuncles in the Stomac Guts Bladder Eyes and Nostrils are plain indications of Death Anxiety of the Breast without a Feaver frequent sneezing a Looseness Hiccough Vomiting Convulsions Hoarseness a flux of Blood by Urine or Salivation and in short all the dismal circumstances of malignant Feavers related above are the Companions of fatal Plagues A continual Costiveness and numerous Pushes fill'd with laudable Matter appearing after the Application of a Cautery to any part are look'd upon as hopeful Signs The Cure divides it self into two Branches The first is that of preserving from imminent danger the second rescues from actual Oppression Preservatives regard either the Air the common Vehicle of Contagion or the Bodies of People As for the former the Air is purifi'd by the shooting of Cannon by burning Gun-powder or Nitre and Sulphur with Amber Myrrh Camphyr Pitch Benzoin and Juniper Berries by throwing the Mineral acid Spirits or Vinegar in which Vitriol and Verdigrease are infus'd together with Camphyr upon hot Bricks by burning of Goats Horns and filling the Air with ungrateful Smells such as that of a House of Office of Hogs Dung c. The other sort of Preservatives arm the Body and Spirits against the assaults of the contagious Miasms For this end we ought to avoid fasting or going abroad before eating Butter and Rue Leaves and a draught of good generous Wine upon which Camphyr has been kindled are fit to be taken in a Morning as also the Mineral acid Spirits and the acid Juices of Fruits but above all Vinegar impregnated with the Vertue of Camphyr Myrrh Juniper-Berries Zedoary and other aromatic Simples Next to Vinegar are the sulphureous balmy Ingredients especially Sulphur Myrrh and Amber which cover the Spirits from the attacks of the morbific Matter and ought to be taken in acid Vehicles To these we may add Opium and Diascordium Venice Treacle and such like hot Compositions ought to be cautiously us'd and always dissolv'd in Vinegar Sugar of Lead also given with Camphyr from four to ten grains is of excellent use but 't is very volatil and if indiscreetly us'd may accelerat the Disease Externally there is nothing equals the cutting of Issues A Spunge wet with Aromatic Vinegar impregnated with Myrrh and Camphyr may frequently be applied to the Nostrils Let Ginger and Zedoary or Troches made of Myrrh and Camphyr and Tragacanth dissolv'd in Vinegar be often chew'd and held in the Mouth Let the Temples Wrists and Breasts be anointed with the Apop●ectic Balsam mix'd with Camphyr let Sala's magnes Arsenicalis mix'd with Benzoin dissolv'd in Spirit of Wine be form'd into Tablets and hung in a scarlet Cloth-Bag upon the Breast If the Contagion proceed from subrerranean Damps let dry'd Toads be hung over the Breast If it proceed from the Air let Spiders stand in their room Some recommend crude Mercury calcin'd by the fumes of Lead for the same purpose The direct Cure of the Plague consists in expelling the poisonous Miasma's by Alexipharmacal Medicines For the regular performance of which the following Cautions will be of use 1. Let Sudorisics be repeated every eight Hours even after the eruption of Bubo's or Carbuncles and after sweating exhibit a Cordial Draught mix'd with acid Spirits for thickning the Blood and rallying the dispers'd Spirits 2. Avoid sleep in time of sweating and for that end apply Vinegar mix'd with Camphyr or Castor to the Nostrils 3. If the Sudorific cannot procure Sweat let a hot Loaf of Bread be excavated and fill'd with Venice Treacle and Spirit of Wine camphoris'd and applied to the Stomac or Navel the under Crust being taken off 4. If obstinat Watchings threaten Deliriums and prevent Swea● let Laudanum Opiatum be added to Sudorifics in order to procure sleep after sweating 5. If the fermentation be faint and low Venice Treacle and Mithridat are proper But if the Feaver be high and attended by a violent heat they are fitly exchang'd with Antimonial Powders and lixivious Salts 6. Acids mix'd with Sudorifics are always proper 7. Blistering Plaisters are appli'd with extraordinary success to the Neck Legs and Arms. They ought to be very sharp and after they
grains the Infusion of two or three drams of Hedge-Hyssop or its Conserve given to two drams Syrup of Buckthorn and the Rinds or Leaves of Elder The proper season for exhibiting Purges to Hydropic Persons is immediatly before the new Moon when the Disease of it self relents But if the Hydropic Water lodge in the Purse of the Caul or duplicat of the Peritonaeum or Vesicles of the Mesentery and not in the Cavities of the Womb Purgation is of no use And withal we ought to remark that Purgatives ought to be mix'd with Stomachical Specifics especially Wormwood and not too often repeated by reason that they melt down the laudable Humors as well as the bad and so indirectly strengthen the Disease especially if they do not operat quickly after Administration If the Hydropic Person Vomit easily or be molested with a shortness of Breath Vomits are useful But they ought to be given in large Doses otherwise they do not Operate Opiats in general are pernicious tho' in some singular Instances they may pacify the Spirits appease the irritated Fibres of the Kidneys and so indirectly promote an Evacuation by Urine Diuretics are the choicest evacuating Remedies But they ought not to be exhibited till after the use of Laxative attenuating and opening Ingredients nor us'd without the addition of Chalybeat or Corroborating Medicines Asarum Wormwood Elecampane and Gentian lead the Van. The Juice or Infusion of Celandin the greater is a celebrated Specific to which we may add the Decoction of Swallow-wort in Wine or its Extract it being peculiarly calculated for such Dropsies as proceed from Scrophulous tumors in the Mesentery Hore-hound is much recommended against a Hydropical Jaundice The Infusion Decoction or Juice of Garlic is a powerful Diuretic as also Turmerick and Madder The Decoction Infusion Spirit and Rob of Juniper Wood and Berries are of excellent use and seem to claim a Preference before the Decoctions of Guajacum and Sassafras The Juice of the Herb Kali given to half a dram is much applauded but it ought not to be taken above three Days in a Week for fear of over doing In those Dropsies which approach to Anasarca's fix'd Salts are of good use and perhaps preferable to other Diuretics But in an Ascites 't is not improper to shift 'em for those of a volatil nitrous Character The Heads of the fix'd sort are the Lixivious Salts of Vine-Twigs Bean-stalks Juniper and Lime-tree-wood The volatil are all the volatil preparations of Tartar the Spirit and Flowers of Sal-Armoniac or Elixyr Propritatis prepar'd with it and the volatil Salt of Harts-horn Poppius bestows large Encomiums on the Spirit of Urine rectify'd with Spirit of Wine Ambergrise and Mosch and given to half a dram Morning and Evening nay Man's Urine or that of Sheep is very effectual among poor People Crollius recommends Goose-Dung given to a dram in distill'd Urine The Spirit of putrifi'd Earth-worms given to sixty drops twice or thrice a day in Wine impregnated with Juniper Berries or the Liquor that flows per deliquium from Earth-Worms putrifi'd with Moss of Earth and baken with Dough in an Oven given to a spoonful twice a day the Powder of dry'd Toads the Heads and Guts being thrown away given to a Scruple three or four times in one Day but so as to intermit three or four days before it be us'd again the Liquor which drops per deliquium from Cockle-shells coagulated with Spirit of Salt the Powder of greasie Beetles or of Hog-lice these are all approv'd for their anti-hydropic Vertue Sudorifics are not proper in an Ascites by reason that they heat and fret the Serum and dissolve the Blood so as to occasion a further effusion of Serum into the Cavities In case of an Anasarca or when the Serum stagnates in the Glandules and Bowels they are useful and ought to be given in small quantities lest a stronger force should weaken the Patient Juniper-Wood Millet-seeds and Vegetable Aromatics together with volatil Salts are the most proper Ingredients and ought to be administer'd in a liquid form Sometimes Mercurial Salivations are also of use in desperat Dropsies After the internal Remedies for evacuating the hydropical Serum we come in the next place to what assistance external Operations can afford If the Navel be much rais'd we apply aperients to it and if they do not open it we tap it with a Needle A Paracentesis is also frequently perform'd on the side of the Belly with good success But we ought to remember that in Dropsies the Peritonaeum is very thick that 't is dangerous to take out above eight or ten Ounces of Water at once that if the Disease be confirm'd and the Bowels beset with Schirrus's or already corroded by the Water and if the larger Lymphatic Vessels be broken or if the Dropsy be universal a Paracentesis is of no use Sometimes if Nature tend that way the Scrotum opens of it self or if it do not 't is artificially open'd with a Cautery or a Launce But it ought to be carefully defended by proper Preservatives from a Gangrene to which 't is very liable Slight scarrifications of the Legs are oft-times of good use but the Wounds must be gently handled and frequently fomented with the Spirit of Wine camphoris'd in order to prevent a Gangrene If Blisters rise in the Legs we apply Cole-wort Leaves to 'em nay oft-times the Leaves of Water-Plantane bruis'd and applied raise Blisters of themselves which void a great deal of Serum Blistering Plaisters are us'd with good success but they ought to be cautiously applied to the outermost Parts because they extinguish the native heat and promote a Gangrene Upon which account Caustics which fortifie the Part with an Eschara and do not attract the Humors so violently are more proper But if the Disease be confirm'd and if the Person be weak and cold then they may introduce a Gangrene or at least will only give vent to the Water under the Skin as not being able to extend their influence to the Cavities Some choose to pair the Nails of the Toes very close and tye strait Ligatures upon the Parts The former Stratagem drains the Water and the latter cuts off all further Supplies and forces the imprison'd Matter either to retire into the Lymphatic Vessels or march out by the proper Passages Having thus dispatch'd the first Indication we are arriv'd at the second which was to corroborat the Stomac and Crasis of the Blood for which end chalybeat Medicines ought to be mix'd with the above mention'd Ingredients especially to Worm-wood and Ground-Ivy which last is of excellent use both inwardly and outwardly The Salt of Wormwood coagulated with the Spirit of Salt the Tincture of Tartar Tincture of the Vitriol of Steel the Terra foliata of Tartar and the Lapis Fulminaris pounded with Alcohol of Wine and mix'd with the Powder of Snakes Cast-Coats are much applauded for the same purpose If the Fibres of the Skin be weak and relaxated it
Salt remain at bottom Now take of this Salt three drams of the Gum Lac two drams Cyprus Vitriol six Grains Rosemary and Sage-waters of each an ounce and a half Mix and dissolve with a gentle heat As for Powders Take of Snake-weed and Tormentil Roots and the Rinds of Pomegranats of each a dram Blood-stone Frankincense Burnt-allum and Sal-Armoniac of each half a dram make a Powder for rotten Gums Or sprinkle it with the distill'd Oyl of Cloves and Spirit of Scurvy-grass Note all stony or tartarin things are pernicious to the Gums If the Mouth or Gums are beset with Ulcers apply the following Liniment Take of crude Allum a dram and a half Sage-leaves three drams Roots of Florentin Orris a dram and a half Myrrh half a dram With Hony make a Liniment Borellus recommends Allum with the Oyl of Sulphur and Conserve of Roses If the Ulcers are malignant and stinking apply the Ointment of Columbines with the Juice of Sage and Spirit of Salt or the Ointment Aegyptiacum diluted with Hony or Platerus's green Waters Note the Spirit of Vitriol always makes the Teeth black II. Scorbutical Tooth-aches are cur'd by applying the Decoction of Pine-tree Leaves with Spirit of Scurvy-grass or the Juices of lesser House-leek and Scurvy-grass with the Decoction of Henbane Rosemary Rue Plantane Sage Snakeweed and Fearn If the Pain reach the Temples and Face foment 'em with the weaker Spirit of Scurvy-grass mix'd with the Spirit of Earth-worms III. The spots on the Skin ought to be promoted by exhibiting inwardly the volatil Specifics mix'd with absorbent Powders and the Tincture of Columbine Flowers or Emulsions of its Seed or the Antiscorbutical Tincture of Coral If the Spots be red we add acid Juices if blew or livid Scurvy-grass and volatil Ingredients Externally if they disorder the Skin and are apt to excoriat apply after sweating a Liniment of Mustard-seeds mix'd with Vinegar or if that be too sharp with the Oyl of sweet Almonds and fresh Juice of Citrons The Ointment of the Roots of Florentin Orris and white Hellebor mix'd with the Oyl of sweet Almonds is look'd upon by some as infallible for this purpose If the Skin itch and be molested with little miliar Eruptions exhibit the Decoction of Pine-tree Buds and let the Hands and Feet be lick'd by a Dog IV. The fix'd pains in the Legs are remov'd by bleeding in the Arm applying Blistering Plaisters near the affected part exhibiting Sudorifics especially the Decoctions of Woods and Pine-tree Buds the Essence of Sassafras Spirit of Scurvy-grass Spirit of Venice Treacle camphoris'd and Spirit of Elder-berries mix'd with the Essence of Opium and Laudanum Opiatum and by fomenting the part with the Spirit of Juniper-beries camphoris'd Spirit of Earth-worms and Aqua Articularis or by soaking it in Tanner's Lye mix'd with Man's Urine or in hot fermenting Wine or in the Decoction of Ants the Person being put to a warm Bed immediately after Some recommend the Decoction of Sage Chamomil and Elder-flowers Water-cresses and Henbane-leaves in Milk or Whey for a fomentation or the Rob of Juniper mix'd with the thicken'd Juices of Water-cresses Camomil and Elder Flowers in the form of a Cataplasm or hot dry Bags of Millet-Seeds Salt Bran Wormwood-tops and Chamomil Flowers to be applied to the Parts however if all prove ineffectual we must have recourse to the natural Hot Baths or Artificial ones of Sulphur and Quick-lime V. The Colick Pains or those resembling the Nephritic as proceeding from the Cramp and Convulsion of the Guts and the Mesentery which is seated in the Loins are Cur'd by cleansing the Guts and appeasing the tumultuous motions The first design is compass'd by Raisins Goats-Whey Oyl of sweet Almonds and the Decoction of Marsh-mallows Pugatives are very pernicious But if the Pain be recent and not very violent we may venture to exhibit a gentle Purge mix'd with Opium the Body being first prepar'd by Digestives If the irritating matter be hot and sharp Whey in which China-Roots Borrage-Flowers and Clove-Gilli-flowers are boil'd the Emulsions of cold Seeds Sugar of Lead or the Antiphthisical Tincture and earthy absorbent Powders are proper but if the Urine be laden with a sandy Tartar all Lenitives are in vain 'till that be remov'd by meek Diuretics such as Turpentin the Syrup of Marsh-mallows c. In other cases we exhibit the Volatil oily Salts mix'd with Opiats especially the Spirit of Nitre dulcifi'd with the Spirit of Scurvy-grass the carminative Spirit de tribus and the Spirit of Earth-Worms Or thus Take of Dorncrellius his Carminative Water and the Antiscorbutic Water of each two Ounces the Spirit of Scurvy-grass and the carminative Spirit de tribus of each a dram the Essence of Opium half a dram Syrup of Orange-peel an Ounce Emollient Anodyn Clysters are also very proper I mean such as are usually prescrib'd against Colic and Nephritic Pains especially those of the Decoction of River-Crabs But if they do not quickly give relief 't is advisable to set 'em aside for fear of inflaming the Guts and to foment the Belly with the Decoctions design'd for ' em 'T is also usual to anoint the Navel with the Oyl distill'd from Galbanum and Turpentin and then apply either a hot Brick or the Plaister of Galbanum mix'd with the Balsam of Peru. P●terius's Plaister Diasulphuris applied to the Loins is of good use as also Fomentations or Cataplasms for the Belly of Chamomil and Elder-flowers Juniper Berries Henbane-leaves Cresses c. boil'd in Milk If the Clysters prove successful let 'em be still continu'd and sharpen'd with purgative Ingredients after the Paroxism exhibit the Decoction of Pine-Apples and Juniper Berries and other Antiscorbutics VI. The wandring gouty Pains that follow the Scurvy are owing to the Convulsive influence of the scorbutical Salt upon the nervous Parts especially the Membranes that cover the Bones They are distinguish'd from a proper Gout by these Symptoms They are very inconstant and apt to shift the place of their Abode and return again on a sudden Thus rubbing with a warm Cloth will occasion their removal and appearance in another Part. They never rise up in hard stubborn Swellings Their solution is frequently accomplish'd by Sweat and Urine and by cuticular Eruptions with an unsufferable itching The Cure consists in allaying the impeutosity of the Spirits and Humors evacuating the Scorbutic Salt by Sweat and Urine and removing the radical cause after the Paroxysm is over First of all it ought to commence by bleeding in the opposite side to the part affected then Clysters and Vomits follow'd by absorbent Powders and fix'd Salts especially Arcanum Duplicatum diaphoretic Antimony and Cinnabar of Antimony to which if the Spirits be very irregular we add Narcotics Oft-times a gentle Laxative is very necessary If the Spirits be low and flaggy we may exhibit the Essence of Woods or Venice Treacle with Osteocal mix'd with Opium After these Preparations we proceed to the use of volatil Specifics of
Whey sharpen'd with the Juice of Citrons is much approv'd as also Milk mix'd with the Spirit of Sal-Armoniac when the Stomac is able to digest it and the Feaverish Paroxysm is over The Symptom of Thirst is admirably accounted for by exhibiting the Decoction of China-roots and Liquorice XIV In scorbutical Dropsies strong Purgatives are noxious gentle Diuretics mix'd with Antiscorbutics being the Basis of the Cure Such are the Infusion of Wood-lice in Wine the Spirit of Sal-Armoniac and Tincture of Tartar mix'd with the Spirit of Scurvy-Grass XV. St. Antony's Fire happening to scorbutical Persons is cur'd by taking inwardly absorbent diaphoretic Powders mix'd with the Spirit or Syrup of Elder-Flowers and Spirit of Scurvy-grass and applying outwardly the Decoction of Litharge Elder-Flowers Olibanum Myrrh and Mastic in Lime-water and Vinegar with a little Camphyr XVI Ulcers accompanying the Scurvy and threatning a Gangrene ought to be wash'd with Lime-Water or the Decoction of lesser House-leek mix'd with the Spirit of Vitriol and anointed with the Ointment of Tobacco and Sugar of Lead or cover'd with the Powders of Myrrh and Frankincense Crocus of Steel and Sugar of Lead Inwardly let the Essence of Woods Essence of Fumitory and the Antiscorbutical Tincture of Coral be frequently administred As for the hard Swellings that frequently molest the Legs let Cataplasms of Bryony and Comfrey-Roots and Chamomil Flowers be applied to ' em Or let the thicken'd Juices of Comfrey and Brook-lime mix'd with Mynsichtius his Diaphoretic Plaister and the Distill'd Oil of Chamomil be us'd in like manner ART 6. Of breakings-out in the Skin UNder the Head of Deprav'd Nutrition we allot an Article for Cuticular Eruptions and first for the Scab which proceeds from the depravation of the nutritive Juice of the Parts under the Skin occasion'd by a preternatural Acid. This Acid takes its rise from sudden Cold succeeding to Heat and shutting up the steams of the Body within the straiten'd Pores from the contagion of an external Ferment and sometimes but very rarely from internal Causes such as the Scurvy French-Pox c. But for the most part the Blood and Internal Parts are not at all tainted it being only the nutritive Serum about the surface of the Body that is depraved tho' 't is true that by continuance it may at last infect the Blood If the nutritious Juice be very serous and apt to corrupt the Breakings-out run much if the Juice be Balmy and impregnated with a volatil oily Salt they are crusty and dry As for the Cure of a Scab we administer inwardly Purgatives and Sudorifics The Purgatives are the Extract of Black Hellebor or Scammony sulphurated mix'd with sweet Mercury and the purging Mercurius vitae or Turbith Mineral in an inveterat case If the Blood be tainted we administer the Decoctions of bitter and scorbutical Plants and Spices mix'd with purging Ingredients in Wine Whey or Water and continue their use for some time The Sudorifics are the Decoctions of Woods the volatil Salt of Vipers Harts-horn Ivory the fix'd Salts the Sulphur and Cinnabar of Antimony diaphoretick Antimony and the Syrup of Elder Flowers As Take of Elder-Flower Water an ounce the Spirit of Venice Treacle camphoris'd half a Dram Diaphoretic Antimony fifteen Grains the volatil Salt of Vipers half a Scruple Syrup of Orange-peel half an ounce Mix for a Draught Or Take of the Rob of Elder a dram the Powder of Snakes calcin'd a scruple Sal-Armoniac half a scruple With the Syrup of Orange-peel make a Bolus The distill'd Oyl of Turpentin given to six Drops every Morning the Essence of Vipers to forty the Tincture of Antimony or Tincture of Coral given to fifty Drops are also very proper And when all proves ineffectual a Mercurial Salivation may not be amiss Outwardly we apply Ointments of Sulphur Mercury especially that precipitated with the Spirit of Nitre and Sugar of Lead but we ought to take care that the Pores be kept open for fear the Scab should strike in Upon which account let Salt of Tartar be always added As Take of Vnguentum Enulatum and Album Camphoratum of each half an ounce Flowers of Brimstone three drams sweet Mercury a dram Salt of Tartar or Oyl of Tartar per deliquium a dram and a half with the Oyl of Tobacco or of St. John's wort Make an Ointment to which add of the Balsam of Peru half a sc●●ple Oyl of Rose-wood six drops Mix and anoint the Limbs especially the Joints at Night going to Bed and in the Morning wash off the Ointment with the Persons own Urine Take of the Decoction of Quick-lime a pound and a half sweet Mercury three drams Spirit of Venice Treacle camphoris'd an ounce Mix and wash the external Parts for taking off the Scab and the red Scars that remain after it The Distill'd Water of Man's Ordure is an admirable Wash and reserv'd by some as a Secret Some use Girdles of Quick-silver others fumigate with Cinnabar but the Body ought to be well cleans'd beforehand and arm'd against Cold. In a critical Scab we ought not to use repellents But Baths of the Decoctions of the sharp pointed Dock Tobacco-Leaves Scabious Elecampane and Briony Roots Brimstone and Quick-lime are allowable After sweating by internal Sudorifics the scabby Person may bath in them and rub down his Body and after bathing anoint with the above-mention'd Ointment The Itch is near ally'd to the Scab and proceeds from the sharp Particles of the Serum repairing to the surface in small quantities 't is cur'd internally by purging and sweating as above and externally by applying the following Ointment Take of the Roots of the sharp pointed Dock and Elecampane of each an ounce Boil them in Vinegar 'till they become soft then beat 'em thro' a Sive and add of the Oyl of Orris three Ounces common Salt an Ounce Myrrh three Drams Litharge an ounce and a half With Wax make a Liniment A Leprosie proceeds from a saline corrosive Acid reigning in the Serum as being a sort of exalted Scurvy It is oft-times the hereditary Infirmity of a Family or follows a bad Dyet Chronical Diseases and the suppression of wonted Evacuations The Signs which accompany it are either internal or external The internal are Acid or musty Belchings Costiveness Thirst a stinking Sweat thick Urine insomuch that the Powder of Lead will swim upon it an extreme propensity to Venery the thickness viscosity and unctuosity of the Blood when drawn forth and little Clotts of Sand sticking to the Cloth thro' which 't is strain'd the frequency and weakness of the Pulse difficult respiration stinking Breath a weariness of the Limbs Chillness stupidity and a hoarse Voice as if it came thro' the Nose The External Symptoms are these The Skin appears Livid Black or Yellow it Wrinkles when expos'd to the Cold it is notably rough and oily insomuch that Water will not stick to it it is cover'd with a Purple or White Dandriff little moveable painless Knots and
Spirit of Vitriol Sugar of Lead the Powder of Blood-stone mix'd with Vinegar or the Juice of Pomgranats the Vitriol of Steel mix'd with Sugar of Lead Hartman's Astringent Extract of Steel given to nine Grains the Spaw-waters or in want of them the solar Liquor of steel and above all the Tincture of the Sulphur of Vitriol prepar'd thus Take of the Native Genuin Vitriol of Steel that 's void of all Copper and dissolve it in Water if the Vitriol be not genuin put the filings of Steel into the Water and 't will precipitat the Copper and then the strain'd Liquor being thicken'd will yield the genuin Vitriol of Steel when the Vitriol is dissolv'd in Water pour into it the Oyl of Tartar per Deliquium or the Lie of the Salt of Tartar and 't will precipitat an Astringent Crocus of Steel which ought to be frequently dulcifi'd with Water and dry'd then dissolv'd in the Spirit of Nitre and after the Spirit of Nitre is drawn off the Caput Mortuum digested with rectin'd Spirit of Wine gives the Tincture which is of admirable use against all Bleedings Its Dose is thirty or forty Drops in a convenient Vehicle The Animal Province affords us burnt Hartshorn Unicorn's-Horn the Powder of green Frogs the Water of Frogs spawn Crollius's Sperniola given to fifteen Grains the Juice of Asses and Hog's Dung mix'd with the Juice of Nettles or with Sugar in the form of a Syrrup or their Powders with the Powder of the Dung of a Dog that 's wont to gnaw Bones and the Powder of the Blood that comes forth in Bleeding it being dry'd and given to a Dram in some proper Vehicle The Forms of Recipe's are as follows Take of the Extract of Flowers viz. of Red Roses Red Poppies and Dasies infus'd in Water in order to be strain'd or thicken'd for an Extract three drams Ivory and Sea-Horse-Teeth of each half a dram prepar'd red Coral a dram prepar'd Blood-stone two scruples with the Syrup of Red Poppies make an Electuary for allaying the Hea● and Turgescence of the Blood Take of the Pulp of Raisins three ounces choice Rhubarb and prepar'd Red Coral of each a dram and a half Ivory prepar'd without Fire a dram Sea-Horse-Teeth half a Dram Extract of Steel prepar'd with the Juice of Apples three Drams With the Syrup of Red Roses make an Electuary Of which take the quantity of a Nutmeg Morning and Evening for correcting the serosity of the Blood Take of Plantan Water three Ounces Cinnamon-water three Drams Vinegar of Wine half an Ounce Astringent Crocus of Steel half a dram seal'd Earth a scruple Laudanum Opiatum three grains Syrup of Myrtles three drams Mix and exhibit a spoonful or two frequently for correcting the sharpness of the Blood and Humours For the Bleedings in Malignant Feavers we add Alexipharmacal Ingredients If a Bleeding be caus●d by Cantharides we exhibit Milk and the Decoctions of Raisins Isinglass and Misletoe of the Oak with Gum Arabic Tragacanth c. Take of the Juice of Fresh-Asses Dung Syrup of Purslain and that of Myrtle-Berries of each half an Ounce Plantan Water an Ounce Mix for a Draught After the Bleeding is thus stopp'd we exhibit such Medicines as dissolve and evacuat clotted Blood especially if it proceeded from an internal part In the mean while we use likewise external Medicins viz. Such as either cement the Vessels by their gluy Vertue as the Whites of Eggs Mastic Aloe Beans and a living Pigeon or Hen cut up and applied to the Part whose Blood curdles upon the orifice of the Vessels and shuts 'em or such as wring the Vessels by their austerity or imbibe the Blood and stick close to the Orifices of the former sort are Vitriol Vinegar c. Of the latter are Bole Armenic seal'd Earth Allum Potters-Clay mix'd with Vinegar c. In general the French Styptic Liquor which is nothing else but the solution of Allum and half its quantity of the Vitriol of Steel in a proper Vehicle and Tulpius's compound Powder of Bole Armenic Quicklime burnt Vitriol burnt Allum Blood-stone Aloes Dragons Blood Lemnian Earth Crocus of Steel Mummy Mastic and ●rankincense these I say are generally approv'd for external use in all Bleedings ART 1. Of Bleeding at the Nose and Gums THE small Arteries inserted into the Membrane of the Nostrils are liable to frequent Bleedings as being relaxated by prevailing moisture The Symptoms and Causes of this Bleeding are related above If it be very copious and unwonted or unseasonable it prognosticates the Disorders of the Spirits in Acute Diseases especially about the height 't is an ill Omen but in the beginning of the small Pox or when it follows a Deafness after the height of a Feaver 't is not ill In the Disorders of the Liver or Spleen if the Nostril of the same side with the Part aff●cted void Blood 't is well if that of the opposite side 't is a bad Symptom according to Hippocrates In regulating the Method of Cure we must have a particular regard to the various Causes viz. the redundancy turgescence serosity or sharpness of the Blood and single out proper Medicines according to the Directions given for Bleedings in general To which we shall only add this one Observation that in habitual Bleedings at Nose fresh Mint or its Juice taken frequently is of singular use Externally we endeavour to divert and appease the Spirits to curb the turgescence of the Blood and to shut the Orifices of the Vessels For compassing the first Design we use painful Ligatures Frights Caustics appli'd to the remote parts cold things suddenly apply'd to the Scrotum or Breast a dry'd Toad hung under the Armpits or tied to the Forehead or its Powder applied to the Nostrils a Blood-stone or genuin Jasper held in the Hand 'till it become warm Ash-wood applied to the Nostrils c. For the second end we sometimes Bleed by way of Revulsion and Derivation or apply scarifying Cupping-Glasses to the Neck or to the Calf of the Leg those which the Antients order'd for the Liver and Spleen being very dangerous and of no use Cataplasms of Fullers Earth and Vinegar and Epithema's of the Juice of House-leek Vinegar Nitre and Camphyr or of Soot Vinegar and the Whites of Eggs or of Allum Frogs Spawn and Vinegar being applied to the Fore-head Temples Crown of the Head Nape of the Neck Scrotum in Men and the Breasts in Women are of admirable efficacy for appeasing the tumultuous Motions of the Blood As for the third Indication of shutting the Orifices of the Vessels we blow into the Nostrils the Powder of Allum or Vitriol mix'd with Painters Lac or apply it with a Tent dipp'd into the White of an Egg or into the Juice of Hoggs-Dung mix'd with Juice of Plantan The Powder of Hoggs-Dung and that of Toads are very proper for the same use as likewise the Phlegm of Vitriol writing Ink the Tincture of the Sulphur of Vitriol Soot taken from the
Male Sex HAving dispatch'd the Diseases incident to both Sexes I shall now enter into the Consideration of those peculiar to Males SECT I. Of the Diseases which disorder the Genital Liquor in Mens Bodies SOME part of the Chyle accompanying the Blood in the Arteries is convey'd by the Spermatic Vessels to the Stones where 't is in good measure prepar'd by virtue of a particular Ferment for that purpose and afterwards finish'd in the Epididimes which forward it to the seminal Vesicles to be there reserv'd under the Character of the Genital Liquor till the Act of Venery dislodg it 'T is improperly call'd Seed till such time as the Association of the Woman 's Genital Liquor have entitled it to that Character It is enrich'd with a large stock of Spirits especially by the eagerness of the Venereal Encounter and is thereby enabled to reach and impregnat the Womens seminal Eggs. It is likewise cover'd with a soft serous Vehicle prepar'd in the Prostatae that joins it in its Passage and accompanies it thro the Vrethra The manner of its engaging with the seminal Eggs in Women and their Counterpart in the Act of Generation is accounted for elsewhere When the Generation of this Male Genital Liquor is disturb'd it appears in its Deficiency Redundancy or Depravation The two last are referr'd to the Paragraph of Gonorrhaea's the first is the Subject of the following Chapter CHAP. I. Of the Defect or Insufficiency of the Genital Liquor in Men. THE Causes relate either to the Matter it self or the Stones in which 't is prepar'd As touching the former naturally 't is the Chyle or mucilaginous fat milky part of the Blood as appears by its Consistence Color c. Now whatever impairs this must consequently cause a Deficiency of Seed Such are Hunger the Disorders of the digestive Faculty excessive Evacuations Watchings c. Violent Passions of the Mind immoderat Exercise and such like rarify and sharpen the Blood beyond its due pitch and so exhaust the Chyle or seminal Matter Fat and corpulent Persons are liable to the like Inconvenience The milky part of their Blood which should be dispos'd of for seminal Use is diverted and anticipated by its Conversion into Fat. The Causes relating to the Stones proceed either from the defect of the Ferment or the Indisposition of the Stones themselves As for the former questionless 't is a spirituous oily volatil Substance as appears by the notable Changes occasion'd by it in the Mass of the Blood at the time of its Commencement Now whatever fixes the Animal Spirits and strips them of their volatil Capacity must needs weaken the Ferment Such are Spirit of Vitriol Crude Nitre external Cold or exposing the Stones to be wet Application of mercurial things to the Region of the Pubes excessive or unseasonable Venery or an indiscreet abstinence from it Drunkenness Crudities in the Stomac or any Disorder of the first Digestion Dropsies Cachexies c. If the Deficiency of the Ferment be occasion'd by any Cause respecting the Stones themselves it must proceed either from Tumours in 'em or from being gelded 'T is much doubted if there be any natural Eunuchs for many whose Stones are not visible may have 'em hid within the Abdomen and give sufficient proof of their Manhood The Signs are easily distinguish'd If the Ferment be faulty the Person is dull and unactive the venereal Appetit flat and the Seed when cast forth is thin watry and void of heat The Prognostics are more fatal to the Species than to individual Persons If the Person be old or have over-acted in his Youth the Cure is very difficult Sometimes this Deficiency produces not only Effeminacy and Unmanliness but an universal Faintness and Consumption for want of the due Influence of the Ferment upon the Mass of Blood In regulating the Cure a peculiar regard must be had to the Stomac and digestive Faculty for the flatness of this will cause a Deficiency of Seed If the Disease proceed from a Defect in the Stones themselves the following Paragraphs account for its Cure As for the Faults of the Ferment or those respecting the matter of the Genital Liquor the former must be amended by aromatic sharp Incentives such as Ginger Amber Cubebs Cloves Cinnamom Castor Savin-berries Borrace Satyrium Eryngo Mustard-seeds Fennel-seeds Rocket-seeds Pepper Cantharides Spirit of Ants c. The latter by temperat Fat and chylelike Ingredients as Milk the milky Seeds Emulsions Yelks of Eggs with Spanish Wine Oysters Chocolate Dates c. But neither of 'em ought to be us'd separatly but in conjunction with one another As Take of Milk three Ounces Sugar three or four Drams Pepper half a Dram mix for a Draught Take of the Oil of Fistic-nuts one Spoonful the Yelk of one Egg Ambergrise as much as will lie upon the point of a Knife with the triple quantity of Sugar Mix 'em before the Fire and exhibit for one Draught Take of the Water of Magnanimity three Ounces Cinnamom Water prepar'd with Wine Essence of Satyrium of each three Drams Tincture of Coral two Drams Essence of Amber a Dram. Make a Potion Dose a Spoonful now and then Electuaries are very usual in this Case As Take of Indian Chocolat an Ounce and a half Electuary of Satyrium half an Ounce Eryngo-roots candy'd Satyrium-roots candy'd of each six Drams Nutmegs candy'd two Drams candy'd Ginger two or three Drams Shavings of the Pizzle of a Stag kill'd in the act of Venery half an Ounce Cubebs Cardamoms of each a Dram Pouders of Diambra and Diamoschus dulcis of each four Scruples Rocket-seeds Fistic-seeds Nettle-seeds Ash-seeds of each a Dram Ambergrise and Mosch of each ten Grains With Syrup of Canel make an Electuary and when you are about to use it sprinkle it with Spirit of Ants. Dose the bigness of a Walnut Take of the Electuary Diasatyrium a Dram Mynsichtus's provoking Tablets a Scruple Ambergrise Mosch of each two Grains Laudanum Opiatum one Grain Mix for a Bolus Take of the Conserve of Eryngo-roots Conserve of Satyrium of each three Ounces candy'd Citron-peel candy'd Ginger of each half an Ounce Pine-nuts Sweet Almonds and Fistic-nuts of each three or four Drams Pulp of Dates and Nutmegs of each an Ounce Bull 's Pizzle five Drams Rocket-seeds Parsnep-seeds Mustard-seeds of each two Drams Cinnamom Galangal and white Pepper of each a Dram distill'd Oil of Cloves half a Dram With the Brodium of Ginger make an Electuary Some add the Pouder of Cantharides but they are improper for any purpose save that of promoting the Erection of the Yard The Stones of a Cock or the Spirit of a Cock's Blood The Blood or Brains or Pizzle of a Buck or a Bull kill'd in the act of Venery or the shaving of a Bull 's Horn taken at the same time the Tincture of Gold with Oil of Cinnamom the Troches of Vipers or Pullets fed with Vipers Borrace taken in a potch'd Egg c. are all approv'd Remedies for
Oil of Savin or a Pouder made of equal Parts of Borace Myrrh Castor and volatil Salt of Amber given to half a Dram in Cinnamom-water twice or thrice a Day for some time the Pouder also and Spirit of an After-birth is much commended Externally also we must use Clysters for irritating the Vagina and internal Orifice of the Womb and moving them to convulsive Motions such are the Decoctions of Pennyroal Fever-few Savine and Pulp of Coloquintida ty'd in a Bag. Pessaries and Fumigations from the same Ingredients are also proper but withal let the Patient use some violent Exercise such as leaping jumping c. to promote the Operation of the Remedies If all these Prescriptions prove successless we must have recourse to a skilful Surgeon who with a Speculum Vterinum must dilate the Vagina and internal Orifice of the Womb and by his Hand or Instruments draw out the whole Mola And if after the Extraction excessive Bleedings and Pains of the Womb insue exhibit the following Electuary Take Conserve of Roses an Ounce Conserve of Quinces without the Species half an Ounce Troches of Amber seal'd Earth and Spodium of each half a Dram Sorrel-seed and burnt Hartshorn prepar'd of each a Scruple With Syrup of Quinces and that of Mint make an Electuary SECT VI. Of the Conduct of Big-belly'd Women WHILE Women are with Child they ought to be very cautious of the use of the six Non-natural things for fear of incurring the dangers that the suppression of their Terms exposes 'em to and provoking the Child to an untimely Egress In their Diet let Custom be their Rule since things unwonted tho of themselves proper are offensive and e●contra Summer-fruits violent Aromatics and strong Smells whether sweet or foetid are pernicious Much Wine and acid Liquors are apt to cause Abortion Violent Motion is also dangerous especially during the first Months tho in the latter Months if it be moderate 't is not inconvenient Venery long Watchings Fear Anger and such-like Passions ought to be avoided Costiveness ought to be remov'd by the Pulp of Tamarinds or Oil of sweet Almonds Cream and Salt of Tartar or Rhubarb mix'd with Carminative-seeds Sometimes potch'd Eggs and Sugar are sufficient Proper Purgatives or strong Clysters are very dangerous Sometimes it will not be amiss to strengthen the Child by a moderat Draught of sweet Wine after eating by exhibiting Cinnamom-water impregnated with Borrage and Quinces or the Juice Syrup and Marmalade of Quinces mix'd with Cloves Mace and Nutmegs or at Bedtime to apply to the Belly a Bag quilted with Mint Baum Ginger Cloves Galangal c. sprinkl'd with the Oil of Citrons or that of Orange Peel If a Big-belly'd young and plethoric Woman be seiz'd with an acute Disease Blooding is not improper but 't is better to blood frequently than draw forth much at one time If her Stomach be disorder'd mild Vomits are allowable during the first four Months but Purgatives at least such as in violence surpass the Laxatives above-mention'd are always suspected Narcotics in general threaten the Relaxation of the Fibres of the Womb But in some Cases when the Animal Spirits are much irritated and such other Circumstances seem to demand it we may venture to allow a moderat Dose of Opium All the peculiar Symptoms of Big-belly'd Women are occasion'd by the Influence of the seminal Liquor the Suppression of the Terms and the Sympathy of the Stomac with the distended Womb. The first is Vomiting which in the first Months ought not to be stop'd for it facilitats Delivery In the last months it is dangerous and ought to be curb'd betimes Toward the middle of their Reckoning Blood-letting removes it unless they be Cacochymical in which Cases the absorbent Pouders and stomachical Ingredients are requir'd But Steel is hurtful Externally stomachical Plaisters are likewise useful To this Symptom we may add a Pica loathing of Meat griping of the Guts which we accounted for in the first Book A Looseness in the first Months is dangerous Towards the latter end it is of less consequence unless it exceed bounds upon which account we ought to be very cautious in stopping it If it be accompany'd by a prostration of Strength or signs of Malignity and threaten Miscarriage let astringent Acids and Venice Triacle or Diascordium dissolv'd in acid Vehicles be exhibited and proper Plaisters applied externally but all Purgation is pernicious The Pains of the Loins Hip-bones and Pubes caus'd by the various distention of the Ligaments of the Womb and the annex'd Membrans according as the Child is seated forwards or backwards are remov'd by anointing with the Oil of Earthworms mix'd with distill'd Oil of Juniper or applying the Spirit of Earthworms mix'd with Aqua Articularis The Toothach in Women with Child yields to the common Cure A Palpitation of the Heart happening to a lusty Woman about the middle of her Reckoning is cur'd by Blood-letting or else by the ordinary Method If a Cough molest a Woman with Child we must vary the Cure according to its nature as in the first Book Child-bearing Women are frequently subject to bleedings If the Blood flow from the Vagina of the Womb it runs gradually at set times without Pain and ought not to be stop'd If it proceed from within the Womb it runs continually causing Pains in the Loins and if the Woman or Child be not weak may be gently moderated by Blooding and the common Specifics But if the Child move weakly and the Woman's Appetite and Strength be dejected 't is necessary to promote Miscarriage by external Assistance If the Blood break forth only at other parts of the Body it argues a scorbutic Disposition of the Blood which is cured by Chalybeats A suppression of Urine is caus'd by the low Situation of the Child and its bearing down upon the Bladder and is cur'd by emollient Ingredients us'd both inwardly and outwardly and by heaving up the Belly upon occasion of making water Proper Diuretics are scarce safe A Strangury is cur'd by Laxatives such as the Syrup of Peach-flowers and Emulsions and Decoctions of Marshmallows with Raisins or of Jujubes and Peach-stones The Cramps that Child-bearing Women are subject to are cur'd after the ordinary Method especially by external Inunction and Fomentation The Pain and Chops that molest the skin of the Belly as being caus'd by its distention are remov'd by applying emollient Oils and Mucilages If the Waters break forth from the Womb especially from within the Amnios before the time of Delivery 't is a dangerous Case and their loss ought to be repair'd by anointing the Passage with emollient Oils and Ointments But if the Flux of Water proceed only from the outer Neck of the Womb and is not follow'd by the true Pains of Child-birth 't is of no great consequence Sometimes Cacochymical Big-belly'd Women are troubled with swellings of the Feet which disappear upon Child-birth as being remov'd by the Flux of the Loches If these Swellings be
Mix c. Take of the Crocus of Steel prepar'd by Precipitation two or three Drams Calaminar Stone or seal'd Earth a Dram Lac Lunae a Dram and a half Mace Myrrh Olibanum and Aloes of each a Dram Camphyr half a Dram. Make a Pouder to be sprinkled with the Spirit of Triacle camphoris'd and applied to obstinat Ulcers A cleansing Ointment may be prepar'd of the Juices of Tobacco Wormwood Betony Hony of Roses Aloes Myrrh Flowers of Sulphur and Turpentin If the Ulcers are rotten or the part much corrupted the Ointment Aegyptiacum or Verdigrise with distill'd Vinegar will be proper When the Wound is cleans'd we apply healing Remedies which retrieve the natural balmy Juice of the part cement the Wound and by a gentle astringent Force strengthen the Fibres and prevent the unseasonable Growth of luxuriant Flesh Such are the Balsam of Sulphur express'd Oil of Filberts Balsam of Pern c. mix'd with the dulcify'd Earth of Vitriol for benign and arsenic or precipitat Mercury for Malignant Ulcers But ofttimes oily Ingredients are improper and therefore we shift 'em for Hony and the Juices of vulnerary Plants and in rebellious Cases add Quick-silver from which the Spirit of Nitre is drawn off If the Ulcer be cover'd with luxuriant Flesh touch it with Crocus Metallorum or the Crystal of Silver dissolv'd in Aqua fortis If the Ulcer become suddenly dry apply an Ointment of Turpentin Hony Juice of Smallage and Flower of Beans or Fenugrec In general the following Plaister is of singular use for consolidating Ulcers Take of Mastic an Ounce Turpentin three Ounces yellow Wax four Ounces Mix and make a Plaister according to Art Or Take a convenient quantity of Quick-lime wash'd twice or thrice and dry'd Mix it with the Oil of Linseed and Bole Armenic for a Plaister In the mean while 't will be requisite to administer vulnerary Decoctions and Essences inwardly especially those of River-Crabs Dog's Dung Ground Ivy and Tops of St. John's-wort To which we add the Decoctions of Sudorific-woods the Tinctures of Antimony the Spirit and volatil Salt of Vipers Myrrh Saffron Chalybeat Diaphoretic Antimony and Coral or Crabs-eyes exhibited with Vinegar and interlac'd with Purgatives of Turbith Mineral or Sweet Mercury with the Extract of Black Hellebor In desperat Cases we must have recourse to a Salivation Having dispatch'd the general Cure of Ulcers we shall now descend to a few Particulars as 1. The Ulcers that are attended by a Caries or Rottenness of the Bones which must be particularly accounted for before the Ulcer can be cur'd When a Caries begins the Bone appears fat oily and yellowish and when it is perfectly rotten becomes black uneven and full of little Holes If the Bone be not expos'd to one's view either by the naked Eye or thro a Microscope its roughness and little Pits are discover'd by a Probe If a Caries approach to the Joints or be surrounded by many nervous parts 't is not easily cur'd However the Method of Cure is first to dilate the Ulcer with Tents of the Roots of Gentian or the Heart of Elder then to apply the rectify'd Spirit of Wine and the Pouder of Euphorbium mix'd with the Root of Florentin Orris Birthwort Aloes or Myrrh The distill'd Oil of Guajacum and that of Cloves are also very proper but all Oils by Expression or Infusion are pernicious Injections of warm Plantain-water in which Sweet Mercury is dissolv'd are of excellent use for cleansing the Bone and fetching off its Scales But if they prove ineffectual we must either scrape the Bone with a Knife till it appear white and solid with the Marks of little Blood-Vessels or apply an Actual Caustic the adjacent parts being carefully defended from its Injury After scraping or burning we apply the Spirit of Wine or distill'd Oil of Cloves 2. Fistulas or winding Ulcers with Callous Sides The Figure and number of their Turnings must be carefully trac'd by a small Candle of Wax and Turpentin If the bottom of the Fistula be a Bone it discovers it self to the Probe and if it be painless signifies that the Periostium is broke If it end in a nervous part the exquisit Pain will lead us to the knowledg of it if in a Blood-Vessel the obscure Colour of the matter will give us to know so much Glandulous places are most liable to 'em and unless the hardness can be remov'd they prove incurable Now in order to remove it and to cleanse the Ulcer we first dilate the Orifice which in Callous Ulcers is always narrow with a Tent of Gentian-roots sprinkl'd with burnt Allum then we inject Lime-water with Spirit of Wine or the Juice of River-Crabs with the Juice of Tobacco and Sweet Mercury or a Mixture of the Hony of Roses Spirit of Wine and Precipitat Mercury In inveterat Cases we apply the green Waters or the following Mixture Take of the Ointment Aegyptiacum half an Ounce Sublimat Mercury a Dram Lye four Ounces Rose-water an Ounce Plantain-water four Ounces Arsenic a Scruple Boil them till the third part be consum'd and apply the Remainder with Tents If the Pain be so violent that these Remedies cannot be applied we must lay open the Fistulas and consume the Callus as above For a Fistula in the Corner of the Eye call'd Fistula Lachrymalis the following Mixture is of noted efficacy Take of prepar'd Tutty a Dram fine Pouder of Lead and Crude Antimony of each half a Dram Ceruss and Litharge of each a Scruple With the Cerecloth Diachalcitidos mix c. 3. Sordid or rotten Ulcers In the former the matter is slimy thick livid or black in the latter it stinks horridly Sometimes Ulcers become fordid thro the indiscreet Application of far Oils and viscous Ointments in which Case Cataplasms of the Dung of Animals with Wine are very successful In general for all fordid Ulcers we prescribe strong Cleansers such as the Juice of Tobacco or Savin Spirit of Wine the Ointment Aegyptiacum Quick lime-water with Sweet Mercury or a Precipitat upon which Spirit of Wine has been frequently distill'd 4. The inveterate Ulcers in the Legs call'd Phagedema which generally are somewhat corrosive and apt to inlarge their Dimensions Let 'em be wash'd with distill'd Water of rotten Apples mix'd with the Extract of Birthwort-roots or with rectify'd Spirit of Wine Sweet Mercury and Sugar of Lead or the Decoction of Tobacco in which Allum is dissolv'd or the Solution of Precipitat Mercury or of the Dross of the Regulus of Antimony in Plantain-water or the Solution of Gunpouder in Wine After washing apply the Ointment Diapompholigos and Sugar of Lead or Precipitat Mercury with Tents And anoint the Circumference or Edges of the Ulcer with the rectify'd stinking Oil of Man's Dung. 5. Cancrous Ulcers Their Causes and Symptoms are accounted for in the Chapter of Tumors As for their Cure let the Dung of a Cat fed with River-Crabs or the Pouder of a Toad and a Lizard calcin'd together in a
either design'd for preservation from imminent danger or removing the present Illness Distill'd Vinegar Camphyr and alexipharmacal Ingredients are proper Preservatives As for the proper Cure of Malignant Feavers 't is perform'd by expelling the poysonous ferment and fortifying the Spirits and Humours in order to promote the expulsion To this purpose Sulphur absorbent Antimonial Powders Camphyr Vinegar and Acid Juices precipitating Powders such as the friable parts of Animals mix'd with alexipharmacal Ingredients such as Zedoary Ivy-Berries Juniper and Bay-berries Myrrh Angelica Gentian and Saffron with Opium and Sudorifics are very proper But in order to a regular use of 'em let us mind the following Cautions 1. Vomits especially the Infusion of Vitrum Antimonii are of admirable efficacy in the very beginning of Malignant Feavers especially when they 're attended by Anxieties in the Breast or proceed from an internal corruption of the Humors But the Season of exhibiting them must be nicely weigh'd for if Nature be already endeavouring any other evacuation especially through the Skin they are out of season 2. Sudorifics are justly look'd upon as the basis of the Cure but they ought to be proportion'd to the malignity of the Disease and strength of the Patient If the Malignity be of a moderat Character 't is advisable to begin with absorbents at first Indeed a violent malignity requires powerful Sudorifics but care must be taken that the Patient be not stifl'd with weight of Cloaths And those of the sweating Tribe that are Aromatic and Oily are only proper in the beginning or during the increase Towards the height or when the Heat is violent 't is not amiss to exchange 'em with fix'd Powders or at least to qualifie 'em with Acids such as the Spirits of Nitre the vegetable Acid Juices c. Camphyr is a Sudorific never to be omitted unless it be prohibited by a peculiar Antipathy as in some Women and studious Men. 3. During the time of sweating or immediatly after it let Acid mixtures of the Juice of Citrons and especially Spirit of Nitre c. be exhibited They retrieve the exhausted Spirits and procure a due consistence to the dissolv'd Blood and ought always to be imploy'd for a Vehicle to Venice Treacle and such like hot Compositions 4. Opiats are of admirable use for promoting Sweat which is frequently hinder'd by anxiety and unquietness Let 'em be mix'd both with Sudorifics and with the Acid mixtures exhibited after sweating but their proper Season is during the Increase for towards the Crisis they ought to be avoided 5. The Cure of malignant Feavers varies according to their respective Causes If they proceed from external Contagion fierce Sudorifics are requir'd If from the internal corruption of the Humours they ought to be more temperat and rather absorbent If the Animal Spirits are the principal seat of the Malignity subtil volatil penetrating Ingredients mix'd with Narcotics are proper If the Blood claim that Character they ought to be temper'd with Acid Vehicles The malignity of the Blood is for the most part attended by eruptions of Humours at one part or other that of the Spirits by Deliriums Watchings Convulsions c. and a tolerable Pulse 6. Malignant Feavers are frequently complicated continual Burning ones in which case regard must be had to the boiling heat of the Blood by insisting most on moder at Acids and fix'd absorbents especially those of Antimony and qualifying the volatil oily Specifics 7. The above mention'd Symptoms relating to the Tongue Hands and Tendons ought always to be inquir'd after as also the condition of the Eyes for if they are rutilant and fiery or fierce they threaten Deliriums 8 There is nothing more fatal than a Looseness and all Artificial Purgations are pernicious especially if the Disease came by Contagion or if Nature endeavour Cutaneous Fruptions or if the force of malignity surpass that of the febrile effervescency If the first Passages be stuff'd let temperat Clysters be injected and even those but very cautiously In the Declension of the Disease a gentle Laxative is not amiss 9. Blood-letting is highly Pernicious especially if the Disease came by Contagion or tend to cutaneal Eruptions Sometimes if the malignity be weak and the Blood boyl high in a Plethoric young Person accustom'd to Bleeding it may be allow'd but with a great deal of Caution and Judgment 10. Blistering Plaisters are very useful They 're applied to the Legs and Arms and in case of sleepy Symptoms to the Nap of the Neck If the Animal Spirits are much afflicted or if the Eruptions design'd by nature advance but slowly or retire afterwards they are of singular use Stephanus advises us not to be over hasty in applying 'em till Nature have discover'd her design and then if she be weak to interpose their help The increase or rather beginning of the Height is a proper time to apply ' em 11. The Diet must be thin neither are Victuals to be offer'd unless the appetit require ' em For Drink let Water be boyl'd with a third part of Rhenish Wine and mix'd with the Juice of Citrons and Gelly of Harts-horn Or let Whey be sharpen'd with the Juice of Citrons or Spirit of Nitre Having premis'd these Cautions we shall next touch at the Specifics some of which are volatil some fix'd The volatil are either lean and thin such as the Spirit of Sal-Armoniac the Spirits and volatil Salts of Harts-horn of Vipers of Tartar of Urine of Amber c. Or Oily and Aromatic such as Camphyr Elecampane Birthwort Rue Galangal Mary-gold Orange Peel Germander Castor Vipers Baum Zedoary lesser Centory Rob of Juniper and Elder-berries the distill'd Oyls of Amber Camphyr Harts-horn and Tartar Essence of Triacle Spirit of Triacle Camphoris'd and the Essences of Aromatic Herbs The fix'd are Diaphoretic Antimony Diaphoretic Gold native Cinnabar or that of Antimony above all the fix'd Sulphur of Antimony mineral Bezoar both simple and Compound the Bezoar Stone given to half a dram or in the room of it the Stone cut out of a Man's Bladder seal'd Earth Coral Harts-horn Sulphur and the preparations of Nitre c. Some are of a temperat nature neither properly volatil nor fix'd such are the Gelly of Harts-horn the expelling Seeds viz. Those of Carduus Benedictus Columbines Cresses Citrons c. To which we may add Myrrh which is a baumy Medicine of excellent use for covering the Spirits from the shocks of the malign ferment From these Simples are prepar'd an infinity of compound Medicines such as Venice Triacle or Diascordium which is better Mithridat Species of Hyacinth the Powder call'd Saxonicus c. As for Venice Triacle and such like hot Compositions the best way is to exhibit em in Acid Vehicles and mix 'em with fix'd Specifics Take of Rasberry Water and that of Water Germander of each an ounce and a half Diaphoretic Antimony half a dram Cinnabar of Antimony fifteen grains volatil Salt of Harts-horn twelve grains Camphyr two or three