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A60638 Iatrica, seu, Praxis medendi, The practice of curing being a medicinal history of above three thousand famous observations in the cure of diseases, performed by the author hereof : together with several of the choicest observations of other famous men ... : wherein for the most part you will find 1. the constitution of the body of the sick, 2. the symptoms predominant, 3. the cause of the disease, what? 4. the exact method which was taken in the cure, 5. an exact account of the medicines exhibited, with the order of their exhibition, various doses and success thereupon ... / perform'd by William Salmon ... Salmon, William, 1644-1713. 1681 (1681) Wing S431; ESTC R2357 1,104,756 801

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a dram make it into five Pills with Syrup of Stoechas These were swallowed about midnight and he had about five or more Stools not long after which the pain ceased 6. To strengthen the Head and dry up the Catarrh this Cucufa or Cap may be applyed to the Head Take Red Roses dryed Betony dryed of each one Dram Gum Sandarach Mastich Myrtle Berries of each half a Dram Macer or instead thereof Mace one Scruple make a gross pouder and quilt it up in a Cap about the bigness of the palm of ones Hand to be applyed to the Crown of the Head 7. The same Pouder well beaten and sifted through a Sieve may be made into the consistency of a Cerate with Gum Labdanum Wax and Oyl of Camomil and applyed being spread upon Leather to the Head as aforesaid both these Compositions will free the sick from a Catarrh at which time soever they are applyed at least they shall make the Flux much less XL. A pain of the Head cured by purging the Brain Lib. 9. Obs 18. 1. A certain Woman was at times affected with a pain in the Head to whom many Medicaments were applyed at last after Universal Remedies were adhibited she was delivered from her pain by this Masticatory which brought away a large quantity of Flegm by the Palate and Mouth Take Mastick one Dram Pellitory of Spain one Scruple pouder them with a little Oyl of bitter Almonds enough to conglutinate them make five Troches or Tables To be chewed one in a morning fasting for the space of near half an hour 2. One Melchior Gerard having long laboued under a pain of the Head it returning often at times and being also troubled with a constant Catarrh after the use of many approved universal purging Medicines the Head was cleansed by the use of this following Errhine Take juyce of Beets mixed with Clarified honey six ounces let it be snuffed up the Nose it also prevails against a Cephalaea or old Head-ach 3. This following also may be used not only in a pain of the Head but also to divert a Catarrh by the Nose Take juyces of Beets and Rue of each one ounce juyce of Marjoram half an ounce mix them and let the Errhine be injected up the Nose in the Morning the Stomach being fasting the Mouth being first filled with Beer or Water and close shut and the other Nostril being stopt From my H●use at the Red Balls in Salisbury Court Fleetstreet London Printed for Th. Dawks and Langley Curtiss on Ludgate-Hill 1681. CHAP. II. Of the MEGRIM Numb 5. August 10. The Authors Observations I. AHemicrania or Megrim proceeding from the Pox. 1. A young French-man of about 25 years of Age having been lately cur'd of the French Disease as he thought being first flux'd by anointing with the Neapolitan Ointment and afterwards having taken the common Diet of Guajacum for 40 dayes with Purgations every fifth day between seem'd to be perfectly well but about three weeks after the ceasing of his Diet he was seized with a most violent Megrim or pain on one half his head viz. on his right side 2. It began from the beating of the Temples and went down to the Sagital or Arrow-like Suture which divides the head long-waies It s return was commonly every third or fourth day about 9 in the morning continuing in great extremity till about 9 the next morning but growing most vehement towards night 3. The Cause was without doubt the Venom of the French Pox not totally eradicated whose poisonous quality does not only torment the Periostion and Pericranium causing outward pain but also the Films and Menings of the Brain thereby causing an inward pain whereby these pains proceeding from the Pox commonly are very extream and this last may be so much the more probable for as much as many Headaches proceed simply from the natural weakness of the Brain and parts adjacent and what can be thought more to weaken the Brain than a malignant Pox which has seised the head and fill'd its Ventricles with many Excrements 4. The Patient was of a brisk sanguine Complexion had a ruddy Countenance merry and chearful given to riding hunting and such like he eat and drank well so also he took his natural rest and seemed no way discomposed but when this vehement pain seiz'd him 5. When the pain was upon him he found good by things neither hot nor cold nor yet by any kind of Unction whatsoever moreover pellets of Gold were put up his Nostrils but we could not perceive the least appearance of Quick-silver so that I concluded it was from some poisonous matter now to be evacuated and the contamination of the part by the malignity of the Pox. 6. Hence it appear'd that in order to the Cure I was not only to correct and alter the Virulency of the Humour but also to evacuate the matter already gathered and to corroborate and strengthen the parts so emptied and weakned 7. But his pain being Extream we were forc'd to lay-by the orderly Method of Art and first make use of Opiates altho' Opiates are known to be very hurtful in any Head-ach whatsoever but what we gave was this well corrected Laudanum following Take Opium four ounces dissolve it in Spirit of Wine a sufficient Quantity strain it and evaporate it to the Consistency of an Extract this done Take the Oyl of Salt half an ounce common water distill'd a pint mix them well in this mixture dissolve the aforesaid Extract digest ten daies then evaporate the Liquor almost to driness the Extract at bottom mix with Virgin Honey an ounce or somewhat more Oyls of Sassafras one dram of Rosemary and Wormwood of each half a dram mix all well together into a Laudanum Of this I gave him first five grains and about 24 hours after I gave him seven grains more dissolv'd in 2 or 3 spoonfuls of Sack it gave him ease for the present without any kind of Injury 8. I now fell upon the methodick practice of Cure and by Reason his head and face chiefly his right side was swelled with the pain after the Exhibition of this Clyster Take Mutton broth twelve ounces Infusion of Crocus Metallorum two ounces Tincture of Colocynthis made in spirit of Wine one ounce oyl olive two ounces and a half mix and give it warm at six a clock at Night I gave the next morning a Dose of the Lunar Pills whose Composition and way of using you may see in my Dispensatory Lib. 3. Cap. 11. Sect. 21. the fourth morning from thence I gave an ounce of this following Tincture Take Spirit of Wine a Pint pulp of Colocynthis shred small two Ounces Anniseeds Bruised two Drams Coriander-seed bruised one Dram Cloves well bruised half a Dram mix and digest warm for ten days shaking the vessel every day then keep it for use giving only the clear Liquor with observation as in other purges 9. During the Exhibition of these things which might have respect
Agarick Rosin of Jalap of each four Grains Sal Armoniack three Grains Elaterium two Grains Tartar Vitriolate ten Grains Oyl of Lavender one Drop mix and make Pills for one Dose This I repeated every fourth or fifth morning 9. In this interim of Purging I prescribed this following to be taken every morning fasting to six Ounces Take Parsly water two Pounds Juyces of Plantane and Fumitory clarified of each one Pound and an half Juyces of Oranges three Pound mix them At noon I ordered this to be taken Take Plantane Water a Pint Syrupus de-quinque radicibus three Ounces Spirit of Sal Armoniack a Scruple mix them for three Doses to be taken for three days just before Dinner At Night this Take Fumitory-Water a Quart Harts-Horn calcined half an Ounce Sal Prunellae three Drams mix boyl all a quarter of an Hour then strain and sweeten with Syrup of Harts-Tongue Give it for four Doses for four Nights going to Bed This Course I continued with her for three Weeks 10. Lastly that I might the more effectually cool the Blood and alter the hot Constitution of the Body I Ordered her to take Oyl of Salt in all the drink she drank and to make it as tart as she could well endure it and this to do at least 5 6 or 7 times a day by following this Counsel she became perfectly well in about three weeks time being freed as well from her Scurvy as her Megrim III. A Megrim proceeding from a Scorbute in a Cold Constitution 1. This is a famous Example An ancient Woman about 55 years old who had at times been for more than seven years troubled with this Pain which as all Physicians judged and truly enough to proceed from the Scurvy she had diversity of Symptoms in the Skin as Spots in the Leggs Pustules and Ulcers swellings in the Gums looseness of Teeth and a kind of Erratick Itching all over her whole body to which add this violent pain over the one half of her head 2. She had been under other Physicians hands who had often let her Blood cup't her upon each Shoulder had Issues in both Arms and both Legs given her Clysters and purged her with a vast number of Cephalick Pills but all to no purpose 3. After all this she came to me requesting my Directions and declaring all that had been done as aforesaid by which I perceived they had not levelled at the cause of the pain but directed their aim at a wrong mark When I had a little viewed and examined the Woman I found the Scurvy to be the root of the matter and the Scurvy in a cold Constitution and therefore thought in my own Breast That unless I directed my intentions of Cure to that I should necessarily miss the desired end as well as those who had gone before me 4. In the first place I cleansed her Bowels with this Clyster Take Mutton Broth twelve ounces Tincture of Colocynthis an ounce and half Oyl of Aniseeds one dram well mixed with Sugar three ounces put all together and give it warm In all her Drink but chiefly in Horse-radish wine to take about 12 or 14 drops of Spirit of Sal Armoniack four or five times a day I gave her a dram of Sal Vitrioli in Chicken Broth which I repeated every morning for three times then I purged her four times twice with the Lunar Pills and twice with the Golden Spirit of Life of Rulandus the making of which see in my Dispensatory giving them alternately every third day 5. When all these things were done I ordered her to drink the Antiscorbutick Wine of Mynsicht see it in my Dispensatory lib. 4. cap. 12. sect 11. for 14 or 16 days together dropping into every draught thereof 8 drops of the Spirit of Sal Armoniack afore-mentioned 6. For Topicks I ordered to her head hot Bread and it to be repeated as occasion required then the places pained to be bathed with Powers of Amber and Juniper-berries of each a like quantity mixed together Lastly That the Ventricles of the Brain should be evacuated with the solid Errhins mentioned in Cap. 1. Sect. 4. § 5. foregoing 7. And to consummate the Cure I ordered my Patient the Electuarium ad Tabidos which see in my Doron Medicum lib 2 cap. 22. s●ct 1. to be taken every morning fasting and just before Dinner a dram at a time it not only strengthens and comforts all the weakned and enfeebled parts but is a most excellent Cephalick and a very great Antiscorbutick And at Night going to Bed an ounce of the Conserves of Scurvygrass Water-Cresses and Brook-lime made up into a Mass with Sugar the Herbs being in equal proportion Thus in a months time the Sick became perfectly well IV. A Megrim proceeding from a certain foulness of the Stomach 1. This was in a Plough-man of near 40 years of Age and had been of about a twelve months continuance The man was of a black swarthy Countenance dull-spirited slow both of motion and speech and of a cold dry and melancholy habit of body 2. His great Complaint was of a heaviness at Stomach bad appetite and worse digestion so that sometimes he Vomited up what he had received with a great deal of other thick black and nasty matter 3. I gave him an ounce of the Infusion of Crocus Metallorum mixed with an ounce of Oxymel of Squills and three ounces of Carduus water with this he purged both upwards and downwards and his Stomach seemed to be well cleansed five days after I repeated the same and again a third time and he became well From my House at the Red Balls in Salisbury-Court Fleetstreet where my Synopsis Medicinae are to be had London Printed for T. Dawks L. Curtiss sold by T. Basset J. Wright R Chiswel 1681. The Chapter of the Megrim continued Numb 6. August 13. V. A Megrim arising from Blood over-heated 1. A young man of a good habit and constitution of body over-heating himself in Hay-time or Harvest fell into a very strong Feaver with a mighty pain on the right side of his head The Country people used many things to him whereby his Feaver was mightily abated or in a manner gone but the pain of his head continued 2. He came to me and gave as clear a Description as he could of his Disease by which I found that the true Cause was too great a heat and fermentation of the Blood not yet totally suppressed 3. I ordered him Spirit of Sal Armoniack 12 drops to be taken in fair water morning and night and to be continued for about 10 days time During which time I ordered him to Drink 5 6 or 8 drops of Oyl of Sulphur in all the drink he drank and to take it about 5 or 6 times a day by this means the heat of his Blood was allayed and the pain went away without any kind of Purging VI. A Megrim proceeding from a Stomach oppressed with Flegm 1. A certain young
Lady 18 years of Age inclining to a grossness of body had for two years time been afflicted by Fits with a violent Megrim on the left side of her Head she seemed when the Pain was off from her to be in perfect Health except only a kind of heaviness at Stomach she would also sometimes Vomit Flegm Moreover when the Fit was upon her if she could but Vomit the pain certainly and immediately went away and the matter she always Vomited was a cold thick viscous or tough Flegm 2. The Cause seemed to be from the weakning of the inner coat of the Stomach which is a production of the Dura meninx by the weight and coldness of the Flegm as also from the hurt of the Stomatick Nerves by the same cause which spring from the Par vagum or sixth pair as they are commonly accounted within the Skull and hence is the Truth of that common saying among People That if the Stomach be ill the Head cannot be well which is indeed from the consent of Parts joyned by the common mediums 3. She making her Complaint to me and I apprehending it to proceed from an oppression of the Stomach by Flegm advised her to take a gentle Vomit which might evacuate that viscous matter I gave her six drams of Salt of Vitriol ordering one dram to be given in a morning fasting and so every other day so long as she vomited Flegmatick matter The dram of Salt of Vitriol was divided into three parts a scruple in a part she took one scruple dissolved in Broth which gave her a Vomit after that Vomit she took another scruple in Broth and drank also a little Broth after it which gave her another Vomit then she took the last Scruple as aforesaid by all of which she had 5 or 6 Vomits the whole matter coming forth being little else but a viscous tough Flegm 4. She took but 5 drams of the said Salt in 10 days and her Stomach was perfectly cleansed and the last time she Vomited was a yellowish greenish substance thin and free from Viscosity upon which I forbad her taking the last dram the whole quantity of the Viscous Flegm thus ejected forth in these five days of Vomiting was proved by weight to be somewhat more than 12 pounds 5. By the use of this alone Medicament was this vehement head-ach perfectly taken away and the Stomach of the Sick throughly cleansed whereby she enjoyed her Health very well for several years after However to strengthen the Stomach Brain and other parts weakned I advised her to take every morning and evening for 14 or 20 days a dram at a time of our Electüarium ad Tabidos and now and then a Glass of Wormwood Wine See the said Electuary in our Doron Medicum lib. 2. cap. 22. sect 1. VII A Megrim arising from a great blow on the Head 1. This hapned to a young fellow of 22 years of Age There was a great Tumor with vehement pain a Feaver was excited with restlessness and a great Thirst 2. Inwardly I immediately gave this Take Sal Prunellae a dram white Sugar two ounces Aqua Celestis one ounce and half Parsly water a quart mix them and give three or four Spoonfuls at a time This cooled his Feaver and took off his vehement Thirst moreover I ordered him drops of Oyl of Sulphur to be dropt into all his other drink he drank by this means his Belly was kept soluble and the Blood over-heated was cooled for all Mineral waters viz. such as come from Vitriol Sulpher Niter or Salt wonderfully cool and penetrate above all other things and immediately mix themselves with the Sanguinous mass whereby that is performed in an Hour or two which by other things could not be performed in so many days 3. Outwardly he was annointed with this Oyl Take Oyls of Dill and Water-Lilly of each half an Ounce Opium and Camphir of each a Scruple dissolve the Camphir in a little spirit of Wine then dissolve the Opium in like manner which two dissolutions mix with the Oyls and therewith anoint the part afflicted by the use of this two or three times the pain went away the Tumor abated and the sick in about three days time was perfectly well VIII A Megrim with a violent Cough and shortness of Breath 1. An ancient Man 76 years of Age had for ten Months or more laboured under a vehement pain of his Head on his left side which pain commonly returned upon him once in two or three days he was mightily afflicted with Flegm and complained much of a trickling Rheum which he felt running down his Throat This Rheum as he thought excited his Cough and when the Cough became violent and lasted long it stirred up that almost intollerable pain in the one side of his Head 2. He was advised to and used many things but without any good at last an old Woman advised him to this Electuary following of which he was to take as much as a large Nutmeg 4 5 or 6 times a day Take of the best Virgin Honey ten ounces Ginger in fine pouder eight ounces Red R●ses in fine pouder one ounce and a half Spirit of Sulphur enough to make it as sowr as he could well endure it mix all together into a mass Of this the old man did take for at least 6 Weeks and found much good in it it took away his Catarrh comforted his Stomach and stopt his Cough whereby the pain of his Head was lessned or at least it came more seldom tho at the fit with the same vehemency as before 3. After all this he applyed himself to me related to me how he had been and gave me an Account of the aforegoing Electuary from which he had received so much good I liked well the Electuary and ordered him the continuation thereof but caused him to vomit four several times with Salt of Vitriol given a Dram at a time in a little Broth in the morning fasting which wrought well with him and brought away a great deal of cold slimy and viscous matter 4. Lastly to warm and comfort the Somach and parts weakned I ordered him to take inwardly The blood red Tincture of black Pepper made by digesting black Pepper in Spirit of Wine to redness of this he took about 12 drops three or four times a day in a Glass of Canary Outwardly I caused his Head to be Anointed with Oyl of Amber five or six several times and then to be bound up and often to smell to Spirit of Harts-Horn taking also the Salt of Harts-Horn inwardly ad gr sixteen in Wine twice a Week by this means he was made very well in little more than a months time IX A Megrim with a Catarrh and Scirrhus Tumor of the Spleen 1. A certain man 40 years of Age had for about two years and an half been extreamly troubled with a great pain on the left side of his Head and a Catarrh or Rheum falling down upon his Lungs 2.
to bed six eight or ten Drops in Wine or Broth anointing also the Nostrils within therewith Take Chymical Oyl of Nutmegs three drams Chymical Oyls of Marjoram Rosemary and Amber of each half a dram Oyl of Mans Skull Musk and Ambergrise of each one scruple mix them together the Musk and Ambergrise being fi●st ground into a subtle Pouder 65. Or this Take Oyl of Oranges or Orange-flowers two drams Fat of Roses one dram Oyl of Amber one scruple Chymical Oyls of Rosemary Sage and Spicknard of each fifteen drops mix them together and let them be used as the former 66. If those things cannot be had we commend in the place thereof the dayly use of Our Electuarium ad Tabidos or Our Treacle the greater and lesser Compositions but chiefly the Electuarium Antipestilentiale either of which may be taken Morning or Night to the quantity of one dram drinking afer it a little Glass of Pope Adrian his Wine or a small quantity of the Queen of Hungaria her Water 67. Lastly Let the Room in which the Sick lodgeth or is most conversant in be Perfumed with the following Suffiment Take Amber Yellow Sanders Raspings of Juniper-wood Mastich Olibanum Storax Calamita Gum Sanderach of each half an ounce Benjamin Orrice-roots Frankincense of each two drams Cloves Nutmegs Mace of each one dram make all into a gross Pouder which sprinkle upon Charcoal set on fire 68. With this the Room may be Perfumed Morning and Night every Week and if he so pleases he may take the Fume thereof into his Mouth through a Funnel twice or thrice a week for by this means the Head will be exceedingly dryed XXXVI The Cure of the Head-ach from Vapours ascending up into the Brain 1. If it proceeds from Drunkenness it suddenly passes off and needs none of our Instructions for the Cure of it if it proceeds from Melancholy Platerus commends the following Take Catholicon half an ounce Diaphenicon two drams Hamech a dram mix them and take it with Sugar or an ounce of the Syrup of Fumetory or with Whey or with Cock-Broth 2. Or let the Sick take these Pills Take Pilulae Indiae two scruples Pilulae Agregativae half a dram with the juyce of Fumetory make a Mass of Pills 3. Or this which is stronger Take species Hiera without Saffron a dram and half Extracts of Polypody and of all the Myrobalans of each two scruples Scammony extract of black Hellebor of each a scruple Lapis LaZuli prepared half a dram Oyl of Lavender-flowers twelve drops with syrup of Fumetory make a Mass of Pills which may be given from half a dram to a dram 4. Those that cannot take Pills may take the following Decoction Take Roots of Bugloss Bark of Tamarisk Bugloss and Scabious flowers Raisons stoned of each one ounce Staechas half an ounce seeds of Millons two drams Polypody Dates Sena of each six drams Prunes numb 12. Indian and Cheb Myrobalans of each a dram being all bruised infuse twenty four hours over a gentle heat then boyl and strain out to the strained Liquor add syrup of Roses solutive and of Peach-flowers of each one ounce Sugar and Nutmeg in Pouder of each enough to sweeten and aromatize it This Portion repeat if need be 5. Or instead hereof the Pulvis Diatartara Rulandi which is this Take Sena six drams Crystals of Tartar one ounce Fennel and Anniseeds of each a dram Cinnamon half a dram Sugar of Roses a dram and half or two drams make all into fine Pouder This is a pleasant Pouder and may be given a Spoonful at a time often 6. If it proceeds from Vapours from the Stomach you may give Pills of Hiera Picra or Pilulae Aloephanginae which are of extraordinary use as also the Elixir Proprietatis Paracelsi 7. If the Vapours or Fumes proceed from the Womb you may Purge with Pilulae Cochiae or Pilulae foetidae or with Our Family Pills with Aloes these things cleanse and open the Womb after a wonderful sort 8. Afterwards proper Hystericks may be given of which in their place However this following Composition is mightily commended Take Species of Hiera Picra two drams Agarick Turbith of each one dram Troches Alhandal Resinous Scammony Nutmeg Mastich of each half a dram Ginger a scruple Sal Gem half a scruple Oyl of Cloves and Lavender-flowers of each three drops with syrup of Staechas make a Mass of Pills Dose from half a dram to two scruples the one half may be given at Night going to Bed and the other half next Morning following 9. Lastly in all these Cases it will be of principal moment often to administer some of the Clysters in the former Section for they mightily draw Vapours from the Head XXXVII The Cure of the Head-ach arising from a Feaver 1. We ought indeed to take away the Cause if we would have the Effect to cease but because the doing of that would be somtimes long and the urgency and vehemency of the Symptom many times requires the more speedy remedy we shall here point them forth to you as they are to be used in order Ancient Physicians used immediately to open a Vein cheifly the Cephalick but this we decline 2. If it be external the parts Pained ought to Bathed or fomented with Warm Water in a pint of which three drams or half a ounce of Sal Prunellae is dissolved this ought to be continued for half a hour or there abouts This done 3. You may Embrocate the Head with this Take Rose-Water four ounces Vinegar of Roses two ounces Oyl of Roses one ounce the white of one Egg mix them by beating them well together and Embrocate as aforesaid after which dip Flax Cotton or double Linnen therein and apply it after the manner of an Epithem Or instead hereof you may anoint with Vnguentum Populneum or Our Vnguentum Narcoticum both which are of good Use But a Cataplasm of Vervain made by beating it with Vinegar is said to be a Specifick 4. This done this following Clyster from Joel ought to be given to move the Belly for thereby the heated parts will be much cooled the Feaver much abated Vapours will be drawn downward and the Pain of the Head will be signally eased Take Violet leaves herb Mercury Betony Marjoram Centory the less of each one handful Pulp of Coloquintida one dram the herbs being bruised boyl all in a pint and half of Water till three quarters of a pint only remain which strain and to the straining add Hiera simple one ounce and half Oyls of Violets and Camomil of each two ounces common Salt one dram mix for a Clyster which you are to exhibit warm 5. Inwardly you are to use Antifebriticks mixing with the same a few drops of the Spirit of Sal Anmoniack and in all his Drink let him take Salt of Wormwood ten grains mixed with Juyce of Limons half a spoonfull 6. If these things do not after bathing with the Water at § 2. above you may at
Cephalicks in this Case you may Purge with Pilulae ex duobus mixt with Pilulae Foetidae or Pouder of Castoreum or Mans Skull or Spirit or Oyl of Mans Skull or of Hartshorn or you may make a mixture with Assa foetida c. 9. Thirdly the proper Topicks are to be applyed such are Cataplasms of hot Bread or baked Turneps split in the middle and sprinkled with Oyls of Rosemary Sassafras or Amber Or this Take Wild Ox or Goats dung Frankincense of each alike with Vinegar make an Emplaster which apply warm 10. Afterwards That the Head be continually kept anointing Morning and Evening with this following Oyl Take Oyl of Nutmegs by expression one ounce Chymical Oyls of Rosemary of Sassafras of Amber and of sweet Marjoram or Savin of each one dram mix them to anoint withal 11. Fourthly Where the Disease is inveterate and will be brought to yield to no Remedies the Hair ought to be Shav'd off and a Vesicatory is to be applyed over the half of the Head Pained which ought indeed to be repeated 2 3 or 4 times after which the Soar place being Skinned a Cataplasm of green Vervain Rue Wormwood made by beating in a Mortar is to be applyed for many days Morning and Evening 12. You may apply ten or twelve Leeches as Zacutus Lusitanus does advise to the Temples and Forehead on that side the pain is which for the most part Cures but if these things do not you may saith Riverius open the Temporal Arteries and draw six or seven ounces of Blood which is not only once to be done but also to be reiterated twice or thrice if need so requires 13. And it will not be amiss if a Cautery was applyed to the Coronal Suture or rather if it be done by a Skillful Man to the Temple of the afflicted side 14. Some have been Cured by applying a kind of Cataplasm made of Euphorbium dissolved in Vinegar others have been Cured by having Cauteries applyed to the Soles of both the Feet which has been of a most incredible Advantage the reason of which is apparent from the great consent of the parts 15. But as the last and ultimate Remedy all or most of the former things having been first tryed we must have recourse to Narcoticks outwardly you may bath with Tincture of Opium and anoint with Oyl of Poppy-seeds or with this following Take Oyl of Poppy or Henbane seeds two ounces Opium extracted and inspissated to the thickness of Honey half an ounce Camphir dissolved in a little spirit of Wine a dram and half mix all together and let the Spirits gently evaporate with this the party afflicted may be anointed twice or thrice a day for six eight or ten days 16. Afterwards the Hair being close Shaved this following Playster may be applyed Take Emplastrum de sapone half a pound Extract of Opium of the thickness of Honey one ounce and half Camphir dissolved in a little Oyl of Anniseeds two drams mix all together and spread it upon white Linnen and apply it to the place and to be renewed every third or fourth day 17. Inwardly the Sick may take Laudanum Paracelsi or Our Laudanum a small Pill every Night going to Bed beginning first with two grains and increasing it every fifth or sixth day half a grain and so continuing the constant use thereof for half a year or more except only on those days wherein the Sick takes some gentle Purge to Loosen the Bowels 18. If it comes from a former Fracture of the Skull not so well Cured as it ought to be then the Head ought to be opened and a piece of the Skull taken forth and to be kept open all the days of the Patients Life And through this whole Cure let his Drink be continually a small Diet made of Guajacum adding some Sarsa Liquorice and Carminative seeds XLIX Singular Observations in the Cure of a Megrim from Wind and Cold. 1. In case of flatulency or wind the digestive Pouder following may be given every Morning fasting Take Cremor Tartari two drams Foecula Aronis Foecula of Bryony of each one dram Salts of Wormwood and of Carduus of each one scruple mix for four doses Let it be taken in the Morning fasting in Decoction of Parsly or Fennel roots adding a few drops of Elixir Proprietatis Paracelsi 2. At Night going to Bed you may give this Take Magistery of red Coral one scruple Magistery of Lapis spongiae ten grains mix in a fine Pouder with a little Sugar Candy give it in any fit Vehicle and continue it for four Nights 3. The fifth day you may Purge with the following Take Magistery of Tartar vitriolated half a dram Pouder of Jallap two scruples and a half Scammony six grains mix them but if the Sick desires rather a Potion you may give this Take syrup of Apples Compound one ounce and a half Extract of Rhubarb half a dram Tartar vitriolated a scruple Decoction of flowers and fruits with Sena two ounces and half mix them Or you may Compound it in the form of Syrup thus Take syrup of Apples aforementioned an ounce an half syrup of Manna Laxative one ounce Panchymagoge extract half a dram dissolved in a little Fumitory-water mix them These digestives and purgatives you may reiterate as you see occasion 4. This is a good experiment in all cold and flatulent Causes Take Cephalick Treacle Water two ounces Water of Swallows with Castor one ounce spirit of Lilly-Convally half an ounce mix them Dip Linnen Cloaths therein press them a little out and apply to the part pained using also Frictions before hand L. The Cure of a Megrim by consent from the Womb. 1. Outwardly you may anoint with the Chymical Oyls of Sweet Marjoram Or Bath with the Cephalick Treacle Water Or With the Water of Swallows with Castoreum applying over the place pained Gum Tacamahacca dissolved and spread upon Leather for these ease the pain mightily Inwardly give Morning and Evening Tincture of Castor 2. Below the Navel apply this Take Galbanum strained and inspissated Tacamahacca of each six drams mix and make a Plaster which spread upon Leather about the breadth of the Palm of ones hand and Eliptical in form or somwhat roundish 3. Or the Head may be anointed with this Take Oyl of Nutmegs by expression one dram Chymical Oyl of sweet Marjoram one scruple Oyl of Amber four drops Oyl of Cloves two drops mix them to anoint withal 4. If there be withal a noise or ringing of the Ears Take Oyl of sweet Almonds two drams Oyl of Nutmegs Chymical one dram Oyls of Carraways Petrolaeum of each ten drops mix them together and put thereof into the Ears with a little Cotton 5. Take Mithridate Venice Treacle of each a dram Conserve of Rosmary-flowers half an ounce Conserve of Bawm one ounce mix them Dose one dram to two in the Morning fasting 6. Aqua Theriacalis Cephalica above mentioned Take roots of Male Peony of vulgar Acorus
Plateri Obs lib. 1. XXIII A Vertigo proceeding from Melancholy 1. In the year 1611. A Noble Man of Burgundy was vexed with a Vertigo loss of Memory and Sight in the morning chiefly when fasting and studying together with heaviness of the Head and inward Senses with sadness and fear that hindred all his Actions kept him from Company and made him love solitariness he had often defluxions upon his Back and Joynts with pain 2. In his Letter he sent to me he said he had been 25 years thus troubled and had used the chief Physicians in all Europe but to little purpose he sent me the Advises of those Physicians and I perceived they all agreed that it was Hypocondriack Melancholy among whom these following were whom I name for their Honour viz. Alvarus a Spanish Physician Bernard Bertram of Padua Capalonius an Italian Franciscus Guiamez of Rome Auger Ferrer of Tholouz Riolanus Physician to the French King Alexander Buchinel Anthonius Darinet Anthonius Porreus and Pascotus Burgundians whose praescripts against Melancholy he used from 1582. to 1602. 3. He used also divers Evacuations the Decoction of Guajacum with a spare Diet and Sweating The year following he used the lead Baths and three years after the sharp Waters of Griespake and other things against Melancholy as Purgers Vomitories Alterers and Clysters 4. After the use of these he was still uncured and weakned and complained sadly as melancholy persons use to do in his Letter to me in September 1608 he desired my advice in short and told me he was weary of many Medicines I answered that the Cure would be difficult because his complexion was fixed being melancholy so long 5. I promised not much but gave gentle things as this Wine which he never used before Take of the five opening roots of each an ounce barks of Elder and Dwarf-Elder of each six drams bark of Tamarisk two ounces bark of Caper-roots an ounce Sassafras an ounce and half Wormwood Germander of each an handful and half Ceterach Bawm Ground-pine of each a handful flowers of Borrage Bugloss Scabious of each two pugils Broom-flowers a pugil Fennel-seeds an ounce Carraway seeds two drams seeds of Siler-montanus a dram bruise them and put them into a vessel with the shavings of Juniper and add fifteen measures of Wine I suppose a measure here understood differs not much from a quart some say it is a pint and half stop it well and keep it in a Wine Cellar 6. After 8 days three measures were drawn out and in them were infused Sena two ounces Rhubarb six drams Mechoacan Epithymum Cinnamon of each half an ounce Cloves a dram I called the former his preparing this latter his purging Wine Also I gave him some of my Troches of Wormwood He drank the preparing Wine in the morning two hours afore dinner and took with it a little Chicken Broth for three days and the fourth day a draught of his purging Wine it purged gently 7. In the year 1609. in March he sent me word that he liked his Wine well but the Gout he had made him forbear it but after his Gout was gon he renewed it again thrice and at the Vintage with new Wine 8. In November following he wrote to me again after he had the Gout that he had an Erysipelas in his Leg and a Feaver with it as he used but since he never had any Disease in his Head and therefore desired only now some preservatives against the Gout to abate it I sent him my Pills and Electuary against the Gout that he might use them one after the other Pills against the Gout Take Hermodacts cleansed half an ounce Aloes Turbith Mechoacan of each a dram Rhubarb Myrobalans Citrine and Chebs Mastich of each a dram Euphorbium two scruples round Birthwort a scruple seeds of Hypericon Ginger Cummin of each half a dram Diagredium half a dram Sal-gem half a scruple with juyce of Ground pine make Pills The Gout Electuary Take Germander Ground-pine seeds of Hypericon of each an ounce Sarsa round Birthwort of each six drams Angelica two drams Betony-flowers Cloves Harts-horn and Ivory rasped Amber of each one dram Coral half a dram make a fine pouder and with syrup of Sugar made with Rose-water make an Electuary The Troches or Tables of Wormwood Take Nutmegs two drams Cinnamon Ginger of each one dram Zedoary roots of Master-wort of each half a dram leaves of Marjoram and Wormwood of each a scruple Pepper half a scruple with Sugar dissolved in the thin Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth make Troches or Tables Plateri Obs Lib. 1. XXIV A Vertigo and Melancholy from a Fright 1. One of our Senators being naturally Melancholick was so affrighted at the sudden fall of an Epileptick that he fell into a pain and palpitation of the Heart Vertigo Megrim and Watching he used many things and the Spaw Waters which he had there In the year 1596. I was sent for 2. The 29 day of September I prescribed this Electuary Take Conserve of Roses Citron Peel candied of each half an ounce conserve of Marjoram two drams conserves of Rosemary flowers Bugloss Mint of each a dram species de Gemmis Diamargariton frigid of each a scruple syrup of Poppies an ounce mix them Of this he took a dram and half at bed time and immediately after an ounce of this Water Take Waters of Cinnamon an ounce of Bawn half an ounce choise Canary two ounces in which dissolve sugar of Roses half an ounce 3. I prescribed this Epithem for his Palpitation at Heart to be used once in a day Take Rose-water three ounces Waters of Bawm and Lavender white Wine of each an ounce and half Camphir a scruple mix them You may first dissolve the Camphir in a little Spirit of Wine After anoint the region of the Heart with this Take juyce of Motherwort Oyl of Spike of each half an ounce boyl them a little and add Oyl of Cloves half a scruple Camphir a scruple Saffron half a scruple with Wax make a Liniment Then apply to the Heart this Bagg Take Citron-peels dryed yellow Sanders of each a dram and a half wood of Aloes Spikenard Lavender and Rosemary-flowers of each a dram Basil-seed Cloves Mace Diamargariton frigidum Troches of Camphir of each half a dram make a Pouder for a bagg to be quilted in 4. Inwardly also I gave him this Wine Take Bawm Citron-peels of each a dram Bugloss-flowers a dram and half Rosemary-flowers Basil-seed of each half a dram Cloves two drams Mace a dram Cinnamon half an ounce Sugar six ounces Infuse them in Wine give a draught now and than after he complained of want of sleep I gave him every night a spoonful of Diacodium this did good and caused Sweat 5. Now the Vertigo was worst for which he took these Tablets Take pouder of Diacidonium without species Nutmegs of each a dram Eye-bright Marjoram Lavender-flowers of each a scruple red Coral two scruples Ivory rasped a scruple with Sugar dissolved in
Rose-water make Tablets I advised him broth in the morning with sweet Marjoram and Mace or a poached Egg with Carraway seed and Salt and he recovered Plateri Obs Lib. 1. From my House at the Red Balls in Salisbury-Court Fleetstreet where my Synopsis Medicinae Dispensatory and Horae Mathematicae are to be had London Printed for T. Dawks and L. Curtiss Sold by T. Basset J. Wright and R. Chiswel 1681. The Chapter of the Vertigo continued Numb 19. XXV A Vertigo or Scotoma with swooning Fits 1. A Gentleman with a red Beard and a clear Complexion for little cause being Fasting would sometimes fall into a Swooning first he had gripings in his Stomach and vapors ascending so that his sight was darkned and he had a Vertigo and except he sate down he feared Swooning or an Epilepsy 2. I prescribed for him thus Let him eat Confections after meals Conserve of Roses and Quinces and not fast long let him eat Broths with Marjoram and Nutmeg or rear Eggs with Nutmeg and Marjoram 3. After Meals let him take one of these Tablets Take Nutmegs two Cinnamon Cloves Galangal of each a dram Eye-bright Marjoram Lavender flowers of each half a dram Diamargariton frigidum a dram Fennel-seed half a dram with Sugar dissolved in Rose water five ounces make Tablets 4. Let him take the following pouder in Wine Take Orrice roots six drams Galangal Calamus Elecampane Angelica Wormwood Ground-Pine Germander Eye-bright Betony of each half an ounce Roses Rosemary flowers Sage tops of Time of each three drams Carraways Fennel and Coriander-seed of each two drams beat them into a fine Pouder a spoonful of which steep twenty four hours in a pint of Wine then strain it out and drink it for two mornings and afterwards Broth which continue for a Week or more 5. In his Fit let him eat one of these Tablets and afterwards take the same also Take Oyls of Anniseeds and Cinnamon of each 8 drops Oyls of Pearl and Coral of each three drops mix them with Sugar dissolved in Rose-water an ounce and a half make Tablets and drink Wine or Cinnamon Water presently after it 6. Let him at times use this Cordial Water Take Bawm half an Ounce Cordial flowers of each two drams Basil seed a dram Cloves two drams a piece of a Deers-Heart washed in Wine Sack or choice Canary a quart distil them of this water and Cinnamon Water take of each an ounce Syrup of Juyce of Citrons half an ounce mix them This he took both in and out of his Fit Plateri Obs Lib. 1. Pag. 235. XXVI A Vertigo proceeding from the Spirits in the Arteries and Vessels in the Head 1. We have found out another Cause of a Vertigo proceeding from the Spirits in the Arteries and Vessels of the Head by Dissecting a certain Merchant our Countryman who being many years sick of a Vertigo was neither able to walk nor to rise out of his Bed but he would fall down 2. In this Man the Veins of the Brain and all its Arteries from their rise and ingress within the Skull in their whole passage through the Brain were grown together and become hard distinguished with little Glandules in their whole progress 3. From the Obstructions of these Vessels the Spirits being impeded and retained in the Brain are wheeled about by a light motion and breed an incurable Vertigo Plateri Prax. Med. Lib. 1. Cap. 7. XXVII A Vertigo from an abscess in the Intestinum Rectum 1. James Proyen a man of a very gross body and short of Stature in the year 1553. towards the latter end of February being from home was seized on by a Vertigo by reason of which he supposed all things to be turned about and himself to be carried about hither and thither as it were wheeled up and down and that in so violent a manner that he fell to the ground 2. Some then being near him and beholding him thus giddy-headed took him up and carried him to his own home but his Senses not at all returning to him I was sent for to come to him when I came he complained of a certain pain and palpitation of his Heart for the abating of which Symptoms I prescribed these following Lozenges when likewise he had great weakness in his Pulse 3. Take the Species Aromaticum Rosatum Diarrhodon abbatis Trionsantalum Diatragacanthon frigidum of each one Scruple choice Cinnamon beaten to pouder pouder of the roots of Tormentil Ivory rasped Pearl prepared of each a Scruple and an half beat all these into small pouder and dissolving a sufficient quantity of Sugar in water of Bawm Betony and Bugloss make hereof Lozenges by these means both his palpitation and pain at Heart were cured 4. Yet notwithstanding he still continued Giddy-headed if he turned or moved any way from his Bed for the Chamber seemed to him as it were turned about in a round Circuit two days after he complained of a pain in his Breast but being bound in Body and not going often to stooll by using Suppositories he had a free course 5. Then by the help of this Bolus following he had two stools Take of pure Cassia six drams Diacatholicon Diaprunum simplex of each two drams pouder of choice Cinnamon one dram and an half Anniseed beaten to pouder one Scruple and an half mix all these together with sugar and make of them a Bolus But this pain was likewise abated by anointing his Breast from his Belly upwards with my pectoral Oyntment 6. In the mean while there arose again yet another great pain in his Intestinum Rectum about his Fundament so that he could sleep neither day nor night I supposing it to arise from an Ulcer in the Fundament and he likewise being again bound in body having taken this following Bolus did void and that with much ease many viscous and mattery Excrements mixed with Blood 7. Take of pure Cassia Diacatholicon of each five Drams Diaprunum Lenitivum one Dram and an half Agarick trochiscated one scruple mixing therewith Sugar make of them a Bolus Then to ease the pain in his Fundament we annointed it with the Oyl of Yolks of Eggs and of sweet Almonds mixed together but forbearing for several days the pain in his Fundament again encreased and he was again bound in his body he took therefore twice in a day of this Potion and had every day atleast four purulent and viscous Stoolls notwithstanding which his pain yet departed not though afterwards he was never more subject to the Vertigo Take of Fumitory Betony Violets Bugloss Maiden-hair of each one handful white Beets red Colworts for cleansing the Vlcer of each half an handful of scraped Liquorice half an ounce choice Sena cleansed one ounce Polypody of the Oak half an Ounce Epithymum two drams Damask Prunes Number fifteen of Raisons of the Sun stoned of hull'd Barly of each one Pugil make a Decoction in Whey to one pound strain and sweeten it with Sugar-Candy By the use of this Remedy
not rightly digested nor separated from the Excrementitious parts 10. The pains of his Belly did arise from Wind generated by a weak heat his slender Appetite did proceed from the Coldness of his Stomach which always craves more than it can digest and he was without any great heat and Thirst which may be ascribed to the Liver which was of a cold Temper his Pulse was but small because of the want of Exercise the softness of the Artery and the Strength of the Vital faculty 11. All these Circumstances being considered We must have a Respect in the next place to the Indications of the Disease First That the Imbecility of Concoction be helped Secondly That the Head and the several Nerves be Corroberated And Thirdly That the peccant Cause which is Received into the Head may be taken away 12. As to the first Intention I prescribe before all things a light Evacuation by Manna dissolved in Broth of Prunes one ounce and a half and because of the bad Diet which is the Cause of the Excess of Calidity and Siccity we principally commend such things as may impede Vapours from ascending to the Head after Meat and such as will help Concoction viz. the following Electuary 13. Take of Conserve of old Roses one ounce and half Diacidonium simplex half an ounce the spirit of Vitriol seven Drops the syrup of Mint a sufficient quantity make a soft Electuary and take the quantity of a Wallnut thereof after Meat 14. Or in the place thereof take this Digestive and Comforting Pouder viz. Coriander prepared half an ounce Aromaticum Rosatum tabulated two drams the seeds of Fennel and Anise of each one dram Nutmegs and Orange peel of each half a dram Sugar to the weight of them all make a Ponder and take thereof half a dram with White-bread Toasted and afterwards moistned in Malmsey or old Wine 15. Now as to the second Intention we appointed the following Rowls for the Head Take species Diamoschi dulcis one dram Oyl of Nutmegs by Expression one scruple Oyl of white Amber three drops Ambergrise four grains and Sugar dissolved in the Water of Lavender flowers four ounces make a Confection in Rowls to be taken two or three at a time on a fasting Stomach 16. We commend to be outwardly applied the Apoplectick water distilled with Castoreum in which the following Nodule is to be infused Take of the leaves of Marjoram Sage and the flowers of Lavender of each half a handful Mace prepared in Vinegar Cubebs Nutmegs of each half a dram Camphir three grains make a gross Pouder to be contained in a Nodule wherewith the Back-bone is to be Rubbed 17. We have also exhibited with good Success one Spoonful of the following Corroberating Syrup Take of the syrup of the Juyce of Citrons and of Betony of each one ounce and half the Water of Borage one ounce the Water of Cinnamon half an ounce mix them 18. Lastly As to the third Intention we ordered a light Evacuation to be used at certain Seasons for taking away the serous matter from the other parts of the Body such is the effect of the syrup of Buckthorn and a Vesicatory Plaister was also applyed by these few Remedies this Noble Youth was perfectly Cured in the space of fourteen days and has never as yet complained of the like Symptoms Ex Greg. Horstij Tom. 2. lib. 2 Observ 23. LIII Another Vertiginous Distemper 1. A certain worthy Gentleman at a distance acquainted me in a Letter with his Condition which was as follows He was afflicted for two years with a very stubborn and contumatious Flux of Blood from which after he had been half a year freed the same returned again and with it he had at length a Vertigo 2. As to the Flux of Blood he was for the most part eased by the help of some famous Physicians he complained of Exhalations and Vapours in the Head and of a Watery kind of Flegm running often out of his Mouth together with a thick and gross Cloudiness in the Head and the Obfuscation of his Sight 3. My Opinion was That this Flux was Hepatick or of the Liver by which the Strength became Weak and did languish the effect of which was the Scotomy and that Vertiginous affect 4. Now besides moderate and convenient Diet I ordered him for the strengthening the Natural Powers of Concoction to take often the Pouder of Rhubarb cut in pieces with a little of the Cream of Tartar in the Broth or Decoction of Prunes which is to be used once every Week to the weight of one dram a few drops of the Oyl of Fennel being sprinkled thereon 5. On the other days he may use early in the Morning red Coral one dram with the Decoction of the Roots of Succory and Fennel and to this end the Elixir Proprietatis well prepared will help much being well tempered by a convenient Digestion from the Acrimony of the acid Spirit of Sulphur of which he may take once and again eight or nine drops two hours both before Dinner and Supper 6. Or he may take two or three spoonfuls of Wine of Rosemary at the aforesaid times for the strengthening of the Head 7. Let him take a small Portion of the following Morsels immediately before Sleep viz. old Conserve of Roses Mastich Olibanum the Extract of the Wood of Aloes Nutmegs the Oyls of Fennel and Mace a sufficient quantity of Sugar dissolved in Fennel Water being added 8. The Elixir Proprietatis and the Essence of the root of Succory reduced by Digestion to a pleasant Sweetness will be very commodious and profitable to the Liver 9. I cannot disapprove of the Decoction of the Wood of the Lentisk tree with Sanders and the Conserves of Wormwood and Rhubarb they being also good for the Liver and which were prescribed by the famous Prevotius Ex Greg. Horstij Tom. 2. lib. 2. Observ 24. LIV. A Vertigo Concomitant with other Diseases 1. The Wife of Ludovicus Serrays being Vertiginous Paralytick Comatose Hysterick Nephritick c. with her Mouth awry being called to her she could scarce speak to me I prescribed the following Purging Pills 2. Take Resin of Jallap Agarick Aloes of each four grains Salt of Amber six grains Oyl of Mint two drops mix them and make five guilded Pills being very well purged with this she was much better 3. The next day she took of the following mixtures by Spoonfuls Take of Our Prophylactick Water an ounce and half Antiparalytick Water an ounce Bawm Water three ounces syrup of Staechas one ounce mix them by shaking in a Glass 4. Using of this she complained of its sharpness but the Hysterick Passion admits of no Sweetness yet she liked it very well being mixt with an ounce and half of Water of Lilly Convally and within nine yea within seven days she was perfectly Cured for in the fourth day after this Vertuous Martha took care of her Family Prax. Barbetti lib. 1. cap. 3. sect 2. Out of
Country was desperate so that those that were with Me no longer expected Life yet it pleased God so to Bless Me under those Circumstances that I presently amended and My Body began to be repleat with Flesh even to a Miracle for in about eight days time I was to all appearance almost perfectly well and in less than fourteen days not only the hopes but the Evidence of My Recovery was indubitable whereupon I forthwith returned to London again 29. After My return to London in less than three Weeks time I Relapsed and My Distemper a fresh assaulted Me so that by Degrees I declined and in a very short time was reduced to the old condition and state if not worse I was taken again with the difficulty of swallowing and a soreness of the Throat so that I could have no rest Day nor Night My Body pined and languished away so that I became the Spectacle or Wonder of Mankind I was also of a sudden and unawars taken with Lameness again somtimes in one Leg which would be after two or three Weeks well and then all of a sudden on the other Leg so as that I could neither go nor stand no previous cause going before and somtimes with Lameness in My Arms and Hands so that I was forced to keep My Bed for six Weeks together and all this with great Pain loss of Appetite sickness at Stomach a profuse Catarrh Soreness of the Mouth and Throat and a Tumor of the whole Collum 30. I began now to consult de novo what I should do I gave over the taking for a Night or two My Laudanum but with so sensible and great a Detriment to Me that I could not repair it in many days after Wherefore in the first place I re-assumed the same with a Resolution never to give over the taking thereof till there was a Determination of My Disease in Death or Life And truly this I must confess That the benefit which I found by that Medicament as by Me prepared and specially for My Own private use is almost unspeakable it was the only thing next to the Blessing of God which preserved My Life And I am sensible had I not made use of it or declined it after a little while using thereof I had been long since in My Grave unless an Almighty Power had Miraculously sustained Me and pluckt Me out of the Jaws of Death 31. The continuation of the Laudanum and augmentation of its Dose as I saw need required was a good expedient against the Catarrh I also swallowed Morning and Night twenty grains of White Pepper split in half and thirty grains of choice Olibanum by the use of which things and taking a weak Lime-Water fitted to My Pallat as My Ordinary Drink the Ventricle was exceedingly Comforted and the parts weakned with too much Humidities dryed and strengthned However in the mean season I was not unmindful to strengthen and fortify the Brain and the Original of the Nerves which I did do by the constant taking three four or six times a day a little of the following Compositum Take black Cherry-water three ounces Volatile Salts of Amber of Hartshorn and of Mans skull of each two drams dissolve the Salts in the Water to which add of the strongest and purest Cinnamon-water dulcified a pint syrup of Alkermes three ounces spirit of Saffron one ounce Tincture of Saffron and Cocheneel made with rectified spirit of Wine half an ounce mix them well together by the continual use of these things alone the Catarrh was perfectly Cured 32. The External Tumor of the Collum and the Lameness of the external parts was removed by application of the following Take Powers of Amber six ounces Camphir one ounce mix in little pieces and dissolve With this all the parts swelled and pained were Morning and Evening very well Bathed and then wrapped up very warm and by the use thereof for two or three Weeks without weariness or giving over all those dis-affections became removed 33. My Mouth was Sore beyond all Immagination of Expression so that I could Swallow no kind of thing solid nor liquid without exceeding great pain all strong Liquors were dreadful to Me yea if it were but a little Ale and yet all this while there was no Rawness or Ulcer no Tumor or the lest appearance of Inflamation which makes the thing the more admirable after many Weeks an Exulceration appeared towards the beginning of the Pharynx for which I took this following Medicament Take Liquorice in Pouder white sugar Candy in Pouder of each two ounces Juyce of Limons enough to make a mass to be formed into large Balls to be dryed These I held about the root of the Tongue and let them dissolve down My Throat at leisure by which I found great ease and much good moreover I eat dayly the quantity of one Limon sliced with fine Sugar these things caused indeed the Sore and Exulcerated parts mightily to Smart which I endured for a Season after a while the Smarting and Soreness went away and My Mouth became perfectly Well so that I could Swallow as well as I could in all My Life and this was compleatly performed by the two last Simple Medicaments which considering how great a Cure it was and how extream and vehement My Pain and Misery I could not out of Thankfullness to God and Love to his Creatures but publish the same to the World and that Man also might see by what Simple means and weak Instruments sometimes he performs even the greatest things 34. The loss of Appetite and sickness of Stomach I repaired by the Constant taking of Wormwood wine or a choise Canary made sufficiently bitter with the Tincture of Wormwood This Tincture was made only of Common Wormwood two ounces put into a pint and almost half of Spirit of Wine rectified to the highest digested 20 days and then strained out by Expression into which the same quantity of fresh Wormwood was again put and digested as aforesaid till the Tincture became almost Blood red the clear of which was decanted into another bottle for use The Use of this took away the sickness at Stomach restored the lost Appetite strengthned the concoctive Faculty and took away all manner of Nauseousness from Me but now and then for change-sake I took a little Spirit of Cinnamon well dulcified by the use of which two things My hopes of a perfect Recovery were Daily strengthned 35. But yet notwithstanding all these things were thus happily accomplished the Tabes Atrophia or pining abated nothing Though the Catarrh was Vanished ●he Tumor of the Colum wholy abated the Soreness of the Mouth and Throat taken away and healed the pains and Lameness of the whole Body removed the Stomach strengthened and fortified so that I could digest my Food very well to my thinking and a good Appetite was begotten in me together with a good condition of the Bowels and a totall abolition of the Ephidrotick flood yet still for all these
English Bodies Cent. 1. Observ 87. XXXIII A Catarrh variously observed 1. The Author hath given some Observations of Distillations on the Eyes but of none falling else where that I can remember Riverius in his third Century affords us an Observation on himself which happened November 17. 1644. The Wind being in the South he was troubled with a Catarrh and hoarsness The second day of the Distemper he kept his Bed and took nothing only twice of an Hordeat at usual times of eating the third day he took a Laxative ptisan with an ounce of Manna the fourth day he had some Ease and his Hoarsness was much diminished the fifth day a dry Cough having seized him he opened a Vein the sixth day the Cough continuing he took Calomelanos one scuple with Refine of Jallap eight grains It did work slenderly till towards Evening and then it gave him two small Stools the Cough being altogether removed 2. I Doubt not that they who have carefully read his Observations may observe that his Calomelanos is Mercurius dulcis This was my opinion before the last Impression of his Praxis Medic. And in that I think the Case is incontravertably Resolved if we compare his Observation concerning Worms and his Chapter about the same in his Praxis only Remember it must be six times prepared 3. The same Distemper he Cured himself of with twice taking Laudanum Opiatum the first time three grains the next time two grains Cent. 3. Observ 69. only this is worth the notice in his Communicated Observ viz. That in most violent Catarrhs nothing stays sooner than this of Rulandus Take Sharp Leaven two ounces Amber levigated two drams make a Cataplasm which is to be applied to the Suture the Hair being removed 4. Thonerus tells us That one being obnoxious to a Chronick Catarrh other things being ineffectual was Cured by the following drawn up into the Nose and the Decoction of Sassafras for drink Take Tobacco leaves with Oyl of Aniseed one dram Flowers of Marjoram one Scruple Musk one grain make a Pouder Hall on English Bodies Cent. 2. Observ 85. XXXIV A Catarrh in a noble personage 1. For the Cure of a Catarrh by Dr. Prujean directed to a noble man Take Syrup of dryed Roses Jujubes Violets and Diacodium each two drams Venice Treacle one dram mix them Of which take a Spoonful every night at the hour of Sleep 2. Take Liquorice Pouder and of Aniseeds each one ounce finest Sugar dissolved in Mucilage of Gum dragon drawn with Rose-water a sufficient quantity adding Confection of Alkermes two drams make them into Rolls of which hold oft under the Tongue 3. After which was prescribed a Lime-Water to Drink which you have in my Doron and Dispensatory the last Edition Hall on English Bodies Couns 3. XXXV A Catarrh and Vvula Fallen 1. For a Right Honourable Lady afflicted with a Catarrh and Relaxation of the Vvula by Doctor Willis was prescribed the following Medicine let her Ladyship every morning Fume with the Smoak of Amber first receiving it to her whole Head having a Canopy over it and then take it into her Mouth with a Funnel 2. To the top of her Honours Head being shaved apply the next Plaster Take Betony plaster half an ounce Caranna Tacamahacca each two drams mix them and let a plaster of the bigness of the palm of the Hand spread on Leather be applyed 3. And as for a Pouder to use to her Palat Take long Pepper Pomgranate Peels Sal Prunellae each equall parts which use with Vvula spoon 4. If these Effect not a Cure let her Ladyship take constantly a Diet drink made of Sassafras China Sanders and Sarsaparilla it is to be drunk for a Week together 5. For the Soreness of the Throat Take leaves of Columbines two handfuls white Pepper one dram boyl them in Milk or Posset-drink 2 pints till half be wasted and make a Gargarism wash the Throat either with a syringe or by Gargling in the Throat and cast it out again Hall on English Bodies Couns XXXVI A Catarrh in a Scorbutick habit of Body 1. The Right Honourable Robert Lord Brook being Afflicted with a Scorbutick Distillation had prescribed by Doctor Losse the following Medicines Take Pil. de succino Macri Mastich of each two scruples Oyl of Sassafras Nutmegs Musk of each one drop mix them and make twelve Pills To take three at Bed time once or twice a Week 2. Take Conserves of Roses one ounce preserved Nutmegs one dram Olibanum half a dram Species Aromaticum Rosatum two scruples with a sufficient quantity of syrup of Violets make an Electuary to be taken the quantity of a Nutmeg on those Nights the Pills are not taken 3. But instead thereof Take Storax half a scruple formed in a Pill take Nutmegs and Gum Arabick as much as you please with Diacodium and make small Troches to hold under the tongue at night 4. Take seeds of Gromwell and Anise each two ounces Sea Salt one ounce Gith seeds two drams make a pouder which put into a bag with which being warm gently Rub the Head every Morning 5. Take Gith seed tie it in Sarsenet and sprinkle it with Vinegar to smell to often take Jujubes one ounce boyl them in spring water to one pound add syrups of Violets and Colts-foot each one ounce and a half Spirit of Sulphur six drops of this take a good Draught every Morning 6. Take Pulp of Marsh-Mallows-roots half a dram Species Diatragacanthum frigidum one dram Liquorice one scruple Ambergrise two grains Sugar-Candy three ounces make Lozenges with the Mucilage of Gum-Dragon to be used often 7. Take Coriander seed prepared half an ounce seeds of Anise and sweet fennel each two drams dryed suckets half an ounce Candied Orange peels two drams Tablets of Species Aromaticum Rosatum half an ounce Sugar three ounces make a gross pouder to be used after meals a spoonfull to help Digestion Hall on English bodies Cons 73. XXXVII Of a dangerous Suffocating Catarrh 1. Mothers use to be very solicitous about the Cure of the Itch or Scab which breaks out sometimes in the Head sometimes in the Neck When Nature rather is to be provok'd to thrust out its Superfluities and Excrements this way to the External parts 2. As for the most part Children if they are not cleansed by such Eruptions in the Skin are often suffocated or obnoxious to some violent Disease as the following Example does make manifest 3. The Son of that Noble person Johannes Rudolph ab Erbach was never Obnoxious to the Scab in the Head or about the Emunctories and was of a strong lively and fat Body yet did Breath with some difficulty which his Parents did Impute to the fatness and Phlegmatick Constitution of his Body 4. About the thirteenth of July Anno 1608. a greater Catarrh or Distillation fell down on his Chaps and the Aspera Arteria Although his Appetite was not in the least diminished and he Could duly perform all the
Sandarach Mastich the seeds of Myrtles of each two drams Mace half a dram Amber Frankincense dried Citrons hull'd of each one scruple make a Cucupha according to Art 6. And for resolving and carrying away the matter of the Catarrh and strengthening the Head take the following things viz. Species Diambrae Dianthos Aromaticum Rosatum Diarrhodon Abbatis Species Diamargariton frigidum of each one scruple Conserve of Rosemary two scruples of Citron-peels candied two drams Nutmeg candied a dram and half white Sugar dissolved in Lilly-Convally-Water three ounces Oyls of Fennel of Rosmary of each two drops Oyl of Nutmeg half a scruple Oyl of Cinnamon one drop make Morsels according to Art weighing one dram and half Take one of them at once Morning and Evening Grulingius Cent. 1. Curatio 15. LXXXII A Catarrh from the Head with a Cough and difficulty of Breathing accompanied with the Head ach 1. A Reverend Gentleman was afflicted with a most grievous pain of the Head and a vehement distillation from the Brain which did not only excite a Cough and difficulty of Breathing but did bring also a loss of Appetite 2. About Mid-night he was forced to sit up in Bed that he might eject the Rhume from the Vessels of the Pipes 3. The Flegm coming to the Orifice of the Ventricle was mix'd with Salt which excited the Cough I ordered first the Head to be Purged with Wine wherein these following things are to be Infused Take Agarick one dram and half Sena leaves six drams the leaves of Rosmary Hyssop Hoarhound Borage of each one dram the roots of Succory six drams Liquorice rasped two drams Polypody of the Oak half an ounce Raisons of the Sun three drams the seeds of Fennel of Annise of each two drams and half they being cut and bruised pour upon them a Pint and half of Wine and let him drink a draught thereof in the Morning 4. Secondly Let him use these Pills Take Pilulae Cochiae Pilulae Aureae and Pills of Agarick of each six grains Extract of Hermodacts eight grains Extract of Mechoacan three grains of Allhandal one grain Fennel-water a sufficient quantity make seven Pills adding Oyl of Fennel one drop of sweet Marjoram two drops these Pills work gently 5. Now for the expectorating i●ciding and consuming of the Flegm Take Oxymel of squils one ounce and half Honey of Squils two ounces syrup of Hyssop syrup of Liquorice of each one ounce spirit of Anise half an ounce Oyl of Sugar six drams Balsam of Sulphur one scruple Oyl of Annise six drops Species Diatragacanthon frigidum one dram Cinnamon-water two drams mix them Let him take twice half a Spoonful Morning and Evening and also about Mid-night 6. I prescribed also Masticatories Take Mastich three ounces Cubebs one dram Nutmegs Mace the roots of Pyrethrum Marjoram of each one scruple let them be pulverised and make with Honey and a little Wax Masticatories Chew it in the Morning to Cause Spitting 7. And for strengthning and drying the Head let this Lixivium be made use of Take the leaves of Betony Origanum Thyme Hyssop Sage Penny-royal of each one handful Spicknard Lavender Calamint of each half an handful the Leaves of the Bay-tree one dram Agarick one dram and half red Roses one handful Citron-peels Orange-peels of each two drams the seeds of Annise and Fennel of each half an ounce Coriander three drams Juniper-berries two drams Camomil-flowers one handful and half cut them and bruise and to wash the Head take two handfuls boyling them in the Lye adding at the end of the boyling a little Wine 8. Let the Head be washed in the Morning and gently drying it with a soft Cloth held over a Fume proceeding from this Pouder cast on fresh Coals Take Frankincense Mastich Storax Calamitis red Roses of each one dram Benjamin one scruple the Raspings of Juniper-Wood half a dram red Sanders three scruples make a subtle Powder 9. A Lotion for the Feet for the same Intention which is to be thus made Take of Sage Origanum Marjoram Penny-royal Thyme Camomil-flowers of each one handful and a half Bay-berries three drams Juniper-berries two drams salt one dram and half boyl them in a Lye and about going to Bed wash the Feet therewith 10. There are Medicinal Wines a draught whereof is to be taken at Eating Take Roots of Florentine Orrice three drams Elecampane six drams Liquorice three drams and half the leaves of Sage Marjoram of each one dram and half seeds of Fennel Annise of each two drams the Fruit of the Crab-tree one ounce and half flowers of Borrage one dram the Wood of Sassafras one ounce let them be cut and bruised for two quarts of Wine after digestion pour off the clear by degrees 11. As to Diet let the Air be cold and moist let his Food be easy of Digestion Broths and Gellies of Flesh Emulsions and things made of Almonds Chickens Pullets Veal Rear eggs dryed Apples Barley and Oat-Broths of Fishes the Trout Pike Gudgeon let his drink be clear not thick and Muddy and not very old after meals he may eat preserved or Candied Quinces or Conserves of Roses or Confects of Coriander-seed Grulingius Cent. Obser 16. LXXXIII A Catarrh from the Head upon the Brest and Lungs 1. A Certain Noble Person having Complain'd of this Malady and being apprehensive of the danger he was in of Suffocation askt my Advice which was as followeth having prescribed him a good Diet. 2. Take Crystals of Tartar and Tartar Vitriolated of each half a scruple syrup of Violets and of Betony of each half an ounce the Water of Sage one ounce make a potion and drink it warm all at once when you go to bed 3. Take Pils of Agarick Pil. Cochiae Pills of Mastich of each half a scruple Extract of Hermodacts five grains Alhandal one grain Mechoacan three grains oyl of Fennel three drops with Fennel water make Pills number 9 and take them after Midnight 4. Take syrup of Liquorice two ounces and half Hyssop one ounce and half Poppy half an ounce Oxymel simple three drams species Diatragacanthon frigidum Diaireos simplex of each half a dram Oyls of Anise Fennel Marjoram of each two drops Conserve of Rosemary-flowers three drams mix them for to lick of 5. Take the Pouder for a fumigation against a Catarrh two drams let a Cloath be suffumigated and therewith rub the Neck and Breast afterwards let a linnen well fumed with the same be put upon the Head 6. This Pouder of fumigation against Catarrhs is as follows Take Amber Juniper gum of each two drams seeds of Peony Frankincense Mastich the Cypress nut yellow Sanders red Roses the wood of Juniper of each one dram make a gross pouder Ex Grulingii Cent. 1. Obser 21. LXXXIV A Catarrh falling down on the Lungs from the Head 1. A certain Lady of honour being sadly afflicted with a Cough proceeding from a Catarrh which fell upon the Lungs I ordered her to take first every Morning a
ordered him the taking of Cephalick Pills Take Pil. Aureae Cochiae sine quibus of each one scruple Extract of Carthamus half a scruple with Betony-water make Pills number 27. 2. And for strengthening of the Brain the following Medicines were prescribed him Take species Diambrae Diamoschi dulcis Plires-arconticon with Musk of each two scruples Confectio Alkermes half a dram the Chymical Oyl of Nutmegs six drops and sugar dissolv'd in water of Bay leaves and black Cherry-water four ounces make Rowls Thoneri lib. 2. Observ 4. LXXXIX A Catarrh proceeding from Wheyish Humors 1. A Gentleman afflicted with a distillation pain of the Head had prescribed to him by me Cephalick pills for carying off the wheyish Humours Take Pil. sine quibus two scruples Pil. Aureae one scruple Extract of Carthamus half a scruple with Betony-water make Pills numb 27. 2. For Comforting the Brain Take species diambrae Diamosci dulcis the wood of Aloes of each two scruples the Chymical Oyls of Amber rectifyed four drops of Mace three drops sugar dissolved in Rose-water and Sage-water four ounces make Rowls Thoneri lib. 2. Observ 5. XC A Catarrh Ideopathick 1. A Gentleman having a Catarrh I praescribed him the following Medicines Take Pil. Cochiae two scruple sine quibus one scruple Extractum Tabellarum half a scruple with Betony-water make pills 27. 2. And for Comforting the Brain Take species diambrae Diamoschi dulcis of each one dram Juyce of Alkermes prepared one scruple Extract of Lignum Aloes twelve grains Chymical Oyl of Nutmegs four drops sugar dissolved in Rose-water and water of Bay leaves four ounces make Rowls or Tablets 3. To prepare the Extractum tabellarum before mentioned Take Conserves of the flowers of Borage Bugloss and Violets Citrons-peels candied of each half an ounce species Diatragacanthon frigidum half an ounce Ginger two drams Turbith two ounces Sena two ounces and half Scammony one ounce and half with spirit of Wine make an Extract according to Art Thoneri lib. 2. Observ 6. XCI A Salt Catarrh 1. A Gentleman of a Sanguine complexion red Face and Corpulent withall was afflicted from the Birth with a Chronical salt distillation accompaned with a Cough which proceeded from the too hot Constitution of his Liver 2. I proposed the decoction of the Roots of China least as it was feared the substance of the Lungs being Eaten with the sharpness or accrimony of the humour there should follow a Consumption which he took and grew well thereupon Thoneri lib. 2. Observ 7. XCII A Catarrh thin and salt with a Cough and difficulty of Breathing 1. A noble person of 60. years of Age keeping his bed by reason of the above mentioned diseases did first try the Skill of another Physician who among many other things praescribed him for a drink the decoction of Lignum Sassafras which was so far from doing him any good that it did rather hurt him the Disease being thereby irritated 2. But that being Rejected a decoction of China was prescribed him by me and as for Pills these following were ordered 3. Take Crato's Pill of Amber two scruples Pil. sine quibus one scruple with Betony-water make 21 Pills and he being gently purged there was exhibited at Evening these following 4. Take old Conserves of Roses three drams fine Bole prepared two drams and half 5. And for moderating the defluxion and abateing the saltness he did often take one spoonfull of the syrup of Myrtles and Corals of each two ounces after Meat he took the following Tragea with the Crust of White Bread toasted and dipt in Wine 6. Take the seeds of Coriander prepared six drams red Corall prepared two scruples Pearls prepared one scruple Conserve of Roses half an ounce fine sugar three ounces and half Lozenges of sugar pearled half an ounce 7. And for a perfume Take Lignum Aloes Gum Juniper Frankincense Mastich of each half a dram the Juyce of Alkermes one scruple styrax Calamitis one scruple and half Benjamin half a scruple mix and make a gross pouder Thoneri lib. 2. Observ 9. XCIII A Catarrh from wheyish and salt Humours 1. A certain Gentleman being Obnoxous to these Humours there was Prescribed him the following Pills to be taken Take pil sine quibus two scruples pil Aureae of Cochiae of each half a scruple white Marl or Cretica Terra four grains with Betony-water make 27 Pills 2. And to thicken the thin matter Take seeds of white Poppy half an ounce with water of Colts-foot and Roses of each one ounce and half make an Emulsion and add thereto species Diatragacanthon frigidum make Rowls or Tablets 3. And for strengthening the Brain Take diambrae Diamoschi dulcis of each two scruples the Juyce of Alkermes prepared one scruple Oyl of Anise four drops sugar dissolved in water of bay leaves four ounces make Rowls or Tablets 4. After eating make Use of this Tragea Take the seeds of Coriander covered with sugar six drams species diatragacanthon frigidum four scruples red Coral prepared sugar of Roses tabulated four ounces make a Tragaea Thoneri lib. 2. Observ 12. XCIV A Catarrh from a thick Rhume 1. The same Gentleman mentioned in the preceeding discourse of a Catarrh was afflicted with a distilation proceeding from a gross and cold matter for whom the following was ordered Take pil Cochiae two scruples pil Aureae one scruple catholick Extract half a scruple with Betony-water make twenty seven Pills 2. This Gentleman being Costive the following laxative Wine was ordain'd Take Polypody of the Oak fresh gathered half an ounce Succory Fennel Elecampane of each two drams the leaves of Betony Roman Wormwood Hyssop Sage Rosemary-flowers Centory the less of each one pugil the leaves of Sena one ounce Agarick trochiscated choise Rhubarb of each three drams white Turbith two drams and half Crystal of Tartar four scruples Cinnamon one dram Gallangal half a dram make a Bag of fine silk for them Infuse them in three quarts of Wine and a Pint and half of Betony-water 3. And for Comforting of the Brain make use of a Tragaea but it must be gross make a Confection of Coriander seeds Anise Fennel Caraway Cinnamon Cloves of each half an ounce Cubebs four drams Citron peels candied Orange peels candied of each three drams and half Tablets of Diambrae Diamoschi dulcis Aromaticum Rosatum the Chymical Oyls of Nutmegs Diaxyloaloes of each half an ounce the juyce of red Roses sprinkld with the Oyl of Vitriol rect●fied six drams make a gross Tragaea 4. Let there be applied externally the following Take flowers of Marjoram Betony Sage flowers of Rosemary Lavender Roses of each one pugil and half Nutmegs Lignum Aloes of each two scruples Cloves gum of Juniper Styrax Calamitis of each one scruple Troches of Gallia M●schata six grains make a Cap of red Silk 5. Take oyl of Nutmegs expressed four scruples Balsam of Marjoram two scruples Oyls of Amber rectified five drops of Cloves three drops Ambergrise two grains Musk one grain mix
and make an Oyntment for to anoint the Crown of the Head 6. And for strengthening and Comforting of the Heart the following Medicine was ordered Take Conserves of Roses of Sage of Clovegilli-flowers of each half an ounce Confectio Alkermes four scruples Ambergrise four grains mix them Thoneri lib. 2. Observ 13. XCV A Catarrh from the weakness of the Brain 1. I apprehended that for strengthening of the Brain and comforting both the Heart and Stomach the following Medicines will be very Useful Take the Confection of Coriander-seeds prepared one ounce the seeds of Annise Fennel Caraway Cubebs Cinnamon Corporis sine anima of each six drams Confection of Mace Cloves of each two scruples Tablets of Diambrae Diamoschi dulcis Aromaticum Rosatum the Chymical Oyl of Nutmegs Lozenges of sugar pearled Oyl of Cinnamon of each half an ounce Tablets of the juyce of Roses prepared with Spirit of Vitriol five drams juyce of Citrons with the Chymical Oyls of oranges six drams Liquorice clean scraped and cut half an ounce cut those things that are to be cut or bruse them grosly 2. Here follows a Description of the Tablets made of the juyce of Roses Take the flowers of red Roses half an ounce infuse them in Rose-water a pound and a half Spirit of Vitriol rectifyed twelve drops for six hours then strain it when done dissolve white sugar six ounces and make a Confection into Morsels 3. A description of Corporis sine Anima Take Florentine Orrice one dram and half choice Musk three grains fine sugar half a pound make it up according to Art this Tragaea for the fineness of its colour together with its sweetness is most pleasant and gratefull Thoneri lib. 2. observ 14. XCVI A Catarrh from the weakness of the Brain 1. One Peter Hubert an Ecclesiastick of Vlme was often troubled with a Catarrh or distillation of Rhume which by the following Tragea was very much relieved and by me upon such occasions ordinarily used 2. Take Coriander seeds confected one ounce Confects of Anise Carawayes and Fennel seeds of each half an ounce Cloves Cinnamon of each three drams Cubebs half an ounce Lozenges of Diambra of Diamoschu dulcis of Aromaticum Caryophylatum of Diapliresarconticon with Musk and Nutmegs of each six drams candied-Citron-peels five drams being cut small let them be mixt together by beating in a Mortar Thoneri lib. 2. Observ 15. XCVII Another Catarrh from the Imbecillity or weakness of the Brain 1. A Noble Virgin of Weltz laboring under the same Disease from a Weakness of the Brain being disappointed of her Cure in following the Counsels of two Physitians I gave her the following things which Cured her 2. Take flowers of Marjoram of Sage of Betony of Rosemary of each half a handful Wood of Aloes half a dram Cloves styrax Calamita of each two scruples Nutmegs one dram Juniper Gum one scruple make a pouder which mix with Cotton and quilt between two fine silks of which let a Cucupha or cap be made 3. Take species Diambrae Diamoschu dulcis of each one dram Ambergrife six grains Oyl of Amber rectified three drops sugar dissolved in black Cherry-water and the water of Bay-leaves four ounces mix and make Rouls with a few drops of Chymical Oyl of Mace they may be given with Broth. Thoneri lib. 2. Observ 16. XCVIII A salt Catarrh and the abuse of Cauteries 1. A certain Gentleman called Marcus Antonius being in great hazard by reason of a salt and sharp Distillation although Innumerable medicines almost were Exhibited by several Physicians besides five Cauteries or Issues and all to no purpose yet by our pains the common Emmuctories of Nature being opened he grew well in a short time 2. I cannot here pass without observing the Errour of some Physicians who ascribed the Cure these kinds of defluxions to such greivous and tormenting Instruments not that I would be thought to disaprove and condemn altogether the use of Cauteries but they are not to be exhibited promiscuously to all and every kind of disease experience it self evidently confirms it 3. In the Cure of this Person we gently opened his Belly twice or thrice in a day with Melanagogues and we unlockt by Diaphoreticks the Pores of his Skin that were shut up and constipated and to the Members being wearied and defatigated we applied corroborating and strengthening things which we shall not here mention because they are well enough known and plainly manifest in other Cures Poterij Cent. 1. Observ 25. XCIX A Catarrh with the loss of Hearing 1. A certain Gentleman called Petrus Martyr Lucatellus was afflicted with three sorts of Diseases and all of them very greivous the first of these affects was a frequent distilla-of Rhume from the head descending on the Jaws and Lungs which did cause a Continual Cough a difficulty of breathing and the Almonds of the Ears the Larynx and Oesephagus being swell'd it did cause an Incapacity of speaking 2. The second affect was such a tingling and sound in the Ears that the Hearing was almost lost The third was a slow but continual Feaver with a signal decay of strength 3. Several famous Physicians undertook to stop and resist this great distillation and to that end they Administred often Potions and Pills for purging the whole Body and did draw Blood to the quantity of a pound out of his Arm. 4. Having received no benefit by these things another Purgation was repeated although the Winter was exceeding cold afterwards they ordred another pound of Blood to be taken out of the Veins under the Tongue Cupping glasses with Scarifications were applyed to the nape of the Neck and the Shoulders and out of the Salvatella there was not a little Blood drawn 5. But all these applications were to no purpose For the Disease continuing always stubborn and obstinate and the strength of the Patient for the most part consum'd he threw himself into my Hands for a Cure 6. We did propose to our selves in order to the subduing of so many Evils these three Indications First to bring down those fierce Humours that had got upwards from the lower parts which a gentle mild and continued purgation did Effect 7. Secondly to strengthen and supply with proper Medicines these Powers which were debilitated by the distemper such is our Diaphoretick Gold 8. Thirdly to overcome the Feaver and all symptoms from thence arising and to restore Nature again to its former state and to that purpose we did make use of our Alexipyritum the Essence of Coral and other proper Medicines by which this Gentleman in the space of one month was perfectly Cured Poterius Cent. 1. Observ 97. C. A Salt stubborn and Malignant Catarrh 1. A certain Gentleman about forty years old being destitute of help notwithstanding all the Medicines which were applyed by several Physicians we at last took him in hand giving him much safer Remedies then had been prescribed him 2. I was of the Opinion That this Salt malignant continual Catarrh
with their immoderation the native heat of the Stomach or by extenuating the Region of the Stomach and Belly in so much that they wast and pine away 8. Moreover the Vessels of Sanguification often generates Catarrhs For the serous humidity yet crude is too hastily and soon Attracted by the Stomach which afterwards because the fault of the first Concoction is not amended in the sccond by the vehement attraction of the vessels being naturally hot and dry comes and remains in the mass of the venal and arterial Blood and from the ebullition and boyling of the Blood is caried thence to and gathered in the head as their proper Receptacle 9. It is no wonder then that the head abounds with humid and moist Vapours when besides these there are many external Causes which concurr to produce this effect such as the Retention of usual Evacuations the South Winds c. 10. This is plain in the present Case because the hot and dry constitution of the Vessels of sanguification are discern'd by these signs Galen proposes to wit the Coldness and weakness of the Stomach in digesting which proceeds either from its inequal temperature or from some hurt receiv'd from an external object and defluxions from the Head often falling down thither 11. As to this Gentlemans Head which did abound from his younger years with an Excrementitious humidity the reason must be That it being hoter than what it should be did attract too readily the serous matter and for the above-mentioned Causes did cherish and nourish the same 12. Next as to the great pains he endured about the Temples the reason thereof is the matter still encreasing and growing outragious did endeavour an Egress and so did vellicate the sensible parts the too great humidity of the Brain did dull and blunt the Internall senses and did also Cause a kind of dullness and torpor of the Animal Spirits which might occasion that weakness of the Brain whereof he complained 13. The reasons why his Appetite was very much abated was the falling down of the serous matter upon the Ventricle which hindered the Concoction another reason was the humectation of the Stomachical Nerves slowly exciting a sensible Appetite 14. Now follows the Indications first that the too hot and dry intemperature of the Vessels of Sanguification be corrected secondly That the matter copiously running to the Head be driven back Thirdly That the matter of the Catarrh gathered in the Head be resolved derived and evacuated 15. Now as to the first of these we prescribed him a Purgation to be taken every half year for the Evacuation of the serous humidity then a Lentive Hydragogue to be taken in the spring of the first tops or buds of Elder dryed with a slow heat the quantity of one dram in the Decoction of Prunes 16. In the fall it will be convenient to Use the syrup of Buck-thorn a description whereof you may know by Soliander and in Our Dispensatory 17. This or the like being done I advised the oppening of a Vein by which not only the serous and wheyish Blood may be deminished but all the Venial kind may be helped ●y an amicable refrigeration 18. After which this following long digestive will not be inconvenient which is to be thus prepared Take Roots of Succory one ounce and half Parsly Liquorice of each half an ounce leaves of Fumetory Centory the lesser of each one handfull and half the flowers of Elder half an handful the seeds of Fennel one dram and half boyl them in the whey of Goats milk thrice distilled strain to a pound and half and take of the decoction twice every day for the space of a fortnight four ounces 19. These being continued let him afterwards take morsels of Mechoacanna five drams with a fasting Stomach to purge withall drinking the decoction of pease for cleansing 20. Neither are sweats to be neglected on the following days but first you must take either the Electuary or Rob of dwarf Elder half an ounce dissolv'd in the water of the flowers of Elder or the spirit of dwarf Elder half an ounce mixed with the water of Fumitory two ounces or other Hydrotick Medicines as burnt Harts-horn Terra sigillata Lapis Bezoar c. 21. Lastly for Corroberating and for prevention of too great heat use often the following pouder about two hours before Meat Take Conserve of Roses Vitriolated one ounce and half species Diarrhodon Abbatis one dram the syrup of Conserve of Citron-peels a sufficient quantity make an Electuary 22. For the second to wit That the matter flowing to the Head be drawn back which I judge may be done by taking those things Inwardly which restrain and repress the crude Exhalations ascending from the Vessels of Concoction of such use are the Morsels mentioned above whereof every Evening before sleep two drams may be taken Diacydonium simplex half an ounce after meat and also the fourth part of a Confected Nutmeg being good for to Cause rest 23. Outwardly Baths of proper herbs were prescribed such as the decoctions of the flowers of Sage Bay-tree Garden Thyme the flowers of Camomil Betony and red Roses 24. Frictions and Ligatures are to be used in the time of bathings and evacuations of the Menstrua may be made by opening the Veins in the Legs Or a Cautery may be made in the left Thigh 25. As to the third viz. the attenuation derivation and evacuation of the matter flowing together inwardly we may try to Effect this by Masticatories therefore some grains of Mastick may be chewed frequently in the morning 26. Or according to Fernelius Take sugar Candy one ounce and half Mastich half an ounce Long-peper Pyrethrum staves-acre of each one dram make Pills to be put into Noduls and then to be broken between the Teeth 27. Also sternutatories may be used begining first at those more light to wit the Water of Marjoram drawing it up often when it is a little warm Or Take the Roots of Beets one ounce whole Barley Liquorice Currans of each half an ounce Water ten ounces Honey two ounces make a Decoction to a third part in the strained liquor macerate the roots of Pyrethum one dram the tops of Marjoram the seeds of Nigella of each one pugil after twenty four hours let the liquor be expressed which is to be snuft up the Nostrils pretty warm 28. Outwardly let the Air be dry and without being too warm which if otherwise by loosening the Humours would fill the Head and for convenient suffumigation you may use some of the Pouder of styrax Calamita a little of white Amber being added 29. Or troches may be made for a fumigation viz. Take styrax Calamita Benzoin of each one dram and half Tacamachacca two drams Cloves Cinnamon of each one dram Conserve of Roses a sufficient quantity for incorporating some drops of the water of Cinnamon being added make Troches for a fume for the Richer sort Musk five grains may be mixed therewith 30. Little bags for the
the pit of the Stomach or Region of the Heart also let the roots being fryed in a pan or boyled tender be eaten daily with their Meat 20. Take of the roots and seeds of male Peony of each two ounces of missletoe of the Oak of Elks-hoof one dram each let them be sliced and bruised and put into a thin silk bag and hung at the pit of the Somach 21. Among the specificks this powder is highly esteemed of among many Authors Take of Castor Opopanax Dragons blood Antimony and the seed of Peony each alike make a powder of which may be taken half an ounce to one ounce every morning with Wine or some proper decoction or with black Cherry water 22. Take of mans skull prepared one ounce of missletoe of the Oak of Artificiall Cinabar of an Elks Claw of each half an ounce mingle them the dose is half a scruple to one scruple 23. If the powder be unpleasant and loathsom by the long use of it Electuaries pills Troches spirits and Elixirs are usually prescribed each of which agree with specifick Medicines 24. Take of the Conserve of male-peony of the Lilley of the valley of each three ounces of the seed and root of male-peony powder'd of each six drams prepared Coral one dram of powder of pearls and of humane skull prepared of each two scruples of the salt of missletoe of the Oak one dram and half with a sufficient quantity of the syrup of Coral make an Electuary Take the quantity of a Nutmeg morning and evening 25. Take the powder of the roots of male-peony one ounce of the seeds of the same half an ounce of missletoe of the Oak of an Elks Claw of humane skull prepared of each two drams of the roots of Angelica Contrayerva Virginian snake-root of each one dram of the whitest Amber of calcined Coral of each one dram of the common salt of missletoe two drams of sugar-Candy eight ounces with a sufficient quantity of the Antepileptical water of Langius make a Confection of which take the quantity of a Nutmeg twice a day 26. These powders may be formed into a pilulary mass by adding to them the salts of Amber and Harts-horn with a sufficient quantity of Balsam Capivi of which may be taken three or four pills in the morning and evening drinking after them a draught of some appropriate Liquor 27. Or of these sorts may be prepared an Elixir of which may be taken from seven to ten drops twice a day in a spoonful of a proper Julep taking a little of it after it 28. Take of Hungarian Vitriol six pound let them be distill'd with a glass Retort in a hot sand for twenty four hours then let the same Retort being defended or covered over with Clay be put with a large receiver in a reverberating furnace that the Acid spirits may be forc'd with a strong fire till they come forth the whole Liquor being distill'd draw it off in hot sand in a lesser glass Retort and let there be poured out into the Matrass of the roots of male-peony cut in peices and dryed four ounces of the seeds of the same one ounce of humane skull prepared of Elks Claws and red Coral of each half an ounce missletoe of the Oak two drams let it digest for several days with a gentle heat to the Extraction of a tincture the liquour being decanted let it be drawn off in a glass Retort to a third part remaning being stilled forth keep it by it self 29. To these remains pour on of the rectified spirits of wine a small quantity impregnated with the Infusion of the same Ingredients and let it digest for six days in Horse-dung the dose of which is half a scruple to one scruple the distilled Liquour may be given from half a spoonful to a whole spoonful for the same Intentions 30. Or let there be an Oyl prepared out of the salt of Venus or Copper according to ther Prescription of Henry Van Heer 's 31. Among the specifick remedies which when the former shall not be profitable ought also to be tryed are the Livers of Frogs the Gall of a Boar dryed with Vrine the powder of Briony roots The pouder of the Cucow of Crows the Runnet and lights of a Hare the Liver of a wolf stones taken out of Swallows the Liver of a Kite the eggs of Crows with many more to be daily taken with food or Medicine a notable Catalogue of which is Extant of Henry Van Brays a Physician of Zutphen from which may be had such prescriptions for poor people as are easy to be prepared and no great Cost 32. Whilst these kind of remedies are to be inwardly taken according to the aforesaid Method some outward Administrations being applyed bring help and are deservedly admitted to part of the Cure therefore always Issues are made in this Disease in one fit place or other also more often Vesicatories or Blisters 33. Amulets hung about the Neck or born at the pit of the Stomach are Counted useful the fresh roots of Peony cut into little squares and being strung like Bracelets and hung about the Neck and as soon as they are dry let new be put into their places and they being reduced to powder may be taken Inwardly 34. Take of the roots and seeds of Peony of each two drams of Elks claw and Humane skull prepared of each one dram of the missletoe of the Oak half a dram let them be beaten into a gross pouder and put into a peice of red silk and let it be hanged like a little bag about the Neck 35. An Amulet of a stalk of Elder found growing in the Willow-tree is hugely approved of 36. It does not disagree with some to have their Heads shaven and a plaster applied to the fore part Take of the roots and seeds of Peony of Castor of missletoe of the Oak humane skull most finely poudered of each one dram of Betony plaster two ounces Caranna tacamahacca of each two drams Balsam Capivi a sufficient quantity make a mass and spread it upon Leather and make a plaster for the sutures of the Head 37. Anoint the Temples and Nostrills with Oyl of Amber either by it self or mixed with Oyl of Capivi 38. You may use every morning Snezing pouders and such as purge the Head of Rhume Take of white Hellebor one dram of Castor and Euphorbium of each half ae dram the leaves of sweet Marjoram and Rue of each two drams make a pouder 39. Make a decoction of Sage or Hyssop with Mustard dissolv'd in it with which gargle the Mouth and Throat and if need shall require you may use sometimes a Clister 40. The more solid Medicines may be moistened sometimes with Liquids or they ought to be drunk after them for which end you should never want distilled waters Juleps Tinctures or Decoctions which are endued with a certain specifick Virtue against this Disease 41. Take of Hungarian Vitriol four pounds of the pouder of fresh humane
skull four ounces of the root of Peony sliced six ounces bruise them together in a Mortar add to them a quart of Spanish wine or small white Wine or wine made of the juice of black Cherries which ferment in a Vessel then distill it in a glass Retort in hot s●nd 42. Take of the shavings of Box-wood of Hungarian Vitriol of each two pounds missletoe of the Oak or the common missetoe leaves three handfulls of Rue two handfulls being bruised together put to it of spanish wine two quarts and distill them in a glass Cucurbit with hot sand 43. Take of common Vitriol six pound of the root of male Peony six ounces if the missletoe of the Oak one ounce of Green Walnuts eight ounces cut and bruise them afterwards distil them in a glass pot placing upon it a glass Alembick in hot sand take of this liquor one pint of black Cherry water and of the water of the flower of the Line-tree of each half a pint of white sugar four ounces mix and make a Julep the Dose two ounces to three twice or thrice a day 44. Oxymel of squils also a Decoction of Hysop sweetned with Honey are much commended by ancient Authors 45. Or an Apozem of this kind may be prepared of which may be taken four ounces to six or eight ounces twice in a day Take of the roots of Male-Peony Angelica Imperatoria Valerian of each six drams of the leaves of Betony sage Lilly of the Valley Penny-royal of each one handful of the seeds of Rue Nigella of each three drams Peony half an ounce of Raisons three ounce● Liquorice half an ounce cut and bruise them and then boyl them in six parts of spring-water to the consumption of the third part towards the end add black Cherry Wine half a pint or ten ounces strain and keep it in close Vessels the Dose is from six to eight ounces twice a day after the abovementioned remedies 46. Or the above prescribed Ingredients Raisons and Liquoriee excepted may be boyled in six pints of Hydromel or Water and Honey or Mead to the consumption of the third part the Dose four ounces to six 47. If that the aforesaid method consisting in the use of Catharticks and Specificks be tryed for some time and altogether in vain you must use Remedies of another kind and chiefly in the Catalogue of those Remedies that deserves the denomination and character of great and notable may be justly plac'd Diaphoreticks Salivation Baths and Spaws 48. Alphonsus Ferrius relates that he had cured many Epileptical people with a Decoction of simple Guajacum taken to six or eight ounces and its second Decoction drunk as in the Cure of the Pox instead of ordinary Drink 49. If to such a Decoction the Roots of Peony and other Specificks should be added perhaps it would be more effectual 50. It s not improbable that a salivation strongly excited from Mercury and afterwards a sudoriferous or Sweating Diet following might perfectly Cure this Disease 51. What Baths or Spaw-waters are capable to do I have not observed either by my own or others Experience Perhaps I may have made a Tryal that our Artificial Spaws have been sometimes profitable and available in curing the Epilepsy viz. both those impregnated with Iron and also those with Antimony provided they be taken in great quantity for many days Willis de Convulsivis cap. 3. Observ 2. LXXVIII An Epilepsy with Convulsions 1. A Maid of nine years old was sometimes afflicted with the Epilepsy for almost every day towards the Evening she complained of Pains in the lower part of the Belly after which there followed Convulsions Giddiness and as it were a turning round of the Brain then she fell having some appearance or shew of Epileptical Convulsions in her Countenance and in that by consent but as to her Members she was free from any Convulsion in them 2. Now there was a Conjecture made that there was in her some crude phlegmatick and pituitous matter apt and inclinable to putrifaction out of which Worms had been or is now or may be bred 3. First let her take of the following Electuary of Raisons Laxative two or three spoonfuls in the Morning Take Raisons laxative two ounces and half syrupus Polychrestus one ounce Balsam of sulphur six drops the spirit of salt four drops Oyl of Anise three drops mix them 4. The Belly thereby being put into a good frame she found ease the very same day that she had used them and was not taken as formerly 5. I prescribed this Take of syrup of Roses solutive syrupus Polychrestus of each two drams the extract of Diagridium dissolved in a little Water two grains Oxymel of Squills one dram Oyl of Oranges one drop mix and let them be given 6. After two or three days intermission and rest Take syrupus Polychrestus half an ounce extract of Diagridium two grains Oxymel of squils one dram and half white Tartar Vitriolated five grains Cream of Tartar six grains Oyl of Fennel spirit of salt of each two drops mix as above 7. After these let her proceed to the use of the following things Take the bark of Orange-peels one ounce and half Hartshorn prepared one dram and half roots of Peony two drams Briony two drams boyl them in fountain-water one pound to the consumption of the half take of the strained liquor half a pound and add thereto two ounces of white sugar boyl till it be somewhat thick then add the syrups of Peony of Limons of Wormwood of each half an ounce of the salt of Wormwood half a scruple the water of Nutmegs six drams mix them 8. Take roots of Peony the flowers of Orrice red Coral prepared of each half a dram white Amber prepared Hartshorn prepared of each two scruples Misletoe of the Oak Coralline each sixteen grains Worm-seed twelve grains Conserve of Wormwood two scruples sugar dissolved in Wormwood-water three ounces make Troches or Tablets according to Art add the Oyl of Oranges two drops the spirit of Salt one drop 9. Afterwards let then be used one after another with a fasting Stomach two or three hours before Meat three or four Tablets or about two spoonfuls of the Syrup In the Evening let her take again two Rowls or Tablets before Supper and when she goes to bed let her take one Roul Grulingius Cent. Obs 35. LXXIX An Epilepsy in another Maid 1. I prescribed this Maid the following Medicines Take syrupus Polycrestus two ounces of Peony of Betony of each two drams Electuarium Passularum Laxativum three drams the pouder of the roots of Mechoacan two scruples the Oyl of Anise of Rosemary-flowers of each one drop the spirit of Elder half a scruple mix them and let them be used three times 2. Take the Epileptick water of Langius one ounce the spirit of the flowers of Elder half a scruple Oyl of Rosemary flowers and Marjoram of each one drop syrup of Peony a sufficient quantity make a mixture and
use them Morning and Evening 3. Take the Oyl of Nutmegs two scruples Vnguentum Pomatum one scruple the Oyls of Lavender of Marjoram of Rosemary-flowers of Amber of Rue of each two drops Castoreum two grains mix them and make a Liniment to anoint the nape of the Neck Nostrils and the Coronal Sutures Grulingius Cent. Observ 36. LXXX The Epilepsy without a Convulsion 1. A certain Woman about the Age of twenty eight having swallowed a Bodkin in her Infancy she presently felt no harm by it though it remained still in her Body 2. It was observed that being Married she often stood in amaze and stupefaction with Lips wide open and with Eyes pull'd aside looking sternly She suffered somewhat like to the Epilepsy therefore it was concluded that Vapours did ascend from the lower parts but that they could excite such grievious Fits and assaults as are in a strong Epilepsy is somewhat strange 3. They resemble rather these Vapours proceeding from a Vertigo which assault the Brain as it were without any Convulsion but with the Hallucination only and deception of the Senses 4. For evacuation I prescribed first Electuarium Diacatholicon and Diaphenicon Confectio Hamech of each one dram the extract of black Hellebor six grains Diagridium two grains Conserve of Betony one scruple Aniseeds half a scruple make a Bolus with Sugar 5. Secondly for purging the Head and Ventricle Take Pills of Mastich Cothiarum Aurearum Foetidarum of each half a dram Troches Alhandal half a scruple Diagredium three grains Mastich eight grains make with Betony-water one and twenty Pills to be taken thrice 6. And every month for three days before a Full Moon let her take a Dose at two a Clock in the Night and Sleep thereafter two hours 7. Thirdly For Corroberation Take Rob Juniperi one ounce Conserve of Betony two drams and half Peony one dram and half the pouder of the roots of Peony one dram the flowers of Orrice half a dram Misletoe of the Oak one scruple white Amber prepared half a scruple Human skull prepared six grains the seeds of Rue twenty three grains syrups of Betony and of Peony of each a sufficient quantity make an Electuary and take every Morning and at going to bed the quantity of a great Bean or more LXXXI The Epilepsy in a Maid 1. At the command of a certain Illustrious person a Dutchess I prescribed these following Medicines for this Noble Virgin Take the seeds and roots of Peony of each five grains choice Turbith roots of Mechoacan species Diaturbith with Rhubarb our Cathartick Pouder each seven grains Tartar vitriolated five grains Diagridium four grains Gum Guttae one grain choice Cinnamon six grains make a most subtle pouder 2. Take the leaves of Marjoram Thyme Rosemary of each two scruples the flowers of Lavender of Betony of Prim-roses of Tile-tree of Origanum and of Stoechas of each half a dram the seeds of Peony two drams of Anise one dram Fennel and Coriander prepared half a dram the roots of Peony of Orrice-flowers of each two drams and half the Wood of Sassafras three drams Misletoe of the Oak Cinnamon Mace Nutmeg of each one dram white sugar one ounce cut bruise and make a pouder of them and so let them be given 3. Take syrups of Peony one ounce of Betony six drams of staechas two drams of Cinnamon two drams and a half the extract of Juniper two drams of Zedoaria five grains Conserves of Rosemary-flowers one dram Conserves of Bawm of Borrage of Betony of each one dram and half spirits of Elder-flowers and of Juniper-berries of each two scruples the Essences of Rosemary-flowers one scruple the pouder of Peony roots half a dram Orrice-flowers one scruple white Amber prepared half a scruple the Epileptick water of Langius three drams Lozenges of sugar pearled two drams make a mixture Grulingius Cent. Observ 37. LXXXII The Epilepsy 1. A certain person called Marcus Antonius fell into terrible and outragious Fits not unlike those of the Epilepsy when at first this Disease assaulted him he was afflicted with manifest and noted Palpitations of the Heart which were also accompanied with a mighty oppression and wonderful dejection of the Strength together with some Convulsive Motions he was necessitated sometimes to make use of the nearest Seats or to sit down on the ground 2. At length being purged with Pil. Catholicae and the Brain being strengthned with Cephalick Conserves the Balsam of Vitriol being added he was restored to Health again 3. There was also exhibited a Stomachal Specifick by which chiefly he was eased Poterius Cent. 1. Obs 78. LXXXIII The Epilepsy in a Maid 1. This Maid was often afflicted for the space of three years with an Hereditary Epilepsy 2. A little before the assault and invasion of this Distemper she was taken with a dimness of sight and then fell flat on the ground being first siezed with a Convulsion of her Members 3. In this deplorable p●sture she would lye about half an hour as if she were Dead with Arms and Legs stretched out foaming greatly at the Mouth and being altogether forgetful of what had happened to her but the fit being over and the Muscles resolved she went to Stool 4. This affect she deriving as Hereditary from her Father I was earnest to search out the causes of so great a Malady and upon diligent scrutiny I found that her Father had not only fallen often into Fits of the Falling-sickness but had also been often besides himself and devested of the exercise of his Reason not unlike that kind of alienation of the Mind which happens to persons Lunatick 5. I am certainly perswaded the reason of this name comes from nothing else but the inordination of the several Motions because as some do observe this sort of affect is moved and excited in the new of the Moon and its quarters 6. But I am rather of the opinion That this is to be ascribed to the Seed of the Parent than to any such obscure and remote Causes 7. This Maid was at length freed from her Distemper by taking thrice the Marchasite of saturn which caused her to Vomit much flegm and greenish Choler and to this purpose we prepared by calcination the Marchasite of Sasaturn of which in our Pharmacopoeia spagyrica in 3 cap. de stibio She lived seven years after the Cure was performed without the lest hazard and suspition of a Relapse Poterius Cent. 2. Observ 48. LXXXIV The Falling-sickness in a Child ten years of Age. 1. A Youth of about ten years of Age was suddenly siezed with the Falling sickness He was first taken on the right side it began always when the Paroxysm came on his right Foot ascended up by degrees like a Vapour from his Foot to his Ankle so to his Knee then his Hip and from thence to his Arm Hand and Head where having taken possession of the Brain he presently fell down with a great crying out and a foaming at Mouth 2. He
drams seeds of Anise of Fennel and of Hartwort of each two drams flowers of Bugloss and Rosemary of each a handful and half make a Decoction in fair water strain and in a pint thereof infuse pure Agarick one ounce Ginger Galangal Rubarb of each two drams strain again and with white sugar make a syrup which aromatize with a little Cinnamon in pouder with this the Body ought to be once or twice a Week cleansed during the whole Cure if the Sick cannot take a purge in this form let them take it in the form of Pills as above-mentioned 22. The Body being sufficiently cleansed the Head and Womb may be corroborated with some of the things abovenamed or with this following Take choice Venice Treacle five ounces of the best spirit of Wine a pint Camphir two drams digest in a glass close stopt in Horse-dung or sand for a Week then distil in Balneo with a gentle heat so that the Alembick may not grow very hot draw off about a third part and repeat the distillation three times the Dose is one Spoonful Morning and Evening adding thereto four drops of the Oyl of Vitriol or six drops of the Tincture of Coral and sweetening it a little with white Sugar 23. Or this which may be exhibited in the time of the Paroxysm also Take syrup of the juyce of Peony one ounce syrup of the juyces of Rue and of Bawm of each half an ounce liquid extract of Castoreum two drams extract of Juniper-berries a dram and half extracts of Angelica and Zedoary of each one scruple of the former spirit two drams Lavender-water one ounce mix them Dose one spoonful 24. Among the number of Corroboratives are accounted Mithridate and Venice Treacle Confect of Alkermes Diamoschu dulcis Bezoar stone given with Scorzonera water but most effectual things are the Oyl and Powers of Amber which may be given in the fit as also to provoke the Terms 25. If the Courses be obstructed you must use with your Corroboratives such things as provoke them among which some highly commend this Take green branches of the Fir or Pitch-trees one handful Mugwort half a handful tops of Juniper bark of the Beech-tree of each a handful Celandine leaves of the Alder-tree of each half a handful roots of swallow-wort and round Birthwort of each five ounces make a Bath in fair water for the sick to sit in for about half an hour The Belly and lower parts after bathing may be anointed with this Take Oyls of Rue and Bays of each an ounce Chymical Oyls of Aniseeds of Cloves and of Camomil of each a dram mix them CLII. The Cure of an Epilepsy by consent from the Stomach 1. If vapours arising from the Stomach to the Head be the cause of the Falling-sickness it is known by a certain pain going before a perturbation and sickness at Stomach with a kind of heaviness or weight about the Precordia want of Appetite weakness of the Concoctive Faculty belching of Wind with other like Symptoms 2. The Sick also upon the accession of the Fit is sensible of it before-hand and it oftentimes comes upon an emptiness of the Stomach or too long fasting 3. Children are often affected with this Disease from this very cause when either the Milk is corrupted in their Stomachs or it was before hand of a vitious quality from some evil habit of Body in the Nurse and then it is known by gripings in the Bowels of Child the Ordure being either of a Saffron or of a Verdigrise like colour 4. In order to the Cure purgation is necessary and that kind of Purgation by Vomit more especially if the Sick is apt to that evacuation The Bilious humor Physicians say needs no preparation but thick tough and viscous flegm they say ought to be prepared before-hand for evacuation that it may be the more easily expelled which thing Dr. Willis stoutly denys Sennertus advises to prepare the matter by taking Honey of Roses Oxymels Syrups of Betony stoechas and such like 5. If the Sick is not apt or does not easily Vomit the cause may be removed by things which work by Stool as Hiera picra pilulis ex Aloe in a cholerick cause Agarick Jallap in a flegmatick cause sena Hellebor c. in a melancholy cause 6. In this case the stronger Purgers are not to be used lest they draw too much or new matter to the Ventricle and thereby augment the Disease by a continued hurting or weakning of it 7. The Stomach being cleansed you must strengthen it with proper corroboratives In a hot cause you may apply Topicks made of Oyls of Quinces of Roses of Olives Omphacine of Water-Lillys of Lettice of Nightshade c. in a cold cause Medicaments made of Mastich Mint Wormwood Cloves Nutmegs and such like 8. Inwardly let the Food be given warm and temperate in respect of quality not sharp or salt or fat or oyly and Trallianus forbids the drinking of Wormwood or other bitter things lest lying in the Ventricle they should be converted into Choller yet doubtless where the cause is from cold moist and indigested flegm things hot and bitter can do no hurt however other things of a warming Nature may easily be given instead thereof as Coriander-seeds Betony Cheb Myrobalans preserved Nutmegs which come from the Indies extract of Juniper-berries rolls of Aromaticum Rosatum and Caryophilatum Syrups of Mastich and Cinnamon c. from which various Medicines various Compositions may be made according to the humour abounding If the cause be from heat and bitter and choller you may use Conserves of Wood-Sorrel Marmalade of Quinces Quiddony of the same Oyls and Spirits of Vitriol Salts Sulphur Nitre c. of which also things may be compounded 9. Now in the mixion while you are compounding things to fortify the Ventricle you must be sure not to forget such things as are Specificks against the Disease afflicting to wit the Epilepsy for by this means the Sick will soon be restored to his pristin Health 10. Take Conserves of Roses of Betony and of Peony of each two ounces extract of Juniper-berries half an ounce pouder of Mans skull four scruples Indian green Ginger preserved half an ounce Oyl of Vitriol ten drops with syrup of the Conserve of Citron-peels and juyce of Peony-flowers make an Electuary 11. Take pouder of Cloves two drams extracts of Peony of Calamus Aromaticus of Carduus of each one dram Indian green Ginger condited two drams with sugar a sufficient quantity make Morsels 12. Take Mans skull prepared Peony-roots Scorzonera Nutmegs Misletoe of the Oak of each one dram seeds of Anise and Fennel of each one dram white Amber Peony-seeds Peacocks-dung of each half a dram Cubebs Anacardiums Galangal Tormentil roots Virginian Snake-roots Rosemary-flowers of each a scruple white sugar two ounces make all into fine pouder Dose two scruples to two drams CLIII Of an Epilepsy arising from Worms 1. If any one be taken with Epileptick Fits and the Cause
thereof be from Worms it is known by these following signs The sick oftentimes grates their Teeth and that many times or for the most part in their Sleep there are also many sower Belchings which by little and little filling the Mouth with an acid humor the Teeth be set extreamly on edge as if they had been eating of sowr things and commonly the Breath stinks or smells not well 2. They are often taken with a trembling of the extream parts and many times are affrighted and vehemently cry out in their Sleep there is also an Itching of the Nostrils and end of the Nose causing a great desire to rub the same about Evening or in the Night time the sick is troubled with much spitting somtimes there is a great heat and flushing in the Face and that of a sudden with a pain and gnawing of the Stomach and Bowels 3. And in some persons there is a contraction of the Muscles of the Abdomen with a grumbling of the Guts and torment costiveness of Body dry Cough Hiccough or some ill tast in the Mouth and somtimes the Worms are seen to come away in the Ordure or Excrements voided by Stool and in some persons there is an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of some particular Member in others an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the whole body the body pining away by reason the most of or the principal nutriment is devoured or consumed by the Worms which Nature had otherwise designed for the nourishment of the Body 4. The Cure is not difficult especially if the Disease has been of no long continuance but if the true cause of the Epilepsy is from Worms unless the Sick can be freed from them he will never be cured of his Epileptick Distemper 5. If the Disease be caused of Worms and it has been of a very long continuance then although the Worms which seem to be the Proeguminine cause be taken away yet will not the fits leave the Sick for that by the long continuance of the Distemper a new nearer cause will be generated And this I had twice experience of in two Children who being afflicted with Epileptick Fits arising from Worms for 8 or 9 years together that although I perfectly freed them both from the Worms yet the Epilepsy left them not till much more means was afterwards used whereas another person troubled with the same Disease arising from the same Cause having been but a little while troubled therewith by freeing him from the Worms he was perfectly cured of his Epilepsy also 6. The Cure ought to be performed by mixing Antepilepticks with such things as kill and expel the Worms Take Mercurius dulcis a scruple salt of Mans skull fifteen grains saccharum saturni three grains mix for a Dose to be given at night going to bed purging the Sick the next Morning with a fit Dose of the Infusion of Sena and Carraway seed 7. The following thing is commended by Sennertus Take fine Aloes washed or extracted a dram and half scammony Troches Alhandal of each half a scruple distilled Oyl of Wormwood two drops Oyl of Myrrh and Zedoary of each one drop mix and make a Mass of Pills Dose from a scruple to half a dram in the Morning fasting but if the Body of the Sick be difficult to work upon it will be better to take it over night or about Mid-night 8. If the Worms lye really in the Bowels and not in the Stomach it will be good to give the Antepileptick Medicament by the Mouth but the Medicine killing the Worms by the Fundament in form of a Clyster As Take pouder of Mans skull a scruple salt of the same six grains Oyl of Rue two drops Conserves of Roses two drams mix and give it over-night the next Morning give the following Clyster Take Mutton-broth a sufficient quantity according to the Age of the sick Tincture of Colocynthis from an ounce to two ounces sal Armoniack two drams mix them and give it warm it is an excellent thing 9. After sufficient purging with any of the aforegoing Medicaments or others that may be proper for the same or with Mercurius dulcis which as Sennertus saith may be given from sixteen grains to a scruple or more you may exhibit the following specifick Take Elks-hoof prepared six drams Mans skull prepared four drams Ox horns prepared Diamoschu dulcis red Coral Pearls Emeralds Crystals all prepared Terra sigillata of each two drams seeds of Nigella of Rue of Peony white Ditany Nutmegs Misletoe of the Oak salt of Harts-horn of each one dram roots of Peony Harts-horn prepared Pea-cocks-dung Scordium Marjoram Coralline of each three drams Musk and Ambergrise of each half an ounce mix all in a fine pouder Dose from half a dram to a dram in black Cherry Wine 10. Take salt of Mans skull Mercurius dulcis choice Rubarb Musk Ambergrise of each fifteen grains extracts of Sena and Rubarb of each half a dram mix them together for a Dose and give it at night going to bed with this I cured a Maiden Gentlewoman being given but six times at due intervals having been above three years afflicted therewith CLIV. The Cure of a pure or simple Epilepsy present in the fit 1. The Cure preventive of an immediate impending Parox●sm is performed in the opinion of some great Physicians by adhibiting one Pill of Laudanum Opiatum to four parts of which one part of Oyl of Camphir is added or these following Antepileptick Rouls Take pouder of Peony-roots gathered in a fit time one dram Magistery of Pearl and red Coral Mans skull prepared Misletoe of the Oak of each a dram and half white Sugar dissolved in Tile-flower water a sufficient quantity make according to Art a Confection in Tablets 2. Or you may exhibite four or five drops of the Essence or Powers of Castoreum in a glass of Tile-flower-water Or in defect thereof two or three drops of choise Oyl of Amber or twenty or thirty drops of the Powers of the same in the Epileptick Water of Langius or Aqua Vitae Matthioli Or this following draught Take the Epileptick Water of Langius one ounce syrup of Peony almost half an ounce spirit or Oyl of Vitriol four five six or seven drops mix them to be immediately drunk 3. Or you may give a spoonful or two of this following Potion Take Waters of the flowers of Peony of the Tile-tree of Wall-flowers of Herb-Trinity of each an ounce and half Essence of Peony one dram salt of Mans skull twelve grains salt of Vipers five grains syrup of the juyce of Peony half an ounce mix them for a draught Or Take Tincture of Castoreum and of Peacocks dung Tincture of Arabian Mummy of each a dram black Cherry Wine four ounces mix them and drink it having taken just before it a dram of choise Venice Treacle 4. The Cure in the Paroxysm First let the position of the body of the Sick be rather upright than otherwise and rather in a light and chearful
place than in a dark and melancholy and let a great noise crying or roaring out be made in the Ears of the Sick 5. The Mouth or Teeth ought to be kept open with some wooden Instrument or spoon besmeared with the juyce or extract of Rue or some other Antepileptick that the Sick may the more freely Breath and the foam flow forth as also that the Sick might not hurt or bite their Tongue 6. The convulsed Members as also the Thumbs and Fingers of the Hands ought to be extended and pluckt gently anointing the parts pained with some Lenitive or resolving Oyl chiefly Mans fat or Oyls of Camomil of Rue of Bays of Hypericon of Juniper of Earthworms or of Castor or with Petroleum Take Goose-grease Oyl of Earthworms of each half an ounce Oyl of Camomil Oyl of Turpentine of each two drams Oyl of Juniper Petroleum of each one dram mix them to anoint with 7. The former mentioned Oyls or the last Compound with other of the like kind ought to be anointed all along the Spina dorsi from the Vertebrae of the Neck to the Os Coccygis Or you may bath the same with some proper Antepileptick water Or with the Powers of Amber And you ought to hold the Hands Arms and other parts of the Body lest the Sick by any violent concussion should hurt himself Or the matter should be retained in the Head whereby the Paroxysm should be prolonged 8. You ought also to use Revulsion by Frictions and Ligatures which are hard and painful often losing of the Ligature and then binding of it again hard up Frictions ought also to be used to the Soles of the Feet with Salt and Vinegar 9. If the Fit continues long you ought to move the Belly with some sharp Suppository or Clyster which may not only empty the Bowels but may also revel the Vapors ascending up to the Brain Make a strong Decoction of any Antepileptick herbs Take of this Decoction a pint Diaphenicon benedicta Laxativa of each half an ounce Hiera simple two drams Oyl of Rue two ounces honey of Roses an ounce Sal armoniack a dram mix and give it warm Or Take a pint of the said Decoction Jnfusion of Crocus Metallorum two ounces Tincture of Colocynthis syrup of buckthorn of each an ounce mix them 10. To the Nostrills you may apply such things as have the power of Attenuating and Discussing and withall a specifick force in resisting the Epilepsy among which things are the Juyce Essence and Extract of Rue Tincture Essence and Spirit of Castoreum Oyl balsam and powers of Amber Powers of sweet Marjoram of Oranges of Limons of Nutmegs of Cloves of Cinnamon of Penny royall Hyssop Time Wormwood Sassafrass Rosemary c. Experience has confirmed wild Rue and Savin to be Arcanum's here 11. Upon the Tongue and Pallat you may put Mithridate or Venice treacle Confect of Anacardiums or Diacastoreum malaxed with the juyce or water of Rue or Lavender Vinegar of Rue or Tincture of Castor to which you may add the Salt of Rue or Carduus or of any other Antepileptick plant 12. And the same things which we have advised to be applyed to the Nostrills may be applyed to the Ears crown of the Head and Coronal sutures or you may impose thereupon the Emplaster of Franciscus Valesius formerly mentioned the Head being first shaved and anointed with the Oyl of Mans skull fumes also and suffumigations of Juniper Rue Assafaetida Galbanum and Amber profit much but some Physicians say That the fumes of Amber although in the fit they are of great advantage yet out of the fit they are prejudicial to the Sick 13. If the Sick by these means cannot be recovered out of his fit Sternutatories are to be used and to adult persons such as are strong Take Roots of Pyrethum Orrice of each a scruple Castoreum white hellebor of each two grains seeds of Rue of Nigella leaves of Marjoram in pouder Cubebs white Pepper in pouder of each half a scruple make a fine pouder to be blown up the Nostrills Or Take white Pepper Marjoram of each two scruple Castoreum ten grains Euphorbium two grains make a fine pouder to be used in like manner a grain or two at a time 14. It will be good also to apply Cordial Epithems to the Heart and about the Neck you may hang Xenechtons or Amulets made of Peony seeds and roots Elks hoof Coral Jasper Emeralds Lapis Chelidonius Vervain Ox horns Antimony Camphir and other things of like nature 15. It is requisite also that internally for repressing of the fit and recovery of the Sick out of it some things should be prescribed such are Venice Treacle and Mithridate dissolved in any convenient Vehicle Tincture of Castoreum or powers of Amber may be given to a scruple or more in a little black chery wine or Essence of the flowers of Lilly-convally or flowers of the Tile-tree or water of Swallows In like manner the Powers of Mans skull profit or salt of the same dissolved in any convenient Liquor 16. For this purpose Sennertus advises to use the following pouder Take native Cinnabar half an ounce red Coral and pearls prepared of each two scruples Saffron one scruple leaves of Gold number twelve make a fine pouder wh ch give to twelve or sixteen grains in the following water Take water of Tile-flowers one ounce and half black cherry water or spirit of the same water of Swallows or Magpyes of each one ounce Tincture of Castoreum half a dram mix them for a Vehicle 17. Take water of Mans skull not buryed distilled by a Retort with a strong fire and thrice repeated Lixivium made of the whole plant of Male Peony calcined of each three ounces Castoreum one dram species Diamoschi half a dram mix digest a week and then distill in B. M. to the distilled liquor add Oyl of Vitriol five drops Oyl of Aniseeds ten drops mix them well together and give a spoonful at a time in the strength of the fit CLV The Cure of a pure or simple Epilepsy out of the fit 1. For the more certain accomplishing of this cure not only all the Ancients but also most of the Neoterick or modern Physicians have been mightily busied about rules and prescriptions for preparing the humor abounding for Evacuation but We although we are not willing altogether to condemn those famed Men yet with the Counsell of that Great and Learned man Dr. Willis do judge that advice to be if not fruitless yet the going round about by the hedg while we leave untroden the straight and diametrical paths of Truth and right reason 2. To avoid therefore the tracing of this unnecessary Labyrinth we shall begin at their second Intention which is the evacuation of the Morbifick cause which is don either by bleeding purging Sweating or other like mediums of Art 3. Bleeding then is only to be admitted where there is an extravasation of blood for if it be otherwise attempted you will diminish
strain it out for use Dose six ounces to provoke sweat the wood or ingredients may be boyled again in fresh Water for the common drink of the Sick 22. Among Chymical Sudorificks we commend the Spiritus ex tribus Tinctura diaphoretica Paracelsi spirit of Carduus Benedictus spirit of Elder the two latter of which may be drunk one ounce at a time with two scruples of the spirit of Guajacum in any convenient Vehicle to these add spirit of Tartar compound two scruples for a dose in some proper liquor Volatile salts of Harts-horn of Amber of Mans skull and of Vipers Bezoar minerale simple and solar fixed Antimony or Antimony Diaphoretick given in a little Venice Treacle Or Treacle water with Mithridate There are many more of excellent use which you may find out by a little pains in searching 23. The third part of the first Intention is performed by particular evacuations of the Brain by Errhins Sternutatories Apophlegmatisms or Masticatories Gargarisms and suchlike 24. Errhins Take juyces of Rue and Beets of each half an ounce Elder and sweet Marjoram water of each one ounce seeds of Peony and of Nigella of each a scruple mix them and let it be drawn up the Nostrills Take white or Rhenish wine three ounces Euphorbium two grains mix and dissolve for an Errhine it is a powerful one Take juyces of Peony and sow Bread of each half an ounce juyces of sweet Marjoram and Rue of each two drams syrup of buck-thorn one dram and half spirit of Juniper half an ounce mix them 25. Sternutatories Take Nutmegs Peony roots of each one dram white Pepper Pyrethrum of each one scruple white Hellebor half a scruple mix and make a pouder But the most excellent of all is that of Deckers which in his Exercitation he gives directions to make thus Taken Turbith minerale one dram pouder of Liquorice three drams pouder of Rosemary flowers one dram and half mix them well 't is of Miraculous operation 26. Apophlegmatisms Take Nutmegs roots of Pyrithrum roots of Peony and of the true Acorus of each one dram Rocket seed two drams with Mastick a sufficient quantity make pastills or troches weighing each two scruples to be held in the Mouth and chewed Take Galangal two drams Cinnamon Cloves of each half a dram Cubebs Gentian Peony roots of each a scruple Anicardiums roots of Pyrethrum of each half a dram sugar two drams distilled Oyl of Cloves and of Cinnamon of each two drops with syrup of Staechas and the whites of Eggs make Troches for Masticatories 27. Gargarisms Trallianus commends a Gargarism made of Hyssop Penny-royall and dry Figs being boyled in a sufficient quantity of spring water and strained for use Or you may gargarize with this Take Pyrethrum an ounce and half Rosemary Sage Hyssop Rue of each two pugills make a decoction in water strain and mix with a quart thereof Vinegar of Roses Honey of Roses of each two ounces for a Gargle Or Take Rue Betony Sage Hyssop of each half a handful roots of Peony and Orrice of each half an ounce Acorus Pyrethrum Peony seeds of each two drams Nutmegs a dram and half make a decoction in water to a pint of which add Oxymel of squills two ounces Honey of Resemary-flowers one ounce mix and make a Gargarism more of these you may see in Vntzerus de Epilepisa pag. 194. 28. For this purpose also where the Seat of the Distemper is in the Brain or Head you may use actual Cauteries which have a mighty power of attenuating and discussing of humors though firmly impacted in the part and this more especially if they be applyed to the Coronal Sutures for thereby the matter causing the Epilepsy is dissipated But in the doing hereof Caution ought to be used lest you hurt the Membranes which lye adjacent to the Brain or have a near vicinity thereto whereby great mischief succeeds You may also in the same case apply the Seton or make Fontanels or Issues in proper parts and the latter may be done either by Incision or with an actual or potential Cautery for thereby the Morbifick cause is at were drained forth 29. These things being done which are for removing of the near Cause the next thing which we are to consider of which is the Third Intention is the Exhibition of Specificks or proper Antepileptick Medicaments the which we shall consider either as simple or compound 30. Among the Simple Medicaments these following are most famed the Roots Flowers and Seeds of Peony gathered when the Sun is in Leo at noon-time at the New Moon But Hercules Saxonia advises to gather them in April the Sun being in Aries and the Moon at the full which is the better Advice Misleto of the Oak Hazle or Tile Tree given from two scruples to a dram in pouder which has cured many Rice both Garden and Wild the latter of which is much commended by Trallianus Polly-montain Castoreum which may be given from a scruple to two in any fit Vehicle Elks hoof Mans Skull but chiefly the triangular bone Roots of Pyrethrum and Eryngo which are commended by many Roots of Bryony which has done many Cures of this kind by taking a dram of it in powder every morning in wine for a year together as Fontanus prescribes Vervain gathered the Sun being in Aries and taken with a few Peony seeds is approved by Mizaldus being taken in some Epileptick Wine Wild Valerian taken to a dram is mightly commended by Columna and therewith many have been cured To these things may be added Amber Coral Emerald Lillys-Convally Tile flowers Radix Dentariae The Bladder of a wild Boar dryed and poudred Harts-horn Rennet of a Hare Hazel wood Peacocks-Dung and various Preparations of all these things Hippomanes dryed and poudred is reported to be a certain and wonderful Experiment Plantain or its Juice is said to be of excellent use by Scribonius Largus and Paracelsus cured several therewith Livers of Frogs green and taken in watery places given to about forty in number is commended by Hartman as a thing almost infallible so also the Liver reasted of an Ass or of a Goat of a Thrush and of a Bear have equal Commendations More over the Blood and Flesh of a Weazel the Heart of a Wolf the Testicles of of a Wild Goat the Heart of a Hare of a Swallow of a Stork of a Vulture Mares Milk Storks Dung and the Worms found in the Bryar Balls are all commended by Florentinus 31 Among simple Chymical things these following are in most Estimation The Volatile Spirit of Vitriol Oleum Lunae and Oyls out of the most of the things before enumerated chiefly the Magistery Powers Oyl and Volatile Salt of Amber Oyl of Box-wood Oyl of the Hazel-wood so much commended by Rulandus Spirit Oyl and Volatile Salt of Mans Skul and of a Harts Head as also of the Hornes Tincture and Magistery of Coral Magistery Oyl Spirit Sal and Powers of Elks hoofs Water Spirit
her to be liberally bathed over all the Abdomen from the Mucronata or lower part of the Sternon to the Os Pubis for about half an hour with the said Powers or Amber and her Belly to be covered with hot cloaths 〈◊〉 warm as she could endure them this was repeated every third hour for eight or ten times and through the Blessing of God this miserable Creature was saved from the jaws of Death XXII Convulsions arising by Consent from Pains in the Stone 1. This Man having been for many years afflicted with the Stone and Gravel at length the Pains became so exquisite as to excite Convulsion-Fits and that in an extream manner the man was of a gross or fat Body and of a long time used no kind of Exercise but eat well and drank freely and that a thick kind of foggy Ale which doubtless left Recremen●s enough in all the principal Passages from which Causes without doubt his Disease had its Beginnings 2. In the first place by reason of the fulness of the Body and the great Repletion of humours I thought fit to purge him the which I did with my Family-Pills as being a Medicament proper and specifick against the Stone it self and of which I have had Experience in several Persons in that Disease among the Rest one Andrew Beech of New-Castle in a L●tter to me dated 18th of April 1682. gives this Commendation Honoured Doctor I have sold your Family-Pills for divers years and have often taken of them with good Success I believe under God they have been an Instrument of my Preservation for these three or four years last past But of late especially I have been troubled with the Stone and by taking of your Pills I have voided many Stones and some of them of a prodigious Bigness to come through a mans Yard These are the Gentleman 's own words in his said Letter however I have a Cloud of other Experiments of the same kind which enduced me at this time to their Exhibition I ordered him to take them every third or fourth day by the use thereof for six or seven times there was not only a large Evacuation of corrupt putrid and evil humours but also a Production of several small Stones about the Bigness of Wheat-Corns and some of them somwhat bigger to the number of Twenty three 3. In the Int●rvals of Purging I caused the Reins of his Back the Pubis and Perinaeum to be very well anointed twice a day with the Blood red Oyl of Scorpions and inwardly the Powers or Tinctures of Castoreum from twenty to forty drops to be given in this following Wine Take Old Rhenish Wine two quarts large Onions extreamly thin sliced or spread small six ounces digest forty eight hours and keep it for use He took four ounces of it at a time Morning Noon and Night with the Drops of the Powers and somtimes of the Tincture of Castoreum aforesaid 4. But by reason the Convulsions came often and held him very strongly we were forced to have recourse to Opiates amongst which I exhibited at first two grains of my Laudanum at bed-time in a glass of Rhenish Wine and Sugar this was done four times The fifth time I gave him three grains and continued that for four other Doses the ninth Dose I gave him four grains which I continued for a week and once a week increased his Dose a grain till it came to ten grains the which Dose I gave him five or six weeks together By this assiduous use of Laudanum not only the Pains of the Stone were mightily diminished but also the Convulsion-Fits were wholly abated 5. However the more absolutely to secure our Patient against these Convulsive-Motions I caused him to be bathed all over twice a day with this following Mixture Take Powers of Amber Powers of Oranges of Limons of Marjoram of Sage of Penny-royal of each three ounces Powers of Juniper-Berries of Rue of Caraways of Aniseed of each three ounces of Rosemary Sassafras and of Castoreum of each one ounce mix them with this Mixture he was bathed twice a day from Head to Foot for ten days but more especially the Convulsed Parts Hereby the Genus Nervosum was mightily comforted and refreshed and the Cause of the Spasm in some manner discussed 6. But as it was apparent that the Stone was the prime Cause of this pestiferous Evil so it was our Care to use powerful Lithontripticks for this purpose I ordered the four following Medicaments all of them singular specificks and of great Force in this Disease to be used by Course 7. A lithontriptick Liquor Take Rhenish-Wine two quarts Hydropiper-Water a quart Large Onions shred small six ounces Opium two ounces Pouder of Winter-Cherries one ounce and half House-Radish Root scraped Mustard seed bruised Sal Prunellae of each one ounce Salt of Tartar Volatile Salt of Millepedes of each six drams mixt digest twelve or fourteen days and express the Liquor which keep close stopt for use Dose two ounces 8. A lithontriptick Pouder Take Millepedes in pouder two ounces Egg-Shells calcined ten days in a Potters Furnace Winter-Cherries in fine pouder of each an ounce and half Sal Prunellae Opium in subtil pouder Volatile Salt of Harts Horn Volatile Sal Armoniack Salt of Vrine of each one ounce Salt of Juniper-Berries one ounce mix all in a fine Pouder and keep in a Silver Box with a good Skrew to keep it from the Air. Dose from a Scruple to two Scruples Morning and Evening 9. A lithontriptick Electuary Take Venice Turpentine four ounces Opium extracted Extract of Liquorice of each two ounces Liquid Storax Pouder of Millepedes of Winter-Cherries Egg-Shells calcined Sal Prunellae of each an ounce Volatile Salt of Millepedes Oyl of Juniper-Berries of each an ounce mix and make an Electuary to be kept in a Box with a Skrew Dose from a Scruple to half a Dram once a day in a fit Vehicle 10. A lithontriptick Spirit Take Rectified Spirit of Wine three pints Oyls of Sulphur of Vitriol and of Salt of each four ounces mix the Oyls first together then mix them with the Spirit of Wine by little and little till all is put in shake all well together digest for three months then distil in a Glass Alembick or Cucurbit with a very Gentle and Gradual fire that the Subtile and Volatile Spirit only may come over leaving a thick Magma at Bottom of the Substance of Honey or Consistence of a soft Extract In this Distillation you must be cautious your Fire be not too great for if it be it will force over all the Magma or Faeces with the Spirit and then your Labour will be lost and all your Work spoiled 11. This Spirit is of most Subtile and Volatile Parts and a specifick in all Diseases of the Brain whatsoever as well as in Diseases of the Reins It is a Specifick not only against the Stone whether in the Reins or Bladder which by its assiduous use it radically dissolves but
this affliction was a young Woman of about twenty years of age The Feaver was not only accompanied with extream heat but also Malignity as the Symptoms did demonstrate she being in many parts very full of purple spots whatever the Feaver or its appendent symptoms might presage without doubt the Convulsions were evidence of danger enough for that they gave a signification of the hurt of the Animal spirits without which in this Case the Genus Nervosum could not well suffer 3. From the manifestation of these causes it behoved us to be speedy in the exhibition of proper and fit Medicaments such as might powerfully resist the Poyson and Malignity of the Disease as well as repress the exorbitancy of the Feaver for this purpose I prescribed this Take Electuarium ad Tabidos a dram salt of Vipers seven grains mix them and give it as a Bolus 4. About a quarter of an hour after I caused the Sick to take a little Treacle-water with which was mixt half an ounce of the Aqua Bezoartica Langij these things promoted a powerful Sweat for almost eight hours In the time of sweating the Sick was very thirsty for the quenching of which I prescribed this following Juleb Take Wood-sorrel-water Bawm and Angelica waters all simply distilled of each six ounces Spirit of Angelica two ounces Sal prunellae two drams Salt of Wormwood half a dram syrup of Limons enough to make it pleasant mix them and give the Sick two or three spoonfuls thereof at a time as occasion requires 5. These things thus taken had a singular good effect for the great burning heat was abated and therewith the malignity however to secure the Sick against any more Paroxysms of the Convulsion I the next day caused the same dose of the Electuary and Volatile salt of Vipers to be again exhibited which produced a second Ephidrotick flood exceeding the former but much more pleasant and easy and in this I permitted the Sick to take now and then the juyce of a Sivile Orange for her refreshment 6. The Sweating continued between three and four hours at which time I caused the Nurse to lay the Cloths thinner and by degrees to cool her which was happily performed in less than an hours time after which to comfort and restore her I caused her often to take of this following mixture Take juyce of Alkermes two ounces syrup of Wood-Sorrel an ounce and half syrup of Limons an ounce spirit of Saffron Cinnamon water of each four ounces mix them together of which let the Sick take every two hours a spoonful 7. These things thus given had so happy an effect as to take away the malignity of the Feaver so as that no more Convulsions ●●llowed and in less than two days time after the spots also wholly vanish'd and by continuing the latter Cordial she was in four or five days time become pretty well so as that she could sit up eat drink and be pleasant with her Friends nor afterwards did she relapse As to her Diet during this time it was partly Gruel partly Mutton-broth Chicken broth Mace-Ale all boyled with Wood-sorrel and Borrage-leaves but she eat no kind of flesh till after the seventh day XXV Convulsion fits happening to a Woman in Labour or but newly delivered 1. This Woman by reason of her hard Labour sell into Convulsion-fits which after her Delivery followed her very thick with fainting away and swooning insomuch as the M●dwife and Women assisting very much dispaired of her life whereupon it was moved that I should be sent for 2. But I being sick and not able to go having heard a relation of the Womans condition sent her the following things I. The Powers of Amber which I ordered to bath withall chiefly the Abdomen and Hypogasters as also the Pubis and secret parts and this to be exceeding well done as also to moisten a thin flannel in the same and apply it hot and so to bind her up with warm Linnen 3. Secondly I prescribed my Gutae Vitae to be taken twenty drops at a time in a glass of Aqua Bryoniae composita for by that means the disturbed Archaeus and troubled Animal spirits would be immediately at rest this I ordered to be taken but once or twice in all unless they found that the Convulsions yet ceased not but they gave her it Morning and Evening for two days space By this she found much rest and ease and through the use thereof the Convulsions left her in a very little time 4. Moreover by reason of the bathing of the Powers of Amber she had either no After-pains or they were so inconsiderable as not to be much taken notice of and vanished as it were upon their first approach such is the admirable ex●●●●●●y and virtue of that precious Medicaments 5. Thirdly To comfort and refresh her spirits I ordered this following mixture to be given her a spoonful at a time once ever hour or two Take strong Cinnamon water eight ounces pure spirit of Saffron four ounces Powers of Carraways one ounce syrup of the juyce of Alkermes two ounces mix them to be given as aforesaid This mightily comforted her and so extreamly refreshed and revived her spirits that by the use thereof with the other things not only her Pain the Convulsive motions but also her fainting and decay of spirit totally left her so that the Woman quickly growing brisk and chearful was restored to her perfect Health and her weakness so much abated that in about nine days time she arose from her Bed and walked lustily every day about her House Observations from other AUTHORS XXVI Two cured of a Tetanos by Valescus 1. He commanded the Sick man to be held upright by four other men which done he poured twenty four pitchers of Water I suppose it was warm water upon him falling from his Head upon his inferiour parts 2. This done he presently placed him before the fire and for half an hour anointed him well to wit from the Neck to the lowest Vertebra of the Hips as also the Loins and Arms with Vnguentum Dialthaea Martiatum and Agrippa mix with Oyl of Castoreum after which he gave the Sick a little broth of a Pullet and he grew well 3. The same manner of Operation and with the same thing he cured another of a Tetanos Valescus lib. 1. cap. 21. XXVII A Convulsion coming from Repletion 1. The cure of a Cunvulsion is to be varied according to the variety of the Convulsive cause for that which proceeds from repletion must be otherwise cured than that which is caused by Inanition and that which proceeds of pain otherwise than either of them 2. For that which is caused by repletion is cured by discussing evacuating Medicines as by Diet conveniently appointed by Purging Bleeding digestive local Medicines exercise Frictions Sulphurous baths and other things appointed by the prescription of some learned Physician which shall oversee the Cure which may consume the superfluous and Excrementitious
convulsive or phthisical or consumptive Symptoms did molest chiefly in the whole Course of the Disease 24. It behooves us to design the curative Intentions according to the various times of the Disease and the diversities of the Symptoms chiefly urging 25. About the beginning of this Feaver the taking away of Blood seemed convenient almost to all this kind of Remedy I often experienced with success in little Children for that by the means as it were another breathing place is opened to the mass of Blood silently and covertly growing hot and obtruding its foot and smoak on the more noble parts and for that reason its impure efflorescencies or puttings forth are drawn away from the Brain and Lungs 26. Therefore although this Feaver of an ill condition may be accounted as it were malignant yet for as much as the Blood is not presently apt to be coagulated but to be too much powred forth and to restore its serosities on the nobler parts to wit the Brain and Lungs therefore Phlebotomy if it be administred in the beginning of the Disease is convenient almost to all 27. For the same Reason Cathartick Medicines and chiefly Vomitory are administred at the very beginning of the Disease for these do not only evacuate the Viscera of Crudities and so draw away the chief somenting of the Disease and as it were its original but besides they draw forth the serosities from the Blood and so effect its cleansing rather in the Stomach and Intestines than in the Head and Lungs 28. Further by Emeticks for that the receiving Glandules of the Lymphaducts are pulled with a great shaking the superfluities of the nervous juyce least they should evilly affect the Brain and its dependencies are expressed forth into the lower Bowels also for this end the Belly is to be kept continually loose by the use of Clysters 29. But in the mean time whilst the Blood being infected with the taint of this Disease threatens the Brain or Praecordia with the evil it will not be safe to attempt any thing Diaphoreticks or sweating Medicines or Diureticks or such as evacuate by Urine or with Catharticks vomiting or purging Medicines 30. For these kind of Medicines for as much as they greatly pour out the Blood and compel its Serosities into more open Issuings forth all the Recrements being apt to fall away from the mass of the Blood are easily obtruded on the Brain or Lungs when they are of a more feeble Constitution 31. So in a person in another place mentioned loss of speech came upon the raising of an untimely Sweat also I have known that Sudorificks no other than Chalybeats in the morbid disposition of the Lungs have brought on a wasting or Consumption 32. Phlebotomy therefore and if need be Vomiting and Purging either one or other or both being to be made use of at the very begining of the Disease the other intention shall be to draw away the morbifick Serosities of the Blood apt to flow forth on the Head or Brest and to derive them gently by other ways of evacuation and to put them forth out of doors 33. To this end Vesicatories or Blistering Plaisters ought to be applyed to the nape of the Neck or Parotidae or Jugular Arteries or to the Arm-pits or to the Groin or about the Thighs or Calves of the Leggs sometimes in this part sometimes in that to wit That the little Ulcers bei●g here and there excited and continually run●●ng might plentifully pour forth the Serum imbued with the morbid and heterogeneous Particles 34. But Remedies gently carrying the Serum into Reins and urinary Passages are most often administred with success For this business diuretical Apozems and Juleps are to be ordained after the following forms 35. Take of the roots of Scorzonera Chervile-grass and of Eringoes candied of each six drams one Apple cut of the leaves of Burnet Meadow-sweat of each one handful of Raisons of the sun one ounce and half of Harts-horn burnt two drams being cut and bruised let them be boyled on a clear fire in four pints of spring-water to the consumption of the third part to a quart of the straining being cleared add of the syrups of green Citrons or Violets two ounces of sal Prunella one dram and half make and Apozem The Dose four ounces to six thrice in a day 36. Or into that straining put fifteen blanched sweet Almonds and of the four cold seeds of each one dram being bruised make an Emulsion according to Art 37. Take Dragon and black Cherry water of each four ounces of Scordium compound two drams of Treacle water one ounce and half syrup of Clove-gilli-flowers two ounces of the spirit of Vitriol twelve drops make a Julep 38. Take oftentimes in a day in small Beer or Posset-drink half a dram or two scruples of Sal Prunellae 39. Besides in this Feaver Medicines gently Sweating of that sort chiefly which restores the Animal Spirits and defends them from any heterogeneous Copula are of very great use wherefore either the Pouder of Pearls or the spirit of Harts-horn or of Blood in a moderate Dose are administred twice a day viz. Morning and Evening 40. Clysters are to be given almost every day and if it be thought fit a gentle loosening purge may be taken once or twice in a Week 41. The Di●t prescribed ought to be slender as in other Feavers let them be wholly Interdicted from flesh or broth made thereof only let the Sick feed on Grewel or Barley-broth and let their Drink be small Beer or Posset-drink 42. If that notwithstanding any preventive Feaver the morbifick matter should lodge in the Brain or Lungs or both together so that a dissolution or inordination of the Animal function or a violent Cough should assault them it must be considered what is to be done in either state of the Disease carried forth after the manner into an evil condition but then the curative Indications ought to respect the stupor or madness or Cough 43. And lastly if in the declination of the Disease these symptom do remit proper remedies are to be adhibited against the Atrophie as it were the last fortress of this Feaver 44. First Therefore if the morbifick matter as it is often wont being brought to the Brain should bring in an insensibleness or a soporiferous or sleepy distemper remedies drawing it another way and deriving it some way from the Head and besides such as stirr up the Animal spirits and take away the impure Copula ought carefully to be administred 45. Wherefore in this case the use of Epispasticks or such things that drew the water outwardly should be much encreased and let spirits of Harts-horn be exhibited almost every sixth hour in a little bigger dose 46. Let Blood also be taken away by the sucking Leeches more largely from the Jugular Veins Salvatella or the Sedal Veins 47. If the distemper remits not the Head being shaven let emollient fomentations be often applied thereto further let Cupping-glasses
laxative tartarisated at length for discussing the corrupt matter which did infest the nervous System one dram of the following Pouder was taken in black Cherrie water and Pauls-Betony sweating thereafter in bed for some Mornings 3. Take the Roots of Angelica Swallowwort of each one dram Sarsaparilla Cloves Paeony Divels-bit of each two drams Rosemary-Flowers Sage Tyme of each half a dram Bay-Berries one dram Species diambrae compositae Diamoschi Amari of each half a dram Confectio Diaxyloaloes half an ounce the cure succeeded according to desire Thonerus Lib. 2. Observ 4. XCIX A Convulsion of Divers parts caused from Worms 1. A Maid of fourteen years of age finding a constriction in her Neck imployed a Chyrurgion who concluding that her distemper proceeded from a Catarrh thought to give her ease by a gargarism which attempt proved unsuccessful 2. This Virgin growing worse and worse and being in great peril of suffocation I was called upon about midnight to visit her whom I found sitting up in her Bed complaining of the contraction of her Jaws and crying out that she was at the very point of Expiration for want of Breath 3. Her Convulsions were very conspicuous in both Arms and both Leggs somtimes in the right somtimes in the left Arm even to her Breast somtimes in the right somtimes in the left Legg even to her Hipps 4. First of all I conceived that the following Cordial water would be very proper for a person under such deplorable circumstances Take the water of Borage and black Cherries of each two ounces Lilly Convally Balm Betony of each one ounce Cinnamon half an ounce red Coral prepared one scruple Bezoar Origanum fix grains Lozenges of Sugar pearled six drams mix them she had scarcely taken above one or two spoonfuls of this Dose but the constriction of her Neck was so much abated that she could breath freely 5. From thence I began to suspect that those symptoms had their rise from Worms which being appeased by the sweetness of the Cordial water did cease from troubling of her 6. Afterwards I exhibited the following laxative potion Take the leaves of Sena three drams Agarick trochiscated Rhubarb of each two scruples Cinnamon Ginger of each half a scruple infuse in the water of Botony spirit of Vitriol three drops the Colature gently expressed three ounces dissolve choice Manna one ounce 7. About four hours after taking she voided two very long worms with much vitious humors the symptoms growing more remiss and less troublesom 8. I also gave her the following things for carrying off the remainder of the humors Take the roots of Ditany of Zedoary Tormentil of each one dram the seeds of Worm-wood two pugils the leaves of Worm wood Carduus Benedictus Centaury the lesser of each half an handful the leaves of Sena six drams fresh Agarick trochiscated of each four scruples Cinnamon two scruples Ginger Galengal of each one scruple make a Bag for wine two pounds water of Carduus Benedictus one pound four ounces 9. Of this she took before Dinner and in the Evening one great worm was voided and she was delivered from that malady Thonerus lib. 2. Observ 1. C. A Convulsion which afflicted day and night at intervals 1. A Man about seventy years of age was afflicted above half a year with Convulsions the Paroxysm coming often both Day and Night 2. Many malignant vapours arising from the Abdomen did cause a vellication and Convulsion of the nervous parts with other bad symptoms and there was a suppression of Urine 3. Among other things I ordered him to take the distilled Oyl of Amber rectifyed six drops with Parsly-water two or three spoonfulls this being somtimes given warm did not only provoke urine but also abated the other afflicting symptom Thonerius lib. 2. Observ 2. CI. An excellent remedy against the Cramp 1. Several who had been affected with the Disease did upon the bare skin and places grived wear the root of common flagg 2. Also the skin of about twenty silver Eels new flaied and chopped small were boyled in two pound of May-butter and four handfuls of Rue after boyling scumm it well anointing the grived part therewith and this will work the same effect Anonymus CII A remedy against the contraction or shrinking of the Sinews 1. A Man about six and twenty years old having a sore and ulcerated Legg fell into the hands of unexpert Chyrurgions who by their corrosives shrunk up the Sinews insomuch that he could neither go nor stand 2. By the following Medicines he was perfectly cured he was once purged with Aromatico and then for two or three days he took quintessence solutive with syrup of Roses and drank thereupon a little Broth. 3. Then the following Bath was used as also the Oyntment against contraction of Sinews described by Leon ard Phioravant 4. Take two or three young whelps that can not see boyl them in water with Mallows Hollihock Mellilot Walwort Cammomil of each one handful boyl the Whelps till the flesh fall from the bones which being done strain it then hath therewith very warm Anonymus CIII Another remedy for the same Disease A Child having her Neck drawn awry with a kind of Cramp was Cured by drnking every Morning and Evening a little Aqua Balsami Phioravante then was her Neck also anointed with some of the said water mixed with Magno Liquore Phiorvante and in the space of ten days she was perfectly cured Anonymus 2. Another of the same Take the Oyl of Bricks one ounce Oyl of Turpentine half an ounce of Juniper-berries two drams of Cloves one dram of Nutmegs and Mace of each half a dram mix them with a sufficient quantity of the Oyl of Wax make it in the form of a Liniment and therewith anoint the grived parts Anonymus CIV The Tortore or Convulsion of the Mouth 1. A man about fifty years of age very obnoxious to Catarrhs was taken with the tortore of the Mouth or Dog-like Convulsion I coming to visit him in the Evening I prescribed for preparing the pituitous humors these following things 2. Take Waters of Betony and the Flowers of the Tile-Tree of each one ounce and half Syrup of Peony one ounce Spirit of Vitriol six drops make a Julep for one Dose to be taken at nine of the clock at night 3. The second day in the Morning he took these purgative Pills Take Extractum Catholicum Cochiae of each half a scruple the Oyl of Sage two drops make fifteen Pills 4. The third day a Vein was opened in his right Arm the fourth day in the Morning Cupping-Glasses with Scarification were applied to the Shoulders and in the Evening a Vesicatory was applied to the Neck 5. Troches of Mastick were prescribed Take the Roots of Pyrethrum one dram choice Mastick Cubebs long Pepper of each half a dram Treacle Mithitrade of each one scruple Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth and Sugar of each a sufficient quantity make Troches of Mastick 6. The fifth day
Turpentine and of Camomil of each one ounce Oyl of Lavender three drams Oyls of Cloves Cinnamon and wood of Aloes of each one dram and half Liquid styrax and styrax Calamita of each two drams mix and make an Vnguent Or thus Take Oyls of Dill and Camomil of each one dram Vnguentum Martiatum half an ounce Oyl of Peter and of Spike of each one dram spirit of Wine three drams mix them Or thus Take Oyl of Bays two drams Oyl of Spice of Foxes and of Earth-worms of each one dram and half Chymical Oyls of Amber and of Galbanum of each six drops Oyls of Rue and Dill of each four drops Oyl of Nutmegs by expression one dram and half mix them to anoint with Or thus Take a Weasle cut it into bits put it into a fat Goose adding Pyrethrum Sage Lavender Mustard-seed Castoreum with such other like things let it be rosted with a gentle fire and the fat that drops from the same keep for use to anoint withall the parts afflicted being anointed therewith let them be wraped up in a Fox or wild Cats-skin 23. Moreover Baths may be made of proper herbs with the addition of a third part of Oyl Or a proper Oyl may be fitted to anoint the parts affected with immediately after bathing Some use a decoction or broth of Foxes flesh which is indeed a good Anodyn V. G. Take flesh of Foxes separated from the bones two pounds common Salt two handfuls boyl in Water and Oyl and make a Bath thereof with which bath for two or three hours at a time several days together Or thus Take Agrimony Betony Fennel of each a handful and half Sage Camomil Penny-royal Ground pine of each one handful Origanum Calamint Marjoram Hyssop Time Hypericon Staechas of both sorts of each half a handful Dill Mellilot Bawm of each two pugils mix and with water and Oyl make a Bath Or Thus Take leaves of Bays Rosemary of each a handful and half red Roses two handfuls Time half a handful Lavender-flowers three ounces Orice-roots four ounces Cinnamon one ounce Mace a dram cut bruise and digest in Tile-flower-water two quarts Sage-water one quart then distil in Balneo Mariae and keep the liquor to bath the convulsed parts withall Sulphureous Baths are said to be most efficacious Also dry or vaporous Baths are much commended which are made from the boyling of Sage Rosemary Staechas Germander Origanum Juniper and such like 24. This following plaster is said to be profitable Take Colophony two ounces ship-pitch Rosin of each one ounce Frankincense Mastich Ceruse of each half an ounce Sanguis Draconis Niter Sal Armoniack Turpentine of each two drams white Vitriol one dram and half Mother of Pearls six ounces Load stone half an ounce yellow Amber one dram and half Oyls of Eggs and of Roses of each two drams mix and make an Emplaster according to Art which spread upon Leather and apply upon the place affected after several nointings especially with this following Liniment of Penotus Take Oyl of Turpentine half an ounce Oyl of Cloves six drops Mucilage of Briony enough to make a Liniment 25. But the things which I shall commend to you upon my own experience and which you shall scarcely ever find fail are these first Waters of which the chief are strong Aniseed-water strong Cinnamon-water Juniper-water and the Queen of Hungaries water as also the Aqua Anhaltina Schroderi with which you may bath the convulsed parts half an hour or an hour Morning and Night for ten fourteen or twenty days more or less as you see occasion always taking care to keep the parts well bound up and warm after the bathing 26. Spirits for Topical use The chief of these are the spirit of Amber of Angelica of Bawm of Carraways of Castoreum of Harts-horn of Juniper-berries of Lavender of Limons of Oranges of Mint of Rosemary of Savin of Turpentine of Urine spirit of Wine simple and tartariz'd Spiritus Cardiacus Analepticus Carminativus Extribus Anodynus spirit of Man skull spirit of Earthworms and of Vipers with any of which you may bath the parts affected Morning Noon and Night if you can with conveniency for half an hour or more together and continuing the same also for many days 27. Tinctures for Topical use The chief of these are Tinctures of Antimony of Amber of Benjamin of Southern-wood of Castor of Cinnamon of Cloves of Mace of Pepper black white and long Tinctura Aurea Tinctura Croci Metalorum Tinctura Cardiaca Tinctura Corticum Diaphoretica cum Opio Hysterica Nostra Proprietatis Tinctura Salis Tartari Tinctura ex tribus Tinctura vitae Mynsichti with several others of like kind with which you may bath the Back-bone and parts affected as above mentioned 28. Liquors and Oyls for Topical use The chief of these are Liquor vitae Anodynus Guttae Vitae Vinum Benedictum a most admirable thing but much more excellent if the infusion be made in spirit of Wine Pestilential Drops Chymical Oyl of Aniseeds a certain practiser of our Art told me was not inferiour to any thing for that by its suavity it cherisht and comforted the Animal spirits Oyl of Amber of Caraways of Turpentine of sweet Fennel-seed of Oranges and Limons of Mans-skull of Wormwood of Rhodium of Sassafras with all which you may gently anoint once or twice a day and so bind up the part warm 29. Powers and Elixirs for Topical vses The chief of which are Powers and Elixirs of Amber of Angelica of Aniseeds of Ambergrise of Bawm of Bay-berries of Cloves of Camphir of Mans skull of Contrayerva of Carraways of Cumin-seeds of Citron-peels of Oranges of Limons of Antimony of Musk of Camomil of Feather-few of Harts-horn of Juniperberries of Lavender of Mint of Myrrh of Mustard-seed of Mastick of Marjora● of Nutmegs of Mace of Origanum of P● ny-royal of Rosemary of Sage of Rue o● Sassafras of Savin of Time of Turpenti●e of Vipers of Wormwood and of Cast● eum Elixir of Virginian Snake-root Elixir Alexiterium in Suffocatione Matricis Elixir proprietatis Paracelsi subtilitatis Paracelsi Elixir Stomachicum Elixir vitae nost Elixir vita magis minus Quercetani c. All which may be used by bathing the parts afflicted as also the Vertebrae of the Neck and Back morning and night for ten fifteen or twenty days together 30. Out of these things now mentioned these excell to wit the Powers of Rosemary and Amber the Powers of Musk and Ambergrise the Elixirs of Oranges and Limons the spirit of Mans-skull which have a singular power above most other things and which by Experience being used either inwardly or outwardly will certainly cure this Disease if curable nor have I ever found them to fail even by external application particularly the experience I have had of the effect of the Powers of Amber alone transcend what I can say of any other Medicine for by the external use thereof alone I have cured the most inveterate Convulsions
nature would contribute something as to adding strength to it 7. Now to effect that intention We applyed that most admirable Emplaster of Mynsicht viz. his Diagalbano Crocatum a Medicament never sufficiently to be commended by the application whereof our feeble Patient in two or three months time was perfectly restored to my great Credit and the exceeding satisfaction of his indulgent Parents II. A Contracture of the Arm in an old Water-man in Southwark 1. This old Man aged about seventy for the space of seven or eight year had lost the use of his left Arm by reason of a Contracture so that he could not in any wise attend his Calling the poor old Man desired my help which I granted and performed the Cure as followeth 2. First I bathed the Contracture very well with the Spirit of Aniseeds then I caused it to be anointed with Oleum Nervinum after which I applyed Emplastrum de minio simplex made with Vinegar and Oyl without Wax it was boyled and taken off whilst it was red a little before it was going to turn black 3. In this Cloths was dipt and applyed to his Arm and about six or seven of these plasters or Sear-cloths performed the Cure 4. The poor old Man was able to give me nothing for my Cure but only gave me of his own free will a bottle of Sack However not long after as a further token of his gra●●ful spirit he helped me to a better Patient from whom I Received about fifteen or sixteen pound III. A Contraction in the left Ham in a certain Virgin 1. It was occasioned through a fall and a hurt in the part or parts adjacent being ill cured the Contracture was new but by reason the joint was great as also the parts contracted I was the more dubious of the Cure however being encouraged by the Friends of the party affected 2. I applyed the following things with success beyond Imagination first I caused the part affected to be very well bathed with the Spirit of Aniseeds then I anointed it very well with the expressed Oyl of Mace after which we applied for forty days together or more the Cataplasmum de stercore humano the praeparation of which you may see in our Doron lib. 3. cap. 7. sect 9. 3. The Cure succeeded much contrary to my expectation For the Patient could walk without Crutches or so much as halting 4. The like Cure I performed in a Child using only the same Medicaments IV. A Contracture in the Ham with a lameness of both the Ankles 1. This being a Youth about fifteen or fixteen years of age had this disaffection upon him by reason of a fall first I bathed all the weakned and disaffected parts with the Spirit of Aniseeds afterwards with the Powers of Amber 2. Immediately after I anointed with Oyl of Mace by expression after which I applied Emplastrum diasulphuris Rulandi by which my Patient seemed to be cured save only a weakness remained upon the parts lately disaffected 3. After the application of the Emplaster about eight or nine weeks it being renewed once in three days I caused the said weakned parts to be bathed with a strong tincture of Myrrh made with the best rectifyed spirit of Wine whereby the sick in a short time became perfectly well V. A Contraction Incurable 1. A young Man about seventeen or eighteen years of age was taken with the Sciatica by which he was vehemently afflicted this Disease either by nature or the Artifice of Empericks degenerated and the matter was translated into an Apostem on the outside of the Thigh which being opened a great quantity of corruption came out 2. But by the ill-management of the cure or unskillfulness of the Chyrurgion the Apostem fistulated and made Coney-borroughs as it were thorugh the whole Thigh which afterwards by another hand was Cut up and the bone laid open to be scaled being black and corrupted in many places 3. After two years time the Patient was in a sort cured leaving only a great Contraction of the Ham and one runing Fistula-sore which was no great trouble to him yet this evill Effect it had that thereby the whole Humidum Radicale was drained away the sick dying in a miserable Consumption 4. In his Life-time almost a thousand things were applyed to restore the contracted Hand but all in vain 5. Being dead I was desirous to see the contracted Tendon which being laid open and freed from the rest of the flesh and Vessels it had contracted not a Gristley but a kind of Boney hardness to the great Admiration of the Spectators this hardness by degrees decreased till it left the Nerve in its own natural state VI. A Contraction of the Fingers cured by a Woman Emperick 1. She first anointed the contracted parts with the Oyl of Cammomil which being don for two or three days she caused the Patient to hold her Hands in a hot Cows-Paunch for an hour or two which was five or six several times repeated 2. In the Intervalls of which and afterwards she only applyed this following Cataplasm Take Oleum Nervinum one ounce Oyl of Cammomil Oyl of Euphorbium of each half an ounce fresh Cow-dung half a pound mix them well together and apply them to the part affected 3. By the use of these meanes the Patient was in about five or six weeks restored again to perfect health VII A Contraction of the In-step with a scrophulous Tumor 1. This was supposed at first to come through a strain but whatever the cause there was a great flux of ill-digested humors to the part afflicted whereby followed a Contraction of the In-step with a great Tumor thereof and in the Ankle and indeed a swelling of the whole Foot Insomuch that the Patient a Youth about ten or eleven years of age could not go and was forced to keep his bed for many weeks together 2. Many things were used to resolve the Tumor and great Discussives were applied but all in vain at length we applied things to ripen it and to bring it to a Suppuration which in convenient time was done 3. The Tumor ran at first a great deal of thin matter afterwards the Sanies run more thick being broke we applied this following Cataplasm 4 Take Venice Turpentine two ounces Oyl of Roses one ounce Yolks of Eggs number two with Bean-Meal a sufficient quantity make a Cataplasm which apply 5. The Tumor seemed cavernous or hollow whereupon we cast thereinto with a Syringe this following Injection Take plantain-Water a pint Salt of Vitriol two drams Saccharum Saturni half a dram Tincture of Aloes made of white Wine one ounce and half Infusion of Crocus mutallorum Spirit of Wine of each two ounces mix and make an Injection to be cast in warm twice a day 6. The Tumor Lameness and Sore continued more than a year upon him Insomuch that the Friends of the Person were advised by several Chyrurgions to have it laid open 7. But by reason of the
place or scituation of the malady and the great number of the Vessels with which those Parts are stored as Veins Arteries Nerves-Limphaticks together with Ligaments and Tendons I told them my opinion That it could not be safely done but with apparent dangers and that unless he had a very skillful Chyrurgion indeed and if such yet he could assure them nothing he might endanger the cutting of some of the principal Vessels whereby he should be made certainly lame without any hope of Recovery whereas now whilst there was nothing hur● they might live in hopes of a perfect Cure 8. By my persuasions they desisted from the Chyrurgeons advice with a resolution only of following my Counsel Hereupon because it was in a depending part I ordered the sick to keep his bed for ten or twelve weeks or more applying the foresaid things casting in the aforesaid Injection and putting into the Cavitie tents dipt in Vnguentum Nicotianae swathing also up the parts above the Ankle 9. In the mean season we instituted this following Diet with which he was purged for twenty or thirty days or more together 10. Take new Ale three gallons choice Sena eight ounces Juniper-berries well bruised four ounces Caraway-seeds Ginger Coriander-seeds of each one ounce all well bruised Sal Prunellae bruised one ounce and half Sassafras rasped round Birthwort roots of each three ounces put all into a Bagg with a stone in it and let them work up with Ale of which when the working was over the Patient drank every day half a pint more or less as he found it to operate by which he became very well cleansed and the morbifick matter of the Scrofula was throughly carried off 11. This quantity of Diet was four times repeated and although the Disease was rebellious and long yet by the use and application of the above-named things in about a years space the Cure was compleatly performed 12. However by reason of the long disaffection of the part the whole Tumor did not vanish and such weakness was contracted that he could not go for many Months without Crutches 13. For the more perfect Resolution of the Tumor and Strengthening of the weakned parts and also to prevent a new Generation of the morbifick matter I ordered first a Repetion once more of the former Diet secondly the application of the following Emplaster Take Honey two ounces Mithridate four ounces Aloes in fine Pouder one ounce and half red Myrrh three ounces being in Pouder and dissolved or made soft with rectified Spirit of Wine mix them well together and spread them on Leather and apply them letting it lye for a week or more as you shall see Occasion 14. By the use of these last things in a short time he could not only go without Crutches but stoutly walk many miles in a day A like Cure not much differing from this I performed in a young Maiden of about fourteen years of age and almost in all respects with the same things VIII A Contraction in both Hands and Arms. 1. A young Man about thirty years of age having taken a very great Cold had universal Pains seized him running over his whole Body from Head to Foot at last they took up their station in his Hands and Arms with which he was vehemently afflicted night and day for a long time together 2. He had been under the hands of very many as well learned Physicians as Empericks But all their applications proved unsucessful at length I was sent for and I found that by unskilful practice the Patient had been miserably abused and that there was a great Contraction in both Hands and both Arms. 3 The Cure seemed difficult so that I was loth to attempt any thing therein However by perswasion I was wrought upon to make tryal what could be done In the first place I gave him a Dose of our Royal Pouder the praeparation of which you may see in our Doron in its proper place this was repeated four times Afterwards I sweat him with this following Take Venice Treacle Electuarium de Ovo of each half a dram Bezoar Mineral sixteen grains mix them and let the Patient swallow it 4. Immediately after which I gave this Take Spirit of Angelica the Greater Composition Treacle-Water of each half an ounce Syrup of Clove-gelly-flowers one ounce Oyl of Cinnamon one drop mix them 5. Outwardly I bathed all the afflicted parts with the Spirit of Aniseeds for two or three days Afterwards with this following Compositum Take Powers of Aniseeds Oxs-Gall of each a pint mix them together and let the Patient bath therewith Morning and Night this was done for a month or five weeks at the end of which time our Patient seemed to be perfectly restored but the sweating means was three times repeated after the same IX Another Contraction in the Arm. 1. This person by means of a fall had both a numness and Contraction so that the part seemed to be almost dead 2. I caused the part to be bathed three times a day with the Powers of Aniseeds for about twelve days afterwards with the Powers of Amber for five days which was done with great frictions or rubbing 3. Then this Cataplasm was applyed Take Pulp of Turnips baked with their skin on half a pound Oyl of Juniper-berries one ounce Orobus-meal enough to make it of the thickness of a Pultise mix them and apply it warm twice a day which was done for nine or ten days at what time the parts seemed to be in a manner restored 4. Afterwards we applyed Mynsicht his Emplastrum de Galbano Crocatum which was renewed every third or fourth day and the Patient was about two months time made perfectly well being freed both from the Contraction and numedness 5. We cured also a little Girl much in like manner afflicted having a Contraction in her Ham and Thigh occasioned by a vehement burning Feaver which came through taking cold the Medicines were the same in all respects 6. We also with the same Medicines cured a Baker who had a Contracture in his Arm but lately made through a Blow and ill application of Medicaments by an unskilful Chyrurgion X. A Contracture of one Thigh with a Fistula in the other 1. A Man about forty eight years of age who by a fall hurting of his Hipp after some few days the Pain fell from his Hips into his Thighs near the Ham wherein upon one there was a Contraction on the other an Apostem which afterwards degenerated into a Fistula 2. The Man for a long time had used much means and taken the Advice of many Physicians but all in vain somtimes he thought himself better and somtimes worse 3. However the Apostem was healed up too soon before it was throughly cleansed and fit for consolidation whereupon the icorus matter made new furrows and caused the breaking out of a sore about four Inches below the former Apostem 4. This for want of skillful looking after degenerated into a Fistula with
a very hard Callous the Cavity was so deep that a tent of four or five Inches long might go into it when I came to view it I presently saw it was a Fistula and an unskilful Artist had it in hand 5. I caused one Roger Dickson a Chyrurgion of my acquaintance to be sent for who laid open the sore and took off the Callous by application of unguentum Egytiacum which was very well and accurately performed 6. In the mean season I caused the Patient to drink this following Diet-drink Take Sage Betony Ale-hoof Self-heal Bugloss Bawm Avens Agrimony water-Agrimony Scordium Germander Clownes-Woundwort of each one handful Juniper-berries well bruised six ounces boyl all in a sufficient quantity of spring-water towards the end of the boyling add sal Prunellae two ounces boyl to the consumption of the third part of the water then strain and to every quart of the strained liquor being setled add spirit of Wine two ounces double refined Sugar three ounces let it be bottled up and so keep it for use one bottle of which the Patient drank every day 7. However during the time of the taking of this Diet every fourth day I purged the Patient with my Pill Panchimagogae which infallibly conquered the morbifick matter the Composition preparation vertues use and dose of them you may see in my Doron lib. 2. cap. 23. sect 1. 8. With the diet I caused also the Fistula to be washed and cleansing it with Vngnentum Nicotianae Afterwards I caused it to be washed with my Regulata or Magisteral water the which you may see in our said Doron lib. 3. cap. 1. sect 18. 9. By taking the things above named inwardly and by application of the other things outwardly with the use of Incarnatives the Fistula was disposed to healing and in about ten weeks time was made perfectly well 10. However all this while we were not unmindful of the contracture on the other Thigh but we after bathing the part with the Spirit of Wine applied thereto emollient Cataplasms such as the following 11. Take Pulp of Turneps baked with their skins on pulp of Onions baked with their skins on of each half a pound fat Figgs four ounces Oyl of Anniseeds six drams mix them well together and with Crums of white Bread and Orobus-meal a sufficient quantity beat them into a Pultise 12. This was applied for a Month afterwards we added to every half pound of the Pultise one ounce of Ox-Galls which was applied five or six weeks as before at the end of which time our Patient seemed to be well save there was left behind a weakness of the Part which we restored by this following Emplaster 13. Take Aloes in fine Pouder two ounces Mithridate Myrrh in fine Pouder of each three ounces Load-stone in fine Pouder an ounce and half mix the Aloes with the Mithridate dissolve the Myrrh with the rectified Spirit of Wine which make soft with a little Hony then mix all together adding thereto the Pouder of Loadstone and make an intire Mass which spread upon Leather and apply to the Part affected all these things were done in a little more than a quarter of a year and this deplored Patient was made perfectly well XI A Contracture in the Arm of three years standing 1. The Person was about three and thirty years of age the Contracture was about three years standing it was performed by a Chyrurgion by an application of Emollients and a steel Instrument screwed upon the Part. 2. He first of all by my directions bathed it with the Spirit of Aniseeds then anointed it with the Oyl of Earth-worms afterwards he applied this following emollient Pultise for ten days Take Yolks of Eggs number four Oyl of Roses Oyl of Earth-Worms of each two ounces Pulp of Cabbage eight ounces Pulp of roasted Turneps six ounces fat Figgs four ounces mix and beat all together and make a Cataplasm which let it be applied upon Leather Morning and Night for twelve days as aforesaid 3. At the end of twelve days he applied an emollient Emplaster upon which he fixed a steel Compress with Screws which being turned straightned the Part so that every day turning the Screws by little and little reduced the Part to its true Scituation 4. By the same means with the steel Compress another Person who had a Contracture in the Hand was cured in about sixty days time XII A Contracture proceeding from Epileptick-Fits 1. A young Maid being long troubled with an Epilepsy with convulsive Motions had after the Epilepsy left her a Contracture upon several parts of the right Side the first occasion was supposed to proceed from the vehemency of the Convulsions 2. These Contractions afflicted in a manner her whole left Side from which she was freed by the following Remedies 3. Inwardly because she had been formerly afflicted with the Epilepsy I caused these following things to be given Take choice Musk twelve grains Ambergrise five grains Civet one grain Venice-Treacle one scruple mix and make a Bolus to strengthen the Nerves 4. Outwardly I caused her to be bathed all over that Side with the Powers of Aniseeds which was done for five days 5. Afterwards I caused her to be anointed all over that Side with the Oyl of Earth-Worms especially where the chief Contractions were then I caused to be bound about her Arm Thigh and Legg a new Lambs-skin or Sheeps-skin whilst it was hot and new come off the Lamb or Sheep by the application of which alone thing I cured these Contractions in this Patient which were thought beyond Belief 6. For a Lambs-skin or Sheeps-skin whilst newly flead off hath the Power to mollify soften discuss and mightily strengthen the Part afflicted the which thing for its admirable Excellency in this kind I could not but mention and declare to the World 7. It is also an excellent thing against all manner of Gouts other Pains Lamnesses and Weaknesses of the Joints And I knew a certain Man vehemently afflicted with the Gout who was perfectly cured thereof by the application of fresh Sheeps-skins newly flea'd off to the Part affected XIII A Contraction with a Convulsion 1. Though all Convulsions are Contractions yet all Contractions are not Convulsions but this was a Contraction with a Convulsion the Contraction remaining when the Fit was off 2. And being first created by the vehemency of the convulsive Motions such a firm Contraction was made that the animal Spirits could not have their recourse as before whereupon for want of a Flux of Spirits a Contraction or Hardness was generated this Person thus afflicted was cured by the following things 3. Take Aqua Epileptica Langii four ounces Aqua Cerasorum nigrorum three ounces Spirit of Angelica the greater Composition two ounces Magistral Water of Earth-Worms and of Snails of each one ounce mix them together and dulcify them with Syrup of Clove-gilly-Flowers of which there was taken three spoonfuls every Morning fasting and every Night going to bed 4. And the
the Quintessence or powers of Wormwood every morning fasting and half an hour before Dinner the which she did for a month together and so was made perfectly well V. An Incubus in an old Gentlewoman with runing pains 1. This old Matron being about sixty years of age had an old running Sore upon one of her Leggs which had been opened for near fourteen years being weary of the trouble of it she sought for a Cure and at length she me● with a Chyrurgion who both undertook and performed it but I think much to her disadvantage 2. For as before she lived as it were in perfect health now she was troubled with running pains all over her whole Body nauseousness or loathing of the Stomach and somtimes vomiting together with a kind of Vertigo in the day-time and the Incubus or Night-Mare in the night 3. She related her case to me upon which after a little consideration seeing there was a complication of Diseases I advised her to the following things first my counsel was that she should have a couple of Issues made one in each Thigh or Legg which run very well for some weeks to wit ten or twelve 4. This done I caused her to take daily Tinctura Sacra or infusion of species Hiera picra in white Wine or other Wine the quantity of two spoonfuls or thereabouts the which she did for near twenty days together whereby all her griefs seemed to vanish and she became lightsom and chearful as she was before 5. However that we might corroborate the Tone of the parts and strengthen the animal and vital Faculties I caused her to take the following drops every Morning fasting and last every Night going to Bed for a month or two or three together 6. Take powers of Rosemary three ounces powers of Juniper-berries two ounces powers of Sassafras one ounce mix them for use Dose from twenty to forty drops in a glass of generous Canary at the time aforementioned VI. The Night-Mare in a young Maiden of sixteen years old 1. This Maiden as yet had not had her Courses lookt pale had a bad Stomach was troubled with vomiting and Indigestion of her Food and at certain times had some short fits of the Vertigo but the great matter which molested her was a mighty affliction of the Incubus or Night-Mare which somtimes was so troublesom and vehement that she feared a stoppage of her Breath in the Night for which cause she was offen affraid to go to Bed 2. Moreover to these things there was adjoyned a Melancholy habit of Body with strange apprehension of terrible things which would then extreamly disturb her so that many times when she was alone she would vehemently cry out as if some great hurt or violence had been offered to her which was indeed only the effects of her Melancholy 3. When I had twice or thrice several times viewed her in some of these passions I conceived her not to be very far from Madness so much had the Melancholy humor prevailed nor as it was could I call those fits any thing but a Melancholy Madness and considering this her constitution her chief Disease the Incubus was so much the more insupportable to her for that she could not be driven out of the opinion but that it was a Spirit which haunted her 4. Her friends requested my help her age and strength of body gave me hopes of cure and her ready compliance to any thing that could be don for her made it so much the more easy first I universally purged her body by a very good Panchymagogue viz. my Family Pills with Aloes which I repeated six or eight times and in a pretty lage dose so as that each dose of Pills gave her twelve or fourteen stools but by reason her Stomach was foul the first two or three doses gave her one or two vomits afterwatds her Stomach being well cleansed they only wrought downwards she took them every 4 or 5 day and in the intermediate days of taking them I caused her constantly to take Morning Noon and Night about half an hour before meals twenty five or thirty drops of Elixir proprietatis in a glass of White or Rhenish Wine and upon the new of the Moon I caused her to take a dose of Spiritus vitae aureus Rulandi made of Colocynthis infused in a small Cinnamon water by this means the habit of her Body was somwhat altered and her Terms were made to flow plentifully whereby she confest she found herself much better 5. By the use of these Medicaments her Incubus was much abated but had not totally left her I caused her Head to be purged with this Errhine Take new Rhenish Wine half a pint juyce of Sow-bread half an ounce Euphorbium in pouder ten grains mix and dissolve the Euphorbium in the Wine Some small quantity of this was put up her Nostrills Morning and Night for four or five days by which her Head was plentifully purged she evacuating by her Nostrills a very large quantity of filthy matter and by the removal of which she thought herself to be perfectly cured now the reason which in part induced me to this way of the cure was a great stoppage which I perceived to be in her Head for that she always breathed through the Mouth and seemed as if she spoke in the Nose 6. But that we might not only take away the near or conjunct cause but also so strengthen the vital Faculties that the Disease might no more return we thought it necessary to come to the exhibition of specificks which comfort and corroborate the Brain and all the principal parts for which purpose I caused her to take for a month together every Morning fasting of this following mixture Take choice Cinnamon-water spirit of Saffron of each ten ounces Damask-Rose-water eight ounces syrup of Citron peels six ounces mix for a juleb to be taken three or four spoonfulls at a time 7. At Noon about half an hour before Dinner I prescribed this Take Bawm water compound eight ounces spirit of Lavender five ounces Damask-Rose-water syrup of Limon peels of each four ounces pure Tincture of Tartar two ounces Powers of Musk half an ounce mix them she took a spoonful or two of it at a time alone by it self and she confest she found it to strengthen both her Stomach and Head very much 8. Lastly at Night going to Bed I ordered her to take of the following Electuary the quantity of a large Nutmeg drinking after it a glass of generous Canary or choise Rhenish wine a little sweetened and to continue the same for a month as aforesaid Take Electuarium ad Tabidos four ounces volatile Salts of Mans skull and of Amber Musk in fine pouder of each half an ounce Powers of Oranges Limons and Rosemary of each two drams Extracts of Saffron of Contrayerva and of Virginian Snake-root of each one ounce mix and make an Electuary she constantly took these things according to my order for about
an Incubus which did so extreamly afflict her that she grew weary of her life 2. Many Physicians were consulted who indeed pierced not into the cause of her disaffection and in order to her cure they first let her Blood which was repeated six times and Blood was taken from her to the quantity of eighty or ninety ounces and her Doctors ordered her this following Julep exactly as it is taken off from the Apothecaries file Take Fumitory and Cowslip-water four ounces syrup of Violets three ounces Tinctura of Saffron twelve drops mix them of this she was to take four spoonfuls Morning and Night and it was repeated for twelve or fourteen days but did her no good then they prescribed this Take Plantane-water Doctor Stephens his water of each three ounces syrup of Clove-gilliflowers one ounce and half syrup of Betony an ounce spirit of Earth-worms half an ounce mix them This was continued according to order for about three weeks more with several Baths Fomentations Anointings c. But all to no purpose 3. At length they sent for me and complaining of the ill success of the former Doctors withall told me of a perpetual Sckness of her Stomach vomiting and swelling of her Belly with strange vapors and fancies filling her Head at certain times with a long and tedious stoppage of her Courses upon which complaint we adhibited the following things 4. In the first place I gave her a vomit with my vomiting L●zenges the preparation of which you will hereafter have in my Chymistry which wrought admirably with her gave her five lusty vomits and six or seven stools by which she found great relief but I fearing her Stomach not to be sufficiently cleansed repeated it again the third day following which wrought again admirably and brought away yet a larger quantity of more filthy and evill coloured matter upon which the Woman concluded herself well 5. Her Courses being not yet produced we thought it necessary to do somwhat more least her Disease should return again for this cause sake I ordered her to purge every other day with Angelick Pills of Grulingius which she did taking about ten or twelve doses of the Pills and in the intervalls of purging I also ordered her to take the Elixir proprietatis thirty drops at a time in Sack Morning Noon and Night half an hour or more before eating 6. By observing this course her Terms were effectually provoked and came down plentifully and this our so miserably afflicted Patient not only came to have a good colour in her Face but also had a good Stomach eat her Food well and digested it moreover a pain which she complained of that she felt in her left Side about the region of her Spleen left her and she seemed to be restored to her perfect health 7. However to consummate the Cure and to corroborate all the weakned Viscera I ordred her to take the following Electuary Morning and Night going to bed and to drink after the same a glass of Rhenish Wine and Sugar and so to repose herself to rest Take choise Venice Treacle two ounces and half Indian green Ginger Indian preserved Nutmegs candied Citron peels of each two ounces conserve of Rosemary flowers Spicknard in fin● pouder of each one ounce Extracts of Gentian of Contrayerva and Virginian Snake-roo● of each half an ounce mix and beat them all well together and keep them for use 8. Of this Electuary she took the quantity of a large Nutmeg Morning and Night for about fifteen or sixteen days and became thereupon perfectly well It not only strengthned the Stomach and other Viscera but also brought down her Terms in due order and perfectly removed those ascending vapours which before so much afflicted her IX An Incubus or Night-Mare coming upon the healing up an old Vlcer 1. A Man near forty years of age having had an old Ulcer upon his left Leg which had run many yeares had it cured or healed up by a very skilful Chyrurgion upon which not long after he was afflicted with the Incubus which continually assaulted him every Night so that he could scarcely take any rest all which he imputed to the too hasty healing-up of his Ulcer without due Purgation 2. Upon this he sought out to Physicians for Remedy who gave him many Purges but all in vain at length they concluded that it arose from a certain kind of Hypochondriack Melancholy which seizing upon his Spirits wrought that Indisposition But the Man who was well enough in his wits nor any thing out of his Senses was of another opinion and therefore desired of them a more mechanick remedie which might operate upon his Body not his Soul 3. At length wearied out with his Doctors he sent for me to whom he made a relation of his grief I concluded it to be partly from the turning of the humor partly from an indisposition of the Stomach because we see that an Incubus seldom or never invades any one without a preternatural Distemper of the Stomach and in this our Patient there was almost a continual disposition to vomit nor since the healing up of the aforementioned old Vlcer could he scarce ever eat any thing with a stomach but was either afflicted with loathing sickness at Heart or vomitings 4. These symptoms being considred I first evacuated the Stomach with Asarabacca by which he had about eight vomits this don I purged him well with my Family Pills with Aloes but notwithstanding all these things his Incubus could not be wholly taken away but though not so violent yet would often return so that his fears of the Disease was worse to him than the Distemper it self for this cause sake I thought convenient to make him an Issue in his Leg that part of the matter or humor which used to flow out by the Ulcer might there have some evacuation which being artificially performed this our sick Patient in a little time began to be brought to his wonted health 5. However after having sufficiently purged and vomited him as aforesaid by the aforegoing things I thought it necessary to give such proper specificks as might sympathize with the parts afflicted but be Antipathetical to the Disease of which kind are all Antepilepticks Antapoplecticks and Aromatick Cephalicks 6. But the thing which was particularly given to this our Patient was first Electuarium ad Tabidos which was constantly given him every Morning fasting to the quantity of a hasle nut at a time at noon before eating he took twenty drops of the spirit of Harts-horn in a glass of Sack and at Night going to Bed he took this following Electuary Take Zedoary Bay-berries Winters-Cinnamon of each in fine pouder one ounce Nutmegs Ginger Radix Serpentaria Dittany of Creet of each half an ounce Saffron Cochenele fine Bole Terra sigillata of each two drams long Pepper half a dram all being in fine pouder mix them and add thereto thrice their weight of pure Virgin Honey and make an Electuary according
to Art Of this he took the quantity of a small Chest-nut at a time 7. Moreover to the soles of his Feet there was applyed a drawing Emplaster made only of Venice Turpentine Rosin and Bole-Armoniack in fine pouder which being mixt were spread upon Leather and applied by means of which he said he felt the Vapours sensibly to be drawn from his Head at least he thought so by which means with the other helps he was perfectly restored to health X. The Incubus or Night-Mare in a young Man 1. A Man twenty five years of age complaining of the Night-Mare and how he was continually afflicted therewith was thus cured by an old Woman first she vomitted him by giving him plentifully Carduus-Posset which she said she did for clearing his Stomach 2. Secondly she drew a large Blister in the Nape of his Neck by applying a Plaster of Cantharides after which she repeated his Vomit with Carduus-Posset-drink two seveal times more for the more effectual and substantial cleansing of his Stomach 3. Thirdly she purged him downwards by giving him Prunes stewed with Sena and some of the Syrup of the same by which he was plentifully evacuated downwards 4. Fourthly after all this she gave him the Conserve of common Worm-wood which he took the quantity of a Wall-nut at a time Morning Noon and Night the two first times a while before eating but at Night an hour after Supper and this he did for a Month together by which he became perfectly well 5. And by this very method I cured a young Virgin which was afflicted with this Disease and afterwards a middle-aged Woman who had been been many years diseased therewith moreover I cured a Man who confest he had been seventeen years troubled therewith following exactly the same method without any alteration and not long since by the same means I cured a young Lady who had been vexed therewith for above half a year XI The Incubus or Night-Mare in a Woman whose Terms were obstructed 1. This Creature being about eight and thirty years of age and having been long troubled with this Disease caused as she conceived from the Obstruction of her Terms and other Stop pages I cured as followeth 2. First I opened her Body with the following Clyster Take fat Broths a pint Infusion of Crocus Metallorum two ounces Tincture of Colocynthis in Spirit of Wine Honey of each one ounce Oyl three ounces mix them together and give the same warm this was done in the Morning 3. The next day I purged her with my Family-Pils with Aloes which gave her two Vomits and ten Stools and I repeated the Dose four times more giving the same every third or forth day and all this was done about fourteen days before the time she expected them 4. And in the intermediate days I gave her Rhenish Wine and Sugar with some drops of the Powers of Juniper-berries and somtimes with the Powers of Savin by which also the Courses were in some measure provoked in so much as about the time that they used to flow they came down plentifully 5. But with all at Night going to bed she took a dram of this following Pouder Take Bay-berries in fine Pouder Winters-Cinnamon Borax of each five drams Cinnamon Cloves of each four drams Grains of Paradice Rosemary-Flowers of each three drams Zedoary Ginger Salt of Harts-horn of each two drams black Pepper one dram fine Sugar three ounces the Species being in fine Pouder mix them with the Sugar to be given as aforesaid 6. Her Courses being produced and made to flow very well and naturally she became much better however I ordered her to take the specifick things following first every Morning I caused her to bath her Head Temples Forehead Nostrils as also the Region of the Heart and Spleen with the Queen of Hungaries-Water which she did for ten or twelve days together and presently after to take of the Powers of Rosemary Rue Sage Lavender and Angelica all equally mixt in a Glass of pure Rhenish-Wine and Sugar 7. An hour before Dinner she took about the quantity of a Hazel-nut of this following Electuary Take choice Venice-Treacle four ounces Salt of Amber one ounce Ens Veneris Salt of Harts-horn of each three drams Extracts of Saffron and of Gentian of each two drams mix them to be given as aforesaid having first fermented four and twenty hours together For the Salts will put the Electuary into a new Fermentation 8. At Night going to bed she took this Take Spirit of Angelica the greater Composition four ounces Powers of Juniper-berries half an ounce Oyl of Cinnamon half a dram mix them Dose a spoonful in a Glass of Sack last at going to bed these three things in this order she continued the use of for a Month. 9. Lastly In the day time in all her drink as she had occasion for it I prescribed some drops of Oyl of Sulphur to be taken so many at a time as might give it a grateful acidity By her exactly following of these Directions all her obstructions were removed her Courses made to flow orderly and she at length perfectly freed from her Disease so as she never had it more XII An Incubus in a middle-aged Man accompanied with a vehement Catarrh 1. This Man about forty years of age having been afflicted with these Distempers for neer a years space and having forborn the taking of any Remedy for some time out of hopes that Nature would vanquish his Disease when he saw he prolonged the time in vain and that the longer he went the worse he was at length he committed himself to the hand of a Physician a learned Graduate and one of c. who promised to cure him he purged him vomitted him caused him to be blooded six or seven times to the loss of more than an hundred ounces of Blood so that the poor Man was brought to a very low estate and yet as far from Cure as he was at first for besides his nightly trouble of the Incubus his Catarrh was much more and vehement so extream indeed that he thought it alone would carry him off his Catarrh was so far from being made better that it was much increased his strength was mightily impaired his Stomach which ought to be the Index of Health much weakned and there was also now added to the former Symptoms another or two vehement ones to wit a violent Cough with a shortness of Breath and difficulty of breathing 2. Upon these evil Successes of our Doctor it was thought fit to call two other famous and great Men into the Consultation that if the Patient should dye the Discredit thereof should not make any great Reflections But alas that which was not any particular Mans Credit was no Mans nor in great Consultations of many Physicians is any one in particular greatly concern'd whether the Patient doth well or no If by chance the sick recovers though it was purely from the strength of Nature not from the Vanity of
in a quarter of an hour after like one that had been planet striken 6. Let us not then make light of the Night-Mare which is a fore-runner of the Apoplexy and other greivous Diseases Avicen saies it is the forerunner of one of these three the Apoplexy the Epilepsy or Madness 7. I knew a Man that as soon as ever he was fallen asleep imagined he saw black Dogs lying upon his Breast and violently oppressing his Heart this Man after sundry Remedies were tryed was at length cured by Stibium which made him void Melancholy upwards and downwards Zacutus Lusitanus Lib. 1. Observ 42. XVI Of the Night-Mare in general 1. It is a Disease of that nature that one thinketh himself oppressed with a great weight and believeth that somthing cometh upon him This Malady is somtimes caused by Excess of Drinking and continual Rawness of the Stomach from whence do ascend Vapours gross and cold filling the Ventricle of the Brain letting the Faculties of the Brain to be dispersed by the Sinews 2. They that are afflicted with this Disease can scarcely move are astonished and feel as it were a suffocation and strangling and the holding of somthing that doth violently invade them the Voice hereby is suppressed some have in that Juncture such idle Imaginations that they believe they hear the thing that doth oppress them at the last with trouble the Vapours being attenuated and driven away and the passage of the Spirits being opened the sick was raised 3. It is good to have this Disease at first eradicated For if it continue it brings the Apoplexy the Epilepsy or Madness 4. Let his Diet be thin his Drink be Wine mixed with Water or rather Ale he must avoid after day-sleeping and sleeping immediately Meat let his whole Diet be such as is prescribed for them troubled with the Falling-Sickness 5. If the whole Body be full you must begin with Blood-letting and you must cut the Cephalick Vein But if ill juyce be gathered for want of perfect Digestion then purge the Body by Purgations and if Flegm abound you must minister Preparatives to extenuate the Flegm and then purge it 5. The Body being purged you must apply outward Medicines whereof you may find Examples before black Seeds of Piony doth chiefly help them you may give them fifteen Seeds brayed with Water and nourish the Head with Oyl of Dill made hot and cover the Head with a Cap when they go to bed 7. Minister within the Body those things which strengthen the Head as Aromaticum Rosatum Diamoschi Dulcis Diamber Dianihos Plerisarconticon and such like Barrows Method Lib. 1. Cap. 26. XVII The Incubus in a young Person 1. One aged twenty years of Constitution melancholy flegmatick and troubled for the most part with horrid and frightful Sleeps could scarcely breath by a pressure as he thought upon him and he was so afflicted that he was in danger of suffocation 2. His Cure was effected by taking those Pills that are proper in the Epilepsy viz. Gum Ammoniacum c. and the medicated Wine with the Spirit of Sal Armoniack 3. Take the Roots of Angelica Orrice round Birth-wort of each three drams the Leaves of Sage Origanum Marjorum Penny-royal of each one handful Sena an ounce the Flowers of Lavender Hypericon of each one pugil Agarick three drams Juniper-berries one ounce Cubebs Cardamoms Nutmeg Cinnamon of each one dram and half Salt of Tartar one dram cut and bruise then sew them up in a Bag upon which pour four pints of Rhenish or French Wine let him take of this thrice a day two ounces adding in every Dose of the Spirit of Sal Armoniack ten drops 4. Then take the next Confection Take Conserves of the Flowers of Rosemary Sage of each one ounce Species Diambrae Species Diamoschi Dulcis of each one dram Mithridate two drams Oyl of Amber six drops Spirit of Sal Amoniack half a dram Syrup of Staechas a sufficient quantity mix them and make a Confection This was taken every Evening after Supper to the bigness of a Chesnut Cookes Marrow of Physick Chap. 3. XVIII Of the Night-Mare in a middle aged Man 1. A Man about forty years of age was well all day and could exercise his Reason and Senses but when at Night he set himself to sleep could not rest quietly being troubled with the Night-Mare 2. He thought in his Sleep that he was choaked and oppressed with some great weight in so much that he could scarcely breath or speak his Senses being also stupifyed when he offered to stir or move he felt great Heaviness and Anxiety 3. Rembertus Dodonaeus in his Observations tells us of one who was so grievously afflicted with this Malady that when at Night he thought to rest and sleep he became instantly as one mad shouting out throwing his Arms and Hands every where about him somtimes he raised himself then he leaped and ran about the House till the By-standers hindred when he was got into bed then he came to himself 4. He was purged with proper Medicines and let blood but these availed not much till a Cautery was made in his Neck for an Issue which being for some time kept open the peccant humor came forth and he grew better and at length he recovered his former Health 5. This Patient of mine was ordered to observe a good Diet and to forbear the use of such Meats as were hurtful after eating he was ordered to use Quinces and Coriander corrected with Vinegar 6. I commanded him to abstain from Wine unless it was mixed with Water but he might drink Beer provided it were not thick and flatulent yet he may rather drink Metheglin 7. He may use Meats of an astringent Quality such as Pears and Quinces it will not be good for him to drink unless at Meals moreover I prescribed him to mix with his Meats such things as are of an extenuating nature as Hysop Marjoram Thyme Savory and the like 8. Also he should continue in some lightsome place indifferently warm let him avoid long Sleeps and long waking and too much and too long Labour let his Exercise be moderate and let him use Friction beginning at the Shoulder-blades and Breast then proceeding to the Legs and Feet then lastly the Head he must keep himself from the Cold and too much Heat from Wind and Smoke pleasant merry and witty Jests and such like are convenient 9. When we had considered the strength of our Patient as also the plenty of Blood we ordered the opening of the Cephalick or middle Vein in his Arm and to take from him about six ounces of Blood which I thought was enough in regard there should be place left for purging the humor 10. First of all extenuating things being exhibited for preparing the humors which being done I ordered him to be purged the flegmatick humor abounding with the stomatical Pills or Hiera Galeni simple or with Agarick and that after Purgation such things should be administred as strengthen
we shall give you some Examples Take the Queen of Hungaria's Water four ounces Syrup of Citrons Angelica-water of each two ounces Powers of Nutmegs one dram mix them Dose half a spoonful or more every Morning Or thus Take Spirit of Earth-Worms Powers of Rosemary of each two ounces Damask-Rose-Water Syrup of Clove-gilly-Flowers or of Citrons of each an ounce and half Powers of Vipers two drams mix them for a Potion Dose half a dram or more in a glass of Sack Or thus Take Spirit of Saffron four ounces Spirit of Harts-horn one ounce Peony-Water two ounces Salt of Mans-skull one dram mix them Dose one spoonful every Morning in a glass of Sack 11. To these things you may add Tinctures and Magisteries of Coral and Pearl as also of Amber of Crabs-Eyes and Crabs-Claws Powers of Amber Rue Sage Cammomil Cinnamon and of Juniper-berries all which things have an absolute Power to corroborate the Parts the Pouder and Extracts of Peony whether the Roots Seeds or Flowers the Pouder of Misleto of the Oak Take Mithridate or Venice-Treacle a dram Pouder of Peony-roots or of Misleto half a dram mix them for a Dose to be taken at Night going to bed Or thus Take Venice-Treacle a dram Extracts of Peony and of Misleto of each half a dram mix them for a Dose to be taken as aforsaid Or thus Take Conserve of Acorus three ounces Pouder of Misleto of the Oak three drams mix them Dose six drams at Night Or thus Take Aromaticum Rosatum Extract of Gentian Extracts of Peony-roots of each an ounce Salt of Mans-skull half an ounce mix them Dose a dram to two drams Or thus Take Extracts of Gentian and of Saffron of each two ounces choice Musk half an ounce Ambergrise one dram being in fine Pouder mix them Dose half a dram to a dram and half 12. Sennertus commends this Take Species Aromaticum Rosatum one dram Diarrhodon Abbatis half a dram Diamargariton frigidum Cinnamon Mace Cloves of each one scruple Misleto of the Oak half a dram Peony-seeds Magistery of Coral of each one dram Aniseeds two drams Coriander seeds half an ounce Sugar of Roses tabulated the weight of them all mix and make a Pouder Dose one spoonful Or this Take Coriander-seeds half an ounce Aniseeeds Fennel-seeds Aromaticum Rosatum of each half a dram Peony-seeds hul'd red Coral prepared of each two scruples Sugar of Roses tabulated the weight of them all mix and make a Pouder Or this Electuary Take preserved Quinces an ounce and half preserved Wall-nuts number one Citron-Peels candied half an ounce Conserve of Roses six drams Flowers of Rosemary Lavender and Marjoram Roots of Scorzonera candied of each half an ounce Pouder of Peony roots and seeds of each half a dram red Coral prepared one dram with Syrups of Citron-Peels and of Quinces make an Electuary Or this Take Aromaticum Rosatum three drams old Venice-Treacle a dram and half Plerisarconticon four scruples Diamoschi Dulcis Musk of each one dram Conserve of Rosemary and of Rosemary-Flowers of Acorus of each half an ounce Peony-seeds a dram and half Coriander seeds one dram with Syrup of Staechas make an Electuary Dose one dram after eating Or thus Take Pouder of Cloves two drams of Aniseed of roots of Elecampane and of Angelica of each a dram and half Aromaticum Rosatum two drams and half Nutmeg Cinnamon Musk of each one dram candied Orange-Peels one ounce and half with Syrup of Epithymum a sufficient quantity make an Electuary 13. Some other Physicians commend Worm-wood-Wine taken in a Morning fasting as also Lozenges of Aromaticum Rosatum of Diarrhodon or of Diamoschum to be taken at bed-time Platerus advises to this Electuary Take Conserves of Roses of Borrage and of Marjoram of each an ounce and half Citron-Peels Myrobalans and Ginger candied of each half an ounce Elecampane Galangal of each a dram and half Peony-seeds Coral Ivory of each two drams Diarrhodon Dianthos of each a dram Cordial Species half a dram with Syrup of Betony make an Electuary Dose the quantity of a Chest-nut drinking after it a little Wine mixt with water of Lilly Convally 14. Topicks to be appyd in this Disease are either proper Cephalicks and Neuroticks or Amulets 15. Of Cephalicks and Neuroticks these following are chief The powers of Rosemary of Rue of Sage of Sassafras of Savin of Amber of Lavender of sweet Marjoram of Hyssop of Time of Feather-few of Tansie of Baum of Mint the Queen of Hungaries water the Quintessence or Powers of Virtues all or any of which may be bathed Morning and Night upon the Head Temples Fore-head Nostrills Brest Stomach and regions of the Liver and Spleen as also upon the Pulses in several parts for thereby the Tone of the said parts come to be strengthened so as the generation of the morbifick matter will be prevented Moreover the crown of the Head may be shaved and thereupon you may apply the Emplaster of Franciscus Valesius which we have so often celebrated in the former Book against the Epilepsy 16. Of Amulets against this D●sease these are chiefly commended by Sennertus Peony roots hung about the Neck Bracelets made of Peony seeds red Coral Lapis Chrysolitus put into a golden Locket as also Lapis Malachrites which is a kind of green stone and I suppose nothing differing from the green Lapis Nephriticus which being inclosed in a golden L●cket may be worn upon the left Arm. 17. Hitherto of a simple Incubus essential in the Brain a word or two now of that which is by consent from other parts In this case you must mix with the Medicaments before proposed such things as are most appropriate to that part from whose consent the affliction may be thought to arise so if it be from the Stomach you ought to mix Stomaticks if from the Liver Hepaticks if from the Spleen Spleeneticks if from the Womb Hystericks if from the Reins Nephriticks c. That thereby the Medicaments designed may be directed to the intention Now to know when it proceeds from a Sympathetick affection or Compassion as I should rather speak it of any other part you ought to consider the symptoms attending the same and so accordingly to judg CHAP. II. Of a TREMBLING The AUTHORS Observations I. A Trembling in a young Man from excessive drinking of Brandy 1. A Young Man of about twenty eight years of age having acquired a Trembling of his extream parts through his much drinking of Brandy and other strong liquors desired my help it being extream troublesom to him And whereas it might have been thought that he should have been very hot and inflamed he on the contrary acquired a pale countenance and a very cold disposition of Body 2. The reason of this thing being inquired into was found to be from the weak constitution of his Body for as much as many that drink strong liquors in like manner are contrariwise of a fresh Rosy or red colour and continually hot as if they were in
you may profitably give Tartar vitriolate which grows sweet in the Stomach and although sour takes away all manner of Acidities and withall cools the unnatural heat which wasts the Spirits to a wonder and by its gratefulness strengthens the Stomach singularly What we might say more as to this matter shall be referred to the Chapters of Weakness and Distempers of the Stomach hereafter to be treated of We now come to our third Indication 12. The third Intention is to strengthen the Brain Cerebel and Genus Nervosum which is done either by exhibition of Internals or application of Topicks For this purpose Sage and Castoreum are commended as also Goats-Rue and Arabian Staechas which may be given one dram at a time in Hydromel but the Potestates or Powers of those things transcend and may be also given in Hydromel or Cinnamon-Water from twenty to forty or sixty drops or in Conserves of Primroses Bawm Rosemary-Flowers or Ac●rus or other things of like kind The Powers of Rosemary and of Lavender given in like manner prevail much Avicenna commends the Brains of a Hare roasted but above all things Castoreum as the most admirable thing in the World 13. But more particularly to comfort the Brain and Genus Nervosum this follow●ng is by Sennertus advised Take Pulp of the flesh of wild Pidgeons or of a Magpie or a Stork being boyled in Wine three ounces the Brains of a Hare roasted one ounce sweet Almonds blanched number thirty fresh Pine-Nuts washed in Hydromel number twenty blew Currants one ounce Species of the Electuarium Resumptivum two drams Pulvis Cinnamoni three drams Ginger Cloves Mace Galangal of each one scruple Cardamums half a scruple Musk two grains clarified Honey a sufficient quantity mix and make an Electuary Or this Take Conserves of the Flowers of Rosemary Lavender and Sage of each half an ounce Electuarium Diacori six drams brains of a Hare roasted one ounce Castoreum half a dram Mans-skull prepared two drams Pouders of the roots and seeds of Peony of each one dram Misleto of the Oak half a dram Spirit of Primroses or Cowslips one dram Essentia Salis half a dram with Syrup of Staechas a sufficient quantity make an Electuary 14. Or this Take Conserves of Betony and Rosemary of each an ounce and half green Ginger six drams Species Diamoschi Diambrae of each half a dram Venice-Treacle two drams Aureae Alexandrinae half a dram volatile Salt of Vitriol one scruple with Syrup of Betony a sufficient quantity make an Electuary Or this Take Conserves of Acorus and of the Flowers of Rosemary and Sage of each two ounces Mans-skull prepared half an ounce roots and seeds of Peony roots of Water-Plantain of each one dram and half the Brains of a Hare roasted two ounces mix and make an Electuary 15 But these things following are more powerful The Potestates Virtutum given from twenty to forty or sixty drops in Canary or Spirit of black Cherries Morning Noon and Night Or this Take Powers of Rosemary of Lavender of Sage of Savin of Mans-skull of each one ounce Powers of sweet Marjoram of musked Cranes Bill of Tyme of each half an ounce Powers of Musk and Ambergrise of each six drams mix them Dose from twenty to forty drops or more in any convenient Vehicle Powers of Cinnamon given alone in Canary or Metheglin are of admirable use Or this mixture Take Powers of Cinnamon two ounces Powers of Nutmegs Powers of Cloves of each half an ounce rectified Spirit of black Cherries of Earth-Worms and of Lavender of each three drams mix them all together Dose from thirty to sixty drops in Canary 16. This following Pouder is of good use Take Peacocks-Dung flesh of Swallows throughly dryed Mans-skull levigated of each one ounce Musk six drams Ambergrise half an ounce Pouder of Cloves and Cinnamon of each two drams Bezoar oriental and mineral of each one dram all being in fine Pouder mix them together Dose from ten grains to one scruple and in some cases to half a dram Or this Take Pouder of Mans-skull and of Musk of each half an ounce Ambergrise Salt ef Harts-horn and of Amber of each two drams Salt of Vipers one dram mix them Dose from eight to sixteen grains Or this Take Mans-skull levigated Swallows and flesh of Storks dryed and poudred Pouder of Vipers of each one ounce Salt of Harts-horn Tartar vitriolate of each half an ounce mix them Dose forty grains 17. This Electuary following is singular Take Electuarium and Tabidos Venice-Treacle of each two ounces Peacock-Dung one ounce Salt of Mans-skull Musk of each half an ounce volatile Salt of Swallows volatile Salt of Amber of each two drams with juyce of Alkermes a sufficient quantity mix and make an Electuary Dose one scruple or half a dram Or this Take Mithridate Electuarium de Ovo of each two ounces Pouder of the roots and seeds of Peony Pouder of Vipers and of Swallows of each one ounce Salt of Amber and of Mans-skull of each half an ounce Oyls of Rosemary Lavender Sage and sweet Marjoram of each twenty five drops juyce of Alkermes a sufficient quantity mix and make an Electuary Or this Take Venice-Treacle three ounces Oriental Bezoar Bezoar mineral volatile Salt of Amber of each one ounce fine Pouder of an Elks hoofs and of Ox-horns of each half an ounce Spirit or Powers of Vipers six drams with juyce of Alkermes a sufficient quantity make an Electuary Dose one scruple or half a dram Morning and Evening 18. Authors prepare a syrup after this manner Take leaves of Primroses or Cowslips of Sage Rue Ground-Pine Marjoram Germander Savory Calamint Origanum Betony of each half a handful Calamus Aromaticus half an ounce boyl them in water or Mead and with a sufficient quantity of Hony make a syrup in which while hot hang the following Nodulus letting it remain therein Take Cinnamon Cloves Mace Nutmegs black and long Pepper Ginger Spicknard Aniseeds and Peony-seeds of each one dram make all into a pouder and tye it up in a Rag. This following syrup is better Take syrup of the juyce of Alkermes twenty ounces Spirits of Angelica of Rosemary and of Castoreum of each three ounces Powers of Cinnamon of Musk and of Ambergrise of each an ounce and half mix them Dose half a spoonful Morning Noon and Night drinking after it a little glass of good Mead or Black-Cherry Wine 19. Nicolas Florentinus Serm. 3. To. 3. cap. 9. saith That a certain Woman sixty years of Age was delivered from a Tremor of the Head only by eating the flesh of a night Raven being skinned exviscerated and so boyled The Essence of Bawm given in Basil water is in good estimation so also a strong Tincture of Sage leaves made in rectified spirit of Wine to these things add Tincture of Wormwood Tincture of Myrrh Elixir proprietatis with other things of like nature Moreover some learned Men say That nothing profits more than a decoction of Lignum Guajacum and
Sarsaparilla being drank for some days for that it drys up excrementitious humors or evacuates them by sweating 20 We now come to the Application of Topicks which may warm comfort strengthen and corroborate the Nerves for which purpose Authors commend these things viz. Oyls of Costus of Foxes of Castor of Earth-worms of Turpentine of Bricks of Pepper of Spicknard of Juniper and of white Lillys in which flowers of Lavender of Lillys-Convally and of Rosemary have been infused or digested Moreover there is commended an Oyl made of the flowers of Trefoil and of Cowslips with which or some of the former the Neck and Original of the Nerves as also the Trembling members are to be Morning and Night anointed also you may bath them with Apoplectick Epileptick and Cephalick Waters 21. This folloing is prescribed by Sennertus Take Oyls of Juniper-berries of Castoreum of Pepper and of Foxes of each half an ounce Vnguentum Martiatum one ounce and half Venice Soap one ounce pouder of the seeds of Rocket of Onions of Rue and of Nettles of each one dram Goose or Ducks grease one ounce and half mix them for an Oyntment A Balsam made also of Rosemary Lavender Sage Petroleum and the distilled Oyls of Juniper-berries Marjoram and Bawm is of singular use The Trembling Members may also be washed somtimes with a hot decoction of Sage Rosemary Lavender Marjoram Juniper-berries and Castoreum to every quart of which at time of using of it you may put two ounces of Spirit of Wine or about three ounces of Aniseed water Some commend the hot Baths but chiefly such as are from Sulphur mines if such cannot be had with conveniency you may prepare a Laconick Bath or a bath of Herbs as aforesaid 22. Some commend this following distilled water for a secret Take green or fresh leaves of Sage one pound Camphir one ounce white Wine a sufficient quantity digest for eight days then distil in Balneo according to Art and with the Water bath the Trembling parts Or this Take Mastich Frankincense Myrrh Opopanax Sagapenum of each three drams styrax Calamita and Liquid of each half an ounce Turpentine two ounces Gout-Jvy flowers of Lilly-Convally and of Lavender of each a handful and half cut and bruise them and affuse thereon Rhenish Wine two pound let all stand in digestion in a warm place f●r four days then let it be distilled and in the distilled liquor dissolve one dram of choise Musk. with their liquor let the nape of the Neck and Spina dorsi and members affected be anointed 23. These Oyls and Oyntments prescribed by Authors are very greasy and loathsom to the sick we will prescribe things more delicate curious and neat and yet more effectual The Powers of Amber alone supply the place of all these things and will do more than all either apart or conjoyned if the Head be taken with a Tremor or if the cause of the Tremor be Essential in the Head let the Hair be shaved off and then let it be well bathed with the said Powers of Amber and this may be don Morning and Night for a week or ten days keeping the Head very warm bound up after it at the end of that time you may apply the Emplaster of Franciscus Valesius against Epilepsies which you may see in the former Book letting it lye on four or five days and then renewing of it and repeating the same six or seven times Or this in the place thereof if that cannot be had Take fat Myrrh in fine pouder one ounce make it very soft with rectified Spirit of Wine and mix therewith choise Venice Treacle two ounces Oyl of Rosemary and of Amber of each twenty drops being all well mixed spread it upon Leather and apply it over the whole Head it being first close shaved With those Powers of Amber you ought also to bath the whole Spina dorsi or Back-bone from the Nucha to the Os Coccigis Morning and Night and that for ten or twelve days as also in like manner all the Trembling parts 24. Or instead of the Powers of Amber you may use this which may be somthing more effectual Take Powers of Oranges and Limons of each two ounces Powers of Sassafras and Savin of each one ounce Powers of Rosemary of Sage of Caraways and of Amber of each half an ounce mix them to bath with all as aforesaid where note that if the sick delight in sweet things you may add to the former Composition the Powers of Musk and Ambergrise of each six drams with which the said parts as also the Temples and Nostrils ought to be bathed 25. After the parts affected have been bathed with the said powers for ten or twelve days or more or till the said Tremor is taken away if there then remains a weakness in the said members you ought to apply things of a strengthing nature first for some few days you may bath with the Tincture of Myrrh which done you may apply this Take Mithridate or Venice Treacle three or four ounces fine Myrrh in pouder dissolved in rectified spirit of Wine one ounce and half two yolks of Eggs mix and make a Cataplasm which spread upon Leather and apply renewing it once in two or three days and repeating the same for three weeks or more as you see occasion but before the application of each Cataplasm it will be good to bath the part well with the Powers of Amber 26. If the Tremor proceeds from Quick-silver there ought to be mixed with the internal Medicaments before mentioned some choise preparation of Gold as Aurum potabile volatile Calx of Gold or Sulphur or Tincture of the same Sennertus adviseth to the use of the crude pouder of Gold made of the leaves being very subtil and fine and that both Internally and Externally which are to be taken mixed with some other proper thing for by this means he thinks the Quicksilver will be imbibed by the Gold and so being united will be both cast forth by stool 27. Some say also that Quick-silver and its Poyson may be over come by a Sudorifick Course wherein it shall so adhere to the skin like small Sand and may be washed off with Water for this purpose the sick ought to be put every other day into a dry Bath the best is Hartmans Chair which may be made of a convenient heat by firing in the same the most pure rectified Spirit of wine The Sweat may also somtimes be absolved by Frankincense or Olibanum cast upon live Char-cole though in my opinion that with Spirit of Wine is much the better and this sweating course ought to be repeated at least fourteen times During the time of the sweating the sick ought to be comforted and his Spirits supported with some pleasing Cordial such as this following Take Cinnamon-Water of the best Aqua Caelestis of each two ounces Rosewater one ounce syrup of Citron peels an ounce and half mix them Of this let the sick take a spoonful now and
least weaked by it but made much the stronger so that by degrees she eat her Food heartily and after an insensible manner came to the use of her Limbs the Disease every day vanishing 14. From this Observation and some others of like kind it is manifest how great things are wrought by purgative Medicaments which are given in spirituous Vehicles for that the Vertue of the Medicament is made by their means to enter the more easily into the Veins and thereby to mix it self intimately with the Mass of Blood whereby such a fermentation or strugling and separation in the Blood is made as causes a praecipitation and excretion of the morbifick matter even beyond expectation 15. And in all sorts of Paralytick Distempers this kind of purging has greater effect because thereby not only the humid and diseasy matter is drawn away but the Neurotick juyce too much cooled and weakned is restored and confirmed whereby a restitution of the pristin health succeeds 16. In her Diet before mentioned she constantly took of this following mixture forty sixty or more drops at a time Take Powers of Rosemary Powers of Lavender Powers of sweet Marjoram of each a like quantity mix them together to be used as aforesaid But at Morning and Night she took about half a spoonful of the same in the Diet aforementioned 17. Twice a day viz. an hour before Dinner and an hour before Supper she took the quantity of a large Nutmeg of this Electuary Take Electuarium ad Tabidos one ounce Powers of Vipers three drams mix them well together After the taking of it she washt it down with a little glass of Hippocras This Medicament immediately after it was taken warmed the whole humane frame to a very high degree yet not so as to inflame it or cause a Feaver yet her whole Body would presently grow as warm as if she had been heat by a very great fire 18. The use of this Medicament was continued during the whole time of the Cure yet somtimes for change sake she took the said Powers of Vipers in a glass of Sack or Hippocras which notwithstanding had the same virtue and effects in warming or heating the ●niversal frame as before 19. But whereas she somtimes complained of an illness and weakness of Stomach as also of want of Appetite and Loathing I caused her oftentimes both between meals and at meals also to take of the volatile Spirit of Vitriol or Sulphur made so by mixing digesting and being distilled off with rectified spirit of Wine after this manner Take rectified spirit of Wine two quarts drop there into by degrees two pounds of the best Oyls of Vitriol or Sulphur shake them well together digest in a gentle sand-heat sixteen weeks at least shaking the Vessel once a day then put it into a glass Cucurbit or a Retort if you so please and leisurely draw off the Spirit with a very slow and gradual Fire so that the pure thin and volatile Spirit may only ascend and the thick Magma remain alone at Bottom And for this cause you must be very cautious that the Fire does not exceed its just Limits for that if it be too great the Magma will ascend with the Spirit and then all your Labour will be lost and you will be forced to repeat the Distillation again 20. The use of this Spirit restored the Tone of the Stomach and made her digest her Food very well besides it has a great Power to restore the motive Faculty in all Paralytick Distempers for that it has a specifick Vertue to open all Obstructions of the Nerves in what Part of the Body so ever 21. And now and then for the Stomach sake also I permitted her to eat preserved Nutmegs candied Orange Limon and Citron-Peels and somtimes preserved green Ginger and somtimes she took this Electuary Take Conserves of Betony Sage Cowslips and Rosemary-Flowers of each two ounces preserved Nutmegs extreamly well beaten number four Indian preserved green Ginger four ounces candied Orange Limon and Citron Peels of each two ounces and half beat all very well together and with Juyce of Alkermes a sufficient quantity make an Electuary with which mix well Oyl of Cinnamon half an ounce Of this she took as her Stomach required it the quantity of a Chest-nut at a time By the use of these things the Cure apparently drew on 22. Whilst all these things were doing we were not unmindful as we before declared of using fit Topicks to the distemper and therefore in the first place we caused the Nucha and Vertebrae of the Spina dorsi from the Original thereof down to the Os Coccygis to be well bathed with this mixture Take anisated Balsam of Sulphur two ounces Chymical oyl of Lavender one ounce mix them well together This was anointed upon the places aforenamed Morning and Night for nere a month together it had not been used twelve or fourteen days before the sick found great benefit therefrom 23. All the extream parts also of the Body which the Palsie had seised were bathed with this following Take Powers of Rosemary of Lavender of Savin of Sassafras and of Limons of each three ounces Powers of sweet Marjoram of Sage and of Amber of each an ounce and half mix them together with this the Paralytick parts were bathed Morning and Night during almost the whole time of the Cure 24. Lastly to strengthen and coroborate the Nerves this following Emplaster or Cataplasm was applyed over all the Paralytick members after the aforesaid bathing was over Take Venice Treacle twelve ounces yolks of Eggs number six Balsam of Peru fat Myrrh made soft with rectified spirit of Wine of each four ounces Balsamum Capivie two ounces pouder of Cubebs or of Zedoary enough to make it of a fit consistency not too hard mix them well together and let them be spread upon Leather and apply to the Diseased parts 25. This disaffection at first was great and the poor Patient truly deplorable for that in the Eye of humane reason she seemed to be absolutely incurable but by the assiduous use and application of the aforegoing remedies according to our directions the Cure was compleatly accomplished in a little more than half a years time to the great satisfaction of all the persons concerned V. A Palsie in a young Woman occasioned by taking a great cold after violent Sweating 1. This young Woman being in a vehement Sweat through long and much Exercise and being impatient cooled her-self with cold Water and withall exposed her-self to the Wind and cold Air so that cooling her-self too hastily she contracted such a Cold as brought upon her immediately a complication of many Evils For she contracted a vehement Cough and so great a Hoarsness as that she could scarcely speak so as to be understood Moreover she had a straightness of Breath an obstruction of the Lungs and difficulty of breathing together with many and great Pains which seized her in all her extream Parts that she
dreadful Convulsions of the Mesentery where not only in a very short time much diminished but also in no long time viz. in less than forteen days wholly taken away 17. But whereas she was very apt to be bound in Body and extreamly afflicted with Wind I prescribed this following Clyster to be exhibited once in two three four or five days as the necessity of the sick required Take Mutton-Broth a pint Honey Oyl Olive of each three spoonfuls Powers of Caraways and Aniseeds of each half a spoonful mix them and exhibit it warm 18. Outwardly as Topicks all the upper part of the Spina Dorsi was twice a day viz. Morning and Night bathed with this mixture Take Powers of Amber of Aniseeds of sweet Fennel-seeds of Rosemary of Lavender of Savin of each one ounce Powers of Nutmegs and of Cloves of each half an ounce mix them to bath withall as aforesaid 19. The Paralytick Parts were first well rubbed with a course Cloth then fomented with Spirit of Wine for almost an hour together then well anointed with this Oyl Take pure Oyl of Ben eight ounces chymical Oyls of Rosemary Sassafras and Juniper-berries of each an ounce Oyl of Aniseeds half an ounce mix them well together with this the extream Parts were well anointed twice a day from the very beginning of the Cure to the confirmation thereof which was in about twelve weeks time or somwhat more 20. Lastly for her constant drink I ordered an ordinary Decoction of Guajacum Sassafras and Sarsaparilla to which was added as a Complement Spanish Juyce of Liquorice Raisons of the Sun Figs Coriander seeds Aniseeds Caraways It was made in half Water half White-Wine the Wine being added a little before the end of the boyling this she took as her ordinary drink by the due use of these things according to the course afore-prescribed she was restored to her perfect health in the time above limitted XI A Palsy in a Man about five and forty years of age 1. This Man being of a middle age and of a pituitous constitution of Body going a long Journey in a wet Season got a very great Cold whence followed a vehement Catarrh the Catarrh being unadvisedly stopt by receiving the Fumes of Amber into the Mouth by a Funnel he was taken with a numbness and impotency of motion and became in a very little time extreamly paralytick in all Parts 2. By the advise of a Quack-salver they applyed almost all over him Cataplasms of Turneps boyled but without Success Yea so far was it from doing good that he received much prejudice therefrom for the Cataplasm not long after growing cold and not being presently renewed he added to his former Distemper and made his Paralysis much worse than it was before whereupon some of his Relations sending for me I prescribed him the following Things 3. Take Treacle Water magistral Water of Earth-Worms of each four ounces Spirit of Angelica the greater Composition two drams Spirit of Sal Armoniack sixteen drops mix them for a draught he took it in the Evening and sweat upon it very well The next Night I gave it again with this following Bolus Take Venice-Treacle half a dram Oriental Bezoar Mineral Bezoar of each eight grains mix them this sweat more powerfully as we desired it and it was twice again repeated each at six days distance 4. In the mean season we ordered from the highest Vertebra of the Neck to the Os Coccygis to be very well anointed twice a day with this Compositum Take Oyls of Hypericon and of Castor of each four ounces chymical Oyls of Rosemary of Savin of Sassafras and of Lavender of each six drams Powers of Amber an ounce Spirit of Sal Armoniack seven drams mix them together and anoint therewith 5. He also took as a Diet a Guajacum-Decoction thus made Take Raspings of Guajacum eight ounces Bark of the same three ounces Raspings of Sassafras and of Juniper-wood of each four ounces boyl all in spring-water eight quarts in a proper Diet-pot three or four hours then add thereto these following Juniper-herries roots of Angelica Peony-seeds all very well bruised of each two ounces leaves of Sage Rosemary Marjoram Time of each a handful choice Sena three ounces boyl them again in the said Diet pot close shut with its Cover or rather covered with a Head having a Neck and Receiver that what ascends may be saved and put it into it at the end of the boyling boyl all together till five quarts only remain being strained and settled add thereto magistral Spirit of Earth-Worms Spirit of Angelica Aqua Caelestis of each two ounces and half Spirit of Sal Armoniack two drams and half mix them and put all into a stone-bottle which stop close for use Of this Decoction he took about four ounces three or four times a day and it very gently and pleasantly moved his Body downward 6. But notwithstanding this Diet he took once a week a Dose of our Family-Pills with A●oes which wrought very well with him gave him about eight or ten stools and sensibly called the morbifick or offending matter from all the extream Parts of the Body by which he confessed he found a very singular Advantage 7. Whilst all these things were doing I caused all the paralytick Parts to be very well anointed Morning and Evening with this following Oyl Take Oyl of Hypericon ten ounces Oyls of Amber and of Rosemary of each two ounces Oyl of Limons one ounce Powers of Juniper three ounces Spirit of Sal Armoniack ten drams mix them well together by shaking and anoint therewith as before ordered 8. When the former Diet was spent I prescribed him the following Wine Take Rosemary and Flowers of Rosemary Sage Time Lavender-Flowers Origanum sweet Marjoram of each a handful roots of Angelica Peony Masterwort Florentine-Orrice black Hellebor seeds of Carthamus of each three drams Hermodactils two ounces white Agarick Sena of each half an ounce Cardamums Cubebs Anacardiums Salt of Tartar of each two drams the Ingredients being cut and grossly bruised they were put into a Bag with a stone in it and infused some days in a Gallon of Rhenish-Wine after four or five days it was gently strained out and kept in a Bottle close stopt 9. Of this Wine he took an hour before eating three times a day viz. Morning Noon and Night but at time of taking thereof there was always added to about half a pint thereof more or less about ten drops of Spirit of Sal Armoniack and by the constant use of these things in about twenty weeks time he was restored to his perfect health 10. A certain Woman of about thirty years old being in like manner taken paralytick through an extream Cold was cured by the same means save in stead of the former Oyls she only used this Mixture Take Oyl of Ben eight ounces chymical Oyls of Juniper-berries and of Savin of each three ounces and an half Oyl of Rosemary one ounce Oyl of Cammomil half
those gripings we took care to force them down which we performed with this Bolus Take fine Aloes in pouder half a dram Saffron Aron-roots both in pouder of each fifteen grains black Pepper five grains Honey a sufficient quantity mix and make a Bolus for one dose This was repeated five times at two or three days distance she began to take it presently after the last quarter of the Moon and before the first quarter of the Moon they appeared and came down plentifully and of a good colour and so continued to come down at their due times 8. These things being done We now applyed our help to the removing of the Paralysis which we performed with the following things first I purged her with this Take Rosin of Jalap Aloes Agarick of each six grains Salt of Amber eight grains Oyl of Mint two or three drops mix and make thereof five Pills with this she was four times purged at six or seven days distance and by it she found a sensible good as to her Paralytick Distemper 9. In the intervalls of Purging I gave her this thrice a day Take Prophylactick water of Sylvius or instead thereof choice Treacle-water an ounce and half Magistral water of Earthworms Spiritus Lavendula of each half an ounce water distilled from Onions two ounces Spirit of Sal Armoniack twelve drops Syrup of Saffron enough to make it pleasant shake them together and give it for one dose By the use of this thing she became very chereful and lively but she complained much of its sharpness yet without that it is much to be doubted whether she might have done well or no for these kind of things have not only a mighty power in opening all manner of obstructions but also have a specifick vertue in curing of Palsies and most other cold and moist distempers of the Brain and Nerves 10. But somtimes for change of Medicaments in the place of the last this following was exhibited Take Electuarium ad Tabidos a dram and half Salt of Amber Salt of Harts-horn volatile Sal Armoniack of each six grains mix them for a Dose to be given at Night going to bed drinking after it this following Take Hipprocras four or five ounces Spirit of Vipers one dram Powers of Vipers twelve drops mix them for a draught The taking of this Medicament presently put the universal Frame of the Body into a notable heat yet not so great as to cause Inflamation or a Feaver whereby the too much chilled and coagulated particles of the neurotick Juyce became resolved and those obstructions of the Nerves removed which in part hindred the free afflux of the animal Spirit 11. Now during all this time we caused her to be anointed all over the paralytick Parts as also along the Spina Dorsi with this compound Oyl Take Oyl of Ben twelve ounces chymical Oyls of Rosemary of Savin of Juniper-berries and of Sassafras of each an ounce and half Oyl of Limons two ounces mix them together to anoint with as before directed this was constantly done twice a day so long till such time as she perceived her Palsy to be removed which was in about fourteen weeks time but in the last fourteen days of the using thereof there was mixed therewith as it was used to every ounce of the Oyl one dram of the Powers of Aniseeds and half a dram of Spirit of Sal Armoniack 12. Lastly for her common drink a small Decoction of Guajacum Sassafras Sarsaparilla and Acorus was used adding to it as a Complement Juniper-berries Coriander-seeds Caraways Aniseeds and Juyce of Liquorice and towards the end of the boyling a third part of White Wine then straining sweetning it with Sugar and bottling it up with a Clove slit in two in each Bottle This she took every day constantly as her ordinary drink into every draught of which as she drank it sixteen drops of the Tincture of Castor was dropt And after the anointing was over all those members where the Palsie had lately been and which had been weakned by it were very well bathed Morning and Night with a strong Tincture of Mirrh made with Spirit of Wine for about ten or twelve days together Thus by the use of these meanes was this miserable creature restored to her perfect health in about sixteen weeks time and remained so for several years after XIIII A Palsie in a Gentleman occasioned by taking cold in swiming 1. A young Man taking cold in swiming was at first taken with a kind of Convulsive motions but at length it proved to be Paralytick for that he was deprived of all motion in his Hands and Feet and his sense of Feeling was much impared also which without controversy was occasioned from the coldness of the water for that it is the nature of things over-cold to thicken the humors and render them slow in motion and by congealing the nervous juyce and clouding or thickning the Spirits to hinder their free passage into the sensitive parts whereby many times the Animal flame in some particular places becomes extinguished 2. His Physicians which he first sent for first prescribed him a set Diet then they both vomited him and purged him with several sorts of Medicaments they apply fomentations to the Spina Dorsi and also to the Paralytick parts Likewise they anointed him with several Oyntments and Balsams made of Gums Spices and hot Galenick Oyls but these things doing no good they sent him to the Bath then sweat him with Venice Treacle Treacle-water and other things but all to no purpose so that they then gave him over as incurable 3. Being advised by some Friends to make tryal of me I enquired into all that had been don and they gave me the former relation whereby I perceived that the things which had been used proved ineffectual by reason of their weakness and misapplication 4. I therefore first purged him with the Tincture of Our Family Pills which purge was repeated once a week for twenty weeks but somtimes though not often he took the Pills themselves these purges brought from him a large quantity of cold slimy and viscous humors and somtimes water in great abundance three or four times they also gave him two or three vomits 5. I ordered him this following Diet Take Guajacum Sarsaparilla Sassafras Acorus of each eight ounces boyl all in six quarts of water to four then add Aniseeds Caraways Coriander-seeds Juniper-berries all well bruised of each three ounces Spanish juyce of Liquorice one ounce Raisons of the Sun stoned Figs slit of each half a pound boyl all till only three quarts remains then strain and let it settle being clear decant it off dulcifie it with white Sugar and put it up into a stone bottle with two or three Cloves in it Of this he drank about three quarters of a pint Morning and Evening with twelve drops of the Spirit of Sal Armoniack in each draught 6. But by reason he was vehemently afflicted with a violent Catarrh whereby he
spit much every day by an old Womans advise he took the fumes of Frankincense up his Mouth by a Funnel whereby the Catarrh was stopt but a greater inconvenience presently fell upon him for he was immediately taken with vehement and runing Pains all over his whole Body so that he could not rest either Night or Day this was acted without my knowledg not long after I began the Cure but seeing the ill success they told me what they had done 7. I was necessitated now to take new measures for that the Catarrh was fallen not only upon the extream parts but upon the Viscera also for he was exceedingly tortured in his Bowells and the Cholick so far prevailed upon him that he was many times swooning away 8. Inwardly I gave h●m often in the Day the Infusion of Rhubarb in an ordinary or small Guajacum decoction with thirty forty or more drops of Powers of Caraways Outwardly I caused Vesicatories to be applyed to the Nucha to both Shoulders and to his Hips these were three times reiterated and by the seasonable and happy application thereof the Rheumatism was at length removed and withall the said Vesicatories very much contributed to the retriving him out of his Paralytick Distemper for after the Blisters had been applyed the third time he came in a good measure to the use of his Hands and Feet 9. Having thus removed his Rheumatism and Cholick I ordered him Morning Noon and Night viz. an hour before eating to take the Powers of Vipers in a glass of Hippocras whereby the whole Genus Nervosum was in an instant heat as if set on fire yet without any danger of a Feaver he began with twelve drops and increased the dose by degrees till such time as he took twenty four drops The virtue of this preparation of Vipers is so great that it is scarcely to be expressed and in this Cure there was a demonstration thereof 10. And truly the volatile Salt of Vipers is no ways inferior thereto being given in choise Cinnamon water And one Patient to wit a young Lady who was taken with a Palsie on her right side was perfectly cured by giving of it inwardly in Aqua Celestis twice a day and bathing the Paralytick members twice a day also with the Powers of Rosemary and Savin 11. But to return to our young Gentleman again Outwardly I caused all his Back as also all the Paralytick parts to be well bathed with this following Oyl Take Oyl of Ben ten ounces Chymical Oyls of Rosemary Rue and Savin of each two ounces Chymical Oyl of Euphorbium one ounce mix them to anoint with this was used Morning and Evening till such time as he was restored to his former health 12. But whereas he complained of a weakness of his Stomach and indigestion I caused him to drink somtimes Tinctures of Wormwood in choice Canary and somtimes the blood red Tincture of black Pepper these things being used for some time somtimes the one and somtimes the other or alternatim as he liked best he was in about five Months time restored to his health XV. A Palsy in a middle-aged poor Woman 1. This Woman being about forty years old was taken with a Palsy by taking of cold in washing of some Cloths she could make use neither of Hands nor Feet but lay in that miserable condition for about six Months yet not without making tryal of many things to no purpose 2. She was cured at last by taking inwardly only a strong Tincture of Castoreum with some drops of Spirit of Sal Armoniack two or three times a day and bathing the Back-bone and all the paralytick Parts Morning and Evening with the Queen of Hungaria's Water 3. And after the same manner with the same Medicament was a young Man cured of a Palsy after he had been eighteen Months afflicted therewith and given over as incurable XVI A Palsy in a very fat Man of about forty years of age 1. This Man being of a strong robust Body and full of humors took a Surfeit by over-eating and drinking of himself which after a while degenerated into a Palsy in which condition he lay for about five Months notwithstanding variety of Medicaments had been applyed to him 2. Finding him of a gross and foul Body I first very well purged him with my Family-Pills with Aloes and somtimes with the Tincture of the same by which a vast quantity of Water and other cold viscous and pituitous matter was drawn away after he had taken this four times I gave him a dram of the Extract of Esula mixed with a little new-drawn Cassia it was taken in the Morning and it purged him exceeding well 3. I prescribed him also for a Diet this following Decoction Take Guajacum rasped Acorus roots bruised of each an ounce and half mealy Sarsaparilla six ounces infuse in warm Water two quarts then boyl it half away or more nere the end of the boyling add White-Wine a pint and half let it boyl a little and then strain it out which sweeten a little with white Sugar Of this he took half a pint in the Morning in his bed with sixteen grains of Bezoar mineral in a little Honey and being well covered with Cloths he sweat well and a long time together 4. Every Morning he took three ounces of pure Cinnamon-Water with six drops of Spirit of Sal Armoniack and ten drops of Spirit of Harts-horn and an hour before Dinner he took an ounce and half of Aqua Vitae Matthioli mixed with half a dram of Spirit of Vipers an hour before Supper the same thing was repeated again and about nine a clock at Night he took this Bolus Take Electuarium ad Tabidos two drams volatile Salt of Amber one scruple mix them 5. Outwardly I caused the Spina Dorsi and all the paralytick Members to be very well fomented with Spirit of Wine then bathed with the Powers of Aniseeds and after that to be anointed with this compound Oyl Take Oyl of Ben eight ounces chymical Oyls of Cammomil of Savin of Rosemary and of Sassafras of each one ounce mix them well together in a glass by shaking this was done every Morning and Evening 6. Moreover his Head was shaved and every part bathed with this Mixture Take Powers of Rhodium Powers of Sassafras of each an ounce Powers of Musk and of Ambergrise of each six drams Powers of Nutmegs half an ounce mix them being well bathed which was done two or three times a day it was kept warm with a silk Cap quilted with the chief Spices and pure Musk. 7. The use of these things brought him to his former health but fearing least he should relapse I prescribed him this following Water to be taken every Morning fasting and last at Night going to bed Take magistral Spirit of Earth-Worms Spirit of Angelica the greater Composition Aqua Vitae Matthioli choice Cinnamon Water of each four ounces Powers of Rosemary two ounces Powers of Lavender one ounce Juyce of
the Cure at length falling into our hands we cured him by the method above prescribed Save in stead of the Guajacum-Diet which we could by no means perswade him to take he took choice Hippocras with permission to drink now and then a draught of Beer XVIII A Palsy in a middle-aged Woman accompanied with a kind of Lethargy 1. This Gentlewoman taking Cold in going along Journy was seized with the Palsy and withall a kind of Lethargy the Physicians of the place to which she went were consulted but were at first at a stand what to do at length they gave her Julep of Roses inwardly and anointed her outwardly with Vnguentum Martiatum Oleum Excestrense and other the like Galenick Remedies but without the least appearance of good 2. When the Country-Physicians could do her no kindness her Husband brought her to London where he meet with other Asses of Aesculapius who whiled away several weeks in doing nothing at all for all the things they applyed to her were wholly Galenical so that having no power to penetrate into the root of the matter it was impossible they should ever effect the thing desired without the help of a Miracle 3. These Tools proving all useless by the advise of a Freind they sent for me having well viewed her I immediately perceived a Paralysis with a Lethargy the Gentlewoman was in a very dangerous Condition so that she was not to be play'd or dallied withall but there was a necessity of speedily using some powerful Medicines especially such as might throw off her Lethargick Disposition 4 In the first place I purged her Head with solid Errhines such as these following Take Confectio Hamech half an ounce Scammony and Gutta Gamba both in fine Pouder of each a like quantity so much as may make it up into a good consistency for Pills to every ounce of which you may add of Euphorbium in fine Pouder half a dram Of this there was long Pellets made to put up the Nostrils which were kept in with a Muffler put before the Nose and pin'd from Ear to Ear this was done in the Evening and the Errhines were kept-in about an hour and half 5. By the use hereof her Head was exceedingly well purged and the operation was four several times reiterated at two or three days distance by which a very vast quantity of cold pituitous matter was drawn away from her Head after the fourth time we used the following liquid Errhine which wrought yet more powerfully upon her and with less trouble Take White-Wine a pint choice Euphorbium two scruples in fine Pouder Cambogia four scruples make a dissolution of the Gums over a gentle heat and keep it in a glass closs stopt for use This was cast up the Nostrils with a Syring and repeated thrice at three days distance by which her Head became effectually purged and upon the last exhibition thereof her Lethargy wholly left her with great hopes of amendment as to her Paralysis also 6. But whilst all this was doing I was not unmindful to evacuate the whole Body of the cold morbifick matter with which it was afflicted and this I performed somtimes with the Tincture of my Family-Pill and somtimes with an Infusion of Rhubarb and Sena in a small Scurvy-grass-Water this purging I promoted every fourth fifth or sixth day as I saw occasion and the strength of her Body would bear 7. In the intervals of purging I ordered her to take this following Mixture Take Cinnamon-Water an ounce Basil's Tincture of Antimony two drams Powers of Rosemary one dram Spirit of Sal Armoniack ten drops mix them together for a Dose This was given her every day except the days of purging three times a day viz. in the Morning fasting an hour before Dinner and at four a clock in the After-noon 8. At Night going to bed I prescribed her this Bolus Take Electuarium ad Tabidos a dram and half Bezoar mineral sixteen grains volatile Salt of Mans-skull volatile Salt of Amber of each seven grains with Juyce of Alkermes a sufficient quantity make a Bolus to be taken at bed-time this composed her Spirits gave her good rest and provoked a gentle kind of sweating 9. Her Diet was choice Hippocras with permission to drink now and then yet but seldom a draught of Beer or Ale or a Decoction of Sarsaparilla in Water thus made Take mealy Sarsaparilla split two pounds Caraway seeds bruised four ounces Spring-Water sixteen quarts boyl the Sarsa in the Water till near the consumption of the one half then add the seeds boyl a quarter of an hour longer and take it off the Fire and strain it which make pleasant with white Sugar and put it up into Bottles with a Clove in each Bottle and keep it for use 10. Outwardly these Topicks were applyed first the paralytick Members were extreamly well bathed with the Powers of Aniseeds Morning and Night for six or seven days this being done they were every day twice a day anointed with this following Oyl Take Oyl of Castoreum and Oyl of Scorpions made as we have directed in our Doron Lib. 3. Cap. 2. Sect. 1. of each eight ounces chymical Oyls of Rosemary sweet Fennel seeds Savin and Limons of each two ounces and half mix them well together in a glass by shaking 11. By the use of this the palsied Parts were restored but there yet remained a very great weakness upon them which were thus remedied Take fat Myrrh make it very soft and by adding a sufficient quantity of rectified Spirit of Wine draw a blood red Tincture to every ounce of this Tincture add a ●ram of the chymical Oyl of Limons which mix well together With this being bathed for some time they were restored to their former strength 12. But to prevent a Relapse and because the sick was very apt to be sleepy I ordered the taking every Morning a little Sup of the Queen of Hungaria's Water and the same half an hour before Dinner and to be repeated about four a clock in the After-noon and at Night going to bed this Electuary Take Indian preserved Nutmegs number six Indian preserved green Ginger eight ounces candied Citron-Peels four ounces pure Indian-Oyl of Mace by Expression two ounces and half beat all very well together in a Mortar and with a sufficient quantity of the Juyce of Alkermes make an Electuary according to Art Dose the quantity of a Wall-nut at going to bed This was taken near six weeks after the Paralysis seemed to be perfectly taken away and by the constant use of these things for that time the Lethargick Disposition and Inclination were wholly removed 13. A beautiful young Lady of about sixteen years of age was by taking a vehement Cold seized both with a Lethargy and Palsy who in about eight weeks time was perfectly restored by the precedent Method with very little variation The same Lady after she seemed to be well cured of the aforenamed Diseases became in one Night Dumb This accident was
removed by taking inwardly this mixture and also holding some of it for a little while in the Mouth Take Spirit of Angelica the greater composition Aqua Vitae Matthioli of each three ounces Powers of Rosemary one ounce and half mix them together Dose two drams to half an ounce in Spirit of black Cherries but she held it in her Mouth without mixture somtimes for a quarter of an hour together 14. A Youth of about fourteen or fifteen years of age was so taken also viz. with a Palsy and a Lethargick Distemper the Lethargy would somtimes seem to be off yet then he remained as it were foolish and void of his reason and again in a day or two the Lethargy would return we cured him in about four Months time by the Method first above prescribed in this present Section and with the removal of his Distemper his Understanding was also restored to him as perfect as formerly XIX A Palsy in a Gentlewoman of about six and thirty years of age 1. This Gentlewoman being seized with a great Cold in her lying-in was presently taken lame and from thence became paralytick in all her extream Parts so that she wholly lost the use of her Limbs her Courses also were so stopt upon her that they could not be produced for above fifteen Months and her Belly swelled as if she had had a Dropsy or rather been with Child her Stomach likewise was impaired so that she scarcely eat any thing but what came up again and she complained of a vehement grinding Pain in her Bowels or Womb and in the Reins of her Back 2. In this distress she applyed her self to several persons for remedy she took advise of her Midwife and then of another Woman who pretended to do wonders but all to no purpose for she daily grew worse and worse These failing she sent for a Physician who tampred with her for six or seven weeks with as little success at length two or three other Gentlemen were called to consult withall but yet notwithstanding all their endeavours the event answered not nor indeed could they tell what their sick Patient ailed but one was of one opinion and the other of another however the Paralysis was evident 3. Thus about forteen or fifteen months was elapsed without remedy and the poor Gentlewoman remained without hopes for that such vast quantities and numbers of things had been so long tryed in vain but the wonder when enquired into soon ceased for examining the Apothecaries file I found such poor low spirited and almost insipid things to be inwardly ministred and such gross greasy and abominabl● nauseous fooleries outwardly applyed that I rather began to wonder she was no worse I imputed the misery she went through and the long hopeless Cure to the ignorance of her Physicians who had for so long time attended her which although it was with small advantage or rather hurt to her the distressed Patient yet it was with a singular advantage and profit to themselves who received all their Mony and Fees not for doing nothing at all but rather for doing mischief by bringing this mirable creature under the terrour of an Incurable Disease 4. After a serious enquiry into the nature of her Distemper it sufficiently appeared that taking cold was the remote cause of all her illness And that the obstruction of her Terms very much contributed to the augmentation of her Disease That her Disease was become stubborn and habitual and that without powerful remedies and such as might be long taken so as to alter the universal habit no hope of cure could be expected 5. In order to this design I first prescribed this following Decoction to be taken as her constant and ordinary drink save at meals I permitted her to drink a glass of Hippocras Take mealy Sarsaparilla two pound Juniper-berries well bruised a pound infuse the sarsa forty eight hours in warm Water sixteen quarts then boyl it away till the half be consumed after which add the berries and boyl again till two quarts more is wasted this don put thereto white Wine two quarts and boyl again a walm or two then take it off cool and strain it and being settled decant and dulcifie it to the liking of the sick with double refined sugar and bottle it up for use 6. This was all the Drink she drank during her whole Cure and she continued the use of it for nine or ten months it is almost incredible what good she found by it and that in a very short space so that she confest all the grinding Pains in her Bowells Womb and Reins were perfectly removed and that in about three weeks time but at time of drinking thereof she for the most part dropt into each draught fifteen twenty or twenty five drops of the Powers of Caraways by the constant drinking of this Liquor her Courses also began to appear though but faintly 7. Now the more powerfully to provoke them I caused her to take every Night going to bed for about a weeks space before the time they used to flow the Angelick Pills of Grulingius to the quantity of two scruples which excellently purged her and that without Pain and according to our expectations they began to flow about the usual time admirably well both in quantity and colour by which this poor Gentlewoman found very much relief and to accustom them to the due time of their flux I caused her for two or three months one after another to take for four or five days before hand the said Angelick Pills so that at length they were again reduced to their ordinary course 8. By this time we began to be in hopes of a Cure and the Patient herself also encouraged us in Our undertaking for now the great tumor of her Belly was abated and gon and she began to eat her Food indifferently well but this is to be understood whilst all this was doing having first cleansed her whole Body from the filthy greasy and nauseous Oyls and Oyntments which they had applyed to her by a proper bath made of Juniper-berries and spring-water with venice soap I caused the whole region of the Abdomen to be Morning and Evening bathed with the Powers of Aniseeds somtimes alone and somtimes mixed with Powers of Fennel-seeds 9. Moreover as to the Paralysis we were not unmindful to administer proper things which were given her at three or four distinct times of the day In the Morning she took this following mixture Take Aquae Coelesti spirit of Castoreum of each one ounce Powers of Vipers twenty or twenty five drops choice Hippocras two ounces mix them for a draught This warmed her all over and heat the whole Genus Nervosum as if she had been by a good fire yet as I have formerly said without the least danger of putting her into a Feaver 10. About an hour before Dinner she took this Take Powers of Cinnamon thirty drops spirit of Angelica the greater composition spirit of
Afternoon without sweating 8. She had Clysters framed of the common Decoction and Carminative-seeds to which we added Holland-Pouder she used also Ciprus-Turpentine framed into Pills very often and thus was she delivered from all these and also the Danger of Death Hall Cent. 2. Obs 76. XXXII Of a Palsy in an aged Man 1. There was prescribed for the Palsy in a very aged Man the following things Take Oyl of Foxes two ounces of Amber two drams mix them With it anoint the whole Spine from the Nape of the Neck to the Coxis every third day 2. The resolved Parts with those near were anointed with Oyl of Castor one ounce and Spirit of Wine at pleasure 3. Take candied Ginger beat it into a soft Electuary with Syrup of Wood-Sorrel Dose half an ounce every day in the Morning at other times oft in a day he took the Antepileptick of Langius with Crums of Bread and somtimes Oyl of Amber six or seven drops with a knob of Sugar 4. Vesicatories were applyed to each Shoulder and kept open 5. Take Pil. Aloephanginae one scruple Extractum Rudii half a scruple Castoreum three grains with Oxymel make four Pills to be taken twice a week or at pleasure 6. He had sneezing Pouder but seldom used it Take Aqua Epileptica Langii three ounces Spirit of Castor one ounce the Syrup of the Flowers of Cow-slips and Staechas one ounce to be taken at need 7. Take White-Wine-Vinegar a pint Mustard two spoonfuls Pepper finely poudred a spoonful Honey three spoonfuls make a Gargarism use six spoonfuls Morning and Night three days before the new and full of the Moon Hall Cent. 3. Observ 23. XXXIII A Palsy or Resolution of the lower Parts 1. A Maid marriagable returning with her Sister and others to Basil from a Town hard by riding behind a Man by a shot from another was made Paralytick in the lower Parts from the middle of the Back insomuch that she could move neither Hand nor Foot but was senseless and was so brought home 2. The Chyrurgion found the Wound in the middle of the Back which he dressed supposing it to be a Fall from the Horse but when he found no Defect above and all the lower Parts were loose and stupid he and the Woman used diverse means among others they used Stuphs for the Feet from which arose such a hot Vapour because she felt no burning by reason of the numness that her Feet and Legs were black and burnt all over to the Hips and swollen as if the skin had been scalded 3. I being sent for asked the first cause she said when she heard the report of a Gun which was shot off by one that travell'd with them she felt a Pain at that moment of time as if her Back had been touched and suddenly fainted and knew not whether she fell or was held by her Freinds till she came to her self 4. I looked upon the Wound on the right side of the Back about the eighth or ninth Vertebrae and went into the Marrow of the Bone turning It was exactly round in the Skin and grew deep no sign of Contusion being about it I supposed it to be from the shot and commanded her Cloaths to be brought which with her Smock had a round hole I determined that the Wound was by the Gun shot and that the Marrow was hurt 5. And the Chyrurgions and others were of my Opinion especially when by the Probe they found that part of the Vertebrae was broken off 6. Now ten days were passed since the hurt was first in which she complained not before of any hurt in the upper part and she began to be worse and to vomit and to complain of heat above in her Back-bone Head-ach and Cramp about her Neck 7. For these we gave Remedies as for the Wound prognosticating in the mean while that it was incurable as it streight appeared for the twentieth day after the Mischance she died 8. And because some doubted whether it was from a Fall or a Gun-shot though it was manifest that she fell not from the Horse but was held by him that rid before her after the Gun went off and she fainted therefore the Bullet must needs be in her Body because there was no passage out 9. Therefore in regard after opening her Body we found no Bullet in the Wound which went under the Vertebra we took out part of the Back-bone and opened right against the place where the Wound was and found a leaden Bullet that broke through the spinal Marrow and stuck in the body of the Vertebra the Bullet was flat where it touched the Bone as I have seen in others that touched the Bone and had not penetrated it through Platerus Obs Lib. 1. Pag. 129. XXXIV A Palsy in the Tongue that hindred Speech 1. An old Merchant after an Apoplectick Fit remained Paralytick upon one Side and had the Palsy in his Tongue he was cured after a sort and could walk again the Palsy stil remaining in his Tongue he could not speak that you might understand him and now his Disease was old 2. I being requested to help him because I would purge him before I used Topicks I gave these Pills Take Pil. Cochiae and Fetidae of each a scruple with Honey of Squills make Pills 3. Afterwards I advised him to use these following three or four times in a Month Take Agarick-Troches two drams gummy Turbith infused in Hydromel half a dram Myrrh Sarcocol infused in juyce of Roses of each two scruples Castor a scruple and half Mastick Sal-Gem of each a scruple Aloes half an ounce with Honey of Squills make a Mass 4. Let him often in the Morning chew this Take Cubebs Nutmegs Mustard seed of each a dram Cloves Galangal long Pepper of each half a dram Salt an ounce with Wax make a Masticatory Then let him wash his Mouth with salt water of pickled Olives 5. And he anointed his Nostrils with this Ointment to divert the matter Take Troches of Alhandal Diagrydium of each a dram white Hellebor a scruple Castor half a scruple with Honey of Squills make an Ointment 6. Let the hinder part of his Head and Neck shaved be anointed with this Take Oyl of Pepper of Euphorbium of each an ounce and half with red Wax make a Liniment 7. After he had used these for a time he licked often the Electuary of Honey of Squills and Rosemary he washed his Mouth with this and gargled Take Nutmegs an ounce Galangal Costus of each half an ounce Ginger two drams Mustard seed three drams boyl them in Wine and Honey to wash the Mouth 8. He used a good Diet which I ordered and Baths for sweating and that he should endeavour to speak thus though he could not plainly speak yet he speak so that he might be understood Platerus Obs Lib. 1. Pag. 133. XXXV A Palsy in the Tongue that hindred Speech and in the Fingers 1. A Preacher in his old age had his Face swollen with
twice or thrice in a Month in chicken broth boyled with leaves of Borrage Bugloss Agrimony and Pimpernel let her continue the use of the aforesaid Opiate on all such days as are free from the use of the other Medicaments Riverius Lib. 2. Observ 198. XXXVIII A Palsy in one side of the Body 1. A Man about fifty years of age had been afflicted four Months with a Palsy of one side of his Body viz. the right Side so that he that he could hardly speak or pronounce his Words plain he was for a whole year troubled with this Disease and in that while he used many Medicaments to no purpose 2. But I undertaking his Cure gave him a Bolus of Bezoardicum Minerale twelve grains with Conserve of Roses which he was to take twice a day and every fifth day one scruple of the smaller Cochiae-Pills with eight grains of Mercury calcin'd per se without Corrosives with which being continued for 20 days together he was perfectly cured Riverius Observ 594. XXXIX A Palsy in an antient Gentlewoman 1. A Gentle-Woman about sixty four years of age a little before the setting of the Pleides fell suddenly in the Evening into a Palsy of her right Side so that she could not distinctly speak nor had she the Power of Sense or Motion in her Limbs on that Side Moreover she was exceedingly heavy in her Head and inclined to sleep 2. Now because her Belly was bound a Clyster was presently injected partly of emollient partly of cephalick Herbs in the straining whereof was dissolved the Hiera Picra of Nicolaus with Diaphaenicon Oyl of Cammomil and Mel Anthosatum or Honey of Rosemary-Flowers which she voided after an hour with much Dung and flegmatick Excrements 3. At mid-night I caused her to swallow seven Pills of Pil. Faetidae and Cochiae with three grains of Troches of Alhandal made up with Syrup of Staechas which about Morning brought away so great a quantity of thick and clammy Flegm that the heaviness of her Head and Sleep seemed to be very much abated 4. On the third day she took an Apozem made of Galangal roots Calamus Aromaticus Betony Bawm Chamepytis Sage Hysop and others of this sort with Oxymel of Squills whereof she took four Doses for the four ensuing Mornings 5. After which having taken again the aforesaid Pills she was somwhat better yet she was not able to stir so much as her little Finger on the Side affected 6. These things being done certain snotty Excrements of her Brain were voided at her Nostrils and Mouth by the use of Errhins and Apophlegmatisms but three days after she used a Diet-Drink of Guajacum Morning and Evening whose strained Liquor was aromatized with Pouder of Nutmeg whereof she always held a bit under her Tongue and somtimes with Diamoschi Dulcis 7. Having drunk this Drink with the second Decoction for the space of five and twenty days her palsied Members had recovered some Sense and could stir a little but after she used Stoves to procure Sweat wherein many red hot Stones were quenched in a Decoction of Bay-Leaves Lavende● Bastard Spike Flowers of the two sorts of S●aechas Cammomil Maiden-hair and Sweat was provoked 8. And she was anointed with hot Oyntments of Martiatum Opopanax Oyl of Castoreum of the Peppers Oyl of Foxes and other such like all over her Back bone and the Members affected she totally recovered her Health not to speak how I appointed her to keep a drying Diet all the course of the Disease By this Method I have cured many that could not speak nor stir their Limbs Riverius Lib. 4. Observ 720. XL. A Palsy which came by taking cold in the Rain 1. A Man about forty years of age phlegmatick going a Journey in a rainy and wet Season awak'd in the Night and was afflicted with an impotency of Motion and Sense and returning home within 3 weeks he was Paralytical 2. Wherefore by the command of a certain Mountebank they laid upon all Parts Brine where before Beef had been seasoned after the application of which he felt a great Pain I prescribed him the following things by which he recovered except that the Parts were not so strong as before 3. Take of the Water of Carduus Benedictus two ounces the simple distilled Water of Treacle six drams the Anti-Paralytical-Water three drams the Spirit of Salt Armoniack sixteen drops mix them for a draught which being taken in the Evening he sweat according to our desire 4. Secondly we ordered the Nape of the Neck the Neck and the Back-bone to be twice a day anointed with this following Liniment Take Vnguentum Martiatum half an ounce Oyl of the Flowers of Cammomil St Johns wort of each one ounce Oyl of Juniper-berries Castor Laurel of each two drams the Juyce of Scurvy-grass strained three drams Allom one dram Spirit of Sal Armoniack two drams Aqua Vitae Matthioli half an ounce mix them and make a Liniment 5. Thirdly he took every day three or four times four ounces of the following Decoction Take the shavings of the Wood Guajacum three ounces the Bark of the same an ounce Juniper-Wood two ounces Fountain-Water seven pints boyl them according to Art three hours and then add Juniper-berries an ounce Angelica-root half an ounce the Leaves of Marjoram Sage Rosemary of each half an handful Sena cleansed an ounce Hermodactyls six drams boyl them again in a Vessel close shut to four pints to which being strained and Antiparalytick-Water simple distilled Water of Treacle of each an ounce and half Spirit of Salt Armoniack one dram mix them and put them into a stone Vessel close shut 6. Every week he took the following Pills and thereby had three or four stools Take Pil. Fetidae the greater half a dram Resin of Jalap Alhandal Troches of each four grains Oyl of Rosemary distilled four drops mix them and make seven Pills 7. These things were used about two Months the Liniment being a little somtimes altered to wit two drams of the Oyl of Spike and the Juyce of the stinging Nettle the lesser half an ounce being added 8. I also prescribed the following physical Wine Take of the Herb Germander Ground-Pine of each one handful Primrose-leaves half an handful Rosemary Sage and the Flowers of Rosemary of each an handful the root of Master-wort Angelica Florentine-Orris black Hellebor seeds of Carthamus of each three drams Hermodactyls an ounce which thing is called the Soul of the nervous Parts as Saffron is of the Lungs white Agarick three drams Cardamoms Cubebs of each two drams Salt of Tartar a dram and half the Ingredients being cut and grossly bruised let them be put into a Bag with six pints of French Wine and make it a physical Wine of which after a due Infusion he took three times a day three ounces into which was always drop'd eight drops of the Spirit of Salt Armoniack with all which things at the fourth Month he was cured Decker upon Barbett his Practice Lib. 1.
the Original of the Nerves stirs up the Spasmodick affections yet the Lethargy does not arise from any such cause but from the exterior Brain is inundated and compressed Willis Patholog cap. 9. Observ 6. LXX The Palsy arising from a Cholick 1. A certain Gentleman who had been long sickly oft times sick indeed was troubled for almost five months with a Cholick or rather a wandring Gout and a fierce and stubborn Scurvey Insomuch that not only the Bowels and Loins were afflicted with great torments but moreover the whole Membrains and Muscles were troubled with continual pungent and pricking Pains 2. At length he endured most horrible Convulsions one while resolutions of the parts now a Phrensy in the Head then Appoplectick assaults and obfuscation of the sight at length he Died his strength being wasted and the treasury of the Spirits being exhausted 3. Seven days the penult being excepted before his Death he was more vigorous both as to sense and intellect yet live almost always without sleep and although Opiats milder and stronger Medicines were exhibited yet could he scarcely sleep 4. A little before he came to be watchful to that degree a great quantity of water did flow forth from a Vesicatory applyed to the Neck and did afterwards run every day till the day of his Death from thence I suppose that the watery humour being taken too copiously from the Brain was the cause of his being so little addicted to sleep and drouziness 5. This Gentlemans Head being opened the inward Cavities of the Brain or all the Ventricles were filled full of clear lympid water and they appeared as if they were distended yea about the top of the Back-bone the very Furis Medullaris seemed to be immerged in water that was gathered there 6. Without doubt for this reason Pains and fierce Convulsions in the Loins and Members yea in the whole Body were so troublesom and because of the overflowing in the Ventricles he was obnoxious to frequent obfuscations of the sight and resolution of the Joints 7. Nevertheless from thence there was no Lethargy but because of the water too much derived from the Brain by Vesicatories a great watchfullness was occasioned 8. He was afflicted with a Dropsy of the Brest because of the Lungs being much vitiated his Liver which was very big was every where full of white spots and almost without any blood therefore the vices of the blood and Nervous part ought in some measure to be attributed to these faults of the Viscera Willis Patholog cap. 9. Observ 7. LXXI A Palsy following upon a Feaver 1. A certain Youth had a Feaver with a Cough which ended in a Palsy of the Tongue first we gave him this Laxative syrup 2. Tak● syrup of Roses solutive two ounces Manna half an ounce a little of the decoction of the flowers and fruits with the leaves of Sena 3. After the Belly was loosened we gave a sudorifick powder to be taken at two several times made of Harts-horn prepared with the shreds of Scarlet-Cloath of each half a dram in the water of Carduus Benedictus 4. We gave him in the next place for his Cough the roots of Sorrel with Harts-horn and Sugar-Candy and the syrup of the juyce of Citrons mixed with syrup of Violets also Conserve of Roses and Violets and the like 5. But we gave ease to his violent Cough by syrup of Jujubs mixed with syrup of Violets and somtimes for Inspissating the Catarrh and defluxion we gave him in the Evening the syrup of the flowers of wild Poppie 6. When by these things the principal Disease was defeated there happened and succeeded a Palsy of the Tongue from which he was deprived of his speech I conjecture the cause of this proceeded from a Catarrh falling upon the Nerves of the Tongue for whom was prescribed the following Cephalick Balsam 7. Take Oyl of Nutmeg by expression one dram Oyls of Bawm Rue Rosemary Marjoram of each half a scruple mix them and make a Balsam wherewith anoint frequently the Head Temples and Nostrills 8. The following Gargarism was prescribed Take the waters of Sage and Lilly Convally of each six ounces the spirit of black Cherries one ounce and half Mithridate one dram and half mix them 9. Outwardly was applyed a bag of the seeds of Nigella Mastich Nutmeg the flowers of Lavender Marjoram and the like by these things and the observation of a good Diet this Youth gradually recovered strength Gregorius Horstius lib. 1. Observ 29. LXXII A Palsy following upon Cholick Pains 1. One about fifty years of age had violent Pains of the Cholick but when the Intensness of the pain abated there succeeded a great weekness of the Feet and Hands which ended in a Palsy of both but chiefly of the Hands and Arms. 2. The Diet we prescribed for this person is such as is of an easy concoction and will rather keep the Belly lose than hard such is the Broth of Hens wherein Prunes and Currans are put Apples roasted with confected Anise and Fennel rear Eggs with fresh Butter the flesh of Hens Pullets Pigeons Veal and Mutton the Broth of these meats is to be aromatized with a little Rosemary Time Marjoram Mace Savory Fennel Anise Caraway and the like your Wine must be old and your Beer new 3. Then we appointed the following Clyster Take Broth of Hens flesh one pound and half the flowers of Cammomil half an handful Aniseed Fennel-seed Cucumber-seeds of each one dram make a decoction strain then add the Electuary of Hiera picra simplex one ounce Oyl of Dill Oyl of Cammomil of each two ounces Salt one dram mix them By the benefit of this the belly was not only rendred loose but the flatulency of the Inward parts was corrected 4. After two days one dram of the pouder of Mechoacan with four grains of the Troches Alhandal was given hot in Wine of Raisons for a fuller purgation 5. Or in the place of the pouder you may take a Bolus Take our Electuary of Tamarinds six drams Pulvis De tribus Augustanorum two scruples mix them and take it fasting a draught of the decoction of Pease is to be drunk immediately after 6. And in the intermediate days for making the Belly loose a draught of the Wine of Raisons warmed with one ounce an a half of the Oyl of bitter Almonds will not be Inconvenient 7. You may take these Medicaments for strengthning and comforting of the Stomach to wit the roots of Succory one handful boyl them in flesh broth with which you may mix eight or nine drops of the Spirit of Turpentine two hours before Meat but in the mean time you must forbear the use of other Medicines 8. By the continuance of this proper means the Stomach will be strengthened Ventosities dissipated and obstructions in the Mesentery prevented 9. You may take half a dram of the following Stomach-pouder with white bread a little toasted and moistened in Malago Wine Take Coriander prepared half
an ounce Anise and Fennel-seeds of each one dram Harts-horn prepared Citron-peels of each half a dram Sugar half an ounce make a pouder 10. The quantity of half a scruple of Mithridate and old Treacle taken in the Morning will contribute much to the strengthening of the Head as also Marjoram-water after other evacuations attracted and drawn up the Nostrills the seed of Nigella prepared with Vinegar and put up in a Nodul will derive defluxions from the Head to the Nostrils outwardly let the top of the Head be anointed frequently with the Balsam of Amber 11. These being continued for a month we think because of the affect of the Feet and Hands that baths for Sweating will be convenient to wit Of the leaves of Sage Rosemary Rue Origanum Time Camomil and the like of each three handfuls Bay-berries one handful Juniper-berries four handfuls make a Decoction 12. After this sweating Bath let sweating be provoked in Bed that being done the Back-bone Shoulder blades with the extream parts are to be anointed with the following Liniment which is as follows 13. Take the fat or grease of a Badger of a Fox of a Duck of a Goose of each one ounce Oyl of Wormwood of Cammomil of Rue of each half an ounce Bay-berries Juniper-berries of each two drams the flowers of Camomil of Sage of each one handful of generous Wine three ounces make a sufficient quantity of a decoction strain it by expression for a Liniment This Person grew well and recovered h●s strength by degrees by the use of these things 14. Among other things we did exhibit what Crato speaks of in his counsels 172. Take Gum Galbanum Gum Elemi Gum of Jvy the Oyl of Bays or of Juniper of each an equal part make a distillation from whence will Issue a water then a clear and thickish sort of Oyl like unto Honey which is mightily commended as a good Balsam 15. Outwardly after the aforesaid bathings the Spirit of Tartar frequently applied by way of friction in anointing is good for resolving and attenuating the peccant matter in the musculous Parts Gregorius Horstius lib. 2. Observ 16. LXXIII A Palsy of the right side accompanied with some defects and Impairment of the Intellect and Speech 1. A Youth about the age of twelve was taken with a Palsy of one side by which he was not only deprived of perfect Ratiocination but also of Articulate Speech together with a contorsion of his right Foot 2. I did resolve first of all to evacuate the Flegm and Serous humors to help concoction and to strengthen the Brain and the Marrow of the Back-bone wherefore I prescribed this following purging pouder 3. Take roots of Peony half a scruple Cream of Tartar one scruple and half species Diaturbeth with Rhubarb one scruple Diagridium with Oyl of Fennel prepared half a scruple Aniseed and Coriander-seed prepared of each one scruple mix and make a Pouder to be divided into two parts we allowed him the use of this on intermediate days 4. Twice to be taken for purgation of the whole Body we perscribed the following preparation the manner of taking it alternately Take roots of Peony half a scruple species Diaturbeth with Rhubarb Cream of Tartar of each one scruple and half Diagrydium with Oyl of Fennel prepared six grains mix and make a pouder to be divided into two equal parts 5. Secondly for helping of concoction we appoint that such things as are proper for the Head be taken wherefore we prescribed the following pouder to be daily taken with his meat as a pickle or seasoning 6. Take roots of Peony half a dram the leaves of Sage Rue Betony Time of each one handful the flowers of Lavender of Rosemary half an handful the seeds of Fennel and Peony hul'd of each two drams Mace macerated with Vinegar and dryed one dram Nutmeg Cinnamon of each half a dram make a fine pouder by sifting half a dram whereof is to be taken both at Dinner and Supper you must mix it with the Meat you eat 7. Your daily drink must be of the decoction of Sassafras with the roots of Peony Elecampane and Avens c. 8. Thirdly to wit for the strengthening of the Head and the Nervous kind we prescribed the following things Inwardly by turns let him use the corroborative pouder with the appropriated distilled water and Cephalick Rowls 9. Outwardly we ordered that the Marrow of the Back-bone and the parts that are hurt be rubbed and fomented with the aforesaid distillation all which being continued for the space of six months not only the defect of his reason but of his Speech was helped and the Child restored to his prist in vigour no more complaining of his sudden fits this being the second year from the first assault of his Disease 10. Here follows the forms of the forenamed remedies Take the roots of Angelica of Peony of each one ounce and half Orris Gentian long Cypress of each six drams the leaves of Marjoram of the greater Sage Germander Betony of each two handfuls the flowers of Lavender of Cammomil of Staechas of each one pugil and half Nutmegs Cloves Cubebs of each one dram and half cut and bruise them and then infuse them in two quarts of Malago let them stand in a hot place for three days and make a distillation in Balneo 11. The strengthening pouder Take roots of Peony Misleto of the Oak of each one scruple and half the leaves of Sage and Betony of each half an handful the seeds of Peony half a dram Coriander prepared one dram Mans skull prepared one scruple Mace Cloves of each half a scruple Harts horn prepared one dram and half Sugar half an ounce make a pouder 12. A comfortable Water to be taken with the foregoing Pouder Take black Cherry-Water one ounce and half Waters of the Flowers of Tile of Borrage of each three ounces of Sorrel six ounces Lozenges of Sugar pearled one ounce and half mix them 13. Somtimes in place of the aforesaid Pouder the following was taken by him Take Pouder of Mastick one dram and half Harts-horn burnt and prepared red Coral prepared of each half a dram Sugar of Roses tabulated half an ounce mix them and make a Pouder 14. Cephalick Rowls Take Spirits of Diamoschi Dulcis of Diambrae of each one dram and half Oyl of Nutmeg by Expression half a scruple Fennel four drops Amber three drops Sugar dissolved in Lavender-Water six ounces make a Confection in Rowls 15. A Liniment for the Back-bone Take Oyls of Castoreum of Worms of Rue of each one ounce and half Fennel distilled half a scruple Vnguentum Nervinum six drams mix them for a Liniment Gregorius Horstius Tom. 2. Lib. 2. Observ 41. LXXIV A Palsy of the left Side from an approaching Apoplexy 1. A certain Gentleman about the age of seventy by his natural Constitution Sanguine was suddenly afflicted with a dreadful Shivering over his whole Body with a Resolution of his left Side and a Diminution of
Hyppocrates his sleeve and make a Claret After this manner you may make medicate anteparalytick Wines of Baum Rosemary Sage Lavender Staechas Betony Origanum Herb Mastick c. 64. A Claret prepared after another manner Take choice Cinnamon an ounce and half Contrayerva Virginian-snake-root Zedoary of each half an ounce Nutmegs Cloves Ginger Grains of Paradise of each a dram white Pepper half a dram Schaenanth Indian Spicknard of each ten grains all being grosly bruised infuse them in Spirit of Wine two quarts for eight or ten days shaking them two or three times every day then decant the clear and filter it through brown Paper keeping the Tincture for the following use Take Rhenish or Spanish-Wine a pint and half white Sugar four ounces of the former Tincture from three to six ounces mix and make a Claret 65. Mulsum Antiparalyticum Take contrayerva Virginian Snake-root biting Cinnamon Calamus Aromaticus Cardamoms grains of Paradice Coriander-seeds of each one dram Cloves Nutmegs of each two drams Honey one pound make an Infusion in Rhenish Wine five pints for forty eight hours then boyl them in a Copper Vesica tin'd within close stopt for almost an hour strain it through Hippocrates his sleeve and keep it for use 66. Hydromel Take spring-Water twenty quarts of the best Honey ten pounds boyl and scum it as it ought afterwards put in Rosemary Lavender Sage Origanum Marjoram Hyssop Betony of each a handful all tyed up in a bag and in another bag Bay-berries bruised a pound Hops three handfuls Bawm one handful boyl all to the consumption of a a third part scuming of it or so long till an Egg will swim on the top thereof then strain and in fit Vessels work it up with Ale-yest hanging these following things in a Nodule therein Take Virginian snake-root Contra-yerva Zedoary Tormentil Galangal grains of Paradice Cinnamon Cloves Mace Pepper of each half an ounce the fermentation being over let the Vessel be filled up and stopped down close after three months it may be drunk as a most excellent Hydromel against the Palsy 67. Aqua Antiparalytica Take flowers of Lilly-Convally eight handful of Lavender four handfuls Rhenish Wine six quarts digest fourteen days then add Peony-flowers four handfulls digest again three days then distil in Balneo Maris drawing off a proof spirit in the distilled Liquor infuse Flowers of Rosemary of Arabian Stachas and of Cammomil of each a handful Indian Spicknard an ounce Virginian-snake-root Contrayerva Cloves Misleto of each half an ounce Nutmegs Cubebs of each two drams digest two days then in a Glass or Copper Vesica tin'd within d●aw off the Spirit according to Art 68. Aqua Antiparalytica alia Take Snake-root Contrayerva Cinnamon Cloves Mace of each half an ounce Nutmegs Cubebs Ginger Acorus Galangal roots and seeds of Peony Rocket seeds of each two drams Rosemary and Lavender-Flowers of each two handfuls Rhenish Wine five quarts digest fourteen days then draw off the Spirit Dose one spoonful 69. Take Hungarian-Vitriol calcined to yellowness three pounds Filings of Mans-skull killed by a violent Death M●sleto of the Oak Elks-hoof Peony-seeds gathered in a right time of each two ounces affuse thereon Spirit of Wine as much as it can imbibe mix them well together put them into a strong earthen Retort and by fit Degrees of heat draw off the Spirit acording to Art which rectify in a Glass-Cucurbit in Balneo To every pint of this Spirit add of old Venice-Treacle three ounces Castoreum Species Diambrae of each half an ounce being mixt put them into a Glass-Cucurbit and distil To the distilled Spirit add Salt of Peony two drams volatile Salt of Amber a dram and half Liquor of Coral and Pearls of each two drams Oyls of Amber of Sage of Rosemary of Angelica of each one dram digest all together for a Month in a Phial hermitically sealed till they are united Dose half a spoonful in Peony-Water or other fit Vehicle 70. Aqua Cephalica Antiparalytica Langii Take Flowers of Rosemary of Marjoram red Roses of each two handfuls Bugloss-flowers one handful Species of the Confect Anacardina two ounces Waters of Bugloss of Betony and of Tile-flowers of each a pint Lavender-Water half a pint Spirit of Wine a pint and half infuse and digest for a Month then distil Dose two or three spoonfuls 71. Aqua alia Quercetani Take Flowers of Rosemary of Marjoram of Betony of Cowslips of each an handful Species Diamoschu dulcis Diambra of each six drams Species of the Confect Anacardina half an ounce Cubebs Lignum Aloes Nutmegs Cloves long Pepper Carpobalsamum of each a dram roots of Acorus round Bithwort Orrice of each an ounce and half Grains of Juniper two drams seeds of Hartwort of Anise of Fennel of each a dram Waters of Cow-slips of Betony of Sage of each a sufficient quantity or rather in their place of generous Wine a sufficient quantity infuse and digest eight days then draw off the Water in Ashes Dose a spoonful or two 72. Aqua contra Paralysin Take Rosemary Lavender of each three ounces Sage Mustard-seed of each one ounce Cinnamon Cubebs Galangal Cardamoms of each half an ounce Mace Saffron Misleto of the Oak of each one ounce Castoreum Aurea Alexandrina Mithridate of each an ounce and half of the best Spirit of Wine a quart macerate them eight days in a warm place then add thereto Waters of Sage of Rosemary of Lavender of Flowers of Lilly-Convally of each two ounces mix and distil according to Art 73. Aqua Salviae composita Take Flowers of Sage seven ounces Snake-root Contrayerva Nutmegs Cloves white Ginger Cinnamon Cubebs Grains of Paradise of each half an ounce Bay-berries Galangal Indian Spicknard yellow of Citron-Peels of each two drams Camphir one dram Flowers of Rosemary and Lavender of each an ounce infuse and digest all for three or four days in old Wine four quarts then carefully draw off the Water in Balneo 74. Aqua alia Take the true Acorus roots of Galangal of Angelica of Elecampane of each six drams Snake-root Contrayerva of each an ounce Rosemary Marjoram red Sage Lavender Rue Bawm of each an handful Flowers of Lavender Indian Spicknard of Lilly Convally of Cowslips of each half an handful Saffron yellow of Citron-Peels of each an ounce Cinnamon Cloves Nutmegs Zedoary of each threee drams Castoreum Species Dimoschu dulcis of each two drams bruise all well and macerate them in a sufficient quantity of strong Wine then distil off the Water with a Copper-Vesica tin'd within according to Art 75. To these you may add the simple Waters and Spirits drawn from Rosemary Sage Marjoram Betony Lavender Bawm Cowslips Lilly-Convally Staechas Flowers of the Tile-Tree and of Betony Origanum Calamint Juniper Time Cinnamon Cloves Mace Nutmegs Cubebs Angelica Penny-royal Rue Betony Ground-Pine Herb Mastich Savory Hysop Mint Featherfew Tansy Wormwood c. 76. Tinctura Antiparalytica Take Cowslips Sage of each one handful flowers of Lilly-convallys of Stoechas of Lavender
of Rosmary of each half a handful Virginian snake-root contra-yerva of each an ounce Cloves-Nutmegs Cinnamon Cubebs grains of Paradice Galangal Lignum Aloes of each half an ounce roots of true Acorus of Orrice and of Peony of each an ounce and half seeds of Fennel Anise Peony and Hartwort of each a dram species Diambrae Diamoschu dulcis of each two drams all being bruised that ought to be bruised affuse thereon so much of the best rectified spirit of Wine as may overtop them four inches macerate them in a glass Vessel close stopt twelve or fourteen days shaking the glass two or three times every day afterwards being well settled decant the Tincture by inclination and keep it for use Dose from half an ounce to an ounce either alone or in Wine or some other convenient Vehicle 77. Tinctura alia Take species Diambrae Snake-root of each two ounces and a half Diarrhodon abbatis Diamoschu dulcis Contrayerva of each two ounces the best rectified spirit of Wine a sufficient quantity digest in a glass Vessel close stopt for fourteen days shaking it every day then decant the Tincture and keep it for use Dose a spoonful in Wine or other fit Vehicle 78. The Tinctures Extracts and Chymical Essences of Rue of Calamus Aromaticus Peony Rosemary Bawm Lavender Virginian snake-root Contra-yerva Cloves Cinnamon Gentian Amber c. are of a singular use As also this compound Extract following Take roots of Peony Acorus Misleto of the Oak Lignum Aloes Juniper-berries Snake-root Contra yerva of each one ounce Cinnamon Peony-seeds of each six drams Cloves Mace Anacardiums Cardamoms of each half an ounce flowers of Rosmary of Sage of Cowslips of Peony of Betony of Lavender of Arabian Stoechas of the Tile-tree of Lilly-convally of Ey-bright Saffron of each one pugil cut them which are to be cut and bruise those which are to be bruised and affuse thereon spirit of Wine so as it may overtop them four inches digest in Balneo for eight days and then strain forth the Liquor by pressing draw off the spirit till the thickness of an Extract is left at bottom which keep for use Dose of the Extract one dram in a Bolus or otherwise the Spirit may be given inwardly a spoonful or more at a time in some fit medium for the same purpose 79 Among other Tinctures and Extracts those of Sulphur of Antimony and of Amber are thought to excel as also the Elixir Proprietatis Elixir Peoniae Elixir baccarum lauri and the Powers of Musk and Ambergrise which have a specifick Virtue to comfort and corroborate the Brain and Nerves 80. Sennertus commends Conserves of flowers of Cowslips of Rosemary of Sage of Lavender of Stoechas of Betony and of Ground-pine as also Preserves and Candies of Acorus Elecampane Orrice Galangal Pyrethrum Nutmegs to which we may add of Angelica and Masterwort roots Orange Limon and Citron peels and of Species or Pouders Aromaticum Caryophyllatum Diambrae Diagalangae Diamoschu dulcis to which you may add a many more which you may observe by reading in our Pharmacopoeia and Doron 81. Pouders Take Nutmegs Snake-root Contrayerva of each six drams Viper pouder five drams Cinnamon Cloves Musk of each four drams flowers of Lavender Rosmary Sage of each three drams Cubebs Galangal of each two drams Cardamoms roots of Pyrethrum of each one dram Ambergrise half a dram make all into a subtil pouder and keep it in a silver Box with a screw for use 82. Another Take pouder of Vipers flesh one ounce of the Hearts and Livers of the same half an ounce of species Diambrae two ounces make a pouder Dose a dram once or twice a day in two or three ounces of Viper-Wine sweating after it or you may give it in some of the Antiparalytick waters before described 83. Another Take solar Bezoar Mineral half an ounce Cloves in pouder two drams mix and make a pouder divide it into twelve parts whereof let one be taken at a time in the same manner as the former twice a day between these kinds of Remedies gentle purging may be somtimes used 84. A Pouder of singular use Take filings of Mans skull Snake-root Contra yerva solar Bezoar Musk of each half an ounce flowers of Rosemary Lavender Sage Stoechas of each three drams Cloves Nutmegs Cinnamon Cubebs Anacardiums Zedoary of each two drams Cardamoms Coriander Peony-seeds of each one dram Carraways Aniseeds of each half a dram make all into a subtil pouder Dose from half a dram to a dram in any convenient Syrup Conserve or Electuary 85. Electuaries Take Conserves of Rosmary-flowers of Sage-flowers of Cowslips Ground-pine and of Lavender of each one ounce candied Calamus Aromaticus six drams species Diambrae Diamoschu dulcis of each half a dram Mithridate one dram Nutmegs in pouder two scruples Cubebs one scruple with simple syrup of Stoechas make an Electuary Dose the quantity of a Wall-nut every day four hours before Dinner and two hours before Supper 86. Take Conserves of the leaves of Garden Scurvy-grass and of Rocket made with an equal quantity of Sugar of each three ounces Ginger candied in India half an ounce Orange and Limon peels candied of each six drams pouder of Crabs claws and Eyes of each four scruples of the species Diambrae two drams Captain Winter's Cinnamon one dram and half of the roots of Zedoary the lesser Galangal Cubebs seeds of Water-cresses and of Rocket of each one dram spirit of Scurvy-grass and of Lavender of each two drams the syrup of Indian candied Ginger a sufficient quantity to make an Electuary Dose the quantity of a Wall-nut at eight of the Clock in the Morning and at five in the Afternoon drinking after it a glass of Hypocras or some proper Antiparalytick water or three ounces of Viper Wine 87. Another Take Conserves of Cowslips an ounce and half Conserves of the flowers of Sage and Rosmary of each an ounce Nutmegs preserved Elecampane preserved Viper pouder of each half an ounce species Diambrae Diamoschu pouder of Contra yerva and Zedoary Castoreum of each two drams Galangal Pearl prepared red Coral prepared Extract of Misleto of the Oak of each a dram Mithridate three drams with syrup of the Tincture of Nutmegs make an Electuary 88. The Brains of a Hare are praised as a Specifick in this Disease and therefore some Authors have composed Electuaries of them after this manner Take the Brains of a Hare rosted and dryed Viper pouder Conserves of the flowers of Lillys Convally of Sage and of Cowslips of each two ounces the best old Mithridate one ounce Species Diambrae half an ounce seeds of Peony Juniper-berries of each two drams with syrup of staechas make an Electuary Dose every day half an ounce Or thus Take the Brains of a Hare rosted or fried conserve of Sage of each half a pound Ground-pine Betony of each four ounces Cinnamon Cloves of each an ounce Cypress Turpentine half an ounce opened with the Yolk of an Egg black Pepper
and Rubifiers are profitably applyed but these are chiefly used when the resolved Part or Parts have lost the Sense of Feeling But when the Part is made red they ought to be removed least the Spirits by too great an Attraction should be dissipated and such things ought to be applyed as may be warming only confortative and strengthning that the attracted Heat and Spirits may be profitably retained in the said Parts 97. After due Purging Authors chiefly Avicenna very much commends Cupping-Glasses to be applyed which is done for the most part without Scarification to the Part or Parts affected but with much Flame yet they are not to be continued long least they not only draw the Heat and Spirits but also dissipate them as we before observed in Frictions and Sinapisms and that that which is drawn away may be conserved Sennertus advises an Emplaster immediately to be applyed made of Pitch and Pine-Rosin 98. Vesications are with more caution to be used except in Persons very gross and full of watery humors in whom the Nerves and their capillary Ramifications are as it were soaked and overwhelmed with Water for by this means a great part of the morbifick Matter seems to be drawn forth easily and speedily And you may repeat the Operation several times upon the same Part and Place the Skin being first healed again But you are to be very careful to conserve the natural heat by the application of fit Medicaments of a warming and corroborating Vertue least hereby it being too much dissipated a Gangreen should immediately ensue 99. Issues are profitably applyed in Cacochymick Bodies or abounding with ill humors for they continually drain forth the morbifick Matter and that so moderately and by Degrees that there is no danger of dissipating either of Heat or Spirits for thereby Nature disposes of the offending Matter and sends it forth for her own Relief after an admirable manner and these for their safety may be used to old or young Male or Female without any respect to the Sex or Age. 100. The Seton which is also a kind of Issue may be used for the same reason it is commonly applyed between the first and second Vertebra but somtimes in other places pro ratione Membri affecti that the humor oppressing the Nerves may be evacuated and in the Opinion of some Men the Seton is more profitable than the other kinds of Issues for that it evacuates more liberally and more speedily yet not in too extream manner but as they have one good conveniency so they have an ill which almost counter balances it to wit their troublesomness for that they are more tedious and painful than other kinds of Issues are 101. Suffumigations are also commended by some where the Part or Parts affected are for a convenient time held in the Fume or Fumes of some proper and fit Antiparalytick as of Amber Olibanum Frankincense Myrrh Benjamin Opopanax Galbanum Ammoniacum Mastich Sandrach Gout-Ivy Juniper-wood c. Or you may make a suffumigating Pouder thus according to Sennertus Take Amber Mastick Myrrh of each one dram Frankincense two scruples Cloves Mace Nutmegs Cinnamon of each half a dram Wood of Aloes half a scruple let them all be made into a fine Pouder and moistned or sprinkled with Spirit of Wine and dryed again which repeat five times make a Pouder which cast upon live Coles so that the Fume may ascend with which fume linnen Cloths and therewith gently rub the paralytick Members 102. Anointings are next to be considered the ancient Physicians used Oyls of Cammomil of Lillies of Orrice of Hypericon Elder Rue Bays Costus Spike Pepper Earth-Worms Foxes of Castoreum of Euphorbium of Vipers of a Stork of a Goose and of a Cat. Some later Physicians have used the distilled Oyls of Juniper of Wax and of Vipers also of Rosemary Lavender Others commend Mans-Fat as also the Fat of a Goose Fox Cat chiefly of a wild Cat of a Bear of a Lyon and of Vipers especially being mixt with hot and drying Oyls such as the distilled Oyls before named Ex his varia pro re nata misceri possunt 103. Oyntments Unguentum Anserinum Take an old fat Goose deplume and draw it and fill the Body of it with the following things Bees-Wax Butter Salt of each two ounces Fox Grease three ounces wild Cats Grease two ounces and half Hogs Grease two ounces Mans-Grease one ounce Marrow of the Leg of an Ass of an Ox of a Deer of each an ounce and half Pouder of Olibanum Bean-Meal Rye-Meal of each two ounces close it firmly up and let it be well roasted with a gentle Fire taking great care that it be not burnt the Liquor droping from it keep for use to anoint the paralytick Members withall 104. Or thus Take a fat Goose deplumate and eviscerate it then stuff its Body with Sage Rosemary Cloves Indian Spicknard of each a sufficient quantity adding also Fat of a wild Cat one ounce and half Pouders of Myrrh and Frankincense of each half and ounce Castoreum and Euphorbium of each a dram and half Earth-Worms suffocated in Vinegar number thirty roast it after the usual manner upon a Spit basting of it with Vinegar of Rue and the Fat driping from it keep for use 105. Unguentum de Sapone Cratonis Take Venice-Soap half a pound Oyl of Juniper-berries one ounce Pouder of Rocket-seed six drams mix them for an Oyntment Crato commends it 106. Take Oyls of Bays of Bricks nard-Oyl and Oyl of Mustard-seed by Expression of each an ounce and half Opopanax Galbanum Ammoniacum Sagapenum of each half an ounce all dissolved in Spirit of Wine Euphorbium two drams mix them then add Oyls of Juniper of Pepper of Amber and of Spicknard of each one dram roots of white Hellebor of Pyrethrum of Mustard-seed of each one dram white Pepper half a dram Sal Armoniack two scruples Castoreum one scruple Wax a sufficient quantity make an Oyntment with which anoint the Parts affected being first bathed and rubbed with Spirit of Wine 107. Take Ammoniacum Bdellium dissolved in Spirit of Wine of each half an ounce Fat of a Badger of a Goose of a Fox of each three ounces Orrice-root one dram leaves of Rue Betony Cowslips of each a dram and half flowers of Arabian Staechas of Rosemary of Cammomil of Melilot of each one pugil Storax Calamitae Benjamin of each two drams Cloves Frankincense Nutmegs of each a dram Oyls of Foxes of Castoreum of Earth-Worms of Wax of each a sufficient quantity mix and make a soft Oyntment 108. Take roots of Orrice of Calamus Aromaticus of each one dram and half Galangal one dram leaves of of Sage of Rosemary and of Ivy Flowers of Lavender and of Arabian Staechas of each one pugil Oyls of Foxes of Castoreum and of Earth-Worms of each two dram Turpentine one ounce the best White-Wine four ounces boyl to the consumption of of the Wine strain and add Spirit of Wine one ounce Sagapenum Bdellium Castoreum
it penetrates notably and opens the Passages of the Spirits in the Nerves powerfully comforting the parts and restoring the native heat 10. Next to the Volatile Salt of Beans we commend the Spirit Powers and Volatile salt of Milepedes the making of which we have taught in Our Doron lib. 1. cap. 25. sect 133. these purify the whole mass of Blood and expel its impurities by transpiration they powerfully mortify Acids and therefore cure old stubborn Ulcers Fistula's and Running Sores Cancers Jaundice Scurvy Palsy Numbness and other weaknesses of the Nerves and Joints they ease pains of the Gout Rhumatisms and other dolors of the Nerves and Tendons 11. They which cannot get these Preparations of Millepedes may use Dr. Willis his Pills which may be prepared after this manner Take Millepedes prepared three drams and a half Pearls one dram and half root of Cretick Dittany one dram Venice Turpentine a sufficient quantity to make it up into a Mass which make into small Pills Dose half a dram drinking after it some Antiparalytick water 12. Or thus Take pouder of Millepedes Pouder of Bees dryed of each a dram and half Volatile salts of Armoniack and Amber of each half a dram salt of Vipers or instead thereof of Vrine Oyl of Nutmegs of each half a scruple Balsam Capivi a sufficient quantity mix and make Pills for eight or ten doses to be taken Morning and Evening it is a good Medicine and of great force 13. Take Venice Turpentine Balsam of Peru of each one scruple Viper pouder Bezoar Mineral Volatile Salt of Millepedes and of Amber of each half a scruple mix them together 14. Take Millepedes prepared half an ounce Bees prepared Ponder of Vipers of each three drams Nutmegs two drams Tincture of Salt of Tartar Aetherial spirit of Turpentine of each seven ounces distil in Balneo with a gentle fire so have you a Spirit and Oyl as also a deliquium of salt of Tartar The Spirit may be given in any convenient Vehicle from a dram to two drams the Oyl from seven to fourteen or twenty and the Deliquium of Salt of Tartar from ten drops to thirty You may also mix the Oyl with Oyl of Aniseeds and anoint therewith the parts affected This last preparation is a thing of singular force and use and prevails mightily against a scorbutick Paralysis 15. If a Paralysis comes upon a Feaver Lethargy Carus Apoplexy Epilepsy Convulsion or other cephalick or convulsive Disease and be vehemently and suddenly excited you must labour to take away the conjunct Cause which for the most part has its Seat in the oblong or spinal Marrow and therefore at the beginning of the Disease Clysters Purging the Seton Issues Vesications Cupping-Glasses Sternutatories Errhines Masticatories Oyls Balsams Oyntments Powers and other Exhibitions used in cephalick Diseases which may any way loosen dissipate or otherwise remove the malign and morbifick Matter fixed to the spinal Marrow or Ramifications of Nerves coming from it are to be made use of If these things do not in about a Months space so that the Disease becomes chronick and habitual other Courses though long are to be taken as are both curatory confortative and preservative of which we have largly spoken before 16. If the Palsy proceeds upon or from a Cholick the Cure consists in correcting the Intemperature of the Intestines and evacuating of the vitious humors then that the morbifick Matter which is in the exteriour Members be discussed and the Parts affected corroborated If the Bowels in this case be obstructed you must give Clysters of an humecting and absterging Quality These may be made of Mallows Pellitory Herb Mercury Bears-breech Violet-leaves and Goats Milk to which you may add Cassia extracted Oyls of Violets and of Roses with Goose-Grease and Yolks of Eggs. For abstersion you may profitably add a little Hiera simple or Honey of Violets or of Roses or a little Niter or Sal Prunellae These Clysters if being exhibited once or twice it be not enough you must repeat them three or four times or oftener till the irregular course of Nature is inverted and the depraved humors of the Bowels carryed off 17. After the Belly is opened and molified by Clysters gentle Purgation is to be administred with which temperate Aperients are to be mixed For this Purpose you may give Syrups of Roses solutive and of Violets solutive Manna Rhubarb and Rhubarb with Sena with Powers of Aniseeds If the Disease requires stronger things you may exhibite the Extracts of Esulae of black Hellebor and of Turbith or the Extractum Benedictum which you may see in our Pharmocopoeia But if the Ventricle be lax and humid the use of Hiera will be convenient for that it will then better absterg the humors in the Bowels now if you fear that the heat and dryness thereof should hurt you may exhibite also with it somthing that humects and refrigerates 18. The morbifick Matter being thus taken away you may give such Remedies every Morning fasting as are commonly given to such as are troubled with the Scurvy and hypochondriack Affection As Take spirit of Tartar corrected Aqua Salviae or Mixtura simplex of each a scruple Aqua Paralytica an ounce and half mix them Or you may provoke Sweat with this Take Cowslip and Betony-Water of each an ounce and half Amber and Mother of Pearl both prepared of each ten grains Extract of Galangal eight grains spirit of Tartar rectified half a scruple Manus Christi confected with Oyl of Amber three drams Treacle-Water two drams mix them for a Dose 19. Or with this following Bolus Take Conserves of Betony and Sage of each a dram and half Treacle two scruples Extracts of Gentian Lignum Sanctum and Contrayerva of each half a scruple Salt of Commomil eight grains with Sugar a sufficinet quantity make a Bolus Which being taken let a little Glass of some antiparalytick Water be taken after it Or thus Take Conserves of Sage and Rosemary flowers of each a dram and half Extracts of Gentian of Calamus Aromaticus and of Cloves Salt of Carduus of each ten grains mix them for a sweating Dose 20. Moreover some comfortative antiparalytick Medicament is to be instituted to be taken Morning Noon and Night which may alter the habit resist the Disease fortify the Stomach and corroborate the Parts weakned such as this following Take Extracts of Galangal of Gentian of Virginian-snake-root and of Contrayerva of each half an ounce Viper-Pouder Extract of Lignum Aloes and of Calamus Aromaticus of each three drams chymical Oyls of Rosemary of Sage of Penny-royal of Lavender and of Cinnamon of each two scruples Julep of Kermes or syrup of Male-Peony flowers enough to make an Electuary of a good consistency Dose from a dram to a dram and half at a time We might say more and deliver other things in order to the curing of a Paralysis proceeding not only from these but other Causes but he that has read over our foregoing
going before it pulverum minima ferè quantitas sufficit multumque pituitae viscidae educit cum successu praescribuntur hipulveres in Apoplexia Epilepsia Lethargo capitisque affectibus soporosis omnibus necnon in quibusdam capitis affectibus recentibus inveteratis vertigine gravedine c. 19. Upon this advice it was that I adventured to exhibit the said Medicament and indeed it went not without the desired success for after that a small quantity of it had been blown up the Nostrils of the Sick he soon began to stir and a large Evacuation of Pus water and viscous matter mixed with blood was immediately made upon which he a little revived and being almost come to himself a very great flux of clear blood presently followed nearly to the quantity of a quart so that in less than an hour and half after the Exhibition of the Medicament he became perfectly freed from the Paroxysm his speech understanding and other Senses being all restored to him 20. From hence it may almost be safely concluded that the Disease might proceed from the large quantity of blood filling the Ventricles of the Brain for after the young man had bled thus freely he was not only freed from the fit but also became much more lightsom and chearful than he was before concluding that he never found himself better in all his Life And his Head he said was much lightsomer and pleasanter than he had found it formerly 21. However I caused his Head Forehead nape of the Neck Nostrils and Pulses to be anointed with this following mixture Take chymical Oyls of Rue of sweet Marjoram of Mint of Featherfew of Penny-royal of each one dram Oyls of Rosemary and Lavender of each a dram and half mix them to anoint with This was used at the time of his coming out of the fit and I ordered him to be anointed with it Morning and Night for ten or twelve days together 22. Inwardly this following Water was given him by spoonfuls for three four or five hours and afterwards I prescribed him the use of it Morning and Evening for a month together Take the Aqua Antapoplectica Poterij six ounces the best Cinnamon-water four ounces Elixir Panis three ounces spirit of Harts-horn half an ounce mix them and keep them in a glass close stopt for use Dose one or two spoonfuls or more at a time dropping into each dose at the time of drink●ng six drops of Spirit of Sal Armoniack 23. The next day I purged him with this Take Resin of Jallap Scammony in fine pouder of each six grains fine Aloes one scruple Zedoary sixteen grains Oyl of Rosemary three drops with syrup of Buckthorn make it into five Pills for one dose Being guilded he swallowed them and they wrought with him so strongly as to give him almost twenty Stools by which without doubt a great part of the morbifick matter was also carried off This Purge ten days after was repeated again 24. But that we might secure him against another fit I thought good to order him once a week ro take the Sternutatory of Martin Rulandus which he describes in his Centuries and is as follows Take Darnel Nigella-seeds white Hellebor of each a scruple sweet Marjoram Rosemary Sage of each half a dram Musk two grains make all into a subtil pouder for sneezing Of which the quantity of a Pease was blown up into his Nostrils in the Morning III. An Apoplexy in an old Woman of which she dyed suddenly 1. This Woman was much given to drink Brandy so that she could scarcely live without it and many times would drink it so immeasurably as to be extreamly drunk therewith at last she was so overcome with it as that she fell into a fit which indeed was a fit of the Apoplexy wherein she lay for Dead and so it proved in the sequel for she never came to her self again 2. Being dead a great deal of matter thick and thin came out at her Nose to the quantity of a pint and better mixed with some streaks of Blood and it had withall the smell of Brandy together with a foetid scent very unpleasing to the standers by 3. Her Head being opened the whole substance of the Brain seemed to be corrupted and altered from its natural property not much unlike the matter of a rotten Egg But upon the original of the Nerves was found a black clodded matter which seemed to press them 't is probable it was coagulated blood which by reason of the length of time being there and the corruption of the Brain adjacent to it might loose its natural colour and form 4. This Woman before this fit fell upon her which ended her days to wit for about two or three months had been affected with a certain kind of Trembling of her whole Body chiefly of the extream parts and was much troubled with a Vertigo by fits so that she could not stand which those who dayly frequented her thought came only from the present drinking of Brandy which though it might be the principal remote cause yet without doubt the conjunct cause was the matter which was dayly bred in the Brain and joined to the parts hurt part of which when Nature could not longer bear it but yielding her self overcome was expelled at the Womans Death IV. An Apoplexy in a middle aged Man 1. This Man being a lusty strong well-set Man after eating a hearty Meals Meat and drinking two or three bottle of Wine was all of a sudden taken with an Apoplexy upon which I was immediately sent for and found the man lying void of all Sense or Motion breathing only excepted 2. I caused Frictions to be used to him and into his Mouth this following Spirit was put Take spirit of Rosemary and Lavender of each an ounce spirit of Mint half an ounce Aqua Coelestis two drams spirit of Hartshorn one dram spirit of Sal Armoniack half a dram with syrup of Peony-flowers du●cifie it This was put into his Mouth and forced down his Throat 3. Outwardly his Head Nape Forehead Temples and Nostrils were anointed with Oyl of Rosemary mixed with a half part of Oyl of Rue and his Brest and Stomach were bathed with the following mixture Take Powers of Rosemary of Lavender of Nutmegs of each half an ounce Powers of Mint and sweet Marjoram of each two drams Powers of Sassafras and Savin of each a dram mix them 4. Whilst these things were a doing this following Clyster was prepared for him Take Mutton-broth half a pint Honey Oyl Olive Infusion of Crocus Metallorum Infusion of Colocynthis of each two ounces Tincture of Sena and Scammony of each an ounce mix them to be exhibited warm This in less than half an hour began to work with him and gave him five stools by means of which he came to himself again but could not speak plain 5. Now considering that this Disease came from repletion at least upon a full Stomach I gave him forthwith this following Take
for more than ten months for which reason I caused her to purge with this Tincture twice a Week Take Cardamon water a quart Sena two ounces fine Aloes one ounce infuse the Sena forty eight hours then press out after which dissolve the Aloes in the Colature and let it stand till it is fine Of this she took a spoonful or two more or less according as she found it to purge her in the Morning fasting and continued the use thereof for a Month viz till such time as her Courses came down which when they appeared were in a very plentiful manner 10. I chose to purge her with Aloes for that they have a specifick Property to provoke the Terms in Women and open the Mouths of all the Blood-vessels in any Part of the Body but more especially in the Womb her Courses being now produced she found herself much better in her Head than formerly and that Vertigo with which she had been for some weeks before troubled was now wholly taken away and removed 11. And because of the Scorbutick habit of Body cold and moist I prescribed her this Antiscorbutick Diet which she took for fifty or sixty days together Take new Ale three gallons Juyces of Scurvy-grass of Brooklime and of Water-cresses of each a pint juyce of Tarragon half a pint Sena four ounces shavings of Guajacum of Horse-Radish root Juniper-berries Sarsaparilla Carraway and Coriander-seeds of each three ounces Raisons of the sun stoned a pound new Figs slit half a pound all these latter Ingredients being grossly bruised put them up into a bag with a stone in it which put with the juices into the Ale whilst it is working after the working is over and the Liquor clear it may be bottled up putting into each bottle half an ounce of white Sugar and a Clove slit 12. Of this she drank near a bottle a day sometimes more sometimes less which purged her very gently and by the continuation thereof for the time before mentioned together with the use of the other things according to order she was not only freed from her Apoplexy but also cured of her Scorbute which had for some years afflicted her and made perfectly well X. An Apoplexy in an elderly Man of a robust Constitution 1. This Man near fifty years of Age of a very strong Body and Constitution had an Issue running upon his left Arm for near twenty years or more which by carelessness or some other cause was dryed up without any due purging of his Body or other Evacuations necessary in such a case about three months after he was taken with a very tedious and painful Megrim which afflicted him for twelve days or more so violent that all about him feared he would go Mad This ceasing a kind of Vertigo took him which held him for about a day or something better at the end of which time hoping to grow well he was all on a sudden seized with an Apoplexy 2. By the relation of the matter and previous Circumstances going before it is manifest that there was a translation of the morbifick matter which had its customary evacuation at the Issue to the Brain and that the Disease had been a long time a gathering before hand the Megrim and Vertigo preceeding it both arising from the same causes 3. These things being known I thought it matter of absolute necessity to evacuate as much as possible might be the Brain and to cleanse it of those foeculencies which contained the Animal Spirits and obstructed their afflux For this purpose I immediately ordered the exhibition of Deckers his Errhine made of Turpethum Minerale c. which pouder was blown up his Nostrils with a quill in small Proportions and repeated for three days after 4. By the use of this Medicament a great quantity of filthy matter was drawn from his Head almost to wonderment and in about an hour or hour and half at most he so revived as that he looked about him moved himself and began to speak in the mean season this following mixture was given him by spoonfuls Take Aqua Vitae Matthioli two ounces small Cinnamon-water spirit of Castoreum of each one ounce syrup of Citron-peels three ounces mix them This apparently revived him and did him much good 5. This Clyster also was exhibited warm Take Mutton-broth a pint Infusion of Crocus Metallorum Honey Oyl Olive of each three ounces Tincture of Colocynthis an ounce mix them It wrought very well gave him five Stools and brought away much viscous slimy and cold matter 6. His Head Forehead Temples Nostrils and nape of the Neck was bathed with this mixture Take Powers of Rosemary Lavender Sage and sweet Marjoram of each half an ounce Powers of Origanum Penny-royal Limons Oranges and Juniper-berries of each two drams Powers of Amber and Carraways of each one dram mix them together to bath with as before directed also four or five times a day thirty or forty drops of the same was given inwardly in a glass of Wine 7. The Man being revived and thus come to himself again I caused a Seton to be applyed to the nape of the Neck and the Issue to be kept running for a month at the end of the time I caused his former Issue to be opened again and the Cautery to be dryed up to the Intention that the derivation of the morbifick matter might be continued to prevent his relapsing into the same again 8. And by reason he was of a robust Body and very strong Constitution I thought good to purge him well several times This was done with my Family Pills which wrought with him admirable well He took them twice a week and continued the like use of them for five or six weeks together 9. And to corroborate the Animal and Vital parts hurt by this deliquium I caused him to drink for a quarter of a year or more every Morning fasting and every Night going to bed and sometimes an hour before Dinner of this following Antapoplectick Wine Take ch●ice Canary Rhenish Wine of each two gallons Rosemary-flowers Lavender-flowers Wormwood red Sage sweet Marjoram musked Cranes-bill of each a handful Origanum Penny-royal Mint Tyme of each half a handful Cloves Nutmegs Cinnamon Cubebs Anacardiums Zedoary Virginian Snake-root Contra yerva Winter 's Cinnamon of each half an ounce Ginger two drams Pepper one dram Musk a scruple cut bruise and digest in a cool place for ten days shaking the glass every day afterwards being settled the Sick may drink three four or five ounces of the clear at a time as before directed 10. By these means derivation was made of the offending matter and our Patient in a short time restored to his perfect health having no more fits after the first By this very method setting the Seton aside we restored another middle aged Man seized with an Apoplexy when the danger of Death was not small And by the same means with very little difference we cured a young Woman taken with the
or any other Cephalick Water for it purges excellently well and does excite cut and draw out Flegm from the most inward and hidden Parts of the Body to which may be added for a Spur Tartar vitriolate which is very powerful in cutting XLIV An Apoplexy cured in an antient Woman 1. A certain Woman of about two and fifty years of age by a great Grief of Mind rising early suddenly fell with a great shriking with a resolution of the Sphincter Muscle of the Fundament and Bladder with a snoring a full Pulse yet somtimes beating swifter looking upon the By-standers with her Mouth awry and immovable with the loss of Motion of all Parts but not of Sense for being prick'd she drew back a little the Parts 2. Her Mouth being opened with Wood In the first place I commanded that one or two spoonfuls of the following Mixture should be put in Take Sage-Water Lavender and Antepileptick Water of each one ounce Tincture of Castor half a dram Spirit of Sal Armoniack one scruple Oyl of Amber eight drops Syrup of french Lavender an ounce mix them 3. The Nape of the Neck Temples and Nostils were anointed with the Liniment commended in the 8th Section secondly the following Clyster was ordered to be boyled and injected as soon as might be 4. Take the Herbs Rue Centory the less wild Marjoram Sage of each one handful the roots of round Birthwort black Hellebor of each three drams Sow-Bread two drams the seeds of Carthamus and Agarick tyed up in a Bag two drams the inward part of Colocynthis half a dram boyl them according to Art in a sufficient quantity of fair Water take seven ounces of the Colature and dissolve in it Hiera Picra with Agarick of each one ounce Salt of Rue one dram Castor one scruple Honey made with Rosemary-flowers an ounce mix them and make a Clyster 5. Some tie in a Bag Crocus Metallorum to-together with cephalick and purging Medicines which they bid should be boyled together and such Clysters are most of all commend by Authors 6. Within an hour after the Clyster was injected there came from her by stool much tough Flegm with the excrements in the mean time we almost always used the Mixture aforesaid 7. The second day as also the following days we put the root of Masterwort bruised upon her Grinding-Teeth by which much clammy tough Mater was drawn forth 8. The third day we prescribed the following Purge Take the Extract of black Hellebor sixteen grains Resin of Colocynthis three grains Spirit of Sal-Armoniack six drops Castor in Pouder and Tartar vitriolated of each half a scruple Sage-Water as much as is sufficient mix them for a Draught 9. With this she was very well purged and speak to us but with a trembling Tongue wherefore we prescribed the best Spirit of Anniseed mixed with the Spirit of wild Marjoram with which she washed her Tongue and her whole Mouth and by the Benefit of which she voided much tough Matter and by degrees the trembling of her Tongue vanished 10. But there remains after this Disease an imminution both of Sense and Motion to wit a Numbness as also a Trembling but not the Palsy 11. For corroborating of all Parts and for the perfect restoring of Sense and Motion we prescribed the following physical Wine Take roots of Angelica of Florentine-Orrice round Birthwort of each three drams the leaves of Sage Origanum Marjoram Penny royal of each one handful Sena cleansed an ounce flowers of Lavender St. Johns-wort of each half an handful white Agarick three drams Juniper-berries an ounce Cubebs Cardamoms Nutmeg Cinnamon of each a dram and half Salt of Tartar one dram the Ingredients being cut and grossly bruised let them be sown in a Bag upon which pour four ounces of Rhenish or french Wine Of this she took two ounces with ten drops of the Spirit of Sal Armonniack three times a day with which by the blessing of God she was cured 12. I have seen two made apop●ectical whilst they were taking of Tobacco in the which almost the same Medicines were used as also diverse Errhines because they could scarce be awakened 13. In both also blood-letting was celebrated because their Pulse could hardly or not at all be perceived from which we concluded that the blood circulated and moved little or not at all 14. After blood-letting the Pulse waxed stronger and stronger and both now yet troubled with the Palsy in all those Parts which are beneath the Head Deckers upon Barbett Lib. 1. Cap. 2. XLV An Apoplexy from a Bruise in one being drunk 1. A certain Person being drunk fell and bruised the hinder part of the Head yet the Skull remained whole upon which he was taken with a very fierce and strong Apoplexy 2. The first thing I used in order to cure was a very sharp Clyster which with a sharp Suppository afterwards given did cause a notable Evacuation 3. His Head being shaved a Cataplasm of Pigeons-Dung Euphorbium Pyrethrum and Mustard were applyed from hence many and great Blysters were raised which being cut open a great quantity of a yellowish kind of water did issue forth the leaves of red Coleworts being applyed 4. The day after I gave of the species Hieraand of Colocynthis of each two drams Castoreum half a dram Rue one scruple with the antapoplectick Water this Potion being successful I then applyed Cupping-Glasses with Scarification to the Shoulders by which the the Snorting being much abated and the Froth about the Mouth altogether dried up there was good hopes of doing well 5. The Blysters in the Head ceasing to run I did raise new ones in the Nape at length by these Remedies taken and continued this Person was happily delivered from this unspeakable Malady 6. Another Person by the Fall of a great piece of Timper upon his Head fell it to this Disease who was thus cured I did apply after Universals to his Head shaved the Emplastrum Alexandri Benedicti which Valeriola commends in his Lib. 5. Observ 9. which I have found to be a sure Medicine I shall here describe it 7. Take the Gum of Ivy of Wax of Turpentine of each three ounces fine Rosin half an ounce the Juyce of Ivy-berries four ounces Ammoniacum two ounces the Oyl of Roses two ounces and half with a sufficient quantity of Bean-Flower make a Searcloth Henricus ab Heer 's Lib. 1. Observ 21. XLVI An Aqua Vitae good against the Apoplexy 1. I shall here add the Descrpition of that Aqua Vitae which is good against the Apoplexy Palsy Epilepsy and other cold Diseases of the Head together with the Confection which the electoral Princes Palatine were wont to use 2. Take the flowers of Lilly-Convally eight handfuls generous Wine four pounds after four or five days infusion in a Vessel of Glass and daily agitation let them be distilled in Balneo Maris afterwards take the flowers of Arabian Stoechas one handful the flowers of Lavender one handful
Sennerus advises be rubbed with Salt and Vinegar 2. Keep his Mouth open by putting somthing beween the Teeth and instil into the Mouth the Spirit or Tincture of Castoreum Or this following Mixture Take Spirit of Angelica the greater Composition two ounces Powers of Lavender and Rosemary of each an ounce Tincture of Castoreum half an ounce Syrup of Peony enough to sweeten them mix them together and give the sick half a spoonful at a time 3. However Physicians think their duty not well done unless the sick be let blood let the Disease proceed from what cause soever yet with Riverius he ought to consider whether blood-letting be a thing fit or not for as Celsus saith it either kills or cures and therefore ought to be well considered of aforehand for if Blood offend no way or if the Strength be quite gone or the Patient be very old blood-letting ought to be wholly pretermitted 4. You ought to offer violence to all his Senses his Eyes ought to be placed against the Sun or an extream Light a great Noise ought to be made in his Ears sharp things ought to be put into his Nostils as Rue Castoreum Vinegar c. and vehement biting and hot things into his Mouth his feeling ought to be stirred up besides frictions with pinching pulling of the Hair Ligature or binding bending of the Fingers c. 5. The Temples may be anointed with distilled Oyls as also the Nape of the Neck the spinal Marrow with this following or the like Take Oyls of Amber of Spicknard of Cast●reum of each two scruples Oyl of the flowers of Hypericon Juyce of Rue strained of each three drams mix them and anoint therewith it is a thing of good use not only in the Apoplexy but also in the Epilepsy Lethargy Carus c. This following is better Take Powers of Rosemary and Lavender of each two ounces Powers of Castoreum and Juniper of each one ounce Powers of Cammomil and Marjoram of each half an ounce mix them 6. In the mean Season Sternutatories or Errhines either liquid or solid ought to be applyed to the Nostrils among the common and simple Errhines you have these the Juyces of Betony of Marjoram of red Beets of Brooklime of Water-Cresses of blew flower de luce of wild Cucumbers c. distilled Waters of sweet Marjoram of Betony Rue Sage Lavender Brooklime Water-Cresses Garden-Cresses Origanum Celindine c. The Spirit of Rosemary of Lavender of Juniper of Caraways of Sassafras of leaves of white Hellebor of Tobacco of Elaterium of the flowers of Lilly-Convally drawn with the Spirit of Wine c. to which add as things that excel Spirits of Urine of Soot of Sal Armoniack c. Infusions of Sage Penny-royal Time Lavender-flowers roots of Celandine of Sow-bread of blew flower de luce c. in Wine or some of the aforenamed distilled Water Pouders made of Rue Sage Marjoram Castoreum Orrice-root Ginger Galangal Staphisagria Nigella c. 7. Of simple Sternutatories these following hold the chiefest place roots of white Hellebor of Pyrethrum of Crowfoot of Horse-radish of Sea-radish of Aron of blew flower de luce of Sow-bread Leaves of Tobacco Seeds of Nigella of Rocket of Mustard of Water-Cresses Juyces of Euphorbium of Sow-bread of blew flower de luce to these add also Ginger black Pepper Cloves Castorium Agarick c. 8. Errhines and Sternutatories more compounded may be thus made Take sweet Marjoram Betony Brooklime bruise them and express their Juyce take of this Juyce half an ounce Castoreum in subtil Pouder a scruple mix them dip Cotten therein and put it up the Nostrils Or thus Take leaves of red Beets an handful and half Mustard-seed a dram and half cut and bruise them and affuse thereon sweet Marjoram Water White Wine of each an ounce and half digest an hour in warm Sand then press forth the Liquor for use Another Errhine Take Time Rosemary Sage of each half an handful Spanish-Tobacco a dram roots of blew flower de luce a dram and half cut bruise and infuse in Lavender-Water three ounces digest in warm Sand for a Night the next Morning express the Liquor for use 9. This following is particularly commended against the Apoplexy Epilepsy hysterick Fits and other chronick Diseases of the Head Take good Spanish-Tobacco tops of Lavender Time Hypericon of each half an handful flowers of the Tile-Tree of Lilly-Convally of each three pugils roots of Angelica and of white Hellebor of each three drams Castoreum a dram and half volatile Salt of Amber four scruples cut bruise and affuse thereon Spirit of Wine ten ounces digest in a Vessel close stopt for three days or more then with a very gentle Fire draw off the Spirit to dryness with which mix Spirit of Soot one dram digest a little and keep it for use Now here is to be noted that liquid Errhines need not be exhibited in quantity above three drams or half an ounce at most at one time a dram or two may serve at a time in ordinary Cases 10. Sternutatories in form of Pouder excellent for this Purpose Take the best Spanish Tobacco sweet Marjoram Rosemary Sage of each half a dram roots of white Hellebor Ginger of each a scruple Musk two grains make a subtil Pouder to sneeze with Or thus Take roots of white Hellebor and of Pyrethrum of each half a scruple flowers of Lavender of Rosemary of Lilly-Convally seeds of Nigella of each two scruples Castoreum ten grains Ambergrise three grains mix and make a subtil Pouder for a Sternutatory But the most admirable of all is this Errhine of Turbith mineral Take Turbith Mineral a dram Rosemary-leaves a dram and half Liquorice three drams mix and make a subtil Pouder soft like Flower 't is a famous thing and of excellent use but must be used with much caution it draws away indeed the morbifick Matter to a Miracle 11. In the mean Season while these things are doing it will be reasonable that a Clyster be prepared as follows to be exhibited with all convenient speed Riverius commends this Take Decoctum commune a pint and half Hiera Picra and Diaphoenicon of each an ounce Oyls of Rue and Lillies of each an ounce and half Honey of Roses two ounces Salt a dram mix and make a Clyster to be given immediately Or this of Deckers Take Rue Time Origanum Rosemary of each on handful Lavender-flowers three pugils roots of Masterwort of blew flower de luce of each two drams roots of Pyrethrum and of Sow-bread of each three drams Carthamus seeds tyed up in a Rag one dram Pulp of Colocynthis half an ounce boyl in a sufficient quantity of Spring-Water strain and to six ounces thereof add Electuary Diaphoenicon an ounce and half the best Castoreum in Pouder a dram Sal Armoniack half a dram mix and make a Clyster Or this of the same Authors Take Rue Asarum Tobacco of each an handful and half tops of the lesser Centory an handful roots
Vomits in these Diseases yet we must yield to experience which daily teacheth us that Children affected with sleeping Diseases are more readily and safely cured by the Vomiting Salt of Vitriol than with any other Medicine The same Author commends a Tincture of Tobacco drawn with Aqua Vitae to be taken to the quantity of two drams to be mixt with Honey or some Syrup and so poured down the Throat 22. Blood-letting and Cupping-glasses Barbet saith he very rarely approved of but Riverius adviseth Cupping to the Back Shoulders Arms and Thighs without Scarification if blood had been formerly taken away or with Scarification if it had not But saith he The chief and only place is to apply Cupping-glasses to the Head the which is confirmed by an History of Zacutus Lusitanus where he saith That he cured a desperate Apoplexy by setting a Cupping-Glass twice upon the hinder part of the Head with deep Scarification 23. If none of these things do and though the hopes of Life be but small yet let the top of the Head be shaven and a red hot Iron held over to scald it or if you like not that lay a large Vesicatory over it but Riverius advises to lay the Blistering Plasters to the Neck behind and to the Shoulders both may be good then let the other parts of the Head especially the Temples and Forehead be bathed with Bezoartick Vinegar and let a Dose of Spirits of Hartshorn of Amber or of Soot be often cast down the Throat which things or other like cease not to administer till you see Death it self approach for th●se Remedies as Celsus saith not only defer Death but somtimes revive again to life 24. On the next day let the same Remedies be continued the Clyster repeated and the spirit of Sal Armoniack be held to the Nose or a fume of Galbanum boyled in Vinegar or Ens Primum being the Fumes of Sulphur condensed in water Moreover let Errhines or Sternutatories and Masticatories or things to be chewed in the Mouth be used then in the Evening let a Purge be ordered of Pilulae Rudij or of our Family Pills or Pilulae Cochiae the less or a Solutive Electuary of Roses dissolved in some convenient Vehicle 25. But that the Brain and parts weakned may be strengthned and to corroborate the Ventricle and other Viscera as also to promote the more liberal generation of Animal Spirits Apoplectick Waters and Spirits ought to be given This of Sennertus is good Take Lavender-flowers two handfuls flowers of Rosemary of Betony of Sage of each one handful Cubebs Grains of Paradice Nutmegs of each half an ounce rectifyed Spirit of Wine two pound let them stand in digestion in a Vessel close stopt for some days then decant the Tincture Dose two drams in any convenient liquor Or this Take Cubebs two ounces Nutmegs grains of Paradice Cardamoms of each one ounce and half Cinnamon Calamus Aromaticus Zedoary of each an ounce Cloves six drams Species Diamoschu Dulcis Diambrae cum moscho Ambra of each three drams choice Canary or Sherry Wine a sufficient quantity let them stand in Infusion eight days then distil off the spirit Again Take flowers of Lavender Rosmary and Arabian Stoechas of each four ounces Indian spicknard three ounces Rue Gentian Mustard seed Rocket-seed of each two ounces black Pepper one ounce rectified spirit of Wine six pound let them stand in digestion four or six days then carefully in a double glass Body in Balneo draw off the spirit these two spirits mix together and infuse therein the best Castoreum in Pouder two ounces after twenty days decant the Tincture and keep it for use or if you so please you may for two or three Months keep it upon the faeces Dose one dram to two or three in a fit Vehicle LVII The Cure of an habitual Apoplexy or the prophylactick or preservative Method the Patient being out of the Fit 1. Where an Apoplexy is habitual although a course somwhat different from the former must be taken yet not contradictory to what is already prescribed in the Fit For first there must be as there an evacuation of the morbifick Matter which is done by a continued course of Purgation either upwards or downwards according as the Seat of the peccant humor lyes by exhibition of Errhines Sternutatories Masticatories Clysteries by application of Vesicatories Cupping-Glasses the Seton and lastly by Bathings and other sudorifick means all which things we have largely explicated in the former Section with plenty of examplary Prescripts so that here we may be the more brief in the dilating upon those things In the Fit the Method of Cure has relation to the speedy performance thereof without which it is wholly ineffectual Out of the Fit we put things in practice more leisurely and in that order that the urgency if the Symptoms require it being rather prophylactick or preventative than curative wherein after a gradual manner the habit of the Body is altered the morbid Matter taken away somtimes by insensible means somtimes by proper evacuations according to the nature of the humor offending and lastly the vital Intention is prosecuted to the compleating of the desired Cure 2. Secondly After the proper Evacuations are made yea and in the time of making them such things ought to be exhibited as may not only alter the universal habit of the Body but also strengthen and corroborate the Parts weakned by the Disease restore those which are hurt by the procatartick Cause and withall open Obstructions so powerfully as to prevent the renewing of the morbid Matter the neglect of which Intention has been the reason of the return of the Disease in several persons who otherwise might have obtained their perfect Health 3. In the last place for the compleating of the Work proper Specificks are to be exhibited M●rning Noon and Night or after as need shall require that thereby the Foot-steps of the Disease the morbid habit and the very inclination thereto or any thing like it may be obliterated in their first acts or approaches by this means we not only confirm the Cure but secure the future state of the Patient by fortifying him against all the dangers of a Relapse 4. If the Patient be easy to vomit let him first take a proper Emetick as the Emetick Tartar of Mynsicht the Vinum benedictum the Aqua benedicta Rulandi or Infusion of Crocus Metallorum with Salt of Vitriol or the Sulphur of Antimony or this following Take fresh leaves of Asarabacca from six to nine bruise them and put them into three or four ounces of White-Wine squeez them forth and add thereto Wine of Squills half an ounce mix them Or this Take Emetick Tartar of Mynsicht three grains Crocus Metallorum four grains Salt of Vitriol ten grains mix them for a Dose 5. Three or four days or a week being past you may p●rge the Patient with our Family Pills which in due intervals of time may be repeated
or new Rhenish Wine It ought to be taken constantly and long for otherwise the depraved habit of the Body will not be altered or changed 18. If you would yet make the Diet more powerful you may add to the composition Virginian Snake-root a pound Contra yerva half a pound encreasing proportionally to the quantity added the quantity of water by this means you will have indeed a most efficacious alterative which will not fail in performing of that which is desired 19. Dr. Willis prescribes this Chocolate Take pouder of the roots of the Male-peony Mans Skull prepared of each half an ounce the Species Diambrae two drams make a Pouder to which add of the cleansed Kernels of the Cacoe-Nuts one pound Sugar so much as will suffice of this make a Chocolate Take of it half an ounce or six drams every Morning in a draught of the Decoction of Sage or Rosemary or Betony flowers of Peony or such-like and you may repeat it if you so please at night too 20. He also prescribes for ordinary drink A Vessel of four gallons to be filled with ordinary Ale in which six handfuls of white Horehound dryed had been boyled with Anacardiums and Cardamums cut and beaten of each an ounce and half to be put into a bag with a stone in it and so put into the Ale during the time it is a drinking Thus much for altering the habit It remains that we prosecute the Vital Indication by prescribing such things as are Specificks against this Disease and then lastly come to the applications of Topicks and so conclude 21. Barbet gives us a Catalogue of these Specificks altogether which are these following roots of Angelica of Masterwort of blew Flower-de-luce of florentine Orrice of Galangal of Pyrethrum leaves of Lavender Rosmary Hysop Rue Spicknard Ground-pine Sage wild Marjoram and all Vegetables which are Diureticks or Cephalicks The flowers of Lavender Lillies Oranges Spike Stoechas Juniper-berries Cubebs Cardamoms Carraways Mustard-seed Nutmegs Cloves Cinnamon Ginger Pepper Balsam of Peru Civit Musk Castoreum Peruvian Balm tree Waters of Lillys-Convally of Juniper of Parsly of Sage the Anhaltine and Apoplectick waters of Crollius of Mynsicht of Quercetan and of Riverius Spirits of black Cherries of Pismires of Mans Skull of Mans Blood of Lillys-convally Essence of Ambergrise Amber Castoreum the Elixir of Peony of Mynsicht syrup of Rosemary-flowers of Mint the Anacardine Confection Chymical Oyls of Amber of Sage of Lavender of Spicknard of Cloves of the Hazle-tree Conserves of Oranges and Rosemary-flowers of Mint the Apoplectick Balsam and all Compound Cephalicks the Magistery of Mans Skull of Amber the Apoplectick Salt of Mynsicht and his Troches of Emerald the Elixir Vitae of Barbets prescription To these Deckers adds Spirit of Sal Armoniack the stinking Spirit of the Volatile Salt of Tartar or the Diaphoretick in very acute Diseases mixtura simplex made of five parts of Spirit of Treacle camphorated four parts of the spirit of Tartar rectified and one part of the spirit or Oyl of Vitriol rectified all mixt together and digested for some weeks 22. Take of the Antiparalytick and Antiprophylactick waters of Sylvius of each an ounce and half Betony-water two ounces and half syrup of Stoechas ten drams mix them and let the Patient take it by spoonfuls Or this Take the greater Elixir Vitae of Quercetan a dram Powers of Rosemary and Lavender of each two scruples rectified Spirit of Angelica half a dram Oyl of Cinnamon ten drops mix them Of this you may give twenty or thirty drops three or four times a day in a glass of Wine or Ale Or you may give twice a day the Salt of Mans skull to one scruple The spirit of Sal Armoniack is admirable being taken in Lavender or Mother of Time-water And the dulcified Spirit of Salt rightly prepared being constantly taken to ten or fifteen drops yea to half a dram in Sage or wild Time Ale or other proper Physical drink The Volatile Salt of Amber is commended by all Men as a most experienced Medicine and the Volatile Salt of Beans is no ways inferiour to it for the same purpose you may give them with the addition of ten grains of Castoreum 23. Platerus commends this Compound water for this Disease Take Sage Rosemary Time Marjoram of each half an ounce Rue two drams Lavender-flowers three drams fr●nch Lavender one dram Rocket-seed one dram Cinnamon half an ounce Nutmeg two drams Cloves one dram and half Cubebs one dram infuse them in the most generous Wine that it may supernate the space of two inches and distil in Balneo according to Art Dose one two or three spoonfuls Castoreum in fine pouder may be infused in the same Water which may be afterwards strained away and the water then given but you need not infuse it in the whole Composition as some do but rather infuse it in the one half or a third part of the same keeping the greater part which is most grateful for constant use 24. Also if you infuse the abovenamed Herbs and others of like nature in the best rectified Spirit of Wine digesting them a convenient time in the Sun or other gentle heat and withall repeat the Infusions for several times you shall make a strong and most admirable Tincture for this same purpose Or if out of every Herb a part you draw the like Tincture they will be each effectual to the same Intention also you may make a mixture of several of them as you shall see most convenient which will be as effectual as if you had drawn the compound Tincture all at once The Tincture Spirit and Powers of Rosemary are extolled above all the rest especially the former and the latter being made with the best rectified and Inflamable Spirit of Rosemary 25. For such a Spirit by reason of its extream subtilty and heat with which it is endued carries the Virtue of other things to the Brain and casting forth much flegm it stirs up the native heat and benummed faculties For this reason we judge it a good Menstruum to draw forth and extract the Tinctures of proper Cephalicks and Antapoplectick Vegetables and may be used in this Case much more advantageously than Spirit of Wine 26. Oyls extracted by the Art of Chymistry from most of the aforenamed things at § 21. aforegoing do exert the greatest power though given but in a drop or two and therefore are very beneficial if they be dropt upon a little Sugar mixt and then dissolved in any convenient Vehicle and so put into the Mouth to be swallowed Of this kind are the Oyls of Marjoram of Sage of Rosmary of Lavender of Sassafras of Limons of Oranges of Tyme of Hysop of Mint of Southernwood of Wormwood of Penny royal of Featherfew of Origanum of Calamus Aromaticus of Pepper of Cloves of Nutmegs of Amber of Cinnamon and such other like Hollerius extols the Oyl of Vitriol which because of its sharpness causeth Watchings but the dulcified or
sweet Oyl is infinitely the better being so made by digesting it for a long time with the best rectified Spirit of Wine or of Juniper-berries 27. Willis prescribes this distilled Water Take the roots of the Male Peony of Imperatorian Angelica of each half a pound roots of Zedoary of the lesser Galangal of each one ounce of the leaves of Tree Misleto of Rue Sage Betony of each four handfuls of the outer rind of ten Oranges and eight Limons Cardamoms Cloves Nutmegs of each half an ounce all being cut and bruised pour to them of White-Wine in which two pints of Peacocks-Dung has been infused for a day ten pints let them be close stopt for three days then distil it according to Art and let the whole Liquor be mixed together 28. Riverius commends this following Water instar ommium which he saith was invented by himself Take Peony-roots and Misleto of the Oak of each two ounces Calamus Aromaticus Galangal Cyprus of each one ounce Betony Sage Marjoram of each one handful Peony Angelica Fennel and Caraway-seeds of each three drams Lavender Stoechas and Rosemary-flowers of each a pugil Nutmegs Mace Cloves Cubebs Cardamoms Grains of Paradice of each half an ounce Cinnamon two ounces Saffron one dram and half the Species Diambrae and Diamoschu of each two drams cut and beat them put them into a glass Still and affuse thereon a sufficeint quantity of the best Spirit of Wine let them stand in a warm Balneo Maris with Hay in it for the space of eight days then draw off the Water according to Art which keep in a bottle close stopt for use 29. But that we may not ty you up to one or two prescripts besides what we have exhibited in Our Pharmacopoeia and Doron Medicum we will present you with several others out of the great Sennertus Take Nutmegs Cloves Mace Ginger Zedoary Galangal the greater and lesser Pepper white black and long Cinnamon Calamus Aromaticus round Cyperus Doronicum Grains of Paradice Cardamoms Cubebs Castoreum seeds of Carraways Fennel Anise Citron Limon and Orange peels of each three drams Spicknard Indian Celtick and Vulgar roots of Gentian Eryngo Orrice Peony Pyrethrum Misletoe of the Oak and of the Hazle of each half an ounce Frankincense Myrrh Mastich Aloes of each two drams Germander Ground-pine Nep Bawm Sage Rosemary Marjoram of each half a handful Ey-bright two handfuls Penny-royal Mint Hysop Mugwort Origanum Mother of Tyme Celandine of each half a handful Betony one handful Dill half a handful Dates sweet Almonds of each half an ounce Juniper-berries a handful flowers of Elder Violets Lavender of the Tile-tree red Roses of Peony Primroses of each two pugils of Borrage of Bugloss Lilly convally of each three pugils Saffron a dram and half cut and bruise and affuse thereon of the best Rhenish Wine of the best spirit of Wine of each five quarts let the Vessel be well stopt and set in the sun for a month or some other warm place or in warm sand if it be in Winter time shaking it twice or thrice every day then distil off the Water according to Art 30. Take Flowers of Lavender of the Tile-tree of Peony of Sage of Rosemary of Lillys-convally of each one ounce Misletoe of the Oak gathered in the decrease of the Moon half an ounce Betony Primrose-leaves Hysop of each a handful Cubebs Mace Nutmegs of each half an ounce Rocket-seed two drams affuse thereon a sufficient quantity of spirit of Wine and distil according to Art 31. Aqua alia Apoplectica Take the lesser Cardamoms Cubebs Nutmgs of each half an ounce Wood of Misletoe of the Oak one ounce Rue red Sage of each an ounce and half Lavender-flowers three ounces Castoreum freed from skins and fat an ounce and half cut bruise and affuse thereon of the best Rhenish Wine or water of Lilly-convally distilled with Wine a sufficient quantity digest in a glass close sealed up for fourteen days then distil in Balneo according to Art 32. Aqua alia Apoplectica magis composita Take Lavender-flowers two handfuls flowers of Rosemary Spike Elder leaves of Rue Rosemary Penny-royal Calamint Spearmint Origanum Mother of Tyme Betony Sage Marjoram Bays of each half an ounce seeds of Anise Fennel Peony of each three drams Rocket-seed roots of Elecampane of florentine Orrice flowers of Angelica of Doronicum of Masterwort of Pyrethrum of Burnet Peony Asarabacca Cinnamon of each half an ounce Ginger Cubebs Nutmegs Cloves Mace of each two drams Grains of Paradice Cardamoms Galangal Zedoary Saffron the three sorts of Pepper Gentian of each four scruples Calamus Aromaticus half an ounce Indian spicknard Schoenanth Arabian Stoechas of each four scruples Misletoe of the Oak one ounce Castoreum half an ounce flowers of Lillys-convally four handfuls cut and bruise grosly and add thereto Species Diamoschu Dulcis two drams Diaprassium one ounce Diapoeoni half an ounce all made up into a Nodulus affuse thereon of the best Rhenish Wine nine pounds of the best spirit of Wine eight pounds Sage-water a pint Waters of Lavender Spicknard Hysop of the Tile-tree of white Lillies of each half a pound Rosemary and Sage water of each eight ounces infuse all together in a glass close stopt in a warm place for fourteen days then distil according to Art the first two quarts being stronger keep by it self and the weaker water by it self to be used ordinarily 33. A Pouder Take roots of the Male-Peony Virginian Snakeroot Mans skull prepared of each an ounce and half roots of Zedoary Contrayerva Angelica Winter 's Cinnamon of each half an ounce let all be made into a fine pouder and add thereto of the yellow of Oranges and Limons candied of each two ounces and half let all be beaten again to a pouder Dose from half a dram to a dram an hour before and after meals Or this commended by Riverius Take white Amber half an ounce pouder of the Electuary Diarrhodon Abbatis two drams Peony-roots one dram and half make all into a subtil Pouder Dose a dram in any convenient Vehicle 34. Mustard seed given to half a dram is of excellent use you may give it condited or add it to Meats by way of Sawce Nutmegs are good to be often chewed in the Mouth as Riverius affirms Galen gave some grains of Castoreum with Oxymel and Trallianus says That many overcome with this Disease have been recovered with this only Remedy To which Platerus says we may add some grains of Euphorbium the Tincture of which in Spirit of Wine may be given The juyce of Onions may be given with Rue or Sage-water or with the Infusion of Rocket or Mustard seed in Wine So also the sharp juyce of Water-cresses given in like manner a spoonful or more at a time is very profitable The Anacardine confection is of admirable use in all cold Diseases of the Brain but chiefly in an Apoplexy and we rather chuse to use it than Mithridate or Venice Treacle giving it either by
it self or dissolving it in a little Cinnamon-water But the Extract of Sage is a great secret and a specifick in an Apoplexy 35. An Electuary Take Conserves of the flowers of Lillys-convally or of the male Peony six ounces pouder of the root of male Peony half an ounce Mans skull prepared three drams seeds and flowers of the male Peony poudred of each two drams red Coral prepared Pearls and the whitest Amber of each one dram salt of Coral four scruples syrup of the flowers of the male Peony enough to make an Electuary Dose two or three drams Morning and Evening drinking after it two or three ounces of some proper Antapoplectick-water 36. Platerus commends this Electuary as very excellent in the Progress of the Disease Take Conserve of Orrice-root the true Acorus that is the Calamus Aromaticus in the shops of each one ounce Sage Rosemary Marjoram Stoechas Lavender of each half an ounce Confectio Anacardina two drams the species Diambrae Diamoschu of each half a dram seeds of Rocket and Rue of each one dram with Oxymel of Squils or Honey of Anacardiums make an Electuary Dose the quantity of a Chestnut every other day or one dram of it to two may be taken Morning and Night mixing with it eight or ten grains of Castoreum and a grain or two of Euphorbium 37. Sennertus advises to this Electuary Take Conserves of Lavender flowers one ounce Conserves of Rosemary-flowers Sage Marjoram Betony of each an ounce Calamus Aromaticus condited half an ounce Species Diamoschu dulcis half a dram Rocket-seed a dram with Honey of Anacardiums and Syrup of Stoechas simple make an Electuary This is better Take Conserves of Sage Rosemary Lavender Stoechas Marjoram of each half an ounce Calamus Aromaticus condited Confectio Anacardina of each two drams the Species Diambrae Diamoschu of each half a dram volatile Salt of Amber Salt of Mans-skull of each a dram Pouder of Virginian snake-root and of Contrayerva of each a dram and half volatile Sal Armoniack two scruples with Syrup of the Juyce of Kermes make an Electuary Dose from one dram to two 38. Lozenges Take Species Diambrae two drams Pouder of the roots of Male Peony choice Zedoary of each one dram and half Pearls a dram the best rectified Oyl of Amber half a dram the whitest Sugar dissolved in Peony-Water six ounces and boyled up to a consistency with which make Lozenges according to Art each weighing half a dram Let the Patient eat one or two often in a day at pleasure and after the eating of them to drink a dram or two of some proper Apoplectick Water or the Aqua Vitae Matthioli 39. Riverius commends these Tablets or Lozenges Take Ambergrise half a scruple distilled Oyls of Aniseeds of Cinnamon and of Nutmegs of each three drops Oyl of Cloves one drop Sugar dissolved in Orange flower-water and boyled up to a consistence four ounces mix and make Lozenges according to Art each weighing a dram Dose one or two Lozenges every Morning after which you may drink a little Aqua Apoplectica 40. Sennertus prepares these Morsels Take the Species Aromaticum Rosatum a dram Diambrae two scruples Diapliris cum Moscho Dianthos of each a scruple Conserves of Rosemary and Lavender-flowers of each one dram and half Extracts of Peony five grains of Galangal three grains red Coral dissolved a scruple Oyl of Nutmegs by Expression four grains Oyls of Cloves and of Amber of each two drops Sugar dissolved in Rosemary and Lilly-Convally Waters and boyled up to a consistence a sufficient quantity mix and make Morsels according to Art Or thus Take white Amber prepared two drams and half the Species Aromaticum Rosatum Diambrae Dianthos Diapliris of each two scruples Sugar dissolved in Betony-Water and boyled up eight ounces mix and make Morsels 41. Rotulae Antapoplecticae Take Extracts of Peony roots and of Calamus Aromaticus of each one scruple Pearls prepared two scruples red Coral prepared half a dram Oyl of Nutmegs by expression one scruple distilled Oyl of Nutmegs twelve drops Oyl of Fennel seed seven drops Sugar dissolved in Peony-Water and boyled up three ounces mix and make Rowls according to Art after the same manner may Rowls be prepared with chymical Oyls of Cubebs which will be of great efficacy 42. These Pills also are given to corroborate and strengthen the Head animal Powers being taken in the Morning fasting and last at Night going to bed Take Cubebs Mastick Nutmegs Cloves of each one dram Ambergrise half a dram Musk half a scruple with Extract of Gentian make Pills Dose from a scruple to half a dram or two scruples 't is a most excellent composition and a Specifick in the Case 43. This following Tincture is inferiour to few things Take Virginian-snake root Contrayerva Bay berries hull'd Zedoary Cubebs Cloves of each an ounce Cinnamon Anacardimums of each an ounce and half with the best rectified Spirit of Wine the Ingredients being all well bruised make a strong Tincture in forty days shaking of it every day then let it stando till it is fine decant the Tincture and put intn it pure Ambergrise Musk of each three drams in very subtile Pouder upon which let the Liquor perpetually stand Dose two or three drams in a Glass of Wine every Morning fasting 44. We commend also as Specificks in this Disease the Potestates or Powers of Rosemary a most admirable thing the Powers of Lavender of Sage of Tansy of sweet Marjoram of Origanum of Oranges of Limons of Sassafras of Bay and Juniper-berries of Time of Savory of Penny-royal of Caraways and of Amber than which no other preparations can be more powerful for that they pierce into the most remote and inward recesses of the Brain and animal Spirits and that powerfully and momentarily To these you may add the volatile Salts of Vrine of Mans-Blood of Sal Armoniack of Mans-Skull of Vipers of Amber of Ox-horns of Harts-horn of Elks-hoofs of Tartar of Soot and such like which by a specifick property overcome the Disease nor is the volatile Salt of Beans in any thing behind them the preparation of which we have taught elsewhere 45 If the Disease proceeds from Blood thrust forth into the Cavities of the Brain besides provoking Blood by the Veins in the Nostrils or opening those under the Tongue or the Jugulars we must use things less hot and also we must use Medicines that purge Choler with those that purge Flegm If it comes in a Melancholy habit of Body purge Melancholy chiefly with Sena and if the Patient be strong with the Extract of black Hellebor and alternately with both of them as you shall see convenient and then give the Medicines before prescribed for strengthning the Brain and comforting the Animal Spirits If it proceeds from fullness or too plentiful feeding after a liberal evacuation both upwards and downwards you will find that abstinence at least temperance will mightily facilitate the Cure 46. It now only remains
Citrons and of Limons of each three ounces and a half juice of sowr Oranges half a pint juice of sowr Cherries seven ounces and half juices of Angelica of Carduus of Rue of the greater Burnet of Bistort of Cinkfoil of Scordium of Elecampane of each three ounces and half Vinegar of Clove-gilliflowers three ounces Vinegar of Rue and of Elder-flowers of each two ounces mix and infuse therein fire Bole half an ounce Terra sigillata one ounce choice Myrrh two drams roots of Angelica of Dittany of Tormentil of Valerian of Butterbur of each three drams Hartshorn burnt and prepared half an ounce Species Liberantes Diamargaritum frigidum of each three drams Mithridate half an ounce Venice Treacle Diascordium of each three drams bruise what are to be bruised well mix them and digest for fourteen days in a fit Vessel and a warm Balneo then distil to the distilled water add of the Solution of Coral four scruples Confect of Alkermes one scruple Extract of red Sanders enough to colour it It is good against all manner of malign and pestilential Feavers and the Plague it self Dose one spoonful 4. Aqua Pestilentialis Grulingij Take leaves of Scordium of Carduus of each a handful of Sorrel Borrage Marigolds of each half a handful roots of Tormentil of Bistort of Zedoary of Angelica of Butterbur of each half an ounce roots of Burnet of white Ditany of Valerian of Gentian of Swallow-wort of Master-wort of each two drams Seeds of Citrons half an ounce of Rape of Rue of each two drams Seeds of Angelica of Carduus of Parsley of each a dram and half Conserves of Rosemary flowers one ounce of Sorrel two ounces and half of Scordium one ounce and half of Bawm one ounce dryed Citron-peels six drams cut and bruise them well infuse them in a warm place for three days in seven pints of generous Rhenish Wine then defund the Wine and express the Magma strongly bruise it again and put upon it again the Wine and digest for three other days then distil with a gentle fire In the distilled water dissolve and digest again for two days Venice Treacle one ounce and half Mithridate one ounce Camphir two drams dissolved in an ounce and half of Aqua Vitae Electuarium de Ovo one ounce and half Diascordium two ounces Species Diamargariton frigidum Liberantis of each one dram Spirit of Vitriol two drams and half Oyl of Sulphur three drams juice of Limons three ounces juice of Citrons two ounces then distil in Balneo according to Art and keep the Water for use 5. Aqua Dysenterica Dorncrelij Take roots of Bistort of Comfrey of Tormentil of each one ounce Gentian two drams Pimpernel Zedoary Enula of each one dram and half Cortex thuris Citron-peels of each two drams Mace Nutmegs of each three drams Shepheards-purse Yarrow Goose-grass Wormwood Mint of each a handful Seeds of Coriander of white Poppies of Anise of Fennel of Flea-wort of Sorrel of Plantan of Endive of each one ounce of sharp pointed Dock half an ounce red Roses three handfuls flowers of Hollyhoks of Mullein of Camomil of each one handful Dill-tops half a handful Cloves Wood of Aloes inspissate juice of Sloes of each one ounce Blood-stone Terra sigillata strigensis burnt Hartshorn prepared of each three drams cut the Herbs and pouder what are to be poudred very small and let them stand in Infusion in a warm place close stopt for eight days in Waters of Oak-leaves of Tormentil of each three pints Waters of Plantane of Horse-tail of Roses of Shepheards Purse of each a pint shake all several times in a day while digesting then distil in Balneo Mariae with a very gentle fire and keep the Water for use 6. Aqua Matricalis seu de Melissa composita Thoneri Take fresh Bawm two pounds Rue red Sage of each four ounces Rosemary-flowers one ounce Bay-berries best Castor Nutmegs of each half an ounce biting Cinnamon Cloves of each two drams Mace Citron-peels the yellow Indian Spicknard of each one dram cut and bruise put them into a glass Alembick and affuse thereon a sufficient quantity of Wine digest in the Sun for fourteen days then distil and keep the Water for use 7. Aqua Theriacalis Cephalica Thoneri Take roots of Peony of Acorus of Misleto of the Oak of each an ounce and half Juniper-berries Peony-seeds of each half an ounce Mustard-seed or Rocket-seed Cloves Mace of each three-drams white Dittany two drams and half flowers of Lavender Marigolds of Betony of Rosemary of Sage of the Tile-tree of Lilly-convally Hops of each two pugils bruise them and macerate for three days in old white Wine three pints and half Waters of black Cherries of Marigolds of Sage of each six ounces then express strongly and add to the liquor Venice Treacle one ounce and half Confectio Anacardium six drams Species Diambrae two drams digest for three days ●hen distil in Balneo Mariae 8. Aqua Hirundinum Thoneri Take live Swallows deplume them number thirty five Castoreum three ounces Peony-roots gathered in the decrease of the Moon two ounces Misleto of the Oak and of the Hazle seeds of Hartwort of each one ounce flowers of Lavender of Bawm and of Lilly-convally of each one handful white Wine two quarts infuse twenty four hours then distil in Balneo according to Art 9. Aqua Asthmatica apud Thonerum Take leaves of Mountain Calamint of Hysop of Maiden-hair of Scabious of Horehound of each half a handful seeds of Roman Nettles of Cresses of Mustard of Nigella of each six drams roots of round Birthwort of Angelica of each half an ounce of Fennel of Parsley of Liquorice of each one dram of Elecampane of Florentine Orrice of each three ounces Garden Spike three drams beat all together digest in old Wine five pints then distil and dulcifie with Sugar-candy It prevails against Obstructions Coughs Asthma's and other Diseases of the Brest and Lungs 10. Aqua contra calculum Fuchsij apud Thonerum Take water Caltrops two ounces roots of Asparagus of Burdock with the seed of Burnet of rest Harrow of each an ounce and half Bean-flowers two ounces Seeds of Saxifrage of Gromwell of purple Violets of each an ounce Golden rod Harts tongue Germander Star-thistle of each a handful Winter-cherries four ounces Juniper-berries two ounces Waters of Radishes of Burnet of Saxifrage of Water-cresses juyce of Limons of each a pint Strawberry-water a quart Mallago Wine three quarts infuse three days in a warm place and distil according to Art To the distilled Liquor add Venice Turpentine half a pound clarified Honey a pound Species Lithontribon half an ounce distil again and keep the Liquor for use 11. Aqua Cardiaca adversus Venena contagium Poterij Take roots of Swallow-wort of Valerian of Gentian of Scorzonera of wholsom Helmet-flower of each one pound and half leaves of Goats Rue of Scabious of Devils-bit Bawm Carduus Mead-sweet Burnet Borrage Sow-thistle of each three handfuls macerate
them three days in three pints of the waters of Scorzonera and of Pauls-Betony and one pint of white Wine distil in Balneo Mariae and make a Water Dose from three to four ounces 12. Aqua adversus contagium Poterij Take roots of Angelica three ounces roots of Scorzonera of Valerian of Masterwort of each two ounces leaves of Scordium of Male-Speedwel of Meadsweet of Archangel of Bawm of Borrage of each three handfuls infuse for four days in a sufficient quantity of white Wine then distil in Balneo Mariae In the distilled water infuse again Confect of Hyacinths Confect of Alkermes Diamargariton frigidum of each three ounces old Treacle half a pound distil again and make a Water Dose three ounces before the breaking of the Bubo or Plague Sore 13 Aqua Nephritica Poterij Take roots of rest Harrow four ounces of Parsly of Radishes of each two ounces leaves of wild Tansie Rupter-wort Betony Burnet Mouse-ear Ceterach of each three handfuls Hips of the wild Bryar Winter-cherries Gromwell-seeds Carraway-seeds Daucus-seeds seeds of Hypericon of each one ounce juyce of Limons apint generous White or Rhenish Wine five pints digest all being a little bruised in a glass Vessel in Horse-dung for six days then in a Sand-heat draw forth the Water which affuse upon new and fr●sh ingredients macerate again for three days and distil as before from the faeces extract a Salt by incinera●ion which mix with the Water Dose two or three ounces It breaks the stone in the Reins and B●adder and vehemently provokes Vrine 14. Aqua Antepileptica Apoplectica Poterij Take roots of Masterwort of Angelica of Gentian of Bistort of Zedoary of each three ounces leaves of Bawm Meadsweet Arch-angel Scabious Sorrel Carduus of each three handfuls the yellow of Citron-peels Lignum Aloes Schoenanth white and red Sanders Cinnamon Cloves Mace of each half an ounce infuse all three days in three quarts of white Wine and one pint of juyce of Borrage then distil in Balneo Mariae It prevailes wonderfully against Diseases of the Head Brain and Heart is powerful against the Plague and the bitings of wild and venomous Creatures 15. Aqua Hysterica Poterij Take the dryed roots of the greater Valerian four ounces leaves of Motherwort Tansy Mugwort Worm-wood Mint Marjoram Penny-royal of each three handfuls infuse for twenty four hours in a sufficient quantity of generous white Wine in a warm place then strain it out strongly by pressing in the strained Liquor infuse Galangal Ginger Mace long Pepper of each one ounce Indian Spicknard Saffron Schoenanth Calamus Aromaticus of each half an ounce Thebian Opium three drams white Poppy-seed one ounce and half Camphir two drams digest three days in Horse-dung and then strain out by pressing again Upon the faeces affuse Aqua Vitae to draw forth the rest of the Tincture join both the Liquors together and in a glass Vesica with its Capitellum draw off the Liquor which keep for use It cures Diseases of the Womb and Mesentery as Suffocation Vapours Wind and such like it eases the Head-ach cures the Vertigo and prevails against the Gout 16. Aqua Hydrotica Poterij Take raspings of Guajacum one pound and half bark of Guajacum six ounces Sarsaparilla China of each nine ounces seeds of Carduus Juniper-berries Ginger of each one ounce and half digest eight days in a sufficient quantity of generous White Wine with half an ounce of Oyl of Vitriol then draw off the Water in Ashes or Sand which affuse upon fresh Ingredients which distilling as before keep the Water for use Dose three four or five ounces at a time it provokes Sweat cures the French-Pox Apoplexy Palsy Dropsy Asthma c. 17. Aqua Febrifuga Poterij Take Ground-Ivy leaves and roots Parsly leaves and roots Succory Sorrel C●ntory the less of each six handfuls bruise and digest all three days then distil in Balneo Mariae the distilled Water affuse upon new Ingredients as before In four ounces of this water infuse for a night half an ounce of the Magnesia Saturnina twice calcin'd so will you have a true Febrifuge Dose four five or six ounces a little before the fit 18. Aqua Zinziberis Poterij Take whole Ginger a sufficient quantity infuse in a fit quantity of generous Wine for eight days then distil and make a water It warms comforts corroborates and drys up the humidities of the Stomach excites the Appetite and provokes Sweat Dose from half an ounce to two ounces 19. Aqua Fortis apud Poterium Take Salt Niter a pound burnt Alum two pounds Cinnabar three ounces Stibium one ounce mix them Or thus Take Niter Alum Vitriol of each a pound Sal Gem four ounces Sandarach Mineral two ounces mix them Or thus Take burnt Alum two pounds and half Niter one pound Sal Armoniack fixed three ounces Arsenick two ounces mix them and distil according to Art II. Of SPIRITS 1. Spiritus Matricalis Camphoratus Thoneri Take Cinnamon Mace Cubebs Cardamoms Grains of Paradise of each one ounce Galangal long Pepper Zedoary of each half an ounce Sage Mint of each four handfuls cut all small infuse in a sufficient quantity of the best rectified Spirit of Wine in a warm place for fourteen days shaking it every day then distil with a gentle fire Take Camphir Oyl of sweet Almonds of each one pound mix them well and in an Alembick with a very high Neck digest in Balneo or Ashes for fourteen days or more till the Camphir is wholly dissolved in the Oyl afterwards put thereupon the afore distilled Spirit and putrefie again for some days that the Essence of the Spirit of Wine may be extracted then distil in Balneo with a gentle fire so long till the Camphir is dissolved In the distillation put some grains of Kermes in the neck of the Alembick to give the Liquor a red colour 2. Spiritus mastiches compositus Sennerti Take Lignum Aloes two drams and two scruples white and yellow Sanders of each one dram Nutmegs two scruples the lesser Cardamums one scruple digest all in a pint of the best Spirit of Wine for three days strain and add White-Wine-Vinegar a pint the best Mastich a pound and half digest for some days then distil in a Glass-Retort and rectify it 3. Spiritus Absinthii cordialis Sennerti Take the best Spirit of Wine five quarts Pontick and Roman Wormwood six handfuls Cinnamon one ounce and half Nutmegs Cloves of each six drams roots of Cyperus half an ounce white Ginger three drams digest in a Vessel close stopt for twelve days shaking it three times a day then distil The first five pints save by it self then take Sugar-Candy in Pouder six drams yellow Sanders white Amber prepared Pearls prepared of each fifteen grains Ambergrise twelve grains Musk ten grains put it into another Receiver which place to the Neck of the Still and draw off a quart more of Water viz so much as may dissolve the Sugar-Candy which being dissolved mix it
with the five pints first distilled and in a Glass-Vessel close stopped digest them eight days often shaking them then let it settle and pour off the clear by Inclination which filterate and keep for use It is an excellent Cordial and Stomatick comforts and warms the inward Parts and causes a good Appetite III. OYLS distilled 1. Oyl of Guajacum It is is made the vulgar way by distillation in a Retort By reason of its soetid Smell it is rather used outwardly than given inwardly It is good against the Pox pocky Nodes and Fits of the Mother in Women 2. Oleum Buxi à Quercetano It is made as the other It is highly commended against the Epilepsy it is known by Experience not only to ease pains of the Teeth but to prevent their roting or perishing and growing hollow 3. Oleum Picis nigrae used per se it is a most admirable thing in curing of Wounds chiefly those of the Head and Nerves IV. BALSAMS distilled 1. Balsamum Foeniculi Johannis Wolfii apud Thonerum Take Oyl of Nutmegs by expression one ounce distilled Oyl of Fennel-seeds half an ounce mix them and then add Tincture of Fennel-seed made with the best rectified Spirit of Wine four ounces mix them by degrees and add after it Salt of Fennel ten grains It is a Balsam opening all Obstructions of the Lungs and curing almost all other their Diseases though never so great 2. Balsamum praestantissimum Poterii Take roots of Swallowwort half a pound dryed roots of round Birthwort and of the greater Valerian of each two ounces leaves of Comfrey Plantane Adders-Tongue Filipendula Sanacle Ladies-Mantle Bugle of each two handfuls Juniper-berries a pugil tops of Hypericon with flowers and seeds six handfuls Cammomil-flowers Spicknard of each one handful Earth-Worms a pound Oyl of Hypericon prepared at least with two Infusions Oyl of Earth-Worms of each a sufficient quantity digest eight days in warm Horse-Dung then press it out strongly with a Press To the Colature add Myrrh an ounce and half Mastich Frankincense Gum of Ivy of each three ounces Venice-Turpentine Ship-Pitch of each half a pound dissolve them therein and force over first the Oyl then the Balsam by a Retort It is very penetrating and one of the most effectual vulneraries in the World V. Of ELIXIRS 1. Exilir Vitae Plateri It is an Essence restoring and preserving the vital and animal Spirits He has no where given the description of it but advises to use as a Succedaneum the Aquae Vitae Langii or Balsamum Embryonum or Elixir Vitae Matthioli and the like 2. Elixir Panis Take Crums of Bread fifteen pounds put it into a Glass-Vessel and digest in Horse-Dung for a Month in a sufficient q●antity of rain Water then add five pints of White-Wine bruised Cinnamon six ounces and distil in Balneo Maris The Water that comes first will be very fragrant the latter insipid Dose one ounce or two adding a little white Sugar or you may add for every pound of the Liquor a quarter of a pound of white Sugar and digest them to an Elixir It wonderfully recreates the Heart restores lost strength and cures such as are in Consumptions 3. Elixir restaurativa Take the Crums of white Bread two pounds Capons flesh one pound flesh of Partriges half a pound Waters of Bawm of the flowers of Citrons and of Damask-Roses of each a pint generous White-Wine three quarts Schoenanth Galangal Mace Cloves of each six drams Cinnamon six ounces put them all into a Glass-Vesica large enough and digest fifteen days in Horse-Dung close stopt afterwards distil in Balneo Maris so have you a most excellent Elixir It comforts the Heart revives the spirits recreates the natural Powers and restores in Consumption to a Miracle Dose two ounces at a time with a little Sugar two or three times a day VI. Of TINCTURES 1. Tincture of Corn-Poppy-flowers It is extracted by a gentle Infusion in warm spring-water being macerated for four or five hours then strained forth and filtred and then it may be reduced into the form of a Syrup It is an Anodyn Medicament and a most admirable easer of Pain Dose one two or three ounces the Tincture may also be made with Spirit of Wine 2. Infusion of Rhubarb It is made by a cold Infusion and Maceration in Wine then strained hard out by Pressing and filtred It is a most gentle Purge Dose two three or four ounces or more 3. Infusion of Sena It is made by a cold Infusion in Wine for forty eight hours then strained forth by Pressing and thre repeated with fresh leaves It is a most excellent Purge for Melancholy VII Of EXTRACTS 1. Extractum Bryoniae compositum Grulingii Take Bryony-roots five ounces Peony and Cichory-roots of each six dram Squills prepared half an ounce leaves of Savin of Sage Bawm flowers of Borrage of each half an handful seeds of Rocket of wild Parsnips and of Bay-berries hull'd of each three drams Juniper-berries two drams Myrrk three drams Nutmegs Lignum Aloes of each one dram cut what are to be cut and bruise them and extract a Tincture with Spirit of Wine and then evaporate to the just thickness of an Extract To which add Extract of Aloes made by Endive Water one ounce Tartar vitriolate twelve grains Extracts of Motherwort and Mugwort of each half a scruple Oyls of Savin and of Motherwort of each four drops Elixir Proprietatis half a dram mix and make a Mass Dose half a scruple to one dram 2. Extractum Mechoacannae compositam Grulingii Take Mecoacan in Pouder six ounces and half Pouder of Colocynthis six drams Scammony one dram Species Diarrhodon Abbatis one dram Species Diambrae Diatragacanthum frigidum of each two scruples Pouder of Lignum Aloes one dram Troches Aliptae moschatae sixteen grains put them into a Glass Cucurbit and affuse thereon Cinnamon-Water five ounces the best Spirit of Wine a sufficient quantity or so much as may overtop the Ingredients three Fingers breadth let the Vessel be well stopt and digest for six days in a moderate heat after boyl gently being cooled strain all out by Expression and evaporate with a gentle heat or draw off the Spirit till the Magma is of the consistence of Honey with which mix Oyl of Aniseeds seven drops Oyl of Cloves and of Mace of each five drops Oyls of Cinnamon of Citrons and of Oranges of each two drops mix them well and keep the Extract for use Dose from half a dram to one dram in the Morning 3. Extractum Arthriticum Grulingii Take Hermodacts an ounce and half Mechoacan half an ounce gummy Turbith Pouder of Colocynthis of each a dram and half Species Diambrae Diamoschu dulcis of each four scruples Sal Gem two scruples leaves of Ground-pine of Germander of each two drams and half seeds of Hypericon of Anise of Fennel of Coriander of each half a dram being grosly poudred put them into a Glass-Vessel and affuse thereon a sufficient quantity of Spirit of Wine
Spirit of Sage apoplectick Water of Langius of each two ounces Cinnamon-Water one ounce digest for four days in a gentle heat strain out strongly by Pressing and to the Colature add choice Rhubarb two drams Pouder of Rosemary and of Betony-flowers of each one dram of Sage half a dram Troches aliptae moschatae six grains Cinnamon twelve grains digest again for four days and strain out strongly by Expression then evaporate the humitity by a gentle heat till it comes to the thickness of Hony to which add Extract of Scammony two scruples Extract of Aloes one dram evaporate again gently and at the end add Oyls of Aniseeds and of Fennel-seeds of each two drops Oyls of Rosemary and of Marjoram of each three drops mix and make a Mass Dose from half a dram to a dram It is an excellent thing in Gouts of all Sorts in any Part of the Body 4. Extractum Citrii Platerii He saith It is a Confection of Citrons like Diacydonium purgans made with Scammony and that of Guido in the Augustan Dispensatory is like it 5. Extractum adversus Pestem Poterii Take roots of Tormentil of Scorzonera of each four ounces leaves of Goats Rue Scabious Devils-Bit Carduus Benedictus of each three handfuls seeds of Vipers-Bugloss one ounce Borrage-flowers two pugils flowers of Sulphur one ounce and half Venice Treacle two ounces best rectified Spirit of W●ne a sufficient quantity make an Extract to the thickness of Honey Dose from one dram to two in Carduus-Water It provokes Sweat strengthens drives forth the Putrifaction resists Poyson and the Plague and is a good Preservative against contagious and pestilential Distempers 6. Extractum aliud Poterii Take roots of Swallow wort of Valerian and of Scorzonera of each three ounces leaves of Male-Speedwel Scabious Devils-Bit Bawm Goats-Rue Burnet Arch-Angel Carduus Benedictus Sow-Thistles Borrage of each one handful roots of Anthora of Masterwort of Angelica dryed of each two ounces flowers of Sulphur one ounce flowers of Antimony eight days reverberated half an ounce Venice-Treacle one ounce and half with rectified Spirit of Wine draw a Tincture which boyl to the thickness of Honey It has all the Virtues of the former and the same Dose 7. Extractum Ligni Guajaci Poterii Take Filings or Raspings of Guajacum what you please or a sufficient quantity for five quarts of Water in which half an ounce of Oyl of Sulphur has been mixt digest in a Vessel close stopt in a warm place or in Horse-Dung for fifteen days till the Water is well imbued with the Colour and Odore of the Wood then strain upon the Foeces affuse new Water digest again for about four days till the Water is again coloured and tasts of the Wood strain and mix this with the former making them pass through a filter then put the Liquor into a Glass-Vefica and evaporate to the consistence of Honey which keep for use 8. Extractum Antivenereum Poterii Take bark of Guajacum a little bruised six ounces Rasping of Guajacum three pounds China thin sliced Sarsaparilla bruised of each two pounds Juniper-berries half a pound seeds of Carduus Benedictus and of Caraways of each three ounces Devils-Bit Scabious of each three handfuls roots of Cyperus and of Swallow-wort of each two ounces infuse all a little bruised for eight days in a sufficient quantity of generous White-Wine and make an Extract according to Art to which add the Salt of the Foeces Dose from two drams to three drams 9. Extractum Antivenereum purgans Poterii Take Raspings of Gua jacum six pounds Sarsaparilla bruised four pounds China two pounds Mechoacan six ounces Sena nine ounces Sassafras Juniper-berries of each half a pound infuse the Woods and Roots in a sufficient quantity of Spring-Water mixed with half an ounce of Oyl of Vitriol or Sulphur in a warm place for eight days then boyl all in a glazed Vessel with a Head to the consumption of two third parts what comes off in the Reciever save for a new preparation strain the Decoction out by Pressing and therein infuse the Sena and roots of Mechoacan for three days boyl a little and strain again and then evaporate dissolve therein Sugar half a pound and mix therewith in Pouder Sarsaparilla one ounce and half China half an ounce Sena one ounce Cloves one dram Salt of the Ingredients half an ounce mix and make a Mass Dose two or three drams twice a day 10. Extractum Hystericum Poterii Take Extract of Bryony Extract of Misleto of the Oak Extract of Dwarf-Elder-berries of each one ounce Aloes succotrine cleansed two ounces Extract of Hellebor two drams Pouders of Saffron of Myrrh of Mace of Parsly-seed of each one dram Sal Jovis or in place thereof Juniter calcin'd with Niter Vitriol of Mars of each three drams mix and make of all a Mass Dose from half a dram to a dram 11. Extractum Hystericum aliud Poterii Take Extracts of Bryony and of black Hellebor of each one ounce Crocus Martis three drams Pouders of Mace Mastich and Spodium of each a scruple mix them 12 Extractum in Vt erinis affectibus Poteterii Make Extract of black Hellebor one ounce choice Scammony prepared three drams fine Aloes one ounce and half Crocus Martis three drams and half Lapis Hoematitis one dram Oyl of Amber one scruple Oyl of Mace half a scruple mix them adding a little Honey of Roses These Extracts are to be used where there is need of long Purgation and the Woman is strong otherwise such as are strengthning are to be exhibited such as this following 13. Extractum Hystericum roborans Poterii Take Mugwort dryed both Wormwoods of each four handfuls Mint two handfuls Ginger Galangal of each four ounces Mace Myrrh Amber of each one ounce with the best rectified Spirit of Wine make an Extract according so Art to which add Liquor of Amber one dram Vitriol of Mars threee drams double refined Sugar three ounces D●se from one dram to one dram and half in the Morning fasting 14 Extractum sive Confectio Vterina à quodam Empirico chymico reperta apud Poterium Take Conserves of Roses three ounces Salt of Betony one dram Oyl of Sulphur per Campanum twelve drops mix them Dose two drams in the Morning It most certainly opens all Obstructions of the Womb Liver or Spleen softens their hardnesses and cleanses the Blood from all gross and seculent Ma●ters It restores to Virgins their lost Colours and cures the Green Sickness so that nothing in those Cases is found more profitable in the whole Art of Medicine 15. Extractum Ca●holicum Poterii Take the Extracts of black Hellebor of Esula of Briony of Sena of each an ounce and half being warm mix them together and add the Pouders of Mace Cinnamon Mastich Spodium of each two scruples Dose half a dram to a dram It purges downwards all humors 16. Extractum Catholicum aliud Poterii Take the most fine Aloes one ounce fat Myrrh corrected with Spirit of Wine half an ounce
or Consumption and so we had concluded but that his good Appetite and continued strength of Body with some other signs were good Indications to the contrary however he was of a cold dry and saline habit of body and of a very Melancholy and mistrustful mind § 3. The most predominant Symptoms in the Paroxysm were vehement pain over the whole head but more especially in the hinder part thereof watchfulness or want of sleep with an exceeding wrestlessness accompanying and a great desire to drink § 4. The Cause seemed to lye hidden and indeed had troubled many Wise men to dive into it the Stomach seemed well so that no indication could be taken from thence at last in Discourse I asked him if he never had some violent blow upon his Head chiefly behind which after a while recollecting of himself he told me that about 18 years since for so long this Head-ach had continued at fits he fell down from an high building and hurt the hinder part of his Head so that it did bleed extreamly yet without any Fracture of the Skull If he at any time did bleed at Nose it proved Critical and he was freed from the pain I viewed the place of the Head hurt and there was a bunching out more than ordinary about the bigness of half a Hens Egg which buching had remained ever since I concluded that some matter obstructing remained which hindred the direct circulation of the Animal Spirits and Blood § 5. The Indications of Cure seem'd only to be two 1. To take away the matter offending or obstructing 2. To strenthen the Brain Animal Spirits and parts afflicted § 6. In order to the first intention I caused the hinder part to be opened just below the Tumor which was done with an actual Cautery piercing even to the Bone which the Chyrurgeon did excellently accomplish afterwards leaving it as an Issue only by the Nostrils was exhibited an Errhine made of the Juyces of Primrose leaves and Roots and of Sweet-Marjoram This was exhibited thrice a week for about twelve times By means of the Issue the Tumor aforesaid was suddenly abated and in a short time wholy taken away a vast quantity of filthy matter continually running out thereat by the Nostrils the Cavities or Ventricles of the Brain were admirably cleansed so that the sick became very lightsome nor in three weeks time had any return of the Fit although its usual time of repetition before was two or three times a Week § 7. In order to the second Indication we caused the Hair to be shaven off from the Occiput Vertex and Sinciput and immediately to be anointed with this Balsam Take Oyl of Spike Oyl of Limons Oyl of Rosemary of each twenty drops all Chymically made Oyl of Mace by expression two Drams mix them well together and anoint therewith Inwardly we gave this Take Powers of Rosemary of Angelica of Cloves of Lavender of each half an Ounce mix them Of this we Ordered 30 drops to be given every morning fasting and last at Night going to Bed in two or three spoonfuls of Sack His thirst was quenched by a solution of Sal Prunellae in fair Water and Sugar This course being pursued the Patient became well § 8. After ten weeks the man let his Issue behind dry up and in about six weeks after his Head ach came again he repaired to me and I caused it to be opened again after which he remained well for many years II. § 1. A young Woman of about 23 years of Age had been for 10 years troubled with a Cephalaea and no Remedy in all that time could be procured her parents made their Application to me She was of a cold and phlegmatick Constitution neither Fat nor Lean of a white soft and smooth Skin and had often been troubled with a quotidian Ague § 2. She had paleness of Countenance and in the time of the paroxism the pain was equally spread over her whole Head moreover she had many strumous swellings about her Neck and Throat nor had she to these years ever had her Courses § 3. Her youth strength of body and chearfulness when the fit was off gave good hopes of Recovery § 4. The Cause was without doubt Obstructions of the Stomach Womb and Mesentery for she oft complained of a great sickness at stomach and many times refused her Food as also of a great heaviness or kind of dull pain about the middle of her Belly § 5. I prescribed things gently purging and opening then I gave her proper Emeticks afterwards things which purged downwards more powerfully then about the New of the Moon such things as provoked the Terms Lastly such things as might strengthen and comfort the Stomach Womb and other Bowels § 6. The first thing I gave her was Pilulae Ruffi which she took to half a Dram for 4 Nights going to bed drinking the next day about 8 Ounces of Finkius his Steeled Wine and some drops of Oyl of Sulphur in Ale The fifth morning following I gave her a Dram of Salt of Vitriol in Broth this cleansed her stomach admirably and brought up much flegm and filthy matter whereby she seemed much more cheerful this I continued for three times giving it every other day upon the eleventh day I gave Pilulae ex duobus a Scruple wich I repeated upon the thirteenth and fifteenth days giving still upon the intermediate days the Steeled Wine of Finkius This done upon the sixteenth day and for eight days following which proved to be the New and first quarter of the Moon I gave her this following Tincture Take blood-red Tincture of black Pepper made in Spirit of Wine two Ounces Tincture of Gum Guajaci made in like manner three Ounces mix them together of this she took morning noon and night in a Glass of White or Rhenish Wine so much as she could endure well to swallow this in the time prescribed produced her Courses This done I caused her for three Months together to take every morning and night 30 drops of Elixir Proprietatis made with tartarized Spirit of Wine and to drink them in Rhenish or Sack after which she became perfectly well III. § 1. An ancient Woman who had been for more than 20 years troubled with this kind of Head-ach was cured as we shall presently relate although her Age for she was above 64 years old and melancholy habit of body with the long continuance thereof gave many discouragements to the Physician § 2. The Cause proceeded from cold and viscious humidity or pituitous matter lodged in the Ventricle of the Brain as a perpetual stoppage of the Head speaking in the Nose as it were and continual drousiness gave some Demonstrations of § 3. She had often taken Purges of all sorts Vomits Antimonials c by other Physicians they had applyed Vesicatories to her Neck and Shoulders the Seton to the Nape of the Neck caused her to have several Issues in her Arms and other parts many times
here is to be noted That such as recover of this Disease remember nothing past no not their Disease or any thing relating to it 10. As to the Cure Authors order a plentiful letting of Blood and often as 3 or 4 times the same day therein placing the only hope of Remedy because a great quantity of Blood possesses the soft and moist substance of the Brain and no other revulsion can be made so great as by Blood-letting even to the drawing out of almost all the Blood in the Veins and here the saying of Prudent Celsus may be noted That it is better to experiment a doubtful Remedy than to leave the Sick to apparent and certain danger and that many things are rightly done in time of eminent danger which otherwise ought to be omitted Sharp Clysters may also be given every day to bring the humors downwards also Cupping-glasses may be applyed with deep Scarrification to the Shoulders and Back Frictions and Ligatures to the extream parts Vesicatories to the Neck and Arms The Saphena in the Legs may be opened then the Forehead Veins after the Arteries in the Temples next the Vein at the tip of the Nose lastly set Horse-Leeches behind the Ears See my Synopsis Medicinae lib. 3. cap. 29. sect 28. The rest of the Cure you may find where we treat of a Frenzy Lastly if you find the Disease decline you may gently resolve by applying Bread hot out of the Oven 11. As to my Patient I very much feared his Death and that there was a real Sphacelation of the Brain His Parents urged me to do something Blood-letting and other things for revulsion were done before sufficiently so that they need not to be repeated at the request of his Friends I gave him though unwillingly a Dose of the Lunar Pills and ordered Tincture of Luna and Oyl of Sulphur to be given in all his Drink but alas early the next morning the Youth had surrendred his Vital Breath His Head was afterwards opened and the Brain on the right side which was the side on which the pain was was perfectly Sphacelated or mortified which was the true Cause of his Death XI A Megrim proceeding from a Cold taken 1. A labouring Woman of about 36 years of Age having taken a great cold was extreamly perplexed with a violent pain in her head on the left side so that at first it even distracted her 2. It had been but of 3 weeks continuance but very extream my Counsel was desired therein I gave her half a dram of Pilulae ex duobus for she was of a strong body it wrought very well and gave her 12 Stools Three days following I Sweat her with 15 grains of Bezoar mineral mixed with half a Dram of Mithridate giving her after it this Take Aqua Vitae Matthioli that is Aqua Coelestis one ounce Syrupus Bizantinus compound one ounce and half Camomil water three ounces mix them This made her Sweat for 10 or 12 hours powerfully and upon the fourth day following it was repeated again 3. Outwardly I caused her head to be bathed 4 or 5 times a day with the Quintessence or Powers of Sassafras and to snuff the same up her Nostrills then her head to be bound up so was she in 8 days time perfectly cured All the Drink she took during this time was almost boyling hot or as hot as she could endure it XII A Megrim with the Cramp in many parts of the body 1. The Sick in Winter time had been 4 days troubled with this Megrim which seemed to arise from a cold taken and a disaffection of the Stomach for he had not only the Cramp seized him in his Arms Thighs and Calfs of his Legs which came from sitting down upon the Snow but he had also Convulsions of the Stomach and violent reachings to Vomit which much excited the Pain of his head 2. Inwardly I prescribed this Take Powers of Sassafras six ounces Saffron 2 Drams Cochenele in pouder one dram Infuse three days of this I ordered him to take half a spoonful at a time or somewhat more in a little Glass of Canary and this to be done 3 or 4 times a day This wonderfully comforted and healed his Stomach it cheared his heart also and mightily revived his Spirits and by a specifick property gave ease not only to the pain of the Head but to all the Convulsive parts in like manner for in this Case there is scarcely the like Medicament in the whole republick of Medicine 3. Outwardly I caused the Head Nostrils and all places where the Cramp had seized to be well bathed twice a day viz. morning and night with the Powers of Amber these mightily resolved and discuss'd the matter of the Cause and also nourished and cherished the native heat which seemed to be hurt But the Head I caused to be bathed with the said Powers three or four times a day and so to be bound up By the use of these remedies the sick was freed from all his Grief in about ten days time XIII A Megrim in a woman which had lately been delivered 1. It was upon the right side of her Head by reason of taking cold from a Casement being left open the Wind blowing upon her as she lay in her Bed 2. She had been delivered about sixteen days before and was well cleansed so that no fault could arise from thence nor indeed was there any thing more or less than the alteration of the Temperament of the part 3. The pain was vehement upon her by fits but the fit would sometimes last eight or ten hours upon her and encreas'd so vehemently as to cause an alienation of mind but when the extremity was off from her she was never absolutely freed from it but only a kind of remission 4. It had now been upon her 8 daies she sends for me and desired my Assistance relating to me what past whereby I apparently saw that the pain arose not from matter abounding nor from blood over heated but only from a simple intemperature of Cold for the side where the pain was was always cold and in the time of the fit extream cold as if it was numbed 5. From hence I concluded That if I could but throughly warm the part I should remove the pain hereupon I caused the head to be well annointed with oyl of Sassafras then hot bread out of the oven to be laid to and to be repeated for 2 or 3 times this did her good and gave her ease after the bread had been thrice applyed I ordered her head to be anointed morning and night with Oyl of Sassafras and so a flannel to be laid-over it and to be bound up as also to annoint the inside of her Nostrils and this to be continued for so long time till she felt her self wholy freed from her pain which was in about 14 daies time 6. However during all this while that we might be sure to strengthen the Brain also with the
of the Head proceeds from a cold and moist Habit of the whole Body as for the most part it does and that moisture super-abounds in an extream manner we must begin the Cure after another Way for as much as it is one of the hardest things in the Art of Medicine to alter and remove a cold and moist habit of Body 24. First therefore let the whole Body be throughly Purged with such things as effectually evacuate pituitous and watery Humors Take Pilulae Rudij two drams de Agarico one dram and half Resin of Jallap one dram Mercurius dulcis three times sublimed two scruples mix and with a little syrup of Buckthorn make a Mass of Pills dose from one scruple to half a dram in strong Bodies Syrup of Buckthorn may be given alone from one ounce to two in the Morning fasting Take Pil. Aggregativae Pil. Cochiae of each two drams Troches Alhandal Resin of Jallap of each one dram Elaterium a scruple mix and make Pills with Syrup of Buckthorn to which add a few drops of Oyl of Caraways or of Cloves Dose one scruple or more to half a dram 25. These things are to be given often with due intervals between Purging that the Body may not be weakned too much Among other Remedies none seems to be more excellent than Our Family Pills whether with or without Aloes being given in the Morning fasting from one scruple to half a dram according to Age Strength and Sex 26. But where solid Medicaments cannot be taken for some cannot swallow Pills We commend the Tinctura Cathartick Clossaei given a spoonfull at a time with half an ounce of Syrup of Limons or an ounce of Syrup of Roses solutive made sharp with Oyl of Sulphur 27. If it be a Woman kind and she be troubled with Fits of the Mother Wind or Vapors it will be good to mix with the Purges aforesaid as also with such as may be hereafter commended some notable Hysterick as the Elixer Hystericum Maxij which may be given to one dram and a half The Tincture of Castor Spirit or Salt of Harts-horn the Powers of Jet or black Amber and such like plenty where of you may see in our Pharmacooeia and Doron 28. To the former Catharticks you may add The Tincture of Sena Compound Our Magistrall Cathartick Tincture and Our Tinctura extribus the two first of which may be given from one ounce to two the latter from half an ounce to one ounce or more mixed with a spoonful of Syrup of Limons 29. The Tincture of Our Family Pills we here also commend being given two or three spoonfulls at a time with a little Syrup of Limons or of the Juyce of Citrons Here also take place the Tinctura Phlegmagoga Melanagoga and Hydragoga Grulingij to be given as in the former directions 30. But if the Ventricle by very much afflicted and there is an appearance of very tough viscous Humours chiefly of Flegm It is necessary that Cutting Medicines by first Used such are the Spirits and Oyls of Salt Sulphur and Vitriol which may be given to four or six Drops in such Liquor as the Sick commonly Drinks but these are not long to be Continued because of their cooling quality but only so long till the Viscosity is somewhat attenuated and incided 31. This done an Emetick ought forthwith to be exhibited to this purpose we commend the Antimonial Emetick syrup of Salá Our Catharticum Argenteum together with the Infusion of Crocus Metallorum and the Liquor Vitae Aureus Rulandi any of which you are to give in such a due Dose as may respect the Strength or Weakness Age Sex or other Properties of the Sick 32. These Vomits ought so long to be continued till the Stomach is effectually cleansed afterwards you are to Purge the Body downwards with the things before ennumerated 33. But in the first place before either Purge or Vomit be given you are to consider the Constitution of the Bowels whether the Sick be Costive or Laxative or in a mean if the Body be Laxative you are to give the Purges aforementioned in somewhat less Proportion 34. If Costive you are before you attempt any other Evacuation to give this following Clyster Take Decoctum Commune eight ounces Infusion of Crocus Metallorum three ounces Electuary Diacatholicon one ounce Oyl Olive two ounces mix and then give it warm 35. Or you may exhibite Enema Pituitam Purgans or Enema in Capitis affectibus Mynsichti or Enema in Causa à duritial faecum Mynsichti any of which will enough open and loosen the Body besides which they draw Humours and Vapours from the Head which is partly the Cause of its Pain 36. These Clysters are to be twice thrice or more repeated till the Constitution of the Bowels be apparently altered the Belly being now made Solluble the afore enumerated Emeticks or Purgations may with safety be administred 37. But that which is most worthy to be considered is whether the Disease be Simple or Complicate if Simple the Praescriptions of themselves are enough 38. But if they be Complicated with any other Disease you must always mix with the Medicaments prescribed against the Headach whether Emeticks Catharticks or Alteratives such things as are either Specificks or proper against the Complication 39. As for Example if the Scurvey be Concomitant you ought to mix with your Medicaments against the Headach Antiscorbuticks as Spirits of Scurvey-grass Water cresses Brook-lime Tarragon Rocket Horse-Radish Mustard-seed c. 40. If it be Complicated with Hysterick Passions you must mix Anti-Hystericks such as we have a little before enumerated 41. If it be Complicated with a Nephritis you ought to mix Lithontripticks or Stone-breakers and Renals as Salt of Egg-shels Oyl of Salt Powers of Juniper-berries Winter Cherries c. which may have respect to the part 42. If it be Complicated with a Tussis or Cough or Obstructions of the Lungs you ought to mix Pectorals and Openers such are Chymical Oyls of Anniseeds and Dill Oyl and Balsam of Sulphur Tincture of Spanish Juyce of Liquorice made in spirit of Wine and mixt with a quarter part of Oyl of Tartar per deliquium and four times the quantity of Canary 43. Where if the Obstruction be very great it will not be amiss to add some few drops of the spirit of Sal Armoniack 44. If it be Complicated with an Arthritis or Gout you ought to mix Arthriticks as the Pulvis Arthriticus Paracelsi or the Essence of Gout-Ivy c. 45. If it be Complicated with Weakness and Distemper of the Stomach you ought to mix Stomaticks such are the Elixir Proprietatis Paracelsi Elixir of Wormwood Potestates or Powers of Wormwood Elixir of Bay-berries Elixir of Mint the Blood red Tincture of black Pepper 46. If it be Complicated with any Passion of the Heart as Fainting Swooning c. You ought to mix Cordials as Tinctura Auraea Tinctura Vitae Nostrae Tinctura Cardiaca Elixir Vitae Rubrum Reinesij Pulvis
left as it were without remedy and hope 20. Outwardly the Head may be anointed with choice spirituous and volatile things as Cephalick Oyls and Balsams which being done for some few days over the whole Head may be applied Emplastrum de Saponis either alone of it self or mixt with a half part of Emplastrum Paracelsi 21. If these things prevail not you ought to apply Vesicatories as we have taught in the former Section after which Narcoticks may be inwardly given or outwardly applyed 22. The Paroxysm being over and the Pain eased as also the original Cause being taken away by proper Revulsives and Derivatives it remains that we shew now how to strengthen the parts viz. as well all the Internal Viscera as the Brain its Vessels and Teguments that by the confirming them in a healthful Tone we may prevent for the future a new return of the Disease 23. And in the first place all those things are to be avoided as Food which create or breed cold moist and pituitous Humours the Sick ought to abstain from too much Drinking Gluttony and Sleeping in the Day time his Food ought to be made of things heating and drying his Bread ought to be Biscuit his Drink a small Decoction of Guajacum with Carminative Seeds taking also now and then to comfort the Spirits and Animal Faculties a glass of generous Wine or Hippocrass 24. The Wine of Pope Adrian is here of mighty use so also the Vin. Sanctum the Vin. Cephalicum the Vinum Claretum Stomachicum the Vinum Stomachicum Mylij or the Vinum Moschatum Mynsichti once a day or twice a Day as need shall require 25. Once a Week or once in 14 days as need shall require the Body may be Purged with Vinum Hydrogogum Barbetti or the Vinum Purgans Catholicum Horstij or the Vinum Absinthiacum Laxativum all which not only open the Body and keep the Belly soluble but also do derive very much from the Head 26. In an Antiscorbutick Head-ach Dr. Willis commends this following Electuary Take Conserves of Fumitory Tansy and Wood Sorrel of each two ounces Pouder of Aron Compound three drams Ivory Crabs-Eyes Coral all prepared of each a dram and half Pouder of yellow Sanders of Wood of Aloes of each half a dram Vitriol of Mars one dram salt of Wormwood one dram and half with the Syrup of the five opening Roots a sufficient quantity make an Electuary The Dose the quantity of a Chesnut early in the Morning fasting and at five in the Afternoon drinking after it one ounce or two of choice Wormwood Water or Angelica the greater Composition 27. Or this following Julep may be given to three ounces Take Water of Vervain Water of Elder-flowers of Aaron leaves of each six ounces Aqua Limacum Lumbricorum Magistralis of each two ounces Sugar one ounce mix and dissolve 28. Moreover for change of Medicaments and that the use of any one may not become Familiar it will be good to take somtimes Elixir Proprietatis Elixir Vitrioli Mynsichti Tinctura Piperis Nigri Tinctura Sacra Vitriola Martis Hiera Picra Pulvis Ari Compositus Diatesseron Pulvis Antepilepticus species Alexipharmacae Nostrae and Our Magisterial Antepileptick Pouder 29. Some commend the species Diaolibani Mynsichti species Diamajoranae as Mynsicht says Cures an inveterate Headach when all other things fail he sets also an high value on species Diapeti used as a Sneezing Pouder For that it cleanses the Head and Brain of all cold moist salt viscous and pituitous Humours and strengthens the Head and Brain whereby it becomes prevalent in all Head-achs Catarrhs Vertigoes Epilepsies Lethargies and other the like Diseases proceeding from the Obstruction of the Brain and the aforesaid superfluous Humours you must snuff up the quantity of a great Pea every Night going to Bed about two hours after Supper it largely draws away all evil Humours both thick and thin 30. This may be taken early in the Morning Take Conserves of Betony-flowers and of Rosemary-flowers pouder of Male Peony-roots and Misleto of the Oak of each half an ounce Pearls red Coral prepared of each one ounce and half pouder of Wood of Aloes and yellow Sanders choice Musk of each a dram and half Ambergrise half a dram with syrup of Peony-flowers a sufficient quantity make an Electuary of which the quantity of a Chesnut may be taken every Morning and Evening 31. Also Tincture of Antimony spirit of Sal Armoniack spir de Cornu Bovis and spir of Mans Skull may now and then be taken in the Day in a Glass of generous Wine 32. Lastly if it be a Body full of evil Humours it will be necessary either that the Seton be applyed to the Nape of the Neck and the Wound to be kept open for three or four months or otherwise that one two or more Issues be made and be kept continually open either in one or both Arms or in both Thighs a little above the Knee 33. But Experience confirms the application of a Cautery to both the Soles of the Feet and to be kept running for a long time for that they evacuate the Head after a remarkable manner of all cold and moist Humors and not only the Head but many other parts of the Body yea sometimes even to the changing of the whole Habit. 34. Zacutus Lusitanus propounds four Remedies confirm'd by Experience to wit an Issue in the back of the Hand Horse-Leeches to the Temples viz. ten or twelve that a large quantity of Blood may be drawn away opening of a Vein in the Forehead and the Vein in the Corner of the Eye 35. Herein these things are to be Noted 1. That the Issue betwixt the Thumb and the Fore-finger has Cured many great Head-achs 2. That the number of Horse Leeches ought to be large whence comes a great attraction of the Blood whereby the whole Cause of the Disease is drawn away 3. That the Vein of the Forehead ought to be twice or thrice opened for that the first opening is insufficient for the intended purpose the same understand of the Vein in the corner of the Eye 36. Faelix WurtZ opened the Arteries of the Temples for the same purpose which Experiment he proved upon himself after all other Remedies failed this thing is approv'd of by Paraeus who says It may be done without danger 37. The Artery is opened as a Vein and six or eight ounces of Blood may be taken leaping forth afterwards a convenient Bolster and Ligature is to be applyed which is not to be opened in four days or a Plaster of Frankincense Mastich fine Bole Hares-hair with the white of an Egg. 38. Botallus does also confirm the opening of an Artery for this purpose and says That they do miraculously Cure old Headachs and Riverius says He has Cured many desperate ones the same way and never found any danger 39. A Cautery sometimes upon the Coronal Suture has perfectly Cured a most violent Head-ach But Poterius says It is
it might be supposed the Patient might live 6. This Chyrurgian who is now to be nameless strongly opposed me slighted my Opinions and warranted to the By-standers the Patient's life although under all those dangerous Symptoms besides his old Age. 7. Upon these Resolves the sick was let Blood and the bounteous Chyrurgian liberally took away from the dying man no less than 18 ounces thereof presently the sick fainted and with very much adoe he was kept from a swooning fit I told them They might safely give him now and then a little of Angelica water the greater Composition the which they did and he seemed to be cheared thereby 8. The Chyrurgyan now leaves him promising That he would do more and greater things for him which would certainly restore him about two hours after th Patient cry'd out I am a dead man the Chyrurgian has kill'd me I being by desired him to be patient saying the Chyrurgian has not kill'd you 't is your Disease that is dangerous and vehement But however that it would be good for him to prepare himself and set his house in order He now and then slumbred and past away the night in short and troublesom sleeps but approaching 5 a clock in the morning he surrenered his vital Spirits 9. The next morning came our Chyrurgian nor was I much behind him where contrary to his Expectation and in some measure mine We found our late deplorable Patient dead I desired That the Chyrurgian might open him which was presently granted It was done occordingly and in the fore Ventricle of the Brain a bag of water was found as big as a small hens Egg all the rest of the Viscera of the three Venters being sound and it is observable That 2 or 3 dayes before he dyed he complained of a vehement pain in his forehead VII A Vertigo with a Malign Feaver 1 A young maiden of 14 or 15 years of Age being sick of a malign Feaver was in the Tenth day of her sickness seised with a Vertigo so that she could not stand but all things seem'd to turn round with Violence She had a Bubo under her left Arm-hole which broke and ran well so that there was great hopes of her life 2. Four dayes after a Parotis appeared behind the right Ear to which 6 or 7 Leches were applyed the Vertigo in the mean Season at fits and sometimes almost continually afflicting the sick by the application of the Leeches the Tumor had Liberty to ripen and break which by help of strong Maturatives was perfected in 3 days 3. All things were done in respect both to the Feaver and the malignity so that the Disease seemed to be conquered only the Vertigo remainned for the helping of which I order'd the solid Err●i es to be apply'd the next day but alas before the appointed time the Patient was dead 4. Her Parents had a Desire to have her opened and in the former ventricle of the Brain was a Cystis found about the bigness of a Pigeons egg full of Water of a kind of yellowish green Colour the water was put upon bread and given to a dog who eat the same and in 3 or 4 hours after having first Vomited he dyed VIII A Vertigo in a Maiden with obstructions of her terms 1. She was 18 years of Age and was in the beginning of May seized with a Vertigo her habit of body was cold moist and flegmatick and she had been troubled with the obstruction of her Courses for more than 20 Months so that she sometimes Vomited blood often bleed at nose her Countenance was pale wan like death it self 2. Application was made to me and after viewing the sick I found That the Green-sickness had seised her she confest That she had eaten Oat-meal Raw Wheat and such like things for many months and that largely and That she had strong longing after nor could she be satisfi'd without them upon which followed the Suppression of her Courses with vomiting and loathing of Food and this Vertigo 3. The first thing I gave her was this Take the Infusion of Crocus Metallorum of Rulandus Vinegar of Squils of each an ounce Carduus water four ounces mix them for a draught to be exhibited in the morning fasting It wrought well gave her 5 Vomits and 7 Stools by which both Stomach and Bowels seemed to be well cleansed the maid was also much more lightsom and her head was exceedingly eased 4. But I knowing her Disease to be stubborn and to proceed from a stubborn viscouse tenacious humour thought it necessary to repeat the former dose which was done upon the 4th day following after this she seemed to be perfectly well and her preternatural Appetite to be quite gone so that she was u●willing to take any more 5. Now because Colocynthis mightily cleanses and opens the Womb above all other things I gave her the 4th day following the former dose about half a spoonful or somewhat more of the Infusion of the said Colocynthis in rectified Spirit of wine which I repeated for three times every 4th day 6. But that in all the time of Purging she might not faint I ordered her to take now and then in the intermediate dayes a little of our Electuarium ad Tabidos from whence she found great refection 7. In the mean season I was not unmindful of the distemper of her head but caused it to be often bathed with Powers of Sassafras and caused her often to smell to Spirit of Sal Armoniack and continually to take it in all the drink she drank which was indeed no small benefit to her 8. Lastly After that all her purging was over and it was now about the New of the Moon I prescrib'd her to take the Tincture of Gum Guajaci drawn with rectified Spirit of Wine the dose was a Spoonful or better morning and night after which she drank a Glass of Rhenish wine and Sugar I ordered her the continuance thereof til her Courses appeared which was after the first taking it about 4 days from which time she had them in good order and remain'd in perfect Health IX A Vertigo in a Girl about ten years of Age. 1. Her Parents told me It had afflicted her for about two years and as well as they could guess was caused from her long and much turning round with some other Neighbours Children at what time she not having so strong a head or brain as they fell down 2. The Disease came by fits at first more seldom afterwards more often so that it came almost every day and sometime twice a day it would also come in the night so that she would often cry out in the midst of her sleep That the house was a turning the upside downward that it would fall upon her and she should be kill'd 3. I saw plainly that it was caused chiefly from a windy Vapor first stirr'd up by the aforementioned Action which upon the least motion disturbing the Brain presently caused
Resin of Jallap sixteen Grains Castoreum a Scruple Oyl of Rosemary or Amber half a Scruple the Gum Ammoniacum distilled in Hysterick Water enough to make it up into sixteen Pills Dose four every sixth or seventh day 33. They that cannot swallow Pills may take this following Apozem Take Roots of Polypody of the Oak sharp pointed Dock prepared of each six drams Roots of the Male Peony six drams leaves of Betony Germander Vervain Veronica Gout-Ivy of each a handful Burdock seeds Cardamums of each three drams Spring Water four Pints boyl it to two Pints strain and add to the straining choice Sena one ounce Rhubarb six drams Gummy Turbith half an ounce Epithymum Yellow Sanders yellow Rinds of Oranges of each two drams Salts of Wormwood and of Scurvy-grass of each one dram digest them close in a hot sand for twelve hours strain and sweeten it with a sufficient quantity of syrup of Succory with Rhubarb The Dose six Ounces once or twice a Week 34. The second Indication of Cure is to Corroborate the Brain and Animal spirits by strengthning and Specifick Remedies which may destroy the Heterogeneous Copula which are to be chosen according to the Constitution Habit and Temperament of the Body 35. For to such as are too lean and hot Medicines less hot and which do not trouble the blood ought to be given and contrarywise to such as are Phlegmatick Eat and Gold whose Urine is thin and watery and whose Blood is circulated more slowly Medicaments more hot are to be administred 36. In a more hot temperament the following Corroberatives may be exhibited Take Conserve of Betony Flowers Tamarisk Male Peony Species Diamargariton frigidum a dram and a half pouder of Peony roots and seeds of the same of each a Dram red Coral prepared Salt of Wormwood of each two drams Vitrol of Steel two scruples Juyce of Oranges enough to make an Electuary Take a dram of it twice or thrice a day drinking after it a draught of this following Julep 37. Take shavings of Ivory and Harts-horn of each three drams roots of Chervil Burdock Valerian each half an Ounce leaves of Betony Gout-Ivy or ground-Pine Harts-Tongue Tops of Tamarisk of each an handful Barks of Tamarisk and Amara dulcis of each half an ounce Water two quarts boyl to the consumption of a third add white Wine eight ounces strain them into a pitcher to which add Brooklime Cresses of each a handful infuse close and warm for four hours strain and keep it close stopped in Glasses Dose six ounces After the aforesaid Electuary or some of the following Pouders 38. Take Red Coral with juyce of Oranges beaten together in a Mortar and dryed half an ounce pouder of Misleto of the Oak of male Peony-root of each two drams sugar pearled 3 drams make a pouder Dose one Scruple to half a dram twice or thrice a day 39. Take species Diamargariton frigidum two drams salt of Wormwood 3 drams root of Wake-Robin in pouder one dram mix and make up a pouder for twenty doses one in the Morning and one at four in the Afternoon or take of the Roots of Butterbur an ounce or two make them into fine Pouder dose half a dram to a dram twice a day 40. Take leaves of Burdock and Wake-Robin of each six handfulls Cut and mix them and distill a dose of the water 2 or 3 drams twice or thrice a day After any of the former Pouders 41. Take of the Water of Walnuts and Black Cherries of each half a pint snail-water three ounces syrup of male Peony-flowers 2 ounces Dose one ounce and half or 2 ounces twice or thrice a day Moreover in the summer-time the use of Spaw-water is convenient or for want of them such as are artificially prepared 42. Hitherto of the Medicaments to be used in a hot Constitution In a cold Temperament the following things are more Excellent Take Conserves of Rosemary of the yellow of Orange and Limons of each 2 ounces of Lignum Aloes of yellow Sanders of the roots of snake-Weed Contrayerva Angelica Cucupint each one dram with what will suffice of candied Walnuts make an Electuary Let it be taken twice a day to the quantity of a Nutmeg drinking after it a dose of appropriate Liquor 43. Take of the Roots of male Peony Angelica and red Coral prepared each 2 drams of sugar dissolv'd in the water of Snails boyled to the Consistency of Tablets 6 ounces of the oyl of Amber lightly rectified half a dram make a sufficient quantity of Lozenges each weighing about half a dram take one or two twice or thrice a day drinking after it a dose of proper Liquorice 44. Take of the Roots of Virginian snake-weed Contrayerva Valerian each two drams of red Coral and prepared Pearl each one dram of Winteran Bark and of the root of Cretian Dittany each one dram of the Vitriol of steel and salt of Wormwood each one dram and half of extract of Centaury two drams of Ammoniacum dissolved in hysterick water a sufficient quantity to make a pilulary Mass of which take 4 Pills in the morning and at four in the Afternoon 45. Take of the spirit of Harts-horn or soot or humane blood or of sal Armoniack a sufficient quantity take of them from 10 to 12 drops Morning and Evening in a spoonfull of Jallap drinking a small draught of the same after it 46. Take of the Leaves of Betony Vervain Sage Lady's-smocks Cocowpint Burdock of each two handfuls of green Wallnuts numb 20. the Rinds of six Oranges and four Limons of Cardamoms and Cubebs of each one Ounce being cut and bruised pour on them of whey made of Cider or White wine six pints distill them according to Art The Dose 2 ounces to 3 twice a day after a Dose of a solid Medicine you may add to one quart of this Liquor two drams our Steel 47. Take of the water of Snails and of Earth-worms each six ounces Walnuts simple 4 ounces of Radish compound two ounces of white sugar two ounces make a Julep The Dose 4 or 6 spoonfuls twice in a day after a dose of a solid Medicine 48. Take of Millepedes or Hog-Lice cleansed one pint of Cloves cut half an ounce put to them one quart of White-wine let them be distill'd in a glass Cucurbit The dose one ounce to an ounce and half twice a day 49. For the poorer sort of People Medicines not difficult to be prepared may be prescribed after this manner Take of the Conserves of the leaves of Rue made with an equal proportion of sugar six Drams take thereof the quantity of a Nutmeg twice a day Drinking after it of the Decoction of the seeds and roots of Burdock in Whey or posset-drink made of white-wine 50. Or there may be prepared a Conserve of the leaves of the tree of Life with a like portion of Sugar Dose half a dram to one dram twice a day or Take of Millepedes prepared 3 drams of Ameos seeds one dram
quantity mix them in a fine pouder and take it from half a dram to a dram every Morning 8. At night going to bed she took sixteen drops of the spirit of Mans Skull in Canary by the continual use of which things she became well and so remained for the space of two years 9. But accidentally being affrighted she was siezed with the Epilepsy again at what time my help was again requested after due purging I gave her my magistral Epileptick Pouder which she took from a scruple to a half a dram every Morning fasting 10. Also I caused her Head being first shaved to be anointed with this Anti-apoplectick Balsam Take Oyl of Nutmegs by expression one ounce Chymical Oyls of Savin Rosmary Sage sweet Marjoram Amber Sassafras of each one dram mix and make a Balsam for the Head with this her Head was anointed gently Morning and Evening as also the Vertebrae of the Back for the space of twelve days 11. The Epilepsy went off from her and she grew Paralytick in her right hand which we restored by anointing with the Balsam aforementioned after which we applyed Emplastrum de Galbano Crocatum Mynsichti by which applications she became perfectly free from all her aforesaid Diseases IV. The Epilepsy in a Man thirty four years of Age. 1. This Man had been for four or five years vehemently afflicted with the Epilepsy and given over by most Physicians as Incurable after Tryal of many things as aforesaid I gave him a strong Vomit made of the Infusion of the glass of Antimony by which his Stomach was exceeding well cleansed 2. Afterwards I ordered him to take the Lunar Pills once a Week for four times together by means of which a vast quantity of humors were evacuated out of the Body 3. And by reason I was fearful that the Viscera should be too much weakned by so much purging I ordered him to take our Electuarium ad Tabidos every Morning fasting the quantity of a Nutmeg and as much at Night going to bed 4. These things went not without their success for there was not only a plentiful evacuation of the humor made but there was a Corroberation of all the Faculties and Functions of the whole Body 5. Yet notwithstanding all this we could not say Our Patient was cured or in any seeming hope of Cure however I dispaired not but intreated him to go on that we might make the utmost Tryal that could be 6. I caused his Hair to be shaved and a Vesicatory to be laid all over the whole Head by which many large Blisters were drawn these Vesicatories I repeated no less than four times 7. Afterwards I gave him such things as were Specificks in the Cure of this Disease as this following Take Misleto of the Oak one ounce Cinnabar of Antimony half an ounce Volatile Salts of Amber of Hartshorn and of Mans Skull of each half a dram Peacocks dung one dram Pouder of Male-peony roots and seeds of each two drams Cocheneel Saffron Ambergrise and Musk of each one scruple mix and make a very subtle Pouder of this he took from half a dram to two scruples every Morning fasting and every night going to bed in a glass of black Cherry-Wine 8. But by reason he complained of a great illness of his Stomach want of Digestion and loss of Appetite I ordered him to take the Antepileptick spirit of Vitriol in all the Liquors he drank by means of which the Faculties and Functions of the Stomach came to be restored and his digestion strengthened so that he could eat with a strong Appetite 9. Yet notwithstanding all this his Epilepsy remained however I advised him to continue the use of the means and gave him encouragement and strong hopes because the strength of his Disease declined every day moreover he had not one fit where he used to have two before 10. These things tired our Patient so much that he resolved to take no more for although his Disease was not so strong as it was when I took him in hand yet nevertheless the tediousness of the Cure brought him into dispair however this advantage he had by the Medicaments he took that whereas before he used to have fits almost every day it would be a Week and somtimes a fortnight between each Paroxysm which to me would have been so much matter of hope and satisfaction that I should have certainly continued the use of the means to a perfect Cure 11. However a Cure did succeed after a while though not by my means for being in his Barn accidently he fell down and broke his Head so that there was a Fissure of the Skull 12. A Chyrurgion was forthwith sent for the Man was taken up for Dead when the Wound came to be searched the Artist found a large Fissure in the Skull I being by he askt my advice I concluded upon opening the Skull without which he was certainly a dead Man 13. The thing was forthwith very dexterously done and the Sick became cured not only of the Contusion and Wound but also of his Epilepsy which had so long afflicted him for by that Breathing place the noxious Humours and Vapors had vent or passage 14. I advised him to keep it open as long as he Lived he followed my advice and lived ten years after free from the Falling-sickness or any other distemper of the Head V. The Falling-sickness in a Girl caused by a fall 1. This Girl being at Play with some of her Play-fellows fell down from a Considerable height whereby her Shoulder Head and hinder part of her Neck was extreamly bruised she was taken up for Dead but being carried home and got into her bed she quickly came to her self again 2. After which a Chyrurgion applyed Cupping-glasses with scarification to the bruised parts by means of which a great deal of black bruised Blood was drawn forth and in a short time after all the bruised places of the Shoulders Neck and Head were made perfectly well 3. However about twelve or fourteen days after near the new of the Moon the Girl was taken with a fit of the Epilepsy with a great crying and roaring out a forcible falling to the Ground and a foaming at the Mouth 4. These fits came every two or three days at the end of each fit there came out of her Nostrils about half a spoonful or better of clear viscous water by the appearance of which I Judged the Cavities of the Brain to be offended with a watery Humor the Evacuation of which might conduce to the restoaring of her to perfect Health 5. I Caused her to take the Solid Errhines mentioned in some of the former sections also the Liquid Errhine made of a small quantity of Euphorbium dissolved in white Wine which draws forth the Excrements of the Brain from the very hinder parts of the Head 6. These were several times exhibited with due Intervals and to the Head being shaved was applyed the Epileptick Emplaster of Franciscus
gave of it and my Expectations in about ten or twelve times taking thereof the Youth was freed from his Epilepsy nor had he it ever any more XX. An Epilepsy in a Consumptive person 1. Whether the Epilepsy was the cause of the Consumption or the Consumption the cause of the Epilepsy I will not determine because their beginnings were so nearly together 2. This our Patient was about twenty four years of Age a young man formerly fleshy and of a good strong habit of Body to appearance before this Disease siezed him though now become exceeding thin and lean at the first coming of the fits they afflicted him but seldom as once every change and full of the Moon 3. But afterwards growing stronger upon him they came every quarter of the Moon and now at the time of undertaking of this Cure sometimes once or twice a day 4. 'T was an Epilepsy arising from the extream parts for he could feel it coming upon him in his Fingers and Toes a considerable time before it took away his Senses so that he could tell the by-standers that the fit was coming and also provided a place to fall down in 5. This Disease he told me crept so sensibly upon him and he could as easily discern it creeping up both his Legs and his Arm as if he had thrusted them down gradually into cold water 6. During this affliction as there was a pining of his whole Body so he had a very weak Stomach seldom desiring to Eat nor well digesting when he had Eaten For this purpose I gave him the following Emetick Take Crocus Metallorum six drams Salt of Vitriol two scruples mix and give it in a little Broth this wrought very well with him and gave him about eight Vomits and five Stools 7. The fifth day following I gave him a dram and half of my Catharticum Argenteum which wrought excellently both upwards and downwards 8. This done I caused him to take in all his Drink six or eight drops more or less of the Antepileptick Spirit of Vitriol or so much at least as might make this Liquor so sharp as he could conveniently drink it and this I ordered him to continue the use of for some certain time whereby his Stomach was comforted and strengthened and he began to eat his Food in good order 9. Morning and Evening I ordered him to take of this following Electuary Take Electuarium ad Tabidos four ounces Misleto of the Oak in pouder pouder of Male-peony roots and seeds Mans Skull levigated of each six drams native Cinnabar Pea-cocks dung pouder of the Liver of Frogs dryed of each four drams Musk in fine pouder one dram and half Ambergrise in fine pouder half a dram Civet half a scruple mix all together and with syrup of the juyce of Male-peony flowers make an Electuary according to Art 10. Of this he took the quantity of a Chestnut every Morning fasting and every Night going to bed which was continued for near a quarter of a year together 11. Outwardly his Stomach Hypochonders and Back-bone from the Vertebrae of the Neck down to the Os Coccygis was anointed with this following Balsam Take Oyl of Nutmegs by expression four ounces Oyl of Amber Oyl of Rosemary Oyls of Rue of Sage and sweet Marjoram all Chimical of each half an ounce mix them well together and anoint as aforesaid 12. His Head was shaved and bathed all over with the Powers of Amber Morning and Night over which was put this following Emplaster Take Rosin per Rosin Venice Turpentine of each four ounces Oyl of nutmegs by expression three ounces sheeps Suet ship Pitch of each one ounce Oyl of Amber two ounces and half Wax a sufficient quantity melt mix and make an Emplaster which apply over the whole Head after bathing as aforesaid 13. By the constant use of these Medicaments our Patient in the space of ten Weeks was perfectly Cured but he continued the use of the Medicines for some time after Observations from other AVTHORS XXI A Falling-sickness in a Child 1. A Boy three years old had a fit of the Falling-sickness from which he was freed with the Smoak of Tobacco 2. It was done by a Servant drawing it out of a Pipe and blowing it into the Mouth of the Boy being open the Child fell a Vomiting and the fit ceased Riverius Cent. 2. Observ 160. XXII The Falling-sickness in a young Maiden 1. I have often experienced and can testify the same by many Witnesses that Peony gathered under its proper Constellation viz. when the Moon is descendant in the sign Aries does remove the Falling-sickness only by external application 2. And I caused a certain Virgin of eighteen years of Age who had been troubled with this Disease from her Child-hood and dayly fits being in the Hospital to wear it about her Neck and Arms after which she was perfectly cured 3. Hence it is apparent of what consequence Astrology is in the practice of Physick Riverius Cent. 4. Observ 387. XXIII The Falling-sickness accompanied with a Dead Palsy 1. A Girl named Katherine Bognole ten years old of a flegmatick Constitution broad well-set Body was afflicted five or six Months with the Falling-sickness by fits almost every day yea sometimes twice or thrice in a day which was attended with a privation of motion and sence in her right Arm. 2. This Girl being brought into our Hospital in the month of December 1643. in the first place I prescribed her a potion purging flegm with a Cephalick Decoction which after some days was repeated and she used between whiles Preparatives and specifick Medicaments but without success 3. At length I gave her about two drams of Montagnana his Opiate four or five days together which being over she began to move her Fingers and soon after her whole Arm she was not so frequently taken with Fits of the Falling-sickness afterwards 4. So that within twenty days taking every Morning of the foresaid Opiate she was perfectly cured of both Diseases 5. The Opiate was made as followeth Take Roots of Male-peony Staechas Costus of each ten drams Agarick five ounces Pellitory of Spain Carraway-seeds Anniseed Assa faetida and Aristolochia Rotunda of each two drams and a half juyce of Squils and choice Honey of each one pound and two ounces let the juyce of squils and Honey boyl together over a gentle fire unto a good consistence then add the Pouders and make then all into an Electuary Let the Dose be two drams every Morning three hours before Meat Riverius Cent. 4. Obs 395. XXIV A Falling-sickness proceeding from the Mother 1. The Wife of Mr. Polemarchus de Sumenes was divers years together vexed with many Symtoms of the Mother which had a resemblance of the Falling-sickness 2. She tryed many Medicines prescribed by able Physicians but all in vain 3. At last by advice of a Woman she took the flesh of a Wolf brought into Pouder wearing a piece of the same flesh salted continually
the admiration of the by-standers he presently rested came to himself and grew well 3. I gave him a Fumigation of a Lobster into his Nostrils and extracted plentifully Blood from the Median Vein his Drink was the distilled water of Lavender sweetned with the Conserve of Peony Martinus Rulandus Cent. 10. Cur. 32. CXXII The Epilepsy in a middle aged Man 1. A Man about forty four years of Age suffered an Epilepsy which was accompanied with Melancholy his Urine was froathy and muddy 2. My advice being required I restored him in a few days to his former Health by these following Medicines Take the pouder of the roots Asarum one dram Wine six ounces mix them and make a draught which he drank off warm in his bed Sweating much and Vomiting whereupon he grew well 3 Our Sternutatory was used to considerable advantage for his Drink Wine was given wherein Hysop was infused Martinus Rudus Cent. 10. Cur. 65. CXXIII The Epilepsy in a middle aged Woman 1. A Married Woman becoming Epileptick having advised with me in the forty six year of her Age about her Cure I ordered Drink of the Decoction of Sage because she was a poor Citizen 2. For purging her I prescribed the following things Take the Water of Tile flowers mix them and make an infusion according to Art strain and take it every day for two days together 3. She sweated seven days together in her Bed taking six ounces of the Decoction of Hysop warm these Prescriptions being followed he was totally delivered from this Malady Martinus Rulandus Cent. 10. Cur. 66. CXXIV The Epilepsy in a very aged Woman 1. A Widow about seventy years of Age was vexed with the Falling-sickness for four years at the interval of Weeks according to the variety of Weather 2. Having advised with me I prescribed Vinum sublimatum i. e. spirit of Wine Pantonosagogum by which she was copiously purged without the least Detriment and was freed from that dangerous and tedious Disease Martinus Rulandus Cent. 10. Cur. 72. CXXV The Epilepsy in another ancient Woman 1. Another Widow in the sixtieth year of her age became Epileptick having fits six times every day and from the first minute of the Paroxysm her Hands and Fingers were convulsed then she fell and lay as one stupifyed for the space of half an hour afterwards she could rise and come to her self again 2. This Woman was recovered by me with this one following easy Medicine Take sublimated Wine i. e. spirit of Wine into which infuse Hysop then take every night going to Bed three large spoonfuls or two ounces when she had followed these Directions for a Week together the Convulsion totally intermitted and never returned again Martinus Rulandus Cent. 10. Cur. 95. CXXVI A Man Epileptick afflicted with the Stone 1. This Man being near forty years of Age and for above ten or twelve years past much afflicted with the Stone in the Bladder was at length siezed with the Falling-sickness The first Fit took him about the beginning of May the second Fit near the latter end of the same Months afterwards the Fits followed him for a while once a Week and at length he fell with them every day 2. He tryed several Physicians without any remedy at length he came to me he complained to me of both his Distempers nor could he tell which afflicted him most but desired my help against them both and by reason his Body was very apt to be bound I caused it to be kept open somtimes with Diacatholicon and somtimes with stewed Prunes prepared with Sena 3. Then I ordered this following Bolus to be taken every night going to bed Take Balsam of Peru three ounces pouder of Mans skull six drams salt of Hartshorn Misleto of the Oak Peony-seeds in pouder of each three drams mix and make an Electuary Dose from one dram to half an ounce encreasing the dose gradually this was taken for about nine or ten months without intermission 4. Every Morning fasting the following Potion was given Take Rhenish Wine four pound Onions shred small six ounces infuse all for forty hours then squeeze hard out to the expressed Liquor add distilled Water of Onions one pound and half salt of Mans skull one ounce mix them Dose five or six spoonfuls every Morning fasting or somewhat more encreasing the Dose also as the Patient can bear it 5. After this had been taken for a month the following was given for a month longer Take Oyl of Juniper-berries from twenty drops to thirty juyce of Limons two spoonfuls mix the Oyl first with a little white Sugar then with the juyce of Limons and so let him take it drinking after it a little draught of Water distilled from biting Arsmart or from Onions 6. And every day an hour before Dinner about ten ounces of the following mixture was given him Take simple water of Juniper-berries simple distilled waters of biting Arsmart and of Onions of each a like quantity mix them to which add at time of giving to every dose two drams or more of the Volatile and Antepileptick spirit of Vitriol 7. Once also every Week and somtimes oftner I purged his Head with proper Errhines by which a vast quantity of Water and purulent Excrements were drawn from thg Brain this was commonly done at night going to bed that he might not take cold by immediate going into the Air and by the constant use of these Medicines this Patient was perfectly cured of his Disease however after the first Month I ordered him for his constant drink a small Decoction of Guajacum in which a small quantity of Mustard-seed and Horse Radish roots were infused Ex MSS. R. Turneri Observ 127. CXXVII The Falling-sickness with other Symptoms 1. A Gentlewoman about 20 years of Age was afflicted every day with Suffocation and Swo●ning which degenerated into a Delirium and Convulsion of the whole Body afterwards there was some mitigations of those Symptoms yet they continued somtimes for the space of fifteen days 2. She was also troubled with a most grievious and sharp pains in her Arteries insomuch that she was constrained to cry out bitterly and if sometimes there appeared any intermission of her pains yet she was oppressed by Melancholy and became so lean that she looked not much better than an Anatomy being of a very wane palish colour as if she had been labouring under the Green-sickness 3. She remained in this Condition without Cure for the space of four or five years at length all the Physicians of Thoulouze were convocated to have a Consultation for her Cure but they looking on her Condition as desperate committed her Cure to time her native Air and the care of her Parents hoping that by those means she might recover 4. Notwithstanding she continued under her former Circumstances for many years and those Symptoms getting ground and growing every day more and more vigorous at last all means being dispaired of I was called upon and I asked what Medicines the Doctors
Water presently while the Blood is warm Dose one or two ounces 60. Take Conserves of Male peony-flowers and flowers of Stoechas flowers of Rosemary of sage and of Betony of each one ounce Conserves of the flowers of succory and Violets of each half an ounce roots and seeds of Male peony of each two drams roots of Pyrethrum leaves of Hysop of each a dram seeds of Basil and Mans skull of each four scruples with Honey of squils make an Electuary 61. Take roots of Peony and Pyrethrum of each a dram and half Hysop seeds of Peony of each two drams Misletoe of the Oak three drams with Honey of squils make an Electuary 62. Galens remedy of Squils Take squils sliced Virgin Honey Clarifyed of each half a pound pouder of Peony-root and of the seed of each one ounce Misletoe of the Oak Hysop Rue Agarick of each two drams Pyrethrum one dram Pouder of Mans skull half an ounce put them into a glass being first beaten together digest in Horse-dung or Sand for fifteen days being throughly hot so as it may scald let the juyce be pressed out for use Dose one or two spoonfuls once or twice a Week 63. Take old Venice Treacle three drams roots and seeds of Male-peony Misletoe of the Oak of each a dram Pouder of Mans skull two drams seeds of Basil and of Clary of each half a dram with syrup of Poppies make an Electuary Dose one dram or more going to bed 64. The Antidote of Montagnus which Riverius says goes beyond all by which many have been cured is made thus Take roots of Male-peony stoechas and Pepper-wort of each ten drams Agarick five drams Pellitory Carraway-seeds Dill Assa foetida round Birthwort of each two drams and half juyce of squils Honey of each a pound and two ounces boyl the Honey and Juyce to a good consistence then add the Pouders and make an Electuary of which three or four drams may be given at a time as Age requires continuing it about thirty days together 65. Riverius his Specifick Electuary Take Conserves of Rosemary-flowers Peony and Bugloss of each half an ounce Citron-peels candied two drams pouder of the Misletoe of the Oak Peony-seeds and Elks Claws of each half a dram Mans skull not buried calcined Philosophically a dram and half Coral Pearl Harts-tongue prepared of each four scruples Oriental Bezoar Diamoschi dulcis Diatrion santalon of each two scruples old Venice Treacle Confectio Diahiacyntho of each a dram spirit of Vitriol fifteen drops with syrup of candied Citron-peels make an Electuary Dose the quantity of a large Nutmeg drinking after it a little Cinnamon-water 66. Platerus his Antidote against the Falling-sickness Take Peony-roots Misletoe of the Oak of each two drams roots of Tormentil round Birthwort Dropwort Cinque-foil Dittany of each one dram squils prepared a dram and half Agarick Hysop Marjoram of each two drams Male-peony-seeds a dram and half seeds of Clary of Hartwort Basil Cresses of each half a dram Cinnamom Cubebs Cardamoms Nutmegs of each one dram long Pepper Ginger of each half a dram Diamoschi two scruples Plires arconticon Diamargariton frigidum of each a scruple Mans skull levigated half an ounce Elks hoof two drams Swallows and Cuckows Ashes but I rather think their flesh in pouder of each a dram and half shavings of Ivory and Hartshorn of each half a dram Hares Rennet two drams Mastich Benjamin Ammoniacum dissolved in juyce of squills with Honey of squils a sufficient quantity make an Electuary 67. If the Disease be caused from Worms you must use things that are Cathartick and kill Worms such are Aloes Rhubarb c. which are to be mixed with things that resist Putrifaction such are juyces and seeds of Citrons of Limons Hartshorn Coral and Coralline which being joyned with seeds of Male-peony Misletoe of the Oak c. will be of good effect 68. Or Take Aloes Rubarb of each one dram Wormseed Coralline the pulp of Male-peony-seed of each half a dram Diagredium six grains with the syrup of the juyce of Limons make Pills 69. Or Take Rubarb one dram and half Coral two scruples Pulp of Citrons and Male-peony-seeds shavings of Hartshorn and Ivory Misletoe of the Oak of each a scruple sugar dissolv'd in Purslane-water with juyce of Limons one ounce and half make Lozeges Dose one dram 70. If the Disease come from fits of the Mother let the following Pills be taken Take Castoreum Assa foetida of each half a dram Gum Ammoniacum sagapenum dissolved in Vinegar of squils and inspissated the Gall of a Bear of each half a scruple Oyl of Amber four or six drops with juyce of Peony-roots make a mass of Pills to be given from half a scruple to a scruple at Night going to bed 71. If it be by consent of the Stomach Take seeds of Arach Dill-seed Radish-root of each half an ounce Figs slit number two bruise and boyl in nine ounces of water to the consumption of a third part strain and mix therewith Vinegar of squils two ounces It will empty the Stomach well by Vomiting 72. After purge with this following Take Pilulae de Hiera simple Aloephanginae Agarick trochiscated of each a scruple with syrup of Wormwood make a mass of Pills for two or three Doses according to the strength of the sick 73. Decker commends the sweet spirit of Nitre and he says That the white red and yellow-flowers of sal Armoniack exceeds all which does not only cut the flegm but correct the Volatile sharp and sour humour which is very Volatile and most penetrating with which Melancholy men themselves are made merry which thing Decker is bold to say he has proved above an hundred times 74. And he says also that he has not only cured the Falling-sickness in Boys by this Medicine but also in adust persons 75. Crato calls native Cinnabar the Loadstone of the Epilepsy and Decker says it does specifically help in this Disease but he says that of Antimony is better 76. And Crato has made a pouder which you may see in our Pharmacopoeia lib. 4. cap. 21. sect 91. to these you may add pulvis Antepilepticus made of the Crystals of Luna Pulvis Epilepticus Wickardi pulvis Antepilepticus Schroderi and pulvis Antepilepticus Mynsichti all which you may see in the Book and Chapter afore recited sect 53. 77. 80 and 94. 77. The Species Diacinnabaris Mynsichti has a wonderful Power against the Epilepsy Apoplexy Convulsion Palsy Vertigo Megrim fits of the Mother and other Diseases of the Head and Womb having cured those who have been troubled nine ten twelve yea eighteen years with many of the forenamed Diseases Dose from a scruple to a dram in the Morning fasting till the Cure is perfected 78. If all these things after a long taking prevail not you may exhibite the following Pouder Take Musk three drams Ambergrise a dram and a half Civet one scruple Volatile salt of Vipers Volatile salt of Mans skull of each half
a Gentlewoman a meer stranger to the Sick and to me yet unknown proffered upon her own Generosity to give the reward upon this I was sent for and viewing the Sick saw his condition very strange and deplorable the Lady requested my opinion gave me three peices of Gold or Guines and bad me do the best for the Poor Creature I could and if things succeeded well she would further reward me 3. Hereupon I attempted to do some thing but found that whatsoever was necessary to be don or whatsoever the rules of Art prescribed I must be forc't to give my Patient an Opiate or else it would be impossible for him to continue long but that the strength of his Convulsions would infallably carry him off in spight of whatsoever we should be able to do 4. For this cause sake I gave him a Laudanum extreamly well prepared and loaded with Volatile Salts and compleated with Camphir and Oyl of Wormwood which Medicament you may have exactly made and prepared either by my self Or by John Hollier a Chymist living in George Yard neer brooken wharf in Thames-street London of this Laudanum I gave him at first two grains which gave him some ease and which dose he continued about a week at the end of which I encreased the dose half a grain more at fourteen days end I gave him three grains 5. After this manner I continued the use of this Medicament for several weeks still augmenting of it half a grain every week whereby the miserable poor Man had not only ease for the present but we perfectly mastered the Convulsions in about seven weeks time and freed him from the danger of Death by those Paroxysms upon this the Sick would never goe to Bed without taking a Pill of his Opiate for if he did within a day or two he was sure to have a fit of the stone and now his resolutions were set that he would take them all the Days of his life rather than loose the ease and happiness which that Medicine procured him 6. He continued the use of it so long till by augmenting of it half a grain in a week he took half a dram for a dose at night going to Bed at what time he then began to take it diminishing the dose in like manner half a grain in a week till he had brought it back again to seven grains at which quantity he stuck for a long time now it is observable that during all the time of his taking of this Ladanum he voided every night a large quantity of red Gravel and in his own opinion much more Urine than he drank drink which was the first motive which induced him to lessen his dose 7. However now and than by pretermitting the use of this Laudanum we found that although by the use thereof he was freed from his dreadful Convulsion fits and from the extream Anguish and Pains of the stone as also from his stoppage of Urine and painful making water yet the true and Essentiall cause of those Pains remained wherefore my business was next to consult what was most rational either to dissolve any Coagulum in the Reins or Bladder and to prevent the like concretion for the future 8. I advised him to many things by which he confest he found much good as first the Decoction or juyce of Camomil which he used successfully for a pretty while secondly being weary of taking that I advised him to take the Infusion or Juyce of large Onions mixt with a sufficient quantity of White or Rhenish wine and Oyl of sweet Almonds by the use of which he confest he found a vast and singular advantage moreover I ordered him to make Onions Leeks Garlick or Shelots the only sawce for all the food he eat Thirdly I advised him to take the Distilled water of Hydropiper or biting Arsmart by the use of which he also confest he had much relief Fourthly I caused him after the use of all those things to take Egg-shels calcined ten or twelve days in a potters Furnace about a scruple or half a dram at a time every Morning fasting in any convenient Vehicle and to drink after the same a little Gill of spirit of Juniper Fifthly I ordered after the taking of all the former things Winter Cherries in fine pouder from a scruple to half a dram to be infused 48 hours in White or Rhenish wine half a pint and then the pouder and Wine to be drunk off together in the Morning fasting which he did for some weeks Sixthly The taking of choice Oyl of salt as many drops as he could well bear in a glass of Sack or other wine which he took for many months all these things were used in the Order recited together with Powers of Juniper-berries somtimes in Persicary water somtimes in white or Rhenish wine and somtimes in Sack from the use of which the Sick had not only manifest ease with a perpetual flux of Gravel but was also in his own opinion much better in respect of the stone it self yet this he found if he abstained long from some of the things above named his Lithontriptick paines would return again and that with Vehemency 9. I now began to consult upon his last remedy seeing that all the former things had not the desired Effects which I could have wisht for at length I concluded upon this Compositum Take choise Venice Turpentine eight ounces Liquid storax two ounces Camphir one ounce dissolved in a sufficient quantity of Oyl of Juniper-beries Cochenele in fine pouder half an ounce dissolve the storax in the Turpentine over a gentle heat then take it off the fire and being almost cold mix therewith the dissolved Camphir and cochenele in pouder stir them well together till they are perfectly mixt and put it into a Gally pot for use dose Morning and Evening as much as a hazel nut in a Wafer or roll'd up in Sugar 10. This very quantity cured the poor Man so that after the taking of it ceasing from all other Medicines no symptom of his Disease ever returned any more but he by degrees augmented his dose till he took of it Morning and Evening as much as a very large Nutmeg or more the Man having been well some months five peices of Gold was sent me sealed up in peice of paper by a foot-boy the person unknown to me to this day but I much suspect it to be from the Charitable and Religiously disposed Lady above mentioned I might here philosophize upon the reason of this Cure and the simples of the last Compositum but for fear of being too tedious seeing the matter is obvious I shall now forbear 11. A Brick-layer who had been for about fifteen years troubled with the Stone and gone from Physician to Physitian without hope of remedy I perfectly cured after three or four times purging with my Family Pills with only the last prescription and he has remained now well several months 12. Another man who had also been
the whole nervous systeme was throwly heated and the cause of the Convulsion dissolved which by a Cart load of Internal medicaments could never have been so exquisitely and so suddenly performed moreover the Nerves themselves were mightily corroborated and strengthen'd 10. But during all the time that this was a doing outwardly inward Medicines were not wanting to be used for I sent down also with the said powers of Amber the spirit of Saffron which she much desired and confest she found much good in the powers of Cloves and the Potestates Convulsivae and Nervosae which I ordered her to take either as her Stomach liked or alternatim in Sack as aforementioned these things she failed not to perform and in one months time became perfectly well beyond mine or her Friends expectations 11. But whereas she was troubled with an extream watching so that for some times she could not sleep for two or three days and nights together I ordered her now and then to take in the evening twenty five thirty or forty drops of my Guttae Vitae in Sack and so repose upon it which she did several times and in a short time removed that troublesom symptom moreover after that she became well I ordered her to continue for some time the use of the former internal nervous Medicaments and matutine reception of the Elixir proprietatis VIII Convulsion fits in a Child proceeding from Worms 1. The exquisitness of the cure and the speedy performance thereof makes me to insert this example A little Boy of four or five years old was of a sudden seiz'd with Convulsion fits and that without any praevious cause that his Relations or by-standers could apprehend these fits had afflicted the Child for about two months coming somtimes once in two days and somtimes once a day and somtimes twice a day 2. A stranger accidentally seeing the Child advised its Parents to give it of my Family Pills two at a time every Morning fasting or every other morning according as they found them to work and to continue the use thereof for a week or longer they did so the Pills purged the Child without any Pain and in about ten or twelve days time brought away about fourteen long worms a span or more in length after which the Convulsions ceased of their own accord and the Child presently mended and grew exceeding well upon it 3. This thing was don some years since but of late Mr Hollier told me he gave them to a young Girl who had not been well and the cause of whose Disease seemed to be very abstruse one or two doses at most brought a way from her several hundreds of Worms after which she persently mended and grew very well IX Convulsion fits attended with a Lethargy which were Mortal 1. A young Maiden about seventeen years of Age was seized with Convulsion fits as it was thought by taking cold in the Snow being put to Bed some of the Neighbour-hood advised her Parents to make her drunk with Brandy in hopes of a Cure it was don and the Maid drunk about three quarters of a pint or better of that liquor whereupon being overcome with it she became very sick and afterwards went to sleep the next day the Creature awaked not about noon they disturbed her but she desired still to sleep 2 Hereupon I was sent for because they feared their Child would dye when I came to her another Convulsive fit seized her again which after a while went off but the sick remained sleepy after this manner she continued for a week or more 3. Considering her condition I presum'd it to be a Lethargy which accompanied the Convulsion they desired my help but truly I plainly told them I knew not well what to do however outwardly I advised to bath all the External parts Head Temples Vertebrae of the Neck and Back-bone as also the parts afflicted with the Convulsion with Powers of Rosemary which was don but no amendment succeeded this was don for about eight days but the Lethargy still increased as for internal Medicaments we could get nothing down her Throat It was once attempted but she was in danger of Choaking so that for the future we totally desisted to offer any thing of that kind 4. Upon the fourteenth day after her first seizure she was taken with her last fit upon which by reason of the Extremity thereof she expired after she was dead above half a pint of matter not much unlike thick Milk came as I suppose out of her Head by her Nostrills which smelt as strong of Brandy as if it had been Brandy it self which gave me a satisfaction that the Brain was hurt therewith and the Animal spirits being confounded were overcome whence proceeded her Lethargy drousiness stagnation of the naturall juyces and obstruction or rather a suffocation of the Vital flame XX. Convulsion fits arising from Excessive pains of the Gout in both Feet and Ankles 1. A Woman about forty years of Age having been for about three or four years past troubled with the Gout was at last so exceedingly afflicted therewith that she became bed-rid This pain by reason of an accidental taking of Cold it happening in the middle of Winter was increased and raged to that extremity that the sick fell into Convulsion fits which vehemently afflicted her 2. I was forthwith called to her assistance where her Husband related to me the whole progress of her Disease which was very strange and admirable a Physician and Chyrurgian which had been before me had taken away from her at four several times and all in the space of eight days above forescore ounces of Blood hoping therefrom for amendment and Cure but the sick instead of growing better upon it grew worse and worse every day and at length became as is before related Convulsive 3. Moreover she was afflicted with an obstruction of her Courses which by no artifice they could provoke so that the condition of the Gentlewoman seemed to be desperate upon this I caused the parts afflicted to be well bathed with my Guttae vitae and then applyed over the same my Emplastrum Arthriticum inwardly I gave this Bolus Take Venice Turpentine a dram Venice Treacle half a dram Extract of Thebain Opium two grains Oyl of Vitriol ten drops mix altogether for a dose this she swallowed and drank after it a little Glass of Rhenish wine and sugar This was again repeated at night and given twice a day for four days by which the sick had wonderful ease and the Convulsion fits much abated moreover her Terms which had been obstructed for more than fourteen months were provoked and came down very well 4. A little respite from the Paroxysm being obtained I gently purged her with my Family Pills the which she took once a week for six or eight weeks together by the use of which she confest her Body to be exceeding well cleansed and they procured to her also an exceeding good Stomach so that she eat
revived again in less than half an hour after she was taken with Convulsions fits My advice being accidentally present was desired the Face of the Child was all over black as it were and its whole body trembled in the middle of the fit about a spoonful of water fell out of its right Nostril 2. I immediatly advised to the following thing Take Oyl of Cinnamon one drop mix it with a little Virgin honey very well to this add six or eight drops of the Blood squeeZ'd out of the Navel-string and a spoonful of brest Milk mix them and give it the Child This was done and the Child was forthwith restored I ordered it to be repeated and also to be given if the Child should have any more fits in the fit The Infant had a second fit but by three or four times giving thereof was perfectly Cured 3. I cured another new born Babe by the same prescription and have advised it to several where it has always very well succeeded moreover where the Child has been older so that the blood of the Navel-string could not begotten I have cured them by giving two or three grains of the Navel string in pouder which is a singular experiment worth the remarking 4. A Child ten days old was seiz'd with Convulsions which I cured with this Take Breast milk a spoonful or two of my Guttae Vitae four or six drops mix them and give it the Child twice or thrice a day A child two months old was cured with this Take choise Canary half a spoonful of my Guttae Vitae six 〈◊〉 eight drops mix them This was given and repeated three or four times a day and although the Infant had four or five several fits in twelve hours space yet by taking of this Medicament it was perfectly recovered 5. Another Child about two or three months old seized with strong Convulsions arising as I conceived from Wind I cured with this Take choice Canary a little spoonful powers of Carraways Guttae Vitae of each six drops mix them and give it this was given about four times a day and in two days time was freed from its fits many other Children of the same Age and some elder I have cured with the same prescription save as their a●e was greater I augmented the dose both of the powers of Carraways and Guttae Vitae accordingly 6. The Oyl of Cinnamon is a specifick in this Case and I have often times given it with admirable success but that is not every where to be got and therefore somewhat else must be substituted in its room if that therefore be wanting I scarcely know any thing better than the powers of Caraways and my Guttae Vitae to which if you add two or three grains of the pouder of the Navel string you will not do a miss I have cured many Children with these things and as far as I can remember never yet so much as once exhibited them in Vain 7. And indeed all those things which comfort the Vitals and refresh or give respite to Animal spirits must be good and proper here such are the Tinctura aurea Tintura Vitae Tinctura diaphoretica Paracelsi and all Neuroticks of what kind or quality soever yet this is to be understood that by so much as they are made more spiritual by so much the more admirable they are and operate with the greater celerity and certainty and therefore the Spirits Potestates or Volatile Salt of Mans skull or of Elks hoof of Vipers Swallows Magpies Peony Amber c much transcend any gross or terrene preparation of them wherein the Volatile and pure parts are clothed and clogged with the Earthy c. XVI Convulsion fits in a young Lady arising from terror an●●ffrightment 1. This Lady from a sudden consternation of mind or affrightment was immediately seized with Convulsions so that falling into a fit her whole Body seemed to be contracted from Head to Foot with intollerable Pain or dolour no other apparent cause going before she being one of a very healthful and sound constitution and habit of body and of a pleasant merry disposition 2. These fits came at uncertain times without any order and took her many times at great disadvantages especially upon the least commotion of the mind or disturbance of the spirit Anger or Affrightment as the going over a dangerous bridg looking down from a very high place presence of a Serpent Toad Spider or such like and somtimes also they would seize her in her sleep especially if she was dreaming of any frightful matter They were also so often iterated that in a very few weeks she became as it were a Changling 3. By reason of this Vehement affliction many obstructions were bred in her Body together with a stoppage of her Terms she had also contracted a paleness of Face weakness of the Stomach indigestion nauseousness or lothing want of Appetite hoarsness and Cough with a certain kind of wheezing and in short the whole habit of her Body was altered her strength impaired and her mind in some sort alienated and this purely through the frequency and vehemency of the Disease and long continuance of the Spasmatick Paroxysm 4. Her Friends requested my help and having well viewed the Patient and considered the Disease as aforesaid I began the Cure with purging of her for which purpose I gave her a dose of my Family Pills with Aloes which I caused her to take twice a week for three weeks together with due observation as in other purges after three weeks time I ordered her to take them only once a week and to continue the use of the same for five or six weeks which she accordingly did by which the nauseousness and loathing at Stomach was removed and she was in a little time brought to a good Appetite and to digest her food very well moreover by the same means her Terms were provok'd and made to flow in good order 5. And by reason that in the Absence of the fit she complained of a most Vehement pain of her Head I caused her hair to be shaved off and the common Vesicatory of the shops to be applyed which done and the blister removed I caused it to be drawn three or four days with Colewort-leaves applying the smooth side to the Sore on the fourth day I ordered the rough side to be applyed by which meanes in about thee days more her Head was healed up by these blisters her mother told me she believed above two quarts of humor evacuated 6. In the mean season whilst she took her Pills I was not unmindful of what was further to be done But as I was consulting some of her Relations were for sending for other Doctors especially some of the Colledg of whom Dr. T and Dr. B were sent for with whom although I was not vnwilling to consult for the good of my Patient yet I desired to be excused and that they might act apart but with promise that if things succeeded
Take pouder of Castoreum half a dram Extractum Hystericum one dram make nine Pills of these she took three at bed time and two in the Morning by these few remedies she was perfectly cured and never had it after Hall upon English Bodys Cent. 2. Observ 63. XLIII A Convulsion in another young Gentlewoman 1. A young Gentlewoman about the age of twenty was miserably afflicted with the Mother Convulsion of the Mouth as also the Arms and Hands 2. She had been well purged by expert Physicians and many other Medicines fruitlessly used Take the Decoction of Briony with Vterin herbs half a pound Species Hierapicra two drams Holand pouder one dram make a Clyster this injected gave two stools with success 3. I gave her Hysterick-water n w called Bryony-water one ounce which she vomiting up I presently exhibited the followi●g Take Extractum Hystericum one scruple Faeculae of Briony half a scruple make three pills guilded 4. About half an hour after she had taken them she vomited them up with some Flegm and acid melancholy complaining of great heat of her Stomach as if it were excoriated 5. I presently commanded she should drink half a pint of clear cold water which she presently cast up it was reiterated and as soon as it was hot in her Stomach she cast it up again it was again repeated and then she retained it with ease 6. For her Convulsion Take Vnguentum Martiatum half an ounce Oyls of Sassafras and Amber of each five drops mix them with this was her Neck anointed 7. To the Navel I applied Emplaster of Caranna in the midst of which was put of Musk and Civet five grains in Cotton-wooll 8. For many days she used a Jelley of Harts-horn with a little Fecula of Briony and Aron there was used likewise the Sternutatory of Rulandus ● Doing troubled with Fainting twice in an hour there was given her the following by which she was wholly delivered Take Musk five grains Cinnamon Cloves Nutmegs of each one scruple with Confection of Alkermes make guilded Pills Hall upon English Bodies Cent. 2. Observ 71. XLIV A Convulsion in a Child advised by Dr. Willis 21. June 1666. 1. For the right Honorable the Lord Robert Brooks his Son afflicted with Convulsion-fits these following things were ordered first Blister his Neck well give him of the following pouder as much as will lye on a two-pence in a spoonful of the Julep repeating it every six or eight hours after it give a spoonful more of the same let him have of M●lk and Sugar every day keep him to a thin Diet. 2. The pouder Take roots and seeds of Male-peony of each one dram Pearl prepared half a a dram mix and make a pouder of them 3. The Julep Take black Chery-water three ounces Langius's water against the Falling-sickness one ounce syrup of the flowers of Male-peony and of Coral of each three drams mix them for a Julep 4. June 29. further directions Before every change and full of the Moon give the Julep and pouder four or five grains Morning and Night four or five days together 5. At the same time let the Nurse which suckles it take Night and Norning a draught of Posset-drink wherein boyl of Peony seeds and roots of each one dram sweet Fennel seeds two drams Misleto half a handful boyl them in a pint and half of Posset-drink to serve for twice 6. In case the Child should have fits again give the pouder a double quantity and repeat every eight hours and give it spirit of Harts-horn twice in twenty-four hours one or two drops 7. At the first appearance of any fit raise a Blister in his Neck and whilst he continues indisposed give him a Clyster every day and all that time let the Nurse be kept to a diet of Gruel Panado and thin Broth boyl in them a bundle of sweet Herbs viz. Rosemary Thime Winter-savory and Sweet-Marjoram 8. Let the following Bag be worn about the Childs Neck and worn constantly so that it may ly on the mouth of the Stomach Take Elks claws roots of male Peony and its seeds of each half a dram make a pouder and put it into a Sarsenet-bagg 9. Other directions for the same Child let a Nurse be got that hath new Milk and let the Child suck her three or four days 10. If you see him still subject to fits and to be heavy and oppressed in the spirits apply a Leech to each Jugular Vein take away an ounce of Blood from each side be careful to stop it presently for it will be apt to bleed very much 11. Apply the following Cataplasm to the Feet renew it Morning and Night lay them on warm Take Rue four handfuls Misleto if to be had half an handful stamp them very well in a mortar add to it Bay-salt half an handful and as much Soap as a Pullets Egg and Oyl of Scorpions so much as to malax it 12. If the Child should be free from his fits leave off the Pouder and Julep but continue the spirit of Harts-horn giving with it Night and Morning three spoonfuls of the distilled water following yet every Change and Full of the Moon give the other Medicines 13. Give his Medicines a prety distance from his Sucking and especially give him them before and presently after his sleeping 14. The distilled water Take a pint and half of Snails in their shells washed and dryed with a cloth of Misleto Rue Penny-royal Betony Rosemary of each two handfuls Male peony-roots four handfuls chop these together and put to them six pints of Cyder posset-drink and distil it in a common still put first and last together 15. Having also a Cough he took of this three spoonfulls Night and Morning with Sugar-candy If he begin to loath his Medicine leave them off for a while and take only the pouder and Julep at the New and Full Moon 16. Let the Nurse instead of him take the distilled water Morning and Night six or seven spoonfuls in the first spoonful let her take as much of the next pouder as will lye on a shilling and the rest after 17. Take seed of Anis Caraway sweet Fennel of each one ounce male-Peony roots six drams Liquorish two drams Sugar-candy one ounce make a pouder or else make the pouder into an Electuary with Lohoch Sanum Expertum and take the quantity of a Nutmeg This may do the Child as much good for his Cough as if he took it himself 18. The Childs diet may be Chicken c. Only let him not suck an hour or two before nor after Hall upon English bodys Cons 59. XLV A Ccnvulsion arising from green Choler 1. A certain Student lean and spare bodied because he pined his Body with watchings fell into an Itching of his whole Body with burning and felt a biting heat in the region of his Liver 2. After two months he was shaken with a direfull Convulsion which was accompanied with a swooning coldness of his Hands and Feet
suffocation follows and from thence death now the Convulsion is not the cause of Death as to the hurt don to the Nerves but the suffocation by reason of the Convulsion of the Nerves and Muscles ordained for breathing 8. By so much the more vehement the Convulsion is by so much the more dangerous it is the farther the Convulsion is from the Brain so much the less dangerous it is 9. A Convulsion is much more easily cured if the Brain be only affected by consent than if it be essentially and primarily affected Hippocrates also saith sect 5. Aphor. 1. that Convulsions caused by taking of Hellebor are mortal and this I saw experienced upon several persons at one time who had taken Hellebor for the Worms 10. A Convulsion arising from the Iliack passion is dangerous especially if it be accompanied with the Hic●ough so also if swooning immediatly follow it 11. Convulsions arising from extream Pains of the Bowells or parts adjacent to the lower Viscera are evil sect 7. Aph. 67. and the reason is because the Brain is forthwith drawn into consent 12 Convulsions in continual Feavers where the sick is very weak especially if they seize upon the Lips Nostrils Eyes Eye-Lids Eye-Brows or Parts near them foreshew that death is at the Door 13. Convulsions arising from continual watchings or long fasting are mortal for that there is not only a diminution of the animal Spirits but an almost abolition of the natural heat and radical humidity which ought to conserve and support the Spirits 14. Lastly Hippocrates saith Sect. 5 Aph. 2. that Convulsions proceeding from Wounds are pernicious more especially if they be near the Brain for there is danger from the great Inflamation of Mortification of the Part and from thence Death CXII Of the Cure of a singular Convulsion or Cramp 1. The Cramp as is for the most part caused of Gold afflicting the Nerves and Muscles of the Part so it is to be cured by the help of such things as warm and comfort the same having also a specifick Property to be assistant to the Nerves 2. In the first place if the Body be full of evil humous you may purge the Patient with my Family-Pills or with the tincture of the same and because we must prosecute the Cure according to the Indications which offer themselves you may know the strength or debility of the Stomach and accordingly give things cleansing or strengthening if the Stomach be foul you may exhibit a Dose of my vomiting Lozenges which may be given from fifteen to thirty grains according to age and strength yet they may be taken in the Morning fasting and let a good quantity of broth or posset-drink be prepared to be taken they will work well and call the offending humor from all parts of the Body and after they have cleansed the Stomach upwards they will then work admirably well and purge the Bowels downward 3. This being done a Diet of Neuroticks ought to be prepared after the manner of a constant Drink but because that may be troublesome I shall advise to somthing which may with more ease and conveniency be done and what Experience has confirmed to me will be of great advantage to the sick and that is the Queen of Hungaria's Water a Medicament scarcely inferior to any let it be taken constantly three times a day a little before eating viz. Morning Noon and Night and oftner if the Patient so pleases in a glass of Sack or of some cordial Water 4. This being taken for about 10 or 12 days the sick ought to use sudorifick means by taking inwardly English Bezoar Bezoar mineral Bezoar animal Electuarium ad Tabidos Powers of Vipers or our Guttae Vitae mixt and made up into a Bolus with the choicest Venice Treacle or dissolved and given in Spirit of Saffron or in this following Compositum Take Spirit of Saffron two ounces Syrup of Lemons one ounce Salt of Vipers eight grains mix them for a sudorifick Dose Or this Take choice Cinnamon-water an ounce Syrup of Citrons six drams Powers of Vipers twelve drops mix for a dose Or this Take Treacle Water two ounces Syrup of Lemons one ounce Electuarium ad Tabidos one dram Guttae Vitae ten drops mix for a Dose to sweat withall 5. But during the time that all these things are doing we must not be unmindful of the application of Topicks to the part affected without which almost all other things will nearly be done in vain for this purpose we commend to the sick the Queen of Hungaries water a most excellent thing to bath withall let the place pained be bathed therewith thrice a day and let it be done almost half an hour together it is a Medicament of great Vertue and has cured hundreds 6. But that which transcends all others things and which we can commend upon our own manifold Experience are the Powers of Amber a Medicament never to be sufficiently praised for by the single use of this alone Medicament I can safely say it I have cured several scores of the Cramp so perfectly as that it never has returned any more I could advise to many other excellent things which I know would not fail also but this being the cheapest easiest to come by and of most approved use I advise to the use of it above all other things and they that shall be pleased to make use of it shall find I have spoken a very great Truth CXIII Of the cure of a general and Primary Convulsion 1. The first essay which Authors make towards the cure of a Convulsion is to evacuate the Corrupt and morbifick humor abounding for which Physicians prescribe many ways as first Blood-letting But this as it diminishes the Spirits and obliterates the strength and vigor of the Body so ought it to be cautiously attempted for in this Disease we ought rather to contrive how to augment the natural forces of the Body and conserve the spiritual parts than to diminish them which this operation certainly doth whereupon death in some immediately followeth as I have two or three times observed from unadvised bleeding in this Disease the Patient dying in little more than half an hour after the cause of which doubtless was the defect and diminution of Spirits Riverius one much for bleeding saith That t is only to be don if the Patient be strong and that it is better to take away too little Blood than too much for that Blood opposes the principal cause of the Disease which is Flegm If this be true in what Meanders of folly do Physicians wander who attempt the cure by this kind of method viz. by taking away that matter which opposes the Disease but these Vanities are so gross and absurd that they are not worth disputing about and so deserve no Answer 2. In an universal Convulsion however evacuations are proposed first Revulsive chiefly by strong Clysters such as are commonly exhibited in Palsies and of which this following may be an example
told me That the same thing would come to pass by giving Goats Blood either warm coming from the Beast or otherwise in Pouder to half a dram mixt with any convenient Vehicle the above said Magistery of Crabs-Eyes or Terra sigillata c. may be given from one scruple to two scruples or a dram twice or thrice a day according as the Patient is in age and strength fine Bole also is thought to have the same Vertue 9. If Convulsions arise from Poyson received into the Stomack a Vomit ought immediately to be given as an Infusion of Crocus Metallorum or our vomitting Lozenges after which the Patient having first well vomitted you ought to give a second Vomit made only of pure Oyl olive drinking a pint or more down at once for so by floating upon the Mouth of the Stomach all other recrements not yet brought forth and any reliques of Poyson if any be will certainly be brought away this done the Stomach ought to be washed with two or three quarts of warm Water till such time as the power of the Poyson is certainly overcome and all the humors and juyces of the Stomach made sweet after which you m●y give Antispasmatick mix with Antidotes against Poyson lest any of it should be difused into the Blood and Veins which by its Sympathy to the Parts and Antipathy to the Poyson may oppose its effects in all places such are Mithritade Venice-Treacle Electuarium ad Tabidos our new London Treacle our Gutta V●tae Bezoartick-stone Powers and Salt of Vipers c. But if before you give any M●dicine the P●yson has mortified any of the Viscera or diffused its self through the Veins whereby the whole Mass of Blood is contaminated you may give Remedies 't is true but you shall certainly give them in vain 10. If a Convulsion arises from the biting of a Viper or Serpent mad Dog c. in this case you ought to apply the Head of the Viper or Serpent bruised or part of the Liver of the mad Dog to the place bitten being first washed with Spirit of Wine if they can be gotten if not you must give inwardly our Guttae Vitae or Venice-Treacle mixt with volatile Salt of Mans-skull or of Harts-horn but above all other things are the Spirit Powers and volatile Salt of Vipers and in the biting of a mad Dog the Pouder of the Liver of a mad Dog which may be given from half a dram to a dram in any antipasmatick Vehicle if these things be wanting there is no greater Medicine then our Electuarium ad Tabidos which may be given the quantity of a Nutmeg at a time in a little Cinnamon-Water or Spirit of Saffron and the sick laid to sweat thereupon a part also of the same Electuary being laid to the place wounded 11. If a Convulsion arises from the Cholick or Griping of the Cuts it proceeds either from Wind extending the Viscera or from corrosion and ulceration of the parts by reason of a malign sharp and virulent humor if it be caused of Wind you must mix with all your Antispasmaticks Carminatives or such things as expel Wind and open Obstructions having in their own Nature and Essence an Anodyn and discussive Power of this kind are the Essence of Bay-berries Powers of Aniseeds and Caraways Elixir of Juniper-berries Oyl and Powers of Fennel-seeds and these things more especially if they be mixed with our Guttae Vitae or Laudanum or with choice Mithridate or Venice-Treacle or other things which have also a power to ease pain joyned with a carminative Property If it proceeds from the power of malign sharp corrosive or virulent humors it will be necessary to give such things as may absorb the Acidity and overcome the Virulency of what kind are all Alkalies whatsoever as Salt of Tartar Salt of Wormwood and indeed all other vegetable alkalious Salts as also volatile Salts of Harts-horn of Amber of Mans-skull of Vipers and volatile Sal Armoniack to these you may add the Magisteries and levigated Pouders of Crabs-Eyes and Claws Chalk Terra Lemnia Terra Sigillata both the redish and white as also fine Bole Coral Pearl Oyster-shells and other things of like Nature See § 8 above 12. If a Convulsion arises from Obstructions or Filthiness of the Womb you must take care to open those Obstructions by exhibiting such things with Neuroticks and Antispasmaticks as may have a Power to operate upon the Womb of this kind are fine Aloes washed Aloes and all sorts of Pills made of Aloes as Aloephanginae Cochiae minoris Pil. Rudii Pil. Ruffi c. after the Body is well cleansed by Aloeticks which have the greatest force of any thing in this case you ought to have such things as potentially move the Courses without any thing of a purging force such are Powers of Savin Saffron Borax both natural and artificial and indeed all volatile Salts whatsoever these things you may mix with such things as either cleanse the Womb as the Essence and Syrup of stinking Arach or with such things as comfort fortitify and strengthen the Womb of what kind are the Essences and Syrups of Garden-Tansey Fetherfew Myrrh Powers of Rosemary Sage Lavender and most other Cephallicks which by a secret power operate upon those Parts and of what kind are all Hystericks for which I referr you to their proper places CHAP. VII Of A CONTRACTION The AUTHORS Observations I. The Contraction of the right Arm in a Child 1. A Little Youth about seven years of Age having been for some time afflicted with Convulsion-fits by the long continuance of them and the more especial spasm of the right Arm the Sinews thereof became contracted so that the Child could not stretch out his Arm nor make any use thereof although the Convulsions had for a good time left him having been cured of them by former Remedies 2. The Child being beautiful and this contraction of his Arm a great blemish as well as a prejudice to the use of the Arm moved his Parents to seek out still for further Remedy and falling into my hands I applied the following things 3. First a little to open the pores of the skin thereby to make a more easy Passage for other Medicaments I caused the Part affected to be bathed three or four times with the Spirit of Wine then I caused it to be anointed with Neats-foot Oyl afterwards I applyed this following Cataplasm 4. Take the pulp of Turneps bak'd in their skinns Neats-foot Oyl one ounce mix them all together into a Cataplasm and apply it renewing it every Morning and Evening together with the anointing and bathing of the spirits of Wine as abovesaid 5. This was done for 5 or 6 weeks together or thereabouts without any neglect in which space of time the Childs Arm seemed to be perfectly restored and the Contracture wholly resolved 6. However a great weakness remained so that its Arm seemed useless but by Reason the Child was growing we had great hopes that
Stomach was exceedingly out of order so that she could take nothing nay not her ordinary Food without vomiting and so exceedingly was it enervated that she constantly loathed all things which were designed to be received in at her Mouth so that by reason of the little Nourishment she took in her Disease seemed continually to encrease upon her now this evil disposition of her Stomach she told me was chiefly caused from the large quantities and nauciousness of the Medicaments which had been for a long time given her so that if I could not find out things more pleasant and delectable and such as withall might strengthen her Stomach she confidently assured herself that I should never be able to do her any kindness 4. These precautions I confess were a means to put me into the right way and therefore I consulted with myself how I might restore the tone of the Stomach now so much overturned I perceived the Faculties of the Stomach themselves were hurt and that that nauciousness and vomiting rather proceeded therefrom than from any real foulness or quantity of matter filling the same and I was the more confirmed in this opinion because she told me that her former Doctors had given her above twenty Vomits by which she was assured her Stomach was effectually cleansed 5. Upon this I applyed my thoughts wholly to strengthners of the Stomach Restauratives and Neuroticks the first thing I gave her was the vulnerary Spirit of Vitriol which as it is a great strengthner of the Stomach so also it is a thing of very subtile and volatile parts I orred her to take it in all the drink she took whether Beer Ale or Wine and to put so much therein at a time as might give it a pleasant tast and to take it as well at meals as between meals by this she confest she found much good and in less than a fortnights time began to eat her Food indifferently well 6. But by reason she complained of a coldness at Stomach and wind which much opprest her I caused her about half an hour before eating to take from fifteen to thirty drops of the Tincture of black Pepper in a glass of Canary and this to do three times a day at least as also immediately after eating to take a glass of choice Wormwood-Wine made very bitter with the Wormwood and somtimes for change a spoonful or two of the best Cinnamon-Water or half an ounce of the Aqua Vitae Matthioli Moreover every Morning fasting I caused her to take from forty to sixty drops of Elixir Proprietatis in a glass of generous Wine by the constant use of these things in about twenty days time her loathing and vomiting was wholly taken away as also that windiness and coldness of the Stomach of which she so much complained 7. By the assiduous use of these things she began to eat and digest her Food very well so that now she was put into hopes of a Cure but that I might effectually accomplish what I designed I now applyed my self to such things as were of a pure restorative nature and withall had a power to comfort and strengthen the Nerves For this purpose I prescribed to her the taking of Electuarium ad Tabidos to be taken the quantity of a large Nutmeg every Morning fasting drinking after it a small glass of Wormwood Wine and to continue rhe same for six or eight weeks as she in the process of time should see occasion 8. I ordered her to take the Electuary about six in the Morning and about three hours after viz about nine a clock to take this following Neurotick Take pure Musk half an ounce Ambergrise one dram Extracts of Gentian Zedoary Contrayerva Virginian-snake-root and Saffron of each two drams mix and with pure juice of Alkernes a sufficient quantity make an Electuary to be taken as aforesaid from half a dram to a dram and drinking after it a little glass of White or Rhenish-Wine and Sugar and this same Dose I so ordered to be taken at four a clock in the Afternoon viz. about four hours after Dinner and to continue it twice a day for ten or twelve days together and afterwards only to take it once a day viz at ten in the Morning as long as need required 9. At Night going to bed I prescribed a small Dose of my Laudanum made of a fermented Opium with volatile Salts I began with two grains and caused her to encrease a grain every week till she took eight grains which was the largest Dose and she continued the use thereof for about three Months Moreover I was enduced to the use of the former Medicament made of Musk because she exceedingly delighted in that Scent and assured me that she ever found it exceedingly to comfort and refresh her 10. Lastly twice a day viz Morning and Night I caused all the Parts afflicted with the Tremor to be very well bathed with the Powers of Rhodium which was done for three weeks and afterwards only once a day to wit at ●ight going to bed just before taking of the Laudanum These means being persued according to my directions her Disease dayly weakned and she encreased in strength so that in less than a quarter of a year she was beyond all expectation restored to her perfect Health VIII A Tremor or Trembling in a young Lady proceeding from Affrightment 1. Being abroad late she apprehended she saw a Spirit or Ghost by which being put into a terrible fear a notable Trembling seised upon her which continued for some hours with great vehemency her Friends expecting that when the terror or affrightment was clearly gon that probably the Trembling would leave her 2. But contrary to their expectation so great was the disturbance of the Spirits that though after a season the terror was clearly vanished yet it left behind it some portion of its effects for though it was somwhat abated in relation to her whole Body yet it partly remained in all the extream parts so that after ten weeks waiting in hopes to see it terminate it then left work for a Physician to exercise his skill upon 3. I was at length sent for to whom they gave the aforesaid relation of her condition by which I saw the Nerves and their Original to be indeed affected and therefore adhibited to her such proper Cephalick-Neuroticks as might probably restore the Oeconomy of the Genus Nervosum or Nervous Systeme Take Venice Treacle one ounce volatile Salt of Amber and of Harts-horn of each one dram and half Musk one dram with confect of Alkermes a sufficient quantity make an Electuary Of this she took the quantity of a dram and half or nearly two drams every Morning fasting drinking after the same a little glass of Sack and fasting after it for the space of two hours 4. But that we might the more absolutely settle the Spirits and confirm the Archeus thus of late disturbed I also resolved to give her at Night going to Bed
manner Take small Cinnamon-water a quart choice Sena chosen Rhubarb very thin sliced of each three ounces make a gentle infusi●n in a sand heat for twenty four hours then strain out by gently pressing and keep the liquor in a glass close stopt for use This quantity will serve for six Doses which are to be given early in the Morning fasting with observation as in other purges 32. In the intervalls of purging I caused the sick constantly to take these following things Take the Powers of Rosemary and Lavender of each two ounces Spirit of Angelica the greater composition six ounces mix them Of this mixture there was taken every Morning from half a spoonful to a spoonful in a glass of Hippocras and somtimes in a glass of Cinnamon-water 33. An hour before Dinner I prescribed this Take Salt of Mans skull sixteen grains salt of Harts-horn salt of Vipers of each eight grains mix them to be given in a glass of Hippocras It is marvellous to think what a great alteration the exhibition of these things made in a very few weeks in this Paralytick Patient but whereas before I permitted if required a glass or two of Hippocras at Dinner so also I ordred as the sick liked it to take after Dinner a glass of Wormwood-wine 34. At night going to Bed I ordered this Take Electuarium ad Tabidos green Ginger preserved candied Orange-peels Conserve of Rosemary and Lavender-flowers of each three ounces Custoreum in fine pouder Mans skull Anacardiums of each two ounces preserved Nutmegs number six Oyls of Rosemary of Rue of sweet Marjoram of Lavender of Limons of Sage and of Sassafras of each ten drops juyce of Alkermes four ounces or so much as may make it of a just consistence mix all very well together by beating in a Mortar Dose from six drams to an ounce at a time 35. After five times purging I sweat the Patient very well five times with this following composition Take Bezoar mineral a scruple Salt of Worm-wood ten grains Electuarium ad Tabidos a dram mix them together for a dose This was given about half an hour before going into the sweat which was then performed in Hartman s Chair with rectified spirit of Wine set on fire It was supposed that every time more than a quart of sweat came from the sick during the time of Sweating the spirits were supported and sustained with this cordial Julep Take spirit of Angelica the greater composition or in place thereof Aqua Vitae Matthioli three ounces small Cinnamon-water four ounces Damask Rose-water syrup of Citron peels of each two ounces and half mix them together by shaking This sweating was repeated commonly at five or six days distance 36. But whereas the sick was troubled with a vehement Catarrh which by all that we had yet done could not be taken away I was forced at length to have recourse to Opiates and therefore after eleven weeks using all the former things without much success against the said Catarrh I ordered the sick to take every Night going to bed a dose of Our volatile Laudanum the description of which you may see in sect 1. § 10. of this chapter My Patient begun with two grains and increased a grain every fifth day till the dose came to be fifteen grains at which time the Catarrh seemed to be wholly taken off from thence the dose was diminished a grain every third day till it came to two grains again and then it was wholly given over having accomplished what it was designed for 37. Yet constantly all the while this was doing the prescript at § 32. and 33 aforegoing were not neglected but assiduously followed with all the care imaginable and the Diet of Guajacum was also continued to the compleat end of the Cure 38. While all these things were doing we applyed to the grieved parts proper Topicks first Frictions were used with course cloths all over the Paralitick parts then immediately after they were very well bathed and fomented with pure spirit of Wine by which the Pores were well opened and made fit to receive the impression of some more powerful remedie 39. After the fomentation all the Paralitick parts were anointed with this following Oyl Take Oyl of Ben a pound and half Chymical Oyls of Rosemary of Lavender of Savin of Sassafras of each an ounce and half Oyl of Aniseeds three ounces mix them together to anoint with This was anointed all over the Back-bone as also upon all the Paralytick members Morning and Night after friction and fomentation as aforesaid and it was well rubbed in with the Hand by a comfortable fire for half an hour together or more at a time 40. Moreover I caused solid Errhines to be put up the Nostrills they were thus made Take Confection Hamech half an ounce salt of Harts-horn half a dram salt of Mans-skull a scruple Scammony and Gambogia of each a like quantity in fine pouder enough to make the Electuary into a consistency for Pills Of this long slender rouls were made and put up into the Nostrills and kept there nere an hour and half with a Muffler pined up before the Nose from Ear to Ear this was don four several times but always about two hours or somthing more before going to Bed to prevent taking cold which if it be don in the Morning the Patient is very apt to do They operated admirable well and brought away a vast quantity of cold pituitous and slimy Excrements out of the Head which very much facilated the Cure 41. Lastly I caused the Head to be shaved and rubbed well then to be bathed with the Queen of Hungaries water for about half a quarter of an hour and after that to be anointed well with this Oyl Take Oyl of Ben three ounces Musk in fine pouder Chymical Oyls of Nutmegs of sweet Marjoram and of Savin of each three drams mix them well together With this the Head was constantly anointed Morning and Night and then bound up very warm By the diligent use of these things and careful following of these our directions was this miserable Patient perfectly restored to health in the space of twenty weeks time 42. A young Man eighteen years of age being taken with a general Palsie from cold was cured in three weeks time only by anointing with the Oyl at § 39. aforegoing and taking as a Diet a strong decoction of Juniper-berries and Calamus Aromaticus made in Wine mixing therewith at time of taking about sixty drops of the Powers of Rosemary 43. A Woman also of about thirty years of age going to Bed well and rising the next Morning Paralytick was cured by anointing the palsied parts with the aforesaid Oyl at § 39. for about ten days and then afterwards bathing the parts affected Morning and Night with the Powers of Amber being also three times purged with the Tincture of Our Family Pills and withall taking in all her Drink some drops of spirit of Sal Armoniack 44. Another young Man
always afflicted her at set times so that she could tell before hand when a fit thereof would take her 3. Now the cause of the vomiting was without doubt from preaeternatural matter offending the nervous Tunicles of the Stomach which matter might be either those Maw-worms the principal cause of that Pain she complained of or from some sharp humor collected or bred there but the cause of the periodical vomiting came from a new aggression of matter for after the matter at present offending was cast forth by the force of vomiting she seemingly became well as to that nor had she any more inclination thereto till the periodick time returned again which was commonly once in six or seven days but the Pain of her Stomach occasioned by the Worms still continued 4. But that we might be a little more curious than ordinary we a little Mathematically considered the cause thereof and we found the vomiting fit always or for the most part took her upon the Moons approach to the Conjunction Quartil and Opposition of Saturn from whence I concluded that it was a cold sowr unpleasant heavy melancholy humor which at those times was congregated together and afflicted her 5. That she had certainly worms was very evident not only from that gnawing at Stomach which she daily complained of but also from the coming away of them at several times both by vomit and stool and she often evacuated them upon taking of the Juyce of Centory the less which she was advised to by an old Woman 6. Having considered and well weighed her Distemper with the complications thereof I began the Cure with purging the which I performed with my Family Pills with Aloes she took them seven several times and they brought away from her about seventeen or eighteen long Worms of about seven or eight inches long I have given them several times for this very occasion with very great success whilst I was writing over this observation viz. 15. November 1683. I had a Letter sent to me from one Mr John Cordel of St. Jves in Huntinton-shire with the following account 7. Sir Your Pills begin now to be in request the first box that I sold of them brought from the Man that took them about thirty Worms some of them was half a yard long and one of them was eight foot and half long it was measured by a Carpenters Rule 8. Now as to the Periodical vomiting I conceived it in vain to attempt the cure thereof by Emeticks simply for that upon the revolution of certain times it exactly returned again which made me believe the Distemper proceeded from a general Discrasy of the Blood not a simple disaffection of the part and therefore that we ought to amend the general habit of the whole Body rather than apply ourselves to the peculiar symptom 9. For the removal of this cause therefore I gave such things as had a mighty power to alter the Blood among Vegetables I chose the Virginian Snake-root because of its singugular virtue in overcoming the Poyson of the Rattle-Snake which it performs in a moment and besides which no other vegetable upon earth is yet known to have power to answer that intention notwithstanding the Poyson of the Rattle-Snake transcends almost infinitly the power of all other Poysons Vegetable Mineral or Animal and transfuses its mortal malignity by contaminating the whole mass of Blood and nervous juyce and so extinguishing the vital flame 10. Among Animalls I made choise of the Viper and Toad because of their admirable effects the one in curing of a Leprosy though radicated which is an universal disaffection and contamination of all the juyces in the whole Body the other to wit that of the Toad in amending the watery disposition of the mass of Blood and taking away its evil and malign quality in the case of a Cancer which Experience has confirmed it has performed with a marvelous dexterity beyond all other things 11. Among M●nerals I chose Gold and Antimony the one for its infinite diffusive power the other for its admirable effects not only of purifying Gold it self but also of cleansing and altering the whole mass of Blood in Mans body which it singularly performs beyond any other Mineral whatsoever being also a great friend to nature and as it were a kind of natural Balsam to the humane life correcting all its exorbitancies healing its disaffections and restoring and comforting one of its Essential parts to wit the Radical Humidity 12. From these reasons I made of the choice of the aforesaid particulars and out of them such Preparations as might be most condusive to the removing of the present Malady with respect also to the Paralytick Distemper Of the Virginian-snake-root I made a Tincture in rectified Spirit of Wine and also an Extract Of the Viper Viper-Wine and also a Pouder of Vipers Of the Toad a Salt of Toads Of Gold an Aurum Potabile And of Antimony Basil Valentine his Tincture 13. Out of these things I compounded these following Medicaments first an Extract Take Extract of Virginian-snake-root of a middle consistency six ounces Pouder of Vipers three ounces Salt of Toads half an ounce Aurum Potabile two drams mix them and bring it into the just consistency of an Electuary by adding a sufficient quantity of the Tincture of Antimony This Electuary the Patient took every Night going to bed the quantity of two drams at a time or better drinking after it a glass of Viper-Wine and continued the use thereof so long till the whole quantity thereof was spent 14. Secondly a liquid Mixture Take Viper-Wine from two to three ounces Tincture of Virginian-snake-root Tincture of Antimony of each two drams Aurum Potabile ten drops mix them for a Dose to be given every Morning fasting and to be continued every day so long a● the former Electuary lasts by the use of these things the Blood became truly purified and the periodical vomiting was perfectly taken away and truly with the use of Topicks also as follows the Paralytick Distemper was completely cured 15. But notwithstanding all these things we were not unmindful of the miserable Convulsions of the Mesentery which were attended with manifold symptoms and therefore while the other Medicaments were exhibited these following things were given in the intervals between Morning and Night Take choice Venice Treacle one dram Musk fourten grains Ambergrise six grains Indian green Ginger three drams mix and make a Bolus adding a little quantity of juyce of Alkermes This she took every day an hour before Dinner for eight days drinking after it this Take choice Hippocras Orange flower-water of each four ounces mix them for a draught 16. About four in the After-noon she took this mixture Take choice Hippocras six ounces Powers of Caraways Powers of sweet Fennel-seed of each thirty drops mix them for a draught By the use of these things together with bathing the whole region of the Abdomen with Powers of Aniseeds Morning and Night these
Alkermes three ounces mix them very well in a glass by shaking Of this he took two spoonfuls at a time also I ordered him once a Month to take a Purge which was that of the Tincture of our said Family Pills XVII A Palsie happening in a scorbutick habit of Body 1. A Gentlewoman about thirty eight years of age of a cold gross pituitous and scorbutick habit of Body was seised with the Palsie on both Sides so that she had an impotency of motion both in her Hands and Arms Legs and Feet whereby she became totally helpless moreover she had a great weakness at Stomach so that whatsoever she took down she for the most part vomited up again 2. Having lain about half a year in this distressed condition she sent for me I enquired into the cause of her Disease but could hear little for that it crept on her as it were insensibly and by degrees so that she was some months before her distemper came to the height it begining first with a light numbness then with a weakness after that with an Impotency of motion first in one part then in another till at length she became as aforesaid wholly helpless with a loss of Appetite 3. Perceiving her habit of Body to be extremely scorbutick for she was loaded with various colored spots in several parts of her Body her Gums were wasted and her Teeth loose with wandering Pains up and down I judged it highly necessary in the Cure to mix Antiscorbuticks with Ant●paralyticks and especially such as were of a hot nature for that the Scorbute seemed to be in a cold habit 4. I began with gentle purgations which was performed with Sena and Rhubarb infused in a weak spirit of Scurvy-grass I purged her therewith at first twice a week for a month together afterwards but once a week which purgation was continued during the whole time of the Cure 5. In the Intervals of purging I prescribed this following Julep to be taken every Morning fasting Take Aquae vitae Matthioli two ounces spirit of Earth-worms four ounces spirit of Scurvy-grass six ounces water of Hydropiper eight ounces syrup of Citron-peels six ounces mix them well together by shaking them in a Glass Of this mixture she took three or four spoonfuls at a time 6. Nere Noon to wit an hour or thereabouts before Dinner she took this Take Cinnamon-water three drams Water of Onions one ounce Salt of Scurvy-grass Carduus and Wormwood of each four grains syrup of Rosemary flowers an ounce and half mix them for a dose This caused a great fermentation in the Stomach and somtimes endangered vomiting but by Dinner time the force of its operation would seem to be over so as that the Sick would eat a hearty meal and with a singular appetite 7. At Night going to Bed I prescribed this Take Electuarium ad Tabidos a dram and half salt of Scurvigrass volatile salt of Harts-horn and of Mans-skull of each five grains Oyl of sweet Fennel-seed eight drops mix them This was given at going to Bed so that she slept upon it and it had a very pleasant and sweet operation upon her for it composed her to rest and withall enforced upon her a gentle Sweat moreover the Oyl of sweet Fennel seed has a power of corroborating the Stomach which is performed in part from the suavity and gentle heat for that it is observable that Oyls of Aniseed and of sweet Fennel-seed have a natural and specifick virtue to comfort and strengthen the Nerves in particular and Genus Nervosum in general and the Tunicles of the Stomach being composed of a nervous substance and I fearing there might withall be a Palsie of the Stomach concluded nothing could be more proper than that thing of which I have had a large experience in outward application against the Palsie and truly at this time it was given with great success 8. For her constant drink I ordered her a Guajacum-Diet such as is prescribed a Sect. XIII § 12. aforegoing but not made too strong so that she even drank it also at meals but in all she drank at time of drinking of it there was dropt about thirty or forty drops of pure Spirit of Scurvy-grass and somtimes Spirit of Horse-Radish-root that withall we might encounter the Scorbute at the same time By the use of these things the running and Scorbutick Pains were perfectly removed and she began to eat her Food well and with a Stomach and withall the Paralysis in the extream Parts evidently vanished 9. However during the performance of all these things we were not unmindful of applying fit Topicks and therefore I caused all the Spina Dorsi from the highest Vertebra of the Neck to the lowest of the Loins as also all the paralytick Members to be bathed with the Powers of sweet Fennel-seed which was done Morning and Night for seven or eight days at the end of that time we did not only continue the use of the said Powers as already related but also after the bathing was over anointed all those Parts with this following Oyl Take Oyl of Ben fourteen ounces Oyls of Aniseeds of Rosemary of Lavender of Savin of Sassafras and of Limons of each an ounce and half Oyl of Caraways one ounce mix them well together by shaking in a glass By the use of these things in about four Months time she was perfectly cured 10. A young Woman of about seven and twenty years of age and of an extream scorbutick habit of Body was also completely restored by the Method above prescribed save in the internal Medicaments in stead of the Spirit of Scurvy-grass and Horse Radish there was used the Spirits of Water Cresses and of Mustard seed which had full as great an Effect upon her as the other Spirits had upon the other Woman Moreover in stead of the last Topical Oyl this following was used Take Oyl of Ben twelve ounces chymical Oyl of Rosemary eight ounces mix them together to anoint with by the use of these things she also was cured 11. A Man also of about fifty years of age extreamly over-grown with the Scurvy becoming withall Paralytick was cured both of his Scurvy and Palsy by the former Method save in stead of the Guajacum Diet he had only a Decoction of Juniper-berries made in half Water half Wine which he took with Spirit of Scurvy grass as aforesaid and in stead of the Powers of sweet Fennel-seed he bathed with the Powers of Caraways and then anointed with this Oyl Take Oyl Olive twelve ounces Oyl of Juniper-berries five ounces Oyl of Limons or of Oranges three ounces mix them to anoint with 12. A noble Youth through careless living acquired a Scorbutick habit and by taking an extraordinary Cold became Paralytick through his whole right Side many Galenick things had been used to him for six or seven Months time but all in vain for the Physicians not perceiving a Scorbute to be joyned with a Paralysis mistook their measures in
the Arse-Gut in a certain old Man whose Excrements came away against his Will which proceeded from a cruel Epilepsy For after that it had miserably tormented him for a Month together being attended with most greivous Symptoms it ended in a Palsy of his Arm and Arse-Gut 8. Nor should you think this strange for Galen taught the same 4. Acut. 27. Avicen confirm'd 1. 3. Tract 5. Cap. 8. And as the Apoplexy turns to the Palsy so the Epilepsy in many turns to the Palsy c. This is confirmed by Erastus Lib. 4. Disput contra Paracelsum and by Salius ad Cap. 19. Altomar 9. For the Apoplexy doth very frequently turn to the Palsy because the cause hereof is much greater the Obstruction being confirmed and hard to remove and the Brain languishing and therefore it can neither discuss the thick Humor nor transmit the same to places ordained for Excretion and contrary causes do frequently happen in the Epilepsy 10. Somtimes though seldom if the Epilepsy be greivous and afflicts the Patient with frequency of Fits and is near of Kin to the Apoplexy it ends in a Palsy as Costaeus in Com. Avicen learnedly explained the matter 11. Wherefore frequently the Apoplexy somtimes the Epilepsy ends in a Palsy with this distinction that Contradiction is solved in Galen who Vallesius saith doth manifestly contradict himself Lib. de locis manifeste pugnantibus contradict 6. Whereas thus he is to be understood in 4. de loc 2. saying That only an Apoplexy turns to a Palsy See Amasus 4. Cen. 22. Zacutus Lusitanus Lib. 2. Obs 158. XXIX Of the Palsy in Arms and Legs 1. A certain worthy Gentleman fell into a Palsy of both his Arms his Hands his Fingers and Feet to whom being called I observed that this Disease sprang from too much Repletion wherefore I fell upon this following brief methode of Cure 2. Th first day I gave him an ounce of my Aqua Benedicta with as much fair Water mingled therewith This Potion made him Vomit much Cholerick and Flegmatick matter 3. On the third day I gave him a dram of Extract of Esula in four ounces of Pea's-broth which being mixed strained and pressed out he drank in the Morning and he was orderly purged 4. On the fifth day he began by my advice to use a Decoction of Sarsaparilla prepared after this manner Take Sarsaparilla bruised one ounce infuse it twenty four hours in Water and Wine of each one pint and half and boyl it half away Of this he took in the Morning in his bed seven ounces hot and being well covered with Cloaths he did sweat plentifully a long time together 5. After this sufficient and very proper Sweating I opened his Vena Basilica with great success 6. His Diet was drying and moderately heating after all this he began to grow well and to recover the perfect Motion of those parts which had been Palsied Martinus Rulandus Cent. 1. Cur. 3. XXX Of the Palsy in a very aged Man 1. One John Fux of the Village of Altepain being seventy five years old was taken with the Palsy for his right Arm was deprived both of Sense and Motion which grievious Disease was accompanied with pain in the Stomach loathing of Meat and difficulty of Breathing 2. For the Cure of which Symptoms I began this following Method first I purged his Breast Stomach and whole Body with this following Potion Take of the Decoction of Sena three ounces Benedicta Laxativa one dram Extract of Esula one scruple Ginger ten gra●ns mix them this I gave him in the Morning fasting which purged him very well and he was much the better 3. His Body being well purged for five days together he took by my advice the quantity of a Pease of this following Pouder which caused him to sneez often and to void much thick and clammy Snevil out of the Ventricles of the Brain the Pouder was thus made 4. Take Darnel Nigella-seeds white Hellebor-root of each one scruple Marjoram Rosemary Sage of each half a dram Musk two grains make all into very fine Pouder 5. His Diet was spare drying attenuating and moving Urine his Table-Drink was Wine wherein Rosemary had been steeped also every Morning he drank half an ounce of Aqua Vitae wherein Rosemary had been also steeped 6. The Original likewise of the Nerves and his whole Arm were many times rubbed with hot Cloaths And so by these few Remedies fit for an old Man his Arm beyond all expectation within the space of seven days recovered its sense and motion to God only be immortal Praise Martinus Rulandus Cent. 2. Cur. 54. XXXI Of the Palsy in a Gentle-Woman from drinking Water 1. A certain Gentle-Woman who for the recovery of her Health took a Journey for Bristol for she thought she was afflicted with the Stone for which she drank St. Vincents-Well Water too greedily to the quantity of eighteen pints a day so that thereby cooling her Body too much she fell into a Palsy 2. She afterwards went to the Bath where being purged and using the Bath she was restored returning home in rainy tempestuous Weather that Night she was assaulted with the Mother with Fainting and a light Palsy on the left Side to whom being called I helped by the following things 3. Take Aloes lucid two drams Agarick trochiscated new made Rhubarb of each one dram the Barks of Caper roots Winterian-Cinnamon Tamarisk of each one scruple the Fecula of the roots of Briony and Aron of e●ch half a scruple Castor one dram and half Cream of Tartar half a dram Spirit of Amber four grains with Syrup of Fumetory compound a sufficient quantity make Pills number six of one dram Of which she took three at Night when she went to bed which gave her four stools the next day 4. For the Wind of her Stomack Take Species Diambrae one dram the Oyls of Sage chymical of Nutmegs of Cloves of each four drops Sugar dissolved in Rose-Water two ounces make Rowls to be taken after Meat 5. For the Palsy Take Spirit of Rosemary Oyl of Amber of each an equal part with which her Neck was gently anointed 6. For Fainting Take Species Plerisarchonticon half an ounce fine Sugar two ounces mix them Dose half a spoonful this delivered her both from her fainting and trembling at Heart with which she had been often troubled it is a Pouder worth Gold which I always carry about with me 7. She used also this Decoction Take Guajacum eight ounces Bark of the same Rosemary Sassafras Sarsaparilla of each one ounce Betony Sage Lavender Germander of each one pugil roots of Elecamparte Peony Orrice Citron Peels dryed of each one ounce Spring-Water six pounds infuse them for four and twenty hours in a hot place after boyl them in a close Vessel then straining sweeten it with Sugar and aromatize it with Species Diambrae half a dram She took six ounces of it in the Morning and sweat and as much at four a clock in the
Cap. 3 XLI A Palsy with grievous Symptoms 1. One about the age of five and thirty fell into a Palsy of the right Side with most sharp pains of the fore-part of the Head the superior Vertebrae being distorted his Neck was so stiff and hard as if it had been a piece of Wood to which may be added his wearisom Watchings and deprivation of Rest and Sleep and frequent convulsive Motions in his Shoulders and Back as also Sorrow and an Apepsia 2. This Malady growing every day stronger another Physician did apply divers things in order to a Cure but without Success he prescribed purgative Potions and did not omit things proper for the Head and Phlegmagoges he did repeat twice Phlebotomy in his Arms a Seton was put to the Nape and Horse-Leeches to the Fundament Cupping-glasses to the Shoulders and the Arms were burnt with Causticks 3. This miserable Man repaired to me as his last Refuge at first I gave him Pil. Catholicae Poterii which are made as follows Take fine Aloes half an ounce Myrrh two drams Mastick one dram Crocus Oriental half a dram Magnesiae Saturninae Meteorizatae one dram with Syrup of Roses solutive make a Mass Dose from fifteen grains to four and twenty 4. Those Pills are happily exhibited and very profitable in all Diseases proceeding from Intemperance they cure Pains of the Cholick and wonderfully succour in the Asthma and help the Megrim Vertigo Epilepsy and give ease to the Pains of the Gout 5. On the following days this Decoction was given him Take Lignum Sassafras one ounce Bay-berries one ounce and half let them be infused in six pounds of White-Wine for twelve hours then boyl them to a Consumption of the third part strain and then take of the Colature twice a day early and late five ounces for a Dose 6. Within eight days thereafter the Pain of his Head and the Palsy with all its Symptoms vanished Poterius Cent. 2. Cap. 26. XLII A Palsy of the Tongue and the left Arm. 1. A certain reverend Father about the age of forty seven was taken suddenly with a Palsy upon which having lost his speech and the motion of the left side a grievous numbedness also seizing him in that side I came presen●ly to him and gave him our Aurum Diaphoreticum six grains with half an ounce of Treacle Water which is made thus 2. Take one part of the purest Gold the Mercury of Antimony a sufficient quantity dissolve and make an Amalgama boyl it over a gentle fire for the space of four days in a glass vessel a cubit and a half high the lower part whereof being large and wide but the upper part strait and long let the fire be gentle and continual this way the Amalgama is turned into a very red powder which for the space of fifteen days lay in Horse-dung circulating it with the spirit of Wine at last draw off the spirit and then you have your Gold prepared dose from four grains to six or seven in any conserve or Wine or Broth of flesh 3. After he had taken this he began by little to speak and move his Arm in the Evening this Medicine being repeated again he grew perfectly well Poterius cent 2. cap. 66. XLIII A Palsy in a young Gentleman 1. A very considerable Gentleman about the age of twenty five after a Feaver fell into a most grievous Disease to wit the Palsy by which his Mouth and Eyes were distorted which was accompanied with a thickness of hearing and a continual Head-ach as also with frequent vomitings watchings gnawing of the Stomach want of appetite costiveness and great weakness 2. The advice of two Physicians was made use of for destroying so many evils but in vain but under our Care he was restored to his former Health by these following things 3. At first because of the loss of his strength we had regard to the Stomach administring twice a day our Stomachical Specifick and our Aurum Diaphoreticum which we have already described in the last Section § 2. by which he was discernably releived 4. For removing the pains of the Head Pil. Polychrestae and Catholicae were of great use as also the Balsam of Vitriol Poterius cent 2. cap. 92. XLIV Of the Palsy and gangreen with a mortification 1. There was a certain person aged twenty five years whilst he was taking his diversions in the Country and was in his Journey homewards to the City he contracted a great heaviness in his Head after he was returned home he felt in a few days that he could not walk he was sensible of a very great Pain a little above the Os Sacrum to whom happened afterwards stinking Urine 2. His Body being gently purged with the following decoction we gave him Turpentine for a month the decoction was thus Take Lignum Sassafras Misletoe of the Oak of each half an ounce the leaves of Gout-Ivy Betony Ceterach Pimpernel Cichory of each one handful Dodder Epithymum Carthamus-seed of each six drams Sena one ounce Anise two drams Liquorish half an ounce the decoction was prepared in a sufficient quantity of water strain of this Colature there was given five ounces for a dose twice a day for twelve days 3. Take Turpentine three drams washed in the water of Betony at Intervalls there was added one dram of Rhubarb beaten into powder 4. To be applied outwardly a half Bath was thus prepared Take Juniper-berries two pound Bay-berries one pound the leaves of Rosemary Sage Mint Marjoram Wormwood Calamint Origanum Rue Cammomil Melilot of each four handfuls the flowers of Staechas Roses of Rosemary of each three pugils boyl them in Wine and Water for a half-Bath 5. This being done anoint the Parts affected with the following Ointment Take Oyl of Badgers Oyl of Foxes of each six ounces Oyl of Worms Oyl of Bays of each one pound Petroleum one ounce Aqua Vitae four ounces mix for a Liniment 6. Acetum Minerale was used for a mortification and a digestive of the Yolks of Eggs was applyed 7. And because the Cure went on but slowly we gave him often Aurum Diaphoreticum with Conserves and so at length he attained to firm Health by these Remedies Poterius Cent. 2. Cap. 94. XLV A Palsy with a troublesom Hiccough 1. A certain Pastor was taken with a Palsy with a numbedness of the Fingers and stammering of the Tongue he was always cold his urine was pale and thick with a spume on the crown thereof to whom I prescribed the following draught 2. Take choice Rhubarb four scruples Spicknard three grains white Agarick one dram Salt Gem five scruples the Rhubarb with the Spicknard may be infused in the water of Endive and Agarick with the Salt Gem in Oxymel simple for a Night make a strong expression in the Morning then add to the Colature Manna of Calabria two ounces Electuarium Eleschoph three drams a decoction of the flowers of Cowslips Marjoram Sage the three Cordial flowers the Violets being excepted a
promiscuously for one and the same Disease viz. for a Resolution of the Nerves which is a loss of Sense and Motion in any Part of the Body 3. It is either perfect in which Sense and Motion are quite gone Or imperfect wherein Sense and Motion are only decayed or diminished and in this case if the diminution be but small it cannot be properly Paralysis a Palsy but rather Stupor or Torpor a numbedness which is commonly the Fore-runner of a true Palsy 4. A Palsy may be either from the hurt of the motive Faculty the sense remaining found Or from the hurt of the Sense the motive Faculty remaining well 5. A Palsy may arise either from a solution of unity in the Nerves as by a Bruise from a Fall or Blow or by a Wound or from a relaxation of the Vertebrae of the Back suddenly caused 6. It is either from Causes innate as 1. From cold pituitous humors which relax and dissolve the Tone of the Nerves 2. From straightness or narrowness of the Nerves caused by Obstructions Or by Constipation from some Tumor c. 3. From thin sharp serous and windy humors moved in the Bowels not only to the beginnings of the Orifices of the Nerves but to the very Muscles and Tendons Or from causes external and foreign as from Narcoticks and Poysons as touching the fish Torpedo immeasurable drinking strong Liquors taking of Henbane Poppies Opium Quick-silver Antimony Arsenick c. To these external Causes may also be added the excess of heat or cold by the first of which the Spirits are wasted and spent and by the latter of which they are obstructed in their passages by Congelation c. 7. It is either Idopathetick or by consent of Parts and that for the most part in a scorbutick habit of body CII The signs of a Palsy 1. The Pathognomick signs of a Palsy are the hurts of the motive and sensitive faculty for where the loss of motion and sense is there is certainly a Paralysis or Palsy 2. Where these Symptoms are universal there the Paralysis is universal if they afflict but one part only those part only suffers by the Palsy Somtimes it affects but one side of the body and somtimes it affects both 3. If the sense and motion be both wholly lost the Palsy is said to be perfect if they be not absolutely destroyed but only depraved it is but an imperfect Palsy and is rather a kind of Torpor Stupor or Numness 4. If the motion be only hurt and the sense perfect yet it is a Palsy so also if the sense be abolished and the motion remains but this kind of Palsy in my opinion ought rather to be called an Hemiplegia than that which only afflicts one side 5. Hence it appears that the kinds of the Palsy is easily known from the abolition of the motive and sensitive faculties according to the part or parts affected being discoverable by the Eye and the habit of the body in which it happens but the principal part affected or what first suffers is with more difficulty to be discerned being only known from Anatomical Learning which teacheth the original and distribution of the Nerves through all the parts of the body 6. If the right or left side of the Face has the Palsy and no other part suffers the Brain is only hurt in that part from whence the Nerves are brought which distribute their branches to those sides of the Face but if the parts under the Head be affected together with the Face then it is a sign that the Spinal Marrow is hurt as well as the Brain and if the parts beneath the Head are hurt and not the Face the fault is only in the Spinal Marrow and some of the Nerves springing from thence 7. If one half of the body only has the Palsy only one half of the Spinal Marrow and Nerves thence proceeding are affected but if the whole body suffers then is the whole Spine afflicted from its very original 8. Now the disaffection of the Spinal Marrow is that which hinders the afflux of the Animal Spirit the principal Instrum nt not only of sense but also of all natural motions for by reason of its discrasy it can neither communicate to the Muscles the faculty of moving nor to the Nerves the power of feeling for that the parts into which it is inserted become unprofitable 9. And this is true whether the passage of the said Animal Spirit is interrupted by a solution of Unity or Obstructed by a morbifick matter or otherwise constringed for by either of these hinderances the said Animal Spirit can no longer have a free passage through the nervous System flow through or fill it up or not so amply as it ought to do 10. In whatsoever place this hinderance happens whether about the Spinal Marrow or about the conjugations or branches of Nerves proceeding there from it causeth a Palsy either of more or fewer parts according as the Nerve affected is more general or particular 11. We shall now declare what Nerves affected do produce a Paralysis in each respective Part. If the Nerves nere to the Brain or in the beginning of their Passage from the Brain or the spinal Marrow lying next under the Brain be hurt or effected there is commonly a general Palsy wherein also breathing the Voice Speech and Swallowing with some excresive Motions do suffer hurt 12. But if the hurt is in the following production of this Marrow it makes those Members only paralytick into which its Branches of Nerves are inserted But the Palsy is so much the more general by how much the affect of the said spinal Marrow is nere to the Brain or original of the Nerves 13. If the Ey be affected with the Palsy the visive Nerves are originally hurt as also the Cerebrum adjacent it self If the Tongue is paralytick the Conjugation of Nerves serving the Tongue is hurt and the Speech is also defective and by reason of its Community with the auditory Nerve if the defect be so great as to cause a perfect loss of Speech then the sick is for the most part deaf also 14. If there be a Palsy of the Larynx Tongue Jaws Midriff as also of the Bladder and Fundament those Nerves which some Authors account of the sixth and seventh Conjugations are hurt about their original If there be a defect of the Voice the recurrent Nerve is affected If there be a defect in Swallowing the Nerves which go to the Muscles of the Jaws are hurt If there be danger of Suffocation the Nerves which go to the Midriff are hurt though the Midriff the Instument of Breathing can otherwise in some sort perform its Office for that it receives Nerves also from the spinal Marrow 15. If the Sphincters of the Bladder and Anus be paralytick from whence follows in the one an involuntary Pissing in the other a Relaxation of the Fundament the Conjugations of Nerves supplying those Parts are generally disaffected 16.
drams Aloes Galangal of each a dram and half roots of Scorzonera of Polypody of Hermodactils of Peony of Fennel of each two drams and half Peony seeds two ounces Spring-Water and Rhenish Wine of each a sufficient quantity infuse four and twenty hours in a warm place afterwards distil in a Vesica almost to dryness or two thirds of the Liquor Into the distilled Liquor put Leaves of Betony Ground-Pine Sage of each one handful Flowers of the Tile-Tree Primroses of Arabian Staechas of Rosemary of Lavender of each half an handful Flowers of Roman Cammomil the three Cordial-Flowers of each two pugils Venice-Treacle two drams and half Mithridate three drams Citron-Peels and seeds of each two drams and half Cinnamon six drams distil all according to Art in Balneo Maris and draw off two pints and a half which keep for use adding thereto Manus Christi confected with Oyl of Cinnamon and Oyl of Amber of each one ounce Confectio Diacymini with Oyl of Cumin-seed six drams mix them Of this Liquor the sick may take four ounces Morning and Evening 45. Much is attributed to a Water or Decoction of Rosemary the Queen of Hungaria's Water is good in this Case being daily taken to three ounces with six or ten grains of the Extract of the roots of Pyrethrum or of Castoreum there is highly commended also a Decoction of the greater Burdock root also Mithridate Venice-Treacle and Aurea Alexandrina which may be given after it in bed to half a dram two scruples or more 46. Moreover besides the Decoctions of Guajacum Sarsaparilla c. you may exhibite for this purpose Spirit and Oyls of Guajacum the Powers of Guajacum Mixtura simplex Flowers and Spirits of Sal Armoniack Aurum Diaphoreticum Salt Spirit and Powers of Vipers as also the Pouder and Wine of the same Bezoar mineral vulgar and solar Tinctures of Antimony and Coral Powers of Sassafras c. 47. To these things we may add our Guttae Pestilentiales a thing of admirable use in all paralytick Distempers the which because we will not too long deprive the World of the knowledg of so excellent a Remedy we will here declare Take tartarised Spirit of Wine drawn off from new Rhenish Wine and pure Salt of Tartar eight pounds Carpobalsamum eight ounces Virginian-snake-root Radix contra yerva Cortex Winteranus Bay-berries Cinnamon of each four ounces Gentian Cubebs Zedoary of each three ounces Cloves berries of Kerms of each two ounces Nutmegs Mace Opium of each one ounce Ginger Pepper Saffron Cochenele of each half an ounce mix them digest twenty days shaking the Glass twice or thrice every day then let it stand till it is fine and clear and of a glorious red Colour decant the pure Tincture from the Faeces and keep it in a Glass close stopt for use Dose one spoonful at a time in a Glass of Sack to sweat upon 'T is an admirable thing 48. But besides the inward means Sweating is to be promoted by external Expedients for that they excite the native heat of the Body whereby the humors and serosities of the Blood being rarified and made thin and the Pores of the Skin more effectually opened the morbifick Particles the more easily and more readily exhale For this Purpose there are Stoves and Hot-houses of various kinds as also Sweating-chairs which are made hot with the Spirits of Wine set on fire or some other like sulphurous and combustable substance 49. There is also a dry Bath wherein the sick sweats only with the Vapour of some Decoction of which kind is this following of Platerus Take roots of Dwarf-Elder three ounces Acorus one ounce Hogs-Fennel of Dioscorides two ounces Leaves of Sage Ground-Pine Primroses of each two handfuls Origanum Penny-Royal wild Time Calamint Hysop Marjoram Rosemary Garden-Time Bays Flowers of Cammomil Elder Juniper-berries of each an handful boyl them in a Mixture of Water Lye and Wine over the Vapour or Fumes of which let the Patient being fasting sit naked and repeat it often as he is able to endure it 50. But in great and almost desperate Palsies or Resolutions the sick may often sweat in Hartmans Chair with convenient Intervals between each time the Chair may be warmed either by the Beak of an Alembick distilling Spirit of Wine c. with many Holes in it entering the Chair nere the bottom of it or with the Alchool of Spirit of Wine or the Powers of Sage Rosemary Lavender Marjoram Time Origanum Sassafras Limons Oranges Caraways or other things of like nature In this Chair the Patient is so long to sit as he can well endure it then he is to be removed to his bed where he is gently to sweat for two or three hours and to be cooled by degrees In the time of his Sweating give some Cordial to strengthen and corroborate the Spirits as also to facilitate the Operation as Aqua mirabilis or caelestis mixt with Juyce of Alkermes c. 51. But of all the outward Expedients for Sweating the natural Baths of the Bath are thought to exceed and by many esteemed as the best Remedy from the manifold Experiences of those who have been cured of the Palsy thereby But this Caution is to be taken in the use thereof that because many times the Bath doth no good but injury to some Paralyticks and in some it stirs up convulsive Motions nephritick Pains Gouts and in others where there was not a disposition thereto Spitting of Blood Asthma's Consumptions c. and because it may be difficultly discerned by the Physician before hand whether the Bath will prove beneficial or hurtful to the sick or no the Baths ought not to be tryed without serious consideration of the nature and habite of the Body whether it be fit for their Constitution Or if the sick will be so bold as to try them first they ought if they be found not agreeeble to their constitution to be speedily left 52. If you cannot with conveniency attend the natural Baths you may make an artificial one after the following manner by adding to the Water for exsiccation-sake Nitre Vitriol Salt Alum Tarta● Sulphur and often extinguishing therein Gades of red hot Iron with such proper Vegetables as heating and drying may be proper against the Disease Take Flowers of Sulphur three pounds Niter one pound Roch-Alum Tartar of each four ounces white Vitriol two ounces Juniper-berries four handfuls Leaves of Betony Sage Marjoram Penny Royal Rosemary Lavender Hysop Origanum Time Ground-Pine of each three handfuls and half Flowers of Cammomil Melilot Bay-berries of each two handfuls roots of Pyrethrum and Bryony of each two ounces boyl all in a sufficient quantity of Water for a Bath 53. Diureticks are next to be considered forasmuch as by them some Palsies have been wholly taken away Now since the Blood and Humors are very much repleat with Salt and are wont to be diversly changed by it from one state to another it will be the Prudence of the Physician
Styrax Calamitae Benjamin of each a scruple Nutmegs Cloves long Pepper Pyrethrum of each half a scruple Badgers-Grease half an ounce Wax a sufficient quantity mix and make a soft Oyntment 109 Take Oyls of Cammomil and of white Lillies of each one dram of Earth-Worms and of Foxes of each half an ounce Species Diamoschu dulcis Pouder of Ground-Pine and of Rosemary of each half a dram Castor one scruple Fox-Grease Wax of each enough mix and make an Oyntment Or thus Take Oyls of Foxes of Bays of Turpentine and of Castoreum of each half an ounce Oyntments Aregon and Martiatum the greater of each two drams Galbanum Ammoniacum Bdellium of each one dram Wax enough to make a soft Oyntment 110. Linimentum ad Paralysin Valeriolae Take Earth-Worms washed in Spirit of Wine and dryed in an Oven half a pound Ginger Galangal both in Pouder of each half an ounce Oyls of white Lillies and of Costus of each a sufficient quantity mix and make a soft Oyntment For this Purpose the Vnguentum ad Paralysin Valeriolae and the Vnguentum Paralyticum Riverii described in our Doron Medicum Lib. 3. Cap. 4 Sect. 32. 33. may be profitable as also the Oynmtents Agrippa Aregon de Bdellio and both the Mariatums which see in their proper Places 111. This Mixture has been of good use Take an Ox-Gall Spirit of Wine rectified half a pint Oyls of Rosemary and of Aniseeds of each half an ounce mix them well together by shaking them in a Glass for about half an hour and keep it in a Glass close stopt for use and therewith anoint the paralytick Parts Morning and Evening it is indeed an admirable thing 112. If the Disease gives not place to these things Sennertus advises to Emplasters and Cerots to be applyed along the Back-bone according to this Form Take Castoreum Euphorbium long and black Pepper of each one dram Ammoniacum Opopanax of each six drams Marrow of a Deers and of an Oxes-Leg of each two drams Turpentine six drams liquid Styrax two drams Hens and Goose-Grease Hogs-Lard of each a dram and half Oyls of Nard of Orrice of Bricks and of Turpentine of each half an ounce old white-Wine a sufficient quantity to dissolve the Gums boyl all by a gentle Fire to the consistency of a Cerot or soft Emplaster 113. Or thus Take Emplastrum de baccis Lauri of Betony and of Melilot of each one ounce Frankincense half an ounce Castoreum Euphorbium of each a dram seeds of Gith of Cresses Mustard seed roots of Pyrethrum Niter of each half an ounce with Oyl of Bricks or Amber make all into an Emplaster which apply being spread upon Leather Some make an Emplaster only of Gum Tacamahacca which they apply after anointing with Oyl of Mans-Blood or Balsam of Galbanum Doron Medicum Lib. 1. Cap. 2 Sect. 12. 114. But before every new anointing Authors advise to cleanse the Part or Parts from the Filth of the former anointing by bathing and fomenting Take flowers of Cammomil of Melilot of Betony of Marjoram of Rue of Sage leaves of Bays of Ground-Pine of Hyssop roots of Calamus Aromaticus of Orrice of Pyrethrum of Dwarf-Elder and of Sow-bread of each a sufficient quantity make a Decoction in Spring-water with which very warm make a larder of Venice or Castile-Soap and bath the affected Parts therewith or foment them therewith as you shall see convenient 115. Or thus Take Betony Rue of each an handful and half Marjoram Herb Mastich Lavender Germander Gout-Ivy of each one handful Calamint Origanum Time Horehound Nettles Bays of each half an handful Indian Spicknard Arabian Stachas of each two pugils Galangal long Pepper of each one dram and half Mastich Amber of each one dram cut bruise grosly and make a a Decoction for a Fomentation 116. Or you may bath with this Take Spirit of Wine Spirit of Juniper-berries of each four ounces chymical Oyl of Castoreum one ounce Pouder of Mustard-seed two or three drams mix them 117. Before the laying-on of any Emplaster or Cerot it will be good to anoint the paralytick Part or Parts with natural or artificial Balsam or with some distilled Balsam many of which you may find in our Pharmacopoeia and Doron of most admirable use to which add some others which we shall hereafter publish in our Ars Chymica not long hence to be delivered from the Press in the mean season take this of Matthiolus Take leaves of Sage of Marjoram of Mint of Cowslips of each one pugil Spicknard Saffron Carpobalsamum Olibanum Frankincense Opopanax Bdellium Mastich liquid Storax Benjamin Ammoniacum Mummiae of each two drams and half Turpentine six ounces all being poudred mix them with the Turpentine put them into an Alembick and distil first comes forth a Water then an Oyl afterwards a Balsam good against the Palsy and all cold affects of the Nerves in the Oyl you may mix Musk in fine Pouder one dram 118. Of great force also are the distilled Oyls of Sage of Rosemary of Time of Rue of Bay-beries of Juniper-berries of Wormwood of Southernwood of Savin of Fetherfue of Savory of Tansy of Marjoram of Hyssop of Mint of Origanum of Calamint of Lavender of Spicknard of Castoreum of Sassafras of Rhodium of Amber of Caraways of Aniseeds of Oranges of Limons and of Vipers anointing with them Morning and Night But the Powers Elixirs of the same things vastly transcend the Oyls being almost infinitely more volatile subtile and penetrating and so by consequence more able to loosen and dissolve the obstructing Matter and of these the Powers of Rosemary Lavender Sage Marjoram Anise Sassafras Amber Castor and Vipers excel all others by many degrees and perform what no other Medicaments can do besides 119. But where the Powers cannot be had and the Oyls may and because that in some Persons the Oyls simply used may prove too hot you may make a Mixture of them after this manner Take pure Oyl of Ben or of sweet Almonds or golden-coloured and sweet-scented Palm-Oyl eight ounces Oyls of Rosemary of Nutmegs of Sassafras and of Aniseeds of each two ounces mix them well in a Glass by shaking and anoint therewith the Vertebrae of Back and Parts affected Morning and Night 120. If that proves not hot enough in some cold Constitutions you may alter the Proportion thus Take Oyl of Ben or Palm-Oyl eight ounces chymical Oyls of Rosemary of Savin of Marjoram of Juniper-berries of Sassafras of Limons of Amber and of Aniseeds of each an ounce and half or two ounces mix them by shaking as aforesaid and anoint therewith But if this or the former be too hot you may diminish the heat by diminishing of the hot Oyls thus Take Oyl of Ben or Palm-Oyl eight ounces chymical Oyls of Rosemary of Sassafras of Aniseeds and of Amber of each one ounce mix them by shaking as aforesaid and anoint therewith as before directed These things we advise where the Powers cannot be had but where
take for many days the following Purgation Take Extract of Mechoacan compounded Diagridium Alhandal Cambogia of each one grain Pil. Rudii five grains make five Pills with two drops of the Oyl of Citrons It did operate five times 6. Inwardly I did exhibite four drops of the following Oyls every Morning in Broth Take Oyl of Rosemary-flowers four and twenty drops of Marjoram of Lavender of each six drops of Oranges four drops of Anise of Fennel of each eight drops mix them She took it in Rosemary-Wine 7. By these she had great profit but at length being seised with a Convulsion she dyed Grulingius Curat 7. Cent. 1. XXIV An Apoplexy in old Age. 1. This Disease somtimes happens in extream old Age or in Men in whom the vigor of the Senses is small through the Defect of the Spirits and because the continual defatigation of the Brain may occasion a cold Intemperature therefore the use of these Medicines may greatly comfort 2. Take the Spirit of the best and most pleasant Wine one pound and half to which put the leaves of Bawm the flowers of Lavender Lilly-Convally of Rosemary of Borrage of each one handful Grains of Paradice two drams Cubebs Cinnamon Nutmegs of each one dram Let them stand the Vessel being well closed that nothing may evaporate afterwards strain them out by pressing and let the expression be kept for use In Winter when the Air is colder every Month about the Conjunction of the Moon dip a peece of white Bread in half a dram of this Spirit and let him swallow it in the Morning sleeping a little thereafter 3. In Summer he may take of the Water of Lilly-Convally or Carduus Benedictus likewise about the new Moon one dram of the following Pouder Take white Amber and grind it on a marble St●●e with the Water of black Cherries to this Pouder add as much of Diarrhodon Abbatis 4. These two Medicines are profitable for they correct the humors and check the Vapours and remove the Obstruction As to Diet great Care must be had therefore all Meats must be shun'd which breed pituitous and flegmatick humors such as Fish Pot-Herbs things made of Milk and Meats fryed somtimes Pills may be taken of Alephanginae or Mastich or Aloes Rosata 5. It is most convenient also that the melancholy humor be evacuated and corrected by proper Medicines a better way of evacuating this humor cannot be than by the Hemorroids Fomentations also are to be applyed made of the Decoction of Mallows and Lin-seed and inwardly a scruple of Aloes Rosata is to be taken 6. This melancholy humor is to be contemperated by the use of the Extract of the Juyce of Bawm and Borrage and a spoonful of the following Syrup before Dinner or Supper may be taken 7. Take Syrup of the Juyce of Bawm three ounces of the Juyce of Borrage two ounces of the Peels of Citrons half an ounce the Species Aromatici Rosati one dram Diamoschi dulcis as much mix them and let it be given in a Glass for repressing the Vapours after Meat this Pouder may be taken 8. Take Coriander prepared one ounce choice Cinnamon two drams Mastich one scruple Mace half a scruple white Bread toasted three ounces white Sugar half a pound mix them and make a Pouder In the Morning the Person may take from a quarter of an ounce to half an ounce of the Confection with the Oyl of Anise the Oyl of Caraway Amber also a Confect of Diamoschi dulcis and Diambrae and somtimes Treacle and Mithridate if these things be followed great Benefit will accrew to the Person Crato apud Sholzium Cons 35. XXV Of an Apoplexy 1. The Disease of the Apoplexy is nothing else but an Obstruction in the Original of the Nerve or Brain whereby the Passages of the animal Spirits which give Motion to the whole Body are shut up and the Heart is hindred to distribute and diffuse the vital Spirits from whence there comes a Resolution of the whole Body and is deprived of Sense and Motion as the Heart of Respiration 2. The proper Note and Chararcteristicon of this affect is known by Respiration which according as is more or less suppressed the Danger is so much the greater or lesser 3. We must first consider from whence the animal Spirits are thus impeeded the causes are many and various yet they may be included under these four the first is the bad Temper of the Brain which does not presently invade for the Imbecility of the Brain and of the animal Faculties the Understanding and Memory will be felt long before as also a Numness Somnulency Anger Oblivion with a pain in the Head and Noise in the Ears 4. If the Apoplexy be expected to flow from that Fountain then it will be needful to strengthen the Brain and the Brain if possible is to be purged by the Nostrils moreover you may purge the Brain by an Apophlegmatismus every Morning the Mouth is to be washed by Sage-Water with Salt and you may use every day this Confect which will refresh the Spirit 5. Take Species Diambrae Species Diamoschi of each one dram Sugar dissolved in Lavender-Water make a confection in little Balls you may eat one of them every Morning and you may rub the Almonds of the Ears with Rosemary-Water let him often chew Rocket and Caraway seed 6. This Remedy will be greatly useful for an Apoplexy arising from a second cause to wit from the obstruction of the Brain by a gross and viscid Flegm in this case let him swallow the bigness of a Bean every day of Treacle and Mithridate 7. Aniversary Purgations will be useful as also dayly Frictions first in the Hands and Feet and then in the Back 8. A third cause proceeds from thick gross Vapours disturbing the Spirits for by bad Diet which generates those Vapours the Head is filled and the Spirits are corrupted and dissolv'd and this grievous Affect is generated also Drunkards and great Wine Bibbers are very obnoxious to this Disease 9. The Brain is preserved from thick Vapours by observing diligently a good Diet too much Sleep Banquetting and fumous Meats are to be avoided the seed of Caraway and Rowls made of the Oyl of Caraway and Anise are good for removing the Vapours and by washing of the Feet in the Morning and Frictions the Vapours are much diverted Care must be had that Crudities be not accumulated in the Stomach for which Ambergrise is good 10. A fourth cause is from the too great plenty of Blood or of Flegm or of Melancholy if from Blood then beware of such things as do much augment is a Vein must be opened and Cupping-Glasses affixed to diminish the excessive quantity of the Blood 11. But if from Flegm or Mela●choly then these humors must be purged by exhibiting Sena the Brain is to be strengthned the Nostrils are to be anointed with the Oyl of Sage and Rosemary-Water is to be drawn up through the Nostrils and the following Gargarism
all Night in a sufficient quantity of Water and in the Morning boyl and press strongly Or thus Take Sena six drams Currans Polypody-roots of each four drams Monks Rhubarb two drams Galangal half a dram Fumitory flowers of Borrage Bugloss and Elder of each one pugil boyl in Spring-Water strain and to four ounces thereof add Syrup of Sena one ounce mix them XI Of SYRUPS 1. Syrupus de Manna laxativus pro Pueris Infantibus Thoneri Take fresh roots of Polypody of the Oak six drams Orrice half an ounce Currans threee ounces fat Figs Dates of each six Liquorice scraped half an ounce Cinnamon half a dram flowers of Violets Borrage and Bugloss of each one pugil choise Sena one ounce and half Aqua mulsa three pounds boyl to the consumption of one pound strain out by pressing and dissolve therein Manna Calabrina three ounces Sugar-Candy Sugar Penides of each one ounce boyl to the consistency of a Syrup adding at last a little Cinnamon 2. Syrupus fructuum Cucumeris asiniri Poterii Take the Juyce of the wild Cucumber of which Elaterium is made and depurate it and boyl it into a Syrup with a sufficient quantity of white Sugar Dose from half an ounce to an ounce It vehemently purges serous and watery humors 3. Syrupus Magistralis Plateri Take roots of Fennel two ounces Orrice an ounce Acorus Cyperus Elecampane of each half an ounce Liquorice an ounce and half Fennel Vervain Eye-bright Betony Fumitory of each two handfuls Time Hysop of each three handfuls Stoechas Rosemary Borrage-flowers of each two pugils Fennel-seed half an ounce Caraway Anise Seseli Siler Montane Rue-seed seed of each two drams Raisons number forty Sena four ounces Polypody Carthamus-seeds of each three ounces Troches of Agarick an ounce Turbith half an ounce Rhubarb a dram and half Ginger two drams Cinnamon half an ounce Sugar four ounces boyl them according to Art into a magistral Syrup It is of great use against defluxions from a moist Brain c. 4. Hydromel tartarisatum apud Thonerum Take distilled rain Water five quarts the best white Tartar bruised a pound boyl with a gentle Fire to the consumption of two quarts then add Sena four ounces Epythimum six drams roots of Cichory an ounce and half Fumetory Bawm of each an handful Conserve of Borrage and Bugloss-flowers of each one ounce flowers of Broom and of Violets of each four pugils Arabian Stoechas three drams boyl again and put it a little to cool strain and add clarified Honey two pounds boyl again and despumate till it comes to the consistency of a Julep In the end add Niter prepared six drams then let it stand in a warm place to ferment adding a little Ale Yest in the time of working put in fresh Rosemary one pugil and half Galangal Cinnamon of each one scruple the Fermentation being over bottle it up for use 5. Syrupus laxativus Catholicus Sennerti Take Cambogia half an ounce Scammony six drams roots of black Hellebor three drams Cinnamon one ounce Juyce of Quinces a pound and half digest in a Cuburbit in Balneo or a warm place for fourteen days then express out by straining To the Colature add pure white Sugar half a pound and make a Syrup according to Art And after the same manner with the Juyce of Quinces you may make Syrups of any purging Extract XII Of LOZENGES or TABLES 1. Tabellae Diacnici Plateri Take Diagridium two drams and half Turbith four drams seeds of Carthamus husked three drams Diatragacanth frigid a dram and half dryed Quinces a dram dryed Citron-Peels Ginger Cinnamon of each half a dram Sugar-Candy half an ounce white Sugar dissolved in Rose and Cinnamon Water four ounces make Tablets according to Art Or thus Take Diagridium two drams and half Turbith four drams Carthamus-seeds husked three drams Cinnamon half a dram Cloves a scruple Ginger half a dram Fennel-seeds half a dram Coriander a scruple dryed Citron-Peels red Roses of each half a dram Sugar-Candy half an ounce white Sugar four ounces make Lozenges like the former Or you may make them up with the Infusion of Gum Tragacanth in Rose and Cinnamon-Water Dose from one dram to two drams a far less Dose than that of Arnoldus de Villa nova 2. Tabulae Absinthij Plateri Take Nutmegs two drams Cinnamon Ginger of each a dram Pepper half a scruple Zedoary Master-wort of each half a dram Marjoram and Wormwood of each a scruple with Sugar dissolved in white Wine six ounces make Lozenges Or thus Take Nutmeg a dram Cinnamon two scruples Ginger half a dram Pepper six grains Zedoary and Masterwort-roots of each a scruple Marjoram Wormwood of each a scruple with Sugar four ounces Or the dissolution of Gum Tragacanth in Cinnamon-water make Lozenges They are good against weakness at Stomach pain and heaviness of Heart 3. Tabulae nucis moschatae Plateri Take Nutmegs half an ounce Pellitory-roots a dram Marjoram Sage Lavender and Rosemary-flowers of each half a dram Gith-seeds a scruple Cinnamon a dram and half Cloves Galangal of each half a dram with Sugar dissolved in Sage water make Lozenges They strengthen the Brain and Nerves and correct the cold and moisture of those parts and of the Stomach XIII Of POUDERS 1. Pulvis Aromaticus Plateri Take Cinnamon two drams Nutmeg Galangal of each a dram and half Cloves a dram Pepper Ginger Zedoary Fennel Anniseed Hartwort Peony-seeds Marjoram of each half a dram make all into a fine pouder It comforts strengthens and represses the cold and moisture of the Head Brain and Stomach expels Wind and cheers the spirits 2. Pulvis ad Calculum Platerij Take Laurel-roots Liquorice of each two drams Restharrow-roots a dram dryed Peach Kernels two drams Winter-cherries and Paliurus of each two drams Gromwel-seed a dram and half Smallage Parsley Fennel Water-cress-seeds of each a dram Gum of Cherry-trees and Plum-trees Amber of each a dram Turpentine boyled half an ounce Ashes of Bean shales a dram Crabs-Eyes a dram Cinnamon a scruple make all into fine pouder Dose from half a dram to a dram mixt with Sugar in Rest harrow-water If you so please you may make it into Troches with Gum Tragacanth and colour them with Tincture of Saffron and Cochenele This Medicine is used with good success against the Gravel and Stone in the Reins and Bladder 3. Pulvis Bezoardicus Grulingij Take prepared Amber Terra figillata Hartshorn of each one dram Antimony Diaphoretick a dram and half Bezoar-stone two drams Salts of Pearl and of Coral of each half a dram Radix Contra-yerva two drams Gallia Moschata verae a scruple make a subtil Pouder 4. Pulvis Digestivus Poterij Take lignum Aloes yellow Sanders of each a dram Ani-seeds Fennel-seeds Coriander of each three drams Cinnamon two drams Mace Roses Galangal of each half a dram Ambergrise a scruple Musk ten grains white Sugar a pound make a subtil Pouder Dose one spoonful after eating 5. Pulvis Nephriticus Poterij Take Crabs-Eyes two
Dose from half a dram to three drams 4. Aurum Diaphoreticum Poterij Take of the most fine Gold one part Mercury of Antimony a sufficient quantity dissolve and make an Amalgama boyl this with a gentle fire for the space of four days in a glass Vessel a Cubit and half high whose inferiour part let be large and broad but the superiour narrow and long let the fire be gentle and continual In this manner the Amalgama will be turned into a most rubicund Pouder which for fifteen days circulate with Spirit of Wine in Horse-dung then draw off the Spirit so have you Diaphoretick Gold Dose from four to six or eight grains in some proper Conserve Wine or Broth. 5. Theriaca Metallorum Poterij Take revived Mercury four parts stellified regulus of Antimony two parts most fine Gold one part melt the Gold with the Regulus to which add the Mercury made hot by it self mix them together and make an Amalgama which Pouder upon a Porphory stone This matter boyl with a gentle heat in a sufficient quantity of the Hemophroditick Balneum till the whole is well fixed dose from six to ten grains 6. Antihecticum Poterij Take the Electrum minus prepared of the regulus of Antimony and Mars together with Jupiter in equal proportion but some say that Jupiter must be in double proportion pouder them very finely add and mix well therewith Sal Niter poudre in a tripple proportion calcine them in a crucible with a gentle Detonation and keep them in a red hot heat for some hours being cold wash away the Salt by many affusions of fair warm water then dry the Pouder between Papers keep it for use Dose from five grains to seven 7. Terra Sancta Rulandina apud Rolfincium Take well streaked Hungarian Antimony two pounds put it upon a red hot plate of Iron or a Tile or into a red hot Iron or Earthen Crucible continually stir it with an Iron rod till it is reduced to a Calx But note That if you be not careful in governing your fire it will run into heaps and must be again beaten and calcined till it turns into a grey Calx and ceases to fume It gently moves the Belly the infusion being given thus Take Terra Sancta one ounce Wine half a pound let them stand one night in Infusion Dose from one ounce to two according to age and strength XXIV The Vertues and Vses of the Natural Balsamum de Chili 1. There is lately brought from Chili a Province in America a most excellent Natural Balsam differing both from that of Peru and Tolu but no ways inferiour in Virtues and Excellency as the several Experiments made by several learned Physicians in the curing of Diseases has given evident demonstration 2. It is a Remedy that no Man under the Sun can Compose being a Natural Balsam Distilling from a small Tree in Chili bearing a Leaf something differ-from an Olive-Leaf It is without doubt the most precious of all Natural Balsams by reason of its great Virtue and admirable odour excelling all others even the most fragrant 3. It eases all manner of Pains in any part of the Body coming of Cold or Wind chiefly pains of the Stomach indigestion and want of Appetite corroborating and strengthning of it after a wonderful manner It cures all Ulcers of the Breast and Lungs Reins Bladder or Womb Inward Bruises Spitting of Blood and such like It helps shortness of Breath Coughs Consumptions Wheasings Hoarsness Asthma's and other Diseases of both parts 4. It is excellent against the Falling-sickness Apoplexy Convulsions Palsy Lethargy Tremblings old Head-achs Megrims Vertigo's and other cold and moist diseases of the Brain and Nerves being inwardly taken as shall be hereafter directed and outwardly annointed upon the part It strengthens the Brain comforts the memory and fortifies all Senses both Int●●nal External beyond any other Natural Balsam 5. It kills Worms whether in old or young cures Ruptures although of many years standing and dissolves the Stone and expels it as also Sand Gravel or Slime or any other thing which may obstruct the Urine or stops up its passages So that it 's believed there is scarcely a better Remedy for that purpose upon Earth for it gives ease in the vehementest Pains being constantly taken for a time perfects the Cure 6. It eases also all Chollick pains Gripings Wind in the Stomach or Bowels and perfectly cures all Fluxes Bloody-Fluxes Excoriations and such other like distempers of the Guts It cures deafness pain and noise in the Ears to a wonder a drop or two being put into the Orifice of the Ear and kept in with a little Cotton dipt in the same 7. It cures the Green-sickness in Virgins and provokes the Terms in Women being taken from Ten to Twenty Thirty or Fourty drops in a Glass of White-Wine as shall be anon directed Morning and Night for a Week together It cures also Barrenness promotes Conception and causes easie and speedy delivery to Women in Travel and in a great measure prevents or takes away after-pains taken to the quantity aforesaid in a Glass or Juniper or Cinnamon-water 8. The way and manner of taking it Inwardly In Diseases of the Head Brain and Nerves gives it in Rosemary or Cinnamon-Water or in Canary For the Stone and other Diseases of the Reins and Bladder you may give it in Rhenish-Wine For the Cholick and diseases of the Bowels you may give it in Juniper-Water For Palsies Gouts and Weaknesses of the Nerves and Joynts you may give it in some Antiparalytick-Wine If the Sick cannot take it in any proper Wine or Water it may be given mixt with any proper Syrup If it cannot be so taken it may be made up into Pills with some fit Powder as of Zedoary Nutmeg Cinnamon Bayberries Cubebs or what the Physitian shall think more proper and so gilded for by this means it will be taken without nauseating you give it from half a dram to two yea to three drams acccording to Age and strength and it may be given Morning and Night for a Month two or three togeth●●●●out any prejudice 9. And 〈…〉 ●●●tain that this Balsam is one of the greatest Specincks in the cure of the Palsy Scurvy and Gout that is it transcending all other Medicaments but it ought to be constantly given and in a due Dose and with those advantages that it may not nauseat the Stomach So taken it performs more than any other Natural Balsam it cleanses the whole Body of all Impurities Mundifies the whole Mass of Blood Heals all inward Bruises Wounds Ulcers or Excoreations whether in the Bowels or Lungs and otherwise restores decayed Nature to a miracle carrying off all its Faeculenties by Urine and Stool The Merchant that has brought it over has only intrusted it to be Sold with Mr. Thomas Passenger at the Three-Bibles on London Bridge where it may always be had in any quantity ready put up in square Glasses Sealed with the Balsam
Night going to Bed apply the following Take Vinegar of Roses one ounce Poppy water in which one dram of Sal Prunellae is dissolved two ounces Spirit of Wine in which Camphir one scruple is dissolved half an ounce Opium extracted with Spirit of Wine and Inspissated to the thickness of Honey two drams white Poppy seeds bruised one ounce Oyl of Poppy seeds by Expression one ounce and half the White of one Egg Terra sigillata two ounces mix all well and upon R se Cakes Cloth or Leather apply it as a Pultise 7. The next Morning following let him take a strong decoction of Cink-foil made in part water part wine and made pleasant with a Syrup of the Juyce of the same herb repeating also the Clyster afore prescribed if occasion be mean seas n let Nothing be left undon towards the removal of the Primary Cause viz. the Feaver but let every thing be done in Order In respect both to the Feaver and the Pain of the Head Blisters on the soles of both feet are of most admirable effects XXXVIII The Cure of the Headach arising from the French Pox. 1 The Headach arising from the French Pox is to be Cured by taking away that Disease by the Roots but we Intend not here a Headach arising simply from the Pox but rather one arising from the ill management and vitious application of Medicaments by ignorant and illiterate Persons pretending to that Cure 2. It is Caused for the most part from Mercury ill prepared ascending up into the Brain and sometimes from the Irregularity of the Patient in both these Cases the Cure is exceeding difficult nor has many Physicians performed it scarce has any Attempted it the most Acurate and Faithfull Hartman has in a manner Concluded these Pains Incurable so what we have to say or declare here is wholly without President 3. Former Physicians in this Case have prescribed a Repetition of Salivations others constant Diet Drinks made of Guajacum sassafras and sarsa according to the common manner 4. Others have given strong Vomits and purges continuing their use till the Patient was brought well near to his Grave others have applied the Seton Cupping Glasses Vesicatories and the like to various parts of the Body 5. Others have applyed Errhines Sternutatories Masticatories and Gargarisme to the Nostrills and Mouth others have applied Oyls Unguent● Cataplasms and Plasters to the parts affected of various kinds of qualities both with and without Quicksilver 6. Others have given outwardly and continued the use of Opiats for many mo ths others have used strong Sudorificks and Caused the Sick to sweat six eight or ten times or more and yet notwithstanding all these things have proved ineff ctual 7. Others wiser then their fellows have made use of all those distinct Remedies to one only Patient and yet alas without success 8. What now Remains to be done which these Men have not done or what way can be further thought of to deliver the Sick from such perpetual excruciating Torments 9. But that we may rightly attempt this Cure if possibly it may be performed since so many have shot a side from the Mark and gone so far astray from Truth it behoves us to make a scrutiny both in the Cause of this Herculean Affect and the Cause of the Errors and Unsuccessfullness of the former prescribed Remedies 10. And first as to the Cause of the Malady the Procatartick first or remote Cause is doubtless a Mercurial Venom if not the Body of Mercury it self contaminating the Tunicles Ventricles and in some measure the substance of the Brain it self 11. The Proegumine latter proximate or conjunct Cause is an Acid Salt intimately mixed with the blood and carried with it to the Films Ventricles and substance of the Brain 12. This acid Salt 't is probable will not simply be the Cause of the pain of the Head but meeting with the Mercury thereupon the least Motion or Agitation it seizes upon the Mercury from whence arises cloudy obscure and poysonous Fumes such as you see when Quick-silver is put to be dissolved in Aqua Fortis which Fumes if they be in the least manner received into the Head by the Nostrils will immediately cause a most intollerable Head-ach 13. Now this Pain made by the Operation of these Fumes is either from their stretching the Films of the Brain or Interrupting the Animal Spirits in the Cavities where they are generated or conveyed or in the Vessels of the Brain it self or else from their vellicating or fretting the parts which they touch or from their Venine property being wholly Poysonous thus much as to the Cause 14. Now it appears That if an Acid Juyce or Salt be the proximate or conjunct Cause of this Pain that all those things which breed and generate an Acid Salt must be directly opposite to the Intention of Health 15. And whereas all the former Artists and and Men of this Profession whatever things they Considered of in order to the Cure of the Disease they never missed the constant use of Guajacum to wit in a Diet prepared therefrom 16. Now whereas Guajacum contains a most acid Salt and even in the highest degree as every Chymist that has wrought therein can tell you and produces an acid Salt or Spirit which will dissolve Mettals Stones Bones and the harder Substances it is no wonder indeed that they have so often attempted this Cure without success and missed their desire in it 17. Now it remains knowing the true Cause of the Disease and the Reason why the former Remedies had no Effect to institute and lay down a Method of Precepts which being put in use may infallibly Vanquish this hitherto Incurable Disease 18. The chief matter lies in the Diet next in that thing which will effectually draw out the Mercury 19. By the constant use of the Diet for forty sixty or a hundred days the Blood comes to be throughly and perfectly sweetned through a destruction of the said acid salt and by the Medicament which we call Hercules by reason of its mighty Power and Operation the Mercury is destroyed extracted and drawn forth 20. But by what means or Act it performs it is yet doubtful to us what we can most resemble it to is the Operation of the Head of a Viper or Poysonous Serpent in Curing the Biting of the same Creature which if Remedies be neglected is always Mortal 21. Yet if you immediately apply to the place Biten the bruised Head of the Serpent after the manner of a Cataplasm in which Head is contained as most Authors think all the Poyson of the Creature the Sick shall be perfectly freed from all manner of danger and in a short time become throughly well again 22. As to the Diet let it be made after this manner Take spring Water twenty five quarts Mealy Sarsaparillae two pounds and half Virginian Snake-root Contra yerva of each four ounces infuse all the Sarsaparilla all Night in the Water