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A73502 The Epistles and Gospelles with a brief postil vpon the same from after Easter tyll Aduent, which is the somer parte set forth for the singuler cōmoditie of all good Christen men and namely of prestes and curates. 1542 (1542) STC 2968.3; ESTC S124410 239,766 422

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frutes But a corrupte tre bryngeth forth euell frutes A good tre can not brynge forth bad frute neyther can a bad tre brynge forth good frutes Euery tre that bryngeth not forth good frute is hewen downe and cast into the fyre Wherfore by theyr frutes ye shall knowe them Not euery one that sayeth vnto me Lorde Lorde shall enter into the kyngdome of heauen but he that doth the wyll of my father whych is in heauē he shal entre into the kyngdom of heauen FOrasmuche as good christen people it is harde to know false teachers and theyr doctrine therfore our Sauiour Christ thought it not ynough to bydde vs beware of them but he addeth also certain tokens and sygnes wherby we maye easely discerne and knowe them They come sayeth Christe vnto you in shepes clothynge but inwardlye they are rauenynge wolues They come vncalled vnappoynted vnsent of God naye sent rather of the deuell to blase and sowe abrode the wycked learnynge doctrine eyther of the byshop of Rome or of the cursed Anabaptistes or of the sacramentaries or brefly to conclude of some other vngodly and detestable here tykes The Lorde of heauen kepe vs and preserue vs all from theyr infections They come I saye vnsent for accordynge to the sayenge of the prophete Hieremye Ier. xxiij Currebant ego non misi eos They ranne and I sente them not sayeth the Lorde In outwarde appearaunce they seme moost holy men and of great simplicitie But surely accordinge to the cōmon prouerbe they be foxes or rather wolues cladde in lambes skynnes They be lyke paynted and gaye sepulchres whyche be fayre wythout full of all stynche and caren wythin They come in shepes clothynge What beast is more simple more harmeles yea more profytable also to the common welth then the shepe But what be these false teachers inwardly Inwardly sayeth Christ they be rauenouse wolues The wolues propertie is to rauen Ioh. x. to rente to spoyle to deuoure the shepe But nowe how shall we kepe vs and beware of these woluyshe preachers By theyr frutes sayeth Christe ye shall knowe them as who shulde saye Yf they be good men in dede and ryght teachers and no hyprocrites I meane no counterfeyte nor deceiuable preachers they must nedes brynge forth good and godly workes euen such workes as God cōmaundeth them to do and not workes of theyr owne deuysynge fantasyenge but such as God alloweth and whych procede of a fayth vnfayned And not only they woll do them but also teache the same to other euē as Christ and hys Apostles wold haue them taught as they themselues taught them not that by them we shuld iustifye our selues as the proude and gloriouse pharisee dyd that Christ speaketh of in the .xviij. chapter of Luke lu xviij but that we shulde accordynge to thexemple of the lowly publicane cōfesse our selues synners and desyre gods mercy The good and ryghte preacher woll teach the people vnfaynedly to truste repose themselues in Christ to stycke to the merytes of hys passion vtterly to reuounce theyr owne ryghtuousnes and merytes in gods syght He woll teache them neuertheles to mortifye theyr carnal afections and to do good workes euen of a fre harte or els that accordyng to Paules rule they declare them selues not to be the chyldren of God Ro. viii For yf sayeth Paule ye lyue after the fleshe ye shall dye But yf ye mortifye the dedes of the body through the spirite ye shall lyue But agayne he wol teache them not to clayme heauen as of duetye for theyr workes sake Rom. vi but rather for the promyse sake For thoughe death be the wages of synne yet eternall lyfe is no wages but as Paule calleth it the gyfte of God throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde Yea he woll teache them whan they haue done altogether yet to confesse and saye that they be vnprofytable seruauntes These I saye be the frutes of good teachers these be the grapes these be the figges that come of the good trees They that teache or lyue otherwyse be naughtye corrupte trees theyr frutes that they brynge forth be thornes and thystyls And I passe not though dyuerse false teachers haue dyed moost cōstantly and paciently in theyr erronious opinions as many papistes and also Anabaptistes sacramētaries haue done in our tyme and as it is redde that certayne heretiques named Donatistes dydde in olde tyme. Whose erroure S. Augustine confutynge wryteth Austine that in a christian man the sufferyng of death is not to be consydered but the cause of sufferynge that is to wyt whether hys doctrine be suche that he ought to suffer death for by the cōmaundement of God Seconde we be here taught that wycked euel doctrine can not endure but as an euell tree whyche beareth no good frute is hewen downe and caste in to the fyre euen so it is wyth euel doctrine and wyth the teachers therof Let men buylde vpon the foundacion of Christ what they woll surely yf theyr buyldynge be stubble or haye that is to saye yf it be no sounde sure doctrine i. cor iij the fyre at length woll brēne it vp But yf the buyldynge be golde syluer or preciouse stones it shall stande agaynst all tempestes As we se at thys daye how the papistical doctrine at the touch stone of gods worde appeareth in the lykenes what it is and how it begynneth to vanyshe awaye euerywhere where the gospell is preached But the pure worde of God abydeth for euer Fynally Christ doth teach vs here that these gloriouse and holy hypocrites whych in outwarde apparaunce and in name appeare christiās speakynge alwayes of god but doynge nothing that god byddeth them do shal not entre into the kingdome of heuen But they shal come thyther whych haue Christ and the gospell not in theyr mouthes onely but in theyr hartes also whych do the wyl of Christ and lyue as the gospell teacheth them These shall enheryte the kyngdome of heauen where they shall lyue eternally in all ioye wyth the father sonne and holy goost To whome be glorye Amen The Epistle on the .ix. sondaye after Trinitie The .i. Epistle to the Corin. the .x. Chap. Th argument ☞ God 's vengeaunce vpon euell lyuers and ydolaters is here set forth in exemples vnto vs. BRethren we shulde not lust after euel thynges as they lusted And that ye shulde not be worshyppers of ymages as were some of them accordynge as it is written The people sat downe to eat and drynke and rose vp to playe Neyther let vs be defyled wyth fornication as some of them were defyled wyth fornicatiō and fel in one daye .xxiij. thousande Neyther let vs tempte Christe as some of them tempted and were destroyed of serpentes Neyther murmure ye as some of them murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer All these thinges happened vnto them for exemples but are written to put vs in remembraunce whome the
and purchased Let not wylfulnes and blyndnes put out so great lyght that is now shewed vnto you Ephe. vi Only take good hartes vnto you and put vpon you all the armoure of God that ye may stāde agaynst your enemyes whych wolde agayne subdue you and brynge you into theyr thraldome Remēber ye be bought from your vayne conuersation your fredome purchased neyther wyth golde nor syluer but wyth the price of the precious bloud of that moost innocent lambe Iesus Christ i. pet i. whych was ordeyned to thys same purpose before the worlde was made but was so declared in the later tyme of grace for your sakes whych by hym haue your fayth in God who hath raysed hym from death hath gyuen hym glorye that you shulde haue your fayth and hope toward god Therfore as ye haue hytherto folowed the vayne lustes of your myndes and so displeased god to the daūger of your soules now lyke obediēt chyldren thus purifyed by faythe gyue youre selues to walke that waye whych god moueth you to that ye maye receyue the ende of your faith the saluation of your soules i. pet i. And as ye haue gyuen your bodyes to vnryghtuousnes to synne after synne nowe gyue youre selfe to ryghtuousnes Rom. vi to be sanctifyed therin Yf ye delyte in thys artycle of youre faythe that Christ is rysen agayne from death to lyfe So folow you the exemple of hys resurrection as S. Paul exhorteth vs sayng Rom. vi As we be buryed with Christ by our baptisme into death so let vs dayly dye to sinne mortifynge and kyllynge the euell desyres and motions therof And as Christ was raised vp frō death by the glory of the father so let vs ryse to a new lyfe walke cōtinually therin that we may lykewyse as natural chyldren lyue a cōuersacion to moue men to glorifie our father whych is in heuen Math. v Yf we then be rysen with Christe by oure fayth to the hope of euerlastynge lyfe so let vs ryse also wyth Christ after hys exemple to a new lyfe leue our olde We shal then be truly rysen Col. iij yf we seke for thynges that be heuenly yf we haue our affection vpō thynges that be aboue and not on thynges that be on erth Yf ye desyre to know what these erthly thynges be whych ye shuld put of and what be the heuenly thynges aboue that ye shulde seke and ensue S. Paule in the epistle to the Collossians declareth whan he exhorteth vs thus Mortifie your erthly mēbers and olde affections of synne as fornication vnclennes vnnaturall lust euell concupiscence and couetousnes whyche is worshippynge of ydols for whych thynges the wrath of God is wont to fal on the chyldren of vnbeleue In whyche thynges ones ye walked whan ye lyued in them but nowe put ye also awaye from you wrathe fearsenes maliciousnes cursed speakynge fylthye speakynge out of your mouthes Lye not one to an other that the olde man wyth hys workes be put of and the newe put on These be the earthly thynges whych saynt Paule moueth you to caste from you to plucke your hartes from For in folowynge these ye declare your selues earthly and worldly These be the frutes of the earthly Adam These shulde ye dayly kyll by good diligence in wythstandynge the desyres of them that ye myghte ryse to ryghtuousnes Let your affection from henceforth be set on heuenly thynges Sue and serch for mercy kyndnes mekenes paciens forbearynge one another and for gyuynge one another Yf any man haue quarell to another euen as Christ forgaue you euen so do ye Yf these and such other heuenly vertues ye ensue in the residue of your lyfe ye shall shewe playnly that ye be rysen wyth Christ and that ye be the heauenly chyldren of youre father in heauen Iaco. i. frō whom as frō the gyuer commeth these graces gyftes Ye shall proue by thys maner that your cōuersacion is in heuen where your hope is phil iij and not on earth folowing the beastly appetites of the flesh Ye must consyder that ye be therfore clensed renewed that ye shulde from henceforth serue God in holynes ryghtuousnes all the dayes of your lyues Luc. i. that ye may raygne wyth hym in euerlastynge lyfe Yf ye refuse so great grace wherto ye be called what other thynge do ye then heape your damnation more and more and so prouoke God to caste hys displeasure vnto you and to reuenge thys mockage of hys holy sacramentes in so great abusyng of them Applye your selfe good frēdes to lyue in Christ that Christ may styl lyue in you Ioh. v whose fauour and assistēce yf ye haue thā haue ye euerlastynge lyfe alredy wythin you than can no thynge hurte you What soeuer is hytherto done and cōmytted Christe ye se hath offered you pardon and clerly receyued you to hys fauoure agayne in full suertye wherof ye haue hym nowe inhabytynge and dwellynge wythin you Only shewe you youre selfe thankeful in your lyues Col iij. cōpounde wyth youre selfe to refuse and auoyde al such thynges in youre conuersations that shuld offende hys eyes of mercy Endeuoure your selfe that waye to ryse vp agayne whych waye ye fell into the well pyt of synne Yf by your tonge ye haue offended now therby ryse agayne and glorifye God therwyth Accustome it to laude and prayse the name of God as ye haue therwyth dishonoured it and as ye haue hurte the name of your neghboure or otherwyse hyndered him now entende to restore hym agayne for wythout restitucion God accepteth not your shryft nor yet your repētaunce Psalm xxxvi It is not ynough to forsake euell except ye set your corage to do good By what occasiō so euer ye haue offended tourne now the occasion to the honourynge of God profytynge of your neyghbour Truth it is that synne is stronge and affections vnruly harde to subdue resyst our nature so corrupte leuened with the soure bitternes of the poyson which we receyued by the inheritan̄ce of our olde father Adam Mar. vi but yet take good corage sayeth our Sauiour Christ for I haue ouercommed the world al other enemyes for you Rom. v. Synne shall not haue power ouer you for ye be now vnder grace sayeth saynt Paule Though your power be weake yet Christ is rysen agayne to strength you in your batel hys holy spirite shall helpe your infirmities In trust of hys confidence take you in hande to purge thys olde leuen of synne that corrupteth soureth the swetnes of your lyfe before God Ro. viij that ye maye be as newe and freshe dowe voyde of all soure leuen of wyckednes i. cor v so shall ye shew your self to be swete bred to god to haue his delyte in you I say kyl offer you vp the worldly erthly affectiōs of your bodyes for Christ our Ester lambe is offred vp for vs to slee
the Gospell perteyneth to the conscience and therfore it teacheth not the chaunge of the temporall lyfe or state whyche ciuile ordinaunce alloweth Let vs then my frendes folowe the fayth of thys Apostle Peter and hys penitent harte confessynge our vnworthynes And then doubt we not but we shal be called to the greate feaste where we shall sytte at table wyth the hole company of heauen in the heauenly palace of God the father To whome wyth the sonne and holy goost be prayse and glorye AMEN The Epistle on the .vj. sondaye after Trinitie The .vi. chapter to the Romaynes Th argument ☞ Of the spirituall signification of oure baptisme BRethren knowe ye not that all we whych are baptised into Iesu Christ are baptysed to dye wyth hym We are buryed then wyth him by baptysme for to dye that lykewyse as Christ was raysed vp from death by the glory of the father euen so we also shulde walke in a new lyfe For yf we be grafte in death lyke vnto hym euen so shall we be partakers of the resurrection knowynge thys that our olde man is crucifyed wyth hym also that the bodye of synne myghte vtterly be destroyed that henseforth we shulde not be seruaūtes vnto synne For he that is dead is iustifyed from synne Wherfore yf we be deade wyth Christ we beleue that we shall also lyue wyth hym knowynge that Christe beynge raysed from death dyeth nomore Death hath nomore power ouer hym For as touchynge that he dyed he dyed concernynge synne once And as touchynge that he lyueth he lyueth vnto God Lykewise consyder ye also that ye are dead as touchynge synne but are alyue vnto God thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde AFter the holy Apostle saint Paule good christē people had declared to the Romaynes the profyte of these two great artycles of our fayth that is to saye christes death and his resurrection shewing them that Christ by hys moost precious death purchased the euerlastynge remission of our synne and by hys resurrection ascended vp to heauen to open the gates therof for vs and apeased the wrath of the father and made vs in fauoure agayne wyth hym that by this his dede we be iustified ☜ made goddes louynge chyldren and the ryghte enheritours of the kyngdome of heuen now in thys epistle he teacheth vs an other lesson to be cōsydered in Christes death and resurrection and setteth it before vs as an exēple to folow the maner therof in our owne selfe meanynge it shulde not auayle vs to beleue that Christe dyed and rose agayne from death excepte we woll conforme our lyfe to hys death and resurrection Do ye not knowe sayeth saynt Paule what further thynge is sygnifyed vnto you in Christes death or to what ende ye be baptysed Verely so many as be christened in the name of Christ Iesus and by baptisme be grafte in the nomber of hys seruauntes be therfore baptised that in a certayne similitude they shulde dye wyth hym Such a signification and fygure hath Christes death vnto vs that besyde that it is the pryce of our synnes it monysheth vs daylye to dye to synne dayly to mortifye and to slee the euell affections and motions of synne and concupiscence rysynge vp in our hartes agaynst the wyll of God And verely such a sygnification hath the ceremonye of our baptysme also vnto vs. The significacion of baptisme For whan we be plonged vnder the water and be lyfte vp agayne it meaneth nothinge els but that our synne is washed and slayne by Christ and we by hys grace lyft vp frome deth whych our synne deserued to euerlasting lyfe It sygnifyeth furthermore that we there promyse to dye to synne dayly to ryse vp agayne out of synne to a new lyfe the lyfe of ryghtuousnes And thys is the vertue fygure of baptysme whych yf we take not after thys purpose we do but deceyue oure selues wyth the outwarde token of the sacrament and lose the inwarde commoditie therof Wherfore my frendes consyder the spirituall meanynge of this holy sacrament let it put you in mynde that ye haue promysed there a perpetuall mortificacion and penaunce of your synne wherof it is a sygne Ye be ones baptysed and nede nomore to receyue the sacrament but yet the sygnification therof muste ye dayly fulfyll that is to dye to synne to ryse more and more to perfytnes of lyfe For we be not washed from our synne by the bloude of Christe shed for vs in hys death that we shulde retourne agayne therto but therfore be we clensed that from henseforth we shulde defoule our selfe nomore wyth synne And as Christ dyed and was buryed for vs so shuld we dye and be buryed wyth him that is to saye synne shuld dye in vs and be vtterly as buryed neuer to be sene agayne in our lyfe And as Christe was raysed vp from death by the glorious spirite of the father to lyfe agayne so shulde we dayly ryse vp from the frutes of synne to a new lyfe walke continually there in And as the power of goddes holy spirite raysed Christ vp agayne from death to lyfe whyche worke redounded to the greate glorye and prayse of God euen so by the power of the same spirite shall we be able to ryse frō death of synne to the newnes of vertuouse lyfe In whych our doynge we shall in some maner worke to the glorye of god when men shal se our well doynge and prayse the father of heauen for hys grace that he worketh in vs. Let then noman refuse to mortifye hys euell affections that he fealeth in hym That yf it be paynfull for hym to abstayne from synne let hym consyder that els he can not be the chylde of God For he is none of Christes that hath not hys spirite and by thys token is it knowen who is grafte in Christe and is in the state of saluation For it is not he whyche foloweth the lustes of hys fleshe but he whych walketh after the spirite Let vs consyder what saynt Paule sayeth here Yf we be lyke Christ in the similitude of hys death we shal be partakers wyth hym in the generall resurrection for yf the selfe same spirite ruleth in vs to fyghte agaynst synne whych raysed Christe from death to euerlastynge lyfe it shall also rayse vs from the corporall death of our body to lyfe agayne and that to lyfe euerlastynge And let vs knowe thys of suertye that as Christe hath not slayne synne and crucifyed it vpon the crosse that we shulde lyue in it and serue the desyre therof but that we shulde be deliuered frō the daunger of it euen so ought we to slee oure olde Adam that is to saye all euyll motions and lustes of synne whyche we inheryte by that we be Adams chyldren conceyued and borne in synne I saye we ought to subdue hym all oure lyfe tyme kepe hym vnder by the crosse of wylful penaunce and afflictiō so by lytle and lytle to abolysh and expell
out of our soules the hole body and lompe of synne viciouse nature wherin we be borne In dede so to mortifye synne that we shulde fele no motions therof so lōge as we be in the body it can not be but yet by goddes holy spirite yf we take good hede we maye so lyue that we shall not serue synne and be led wylfully vnder the dominion therof Wherfore they whyche so loue theyr euell affections that they stryue not agaynst them to subdue them to God wante goddes spirite the gage of theyr saluation and so serue synne as theyr lorde and mayster and therfore be vnder the daunger of synne and deserue the stypende therof whych is euerlastyng deth Rom. vi but he that with good hart and wyll studyeth to resyst and fyght against synne and the motions therof and laboureth to kyll it dayly more and more is now iustifyed from synne that is to saye delyuered from the daunger and penaltye therof Rom. ix For saynt Paule sayeth playnly to the Romaynes Yf ye mortifye the dedes of the fleshe and lustes of the corruptible body ye shal lyue in this epistle he sayeth the same that yf we be folowers of Christ in his death that is in dyeng to synne we beleue certaynly that we shall lyue wyth hym Christe ones was rysen frō death and dyeth nomore death shall nomore haue power of hym for in that he dyed sayeth oure epistle he dyed ones for all and by hys ones dyenge he destroyed synne for euer He dyed ones to synne and after he was ones deade he was neuer assauted of synne after but quyte discharged of it and nowe lyueth to God and euermore shall he enioye the lyfe whych he is now attayned vnto and shall neuer dye agayne Euen so suppose you youre selues deade to synne that is to saye thynke youre selues so to be discharged from synne that Christe hath destroyed the power therof for you as ye conforme your selfe to the lyfe of vertue In baptysme ye dye to synne and promyse to lyue to ryghtuousnes and therfore yf ye kepe youre promyse you be deade to synne and synne is vtterly deade in you so that ye folowe not the lustes therof Euen so the lyfe whych you now lyue is to God and to hys pleasure Ye lyue now by your fayth in ryghtuousnes which commeth by Iesus Christ our Lorde not of any workes of ryghtuousnes whyche we haue done sayeth S. Paule lest we shulde glorye in our selfe for thys lyfe of grace wherin we lyue before God Titū iij But of his mercy hath he saued vs thorow the foūtayne of baptysme wherin we be new borne agayne and renewed by the holy goost to lyue thys newe lyfe acceptable before god And as by the mercy of our Lorde we be set in thys lyfe of grace and strenghthed by hys gracyouse spirite to contynue vs therin no more to retorne and fall to synne and to the lustes therof euen so is the lyfe of glory which we now tary for in hope the gyfte of almyghty God thorow the merites and purchasynge of Christe Iesu Rom. vi i. cor i that all myghte be of God and no fleshe shulde glorye in his syght but he that wyll glory let hym glorye in the Lorde Nowe my frendes these thynges afore rehersed wel consydered let vs diligently laboure wyth oure selues to mortifye and subdue the euell desyres of our fleshe Yf we wyll haue any parte of Christes death and resurrection let vs kepe batayl wyth the flesh and beware we be not subdued therof We do boast of Christ in vayne yf we serue the desyre of synne For it is not ynough to say that we be christen men and that we pertayne to Christe i. Io. ij for he that sayeth he abyde in Christ as wryteth saynt Ihon must in such wyse walke in hys lyfe as Christ walked in hys for it is not he sayeth our Sauiour whyche sayeth to me Lorde Mat. xij Lorde that shal enter into the kyngdome of heauen but he that doeth the wyll of my father whych is in heauen How much then are they deceyued whych in such wyse do fansye of Christ and hys death that they care not into what synne they fall continue in only trustyng vaynly vpon the merytes of the same where here saynt Paule affirmeth that we shall neuer lyue wyth Christ excepte we mortifye our euyll affections and desyres and lyue in ryghtuousnes Heb. xi For though God requyreth fayth as the fyrste entre to come to Christe yet he requyreth also that out of thys fayth shulde springe good and vertuouse lyuyng Fyrst he sayeth in the gospel of saynt Marke Marc. i. Repent and beleue the Gospell It is no fayth that hath not repentaunce It is a vayne repentaunce wherin be espyed no workes of repentaunce Nowe the workes of true repentaunce be feare and drede of God hatred of synne purpose of amendemente diligence to watch agaynst the euell motions of syn Surely ther is no fayth where the spirite of God is not And there is not the spirite of God but the spirite of the deuell where such frutes be raygnyng as be adultery fornication wantonnes hatred stryfe enuye wrath cōtention sedition partestakyng Gal. v. murther dronkennes and excesse The doers of these yf they repent not shall neuer be inheritours with Christ how much so euer they boast of Christ And agaynst these must we dayly fight to subdue them yf we wil be of Christes flocke For as saynt Hierom wryteth Ne semel putemus ardorem fidei posse sufficere Hiero. suꝑ mathe x. semper crux portanda est vt semper Christum amare doceamur Ita apostolus portabat iugiter carnis mortificationem in corpore suo quod qui facit omni tempore semper orat semper poenitet c. Let vs not thinke that the feruentnesse of fayth can ones suffyse euermore must the crosse be borne that so we maye be taught euer to loue Christ Thus dyd the apostle beare cōtinually the mortification of the fleshe in hys body August ad Iuli. lib. iiij cap. iij whych thynge he that doth dothe praye alwaye and repent alwaye Also saint Austine sayeth Whosoeuer is wythout the fayth which worketh by charitie though he seme to repent doynge it but faynedly is an euel tree and of such a tree what sayeth saynt Ihon baptyst Mat. iij. Euery tree whych bryngeth not forth good frute shal be cut vp and cast into the fyer Let vs my frendes all vayne presumptions and false trustes cast awaye labour to performe our promyse whych we made at the fount stone let vs I saye renounce the deuell and hys suggestions and serue Christ our Lorde and mayster by the true workes of ryghtuousnes Let vs watch daylye agaynst oure euell dispositions that we maye lyke obedient chyldren of God glorifye God in oure lyfe i. Ioh. iij In so doynge we shall persuade oure owne hartes that we pertayne to hym
do hys workes Then we must for to be renued in our hartes haue nede that the gyftes and graces of God maye abyde there in stede of the concupiscences whyche the deuell hath put there by the synne of Adam As agaynst couetousnesse mercy and lyberalitie Agaynst lechery continence chastite Against pryde and rygoure frendshyp mekenes and all humilitie Agaynst hathered and rancor loue and charitie Agaynst iniquitie and synne iustice al grace And thus we shal be newly arrayed wyth the newe man Iesu Christ whych by hys holy spirite shal make vs also new men holy men and vertuouse mē lyuynge no more in foule and stynkynge synne as we were wont to do but walkyng in newnes of lyfe by the grace of God by whom we shal be iustifyed and truly sanctifyed And for bycause he is all trouth yf we wolde abyde in hym we muste cast out and put from vs al lyes and false tales the whych from our byrth is conioyned and euen knytte fast vnto oure fleshe Omnia homo mendax For as the prophete sayeth All men be lyers they haue spoken vanities and false thynges from theyr byrth And god alone is veritable euē trouth it selfe the whych wylleth that we speake trouth one to an other for we be all mēbers of hys body which is hys church and spouse whych spouse ought to be gouerned ledde conducted by the spirite of trouth And thys spirite of trouth yf it dwell in vs shall doubtles gyue vs all holy zele and a certayne godly angre agaynst synne whych shal be wythout synne As in seynge the blyndnes and the vnhappynes of the poore synners we shal be sorowfull and heuy As it is wrytten in the .iij. chapter of saynt Marke that our sauiour Iesu Christ whan he dyd se the wyckednes of the scribes and pharisees he was sore troubled and heuy wyth anger for the blyndnes of theyr hartes But here my frendes we must be well ware that thys anger be not agaynst our christen brother but agaynst the wycked enemye and the synne And also that it do not abyd ouerlonge in our hartes for feare that it shulde happen that the sonne of iustice whych is Iesu Christe shulde byde and go downe from vs for our anger and yre for in leauynge god we shulde gyue place to the deuell Fynally the Apostle doth admonysh vs that they whych haue ben theues and robbers that they shuld do nomore theftes robberies but rather that they shulde laboure wyth theyr handes in good workes not by auaryce or couetousnes for to waxe ryche but for to ayde charitably and reliefe theyr christen brethrē which haue nede and pouertie And in doynge thys God shal be in lykewyse mercyfull vnto vs and shall haue pitie of vs. For he loueth mercy more than sacrifice as our sauiour Christ hymselfe recordeth After thys wyse yf we fynyshe the course of oure lyfe we maye truste that the crowne of iustice is layde vp for vs whych our Lorde shall render vnto vs who is a iust iudge as S. Paule sayeth ij ti iiij For he shall render vnto euery man accordynge to hys workes We shal sayeth Paule be set before the trone of Christ to beare a waye accordynge as we haue done in our bodye ij cor v. eyther good or euell Let oure fayth then brynge forth worthy frutes of christianite that by gods grace we maye be crowned accordyngly To whome be al glorie and prayse for euer and euer Amen The Gospel on the .xix. sonday after Trinitie The .ix. chapter of Mathew Th argument ☞ Iesus forgyueth the sycke man of the palsey hys synnes and healeth hym IEsus entred into a shyppe and passed ouer and came into hys owne cytie and beholde they brought to hym a man sycke of the palsye lyenge in a bed And whan Iesus saw the fayth of them he sayd vnto the sycke of the palsye sōne be of good chere thy synnes be forgyuen the. And behold certayne of the scribes sayd wythin themselues thys man blasphemeth And whan Iesus sawe theyr thoughtes he said wherfore thinke ye euel in your hartes Whether is easyer to saye thy synnes be forgyuen the or to saye aryse and walke But that ye maye knowe that the sonne of man hath power to forgyue synnes in earth Then sayeth he vnto the sycke of the palsye aryse take vp thy bed and go vnto thy house And he arose and departed to hys house But the people that sawe it maruayled and glorifyed God whych had gyuen such power vnto men MY welbeloued brethrē and frendes the cytie of Iesu Christ as noteth Chrysostomus the holy doctour of the church is Capharnaum Chrysostome the whyche is called hys cytie forbycause that in leuynge Nazareth he wente and dwelled there and also for the noble sermons and great myracles whych he dyd oftē there as also now he doth one whych we ought wel to marke and note for therin is comprysed for vs noble and helthfull instruction Fyrste of all then we ought to consyder that our Sauiour Iesu Christe hath perceyued and beholden the fayth of them that dyd beare the man hauynge the palsey but here is no mention at al made of the great payne that they toke For saynt Marke in the seconde chapter and saynt Luke in the .v. chapter do reherce thys selfe myracle and say that they vncouered the house and so dyd let downe the bedde wherin the sycke man of the palsey laye before oure Lorde for bycause that ther was so great multitude of people that dyd folowe hym that they coulde not come nere vnto hym Notwythstandynge all thys ther is made no mencion here but of theyr fayth and trust instructynge vs that God doth not so greatlye esteme oure outwarde workes though that they be fayre and in apparaūce good yf we haue not fayth by charitie workynge in vs the whych only and her workes he estemeth For certes what soeuer procedeth not of fayth whych is the roote and foundacion of al good workes is synne as thapostle S. Paule doth wytnesse Ro. xiij And therfore the prophete Hieromie sayeth Iere. v. Lorde God thy eyes do beholde the fayth Therfore sayd our lord vnto the paralitique Sōne haue hope be of good chere thy synnes be forgyuē the shewyng vnto vs that our sinnes is the sycknes that god wyl principally heale of the whych aboue al thinges we ought to desyre the healyng which is the remission whych we shal haue not by outward workes done wtout fayth but by the fayth cōfidēce that we shal haue in Iesu Christ in returning agayn vnto him for al our businesses aswel spirituall as corporall as vnto our creatour redemer whych is only myghty ynough for to help vs prīcipally for to pardō our synnes which is the moost daungerous syckenesse that can be to mākynde for by the same we dye of euerlastynge death And forbycause that the scribes and doctours of the lawe dyd not beleue that Christe was
to lyfe And furthermore how and in what wyse by hys vprysyng or resurrection he shulde cōmence hys raigne and haue accesse to hys father And assuredly the preachyng and fore shewynge hereof was ryght necessary to the Apostles of Christ to be often made and dryuen into theyr heades For the flesh as Christe sayeth hymselfe is weake and agayne the articles of oure religion be suche that they surmount the sklender capacitie of mans wyt neyther can they easely be perceyued Thys is the cause why Christ lyke a faythful mayster neuer ceaseth to dryue into hys disciples heades the sūme cōtent of our fayth to thintent he myght fully execute thoffice that he came for Now thys is hys sentence and mynde whych he declareth to hys disciples Wythin a lytle whyle O you my louynge scholers and disciples I shal be betrayed vnto the Iues as I haue often tymes heretofore shewed vnto you that I shulde be condemned Mat. xij scourged bobbed and at last nayled to the crosse And for asmuch as euen lyke as Ionas was in the whales bely thre dayes and thre nyghtes I must in lykewyse be buryed in the grounde for the space of thre dayes and thre nyghtes Christes raigne Therfore for a lytle whyle in dede ye shall not se me But agayne after a lytle whyle that is to wyt the thyrde daye after whan I shall ryse agayne ye shall verely se me how be it that shall not be longe for I must awaye to my father and begyn with hym my spirituall raygne Ephe. i. and .iiij. Lo my deare frendes with such wordes Christe teacheth hys apostles what maner thyng his kyngdō shuld be how the cōmyng is to the same Assuredly the kingdō or raigne of Christ is none other thynge thā that Christ hath cōquered the world syn death satā hell furthermore hath taken of his father all power both in heuen and in erth in such sort as hensforth he is to be the most puissaunt and mighty kinge ouer the mount Sion Psal iiij leading and gouernyng his subiectes with the holy spirite of comforte Into this his kingdom it behoued hym to entre by the crosse by sheding of his mooste precious bloude and by death euen as the prophete Dauid longe before had prophecied of him sayeng he shall drynke of the floude in the waye Psa cix and therefore he shall lyft vp his heade Now this spirituall kingdome was not moche knowne to his apostles For they thought rather that the kingdom of Christ shulde haue ben a worldly and an outwarde kyngdome whych thinge they styl loked for vntyl the spirite was gyuen them whych taught them the knowlege hereof and how they ought to come vnto it and to gette it and how to perseuer and continue in the same If we therfore good brethren and systers be lykewise mynded to entre into thys kingdome and by Christ to vanquysh synne death Satan and hel we must nedes acknowlege and take Christ for oure Lorde and sauiour for our kinge and hyghe bishop fastelye beleuing that we be reconciled and made at one agayne with the father of heuen by his bloude and in suffering and doinge the thinges that Paule speaketh where he sayth i. tim ii If we shall suffer togither with him we shall also reigne with him Seconde An exēple of our ignoraūce we haue here good people an exemple of oure ignoraunce and blyndnesse and that in thapostles For loke how lytle they attayned the mystery of the gospell wythout the holy goost so lytle can we also attayne by oure owne powers to iustice or soule health But harkē your selues out of the very texte the rudenes or ignoraunce of the appostles Christ had shewed them that after a litle whyle they shulde not se him agayne after a lytle whyle they shulde se him agayne for he muste go to hys father This must nedes be vnderstande of his death and resurrection and of his spiritual kyngdome What it is to go to the father Ps lxvij For assuredly to go to his father is nothinge elles but to fulfyll all thynges as it is declared in the .v. chapi to the Ephesians and by hys holye gooste to exalte gloryfie saue mankynde or to speake the wordes of the prophete dona dare hominibus to gyue gyftes to men But I praye you how do thapostles vnderstande thys They talke and conferre with themselues what meaneth that he sayeth after a whyle ye shall not se me and agayn after a whyle ye shal se me we knowe not saye they what he speketh Lo my frendes the apostles do here confesse theyr ignoraunce and that they atteyne not to the wordes that he spake albeit he had spokē often tymes before of hys crosse deathe and resurrection vnto them Wherfore I do not a lytle wonder what these men meane whyche fyghte so strongly for the defence of theyr owne naturall and carnall power syth they se here so manyfestly that the apostles themselues whyche had Christe so moch conuersaunt amonges them coulde not by theyr owne mere power before the holy gooste came vnto them vnderstande the spirituall kyngdome of Christe So that it manifestly appeareth that while they woll be doctours and teachers of other they be them selues full of all blyndenes and ignoraunce Thys therfore is the summe and effecte of thys place that the flesh in suche thynges as perteine to iustification can do no good onles the holy gost beyng communitate by the word be receiued and had For as the prophete Ieremy recordeth Ier. xiij they shal be taught of God and not of themselues Thyrdly Christe doth preuent his apostles when he espyed them not to atteine his wordes and that they wold aske him the meanyng of the same sayeng vnto them in thys wise Of thys ye do question amonges your selues that I sayd a litle and ye shall not see me and agayne a lytle and ye shall se me Verely verely I saye vnto you ye shall wepe and lamente but the worlde shal reioyce Ye shal sorow but your sorowe shal be turned into ioye Lo how Christ tendereth his apostles he shaketh them not of for their rudenes and ignoraunce but moste gentlye instructeth them shewinge them howe his format wordes ought to be vnderstand sayenge vnto them in thys wise Ye shall wepe and be sory but why bycause ye shall see youre Lorde and mayster apprehended and takē nayled vpon the crosse and put to death Crosse ꝑsecutiō Then shall calamitie and sorow begynne and principally this shall trouble you that the world shal reioyce at your aduersitie and your maysters aduersitie And euen as Christ had spoken so it came to passe concernyng both hys owne crosse affliction and heuines also his apostles For do ye thynke yt a lytle crosse vnto hym when that he was reuiled and vpbrayded of the Iues sayeng vnto hym let God delyuer hym if he woll haue hym I omytte and passe ouer with
trouth it is expediēt for you that I go awaye For yf I go not awaye that cōforter wyl not come vnto you But yf I departe I wyl sende hym vnto you And when he is come he wyl rebuke the worlde of synne and of ryghtousnesse and of iudgemente Of synne because they beleue not on me Of ryghtousnes because I go to my father and ye shall se me no more Of iudgemente because the prynce of thys world is iudged alredy I haue yet many thynges to saye vnto youe but ye cannot beare them away nowe Howbeit when he is com whych is the spirite of trouth he wyl leade you into al trouth He shal not speake of himselfe but what so euer he shall heare that shall he speake and he wyll shewe you thynges to come He shall glorifie me for he shall receaue of myne and shall shewe vnto you Why tholy goost was promysed THe cheife parte of this daye gospell good brethren and sistres consistethe in the declaration of the office of the holy ghost which for that purposis sente of Christe that he myghte reuelate and open the spirituall kingdome of Christ and myght detect the blyndnes of the worlde concernynge this kingdome For the spirituall kingdome of Christ bicause it consysteth in feyth is not perceyued of the worlde no more then is his iustice and beatitude forasmoch as the worlde bicause it is ledde with reason requireth an other kingdome an other iustice and consequently an other blesse euen such as be most agreable to the iugement of reason and may be seen wyth the carnall eyen and groped withe the fleshely handes Suche thinges bicause reason alloweth them they flatter the worlde and they be lettes and impedimentes that the true spirituall raigne or kyngdome of Christe can neuer be rightly vnderstanded of the worlde And assuredly the disciples dyd here gayly represente the worlde for they also dyd as yet after a carnall sorte trust and hope vpon the carnall presence of Christe as thoughe he had come into the worlde to set vp some carnal raigne or Empire that all the worlde shulde haue loked vpon and sene ☜ Wherfore when they harde Christ saye he wolde go agayne to hys father from whom he was sent their hartes were cold and replenished wyth care and heuynesse As though they shulde saye vnto hym We trusted that thou woldeste haue commenced and set vp here a galant and triumphante kyngdome and now thou sayst that thou wolt departe hence to thy father Assuredly my brethren all we be euen thus naturally affected and disposed before the sendinge of the holy ghost that we styl dreame vpon some carnall thynge concernynge Christes kyngdome But when the holy ghoost come he shall teache vs that the kingdom of Christ consisteth in feyth and spirite and not in an outward dominion or worldly power Thē also shall our iustice shrynke and quake which we feyne we haue before the lightenyng of the holy ghost and our iugement shall appere wherby accordinge to reason we iuge of the reigne of Christe Finally also our synnes shal be disclosed concernynge our incredulitie or misbelefe whyche we had towardes Chryst the only Sauiour when we se that those be synnes whych before we iuged for rightuousnes as for exemple the affiaunce and truste in our workes and suche lyke And leste a man shulde feyne to himselfe some peculiar vision and illumination I wot not what ye shal vnderstand that the holy gost commeth when the worde is preached whych worde no doubte is the worke of the holy ghost This holy ghost doth lyghten vs and leadeth vs to the knowlege of gods worde But now I go c. Now therfore sayth Christe I go my wey to him that sent me to thintēt I mought come agayne and begynne a newe and spirituall raigne in reuerting by death And notwithstanding that I saye vnto you that I muste departe and go my wayes from you ye aske me not whether I go As who shulde saye yf ye were not blynded with the care of the flesshe and soughte not for worldly thynges ye wolde vndoubtedly haue asked me whether I go syth I tolde you I must departe Neuertheles bycause I haue sayd such thynges vnto you your hartes be full of sorowe not so much bycause of my departure as bycause ye se that ye shall lacke those outwarde and worldly pleasures and promocions whych ye hoped to haue receyued in my kyngdome Expedi● vobis Howbeit I tel you the trouth it is expedient for you that I go my waye as who shulde saye your opiniō concernynge my raigne is false and cleane wronge But I wole shewe you the treuth why I muste departe partly bycause ye maye vnderstand what maner kyngdome my kingdome is and partly what ye ought to loke for in it I saye it is expedient and profitable for you that I departe Brethren here ye see that all thinges whych Christ doth he doth the same for our vtilite and profyte insomoche that euen his departure out of thys worlde that is to saye his deathe was so profytable to vs that without it we shulde neuer haue bene delyuered oute of oure damnable state of euerlastynge death He addeth For yf I go not awaye that comforter shall not come vnto you The profyte of Christes death Lo good people in this place is conteyned the great vtilitie and profyte of the death and departure of Christ vnto hys father For therfore departed he out of this world bicause he wolde begynne a spirituall kyngdome which neuertheles could not helpe yf he hadde not also sente the holy ghost For where there shulde be a spirituall kyngdome and we yet carnall we coulde in no wise vnderstande nor ꝑceiueit No more then euen at thys daye we vnderstād it but by the helpe and ayde of the holy gooste Wherefore let vs remembre that Christ hath for our cause sent the holy goost whych myght leade vs into all truth that is to wite whych might disclose and open vnto vs oure synnes that do naturally stycke in vs and yet neuertheles we take them for no synnes whyche holy ghost also myght bewrey our ryghtuousnes to be befor god more vnrightuousnes finally whych myght shewe the deuell to be iuged by the ouerture and openyng of the gospell all whyche thinges noman shuld haue vnderstanded had not Christ sente his holy ghost Actu i. whom in this place he surely promiseth shulde come and he came in dede accordinge to hys promise vpon the daye of Pentecoste as it is redde in the first chapter of the Actes of the Apostles Now the holy ghost is called a comforter whych in the Greake is called Paracletus of hys effecte or office forasmuche as his office and feate is euen frō tyme to tyme so longe as this spirituall kyngdome shall endure Paracletus quid fit to comforte mens consciences in this world When this comforter commeth saith Christ he shal rebuke the worlde of synne of rightuousnes and of
good people here ye haue a true definicion of religion It is not to be locked vp in stone walles and to departe from the company of the worlde as those disguysed and false religiouse persones lately in thys realme dyd but it is to be conuersaunt amonges men wythout spotte or reproufe it is to vysite orphanes and fatherlesse chyldren to go and succour the poore wydowes to go aboute and to wynne the people to Christ to fysh mens soules and to brynge them into the kyngdome of Christ out of the tyranny and raygne of Antichriste I call Antichrist whosoeuer teacheth other deuotions and holynesses then Christ dyd ordeyne For he that is not wyth Christ is agaynst Christ Wherfore good brethren and systers let vs be accordynge to saynt Iames monition here not onely hearers but also doers of the worde but of what worde of the bishop of Romes worde of Antichristes word which is contrary to Christes vnspotted syncere worde no but of gods worde to thintent we maye loke into the perfyte lawe whych breaketh out of fre spirite fayth into workes of charitie Let vs imbrace the true religiō that is here prescribed and set forth vnto vs Let vs vysite the orphanes the desolate wydowes our poore neyghbours that be destitute of comforte and relyfe Thys let vs do of a fre and franke harte not as constraynedly but wyllyngly and gladly Thys doynge we shall declare by our dedes that we haue the lyuely fayth that shall iustifie vs in gods sight In these our dedes but not by these our dedes nor through these our dedes we shall as saynt Iames assureth vs be happy and so happy that nomā shal be able to take our ioye and blysse from vs. For we shall not onely lyue here in thys worlde in peace of conscience and in the kyngdome of Christ but we shall also in an other worlde inherite the vnspeakable ioye and felicitie of heauen where lyueth raygneth the father the sōne and holy goost perpetually Amen The Gospel on the .v. Sondaye after Ester daye which is the next sonday before the crosse dayes the .xvi. Chapter of Ihon. Th argument ☞ Prayers are hard through Christ IEsus sayd to his disciples after a whyle ye shall not se me and againe after a while ye shal se me for I go to the father Thā sayd some of his disciples betwene them selues what is this that he saith vnto vs after a while ye shal not se me and againe after a whyle ye shal se me and that I go to the father They said therfore what is this that he saith after a whyle we can not tell what he sayth Iesus perceyued that they wolde aske him and said vnto them Ye inquyre of this betwene youre selues because I sayd after a while ye shall not se me and agayne after a whyle ye shall se me Verely verely I saye vnto you ye shall wepe and lament but contrary wise the world shall reioyse Ye shal sorowe but your sorowe shal be turned to ioye A woman whē she traueyleth hath sorowe because her hour is come But as sone as she is deliuered of the child she remēbreth no more the anguyshe for ioye that a man is borne into the worlde And ye nowe therfore haue sorowe but I wyll se you agayne and youre hartes shall reioyse and youre ioye shall no man take from you IN the first parte of the Gospel of this daie good people is a commaūdemēt and promise set forth vnto vs wherby we be allured and sturred to praye ❧ The vertu of prayers And surely sith a christian person can no wher haue better coumforte in such thynges as he is troubled in and in tyme of necessitie and aduersitie then instantly to pray and to open his affliction and grefe with ardent peticion and humble sute to God who onely wyll and can helpe him in his distres gyue him comforte vndoutedly it is ryght necessary that we throughly perceiue knowe the institucion and intent of this present gospel to the intent we might be the more inclined and disposed vnto prayer For who wolde reiecte and despice prayer as a thyng lytle necessary seyng it is so muche auaunced and cōmaunded by Christe vnto vs Yea this cōmaundement dothe as straytly bynde vs as the fyrste commaundemēt of the Decalogie doth This to be true we may se in another place where Christe byddeth vs alwayes to pray and that without ceasing or intermission lu xviij Marke that it is necessary then and conuenient that we shulde pray Wherfore as we be by speciall word and cōmaundement of Christe drawē and inforced to pray So also this gospell allureth vs to the same with a speciall promise For it is here promised vs by Christe that our prayers that is to wete the prayers of christen ꝑsons shal not be vaine ne frustrate but that we shal be surely herde shall obteyne our sutes For why elles wolde Christ haue bounde this his worde and promise with an othe sayeng verely verely What so euer ye aske the father in my name he shall gyue it you Also aske and it shal be gyuen you Do ye not heare how our prayers shal not be vayne nor frustrate Who then wold nowe be slouthfull to pray seyng Christe by his speciall cōmaundement hath wylled vs to the same Forthermore ye shal here vnderstande that bycause we shuld not thynke that the labour of our prayers shuld be in vayne therfore doth Christe here in this place allure vs with a notable and special promyse as is before remembred But herin are two thinges to be considered pondered of vs. The one is that we shuld pray in none other name thē in only Christes name we must pray only in the name of Christe Now we pray in the name of Christ when we approche to god in the faythe of Christ and do comforte our selues with the trust and affiaunce in him that is to wete that he only is our mediatour or aduocate by whom all be forgyuen vs and without whom we can deserue nothyng but gods indignacion and wrath For I pray you what saynte what holy man is there either in heauen or earthe whiche sueth maketh intercession and is mediatour to the father of heauen for vs in suche wyse as Christe is Assuredly it is Christe only by whose merite and intercession not only we obteine pardon of our synnes ryghteousnes but also he taketh vs in the place of his brethren cōmunicating vnto vs the roume or office of presthoode as testifyeth also S. Peter in his fyrst epistle so that we also by authoritie and vertue herof may lykewyse haue accesse to the father seke of him in our afflictions grace helpe and comforte i Pet. ij Thys thyng confirmeth also Christ himselfe where he sayeth I saye not vnto you that I shal be an intercessour or suter for you to my father For the father himself loueth you because ye haue loued me in beleuyng
that I am come frō the father Wherfore good christen brethren syth we haue suche an aduocate and mediatour for vs yea sithe we also our selues be admitted by Christe to the function offyce of prestes I pray you why shulde we so muche depēde vpō confidēce of others to be meanes suters for vs This thyng also doth the auncient and holy father S. Chrysostom ful wel declare in his homely De profectu euangelij Where he writeth in this wyse Chrisostome Thou shall nede no patrones or aduocates with god neyther shalt thou nede to runne hyther and thyther to flatter other that they maye intreate for the but albeit thou be alone and hast no patrone or intercessour but prayest to god by thy selfe alone yet shalt thou throughly obteyne thy sute demaunde For god doth not so easely graunte when other men praye for vs as when we praye our selues although we be full of many vices and synnes Lo what thys holy doctour saythe He certifieth the that thou arte soner herd when thou praiest for thy selfe then when thou makest other to praye for the. Theophilactus in Iohan ca. xv Whyche thynge Theophilactꝰ affirmeth also where he saith Marke that albeit sayntes or holy men praye for vs as the Apostles dyd for the woman of Cananee yet we be rather herd when we praye for our selues Furthermore we muste take hede good people that we be suters vnto god in our prayers for nothinge that is repugnaunt to the glory of god to our owne saluation and to gods will For in thys behalfe that god almyghty wyll neither admytte nor heare oure prayers it is manifestlye shewed by that he teacheth vs in our pater noster to saye Fiat voluntas tua Math. v. thy wil be done Wherfore we shall then be hard when in our necessities we desire and require gods helpe hauing respect euer and casting our eyes to his wyl to hys cōmaundement and promise and not alledging our owne worthynes whyche is nothyng at all but only the merite of Christe then I saye oure petition and sute shal surely be admitted hard Forasmoch as all the promises in Christ be est and amen that is to saye moost certeine and sure ij cor i. as Paule in his second epistle to the Corinthians wryteth Moreouer bicause oftentymes we be so vntoward and folyshe that we cannot espye oure owne necessitie and nede Therfore Christ wil likewise teache vs what maner thyng our petition ought to be Ro. viij praye sayth he that your ioye may be ful What ioye I pray you is this vndoutedly it is no worldely or corporall leapynge or daunsing and reioising but it is a spirituall ioye wherof saint Paule maketh mention wher he saith Phi. iiij Reioise in the lord And againe I saye reioise From whence then procedeth this ioye Surely of faythe But howe is this Truly if at any tyme I heare the gospell taughte wherin is offeryd by Christe to all men remission of synne I muste beleue it if I woll that that sermon or preachyng of Christe shulde do me good But beleue it I cannot onles by the word the holy ghost be gyuen me whych maye worke such feith in me That if the worde the spirite workethe in me fayth I nede not to doubte any thynge at all herein but that Christe hathe not only perdoned me my synnes in suche wise that they canne no more be called into iudgement and condemne me From whence the peace of cōscience springeth but also that he hath recōciled the father in heauen vnto me and made him my speciall good lorde and father in such sorte as he now knowledgeth and reputeth me for his sonne and that he wol preserue and conserue me vnto euerlasting liefe and from hens afterward spryngeth oute peace of conscience vnto me and the spirituall ioye wherof in thys gospell oure sauioure Christe speaketh but suche ioye oughte alweyes to growe and to be increased if it wolbe made perfecte and ful ij pe iij. Wherfore that it may growe and wyth perpetual encrease waxe greater and greater vndoubtedly god of his most bountifull mercy will brynge to passe if so be we instantly call vpon hym with cōtynuall prayers Syth therfore good christen people Christ hath gyuen vs in commaundement that for such ioye of harte we shulde praye to thentente it myght be made consūmate fully perfecte we must here obey him that we may truly saye with the blessed virgine Marye Luce. ij Et exultauit spiritus meus in deo salutari meo That is to saye My spirite reioyseth in god my sauioure Finally my brethren Christe doth here agayne setoute the rudenes and ignorance of his apostles before theyr eyes and confesseth that hys lessons and teachinges haue bene hithervnto but as ridles and parables vnto them and that to the vnderstanding of such thynges as he taught them it was necessarie that he shulde not speake vnto them in parables and ryddelles but that he shulde speake of hys father vnto them openly and frely that is that it was necessary that he shulde sende them the holy ghoste who myght make them able to attayne hys wordes And suerly good people this kinde of ignoraunce and blyndnes was not only in the apostles before they were confirmed with the holy ghost Psa xiij Ioh. iij. but it is also naturally planted in all men in so moch that ther is not one whych canne either vnderstand or worke any thinge that good is onles he be transformed by the spirite of god vnto a newe creatute We thinke our selues neuertheles very prudent and wyse euen as the apostles dyd in this gospell sayenge lo nowe thou speakeste frely openly neyther speakest thou any parable now I know that thou knowest al thinges c. But no doubt thys was a very folyshe rashnes and arrogauncie euen as that was that Peter dyd when he wolde go with Christ both into pryson and into death by whyche rashe promise he shamed hymselfe when before the cocke crewe he denied his Maister Christ thryse Wherfore all thys hole thynge is wrytten for oure cause that we shuld not arrogaūtly presume to take any thynge vpon vs rashely and temerariously but that we shuld rather walke in an humble mynd and spirite confessinge and knowledginge continually that we be bothe miserable and ignoraunte persons in such thynges as concerne Christes glorye forasmoche as without the spirite of god we canne neuer vnderstande the mystery of the gospel For assuredly the wysdome of the fleshe is foly before god and the more knowlege it boasteth pretendith in spiritual and diuine thynges so moch the more is the foly of it declared and vttered Let vs then my good brethren and sisters in all oure necessities and troubles pray accordynge to the wordes of this gospel but to whom To the father of heuen In whose name In Christes ☞ And what shall we praye for that our ioye may be perfyte
Saynt Ambrose agreyng hervnto sayth that the redemption of Christes bloude were very vyle yf iustification whych is done by grace shuld be due to the merites goynge before so that it shuld be not the gyfte of the gyuer but the reward of the worker Also Ierome wrytynge vpon the epistle to the Galathians sayeth Ierome None is saued by the lawe but we be all saued by fayth Austine Neyther doth saynt Augustine disagre from thys saynge Our fayth that is to say the catholyke faythe discerneth the ryghtuouse frō the vnryghtuouse not by the lawe of workes but by the selfe lawe of fayth But what go I aboute to allege a fewe doctours All the prophetes as Peter here sayeth Christe hymselfe all the Apostles yea all the holy scripture throughe out all the auncient and ecclesiasticall doctours and holy expositours of scripture do gyue wytnesse to Christe that through hys name whosoeuer beleueth in hym shal receyue forgyuenesse and pardon of theyr synnes It foloweth in the texte Whyle Peter yet spake these wordes the holy goost fell on all them whych herde the preachyng And they of the circumcision whych beleued were astonnyed c. Brethren ye shall note that Christ was peculiarly promysed to the Iues as he hymselfe also sayeth in the .xv. Chapter of Mathew I am not sent but to the lost shepe of the house of Israel Howbeit the callynge of the Gentyls was longe before prophecyed of by the prophetes and here also it was opened to saynt Peter by a vision of a shete sente downe from aboue vnto hym Actu x. And therfore he began hys sermō on thys wyse Of a trouth I perceyue that there is no respecte of persons wyth God but in all people he that feareth hym and worketh ryghtuousnes is accepted wyth hym Now so many as beleued of the circumcision that is to wyt the Iues not knowyng hereof but beynge ignoraunt that the Gentyls also were to be admytted to the felowship of the Gospell wondered whan they sawe that on the Gentyls also was shed out the gyfte of the holy goost and herde them speke wyth tonges magnifyed God Here ye shal also marke ☜ that thys gyft of tonges wherwyth at the sendynge downe of the holy goost the Apostles and other were so indowed that they were vnderstanded of the people of al nacions is now ceased but in the meane season the prayse of gods name ceaseth not nor ought not to cease It foloweth in the texte Then answered Peter can any man forbyd water that these shulde not be baptised whych haue receyued the holy goost aswell as we Here ye se manyfestly good people that the Gentyls by Peters preachynge of gods worde were replenyshed wyth the holy goost before they were outwardly baptysed wyth the water for wyth the spirit it is playne that they were baptised Saynt Peter therfore to confirme them and as it were to seale them wyth an outwarde sygne commaundeth them to be baptised wyth water in the name of the Lorde For baptisme is not only a sygne of mortificacion and of remission of synnes What is baptisme but it is also a badge or knowlege that we be receyued into the nōber of the chyldren of God Wherfore as al holy doctous and expositours do agre there be two maner of baptismes Ierome suꝑ Esa Now as also saynt Ierome affirmeth mā only gyueth the water but God gyueth the holy goost wherby the fylthe is washed awaye and the synnes of bloude purged The same Ierome also wrytyng vpon the Epistle to the Galathians sayeth in thys wyse Yf then they that be baptised in Christe haue done on Christ it is manyfest that they whych haue not put on Christ be not baptised in Christe For it was sayd to them whych were counted faythfull whych were supposed to haue had the baptisme of Christ Put ye on the Lorde Iesus Christ Yf a mā taketh only thys corporall washyng of water which is sene wyth the eyes of the flesh he is not clad with the Lorde Iesus Christ For albeit Simō Magus in the actes of the Apostles had receyued the washing of water yet bycause he had not the holy gooste he was not baptised in Christ Wherfore as I declared vnto you on the Ascēsiō day baptisme wythout fayth is as who shulde saye a paper sealed wythout any wrytynge in it But ye shall alwayes vnderstād that I excepte and speake not of the baptisme of infauntes or babes For they as saint Austine and the other expositours of scripture do full well declare be saued yf after baptisme they chaunce in theyr infauncy to dye by the fayth of the catholyke church And furthermore we saye agaynst the wycked Anabaptistes that the baptisme of children is not vayne but necessarye to saluacion For no doubte the promyse of saluacion perteyneth also to chyldren or infauntes But it pertayneth not to them that be oute of the church where is neyther the worde nor the sacramentes And here vpon do all lerned men agre Now therfore good christen people syth your baptisme woll not serue you wythout faythe no nor all the workes ye can do I ernestly exhorte you that accordynge to saynt Peters declaracion here for the obteynynge of remission of youre synnes ye woll fastlye beleue in Christ So doyng no doubt the holy goost shal enter into your hartes make you euen of loue without compulsion of lawe to worke wel to the glorye of God and helth of your soules eternally Amen The gospell on the seconde daye of Pentecost The .iij. chapter of Ihon. Th argument ☞ The moost comfortable glad tydynges of Christ is here wonderfully well described IEsus spake vnto a ruler amonge the pharises God so loued the worlde that he gaue hys only begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleueth in hym shulde not perysh but haue euerlastynge lyfe For God sente not hys sonne into the worlde to condempne the worlde but that the worlde through hym myght be saued He that beleueth on hym is not condempned But he that beleueth not is condemned already because he hath not beleued in the name of the only begotten sonne of God And thys is the condempnacion that light is come into the worlde and mē loued darkenes more thā lyght bycause theyr dedes were euell For euery one that euell doeth hateth the lyght neyther commeth to the lyght lest hys dedes shuld be reproued But he that doth trouth commeth to the lyght that hys dedes may be knowen how that they are wrought in God THe Gospell of thys daye good people is in very dede an Euangell or gospell that is to saye a glad tydinges For in fewe wordes it declareth vnto vs the summe of the Christen mans religion Fyrst therfore it sheweth the cause that moued God to sende downe hys sonne to the earth The wordes here spoken be Christes wordes vnto Nicodemus Thus he sayeth God so loued the worlde that he gaue hys only begotten sonne that who soeuer beleueth in hym shulde
confesse Christes doctrine For thys thynge doth Christ in any wyse requyre where he sayeth He that confesseth me before men The flesh is fearfull I shall also confesse him before my father and the angels of heauen Surely reason can not do thys it farre passeth her powers to subiecte herselfe to the hatred of the worlde for Christes sake And therfore Christ requyreth of vs to hate oure owne selues to kyll oure olde Adam Math. x that we may so be transformed into new creatures But what knowlege hath our flesh our nature of such transfourmynge or new byrth Surely no knowlege no felynge no vnderstandynge at al as thys sayntly Nicodemus this holy prelate trustynge to hys owne good workes ful wel declareth Christ talketh of the spirituall and new byrth Nicodemus loketh vpō the carnal byrth sayeng thus How can a man be borne agayne whan he is olde Shall he crepe agayne into hys mothers wombe Herken how foolyshly how vnwysely for al his outwarde holynes thys noble prelate speaketh of godly thynges Yea Christ is fayne to expounde vnto hym how it commeth to passe that we be made newe creatures Howbeit he yet vnderstandeth hym not therfore he asketh agayne how it can be I pray you what synguler poynt do ye se in thys Nicodemus or what other thynge do ye fynde in hym but ignoraunce blyndnes and infidelitie Wherfore though hys outwarde conuersacion shyneth neuer so muche before the worlde yet it can not please God God beholdeth not the outwarde face and vysoure but the mynde and fayth Iere v. Ro. xiiij as also Heremy sayeth And what so euer is not of fayth is synne The inwarde ryghtuousnes and goodnes must go before or els the outwarde can not please God Yf thou hast not the inwarde iustice forthwyth Christ sayeth Onles your ryghtuousnes be better then the ryghtuousnes of the scribes and pharises ye shall not come into the kyngdome of heauen Wherfore lyke as Nicodemus is here founde vnskylfull rude and foolysh in maters concernynge the honour of God and oure helth euē so be all we olde Adams and all fleshly accordynge to Christes sayenge what so euer is gendred of flesh is fleshe onles we be lyghtened of the Lordes spirite What the scripture calleth fleshe Ro. viij We cal flesh here the hole nature of mā the body mynde reson vnderstandyng wyl besyde the holy goost Such a man and such a body of synne surely can do nought but synne seme he neuer so gay to other men and be he decked wyth neuer so many good workes whych thynge saynt Paule declareth copiously to the Romaynes and in thys place thys Nicodeme ful playnly sheweth by hys wyse talking Newe byrth Secondly Christ teacheth vs in thys Gospel the new byrth whych thynge Nicodemus coulde not attayne vnto fyrst he so speaketh of thys new byrth or regeneration that he maketh it playnly necessary to our soules helth What it is to se the kingdom of God For thus he sayeth Onles a mā be borne agayne he can not se the kyngdome of god Now to se the kyngdome of God is as muche as to be iustifyed Wherfore consyder here wyth the eyen of thy mynde what Christe speaketh of thys maner iustificaciō and agayne what Nicodemus thinketh agaynst it Christ reasoneth and gathereth thus No worke no reason no outwarde conuersacion iustifyeth it is only the new byrth that must worke thys Agaynst thys conclusion Nicodeme thus obiecteth Yf so be my outwarde conuersacion workes lyfe be cōformable to the lawe thā for such workes sake God can not but iustifye me and make me eternally blessed But surely thys sayenge of hym is excedingly both false and wycked psa cxv for asmuche as all men be lyers and only God true Wherfore let vs consyder the nature of thys regendrynge in what sorte it is Onles sayeth Christ thou beyst borne againe of water and spirite thou canst not come into the kingdome of heauen Baptisme Marke that in baptisme thys new byrth begynneth For it is a token of sleynge the fleshe as Paule wytnesseth Rom. vi And thys is one parte of the newe byrth Now in baptisme the holy goost also is gyuen and where as we be thus kylled he rayseth vs vp agayne he dryueth draweth altereth and so worketh in vs that we be led nomore wyth fleshly affections but wyth goostly and that we shuld breath and thynke no lōger vpon earthly thynges but vpō heauenly thinges and shulde lyue hensforth only to ryghtuousnes And thys is thother parte of thys new byrth It foloweth herof What it is to be newe borne that to be borne again is nought els but to dye to synne warde and by spirite and fayth to lyue to iustice warde Where thys chaūceth there is the kyngdome of god espyed there is the realme of heauen entred into What gloriacion than is lefte here to the ryghtuousnes of Nicodemus Surely it is not worth a rushe nor to be sette an hawe by Phil. iij. none otherwise than Paule estemed his ryghtuousnes that he gat in hys Iewysh lyfe no better than donge For not the thynge that commeth of our owne reason but that whych the spirite worketh in vs is acceptable to God The thynge that is gendred of the spirite is spirite and is only of valure before God Eph iiij And therfore saynt Paul sayeth to the Ephesians Do of the olde man accordynge to youre former maners and conuersation and put ye on the new man How can reason do or compryse these thinges syth it can not perceyue thynges corporall and outward as from whence the wynde commeth and whyther it woll To conclude thys new byrth is a worke of the spirite though the Papistes do neuer so muche preache the iustice of theyr fleshe Christ hath purchased vs the spirite Thyrdly we be here taught who hath gottē gyuen delyuered and cōmunicated vnto vs thys spirite euen the sonne of man Christe who only came from heauen and retourned into heauen By what thynge then hathe he gotten and deserued vnto vs this spirite Truly herby that he was likewise exalted as the serpent in wyldernes Nu. xxi But what maner serpent is thys The people of Israell ones grudged agaynst god and blaspehmed hym so heynously that he sent vpon them fyery serpentes And who so euer was bytten of any such serpent dyed therof Here God at last moued with the prayers and requestes of Moses commaunded a brasen serpent to be erected for a signe that whosoeuer beynge strykē of any suche serpent shulde loke vp to that brasen serpent shulde be healed Thys fygure Christ draweth to hymselfe and this in sentence he sayeth I shal be delyuered to myne aduersaries to be crucifyed and at last slayne for thys intente that by my crosse and death God the moost louynge father myght be recōciled to the worlde Whosoeuer therfore beynge stryken wyth the poyson darte of synne loketh vp to me that is to saye
Math. vi Forgyue vs our trespasses as we forgyue thē that trespasse agaynst vs. And by these wordes sayeth saynt Austine humblynge oure soules we cease not after a maner to do dayly penaunce But it is to be feared lest many of vs playe rather the pharisees parte thynkynge our selues hyghly in gods fauour and in the meane season despysynge our neghbours whych by theyr humble submission and penitent hertes shall get vp before vs. Heauen is gyuen not to such as iustifie themselues by their owne dedes but to such as mekely and penitently call for mercy pardon and grace wherby they maye afterward worke that maye be pleasaunt in gods syght Who wol surely in heauen crowne them wyth glorye immortall To whome be honoure and prayse for euer and euer Amen The Epistle on the .xij. sondaye after Trinitie The .ij. Epistle to the Corin. the .iij. Chap. Th argument ☞ The ministration of the gospel is here praysed BRethren such trust haue we thorow Christ to godwarde not that we are sufficient of oure selues to thynke any thynge as of oure selues but yf we be able vnto any thynge the same commeth of God whych hath made vs able to minister the new testament not of the letter but of the spirite For the letter kylleth but the spirite gyueth lyfe Yf the ministracion of death thorow the letters fygured in stones was glorious so that the chyldren of Israel coulde not behold the face of Moses for the glorye of hys countenaunce whych glorye is done awaye why shall not the ministracion of the spirite be much more glorious For yf the ministrynge of condemnation be glorious much more doth the ministration of ryghtuousnes excede in glorye FOr bycause that saint Paule welbeloued brethrē in our sauiour Christe had a lytle before the begynnynge of the epistle of thys daye praysed the Corinthians sayenge vnto them that they were hys epistle in Iesu Christe in asmuch as they had receyued hys gospell and had wrytten and imprinted his fayth in theyr hartes by hys administration preachynge Ministred by vs sayeth he not wryttē with ynke but by the spirite of the lyuyng God Not written in tables of stone as those that Moses had but in tables of flesh in the harte therfore to thyntent to gyue them none occasion that they shulde waxe therwyth proude and to hope and glorie in themselues and not in God and also for to holde them in humilitie vnder the sauegarde of God saynt Paule sayeth We haue truely such hope in God by Christ not that we are sufficient of our selues c. As yf he had sayd Thys that I saye I do not speake it arrogantly presumynge of myne owne wyttes but I haue such hope in God by Iesu Christ that thys that I say is true and shall abyde true I do not saye it of my selfe as of my selfe for we be not sufficient to thinke any thynge of our selues as of our selues but oure sufficientnes and all that whyche we maye thynke speake and do touchynge goodnes cōmeth and dependeth from God whych is begynnynge myddes and ende of all goodnes The whych hath made vs and gyuen vs power to be ministers and preachers of the new testament of the new and good promises whych are by Iesu Christ He hath gyuen vs authoritie and commission to be a preacher not of the letter but of the spirite for the letter sayeth saint Paul sleeth the soule and the spirite doth quycken it We ought here to note well the difference that there is to preache the letter and the spirite For vnto the tyme that the lyuely worde of God be by feruēt fayth rooted in our hartes vnto the tyme I say that we serue God nomore wyth euell wyll but ioyfully and frely what studye or lections soeuer we take yea yf we knewe the olde and new testament by rote of harte yet folowe we the letter But the spirite of God the spirite of scripture the spirite of the which S. Paul speaketh of here is out of feare it serueth in lybertie For where the spirite of the Lorde is there is lybertie fredome Saynt Paule now after that he bare the lyght of God I meane the worde of Iesu Christ beynge desyrous and wyllynge not to hyde it vnder a bushell but exaltynge it and settynge it vp to be bruted and praysed of angels and of men commeth to compare the eternall gospell vnto the transitorye lawe of Moses He calleth the lawe of Moses the executynge or administracion of death damnation Not but that the law is good and holy yf it be vsed lawfully but forbycause the Iues haue abused it to theyr damnation And for the same cause by occasion it is called administration of death He sayeth than yf the administration of death that is to saye yf the auncient lawe was delyuered and gyuen in lyght in puissaunce and in glorye what shall the lawe of the gospell be whych is the administration of the spirite of lyfe and of iustice But forasmuche as dyuerse heretikes and vnlearned persones haue mysvnderstanded thys wrytynge of saint Paule in thys place therfore I thynke it not amysse brefly to make a faythfull reapport vnto you of S. Austines wordes concernynge the interpretacion of thys place Thus he wryteth in hys seconde boke agaynst the aduersary of the lawe and prophetes The lawe albeit it be holy iust and good The wordes S. Austine yet it bryngeth death to the transgressours and breakers therof whome the grace of God helpeth not to fulfyl the iustice of the lawe For it behoued that in the olde testament a lawe shuld be layde vpon the proude and stubborne Iues and on such as trusted vpon the power of theyr owne wyll whych lawe shuld not gyue them ryghtuousnes but shulde commaunde vnto them ryghtuousnes and so beynge wrapped and in tangled wyth the death for transgression that they myght fle to grace which grace not only cōmaūdeth but also helpeth thys grace in the new testament is reuelate and opened vnto vs. And of thys occasion do these blasphemours of gods worde thynke that the lawe was nought whych was gyuen by Moses bycause it is called the ministration of death fygured in stony letters They consyder not that it was so called bycause of them whyche thoughte by theyr owne fre wyll to satisfye the lawe not holpen with the spirite of grace were holden gyltye of transgression vnder the letter of the same lawe For assuredly the transgression or breakinge of the lawe shuld not be euell onles the law it selfe were good What maruayle is it than yf it be called the ministracion of death where the letter kylleth in prohibitynge euell whych is done and in commaundynge good whych is not done and on the contrary syde that the other is called the ministracion of the spirite whych quyckeneth that we mought ryse from the death of preuarication and rede not gyltie in tables ryghtuousnes ☞ but beynge fre might haue it in our hartes and maners that is to
And therfore whan oure sauiour Christe came amonges them he went aboute to restore all agayne to the ryght sence and purenes and to seuer and wede out the fansyes dreames and leuen of the pharisees wherwyth they had ensoured and corrupted the swete breade of lyfe and he openly tolde the people that onles theyr perfection theyr goodnes and rightuousnes passed the ryghtuousnes and good lyuynge of the scribes and pharisees they shulde neuer come to the kyngdome of heauen Whervpon he went on and taught the commaundementes of God and the pure and ryght vnderstandynge of them as in hys moost excellente and swete sermon whyche he made to hys disciples on the mountayne whych the holy Euangelist saint Matthew setteth forth vnto vs in the and .vij. chapters more at large doth appeare Mat. vij A good tree sayth Christ bringeth forth good frute For not euery one that sayth vnto me Lorde Lord shal entre in to the kyngdome of heauen but he that doth the wyll of my father whych is in heauen Thou readest in the lawe Thou shalt loue thy Lorde God wyth all thy harte wyth al thy soule wyth al thy power minde Do thys sayeth Christ and thou shalte lyue eternally in heauen Thou mayest not speake of God wyth thy mouth or praye vnto hym wyth thy lyppes and thy harte be farre from God Naye thou must loue hym wyth thy hole harte mynde and power and not fayntly And thou must loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe Who soeuer doth thys shall lyue And who soeuer hath not done thys let hym repent and become a newe mā Let hym aske grace of God that he may be able through hys ayde and helpe to do it He that seketh shall fynde he that asketh shall obtayne to hym that knocketh it shal be opened There is nothynge impossible to God So longe as we be carnall and vnrenewed by the spirite it is not possible for vs to loue God wyth harte We maye wel drede hym as a Lorde punysher of synne but loue hym as a father we can not We maye well lyke seruauntes feare hym but reuerently loue hym lyke sonnes and doughters we cānot It is not possible I say for a carnall man to fulfyll the lawe whych is spirituall Rom. vij The lawe as ye haue herde requyreth the hart We must loue God wyth harte and not drede hym for feare of punyshment as bondmen and bondwomen do theyr lorde Yf we woll consyder what God hath done for vs fyrst he made vs of nought he prouydeth for vs all thynges necessarie to oure soules helth he hath made our soules not as be the soules of beastes wythout reason and whych peryshe dye wyth the body but reasonable but immortall he sente also hys owne sonne from heauen to redeme mankinde from the tyranny and thraldome of the deuel and to teach them how to lyue a godly and an innocent lyfe Yf I saye we woll consyder all thys howe can we but loue god euen wyth harte do his swete wyll and pleasure onles we be harder then the Adamant stones onles we be made of suche a churlyshe nature that nothynge can moue vs. But the pharisees for moost parte were carnal and fleshly persons They obserued the letter of the lawe they kepte the outwarde wordes they dyd no lechery outwardlye they cōmytted no thefte no murther no periury nor suche other vyces outwardlye they dyd sacrifice to God they offered vnto him they sensed they pyped they played they prayed after theyr fashiō but none of all thys was done wyth the harte For inwardly they were full of all abhominacion as Christe hymselfe wytnessed vnto them For they dyd it onely for feare of punyshmēt and not for any harty loue that they had to God They fulfylled the letter of the lawe outwardly But theyr minde theyr spirite theyr hart was vpō other thynges that is to wyt vpō worldly vanities and pleasures So they coulde not fulfyll the lawe so longe as they were in that case For as Paule full well declareth the lawe is spirituall Rom. vij and ought to be done and executed wyth the harte wyth the spirite and mynde and not only outwardly Yet neuertheles all the Iewes were not in thys case for there were holy and iuste persons in all ages as appeareth full wel in the bokes of holy scripture And there were also many whych had good intentes but they were so drowned wyth the blyndnes supersticion gloses tradicions interpretacions and dreames of the pharisees and elders that they espyed not the true honoure and worshyp of God of whyche sorte was Nicodemus Ioh. iij. whych came by nyght to Christ to learne of hym and to dispute wyth hym But Christ perceyuynge that he was yet carnall and that he obserued but the letter of the lawe and not the spirite and mynde of the lawe sayd by and by vnto hym Verely verely I say vnto the onles thou be as who shulde saye new borne not of thy mother but of water and spirite thou canst not enter into the kyngdome of god That that is borne of flesh is flesh but that whych is borne of spirite is spirite A fleshly mā a naturall man a man vnbaptized vnrenewed with the spirite can not smel nor haue any sauour of thinges spirituall he can not worke the wyll and pleasure of God He maye well for feare satisfye the outward wordes but he shall neuer do the wyll of God wyllyngly hartely and with spirite as it is requyred of God that he shulde do For as I haue sayd the law is spirituall and requyreth the harte And surely it appeareth well that thys lawyer toke but the letter of the lawe not the spirite by the question folowyng where he asketh Christ who is hys neyghboure For yf he had loued God hertely he shulde haue counted euery man hys neyghboure as Christes similitude byddeth and not only hys owne nation as cōmonly the Iues dyd Wherfore my frendes yf we wol haue euerlastynge lyfe let vs do as Christe here byddeth vs. Let vs not be speakers nor hearers of the law but doers and not outwarde and lyterall doers but hartye but spirituall doers not for feare as bondmen but for loue as fremē and sonnes and heyres Thys let vs do and we shall lyue euerlastyngly in heauen wyth God To whome be all honoure and imperie for euer and euer Amen The Epistle on the .xiiij. sonday after Trinitie The .v. chapter to the Galathians Th argument ☞ The batell betwene the spirite and the fleshe and the frutes of them both BRethren walke in the spirite and fulfil not the lust of the flesh For the flesh lusteth contrary to the spirite and the spirite contrary to the fleshe These are contrary one to another so that ye can not do what soeuer ye wolde But and yf ye be led of the spirite than are ye not vnder the lawe The dedes of the fleshe are manyfest whyche are these aduoutrye fornication vnclenes
hym a question temptynge hym and sayeng Mayster whych is the great commaūdement in the lawe Iesus sayd vnto hym Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God wyth all thy harte and wyth al thy mynde Thys is the fyrst and great cōmaundement And the seconde is lyke vnto it Thou shalte loue thyne neyghbour as thy selfe In these two cōmaūdementes hange all the lawe and the prophetes Whyle the pharisees were gathered together Iesus asked them sayenge what thynke ye of Christ Whose sonne is he They sayd vnto hym the sōne of Dauid He sayde vnto them howe then doth Dauid in spirite cal hym Lorde sayeng The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde syt thou on my ryght hande tyll I make thyne enemyes a footestoole Yf Dauid than call hym Lorde howe is he then hys sonne And no man was able to answere hym any thynge neyther durst any man from that day forth aske hym any mo questions THe Gospell red in the churche thys daye good christen audiēce doth reherse vnto vs how the pharisees Hierom hearynge that Iesus Christ had confounded the Saducees whych as saynt Hierome noteth were of contrarye opinions wythin themselues and as it were enemyes one to another yet they come ioyne together agaynst Christe to thintent as Ihon Chrysostome sayeth they myghte ouercome hym by multitude Chrysostome whome they coulde not cōuince wyth reasons And so sayeth he they confessed themselues to be naked of the trouth whych armed thēselues with multitude They come than all together And one amonge them a doctour of the lawe speakynge for all the reste to thintent yf that one ouercame they myght al seme to haue the vpperhande in tēptynge our Lorde Iesu Christ dyd put thys question vnto hym sayenge Mayster whyche is the greatest commaundement of the lawe Here you maye se what fashions these false foxes and ypocrites had Fyrste they called Iesu Christe mayster whose disciple for all that they had no desyre to be And they dyd demaunde hym of the greatest commaundement as Chrysostome sayeth which neuer had accomplished the least Chrysostome but rather by theyr cursed and auaricious constitucions had transgressed all the lawe of God And they thought that it was ynough for to dispute the one agaynst the other by pryde and vanitie for they dyd not desyre but all only to be sene and praysed of men yet for all thys the swete Sauiour desyrynge theyr saluation doth gyue them here true and sounde doctrine and healthfull correction answerynge them mekely that they ought to loue God with all theyr thought the whych they dyd not and theyr neyghbour as themselues but they dyd cleane contrarye For he whych was theyr God theyr neyghbour in as much as he was man they wold put him to death In whych he shewed them to be synners ypocrites that is to saye counterfayted holy transgressours of all the lawe and of the prophetes And accordynge vnto saynt Marke in the .xij. chapter they wyst not what to answere but theyr owne doctoure gaue sentence agaynst them sayenge Mayster in truth thou hast sayd well For there is one only god and ther is none other but he And to loue hym wyth all the harte wyth all the vnderstandyng wyth all the soule and with all the strength and the neyghbour as hymselfe is a greater thynge then al the brentofferynges and sacrifices made vnto God Here maye you se howe he hymselfe gyueth iudgement agaynst the couetousnes of the scribes pharisees whych loued so well the sacrifices for the profyte that came therof vnto them And on the contrary syde he approueth the answere of Iesu Christ the whych they thought to haue interrupted and checked Thus it appeareth that the craftye be taken in theyr craftynes and that ther is no coūsell against god And then fynally our Lorde demaunded of the pharisees beynge all there together whose sonne Christ was And forbycause they were carnall they knewe nothynge in Christ in Messias but flesh and they answered hym that he was the sonne of Dauid And then oure Lorde wolde shewe them and teache theyr saluatiō For it was not ynough for to beleue that he was a man cōmen of royall bloude but also it must be beleued that he was God vnied vnto humayne nature for to make the redemption of men And therfore he sheweth them by the wytnesse of Dauid selfe that he is God Psal xix where Dauid sayeth in spirite The Lorde god hath sayd vnto my Lorde Syt on my ryght hande vnto the tyme that I put thyne enemyes a foote stoole to thy feete Dauid calleth Christ hys Lorde syttynge on the ryghte hande of God whych is to vnderstande as the auncient doctour S. Remigius other doth expoune it not that God is corporall that he shulde haue a ryght or left syde but to syt on the ryghte hande of God Remigius is to remayne in the same honoure and dignitie egall wyth the father so that herby he cōfesseth that he is God And this the pharisees vnderstode not to be sayd of Christe but they were those whych the spirite of god calleth the enemyes of Christe for to be put vnder hys feete Than my brethren let vs not tempt Iesu Christ Let vs beleue that the greatest and the fyrst commaundement is to loue God wyth all our hart wyth all our thought and wyth all our soule that he is true God and that he is true mā And we shall be of the nombre of the chosen for to laude the heauenly father and our Lorde Iesu Christ syttyng on hys ryght hande Vnto the whyche wyth the holy goost be glorie wythout ende The Epistle on the .xix. sonday after Trinitie The .iiij. chapter to the Ephesians Th argument ☞ How we ought to put of our olde Adam and put on the newe BRethren be ye renewed in the spirite of youre mynde and to put on that newe man whych after God is shapen in ryghtuousnes and true holynes Wherfore put away lienge speake euery mā trouth vnto hys neyghbour for as much as we are members one of another Be angry and synne not let not the Sonne go downe vpon your wrath neyther gyue place vnto the backbyter Let hym that stole steale no more but let hym rather labour with hys handes the thynge which is good that he may gyue vnto hym that nedeth MY welbeloued frendes in our sauiour Christ ye shall vnderstande that in the texte immediatly goynge before thys epistle of thys present daye the Apostle doth admonysh vs for to leaue the olde mā that is to say our fyrst natiuitie or byrth by the which we be borne chyldren of the yre and wrath of God we be fulfylled wyth synnes wyth euel desyres and wyth concupiscences the whych woll turne vs vnto corrupcion and eternall death After in our epistle he exhorteth vs that we shuld be renewed not accordynge vnto the body but in the spirite of our soule For it is the spirite of God that wyl inhabyte there and