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A66441 Philanthrōpia, or, The transcendency of Christs love towards the children of men Laid down by the apostle St. Paul, in Ephes. 3. 19. A treatise formerly preached, but now enlarged and published for common benefit. By Peter Williams, preacher of the Gospel. Williams, Peter, preacher of the Gospel. 1665 (1665) Wing W2750A; ESTC R220006 194,887 304

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also walked 1 John 2.6 and that is not after the Flesh but after the Spirit for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus sets them free from the law of sin and death Rom. 8.1 2. Again 4. It leaves them short of communion and fellowship with Jesus Christ for those only have fellowship with him who walk in the Light as he is in the Light but if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth 1 John 1.6 7. Now how vain and unprofitable must that mans profession needs be which leaves him thus without Christ without the true knowledge of him relation to him union and communion with him surely it will never be available to salvation and therefore no wonder if 5. It leaves them short of acceptance with Christ at the last day and admission into glory for as the Scripture testifies Mat. 7.21 22 23. there be many who cry Lord Lord make a fair outward shew and profession who for want of doing his will seconding that profession with power and practice shall be turned off with a Non novi vos I know you not among the workers of iniquity 3 Without this your profession will but tend to agravate your sin and condemnation 1. Your Sin This reflects the greatest dishonour upon Christ and Religion for the Name of Christ is blasphemed among the Gentiles through such as these Rom. 2.24 and the way of truth is evil spoken of 2. Pet. 2.2 The unholy lives of Christians open the mouths of Turks and Infidels to speak against Christ and Christianity Lo these are they that worship Christ their religion is such as the professors are and as the Disciples are such is their Lord and Master as the worshippers are such is he who is worshipped by them as r Ecce quales sunt qui Christū colunt Talis profecto secta est quales sectatores Aestimari de cultoribus suis potest ille qui coli●ur Q●●andò ●●●m bonus Magister est cujus tam malus videmus esse Discipulos Salv. de Gub. Dei lib. 4. pag. 149. Salvian brings them in blaspheming Thus they increase their own personal guilt by way of participation the guilt of others blasphemies redounding upon them by whom they were occasioned This makes Christians to be worse than Heathens for Thereby as the same s Ex hoc ipso utique deteriores sumus barbaris si non meliores sumus qui meliores esse debemus Criminosior enim culpa est ubi honestior flatus Salv. ibidem p. 133. Salvian excellently we are worse than they if we are not better because we should be better for the more honourable any mans state is the more criminal is his fault And again a little after t Nos qui Christiani esse dicimur si simile aliquid barborum impuritatibus facimus graviùs erramus Atrociùs enim sub sancti nominis professione peccamus Ubi sublimior est praerogativa major est culpa ipsa enim errores nostros religio quam profitemur accusat Salv. ibid. p. 154. If we who are called Christians do any thing that is like to the impurities of Heathens we err worse than they for we sin the more fouly under the profession of a holy Name where there is the higher priviledge there is the greater fault for that Religion which we profess doth accuse the offences which we commit 2. Your condemnation Such as professe to know Christ and yet in works deny him as they contract a greater guilt so they do deserve and incurre a greater and a sorer punishment The higher any are raised towards heaven by profession and priviledges the lower shall they be cast into hell if they walk not up thereunto This is the condemnation the very emphasis of damnation the sting of hell that light is come into the world and men love darkness rather than light John 3.19 It had been better for such not to have known Christ and the way of righteousness than to walk contrary thereunto 2 Peter 2.21 Tyre and Sidon Sodom and Gomorrah will fare better in the day of Judgment and meet with an easier Hell than such shall Mat. 11.21 c. Their holy name increaseth their guilt and their profession of goodness makes their wickedness the more damnable as u Magis damnabilis est malitia quam titulus bonitatis accusat reatus impii pium nomen Salv. lib. 4 de Gub. Dei p. 154. Salvian observes Now that this may never be your case 1. Dwell upon the Love of Christ in Redeeming of you by Meditation till you be constrained by the Argument that it carryes along with it to hate and avoid all sin and to yield up your selves sincerely to his service Set your selves therefore to meditate how far his love carried him in doing and suffering for you Consider his Incarnation Life Death remember that it was sin which put him to all that paine and trouble that labour and sorrow which he endured that the removing of this evil of sin made him so willingly undergo all that evil of suffering which you read of And then As to Sin reason thus with your selves Was sin the great cause and instrument of Christs death were my sins the cords that bound him the whips that scourged him the thorns that wounded him the nails that fastned him the spear that pierced him and fetcht his heart-blood from him and shall I love the sins that kil'd my Saviour shall I use them kindly who thus abused him God forbid I would not embrace him as a friend who had slain my Father nor hug in my bosome that Serpent which had stung my friend to death and shall I entertain and cherish sin which hath dealt worse than so with my everlasting Father my best Friend far be it from me Again Did Jesus Christ do and suffer all this out of his love to me but extream hatred against sin and shall I so ill requite his love as to love that which he hated Did he come to take away sin and shall I resume and embrace it was he sent to condemn it and shall I justifie it was he manifested to destroy the works of the Devil and shall I save them did he die for sin x Clarks Lives quarto p. 189. The Glory of their times p. 471 and shall I live in it was he cut of to finish transgression and make an end of sins and shall I continue in sin that grace may abound doth he make daily approaches to me to turn me from mine iniquities and shall I as constantly return to them God forbid Methinks the consideration of these things should set a Christian as far from sin as Anselme was who said x That if he should see the shame of sin on the one hand and the pains of hell on the other and must of necessity choose one he would rather be trust into hell without sin than go into heaven
mixture of mercy or pity with those who now despise and refuse his love c Prov. 1.26 28. He will laugh at their calamity and mock when their fear cometh Then shall they call upon him but he will not answer they shall seek him early but they shall not find him Nor 2. shall they ever be able to escape it d Rev. 6.16 Though they call to the mountains to fall on them and the rocks to cover them that they may be hid from the face of him that sitteth on the Throne and from the wrath of the Lamb it shall not secure them Nor 3. shall they be able to abide it as it is unavoidable so it is intollerable Wicked men e P●● 2.12 perish from the way if his wrath be kindled but a little how then shall they abide it when it is throughly kindled when that f 〈◊〉 6.17 great day of his wrath is come who shall be able to stand for even of present wrath it is said g Nahum 1.6 Who can stand before his indignation and who can abide the fierceness of his anger his fury is poured out like fire and the rocks are thrown down by him And the sting of all is this 4. That there will never be any end or mitigation of it The Wrath of God is often compared to fire and this wrath to come which I am speaking of is h Mat. 3.12 unquenchable fire and the burnings of it i Isa 33.14 everlasting burnings It is wrath that shall k John 3.36 abide upon unbelievers and never be taken off to eternity Now l Ps 50.22 consider this you that forget God and slight Jesus Christ and neglect the great salvation which is offered to you lest he tear you in pieces and there be none to deliver you One would think that what hath been said should be sufficient to startle and awaken the most secure sinners And the Lord make it effectual to that end and purpose unto all such into whose hands this shall come Sect. 5. THe last Vse is by way of Consolation The Vse 3 consideration of the greatness of Christs love may administer abundance of comfort to the Saints who know it By way of Consolation to those who have a right knowledg of the love of Christ so as to have an interest in it If the love of Christ be so incomprehensible as you have heard then you need not fear to be supplied Your wants and necessities are many and great its true but there are unsearchable riches of love in Christ from whence you may have enough for your relief Notwithstanding all the communications which have been made of Christs love to the Saints in all ages and generations past he is as full as ever and will be as long as there is a Saint on this side heaven to need him he may be imparted but cannot be impaired he is the same yesterday and to day and for ever Hebrews 13.8 What is it that troubles you against which you may not find strong Consolation from the love of Christ 1. Is it Sin that troubles you so that you bewail it and mourn and grieve for it and go bowed down all the day long because of it Truly this is the only thing that can justly create trouble to a Christian but this doth it necessarily because of the evil of it nor can he claim a title to the love of Christ to whom sin is not grievous for though the Gospel tells us That where sin hath abounded there grace much more abounds Rom. 6.20 yet it is only there where the sin that hath abounded in the life in the commission of it doth abound in the heart conscience in contrition for it detestation of it But yet even here there is relief from the love of Christ so far as to keep you from dejection desperation though not from a due sense and deep humiliation for 1. Is it the Guilt of your many and great sins which affrights you Consider there is love enough in Christ to pardon them Christs love can cover a multitude of sins and will cover all the sins of penitent sinners If mans love will do this 1 Pet. 4.8 Prov. 10.12 much more Christs whose wayes are not as our wayes nor his thoughts as our thoughts for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are his wayes higher than our wayes and his thoughts than ours Isaiah 55.8 9. he means his thoughts and wayes of mercy and so sayes the Psalmist expresly Psalm 103.11 As the heaven is high above the earth so great is his mercy toward them that fear him She was a great sinner of whom he said Luke 7.47 Her sins which are many are forgiven her The eye of favour and love as the m Favoris oculus velut nox est ad omnem labem Arab. prov ut citat a Culv. Act of Obliv p. 34. Arabick proverb hath it is as the night to every fault to hide and conceal it that it be not seen 2. Is it the power of your corruptions which you groan under and desire deliverance from There is love enough in Christ to subdue them Mich. 7.19 and by the law of the Spirit of life to make you free from the law of sin and death Romans 8.2 love enough to sanctifie you throughout and thoroughly throughout 1 Thes 5.23 as well as to justifie you 2. Is it Temptations from Satan that trouble you There is love enough in Christ to pity you because of them He was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin and therefore is such an High-priest as is touched with the feeling of our infirmities Heb. 4.15 love enough to help and succour you in them for In that he himself suffered being tempted he is able also to succour them that are tempted Hebrews 2.18 love enough to save yout out of them for the God of Peace will bruise Satan under your feet shortly Romans 16.20 3. Is it the Snares and Dangers of this World that trouble you Know that as he had love enough to give himself for us that he might redeem us from this present evil world Gal. 1.4 so he hath still love enough to make you partakers of his victory which he hath obtained over the world John 16.33 and to make you conquerors over it by faith 1 John 5.4 and in the mean time to keep you from the evil of the world though he doth not take you out of it John 17.15 4 Is it the Duties and Difficulties of your course which trouble you not in themselves but because of your weakness and infirmity by reason whereof you cannot deal with them There is love enough in Christ to help your infirmities by his Spirit Rom. 8.6 to assist you in your duties Phil. 4.13 to support you under and carry you through all the difficulties of your pilgrimage to be continually with you and hold you by the right hand to guide you with
all his confidence when it came to it played the Apostate and turned Papist when the other by the goodnss and power of God helping his infirmities sealed the truth with his blood Remember therefore in the midst of the sense of your own weakness and infirmity that His grace is sufficient for you 2. Cor. 12.9 And that it is given and that on the behalf of Christ who purchased it by his blood upon earth and sues it out by his intercession in heaven not only to believe that you may be Christians but also to suffer for his sake that you may be constant and crowned Christians Phil. 1.29 Not only the occasion of suffering is given by his providence but also the ability to suffer by his influence and assistance without this you cannot but fall with this you shall be sure to stand 3 God hath abundantly provided by his word and works for the encouragement of the weakest Christian if truly such against the strongest triall For thou maist be confident if thou art one of his that either he will not call thee out to such suffering or if he do that he will support thee under it and carry thee through it All have not the Martyrs faith nor shall all have the Martyrs fire yet if this should prove to be the portion appointed for thee never fear but if thou art a true believer he who gave thee power to believe at the first which (l) No● minùs difficile est homini credere quàm cudaveri volare thou couldest no more do of thy self than a dead man can fly he will not deny thee power to suffer whatever he calls thee out unto seeing this as well as the other is his gift as was said before and the purchase of Christs blood especially if you consider his promises Of giving power to the faint and increasing strength to them that have no might 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vide Leigh● Crit Sac● Isaiah 40.29 Of giving his Spirit to help our infirmities Rom. 8.26 to help with us over against us as the word signifies Of not suffering us to be tempted above what we are able and making a way for our escape that we may be able to bear it 1 Corinth 10.13 Of making his strength perfect in the weakness of her servants 2 Cor. 12 9. Besides God is never more for us than when we are m●st for him whose glory lyes at stake as well as our lives and he is more curious of that than we can be of this Moreover your Saviour having had experience of all the amazements and horrors of death when he suffered it for you cannot forget both to pity and succour you when you suffer it for him for in that he himself hath suffered being tempted he is able and no lesse willing to succour those that are tempted as the Apostle infers Heb. 2.18 And his being heard in the days when he offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears to him that was able to save him from death Heb. 5.7 may be a strong ground of encouragement to hope and believe that we praying for the removall of such a bitter Cup with submission to the Will of God shall obtain as he did though not the removall of it yet strength under it Adde unto all this the instances of Gods presence and power in such cases enabling the weakest and most timerous even Women and Children to undergo this triall for his names sake Wherefore 4 For a close I commend this to the troubled and trembling heart for his Direction in such a case Do not torment thy self with anxious fears and cares concerning thy holding out in a fiery triall but rather mind thy present duty and cast the burden of such things as are to come upon him who careth for thee and will sustaine thee in so doing neither will he ever suffer the righteous to be moved Psal 55.22 1 Pet. 5.7 Sufficient to such a day will he the evil of it when it comes Mat. 6.34 and therefore do not anticipate and make it double to what otherwise it would be Lukin Life of faith Pref. to the Reader Direct 2. p. 8. 9. by your cares and fears about it before it come It is true that a prudent foresight of evil is good Proverbs 22.3 that is so to foresee as to prepare for what we cannot avoid that is our duty as was said before but then let me tell you there is no better way of preparing for it then by minding our present duty And therefore instead of being thus over-solicitous concerning that which is to come Do you examine and prove your selves whether you be in the saith and Christ be in you according to your profession 2 Cor. 13.5 Give all diligence to make your calling and election sure 2 Pet. 1.10 Acquaint your selves with God and be at peace with him Job 22.21 Make this your constant exercise to have a conscience void of offence towards God and towards men Acts 24.16 Draw nigh to God and keep close to him in humble Communion and Walk as before him in holy upright heavenly Conversation Psal 73.28 Gen. 17.1 Make daily improvements in sanctification mortifying corruption and growing in Grace cleansing your selves from all filthinesse of flesh and Spirit and perfecting holiness in the fear of God 2 Cor. 7.1 Stand upon your guard against sins of daily incursion and take heed of those that wast the conscience Psal 19.12 13. Keep your selves from your own iniquity Psalm 18.23 and Watch against those temptations to which you ly exposed by reason of your present condition from Satan the World and the Flesh Mat. 26.41 Revel 16.15 And in simplicity of heart resign up your selves to the will and disposall of him whose you are and whom you serve Mat. 6.10 And thus doing you may be confident that neither tribulation nor distresse nor persecution nor famine nor nakedness nor peril nor sword nor life nor death nor the other thing shall be able to seperate you from any love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord Rom. 8 35. c. And thus I have shewed you that Jesus Christ is to be loved for the measure of it above all not onely our Enjoyments a●d Relations but also our Lives And to use u Beatus 〈◊〉 qui inl●diget quid s●t ama e Jesum contemnere scipsum prop●er Jesum A Kemp. de Imit Christi lib. 2. cap. 7. pag. 111. à Kempis his words for a close of this head Blessed is that man who knows what it is to love the Lord Jesus and to contemn himself f r Jesus his sake The difficulty whereof may make us breath out our desires to him that helpeth to will and to do in the words of the same devout Author o Amem te plusquam nec me nisi propter te Idem lib. 3. cap 5. pag. 151. Oh! grant that I may love thee more than my self nor my self at all unlesse for thee CHAP.