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A35837 The faithful testimony of that antient servant of the Lord, and minister of the everlasting Gospel William Dewsbery his books, epistles and writings, collected and printed for future service. Dewsbury, William, 1621-1688. 1689 (1689) Wing D1267; ESTC R2959 250,545 433

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laid up for me in the Lord Jesus and by the power of the Word of their Testimony there was a secret hope raised up in me to wait for his coming there I waited till the Administration of Iohn and I witness that of all that is born of a Woman there is none greater then Iohn for he is a burning and a shining Light who discovered more of the mystery of iniquity in me in his Administration and the sence of my condition was more manifest and the cry of my condemned Soul was great and could not be satisfied but breathed and thirsted after Christ to saye me freely through his Blood or I perished for ever and in this condemned estate I lay waiting for the coming of Christ Jesus who in the appointed time of the Father appeared to my Soul as the Lightnings from the East to the West and my dead Soul heard his voice and by his voice was made to live who created me to a lively hope and sealed me up in the everlasting Covenant of life with his Blood then I witnessed the wages of Sin and Death and the Gift of God eternal Life through Jesus Christ my Lord and I witnessed according to Testimony of Scripture Death raigns over all from Adam to Moses and Moses untill the Prophets and the Prophets untill Iohn and from this day the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force there is no rest to the Soul till Christ be manifest and this the Scripture witnesseth and I witness these Scriptures fulfilled in me in the year according to the acco●t 1645. The Witnesses that stood before the God of the Earth and had power to plague the Earth having finished their Testimony the Beast ascends out of the bottomless Pit and makes War against them and kills them and their dead Bodies lay in the Streets of the great City spiritual Sodom and Egypt where our Lord was Crucified and this Scripture was fulfilled in me in the year according to account 1648. Then Kindreds Tongues and the Nations of the Earthmade merry over the Witnesses and I see the abomination that maketh desolate which is spoken of by Daniel the Prophet standing in the holy place where it ought not and then was I led by the Spirit into the Wilderness and tempted of the Devil that the Scripture might be fulfiled Luke 4.1 In that day and hour of temptation which was in the time as the lines following giveth Testimony I witnessed these Scriptures fulfilled in me of Pauls condition wherein he complained as I then did who found a Law in my members Warring against the Law of my minde that when I would do good evil was present with me the sence of which caused me to cry Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this Death And as I was crying to the Lord to free me from the burthen I groaned under the Word of the Lord came unto me saying My Grace is sufficient for thee I will deliver thee and by the power of this Word I was armed with Patience to wait in his Counsel groaning under the body of Sin in the day and hour of temptation until it pleased the Lord to manifest his Power to free me which was in the year according to the account 1651. The Spirit of Life from God entred into the Witnesses and they stood upon their Feet then great fear fell upon all that saw them and the Temple of God was opened in Heaven and I saw in the Temple the Ark of his Testament and there were Lightnings Voyces Thunder Earthquakes and great Hail then mystery Babylon the great the Mother of Harlots and the Abomination of the Earth which made all Nations drunk with the Wine of the Wrath of her Fornication she was discovered in me and God remembred her when the mighty day of the Lords power was manifest upon her Jesus Christ was revealed from Heaven in flaming fire pouring vials of wrath upon her and rendring vengeance upon all in me that knew him not and disobeyed his Gospel and purged away the filthy nature that did me imbondage with the Spirit of judgement and with the Spirit of burning so through the righteous Law of life in Christ Jesus I was made free and am from the body of Sin and Death and through these great tribulations my Garments is washed and made white in the Blood of the Lamb who hath led me through the Gates of the City into the new Ierusalem where there is nothing enters that works abomination or makes a lie but what is written in the Lambs book of Life where my Soul now feeds upon the Tree of Life which I had so long hungred and thirsted after that stands in the Paradise of God where there is no more curse not night but the Lord God and the Lamb is my Light and Life for ever and ever I witness I am regenerated and born again of the immortal Seed and hath partaked on the first Resurrection on whom the second Death hath no power And this I declare to all the Inhabitants in England and all that dwell upon the Earth that God alone is the Teacher of his People and hath given to every one a measure of Grace which is the Light that comes from Christ that checks and reproves for Sin in the secrets of the Heart and Conscience and all that wait in that Light which comes from Christ which is the free Grace of God for the Power of Jesus Christ to destroy Sin and to guide them in obedience to the Light so shall they come to know the only true God and Father of Light in Christ Jesus who is the way to him And this I witness to all the Sons of men that the knowledge of eternal Life I came not to by the Letter of the Scripture nor hearing men speak of the Name of God I came to the true knowledge of the Scripture and the eternal rest they testifie it in Christ by the Inspiration of the Spirit of Jesus Christ the Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah who alone is found worthy to open the Seals of the Book and I witness none else can for he alone opened the Seals of the Book in me and sealed it up to my Soul by the Testimony of his own Spirit according to his own promise I will bind up the Testimony and seal the Law amongst my Disciples and I will write my Law in their Hearts and put my Spirit in their inward parts and they shall not depart from me neither shall they need to teach every man his Neighbour and every man his Brother for all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest for I will be merciful to their Vnrighteousness and their Sins and Iniquities will I remember no more and all my Childern shall be taught of me saith the
the lusts thereof but you must be Perfect as your heavenly Father is Perfect You regard it not but hearken unto the counsel of your own Hearts which draw you to look at the words of Paul where he saith I find a Law in my members warring against the Law of my minde so ye wrest the Scripture to your own destruction for your encouragement to live in the Flesh and say none must be free from the body of Sin while he is here in the body And thus you deceive your selves and all whom you draw from the Light in your Conscience which cries for a perfect fulfilling of the Law of God within for the Soul that sinneth it shall dye Though Paul did complain of a body of Sin it was in his growth and it was his burden which made him cry O wretched Man that I am who shall deliver me And he witnessed it put off The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Iesus hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death for Christ is made manifest to destroy the work of the Devil and not to destroy the Law to save Man from the condemning power of the Law while he lives in transgression of it for the Law hath power over the fleshly Man so long as he lives But he came to fulfil the Law and all the Saints bear witness of it in their measure some witness it fulfilled others wait following the Lamb daily in the Cross till they come to the fulfilling of it that the righteousness of the Law may be fulfilled in us who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit Therefore mind the Light in your Consciences diligently hearken unto it and it will smite your glorious Image of Forms and Observations and break it to peices and will rend off all your glorious Coverings of your outward Profession and will let you see the Wo. is unto them that are covered and not with the Spirit of the Lord. To the Light in your Consciences I speak which will eternally witness me if you hearken unto it to be guided by it you will never find rest in outward Forms and Observations but in putting off the body of Sin through the obedience of the Spirit that the righteousness of the Law may be fulfilled in 〈◊〉 in walking no more after the Flesh but after the Spirit For they that are Christ's have crucified the Flesh with the Affections and Lusts and the body is dead in regard of Sin but the Spirit is alive unto Righteousness And this you must witness or else all your Religion is vain and your Souls will perish To you Inhabiters of England How long will you drink of the Cup of Abominations the Wine of the Fornication of the Whore which hath made you Drunk and all Nations to lay out your Money for that which is not Bread to the Merchants of Babylon who fill unto you the Cup of Abominations in drawing you from the Light in your Consciences which is given unto every one of you a measure to guide you up to God to seek for the Kingdom of God in Observations and Christ saith it is not in Observations but within so they keep you in Captivity in Babylons Kingdom under the power of Sin Hell and Death To every particular Inhabiter of England I write Come out of Babylon all Forms and Observations and Traditions which are set up by the will of Man Now is Babylon come in remembrance before God and the vials of wrath must be poured upon her and upon her Merchants for by their Sorceries are you Inhabitants of England and all Nations deceived and in her is found the Blood of the Prophets and Saints and of all that were slain upon the Earth Haste haste come out of her least you partake with her in her Sins and so partake with her in her Punishment which will speedily come upon her for the Mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it return within every one in particular examine your Hearts and mind the Light in your Conscience and it will always let you see where your Hearts are and what they delight in for it is the Heart the Lord requires he will no longer be Worshipped in Words Forms and Observations but in Spirit and in Truth and in sincerity in the inward part Therefore every one be faithful in taking heed to the Light in your Consciences which the Lord hath given to every one a measure to profit withal for the exercise of the Conscience towards God and Men in minding your watch to wait in the Light in measure it will bring to Judgment all the powers of darkness in you and the righteous Law of God will cry through your earthly and carnal Hearts till Judgment be brought forth into Victory and your wills will be brought in subjection unto the Will of God to wait on him for refreshment from his presence who satisfieth the hungry with good things And take heed of consulting with Flesh and Blood for that leads into Pride and Disobedience into Hell and Destruction mind the Light in your Conscience which is the sure word of Prophecy that you cannot be deceived taking heed unto it as unto a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawn and the day-Star arise in your Hearts diligently hearken unto it and you shall eat that which is good and your Soul shall delight it self in Fatness There is your Teacher within you the Light in your Consciences loving it and obeying it is your Life hating it and disobeying it is your condemnation To that pure Light in your Consciences I speak which will eternally witness me when the Book of Conscience is opened in you Now you have time prize it in waiting on the Lord in the Light to make your Calling and Election sure in putting off the old Man and his deeds and putting on the Lord Iesus Christ in righteousness and holiness without which no Man shall see the Lord in so doing you shall escape the Wrath of God which is coming upon the Children of disobedience in this Nation and else where for the Lord will make the Earth as the Garden of Eden and hath begun his great and strange Work in this Nation which shall make the Ears of them that hear to tingle wherein he is exalting the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus which Kingdom shall break down all the Kingdoms of the World and shall fill the whole Earth For the mighty day of the Lord is coming that shall burn as an Oven and all you that are Proud and all you that do wickedly shall be Stubble and the day that cometh shall burn you up saith the Lord of Hosts and it shall leave of you neither Root nor Branch But unto you that fear the Name of the Lord shall the Sun of Righteousness arise
40th Page thou saist of those in scorn called Quakers thou can safely say they deny the benefit that comes to the Church by Christ's suffering in that Flesh that he received from the Virgin Mary or else deny it to b● a real Body of Flesh and so make it but a Type and a Figure of Christ in the Saint who are his true real Body which he now suffers in and by his suffering makes satisfaction for them making the Death of the Cross of none effect Reply The miserable Worms that un-Covenant themselves and un-Christ themselves who denies Christ the Light thou art found to be one who in thy dark mind art working Abomination and making Lies which thou hast published to the World in thy Books and thy place thou maist read ●s is Recorded Rev. 21.27 And the rest of thy Accusations Recorded in the 40th Page we witness against and for the Simple sake declare as followeth that benefit came to the Church by Christ's suffering in that Body God gave which was born of the Virgin Mary and with one Offering hath Christ perfected for ever them that are Sanctified Heb. 10.14 And these are his Saints in whom he is now revealed who are his Body Eph. 1.23 which now suffered by thee and all that are of the Murdering Generation who bore false witness against Christ when he was in that Body which they Crucified at Ierusalem and thou hast manifest thy self to be of the same Murdering Generation who hath publish●● to the World thy false witness against the Innocent to perfect thy evil intent towards the Body of Christ if the Lord prevent thee not but thou shalt know the Lord faithful that thou and all that forms your Tongues against him shall fall in judgement Isa. 54.17 And what is charged upon thee in Answer to thy Reply to the Answer to the third Question that thou sets at nought the Corner Stone and prefers the Testimony of him before him limitting the eternal Son of God as thou hast in what is Printed in the 55. Page where thou speakst of the Scripture that they are designed of God to be the only Instrument and Vessel of his Spirit to convey the knowledge of Christ as Redeemer to lost Man and without them Christ is not known at all to any saving ends Reply Who art thou that dare thus utter Words vvithout knovvledge Christ is known where the Father reveals him to be the Souls Life vvhether they have the Scripture yea or nay according to the Will of God he makes known his mind to his People who wait upon him in his fear and the secrets of the Lord are with those that fear him Psal. 25.14 And the Spirit of the Lord is witness with our spirits that we are the Children of God O Man repent least the Lord cut thee off and thou perish in thy gain-sayings And further thou hast written in Reply to what was returned in Answer to the Question before mentioned the most of thy false Accusations are answered in what was returned to the former part of the Book and all thy false Accusations and Reproaches denyed with the Light and for the Simples sake there is returned in Answer to thy Questions which thou hast propounded 1. Qu. Where read we of a perfect Law of God in the Heart and where is it made the Rule and Ground of the Saints Obedience Ans. the Law of God is perfect Psal. 19.7 and is the Rule to which the Saints are to walk in obedience to and to be guided by Psal. 119.12 and the Law to be in the Heart is proved Psal. 40.8 I delight to do thy will O God yea thy Law is within my Heart 2. Qu. Whether the Law in the Heart be under another Covenant distinct from the perfect Law of God declared in Scripture 3. Qu. What vve are to understand by the Lavv of God in the Heart vvhich is the same vvith Scripture vvhether the 10th Commandements vvritten in Tables of Stone only or all those positive Precepts of Gospel-Worship and Obedience conjoyned vvith them also Ans. To thy 2d and 3d Questions in the old Covenant the Lavv vvas vvritten in Tables of Stone vvhich Lavv having a shadovv of good things to come and not the very Image of the things can never vvith those Sacrifices vvhich they offered Year by Year continually make the comers thereunto perfect Heb. 10.1 And vvhen he came vvho saith Lo I come to ●o thy vvill O God he taketh avvay the first that ●e may establish the second ver 9. by vvhich vvill vve are sanctified thorow the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once for all ver 10. and by one Offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified whereof the holy Ghost is a Witness to us as he said before This is the Covenant that I will make with them saith the Lord I will put my Laws in their Hearts and in their Minds will I write them ver 14 15 16. Ier. 31.33 4. Qu. Whether the Law in the Heart without the use of Scriptures make any Evangelical discoveries of the Person Natures and Offices of Christ as he is Redeemer of lost Man Ans. Thy feigned Words we wave the Truth we witness the Law in the Heart witnessed in the New Covenant Christ is known to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords 1 Tim. 6.15 And the faithful High Priest Heb. 2.17 3.1 4.15 5.6 7.26 10.21 who hath made us Kings and Priests to God and his Father c. Rev. 1.6 5. Qu. Whether all shall be saved that have the Law of God written in their Hearts by virtue of the New Covenant or any be saved that live to Years of discretion that know not Christ as the Scriptures testifie of him in order to his coming to the World to save sinners Ans. All are saved who are guided by the righteous Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ which sets them free from the Law of Sin and Death Rom. 8.2 And what Years soever any live unto they have no discretion to know Christ as the Scriptures testifie of him but they who in his Light wait upon him to be guided by him for who hath not the Spirit of Christ is none of his Rom. 8.9 And for the rest of thy Aspersions and Revilings thou hast writ calling us Deceivers that fear the Authority of man or else we would deny Christ himself Reply Christ we do not deny but him we own who respects no Mans Person Rom. 2.11 and in him no fear of Man is and we in him Reign over thee and all the authority of the power of Darkness that stands in opposition to Christ the Son of God to whom every Knee must bow Phil. 2.10 the day shall declare it And in what thou hast replied to the Answer to the fourth Question which thou chargest to be untrue to say That Man in the fall as he stands in the state of corrupt nature hath not therein any Light
the fulness of stature in Christ to thy own Destruction I see a Law in my Members warring against the Law of my Mind and brings me into Captivity into the Law of Sin which is in my Members but he gave not up himself to be a Servant of Sin as thou doest it was his burden that made him to cry Oh wretched Man that I am who will deliver me from this body of Death and he waited in the Faith until he was freed Rom. 8.2 For the Law of the spirit of Life in Christ Iesus hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death that the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit He witnessed Christ come in him to fulfil the Law and so do all the Saints now according to their growth some witness the Law fulfilled in them and others are waiting in the Faith patiently following the Lord daily through the Cross until the Law be fulfilled But thou art departed from the Counsel of the Lord thy God and causest his Name to be evil spoken of and hast made the Hearts of his People sad as they did that the Apostle speaks of For many walk of whom I have told you often and now tell you even weeping that they are the Enemies of the Cross of Christ whose end is Destruction whose God is their Belly and whose Glory is their Shame who mind earthly things These Scriptures are fulfilled in thee which the Apostle mentions And while they promise them Liberty they themselves are the Servants of Corruption for of whom a Man is overcome of the same is he brought into Bondage for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the World through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ they are again intangled therein and overcome the latter end of them is worse●●ith them then the beginning for it had been better for them not to have known the way of Righteousness then after they have known it to turn from the Holy Commandment delivered unto them but it is happened unto them according to the true Proverb the Dog is returned to his own Vomit again and the Sow that was washed to her wallowing in the Mire And thou mayst read what will be manifest to thee from the Lord. For if we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the Truth there remains no more Sacrifice for Sin but a certain fearful looking for of Judgment and fiery Indignation which shall devour the Adversaries He that despised Moses Law died without Mercy how much sorer punishment suppose ye shalt thou be thought worthy of who hast trodden under foot the Son of God and hast counted the blood of the Coveant wherewith thou wast sanctified an unholy thing and hast done despite unto the Spirit of Grace and we know him that hath said Vengeance belongs unto me I will recompence saith the Lord It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Remember from whence thou art fallen and repent and do thy first work in minding that light of Jesus Christ in thee before whom thou once stoodest condemned for that thou now livest in Prize the time and give up to be guided by the counsel of the Lord in thee the light of thy conscience that discovers every vain thought wait on the power that is present with the light and it will dash Babylons children against the stones which is Sin in its conception so will thy carnal mind be brought to the Cross daily and thy Heart will be purged with the Spirit of judgment and the Spirit of burning kiss the Son in obeying his Counsel the Light in thee least thou perish in the way for if his anger be kindled a little blessed are they that trust in him The discovery of Mystery Babylon to all enslaved Captives in Babylons Kingdom who are made Drunk with the Wine of the Wrath of he Fornications and bewitched through the multitudes of her Inchantments FRiends Babylon is within you the Mother of Harlots is within you and bewitches you through the abundance of her Sorceries and the Beast is within you that riseth out of the bottomless Pit of the deceived Heart which is deceitful and desperately wicked and the Beast which all the World wanders after is your wills that makes War against the Lamb of God in you which is the Light that makes manifest the evil of your Hearts and your wisdom is the great Whore that sits upon the Beast that ariseth out of the bottomless pit of the deceitful Heart and she finds out many deceitful inventions to preserve the beastly will alive having a golden Cup in her Hand full of the Abominations of the Earth and this golden Cup is your outward professions glorious comprehensions and conceivements of God and Christ imitating what the Saints did in power according as they were moved by the operation of the Spirit of the most high God and 〈◊〉 ●mitate the Saints practice by your wisdom There is nothing but confusion in the Kingdom of Babylom so come you to be divided into so many particular Forms as Presbyterians Independants Anabaptists and divers others that are in outward worships painted over with glorious words and yet you whose wills guide you are painted Beasts bewitched with the Mother of Harlots notwithstanding all your outward professions and glorious observations they are but the golden Cup and within you are full of the abominations of the Earth as self-love covetousness lust and uncleanness hastiness frowardness backbiting slandering hardheartedness cruelty and oppresion grinding the Face of the Poor impatiency and unbelief and the Fear of the Lord is not before your Eyes and thus you lie inslaved Captives in the Kingdom of Babylon refreshing your Hearts in the Creature enjoyments which will perish some in Father and Mother some in Wife and Children some in House and Land some in Money and Gold some in self Wisdom delighting in themselves some in Honour and Preferment in this World and when there is enjoyment of these visible Creatures then there is content and when they are taken away there is trouble the mind always plodding contriving and acting every way to get of the Creatures what the Heart lusts after and he that gets the most is the highest exalted so every one is exalted above another and there is nothing but Tyranny Cruelty and Oppression among you you Sons and Daughters of Babylon And in her was found the Blood of the Prophets and of the Saints and all that were slain upon the Earth The Merchants of Babylon are your Teachers who draw you from your guide which is the pure Light of Christ in you to seek the Kingdom of God in Observations without you contrary to the mind of Christ the Kingdom of God comes not with Observations neither shall they say lo here
Power thereof So under all thy profession is most cruel oppression every one oppressing one another according unto their power from the highest unto the lowest so that the cry of the oppressed Seed within the Hearts of thy Inhabiters O England and those that are oppressed in outward oppressions in thee hath entered into thr Ears of the Lord God of Sabbath and he is coming in Power to set the oppressed free and to bring them to Sion which in the eternal Riches of his Love he made known to me where Sion was according unto the desires he had raised up in my Heart and the Word of the Lord came unto me saying I will gather my People out of all Forms and Observations and out of all Kindreds Tongues and Nations and I will pour my Spirit upon them and purge away their filth with the Spirit of Iudgment and of Burning and I will write my Law in their Hearts and put my Spirit in their inward Parts and they shall not depart from me but shall be bound up in union with me in the free Covenant of Life in the Lord Jesus and one with another in the one Spirit so shall the Lord be one and his People one and this is Sion the City of the living God to whom all the promises of the Lord are according unto the Scripture of Truth wherein they need not to Teach every Man his Neighbour and every Man his Brother saying Know the Lord for all shall know me from the least unto the greatest for I will be merciful unto their unrighteousness and their Sins and Iniquities will I remember no more And this is the holy City the New Ierusalem which Iohn bare witness of wherein there is no Temple for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple of it And the City had no need of the Sun neither of the Moon to shine in it for the glory of God doth lighten it and the Lamb is the Light thereof And the Nations of them that are saved shall walk in the Light of it and the Kings of the Earth do bring their glory and honour unto it and the Gates of it are not shut at all by day for there shall be no night there and there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth neither that works abomination or makes a lye but they that are written in the Lambs Book of Life and all that walk in the Light of Christ within which Light exerciseth the Conscience and leads into the holy City the New Ierusalem where the true Worshippers of the Father are who worship him in Spirit and in Truth and are come out of the night and need no Candle neither light of the Sun for the Lord God giveth them light and they shall raign forever and ever And this is the true Church in God Sion which shall become the praise of the whole Earth and from whence the Law shall go forth according unto the promise of the Lord and the Word of the Lord from Ierusalem Then shall Righteousness run down with a mighty stream and Oppression shall cease And this glory of the Lord which he hath made known unto me shall be made manifest to the Inhabiters of England if you will hearken diligently to the Counsel of the Lord which is the Light in your Consciences and in it wait on the Lord to be guided by his Power I waited in the Counsel of my God in the Calling where I was placed until the Year 1652. and in the eighth Month of the Year as it is accounted of men the Word of the Lord came unto me saying The Leaders of my People causes them to err in drawing them from the Light in their Consciences which leads to the anointing within which the Father hath sent to be their Teacher which would lead them into all Truth to seek the Kingdom of God in Observations where it is not to be found So my People perish for want of Bread Freely thou hast received freely give and minister and what I have made known unto thee in secret declare openly Which Word constrained me by the Power of it to leave my Wife and Children and to run to fro to declare to Souls where their Teacher is the Light in their Consciences which the Lord hath given unto every one a measure to profit withal for the exercise of the Conscience towards God and Men and waiting in the Light for the Power of Christ he would lead them up to the living Fountains of Water where their Souls would find refreshment in the presence of the Lord and their Bread should be sure and their Water never fail as the Lord hath made manifest to my Soul and to worship him in Truth at New Ierusalem to sing Hallelujahs and Praises among the redeemed Sons and Daughters of God in the beauty of holiness unto the Lord God that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for evermore To you Rulers of England whose names will be honourable if you will honour the Lord in obeying his Counsel which is the Light in your Consciences that he may guide you in all your ways to you I am moved to write Thus saith the Lord God Almighty I will overturn overturn overturn until I have given it unto him whose right it is as you have seen the Power of the Lord manifest on many that were in the place where you are who all professed the Name of Christ but they would not obey his Counsel the Light in their Consciences but walked after the counsel of their own Hearts and improved their power for their own ends and dissembled with God and the Countrey but our righteous God hath overturned them to their everlasting shame and contempt Now if you will not obey the Light in your Consciences to rule in the Power of the Spirit to break every Yoak of unrighteousness and put every filthy and abominable thing out of the sight of the Lord that the oppressed may be set free but you will cause both small and great to worship the Image of the Beast in forcing them to obey the Heathenish and Unrighteous Laws made by Nebuchadnezar's nature proud flesh who set up himself a King to oppress all under his power and set up whom he would to Rule and Raign with him over others in Tyranny Cruelty and Oppression in all unrighteousness which Beast received a deadly wound with a Sword by the little Horn spoken of in Daniel before whom three Horns fell and the Horn had Eyes to see what they should do the Light in their Consciences and a Mouth which speaketh great things what they would do for the glory of God whose look was more stout then their Fellows I beheld the same Horn made War with the Saints of the most high God and prevailed against them as it is fufilled Many of them
one with another in him that in the Measure of life in Christ your Souls be kept free at Liberty in him the shame to dispise and the Cross to take up in Obedience to the movings of the Spirit of Life which you will all know the movings of the Life it overcomes the Soul into it self and seals up its own Testimony to all that wait in the Fear of the Lord with diligence in the Measure of Light All in singleness of Heart wait upon God that the Life in every one of you in particular exercise you in singleness in the service of the Lord in what he calls you unto to his praise and know the Seed of God in you all to keep you Faithful up to God that in him you grow in the living union to reign over all in the Light and Life for ever and all of you in the Fear of the Lord God wait for an understanding that the Seed of God you may know and the movings of the Life in it that not any abuse the Liberty and in the dark minde take upon you to utter words before the Lord in his presence I lay it upon you let his dread be upon you that in his fear you be preserved all low to wait in the Light and Life that in it you grow in unity and in the Power and dread of God keep out the dead airy spirit that utters words out of the Life and brings in a dead formality which burdens the Seed of God. My dear Brethren and Sisters in the Life of my God and your God that are faithful to him I beseech you all in the tender Bowels in the Lord Jesus Christ minde your union with the righteous Seed in you all that the Cross be laid to the Ground of all evil and his Seed over you reign and in you and thorow you Minister as you are called of God to the building up one another in the Life and Power that the dark airy spirit be kept forth from amongst you and death with its formality broken down and kept out with the Life you will all enjoy in the righteous Seed of Christ the Light over all God blessed forever that in you not any thing of God be opprest but in freedom serve him Amen God Almighty in the Life you all keep up faithful him to serve in answering his witness in all your Consciences that you may your Generation serve according to his will and finish your course with Ioy. W. D. London the 9 th of the 2d Month 1657. Dear Friends BRethen and Sisters in the Light and Life in Christ whom my Heavenly Father hath gathered forth of the World to make known in you his Eternal Power and Wisdom that he may be known to be the Everlasting God who is come down to dwell with the Sons and Daughters of Men this to you is the Word of the Lord prize the mercy of the Lord who hath plucked you as Brands out of the Fire and looked upon you in the day when you were in your Blood and no Eye to pity you then did he stretch out the Hand of his Power and in the Light hath gathered you and counted you worthy to be first Fruits in Christ to wait upon him to receive of the eternal riches of the Treasure of the Kingdom of Heaven forever let the mercy of the Lord God be a Seal upon you to constrain you all humbly to walk in his pure fear faithfully to answer the Light of Christ in faithfulness what is made known unto you and when you have done the will of God in Obedience to what you are called to in the outward watch in the Light the Power of God you in his fear low in your minds to keep that the Enemy that will attempt to lead to boast of what 's done be judged down and reigned over and you preserved kept safe in your Tents in your pure dwellings in the Power of the Lord God and there wait God to keep you in a pure understanding his Seed to know that you to it be joyned and raised in it over the unrighteous Seed to reign in all its appearances to trample upon it in the Power of the righteous Seed the Lord hath blessed all watch watch watch diligently and wait Wisdom to receive to seperate between the holy and the unholy in you all that the movings of the Life in the Light you all know and in the movings of the Life in the Light for that Wisdom of God to guide you in the pure Knowledge of the service he calls unto so will God seal unto you his counsel and his secrets he will not hide but reveal to you that fear him and you will have the Presence of the Lord accompanying you in his pure service in the presence of the 〈…〉 I lay it upon you all wa●● to 〈…〉 is the 〈◊〉 of God as is made manifest to you in the Light that not any of you who make mention of the Name of the pure God lend an ear to the Enemy that will draw your Hearts from the pure fear and wa●ting in the Life to form in your minds the similitude liken●ss of 〈◊〉 Truth and lead you in a dead formality and to abuse the movings of the Life which you have felt in putting new Wine into the old Bottles there will 〈◊〉 arise in its strength and lead you in rashness to spe●k of that you see and do not possess for the Bottle will burst and spill the new Wine and from t●●s ground is all rashness in uttering words out of Go●s Wisdom and hard speeches in judging out of the Knowledg of God and this with the Light into Condemnation must come In the fear of the Lord God wait the living wisdom to guide you and quench not any movings of the Spirit I lay it upon you wait the Lord to Seal unto you his mind that in his movings you may answer his Will which the Light will guide you to know the intent of every motion in word and in works that in it you stand approved in the Integrity of your Hearts to God every one in particular there faithful to be found in the Power of God that in all the movings of the Spirit of Life the earthly wisdom be judged out with all its Reasonings and Consultings that you all may know that new Man in Christ in which the new Bottle is witnessed that preserves the new Wine which is committed to you in the Kingdom of God your Souls to refresh and make glad in his presence to minister it forth in his living Power and Wisdom to refresh the Weary Burthened and Oppressed Soul with the com●ort of the Spirit of Life in which your Souls are made glad in God so will you all come to the pure ministry in the Life which in the measure will overcome in its self which you will all feel and as you are moued of God be faithful strangle not the Birth neither quench
that hath resisted the God of Israel DEar Friends let the Love of God constrain you to trust in him and feel the Birth of the Seed of God born up over all to eat and feed of the Bread of Life that out of time and place and over all visibles you may live and rejoyce over all hardships that would appear and wrath that arises all keep the word of Faith in the Power of God the Mountains shall fall before you more and more and you shall tread down the Pride of the perverse and froward Generation in the patience and dominion of God forever and let the strong bear the Burthen of the weak that all in the unity of the Spirit in the Power of the Love of God grow up an holy Preisthood offering up the Souls and Bodies a living Sacrifice in faithful Obedience to do the will of God. In whose Name it is declared unto you Dear Friends in vain is it for Man to strive to limit the holy one of Israel or his Spirit in his People for if they were as the Sand upon the Sea shoare that seek to oppress and destroy you that love God more then any thing in the World yea then Life it self fear not comfort your selves in the Light of his Countenance for he will arise and scatter in his wrath as dust before the wind all those that resist his Spirit and his righteousness will he establish in the Earth for ever And O Sion thy God reigneth and thou shalt seethy Enemies come bending to the soles of thy Feet and thy renown which shall go more and more over the Earth thy leaves shall heal the Nations which shall walk in thy Light and you shall be known in all the Earth to be the City of the most high God yea the righteous Seed which the Lord hath blessed when the Faces of thine Enemies shall be covered with shame the Mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it Let this be sent abroad amongst Friends with understanding in the Fear of God. W. D. York Tower the 19th 12th Mounth 1660. Dear Brethren ANd Suffering Members dwelling in the Power and Life glad your Hearts in the unlimited Power of God that in his strength you reign over all the Powers of Darkness in your keeping the word of Patience in the Lord Jesus who will plead your cause in his righteous Judgments when he will clear your Innocency in the Faees of all his Enemies to your eternal comfort and the Glory of his Name forever lift up your Heads this is the day that hath been proclaimed in your Ears which our God hasteth to finish and cut short in righteousness for his Name sake the mighty God of Power keep you faithful to the end Amen W. D. 19th 12th month 1660. DEar faithful Friends in God who hath known the day in your Travels that not any thing hath been dear to you not Life it self that you might enjoy the Light of the Countenance of God which he hath now manifested in the everlasting Covenant of his Light in Christ which now constraineth in the Power of our Royal Life born of the noble Seed to stand out over and above all flattering Tongues and all threatings and wrath of Men which will be more and more manifest before this day of tryal be over and what wrath ever the Lord suffers to arise in the Powers of the Earth without he moves do not any seek to stop it let God have the glory the wrath of Man turns to the praise of God and the remainder he will restrain while the royal Babes in Meekness and Patience stand still and gives glory to God in faithfull obedience with Life to Death if the Lord call for it who hath blessed the labour of all he called into the Vine-yard of God in whom my Bowels is enlarged in the strength of the Life I have received of the Father Oh feel me for I am with you filled with joy in the Lord that his royal Birth is brought forth and the Captive set free the Tongue of the Dumb loosed and the living Power of God raised to offer up living praises on the holy Altar of God in the Asemblies of his Saints Oh lift up your Heads be glad in the strength of the Lord in this day of gathering the good ripe Fruit in the Vine-yard of the Lord now doth the Vines abound with Vertue laden with Clusters of the purest Grapes full ripe which drops abundantly with the Wine renewed in the Kingdom of the Father Oh fill your Cups be not straitned in your Spirits to receive of the fulness of God in whom I am constrained to say unto you in the Light drink drink abundantly let the Thirst of the immortal Birth earnestly in the Light reach forth it self to draw more and more the infinite Life that it may comprehend you in the Power of it self that in its strength your Hearts may be set free over all below and your Spirit in the Light and Life raised in the Heavenly Harmony to praise and glorifie the Name of the Lord in eternal unity to the astonishment of all that know not God whose Hearts shall fail before the Life of God which keeps all that abide in it with what ever he gives low in his fear that neither Heights nor Depths Tribulations or Distress Persecution or Famine or Nakedness Peril or Sword Life nor Death things present nor things to come can never separate the royal Birth from its faithfull obedience to Christ Jesus the Light and dwell out of time and place and over all Creature enjoyments in the unlimitted Power to guide that your words be few and savory at all times whether in Bonds or out of Bonds to minister Grace to the Hearers and be tender affectionate one towards another in the pure chast Love of God all to lye down together in the eternal unity one in the fulness in the most high God over all blessed for ever Farewel your Brother W. D. From the Tower in York the 25 th of the first Month 1661. Let this go abroad amongst all the afflicted and wounded in Spirit with care send this to them DEar Child which Crys over all the World and beyond all the Pleasure Pomp and Vanity therein for the enjoyment of the Light and Countenance of God fear thou not neither be thou discouraged because of the violent assaults of the Enemy who seeks to draw thee into the carnal reasonings of thy Spirit and in it to kindle a fire to thy self and caus●s thee to walk in the Light of the sparkes that thou hast kindled and this thou hast at the hand of the Lord in thy going from his Counsel thou lyes down in sorrow few knows thy great distress but to the Lord it is known and them that has walked in the same Pathes Oh thou Dear and afflicted Soul who lives in the deep sence of the working of the evil one in thy mind and many times is ready to
Righteousness thereof you shall have all satisfaction in the fulness of the Love of God though separated one from another and let none of your Eyes look out at any that deny the Lord of Life before Men who in the profession of his Name came forth with us and goes forth from us because they are not of us for as I have proclaimed in your Ears many years ago so I proclaim it again in the word of his faithfulness who liveth for ever That all that profess the Light and Name of Jesus and hath an Eye to self in what they do and doth not follow him with a single Heart in his work of Regeneration before the trying day be over they will deny him and wither as though they had never made mention of him but all you Lambs that fear and dread the Name of the Lord and freely gives up to be governed by his powerful Spirit and in the least measure wait in the Light self to be buried down under this Judgment and your Souls raised in the Resurrection of Jesus and born again of the Seed of God which cannot depart from him but must follow him let the power of darkness over all the Face of the Earth do what it is permitted Oh the beholding of you Children of the immortal birth it is known to the Lord the earning of Bowels in the meltings and breakings of my Heart and I am streamed into you as a River in the unexpressible unlimited love and Life of my God and your God where feel and taste and let us solace in the invisible in-dwelling love of a tender Father where no vulterous Eye can behold nor any venomous Be●st shall enter to sting the beloved Babes begotten of the Father any more And dearly beloved Brethren and Sisters where ever the Lord orders you watch diligently that in the sweet reserved Spirit in the heavenly Wisdom you walk together in the loving meek holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus and in the nearest fellowship and familiarity with any one watch to the Light to be covered alwayes with his Spirit of Sanctification that you may stand before the Throne of the Lamb with the pure Garment of his own righteousness to the Glory of his great Name forever And in all your words and works be tender over one another in love in what you may and the strong bearing the burthen of the weak that the holy meek lowly healing Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ may rule in you all binding up your Hearts together in the eternal unity of the Spirit and bond of Peace where ever the Lord orders any of you his faithful Children that you with us and we with you may be as Sinews to the Loynes and Marrow to the Bones of one another in the meek lowly Spirit of Christ our Head and Life that in him we all may be manifest to the whole World to be the Children of the most High God through the aboundings of his vertue in and amongst us who are born again and is the Church of the first born the pure Bride of the Lamb of God who abhors to live in any thing that is not of his nature and in sincerity of Heart have given up our names to him and in his Glorious Majestical cominion tramples upon all false births feigned self-creating self-serving Spirits who are gone from the Innocent Life and make to themselves Pleasant pictures in a voluntary humility and smooth words and gestures and outward appearances to enter the affectionate part and betray the Innocent as with a Kiss but in the tryal of the day that is come upon all pleasant things and pleasant pictures they are found serving themselves and Iudases to the Innocent Life of those that are regenerated by the Power of the most High and redeemed from the Earth therefore to you that stand girt up in the Light Thought and Will of God to reign over all the pollutions of this World I write as to my Honourable Brethren and Sisters desiring you all to resign to the faithfulness of God that his al-sufficiency may preserve you out and over all the clouding thoughts of your own Hearts that in the pure discerning you may taste and weigh all Spirits of what nature they are in what Nation Country or Island soever you are ordered to go and lay not your Hands hastily upon any neither regard their feigned smooth words and behaviour but in the Life of the Lord Jesus wait that he may give you Ability in his pure Wisdom to make your passage in the invisible entrance through all outward appearances to try and taste what they are inwardly to God in the measure of the Heart searching Spirit you have received of the Father that so you may all be kept and preserved in the intire union in the sincere Life to reign over all false births in the dominion to walk with the Lord and one towards another in the eternal in●xpressible unlimitted pure holy chaste Love of our Father in the Lord Jesus who in his unlimitted Love laid down his Life for us and with his Blood hath redeemed washed and cleansed us that we might have access to the Throne of his Glory continually to offer up the living Sacrifice of Halelujahs and high Praises Glory and Honour unto the Lord God and to the Lamb that sits upon the Throne our Light Life Strength and Righteousness Joy Peace Tranquility and everlasting Felicity over all God blessed forever of whose dominion there is no end And in his Glorious Powerful Resurrection and Dominion keep your state with God that his tender Bowels may be inlarged in you to all where you feel any true breathings and heavenly desires towards the Name of the Lord though in some outward things they may differ let not that shut up your Bowels but in the openings of the Spirit of the Lord in what you may Minister to the enlivening of that in them which the Lord hath begotten to hunger for him Oh I beseech you ease my Heart in this matter for I am in travel till all that hunger for the righteousness of God under what denomination soever be all gathered to the Light of Jesus there to receive an understanding to feel the Spirit of the Lord make a separation in condemning sin in the Flesh and quickning in Spirit in the Resurrection in the Powerful Life in Christ that so our little Sister that hath no Breast scattered among Languages Tongues and People in the Nations by your sweet and holy Conversations in the meek lowly and loving chaste Spirit of the Lord Jesus may be gathered in the Light and Life of ●esus with us to sit down at the table of our God to drink continually the Cup of Salvation in which work O my God bless thy Servants with thy prosperous presence where ever thou sends them and all you chosen Lambs comfort my Heart in what my Soul desires in this thing that as in the pure discerning of the Spirit of the
shall reign with him who suffer with him and they that are dead with him shall live with him it is the dead that hears the Voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live arise thou that sleepest in the dust of the Earth securely in thy earthly serpentine Wisdom thy mind feeding upon the dust of the Earth created objects which will perish arise stand up to Judgment that Christ may give thee Life this is required of thee O Man to do justly love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God examine thy Heart and deal justly with thy own Soul There is a Light in thy Conscience which Light is of Christ minding it it will let thee see the mystery of Iniquity that lodgeth in thy Heart which is deceitful and desperately wicked and this Light in thy Conscience which discovers unto thee the evil of thy Heart is of the eternal Word of God and was from the beginning according as it is written in the outward Testimony of the Truth In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word is God and the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made in him was Life and the Life was the Light of men and the Light shineth in Darkness and the Darkness comprehends it not Every one arise out of your earthly wi●dom and mind the Light in thy Conscience and wait on the Power of the Lord in it and it will bring thee to Judgment before the Throne of the Lamb where the righteous Law will be opened in thy heart that will cry through thy earthly heart for Righteousness and Judgment and the Book will be opened in thee where thou shalt see all written that thou hast done in the Body and shall give an account for every idle word and receive thy reward for what thou hast done and thy reward is Wrath and Condemnation which will pass upon thee from the Presence of the Lamb for thy disobedience and breaking of the righteous Law which must be fulfilled and what way soever thou turnest to get Life in outward Forms and Observations the flaming Sword which is the righteous Law that goes out of the Mouth of the Lamb it will turn every way and meet thee and cut thee down and cast thee into Hell where there is Weeping and Wailing for want of the presence of God and thou canst do nothing to pacifie the Wrath of God which is gone out against thee Now wouldst thou hide thy self as Adam did when he appears in thy Heart thy Fig-leafed Garment of Prayers Tears Forms outward Observations according unto thy comprehension of the Letter will not cover thy Nakedness it served to cover the Nakedness from the sight of Men but now when the Lord appears in thy Heart thou canst not stand before him now comes Cain in thee to be driven from the Face of God to be a Fugative and a Vagabond in the Earth notwithstanding all his Sacrifice and Esau in thee Rep●obated never to have the Blessing though he seek it with Tears and the bond Woman and her Son cast out and the first Adam now slain with the sharp Sword that goeth out of the Mouth of the Lamb and art made to give up thy Soul to God whose it is to do with thee what he will if he destroy thee forever he may and if he save thee from eternal Death it is his free Love now art thou Baptized with Christ into his Sufferings and Death where thou liest sealed down under the eternal Judgment of God and there perisheth for ever for any power or help thou hast in thy self and this is the Administration of Moses where thou liest condemned for ever under the righteous Law without any help or hope until the Administration of the Prophets that prophesie of a Christ that hath satisfied the righteous Law of God for thee who art lost and condemned under the power of the Law of Moses and now there is a secret hope raised up in thy Soul and thou lookest up from under the condemning power of Moses for a Saviour and the Prophets are until Iohn and of all that were born of Women there was not one greater than Iohn for he is a burning and shining Light that lets thee see the filthiness of thy Heart and the Law shines in its purity to condemn the earthly Man in thee but he streghthens the hope in thee that was raised up by the Prophets to see the beauty and excellency of Jesus Christ which ravishes thy lost condemned Soul that thou art willing to sell all for him the Scripture now being fulfilled in thee who witness this From the days of Iohn even until now the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force now is every Mountain and Hill laid low in thee and crooked ways made strait and the rough way in thee made smooth and thou waitst in the Wilderness and lost condition of thy self for the Salvation of God to be manifest to thee in Jesus Christ and in the appointed time of the Father the Son of Man comes to thy Soul as a Thief in the Night as the lightning from the East to the West so is his appearance in thee and causes thy dead Soul to hear his Voice which witnesses to it eternal Life freely through his own Blood and thy Soul hears his Voice and by the Word of his Power is made to live and art sealed up by the holy Spirit of Promise the Spirit of God bearing witness with thy Spirit that thou art his Child now comest thou to witness the second Adam to be a quickning Spirit and Isaac the promised Seed to be heir for ever and that the wages of sin is death but the Gift of God is Eternal Life and that by Grace thou art saved through Faith in the Lord Jesus not of works least any should boast and he that hath hope in him purifies himself as he is pure and the Love of Christ constrains thee now who can witness this work of Regeneration manifest in thee to follow him whithersoever he goes no more to obey him for Life as thou didst when thou wast without seeking him in Forms and Observations but now the Love and Life thou enjoyest in Christ Jesus constrain● thee to deny thy self and take up thy cross daily and follow him Now art thou come into the beginning to live in the Lord guided by the powerful word of Faith the Light that shines in thy Heart which is the Light of the City New Ierusalem to which thou art come to Worship the Father in Spirit and Truth and all that are come to walk in the Light of the City New Ierusalem are the true Israel of God that are taught of God to whom the New and everlasting Covenant is made
more that are the most grown in the Truth or you to whom the charge and care of the Flock is committed and you with the other that did speak to them in tender Bowels of love admonish them and with plainness of speech minister to the pure in the Consciences to raise up the Witness to judge and cut down the deceit that their Souls may be saved and their Nakedness covered but if they still walk in disorder when the Church is meet together reprove them openly and if they do not still reform but walk in their Filthiness when the Church is met together in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ charge them to depart from amongst you so cast them out and not have any union with them not so much as to Eat with them until they repent and turn to the Lord to walk in obedience to that which is pure if they do then receive them again but if they still walk in the Stubberness of their Wills and not bend to the pure in their Conscience keep them forth that not any filthy Person dwell in the House of God then will the blessing of the Lord God be with you And this is his Word to you to see that there be not any in outward Want in the Church and that all walk orderly in their Places and Callings and if any Root of bitterness spring up in any which causeth Strife in their minds one against another as soon as you know of it call such before you and examine the matter strictly and stand in the Wisdom and Power of God to guide you to judge the Cause and end it in Righteousness but if the Cause be hard for you to discern the measure you are grown to cannot discern betwixt the Parties I charge you and command you in the presence of the living God not to be hasty in the Cause come before you to order it in your doubtful and dark minds for what is not of Faith is of Sin but to send for some that is more grown in discerning to judge the Cause and end it in Righteousness then will Deceit be judged and Strife kept out and the Innocent set free to serve the Lord and your union will be in Christ Iesus where you will bring forth Fruit abiding in him and through his Blood you shall overcome the World in you and without and shall reign Kings upon the Earth In the Power of Christ you shall command the unclean Spirit in all his appearances within you and without and he shall submit to the Power of God in you dwelling in him who alone is Power and to whom all glory belongs for ever The eternal pure powerful and dreadful Spirit of the most high God rest upon you whom he hath chosen to watch over his Flock and his mighty Power open the pure eternal Eye in you to discern and separate between the Precious and Vile the Holy and the Unholy and furnish you with Courage and Boldness and pure Wisdom to rule in the Power of his Spirit to cut down all deceit and to wash the Disciples Feet in bowing to the pure in the least appearance and ministring to it to strengthen the desire raised up towards the Name of the Lord until Judgment be brought forth into Victory then will you have union together in that which is pure eternal begotten of God who reigns over all blessed for ever and Wisdom's justified of her Children W. D. Writ in the Year 1653. This is the Word of the Lord to thee Oliver Cromwell called Lord Protector THus saith the Lord God of Heaven and Earth to thee Oliver Cromwell Why dost thou slight my Counsel and harden thy Heart against it which I declare to thee by my Sons and Daughters and is witnessed in thy Conscience by my Word in thee which called on thee to trust no longer in the Arm of Flesh nor seek great things for thy self as those did I drove out before thee in my Wrath and destroyed in my Fury and the fearfulness of my Displeasure consumed them and hath given thee power into thy Hand who promised me in the day of thy Distress if I would deliver thee in that day and give the power over all that stood up against thee then wouldest thou take away all these Unrighteous Laws which is contrary to my Righteous Law in the Conscience which were made by those I drove out before thee that my Children should not be Persecuted any more by any outward Law but have free Liberty to declare my mind as I moved them by my Spirit and into thy power I have committed what thou requiredst of me that thou mightest perform thy promises to me and now I have tryed thee and in this day of thy Tryal thou hast proved unfaithful to me and to my People and no truth have I found in thee in this day as to perform thy promise to me but contrary to them all hast thou improved the power put into thy Hand to seek great things for thy self and hast set up thy self in the pride of thy Heart to rob me of my glory in taking upon thee to be Lord Protector of my People when contrary to thy fair words and promises thou by thy power Establishest those Laws by which my People always were and are Persecuted which Laws uphold this filthy and abominable thing in my sight the Heads thereof Judge for Rewards and the Priests Teach for Hire and thou with them leanest upon me and sayest Is not the Lord amongst us no Evil shall come upon us as the Wicked Generation did Mic. 3.11 And those Rebellious People I destroyed before thee who made those Laws thou hast Established contrary to all thy fair words and promises and to preserve thee in thy obstinate and wicked walking before me in setting thy self on high in seeking thy own glory thou trustest to the Arm of Flesh to protect thee in the ways thou livest in but since thou hast abused the power I put into thy Hand I have Corrected thee by the Arm of my Power to let thee see that all the Policy and Strength of men cannot deliver thee forth of my Hand and when thou wast nigh to Destruction I appeared as I had done in all the times of thy distress thy Lord Protector and in my tender Love to deliver thee by the Arm of my mighty Power when none could help thee that thou mightest fear me and lay thy Crown in the Dust before me and give glory to my Name in denying thy self and performing thy promise to me who am a dreadful God and will not be robbed of my glory but since I delivered thee still like proud Pharoah hardenest thy Heart against me and continuest in thy obstinacy in upholding these Unrighteous Laws thou promised me to take away but instead of performing thy promises in taking them away thou hast Established them by thy power by which my Children are Persecuted and the Hands of the Wicked are strengthen'd
against them and notwithstanding all thy Wickedness and Rebellious walking before me in love to thy Soul I have preserved thee to this day and still doth wait upon thee to be Gracious and Merciful to thee if thou wilt still return to my Counsel and diligently hearken to it the Light in thy Conscience which witnesseth against the pride of thy Heart and loftiness of thy Spirit and calls of thee to perform thy promises thou madest to me in the day of thy distress in speedily taking away the Unrighteous Laws by which my People are Persecuted that are guided by my Righteous Law in their Conscience that they be no more given up as Sheep to the Slaughter for declaring my Word and Mind to the People as they have been and are in this Nation but that they may have free Liberty and no more be Persecuted by any outward Law for declaring what I make known to them by my Spirit Which if thou dost return to me that I may guide thee by my Power as is declared then will I heal thy Backslidings and deliver thy Soul forth of the Pit of Corruption and bring it into my Banqueting-House where thou shalt drink of the Rivers of pleasure that is in my presence where thy Soul shall be for ever with my dear Children in the purchased Inheritance that shall never fade away and this shall be the Portion of thy Cup. I once more tender to thee if thou wilt speedily return while my Arm is stretched forth in this day of thy Visitation to imbrace thee and if thou wilt not hearken to my Counsel but like proud Pharaoh still hardens thy Heart against it and continue in thy Pride and Obstinacy as thou hast done know this my Spirit shall not always strive with thee but I will hasten the day of my Righteous Judgments upon thee and the Arm of Flesh which thou trusts and leanest upon to uphold thee and protect thee where thou art shall be to thee as the broken Reeds of Egypt that shall break to peices and Torment and Wound thee and I will get my glory upon thee in breaking thee down in my Wrath and fierce Displeasure and none shall deliver thee out of my Hand which will speedily perfect my Pleasure upon thee for the time is not long ere I accomplish what I have spoken except thou Repent and thou shalt know thy Destruction is of thy self and thy Blood shall be upon thy own Head and shall confess my Judgments to be true and righteous to all that hear of it that they may be warned by thee to fear and walk humbly before me in the day that I do this saith the Lord of Hosts The Word of the Lord I was commanded by him to writ to thee and after it was written was taken from me by one Thomas Pentlow called Justice of the Peace at the Town called Willby in Northampton-Shire yet notwithstanding in the love of God to thy Soul I am again ordered by him to make known his Counsel to thee that thou mightst not be Ignorant of his mind towards thee what he hath made known to me who am a lover of thy Soul and known to the World by name William Dewsbery Prisoner in Northampton Goal for the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ. From the Common Goal in Northampton the first day of the Tenth Month 1654. The Mighty Day of the Lord is comming in which Christ knocks at the door of the Heart of Kindreds Tongues People and Nations who desire to know the only true God and Iesus Christ whom he hath sent to be the Light of the World and Salvation to the Ends of the Earth to all that obey him but a stumbling Stone and a Rock of offence to all that resist his Counsel whom he will take in their own Craft and overturn in their own Devices to the shame and confusion of their Faces but they that believe in him shall never be ashamed This was given forth in the common Goal in Northampton the 7th day of the 11th Month 1655. by William Dewsbery there Prisoner for the Word of God and Testimony of Iesus THe mighty day of the Lord is comming to you People whose natural Birth and Generation was in the Northern Islands whom the Lord of Heaven and Earth hath placed where he hath suffered you to be scattered into Barbadoes Virginia New-England and other Islands there away and Countries elsewhere and to every Kindred Tongue and People and Nations in whom there is desires raised to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent to be the Light of the World to guide the Feet of those that sate in Darkness into the Light and Way of Peace To you People the mighty Day of the Lord is coming and in his Power is appearing amongst you in raising desires in some of you towards his Name which desires cannot be satisfied with any outward Observations and Traditions of your Fathers but above them doth your minds rise in true Hunger and Thirst towards the living God for refreshment from his presence prize the Love of God to you in whom he hath raised desires towards him and look not forth at any that teaches to hearken to the Teachings of Men without who draw you to seek Christ and God without and to come to the knowledg of the Kingdom of God in outward Observations with which the knowledge of God comes not the Kingdom of God is within and as the Lightning is from the East to the West so is the coming of the Son of Man in his day whose appearance is within but you People in the day of Darkness and Ignorance that have been over the whole Earth have been deceived in looking forth at teachings of Men without and for the Kingdom of God to come in outward Observations that men have set up in their vain thoughts Wicked and carnal Imaginations of the Saints condition which is Recorded in the Scriptures of Truth but they not regarding the motion of the Spirit of God within which taught and guided the Saints they are Strangers to the Saints Life though they speak great swelling words of the knowledg of God and with them deceive the simple with the inticing words of Mans Wisdom and boasting in other Mens Lines made ready to their Hands but they themselves are natural bruit Beasts living without the fear of God in Pride Covetousness Dissimulation and Hypocrisie full of self-Love making their Bellies their God delighting their Hearts in the Creature enjoyments and visible objects and are Men-Pleasers having their Persons in admiration and them respecting for advantage and these Men who are Ignorant of the only true God you have followed to teach you to come to know God who hath drawn you to Worship an unknown God in the ignorance of your minds so have they destroyed your Souls and the Souls of many and you People perish for want of Knowledg Hosea 4.6 In being caused to err with
the Hearts of the great and mighty Men of the Earth shall fail and paleness shall gather into their Faces the dread of the holy God will be with you who faithfully give up to be guided by his Counsel in the power of his own Spirit one shall chase a Thousand and five put ten Thousand to flight the Decree is gone forth Christ shall be King in Gods time over all the Nations of the World and all the powers of the World that him withstand he will break them to pieces like a Potters Vessel so shall they become as Dust before his Breath the Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it who is giving the Kingdoms of this World to his Son and to you that wait for his appearance the living sound is come that doth witness that not any Weapon formed against him shall prosper in this day of his appearance in the Hearts of his Saints In the presence of the Lord I charge you stand fast in the Counsel of our Lord Jesus Christ the Light in the Conscience and according to the measure you have received be faithful in walking with God in perfect obedience to his Will freely giving up your Bodies to finish your Testimony in Sufferings if the Lord call you for it is not given to believe but to suffer with him and they that suffer with him shall Raign with him and the Son of Man is perfect in sufferings and you that are faithful to the 〈◊〉 he will lay no more upon you then he gives you strength to bear he will guard you with the Angel of his presence and compass you about with Salvation for Walls and Bulwarks and you shall know this is to you the Word of the Lord God the day will declare it All people who dwell upon the Earth fear the living God who hath Created the Heavens and Earth and the Fountains of Waters and all turn to the Light of Christ that witnesses for God in the Conscience against Sin in its appearance in the secret of the Heart and diligently incline your Ear to the Counsel of Christ the Light that he may guide you by his Spirit least through your disobedience you perish before him in this mighty day of the Lords Power in which he is coming with Fire and Sword to plead with all Flesh and not any that transgresseth his Righteous Law in their Consciences shall escape his Righteous Judgments in this his day he is bringing down the loftiness of Man and the haughtiness of Spirit he is laying low and is exalting his Son Christ Jesus to be King and over all to Rule the Heathen he will give him for his Inheritance and the utmost parts of the Earth for his Possession and the Kingdom he will establish to his Son whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and of his Dominion there shall be no end therefore let all the Kings and Princes of this World mind the Light of Christ to guide them to rule for God to break the bonds of Iniquity and let the oppressed go free that in all things they may have an Eye to the glory of God in obeying the Righteous Law of God in your Consciences to do as you would be done unto in taking up the daily Cross to that nature which would hinder for doing Justice and for shewing Mercy and 〈◊〉 humbly with the Lord. Given forth by the movings of the Spirit of God in and through his Servant W. D. DEar Friends Servants and Children of the most high God whom he hath called and chosen out of the World be faithful all of you in his Counsel wait his Power to guide you in all your Thoughts Words and Works in his pure fear in obedience to his Will I charge you in his presence be valiant for your freedom in dwelling in the Power of the living God that he may arm you against the fiery Darts of the Devil him to resist in his appearance in all his Wiles who goes about like a roaring Lyon to draw you every way seeking to get your minds from the pure to draw into the visible things your Affections there to captivate your Wills to satisfie in created and perishing Objects or in the knowledg of the Truth in the fleshly Wisdom to feed with the Swine upon the Huskes the form and image of what you have injoyed or what you see in the vision what you do not injoy in the possession and speak in a Drunken Spirit words without knowledg and with them sits a painted Beast the will at liberty out of the Cross and thou whose condition this is art the foolish Virgin turned from the pure Wisdom of God the Light of Christ that convinced thee of Sin and now appearest in the outward formallity in the sight of Men with a Lamp like the wise Virgins but not dwelling in the Power of God wants the Oyle of joy and gl●dness in the power of his Love which the wise Virgins hath in their Lamps which exerciseth their Conscience and keeps all their affections in order to the Spirit of Truth which bridles their Tongues not to utter words before the Lord but in true silence wait upon him until his Spirit move his mind to declare from the living Power the Soul possesses and enjoys in Christ the Husband of the wise Virgins whom he moves his mind to declare from the living Power the Soul enjoys in true possession in Christ who is the Bride the Lambs Wife who by his Power keeps her Lamp trimed always breathing and thirsting for him to manifest his Power to take away Sin and renew the Image of God and the perfect Man to witness in Christ Jesus the Souls life to raign in her for ever And beloved are you that Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness for you are the Children of the Kingdom of my Father and with you my life is bound up and to you this is the Word of the Lord fear not lift up your heads and wait in the Light with boldness in it look up to Christ your King he will appear as the Lightning from the East to the West and you shall behold him Riding upon the wilde Asses Coalt your wilde nature subjecting it to himself and skiping over all Mountains and leaping over all Hills that hath separated you from the presence of God and will heal your Infirmities and satisfie your thirsty Souls and give you the end of your hope the Salvation of your Souls where you shall sit down with him in the Kingdom of the Father to rejoyce in the Power of eternal love and life which is in his presence for ever and ev●r and this is the Childrens Bread that comes down from Heaven But you foolish Virgins that sits in the outward form and profession of the Truth your Lamps are empty of the Power of God which should cast down your Wills and keep them in the daily Cross so you are possessed with a dull sottish drousie earthly careless spirit which is weary of waiting upon
the Lord in silence you have no Oyle in your Lamps you are turned from the Light that would lead you to the Power of God which would preserve in the true thirsting to wait for refreshment that is in his presence so you are Imprisoned and Starved for want of Food while you are in a silent Meeting amongst the wise Virgins who feed on the immortal Bread which comes down from Heaven the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ which daily strengthens them in the Power of God which gathers all their Hearts together in one where the union is in the invisible being in silence rejoycing together in the Lord to the Consciences of you foolish Virgins I speak you are strangers to the life the wise Virgins enjoyes though amongst them you come your life is in beautifying the outside of the Lamp with words being quickly spoken but the fear of God is not before your Eyes but your Wills are out of the Cross a false joy arises in you speaking what you do not possess priding and glorying in other mens Lines end contending for Truth with that mind that is out of the Truth and so become Trees blosoming with leaves but bears no Fruit and here your folly is made manifest while you speak to others your selves are under Reproof in that you are strangers to the life of God I charge and command you silence Flesh and speak not before the Lord you foolish ones that dare to make mention of his Name while the worker of Iniquity raigns in you whom the Lord will destroy except you repent therefore all Friends who make mention of the Name of the living God examine your Hearts search them and try your ways with the Light that comes from Christ with it read your condition in the Book of Conscience there will you see how you stand in the presence of the living pure holy God whether in the state of the foolish Virgins that is turned from the Light of Christ that did convince them of Sin and so gets into the form of the Truth but an Enemy to the Cross so make Shipwrack of Faith and a good Conscience c or whether you be in the state of the wise Virgins that loves the Light and in it to wait to dwell in the Power which chastiseth that nature which would draw from the Light and your Garments defile daily in the Cross and there your Souls is keept pure and chaste to follow the Lamb where ever he goes and enters with him into the rest that is prepared for the People of God where the foolish Virgins shall not come until they from their foolish Wisdom return into true obedience to the Father of Light c. Dear Children of the Lord God be valiant bold and faithful in your measures that in the Light Life and Power of God you may stand in the day of great tryal which the Lord will bring upon all you that make mention of his Name for power will be given to the Beast his Horn to exalt even to the host of Heaven for the clearing of the Sanctuary of the Lord then will all foolish Virgins and painted Beasts that are enemies to the Cross of Christ who hath defiled the Sanctuary of the living God in coming before him amongst his Saints and Children c. from amongst them they shall come trembling before the power of th● Beast when he utters his voice and commands all to Worship his Image but then shall all you Children of the most high God whom he hath called ●o be faithful to him in his eternal Power rejoyce who will you keep in that day in rest and peace in the ancient of days who will sit to judge in Righteousness all that withstands the rising of his Glory and of his Dominion there shall be no end Friends meet together in the true silence of your Spirits to wait in the Light for the unlimited Spirit of the Lord to manifest his Power in you to bruise the Serpents Head in all his appearance in you to put an end to Sin and to bring in everlasting Righteousness that you in him may grow up in the pure nature of the most high God over all blessed fo● ever Amen God almighty keep you all faithful in his eternal Power in himself to bear his Name in Righteousness that his Name may be written in your Fore-heads that all that see you may witness you to be of the Righteous Seed that the Lord hath Blessed his Eternal Power and Presence keep you in the eternal unity of the Spirit and bond of Peace where I am with you in the unchangable Love and Life c. W. D. I desire you to let this be Read in your Meetings with a good understanding in the fear of the Lord for this is the Day I will make separation betwixt the Wise and the Foolish between those that fear the Lord and those that fear him not saith the Lord God almighty ALL Saints and Children of the most high God abide with God in the calling whereunto you are called which call is the measure of Light given unto you which witnesseth against all the deceitful twisting of the Serpent within you and seals up to your Spirits the eternal love of God in the free Covenant of life in Iesus Christ All in your measure as you have received of the Lord walk faithfully with him so will you be preserved pure clean and unblamable before him and will be fortified by the Arm of his eternal Power against all the deceit subtilty windings and twistings of the Serpent within you and without you I charge you all in the presence of the Lord God to abide with God in what he hath communicated to you and run not out from the Witness of the eternal Spirit that hath sealed you up in measure in the Power of his love Thou that doest run out to speak further then thou witnessest art a filthy Drunkard that lavisheth out thy self without the fear of the Lord and so spends and wasts upon thy Lusts and the plagues and vengance of the Lord is thy Portion thou filthy Drunkard for no Drunkard nor Lustful person shall inherit the Kingdom of God. All dear Lambs and Children of the Lord abide in the Witness of the eternal Spirit which will pass Judgment and bruise the Head of the Serpent in you so will you be armed against all the glorious appearances of the Serpent without to keep him out of the Scriptures and the least of you in the Truth of God will overturn all Priests and all the Men of the World that dwell in their Serpentine Wisdom and makes a Trade of the Letter speaking and disputing of the Saints conditions as the Devil did about the Body of Moses but cannot witness the Scriptures sealed up to their Souls by the eternal Spirit now all you that dwell in the Truth in your measure will comprehend them to be Houses built upon the Sand tall Cedars aspiring up into the Air
Constable so called who said I should be there until the next day yet to do the people a pleasure he contrary to his word came in and took me forth and had me into the Streets where the people shouted with a loud voice as they had me to and fro from one House to another where they sold Ale till the people in one House let them in and there they set two men to watch over me until the next day which was the twenty eighth day of the Month before written on which day they had me before Thomas Dickeson who granted forth the Warrant for me to be brought before him and did me examine and it was manifest before him that what I was accused of in the Warrant and the day the Warrant mentioned my being in that place was false for I had not been in that place that day neither could they prove any such words spoken by me as I was accused of and when he had nothing against me in that Warrant then he did commit me to Prison by a Warrant that he said Judge Windham granted forth at the general Assize before written which Warrant I never saw A True Copy of the Mittimus as followeth To the Sheriffs of the said County of York and to the Keeper of the Goal of the Castle of York WHereas there was a Warrant directed for the Apprehending of William Deusbery of Stanly for the seducing the People of this Nation from Iudge Windham the last Assizes and he being brought before me and refuseth to find Surety to be of good Behaviour and to appear at the next Assize to be holden for the said County to answer the premises You are hereby required to receive into your custody the said William Deusbury and him safely to keep until he shall be delivered by due course of Law. Given under my Hand and Seal the 28th day of April 1654. Thomas Dickeson According to his command as aforesaid I was had to York Castle and there kept Prisoner until the general Assize which was holden about the 22d day of the 5th month called Iuly in the year above written and there Hugh Windham did sit Judge of Life and Death who at the Assizes before mentioned which was in the first Moneth called March gave order to apprehend me and according to his order it was done and he coming to judge the Cause between me and my Accusers it was pressed on him by some Friends of the Truth for the Truths sake that I might have the benefit as those had that were arraigned for Fellony and Murther to be brought before him and the people of the Country and there my Accusers to appear face to face to prove their Accusation that I mighr suffer according to Law if I had transgressed it otherwise that I might by it be cleered before the Country of the Lyes and Aspersions and false Accusations they had publickly charged me withal his promise was I should be brought before him and have a fair Tryal at Law as others Prisoners had but he was not faithful to do as he had said before him I was not brought at that time nor any Tryal had but at the end of the Assizes cleared me by Proclamation and sent me a Liberato as they call it to pass away Into Prison I was cast as formerly written the 28th day of the second Moneth called April and there was kept until the Twenty fourth day of the fifth Moneth called Iuly and then was turned forth as is formerly written without any Tryal or Law to me read why they had kept me in Prison that time So for the Truths sake to that of God in every ones Conscience I this day lay before He that hath an Eye to see let him see Which after the Lord by the Arm of his mighty Power had me set at liberty out of the hands of those unreasonable men I journyed as I was led by his Spirit to declare his Word in Cleveland and other parts in Yorkshire Nottinghamshire and so to Darby and as I was declaring the Word of the Lord to the Consciences of the Inhabitants of Darby there came two men and laid hold on me and had me before the men who were in Commission to have done justice who there did sit at the General Sessions holden at the Town about the twenty fourth day of the sixth Moneth called August 1654. When I before them was brought the first Question to me by them propounded was In whose presence ●oest thou now stand the answer to them was In the presence of the everlasting God the men called Justices replyed with these words Iaylor take him away put him in Prison for disturbing the Court which was done at their Command into Prison I was put and when the day was spent Thomas You ll called the Mayor of Darby sent for me and when I came before him he asked me What I came to do the answer to him I came to declare the Word of the Lord to the Consciences of the Inhabitants of Darby the Mayor replyed Wilt thou go out of the Town answer to him When the Lord orders me to go forth then I shall go till then I shall stay then Thomas You ll the Mayor commanded the man to put me into Prison again which was done the next day about the nineth hour came William Bould one of the Mayors Officers and said to me if thou wilt go forth of the Town and in it no more come I will open the Doors for thee to come forth the answer to him Out of the Town I shall not go until I am ordered of the Lord and if thou openest the Door forth of the Prison I shall not come till the man that said he had authority to put me in come by the same authority and take me out then away the man did go and afterwards did come and the man who is named Iohn Slalous who put me in Prison opened the Door and took me by the Arm and put me forth in much wrath and delivered me to the other man whose name is before written who said he had order to put me forth of the Town which he did and strictly charged me to depart out of their Coasts with many threatnings what should be done to me if in the Town again I returned but the words of vain man was not regarded into the Town I returned and there did stay till I was free in my Spirit to depart from thence Then I jour●●yed to Leicester and was there the first day of the week which was the third day of the seventh Month called September And with me was many people to whom the word of the Lord was declared and after the Testimony of Jesus was finished to them I went into the high place of the Town which the people of the dark World calls their Church and after the man they call their Minister had done the Word of eternal life was declared to the Consciences of the people who
give you power over them you would take away all Laws that burthened the Consciences of his people and they should have free liberty to worship him in Spirit and in Truth according to his Law written in their own hearts and according to your desires the Lord appeared while you in his counsell stood and gave all into your power according to the desires of your own hearts and now is the time of your tryall wherein the Lord is trying you all this day whom he hath put power into your hands which if you now forget the Lord God who appeared to you when you were little in your own eyes in the day of your distress and deny to perform your Promises you made to the Lord when he delivered you out of the hands of those that sought your lives but contrary to all your Promises abuse your Power you are intrusted with to build up again what you seem'd to destroy which cost the price of so much blood in establishing Laws which are contrary to Scripture and the righteous Law of God in the Conscience and by them think to scatter the power of the holy people and to weary out the Saints of tlle most high God in turning Judgment backward and keeping Justice afar of that Truth falleth in the Streets and Equity cannot enter so he that departeth from Evil maketh himself a prey to your wills and the Lord God seeth it and is displeased with you that there is no Judgment for his People Therefore to you this is the Word of the Lord that abuse your power you are intrusted with in perverting judgment as before-written thus saith the Lord God The Pit you dig for my people ye shall fall into it your selves and my people I will deliver by the Arm of my mighty power and according to your deeds I will to you repay and recompence fury and vengeance to you my Adversaries and will you sweep away with the Beesom of my wrath except you repent and your blood shall be upon your own heads and you shall not escape but come to your End and none shall help you He that hath an Ear to hear let him hear And be fore-warned now in this day of your Visitation wherein the Lord hath to you sent you to forewarn of the evil that is a coming upon you that you may speedily to him return and lay your Crowns in the dust at the Feet of Jesus Sions King and in his Counsel stand which is the Light in the Conscience that in you witnesseth against every vain thought and wicked imaginations and in the Light wait his Power you to guide to perform your Promises and to take away all Laws contrary to Scripture and the righteous Law of God in the Conscience that the righteous Law of God may be your Guide which is the Guide of all the Children of God then will the Lord God of Heaven and Earth be with you and with the Arm of his mighty Power destroy all that Plot or rise up against you before whom he will make the unrighteous Powers of the Earth to shake if you abide faithful in his Counsel and will make you a terrour to the Evil-Doers and a praise to them that do well and will bring you into the eternal Peace and Rest he hath prepared for his People but if you reject his Counsel and cast his righteous Law behind your backs as you have done and follow the counsel of your own hearts all that have an Eye to see read and understand Prov. 29.1 He that hath been often reproved and hardeneth his Neck shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy And in that Day I shall be clear of your blood who in love to your Souls hath not hid the Counsel of God from you which he hath made known to me that you may be left without excuse in the day of the Lords Anger when he doth perform what he hath spoken Then shall I be remembred whom the World knoweth by Name William Deusbery and by some of you that profess to minister justice cast into Prison and there kept in the common Goal in Northampton for the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ. From the Goal in Northampton the 25 th day of the 4 th Moneth 1655. O England England over all in thee I lament who Persecutes the Sons and Daughters of the most high God he hath to thee sent thee to forewarn of the evil day that is coming upon thee O That thou in this day of thy Visitation did know the things belonging to thy Peace which the living God tenders to thee in this day of his mercy wherein he waits on thee to be gracious unto thee and to make thee the glory of all the Nations of the World and in all thy Straits for thee appeared and in his mighty Power hath destroyed all that did secretly Plot and Rise up against thee to establish unrighteous Laws and them bind upon the Consciences of those that feared the Lord in thee and walked humbly before him according to the measure of Light received and now hath he appeared in the day of his mighty Power in thee O England to exalt the Kingdom of Christ in the Hearts of his Saints and hath sent them to Preach his everlasting Gospel in thee to turn the minds of the People from Darkness to Light which comes from Christ in it to wait for his Power to guide out of all Sin and Uncleaness into union and fellowship with the Father of Light which many of you People in England seemed to desire above all things and content to give up your lives to withstand them that did appear to bind any unrighteous Law upon you and by it to take advantage against you concerning the Law of God which you professed to love and to delight in your liberty in it more then in your nearest and dearest Relation or Life or any outward enjoyment and all you in that day who were faithful to the Lord according to the measure of Light manifest in you the Lord God did appear for you and in his mighty Power hath scattered those that stood up in enmity against you to bind Laws upon your Consciences which is contrary to Scripture and the righteous Law of God in the Heart and the Lord hath given you power over all those your Enemies and now have you free liberty which they cannot take from you to worship God in Spirit and in Truth according to the desires you seemed to manifest in the day you cryed to the Lord when you were in distress and now is the Lord come to visit you in his tender mercy and hath sent his Ministers to Preach his eternal Word freely without Money or Price in season and out of season to reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine which many of you People in England who promised the Lord to worship him in Spirit and Truth now his counsel reject and turns to the Teachers you have
have been Persecuted and some cast into Prison by their power and this is the Beast that had power to give Life to the Image that the Image of the Beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not Worship the Image of the Beast should be killed and this is fulfilled that when the Beast received his deadly wound with the Sword of the righteous Justice of God then did the other Beast which was the power that Raigned after him give life to the Image of the Beast that the Image of the Beast spoke and this was fulfilled in giving power to the unrighteous Laws where the Priests and unrighteous Lawyers and Judges that Iudge for Rewards that as many as would not worship the Beast in obeying the will of proud flesh must be Killed cast into Prison and there Starve and be broken to pieces and by the power of proud Nebuchadnezar's nature must be cast into places some into close Prison by the wrath of proud flesh and must neither Buy nor Sell to have any benefit of the Law but he that hath the mark of the Beast and the number of his Name Here is the Patience and Faith of the Saints And you Saints of the most high God stand in his Will for these words are sealed up until the time of the end and you shall stand in the Lot at the end of the days Here is Wisdom Let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast for it is the number of a Man and his number is six Hundred threescore and six Now if you hold up this glorious Image which was set up by Nebuchadnezar's nature proud flesh in human wisdom which that Image spoken of in Daniel was but a tipe and figure of this which now shines gloriously in Forms and Observations and deny the Life and Power of Jesus Christ you will be found to be the strength and glory of this great Image And this I declare unto you from the eternal God of Power You shall be overturned as all that have gone before you which have set up this great Image and caused all both small and great to bow down and worship it The Stone cut out of the Mountain without Hand shall smite this glorious Image and break it to pieces and it shall become like the Chaff of the Summer Threshing-Floor and the Wind shall carry it away and no place shall be found for it and the Stone that smites the Image shall become a great Mountain and shall fill the whole Earth O be valiant for the Truth upon Earth ye Rulers of England and give over building up Sion with Blood and Ierusalem with Iniquity as it hath been in this Nation by all that upheld this Image which the Lord hath overturned and cast out before you and is still held up by you The Heads thereof judge for Reward and the Priests teach for Hire and the Prophets thereof divine for Money yet will they lean upon the Lord and say Is not the Lord amongst us no evil can come upon us O prize your time and stand steadfast in the Counsel of the Lord the Light in your Consciences hearken unto it let it alone guide you in all your Counsel that Christ may be Head in you all then will the glory of God be the end of all your undertakings and you will remove this filthy and abominable thing out of the sight of the Lord the Judges that judge for Rewards and the Lawyers that plead for Money and the Priests that teach for Hire and set over the People to judge their Causes Men fearing God and hateing Covetousness to judge their Causes without Rewards and that the People may be taught freely without Money or Price by the free Spirit of Christ in the Hearts of his Saints who cannot but declare freely as we have freely received Then will the mighty Power of God go along with you in all your ways if you will stand in his Counsel and walk in his fear to depart from all evil which is the beginning of Wisdom and your names will become a sweet savour through the power of the Lord among his Saints as all the names of the Righteous are and you shall partake of the glory of the Lord which he is manifesting to his chosen People in this Nation which he hath chosen to make known his Power in exalting the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and will make it the glory of all the Nations in the World and the mighty God of Power will be unto us Salvation for Walls and Bulwarks and we shall sit under our Vines and Fig-trees and none shall make us afraid And this shall be the Portion of your Cup if you will deny your selves and diligently hearken to the Counsel of the Lord the Light in your Consciences to which I speak which shall eternally witness the Truth declared unto you For the Mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it who hath raised up his own Seed in his People in this Nation which cannot cleave to this great Image which was set up by those that were in the place where you are which the Lord hath overturned and cast out in his Indignation and is not yet taken away by you and while you uphold it the anger of the Lord is kindled against you There is no peace to the Wicked saith my God. This is the day that the God of Heaven will set up his own Kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the Kingdom shall not be left unto other people but shall stand for ever and ever Here I have cleered my Conscience in declaring unto you what my God hath made known unto me concerning you and the Nation which shall shortly come to pass He that hath an Eye to see let him see and he that hath an Ear to hear let him hear To all you unrighteous Judges that judge for Rewards and Lawyers that plead for Money who devour the Creation and set people at variance destroy many Families and delight in unrighteousness and to all Oppressors high and low who grind the faces of the Poor and causes them to groan under your Cruelty and Oppression hear the Word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God Howl and Weep for the misery which is coming upon you for the cry of the Oppressed hath entered into the Ears of the Lord and he is coming to render vengeance upon you and set the Oppressed free For the rust of your Money and Gold shall eat your Flesh as it were Fire for you have heaped up Treasures for the last day and ye shall be cut down ye fruitless Trees that cumber the ground and cast into the Lake for it is the place prepared for you and for all fearful and unbelieving and the Abominable and Murtherers and Whoremongers and Sorcerers Idolaters and all Lyars shall have their part
and Consciences in the fear of the living God search your Hearts with the Light which is the Counsel of God that convinceth you in your Hearts and Consciences that Lying is a Sin Swearing is a Sin Covetousness a Sin Pride a Sin Drunkenness a Sin and Gluttony a Sin Whoredom and Vncleanness a Sin Cozening Cheating and Dissimulations are Sins Tyranny Cruelty and Oppression and Murther are Sin● 〈◊〉 ●hich fore-mentioned cries to the God of Heaven for Vengeance which if you do not walk in obedience to the Grace of God the Light which discovereth them to guide you out of them As the Lord God destroyed the old World who received not his Counsel so will the Lord God of Heaven and Earth break in upon all you People scattered in all Nations Kindreds Tongues and Languages for his eternal Decree is gone over you all who walk in your wicked wayes he will break you down and dash you in pieces and you shall become an abhorring to all flesh Therefore prize your time while God preserves you for the Day of your Visitation is come wherein the God of Heaven visits you and exhorts you in the power of his Spirit to return to him which if you diligently hearken to his Counsel the Light which sheweth you your evil wayes and convinceth you of your Sins as before written and wait on him in the Light to lead you out of all Idolatry and every sinful and evil way then will the only true God give you power over your sinful and unclean nature and he will teach you his Wayes and lead you in the Paths of Righteousness and save you out of all your Idolatrous wayes you have walked in and will establish you in eternal Rest and Peace with all his Children that walk in obedience to his Counsel the Light which convinceth of Sin in the secrets of your Hearts and Consciences in which Light he is gathering of his People out of all Nations Kindred Languages and Tongues and People into his own Kingdom in the Light with him to walk who is now establishing his Kingdom in the Earth which Kingdom shall break down all other Kingdoms and their Dominion take away and destroy to the end Then shall the everlasting God be known in the Earth to destroy the Image that will not submit to him and to establish all those that walk in the Light in his everlasting Kingdom to dwell and there to praise his Name alone who is worthy over all God blessed for ever Hear and Fear all Nations Kindreds Tongues Languages and People Repent and Turn to the only true God in hearkening diligently to his Counsel the Light that convinceth of Sin in the secrets of your Hearts and Consciences that ye be not cut off in the dreadful and terrible Day of the fierce Wrath of the everliving God wherein he will destroy all Idolatry out of the Earth and perform according to his Word here to you declared and none of you shall escape which disobey his Counsel the Light and you shall certainly know the Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it what he will bring upon all Nations Remember you are warned in your Life-time in this Day of your Visitation if you slight it your destruction is of your selves and your Blood is upon your own Heads From the Righteous Seed of whom it is written It shall be no more said the Lord liveth that brought us forth of the Land of Egypt but the Lord liveth that hath raised up his Seed and brought it forth of the North-Countrey Jer. 23.7 8. Forth of the Northren Countrey called England from the Seed of God there risen that shall spread over all the Nations of the World. W. D. Dear Friends and Brethren CAlled and Chosen of God to wait upon him in his Light every one in particular feel the Power and Life of God exercising you in his Service whatever he calls unto when the Lord fills the Heart of any of you with his Presence and in his Life moves thee quench not the Spirit I am commanded to lay it upon thee whosoever thou art from the least to the highest growth All dear Friends wait to be kept in the Bond of the Spirit obedient to its motions to cease and stay when it moves not as well as to begin any exercise when it moves And dear and tender little Babes as well as strong Men retain the pure in every particular and let not any thing straiten you when God moves And thou faithful Babe though thou stutter and stammer forth a few words in the dread of the Lord they are accepted and all that are strong serve the weak in strengthning them and wait in wisdom to give place to the motion of the Spirit in them that it may have time to bring forth what God hath given And dear Brethren feed the Lambs and loose the Tongue of the Dumb that Praises may arise in and amongst you all to the glory of God that in him you may be a well-spring of Life one to another in the Power of the endless Love of God in which the Lord God keep you all W. D. From York Tower the 10 th day of she 12 th Month 1660 Dear Brethren and Sisters IN the Church of the first born of the royal Seed of the most high God grace mercy and peace be multiplyed in and amongst you to whom God revealed what he determined and is now manifesting that every one in the Light and Life of God might stand single out and over the snares of those whom God lays aside as the broken Reeds of Egypt that his own Name might be trusted in and his mighty Arm alone seen and felt in leading and preserving his People to his glory as witnessed this day blessed be the God of our strength and safety ALL dear and chosen Vessels of God whether in Bonds or out of Bonds This is to you the Word of the everlasting God in the everlasting Light and Life stay your Minds and lift up your Heads and be strong in the Name of the Lord and fear not the Wrath of Man for it is limitted and shall turn to the praise of God forever who is making up his Jewels this day and gathering his Wheat in●o his Garner and the Sheep of his Pasture into the safety of his Power that he may lead them and save them with his out-stretched Arm to the confounding of the Heathen that know not God. DEar Friends gird up the Loins of your minds and in the Faith and Patience in Jesus stand still in the Light and see the Salvation of God this day who hath caused the Mountains and Hills that withstood his glorious arising to melt like Wax and to vanish as the untimely Fruit he hath divided the Waters and turned them on heaps and hath made way through them for the ransomed ones to walk in his service where he hath called he hath made the weak as strong as David before whom the uncircumcised hath fallen
purifies the Conscience and this is his Worship he hath determined in his unchangeable and heavenly Decree to establish in the Earth and over all Nations it shall stand he will scatter all as Dust that seek to oppress his People and resist the rising of his glory and thou shalt certainly know the Mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it Which if thou turn thy mind within to his Counsel in thee and in dilligent watchfulness encline thine Ear to his pure Spirit that calls for Righteousness in thy Heart and Conscience and be obedient with boldness to walk in the strait way of the daily Cross and deny the evil that accompanies the day and answer his requirings what he makes known unto thee then will he guard thee with the Power of his heavenly and dreadful Presence and will make thee a terror to evil doers that a Lyar or an Unclean person shall not be found in thy House nor any worker of Iniquity shall be able to stand before thee he will Cloath thee with Wisdom and thou shalt be able to Judge all Causes that is brought before thee in Righteousness then wilt thou put away all Sports Playes Pastimes Drunkenness Uncleanness and whatever grieveth his Spirit forth of thy sight and cleanse the Land of it through thy faithful walking with God who hath made thee a Son of Affliction from thy Youth that thou mightst learn to fear his Name which if thou do he will make thee a Terror to all Nations round about that devise mischief against thee the Angels of his presence will pitch their Tents about thee thou standing in his Counsel and giving Liberty to his Sons and Daughters as he moves them by his Spirit to walk in his Service who is the mighty God that requireth this of thee that thou do not lay a Bond upon the Spirits of his People in matters of Worship as to force all to one Uniformity for thou hast seen before thine Eyes that the Kings and Princes of this Wo●ld that have sought so to do have brought much innocent Blood upon them who have been seeking by their outward Power to establish Sion with Blood and Ierusalem with Iniquity thus hath his People been Slain from day to day in the Nations that have been building Babel in whom is found the Blood of the Saints and Martyrs of Jesus and all that is Slain upon the Earth for whose sake he is now risen to plead the Cause of those that fear him and walk humbly before him And this he requireth of thee in all things to mind his Law in thy Heart to do unto others as thou wouldst be done unto if thou wast in their places and they in thine and let mercy be found in thy Hands to all people as thou hast found mercy at the Hands of the Lord yea to thy Enemies and in what thou mayst live in Peace with all Men and in all thy undertakings seek not thy self let the glory of God be the Object of thy mind and wait to feel his Hand leading thee in what thou doest which if thou stand in his Counsel to do as he requireth of thee to mind thy Place and to keep the people in Peace and punish Sin and Wickedness and give free Liberty for the Lord with his Spirit to Rule in the Consciences of his people as he orders them to meet in his fear and witness forth his mind where he leads them without restraint and no more be given like Lambs to the Slaughter and driven to Prison like Sheep to the Fold but to have free Liberty in their peaceable lives to serve him their God then will he raise his Name in thy Fathers House and make thee a nursing Father unto his People and thou shalt partake of the Blessings with them that fear him and all the World shall be amazed to hear of his dreadful appearance for his people that obey his Spirit in this Nation which shall convince both Iew and Gentile that the mighty God is risen to manifest his Power to them that fear him in this Nation and these Northren Countries and the day is very near wherein it shall be no more said the Lord liveth that brought up the Children of Israel out of the Land of Egypt but the Lord liveth that brought up and led the Seed of the House of Israel out of the North-Country Oh King let his goodness constrain thee and all in thy Family to humble your selves before him what could he have done for thee more then he hath done hath he not been thy relief in thy greatest straits now let his goodness ingage thee to answer what he requires of thee then will he make thee one of the number of his Elect and Chosen and thy days will be ful● of gladness and thy Soul shall live forever in the Kingdom of glory with all the redeemed who are led with his Spirit but if thou reject his counsel his law in thy Heart and not regard his Spirit in thy inward parts but hearken to the counsel of thy own Heart and the wit and pollicy of the spirit of this World and so set up thy self on high and rob God of his Glory and give up his people as they have been to be pulled out of their peaceable Meetings and haled to and fro as Sheep that are slaying all the day long in tumults distresses afflictions stonings stripes prisons and death and set up proud covetous Men that know not God to be Teachers in the Land which draw people into Idolatry worshipping they know not what so the Blind leading the Blind they both fall into great wickedness which grieveth the Spirit of God and the liberty which is given to Playes Sports and Pastimes which draw people into drunkenness uncleanness and great abomination and if they be not reformed by thee but suffered to go on as they have been this will be thy portion as he hath multiplied on thee his mercies to astonishment of the people and Nations round about so will he stretch out the Arm of his Power against thee and get himself the glory in his mighty Judgments which shall be revealed in the great and terrible day of his fierce wrath wherein he will cleanse the Land of all that rob him of his glory and reject his counsel the Light of his Spirit in their Consciences and thou shalt certainly know the Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it through his Servant which in faithfulness to thy Soul oh King hath not hid the Counsel of God from thee but greatly desireth thy eternal welfare and in patience waits that Righteousness may be established in the Earth who is known by name William Deusbery Prisoner at the date hereof in the common Goal at York for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. But before this could be sent unto thee with a private and safe Hand I was set at Liberty with some other of my Brethren by thy late Proclamation which we own
as an Act of Justice now if thou let Bonds be laid no more upon the Consciences of the people of God but as before written they may serve their God in free liberty of his Spirit thou wilt then find a hiding-place in this terrible day of Vengeance which will be manifest in England and so to the astonishment of all the World for not any Man that lives contrary to God but he shall roar under the heavy Judgments of the fiery wrath of the Lamb of God whom the Father will reveal in Flames rendering Vengeance upon all that know him not and obey not the Gospel of Jesus Christ for God will make England as the Garden of Eden and Wickedness shall not reign therein then shall it be a blessing to all Nations and thou shalt know assuredly he is faithful and true who hath revealed these things to his Servant that desireth thy everlasting felicity and happiness in thy obedience to Christ Jesus the Light who lighteth every Man that cometh into the World and now is the Father revealing him to Judge every one according to the deeds done in the Body c. W. D. Dear Friends and Sisters BOrn of the birth of the immortal Seed of the most high God who hath not any Life but in his presence nor refreshment but in the Light of his Countenance you are the Children of the day-spring which is from on high lift up you Heads in the Light of the everlasting Covenant in it feel the drawings of the love of the Father whose Bowels earns towards you who hath remembered you in all your Ret●rements Mournings Crys and Tears in the days when you were weeping and seeking the Lord your God seeking the way to Sion with your Faces thitherwards now in the acceptable day of the Lord in the Light hath he gathered you that you might satisfie the thirst of your Souls and the hunger of you Spirits in the Ocean and Fountain of Life which is opened for you all to drink yea drink abundantly of the infinite Mercies of the Eternal God oh feel the earnings of his Bowels that when you were Enemies he gave his only Son for you and now he spreads his Arms forth in this day of acceptance to imbrace every Prodigal and set free every Captive and purge every Conscience and wash every Garment of those that cannot live but in his pure Life Oh the strength of the Bowels and Mercies of the God of all Compassions who hath resisted the proud and given Grace to the Humble who hath opened his Ear to the Cry of the Poor and hath heard the Groans of the Needy and hath prepared his Table and richly furnished it with the fatness of his House that all that cannot live without him may in his Light return and wait upon him and he will imbrace you in the Marriage union in Christ Jesus in whom he will Cloath you with the wedding Garment of his own righteousness in the power of his love you all his dear Children to sit down and eat and drink the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ which will fill you with vertue and cause you to grow fruitful Branches in the Vineyard of God in whom the Father will crown you with the Glory of his pure Li●e and cloath you with the Garment of Innocency and beautifie you with the excellency of his Majesty to grow in eternal Unity to finish your Testimony in faithfulness to the Lord God in his Light over all blessed forever And all you chosen Jewels of the Lord whom he hath made up in this his powerful Day to stand living Witnesses of his glorious Name in the sight of all People and Nations of the World whom the Lord calls to bear your Testimony in the glorious Resurrection of his Life which he hath raised up in 〈◊〉 in his Light as moved of the Lord arise in his 〈◊〉 every one to clear your Spirits with boldness in his Innocent Life let no difficulty stand before you in the Majesty of the Power of God tread down Sathan under your feet that would let or hinder any of you that are truely constrained of the Lord to declare his Name in any Country Nation or Island where the Lord God leads for the mighty God will prosper you that retain the sence of your poverty as in self that his powerful Life may stream forth in the glory of his own brightness to the enlightning of the People that have sat in Darkness that in the path of Life they may walk to the Praise of the Mighty God. And all you called of God from the least to the highest growth wait in the Power of the endless Life of the most high to cover you in it be valiant to keep your Meetings in the Name of the Lord that every one may feel the streams of the Fountain of Virtue in Christ the Light refreshing you all and filling you his Vessels with the Vertue of his heavenly Life And when the Living God fills you with the overcoming Power of his Love and moves any of you in the broken Heart and contrition of Spirit to offer up the Sacrifice of Prayer or Praises or any other exercise in the Congregation of his holy People This is laid upon me in the Name of the Lord to lay it upon thee whoseever thou art that thou quench not his Spirit let the Lord God glorifie his name thorow thee let not thy mind look out from the Lord as to mind the presence of any of his there for streightning of thee in thy obedience to God and in thy faithfulness thy Talent shall be increased so look not at thy weakness but at Gods strength and at thy clearness before the Lord and this in the Name of the Lord I lay upon every particular Soul to wait in singleness for the Lord to exercise thee with clearness in his sight in every motion and breathing of thy Spirit in the measure life received of God for he is come to silence all Flesh and set Israel free in the strength of his Life to deliver his Captives and to cause the Fetters to fall off that which hath been bound to lift up the Head which hath been bowed down in Israel and to loose the Tongue of the Dumb to cause the Mouths of the Babes to praise him and the Tongues of the Sucklings to speak forth his wonderful works So arise you that have groaned for a day of freedom and you that have been as Vessels ready to burst for want of venting and have said in your Hearts I fear I shall not be born so hast thou gone in mournfulness of thy spirit as a child disobedient to thy God but let it be so no more least thy Talent be taken from thee So all Children keep your Eye with God and with clearness answer him in every motion in his everlasting Power then will the Lord cause his Light to shine in the brightness of his glory which will stop all forward and
grow to the eternal praise and glory of the powerful God of Vertue that his Name be magnified in and amongst you over all God blessed for ever his powerful presence more and more fill you and overcome you that the strength of his Love and Wisdom may govern you and build you up in the Life of Love Farewel Let Copies of this be sent all abroad in the Meetings of the Church of the living God. W. D. Given forth the 28 th of the 6 th Month 1661. at Beckrins Park in Bedfordshire Dear beloved Friends OF the noble Seed born of the Birth of the excellent Life in Christ the Son of the most high God in his Eternal Power wait to keep your estate with God in the measure of his Life to feel his Almighty presence leading through every condition to the establishing the Soul in his eternal Wisdom to walk with him that not any take their flight in the Winter nor on the Sabbath day but in the midd'st of the Winter Storms whether in the inward or outward Man or both seek not to flee in the least measure from the Light and Power of the Lord to get any ease but as it is handed in God for wo to them that take their flight in the Winter or on the Sabbath day And when you are in the Winter or in the Sabbath doth the Enemy work to get entertainment to cause you to flee from the leading Power of God which if he prevails in the Winter your flight is into Unbelief and Dispairing thoughts Hardships and Difficulties to cause you to Faint and draw back to Perdition But all dear faithful Vessels of the Lord to whom his Power is known in the Light all of you wait on the Lord in the middst of the stormy Winter the Lord hath and will keep you in the Word of his Patience in which he hath made you his chosen Jewels to stand in his mighty Power which hath caused his Renown to sound over the Earth in leading of you even unto Blood others to the spoiling of their Goods some Imprisoned even until Death in the meekness and patience of the Lamb of God who in tender Bowels hath remembred you and answered the Cries and Supplications of his people that have been poured forth in the behalf of you faithful Sufferers for the Name of the Lord who in measure hath caused the fierce Winter storms in the outward many times to cease that a Sabbath of rest in measure you may come to enjoy c. Dear chosen renownable Children of the most high God which not any Winter storms could move from your stedfastness in the Lord This is laid upon me to write to you that all diligently watch to the Light of the Lord that the Enemy do not enter with his Temptations as to cause any to take your flight on the Sabbath day into security which will draw into a customary Formality and into an easeful mind that will vail and darken the understanding and cause dryness and barrenness in the inward Man which will quench the first Love and cause the Innocent to suffer and bring a greater exercise then all the storms that have been indured from the hard-hearted Children of Men c. In the Name of the Lord all stand armed against the subtil Enemy of your Souls Peace with the Light judge him in the Power of God trample and tread down Sathan under your Feet that in the pure humble Spirit of Life in Christ you all be kept and grow in unity in the depths of the Love of the Father that his Vertue and Life abound in you to bind you up in eternal oneness with himself and one another to serve the Lord with singleness of Heart in faithful obedience in the Cross that the Crown of the glorious Dominion may rest upon you to the glory of the Name of the Lord for ever Farewel your Brother W. D. Given forth in Newgate Prison London the 11 th day of the 12 th Month 1661. Dear beloved Brethren and Sisters BOrn of the noble Birth of the God of our strength in whom my Soul rests with you in the Life of God oh let us in true humility be glad in him and strong in the Power of his Love and Life in these trying daies to keep our Habitations in God that in our faithfulness to him comfort may flow to all the Babes Lambs and Children of our Father through all who know his loving kindness abounding in the secrecy of the depth of his Love in the new Covenant of Light which stands in his own faithfulness all that wait in his fear will feel your strength renewed from day to day in the Resurrection of his Glory Power and Dominion with him to dwell and reign over self and tread down Sathan under your Feet in the Unfathamab●e depth of the Love and Life in God that his own Vertue may stream it self into every Vessel more and more to make these transcendant excellencies to appear to be of God in the brightness of his glory to shine forth in the strength of his Incomprehensible Love and tender feeling Compassions to the strengthning the weak and feeble minded and enlivening that which is ready to die that in the feeling enjoyed Life in Christ the Babes and Children of the Lord be raised in eternal unity to grow up in the Heavenly Dominion of the Lord God of our Righteousness him to obey with boldness in the strait way of self-denial and daily Cross in faithfulness unto the end and watch one over another with a single Eye building up one another in the holy Faith opening your Hearts in the free Spirit of God to them that are in need that ye may bear the Image of the Heavenly Father who relieveth the Hungry and easeth the Burthened and maketh glad in refreshing his in the time of need giving liberally and upbraideth not even so be it with you in the Name of the Lord saith your Brother and Companion in the Lord Jesus Christ Farewel W. D. Given forth in Newgate Prison London the 16 th day of the 12 th Month 1661. Dear suffering Brethren ANd Companions in the Tribulations and Kingdom of Patience in Christ Jesus in him Watch and Pray and believe in his Name that you may keep the Word of his Patience in the Will of God quietly lye down in your present Sufferings for the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ who numbers the daies of your Sufferings and when they are accomplished will plead the Cause of his People in the day he will be revealed in flames of Fire rendering Vengeance upon all that know him not and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ then shall your Innocency with all the Elect be cleared in the sight of all people and you shall shine as the Morning Stars in the Power of God to enlighten the people of the Nations through the brightness of the glory of God that shall rest upon you to
and are corrupted because of my foolishness I am troubled I am bowed down greatly I go mourning all the day long And may be none of you in all that place can witness the Condition and so Blasphemes the Name of God who will be Worshipped in Spirit and Truth and this is the rule given out from him If any be afflicted let him Pray if any be merry let him sing Psalms And there is none merry but the ransomed of the Lord who returns to Sion with joy and singing And everlasting joy shall be upon their Heads and they shall obtain gladness and joy and sorrow and sighing flyes away All People may search the Scriptures and see how you have been deceived by your Teachers who have caused you to seek your lost God in carnal and dead Observations which they have not any Scriptures for all cease from them for the Lord complains of them The leaders of my People causeth them to err saith the Lord of Hosts and now are these Scriptures fulfilled in these Men which the Apostle Prophesied of This know also that in the last daies perilous times shall come for Men shall be lovers of their own selves Covetous Boasters Proud Blasphemers disobedient to Parents Unthankful Unholy All People see are not your Teachers so Self-lovers before they come at you they must know what they must have Covetous Griping for much and if you will not give them so much as they can have in another place they will not come at you here is Self-love and Covetousness manifested without natural affections Truce-breakers false Accusers Traytors heady high-minded lovers of Pleasures more then lovers of God having a Form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such the Apostles exhorts to turn away All people behold and see all these Scriptures are fulfilled in your Teachers they speak against Pride and live in it against Covetousness and live in it they teach by their words to be natural affectionated one towards another and they walk contrary causing poor people to pay to maintain them in Pride and high Ranks in the Earth who can scarce get Bread for their Bellies and Cloathes for their Backs yet they force them to pay them being void of all natural affections and they are Truce-breakers break●ng all Bonds and Covenants if they can get more Money in another place Thus they shew forth to all the World that they are lovers of Pleasures more then lovers of God and have a Form of godliness in words but deny the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort are they which creep into Houses and lead captive silly Women laden with Sin and divers Lusts these Scriptures are fulfilled in your Teachers every one hath his particular House to creep into where none must come but themselves or whom they please which is contrary to the practice of Christ or any that he sent forth they went through the Countries Towns Cities Villages according as they were guided by the Spirit of God to declare what he gave them to speak and your Teachers lead silly Women captive laden with Sin and led away with divers Lusts ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth do not they tell you to look for Christ's coming in such Observations as they set up which is nothing but the invention of their Brains for Christ tells you The Kingdom of God comes not with Observations but it s within you But many of them that deny that the Light in your Consciences which makes manifest the evil of your Hearts is the Kingdom of God calling it the Light of a corrupt Conscience so shuts the Kingdom of Heaven against Men and will neither enter in themselves to be guided by the pure Light of the Kingdom of Christ within them nor suffer them that are entring in to enter as the Scribs and Pharisees did now as Iannes and Iembres withstood Moses so do these Men resist the Truth Men of Corrupt minds Reprobate concerning the Faith but they shall proceed no farther for their folly shall be made manifest to all Men as theirs also was and no Man shall buy their Merchandize any more All you enslaved Captives in the Kingdom of Babylon Why will you lay out your Money for that which is not Bread and your Labour for that which satisfies not hearken diligently unto Jesus Christ the Light that lets you see the evil of your Hearts to be guided by it and you shall eat that which is good encline your Ears saith Christ and come unto me hear and your Souls shall live and I will make an everlasting Covenant with you even the sure mercies of David Mind the Call of a powerful and tender Father in the Lord Jesus who calls Come forth of Babylon my People and touch no unclean thing and I will receive you and will be a Father unto you and ye shall be my Sons and Daughters saith the Lord God Almighty Friends prize your times slight not the day of the Lords mercy for he waits to be gracious and saith I stretch forth my Arm all the day long to a back-sliding and gain-saying People Every one mind your conditions deal justly with your own Hearts see what your Hearts hath fellowship with and guides your minds for the Kingdom of Christ is within you it is not in Observations as your Teachers tells you for they deceive you therefore Christ for-warned us for looking forth at those which would come in the latter days that would say Lo here is Christ lo there is Christ as it is in these our days some say Lo here is Christ in the Presbyterian practice the Independents say He is there and the Anabaptists say Lo he is here But Friends mind what Christ saith unto you Believe them not look not forth the Kingdom of Christ is not in any of those nor in any other outward Observations but be awarned the Kingdom of Christ is in you and that is the Light that lets you see the evil of your Hearts and Christ compares it to a grain of Mustard-seed the least of all seeds and it grows up above all other Herbs and becomes a Tree that the Fowls of the air●lodges therein and he compares it to a little Leaven that a Woman took and hid in three measures of Meal and it leavened the whole lump These are earthly Parables and Figgures which Christ laies down speaking to the earthly and carnal Heart of Man that he may read his condition within Therefore despise not the day of small things but mind the Counsel of the Lord Jesus the little Light that shines in thy dark Heart look upon the ●igures the Parables the little Leaven which is hid in three measures of Meal it changes the whole lump into the nature of it self so the little Light that shines in thy dark Heart is the powerful word of Faith Which was in the beginning by
guide them forth of it in the Light to have union and fellowship with the Father of Light in Christ to whom you are come to be your Wisdom and he will establish your Souls in righteousness and peace that give up your selves to be guided by him Dear Friends Let the love of God that hath pluckt you as Brands out of the Fire and hath counted you worthy to be as the first Fruits of the Lamb constrain you to be faithful upon your watch to wait in the Light of Christ to dwell in his power that in it you may grow up in his Life and pure discerning to know the Deceit in all appearances and the Beast in his lying Wonders who keeps all in a Form of Truth that lends an Ear to him but out of the Life but in the Light of Christ you may know him he leads into a Form of words when the Life speaks not so the Soul doth not enjoy what the Mouth speaks and the Beast which is the Will is at Liberty from under the Yoke and out of the Cross painted with the Saints words and with you sits deckt a painted Beast above the Cross of Christ working lying Wonders in ●●rming Sights and Groans when the pure Seed of God is not regarded which is in Prison the sighing and groaning of that the Lord hears and he will deliver that which Sighs and Groans to him for deliverance with groans that cannot be uttered and the Deceit also will work violently in you whose minds are turned from the pure Light to form and immitate the true Power that did pass through you from the Life but being faithful in your watch in the Light of Christ you may know him in his deceitful working in the mind he leads out of the Fear of God into a formality to appear before men so into Pride and Emulation which is to be thrown down and condemned with the Light of Christ. This is the word of the living God to you his dear and chosen Children in the Light all meet often together and take heed of lending an Ear to the Adversary the Devil who goes about like a roaring Lyon to tear you from the Light and to Sow the Seed of Enmity to watch over one another with an evil Eye to spie out one anothers weakness and to declare it to others behind their backs and to lay open their infirmities and discover their shame and uncover their nakedness thou who practises this art turned from the pure Light into Hams cursed nature which the wrath of God is to and is to be condemned with the Light of Christ in which thou must wait and own the condemnation upon that nature and to blind and pluck out that evil Eye and to open the pure single Eye to judge the deceit and guide thee in Obedience to the Light least thou perish in thy disobedience Dear Friends in the pure Light Power and Life dwell and take heed of speaking words in the sight and visions of the Truth when you are not in the Life and Power all mind the Union in the Power which will be manifest in all that wait in the pure fear in the silence of your Spirits in the Light for the living Power of Christ to declare it self in you and even through you to the praise of his Name who is worthy for this is the Word of the most high God to you his Sons and Daughters whom he hath chosen in his eternal love to watch over one another in love with a single Eye as over your own Souls and if you see any of the Children of Light through the Subtilty of the Devil prevailed against and turned from the Light take heed of laying open their infirmities to discover there Shame in uncovering there Nakedness to others but thou that discovers their conditions in tender Bowels of love minister to the pure in the Conscience to raise up the Witness to restore them again with the Spirit of Meekness then wilt thou save their Souls from Death and hide a multitude of Sins and here is Christ and his Disciples serving one another in love washing one anothers Feet in ministring to the pure to wash away the filthy nature and bearing one anothers burthens so fulfilling the Law of Christ who did bear the Burthen for us when we were Enemies he died for us and in fulness of time hath manifested his mighty power in you in raising up his Seed that you might be of the first Fruits in him to grow Trees of Righteousness in his Vineyard to bring forth Fruits to the praise and glory of his great and glorious Name who alone is worthy God Blessed forever God Almighty be with you his dear and chosen Children and his powerful and dreadful Spirit accompany you in all your ways and his eternal Power establish you in Vnity of the Spirit and Bond of Peace that in it y●u may stand over all the World and the troubles thereof within you and without you in his Power stand fast and unmoveable in the will of God where I am present with you saluting you in the Bowels of tender love in the eternal Vnity W. D. Dear Pretious and Beloved Friends CAlled in the Light of the Lord to stand living witnesses for God in the midst of a crooked wicked perverss and untoward Generation Dear Friends all in the Light and pure meek Spirit of the Lord enter into the Chamber of Rest which God hath prepared for you in his unlimitted Power to dwell there to stay your Minds and keep your Confidence and hold fast your Faith that so the door may be shut that not any thing enter which would cause feebleness of mind faintness of Spirit or in the least measure would cause you to stagger at the promises of the Lord who hath promised he will never leave us nor forsake us that what tryal soever any of us be called unto who love the Lord and have given up our names unto him he will not suffer one hair of our Heads to perish but what shall be for the Glory of his Name and the Comfort of our Souls forever as many of us are witnesses of the faithfulness of our God in making our passage pleasant through all Tryals and Suffering that hath been unto this day which is now manifesting it self as was proclaimed amongst you in times past Therefore I beseech you all dear Friends put not the day of the Lord afar off for a general Tryal will go on all that make mention of the Name of the Lord that it may be known who are truly born of God and who are not that so his pretious Jewels may be made up which doth and shall more and more shine forth in the brightness of his Glory being established in his Light Life and Love which the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against because the Lord is the strength of all that is born again and for their sakes he is making a short work in the Earth and to