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A30316 The Spiritual anatomy of man in which is considered I. the happy state of mans integrity in his first creation, II. the woful apostacy of man from God, by his original sin ..., III. mans restoration by ... Jesus Christ, and the excellency of the Covenant of Grace, IV. the whole series of Christian duties ..., V. the particular cases of affliction, especially spiritual defection ..., VI. the great encouragement to believers, for patience and perseverance ... : to which is added an index of the whole contents / published by Andrew Burnet ... Burnet, A. (Andrew) 1693 (1693) Wing B5753; ESTC R15370 202,954 328

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his Church In all their Afflictions he was Afflicted and the Angel of his presence saved them in his Love and in his Pity he redeemed them and carryed them all the days of old Isa 63.9 Secondly This Love is extensive to all wants and necessities or else it is empty and profiteth not Whoso hath this Worlds good and seeth his Brother have need and shutteth up his bowels of Compassion how doth the Love of God dwell in him 1 Joh. 3.17 And the Apostle James is to the like purpose If a Brother or a Sister be naked and destitute of Daily food and one of you say to them depart in peace he ye warmed and filled notwithstanding ye give them not these things which are needful to the Body what doth it profit Jam. 15.16 Seventhly Is it so then of a lamentable truth that all men are concluded in Adams Apostacy and that there is a woful Degeneracy in the Soul of Man from that primitive Knowledge Righteousness and Holiness and that all men in Nature are dead in Sin and have their Conversation with the Lusts of the Flesh fulfilling the desires thereof and of the mind according to the Course of this World according to the Prince of the Power of the Air the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of Disobedience and are by Nature the Children of Wrath. Eph. 2.1 2 3. And that there is even amongst the renewed a Law in the Members warring against the Law in the Mind Rom. 7.23 Ch. 8.1 And that by reason of Sin the Creature is Subject to Vanity and the whole Creation groaneth and travelleth in pain for the Adoption and Redemption Rom. 8.20 22 23. And that in this degeneracy a mans life is his burden and there is no true pleasure under the Sun confirmed in Solomons experience Therefore I hated life because the work that is wrought under the Sun is grievous unto me for all is vanity and vexation of Spirit Eccles 2.17 all Seeing then this Earth is but a sojourning and no abiding place and that here is neither Pleasure Rest nor Happiness how much is it mortal mans concern anxiously restlesly and with a believing Impatience to pursue close after these two things First That as by one man Sin entred into the World and Death by Sin so Death passed upon all men for that all men have sinned Rom. 5.12 And that as by the offence of one man Judgment came upon all men to Condemnation even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men to Justification of life Rom. 5.18 That man would seriously apply himself to the Throne of Grace that he may be found in the Faith that he may be intituled into Eternal Life in Jesus Christ that only mediator and for that the first Image of God in man was wilfully abolished or defaced by man that by the bounty of Free-grace he may be begotten again by the regeneration of the Spirit unto a lively Faith and that he may put on the new man of Righteousness and True Holiness Eph. 4. ●● And may be renewed in Knowledge after the Image of him that Created it Col. 3.10 And may be set free from the Law of Sin and Death by the Law of the Spirit of Life And that he may be spiritually enlightned not by the Spirit of the World but by the Spirit which is of God and that he may know the things freely given of God 1 Cor. 2.12 And that he may be spiritually minded that enmity of the Carnal mind may be removed so as he may no more mind the things of the Flesh but the things of the Spirit Rom 8.5 6 7. That being raised from the Death of Sin by the Spirit of Christ he may seek these things that are above where Christ is Col. 3.1 And may be accounted to be called a Child of God an heir and Joynt heir with Jesus Christ and may also be glorified with him Rom. 8 17. That he may be dead and crucified in Christ to Sin and may also live with him in Glory Rom. 6.8 Secondly Seeing the Earth was accursed for mans sake Gen. 3.17 18 19. And that the Creature was made Subject to Vanity not willingly but by reason of him who Subjected the same in hope Rom. 8.20 And that the whole Creation groaneth and travelleth in pain together for redemption from the bondage of Corruption unto the glorious liberty of the Children of God Rom. 8.21 22 23. That he may watch and be always ready with Oyl in his Lamp for the coming of the Bridegroom who cometh as a Thief in the night Rev. 16.15 And may earnestly pray that the Bridegroom would hasten the coming of his Kingdom and the new Heavens and the new Earth and set the Sons of God at liberty from the Liberty of Sin and Corruption and that the glad Tydings of that Heavenly Proclamation may be heard Behold the Tabernacle of God is with Men and God shall dwell with them and they shall be his People and God himself shall be with them and be their God And God shall wipe away all tears from their Eyes and there shall be no more Death neither Sorrow nor Crying neither shall there be any more Pain For the former things are passed away Rev. 21. to 6. Having thus viewed Adam in his Primitive Integrity in Glory Honour Righteousness true Holiness and perfect Knowledge with absolute Soveraignty over the Creatures the Darling and Friend of God and all the Creation at Unity and Peace with him and in Subjection to him and in Amity amongst themselves And afterwards by Man's falling from God Man the declared Enemy of God and by a guard of Angels barred out of Paradise deprived of his Soveraignty and Enmity sowed between the Creatures and the Earth accursed and the Creation brought under Bondage and the Posterity of Adam once the apparent Heir of all Righteousness true Holiness Knowledge Honour Glory and Soveraignty over the Creatures disabled and cut off from that glorious succession and exposed unto all misery and under the servitude of Sin and Wrath Rom. 3.23 Eph. 2.3 And in place of that Unity of the Sons of God and shouting together for joy nothing to be seen or heard but Subjects rebelling against their Soveraign and the whole Creation Split in Enmity and Envy Malice Oppression and Unrighteousness to have filled the whole Earth where is that corner of the World where ambition for Dominion Covetousness for Wealth private or publick animosities have not drowned the sense of all comfortable enjoyments Man raging against the Creatures and they against him and each in contention devouring one another and nothing to be seen but a woful Convulsion and dismal complexion and the degenerate frame of that first and beautiful Fabrick of the Creation from its so late purity and glory This then being the Tragical Condition of all Mortals Subject to Sin and Misery as entailed on them from the Inherent Corruption of Nature Job 5.6 Who can
liveth in me and the Life that I live in the flesh is by the Faith of the Son of God that loved me and gave himself for me Gal. 2.20 From hence and other Scriptures and History of the Saints Lives we see the different usage of the Godly and Wicked the Saints are Dead to the World and their Delight and chief Satisfaction is in God the Wicked make the World their God and sole Delight and glut themselves with Satiety in it but the Godly can find no Contentment in the Creature but with Reference to God in Christ Jesus and make him their chief Delight and cry out none but Christ and this is the Prohibition of the Gospel that we should not love Father Mother Brothers or Sisters or our own Life more than God Mat. 10.37 38 39. but God doth not forbid the lawful use of the Creatures but only forbids using it in Vanity Superfluity and Prodigality Secondly In being of the same Mind with Christ is not only to Act Do and propose the same things with his Father but also to do all and suffer all for the Glory of God The Worldlings kiss their own Hand and Sacrifice to their own Net and say their own Hand hath done it and ascribe the glory of all the Enjoyments they have to themselves or to the Creatures in which they delight and say These are the Rewards which my Lovers and Companions have given me Hosea 2.12 13. Nebuchadnezzar ascribed all to his own Power and Glory Is not this great Babylon that I have built for the House of the Kingdom by the Might of my Power and for the Honour of my Majesty and see the Event and Gods Just Judgment upon him while the word was in his Mouth there fell a Voice from Heaven saying O King Nebuchadnezzar to thee it is spoken the Kingdom is departed from thee and they shall drive thee from Men and thy dwelling shall be with the Beasts of the Field they shall make thee to eat Grass as Oxen and seven times shall pass over thee until thou know that the most High Ruleth in the Kingdom of Men and giveth it to whomsoever he will Dan. 4.30 to 34. See the Pride of Herod and taking to himself the glory due to God and the fatal Judgment of God on him for it And immediately an Angel of God smote him because he gave not God the glory and was eaten of worms and gave up the Ghost Acts 12.21 22 23. On the other Hand Christ set the Fathers glory before him as the chief Scope and Design of all his Actions and Intentions When his supposed Father Joseph and his Mother sought him with Care and came back to Jerusalem and found him in the Temple disputing they told him they had anxiously sought him he answered not with Apology or Excuse but said How is it that you sought me wist ye not that I must be about my Fathers Business Luke 2.46 to 50. We see that he placeth all his Business in the Honour and doing of the Will of God yea he placeth his Esteem on all such and accounts such only to be his Relations as obey his Fathers Will And Jesus answered and said to them these are my Father Mother and Brethren which hear the Word of God and do it Luke 8.21 We see in all the Miracles and Wonders Christ wrought Curing Diseases and Raising the Dead he Exhorts to the giving of glory to God and more particularly in that Famous place Thus saith the Lord let not the Wise Man glory in his Wisdom nor the Rich Man glory in his Riches neither let the Mighty Man glory in his Might but let him that glorieth glory in this that he knoweth and understandeth me that I am the Lord which exerciseth loving Kindness Judgment and Righteousness in the Earth for in these things I delight Jer. 9.23 24. Thus then ought all the Followers of Christ to have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus that is to set Gods glory as the chief Scope of all Designs and Actions before them He that gloryeth let him glory in the Lord and whatsoever we do whether we Eat or Drink let us do all things to the glory of God 1 Cor. 1.31 The World was made by God and for his Honour therefore all should be ascribed to him hence we may find whether the same mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus if we do what he did and to the same end and glory of God therefore it behoveth us to bring all our Actions and Purposes to this Touch for if they be not of this stamp they are Reprobated Counterfeit and will not be allowed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary for all the Children of God are led by his Spirit wherefore we must try the Spirits whether the same mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus know ye not that Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates but ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of God dwelleth in you now if any Man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his and if Christ be in you the Body is Dead because of sin but the spirit is life Rom. 8.9 10 11. because of Righteousness but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead dwell in you he that raised Christ from the Dead shall also quicken your Mortal Bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you Ro. 9.10 11. Thirdly Unity of Spirit is to be one in Knowledge there is nothing raiseth Mans thoughts more than desire of Knowledge and nothing Magnifieth Man more than Knowledge and herein doth Man most excel all other Creatures not only that God hath made them Lords over the Creatures but that he hat endowed him with a Rational Soul capable of understanding above other Creatures and in nothing is the Power Wisdom and Goodness of God more eminent than by the different measure of Knowledge bestowed on Mankind Man in general exceeds all other Creatures in Knowledge and Ingenuity but every Generation and Nation exceed others at such a Rate so as what in one Age or Generation is a Riddle and hid as a Mystery in another it is Perspicuous clear and easie so that the knowledge of things is the darling of Ages Although we have the Sun Moon and Stars the Fabrick of Heaven Earth and the Seas the indefatigable and daily Travels of Discoverers and the use of Reading and the Antients to inform us either of the parts of the Earth and Treasures thereof yet are we still to seek as well of the Parts as Treasures of things undiscovered The New Inventions of Mens Ingenuity or the secrets of Nature and Power of Art make it true which Solomon saith he that increaseth in Knowledge encreaseth in Sorrow because the Soul of Man is restless and the account of the Idolatry Wickedness and Rebellion of Man on Earth is just cause of Sorrow Grief and Mourning because of the
a man Math. 15.18 19 20. Seems to confirm this Doctrine that Sin principally consisteth not in the outward acts but in the inward Corruption and Disorder of the affections and mind for here in this Scripture he brings the words and actions of a man to charge the guilt upon the heart This is explained also by the Custom and Laws of Countries against Treason where Imagining and Conspiring to kill the King is made Treason and any act which discovers or proves that Intention is made Treason but the main guilt lieth in the malice and rebellious Inclinations of the heart in Conspiring the Kings Death and the act is but a proof of it so upon the whole matter we find this great transgression of Original Sin was the adulterate and disorderly frame of the Spirit of man let out in disobedience against God and having once listned to temptation the whole faculties were defiled and did not stop until man run into actual rebellion against God So that we must look on Man's corrupt Nature as having in it the Complication of all Lusts and Sins as the Principal cause of Gods Wrath and Curse and that the act of Disobedience served for Gods Evidence to prove the guilt of the heart and this Corrupt Fountain of Nature with the Curse for Rebellion have our first Parents sent down to all Posterity And thus we see man lately Righteous Holy Pure and Undefiled full of Knowledge Power Soveraignty over the Creatures giving Law to them and receiving Obedience from them living in Honour Glory Pomp Plenty and at Pleasure having all the Creatures in Subjection to him and none in Competition with him a Friend of and at Peace with God the Darling of the Creation having Glory without Envy Plenty without Toil Pleasure without Trouble Strength without Infirmities or Pain Degraded from Soveraignty Clouded with Darkness Pestred with Contention Oppressed with Toil Pinched with Difficulties Obnoxious to Destruction from such who lately were under Subjection to him an Outlaw to God and Banished from his Presence his Body a Mass of Infirmities and Soul a Cage of unclean Lusts The whole Head is Sick the whole Heart faint from the Sole of the Foot even unto the Head there is no soundness in it but Wounds and Bruises and putrifying Sores Isa 1.5 We are all as an unclean thing and all our Righteousness are as filthy Rags and we do all fade as a Leaf and our Iniquities like the wind have taken us away c. Isa 64.5 And there is none that calleth upon thy name that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee for thou hast hid thy self from us and hast consumed us because of our Iniquities Isa 64.7 Thus having viewed mans estate in his Creation and Integrity and considered his fall and steps thereof we come next to examine how far his Posterity is concerned in his guilt and punishment thereof Adam being freely Created of God and by him endowed with excellent Knowledge Righteousness and Holyness and made Lord over the Creation under the Covenant of Obedience and Penalty of Disobedience we must look on him in the Purpose of God as representing all mankind so as on his performance with God he should continue and hold all the Priviledges he was dignified with and send them down to his Posterity and if he should fail in the Conditions assigned to him he was to forfeit all these Priviledges as well for himself as Posterity this is but what was just with God who freely made Man what he was and might duely claim the disposal of his own gift upon his own terms this was only advantagious enough to Man having so fair a bargain gratis without price or any purchase except that of due Obedience which he was capable to perform had he not wilfully corrupted himself This is illustrated by the customary practice amongst Men for when any man lets Land to Lease for term of years reserving a Rent payable at a certain time if the Rent be not pay'd at the term assigned the property reverts and vests in the Leasser and the Tennant is devested of his term and of all benefit thereby but if the Leassee performs he holds for himself and assigns This also is clear in that case when a King or Overlord makes a Grant for Service to a Man and his Heirs if the Grantee performs he holds for himself and sends the right and benefit of the Grant to his Heirs but if he fail the Grant is Extinct by his Non-performance and the Heirs take nothing by succession to him for that his right in his own time was voided so could not he send it down to his Heirs In the Case of Treason the Ancestors blood is corrupted and he so dead in Law that the claim of Succession is cut off so as the Issue of his Body can make no claim through him and not only so but the Ancestors blood is so attainted by Act in Law that the Posterity is not only barred from succession to what the Ancestor held but the Crime of Rebellion or Treason is imputed to the Successors or Posterity that in all time coming their Succession is cut off unless by Act in Law the blood be restored although the Posterity should not be guilty of the Act of Rebellion or Treason on which the forefeit was declared or accrewed In this case two fatal Consequences have hapned to the Posterity of Adam First By his Act of Disobedience he hath so far corrupted Nature so as thereby the Nature of all Men by Natural Generation is Corrupted Secondly by breaking of the Command he in his own life time was dispossessed of the Rich Priviledges vested in him and thereby his Posterity were cut off from the claim of right thereunto First Adam by his transgression hath corrupted his Nature and thereby all men by Natural Generation are corrupted and as partakers of that degenerated Nature they are guilty of and chargeable with Adams transgression and have lodged in them inherent Corruption That Adam by the many enormous steps of his Disobedience above mentioned hath not only incurred the Wrath of God but also Corrupted his Nature doth thereby appear by what has been already said in the Concomitants or special steps of that Disobedience for it was simply impossible that so many irregularities could have concurred in any one Act as have appeared in this if the whole Nature had not been polluted the very Act in the Circumstances of it clearly prove it for that so many different Concomitants would have jarred and marred that Act if the chief propension of the Affections and Natural Dispositions had not joyned whereby we must agree that the whole Mass was Corrupted and in Conspiracy to rebellion against God If Adam by his Apostacy from God did defile his Nature from the first purity and that all men since are the seed of Adam we must infer that all men by Natural Generation are of a Corrupted race and naturally defiled and consequently
From the corruption of the Fountain Secondly From Scripture Thirdly From daily experience First From the corruption of the Fountain of our actions or performance of Duties It being already proved that Man having wilfully polluted and disordered the frame of Holiness Integrity and Knowledge in which he was created and poysoned the Heart and Affections from whence actions and performances do flow how can pure and full performances or duties be expected from thence Man being in his Heart and Thoughts polluted his Actions must be suitable to the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled is nothing pure but even their Mind and Conscience is defiled Tit. 1.15 This is of necessary consequence who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean not one Job 14.4 Wherefore we must conclude that so long as the Fountain of the Heart is defiled so must the actions and performances coming from thence be impure and weak and until Man be renewed in the Spirit of his Mind by regeneration in Jesus Christ he still remains corrupt and polluted until he be again revested with that holy Spirit and that a new heart be given to him by which again he may be enabled to walk in the Statutes of God to do them by vertue of that promise I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my Statutes and ye shall keep my Judgments and do them Ezek. 36.26 27. Secondly Scripture is most clear that all the Actions of a Carnal Man such as are all the Issue of Adam until restored by Regeneration are sinful and unacceptable with God First His Thoughts are polluted and defiled and God saw that the wickedness of Man was great in the Earth and that every Imagination of the Thoughts of his Heart was only evil continually Gen. 6.5 Secondly His words are defiled and sinful but unto the wicked God saith what hast thou to do to declare my Statutes and take my Covenant in thy Mouth seeing thou hatest Instruction and casteth my Words behind thee Psal 50.16 17. Thirdly His Actions are all evil the Ploughing of the Wicked is sin Prov. 21.4 Fourthly The very Religious Actions or Performances of Duties of the Wicked are sinful The Sacrifice of the Wicked is an abomination to the Lord Prov. 15.8 He that turneth away his Ear from hearing the Law even his Prayer shall be an abomination Prov. 28.9 When ye spread forth your hands I will hide mine Eyes from you yea when ye make many Prayers I will not hear your hands are full of blood Isa 1.11 to 16. This point we may thus conclude that whatever flows from a Carnal Man whose Mind and Heart is defiled must be impure and unacceptable to God for that the Carnal Mind is enmity against God and is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be Rom. 8.7 Wherefore until the Fountain be purified and the imbred prejudice of the Heart be taken away and man be reconciled to God in Christ Jesus nothing coming from him can be acceptable with God Thirdly Experience clearly proves such disability in every performance Religion for most part is wrapt up in a bare exercise of outward actions of Devotion Formality Ceremony and customary performances are come in such repute that men easily deceive themselves and sit down at ease in these performances without searching into the frame of the Spirit towards God or examining the spring and motive of these Duties or scope and end of their Devotion not regarding whether these duties be undertaken and performed in obedience of the Command in Faith in Sense of Sin in Eye to the Glory of God or remorse for Sin in sense of self pollution and in a desire of renovation and assistance to perform and in every thing to deny our selves and depend on God by Faith but lull their Consciences for most part secure by having done what was customarily reputed religious performances Let a Man pretending to religion more than ordinary examine himself impartially he shall find such disorder of Thoughts in religious duties such narrow and scanty apprehensions of God such invasion of his Thoughts and Affections diverting him from the right and leading him to improper objects unruly interruptions such scanty performances and such uneasiness under these duties that Custom rather than Conscience and Conscience for Self if not carnal Interest at best than for Gods Glory and Salvation is the chief Impulse or Spring of such actions But as to the arraigning of the Affection before God whether placed on God or Lusts Faith on Christ for Justification and Salvation the work of Mortification unfeigned Repentance Christian Patience Charity Brotherly Love and new Obedience are Riddles not only hid from Carnal apprehensions and made mens duties but rather thought nusancies scare crows and enmity to the World and the flesh so that we must conclude that in nature we are without streng●h for any Righteous performances and that until the Law of the Members be brought under the Law of the Spirit we can do no good thing Rom. 8.6 For I know that in me that is in my Flesh dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with me but how to perform that which is good I find not Rom. 7.18 For I see a Law in my Members warring against the Law of my Mind and bringing me into Captivity to the Law of sin which is in my Members Chap. 7.23 Here we have a clear description and proof of mans natural Incapacity for doing any good and this Incapacity we must ascribe to the corruption of the Heart Affections which had its rise from sin in Adam Having cleared what Original Sin in Adam was and how his Posterity was tainted therewith and made liable to the fatal Consequences thereof we come in the third place to make some practical Inferences from thence First If from the premises it be an unquestionable truth that Adam was created in Perfection and Integrity and that he fell under the most detestable Apostacy and that in his Transgression were complicated all manner of Sins that Nature was polluted in him that all after Posterity are tainted with his guilt and made liable to the consequences of his Sin How little reason have the greatest and richest Men of the World to boast and how great reason have they to humble themselves upon reflection of their Pedigree For that their descent was from him who once was the most glorious absolute richest and only Soveraign on Earth who for his Pride Covetousness Ingratitude and Murmuring was forfeit degraded made miserable and debased That they are at best of corrupted adulterate and degenerate blood and extraction Scripture doth clearly explain this Cause Jerusalem to know her abominations thy Birth and thy Nativity is of the Land of Canaan thy Father was an Amorite thy Mother a Hittite Ezek. 16 23. This People was lineally of Abraham but had followed the Idolatry and wickedness of the Amorites and Hittites therefore are
becomes Mans Surety to God to perform for him the Conditions on Mans part which he doth by offering himself up to Justice for Sin Rom. 4.25 And by his Spirit of Grace enabling Man to do spiritual homage and obedience to God and by so much was Jesus made the Surety of a better Testament Heb. 2.22 Secondly Christ doth not onely become Mans Surety but actually clears and discharges them from the debt of Sin to Justice and frees Sinners from the penalty of eternal wrath for Sin for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the Righteousness of God in him 2 Cor. 5.21 Herein doth the Suretyship of Christ for Man differ from the suretyship amongst Men for that amongst Men when one becometh Surety for another he contracts for relief from him whose security he is and only lends his Credit for a time but will not pay the debt for him if he can by Law avoid it and if he be constrained to pay it he will force relief from the other if he be able and if not able will treat him with all severity for his own relief but Christ Jesus neither expects or desires any satisfaction or relief but freely of his own good Will pays the Debt and expects no return but the humble and thankful acknowledgment and improvement of the mercy of forgiveness and priviledges obtained by him to the debtor Thirdly He becomes a Curse for sinners and frees them from the Curse due for their sins Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for us Gal. 3.13 For it is Written Cursed is every one that hangeth on a Tree Deut. 21.23 Fourthly He doth not only free us from the Curse for Sin and Punishment of Justice but also frees them from all Imputation of guilt for Sin and obtains the condemnatory Sentence of Justice against them to be cancelled and nailed to his Cross of Satisfaction to Justice that the same shall never retort upon them to their prejudice And you being dead in your Sins and the Uncircumcision of the Flesh hath he quickned together with him having forgiven you all Trespasses blotting out the Hand-writing of Ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his Cross Colossians 2.13 14. Herein also is a second difference between Christs love to me above that amongst men for when a surety is obliged to pay the Debt of another he taketh Assigments to the Creditors Debt and keeps it on foot against his Friend either to force satisfaction from him or to keep him in constant trouble fear danger and disquiet of mind but Christ doth not only early chearfully and willingly pay the debt but also cancels all the instruments of payment and puts the debt in utter oblivion And remembers their sins no more Isa 43.25 and quiets their Thoughts from the fear of their danger or after trouble for their Debts Fifthly He doth not only satisfie Justice take off the Curse and procure them Indemnity but also procures the Imputation of Righteousness to them as he was made sin for sinner though he knew no sin so he makes them righteous through him though they were altogether unrighteous in themselves And he received the Sign of Circumcision a sign of the Righteousness of Faith which he had yet being uncircumcised that he might be the Father of all them that believe though they be not circumcised that the righteousness might be imputed to them also now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him but for us also to whom it shall be imputed if we believe in him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead who was delivered for our offences and was raised again for our Justification Rom. 4.11 24 25. Herein is manifest the excellency of Christs love to sinners above any thing amongst men for men commonly upbraid others with their good offices done and if one man suffer the least injury from another especially in paying a debt for him the same is not only a continual reproach but prejudice so far prevails that they never afterwards assist them in any good office but rather defame and lessen their reputation than advance them to any good though it may be in their power but Christ glorieth in the good Office done and is so far from upbraiding his poor friends Jam. 1.5 That he will not only have all names of reproach from their former transgressions taken off Isa 54.4 but he will have them farther advanced and though they were in themselves unrighteous he will have his own righteousness imputed to them as in the foregoing Scripture 2 Cor. 5.21 and is so tender of their reputation that he will have all their deformities covered and washed away in his own blood Rev. 7.14 Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all Iniquity and purify to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works Tit. 2.23 24. Who gave himself for us that he might deliver us from this present evil World according to the Will of God and our Father Gal. 1.4 We do not read in Scripture that Christ upbraids any Repenting Sinner with their Sins committed before their Conversion Mary Magdalen after her Conversion was not reproached with uncleanness Peter with denial of Christ nor Paul for his vehement persecuting of him This of upbraiding or reproaching the Penitent with their former transgressions is clear contrary to the Method God takes with his People for in that famous Scripture Eze. 33 The Spirit of God tells us the Righteousness of the Sinner shall not justify him without Repentance and new Obedience When I shall say to the Righteous he shall surely live if he trust to his own Righteousness and commit Iniquity all his Righteousness shall not be remembred but for his Iniquity that he hath commited he shall dye for it verse 13. And on the other hand the Sins of the Penitent shall not be remembred against them If the wicked restore the pledge give again that which he hath robbed and walk in the Statutes of Life without committing Iniquity he shall surely live he shall not dye none of his Sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him he hath done that which is lawful and right he shall surely live ver 15 16. The Lord is a Spirit of meekness tender hearted and compassionate and he knoweth that the regenerate are a people afflicted and broken in Heart for their Sins and under a continual sense of being under a body of death and that they often want the Oil of Joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness Isa 61.3 To support them under their fainting fits a wounded Spirit who can bear therefore in his gracious condescension he ministers consolation to his People Thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth Eternity whose name is holy I dwell in the high and
holy place with him also that is of a contrite and humble Spirit to revive the Spirit of the humble and to revive the Heart of the contrite ones for I will not contend for ever neither will I be always wroth for the Spirit should fail before me and the Souls which I have made Isa 57.15 16. From whence we may have these two Lessons First A Lesson of Caution Humiliation and Watchfulness to the Godly and Penitent Secondly An advice against censoriousness and rash judging of others First As to Godly and Penitent hast thou upon serious enquiry into thine own Heart Affections and Conversation found that Godly sorrow and repentance for sin spoken of 2 Cor. 7.9 10 11. And explained in this ensuing Discourse Page And hast found Faith warranting thee to believe that Christ Jesus who knew no sin is made sin for thee 2 Cor. 5.21 And thou made the Righteousness of God in him and that the Hand-writing of Ordinances of Gods Justice as to thee is by him blotted out Col. 2.13 14. Then consider First What thou art called unto That as ye have learned Christ Jesus so walk ye in him Hath he made thee Righteousness who was dead in trespasses and sins not by thine own work of Righteousness but of his Grace and by his Power of Regeneration art thou justified not by the Law of thy Works but by Grace and Faith in Jesus Christ Romans 3.27 28. T hy works are only Obedience Faith and Holiness which are given to thee by him and though they neither have justified nor can justify thee they are thy duties and what thou canst do is but duty and thou shouldst account thy self an unprofitable Servant as to God Luke 17.10 And though in the acceptance of God through Jesus Christ thou art accounted Righteous thou must continue in holy duties in all manner of conversation and must not continue in Sin that Grace may abound but as being dead to sin and crucified in Christ thou shouldest walk in newness of life to the destruction of the body of Death that we may live with Christ Let not therefore Sin reign in your Mortal bodies that you should obey it in the lusts thereof neither yield ye your Members as Instruments of unrighteousness to Sin but yield unto God as those that are alive from the dead and your Members as Instruments of Righteousness unto God and sin not because thou art not under the Law but under Grace Rom. 6. to 16. Secondly Art thou in thy apprehensions renewed to God and hast a loathing sense of Corruptions is the Bond-woman of Sin and Satan cast out by the power of Regeneration and Grace leave not thy house empty but get it freshly stockt with increase of Grace consider what Christ saith of the Man out of which the Devil was cast out that if he find the House empty he will return with seven Devils worse than himself and the last state of that man will be worse than the first Luk. 11.24 25 26. Be instant therefore in Prayer to God for increase of Grace and Guard against old favourite Lusts and Corruptions that they return not again to entangle thee to Folly take the Apostles advice be sober be vigilant because your Adversary the Devil as a roaring Lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour whom resist stedfast in the Faith 1 Pet. 8.9 Thirdly Art thou Righteous to God by Christ Jesus not by thine own works and power be humble in the sense of thy own incapacity and insufficiency for any good in thy self and say with that holy Apostle For I know that in me that is in my Flesh there dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with me but how to perform that which is good that I know not for the good that I would I do not but the evil which I would not that I do for I find a Law that when I would do good evil is present with me O wretched man that I am Who shall deliver me from the Body of this death Rom. 7.18 to 25. And be deeply sensible of the weakness and imperfection of all thy Graces and Attainments as rotten Garments and menstruous Clouts as in and from thee and that in thy self there is no soundness but uncleanness from the sole of the Foot to the top of the head Isa 1.6 Ch. 64.6 Secondly As to censoriousness and rash judging the Scripture tells us that offences must come but wo to them by whom they come Luke 17.1 And as none are more obnoxious to be slandered reviled and evil reported of and be treated censoriously and uncharitably than the Godly this they may remember for their Comfort and Patience that the Disciple must not expect better entertainment than his Master nor the Servant than his Lord and as Christ was reviled with being a friend to Publicans and Sinners a Wine-bibber and a Drunkard and that he did cast out Devils by Belzebub the Prince of Devils Luke 7.32 33 34. So may the Children of God contentedly sit down under the uncharitable constructions of the Enemies of Truth after the example of Christ who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatned not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously 1 Pet. 2.21 22 23. As the Children of God when they do well and suffer for it are called to suffer patiently as following Christs example in the foregoing Scripture so the uncharitable and censorious Rabsecahs whose business is to ridicule the Truth of God disparage Religion and load the zealous for God with reproach and infamy Isa 36. Chap. 37.8 to 14. should do well to remember that uncharitable censoriousness is a great sin against God and to take on them to charge the Professors of Religion with Hypocrisy is assuming to themselves the Prerogative of God of knowing mens Hearts which alone is the peculiar power of God Jer. 11.20 ch 17.9 10. Psal 7.9 1 Sam. 16.7 Man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the Heart No Man can charge another with any Sin but if he search into his own Heart and Ways he may find himself guilty of that same or worse Sins wherewith he chargeth his Brother wherefore he should take Christs directions first To take the beame out of his own Eye before he challenge the Mote in his Brothers Eye and not to Judge least he be Judged Mat. 7. to 6. Let such consider how much a narrow uncharitable and censorious Spirit is contrary to that love tenderness and charity which is commanded and recommended in Scripture Rom. 2. all and that if any brother or professor of truth be fallen under any sin that he be reclaimed in the Spirit of meekness and not treated with bitter invectives and reproaches 2 Cor. 2.7 and that self-humiliation is the best means of anothers conviction and the true Christian duty For whoso exalteth himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted Luk. 14.11 Let such consider
how injurious slander and reproach is to the reputation of a Christian and how ill it is resented by the Spirit of God in Scripture for the Lord accounts his People so nearly related to himself that he will not have them injured so that he accounts the Injury done to them to be done to himself He that toucheth you toucheth the Apple of mi●e Eye Zach. 2. and 8. There is that speaketh like the piercing of a Sword but the Tongues of the Wise is Health Prov. 12.18 And though Malice and Prejudice may raise a slanderous report nevertheless neither in mans esteem at long run nor in Gods account shall it have any weight but shall be wiped off in course of time although the Innocent and Godly may suffer for a time Lips of Truth shall be established for ever but a Lying Tongue is but for a moment Prov 12.18 19. Let such farther consider how detestable lying slandering and reproaching is to God Lying Lips are an abomination to the Lord but they that deal truely are his delight Prov. 12.22 We see that the railing Blasphemous Reproaches of Rabsecah and the great King of Assyria against the People of God is accounted by God against himself Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lift thine Eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy Messengers thou hast reproached the Lord and hast said c. 2 Kin. 19.22 23. read all and read chap 18. Let such further Consider What badge and brand of folly is put upon Peevish Uncharitable Narrow and Censorious Persons who either raise slanders or by reporting foment them He that hideth hatred with lying Lips and he that uttereth slander is a Fool in the multitude of words there wanteth not sin but he that refraineth his Lips is wise The Lips of the righteous feed many but Fools die for want of Wisdom It is a sport to a Fool to do mischief but a man of understanding hath Wisdom Prov. 10.18 to 24. Prov. 26.21.22 See the words By the blessing of the upright the City is exalted but it is overthrown by the Mouth of the wicked He that is void of Wisdom despiseth his Neighbour but a Man of understanding holdeth his peace a Tail-bearer revealeth Secrets but he that is of a faithful Spirit concealeth a Matter Prov. 11.11 12 13. Let all such remember that such reproaching slandering and defaming do more mischief to themselves at the long-run than to the Godly for that the Godly shall be justified by their Integrity both before God and Man and the malice of the wicked shall be retorted upon themselves The Righteousness of the upright shall direct this way but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness an Hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his Neighbour but through knowledge shall the just be delivered the righteous is delivered out of trouble and the wicked cometh in his stead Prov. 11.5 to 10. His own Iniquities shall take the wicked himself and he shall be holden with the Cords of his sin Prov. 5.22 23. Let such persons also consider the Character given in Scripture to the Malicious and Slanderers His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud under his tongue is mischief and vanity he sitteth in the lurking places of the Village and in the secret places doth he murder the Innocent his eyes are privily set against the poor he lyeth in wait secretly as a Lyon Psal 10 7. to 11. By which may be gathered that such are accounted treacherous and murderers in Scripture language But let us on the other hand observe and consider the event of all the prepensite malice of the wicked against the godly and we shall find it stored up to their own ruine He hath prepared against him Instruments of Death he Ordaineth his Arrows against the Persecutors Behold he travelleth with Iniquity and hath conceived mischief and brought forth falshood He made a Pit and Digged it and is fallen into the Ditch which he made His mischief shall return upon his own head and his violent dealing upon his own pate Psal 7.13 14 15 16. The Lord shall cut off all Lying Lips and the Tongue that speaketh proud things Psal 12.3 Let us observe what the Psalmist foretells shall be the end of slanderers and slandering Tongues Thy Tongue deviseth mischief Like a sharp Rasor working deceitfully Thou lovest evil more than good And lying rather than to speak righteousness Thou lovest all devouring words O thou deceitful Tongue God shall likewise destroy thee for ever he shall take thee away and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place and root thee out of the land of the living Psal 52.2 to 6. Let us view the revilings and reproaches of God-almighty and his People by the King of Assyria and his Messengers in that 2 Kings 18. And the Judgments of God both on Messengers and their Master in that 2 Kings Chap. 19 The Spirit of God is so compassionate even to the offenders amongst his People that though he will not have sin and offencies amongst them go without chastizement yet will he have Mercy and and Charity to be so mixed with Justice that his People may not be reduced to despair in reference to Gods purpose toward them as in that famous place of his own Justice and Clemency For I will not contend for ever neither will I be always wroth Lest the Spirit should fail before me and the Soul which I have made For the Iniquities of his Covetousness was I wroth I have seen his ways and will heal him I will lead him also and restore comfort unto him and to his mourners Isa 57.15 to 19. In which we see Mercy so mixed with Justice Clemency and Bounty that Correction and Chastizement is only intended of God for the good and reclaiming of his People and not for their destruction We find also by Gods direction in the punishment of offences by Judges amongst the People of Israel the very number of stripes to be inflicted were appointed and not to be exceeded Forty stripes he may give him and not exceed least if he should exceed and beat him above these with many stripes then thy Brother should seem vile unto thee Deut. 25.3 Whereby it is clear that the Lord will not have the very Sinners amongst his People to be made contemptible by the inflicting of Justice upon them but will have the Rod only used to reclaim the stubborn and their name and reputation nevertheless to be kept up so as they neither despair in themselves or should be reproached by others if they could be reclaimed Prejudice and Passion will expose to contempt which is expresly cautioned against and implied in these words then thy Brother should seem vile unto thee This calls on all professing Religion for the Spirit of meekness compassion charity and tender heartedness even to such as are either under the Rod of affliction or taken under any infirmity to sin especially
on their Repentance and to check that heat of uncharitable judging or reviling which is freequently pressed in Scripture especially by the Holy Apostle Eph. 4. Throughout the whole chapter where he exhorteth to unity peace and love in particular instances and expresseth the same by many arguments First They are all of one body and one spirit one hope of our Faith verse 4. Secondly One Lord one Faith one Baptism ver 5. Thirdly One God and Father of all by which they are Brethren ver 6. Fourthly They have all several gifts and all useful and therefore none either to be despised or envied all being given for edifying of the body ver 7 to 16. Fifthly They are all joined and compact together in the unity of the Spirit as the Joints and Sinews unite the Body they are Members all of the same body ver 16. Sixthly They are all Members one of another ver 25. And therefore concludes with the Command of these Heavenly Duties be ye angry and sin not let not the Sun go down on your wrath neither give place to the Devil Let all bitterness and anger and clamour and evil speaking be put from you with all malice and be ye kind one to another tender hearted forgiving one another even as God for Christs sake hath forgiven you ver 26 to end And the same Apostle elsewhere let us not Judge one another any more but judge this rather that no man put a stumbling block before his Brother Rom. 14.23 Put on therefore as the Elect of God holy and beloved bowels of Mercies kindness humbleness of mind meekness long suffering forbearing one another forgiving one another and above all these things put on Charity which is the bond of perfectness Col. 3.12 13 14. See how zealous this holy Apostle is to unite the People of God in Love throughout his whole writings Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves look not every man on his own things but every man on the things of others Phil. 2. to 9. The whole Scriptures run in this strain above all things have fervent Charity amongst your selves for Charity shall cover the multitude of sins 1 Pet. 4.8 and add to Godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness Charity 2 Pet. 1.7 And above all this we have the express command of our great Lord and Lawgiver Jesus Christ be ye therefore merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful Luk. 6.36 a new commandment I give you that you love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another John 13.34 To conclude this discourse it were desireable that all of the Profession of Christianity though of different methods and worship would seriously consider how much it is the incumbent duty of all Christians to study the unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace how agreeable it is to the Command of Jesus Christ from his own Mouth as also by his Messengers as well in the old Testament as under the new Have we not all one Father hath not one God created us why do we deal treacherously every Man against his Brother Mal. 2.10 How much it would remove the stumbling of Heathens Idolaters Atheists and the Prophane who are much scandalized by the Divisions of Christians and more especially of the reformed Churches how much it would strengthen their hands against the Enemies of Truth and what great inducement it might be to invite the dissolute and prophane to join in a body or Church incorporated by love and serving of God with one consent what ease satisfaction comfort and delight it would create to each other when differences janglings and contention about lesser things were removed and the substantial part of Religion to wit holiness towards God Charity and Brotherly kindness with one another were more sincerely pursued How much it would adorn the pretious Gospel of Jesus Christ such unity would be like that pretious Ointment on the Head which run down to the Skirts of the Garment Psalm 133. and would give a most pleasant savour to all the beholders and to Christians themselves like the Churches Spikenard Myrrhe and Camphire Cant. 1.12 13 14. and being once experimentally found will constrain them to sit down under the shadow of God who is Love 1 John 3.16 and Wisdom Pro. 8.1 with great delight and would undoubtedly find his fruit pleasant to their taste Cant. 2.13 This also would be a special mean to entangle others into the Net of the Gospel From all which we plainly see the unexpressible freedom of this Grace and love of the second Covenant which as first founded in Free-grace is also accomplished unto us by the mystery of his love and to enquire into the Tenure and Condition of this Covenant cometh next in course This Covenant of Grace Mercy and Salvation is between God and Man by the Mediator Jesus Christ and the Conditions thereof are mutual on Gods part and Mans part The Justice of God being offended by Mans falling in disobedience and the Counsel of Heaven designing Mans Restoration by means above mans apprehension and capacity the bounty of Heaven makes a Proclamation ●f indemnity and free pardon and God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life Joh. 3.16 This is the great Magna Charta of Mans Restoration and Eternal Happiness and as it come of the good Will of God is free nevertheless for the honour of Justice and for the further security of Mans future happiness this Covenant is circumscribed with conditions First On Gods part a free Pardon and reward of Eternal life Secondly On Mans part believe But as we have already shewed that Man rendering himself incapable of doing any good much less to satisfy Divine Justice or in his own strength to manage a new stock of mercy the Wisdom and Infinite Goodness of God in the Counsel of Heaven before the World began hath setled this contrivance that Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God and Second Person of the Holy Trinity should become surety to Justice and undertake for poor lost Man and as Christ is responsable to Justice for Man so Man is tyed up also in the New Covenant to terms so that the Covenant stands also on Conditions between Christ and Man Christ performing to God for Man and procuring to Man the benefits of that new Covenant viz. absolution from Sin and Eternal Life Man performing new obedience to God The terms then of this Covenant on Christs part are that he becomes between God and Man a Prophet a Priest and a King First A Prophet the office of a Prophet is to teach instruct declare and reveal the mind of God to his People And that Christ is that only true Prophet the whole Scriptures concur in Testimony he is that Prophet foretold by whom that Everlasting Covenant was made with Abraham
Gospel Luke 12.16 to 22. Let him consider Nebuchadnezzar's Fall from the height of Glory to a Brutal State Dan. 4. Let such men remember they are of the same Family and extraction with the poorest that they owe their Life Being and what they have to God and are eternally lost unless reconciled to God in Jesus Christ and that all men by Nature are under Wrath and Debtors to Gods Justice and if he should prove a rigorous exactor who could stand before him therefore they ought equally to have compassion on their Brethren Remember them that are in Bonds as bound with them and them which suffer adversity as being your selves in the Body Hebrews 13.3 Let such remember the Parable of that cruel servant whose Lord forgave to him his debt but he dealing cruelly with his fellow Servant his Lord fell on him and made him irrecoverably miserable Mat. 18.23 to end and these are Christs own words so likewise shall my Heavenly Father do also unto you if ye from your Hearts forgive not every one his Brother their Trespasses Mat. 18.35 It being so known a Truth and fatal to Mankind that all Men in Adam were concluded under Sin and Wrath and that woful experience as well as Scripture teach us That all men except Christ are frequently defiled with actual Transgressions And that no man acquainted with himself can be ignorant of this truth Psal 51.5 Eph. 2.3 Eecles 7.20 And that as all men in Adam are under the condemnation of Wrath and Justice so the only way of Salvation is by Faith in Jesus Christ Romans 5.18 19. Now that all naturally are under the state of Sin let us consider the duties incumbent for our recovery out of this condition and these are chiefly five First Trace Man what he is in his Estate of Nature Secondly Let us set Original Sin before us as a Beacon Thirdly Study Mortification Fourthly Study Repentance Fifthly Search into the promises of God and believe them The first Duty is to trace Man from his beginning of whom if we take a view we will find him soon after his Creation to fall from his Original Righteousness by breaking the command and eating the forbidden fruit And the Lord saw that the wickedness of Man was great in the Earth and that every Imagination of his Heart was evil and only evil continually Gen. 6.5 7. And see how he is described by the Prophet The Heart of Man is deceitful and desperately wicked above all things who can know it Jeremiah 17.9 See how Man is painted out in his natural defilement Thy Father was an Amorite and thy Mother a Hittite as for thy Nativity in the day that thou wast born thy Navel was not cut neither wast thou washed in Water to supple thee thou wast not washed at all nor salted at all no Eye pittied thee to do any of these things to thee to have compassion on thee but thou wast cast out on the open fields to the loathing of thy person in the day thou wast born Ezek. 16.3 4 5 c. See more of this under the head of original sin We are all as an unclean thing all our unrighteousnesses are as filthy-Rags we do all fade away as a Leaf and our Iniquities like a Wind have taken us away Isa 64.6 Behold I was shapen in Iniquity and in Sin did my Mother conceive me Psal 51.5 He is accursed of God for as many as are under the Law are under the Curse For it is written cursed is every Man which continueth not in every thing which is written in the Book of the Law to do them Gal. 3.10 Deut. 27.26 Secondly Set Original Sin as a Beacon before us The use of a Beacon is to take directions how to steer a right Course to avoid splitting on a Rock or danger or upon Invasion to avoid surprizal by Enemies how great reason hath Man in remembring his lost happiness by sin to avoid splitting on that Rock again Remember Lots Wife struck up into a Pillar of Salt for looking back to sinful Sodom Gen. 19.26 The Passover was appointed to remember the Israelites that the Lord by his Power had rescued them from their Bondage in Egypt Exod. 13.3 The Prophet Hosea in 7 8 9 10 11 12 and 13. chapters of his Prophecies holds forth to us the natural and rebellious frame of Mans Spirit which we should always have under our Eyes The third Duty incumbent is Mortification of all sins and corruptions actual and habitual of whatever quality or degree And that First by applying our selves to Christ by Prayer Wash me and I shall be clean purge me and I shall be whiter than Snow create in me a clean Heart and renew a right Spirit within me Isa 51.7 10. We being naturally defiled must be cleansed by him For he is made to us Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption 1 Cor. 1.30 of this more at large hereafter Secondly Get a self loathing for sin we are all as an unclean thing from the sole of the foot to the top of the head and with holy Job abhor thy self and repent in Dust and Ashes Isa 1.6 ch 64.6 Job 42.6 Thirdly Get deep apprehensions of the Infinite and free love of God in Christ And that first in his early Mercy of Mans Redemption and Promise after Mans Fall it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel Gen. 3.15 And admire his infinite goodness of free Mercy When we were without strength Christ in due time died for the ungodly God so loved the World that while we were yet Sinners and Enemies Christ died for us Rom. 8.5 6 9. This is that Emmanuel which was promised for Redemption of Sinners Isa 7.14 ch 11.1 ch 53. all The fourth Duty is Repentance which is a Godly sorrow for sin not to be repented of which according to the Apostles description hath these seven qualifications in it 2 Cor. 7.11 First Carefulness which is an Impartial discovery and searching into all the Thoughts and Actions concealing none nor conniving at any thing of Sin though as dear as right Eye or right Hand If thy right Hand offend cut it off if the right Eye offend pull it out it is profitable that one member perish rather than the whole Body He that loveth Father Brother or Child better than me is not worthy of me he that loseth his Life shall find it and he that saveth his Life shall loose it and he that taketh not up his Cross and followeth not me is not worthy of me Mat. 5.29 30. Mark 9.44 Secondly Clearing your selves That is not only to part with what Lusts we please and confessing what sins we are indifferent to part with but searching and condemning our selves according to the ballance of the Sanctuary To the Law and to the Testimony not by the level of affection and interest Isa 8.20 A Third is Indignation To hate every sin with an implacable prejudice even to hearing seeing touching handling or any
either under Spiritual or Temporal Diseases or Temptations And first a Spiritual and as the Soul is more excellent than the Body so the diseases of the Soul are more dangerous grievous and uneasy The Spirit of a Man can bear his Infirmities but a wounded Spirit who can bear as all the motions of the body are disordered by the distemper of the Spirit so greatest care should be taken to cure and remove the disorders thereof and this is the great consolation of the diseased in Spirit that their Physitian hath cures paramount to the cures of all others as being in himself omnipotent to whom alone is given the faculty of healing of Soul distempers The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek he hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted and to proclaim liberty to the Captives and the opening of the Prison to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion to give unto them Beauty for Ashes the oil of Joy for Mourning the Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness that they might be called Trees of Righteousness the planting of the Lord that he might be glorified Isa 61.1 2 3. And see hence what great encouragement the Saints have to wait on God for the accomplishments of his Promises who is faithful and cannot fail the Church and People of God say in the same Scripture I will rejoyce in the Lord my Soul shall be joyful in my God for he hath cloathed me with the Garments of Salvation he hath covered ●e with the Robe of Righteousness as a Bridegroom decketh himself with Ornaments and as a Bride adorneth her self with her Jewels Isa 61.10 By which we see his Promises are not only large but he makes them effectual in the Christians Improvement thereof to their own comfort these Promises may be branched forth answerable to the several Spiritual Distempers in these three Heads First Under Spiritual darkness and desertion Secondly Under anguish of Spirit for heinous Sins Thirdly For the multitude of Sins or under Relapses And as to these three states or conditions of Spiritual Distempers see the manifold particular and apposite Promises of God under these Distempers The second Disease to which Gods Promises are annexed is under Temporary afflictions and trials which though he could easie and instantly remove nevertheless as a wise and just Physitian judiciously consults the Patients Distemper and finds that one single Dose or Potion is not enough but that a course of Physick is absolutely necessary to cure the Distemper and as he studies neither to gratify the Patients present distempered Palat nor his uneasy humour but minds the most suitable Medicines proper method of Cure order of Diet and Exercise under the Cure he confines him to retirement and abstinence as well from the luxuriant eating and drinking and the too great liberty of former converse as the causes and rise of his distemper so that tender Physitian of Souls the Lord Jesus Christ takes the same method of curing and relieving his afflicted under their distempers by afflictions and as he knows the humours on which the Physick is to work that it must have liberty and time for operation and that the Patient must needs be sick and anxious for a Cordial as when a Chirurgeon hath bound up a wound and applied suitable Plaisters pinching and cauthorizing which necessarily in order to cure must annoy and disquiet the patient that he will importune the Doctor for a Cordial to abate his sickness and the Chirurgeon to remove the Plaister nevertheless they wisely considering that giving a Cordial or removing the Plaisters before its time hinders cure encreaseth more and grosser humours therefore gives no other compliance but advice of Patience and assurance of cure on the due operation of the means so this great Physitian of Souls though in all their afflictions he is afflicted he will take his own time and way for their relief and affords no other Cordial for the present but that of his universal promises which are extensive to all circumstances of their several cases and conditions which may be branched out in these heads First Sickness Secondly Imprisonments Thirdly Poverty Fourthly Desertion and forsaking of friends Fifthly Under Slanders and Reproaches in all which cases the Lords promises are not only full and numerous but also peculiarly apposite and especially calculated by him to all ●nd every of the particular cases which is more expresly set down before Fourthly The fourth encouragement for the People of God to bear afflictions patiently is that the Cross of Christ is the Path way that Christ hath appointed his People to walk to Heaven for if you be without chastisement whereof all are partakers then are you Bastards and no Sons Heb. 12.5 to 12. Wo is me for my hurt my wound is grievous but I said I must bear it Jer. 10.19 24. O Lord correct me not in thine anger but in judgment least thou bring me to nothing I am with thee saith the Lord to save thee though I make a full end of all Nations whether I have scattered thee I will not make a full end of thee but correct thee in measure and not leave thee altogether unpunished Jer. 30.11 And this is Christs Legacy to his followers Brothers shall deliver up Brothers to death the Fathers shall rise against the Children and Children against their Parents and cause them to be put to Death and ye shall be hated of all men for my sake Mat. 10.6 to 40. and if any man will be my Disciple he must deny himself lay down his Life take up his Cross daily and follow me if any man suffer as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God on this behalf for the time is come that Judgment must begin at the House of God and if it first begin at us what shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel of God if the Righteous scarcely be saved where shall the ungodly appear wherefore let them that suffer according to the Will of God commit the keeping of their Souls to him in well doing as unto a faithful Creator 1 Pet. 4.15 16 17 18. For if God spared not the natural branches take heed lest he also spair not thee behold therefore the goodness and severity of God to them that fell severity but towards thee goodness if thou continue in his goodness otherwise thou shalt be cut off Rom. 11.21 22. Is it not the foretold Lot of Gods People that through tribulation and persecution they must enter into the Kingdom of God and the Disciple cannot expect better entertainment than the master if they have called the Master Beelzebub how much more they of his house-hold Mat. 10.24 25. Fifthly The furnace of affliction is the means by which
Nature at such a rate that there being a necessity for an Atonement and satisfaction to Gods Justice for Mans Sin And of a Mediator between God and Man to restore Man to the pure and unspotted Image of God and it being impossible for Men or Angels to make such Atonement or to procure a Mediator The free Love of God raiseth one up even Jesus Christ the Son of God and express Image of his Father to take upon him the shape of a Servant and though he knew no sin to become sin for us so that by taking upon him our Nature and in our shape and place submitting to the Justice of God on the Cross hath paid the Ransom for us and restored fallen man to the Image of God in Righteousness and True Holiness 1 Cor. 15.21 22 47 48. The first Man is of the Earth Earthy the Second Man is the Lord from Heaven and as is the Earthy so are they which are Earthy and as is the Heavenly so are they which are Heavenly and as we have born the Image of the Earthy we also shall bear the Image of the Heavenly and thus Christ having paid the Ransom for Sinners he offers to all Men the free Market of Salvation Pardon and Eternal Life for God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not Perish but have Eternal Life John 3.15 16 17. For when we were without strength Christ dyed for us when we were yet Sinners and Enemies Rom. 5.6 7 8. But it may be Objected that Christ had a Body and Mans Nature and the Resurrection from the Dead seems things under the Comprehension of Sense and Feeling Answer Although Christ had and took on him Mans Nature nevertheless the Mystery of his Incarnation Resurrection Ascension Communication of Garces and Eternal Life procured by him must be apprehended by Faith and can never be reached by Human Sense the Natural Man knoweth not the things of God neither indeed can do because they are spiritually Discerned The Second thing in the Treasury of Spiritual Mercies are the various gifts and graces spiritually bestowed by God to believers in Jesus Christ He that spared not his own Son but freely gave him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things Ro. 8.32 These choice and spiritual Mercies may be classed up in these three First Such as are absolutely necessary to Salvation and the actual laying hold on Jesus Christ and applying him in his Merits Sufferings Resurrection and Glorification as the only Mediator between God and Man such is Faith for without Faith it is impossihle to please God Heb. 11.6 Faith is that Grace whereby Christ is owned and upon which Salvation is promised in the foregoing Scripture This is that grace that unites and incorporates Sinners to God for ye are all the Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus this is that grace which gives Life Sap and being to Christians Now the Just shall live by Faith but if any Man draw back my Soul hath no Delight in him Heb. 10.38 This is the only operative and effectual grace where is boasting then ●t is excluded by what Law by Works Nay by the Law of Faitb therefore we conclude that Man is justified by Faith without the Deeds of the Law Rom. 3.23 Although this of Faith be the chief essential grace on which the being of a Christian depends this flows from the spirit of God from whom are all good and perfect gifts and by him are wrought in us for by grace are ye saved through Faith and not of your selves it i● the gift of God Eph. 2 8. The second grace is Holiness without which also it is impossible to please God be ye Holy as your Heavenly Father is Holy who is of purer Eyes than can behold Iniquity this grace qualifieth Sinners to resemble God in Purity Innocence and Righteousness Blessed are the pure in Spirit for they shall see God Math· 5.8 and thus it behoveth Christia●s to be for that Christ having taken on him our Nature to purifie it from all the stains of sin he makes all his Children partakers of the Divine Nature and designing to assemble them in the New Jerusalem where no unclean thing can enter they must all be Holy and Clothed with Righteousness This essential Duty is Recommended and Commanded to us in Scriptures we are all his Workmanship Created in Christ to good Works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them and are built upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner Stone in whom all the Building fitly Framed together groweth unto an Holy Temple in the Lord Eph. 2.8 9 20 21. And that ye put off concerning the former Conversation the Old Man which is Corrupt according to the Deceitful Lusts and that you put on the new Man Created according to Holiness Eph. 4.21 to end If ye be risen with Christ seek these things which are above where Christ sitteth at the Right Hand of God set your Affections on things above not on things on Earth for ye are Dead and your Life is hid with Christ in God when Christ who is your Life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in glory Mortifie therefore your Members which are on Earth and put on the New Man which is renewed in knowledge aften the Image of him who Created it Col. 3.1 2 3 4. They that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit to be Carnally minded is Death but to be Spiritually minded is Life and Peace because the Carnal Man is emnity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be so these that are in the flesh cannot please God and if Christ be in you the Body is Dead because of Sin but the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness for if ye live after the flesh ye shall dye but if through the Spirit ye mortifie the Deeds of the flesh ye shall live for as many as are led by the Spirit are the Sons of God Rom. 8.5 7 10 13 14. and every one that hath this hope in him purifieth himself as he is pure 1 John 3.3 The third Special grace coming from this great Magazine of Heavenly Store is Mortification although there is such affinity and connexion amongst spiritual graces that they are not perfect nor compleat but when in one Chain and joyned together yet this grace hath some thing peculiar in it as being that special piece of Accomplishment which frames the Soul to an immediate closing with Christ Mortification is either the curbing or subduing superfluous excrescences or growth of superfluous Humours in the Body or like proud flesh about a wound under Cure or the total destroying of that which hath the Preheminence and may destroy a better Life as the
Word of God and if disagreeable thereto the Conclusion must be that the Fountain is corrupt for as a bad Tree cannot bring forth good Fruit so a good Tree bringeth forth good Fruit for the Tree is known by its Fruits and it is no Justification of an Action bad in it self that it is intended well for we must not do evil that good may come of it Secondly As the Actions must be in themselves good they must also be directed to the right end that is to wit the glory of God for what is not levelled so are sinful before God Col. 3.17 1 Cor. 10.31 From what hath been said may plainly appear that though the Christian as a New Man in Christ Jesus is an excellent Creature as made partaker of the Divine Nature Nevertheless he is and must be intangled in a continual Warfare whilst in the Body and therefore not to be idle or lazy but to stand always upon guard against Enemies within himself and without Be strong in the Lord and in the Power of his Might for we wrestle not against Flesh and Blood but against Principalities and against Powers against the Rulers of Darkness in this World against Spiritual Wickednesses in high places wherefore take unto you the whole Armor of God your Loyns girt about with Truth the Breast Plate of Righteousness your Feet shod with the Gospel of Peace the shield of Faith the Helmet of Salvation the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God praying and watching so that the Work of a Christian is not over even when he hath attained newness of Life in Christ Jesus but of necessity must continue in a fighting State while in a Body Eph. 6.10 to 19. As you have received Christ Jesus so walk you in him Christians must fight offensively to subdue the continued growing of Lusts Defensively to withstand continued Temptations and persevere to the further Conquest of Enemies within themselves and without in the World Watch and Pray lest ye enter into Temptation in this case three things are to be considered First Perseverance and continued Stedfastness is the Christians commanded Duty Secondly Gods Promises to his People to uphold and strengthen them in their Duties and Conflicts Thirdly The experience of Christians that they thrive and grow when in pursuit of and continuance in their Duties As to the first it plainly appears as the Christians Life is a continued warfare so must he not be lazy or draw back but be still in Arms ready to fight He that putteth his Hand to the Plough must not draw back and if any Man draw back my Soul hath no delight in him Luke 9.62 Heb. 10.38 The whole Book of Holy Writ is full of this Command we are not to stop or rest in our Course but chearfully in imitation of Christ to run the Race that is set before us without regard to the difficulties in our way but with Courage to continue our progress till we come to the end of our Stage even Eternity Heb. 12.1 2 3. This is Christs express Command we must take up our Cross and daily follow him Mat. 10.16 to end Nothing must stop our course however so dear to us Honour Wealth Relations nor Life it self we must give up and Sacrifice all upon the Altar of Obedience Mat. 16.24 25 26 27. Ch. 24.42 to end Mark 13.33 to end Let us fear a promise being left us of entring into his Rest lest any of you should come short of it let us labour therefore to enter into that rest lest any Man fall by unbelief seeing then we have a great High Priest that is passed into the Heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our profession Heb. 4.1 11 14. Be ye stedfast unmoveable always abounding in the Work of the Lord knowing that your Work is not in vain 1 Cor. 15.58 Let us not be weary in well doing for in season we shall reap if we faint not Gal. 6.9 As ye have received Christ Jesus so walk ye in him rooted and built upon him and established in the Faith abounding therein with Thanks giving Eph. 6.10 to 19. Indure Hardness as a good Soldier of Christ Jesus no Man that Warreth entangleth himself wi●h the affairs of this Life that he may please him who choose him to be a Soldier if a Man strive for Mastery yet is he not Crowned except he strive lawfully 2 Tim 2 1 7. Be sober be vigilant because your Adversary the Devil as a roaring Lyon walketh about seeking whom he may devour whom resist stedfast in the Faith knowing that the same Afflictions are accomplished in your Brethren 1 Pet. 5.8 9. giving all diligence add to your Faith Vertue and to your Vertue Knowledge and to your Knowledge Tempeaance and to Temperance Patience and to Patience Godleness and to Godliness Brotherly Kindness and to Brotherly Kindness Charity for if these things be in you they shall make you that you shall never be barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ 2 Pet. 1.5 6 7 8. Hence we see how incumbent it is to Christians to be upon their Duty of Perseverance and as the state of the Militant Church is Laborious and full of Hazards and exposed to Difficulties insuperable as to Man and the Adversaries in themselves powerful Nevertheless as no Man goeth to War at his own Charge but at the charge of him whose Soldier he is neither hath the King of Kings whose Soldiers Christians are left his People without assurances of sure pay and constant supplies out of the Treasury of Omnipotency whose word we believe I will open to you the Windows of Heaven and give you a blessing that ye shall not have room to receive it Mal. 3.10 The vision is for an appointed time if it tarry wait for it it will speak at last and he that is to come shall come and will not tarry Hab. 2.3 And for the Encouragement of the Faith and Patience of the People of God the Scriptures are full of fresh and sure clusters of consolatory promises for Comfort Relief Support and Delivery which is the second thing considerable The Evangelical Prophet Isaiah hath stored his Book with legions of Consolations fear not I have redeemed thee thou art mine I will be with thee in fire and in water they shall have no power over thee thou art Honourable and Pretious in my sight I will restore thy Captives I am thy Redeemer when thou hast no help I will be a Saviour and Provisor Is 43. to 26. I will pour water on him that is a thirst and floods on the dry ground I will pour my Spirit upon thy Seed and my Blessing upon thine Ofspring thou shalt not be forgotten of me I have blotted out as a Cloud thy Transgressions and as a thick Cloud thy sins return to me for I have Redeemed thee Is 44 3 21 23. Hearken unto me ye House of Jacob which are born by me from the Womb
disposition that nothing can satisfy except a total ruine and exterpation of the Enemy and their adherents in root and branch and thus it must be with Christians they must not be Neuters or luke-warm but must be mortified to the flesh and the Body of Death Corruption and Sin must be so subdued in them that they must be Dead to the World and the World to them so as they can take no more pleasure therein than the living can have in the Dead with which they can have no Communication I am Crucified to the World and the World to me nevertheless I live but not I and the life that I live in the Flesh is by the Faith of the Son of God Gal. 2.20 chap. 5.24 Hence we see all the Combatants of Christ are wholly his and not divided and can by no means Parley with the Enemies of his Cross the Devil the World and the Flesh and this is their indispensable and commanded duty that they must fight till they overcome for to such alone is the prize of Eternal Life He that overcometh shall sit with me in my Fathers Kingdom even as I overcame and am set down with my Father in his Kingdom Rev. 3.21 They must live to the Spirit and not to the Flesh with that holy fear over themselves having an Eye on the Enemies Camp and watching against Sin and the Flesh that they may not again return to their folly and that they may place no Earthly thing in their Hearts above Christ and all the days of their appointed time they must wait till their change come As this Christian warfare is continuing and must only end with our lives we are to consider for our encouragement that Christ doth not leave Christians unprovided for such great expedients but provides them a great Train of Artillery as the necessaries of their warfare which is held forth to us in that description of the Armour of the Spirit by the Apostle put on the whole Armour of God c. Eph. 6.13 to 19. First The Loyns girt with Truth which is inward sincerity and constant loyalty to the Cause of Christ Secondly The Breast-Plate of Righteousness to be blameless and of upright conversation towards God and to avoid scandal to the wicked and be an example of Justice and Godliness Thirdly Feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace to be peaceable charitable humble and meek and conformable to the Laws of the Spirit and not of the Flesh Fourthly The Shield of Faith believing God in his Attributes of Omnipotency Holiness Justice Goodness and Faithfulness and in Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the World in all his Promises and Providences by which we may be able to resist the fiery Darts of Satan in answering all objections of unbelief and discouragements from Temptations in the World Fifthly The Helmet of Salvation to believe that Eternal Life is the prize at the end of the Christian race and this is cure against all Trials from want or difficulties in the Way to Heaven to be as assured of Eternal Life as we are cloathed with that Helmet of Defence It is Christ that died who shall condemn Sixthly Praying and Watching as good Souldiers on their Posts waiting for the word of Command to march at all times after the General and Captain of our Salvation Jesus Christ and to be ready with Oyl in our Vessels and Lamps burning waiting for the approach of the Bridegroom to enter into the Marriage feast of the Lamb. Thus seeing this War is constant and for the greatest prize even Eternal Life and though against the most Potent Enemies Principalities and Spiritual Wickednesses in High Places yet Christ the unconquerable Champion is Captain and the Camp is furnished with such compleat warlike provision Christians ought to fight chearfully for these following reasons First Salvation and Eternal Happiness is the prize contended for And we have Christs Promise if we fight in Faith and continue to the end we shall obtain it John 3.16 17 18. Gal. 6.9 Secondly As we are to fight and contend for Eternal Life so it is not only promised to us on our chearful fighting but it is also obtained for us by Christ who on the Cross fought that good fight and freely gives us the booty and prize when we were not capable to do any thing for our selves For when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet Sinners Christ died for us much more then being now justified by his Blood we shall be saved from wrath through him Rom. 5.6 8 9. Ezek. 16. to 9. This is that great bait for ambition and desire this is that all which should swell the Thoughts and Affections of all Men. This rightly considered is sufficient to invite all Courage Patience and new Obedience to fill all Hearts with Joy gladness and thanksgiving and stifle all murmurings repinings and discontents under trials or difficulties of worldly concerns and in our Way to Heaven This should induce all to a hearty submission to the yoak and chearful fighting under Christs Banner These Combatants of Christ have the greatest booty rewards and priviledges that any Soldiers can pretend unto and that both of Spirituals and Temporals and those Spirituals are in many respects First They are under an everlasting Covenant with God and God with them I will make with them an everlasting Covenant Rom. 11.27 29. Isa 60.20 21. Hos 2.19 20. Isa 59.20 21. Secondly They have remission of all sins though of the highest and blackest Nature though never so numerous and as a Cloud or a thick Cloud Mat. 11.28 29 30. Isa 1.18 ch 44.22 23. Thirdly They have comfort in Spiritual Darkness and Desertion their case can never be so cloudy melancholly and dark to them but Gods word hath a promise for it Light is sowen to the righteous and joy to the upright in Heart Isa 50.10 Mal. 3.12 Fourthly They are Heirs of all things and shall inherit all things they have the Promise of the things of this Life and of that which is to come Gal. 3.29 chap. 4.17 18. Eph. 1.11 14. Col. 1.12 13 14. Rev. 21.7 Rom. 9.7 8 Fifthly They shall be united to God in Christ in Spirit Knowledge and Glory and be inseparable from him in Christ Jesus John 17.21 to 25. Sixthly They shall be set down with Christ and God in Glory and continue with them for evermore Rom. 8.35 38 39. Rev. 3.21 Thus we see the unquestionable Spiritual advantages of the Godly which no other Interest can bring and as the Saints advantages and excellencies are Inexpressible as to Spirituals so the security and advantages are no less in Temporals as we have already in this Treatise discovered First In general Secondly His Promises in all particular cases As First In Sickness Secondly In Imprisonment Thirdly In Poverty Fourthly Under the unkindness and forsaking of Friends Fifthly Under reproaches