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A07163 The sycke mans salue VVherin the faithfull christians may learne both how to behaue them selues paciently and thankefully, in the tyme of sickenes, and also vertuously to dispose their temporall goodes, and finally to prepare them selues gladly and godly to die. Made and newly recognised by Maister Tho. Becon. 1561. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1561 (1561) STC 1757; ESTC S114654 179,042 552

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submit their willes to his godlye wyll and pleasure Epa. O Lorde thy will be done and not mine I confesse O heauenly father that my manifold wickednesses and vnnumerable sinnes haue not only deserued this sickenesse which is thy most gentle fatherly and louing correction but also very hell and the bitter paines thereof if thou shouldest handle me according to my desertes I haue sinned I haue synned O lord God against thy holy lawes and I haue broken thy blessed commaundementes moste greuously offending thy glorious maiestie Whatsoeuer I suffer I worthely suffer ah wretch that I am My sinne I confesse and with an humble heart and broken spirit I fle vnto the throne of thy fauorable mercy most humbly besechinge thee for Iesus Christes sake to forgeue me all my synnes which I haue cōmitted against thy deuine maiestie frō the houre of my birth vnto this presēt time and to receiue me into the holy felowship of those thy blessed and chosen people whome before the beginning of y e worlde thou diddest appoint heires of thi heauēly kingdom in Christ Iesu our lord that they might for euer and euer raigne with thee in glory Ah lord geue me grace to bear this crosse both paciently thankfully Suffer me not once to murmur grudge or spurne against thy holye wil but with a pacient thankefull heart to waite on thy blessed pleasure being alway content to beare whatsoeuer burdē thou laiest on my shoulders with this perswasiō and assured faith that whatsoeuer I suffer is vnto the glory of thy name and vnto the health of my soule O Lord thy will be done and not mine Amen Amen Neighbours I am very sicke and my paine encreaseth more more Phi. The Lords wil be done in you neighbour Epaphroditus Feare not no although present death were at hand For whether you liue or die ye are the Lordes God hath sealed you vp in Christes bloud vnto euerlasting lyfe Your name doubt ye not is written in the booke of life Ye are of y e nombre of those whome God before the foundations of the world were layd hath chosen in Christe to be his sonnes and heires ye are the dearly beloued sonne of God Ye are enheritours of Gods glorious kingdom God for your earnest faithes sake in the bloude of Christ hath forgeuen you al your sinnes that euer ye committed against him from the daye of your birthe vnto this houre He hath cast away all your iniquities ●ehind his backe so that he wyl neuer remember them any more Ye are counted among thē whose vnrighteousnesses are forgeuen and whose sinnes are couered vnto whome the Lorde imputeth no sinne God loueth you God careth for you God is on your syde who then can endomage or hurte you Who can lay any thyng vnto your charge It is God that iustifieth you who then can condemne you ye nede not fear ether sathan or sinne or any other thinge that should trouble your conscience For there is no damnation to thē that are in Christ Iesu whiche walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite For the lawe of the spirite of life thorow Iesus Christ hath made you fre frō the lawe of sinne and death For what y e lawe could not do inasmuch as it was weke because of the flesh that performed God and sent his sonne in the similitude of sinfull fleshe by sinne damned synne in the fleshe that the ryghtedusnes of the lawe myght be fulfilled in vs whiche walke not after the flesh but after the spirite Epa. I thāke you neighbor Philemon for your gostly and comfortable instructions For I am wel comforted with these your wordes and I faithfully beleue that God the father for his promise sake made vnto all faithfull penitēt sinners in Christes bloud hath so frely and wholy forgeuen me all my sinnes that he will neuer remember them more nor lay them vnto my charge but so loue me and tender my saluation as though I had neuer offended his fatherly goodnesse And in this faith I submit my self my body and soule all that I haue vnto his godly wil to do with me in al things whatsoeuer his good plesure shallbe For liue we die we we ar the Lords And lord I most humbly besech thee call to remēbrance thy tender mercies thy louing kindnesses whiche haue bene euer of olde Oh remember not the sinnes and offences of my youth but accordyng vnto thy mercy thinke y ● vpon me O lord for thy goodnes Turne the vnto me haue mercy vpon me for I am desolate in misery The sorowes of my hart ar enlarged O bring thou me out of my troubles Loke vpon mine aduersitie and misery and forgeue me al my sinne O kepe my soule and deliliuer me let me not be confounded for I haue put my truste in the. Phi. I much reioyce to see in you these workes of faithfull repentance This humbling of your self before y e maiestie of God this lamenting of your sinnes this faithfull and hartie calling on the Lordes name for remission of sins in Christes bloud for the tranquilitie peace quietnes and reast of conscience for the fauour grace of God for gods wil to be done in you is without doubt a sure seale vnto your conscience that God loueth fauoureth and tendereth you yea and that muche more thē any natural father maketh of his sonne Who so serueth God saith the wise man after his pleasure shalbe accepted and his praier rea●cheth vnto the cloudes The praier of him that humbleth him self goeth thorowe the cloudes till she come nie She wil not be comforted nor go her way vntill the hyghest God haue respect vnto her The Lord is nie vnto them y t are of a contrite heart saith the Psalmograph will saue suche as be of an humble spirite The sinfull Publican thus hūbling him self obtained the fauor of God remission of sinnes went home more righteous than the proud Pharisey So likewise the Centurion cōfessing his vnworthines for the receiuing of Christ into his house obtained health for his sicke seruāt Likewise the Leper with diuers other humbling them selues before Christe obtained their hartes desire For God saith Dauid hath respect vnto the prayer of the humble suche as be destitute despiseth not their desire but heareth ●heir mournings y t he may deliuer ●hem and saue them Euseb. Now neighbour how do you I pray you bee strong in God reioyce in his sauing health Epa. O neighboure Eusebius my body is weake my heare is faint my wits are feble my memory almost faileth me no part of me is fre from sicknes and paine But Lord I beseche thee strengthē thou me endue me w t power from aboue that as y e spirit is ready so likewyse the flesh which is euer weake vnready may be obediēt to thy godly wyl frely consent to the working of
also least that Sathā will shortly returne vnto me and assaile m● with newe temptations Phi. In●dede the propertie of Sathan is● whan he can not get his purpose one waye to attempt some other meanes But whereof are ye afraid Epa. Christ saith in the Gospel If thou wilte enter into lyfe● kepe the commaundementes Again do this and thou shalt lyue He speaketh of fulfilling the lawe And s. Paule saieth Not the hearers but the doers of the law sha● be iustified before God Moses also pronounceth thē cursed whiche abideth not in all thynges that ar written in the lawe What if Sathan should lay the lawe againste me and proue euidently that I haue not fulfilled the law of God and therfore I can not enter into eternall life but must neades be dampned Phi. The holy scriptur of God consisteth of two partes of the lawe and of the Gospell If sathan obiect y e lawe against you laye you againste him straighte-waies the Gospell For the lawe was geuen by Moses but y e Gospell that is grace fauour remission of sinnes truthe faithfulnes and euerlasting life came by Iesus Christe The lawe maketh afrayd but the Gospel comforteth The law troubleth but the Gospel quieteth The law vttreth sin but the Gospell pardoneth and forgeueth sinne The lawe declareth the fearse wrathe of God againste synners but the Gospel● preacheth the great and exceding mercies of God toward peniten● synners The law woundeth bu● the gospel healeth The lawe maketh sicke but the gospell maketh whole and stronge The law driueth to desperation but the gospel ministreth consolation comfort The lawe killeth but the gospel quikneth The lawe throweth downe to hel but y e gospel lifteth vp to heauen Therfore if Sathā be busy and lay the lawe agains● you and that vnto you death● and dampnation aunswere him with the Gospell which bringeth lyfe and euerlasting saluation For the law was not geuen vs o● God to iustifie and saue vs but to be a doctrine vnto vs what w● should either do or leaue vndone and to be a scholemaister to leade vs vnto Christe that of hym we might obtaine that whiche by no meanes may be gotten of y e lawe I meane the grace fauoure and mercy of God remission and forgeuenes of sinnes the quietnes of conscience a newe life the gift of the holy ghost and euerlasting life Flie you therefore from the heauy burden of the lawe whiche depresseth and wayeth downe the conscience and take on you the swete and comfortable yoke of the gospel and so shall you finde reast vnto your soul. For the yoke therof is easy and the burden light After this manner euen from the beginning haue all the godly in the conflicte of conscience fledde from the doctrine of the lawe vnto the mercifull promises of the Gospel as blessed Peter testifieth saying Now why tempt ye God to put on the disciples neckes the yoke whiche neither our fathers nor we were able to bear But we beleue that through the grace of the Lorde Iesu Christ we shal be saued as they were Our sauioure Christ said vnto the Iewes hath not Moses geuen you a law and yet none of you kepeth the lawe The doctrine of the law is such a burden that the holiest that euer liued Christ alone except was neuer hable to bear it No maruell for the lawe is spirituall but we are carnall Who among vs all is able to say my heart is cleane and I am free from sinne The holy scripture pronounceth vs all sinners and oure owne consciences beare witnes of y e same And how commeth it to passe but only that we do not obserue the lawe of the Lord our God but rather ar trāsgressours breakers of that same in so much y t if our sauiour Christ had not come in the fleshe fulfilled the law for vs ▪ euen to the vttermoste so pacified the fathers wrath we had bene dampned for euer and euer But Christ is come and hath fulfilled the lawe with suche perfection as the law requireth euen at the full and his fulfilling is our fulfilling Whosoeuer beleueth this taketh Christ to be his wisdome rightuousnes sanctifying and redemption he cannot pearyshe but haue euerlasting life Epa. I pray you declare vnto me some comfortable sentenses out of the holy scripture that my conscience may be ascertained of Christes fulfillyng of the lawe for me Phile. Christ saieth in the Gospell Thinke not that I am come to destroy the law or y e Prophetes no. I am not come to destroy but to fulfill All we are destroyers and breakers of the law but Christ is a perfect fulfiller of the same not for him selfe but for vs and his fulfilling is our fulfilling The holy Apostle in his epistle to the Romaines sayeth There is no damnation to them whiche are in Christ Iesu which walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite For the lawe of the spirit of life through Iesus Christ hath made me fre from the law of sinne and death For what the law could not do inasmuch as it was weake because of the fleshe that parformed God and sent his sonne in the similitude of synnefull fleshe and by synne damned synne in the fleshe that the righteousnes of the lawe might be fulfilled in vs whiche walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite Here see you that where as none of vs was able to fulfyll the lawe Christ the sonne of God hath fulfilled it for vs and by this meanes deliuered vs frō the lawe of sinne and deathe Againe in the same Epistle Christe is the perfect fulfilling of y e lawe to iustifie all that beleue So many therefore as beleue are iustified and for them Christe hath fulfilled the lawe to the vttermoste To the Galathians he also saieth Christ hath deliuered vs from the cursse of the lawe in as much as he was made accursed for our sake For it is writen Cursed is euery one that hangeth on a tree c. It Christ by his death and passion hath deliuered vs from the cursse of the law how than can the lawe condemne vs Item in the same Epistle when the time was full come God sent his sonne made of a woman and made bonde vnto the lawe to redeme them which were bond vnto the law that we through election might receiue thinheritaunce that belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes If Christ became mā and was made bond vnto the lawe to redeme and deliuer vs from the lawe what power than hath the lawe ouer vs that it may condēpn vs If we be through y e fre choyse of God admitted to be the sonnes of God thē are we no more slaues vnto the law nor any more bound to the subiection thereof that it may cast vs away as wicked trāsgressours and heirs of eternal dānation For it is fulfilled for vs in
thy blessed pleasure Lord encrese my faith Lorde helpe my vnbelief Lord remēber not mine olde sinnes but haue mercy vpon me and that sone for I am come to great misery Healpe me O God my Sauiour for the glory of thy name O deliuer me be merciful vnto my sinnes for thy names sake Euse. God hath euer be me●●full vnto you so will cōtinue vnto thend doubt you not Ep. That is my only comfort And Lord I most humbly pray thee cōfirme y t whiche thou hast begon to worke in me and kepe me blamelesse against the comming of thy deare sonne But where is my louing neighbour Philemon I wold be glad to haue his counsell in a certaine matter Where is he Phile. Neighbour here at hand What is your pleasure Epa. I perceiue right well y t my sicknesse doth not discrease but encrease so y t I can not long continue in that state wherin I am now And I thinke ●erely y t the lord my God hath sēt this sicknes vnto me as a messenger to afore warne me of my departure from this world y t whan he come he may not finde me vnprepared or vnready And I most hartely thanke him for it Therfore neighbor Philemon neighbors al I think it best euen out of hand to dispose my temporall possessions and to set an order in such worldly goodes as God hath lent me that after my departure there be no dissension nor strife for thē among suche as I most wishe to be linked together with perpetual amitie and continuall frendship It shall also I trust be a great quietnes vnto my mynd Phile. If you haue not already brother Epoporoditus disposed and set an order in your temporal things I wishe it to be done with all expedition For suche thinges ought to be considred when we be most perfect in health forasmuche as our life is vncertaine we know not howe sone death commeth Epa. I thought not that the tyme of my life had bene so short ther●fore I deferred the matter But I se now that no man is certain of his life vntill to morowe therfore ought we all to watche to prouide that we be not found vnready whē the Lord commeth The. Whan that godly king Ezechias was sicke God sent the Prophet Esaias vnto him and willed him to saye vnto hym on this wyse Thus saieth the Lord God Set thi house in an order for thou shalt die and not liue Here learne we y e good will of God whiche is that they whome the Lord hath endu●ed with the goodes of the worlde ●hould before their departure set a godly order and quiet stay in their ●emporal possessions Epaph. You ●ay truth neighbour Theophile ●herfore I pray you bring hether ●en inck paper withal expedi●ion and let my will be written ●or I thank the Lord my God I 〈◊〉 aswell contented to leaue the goodes of y e world as euer I was to enioy them And in this behalf I haue to thank the lord my God that since I came to the vse of reason and had any worldly possessions at all I haue alwayes made them to serue me and I neuer serued them but at all times coulde be contented to depart from them whansoeuer the glory of god and the commoditie of my neighbour did require Christ. Than did you vse your goodes aright And you were not ritch in the world but in the Lorde of the nōbre of those of whom it is written blessed are the poore in spirit for vnto thē belongeth the kingdome of heauen The Psalmograph saith If ritches do abound set not thy heart vpon them And the holy Apostl● commaundeth that they which vse the world should be as thoug● they vsed it not For the fashio● of this world goeth away Saint Iohn also saieth Se that ye loue not the world nether the thinges that are in the worlde for all that is in the worlde as the lust of the fleshe and the luste of the eies and the pryde of life is not of the father but of the worlde And the worlde passeth away and the lust therof but he that fulfilleth the will of God abideth for euer Epa. God graunt al men to follow this doctrine O Lord how sick am I Where is the pen Incke and paper Euse. Here syr Epaph Wright neighbor Philemon I pray you Phile. What is your pleasure that I should wright Epaphrodi On this manner IEpaphroditus the vnprofitable seruaunt of God weke in body notw tstanding strong in mynde do willingly and with a fre hart render and geue againe into the handes of the Lorde my God my spirit which he of his fatherly goodnesse gaue vnto me whan he fashioned this my body in my Mothers wombe by this meanes making me a liuing creature nothing doubting but that this my Lord God for his mercies sake set forth in y e precious bloud of his derely beloued sonne Christ Iesu our alone sauiour and redemer will receiue my soul into his glory and place it in the company of the heauenly aungels and blessed sainctes And as concerning my body euen with a good will fre hart I geue it ouer commending it vnto the earth wherof it came nothing doubting but that according to y e article of our faith at the great day of the generall resurrection whan we shall all appeare before the iudgemēt seat of Christ I shal receiue it again by the mighty power of God wherwith he is able to subdue al thīgs vnto him selfe not a corruptible mortail weake and vile body as it is nowe but an vncorruptible immortall strong perfect and in all poyntes like vnto the glorious body of my Lorde and Sauioure Christ Iesu. Haue ye writtē this neighbour Philemon Phi. Yea forsothe Sir But what is your mind now cōcerning your world ●y possessions Epaph. First as touching my wyfe with whome I ●oupled my self in the fear of God and refusing all other women I ●inked my selfe vnto her liuing w t her in the blessed state of honoura●le wedlocke by whome also tho●owe the blessing of God I haue ●ad certen children wherof part ●re gone before me vnto the lord and part yet remain a liue albeit I dout not but y e god after my departure according vnto his promis will be vnto her an husband yea a father a patrone defēder will not suffer her to lack if she go ●orth to liue in his feare to serue hym and diligently to call on his holy name yet forasmuch as God hath blessed me with worldly substance and she is mine own flesh and whosoeuer prouideth not for his hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidell I bequeth geue vnto her for tearme of her life this house wherein I nowe dwell with y e appurtenances and all the housholde stuffe contayned therein And after her departure I wil that my eldest sonne whom now I
Christ. To the Ephesians he writeth on this manner Christe is oure peace whiche hath made of both one he speaketh of y e Iewes and Gentiles and hath broken downe the wal that was a stoppe betwene vs and hath also put away through his flesh the cause of hatred euen the law of commaūdementes contained in the lawe writtē c. Here haue we the cause why god was angry with vs. Uerely because we fulfilled not the law Now is Christ come hath put away the cause of this anger and hatred that is to saye he hath fulfilled the law for vs and recōciled vs vnto God so that nowe the father for his sake hateth vs no more but loueth vs is no more angry but wel pleased with vs accepteth his fulfilling of the law as our own fulfulling Also to the Collossians Christ saith he hathe put out the hand wryting y t was against vs contained in the lawe written and that hath he taken out of the waye and hath fastned it to his crosse and hathe spoyled rule and power and hath made a shew of them opēly and hath triumphed ouer them in his owne person If Christ hanging on the Crosse hath by the vertue of his passion death put out the hande wryghting that was against vs contained in the lawe than is our bond made frustrate and voyde we set at libertie forasmuche as Christe by his bloude hathe bothe paid our debt vnto God y e father and also subdued and brought vnder fote al our ennemies The authour of the Epistle to y e Hebrues hath these wordes The cōmaundement that went afore is disanulled because of weakenes and vnprofitablenesse For the lawe brought nothynge to perfection but was an introduction to a better hope by the whiche we drawenie vnto God Here ar we taught also that forasmuche as by y e lawe no man can be made perfect for who amōg vs fulfilleth the law we haue our perfection in Christ● ●y whome for our sake the law is fulfilled and remission of synnes and euerlasting lyfe is frely geuē vnto vs. This is the hope profit and libertie whiche so many as beleue receiue in Christ. Let therfore the terrours and cursse of the lawe neuer trouble you though Sathan do neuer so muche lay it vnto your charge but remember what the Apostle saieth ye are no more vnder the lawe but vnder grace Againe Now are we deliuered from the law and dead vnto it whereunto we were in bondage that we shoulde serue in a newe conuersation of the spirit and not in old conuersation of the letter For if righteousnesse commeth by the law then died Christ in vaine But we know saieth the Apostle that a man is not iustified by the dedes of the lawe but by the fayth of Iesus Christ. And we haue beleued on Iesus Christ that we might be iustified by the faith of Christe and not by the deedes of the lawe because by the deedes of the law no flesh sha● be iustified Againe as manye o● you as are iustified by the lawe a● fallē from grace We loke for and hope in the spirite to bee iustifed thorow faith For in Christ Iesu● neither is circumcision any thing worth nether yet vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue ▪ Comfort your selfe neighbour E●●paphroditus against the assaults of Sathan with these swete sayinges of the holy scripture and s● shal nether the feare nor the curss● of the lawe hurt you Epa. God b● thanked I trust I am nowe we● enarmed against Sathan for this matter But what if he laye my sinfull life vnto my charge and so burden my conscience with that that I know not what to do but am like to fall vnto desperation What shal I aunwere How shal I escape For I confesse vnto you that I haue bene all my lyfe time a very greuous sinner and haue greatly offēded the Lord my God Phi. Discomfort not your selfe but take a good heart vnto you You are in this behalfe in none other case then all the sainctes and faithfull people of God haue bene before you are at this daye For all haue sinned and want the glory of God All haue gone astraye lyke lost shepe We are vnprofitable seruauntes All our righteousnesses are as a clothe defiled with menstrue If we saye we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the truthe is not in vs. But if we confesse our sinnes God is faithfull and righteous to forgeue vs our sinnes and to clense vs from al vnrighteousnes Epa. What 〈◊〉 I do than that synne may be 〈◊〉 clog vnto my conscience Phile. Let it repēt you that euer you of●fended so louing a father and s● gentle a Lord. Be hartely sory fo● your misdoings Lament and in●wardly bewail your wretchednes●ses which so wickedly haue trans●gressed brokē the holy cōmaun●dements of the Lord. For this ha●ty and vnfained repentaunce is a goodly preparatiue to saluation ▪ and without it none can be ●aued Therfore Iohn Baptist Christ his Apostles begā their preaching of repentaunce For whosoeuer is not brought into the knowledge of hym selfe he shall neuer haue delyghte to come vnto Christe ▪ For suche as thynke them selues whole haue no pleasure in a phisition but they that are sycke Epaphr And will God accept this my repentaunce Phi. Hear what God saith by the Prophet Whom shall I regard Euen hym that is pore and of a lowly troubled spirit standeth in awe of my wordes The Psalmograph also saith A sacrifice vnto god is a troubled spirite a broken and a contrite heart O God shalt thou not despise Again the Lord is nie vnto them that are of a troubled heart and he will saue them that are of a broken spirite Epa. O Lord take away from me that stony heart whiche can not repent and geue me that fleshly heart which gladlye and willingly lamenteth her synnes and miseries and vnfainedly delyghteth in a newe lyfe But what is repētance ynough Phi. As you ernestly and from the very heart do repent you of your former sinnefull lyfe so likewyse hūble your self in y e sight of God and confesse your selfe vnto him a moste wicked miserable sinner Crie in your heart with Dauid say haue mercy vpon me O God after thy great goodnes Accor●dinge vnto the multitude of thy mercies do away myne offences Wash me thorowly from my wic●kednes clense me from my syn For I knowledge my fautes and my sin is euer before me Against thee only haue I sinned and don● euill in thy sight O turn thy fac● from my sinnes and put oute al● my mysdedes Make me a clean● heart O God and renue a righ● spirite within me Cast me not a●way from thy presence and tak● not thy holy spirite from me Cry● with that lost sonne and say O fa●ther I haue sinned against heauē and before thee and am no
blessed spirit that he may put his whole trust in the. Ph Sēd him present help frō thy holy place Th. And euermore mighte●y defēd him against sathan sinne desperation death hell ph Let his enemy the deuill haue none a●uantage of him Eu. Nor y e wicked aproche to hurt him Phi. Be vnto him o lord a strōg toure a mighty castell sure fortres Chr. To defēd him frō the face of his enemy Phi. O Lord hear our prayers Eu And let our cry come vnto thee Phi. O Lord loke down from hea●uen behold visit relieue thi● thy seruaunt Loke vpō him with thy eyes of thy mercy geue hym comfort and sure cōfidence in the● defend him from the daunger o● the ennemy and kepe him in per●petuall peace and safetie through Iesus Christ our Lord. The. Amē ▪ Phi. Heare vs almighty and mos● merciful God and sauiour extēd thy accustomed goodnes to this thy seruaunt whiche is greued with sicknes visit him O lorde as thou diddest visit Peters wiues mother and the Capitaines seruaunt Restore vnto this sick parson his former health if it b● thy wil or els geue him grace so to take thy visitation that after this painfull life ended he maye dwel with the in life euerlasting Chr. Amen Phi. Arise and let vs go againe vnto our sicke brother Now neighbour Epaphroditus how do you Reioyce I pray you in the Lord and beare this crosse which God hath now laied vpon you both paciently and thanckefully Epap If I haue heretofore bene glad to receiue health at the Lordes hand why shuld not I also nowe take in good worth this his moste gentle and louing visitation The Lord gaue me health and the Lord hath taken it away againe It hath chaunced vnto me as the Lords pleasure is blessed be the name of the Lord. The. This cōforteth vs greatly to hear so good and godly wordes procede out of your mouth For of the aboundance of the hart the mouth speaketh saith our sauiour Christ. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forthe good things Ep. No man is good but God alone We are al vnclene vnprofitable seruaunts If any goodnes we haue it is of God as blessed Iames saith Euery good gift and euery perfect gift is from aboue commeth downe from y t father of lyghtes that he whiche reioyseth shoulde reioyse in the Lord. Chr. Now good neighbour how fele you your self Epa. O brother Christopher I perceiue ther is none other waye with me but one euen to depart from this lyfe Phi. Let it neuer greue you moost genle neighbour to geue ouer vnto nature and to depart from this worlde at the callynge of God There is a time to be borne and a time to die We must be as wel cōtent to die as we were to liue and as wel pleased to leaue the world as we were to come into it We ar mortal we therfore must nedes die Let vs not bear heauely that necessitie importeth God crea●●d vs that we shuld once die let vs not therefore repugne and striue against the good pleasure of God There shal none other thing chaunce vnto vs by death than that hathe heretofore chaunced vnto our predecessours and shall likewyse chaunce vnto our posteritie Who hath lyued that hath not died Who doth now or shall liue that shall not also tast death One the same way must nedes be troden of all Adams posteritie There is no meane to escape Adam sinned and became mortall All we haue sinned also in Adam therefore all we are made in him mortall and subiect vnto death As by one man saith S. Paule sinne entred into the worlde and death by the meanes of sinne Euē so death also went ouer al men in so muche as all we haue synned The reward of sinne is death God in dede created mā at the beginning to be immortall and not to be destroyed by death yea after the Image of his owne likenesse made he him Neuerthelesse thorow enuy of the deuil came death into the world The history of Adams fal is known in whō we also fel. Sence that time he all his posteritie haue bene mortall haue died shal die We al ar now flesh earth dust ashes So sone as we be borne so sone begin we to die This our life is nothing els then a very passage vnto death Noble and base pore and riche faire and foule wel fauoured and il fauoured mighty and weake wise folish fortunate and wretched ruler and subiect faithfull and vnfaithfull Christian and Painim old and yong man woman and childe euery bodely creature that liueth on the face of the earth shall die Whether the life be short or long the end of it is death All the holy Patriarkes Iudges kings Priestes Prophets and all other whiche liued before the comminge of Christ died Ihō Baptist Christes mother all the disciples of Christ died Yea Christ him selfe although moste innocent without all sinne after he was once clad with our flesh and had taken on him our nature became mortall and to pay our raunsome vnto God the father and to set vs againe at libertie he suffred death euen the death of the crosse Is y e seruaunt greater then his Lorde Or the disciple aboue his maister Our Lord hath troden the way a fore vs and shall we his seruants refuse to follow him Our maister hath geuen vs an example to die and shall we his disciples disdain to practise the lyke ▪ If death had bene cast only vppon our backes which liue in this age so might y e burthen haue bene thought vnrighteous and intollerable but forasmuch as our ancestors haue already tasted of death and are gone why shuld we that now liue beare so impaciently this commō chaunce On this condition came we al into the world y t we should leaue it agayne For we be heare but strangers and soiourners as were al our fathers Our days on thearth also are but as a shadow and there is none abiding Oure daies passe away swiftly and we are gone The dayes of man are y e daies of an hirelyng yea wynde and nothyng Man is lyke vnto vanit●e and his dayes passe away like a shadow Where is ther any man that liueth and shall not se● death man that is borne of a woman hath but a short time to liue and yet the tyme that he lyueth he is full of mysery He cometh vp and is cut down like a flower He flieth as it were a shadow and neuer continueth in one state Here haue we no continuing city but we seke one to come It is apoynted of God that all men shal once die For what is our life It is euen a vapour that appeareth for a little tyme and then vanisheth away as Iob saith
the Phisition being nothing afraid of him because they ar sick diseased but rather somuche the more doo they desire to come vnto him to shew him their woundes and to disclose their diseases that they may be made whole Now is Christ a phisitiō all we through sinne are diseased shal we therfore runne away from Christ and not rather make hast vnto him what Phisition is so ready to heale the body as Christe our Phisition is to heale the soule Who euer came vnto him with a faithfull and penitent heart and was refused Who euer sought remedy at his hand and was not holpen Who euer opened vnto hym his disea●es and was not cured he calleth all without exception be they neuer so diseased and loden with th● burden of sinne vnto him and pro●miseth that he will ease them of their burdens make thē whole is it to be thought that he wyl● refuse sinners when they come vn●to him Come vnto me sayth he al ye that labour and are loden I wil refreshe you Take my yoke vpon you and ye shall find rest for your soules For I came not to ca● y e righteous but sinners vnto repentance The sonne of man came to seke and to saue that was lost How frequented he the cōpany of synners when he was in this world that to this end only tha● he might call them through his godly sermons vnto repentance vnto the fauour of God and vnto the felowship of the sainctes in so muche that he was called a frend of open sinners and whores How defended he alway the humble penitēt sinners against the proud and stifnecked Pharises and Iusticiaries When Zache being a sinner the Prince of the Publicans sought to see Christ how louingly did Christ speake vnto him and frendly came into his house eat dranck with him Whē Mary Magdalē being a greuous sinner came vnto Christe he refused not her company but talked most gently with her cōforted her receiued her into his fauour quieted her cōsciēce healed her diseases gaue her euerlasting life Whan the poore Publicane whiche had both ofte and greuously offended the Lord his God came into the temple to pray and in his praiers hūbled him self before the maiestie of God and cōfessed him self a sinner was he not ioyfully receiued into the fauour of God and pronounced more righteous euen by the mouth of Christ then y e proude ▪ Pharesy for all his glistring workes How ioyfully was that vnthrifty prodigal wastfull sonne receiued home again What frēdship founde that theif whiche was crucified with Christe at the hand of Christ when he saide Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdome Did not Christ straightways aunswere him and say This day shalt thou bee with me in Paradise And yet was he both a thief a seditious persone and a murtherer Christe refuseth none although neuer so greuous a synner if we come vnto hym Turn ye vnto me and I wil turn vnto you saith the Lord of hostes Thou disobedient Israel Turne again saith the Lord and I will not let my wrath fall vpon you I am mercifull saith the Lord and I wil not alway bear displeasur against thee but this I will y e thou know thy great blasphemy namely that thou hast vnfaithfully forsaken the Lord thy God and hast made thi self partaker of straunge Gods vnder all greene trees but hast had no wil to hear my voyce saieth the Lorde O ye disobedient chyldren turne againe saieth the Lord and I will be maried with you c. O ye disobedient childrē turne agayne saying Lo we are thyne for thou art the Lorde our God and so shal I heal your back turninges Who wyll not boldely come vnto so mercifull a Lord most louing father seing he so gētely calleth all men vnto hym be they neuer so greuous synners promiseth that he wyll not refuse them but louingly receiue them neuer lay their offences vnto their charge but to forget them and cast them behinde his backe that he wyll neuer ether remember th● or loke vpon them more Theo. The Lord is merciful gentle and louing pacient long suffring o● muche kindnes and ready at all tymes to forgeue yea euen wha● he is at the poynt to punyshe Th● Lord is louing vnto euery man his mercy is ouer all his workes ▪ The lord is good and gracious of great mercy vnto all them that call vpon him The Lord is ful of tender compassion and great mer●cy long sufferyng and of muche goodnes He wil not alway be chi●ding neither kepeth he his anger for euer He dealeth not with vs after our synnes neither rewardeth he vs accordyng to our wickednesses For loke how hie y e heauen is in comparison of the earth so great is his mercy also toward them that feare him Loke howe wide also the East is from y e west so far hath he set our sinnes from vs. Yea lyke as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is the Lord mercifull vnto thē that feare him For he knoweth whereof we be made he remembreth y t we are but dust With the Lorde there is mercy and with him is plenteous redemption And he shall redeme Israel frō al his sinnes Phi. The great kindnes dere hearty loue of God toward vs appeareth not only in this y t he both willingly and gladly admitteth and receiueth synners whensoeuer they repent and tourne vnto hym but ●n that he also most diligently seketh them vp fetcheth them home again and geueth them grace to repent and turne that they maye ●e saued This thinge is verye ●yuelye described and set forthe in ●he parables of the straid shepe of the lost groat and of the wounded man Herein is loue saith S ▪ Iohn not that we loued God bu● that he loued vs sent his sonn● to be the agrement for our sinnes Saint Paule saieth God settet● out his loue toward vs seing tha● while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs. Much more thē now● we that are iustified by his blud● shalbe saued from wrath throug● him For if when we were enne●mies we were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne much● more seing we are reconciled we shalbe preserued by his life Epa. I beleue y t God is a mercifull father for Christes sake to all them tha● do truly repente beleue and con●uert vnto him but is it not to be● feared that my repentaunce and conuersion is to late Phi. Be on good comfort neighbor Epaphroditus there is no repentaūce and conuersion to late in this worlde ▪ so that it be true proceadeth frō a contrite heart humble spirite For at whatsoeuer hour a sinner dooth mourne and lamente for his sinnes God promyseth that he will so forgeue him his iniquities that he will neuer remember thē more And
nothing but raise them vp againe at the last day And this is y e wil of him that sent me that euery one whiche seeth the sonne and beleueth on him haue euerlasting life And I will rayse him vp at y e last day I am the resurrection life he y t beleueth in me though he be dead yet shall he lyue euery one that liueth and beleueth i● me shal neuer die To him christ● geue all the Prophetes witnes saith S. Peter that through his name whosoeuer beleueth in him shall receiue remission of sinnes If thou knowledge w t thy mouth that Iesus is the Lorde and beleue in thine heart that God raysed hym vp from death thou shal● be saued For to beleue with th● hert iustifieth and to knowledge with the mouthe maketh a man safe For the scripture saith Whosoeuer beleueth on him shall not be confounded Thus se you that faith dooth assure your conscience of y e fauor of God of euerlasting life Doubt you not therfore but that you are counted in the number of Gods elect and chosen people and shall enherit the glorious kingdom of God Epa. I was baptised in the name of God y e father ●nd of god the sonne of god the ●oly ghost Phi. This is also a sure ●●kē of the fauour of God toward ●ou and that you are predestinate ●nto euerlasting life seyng that according to your profession you do beleue and vnto the vttermost of your power frame your life For it is wrytten he that beleueth is baptised shalbe saued And s. Peter said vnto the Iewes Repent you of your sinnes be baptised euery one of you in y e name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes and ye shall receiue the gift of the holy ghost ▪ And Saint Paule saieth All ye that are baptized haue put on Christ. And you know there is no dampnation to them that are in Christ Iesu. For as when you wer baptised ye forsoke the deuill the world and the flesh withal their workes pōpes and vanitie and gaue your selfe only vnto the seruice of God taking him for your Lord maister euen so hath God likewise taken you to be his seruaunt loueth and fauoureth you and wil defend you against al your ennemies and neuer forsake you vntyll he hathe brought you vnto euerlasting life By baptisme is he your lord God therefore wyll not he suffer you to pearishe By baptisme is he your father and you are born of him so become his sonne therfore can he none otherwyse then loue tender and fauour you and geue you the enheritaunce of his heauenly kingdome By baptisme are you made the brother of Christ heyre of God and fellow heire w t Christ of euerlasting glory thē may you be certen to be of that nōber that shall enherit eternall life By baptisme is the holy ghost geuen you then are you the sonne of God and ●an not pearysh For it is written They that are led with the spirite ●f God are the sonnes of God Baptisme is a continuall signe of ●he fauour of God towarde vs of ●he fre remission of sinnes of our ●econciliatiō vnto God for Chri●tes sake and that we be by adop●ion the sonnes of God heires of ●uerlasting glory Epa. In tymes ●ast I haue also many tymes re●eiued the misteries of the Lordes ●ody and bloud in the temples of ●he Christians with the congre●ation of God wherin I confesse I haue founde great comfort and ●erye muche quietnesse vnto my ●eake and synnefull conscience Phi. The often comming with a ●eruent de syre vnto the Lords ta●le by true faythe to fede vpon the ●isteries of the Lordes body and ●loud is a manifest argument y t God hath chosen you to be his hath written your name in y e bok● of life and predestinate you vnt● euerlasting glory For in so doin● you haue not only called vnto re●membraunce the moste healthfu● death of our Lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ and so bene thanke●ful for it but you haue also shew●ed your selfe a lyuely member 〈◊〉 that holy body whereof Christ i● the head You haue professed opē●ly in the face of the Christen con●gregation that God the father i● your father y t Christ is your Lor● and sauiour that by the one onl● oblation of his blessed body on th● altare of the Crosse all your syn●nes are put away and forgeue● and you made the enheritour 〈◊〉 euerlasting glory Whē you thu● came vnto the Lordes Table a● the fruites benefites and merit● of Christes passiō were geuen yo● namely the fauour of God remi●●sion of sinnes the holy ghost quietnes of conscience new affectes victory ouer Sathan death and hell and finally euerlasting lyfe so that nowe ye are incorporated in Christ become a true liuely member of that misticall bodye wherof he is the head yea you ar fleshe of his fleshe and bone of his bones as the Apostle saith Is not the cup of blessing whiche we bles partaking of the bloud of Christ Is not the bread whiche we breake partaking of y e body of Christ c. Epa. As I haue had many times an earnest and feruent minde to come reuerentlye vnto the Lordes table and to be partaker of the holy misteries of Chri●tes body and bloud with the congregation so likewise haue I at all times bene glad to repare vn●o those places wher the word of God hath bene preached and the doctrine y t hath there bene taugh● I marked diligētly kept it in me●mory and to the vttermost of m● power I laboured to frame m● life according vnto the same tha● I might bee no forgetfull heare● but a diligent doer of those wor●kes whiche I learned of the hol● scriptures to bee acceptable vnt● the Lord my Lord that I migh● serue him in holines and righte●ousnes all the dayes of my lyfe Phi. As there is not a more euidē● testimony and a surer argument● that that man is in the state of e●uerlasting dampnation which● hath no mynd to hear the word o● God nor to traine his lyfe according vnto the doctrine therof s● likewise is there not a more cer●taine signe that any man is pre●destinate to be saued then whē h● hath a mynd to heare the word o● God as our sauiour Christ testi●fieth saying He that is of god heareth gods words ye therfore hear thē not because ye are not of God Here se you how Christ putteth a difference betwene them that are of God and them that are of the deuill They that are the children of y e deuil haue no minde to heare the worde of God But they that are the sonnes of God haue a feruent delite and singulare great pleasure to hear gods word yea as the Prophet saieth to exercise them selues in it daye and night In an other place our Sauioure Christ saith also My shepe heare
as vnto an other it goeth with the righteous as with vngodly with the good cleane as with the vncleane with him that offreth as with hym that offreth not like as it goeth with th● vertuous so goeth it also with th● sinner As it hapneth vnto the pe●iured so hapneth it also vnto hym that is afraide to be forsworne Among all thynges that come to passe vnder the Sunne this is a misery that it hapneth vnto all alike Of these wordes it euidently appeareth that Salomon speaketh of the knowledge which a naturall man hath by the outwarde gifts of god wherof because they be indifferently geuen aswell to y e good as to the bad he is not able to iudge whō God loueth whō he hateth Now wher as the Papists wrest this text vnto y e knowledge or iudgement of the conscience which commeth of the spirite of God and of his holy word and would that Christen men in theyr cōscience shuld dout whether God loue thē or not whether they be in the fauour of God or not whether their sinnes be forgeuen thē or not whether they shalbe saued or notthei teache a deuelishe errour and leade y e receiuers of their doctrin the right way to hell fire For he y t douteth of the mercifull good wil fauorable grace of God toward him beleueth not that God for christes sake is louing vnto him forgeueth him al his syns verely he is no true christian but dying in this his doubtfulnes and vnbelief he shall surely be dampned acording to this saying he that doth not beleue on the sonne shall not se life but the wrath of God a bideth on hym This erroneous doctrine of the Papistes maketh God false of his promyse quencheth fayth blotteth out hope destroieth loue disquieteth the conscience filleth y e hart with whole seas of vnreastfull and wycked imaginations and so driueth the doubtful parson vnto desperation and finally vnto dampnation O murtherers O soule s●ears If no man can be certaine in his conscience whether he be in the fauour of god or no whether god for christes sake wil forgeue him his sins or not and geue him euerlasting lyfe to what poynt serue all the promises of Gods tender mercies made to all faithfull penitent sinners in Christes bloud vnto what end doth faith serue If faith certifieth not our conscience of Gods good wyl toward vs and so bringeth peace and quietnes vnto it what is then the office of fayth If a man whose credit is approued promiseth vs any thinge we surely loke for it nothing doubte of the performance therof shall we doubt of the accomplishment of the promises of God whiche is faithful in all his wordes whiche can not lie which is not only true but also the self truth Let al men be liers and let God abide true God hath promised that at whatsoeuer hour we tourne vnto him he will forgeue vs al our sinnes neuer remember them more but so frely fauour vs and so tenderly loue vs as though we had neuer offended him This is the promise of him which can nether deceiue nor be deceiued and shal we doubt of the performance therof Shall we doubt whether y e Lord oure God wyll be as good as his word whether our sinnes be forgeuen and we receiued againe into fauor or not God hath promised that in Christ all nations of y e earth shalbe blessed And shal we which loke for our whole saluation in the bloud of Christe doubt whether we shall bee blessed in Christ y t is to say fauoured of god the father for Christs sake or not Christ our Lord sauiour calleth all that labour and be loden vnto him and promiseth y t he will ease remedy comfort and helpe them And shal we doubt of this his promise What other thynge is it to doubt of the promises of god ▪ then to doubt whether God be true or no iust faithfull or no y e same in his dede that he is in his word or no O the to much vnfaithfulnes of the wicked Papistes The scripture saith he that beleueth on the sōne of god hath euerlasting life The faithful christians beleue on Christ the sonne of God embrase him with strong faith as their alone sauiour redemer atonement maker intercessour mediatour aduocate and shal they doubt of y e ●nheritaunce of euerlasting lyfe Ether they that do beleue so cōtinue vnto thēd haue euerlasting life at their departure out of this life or els God is not true of his promise But God is faithful in al his wordes therfore doo the faithful christians receiue according to gods promises their faith If all thinges be possible to him y ● beleueth if al things chance to a faithfull man according to his faith w t what whorish shameles forheds dare the proud and vngodly Papistes teache vs to doubt of the grace and fauoure of God of the ●emission of sinnes and of the enheritaunce of euerlasting lyfe Where doutfulnes is there is no ●rue faith but rather misbeliefe ● to such a doubting faith yea ra●her no faith nothinge is promised but the fearce wrath and vengeaunce of God and euerlasting● dampnation Se to what poyn● the wicked Papistes bryng they● whelpes with their deuelysh doc●trin Saint Iames saith If any man lack wisdom let him aske i● of him that geueth it euē God But let him aske in faith and wa●uer not For he that doubteth i● like a waue of y e sea which is to ● of the wyndes and caried wit● violence Nether let y e man think● that he shall receiue any thyng o● the Lorde A wauering minde● man is vnstable in all his wayes Are not they that professe Christ much boūd to the papistes whic● teach their scholers to doubt of th● mercy of God not to be through●ly perswaded in their conscience● that God loueth them pardonet● them for Christes sake maket● them enheritours of euerlasting glory Is this anye other thynge then to say despair die be dampned O deuils incarnat God lighten the eies of the simple that thei may once see the iugling castes of these wily wicked Papistes and come vnto the vnfained truthe of gods word whiche is able to saue their soules whiche also is the mighty power of God to saue euery one that beleueth The. Amen Phi. Al the godly euē from the beginning haue beleued the promises of God and nothing doubted of them whether they concerned temporall or spirituall things and according to their fayth so recey●ed they Yea when God seamed most to be angry with them vt●erly to cast them from his fauor ●uen then did they nothing doubt ●f his mercifull goodnesse but w t ●rong faith cleaueth to the promi●es of God as a certain mā saith Though he kil me yet will I put my truste in hym The Psalmograph also saith
he will deliuer you out of all your paynes take you vnto him and place you in his glorious kingdom Epa. O Lorde deliuer my soule from the sweard my dearling frō the power of the dogge Saue me from y e Lions mouth Bow downe thine eare to me make haste to deliuer me Be thou my Protectoure O God and house of defence that y e maiest saue me Be thou my strōg rocke and my castell Be thou my guide and leade me for thy names sake Drawe me oute of the net thot they haue layde preuely for me for thou art my strengthe Into thy handes I commend my spirite for thou hast redemed me O Lord thou God of truthe Phile. Fear not brother Epaphroditus God is your louing father and moste gentle sauiour He hath hearde your humble requestes and graunted your peticions He hathe and wyll defend you from all euill euen vnto the end He will not suffer you to be deuoured of that hellish Lion and cruel dog y e deuill He hath sent his holy Angels hether vnto you euen into this your chambre They are here presente for youre great cōfort They haue pitched their tents round about you that they may kepe you harmles and safe from the deuouring tethe of Sathan Thei wait vpon you diligently for your defence and wil neuer depart frō you till they receiue your soule and cary it vp louingly as a most precious relique into the kingdome of heauen and moste ioyfully present it vnto the glorious throne of gods maiestie Fixe y e eies of your faith on Christ and Christes merits on Christes passion and death on Christes blessed body breakyng and his moste precious bloud sheddinge on his triumph and victory ouer sathan his hellish army beleue Christe to be your alone sauioure and all his works to be your good works and so shall ye not perish but haue euerlasting lyfe Epaphro Hast the O Lord to deliuer me for it is hie time In thee O Lord Christ my most mercifull sauiour and only redemer in thee in the alone is al my trust let me neuer be confounded O Iesu. Mercy Iesu mercy ▪ O Christ. Mercy Christ mercy O God the Father O God the sōne O God the holy Ghost O moste blessed Trinitie thre persons and one God haue mercy on me Receiue my soule into thy handes Place it for thy mercies sake in thy heauēly kingdom among thy holy angels and blessed sainctes O my good God O father O my most merciful father Mercy mercy Phile. God the father whiche made you blesse you God y e sonne which redemed you preserue you God the holy ghost which sanctifieth you confirme and strengthē you The blessing ▪ defence and sauing health of the allmighty god the father the sonne and the holy ghost preserue you from al euyl and bringe you vnto euerlastinge lyfe Chr. Amen Eu. Me thinck he hath geuē vp the ghost The. No he is yet a liue God comfort him Lord shewe him the light of thy louing countenaunce Epa. When shall I come to appere before the presence of my God Phi. God be thancked he yet speaketh yea he godly speaketh Brother Epaphroditus take a good hert vnto you shrincke not Fight a good fight Be not discouraged nether with the terroures of sathan nor with y e pains of death God is on youre syde God is your graūd captain You fighte vnder the banner of that most mighty and victorious Emperour Iesus Christ. Only continue as you haue begon and the daye is yours Sathā with al his army like miserable cowardes shalbe put to flight and vanquished You shall haue a ioyful victory ouer thē The paine of the battell is short and lyght but the glory of your triūphe shal abide for euer euer Heare what your graunde captaine saithe he that continueth vnto the end shall be saued To him y t ouercommeth I will geue to eate of the tree of life which is in the middes of the Paradise of God Be faithful vnto the death and I shall geue the the crowne of life Him that ouercommeth will I make a pillar in the temple of my God and he shal go no more out Yea to him that ouercommeth will I graunte to sit with me in my seate Here see you what precious and mooste noble rewardes are set forth vnto you if you go forth valeauntly to fight against your ennemies which seke your destruction Only beleue only fixe y e eies of your faith on Christ crucified Only engraue in your heart depely a sure and vndoubted confidence in the mercifull promises of God the father whiche he hath made vnto you in the precious bloud of his dearly beloued sonne and our alone sauioure Iesus Christe and you shall moste certainly haue the victory and obtain the reward of ioyfull immortalitie Here what your graund captain Christ saith God hath so dearly loued y e world that he gaue his onelye begotten sonne that euery one that beleueth on hym should not pearyshe but haue euerlasting life For god sent not his sonne into the worlde to condempne the world but that the world shuld be saued by hym He y t beleueth on him is not damned Iohn Baptist saithe He that beleueth on y e sonne of God hath euerlasting life My shepe saith Christ heare my voyce I know them and they followe me and I geue them euerlasting life nether shall they perishe for euer nor yet shall any man plucke them out of my hand My father which gaue them to me is greater then all no man can pluck them out of my fathers hande I and my father am one Againe I am the resurrection and life He that beleueth in me though he were dead yet shall he liue And euery one that liueth and beleueth in me shall neuer die I am the way y e truthe and the life Follow Christ you cā not erre nor go out of the way for he is the waye Beleue Christ and you can not be deceiued for he is the truthe Abide and remaine in Christ and you can not die the death euerlasting for he is the life Wherefore O most dere brother cleane with strong faithe to these most swete and comfortable promyses of Christe youre Sauiour Beleue to obtayne whatsoeuer is promysed So may you be sure to be Gods sonne and heyre of his euerlasting kingdome neuer to perishe but to haue eternall lyfe Epa. I beleue to haue remission of all my synnes thorowe faithe in Christes bloud Lorde Iesu take my spirite O heauenly father I cōmend my spirit into thy hādes Ph. This faith deare brother maketh you the Sonne of God and heyre of his glorious kingdome yea it maketh you Christes brother and fellow heyr with him of euerlasting glory It purchaseth for you fauor at the hand of God and forgeuenes of al your sinnes It bringeth vnto you peace and quietnes of conscience It maketh a perfect reconciliation