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A02043 Lectures of I.B. vpon the xii. Articles of our Christian faith briefely set forth for the comfort of the godly, and the better instruction of the simple and ignorant. Also hereunto is annexed a briefe and cleare confession of the Christian faith, conteining an hundreth articles, according to the order of the Creede of the Apostles. Written by that learned [and] godly martyr I.H. sometime Bishop of Glocester in his life time.; Briefve et claire confession de la foy chrestienne. English. Baker, John, minister.; Hooper, John, d. 1555.; Garnier, Jean, d. 1574. Briefve et claire confession de la foy chrestienne. English. 1581 (1581) STC 1219; ESTC S110441 203,151 484

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counsell and the spirit of the feare of the Lord because it giueth al these qualityes vnto men and doeth teache vs the what good gift soeuer we haue we haue it frō the holy ghost the giuer of al and whatsoeuer we lacke we should seeke it likewise of the same spirit none other The holy Apostle rekoning vp the diuersities of the giftes of the holy spirit affirmeth alwayes That it is one and the selfe same spirit that giueth these things as the gift of wisedome of knowledge of faith of healing of miracles of prophecie of discerning spirites of tongues of interpretation of tongues al these thinges sayethe he worketh one and the same spirit distributing to euery man seuerally as he wil 1. Cor. 12. This doeth also teache vs that this spirit hath most plentifull store of giftes to enriche the body of the Church of Christ and that there is no want or lacke in him A great cōfort vnto vs to knowe whither to resort incōtinently for any good gifte to haue it forthwith For Christ hath promised this holy spirit to them that seeke aske and knock for it Luke 11. Doest thou feele thy selfe to lacke fayth or hope or loue or sanctification of life or any good and necessary gift to edifte Gods Church withall Pray to this holy spirit vse the ordinarie meanes he willeth thee as hearing the word prayer labour and study and this spirite shal be giuen thee This spirit was so necessary that our sauiour promised to send it aboue all things to his disciples to comfort them with when he departed from them For he breathed vpon them and said Receiue yee the holy ghost Ioh. 20. And afterwarde sent it downe more plentifully vpon them in the likenes of fire and clouen tongues Act. 2. Wher with they were not a little cōforted in their miseries troubles against their aduersaries which were not able to resist them speaking with this holy spirite Act. 6. This spirit is sayd to haue diuers names appellations in the scriptures to comfort vs withal in tētations He is called the spirit of trueth to teache vs the trueth and to leade vs into all trueth He is called also the cōforter because he dothrefresh cōfort our hearts nothing more thē in tētations aduersities as Paul found it true in the 2. Cor. 1. Cap. he is called the power of God because he worketh al things nothing is vnpossible vnto him sōetime he is named the autor of light because he doth illuminate enlightē our darke blind hearts with the bright sunbeāes of his wil pleasure Briefely he is the wel foūtaine of al goodnesse whereat we must draw al things needeful for vs in this life This being so it stādeth vpō euery one of vs to labour by all meanes possible to haue this spirit dwelling abiding with vs for euer For surely the necessitie of him is great the vse of him aboue most precious gold siluer pearls Psal 19. Dauid vnderstoode this right wel to be so for hee prayeth that God woulde not take away his spirite from him but stablish him with his free spirit Psal 50. For where the spirit of the Lord is there is libertie and freedome from the seruice of the deuill from the slauery of sin We are by nature al of vs the children of wrath damnatiō earthly minded alwayes groueling to the ground being ouerloden burdened with the weight of our sinnes except we be raysed lifted vp by this spirit euē as the soule maintaineth vpholdeth the weake brittle body It cōmeth to passe then in vs no otherwise thē we see it by experience in bladders the which if they be empty cast into the waters for the weight of thē they sinke foorthwith are drowned But if they be blowen filled with wind wherewith they be made light they flyt aboue the water swim Euē so it fareth with vs How heauie we are with sin our cōsciences if we examine thē wel wil tel vs. Wherefore we cānot but sinke being tossed in the waues of the sea of this world drowned with the inordinate desires passiōs affectiōs of this life being altogether voyde of this spirite which should beare vs vp frō these surges tēpests of this life But now if we be filled replenished with this heauenly spirit thē shall we swim aboue triumph ouer sin wickednesse not be drowned with it Wherfore Paul wel weying with himselfe this dāger if we were destitute of the holy ghost willeth vs that we should not be drūke with wine wherin is excesse which maketh vs so heauie drowsie that we sinke but saith that should be filled with the spirit which causeth vs to mount vp to heauē Therefore is it that he so oftē times cōmādeth vs to walke in the spirit to do the works of the spirite which are loue ioy peace long suffering gētlenes goodnesse faith meekenes tēperāce We are with out this spirit as a ship in the sea without a gouernour or as a mā without his eyes in most dangerous case for tell me I pray you what is the cause why so many now a dayes run headlong to all wickednesse abominatiōs some to whoredōe some to couetousnes some to drūkēnes some to pride some to theft robberies some to one sin some to another what is the reasō I say but only this because God hath not giuē his holy spirit vnto thē to defēd thē frō these euils mischiefs And this cause doth S. Iude render in his Epistle for hauing rekoned vp the natural properties conditions of the wicked reprobate namely that they were despisers of gouernment autoryty as the Anabaptistes are defilers of the fleshe liuing in pleasure murmurers complayners walking after their owne lusts speaking proud things flatterers such like In the end hee addeth this as the cause mother of al these sinnes the not hauing of the spirit meaning in deede that because God hath not giuen thē his holy spirit therfore they were such kind of mē as he there painteth forth in their colours such as we dayly se here with vs. And yet for al this God is not boūd to any man to giue him his spirit as Paul proueth Rō 11. neither do they humble thēselues to aske his grace by earnest hearty praier for thē should they haue it Iam. 1. By the lacke and want of this spirite in other men wee may easily see what a benefite we haue by him to keepe and defende vs so mercifully euery houre in all our waies and actions of our life If this spirit leaue vs neuer so litle while to our selues then we fal into an hundred mischāces and euils as we see in Moses a singular man being left to his owne will and choyse but a litle he fell twise together to doubt and distrust of the power of the Lorde whether he were
Lorde as beyng without Christ Thirdly the Iewes can haue or looke for no remission of sinnes because they haue reiected this Christ and go about to establish their owne righteousnesse by the workes of the Lawe whereas Christ is the full ende or perfection of the Lawe for righteousnesse to euery one that beleeueth Rom. 10. They haue a zeale but not according to knowledge and thinking to bee saued by the Lawe they all stande accursed and also accursed iustly by the Law before the Lord For cursed sayeth he is he that continueth not in all thinges that are written in this booke to doe them Galat. 3. They are detters then without Christ to keepe and perfourme the whole Lawe perfitly and absolutely vnto the Lorde which no man can doe no not they and therefore without a Sauiour they stande in a miserable case euen in the state of euerlasting damnation and perdition And last of all the false and Hypocriticall Christian which professeth with his mouth that hee knoweth and beleeueth in Christ and yet vtterly denyeth him in his whole life conuersation can hope for no remission of his sinnes continuing still as he doeth in disobedience and all kinde of abominations But the Lord hath dyed for sinners you wil saye and great and notorious sinners too trueth it is he hath done so but yet they are such sinners as repent and are sory for their former sinnes they lead not their life in voluntarie sinnes so that they shoulde delite dwel in sinne but they continue in the feare of the Lord. Briefely they are penitent sinners and not obstinate and wilfull persons that can not repent for whom the Lord hath died If we feele our selues to be such trembling sinners the Lorde hath a free remission of sinnes for vs whensoeuer we come vnto him for to whom doth the Lord looke Euen to him that is poore of a contrite spirit and trembling at his wordes But he that hardeneth his heart and goeth on still in his former wickednesse without remorse of cōscience at al he heapeth vp wrath vnto himselfe against the daye of wrath and maketh his sinnes so heauie vnto himselfe that they will presse him downe to hell These men must amend their ill liues and be heartily sory for their sinnes not in hypocrisie as Pharao was who said I haue sinned vnto the Lorde neither in desperation as Iudas who repented but not in faith But herein let them followe Dauid in the olde Testament and Peter in the Newe who repented and wept most bitterly but yet in hope had remission of their sinnes These men by their repentance afterwarde changed and altered their olde liues and conuersation their olde man with his maners was put off and the newe man which after God was created in righteousnesse and true holinesse was foorthwith put on and so they walked all their dayes afterward in a newe life Many men can say now a daies Oh I nowe repent I am sory for my sinnes yet by and by or the next daye they fall to the same or like sinnes againe Shal we thinke such men repent nay verely they deceyue but themselues and the worlde for God they can not deceiue Repentance is in the heart and not in the mouth for it is a turning and chaunging of the minde from ill to good As long therefore as we see their liues not to bee at all chaunged wee may boldely saye they repent not truely and therefore remission of sinnes is excluded from them Hee that repenteth truely altereth his wicked life as wee see it came to passe in Paul who after that hee was called and repented of his former life neuer returned agayne to persecute the Church of Christ neyther did hee liue as before hee did Well to conclude this part if this remission of sinnes come vnto vs by Christ let vs be sure to bee in his loue let vs not profane his holy name by our vile blasphemies in our mouthes dayly as the wicked doe but let euery one that calleth vpon this name depart from all iniquitie 2. Timothie 2. chapter The thirde thing to bee considered in this remission of our sinnes was as I sayde before the meanes by the which it may bee applyed vnto vs and receyued from Iesus Christ the authour of it For vnlesse wee also knowe this it is to no purpose to knowe the former two poyntes And this may bee made playne vnto vs by this similitude The poore man that is an hungred although hee knowe whyther to goe to some riche man or other for his meate and almes yet except he vnderstand what meanes and waye to vse to obtayne this reliefe of the riche man all is in vayne for if he should vse stoute and sturdy words when hee ought to be gentle or if he should commaunde it when hee shoulde intreate for it hee were not like to speede or if the riche man did offer him meate to be receyued with the hande and hee put foorth his foule feete to receyue it it were a very preposterous order and such a thing as myght iustly cause this man to withdrawe his liberalitie from him so surely the case standeth betweene our Lorde Iesus Christ the Prince of all heauenly treasures and vs poore sinners and wretches Albeit we well perceyue that hee hath remission of sinnes for vs yet wee must knowe the waye to please him when wee come to haue our sute obtayned And this waye to please him and to take the benefite that hee offereth is onely faith in his name For without faith it is vnpossible to please him For he that commeth vnto him must beleeue that he is and that hee is a rewarder of all them that seeke him as sayth the holy Ghost the eleuenth to the Hebrewes When therefore the Lorde Iesus offereth this great benefite of saluation vnto vs in the free remission of all our sinnes wee must not offer out to him our foule feete that is to saye our woorkes which are with many sinnes polluted and defiled for so wee myght cause him to bee angrie with vs and to keepe backe his gracious benefites But we must as he hath commaunded and alwaies in the Gospell requireth when he is about to doe vs any good beleeue onely in him that is offer vnto him our hande that is true faith which is a fitte thing and instrument to receiue his blessinges Neyther is this our saying but the phrase and maner of speache in the Scriptures Our Sauiour Christ did neuer any miracle or cure vpon the bodies of men but hee required faith of them and they being healed hee alwayes attributed it to the faith and confidence that they had in him and not to any good worke of theirs In the ninth chapter of the Gospel after Saint Matthews wee reade there of a very charitable deede of foure men that brought one being sicke of the palsie to our sauiour Christ as hee laye on his bed but what sayde our sauiour Christ concerning
heauenly thinges and not earthly for wee are dead and our life is hidde with Christ in God Colossians 3. vers 1. and so let vs altogether mortifie our earthly members and fleshly lustes fornication euil concupiscēce vncleannes inordinate affectiō and couetousnes which is of all vices the worst called Idolatrie doing these things in the first resurrection when Christ which is our life shal appeare then shall we also in the seconde resurrection appeare with him in glory The which assurance of our resurrection is the thirde benefite we haue to note in this resurrection of Christ for by it we are made surc and certaine of the rysing againe of our bodies at the last and generall day of iudgement when Christ shal come to iudge all the worlde in righteousnes I say that his rising is the earnest of our immortalitie not onely in our soules but also in our bodyes He is become the first fruits of thē that sleepe and as in Adam we al die so again by Christ and his resurrection we shal al be made aliue at the great and last day in as much as he is the resurrectiō the life and he that beleeueth in him although he were dead yet shal hee liue Iohn 11. And hee is the head that is risen therefore the body and all the members of the same shal followe in due time For as when a man hath fallen into some deepe and dangerous riuer and hath nowe recouered his head from vnder the water and swimmeth aboue out of danger with his head although his other parts members of his body be not yet seene discouered yet wil al mē say he is escaped from death already so is it with our head Iesus Christ and with vs his body Seeing he is escaped and tisē from the deepe gulfe of death notwithstanding wee seeme as yet to be couered therein in this our mortall state why may it not be iustly saide that we are risen with him being so neerely ioyned and vnited vnto him vnlesse we will denie him to bee our head Wherefore if wee professe our selues to be his wee must lykewise acknowledge that our resurrection is already begun in his that we do by hope which neuer maketh ashamed in this life retaine the assurance of that state which hereafter wee shall with ful possession accomplishmēt in heauen with him enioy for euer This can not bee but a great and singular comfort to al the faithfull seruauntes of Iesus Christ to consider that their bodyes shal not lie for euer in the graues as the bodyes of beastes do but that they shall rise againe with Christ which is before entred into heauen to prepare a place there for vs that hee may come againe at the last day to receiue vs wholy vnto him selfe If wee were by the death of any friende of ours made sure by good and sufficient warrant of an hundred pounde lande a yeere howe greatly woulde wee reioyce thereof both night and day And how ought we to reioyce continually beyng put in assurance by Christes death and resurrection not of landes and goodes here which are but short and transitorie but of the possession of the euerlasting and immortall kingdome of God where are pleasures without ende and ioyes without any wearinesse O howe ought this to stirre vs vp to be in loue with that life but especially and aboue all things to loue him that was the authour and purchaser of these things vnto vs euen Iesus Christ the sonne of God both God and man I woulde to God we did thinke of these thinges and consider deepely with our selues what is prepared for vs by his resurrection surely then wee woulde not sinne at the least we would not wallo we with the sowe and delite in our sinnes as many men do the more is the pitie Wel this is the greatest benefite we obteine by this resurrection euen our owne rising if it were not for this we were not better thē bruite beastes yea farre worse especially the godly who suffer many iniuries and tauntes with mockings and paynes of the wicked if they shoulde not be assured of this grace and happinesse their life were very miserable they surely would despaire But of these things which are very incident to the article of our resurrection mo things by Gods grace shal be spokē whē we come to that point In the meane season dearely beloued let vs giue to Iesus Christ most humble and heartie thankes for the benefits that we receiue of his gratious goodnes by his victorious resurrection in that hee hath gotten to vs life and opened the gates of paradise vnto vs which were shutte before And with all because we neede continually to craue many thinges at his handes let vs meekely pray vnto him that hee woulde vouchsafe to woorke so in our harde heartes by his holy spirit that we may by his resurrection mortifie and kil all the wicked vnruly desires of the flesh other sinnes which are crept into vs and beg we of him that we may all of vs leaue the olde finfull life of Adam and walke in a newe life and put on the newe man Iesus Christ and to make no prouision for the vnbrydled flesh to fulfil the lustes of it that we may walke before him and serue him not for a day or weeke or moneth or yere but as the holy ghost saith al the dayes times of our life in holinesse and true righteousnesse to his honour and glorie to the profite and commoditie of his Church our brethren and in the ende to the consolation and comfort of our own soules which God graunt vs for his sonnes sake to whom with the holy spirit be rendred all praise and glory and wisedome and thanks and honour and power and might for euermore Amen The sixt Lecture vpon the sixt article of our Christian fayth He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the father almighty THis is the sixt Article of our Christian faith yet but the fift of thē that appertaine to Christ his benefites from his conception to this his ascension into heauen and it followeth consequently in order after his resurrection not but that there was some time and space betweene for Luke doeth recken fourty dayes to this ende that hee might instruct and confirme his disciples in the veritie of his resurrection to the which ende he did eate and drinke with thē after he was risen Nowe the meaning of this article in mo wordes for the capacitie and vnderstanding of the simple and vnlearned is this I that am a Christian doe beleeue according to the scriptures that Iesus Christ in the same body that he rose is ascended into heauen for to prepare a place for me and to pray continually vnto God his father for vs to bee mercifull vnto our sinnes This is the true sense and meaning of this article Now let vs consider what things wee haue to learne out of it
is neyther hell nor heauen God nor Deuill and that all are but fables that wee speake of this day and so they growe to an vtter contempt of God and all godlines But as the Lord liueth they shall finde it true by experience which they woulde not here embrace by fayth yea they shall confesse themselues starke fooles and the godlie men to bee wise in deede Wisedome 5. Christ Iesus shall bee that great Lorde and riche master of the house which shall come to take an account of his seruantes talentes giuen vnto them to encrease and vse to his honour and glory and to the good and diligent seruauntes shall hee giue rewardes and ioy but to the vnprofitable seruauntes stripes and paine eternall This shal be the newe married bridegrome and husbande which shall come to make a choise of the wise and chaste virgins which haue kept them selues pure vnto him from the foolishe and vnchaste which haue defyled them selues with the wicked worlde In that day Christ shal be that good and diligent husbandman which shal come to gather the wheate in the time of haruest into his barnes for his owne vse but shall burne the chaffe with vnquenchable fire And to conclude hee shall be that great shepheard which shall diuide the lambes and sheepe from the goates the one to sitte on his right hande in ioy the other to sitte on his lift hande in sorowe to this ende no doubt shall our sauiour Christe come and then shall it be saide O happie and thrise happie was hee that was a faithfull seruant a chaste virgin to Christ the good corne the meeke lambe of Iesus Christ But this of the wicked spoken then shal be too late and repentance at that time shal be in vayne I counsell all men therefore that will not there repent that euer they were borne as the wicked shall doe that they woulde in the name of Iesus Christe repent here betime and aske the spirite of the Lord to amende their liues that they put not off from day to day vntill they are olde or haue all thinges as they woulde The Lorde will come suddenly vpon such an one taking him away in his sinne If wee woulde lay the remembraunce of this iudgement day often before our eyes to sturre vp our selues withall and to awaken our dull spirites and senses it woulde keepe vs in great feare and awe before our Lorde GOD and drawe vs from much sinne and abomination which nowe for lacke of thinking vpon this day is committed euery where both at home and abroade as well in the countrey and base mens houses as in the court and great mens places Well wee shoulde doe as a godly father did in the primitiue Church that whether wee eate or drynke whether wee sleepe or wake or whatsoeuer wee doe wee shoulde thinke alwayes this day to be at hande and the voyce sounding in our cares arise yee dead and come to iudgement Notable of al others is that lesson that Solomon doth giue vnto vs in the booke of the preacher the 11 and last Chapters concerning this matter hee mocketh and derideth them that delite in sinne as you see men commonly doe and afterwarde threatneth and terrifieth them with this last iudgement saying Reioyce O young man in thy youth and let thyne heart cheare thee in the daies of thy youth and walke in the wayes of thy heart and in the sight of thine eies Marke now what sosowre sauce foloweth this sweet meate but knowe sayth hee that for all these thinges GOD will bring thee to iudgement for God wil bring euery work into iudgemēt euery secret thing whether it be good or euill A notable glasse for all men to looke vpon is this finall iudgement Wee are taught by these thinges that our felicitie and pleasure consisteth not in this life neyther can we haue it here but it is in the lyfe to come layde vp for vs in Christ Here are confuted all worldlings which thinke there is no other lyfe after this no ioy or payne This day can not bee fearefull to the godly for it is called our blessed hope Titus 2. and the godly doe loue it 2. Timothie 4. If it bee fearefull and terrible to any as it is it is to those that haue no hope of heauen and to those that put their whole pleasure and felicitie here belowe in their money and ill gotten ryches To the fearefull and vnbeleeuyng and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and lyers and couetous persons this day shall bee fearefull and terrible yea it shall make them all to quake for feare for they shall haue their part in the lake that burneth with fyre and brymstone which is the seconde death Reuelation 21. This day and the cogitation thereof serueth most fitly to put men in mynde of their dueties and callyngs before the Lorde for so our Sauiour Christe applied it in his tyme in his Gospell saying to them that were worldely mynded What shall it profite a man though he should win the whole worlde if he lose his owne soule or what shall a mā giue for recompēce of his soule marke his reason why it is dangerous thus to hazarde and venture his soule for saith he the sonne of man shal come in the glory of his father with his angels and then shall hee giue to euery man according to his deedes Mat. 16. so doth Paul charge Timo. especially by this iudgement day saying I charge thee before God before the Lord Iesus Christ which shall iudge the quicke and the dead at his appearing and in his kingdome Preach the worde be instant in season and out of season improoue rebuke exhort with al long suffering and doctrine 2. Timothie 4. As if hee shoulde say in effect There is a day of iudgement kept in store therefore doe thy duetie diligently This day of iudgement shall make vs very carefull to shewe foorth all good woorkes For Christ shall pronounce the definitiue sentence vpon all men according to their workes not that the godly haue deserued or merited heauen by their good workes that is too great a thing to bee gotten by woorkes for Christ hath already deserued that for vs by his good workes if wee beleeue in him But Christ shall make mention of woorkes to shewe and to signifie to all the worlde that the godly haue not beene idle or vnfruitfull in this life as the hypocrites are whose sheepe skinnes then shall be plucked off and then shall they appeare to bee rauening wolues for this cause shall the iudgement bee according to workes to sturre men vp here while they heare this to good works and to make manifest to al men that the godly haue walked innocently and that the wicked haue followed the lusts of the flesh Our faith can not be seene and therfore Christ shal speake according to the effect and consequent of it which is seene and that is good woorkes Christ before sheweth the cause
entreateth of the benefites or fruites which we receiue by the same fayth which he maketh in number three the first is the forgiuenesse of sinnes the second is the resurrection of the fleshe the third last fruit is life euerlasting Of these fiue parts he hath made an hundreth seuerall articles the first parte conteyneth 14. The second 27. The third 5. The fourth 41. The fifth and last part conteyneth thirteene articles the contents of which articles are handeled as followeth A briefe and cleare confession of the Christian faith containing an hundred articles according to the order of the Creede of the Apostles I beleeue in God the father almighty maker of heauen and earth The first Article I Beleeue in one God onely one in essence and substance three in person the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost I beleeue in the Father as the originall and beginning of all things as well visible as inuisible Of whome also they depende as well in their being as also in their conseruation and he dependeth vpon none but on him selfe being eternall and euerlasting without end or beginning I beleeue in the Sonne as the diuine worde and wisdome of the father which is eternally and before al worlde 's engendred of the father of his proper substance and nature because in him shineth his shape and proper Image which otherwise is inuisible vnto mortal man I beleeue in the holy Ghost as a vertue eternall power which neither is made nor created neither engendred but proceeding of the father and of the sonne eternally euen as a loue proceeding from both persons The second Article I beleeue that these three persons are of one and the selfe same essence and substāce nature authoritie power will goodnes wisdome and eternitie and that these three are but one spirituall substance eternall without ende or beginning true good iust mercifull of a souerayne power and wisdome hauing and containing in it selfe all goodnes not needing any thing The third Article I beleeue that this God which is one in essence and three in person ought onely to be serued honored feared loued worshipped and to be called vpon in all our necessities as he that onely can and will prouide therefore and none other And therefore I say and confesse that I beleeue in one God onely that is to say that I knowledge and receiue him for one onely Lord master and sauiour of whome proceedeth all that is good in me by whom I can do al things without whom I can do nothing In him onely doe I set mine affiance and set mine heart hoping that he assisting me with his holy spirit shall be with me against all mē and that he will deliuer me from al perils and daungers through his grace and mercie without any merites of mine owne and that he shall minister to me all things necessarie as well for my soule as body euen like a good father as hee hath promised by his holy word The fourth Article I beleeue that the same God almightie hath of nothing created from the beginning both heauen and earth and all things in them conteined that is to say all things as well heauenly as earthly visible as inuisible reasonable as vnreasonable sensible as insensible the which hee doth entertaine leade guide gouerne by his diuine wisdom without whose prouidēce nothing commeth to passe either in this world or in the other The fift Article I beleeue that the same God the father the sonne and holy Ghost after that hee had created all things did create and shape man to his own image likenes that is to say immortal good iust true wise mercifull and perfit in all things making him partaker of the goodnes iustice and other perfections of God hauing a will that could agree in all things vnto the will of his Lorde but all that thorowe grace without any kinde of merit The vi article I beleeue also that as the Lord hath created al things heauenly and earthly for the seruice of man and to the ende that by his creatures he might come to the knowledge of the creator euen so also hath he formed made man for thim selfe that of him and by him he might be knowen loued feared serued honored which is the greatest good thing that is or can be in man and that in him might shine the image of diuine vertues and perfections through good works the which God hath ordeined because wee should walke in them vnto his honour and praise to the confusion of the aduersary and that by this meane the fal of the Angels might be repaired and that mā might possesse the euerlasting kingdome made and prepared for him before the foundations of the worlde were laide The vii article I beleeue that the same man was ordeined of the Lord God a master ruler ouer all his creatures the which thing he hath lost through his sinne aswell for his owne part as also for al his posteritie The which rule Lordship I beleeue doth chiefly appertaine vnto Iesus Christ verely God man to those vnto whom he wil communicate the same as vnto his owne faithfull and not vnto the infidels and damned The viii article I beleeue that the first man through the craft and subtiltie of Satan did slide and fall from the excellencie wherein the Lord had created him consenting thorowe his owne free will which at that time he had vnto the subtil suggestion of the Serpent whereby he lost the graces that the Lorde had giuen him in such sort that of wise hee became foolish of iust vniust of true a liar of perfit altogether vnperfect hauing frō thenceforth a will wholly corrupted which neither could nor would agree with the will of God but altogether with the wil of the deuil the worlde the flesh sinne which could do nothing of him selfe but euill seeing that he is altogether carnal bond captiue and sold vnder sinne This is the free yea to say more truely the bond will that man hath in this present life The ix Article I beleeue that this disorder and corruption of nature was not only in Adam because of his sinne but is also in all men generally which come of him Iesus Christ only excepted and that in such sort that all men after their own nature are corrupt vniust lyers ignorant vnkind and imperfect in al things haue no power of their owne nature to do thinke speake or will any thing that may please God vntil that they be regenerate renewed by the spirit of the Lord. The x. Article I beleeue that this corruption of nature otherwise called original sinne is the fountayne roote of all other sinnes for the which all the miseries aduersities that wee endure in this present life aswell in bodye as soule do come vnto vs yea in the end double death that is to say both of bodie soule These be the fruites rewards of sinne But although the same
at home abroad by sea and by land as the Euangelists doe sufficiently all of them record in their gospels neither did he teach thē the wil of his father publikely in the synagogues only but priuately also in families houses as when he was receiued into Marthas house he sate taught there Mary others whereby wee that are the Lordes Prophets ministers may learne by this good exāple howe carefully readyly with al payne and diligence to behaue our selues in the preaching of the word of God his Gospell not to cease at any time but to doe as he hath done before vs. If then Christ be our Prophet as Moses sayth of him A Prophet shall the Lord your God rayse vp vnto you of your brethren like vnto me him shal you heare in al thinges that he shal speake vnto you Deut. 18. we must heare him alone not others that teach false doctrine as the papists for Christs sheepe heare his voyce Ioh. 10. We learne againe that no man beside Christe was able to instruct vs in the will of his father but hee alone as Iohn sayth Chap. 1. No man hath seene God at any time the only begotten son of God which is in the bosome of his father he hath reuealed him vnto vs. Againe we vnderstand that al men by nature are ignorant of the will of God their dutie because we haue neede of Christ to informe vs in the right way to leade vs in the trueth least we be deceued with lyes For of his fulnesse haue wee all receiued Ioh. 1. Therefore is he called of Esay The angel of great Counsell and that the spirit of the Lord should rest vpon him the spirit of wisedome vnderstanding the spirit of Counsel and strength the spirit of knowledge and of the feare of the Lord Isa 11. This is a great comfort to vs to haue such a teacher and Prophet giuen to vs as is made to vs of God wisedome 1. Corin. 1. But the wicked can haue here no part at all with him for they do not heare his word and voyce neither wil they receiue his doctrine instruction Nowe we see how faithfully Christ hath fulfilled this office of preaching as Marke sayth of him 1. Chap. Let vs goe into the next Townes that I may preache there also for I came out for that purpose The ende of this prophecie and teaching is that we shoulde bee made his disciples and schollers which God graunt vnto vs all Amen The second office that is in Christ for his Church is his priesthode for after hee had taught the people which thing he first tooke in hand hee sealed his doctrine with his owne blood and offered vp him selfe a sacrifice most perfect sweete and acceptable to God his father for vs al to purge vs from our sinnes to serue the liuing God For this also was the duetie of the priests in the Leuitical lawe that they should offer sacrifices for the sinnes of the people pray to God for them This hath Christ fulfilled by his death passion which was so effectual meritorious to take away sinnes that the father saith of him Thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchiesedech Of this sacrifice speaketh abundantly the Epistle to the Hebremes but especially in the 9. Chap. saying That Christ was once offered to take away the sinnes of many and to put away sinne by the sacrifice of himselfe And againe that the blood of Christ which through the eternal spirit offered himselfe without fault to God shall purge our consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing God so that nowe he is become our mediatour betweene God vs doeth appeare in the sight of God for vs. This is a great comfort for vs. But we see in this sacrifice the vilenesse greatnesse of sinne how lothsome detestable it was in Gods sight that nothing in heauen or earth could put it away or purge it but the onely body blood of Christ this hie priest most pure and immaculate This doth teach vs to abhorre sinne seeing Christ payed so dearely for it And this driueth vs to cōsider how we are indebted to our good sauiour Christ for dying so mercifully for vs so that wee are worse then beasts vnlesse we giue him continuall thanks for it Nothing could pacifie Gods wrath conceiued against our sinnes but only his deare sonne for in him he was wel pleased Matth. 3. So that nowe wee which were sometime farre off strangers from the cōmon wealth of Israel are made neere by the blod of Christ to offer our selues to him al ours our prayers our thanks that with boldnesse without feare as Zachary sayth Luk. 1. The third office that we consider in him is his spirituall euerlasting kingdom for spiritual it is not carnal earthly as he himself said to Pilate My kingdō is not of this world And it is euerlasting as the Angel sayde to Mary He shal reigne ouer the house of Iacob of his kingdom there shal be no end So then he is a king as Zachary also sayth Behold thy king cōmeth vnto thee meeke O daughter Ierusalem Chap. 9. This kingdom he last of al tooke vpon him after that he had taught and offered vp him selfe euen then when hee ascended to sit at the right hand of God that is to haue all power and authority in heauen and earth This kingdome doeth consist chiefly in gouerning his electe and his Church by his holy spirite for hee hath gotten this kingdome for vs because hee armeth vs with power to resist sinne and giueth vs of his princely treasures gifts and wil at the last himselfe lift vs vp thither and set vs with him in glory and honour to raine for euer euer as he saith It is your fathers wil to giue you a kingdome and he that ouercommeth shall sit with mee in my kingdome as I haue ouercome sit with my father in his kingdom Reue. 3. Secōdly this kingdom of Christ doth beat downe al force raysed vp against his kingdome as the deuil the Turke the Pope the wicked ones of this world Here he sheweth himself a mighty king ouer al the earth to preserue his Church hauing so many enemies For surely if he did not preserue it it would bee swallowed vp euery houre satan is so greedy to destroy it What they haue don against it we see but they could neuer preuaile for this is a comfortable saying The gates of hell shall not preuaile against it Of this we gather that Christ shall euer haue his Church because his power in his kingdom is infinit to keep it let the wicked rage neuer so much yet Christ is king of the whole earth yea the world Thus much for his kingdō It followweth his only sonne Here is declared vnto vs the Iesus Christ is the only sonne of God therfore God because the sonne is of the
sinne actual as murder adultery is that I was conceiued in sinne and can doe nothing els of my selfe but sinne euery houre as Paul also cōplaineth of himselfe Rō 7. O wretched mā that I am who shal deliuer me frō the bodie of this death and then cōmeth vnto Christ thanketh him that he hath deliuered him from it We haue thē to cōfort our selues in this that Christ was conceiued for vs borne for vs died for vs whatsoeuer he did he did it for our profite and cōmodity In that that Christ was conceiued we also vnderstand the verity of Gods promises made vnto vs in the prophtes which had lōg before prophecied of it As in Esai 7. Behold saith he A virgin shall conceiue beare a sonne and she shall call his name Immanuel So we gather that God hauing perfourmed this he is alwayes iust true in his promises that he maketh to a thousād generatiōs And furthermore that the Prophets spake not by their own wil as Peter saith but by the wil spirit of God euen as they were led moued by the holy ghost 2. Pet. 1. So the whatsoeuer God ether speaketh or promiseth to the good godly to their comfort it shal come to passe as here in Esai God promiseth the cōceptiō of Christ for a cōfort to Hierusalē besieged w̄t her enemies whē Achaz was king Esa 7. Likewise on the contrary part whatsoeuer the Lord of hosts threatneth to the wicked destroyers of his Church shal also in due time be fulfilled and accōplished to the vttermost as vpō the Iewes for murdering of Christ vpon the Romane Emperours for going about to ouerthrow his cōgregatiō flock Although it be many times long before the Lord doth either deliuer the godly or punish the reprobate yet it is most sure certaine because his mouth hath spokē it that can not lie or deceiue as Balaam saith of him Hath he spoken shal he not performe it said it shal he not make it good That were vnpossible When we say that Christ was conceiued in the wombe of the virgin Marie his mother by the operation and worke of the holy ghost we meane that to bee spoken according to his humanitie only and not according to his diuinitie for so hee is likened to Melchisedech without father as touching his flesh without mother as concerning his godhead and yet we say that Christ was conceiued because Christ both God mā was ioined together in one person Therfore we must wisely distingush make a differēce betweene y● two natures properties of Christ his māhod Godhead Whē Christ saith he can of him self do nothing he iudgeth no mā he knoweth not the day of iudgemēt that the father is greater thē hee with such like sentēces in that Gospel you must vnderstand these things to be spokē as he was only man In that he saith he was before Abraham and the father and he are al one and that the scripture termeth him The first begottē of all creatures the lord of al things the brightnes of his father these sayings are all applied to Christ as he is the sonne of God and God himselfe that made al things as Iohn saith of him By him al things were made If we marke obserue these two points the diuinity of Christ his humanity we shal finde great light and easines in reading the newe testament and things which were hard before wil seeme plaine euident vnto vs by this rule Thus haue ye heard the meaning the good lessons that may be gathered out of this 2. article of our christiā faith y● cōception most pure most cleane of our sauior Iesus Christ First that he was conceiued as the word doth testifie Secondly wherefore he was conceiued which was because he might become very man to redeeme and suffer for man offending the maiestie of the almightie God Nowe let vs giue most hūble and heartie thankes as we are bound to this Iesus Christ y● being so hie he woulde vouchsafe to descende so lowe for vs poore wretches as to be conceiued in the wombe of a maide to make vs pure and let vs also pray vnto his Maiestie that seeing his conceptiō is pure vnspotted he would also make ours so to be with the free imputatiō of his conception all other benefites of his death and passion that he would kill sinne in vs more and more daily by his spirit of sanctification that we may liue here in righteousnes and holines before him without feare al the daies of our life whē the sinfull course of this trāsitorie life is ended we may haue that life which neuer shall haue ende whose ioyes neither eye hath seene nor eare hath heard nor heart of mā can possibly conceiue or thinke which God grant vnto vs for his Sonne Christs sake to whom with the holie ghost be rendred al power dominiō praise and thankesgiuing both now and for euer So be it The third Lecture vpon the third Article of our Christian fayth which is Borne of the virgin Marie IN this article is mentioned and set downe vnto vs the natiuitie and birth of our Sauiour Iesus Christ how that he was borne not after the cōmon sort of men but of a maide or virgin not a married woman which knewe any man so that the meaning of this article in moe wordes is this I that am a Christian man or woman doe beleeue also that as Iesus Christ was conceyued by the holy Ghost so was he borne likewise for mee of his mother Marie she notwithstanding remayning still a virgin Out of the which article we haue to note these three good lessons and poyntes for our instruction and consolation First the birth it selfe secondly the maner of it with all the circumstances of the same thirdly the profit and commoditie that we may reape by it beleeuing it truely as we ought to doe 1 As concerning his birth Esai in his seuenth and ninth Chapter saith The Lord him selfe shall giue you a signe Beholde a virgin shall conceiue and beare a Sonne and she shall call his name Immanuel butter and honie shall he eate till he haue knowelege to refuse the euil and to chuse the good Likewise the ninth Chapter Vnto vs a childe is borne and vnto vs a sonne is giuen and the gouernment is vpon his shoulder and he shal call his name Wonderful Coūseller The mightie God The euerlasting Father The Prince of peace the increase of his gouernment and peace shal haue no end he shal sit vpō the throue of Dauid and vpon his kingdome to order it and to establish it with iudgement and with iustice from henceforth euē for euer The zeale of the Lord of hosts will performe this Thus we see howe euidently Esai long before prophesied of this birth to the comfort of the people in his time The like thing doeth Ieremie also declare vnto vs in
him for our causes Matthewe 11. Come vnto me all ye that trauell and are laden and I will refreshe you Therefore we may boldly and safely goe vnto him in our neede and necessitye and feare not Which of vs is it that if the prince did byd vs come at the first to her and not to any other of her priuy chamber but would come most willingly and be glad so to do Why thē come wee not to God at the first saying in his worde Cal vpon me in the day of thy trouble and I will heare thee Why come wee not to Christ that so louingly biddeth euery one of vs Wel let vs holde this for an vnfallible principle Christ being ascended is our onely spokesman neither let any man thinke that it is with Iesus Christ the king of all kings as it is with princes of the earth that because he is so hie and in so great dignitie and maiestie hee doth not therefore regarde or respect vs here vpon the earth so lowe nay Dauid telleth vs the contrary and meeteth with this obiection for hee sayth In deede the Lorde is hie aboue al nations and his glory aboue the heauens But yet hee sayeth that he abaseth himself to behold the things in heauen and in earth yea he rayseth the needy out of the dust lifteth the poore out of the dounghill to set him with princes Psal 113. So we see although the Lord be hye yet he hath respect vnto the lowly And Iesus Christ notwithstanding he be in all pleasure blessednes yet he thinketh vpon vs because he hath sometyme felt y● like miseries with vs we haue such an hie Priest that can be touched with our infirmities euen at this time also as he sayde to Paul persecuting his sayntes Saul Saul why doest thou persecute me Christ counted himselfe then to be persecuted although he were in heauen because his poore members were afflicted Actes 9. In deede princes here and noble men with vs many tymes knowe not the misery of others nay regarde it not because they haue neuer felt the like smart and knowe not what hunger or thirst or nakednes or imprisōment or banishmēt or lacke of lodging meaneth not hauing suffered the like themselues But I say the case is farre otherwise with Christ who knoweth better what we lack then we our selues doe and hath borne the like burden with vs and doeth not forget vs nowe in his glory and honor as many do their poore friends whē they are aduanced to any promotion dignitie by others Wherefore as Ioseph in all his rioltie and glory remembred did acknowledge his poore brethren before Pharao and all his house so doeth vndoubtedly our Sauiour Christ thinke vpon vs his poore brethren saying I will declare thy name vnto my brethren and he wil not be ashamed to confesse vs in heauen before his father and all his holy Angels For howe should the head be ashamed of his body or the husband of his wife Christ is not ashamed of vs his spirituall kinred as we are ashamed of our kindred many times when we are exalted aboue them nay hee is neuer ashamed of vs vnlesse wee be first ashamed of him For then in deede hee sayth Hee that is ashamed of me and my sayings here in earth before men I wil also be ashamed of him in heauen before my father and he that shal denye him here hee wil deny him there but hee that shal confesse him here he will confesse him there Mar. 8. Furthermore we are to vnderstand that although Christ by his ascension hath taken away his body from the earth which was not necessary for vs yet he hath left vnto his Churche and giuen vnto it as a most sure and firme pledge and earnest peny of his good will towardes vs his holy spirit alway crying in our heartes Father father working in vs that which is good acceptable in his sight This is the greatest comfort that may be to the faythful in this lyfe and therefore is this spirit oftentimes called by our sauiour Christ The cōforter And this great and singular benefit we haue by his ascension for he sayde that vnlesse hee went his way from them the comforter would not come but if he went he would send him as in deede he did after his ascension most plentifully and doeth at this day vnto his giue his spirit either in greater or lesser measure to some more to some lesse as hee thinketh good This benefite then doe wee enioy by his bodily presence departing for a time from vs. This gift is to our soules the fountayne of life and the very welspring beginning of all our Christian regeneration and newe 〈◊〉 in Christ and so is called the spirit of Adoption because it is proper to Gods children and none other This spirit doth leade vs into al trueth mortifieth our euil deedes killeth sinne in vs reuiueth all goodnesse within vs maketh vs merry in the Lorde reioyceth vs in troubles and doeth neuer leaue vs destitute altogether of some comfort or other For this pledge out of our hearts can neuer be taken away all other worldly things may be taken away as from Iob they were who lost his goods lands wife friendes and children his bodye was afflicted his soule tormented yet in the middest of these calamities he had a comfort of this spirite in that he coulde say in fayth I knowe that my redeemer liueth which he ●therwise coulde not doe but by the motion and helpe of the holy Ghost as Paul ●eacheth vs to the first Corinthians the ●●el●t Chapter in these wordes I declare vnto you brethren that no man can saye that Iesus is the Lorde but by the holy Ghost verse 3. Seeing then wee haue by Christs ascension the first fruites of his spirit we ought also to ascende with him into 〈◊〉 if not in body yet in soule in minde and heart and all our affections For where our treasure is there shoulde our hear the also Our treasure and only treasure Christ Iesus is in heauen therefore let our hearts he wholy with him as Paul saith Our conuersation is in heauen from whence wee looke for the Lord Iesus who shall transfourme our vile body that it may be made like to his glorious body Phil. 3. So that as wee haue to learne by Christes resurrection a spirituall resurrection here in this life from sinne In like sort we learne also by these wordes of Saint Paul an holy and spirituall ascension into heauen by our desires and thoughts that we may ioyne to him euen nowe in fayth and spirite till wee all meete in body there at the fast day And truely if we coulde keepe our mindes so ascending vp into heauen it woulde be very benificiall for vs and ridde vs out of many daungers Wee see and learne by experience that the byrde is neuer insnared and caught of the fouler vntill he lyght and sit vpon the earth whē he falleth to
able to doe all thinges or no as to bring water out of the rocke and to feede the Israelites with flesh being sixe hundred thousand men for a moneths space Numb 11. 20. So Dauid being not vpholden with this spirit and left to his owne will fell by and by to adulterie and murther We had neede therefore to pray continually to Iesus Christ the giuer of this spirite that we may haue him with vs to direct our liues make them acceptable before the Lord. This spirit for diuers other effects that it hath is compared in the Scriptures to water to oyle to fire to winde to a doue To water it is likened both in the newe and olde Testament as in Esa 44. where the Lord sayth I wil powre water vpon the thirstie and floods vpon the dry grounde And what he meaneth by this water and dry grounde he afterwarde expoundeth in the ende of the verse saying I will powre my spirit vpon thy seede and my blessing vpon thy buddes In the newe Testament our Sauiour sayth If any man thirst let him come vnto me and drinke he that beleeueth in me as sayth the Scripture out of his belly shall flowe riuers of waters of life And that he meant this of the spirit Iohn immediately declareth saying This spake he of the spirit which they that beleeued in him should receiue Iohn 7. As water therfore doeth cleanse and purifie the filthie and vncleane in bodie being washed with it is very necessary for our life here so doeth this holy spirit of God much more clēse purifie our soules frō the infection filthines of sinne as Ezechiel fitly applieth it I will powre cleane water vpon you ye shall be cleane yea from all your filthines from al your idoles wil I clense you And so by and by sayth I will put my spirit within you Ezech. 36. Of this pure water speaketh the Apostle to the Hebr. 10. chap. This spirit is moreouer likened to oyle for the supplenes gentlenes that is in it in thē that haue it Psal 45. To fire also is this spirit compared as we reade in Matth. 3. Act. 2. For Christ shal baptize with fire as Iohn saith which is the holy Ghost For euen as fire doeth consume scoure purge giue light so no doubt doeth the holy spirite of God consume the wicked scoure our filth purge our sinnes inlighten our ignorant hearts as Paul saith Arise thou that sleepest Christ shal giue thee light Ephe. 5. Lift thou vp the light of thy coūtenāce vpō vs Psal 4. Thirdly it is cōpared to a great mighty winde Act. 2. For as windes doe purge make wholsome the aire from his infectiō cōtagiousnes so doth the spirit work in the hearts of his this purging from their old corruption cōtagion of sinne by Adā and regenerateth and renueth vs againe by the immortall seede of the worde 1. Pet. 2. whereby we are borne anewe that we may enter into the kingdome of heauen Ioh. 3. The spirite of God is also likened vnto a winde in this respect that as nothing is able to resist or withstand the force of great whirlwindes but they beare down before them euery thing that stādeth against thē whether it be trees houses castels or towres so it is with the spirit of God whom no creature is able to withstande or resist but must needes fall vnder it and which destroyeth euery hie thing which is exalted against the knowledge of God casting downe strong holdes and the imaginations of mighty Princes bringeth into captiuitie euery thought to the obedience of Christ and hath ready vengeance against all disobedience This thing may be cōfirmed by diuers examples especially by that of the enchaunters and sorcerers of Egypt when they were compelled to saye that this was the finger of God to bring lyce out of the dust that they coulde not doe the like the spirite of God so confounded their wisdome and sorcerie Exo. 8. Other mo examples might be brought but I passe them ouer and leaue them to the diligent readers of the scriptures where they shall finde store of them Fourthly this holy spirite is likened to a doue as we reade of in the 3. of Matthewe descending downe from heauen lighting vpon our sauiour He is compared to a doue for these qualities and properties which are meekenesse and gentlenesse for this spirite doeth cause them to put off anger and wrath in whome it abideth and to vse brotherly kindenes one to another And the doue is sayd to be without gall and very chaste so is this spirite without all bitternes in the heartes of them whome it doeth possesse and teacheth them to kéepe their vessels in all puritie and holinesse of life and not in lust of concupiscence as the wicked doe which knowe not God For this spirit is called the spirite of sanctification of cleannesse of innocencie If this be so that this holy spirite is cleane pure and likened to a doue and furthermore our bodies are said to be the Temples and houses of the holy Ghost which dwelleth within vs as Paul sayeth Knowe ye not that your body is the tēple of the holy Ghost 1. Corinth 3. 6. 2. Cor. 6. Seeing this is so we must prepare our houses and sweepe them cleane to entertaine so honourable a ghest If this house which is our body be vncleane giuen to any vice then surely as doues depart from filthy houses so this most louing and most gentle doue the spirite of God departeth foorthwith from vs and then we are in a most miserable case yea God will destroye him that destroyeth this his holy temple Seeing then dearely beloued our bodies are the temples of the holy Ghost and we haue such promises that he will dwell in them if they be holy and threates that they shal be destroyed if they be giuen ouer to sinne and wantonnesse let vs I praye you cleanse our selues from all filthines of the flesh and spirit and finish our sanctification in the feare of God putting off the workes of darkenes and putting on the armour of light and let vs walke honestly as in the daye time and make prouision to receyue this holy spirite into our hearts You knowe what great preparation you make both in your houses and in your bodies to haue your apparel neate cleane if you be to entertayne a Prince a noble man or any worshipfull friende of yours then consider with your selues that greater care and diligence is to be had by tenne thousand partes to lodge and receyue into your houses the Prince of princes euen the holy Ghost the power of God And seeing he will vouchsafe to abide with you take your preparation in good woorth first giue him thankes for this his so vnspeakeable courtesie and kindenesse and so vse and behaue your selues as he may long continue with you to your great good and comfort grieue not
Ephe. 1. and therfore in the place aboue recited this spirit is called the spirit of promise because it doeth assertaine and assure vs of all the blessinges and promises of God that are made vnto vs. In the Actes it is sayde that Lydia a woman being a seller of purple came to heare Paul preach the Gospel but marke what Saint Luke saieth whose heart sayeth he the Lord opened that shee attended to the things which Paul spake So that except God open our closed and hard shutte hearts by the secret inspiration of this holy spirite in vayne shall we eyther preach or the people heare We haue neede then all of vs before we come to heare his word pray to God to giue vs grace to perceyue vnderstand his will and mysteries to soften our stony hearts that they may receiue the worde and to circumcise our eares to heare it This it that Dauid sayde O Lord open thou mine eyes that I may see the wonderfull things of thy Lawe and againe O giue me vnderstanding I wil keepe thy Lawe Now Dauid knewe very well that all these things were done by the operation of Gods spirite as Paul sayeth The spirit hath reuealed these things vnto vs 1. Cor. 2. for it is hee that helpeth all our infirmities Rom. 8. This is the marke whereby God doeth seale and print in the forehead to be seene of all men those that are his and without the which no man can truely assure him selfe that he belongeth vnto Christ for as the same Apostle witnesseth If any man haue not the Spirite of Christ the same is none of his Nowe how greatly this holy spirit is to be desired of all of vs there is no man that hath read the Scriptures but well vnderstandeth This made Eliseus a notable man the scholer of Elias when his master bad him to aske of him what he would that he might do it for him before he was taken away from him into heauen that he asked his spirite to bee doubled vpon him whereby he might the better serue the Lord and his Church in his vocation and calling 2. King 2. and so by this spirit he wrought wonderful miracles and did much good by it to the whole kingdome of Israel Wee see by this petition of this notable father godly man what we also shoulde especially desire of God in our prayers not riches or wealth so much which al do perish but this holy spirite which liueth remaineth for euer in them that haue him and can neuer be lost or taken away And this is the self same thing that our Sauiour Christ would haue vs to aske in our praiers of God his father for speaking of praier to his disciples he sheweth that God his Father is most ready to giue vs our requests as soone as we aske of him as our earthly father is willing to bestow that vpon vs which he is able to giue And of all other things that God giueth he maketh mention of this spirit saying If ye which are euill can giue good giftes vnto your children how much more shall your heauenly Father giue the holy Ghost to thē that desire him Luk. 11. Signifying this Spirite to be the excellentest gift that God coulde giue or we desire of him We haue nowe heard the meaning of this article of the holy Ghost what it is and what are the wonderfull and comfortable effectes of it in the Church and howe the Lorde hath promised neuer to leaue his destitute of it vnto the worlds ende We haue seene also howe we must beleeue in him as the true and euerlasting God equally proceeding from the Father and the Sonne because he is the power and vertue whereby they doe worke and create all things Seeing therefore this heauenly spirit is so necessarie and so great a treasure let vs that are true Christians most duetifully thanke our heauenly Father for bestowing of him vpon his whole familie here in earth and vpon euery one of vs that are his seruants wherby we are knowen in the worlde and among our selues that wee are his owne And let vs also pray vnto our Lorde Iesus Christ the sender of this holy spirit to kindle and stirre him vp in our heartes dayly more and more that by his assistance we may haue an earnest feeling and lothing of our sinnes and so bee brought to doe his will and pleasure with a carefull keeping of all his commaundements vntill we all come to a full perfection in Iesus Christ euen vnto that hope which is layde vp for vs in the newe and heauenly Ierusalem which Christ hath purchased full dearely for vs with his owne precious heart blood To whom with his Father and the holy ghost three persons in trinitie and yet one God in vnitie be rendred all prayse honour glorie and thankes giuing both nowe and for euermore Amen The ninth Lecture vpon the ninth Article of our Christian fayth The holy catholike Church the communion of Saints WE haue declared alreadie vnto you three parts of this our Christian fayth the fyrst wherein we doe beleeue and confesse the Father to bee the Creator and maker of all things the seconde part wherein we acknowledge the Sonne Iesus Christ the redeemer of mankinde the thirde sheweth vnto vs the holy Ghost the comforter of our heartes and the confirmer of all these things which are conteyned in these former eyght articles which we haue proued all out of the euerlasting worde of GOD. Nowe followeth consequently the fourth part of our Christian beliefe which is concerning the Church the ninth article with other three which are annexed vnto the Church as the especiall blessings and benefites which flowe and issue out of the former partes and alwayes doe accompanie and followe the spouse of Christ The causes and matter of our saluation being alreadie handled the effect doeth followe which is the Church Otherwise in vayne shoulde God create and Christ redeeme and the holy Ghost inspire and confirme these benefites and giftes vnlesse there were some that myght bee partakers of those treasures brought out and founded by the blessed Trinitie Againe seeing the kingdome of Christ is euerlasting it is very necessarie and requisite that there be alwayes some which may acknowledge him for their King and gouernour To this ende hath Christ his continuall Church and shall haue to the ende of the worlde as he hath had euer from the first beginning The meaning therefore of this article is this I beleeue that God almightie hath alwayes had from the first creation of the worlde and hath presently and shall haue vnto the consummation of the worlde his Church here in earth which is the cōmunion of Saints that is to say a company and congregation of faythfull men and women which doe truely beleeue in Iesus Christ acknowledging him for their onely Sauiour and seruing him according to his worde receyuing his Sacraments and taking holde of all his mercies and benefites by fayth onely
by the testimonies of all the Prophetes Marke his wordes wel for they proue our purpose and confirme the three points that we haue set downe in this article first that we al are sinners secōdly that Christ doth forgiue thē freely thirdly y● by faith it is we lay holde on this remissiō His words are these euery one of them very effectuall To him saith hee meaning Christ of whom hee made that excellent sermon going before vnto the captaine Cornelius giue all the Prophets witnesse that through his name all that beleeue in him shal receiue remission of sinnes Peter doeth shewe that this doctrine which wee teache is not newe or hereticall but catholike and such as the Prophetes them selues all long agoe did teache that by fayth in Christ euery one that beleeueth shall haue pardon of all his sinnes whether they be committed before or after baptisme whether they be actuall or originall or whether they be in thought or in worde or in deede if wee beleue stedfastly they shall all bee forgiuen vs for Christs sake I speake here nothing of that great and horrible sinne against the holy Ghost which is irremissible I hope in the Lorde wee shall neuer haue any thing to doe with it and therefore I will not intreate of it or what it is Let this bee our comfort that wee that haue any feare of God any loue to Iesus Christ our sweete sauiour any reuerence to heare his blessed worde and Gospell and to receiue his holy sacramentes we I saye that haue any motion to these thinges are farre off from this sinne and it shall not come nere our dwellings You haue heard nowe dearely beloued what it is we haue to learne and beare away vpon this article what is the meaning of it what partes of doctrine it doeth conteine in it This article and the beliefe of it is very comfortable yea the ioyfullest thing of all others in this life is to heare of the remission of sinnes and that of all when the least of them is able to plucke vs downe to hell and there to holde vs in chaynes of darkenesse for euer and euer without any hope of recouery were it not for his mercies in Iesus Christ The Lorde doeth in deede bestowe dayly many good and great blessings vpō vs in his mercy for the which wee ought continually to thanke him but this benefite of the washing away of all our sinnes in Christes blood doeth as farre passe and excell them all as either the Diamonde doeth the stone in the streate or els the purest and finest golde that may bee the filthiest drosse and durt that can be founde so great a grace is it in Christ freely to haue all our sinnes wiped out of Gods remembrance But nowe let vs giue as wee are dieply bounde most humble and hearty thankes to God the father for sending Iesus Christ his sonne into the worlde to take vpon him our sinnes and to beare them all away in his body and let vs withall thanke this good and bountiful sauiour Iesus Christ for vouchsauing to humble him selfe so farre for our sakes as to haue our sinnes imputed vnto him and to bee layde vpon his backe and to suffer the punishment dewe for them all And let vs also pray both night and daye vnto him to take them away from vs more and more and to kill this raging sinne within vs by the scepter of his holy woorde and operation of his mighty spirite that notwithstanding sinne be in vs as it shall be to the last daye yet it may not reigne in vs or be a tyrant ouer vs but that we may mortifie it from time to time vntill wee come to that state wherein it shall bee cleane put awaye and altogether destroyed which will bee when we shall meete together in the ioyfull and happy resurrection of our bodyes whereof we are to speake in the article following These thinges the Lorde God graunt vnto vs al for his sonnes sake to whome with the holy Ghost be rendred all prayse and glorie and thankesgiuing both nowe and for euer more Amen The eleuenth article of our Christian faith and the eleuenth lecture vpon it which is The resurrection of the body IN the fourth part of this our Christian beliefe which was of the church I declared that there were three consequents or benefites annexed vnto it The first you haue heard which was the remission of sinnes Now doth ensue the second which is the resurrection or rising againe of our flesh and bodie And this article doeth folowe in very good and apt order after the former for as by the first Adams sinne and ours our bodies became mortall subiect vnto death so hauing remission of our sinnes by Christ the second Adam our bodies shal hereafter be made immortall raised from death to an euerlasting better life thē that which we should haue had in Paradise if Adam we had cōtinued in our state of innocency This resurrection is the repairing and the renuing againe of the whole man to a most blessed and perfite estate of lyfe The meaning therefore of this article is thus much I that am a Christian do most certainely beleeue that not only my body but the bodyes of all men that euer haue bene from the beginning of the world to the end of it shall at the last day of iudgement by the power of Christ at his comming be raysed vp againe being the same in substance but not in qualities whether they be rotted in the graue or burnt in the flaming fire or consumed of beastes or drowned in the sea deuoured of fishes or els of birds And I moreouer beleeue that they shal be ioyned to their soules inseperably at the which resurrection the godly shall haue a full ende of all their miseries and paynes here with full possession of eternall life and that the wicked and reprobate shall goe into euerlasting hel fire which is prepared for the deuil and his angels This is the true sense and meaning of this article of the resurrection Now let vs see what good lessons may be gathered out of it for our instruction that wee may the better profite in the way of true godlinesse and Christianity Three things are to be cōsidered in this resurrectiō First that according to the scriptures there shall one day be a generall resurrection of good and bad Secondly to what ende this shal be Thirdly the consolation and comfort that wee may reape and inioy by this resurrection in the applying of it to our owne consciences I am not ignorant howe that very many thinges must be repeated here which haue bene spoken of before both in the article of Christes resurrection which is a playne confirmation and proofe of this and also in the other artice of his cōming agayne to iudgement which shal be then when this article shal be fully accomplished vnto vs. These thinges are so incident the one to the other I meane Christes
heires of eternal life By whose comming the nature of man is repaired and made noble and man that was lost and destroyed was thereby releeued sette in his perfection and hath recouered all that he hath lost through sinne yea and more By the same meane also all the treasures graces and blessings of the Lorde are giuen communicated vnto man but all this through grace without any merites The nineteenth Article I beleeue also and confesse by the holy scriptures an other conception and birth of Iesus Christ which is spirituall the which I say is of no lesse dignitye then the first The which is that euery one that is faithfull ought to conceaue into his heart and spirite Iesus Christ through a trewe and liuely faith and to bring him foorth by open confessing of him with his mouth as often and when soeuer it shal be needefull I doe esteeme this conception and natiuitie to be so necessary to saluation that if the virgin Mary had not more blessedly borne Iesus Christ in her heart and spirit then in her belly her carnall motherhoode would haue profited her little By and for this cause are we called mothers brethren and sisters of Iesus Christ The twentieth Article I beleeue that the same Iesus Christ is verely Christ that is to say the Messias annoynted by the holy Ghost because he was y● very king the Prophet and great sacrificer that should sacrifice for all that beleeue the which also is promised in the Law and is y● same of whom al the Prophets haue spokē This annoynting of Christ is not corporall of a material and visible oyle as was that of the kynges Priestes and Prophetes in tymes past but it is spirituall of an inuisible oyle which is the grace giftes of the holy Ghost wherewith he is replenished aboue all others So that this anoynting is descended euen vnto vs which haue felt and proued the sweetnesse thereof and by it also we beare the name of Christiās that is to say anoynted The xxi Article I beleeue that this sacrificing of Iesus Christ was not Leuiticall or carnal to immolate offer vp and to sacrifice beastes kyne and other sensible thinges as did Aaron his successours but spiritual to offer and sacrifice himselfe that is to say his body bloud for the remission of the sinnes of the whole worlde Euen as likewise his kingdome is not of this world carnall but spiritual which consisteth in the guyding gouerning of his owne by his holy spirit ouer whome he raigneth by his worde and that to the destruction of al his aduersaries which are sinne death hell Satan and all infideles wicked and reprobate The xxii Article I beleeue that Iesus Christ hath verely exercised these three offices that is to saye of a Prophete of a King and a sacrificer not onely in this worlde being a mortall man as we are but also that he exerciseth yet daily the same in heauen before the face of the father where he sitteth and appeareth continually for vs and from thence by his holy Spirit doeth teach helpe maynteine and defende his owne and therefore is hee called a Prophete a King and a great Sacrificator after the order of Melchisedek that is to say eternall and not after the order of Aaron which had his ende with the Lawe The xxiii Article I beleeue that the same Iesus Christ after that hee had preached the Gospel in the countrey of Iudea and Galilee by the space of three yeres or there about declared him self to be the naturall Sonne of God aswel by his marueilous workes as by his words and the writings of the Prophets was vniustly and falsely accused by the Priestes whom when they had taken and in their counsell vniustly had condemned him to death they brought him bound to Pilate the Prouost then at Hierusalem who at the instance of the sayde Priestes dyd vniustly wrongfully and without cause condemne him to death and that the most horrible and slaunderous death that coulde be imagined or deuised that is to saye to be put on the crosse crucified betweene two theeues as if hee had bene their Prince and Captaine The which thing hee suffered and endured willingly and innocently without deseruing the same For otherwise coulde he not haue satisfied for vs neither could his crosse haue profited vs. The xxiiii Article I beleeue also that while hee was vpon the sayd crosse dying and giuing vp his spirite vnto God his Father he descended into hell that is to say He did verily taste and feele the great distresse and heauinesse of death and likewise the paynes and tormentes of hell That is to say the great wrath and seuere iudgement of God vpon him euen as if God had vtterly forsaken him yea as though God had beene his extreeme enemie so that hee was constrayned with loude voyce to crye My God my God why hast thou forsaken me This is simply my vnderstanding of Christ his descending into hell And besides I knowe well that this article hath not from the beginning bene in the Creede and that many others haue otherwise both vnderstanded and interpreted it which esteeme that Christ verely and in deede descended into hell to the place of the damned alledging the text of Saint Peter the which I confesse is yet couered and hid from me The Lorde vouchsafe to open the gate vnto vs and to giue vs an entrance into such mysteries The xxv Article I beleeue that all this was done not for him selfe which neuer committed sinne in whose mouth was neuer founde deceite nor lie but for the loue of vs poore and miserable sinners whose place he occupied vpon the crosse as a pledge or one that represented the person of all the sinners that euer were be nowe or shall be vnto the worldes ende And because they through their sinnes haue deserued to feele tast of the extreme paynes of death to be forsaken of God and of all creatures to feele the wrath and seuere iudgement of God vpon them Christ which was their pledge satisfying for them vpon the crosse hath fealt and endured all the same and that altogether to make vs free to deliuer vs from all these paynes from the wrath and iudgement of GOD from condemnation and eternall death And I doe clearely reiect and esteeme as fables all the Limbos of the fathers and of yong children Purgatorie and such other like to bee follyes mockeries and abuses which are inuented and founde out by man without the worde of the Lord. For I neyther beleeue nor receyue more then two places in the worlde to come that is to say heauen for the faythfull and elect with the angels and hell for the infidels reprobate with the deuils The xxvi Article I beleeue and consider this death and passion euen as I doe all other mysteries of Iesus Christ not onely as touching the historie as a paterne and example to followe as was that of the holy men and women which
are dead for the Lordes quarell but also principally as touching the cause fruites and vses thereof thereby to knowe the greatnesse of my sinnes the grace and mercie of the Father and the charitie of the Sonne by whome wee are reconciled vnto GOD deliuered from the tyrannie of the deuill and restored to the libertie of the spirite This is the glasse without spotte to teache vs to knowe our filthinesse the lauer or cleare fountayne to wash and clense vs the infinite treasure to satisfie all our creditours Of whome and by whome onely the diuine iustice is fully satisfied for all the sinnes of all that haue beene be nowe or shall bee vnto the ende of the worlde And therefore I doe beleeue and confesse that Christ his condemnation is mine absolution that his crucifying is my deliuerance his descending into hell is mine ascending into heauen his death is my life his blood is my clensing and purging by whome onely I am washed purified and clensed from all my sinnes so that I neyther receyue neyther beleeue any other Purgatorie eyther in this worlde or in the other whereby I may bee purged but onely the blood of Iesus Christ by the which all are purged and made cleane for euer The xxvii Article I beleeue that Iesus Christ by the sacrifice of his bodie which hee offered vpon the tree of the crosse hath defaced and destroyed sinne death and the deuill with all his kingdome and hath wholie performed the woorke of our saluation and hath abolished and made an ende of all other sacrifices So that from thence foorth there is none other propiciatorie sacrifice eyther for the liuing or the dead to bee looked for or sought for thē the same For by this one onely oblation hath he consecrated for euer all those that are sanctified The xxviii Article I beleeue that the holy Supper of the Lorde is not a sacrifice but onely a remembrance and commemoration of this holy sacrifice of Iesus Christ Therefore it ought not to be worshipped as GOD neyther as Christ therein conteyned who must bee worshipped in fayth onely without all corruptible elements Likewise I beleeue and confesse that the Popish masse is the inuention and ordinance of man a sacrifice of Antichrist and a forsaking of the sacrifice of Iesus Christ that is to say of his death and passion and that it is a stinking and infected sepulchre which hideth and couereth the merite of the blood of Christ and therefore ought the masse to bee abolished and the holy Supper of the Lorde to be restored and set in his perfection againe The xxix Article I beleeue also that as the Prophete Ionas was in the Whales bellie which is a place of corruption three dayes and three nyghtes without being corrupted and the thirde daye came out of him alyue without any maner of hurte Euen so Iesus Christ after hee was dead was layed and put in a newe Sepulchre which is a place of corruption in the which hee was three dayes and three nyghtes not touched with any kynde of infection of fylthinesse or corruption but continued in his perfection to declare the vertue of his blood to accomplish the wrytings of the holy Prophetes and to verifie the trueth aswell of his bodie as of his death with whome I beleeue that the lawe was buryed abrogated and abolished as touching the faythfull not as the acquiting of an obligation whereby they shoulde bee no more bounde to lyue and walke therein but onely as concerning condemnation that is to saye that the transgression of the Lawe condemneth them not before the iudgement seate of GOD because of their fayth which they haue in Iesus Christ And therefore with in one Sepulchre I doe comprehend three things to bee buried That is to saye Christ the Lawe and all the faythfull which ought to be crucified and buried with Christ through the mortification of their flesh The xxx Article I beleeue that as Iesus Christ was put to death for our sinnes so also hee rose agayne the thirde daye for our iustification vnto euerlasting life wherein hee hath openly declared him selfe both GOD and man obtayning the victorie ouer all his aduersaries and hath confounded and beaten downe all his enemies that is to say the worlde sinne death hell and Satan not for him selfe but for vs that beleeue in him knowing that his victorie is ours and that in him and by him wee ouercome the selfe same enemies obtayning the victorie ouer them vnto the honour of the Lorde and our great profite The xxxi Article I beleeue and consider this resurrection of Iesus Christ not onely as an hystorie as was that of Lazarus and other such like which miraculously were raysed vp by the vertue of the Lorde but also as the example and cause efficient of my rysing againe and as the earnest and first fruites of the generall resurrection of all that beleeue That as Iesus Christe was raysed vp the thyrde day after his death vnto eternall lyfe thorowe his diuine vertue Euen soe by the same vertue I hope one day to bee raysed vp in bodye and soule vnto eternall lyfe after that I haue here in this worlde beene raysed vp in spirite thorowe liuely and true faith in newnes of life mortifiyng and crucifiyng the fleshe with the affections and concupiscences of the worlde the which ought to bee dead and crucified to vs and wee to it For wee are buried with Christe in his death thorowe Baptisme to the ende that as hee is risen from death by the glorie of the father without dying any more euen so wee shoulde walke in newenesse of life without seruing of sinne any more searching alwayes principally for the thinges that are on high heauenly and eternall and forsaking the earthly and transitorie thinges of the worlde knowing that wee haue not here an abyding Citie but that we must seeke for that which is to come The xxxii Article I beleeue and confesse that Iesus Christ the fourtieth day after his resurrection visibly and before all his Apostles did ascende into heauen that is to saye in the maiestie of his father in glory and eternal felicitie in the which hee was before hee came into this miserable worlde to become man yea euen before the foundation of the worlde was layde that is to say from euerlasting The xxxiii Article I beleeue that he is ascended into heauen to accomplishe and to fynishe all thinges and to open heauen for vs that wee might ascende after him and followe him as our head to bee eternally knitte with him in glorie the which thing here wee beginne thorowe fayth In like maner hee hath done the same for the benefite of his Churche that hee might sende vnto his Apostles that comforter that hee promised them by the which they were comforted instructed and guided in all trueth and there by is his Church supported maintayned and defended against all the blastes of Satan and all the gates of Hell The xxxiiii Article I beleeue
not to deserue or merite any thing thereby at Gods hande or by the same to escape eternall condemnation but onely because God hath commanded them and that they might testifie the loue that we haue vnto our Lord and our obedience to his holy woorde and commaundement and to the intent that in vs and by vs hee might be glorified and that our neighbours aswell the infidels vnbeeleeuers as the faithful might therby be edified and in like maner to shewe and to manifest the faith that we haue in God and in his worde as the good tree sheweth it selfe and is knowne by his fruite yea to make sure and certaine vnto vs our calling election predestination To these endes serue all the good works commaunded by God and who soeuer doeth them to any other ende doeth misuse them sinneth and doth iniurie to the blood of Christ and dishonoureth God and his word for in so doing he declareth Christ died in vayne The xcii Article I beleeue that there is none either in this worlde or in the other worlde eyther in heauen or in earth which can forgiue mee and pardon my sinnes but onely God which hath giuen power and authoritie to the ministers of his worde to declare to all faithfull beleeuers which are of a contrite heart and be truely penitent that all their sinnes through the free mercy of God are forgiuen them through the blood of Iesus Christe which was shedde for them yea to declare vnto them that they are pardoned of their sinnes and that the same is done by the ministery of the worde of the holy Church in the which this remission is exhibited and giuen and not otherwise But on our part is required perfecte repentance the which hath two partes The first is contrition that is to say the knowledging hating and abhorring of sinne the which thing is administred by the Lawe and bringeth vs to despaire if with the contrarie we be not holpen with a lyuely fayth and the mercie of GOD the Father thorowe the blood of Iesus Christ which proceedeth out of the Gospel This fayth comforteth vs maketh vs stedfast and causeth vs to fynde fauour before the iudgement seate of God The xciii Article I beleeue that sinne dwelleth stil in man yea in the very saintes and children of God after their newe birth through Baptisme and the holie Ghost the which sinne neuerthelesse shall not be laied to their charge because of the faith they haue in Iesus Christ for as al the sinnes of the infidels and reprobate bee damnable and shall not bee pardoned because of their infidelitie euen so all the sinnes of the faithfull and chosen bee veniall sinnes and forgiueable because of their faith And therefore I beleeue that there is one onely sinne that is mortall and irremissible which is vnbeliefe or infidelitie that is to say not to beleeue in the sonne of GOD. For where true faith in Christ is founde there all sinnes are hid couered and pardoned I beleeue the resurrection of the flesh which is the second fruite of my faith The xciiii Article I beleeue that there shall bee one resurrection which shall bee generall to all the worlde aswell of the good as of the badde which shall bee in the ende of the worlde by the power of Christ and through the ministerie of the angels the which with a great voice of a trumpette shal cal together all the worlde before the Lorde and shall gather together the electe and chosen from the foure windes euen from the highest of the heauens vnto the endes of the earth and deuide the euill from the good and the wicked shall they cast into the fierie fornace where is weeping and gnashing of teeth and then shall the righteous shine as the sunne in the kingdome of their father and shall bee together and bee companions with the Angels of God This is the seconde resurrection and blessed is hee that shall haue part of portion therein for the same shall not be touched with the seconde death The xcv Article I beleeue that this resurrectiō shal be of the flesh not of the spirit that is to say that the spirit or soule of mā shal not rise because it is immortal dieth not But the body which before aswel by the reasō of nature as also because of sinne was subiect vnto death and corruption to rotte and to be brought to ashes shall be raysed vp and shal be coupled with his owne proper soule and spirite and shall bee set in a more perfect estate then that wherein the first man was before hee sinned and shall be clearely exempted from al maner of corruption of sinne and so consequently from all maner of imperfections and shall bee fashioned like vnto the glorious bodie of Christ The xcvi Article I beleeue that I shall rise not in any other mans flesh and body but in myne owne that I brought out of my mothers wombe euen with the self same body and bones that I haue at this present but the same altered and chaunged made of mortall immortall of corruptible incorruptible of vile and contemptible glorious And therefore I doe waite for the comming of my sauiour Iesus Christ the which through his power will change my vile body which was but a cast-away to make it like vnto his owne glorious bodie according to the power whereby he is able to subiect all things to him selfe I beleeue eternall life which is the third and last fruite of my faith The xcvii Article I beleeue that I shal rise as I haue said with all the faithful and elect not to die any more as did they that miraculously were raysed vp from death as well by Christ the Prophets the Apostles and such other but vnto a life that is immortall euerlasting shall endure for euer to raygne eternally with God both in body soule And thereof I am sure and doubt nothing at all knowing that whosoeuer doubteth of his saluation by Christ the same shall not bee saued Wherefore as I am sure and certaine that Christ is dead and risen againe for me and therein do not doubt euen so am I sure and certaine of my saluation wrought by him and that without fayle I shall be saued and by him shall enter into eternall life The xcviii Article I beleeue that then I shal see him face to face whome now I see as thorow the glasse of faith and then shall knowe him perfitly whome now I know but in part who after that he hath destroyed and confounded al his aduersaries and hath made them his footestoole shall make all thinges newe for the glory of those that are his Thē shal he be an whole God in all and ouer al things Then shal none teach his brother saying Knowe the Lord for then all shall knowe him from the greatest vnto the least The xcix Article I beleeue also that as the spirites of the infidels wicked and reprobate after they are departed from their bodies incontinently do goe to hell vnto euerlasting fire their bodies neuerthelesse abiding in the earth corrupting and rotting euen so likewise the soules and spirites of the faithfull and chosen children of God incontinently after they doe depart from their bodies without any tarying are on high in heauen to be in glory with the Lord and there do stil wayte with an earnest desire for the comming and whole redemption of their bodies the which they haue left rotting and corrupting in the earth the which thing they shall obtayne at the last daye and not before Wherefore I refuse the fonde opinion of the Sleepers which affirme that the spirits of the saintes are not yet in heauen but do sleepe in a certaine place vnknowen to vs vntill they shal receiue their bodies at the last day At which day the mysticall body of Christ wholly perfectly and fully must enter into eternall glory The C. Article I beleeue for a conclusion that as the Saintes and the blessed when the iudgement is ended shall goe with Christ triumphantly through the aire in body and soule to dwell euerlastingly in glory with him his Angels euen so the wretched wicked and miserable damned shal go to hell in bodie and soule with the deuil and his angels eternally to dwel and to be tormented with him in the fire of hell which neuer shall be quenched whereas shall be continuall weeping wayling and gnashing of teeth stung to the quicke with the worme that neuer shall dye From the which the Lorde God of his great mercie and grace vouchsafe to preserue and keepe vs. Amen FINIS ¶ Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie Anno 1581. Actes 16. 1. Tim. 2. Potentia Dei Sapientia Dei Bonitas Dei God is knowen three wayes Psal 45. 7. Luk 9. 35. Christs priest hoode Psal 110. 5. Heb. 9. 14. Matth. 16. Luke 19. Psal 22. 1. Matt. 27. 46. Iohn 8. 56. Actes 4. 12. Col. 2. 14. Actes 27. 37. Matth. 28. 6. Gen. 4. 14. Exod. 8.8 and 9. 28. Gen. 27.38 2. Cor. 25. Luke 1. 75. Luke 24. What it is to sit at Gods right hand Iohn 1. 18. and 4. 24. Esaie 11. 1 Pet. 2. 9. Esa 1. Luke 17.