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A51837 Christs eternal existence, and the dignity of his person asserted and proved in opposition to the doctrine of the Socinians : in several sermons on Col. I, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 verses / by the Reverend Tho. Manton. Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677. 1685 (1685) Wing M520; ESTC R33496 105,834 258

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we say the same of a King indeed we mean he behaveth himself King-like that is becoming the Majesty of his High calling So we beheld his glory as c. that is such a glory as was sutable and becoming Gods only Son So Christ was angry with his Disciples because they were too importunate to see the Father though they saw him ordinarily conversing with him Iohn 14.7 If ye had known me ye should have known my Father also and from henceforth ye know him and have seen him The F●ther is no otherwise to be known but as he hath revealed himself in Christ and having seen and known Christ who was his Image they might both see and know him and when Philip saith shew us the Father and it sufficeth us this will convince us all without farther argument Christ answereth verse 9. He that hath seen me hath seen the Father They might see the Fathers infinite power acting in him his wisedom teaching by him his goodness in the whole strain of his life so that in Christ becoming Man God doth in and by him represent all his own Attributes and Properties his Wisdom Goodness and Power 2. In his Word where God is revealed to us savingly so as we may be brought into Communion with him so it is said least the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ who is the Image of God should shine unto them 2 Cor. 4.4 As God shineth forth in Christ so doth Christ shine forth in the Gospel there we have the Record of his Doctrine Miracles and the end for which he came into the World and this is the great instrument by which the virtue and power of God is conveyed to us for the changing of our hearts and lives 2 Cor. 3.18 ' Beholding the glory of the Lord as in a glass we are changed into his Image and likeness from glory to glory Some sight of God we must have or else we cannot be like him the knowledge or sight of God with mortal or bodily eyes is impossible the external manifestations and representations in the creature is imperfect and sufficeth rather for Conviction then Coversion or to leave us without excuse then to save the soul Rom. 12.1 they have not the excuse of faultless ignorance To know him in the Law or Covenant of works doth but work wrath Rom. 4.15 or revive in us a stinging sense of our hopeless condition To know him in Person or to see his glorious works or hear his glorious words was a priviledge vouchsafed but to few and to many that made no good use of it therefore there is onely reserved his Word to bring us into Communion with God Or the glass of the Gospel to represent the glory of the Lord that we may be changed into his likeness from glory to glory There the knowledge of God is held out powerfully in order to our Salvation 3. His Works All which in their whole tenure and contexture shewed him to be God man If at any time there appeared any evidence of humane weakness least the World should be offended and stumble thereat he did at the same time give out some notable demonstrations of his divine power when he lay in a manger at his birth a Star appeared and Angels proclaimed his birth to the Shepherds When he was swadled as an Infant the Wise men came and Worshipped him When he was in danger of suffering Shipwrack he commanded the Winds and the Waves and they obeyed him When he was tempted by Satan he was Ministred unto by Angels Matth. 4.11 When they demanded Tribute for the Temple a Fish brought it to him Matth. 17.26 When he was deceived in the Fig-tree which was an infirmity of humane ignorance he suddainly blasted it discovering the glory of a divine power When he hanged dying on the Cross the Rocks were rent the Graves opened the Sun darkned and all nature put into a rout Though he humbled himself to purchase our Mercies yet he assured our Faith by some emissions and breakings forth of his divine power Well then though it be our duty to seek and find out Gods track and foot print in the whole Creation and to observe the impressions of his Wisedom Goodness and Power in all the Saints especially this is our duty to admire his Image in Jesus Christ for his humanity the perfections of the Godhead shine forth in the highest lustre What ever perfection we conceive to be in his Person Word or Works the same may we conclude to be in the Father also Did the Winds and Seas obey Christ The whole Creation is at the beck of God did Christ shew himself to be the wisdom goodness and power of God surely God is infinitely Wise Was Christ Holy and undefiled surely so is God light in whom is no darkness at all Was Christ Loving Pityful and Compassionate not abhorring the most vile and miserable whether in Soul or Body that came to him for relief surely God is Love and he will not be strange to those that seek him in Christ. 3. How he differeth from other persons For the Saints also are made after the Image of God Col. 3.10 And have put on the New Man which is renewed in knowledge after the Image of him that created him Eph. 4.24 And that ye put on the New man which after God is created in Righteousness and true Holiness I answer There is a great difference between the Image of God in Man and the Image of God in Christ. 1. Man resembleth God but imperfectly Man was made and is new made after the Image of God but with much abatement of this high perfection which is in Christ for he hath all the substantial perfection which his Father hath In other Creatures there is some resemblance but no equality other Creatures are made like God but he is begotten like God 2. It is derivative from Christ God would recover man out of his lapsed estate by setting up a pattern of Holiness in our Nature Rom. 8.29 Whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son that he might be the first-born among many Brethren None was fit to restore this Image of God that was lost but God Incarnate for thereby the glory of God was again visible in our Nature God is a pure Spirit and we are Creatures that have indeed an immortal Soul but it dwelleth in Flesh therefore to make us like God the Word was made flesh that he might represent the perfections of God to us and commend holiness by his own example Secondly The next thing ascribed to Christ is that he is the first born of every Creature that is born of God before any Creature had a being or begotten of the Father of his own proper Essence and equal with him before any thing was created and brought forth out of nothing But here the Adversaries of the Eternal Godhead of Christ triumph and say the first born of the Creatures is a
of Ransom to God We are not delivered from this bondage by prayer or intreaty nor by strong hand or meer force nor yet by the sole condescension and pity of the injured party without seeking reparation of the wrong done but by the payment of a sufficient price and just satisfaction to provoked Justice This Price was not payed indeed to Satan who detaineth souls in slavery as a rigid usurping Tyrant or merciless Gaoler from him indeed we are delivered by force but the price was paid to God Man had not sinned against Satan but against God to whom it belongeth to condemn or absolve And God being satisfied Satan hath no power over us but is put out of office As the Executioner hath nothing to do when the Judge and Law is satisfied Now that Redemption implyeth the paying of a price is clear because the word importeth it and the Scripture often uses this Metaphor Matth. 20.28 The son of man came not to be ministred unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many 1 Tim. 2 6. Who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time Redemption in the general is a recovery out of our lost estate God could have saved men by the Grace of Confirmation but he chose rather by the Grace of Redemption This recovery was not by a forcible rescue but by a Ransom Christ in recovering his people out of their lost estate is sometimes set forth as a Lamb sometimes as a Lion In dealing with God we consider him as the Lamb slain Rev. 5.5 6. In dealing with Satan and the Enemies of our salvation he doth as a Lion recover the Prey But why was a Ransom necessary Because God had made a former Covenant which was not to be quit and wholly made void but upon valuable consideration least his Justice Wisdom Holiness Veracity Authority should fall to the ground 1. The Honour of his governing Justice was to be secured and freed from any blemish that the awe of God might be kept up in the World Rom. 3.5 6. And Gen. 18.25 That be far from thee to do after this manner to slay the righteous with the wicked and that the righteous should be as the wicked that be far from thee shall not the judge of all the earth do right If God should absolutely pardon without satisfaction equivalent for the wrong done how should God else be known and reverenced as the Just and Holy Governour of the World Therefore Rom. 3.25 26. 't is said whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God To declare I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Iesus 2. His Wisdom The Law was not given by God in jest but in the greatest earnest that ever Law was given Now if the Law should be recalled without any more ado the Law-giver would run the hazard of Levity Mutability and Imprudence in constituting so solemne a Transaction to no purpose Paul was troubled when forced to retract his Word 2 Cor. 1.17 18. that his word should be yea to day and nay to Morrow Therefore when God had said Thus I will govern the World he was not to part with the Law upon light Termes 3. His Holy Nature would not permit it There needed some way to be found out to signifie his purest Holiness his hatred and detestation of sin and that it should not be pardoned without some markes of his displeasure His soul hates the wicked and the righteous God loveth Righteousness Psal. 11.6 4. His Authority It would be a derogation from the Authority of his Law if it might be broken and there be no more ado about it Now that all the World might know that it is a dangerous thing to transgress his Laws and might hear and fear and do no more presumptuously God appointed this course that the penalty of his Law should be executed upon our surety when he undertook our Reconciliation with God Gal. 4.4 5. The Veracity and Truth of God It bindeth the Truth of God which sinners are apt to question Gen. 3.5 Hath God said And Deut. 29.19 20. We look upon the Threatnings of the Law as a vain Scare-crow therefore for the Terror and warning of sinners for the future God would not release his Wrath nor release us from the power of Sin and Satan which was the consequent of it without a price and valuable compensation Thirdly None was sit to give this ransom but Jesus Christ who was God man he was man to undertake it in our name and God to perform it in his own strength a man that he might be made under the Law and humbled even to the death of the Cross for our sakes and all this was elevated beyond the worth of created actions and sufferings by the divine nature which was in him which perfumed his humanity and all done by it and in it This put the stamp upon the mettal and made it current Coin imposed an infinite value upon his finite obedience and sufferings By taking humane Nature a price was put into his hands to lay down for us Heb. 10.15 and His divine Nature made it sufficient and responsible for it was the Blood of God Acts 20.28 Feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own Blood And Heb. 9.13 For if the Blood of Bulls and Goats and the ashes of an Heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifyeth to the purifying of the Flesh how much more shall the Blood of Christ who through the spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your Conscience from dead works to serve the Living God It was that Flesh and Blood which was assumed into the unity of his person as a slip or branch grafted into a stock is the branch of the stock and the fruit of it is the fruit of the stock A naked Creature without this Union could not have satisfied the Justice of God for us This made his blood a precious blood and his obedience a precious obedience In short God-man the Son of God and the Son of Adam was he that Redeemed us So in short there were different parties to be dealt with before the fruit of Redemption could be obtained God Satan Man God was an Enemy that could not be overcome but must be reconciled Satan was a usurper and was to be vanquished with a strong hand Man was unable and unwilling to look after the fruits of Redemption and our obstinacy and unbelief could onely be overcome by the Spirit of Christ. Fourthly Nothing performed by Christ could be a sufficient ransom for this end unless he had crowned all his other actions and sufferings by laying down his life and undergoing a bloody and violent death This was the compleating and crowning act Partly to answer the Types of the Law wherein no Remission
Creature one of the same kind I Answer if we grant this that they alledge they gain nothing for Christ had two Natures he was God Man as God he is the Creator not a Creature for the Apostle proveth that by him all things were made but as Man so he is indeed a Creature This double consideration must not be forgotten Rom 1.3 4. Our Lord Jesus Christ was made of the Seed of David according to the Flesh but declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit therefore we must distinguish between Christ and Christ what he is according to the Spirit and what he is a according to the flesh 2. I answer That Metaphors must be taken in the sense in which they are intended now what is the Apostles intention in giving Christ the Appellation of the First-born Four things are implyed by this Metaphor 1. Identity of Nature 2. Likeness of Original 3. Antiquity 4. Dignity Nothing else can be insinuated into the mind of man by such a form of speech but Identity and sameness of nature between the brethren which is true as to Christs humanity Heb. 2.14 For ●smuch then as the children are partakers of Flesh and blood he also took part of the same or else sameness of stock which is true also fo● the same reason Heb. 2.11 For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sunctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them Brethren or priority of time for the first born is before all the rest or else dignity authority and preheminence Now which of these doth the Apostle intend the two last The preexistence of Christ before any thing was made as appeareth by this reason v. 16. For by him all things were made whether they be in heaven or in earth And also his Dignity and Authority above them as appeareth by the frequent use of the word For the first-born in Families had Authority over the rest When Iacob had got the Birth-right this was a part of Isaacs blessing Gen. 27.29 Let people serve thee and Nations bow down to thee be Lord over thy brethren and let thy mothers sons bow down to thee Soveraignty was implyed in the Birth-right so David is called the first-born of the Kings of the earth Psal. 19.27 as the most glorious amongst them So here nothing else is intended but that Christ is in time and dignity before all Creatures Thirdly Though Christ be called the firstborn of every Creature it doth not imply that he is to be reckoned as one of them or accounted a Creature It is true when he is said Rom. 8.29 That he is the first-born among many brethren it implyeth that he is head of the renewed estate that he and all new creatures are of the same kind allowing him the dignity of his rank and degree for God is his God and their God his Father and their Father but here it is not the first-born amongst the creatures but the first-born of every creature And for farther confirmation here is not Identity of Nature for he is not at all of the same nature with the Angels those Principalities and Thrones Dominions and Powers spoken of in the next verse nor issued of the same stock with any of them mark he is called the first-born not first created which must be understood of his divine nature and eternal Generation of the Father before all creatures The creatures are not begotten and born of God ●ut made by him so Christ is primogenitus that unigenitus the first-born that onely begotten In the following verse he is brought in not as a creature but the Creator of all things The first-born is not the cause of the rest of the Children Peter was the first-born yet may be a Brother to Iames and Iohn but not a Father to them Now all the rest of the creatures are created and produced by him he is not reckoned among them as one of them he is the Image of the invisible God 2d Why this Excellency of our Redeemer should be so deeply impressed upon our minds and hearts for many reasons 1. This is needful to shew his sufficiency to Redeem the world the party offended is God who is of infinite Majesty the favour to be purchased is the Everlasting fruition of God and the sentence to be reversed is the sentence of Everlasting punishment Therefore there needed some valuable satisfaction to be given to reconcile these things to our thoughts that we may be confident that we shall have Redemption by his blood even the Remission of sins there are three things that commend the value of Christs sacrifice the dignity of his Person the greatness of his sufferings and the merit of his obedience But the two latter without the former will little quiet the heart of scrupulous men His sufferings were great but temporary and finite the merit of his obedience much but how shall the virtue of it reach all the World And if he be but a meer creature he hath done what he ought to do I confess a fourth thing may be added Gods institution which availeth to the end for which God hath appointed it but the Scripture insists most on the first the dignity of his person which putteth a value on his sacrifice Act. 20 18. Heb. 9.13 14. at lest there is an intrinsick worth this answers all objections His sufferings were temporary and finite but it is the blood of God he hath offered up himself through the Eternal Spirit 2. To work upon our love that Christ may have the chief room in our hearts there is no such argument to work upon our love as that God over all blessed for ever should come to relieve man in such a condescending way 1 Iohn 3.16 Hereby we perceive the love which God hath to us in that he layed down his life for us that very person that dyed for us was God There was power discovered in the creation when God made us like himself out of the dust of the ground but love in our Redemption when he made himself like us The person that was to work out our deliverance was the Eternal Son of God That God that owes nothing to man and was so much offended by man and that stood in no need of man having infinite happiness and contentment in himself that he should come and dye for us hereby perceive we the love of God When we consider what Christ is we shall most admire what he hath done for us Thirdly That we may give Christ his due honour For God will have all men to honour the Son as they honour the Father Iohn 5.23 he being equal in power and glory the setting forth of his glory is a rent due to him from all creatures We are to praise him both in word and deed in mind and heart and practise which we can never do unless we understand the dignity of his person We are apt to have low thoughts of Christ
that at length they may acquiesce in the injoyment of one that is God as their chiefest good Alass without this union with the head and among themselves in necessary things what can they expect but wrath and the curse and Everlasting destruction 2. With respect to dependance on one head Rom. 12.5 We being many are one body in Christ and every one members of one another that is all things make up one body of which Christ is the Head and are fellow members in respect of one another As necessary and as desirable as it is to be united to God to Life and Glory Everlasting so necessary and desirable it is to depend upon Christ the Head for no man after the entrance of sin can return to God or enjoy God without Christ the Mediator Iohn 14.6 I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh to the Father but by me Acts 4.12 There is no other name under Heaven by which we can be saved but only Iesus Christ 1 Cor. 3.11 Other foundation can no man lay but that which is layed Iesus Christ 1 Iohn 5.12 He that hath the son hath Life and he that hath not the son hath not Life God proclaimed from Heaven Matth. 3.17 This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased he being one God with the Father and the Spirit of the same substance and essence he only can procure merit and effect our union with God He first assumed our nature and united it to his own Person and so became one flesh with us but then all those that belong to that nature if they believe in him and enter into his Covenant are not onely literally one flesh but Mystically one body and so also one Spirit 1 Cor. 6.17 That is by the bond of the spirit he hath brought them into the state and relation of a body to himself To gather up all Mans return to God is necessary to his blessedness that he may be inseparably conjoyned to him as his chiefest good to this purpose the son of God assumed our nature in the unity of his person and thereby bringeth about the union of the Church with himself as our Head and our communion with one another in Faith and charity if we desire to be blessed and so is according to Christs Prayer Iohn 17.21 That they may be all one as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us verse 23. I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one so that as there is one God and one Mediator between God and Men and one Church united to Christ as his body to this Church we must every one of us be united if we mean to be saved and in the Church with Christ and by Christ with God therefore out of this Mysticall body there is no Salvation 2. How is Christ an Head to this Body This must be explained by answering two question 1. What are the parts of his headship 2. According to what nature doth this office belong to him divine or humane 1. The parts and branches of this headship he is our head with respect to Government and sovereignty and in regard of causality and influence he governeth he quickneth 1. It implyes his Authority to Govern as is manifest by Eph. 5.22 23. Wives submit your selves to your own husbands as unto the Lord for the husband is the head of the Wife even as Christ is the head of the Church So that to be the Churches Head implies superiority or right to govern 2. For the other notion in regard of influence that is evident in Scripture also Col. 2.19 Not holding the head from which all the body by joynts and bands having nourishment ministred and knit together increases with the increase of God the head is the root from whence the vital faculty is disfused to all the members We use to say 〈◊〉 arbor inversa a Tree turned upsided 〈…〉 if this be so the Head is the 〈…〉 Tree So doth Life flow from 〈…〉 the Church the spirit is from 〈…〉 begin the union or to con●●nue the 〈…〉 But let us speak of these branches apart 1. His Authority and power to govern his excellency gives him fitness but his Office right to rule and govern the Church When he sent abroad his Officers and Embassadors to Proselyte the World in his name he pleadeth his right Math. 28.18 All power is given to me both in heaven and in Earth Now the acts which belong to Christ as a Governour may be reduced to these heads 1. To make Laws that shall universally bind all his people 2. To institute Ordinances for Worship 3. To appoint Officers 4. To maintain them in the exercise of these things 1. The first power that belongeth to a governing head is Legislation or making Laws now Christs Headship and Empire being novum jus Imperii a new right which he hath as Mediator for the recovery of lapsed mankind his Law is accordingly It is lex remedians a Law of grace which is given us in the Gospel of our Salvation The sum of his own proper remedial Laws are Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and Repentance towards God Acts 20.21 Without Repentance our case is not compassionable without Faith we do not own our Redeemer by whom we have so great a benefit yet because this new right of Empire is accumulative not privative beneficial to us indeed but not destructive of our duty to God therefore the whole Law of God as purely moral hath still a binding force upon the consciences as it is explained in the Word of God Now to these Laws of Christ none can add none diminish and therefore Christ will take an account of our fidelity at the last day 2 Thess. 1.8 2. He hath instituted Ordinances for the continual exercise and regulation of our worship and the Government of his people that they may be kept in the due acknowledgement and obedience to him such as the preaching of the Word Sacraments and the exercise of some Government now all the Rules and Statutes which Christ hath made for the ordering of his people must be kept pure until his coming his institutions do best preserve his honour in the World great charges are left 1 Tim. 5.21 I charge thee before God and our Lord Iesus Christ and his Elect Angels that thou observe these things where he speaketh of Ecclesiastical Censures and Disciplines he conjureth him by all that is sacred and holy that it be rightly used 1 Tim. 6.14 Keep this commandment without spot and unrebuka●le unto the appearing of Iesus Christ. The Doctrines are so determined by Christ that they cannot be changed the Worship not corrupted the Discipline not abused to serve partial Humors and private or worldly Interests 3. God hath appointed Officers who have all their ministries and services under Christ and for Christ Eph. 4.11 He gave some apostles some prophets and some evangelists and some
pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ. Mark there he doth not describe all the Officers for the Deacon is not mentioned but onely such as labour in the Word and Sacraments and observe he mentioneth ordinary and extraordinary Apostles to write Scripture Prophets to attest it Pastors and Teachers to explain and apply it And mark Christ gave some it is his Prerogative as Head of the Church to appoint the several sorts of offices and officers He gave them at first and will raise up some still according as the exigence of the times requireth it The end why to perfect the saints that is to help them on to their final perfection and for the work of the ministry All Offices under Christ are a ministry not a power and imply Service not Lordship or Domination over the Flock of Christ. Lastly The great end is to prepare and fit men more and more to become true members of Christs mystical Body 4. To maintain and defend his people in the exercise of these things to preserve the verity of Doctrine and purity of Worship Alass many times where neither Worship nor Government is corrupted yet the Church may be in danger to be dissipated by the violence of persecutions Now therefore it is a part of Christs office as Head of the Church to maintain verity of Doctrine purity of Worship and a lawful order of Government for all which he hath plenty of Spirit The Papists think this cannot be without some universal visible head to supply Christs Office in his absence and so are like the Israelites Exod. 31.1 Make us Gods that shall go before us They would have a visible head that should supply Christs room in his absence an external infallible Head but that is a vain conceit for since the Pope hath his residence in Rome and cannot perform these functions but by the intervention of ordaining Pastors why should it be more difficult for Christ in heaven to Govern the Church than for the Pope in Rome when he sitteth at the right hand of God till he hath made his ●oes his Footstool Is he less powerful to Govern the Church and to preserve and defend his People against the violence of those that would root out the memorial of Religion in the World Who is more powerful than Jesus Christ who hath all Judgement put into his hands 1 Iob. 4.4 2. In regard of influence So Christ is an head to the Church as he giveth us his Spirit That Spirit which gives Life to Believers is often called Christs Spirit Gal. 4.6 God hath sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts It is purchased by his Merit Tit. 3.6 conveyed to us by his Power Ioh. 15.26 I will send the comforter from the father The communication is by his Ordinances The Word 2 Cor. 3.18 Beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord we are changed into the same Image from glory to glory even as by the spirit of the Lord. Sacraments 1 Cor. 12.13 For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be Iews or Gentiles whether we be bond or free and ●●ve all been made to drink into one spirit To ●●omote the Religion which he hath est●●●●●hed Ioh. 16.13 14. When the spirit 〈◊〉 ●ruth is come he will guide you into all tr●● 〈◊〉 for he shall not speak of himself but wh●● 〈◊〉 ever he shall hear that he shall speak And he will shew you things to come and he shall glori●ie me for he shall receive of mine and shall shew it unto you He comes to us as his Members and by influence from him as in the natural body the animal spirits are from the head are by the members conveyed to all the parts of the body so Christ in this spiritual Union worketh in us a quickning Spirit Eph. 4.15 16. We grow up to him in all things which is the head even Christ From whom the whole body joyned together maketh increase c. The spirit is not given to any one Believer but derivatively from Christ to us First it is given to Christ as Mediatour and to us onely by virtue of our union with him He is in Christ as radically inherent but in us operatively to accomplish certain effects or he dwelleth in our Head by way of radication in us by way of influence and operation 2. According to what nature doth this office belong to Christ Divine or Humane I answer both for it belongeth to him as God incarnate 1. He must be man that there may be a conformity of nature between the head and the rest of the Members therefore Christ and the Church have one common nature between them he was man as we are men bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh Eph. 5.30 We read of a monstrous Image that was represented to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream where the head was Gold the breast and arms of Silver the belly and thighs of Brass and the Legs and feet part of Iron and part of Clay Dan. 2. All the parts of a different nature In every regular body there is a proportion and conformity so it is in the Mystical body of Christ because the brethren took part of flesh and blood he also took part of the same The Godhead which was at such a distance from us is brought down in the person of Christ in our nature that it might be nearer at hand and within the reach of our commerce and we might have more incouragement to expect pity and relief from him 2. God he also must be None was sit to be head of the Church but God whether you respect Government or Influence 1. For Government to attend all cases to hear all Prayers to supply all wants defend us against all Enemies to require an absolute and total submission to his Laws Ordinances and Institutions so as we may venture our Eternal Interests upon his Word Psal. 95.11 He is thy God worship thou him 2. For Influence none else hath power to convey the spirit and to become a vital principle to us for that is proper to God to have life in himself and to communicate it to others 1 Tim. 6.13 I charge thee in the sight of God who quickneth all things c. Whatever men may think of the life of Grace yet surely as to the life of Glory he is the onely life-making Spirit 1 Cor. 15.45 Now this honour is not given to the Angels much less is it due to any man nor can it be imagined by him for none can influence the heart of Man but God 3. The Reasons why this body must have such an Head 1. Every society must be under some Government without which they would soon dissolve and come to nothing Much more the Church which because of its manifold necessities and the high ends unto which it is designed more needs it than any other Society 2.
Grace and then continually supplied by the confirming Grace of the Spirit The influence we have from him as our head is life and likeness 1. Life Gal. 2.20 I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh c. Christ is the beginning of the new life therefore he is called the Prince or Author of Life All life is derived from the head to the body so we derive life from Christ Ioh. 6.57 As I live by the father so he that eateth me shall live by me We derive life from Christ as he from the Father 2. Likeness Gal. 4.19 My little children of whom I travel in birth till Christ be formed in you And 2 Cor. 3.18 It is for the honour of Christ that his Image and superscription should be upon his Members to distinguish them from others In short as to Life he is the Root Ioh. 15.1 2. I am the true vine and c. As to Likeness he is the pattern Rom. 8.29 Whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his son that he might be the first-born among many brethren Secondly The Reasons of this 1. It is for the honour of the Son of God that he should be head of the New World In the Kingdom of Christ all things are new There is a new covenant which is the Gospel a new Paradise not that where Adam enjoyed God among the Beasts and Trees of the Garden but where the Blessed injoy God amongst the Angels A new Ministry not the Family of Aaron or Tribe of Levi but the Ministry of Reconciliation whom God hath qualified and fitted to be dispensers of these holy Mysteries New ordinances we serve God not in the oldness of the Letter but the newness of the Spirit new Members or new creatures that are made partakers of the benefits therefore also a new head or a second Adam that must be the beginning of this new Creation and that is the Lord Jesus Christ who is made a quickning spirit to all his members 1 Cor 15.45 The first Adam was made a living soul the second a quickning Spirit Adam communicated natural life to his posterity but from Christ we have the spirit 2. It is suited to our lost estate We were in a state of Apostasie and defection from God averse from all good prone to all evil Now that we might have a new being and life the Son of God came in our Nature to rectifie the disordered creation The scripture representeth man as blind in his Mind perverse in his Will rebellions in his Affections having no sound part left in him to mend the rest therefore we must be changed but by whom who shall make us of unclean to become pure and holy Not one amongst all the bare natural sons of Men Iob 14.4 of carnal to become spiritual We must be new made and new born Ioh. 3.6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit That we may mind the things of the spirit and not of the flesh of worldly to become heavenly he that formeth us for this very thing is God 2 Cor. 5.5 He that is the framer and maker of all things a God of infinite Wisdom Power and Love he frameth and createth us a-new VSES I. To shew us the Necessity of Regeneration II. The Excellency of it I. The Necessity We must have another beginning than we had as bare creatures it is one thing to make us men another to make us Saints or Christians We have Understanding Will Affections and Senses as Men but we have these san●●●●d as Christians The World thinketh Christianity puts strange names upon ordinary things but is it an ordinary thing to row against the stream of flesh and blood and to raise men to those inclinations and affections to which nature is an utter stranger to have a Divine Nature put into us 2 Pet. 1.4 the necessity is more bound upon us if we look upon our selves not onely as Men but Christians for whosoever is in Christ is a New Creature Some are in Christ by external Profession de jure they are bound to be new Creatures that they may not dishonour their Head Others by real internal Union they not onely ought to be but de facto are new creatures because they are made partakers of his Spirit and by that Spirit are renewed and sanctified Little can they make out their recovery to God and interest in Christ who are not sensible of any change wrought in them who have the old thoughts the old discourses the old passions and the old affections and their old conversations still The same deadness to holy things the same proneness to please the flesh the same carelessness to please or honour God and the drift and bent of their lives is as much for the world and as little for God and heaven as before II. The Excellency of Regeneration or renewing Grace What a benefit it is it appeareth in two things 1. That it is the fruit of Reconciling Grace 2 Cor. 5.18 All things are of God who hath reconciled us to himself by Iesus Christ and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation God gives Grace onely as the God of Peace as pacified by the death of Christ the holy Spirit is the gift of his Love and the fruit of this Peace and Reconciliation which Christ made for us Our Lord Jesus Christ merited this Grace by the value of his sacrifice and bloody sufferings Tit. 3.5 6. 2. It is applyed to us by the Almighty power of his Spirit Christ is first the Ransom for then the fountain of Life to our souls and so the honour of our intire and whole recovery is to be ascribed onely to our Redeemer who as he satisfied the Justice of God for our sins so he also purchased a power to change our hearts and he purchased this power into his own hands not into anothers and therefore doth accomplish it by his Spirit 2 Cor. 3.18 We should often think what a foundation God hath layed for the dispensation of his grace and how he would demonstrate his infinite love in giving us his son to be a propitiation for us and at the same time sheweth forth his infinite power in renewing and changing the heart of man and all to bring us back to him to make us capable of serving and pleasing him I come now to the other Title which respects the life of Glory The first-born from the dead The same appellation almost is given to Christ when he is called Rev. 1.5 The first begotten from the dead The reason of both is because those that arise from the dead are as it were new born and therefore the Resurrection from the dead is called a Regeneration Matth. 19.28 And as to Christ in particular the Grave when he was in it is represented as being under
Scriptures Isa. 4.2 Christ is prophesied of In that day the branch of the Lord shall be beautiful and glorious and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely When he is called the Branch of the Lord his Godhead is signified when he is called the fruit of the earth his Manhood So again Is● 7.14 A virgin shall conceive and bear a son and thou shalt call his name Imm●●uel That is to say God with us which can agree to none but to hi● that is God and Man So that this Mystery of God Incarnate was not hid from the Church of the Old Testament for his very Name did import God with us or God in our Nature reconciling us to himself So Isa. 9.6 To us a child is born to us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called The wonderful Counseller the mighty God the everlasting father the prince of peace Who can interpret these speeches and A●●ributes but of one who is God-Man How could he else be a child and yet the Everlasting Father born of a Virgin and yet the Mighty God So Isa. 11.1 with the 4th Verse A rod out of the S●em of Iesse and a branch out of his roots Therefore Man And verse 4. He shall smi●e the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall be slay the wicked Therefore God So Isa. 53.8 He shall be taken from prison and judgement therefore Man yet who shall declare his generation therefore God So Ier. 23.5 6. A branch raised unto David from his dea● stock therefore Man yet the Lord or Iehovah our righteousness therefore God Shall I urge that speech whereby Jesus did silence divers of the Learned Pharisees Psal. 110.1 The Lord said to my Lord sit thou on my right hand until I make thy foes thy footstool He was born in the mean Estate of humane Flesh and King Davids seed and yet Davids Lord which he could not be if he were not God himself the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Well then he was Davids Son as Man but Davids Lord as he was God And so do many of the Ancient Iewish Rabbins interpret this place So again Micah 5.2 Thou Bethlehem Sphratah Though thou ●e little among the thousands of Iudah yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from old from everlasting He is born in Bethlehem yet his goings forth are from everlasting He came out of Bethlehem and therefore Man his goings forth are from everlasting and therefore God So Zech. 12.10 I will pour out the spirit of grace and supplication and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced He is God because he giveth the spirit of grace Man because he is pierced or crucified So Zech. 13.7 Against the man my fellow A man he was but Gods companion his only begotten son and co-essential with himself and so God Secondly Come we now to the New Testament in which this mystery is more plainly and fully demonstrated There often the son of Man is plainly asserted to be also the Son of God Thomas calleth him his Lord his God Ioh. 20.28 We are told that the word was made flesh Ioh. 1.14 That God purchased the Church with his own blood Acts 20.28 which can be understood of no other but Christ by whose blood we are redeemed and who being Incarnate hath blood to shed for us But God as a pure Spirit hath not flesh and blood and bones as we have So Rom. 1.3 4. Iesus Christ was made of the seed of David according to the flesh but declared to be the son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness c. In respect of his Divine subsistence he was begotten not made in regard of his humane Nature made not begotten True Man as David was and True God as the Spirit and Divine Nature is Again Rom. 9.5 Whose are the fathers and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed for ever Than which nothing can be said more express as to that nature which is most apt to be questioned for surely he that is God over all cannot be said to be a mere Creature The Jews confessed him to be Man and one of their blood and Paul asserteth him to be God over all They accounted him to be accursed and Paul asserteth him to be blessed for ever They thought him inferiour to the Patriarchs of whom he descended and Paul over all so that no word is used in vain and when he saith according to the flesh he insinuateth another Nature in him to be considered by us The next place is 1 Cor. 2.8 They Crucified the Lord of Glory He was Crucified there his humane nature is acknowledged but in respect of the Divine nature he is called the Lord of Glory as in the 24th Psalm The Lord or King of Glory is Iehovah Sabaoth The Lord of Hosts Go we farther Phil. 2.6 7. Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with Gon but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a Servant and was made in the likeness of men By the form of God is meant not only the divine Majesty and Glory but also the divine essence it self for without it there can be no true divine Majesty and Glory Now this he kept hidden under his humane nature letting onely some small Rayes sometimes to shine forth in his Miracles but that which was most sensible and conspicuous in him was a true humane Nature in a low and contemptible estate Again 1 Tim. 3.16 Great is the Mystery of Godliness God manifested in our Flesh. That is the Eternal Son of God became Man and assumed the humane nature into the unity of his person Once more 1 Pet. 3.18 He was put to death in the flesh but quickned in the spirit That is dyed according to his humane nature but by his divine nature raised from the Dead 't is not meant of his soul quickned signifies not one remaining alive but made alive that power belongeth to God Secondly By Types Those that come to hand are these 1. Melchisedec Gen. 14.18 Melchisedec King of Salem brought forth bread and wine to Abraham Which Type is interpreted by the Apostle Heb. 7.2 3. First being by interpretation King of Righteousness and after that also King of peace Without Father and without Mother having neither beginning of dayes nor end of Life but made like unto the Son of God abideth a priest continually What Melchisedec was is needless to dispute The Apostle considereth him only as he is represented in the story of Moses who maketh no mention of his Father or Mother Birth or Death Certainly he was a very Man but as he standeth in Scripture there is no mention of Father or Mother beginning or end what he was or of whom
he came So is Christ as God without Mother as Man without Father As God without beginning as God Man without ending of Life 2. Another Type of him was Iacobs Ladder The top of which reached Heaven and the bottom reached Earth Gen. 28.12 And the Angels of God were ascending and descending upon it This Ladder represented Christ the Son of Man upon whom the Angels of God ascend and descend Iohn 1.51 The bottom which reached the earth represented Christs humane nature and conversing with Men The top which reached Heaven his heavenly and divine nature and in both his mediaation with God for Men Ascende per hominem per venies ad Deum Christ reaches to Heaven in his divine original to Earth in his Manhood and him the Angels serve By his dwelling in our nature this commerce between Earth and Heaven is brought about The third Type is the Fiery cloudy pillar Exod. 13.21 And the Lord went before them in the day in a pillar of a cloud and by night in a pillar of Fire to give them light to go by day and night this figured Christs guidance and protection of his Church travelling through this World to his heavenly rest The cloud signified his humanity the fire his divinity There were two different substances the fire and the cloud yet but one pillar So there are two different natures in Christ his divinity shining as fire his humanity darkning as a cloud yet but one Person That pillar departed not from them all the while they travelled in the Wilderness so while the Churches pilgrimage lasteth Christ will conduct us and comfort and shelter us by his presence His Mediatory conduct ceaseth not The fourth Type is the Tabernacle wherein God dwelt symbolically as in Christ bodily There God sat on the mercy seat which is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 9.5 so Christ Rom. 3.25 A propitiation He there dwelt between the Cherubims and did exhibit himself graciously to his people as now he doth to us by Christ. The next shall be of the Scape Goat on the day of expiation Lev. 16.10 One Goat was to be slain the other kept alive The slain Goat signified 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his Flesh or humane nature suffering the Live Goat 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his Immortal Deity or as the Apostle expresseth it 2 Cor. 13.4 That Christ was to be crucified through weakness yet to live by the power of God or as we heard before 1 Pet. 3.18 Put to death in the Flesh and quickned by the Spirit Because these two things could not be shadowed by any one Beast which the Priest having killed could not make alive again and it was not fit that God should work mir●cles about Types therefore he appointed ●wo that in the slain Beast his death might be represented in the Live Beast his immortality The like mystery was represented also in the two birds for the cleansing of the Leper Lev. 14.6 7. Thirdly I prove it by Reasons taken from his office which may be considered in the general And so it is expressed by one Word Mediator or in particular according to the several functions of it expressed by the terms of King Priest and Prophet or with respect to the persons that are to be considered and concerned in Christs Mediation 1. His Office considered in the General so he is called Iesus the Mediator of the New Testament Heb. 12.24 It was agreeable that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Mediator should 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a middle person of the same essence with both parties and that his operative Mediation should presuppose his substantial Mediation that being God Man in the same person he should make an atonement between God and Man Sin hath made such a breach and distance between us and God that it raiseth our fears and causeth backwardness to draw nigh unto him and so hindreth our love and confidence in him How can we depend upon one so far above us and out of the reach of our commerce therefore a Mediator is necessary one that will pity us and is more near and dear to God then we are One in whom God doth condescend to man and by whom Man may be encouraged to ascend to God now who is so fit for this as Jesus Christ God manifested in our flesh The two natures met together in his person and so God is nearer to Man then he was before 〈◊〉 the pure Deity for he is come down to us in our flesh and hath assumed it into the unity of his person and man is nearer to God for our nature dwelleth with him so closely united that we may have more familiar thoughts of God and a confidence that he will look after us and concern himself in our affairs and shew us his grace and savour for surely he will not hide himself from his own flesh Isa. 58.7 This wonderfully reconcileth the heart of Man to God and maketh our thoughts of him more comfortable and doth encourage us to free access to God 2. Come we now to the particular offices by which he performeth the work of a Mediator and they all shew the necessity of both natures these offices and functions are those of Prophet Priest and King 1. Our Mediator hath a Prophetical office belonging to his Administration that he may be made Wisdom to us and therefore he must be both God and Man God that he may not onely teach us outwardly as an ordinary Messenger or Minister but inwardly putting his Law into our minds and writing it upon our hearts Heb. 8.10 and 2 Cor. 3.3 Ye are manifestly declared to be the Epistle of Christ ministred by us written not with Ink but with the spirit of the living God not in Tables of stone but in the fleshly Tables of the heart Men may be the instruments but Christ is the Author of this Grace and therefore he must be God To convince mens understandings of their duty and to incline their hearts to perform it requireth no less then a divine power If such an infinite vertue be necessary to cure the blindness of the body how much more to cure the natural blindness and darkness of the mind And man he must also be for the great Prophet of the Church was to be raised up among his brethren like unto Moses Deut. 18.15 Till such an one came into the World they were to hear Moses but then they were to hearken to him he that was to come was to be a Lawgiver as Moses was but of a far more absolute and perfect Law a Lawgiver that must match and overmatch Moses every way He was to be a man as Moses was in respect of our infirmities such an one as Moses was whom the Lord had known face to face but of a far more divine nature and approved to the World by Miracles Signs and Wonders as Moses was Again 't was prophesied of him that as the great Prophet of the World he should be anointed that he might
good to his own Indeed God is ours as well as we are his but our being his draweth along with it much comfort and blessing But to speak of these apart 1. The Appropriation or claim of Interest is a sweet thing If God be your God why should you be troubled ' Psal. 16.5 6. The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup. Thou maintainest my lot The lines are faln unto me in pleasant places yea I have a goodly heritage You have a right to God himself and may lay claim to all that he hath for your comfort and use His Attributes yours his Providences yours his Promises yours what may not you promise your selves from him Support under all Troubles relief in all necessities You may take hold of his Covenant Isa. 56.4 and lay claim to all the priviledges of it 'T is all yours 2. This dedication this resignation of our selves to Gods use to be at his disposing without reservation or power of revocation is often spoken of in Scripture Isa. 44.5 One shall say I am the Lords another shall call himself by the name of Iacob and another shall subscribe with his hand to the Lord and surname himself by the name of Israel The meaning is to give up their names to God to be entred into his Muster Roll and to be listed in his service Rom. 6.13 Yield up your selves to God as those that are alive from the dead 'T is the immediate fruit of Grace and new life infused in us A natural man liveth to himself to please himself and give satisfaction to his own Lusts. Grace is a new Being and Life that inclines us to Live and Act for God As soon as this life is begotten in us by the power of his Spirit our hearts are inclined towards God and you devote your selves to serve and please him As your work and business was before to serve the Devil the World and the Flesh so now to please serve and glorifie God Secondly The Reasons why it becometh Christians to be able to say My Lord my God 1. Because our interest in him is the ground of our comfort and confidence 'T is not comfortable to us that there is a God and that there is a Lord that may be terrible to us The Devils believe and the damned spirits feel there is a God and there is a Lord but their thought of God is a part of their Misery and Torment Iames 2.19 The more they think of God the more their Horrour is increased to own a God and not to see him as ours the remembrane of it will be troublesome to us 2 Sam. 30.6 David comforted himself in the Lord his God There was the comfort that he had a God to go to when all was lost and that God was his God So Heb. 3.18 I will rejoyce in the Lord I will joy in the God of my Salvation If God be our God we have more in him then trouble can take from us So Luk. 1.47 My Spirit hath rejoyced in God my Saviour When you make particular application to your selves it breeds strong comfort 2. Because nothing strikes upon the heart with such an efficacy as what nearly concerns us affects us most The love of Christ to sinners in general doth not affect us so much as when 't is shed abroad in our own Hearts by the Spirit Gal. 2.20 He loved me and gave himself for me that draws out our hearts to God again and is quickning motive to stir us up to the life of Love and Faith So Eph. 1.13 In whom ye trusted after ye heard the word of truth the Gospel of your salvation 'T is not sufficient to know that the gospel is a Doctrine of Salvation to others onely but to find it a doctrine of Salvation to themselves in particular That they may apply the promises to their own heart A Christian is affected most with things according as he is concerned in them himself It bindeth our obedience the more firmly when we know that we are particularly ingaged to God and have chosen him for our God and our Lord. 3. Bacause without a real personal entring into Covenant the Covenant doth us no good unless every one of us do choose God for our God and Lord and particulary own him Every man must give his hand to the Lord and personally ingage for himself 'T is not enough that Christ ingage for us in being our surety but we must take a bond upon our selves Something Christ did for us and in our name he interposed as the surety of a better Testament Heb. 7.22 Something must be done personally by us before we can have benefit by it You must give up your selves to the Lord. It is not enough that the Church ingage for us but every man must engage his own heart to draw nigh to God Ier. 30.21 Who is he that ingageth his heart to d●●●●igh to me 'T is not enough that our Parents did engag● for us Deut. 29.10.11 12. They d●d in the name of their little ones avouch God ●o be their God as we dovote dedicate and ingage our Children to God in Baptisme But no man can savingly transact this work for another We ratifie the Covenant in our own persons 2 Cor. 9.13 by a professed subjection to the gospel of Christ. This is a work cannot be done by a Proxy or Assignes unless we personally enter into Covenant with God for our selves our dedication by our Parents will not profit us we shall be as Children of the Aethiopians unto God Amos 9.7 though Children of the Covenant all this will not serve these are visible external priviledges But there is something required of our Persons every one must say for himself My Lord and my God And this must not onely be done in words and by some visible external Rites that may signifie so much As for instance coming to the Lords Supper that is the New Testament in Christs Blood Luk. 22 2● 'T is interpretativè a sealing the New Covenant between Christ and us God giveth and you take the Elements as a pledge and Token that God and you are agreed That he will give you himself his Christ and all his Benefits and you will walk before him in newness of life Now to rest in the Ceremony and neglect the Substance is but a mockery of God As many rend the Bond yet prize the Seal care much for the Sacram●n● that never care for the Duty it bindeth them unto If your hearts be hearty and well with God you come now personally ●o enter into Covenant with him But this business must not be done onely exter●ally but internally also 'T is a business done between God and our Souls though no outward witnesses be conscious to it God cometh speaking to us by his Spirit in this Transaction Psal. 35.3 Say unto my soul I am thy salvation And we speak to God Lam. 3.24 The Lord is my Portion saith my soul. There is verbum mentis
the World till he was advanced at the right hand of God and then this effect declared it The spirit was given before but more sparingly because it was given upon trust and with respect to the satisfaction that was afterwards to be made and accepted And then it was witnessed to the World by a more copious and plentiful effusion of the spirit Therefore 't is said Acts 2.33 Therefore Iesus being by the right hand of God exalted and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost he hath shed forth this which ye now see and hear The merit and value of the sacrifice is thus visibly attested therefore this is one of the witnesses Acts 5.30 31 32. The God of our Fathers raised up Iesus whom ye slew and hanged on a Tree him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give repentance to Israel and remission of sins And we are his witnesses of these things and so is also the Holy Ghost whom God hath given to them that obey him And what was the evidence given to the Church in general is the evidence given also to every particular believer 4thly Some have obtained the effects and fruits of Christs death this peace begun here hath been perfected in heaven The Text saith he hath Reconciled all things to himself whether they be things in Heaven or things in Earth Here many are pardoned and accepted with God and have the comfort of it in their own Souls Others are gone home to God and have the full of this peace All were by nature children of wrath under the curse as well as others Now if some in all generations have injoyed the love favour and friendship of God in this World and upon their departure out of it have entered into glory upon this account it is evident that Christ is accepted to the ends for which God sent him thus Abraham the Father of the faithful and all the blessed souls who are gathered into his bosom and are alive with God in Heaven Certain it is they were all sinners by nature for there is no difference between any of the children of men and yet God admits them into his peace Was it a personal priviledge peculiar to them only No the Apostle tells us Rom. 4.23 It was not written for his sake alone and Paul obtained mercy for them that should hereafter believe on Christ for life everlasting 1 Tim. 1.16 Therefore all penitent believers may be assured that this sacrifice is sufficient and will avail for their acceptance with God We take it for a good token of a healing Water when we see the Crutches of Criples that had been cured all the blessed Saints in Heaven are witness to a sincere soul they all obtained this blessed condition through the blood of his Cross Reconciling them to God There is none in glory but had his pardon sealed through the blood of Christ. 4. How and upon what terms is it applyed to us for we have considered hitherto onely how Christ hath made peace or made the atonement Yet if we receive not the atonement we may perish for ever for all that besides the work done on the Cross by Christ alone there is a work to be done in our hearts the work of making peace is sufficiently done by Christ there needeth nothing to be added to it no other ransom nor sacrifice nor propitiation Christ hath so fully satisfyed divine Justice that he hath obtained the new Covenant but we are not actually admitted 〈◊〉 this peace till we have personally accepted the Covenant Now here it sticketh God hath been in Christ Reconciling the World unto himself there was the foundation layed but therefore we pray you to be Reconciled 2 Cor. 5.20 There is our Title Claim actual Right security But how do we receive this atonement or how are we interessed in it the conditions and terms are gracious such as the nature of the business calleth for as to our entrance into this peace no more is required but Faith and Repentance The Gospel is offered to all but the penitent Believer as being onely capable is possessed of it 1. Faith is required that we Believe what the Son of God hath done and purchased for us Rom. 5.1 Being justified by Faith we have peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ. If we sincerely embrace the Gospel we are Reconciled to God and accepted with him The Faith that justifieth is partly an assent to the Truth of the Christian Religion especially the fundamental Truth that Jesus is the Son of God and Saviour of the World And partly an acceptance of Christ as God offers him a serious thankful broken hearted acceptance of Christ as your Lord and Saviour serious because of the weight of the business broken hearted because of the condition of the person accepting a self-condemning sinner or one that hath an awakening sense of his sin and misery Thankful because Reconciliation with God and fruition of them in Glory is so great a benefit and you take him as Lord for every knee must bow to Christ he is a Saviour by merit and efficacy By his meritorious Righteousness you obtain all benefits by the efficacy of his spirit you perform all duties the last thing is trust and dependance Eph. 1.13 Trust is such an expectation of the benefits offered by Christ that forsaking all other things you entirely give up your selves to the conduct of his Word and Spirit 2. The next thing is Repentance which is a turning from sin to God we turn from sin by hatred and we turn to God by Love We turn from sin by hatred hatred of sin is the ground of all mortification there is a twofold hatred of abomination and of enmity We turn to God by Love which is the great principle to incline us to God and is the bottom of vivification or living to God Now all this is necessary to actual peace for our refreshing begins in conversion Acts 3.19 there is no peace allowed to the wicked we must take Christs yoke or we shall find no rest for our souls Matth. 11.29 we are not reconciled to God till our enmity be broken and overcome then of enemies we become Friends of Strangers intimates then we are reconciled This then is required of you onely let me add this caution what is at first Vows and Purposes must be afterwards Deeds and Practises and having ingaged your selves to God to live to him to keep your selves from sin and to follow after Holiness This must be your business all the dayes of your lives For so you continue your peace and interest in God Gal. 6.16 And as many as walk according to this rule peace be on them and mercy and on the Israel of God VSE 1. To Exhort you to enter into this peace that you may be partakers of the fruit of Christs Blood and the virtue of his cross may be effectual in you 1. Let me reason a