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A47705 Pious instructions, in meeter fitted to the weaker capacities. Leo of S. Mary Magdalen. 1693 (1693) Wing L1097; ESTC R12062 112,916 324

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take that course But since no want of Men we have Our great God when he Man became Of single Life example gave Mat. 19. v. 12. Exhorting us unto the same Yet since a single Life to live Is hard 1. Cor. 7. v. 25. now Nature's prone to ill Command of this he would not give But left all men to their free will He did commend those who for Heaven Mat. 19. v. 12. Themselves on Earth did Eunuchs make To whom a speciall glory 's given He that can take it let him take Saint Paul saith of Virginity I have no Precept yet do give This counsell If you will be free From many cares chast like me 1. Cor. 7. v 32. live Wedlock is good but Single Life Is better v. 38. Wedlock trouble brings v. 34. The Virgin 's void of Worldly strife Wedded unto the King of Kings This Virtue is Angelicall The Angels live in purity But Men Since their First Parents Fall Gen. 6.2 v. 12. Inclined are to Luxury Virginity like God doth make Who all impurity doth Fly By Luxury men do partake With Brutes in Bestiality This Virtue is to Flesh and bloud So hard that till the Law of grace It was by few right understood Virginity few did embrace Yet Some there were the Same approv'd Elias single Life embrac't For which he was by God remov'd From Men in fiery Chariot plac't Among the Gentils 't is recorded The Sibyls Kept Virginity 4. King 2. v. 11. For which they were by God rewarded With the rare Gift of Prophesy Foretelling Christ's Nativity Who was all Mankind to redeem Since God rewards Virginity What Man will not the same esteem When God descended from above Took Flesh and so became our Brother To shew how much he this did love Luk. 2● v. 27. Io. 19. v. 27. He chose a Virgin for his Mother And when upon the Cross he dy'd His Mother to a Virgin gave Saint John who while she did abide Took care of her unto the grave And now to Heav'n he is ascended This his beloved Virgin says Revel 14. v. 4. By Troops of Virgins he 's attended Who follow him the Lamb always By all this you may plainly see That those who pure and chast live here Above the rest beloved be And with him always do appear If you hereafter would be great While here on Earth a Virgin live That you with Virgins may have seat To Whom Christ doth a Garland give But if it chance you wedded be Gen. 6. v. 3. Abstain from all unlawfull Lust For lustfull Men shall never see The Face of God as 't is but just For he doth Heav'n and God contemn For Flesh-delights and Carnall Love And God to Hell will him condemn Gal. 5. v. 19.21 Nêre to possess true joys above As he lov'd Flesh-Concupiscence In fire of Lust took his delight In fire he shall make recompence With Dev'ls condemn'd which is his right This Vice of Lust doth so deface The soul consenting to the same That it falls wholly in disgrace With God who for it Man became My Spir't Gen. 6. v. 3. said God shall not abide In Man because he 's Flesh that is The Flesh his soul doth wholly guide Still leading it to what 's amiss Young Men and all who single are And you who are in wedded state Rom. 13. v. 13. The Vice of Luxury beware This sin of all sins truly hate Eph 4. v. 18. For this doth so much Reason blind The sense doth seem to govern all That by their lives v. 19. if you 'l but mind Not Men but Beasts you may them call Men who are in just Wedlock ty'd 1. Thess 4. v. 5. May not enjoy all sort of pleasure They always carefull must abide Lest they lose grace the soul's great Treasure They are not to all actions free Nor to all words or lustfull thought Many of these may sinfull be As by our Reason we are taught To keep true Purity of mind Men still must be upon their guard Rebellious motions when they find They must suppress thô it he hard The best way is th' occasion fly Eccli 5. v. 27. Avoid the Obiects which do move The Touch the Tongue the Ear the Eye And what the sense is prone to love The Eye 's the casement of the soul The Ear 's the door that lets all in The Touch with Lust inflames the whole The Tongue doth strongly tempt to sin If sense and Member you 'l not check But yield to their unjust desire The Devill hath you at his beck With Lust to set your Heart on fire David we read did Sin contract By cast of eye on Bersabee 2. King 11. v. 2.4 This to prevent Job made compact With 's eyes Iob. 31. v. 1. Eccli 13. v. 1. lest they should Virgin see If you touch pitch it will defile So when you touch a femall kind Sense doth the Soul of grace beguile Corrupting thus the chastest mind Words have great force and tempting are Since they the state of mind express Mat. 12. v 34. Of Toungue in all your ways take care Lest it plunge Soul in wickedness And Since by Ear the word doth move The Heart and taketh lodging there Which blows the Fire of Carnall Love ' Gainst words unchast still stop your Ear. Eccli 28. v. 28. These counsells take and always pray To God for Purity of mind Wisd 8. v. 21. That Flesh the Spirit may obey That he may lodging in you find Who doth delight in the chast Soul His Spirit there doth take its rest 1 Cor. 6. v. 19. From sinfull wounds to keep it whole How much is chast and clean Heart blest Dear Authour of all Purity Sweet JESUS born of Mother-maid Grant that with all sincerity I may acknowledge what is said And also use my best endeavour To keep my Soul and Body pure That I may live with thee for ever Mat. 5 v. 8 Reu. 14 v. 4. In joys which always shall endure Amen DO PENNANCE Or you shall all perish Luc 13. v. 5. THrice happy state that Man was in Before he had committed Sin Lord-like on Earth he did all sway Gen. 1. v. 28. All Creatures were him to obey Delightfull fruits the Earth did yield v. 11. With pleasant Flow'rs in ev'ry field There was no need of spade or plow No labour care or sweat of brow The Air was always temperate No piercing cold or parching heat No change of weather Man did fear 'T was pleasant Spring-time all the year Gen. 2. v. 8. There was no Sickness or Disease Nothing could hurt but all did please If strength decay'd or youth did fade By th' Tree of Life all new was made v. 9. So Man Wisd 2. v. 23. thô Mortall nere had dy'd But here in pleasure was t' abide Till God to joys had him translated In Heav'n for which he was
29. learn of me Humble in Heart and Meek to be Besides his own example rare To win us to this virtue great An humble Virgin he took care To choose for his Incarnate seat When Hail God's Mother Gabriel said Behold Luk 1. v. 38. saith she the Lord's Handmaid What greater tryal could you have Of any Man's Humility The answer she to Angell gave Deserves praise to Eternity And certain 't was Humility That caus'd her Mother of God to be My soul saith she v. 46.47 c. doth magnify The Lord and in my God rejoice Regarding my Humility Henceforth shall ev'ry human voice Me Blessed call Here you may see The way how you may Blessed be Again if you consider well Ioh. 3. v. 23. You 'l find that all great Saints did still In this rare Virtue most excell Thereby with grace their souls to fill The waters to the valleys flow 1. Petr. 5. v. 3. God doth on th' humble grace bestow This Virtue also is the Mother Of all the rest which we should love Phil 2. v. 7. Since it made God become our Brother And makes us sons of God above Math 48. v. 4. The lower in Humility The higher you 'l exalted be Eccli 23. v. 20.1 This from all vice secures the soul Where this is Satan hath no pow'r This checks his Pride and doth controul This Lion 1. Pet. 5. v. 8. who doth souls devour Who 's like to God breath in his face He flies away and leaves the place To gain this Virtue oft reflect Upon the Sins you have committed And of your duties great neglect Which God hath oftentimes acquitted How oft you have abus'd your God And under foot his graces trod Then you will think you are the worst Of all God's Creatures on the Earth That you deserve to be accurst As hainous Sinner from your birth Wisd 5. v. 21. ' Gainst Sinners shall all Creatures fight In their God's cause This is but right If then it chance that any Man Doth slight and undervalue you With all your force strive what you can To own and answer it is true I have deserv'd this and much more Who have thus slighted God before And thô your Brother who doth this Doth not consider your demerit And doing this may do amiss Forgive him Math. 18 v. 34. and with humble spirit Cry out O God this is my due Because I have offended you Then God will pardon your offence Ps 33. v. 19. The humble-hearted he still loves This for past sins shall recompense Such satisfaction he approves For humble Penitents Christ dy'd And for their Sins hath satisfy'd Besides Luk. 18. v. 14. the Humble he exalts To places whence Proud Angels fell Proud-hearted Men for their defaults With Devils proud he casts to Hell Embrace profound Humility Which raiseth to so high degree Dear humble JESUS who didst give Phil. 2. v. 8. Of this great Virtue rare example Grant of thy Mercy while we live Pride under foot we still may trample And that by true Humility We joyn thee for Eternity Amen OF PATIENCE AND THE CONTRARY In your Patience you shall possess your souls Luk 21. v. 19. WEre Men of reason void like Beast This Sacred Doctrine would be vain In Patience you shall find true rest And Master of your self remain For Beast will spurn he 'l bite and cry If you his flesh do lance or burn Althô without it he should dy Not sensible of that good turn But Man of reason who doth know What 's good for Body for health's sake Most bitter pains will undergo And most unpleasant Potion take Life to prolong thô he is sure This Mortall Body once must dy What pains then should not man endure That 's soul may live Eternally Had Man not sinn'd he had no pain Of Body felt nor was to dy Rom. 5. v. 12. But here in pleasure to remain Till call'd by God to live on high But since he sinn'd and did contemn His Maker for unlawfull pleasure To pains and Death God did condemn Gen 3. v. 19. v. 7. His soul depriv'd of heav'nly Treasure To free his Soul from future pain And Heaven also to regain Afflictions here he must sustain Act. 14. v. 21. And Patient still in them remain For Christ did not redeem Man so As from all suff'rings to acquit That he should nothing undergo And yet with him in glory sit If you will my Disciple be Saith Christ and with m'in Heaven reign Mat. 16. v. 24. Take up your Cross and follow me By suffrings while you here remain 2. Cor. 4. v. 4.5 For Men do often Sins commit Which do deserve the pains of Hell And if from them they will be quit They suffer must while here they dwell Who doth for Justice suffer here Christ blessed calls Mat. 5. v. 10. with promise great That he to Heaven shall be Heir With Angels there shall have his seat But yet no suff'rings gratefull be To him or any grace do merit Except he takes them Patiently With humble and resigned spirit Saint Paul affirms none crown'd shall be But those who lawfully have fought 2. Tim. 2. v. 5. That is who suffer Patiently As Christ by word and deed hath taught Hence 't is the scriptures also say That Patience needfull is to men Heb. 10. v. 36. Christ promises to bear away And Glory to regain agen For Patience satisfies for Sin Preserving also from the same And grace here for the soul doth win And Glory promis't in Christ's Name If Patiently you suffer here Rom. 8. v. 17. With Christ you shall be glorify'd Who for your sake no pain did fear But Patiently did all abide 1. Pet. 2. v. 23. This Patience is a blessed Treasure Which to us so much good doth bring It keeps the soul from God's displeasure Prov. 14. v. 29. And wed 's it to her Heav'nly King With wedding Garment she adorns For of most Virtues she 's the Mother Thô in this life her Crown 's of thorns Rom. 8. v. 17. It will be glorious in the other But furious Man with Sin abounds His Weapon that is Reason's Light Is laid aside he it confounds With Rage Disarm'd how can he sight Thus he lies open to his Foe Ready to do his wicked will At beck he brings him to his bow Eccli 28. v. 13. To swear to curse to wound to kill Like raging Beast he seemeth mad He stares he foames he tears his hair Fears not to do what 's êre so bad Of all things Fury then beware Ps 36. v. 8 Eccli 27. v. 33. For such are odious unto God Who in the meek and mild doth dwell But those shall feel his scourging rod Among the Furies cast in Hell For furious Man flyes in God's face When he is cross't or aim doth miss He will not bear the least disgrace Prov. 27. v. 4. By word
secure Except they Pennance did endure Believe our Saviour's words are true Do Pennance or else Death 's your due Let every Man then be content To live and dy a Penitent To grieve the loss by Adam's Sin To grieve his own thus Heaven win Theophy lact It s said that after Adam's fall That he with grief to mind might call In Paradise his happy state God plac't him just before the Gate That so he might his fault repent And never more to Sin consent Like reason have the Just while here To grieve lament and Sin to fear How needfull Pennance is you see To evêry man in his degree It satisfies for Sinners Sin If Just it doth preserve therein Let no one then true Pennance fly But in it live and in it dy That suff'ring with Christ crucify'd 2. Cor. 1. v. 7. With him he may be glorify'd Amen OF PRAYER Prayer is good with Fasting and Alms deeds Tob. 12.8 GOd made Man's Soul in some degree An Image of his glorious feature Gen. 1. v. 26. Wisd 2. v. 23. As he 's a Spirit one and three So did he make this noble creature One Spirit which hath Will commanding With Memory and Understanding This Image is to imitate Its Maker and thus perfect be Thus glory to participate When from the Body it is free As God my Father's perfect Mat. 5. v. 48. see You perfect be and follow me The soul is plac't in Body here To govern it by Reasons light To live in God's true Love and Fear To keep his Laws and live upright If you will live Eternally Mat. 19. v. 17. Keep my commands and evill fly I 'l be your God and you shall be My People and my servants true T' obey to love and worship Me In all subjection as is due But mark the fatal consequence Of Adam's disobedience Before Man did God's law transgress The Flesh was subject to the spirit But after sin it was no less Gal. 5. v. 17. Rom. 7. v. 23. Rebellious as the soul did merit The soul that would be like to God By vile Flesh under foot was trod Which did so rule and domineer That sense had Reason wholly blinded Thus soul had cast away God's Fear Rom. 8. v 7.8 And Flesh to please was wholly minded Rom. 6. v. 6. Till our Redeemer purchas 't Grace Which soul reseated in her place And gave her power to controul Her nature's Passions prone to evill From wound of Sin to keep it whole To love her God and hate the devill But yet this labour did require Gal. 5. v. 17. Her Flesh still thwarting her desire Eph. 2. v. 23. Eph. 6. v. 12. ' Gainst her likewise the World and Devill Both with the Flesh confederated To plunge her in all sort of evill And joys for which she was created To make her forfeit and to ly In fire with Dev'ls Eternally These three are cause of all offence 1. Io. 2. v. 16. And bring unto the soul all strife The Flesh and Eyes-Concupiscence Conjoyned with the Pride of Life ' Gainst these the soul three Weapons hath Fasting Almsdeeds and Pray'r in faith By Fasting we the Flesh subdue Luk. 11. v. 4. By Alms we lessen Worldly love By Pray'r for Pardon we do sue To our good God who reigns above Pray'r Luk. 22. v. 46. buckler-like the soul defends From fiery darts the Devill sends The Dev'l who is a spirit'all foe And our first Parents did deceive How to resist Man would not know Io. 15. v. 5. If with his Grace God should him leave Obscuring Reason he doth fight We him discovêr by grace's light Grace is God's gift unto the soul Eph. 3. v. 7. You 're prone to Virtue while in grace It helps you Passions to controul Preserves from sin makes Dev'l give place Rom. 6. v. 23. Mark 11. v. 24. By Grace God's friend you do remain By Pray'r devout this Grace you gain Luk. 11. v. 13. True Pray'r to God is thus defin'd Not only a set form of Words But Elevation of the mind Where with the Word the Thought accords Mat. 6. v. ● By Pray'r the soul with God doth treat Addressing to his Mercies seat Prayer devout's a Work divine Teaching the Soul thô it 's plac't here Mat. 7. v. 11. How she may her Creatour joyn In whom she lives secure from Pear As Child in want to Mother cries So Soul to her dear Father flies Two sorts of Pray'r to God we use The one with mouth th' other in mind The Orall you do much abuse When other thoughts in heart you find Let Tongue and Heart in Pray'r agree That your Request may granted be Besides to gain your Pray'rs Request Be sure it tends to your Souls good With sorrow faith and Virtues drest Conjoyn'd with th'merits of Christ's Bloud Io. 16.13 Such Pray'r as this God nêre denies It 's still a gratefull Sacrifice First you must Sin detest and grieve In heart resolving to amend The Penitent he doth relieve When to reform he doth intend Prov. 28. v. 9. Ps 108. v. 7. But who 'l abide in sinfull state His Pray'r saith Wiseman God doth hate But virtuous soul nothing requires That 's to God's honour and her good Mat. 21. v. 22. But God ●ill grants what she desires Yet this is to be understood Luk. 11. v. 8.9 10 If she in faith to God doth bend With true Persev'rance to the end When you make Pray'r for tempôrall things Mark 10. v. 38. Not knowing what is for you best Resign your self to th' King of Kings Who will if good grant your Request Thus still conclude O Father dear Mat. 6. v. 10. Thy Will be done while we are here The humble Pray'r with confidence In God who ready is to give Doth gain release of sins offence And Grace for soul Eccli 35. v 19 1. Pet. 5. v. 5. while here you live Such pray'rs the Heav'ns do penetrate The Proud Man's prayer God still doth hate Prov 28. v. 9. Luk. 11. v. 8.9 Again let Pray'r persev'rant be God often doth your Patience try Not granting strait that he may see If you with Hope on him rely Math. 10. v. 22. Who doth persever to the end To hear and save him I intend Let Pray'r devout and fervent be From heart inflam'd with God's true Love Mat. 5. v. 25. And reconcil'd to Enemy Such Pray'r God always doth approve My Meditation set on fire My heart saith David Ps 38. v. 4. with desire Such Pray'r doth always Grace obtain Preserving likewise from all evill By this victorious you remain Against your Enemy the Devill Io. 14. v. 13. What êre you ask God in my Name Be sure saith Christ I 'l do the same Tob. 12. v. 12.14 Old Tobies Pray'r did mercy find God sent the Angell Raphaël To heal him who before was blind And Dev'l from
and hearken night and day Iob. 32. v. 8 Heb. 1. v. 14. Unto God's inspirations Which I inspire and them obey Repelling all Temptations Which come from Satan and to know The good from bad ask me Who am to teach you here below And your Instructor be God says Exod. 23. v. 20. My Angel shall precede And keep you in the way Contemn him not v. 21. who you doth lead But do his voice obey v. 22. And I an Enemy will be To your's and will chastize Those who do any hurt to thee In goods or otherwise As Gabriël Luk. 1. v. 26. I Message bring To you from God above To love and practise every thing That 's good I do you move Like Raphaël Tob. 12. v. 14. J'm sent to thee That I may make thee whole When serpent's bite hath made thee see What ill Sin brings the Soul 4. Esdr 4. Antiph at Bened. in the office of the Angel Guardian Act. 12. v. 7. I am 4. v. 7. As Uriell is Shepheard chief Orê God's beloved Flock So I from you do chase the Thief Awaking like a Cock When he assaults I put in mind What ill comes by consent If you resist here you shall find Relief with Soul's content And thus like Michaël I fight Rev. 12 v. 7. Rev. 12 v. 9. Against the Dragon fell Who would rob you of Grace's light And plunge your Soul in Hell I check I move I pray to God I leave no way untry'd That you may scape God's heavy rod And in his love abide Be mindfull then oft in the day Of me Tob. 5. v. 15. Gen. 48. v. 16. your loving Guide And me as oft devoutly pray With you still to abide Sin not and thus your self deceive Because Men do not see What 's hid from others I perceive And nothing's hid from me Set guard on th' Tongue Prov. 18. v. 21 Mat. 12. v. 34. for in its hands Is life and death of Soul It test fies how your heart stands And if you 'l keep it whole Shut Eyes and Ears ' gainst Objects bad Which by them enter in And cause the Heart to be full sad When they have made it sin Gen. 9.21 Coloss 3. v. 5. Take equall care of all your senses And Members guard them well Raise up against them these strong fences The Fear of God and Hell Rom. 6. v. 13. Make them to serve your Maker dear As Virtues Instrument To purchase Heaven with them here This was your God's intent Receive all Crosses chearfully From hand of your good God Math 16. v 24. Prov. 3. v 12. Heb. 12. v 6. Rev. 3. v. 19. With them you must your glory buy And kiss his scourging Rod. Who doth in life chastize you here To spare you afterward And keep you in his Love and fear The Soul's securest guard In all distress Ps 9. v. 11. Ps 17. v. 31. put confidence In God your Fathêr above And in dear JESUS thô gone hence Since he dy'd for your Love The presence of the Holy Ghost Wisd 1. v. 4. With clean heart seek to have The Pray'rs beg of the Heav'nly Host That God your soul will save With good thoughts I 'le you oft inspire Comply then with the least Nourish't spark-like 't will set on fire Your Soul to act what 's best But if first motion you neglect And that be not attended Your heart God leaves then to direct When slighted he 's offended When you do pray with Faith attend Mat. 21. v. 22. And God in Heav'n adore Devout persever to the end Christ's Mother's help implore Such Pray'rs with joy I do present To God and with you crave What you do ask with due intent In due time you may have These counsells take and still obey My holy Inspiration Thus shall I teach you Virtues way Which leads unto Salvation And at your Death with joy present Your Soul unto God's Throne Where we for êre in joys content Shall praise him Three and One. Honour Pup and Praise to God above Who doth his Angels send Thanks to you Custos for your Love Who do your Charge attend I vow that I will you obey When I your voice do know That I may not deceiv'd be pray Or in my duty slow Amen A DIALOGUE BETWEEN LIBERTY AND MORTIFICATION Mortify your Members which are upon the Earth Coloss 3. v. 5. Lib. AS slumbering I lay Me thought I saw a Man His hair was turned gray His colour waxed wan Lean-fac'd and hollow-ey'd His Body skin and bone I ask't He thus reply'd Mor. J'm Mortification Lib. Where do you live and why Do you the Flesh thus treat Mor. I live in Monastery Where I do little eat My sleep the like my Flesh With Discipline I tear Mat. 11. v. 29.30 And this doth me refresh Christ's painfull Cross to bear All this I do to keep 1. Cor. 9. v 27. Ps 6. v 7. Flesh subject to the spirit For past Sins I do weep And to increase my merit The hardest Virtues I Do practise and thus stand Prepar'd Phil. 1. v. 20.21.23 for Christ to dy When Faith and Love command Lib. What needs this strict Life now Coloss 1. v. 20. Act 1 v. 10. c. 7. v. 55. Christ hath Sin 's debt full pay'd And this you must allow Heav'n Gates are open layd Enjoy what pleasure 's here While God you life doth send Believe and never fear But Heav'n shall be your end God pleasant things did make On Earth 3. Esd● 8. v. 44. for men to use And pleasures you to take As sinfull do refuse Are you than God more wise To judge what 's good and evill 1. Tim. 2. v. 4. D' you think he 'l Sin disguise To cheat you to the Devill Mor. 'T is true when God did make The World and Man therein Gen. 1. v. 29 Gen. 2. v. 17. He made all for his sake To use and without Sin Excepting Knowledge Tree Which thô its fruit was good To eat forbid was he He eat Gen. 3. v. 6.7 and guilty stood And thus did he by Sin Forfeit his right to all Pleasures and grace must win Luk. 13. v. 3. By tast of bitter gall I grant Christ's Death did free From Hell yet that of Heaven Man might possessor be Many commands are given Io 3. v. 5. He first baptiz'd must be And when hath use of reason Mat. 19. v. 17. God's ten Commands must he Keep strict break them 't is Treason Condemning 〈◊〉 to dy His Justice to appease Mat. 3. v. 8.10 ● He must here satisfy By works which may him please Gal. 5. v. 24. That 's corporall affliction With sorrow from the heart Joyn'd with the contradiction Of his rebellious part Mark 8. v. 34. And Christ to follow right He must himself deny Bear Crosses 2. Cor. 4. v. 17. and thus fight To live Eternally For Christ
thô God's dear Son Luk. 24. v. 26. Could not in glory be But by pains undergon And dying on the Tree His Saints sought their Salvation The self-same way Ps 33. v. 20. as best And by much Tribulation They ent'red into rest And he who 'l glorious be Rom. 8. v. 17. With Christ must suffer here From Hell pains if be free He must not Pennance fear Math. 7. v. 13.14 Narrow is Heav'ns way Broad is the way to Hell Few love in that to stay In this do many dwell Lib. Since all you say is true As Scriptures testify 1. Pet. 2. v. 11. Pleasures I bid Adieu In Pennance I will dy Rom 8. v. 13. Ps 118. v. 59 Rom. 8. v. 13. No longer Liberty Let that curst name be gone I will your Convert be Blest Mortification A DIALOGUE BETWIXT HOPE AND DESPAIR OR HOPE CONVERTING A DESPAIRING MAN Althô he should kill me I will trust in him Job 13. v. 13. Hope WHat fruitless sighs and sobs are these Which Eccho in my ear Distrustfull thoughts do never please Hope must be joyn'd with Fear That tears to Soul may fruitfull be And sorrow comfort bring These joyn'd with love of God do free The Conscience of guilt's sting Desp 'T is I poor Soul who sigh weep To think what joys are past Wisd 17. v. 10. What frights do now possess my sleep In Hell strait to be cast The good I 've lost the ill I 've gaind Do sore perplex my mind How I my Soul with Sin have stain'd That I no joy can find When once I liv'd in Conscience clear And service of my God 1. Io. 4. v. 18. Love had secur'd my heart from fear Of his chastizing Rod. All creatures me afforded joy God's praises I did sing My Flesh my Spirit did obey My Soul my heavenly King Curst Satan 1. Pet. 5. v. 8. envy'ng my good hap With his sought my downfall My careless Soul he did intrap And brought it in Sin 's thrall Now all things that I see Wisd 17. v 9. or hear Add sorrow to my grief My Sins in Conscience still appear And I despair relief Rom. 7. v. 23. Gal. 5. v. 17. For now my senses all rebell And war against my Soul God's grace my help I base did sell For Sin How to controul Or them restrain I do not know They Reason do so blind They't pleasure bring her to their bow And thus corrupt the mind Hope Poor Soul consid'ring your sad state Ps 41. v. 4. You reason have to weep To sigh and to lament your fate With grief of heart most deep For on the Earth no state 's so bad Ps 5. v. 7. Ps 10. v. 7. As that of sinfull heart Which once God's grace and favour had And from it did depart Ps 44. v. 3. Eccl. 12. v. 7. Eph. 2. v. 8. Tit. 3. v 7. Rom 6. v. 23. Ps 93. v. 19. Mat. 8. v. 12. Eccli 39. v 35.36 Grace keeps Man's Soul in God's true Love By Sin God him doth hate By Grace he 's heir to joys above By Sin in damned state While he 's in grace God doth him greet With heav'nly consolation In Sin with Hell's food he doth meet Sad grief and desolation What grief hath Father child to leave Who loves him tenderly Who can the Mother's grief conceive Who sees her children dy For loving friends to part for ever Is grief beyond expression Exil'd from all to come back never How sad in this condition For loving Man and Wife to part Is little less than Death Of all griefs Eccli 41. v. 1. this destroys the heart Our life's expiring breath All these are griefs in high degree Yet joyn them all in one Equall they can't the misery That 's found in sin alone For God who bears all Titles dear Of pleasure and of Love From soul is separated here By sin Isai 59. v. 2. Mat. 25. v. 29. Ezech. 16. v. 27. Mat. 12. v. 45. and doth remove All 's Blessings from her and doth give Possession to the Devill Where Tyrannizing he doth live Enslaving her in evill The forenam'd sorrows have release By time and do expire Wisd 17. v. 10. The Conscience-grief doth still increase Till it brings to Hell-fire Where it's nêre dying worm doth feed On th' soul Isai 66. v. 24. Wisd 5. v. 3. to think what 's lost Which vain remorse doth in it breed To think how dear sin cost Desp What you have said I own for Truth Bêing sensible in soul Of much Had I took care in youth I had preserv'd it whole Man's frailty once I would not own But scorn'd those were in sin And thus by Pride Ps 1●7 v. 67. was overthrown Same state I now live in Hop Thô God in you hath punish't Pride Ps 118. v. 71. And left you without grace That falling humble you abide With shame 's blush in your face Ps 31. v. 10. Yet by no means you must despair But on his Mercies call Which in your God transcending are Man's Refuge after fall How many sinners found relief In Heaven now are Saints When they for sin mixt tears with grief God heard their dolefull plaints And he hath promis't Isai 1. v. 8. Ezech. 33. v. 14 16. he 'l receive Sinners at their return If they their sinfull course will leave In Hell they shall not burn Des Cain he was sorry yet was curst Gen. 4. v. 1● Mat. 27. v. 5. And Judas hang'd himself Of greatest sinners I 'm the worst Poor weak a graceless Elf Mine's greater then the sin of Cain Christ had not shed his bloud Wisd 16. v. 29. I more ungratefull here remain Than Cain pay'ng ill for good I Mat. 26. v. 15. Judas-like who 's Lord did sell And still his grace abus'd When Christ by grace in me would dwell I basely him refus'd Io. 8. v. 44. Adjoyn'd his Enemy in fight ' Gainst him and thus ungratefull His pretious Blood and death did slight A sin of all most hatefull Hop Enough Despair no more of this Men plung'd as deep in sin And as ungratefull did not miss But oft have pardon'd been If Cain and Judas did lament And yet grace did not find They did not truly sin repent And were not right in mind Cain seemed sad yet we do'nt read Because he had don ill Or did repent that wicked deed Gen. 4. v. 14. But fear'd men would him kill Judas repented what was don Yet wanted Mercy 's hope And Faith in Christ Mat. 27. v. 3. God's only son So hanged in a rope 2. King 11. v. 4. v. 15.24 1. King 16. v. 1.12 Io 21. v. 17. Mat. 26. v. 74. Io. 19. v. 34. David Adult'ry did commit And murder after he Was chose by God in Throne to sit Prophet and King to be Peter of all made chief when try'd His Master did forswear With spear Longinus pierc't Christ's