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A08488 Sions teares leading to ioy: or The vvaters of Marah sweetned First preached at Clonenagh in the Queenes County in seuerall sermons, and now published for the benefite of the Church. By Ri: Olmstead, minister of Gods word, and Master of Arts. Olmstead, Richard. 1630 (1630) STC 18811; ESTC S120808 86,010 266

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as all other graces bee called Gods worke because it is hee which doth all the worke his spirit making his ordinances effectuall and therefore is that spirit called n Zach. 12.10 the spirit of mourning and supplieation and promised to all the faithfull yea put in the forefront of that blessed new Couenant which the eternall makes with his people o Ezec. 36.26 A new heart will I giue them and a new spirit will I put in their bowels and I will take away their stonie heart and giue them an heart of flesh And this spirit apparantly manifests it selfe in godly sorrow by refasolating and comforting the heart strengthning quieting and refreshing the soule with sweete showers and influences from the head Christ with vnspeakeable secret ioy peace and contentation as also affecting so the heart as it bendeth the desires thereof to the obedience of God in all things in trueth though not in perfection Yet this wee are not to suppose the Spirit doth without meanes miraculously and extraordinarily but by such ordinary meanes as God in wisedome hath appointed to the same purpose as 1. The ministery of the word is the principall as appeares in these 3000. Conuerts Dauid Iosiah and others When they heard it saith the Text p Act. 2 41● They were pricked in their hearts c. When Nathan sent by God himselfe to preach to Dauid and had deliuered his message cried out q 2. Sa● 1 ●0 13. I haue sinned against the Lord r 2. King 22 11. When Iosiah heard Shaphan read the Booke of the Law he rent his clothes and wept c. And saith Ieremie ſ Ier. 23.29 Is not my word like a hammer that breakes the hard stone 2. The sacrament of the Supper is another meanes for by it saith the Apostle t 1. Cor. 11. We remember Christ his death and both these are intended I doubt not by Paul when hee saith to the u Galat. 3.1 Galatians that Christ was before them crucified and slaine in the ministerie of the word to the eare and in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper crucified and slame by the eye to the vnderstanding in the breaking of the bread and powring out of the wine visibly before the people and thus is this godly sorrow wrought ordinarily in the heart both by the word Sacrament that blessed sweet grace of consideration wrought by the spirit of God making both the other effectuall for this purpose that a man now bethinkes himselfe my sinne is the cause of all this torment which Christ the blessed Sonne of God indured and therefore affectes the heart with godly sorrow for it Yet doth it not immediately breake forth but the Word Sacraments sometimes inject certaine scintillutae or sparkles which lye hid sometimes in the heart a good space euen in the childe of God and therefore the Lord vseth another meanes 3. Afflictions which are his rod which though they are not able to conuert a soule no more then the Sacrament yet are afflictions preparatory meanes to set the word on worke as in w 2. Chr● 33 11. Manasseh he questionlesse had oft heard the word in the time of his good Father the Paragon of all the Kings of Israel and Iudah but it little helped him therefore God bound him in chaines and sent him to Babell and when he was in prison and fetters hee bumbled himselfe greatly before the God of his fathers c. This also is manifest in x 2. King 20 2. Hezekiah and especially in the y Act. 16.29 Iayler when hee saw the Earthquake and opening of the prison doores he cryed out What shall I doe c. So that I say not that afflictions can conuert a soule to GOD for then mee thinkes Pharaoh must of necessitie haue beene a conuert who had tenne fearefull plagues and yet drowned and likely damned but I say sometimes they make way for conuersion by preparing the soule to attend and hearken to the word and also when men haue heard the word and the immortall seede is sowen there as a graine of corne sowen in a field lyes somtimes long vntill a ground raine moysten it and then springs as in Physicke a pill or potion lyes in the stomacke an houre or two and neuer stirres the party yet let him drinke warme broth or posset-ale which haue no facultie of themselues to purge yet setteth the Physicke on worke so doth afflictions the word preached and the seed sowen tenne twentie or thirty yeares before and it may be affected the heart therewith at the present but it blowes ouer againe with thorny cares or pleasures then comes the rodd of God and sets all that word on worke and brings forth not an Embrio or abortive birth but this blessed grace of godly sorrow which when it once seazeth vpon the heart eateth vp all worldly and carnall sorrowes as z Exod. 7.12 Moses his rod did eate vp all the inchaunters roddes and Serpents yea the least scruple of this godly sorrow would weigh downe a pound of carnall or legall sorrow and end in sweete true ioy and contentment Consider this yee that spend dayes weekes Moneths and yeares in worldly sorrowes without ease or comfort learne this lesson and practise it and my soule for thine thine end will bee peace and invaluable consolation 2 Signe of this godly sorrow not onely that it is fruitefull but brauncheth forth into variety of good happy fruit and therefore not onely true beleeuers in Scriptures are compared to t Psal 1.4 trees planted by the riuers which bring forth fruite in due season and in euery season as the tree of life bearing twelue sorts of fruit euery moneth but especially true mourners whose sorrow ends in joy u Is 61.5 To appoint vnto all that mourne in Zion and to giue them beauty for ●shes the oyle of ioy for mourning the garment of gladnes for the spirit of heauines that they night be called true of righteousnesse c. And th●se parties and these graces are not such as are obnoxious sterility and barrennesse or to beare euill fruite but such as by nature are fertile and beare good fruite as w Psal 30. ● 14. Psal 52.8 Iames 3.12 vines oliues figges and such like Therefore in such trees barrennesse or vnfruitfulnesse alone is cause enough to make them fewel for the vengeance and wrath of the Almighty and so not onely the x Is 5.4 wilde vine that bare wilde grapes and bad fruite contrary to the expectation of the Husbandman y Zach. Luke 1 6.7 but the barren vine and fruitlesse figge and z Mat. 3.10 7.19 euery tree that beareth not good fruite is hewen downe and cast into the fire Now let vs see what fruites this grace bringeth forth that by the branches and fruites wee may know it to be right and a plant of sauing grace planted by the finger of God a Mat. 7.16 for by
Lord Primate he desired the publishing of it to the view of the Church These poore meditations shall be much honoured if you vouchsafe as gracious an aspect to them written as you did an honourable zealous and reverend attention to them vttered by voyce though as a picture expresseth not the life so neyther can writing demonstrate the liuely Energie of the voyce which consists in vtterance action the two ornamēts of speech I know you delight not to haue your goodnesse diuulged but rather be good then seeme so and that you account vertues fairest Theater to be a good conscience those who shall receiue any instruction refreshing or consolation by this poore worke owe the acknowledgement next vnto God to your Honour who haue so watered and incouraged my poore studies with your beneficēce that my barren heart hath blessed be God both by preaching writing yeelded some fruite I hate to be a Sycophant and flatterer yet frō my heart I wish that all the world vnderstood your Honours disposition both to my selfe in particular and the Common-wealth in generall that all other might be instigated by your right noble example First for my selfe I acknowledge to haue receiued out of your free bountie my meanes and maintenance for which I humbly blesse the most high God and your Honour Lysippus the Caruer worthily reproued Appelles that exact painter because bee had pictured Alexander with a thūderbolt in his bād as a God the other vvith a Speare in his hand as a valiant Prince I am perswaded they are more pleasing to your honour that only giue you your due thē which ascribe to you that which your Hon 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 will not assume Enuy followes vertue flattery nourisheth vice The first Themistocles well perceiued vvho being yet young said hee had done no excellēt thing because he was not enuied That memorable worke of your Honour worthy to be recorded in pillars of Marble cleansing purging like a happy Physitian this countrey with some partes of Vlster frothose cursed vipers Cockatrices the rebellious kearne who so infested the Countrey that no man had any securitie that eyther his goods life wife or children in the euening could be in safetie vntill the morning insomuch as that night truely be applied to those partes of the Countrey where they ranged and raigned for foure yeares space which Deborah expresseth of Israel in her song In the dayes of Shamgar the sonne of Anath Iudg. 5.6.7 in the dayes of Iael the highwaies were vnoccupied the trauellers walked through by-wayes vntill you rose vp an honourable Father in this our Israel How did those rogues villaines runne vp and downe the countries robbing spoyling all delighting and satiating their greedy vnsatiable lusts in rapine bloud murthers thefts burning the Kings Maiesties most loyable Subiects if the State by your Honours indefatigable labour both of minde and body had not carefully preuented that mischiefe long ere this time our blouds had runne downe the streets our wiues children and goods made a prey to those mercilesse and greedy villaines Right honourable let your memory be blessed vpon earth and le● these lines keepe the remembrance thereof to sacceeding ages yet in this so prayse worthy and bless●d a worke so prospered by the prouidence and good hand of the Almighty your Honour escaped not the blacke n●outh of cankered en●ie like Shimei his rayling at Dauid 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but these are blowne ouer and they are now ashamed of their wicked scandals The other Phocion knew well to whom when the people gaue a plaudite for his Oration sayd haue I spoken any thing amisse vnawares intimating that popular applause and flattery workes vpon some infirmitie Many haue preuented treachery that could neuer beware of flattery Dauid whom the valor eyther of A●ner or Amasah 2. Sa. 16.3 or the wisedome of Achitophel could vanquish 2. Sam. 11. was yet seduced by Ziba his false tale to iniure honest and plaine hearted Mephibosheth yea how did smiling ease prosperity corrupt that man Neh. 6.10.14 according to Gods ovvne heart Nehemiah could well beware of Tobiah and Sanballat rayling menacing aduersaries but hee was greatly in danger by Shemaiah and Noadiah dissembling Prophets The way Right Honourable to be safe from the sting of these Farantulas Syrens sycophants is to take Dauids counsell Psal 101.6 to haue faithfall associats seruants followers The faithfull in the land shall dwell with mee the vpright in heart shall serue me And to desire with him let the righteous smite mee for that shal be a precious balme Thus humbly crauing of the most high long to continue you vnder his Maiestie by your faithfull counsell a muniment to the decayed estate of this poore Church ●n oritament to the Commonwealth a proppe to Religion a pillar of Iustice a Father to Orphanes a comfortable succour to distressed widdows a sweet delightfull husband to your noble Lady a directing father to your beloued children And the same God preserue you all vnblameable in your spirits soules and bodies vntill the appearing of Iesus Christ So I remaine bound to Your Hon in all humble obseruance R. Olmstead SIONS TEARES OR THE WATERS OF MARAH SWEETNED THe Wise-man sayth that A a Pro. 25.11 word spoken vpon his wheels is like apples of golde with pictures of siluer that is a word spoken seasonably in respect of time place and persons either to awake the drowsie instruct the ignorant comfort the afflicted or strengthen and corroborate the weake and feeble is most pleasant and acceptable If euer there were a time and age when or place where GODS b Titus 1.7 Stewards c 2. Cor. 5.10 Ambassadors d Mal 2.7 Angels e Iob 33.23 messengers and Ministers had need f Is 58.1 cry and not spare then this is the age and this Iland the place For if monstrous abominable and odious profanenesse on the one side impious wicked and detestable Idolatry on the other side with a high contempt of God and his sacred ordinances may make a people immeasurably wicked if sinne brings the curse of the most High as sure g Deut. 28. Le●● 26. it doth then the condition of this Land is wofull and miserable not only in respect of judgment already powred out but also depending especially nourishing in her bosome those locusts and vipers who waite but oportunity to eate out the heart of their mother as will appeare by their owne Writers and practises in that one gun-powder plot how had the deuill assembled in one Courte all the black Guard of hell treason superstition Atheisme ignorance murther bloud fire and sword to bring all to a confused Chaos worse then that Tohn and Bohu h Gen. 1.2 when the earth was without forme And all this forsooth was for the Catholicke cause plotted by the Ignatian Schollers the Iesuites tutored by the Deuils
rest of the sauing graces of Gods Spirit and so are in doubts and feares and the Spirit of bond●ge as the Apostle cals it 2. Some are ignorant of the causes of true ioy as that their names are written in the Booke of Life Iohn 1. that they are borne not of the will or blouds of men but of God sonnes of the most high heires yea coheires with Christ the naturall Sonne to an eternall Kingdome by adoption grace members of Christ estated into a blessed interest and right to al the creatures blessings and ordinances guarded by Angels kept by the Almighty himselfe and his power vnto saluation 3. They obserue not or conceiue how the Spirit of God doth exhibite and giue this ioy and comfort in the due vse of his ordinances as the ministry of the Word Sacraments and Prayer or else in the due vse of the priuate as meditation conference prayer reading singing of Psalmes c Ioh. 16.24 so grieue the holy Spirit 4. Ier. 33.3.8 They doe not seriously seeke the pardon of sinnes as condemned prisoners at the barre importune the Iudge for their liues or if they pray sometimes it is but seldome 4. They are not conscionable in the practice of all the duties of godlines they sowe not good seed a Iob. 4.36 Gal. that be which soweth and he that reapeth may reioyce together Could men bee more fruitfull in wel-doing they should haue b Mat. 25.21 Is 35.8.10 more joy sterility barrennesse brings anguish and sorrow and fruitfulnes in obedience brings consolation and abundance of peace and heauenly delight and joy 5. Many are incumbred and intangled with some grosse sin as the sin of their nature or of their particular calling which hinders this consolation and joy of the soule Pro. 25.6 The transgress on of the wicked is his snare but the righteous doth rei● y●e and sing 6. They receiue not the Law of God into their hearts which if they did beholde the promise verse 11 Is 51.7.11 The redeemed of the Lord shall returne come with ioy to Si●n and euerlasting ioy shall bee vpon their beads c they only haue an idaea or superficies in the brain but it comes not into the heart 7. Many liue not in peace but are passionate and contentious and so breake off all their ioy or at least hinder and weaken it much for passion contention and pride do strangely though secretly disturbe and hinder the consolations of God therefore doth the Apostle exhort the Corinthes Be of good comfort bee of one minde 2 Cor. 13. ● liue in peace and the God of loue peace shal be with you 8. They sorrow not for their sins or not with godly sorrow for if they did Ps 126.5.6 Is they should reape in ioy Thus it manifestly appeares that true Religion the profession thereof is not the cause of the vncheerefulnes heauines and sorrow that is in the world but the cleane contrary and that the fault is the corruptiō which is in men and therefore let vs lay the imputatiō blame where it is in mans owne corruption and defects Againe such professors are to be blamed as leade a melancholick he any vncheerefull life because thereby they obscure the lustre and glory of their Christian profession and are a dishonour to their Lord and Master for the world that know not the priuiledges and libertie of the sonnes of God easily thinke they serue a hard and rigide master or father who is not willing to haue his children and seruants inioy any sweet mirth or liue sweetly and comfortably They doe besides al this hinder wrong themselues by detaining themselues from thankfulnes it is also an obstacle to their faith pravers layes them open exposeth them to temptations or apostacy generally vnfits them to all the duties of piety and righteousnes And for the most part this deapnes of spirit and sadnes ariseth from passion pride worldly sorrowes and griefes or some of the causes before specified Quest But seeing so many sortes of false joyes may be are oft in the soule by what characters and symptomes may the true ioy bee discerned from the counterfeit especially the illusions of the deuill and temporary joyes of the hypocrite because an hypocrite goes farre especially in ioy yet lose his soule bee damned in the end for hee may receiue the word with ioy taste the heauenly gift haue some apprehension of Christs excellencie some sight of Gods fauour some worthy though but generall gift of the Holy Ghost and an hope of euerlasting life as appeares by the text of Scripture in the margent all which concurre together to lift him vp with false ioy yet lose all and his soule too Answ I consider the examination of this grace three wayes 1. In the causes thereof it ariseth from the apprehension of celestiall and heauenly things It is kindled vpon the sence of God● fauour and is a blessed handmaid of faith and therefore the Apostle Peter annexeth it to beleeuing 1 Pet. 1.8 Psal 4.6 Lord life thou vp the light of thy countenance vpom mee thou hast giuen me more ioy of heart c. 2. That our names are written in the Booke of Life a greater cause of reioycing by the restimonie of our Sauiour Christ himselfe ●●●e 10.20 then to worke miracles and cast out deuils and greater cause of ioy then wisedome strength riches c. to know God that he is mercifull in the assurance of Gods election and blessed resurrection and eternall life that our soules shall liue immortally happie 3. It is exhibited and giuen by the holy Spirit of God and ordinarily the soule as it were retyring it selfe into the sweete presence of God to haue some spirituall Soliloquie or priuate conference with him but especially principally in meditation primate prayer are these sweet ioyes selt though not onely but the soule doth draw the wine of ioy out of all the wels of saluation Is 12.3 but euery Christian soule who vsually trades with God can experimenlally iustifie this truth that it is felt most frequently and liuely in meditation priuat prayer Is 32.3 4. The Spirit neuer speakes cōfort to the soule but from the written word and promises of God and therefore the Apostle saith to the Ephesians After they beleeued Eph. 1.13 they were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise If it witnes seale and comforts not from the sacred promises it is a delusion of Sathan and not true ioy 5. It vsually followes humiliation and godly sorrow for sinne which is that true right branch that beares it our blessed Sauiour was sent to comfort those that mourne in Zion Is 61.2.3 to giue them beautie for ashes the oyle of ioy for mourning the garment of gladnes for the spirit of beauiues c. Ioh. 16.20 23. Verily I say vnto you ye shall weape
sweete and pleasanc to the vpright or should I be a false Prophet to speake peace to the wicked h Isa 57.21 to whom there is no peace This subiect that I purpose to intreat of is to direct the humbled sinner as the i Gen. 11.19 Angel did Hagar to the spring of water to refresh her thirstie Son Ishmael to the liuing waters of spirituall and true consolation a Riddle a Mysterie and a Paradoxe to nature the world to whom it is a true axiome maxime that euerie like begets his like as beasts birds fishes and creeping things being the sensible creatures and all plants hearbs and trees being the vegetatiue creatures hauing onely the life of increase it is also a position true in nature that contraries doe not beget or preserue their contraries but destroy and consume them as the fumes being hote and dry and the vapors and cloudes cold and moyst k Iob. 36.33 What combate and opposition is there as appeares in thunders and lightnings which are neuer quieted but by the rupture and breaking of the cloudes and vapory substance to make way for the fiery exhalations evacuation But behold here one of the wonders of the most high for his works in creation prouidence and the regenerating of men are contrarie to all the vnderstanding of nature as he brought l Gen. 1.3 light out of darkenesse the rainebow m Gen. 9.12 a signe of present raine for the most part and yet an euerlasting signe of the Couenant that God made after the deluge that hee will neuer destroy the earth any more with water He brings life to all his elect but out of death euen the death of his Sonne hee brings good out of euill euen out of the most exquisite villanies that euer were as out of Iudas his treason and all the wicked conspiracie of the high Priests Scribes and Pharisees against his eternall Sonne so in this particular ioy comfort peace and felicitie is promised to the righteous but arising out of a strange branch and that which is opposite thereto in all mens opinion euen sorrow and howsoeuer it cannot be a true position in naturall things yet it is a sound sure position in Diuinitie for being both graces of the spirit of God they doe conserue and not destroy each other The inducements perswading me to this subiect are 1. If it were possible to awaken this sinnefull world to consider that God cals them to mourning girding with sackcloth fasting and prayer in the sence of their owne sinnes and the sinnes of the time and land where wee liue and behold as the Prophet sayth m Isa 12.13 Killing Oxen and slaying sheepe eating and drinking c. a horrible sinne to be set vpon their jovall and mad mirth as the wise man speakes throwing axes edge-tooles firebrands and deadly weapons at the faces each of other saying am I not in jest When the Lord cals for lamentation and mourning Luk. 6.25 O ponder the woe of our Sauiour you that forget God Woe be to you that now laugh for you shall mourne it may be when it is too late 2. That I might direct the poore humbled Soule which though they be but few scarce one of a family or ten of a Tribe the true way to the consolations of GOD n Isa 55.1.3 that they may receiue the wine and milke of comfort and their soules may liue time hath beene Oh that I might truly say time is when wee that are the dispensers of the mysteries and treasures of God I speake experimentally haue not inioyed time three or foure houres after a Sermon to eate or refresh our selues for answering the doubts of perplexed and afflicted consciences a happy worke But now Oh the obdurate and adamantine hardnesse of heart an afflicted spirit is as a signe wonder in Israel yet blessed be God some there are for whose cause and of a tender commiseration and respect my soule desires to vndergoe any taske or trauaile for their ease refreshing and releefe I haue knowne some in terrors of conscience Prou. 18.14 and vnder the vexation of a wounded spirit which the wise man saith Who can beare tenne twentie yeares when I was not so able to administer consolation which might haue beene soone directed and recouered with the assisstance and blessing of the spirit of God Now for the point it is a certaine truth that there is no true ioy to bee expected before the heart be humbled with sorrow in the sence and feeling of a mans sinne 1. Because the current of all the promises runne thus Our Sauiour who best knew to administer a word in season pronounceth mourners onely to be happy o Matt. 5.4 Blessed are they that mourne for they shall be comforted and Dauid by the spirit of God teacheth this p Ps 126.5 They that sow in teares shall reape in ioy Againe q Ps 30.5.11 Weeping may abide in the Euening but ioy commeth in the Morning And in the 11. vers Thou hast turned my mourning into ioy thou hast loosed my sacke and guirded mee with gladnesse thus he proclaymeth this experiment to the comfort of all succeeding ages and professeth that hee will for that favour prayse God for euer 2. A broken heart are the sweete odours and sacrifices acceptable to him and the Prophet vtters it as if it were all better then all r Psa 51.17 The sacrifices of God are a broken and contrite heart and that he will neuer despise it what could be spoken more amply then this 3. The Lord himselfe professeth that hee will take vp the contrite heart to keepe his royall Court of refidence there and to reuiue that spirit Å¿ Isa 66.2 To him will I looke euen to him that is poore and of a contrite spirit and trembleth at my word that is receiueth my word and doctrine with feare and trembling Quest But doth the promises of happinesse and beatitude belong to all sorrowes indefinitly Answ That were too large and layes open a doore of happines to many which sorrow and that excessiuely yet shall vndoubtedly perish there must be therefore issued out as the Lawyers say a Writ of melias inquirendum which I will doe by a distribution of sorrowes and mourners into their seuerall rankes and answere till I come at the true sorrow as the Lord answered t 1 Sam. 16.7.12 Samuel when he sent him to annoint Dauid King of Ifrael the sonnes of Ishai being brought Eliab Abinadab Sbamuah the Lord said to each seuerally the Lord hath not chosen him nor any of Ishais seuen sonnes vntill Dauid came and then the Lord answered annoint him King ouer my people for this is he We are therefore to obserue three kindes of sorrowes 1. Naturall sorrowes 2. Vnnaturall diabolicall or diuelish sorrowes 3. Supernaturall The sorrowes of the afflicted scandalized I call naturall because they proceed from nature and naturall causes The sorrowes
to be heard in his counsell and prayers as being a Minister of reconciliation betweene God and his people and it is not causelesse that the Lord vseth this reason to Abimelech p Gen. 20 7. goe to Abraham for he is a Prophet that which is spoken in q Iob 33.23 Iob If a messenger or an interpreter one of a thousand declare vnto man his righteousnes c. yet these places doe not proue that the troubled conscience is obliged to one person nor to a Priest hauing for the most part as little skil or experience of the estates of afflicted consciences as Balaams Asse but to be performed also to private Christians Therefore this is farre enough from this Auricular Confession to the Priest which was invented by the Deuill and the Pope and his wicked seculars and regulars to fill their purses for no money no absolution like their Purgatory Indulgences Trentals Dirigies Masses and the rest of their deuised trumpery to gull the people and delude their soules Againe to know and diue into the secrets of all States Courts Houses and secret thoughts of men and women and the dispositions of all particular persons and so to know fit patients for their lusts whereof I could produce many horrible instances and both name and proue them in this Iland if it were seasonable as also fit agents to perpetrate any villanies in stabbing of Kings as Raviliak Massacres as the Duke of Guise and the Cardinal of Loraine at Vashti to blow vp Parliament-houses as Faux Lastly it is so farre from easing the conscience as it is a racke and tormentor thereto therefore miserable and lamentable is the condition of these poore people vnder these cruel taske-masters Lord open their blinde eyes that they may see and discerne the subtilties and stratagems of these abominable deluders of their poore soules 1. Quest But if there bee so many kindes of sorrowes which deceiue mens soules and that Gods people in their sorrowes euen for sinnes misse the right sorrow and so continue without ease or comfort what shall become of mee that cannot mourne but feele an obdurate and hard heart which I cannot get molified Ans I cannot deny but that this godly sorrow may be without rackings terrors in some the easiest and lowest degree hath these three things euer true in them to their consolation 1. They vexe and grieue because they can grieue no more they are sensible of and discerne the hardnesse of their hearts which is a degree of softnesse for corruption is not discerned by corruption but by grace and therefore they crye out with the Church h Isa 63.17 Why hast thou hardned our hearts and caused vs to erre from thy commandements returne c. 2. They hate their speciall beloued sinnes with a deadly hatred 3. They indeauour a through reformation of their liues both internally externally which are good euidences of some softnesse of spirit though mixed with some hardnesse and corruption 2. Quest But is it possible to discerne this sorrow Sol. Yes and I am so farre from the opinion of Poperie concerning assurance that I am assured that it is hard to haue any sauing grace but it will be perceiued and discerned yea it will euidently manifest it selfe to all that haue skill to discerne it and that for these reasons 1. Grace cannot be without externall fruite i Mat. 7.16 and by their fruites sayth our Sauiour yee shall know them men doe not gather Grapes of thornes nor figges of thistles and though these graces be hidden and secret in themselues yet doe in the true convert shew themselues by certaine demonstratiue effects as by confession in times of persecutions as Master Glouer who though he had no sence of the assurance of Gods loue vntill hee came in the flames yet indured the former scornes and that torture and then cryed out to his seruant according to his request that if he felt the consolations of the Spirit at that last time hee would giue some token Iohn hee is come c. Profession notwithstanding the scornes and disgrace of the world by victory ouer the world loue to the word more then their appointed foode and lastly by their loue to Gods people 2. Grace cannot bee truely receiued but it workes a wonderfull change and alteration the spirit of God hauing bound the strong man the Deuill that had formerly possessed the heart there bussels throwes downe the Chayre of estate alters the disposition and practise affections and all the conuersation both internall and externall and all this stirre in reformation is lyable to obseruation 3. The Deuill lyes still and quiet whiles men content themselues with common effects of historicall and temporary faith because they feed presumption and leaues them vnder the power of damnation safe enough but so some as iustifying faith godly sorrow and other graces for they are neuer seperated are got in the least measure into the heart and begin to worke in purifying the heart and life from beloued sinnes though they worke neuer so weakely hee bestirres himselfe by his agents by carnall and wicked counsell what will you say they become precise and liue mopishly come le ts bee jovall and merry and drinke away these dumpish thoughts carnall company a troupe of the roaring laddes fit instruments for the worke of the Deuill and then in comes the Cardes Tables c. or temptations reproaches scornes slanders difficulties and a thousand hellish deuises to make this painefull and if possible an vntimely and abortive birth daily experience teacheth this to bee true The flesh boyles and striues within and the Deuill injects his fierie dartes into the soule the world is presently vpon the necke of them and pursues them and wonder as birdes at an Owle Iohn 16.19 at this suddaine change and retyring k 1. Pet. 4.4 if men run not with them to the same excesse of ryot l Isa 59.15 He that refrianeth himselfe from euill makes himselfe a prey 4. Lastly the Graces of God are like lampes or Sea-sconces or Lanthornes in a darke night set vpon a mountaine or Hill to direct the lingring Pilot to beware of sands and Rockes and to conduct him to some Harbor or depth where he may securely anker from the violence of the storme and tempest or like Diamondes and other shining orient Pearles which giue luster in the darkest night and can these be hid 3. Quest. Seeing it is certaine that these graces may be discerned and will shew themselues by what symptomes or tokens may this grace of godly sorrow be discerned Answ It may be discerned by these symptomes or remarkeable characters 1. It is wrought by him who as S. Iames saith is the m Iam. 1.17 Author of euery good and perfect gift which is from aboue euen from the father of light c. Euen a supernaturall worke of Gods owne planting whereas all other sorrowes arise from nature but this grace may
bee touched with deepe remorse godly sorrow as in the examples of the Lords Worthies who as their failings are left vpon eternall tallie so also their humiliation godly sorrow and repentance is recorded as beacons to giue warning to all to beware of the like wrackes vpon such rockes and sands so also to bee instructions and examples to chaulke out the way of returning to God and seeking our reconciliation the renewment of our peace see it in Dauid Hezeckiah Peter and the rest of his Highnesse memorable seruants Oh that wee rhatare Ministers could see the Protestants of our times lamenting not only their seldome but frequent euils cōmitted by them by which they scandalize our Religion Profession amongst the sottish Papists that they might be low in their own eyes and almost swallowed with griefe then should wee gladly administer wholesome cordials to refresh their fainting spirits as Paul would haue the repentant incestuous Corinth to be comforted lest hee should be swallowed vp of ouer much heauinesse but professers can sinne in drunkennesse fornications such like yet passe it easily ouer a woful and black character of an hypocrite 3. Point 3 Wherein this godly forrow expresseth it selfe in those things which concerne our own particular is griefe for hardnes of heart which the Prophet liuely sheweth to bee the estate of the Church of God k Is 63.17 O Lord why-hast thou caused vs to erre from thy voyce and hardened our hearts from thy seare returne for thy seruants sake and for the tribes of thine in heritance Now that we may the better conceiue what this hardnesse of heart is let me by a distribution distinguish it from that hardnesse which is in reprobates or such at least as are in the state of reprobation wherein wee are to consider that there is a three-folde hardnesse of heart 1. Totall and finall as in the wicked and reprobate 2. Totall tēporary as in the Elect not yet effectually called 3. Partiall temporary as in all the elect now conuerted and called and this kinde of hardnesse of heart may stand with sauing grace that is when it feeles complaines and mournes vnder the sence of the hardnesse of it there must of necessitie be some softnesse for corruption is not discerned by corruption but by grace Now that this must of necessitie bee the estate of the childe of God to bewayle his obdurate heart is euident 1. Because it is put in the forefront of that Couenant which the eternall God hath made and ratified to all the Elect and that whereby he beginnes and continues his mercie towardes thē l Ezec. 36 2● I will put a new spirit within their bowels I will take away their stonie heart and giue them an heart of flesh 2. It is a sound and vndoubted marke and symptome of the childe of God for the Gospell shewes sin more vgly then the law can for it shewes Christ in the Ministery of the Word and Sacraments bleeding vpon the Crosse and the Speare thrust in and letting out his heartbloud and considers it was my sinne that did all this whom yet God the Father vouchsafes in his beloued Christ to call a sonne 3. If it looke to God it sees him infinitely prouoked yet infinite in power and Iustice which makes him prostrate his soule before God both lower oftner then l Genes 33.9 Iacob did his body before Esau to procure fauour 4. Againe it sees m Psal 51.17 that a melting and bleeding heart is a sacrifice of sweet smelling odor to God no sacrifice pleasing without it It sees the infinite wisdome of God in all his courses who neuer heales but such as his spirit woundes and makes sicke with the sence of sinne n Neuer comforts such as neuer mourned o Is 57.15 hee dwels in acontrite soule to refresh it to grace it p 1. Pet. 5.5 and it is the vsher to honour here and glory hereafter 5. It lookes vpon it selfe as the Peacocke vpon his blacke legges to pull downe his gay plumes the sight and sence of his owne vnworthinesse expeperience of the temptations methodes of Sathan a slauish subiection vnder cursed lust his infinite debt which hee can neuer examine much lesse satisfie and therefore sees matter of daily humiliation It sees and esteemes euery creature better then it selfe yea the vilest Toad Cockatrice or viper to be better then it selfe and then weighing the infinite mercy of God in pardoning all and of Christ in x Psal 120.5.6 satisfying the iustice of his Father thinkes it selfe happy with the q Luk. 15.19 Prodigall if it may bee but as a seruant in his house in the 〈…〉 26 Syrophenissian as a dog to gather crums vnder Christs Table is thankefull for euerie mercie because it esteemes it selfe vnworthy of any and bewayles daily the vnthankefullnesse and stony heartednesse that cannot grieue for all the dishonour it hath done to this louing Father and the indignities put vpon Christ and so labours to stirre it selfe vp to lamentations and sorrowes 4. Point 4 This godly sorrow expresseth it selfe in mourning for the absence of Christ for howsoeuer it is true that Moses was singular in seeing the face of God and the presence of his essence is inuisible yet there is a presence of his Grace which God commaunds wee should seeke ſ Ps 17.8.9 Seeke yee my face to which Dauids heart answered Thy face O Lord will I seeke and a promise that wee shall finde if we seek it with our whole heart Now there are foure sortes of Gods people that want eyther the ioy or at least the sence and feeling of this presence of Gods spirit 1. Some that are in the bud and cradle of their conuersion who haue this presence of the spirit and ioy of their saluation but yet neuer obserue it eyther through ignorance of the doctrine of the consolations of God that if they were asked as the Disciples t Act. 19.2 if they had receiued the holy Ghost answered they had not heard whether there were a holy Ghost so they would answere if they were demaunded haue you receiued the presence and comfort of the Spirit Wee haue neuer knowne what it meaneth or else through negligence not obseruing how the Spirit doth exhibite and shew his presence in the due vse of the holy ordinances of God as in the Ministry of the Word Sacraments prayer meditation c. or else they vse some of the ordinances of God as the publicke and neglect the priuate and oft times they vse and performe some but neglect others therfore the vse of all the rest are blasted yeelds them little or no feelings of that blessed cōsolation and presence of God 2. Some haue this ioyfull presence of God obserue it and are affected with it for a time but forget and lose it againe especially in times of affliction u Helr 12.5 Ye haue forgotten the consolation which
his natiue Countrey and though not ignorant of that blessed promise which GOD makes to his Church when they were in captiuity that h Ezech. 1.16 hee would bee a little Sanctuary to the● in the countries where they shall come yet his blessed heare breaks forth into that patheticall acclamation i Psal 84.1.2 3. O Lord of hostes how amiable are thy Tabernacles That his soule fainted for the courts of the Lord. as also that the sparrow swallow were happy that might build their nests and lay their young by his Altars c. This liuely affection is in euery one of Christs blessed members O that it were in the same degree but it is in some measure and that for these causes 1. They are spirituall fathers k 1 Cor. 1.15 to beget men to God by the effectuall and powerfull preaching of the Gospel as instruments making vs of children of the Deuill l 1 Pet. 2.2 new borne babes the sons of God in Christ And as spirituall mothers trauaile in birth of vs m Gal. 4.19 till Christ be formed in vs vndergoing great paines to bring vs forth to God and whereas other mothers beare children into misery these into a blessed condition After they haue begotten them thus they doe not as the n Iob 39.13 Estridge which leaues her eggs in the sand to bee scattered by the foote o 1 Thess 2.7 but as gentle spirituall nurses cherish these children p 1 Pet. 2.2 and therefore as new borne babes they desire and in want thereof will cry for the sincere milke of the word that they may grow thereby as euery creature doth in nature They know that this is the food of the soule and therefore rather then they will want this blessed Manna they will as Iacob send into q Gen. 12.2 Egypt for food and knowing that when the Eternall God intends a plague with a witnes against a people he sends thē a famine Amo. 8.11 not of bread or a thirst of water but of his word that they shall trauaile from citty to citty to finde the word of the Lord and shall not finde it they will not willingly bring this curse vpon themselues as most of our Nobility and Gentry doe but if the Lord send this misery vpon them they mourne vnder it as a most bitter crosse ſ Mat. 5.14 They are the spirituall light of the world which without them lyes in palpable thick blacke Cymerian darknesse and therefore hauing receiued ſ Exod 28.20 Vrim and Thummim t Apoc. 1. 〈◊〉 as stars in the darkest night shine to others in the light of doctrine and good example and as candles torches spend and consume themselues in giuing light to this darke Egyptian world u Dan. 12.3 therefore shall as starres shine most resplendently in glory for euer and euer Besides God hath appointed them in Christ his stead to seeke and saue what is lost not health impaired as Physicians nor wealth controverted as Lawyers but the lost soule by applying the means appointed by Christ w Iob 33.24 To deliuer the man that he go not into the pit not by working the meanes which is the office of the Spirit but applying them pronouncing the sinners discharge which is the duty of the Minister These things considered is it possible that a true beleeuer should liue without the ministrie of the Word and not bee plunged into deepe heauinesse and sorrow in the want therof it is impossible Quest. But may not selfe-respects carry men along with desire after the hearing of the word preached and to complaine in the want of it Answ Yes verily they may I reduce these to three heads 1. They desire knowledge and indeauour to get it not to edifie themselues that were diuine heauenly wisedome as Salomon sayth x Pro 9.12 If thou he wise be wise for thy selfe nor to edifie others this were gracious loue indeed and a signe of sauing grace as our Sauiour said y Luke 22.32 when thou art conuerted strengthen thy brethren but these are like the butterflye which flyes frō flowre to flowre to adorne bespangle beautifie her wings so these goe from Sermon to Sermon to know something to be able to discourse finde table talke which is meere Vanity If the honour glory of the Highest were their ayme in the saluation of their soules and labouring to know the will of the Almighty that they might doe it our Sauiour pronounceth them blessed 2. Is worldly profite so long as there is hope that they shall gaine either credite or profite they will heare the Word joyfully b Acts 2.18 Simon Magus will follow the Apostles at the heeles professe he beleeues admire and desire to haue power to exhibite the visible gifts of the holy Ghost and offer large summes of money all for cursed lucre The Iewes after Christ had fed them with bread could neuer be rid of thē following him from place to place but wherefore was it thinke you was it for his doctrine miracles or himselfe no verily but because of the loaues Profites pleasures and preferments will make a man heare diligently professe openly and Ministers to preach painfully c Iob. 6.16 but if Christ bring no loaues he shall want auditors if the Minister be rich invite them to his table lend them money to answer their necessities and will be ready at euery turne to helpe them in their bodies with cure in Physicke in their estates to helpe them out of straites dangers troubles c. O then they cry out a blessed Minister who would not heare him but if hee be poore and neede their ayde then they forsake him d 2 Tim. 4.10 as Demas did Paul and if euer the complaint of the Apostle were just it is now of Professors e Phil. 2.21 al men seeke their owne and not that which is Christs If hee reproue their ill dealing covetousnesse tale-bearings whisperings hypocrisy they cry out f Amos 7.10 the earth is not able to beare his words if hee speake any thing against Diana g Acts 19.24 then Demetrius the silu●● Smith raiseth tumults in defence of his shrines and cryes out great is Diana of the Ephesians we haue such spirits in our Congregations euery lame hypocrite and halting Professor can draw factions invent scandals aspersions and slanders secretly and therefore the more sinfully to detract from that Ministrie which sometimes they haue praysed admired magnified but this is no new thing and for mine owne part I expect no better seeing they did thus to a g Luke 23.31 greene tree euen the Son of righteousnes how much more to a dry 3. Curiosity and nouelty men haue itching eares A new Preacher if he come away with the olde he is then either too plaine or too eloquent or he hath ouer many points or ouer few or hee vseth to repeat ouer long or else
blessed Sauiour restified by the Author to the Hebrevves did in the dayes of his flesh As also beseech his Vice-gerent our dread Soueraigne whom the almighty long continue to driue out these Canaauites which are m Indg. 2.2 thornes in our eyes and goades in our sides and the Lord giue his Highnesse a heart to pitty vs and vouchsafe him the zeale of his House and Glory like of that worthy n 2. King Iosiah the Paragon of the world to effect it and to see the erection of the House of our God and advancing the Kingdome of Christ that hee may bee blessed in his blessed soule body government and posteritie and wee all as already may haue renewed occasion to blesse him and to blesse God for him Thus of the second 3. And lastly this godly sorrow affecteth the heart to bewayle mourne for the threatning anger and wrath of God it is true that anger in man is a perturbation or passion in the minde but in the most high vnspotted and pure nature of God it is an effect of his iustice for my owne part I am of opinion that anger and wrath are properly in his highnesse not improperly and by way of Anthropopatie as the most haue thought As for that Text Anger is not in me it is onely to distinguish his most iust and righteous anger and wrath from that which is in mans for in his most blessed and pure nature is neyther passion or perturbation but in his excellencie it is First an effect of his iustice Secondly in such a blessed and holy manner as is agreeable to his blessed name and to vs inconceiueable and inutterable Thirdly according to the meaning and sence reuealed in his sacred word to the better vnfolding whereof I must consider two things 1. The dreadfulnesse fearefulnesse and greatfulnesse of it therefore Moses in his prayer by way of interrogation propounds it n Psal 90.11 Who knoweth the power of thy wrath and according to thy feare is thine indignation as if he should say no man is able to conceiue thy wrath nor know sufficiently to feare thee proportionable to thine indignation The Prophet Nahum expresseth it o Nah. 1.4.5 ●● that it dryeth vp the sea wasteth Baashan Carmel the flowre of Lebanon it makes the mountaines tremble and the bils melt burnes vp the world those that dvvel therein vvho can stand before his vvrath or vvho can abide the fiercenesse thereof it is povvred out like fire p Deut. 4.2 It teares the rockes and rents the mountaines in sunder And to the infinitenesse and exequisitenesse of it Moses compares it to a consuming fire addeth q Deu. 32.2 that it burnes vnquenchably to the bottome of hell but vvill consume the earth vvith all her increase and set on fire the foundations of the mountaines Varietie of examples proue this past and present as Gods foredamning and reprobating so infinite millions of people following Adam with such inconceiueable and inutterable plagues and iudgements vpon himselfe and his drowning of the olde world burning of r Gen. 19.24 Sodome and Gomorrah Admah Zeboni ouerwhelming and swallowing vp ſ Exod. 14 2● Pharaoh and his hoste in the sea t Act. 17.30 leauing all the Gentils in a most forlorne desperate condition by the space of foure thousand yeares as Paul saith now the miserable estate of the Ievves the first borne of God now runnegates and vagabounds yea a curse astonishment and a hissing throughout the earth The insupportable wrath that hee layd vpon his owne Son which made him cry out in the anguish of his soule u Math. 27 46. My God my God vvhy hast thou forsaken me and in his agony w Luk. 22.44 to svveate drops of vvater mingled vvith bloud trickling dovvne to the ground though but a furetie for vs miserable sinners The tortures of afflicted consciences plainely explicate this point what rending of clothes and hayre sorrowes and teares with outcryes sighes proceed from their racked consciences in their desperate condition that their spirits are disabbed to support them yea but a droppe of his Anger let full out of commiseration and loue also vpon his owne children how hath it inforced them to bitter lamentation and sorrowes to the wasting and consumption both of their flesh and spirits as the examples of Iob Dauid and Hezethia is apparant in their owne relations left vpon eternall Record to all ages Lastly the infinite miseries and calamities that as a floud doth continually break in vpon the particular bodies of men in diseases and sickenesses which they are infinitely surprized with all as the stone strangurie gowte palsies apoplexies agues and other molestations vpon their goods vanitie mutation and losses vpon their good name infamies disgraces shame scandall and reproach And vpon the soule ignorances hardnesse of heart deadnesse of spirit such like with errors and heresies c. all which are euident signes of the wrath and indignation of the Almighty But the time is comming and hastens apace when the mighty God will manifest this to the full x 2. Pet. 2.10 When the elements shall melt vvith heate the earth vvith the worke that are thereon shall be burnt vp all the kindreds of the earth shall mourne and the crie of the damned and reprobate world in all the foure corners thereof shall cry y Reu. 6.16 Isai 2.19 Luk. 23.30 Hos 10.8 Mountaines couer vs and rockes crush vs to peeces breake all our bones that wee may neuer appeare before his presence for the day of his vvrath is come vvho can stand especially the flames of hell and the tortures of the damned shall manifest this to the vtmost and therefore consider this and lay it to heart all yee that thinke God is all mercie and that there is neyther iustice nor wrath in your creator 2. The signes and tokens of the anger of the highest against kingdomes Churches and publike states are these 1. When GOD leaues his Church without Prophets for as the eternall puts in the forefront of the signes of his speciall fauour I will giue or send them Prophets according to mine owne heart so when he meanes a plague with a mischiefe to any state ordinarily z Isai 57.1 the Lord takes away his righteous seruants from the euill to come obserue the lamentation of the Church a Lam. 2.9 There is not one Prophet left to tell vvhen these things shall haue an end or when God sends them many false Prophets but few faithfull it was ominous to Israel and Ahab when there were foure hundred false Prophets to ouerbeare one good honest b 1. King 22.6 Michaiah by whom the Deuill seduced Ahab and doth ordinarily seduce Kings kingdomes and publike states Sycophants Parasites and flatterers of whom Ieremiah complained in his time in that Patheticall acclamation c Iere. 14.13.14 Ah Lord the Prophets tell them no
ponder and consider these things and God giue you vnderstanding grace to find all these branches of holy sorrow in your soules that so you may be assured of a plentifull crop and haruest of joy heere and glory afterward and so I proceede to the third signe of this sacred and holy grace 3. Remarkable signe symptome of this sound godly sorrow is when it passeth not the limits extent and bounds which God in his eternall truth hath set it which if it doe it becomes sinful and euil for it is with this grace as with the morall vertues which must not exceed their medium the Eternall hath bounded it as the sea by the little sandes as the Prophet speakes and giuen commandement as to the Israelites at the giuing of the Law vpon mount Sinai beyond which if they presumed it a Exo. 19.12 was death Now it exceedes and passeth limits two wayes 1. When it exceedes in time that men lye vnder it not onely night and dayes but monethes and yeares yea tenne twentie yeares as I haue knowne some it is a plaine signe that howsoeuer GOD offended is the obiect of their sorrow yet it is his justice which their eyes behold and legall sorrow at the fairest selfe-loue is the maine wheele which sets this sorrow on worke the sence of his feareful wrath like the roaring of the Lion makes them tremble if they could make their part good against him they would neuer shed a teare or bee perplexed in their spirits Or if not so yet in some it is want of instruction or knowledge of this grace and how to carry themselues which if they did their comfort would be both speciall and speedy as the Psalmist speaks b Psal 30.5 Sorrow ouer night but ioy comn●●●h in the morning and they should feare if they finde it not And no matuaile though some of Gods seruants misse of this right sorrow when as such an ●●perienced souldier as Dauid missed of it and was filled with roarings and perplexitie with a roaring sorrow which was not joyned with so much as particular confession of that speciall sin that perplexed and troubled his poore soule but when hee had recalled his thoughts plucked vp his spirits resoluing vpon the rightsorrow be confessed his sinne to the c Psal 32.5 Lord and presently found consolatiō for your sakes therefore that trauaile vnder the burthen of your sinnes and finde no rest nor know how to set your soules in a way to true comfort I haue vndertaken the labour to lay before your sight this open way to turne you frō all those waters of d Num. 35.9 Marah into Elim from bitternes to sweete fountaines of water to satisfie your thirstie soules me thinkes I see in that sacred Embleme of the Lord comparing the sorrow of the godly to the sorrow of a e I●r 6.24 womā in trauail aliuely description of this grace Tribulation apprehends vs as of a woman bringing forth And to the same purpose speakes the Lord by the Prophet Isaiah As a woman with childe nee●e her trauaile is vexed and cryeth so haue f Is 26.17 we beene before thy face Iehouah and the sorrow of the godly if the right sorrow is like it 1. Nor onely in the extremitie and bitternesse of it for the time but 2. that as the one and the other tend to a birth 3. There is in both hope of deliuerance and therefore euen in that extremitie there is some joy mi●●t with the sharpnesse of the sorrow● faith sets the heart on work to expect better nay there is in both an expectation of fruit and therefore of necessity there must be joy in the middest of the sorrow 4. It is but short in either which ou● blessed Sauiour confirmes A g Ioh. 16.21 woman when she● brings forth hath sorrow because her houre is come but when shee is deliuered she remembers not the sorrow for ioy that a man childe is born● our Lord applyes this so are you now in sorrow but your heart shall rejoy●e obserue then thy sorrow for the time and continuance if it be long suspect it 2. It passeth the limites when it exceedes in measure now it passeth measure 1. When it vnfits the body or soule for the duties either of our generall or particular callings or from the cheereful liuely performance of them both which the Eternall God requires at the hands of his people he required in the Law not dead but liuing sacrifices the dead were abomination to him and hee blamed hi● people for their vncheerefulnes in his seruice and threatens them for it h Deut. 28.47.48 Because thou didst not serue the Lord thy God with cheerefulnes and a glad heart in the abundance of all things thou shalt serue thine enemies in hunger and thirst and in want of all things and I will put an iron yoke vpon thy necke c. Let men obserue their sorrowes doe they deterre and keepe them backe either from hearing the Word Sacraments Prayer c. or from a cheerefull performance of them they are then from the Deuill and not from GOD yea if they doe not further them in all these draw them neerer vnto GOD beware of such sorrowes and auoyde them so also may I say of duties to our brethren GOD loues a cheereful giuer as of almes so all other duties of charity to our neighbour visiting the afflicted comforting the dejected spirit and such like But alas what will become thē of worlds of sorrows which are vpon men that refuse the House of GOD and doe as it were excommunicate thēselues not onely from the power of Gods ordinances but euen from the vse of the ministry of the Word Sacraments and Prayer though it may be they vse some priuate helpes which yet it is to be feared few doe It is also dangerous when sorrow vnfits men from family duties as reading the Word instruction of children and seruants and prayer or the more priuate duties as secret examination confession of sinnes secret supplications thankesgiuing meditation conference or renewing of covenants with GOD and lastly if it hinder and keepe men or women from conjugal duties or to abhorre or sequester vs from the vse of meates drinkes necessarie to the sustentation of nature by which the body is vnfitted to performe his necessarie seruice to GOD our neighbour and the soule Lastly when i● keepes men from the duties of their speciall callings to the detriment and hurt of the wife children and family which is an ordinary fault of young professours in mine owne obseruation any of these are ill signes of a bastard sorrow and not of the true spiritual gracious sorrow which hath the sacred promise of the Immortal GOD to end in f Ps 126 5.● ioy and therefore beware of it 2. It passeth his limits measure wh●n it makes men forget consolation and driues all ioy out of the heart euen for the time for these being
goes not away without the sence of his loue and the consolation of the spirit and ioy of saluation as in the example of b Psal 32. Dauid Iosiah and others of Gods scruants which is true ioy comfort indeede as Dauid speakes to the Courtiers of Saul wherein hee professeth if it pleased God but to lift vp the light of his countenance vpon him hee should haue more delight then the world when their c Ps 4.6.7 Corne and vvine and oyle did abound This was the lose and farewell of the sorrow of that worthy d 1. Sam. 1.7 Hanna when shee was vexed by Peninah she fasted and wept but faith perswading her heart that God would grant her request she weat her vvay saith the text eate and dranke and looked no more sad And this is the ordinary end of the sorrow of the godly if right But when sorrow departs with the ceasing of paine or increase of outward things or if men driue out sorrow with feasting merry company and such like it hath an ill end and is not from God but from the Deuill and corrupted and depraued nature 6. Finally the Apostle Paul to the Corinthes hath seauen seuerall signes or notes of this godly sorrow the first whereof in our ordinary translation is care others haue it study Montanus addeth in the margent solicitudo a restlesse care or diligence 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or study in the minde how to walk so as wee may bee pleasing and acceptable vnto God and that in these two things especially 1. In that which is our maine errand for which we were borne and came into this world and wherein the chiefe and principall honour wee possibly can giue vnto our Creator consists as Peter speaketh f 2. Pet. 1.10 Giue diligence to make your calling and election sure that is study with all diligence to make your calling sure and then yee make your election sure Armilla aurea for these graces are like a golden chaine that one linke depends vpon another are neuer segregated or diuided he that hath one hath all and to this purpose speakes the Author to the Hebrewes g Hebr. 4.11 Let vs therefore study 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or rather study with all hast and importunitie to enter into that rest c. So that this grace of godly sorrow or remorse for sinne quickeneth vp the heart to a wonderfull serious sedulous diligent care about the assurance and euidence of Gods fauour in the remission forgiuenesse of sinnes and all other graces of the Spirit and assuredly I haue in my poore obseruation seene this seldome or neuer fayle or such a person seldome or neuer to fall backe againe whereas such as haue been industrious about speculations chronoligies genealogies such like but not intended that speciall maine point haue seldome continued and therefore let euery childe of God lay vp this as a speciall remarkable note 2. Our study and solicitous care must be so to liue as beseems such mercies and fauours as our gracious Father hath vouchsased to bestow vpon vs in giuing vs so much and forgiuing so infinite a debt h Ps 119.15 vvee must ayme at Gods Commaundements as a●a marke and as the Apostle saith to vvalke vvorthy of the Lord and please him in all things being fruitfull in all good workes especially shew it in these particulars 1. Study to walke with God in the sence of his blessed presence so knowing and being affected with his loue as we forget not his sacred presence as the Lord commaunds Abraham i Gene. 17.1 vvalke before me be vpright Obiect I but may the poore humbled sinner say I haue such a corrupt wandring vnmortified heart as I cannot bring it to this passe Answ Micha 6 8. Learne and practise that aduise which the Lord adviseth by the Prophet Hamble thy selfe before him to get a better abilitie and power to vvalke vvith thy God for godly sorrow with fasting and prayer will get it or nothing will 2. Set the law of God alwayes before thee as the onely perfect rule of all thy actions as Dauid this is to be vpright in our vvay to vvalke in the Lavv of the Lord which makes a man a blessed man Psal 119.1 as for those that vvalke by crooked and by pathes will the Lord lead with the workers of iniquitie but peace shall be vpon Israel 3. Obserue the motions and stirrings of Gods spirit within thy soule to any good else the spirit will bee grieued within thee which by no meanes thou mayst doe for that is against the Apostles charge Ephes 4.30 Grieue not the holy Spirit of God by vvhich yee are sealed vp to the day of redēption But in any case and by all meanes bee carefull to obey the motions thereof and that without reasonings against it or delayes which are dangerous but with all readinesse speede and cheerefulnesse this is to walke after the spirit Gal. 5.25 and not after the flesh to reuine the spirit and not to quench it Rom. 8.1 4. To excell all ciuill and honest men and hypocrites in this that we carry a carefull eye and respect to all Gods Commaundements 1. Thes 5.19 which will assure vs of safetie then shall I not be confounded when I haue respect to all thy Commaundements and wee shall liue according to the wish and desire of GOD himselfe Oh that there were such an heart in this people that they might feare me and keepe all my Commaundements alwayes that it might goe well with them and with their children after them Psal 119. Deut. 5.29 So that to make cōscieuce of euery sinne by prayer and the practise of all the duties of mortification to avoyd it and also to obey God both in our soules and bodies that in euery part and faculitie of both and that all our dayes so would it go well with vs and we should lay vp a good inheritance for our children after vs. 5. We should so admire Gods loue Ps 1 in deliuering our soules from death our eyes from teares and our feete from falling that we seeke the face of God in the light of the liuing and neuer to come emptie handed but to study with the kingly Prophet Dauid Ps 56.12.13 vvhat to render to the Lord for all his mercies so let Gods vowes be vpon vs and wee should euer be rendring prayse which is our best sacrifice yea all wee can retribute to him againe 6. And the second of the seaven which the Apostle hath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is defence or apologie euen the stipulation of a quiet good conscience vvhich maketh request to God 1. Pet. 3.21 for it is the proper worke of a quiet good conscience to make Apologie or excuse vs before GOD whence ariseth tranquilitie of minde which the Apostle calleth the peace of God vvhich passeth all vnderstanding Phil. 4.7
and lament and the world shall reioyce but your sorrow shall be turned into ioy Woe be to that ioy that hath not humiliation anteceding it it is hypocriticall and vnsound 2. This true ioy is knowne by the degree for it carrieth a man into an extasie for as the obiect therof excels all terrene earthly things as the obiect of true ioy being God himselfe Christ Iesus the assurance of the graces of the Spirit the word increase and spirituall growth in grace c. so doth the Christians joy in them exceed all other ioyes Thy Law is better to me then thousands of siluer and gold Ps 119 7● Ps 137.6 Againe If I preferre not Ierusalem to my chiefe ioy The hypocrites ioy neuer exceedes the ioy in the world the profites and pleasures of this world doe more affect their hearts then the ioy of these supernaturall superexcellent heauenly things The truely wise marchant sels all for the blessed Pearle of the Gospel M●● 13.46 and goeth away reioycing also And if this be so how few found beleeuers doth this world afford that for the measure degree of their ioy can free themselues frō being hypocrites and who if this be a truth shal be saued 3. It may bee discerned and knowne by the blessed effects thereof 1 This ioy stands by a man when all other ioyes fade relinquish forsake him euen in adversity as wel as prosperity and this the Proph● Hab. 3.17 ●● Habakack liuely expresseth For the sigge tree shall not flourish neither shal fruit be on the vines the labour of the oliue shall faile and the fields shall yeeld no meate the sheepe shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no bullocke in the staules What more miserable condition can befall the sonnes of men yet behold this sweet ioy comforts them But I will reioyce in the Lord I will ioy in the God of my saluation So that no condition of the true childe of God can bee so miscrable in this world but that the ioy of God will comfort and sustaine them The same doth Paul testifie we reioyce in tribulation Rom. 5 3. Phil. 2.17 and of himselfe and the rest of the Apostles he saith And though I be offered vpon the sacrifice and seruice of your faith I am glad and reioyce with you all 2. This ioy marres distastes all carnal ioyes whatsoeuer it makes a man sind little or no relish or taste in earthly delights they will be to him as the white of an egge wherein saith Salomon what sauour is there If men had receiued this true ioy once wee should soon see a change in their conuersation there would not be such wide gaping and laughter in vaine and foolish jestes apparel and a thousand things of this sort as now there is 3. Ia●●● It will keep a man from masterlines and censoriousnes of others as also to be compassionate and tender hearted to sympa●hize in the wants and sorrowes of others especially such as are vnder spiritual afflictions 4. And last effect of true ioy is as it springs from true humilitie and godly sorrow so it ends in it and destroyes not but preserues that blessed grace it keepes the soule in a preparednesse and ape●esse to acknowledge his owne vilenesse vuworthinesse of so great a portion and mercy from God as this ioy is Thus haue I according to my vnderstanding and gift receiued from God expressed my thoghts and meditations touching this sacred point and the true tryall thereof whereas the joyes which are temporarie or from the illusisions or methods of Sathan comfort no man in adversity finde sweetnes in carnal ioyes are masterly and censorious and make men proud and aduaunce themselues and are in all things contrary vnto the holy true ioyes which the Spirit of GOD doth exhibite and giue vnto those which seek true ioy in vnfeigned and godly sorrow 1. Quest. But may some humbled beleeuer say I can finde little comfort or ioy what aduite will you giue me or what shall I doe to get this sweete grace of happy ioy into my heart Answ 1. Take heede of such things as grieue the fountaine of true ioy which is the blessed spirit of God as the Apostle sayth And grieue not the holy spirit of God by which yee are sealed vp to the day of redemption of which I will giue you a taste 1. Beware thou neglect not the renewing of thy holy faith dayly nor the duties of mortification as examination of thy slippes and faylings which will bring thee to vnfeigned confession and acknowledgement of thy sin to God that prouokes the soule to godly sorrow and so to prayer opens a doore to consolation for the heart gathers soyle euery day and if it be not washed and kept cleane by these mundifying waters the vncleanenesse of the soule will grieue the blessed guest the spirit and so keepe out these blessed ioyes 2. Beware of a barren and vnfruitefull heart for vnprofitablenesse is the cause of much disrest to the soule 3. Beware of neglecting the meanes by which the spirit exhibites this true consolation which are both publike and prinate a Christian must not looke for miracles but if he would haue it he must diligently attend the meanes which are the ministrie of the word Sacraments and prayer and for the priuate especially neglect not priuate prayer from whence the spirit of God doth most frequently administer this ioy 4. Take heede thou bee not oner borne and ouer ruled by euill affections as passion enuie pride immoderate cares and the loue of the world all which and many more doe exceedingly quench and dead the consolations of the spirit of God 5. Lastly beware of the loue of any one sinne though neuer so secret for it betraies the euidence of thine vprightnesse and how eanst thou expect any other then blasted ioy and comfort when thou hast lost or forfeyted the euidence of thy assurance 2. Be exceedingly carefull to do such duties as bring true comfort as 1. Be diligent to know the difference betwixt counterfe it graces and true sauing graces for the Deuill mans corruption hath framed a counterfeit shaddow of euery vertue so that if thou be ignorant of the methodes deceites bee not able to get good cuidences and signes of the truth and soundnesse of them the heart will be distracted with feares and doubts and be a meanes of vnrest and vnquietnesse Is 55.15 and so depriue thee of this ioy to bee Gods seruant which otherwise thou mightest inioy be sure 2. Voluntarily seeke godly sorrow and try it according to the former rules be importunate with God by prayer and the vse of all the rest of Gods ordinances and neuer giue ouer drinking euery day a draught of humiliation vntill thou feele in thy selfe some good degree of softnesse of heart that it may oft bleed inwardly in the sence and feeling especially of thy beloued sins committed not