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A08283 A pensiue mans practise Very profitable for all personnes, wherein are conteyned verie deuout and necessary prayers for sundry godlie purposes. VVith requisite perswasions before euery prayer. VVritten by Iohn Norden.; Pensive mans practise. Part 1 Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1584 (1584) STC 18616; ESTC S121124 83,439 264

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flesh but casting away the workes of darknes enioy the pure light of the Gospell and perseuer and abide therein enioying thy fauour loue vnto the ende without fainting in anie tribulation or vexation of Spirite going forwarde in hope in feare in loue and vnfeyned zeale towardes thee That I may obteine at thy mercifull hands whatsoeuer is necessarie in this life or for the obteyning of the life to come and after this life ended enioye thy celestiall purchased inheritaunce sweete Sauiour Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth A short prayer to the like purpose I Humbly beseeche thee Oh mercifull God for thy sonne Jesus Christes sake to powre into mine heart by the operation of thine holie spirite one sparckle of true sayth whereby I may truelie beleeue in thy Son Jesus Christe as our onelie mediatour and ●duocate through whose death and passion we are restored to our former happines wherein we were in the beginning placed which none can beleeue but through the holie ghaste Encrease therefore my faith that working by charitie I may doo that which may be acceptable vnto thée all the dayes of my life Through Jesus Christ. Amen Oh Lord increase my faith A prayer against the deuill the world and the fleshe very necessary to bee often sayde If thou these Captaine foes wilt flye Thou must craue ayde of God on hie THe deuill who is Prince of darknes Eph 6. and wbo ruleth in this world goeth about seeking whom he may deuoure and leade headlong into destruction by putting before our eyes the vaile of the vanities of this worlde that we should not see the light of the trueth but to continue in darknes in hautines and pryde as bondslaues and captiues to him whose children they are 2. Tim. 2. that continue in voluntarye blindnes whose end shalbe the fire euerlasting Ioh. 8. prepared for him and his Angells Mat. 25. Pray that the worlde ouercome you not 1. Ioh. 5. wherein resteth nothing but wickednes and sinne The whole world 2. Esd. 4. is full of vnrighteousnes and wickednes which who so loueth is an enemye to God They that are in the fleshe can not please God Ro. 8. but shall die E●de That is such as yeelde them selues to followe the lustes thereof shall haue the rewarde of the wicked in eternall perdition Praye therefore that ye enter not into temptation but that yee may walke godly as the seruauntes of Christe and not as the seruants of sinne OH Christ sonne of the liuing GOD who in the time of thy humanitie whē thou walkedst heere in the vaile of this miserable worlde in the forme of a seruaunt in the substance of mankinde art not ignoraunt of the sundrye greeuous assaultes and temptations wherewith sathan that monstrous enemie to mankind tryed thee thou beeing altogether cleane and cleere from all corruption yea without all desire of sin yet hardlie assaulted by sundrie meanes to procure thee to yeelde to his allurings wherby sweet Iesus thou haddest sufficient try all and experience of his like assaultes vnto our corruptible and weake flesh who are by reason of the fall wilfull transgression of our great Graundfather Adam as thou knowest moste easie to bee ouercome who in all assaults haue none other refuge or defence but onely to flie vnto thee and to reste vnder the shaddowe of thy winges which is so sure a ha●bour and so strong a defence as who so faithfully betaketh him vnto the same is safe frō al the raging stormes of sathan the deceites of the worlde and motions of the vnbrideled fleshe all which are vnto our soules moste monstrous mortall and most cruell enemies Oh Lorde let thine holy spirite dwell in mee let it neuer depart from the inner part of mine hearte but decking the house of my soule with the flowres of loue faith and vnfeined zeale it may please thy diuine Maiestie to settle thee and frame thy selfe therein to abide that thy presence may bee so terrible vnto his assaultes as he approching neere vnto me seeing thee and hearing thy name Oh Iesus may flye away as hee did from thee in the wildernesse as hee dyd from thee on the Penicle and in all his temptations Thou wert pure at that time without spotte of sinne I am sinfull and full of corruption He could not ouercome or preuaile against thy sanctetie but I am prone to fall therefore easie to be ouercome strengthen me therefore stande with me fyght for me that he take mee not captiue and make me a bondslaue of sinne keepe me free out of his clawes sweet Iesus let the brightnes of thy grace so shine about me that his darknes come not neere me to ouershadowe mee with the darknes of iniquitie Let thy sauour bee a wall a bulwa●ke and strong buckler for my defence for Lorde thou knowest that his force is so great his will so ready his doings so wily as if thou doo but pluck backe thine hande he striketh vs if thou turne thy face he winneth vs to his will and if thou depart vtterlie from vs we shall runne headlong into moste horrible destruction Wherefore Oh sweete Iesus saue me sweete Iesus keepe me sweete Iesus imbrace me holde thine holy hand ouer me conducte me and leade me in the middest of the path of truth to celestiall happines and let me not bee drawen awrye to the left hande or to the right but keepe a middle and directe course vntill I come to the place of celestiall blisse where neither sathan shall ouercome me the world deceiue me nor the fleshe procure me to sin but be in the light of thy most glorious presence with the residue of thy saints singing eternall praises vnto thee But Oh my most louing redeemer my time is not yet come my iourny is not yet at an end my daies which though they be but a span long are not yet finished And vntill this body of mine shal passe to the graue my poore soule must haue and abide continuall conflictes with the deuil the king and Emperor of this world and with as many his ministers as my tongue can not number and principally with the world who setteth before mee insteede of diuine and heauenly contemplations worldlie vanities insteede of celestial and true comfort worldly delights insteede of heauenly hope worldly and vnauailable promises to bring as much as in him lyeth my godly enterprises to wicked end Lord he labours by all meanes to drawe vs into dispayre by loding our mindes with too much doubt of the performaunce of thy most comfortable promises But sweet Iesus though his power be in show great thine is in deede greater though he be strong thou art stronger though his instigations prickings for warde to wickednes be many thy louing and father lie callinges to grace are more Thou hast promised vs thy helpe and that most meruey lous to our eyes for thou hast said that thou wilt giue vs power to doo not onelie as thou didst but more and greater
vnto our heauenly father for whatsoeuer we want as did Iacob Gene. 28. who prayed for foode and apparell and obteyned it with aboundance God seeth before wee aske what we want and yet to show our dutiful obedience to acknowledg our helpe to come from hym wee must prostrate our harts be fore him in fayth asking and he will giue knocking and he will open seeking we shall surelie finde what we want Dut. 20. For God of his meere mercy feedeth the fatherles voucbsasing vnto them al good thinges wherefore whatsoeuer thou be pray faythfully vse the giftes of God thankfully and reuerenly and thinke not that thy freendes can helpe thee thy fruites satisfie thee or laboure preuayle thee without the blessing of God Tim. 6. wherby enioying foode and apparrell be therewith content and in any case dispayre not for the prouidence of God is great to giue foode and things necessary to such as trust in him And it is not daintye feare that feedeth so much as the trust in God can releeue with a small simple dyet as doth appeare in the 1. of Daniell by thē that were so well replenished with pulse and water OH almighty God and louing father who of nothing hast created all thinges liuing whose care is so great ouer them all that thou sufferest not the moste vile or symplest of them to perishe for want of foode and thinges requisite for thē but seeking the same at thy handes thou gyuest it them in due season And by thyne vnsearchable wysedome haste appoynted to euerye liuing creature an abyding according to his kinde But such was thine vnspeakable care of man whome thou hast created to thine own image that he is as a king and gouernour ouer all the rest of thy creatures whome thou haste sette appointed vnder him beeing so farre inferiour vnto him as where thou haste planted in him reason wysedome and gouernment in them brutishnes beeing altogether vnreasonable and where they liue haue there beeing vppon the tops of cold mountaines in desartes vpon hilles on hie and in vallies below and in sundry other vncouth and vnknowne places where tempest heate hardnes and colde and other continual dangers oppresse them thou hast giuen and prouided for man houses castelles and townes to preserue them from the force of windes tempestes and stormes and from the assaultes of wilde beastes of the fielde in the night and darknes quietly to rest And although born naked thou giuest him ray ment to couer and to clothe him hearbes for his vse and oyle to make him a cheereful and glad heart and ioyfull countenaunce Besides all this of thy meere goodnes haste giuen him the beastes of the fielde the fowles of the ayre and fishes of the sea to be his foode and sustinaunce yea Lorde such is thy fauour towardes man that all the rest of thy creatures thou hast ordeyned for his vse and seruice wherfore I thy sillie creature and worke of thine handes humblie prostrate my selfe in heart beseeching thee fauourably to looke downe vpon my necessitie and graunt me whatso euer thou seest necessarie for me euen a competent and necessarie portion heere not ouermuch least I wexe prowde or disdaine mine inferiors and if it be thy will vouchsafe vnto me not ouer little least vrgent necessitie driue me to ouer much care ouer much care carry me to vnlawful means so runne headlong into thy dis●auor But fill my Baskett blesse my store Oh Lord that I may enioy at thy mercifull handes sufficiēcie for my selfe for the releefe of such as thou hast cō mitted vnto my gouernment and for as much good Lord as all mine industry carke and care great trauaile can not any thing furder me releeue or satisfie me in my necessitie vnlesse thou vouchsafe therevnto good successe for thy mercies sake blesse me in all mine affayres blesse my fruites in the field my cattell and all other thinges belonging eyther to my selfe or any other thy seruauntes as by the fruites thereof I and they may be releeued Blesse the workes of mine handes that they may prosper blesse my sences that they wexe not dull but be alwaies capable of such thinges as belong vnto my vocation effectually to execute the same both according to thy lawes and the trueth of that which I take in hand for without thy blessing and fatherly furtheraunce I can not sufficiently execute neither can that prosper where vpon the whole state of my liuing and maintenaunce dependeth VVherefore good Lorde guide mine handes and blesse mine vnderstanding to the prosperous execution of all thinges concerning my vocation that I may gett those thinges which may be sufficient for the releese and maintenaunce of me and mine to the profit of my neighbours and glory of thy blessed name And what so euer dooth happen vnto me pouertye or ritches make me good Lord of a patient contented and thankfull minde that in aduersitie I runne not headlong into such meanes as are vngodlye neither in prosperitie wexe the prowder but waight thy good pleasure in them both with thankfulnes euer more liue in thee by thee in the end raigne with thee in heauen where thou sittest as Author and giuer of all thinges graunt this for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake to whom with thee and the holie ghost be all honour for euer Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth A prayer necessarie after the hearing of the word of God Attende vnto the Ghospell bright Heare it and reade and liue vpright Consider when thou hearest the worde of God preached it dooth but as it were beat thyne eares and rendereth no further benefitt vntyll by the workyng of GODS holye spyrite it bee inwardlye reuealed vnto thee For GOD by two meanes speaketh vnto vs namely by the Preacher whome hee sendeth to teache vs. And by hys holy Spyrite wherby hys doctrine is so setled in our heartes that we inwardly enioy the true benefit therof For wythout the helpe of the holye ghost the voyce of the preacher vanisheth and the hearers profite nothing at all S. Iohn saith That he that knoweth God heareth his word 1. Iohn 4. but he that is not of God heareth it not wherby the spirite of trueth is discerned from the spirite of error For the word of God is liuelie Heb. 4. and effectuall and pearceth more then a two edged sword entring euen into the diuision of the soule the spirite c. wherefore pray that as the Lorde sendeth his messengers to showe his will So you may both heare it vnderstand it purelie liue thereafter pray for fayth For without fayth Heb. 4. the hearing of the word profiteth nothing OH heauenlye Father who hast not onely vouchsafed to make vs to thine owne image and likenes but also to sende thy sonne Iesus Christe into this worlde for our saluation and hast by him not only giuen vs knowledge of thy diuine will heere on earth and lefte it for our learning But also
vs not forgitt it leaste God forgett vs. ALL possible thanks we giue vnto thee Oh Lord of mercy King of all the Kinges and kingdomes of the earth for that thou hast vouchsafed to place ouer vs thy little flocke of thys Realme so pure a guide of true religion Elizabeth by thine heauēly prouidēce our Queene vnder whom enioying the free libertie of the true seruice of thee we rest in a quiet estate bothe of bodie and minde We humbly pray thy fauourable regarde to beholde with mercifull eies the same thy seruant our soueraigne Lady and gouernes And so fructify her heart with the good graine of thine holye spirite that she alwayes inclined by the working thereof to the settinge foorth of thy worde may walke according to the truth of the same sincerelie that we thy seruants and vnder thee her subiects seeing her godly example may be ashamed to fall frō that due forme of honouring thy name which for thy glory shee hath through thy grace by the rule of thy worde prescribed vnto vs. Banish good Lord from her heart all ignoraunce and print therein perfect wisdome and knowledge of thine heauenly will giue her an obedient minde abounding withall humilitie towardes thy diuine maiestie Saue and defende her from the tyrannie of forraine power and authoritie and from all such as profesle not inwardlie vnfeyned zeale of thy Gospell giue her godlie Counsellors and such zealous and true harted ministers of thy wyl that she and we according to the trueth of euerye our seueral functions may truelie serue thee in this life and in the ende for euermore raigne with thee in thine heauenly kingdome for Iesus Christes sake our only Redeemer Aduocate and sweete Sauiour Amen Oh Lord increase our fayth A prayer for the Sunday morning Let labour passe let prayer bee This day the cheefest worke for thee AS the Lorde hath assigned vnto mā sixe dayes of seauen for his necessarie trauaile So hath he expreslie commanded Gen. 2. the seauenth to be hallowed and kept onely for the seruice of him wher in all busines sette aparte we should referre our selues to prayer to the hearing or reading of the worde of the Lorde without any vngodlie exercise at all wherfore as did Dauid Psal. 55. 6. euery day so let vs especiallie this day instantlie call vppon the name of the Lord and he will heare vs. And with Esay Esay 26. Let our soules with a longing desire in the night seeke vn to the Lorde and in the morning earelie call vppon his name so shall our dooings please him all shall goe well with vs. And especiallie vpon this day which the Lord hath reserued for the seruice of himselfe Nu. 1● Punishing such euen with death who breake the same as appeareth in the booke of Numbers by him who was at the commaundement of the Lorde stoned to death for gathering stickes on the Sabaoth day Esay 56. Blessed is the man that keepeth the Sabaoth day vndefiled seruing the Lorde in prayer Esay 58. Not in seeking his ownewil nor speaking a vaine word Pray that it may bee honoured and not abused dishonoured as it is least God the Creator of it and vs punish our disobedience OH almightye Father most wholesome protectoure keeper both of soules and bodyes of the faithfull I yeelde the humble and hartie thankes for defending sauing mee thy sinfull creature this night past and all my life hethervnto frō suddaine death and from other perrils daungers wher into my sillie soule and weake bodie are subiecte to fall And wherewith I am so besette that had I not beene preserued by thee it could not otherwise haue beene but my bodie had perished and my sillie soule beene carryed into eternall perdition But most sweete Lord my strong Castell defence my shield buckler my sure refuge and succour who hast continuall regarde of the safety of thy seruants that thou neuer sufferest them to bee ouercome with any kinde of euill nor to fall into any kinde of daunger vouchsase to forgiue me what soeuer I haue committed and doone against thy diuine will eyther sleeping or waking this night or anie time secretlie or openlie heeretofore by reason of the corruption which remaineth in me And vouchsafe that as I haue quietlie passed this night so I may enioy at thy merciful hands whatsoeuer thy fatherlie prouidence shall thinke meete and conuenient for mine owne and for the releefe of such as thou hast committed vnto my charge and gouernement Establish good Lorde within my weake feeble bodie strength to withstande all euill motions of the flesh all vngodlie desires of the minde worldlie vanities that I may feruentlie as I ought continuallie both in the morning and at night and at noone day yea and at all times and in all places truely serue thee without hypocrisie dissimulation or mallice And for thy mercies sake keepe mee this day and all the rest of my transitory life from suddaine and vnprouided death keepe my tongue and lips that I speake or vtter nothing which may be eyther vncomelie to be spoken or whereof may redownde hurt or hinderaunce to my selfe or others but that I may endeuoure as much as in me lyes to speake and vtter those thinges which may be to the setting foorth of thy glorie maintenaunce of peace and concorde and to the reducing such into the right way as wander and goe astray As for slaundering lying backbyting falsewitnes bearing enuie and such like good Lorde take vtterly from me And keepe mine heart and minde from the moste damnable sinne of murmuring against thee and from dyspayre that in all aduersities tribulations and troubles I may alwayes beare a patient contented faithfull and a thankfull minde with full perswasion that if thou suffer mine aduersaries being maliciousliebent against me to reuile me persecute me to molest or hurte me or if thou permitt either fire to consume me or my substaunce or any other casuall meane to diminish mine estate and stay of my liuing or if I sustaine losse of freendes sicknes of bodie or hurt of my limmes it proceedeth not but by thy diuine prouidence yea onelie of thy meere loue and fatherlie care which thou hast of mine amendment for nothing happeneth to those whome thou louest breede it within theyr weake mindes neuer so great greefe or fall it out neuer so contrary to theyr desires but it bringeth with it some secrete working for their good Wherefore in the name of thy sonne Iesus Christ I most humbly beseeche thee that thou wilt vouchsafe to settle in mine heart such perfection of patience as what soeuer eyther this day or heereafter shall happen or befall vnto me I may accept it as a most wholesome medicine for my so deadlie disease of securitie and so in hope of thy louing kindnes and mercie to goe forwarde this day and all my life in perfect loue vnfeyned zeale and continuall obedience to thy will In hearing thy worde attentiuelie in reading the
come the time wherein all mine offences and faults shall bee manifested and laid to my charge Oh then whether shall I flye thinke I whether shall I conueygh my selfe who shall hide mee from thy presence who shall saue me from thy iust iudgement Oh sweete Lord I am euen at my witts ende wishing for death and ende of my dayes And yet then the feare of the torments of hell fire so striueth in me to the contrarie that I quake at the rememberaunce thereof And when I couet to liue longer and see more daies Lord then I am striken with doubt and imagine that as my life hath beene euen from my byrth giuen and inclyned so greedelie to sinne and that the cause of my present dread I then loath and abhorre my longer continuance heere fearing least the aptnes of my corrupt flesh by the dayly rebellion thereof against the spirite heape greater plagues vpon my poore soule What shall I doo Lorde feare and dispayre thus oppressing me on all sides all hope of comfort hath left me onely greefe and sorrowe remaineth knowing not to whom to flie for succour or to whom to make my mone If to man I knowe his strength pollicie and wisedome and comfort to be vaine his nature inclined to weakenes and wickednes as mine and in him to be no helpe And seeking any wo●ldly meane for pardon and remission of my sinne I acknowledge it altogether transitory superfiuous and to no purpose But the seeking therof to renue and increase my greefe that I shoulde leaue and giue ouer the true and onely platforme of my deliuery and seeke to a counterfeyt showe of ayde Oh God forbid that euer I shoulde but onely seeke for pardon of thy self whom most greeuously I haue offended and therefore to thee I fall prostrate euen in heart sweete Iesus the onely Phisition of all sicke soules in whose power consisteth the alone forgiuenes of sinnes be they neuer so many or great I come I come though altogether ashamed vnto thee my sauiour Iesus Christ who haste promised to be a Mediatour for the penitent vnto God the father It is thy property to call home such as wander and goe astray and to traine them vp in new wayes be theyr sinnes as redde as Scarlet thou hast sayde thou wilt make them as white as snowe and were they as purple thou canst make thē as white wooll Oh most sweete promise Oh comfortable saying Oh voyce of heauenly consolation whereby I am comforted whereby I am reuiued yea nowe is my conscience lightened now haue I founde the true onely Phisition of my long disease poore soule euen thy self sweet Iesus who callest mee I come I come Lord stretch forth thine hand and receiue mee giue mee perfecte hand fast of thys moste comfortable saying of thine let mee enioy the true working of this most singuler medicine thy death and bytter passion sweete Iesus who sufferedst for our sinnes camest to take away the punishment due for our transgression and to call vs to repentaunce without which there is no hope of remission of our sinnes Thy mercy is infinite thy loue vnsearchable and wisedome incomprehensible whereby thou callest vs whereby thou louest vs and whereby thou guydest vs And euen of meere loue which thou haste to the saluation of my poore soule whom thou wouldest rather should conuert then perish thou hast stirred vp in mine heart a lothing of my sinne wherein I haue walked and imbraced the same euē with greedines Oh that I were as ready to come as thou to call So willing to leaue and giue ouer the fulfilling of vnlawfull desires as thou art to forgiue the same So apt to serue thee as thou art to saue me Then should sinne no more dwell in me nor I in it but should enioy thy continuall fauour and rest vnder the winges of thy mercy Oh Lorde I humbly beseeche thee that as it hath pleased thee to stirre me vppe at this time to repentaunce as thou hast called me home frō the wildernes of wickednes from deepe dispayre so to place me in the pleasaunt fieldes of sinceritie trueth and godlines as thou hast pluckt me out of the clawes of sathan so vouchsafe to holde me vnder the shaddow of thy winges and to imbrace me with the armes of thy mercy that I runne no longer after the vanities of this world nor yeelde vnto the vngodly motions of the fleshe that my minde beeing free from all sinfull cogitations I may keepe my bodie an vndefiled member of thy Church vnto my liues ende And although til thine appointed time this miserable vale must be my continuing cittie And although I must be driuen to vse this worlde according to the necessitie of worldlye causes as thy prouidence hath assigned euery man to exercise his vocation yet graunt that my minde may be continually conuersant in heauenly things and though my bodie wander in earth my soule spirite may haue theyr perfect beeing and abyding by perfect faith in heauen where thou sittest raigneth for euer Amen Oh Lord increase my faith A short prayer to the like purpose OH God whose propertie is euer to haue mercye yea whose mercy is infinite and loue incomprehensible and who haste not delight in the death of a sinner looke fauourably vpon me who haue so deepely offended thine heauenlie maiestie that I confesse nothing but condemnation due vnto me for my so manifolde iniquities my conscience accuseth me and mine heart bewraieth my disobedience beeing but a cast away vnlesse it may please thee for Iesus Christes sake to turne away thine indignation and to take away the plagues which I haue iustly deserued and punishments for the same which thou hast ordeyned Lord cease to be angry and according to thy mercy not to thy iustice deale with me but according to thy most louing promise my sinnes béeing as red as Scarlet may through my fayth in the death of Iesus Christ as white as Snow And as I haue hetherto folowed euen with greedines that which I should not giue me nowe grace to followe and imbrace that which thou commaundest in thy sonne Iesus Christ vnto my liues ende Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth A prayer for a competent and necessary lyuing The God aboue vouchsafeth store To him in faith that prayes therfore ALthough thy store increase so greatly multiply that thou be sayne to enlarge thy roomes to bestowe thy fruites thinke thee not discharged of this most necessary exercise of praier but so much the more bound thervnto ●for it is not the increase of fruites the labour of thy handes or store of wealth that mainteyneth thy lyfe and feedeth thee vnlesse it be seasoned wyth the word of God which preserueth all that faythfully trust in him Matth. 24. For thou canst not liue by Breade alone which is with thinges necessarye for thy bodie but by the worde of almightye GOD And yet we are not onely licensed and permitted but most louinglye called to come
freely taken away our synnes and sette vs downe the perfecte rule to directe all our actions and dooinges by the same which yet neuertheles continues harde and darke to such as neither by thy grace haue beene inlightened nor by the preaching of such as thou hast sent beene taught which also is of none effecte without thine especiall grace wor king to the true setling thereof within the bowells of the inner man for Lorde although wee heare with our eares wee can not conceiue it in our heartes nor showe it in conuersation without the especial woorking of thine holie spirite within vs. Oh Lord I thanke thee that thou haste vouchsafed vs to liue in the time wherein darknes and ignoraunce is so much defaced and superstition suppressed That thy trueth the word of life the seede of our saluation is bountifully distributed throughout this our Countrey to our vnspeakable comfort and greate terrour of such as hate the same Lorde I thanke thee that it hath pleased thee to feede vs at this time with the wholesome bread of life the heauenly Manna the word of eternall trueth wherewith graunt vs so to be replenished and fedde at full that we may loathe and abhorre all thinges which are not of the true table of our saluation the gospell of thy sonne Iesus Christ. But forasmuch Oh mercifull Lord God as wee may heare and not perceiue and reade and not vnderstand without the light of thine holy spirite guiding and instructing vs I humblie beseeche thee to inspire our heartes with a true vnderstanding of that which this day we haue hearde with our outward eares pronounced by the Messenger and Preacher of thy worde and graunt that it may so worke to the amendment of our liues and the increase of our faith feare and loue of thee continually abyding with vs and to our great comfort effectually worke in vs vnto our liues ende accepting the same at the mouth of thy messenger as deliuered euen by thine owne heauenly voice as indeede it is as long as it differeth not from thine holye worde and gospell giuing all the prayse and glory vnto thine owne selfe for he is but a Minister to declare thy will vnto vs who are the grounde and thy word the seede which beeing sowne in our hearts by this thy minister may not onely take some roote but grow vppe effectually to our comfortable edification and learning beeing so liuely and effectuall as it entreth euen into the diuision of the soule and spirite giue vs grace Oh heauenly God in this so pernicious a time of sectes scismes and daungerous controuersies that we may beare constant hearts carefull and deuoute mindes to the trueth auoyding with dilligence the perswasions of such as seeke to sette vppe superstition and to maintaine errours and vntrue doctrine And as the Niniuites at the preaching of Ionas repented their sinnes so giue vs grace not only to repent for a time but earnestly to bewaile our manifolde offences and wholie cleaue to fulfill the trueth of thy lawes to the saluation of our poore soules Let not sathan sweete Lorde at any time wrest thy trueth sowne in our heartes neither let him nor his ministers preuaile in sowing tares cockle or Darnell among the good Wheat of thy gospell as they continually seeke and desire to marre the Haruest of our good fruites which though they be fewe by reason of our owne corruption which we haue gathered by the hearing of thy ghospell yet sweete Lord vouchsafe to increase them by vertue of thine holie spirite working within vs. And let not our desire of seruing thee be either choaked or snared with the vnlawfull desires of this moste wretched worlde but rightly and truely discerning the trueth from false doctrine may vnderstand who are thy true ministers with earnest attentiuenes vnto the vtterance of thy wil by thē carefully warily auoyding the counterfeit barking of such as speake for their own benefit hauing further respect to their owne pleasure profit and commoditie then to the edifying of our poore soules whom thou resemblest to Wolues taking vppon them vnder the shaddow of simplicitie and feyned show of innocencie to guide thy flocke who indeede are moste detestable Hipocrites and deuourers of thy sheepe whom I beseeche thee to cutte off from that godlie and diuine function and office of preaching that thy trueth beeing at all times purely vttered by godly and deuout Pastours wee thy poore flock may for euermore be truely edified and continue within the Hardels of sincere conuersation and godlie liuing to the prayse of thy holy name and to the attainment of our heauenly inheritaunce for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake Amen O Lord increase our fayth and make vs euermore attentiue hearers true conceiuers and dilligent fulfillers of thy will Amen A short prayer to the like purpose OH Lorde vouchsafe that as of thy goodnes thou hast through thy sonne our Sauiour left for our learning and to our vnspeakable comfort the word of trueth the gospell of our saluation which none can learne vnlesse he be sent I humbly beseeche thee to giue me thy grace that as I haue heard the same at this time by thy minister and messenger So I may be able perfectly to retaine the same in the inner part of mine hearte according to the trueth and that I may expresse the same in my conuersation and life dooing all thinges according to thine heauenly will vnto my liues ende Amen Oh Lorde increase my faith A thankes giuing to God for his benefites Blesse thou the Lord that giueth blisse Heblesseth him that thankfull is BE thankfull vnto almightie God Ephe 5. for all thinges in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe who hath left vs a perfecte patterne of thankfulnes Mat 26. alwayes lifting vp his eyes vnto heauen giuing thankes vnto his heauēly father So must we beare alwayes a thankfull heart as a testimonye of our good wills for the benefites of God toward vs let vs pray alwayes 1. Thes 5. let vs alwayes reioyce without ceasing giue thāks for it is the will of God the father in hys sonne Iesus Christ towardes vs Saint Augustine breefely in this wise exhorteth vs to bee thankfull namely hartelye to say God be thanked A sweete sauour no doubt it is in the nostrelles of hys heauenly Maiestie and an acceptable sacrifice Chrisostome also willeth vs to giue thanks vnto the Lord and to blesse him yea although euill chaunces happen vnto vs and then shal those euills be taken away and on the contrary as it must needes follow he saies that if prosperous thinges happen vnto vs and we continue vnthankfull our prosperitie shalbe turned in to aduersitye So pure a balme and sweete odoure is giuing of thankes that the Lord taketh it as a moste acceptable recompence for all his benefites which as wee can not otherwise deserue let vs continually say the name of God be praysed Although it bea terme sometimes vsed of the wicked who haue their reward
that it often happeneth whē we think least thereon it commeth sodamly as the lightninge and taketh vs vnwares VVherefore grant Oh GOD of my life that I may haue such continuall care foresighte and dylligent respect vnto the direction of my dealinges cogitations and wordes that I loade not my poore soule so muche with the burden of scenlesse securitye sinne and iniquitye that the bodye beeing sodainly intangled with the snare of deathe it bee carryed where there is no reste no ioye no comforte or consolation but continual mourning weeping and anguishe of minde as the Glutton spoken of in thine holy Gospell who going on blindly loosly and carelesly without regarde eyther of thee or remem braunce of his ende in moste detestable couetousnes and all kinde of wickednes was sodainly taken from hys mucke wealth which he had wrongfully gotten and myserably whorded vppe and yet denying poore Lazarus the croomes that fell and were taken from his table but was carried by the deuyll and his Angells into euerlasting and moste bitter tormentes where was weeping and gnashing of teeth Oh my sweete Lord let not mine heart be so blinded with the vale of vanitie nor nouseled in the delightes of this world so intangeled in the nette of concupiscence nor clad in the weedes of wilfull forgetfulnes of mine estate that I bee taken as the ritch man who deuising within him selfe to enlarge hys Barnes wherin he might conuey his graine so much encreasing who standing in his euill conceite of couetousnes thinking himselfe most secure was taken vnawares from his aboundaunce and left hys riches he knew not to whom Oh most gratious and most louing God a most vnhappy end wherin steed of heauenly contemplations and godly cogitations which thou requirest at al times of such as are thine but especially at the houre of death there appeared a most horrible intent of couetousnes which thou vtterly abhorrest a manifest token good Lorde of forgetfulnes of his ende and an argument that hee was the childe of Sathan But thou shewest mercye to as many as conuert and turne to thee Oh my most louing father lighten mine eyes that I sleepe not in sinne nor wander in darknes according to the will of the fleshe that I fall not vnawares into the dungion of distruction death and hell but make me alwaies ready and willing to come vnto thee euen with desire when it pleaseth thee to call me by laying thy hande by any plague or sicknes vpon me let me not drawe me as it were backwarde when thou inuitest me to the sweete banquet of thine heauenly kingdome as by the worde and gospell preached and reueiled vnto vs which is an especiall calling vs or when I feele my selfe distempered greeued or vexed with any kinde of sicknes plague or disease which is another of thy callinges and an especiall warning that we must dye or when by course of time in extreame age wee may imagine our ende to be neere but Lord when I am at my dayly busines and laboure when I eate or drinke when I am in my best temperature health in childehoode and young yeeres at all times and in all places giue me grace to thinke that death standeth at mine elbowe alwayes ready to strike mee that I sleepe not in sinne and securitie till the time sodainly come of my departure and so be taken vnprouided and perish withour repentaunce who can perswade him selfe to liue long and see many daies especially in daungerous and contagious times of sicknes and seeing so many examples dayly to the contrary euen in the most temperate time of health some we see at their Mothers pappes by humaine indgement likely to liue sodainely to giue vppe the ghoste some in theyr youth some in middle yeeres yea when grauest experience aboundeth to be sodainly called away to be no more seene Al which notwithstanding Oh Lord such is the blindnes of our nature that we think this world a cōtinual being for vs and couer euen with greedines to see many dayes where we heape sinne vpon sinne to the ouerburdening of our poore soules seldome or not at all thinking to dye Graunt sweete Lorde that as I desire to liue so I may haue a greater desire to liue well that I may make an happy ende abandoning all feare of death that the cogitation thereof may dwell in peace with in the mansion of mine heart and when it shall approche neere vnto me I flie not from it but may goe foorth with ioy to meete the same considering that it is a meane to ende my cares and to begin my ioy it is the finishing of sorrow and enteraunce into blisse which made thy seruaunt Paule to say That he desired to be deliuered of the burden of this life and to be with thee where is nothing but ioyes vnspeakable and contrarie heere on earth nothing but care and woe which mooued thy seruaunt Iob to call this life a warfare and this world a wildernes and vale of misery where is nothing but conflictes betweene the flesh and the spirite dayly increase of sinne and continuall care of vanities Oh good God giue vs carefull hearts to loue thee while we liue heere giue vs continual feare vnfeyned zeale perfit faith godly care to doo good to all men and earnest desire to come vnto thee who art the ende of all trouble and laboure and the beginning of ease the ende of strife and the beginning of peace the ende of all misery and the beginning of all blisse wherevnto sweete Lord graunt that with vnseyned desi●e we may faithfully endeuour our selues to come and to take possession of that thy most glorious kingdome where thy sonne is gonne before to direct vs the way and where thou sittest to iudge according to euerye mans desertes making all those that thou findest with the Lampe of true faith burning in their harts partakers of the euerlasting ioyes thereof In number of whome Oh sweete Lord accept me heere that I may appeare among them in the world to come through Iesus Christ our Lorde in whose name I commend my selfe into thy handes to liue for euer in thee sweete God Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth A short prayer to the like purpose OH God in whose handes consisteth the life of all mankind for thy Sonne Jesus Christes sake vouchsafe to giue me grace to sett before mine eyes as a most certaine mark where vnto this frayle body of mine must tende it selfe the Image of that which is to the faythfull the ende of payne and beginning of pleasure the ende of misery and beginning of blisse but to the secure and careles the ende of their pleasures and beginning of eternall paynes Ueuchsafe me therefore earnest desire of seruing thée and leading my life according vnto thy will that whē so euer it pleaseth thee to call me I be not through feare striken with doubt of condemnation but euen at my laste gaspe through vnfayned faith in Jesus Christ may take
wrongfull dealinges and euill imaginations and plant in steede thereof humility ius●●ce and ●●leyned good will and helpe one towardes another Let not sathan rule let not the flesh p●●●ai●e against the spirit let not the world beguile vs who are our enemies our mortall enemies most strong 〈…〉 ost weake in so much as they are not so ready to encounter with vs as wee are ready to yeeld they are most pollitique we most ignoraunt forgiue vs Lord forgiue vs for thy son Iesus Christes sake strengthen vs good Lord strēgthē vs with thy grace we haue erred we haue doon amisse we haue followed too much the will of sathā we haue yeelded too much to the motions of the flesh and too much embraced the pleasures of thys world whereby we haue lost the most sweete comfort of thy celestiall promises who hast sayd that who so obeyeth thy voyce in keeping and fulfilling thy Lawes shall be most blessed yea in al his wayes in his going foorth and comming in and in al thinges which he taketh in hand Oh sweete Lord howe can we therefore but lament our estates how can we but sigh and sorrow that wee haue made forfeyture of so many and so sweete blessings and incurred the penalty of infinite curses of thine by disobeying thy will and precepts which thou mioynedst vs in all thinges to fulfill and obserue Vouchsafe good Lorde vouchsafe of thy mercye for Iesus Christes sake to turne away thine heauy displeasure and punishment which we haue deserued that they lighte not vpon vs for our misdeedes Blot out all our iniquities lay not our vnrighteousnes our vnthākfulnes and wilfull rebellion against thee to our charge for if thou shouldest Lord what should become of vs what might we looke for ●as our ●●●st rewarde but death and damnation Oh Lord we doo confesse that for so sundry and bountifull beuefits receiued at thine handes such is our corruption that we doo not onely take them without thankes vse them without feare but moste foolishly and wrongfully attribute the gift thereof to some creature and cast the pray se vpon him or els we receiue them as giuen by fortune and take not onely the due honour from thee but make the creature the Author of that that commeth onely from thee the onely creator and giuer of all thinges Oh most sweete Lord such is our ignoraunce such is our blindnes and such is the error that resteth and remaineth in vs from Adam through our voluntary blindnes which though we imbrace thou offerest light we refuse the same we are ignorant thou giuest wisedōe we neglect the same we go astray thou callest vs but we refuse to come Lord wee are like the vntamed Heyser which resuseth the yoke wee are like the deafe Adder which resuseth to heare the voice of the Charmer charme he neuer so wisly we harden our hearts as the Adamant we will not receiue thy gentle callinges thy fatherly admonitions and louing corrections Thou commaundest vs to cast away the darknes of ignoraunce and to put on the light of thy Gospell but wee stoppe our eares we refuse to heare opening our eares to pleasures and fyxing our eyes vppon vanitye erring in the pathes of vngodlines drinking the puddelles of iniquity and dispising the sweete water of life Our heartes are alwayes ready to embrace delightes and fantasies vtterly dispising nurture correction and knowledge we remember the time present the time past for which we haue to aunswer the time to come in which we must aunswer Good Lord we think not on we consider not that our time is like the flowre of the fielde to day fresh and fayre to morrow cut downe dryed vppe and withered we conceiue not that we passe as dooth the shaddowe and vanish as the bubble of water as the smoake and waues of the sea Oh Lord notwithstanding all this we folishly deferre thamendment of our liues vpon hope of thy long sufferaunce and consider not that thy wrathe commeth sodainly wee consider not the sodaine death of sundry beeing nowe most lusty gaye and strong and by and by dead and layde with the substaunce of theyr owne flesh euen the earth where the wormes possesse that that they so da●ntily fedde with sundry fine delicates clothed with nice mōstrous and gorgious sutes of apparrell sumptuous attyre broidered heire and setled thēselues in s●ately high houses euen to the skies theyr soules departing with the glutton where is not water to coole the heate of thy displeasure against them Oh Lord thou laughest at our vanitie yet most sorrye to see vs so ledde by the direction and hand leading of sathan whose desire is to deuoure if he could euen thy chosen ones Thou wouldest not that we should perish thou desirest rather that we should conuert liue thou reioysest not at the death of a sinner but there is great ioy in heauen of his repētance where vnto though louingly thou cal vs we goe still in our wickednes Thou gyuest vs knowledge of thy will by preaching and thine omnipotencie thou manifestest by thy creatures bothe in the firmament aboue and in the earth and Sea belowe But we vnderstand it not we beare it not away we consider it not The good which we should doo we doo not but the euil which we should not that we greedelie followe notwithstanding all which our corruption our disobedience and wilfull wickednes thou of thy mercy aboundaunt so intirely louest vs that thou gauest thine onely begotten sonne to suffer the most shame full death of the crosse for vs and hast sette him as equall with thy selfe euen at thine owne right hand to the ende he might make continuall intercession for vs vnto thee and that through him we might haue attonement with thee and accesse vnto thee for euer VVretched sinners that we are if we by our wickednes rebellion and loosenes of life loose so great a benefit which he so deerely purchased for vs euen thy woonted mercy and louing fauour and make of none effect his dying for vs what remaineth for vs but the most fearefull sentence of iudgement in the day when all secretes shall be opened and euery man receiue according to his deserts to whom thou wilt say Goe yee cursed into the flames of eternall fire prepared for the deuill and his Angels which neuer shall be quenched where shall be continuall weeping wayling anguish and gnashing of teeth when we shalbe neither our selues able to pleade to the contrary nor haue any aduocate to gaine saye thee in thy iustice Then shall we be sory then shall we lament but too late Then shall wee heare the most comfortable entertainment of the godly whē thou shalt say Come yee blessed possesse yee the kingdome prepared for you frō the beginning where shalbe nothing but ioy without ceasing continual gladnes comfort and vnspeakable consolations euen for such as clothed thee fedde thee lodged thee and visited thee beeing in prison Them shalt thou embrace them shalt thou meete in