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A02793 Two godlie and learned sermons, preached at Manchester in Lancashire before a great audience, both of honor and vvoorship. The first, containeth a proofe of the subtill practises of dissembling neuters, and politique worldlings. The other, a charge and instruction, for all vnlearned, negligent, and dissolute ministers: and an exhortation to the common people, to seeke their amendment, by prayer, vnto God. By Simon Harward, preacher of the woord of God, and Maister of Arte, late of Newe Colledge in Oxfoord. Harward, Simon, fl. 1572-1614. 1582 (1582) STC 12924; ESTC S112568 108,746 262

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to be in all the Ministers of Christ to haue a zealous and a tender care of the Church of God which Christ hath purchased with his moste precious bloud and therefore our Sauiour dooth héere commaund his seuentie Disciples that in all their prayers they should not haue so much respect vnto themselues as vnto the Haruest of the Lorde and biddeth them pray the Lord of the Haruest to sende foorth labourers into his Haruest And this is the dutie not onely of the Minister but generally of all men Psal 137.5.6 to pray for the peace of Ierusalem and the prosperous estate of the Church of God Ephe. 6.19 to pray for the Ministers that vtteraunce may be giuen vnto them that they may opē their mouthes bouldly to publish the secret of the Gospell to pray 2 Thes 3.1 that the word of God may haue free passage and be glorifyed among them to pray for their Pastors Colos 4.3.4 that God wyll open vnto them the doore of vtteraunce that they may so speake the Misteries of Christ as it becommeth them to speake to pray with Dauid that the Lord will be fauourable vnto Sion Psa 51.18 and build vp the walles of Ierusalem And finally to praye heere with the seuentie Disciples that the Lord of the Haruest will send foorth labourers into his Haruest and this shall euery one of you performe a great deale more carefully if ye will call to minde either the great comfort which commeth vnto you by the paines of faithfull Labourers or els the miserable estate that ye stande in if ye want these Labourers For first what greater comfort can there be to a trauayler béeing in a straunge place and among his enemyes then to be well armed and to haue a good weapen to defēd him Neither can there be any greater comfort to vs that Psalm 39.12 are straungers and Pilgrimes in this vale of misery and continually assaulted with most cruell enemies the world the flesh and the Deuill then to be well weaponed with the sworde of the spirite Ephe. 6.17 Hebru 4.12 the word of God which shall cut downe sinne in vs and enter thorough euen to the deuiding a sunder of the soule and of the spirite of the ioyntes and of the marrowe Then we ought alwayes to pray with Dauid I am a straunger vpon earth Psal 119.19 O hide not thy commaundement from me What greater comfort to a man which walketh in darkenesse and in a daingerous place Ephe. 5.8 Psa 119.105 2. Pet. 1.19 Ephe. 5.8 then to haue a light to be brought vnto him Neither can there be anye greater comforte to vs which of our selues are nothing but darkenesse as Paule saythe then to haue the worde of God a Lanterne to our feete and a Candle shining in a darke place whereby we may be made light in the Lorde and walke as the children of light What greater ioye vnto a poore man then to shrowde himselfe vnder the winges of some Nobleman or Gentleman and to weare his Liuerie and Cognisance neyther can there be any greater ioye to a true Christian then to weare the Badge of a Christian which is a zeale to heare the worde of God Iohn 8.47 1. Ioh. 4.6 Iohn 10.27 that hearing Gods worde he may be knowne to be of God and hearing the voyce of Christ may be knowne thereby to be one of the Sheep of Christ and therefore such a one as cā neuer perrish There is no man but he would willingly be reconciled to his Landlorde or any other which is able to hurt either his body or goods The Gospell of Christ is called 2. Cor. 5.19 Math. 10.28 the worde of reconciliation whereby we are reconciled to him which is able to destroy bothe body and soule and cast bothe into Hell lier No man but he would willingly be saued Iam. 1.21 Rom. 1.16 Isa 12.3 it is called the worde of saluation which is able to saue our soules and therfore we ought with ioy to draw water out of the Wels of saluation as the Prophet speaketh ther is no mā but he would willingly be preserued frō errours falshood it is called 2. Cor. 6.7 Iohn 17.17 the word of truth No mā but if he haue any sparkle of grace he would willingly be deliuered frō the bondage of sinne iniquitie It is the Law of God Psal 19.7.11 119.9 which is perfect conuerteth the soule the Testimony of the Lord is sure giueth wisdom vnto the simple by thē is the seruāt of God made circūspect by teaching improouing 2. Tim. 3.16 correcting instructing they make the mā of god absolute perfect in al good works There is no mā but if he haue enemies suing him at Lawe for a péece of Land he would gladly haue the aduise of good and learned Counsellers our enemyes séeke to pluck from vs the kingdome of Heauen and therefore our delight ought to be in the statues of God for they are our Counsellers Psal 119.24 saith Dauid if we haue any suite we are desirous to know the end how that iudgement shall passe Christ saithe If any man receiue not my woords Ioh. 12.48 Sermo quem loquutus sum iudicabit eum in nouissimo Die the word which I haue spoaken shall iudge him the last day There is no man but if his Father haue made a Will and Testament and therein bequeathed vnto him any worldly goods or possessions he wyll read the Will ouer and ouer againe to see what his father hath bequeathed vnto him But the Minister dooth bring vnto you not the Testament of any mortal man but the Will and Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ Rom. 11 27. 2. Cor. 3.6 Hebru 8.8 9.15 1. Pet. 1.18 wherein he hath bequeathed vnto you not temporall riches but the euerlasting ioyes of Heauen purchased not with Siluer nor Gould but with his owne precious bloud How much more then ought ye to héere marke and commit vnto me morie this Will and Testament of our Lorde and redéemer When the Market day commeth that we must prouide for foode and rayement for our bodyes we wyll applye it dilligently to our great costes and charges Behoulde the Lorde hath appointed many dayes especially the Sabbaoth dayes to be the Market dayes of our soules wherein we may fréely prouide for some thing to the nourishment and comforte of our soules What a great care then ought wee to haue to resort vnto the Church Apoc. 3.18 Isa 55. ● to buy Gould tryed by the fier that we may be riche and white rayment that we may be cloathed and as the Prophet saythe to buie Wyne and Mylke without Siluer and not so to care for the body which shortly shall be Wormes meate that we haue no care of the soule which shortly shall be in the companye of Angels There is none of vs but he would willingly conceaue some hope of eternall life and
with the vnbeléeuers thou shalt be cast as an vnprofitable seruaunt Mark 9.44 Ezech. 34.1 1. Cor. 9.16 Luk. 16.26 Apoc. 14.11 into vtter darkenesse where shall be weeping gnashing of teeth where the worme neuer dyeth and the flame neuer goeth out where woes thou shalt finde on euery side and nothing but woes and of all woes this is the greatest that there shal be no ende of thy woes Where thou shalt alwaies consume and yet neuer be consumed alwayes burne and yet neuer be burnt away alwayes die and yet neuer giue ouer to death but haue paines vnquencheable intollerable easelesse endlesse and hopelesse from the which the Lord of his infinite mercy for his sonne Christ his sake deliuer vs all and giue vs grace so to vse our Talents in this vale of miserie that when our accompts shal be made we may be founde acceptable in his sight and héere that ioyfull saying O ye good and faithfull seruaunts Math. yee haue beene faithfull in little I wil make you Maysters of much enter into the ioyes of your Lorde come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome prepared for you frō the beginning of the world Thus deerely belooued ye see the thyrde propertie which is required in him that shall labour in the Lords Haruest that Luk. 12.46.45 he must be dilligent and that if he let any perish for want of foode then doth he smite his fellow seruaunts and murder them with a murder which before God is of all others most horrible and therefore if when we haue murdered a man although it be but by chaunce medley yet the remembraunce of it dooth gréeue vs vexe vs terrifie vs torment vs and make our flesh to quiuer shake and tremble how much more ought ye to auoyde the wilfull murder of so many thousand soules which perishing by your wilful negligence and ignoraunce 2. Thes 1.8.9 because they know not God are thrown headlong into euerlasting perdition and if the bloud of mē that are slaine béeing behoulden with the eies of the body dooth moue pitty and compassion howe much more ought it to gréeue the eyes of your hearts and spirits to sée the bloudshed of the soules 2. Sam. 22.15 which bringeth death eternall When Dauid in the Haruest time being in the Caue of Adullam did greatly longe to drinke of the water of Bethlehem sayd O that some man would giue me to drinke of the waters of Bethlehem there could not well any water be fetched because the Garrison of the Philistines which were Dauids enemies were then in Bethlehem Notwithstanding when thrée of Dauids mighty Captaines saw how greatly their King lōged for that water they valiauntly brake thorough the Hoaste of the Philistines and drew water out of the Wel of Bethlehem and brought it vnto Dauid when Dauid sawe what they had done he refused to drinke of it and sayde O Lord be it farre from me that I should doo this Is not this the bloud of the men which went in daunger of their liues And so he would not drinke of it but powred it out for an offering vnto the Lorde Now if Dauid would not drinke once of the water of Bethlehem because it was brought vnto him with the ieopardie of thrée mens liues how much lesse ought ye not onely to eate and drinke but also to cloathe your selues yea and delight your selues in pastimes and plesures not once but euery day not with the daūger of thrée mens liues but with the manifest murder of so many hundred soules And therefore as in the Solemnization of Matrimonie in this Church of Englande the Minister dooth firste charge the parties that are to be maried as they will aunswer at the dreadfull day of iudgement when the secrets of all hearts shall be opened that if either of them doo knowe in themselues any impediment why they may not lawfully be joyned together in Matrimonie that they confesse it Euen so I am to charge you before the Lord Iesus Christ and as you will aunswer at his appearaunce that if any of you doo know in your selues any secret impechment that either ye want the inward calling not to respect the liuing but to doo good in the Church of God or els that ye haue not the giftes of Nature fitte for that function or that yee feele not your selues so mortified with the spirite of sanctification that ye haue good hope to liue according to your profession to despise the worlde and painefully to discharge your duties that ye vtter it or at the least wise withdrawe your selues from rashelye entring into so high a calling Otherwise assure your selues that ye doo nothing els but plucke the vengeaunce of God vpon your owne heads But some of you say that ye haue no other way to liue and therefore vnlesse ye ●e nows made Ministers ye must néedes he brought to extreame beggerie I aunswer Ps 33 19. 34 8. 112.1 ● 3 that if the Lord be willing to deliuer you from pouertie he is able to deliuer you and he will deliuer you by a farre more lawfull meanes if ye will serue him and feare him 1 Tim. 1.5 1. Pet. 3.16.21 Tit. 1.15 and although he should neuer bring you out of it yet how much better were if for you to liue here in perpetuall begger is with a quiet conscience then with the best benefice in this Realme to haue a hell in your consciences in this worlde and euerlasting death in the worlde to come for then Mar. 8.36.37 what will it profit a man to win the whole world and loose his own soule or what shall a man giue for his soule ye must remember the counsell which Paul giueth to Timothie 1. Tim. 5.22 Psalm 38.4 not to be partakers of other mens sinnes our own sinnes are a burthen too heauie for vs to beare and altogether intollerable then what a desperate case are we in if we doo also charge and loade our selues with a heape of sinnes committed by other men Ezech. 3.18 whose bloud must be required at our hands if they be not dilligently lye warned and reclaymed from their wickednes that they may repent liue The fourth propertie which must be in the labourer is that he labour with bothe hands that is both with life and doctrine for otherwise if he be painfull in teaching and haue no care to expresse the same in life and conuersation then dooth he but build with the one hand and pluck downe with the other with the one hand he gathereth together and with the other hand he scattereth abroade and then he is no good labourer in the Haruest of the Lorde and therefore Saint Paul biddeth Timothy 1. Tim. 4.15 Act. 20.28 take heede vnto himselfe and to his doctrine and continue therein for in so dooing he should saue himselfe and thē that heard him And he willeth Titus Tit. ● 7 abooue all things to shew himselfe an ensample
be punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of God and from the glory of his power great cause ye haue to lift vp your harts vnto the Lord earely and late and continually to praye vnto the Lorde of the Haruest to sende foorth labourers into his Haruest and not onely to praye for labourers but also to praye that the labours and paines of the labourers may be profitable vnto you Actes 16.14 For except the Lorde doo open the hart of Lydia she cannot so much as marke those things which Paul speaketh Neither can the word of God any thing profit you vnlesse with the planting of Paul 1. Cor. 3.6 and watering of Appollo God doo giue the increase and as the Prophet saith Ezech. 11.19 put a new spirit within your bowels and take away your stonie hearts and giue you hearts of flesh And therfore whensoeuer the séede of Gods word is sowen in your hearts praye vnto God that he will so water it with the dew of his holy spirit that it may take such déepe roote that Sathan be neuer able to plucke it awaye assuring your selues that the Diuill dooth goe about nothing so dilligently as to keepe you in ignoraunce and blindnesse 〈◊〉 and to snatche the seede of the worde Luke 8.12 out of your heartes least ye should beleeue and be saued When a mā hath taken away the weapon from his enemy then may he worke his pleasure and use him as he will Euē so if Sathan can pluck away our weapon The sworde of the spirit out of our hands then may he handle vs as he wil when we know not the trueth Ephe. 6.17 he may intangle vs in his snares at his owne will drawe vs vnto all wickednesse and mischiefe 1 Tim. 2.25.26 and therefore his chéefe endeuour hath euer béene to kéepe the people vnarmed and to maintaine his Bulwarke of ignoraunce blindenesse for this cause he sendeth his Messengers to sowe this doctrine in the hearts of men that Ignoraunce is the mother of deuocion that the Bible ought to be lockt vp and nothing to be heard but the traditions of his sonne the Pope that it is Heresie to heare the word of God that the people may indeede come to the Church to be Christened to be Maryed and to be buryed but in no case to pray or to heare the Gospell of Christ And thus the God of this world hath blinded their eies that 2. Cor. 4.4 the light of the glorious gospell of Christe which is the Image of God should not shine vpon thē Others thinke that if they come to the Church orderly customably to pray that then they haue gon far enough as for hearing the worde of God they make small accompts of it therefore if they can get such as can read thē morning euening prayer they care for no other labourers in the Haruest But these doo not consider that which Salomon saithe Hee which turneth awaye his eare from hearing the law euen his praier shal be abhominable Prou. 28.9 although hee patter vp neuer so many prayers yet vnlesse he shew therwithall a zeale to héer the word of God his praier is abhominable in the sight of God this is a plague of all plagues that that prayer whereby we should aske all good things at Gods hands that prayer shall be come abhominable An other spiritual plague is the taking away of the foode of our soules and the depriuing vs of the Gospell of Christ which the Lorde dooth threaten to all the contemners of his word Amos. 8.11 Behould the dayes come sayth the Lorde God that I will send a famine in the Lande not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but a famine of hearing the worde of God and they shall wander from the North vnto the West from one Sea to another they shall runne too and fro to seeke the worde of God and shall not finde it Math. 21.43 And Christ dooth threaten the Iewes that for their vnthankfulnesse the kingdome of God the preaching of the Gospell should be taken from them and giuen to an other nation which should bring foorth the fruite thereof And surely if we consider our owne vnthankfulnesse in this Realme of England we shal be compelled to confesse that we haue deserued long a go to haue this plague to be brought vpon vs that the worde of God should be taken from vs and giuen to an other nation which shall bring forth the fruite therof For what one among a thousande hath any care for the heauenly foode of his soule what one among a thousand doth praye earnestly to the Lord of the Haruest to sende foorth labourers into his Haruest Naye we are rather glutted with it it is but a vile meate thinke we Numb 11.5 we had rather returne into Aegipt to feede on our Onyons Leekes and Garleeke then to taste of the sweet Manna the worde of the euerliuing God Iohn 1.10 The light came into the world and men looued darkenesse more then light The Lorde of his aboundant mercy Luk. 19.42.44 open our eyes that we may once sée those things which belong to our peace and know the time of our visitation that by our vnthankfulnes wee neuer deserue to haue the glorious Gospell of Christ to be taken from vs. Alas déere brethren we consider not the heauie iudgements of God which hange ouer our heads and shall moste certainely be powred vpon vs vnlesse we repent vs of this our vnthankfull contempt of the word of God It did nothing gréeue the Sodomites Gen. 19.16 when Lot was departed from them The olde world made no accompt of it Gen. 7.1 when Noah the Preacher of righteousnesse went from them entered into the Arke Amo● 7.10 Exod. 32.6 1. Cor. 10.17 All the lande of Iurie was not able to abide the words of Amos when Moses was away then were the people of Israell all merry they sate downe to eate drinke and rose againe to playe And so also it is with vs we rather wish that these labourers which we haue already should be taken away then that the number of them should be increased we had rather haue their absence then their presence their roome then theyr cōpany But I beséech you consider how in the end they were all most miserably plagued The Sodomites with fier brimstone from Heauen The old world with the floud ouerwelming the whole earth Exod. 32.27 2● The Isralits with a lamentable murther staying euery man his brother and euery man his companion and euery man his neighbour The Iewes with a miserable captiuity in Babilō for the cause of their destruction was onely the despising of the Prophets of God as the Lord sheweth by his Prophet Ierm 29.18 I wil persecure them with the sworde and I will make them a terrour for all Kingdoms of the earth and a curse and astonishment and an
all excusable And secōdly by the lawe of nature which God hath ingrafted in their hearts their owne consciences eyther accusing or excusing them The Iewes he condempneth by the written lawe of God which they read and heard continuallie yet not withstanding were daylie transgressours of the same so that they which were without the lawe did perish without the lawe and they which were vnder the lawe were iudged by the lawe and therefore that bothe Iewes and Gentiles were all sinners and depriued of the glorie of God were iustified fréely by grace through the redemptiō that is in Christ Iesus which he prooueth bothe by the ensample of Abraham who about fouretéene yéeres before he was circumcized was counted iust only by faith and by the sentence of Dauid who pronoūceth That man only blessed whose iniquities are for giuen whose offences are couered and to whome the Lorde dooth not impute his sin Afterward he maketh a comparisō of Christ with Adam of Death with Life of the Lawe with Grace In the sixt Chap. he descendeth from Iustification to Sanctification shewing them by an argument taken of Baptisme That they which were baptized in Christe were baptized into his death And therefore as Christe was raysed vp from the dead by the glorie of God the Father so they also should walke in newnesse of life not giuing their members seruaunts to vncleannes and iniquitie but making them seruants to righteousnes and holines of life Which that they might the better doo he sheweth them in the next Chapter of the right vse of the Lawe and of the bent ready will which euerie Christian ought to haue to the vttermost of his power to performe the law of God and with the vertue of his spirit to striue against the flesh And then he setteth downe the conclusion of the first part of his Epistle next after his salutation to wit That there is no condempnation to them which are in Christ Iesu which walk not after the flesh but after the spirit because the spirite of adoption which they haue receyued in their harts wherby they cried Abba Father dooth so seale in them the hope of euerlasting life that nothing ●s able to seperate thē frō the loue of God which is in Iesus Christe their Lord. Now in the thrée Chapters following the .9.10 ● 11 He disputeth Of the iust reiecting of the Iewes and of the free calling of the Gentiles Wherein after that he hath in the last Chapter layde downe the foundation thereof in the frée election purpose of God Who will haue mercy on whome he will haue mercie and whome he will he hardeneth and dooth of the same lūpe of clay make some vesselles of honour some of dishonor some vesselles of mercy to shewe foorth his goodnesse and some vesselles of destruction to be glorified in his power Now in this tenth Chapter least God should séeme vniust in reiecting those whome he had ordained to be vessels of wrath He sheweth an other seconde cause of the casting away of the Iewes because they were ignoraunt of the righteousnes of God and went about to establish their owne righteousnes and would not submit them selues to the righteousnes of God And because the Apostle S. Paul did long for nothing so much Rom. as that Israel might be saued so that for their sakes he desired to be seperated from Christe for his brethren which were his kinsmen according vnto the flesh He therefore beginneth héere to instruct them in the faith of Christe teaching them That Christe was the end of the lawe for righteousnes vnto al beleeuers And shewing them that the promise of God in Deuteronomy Deut. 30.14 The woord is verie neere vnto thee euen in thy mouth and in thy heart for to do it Was it therfore spoke because they were not able of them selues to performe the ●awe of God and to obtaine righteousnes thereby but that in that place God dooth signifie the woord of faith which we doo preache which is néere vnto thée in thy mouth and in thy heart for If thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and beleeue in thine hart that God raised him againe from the dead thou shalt be saued In which péece of Scripture we haue two thinges to consider first That we are iustified only by faith in the death and resurrection of Christ Iesus Secōdly That we must shewe foorth the fruite of our faith to confesse him with our mouthes But because the confession of our mouthes is first set downe in this place as well in the sentence of Paul and also in the woords in Deuteronomy The woord 〈◊〉 neere vnto thee euen in thy mouth and ●n thy heart I haue thought it best at this ●me to followe the same order which the ●oly Ghost dooth vse in this place and to speake first Of the fruite of confession And secondly Of the tree of faith rooted and grounded vpon the death and resurrection of Christe Rom. 10.9 If thou shalt with thy mouth cōfesse the Lord Iesus c. The Apostle beginneth héere first with the Mouth because the Tongue is one of the principallest partes of mans body as S. Iames sayth If a man sinne not in woord he is a perfect man able to bridle the whole body For if the tongue be well vsed he compareth it to a little bit which ruleth the Horse be he neuer so fierce vntamed and to a rudder which though it be small yet it gouerneth the huge Ships béeing tossed assaulted with many blustering stormes and tempests But if it be ill vsed he sayth It is a world of wickednes it defileth the whole body it setteth a fire the course of nature and is it selfe set on fire of hell And therfore Anacharsis the Philosopher béeing asked What was the best wholsomest part of any thing and what the wurst and most vnholsome When it was thought that he would haue made aunswer of two seuerall partes to a double question he aunswered in one single woorde saying The Tongue Because béeing well vsed it is of all partes of mans body the best and on the other side béeing yll vsed the wurst and therefore if we imagine the case ●o be thus that we should carie about with vs two boxes whereof the one conteyneth most deadlie Poyson and the other a soueraigne Remedy against all diseases what great héede would we take vnto them least if the one of them should run out we should be most daungerouslie infected or if any of the other should be spilt we should loose so precious a Iewel In the Tongue there is bothe there is venemous Poyson and there is also a soueraigne Medicine for all infirmities and maladies and therefore what great care ●ought we to haue least eyther by abusing it we be infected or otherwise by out negligence loose the right vse thereof To rehearse all the poysons of the Tongue as Rayling vaine babling filthy talke lying slaundering cursing
the prayse of men more then the prayse of God Thou art peraduēture ashamed to séeme holy before a cōpany and great assemblie but the holie Scripture sayth Mark 8.38 that Whosoeuer shall be ashamed of Christe and of his woords among this adulterous sinfull generation of him shall the sonne of man be ashamed also when he commeth in the glorie of his Father with his holie Angelles Thou art afeard least thou shalt be mocked and scorned of wicked worldlinges I aunswer with the Apostle that If thou seeke to please men Gal. 1.10 thou canst neuer be the seruaunt of Christe And therefore whosoeuer for feare of man doth hold his peace in such offences the woorde of God dooth testifie against the thoughts of his heart that he looueth the prayse of mā more then the glorie of God and who soeuer for feare of daunger ensuing dooth refuse to confesse the Lord Iesus with his mouth he hath his damnation pronounced that the sonne of God shall neuer confesse him before his father and before his holie Angelles in Heauen And therfore 1. Tim. 6.12 ●f euer we looke to fight the good fight of faith or to lay holde on eternall life we must also professe a good profession before many witnesses A carnall man may thinke it a small offence to dissemble with the mouth that a man may so dissemble with the tongue that notwithstanding the heart maye be kept faithfull vnto God But we must take héede that we deceiue not our selues nor suffer our selues to be deceyued with such fonde imaginations There are many sinnes which séeme vnto vs to be of ●mall waight because eyther we haue no faith to beléeue the woord of God or else we iudge of them according to the corrupt affection of our flesh but if we could iudge according to the iudgement of the spirite of God we should finde that those sinnes which we estéeme light are most gréeuous ●nd abhominable in the sight of God We must take héede least the subtill Serpent ●eceyue vs as he did Adam and Eue 2. Cor. 11.3 who ●hought it could be but a small offence to ●ste of the fruite of a Trée but in the end ●hey prooued the contrarie for they were ●r this their disobedience cast out of Pa●dize a place of all pleasures into all miserie and mischéefe which they we and all posterity may for euer rue and lament We must especiallie take héede of the beginning and first entraunce of sinne for if we doo a little giue place vnto it it will shortlie after take further possession of vs. We must take heede of giuing the bridle vnto the fleshe for if it once catch the bit into the teethe and feele the bridle loose vpon the necke it will carie vs headlong into all sinne and wickednesse Deut. 5.32.33 We must take héede of going out of the way although it be neuer so little for if we once misse our way goe astray the further we goe forewarde the further we goe out of our way and the more hardly shal we returne into the way againe We must retyre from the Riuers of sinne for if we goe vp and downe careleslie in the streame of wickednesse we are likelie at the last to fall into such a whirlepoole and bottomlesse pitte of mischéefe as whosoeuer is plunged therein can not be recouered We must take héede not onelie of touching sinne but also of approching néere vnto it for it is a plague so infectious and a venim so pestilent and a disease so daungerous that although we flie from it as farre as we can it can not be but that ●e shall be some thing infected therwith Eph. 5.7.11 ●e must drawe no acquaintaunce with ●ne For if we once ioyne our selues in ●itie and fréendship with sinne it will 〈◊〉 come so familliar vnto vs that we shall ●rdlie dispatch our handes of it and ther●e if with our tongues spéech we con●nt vnto Idolatry wickednes and so af●r a sort draw acquaintaūce with it it cā●ot be but that we shall afterward grow ●to greater familiaritie with it so run ●eadlong into greater mischéefe Isa 1.21 Iere 3 1. Eze. 15.15 But that 〈◊〉 may shew you an ensample to teach you 〈◊〉 giue neither your tongue nor any part ●f your body to Idolatry to cōmit spiritu●ll fornicatiō against God cōsider I pray ●ou by what meanes an harlot dooth come 〈◊〉 the vttermost degrée of her infamie and ●bhomination She dooth not become a cōmon strūpet at ●he first day 1. Tim. 2.9 but first she beginneth to pas ●he limits bonds of that shamefastnes modesty which ought to be in a vertuous ●oman the feareth God 1. Cor. 15.33 then she delighteth ●o heare and to vtter lewde and vnchaste ●alke and to sing filthy Rimes of ribau●rie Afterwarde she taketh pleasure in ●auncing and to be conuersaūt with lusty ●onkars Eccl. 9.4.5 to féede bothe her eies with their iestures countenaunces and her eares with their lasciuious amorous spéeches And when she hath thus abandoned her tongue her eyes and her eares she is no more chaste nor holie Math. 5.28 For true chastitie must consist in the heart in the soule yea and in euerie part and member of the body After that the tongue eyes and eares are thus possessed of Satan then there follow touchinges and contractions which doo more defile her body and more inflame her vnto wickednesse And when her chastitie is thus crackt and violated hitherto then shortlie after it dooth perish altogether by most abhominable filthy fornication Notwithstanding at the beginning she hath some shame left and she dealeth as secretlie as she can to kéepe it close from the sight of men but in processe of time and by long custome of sinning this shame also falleth away by little and little so that at the last the secrete strumpet becōmeth a knowen common strumpet and hath no regarde reuerence nor feare either of God in heauen or of men in earth or of the deuilles in hell Euen so it is also in spirituall fornication A man dooth not become an open idolatours at the first but by little and little ●irst ● Tim. 3.3 4.3.4 he delighteth to heare the blasphe●ies of wicked men wherewith they ●aspheme the trueth of God and layeth ●s eares open to their lyes and forgeries ●en he giueth his tongue to slaundering ●nd giuing at the profession of the Gospel ●nd to maintaine grosse errours for dispu●ations sake Afterward he delighteth his eyes with ●he glorious shew of gylded Crosses pain●ed Images goodly Tapers precious Or●aments Coapes and Vestments and all ●he superstitious iestures vsed at the Masse ●s masking and mumming turning and ●alfe turning some times at the right side ●f the Aultar some times at the lefte some ●imes crying out some times whispering ●oftlie some times looking vp some times ●owking downe besides all their other ●oyes and foolishe iestures as twinck●ing
therefore we ought to dispense the word faithfully in season and out of season 2. Tim. 4.2 knowing that if any doo perish thorough our default a seuere accompt shall be required at our hands We are called builders to edifie build the body of Christ Isa 49.17 Ephe. 4.12 15. that is his Church and to ioyne it vnto the head Christ and therefore we muste labour painefully and take heede where we laye our foundation that we build not vpon the sand but vpon the foundatiō of the Prophets and Apostles Ephe. 2.20 Iesus Christ himselfe béeing the chiefe corner Stone We are called Luke 6.39 the leaders of Gods people to leade them into all trueth and therefore we must take héede that we haue alwayes the word of God a Lanterne to our feete and a light vnto our pathes Psal ●19 105 for otherwise if the blinde leade the blinde Math. 15.14 they shall bothe fall into the Ditche we are called Sheepeheards and Pastors and therfore we ought to feede the stock committed to our charge or otherwise there is no loue of Christ in vs. Iohn 21.15 For our Sauiour mooued the question thrife to Peter Simon thou sonne of Iona doost thou loue me his aunswer was Lord I loue thee Lorde thou knowest that I loue thee Then feede my Sheepe feede my Lambes And therefore it is vnpossible that there should be any sparckle of the loue of Christ in our hearts except we haue a care to feede those Lambes for when he shed his bloud Ezech. 34.4 to strengthen the weake to heale the sick to binde vp the broken to bring home that which is driuē away to seeke that which is lost and to defend thē frō being deuoured of the wild beasts of the field which we c●̄ neuer do vnlesse we be able to interpret the scriptures to apply them to the instruction comfort of the people therefore 〈◊〉 ●3 2 〈◊〉 2.24 Paul requireth in the Minister that he be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sit to teache al● commaūdeth Timothy to shew himselfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rightly deuiding the worde of trueth 2. Tim. 2.15 not onely and barely reading for that were to giue whole loaues vnto Children for the which they should be neuer the better but cutting and deuiding the worde of trueth Math. 4.19 Luke 5.5 and as it were breaking vnto them the bread of life We are Fishers of men and therefore we must at Christes commaundement continually let downe our Nets We are called Gods Stewards Luk. 12.42 16.1 and therefore we ought to be faithfull and wise and giue vnto the Household of God their portion of meate in due season Happy is the Seruaunt whom the Maister when he cōmeth shall finde so dooing We must euery one of vs be as it were Gen 41.57 another Ioseph that when the Aegiptians are pinched with famine they may finde reliefe at Iosephs hande The first thing then that is required in a Minister is that he haue knowledge and vnderstanding how to doo his Embassage how to feed with discretion first with Milke and thē with stronge meate how to labour in the Lords Haruest how to builde how to leade the people of God how to watch ouer them how to lighten their hearts and to season them with the knowledge of Gods holy worde The Prophet saith Math. 2.7 that the lippes of the Priest must preserue knowledge that the people may seeke the lawe at his mouth For he is the Messenger of the Lord of Hoastes and not onely should their lippes preserue knowledge but they must euen eate the rowle of Gods booke Ezech. 3.2 3. Apoc. 10.9 and fill their bowels with the volume thereof whereby is signified the profounde and deepe knowledge and inward digesting of the worde of God which ought to be in euery Minister Esai 56.10 The Prophet dooth greatly complaine of the blinde watchmen which cannot sée and the dombe Dogges which cannot barke and God denounceth a seuere iudgement against them saying Ezech. 13.3 Woe be vnto the foolish Prophets which follow their owne spirite and haue seene nothing Exod. 28.33 About the skirts of the robe of Ephod were goulden Bels alwayes sounding to signifie that the Priest wheresoeuer he went should be able to found out the worde of trueth and therefore we which are called to be labourers in the Lords Haruest to instruct the people in the worde of God Let vs first learne how we must doo it for labour wee neuer so painefully 2. Tim. 2.5 yet if wee labour not as we ought to doo our labour is all in vayne The labouring Husbandman must firste be able to choose good Seede and then to Sowe it with discrescion euen so the Minister must first be able to disseuer the trueth from falsehood light from darkenesse and meate from poyson and then to vtrer his Doctrine applying it to the profit and comfort of the hearers The Husbandman must fyrste Plowe the Soyle and bruse the Cloddes before hee commit the Séede vnto the ground euen so must the Minister fyrst bruse the cloddes and knotty affections of mens hearts by the Preaching of the Lawe and then Sowe therein the sweete promises of the glorious Gospell of Iesus Christ Some are of this iudgement that onely the lawe and the threatnings of God against sinne ought now to be preached bothe because the manners of men are growen to be so wicked and desperate that they haue néede of a sharpe and desperate remedie and also because that Christian libertie the more it is preached the more it is abused I confesse these thinges to be true and too true the Lorde be mercifull vnto vs But how so euer sinne be increased and Christian libertie abused yet good brethren we must so procéede in teaching that rather Christe be framed in the hearts then Moses and that rather by acknowledging Gods benefits men may be drawen to loue him then be driuen by feare to flie from him For if Christe doo come into our hearts it is vnpossible but that he should bring with him new vertues new actions new motions and a spirite sanctifying all thinges and where Christe is not receaued there is it in vaine to speake of any morrall vertue or vice whatsoeuer Eph. 3.17 If Christe doo dwell in our hearts by faythe then must it néedes follow that wee should bee rooted and grounded in looue and saye with the Apostle 2. Cor. 5.14.15 The loue of Christe constrayneth vs for this wee knowe that if Christe dyed for vs wee which liue should not liue vnto our selues but liue vnto him which dyed for vs and rose againe that as he gaue his body and bloud vpon the Crosse for vs so we should giue our bodyes and soules to serue him and shew our selues thankfull for the worke of our redemption knowing that he did not therefore die for vs that we should wallow in sinne and wickednesse
them the dew of his holy spirite and make them fruitefull labourers in his Haruest that they may not gather with the one hand and scatter with the other but labour profitably with bothe hands bothe with worde and life Tit. 2.7 1. Tim. 4.16 Exod. 28.3 with Vrim and Thummim with light and perfection with exhortation and conuersation And héere cōmeth in the last part which conteyneth the dutie bothe of Minister and people to flie vnto God by prayer that séeing the Haruest is great and the labourers are but few we should praye vnto the Lorde of the Haruest to sende foorth labourers into his Haruest where firste we must learne what those labourers were for whom our sauiour would haue them pray to be sent foorth into the Lords Haruest They are set downe all in one verse by Saint Paule Ephe. 4.11 some Apostles some Prophets others Euangelists others Pastors to the knitting together of the Saints to the worke of the Ministrie and to the building of the body of Christ The seauen Popish orders Then to be a labourer in the Lordes Haruest is not to chaunt and bleat in Quiers it is not to iangle the Bels and to looke to the Vestery as was in time past the office of the Porter it is not to reade and singe lessons and to hallow bread and all greene fruite as was the charge of the Reader it is not to Charme or to Coniure as was the office of the Exorcist it is not to carye Candlesticks and light Tapers as the Acolites it is not to prouide water against Masse to wash the corporasse clothes to vow chastity to giue the Chalice couer to the Deacon as the Subdeacons it is not to serue at the Altar to read the Gospell for the quick and the dead as was wickedly placed for the office of Deacons it is not to mumble vp Masses and to offer vp sacrifice for the quick and the dead as the shaueling Priests it is not to sit Imperiously with the Maiesty of a Triple Crowne and to dispose kingdoms nor to beare a Crosier staffe and blesse and challenge power to giue the holy Ghoste remit sinnes at their owne pleasure as the Pope and his Bishops it is not to weare a Cardinals Hat nor to lyue vnto themselues and their own bellies as the swimish Cloister mē Abbots Priors Munkes Friers it is not to serue mēs humors as elbow Chaplaines but to be a labourer in the Lords Haruest is Phil. 2.25 Act. 14.14 1. Cor. 11.4 Actes 13.1 Actes 21.8 2. Tim. 4.5 to feede the flocke of Christe with the heauenly foode of his blessed worde as did the Apostles Prophets and Euangelists in the primitiue Church as is now required of Pastors such Elders or Bishops which are appointed as watchmē ouer certain flocks congregations to rule and gouerne the same by the preaching of the Gospell Tit. 1.5.7 Actes 20.28 by the administring of the Sacraments by the exercising of Ecclesiasticall discipline of the Doctors whose charge is especially to expound the right sence vnderstāding of the Scriptures to instruct those which are Catechumenoi in the points principles of christiā religiō But what néede we of these Pastors Doctors Obiectio 1 séeing that the holy ghost is promised to be our Doctor Iohn 16.13 Ioel. 2.28 to leade vs into all truth I answer that although it be the peculiar office of the holy Ghost to lighten vs within to lead vs into all trueth yet the outward Ministerie of the word is necessary because God vseth the same as an inferiour a secōdary mean to bring vs therunto The light of the sū cā nothing helpe blinde eyes nor the lowdenes of the sound profit deafe eares no more cā the word pearce the hardnes of the hart vnlesse it be mollified by Gods holy spirite but bothe must goe together firste to haue the eyes opened and then the Sunne to shine and giue light and therfore the spirite of God and his word are by Christ bothe ioyned together when he saithe to his Disciples Iohn 15.26 the Comforter shall come and teache you all things Quaecunque dixi vobis whatsoeuer I haue tolde you where you sée how with the working of the holy ghost he ioyneth his worde No Text no glose no Scripture no spirite What then shall we say to that place of Saint Iohn Ye knowe all things Obiectio 2 1. Ioh. 2.20.27 the annointing which ye haue receaued dwelleth with you and you neede not that any man should teache you therefore it should séeme to be néedelesse to haue any labourers in the Lords Haruest But Iohn writeth not this vnto them to signifie that they had no néede of teaching for then to what purpose should he haue written his Epistle vnto them if they had no néede of teaching but he sheweth them that they were not rude Scholers and altogether ignoraunt but well skilled and of great knowledge in the matters which he propounded vnto them and therefore that he did not so at large set foorth these points as though they were altogether vnknowne vnto them but that he did onely bring these things to minde that they might remember them as Peter saythe 2. Peter 1.12 I will not be negligent to put you alwayes in remembraunce of these things though that ye haue knowledge and be established in the present trueth Another doubt may arise of that place in Ieremie where the Lorde saithe thus Obiectio 3 And they shall teache no more euery man his neighbour Ierem. 31.34 and euery man his brother saying Know ye the Lord for they shall know me from the least euen to the greatest this is ment of the state of the Church vnder the new Testamēt therefore there néedeth no labourers in this haruest I answer that indéede God maketh there a comparison betwixt the people vnder the Lawe and the other vnder the Gospell that the light of the Gospell of Christe should be common and familiar vnto all whereas in the law it was darkely figured by tipes and shadowes But he sayeth not simplye that there shall neede no more teaching but he addeth saying Know the Lord they shall no more néede to be taught the first A.B.C. and first Principles of Christian religion Gala. 4.1 as the old fathers which were as yonge Children ignorant of the first rudiments but they shall haue greater knowledge and yet notwithstanding diligently indeuour to go forwarde more and more Isa 2.3 and say as is in the Prophet Come and let vs go vp into the Mountaine of the Lorde into the house of the God of Iacob and he will teach vs his wayes then this is a perpetuall decrée and ordinaunce of Christ vnder the Gospell that his people should be taught from time to time Rom. 10.14 that so● faithe may come by hearing and hearing by the worde preached and because none can preache vnlesse