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A16859 The Christians guide For his better, and more comfortable passage through the wildernesse of this troublesome world, vnto that promised rest in that heauenly Canaan, the kingdome of glory. Consisting of diuers holy meditations and prayers seruing to that purpose. Alliston, Joseph. 1614 (1614) STC 376.7; ESTC S115949 163,621 588

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him desirous to be vnloosed and to finde ease comfort and refreshing in him but their hearts are euen dead vvithin them and they are strangers from this life of grace and y Gal. 2.20 faith which is in Christ Iesus And no maruell then that there appeares in them so little or no loue of him so small desire to please him and to testifie their loue and thankefulnes vnto him by their new obedience and carefull and conscionable walking in his commandements seeing they neuer tasted fully of the sweetnesse and the exceeding ioy and comfort arising from that wonderfull benefit and vnspeakable mercie which is sealed vp to the soules and consciences of true penitent sinners and such as haue receiued Christ by a sauing faith to be their wisedome z 1 Cor. 1 30. their righteousnesse their sanctification and redemption O mercifull LORD how great is thy goodnesse and mercy towards mee that whereas thou sufferest many yea the greatest part of the world still to wander in the wayes of wickednesse and to sit in the shadow of death and darknesse eyther not seeing their misery and wofull and most wretched estate and condition or else seeing it to be so secure so carelesse and so hard-harted as not to regard it and to labour to come out of it being beguiled through the deceitfulnesse of their owne harts and the craft and delusion of Sathan yet in the vnsearchable riches of thy abundant grace and a 1 Tim. 1 14.17 mercy towards mee in Christ Iesus hast opened mine eyes vvhich before were shut vp as well as others and turned me from darkenesse to light and from the power of Sathan vnto thee my blessed Lord and Sauiour raising mee out of the graue vvherein I was dead and buryed deliuering me from the Kingdome of darkenesse and translating mee into the Kingdome of thy deare Sonne giuing me assurance of the forgiuenesse of my sinnes and a comfortable hope and expectation of that ioyfull inheritance prouided for thy Saints and chosen ones in the highest heauens What shall I returne vnto thee answerable vnto so great loue vnto such fatherly compassions and vnspeakeable mercies of thine towards me Thou mightest haue suffered mee to continue in my blindnesse and ignorance as well as others to haue beene as carelesse as secure and as hard-harted as any others and so to haue perished with them dreaming that all had beene well with me whiles I lay rotting in my naturall and corrupt estate For what am I or what haue I beene that thou shouldest respect me more then others Thou mightst for my sinnes so many and so grieuous iustly haue forsaken mee as thou hast done them But thou hast not so dealt with mee Blessed be thy name both now and euermore O touch my heart with the due meditation of this thy gracious goodnesse towards mee And teach mee daily to labour to feele this worke of thine more and more effectuall in me by renuing my repentance for my sinnes whereby I haue and doe daily and hourely displease thee in the breach of thy righteous lawes and commaundements Let me see my sinnes and transgressions and the misery vvhereunto they make me subiect and seeing them let me bewaile them yea lament and mourne for them and be truely humbled with the consideration of them Let me freely and vnfainedly confesse them vnto thee and that vvith shame and sorrow of heart And let them cause me wholly to renounce my selfe to iudge and condemne my selfe yea to abhorre my selfe and to flie vnto thee in the name of thy Sonne my blessed Sauiour in whom there is mercy and plentifull redemption b Psal 130.7 Let me hunger and thirst after his righteousnesse more then after any thing else vvhatsoeuer yea let me highly esteeme of it and make more precious account of it then of all the riches and treasures of this world desirous though with the losse of all other things to winne Christ and to be found in him clothed and couered with those precious robes of his And let me by the hand of a true sauing faith apply vnto my selfe the merits of his death and passion his righteousnesse his obedience and his full and perfect satisfaction being certainly assured that all the promises of the Gospell belong vnto me And let the knowledge and full perswasion hereof cause me to reioyce yea to glorie in thee and in this vvonderfull and vnspeakeable mercy of thine towards me euen with that ioy of thy spirit which is most glorious c 1 Pet. 1.8 and fill my heart and soule with that peace which passeth all vnderstanding And with all let it stirre me vp continually to walke before thee in all holy obedience desiring and endeauouring in all things to please thee and to approue my selfe and all my actions vnto thee dying daily more and more vnto sinne and liuing vnto righteousnesse and labouring by all meanes to bee cleansed from all filthinesse both of flesh and spirit and to grow vp to full holinesse d 2 Cor. 7 1 in thy feare that thus I may haue good euidence that I am thine that thou hast wrought thy gracious vvorke in me and wilt perfect it daily more and more till thou bringest me vnto that glory which thou hast prepared for me in thy heauenly kingdome through the merits of thy Sonne my blessed Lord and Sauiour to whom with thee and thy Spirit be all praise power and dominion both now and euermore Amen The godly man is alwaies blessed neuer miserable THe godly cannot but be alwaies blessed * Iob. 5.17 yea then when he seemes to be most miserable in the eye of the vvorld and to sense and carnall reason For when he is at the worst hee hath those things vvhich hee would haue being contented with any a Phil. 4.11 estate which the wise and gracious disposer of all things seeth fittest for him yea he cannot haue better things in regard of his present estate in this life then those things vvhich he hath and enioyeth euen then when he is laden and oppressed vvith many miseries Is he humbled through afflictions this is that which he vvould haue b Ier. 10.24 Iames 1.2 10 he had rather be continually vnder the Crosse then destitute of those excellent graces of c Rom. 5.3 patience humility d Mat. 11.29 Ioh. 12.26 without which he cannot be the disciple of Christ nor approued of God e Psal 4.6 119.13.5 of vvhom aboue all things he desires to be accepted and fauoured Is he poore he is vvell contented therewith seeing he is largely recompensed with the greater supply of those better riches * Phil. 4.19 those heauenly treasures both of grace and glory Hee would not change his portion with the greatest and richest Monarch in the world that aboundeth in worldly wealth f Psal 4.6.7 and wanteth those spirituall and heauenly treasures which he enioyeth and which shall neuer be taken from him vvhereas the
now shine so clearely so comfortably vpon vs in the face of Christ Iesus our Lord seeing that we being holden vnder sinne and Sathan and sitting in the shadow of death vvere neuer able in any wise by any meanes whatsoeuer procured by our selues or others Angels or any creature else to haue recouered our selues but should haue lyen rotting in that vvoful and damnable estate and so haue perished eternally if God of his meere loue had not vouchsafed speciall grace and fauour vnto vs and that vvhen vve were his enemies Rom. 5.10 Isay 49.9 Luke 1.79 and freed and redeemed vs from that miserable bondage and thraldome yea from the power of darknesse euen death and destruction it selfe and translated vs into that glorious libertie of his Saints in light and this by no smal or ordinarie meanes 1 Pet. 1.18 but by the shedding of the precious blood of Christ his deare son our blessed Sauiour who loued vs and according to the determinate counsell and decree of God gaue himselfe to be crucified slaine for vs euen for vs that had dealt most treacherously and rebelliously against him made our selues altogether vnworthy of the least mercy and fauour of his O mercifull God heauenly father giue me to see vvhat and how great this benefit is which I haue receiued from thee in and through thy Christ Let me euer be mindfull of it and vnfainedly thankefull vnto thee for it yea as this bountifull and inestimable goodnesse of thine towards me so sinfull a wretch and so vnworthie a creature as I am and haue beene deserueth all praise so let mee indeuour by al meanes to set forth and to publish the same vnto the glory of thy grace whereby in the riches of thy loue through thy beloued thou hast done so great and wonderfull things for me for which I can neuer be sufficiently thankefull nor returne that praise which is most due vnto thee Oh that thou wouldest draw me yet neerer vnto thee cause me euen to melt in loue towards thee my God and Sauiour and with heart voyce and life to magnifie and extoll thy name yea to giue vp my selfe both body and soule and all that is within me vnto thy seruice and to the aduancement of thy glory both now and euer Amen Thankefulnesse to God for all his fauours towards vs especially that wonderfull loue of his in our redemption IF GOD had giuen vs nothing but our being wee ought to be stirred vp with the remembrance of that alone to be thankeful vnto him and to acknowledge his mercie and goodnesse towards vs herein But now seeing that hee maketh vs Lords of all these senselesse and vnreasonable creatures Psal 8.6 whereas hee might haue made vs bruitish and voyd of sense and reason like vnto them 21. for wee were all made of the same common matter vvith them and were in his hands as the clay in the hand of the potter to bee wrought to what forme and fashion it pleased him the Creatour of all things 42. seeing he hath preferred vs before all these visible creatures making them to serue vs whereas he might haue subiected vs vnto them and in euery creature both in heauen and earth doth sparkle towards vs his loue with innumerable benefits yea which is the summe of all in Christ vpon the Crosse casts forth the flame of perfect charitie and of his infinite vnspeakeable mercie and kindnesse towards vs sure our hearts are frozen and euen dead within vs if vvee be not moued to loue him with an entire and vnfained loue How should vvee bee affected vvith these things O blessed LORD touch my heart with a true and liuely sense and feeling of the riches of that endlesse incomprehensible loue of thine towards me inlarge this narrow heart of mine that I may be able in some measure with all thy Saints to comprehend the bredth Eph. 3.18.19 length depth and height of that wonderfull and vnspeakeale kindnes of thine towards me in thy Christ which passeth all knowledge Inflame my affections with the meditation thereof and let mee be constrained thereby to loue thee with all my heart with all my soule with all my strength euer to acknowledge thy free grace and marueilous goodnes towards me and for the same to sing prayses vnto thee continually who onely art worthy to be praised and magnified now and for euer Amen Who are the redeemed of Christ THey that are Christs are led by the spirit of Christ that dwels in them rules them Rom. 8.9.14 gouernes sanctifies them thorowout It freeth them from the law of sinne and death and causeth them to liue the life of grace and holinesse Rom. 8.2 they are crucified with Christ in regard of their corrupt and fleshly nature and the sinnefull lusts and affections thereof Gal. 2.19 5.24 1 Cor. 3.16.17 2 Cor. 6.16 so that they liue not now as they did before but Christ liueth in them maketh them a mansion and a holy temple fitted and prepared for the blessed and glorious God to rest and to abide in for euermore This is a truth that the Scriptures of God haue sealed and therefore cannot be denied or once doubted of except we will giue the lie vnto the spirit of truth it selfe who hath spoken it Whose then are they that are led altogether by the spirit of the vvorld euen that vvicked spirit that worketh in the hearts of the children of disobedience by the spirit of enuie Ephes 2.2 maliciousnesse vncleannesse prophanenesse c. walking after their owne lusts following the sway of their owne corrupt and sinnefull nature and delighting in fulfilling the will of the flesh and of the minde resisting the spirit of grace and rebelling against Christ Luk. 19.14 and that light which hee hath reuealed vnto them in his word so that they will not haue him to rule ouer them Surely Luk. 19.14 1 Ioh. 3.8.10 they are exceeding blinde and marueilous full of selfe-loue and vaine presumption if they can thinke that they are Christs redeemed by his bloud and iustified by his grace nay if they can once imagine themselues to be otherwise then of Satan the god of this world such as if they continue in that estate wherein they are he will cause to be slaine before his face Luk. 19.27 Rom. 8.13 when hee shall appeare in the brightnesse of his glorie yea Psal 2.9 2 Thes 1.8 Matt. 25.46 bruise and crush them in pieces as it vvere with a rod of yron and cast them into hell where they shall be kept for euer in chaines of darkenesse with the rest of those damned spirits because they haue taken part with Sathan against Christ and shewed themselues to be enemies to him in refusing to beleeue obey his blessed Gospell Let not therefore their owne hearts which are very deceitful nor Sathan who hath beene a lyar a murtherer from the beginning deceiue delude
them any longer Iere. 17.9 Iohn 8.4 Let them know what they are and whose they are and let them as they haue cause feare and tremble whiles they thinke of it and labour by all meanes to dispossesse that euill spirit that heretofore hath had the rule sway ouer them and in stead therof to haue the holy sanctifying spirit of God dwelling and abiding in them crucifying and mortifying their wicked and corrupt nature quickening them vnto a spirituall life and leading them forward continually to the constant and conscionable practise of all the duties of righteousnesse and holinesse required of them that hereby they may haue the Lords seale set vpon them Rom. 8.14 and be marked out for the redeemed of Christ Iesus those whom he hath bought from this world and Sathan to liue with him in glorie for euer Gratious LORD as it hath pleased thee of thy free and vndeserued grace to redeeme me by the bloud of Christ my Sauiour to vnite me to him by a true sauing and iustifying faith apprehending and laying hold of his merits and absolute satisfaction for my full reconciliation vnto thee so vouchsafe also in the riches of thy mercies and for thy promise and couenant sake Ier. 32.40 Ezek. 36.26.27 made with mee in that beloued One to indue me with the spirit of Christ vnto true sanctification and holinesse both of heart of life and of conuersation poure out those cleane waters vpon my soule which may purge and cleanse me from all iniquitie let me finde the flesh daily more and more crucified in mee with the sinnefull lusts and affections thereof and let mee feele the spirit powerfull and effectuall in mee yea mightily preuailing within me to the mortifying and abolishing of the olde man of sinne and to the subduing of euery corruption especially those which heretofore haue bene the strongest in mee and had the greatest hand ouer mee as also to the quickening and increasing of euery sauing grace in mee faith loue hope ioy peace long-suffering gentlenesse goodnesse meekenesse sobrietie temperance patience godlinesse and the rest that so not onely liuing but also walking in the spirit yea hauing the spirit of thy Christ ruling and raigning in me I may be more assured daily vpon good euidence that I am not of the world nor of Sathan but that I am a true and liuely member of the mysticall body of the Lord Iesus redeemed by his pretious blood shed for mee that I am his and he is mine Cant. 2.16 Ioh. 17. ver 10.23 24. Ephes 2.6 4.10 Ioh. 14.2.3 and that together with him after a while I shall be raised vp vnto those heauenly places into vvhich hee is already ascended and where I shall enioy that blessed fellowship and communion of thee the euer-liuing God in the fulnesse of ioy and blessednesse lauding and praising thee vncessantly with all thy chosen Saints and elect Angels for euermore and that onely through the merits of my blessed Sauiour to vvhom with thee O Father and thy gracious Spirit three distinct persons but one most wise ●●d glorious God be ascribed as due is all honour might and maiestie dignitie and dominion both now and euermore Amen Hypocrisie the vanitie and danger of it HOW great is the folly of those that chuse rather to serue God in hypocrisie then in truth and sinceritie to seeme to be holy then to bee so indeed They please not God yea rather they are an abhomination vnto him Psal 5.6 his soule loaths them because they make the outward badge and cognizance of his children a cloake of their impietie and wickednesse They want that vvhich is the life of a Christian true spirituall comfort and constant and heauenly ioy Iob 20.5 They lose that blessed reward vvhich is promised vnto them and them onely that walke in vprightnesse and singlenesse of heart before him Gen. 17.1 Prou. 10.9 and that vizzard which through vanitie they haue put vpon them to delude the world withall shall at length be plucked off from their faces to their shame and perpetuall reproach and infamie For that vvhich is fained and counterfait cannot stand long Mat. 21.19 and it is a true saying Hee that begins Religion in Hypocrisie ends in Apostasie O blessed LORD let my heart be alwayes vpright before thee Let it be my desire euer rather to bee more then I seeme to bee then to seeme to bee that vvhich I am not for alas what will it auaile mee to dissemble before thee my God who art of so cleer● eyes that nothing can be couered or hid from thee Iob. 26.6 who art the seer and the searcher of the very heart and reines Heb. 4.13 Pro. 15.11 and discernest the secretest thoughts and intents of the minde and soule yea long before they are O farre be it from me to turne aside into crooked wayes vvith those that are workers of iniquitie Psal 125.5 Iob. 15.34 27.8 Matth. 24.51 23.27 whom thou hatest and to whom thou hast threatned endlesse and euerlasting destruction and confusion without recouery but let it be my continuall care and endeuour to serue thee in spirit and in trueth all my dayes and to walke continually as in thy presence seeking to please thee and to increase more and more in all the fruites of righteousnesse and perfect holinesse that so my vvhole course may bee acceptable vnto thee I may bee filled vvith the ioyes of thy spirit heere Iob. 8.21 15.11 those sweet and heauenly refreshings which the hypocrite may talke of but neuer soundly tasted of and bee crowned vvith glory heereafter in thy kingdome for euermore Amen God beareth with the frailties and weakenesses of his Children PARENTS delight in their Children not onely vvhen they are come to mans estate but also vvhen they begin first to creepe on the ground and to speake some few words in an imperfect manner And vvill GOD our heauenly Father despise the poore endeuours of his vveake and little ones Psal 119.5 vvho cry vnto him continually for strength and abilitie to performe that which hee requireth of them Rom. 7.24 and grieue yea mourne vncessantly that they are not able to walke with more stedfastnesse and sinceritie in his wayes Farre be it from vs once to thinke or imagine this for what were this else then to make the Lord lesse pittifull Psal 86 15 and 145.8 lesse tenderly affected and compassionate towards his then earthly Parents are vnto theirs the very thought whereof is no small sinne but exceeding displeasing vnto him whose loue towards his children doth infinitely surpasse and exceede the naturall affection of any Parent whatsoeuer Psal 27.10 euen as farre as the heauens exceede the earth Psal 103.11.13 their loue being but a shadow of that which is in him in an infinite and vnspeakeable manner yea what were it else then to call his truth and faithfulnesse into question and to deny
him to be that which he hath declared and reuealed himselfe to be and bound himselfe by promise Exod. 34.6.7 Mal. 3.17 to shew himselfe to be vnto his whom he hath chosen vnto himselfe and vpon vvhom his delight is set yea it were to derogate from his glory seeing he will be glorified as well in the acknowledgement of his goodnesse and mercy towards his children that feare him Pro. 8.31 as of his iustice and seueritie towards the vvicked and vngodly that know him not Blessed Lord and gracious Father thou knowest the desire of my heart Psa 119.40 thou seest vvith how many weaknesses and infirmities I am compassed about continually how many lets and hinderances are cast before me in the way of godlinesse which leadeth vnto life and saluation thou discernest perfectly vvhat I am made of Psa 103.14 how fraile and feeble my nature is euen as the dust or as the withering hay into what forme and mould I am cast yea that I am nothing without thee and thy quickening and strenthening grace ready to sinne against thee euery houre euery moment O be thou mercifull vnto me spare me as thou hast promised as a Father doth his little ones in vvhom hee delighteth Pardon my sinnes heale my infirmities accept my weake and imperfect endeuours giue me a continuall supply of thy heauenly grace and a greater measure of strength and abilitie to walke before thee vvith a perfect heart and to serue thee with chearefulnesse and alacritie and in truth and sinceritie all my dayes vntill I come at length vnto that perfection both of grace and glory whereof I shall be made partaker in thy Kingdome for euer Amen Good Motions EVery good motion arising at any time in the heart of any one is the voyce of God himselfe Isay 30.21 speaking inwardly vnto the soule and conscience of man and therefore neuer to be lightly accounted of much lesse to be smothered or wilfully resisted and gainsaid for that is a most fearefull thing Ierem. 6.16 18.12 euen rebellion against God and the voyce of his spirit vvhich speaketh in them and vnto them but alwaies diligently to be harkened vnto and by all meanes to be imbraced and cherished that so it may become effectuall and not die and vanish away without fruit or profit to the hardening of the heart and the making of it the more vncapable of grace and goodnesse the ordinary and most fearefull iudgement which the Lord vsually bringeth vpon men for so great a wickednesse Rom. 1.28 Psal 106.15 81.12.13 1 Thes 5.19 Good Lord suffer mee not at any time to quench thy spirit to resist that heauenly voyce of thine speaking vnto me according vnto thy word least thou giue me ouer to hardnesse of heart Cant. 5.2 but whensoeuer thou doest knocke at the doore of my heart and soule Reue. 3.20 let me be ready presently to open vnto thee and to giue thee the best entertainment that I can by yeelding my selfe euery-waies pliable and flexible vnto thee vvhensoeuer thou doest inspire me with any good motion or holy desire grant that I may vse all meanes whereby the same may be quickened and increased that so thine owne worke may daily be more and more perfected in me Yeelding to the wicked motions and desires of the heart THe vaine and wicked desires of the heart can neuer be satisfied yea Isa 57.20 the more that any doth feed them the more insatiable shall he find them He can neuer be filled neuer haue enough of them Who seeth not this most clearly in the couetous the voluptuous the ambitious yea in all such as giue the reines vnto their owne sinfull and inordinate affections It is as it were a fire in their bones which will neuer be quenched till the fewell which ministreth continually new matter vnto it be quite taken away It is as it were the flame of hell kindled by Sathan himselfe to the scorching of the conscience which is drowned in these earthly these sinful these sensuall delights It is like a greedy worme which continually lies gnawing vpon the soule and in time will eate out the very heart intrals if the euil be not timely preuented O blessed Lord withdraw my heart I beseech thee daily more and more from these lying and deceitfull vanities which can neuer yeeld me any true contentment but rather be a cause of torment and vexation vnto me robbing me not onely of thy grace but of my peace also seeing my minde can neuer bee satisfied with them And grant that the desires of my heart may be set wholly vpon thee who art the fountaine of all goodnesse of all true blisse and happinesse that so I may be satisfied and replenished with the plentifulnesse and abundant riches of thy grace and heauenly blessings Rom. 2.10 Gal. 6.6 and haue thy peace and mercy resting vpon me and abiding vvith me all my daies Amen How fearefull a thing it is for a man to be left vnto himselfe and to his owne desires THere can no greater euill befall any man in this world then to be left vnto himselfe Psal 81.12 Isai 1.5 63.17 vnto his owne will and waies and to the corrupt desires and affections which are most pleasing to his wicked heart and vnsanctified nature Of all iudgements which the Lord doth suffer to come vpon men in this life it is the greatest and most dangerous though thorow the marueilous blindnesse and sottishnesse that is in men least eyther discerned or feared of the most Better were it for them by any meanes to be restrained from those things which their corrupt nature is prone vnto yea better were it for them to bee held downe continually with some painefull sicknesse and grieuous disease or to be laid fast vp in close prison all their liues long and to endure the greatest outward misery that can be vnto their dying houre O blessed Lord giue me not ouer vnto the waies of mine owne heart an insensible but of all iudgements the most fearefull leaue me not vnto my selfe suffer me not at any time to wander and goe astray from thee by following those things which are good in mine owne eyes and pleasing vnto carnall and corrupt reason O let me neuer fall into so great an euill but be thou mercifull vnto me to order and dispose all my affections to guide and gouerne me with thy spirit and to direct my steppes according vnto the rule of thy holy and blessed word that so being kept and preserued by thee from those sinnes vvhereunto of my selfe I am prone and inclinable and established in euery good vvay and vvorke I may glorifie theein my life and find ioy and comfort in my death and after death liue and raigne with thee eternally in fulnesse of all glory and happinesse through the merits of Christ my Sauiour The many differences betweene a naturall and a spirituall man one that is truely sanctified VVHat difference
with him that is tumbling downe from an high and a steepe hill how hee cannot possibly stay himselfe till he come vnto the bottome and by that fearefull downe-fall be quite depriued of life so that he can rise no more but lyeth groueling on the earth as a dead man not able to stirre hand or foote so is it with those that once giue themselues to the committing of any sinne or to delight in any wicked and vngodly course they fal daily more and more and that very dangerously neuer staying till in the end if the Lord be not the more mercifull to holde forth his hand to keepe them from that danger and to saue them they fall right downe into the bottomlesse pit euen into the depth of hell the place of vvoe and torment to the endlesse perdition both of their soules and bodies O Lord order my wayes aright grant that I may auoide all occasions and prouocations vnto euill and that I may walke wisely and circumspectly all my dayes that so I may not onely be preserued from that vvofull downe-fall of the vvicked but also liue in peace and safetie vnto the end and in the end hauing escaped the danger of this euill and sinfull world may liue with thee in glory for euer Amen Sinne committed presently to be repented of HEe that hath taken downe poyson wil labour as soone as hee can possibly to cast it vp againe or else to procure some remedie for it least otherwise it proue his bane and the sooner hee doth this the better it will be for him Euery sinne that any one committeth is poyson to his soule if hee seeke not to be cleare of it hauing once drunke it downe it vvill be his ruine his death How carefull therefore ought euery one to be when he hath fallen into any sinne to seeke for a present remedy against it to purge and cleare himselfe of it by casting it vp againe by a true and vnfained confession of it and to take heed that hee endeuour by all meanes to abstaine for euer after from it least otherwise hee perish with it Good Lord let me alwayes consider how dangerous sinne is vnto my soule how that if I lye in it if I keepe it in me vnrepented of it must needes be my destruction and therefore whensoeuer through frailtie or infirmitie I shall be ouer-taken with any sin and drinke downe that deadly poyson vvhich Sathan offereth vnto mee in a golden Cup and vvhich my corrupt nature doth exceedingly desire and long after Iob. 15.16 thinking that there is great sweetnesse in that which indeede is as bitter as death Ier. 2.19 graunt that I may haue an inward loathing of it and finding my soule surcharged with it presently empty my selfe of it and be more careful for euer after to refraine from it that so I may not dye but liue and prayse thee Sinne truely deciphered that being once knowne it may be euer loathed and abhorred of all A Strange thing it is that men should delight in any sinne yea that they should not lothe and abhorre vtterly abandon it for euer if they eyther consider the vile and cursed nature of it or the wofull and damnable fruits and effects of it First it is the most vile and abhominable thing in the world the stincke and noysome smell of it hath infected heauen and earth and made all those glorious Creatures the Sunne the Moone the Starres subiect vnto vanitie so that they must be purged by fire in that great day of the Lord. Rom. 8.20 2 Pet. 3.10 In Scripture besides many other names which set forth vnto vs the filthinesse thereof Ezek. 16. Ierem. 13.27 Psal 51.2 it is compared to the most loathsome disease in the world euen the filthy and contagious Leprosie a disease so much abhorred that hee that was infected therewith among the Iewes by Gods owne ordinance was to be excluded and shut out from all company Numb 5.2 2 Kin. 15.5 as vnmeet to liue and conuerse amongst men and yet this was but a type and a shadow of the filthinesse and vncleannesse of sinne If wee had seene the Iewes Leprosie it vvould haue seemed very loathsome to vs we would haue wondred at it for the contagion of it was such that it did not onely infect the vvhole man who was tainted with it but his garments also which vvere about him Leu. 13.47 and sometimes also the very wals of his house 14.34.45 so that it was faine to be broken downe and to be cast out of the Citie into an vncleane place But if we had eyes to see this spirituall Leprosie of the soule it would seeme much more loathsome vnto vs wee vvould vvonder at it at our selues that we should once euer giue our selues in any sort to delight in it yea it would humble vs and cause vs to blush Rom. 6.21 and to hang downe our heads for shame nay with holy Iob Iob 42.6 euen to abhorre our selues and to abase our selues vnto the dust and to thinke of our selues as most vile and more loathsome then any Lazar that lyeth by the way full of blaines and sores vnworthy euer to come into Gods presence or to partake of his holy things who are so vnholy our selues and so exceedingly polluted and defiled from top to toe Isa 1.6 from the crown of the head to the sole of our feete with that inbred corruption and actuall pollution yea wee would neuer be quiet or at rest in our selues till wee had procured that grace and mercy of the Lord whereby we vvere washed and cleansed from the filthinesse of our sinnes and iniquitie Psal Heb. 10.22 vvith the sprinckling of the bloud of that immaculate Lambe and the pouring out of those cleane vvaters of his sanctifying Spirit Ezek. 16.25 Zach. 13.2 which flow out of that heauenly Sanctuarie and so found the vncleane Spirit departed from vs. Such is the filthy and loathsome contagion of sinne nay surely it is so ougly so vile and so loathsome that neyther I nor any else is able fully to decipher or to expresse the ouglinesse and loathsomenesse thereof if wee vvere able to paint it forth or to lay it open in it true colours there is no man but vvould euen be flaited and affrighted at the very sight and appearance of it there is none but vvould hate and abhorre it more then the most loathsome Toade the most venemous Serpent or the ougliest Creature in the vvorld For there is no toade so loathsome no Serpent so venemous no creature so ougly as sinne is nay if a man if it were possible should make a confection of all the Spiders Toades Snakes Adders Serpents Vipers and all the most filthy things in the world it vvould not be halfe so vile and infectious as Sinne is That this may appeare yet more clearely thinke with thy selfe what is the most detestable and execrable thing besides sinne that possibly
can be named Is it not the Diuell I know thou vvilt and needs must say so For his very name doth affright men and vvhen vvee haue named him vvee thinke that we haue reckoned the worst and the most loathsome hatefull thing that can be yet I tell thee that euen Sathan himselfe that hellish Fiend is not so filthy so loathsome and deformed as sinne is Maruell not at this as though it could not so be but consider throughly of the matter and thou wilt easily perceiue and willingly acknowledge it to be so For vvhat is it that makes the Diuell so much abhorred both of God men and Angels Is it not sinne and sinne onely yes doubtlesse it cannot be denyed For who knowes not that knowes any thing that those damned Spirits euen all the Diuels in hell Iude v. 6. were at the first more glorious excellent louely and amiable Creatures then any mortall man whatsoeuer yea that they were like Starres Angels of light shining and glistering with puritie holinesse and righteousnesse before they vvere stained and defiled vvith the loathsome contagion and infection of sinne and transgression Sinne onely it was that blemished that goodly beautie Sinne onely it was that darkened that vvonderfull brightnesse and that resplendent glory vvherein they vvere at the first created and wherein they should for euer haue continued had they not sinned against the Maiestie of GOD their Creator Sinne onely it vvas that dimmed all their light and damped all their glory the beames vvhereof vvould haue dazeled any mortall eye Sinne onely it vvas that of Citizens of that Royall palace that heauenly Paradise that celestiall Ierusalem 2 Pet. 2.4 the Presence-chamber of the Lord of glory made them wretched bond-slaues and most miserable captiues in that deepe dungeon and darke prison of hell vvhere they are kept in euerlasting chaines of darknesse vnto that great damnation Sin onely it vvas that transformed them into damned Spirits cast them downe from the brightnes of heauenly glory into the darknesse of hellish misery and of bright-shining Starres as it were made them most ougly and loathsome Diuels In briefe Sin and Sinne onely it vvas that made them as loathsome as euer they vvere louely as ougly as euer they vvere amiable as greatly abhorred of God and of all his holy and elect Angels as euer they were loued of them before And were they freed from sinne they vvould become Angels of light glorious creatures Now then if sinne doth make others yea such glorious creatures as the Diuels once were so vile and loathsome yea odious vnto all other creatures oh then how vile and loathsome a thing is sin it selfe Surely so hydeous a monster is this monstrous Monster I know not how to tearme it of Sinne that those vvhose eyes GOD hath once opened that they are able rightly to discerne of the same vvill vnder-goe any torment 1 Ioh. 3.8 any sorrow any punishment whatsoeuer rather then once vvillingly commit the same as wee may see in the examples of many holy Martyrs Heb. 11.35 36.37.38 and godly Professors who haue endured the losse of their goods lands liuings yea and life it selfe and willingly suffered all kinde of tortures and torments that their cruell Aduersaries and bloudy Persecutors could deuise or imagine rather then they vvould be brought to that one sinne of denying the knowne truth or dissembling their profession Notable to this purpose is the saying of that auncient and religious Father that he would wish rather to be torne in pieces with wilde beasts then willingly and vvittingly to commit any sinne And from a more heroicall and diuine spirit Anselme was that speech of him that professed that if hee should haue the choyse eyther to burne in hell fire continually or to sinne any sinne willingly hee vvould rather choose those endlesse vnspeakeable torments then yeeld consent to the other so vile and monstrous did sinne seeme vnto him What should I say more Men would bee much afrayde if the Deuill should appeare vnto them in some shape yea the very naming of him strikes a deepe impression of feare into many But could these once behold sin it selfe which makes the deuill so odious if they could view it as it is indeed they would be wonderfully flaited and affrighted at the very appearance of it it vvould make their hearts to tremble within them and their haire to stand vpright on their heads they would flie from it more then from the most poisonous Serpent or venimous creature in the vvorld yea as much as from the Deuill himselfe They would neuer shake hands with it as they haue done heretofore they would neuer keepe company with it they would neuer be quiet till they were freed from the dominion and slauery of it It would bee euen death vnto them to haue any fellowshippe therewith as no doubt it is to the godly man who because hee seeth he cannot be fully rid of it in this life therefore is constrained often to crie out as one that were stabbed at the heart Woe is me that I remaine in Mesheth Psal 120. and dwell in the tents of Kedar or as one that had the pangs of death vpon him Rom. 7.24 O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this body of death So it is with the religious soule vvhen it is ouerswaied with the corruption of it owne sinfull nature or carried away violently in a sort with the forcible blasts of Sathans temptations Oh so far it is from doing it willingly or from taking ful delight in it that it rather complaines and mournes bitterly though secretly oftentimes for it It gals that man at the very heart for it it is as it were a pricke in his eyes or a thorne in his side yea euery sinne vvhich hee commits when hee once knowes it is as an Awle at his heart it stingeth and woundeth his conscience and maketh him to mourne like a Doue and chatter like a Swallow In a word the very consideration of this that he should commit so filthy a fact and so foule an offence causeth his heart and soule euen to bleed within him Neither hinders it any thing at all which some might bring with some colour for the gaine-saying of this What is sinne so vile and loathsome a thing as you make it How comes it to passe then that it seemes so sweet so amiable and pleasant as it doth vnto the most How commeth it that it allureth enticeth and draweth men vnto it causing them to follow it to loue embrace ioy and delight in it yea to serue obey it with all greedinesse and to spend all their time their strength vvit and vvealth in the seruice of it Can sinne be so vile and deformed a monster and yet bee sought after vvith such great care and diligence and pursued vvith so great delight and cheerefulnesse as if it vvere some excellent pretious thing vvhich might vvell cause all to be enamoured
effectuall motiue to the leauing of all sinne from the consideration of Christs death and Passion COnsider O man who hath redeemed thee by what he hath redeemed thee from what and vnto what hee hath redeemed thee Christ Iesus the Sonne of the euerliuing God equall vnto his Father in Maiestie and glorie the Heire of the world Hebr. 1. and the Lord of all things both in Heauen in Earth and vnder the Earth hee it is that hath redeemed thee according vnto the good-will and gracious decree of God his Father He hath redeemed thee by becomming man for thy sake by liuing a base and ignominious life subiect vnto all the infirmities vvhereunto thou art subiect thy sinnes only excepted and dying a shamefull and cursed death 1 Pet. 1.19 pouring out his pretious bloud for thy sake He vvas borne in a stable layd in a manger an abasement vnto which the basest amongst men are not vsually subiect reiected of his owne Ioh. 1.11 Isa 53. despised of the most accounted as a drie and withered branch one in whom there was no forme nothing to be desired laden vvith reproaches broken vvith sorrowes buffeted spit vpon made to drinke gall and vinigar reuiled scourged made a scorne to the beholders Mat. 27.30 c. a spectacle to men and Angels and a wonderment to the world tossed as it were from post to pillar from one iudgement seat to another condemned as a vile and notorious malefactor worse then a theefe murtherer and crucified vpon the Crosse without the gates of the Citie in that loathed Golgotha Heb. 13 1● where his head vvas crowned with thornes his hands and feet pierced with nayles and his side with a speare so that water bloud gushed forth abundantly and at last when malice enuie had wrought all the wickednesse they could against him layd in the graue dead and buried as one cut off from among the liuing and all this for thy sake Rom. 5.10 euen for thee who wert his enemie a traitour and rebell against him Ephe. 2.3 and a childe of wrath and of the curse heire of perdition and confusion He was made sinne 2 Cor. 5.21 Gal. 3.13 a curse and subiect vnto death for thee that hee might bring thee from sinne from the curse of the law from the wrath of God from death hell and damnation vnto righteousnesse blessednesse grace glory heauen and euerlasting happines in that celestiall kingdome vvhich hee hath purchased and prepared for all his redeemed ones All thi● he hath done for thee O wretched and sinnefull man not for any merits or deserts of thine for what was there in thee for which hee should any wayes respect thee Tit. 3.4 but of his owne free grace and of the infinite and vnspeakeable riches of his abundant mercies wherewith hee imbraced thee vvhen he might haue iustly cast thee off for euer as one mo●● vnworthy to be beloued of him especially with so great a loue Ephe. 3.19 All this hee hath done for thee and for thy sake onely O therefore vvilt thou be vnmindfull of his wonderfull loue his vnsearchable goodnesse and bountie towards thee and the great and maruailous things which he hath wrought for thee 1 Sam. 12.24 Wilt thou bee so vnthankefull to him Nay wilt thou be so vnkinde so vngratious as to continue still in thy sinnes and so to grieue his spirit and to crucifie him againe Heb. 6.6 For beleeue me so many sinnes as thou willingly committest so many thornes dost thou pleat on his head so many nailes dost thou thrust into his hands so many speares dost thou pierce his side withall and a fearefull thing to consider so oft dost thou imbrue thy wicked hands with his pretious bloud tread it in a prophane maner vnder thy Heb. 10.29 feet so that it may be sayd vnto thee as Peter said vnto the Iewes Thou hast crucified the Lord of life Act. 2.36 3.14.15 thou hast murdered the king of glory the Sonne of the euer liuing God Christ Iesus that iust and holy One and preferred not Barrabas but which is as bad thine owne wicked and sinfull lusts yea Sathan himselfe before thy blessed Sauiour and Redeemer O monstrous ingratitude and treacherie The Angels do blush at it the heauens stand amazed and astonied at it and worthy it is to be lothed and abhorred of all creatures Dost thou so reward the Lord O vaine and foolish man Deut. 32.6 Is this thy kindenesse to thy friend thy thankefulnesse to thy Sauiour Dost thou returne him euill for good and hatred for his good-will Because he hath abounded in loue and kindnesse towards thee wilt thou abound in sinne and wickednesse against him O be not so hard-hearted O deale not so impiously so vngraciously so treacherously with thy best friend thy beloued Sauiour who hath magnified the riches of his grace so wonderfully towards thee as that if thou hadst a thousand tongues thou couldst not fully expresse the same nor yeeld him sufficient praise and thankefulnesse for it Or if thou hadst many thousands of yeeres to liue vpon the earth and shouldst employ them all in his seruice with the greatest diligence and most carefull endeauour that could be yet all were too little for him Returne therfore returne O thou who hast beene deceiued heretofore by thine own wicked hart deluded by Satan thy most malitious and deadly enemie who is euer seeking thy destruction and vtter ouerthrow Returne at length behold thy louing Sauiour yet stretching out his hands ready to receiue thee and to imbrace thee with the armes of his mercie and tender compassion Pro. 1.24 Hee calleth thee Isa 55.1 Ioh. 7.37 and cryeth aloud vnto thee why dost thou flye from him vvhy doest thou not cast away thy sins and come vnto him whiles the acceptable time of grace saluation lasteth 2 Cor. 6.2 Behold hee stands knocking at the doore of thy heart by the motions of his Spirit and by the voice of his word calling vnto thee Cant. 5.2 Reue. 3.20 that thou wouldest open vnto him that so he might enter in to thee and dwel with thee and make thee partaker of all the riches and treasures of his heauenly graces and of eternall life and saluation Behold him yet offering himselfe vnto thee yea Pro. 9.5 sending forth his messengers daily perswading thee effectually to leaue those husks and draffe which the Swine of this world delight to fill themselues withall Luk. 15.16 and inuiting thee most gratiously to come and sit with him at his table and to eate of the finest fare in his Fathers house that heauenly Manna vvhich none know but they that haue tasted of it and which when they haue once throughly tasted of and felt the sweetnesse of it they will not part with it againe for all the sweetest delicates with which the wicked glut themselues till they surfet dangerously no not for all the
hee vvant that vvhich cannot be vvanting in any true Christian hauing onely the title and outward badge of a Christian and not the inward indowments of those heauenly vertues and graces of Gods holy and sanctifying spirit a Galat. 5.24 nor the outward ornaments of a godly and religious life vvherewith all that are true Christians indeed are beautified and adorned miserable are such men of all others if they could see it Better were it for them to be Turkes Pagans and such as neuer heard of the name of a Christian and easier shall it bee for the most rude and barbarous nation in the world that know not God nor Christ yea for those vile and monsterous people the wicked Sodomites whom the Lord branded with a note of perpetuall infamie b 2 Pet. 2.6 and made spectacles of his vvrath and vengeance to all ensuing ages easier I say nay Christ himselfe hath spoken it with his owne mouth shall it be for that wicked and cursed generation in the day of iudgement then for them euen those false and counterfeit Christians vvhich are the very staine of the name and profession of Christianitie and godlinesse c Math. 11 24 causing by the vvickednesse of their liues the name of Christ to bee blasphemed d Rom. 2.24 among the heathen and by their vnseemely actions and shamelesse conuersations bringing this honourable calling into contempt and reproach among those that are strangers from God and his Christ and iudge of the truth of our Religion not by that vvhich is the true touchstone and cannot deceiue viz. the Scriptures and glorious vvord vvhich wee beleeue but by the liues and carriages of those that are the professors of it or beare the name of Christians or Professors concluding though falsely that that Religion cannot bee good nor to bee embraced of any vvhich they see to bring forth no better fruits in those that are the professors of it or haue the name of such as are professors of it for they make no difference yea Tit. 1.16 2 Pet. 2.2 Rom. 8.9 as or vvorse then they see in that blindnesse of Turcisme or Paganisme wherein they liue Fearefull is the estate of such titular and seeming Christians or indeede rather no Christians although they haue a place in the Church and liue among Christians as the Chaffe among the Wheate men of wicked and corrupt hearts and liues of which there be multitudes among vs the shame and reproach of the Christian vvorld yea of Christ himselfe fearefull and wretched is their estate and condition of all their condemnation shall be greatest for so the Truth it selfe hath threatned against them and will surely accomplish it in due time This is the e Ioh. 3.19 condemnation that is this is the cause of that great and fearefull condemnation that light is come into the world and men loue darknesse rather then the light Children of night and of darknesse f 1 Thes 5.5 yea of the curse and perdition how thinke you yee shall escape the vengeance that is to come except as you haue taken vpon you the name of Christians so you liue as it becommeth Christians except you change your liues g Mat. 3.8 Acts 3.19 and bring forth fruits worthy amendment of life not thinking it to be sufficient to say wee haue Christ to be our Sauiour and Redeemer except you shew your selues to be such as are redeemed from sinne and loosed from the bands of h Ioh. 3.8 Luke 1.75 Iohn 3.36 Psal 2.12 iniquitie the vvorke of the Diuell vvhich vvas the end of Christs comming and which all that are redeemed by him must finde to be wrought in them If you beleeue and obey not * Iohn 3.36 2 Thes 1.8 assuredly you shall perish the wrath of God abideth on you and shall be poured forth vpon you in the day of the vvrath and of the declaration of the iust iudgement of God Christ shall no wayes profit you hee shall not be a Sauiour to redeeme you but a Iudge to condemne you and to render vnto you according to your wayes i Isay 3.11 and workes that yee haue done Heare this you that haue the name and shew of Christians and are not heare it consider well of it and tremble at it and learne at length to be Christinns not in shew and profession onely for that vvill turne to your greater condemnaton but in deede and in truth which wil bring you much peace and ioy heere k Rom. 2.7 and infinite and vnspeakeable happines and glory hereafter when as Christ that blessed hope of ours shall appeare in glory l 2 Thes 1 10. and be made marueilous in all them that haue beleeued in him and beene obedient to him Gracious Lord who art the author and finisher of euery good gift and grace which is vvrought in any of thine perfect I beseech thee that vvorke of grace which of thy free mercy and goodnesse it hath pleased thee to beginne in mee O let mee neuer be of the number of them that haue a shew of godlinesse m 2 Tim. 3.5 but deny the power thereof professing themselues to be Christians and yet liue as those that are enimies to Christ bruitish and Heathenish people Farre be this from me for so I should heape the greatest measure of thy vvrath vpon mee bring my selfe to endlesse vvoe and miserie hauing my portion among them to whom Christ in the day of his appearance in flaming fire n 2 Thes 1.7.9 shall render vengeance because they were not obedient to thy blessed Gospell but graunt that as thou hast vouchsafed me the tytle and honour of a Christian so I may walk worthy of that holy and glorious profession endeuoring to keepe a good conscience alwayes both before thee and before men and to liue righteously iustly and vnblameably as it becommeth one of those whom thou hast separated from this vile and sinfull world this naughty and crooked generation and called vnto thy kingdome and glory by the preaching of the Gospell of thy Christ that so being made like vnto my Sauiour in righteousnesse and holinesse here and seeking to glorifie thee in all things I may hereafter obtaine the glory of our Lord Iesus Christ liuing with him in those heauenly mansions according to that promise of his vvho is faithfull and true in all his sayings and being made partaker with him of that felicitie and happinesse o 2 The. 2 14. Ioh. 17.24 vvhich is endlesse and vnspeakable and that only through thy mercies in Christ in whom it hath pleased thee to accept me and to vvhom with thee and thy good Spirit be all prayse now and for euer Amen Another to the same effect THE sinne of Christians is the greatest of all others and so their punishment likewise God being alwayes iust to render vengeance a Rom. 6.2 according to the qualitie of the offence First that their sinne is greatest vvill easily appeare to him
grace here and glory hereafter Thus the loue of God entering into their spirits doth purge and purifie them throughout it doth presently void out that filth and corruption both of originall pollution actuall transgression vvhich was before in them and smothereth vp their carnall earthly and sensuall loue by a greater force at least it striueth so to doe for the old man will not be quite dead as long as they liue in this vvorld It vvorketh mightily and very forcibly in them and is of marueilous efficacie for the clensing of them from all sinne and fitting and preparing them both in body soule to be temples and mansion-places for the holy Ghost the glorious spirit of God to rest and to dwell in What should I say They hauing tasted of the bounty and superabundant loue of God in Christ their Sauiour towards them and hauing in them the holy Ghost testifying r Rom. 8.16 vnto them assuring them that they are the sonnes of God yea sealing this vnto their soules and consciences haue such a sincere entire and pure loue kindled in their breasts that they doe desire vnfainedly to abstaine from all sinne which they know is so displeasing vnto him and to please him in all things and vvhen they are sollicited either by Sathan or their owne corrupt nature to the commission of any thing which is euill they say with righteous Ioseph s Gen. 39.9 How can I doe this great wickednesse and so sinne against God who hath beene so good and gracious vnto mee Hath the Lord loued mee with so great a loue and shall I not loue him againe and manifest my loue towards him by a care to keepe his Commandements This is such a flame that it cannot but breake forth out of the heart into the life This is such a fountaine as cannot but send foorth the streames of pure water into the actions of the life This in a word causeth them to leaue and to abhorre that which is euill and to cleaue vnto that which is good to desire and endeauour in trueth and sinceritie to keepe all the righteous Commandements of God The loue of God shed abroad into their harts kindleth inflameth their hearts towards him and so maketh them to hate euill because hee hateth it and to loue righteousnesse because hee loueth it yea their hearts are so heated and so inwardly affected with the sense of the loue of God which the spirit of grace stirreth vp in them that they euen melt in loue and entire affection vnto God and desire vnfainedly to please him in all things and to shew themselues zealous for his glory because hee hath so commaunded them euen for the loue which they beare vnto him who hast shewed himselfe to be so louing and gracious a God so kinde and tender a Father towards them in CHRIST IESVS Nay they desire that others also should haue experience of that which they haue felt euen of the vnspeakeable loue of GOD in CHRIST towards those whom hee imbraceth in him They desire vvith the t Ioh. 4.28 29 vvoman of Samaria that euery one should taste of that which they haue had so comfortable experience of in their soules and spirits and that others also as well as they might abstaine from all kinde of sinne and wickednesse they mourne and groane within themselues their hearts are grieued and their eyes v Psa 119.136.139 drop down teares in abundance when they see it is otherwise As they haue no x Ioh. 3.4 greater ioy then to see God honoured by the diligent keeping of his Commandements so there can be no greater griefe vnto them then to see him dishonoured by the neglect and contempt thereof Oh this is a vexation and euen a torment vnto their soules as it was vnto righteous Lot y 2 Pet. 2.7 when hee beheld the abhominations of the cursed Sodomites It is as it were a hell to them to be in the company of such as blaspheme the name of the Lord and set themselues to worke wickednesse to the prouoking of his glorious Maiestie And hereby it doth appeare that they loue God in truth and not in word and tongue onely as the most doe If it be thus with vs we haue cause to blesse God and to reioyce in the assurance of this that our hearts are sincere and vpright before him and that wee loue him and are z Pro. 8.17 and shall euer a Ioh. 13.1 be loued of him But if this be not in vs at least in some measure our loue which wee professe towards him is but a counterfait and hypocriticall loue vvhich he hateth yea if we be not thus affected if vve say that wee loue him wee are lyars and thee is no truth in vs our words fight with our actions like vnto them that strucke CHRIST saying b Ioh. 19.3 Haile Master wee are so farre from louing him that vvee doe not so much as c 1 Ioh. 2.4 know him by an effectuall and sauing knowledge neither are knowne or in any sort approued of him yea he loaths vs and so much the more as we dissemble vvith the vvorld and make shew of that loue towards him vvhich is not in vs. O blessed LORD how vnspeakeable is thy loue how vnsearchable are the riches of thy grace and mercy toward mee in CHRIST IESVS in whom thou hast imbraced mee with an infinite and an euerlasting loue before all worlds yea thou still louest me and wilt loue me vnto the end for thy loue is as thy selfe vnchangeable d Rom. 11 29. Euery day thou * Lam. 3.23 renewest thy compassions vpon me Thou vouchsafest to giue mee many pledges and sure euidences therof yea thou sealest the same to my soule and spirit by the testimony e Rom. 8.16 2 Cor. 8.16 of thy blessed Spirit and by that inward ioy whereby thou causest mee to reioyce euen in the midst of mourning f Psa 94.19 2 Cor. 1.4 Oh that thou wouldst draw g Cant. 1.3 my heart vnto thee and cause mee to loue thee againe entirely and vnfainedly O that thou wouldst inflame these frozen affections of mine and cause mee euen to melt and to burne in loue towards thee O that it would please thee to change all that carnal that earthly and that sensuall loue and affection of this vvorld and the things thereof vvhich is yet remaining in mee into a holy and spirituall loue of thee my GOD and Sauiour my kinde and tender Father in CHRIST IESVS that so I may loue nothing but thee or in thee and for thee And let this loue of thee cause me to hate all sinne which thou hatest with so great and so infinite a hatred to hate it to abhorre it and vtterly to forsake it though neuer so pleasing to my corrupt nature neuer so profitable or gainfull to me in any respect and to loue all righteousnesse vvhich thou louest and wherein thou delightest that thus
of thy blessed Spirit whereby I may be fitted and inabled in some sort to walke worthy of thee to whom I desire wholly to deuote my selfe and whatsoeuer is in me How to ouercome the World HE that vvould ouercome this World must first ouercome himselfe bringing his sensuall appetite and desire in subiection vnto his reason and his reason vnto the will and word of God If hee can doe this once the victory and conquest will be easie otherwise impossible Herein lies the valour and fortitude of a Christian O most mightie Lord GOD the GOD of my strength without whom I can do nothing in whom and through whom all things strengthen me with thy grace and effectuall power that I may be able to subdue the corruption of my sinfull and rebellious nature whensoeuer it riseth vp against me that I may lay the axe close vnto the root and cut downe and plucke vp euery secret sinne that hath gotten any place in me that so I may mortefie euery inordinate affection of my heart which might be any hinderance to the worke of thy grace in me that thus hauing power ouer my selfe and that inbred enemie which lieth secretly lurking in my bosome and in the inmost parts of my soule I may with lesse difficulty vanquish and ouercome this present euill world and all those outward enmities vvhich at any time shall oppose themselues against mee and the powerfull operation of thy holy blessed spirit within me which I humbly and earnestly desire thee that it may be renued daily more and more and brought vnto further perfection Ruling the affections how necessary THE affections of mans heart are endlesse and vnsatiable they can neuer be satisfied a Eccl. 1.8 yea the more that they are yeelded vnto the more doth the inordinatenesse and distemper thereof increase VVhat a vanitie therefore is it for any one to giue libertie vnto his rouing and disordered minde and by seeking to quench that thirst to make it the more vehement as it is vvith those that are falne into the dropsie LORD giue mee vvisedome vvhereby I may learne rightly to moderate all my affections and not to follow the sway of them nor to suffer my selfe at any time to bee carried or drawne away vvhether the inordinate motion and desire of them shall lead mee but so to restraine and rule them that I may liue a quiet and contented life free from those manifolde distractions b Pro. 25.28 vnto vvhich they are continually subiect vvho haue not learned to keepe themselues vvithin those limits vvhich thou hast prescribed and appointed to them Affections must bee made Seruants and not Masters AS the Schoole-master is to his Scholler or a Master vnto his Seruant so ought reason to be vnto the affections of euery one It must alwayes beare rule ouer them and haue them at commaund or else they vvill quickly bee disordered and quite out of frame yea they vvill carry away a man headlong vvith violence into much mischiefe and miserie as vvee see wilde and fierce horses oft times runne away vvith an vnguided Coach or Wagon to the ouerthrow of them that are carried in it O LORD thou seest vnto how many vnruly passions and distempered affections I am continually subiect vvhich make mee oftentimes lesse fit for the performance of good duties and holy exercises then otherwise through thy grace I should be Let it please thee to giue me the masterie and power ouer them yea graunt that I may alwayes subiect them to the rule of right reason and to the direction vvhich thy Word giueth that so being well ordered and disposed they may not bee as they haue beene le ts and hinderances but as they should be seruiceable and conuenient helpes and furtherances vnto vertue piety and godlinesse euen to all Christian duties which thou requirest of mee How dangerous it is to be giuen vnto the World HE cannot be a good Seruant that is addicted to his pleasures and delights or that is giuen to follow his owne businesse ouermuch and doth not principally intend his Masters affaires Hee can neuer be a good Disciple of Christ nor a faithfull Seruant of God whose minde is set vpon earthly things a Mat. 6.24 vvho is carried away with the pleasures and delights of sinne or much addicted to the profits and commodities of this vaine and transitory world or otherwise wedded vnto his owne rouing and vnstayed affections and doth not wholly consecrate b Rom. 12.1 and dedicate himselfe vnto the Lord and to his worship and seruice vvith restraint from all those things vvhich might be any hinderance or encumbrance vnto him in the same O my God how vnworthy am I to be called thy Seruant to call thee my Lord how vnable am I to performe that dutie and seruice which thou requirest of me O be thou mercifull vnto mee notwithstanding my vnworthinesse pardon my great vnprofitablenesse heretofore Inable mee daily more and more for the discharge of the duties of thy seruice which thou hast commaunded and vvhereunto thou hast called me Let neither the sinfull pleasures nor the deceiueable profits fruitles commodities of this fading c 1 Cor. 7.31 1 Ioh. 2.17 and decaying vvorld cause me at any time to be slacke slothfull or any wayes vnfaithfull in thy businesse in my calling but giue mee grace euer to renounce these things euen whatsoeuer may at any time in any sort vvithdraw mee from my dutie or be any hinderance vnto mee in the ready vvilling and cheerfull performance of that seruice vvhich I owe vnto thy Maiestie yea let mee alwayes deny d Luke 9.23 Mat. 10.37 Luke 14.26 my selfe and euen hate e my deerest friends and neerest acquaintance if the matter standeth so betweene thee and them yea euen my life it selfe rather then bee found vvillingly defectiue in my dutie or vnfaithfull in thy seruice vvho hast euery way beene so good and gracious vnto mee and freely promised to reward mee so f liberally Psal 19.11 1 Cor. 15.58 Rom. 2.7 Ioh. 12.26 so plentifully euen vvith the riches of glory honour immortalitie and euerlasting life and happinesse in thy kingdome yet not for the worthinesse of my workes but for the merits of my Sauiour for vvhose sake thou crownest what good thing soeuer it pleaseth thee g Heb. 13.21 to worke in me To him together with thee and thy blessed Spirit be all praise and glory now and for euer This world a Prison THis World is the godly mans Prison hee is continually laden with the chaines a Heb. 12.1 of sinne and misery which lye heauy vpon his soule and cause him like a distressed captiue b Rom. 7.23 to sit mourning c Psal 120.5 Rom. 7.24 all the day long and with great earnestnes and vehemencie to call and cry d Rom. 8.21 2 Cor. for reliefe Yea hee is as it were in a darke dungeon e 2 Cor. 5.7 Col. 3.3.4 so that hee cannot see
to ouerturne all Religion and Pietie * Tantum abest quin decorum ordo nisi ista politia moderatione obseruari possit vt praesentissima impendeat Ecclesiae perturbatio ruina si dissoluatur j. In briefe The neglect of the Sabbath day is the ruine of the Church Caluin Instit lib. 2. cap. 8. sect 32. A notable politie of that wilie serpent And a marueilous eyther blindnes or presumption in them who are so bewitched by him For what God hath hallowed how should man once dare to prophane or to accoūt common vnhallowed But those vvhom God who is the light of our eyes hath caused the light of his sauing grace to shine more clearly vnto are otherwise minded otherwise affected They acknowledge it not only a iust equal thing that the Lord should haue one day of many dedicated wholy deuoted to his seruice a shame it were that any should deale sparingly with him herin who hath bin so prodigal to them but also they accoūt it a great argument and euidence of Gods speciall care ouer them and singular goodnesse towards them vvho in this estate of their frailetie and weakenesse hath in mercy appointed so excellent a helpe and so necessary a meanes for them to gather spirituall strength and increase of grace vvhereby to stand out against Sathan their deadly foe and to walke on cheerefully comfortably and constantly through the wildernesse of this troublesome vvorld to that promised rest that heauenly Canaan yea they reioyce greatly in it g Isai 58.13 finde much sweetnesse and delight in it long for it before it comes and when it is come solace themselues in it exceedingly And no marueile for they see and finde that it is the market-day of their soules vvherein according to Gods appointment they gather that heauenly Manna that bread of life vvhereby they are nourished and strengthened all the vveeke after and increase daily in that spirituall life of grace and godlinesse till they come vnto that measure vvhich GOD hath allotted vnto them They see how hereby they recouer themselues from sinnes past arme themselues against sinne to come grow in knowledge increase in faith hope patience and all other Christian vertues haue the inward man repaired and in a word vvhereas on other daies their mindes are troubled and distracted vvith worldly businesse this day they haue libertie to recall themselues as it were to draw neere vnto the Lord and sweetly to repose themselues in him who is their peace rest and happinesse and therefore they ioy reioyce herein Againe their Sabbath-day heere on earth as it doth expresse * Ambros in Psa 119. calleth aeternam vitam magnū Sabbathum August lib. 22. de ciuit Dei ca. 30. Sabbathum maximum where he saith it prefigureth the rest of the bodie and soule so it doth put them in minde of that eternal Sabbath which they shall celebrate for euer in the heauens that peace that ioy and that perfect rest and happinesse vvhich they shall shortly bee made partakers of for euer in those glorious mansions those celestiall habitations It is as it were a mappe or an Embleme to them of that Angelicall life which their soules longeth after and the very remembrance vvhereof doth vvonderfully refresh their grieued minds and languishing spirits vvhiles they vvander in this wearisome vvildernesse where they haue so many enemies continually assayling them so many difficulties with vvhich they are continually incumbred The sanctifying of this day doth bring them as it were from Aegypt to Canaan and from Babell vnto Sion i Heb. 11.10.16 It cals them home to their owne countrey giues them a view of it though a farre off and affords them a tast of that spirituall and heauenly life vvhich afterwards they shall liue for euer in glorious manner How therefore can it bee but that they should reioyce in it and in no vvise thinke it burdensome vnto them as carnall and worldly men doe O my God forgiue me that I haue had no more care of this dutie heretofore and teach me to be more mindfull of it hereafter As thou hast appointed this day to be wholly bestowed vpon thee and thy seruice so I humbly pray thee to guide me therein vvith thy grace and spirit that it may be my delight to consecrate it as * Isa 58.13 glorious vnto thee O let me not by any meanes pollute it by doing mine owne waies nor seeking mine owne will no not so much as speaking a vaine word but let me giue my selfe therein wholly to the duties k Act. 16.13 Psal 122. Nehe. 8.8 Act. 17.11 Psal 92.1 145.5 Mal. 3.16 1 Cor. 16.1.2 vvhich thou requirest of me both publique and priuate as hearing thy word preached with all reuerence and carefull attention reading the same prayer meditation and godly conference whatsoeuer else whereby I may be furthered or a means to further or helpe forward others in the wayes of grace and godlinesse that thus being obedient vnto thy commandement vnto which I am tied by so many bonds thy blessing may be vpon me thy spirit may dwell with me I may daily more and more be built vp in sauing knowledge and true holinesse I may grow strong in thy feare finding the powers of sinne and Sathan euery day more and more weakened in me and after that I haue at thy appointed times indeuoured to keepe a holy and religious Sabbath heere on earth I may hereafter keepe an eternall Sabbath with thee in the heauens praysing and magnifying thee vncessantly and enioying that perfect rest and happinesse which thou hast promised and I daily expect and hope for that only through the merits of thy deare Son my blessed Sauiour to whom with thee thy spirit be all praise now for euer Prophanenesse how fearefull the end of it will be THe Fig-tree a Math. 21 19 was accursed because it had leaues onely but brought forth no fruit how much more they then that haue cast away the leaues also hauing not so much as the shew and outward profession of religion and godlinesse It 's a heauie and dreadfull sentence which is to be pronounced against the vnprofitable seruant that hath not improued the Lords talent which he gaue vnto him and made the best vse of it for his masters aduantage so as might be most for his glory and the good and benefit of others amongst whom he liued b Math. 25 30 Cast that vnprofitable seruant into vtter darkenesse there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth O then what shall become of those that are not onely fruitelesse and vnprofitable in their course but prophane and openly euill so as the world doth point at them and cri● shame vpon them though they are so hardened many of them that they neuer blush for it c Ier. 5.3 6.15 nor will be ashamed but d Hose 7.10 glory in it that doe not onely omit that which is good setting themselues
in no good way but also giue themselues wholly to the practise of wickednesse d Isai 3.8.9 Phil. 3.19 Hose 4.1.2 Psal and vngodlinesse lying e swearing drunkennesse vncleanenesse contempt of the word and blessed ordinances of the Lord prophanation of the Sabbath and many execrable impieties making euen a trade of these Iewde and vvretched courses sporting f Pro. 10.23 themselues therein and hating g Psal 50 17. them that go about to reclaime them from them What shall become of them My heart trembleth to thinke of the fearefull doome vvhich shall passe against them in that great and terrible day of the LORD vvhen hee shall come in flaming fire h 2 Thes 1.8 to giue iudgement i Iud. 14.15 against them and to render vengeance vnto them as they haue deserued My heart trembleth to thinke how vvofull their estate and condition shall then be and me thinkes they should be amazed and astonished vvhen they heare of it or enter into consideration of it For if the vnprofitable seruant shall bee cast into vtter darknesse then doubtlesse they that haue not beene onely vnprofitable and barren of the vvorkes of pietie and charitie but also openly malicious full of vvickednesse i Rom. 1.29.30 enuie deceit backebiting raylers haters of GOD doers of wrong proud inuenters of euill things and practisers of all kinde of mischiefe in a prophane manner they shall bee cast into the outmost part of that vtter darkenesse into the verie depth thereof they shall haue the lowest part in hell the deepe dungeon of Gods wrath Their punishment shal be most fearefull and dreadfull and their end most wretched and miserable As it was said of Iudas k Mat. 26.24 so it may be likewise of them l Isai 3.9.11 5. It had beene good for such that they had neuer beene borne VVoe bee vnto their soules or they bring euill vpon themselues VVoe bee vnto them for they shall eate the fruit of their wayes and of their workes vvherin now they reioyce themselues Let them know assuredly that it shall bee gall and bitternesse to m Ier. 2.19 them in the end Their sinne is n Ier. 2.22 marked out before the LORD and their vengeance sleepeth not vvhen their wickednesse is come to the full growth and ripenesse as the Ammorites was o Gen. 15.16 then the Lord in his iustice will put to his sharpe sickle and cut them downe vvith a dreadfull iudgement and cast them into the VVine-presse of the fiercenesse of his vvrath yea into the very bottome of that bottomlesse pit of endlesse perdition and confusion vvhere they shall be tormented in fiery flames for euermore without all hope of recouery This shall be their lot and portion * Iob. 5.27 if they continue in that estate into vvhich they haue made so fearefull an entrance Heare it p Psal 50.22 Mat. 4.7 Heb. 3.8 all yee that forget GOD tremble at it and seeke in time to escape the vengeance to come q Mat. 24.50 1 Thes 5.3 Harden not your hearts neyther presume to goe on yet further lest it be too late for you to returne and to auoide this vvofull miserie vvhich vvill seize vpon you sooner then you are aware of O mercifull Lord keepe me and all thine from the wickednesse of the vvicked Let vs neuer delight to vvalke in the vvay that pleaseth them seeing the end and issue thereof is so fearefull r Pro. 14.12 how soeuer it seeme vnto them yea let vs bee afraid once to set one foote in it and alwayes most carefully auoyde the occasions vvhich might draw vs vnto it Let not there bee one prophane person s Heb. 12.16 amongest vs that haue taken the profession of thy glorious truth vpon vs But teach vs now and euer to abound in the fruits of righteousnesse and holinesse that so vve may not be found vnprofitable but increase daily more and more seeking to please thee that so vvhen that day of our accounts shall come vvhiles the wicked shall stand trembling at the Barre wee may lift vp our heades vvith confidence and heare that ioyfull sentence from thee t Mat. 25.23 It is well done good seruants and faithfull you haue beene faithfull in a little your glory shall be vnspeakeable Enter into your masters ioy inherite the kingdome prepared for you before the foundation of the world vnto vvhich bring vs in thy good time O mercifull LORD not for any merits or vvorthinesse of ours but onely for thy Sonnes sake our blessed Sauiour and Redeemer to whom with thee and thy Spirit be all praise and glory now and for euer The securitie of the wicked THou seest how it is with people that lye sleeping in a Boat whiles they are caried down the streame they make way apace and come to their appointed place before they are aware thereof So it is with the wicked and vngodly they lye sleeping in carnall securitie whiles Sathan wherries them downe amaine till hee brings them scarce thinking of any such matter to the bottomlesse gulfe of endlesse perdition and confusion Euery houre euery minute they are hastening forward to their destruction in an vnsensible manner and at length they fall sodainly into the depth of it without all recouery and being awakened out of that dead sleepe into which they were cast beginne to wonder at their former carelesnesse yea cry out and send forth many fearefull shrikings and grieuous a Luke 16.24 clamours being as men amazed and euen at their wits end to see the woe and miserie which they haue brought vpon themselues and from which they can neuer be freed neuer released though they had a thousand vvorlds to giue for a ransome Lord suffer me not to sleepe as others doe b 1 Thes 5.6 lest I perish with them A soft and tender heart A Soft and tender heart as it is the gift a Ezek. 11.19 36.26 of God so it is a singular blessing and such as the Lord bestoweth vpon those whom he loueth best and to whom he hath a speciall fauour and purpose to doe them most good both here and hereafter Oh it is his delight to b Isa 57.15 Psa 51.17 Isa 66.1.2 dwell with them and in them by the abundance of his graces and by the presence of his holy and blessed Spirit Hee will reuiue them and giue life vnto them and will neuer depart from them Their sighes and sobs and teares issuing from a heart contrite * Mat. 12.20 and broken for sinne are deare and precious vnto him they are as sweet waters which he keepeth as it vvere in his glasse * Psa 56.8 in his owne closet Happy c Mat. 5.4 is the man that findeth this in him He hath it vnder the Lords hand and seale that he will graciously respect him and cause his soule to liue before him But alas how rare a thing is this How fewe be there
that finde a fleshy and a melting heart and soule vvithin their breasts whose consciences are bruised with the sight and remorse of their sinnes vvhereby they haue displeased him vvho hath beene so kinde and so gracious a God and Father vnto them that haue a sonne-like * Heb. 12.28 and a reuerent feare of his displeasure and of his correcting hand that grieue sorrow and complaine oft and much for that they can be no more touched for their sinnes nor finde that cheerefulnesse d Psa 119 4● Heb. 13 1● and delight in the duties of his seruice which he requireth that are very fearefull and scrupulous of doing any thing whereby he might be offended or his lawes violated yea is it not euen a strange and vnknowne language as it vvere vnto the most ●o talke vnto them of a broken and contrite heart They thanke God they feele all vvell vvithin them they haue not such sicke and queasie stomackes as they see some haue nor would willingly be troubled with their maladies They feele it indeed complaine much if sickenesse pouerty shame or any such like outward euils seize vpon them but their hearts neuer bleed vvithin them their consciences neuer strike them vvith the sight or feare either of sinne or of the punishment of it e Gal. 3.10 Rom. 8.13 Ephe. 5.5.6 threatned vnto them from an angry and wrathfull God before whose face they neuer learned yet to tremble Yea through custome and continuance in sinne they haue quite lost the sence of sinne f Ephes 4.18.19 and are become so hardened that they neuer see nor sorrow nor mourne for it nor for the iudgements hanging ouer them for the same There is a brawne and thicke skinne as it were drawne ouer their hearts they are altogether seared and obdurate Nothing can moue them or at least make any deepe impression into them piercing into their hearts and wounding their soules They know not what it is to be g Act. 2.37 pricked for sinne or to bee pressed and harrowed with the rake of Gods iust iudgements h Psal 6. 32.38 but go on carelesly securely and presumptuously in the wicked wayes and vngodly courses which they haue taken vnto themselues and sing peace vnto their soules i Luke 12.19 1 Thes 5.3 A fearefull estate if men could see it and yet the most farre gone in it Not one amongst many that complaineth of it Not one scarce amongst a thousand that to his owne saluation findeth himselfe healed cured of it hauing his stony and flinty heart turned into a fleshy heart into mourning and lamenting spirits grieuing for sinne aboue all things and longing for the assurance of the pardon of it and the comfortable presence of God and the riches of his sanctifying grace desiring still to be more satisfied and replenished with those pure waters * Ezek. 47. of life and grace vvhich flow from his sanctuary O LORD giue me not ouer at any time I humbly pray thee vnto that fearefull euill k Psa 81.12 which thou sufferest in wrath to fall vpon the wicked those who are reprobates and vtterly forsaken of thee O doe thou more and more soften and mollifie my heart Take this stony heart of mine quite from me and giue mee a tender and a melting heart vvhich may bleed at the least blow with vvhich thou strikest mee with the least pricke of thy law when it threatneth me and cause mee to mourne for my sinnes especially because they haue beene so displeasing vnto thee my God who hast beene so kinde and so gracious vnto mee Let my minde be bruised rather with the taste and feeling of thy mercies then with the terrour of thy iudgements but let mee by both be brought alwayes to walke humbly and reuerently before thee desirous in all things to please thee and afraid in any thing willingly to offend thee and thirsting vnfainedly after a greater measure of thy heauenly graces that so thou maist looke graciously vpon mee both now and alwayes and delight in doing mee good according vnto thy promise vvherein is my comfort Wee ought to be more affected with spirituall miseries then with bodily IF men be in some bodily distresse sickenesse pouertie or any other outward calamitie vvhich lyeth heauie vpon them they sigh and euen groane in themselues and seeke by all meanes to be released from the same But though their Soules be in great misery and wretchednes a Reu. 3.17 poore blinde naked yea sicke vnto the death and exposed vnto many and those most fearefull Iudgements both in this life and much more in the life to come they complaine not they are no wayes troubled they sigh not they sorrow not they seeke not to be recouered out of that wofull estate condition wherein they are Oh how hath Sathan blinded their eyes how hath hee wholly possessed them with a Spirit of slumber b Rom. 11.8 that they should be so miserable and yet see not their misery nor haue any sense and feeling of their greatest euils For did they but see the misery they are in if they did but know how heauy a burthen lyeth vpon them which if it be not remoued in time will presse them downe to hell they would then fill euery place they came in with their plaints and mournings they would sigh sob and groane in spirit and neuer be at quiet c Acts 16.29.30 neuer at rest in themselues till they saw themselues freed from the same O mercifull LORD as thou hast shewed thy selfe exceeding gracious vnto mee in shewing me my miserie and bringing me out of it so I humbly beseech thee to d A s 26.18 open their eyes which are yet closed vp and couered with that fearefull darknes which Sinne and Sathan hath brought vpon them that they may see their estate and touch their hearts euen of as many of them as thou hast ordayned to life that seeing it and bewayling it they may labour to come out of it And keepe thy Seruant both now and alwayes from that blindnesse of minde and deadnesse of heart which of all euils are the most fearefull and such as thou sufferest to fall vpon the reprobate and those that shall perish for euer Let mee grieue more for the decay of thy graces the want of the comfortable sense and feeling of thy loue and fauour and the miseries vnto which my soule is subiect through sinne then for sickenesse of body losse of goods pouertie or any other outward calamitie whatsoeuer which may at any time befall me The conuersion of others is to be sought for HE is of a malignant nature that hauing wandered out of the way with the rest of his company and beene thereby together with them in great perill and danger and afterwards finding the right way walketh therein alone and letteth the rest goe on to their destruction So it is with those that being through the grace and goodnesse of
God what a shame is it to honour a slaue and to dishonour the Master what a folly is it to labour to serue him and to fulfill his lusts with the losse of their owne soules yea to preferre him before the eternal and most glorious God of heauen earth the author of all our good oh what a haynous and horrible fact is it what greater abomination can be deuised And yet thus doth euery one that liueth in sinne willingly He placeth the Diuell before God hee selleth himselfe from God to the Diuel for a few transitory pleasures profits and preferments of this wicked world nay hee doth as it vvere put God and the Diuel together in one and the same ballance God in the one Scale and the Diuel in the other and at last makes the Scale wherein the Diuell is to weigh heauiest preferring him before the Lord of glory A wonder of wonders it is that any should be thus foolish thus sottish and senslesse and a thing vvhich one vvould thinke incredible if we did not see thousands continually thus blinded and bewitched by Sathan Consider yet further the cursed and wofull effects of sinne and wonder how thou canst delight in it any longer It cast the vvicked Angels from heauen to hell 2 Pet. 2.4 from the height of glory to the depth of misery Gen. 3.24 It turned our first Parents and all their posteritie out of Paradise whereas before they were in a most blessed and happy estate made them of all creatures next vnto Sathan himselfe most miserable odious and abhorred of God and subiect to infinite euils in this life Deut. 28. Leuit 26. Psal 32.10 Pro. 24.20 Isay 6.10 and 57.20.21 Ephes 2.2 and in the life to come infinite sorrowes plagues miseries and most fearefull iudgements blindesse of minde hardnesse of heart deadnesse of spirit horror of conscience vexation and anguish of soule bondage vnder Sathan the Prince of darknesse and banishment from God the fountaine of all blisse 2 Thes 1.9 and the hope of the glory of his heauenly Kingdome It defaceth Gods Image disfigureth the soule and makes men monsters Isay 1.3 worse then the bruitish creatures All these are the fruit of sinne besides the many and grieuous maladies and diseases with which the body and outward man by meanes hereof is afflicted and oppressed who is able to rehearse them or who is there that doth not often complaine of them and grone vnder the burthen of them And finally it openeth a gate into hell and setteth it wide open for men to enter in at to their eternall confusion Mat. 7.13 The Diuell is the Porter as it vvere standing continually at the gate ready to receiue them in and sinne is the key that vnlocketh the dore Pro. 21 1● and leadeth vnto that place of destruction the Congregation of the dead and damned And such is the folly and extreame madnesse of wretched and sinfull men that they daily knocke at hell gates and call as it were for the Porter to let them in yea as though that were not enough they bring the key and open the dore themselues which leadeth vnto the fearefull place of endlesse desolation Who is there so blinde so hard-hearted so void of Grace yea Reason and common vnderstanding vvith whom all these motiues should not be of force to cause him to lothe all manner of sin and vtterly to forsake the same and to giue it an euerlasting farewell Eph. 5.11 how pleasing and delightful soeuer it hath seemed heretofore yea that should not thinke it too much that hee hath done heretofore 1 Pet. 4.3 and bee ashamed of it Psal 119.106 and purpose and resolue willingly neuer to doe the like hereafter O mercifull GOD discouer vnto mee daily more and more the cursed nature and vvofull effects of sinne and iniquitie let the filmes and scales which Sathan seeketh to draw ouer mine eyes to blinde and delude me be taken away from me Let not those faire shewes and counterfeit glosses of sinful pleasures profits honour and the vaine and deceitfull things of this world vvith which hee seekes to bleare mine eyes any longer deceiue me as they doe the most But let me see daily more clearely in the Chrystall glasse of thy Word the ougly and deformed image of sinne the wretched nature and fearefull and damnable effects of it how haynous and grieuous it is in it selfe how exceeding offensiue vnto thee and how pleasing and delightfull vnto Sathan how it alienateth and estrangeth men from thee Isay 59.2 defaceth thy Image and transformeth them into the likenesse of Sathan Iohn 8.44 1 Iohn 3.8 maketh them his slaues and vassals how it depriueth them of thy grace of all good things Ier. 5.25 and bringeth all euill and mischiefe vpon them both in their bodies and soules in this life and in the life to come Let me see these things and wisely consider of them and so bee brought to a true hatred and thorow dislike and detestation of all manner of sinne and wickednesse how pleasing soeuer it hath been vnto my nature heretofore and howsoeuer it seeketh with deceitfull pretences to draw me vnto it againe O let me not bring so great a blot and so foule a staine vpon my soule by doing that which is such an abhomination vnto thee and would bee a cause of so much woe and miserie vnto mee But teach mee to auoyd it and to flye from it whensoeuer it first presents it selfe to me in what shape or disguised forme soeuer it seeks to inchaunt mee yea the more closely and couertly that it seekes to winde it selfe into me and to finde intertainement within me the more let me abandon it and forsake it hating it euen vvith a perfect hatred as thou hatest it And let my vvhole delight bee in seeking to please thee more then euer I haue displeased thee heretofore Let it be the ioy of my heart to walke continually before thee with a pure and a sincere and vpright heart in all the wayes of righteousnesse and holinesse and to cleaue fast vnto euery good thing vvhich thou commaundest that so I may not onely be freed from thy wrath and from the euils and miseries which sinne bringeth vpon the vvicked and vngodly but also be receiued into thy loue be made partaker of the riches of thy grace and glory thou mayest take pleasure in mee and reioyce ouer me thy poore creature to doe mee good all my dayes the Angels in Heauen Luk. 15.10 those glorious attendants of thine may reioyce and sing to see thy name glorified by mee and at length may translate mee into that blessed kingdome of thine there to liue and reigne with thee and with all thy elect and holy Ones in fulnesse of glory and happinesse for euermore and that onely through the merits of Christ my Sauiour who with thee and thy Spirit bee blessed and praysed both now and alwayes Amen Another most