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A09181 A frutefull booke of the comon places of all S. Pauls Epistles right necessarye for all sortes of people, but especially for those of the ministerye dyligentelye sette foorthe by Thomas Paniell. Anno. 1562; Bible. N.T. Epistles. English. Selections. Paynell, Thomas. 1562 (1562) STC 19492; ESTC S114192 128,237 388

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members So then I my selfe in my mynde serue the lawe of God and in my fleshe the lawe of synne We were naturallye the children of wrath euen as well as other For by manne came deathe and by a manne came the resurrection of the deadde For as by Adam all dye euen so by Christe shall all be made a lyue For that the lawe coulde not doo in asmuche as it was weake because of the flesh that performed God and sente his sonne in the similytude of synfull fleshe and by synne damned synne in the fleshe that the righteousnes required of the lawe might be fulfylled in vs whiche walke not after the flesh but after the spirite ¶ Of threfolde heauinesse laudable vituperable and indifferente Capitu 31. I Saye the truthe in Christ and lye not in that my conscyence beareth me witnes in the holye gho●t that I haue greate heauinesse and continuall sorow in my hart for my brethren which are Israelites But I determined this with my selfe that I would not come againe to you in heauinesse For if I make you sorye who is it that shuld make me glad but the same which is made sory by me And I wrote this same to you least if I came I should take heuynes of th●m of whome I oughte to reioyce Certainly this confidence haue I in you all that my ioy is the ioye of you all For in great affliction and anguyshe of hearte I wrote vnto you with manye teares not to make you sorye but that ye mighte perceaue the loue which I haue most specially vnto you Yf anye manne hathe caused sorowe the same hathe not made me sory but partely least I should greue you all Wherfore thoughe I made you sory with a letter I repent not though I did repente For I perceaue that the same pistle made you sory thoughe ye wer bu● a season But now I reioyce not that ye were sorye but that ye so sorowed that ye repented For ye sorowed Godly so that in nothinge ye were hurt by vs. For godlye sorowe causeth r●pentaunce vnto saluation not to be repen●ed of when worldly sorowe causeth death Beholde what dilygence this Godly sorowe that ye toke hathe wroughte in you it caused indignation it caused ●●are it caused desire it caused a feruente mynde it caused punyshement For in all thing● ye haue shewed youre selues that ye w●re cleare in that matter Epaphroditus was sicke and that euen to death But God had mercye on him not on him onelye but on me also least I shoulde haue sorowe vpon sorow I would not brethren haue you ignoraunt concerning them which are fall●n a slepe that ye sorowe not as o●her do which haue no hope ¶ An exhortation to labour for felicity and beatitude it selfe Capitu. 32. I suppose that the afflictions of this life are not worthye of the glorye whiche shall be ●hewed vpon vs. For the feruente desyre of the creatures abydeth lokynge when the sonnes of God shall appeare because the crea●ures are subdued to vanity against their wyll but for hys wyll whyche subdueth them in hope For the verye creature shall be delyuered frome the bondage of corruption in to the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God This also I knowe I meane the season howe that it is the time that we shoulde now awake out of slepe For nowe is oure saluation nearer then when we ●eleue The night is passed and the daye is come nye Let vs therefore cast awaye the deedes of dar●kenesse And let vs put on the armoure of lighte Let vs walke honestlye as it were in the daye lighte and put ye on the Lord Iesus Christ. For it is written The eye hathe not seene and the eare hath not hard neyther haue entred in the hearte of man the thinges which God hathe prepared for them that loue him but God ●athe opened them vnto vs by his spiri●e Now we se in a glasse euen in a dark speaking but then shall we se face to face now I know vnperfectlye but then shall I knowe euen as I am knowen Wherfore we are not weried For oure exceadinge tribulation which is momentanye and lighte prepareth an exceading and an ●ternall weight of glorye vnto vs. We knowe surelye of oure earthy mancion wherin we now dwel were destroyed that we haue a buildinge ordayned of God an habitation not made wyth handes but eternall in heauen Let vs not be weary of wel doinge For when the time is come we shall reape withoute wearynes Whyle we haue therefore time let vs doo good to all menne and speciallye vnto them whiche are of the housholde of faieth For the things that were vantage vnto me I counted losse for Christes sake For whome I haue counted all thinge losse and doe iudge them but donge that I mighte wynne Christ and mighte be founde in him● not hauing mine own righteousnes which is of the lawe but that which springeth of the fayth which is in Christ. I meane the righteousnesse whiche commeth of God thorowe fayeth in knowinge him and the vertue of resurrection and the feloshippe of his passion that I mighte be conformable vnto his death if by anye meanes I might attayne vnto the resurrection o● the dead For why God the father hath made vs meete to be partak●rs of the inheritaunce of saynctes in lighte which hath deliuered vs from the power of darckenes and hath translated vs in to the kingedome of his deare son in whom we haue redemption through ●is bloude and forgeuenesse of oure sinnes Therefore if ye be rysen agayne with Christ seke those things which are aboue where Christe sitteth on the right hande of God Set your affections on thinges that are aboue and not on thynges whiche are on the earth For ye are dead and your life i● hid with Christ in God When Christ which is your life shall ●hewe him selfe then shall ye also appeare with him in glorye Fighte the good fyghte of fayeth Lay hand on eternall life wherunto thou art called hast professed a good profession before many witnesses I knowe whome I haue beleued and am sure that he is able to keepe that whiche I haue committed to his kepinge against that daye Suffer affliction as a good souldier of Iesu Christ. For the husbandeman that laboureth must first receiue of the frutes I am nowe ready to be offered and the time of my departing is at hand I haue fought a good fight and haue fulfylled my course and haue kepte y ● fayth From hence foorth is laid vp for me a croune of righteousnes whiche the lord that is a righteous iudge shall geue me at that daye not to me onelye but vnto all them that loue his comminge For the grace of God that bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared and teacheth vs that we shoulde denye vngodlynesse and worldelye lustes and that we shoulde lyue sober minded righteouselye and godlye
the prayse that is of valure before God Where is th●n thy reioysinge It is excluded By what lawe By the lawe of workes Naye but by the lawe of fayth For we suppose that a man is iustified by sayeth without the dedes of the law Is ●e the God of the Iewes onely is he not also the God of the gentiles Yes euen of the gentiles also For it is God onelye which iustifieth circumcision which is of fayth and vncircumcision thorowe faith Do we then destroye the lawe thorow faithe God forbyd But we rather maynetayne the lawe What shall we saye then that Abrahame oure father as partayninge to the fleshe did fynde Yf Abraham were iustified by dedes then hath he wherin to reioyce but not with god For what saith the scripture Abraham beleeued God and it was counted vnto him for righteousenes To him that worketh is the reward not reckened of ●auou●e but o● duty To him that wor●●t● not but b●leueth on him that ius●ifieth the vngodlye is his fayth co●n●●d for right●ou●n●s Eu●n as ●auid des●rib●th the blessedfuln●ss● of the manne vnto whom ●od ascribeth righteousenesse wythoute deedes Bl●ss●d are they whose vnright●ousn●ss● are f●rgeu●n and whose sinnes ar● cou●r●d Bless●d is that manne to whome oure Lord imputeth no ●ynne Came this blessedn●sse then vpon the circumcised or vpon the vncircumcised we saye ve●elye howe that fayeth was recken●d vntoo Abraham for righteousness● Howe was it r●ckened In the time of circumcision or in the time before he was circumcised Not in the time of circumcision but when he was yet vncircumcised And he receaued the sygne of circumcysion as a seale of t●e righteousen●s which is by fayth whiche faieth he had yet beynge vncircumcis●d that he should be the father of all them that beleue t●ough they be not circumci●ed that righ●eousnesse migh●e be imputed to them also and that he might be th● father of the circumcis●d not because they are circumcis●d only but because thei walke also in th● steppes of that fayeth that was in our father Abraham before the time of circumcision For the promes that he shul● be the heier of the worlde was not geuen to Abraham or to his seede thorowe the lawe but thorowe the righteous●nes which commeth of fayth For if they which are of the law be heyers then is fayth but vayne and the prom●s of none effect Because the law causeth wrathe For where no lawe is there is no transgression Therfore by fayeth is the inheritaunce geuen that it might come of fauour and the promes might be sure to all the s●de Not to them onely whiche are of the law but also to them which are of the faith of Abraham which is the father of vs all As it is written I haue made the a father to many nations euen before God whome thou hast beleued which quickeneth the deade and calleth those thynges which he not● as thoughe they were For euen vnto the time of the law was synne in the worlde but sinne was not regarded as longe as there was no lawe For the lawe in the meane time entr●d in that syn shuld encrease Rem●mber ye not br●ethren I speake to them that know the lawe how that the law hath power ouer a mā as long as it endureth for the woman wh●ch is in subiection to a man is bounde by the lawe to the manne as longe as he lyu●th Yf the man be deade she is lows●d frome th● lawe of the man So that she is no wedlocke breaker though she couple her selfe with an other man Euen so ye my brethren are deadde concerninge the lawe by the body of Christ that ye shoulde be coupled to an other I meane to him that is rysen agayne frome death that we shoulde bring foorthe frute vnto God For when we wer in the flesh the lustes of sinne whiche were stirred vppe by the law ●aygned in oure members to bring foorth frute vnto deathe But now we are deliuered from the lawe and deade from that wher vnto we were in bondage that we shoulde s●rue in a newe conuersation of the spirite and not in the old conuersation of the letter What shall we say then 〈◊〉 the law synne God forbyd but I knewe not what synne meante but by the lawe For I had not knowen what lust had meante excepte the lawe had sayed thou shalte not luste but sinne toke an occasion by the meanes of the commaundemente and wroughte in me all manner of concupiscence For verely without the lawe synne was deade I ones liued withoute lawe but when the cōmaundement came synne reuiued and I was dead And the verye same commaundemente whiche was ordained vnto lyfe was founde to be vntoo me an occasion of death For sinn● tok● occasion by th● the meanes of the commaundement and so disceaued me and by the selfe commaundemente slewe me Wherfore the lawe is holye and the commaundemente ius●e and good Was that then which is good made death vnto me God for bydde But synne was deathe vnto me that it might● appeare how that synne by the meanes of that whyche is good hadde wroughte deathe in me that synne which is vnder the commaundement mighte be out of measure sinfull For the lawe of the spirite that bringeth life throughe Iesus Christ hath deliuered me frome the lawe of sinne and death All thinges are lawefull vnto me bu● all thinges are not profytable I may● do all thing as but I wyll be broughte vnder no mans power ¶ Of the ●erfection and excellency of the e●angel●call lawe aboue the ●aw● w●itten Capi●u 51. IF the minystration of deathe throughe the letters figured in ●●ones was glorious s● that the children of Israell coulde not beholde the face of Moses for the glorye of his countenaunce whiche glorye neuerthelesse is done awaye why● shall not the ministration of the spirite be muche mor● glorious For i● the ministring of condempnation b● glorious muche more doeth the ministration of righteousenes e●ceade in glorye For no doubte that which was there glorified is not once gloryfied in respecte of this e●ceading● glorye Then if that whiche is destroyed was glorious muche mor● shall that whiche remayneth be gloryous Then the commaundemente that wente a●●re is disanulled because of her weaknes and vnprofitablenes For the lawe made nothinge per●ect but was an introduction of a better hope by which hope we drawe ny● vnto God And for this cause it 〈◊〉 a better hope that it was not promysed without an othe now hath Christ optayned a more excellente offyce in as muche as he is the mediator of a better Testamente whiche was made for better promises For if that first Testament had bene fautelesse then shuld no place haue bene sought for the second For in rebuking them he sayeth Beholde the dayes wyll come sayeth the Lorde and I wyll fyni●he vppon the house of Israell and vppon the house of Iuda a new Testament not lyke the Testament that I made with their fathers at
spirite shall of the spirite reape lyfe euerla●●ynge Be not therefore partakers wyth them And that no man goe to farre and defraude ●is broth●r in barganing● because the Lorde is a venger of all suche thinges as we haue tolde you beforetime and ●estifi●d He that doth wronge shal receaue for the wronge that he hath done Yf there be any that prouideth not for his owne and namelye for them of his ●ousholde the same denieth the fayeth and is worsse then an infydele No man that warreth and is geuen to God entangleth him selfe with wordlye businesse and that because he would please him that hath chos●n him to be a souldioure And thoughe a man striue for a masterye yet is hee not crowned excepte he striue lawfullye The husband man that laboureth muste fyrste receaue of the frutes It is a true sayinge if we be d●ade with him we also shall lyue with him Yf we be pa●iente we shall also raygne with him Yf we denye him he also shall denye vs. Studye to shewe thy selfe laudable vnto God a workeman that nedeth not to be a shamed handelinge the the worde of truthe iustlye This is a true sayinge Of these thinges I woulde thou shouldest certifye that they which beleue in God mighte be diligente to goo forwarde in good workes A man that is geuen to heresye after the firste and the seconde admonition auoide remembringe that he that is suche is peruerted and synneth euen dampned by his owne iudgemente For it is not possible that they whiche were once lighted and haue tasted of the heauenlye gifte and become partakers of the holy ghost haue tasted of the good word of God and of the power of the worlde to come if they fall shoulde be renued agayne vnto repentaunce For as much as they haue as concerninge them selues crucified the son of God a fresshe makynge a mocke of him For that erth which drineketh in the rayne which commeth oft vppon it and bringeth foorth erbes meete for them that dresse it receaueth blessinge of God But if it bringe foorth thornes and bryers it is reproued and is nye vnto cursinge whose ende is to be burned Strech foorth therfore the handes which were let down and the weake knees and see that ye haue streighte steppes vnto youre ●ete leaste anye ha●tinge turne you oute of the waye yea let it rather be healed Beinge made free frome sinne ye are become the seruauntes of righteousnes For when ye wer seruaunts of sinne ye were not vnder righteousenesse ¶ Of prudencye and of the vice of imprudencye Capitu. 12. THey that are carnall are carnallye minded But th●y that are spyrituall are ghostlye minded To be carnallye minded is deathe But to be spirituallye minded is life and peace The wisedome of the fleshe is enemye against God for it is not obedien●e to the lawe of God neither can be For the naturall man perceaueth not the thinges of the spirite of God● For they are but folishnes vnto him Neither canne he perceaue them because hee is spirituallye examyned But he that is spirituall discusseth al thinges yet he him selfe is iudged of no man Therefore let him that thinketh he standeth Take hede least he fall I praise you brethren that in all thinges ye are mindfull of me And let all thinges be done honestly and in order amonge you And ●hat your seruice be acceptable vnto God Knowe ye not youre owne selues how that Iesus Christe is in you excepte ye be cast awaye I trust ye shal know that we are not cast awaies Beholde how large a letter I haue written vnto you w t mine own hand Take hede therefore t●at ye walke circūspec●ly not as fol●s but as wise redeminge the time for the daies ar● euyl Wherfore be ye not vnwise but vnd●rstād what the wil of the lord is Beware leaste any man come and deceiue you throughe philosophy and deceitfull vanitye through the traditions of men and ordinaunces after the world and not after Christ. Let no man deceaue you which after his owne imagination walke●h in the humblenes and holinesse of Aungels thinges whiche he neuer saw causelesse past vppe with his ●leshlye minde and holdeth not the headde wherof all the bodye by ioyntes and couples receiueth norishemente and is kni● to order and encreaseth wit● the increasinge that cōmeth of God Wherfore if ye be deade with Chri●●●rom ordinaunc●s of the world why are ye leade with traditions of them that decerne and s●ye Touche not ●ast not handell not which all perish with the vsinge of them and are af●er the cōmaundements and doctrine of men whiche thinges haue the similitudes of wysedome in chosen holines humblenes and in that they spare not the body and do the flesh● no worship vnto his nede Walke wiselye to them that ar● without and r●deme the time Let your speache be alwaies well sauoured and poudered with salte that ye maye knowe how to aunswer euery man The deare brother Ti●hicus shal tell you of al my busines which is a faiethfull min●ster and felowe seruaunte in the Lord whom I haue sente vnto you for the same purpose that he myght knowe how ye do and mighte comforte youre hartes with one Onesimus a faithfull and a be●eued brother whiche is one of you They shall shewe you of all thinges whiche are a doinge here And when the Epistle is red of you make that it be r●dde in the congregation of the Laodicians also and that ye likewise redde the Epistle of Laodicia And saye to Archippus take hede to the office that thou haste receaued in the Lorde that thou fulfyll it Remember my hands And we haue sente Timotheus oure brother and minister of God and our labour felowe in the gospell of Christ to stablysh you and to comforte you ouer youre fayth For this cause when I coulde no longer forbeare I sente that I mighte haue knowledge of youre faith least happely the tempter hadde tempted you and that oure laboure had bene bestowed in vayne But nowe latelye when Timotheus came frome you vnto vs and de●alred to vs your faith and your loue and how that ye haue good remembraunce of vs alwayes desiringe to see vs as we desire to see you Therefore we had consolation in you and in all oure aduersity and necessitye throughe your faith For now are we alyue if ye stand stedfast in the Lorde O Timothe saue that whiche is geuen the to kepe and auoid vnghostly vanityes of voyces and appositions of science falsly so called whych science whyle some professed they haue erred as concernynge the fayth See thou haue the ensample of the wholesome wordes which thou hardest of me in fayth and loue whyche is in Iesu Christ. That good thinge which was cōmitted to thy kepinge kepe in the holye ghost which dwelleth in vs. And what thinges thou haste harde of me many bearing witnesse the same deliuer to
hath caused me ●his to do partlye for Titus sake whiche is my felowe and healper as concerninge you partely because of other whiche are our brethr●n and the messengers of the congr●gations and the glorye of Christe Wherefore shewe vntoo them proofe of youre loue and of ●he reioysynge that we haue of you that the congregat●ons may se it Of the ministringe to the saynctes ●t is but superfluus for me to write vnto you for I knowe youre readynes of minde whereof I boast my self vnto them of Macedonia For Achaia was prepared a yeare ago and your feruentn●s hathe prouoked manye Neuerthelesse yet haue I sent theese brethren least oure reioysinge ouer you shuld be in vaine in this behalfe and that ye as I haue sayed prepare youre selues l●aste paraduen●ure if they of Macedonia come wyth me and fynde you vnprepared the boast that I made in ●hys matter shoulde be a shame to vs I saye not to you Wherefore I thoughte it necessarye to exhorte the bretheren to come before hande vnto you For to prepare youre good blessinge promysed afore that it myghte be readye so that it be a blessinge and not a defraudinge For the office of this ministration not onely supplieth the neade of the sainctes but also is abundaunt therein that for this laudable ministringe thankes might be geuen to God of manye Whiche prayse God for the obedience of your professinge the gospell of Christ and for youre singlenes in disstributinge to them and to all men and in their prayers to God for you longe after you for the abundaunt grace of God geuen vnto you Would to God ye could suffer m● a little in my foolishnes yea and I pray you forbeare me● Bear ye one an others burthen and so fulfyll the law of Christ. Let him that is taughte in the word minister vnto him y t teacheth him in all good thinges Brethren if any man be falen bi chaunce in to any faut ye whiche are spiritual helpe to amend him in the spirit of mekenes considering thy selfe l●ast thou also be tempted Let him that stole steale no more but let him rather laboure with his hands some good thing that he may haue to geue to him that nedeth B● ye courteous one too an other and mercyfull forgeuinge one an other euen as God for Christes sake forgaue you I supposed it necessaye to sende brother Epaphroditus vnto you my companion in laboure and felowe souldiour youre Apostell and my minister at my nedes For he longed after you and was full of heauines because ye hadde hearde saye that he shoulde be sycke And no doubte he was sicke and that nye vnto death but god had merci on him not on him only but on me also lest I shuld haue sorowe vpon sorow I sent him therfore the diligent liar that when ye shoulde se him ye mighte reioyce agayne and I mighte be the lesse sorowefull Receaue him therefore in the Lord with all gladnes and make muche of suche because that for th● worke of Christe he wente so farre that he was nye vnto deathe and regarded not his lyfe to fulfyll that seruice which was lackinge of your● parte towarde me Ye I besech the Germane my yoke felowe helpe those which laboured wyth me in the Gospell and wyth Cl●ment also and with other my labour felowes whose names are written in the booke of lyfe I reioyce in the Lorde greatelye that now at th● laste ye are reuiued agayne too care for me in that wherein ye were also carefull but ye lacked oportunity I sp●ake not because of necessitye For I haue learned in what so euer estate I am there with to be content notwithstanding ye haue well done that ye bare part with me in my tribulation Ye of Philippos knowe that in the beginning of the gospell when I departed frome Macedonia no congregation bare parte with me as concerninge geuinge and receauinge but ye only For when I was in Thessalonica ye sente once and afterwarde agayne vnto my nedes not that I desire gyftes but I desire aboundante frute on youre parte I receaued all and haue plenty I was euen fylled after that I had receaued of Epaphroditus that came frome you an odour that smelleth sweete a sa●rifice accepted and pleasaunte to God We praye you brethren comforte the feble minded receaue the weake For God is not vnrigh●eous that he shoulde forget youre worke and labour that proceadeth of loue whiche loue ye shew in his name which haue ministred vnto the sayntes and yet minister Yea and we desyre that euerye one of you shewe the same diligence to the stablishing of hope euen vnto the ende For ye had pitty on them that were in ●andes Be not forgetfull to kepe hospitalitye and lodge straungers for therby haue diuers receaued Aungels into theyr houses vnwares Remember them that ●●e in bondes euen as though ye were in bonde with them Be mindefull of them which are in aduersiti as ye which are yet in your bodies To do good and to distribute forget not for with suche sacrifices God is pleased I besech you brethrē suffer the wordes of exhortation Excercise thy selfe vnt●o Godlynesse For bodilye excercise profiteth little but Godlinesse is good vnto al thinges as a thinge which hath promises of the life that is nowe and of the life to come ¶ Of temperaunce and sobrietye and of bodily castigation Capitu. 16. BRethren we are now debtters not too the fleshe to liue after the fleshe For if ye lyue after the fleshe ye must dye But if ye mortifye the dedes of the bodye by the helpe of the spirit ye shall liue I beseche you therfore brethren by the mercyfulnesse of God that ye make youre bodyes a quicke sacrifice holy and accptable vnto God And make not prouision for the flesh to fulfyll the lustes of it He which is weake eateth earbes It is good neither to eate flesh neyther to drincke wyne I therefore tame and chast my bodye and bringe it in to subiection lest after I haue preached to other I my self should be a castaway Therfore let vs behaue our selues as the ministers of God in fastinges in chastitye in watchinge And let vs clense oure selues from al filthines of the flesh and sprite I say walke in the spirite● and fulfyll not the lustes of the fleshe for the fleshe lus●eth contrarye to the spirite and the sprite contrarye to the fleshe Theese are contrarye one to the other so that ye canne not doe that whiche ye woulde They that are Christs haue crucified the flesh with the appe●ies and lustes In the which in time passed ye walked accordinge too the course of this worlde and after the gouernours that ruleth the ayre the spirite that nowe worketh in the children of vnbeliefe amonge whiche we also had our conuersation in time past in the lustes of oure fleshe and fulfylled the wyll of the fleshe and of
the mynde and were naturallye the chyldren of wrathe euen as well as other This I saye therefore and testifye in the Lorde that ye hence foorthe walke not as other gentiles walke in vanitye of their mynde blinded in their vnderstanding being straungers from the life whiche is in God thorowe the ignorauncye that is in them because of the blindenesse of their heartes whiche beinge past repentaunce haue geuen them selues vnto wantannes to worke al maner of unclennes euen with gredines But ye haue not so learned Christe if so be ye haue heard of him and are ●●ughte in him euen as the truthe is in Iesu to laye from you that olde man which is corrupte thorow the deceaueable lustes For many walke of whom I haue tolde you often and nowe tell you wepinge that they are the enemies of the crosse of Christe whose ende is dampnation whose God is their belye and whose glorye is their shame which are wordlye minded Mortifye therfore youre members which are on the earth fornication vnclennesse vnnaturall luste euyll concupiscence For whiche thinges ●ake the wrath of God commeth on the children of vnbeliefe in whyche thinges ye walked once when ye liued in them For this is the wyll of God euen that ye should be holye and that ye shoulde abstaine frome fornication that euerye one of you should knowe howe to kepe his vessell in holynesse and honoure and not in the luste of concupyscence as doe the heathen which knowe not God Therefore let vs not slepe as other do but let vs watche and be sober Keepe thy selfe pure and chaste drinck no longer water but vse a little wine for the stomacke sake and thine often diseases Be sober Let ther be no fornicator or vnclean personne as Esau whiche for one breakefast solde his byrth righte Ye knowe how that afterward when he woulde haue inherited the blessinge he was put by and he found no meanes to come therby again no though h● desired it with teares Therfore be not dr●nke with wine wherin is ●xc●sse ¶ Agaynste the vyces of the fleshe Capitu 17. THey serued the creatures more then the mak●r For this cause God gaue them vp vnto shamfull lustes for euen their women did chaunge their naturall vse vnto the vnnaturall And lyke wise also the men lefte the naturall vse of the woman and brente in their lustes one an other And manne with manne wroughte filthines and receaued in them selues the rewarde of their errour as it was accordinge Let not sin ragine therfore in your mortall bodies that ye shuld therunto obey in the lustes of it nether geue ye youre members as instrumentes of vnryghteousenesse vnto synne I speake grosselye because of the infyrmitye of youre fleshe As ye haue geuen your members seruaunts to vnclennes and to iniquitye frome iniquitye vnto iniquitye euen so nowe geue your members seruaunts vnto vnrighteousnes that ye may be sanctified what frute had ye then in those thnigs wherof ye are now ashamed For the end of those things is death For the reward of synne is death They that are geuen to the fleshe can not please God But ye are not geuen to the flesh but to the spirite if so be that the spirite of God dwell in you Therefore we are now dettours not to the fleshe to lyue after the fleshe for if ye lyue after the flesh ye muste dye but if ye mortifye the dedes of t●● body by the helpe of the spiri●e ye shall lyue Not in eatinge and drinking neither in chamburinge and wantannesse but put ye on the Lorde Iessus There goeth a common ●ayinge that there is fornication among you and suche fornication as is not once named among the gentiles that one shoulde haue his fathers wife And ye swell and haue not rath●r sorowed that he which hathe done thys deede mighte be put frome amonge you For I verely as absente in bodye euen so presente in spirit haue determined alreadye as thoughe I were presente of him that hath done this dede in the name of oure Lord Iesus Christ youre reioysinge is not good● know ye not that a little leuen sowreth the whole lompe of dowe I wrote vntoo you in a Epistle that ye shoulde not companye with fornitours Nor I mente not at all of the fornicatours of this worlde ether of the couetous or of extorsioners ether of the ydolaters For then muste ye nedes haue gone oute of the worlde But nowe I write vn●o you that ye company not to gether Meates are ordained for the bellye and the bellye for meates but God shall destroye bothe it and them Let not the bodye be applyed vnto fornication but vnto the Lorde and the Lorde vnto the body Ether remember ye not that your bodies are the members of Christe Shall I nowe take the members of Christe and make them the members of an harlote God for bydde Doe ye not vnderstand that he which coupleth him selfe with an harlot is become one bodye For two sayeth he shall be one flesh Fle fornication All sinnes that a man doth are wi●houte the bodye but he that is a fornicatour synneth against his own body The deedes of the fl●she are manyfest which are these aduoutrye fornica●ion vnclennesse wantannes ydolatrye witchcrafte hatered variaunce z●ale wrath strife sedition sectes enuyinge murther dronckennesse gluttonye and suche like of the whiche I tell you before as I haue tolde you in time past that they whiche commit suche thinges shall not inherit the kingdome of God Se that forni●ation and all unclennes or coueteousnes be not ones nam●d amonge you as it becommeth saynctes neither filthynes neither foolishe talkinge neither gestinge whyche are not comelye but rather geuinge of thankes For thys ye knowe that no whoremonger ether vncleane personne or couetuous personne which is the worshipper of ydoles hath anye inheritaunce in the kyngedome of Christe and God God hathe not called vs vnto vnclennes but vnto holines God wyll iudge fornicators and aduouterers ¶ Of fortitude and stabilitye and of the constancy of the hearte Cap 18. THerefore my deare breethren be ye stedfast and vnmouable alwaies rich and abundant in the works of the Lord in as much as ye knowe how that youre laboure is not in vaine in the Lord. And therfore let vs not hence foorth be no more children waueringe and caried with euery wynde of doctrine by the wilines of men and craftines whereby they laye awayte for vs to deceaue vs. Fynally my brethren be strong in the Lorde and in the power of hys mighte put on the armoure of God that ye may stand stedfast against the crafty assaultes of the d●uyl For we wrastle not against flesh and bloude but against rule against power against worldly rulers of the darkennes of this worlde against spirituall wyckednesse for heauenlye thynges For this cause take vnto you the armoure of God that ye may ●e
lighte Wherefore he sayth awake thou that ●●epest and stande vp from death and Christ shall geue the lighte We beseche you brethren warne and rebuke them that are vnrulye Yf anye man obey not our saying● counte him not as an ennemye but warne him as a brother Rebuke not an elder b●t exhorte him as a father Them that synne rebuke openly that other may feare I testifye before God and Christe Iesu whiche shall iudge quycke and dead and by his comming and kingdome be it in season or oute of season improue rebuke preache the worde be ●eeuente exhort with all longe sufferinge and doctryne For the time wyll come when they wyl not suffer wholesome doctryne but after theyr owne lustes shall they whose eares itch get them an helpe of t●achers and shall tourne theyr eares frome the truthe and shall be geuen vnto fables All scripture is profitable to improue and rebuke These thinges speake exhort and rebuke with all commaundinge The se●uaunte of God with modestye muste reproue them that resyste the truthe if that God at anye time wyll geue them repentaunce for too know the truth and come agayne to them selues oute of the snare of the deuyll which are nowe taken of him at his wyll For when as concerninge the time ye oughte to be teachers yet haue ye neede agayne that we teache you the firste principles of the worde of God and are become suche as haue nede of mylke and not strong meate For ●uerye manne that is feadde wyth mylke is inexperte in the woorde of ryghteousene●se For he is but a babe What sonne is that whome the father chas●eneth no● Al maner of chastning in the present tyme seemethe not too be ioyouse but greuouse Neuerthelesse afterwarde it bringeth the quyet frute of righteousnesse vnto them whyche are therin excercised ¶ Of temptation Capitu. 25. LEt vs not tempte Christe as some of them tempted and wer destroyed of serpentes None other temptation hathe taken you but suche as foloweth the nature of man But God is faythfull whiche shall not suffer you to be tempted aboue youre strengthe but shall in the myddes of the temptation make awaye to escape oute and sustayne it The God of peace shall treade Sathan vnder your feete shortely For these false Apostels are disceitful workers and fashion them selues like vnto the Apostelles of Christe And no maruayle for Sathan hym selfe is chaunged in to the fashion of an Aungell of lighte Therefore it is no greate thinge thoughe his ministers fashion thē selues as thoughe thei were the ministers of righteousnesse whose ende shall be according to their dedes And least I shoulde be exalted oute of measure thorow the aboundaunce of reuelations ther was geuen vnto me vnquietnes of y e flesh the m●ssenger of Sathan to buffet me For this thinge besoughte I the Lorde thryse that it mighte departe from me And he sayed vnto me my grace is suffyente for thee for my strength is made perfecte thorow weaknes The fleshe l●steth contrarye to the spirite and the spirite contrarye to the fleshe c. As aboue Ca. 16. Neither geue place vnto the deuyl For we wrastle not against flesh and bloude but againste power and worldly rulers c. as aboue Capi. 18. For as muche brethren as we are kepte frome you for a season as concerning the bodyly presence but not in the hearte we enforced the more to● see you personablye wyth great desyre And therfore we would haue come to you I Paule but Sathan withstode vs. For this cause when I coulde no longer forbeare I sent that I might haue knowledge of your fayeth least happelye the tempter had tempte● you and that our labour hadde bene bestowed in vayne In that Christe him selfe suffered and was tempted he is able to succoure them that are tempted Seinge then that we haue not an hye priest which can not haue compassion on our infirmites but in all poyntes tempted like as we are but yet with●ute synne That we be not circumuented of sathan For his thoughtes are not vnknowen vnto vs. No manne is crouned excepte he stri●e laufullye ¶ Of prayer Capitu 26. LYkewise the spirit also helpeth our infyrmities For we know not what to praye for or to desire as we ought but the spirite makethe intercession mightelye for vs. And he that searcheth the heartes knowethe what is the meaninge of the spirit for he maketh intercession forthe saintes accordinge to the pleasure of God Christe maketh intercession for vs. Yf I praye with the tonge my spirit praieth but my minde is without frute What is it then I wyll pray with the spirit and wyll praye wi●h the mynde also I wyll synge wyth spirit and wyll syng with the minde also Continue in prayer Pray alwaies with al maner praier and supplication and that in the spirit and watch therunto with al instance and supplication for al saints In all thinges shewe your peticion vnto God in praier and supplication with geuinge of thanks Continue in prayer watch in the ●ame with thankes geuinge Praye continuallye I praye you therefore that aboue all thinges prayers supplications intercessions and geuinge of thanks b● had for all men for kinges and for all that are in autoritye that we maye lyue a quyet and a peaceable lyfe in all Godlynes and honestye and chastitye For that is good and accepted in the syghte of God our sauioure I wyll therfore that the men praye euery where● liftinge vp their handes without wrath or doubting Likewise also the women that they araye them selues in comely apparel with shamefastnesse and discrete behauiour Christ in the dayes of his fleshe did offer vppe praiers and supplications with strong cryinge and teares vnto him that was able to saue him frome death And was also hearde because of his Godlye reuer●nce Therefore he is able also euer to saue them that come vnto God by him seinge he euer lyueth to make intercession for vs. Christe is entred in to very heauen for to appeare nowe in the sighte of God for vs. ¶ Of spirituall gloriation or ioye and inwarde consolation And against vayne glory Capitu. 27. TO euery man that doth good shall come prayse honour and peace to the Iewe firste and also to the gentyle We glorye and reioyce in the hope of the children of God neyther doe we so onelye but we reioyce in tribulations and we reioyce and ioye in God by the meanes of oure Lorde Iesus Christ by whom we haue receaued the attenmente The God of hope fyll you with all ioye and peace in beleuinge Therefore let no man glorye or reioyce in mē For all things are yours whether it be Paule eyther Apollo eyther Cephas whether it be the worlde eyther life eyther death● whether they be presente thing●s or thinges to come all are youre● and ye are Christes
guyte you like men and be stronge Let all your busines be done in loue In all thinges let vs behaue oure selues as the ministers of God In fastinges in watchings in purenes in knowledge in longe sufferinge in kindenes in the holy ghoste in loue vnfained in the wordes of truthe in the power of God● by the armoure of righteousenes of the righte hand and on the lefte Fynallye brethren be of good comforte be perfecte be of one mynde lyue in peace and the God of peace and loue shall be with you I therfore which am in bondes for the Lordes sake exhorte you that ye walke worthy of the vocation wherwith ye are called in all humblenes of mynde and mekenes and longe sufferinge forbearing one an other throughe loue and that ye be dylygent to keepe the unitye of the spirite in the bonde of peace beinge one bodye and one spirite euen as ye are called in one hope of your callinge Doe all thinge withoute murmuringe and disputinge that ye may be faute●sse and pure and the sonnes of God withoute rebuke in the myddes of a croked and peru●rse nation amonge the whiche se● that ye shyne as ligh●es in the world holdynge fast the worde of life vnto my reioysinge in the daye of Christ that I haue not runne in vayne neither haue laboured in vayne Now therfore as elect of God holy beloued put on tender mercy kindnes humblenes of mindes meken●s long sufferinge forbearing one an other forgeuing one an other if any man haue a quarell to an other euen as Christ forgaue you euen so do ye We beseche you brethren that ye encrease more and more and that ye studye to be quiet and to medie with youre owne busynes and to worke with your owne handes as we commaunded you that ye maye behaue your selues hones●lye towarde them that are withoute● and that nothinge be lackinge vnto you Reioyce euer praye continuallye quenche not the spirit Despyse not prophesyinge Examyn and proue al things and kepe that which is good Abstaine from all suspitious things Fayethfull is he whiche called you which wyll also do it Brethren pray for vs. Grete all the brethren with an holye kysse I charge you in the Lord that this Epistle be redde vnto all the holy brethren Lustes of youth auoyde and folow righteousnes fayth loue and peace with them that call on the Lord with pure hearte The seruaunte of the Lorde muste not striue but muste be peaceable vnto all men and apte to teache and one that can suffer the euyll in meeknes and canne informe them that resist truth Let oures also learne too excell in good workes as far foorth as neede requyreth that they be not vnfrutefull Folow righteousnes godlin●s loue pacience and mekenesse ¶ Of the sinagoge and of dyuers gifts of grace in time past geuen vnto it and of doble circumc●sion Capi. 37. CYrcumcision ve●elye auaileth if thou keepe the lawe But if thou breake the lawe ●hy circumcision is made vncircumcision Therefore if the vncircumcised kepe right thinges contayned in the law shal not his vncircumcis●on be con●ted for circumcision And shal not vncircumcision which is by nature if it kepe the lawe iudge thee which beinge vnder the letter and circumcision doest transgresse the lawe For he is not a Iewe whiche is a Iewe outward Neither is that thinge circumcision which is outward in flesh But he is a Iewe which is hyd with in and the circumcision of the hart is the true circumcision which is in the spirit and not in the letter whose prayse is not of men but of God What prefermente then hath the Iewe other what auauntageth circumcision Surely very much First vnto them was committed the word of God what then thoughe some of them did not beleue Shall their vnbeleeue make the promesse of God withoute effecte God forbyd Whiche are the Israelits to whom pertayneth the adoption the glory and the couenauntes and the lawe that was geuen and the promises whose also are the fathers and they of whome as concerninge the fleshe Christ came whiche is God ouer all thinges blessed for euer Amen I saye then hath God caste awaye his people God forbyd for euen I verely am an Israelite of the sede of Abraham and of the tribe of Beniamin god hath not cast away his people whiche he knew before Eyther wote ye not what the scripture sayth by y e mouth of Helias how he maketh intercessiō to god against Israel saying Lord they haue kylled thy prophetes and dygged doune thine altares and I am left only and they seke my selfe But what sayeth the aunswere of god to him agan I haue reserued vnto me seuen thousand men which haue not bowed the knee to Baal euē so at this time is ther a remenaunt lefte thorow the electio● of grace Yf it be of grace then is it not of woorkes For then were grace no more grace Brethren I wold not that ye shuld be ignoraunte of this how that our fathers were all vnder a cloude and al passed through the sea and wer all baptised vnder Moses in the cloude and in the sea and did all eate of one spirituall meate and did all drincke of one maner spirituall drincke And they drancke of that spirituall rock● that folowed them which rocke was Christe But in manye of them had God no delyte for they were ouerthrowen in the wildernes Theese are ensamples to vs. We are Iewes by nature and not sinners of the gentiles And I saye that Iesus Christe was a minister of the circumcision for the truthe of God to confirme the promises made vnto the fathers Beholde I shall whiche walketh carnallye For we are circumcision whyche worshippe God in the spirite and reioyce in Christe Iesu and haue no confidence in the fleshe thoughe I haue where of I might reioyce in the fleshe Yf anye other man thinketh that he hath whereof he mighte trust in the fleshe muche more I circumcised the eyghte daye of the kindred of Israell of the trybe of Beniamin an Hebrue borne of the Hebrues as concerninge the lawe a P●arysey and as concernynge feruentnesse I persecuted the congregation and as touchinge the righteousenesse which is in the lawe I was vnrebukeable God in time past diuerslye and many wayes spake vnto the fathers by the prophets but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne The first tabernacle had ordinaunces and seruings of God and worldlye holynes For there was before a tabernacle made wherein was the candelsticke and the table and the shew bread which is called holy But within the second vayle was there a tabernacle which is called holyest of al. Which had the golden senser and the Arke of the Testament ouerlaid rounde aboute with golde wherein was the golden potte with Manna and Arons rod that spronge and the tabl●s of the Testamente Ouer the Arke were the
Thankes be to God whiche hathe geuen vs victorye through our Lord Iesus Christ. For it is God whiche s●ablished vs and you in Christe and hath anointed vs which hath also sealed vs and hath geuen the earnest of the spyrite in our har●es Yf ye be Chrstes then are ye Abraham sede and heyres by promes Because ye are the sonnes of God God sente the spirite of his sonne in to youre hartes whiche crieth Abba fa●her Wherefore now thou art not a seruaunte but a sonne if thou be the sonne thou art also the heire of God through Christ. As manye are ledde by the spirite of God they are the sons of god For ye haue not receaued the spyrite of bondage to feare anye more but ye haue receiued the spirit of adoption where by we crye Abba father The same spirite cer●ifieth our spirit that we are the sons of god Yf we be the sonnes we are also hei●rs the ●eiers I meane of God and heiers annexed with Christe if so be that we suffer together that we maye be gloryfied together Therefore brethren we are after the nature of Isaac children of promes But as thou he that was borne carnallye persecuted hym that was borne spiritually Euen so it is now Neuerthelesse what sayeth the scripture put awaye the bonde woman and her sonne For the sonne of the bonde woman shal not be heier with the sonne of the free woman So then brethren we are not children of the bonde woman but of the free woman ¶ Of the exellencye of the supernall graces graunted vnto the faythfull of Christe newlye in the primytiue churche Capitu. 43. BLessed be God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe whiche hath blessed vs with all maner of spirituall blessinges in heauenlye thinges by Chri●te to the prayse of the glory of his grace wherewith he hathe made vs accepted in the beloued by whome we haue redempcion throughe his bloudde euen the forgeuenesse of synnes accordinge to● the riches of his grace In whom al●o ye after that ye hearde the worde of truthe I meane the Gospell of youre saluation where in ye beleued were sealed with the holye spirite of promes whiche is the earnest of our inheritaunce to redeme the purchased possession and that to the la●d of his glorye But God whiche is riche in mercy thorowe his greate loue wherewith he loued vs euen when we wer dead by synne hath quickened vs together in Christ for by grace are ye saued and hathe raysed vppe together and made vs sytte together in heauenlye thynges thorowe Christe Iesus for to shewe in tyme too come the exceadinge riches of his grace in kindenes to vs ward● in Christe Iesu. Nowe therefore ye are no more straungers and ●oriners but citysins with saints and of the hosholde of God and are b●ilte vpon the foundation of the Apostles prophets Iesu Christ being the head corner stone in whom euery buildinge coupled together groweth vnto an holye temple in the Lorde in whome ye also are builte together and made an habitation for God in the spirit U●to euery one of vs is geuen grace accordinge to the measure of the gift of Christe Wherfore he saieth He is gone vp an hye and hath ledde captiuitye captiue and hath geuen giftes vnto menne And the verye same made some Apostles some prophets some Euāgelistes some Shepeherds and some Teachers That the saints mighte haue all thinges necessary to worke and minister with all to the edifyinge of the bodye of Christe tyll we euerye one in the vnitye of faith and knowledge of the sonne of God growe vp vnto a perfecte man after the measure of age of the fulnesse of Christe Ye were an ensample to all that beleue For youre fayeth whiche ye haue to God sprede her selfe abroade in all quarters so greatelye that it nedeth not vs to speake anye thynge at all For they them selues shew of you what manner of entringe in we had vnto you and how ye turned to God frome ydols for to serue the liuinge and true God and for to looke for his sonne frome heauen whome he raysed frome death I meane Iesus which deliuereth vs from wrath to come For this cause thanks we God with oute ceasinge because that when ye receaued of vs the worde wherewith God was preached ye receiued it not as the worde of manne but euen as it was in deede the woorde of God which worketh in you that beleue The grace of oure Lord was more abundant with fayth and loue which is in Christ Iesu. God saued vs and called vs with an holy callynge not accordinge to oure deddes but accordinge too hys own purpose and grace which grace was geuen throughe Christ Iesu before the worlde was but is now declared openlye by the appearinge of oure sauioure Iesus Christe whiche hathe put awaye death and hath broughte life and immortalitye vnto light through the gospell wherunto I am appointed a preacher and Apostell and a teacher of the gentiles For the whyche cause I also suffer theese thinges Neuerthelesse I am not ashamed For Christ gaue him selfe for vs to redeme vs frome all vnrighteousnesse and to pourge vs a peculiar people vnto him selfe feruently geuen vnto good workes For we our selues also wer in times paste vnwise disobediente deceiued in daunger and geuen to lustes and diuers manners of voluptiousnes liuing in malitiousnes and enuy full of hate hatynge one an other But after that the kindenesse and loue of oure sauioure to man warde appeared not of the dedes of righteousnes which we wroughte but of his mercye he saued vs by the fountayne of the new byrth of the holy ghost whiche he shedde on vs aboundantly thorowe Iesus Christ our sauioure that we once iustifyed by his grace shulde be heyre● of e●●r●al● ly●e thorowe hope We haue an altare wher●of they maye not ●ate whiche serue in the tabernacle For the bodyes of th●se beasts whose bloud is brough● in to the holye place by the pryest to pourge s●nne are burnt w●●hout the ten●●s Therfore Iesus to sanctifye the people with his own● bloud suffer●d w●●hout the ga●e ¶ Of predestination and the ●oreknowledge of God Capit● 44. WE knowe that all thynges work for the best vnto them that loue God whiche are called of purpos● For those which he knewe be●or● he also ordayned before that they shuld be like fash●oned vnto the shape of his sonne that ●e mighte be the fir●t begotten sonne amonge manye brethren Moreouer whiche ●e predestinated and appo●nted before them also he called And wh●●he he called them also he ●ust●●●ed which ●e iust●f●ed them he also ●lor●●●ed What shall we then saye 〈◊〉 these th●nges Yf God be on oure ●●de who can be againste vs which ●pa●ed not hi● owne sonne but ga●●●im f●r vs all how shall he not with him geue vs al things also who shall lay any thinge to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that
one mediator betw●ne God and mā which is the man Christ Iesu which gaue him self a raunsome for all men that it shuld be testified at his time wher vnto I am or●ayn●d a preacher and an Apostle I tell the truth in Christ and lye not beinge the teacher of the gentyles in faith and veritye ¶ Of diuers misteries of Christ that is of his incarnation na●●ui●y humility pouerty● passion resurrection apparition ascention and glorification And also of the effectes of his salu●iferous passion Capitu. 47. BUt hym that was made lesse then the Aungels we see that it was Iesus which is crouned with glory● and honoure for the sufferinge of death that he by the grace of God shoulde taste o● deathe for all men For it became him for whome are all thinges after that he hadde broughte manye sonnes vnto glory that he should make the Lord of their saluation perfecte thorowe o●fering For he that sanctif●eth and thei whiche sanctified are al of one For whiche causes sake he is not a shamed to call them brethren sayinge I wyll declare thy name vnto my brethren and in the myds of the congregation wil I praise the. And againe I wyll put my truste in him And againe behold hear am I and the children whiche god hath geuen me For as much then as the children were partakers of fleshe and bloude he also him selfe likewise toke part with them For to put doun thorow death him that had Lordeship ouer death that is to say the deuil and that he mighte deliuer them which thorowe feare of death were all theyr lyfe tyme in daunger of bondage For he in no place ●aketh on hym the Aungels but the ●eede of Abraham taketh he on him Wherefore in all thinges it became him to be made lyke vntoo his breethren that he mighte be mercyfull and a faithfull hye prieste in thinges concerninge God for to pourge the peoples sinnes But Christe beinge an hye prieste of good thinges too come came by a greater a more perfecte tabernacle not made with hands y ● is to say not of this maner building nether by the bloud of gotes and calues but by his owne bloudde he entred in ones for all in to the holye place and founde etternall redēption For if the bloud of oxen and of goetes and the ashes of an heyfer when it was sprincled purified the vncleane as touchynge the purifying● of the flesh how much more shall the bloude of Christ whithorowe the eternall spirite offered him self without spot to god pourge your consciences from deade workes for to serue the lyuing God And for this cause is he the mediator of the new T●stamente that thorow death whiche chaunced for the redemption of those transgr●ssour●s that were in the firste Testamente they whiche were called might receaue the promes of eternall inheritaunce For whersoeuer is a Testamēt ther must be also the death o● him that maketh y e Testament for the testamēt taketh auctoritye when men are deade For it is of no value as longe as he that made it is alyue For which cause also neither that firste Testamente was ordayned withoute bloude For when all the commaundements wer redde of Moses to all the people he toke the bloud of calues and of gotes with water and purple wull and ysope and sprinckeled both the boke and al the people sayinge this is the bloud of the Testament whyche God hathe appoynte● vnto you Moreouer he sprinckled the tabernacle with bloude also and all the ministringe ●essels And also almost all thinges are by the lawe pourged with bloud ●nd withoute sheddinge of bloude is no remission It is then neede that the similitudes of heauenlye thinges be purifyed with suche thinges but the he●u●nly thing●s them selues are pury●ied with be●ter sacri●yces then are those For Ch●iste is not entred in to the holye places that are made with handes whiche are but simi●●●udes of true thinges but is ent●red in to verye heauen fo● too appeare now● in the sighte of God for vs not to offer him ●el●e often as the ●ygh prie●● entreth in to the ●olye place eu●rye year with ●traunge bloud fo● then mu●te bee haue o●ten suffered sence the world● began But nowe in the ende of the worlde hath ●e appeared once to put ly●ne to ●lighte by the offeringe v● of him selfe And as it is appoin●ed vnto men that the● shall once dye and then commeth the iudgemente euen so Christe was ones offered to take away the sinnes of manye and vnto them that looke for him shall ●e appear again withoute synne vnto saluation There is then no dampnation too them which are in Christ Iesu whiche walke not after the ●leshe For God ●●nte his sonne in the simylitude of syn●ull fle●he and by synne dampned synne in the ●●●he c. I deliu●red vnto you t●at which I reaceaued howe that Christe dyed for our sinnes agree●ge to the scriptures And that he was ●uri●d and that he rose agayne the thyr●●ay accordinge too the ●criptures and that he was seene of Cephas then of the twelue After that he was s●ene of more then fyue hundred bre●thren at once of whiche manye remayne vnto this daye and manye are fallen a sle●pe After tha● he appeared too Iames then to all the Apostels And laste of all he was seene of me as of one that was borne out of due ●yme There●ore remember that ●esus Christe beinge of the seede of Da●id rose agayne frome deathe accordinge to my gospell wherein I suff●r trouble as an euyl doar but the wo●d of God is not bounde But when the ●●me was f●ll come God sent his son borne of a woman and made bond vn●o the law that to redeme thē which were vnder y e law that we thorowe election mighte receaue the in●erytaunce that belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes Ye know the liberality of our Lord Iesus Christ which though he were rich yet for your sakes became poore that ye thorow his pouer●ye might be made riche Whether the f●re runner is for vs entred in I mean Iesus that is made an hye priest for euer after the order of Melchisede●h That he ascended what meaneth it but that he also d●s●ended first in too the lowest par●●es of the earthe He that descended is euen the same also that ascended vppe euen aboue all heauens to fulfyll all things The whiche beinge in the shape of God thoughte it no robberye to be equall wyth God Neuerthelesse he made him selfe of no reputation and toke on him the shape of a seruaunt and became like vnto men and was founde in his apparell as a man He humbled him selfe and became obedient vnto the deathe euen the death of the crosse Wherfore God hath ●xalted him and geuen him a name aboue all names that in the name of Iesus shoulde euery knee ●owe both of thinges in heauen and thinges in earth and thinges vnder the earth and that all tonges shoulde confesse that Iesus
Christ is the Lorde vnto the prayse of God the father And wythoute naye greate is that misterye of Godlynesse God was shewed in the flesh was iustified in the spirite was seene of Aungels was preached vnto the gentiles was beleued on in the earth and receiued vp in glorye ¶ That Christ is the head not onely of the churche militant but also of the triumphante And of the mysticall vntitye of the churche And of the excellency and la●d of Christ. Capitu. 48. I Saye to euerye man among● you that no man esteme of him selfe more then it becommeth hym to esteeme but accordynge as God hathe dealte ●o euerye man the measure of fayeth For as we haue many m●●b●rs in one body and all members haue not one office so we beynge manye are one bodye in Christe and eu●rye manne amonge oure selues one an others members For as the bodye is one and hathe manye members c. vt supra Capi. 41. Nowe is there no Iewe neyther gentyle there is neither bonde nor ●ree there is n●ither man nor woman But ye are all one thinge in Christe Whome God sette on hys ryghte hand in heauenly ●hinges aboue all rule power and myghte and domination and aboue all names that are named not in thys worlde onelye but also in the worlde to come and hathe put all thynges vnder hys ●eete and hath made hym aboue all thinges the headde of the congregation which is hi● bodye and the fulnesse of him that ●ylleth all in all thinges Whiche is the heade that is to say Christe in whome all ●he bod●e is coupled and knit together in euerye ioynte wherewith one mini●●ret●e to an other accordynge too the operation as euery parte hath his measure and increaseth the bodye vnto the edifyinge of it selfe in loue For Christ is the heade o● the congregation and the same is the sauioure of the bodye Which is the ymage o● the inuisyble God firste begotten of all creatures For by him were all thinges created thinges ●hat are in heauen and thynges that are in the earthe things visyble and thi●gs inuisible whether thei be maiesty or lordship either rule or power All thinges are created by him and in hym and he is before all thinges and in him all thinges haue their beginninge And he is the heade of the bodye that is to wytte of the congregation he is the beginninge and first begotten of the dead that in all things he might haue the preheminence For in him dwelleth all the fulnes of the Godheadde bodilye and ye are complete in him whiche is the heade of all rule and power He hath not vnto the Aungels put in ●ubiectyon the worlde too come wherof we speake But one in a certayn place wytnesseth sayinge what is man that thou art so myndefull of h●m and the sonne of manne that thou visitest hym After that thou haddest for a season made him low●r then the Aungels thou crounest him with ho●oure and glorye and hast● set him aboue the workes of thy handes Thou hast put all thinge in subiection vnder his fete In that he put all thinges vnder him he lefte nothing that is not put vnder him Neuerthelesse we yet se not all thinges to be subdued vn●o him Whiche was faythfull to him that made him euen as was Moses in al his house And yet was this manne counted worthy of more glorye th●n Moses In as muche as he whiche hathe prepared ●he honse hath most honour in the house Euery house is prepared of some man But he ●hat ordayned at things is God And Moses berelye was ●aythfull in all hys house as a minyster to beare wytnesse of the thinges which shoulde be spoken afterwardes But Christe as a sonne hath rule ouer the house whose house are we so that we holde faste the confi●ence and the r●ioysynge of that hope vnto the ende ¶ Of the dyuinitye and emynence of the onelye begotten sonne of God Capi●u 49. GOd hathe spoken vntoo vs by his sonne whome hee hathe made heiere of all thinges by whom also he made the world which ●onne beinge the brightenesse of his glorye and verye ymage of his substaunce bearinge vp all thinges with the worde of his power hath in his owne person pourged oure synnes and is sytten on the ryghte hande of his maiestye on ●ye and is more e●cellen●e then the Aungelles in as much as he hath by inheritaunce obtayned an e●ellen●er name then they haue For vnto which of the Aungels sayed he at anye tyme. Thou art my sonne this daye begat I th●e And and agayn I wyll be his father and he shall be my sonne And agayne when he bringeth in the first begottē son in to the world he sayth And all the Aungels of God shall worshippe him And of the Aungels he saith He maketh his Aungels spiri●s and hys ministers ●lames of fyre But vntoo the son he saith God thy seate shalbe for euer and euer The cepter of thy kingdome is a righte cepter Thou hast loued righteousenesse and ha●ed iniquity Wherfore god which is thy god hathe anointed the with the oyle of gladnesse a●ou●●hy f●lowes And thou Lord in the beginnyng hast laid the foundation of the earth And the heauens are the w●rk●s Th●● shall perishe but thou shal● endur● ●h●● all shal ware old as doth a ga●ment and as a ●estur● shal●● t●ou chaunge ●hem and they shalbe chaunged But thou art alwayes and ●hy yea●s ●●al not ●ayle Unto wh●che of the Aungels sayde he at anye ●●me Sy●●n my ryghte ha●de tyll I make h●ne enemies thy fo●● s●●l● ●r● they not all ministringe sp●●●●s sente to ●inister for theyr sakes whic●● s●●ll be ●e●ers of salua●ion For the word of god is qu●cke and m●ghtye in opera●●●n and s●arp●r then anye 〈…〉 and enfreth through euē vnto the diu●di●ge a sonder of the soule and the spirite and of the ●oyntes and the mar●● and iudgethe the thoughtes and ●he intentes of the heart neither is ther any creature inuisible in the sight of it For all thynges are naked and bare vnto the eyes of him of whom we speaek For Iesus Christe yesterdaye and to daye and the same continueth for euer Whiche is God ouer all thinges blessed for euer Whiche beinge in the shape of god thoughte it not robberye to be equall with God c. ¶ Of the nisufficiencye feblenesse of the law of Moses too saue manne withoute fayth and grace Capi. +tu 50. BY the deedes of the lawe shall no flesh be iustifyed in the sight of God For by the lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne Nowe verelye is the ryghteousenesse that commeth of God declared withoute the fulfyllinge of the lawe hauinge witnes yet of the law and of the prophetes The righteousnes no doubt which is good before God commeth by the fayth of Iesus Christ vnto all ●nd vppon all that beleeue There is no difference for all h●ue sinned and lacke
● faith ●re ye so ●nwise that after ye haue begonne in the spirit ye wold now ende in the flesh So manye thinges then ye haue suffered in vayne if that be vayne whiche ministred to you the spirite and worketh miracles amonge you doth he it throughe the dedes of the lawe or by preachynge of the fayethe For as many as are vnder the dedes of the lawe are vnder malediction For it is wrytten Cursed is euerye man that continueth not in all thinges which are written in the booke of the lawe too fulfyll them That no man is iustified by the law in the sighte of God is euident For the iust shall lyue by fayth The law is not of fayth but the man that fulfyllethe the thinges conteined in the lawe shall lyue by them Brethren I wil speake after the maner of men Thoughe it be but a mannes Testamente yet no man despiseth it or addeth anye thinge thereto when it is once alowed To Abraham and his sede were the promises made He saith not in the sede● as in many but in the sede as in one which is Christ. This I saye that the lawe which beganne afterwarde beyonde 400. and 30. yeares doth not disanull the Testamente that was confyrmed afore of God vnto Christe warde to make the promes of none effect For if the inheritaunce come of the lawe it cōmeth not of promes But God gaue it vnto Abrahā by promes Wherfore then serueth the law The lawe was added because of transgression til the sede came to whiche the promes was made it was ordianed bi Angels in the hand of a mediator A mediator is not a mediator of one But God is one Is the lawe then againste the promes of God God forbyd Howe be it if there had bene a lawe geuen which coulde haue geuen lyfe then no doubte righteousnes shoulde haue come by the lawe But the scripture concluded all thinges vnder synne that the promes by the fayeth of Iesus Christe shoulde be geuen vntoo them that beleue Before that fayth came we were kepte and shut vppe vnder the lawe vnto the fayth whiche shoulde afterwarde be declared Wherefore the lawe was our scolemaster vnto the ●ime of Christ that we myghte b● made ryghteouse by fayth But after that ●ayth is come now are we no longer vnder a scolemaster We knowe that the lawe is goo● if a man vse it lawfullye vnderstandinge this how ●hat the lawe is not geuen vnto a righteous man But to the vnrighteous● c. ¶ Of the cessation and ende o● circumcison and other obseruations of the law in the time of the promulgation of the gospell Capit. 54. STande fa●●e therefore in ●he libertye wherewith Christe hath made vs free and wrap not your selues againe in the yoke of bondage Behold I Paule saye vnto you that if ye be circumcised Christ shall profyt●● you nothinge at all I testifye ag●yne to euery man which is circumcised y ● he is bound to kepe the whole lawe Ye are gone q●yte from Christ as manye as are iustif●●d by the lawe and are fallen from grace Ye did runn● well who was a let vnto you that ye shuld not obey the truth Euen that counsel that is not of him that called you I haue trust toward you in the Lord that ye wyll be none other wise minded He that troubleth you shal bear his iudgement● what so euer he be Brethrē if I yet preache circumcision why● do I then yet suffer persecution For then hadde the offence whyche the crosse geueth ceased I would to God they were sepera●ed from you which trouble you Breethren ye were called in too lybertye onelye lette not youre liberty● be an occasyon vntoo the fleshe but in loue serue one an other As many as desire to please carnallye they constraine you to be circumcised onelye because they would not suffer persecution with the crosse of Christ. For they them selues which are circum●ised kep● not the lawe but desire too haue you circumcised that they might reioyce in your flesh For in Christe Iesu neyther circumcision aua●leth any th●nge at all● nor vncyrcumcysion but a newe creature Yf ye be ledde to the spirit then are ye not vnder the law And I saye that the heier as longe as he is a child differeth not frō a seruaunte thoughe he be Lorde of all but is vnder tuters gouern●rs vntyl the time appoynted of the father Euen so we as long as we wer children were in bondage vnder the ordinaunces of the worlde Ye obserue dayes and monethes and times and yeares I am in feare of you leaste I haue bestowed on you laboure in vayne Breethren I beseche you be as I am For I am as ye are● Ye haue not hurte me at all Ye knowe how throughe infirmitye of the fle●h I preached the Gospell vnto you at the fyrste And my temptation which I suffered by reason of my fleshe ye despysed not neyther abhorred but receaued me as an Aungell of God ye as Christe Iesus Howe happy● were ye then For I beare you recorde that if it had bene possible ye woulde haue plucked out your own● eyes and haue geuen too me Am I therefore become youre ennemye● because I tell you the truth They are gelous ouer you amysse Ye they inte●de to exclude you that ye shoulde be ●eruente to them warde My little children of whome I trauaile in ●yrthe againe vntil Christ be fashioned in you I wold I were with you and coulde chaunge my voice For I stande in a doubte of you Tell me ye that desyre to be vnder the lawe haue ye not hearde of the lawe For it is written that Abraham had two sonnes the one by a ●onde mayde the other by a free woman But he which was of the bond woman was borne after the fleshe But he which was of the free woman was born● by promes Which thinges betoken mistery For theese women are two Testaments● the one from the mount Sina whiche gendreth vnto bondage Which is Agar For mounte Sina is called Agar in Arabia and bordreth vppon the citye whiche is now Ierusalem and is in bondage with her children Let none synne haue power ouer you For ye are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace What then Shall we synne because we are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace God forbydde ¶ Of Christes priesthode and bishopricke and of the exc●llency of Melchisedech whiche was the figure of Christ. And how Abraham payed tithe vnto Leui. Capitu. 55. SEygne then that we haue a greate hye prieste whiche is entered in to heauen I mean Iesus the sonne of God let vs holde ●ure prophession For euerye hye prieste that is taken frome amonge men is ordayned for menne in thinges pertaininge to God to off●r gyftes and sacrifices for synne whiche can haue compassion on the ignoraunte and on them that are out of the way because that he him selfe is compased with in●irmityes For the whyche infimities sake he
capitu 17.19 Couetous persons are worshippers of ydols ca. 17 Comfort the feble mynded ca. 15 Cōpany not with fornicatours ca. 17 Continue in prayer cap. 26 Couet spirituall giftes cap. 42 Cretaines are liars cap 14 The creatures of god are good ca. 25 Crucifye the fleshe with the apetites thereof capitu 16 A crowne of righteousnes capi 3● Cut away occasions capi 68 D. Death is to me a●auntage ca. 6.33 Death worketh in vs and life in you capitu 10 Death entered by synne ca. 30 Deathe hathe no more power ouer Christ capit 62 Death is the last that shal be destroied ca. 65. Defraud not thy brother in barganninnge ca. 11 Despysers of Moses lawe were put to death ca. 8 Despise not the chasteninge ca. 10 Despise the superioures commaundementes and despise God ca. 14 Deacons and what manner of men they shoulde be capi 56 Departe from iniquitye ca. 13 Deny God and he shal deny the. ca. 11 the Dedes of the fleshe ca. 17. the Dedes of the law iustify no man capitu 50. Diuersyties of bodies ca. 65 Do all youre busines in loue ca. 7.36 Do nothinge groudgingly or of nece●●itye ca. 11 Do all thinges honestly ca. 12 Do nothinge parcially ca. 14 Doe all thinges to the prayse of god capitu 29. Doo all thinges in the name of the Lorde Iesu ca. eo Do good to all men ca. 32 Do all thinges without murmuring capitu 36 Do all thinges vnto edifyinge ca. 42 Doers not hearers of the lawe be iusti●●ed ca. 45 Domes daye shall not come vntyll Antichriste be come capi 63. Domes daye shall come lyke a thee●e capi eodem Denye all vngodlynes capit 32 Deuour not one an other ca. 10 Drawe all one waye ca. 21 E. Ea●e not with couetus men ca. 35 Enoche was translated cap. ● y ● Earth that bringeth forth thornes must be burnie cap. 11 Esau solde his byrthrighte for one breakefast capi 16 ●ternall lyfe is the grace and gift of god ca. 23 Esteme not thy selfe more then it be●ommeth the ca. 9.48 Esteeme other better then thy selfe ●apitu 9. Euerye manne shall beare his owne ●urthen capit 1● Euery man shall geue accomptes of ●im selfe cap. 22 Euery mā hath not knowledge ca 34 Euery man shall receaue his reward ●ccordinge to his labour cap. 45 Euyll wordes corrupt good maners ●●pitu 28 Experience bringeth hope ca● 10 Exhort one an other dayly ca. 12 Examyn thy selfe and so eate of that ●reade ca. 57 F. Fayeth is the waye vnto grace ca. 4 Fayth and belefe of the hear●e iusti●yeth capi eod Fayth cometh by hearing ca 4.39 Fayeth by loue is m●gh●ye in opera●ion cap. 4 Fayth is the gifte of god ca. eod Faith commeth not of workes ca. 4 Fayth is asure confidence of thinges which are hoped for ca. 5 the Faithfull are blessed with faythfull Abraham ca. 4 Fashion not youre selues like vnto the worlde ca. 29. Fathers moue not youre children to wrath cap. 60 Fathers ra●e not your childrē ca. 60 Fathers must laye vp for their chyldren ca. eodem the Faule of the Iewes is vnto the gentiles saluation ca. 40 the Fashion of this worlde goeth awaye capitu 36 Fede thine enemy ca. 15 False Apostles the ministers of Sa●han ca. 25 Feare to faule in to the hands of god capitu 8 Filthy communication ca. 20 Fighte the good fight of faith ca. 32 Fire shal trye e●ery mās work ca● 45 the Flesh lus●eth contrary to the spirit ca. 16.25 Fleshe and bloudde shall not inherit ●he kingdome of God cap. 23 Flee frō worshipping of ydols ca. 34 Fleshly men can no● please god ca. 17 Folow that which is good ca. 10 Folow the truthe in loue ca. 23 Forget not to do good capitu 15 Folow y e thou ma●st cōprehend ca. 23 Fornicatours do synne against their ●wne bodyes ca. 17 Folish questions do gēder stryfe ca. 21 ●he Frutes of the spirite ca. 23 Fulfyl not the lustes of y e flesh ca. 16 G. Geue roume vnto wrath ca. 9 Geue to euery man his duty ca. 11 Geue your members seruauntes vnrighteousenes ca. 17 Geue no occasion of euill ca. 20 Geue no place vnto the deuil ca. 25.35 Geue no hede to fables ca. 28 Geue your selues vnto God ca. 36 Geue with singlenes cap. 41 Gentiles offer to deuils ca. 34 〈◊〉 Gifts of the spirit ca. 41 Giftes of the spirite are diuers ca. 41 ●od cannot lye ca. 1 God promised eternall life before the worlde began cap. 〈◊〉 God from the beginninge hath chosē vs to saluation cap. 2 God hath called vs vnto hope ca. 3 God brought our Lorde Iesus from death cap. 3.4 God is riche vnto all that call vpon hym capi 4 God iustifieth the heathen throughe fayth cap. eod God can not denye him selfe ca. ●o God rewardeth them y ● seke him ca. 5 God raiseth y ● dead to life again ca. 6 God is able to subdue all thinges to him selfe ca. eo God is the sauioure of all that beleue capitu eodem God loueth a chearefull geuer ca. 11 God geueth power to edifye and not to destroye ca. ●od God compasseth the wise in theyr folyshenes ca. 13 God quickeneth all thinge ca. 14● God forgettethe not the woorke that cometh of loue capitu 1● God wyll iudge adulterers ca. 17 God geueth the encrease ca. ●● God is causer of peace ca. e● God shall rewarde euery man occordinge to his dedes ca. 22 God loketh on no mans person ca. eo God shal suffer no mā to be tempted aboue his str●ngth ca. 25.45 God hath deliuered vs frome the power of darkenes cap. 32 God sware by him selfe ca. eo God is not ashamed to be calde oure god ca. 33 God hath prepared a citi for vs ca. eo God g●ueth vp synners to their hartes lustes ca. 35 God tryeth the harie cap. 39 God wyl make a short word in earth capitu 40 God hath wrapped al nations in vnbelefe ca● eo God woorkethe all thinges that are wroughte in all creatures ca. 14 God is not causer of strife ca. 42 God in his churche hathe ordayned diuers rulers ca. 41.43 God hath anoynted vs and sealed vs capitu 42 God is rych in mercy ca. 43 God loued vs when we were dead in synne ca. eod God raised Christ frō death ca. 43.63 God called vs not accordinge to oure deedes but accordinge too his grace capi 43 God hathe chosen the foolyshe of the worlde to confounde the wise ca. 44 God is faithfull ca. eo God ordayned vs too walke in good workes ca. eod God worketh both the deede and the wyll ca. eo God is not parciall ca. 45 God loketh on no mannes personne capit 45.60 God of his righteousenes recompenseth tribulation to those that trouble vs c●pi● 45 God hath made Christ a seate of mercye cap. 46 God onely doth iustifye man ca. 50 God calleth those thinges that be not as though they were ca. eod God is a spirit ca. 73 God is able to do exceadinglye
aboue that we aske ca. eod God wyl haue all men saued ca. eo Gods kindnes ledeth to repentaunce capitu 22● Gods woorde was committed to the Iewe ca. 37 Gods house is the cōgregation ca. 38 Gods husbandrye ca. 39. Goddes iudgemente is accordinge to truthe ca. 2● Godly liuers suffer persecutiōs ca. 10 Godlynes hath promises of the lyfe that is nowe and to come ca. 15 Godli sorow causeth repentaūce ca. 31 Godlynes is great ryches ca. 19 Godly edifyinge is by faith ca. 28 Go forewarde in good workes ca. 10 Go not too lawe one wyth an other capitu 22 Glorify god in body spirit ca. 23.41 Glory in infirmyties ca. 27 Grace is more plentuous then synne capitu 30 Grace is no grace where workes auayle ca. 37 H. Handle the word of truth iustly ca. 11 Halte not out of the way ca. eod Hate that is euyll ca● 41 Haue no felowship with deuils ca. 34 Haue peace with all men ca. 41 Haue them in honoure that haue the ouersig●te of you cap. 60 Heauen hath an enduring substance capitu 10. He that suffreth tribulation is counted worthye of the kingedome of god capitu 10 He that prouideth not for his household is worse then an infidele cap. 11 He that resisteth power resisteth god capitu 14 He that praiseth him selfe is not alowed ca. 27 He that wyll not worke shoulde not eate ca. 28 Heretikes are to be auoided● ca. 11 Heresies must ned●● be ca. 21 Helpe those that by any chaunce are fallen in to any ●aute ca. 15 His seruaunt thou art to whom thou obey●● cap. 14 Hynder not the gospell ca. 20 Holde fast the worde of god ca. 36 Hope is layed vppe for vs in ●●ore in heauen ca 2 Hope putteth no man to shame● ca 6 Hope saueth a man ca eodē Hope that is sene is no hope ca. eo How the ministers of god should behaue them selues ca. 10 Honour true widowes ca. 59 the Husband is the wiues head ca. 58 Husbandes loue youre wyu●s ca. eo Husbandes be not bytter vnto youre wyues ca. eodē I. Iesus the greate shepehearde ca. 3 Iesus the a●ctour and finisher of our faieth ca. 4 Iesus the mediatour of the new Te●tament cap. 38 Iesus suffered without the gate ca 43 Iesus continueth for euer ca. 49 If thou mayst be free vse it cap. 11 If thou stande take heede thou faule not capi● 12 If thou be y ● son thou art heire● ca. 43. If the rote be holy the braunches are holy ca. 40 If god be on our syde who canne be agaynst vs. ca. 44. I desire to be wyth Christe cap. 33 In mā dwelleth no good thing ca. 30 In man are two lawes cap. eodem In a great mannes house are vessels of golde and wood capit 44 In the latter dayes some shall geeue hede to deuilyshe doctrine ca. 25 In Christe dwelleth all the fulnes of the godheade capi 48 In two and three witnesses all thinges doo stande cap. 68 Inobedience brought condempnation on all menne ca. 14 It becommeth a preacher too speake freelye ca. 70 It became Christ to be made like vnto hys breethren capi 47 It is appoynted that men shall once dye ca. eod It is good for a man not to touche a woman capitu 57 It is better to marye then to burne capitu 58 It is dampnable to breake the firste sayeth ca. 59 Iudge not hastly● capi 14 Iudge not one an other ca. 22 Iudge nothinge vntyll the lord come capitu eodem Iustification cometh not by the dedes of the lawe but by fayth ca. 53 K. Kepe holye daye with purenesse and truth cap. 29 the Kingedome of god is not in wordes but in power ca. 9.28 Kingedome of god is not meate and dryncke but righteousnes ca. 20 Knowledge maketh a man too swell capitu 7.9 Know not Christ after the flesh ca. 13 Know ye not that a lyttle l●uen sowreth the whole l●mpe of dow ca. 17 L. Labour with thy hands cap 15 Lay from you that old man capi 16 Lay hand on eternall lyfe ca 32 Lay sodenly hands on no man ca. 61 Lawes are geuē to the vnrighteous capitu 35. the Law made nothing perfect ca. 51 the Lawe hathe but the shadowe of good thinges to come cap. 52 the Lawe is good if it be vsed lawefullye cap. 53. Learne to be content in what so euer estate ye ●e ca. 15. Let youre woordes be well sauoured with salte capitu 12 Let not sinne raigne in your mortall bodyes ca●●7 Let not sinne haue power ouer you capitu 35. Let vs do euyll that good maye come thereof capi 45 Let euerye man haue hys wyfe to auoyde fornication ca. 58 Let vs eate and drinke tomorow we shal dye ca. 65. Lye not one to an other ca. 35. the Let●er killeth ca. 39 Leaue father and mother and contynue with thy wyfe capi 38 Liue after the flesh and die ca. 16.17 the Loue of Christ passeth knowledge capitu ● Loue fulfylleth the lawe ca. 7 Loue thy neighbour as thy self ca● 7 Loue hurteth not ca. ●od Loue without diss●mulation ca. eodē Loue god he wil know the. ca. eodē Loue edifieth ca. eo Loue falleth neuer away ca. eodē Loue and his properties ca eodē ●he Lord knoweth them that are his capitu 13 Luste not after euil things ca. 35. Lust had not ben knowen but by the lawe co● 50. M. ●ake your bodyes a quicke sacrifice vnto god cap. 16 Make not prouision for y e flesh ca. eo Manne doeth not what he would but what he woulde not ca. 30 Man is iustified by fayth ca. 50. Man when he prayeth muste be bare ●eade capitu 59. Man is the ymage of god ca. eodem Man neuer sawe god ca. 73 Mans conscyence accuseth or excuseth capi 45. Masters threaten not your seruaunts ●api 60. Malitius and euyll speaking corrup●eth good maners capi 65. Meate maketh vs not acceptable to god cap. ●0 Meate is to be receiued with thanks geuinge capitu 51. a Mediator is not a mediator of one capitu 53. Medle with your own busines ca. 36 Mens sinnes go to iudgement before hande cap. 45 Men seeke theyr owne and not that whic●e is Iesus Christes cap. 66 Melchisedech kinge of Salem ca. 55 Minysters of the altare are partakers of the alter ca. ●● Mortif●e the deedes of the fleshe and lyue cap. 16.17 Mortifye your members which● are on the earth ca. 16 Moses was a proper childe ca. 5 Moses estemed the rebuke of Christe greater ryches then the treasure of Egypte cap. eode Mounte Syna ca. ●4 N. Naturall men perceaue not the thinges of the spirit ca. 12. Noe throughe the arke condempned the worlde ca. 7 No man knoweth anye thinge as he oughte to know ca. 9 No man that is geuen to God entangleth him selfe with worldly busines capitu 11. No manne speakinge in the spirit of God defyeth Iesus ca 34 No man hateth his owne flesh ca. 38 No man despiseth an alowed
of all as it were menne appointed to death For we are a gasinge stocke vnto the worlde and to the Aungels and to men We are fooles for Christes sake and ye are wise thorowe Christ. We are weak● and ye are strong ye are honourable and we are despised Euen vnto this daye we hunger and thyrste and are naked and are buffeted with fistes and haue no certayn dwelling place and labour workinge with our own handes Brethren I would not haue you ignorant of our trouble which hapened vnto vs in A●●● For we were grea●●d out of measure passing strength so greately that we despeared euen of lyfe Also we receaued an aunswer of death in our selues that we should put our truste in God For when we were come in to Macedonia oure fleshe had no rest but we were troubled on euerye syde Outwarde was fy●ynge inwarde was feare ¶ Of iustice Capitu 11. GEue to euery manne therefore his dutye Trybute to whom tribute belongeth Cus●ome to whom custome is due feare is whom belongeth● honour to whom honour pertayneth Owe nothinge to anye man but to loue one an other For if hath pleased th●m of Macedonia and Ac●ai● to make a certaine destribution vpon the poore sainctes whiche are at Ierusalem It hathe pleased them verelye and their dettoures are they For if the gentyles he made pertakers of their spirituall thinges their dutye is to minyster vnto them in carnall things Let euerye man abyde in the same state wherein he is called Art thou called a seruaunt● care not for it Neuerthelesse if thou mayest be free vse it rather For he that is called in the Lorde being a seruaunt is the Lords freeman Like wyse he that you called being free is Christes seruaunte ye are dearly boughte be not mans seruaunts Let euery man wherin he is called therin abide wyth God For none of vs lyueth his own seruaunte neyther doeth any of vs dye his owne seruaunte if we lyue we lyue to be at the Lordes wyll Whether we l●ue therefore or dye● we are the Lordes For Christ therfore dyed and rose againe that he might be Lorde both of the dead and qu●cke Therefore as the Lorde hath called euery person so let him walke and so ordayne I in all congregations if anye man be called beinge circumcised let him adde nothinge thereto If anye be called vncircumcysed let him no● be circumcised Circumcision is nothing vncircūcision is no thing but the obseruation of the commaundementes of God My defence and answer to them that aske me is this Haue we not power to eate to drink ether haue we not power to lede about a sister a womā as wel as other Apostles and as the brethren of the lord and Cephas Ether only I and Barnabas haue not power this to do Who goeth a warfare any time at his owne cost Who planteth a vineyard and eateth not of the frute Who feedeth a flocke and eateth not of the mylke Saye I theese thynges after the manner of m●nne Or saieth not the lawe the same also For it is wrytten in the lawe of Moses● thou shalt not mossell the mouthe of the ore that treadeth oute the corne Doeth God take thoughte for oren Eyther sayth he it not all together for our sakes For our sake● no doubte this is written that he whiche eareth shoulde ear● in hope and that he whiche thresheth in hope shoulde be partaker of his hope Yf we sow vnto you spirituall thinges is it a greate thinge if we reape youre carnall thinges If other be partakers of this youre power wher●fore are not we rather Neuerthelesse we haue not vsed this power but suffer all thinges leaste wee shoulde hynder the Gospell of Christe Do ye not knowe how that they whiche minister in the temple haue theyr fyndinge of the temple And they which wayte at the aulter are partakers with the aulter Euen so also dyd the Lorde ordayne that they which preache the gospell shuld lyue of the gospell But I haue vsed none of these thinges Neyther wrot I theese thinges that it shoulde bee so done in me For it were better for me to dye then that anye manne shoulde take thys reioysinge frome me In that I preache the Gospell I haue nothyng to reioyce of for necessity is put vnto me wo is it vnto me Yf I preach not the Gospell Yf I do it with a good wyll I haue a rewarde But if I do it againste my wyll an office is committed vnto me What is my rewarde then verelye that when I preache the gospell I make the gospell of Christ free that I mysuse not myne autoritye in the gospell Beare not a yoke with the vnbeleuers For what feloship hath righteousnes with vnrighteousnes What company hath light with darkenes What conuention or recorde hathe Christe with Bel●all Eyther what parte hath he that beleeueth with an infidele How agreeth the temple of God with Idols and ye are the temple of the lyuinge God as sayd God I wyl dwel among them and walke amonge them and wil be their God and they shall be my people Wherfore come oute from amonge them and separate youre selues sayth the Lord and touche no vncleane thing so wyl I receiue you and wil be a father vntoo you and ye shall be my sonnes and my doughters saieth the Lord almighty This I saye How that he which soweth lyttle shall reape lyttle and he that sowethe plentuouslye shall reape plentuouslye And let euerye man do according as he hath purposed in his hearte not groudgingelye or of necessitye For God louethe a chearefull geuer For if there be a wyllinge mynde it is accepted accordinge too that a manne hathe and not accordinge to that a manne hath not It is not my mynde that other be set at ease and ye broughte into combraunce But that there be egalnes nowe at thys time that youre aboundaunce succoure theyr lacke that theyr aboundaunce maye supplye youre lacke there maye be equaletye as it is written he that gathered much had neuer the more aboundaunce and he y t gathered lyttle had neuerthelesse Therefore write I these thinges beynge absente Leaste when I am presente I shoulde vse sharpenes according to the power which the lord hathe geuen me to edifye and not to ●estroye We canne doe nothinge againste the truthe but for the truth I ●olde you before and tell you before as absente and now pres●nte to them whiche in time pas●e haue synned and to all other that if I come agayne I wyll not spare Seeke ye experience of Christ which speaketh in me Let euery man proue his owne woorke and then shall he haue reioysinge in his owne selfe and not in an other For euery manne shall ●eare is owne burthen Be not deceaued god is not mocked For what so euer a manne soweth that shall h● reape He that soweth in his fleshe shall of the fleshe reape corruption But he t●at sowethe in the