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A14468 A verie familiare [and] fruiteful exposition of the .xii. articles of the christian faieth conteined in the co[m]mune crede, called the Apostles Crede made in dialoges, wherein thou maiste learne al thinges necessarie to be beleued. Compiled bi Peter viret a frenche man [and] translated in to englishe; Exposition familiere sur le Symbole des Apostres. English Viret, Pierre, 1511-1571. 1548 (1548) STC 24784; ESTC S119203 113,474 234

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vnto the infideles and hypocrites for they maye wel hold them selues for assured that theyr infidelitie hypocrisie shall be distroyed and theyr glory shal be turned into shame and confusion And in asmuche as we be cōmen thus far forth it doeth seme vnto me that these mattiers haue bene sufficientlye declared and al the misterie of our redemption after such sort that I hold my selfe verye well satisfied for my part and bicause I feare to make the werye wyth takynge ouer muche of the at once let vs here make a reste to an other tyme. Phylyp Thou canste not make me werye in suche mattiers yet neuertheles I am cōtente to folowe thyne aduice Farewell Natha To God I commende the vnto whō I praye to gyue vs suche grace that we maye at that greate daye of Iudgmente be found blameles and irreprehensible by the fauour merites of Iesus Christe Phy. So be it ❧ In these ii laste diologes is opened the other parte of the crede the which do concerne the holy Goste and the church wherein is declared that whyche appertayneth to the one and the other and is shewed what is the true churche of Iesu Christ what is hyr polesie ministration what goodes she receiued of him Nathanaell IN as muche as we haue done the greatest parte Phylype I shall desyre the to haue pacience and to take the paine to expound vnto me the reste that we maye se the end of thys mattier Phy. It is reason and I wyll not deuye the my payne seynge it bryngeth ●o lesse consolation vnto me then to the. Natha It semeth vnto me that there be yet two partes to be declared the one of the holye Goste and the other of the churche Phyly It is true but we maye well conioyne that of the holye Goste wyth that of the churche go forth as we haue begonne Natha It doeth folowe I beleue in the holye Beleue in the holy gost Goste it is no further neade that I shoulde aske howe thou vnderstandeste thys for by that thou haste alreadie declared vnto me the fayeth thou haste in the father and in the son I vnderstande wel thou confesseste that thou putteste all thy truste in the holye Gooste And that thou beleueste that by the same the father and the sonne doeth sanctifie the as by Iesus Christe thou art iustified by the vertu of the same holye spirite Phylype It is true Natha Notwythstandynge I vnderstande that yet woulde I verye gladlye thou wouldeste expounde me more largelye what thou vnderstandest properly by thys holy spirite Phy. The same vertue power mouynge and efficatie of God by the which the father and The holy gost the sonne worketh in vs nourisheth viuefieth as we haue all readye sayed in declaryng oure fayeth of the father and the sonne Natha In asmuche as thou beleueste in him thou holdeste hym for a God as wel as thou doeste the father the sonne Phy. Yea wythout doubte for I vnderstande not by thys anye maner of thyng out of god or besyde God but in God of hys propre substaunce Na. Wherefore callest thou hym spirite the father the sonne be they not also spirite seinge thou confesseste they be God that Iesus Christe doeth openlye testifie that Ihon. iiii God is a spirite the whyche muste be honored in spirite and trueth Phy. I deme not but God is a spirite and so by consequence the father the sonne but we must first considre The signification of the word spirite what is the signification of thys sayinge spirite and whether we speake of the essence and vnitie of God or of the distinctions which be in the same which the auncient fathers haue called the persones of the trinitie Natha And what is the propre signification of thys same vocable spirite Phy. I haue saied before that mā cā not find propre wordes as to speake of diuine thinges but muste borowe them of humayne thynges by similitude of the same declare the thynges celestiall and spirituall Natha I remēbre it well but tel me thē what is the natural significatiō of this same word and howe it agreeth wyth God Phy. Spirite signifieth properlie inspiration blowing wynd bycause ther is nothinge more subtille amonge corporall thynges nor that lesse can be perceiued by vewe or syghte thē the wind and the spirite it is oftē tastē in the scriptur for to signifie the things inuisible diuine Na. Therefore I thinke we call the soule vnderstāding spirit not that it should be taken but for a wind but bicause it is inuisible sodaynd lyght as the wynd Phy. Euē so likewise God is called a spirite not that we shuld thinke that he were nothing eles but a wynde whych passeth but to make vs vnderstand that we ought not to Imagin that he shoulde be anye maner of thynge visible materiall or mortall but one nature essence perfecte inuisible incorruptible and immortall whyche wyll also be serued with the herte and thē soule of the spirite and vnderstandynge whyche be immortall not wyth ceremonies corruptible thinges Nathana Accordynge to thys signification the father the sonne and the holye Gooste be then al called spirite and all for one cause but expounde vnto me wherefore thou calleste more perticularlye the holye Gooste spirite then thou doest the father and the sonne Phy. Whē I behold the diuine essēce vnitie of god I call them al spirites but when I cōsidre the personal distinction of the whych we haue spoken here before I do then principally call the thyrde personne spirite bycause that worde doeth better open hys propertie then anye other we can fynde Thou muste also vnderstand that often tymes in the scripture The holie spirite for hys gyftes and graces Esai xi i. Cor. xii the holye Goste is taken not for the essence substaunce of hym selfe but also for hys giftes and graces Nath. Wherfore callest thou hym holye Phy. For to deserue hym from creatures and for to declare that I speake of that vertue power and mouynge of God whych is in God by the whych the father by his sonne Iesus doeth sanctif●e saue and vinifie vs. Nathana What callest thou holy Phy. A thynge pure and ferme seperated frō all corruption pollution and from all prophane carnal vsage a thing whole entier and inuiolate and all togyther dedicate vnto God I ●al thē the holy gost because he is such in dede and that by hym God in Iesu Christ sanctifieth ma●ne that is to saye he purgeth maketh cleane consecrateth and dedicateth hym whollye to hym lelfe seperatynge hym from all vyle and prophane vsages to serue The christian sayutes onelye vnto hym Therfore also be the christians called sayntes because they be anoynted wyth that oyntemente and wythdrawen frō the seruitude of the deuyll cōsecrate by Iesus Christe for to serue the onelye God Natha I vnderstande nowe wherfore Iesus Christe dyd sende a greate
more excellente more hyghe nor more magnificall creature that doeth appeare vnto the eye of man and bicause also that God declareth better hys maiestie and power of heauen Esa lxiiii Ierem. xvil then of any other place the heauen is taken for the throue the seate the glorye and maiestie of God and for the place wher rayneth the blessed and happye wyth hym Nathanaell Whan thou sayest then that he is Creatour of heauen what doest thou comprehende accordyng to hys fyrst significatiō Phylype The celestial bodies the sunne the moone and all the sterres and planettes conteyned in the same Natha What profiteth it to knowe and beleue all that Phy. To kepe me from Idolatrie to the end I should not honour the sunne 4. King xiiii the moune and the sterres whych be called in the scripture the celestiall armye as the phylosophers and olde Idolatouros haue done and to the ende also that I shoulde not gyne fayth vnto the plannettes and folish sayinges and supersticious prognostications of the astronomers and that I shoulde not feare the sygnes of heauē as the prophete admonisheth vs and that I do not honour thē seynge they Iari x. be creaturs to serue me not I to serue them but to knowe by them theyr creatour whych doeth conducte and gouern them whom onlye we muste feare honoure adour Natha What vnderstandeste thou more by the seconde signification Phy. The elementes of the ayre and fyre and all thynges engendred in them as inpressions cometes thundres lyghtenynges hayles cloudes windes tempestes raynes dewes snowe and other lyke wyth those that be conuersaunte in the ayre as the foules and al steynge thyng●s whiche for that cause be called byrdes of the heauen Natha what fruite maye we take of thys Phy. verye greate for we be assured that al these thynges be in the power of oure father whych is the creatour and that they be al created for oure weale and not for oure hurte perdition and after we do learne by the same to feare loue him onelye not to feare nor loue nothynge but in and for hym and further we be deliuered from the errour of them whyche haue theyr recours vnto the holye Idolatrie towarde the sayntes sayntes for to obtayne fayre wether and to haue rayne or for to dryue awaye the windes and tempestes or for to haue plentye d●yue awaye scarsitie and lacke for to gyue helth and deliuer from pestilence and sickenes that rayneth amonge men for it is an Idolatrie a blasphemie whyche greatly dispeaseth god reprouyng the Israelites greatlye by his prophetes Osee ii x. whyche dyd gyue the honoure vnto theyr Idolles for the benifites whyche they had receyued of God as thoughe they receyued them of theyr straunge Goddes Natha And what thynkest thou of them that wene that the magissiens Inchaunters and Sorcerers do moue the tempestes and make the hayles and other lyke ev●lles Phy. I wyll not denye that the euyle and vnhappye spirites haue greate power nor that they may not meddle them selues among the tempestes to do the more anoyaunce vnto mē Ephe. ii for the holye Apostle hym selfe doeth attribute vnto them greate power in the ayre but neuertheles al theyr power is alwayes limited that they can do no more then God doth permite as we do se it clearlye in the exemple of Iob. And he doeth not permit vnto thē but asmuche as he doeth knowe to be expediente for to exercise the patiēce of hys seruants or asmuche as oure synnes and vnfaythfulnes doeth merite and deserue to be chastised punished Towchynge the sorcerers it is a greate abuse to thynke that they maye make the hayle and moue the elementes the vertue and efficatie of Sathan is greate ynoughe to trouble theyr vnderstandinges in asmuche as they haue forsaken God to make and men to beleue suche thynges saye that they haue done that whyche they haue but done by the onelye permission of God or els is done naturally by hys diuine ordinaunce Natha We oughte not then to feare anye other but the one onlye God if we feare him there is neyther Deuyll nor sorcerer that can ●oye vs they shal not feare vs more then we them Phy. I am very glade that thou felest so well the vertue and fruite of thys fayeth Nathanaell Thou haste alreadye gyuen me manie goodly doctrines in fewe wordes but tell me yet what thou vnderstandeste by the Inuisible thynges laste signification of heauen whiche thou hast towched Phylype All thynges inuisible and spiritual as Angelles soulles and blessed and happye Psal xiii Math. xviii Hebre. i. spirites whyche all be creatures subiectes vnto God to serue at hys wyll wherfore we do learne to holde our selues alwayes vnto him onelye whyche is the maister and to take the other as the seruantes of God and of his elected Nathanaell And what vnderstādeste thou by the earth Phy. The earthlye elemente and the foote or The earth waters loweste of all worldelye thynges And the sea lykewyse beynge neare vnto it and al lakes pondes fountaynes ryuers and all waters and all that is conteyned in these elementes and all that doeth receyue lyfe and norishmēt that is to saye menne beastes and all foules fishes and all that hath lyuyng soule togither wyth the plantes trees herbes and al fruites which be created for their nourishmētes The metalles mines stones all other thinges whych the earth and the water bryngeth forthe for the vse of men and beastes Nata Thys same ought wel also to nourish i. Petre. v. oure fayeth and truste in God and teach vs to whome we oughte to gyue the honoure of these thynges of whome to demaunde them Benefites of God tow●●d men and to whome to gyue thankes for them Phylype We be verye blynde and vnprouided of witte and vnderstandynge if we haue oure recourse and put oure truste in anye other then in the onelye God and if we knowe Gene. i. ii not hys greate prouidence wysdome goodnes whyche he doeth vse towarde vs and the mynde and care that he hath ouer vs howe tenderlye and fatherlye he doeth intreate v● For before he had created man he would prepare hys lodgynge the whiche he dyd adorne and garnishe wyth all beautye and rychesse and hath put him in this world as in a moste delectable paleis hathe constitute hym maister Psal viii Hebre. ii Lorde ouer all hys creatures the which he hath prouided in suche abundaunce and so manye sortes that it is impossible to comprehend them nor to desyre more Natha Trulye if we considre diligently this largenes and goodnes of God the whych he doth vse towardes vs and the honour which he hath done vnto man we shal haue to marueile and to crie and saie O Lorde our God howe admirable is thy name in the vniuersal earth And what is it of man that thou haste mynd of him what is it of the
sparkled thorowe al the worlde there is no creature nor liuynge man that can be the heade seynge there is not that can be in all places where she is nor that can gyue hyr ayde and assistence suche as to hyr is requisite but the onelye Iesus Christe the whyche by hys diuine power and by hys holye spirite fulfilleth the heauen and the earth and is present vnto all hys elected the whiche he doeth leade conducte gouerne and vinifie whyche non other can or maye do wherefore what so euer he be that wyll make hym selfe heade of thys churche whereof he oughte to be but a membre he is neyther heade nor mēbre but doeth make hym selfe a mēbre of Antichriste and hathe chosen Satan for his head in asmuche as he setteth him selfe in the place of Iesus Christe settyng vp hym selfe aboue hym not knowledgynge him for his head vnto whom boeth Angelles and men oughte to be subiectes for S. Paul shewyng the fruites of the resurrection and ascention of Iesus Ephe. i. iiii Colo. i. ii Christe wryteth howe that God hath exalted and set hym vp aboue all heauens and aboue all the thrones powers Lordeshyppes and dominions and hathe gyuen hym to be heade of hys churche Natha I vnderstande wel what thou wouldeste saye I shall holde me then vnto hym and wyll neuer acknoweledge other head of that triumphant churche but shall holde for hys ministers the true ministers and pastours of his churche and the other whyche wyll attribute vnto them selues that dignitie for verye Antichristes But lette vs come nowe vnto that thou haste promised me and declare vnto me what example we maye take of all the historie of oure lorde Iesus Christ Phy. That were very longe to be recounted and tolde for ther is nothynge so litle whiche cōteineth not greate sacramēts misterie but I wyll onelye sette forth the thynge vnto the in two wordes by the which thou maist iudg of al the reste The historie of our lord Iesus Christe serueth vs for an example in two maners and fyrste howe we oughte to confirme How the historie of Iesu christ serueth for exemple oure selues vnto hym as concernynge oure regeneration and spirituall lyfe whyche is hidden in him the other howe we oughte to confirme oure selues vnto hym in oure outwarde lyuynge cōuersatiō Natha The more thou wouldeste make the thynges shorte the more they seme darke vnto me wherfore I pray the thynke not muche nor spare me nother tyme nor wordes but expounde me the thynges so largly that I may haue cleare vnderstandynge of them and tell me the fyrste poynte what vnderstandeste thou by the spirituall lyfe of the whych the historie of Iesus Christ serueth vs for an example Phylype I vnderstande that all the lyfe of Iesus Christe oughte fyrste to serue vs as an allegorye by the whyche we oughte spirituallye to yelde oure selues to be conformable vnto Iesus Christe in that whyche verelye riallye hathe bene accomplished in hys bodie the which can not be in ours Natha Thou speakest not much clearlier thē thou dydeste therefore declare vnto me that whych thou wouldeste say by exemple Phy. I am contente Iesus Christe hath beene conceiued by the holy Gost borne of the virgyn Marye he hath bene crucified dead buried is rysen agayne and gone vp into heauē all whyche thynges can not be accomplished in oure bodies as they haue bene in hys But lette vs take payne that oure spirite maye in the same be conformable vnto hym oure bodies be conceyued and borne in synne and iniquitie not of the holy Goste in the wombe of a vyrgin but of corruptible seede and then for to be conformable vnto hym in thys lette vs nowe come vnto hys church beleue in hys Gospell and in the same whyche is oure mother and a virgin pure and chast we shal be conceyued and begotten by the incorruptible seede of the word of God our father and by Spiritual cōceptiō birth Gala. iiii i. Petre. ii Iohn xxxi Ephe. iiii the vertue of hys holye spirite shal be borne agayne chyldrene of God and shall be newe creatures and put of the olde manne and put on the newe bearynge the Image of the newe Adam whyche is Iesus Christe as wee haue borne that of the olde and of the synfull man Natha Beholde for thys is a holye conception and happye byrth Phy. Then in asmuche as we be all ready so conceyued of the holye Goste and borne of that pure virgin the churche whyche is the spouse of Iesus it muste followe also that the Eph. v. reste of oure lyfe be conformable vnto that of Iesus Christe accordynge to our spirituall conception natiuitie and byrthe We be not crucified nor put vnto death as he was but learne we of him to beare our crosse To be crucified with christ wyth him to be crucified vnto the worlde the worlde vnto vs as saynte Paule doeth write of hym selfe Nathana And howe can we be crucified vnto the worlde and the worlde vnto vs Phylyp When we dye vnto the world likewise dieth the world vnto vs. Na. These maner of speakynges To die to the worlde be verye darke Phy. They be darke vnto them whyche be not acquaynted or accustomed wyth the maner of speaking of the Apostles But I do vse ● wyllynglye boeth to accustome the and bycause I do take pleasure in the stile of the spirite of God and of his Apostles To be crucified and dead vnto the worlde that is to be crucified dead vnto sinne and that is to forsake Rom. vi synne to haue no more acquayntaunce wyth hym and to do him no more seruice thē the dead do vnto the lyuynge for as the dead haue nothynge in commune wyth the liuinge but be seperated the one frome the other and haue no more acquayntaunce togyther euen so be they deade vnto the world which haue forsaken it to serue God and wyl no more be conformable vnto it that is to saye vnto the fleshe nor vnto hys concupiscences so is it impossible but they whiche be thus dead vnto the worlde liue vnto God and the worlde To liue vnto the worlde lykewise dead vnto them by the contrarye they whyche lyue vnto the worlde and vnto whom the worlde lyueth be dead vnto God as the Apostle doeth wryte of the voluptuous wydowe sayinge the wydowe whyche i Timo. ii doeth lyue in lustes pleasures in so lyuyng is dead and bicause that she lyueth vnto the worlde she is dead vnto God so then when we dye vnto the worlde we ryse vnto God and do practise in oure selues the exemple of the death and passiō of Iesus Christ spiritually whē we mortify our earthlye mēbres offer our bodies as lyuyng sacrifices vnto god Roma xii Colo. iii. and do kil by the swerd of the worde and do burne vp by the fyre of his spirite oure cōcupiscence carnall affectiōs lustes whiche be
be spiritual be commune vnt●●●l but there is an othere cōmunion betwen● 〈◊〉 Sayntes that yet be lyuynge them whiche be departed for eyther of theim haue theyr estates aparte And therefore is there no suche Cōmuniō betwene saintes lyueinge and them that bee dead communion betwen the Sayntes that be departed and vs as there hathe bene betwene them in the time that they lyued and thē that lyued wyth them at the leaste we haue no testimonye of the holye scriptures for they serue not nowe vnto the church wyth the giftes and graces whyche they in theyr tyme receyued of God for the edification of the same for they haue fulfilled and ended theyr course and theyr ministration whyche nowe is committed vnto others and of the other part thei haue no more nead of vs nor of oure goodes for they be out of al necessitie Nath. Oughte we not then to honour them Phy. We may not honoure them as though they were present wyth vs nor do vnto them reuerence nor salute them nor speake to them nor presente vnto them of oure goodes nor anye maner of seruice for othere honour● nor seruice can we not do vnto them but in folowynge theyr holye doctrine and holye lyfe and conuersation as they haue folowed Iesus Christe for those be the reliquies that they haue lefte vs in the whych they would be honored by vs and so then when wee haue the ●●lye scriptures in reuerence the whych god hathe geuen vnto vs by them then do we honoure theyr reliquies Nathana It is then greate folye to offre vnto Offerynge to sayntes them breade wyne candels golde and siluer and other thynges lyke seynge they haue no maner of nede Phylyp That is a furye or follye more then pa●●imrie it weare muche better for to offre vnto the lyuynge Images and Sayntes for to accomplishe that whyche the Apostle exhorteth vs to admonishynge vs to communicate vnto the necessitie of the sayntes it is verye cleare that he speaketh not there of the Sayntes departed but of the lyuynge and of the pore membres of Iesus Christe beinge among vs languisshyng and ouer preste with pouertie and necessitie Nathana I doubte not but those offerynges were more pleasynge vnto God Phi. Such were they of the primatiue church for the gatherynge spendynge and distributynge of the whiche the churche at that tyme hadd● hyr deacons to serue at the tables and At. vi Rom. xvi vnto the necessitie of the pore we can no here fynde chapell churche or Image more meete for the practisynge of thys excommunicatiō and to offre vnto the Sayntes then in visitynge the hospitales pore wydowes orphās fatherles sycke lame neadie and indigēt Vpon suche Sayntes ought the goodes of the churche to be employed and spente and vpon them that serueth hyr and haue nede Nathan That same were a goodlye thynge but tel me yet what seameth it the of brotherheades and monkerye for seynge there is but Deut. vi i Timo. ii Ephe. iiii one christian church one communion of laintes one God one mediatour of God man one spirite as we haue cōfessed hytherto and that all is but one gospell one Baptisme one Ceane one fayeth and that all the christians ought to be in one selfe bodye one selfe herte and one selfe soule it seameth to me that ther oughte to be but one religiō and one brotherheade seyng that al the christians be brothers haue all receyued one selfe spirite of fayeth and christiā religion Phy. There is no doubt but they which haue bene the authours of the monasticall lectes and that foloweth theim suche as they be at thys presente tyme and those brotherheades lykewyse taken of the folowynge of the panyms be Apostatase from the true church of Iesus Christe for as Sismatykes they do deuide breake and teare the communion of saintes for as there is but one God so can there be but one religion The whyche S. Iames doeth diffine in thys maner the religion that is pure and without spot towardes God the father is thys Viset the fatherles widowes in theyr neades and tribulations and be not spotted defiled wyth thys worlde he doeth not saye that the true religion is to shute thy selfe in a cloister or to dwell in the deserte to be disguised in diuers habites to eate and deuour the pore widowes fatherles vndre the colour of long praiynge for suche religion is to much pharisaicall but the christian religiō doth lye in fayeth whyche maketh vs studye vnto all puritie and innocentie to exercise our charitie towarde our neyghboure whych is the true marke of the true christians disciples of Iesus Christe the Abbot of that religion is God the father and the gardian is Iesus Christe and the religious brethrene be al true christians and faythfull for as the Apostle testifieth the spirite of God witnesseth vnto oure spirite that we be the chyldrene of God by the whyche we crie Abba that is to saye father then in as muche as Abba doeth signifie father and that wee take God so to be and call hym father there is thē no doubt but he is the Abbot and founder of oure religion Act. ii Ephe. ii the whyche he doeth conserue maynteyne and gouerne by Iesu Christ hys sonne whom he hath giuen to be head of the church Ihon. vi x. and into whose handes he hathe putte vs all to be vinified sanctified vnite and conioyned wyth hym by hys holy spirite and the habite that we muste put on in thys religion is oure Lorde Iesus Christ the newe manne whiche we muste put on and of the olde Adam for Ephe. iiii we muste chaunge the skynne and the herte and not the ayer and the coote or clothes Nathana In asmuche then as God is the father of vs all and that wee make inuocation vnto hym by that name it doeth folowe also that we be all bretherne and so wyll Iesus Christe that we call oure selues and then if we be all brethrene wee be then one brotherhead I can not then vnderstande that here is anye other brotherhead but that of the holye Gooste by the whyche the churche is assembled and all the sayntes vnite and conioyned in one communion Phy. Thou concludeste verye well therefore Brotherhed Math. xiii confesse we fyrst in this crede the faith which we haue in the father whyche saueth vs by Iesus Christe hys sonne and doeth sanctifie vs by hys holye spirite whych be of one selfe essence and diuinitie wyth the father in the whyche we beleue and put al oure truste we laye fyrst the fundation and the cause and after we come vnto the churche whiche vpō the l●me is founded builded Howe can we thē saye that we be of the brotherhead of Saynt Bernarde and of Saynte Sebastian and of The brotherhed of saynts suche othere lyke or of Saynte Barbara or saynt Katheryn or of oure Ladye or of anye other of the holye Sayntes what soeuer they be
for we can nother call thē fathers nor monor we be not b●etherne by the reason of thē nor vnite and conioyned by theyr spirites but if they haue bene true and fayethfull they be oure bretherne and haue beene lede wyth oneselfe spirite And lykewyse maye we also saye of all the monasticall sectes and diuersitie of religions For if Saynt Paule haue called the Corinthyans S●smatikes whyche sayed I am of Paule and I of Cephas and I of Appollo what title or name shall I gyue them whyche saye I am of the religion of Saynte Fraunces and I of Saynte Dominike and I of S Benet other suche like which be in greater numbre amonge the christians then euer they were amonge the panims maye we not well saye vnto them wyth the Apostle is Christe deuided hathe Frauncys or Dominike dyed for you or are ye baptised in theyr names In as muche then as wee are baptised in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holye Goste what haue we neede of anye other religion but of that in the whyche thys holye spirite doth raygne which doeth learne vs to make innocatiō vnto the fathers in the name of Iesus Christ hys sonne whych hath taken vs all into theyr sauegarde and protection what haue we nede of anye othere rule but of that the whyche Iesus Christe hathe The Rule of the Religion of Ch●ist Gal. vi broughte vs from heauen Of the whych the Apostle doeth speake in thys maner all they whyche walke after thys rule peace and mercye be vpon them and vpon Israel of God Natha I haue learned manye goodlye poyntes by the occasion of thys cōmunion of saintes for thou haste not onelye taught me what it is but also what is the true excommunication religion and christian brotherheade and what is the honour dene vnto Sayntes therfore nowe expounde vnto me the reste Phy. Because we haue abyden solonge vpon these two articles of the church the communion of Sayntes wee maye here deuide oure matter and kepe the reste tyll an other tyme the which shal be shortly done Natha At thyne own pleasure be it ❧ In this laste dialogue shall be spokē of the remissiō of synnes of the keyes of the kyngedome of heauen of the resurrection and immortall lyfe Nathanaell VVe haue done so muche by our Iorneis that we be al moste come to the ende of the crede seyng therfore we be arriued thus farre fourth our hertes must not faile vs for the litle waye we haue to go Phy. I haue better courage then euer I had tell me therefore what foloweth Natha The remission of synnes what is the vnderstandynge of thys article Phy. I cōfesse by these wordes that I beleue that as there is one churche assemble and vnite by the holye spirite in the same o●e cōmunion of all goodes that the synnes lykewyse and the faultes be pardoned vnto the fayethfull by the grace goodnes and mercye of God whyche doeth quitte theim all theyr dettes to the ende they should not be rekened vnto theim at hys Iudgemente nor that they should not beare the payne whych they haue merited and deserued Humayn Satisfacion merets Nathan Seynge there is remission and forgiuenes it doth appeare folowe that ther is nothynge of our satisfaction for wher ther is pardone there can be nothyng of our merites Phylype There is nothynge more certayne for the dete is not forgiuen to hym that satisfieth and payeth wherfore it doeth folowe in as muche as there is remission and forgyuenes for vs that the satisfactiō is of sum other then of oure selues and that we can pres●t no other recōpence vnto god but the satisfaction of his sonne Iesus Christe for whose loue we obteine of the father pardon of al our sinnes Natha And this pardon and remission cā we not obteygne but in the churche Phy. No for as at the time of the floude none coulde be saued whyche were wythout the shipe or arke of Noe so none can auoyde the Gen. viii P●●●r iii. No s●luacion ou● of the church iudgement of God and obteygne grace and pardon of hys misdedes excepte he be a true membre of the church incorporated in the bodye of Iesus Christe persenerynge wyth the people of God in the vnitie of the fayeth Natha It foloweth then that all cismatykes heritikes infidels excommunicate and al authors of sectes whych be deuided and seperated frome the churche can haue no pardon of theyr synnes but abyde in death and damnation vnto suche tyme they be recouciled wyth hyr Phy. It is euen so Nathana Tell me then by what meanes we obteyne pardon in the churche Is it necessarie to confesse oure synnes vnto the priestes and to haue theyr absolution for to obteyne this remission Phy. It is verye requisite that if we will that God pardon vs that we reknoweledge oure faultes but not to the priestes for it is not agaynste thē that we haue synned but againste God whyche onelye as mooste soueraygne kynge maye gyue vs gr●ce and pardon and th●refore as we haue synned agaynste hym euen so muste we conteste vnto hym our synnes and aske of him pardon accordyng to the example of Dauid of Daniell and of othere holye prophetes seruauntes of God For as Saynce Iohn sayeth if we confesse oure sinnes he is faithfull and wyll heare vs. Natha I vnderstande well we must confesse oure selues vnto God fyrste but is it not re-requisite that we confesse our selues vnto mē Phy. We maie confesse vs vnto menne in diuers sortes as fyrst If we haue offēded anye we oughte to reknoweledge oure faultes towardes hym and aske hym pardon and enforce oure selues to returne into fauour wyth hym for we can not obteygne pardon of god so long as the iniury we haue done vnto one neyghboure doeth accuse vs before hym askynge vengeaunce agaynste vs excepte wee studie to reconcile our selues vn●o him whō we haue offended and thys confession maye be called brotherlye recōsiliation the whyche Iesus Christe doth greatlie recommend vnto vs. Ther is yet another maner of recōsiliatiō towardes men the whych may be boeth publyke and particuler for when we haue beene Open cōfes●●on in errour and abused in Idolatrie and superstition and haue offēded God we ought not to be ashamed to reknoweledge our faultes opēlie and to gyue thankes vnto God as did i timo i. Math. i. Act. ii iii. saint Paul writinge vnto Timothe and they whyche dyd come vnto the baptisme of Iohn Baptiste and they whych were conuerted by the p●eachynge of Saynte Petre and also of the Ephesians whyche dyd burne the bokes of sorcerie euen so thē as I may reknowledg and confesse my faultes openlye in thys maner ●efore the church of God euen so may I do in perticuler or secret vnto my neyghbour for to haue councell and consolation of him or for to reconcile my selfe vnto him if I haue Perticuler cōfession offended hym or to the ende he praye
to God for me vnto suche confession doeth Saynte Iames exhorte vs sayinge Confesse your selues one to an other and praye eche one for other he doth not say confesse the vnto the priestes for as we oughte to praye the one for the other not the priestes onelye euen so ought we to reknowledge oure faultes one to an other cōfesse our infirmities for to giue praises vnto God for the entertayning of amitie amōge vs euerie one to seke the quietnes of other but I haue not founde in all the holye scripture that God hath cōm●unded vs to go to tell all our synnes in the eate of a priest for that is impossible God doeth not so muche desire the reliting of our sinnes by perticuler Math. xvi as the cōtrition sighes sorowes of the herte the teares as we haue exemple in S. Petre which did much better cōfesse his sinnes with his hert his eyes thē with mouth Natha I find that that thou saiest is very good but I woulde yet fayne knowe howe thys remissiō is practised in the church and howe we be partakers of it is it not by the bulles indulgence and pardons gyuen by the Pope Phy. It is by pardon and indulgence but not of paper and perchemente sealed wyth waxe or lead as those whych the Pope gyueth but by the indulgence and bulles that the celestiall father hath sente vs frome heauen by hys sonne Iesus Christe wryten in oure hertes wyth hys owne propre finger and by hys holy spirite sealed with his precious bloud ratified and confirmed by his death passion Natha The bulles and pardons of the pope be then nothynge worth Phy. Yes they profit them that gyueth them as towchyng theyr bodies bycause they take money for them but they brynge greate domage and hurte vnto theyr soules also vnto the bodyes and soules and goodes of theim that receyue them for in as much as they seke remission of synnes by anie other meane then by the bloude of our Lorde Iesus Christ they do not beleue the remissiō of sinnes the which they confesse the whych is in the church of Iesu christ wherfore they abide alwaies in their sinne dānatiō subiectes to the cu●sse maledictiō that S. Petre dyd gyue vnto Simon Magus his monei Nata Thou wilte then saye ther ●● no other true pope that maie giue vs indulgence and pardon for to deface and take awaye ours sinnes but Iesu Christ but by what meanes doth he make vs partakers of hys pardons and indulgences Phylype By the ministeri of the keyes of the kingdome of heauen that is to say by the predication preaching o● hys worde whiche is the true keye of knowledge Nathanaell And who then hath these keyes ●uc xi Math. xxiii Math. xvi Phy. The church to whom Christe hathe gyuen them and be put in vre and practise by al true euangelicall Apostles pastours ministers priestes Nata Haue they thē authoritie and power to pardon synnes to absolue men Phy. Not of them selues but by the ministration of the keyes and preachynge of the gospell Natha Speake thys more clearlye Phy. There is but the onelye God that may pardon and forgyue synnes and that maye gyue grace but whē by his ministers he doth offre vnto vs Iesu Christe hys sonne by his worde and in hym remission of oure sinnes he that beleueth is saued vnbounde and deliuered frome his synnes and he that beleueth not abydeth bound and damned as the minister openeth vnto hym by the worde Natha Then the ministers be but seruauntes ambassadours haue no authoritie nor power ▪ but so much as the● take of the word in that they do faithfullie set forth theyr message and ambassade Phy. No for none can pardon the synnes but God when man doth open the word of god it is not mā that speaketh but it is the spirite of God that speaketh in hym by the whyche the bearer is bounde or losed accordyng to hys fayeth or vnbeleue Therfore dyd Iesus Christ blow toward his disciples gaue them the holie gost before he sayed vnto them whose synnes soeuer ye forgiue shal be forgiuē whose synnes soeuer ye retayne shal be retayned he woulde by that shewe that it was the holye Goste that dyd pardon them and not they whyche he dyd vse as hys instrumentes and messengers Natha I vnderstād wel it is as an ambassadoure whyche if he fayethfullye execute hys Math. x. Ihon. x. cha●ge the prince confirmeth it that he doeth if he do othe●wyse he wyll not cōfirme it but punish hym greuouslye Phylype It is as a man that will open a gate it he haue no keye or if the keye that he hath be not mete for the locke he cā not opē it and therfore in asmuche as Iesus Christ● is the dore and the waye by the whyche onelye wee maye go vnto the father Rom. x. Luc. xi and wee can not goe vnto Iesus Christe but by fayeth whyche openeth vnto vs the dore and all the treasures that be in him and fayeth cometh by hearynge of the worde of God whych is the key of knowledge it doth wel folowe that al the power of the Apostles of theyr successours is there limited that he that hath not this key is no minister of christ Natha I may thē well vnderstande by thys that the power of the pope of byshopes and priestes doeth extende so farre as they folowe the worde of God and God doeth approue and confirme that whych they do by it that whyche they do wythout it or agaynste it he doeth condemne all Phy. If thou wylt se the practise of thys considre howe S. Peter dyd vse at Hierusalem he dyd open Iesus Christ penaunce and remission of sinnes in his name Practies of the keys Act. ii iii. vnto the Iewes they whyche the worde dyd touche at the herte and beleued in it were losed by hys ministerie accordynge to the promise of Iesu christ saing that he that beleueth Mark xvi is baptised shall be saued cōtrarye wise he that beleueth not shal be cōdemned it foloweth thē that al the infidels abide bound as by the open preachyng all the hearers be bound or vnbounde accordynge to theyr fayeth or vnbeleue euen so be wee by all the perticuler admonicions of the Gospell opened shewed forthe vnto vs by the seruauntes of God visitynge correckynge admonishynge or cōsolatyng of vs other in health or sikcenes Nathanaell Thys poynte is inoughe opened Resureccion of the fleshe declared let vs come nowe vnto that whych foloweth of the resurrectiō of the flesh and the lyfe eternall whych shal be for the end cōclusiō wherfore be these two last articles put in Phy. For manye causes for wythout them al the religion were nothynge for if we beleue not the resurrection of the flesh that oure bodyes shoulde ryse agayne after thys i Cor. xv mortall lyfe we
which was cōceiued by the holie goste borne of the virgin marie suffred vnder ponce pilate was cruc●fied dead buried descēded into hel the thyrd day he rose againe frō death he ascēded into heauē sitteth on the right hād of God the father almighty from thense he shal come to Iudge the quycke and the deade I beleue in the holye Gost the holy Catholike church the communion of sayntes the forgyuenes of synnes The resurrection of the bodye and the lyfe euerlastynge Amē Phy. The better to deuide these matters for the healpe of the memory we wil deuide the crede al generally in foure principal partes thei of the .iiii. partes that shal be most tedious lōge we mai deuide wher it shal seme vnto vs most mete for the playner vnderstandyng and the better to kepe all thynges in memorie And in the first shal be spoken of God in generall of the person of the father of the creation of all thynges In the seconde of Iesus Christ our Lord and of oure redemption In the thyrde of the holye Goste In the fourthe of the churche of the thynges vnto hyr apperteyning Nata Thys ordre shal be very good let vs therfore come vnto the fyrste parte what vnderstandest thou whē thou saiest I beleue Phy. That I do put my whole confidence truste hope What it is to b●●●ue to hym in whom I beleue trustynge in hym wyth all my herte abydynge and lokinge to receyue of hym onely ayde succour saluatiō lyfe and al good thynges Natha Thou doeste Psal xiiii then confesse that thou trusteste al wholl● in hym and in none other Phy. It is so for it is tru that who so euer trusteth in him shal not be deceuyed nor confounded and I say I beleue because that none other can beleue for me Natha It semeth bi thy words that thou wylt affyrme that faith doth not serue but to him that hath it that it profiteth not to another but vnto hym whose it is Phy. I denye In what the fayth of other may profitte not but the fayth of other may serue for prayer vnto God for me for my conuercion and my sinnes and for to presente me vnto hym aske of hym my saluation as we haue example in the sicke of the palseye but if I haue not fayth also in my selfe I can not receyue it Natha What sayest thou then of thē whiche forseth not to vnderstand and knowe the doctrine of fayth but doeth suffice them to saye I beleue in the holye mother church I beleue that whych the holye churche beleueth albeit they knowe not what she beleueth and doth truste more in the fayth of other then in theyr owne Phy. The prophet hath learned me to speake and fele otherwise when he hath sayd the Iuste shall lyue by hys fayeth wherefore I do conclude that euen as I can not lyue by the soule and life an other but of mine owne that also my soule can not lyue by the fayeth of other but by hys own faith whych giueth hym lyfe as the soule to the bodye Natha Seynge then that the faith doth vinifie man it muste then be lyuelye and that the fayeth whyche is deade is no fayeth Phy. Yes it is fayth as a deade man is a man wythout hauynge lyfe mouynge nor felynge wythout whych thynges man can not be man but a deade carion or els it is fayeth as a paynted fyre is a fyre wythout heate clearnes or light whyche be thynges impossible and contrary to theyr nature Natha They their whyche doeth saye they beleue wythout knoweynge what they do beleue and se●tel them selues at all auēture vpon the fayth of other haue not the ryght fayeth Phy. What fayth may that be whyche hath no fundation nor ground vpon The fundation of fayeth the promises of God beynge ignoraunt of thē for the tru faieth hath for his ground fundation the promise of God and his word wythout the whiche it can not be fayth Natha What is it then Phy. If thou wylte call it fayth and abuse the worde we may cal it fayned paynted historicall or deade faieth For faith can we not rightlye call it in suche sorte as the holye scripture doeth take and vnderstand the worde fayeth wherefore if thou wilt cal it by more propre names thou maiste call it fantasie or foleish opinion or els temerite and presumption Natha I am inoughe satisfied in thys poynte tell me then nowe what is that God in whōe thou beleuest for I haue determined thus to examine the point by poynte not as an inquirar of thy fayeth to examine thy fayth and thy conscience but for to learne and to be taught of the. Phy. Thou demaundeste of me a thynge the whyche no vnderstanding can comprehend nor any tong open accordynge to hys dignitie Nathanaell Wherefore thē callest thou hym God if ther be no tongue that can setforth his name Phy The name of God It is very certaine that mani names be attributed vnto him of al people tonges natiōs but there is none that maye perfectlye diffine and declare hys hature hys essence hys dignitie vertue and maiestie Natha To what purpose serueth then those names Phy. For to healpe and succoure the humayne infirmitie vnto the whyche muste be set forth and described suche thynges as it may comprehend and knowe for hys saluation Natha Seyng ther is no name in heauē nor in the earth worthy nor sufficient vnto hys maiestie at the lest declare vnto me what thou vnderstandest by the name whyche thou gyuest vnto hym and other lyke Phylype I vnderstande not a creature mortall visible and corruptible but a spirite whyche is not created but eternall wythout What god is Iohn iiii Esaie ●l xx Psal xv ende or beginnynge a maiestie essence diuinite power wisdō goodnes mirable infinit a soueraine goodnes hauing all in him selfe hauynge no neade of anye maner of thynge beynge sufficiente vnto hym selfe and to all creatures of the whyche he is onelye the author creatour gouernour cōseruator Natha Wherefore doest that call hym likewyse father almyghtye Phy The better to declare and open that whyche I haue sayed Nata The name of father howe is it semi●g or appropried vnto God Phy. It is semynge vnto hym for dyuers causes and reasons the firste for asmuche as Wherfore god is called father Ephe. i. he is father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe And after bycause that he is author of all thynges and of the whyche deffendeth all fatherheade as well in heauen as in earth and singularlye bycause that he is of a moste fatherly affectiō toward hys elected vnto whō he doeth shewe hym selfe as a moste louynge father toward hys chyldren and doeth holde and take them for hys for the loue he beareth vnto Iesus Christe hys natural sonne Natha Expounde me al these poyntes by perticulers and tell me fyrste howe he is father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe and howe Iesus Christe is the
fynd that might do and accomplishe that whyche that of Iesus Christ might not And if al they which haue bene offered according to the law might neuer sanctifie and make cleane the synners notwythstandynge they were ordeyned and commaunded of god but hath bene necessarie that Iesus Christe the soueraygne bishope hygh prieste according to the ordre of Melchiledecke should come offre his propre body Psal Cx. bloude in sacrifice for the redemption of our soules what may we hope of thē whyche the priestes do at th●se dayes in theyr masses of the whyche they haue no commaundemente of God Natha I donot wel vnderstand to what purpose thou speakest this Phylype Thou oughtest to vnderstand that the priestes do glory that in theyr masses they offre vnto God sacrifices for the redemption of oure soules and do auaunce them selues that that sacrifice which they offre is the propre bodie and bloude of Iesus Christe and if it so be thē Iesus Christ is no more the christ that is to saye the anoynted of God and the eternal priest after the ordre of Melchisedech but they be it thē selues seynge they attribute vnto them selues the office whych onely vnto hym apperteyneth and is propre vnto the Christe of God for it is not in the power of anye person to offre the sacrifice of reconsiliation Sacrifice of redemption and of redemption and to sacrifice Iesus Christe but vnto hym selfe whyche is the Christe of God whyche is offered hym selfe by the eternall spirite Natha Howe agreeth this then the priestes synge the Crede in theyr Masse and confesse in the same that they beleue in Iesus Christ but if it be as thou sayeste they do all cleane contrarye to that whyche they synge and denye by worckes Iesus Christe to be the very Christe the whyche they confesse wyth theyr mouthes Phylype There is nothynge more true and not they onelye but also all they that gyue fayeth vnto theyr doctrine and that haue recourse vnto theyr sacrifices and Masses for the remission of theyr synnes whether it be for the lyuynge or for the dead Nathana They be then christians wythout Christe Phylype They be not christians wythout Christ for a Christe they haue but wythout the true Christ they be Nata They haue thē a false Christ Phylype That is true and yet not contente wyth one but haue as manye as they haue priestes whych do cal them selues Chrystes attributynge vnto them selues onelye that whyche the prophete dyd vnderstande of all Psal Cv. the people of God sayinge touche not my Christes or myne anoynted they maye well be Christes but of the numbre of them of the whyche Christe dyd prophesye saying there Math xiiii shal come mani false prophets false christes Natha I woulde not haue thought that that onelye name of Christe hadde comprehended so manye thynges and had drawen such consequence after it I knowe well nowe by experience that manye do saye theyr crede whych vnderstande nothynge and do all contrarie lye them selues Phy. Thou mayste Iudge thy selfe and ther fore it is neadful that al these poyntes be wel diffined to be clearly vnderstande Natha It semeth me that thys poynte is wel inoughe diffined and largely Inoughe declared for thys tyme wherefore lette vs passe ouer forward Wherfore saiest thou his onlye sonne or hys sonne vnited it doeth seeme that thou wylt denye by thys particuler exclusiue that ther is no sonne of God but Iesus christ Phy. I do not denye but that all the elected be the chyldren of God but there is but one that is to saye Iesus whyche is hys true and natural chyld as we haue before expounded Natha How be we thē chyldren of god Phy. By adoption and not by nature Nathanaell What doest thou call adoption Phy. I call adoption when one doeth take a chylde whyche is not hys owne propre child procreate of hys owne bodie for hys own propre legitimate chylde geuinge vnto him al rightes titles as though he were trulie naturallie his childe not as thoughe he were bounde vnto it but doeth it of hys owne free goodnes and of the loue that he beareth vnto hym and euen so be we sonnes of God by Iesus Christe in whom God doeth loue vs adopte chose and receiue vs for hys chyldren therfore is the spirite of God called the spirite Rom. viii of adoption Natha Wherefore gyueste thou yet vnto hym thys title callynge hym oure Lorde Phy. Bycause he hath bought vs that we Cor. vi be hys and his subiectes and seruauntes and that full power is gyuen hym as well in heauen as in earth and that he is kynge prince Math ii xiii and Lorde of all creatures and the onely gouernour and maister the head of his church hathe power to gyue lawes ordinaunces Colo. i. ii vnto men for theyr saluation vnto the which all men muste be subiectes Natha I vnderstande wel nowe the sence of thys article and the principall poyntes whyche it doeth conteyne let vs therfore folowe the rest Phy. In asmuche as we haue determined to deuide thys parte as I dyd set it forthe in the begynnynge it shal be good as semeth me to make here oure fyrst reste diuision after let vs entre into the matter of the incarnation of Iesus Christe as I haue promised the. Natha I am of accorde in al that thou wylte albeit that me thynketh the tyme not longe that I am ready of myne own parte to heare al the daye longe if it were not to thine nuer greate payne and werines notwytstandinge I do not beleue by all that I cā perceyue that thys laboure and payne to be greuous vnto the but rather that thou doest it hauyng more regarde vnto me then vnto thy selfe for thou knoweste well that I am to small and little a vessell to receyue at once so muche of thys diuine licoure lyuelye water poured forth of the fountayne of the worde of God Phy. I woulde it were the pleasure of God that I myght fynde manye suche vessels that were so receiuable of thys worde of lyfe nor I do not this bycause I mistrust thy capacitie but to the ende that both the one and the other of vs may the better gather and sauour this breade of life which here is ministered to vs. Natha Thy reason is verye good lette vs therefore boeth go aboute our other busines that we may returne agayne the more fresh wyth the better courage In thys nexte dialoge shall be set forth the historie of Iesus Christe from the tyme of hys conception vnto hys ascention and shal entreate of the misterie of hys Incarnation and of oure redemption Nathanaell THou wouldest not beleue Phyllype how long I haue thoughte the time sens oure departynge for I haue taken so greate a taste and sauoure in that I haue herde of the heretofore that I thought I shoulde neuer se the time Inoughe to
corporallye frome heauen the vertue and power of hym selfe and of hys holye spirite were not great and shoulde not haue so muche power as the sunne the which without cōming down from heauē doth veri wel cōmunicate his light and heate to mē wherfore may not thē Iesu christ cōmunicate him selfe to oure spitites soules bodies by the vertu of his spirite cōioyne vnite vs wyth him selfe as the mēbres wyth their head We haue not thē ani caus to make a god of the bodie of Iesus or a mōstruousse bodie which shold fulfil al places or to gyue hym manye bodyes as we muste neades be cōstrained to do if we will folow the doctrin of the priestes seynge that they wyll that all in one hours one selfe minute momente and instante he shoulde be in so manye places all at a time it is much more sure to holde our selues vnto the testimonie of the Angels whiche haue testified vnto hys disciples the daye of hys ascention that as they sawe hym goe vp visiblye so shoulde he be seene descend whych Act. i. he him self also before had affirmed Sayinge that he should come as a lyght whych should be seene from the Oriente vnto the occidente Math. xxiiii wherefore he doeth declare that he shall not come inuisible and that there where hys bodye shall be there shall be hys elected Natha These wordes be vnderstand of hys The sacramētal commyng of Christe corporall commynge vnto the iudgement but there is an other whiche is sacramental Phy. I deny not but Iesu Christ cometh eueri day vnto vs and is in the middeste amonge vs wyth vs vnto the ende of thys worlde presente vnto vs but that is by his diuine vertue and by hys power and hys holye spirite but of commynge and presence corporall and carnall the scripture promiseth vs no other thē that whyche shall be at the laste daye I deny not but he is present vnto vs by hys worde by hys sacramentes but that is in the maner that I haue alreadye shewed Natha Thou wylt then saye that he descendeth not corporallye vnto the laste daye Phy It is the scripture that so sayeth and not I. Nathana Howe shall he come then and in what fourme Phy. He shall come accompanied wyth Angelles wyth the cloudes in the Math xxv glory of God his father in the propre fourme that he ascended Natha Wherefore shall he come then in hys propre bodye then visiblie rather then nowe Phy. Bycause that then shal be the tyme that he muste make accompte and make them pertakers of hys glorye and immortalitie whych haue suffered wyth hym and beleued in hym and shall make them the fote stole of hys fe●e whyche haue resisted hym to the ende they may feele hym theyr iugde and Lord in theyr greate confusion in the daye of the ire of god in asmuche as they woulde not knowe hym nor receiue hym for theyr sauioure in the time of grace and mercie Natha Wherfore sayest thou the quicke and i. Cor. xv i. Tessa iiii the dead shal there be then some lyuynge Phy. Accordynge to the sayinge of Saynte Paule it is manifeste that there shall be then when he shall come the whyche neuertheles shal be chaunged and hydden sodaynlye and shall mete Iesus Christe in the ayre Natha And shall they come before thē that be dead Phy. No. For fyrste the trumpet shall blowe and the dead shal aryse and then all togyther shal be found in a momēte wyth the Lorde Natha And shall not the same dye Phylyp Saynte Paul calleth not that chaunge death because it shal be more shorte and sodayne thē the twynkelynge of an eye but neuertheles they shall be all togyther chaunged euen as they whyche shall haue slepte in the pouder of the earth and shall put of mortalitie for to put on immortalitie Natha Thou vnderstandest then by the lyuynge the deade them whyche at that time shal be lyuyng and them whyche before that time shal be dead Phy. I saye that the article maye verye well be so vnderstande and that the doctrine of S Paule is conformable vnto the same vnderstandynge but we maye also well vnderstād it otherwyse wythout contradiction of the scripture Natha Declare it vnto me Phy. We may take thys copulation for one vniuersall signifiynge as muche as thoughe we would say he shal come to iudg the quicke and the dead that is to saye al humayne creatures for the same two wordes doeth comprehende all sortes of people or he shall come to iudge the quike whyche yet at thys presente tyme be alyue whyche shall dye neuertheles at theyr tyme and the dead that is to saye all them whyche haue bene before vs whyche is as muche as thoughe he shoulde saye all them whyche haue bene be shal be of what estate or condicion so euer they be Nathanaell Declare vnto me yet in how manye maner of wayes I maye vse these thyngs vnto my profit Phylype In verye manye but I shall touche one or two of the pryncipal Thys iudgment of God oughte to learne and admonishe vs to walke in thys same mortall pilgrimage in simplicitie of herte and to putte a sure brydle vpon oure carnall concupiscences and to redresse and refourme oure selues to the ryghte waye of the wyll of God beyng assured that we must make accompt that not vnto a mortall manne as we be but vnto hym that knoweth not onelye all oure worckes but also al our wordes and thoughtes knowynge that Math. xii Math. i. there is nothynge so secrete but at that tyme it shall be discouered before God before hys Angelles and before all menne that euer shal haue bene vpon the earth We ought then to be verye ware to doe any thynge in secrete whyche wee woulde not do openlye but we oughte to walke in thys lyfe as thoughe wee sawe God alwayes before oure eyes And after the abydynge and lokynge for this Iudgemente oughte to wythdrawe oure selues frome doynge anye wronge or iniurye vnto anye persone and oughte well to keepe oure selues frome goynge out of the ryghte waye of trueth other for anye prayse or for anye disprayses or for sclaunders or for the good or euyll wyll of menne nother yet for anye profitte or dammage that myghte come vnto vs nother for prosperitie nor aduersitie that myghte come for we are certaine that then shall be holden the greate and laste appellation and all causes shall be broughte forthe and iudged but not accordynge to the iudgement of men but accordynge to the iust iudgmente of God by the whyche euery one shal receiue praise or shame vituperie accordynge as he shall haue deserued Natha Thys article as thou expoundeste it ought to brynge greate consolation vnto all the true fayethful whyche suffer persecution in thys worlde knowynge that at that tyme theyr sorrowe shall be turned into ioye and theyr shame into glorye and of the contrarie it oughte to gyue greate feare
myghtye wynde when he gaue hys holye spirite vnto hys Apostles Phylyp There is no doubte but he dyd it to The holye spirite shewe● in wynde signifie that as the winde suffereth the Rociers the litle and small trees and ouerthroweth by the rootes breaketh down broseth and maketh ruinous the greate myghtye trees So the vertue of thys holy spirite is to bring consolation to the hertes aflicted to purge the consciences to iudge the euile to ouerthrowe and sette downe the proude and to vpholde beare vp the weake and humble Natha If we wyll then haue anye thynge of God we muste obteygne it by Iesus Christe workynge in vs by hys holie spirite Phylip. It is euen so for by hym all the beleuers be vnite in one self body with their head Iesus Christe and be nourished and vinified in hym as by the soule and spirite all the mēbres whyche be in one bodye be partakers of the goodnes which is in the same body Natha I beleue for that cause we put to by by after thys article the which appertayneth nyghe vnto the churche the whych is the bodye of Iesus Christ of the whyche thou speakeste of vinifiynge sanctifiynge by the same holy Gooste for we do saye by and by after the catholyke churche Phy. There is no doubte Natha In asmuch thē as we haue treated the other three partes The church of the crede that we be come to the fourth whyche concerneth the churche daughter of the celestiall father spouse of Iesus Christe tell me fyrste what thou callest the church Phy. Churche signifieth congregation and assemble Eph. v but I do take it and vnderstād it here for the assēble of the true and faythful christians whyche be vnite cōioyned by one selfe spirite and one selfe fayeth Natha Is there anye other church then the churche of the faithfull Phy. As we do cal the bodye and membres of Iesu Christe the churche so hath Antichriste hys body and membres whyche togyther make the malignaunt churche but for asmuche as that toucheth vs in nothynge we leaue it aparte and speake only here of the tru The malygnant church church of Iesu Christe therfore do we cal it holy Natha For what cause Phy. To put difference betwene hyr and the church of Antichriste and for asmuche as she is sanctified by the holye Goste for to be the temple and habitatiō of God Natha Wher fore doest thou also call it catholike what signifieth that worde catholyke Catholike Phy. It doeth signifie vniuersal and therfore do I saye I beleue the vniuersall churche bycause the churche doeth signifie all assembles and congregation where the fayethfull be assembled as is the church of Cho●hi of Rome Galathiens and othere lyke I wyll declare that there is one catholyke churche that is to saye vniuersall and generall comprehending all the other the whyche is generallye sowen thorowe all the worlde onelye knowen of the onelye God whiche knoweth the hertes Natha If she be sowen thorowe all the world how is she a church seing that church signifieth cōgregatiō assēble so as thou sayeste it should seeme rather to disperation seperation and confution Phylype Therefore muste we considre thys The churche inuisible churche spirituallye and muste not thynke it to be a visible and local assemble sette and limited in a certaine place Nathana Howe vnderstandest thou thys or howe can the churche be inuisible seyng it is the assemble of the fayethful whyche be visible menne Phy. I denye not but that the men whyche be of the churche be visible but thys ioynynge togyther of the churche oughte not to be considered of the coniunction of the bodies but of the hertes spirits that be inuisible which none cause and therefore notwythstandinge I see the menne that be of thys churche whē they be presente wyth me yet neuertheles I The churche mingeled thorowe all the worlde can not see them all because they be sparkeled abrode thorowe all the worlde and thoughe they myght be assembled all in one place yet coulde I not knowe them perfectlye because that the elected shal neuer be so wel seperated in thys worlde frome the infidels and reproued but there shall be alwayes manye hypocrites mingled amonge them the whyche we can not wel deserue nor iudge vnto such time as Iesus Christe shall make seperation of the Math. xxv go●es from the lambes and of the wheate frō the tares therfore do I saye that thys church is inuisible because the eye cā not se it nor the humayne iudgmēt wel deserue it therfore do we saye we beleue it for if we did se it at our eye wee beleued not but notwythstandynge we can not se it at our eye yet we beleue that the Lorde hathe hys elected whyche notwithstandynge they be sparkeled aboute thorowe all the worlde as touchynge theyr bodies be yet neuertheles so ioyned togither by the spirite of God that they be but one selfe bodye one selfe herte and one selfe soule Act. ii iiii Natha Thou wylt then saye that the vniuersall churche is a spirituall and inuisible assēble of all the elected and chyldrene of God whyche be vpon the earth in what place so euer they be whyche notwythstandinge they be seperated and farre distaunte one frome a nother as concerninge theyr bodyes yet they be all vnite by one selfe spirite into one body misticall of the whyche Christe is the head Col. i. ii whyche dyed for to assemble the chyldrene of God that were sparkeled but if thys church be inuisible howe canste thou saye thou beleueste in hyr and that thou holdeste hyr fayth howe canste thou knowe what she is what she beleueth if thou know hir not Phylype I saye not that I beleue in hyr Natha Doeste not thou confesse I beleue in the holye Gost the holye vniuersal churche Phy. I do saye and confesse openlye I beleue in God the father and in Iesu Christ and in the holye Gooste but of the churche I do not saye I beleue in the holye churche but I beleue the holye churche Nathana Is it not all one what difference is there Phy. Verye greate For if I sayed I beleue in the holye church I should cōfesse that I put my trust in hyr as I haue sayed before to beleue in God and the churche is not god but is an assēble of men cursed is man that trusteth in man wherfore if I sayed I beleue Iere. xvii in hyr I should speake agaynste my self and should reuerse the fayeth which I haue cōfessed hytherto Nathana Declare vnto me the differēce Phi. By expositiōs going befor it is opē inough what sēce mi words should haue if I sayed I beleue in the church But when I do saye I beleue the holie churche that is to saye I beleue and confesse that ther is an assemble by the whyche I haue diffined the churche and that in the same I wyll lyue and dye Natha Howe wylt