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A12492 A defence of the blessed masse, and the sacrifice therof prouynge that it is auayleable both for the quycke and the dead and that by Christes owne and his apostles ordynaunce, made [and] set forth by Rycharde Smyth doctour in diuinitie, and reader of ye kynges highnes lesson of diuinitie, in his maiesties vniuersitie of Oxforde. Wherin are dyuers doubtes opened, as it were by the waye, ouer and aboue the principall, and cheyfe matter. Smith, Richard, 1500-1563. 1546 (1546) STC 22820; ESTC S107328 113,500 390

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the storie maketh mention Doth not euen so at this our time Martin Luther and his scholers whiche deny the masse to be a sacrifice whan the apostles taughte the cleane contrary as I haue afore declared largely S. Dioni lib. de caelesti hierarchia Ca. I Dionise Paules scholer teacheth vs an other lesson how we shulde study scripture whom we shuld folow in the vnderstādyng of it his wordes are these Ad sāctissimarū scripturarū intelligentias prout illas a patribus accepimus contuendas pro viribus pergamus Lette vs procede to loke on the vnderstandynge of the moost holy scriptures accordynge to oure strengthe or power as we haue harde or receaued of the elders Do we not here see that this father whiche was a greate philosopher and verye well learned in dyuers knowledges afore he was conuerted by saint Paule was taught the fayth by hym wolde not presume to studye the scripture without the doctours and elders bokes whiche he studied to vnderstande it Therefore if thou wilte study the scripture to profyt therein reade saint Austens bokes sainte Ieromes Chrisostoms Ambroses Cyprians and suche other whiche do sincerely truely and catholykely expownde the scriptures to the auauncinge of the truth and the thrustynge downe of errours and heresie Preistes of Cesarea cappa docie coulde not be persuaded to leaue the faith Q● eis suffecerint ad vtilitatem sui antiquae patrum narrationes velut quaedam turres murum fidei indeclinabilem Triper Histo li. 7 Cap. ●6 seruauerunt Bycause the aunciēt expositions of the fathers sufficed them to their proffitte and dydde kepe lyke as certaine towers the wall of faith vpright And where men saie that god is as lyberall now as he was in the apostles tyme to them and therefore he can geue euen nowe also the holye ghost to euery man and woman for the vnderstandynge of his worde the scripture I graunte that god is nowe as lyberall in dede as he was thā but yet thervpon it foloweth not that he dothe nowe geue the spirite of knoweledge in the holye scripture without all laboure and why god did geue to fysshers his holy spirite to vnderstand the scripture studye as he then dydde to his apostles to confounde the greate clerkes and lerned men by the simple and vnlearned fysshers and by ther teachyng to conuert to the faith the hole world that thereby his almighty power might be knowen his blessed name glorified the vertue of his sonnes deathe christ our sauiour estemed y● cause as in dede it was of that so great a myracle This I saye was the cause whye at the begynnynge of christes religion and fayth rude fysshers hadde geuen them suche knoweledge in the scripture without all labour and study geuen to it of their partes God thē shewed hys greate lyberalytye in feading fyue thousande men besyde women and chyldren with fiue barly Io. 6. loues and two fysshes as sainte Iohan testyfyeth but shal we therfore loke for anye lyke thinge now in oure dayes Chryste at that tyme dydde worke dyuers myracles whych he worketh not at this tyme nor neuer wyll hereafter He is therein lyke to one that plantethe yonge trees or setteth herbes whyche while they be tendre and yonge not yet well rooted in the earthe he often watereth but after they are growen vp and haue taken well rootes than he ceassethe waterynge them so christ A similitude oure sauyoure when he planted the faythe at the fyrste dydde water it wyth sundrye and dyuerse myracles and whan he sawe it well and surelye rooted in mens hartes than he lefte waterynge it with myracles Therefore let vs not looke to receaue the holye goost to teache vs the scryptures and the vnderstandynge of them wythoute oure studye and labour as the apostles ones dydde by miracle for the cōuersion of the worlde to the faith but let vs learne it of the holy doctours and of the preistes which are learned and whose office it is to teache the vnlearned multitude as witnesseth the holy prophet Malachias saieng Labia Malach. 2. sacerdotis custodiunt scientiam legem requirent ex ore eius quia angelus domini exercituum est That is The preistes lyppes do kepe cunnynge and the laye people shall often seke or demaūd of his mouth the lawe for asmuch as he is the messanger of the lorde of hostes that is of aungels whiche are called the hoostes of heauen Aeto 20. Heb. 13. He is sent by goddes assignement to teache the vnlearned and doth take charge of theyr soules as the scripture in manye places wytnesseth Nowe I wyll shewe the holy doctours myndes in this our cōtrouersye sens we ought to folowe their iudgement in the vnderstandynge of the scriptures as I haue nowe declared that by thē we maye perceaue which doctrine is true and catholique and which is false and hereticall I wyll yet recite here but a certaine of the most auncient and eldest writers on the scripture for the yongest almost The olde doctours sayeuges of thē shal be about nyne hundred yeres olde because men saye that the sacrifice of the masse was inuēted of late and set vp by preistes coueteousnes for lucre that they maye se theyr folye and forsake it in tyme leaste it at the length as it must neades brynge them to vtter confusion in bodye and soule But to the rehersal of the olde writers in this matter amonge the whiche Theophilactus shall occupy the first place sayeng Quaere● Theophilac In Heb 10 aliquis num ipsi sine sanguine immolamus Ita quidem sed Christi tunc reminiscimur obitus vna nobis est immolatio nō multae quandoquidem est ille semel oblatus eundem enim semper offerimus vnus est enim sanguis semel effusus Vnum est corpus nō multa quiuis fuerit pro multis oblatum item vna est quae offertur hostia Hanc namque semper ut praesentem offerimus That is Some body wyl demaunde wether we do sacrifice without bloud or no we do so surely but then we remembre Christes death and we haue one sacrifice not manye for as moche as Christe also hath bene ones offered in sacryfyce for we offre alwaye the sam● the bloude is one shedde ones The body is one not many thoughe it bathe bene offered vp in sacryfyce for manye and also the hoste is one which is offred For we alwaye offre that same as present hitherto Theoph. No man can desire playner wordes than these are of this greate clerke to proue that the masse is a sacrifice Rupert also confirmethe this saieng Quotidie in altari sancto Lib. 1. comēt in Dani. ca. 14. oblationes eius sacrū celebramus mysteriū We do daiely celebrate in the holy aulter the holye mystery or sacramēt y● sacrifices of christ Fulgentius whiche was aboue a M. yeres sence agreeth with Fulgentius li. 2. ad Monimū this verity
this ordynaunce to praye and say masse for the deade thoughe those thynges be not expresselye sette forthe in scrypture But Tertulian shall speake once agayne wyth these Tertulia li. de exhorta ad castitatem wordes Et iam repete ad deum ꝓ cuius spiritu postules pro qua oblationes annuas reddas Stabis apud deum cum tot vxoribus quo● illas oratione commemoras offeres pro duabus commemorabis illis duas per sacerdotem c. And nowe remember for whose soule thou mayest make petytyon to God for whyche wyfe thou mayeste rendre yearelye sacrifyces Thou shalte stande afore god wyth soo manye wyues as thou doeste remember in thy prayer and thou wylte offer for them bothe and thou shalte remember them two by the preist Fynally in Tertulian demonog an other boke Enim vero pro anima prioris vxoris orat refrigerium interim postulat in prima resurrectione consortiū offert ā nuis diebus dormitionis eiꝰ For soth the husbande dothe praye for the soule of his first wyfe and he desireth a recreation refresshynge or a coolynge for hir in the meane season and felowshippe in the first arising vp and he offreth sacrifice Obites or yeres mīdes yerely at her obite or the tyme of her dyenge and decesse lo good reader the custome to haue dirige masse ones in the space of an yere A booke called epi●ome cronicon falsely saith that one Pelagius a bysshoppe of Rome dydde ordeine that masse sholde be sayde for the dead for he was ●52 yeres after Christes byrth for the dead is no newe inuention nor of late sette vp by couetous preistes as many couetous and enuious persons saye but a thing obserued alwaye euen from the holy apostles tyme tyll oure dayes and therefore it muste neades be a good and a godly custome For as Tertulian saith We maye prescribe againste all heretikes holdyng the contrary agaynst whom iudgemente is giuen afore Id esse uerum qui cunque primum id esse ad ulterum quodcumque posterius That to be true what so euer is first that to be counterfait or forged what so euer is that commeth Dionisius lib. de eccl hierar ca. 7. after Saint Dionise Paules scoler thus writeth also of the prayenge at masse for the dead Sanctorum preces etiam in ista vita nō This came vp in the traditiō of the apostles as s Dionise testifieth tantum post mortem prosunt ijs so lis qui digni sunt vt pro eis sanctae preces fiant nempe fidelibus That is holy mens prayers ye in this lyfe and not only after death do profitte them onely whiche are worthye that holye prayers shuld be saide for them sothelye for the faithfull as Damascene recytyng these wordes doth expound them Againe this sainte speakynge of Sermone de mortuis the bysshops or preistes prayenge for the dead at dirige masse saith after this maner Inter praecandū igitur oratur diuina bonitas ut cuncta defuncti peccata dimittat per humanam infirmitatem admissa Damas eumque in luce collocet regione viuorum in sinibus Abrahae Isaac Iacob in loco vnde aufugit dolor tristicia gemitꝰ While the preiste doth praye for the dead the goodnes of god is praied vnto the he wolde forgiue the deade all his synnes commytted by mans infirmitie and that he wolde sette hym in lyght and in the region of the liuynge persons in the bosomes of Abraham Isaac and Iacob in a place frome whense is fleed heuynes That is in heauen sadnes and waylynge Thou doest le saith s Damascen reciting these wordꝭ o aduersary by what meane Dionisius confirmeth praiers to be very profitable for them which are departed in a holy hope Damas sermone pro defunctis This aunciente doctour Damas reherseth s Gre. Ieroms masters wordes writtē in a certeine oratiō of the funerall exequies for hys mother whiche are these Diuitias igitur quae in nostra potestate fuerūt partim dedimꝰ partim daturi sumus anniuersarios illi honores memorias exhibituri Therfore sith by praiers and masses my mothers dolour may be eased for that he saide afore we haue partely geuen already and partely wyl geue these goodes which were in our power I wil geue to her that mē may behold yerely honours memories Thou seest saith Damas that he cōfirmeth our opiniō allowīg sacrifices yerely remēbraūces to be made for thē which are departed in god while he callethe them good holy Moreouer s Dama doth alledge a very plaine sentēce of one Grego Nyssene saint Basyls brother which is this Nihil absque vtilitate a predicatoribus discipulis Christi est traditum in omnibus ecclesijs predicatum Res autem modis omnibus est utilis Gregorius Nyssenus saithe that the apostles dyd preache and teache ī all churches that we shulde pray at masse for the dead as Damascen Chrisostom Tertulian and diuers other do say they dydde deo in primisgrata indiuinis praeclarisque operationibus eorum qui in recta fide discesserunt manifestam facere memoriam That is in englysshe There is nothinge taughte or delyuered by tradition and preached in al churches of the preachers and disciples of Christ without profitte but it is a thinge by alwayes profilable and to god chiefly thankefull or acceptable to make a manifest memory of thē that haue departed in a ryghte faith in the diuine and very noble workes What els good reader I besech the ment this great clerke and aunciente father by these dyuyne and very noble workes than dirige masses and other lyke prayers offred to god for them whiche dyed in a true faith The apostles of Christ the truth and to whome the holy goost the spirite of the truth It is a traditiō of christes apostels to pray for the dead at masse as G. Nyssene saith Damascene doth affirm that they lerned it of Christe dyd teache all truth accordinge to christes promysse taughte this lesson and the same is preached in al churches Thou doest beleue that infantes or yonge children ought to be baptised and that baptisme auaileth them thorough the fayth of the church to the attainemente of remyssion of originall synne grace and glorye and yet that can not be proued by any scripture sufficientlye but it is a tradytyon of christes apostles left to the church De eccle hiera Origene ii 6. in epist Rom. without writing as saint Dionise Paules scholer affirmeth and Origen with many other Why therfore doest thou not beleue that the masse is a sacrifice propitiatorie and profitable both to the quicke and the deade for as muche as the holye apostles hathe taughte the church aswel the one as the other They whiche denye that chyldren shulde be baptised because there is no plain scripture for it are coūted heretikes of the sect of the anabaptistes