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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06667 A rule how to bring vp children A treatise wherein is declared, how the father apposeth his sonne in the holy Scripture, whereby all parents may be taught a rule how to bring vp their children, briefelie collected into a short volume.; Rule how to bring up children. Lyster, John, fl. 1588. 1588 (1588) STC 17122; ESTC S104942 107,568 287

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be called Gods and Lordes many Sonne There is but one true God One true God although there bée thrée distincte persons of that one true GOD I cannot make further relacion of his Godhead then that he hath spoken and called himselfe thus I am that I am I am Exod. 3 I am sayth he to Moyses haue sent thée This God appered vnto Abraham Exod. 6. Iehoua Gene. 17 Isaac and Iacob as an almightie God and in my name saith hée Iehoua was I not knowen vnto them I am the almightie God behold I am Almighty True God Deut. 7. Eod. Mightie Terrible Deu. 9. A consuming fier Deu. 32 The Lord thy God is a true God God is among you a mightie and terrible GOD. The Lord thy God is a consuming fyer he shall consume and bring the enimies downe before his face I alone am God and there is else none I kill and make a liue He is a God of truth without wickednesse right and Iust is he Without sinne He is an holy an Ielious God Iosua 24 and can not beare with iniquitie and sinne The righteous god trieth the harts reines Psal 7. VVhat is God The Lord is my stony rocke and defence my sauiour my God and my might in whom I will trust my buckler the horne also of my saluation and my refuge Psalm 14 He maketh his Angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire 139. If I clime vp to heauen he is there if I goe downe to hell he is there also Pro. 5. Euery mans waies are open in the sight of his God and he pondreth all mens goinges Pro. 15. Hell with her paine is knowne vnto this God how much more then the hearts of men ●eremi 10 I am euen I am the Lorde of hosts and besides mée ther is no sauiour The Lords ●ame the lord is a true God a liuing God and an euerlasting King Eod. The name of GOD is the Lorde of hosts Dan. 4. There is none that may resist his hand or say why dost thou this Daniel 7 He sat him downe and his clothing was as white as snowe and the haires of his head like the pure wooll his throne like the fyery flame and his wheles as the burning of fyre The second ●erson a thousand serued him and tenne thousand times tenne stoode before him the iudgement was set and the bookes opened and the beast slayne Math. 1. Thou shalt call his name Iesus quia is saluum faciet populum a peccatis suis For he shall saue the people from their sines In the beginning was the worde Io. 1. and the word was with God and God was the worde And the same word became flesh and dwelt among vs. The spirit of God came vpon the messengers of Saull and they prophecied Third person The Lord GOD and his spirit Esay 48. hath sent me I will power downe of my spirit vpon all flesh Ioel. 2 Procedit Apatrie Rom. 8 Procedit a filio Io. 16. and your sonnes and your daughters shall prophecie He that hath not the spirit of Christ he is none of his When the spirit of truth commeth whom I will send from my father he will lead you into all truth This spirit certyfieth our spirit Rom. 8. that we be the sonnes of God Trinitie Math. 3. When Iesus was baptised hée came straight out of the water and heauen was open vnto him and the spirit of God came downe like a Doue light vpon him and ther came a voyce from heauen which said this is my beloued Sonne In whom I am well pleased Gen. 19. The Lorde appeared vnto Abraham and he lift vp his eyes and looked and loe thrée men stode by him ●3 seme one worshipped and he ranne to méete them at the Tennte Doore and fel to the ground and saide Lorde I besech thée goe not from thy seruant Esay 6. The Cherubin songe holy holy holy Lord God of hosts Io. 5.3 persons one God Ther be thrée that beare record in heauen the father the sonne and the holy ghost and these thrée are one Spirit water blod There be thrée that beare witnesse vppon earth the spirite and water and blood and these thrée are one Reuel 22 And concluding that these thrée persons the father sonne and holy ghost are consubstantiall and coequall Alpha and Omega without beginning or ende Father Prayer I besech this holy and blessed Trinitie one true and euerlasting GOD to continue his mercie and goodnesse towards vs his people for his owne name sake Amen Sonne And I doe most earnestly entreate his maiestie to giue vs grace to put off the olde man which is corrupt and to put on the newe man taking holde of his mercie by faith and so continue neuer looking backe but still procéeding from vertue to vertue till we enioye that kingdome prepared for the elect and chosen by this blessed Trinitie Amen Father Goe forwarde sonne tell me how man at the beginning knew the will and good pleasure of his God before the Lawe was written that he might doe thereafter and liue Sonne When the Lorde made man at the béeginning Gen. 1 he made him after his owne Image that was iust so that he knewe how to eschue euill do good for it was grafted in him when he was called of God Free will For the Lorde sent fyre and water lyfe and death before man Eccle. 15. that he might reach his hand to which he would Father And what did man being Iust and in that frée choise Sonne Gene. 3 He chose death and left life He became obedient to the subtyll serpent the Diuell and disobedient vnto his God As appeareth when God had made man and woman he placed them in Paradise where they should haue liued and all their posterytie in Ioye and filicitie for euer they had frée wil and libertie ouer all the trées and hearbes in that garden Tree of knowledge Gen. 3. and all other things whatsoeuer except the trée of knowledge of good and bad which the Lord commaunded that they should not vpon paine of death touch Father Could they not be content with all the fruites of the garden and abstayne from that one trée and so be blessed for euer Sonne No Father they forsooke their blessednesse and chose to be cursed to leue life and take death they forsooke their inherytance in heauen and chose to be fier brands in hell they cast off the Image of GOD and toke vppon them the Image of the Diuell The diuells ●mage Father Tell me by what meanes this came to passe Sonne When the Lord had thus blessed them with all blessings Gen. 3 the Diuell and Sathanas hating their happie state from which hée was fallen A lyer Serpent subtiller then any beast Came as a Serpent to Eua and demaunded why they eate not
aunswere to euery man that asketh me a reason of the hope that is in me that with méekenes feare hauing a good cōcience that whereas they back byte mée as an euill doer they may be ashamed that falsly accuse my good conuersation in Christ demaund therefore what pleaseth you and I will according as Gods holy spirit shall teach me aunswere to the same Father In whome doest thou beléeue and whom doest thou worshippe Sonne Acts. 24 I aunswere with Saint Paull and confesse vnto you that after the way which some called heresie so worship I the God of my fathers beléeuing al things that are written in the Law and Prophets and haue hope towards God that the resurrection of the dead shall be both of iuste and vniust and therefore I study to haue alwaies a cleare conscience towardes God and towards men Father Shew mée if thou hast read perfectly the whole booke of God Sonne Psalm 1. Yea father I may say with Dauid my delight is in the Lawe of the Lorde and in his word haue I exercised my selfe day and night Father Are all thinges necessary to saluation contained in that booke of life called the Byble Sonne Yea truly father Io. 5. search the Scriptures saith Christ for in them ye thinke ye haue eternall life and they are they which testifie of mée and yet ye will not come vnto-mée that ye might haue life Saint Iames saith Iames. 1 Suscipite insitum verbū quod potest saluare animas vestras receiue with méekenesse the worde which is grafted in you being able to saue your soules Many signes truly did Iesus in the presence of his disciples Io. 20. which are not written in the Byble but so many are written that may learne vs to beléeue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of GOD and that in beléeuing wée may haue life through his name Saint Peter sayth 1. Peter 2 although wée sée not Christ yet wee doe beléeue and reioyce with ioye vnspeakable glorious The end of faith is saluation receiuing the ende of our faith euen the saluation of our soules Io. 15. Christ Iesus himselfe saith that we are cleane through the words which he hath spoken vnto vs. Peter the Appostel rose vp and saide ye men and brethren Acts. 15. ye knowe that GOD did choose among vs that the Gentiles by my mouth should heare the worde of the Ghospell and beléeue and GOD which knoweth the hearts bare them witnesse and gaue vnto them the holie ghost euen as he did vnto vs and put no difference betwixe vs and them Purified by faith séeing that with faith he purified their hearts Saint Paull saith to Timothie continue thou in the thinges which thou hast learned which also were committed vnto thée knowing of whome thou hast learned them 2. Tim. 3 And for as much also as of a Childe thou hast knowen the holie Scriptures which are able to make thée learned vnto saluation through the faith which is in Christ Iesu for all Scriptures giuen by inspiration of GOD is profitable to teach Scripture makes men perfect in righteousnesse to improue to amēd to enstruct in righteousnesse that the man of God may bée perfect and prepared vnto all good workes Whereby you may plainelie perceiue Father that all thinges néedefull to saluation both to the Iewes and Gentiles Conclusion bonde and frée is contained in the written worde of GOD. Father Me thinkes that by these proues the holie Scriptures contained not onelie all thinges necessary for Saluation but also all other thinges néedefull for the good gouernement of a Christian life Sonne It is so Father as if it please God you shall heare afterwarde in the declaring of the duties of all estats and degrées of people for what blasphemy were it to the holy spirit of God to say that God hath left his word will and Testament vnperfect Father Is there nothinge then left out of Scripture for manne to teach that is néedefull many rites ceremonyes ordinances and inuentions of manne haue béene added thereto and taughte as things most requisite euen in my time Sonne Deu. 4. No father the Lorde saith you shall put nothing vnto the worde which I commaund you Prou 30. neither doe ought there from put thou nothing vnto his wordes least he reproue thée and thou be found a lyer Reuel 22. I testify saith Saint Iohn vnto euery man that heareth the prophecie of the Lords booke if any man shall adde vnto those thinges God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in that booke and if any man shall minish of the words of the prophecie of that booke God shall take away his parte out of the booke of life and out of the holy Cittie and from the things that are written in that booke who then dare be so bould father to thrust in among the ordinances and statutes of our heauenly father mans inuencions and constitutions séeing there hangeth Gods vengeance and eternall punishment ouer the heades of such ready to destroy soule and body when the Lorde commaundeth and to cast them into hell fire that neuer quecheth Father Séeing that the Scripture is the word of saluation why doe so many in these dayes refuse to heare or reade the same Recusants Sonne Christ Iesus saith Io. 8. he that is of God heareth Gods wordes they therfore heare them not because they are not of God To those Recusants saith Christ further Io. eod why doe you not know my spéech euen because you cannot abide the hearing of my worde Yée beléeue not my wordes Io. 10. because you are not of my shéepe for my shéepe heare my voyce and I know them Recusants none of his sheepe and they follow mée and I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neyther shall anye man plucke them out of my handes He that heareth you saith Christ to his disciples heareth mee Luke 10 and he that heareth mée heareth him that sent mée Recusants despise Christ and he that dispiseth you despiseth mée and he that despiseth mee despiseth him that sent mée The Quéene of the South shall rise at the daye of iudgement Luke 11. with this nation and condemne it for she came from the vttermost partes of the earth to heare the wisedome of Salomon and beholde a greater then Salomon is héere Luke 14 Nemo virorum istorum qui vocati sunt gustabunt cenam meam None of these saith Christ that were called and refused to come shall tast of my Supper Acts. 3. The time will come sayth the Apostle That euerie soule that wil not héere that same Prophet shall bee destroyed from among the people 1. Io 4. Recusants are not of God neither know him We are of God saith Saint Iohn hée that knoweth God heareth vs he that is not of God heareth vs not hereby knowe we the spirit of God and the
Saint Paull sayth 1. Cor. 12 yée are the bodie of Christ and members one of an other The Church saith the Prophet Ose Oscas 2. is married vnto the Lorde in righteousnesse in equitie in louing kindnesse in mercie and also in faith There is neyther Iewe nor Gentile Gal. 3. bonde nor frée man nor woman but all one in Christ Iesu As the body sayth Saint Paull is one and hath many members 1. Cor. 12 and all the members of one body though they bée many yet are but one bodie euen so is Christ for by one Spirite wee are all Baptised to make one body whether wée bée Iewes or Gentiles whether wée bée bonde or frée and haue all drunke of one spirit Rom. 12. For as we haue many members in one body and all members haue not one office so we being manie are one bodie in Christ and euerie man among our selues one an others members Ephe. 1. Christ the head we his members Christ saith Saint Paull is made aboue all thinges the heade of the congregation which is his body and the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all Ephe. 2. Ye are not strangers and forrenners but Citizens with the saintes and of the housholde of God and buylt vppon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets The true Church Iesus Christ himselfe being the head corner stone In whom what building so euer is coupled together it groweth vnto an holy temple in the Lorde in whome ye are also buylt together to be an habitation of God through the holy Ghost Ephe. 4. Let vs follow the truth in loue and in all things that grow in him which is the heade euen Christ Head 2. Thes 2 They that are chosen to saluation sanctified by his spirit through beliefe of the truth What is the Church 1. Tim. 3 whervnto they are called by the Gospell and so obtaine the glory of our Lord Iesus Christ The house of God the congregation of the liuing God 2. Tim. 3. the Pyller and ground of the truth Christ hath rule ouer the house whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence the reioycing of that hope vnto the ende Saint Peter sayth that the Church of God is a chosen generatiō 1. Peter 2. a royall priesthoode an holy nation a people which are wonne that should shewe the vertues of him that called them out of darkenesse They that heare the voyce of God indéede and kéepe his appointment Exod. 19. are chosen aboue all nations to bée the Lordes owne people a kingdome of priestes Deut. 7. and an holy people The true Church Whereby father you may sée that the faithfull which heare the voice of God and kéepe the Lords appointment are members of the misticall bodye of Christ and Christ Iesus their heade whereby they are made an holy Temple Father Is there my sonne some that are not of this true Church of God Christ being the head Sonne Yea Father for true is that saying The diuels Chaplen where God hath a Church Sathan hath commonly a Chappell Father Tell mée in few wordes who are of the Diuels Church Sonne Exod. 19. 2. Thess 2 They that refuse to heare the voyce of God in déede and deny to kéepe his appointment that beleeue not the trueth wherevnto they are called by the Gospell that buyld not vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Iesus Christ being the head corner stone The malignant Church for any other foundation can no man lay then that which is layde which is Iesus Christ Father My Sonne I perceaue that there bée many that are Recusantes and refuse to heare Gods voyce deny his holy lawes beléeue not the truth which is Christ and that buylde not vpon this rocke but vpon the constitutions of men and traditions of Elders flatly denying as I think their owne saluation whome the Lorde in his good time call home out of Sathans holde that there may be one foulde and one shepheard But procéede Sonne to shewe mée who is the head of the Church of God next and immediatly vnder Christ the chiefe head Sonne Euery Emperor King or prince King supreme head within their seuerall Empyres or kingdomes Father What sayest thou then to those that chalenge Supremacy ouer Kings as they say by the succession of Saint Peter Sonne Let Saint Peter aunswere that hymselfe 1. Peter 2 who being inspyred with Gods holy spirite did foresée that many woulde séeke honour ambition and promotion and desire to bée called Rabbi contrarie to Christs words preuented them in these words Submitte your selues vnto al māner of ordinaunces of man for the Lords sake whether it bée to the King King chief head as vnto the chiefe head eyther vnto Rulers as vnto them that are sent of him for the punishment of euill doers but for the loue of them that doe well Nay 1. Peter 2 in an other place he concluding vpon the dutie of all the true seruaunts of God sayth honour all men Honor Kings Titus 3 loue brotherly felowship Feare God honour the King Saint Paul willeth Titus and all ministers and Preachers to warne all subiectes that they submitte themselues to their King and Prince and that they also obey all the officers ordayned by them Father Kings are the ordinance of God Well doth the Apostle S. Peter shewe who is the heade of Christes members which as he sayth is the king therefore tell me by whome are kinges ordayned Sonne Rom. 13. Saint Paul saith that there is no power but of God the powers that be are ordayned of God Wisd 6. Heare O ye kinges and vnderstand O learne ye that be iudges of the earth giue eare ye that rule the multitude and delight in much people for power is giuen you of the Lord and the strength from the highest 1. Kings 9 The Lord told the prophet Samuell in his eare And saide to morrow this time will I send a man out of the lande of Byniamin him shalt thou anoynt to be king ouer my people of Israell that he may saue my people out of the handes of the Philistines 1. King 10 Samuell tooke a vessell of oyle and powred it vpon the heade of Saull and kissed him and said the Lord hath anoynted thée to bée king ouer his inheritance Dauid saide to his wife Michell the Lord hath chosen me commaunded me 2. King 6 to bée a ruler ouer all the people of the Lorde euen ouer Israell Thus saith the Lord of hostes vnto Dauid 1. Cro. 17. I tooke thée out of the pastures when thou wentest after shéepe that thou shouldest bée king ouer my people Israel Salomon the third king of Israell said to the Lord 2. Cro. 1. thou hast made me a king ouer a people which is like the dust of the earth in multitude Salomon said ● Kin. 3. O Lord my God it is
vnto God the things that are goods Esdras 7 Whosoeuer will not obey the King let him haue Iudgment without delay Rom. 13. Giue to euery man his duty tribute to whom tribute belongeth custome to whō custome is due feare to whome feare belongeth honour to whō honour pertaineth Math. 7 Iesus saide to Peter of whome doe the Kings of the earth take tribute or toll and further saide goe least we should offend and take thine angle and looke that thou take the fyshe that first commeth vp and thou shalt finde in his mouth a péece of xx pence that take and giue it vnto them for mée and thée 1. king 8 The Lord shewing the domynion of a king ouer subiects sayth he will take your sonnes and put them to his Chariots and make horsemen to runne before him make of them Captaines ouer thousands and ouer hundreths to eare his ground gather his haruest and your daughters wil he make cookes apotecaries and bakers and he shall take the best of your feildes vine-yerds olyues and giue thē to his seruants I exhort saith saint Paull Tim. 2 that aboue all things prayers Praier for Kings supplications intercessions and giueing of thankes be had for all men for Kinges and for all that are in authoritie that we may liue a quiet and peaceable life with al godlinesse honesty And all the people sayd 1. King 10 God send the king long life I pray God that my Lord King Dauid may liue euer God saue King Salomon 3. kings 1. the people sayde Amen I pray God that the Lord God of my king say so too Daniell sayd oh king Dan. 2. God saue thy life for euer Father What Euell princes are all kinges and Princes to be honoured and prayed for if they be euill and wicked Sonne Yea Dan. 3. for why they are Gods ministers ordained of God I read that Nabugodonozer King of Babulon made an Image to be worshipped howbeit Sidrach Mysaac and Abednago although they refused to worship that Idoll yet they submitted thēselues and honoured the King Daryus king of Babulon Dan. 6 casting Danyell into a Lyons Den yet Danyell honoured the king and sayd oh King God saue thy life for euer Saull a wicked king purposing to haue killed Da. yet Da. honored him said 1. king 24 the Lord forbid that I should touch the Lords annoynted Iob. 34. For the wickednesse of the people doth the Lorde make an hippocrite to raigne ouer them Pro. 21. The kinges heart is in the hande of God like as are the ryuers of water hée may turne it whether soeuer he will So that you may perceaue Father that God ordayneth a wicked king to raigne ouer wicked people to scourge and plague thē For a wicked king is the lands scourge Father Depose May not Subiectes labour to depose their Prince if he bée euill and place another Sonne Daniel 2. The Lord forbid for why wisedome and strength are the Lords he setteth vp kinges and putteth downe kinges 1. king 17. The Lord hath rented his kingdome from thée and hath cast thée off that thou shalt not bée king Father But by whome and wherefore was Saull deposed Sonne 1. Cro. 10. By the Lord was he deposed Because he trespassed against the Lord in that hée kept not the word of the Lord but sought and asked counsel of a woman the wrought with a spirit and asked not of the Lorde The highest hath power ouer kingdoms of men and giueth them to whom he wil Daniel 4. and he bringeth euen the verie abiectes of men ouer them Father Then it is not lawfull for any person to rebell or make insurrection Rebellion Sonne Who can lay his hand saith Dauid 1. king 26. 1. king 24. on the Lords anoynted and be guiltlesse the Lord be mercifull vnto mée that I do not touch the Lords anoynted Dauid said to the young man 2. king 2. how is it that thou wast not afrayde to slaye the Lordes anoynted and his young men came vpon him and slue him The vnrighteous and wicked men that slue the kings sonne in his owne house 2. king 4 vpon his bed shall not I saith Dauid require his bloud at your hands take you from the earth and Dauid caused them to be hanged vppe and cutte of their handes and féete Rebellion is as the synne of witchcraft 1. king 15 and disobedience is as the sinne of Idolatrie 2. king 18 Absolon rebelling against Dauid his father roade vpon a Mule who ranne vnder a trée and was hanged by the lockes of his haire and was cast into an hole and stones vpon him Math. 27 Iudas who betrayed his Maister for xxx péeces of siluer went out and hanged himselfe and his bowells gushed out Numer 16 Corath Dathan and Abyron rebelled and they their wiues and children goods cattells being in their tents the earth opened her mouth and they went downe all quicke into hell Nume 16. Two hundreth being of the same conspiracie not then there present fire came downe from heauen and destroyed them Ecclesi 10 Wish the king no euill in thine heart nor thy Prince any hurte in thy prieuie Chamber for a byrde of the ayre shall bewray thée and with her fethers shall shée bewray thy secrets Rom. 13 But chiefelye marke Saint Paules words Whosoeuer resisteth shall receaue to themselues damnation whereby you may well perceaue Father how the Lord God of heauen plaugeth rebells not only with bodely death destruction but also with eternall confusion and condemnation in the burning lake of hell where fier and Brimstone storme and tempest shall bée their portion to drinke Father Iesu my sonne how many conspiracies trayterous rebellions haue been of late against our gratious Princesse Sonne Yea father yet the Lord that great and mightie Iehoua doth saue his anoynted out of their bloudie hands A prayer And I beséech our God and heauenly father for Iesus death innocent blood-shedding to blesse preserue and saue her Maiestie and either in mercy conuert their hearts to their dutifull obedience vnto her Maiestie or else in iustice destroy them that they may perish and haue their portion with Corath his companie which thing the eternall God for his great mercy sake graunt And thereto let all that feare God say Amen Father And I beséech the Lord God 3. kings 1 of my princesse to say so to Amen Procéede my son to tell me of whome haue Iudges Iudges and magestrato Rulers Magestrates and Officers of euery degrée in the common wealth their power and aucthoritie Sonne Of their head the Prince euen as the Prince hath power from his heade Christ For they are the hands of their king or Prince whereby he worketh Exod. 18. Be thou vnto the people to God-ward that thou maist bring the causes vnto God and
God in righteousnesse and true holinesse So that Father man was created after gods Image that is iust faythfull vndefyled fruitfull a noble vine righteous and holye for all that the Lorde made were excéeding Good Father Redemptiō What sayest thou of our redemption Sonne Euen as the Lorde God doth elect and create man Psalm 31 so doth hée redéeme man and none other For Dauid saith Psalm 49 into thy handes I commend my spirite for thou oh Lord hast redéemed mée No man may deliuer his brother nor make agréement vnto God for him for it cost more to redéeme their soules So that they must let that alone for euer I am hée sayth the Lorde Oseas 7. that redéemed them and yet they dissembled with mée The spirite of the Lord sayth Christ vpon mée because he hath annoynted mée Luke 4. to preach the Ghospell to the poore hath he sent mée to heale the broken harted to preach deliuerance to the Captiue and sight to the blinde fréelie to set at libertie those that are brused and to preach the acceptable yéere of the Lord. Wée haue redemption through his bloud Ephe. 1. euen the forgiuenenesse of our sinnes Our Lord Iesus Christ hath giuen himselfe for vs Christs blood redemed vs. to redéeme vs from all vnrighteousnesse Redeemed of loue Rom. 5. God setteth out his loue towards vs séeing that while we were sinners according to the time Christ died for vs much more then now we are iustified by his bloud shall be saued from wrath by him for when we were enemies we were reconsiled vnto God by his bloud much more séeing that we are reconsiled we shall be preserued by his life 1. Peter 1 Redeemed by the blod ●f Christ ●nely We were not saith saint Peter redéemed from our vayne conuersations with corruptable thinges as siluer or golde but with the precious bloud of Iesus Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled Father Sanctifica●ion What saith the worde of God of our sanctification Sonne ●o 3. Christ himselfe saith except a man be borne of water and of the holy Ghost hée cannot enter into the kingdome of God ●o 17 Prayer of Christ to ●anctifie ●is church O father of heauen sanctifie them saith Iesus Christ through the truth for the word is truth and I doe not onely pray for my disciples alone but for all those also which shall beléeue their preaching that they may all be one Cor. 1. To them saith Saint Paull that are sanctified by Iesu Christ called Saints Sanctfied by Iesu Christ 1. Cor. 6. Iesus and his spirit sanctifieth Titus 3 peace and grace We are washed we are iustified wée are sanctified by the name of Iesus Christ and through the spirit of our God The Lord according to his great mercy hath saued vs by the fountayne of the new byrth and renewing of the holye Ghost which he hath shewed on vs abundantly through Iesus Christ our sauiour Father Let me heare now by whome we are preserued saued and defended Preserued saued defended of whome we haue our being Sonne Euen by that great and mightie Iehoua Gen. 7 the Lord of hostes For the Lord called Noa into the Arke and his houshold wherin they might be saued when he destroyed the world with the deluge The Lord said vnto Isaac feare not Gen. 26 I am with thée and will blesse thée multiply thy séede for my seruant Abrahams sake I will be with thée Gen. 40 and will be thy kéeper in all places whether thou goest and will not leaue thée till I performe my promise Gene. 40. The Lord was with Ioseph and gotte him fauour in the sight of the Lord of the pryson and shewed him mercy Exod. 13 The Lord went before the people of Israell in the day in a piller of a cloud and in the night in a piller of fier Exod. 29. I will dwell among my people and will be their God Deu. 33 The eternall God is thy refuge and vnder the armes of thine euerlasting shalt thou liue Iosua 1 I will be with thée said God and will not forsake thée I will be with thée whether so euer thou goest Psalm 17. The Lord is the sauiour of all them that trust in him Acts. 17 And concluding in God we liue moue and haue our béeing and are all his generations Father Gyfts That we are defended saued and preserued by our God and mercifull father I perceaue but procéede and tell mée of whome we haue all our meate drinke apparell siluer gold ritches possessions wisedome knowledge learning with all other good guifts Sonne Saint Iames thus aunswereth Iames. 1 that euerie good guift and euerie perfect guift is from aboue and commeth downe from the Father of light and further saith Wisdome if any man lacke wisdome let him aske of him that giueth it euen God It is the Lorde God that giueth the substance Deu. 8. Riches It is the Lord God that giueth an heart to perceiue eyes to sée and eares to hear Deu. 29. The Lord saide to Salomon 3. Kin. 3. aske what thou wilt and I will giue it thée All thinges vnder heauen are mine sayth the Lorde Iob. 41. God giueth vnto man that is good before him wisdome vnderstanding Eccle. 2 and gladnesse but to the wicked the Lord giueth werinesse and superfluous care to heape riches for other men All that a man eateth and drinketh Eccle. 3. Meate Drink yea whatsoeuer a man earneth of all his labour the same is the guift of God God giueth vnto man riches Ecclesi 6 goods and honor so that he wanteth nothing that his heart can desire When I perceiued that I could not kéepe my selfe chast Wisdome Chastetie without God gaue it me I stooped to the Lord and besought him Wisd 9. Who can haue vnderstanding of thy meaning Holy ghost a guift of God except thou giue him wisdome and send thy holy ghost from aboue that the ways of them that be vppon earth may be reformed that men may learne the things that are pleasant vnto thée Luke 11 Your heauenly father shall giue his holy spirit to him that asketh of him Wisd 3. Faith Vnto the elect shall be giuen the special guift of faith And the most acceptable porcion in the temple of God 1. Cor. 4. Who preserueth thée or what hast thou that thou hast not receyued Gen. 8 The Lord gaue to man that he should Subdue the earth and haue dominion of the fish of the sea and foule of the ayre And of euery liuing thing vppon earth 2. Peter 1 And closing this with Saint Peters wordes According to his Godly power he hath giuen vnto vs all thinges that pertaine vnto lyfe and Godlynesse Father God one Sonne who is this God of whom wée receaue all goodnesse is he but one or many for many there be that
saide vnto Moyses I will be with thy mouth and teach the what thou shalt say Ioel. 2. I will saith the Lorde powre out of my spirit vppon al flesh and your sonnes and your daughters shall prophecie your olde men shall dreame dreames and your younge men shall sée visions Micheas 3 I am full of strength and the spirit of the Lord full of iudgement and bouldnesse to shew the house of Iacob their offences and the house of Israell their sinne 1. king 19 The spirit of God came vppon the messengers of Saull and they prophecied Math. 10. Christ tould his disciples and saide it is not you that shall speake but the spirit of my father that shall speake within you Luke 12. The holy ghost shall teach you what you shall say Io. 16. When the spirit of truth commeth he shall leade you into all truth Feare not what you shall say for it shal be giuen you in the same houre what ye shall speake Father If the spirit of truth speake by the mouth of his true messengers then it is likelie that the spirit of error I meane Sathan speaketh by the false Prophets Seminaries and seducers of Gods people Sonne True it is father 1. King 1● For an euill spirit sent of God came vppon Saull I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all the Prophets 3. king 2● And deceiue kinge Ahab that he may goe to warre in Ramoth Geliad and so be slaine They are of their father the Diuell Io. 8. his lusts will they follow saith Christ he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth The diuell speaketh by Seminaries for ther is noe truth in him when he speaketh a lie hée speaketh of himselfe for he is a lyer and the father of the same thing take héede father of these seducers by whom the diuel speaketh This false spirit spak to Eua Gen. 3. that if she eate of the trée of knowledge shée should not die the death but bée as God knowing good and bad so many deceiued now by this serpent dye the death Father ●an What saist thou by Man what is hée and to what ende shall he come Sonne Psal 144 Man is like a thing of nought his time passeth awaie like a shadowe Psal 90. When the Lord is angrie all our daies are gone we bring our yéeres to an ende as it were a tale that is tould ●ames 4. The life of man is euen a vapour that appeareth a litle time and then vanisheth awaie Gen. 3 Man is dust and into dust thou shalt bée tourned againe ●ob 7. Hath man anie certaine time vppon earth are not his daies like the daies of an hired seruant ●ob 10 The Lorde made man of moulde and shall bring him to dust againe ●ob 14. Man that is borne of a woman hath but a shorte time to liue and is full of miserie ●od While he liueth his flesh must haue trauell and while the soule is within him he must be in sorrow Isay 40 All flesh is grasse and all the goodlinesse thereof is euen as the flower of grasse the grasse is withered the flower falleth awaie euen so the people are as grasse when the breathe of the Lorde bloweth vppon them Statutum est omnibus hominibus semell mori Heb. 9. it is appointed that all men shal once dye Remember his iudgement Eccle. 38 thine also shal be likewise vnto thée yesterdaie vnto me to day Father I sée plainelie by these partes by dalie experience that all men must dye and that none can escape the hande of death therfore what saist thou to the death of the righteous Sonne The soules of the righteous Wisd 3. are in the hands of God and the paines of death shall not touch them The righteous shal shine as the sparks of fire in the read bushe Eod. and shall iudge the nations and haue dominion ouer the people and their GOD shall reigne for euer Psal 65 Blessed is the man whom the Lords choseth and receiueth vnto him he shall dwell in his court he shal be satisfied with the pleasure of his house euen of his holie Temple Psalm 72 The Lord shall deliuer their soules frō falshod and wrong For deare is the blood of his Saintes in his sight Father I perceiue that the righteous are alwaies preserued but what becommeth of the wicked Sonne Psalm 9 The wicked shal be turned into hell and all the people that forget God Macha 2. Fear not an vnrighteous mans words for his glorie is but donge and wormes to day he is set vp to morow he is gone Iob. 24. Some men there be saith Iob that remoue other mens land markes and rob them of their cattell and kéepe the same for their owne The lyfe and end of the couetous and wicked that take the asse of the fatherlesse and take the widowes Oxe for a pledge that thrust the pore out of the way that reape downe the corne that is not their owne they are the cause that so manie men are naked and bare The eye of the aduoute●er waiteth for the darknesse and faith no man seethe him but shortile are they gone and pluckt out of the way vtterlie pluckt off as the eares of corne Vppon the vngodlie shall the Lorde raine fire and brimstone storme tempest Psalm 10 this shal be their porcion to drinke Father What saist thou to purgatorie Purgatory out of which mens soules are deliuered by the prayers of holy Priests Sonne I say the Scripture maketh mencion of no such thing But of heauen and hell Christes blood and Saint Iohn sheweth by what meanes we are purged and clensed Io. 1. The blood of Iesus Christ clenseth vs from all sinne Through mercie and faith are sinnes purged Pro. 15. Almost euerie thinge is by the Lawe purged with blood Heb. 9 and without blood-shedding is no remession The blood of Iesus Christ doth purge our consciences from dead works Eod. to serue the liuing God Iesus Christ loued vs and purged vs from our sinnes in his blood Reuel 1 and made vs Kinges priestes vnto God the Father to him therefore bée glorie and dominion for euer more Father that was a false doctrine which was of purgatorie as you may sée and made to fill Priests purses Father What profit could that bring to Priests Sonne Mark 12 It brought much worldlie riches and Gods curse withall as Christ saith beware of the scribes which loue to goe in longe clothing and loue salutations in market places Damnaciō to thē that deuoure widowes houses with prayer and the chiefe seates at feasts and in the congregations which deuoure widowes houses vnder a pretence of long praier but they shall receiue greater damnation Math. 23. And Christ saith in the xxiii of S. Mathewes Gospell wo vnto
loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God and God in him Io. 16. By this shall ye be knowne to be my disciples if ye loue one an other If we examine our selues we shall finde whether we be in the faith or not 1. Cor. 15. for the Appostle saith proue your owne selues know you not that Iesus Christ dwelleth in you except ye be reprobates and he in whom Christ dwelleth 2. Cor. 5 hath crucified the flesh with affections and lustes and is a new creature in Iesus Christ So that if we be the Children of God Rom. 8. and loue one an other Gods holie spirit will certifie vs thereof Father Any man may perceiue then Religion who is a man of God and sincere religion Sonne Yea Io. 4. he that worshippeth one true God in spirit and truth and loueth all men friend and foe and hath crucified the olde man and put vppon him the newe and is become a new creature in Iesus Christ Pure religion and vndefiled before God the father is this Iames. 1 to visit the fatherlesse and widowes in their aduersitie and to kéepe himselfe vnspotted of the world Father Almes Is it a signe of men that be of perfect religion to helpe the fatherles widows and poore let mée héere how we ought to helpe them Sonne Deu. 15. If any of your brethren among you be poore saith God within any of your gates in the land which I giue you thou shalt not harden thy hearte nor shut thine hand from thy poore brother Giue and lend but open thine hand and lend him sufficient for his néede Daniel 4 Oh King saide Daniell be content with my counsell that thou maist redéeme thy sinnes with almes and thine offences with mercie to poore people for this shall be an healing of thine error Tobi. 4. Giue almes of thy goods and turne neuer thy face from any poore man then the face of the Lorde shall not be turned away from thée Be mercifull after thy power if thou hast much giue plentiouslie If thou hast little doe thy deligence to giue of that little for so gatherest thou thy selfe a good reward in the day of necessitie for almes deliuereth from sinne and death Almes rewarded and suffereth not the soule to come in darkenesse The mercie that a man sheweth is as it were a purse with him Eccle. 17 the grace that is giuen to man preserueth him as the apple of an eye The bread of the néedy is the life of the poore he that defraudeth him of it Eccle. 34 is the child of death When thou giuest thine almes Math. 6. let not thy left hand know what the right hande doth that thine almes may be in secret And the Lord which séeth in secret Rewarded shal rewarde the openlie Whosoeuer hath this worldes good 1. Io. 3 and séeth his brother haue néede and shutteth vp his compassiō from him how dwelleth the loue of God in him Father What sayest thou to those that are vnmercifull vnto the poore and will not suffer them somuch as to gather the eares of corne and to gleane in their fields Sonne I say they are wicked people Leuit. 19. not yet receiued to be of Christs church nor members thereof for the Lord commanded thus When ye reape downe your corn fields Gleaning you shall not gather that which is behind in the haruest but thou shalt leaue it for the stranger and poore I am the Lord. Leuiti 23. When you gather in your corne field thou shalt not make anie after gathering of thy haruest neither shalt thou make cleane riddance of the field but shalt leaue it to the poore and stranger Father Company Tell me what company wée ought to vse if we be new creatures what companie eschue Sonne Exod. 23 The Lorde saith thou shalt not let the wicked dwell in the land lest they make thée sinne against mée 2. kings 22 With the Godlie thou shalt be Godlie with the pure thou shalt be pure with the froward thou shalt learne frowardnesse Iob. 31. He that ioyneth himselfe to wicked cōpany shall not destruction come vppon him Ecclesi 13. Who so toucheth pitch shal be filed with all he that is familyer with the proude shall cloth himselfe with pride Beare not the yoake with the vnbeléeuers 2. Cor. 6. what fellowshippe hath light with darkenesse what concorde hath Christ witst Beliall wherefore come out from among them and touch no vncleane thing We require you brethren 2 Thess ● in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ that ye withdrawe your selues from euerie brother that behaueth himselfe inordinatelie and not after the institution that ye haue receaued of vs. Father Whose companie then must we vse Sonne I am a companion saith Dauid Psal 119 of them that feare the Lorde and kéepe his commaundements I will goe among the wise Pro. 13 and learne wisedome With the holie thou shalt be holie Psalm 18 with a perfect man thou shalt be perfect and with the cleane thou shalt be cleane Thou maiest not dwell with vayne persons Psalm 2● neither haue fellowshippe with the deceitfull I haue hated the congregation of the wicked and will not sit among the vngodlie Father Mariage Let me heare something of marriage because thou hast omitted that point Sonne Gen. 1 God the father did institute marriage in Paradise and ioyned Adam and Eua● in mariage together and saide growe and increase and replenish the earth ●o 2. Christ himselfe his mother and his disciples were presents at a marriage in Cana a Cittie of Gallelie where he turned the water into wine for confirmation thereof Tobias 6. Take her in the feare of God and more for children then for lust that in the séede of Abraham Mariage ●er procre●tion of ●hildren thou mayest possesse the blessing of Abraham Father There be almost none that denie marriage but that it is lawfull for seculer people lay men to marrie but not priestes and ministers what saith the scripture therefore to them Sonne ● Cor. 7. Mariage ●or auoi●ing of ●inne Thus saith Saint Paull to auoide fornication let euerie man haue his owne wife and euerie wife her owne husband If they cannot abstayne let them marrie it is better to marrie then to burne Haue we not power to leade about a-woman a sister aswell as other Apostles 1. Cor. 9 and as the brethren of the Lord The Apostles maried and Cephas eyther I and Barnabas onelie haue not power this to doe Honorabile est inter omnes coniugium Heb. 13 et thorus immaculatus Marriage is honorable among all men and a bed vndefiled but as for whoremongers and adulterers God will iudge Father Thou speakest generally of all men that all may marrie but tell me by expresse words perticularlie of Bishops or Ministers marriage Sonne A
Bishop saith Saint Paull must be blamelesse the husband of one wife 1. Tim. 3. Bishops maried and one that ruleth his owne house well and that hath children in subiection with reuerence The wiues of the ministers must bée honest not euil speakers but sober 1. Tim. 3 Ministers married and faithfull in all thinges Let the Deacons be husbands of one wife 1. Tim. 3 Decons married and such as rule their children well and their owne householdes Father I perceaue that all the Apostles almost were married and I sée that Bishoppes Ministers and Deacons and all others may lawfullie marrie why then was mariage made vnlawfull for Priestes Sonne ● Tim. 4 Because that those that forbed the same were led by the spirite of errour which thing Saint Paull did foreshew and sayd that the spirit of God spoke euidentlie that in the latter daies many should depart from the faith Mariage ●orbid forbidding to marrie and to abstaine from meates both which the Lord had ordayned Father Baptisme Procéede and tell me what thou saiest of Baptisme Sonne Math. 28 It is an holie Sacrament instituted by Iesus Christ for he sent his Apostles to preach and to Baptise goe into all the world and preach the Ghospell to all creatures and Baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost Father Wherefore was this Sacrament instituted by Iesus Christ Sonne To be a seale of his promise Acts. 1. for Sacraments are seales of Gods promisses Iohn saith Christ baptised with water Io. VVater the holy ghost Rom. 6. but ye shall be Baptised with the holie Ghost after these fewe daies All we which are Baptised in Iesu Christ are baptised to die with him wée are buried then with him by baptisme for to die for like as Christ was raised vppe againe from death by the glorie of GOD the father euen so we all should walke in a newe life By his mercie saith Saint Paull he saued vs by the fountayne of the newe byrth and renewing of the holie Ghost Titus 3 which he shed on vs abundantlie through Iesus Christ our Lord. Abraham receaued the signe of circumcision Rom. 4. as a seale of the righteousnesse of faith that he should be the father of all that beléeue though they were not circumcised So that you may sée father that Baptisme is a seale to assure vs of the spirite of God whereby we are regenerate and fullie certified to haue all our sinnes washed away Father Children ●hat dye ●efore bap●isme I pray thée sonne tell me what thou thinkest of Children that die before they be Baptised for in olde time we iudged them to be condemned and buried manie in prophane places and not in the accustomed place of buriall Sonne Gen. 17. Consider Father I pray you that the Lord promised to Abraham that he should be father of manie nations and that kings should come out of his loynes and that in his séede all nations of the earth shoulde be blessed and he gaue him this signe of circumcision as a seale thereof Rom. 4. Faith was reckened for righteousnesse to Abraham before he was circumcised so that children being borne of christian and faithfull parents dying without baptisme are at no daunger but in the hands of God for Abraham was compted righteous before he was circumcised Acts. 10. Peter the Apostle being sent to Cornelius preached vnto him to his friends famely euen while he was preaching the holy ghost fell on them all the heard the preaching Peter said cā any man forbid water that these should not be baptised which haue receaued the holy ghost aswel as we and he commaunded them to be baptised in the name of the Lord. Holy ghost giuen before baptisme You may perceaue father that they were endued with the holie ghost before they were baptised Euen as baptisme nowe saueth vs not the putting away the filth of the fleshe 1. Pet. 3. but in that a good conscience consenteth vnto God through Iesus Christ The sonne of man came to saue that which was lost therefore despise them not Math. 8. Those that are elected Reuela 1. hath Iesus Christ loued and washed from their sinnes in his bloud Non est voluntas coram Patre vestro qui est in coelis vt pereat vnus de pusillis istis Mark 18 I baptise saith S. Iohn Math. 3 with water vnto repentance but Christ baptiseth with the holie Ghost and with fier so that all that the minister can doe is but baptise with water besides prayer but Christ either before or after can baptise with the holie spirite and therefore father to iudge them to be condemned whome Iesus Christ hath elected created and washed by his bloud regenerat by his holy spirit is abominable Father If childrē may be saued without baptism then it is but foolishnesse to vse the same Sonne This Sacrament father was instituted and commaunded by Iesus Christ and therefore to be receaued for as I said before Math. 28 he commaunded his Disciples to goe into all the world and preach the ghospell and baptise in the name of the Father the Sonne and of the holie Ghost Which Sacrament was a seale that the Ghospell being the power of God Rom. 1 shoulde bring saluation to all those that should beléeue Mark 16 He that beléeueth and is baptised saith Christ shall be saued and he that beléeueth not shal be damned he that beléeueth not be he baptised or not baptised circumcised or vncircumcised shal be damned Rom. 3. The circumcision or washing of the heart is true circumcision and washing Father What saiest thou to the Sacrament of the Lords supper by reason I perceaued you doe graunt to no moe Sonne Father there be but two Sacraments Baptisme and the Lords Supper And of Bptisme I haue spoken and this other was also the ordinaunce of Iesus Christ instituted in the same night that he was betraied he tooke bread and when he had giuen thankes he brake it and gaue to his disciples and saide take eate this is my body and he tooke the cup and thancked and gaue it them saying drinke ye all of this for this is the blood of the new Testament that is shed for many for the remission of sinnes Father What was ment by this Sacrament Sonne It did signifie the deliuerance of his disciples of all faithfull Math. 26 Mark 14 Luke 22. out of the bondage of Sathan and prison of the Diuell for this night saith Christ shall my body be slaine and my blood shed out for the remission of sinnes for this night shall the shepperd of the shéepe be smitten Luke 2● and the shéepe scatered but behold afterward will I goe before you into Gallalye Father Why did Christ institue this Sacrament Sonne First to helpe our weaknesse being dull and slow to the vnderstanding of heauenlie thinges he giueth
day but after this there came none to buy nor sell on the Saboth day Father Who doth kéepe the Sabaoth sanctifie it Sanctifiers of the Saboth Sonne He that kéepeth himselfe that he doe no euill Esay 56 If thou turne thy féete in the Saboth Esay 58 so that thou doest not the things that pleaseth thy selfe in my Sabaoth and thou call the pleasant holie and gracious Sabaoth of the Lord and that thou giue him the honour so that thou doe not after thine owne imaginations neither séeke thine owne will nor speake thine owne words It is lawfull saith Christ Math. 12 to doe good déedes on the Sabaoth day Father Me thought thou spakest that the Lords sanctuare was defiled Sonne Yea Father Ieremie saith Ieremy 22 they haue despised the Lords sanctuarie Father Temple Who did first builde the Temple vnto the Lord Sonne 3. Kin. 6. Salomon the third king of Israell built an house for the Lorde in Ierusalem that was thrée skore cubits long and xx cubits broade and fiftie cubites high Cro. 17. The Lord saide to Dauid thy sonnes shall buylde me an house and I will stablish his seate for euer Father Why did not the Lord suffer Dauid to buylde his Temple Sonne 1. Cro. 22. Because he had shed much bloud and made great battells in the Lords sight vpon earth 2. Cro. 7. The Lorde appeared to Salomon by night and saide I haue heard thy petition and haue chosen this place for my selfe to be an house of sacrifice A house of sacrifice I haue sanctified this house that my name may be there for euer Father Where did Salomon buylde the Lords house Sonne At Ierusalem in mount Morea where the Lord appeared vnto Dauid his father in the threshing floore of Ornan the Iesubite 2. Cro. 3 Father Thou sayest that we may not buy sell on the Sabaoth what must we then doe Sonne We must goe to the Temple of the Lorde and pray 1. king 1 and offer vnto the Lorde of hostes Serue the Lord onely 1. Kings 6 and prepare your hearts vnto him and he will rid you out of the hands of your enimies Salomon the king made a long prayer in the Temple vpon his knées 3. king 8 and his hands lifted vp to heauen The Lord aunswered Salomon and saide I haue heard thy petition 2. Cron. 7. and haue chosen this place for my selfe if I shut vp heauen that there be no rayne or if I commaund the Locusts to deuour the lād or if I send pestilence among my people Praiers repentāce conuersation in gods tēple and if my people vpon whome my name you called vpon doe humble themselues make intercession and séeke my presence and turne from their wicked waies them will I heare from heauen and be merciful vnto their sinne and will heale their land Father What name gaue Salomon to the house that he buylded for the Lord Sonne 2. Cro. 2 He called it an house of sacrifice for he saide euen to burne sacrifices before the Lord shall his building be Father Some refuse to go to this Temple of the Lord what saiest thou to those Sonne Psalm 27. I say they are not of the minde of the king and Prophet Dauid who saide one thing haue I desired of the Lord which I will require that I may dwel in the house of my God all the daies of my life I was glad when they said vnto me we will goe into the house of the Lord. Psal 122 Thanks giueing Therefore the cryes goe vp euen the cryes of the Lord to testifie vnto Israell to giue thankes vnto the name of the Lord. Eccle. 4 To offer acceptable offerings When thou commest into the house of God kéepe thy foote and draw nigh that God which is at thine hande may heare that thou giue no offeringes of fooles for they knowe nought but to doe euill We will goe into the tabernacle of the Lord Psal 132 and fall lowe on our knées before his footestoole The Publican comming to the Temple knéeled downe prayed Luke 18. Praier and confession and smote vppon his breast and saide God be mercifull vnto mée a sinner Father Are not the preachers and Ministers that be in the temple to be heard Sonne Yes truely no lesse then Christ himselfe for he saith he that heareth you heareth mée and he that heareth mée heareth him that sent mée They haue Moyses and the Prophets Luke 16 let them heare them Hée that is of GOD Io. 8. heareth Gods words He that God hath sent Io. 3. speaketh the words of God How shall they cal on him on whō they haue not beléeued Rom. 10 howe shall they beléeue on him of whom they haue not heard how shall they heare without a preacher how shall they preach except they be sent Father Why is the word of God to be heard Gods word to be hard Sonne Rom. 10 That by hearing we may haue faith and by faith be saued Psal 119 That we may learne to walke in the law of the Lord. It is to be laide vp in our heartes that we shoulde not sinne agaynst the Lord. Micheas 4 Let vs goe to the house of our God that he may teach vs his waies and that we may walke in his pathes Father What ought we to doe after we haue heard the preacher Sonne Ieremi 26 We ought to feare the Lord and make our prayers vnto him and then the Lord will repent of the plague that he hath deuised and not doe it Ionas 3. The people of Niniuie when Ionas preached that within fortie daies their Citie should be destroyed they put vppon them sackecloth laid them downe in ashes fasted and cried mightelie vnto the Lord and the Lord spared them and destroyed them not Father I meruell much that the Lord destroyed not that Cittie for he saide plainelie that within fortie daies it should bée destroyed and yet he did it not whereby it should séeme that Gods purpose is oft changed Sonne No father the Lord is no changeling Iames. 1 There is no variablenesse with God For the Lorde sayeth when I take in hand to root out to destroy Ieremi 18 or to wast away anie people or kingdom if that people against whom I haue thus deuised conuert from their wickednesse I repent me of the plagues that I deuised to bring vppon them Againe when I take in ha●● to build to plante a people or kingdom God repent if the same people or kingdom doe euill before me and héere not my voice I repent of the good that I deuised to doe for them and doe it not so that the people are changed and not good Father Blessed be God therefore Is the preacher appointed what he shall speake Sonne Yea Exod. 4 the spirit of God speaketh by his mouth if hée be a true preacher for the Lord
euill counsellers Sonne If Sathan their Maister sée that through them he cannot preuayle 2. king 17 he will doe with them as he did with Achetofell for when Absolon did not follow the counsell of Achetofell his most trustie counseller Euil counsellers hanged Achetofell went home set his house in order and hanged himselfe ye may sée that when Sathan by his naughtie counsell could not come to his purpose to obtaine the more yet he tooke the lesse Father Some there be that will not onelye moue their Maisters to mischiefe but also mocke the poore when they crie and complayne Mockers What saiest thou of these Sonne Math. 27 Will ye thinke much to suffer reproch mockeing and derision Christ our King and Sauiour was derided they that passed by when he was vpon the Crosse reuiled him wagging their heades and saying thou that destroyest the Temple of God and buildest it in thrée dayes saue thy selfe and the high Priestes likewise mocked him Iob. 30 The fooles and villaynes saith Iob make me their song I am become their iesting stocke 4. king 1 Little children came from Bethell and mocked Elizeus and saide goe vp thou bald head and he cursed them in the name of the Lord and two shée Beares came out of the wood and tare them in péeces Ye may sée that mockers shall be punished Father Mercilesse men What sayest thou of such vnmercifull men that mocke and oppresse the poore what shall become of them Sonne Except they repent they shall all perish Iames. 2 for he shall haue iudgement saith S. Iames without mercie that sheweth no mercie for mercie reioyseth against iudgement Iudge not that ye be not iudged Math. 7 condemne not that you be not condemned for with what measure soeuer you méete to others with the same measure it shal be measured vnto you againe The Lorde will not be slacke in comming nor tary longe Ecclesi 36 till he haue smitten in sunder the backes of the vnmercifull till he haue reuenged himselfe of the cruel Father Well sonne Sacrifices leaue these mercilesse men to the good pleasure of God and procéede to tell with what offerings and sacrifices of man is the Lorde best pleased Sonne He that is mercifull and giueth almes Eccle. 35 Almes offereth a right thancke offering A troubled spirit Psalm 51 a broken and contrite heart is an acceptable sacrifice Psal 54. An offering of a frée heart will I giue thée and praise thy name oh Lord because it is so comfortable Psal 112. He that is merciful louing righteous and guideth his wordes with discretion offereth a swéete sauour vnto the Lorde Heb. 13 To doe good and to destrybute forget not for with such sacrifice God is pleased By Iesus Christ we do offer sacrifice of land alwaies to God ●o● that is to say the fruite of those lyppes which confesse his name Rom. 12 Chiefelie we ought to make our bodies a quicke sacryfice holie and acceptable vnto God which is our reasonable seruing of God Father Vengance Vnto whom belongeth vengance Sonne Rom. 12 Vnto the Lorde for vengance is mine and I will reward saith the Lorde Psalm 94. O Lord God to whome vengance belongeth thou God to whome vengance belongeth shew thy selfe Father Humble and poore Shall not the humble and poore bée once exalted and holpen Sonne Yes father Christ saith Luke 18 he that exalteth himselfe shal be brought low and he that humbleth himselfe shal be exalted He hath put downe the mightie from their seat Luke 1 and hath set vp the humble and méeke Father What saist thou by these land-lordes and other vnmercifull and wicked men Euell example that do not onelie wickedlie but also giue euill example to others Sonne It were better for them that a Milstone were hanged about their necks Luke 17 and that they were drowned in the depth of the sea for wo be vnto them by whom the offence commeth Father Whereof ought we to glorie or reioice Glory Sonne The Prophet Ieremie saith Ieremi 9 let not the wise man reioyse in his wisdome nor the strong man in his strength nor the rich man in his riches but let them reioyce in this that they knowe mée sayth the Lord. Let him that reioyceth reioyce in the Lord for he is made vnto vs wisdome and righteousnesse and sanctifiyng and redemption Father In the beginning almost thou toldst mée that all thinges néedefull for saluation wer contained in the booke of life and also all other thinges necessary for the good gouerning of a christian which thou hast proued but tel me now why we ought to liue so precisely as thou hast shewed Sonne For diuerse causes first because the Lorde our God hath so commaunded secondlie because thereby we shewed our selues to be louing vnto is Maiesty and obedient to his holy will good pleasure Thirdly because we haue enimies that lye in waite for vs to draw vs from our God into perdicion And lastly because we shall all once appeare before the Maiestie of allmightie God to giue a iust accompt and make a streight reckning of our selues and of all our thoughts wordes and workes the Lord respecting no person but iudgeing euerie one according to their déedes Father Let me know first what those enimes are that are so lusty and carefull or rather watchefull to drawe vs from God that they may haue somthing wherewith they may accuse vs in the day of the Lord and so bring vs to perdicion Sonne The Diuell the worlde and flesh Father Describe vnto me the qualities and force of that enimie the diuell and Sathanas Sonne Iob witnesseth that the Lorde called his people before him Iob. 1. and Sathan appeared also The diuel searcheth euery place And the Lord demaunding of Sathan where he had béene he aunswered and saide I haue béene through the world and séene it Iesus said to his disciples Luke 22. The diuell tryeth Gen. 3. Craftie Sathan hath desired to sift you as it were wheate The serpent the diuell was subtiller thē euery beast of the field which the lord hath made There was a man named Goliath of 1. King 17 the Philistines host of six cubits and an hand bredth longe A strong enimie wel armed weaponed and had an helmet of brasse vppon his head and a coate of male about him and the waight of his coate of male was fiue thousand sickles of brasse and had boots of brasse vppon his legges and a shéeld of brasse vppon his shoulders and the shaft of his spear was like a weauers beame and the head of his speare weyed six hundred sickles of Iron A blasphemer of God Arailir and he blasphemed God and rayled vpon the host of Israell Iob. 40 A strong enimie mightie Behold the beast Behemoth loe how strong he is in his loynes what power he hath
that time Sonne Wisd 3. The Lord forbid the righteous were in the handes of God so that no torments did touch them And besides Saint Iohn saith Reuel 13 that Christ was a slayne Lambe from the beginning of the world for the beastes fell downe before him and worshipped him and saide Reuel 5 thou wast killed from the beginning and hast redéemed vs by thy bloud and hast made vs vnto our God kinges and priestes and we shall raigne euer Oh thincke vpon thy congregation Psal 74. Conclusiō whome thou hast redéemed and purchased of olde By which father you may well perceaue that euen those holy faithfull and vertuous men that were before Christ came in the fleshe were saued by his death for the Diuell was conquered by Christ before the foundations of the world his promise also to Adam was yea and Amen but reuealed to vs in the time that the Lord had appointed 1. Cor. 10 All which holie fathers drunk of that spirituall rocke Christ which we drunke off and saued as we are For Saint Paull saith our fathers passed all through the sea and were Baptised all vnder Moses in the cloude and in the Sea and did all eate of one spirituall meate and they all dranke of one spirituall Rocke that followed them which Rocke was Christ Father Goe on Sonne to the other enemies the worlde and flesh Sonne Math. 4 These are instruments whereby the Diuell and Sathanas worketh to bring man to perdition for the Diuell tempting Christ shewed all the world in the twinckeling of an eye and sayde vnto him Hec omnia dabo tibi All these will I giue thée if thou wilt fall downe and worship mée 1. Tim. 6 They that desire to be ritche saith Saint Paull fall into many temptations and snares of the Diuell and into manye foolish lustes which drowne into perdition and destruction for couetousnesse of monie is the roote of all euil which while they lusted after they erred from the faith and entangleth themselues with many sorrowes In exhor●ation to ●ee the ●orld but thou man of God flée such thinges followe righteousnesse godlinesse fayth peace loue pacience méekenesse ●say 48. Egrediamini de Babulone vt saluet vnusquisque anima sua Come from the world and saue thy soule Flée from the world saith Christ for in the worlde ye shall haue tribulation Io. 17 but in mée peace Beholde all the worlde is set on wickednesse 1. Io. 5 Euerie one that séeth the world Nah. 3. should goe from it The worlde and all the concupisences thereof shall passe away Io. 2. The ritch man of all the worlde Iob. 25. when he dieth carrieth nothing away with him The Diuell deceaued the ritch man that Christ speaketh off Luke 12. and perswaded him that he should liue long and he therfore willed his owne soule to eate drinke and take his ease and pleasure for manie yéeres in the worlde with his worldelie ritches but Christ tolde him that the Diuell that night should haue his soule therfore beware good Father of these practises of Sathan for the worlde will deceaue such as trust therevnto Father What meanes are there for men to resist this eneime Sonne Exod. 20. A remembrance of the commaundements of God which hath taught that we shoulde not so much as desire any thing pertaining to our brethren Tim. 6. that we should not carefullie séeke ritches for thereby men fall into snares of the Diuell and that the worlde passeth away and yet the sinner remayneth and that the worldelings fall downe and worship Sathan math 4 therefore we ought to séeke an other place then this worlde for non habemus hic ciuitatem manentem sed futuram inquerimus we haue héere no byding place but looke for an other that is an heauenly Heb. 13 Our conuersation must be without couetousnesse and loue of this world and bée content with that which we haue alreadie 1. Io. 2. So that as Saint Iohn saith if anie man loue the worlde the loue of God the father is not in him for the worlde passeth away and all the lustes thereof Father What sayest thou of the flesh Sonne Al that is in the world saith saint Iohn 1. Io. 2 is the lusts of the flesh the lusts of the eyes and pride of life these are not of the father but of the world but the world passeth away the lusts thereof but he that fulfilleth the will of God abydeth euer These déedes of the flesh are these Gall. 5 adultery fornicatiō vncleannesse wantonnesse worshipping of Images witchcraft hatred variance strife wrath enmity sects drunckennesse gluttony and such like but they which commit such things shall not be inheritours of the kingdome of Christ and God vnto these doth Sathan tempt man Father How are the fleshlie acts and diuelish temptacions to be refused Sonne They are te be resisted and withstand by heartie and deuoute prayers Math. 17 For whereas there was a certaine man that came vnto Christ for his sonne that was lunitick he tauld him how that he had brought him to his disciples that they might heale him and they could not and after when he had healed him his disciples demaunded secretlie how that they could not cast out that diuell Fleshly diuel cast out by fasting praier and he said because of your vnbelefe how be it this kinde goeth not out but by fasting and prayer Tobias 6. The Angell saide to yoūg Tobyas I will tell thée of whome the diuell hath power namelie of such as receiue meaning that they shut GOD from them and from their hearts and giue themselues to lust like horse and Mule that haue no vnderstanding Math. 26 Christ warned his disciples that they should watch and pray least they should fall into temptation for the spirit is wiling but the flesh is wéeke 1. Cor. 9 I tame my bodie and being it into subiection saith Saint Paull least by anie meanes it come to passe that when I haue preached to others I my selfe should be a castaway Gall. 6. So father we must cast away the works of the flesh and receiue the fruites of the spirit which are these loue ioye peace long suffering gētlenesse goodnesse faithfulnesse meakenesse temperance for trulie they that are Christs haue crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts Father Let mée héere who are soldiers vnder this great dragon the diuell Sathan souldiers what cognizaunt or badge they beare that they may be knowne and what destruction cōmeth vppon them Sonne Euerie one that confesseth not Iesus Christ to be come in the flesh The diuels souldiers 1 Io. 4 is a souldyer of Sathan He that committeth sinne Io. 3. is of the diuell for the diull sinneth from the begining whosoeuer doth not righteousnesse is not of God neither he that hateth his brother Hée hath power ouer all people and kindreds and tongues and nations
Reuel 13 and all that dwel vpon the earth whose names are not written in the booke of life of the Lambe He is the Captaine ouer all that worship diuels and Images of gold Reuel 19 and siluer and brasse and stone and of wood which neither can sée heare nor go of all murderers fornicatours sorcerers Impenitēt persons are his souldiers and théeues which repent not of the déedes of their handes Father Many souldyers then hath the diuell vnder his banner if all naughtie men that repent not of the déeds of their owne handes be his but what will the Lord do to them if they amend not and come home to their God Sonne Reuel 8 Saint Iohn telleth that their plauges shall come in one day death and sorow and hunger and they shal be burnt with fier for strong is the Lord God which shal iudge them Rom. 1 There shall come tribulacion wrath and anguishe vppon euery soule of them Father Tell me who are souldyers vnder Christes banner and what reward shall they haue Sonne Reuela 16 Those that watch and kéepe their garments that they walke not naked so that men may sée their filthienesse Io. 4. He that confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God They that kéepe his commaundements and doe those thinges that are pleasant in his sight and this is the commaundemēt Faith and loue are badges of Christs soldiers that we beléeue on the name of his sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another as he hath giuen commaundement They are buried by baptisme Collo 3 but raised againe by faith They haue their conuersation in heauen from whence they looke for a sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus Christ Phillip 3 They beléeue onely in Christ Iesu Gall. 3. I beheld saith Saint Iohn Reuel 7 a great multitude which no man could number of all nacions people and tongues that stood before the seat and the Lambe clothed with lōg white garmēts palmes in their handes they are they that came out of tribulation and made their garmentes white with the blood of the Lambe therfore are they in the presence of God and serue him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth vppon the seat will dwell among them they shall hunger no more neither thirst neither shall the sunne light on thē any more neither any heat for the Lambe which is in the middest of the seat shall féed them and lead them vnto fountaines of liuing water and God shall wipe away all teares from theire eyes Father Let vs pray against these enimies the Diuell world and the flesh Sonne A prayer O Lord God and mercifull father the diuell goeth about like a roaring Lyon séeking whome he may deuouer the flesh lusieth against the spirit the world perswadeth vnto vainities that we may forget thée and so for euer ●e damned thus are we myserablie beset be séeged on euerie side with cruel and restles enimies and like at euerie moment to perish if we be not defended by thy mightie hand against their tiranny we therefore poore and wretched sinners disparing of our owne strengthes which in déede is none most heartely pray thée to endue vs with strength from aboue that we may be able with strong faith to resist Sathan with feruent prayer to mortifie the luste of the flesh with continuall meditation of thy holy Law to auoide the foolish vanities transitory pleasures of this wicked world and béeing set at libertie from the power of these our mortall enimes may serue thée in true holynesse and righteousnesse after be partakers of thine euerlasting ioies prepared for thy Children which as they are great and vnspeakable so are they few that do enioye thē for straite is the way narrow is the gate that leadeth therevnto and few therebe that finde it Notwithstanding thou hast a little flocke to whom it is thy pleasure to giue that ioyfull kingdome whose names are written in the booke of lyfe make vs of that number for Iesus Christ his sake place vs amongst those shéepe that shall stand on thy right hand and receiue that blessed inheritance and dwell with thée for euermore Amen Father Iudgement generall Graunt this O Lord for Iesus Christ his sake Well procéede sonne is there once a reckning to be made and an accompt to be giuen before whom shall that reckning be and who shall recken Sonne That straight accompt and reckning shal be before the maiestie of that terryble and fearful God iudge Iesus Christ and they that shall recken are all people kindreds and tongues good and bad that haue béene are or shal be till the ende of the world come and that fearefull iudgement bée Father Resurrection How shall the dead be raised vp if all shal be iudged Sonne Trumpe 1. Cor. 15 With the sound of Gods trumpet father for the trumpe shall blowe and the deade shall rise incorruptable and we shal be chaunged for this corruptable must put on incorruption and this mortall shal put on immortalitie In that day shall the great Trumpet be blowen Esay 23 so that they which were lost in the land of Assyria and those that were banished into the lande of Egypt shal come and worship the Lord in the holy mount at Ierusalem The Lord shall crie with a great shout from his court regall Ieremi 2 he shall giue a great voyce like the grape gatherers and the sounde thereof shall be heard to the ende of the world The Lord shall roare out of Sion Amos. 1 and shew his voice out of Ierusalem that the heauens and earth shall quake withall He shall sende his Angells with the great voice of a Trumpet Math. 24 and they shall gather together his chosen from the foure winds euen from the highest partes of heauen to thendes thereof The Lord God shall blowe out the Trumpet zachary shall come foorth as a storme out of the south The Lorde shall disend from heauen with a shout 2 Thess and the voice of the Archangell and trump of God I will blow for them zachar 1 and gather them together saith the Lorde for I will redéemed them Thus by the sounde of the Trumpet shall all be raysed vp from death Father The Lorde be mercifull vnto vs. The remembraunce of the voyce of the Trumpet terrifieth mée which shall bée hearde in Heauen Earth and Hell but procéede howe shall men rise Sonne ●ob 19 Iob saith I knowe that my redéemer liueth and that I shall rise out of the earth at the last daye and shall bée cloathed agayne with my skinne and shall sée GOD in my fleshe yea and I my selfe shall beholde him not with other but with these same eyes ●say 26 The deade menne shall lyue sayeth GOD euen with their bodies shall they ryse agayne awake and singe thou that dwellest in the dust for thy dewe is euen as