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A69499 Devotions in the ancient way of offices with psalms, hymns, and prayers for every day in the week and every holiday in the year. Birchley, William, 1613-1669. 1668 (1668) Wing A4248A; ESTC R8861 220,254 576

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pray'd and mingled with their prayers their tears they wept and mingled with their tears their complaints Ah dearest Lord why were not we so happy * to be conuerted by Thee while thou dweld'st among us Why not entertain salvation when thou brought'st it to our homes and preferd'st our litle nation before all the world Vnhappy we how came this misery to pass * that many of us look't on thy miracles and saw them not Before our eys thou gav'st sight to the blind and our souls were darkned with sin and prejudice Thou did'st cleanse the leprous and heald all manner of deseases thou did'st raise the dead and cast out divels with thy word Yet we alas how many of us blasphem'd thy name how many conspir'd with thy bloody crucifyers Spare us O Lord have mercy on us O JESU for we knew thee not to be the Lord of glory Blessed be thy holy spirit who has open'd our eys and made us see through the veil that ecclipst us Now we beleeve Thee the Messias we expected now we acknowledg Thee the King of Israel Such were the fervours of those happy times and O how happy were our times had we those fervours But ours are become miserable by schisms and heresys and the darknes that covers a great part of the earth Ours are become miserable by the unfruitful lives * and scandalous examples of too many Christians Too many alas yet even the gates of hell * can ne're prevail against the power of God Stil the same spirit governs the world and keeps alive the same primitive fire Stil there are harts ful of the holy Ghost ful of that ravishing wine of divine love Stil there are souls who renounce all they have and take up their cross and follow our Lord. Stil there are fiery tongues kindled by the breath of heav'n who carry their sacred flames into every Nation Stil the Apostolick Church is true to its name and sends abroad her burning and her shining lights Stil the Almighty Goodnes is true to his Church and conservs it one and holy and universal O keep us blessed Spirit in this thy fold of grace and bring the whole world into one flock That all may be of the same mind here and all enjoy the same happines herafter Glory be c. Antiph This is our Lords doing and it is wonderful in our eys Alleluja Alleluja Our Father c. First Lesson Jo. 14. AMen amen I say to you he that beleevs in me the works that I do he also shal do and greater then these shall he do because I go to the Father and wharever you shal ask in my name I wil do that the Father may be glorify'd in the Son If you love me keep my Commandments and I wil ask the Father and he will give you another Paraclete to abide with you for ever the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it sees Him not nor knows Him but you know Him for he shal abide with you and be in you Resp Blessed be thy merciful Providence O JESU who when thon hadst finisht thy great work on earth ascendedst into heav'n to draw up our minds even thither after Thee Alleluja * That where our happines is there might our harts be also Alleluja Alleluja Blessed be thy infinite goodnes O dear Redeemer who when thou hadst taught us the words of eternal life ●●entst down the holy Ghost to make us observe them and raise up our affections to that glorious Kingdom whether thou art gone before us Alleluja * That Second Lesson Acts. 2. WHen the days of Pentecost were accomplisht they were all together in once place and suddenly there was made a sound from heav'n as of a vehement wind coming and it fill'd the whole house where they were siting and there appear'd to them parted tongues as it were of fire and sate upon each of them and they were replenisht with the holy Ghost and began to speak with divers tongues according as the holy Ghost gave them to speak And there were dweling at Jerusalem Jews devout men of every Nation under heav'n and when this noise was made the multitude came together and was astonisht in mind because every one heard them speak in his own tongue the wonderful works of God Resp Thus were the words of the Prophets fulfil'd and the promises of our Saviour perform'd and the faith of the Christian Church miraculously begun Alleluja * O may it stil go on and increase and multiply til every Nation speak in their own tongues the wonderful works of God Alleluja Alleluja Govern O blessed Spirit the Church thou so wonderfully hast establisht govern it with thy special grace and always preserve it in obedience to Thee and us in obedience to it Alleluja * O may Third Lesson Acts 4. ANd the multitude of Beleevers had one hart and one soul nor did any say that ought was his own of what he possest but all was common to them And the Apostles with great power gave testimony to the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and great grace was in them all nor was there any one needy among them for as many as were owners of lands of houses sold them and brought the price of what they sold and laid it at the feet of the Apostles and to every one was divided as every one had need Resp O happy life O heav'n upon earth this is the blest effect of the fire of the true Spirit which warms without scorching and shines without smoking and inlightens without consuing Kindle in our harts O Lord this holy fire of meeknes and peace and unity * That all the world may know whose Disciples we are by seeing us love one another Alleluja But O deliver us from the contrary fire the fire of the false spirit that scorches without warming and smokes without shining and consumes without inlightening deliver us from schism and heresy and every least uncharitable passion * That all the Glory be c. * That all the Lauds for the Holy Ghost O God incline c. as Page 18. Antiph Kindle in our harts O Lord thy holy fire that we may offer to thee the incense of praise Alleluja Psal CIX COnsider now my soul the mercys of thy God consider the wonders he has wrought for the children of men The eternal Father created us of nothing and set us in the way to everlasting happines The eternal Son came down from heav'n to seek us and restor'd us again when we had lost our selvs The eternal spirit sends his grace to sanctify us and gives us strength to walk that holy way Thus every Person of the sacred Trinity * has freely contributed his peculiar blessing And All together as one co-infinite Goodnes * have graciously agreed to compleat our felicity But O ingrateful we was it not enough * to receive of our God all we have and are Was it not enough that the Son of God should come down and live
thou blest and holy Spirit to be guilty of those unpardonable sins against Thy self Suffer us not obstinatly to persist in any known wickednes nor maliciously impugn any known truth Suffer us not to dy in our sins without repentance but O have mercy on us in that serious hour Have mercy on us and govern us in our life have mercy on us and save us at our death Glory be c. Antiph Deliver us O gracious God from every evil spirit and vouchsafe to give us thine own good spirit Capit. Gal. 5. NOw the works of the flesh are manifest fornication uncleaness impudicity luxury serving of Idols witchcrafts enmityes contentions emulations angers brawles dissensions sects envies murders drunkeness banquetings and such like which I foretel you that they who do such things shal not obtain the Kingdom of God But the fruit of the Spirit is charity joy peace patience benignity goodnes long-suffering mildnes faith modesty continency chastity against such there is no law And they who are Christs have crucify'd their flesh with its vices and concupiscen●●es If we live in the spirit in the spirit let us walk Let us not be covetous of vain glory envying one another provoking one another Hymn XXXV COme holy Spirit send down those beams Which gently flow in silent streams From thy bright throne above Come Thou Enricher of the poor And bounteous source of all our store Come fill us with thy love Come thou our souls delicious guest The weary'd p●●lgrims sweetest Rest The sufferer's best Releef Come thou our passions cool Allay Whose comfort wips all tears away And turns to joy all grief Come bright Sun shoot home thy darts Peirce to the center of our harts And make our faith love Thee Without thy grace without thy light Our strength is weaknes our day night We can nor move nor see Lord wash our sinful stains away Water from heav'n our barren clay Our many bruses heal To thy sweet yoak our stiff necks bow Warm with thy fire our harts of snow Our wandring feet repeal O grant thy Faithful dearest Lord Whose only hope is thy sure word The seven gifts of thy Spirit Grant us in life t' obey thy grace Grant us at death to see thy face And endles joys inherit All glory to the sacred Three One ever-living Deity All pow'r and blyss and praise As at the first when time begun May the same homage stil be done Till time it self decays Antiph Blessed be thy name O holy spirit of God who dividest thy gifts to every one as thou pleasest and workest all in all in Thee our sorrows have a comforter to allay them and our sins an Advocate to plead for them in Thee our ignorances have a guid to direct them our frailties a Confirmer to strengthen them and all our wants a God to releeve them alleluja alleluja Magnificat c. as pag. 44. Repeat the Antiphon Then O Lord hear our pray'rs And let our supplications come to Thee Let us pray O God who by thy holy Spirit didst at first establish and sanctify thy Church and by the same Spirit dost still preserve and govern it hear we beseech Thee the pray'rs of thy servants and mercifully grant us the perpetual assistance of thy grace that we never be deceiv'd by any false spirit nor overcome by the vicious suggestions of flesh and blood but in all our doubts be directed into the way of truth and in all our actions guided by thy holy Spirit who with Thee and thy eternal Son lives and reigns One God world without end Amen O Lord hear c. as page 45. Then say the Complin of the day for this Office has none of its own Office of the SAINTS MATINS On some particular Sundays noted in the Proper of Festivals and on all Holidays of Obligation before and after every Psalm at Matins Lauds Vespers and Complin say one of the Three Antiphons set down in the Proper of Festivals that is each Antiphon eight times in the whole Office of the Day Say also the Antiphon where any proper one is prepar'd before and after Benedictus and Magnificat else say the common one as in the Office Then the Prayer as in the Proper of Festivals The rest of these particular Offices is to be ricited out of the common Offices as is noted in the Directions and Proper of Festivals Introduction as pag. 1. Invitatory Come let 's adore the King of Saints Come let 's adore the King of Saints Psal CXV GReat is the Majesty of the King we serve and rich the splendors of his Court o're all the world he sends his commands and none dare resist or dispute his power Come let 's adore the King of Saints Great is the clemency of our gracious Soveraign to pardon the offences of repenting sinners great is the bounty of our glorious Lord to crown with rewards his faithful servants Come let 's adore the King of Saints Thousands of Saints attend in his presence and millions of Angels wait on his Throne all beauteously rang'd in perfect order all joyfully singing the praises of their Creator Come let 's adore the King of Saints Thou art our King too blessed JESU and we alas thy unprofitable subjects we cannot praise Thee like those thine own bright Quires yet humbly offer our little tribute Come let 's adore the King of Saints Let us bow low our heads to Him before whom the Seraphins cover their faces let us bow low our harts to Him at whose fee●● the Saints lay down their crowns Come let 's adore the King of Saints Glory be c. As it was c. Come let 's adore the King of Saints Come let 's adore the King of Saints Hymn XXXVI AWake my soul chace from thine eys This drowsy sloth and quickly rise Up and to work apace No less then Kingdoms are prepar'd And endless blyss for their reward Who finish wel their race 'T is not so poor a thing to be Servants to heav'n dear Lord and Thee As this fond world believes Not even here where oft the Wise Are most expos'd to injurys And friendles vertue grieves Somtimes thy hand lets gently fall A litle drop that sweetens all The bitter of our Cup O what herafter shal we be When we shal have whole draughts of Thee Brim-ful and drink them up Say happy souls whose thirst now meets The fresh and living stream of sweets Which spring from that blest throne Did you not find this true ev'n here Do you not find it truer there Now heav'n is all your own O yes the sweets we tast exceed All we can say or you can read They fil and never cloy On earth our cup was sweet but mixt Here all is pure refin'd and fixt All Quintessence of joy Hear'st thou my soul what glorious things The Church of heav'n in triumph sings Of their blest life above Chear thy faint hopes and bid them live All these thy God to thee will give
all Be thou to us our God and all things and make us nothing in our own eys Be thou our whole everlasting delight and let nothing else be any thing to us Glory be c. Antiph Vanity of Vanitys all is Vanity but the love of God and hope to enjoy him Capit. Ephes 6. CHildren obey your Parents in our Lord for this is just and you Fathers provoke not your Children to anger but bring them up in discipline and the fear of our Lord. Servants be obedient to your Masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling in the simplicity of your harts as to Christ not serving to the ey as it were pleasing men but as the servants of Christ doing the will of God from the hart knowing whatever good any one shal do that shal he receive of our Lord whether he be bond or free And you Masters do the same things to them forbearing threatnings knowing that both their Lord and yours is in heav'n and with Him is no acceptance of persons Hymn VII LOrd who shal dwel above with Thee There on thy holy Hill Who shal those glorious Prospects see That heav'n with gladnes fill Those happy souls who prize that life Above the bravest here Whose greatest hope whose eagrest strife Is once to settle there They use this world but value That That they supremely love They travel through this present state But place their home above Lord who are they that thus chuse Thee But those Thou first didst chuse To whom Thou gav'st thy grace most free Thy grace not to refuse We of our selvs can nothing do But all on Thee depend Thine is the work and wages too Thine both the way and end O make us stil our work attend And we 'l not doubt our pay We wil not fear a blessed end If thou but guide our way Glory to Thee O bounteous Lord Who giv'st to all things breath Glory to Thee Eternal Word Who sav'st us by thy death Glory O Blessed Spirit to Thee Who fill'st our harts with love Glory to all the Mystick Three Who reign one God above Amen Antiph He that fram'd the hart of man design'd it for himself and bequeath'd it unquietnes til possest of its Maker V. Vanity of Vanitys all is Vanity R. But to love our God and attend his service O Lord hear our prayers And let our supplications come to Thee Let us pray O God who alone art all in all things to us and to whom we are nothing but wretched objects of thy bounty which the more flows upon us the more we truly feel our own pure emptines and want of it Encrease we humbly beseech thee this happy sense iu thy servants by our dayly experience of this worlds unsatisfyingness and grant that finding it ordain'd by Thee to breed and widen not fill our capacity we may make this only use of all thy creatures here to raise and heighten our desires of thy infinite Self in Eternity through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who with thee and the Holy Ghost lives and reigns one God world without end Amen V. O Lord hear our prayers R. And let our Supplications come to Thee V. Bless we our Lord R. Thanks be to God V. May the Souls of the Faithful Departed through the mercy of God rest in peace Amen Pause a while to reflect and renew Then begin Complin Monday Complin V. OUr help is in As Page 46. Antiph All thy ways O Lord are mercy and wisdom and all thy Counsels tend to our happines Psal XXIV MY God in every thing I see thy hand in every passage thy gracious Providence Thou wisely govern'st the house thou hast built and preventest with thy mercy 's all our wants Thou cal'st us up in the early morning and giv'st us light by the beams of thy Sun To labour every one in their proper Office and fill the litle place appointed them in the world Thou provid'st a rest for our weary Evening and favour'st our sleep with a shady darknes To refresh our bodys in the peace of night and save the wast of our decaying spirits Again thou awak'st our drowsy eys and bid'st us return to our dayly task Thus has thy wisdom mixt our life and beauteously interwoven it of rest and work Whose mutual changes sweeten each other and both prepare us for our greatest duty Of finishing here the work of our Salvation to rest herafter in thy holy peace Glory be c. Psal XXV LOrd how thy bounty gives us all things else * with a large and open hand Our Fields at once are cover'd with corn and our trees bow under the weight of their fruit At once thou fill'st our Magazines with plenty and sendst us who'e show'rs of other blessings Only our time thou distil'st by drops and never giv'st us two moments at once But tak'st away one when thou lendest another to teach us the price of so rich a Jewel That we may learn to value every hour and not childishly spend them on empty trifles Much less maliciously murther whole days in pursuing a course of sin and shame Lord as Thou thus hast taught our ignorance so let thy grace enable our weaknes Wisely to manage the time thou giv'st us and stil press on to new degrees of improvement That with our few but wel-spent years we may purchase to our selvs a blest eternity Glory be c. Psal XXVI IT was thy mercy too O gracious Lord to dispense by parcels our portion of time That the succeeding day may learn to grow wise and correct its faults by experience of the past Else were our Being all at once as it shall be in the next Eternal life Our sins would have here no power to be repented and then alas how desperate were we We who are born in the way to misery and unless we change can never be happy We who so often wilfully go astray and unless we return must perish for ever O Thou in whose indulgent hands * are both our time and our Eternity Whose Providence gives every minute of our life and governs the fatal period of our death O make us every Evening still provide * to pass with comfort that important hour Make us still ballance our accompts for heav'n and strive to increase our treasures with Thee That if we rise no more to our acquaintance here we may joyfully waken among thy blessed Angels There to unite our Hymns with Theirs and joyn all together in one full Quire Glory be c. Antiph All thy ways O Lord are mercy and wisdom and all thy Counsels tend to our happines Hymn VIII NOw my Soul the day is gone Which in the morn was thine Now its glass no more shall run Its Sun no longer shine True alas the day is gone O were it only so Is 't not lost as well as done Cast up thy counts and know Are we so much nearer heav'n As to the grave we bow Has our sorrow made all
dispose our lives * in circumstances less favourable then these O let thy powerful hand supply our wants * and lead us on in our low path That at least afar off we may follow them * who strive to tread so near thy steps So shal we too though slowly arrive * at the rich inheritance of that holy Land So shal we gladly enter those Blysful gates and dwel for ever in the City of peace Glory be c. Antiph Well done thou good and faithful servant I gave thee five talents and thou hast gain'd five more enter into thy Masters joy Our Father First Lesson HAve thy thoughts in the precepts of God and let thy chief busines be his Commandments Deliver him that suffers injury out of the hands of the proud and be not faint-harted when thou sittest in judgement Be merciful to Orphans as a father and as a husband to their mother and thou shalt be as the obedient Son of the Highest and he will have mercy on thee more then a mother He that calumniates the poor upbraids his Maker but he honours Him that pitys the necessitous The wicked shal be cast out in his malice but the just has hope in his death Our Lord will not accept any person against the poor and will hear the prayer of him that is injur'd He will not despise the prayer of the Fatherles nor the widow when she pow'rs out her words of complaint Do not the Widows tears run down her cheeks and is not her cry against him that causes them●● but from the cheek they go up to heav'n and our Lord who hears them will not be pleased Turn not away thine eys in anger from the poor nor give him occasion to curse thee behind thy back for the prayer of him that curses thee in the bitternes of his soul shal be heard He that made him shal hear him Remember not every wrong of thy neighbour nor do any thing by injurious practises If thine enemy be hungey give him bread to eat and if he thirst give him water to drink for thou shalt heap ●●ot coals on his head and our Lord will reward thee Contemn not the just man that is poor nor magnify the sinful that is rich The Great and the Judg and the mighty are in honor but there 's none greater then he that fears God R. Lord with what admirable wisdom dost thou govern the world Thou mak'st the poor and appoint'st them their task of innocent work Thou mak'st the rich and giv'st them leasure for their better improvement and both poor and rich to need and help one another * O give us harts to comply with this thy blest design that every one may strive for the good of all One God created us one Saviour redeemed us one holy spirit sanctify'd us that we all may live in love and unity mutual assistance * O give us Second Lesson BE not eager to grow rich but use moderation in thy endeavours Welth hastily gotten shal be diminish't but that which is gather'd with the hand by litle and litle shal be multiply'd Lift not thine eys to the riches which thou canst not have for they make themselvs wings as of an Eagle and fly into the Ayr. Let not thy hart envy siners but be always in the fear of our Lord then shalt thou hope in the later end and thy expectation shal not be disappointed A deceitful ballance is an abomination to God and an equal weight is his delight There 's nothing more wicked then to love mony for he that does so will set even his soul to sale Riches will not profit in the day of wrath but justice shall deliver from death The j●●stice of the righteous shall deliver them and the unjust shall be caught in their deceitful practises the justice of the simple shall guide his way and the wicked shall fall in his own impiety Better is a dry morsel with joy then a house full of victims with brawling Better is a poor man walking in his simplicity then the rich in crooked ways Sweet is the laborers sleep whether he eat much or litle but the satiety of the rich suffers him not to sleep Some who have nothing are as if they were rich and others who abound in wealth are as if they were poor Some give of their own and become richer others take what 's not their own and are always in want The sincerity of the just shal direct them and the deceitfulnes of the perverse shall destroy them R. Give me O thou sweet Disposer of all things give me neither beggary nor riches but only things necessary for my sustenance * Lest perhaps being full I be allur'd to deny thee and say who is the Lord or compel'd by want steal and forswear the name of my God or rather dearest Lord give me what thou pleasest since Thy self hast taught me now a more perfect Lesson to submit intirely my will to Thine only I still may beg that in all my ways thy Providence govern me and in all my temptations thy grace preserve me * Lest Third Lesson 'T Is better to go to the house of mourning then to the house of banqueting for in that the end of all men is signified and he that is alive thinks what herafter he shall be All flesh shall wax old as grass and as leavs growing on a green tree some bud forth and others fall off so is the generation of flesh and blood one is buried and another is born If a man live many years and rejoyce in them all he must remember the darksom time and those many days which when they come the things that are past shall be reprov'd of vanity Rejoyce therefore O young man in thy youth and let thy mind be chearful walk in the ways of thine hart and in the sight of thine eys but know for all these God will bring thee to Judgment Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth before the time of aff●●ction come and the years approach of which thou shalt say They please me not Before the dust return to its ear●●h from whence it came and the spirit to God who gave it Of making many books there is no end and much study is wearines to the flesh Let us hear the Conclusion of all Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man R. In all thy works remember thy last end when thou must bid a long farewel to all this world remember that dreadful day of the universal Judgment when thou must give account for every idle word * And thou shalt not sin for ever Remember the joys prepar'd for the innocent and the miserys that attend the wicked Remember how nearly it concerns thy soul to have a good or bad eternity * And Thou Glory be c. * And thou Pause a while to ref●●ect and renew Then Saturday Lauds O God incline c. as page 18. Antiph When thou hadst overcome the sting
the true light of the world they who follow Thee walk not in darknes Psal C. RIse holy Spouse of the Son of God rise and put on thy robes of joy Rise and shine forth for thy glory is come and the splendor of our Lord strikes bright upon Thee The Gentils shal walk in the beams of thy light and Kings in the lustre of thy brightnes Lift up thine eys round about and behold they gather all together and flock to Thee Thy Sons shal come from far and thy Daughters be nurst at thy side Then thou shalt see and flow in abundance thy hart shal wonder and be enlarg'd with gladnes When the multitude of the Sea shal be converted to Thee and the strength of the Gentiles submit to thy Laws The sons of strangers shal build thy walls and Princes obey thy commands The Nation shal perish that will not serve thee and the Kingdom be utterly wasted that refuses thee The sons of thy afflicters shal bow before thee and they that despis'd thee kiss thy footsteps For our Lord shal be thy everlasting light and the days of thy mourning shall end in glory To thee shal be given the Keys of heav'n and thou shalt shut and open those eternal doors Thy foundation shal be laid on a firm rock and the gates of hell not prevail against thee A way shal be made so direct and plain that the Passengers though fools shal not err therin And the Earth shal be filled with the knowledg of our Lord * as the waters cover the sea All this we read all this we firmly beleeve for the mouth of our Lord has spoken it Heav'n and earth shal pass away but not a tittle of his Word be disappointed for ever Already these sacred Prophecys are in part fulfill'd abundantly sufficient to assure us of the rest Already a Virgin has brought forth a Son and given him the gracious Name of JESUS The Kings of the east have been led to him by a star and offer'd him gold and frankincense and myrth His holy Parents have presented him in the Temple and the devout Simeon was overjoy'd to see him In his tender infancy he fled into Egypt and the Idols fell down at the presence of a child He past his private life in peace and meeknes and taught a contradicting people in patience and humility He confirm'd his doctrin with innumerable miracles and defended the truth to the last drop of his blood He rose again victoriously from the grave and ascended in triumph to the right hand of his Father And there O glorious JESU mayst thou sit and reign till all thy enemys becom thy footstool Nor has thy judgment slept O dreadful Lord but with a swift and terrible vengeance crusht them into ruine Jerusalem long since was made a heap of stones and the children of thy Crucifyers run wandring o're the world While thou art thus severe in the predictions of thy justice thou did'st not forget those of thy mercy Thousands of that ingrateful City have acknowledg'd Thee their Lord thousands of that perverse generation have submitted to thy Scepter Whole Nations of the Gentiles have embrac't thy faith and remotest Islands received thy law Blessed for ever be thy Name O Lord and blessed be the sweetnes of thy mercy Who reveal'st thy self to those that knew thee not and art found of those that sought thee not Who often followest those that fly from thee and never refusest any that come to thee Thou stil exactly perform'st thy part but we ingrateful wretches how do we comply with ours Where is the profit thou mayst justly require to answer the care of thy providence over us Thou hast planted us O Lord in thine own Vineyard and fenc'd us about with thy holy discpline Where is the fruit we should always be bea●●ing since good works are never out of season Of our selvs alas we are dry and barren and our nature at best brings forth nothing but leaves O Thou in whom while we remain we live and from whom divided we instantly dy Curse not we humbly beg these fruitless branches lest they wither away and be cast into the fire Pronounce not against us that dreadfull sentence Cut them down why Cumber they the ground But mercifully Cut them off from their wild stock and graft them in Thy self the only true vine water O Lord our weeds with the dew of heav'n and bless our low shrubs with thy powerful influence So grapes shal grow on thorns and figs be gather'd on Thistles Glory be c. Antiph Thou art O Lord the true light of the world they who follow thee walk not in darkness Antiph In Thee O Lord is all our hope have mercy on the works of thine own hands Psal CI. REjoyce in our Lord all you children of Adam rejoyce in the bounty of his free grace No longer now confyn'd to a few choyce Favorites and the narrow compass of a private Family He has thrown down that partition wall and opened the way of life to all mankind That all may beleeve and love him here and all injoy and be happy in him herafter But O my God what do we see * when we look abroad into the wide world We see sad effects but cannot see the cause * why so many Kingdoms ly miserably wast We know O Lord thy ways are in the deep abyss and humbly adore thy secret Counsels Only we cannot think on their lamentable condition without pitying their misery and imploring thy mercy Some have not yet so much as heard of thee others who have heard refuse to entertain thee Some who have once acknowledg'd thee have quite faln away and others reject what they list and obey by halfs Many even of those who rightly beleeve * abuse their holy faith by a wicked life Thus the for greatst part of wretched mankind whom thy goodness created to thine own similitude Whom thou hast redeem'd with thy precious blood and design'd to so great and long a happiness Still fail alas of their true end and dy in their sins and eternally perish Look down O Lord and behold from heav'n behold from the Habitation of thy holines Where is thy Zeal and the bowels of thy mercy where are thy promises to thy beloved Son Hast thou not said all Nations shal adore Him and all the Tribes of the earth be blessed in him Hast thou not said Thy self O glorious JESU If I be exalted I wil draw all men to me Hast thou not given thy Disciples express Commision * to go into all the world and Preach to every Creature Remember O thou God of everlasting truth remember O thou Author and Finisher of our faith Remember these thy dear engagements and graciously acomplish what thou hast mercifully begun Visit O Lord thine own house first and thorowly redress what thou findst amiss Make our lives holy as thou hast made our faith and perfectly unite us in the bonds of love Kindle in the harts
of Kings the great ones of the world * an Heroick spirit to advance thy glory Enflame the harts of Prelats and the Preists of thy Church * with a generous Zeal of Conversion of souls Convince them all 't is the end and duty of their place * to improve mankind in vertue and Religion One mercy more we humbly beg which O may thy Providence favorably supply Prepare O Lord the harts of those that err * and make them apt to receive the truth Then chuse thy burning and thy shining lights and send them forth over all the world Send them O God of infinite Charity but send them not alone * lest they faint by the way or miscarry in the end Go with them Thy self guide them by thy grace and crown their labors with thy powerfull blessing So shall the humble vallyes be rais'd up and the stubborn mountains be brought low So shal the crooked paths be made direct and the rough ways smooth and plain So shal the glory of God be every where reveal'd and all flesh see it together Happy the times when this shal come to pass happy the eys that shal see these times Come glorious days wherin that Sun shal shine * which inlightens all at once both the hemisphears Come holy JESU and make those glorious days and let no cloud o'recast them for ever Come and in the largest sense maintain thy Title Be effectively the Saviour of the universal world Glory be c. Antiph To Thee O Lord we look up for salvation have mercy on the works of thine own hands Capit. Tytus 2. THe grace of God our Saviour has appeared to all men instructing us that denying all iniquity and wordly desires we should live soberly justly and piously in this present world expecting the blessed hope and the coming of the glory of our great God and Saviour JESUS Christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify to himself an acceptable people zealous of good works Hymn XXXI JESU whose grace inspires thy Priests To keep alive by solemn feasts The Mem'ory of thy love O may we here so pass thy days That they at last our souls may raise To feast with Thee above JESU behold three Kings from far Led to thy Cradle by a star Bring gifts to Thee their King O guide us by thy light that we May find thy lov'd face and to thee Our selvs for tribute bring JESU the pure and spotles Lamb Who to the Temple humbly came Those legal Rights to pay O make our proud and stubborn will Thine and thy Churches laws fulfil Whate're fond nature say JESU who on that fatal wood Pour'dst forth thy life's last drop of blood Nail'd to a shameful cross O may we bless thy love and be Ready dear Lord to bear for Thee All grief all pain all loss JESU who by thine own love slain By thine own pow'r took'st life again And from the grave did'st rise O may thy death our spirits revive And at our death a new life give A life that never dyes JESU who to thy heav'n again Return'dst in triumph there to reign Of men and Angels King O may our parting souls take flight Up to that land of joy and light And there for ever sing All glory to the sacred Three One undivided Deity All honour pow'r and praise O may thy blessed name shine bright Crown'd with those beams of beauteous light It s own eternal rays Here recite the Antiphon for Magn. with the Canticle Magnificat and the Prayer after it as in the Proper of our Saviours Feasts But if you voluntarily say this Office on any day that is not some Feast of our Saviour then use the Antiphon and Prayer following Antiph Come all you Nations of the earth whom the mercy of our Lord has so dearly redeem'd Come and in honour of the divine Son sing the Canticle of the Blessed Mother alleluia Magnificat as Pag. 44. O Lord hear our Prayer And let our Supplications come to Thee Let us pray O Holy and ever-blessed JESU who being the eternal Son of God and most high in the glory of thy Father vouchsafed'st for us sinners to be born of an humble Virgin to be subject to the weaknesses of a litle child to grow up in a life of privacy and labour to declare thy self at last the Redeemer of the world by establishing a perfect law of grace and confirming it with innumerable miracles and suffering for it intollerable persecutions even to death it self Work in us we humbly beseech thee the happy effects of all these mercys that beleeving in thee we may imitate thy life and obeying thy commands injoy thy promises who with the Father and the holy Ghost livest and reignest one God world without end Amen Commemorations as Page 29. O Lord hear our Prayers as Page 29. Complin for our B. Saviour OUr help is in as Pag. 46. Antiph Whither O my God should we go but to Thee Thou hast the words of eternal life Psal CII REtire now my soul from thy Common thoughts * permitted to entertain thy less serious hours Retire and call thy wandring fancys home and speedily range them into peace and order That thou mayst so be prepar'd to hear thy Lord * invite thee among the rest to tast his sweetnes Come to me you that labour and are opprest and I will refresh you Take up my yoke and learn of me for I am meek and humble of hart and you shal find rest to your souls For my yoak is sweet and my burthen light Enough dear Lord enough is said * to draw all the world to thy holy Discipline What can be offer'd so agreable to our nature * too much alas inclin'd to pleasure and profit What can be offer'd so powerfully attractive as to make our work delightful and then reward it As to propose an employment like the musick of Churches devout and sweet and gainful to the performers Whither O my God should we go but to thee Thou hast the words of eternal life Thou art our wisest Instructer to know what to do and only Enabler to do what we know Thou art the free Bestower of all we have and faithful Promiser of all we hope Thou kindly calst us O make us gladly hear thy voice * and constantly follow it till we come to Thee Suffer us no longer to go astray like lost sheep wandring up and down in our own by-ways Suffer us no longer to be distracted among many things * from thee O Lord who art but One But gather us up from the world into our selvs then take us from our selvs into Thee There to be ravisht with thy holy embraces there to be feasted with the Antepasts of heav'n O how unspeakable are thy sweetnesses O Lord which thou hast hid for those who fear Thee Which thou hast partly reveal'd to those who love Thee * and keep their tasts uncorrupted with the world
great deal on our passions Somtimes we deny and mortify our selvs but far more often obey our sensual appetites Somtimes we are drawn by thy grace to do one good work and seduc'd by our nature to a thousand iniquitys Thus we confes to thee O Lord our God! who perfectly seest every corner of our harts Thus we confes to thee not that thou may'st know us but that we may know our selvs and thou may'st cure us Cure us O thou great Physician of our souls cure us of all our sinful distempers Cure us of this aguish intermitting piety and fix it into an even and constant holines O make us use religion as our regular diet and not only as a single medicine in a pressing necessity Make us enter into a course of harty repentance and practise vertue as our daily exercise So shal our souls be endu'd with a perfect health and dispos'd for a long even everlasting life Glory be c. Antiph We are not our own but the temples of the holy Ghost let us dedicate our selvs intirely to his service Antiph Quicken us by thy grace O holy Spirit that we may thorowly mortify the works of the flesh Psal CXIII NOw we have begun permit us mighty Lord to speak once more who are but dust and ashes Let us go on and confess to Thee and open before thee all our miserys Such an occasion often endangers us such a tentation too often overcomes us Our own infirmitys are too strong for us and our ill customs prevail against us Every day we resolve to amend and every day we break our resolutions Have mercy on us O God of infinite compassion have mercy on us O thou Comforter of afflicted minds Have mercy on us and pardon what is past have mercy on us and prevent what is to come When e're thou seest us unhappily engag'd and blindly running on in the ways of death O send thy holy grace to check our desperate speed and make us stay and look before us Shew us the horrid downfal into that bottomles pit where impenitent sinners are swallow'd up for ever Strike our regardles souls with fear and trembling * at the dreadful sight of so sad a ruine Then turn our eys and kindly set before them * the beauteous prospect of a pious life Make us look long and steddily upon it make us look through and see beyond it Make us delight in the hope it injoys but incomparably more in the joy it hopes A joy which none but thy self can give none but thy self can make capable to receive Give us O gracious Lord thou free Beginer * and perfect Finisher of all vertuous actions Give us a right spirit to guide our intentions that we may aim directly at our true end Give us a holy spirit to sanctify our affections that what we rightly design we may piously pursue Give us an heroick spirit to confirm our harts that what we piously endeavour we may couragiously atchieve Suffer not the flesh to deceive us any more but fortify our spirit against all its assaults If the flesh grow bold and insolently demand * how can you live without those libertys Let the spirit answer their followers are slaves and the service of God is the only true freedom If the flesh alledg what joy in suffering ills or doing contrary to our own inclinations Let the spirit reply that the cross of Christ is sweet and nothing so glorious as the conquest of our selvs If the flesh insist what do you see or hear * or exercise any sense in but the things of this world Let the spirit immediately enter this protest and may every experienc'd soul subscribe the truth I see its vanity and feel its vexation and meet in every thing its falsenes and danger Away then flesh and blood away deceitful world you cannot enter into the Kingdom of heav'n You were created only to serve us in the way and set us down at our journeys end Away with all your fond deluding dreams be banisht for ever from our awaken'd souls Come thou to us blest spirit of faith and govern our lives with thy holy maxims Subdue our sense to the dictates of reason and perfect our reason with the mysterys of Religion Teach us to love and fear what we see not now as at too great a distance for our short sight But what we are sure wil herafter be * our blyss or misery for ever Glory be c. Antiph Quicken us by thy grace O holy Spirit that we may thorowly mortify the works of the flesh Antiph Deliver us O gracious God from every evil spirit and vouchsafe to give us thine own good spirit Psal CXIV LEt not our Lord be angry and wil we speak yet once for we have much to ask and he has infinite to give We have much to ask for our selvs and all the world who depend intirely on his free goodnes Many O Lord are the graces we want and none can give them but thy bounty Many are the sins and miserys we are expos'd to and none can deliver us but thy Providence Deliver us O Lord from what thou know'st is against us deliver us from what we know our selvs will undo us Deliver us from the spirit of prophaness and infidelity from the spirit of error and schism and heresy Deliver us from the spirit of pride and avarice from the spirit of anger and sloath and envy Deliver us from the spirit of drunkenes and gluttony from the spirit of lust and wantones and impurity Deliver us O gracious God from every evil spirit and vouchsafe to give us thine own good spirit Vouchsafe to give us the spirit of fortitude the spirit of temperance and justice and prudence The spirit of wisdom and understanding and counsel the spirit of knowledg and piety and fear of Thee The spirit of peace and patience and benignity the spirit of humility sobriety and chastity O Thou who never deny'st thy favours unles we first deny our obedience Thou who art often near us when we are far From thee often ready to grant when we are unmindful to ask Refuse not O Lord to hear us now we call on Thee and make us stil hear Thee when thou cal'st to us Fil our understandings with the knowledg of such truths as may fix them on Thee the eternal Verity Inure our wils to imbrace such objects as may unite them to Thee the soveraign Goodnes Shew us the narrow way that leads to life the way which few can find and fewer follow Guide us stil on in the middle path of vertue that we never decline to any vicious extreme Let not our faith grow wild with superfluous branches nor bestript into a naked and fruitles trunk Let not our hope swel up to a rash presumption nor shrink away into a faint despair Let not our charity be cool'd into a careles indifferency nor heated into a furious zeal But above all suffer us not O
lov'd thy Name and now we grieve that we lov'd no more Quench not O God of mercy the smoking flax nor break the bruised reed Pardon the sins of the days of our folly and supply the failings of the days of our repentance O were we now again on earth and had the benefit but of one months space How would we spend every minute in penance to purge away thorowly every least impurity How gladly would we take any cross or sicknes that might wholsomly imbitter the world to our tast How after this experience would we hartily strive * at any rate to escape these pains But we unhappy we have slipt our time * which our gacious God so long indulg'd us Now we are left to our sighs and tears and the incertain charity of those few that remember us At least O! you our friends send up your prayers * to hasten the day of our glad deliverance At least look well to provide for your selvs that you come not hither to this place of sufferings Sufferings which may your Souls ne're know yet may they ne're know worse then these These are indeed extremely afflictive but infinitely less than eternal torments We hope in time to rejoyce again we are sure at last our God will deliver us But O! how long delays our Lord to come why are the wheels of his chariot so slow Hast thou not said O God of truth that for thy Elect those days shal be shortned Hast thou not said O Lord of glory behold I come quickly and my reward is with me Come glorious JESU with all thy holy Angels * and the bright attendance of rejoycing Saints Come and redeem the captivity of thy children and lead them away as trophys of thy victory Thus dearest Lord will we cry continually to thee and never leave weeping at the gates of thy Palace Til thou art pleased to open those everlasting dores * and graciously say to our languishing souls Behold I am come to pardon and refresh you your sighs and tears have provok't my pity Behold I am come to cal you to my self * and give you possession of the inheritance I promis'd Come come you Blessed of my Father receive the Kingdom prepared for you 'T is enough that my servants have wept thus long come enter now into your Masters joy Give them eternal rest O merciful Lord and may thy glorious light shine upon them for ever Antiph Happy they who are pray'd for by others but far more happy they who pray for themselvs Antiph Gracious art thou O God in all thy promises and bounteously faithful in all thy performances Psal CXXXVI COmfort your selvs O you heirs of hope and be not cast down at your present distres If he defer a while expect * for he surely wil come and bring you relief He justly stays to punish your neglect when he often cal'd and you would not come to him He mercifully stays til your souls be refin'd and able to bear the splendor of his presence Then wil his glorious light immediately appear and open to your view that blysful prospect Then wil he graciously unveil himself and your eys shal see him face to face Then wil the eternal Deity shine brightly on you and ravish your harts with everlasting Extasys All your great hopes shal be fully satisfy'd and your long expectation abundantly rewarded You shal remember your afflictions with pleasure when you see they alone were your way to felicity Even this very delay shal increase your joys and every thing conspire to crown you with happines Meanwhile our task shal be to pray for your peace and joyn our humble voice to your strong crys That both our vows thus charitably united * may obtain for Both the pardon of our sins But we alas are dust and ashes and you your selvs as yet imperfect O pray for us you holy Saints whose well-prepar'd affections went strait to heaven Pray for us you Quires of Angels who assist continually at the throne of glory Pray for us bright Queen of heavenly Spirits * and blessed Mother of the Son of God! Pray for the faithful detain'd in sorrow that the days of their banishment be no more prolong'd Pray for us siners yet Pilgrims in the way that our souls may arrive at their true home Pray that we Both may stil look up to your glorys and wish and long for that happy state Pray that in all our eagerest desires we may stil submit to the orders of heaven Stil frame our songs of hope and patience and stil clo●●e all with these precious words Thy Kingdome come O glorious Lord and yet O Lord thy wil be done Give them eternal rest O merciful Lord and may thy glorious light shine upon them for ever Antiph Gracious art Thou O God in all thy promises and bounteously faithful in all thy performances Antiph I heard a voice from heav'n saying to me Write Blessed are the dead who dy in our Lord from henceforth now saith the Spirit that they rest from their labours for their works follow them Magnificat as page 44. Antiph I heard a voice c. Then kneeling say Our Father and De profundis as follows From the depths O Lord have I cry'd to thee O Lord hear my voice Let thy ears become attentive to the words of my petition If thou shalt mark our iniquitys O Lord O Lord who can sustain it But with Thee there is propitiation and for thy Law I have expected thee O Lord My soul has expected in his word my soul has hoped in our Lord From the morning watch even until night let Israel hope in our Lord For with our Lord is mercy and with Him is plenteous redemption And He shal redeem Israel from all its iniquitys Give them eternal rest O merciful Lord and may thy glorious light shine upon them for ever V. Have mercy on them O Lord have mercy on them R. For their souls confide in Thee V. And in the shadow of thy wings shal they hope R. Til their iniquitys pass away V. Have mercy on them O Lord and bless them R. Shew them the light of thy countenance and be merciful to them V. Turn not thy face away from them R. Lest they become like those who descend into the lake V. Keep thou their souls O Lord for they are holy R. Save thy servants who put their trust in thee V. They shal praise thee O Lord with their whole harts R. And glorify thy Name for ever V. For thy mercy already has been great towards them R. Thou hast deliver'd them from the lowermost hell V. Yet hast thou set them in obscure places R. As the Dead of the world V. Thy arrows are stuck deep in them R. And thou hast fastened thy hand upon them V. Their iniquitys are gone over their heads R. And keep them down as a heavy burthen V. But thou O Lord art their strong sustainer R Their glory and the lifter up of their