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A15527 Saints by calling: or Called to be saints A godly treatise of our holy calling to Christ, by the gospell. With the seuerall gifts proper vnto the called: and their counterfeits in the hypocrites which are not partakers of this effectuall calling. Written by Thomas Wilson, minister of Gods word, at S. Georges Church in Canterbury. Wilson, Thomas, 1563-1622. 1620 (1620) STC 25796; ESTC S103067 273,228 442

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this poore testimony of my thankfull minde who daily mention you in my prayers that all sauing blessings may be powred on you and continued to you till my sonne through Gods mercy prospering in his studies may expresse a morefull measure of a gratefull mind vnto you all to whom he hath beene and may yet be so much bounden which the Lord of his fauour in his good time enable him well to performe Fare ye well From my House in Canterbury the 10. of Iuly 1620. Yours euer euen to his vtmost Thomas Wilson An Aduertisement vnto the Reader COurteous and Christian Reader there bee foure seuerall things which I purposed to effect in this whole Dialogue Treatise First for the Matter to deliuer so neere as my iudgement could attaine all those workes of the Spirit euen in their particulars which are peculiar vnto Gods elect children who liue to be partakers of an outward effectuall Calling that when the manifold riches of Christ his grace should be in some sort discouered and laide foorth to their eye to view and looke vpon them it might stir them vp to a marueilous loue and thankefulnesse towards him who hath called them to such riches honour Also that finding themselues endued and blessed with such graces as they shall learn from the Word to belong onely to the chosen of God it may settle them in the perswasion and full assurance of their election to life Secondly for the Manner Because euerie one of the workes of Christ in his elect hath his counterfet in the reprobate which liue in the Church and partake onely in a generall vocation therefore I haue somewhat endeauoured to descry what the truth of euerie grace wrought in Gods Children and to discouer it from that apparence and shadow which an Hypocrite hath of the same grace for this purpose that whether the godly Reader would proue himselfe and make triall of his owne sincerity either in the whole worke of Christianity or in some special part or duty thereof heere he may find what may further him Thirdly for the Order I haue followed so precisely and truly as euer my skill would direct mee that very order of causes in this whole Treatise which God himselfe doth keepe in the bestowing and working of the graces propounding them to the Reader to be considered as they haue necessary and naturall coherence one with another and dependance one vpon another setting causes afore effects and giuing cheefe place to the principall effects By this meanes the carefull Christian in the search of himselfe shall by effects be able to finde out causes the roote by the fruites and how to value each grace and fruite according to his proper worth Also the Conscionable Minister which hath not as yet thought vpon such an order and shall approue of this as good sound may in his teaching helpe himselfe to deliuer such things first as by order of nature ought to haue precedency for the better edification of their hearers Finally as touching the Persons for whose sake I wrote this Dialogue I meant it though not onely yet cheefly for the godly vnlettered Christians to further them in this knowledge how to examine their owne estate before God As for the more Learned they can helpe themselues in this part of our Christian science or else may fetch direction from other manner of Lights then mine Whatsoeuer it is that I haue performed I pray thee good Reader take it in good part make thy profit of it and praise God for all Farewell Yours in the Lord Thomas Wilson The particular Contents of the whole Dialogue diuided into ten Portions The first Part entreateth of Calling 1. OF common and outward Calling 2. Of inward effectuall calling 3. Of differences betweene them 4. What effectuall Calling is 5. Of the meanes thereof by the Word of God 6. Time of Calling that it is diuers and vncertaine 7. Persons who for the most part are vncapable thereof 8. Of what quality and estate be the persons which be commonly called with a true effectuall Calling 9. Effectuall Calling may be knowne of them in whom it is 10. Of the tokens whereby it is knowne 11. Meanes whereby such are prepared to Calling who as yet are not called 12. Of the sundry wayes that God taketh in the worke of Calling 13. The ends or finall causes of a true Calling 14. The mouing cause thereof 15. Differences amongst those which are called in the act of their Calling 16. Election to be iudged of by Calling 17. Rash iudgement about the calling of other men to be auoyded The second Part of the Dialogue entreateth of the Graces which flow from Calling 1. ALl sauing Graces come together at one time with our Calling 2. One Grace before another in order of causes 3. Of illumination of the Minde the first worke of Grace 4. Opening of the heart 5. Of the engandring of faith and what workes of the Spirit goe thervnto The third Part of the Dialogue entreateth of a true and liuely Faith 1. A Liuely faith is a fruite of effectuall Calling 2. A gift proper to the Elect. 3. What it is and how it differeth from the faith of hypocrites and wicked men 4. Of the parts of Faith and of the properties thereof 5. Of application by Faith how it is proued and what things belong to it The fourth Part of the Dialogue entreateth of the degrees of Faith 1. A Little Faith and a great Faith a weake and strong Faith 2. Wherein they are like each other 3. The least measure of Faith what it is 4. That it must and doth labour to encrease it selfe 5. Of a strong Faith what it is 6. Of the seuer all measures thereof and which is the highest degree of beleeuing 7. By what steps Gods Children climb vp to the greatest degree of beleeuing in this life The fifth Part of the Dialogue entreateth of the rarenesse and fruitfulnesse of faith 1. OF the rarenesse of Faith or the fewnesse of beleeuers 2. Of the signes or causes thereof both common and proper to this age 3. Of the efficacy and fruitfulnesse of Faith in generall 4. Of the manifold encouragements to beleeue 5. Of discouragements and how the obiections of Satan and our corruption against beliefe in Christ are to be repelled The sixth Part of the Dialogue entreateth of the fruites of faith in particular 1. OF vnion with Christ that there is such a gift and that it is by faith 2. Two things necessarily required to the working of this vnion 3. The nature and neerenesse of it expressed by Scripture similitudes 4. In what respect this vnion with Christ is necessary for vs. 5. Of the great and seuerall fruites thereof 6. Of Iustification the second maine fruite of Faith 7. What Iustification signifieth 8. In what sense wee are instified by Faith 9. Of the double righteousnesse of Christ actiue and passiue 10. Of the two parts of Iustification forgiuenesse of sinnes and imputation of Iustice.
11. What a worthy gift or instification is 12. Of Sathans malice against this doctrine Experto crede The seuenth Part of this Dialogue entreateth of the neerest effects of Iustification by Faith 1. IS reconciliation with God 2. Peace of conscience 3. Accesse into the grace of God 4. Standing in this grace 5. Hope of heauenly glory 6. Reioycing vnder this hope of despaire and presumption 7. Ofioy in tribulations 8. Sense of Gods loue in the heart 9. Glorying concerning God The eighth Part of the Dialogue entreateth of another fruite of Faith called Sanctification 1. SAnctification what it is how it is by faith 2. The parts and causes of it 3. The degree and measure of it 4. Of the spirituall combate betweene the flesh and the Spirit 5. ' Of Repentance the consequent of Sanctification 6. Ofrenewed Repentance the beginning and signes of it 7. Of encouragements to Repentance 8. Of the hinderances of Repentance how to be remoued 9. Of good workes the fruites of Repentance the causes end and vses of them The 9. part of the dialogue of particular good workes c. 1 Of loue towards God what it is to loue him 2 By what rule our loue is to be guided 3 Whence it springs and what bee the effects and tokens of it 4 Of the feare of God 5 How it differs from that fear which is in the wicked 6 Of the fruits of the true feare of God and of the measure of it 7 Of trust in God what it is 8 What be the grounds of it 9 How the trust of the godly differeth frō the vain confidence of the wicked 10 Encoragements to trust in God 11 Of prayer and thankefulnesse 12 Differences betweene bad good men in these duties 13 Of the word Sacrament 14 Of the religious vse of Gods name and Sabbath 10. part of the dialogue of patience 1 Afflictions the obiect of patience 2 Of common afflictions 3 The godly more afflicted then the wicked and why 4 The generall grounds of patience 5 Of chastisements c. 6 The fruites which by chastisement come to children c. 7 Of trials first by conflict of conscience with sin 2. of martirdome 8 What martirdome is 9 The condition of dying for Christ. 10 Preparation to martirdome 11 Of resolution in the suffering of martirdome 12 An answer to obiections that flesh and blood makes against martirdom 11. part of the dialogue of workes as concerne our neighbour 1 Of righteousnesse and loue vnto our neighbour 2 Our neighbour is our enemy as well as our friend 3 Difference betweene a Neighbour and a Brother 4 The actions of brotherly loue 5 Brotherly kindnesse The last part of this dialogue of peace other effects of loue 1 Of peace the kinds thereof 2 It is proper to the godly 3 Of humility 4 Of Grauity 5 Of Gentlenesse 6 Of long suffering c. 7 Of goodnes and meekenesse 8 Meeknes in iudgment affection 9 Selfe preseruation 10 Of truth in speeches promises 11 Of contentednes 12 Duties concerning superiours and inferiours A receit against Hypocrisie 1 Hipocrisie what it is 2 Sundry kinds of hipocrisie 3 Particular or vniuersall hypocrisie 4 Dwelling or raigning 5 In profession or conuersation 6 Grosse or subtile hypocrisie 7 Causes of hipocrisie both common especiall 8 Sundry effects of hipocrisie 9 Tokens of hypocrisie 11 The cure of hypocrisie A Confortatiue for sincerity and vprightnes 1 Who be vpright and what vprightnesse is 2 How sincerity doeth differ from hypocrisie 3 Sincerity how it is gotten 4 How it is to be preserued 5 How to be tried in a mans selfe 6 Reasons to stirre vs vp to seeke and keepe sincerity Finis A DIALOGVE between APOLLOS AQVILA touching the Workes of Christ proper to the Elect that is such workes as none but the Elect haue or can haue Apollos GOod Friend Aquila now that wee haue such opportunitie of place being heere in a pleasant greene field and are at such good leysure wee should doe well to passe our time away in some wholsome communication which may tend to our edification in godlinesse Aquila It is a very good motion For seeing time is a thing so precious as we must giue a reckoning to God of euery minute of our time and hauing in the former dayes of our life spent so much of our time either in doing nothing or in doing other things or doing other things then pertaineth to vs to deale in it is therefore meete that we should now redeeme the time and the litle remainder of it to bestow it well as wee may reape a present benefit and an euerlasting good for surely vpon the well-husbanding of our time heere there will follow a blessed haruest of a glorious 〈◊〉 heereafter But whereof shall we talke what shall be the subiect of our speech Apollos I heard you say that when the workes of Christ which as the King of his Church hee worketh in the elect alone such as are giuen to him of his Father were taught openly to you and to the rest of your good neighbors that you held it a doctrine very worthy the teaching as being of great vse for Gods Children Will ye that I try your memory and put you to call to mind the principall and maine heads of that doctrine Aquila I did indeed iudge it to be a matter very profitable and still do so iudge and me thought vvhen I heard so many seuerall fruites of the Spirit giuen vs together with our Calling distinctly and in good order propounded to our consideration that it was as if one should haue led me vnto a garden planted set forth with variety of sweete and delicate flowers whereof I might take enow to delight my senses withall both while I was there and afterwards Therefore if it please you to aske me I will answer you as farre as I beare away that which I heard Apollos Let me then heare from you what these graces are which Christ Iesus doth worke peculiarly in the elect Aquila They may al be brought to these two heads The first is an effectuall calling Secondly the fruits that arise and spring from thence or the gifts which doe accompany and come from that calling Apollos How proue ye that there is a calling proper to the elect seeing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Gospel That there are many called which are not chosen Math. 20 16. It may be also that there bee some chosen which haue no calling Aquila It is true some may be called which were neuer chosen and it is alsotrue that none are chosen but they be called because it is written Whom he predestinated them he called Ro. 8 30. By which it is apparent that there is one calling which is common to the Elect and to such Reprobates as line within the bosom of the militant Church and this calling is outward only and there is an inward calling which flowes from the grace of predestination and is proper
first and second one before another after for it is not in this new creation when this our little World of our selues is brought out of the world of sinne and vnbeliefe vnto the Christian World of grace as it was in the creation of the great World of Heauen and Earth when the parts of that world were made one after another in order of time the worke being distinguished according to the number of dayes in the weeke but here in this new creation we haue the blessed sauing workes and graces of the holy Spirit powred into vs all at one instant We are not at one time called and at another time iustified and at another time sanctified and then receiue graces of hope and loue and wisedome c. but these come as Iosephs brethren came into AEgypt for Corne all together As the prodigall childe returning to his Father did at once receiue all those fauours from his kinde Father of kisse embracing ring robe and charge to kill the fat Calfe Indeede the sauing graces for their encrease and growth to perfection require succession of time euen as Infants become not tall men till after many yeeres but these graces at the beginning and first begetting like grapes in a cluster doe all come together Euen as it standeth with the naturall body in the quickning of it the soule comming into it giueth power of motion and sense to euery member at one instant not to one sooner to another later so in our new birth all the faculties of the minde and body being before dead in trespasses and sinnes are by grace the soule of the soule spiritually at once reuiued and enabled to all functions duties of godlinesse The truth whereof appeareth in that Paul reports of the Romans that being made beleeuers they were iustified and being iustified by faith they had withall other graces as peace with God hope of glory ioy in that hope sense of Gods loue And of the Ephesians he saith that when they were called and heard the Gospell with an obedient care they also beleeued and had the seale earnest of the Spirit In a word the Elect comming to Christ at the time of their calling and Christ with his merits graces being so ioyned as one cannot haue himselfe but withall he hath all his It is therfore an vndoubted truth that howsoeuer some sauing graces may appeare before others or be felt sooner then others yet they are put vpon into the Elect at one and the same time but in order of causes one grace doth precede afore another and they are to be handled of vs one after another according to that order as neere as we can hit vpon Aq. Wel then I yeeld willingly vnto this truth acknowledge that that most mighty God that at one moment could deck adorn the firmament of heauen with so many glorious stars he also is able to fixe so many sundry glorious graces at once in the firmamet of mans heart But seeing the God of order in this supernaturall work doth obserue a natural order according to which some graces must be first as causes others must follow as effects of those causes would it please you then to declare vnto me which grace is first in the order of causes Apol. As I conceiue of it I will declare vnto you and I verily trust that I conceiue aright thus the case stands Before our effectuall calling our mindes are couered with darknesse of ignorance vnbeliefe our hearts being ful of obstinacy by reason therof so as we are wholy estranged from God Now in the worke of God in our calling the Spirit of Christ by the Gospell hauing mightily cast downe these strong holds and scattered these foggy mists doth illuminate effectually the mind and vnderstanding distinctly soundly to know beleeue the promises of forgiuenesse reconciliation by Christ made 〈◊〉 the word withal 〈◊〉 opening the heart obediently to assent to it and embrace it with a faith affiance in the mercy of God the promiser the by this faith of the promise the elect is brought euen to Christ to be neerely vnited 〈◊〉 to him who being a stranger before now by faith dwels in the heart as a familiar guest rather as the master of the Family to guide rule keepe in order all Now being made one with Christ they straight way haue comunion first with his righteousnesse actiue passiue for iustifying them to the great tranquility ioy of the conscience and also to the raysing vp of their hearts to a sure certain hope expectation of heauenly glory Then afterwards they haue fellowship with his Spirit for sanctifying in which work of their sanctification is giuen that excellent grace of repentance or turning to God also of hearty loue toward God their father now reconciled appearing so to the cōscience quieted 〈◊〉 through the atonement felt perceiued this begetteth loue to all men especially to the Saints carieth with it all the traine of Christian vertues It coming hereof that the Elect are patient temperate peaceable meeke good long suffering modest humble c. because through that faith hope which they haue in God by Christ they are moued so to loue him to be affected to seek his honor to doe his will as withall their heart is affectioned in all things which concerne him themselues or others to please him by obedience and practise of his Word in sincerity and truth Aquila By that which hath beene spoken I perceiue what order ye thinke to be kept of God in the working the workes proper to the Elect. First there is calling in which there is 2 illumination or opening of the eye Thirdly opening of the heart Fourthly liuely faith Fiftly vnion with Christ or our incorporation into him Sixtly Iustification or imputation of Christs righteousnesse Seuenthly peace of conscience Eightly Ioy in the holy Ghost Ninthly hope of glory Tenthly Sanctification 11. Repentance called our turning from sinne 12. Loue of God 13. Charity to our neighbour 14. Patience in affliction 15. Obedience to the will of God Let me aske of these in order what I am desirous to know for my further instruction and first touching illumination where doe yee finde ground in Scripture for it Then describe it and shew what it is and what kindes there be of it and how the illumination of the Elect doth differ from the worke of the Spirit in illuminating some of the reprobate Apollos In the calling of a sinner to faith there are two workes of the Spirit The one opening of their eyes Acts 26. 18. The other the opening of their hearts Acts 16. 14. The Lord opened the heart of Lydea the former is Illumination or enlightning whereof the holy Ghost speaketh in Heb. 6. 4. They which were once enlightened And Luke 1. 79. To giue great
light to them that sit in darknesse And againe The people which sate in darknesse saw great light Mat. 4. 16. In respect of this worke of the Spirit Christ is said to be the light of the Gentiles Luke 2. 32. And the Ministers who are but Instruments of this worke are called Lights of this Word and Lights of the blinde Mat. 5. 14. Rom. 2. 19. This worke of illumination or enlightning it is that whereby the Spirit first purgeth the mind vnderstanding from darkenesse and vanity which was in it through ignorance of God also the iudgement from that peruerse corruption of it in things belonging to God whereby it could not put a difference betweene good and euill and secondly putteth into the vnderstanding and iudgement a new light of knowledge and discretion whereby the soule knoweth and discerneth aright the truth of saluation by Christ euen particularly in the seuerall doctrines This enlightning is twofold The first is generall and slight whereby the minde is enlightened vnto an idle and vnfruitfull knowledge of God The latter is a speciall and through-enlightening vnto a diligent and profitable vnderstanding of Christ. These two kindes of knowledge whereof the one a wicked man may haue the other is giuen to none but to the Elect though they both be the gifts of the Spirit and also be of the same things yet they differ very much For first the knowledge which a godly man receiueth in his illumination it is certaine and distinct so as hee is able to applie the threatnings of Gods iudgements to the humbling of himselfe and the promises of God to raise and comfort himselfe the wicked by their knowledge cannot doe so hauing but a naked and bare speculation without any particular application of the same for humbling or comfort Againe the knowledge of the godly is sufficient to direct them generally and in euery particular duty whether it be for auoyding euil or for doing any good but the insight and knowledge of the wicked is vnsufficient and vnable to direct them in their singular and particular actions either for omission of euill or practise of good The former knowledge is full of good workes and directs them in whom it is to doe good things constantly but the latter is barren and fadeth before the end or leaues them in the end In respect of these differences the knowledge of the Elect for the cleerenesse sufficiency and certainty of it is likened to the light of the Sunne and the knowledge of the reprobates for the confusednesse vnsufficiency vnstablenesse is compared to the Lightening which doth not giue any certaine light it doth not continue any certaine time and when it is gone men see worse then before So doth it fall out with the wicked for their knowledge doth soone vanish and while it lasteth it is very vncertaine and there is in them afterwards greater and more dangerous darknesse then before for because they winke with their eyes and make their hearts fat striuing willingly not to see that they cannot but see wilfully blinding and hardening themselues therefore as a punishment of this sinne they are giuen ouer to haue dull and heauy eyes and eares so as they shall see and not perceiue heare and not vnderstand Acts 28. 27. Whereas the knowledge of the godly encreaseth in brightnesse like the Sunne which shineth more more cleerely vnto the perfect day Prou. 4. 18. So as the godly are very greatly bound to praise God for such their light of knowledge and to endeauour to walke in that light answering such a grace by thankfulnes in tongue and obedience of liues and workes as becommeth children of such light translated out of such darknesse Aquila Now that ye haue spoken of illumination or opening the eyes will it please you to say somewhat of the other worke of the Spirit which ye call the opening of the heart what may this signific or how may it differ from the former worke of enlightening Apollos By the heart according to Scripture phrase is signified not the fleshy part of the body which is thought to be the fountaine of life and seate of the affections but the faculties of the soule especially the vnderstanding and will For the heart is as it were the chaire of estate for the soule where the soule sheweth her selfe in presence therefore it is so often put for the soule and the chiefe powers thereof as God opened Lydiaes heart that is her soule Now this opening sheweth and teacheth vs that the soule is as a Chest fast lockt and barred into which while it is so there can no treasure be put So it is with the soule before our effectual calling it is close shut vp and lockt vp through ignorance and vnbeliefe sinne so as no sauing grace can drop into it but it is kept from all sight and feeling of Gods peculiar mercies Therefore this opening of the heart besides the illumination already spoken of whereby the Spirit piercing into the minde endued it with that heauenly light before touched that it may cleerely and certainely vnderstand the whole truth of the Word but chiefly the promise of the Gospel it hath also the mouing and bowing of the will with affection to receiue and embrace this promise the Spirit enduing the soule with a sweete feeling of the most mercifull goodnesse of God therein And of these two workes of the Spirit in opening of the eyes and the heart ariseth that third worke called Faith which is a gift powred into the soule knitting it vnto Christ with whom being vnderstood and knowen as hee is reuealed in his Word and embraced with affection both of the mind will it now resteth satisfied as one that hath found a rich treasure or great spoyle Aquila But I am not yet satisfied with this that you haue said about these workes of the Spirit Therefore I pray you yet more plainely and particularly lay forth the actions of the Spirit tending to the engendring of faith in the heart of an elect sinner Herein I will doe mine endeauour to giue you satisfaction the Spirit of God as in our first conference you rightly told vs worketh both by the Law and the Gospel In the preaching of the law it worketh first a knowledge of God as he is God the Creator and preseruer of all things reuealing his most great maiesty power iustice and wisedome making vs to see him a mighty terrible Iudge extremely hating and infinitely recompencing all iniquity Then it goeth on by the Law to shew vs our sinnes against this God The knowledge of sinne is by the Law Rom 3. 20. especially reuealing vnto vs that the very first motions of our minde and will against God or our Neighbour are damnable sinnes and breaches of Gods Law Rom. 7. 7. Our sinnes being thus vttered vnto vs in the very particulars as well actuall as originall as well of omission as of commission in our thoughts words and workes
whether they were little or great against God or men after this there followes a reuelation of all the fearefull punishments and curses temporall and eternall for the plaguing of body and soule now and for euer by the threatning and denunciation whereof and haply by a sensible experience of some part of it the holy Spirit breedeth terrour feare and astonishment vpon the view and apprehension of so many erroneous sinnes and such lamentable dolefull estate as is due thereunto Hereof called the Spirit of feare and bondage Rom. 8. 15. 2 Tim. 1. 7. Whereupon the saide spirit bringeth to a speciall griefe vpon the sence of Gods heauy wrath for some especial sinne called Pricking of the heart Acts 2. 37. whereby it bereaueth men of their chiefe desires putteth them out of conceit with the best things in themselues turning their mirth to mourning their chiefe delight to bitter griefe taking downe their hearts courage and stomack because they see they haue to doe with a righteous most rigorous Iudge who will remit nothing of his iustice but taketh reuenge vpon all sinne and iniquities and finding no strength or meanes in themselues to escape his wrath they despaire of euer obtaining his fauour by any their owne worth or goodnesse These are the workes of the Spirit in the ministry of the Law and in Ioh. 16. 8. They are called the rebuking of the world of sinne Here the office of the Law ceasseth and can bring no neerer to Christ but onely to bewray vnto vs our great neede and want of his sufferings righteousnesse and thereof the Law is termed our Schoole-master to Christ Galat 3. 24. Thus then the Spirit hauing brought the sinnefull soule by the preaching of the Law in the view and dread of her iniquity and misery to beholde what great and extreame neede shee hath of Christ and of euery droppe of his blood of his Spirit and of euery grace thereof doth after this by the Word of the Gospell begin to open her a doore to the grace and fauour of God shewing God vnto her as a Redeemer and Sauiour of sinners freely offering mercy for forgiuenesse and saluation in the promises of the Word enlightening the minde to know the truth and certainty of them mouing the iudgement to yeeld and subscribe vnto them being known to be from God and then further making poore sinners to perceiue and beleeue that all sinnes how many and horrible soeuer for all the multitude and hugenesse of them are pardonable and such as may be forgiuen them as being far and very farre lesser then the infinite mercies of God and most vnualuable merites of Christs passion and death the infinite price and worth whereof being wrought by the same Gospell to see and consider the distrustfull hearts be therewithall stirred vp by the holie Ghost to make particular confession of sinnes and to seeke mercy and pardon of them from God by Iesus Christ with trust of finding it as also to hunger and thirst after that perfect righteousnesse of Christ there set before them and finally by the operation of that Spirit applying to them the promises concerning Christ and righteousnesse by him they are sure'y perswaded that they belong to themselues wherupon flying from the terrour of iustice threatned in the Law they dare approach to the Throne of grace saying Abba Father in respect whereof the holy Ghost is called the Spirit of adoption of faith and of a sound minde Rom. 8. 15. 2 Tim. 1. 7. Aquila I doe acknowledge my selfe now well content with this your Anatomy and opening of the works of the Spirit in calling illuminating and opening the heart that it may beleeue Christ to saluation whereby I see how farre many are from faith which suppose themselues neere to it and also perceiue how manifoldly and greatly the Elect which doe beleeue are beholden to God for his wondrous working in them And lastly more and more discerne the continuall and sincere preaching of the Law and Gospell to be of great vse in the Church that Gods Elect thereby may bee translated from infidelity to faith Now if you thinke good we will hold our selues content to haue proceeded thus farre at this present and at our next meeting we will conferre further if God will concerning this great worke of Faith to the creating whereof we haue seene so many and sundry workes of the Spirit to be behouefull and requisite Apollos I am well pleased so to doe for my businesse calleth me away and it may be also your Family or calling may craue your presence and meete it is that these lesser duties giue place to the greater At our next meeting together I will try your knowledge about the nature and office of faith and other things which belong to that worthy and noble gift the Mother-gift and Queene of all graces which bee inspired into mans hear The third part of the Dialogue concerning a true and liuely Faith in Iesus Christ. Apollos WEll saide Neighbour Aquila I see you will not faile me in that you keep your appointed time so duly for you are here euen iust at the time we agreed vpon Aquila Sir I loue to stand to my word in euery thing which is in my power to performe I will be aduised what I promise but hauing once giuen my faith I will not breake it willingly Fidelity in keeping promise with men is one of those Christian graces which are proper to Gods children as there will be occasion hereafter to declare but in the meane time the thing that wee are now to deale in it is not concerning ciuill faith betweene man and man but about Christian faith in the promises which God hath made to man Which because it is a large theame and wil take vp much time I haue purposely set apart some and ouercome othersome businesse that wee might intend the through-sifting of this point Apollos And my leysure doth serue mee very well Therefore because you thought it no ease vnto you to propound Questions ye shall now vndergoe the burthen of an answer which you liked so well of Let me see how you proue that Faith is a fruite of our calling and a gift proper to the Elect seeing it is reported of many that they haue beleeued which yet were not Elect as of Simon Magus Actes 8. 13. Also some in Iohn 2. 23 24. Yea of the very Diuels that they doe beleeue Iames 2. 19. In which place verse 26. the same Apostle telleth vs of a dead faith which one may haue and yet be no true Christian. Aquila For your former Question whether it be a fruite of our effectuall Calling If there were no euident testimony to proue it yet the thing is plaine enough for all know which know any thing that in our Calling wee are made to beleeue this being the very terminus or end wherein the worke of our Calling resteth to bring vs
to Faith in the Sonne of God Of which yet there is proofe by expresse places or good consequence out of holy Scripture When the Apostle saith Rom. 8. 30. Whom he calleth them he instifieth of this it followeth that men being called and iustified at one time and all doe or should know that there can bee no Iustification but by Faith that therefore in our Calling we are made to beleeue vnto Iustification Againe such places as yoke preaching and beleeuing together as Actes 11. 20 21. They preached the Lord Iesus and a great number beleeued and Acts 14. 1. They spake so as that a great number beleeued with innumerable places of the like kinde These manifestly confirme to vs that where G O D S Spirit effectually calleth to the heart by the call and voyce of the Preacher to the care there followeth Faith as an immediate worke of such a Calling Now to your second demand I answer not euery Faith is a fruite of effectuall calling and proper to the Elect for there is a Faith which is so called vnproperly as a painted fire is called fire or a dead man is named a man Such is the faith which doth accompany a common outward Calling and may be found in hypocrites and wicked men and in some of them there is historicall faith onely by a generall illumination being made to vnderstand and beleeue the doctrine of Scriptures to be of G O D and therefore to bee most true and worthy of credit and thus much the Diuels doe beleeue and so farre the blinde Scribes and Pharises came but in others of them the Spirit worketh further to bringthem to haue a certaine ioy delight in that which they know and beleeue with a kind of loue and liking to the Ministers of the word and a reuerence after a sort vnto them and to the message which they bring Yea moreouer they are brought by the same Spirit to see and confesse a great neede of Christ and to haue some hope that their sinnes may be pardoned them to desire it in some manner to confesse their sinnes and that often and particularly to aske pardon and that onely in the name and for the merit of Christ and all this while their Faith is but temporary they neuer come to bee rooted and grounded in Christ and so their faith doth faile them and vanish away Such was the faith of them which were likened to the stony ground Mat. 13 also of Simon Magus of Demas of Iudas and of all hypocrites who are deceiued themselues and doe deceiue others with the shadow and appearance of faith in stead of a true liuely and substantiall faith Which in Scripture for distinction from dead Fath is called an effectuall Faith 1 Thess. 1. 3 and Faith vnfained 1 Tim. 1. 5. and Faith of Christ and Faith of the operation of God Col. 2. 12. and Faith of the Elect Titus 11. giuen to them who are ordained to life Acts 13. 48. which euidenceth vnto vs that there is a true liuely Faith which springs from election as a fruit of it and is proper vnto the chosen Apollos I desire to heare of you what this liuely Faith is 2. wherein it differeth from the faith of hypocrites and wicked men 3. what be the parts thereof 4. and also if it haue any degrees and what they be Aquila This liuely Faith is a precious gift of God enabling the Christian soule to know and beleeue the whole doctrine of God as it is contained in the Word especially that which concerneth saluation by Christ and to apprehend or receiue particularly and certainly Christ offered in that doctrine vnto eternall life in heauen When I affirme Faith to be the gift of God it agreeth with Scripture Ephe. 2. 8. Faith is the gift of God which is to teach that men haue it not by industry as they haue Arts and Sciences nor by nature as they haue reason memory speech for then all men might beleeue But all men haue not faith 2 Thes. 3. 2. Which must admonish the faithfull of thankfulnesse in acknowledging that thorow Gods great goodnesse it is giuen them of God to beleeue especially seeing it is no ordinary gift or common which all professors may haue but a very precious and rare gift 2 〈◊〉 1. 1. being giuen to Gods owne peculiar and chosen people a people purchased with an inualuable price This gift of faith looketh to the whole word and doctrine of God Whatsoeuer is in Scripture taught and set downe it knoweth and beleeueth it to be most true be it a word of rebuke or admonition or exhortation or threatning or commandement and precept it doth beleeue and know all that God speaketh to be most true and faithfull mouing the heart and that effectually to receiue the word of admonition to grceue at the rebukes of the word for sinne to obey the word of commanding to feare at threatnings faith hauing obiect 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 no other euen or equall obiect but God speaking in his word as it is written Abraham beleeued God Gen. 15. 6. And againe The people beleeued God and his seruant Moses Exod. 14. 31. Howbeit the word of promise of the Euangelicall promise promising Christ and with him remission of our sinnes righteousnesse and life euerlasting this word is the more speciall neere and proper obiect and marke that the eye of a liuely faith looketh vnto and betweene this faith and Christ promised or the promise of Christ there is a mutuall relation or reference the promise being set forth to be beleeued by faith and faith embracing and leaning vppon this promise it findeth no stay to rest on for saluation till it come to this word of promise For as mans naturall life is preserued by eating yet not by eating euery thing but by eating wholsome and fit foode So the soule is saued by beleeuing Ephe. 2. 8. yet not by beleeuing euery truth nor euery truth of the Bible but by beleeuing that Word of truth which is the Gospel This faith of Christ crucified saueth there being nothing whereby we can be saued but Christ onely Acts 4. And no gift of God whereby we can haue Christ but faith He dwelleth in our hearts by Faith Eph. 3. For this power of receiuing Christ vnto saluation belongs to faith onlie amongst all the gifts of God Where of there is cleere proofe for it is neuer written of any other gift that thereby Christ is receiued but this is attributed often vnto faith as Iohn 1. 12. Beleeuing in the name of Christ and receiuing him are put the one for the other As many as receiued him to them hee gaue prerogatiue to be the Sonnes of God euen to them which beleeue in his name And Rom. 5. 11. By whom wee which before were sinners and enemies verse 8. 10. haue now that is since we had faith to beleeue to instification verse 1. receiued the atonement And hereunto that in Galat. 3. 14.
resolued of the truth of the doctrine which he knew as he was willing to suffer euen death rather then to renounce it All the Martires of Christ in yeelding their liues for Christ did witnesse to the world that they had firmely assented vnto and were throughly resolued of the vndoubted truth which they knew and professed The third part of faith is application when the beleeuing party is perswaded not onely of the truth of the doctrine touching Christ to yeeld firme assent thereunto but that the same truth belongeth vnto himselfe As this is the greatest so it is the hardest duty of faith impugned mightily by the Papists who cannot abide to heare of it and also it is performed with much difficulty of the best Protestants in the time of temptation when they are sore assayled by their sinnes and Satan But letting other things passe here I will onely proue it to be the duty of faith to appropriate the doctrine of Christ touching eternall saluation by him to a mans selfe particularly and to shew that faith makes a man beleeue his owne saluation and not onely that there is saluation purchased for sinnes by Christ as the Scripture teacheth First the Commandement is to beleeue the Gospell Marke 1. 15. To beleeue in the name of Christ 1 〈◊〉 4. 23. Shall we say that the meaning of this Commandement is no more but to beleeue the doctrine which teacheth Iesus to be the Sonne of God and a perfect Sauiour of the World to be of God and a most true doctrine What will let then but that 〈◊〉 may be a true beleeuer and be saued for either he beleeued this or hee beleeued nothing yea he preached this Mat. 10. 7. And doth not Christ say of some of the Pharises that they knew him also whence he was Ioh. 7. 28. 15. 22 that they had no cloke for their finne because by hearing him they did see and know his doctrine and workes to be of God And in sooth how could hee in Mat. 12. 31 32. charge them with that 〈◊〉 of the Spirit vnlesse they had beene enlightened by the worke of the Spirit so farre as to vnderstand that which he taught and wrote to be diuine and not from men or by humane power And who can doubt which will not hoodwinke his eyes not to see that which is so manifest that many in the Church come so farre as to see and to assent vnto the whole doctrine of Christ euen to the professing declaring it to others distinctly learnedly of whom yet there may be great doubt made that all such are not true beleeuers endued with this liuely faith effectuall to saluation Wherefore the Commandement pressing vs to beleeue the Gospell hath meaning to presse vs to beleeue it with particularitie that the doctrine of saluation by Christ belongs to our selues as the Elect may passe further then a naturall man can doe Secondly it may appeare to be so because beleeuing and eating are put one for the other Iohn 6. 47. compared with verse 50 51. Now euery one knoweth this action of eating to be an appropriating to a mans owne selfe a portion of meat which is prouided for all so is beleeuing an application to a mans selfe of such promises as are commonly propounded to the whole Assembly Tell me will itsuffice a man for the nourishing and preseruing of his bodily strength when hee commeth to a Table well furnished with meate to perswade himselfe that the meate is very wholsome good for nourishment and well dressed or may hee not goe away hungry and feeble if hee doe not take the meate and by eating make it his owne So when a sinner commeth to a Sermon where hee heareth the doctrine of the Gospell so mildly and distinctly taught and proued will it suffice him to saluation to credit it certainly to be a diuine truth onely able to saue poore sinners and to haue beene truly and wisely handled May he not for all this goe home in as bad case as he came as far from saluation except by beleefe he receiue that meate of heauenly truth into his owne heart particularly to be refreshed by a sure perswasion of the same that it appertaines to himselfe Moreouer doth not the Apostle say that Christ is put on by faith Gal. 3. 26 27. and that he dwels in our hearts by faith Ephe. 3. 17. And doth not this imply application to be louing to faith What is putting on but an application of a garment to the body for warmth and comelinesse What is dwelling in our hearts but the presence of Christ there by his Spirit to doe all the parts of a Sauiour to him in whom he dwelleth And this is done by faith And tell me how we are bound to beleeue that the thing wee aske by prayer according to the will of God shall be giuen vs and the forgiuenesse of our owne sins also our owne saluation to be by the will of God asked in prayer and yet wee not bound to beleeue the remission of our owne sinnes and our owne saluation Moreouer when Paul said Christ loued me and died for me and saith also that hee liued by faith in the Sonne of God Gal. 3. 20. And Mary called Christ her Sauiour 〈◊〉 1. 46. And Thomas confessed saying My Lord and my God Ioh. 20. 28. And 〈◊〉 God is my 〈◊〉 and my saluation Psal. 18. 1. Did not their faith apply that Sauiour God particularly to themselues who is the common Sauiour of all beleeuers And if this were not done by their faith how then And how doth the Church in framing prayers say Our Father but in making confession of faith say I beleeue If this bee not the iudgement of the Church that euery one must haue particular faith to beleeue the doctrine for himselfe and out of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 prayers for others with himselfe Also when Sat an tempteth any about particularity of saluation to doubt that himselfe cannot be saued Christ died not for him will it not be too weake a buckler to beate backe this assault to say I doe surely beleeue the whole truth of doctrine concerning redemption by Iesus Christ that hee alone came from God and is the onely Sonne of God and that there is saluation by no other Nay will not the tempter replie I my selfe beleeue so much and yet tremble And Iulian beleeued and protested so much and yet an Apostata Wherefore as when a rich gift is bestowed amongst many poore people euery one must take to himselfe a portion of it for it will not releeue their pouerty if they onely beleeue it to bee a good gift and doe not take it to themselues so the gift of Christ which is offered to poore sinners in the doctrine of the Word to enrich them withall must of euery one by his faith as by an hand bee applied to himselfe or else they will remaine poore and beggerly still Vnto this action of application
God for separating and choosing vs out of the world of vnbeleeuers They shall deserue to lose their faith that will not ioyfully and much praise God for it and endeuour greatly and continually to set it on worke And so to returne to the other part of your question about the working and efficacie of a true faith it is a point worthy your remembrance and worthy of a more worthy discourser then my selfe am Ye can but haue my best performance and that I promised you I finde by the Word as I beganne to shew that a liuely faith is a most powerfull and fruitfull gift bringing forth many sundry and excellent workes and effects whereof that 11. Chapter to the Hebrues giueth plentifull proofe And it will not be amisse to runne through a few of those examples named there We reade of Enoch that his person by faith pleased God and Abels sacrifice through faith was accepted of him Noah by faith beleeued and feared the iudgement and threatning of God and prepared the Arke being moued with reuerence of his authority that commanded it Abraham by faith obeyed God euen to the forsaking of his natiue countrey to goe to a strange place which he knew not and to the offering of his son Isaac the sonne of the promise Moses by faith contemned worldly honours 〈◊〉 by faith being an Heathen and an Harlor was made courteous and peaceable to the spies of Israel Finally by faith other Saints attempted to doe very hard and suffered most heauie things yea euen women by faith 〈◊〉 death and 〈◊〉 most 〈◊〉 Aquila Now that ye haue made entrance into the treatise of the efficacy of faith go forwards I pray you and shew me as distinctly as you can what bee the seuerall workes of faith being once created in the heart and what the due meditation thereof ought to worke in vs. Apollos I was minded so to doe but I must doe it heere more breefely because it must be the subiect of all our conference for the time to come Of a liuely effectuall faith there be some workes without vs which yet neerely concernes vs or some inward or wrought within vs which are so wrought as they sticke and abide within our selues For these outward workes we are to note that a liuely faith it is that effectual instrument whereby an elect person is vnited and knit vnto Christ to become a member of Christ that whereby hee becomes partaker of Christ his perfect righteousnesse performed by his manhoode vnto remission of sinnes and iustification before God as it is written We conclude that man is instified by Faith Rom. 3 and also of his spirit for sanctification as it is written 〈◊〉 the Spirit by faith Galath 2 14. and the heart is purified by faith Acts 15. So as our faith carrying vs vnto Christ effecteth for vs those three most excellent graces of vnion with him instification by him and sanctification which I call outward because faith goeth out of our selues to finde them in Christ. Now the inward effect and worke offaith are all those workes of Christ dwelling in our hearts euen whatsoeuer Christ dwelling in vs 〈◊〉 within vs the same are workes of faith As a peaceable and setled conscience in regard of finne pardoned an accesse vnto the gracious presence of God a marueilous ioy of heart by this meanes a certaine hope of heauenly glory a sense and feeling of the former benefits and of the infinite loue of God shed abroad in our hearts by the holy Ghost cheerfull patience in all tribulations all which effects do spring from the application of Christ by faith as it is apparent by Rom. 5 1 2 3 4. Moreouer whatsoeuer spirituall graces there bee with the increase of them all they bee the effectes of faith as is cleare by this that often in Scripture fayth is set before other Graces as the roote mother and spring of them all see 2 Peter 1 5. Ioyne with your faith vertue c. all Graces being as handmaides to attend vpon Faith as their Mistris and Queene yea following and resting vpon it as vpon their beginning ground For faith beeing the instrument of our vnion with Christ and of our partaking with his righteousnes and Spirit it must necessarily follow that the whole traine of sauing Graces be the fruites of faith which as it taketh holde on his sufferings and obedience for our iustifying so it deriueth vertue and force from his death and resurrection for the killing of the old man or for the defacing of the image of Satan which consisteth in all manner of vices and for the quickening of the new man and erecting of the image of God which consists in righteousnesse and holinesse so as he which hath true faith can lacke no sauing Graces And finally our faith in Christ is our victory ouer the world 1 Iohn 5 4. treading downe in our hearts that corruption which reignes in the world strengthening vs to beare the reproaches troubles and persecution of the world and arming to resist yea enabling to conquer Satan the prince of the world 1 Pet. 5 8 9. And which is most of all such is the power of faith as it doth enable vs in some sort to ouercome euen God himselfe For it was by faith that Iacob had power to preuayle with God Gen. 32 28. and that Moses did as it were binde the hands of God to withhold iudgement from his people whom he was minded to destroy had not Moses his seruant stoode in the breach before him to turne away his wrath lest he should destroy them Psa. 106 23. And in Exodus when Moses prayed by faith Let me alone faith God Exo. 32. as if faith could manacle and binde Gods hands The due meditation of all these effects and workes of faith plainly proueth men of euill life to haue no faith It conuinceth hypocrites to be vnfaithful because professing faith they haue not the power of it in their hearts Also it stoppeth the mouths of Papists who charge the 〈◊〉 to teach and commend an idle faith which should giue liberty and open the windowes to all licentiousnesse Also it serueth to direct euery one in whom is true faith to discerne of himselfe that he is endewed with it whereof he feels the proper effects in himselfe Lastly it must stir vp and encrease the diligence of all Gods children to nourish a gift which is of such force and efficacy of such mighty power and manifold profit Aquila Sir me thinkes ye haue as it were brought me into a costly banket well set foorth with varietie of most delicate iunkets whereof one may feed to the ful or into a rich wardrobe full of all sorts of robes and ornaments For these workes offaith which you haue spoken of with so short a breath they are the deckings wherewith Christ Iesus doeth adorne his spouse euen euery Christian soule and the sweet and pleasant banket dishes and goodly fruits and spices where with shee againe
to her husband in respect of his prehemmence in graces and authority Ephesians 5 verse last the husband loueth his wife as a daughter of Israel and member of Christ and out of this holy affection of loue careth for her I Peter 3. 7. beareth with her infirmities cherisheth instrusteth her and protecteth her Fathers are not bitter to their children but in mildnesse wisedome bring them vp in the instruction and nurture of the Lord Ephesians 6. 3. Children doe loue reuerence obey their Parents for the Lord Ephesians 6. 1. witnessing their honour towards their Parents especially in this that they make no choyce of their trades and matches without their priuity and counsell Seruants not out of feare with eye seruice but in singlenesse of heart study to please their bodily Masters Ephesians 6. 5. 6. and these againe are willing to doe that which is equall and iust both touching the bodies and soules of their seruants knowing that they also haue a Master in Heauen Calosians 3. verse last The Pastor feedes his flocke not for filthy luker nor by constraint 1 Peter 5. 2 3 4. but out of a willing minde shewing himselfe an example to the flocke The flocke and people on the other side acknowledge him and haue him in singular loue for his worke sake I 〈◊〉 5. The Magistrate kindly tendreth his inferiours as his children Iob 29. and mildly ruling with iustice giueth praise to such as doe well and punisheth those that doe euill 〈◊〉 13. 2 3 4 5. And finally inferiours and subiects obediently submit themselues vnto their Rulers as vnto Fathers doing with readnesse their iust commandements and with patience bearing euen their vniust punishments Thus haue I giuen you a certaine taste of these singular and speciall duties for neither time nor your infirmity wil permit vs more largely to discourse them onely this I thinke good to adde that it is the property of all sauing graces which wee haue named and of the others which we haue forgotten for who can remember all to waxe and encrease till they come to perfection as the young fruites groweth till they be ripe it pleasing God to follow his first graces with new supplies till he haue finished the worke which he hath begun 〈◊〉 1. 4. So it is not with the wicked whose gifts decrease and at last 〈◊〉 and fall away as leaues in winter fall from the trees they being as the chaffe and dust which hauing no stedfast firmenesse be therefore soone 〈◊〉 Psalme 1. 5. Whereas the godly which are as a tree planted by the Riuers side brings forth fruite in due season whose leaues are alwayes greene and look whatsoeuer they doe it prospereth Psalme 1. 3 4. And now good Sir if it please you we will shut vp this our conference with this short Prayer O eternall most wise mighty and mercifull God we giue thee thankes for all thine Elect whom thou hast according to thine eternall will called effectually by the Ministry of the Law and Gospell to thy Son opening their eyes to see him to be their Sauiour and their hearts to embrace him with affection being satisfied with him and so working in them that most worthy gift of faith whereby being vnited and incorporate into him they partake with his iustice both actiue and passiue for their perfect iustification before thee and with his Spirit for their vnperfect sanctification in this life hauing power giuen them both to abide the combate with remaining corruptions and vpon wounds and foyles receiued in that encounter to arise by repentance and also to be able to witnesse the truth of their repentance by the constant exercise of all good workes furnishing them with needfull graces of all sorts for the sincere seruice of thy Maiesty and of their brethren according to their seuerall estates and degrees good Father we blesse thy blessed name for these workes of thy grace in them all and pray thee heartily both for their continuance in grace vnto the end til they be perfectly glorified in heauen and that the rest of thine Elect who as yet are not gathered thou wouldst hasten their conuersion and calling to fulfill in them also the good worke of thy pleasure with power encreasing them in all goodnesse protecting them against all enemies and euils till the great glorious appearing of thy Son Iesus to whom with thee and thy holy Spirit be all praise honour and glory now henceforth and for euer Amen Finis laus Christo nescia finis Errata IN Page 6. Line 20. Reade capable p. 13. l. 6. r. seruice for shew it p. 16. l. 31. let the comma be after them p. 19. l. 3. r. desert l. 17 r. for a certaine time as they c. p. 21. l. 26. r. Sacrament p. 29. l. 15. r. calling p. 36. l. 13 after proceed r. and goe l. 19. r. it after vpon p. 37 l. 14. after keepe r. all p. 51 put comma out in l. 5 8. after mind and will p. 55. l. 8 r. as for is p. 59 l. last r. wrought p. 611 l. 9. r. belong p. 69 l. 6 r. matter p. 91 l. 27 r. effects worke p. 111 l. 5 r. against the first Table after sinne l. 24 after Christ r. because they are such p. 116 l. 8 r. vnexpressible p. 110 l. 27 r. onenesse l. 28 r. so is Christ p. 151 l. 13 r. premised p. 161 l. 10 r. hard for yours p. 162 l. 22 r. friend p. 179 l. 26 r. worke p. 188 l. 22 r. after then to be exalted p. 190 l. 11 r. falles p. 192 l. 32 r. comfort p. 201 l. 26 r. is after it p. 202 l. 6 r. of sinister death p. 223 l. 26 r. rich man for Diues p. 248 l. 16. r. halted l. 27 r. renewed p. 250 in the margin r. meetnesse p. 263 l. 10 r. that euill which is our owne afore being p. 287 l. 27. r. awefull p. 290 l. 7 r. gardian p. 303. l. 13 r. outward rest p. 307 l. 8. r. these p. 308 l. 2 r. as that after mind p. 328 l. 10 strike out the latter onely 2. workes of the Spirit proper to the elect Calling and Gifts A double calling 1. Outward common to all 2. Inward peculiar to some Difference between inward and outward calling Effectuall calling hath 3. inseparable cona panions first vnion with Christ 2. Iustification 3. Sanctification Effectuall calling what it is Inward means No name giuen c. Outward and inward Law Spirit of feare Gospell Spirit of adoption The time of Calling 1 Tim. 4. 6. 2 Tim. 3. 1. 2 Kings 22 1. Persons Who not 1. Pagans Creatures teach somewhat of God but nothing of Christ. 2. Proud Iusticiaries 3. Scorners 4. Impenitent or obdurate finners 5. Worldly wise 6 Worldlyrich Example in the Laodiceans Reuel 〈◊〉 7. Idiots Lunaticke 8. Borne deafe and dumbe Who
of Christ by faith there belongs these fiue workes of a renewed soule The first is to approue the worthinesse of the doctrine of grace knowne and beleeued to hold and esteeme it better then all Merchandize precious stones or the finest gold 〈◊〉 3. 14. yea and to iudge both these and whatsoeuer things else but dung in respect of Christ Phil. 3. 8. Then secondly to desire Christ and his merites offered in that doctrine euen as hungry persons desire meat and as Sampson thirsted after drinke when he said Giue me drinke or I die Iudges 15. 18. Thirdly so to lay hold on Christ as the man in Acts laide hold 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not let goe againe and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to haue 〈◊〉 hold on a ship hee would not 〈◊〉 his hold goe till his hand was stricken off Fourthly to delight ones soule in Christ as the gracious Wife delighteth in her Husbands loue or as one is delighted with some great treasure or with the sweetnesse of hony Lastly looking for the full fruition of Christ and all his benefits as Dauid lookt for the promised Kingdome and the people of Israel lookt for their full deliuerance out of AEgypt and Babylon or as the Fathers lookt for the Messiah his first comming in the flesh Thus haue I shewed you my knowledge about the parts of faith and for the degrees thereof it is sure that there be sundry measures of this liuely faith as the Apostle 〈◊〉 when he saith The 〈◊〉 of God is reuealed from faith to faith Rom 1. That is to say from such a faith as is subiect to waxing and growth and 〈◊〉 daily from one degree to another it being also plaine by other places that there is a little faith and a great faith a weake faith and a strong faith Rom. 4. 19. 20. Mat. 16. 8. But seeing this matter will require some time to discourse it and we haue drawn the day already to night wee will now depart to visit our Families and to doe such offices there as belong to our Callings Apollos I hold it best so to doe if I say first this one word that that gift of faith which requireth so many seuerall workes of the Spirit for the 〈◊〉 of it and needeth so many actions for the setting it on worke and performing that which is the proper 〈◊〉 of it it cannot chuse but bee a most precious thing greatly to be sought and loued of all that liue in 〈◊〉 Church and loue their owne happinesse And now Aquila fare ye well till wee meete againe which I pray you let it be to morrow at the same houre and in this same place if God will The fourth part of the Dialogue touching the degrees and diuers measures of a liuely Faith Aquila I Haue made haste because I would not disappoint you and to tell you truth I am vnlike a Schoole-boy in this case who when he parts from his Booke he cares not how long it be ere they meete againe contrariwise when he and his play meete they play loath to depart Now I when our conference is broke off my fingers itch till we ioyne againe I find no better gaine then that that comes of time thus well bestowed for this sticketh by vs and enricheth to God-ward when worldly gaine fleeteth away apace and serueth for this life onely Apollos I pray you then let vs proceede in our purpose We began to speak of the degrees of a liuely faith and to shew that neither all Gods Children haue like measure of it nor euery one alwayes the selfe-same measure for indeede it is with the Church of God as with a Family or fold where the persons of the household be some young and tender some aged and lusty and in the flocke there are both Lambes and Sheepe so it is in Christs Family and fold there be Christians of all sorts some of ripe age for wisedome some children in vnderstanding some like lambes for their infirmity in knowledge and grace some like sheepe for their spirituall strength and growth And as a man differeth from himselfe in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 being sometime 〈◊〉 Infant and afterwards 〈◊〉 to the full strength and age of a man so euery true Christian in his spirituall estate differeth from himselfe being not so strong in faith at first when he beginnes to beleeue as afterwards This being the condition of Gods people to bee as trees planted in an Orchard which spread themselues and are more fruitful the longer they continue so are the faithfull as plants in Gods house they are more full of faith and fruit in their old age Psal. 92. 13 14. Whereunto tend those frequent exhortations in the Word to encrease more and more and to grow in grace and to ioyne grace to grace and still to hasten to perfection Apollos Sir seeing you haue taken the 〈◊〉 out of my hand will it please you to wield it now you haue it and I will make bold to aske you what I desire to remember of that which was taught vs about this matter of sundry degrees of faith And first seeing the Apostle writeth that Faith is one Ephe. 4. 5. and that Saint Peter saith All the Elect haue attained like precious faith 2 Pet. 1. 1. how truly then may we affirme that there is a little and great a weake and strong faith Apollos Well friend Aquila you take me at the aduantage I had meant to haue troubled you with this charge for that I see you can well discharge it yet I will not refuse it seeing you put it vpon me Therefore to your demand this I say When Paul saith there is one faith he speaketh not of the degrees of 〈◊〉 and little and great weake and strong be but names of degrees but hee meaneth the substance of 〈◊〉 to be but one and the obiect to be but one which is Christs or one doctrine concerning saluation by him and in the other place of Peter the faith of all the Elect is saide indeede to be like precious but not like firme strong He doth not teach that it is of like quantity and measure but of like quality and worth for the faith of euery one of the Elect hath the same Authour euen the holy Ghost the same meanes the Gospell and Word of truth the same obiect whereunto it looketh Christ and his righteousnesse Also one and the same marke whereunto it tendeth the glory of God and saluation of the soule In all these things there is likenesse and agreement betweene the weake and strong faith yea and sundry other things there be wherein this likenesse holds for euery faith euen the strongest is still vnperfect we beleeue in part as we doe but know in part the best beleeuer hath need to say Lord encrease my faith It doth therefore belong to euery degree of faith as a thing common to take the vse of
be any God at all Aquila Truth is so I haue and nothing so much yea and of the whole Scriptures whether they came from God or not Apollos This indeed is the very high way to destroy all faith in God to cal in question the Scriptures God Author of them The foole hath said in his heart there is no God Ps. 14. 1. And the diuel wil suggest as much vnto the very godliest and wisest heart but take this for a truth that therefore there is a God and the promises of mercie are hereby proued to bee diuine because yee are tempted to think otherwise Were there no God indeed or were not Euangelical promises and the whole Scriptures from him yee should neuer bee troubled with thoughts of these matters But because they be both most certaine and the certaine beleeuing of both being to the great commodity of the Christian soule therefore Satan so busieth himselfe to weaken the credit of them for hee knowes that by such vnbeleefe his kingdome is vnderpropped And hold this sure that that is very good and of God whatsoeuer our corrupt nature and Satan be most against But as touching the Scripture the word of faith that it is the Word of God and from heauen there be sundry and sound arguments to perswade it First the great harmony and constant consent of one part of this Booke with another in such a huge variety of infinite matter yet no repugnancy howsoeuer some diuersity may be found Secondly the maiesty of the matter in great simplicity of words Thirdly the efficacy power and vertue thereof working in the hearts of sinners for their conuersion which no other writing in the World doth or can effect for mens natures in their reasons and wils being corrupt are as contrary to the doctrine taught in these books as darknesse to light heauen to hell yet are they by the mighty efficacy hid in them reconciled to them so as they willingly yeeld approue and honour them also the power of them maketh euen the wicked to feare and tremble Fourthly the euents of all Prophecies so many hundred yea some thousand yeeres foreshewed and made before yet accordingly fulfilled in their due time doth bewray them to be from that all-seeing verity Fifthly the Penmen of the Scriptures discouering their owne corruptions and infirmities euen to their owne preiudice and cracke of their owne estimation in the World and so vnpartially reporting the foule blemishes of their own people and countreymen doth testifie that they were gouerned by the holy Spirit in the penning of them Sixtly there be sundry examples and stories in the Bible to which euen the Heathen and Pagan yea and Iewish writers being enemies to Christ doe giue testimony to the truth of them as in Iosephus and others and the witnesse of an enemy it is of no small credit and force Seauenthly the strange preseruations of these Bookes notwithstanding the strong malice of the Diuell and his mischeeuous policies and practises of his most wicked Instruments to suppresse and extinguish them yet that they should be so kept as to remaine entire without losse of any Booke nay of any iot or tittle as very iudiciously learned men doe thinke this diuine protection doth argue that their authority is diuine Adde vnto all this the constant testimony which so many worthy Martyrs by their death and bloud haue giuen to this truth Lastly euery one of Gods children haue the witnesse of God his own Spirit the Authour of the Scriptures to testifie in their consciences of them that they are inspired of God and doe containe a diuine infallible truth So then the good correspondency of all parts of the Bible the maiesty of matter in plainenesse of wordes the rare effects vpon mens consciences for conuerting humbling comforting terrifying such as no humane writings can worke the certaine exhibiting and accomplishment of foretold persons and things the vprightnesse of the Instruments set a worke to pen them the testimony of the Inditer the holy Spirit and of the holy martyrs in their blood shed for it and the miraculous preseruation of the Scriptures in so many ages notwithstanding so great meanes and oportunities of extinguishing them euery one of these seuerally and all ioyntly together doe serue to stop Satans mouth when it shall be opened against the diuine originall of Scriptures Proceede now to shew the next assault against faith Aquila The promises in Scripture touching saluation by Christ were not made to me neither did God euer say to me particularly and by name that I shall be saued or hath hee any where commanded mee to beleeue this Apollos There be as many promises made to your selfe as other the Saints now or heretofore haue had made to themselues What promises had Iob made to himselfe alone to assure him by name of his owne saluation or yet Dauid or Moses or infinite others Hath God made promises of eternall life and of atonement by his Sonne and commanded the promises to be propounded declared to vs with charge that wee should beleeue them and hath hee giuen his Sacraments with iniunction to euery Christian to take the elements of bread and wine as pledges to himselfe of Christ and his benefits and hath hee commanded and called vpon vs to pray for pardon of our sinnes and euerlasting saluation to the praise of his mercy and giuen his Spirit into the hearts of his Children as a witnesse to themselues of their owne adoption a witnesse that cannot lie being the Spirit of truth and withall wrought so many gracious gifts and works in them which none can haue but such as are in his fauour beloued in his Sonne and is not all this in effect as much as if a particular promise were made by name vnto euery one of the faithfull of their owne happinesse Againe whosoeuer he be that out of the fit of temptations beleeues the promises to belong to himselfe that Christ loued him and died for him and doth beleeue it truly the same may assure himselfe euen in the pangs of temptation that the promises still belong vnto him because God is of an vnchangeable nature and will And doth not euen this proue that God would haue men to beleeue firmely their owne saluation because Satan would haue vs to doubt of it Are not God and Satan flat opposites and contraries And whereas you say ye are no where commanded to beleeue your owne saluation yes euen this is commanded as much as ye are commanded to trust in God for your temporal preseruation and prouision of things for this life ye may as well say I am not commanded to beleeue that God will cloth me A. Yet it were great presumptiō in such a sinner whose trespasses are so innumerable as the starres of heauen in number to look for any such mercy as eternal saluatiō Apollos If there were no commandement to beleeue the remission of all our sinnes or if our beleefe were
Christ can cleanse and make vs white as snow in Salmon How can any one great sinne hinder God from sauing any beleeuer when all his sinnes could not keepe him from reconciling him being an enemy to him Yea such as haue slaine the Lords Prophets and offered their Children and haue long both themselues liued in and by their authority maintained Idoll seruice as Manasses and Salomon yet haue found fauour vpon their beleeuing Yea he that by his sinne plunged the whole World with him into sinne and death yet was accepted and pardoned because he beleeued the promise And for lying in sinne you haue not abode in them longer then Dauid or Salomon or if ye haue yet as no sinnes so no space of time doth limit God God may forgiue what hee will and when he will to whom hee will The theese that had lyen in his sinnes euen till his last breath in a manner yet finding grace to beleeue found also the grace of pardon and was taken vp into Paradise there to be with Christ for euer That infinite mercy that can ouercome the multitude and vglinesse of our sinnes can also preuaile against our continuance in sinnes Aquila I haue so gone against the light of my knowledge in the course of my life as I am often in doubt lest I haue sinned that vnpardonable sinne yea I haue had feareful thoughts against that gracious diuine maiesty whereby I haue beene moued to feare lest hee had giuen me ouervtterly Apollos In all soule temptations lightly this of sinning against the holy Ghost is one as an ague goeth with all bodily diseases which commeth through ignorance of this sinne or the strong subtilty of Satan bewitching our mindes with feare of this sinne which is not any one nor many actions against knowledge but it is a sinne committed in speech being contumelious and reprochfull against Christ his person offices benefits doctrine and workes or against all of these yet not euery such speech is this sinne vnlesse it proceede of despight and malice of heart against the truth of Christ once knowne by the enlightening of the Spirit Also this sin is accompanied with an vniuersall and totall Apostacy from truth and generall pollution in maners quite contrary to the worke of the sanctifying Spirit wrought in them whereupon it is called the blasphemy of the Spirit Hee that dreads this sinne neuer did it Secondly he that truly greeues for any sinne neuer did this sinne Thirdly he that can pray for forgiuenesse of sinne if it be but with vnfained desire to be in Gods fauour he is free from this sinne Fourthly he that can speake honorably of Christ and can abide nay like the honourable mention of him and his truth by others neuer did this sinne Fifthly hee that hath any good affection to the Ministers or other members of Christ hath no part in this finne Lastly not he that feares lest hee be giuen ouer but knowes certainly that he is indeed giuen ouer to it is within the compasse of this sinne he that feares lest hee be in it is not in it for whosoeuer is in it knowes he is so this is most certain for he is damned of his owne conscience Aquila But when I am brought to see that all my sinnes are such as may be forgiuen me then I am troubled with this that I haue no faith My heart is dull and dead full of vnbeleefe and so all that can be saide is nothing to my comfort I feele no more then a stone or blocke except it be great feare sometimes and trembling of heart with excessiue dolour and heauinesse wherewith I am euen ouerwhelmed Apollos Faith is not feeling but apprehension feeling followes as a fruit of faith which is in assent not in sence What feeling had Christ when he cried out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me and my soule is heauy to death Mat. 26. and 27. 46. In your heauinesse and sorrow you are conformed to your head and other his members to Hezekiah mourning as a Doue and chattering as a Crane Esay 38. 14 To Dauid complaining of the disquietnesse of his heart Psal. 42. and confessing that his teares was the water that washed his Couch Psal. 6. 6. To Iob whose greefe was like heauy sand and pressed downe his heart to the graue Then as wheate may be hid in chaffe so faith is often buried vnder the heape of our corruptions and discomforts Say not therefore ye haue no faith because your heart is dull and dead They of whom Christ saide that their hearts were slow to beleeue heauy and dull and foolish hearts yet did beleeue Luke 24. 25. And howsoeuer you thinke all to be full of vnbeleefe it commeth in you from hence because 〈◊〉 beleeue not now so strongly and comfortably as you were wont to doe and feele those motions of incredulity and distrust which you were not wont to feele And howsoeuer it goeth with you now as with a man in a great sicknesse that hath lost his tast and cannot iudge of meates yet you shall hereafter when health is restored say you were deceiued Finallie if it were some other besides your selfe that saide they had no faith I might be sooner brought to beleeue them And would giue them this counsell that though as yet they beleeue not yet not to despaire or cast off hope for they may beleeue hereafter so they carefully vse the meanes with waiting vpon God who calleth at all houres It is darknes in the night but at due time the Sunne ariseth so after darknesse of vnbeleefe couering the firmament of the heart there wil arise the Sun shine of liuely faith to all Gods Elect in the meane time to feele vnbeleefe with a mislike of it and with a desire of faith in Christ it is a good beginning as we haue heard hereof in the degrees of faith Aquila Sir you haue now well satisfied me in these obiections and in this whole discourse about faith I trust hereafter to heare you speake of the fruits of faith and namely to lay forth distinctly and cleerely our vnion with Christ by meanes of our faith and our communion with his righteousnesse and Spirit for iustification and sanctification which being matters of great importance and our allowance of time being already more then spent wee are to expect some new occasion for the further dealing in these things Apollos Ye say well in the meane time I thanke you for your good company and wish you much good by this conference The sixth Dialogue Of Vnion with Christ. The first maine fruite of Faith Apollos YEa Neighbour Aquila are you here already You got the start of me this time I perceiue your quality I may be your Physicion for I know your pulse If once you begin a matter ye loue to see the end of it you had neede to take in hand good things and with good aduisement seeing you are so constant in prosecuting enterprises
Well shall we consent and agree to set vpon onr worke afresh For therefore ye are come I am sure Aquila It is so I come about that very thing and haue here indeed somewhile expected you It is my quality you say right that first hauing made choyse of good and rightful things I loue to goe thorow stitch and like the constant builder to proceede in laying one stone vpon another till he come to the loouer But goe we to our taske it is about the first and cheefe fruite of a liuely faith which hauing but lightly mentioned before as in his passage a Traueller would looke vpon a faire Tower now we are to make a more neere and particular suruey and to dwell vpon it especially the point being of so good vse and great moment What will ye Sir that I doe moue to you by questions such things as concerne it or will you put vpon me the office of a replyer for though I cannot doe either to purpose yet looke what ye enioyne mee that I will frame my selfe vnto with my best skill Apollos Nay friend Aquila I meane to be your poser and examiner this day First let mee vnderstand from you by what plaine place of Scripture yee proue that there is such an vnion of the Elect with Christ and that faith is the instrument of it Aquila Herein I will quickly satisfie you if first I tell you that there is an vnion of seuerall persons in one Nature so are the Father Sonne and Spirit one Secondly there is an vnion of seueral Natures in one person Thus God and man are one Christ. Thirdly there is an vnion of sundry persons in one Spirit Thus the Elect amongst themselues and with Christ be one This vnion is our being one with Christ and Christ his being one with vs by the band of one Spirit For plaine places to proue such an vnion it is written 1 Iohn 1 3. That the Gospell is therefore preached that wee should haue communion with the Father and the Sonne Also it is expresly saide 1 Cor. 10. That we haue communion with his body and bloud 1 Cor. 6. 17. a Christian is said to be ioyned to the Lord And 1 Cor. 12. 12. Christ and his members are there affirmed to be one body Also the faithfull are saide to be his members Flesh of his flesh bone of his bone Ephe. 5. 30. All those places wherein we are affirmed to be in Christ doe proue this vnion In Iohn 17. 21. Our Sauiour praying that such as beleeue might be one in him and in his Father doth teach both that there is such an vnion and that faith is the Instrument thereof Which is cleered also by Ephe. 3. 17. That Christ dwels in our heart by faith Vnto which we may adde that which is written Gal. 3. 26. For yeare all the sonnes of God by faith in Iesus Christ. And in Iohn 1. 12. When Christ had said that such as beleeue haue this dignity done them to be sonnes of God he addeth which be borne anew not of flesh and bloud but of the will of God where he plainely teacheth that our vnion with Christ where by our new birth wee are brought forth into the Christian World to become members of Christ and children of God that this is effected by faith So as this our vnion with Christ it is not by touching or bodily mixture or as it were by souldering one soule into another but it is a spirituall vnion made in a spirituall manner and by a spirituall band an infinite diuine power creating faith in vs as an hand whereby we graspe and take holde on Christ applying him to vs that hee may be most neerely ioyned to vs. As the soule of man conioyneth together the head and the foote which be farre asunder so the mighty Spirit of Christ in an vnexpressable manner by meanes of faith ioyneth him to vs and vs to him notwithstanding all the distance between vs. Whence it is that though the faithful be ioyned to the very substance of his manhood as wel as to his godhead touching the operation and efficacy thereof yet it is a spirituall vnion being from the Spirit as authour by faith as a spirituall Organ and to this ende to leade a spirituall life Apollos Shew vs now more distinctly first what is required to the working of this vnion secondly by what similitudes it is exprest thirdly what is the necessity of it fourthly as also the commodities and fruites doe come from it Aquila Two things necessarily required to make this vnion one is donation or free gift of God the Father freely bestowing Christ his onely Sonne vpon the Elect and the Elect vpon Christ for thus it is written That he gaue his Sonne to vs Es. 9. 9. and for vs Rom. 8. 32. And on the other side it is saide The Elect are giuen to Christ I declared thy name to them whom thou gauest me out of the World Iohn 17. 6. And Iohn 10. 29. My Father which gaue them me is greater then all Vnto this donation we must adde a second thing which is a mutuall agreement and consent betweene Christ and the soule of an elect sinner each consenting to be one with the other Christ comprehends the faithfull soule as his owne the soule apprehending Christ as her own Phil. 3. 12. As in marriage the coniunction betweene man and wife is effected both by the gift of the parents each giuing their children to liue in maried state together and also by each party agreeing to bee ioyned to the other and so they twaine become one flesh and are no more twaine so it is betweene Christ and his Church And now to your second point this of marriage is one and the most frequent similitude whereby the neere coniunction betweene Christ and the faithfull is shadowed out The whole Booke of Canticles alludes to this similitude and by a continuall allegory setteth forth vnder it the most sweet and happy fellowship betweene Christ and his Church Againe in the Gospell the similitude of a mariage feast is vsed also Ephesians 5. 24 and Romans 7. verse 3. 4 5. and in many other places And indeed there is no straighter band in humane society then this of mariage by the band whereof and the vertue of Gods institution they which were before twaine are now no more so but as it were one body which light of Nature taketh notice of Therefore by humane Lawes there lieth no action against the woman the man being aliue shee is no person to be sued in Law so as this fellowship was very apt and meete to declare that most neere vnion which the soule as Spouse hath with Christ as her Husband For as in mariage the man communicateth his person and all his goods whatsoeuer hee hath to the woman so it is here Christ and all his good things whatsoeuer are bestowed vpon euery soule beleeuing in him
being herein not right though they little suspect so much by themselues The third sort is of such as hauing better knowledge of the truth of this doctrine touching the certainty of hope yet faile herein that they doe not labour to expresse the power of a true liuely hope in the purging of themselues their hearts and liues from filthinesse of sinne that they may become such as God in mercy will accept as meet and fit to enter into that vndefiled inheritance which they say they certainely by hope doe looke for But now Sir hauing dispatcht this fifth fruit of the hope of glory if it seeme good to you set vpon the next the sixth fruite Reioycing vnder this hope which is elsewhere called ioy in the Spirit or ioy of the holy Ghost and ioy vnspeakable and glorious and ioy of saluation I would haue you open this to me Apollos Ioy or reioycing generally taken it is a sweete motion of the heart vpon the presence or hope of some good thing Now as good things which are the obiects of ioy be diuers so reioycing is diuers If the good thing bee such as doe tend to the pleasing or preseruing of our Nature the ioy which is taken in it is fleshly and worldly such as reprobates wicked men of all sorts may haue But the reioycing which is peculiar to a beleeuing iustified person it ariseth and is occasioned by heauenly and spirituall graces and blessings either presently had and enioyed as calling to Christ remission of sinnes reconciliation with God peace of conscience repentance the graces of the new man faith hope loue c. or else certainly hoped for as eternall blisse and glory in Heauen Hence in Scriptures termed Ioy of the Spirit not onely because it is wrought by the Spirit but because spirituall blessings are the obiect of it And herein differeth Christian reioycing from worldly that as this springeth from the hauing and presence of earthly and perishing good things of this life and therefore lasteth not but is suddenly quailed vpon the change of estate and losse of temporall good things and euer it endeth in bitter sorrow Contrariwise the reioycing of the faithfull it is lasting and cannot be taken away such as cheereth the heart euen in afflictions as we shal heare anon because it commeth from a sence of Gods present fauour and the present enioying of many excellent heauenly fruits thereof and an assured expectation of full blessednesse to come their hearts being truly certified by the holy Spirit and assured by faith that as they now haue God propitious and gracious towards them for the free remission of all their sinnes so the day will come when all corruption of sinnes quite done away and all teares for sinne and misery being wiped from their eyes at a word when all euill being vtterly remoued from them they shall be perfectly blessed and glorified with God in which hope they reioyce and comfort their hearts lauding and praysing God with Psalmes The which their spirituall ioy comming from the feeling of Gods fauour and the looking for of Gods glory is a part of Gods Kingdome Rom. 14. The Kingdome of God is righteousnesse peace ioy in the holy Ghost And therefore of Saint Peter called Gloriousioy 1 Pet. 1. Vnto which the Apostle therefore earnestly exhorteth the faithfull Reioyce in the Lord Againe I say reioyce Phil. 4. 4. And Reioyce euermore 1 Thes. 5. 16. And this Dauid begs Psal. 51. Make me to heare of ioy and gladnesse Where obserue this that ioy is begotten by the promise of the Gospell being heard Let mee heare euen by that gladsome ioyfull tydings of forgiuenesse by Christ how it is nourished and encreased by that meanes and being at any time ouershadowed as it falleth out sometime with Gods deare Children that the sunne of their ioy is hid vnder a blacke cloude of sinnes and temptations then it is recouered and had again by the word of faith by the message and testimony of forgiuenesse of sinnes being yours and beleeued therefore it is that Dauid prayes to heare of ioy For when the ioy of the Christian heart is turned into bitter greefe there is nothing wil cheere and glad it sauing the promises of the Word I had vtterly fainted in my trouble had not'thy Word comforted me Psal. 119. All other solaces which wee vse to follow for the cheering of our spirit made sad with sinne are vaine and nothing worth It is the word of promise onely through the working of that Spirit of comfort that can fetch againe a fainting spirit or keepe it in ioyfull plight without fainting Therefore as God must be sought to for this ioy when any lacke it so hee must be waited on in his Word for the obtaining and encrease of it For sithence both faith and hope of glorie are bred and fed by the hearing of the Word of the Gospell by the same way our reioycing the fruite of our hope is to be gotten and preserued But that wee may not stay too long about any one thing hauing so many things to speak of we are to vnderstand that this former reioycing of a Christian heart vnder hope of Gods glory doth bring forth another branch of reioycing farre more admirable and that is reioycing in bitter tribulations which are greeuous to our Nature for this is not so much to be maruelled at if true beleeuers haue their hearts mooued to ioy and gladnes because they certainly looke to bee glorified with God in heauen for the hope of farre lesse matters vseth to cheere vp mens hearts but this is indeede very wonderfull that afflictions which haue in them matter both of shame and pain yea and carry a shew of God displeased and angry with vs that yet the godly beleeuers should be merry and cheerefull in the feeling of them this I say is strange yet it is most certainly true the Apostle affirming of them who be iustified by Faith That they reioyce euen in tribulations Rom. 5. 3. and experience proueth to vs the truth heereof The godly in their affliction euen in most bitter martyrdom suffering the spoyling of their goods and liues with ioy The reason is because the afflictions proceeding from Gods loue and speciall fauour as the faithfull are well perswaded being reconciled to him and for an especiall good end to try and encrease their faith therefore their afflictions do nourish in them the hope of their glory as seales and pledges thereof vnto them assuring them that rest will come after their troubles according to Gods faithfull promise Now the remembrance of that rest and happinesse in hope whereof they liue causeth all things to be sweete and pleasant vnto them which they meete with in their way as part of their way by which they are to passe toward that glorious and happie end They being not a little comforted heerewith in their greatest distresses and troubles to know that beeing now made partakers
be more capable of calling All alike vncapable by nature In respect of outward condition some more capable then other Simple and needy Reasons why such be commonly called as be of mean condition in the World Marke 9. 24. Had he lyed Christ would not haue heard but checked him Acts 8. 4. It is reuealed by witnesse of the Spirit or by such effects as accompany it and be afterward mentioned Three times wherein ones calling to Christ hardly or not known Col. 1. 3. 1 Thes. 1. 4. Ephes. 1. 3 4. Phil. 1. 4. 5 6. Tokens of an effectuall calling There is a lie in doctrine religion aswel as in life and manners and that is two wayes committed either by heresie or hypocrisie Ob. Resp. Iohn 10. 27. Psal. 119. For there be sheepe by 〈◊〉 ction which are not yet called Priuate means Priuate feares and confession of sinnes Note this wel A bstayning from the act of sinne 3. Suppressing of inward lust 4. Society of the godly 5. Auoyding euil company 6. Priuate reading 7. Eschewing occasions of sinne 8. Priuate fasting Publike meanes 1. Word preached Acts 2. 41 47. Nehe. 8 8. Prophecying here is put for interpretation of the will of God already reuealed and not for foreshewing his will in future euents Esay 53. V. I. 1. Word preached 2 Catechizing 3. Prayer 4 Sacraments Sundry wayes of God in his calling men 1. Without meanes 2 Weak means Such as Orators would vse for oftentation of humane wisedome 2 Cor. 10. 3 4 Cor. 4. 7. 3. Vnlikely meanes 4. Contrary meanes God giues grace to the humble Calling a worke easie to God Calling a work of Gods wonderfull power The endes of our calling 1. The glory of Gods grace 2. The saluation of the elect 3. The good of others Luke 19. 8. Luk. 18. 32 33 34. Who yet afterward haue their portion of godly forrow Al sauing graces come together with our calling at one time Rom. 5. 1 2 3. Ephes. 1. 13. The chaine of sauing graces or after what order the sauing grace of the Spirit are giuen to the Elect. 2. Illumination of the mind 3. Opening of the heart 4. Faith 5. Vnion with Christ. 6. Iustification 7. Peace of conscience ioy in the Spirit 8. Hope 9. Sanctification 10. Repentāce 11. Loue to God 12. To neighbour 13. Peace 14. Patience c. 15. Obedience Opening the Eyes Opening the heart Spirit worketh by the Law 1. A knowledge of God as Creator 2. As Iudge 3. A knowledge of sinne 4. Of the punishment of sinne 5. Feare 6. Griefe 7. Discouragement or casting downe the heart 8. Despaire Spirit worketh by the Gospell 1. Knowledge of God as a Redeemer 2. Generall sight and faith of the promises 3. 〈◊〉 of pardon that sinnes be pardonable 4. Consideration of Christs sufferings 5. Confession of sinnes 6. Hunger and thirst 7 Perswasion of mercy These do that in hypocrisie which Gods children doe in truth What a 〈◊〉 faith is A gift of God A precious gift It beleeueth the whole word of God Especially the promise of grace Relation betweene faith and the promise Why Christ receiued by faith onely because God so decreed it The second and of Gods decree 1. His glory Rom. 3. 25. Verse 27. 2 Our stablenesse Qualities of faith 1. CertaintyParticularity So the Greeke Scholiast expounds it as Master Beza cites him Heb. 11. 〈◊〉 1. Heb. 4. verse last Rom. 5. 1. 2. Particularity of faith 3. Parts of Faith 1. Knowledge 1 Iohn 2. 2 Tim. 3. What things required to knowledge 2. Assent 2 Pet 1. 16. 3. 〈◊〉 Rellar de Iustific lib. 1. 30. denyeth that application is in iustifying faith Reasons for application by faith 1 Ioh. 5. 14. Fiue things in application 1. Approbation 2. Expetition Desire seruent vnfained constant Ioh. 7. 3. Firme apprehension 4. Oblectation Psal. 19. 115. 5. Expectatiō Heb. 9. v last Rom. 8. 23. Faith what a worthy and noble gift Sundry measures of a true faith Faith little great wherein they are like Cornelius Apostles Mat. 6. Markes of a sound desire A fifth marke of a sound desire Reasons why encrease of grace is to be sought after That there is a strong faith That there be diuers measures of a strong faith and what they be Two measures of strong faith 2 Cor. 12. verse 10. I am 2. 22. Acts 5. 41. Of the rarenes of faith how few doe beleeue and by what signes it may be knowen and perceiued to be so 1. Ignorance 2. Prophanation of the Sabbath 3. Neglect of priuate prayer 4 Want of faithfulnesse Where shall one finde a faithfull man 5. Hatred of good men Esay 53 1. Causes Of the ratenesse of faith 1. Want Of the Word 2. Want Of Interpreters 3. Withdrawing of grace 4. Mans corruption 5. Satans malice 6. Gods decree 1. Extreme rage of Satan 2. Abundance of imquity 3. Diffention in doctrine 4. 〈◊〉 of Teachers The great and manifolde effects works of Faith Encouragements to faith 1. Commandement Marke 1. 1 Iohn 3. 2 God beseeching vs. 3. Faith the condition Of the Couenant See Rom 10 Gal. 3. Ioh. 3. 10. 4. God the promiser is Almighty 5. The truth of God strengtheneth faith 6. The mercifulnes of God a support to faith 7. Examples of the faithfull helpe to our faith 8. Vow in Baptisme 9. damages discommodities of vnbeleefe 10. 〈◊〉 to God by vnbeleefe 11. God honoured by our faith 12. Our faith 〈◊〉 our selues Obiections of an afflicted minde 1. Ob. Whether Scriptures be of God Reasons to proue Scripture to be of God 1 Cor. 14. 24 25. As Foelix Acts 24. * As Moses Iob. Dauid Mathew Paul 2 Obiect Whether the promises belong to my selfe 3 Obiect Presumption Titus 2 14. 〈◊〉 Iohn 2 2 3. 4. Obiection Sinnes against knowledge Vnthankefull persidiousnes 〈◊〉 obiection Sins of relapse 6. Obiection Horrible greatnesse of sin and continuance 7 Obiect Blasphemy of the Spirit Sinne against the holy ghost what it is Marke 3 28 29 30. 6 Markes whereby to know that one be free from it 8 Obiect No feeling no faith Iobe 6. Vnion threefolde Vnion with Christ what 1. Proofes for this vnion 2 It is by faith Simile Two things necessary to our vniō with Christ. 1 Donation or gift 2 Mutuall consent Simile 2 Vnion declared by similitudes taken out of Scripture 1 Similitude 2 Similitude 1 Cor. 12. 12. 3 Simile 4 Simile 5 Simile Iohn 6. 53. Simile Iohn 6. 25. Simile 4 Vnion fruitfull Simile Simile Esay 9 Euke 2. Galath 4. 4 5 Rom. 4. v 〈◊〉 Rom 6 2 3. Col. 3. 1. Ephes. 2 6 Math. 25 40. 2 Tim. 2 11. Simile Two speciall 〈◊〉 of our vnion vvith Christ. First fruite of our vnion righteousnesse from Christ by faith Man in his creation holy and happy Rom. 4 4 5. Man by the fall of Adam lost blessednes and righteousnesse and is vnder sin and death Saluation what it is A double righ teousnesse in Christ. Galathians 3. Reuelaatiōs 21.
spirit of discretion in such as be inwardly called aswell as outwardly is attended vpon by sundry other graces as namely with an hearty and vnsained loue of that doctrine which they certainely know and by power where of they were mightily called and changed so as they willingly heare it with a true constant delight in the vnderstanding of it as it is written My sheep heare my voyce and they which are of God beare Gods word That is with much readinesse they heare it and with great and sound pleasure in it as Dauid did I loue thy Law therein is my whole delight Yea they heare it with an obedient eare and dutifull so as they can and doe so distinctly apply that which they heare know and loue to their particular vses for humbling comfort for strengthening and reformation of themselues as they submit gladly both iudgement and will reason and affections to the rule of this truth Therefore it is further written that Christs sheepe by calling doe heare his voyce and follow him Thus they haue their care-marke they heare and the wooll-marke too they follow and obey the doctrine of Christ according to the measure of grace receiued Lastly the graces of sanctification which are giuen them together with their calling and by which they are enabled to beleeue and fruitfully practise the doctrine and to continue encrease inso doing doe testifie for them to themselues and others their vndoubted calling in the Gospell Apollos Forbeare I pray a while further speech of this last marke because of those graces I will hereafter know your minde when ye first haue tolde me what men are to doe which yet haue not these tokens of calling what course such be to take to bring on their calling and how others are to behaue themselues which haue good proofe and experience of their vocation to God Aquila I wil doe my best to satisfie you herein Such as by want of the former markes and other wayes doe but make doubt that as yet they haue not this mercifull blessing of a peculiar calling let them vnder good hope of themselues that they are of the Elect because that to them God hath affoorded an outward calling offering vnto them therein Christ with all heauenly treasures neuer giue any rest to themselues vntill to their outward bee ioyned an inward calling which is so needfull as till then men are in a very bad case applying themselues to the diligent and constant vse of all such helpes and meanes as be profitable thervnto Of these meanes some be priuate some be publike the priuate meanes auaileable to an inward calling be the often humbling of our lofty stubborne hearts by a search into and a confession of particular sinnes against the Law vpon due and serious consideration of them both for the huge number being as the starres of Heauen and for the fearefull filthinesse of them being against such an infinite diuine Iustice an holy law and lastly for their deep dreadful danger being the causes of al Christs passiōs of eternal pains in hell fire to such as they are not forgiuen vnto besides innumerable iudgements and wofull plagues within which they wrap vs euen in this life By the often and carefull viewing our selues in the looking glasse of the Law beholding there our most sinfull and most wofull estate and labouring our selues to haue knowledge with some feeling experience of it enforcing what we may to apprehend with feare and griese the threatning of the Law against all and euery one of our sinnes by this meanes our dolefull condition wil come before our eyes for meekening and taking downe in some measure the hauty pride and obstinacy of our nature and will cast and strike vs into some dread of our selues and be some bridle to keepe backe the headlongnesse of our secure sinfull hearts For it cannot but that it will make a man affraide to run vpon such sinnes as he seeth and confesseth against himselfe and with his owne mouth pronounceth worthy of eternall wretchednesse And hauing once taken vp such a course of particular acknowledgement of our offences after an earnest and diligent examination of our hearts and wayes let it not be left againe but continued with such care as men can not to doe it of custome but earnestly for humiliation Next thing is there would be a good endeauour vsed to auoide the outward act of all sinne as to refraine from lewd and lasciuious talke from lying swearing and from the deede of drunkennesse adultery theft contention fighting and all such like which is in a mans power to doe if we will doe but so much as lyeth in vs to doe The Heathens hauing attained thus much as to liue ciuilly and vnblamably for their externall behauiour Yea further euen before their calling men ought by their endeauour watchfulnesse ouer themselues not onely to forbeare the committing of any outward euill in word or deede but further to snib and keepe downe the rebelling motions and desires of the soule True it is that they cannot so doe it as after they are called when the Spirit of Christ hath put a power into them for mortifying their lusts in a true hatred and abhorring of them as euils contrary to God and their owne good yet by the generall light of conscience and helpe of restraining grace they may sore checke and curbe them And in this worke and exercise of suppressing sinne both in the outward fruit and inward roote they shall not a little be furthered by embracing the company of good men from whom they shall haue many aduertisements by words or good examples in their deedes which they may imitate and follow Also by eschewing the familiarity of vaine and euill men whose words and actions are as pitch to defile as poyson to infect and as strong pul backes to hold vs from comming neere to God and finally as mighty prouocations to further vnto all hellish life Therefore of this in any wise men that will come to an happy calling must take heede what manner of men they make the companions of their life for such is the force of company either good or euill as one shall quickly become such as they be with whom hee doth associate himselfe be then curteous to all yet acquainted but with a few and they of the best It must not be forgotten that attentiue reading the Bible and other good Books which are wrote of diuine matters especially of the nature and defect of sinne of the Maiesty power of God of his seuere iudgements against offenders of his Law will doe great stead in this businesse The Gospell and promises would be so farre tasted of as may keepe vp the heart from sinking for this grace of vocation is not giuen but to such as the Law hath brought low by the sight of their sinnes and wrath due vnto them Adde vnto all the former that not
It is written that by faith we receiue the promise of the Spirit that is the promise concerning Christ and righteousnesse by him which is called the Spirit because the Spirit is Authour of it reuealer of it and by his operation the applier of it This receiuing of Christ by faith it is done by a double act or worke one of the minde renewed seeing acknowledging and considering him as our owne Sauiour giuen to vs of God with all his merites and rich gifts the other of our will renewed embracing affecting and with ioy feeling his mercies being fully satisfied with him now made vnto vs of God wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption 1 Cor. 1. 30. and become to vs as well of water springing vp in vs to life euerlasting Ioh. 7. 38. Now the reason why Christ with his benefits are receiued rather by faith then by any other gift of the mind is very plaine for it is so decreed of God in his eternall counsell that neither by repentance hope or loue or any other grace then by beleeuing onely we should become partakers of Christ and his righteousnesse according to that which is written This is the will of him that sent me saith Christ that euery one that seeth the Sonne of God and beleeueth in him shall haue eternall life Iohn 6. 40. And Galat. 3. 8. It is saide that the Scripture foreseeing that is God foreseeing and fore-appointing and in Scripture long before it came to passe reuealing that God would instifie the Gentiles through faith And this is a sure rule in Diuiniry that whatsoeuer comes to passe in time was ordained to be before all time therefore the Word and experience hauing taught that whosoeuer lay hold on Christ to their saluation it is by faith they doe it it must follow hereof that it was Gods will from all eternity The end of Gods counsell herein is twofold First is because this way of receiuing Christ with his righteousnesse to life it taketh from vs all matter of reioycing and boasting in our selues and giueth the whole glory vnto God as it is written God hath set forth Christ to be a reconciliation through faith to this end to declare his righteousnesse that is that he might be known to others as hee is in himselfe to be a most true and mercifull God in his promises to the praise of his righteousnesse And a little after Where is then the reioycing It is excluded By what Law that is to say by what doctrine of workes No but by the Law of faith Therefore it is written Rom. 4. 3. That Abraham had by his workes nothing whereof to reioyce with God but by his beleeuing the promises of Christ he had for when we must goe out of our selues for eternall life and all that belongs to it to receiue that from another in whole and in part what can there be left for vs to glory in and what can be more to the glory of God then to be acknowledged to be the Sauiour of empty miserable beggars which haue nothing of their owne but the old ragges of sinne and wretchednesse And how must not this exceedingly reioyce the beleeuing heart to see it selfe blessed with Christ and all his merites and that freely Another end of Gods counsell herein was not onely to prouide for the glory of his owne grace but for the stablenesse of our mindes that we might be sure of the thing promised which could not haue beene if it had come to vs any other way then by beleeuing the promise therefore the promise by Christ and the heauenly inheritance by him purchased it must be by faith that it might come by grace and the promise might be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 Rom. 4. 16. Apollos I haue willingly heard you opening the nature and proper office of a liuely faith the faith of Gods Elect enabling them euen to the apprehension of Christ which cannot be done by the faith of hypocrites and wicked men Whereof it is that this finely faith is termed the faith of Christ not onely because Christ is the giuer of it or the proper and especiall obiect but especially because it carrieth vs to Christ. As the sicke of the palsie who himselfe could not goe was by others carried to Christ to be healed of him Mat. 8. 1. 2 So wee being maymed and lame yea dead yet when wee thorow grace are quickened to beleeue the promise wee are carried to Christ as it were on the shoulders of our faith which is also the foote whereby we walk to him the eye whereby we see him the mouth whereby wee eate him the hand of our soule whereby wee receiue him and apply him to our 〈◊〉 decreed to bee thus by his Father for the manifestation of his truth and mercy and for our benefit in the establishing of our mindes in the assurance of enioying of Christ and all the good promised by him Now if ye please branch out this faith into his parts and acquaint vs with the seuerall measures of it that so the doctrine of faith may yet bee fuller and cleerer to our vnderstandings for I thinke ye are of this minde that all haue not a like faith neither doe ye take faith as some thinke to bee onely a generall knowledge and 〈◊〉 to the doctrine of Christ let me heare you what you will say to these masters Aquila Here in I will apply my selfe to fulfill your desire if first I doe deliuer somewhat vnto you of the two adioynts or qualities proper to this faith to wit particularity and certainty it being a particular and certaine receiuing of Christ Iesus First for certainty it is of the nature of faith to breede certainty or assurance of the thing beleeued we are not more certaine that we see what we see or do hold what we haue in our hands then we are certaine of hauing and enioying that which by faith we see and receiue In as much as doubting is ioyned with faith the faithfull hauing many doubts this commeth of the weakenesse and infirmity of faith as the shaking and daddering of the hand proceeds of some naturall imbecility and feeblenesse and yet the hand holds surely that it hath caught so it commeth of the frailety of faith that we stagger and doubt O ye of little faith why doe ye 〈◊〉 Mat. 6. yet faith for the nature of it doth surely receiue and hold the promise Hence it is that faith is defined for the certainty and cleerenesse of it to bee the ground or subsistence of things hoped for the euidence or demonstration of things which are not seene Heb. 11. 1. The meaning whereof is thus much as if the holy Ghost should say Faith is the very substance or essence of things hoped for because the things which bee but hoped for are yet to come and be voide of essence or being faith therefore whereby they are beleeued to be is a ceraine essence of
all meanes both priuate and publike for support and helpe of it lest any tempt God by refusing the meanes whereof all haue need continually Beside this each faith little and great may bee knowne of him in whom it is vnlesse it be in a great storme of temptation or at the instant and about the time of their first conuersion else Christ would not haue asked particular men if they did beleeue nor Paul would haue saide of himselfe I know whom I haue beleeued nor exhorted others to examine themselues if they be in the faith 2 Cor. 13. 6. 2 Tim. 1. Yet moreouer in each faith this is common that the things beleeued are aboue compasse of naturall reason for if we consider the things which the Word setteth forth to be beleeued as for example that the World was made of nothing that a dead body turned into dust shall liue againe that a Virgin remaining a Virgin can be a Mother that God and man is one person that so many thousand beleeuers so far distant are one body that Saints in Earth are one with Christ in Heauen and eate drinke him without diminishing that one offence of one man condemned the whole world that the righteousnesse of one man maketh millions to be iust that God is then a Father when hee shewes himselfe an enemy in these and many such like things faith can beleeue them because God hath spoken them when blinde reason cannot see Lastly one faith is as sufficient to saue as another a little as wel as a great because a weake faith can looke vpon Christ and lay hold on him no lesse truly then a strong and great faith euen as a weake and sore eye might behold the brasen Serpent to health as well as a sound and cleere eye but though there be such great and manifold likenesse betweene faith and faith yet this letteth not but that there is a difference amongst the godly as touching the diuers measures of their faith euen as much as betweene the hand of a babe and of a man betweene a young plant and a growne tree The most wise God distributing his graces as it pleaseth him to some thus to some otherwise so as none haue cause to disdaine such as be infirme if themselues be strong for it was God who established them nor any to enuie others if haply they doe not so abound in wisedome and faith as others doe because it was God that so disposed euery man his portion But the strong must apply themselues to helpe the weaker bearing with infirmities and the weaker with reuerence and loue to honor such as goe before them Euen as the foote doth not lift vp it selfe against the head nor the head doth not despise the foote but each member respecteth and cherisheth one another to the preseruation of the whole body so let beleeuing Christians in respect of God who doth all in them of his good pleasure worke out their saluation in feare and trembling euery one being thankefull to him for their owne measure knowing that they haue nothing but what is giuen thinking themselues happy to haue at all any measure of liuely faith and in respect of themselues to walke in mutuall loue one supporting and comforting another in all loue and modesty as becommeth Saints Aquila Whereas yee haue shewed many things wherein the two measures of faith doe accord and be alike let it not be offensiue to you that I put you in mind of one correspondency between them which it should seeme you thought not vpon and that is this It is common to each degree of faith first to beleeue the promise before they come to any experience feeling or comfort from the apprehension of Gods mercies as in the woman of Canaan who verily beleeued that Iesus was the Messias and would minister helpe to her distressed daughter which was vexed with a Diuell as the Story shewes Mat. 15. 23. when as yet shee had not onely no experience but rather all things went crosse and contrary to her Therefore it was a fault in Thomas who would haue his senses the guide of his faith Except I feele and see saith he I will in no wise beleeue Ioh. 20. 25. whereas our Sauiour pronounced them blessed who beleeue and see not For it is not in supernaturall and diuine as it is in humane and natural things where by our sense and experience we are led but in heauenly matters first of all Gods children giue credit to the promise striuing against in-bred distrust they doe beleeue God to be true who hath spoken the word so as they waite vpon God till in his time he giue the feeling and comfort of that which they trust to be truly promised a marke worthy to be thought on because many esteem of faith by feeling iudging themselues to haue no faith because they want comfortable and ioyous feeling which is not faith but a fruit and consequent of faith in some more in some lesse and sometime none at all as in time of some great triall Apollos No Aquila I am not offended that yee did admonish me hereof I rather thanke you and wish you still to admonish me not withstanding this matter I knew would come further to be spoken of in the prosecution of this doctrine touching the seuerall degrees of faith But to goe forwards I thinke good to deliuer vnto you seuerally the difference betweene these two measures of faith more distinctly fully as their likenesse and agreement hath beene opened And first for the least measure and degree of faith it is this when Christians cannot certainly distinctly say I beleeue my own saluation and the pardon of all my sinnes but being displeased with themselues for their sinnes they doe vnfainedly constantly desire the pardon of them all and their reconciliation with God aboue the whole World yea aboue a world of worlds And this their desire of faith it is a degree of faith the seed and beginning of faith stirred vp by the Spirit of adoption Rom. 8. 26. pleasing God as faith it selfe hauing great promises made to it Mat. 5. 6. Ioh. 7. 37. As that indicious Diuine Master Perkins hath sufficiently proued both in his reformed Catholike and in the Book intituled the Graine of Mustard seede Therefore to let passe the confirmation of that point it is to be now shewed who be the persons in whom this weake faith is to be found which I find to be of two sorts The first is of such who haue but little knowledge by reason whereof their faith must needs be infirme Examples hereof we haue in Scripture in Rahab the Samaritanes Ioh. 4. 42. the Apostles of Christ at their first calling and Cornelius whereof some of them did onely know the promise touching a Messias and did not so much as know Iesus to be the Christ. Others which knew this yet were ignorant by what meanes he should effect the Worlds redemption hauing their heads troubled with conceit
sensitiue life their property is to encrease vnto a certaine proportion whereunto nature aymeth as ye may see in plants and in beasts and birds so it is in the spirituall life it will not stay in beginnings but loueth still to attaine to that proportion and measure appointed to it of God As by the exhortation of Peter may be gathered Grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord 1 Pet. 5. verse last for the faithful doe that which by him they are exhorred to doe and by likening faith to a graine of mustard-seede whose quality is to grow till it be a large tree but though this be the nature of sauing grace to waxe and encrease yet exhortations to quicken mens care they may doe very well Christians are to be called vpon so to be 〈◊〉 and thankfull for euery true measure of true faith as withall they neuer content themselues with any measure labouring after perfection This it is we desire faith Paul euen your perfection 2 Cor. 13. And sure it is the will of God it should be so 1 Thes. 4. 3. I beseech you 〈◊〉 en encrease more and more The which will of God his Children are the rather to hearken vnto because as their faith encreaseth so will all their graces and comforts proportionably encrease for as a man beleeueth so he loueth and so he feareth and so he obeyes and so hee prayes And after the measure of faith and of the fruits thereof so will be the measure of glory hereafter he that had two talents and the other which had fiue by vsing and encreasing them gained this of the Lord to haue rule ouer the more Cities The examples of the Prophets Apostles and other Saints which haue continually striuen to encrease in godlinesse must also stirre vp others to doe the like wherein we shall be followers not of them onely but of Christ Iesus of whom it is reported that he encreased in stature and wisedome and fauour with God and men Luke 2. v. last Aquila If it please ye let mee heare what ye count strength of faith or a strong faith which is the other or second measure of faith before spoken of and whether in this measure also there be not differing measures of strong faith one to be stronger then another and which is the highest pitch of faith that can bee attained vnto here in this our pilgrimage and by what steps the children of God climbe vp thereunto Apollos Friend Aquila you will I see prouide mee worke enough your questions be like a chaine with many linkes which must be loosed not all together for that were a breaking and not a loosing but apart one after another That there is such a measure of faith which deserues to be termed strong it is very plaine by these few Texts following Abraham being strong in faith Rom. 4. 20. And O woman great is thy faith Mat. 15. 28. and of the Centurions faith I haue not saith Christ found so great faith no not in Israel Luke 7. 9. That the Centurion which was a Gentile by nature a Souldier by profession and saw in Christs person for outward appearance nothing saue weakenesse and infirmity should yet haue such firme perswasion of his power and goodnesse hauing no particular promise as to beleeue and to be resolued in his minde that Iesus was able to helpe his sicke seruant and that without his bodily presence or touching onely by speaking the word hee should chase away such an inueterate malady this was a strong faith indeede The like ye may see in Abraham that hee being an hundred yeeres old and his wife barren stricken with age neuer hearing of any before to be made Parents at these yeeres yet without any former example to beleeue vpon the word and promise of God that he should be a father and that of such a childe of whom should come Nations and in whom all nations shuld be blessed and when he was to be sacrificed yet then to be perswaded surely that God would keepe that promise this was a great faith and a strong But this is none of the linkes of your chaine the first whereof is when faith may be counted strong and great when by the worke of the Spirit ones heart is carried beyond that desire of pardon which before was spoken of euen vnto a sure and setled perswasion that through Gods mercies in Christ his owne sinnes are pardoned to him and hee fully reconciled to God vnto the cleere certainty of his owne saluation The weake faith already described is truly perswaded that sinnes may be forgiuen and desires to haue them forgiuen with some certainty to obtaine but this strong faith besides desire and certainty hath setlednesse and fulnesse of perswasion that all is already remitted and couered As it is reported of Abrahams faith that he was fully assured thereby that God which had shewed himselfe willing to promise was also able to doe it Rom. 4. 19. Such a perswasion was in Iob when he could say I will trust in God though he kill me Iob. 13. 15. And againe I know my Redeemer liueth Iob 19. 25. And in Dauid when hee so confidently professed that hee could lacke nothing because God was his Shepheard Psal. 23. 1. and that God was his shield and fortresse his buckler and his strong Sauiour Psal. 18. 1 2. Lastly in Paul and others we know 2 Cor. 5. 1. and Rom. 8. 35. I am perswaded neither height nor depth shall separate vs. Yet take this withall that when I speake of this strong faith that it is a full perswasion I meane it not absolutely as if there were any such strength of faith as hath no weakenesse no wants or defects at all vnlesse haply in some particular thing as in that which was said to Abraham that he should be Father of many Nations wherein it is saide hee was not weake in faith or doubted through vnbeleefe Rom. 4. 19. For all faith as before was saide is vnperfect but strong faith is called a full perswasion in comparison of a weaker faith which hath not such a measure of certainty and perswasion Now to the second linke whether this measure of strong faith doth not admit sundry measures and differences It is true there is so Moses might beleeue more strongly then Iacob and Iob more strongly then Moses and Dauid more strongly then Iob and Paul yet more fully then Dauid and Abraham more strongly then they all Amongst men of strong constitution some may excell others in courage and strength so amongst them which be strong in faith one may exceed another in power of beleeuing but of this strong faith there be two euident degrees The first is of such as throughfull assurance of faith doe feele in their hearts vnspeakable ioy and glorious 1 Pet. 1. 8. euen in tribulations Rom. 5. 3. Others which be fully perswaded in their soules of Gods mercies towards them in Christ and yet are without feeling any
ours for our Iustification For as Adams disobedience done in his owne person is yet the fault of all his Progeny euen to the subiecting them vnto death by Gods imputing it vnto them so is the obedience of Christ in his nature actions and sufferings though it sticke inherently in his manhood yet it is verily ours for forgiuenesse of sinnes and for our accounting righteous by Gods imputation of it vnto vs. The reason why this imputation is so requisite in the worke of our iustification it is apparent because the righteousnesse of Christ being without vs in the humane nature of Christ it can no otherwise become ours for the absoluing vs from our sinnes and getting vs to be accepted as iust in Gods sight then by a free imputation of it vnto vs. God accounting all the righteousnesse of his Sonne vnto the elect sinner to be his owne with the whole merit of it at what time hee beleeueth on his Sonne by a liuely and true faith And this the Scripture plentifully and plainely teacheth that as on Gods part there is this action of imputing Christ his iustice vnto vs so on our part there is required faith to beleeue the promise hereof made vnto vs by his Sonne Therefore it is so often saide that we are iustified by faith and Christ his righteousnesse is called the righteousnesse of faith in many Texts of Paul his Epistles Which is not so to be taken as if either faith were a part of righteousnesse which is wholy in Christ his doings and sufferings or as if the quality and action of faith did deserue remission of sinnes for it is vnperfect as all other graces are in vs and it selfe with the weake action of beleeuing needeth pardon from God neither as any mouing cause of our righteousnesse for it is the onely meere grace and vndeserued loue of God which moues him to offer and giue vs his Sonne with his righteousnesse Therefore it is written We are iustified by grace but we are saide to be iustified by faith as by an Instrument or hand created in the soule by the holy Ghost for this purpose that it may receiue apprehend or lay hold on the perfect iustice of Christ as it is promised and giuen vs of God in his Word of Grace euen the Gospell of Christ. As it is written that by faith we receiue the Sonne of God and the promise of the Spirit and the righteousnesse of God This way and meane of receiuing Christ his iustice by faith being ordained of God as meetest for our humbling and the praise of his owne free grace For when wee are brought once to see that we can bring nothing of our owne to iustifie vs hauing in vs manifest and manifold guiltinesse from Adam and our selues and an vtter emptinesse and depriuation of all righteousnesse and so are driuen to goe out of our selues to borrow and take from another euen from Christ his perfect iustice in his workes and passions performed and haue all this reckoned vnto vs for our owne both for remission of sinnes and for being accounted perfectly rightcous and that done freely by the gracious loue and fauour of God freely giuing his Sonne for vs to death offering him in his Gospel preached freely freely bestowing him with his righteousnesse vpon vs beleeuing in him and also freely working that faith by which alone it is whereby wee receiue both Christ and his iustice the due meditation 〈◊〉 must needs make greatly as for the abasing of our selues who are vtterly by this meanes put from all matter and cause of glorying and reioycing in our selues before God so also for the honour and commendations of Gods infinite loue and grace thus enriching vs with the most perfect righteousnesse of his Sonne vnto the full pardon of all our sinnes and freedom from the whole curse due to them and to the obtaining of such absolute iustice whereby we may stand iust before the seuere iudgement seate of God and worthy of eternall life through the same For this is a necessary consequent of our iustification or righteousnesse imputed euen the right of eternall life restored as it is written The iust by his faith shall 〈◊〉 where the Apostle argueth that righteousnesse is by faith because wee liue by faith Here are then two effects of faith one consequent to the other Faith bringeth vs to Iustice Iustice hath life annexed to it Hence it is saide Rom. 5. 17. That by the gift of this righteousnesse being receiued the Elect reigne in life that is they are made partakers of true and euerlasting life which no more can be seuered from righteousnesse then death from sinne which made the Apostle say that hee did liue because he did beleeue in the Sonne of God For then he began to liue the life which is eternall in Heauen at what time his faith did grapple on Christ his righteousnesse for this is the compact of God to giue life vnto him which keepeth the Law Doe this and liue which the faithfull doe in the person of Christ to whom they are ioyned by faith and therefore the right of life belongeth vnto them So as they can no more be depriued of eternall life in Heauen then Christ who already enioyes it Thus by the double righteousnesse of Christ imputed to the faithful both death damnation is auoided and euerlasting life and blessednesse is attained Apollos By this which you haue spoken so amply of this second fruite of faith to wit of Iustification before God it may appeare that they are deceiued which will haue it to consist onely in remission of sins whereas beside our absolution from sinne by the sufferings of Christ there is also an accounting of Christ his actiue righteousnesse vnto vs for our perfect iustice Secondly that they are in an errour also which doe teach it to be a grace or quality powred into our selues whereby wee leade a iust and holy life by which they say one is iustified Also the ignorant Christians seemeth to be in wofull case who neuer vnderstand what this great benefit meaneth But especially Gods children already called may herein see their owne most happy condition by their calling to the faith of the Gospell For as it fareth with a bondman ransomed out of bondage by his Emperour and aduanced to great dignity and riches or with a poore miserable man imprisoned for debt vnto his Prince and is not onely pardoned his debt but hath a very great treasure heaped vpon him being one which had neuer deserued well nay many wayes very ill of his Prince and from whom his Prince could neuer looke for any benefit and commodity to himselfe yet now by this most franke liberality and grace of his Soueraigne is suddenly of extreme poore and contemptible made very rich and glorious Euen so it fareth with Gods Children being through guilt of sinne and corruption of Nature and by actuall
the meanes of Christ absoluing him from sinne and reconciling him to God he is set in the estate of Gods fauour hath thereby his conscience sweetly quietted enioying this liberty that he may vpon all iust occasions with holy boldnesse and reuerence come to the gracious God and enter into his presence So hee is established to abide and remaine in this happy condition for all eternity so as though through the malice of the Diuell and by his owne vnwarinesse and infirmity hee may be sore assaulted and shaken and take some deepe and dangerous fall yea so farre as for a time and in part hee may lose sundry tokens fruites and gifts and feeling of grace as peace of conscience ioy of the Spirit touching the sense of them cleerenesse of vnderstanding affection to goodnesse feruency of loue boldnesse in confession of God and such like as is very manifest in Dauid and Peter Psal. 51. 7 8 9. Mat. 26. yet he is preserued so sure as hee cannot possibly fall wholly and vtterly or for euer from that grace of attonement and such effects as necessarily depend thereon which they haue attained by the faith of our Lord Iesus Christ. Because God who loueth the Elect in his Sonne is vnchangeable louing to the end also he hath receiued them into an euerlasting couenant promising so to put his feare in them as they shall not haue the will to goe from him as hee neuer hath the will to cast out whom hee hath once embraced being also of almighty power to maintaine them in his fanour committing them to the custody of his Sonne to be kept who will lose none whom the Father hath giuen him by election and which come to him by faith And though they doe often of frailety sinne and that greeuously whereby they deserue to be forsaken perpetually yet are they kept from that vnrecouerable downefall Mathew 12. Hebrewes 6. and by the intercession of Christ haue all their other falles of weakenesse couered and pardoned His Spirit moreouer which is in them and which they haue of God in due time quickening that is dead strengthening that is weake raysing them vp from their falles stirring vp their repentance and faith and enabling them to keepe on their way vntill they come to the goale And therefore this I cōfidently hold vpon the promised grounds would haue all to receiue it as a truth of God which cannot deceiue the Elect being once by a liuely faith vnited to Christ through his Spirit iustified by his righteousnes hauing their sins forgiuen them by his death and reconciled to God to the sound pacification of their conscience before him and enioying this liberty of hauing accesse into the gracious presence of God can neuer by all the powers of hel be quite and wholly pluckt from this grace Howsoeuer they may as I saide lose for a space many fruites of grace and bee further worthy for their offences to lose all for euer if God should deale in rigor as he neuer doth nor will doe with those to whom he is become so propitious in Christ as to iustifie them to be reconciled to them and to admit them as children to come to him as to their kind Father The consideration hereof it is so farre from being to be feared or suspected lest it should breede security and Iull men asleepe in a carnall presumption as on the contrary it is very auailable to quicken and prouoke Gods children to all Christian care and watchfulnesse both because the faithfull are so preserued of God in the estate of Grace as that the same word which teacheth this doth teach also that their owne feare endeuour and vigilancy in the carefull vse of all good meanes and in diligent heed-taking to all their owne wayes is required heereunto as the means of their standing Let him that standeth take heed lest he fall 1 Cor. 10 12. And againe Bee not high minded but feare Rom. 11 20. And againe He that is borne of God preserueth himselfe 1 Iohn 5 18. And secondly because the elect vpon calling to minde such mercies of God towards them as they haue with their calling to faith will be moued vnto great thankfulnes to loue and honor such a God as hath brought them and setled them in such a blisseful sure and steddy condition so as they will not grow bold to offend liue securely if it were but in this regard that they will not bee found ingratefull to such a most kinde Father But when his honour and their owne safety lyeth vpon it that they eschew security and stand vpon their guard this double corde will strongly holde them vnto theyr dutie Aquila Now I would gladly heare you speak something to the fift fruit of our iustification by faith which ye called after the Apostle a Reioycing vnder the hope of the glory of God Where if it please you I wold haue you distinctly to shew mee these three things First what he meaneth by the glory of God Secondly then what is the hope thereof And lastly of reioycing vnder that hope so this fifte fruite will bee euidenced to me the better what it is Apollos In all these I will seeke to satisfie you and that with so few words as such things may well be vttered The glory spoken of Rom. 5 2. it is that blessed celestiall glory which beleeuers shall enioy in Heauen with God and it consistes first in a remoouing from them all manner of sinne and miserie from which they shall be absolutely free the euill of sin and paine shall touch them no more then it shall touch God Secondly in the presence and hauing of al good for soule and body and that in all perfection their bodies being made incorruptible strong bright and glorious as the Starres or Sunne in the Firmament their soules filled with holinesse abounding in all loue of God his Angels and Saintes and God mutually louing and delighting in them And all this as without measure so without all terme or end Earehath not heard eye hath not seene heart cannot conceiue and thinke of the greatnesse of this glory None know it saue such as receiue it This is called the glory of God not only in this regard for that it is his free gift which hee bestoweth on his sonnes and daughters but also for that himselfe liues in it and is infinitely cloathed with this celestial glory He dwels in inaccessible glory his children being made partakers of some beames of it as they are capable yet so farre as to their absolute felicity for euer For the second thing what may bee the hope of that glory It is that certaine and sure expectation of the beleeuing iustified soule to enioy in due time this heauenly glory and whatsoeuer serues to leade thereto as it is certaine of such good things as it enioyeth already For seeing the faithfull do hope for heauenly glory and their hope shall
fauourable vnto them as being well and throughly resolued that howsoeuer the force of Adams disobedience ioyned to their owne sinnes was very great for the spoiling of them of perfect integrity and filling them full of the infection of sinne to the casting them downe from an happy estate to infinite misery yet the grace of Christ in the merit of his passiue and actiue righteousnesse to wit of his sufferings and doings is of far more exceeding might and vertue for the ouercomming of their sinnes and the restoring of them to a farre more surpassing blessednesse then that they lost grace superabounding aboue sinne So as their hearts be replenished with ioy and glorying not onely because of the glory they looke for in Heauen but also in the vnderstanding and beleefe of that wonderous fauour which God the Father in his Sonne Christ and for his sake beareth to them here in their pilgrimage Aquila Ye are at the length come through this large Sea of doctrine touching Iustification and the nine neerest Effects thereof and are arriued safe at the doctrine of sanctification which followeth next in order to be spoken of but that we haue already by our former discourse exceeded the bounds of our appointed time Therefore it were meete we did now after this recreation of minde repaire thither where we may haue some refreshing to our bodies and if it please you Sir to goe with me wee shall finde little fare and great welcome Apollos Agreed friend Aquila so ye will passe your word to me that at our next conference ye will doe as much for my sake I had rather feede with you of your little with such great loue as you will sawce it with all then to haue great aboundance of good cheere with little sound good-will The eighth Dialogue Entreating of Sanctification the third maine fruite of Faith Aquila SIR I am glad ye are come I had so long waited for you that I began to doubt lest you had been someway letted that you could not haue kept appointment which I would haue beene sorry for Apollos No good friend not so I would haue sent you word of it if there had beene any such matter my late comming was occasioned by some vnlooked for affaires It is not with men of my function as it is with you and men of your condition who hauing lookt to your selues and some few which depend on you or haue to deale with you there is an end of your care but our care stretcheth further and is publike not priuate onely Wee know not when wee haue done so many sundry occasions of employment offer themselues so many soule cases so many soule necessities there be Sathan will find vs worke enough wee must be faine to wake when others sleepe and though I will not mention any party to you yet the matter about which I haue been stayed from you I will impart vnto you It was of one that did acknowledge himselfe to beleeue truly vnfainedly in Christ for the remission of his sinnes and yet doubted of his sanctification he found his heart so encombred and toyled with the vile corrupt motions of finne which arise vp in him as hee saide euen like sparkes out of a burning Furnace or as vapours out of a low moist and waterish ground Aquila See the notable malice and subtilty of that old Serpent when hee cannot preuaile against Gods Children in the maine to make them doubt of their faith and whether they haue their sinnes forgiuen them he troubles them about the bye and wil stirre vp doubting about their sanctification whether they be renewed If hee cannot come directly to strike at the heart yet he will haue a blow at the thigh or the leg so as hee may wound any where it is enough to him but with his malice he couples vnmatchable policy for by breeding scruple about our renewing by the Spirit of sanctification his purpose is to draw the temptation vnto this That therefore they haue no faith they are not forgiuen their sinnes they are none of Gods Children Apollos Ye say right and very truly touching Sathans drift in this temptation but herein Sathan declareth himselfe a sot to seeke to perswade one that hath his faith whole and vncrackt and doth beleeue himselfe iustified and pardoned that hee is not sanctified For whomsoeuer Christ iustifieth them at the same time he doth sanctifie These two workes in the soule of a Christian can no more be diuided then the two natures of God and man can be diuided in Christ for that death of Christ which hath merited remission of sinnes to the beleeuer the same hath merited the holy Ghost to be giuen him for the creating of holinesse in his heart And that faith which apprehends the merit of Christs death and obedience for iustification doth also lay hold vpon the vertue and power of his death and resurrection for the renewing of the minde and will vnto Gods Image of holinesse and righteousnesse Faith doth as well purifie the heart from filthinesse as deliuer it from guiltinesse of sinne Acts 15. And God the Father which gaue his Sonne to be righteousnesse made him also to be sanctification to vs not onely in that his holinesse imputed couereth all our prophanenesse of nature and life but for that the effects of his most holy Nature powred into our corrupt nature changeth both minde and will from darknesse of ignorance and sinne to the light of knowledge and holinesse Therefore Iustification and Sanctification be ioyned in Scripture as Chickens of one broode 1 Cor. 6. And Paul when hee had named the Ephesians Saints by calling and presently addeth the faithfull in Christ Iesus he would teach not onely who be worthy to be entitled Saints but also how the Elect come by this grace euen through faith in Christ Iesus faith as an Instrument receiuing as well the Spirit of Christ vnto sanctification or making vs Saints as his righteousnesse vnto iustification that wee may stand iust And thus faith of the truth and sanctification of the Spirit are put both together 2 Thes. 2. because they cannot be seuered but it is of necessity that he that beleeueth the truth of the promise for forgiuenesse of sin hath a power from the Spirit applying the vertue of Christ dead and raised for the destruction of sinne that he may walke holily And now we are thus put vpon this argument of sanctification if it please you wee will consider of it more distinctly and throughly Let me heare of you by what names this gift vseth to be called in Scripture and amongst Diuines and then how ye doe describe sanctification what be the causes and parts of this benefit in what measure we hold it how it is to be discerned in a mans selfe by what markes and such other things as doe concerne this doctrine Aquila As vnion with Christ incorporation into him engrafting or coniunction or communion with Christ doe all import
one thing or being one with Christ and as iustification and imputation of righteousnesse remission of sinnes be often vsed to signifie one thing the absolution of a sinner before the tribunall of God so there be certaine words as regeneration renewing or renouation and sanctification which import one selfe-same action and worke of the Spirit euen that whereby the corruption of sinne as touching the dominion and the power which it doth exercise before our calling is destroyed till it selfe at length bee wholy abolished and in stead thereof a new quality of holinesse put into the faculties of the soule that it may begin to loue and doe such things as are pleasing vnto God till it come at last to perfection by certaine degrees This worke or action of the Spirit it is called renouation or renewing because of that new grace and quality powred into the mind and will the former corruption which is called the olde man being killed As in the first worke of creation hee that was nothing before was made a man so in this worke of renouation or new creation hee that was naught before is made good as if a new man were borne Hence also it is called Regeneration or new birth indcede not properly nor fitly for our regeneration is the same with our incorporation or vnion with Christ wherby we become his members euen one body with him For as by generation we haue our being in this World and take the essence or nature of our Parents to become their Children so by regeneration wee haue our being of Christianity to become the members of Christ sonnes of God being before children of wrath and members of Sathans kingdome sonnes of Adam Thus doth our Sauiour himselfe teach vs to vnderstand it for hauing saide Iohn 1. 12. That such as beleeue in Christ are the sonnes of God he presently addeth Which are borne not of bloud c. but of God To declare this vnto vs that our new birth or regeneration is the making of vs the sonnes of God by faith and not the furnishing vs with such qualities and properties as belong to such as bee already sons Howbeit for as much as most Diuines and best learned men doe confound regeneration and sanctification I doe therefore follow that commonly receiued iudgement and by regeneration vnderstand that framing of the heart to Gods Image in righteousnesse and true holinesse which because it is an immediate consequent of our new birth wherein wee are begotten to be sonnes and daughters of God and as it were the putting of another and new nature into vs euen that diuine as Peter calleth it therefore is vsually called by the name of new birth Now for the last word of sanctification whereas that word is somtimes generally vsed in Scripture to signifie all that euen whatsoeuer it is that we haue from or is done in vs by Christ and is as much as our 〈◊〉 from the rest of this sinfull World to remaine and be vnto Christ as a thing consecrate to him yet in this argument where we distinguish it from vnion with Christ and iustification it is that speciall worke of the Spirit renewing vs in the spirit of our mind vnto a new man which after God is created in righteousnesse and holinesse of truth as Saint Paul speaketh Ephesians 4. 23 24. Or more briefly it is that worke of God whereby our corruption by little and little is abolished and holinesse perfected by degrees For in this worke though Christ minister a power to the beleeuer by his Spirit against sinne to master it and to doe the will of God yet it is not absolute at the first so as by it all sinne should be vtterly done away not at all to be in the soule and a strength giuen perfectly to worke good for then the Law might be fulfilled of vs in this life and then wee should iustifie our selues and 〈◊〉 died in vaine and we neede not his mediation to make our workes accepted But whereas in sinne beside the guilt and condemnation wherein we are wrapt and from which our Iustification hath freed vs and in stead thereof hath put vpon vs righteousnesse vnto life there is also in it a tyranny dominion and power which by the iust iudgement of God it exerciseth euen ouer the very Elect who are the seruants of sinne and doe willingly offer the faculties of their soules and parts or members of their body as weapons and instruments to fight and warre 〈◊〉 corruption that the will and lusts the desires and motions of sinne may be done as it is to be seene Rom. 6. 13. 17 c. Now in this worke of our Sanctification there is strength force giuen to the beleeuing soule against this tyranny of sinne to beate it downe and subdue it to keepe it as vnderling that howsoeuer it dwell and remaines there egging to euill and still soliciting and prouoking against God yet it wants now much of his former vigour and might so as it cannot reigne and rage with full swinge as it was wont to carry vs headlong after all vngodlinesse vnrighteousnesse this we get by our Sanctification Apollos Now let me entreate you to open the seuerall parts of it with the causes and hereafter wee may consider of the measure Aquila This is it which I was minded to doe in the next place after I had shewed what the whole worke of Sanctification is then to lay it out into his parts and by the members laide out particularly the better to discouer the whole body of this worke Diuines vse to make two parts and that according to Scripture The first is 〈◊〉 or crucifying of the old man which hath two degrees First the death of sinne Secondly the buriall of sinne which is the progresse of the death of sinne In respect hereof the faithfull are saide to be crucified with Christ and their body of sinne to be crucified with him Rom. 6. 6. And also to be dead to sinne to be baptized into his death to be dead with him to be buried with him Rom. 6. 2 3 8. The second part of our Sanctification is our walking in new nesse of life or quickening the new man or liuing to God Rom. 6. 4. In which respect wee are said to be raysed vp together with Christ and to liue with him Phil. 3. 1. Rom. 6. 8. Here then we haue with the parts of Sanctification the true cause thereof deliuered to vs which I will for better vnderstanding thus declare and set forth according as I conceiue of it The first part of Sanctification is the death of sinne or dying to sinne which is when that the strength of our sinnefull corrupt Nature is taken downe and by degrees weakened as the body of Christ languished by degrees vpon the Crosse so as sinne cannot bring forth such euill fruites in thoughts words and deedes as it did while wee were vnder the power of it This is
effected by force of Christs death applied vnto vs for that same diuine power of Christ which sustained his manhood in the suffering of death and gaue it merit to deserue for vs remission of sinnes the same godhead and diuine power worketh in the members of Christ thereby the death and mortification of sinne that it should be lessened in force as well as it wipeth away the guilt of their sinnes Hence it is saide Our sinne is dead by his body and againe Our old man is crucified with him because the body of Christ crucified did deserue for vs that his diuine power should kill and crucifie sinne in them which beleeue in his death The second part of Sanctification is the buriall of sinne which is the continuall proceeding of mortification euen as buriall is the proceeding of death sinne wasting in the Elect touching his vigour and strength euen as corpes waste and moulder in the graue this is wrought by Christ buried whiles that diuine might which preserued the body of Christ in the graue without putrifaction doth effect in the members of Christ by meanes of his buried body a greater degree of mortification euen to the burying and casting mould as it were on their sinnes then they are saide to be buried with him The third part of Sanctification is the quickening of the new man which consists of two parts to wit holinesse containing all vertues and duties whereby we are fitted for the loue and worship of God 2 Righteousnesse which hath all such vertues and duties as enable to loue and profit our neighbour in all things which concerne him This proceedeth from Christ raised againe from the dead that same diuine vertue which wrought in Christs body for the quickening and raising it being dead working also in the soules of his members in whom sinne is already wounded by his death and buriall for their raising vp and quickening vnto godlinesse that they may liue to God hauing strength to practise and doe the workes of God as before they did the workes of sinne For the Elect being coupled to Christ by faith and being one with his manhood touching the substance of it yet spiritually are also one with the godhead touching the efficacy thereof whence it is that the godhead which vttered force and might in Christ to vphold him in his death preseruing him from corruption in his graue and to raise him againe the third day the same godhead powerfully effecteth in Christs members the mortification of sinne by his death and buriall and newnesse of life by his resurrection As the graft which is set in a new stocke taketh iuyce and life from that stock into which it is newly planted so the faithfull partake of the vertue and power of Christ dead and raised with whom they haue communion being grafted into him by his Spirit through faith But this power of Christ communicated to the beleeuers to the killing of sinne and to the quickening of them to God and all godlinesse it doth not effect this worke all at one time but after a long time bringeth it to perfection They therefore are in a dangerous errour such as tendeth to the making of such swel as do beleeue it for truth and others to tremble which feare it may be a truth namely that the grace of Sanctification doth perfectly deliuer from sinne in this life so as thereby one shall be able to liue here without doing any sinne which is the next way to pitch downe headlong to despaire such as find not this perfection or to lift vp vnto hellish pride such as dreame they haue such a perfection Besides the falshhood of it all Scriptures both examples and testimonies crying the contrary and euery mans owne conscience and experience proclaiming aloude that we neuer ceasse to sinne till wee ceasse to liue and that the breath of sinne and our breath be both at once stopped In so plaine and vndoubted a matter proofe is needlesse yet the forme of prayer by Christ appointed to all Christians to be vsed of them as a prayer and patterne of all prayers to be made by them in their pilgrimage enioyning them to aske forgiuenesse of sinnes past to craue deliuerance from temptations of Sathan and sinne for the time to come and the Sacrament of the Supper which belongeth not to men which want nothing but to such as hauing many and great wants do in the sence of them hunger after Christ and his graces and finally the chastisements of God common to all his children which are corrected of God to preuent future faults and offences especially that iudgement of death which taketh hold of all doe demonstrate to euery one that is not wilfully blind that there is none of all the Saints which here in this World doe or can liue without sinne Therefore it will be good to spare this labour and in stead of prouing this which were as if one would bring a candle to giue light to the Sunne to declare rather the ends of Gods counsell therein and withall seeing sanctified persons haue still sinne stirring and striuing in them and bringing forth most loathsome fruites how they may perceiue that they haue the grace of Sanctification Apollos Friend Aquila I doe well allow of your purpose for I am of this minde that for many proofes in matters not darke nor doubtfull nor of great profit it is but waste time and rather bewrayes the vanity of the speaker his indiscretion at least then any whit auailes the hearer may it please you then to goe to those points which you haue propounded and sithence it is so that it had beene as easie for God in the regenerating of his Elect to haue freede them vtterly of sinne and put into them absolute holinesse as he did at first create man righteous voide of all corruption and this had beene much better for vs as one would thinke at once to be rid of such an enemy and had also more expressed Gods power to haue quelled it at one blow rather then by many strokes what might therefore be the reason why it is otherwise that his children after sanctification not onely haue sin still abiding but more troublesome to them then before Aquila That it hath pleased God to haue it thus the matter it selfe speaketh and being he is most wise therefore he will haue it so for most iust causes For touching his power there is no doubt but thereby he could haue caused it to be otherwise for how could not he quit the soule and body from sinne in the time of life that can doe it at death in one instant and his goodnesse is such that had it been more expedient for his children to haue had it so it had surely beene so But the truth is Gods way as in all other things so in this is the best way For as it was Gods wonderful mercy at all to giue them sanctification in any measure and so to put them out of that 〈◊〉
though he cannot absolutely keep the Law to fulfil it in the strictnesse thereof by doing all that good that is commanded there and that vnto the end and in all perfection of loue nay there be sundry good duties and workes which our regenerate man through ignorance cannot so much as attaine to the knowledge of so large and broade be the Commandements and so narrow and dull is our capacity yet as he is sanctified throughout hauing all his powers of spirit soule and body well and aptly disposed by grace to doe good so he endeauoureth to know better euery day what his worke is which is prescribed him to doe and also to performe it in euery part so farre as it is knowne with such perfection as he can doing his worke in truth and vprightnesse though with wants and weaknesse so as he balkes no duties He will not play the Pope to giue himselfe dispensation for any good worke which he is bound to doe doe it neuer so much goe against his stomacke and contrary his corrupt iudgement and affection his profit or delight yet his heart standeth with the Law Rom. 7. 16. and with that hee will take part euen against his owne lusts repenting him earnestly of his failings in duty whether it come of ignorance or infirmity being still more desirous to come neerer and neerer to God in true righteousnesse Hence it is that the godly are saide in Scripture to walke in all the wayes of God as 〈◊〉 2 Kings 22. 2. to haue kept the Statutes and Testimonies of God as Dauid Psal. 119. to haue walked in all the Commandements of God without reproofe as Zachariah and Elizabeth Luke 1. 5 6 7. to haue pleased God in all things as the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. 9. to haue walked perfectly as Ezekiah because howsoeuer they could not for measure and manner doe all in an absolute fulnesse so as there should be no fault yet for desire care and endeauour they stroue to doe all which they could know and their heart was vpright in one duty as well as in another and so performed a perfection of parts as the Schoolemen speake It being quite otherwise with the vnregenerate man who as he still will cherish some sinne so he doth omit some duty good work knowne to be his duty and as necessary as any which he doth either because it thwarteth his carnall liking and fancy or pincheth him in his gaine or some other thing which is deare to him Herod will doe many things at Iohns preaching and Iehu is zealous in many things for the Lord Simon Magus will conforme himselfe to the word in sundry duties but their practise hated it is a maimed practise There were some good workes which they would not be brought to doe as there were some sinfull affections which they could not be made to put off for their heart was not right before God Acts 8 21. they were not seasoned with his true feare therefore their repentance was counterfeit in action rather then in affection in shew not in verity Aquila Sir this was well remembred It is indeede a maine matter and it is also a certaine truth that the childe of God being in the worke of his Sanctification nenewed though not perfectly yet throughout in euery faculty of his soule bearing now the Image of God his Father not in part but in whole carrying his resemblance in righteousnesse and holinesse and his heart framed vnto sincerity therefore he is renewed not to an halfe obedience but to all obedience that is in all duties which pertaine to him so as his will and purpose of heart is so farre as measure of grace will allow and enable him with readinesse to doe whatsoeuer the Lord shall say vnto him either for leauing euill vndone or for doing that which is good That which was Dauids resolution and care to haue respect to all the Commandements of God Psal. 119. 6 it is though not in such degree of grace the care and affection of euery repentant person to keepe couenant with no sinne but to disclaime and depart from all to omit willingly no good worke but to honour God by an vniuersall subiection to the Law so farre as concernes them in euery good worke submitting themselues to the mercy of God in Christ for forgiuenesse of that wherein they slip caking afterward better heede to their wayes But now Sir may it please you this being recouered which wee had in a manner lost that we proceed in our purpose and tell me is it of necessity that true Repentance be accompanied with good workes of all sorts Apollos After the doctrine of Repentance ye doe in very good time moue me for the doctrine of good workes which follow Repentance as the shadow doth the body and flow from it as a Riuer from the Fountaine or as fruite springeth from the tree Repentance lying hid in the heart as the iuyce or sappe in the roote of the tree vttereth it selfe by good workes as by meet and conuenient fruites This is it which we may marke in the Scripture how the holy Ghost hath matched repentance and good works together shewing that they should repent and doe workes worthy of Repentance Acts 26. 20. Againe Repent and doe the first workes Reuel 2. 5. Also Bring therefore fruits worthy of Repentance Mathew 3. 8. Where it is to be noted that a good worke is called a fruite not onely to shew how God accepteth them euen as a pleasant fruite is accepted of him that dresseth a Vineyard or an Orchard but in respect as they come from Repentance as a fruite from a Tree And whereas he calleth it a fruite worthy of Repentance he meaneth such workes as be meet for such persons to doe as haue repented Consider also that it cannot be that a man inwardly should loue that which is righteous and hate iniquity in his soule but hee must needs outwardly expresse it as occasion and meanes be offered so as that Repentance may be worthily suspected to be false where good workes doe not follow there is no true change in the heart where there is none seene in the life If we search the Scriptures we cannot find any who haue repented in truth but they haue beene afterwards carefull to doe good workes To omit other examples whereof Scripture affoords vs store take one or two in stead of all Zacheus repented and his repentance was fruitfull witnessing it selfe by good workes both by retribution of goods euilly gotten and by distributing of well gotten goods also by a cheerefull entertainment of Christ. The conuerted theefe as little space as he had after his conuersion yet how many wayes did his repentance declare it selfe namely by the reproofe and admonition of his fellow by admirable patience by godly prayer by iustifying and defending Christ his innocency when he was condemned of all the Iewes and doing it before them euen to their faces also by confessing
workemanship of God created to good workes c. Ephe. 2. 10. His owne Spirit framing them to doe good inspiring them with the motions and will and enabling them with the power to doe them As it is written The will and the deede are both of God Phil. 2. 13. Hence are good workes called Fruites of the Spirit Galat. 5. 22. Thereby to teach vs that good workes being wrought in the regenerate by the operation of the Spirit therefore they are accepted and pleasing to God euen as fruite is pleasant to the taste Secondly he liketh them as parts of his owne Image which he loueth wheresoeuer he findeth euen as a father doth loue a sonne that is like himselfe Beside as they are done of his faithfull children in whom he is pleased and be testimonies of their faith and tend to the setting foorth of his owne glory so they are gratefull to him And to the end that he may take delight in them he purgeth away all the spots which through our corruption doe sticke vnto them wiping them away by the effectuall application of the bloud and death of Christ which hath the force of intercession in Heauen comming between the iustice of his Father and mans 〈◊〉 which still abideth in his members So as being cleansed by the imputation of Christ his sacrifice and perfect obedience to the working beleeuer hereof it commeth to passe that God beholdeth in their workes nothing saue that which is his owne being all forgiuen and couered the rest being his he is maruellously delighted in it yea so farre as to crowne it with an euerlasting reward First hee giues the power to doe good then crownes his owne gift The places of Scripture are well knowne to euery one exercised therein where the Lord promiseth reward yea great reward not alone to the greatest workes of Christianity as suffering reproaches scornes losses death for Christ but euen to the meanest and lowest as to the feasting of the poore Luke 14. 12. to the giuing of a 〈◊〉 of cold 〈◊〉 to a Disciple or Prophet for Christ his sake Mat. 10. 42. And at the last day the feeding of the hungry clothing the naked visiting the imprisoned Christians shall haue the Crowne of immortall glory and blessing Mat. 25. awarded to them no lesse then to the feeding and guiding the Church which is the weightiest and worthiest worke of godlinesse 1 Pet. 5. 5. Whereby it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 well God liketh of the voperfect good deede of his Children when for a few workes done in a moment and of no great value he is content to render glory euen an immortall weight of it Aquila This it is that moueth many to thinks that there is in good workes a power to merit because a reward is promised to them but what may be the reason that seeing there is no merite in any mans worke yet workes should be rewarded Apollos Besides the consideration of imperfections spiritual pollutions which be in our best workes as we haue heard which hath caused the godly that they would not trust to their owne godlinesse but haue euer appealed to the mercy seate of Christ Iesus furthermore our workes are not our own but come from his free Spirit and are a due debt which wee owe to God our Creator and Redeemer so as we haue done but what we ought when wee haue done all Luke 17. There being also no equality betweene the infinitenesse of heauenly blisse and our finite labours in well doing therefore there can be no merite in them neither is there any cause to looke for any merite from them there is sufficiency enough of merit in the works and passions of our Lord to deserue for vs eternall glory Howbeit it pleaseth God to make vnto our workes a gracious promise of reward in his Word which speaking according to our capacity who giue rewards to men in the end of the day after all their labour and worke is finished as in them who wrought in the Vineyard Mathew 20. Thence it is that eternall life being bestowed on the faithfull after all their labours and trauaile taken in the seruice of their most good God in the end and euening of their life is called a reward and a reward it is not a merite A reward freely giuen for his goodnesse promise sake to them that beleeue in his Sonne there being not any temporall benefit no not a peece of bread which otherwise commeth to their hand then by free mercy and not a reward of debt and desert as if either the worthinesse of the worke simply considered or as it is dipped and died in the blood of Christ could binde God to vs make him a debter it being that which Christ hath done in himselfe and not that which he hath wrought in vs that hath merited our saluation in heauen and all things which belong thereunto Yet such is the bounty of our heauenly Father that as naturall Parents by promised gifts and rewards stirre vp their children to do what otherwise is their duty so hee prouokes and quickens the slow dulnesse of his children and by rewards as spurres in their sides egges and excites thē to the doing of that which otherwise by duty they are manifoldly and strongly bound to doe And these rewards they are neither meane nor few but both worthy and many yea sundry and of diuers kinds first bodily or worldly for godlinesse hath euen the promises of this life secondly spirituall to wit encrease of spirituall graces as it is written To him that hath more shal be giuen and he shall haue abundance Lastly eternall euen the Crowne of life the Paradise of God rest from labour the tree of life which are promised to such as ouercome Reuel 2 7. and 3 5. and 14 13. Now the intention of God in offering such great manifold recompence being this to quicken his owne vnto all manner of loue and obedience towards him it is therefore very meete and lawfull yea necessarie that Gods children should by such encouragements hearten themselues in their course For howsoeuer it be fit and requisite that the will of our heauenly Father and his glory be first lookt vnto that our loue to his word and to the praise of his name do set vs on worke to do our duties as we may haue this testimony that in our seruice of God and in all the good workes which wee do we seeke not our selues but the pleasing and praise of God by doing that which he commandeth yet afterward and as it were in the second place we may turne our eyes vnto the reward promised vs thereby to helpe our slacknesse and slownesse to good considering that our labour in the Lord shall not bee in vaine but bring foorth a great haruest of comfort and blisse in the end wee reaping eternall ioyes of those things which heere we did sow to the spirit As Moses encouraged himself to care
our good workes which they shall see may be moued more readily to hearken to that truth that worketh so mightily in vs. Therefore Peter counselleth faithfull wiues by their good workes to winne their vnbeleeuing husbands 1 Peter 3. 1. Also 1 Cor. 7. 16. For how knowest thou O woman whether thou shalt saue thy vnbeleeuing Husband But if any be vnconuerted and belong not to God these by our good workes shal haue their mouthes stopped that they cannot speake euill of vs or of our Religion For so is the will of God that with well doing we may stop the ignorance of foolish men 1 Peter 2. 15. Towards such as be already conuerted and become faithfull our good workes haue their proper vse either to confirme and strengthen them if they be weake in the faith as Christ saith to Peter Confirme thy brethren Luke 22. 32. Or else to comfort and reioyce such as be strong as Iohn reioyceth because the elect Lady and her children walked in the truth 2 Iohn 2. And Paul is greatly comforted by the faith and godlinesse of the Philippians Philip 3. 5. Insomuch as that which is spoken of the Vine and the fruite thereof Iudg. 9. 13. agreeth better to good workes the fruites of our faith that by them God and men are cheered Which should exceedingly worke preuaile with all good men to doe them and to doe them yet more cheerefully and plentifully not onely because as we vse to say of things we buy there is the more to put into the Inuentory so the more good workes we haue the more there is to further our reckoning but that our name may shine as the Sun in brightnesse our faith and saluation be sealed our God glorified our Religion beautified our Neighbour edified in his soule by godly admonition refreshed in his body and bowels by the fruits of our mercy and loue finally Sathan and our aduersaries confounded And for the better furthering of our selues in the practise of them let vs further remember these few things that our life is short oportunity will be taken away from vs therefore while we haue time let vs doe all the good we can considering that we haue lost much time already and heretofore haue done many things to the displeasure and discredite of so gracious a God Moreouer we haue receiued many fauours from God namely remission of all our sinnes and adoption by Christ sanctification by his Spirit with infinite other benefits for soule or body Let these mercies encrease constraine our loue to well doing and set vs on fire with zeale of good workes seeing Christ purgeth vs from our iniquitie to the end that we should be a peculiar people feruently giuen to doe good Titus 2. 14 15. And as we like to see other things fruitfull our Kine and Sheepe our Orchards our Fields so let it be our care and loue to see our selues fruitfull as it were our shame and reproach to be barren that wee may be like vnto Iesus Christ our head of whom it is written in the Gospell That he went about dooing good c. and that hee did all things well that we treading now in the steps of his faith and loue obedience and patience wee may at length reigne with him in glory For such as follow him now in the pathes of godlinesse shall hereafter sit with him at his Table in his Fathers Kingdome whither Christ Iesus safely and speedily bring vs for his name sake Amen The ninth part of the Dialogue Of particular good Workes first concerning God Of the Loue of God Apollos NOw Neighbour Aquila your constancy in following this conference makes me thinke you are like him of whom it is written That where hee beginnes a good worke he will finish it You haue taken in hand a good worke and you are desirous to accomplish it and to tell you truth so am I too and now that we draw toward an end let vs keepe close to it till we arriue where we would be there is nothing so hard but constant labour will ouercome it at last Aquila Constancy in any thing aduisedly taken vp is a very commendable thing but Sir according to your counsell let vs fall to our worke● Wee haue spoken of good workes generally wee are now to handle some especiall good workes which are more excellent and necessary and whereupon all the rest doe depend what choyce shall we make what good workes shall we single out from the rest therein to spend our time Apollos My aduice is this Whereas good works be all duties whereby either God or our neighbour be serued and benefited and the duties which we owe to God are cheefe as cause and ground of the rest first we will cull out such principall good workes as concerne God immediately namely the loue of God 2. his feare 3. of trust in him 4. thankesgiuing 5. prayer 6. reuerence towards his name 7. sanctifying his Sabbach and lastly of patience in suffering and then wee will descend to such fruites of faith and repentance as do belong to our neighbour For the first and great commandement is to loue God with all the heart and next to loue my neighbor as my selfe Aquila I do well approne of this order not onely because I know no better but because I iudge it to bee the best and fittest Let me then heare you tel me what it is to loue God wherefore wee stand bound to loue him and what it is that begets in vs the loue of God And then if ye wil declare the measure and manner of this loue how much it ought to bee and how it may be discerned to be in vs withall of the effects which this loue will be get in his children Apollos Loue is such an affection of the heart as desireth to be knit and neerely ioyned to the thing or party loued This is the nature of loue so to carry the heart with desire vnto that which is loued as nothing will content till it be enioyed and had The trueth of this may appeare in that loue which is inordinate and also in all well gouerned loue The theefe the adulcerer the gamester the couetous are by their loue such as they beare to their booty their whores their game and gaine so possessed as they are then quyet and not before when they haue and bee ioyned in one to that which they loue as their parting from the thing loued and losing it is their greefe yea sometime their death so their being with it and hauing it is their contentment and ioy and life Stories and experience afford vs sufficient proofe heereof We see the Gamester neuer well but when hee is at dice or cardes or other game The Fornicator is neuer at rest vnlesse he bee with his harlot The Couetous man is best pleased when he lookes vpon or fingereth money Now in well-gouerned loue it is right so whether it bee naturall or humane or
3. Now by the tryall of afflictions all these come to a sight and discerning themselues As it is written I haue tempted thee to know what was in thy heart Deuteronomy 10. 12 that is it was meete to make thee know what is in thy selfe whereof it will follow that such as tooke themselues to be full of grace as they in Reuel 3. 17. We are rich and full and need nothing finding themselues poore and empty either will be driuen to Christ or left without excuse Such as find they haue great strength of faith which thought they had but a small faith and they also that presumed of more then by experience they see in themselues the one shall be prouoked to more thankfulnesse and ioy the other to more humblenesse and feare and both to a greater patience considering the good that comes to them by such tryals For it is a great mercy of God in the tryall of his children to enable them to know themselues better and to behold more clearely both what they already haue and what they want that they may so ioy for the one as by the other they may be stirred to an holy feare and earnest prayer for encrease It is the greatest wisdome to know our selues and our tryals doe teach vs this wisedome for which cause they are with all patience to be endured especially sithence to them which are tryed and doe endure there is promised A Crowne of glory in the life to come Iames 1. 12. And euen in this life the godly in tryals and afflictions hauing stucke to God and followed his truth without shrinking and so conceiuing better then before their troubles that their faith is strong and their loue to God it is not for his benefits but for himselfe they are by this experience much encouraged to praise God and to proceede more chearefully in the rest of their course and more and more to despise the wicked suggestion of Sathan calling their faith and loue in question both being proued to be sound inasmuch as euen in great tryals they still trusted in God and their heart was still towards him to loue and obey him as Dauid saith Princes arose and spoke against mee yet did I not forget thy Law Psal. 119. Againe The proud haue me in derision yet did I not decline from thy Word Of Tryall by conflict of Conscience with sinne Aquila OF all the tryals of Gods Children which doe you hold to be greatest and fullest of difficulty to endure and glory to ouercome Apollos Amongst the tryals of Gods children some are but easie as to keep some earthly good things from them which others haue and they desire or to denie successe to their labours or to grant but small successe or to deferre the hearing of their prayers for a time and some lesse reproaches and hinderances in their name estate other trials be yet harder as the spoyling of their goods losse of liberty by imprisonment or banishment strange and long sicknesses in all which they haue for grounds of their patience the will of God who allotteth these things to them his promise of turning all things to the best for them the example of the Saints which haue beene put to endure the 〈◊〉 and also haue been both sustained in them and well brought through them but of all the trials their patience is most proued and approued by their enduring the conflict of conscience for sinne and the suffering of mattyrdome for the Golpell This double tryall for their sharpenesse and fiercenesse may well be called the fiery Tryall when either the conscience within is frighted and astonished with feare of hell fire for the offence of God by sinne or the body without is put to abide the flames of a temporary materiall fire for the name of Iesus and sure the former inuisible tryall is almost vnsupportable It is wondrous vncomfortable when the poore conscience hath sinne to surcharge and sting it Sathan to accuse the Law to threaten God also appearing as a bitter enemie shewing himselfe in great wrath as a seuere Iudge to condemne the mercifull promises and all things else that should breed comfort with-drawne from the eye of faith or faith so dimmed and daunted that it cannot looke vp to Christ. This is indeed a heauy tryall while a mans spirit is firme and strong it beares out all afflictions but when the spirit it selfe is wounded who can beare that Christ saith That if the salt that seasoneth other things haue lost his saltnosse wherewith saith he shall it be seasoned and if the eye which is the light of the body be darke how great is that darknesse So may I say of the spirit and heart of a godly man which comforteth him in all his troubles if that be dismayed and wounded how great is that discomfort Againe in other afflictions and tryals of Gods people this is the stay of their minds and the chief prop of their patience that though diuels and men be against them yet God is with them they see his helpe and aide ready to support and deliuer but here in this soule-tryal God himselfe shewes himselfe as an enemy offended for breach of his Law as armed with wrath and ready to take vengeance Thus it was with Iob in his tryall who thought God to be his enemy complayning that he had written bitter things against him and that hee had set him as a butte to leuell at and to shoote his arrowes against Thus it fared with holy Dauid and infinite others the Saints who could perceiue in God for the time and fit of their temptation no other but fury indignation and hot displeasure Psal. 6. 72. Psal. 22. 1 2. The Children of God neuer vtter their impatiency more then in this case so farre as they haue proceeded euen to challenge and charge God breaking forth in their infirmities into contumelies censuring him very hardly as if he were too rigorous and extreme yet for all this that their patience is so sore shaken it is still vpheld and made to endure vntill it ouercome at the last Remember the patience of Iob and what end it had Iames 5 11. The grounds of their patience in this their deepe tryall be these first the consideration of Gods soueraignty and absolute power ouer all men whom he may sist at his pleasuee and glorifie himselfe in vs by what way he will Secondly his exceeding great mercies and truth which will not suffer him to tempt aboue our strength nor to with-hold an happy issue Lastly the examples of others especially of the Sonne of God who tasted and drunke of the same Cup feeling in his soule the sharpe wrath and wrestling with the strict iustice of his displeased Father so as in his present sence he had nothing but discomfort Who being thus tryed euen with the sence of his Fathers hottest ite hauing his countenance seuerely set against him to the working of griefe distresse and perplexity in his holy conscience knoweth how
other things and to be willing if neede require to forgoe euen life it selfe for his sake for such is the malice of Sathan and of the wicked his children against Christian Religion and the true fauourers and followers thereof as they doe watch all oportunities of raysing vp not onely ordinary molestations but fiery persecutions against them And againe it pleaseth God after times of peace and long calmes of prosperity to send a storme and tempest of persecution and martyrdome to discouer hypocrites and to shew who be sound Christians who follow God for his blessings and who professe him of loue Therefore it is necessary that euery one be found ready and well furnished with faith and patience to be willing and able to abide the worst For as in warre when a field is pitched fought all the Souldiers that fight are not slaine yet are they all subiect to the Sword howsoeuer many escape aliue so in this warfare against Sathan and the World all are lyable to this great tryall of martyrdome though it please God to spare and free many from vndergoing it yet all by nature and condition of their profession are subiect to it and are to make reckoning and so to fit themselues as if time change for nothing is more changeable they may not be to seeke of their weapons This is it then which I doe determine according to the Word that forasmuch as all Christians are Christs billed Souldiers and haue taken the presse money to serue him to the death Ephe. 6. 5 6 7 And all ought to be as an house built vpon a rocke firme and constant Mat. 7. 24 And Paul the Apostle prayeth for the beleeuing Christians Colos. 1. that they may be strengthened to patience And also it is written That whosoeuer put their hand to the Plough and looke backe are vnfit for the Kingdome of Heauen Luke 9. 62. And all that will liue godly in Christ must suffer persecution 2 Tim. 3. 12. And finallie that by many tribulations we shall enter into the Kingdome of Heauen Acts 14. 22. Therefore howsoeuer it may seeme good vnto God to bring men to their graue in peace yet to euery Christian there is a necessity of resolution and preparation for martyrdome Touching your other demand what duties are to be done of such as will duly prepare and addresse themselues for such a tryall As this is a part of our wisedome to forethinke that persecution may arise and of our piety to be ready and willing to embrace it when it comes so it is further required of all godly wise Christians to prepare themselues as Marriners against a storme and to exercise themselues as Souldiers against the day of battle Now the exercise of a Christian to fit himselfe for the tryall of Martyrdome consisteth in these things first to labour for a sound iudgement in matters of faith that first vpon sound instruction hee beleeue 〈◊〉 and distinctly the truth of Religion and so there will follow a franke and vndaunted confession according to that that is written I beleeued and therefore I spake 2 Cor. 4. 13. Whereas the vnsetled and vnseasoned Christian being either ignorant or but wauering wi'l proue vnstable in his way Iames 1. 8. Secondly to this must be ioyned a through labouring in the mortification of the corrupt lusts of our sinfull nature and a deniall of our selues because Scripture teacheth what experience hath confirmed that such as liue in pleasure diuers sinnes lacking the spirit of mortification being otherwise learned and leading a ciuill life haue proued back-slyders and more dishonoured God thereby in one houre then all their life long they gained him glory He had not neede immoderately to loue the World or to hold any sinnes deare to him that must part from his owne life in Christs quarrell The mortisied man therefore is the likeliest and fittest man to make a Martyr such as being engrafted into Christ his death haue got power to die to sinne are meetest persons to die for the Gospell of Christ. Vnto all which there must be added a serious meditation of such Scriptures as foretell of persecutions for the name of Christ and diligent and often calling to minde the examples of such as haue valiantly endured losse of goods and life for the Lord Iesus with earnest prayer to God for strength and power to be armed with like constancy Such as most suspect their owne strength and being afraide of their infirmity get to them all helpes of setled iudgement mortification examples prayers and Scriptures to establish their hearts there is best hope of such that they will sticke to it Some haue boasted of their strength in a vaine confidence thereof and haue started away when it came to the proofe whereas fearefull Christians which mistrusting their owne sufficiency and strength did make God their rocke haue manfully acquitted themselues choosing rather to die then to denie their Lord that bought them He that is the greatest bragger at home is not euer the best Souldier in the field nor he alwayes stands to martyrdome in the euill day which in dayes of peace is most forward in shew of zeale profession of words Nichodemus which at the first came to Iesus by night being too fearefull afterwards did declare his loue to Christ boldly standing to him in a great extreamity when his owne Disciples who saide They would die with him shrunke from him and forsooke him He therefore that least presumeth of his owne power and most striueth against the power of sinne is best made for such a businesse as to suffer with Christ. Aquila Now Sir let me entreate you to deliuer to me what may be the considerations whereby it pleaseth God to encourage his children to such a resolution and patience as when the fiery tryall commeth they can with constancy hold it out and how the assaults of Sathan the world and the flesh to shake and weaken this resolution may be beaten backe or repelled Apollos It is the holy Spirit of God which doth establish them vnto and in this tryall inspiring their hearts with wisdome and courage that they may know how to confesse his truth freely and boldly and with godly patience that they may suffer for it manfully As Christ saide It shall be giuen you what to speake in that houre Mathew 〈◊〉 19. And Dauid prayes God to renew a firme spirit in him and with his free Spirit to establish him Psal. 51. 11 13. And Paul for the Colossians prayeth God to strengthen them to all patience with ioy fulnesse Col. 1. 11. So then the constancy of Martyrs is to be ascribed not to any natural power but to the mighty worke of Gods Spirit who saith vnto the weake Be thou strong and feare not for I am with thee in fire and water Howbeit there are sundry meete considerations whereby it pleaseth the holy Ghost to quicken strengthen their mindes to patient enduring First of all that by Gods eternall decree