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A06500 A commentarie vpon the fiftene Psalmes, called Psalmi graduum, that is, Psalmes of degrees faithfully copied out of the lectures of D. Martin Luther ; very frutefull and comfortable for all Christian afflicted consciences to reade ; translated out of Latine into Englishe by Henry Bull. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Bull, Henry, d. 1575? 1577 (1577) STC 16975.5; ESTC S108926 281,089 318

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neuer waxe rich Wherfore they exhorted them to winne industrie with their trauell so should they the sooner attaine to that which they so painfully sought For a master of a housholde in whom there is some industrie can doe more with one pe●ee of gold then some other can doe with two A woman skilful of houshold affaires industrious prouident withal can liue with her family a whole yeare of those charges wherwith an other woman not so industrious prouident and discreete is not able to endure halfe a yeare For industrie hath alwaies best successe But they them selues which gaue this counsel to those poore men did not see that industrie is also the gift of god Now the cause why industrie so greatly helpeth and bringeth such successe to our endeuours and labours is for that it obserueth the circumstances of persons places conuenient times other occasions that nothing be done in vaine nor labour lost These thinges he that doth not obserue in houshold and politike gouernment must of necessity be many times deceiued No maruell is it then if great riches are not able to suffice a man in whom this industrie is lacking that is which doth not with discretion obserue consider the circumstances before mentioned These men therefore gaue this counsel that industrie should be ioyned with labour because labour without industrie hath no successe But Salomon speaketh more properly not that industrie but that the Lord him selfe is the cause For euen this also is the gifte of God through industrie to gouerne the common wealth and to doe nothing rashly but to obserue all occasions and to seeke all opportunitie that all thinges may be done in conuenient time place c. Such a wi●●ad that noble Prince Friderike Duke of Saxony Elector He was in deed a man industrious who said not all thinges who did not all thinges vpon a sudden which he was able to say or doe He dissembled many thinges but in conuenient time and place he did more with a word then many other without this industrie could doe with power and great strength Such are they which are not onely painefull and diligent but also industrious which can waite for occasion and time conuenient when one word will strike and pearce more deepely then at an other time many swordes could doe But this is humane and not diuine wisedom Wherfore it is not sufficient to gouerne such high weighty matters but there muste be prayer also ioyned therewith that the Lorde would be present that he would keepe watch and warde or else shall mans industrie be all in vaine be it neuer so greate So teacheth this Psalme as touching the principall cause whereby all the indeuours counsells and policies of men are ruled and directed and keepeth vs that we make no confusion or mixture of causes and that of the first cause we make not the second cause or else in deede no cause at all For he did not create things and so leaue them saith a certaine Philosopher speaking of God and very well He did not so ordaine matrimonie and ciuill gouernment as the shipwright doeth the shippe who after that hee hath finished his worke so leaueth it and committeth it to the mariner to be guided as he will. But God is still present with his creature and gouerneth both the house and the common wealth This men doe not knowe but thinke that God hath no regarde of those thinges which we doe but leaueth them vnto vs Contrary to this prophane and wicked opinion Salomon teacheth vs that we should feare God call vpon him and so take in hand to gouern our families and to serue the common wealth as God hath appointed vs with a cheerefull hart Also he admonisheth vs not to presume vpon our owne wisedome policie power munitions or riches All historyes are ful of examples and our owne experience also doth witnesse that presumption hath neuer good successe and yet the world will still be the worlde and doth not beleue Wherfore these things are profitable for none but for the godly But if the world will not heare and obey let it rage let it vexe and torment it selfe since it seeth and feeleth it selfe to watch to labour to be oppressed with continuall toyle and trauell and all in vaine And this doth it worthely iustly and most iustly suffer For here it is written that except the Lorde keepeth the citie the keeper watcheth in vaine and this doe they reiect Wherefore the Lord also reiecteth them he will not keepe nor builde their citie and so what remaineth but onely in vaine Verse 2. It is in vaine for you to rise earely and to lye downe late and eate the breade of sorrow It is in vaine saith he for a man to rise earely to goe late to bed and with great labour to get his liuing for so signifieth bread in this place The Hebrewes call it the bread of affliction The meaning then of these wordes is this that bothe in houshold and ciuill gouernment all mans endeuour all his care study and trauel is in vaine except it be blessed from aboue For by these kinds of speech to rise earely and to lye downe late he signifieth greate care and paineful trauel As if he saide It is not thy strength thy care thy study and endeuour that can make thee riche but the blessing of God maketh a man rich c. God wil not giue successe vnto thee because of thy labour like as he will not giue riches to such as are idle and carelesse Notwithstanding thou must labour and yet must thou commit and commend al to God which blesseth and giueth successe vnto all But it seemeth as the text soundeth that the Prophet here forbiddeth laboure contrary to that sayinge in Genesis In the sweat of thy face thou shalt eate thy bread Also to these wordes of S. Paule Let him ruleth doe it with diligence Here he seemeth to say the contrary For he pronounceth that to laboure to rise earely and to lye downe late to be carefull and painfull is but in vaine whereas notwithstanding in other places sloth and idlenes are condemned Here ye must make a distinction betwene faith and workes or betwene the spirite and the fleshe With thy hart thou must trust in God and call vppon him but if thou hast maried a wife or bearest any office in the common wealth that perteineth to the olde man to the flesh not to the spirit to works and not to faith Here thou must labour and exercise the outwarde man Thou must rise earely and lye downe late that is thou must be carefull as touching the outwarde man howe thou maist prouide for thy family doe good in the common wealth c but thy minde must be free and voyde of care for care ought to extend no farther then to the outward man onely That is the outwarde man ought not to be idle and slouthfull but diligently to doe that
this is the difference betweene those that are infected with this poyson the comtempt of the word I meane and the children of God that as they are wholy bent to seeke and aduance the glory of the euerliuing God so are these either inflamed with a diuilish desire to maintaine set forth damnable doctrine wicked opinions and false worship being wholy giuen ouer to serue the god of this world and their god Mammon seeking with greedines and pleasure their owne perdition damnation and so albeit they are already wholy possessed in the kingdom of the deuill yet are they merry and ioyfull but the end shall be such as for their horrible example is set forth in the story of the Sodomites Let vs pray vnto God therefore that he will preserue vs from this impietie and let vs learne to sing this Psalme with gladnes and thankes giuing vnto him for this inestimable benefite of his word and the pure knowledge thereof whereby Christ the onely sacrifice for our sinnes and the sure hope of eternall life is reueiled vnto vs Let vs continually exercise our selues in reading hearing and meditating of this word and let vs neuer think that we haue attayned sufficient knowledge and tast thereof In deede this word is so plenteously set forth in these our dayes that it may seeme to bring with it a lothing and contempt in many but it is not enough an hundred times to haue read it and a thousand times to haue heard it as in the daungerous time of tentations by experience we feele Wherefore let vs abhorre the damnable impietie of lothing and contemning the word of life and let vs embrace that most soueraigne vertue which is called the Reuerence of the word For Satan sleepeth not and in deede he is neuer so strongly armed against vs as when he seeth that we loth and contemne the word or presume of our owne knowledge Verse 1. I reioyced when they sayd vnto me we will goe into the house of the Lorde The like saying he hath in the 60. Psalme God hath spoken in his Sanctuary therefore I will reioyce Wherein is conteyned a comparison betwene his kingdom and other mighty and welthy kingdoms of the worlde As if he should say My kingdom is but a small and a weake kingdom if you compare it with the power of other kingdoms of the world But this haue I that all Kings and kingdoms haue not namely that in my kingdom the Lord him selfe the King of all Kings speaketh out of his holy Sanctuary therefore my kingdom is the kingdom of God and therein I reioyce Euen so here sayth he I reioyced And why Because it was sayd vnto me we will goe into the house of the Lord. That is God hath promised that we shall be that people which shal enter into the house of the lord And should not this cause my heart to reioyce For when I behold all other nations I see them goe into the house of the deuill and the temples of Idols I see they know not the true God neither doe they worship him Great cause haue I therefore to reioyce because I haue the promise of God that I shall goe with my people into the house of the Lorde Dauid sheweth him selfe here to reioyce and be glad for 2. causes not onely that the Lord had appoynted a place wherein he would be worshipped euen the holy hill of Sion but also because he had the consent of his people so obediently to ioyne with him in the true seruice worship of the lord Often times the Lord had before promised by Moises that he would appoynt such a place for his Sanctuary as should be certaine and stable for euer and yet aboue a thousand yeares togither the Arke of the Lord was caryed hither and thither from tent to tent from habitation to habitation hauing no certaine place to rest in But afterwardes it was shewed vnto Dauid that the Lord would haue it remaine in the hil Sion and that he would haue there a temple builded wherein he would be worshipped By this example we are admonished that we haue double cause to reioyce when so euer the Lord doth not onely incline our hearts by his holy spirite to the obedience of his word but also doth draw other vnto the same with vs that we may be al ioyned togither in the fellowship of faith We see the stubburnes of mans heart to be such that the greater number alwaies murmureth when so euer the Lord speaketh and therefore no small cause haue we to reioyce when we all consent togither in one spirite and and one mind in the true seruice and worship of the Lord. These wordes I reioyced when they sayd c. seeme to be very simple and to conteine in them no great matter But if you loke into the same with spirituall eyes there appeareth a wonderfull great maiestie in them Which because our Papistes can not see they do so coldly and negligently pray reade and sing this psalme and other that a man would thinke there were no tale so foolish or vaine which they would not either recite or heare with more courage delight These wordes therefore must be vnfolded layd before the eyes of the faythful For when he sayth we will goe into the house of the Lord what notable thing can we see in these words if we doe but onely beholde the stones tymber gold and other ornaments of the materiall temple But to goe into the house of the Lord signifieth another maner of thing namely to come togither where we may haue God present with vs heare his word cal vpon his holy name and receiue helpe and succour in our necessitie Therefore it is a false definition of the temple which the Papists make that it is a house built with stones tymber to the honour of god What this temple is they them selues know not For the temple of Salomon was not therefore beautifull because it was adorned with gold and siluer and other precious ornaments but the true beautie of that temple was because in that place the people heard the word of the Lord called vpon his name found him mercifull giuing peace and remission of sinnes c. This is rightly to behold the temple and not as the visured Bishops behold their idolatrous temple when they consecrate it These are then great causes of ioy and gladnes to haue access vnto the Lord to heare this consolation that he is our God which will heare vs which will deliuer vs in the time of trouble which will forgiue vs our sinnes and at the last will giue vs euerlasting life For these great benefites sayth Dauid we giue thanks vnto God and we reioyce that we may come togither into that place wherein God worketh all these things by the power of his word For it is the word alone whereby we knowe God whereby we come vnto God and whereby he bestoweth these great benefites of his fauour and loue
extremitie of his tentation The minde oppressed with terrour and desperation can not pray so long as such desperate assaultes doe endure but bursteth out rather into blasphemy murmuring against God and can not thinke wel or reuerently of god But when the extremitie of the conflict is past thē beginneth this crying vnto God and this vehement desire which the mind before oppressed with anguish and sorrowe could scarsely once feele It helpeth an afflicted conscience also very much as I haue said to heare some faithfull brother with comfortable exhortation counsel out of the word of God saying on this wise Brother why art thou so heauy harted Doest thou not heare that God will not the death of a sinner hast thou forgotten that God commaundeth thee to beleeue in him to trust in him Looke vpon the first commaundement What is it what requireth it else but that we shoulde worship God in faith and hope Why then shouldest thou not trust in his goo●nes and mercie Why shouldest thou despaire This is to heape sinne vpon sinne and whereas thou wast a sinner before in the second table and in the inferior degre of the commaundements of God now thou settest thy selfe in the firste table also and in the highest degree adding to thy other sinnes desperation and incredulitie c. When the heauy and troubled conscience is thus earnestly stirred vp to a stedfast hope and trust in God and to the consideration of Gods great mercie and goodnes towardes the penitent and afflicted then beginneth to arise some sparke of faith and groning of the harte bursting out into these or the like wordes Oh that I could These vnspeakeable gronings the spirite helpeth and at the length there followeth some feeling of relese comfort For God can not reiect or neglect these gronings Of these gronings we see a shadowe as it were in the first verses But why doest thou grone why art thou heauie Harken what followeth Verse 3. If thou Lorde wilt streitly marke what is done amisse O Lord who may abide it This verse in our diuinitie is well knowne neither doe I seee how either our aduersaries or Satan him selfe can auoyde it For what can they say or what haue we here that may moue vs any way to doubt As for Dauid it is witnessed of him that he was a man after Gods owne hart and in deede he is a singular example to all posteritie in all kind of godlines For although through the murther of Vrias and his adultery with Barsabe he is not with out reproch yet how great was his humilitie when the Prophete reproued him and how feruent was his faith when he raysed him vp againe Beholde moreouer his singular patience in affliction his carefull and continuall trauell for the amplifying and adnauncing of the kingdome of God of the true seruice and worship of god What should I say more Dauid hath not many fellowes whether ye consider his life and his faith or the witnes pronounced of him by the Lorde him selfe and yet he notwithstanding so excellent and so holy a man is compelled plainely to confesse his imperfection saying If thou Lorde wilte straitly marke what is done amisse O Lord who may abide it Is not this then absolutely to deny all the righteousnes puritie holines of men what so euer they be Likewise in the 31. Psalme thus he speaketh euen of those whom he calleth godly and holy For this shal euery one that is godly pray vnto thee that is for pardon and forgiuenes of their sinnes Where are they then that so highly extoll the righteousnes of workes seeing that Dauid him selfe in the sight of God simply renounceth and reiecteth his workes and all manner of righteousnes and onely desireth that the Lord would not streitly marke his iniquities But in deede our aduersaryes talke now somwhat more moderately in this matter then heretofore they haue done For they doe not now deny that faith iustifieth but yet they say that that faith which iustifieth must be furnished with charitie Thus like pies parrets they chatter and prate that they them selues doe not vnderstand But furnish faith how so euer ye list yet is this a general sentence If thou Lord wilt straitly mark what is done amisse O Lord who who may abide it Surely no man liuing For if any man had bene able to abide it then Dauid no doubt had bene able being so holy a man so perfect in the word of the Lorde so often and so many wayes exercised and tryed with afflictions to confirme and stablish him in faith and in the feare of the Lorde For I doe not thinke that emongest all the Papistes there is any one so impudent that will not thinke him selfe farre inferiour to Dauid and yet Dauid saith that righteousnes commeth not by workes For sayth he If thou wilt marke what is done amisse no man shall bee able to abide it or to stande in thy sight O Lorde Wherefore let no man trust that by his owne merites or righteousnes he shall be able to stande against the terror of death and the iudgement of god Neither doe I suppose that emongest our aduersaries there is any suche as dare presume to enter into the iudgement of God trusting vpon his owne righteousnes and yet they teach commaund and exhort other so to doe But we teach a contrary doctrine leading the Church from this false trust to a trust and confidence in the merite and death of Christ and for this cause they condemne vs as heretikes Is not this extreme malice They will not doe them selues that they teach other to doe For when death cōmeth they dare not trust to their owne merits and yet will they force other so to doe or most cruelly condemne them for heretikes Thus we are taught by the experience of all such as are not vtterly voyd of vnderstanding that no man liuing ouercommeth by his owne works or righteousnes in Gods sight and yet the whole nature of man when it is not vnder tentation still looketh vnto workes and seeketh meanes how it may by them please god But here is set forth vnto vs a simple and a plaine doctrine If thou Lord will marke what is done amisse none shall be able to abide it Who would then desire to enter into iudgement that he may be ouercome condemned cast away for euer This is therefore the summe and effect of all togither that we all Dauid Peter Paule c. were borne that we are that we liue and we die sinners But this is our glory our health and safetie that when by the Gospel we be instructed of the mercie of God and merite of Christ we leape ouer the boundes of the lawe and out of our owne workes as it were into an other world and into a newe light and comming vnto God with boldnes we say O Lorde we can not contend with thee in iudgement we can not dispute with thee as touching our
doctrine of Christ or the glory of his kingdom should be diminished or blemished in any point The daūger whereof they see not or doe litle regard which make so great a matter of the losse of that peace and tranquillity which hath bene and yet is seene in the kingdom of Antichrist Notwith standing let vs with all our power amplifie and set forth the glorie of our God and the frutes that come of the true preaching of the gospel and let vs contemne all such sclaunders which these Epicures do most maliciously and spitefully heap vpon vs commending nothing else but that peace tranquillity wherewith the deuill hath rocked them a slepe in all damnable security wherby we see what horrible impietie reigneth in the papacie There is not one word purely taught concerning sinne grace the merite of Christ faith the exercises of workes concerning magistrates and other degrees and kindes of life All thinges are miserablie corrupted with pestilent gloses and expositions Moreouer what prophanation and selling of Masses was there what deceite and robbery by pardons purgatory with such other abominations deuised only for vauntage and gayne When I looke into the kingdome of the Pope as it was before we preached the Gospell it seemeth to me that of verie purpose men were cast vnto Satan and eternall damnation by false teachers and ministers of iniquitie Now consider whether it were not better with trouble to kepe and enioy the word of God then with losse of the word to liue in peace and tranquillity though it were neuer so heauenly a peace As for me I woulde not desire to liue in paradise without the word and with the word to liue in hell it is an easie matter like as in this world we liue as it were in hell and comfort our selues only with hope which the word of God sheweth vnto vs and with this hope we ouercome all kindes of troubles crosses Let vs therefore lay sure holde on this consolation which the holy Ghost here setteth forth vnto vs whereof also all they haue great neede that teach the word of trueth namely that they are not the cause of offence trouble and sedition There must needes be offences there must needes be Lucians Epicures contemners and scorners of religion troublers of the peace and quietnes of the Church but blessed are they which are not the cause of these euills but are preachers of peace and seeke by all godly meanes peace and christian vnitie In the number of whom by Gods speciall grace we are at this day howe soeuer the world thinketh of vs and we will pray vnto God that for Christes sake he will so keepe vs euen to the vttermost breath Thus are the enemies of God and his word paynted out by Dauid in this Psalme and also the true state of the Church teaching vs thereby that we shoulde arme our selues against these daungers and giue thankes vnto God for this great consolation that whatsoeuer tumultes and troubles arise in the Church he doth not impute the same vnto them that teach the word but vnto the word it selfe which is not ours but Christes wherewith we may comfort our selues whatsoeuer followeth of the true preaching of the Gospell Let them stoppe their mouthes and kepe silence that so greatly commend peace but we wil speake and shew forth the wonderous workes of the Lord with boldnes and will not be disobediēt in our vocation If euil tongues be walking and troubles arise we will with Dauid fight against them by prayer commending to God the cause of his poore Church wherein he hath promised to kepe maintaine his word who also shall burne consume all wicked ●ongnes with the same fire of his heauy indignation wherwith they thinke the church of God shal be destroied The 121. Psalme I will lift mine eyes vnto the mountaynes c. The Psalme going before was a prayer for the preseruation and continuance of the word of God found doctrine against pestiferous tongues and wicked opinions For that is the chiefest assault that Satan maketh against the church of god Now this Psalme I take to be as an exhortation to the faithful for it conteineth the doctrine of faith Which faith is a knowledge of thinges inuisible and to be looked for and resteth in the promise word of god But because Gods word excedeth the capacity of man the thinges which it promiseth seeme either absurd vnlikely or impossible or else incredible against al reason therfore they which haue once begun to beleue haue nede of continual exhortations to stirre them vp against the tētations of the flesh which striue against faith the word of God least the spirit being pressed downe with the heauy burden of the flesh should be vtterly vnable to thinke of spiritual and heauenly things For our life is full of troubles tossed with continual tempests as they which are sayling on the sea and we are caried away euery moment with the blasts of tentations whiles our mindes are assailed either with prosperitie or aduersity with wealth or pouerty with glory or ignominy with ioy or sorrow And hereof yet doe fellow much more greuous daungerous tentations that is to say security and desperation Therfore when these stormes blowe it is necessarie that we shoulde be stirred vp with continuall exhortations out of the worde of God whereby we may learne to resist the same And thus doe I vnderstand this Psalme that it is a doctrine whereby we are admonished taught that we shoulde haue our faith exercised and stirred vp with continual exhortations so long as we liue least we being ouercome with the cares of this world should forget and neglect the rich blessings and euerlasting treasures of the life to come Verse 1. I will lift mine eyes vnto the mountaines from whence my helpe commeth These words do include a cōparison betwene the mountaines which bring helpe and succour the mountaines that bring desolation and destruction as euery doctrine of faith euery promise importeth also the contrarie if you haue respect to the flesh The godly haue a promise of Christ that he will be their helpe and succour but if we looke to the outward appearance Christ himselfe hanging vppon the crosse seemeth to be vtterly forsaken In like maner there is a comparing togither of contraries to be vnderstande throughout this whole Psalme As though the Prophet should say when tentations trialls of faith are at hand one runneth to this place and an other to that seeking for helpe succour diuers wayes As amongst my people some runne to Bethel some to Gilgal some to Bethauen as mountaines from whence they looke for helpe and succour Euen as in popery they run to euery stocke and blocke as to their onely patrones and helpers with kneeling knocking creping kissing and licking For the reliefs and comforts are infinite which the heart beleueth and seeketh after when it is in trouble and distresse And it is
to hope c. Yea the crosse and oppression of the Christians is the exaltation and triumph of the Church Let the aduersaries then doe what they li●t certaine it is that the more we are cast downe the more we are raised vp For there is no power against the Lorde Christ our captaine and our head hath a power aboue all power whereby he lifteth vp those that are cast downe whereby he raiseth the dead to life and those that are oppressed and ouercome he maketh able with ioyfull victory to ouercome For in that he is God it is his proper office to make all things of nothing and likewise of those thinges which be to make nothing Thus Dauid setteth forth the praise and commendation of Ierusalem For what a great benefite and blessing of God is it not onely to leaue a certain place where the people may come togither to serue and worship God but also a certaine sound of the presence of God by the publishing of his word When he saith This is my rest here will I dwel here will I speake here shall be my word my spirite then all is safe then what worke so euer it be though in outward appearance it seeme neuer so smal it is better then all the treasures of the world then the cutting away of the foreskin of the priuy mēbers is an acceptable worship vnto god To take vp a strawe from the earth if God so commaunded is a greater a more excellent worke and also a worship more pleasing God then all the glittering works of the whole papacy which haue no ground of the word of god This the heathen understood not and therefore they contemned Ierusalem and marueled why the people should resort thether certaine times of the yeare rather then to other cities Like as Naaman Cirus thought at the beginning that the waters of Damascus were no worse then the waters of Iordane but he had no commaundement of the Lord that he shoulde wash him selfe in those waters for the clensing of his leprosie It is the word alone therefore that maketh a difference betwene the Church of God and the Gentiles Papistes and all the Antichristian rable By this word it iudgeth it teacheth it baptiseth it distributeth the Lords supper it comforteth it reproueth it excommunicateth c. Thus I say Dauid extolleth and magnifieth his Ierusalem first in respect of the spirituall building therof because there is the kingdom and priesthood there is the word worship of the Lord then also in respect as wel of the material building as also of those things which pertaine to the good gouernment of a city as peace and vnitie lawes and iudgement but principally he speaketh not of that building and therfore he saith It is edified as a city where all may participate togither that is may come togither to worship the lord For there was no other place in al the world where the people might come togither to celebrate the name of the Lord but Ierusalem alone So that this verse is as an exposition of that place in Exod. VVhere I shall leaue a memoriall of my name there will I come vnto thee c. As if he said that place is Ierusalem in the which the people of God must congregate togither to heare his word to celebrate his name where also the Lord him selfe hath promised to dwell whether the people do flie in all their necessities to call vpon God for help and succoure c. This is the glory of Ierusalem to the which all the glory of the worlde was not able to be compared Therfore in S. Matthew it is called holy is so magnified here of the Prophet Albeit it was afterward horribly prophaned of the Gentiles But why doe the people gather togither in this place Verse 4. VVhereunto the tribes euen the tribes of the Lorde goe vp for a testimony or to testifie to Ierusalem and to praise the name of the Lord. This verse also conteineth in 〈◊〉 the words afore recited out of Exod VVhere I shall put a m●moriall of my name c. For this memoriall signifieth the whol● worship of God togither with the word that is the preaching of the promises and the law with the ministery of the priestes not ●●●ly in the sacrifices of the law but specially in the chiefest sacrifi●es of all that is of the celebrating praysing the name of the lord In the which were set forth spirituall consolations of victory against sinne and death and also temporall concerning the kingdom and political order These benefits he setteth forth when he speaketh of ascending vp and maketh a comparison betwene Ierusalem and other cities As if he said Other cities may flourish with riches and power more then this citie but this is it to the which the tribes doe ascend not as they doe in other nations but the tribes of the Lord which the Lorde him selfe hath chosen to be his people aboue all other nations of the earth and he to be their god And here he doth not exclude the Proselytes which were of the Gentiles and did associate them selues vnto this people for he speaketh simply of those that did ascend vp to heare the word and to inuocate the name of the Lord as the words that followe do declare For a testimony vnto Israel to praise the name of the Lord. Whereby he signifieth no other thing but that there was a place in Ierusalem appointed of the Lord for the preaching of the word and prayer And this is worthy to be noted that Dauid speaketh of no moe kindes of sacrifice but of these two onely He saith not that the temple was appoynted of God that sacrifices should there be slaine incence offered oblations made and euery man shewe him selfe thankfull vnto God with his gifts Of these things he maketh no mention at all albeit they were commaunded to be done no where else but in the temple Onely he speaketh of preaching the word and thanks giuing or prayer And albeit he reproueth not these sacrifices yet he plainly declareth that the summe of true religion is to heare the Lorde when he speaketh vnto vs and to inuocate and praise his holy name This is it for the which Dauid so highly praiseth his temple which we also ought specially to beholde in our temples that the tribes doe ascend vp thether to testifie vnto Ierusalem that is to teach and to heare the worde of god For so he meaneth by this word testifie as the Hebrewes haue many words to signifie the ministery of the word and doctrine To vtter to promise to confesse to sitte to iudge to testifie to teach all these words in effect doe signifie as much as to preach or publish the word The preachers are witnesses to the people of that they knowe whiche is not sene nor felt but beleued They are also witnesses which he are the word For when they heare it they testifie or beare witnesse against the
a pastour or preacher in the Church These the elect I meane the Lorde hath here and there sparsed emong the wicked as precious stones in the middes of the earth Therfore thou must not think to preach to these only which were to be wished but that can not be because they are mixed with the vngodly multitude Likewise when thou art called to be a ciuill magistrate or a gouernour of a houshold thou shalt not finde all to be precious stones gold or siluer but let it suffice thee if in a whole multitude as it chaunceth in mynes thou find but one veine of siluer or emongst a great deale of earth but one precious stone For the greatest part in the Church is hereticall godles the least part in the ciuill state obedient louing of vertue Hereof it commeth then that al things are ful of trouble to the godly pastour the Magistrate the housholder because the wicked with such successe contemne and disobey all godly orders Notwithstanding thou man of God stand in thy calling do thy duetie pray for peace exhorte counsel reproue those whom thou hast charge ouer For since that now by the word of God the church is somewhat purged of false religion superstition and idolatrie the Magistrates better instructed of their duety and office Satan rageth as a strong armed man keping his house when a stronger commeth Be strong therefore in these tentations and think that as these things are not begun by the power of Satan so though he rage against the same neuer so much thou must not be discouraged or slacke the Lords busines but first serue the Lord and then thy brethren and neighbours For their sakes the Churches must be instructed the common wealth gouerned not for the worldes sake and the vngodly multitude for it is not worthie that a theefe should be hanged an adulterer or murderer put to death but the Lord in heauen and our brethren neighbours in earth are worthy of this seruice as he addeth in the verse following Thus I expounde this verse to be a consolation for pastours ciuill Magistrates and gouernours of families against the multitude of the wicked and the trobles which by them the godly doe sustayne Verse 9. Because of the house of the Lorde our God I will procure thy wealth This is an other cause why he prayeth for the peace and prosperitie of Ierusalem for that the Sanctuary of the Lord and the feate of true religion being stablished in that citie if it prospered not the worship and seruice of God could not there continue As if he sayd The Lord our God hath stablished his seate in thee O Ierusalem and in the middes of thee hath he set vp his worship For the which cause I loue thee and thinke thee worthy of all prosperitie But why doth hee adde hereunto Our God Because God had chosen this nation to be as his own peculiar people And this also was the cause why Dauid so loued them and was not discomforted with these troubles which he for their sakes susteyned both in the Church and in the ciuill gouernment but being chosen to be a King and a Prophet to this people he constantly endured all troubles and herewithall comforted him selfe that first he serued the Lord his God then his brethren and was not an vnprofitable seruaunt but fruitefull vnto God that he might be glorified and to his neighbour and brother that he might be saued Let vs likewise pray for the welfare of our brethren and for the house of the Lord with Dauid who as this Psalme sheweth did wel vnderstand the power and glory of the word and therefore he neither giueth thankes nor yet reioyceth for the abundance of gold and siluer which notwithstanding he lacked not but for the word and true worship of the lord Where these two are not lacking all other incommodities may easily be borne For if we haue the Lord abiding with vs if we maintaine his word and his true seruice and seeke the saluation of our brethren what can we desire more But where the word true worship of God is not regarded there is no God no mercy no saluation neither doth there any thing else remaine but the cursed multitude which shal be damned in hell Therefore Dauid exhorteth vs in this Psalme aboue all things to reuerence the word and by faithfull prayer to seeke the aduauncement thereof Also to giue thankes vnto God for peace and true preachers which gouerne the Church according to his word for where these things are not there must needes be trouble and vexation vnquietnes of conscience murder adultery such other horrible sinnes which the Lord turne away from our Churches preserue that poore remnant emonges the damnable multitude which serue and worship him according to his word By these two latter verses we are admonished first how euery Christian ought to regard him which is his fellow in faith and religion that is to say as his brother and neighbour Then also why he ought to haue a harty loue and zeale to the Church and congregation of the faithful For my brethren saith Dauid and for my neighbours And againe for the house of the Lord our god These two thinges ought to be considered in the Churche of christ In it are our brethren and neighbours in it is the house of God yea rather it is the house of God it selfe in the which are the children of God and true brethren O happy is he and a right Christian in deede which beeing indued with the true knowledge and faith of Christ and also with that brotherly loue which is according to the spirit of the children of God can vnfainedly and hartely say For my brethren and neighbours and for the house of the Lord our God I both seeke and I wish the prosperitie and welfare of the Church of God. The 123. Psalme I lift vp mine eyes vnto thee c. This Psalme as ye see is but short and therefore a very fitte example to shew the force of prayer not to consist in many words but in feruency of spirit For great and weighty matters may be comprised in few words if they proceede from the spirit the vnspeakeable gronings of the heart especially when our necessity is such as will not suffer any long prayer Euery prayer is long enough if it be feruent proceede from a heart that vnderstandeth the necessitie of the Sainets not in such small matters as y world counteth great and weightie as pouerty losse of goods and such other worldly incommodities but when the Church is oppressed with violence and tyranny when the name of God is prophaned with wicked doctrine or if there be any thing else that either hindreth the glory of God or the saluation of soules These perils can not well be vttered in prayer and therfore the prayer of the faithfull is then most effectuous when with griefe of heart and affliction of spirite they see
they suffer togither so they cry vnto God for helpe and succour as well for other as for them selues Yea the common calamitie of their brethren is to them a greater crosse then their owne Haue mercy vpon vs c. This repetition as it doth declare a great vehemencie and feruentnes of spirite in the afflicted crying vnto God for helpe and deliuerance so it sheweth their affliction and calamitie to be exceeding greeuous For we haue suffered too much contempt He sayd before that the godly being brought to extreme miserie by the tyranny and oppression of the wicked did lift vp their eyes to God for helpe and succour Nowe he sheweth also what despite and reproch they suffred of the proud and scornfull Whereby it appeareth that the vngodly sought not only with crueltie and oppression but also with despite contempt and ignominy to tread as it were vnder foote the children of god He saith not onely we suffer contempt but we are filled with contempt and ignominie vsing a similitude taken of a vessell which is filled so full that it can conteine no more Thus the children of God do not burst out at the first into these gronings and grieuous complaints when so euer they are contemned and despised but patiently suffer in hope that God will at the length ease their miserye vntill they be filled with all maner of despite contempt and scorning of the wicked whereby they are compelled to cry vnto God doubling their complaint as followeth in the next verse Verse 4. Our soule is filled too ful of the mocking of the welthy and of the despitefulnes of the proude When the godly are not onely oppressed with iniuries hated and despised but also mocked and scorned of the wicked there can be to them no greater misery And this is it that they specially here complaine of as of all their calamities the moste greeuous The cause why he saith that the welthy and proud doe so spitefully sette them selues against the Church of God is for that they which are of power and authoritie in the world are alwaies wont to despise and contemne the godly which doe so much esteeme the glory wealth and prosperitie of this worlde that they regard nothing at all the spirituall kingdom of Christ yea the more they rise in wealth and dignitie the more their pride encreaseth This place teacheth then that it is no straunge or newe thing if the children of God be contemned of the children of this worlde which abound in wealth and riches And it is not without good cause that here the wealthy are also called proud for wealth and prosperity maketh men proude the children of this world and worldlinges I meane For Dauid and many other were also riche and yet they were so broken with afflictions and so exercised both within and without that they could haue no such pleasure or delight in their wealth and worldly prosperitie whereby they might waxe proude or fall into securitie But the case of the wicked is farre otherwise for their riches wealth and dignitie is as a rewarde of their securitie and vngodlines Contrariwise the godly are in misery and affliction despised of the world as abiects fooles and idiotes as the example of the auncient Prophets Christ him self and his apostles with all the deare Sainctes of God do teach we by daily experience doe proue For when we goe aboute to draw men from couetousnes blasphemy voluptuousnes and such other vices they laugh vs to scorne and when they heare of the iudgement of God the reward of sinne the punishment of the wicked they count 〈◊〉 this geare to be but a fable suche as Virgill imagineth of hell to make men afeard But if they were exercised with afflictions and calamities as the godly are and had a scholemaster to teach them that they are but men as Dauid prayeth in the ix Psalme they would learne another song The .124 Psalme If the Lord had not bene on our side c. This Psalme is a thankes giuing to God for his great mercy in preseruing his people placed as the stories doe shewe in the middes of the Gentiles and heathen people as a flock of sheepe in a wild forrest or in respect of the multitude as a citie compared to a mighty kingdom being compassed on euery side with the kings of the Assirians the Egyptians the Ammonites the Ismaelites the Moabites whom Satan had stirred vp with deadly hatred to vexe and persecute them seeking by all meanes to roote them out from the earth that thereby he might vtterly deface and abolish the word and worship of the lord This daunger Dauid sawe and thanked God which had preserued his people from the rage of so many lyons and dragons which notwithstanding that they neuer ceased to seeke their destruction yet all that they went about was in vaine And what a miracle was this that this people could so long continue notwithstanding the malice and rage of so many deuils Dauid therefore in this Psalme exhorteth his people to be thankfull to the Lorde their God so mightely preseruing defending and deliuering them from the violence of so many nations and kingdoms hating and persecuting them on euery side Which Psalme we also doe sing not onely against our aduersaries which hate and persecute the word but also against spirituall wickednes For we are taught by the Gospell that there are nowe seuen Deuills which lye in wayte for vs where as we were before in daunger but of one which cease not to styrre vppe the whole worlde against vs Yea our case were more tolerable if we had but onely the worlde and not Satan also with all his angells and the gates of hell wholy bent against vs But yet further to molest and vexe vs besides all these we haue also the third enemie which we cary alwayes about with vs which we nourish also and foster at home with vs and euen with in vs the flesh I meane which giueth vs no rest but continually tempteth vs to sinne fighteth against faith and striueth in our members against the spirite For as much then as the Church of God is neuer free from these daungers let vs also sing to the praise of Christ this psalme that he preserueth vs his members from all these enemies For it were extreme ingratitude not to acknowledge this miracle that notwithstanding all these the Church doth yet continue and that there be some which truely teach and confesse Christ beleue in Christ though Satan rage the world and false brethren conspire against vs and the flesh as an vntamed beast fight against the word and faith neuer so much This is the benefit then that Dauid so highly extolleth and wisheth that his people would vnderstand and giue thankes to God for the same Verse 1. If the Lord had not bene on our side may Israel now say Verse 2. If the Lord had not bene on our side when men rose vp against vs Verse 3. They had
that he is able likewise to destroy both body and soule if God did so permitte but also to stirre vs vp to faith and prayer that we should call vpon him for ayde and succour agaynst these perilous snares and being deliuered should giue him thankes and prayse for the same Moreouer euery tentation is a snare whether it be of the flesh or of the spirite Persecution torments imprisonment sclaunder diseases and infirmities of the body be snares which as they are permitted of God to exercise and strengthen our fayth so by the malice of Satan they are wrought to afflict and to vexe men that he may bring them to infidelitie and desperation and so into the snares of eternall death From the which snares but by the speciall grace of God there is no way to escape Thus our life lyeth alwayes open to the snares of Satan and we as sely birdes are like at euery moment to be caried away Notwithstanding the Lord maketh a way for vs to escape Yea when Satan seemeth to be most sure of vs by the mighty power of God the snares are broken we are deliuered Experience hereof we haue in those which are inwardly afflicted with heauines of spirit greeuously oppressed that when they seeme to be in vtter despaire ready as you would say now to perish yet euen at the last pinch in the vttermost extremitie commeth the sweete comfort of Gods holy spirite and raiseth them vp againe When we are most ready to perish then is God most ready to helpe Except the Lord had holpen me sayth Dauid my soule had almost dwelt in silence Verse 8. Our helpe is in the name of the Lord who hath made both heauen and earth This is the conclusion of thankesgiuing contayning a worthy sentence of great comfort that against sinne the horrour of death and other daungers there is no other helpe or safetie but onely the name of the lord If that were not sayth he we should fall into all maner of sinne blasphemy errours and into all kind of calamities But our helpe is in the name of the Lord which preserueth our faith and our life against the Deuill and the world And as ye heard in the other verses before so he sheweth in this verse also that God suffereth his Sainctes to be tempted and in their tentation to fall into great distresse as euen nowe readie to be drowned and swallowed vp presently with great floodes of water yet notwithstanding this comfort he sheweth them that he will not vtterly forsake them By the which examples we may learne to know the will of the Lord and to seeke our help and safety at his hands which suffereth his people to be exercised in the fornace of Egypt not to their vtter destruction but onely to kill the olde man with his vaine hope and confidence which he hath in his owne strength This is the cause why God suffereth his people so to be exercised For it is not hearing reading talking or teaching nor speculation onely which maketh a Christian man but practise is that which specially is required in a true Christian that is to say the crosse to plucke downe the fleshe and bring it to nothing that man despairing of his owne strength and seeing no succour in himselfe should resigne him selfe wholly vnto the Lord looking with patience and hope for helpe at his hande for this is the will of god Neither must we imagine to our selues any other God then such a one as will helpe the afflicted and oppressed with desperation and other calamities To knowe this doctrine is one peece of the victory For they that know it not when tentation assayleth them either doe dispayre or seeke other helpes Let vs learne then out of this Psalme that it is the will of God to exercise his Sainctes with troubles and afflictions Who suffereth great floodes of water to runne ouer their heades who also permitteth them to fall into the snares of the wicked and tryeth euery way not to destroy them but to shew them what they are of them selues so to teach them to trust in his sauing health But the flesh looketh to the power and multitude of the aduersaries and her owne infirmitie but to looke vnto God and to hope for his helpe and succour it is not able Wherefore this is a necessary conclusion Our helpe is in the name of the Lord. It is a short sentence but it setteth foorth most worthie doctrine and consolation whereof ▪ specially in these latter daies we haue great neede seeing the Pope togither with the greatest part of the Princes rulers of the world so cruelly doe persecute the doctrine of the Gospel In respect of these huge mountains what are we small molehills Yea though there were no force nor power of man for vs to feare how are we able to stand against not onely so many deuills but euen the very gates of hell also And yet this experience we haue of the great mercy and goodnes of the Lord our God that when we are euen in their handes and neuer so much oppressed yet are we not forsakē but are safe through our confidence and trust in his helpe But to this wisedom it is vnpossible for vs to attayne without continuall afflictions whereby it is necessary that the confidence of all worldly succours should be beaten downe For vexation and trouble bringeth vnderstanding as Esay sayth whereby we are compelled to cry Helpe Lorde for else we perish So in the last houre when death approcheth there is nothing wherein mans heart can repose it selfe or finde comfort but his trust and confidence in the helpe of the Lorde There is rest and quietnes there is perfect peace He that can then say My helpe is in the name of the Lord dyeth happely and is out of all daunger Thus we may learne what it is to haue and enioy God euen to rest in the sure trust of his mercifull helpe and succour in all daungers These are the wordes therefore of a victorious and triumphing fayth Our helpe is in the name of the Lord which made heauen and earth As if he sayd The maker of heauen and earth is my God and my helper Shew me a God O ye my aduersaries like vnto him What are your snares and your traynes then compared vnto this God What are your threatnings your power your pollicies c. Thus he setteth the eternall God the maker of heauen and earth against all terrours and daungers against the floodes and ouerflowings of al tentations and swalloweth vp as it were with one breath all the raging furies of the whole world and of hell it selfe euen as a litle droppe of water is swallowed vp of a mightie flaming fire And what is the world with all his force and power in respect of him which made heauen and earth Let the worlde fret then let it rage so that this succour neuer faile vs And if it be the will of
power taketh no place in vs vntill we be vtterly to speake after the maner of the Scripture exinanited that is stript naked of all worldly hope and helpes that man hath in him selfe and brought to nothing like as when he saueth a ship from drowning now ready to perish and past all remedy As the two storyes of the Gospell one of the shippe the other of the daunger of Peter doe testifie Verse 2. As the mountaines are about Ierusalem so is the Lord about his people from henceforth and for euer Where many hundred thousands of men are there are scarsely 7. thousand which knowe God or beleue in God and yet for their sakes the whole multitude is called Gods people .. Euen so was it in Ierusalem Albeit the greater part was wicked and godles yet was Ierusalem called holy not onely in respect of a small number of the godly but also because God had his abiding there So when there was not one iust person in Sodome but Loth with his two daughters yet could not the angell destroy Sodome with fire so long as Loth was in it Likewise where 4 or 5. or 10. godly persons are to be found for their sakes the whole citie is called holy For these are the elect corner stones these are the precious pearles which God so highly estemeth and for whose sakes he spareth the wicked Therefore saith Dauid As Ierusalem is compassed about with mountaines so doth the Lord compasse his people and mightely defend them on euery side In like maner Zachary prophecieth of a citie whose wall is of fire These similitudes doe set forth vnto vs the safetie of Gods people that weake and litle por● flocke against all daungers Upon this promise if we also doe rest which at this day enioy the inestimable benefite of Gods holye word we shall be defended against the rage of Satan the whole worlde not by fiery and brasen walls but by the Lord him selfe These thinges albeit we cannot comprehend yet should we beleue them so certainly as if we did see them with our bodily eyes If we should see our selues compassed about with brasen and fiery walls we would be without all feare and triumph against Satan But it is a matter of faith not to trust vnto that which the eyes see but which the worde offereth and promiseth This one thing therefore is lacking in vs that we haue not the eyes of the spirite but we iudge according to the eyes and sense of the fleshe For else we should be no more afraide then they which beeing closed within the walls of an inuincible castle feare not the force and power of their enemyes be they neuer so terrible We must not doubt therefore but if we beleue we are compassed about with fiery and brasen mountaines that is to say we abide for euer inuincible against the rage of Satan and all the powers of darkenes Blessed therefore is he that beleueth These mountaines are the Angells which compasse vs on euery side that Satan with his angells and ministers can not hurt vs as he would Whose malice and power is such that if they did not continually beholde vs continually defend vs and watch ouer vs he would destroy vs euery moment This can all they testifie which knowe that Satan is a murtherer and a lyer which can not abide to see the godly prosper therefore he seketh by all meanes to roote them out from the face of the earth That we are not then vtterly consumed it is the benefite of these mountaines by whom we are so compassed and defended Some times Satan hurleth his dartes at vs as it were through the window to destroy vs and worketh vs in deede some sorrow but he can not moue vs. This similitude seemeth to be taken out of the story of Helizeus in the 2. boke of the Kinges where the seruaunt of Helizeus saw the hilles about him full of fiery chariotes and horsemen compassing Helizeus round about and mightely defending him This succour which the seruant of Helizeus sawe and the Prophet beleued when he saw nothing is saith the Prophet round about all them which trust in the Lord as also the 34. Psalme witnesseth The Angell of the Lorde pitcheth round aboute them that feare him But our eyes are shut vp and see not these miracles whereof notwithstanding we haue dayly experience This promise then will neuer deceiue vs onely let vs not deceiue our selues If therefore we did beleue no doubt we shoulde sleepe we should liue we should dye yea that more is we should suffer what so euer Satan and the world can doe against vs without all feare For thus should we thinke If I suffer any thing it is not without the will of God nor without good cause well knowne though not ●nto me yet vnto god Therefore although Satan breake through the wall in one place yet shall he neuer be able vtterly to ouerthrowe it altogither Thus should we think in our troubles and afflictions and comfort our selues with the good will of god But we are afraid when any trouble commeth and neuer feele that securitie which faith bringeth Thus doe we worthely suffer the punishment of our incredulitie which we nurrishe within vs although we be called away from it by so many notable places of the Scripture Besides all this it is not enough that we are compassed about with fiery walles that is with the sure custody the continuall watch and warde of the Angells but the Lorde him selfe is our wall so that euery way we are defended by the Lorde against all daungers Aboue vs he is a heauen on both sides he is as a wall vnder vs he is as a strong rocke whereuppon we stand so are we euery way sure and safe Nowe if Satan through these munitions cast his dartes at vs it must needs be that the Lorde him selfe shall be hurt before we take harme But great is our incredulitie which heare all these thinges in vaine Yet must they be taught and learned lest the time come that we be destitute of all counsell and comfort in these matters For certain it is that the hower shal come when we must haue experience of these thinges or else vtterly perish Where he addeth From henceforth for euer By these words he sheweth that this vigilancie of the Lorde our God euer vs is not temporall but eternall according to that which he said before in the first verse of this Psalme They shall remaine for euer Let vs learne therfore out of this Psalme that our constancy and perseuerance consisteth in this that we are defended by the power and prouidence of the Lord on euery side Verse 3. For the rodde of the wicked shall not rest on the lotte of the righteous lest the righteous put forth their hand vnto wickednes Here the Prophet plainly declareth that the people which rest vnder this defence and protection are afflicted and subiecte to all miseryes and calamities as touching the
fleshe although they be compassed about with such high and mightie mountaynes as touching the spirite as Satan can neuer surmount yet touching the flesh and the olde man they lye open on euery side to the dartes of Satan and of the worlde For God by these meanes will afflict and exercise the flesh that sinne the foolishnes of the flesh may be mortified in them and that spirituall wisedome and the inward man may encrease This is the cause why we are according to the flesh as a broken hedge and as a citie whose wals are cast downe and so lyeth open to the enemy on euerie side Wherefore there is no sort of men so vile and abiect which do not thinke that they may doe what they list against the true professors of the Gospell Hereof come such intollerable iniuries horrible blasphemies cruel torments and bloody slaughters of the Saincts of god For the flesh hath no walls no munitions to defend it but the spirite Therfore the flesh is in daunger to al stormes and tempests broken troden downe of the wicked as Esay sayth chap. 51. VVhich haue sayd vnto thy soule Bow downe that we may go ouer Thou hast layed thy body as the ground and as the streete to them that went ouer These afflictions we must needes suffer and by patience ouercome them withall we must beware that by these outward afflictions the inward man be not weakened or ouercome resting in this assured hope and trust that the Lord will neuer forsake vs but that we are in the bosome of the father and are closed within most sure and strong holds So that now although our goodes our wiues our children yea and our liues also be taken from vs yet we shall neuer be spoyled of our Christ by whome we are so surely defended that in the middes of all our tentations he will make away for vs to escape or else geue vs strength to beare them Thus we see what consolations the holy Ghost setteth forth vnto them which beleue the word For vnto such as looke for a better life then this all thinges are here full of calamities and miseries Death followeth death as Paule sayth and we continually dye One tentation followeth an other vntill at the length by the death of the flesh all miseries shall cease and haue an ende This verse therefore maketh much for our comfort admonishing vs that we must suffer many troubles yet so that at the length we shall be safe and sette at libertie from them all though not in this life yet in the life to come and in eternall life And why should we not thus boldely promise vnto our selues remayning vnder this diligent custody of the Angells yea of the Lord him selfe which is alwayes round about his people But here as before I sayd we haue neede of fayth that we may iudge herein not according to our present troubles and tentations but according to the word of promise And what should we neede any promises if there were no tentations which tentations whether they be within in the spirit or without in the fleshe the time shall come when we through Christ shall haue full victory hereof as this verse full of sweete consolation doth promise vnto vs. Notwithstanding this promise seemeth incredible both to vs which suffer and also to them which persecute and afflict vs For if we behold the same with our outward eyes what can be more false yea the contrary seemeth to be most true Behold our Sauiour Christ was he not so forsaken hanging vpon the crosse that the rod or scepter of the wicked rested vpon him Did it not rest likewise vpon the Prophets the Apostles and other holy Martyrs This matter then if we consider it with our outward eyes hath an other meaning then the wordes doe import For they promise that the scepter of the wicked shall haue no power ouer the godly and yet all stories and examples doe testifie the contrary Therefore the holy Ghost calleth vs backe to the purpose counsell of God reueiled in his word and commaundeth vs to wey and consider not what we suffer and with our outward eyes behold but what is decreed with the Lord in heauen And he that can so sequestre him selfe from the beholding of his afflictions and tentations and yeld him selfe wholy ouer to the will of God there rest is a right diuine yea he that is ignorant hereof in true diuinitie knoweth nothing at al. For what knoweth he which is ignorant that God is such a God as will not suffer the godly to be oppressed of the wicked For seeing he hath sayd I am the Lorde thy God he will neuer suffer that which is his owne to be wrested either by the world or by the gates of hell out of his hands If he then abide and continue they shall also continue for euer which are his Thus to beleeue and thus to lay hold on thinges inuisible is true diuinitie and true spirituall wisedom in deede whereupon we may ground this proposition out of the inuisible counsell of God God hateth the wicked loueth the iust ergo he will damne and destroy the wicked and wil deliuer and saue the iust And here we see that which is the chiefest thing in all the Psalmes and Prophets to spring out of the first precept I am the Lorde thy God. Now haue we to learne how we may apply this verse rightly and to our comforte For true diuinitie consisteth in vse and practise We are vexed on euery side with cruell Bishops wicked Princes and others which hate the word of God and the doctrine which we professe But these are very trifles if ye compare them with those vexations which Satan sinne and our owne infirmitie raise vppe in our consciences We must learne therefore thus to iudge of all these thinges that they are the rodde or scepter of the wicked and to set the Lorde against them reueiling his will here in his word and pronouncing that he will not suffer the scepter of the wicked to rest vpon the godly Seeing then the same Prince promiseth thus much vnto vs which hath all thinges in his hand what can we require more For the will of God is certaine that though he suffer vs to be afflicted yet will he not see vs troden vnder foote or perish Thus must we apply these sweete consolations What the rodde signifieth in the scripture it is wel knowne Children when they are yong are corrected with a rodde when they waxe bigger with a wand or a cudgell and if they will not so amende then followeth the yron rodde Hereof it commeth that the rodde signifieth all power and rule whiche is for the amendement and correction of such as doe offende So is it taken in the 110. Psalme The Lord shall send forth the rodd of thy power out of Sion That is to say thy kingdome For there he signifieth such a rodde wherby kingdoms and people are gouerned On this wise the
In the which there was nothing hearde seene taught redde or exercised but mens traditions mens dreames which of their owne nature can doe nothing else but discomfort afflict the conscience For our tradition bringeth forth an other one obseruation followeth an other and that worst of all is they are not onely burthens to the body for to that ende tend all the ordinaunces of men if there be any profitable vse in them but are now become snares to the conscience Wherefore there was not one iote of this doctrine in the Popes kingdome that ministred any occasion of ioy or gladnes to the pore conscience No maruell then if in this kingdome of darkenes the conscience was terrified and found no comfort For if it be in anguish and terrour it can not make that distinction whereof we spake before Great cause haue we therefore to be thankfull vnto God for this inestimable benefite that we now knowe the doctrine of the Gospell to be the doctrine of consolation saluation Through the which doctrine looke how much ioy thou feelest in thy heart so much thou doest enioy of life and saluation But if thou feele thy heart still oppressed with heauines the deuill hath not yet giuen ouer to vexe thee Wherefore thou must haue thy heart well instructed in the true vse of the lawe and of the Gospell as we haue said before that thou mayst knowe that the lawe ought to be vsed onely against the obstinate and impenitent and that therein consisteth the true and proper vse of the lawe but when it vexeth and terrifieth such tender consciences as are to much feared already it is not rightly vsed and therefore terrified consciences may in no case harken vnto the law for to such perteineth laughter and ioy the preaching I say of the Gospell or remission of sinnes giuen vnto vs in Christ by the which we are also sanctified but by the law we are not sanctified but the power and gift of sinne is thereby rather increased in vs. Verse 4. O Lorde turne againe our captiuitie as the riuers in the south Hitherto he hath intreated and prophecied of the kingdome of Christ and of the redemption to be wrought by Christ and afterward to be published to all nations that thereby might be gathered one church of the Iewes and the Gentiles in the which should be preached nothing else but laughter and ioy praise and thanksgiuing Now he procedeth further to describe this Church and sheweth what followeth this fruite of redemption and this communion of the Iewes and Gentiles namely the great necessitie of continuall and faithfull prayer like as the Prophet Zachary also ioyneth with the spirite of grace the spirit of prayer that is with the redemption which was wrought by Christ the prayer of the faithful and of the redemed For although our redemption be fully wrought we redemed by the blood of the sonne of God yet is it necessary that we shoulde pray for this redemption as Christ also in his prayer commaundeth vs to do that Gods name may be sanctified which notwithstanding we know to be holy and sanctified already that the kingdome of God may come which is come and is within vs already As Christ saith Father glorifie thy name and the father aunswereth I haue glorified it and I will glorifie it againe Also Sainct Paule saith I count not my selfe to haue attayned vnto it c. He meaneth the fulnes of the knowledge of Christ and perfect tast of the power of his resurrection This is it which I touched before that this benefite of the gospell this inestimable gifte of our redemption and life euerlasting is easie to be vttered with wordes but moste hard to be belee●●● with the heart For we haue in this life not the tenthes but th● first fruites of the spirite but the flesh yet liueth fully and wholly in a maner strong and lusty True it is that we haue entred one foote into the kingdom of God and haue thereby obtained the assurance of the promise ▪ But we must not there rest we must● drawe the other foote after that is we must continually increase and goe forward in the knowledge of grace and of faith and for this cause the Prophet Zachary saieth that the spirite of prayer is poured forth vppon vs which spirite requireth this encrease in vs And Sainct Paule saith that the spirite sigheth with sighes that can not be expressed yea and that euery creature also groneth for the deliuerance of the children of god Wherfore whiles we are in this body which presseth vs downe as a heauy burden and hindreth vs that we can not fully apprehend these thinges we haue not onely the spirite of grace but the spirite of prayer also that we might be assured of the grace and good will of God towards vs for Christes sake in whom we beleue and yet should not cease to pray that God would make perfect in vs that he hath begunne Let no man then thinke that once to haue heard these thinges maketh him a true diuine or that he hath now a●teyned to the full and perfect knowledge hereof For this arrogancie maketh fanaticall spirites which like to Aesopes dogge follow the shadow and lose the thing In deede if we looke to the word to baptisme to Christ him self al is perfect But we speake not here of the things but of the apprehension thereof So life euerlasting is perfect In my fathers house are many mansions sayth christ But in these mansions we are not yet fully setled so long as we liue here In the meane time we are oppressed with cares vexed with sinne aff●icted with tentations terrours and desperation Satan neuer ceaseth to assaile our faith hope and other vertues which God hath planted in vs. And this prerogatiue hath Satan because the grace which is begun in vs is not yet perfect Therefore he fighteth so busely against these beginnings fearing least they should come to perfection Such is the life of Christians which haue already receiued the first fruites of the spirite who by experience doe learne that these things can not be fully apprehended but that in the meane while they shall often times slippe yea and some tymes daungerously fall so that the sparke of faith and of the spirite may seeme to be in them vtterly quenched as it hapned to Dauid in his adultery wherein they haue neede of helpe to reise them vp againe as Christ aunswered to Paule my power is made perfect in infirmitie The infirmitie is theirs and remayneth theirs whiles they liue but the power and strength is Christes alone In this daungerous state they flie vnto prayer and say Leade vs not into tentation Giue victory O Lord that my faith fayle not that my hope be not confounded Make perfect the good work which thou hast begunne in me Notwithstanding these are they which not onely haue receiued the first fruites of the spirite as is sayd but also haue perfect redemption
sure hope of life euerlasting remission of al their sinnes true deliuerance from the deuil hell and eternall death All these thinges haue they and in the things there is no defect but the defect is in me and in thee because we haue not yet fully apprehended these thinges For flesh and bloode and the remnauntes of sinne doe yet liue in vs This forced Paule to cry out and say I see an other lawe in my members fighting against the law of God. And this is the cause why a Christian can not be secure For he seeth that he hath not yet ouercome all perills and daungers which the enemie dayly deuiseth But for so much as pertaineth vnto Christ as is sayd whom by faith he apprehendeth on whom he beleueth true it is that he hath all thinges For in Christ the deuill is ouercome the law fulfilled the wrath of God pacified and death it selfe vanquished In this state we stand if we looke to Christ on whom we beleue But when we looke backe into our selues we are forced to confesse that we are not pure because our fayth is not yet perfect and therefore can not perfectly apprehend perfect thinges as S. Paule sayth Therefore when we come to the combate we giue place to the enemy we suffer our hope to be wrested from vs we are cast into heauines impaciencie c. Thus Christians are warriers Gods true souldiers which stand alwayes in the battaile and can not be secure or voyd of feare Therefore they are feruent in prayer and cry vnto God for succour Contrariwise they that are secure pray not for they thinke that the deuill is farre enough of and so that faith feeling of the good gift of God which they seemed to haue they lose before they be ware and when tentation commeth they are like to a withered leafe Thus we see the great necessitie of prayer and how it ought to be continually vsed among the faithfull if not with the mouth y●● with the hart and harty sighes vnto God according to the wordes of S. Paule Let the word of Christ dwel in you plentifully signifying that they ought to be continually exercised therein not only by teaching the same to other publikely and priuatly but also by earnest meditation and prayer when they sit at home in their houses as Moises teacheth when they walke by the way when they lye downe and when they rise vp For as the Deuill goeth about like a roring lyon strong and mighty seeking whom he may deuoure so are we on euery ●ide infirme and weake pressed downe also with the flesh full of sinne cariyng this treasure in earthen vesselles In the which our fayth is as a tender plant which because it is not yet come to perfect strength may be easily shaken with winds and tempests This know not they which before they haue had some triall of them selues by affliction or wrastling with the enemy thinke them selues to be Christians and sound in faith We must watch therefore and pray as Christ commaundeth that in our daily conflictes we may stand stedfastly against the darts of Satan which would driue vs to the contempt of God and man. So doe I vnderstand this prayer not in the person of the Prophet as though he prayed for the reuelation of the redemption that should come but in the person of the faithful which haue need continually to pray according to this verse say Lord thou hast redemed vs out of captiuitie redeme vs yet more thou hast forgiuen vs our sinnes forgiue vs more thou hast killed the deuill kill him more thou hast taken away the law take it away more For we must pray for that which we haue already vntill we come to the full perfection thereof which shall be after the death of this body in the which sinne here dwelleth The sense and meaning then herof is Lord turne againe our captiuitie that is redeeme vs whiche haue begunne to be the newe creature that as our redemption by Christ is fully and perfectly wrought so we may fully and perfectly apprehend and feele the same For there be many things which in this life fight against this redemption Wherfore it is necessary that we shoulde be well armed against them that we fall not againe into captiuitie On this wise we must alwayes pray that the first fruites of the spirite may continually encrease in vs and that we may be redemed day by day vntill the olde man be wholly put away by death Then shall our captiuitie be perfectly chaunged euen as the riuers or waters in the south which by the mightie worke of God were dryed vppe and vtterly consumed Whether ye vnderstand here the redde sea or else th● riuer of Iordane it forceth little The similitude is this Like as by thy mightie hand thou broughtest to passe miraculously that the waters were dryed vp and consumed so dry vp O Lorde and bring to nothing al our captiuitie Some doe interprete this verse otherwise that is turne our captiuitie O Lorde as the riuers in the South which in the summer are dryed vp in the desert places by the heat of the sunne but in the winter are filled vp againe with plentie of water How necessary the spirit of prayer is they that haue not sought with Satan doe not know Let vs therefore giue our selues wholy to the continuall exercise of prayer and meditation of the holye Scriptures For negligence and securitie encrease by little and litle as rust doth in the iron and the word slippeth as it were out of our handes before we be ware If it so come to passe then hath Satan gotten halfe the victory already who seeketh all opportunitie to see vppon vs and then specially is he wont so to doe when he perceiueth our heartes to be voide of the word of god Here he stirreth vp of a spark as it were a flaming fire in our conscience which before we can quench and apprehend Christ and his worde againe either we are oppressed with anguish and sorrow or vtterly consumed For he is a murtherer and seketh by al meanes how to destroy vs It is necessary then for vs to haue our senses exercised and our mindes occupyed in the meditation of the worde and prayer that the enemy find vs not vnarmed or vnprouided which so busily seeketh to spoyle vs of this redemption I also am a Diuine which by great troubles haue gotten some knowledge and vnderstanding of the holy Scripture and yet am not I so lifted vp through this gift but that I doe dayly exercise my selfe euen ●mongest the children in the Catechisme in secrete meditation I meane of the commaundements the articles of the beliefe and the Lords prayer c. with an earnest and attentiue minde not onely recounting with my selfe the wordes but obseruing and weying also what euery word signifieth And doubtles whē I am not thus exercised but am occupyed with other matters I finde a manifest discommoditie thereby For
called trust but in deede it is nothing for we may not depart from the vocall worde For if we so doe what certeintie can we haue of God especially seeing that God hath giuen his worde ordeyned Ministers of his worde Magistrates Parentes c. to this ende that we should followe their voyce speaking to vs out of his holy worde and commaunding vs to obey their authoritie The prophet signifieth here also an other tentation which all they doe fall into that are not diligent in holding fast this knowledge of mercie For this Satan seeketh and busily goeth about either publikely to take away the word or priuately to hinder this hope in those that haue the word So the Pope had the word and Sacramentes and yet notwithstanding he suffered him selfe to be ledde away to pilgrimages rules vowes superstition idolatrie c. What trouble we haue had with sectes we haue before declared And who is able to recite the tentations wherewith men are priuately assailed tempted to depart from the word to straunge opinions which reason deuiseth and imagineth So great a matter is it to auoyde these subtile sleightes of Satan Dauid sayth therefore I will not suffer my selfe to be ledde from the word but in the word I will trust for remission of sinnes and wil not frame my faith after mine own imaginations but after the word There is then a double tentation against the which the Prophete by his owne example armeth vs The first taketh hold of those which do imagine vnto them selues a faith and take away the word as the prophane and godles spirits doe The seconde followeth those which haue the word and lay no holde on it but are ledde away to idolatries and such are the Papistes But there is yet a third tentation which is the forest of all against the which Dauid speaketh as followeth Verse 6. My soule wayteth on the Lorde from the morninge watch euen vnto night When Satan cannot preuaile by plaine and direct meanes in tempting vs to forsake the word and followe our owne imaginations as the heretikes doe or retaining the word to turne to Idolatrie as the Papistes doe then he goeth aboute to make vs weery of all togither and vtterly to giue ouer Wherefore we must not onely haue a good courage that we may obtaine the victorie but we must also continually withstand his force endure his assaults neuer suffer our selues to be ouercome by his importunitie For oftentimes we see that by long continuance they are ouercome whom no troubles were they neuer so great could ouercome And in warfare we se that nothing is so much commended as to presse still vpon the enemie So the Turke although he hath had many ouerthrowes yet because he still goeth on and neuer giueth ouer therefore he preuaileth In this continuance diligence trauel al they must constantly perseuere which wil hold this doctrine of iustification righteousnes And here Dauid setteth forth his owne example that like as the enemie hath his continuall assaultes and neuer giueth ouer so he also neuer ceaseth to wait vpon the Lorde to trust in the Lord that not only with a strong a valiant but also with a constant faith inuincible hope he may gaine the victory Wherefore we must learne by the policie of our enemie to play the good souldiers For he is neuer weery in deuising and practising all the meanes possible whereby he may trouble and molest the Church So at the first the ende of one heresie was the beginning of an other and one persecution followed an other We also at the beginning had many conflicts with the Pope and his monsters When they were repressed by and by new errours ensued which notwithstanding did not then first begin to spring vppe but the olde enemie who as he is neuer weery so lacketh he no subteltie and policie to doe mischiefe raysed vp againe such errours and heresies as had beene conuicted and confounded long agoe to the end that the poore afflicted church might haue no breathing time For we see what swarmes of Epicures be now euery where And there is no small number also of such as seeke to reuiue the heresie of Arius This continual diligence and importunitie of the enemy it behoueth vs to know that we fall not into security For it is not enough to haue once ouercome but one battaile followeth an other and one victory an other This earnest and continuall trauell of the enemie we doe not onely see in the story of the Church but we haue experience therof also in our selues and in our owne priuate exercises Wherfore if by prayer thou hast this day ouercome be not negligent and secure for to morrow he will come again more strongly armed and prepared then he did before Wherefore doe thou also prepare thy selfe to a new battaile So it commeth to passe that the same tentation which to day we were able easily to ouercome to morrow shall ouercome vs and giue vs the ouerthrowe A Christian therfore must be readily prepared not only with strength to stand against the enemie but with stedfast purpose also to continue vnto the end For he runneth not in such a race wherein there is any ende of his course during this life but he runneth as it were in a rownd circle in the which he must haue a continuall recourse thither where he first began Therefore our Sauiour Christ saith He that continueth to the end shall be saued We must not then be discouraged by the importunitie of our enemie or ouercome with tediousnes and long continuance but we must fight not onely against the power and subtiltie of our enemie but also against our owne weakenes and weerines and raise vppe our selues with this faith that like as Satan sleepeth not so the Lorde our God neither sleepeth nor resteth Thus Dauid setteth out vnto vs his owne example that we being armed against all tentations which followe the remission of sinnes shoulde giue no place to the enemie For albeit it is most certaine that there is mercie with the Lorde that our sinnes are forgiuen that we are baptised into the death of Christ that we are called by the word vnto the communion of Sainctes and that we with the other members of Christ are nourished by the body and blood of Christ all these thinges I say although they be most certaine yet are we still in daunger lest we be deceiued of the craftie enemie which lyeth in waite for vs on euery side He is on our right hand by hypocrisie and securitie he is on our lefte hande by tyrannes and desperation Besids all this so great is his vigilancie that he is neuer farre of but euer at hand Therefore the Prophet saith My soule wayteth on the Lorde from the morning watch c. This saying of the heathen is well knowne furor fit laesa saepius patientia that is patience being often times hurt is turned into