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A10133 Iacobs vovv, opposed to the vowes of monkes and friers The first volume in two bookes; of the Holy Scripture, and euangelicall counsels. Written in French by Mr. Gilbert Primerose, minister of the word of God in the Reformed Church of Burdeaux. And translated into English by Iohn Bulteel minister of the gospel of Iesus Christ.; Voeu de Jacob. English Primrose, Gilbert, ca. 1580-1642.; J. B. (John Bulteel), d. 1699. 1617 (1617) STC 20390; ESTC S112003 232,060 268

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d August de Ecclesiast dogmat c. 85. nullus sanctus iustus caret peccato Nec ●amen ex ●o● desi●it esse iustus vel sanctus cum ●ffectu tenent sanct●tatem There is no holy nor righteous man without sin who notwithstanding cease not for all that to be holy righteous because they retaine holines in affection In another place he saies that e Jdem in Ioan. tract 41. many haue bin called righteous because they were sine querela blameles that is to say without reproofe for there is no iust complaint among men against them which are without crime Now a crime is a great sinne worthie of accusation and condemnation But if you thinke that to be righteous is to bee without sinne reade a few lines before and he will tell you Discusse and sift mee out any how righteous soeuer hee bee in this life although he be well-nigh worthy of the name of righteousnesse hee is not for all that without sinne And that proues he by the confession of Iob and of Saint Iohn and excepts none but Iesus Christ In like manner expounding in what manner the Scripture termeth good those that are bad he sayes f Idem epist 54. Ad Macedomū Sed enim ●icimus bonum cuius praeualent eumque optimum qui peccat minimùm Idcirco ipse Dominus quos dicit bonos propter participationem gratiae diuinae eosaem etiam malos dicit propter vitia infirmitatis humanae c. that how much a man doth well that is to say wittingly charitably and religiously so much is he good but so much as he sinnes that is to say strayes from the truth from charitie and from godlinesse so much is hee euill and who is in this world without some sinne but wee call him good whose goodnesse ouercomes and him best who sinnes least And therefore they whom the Lord calls good by participation of his diuine grace euen those he calls euill because of the vices of humane frailtie vntill that all whereof we consist healed of all vice and corruption passe into that life wherein we shall not sinne at all For surely they were good and not euill whom hee taught to pray Our Father which art in heauen For they are good in as much as they are the children of God not begotten by nature but made by grace Afterwards hee addes that Christ himselfe calls his Apostles euill when he saith to them g Mat. 7.11 If yee then being euill know how to giue good gifts vnto your children Quid simus Dei dono quid human● vitio ho● commendans illud eme●dans declaring vnto vs the truth of the one and of the other What we are by Gods grace and what we are by humane corruption recommending the one and amending the other Lastly hee saith that men are named righteous because their vnrighteousnesse is forgiuen them and the righteousnesse of Christ is imputed vnto them i Idem in Job traci vers Omnes qu● per Christum iustificati sunt ●usti ●on in se sed in illo sunt All they saith he that are iustified by Christ are righteous not surely in themselues but in him As we haue heard of him in the beginning of this Chapter that all our righteousnesse in this li●e consists rather in the remission of sinnes then in the perfection of vertues So then Christian● according to the Fathers are said to be righteous in this life because God esteemes them as righteous and vpright in Iesus Christ because they apply themselues vnto righteousnesse and holinesse and because they liue vprightly and righteously that is to say blamelesse and without imputation of crime among men CHAP. X. I. The third Obiection Noah Asa and many others are named perfect in the Scripture II. The Answere Those notwithstanding were sinners and are said to be perfect III. In regard of the perfection of parts IIII. By the which a man may assuredly know if he be the childe of God V. But they were not perfect of the perfection of degrees VI. They haue also been called perfect in comparison of others lesse perfect VII And in regard of their affection whereby they made towards their perfection VIII As also by reason of the perfection of Christ Iesus in whom they are complete IX Which is proued by the Fathers THe third obiection is 3. Obiection Bellar. de Iustif lib. 4. c. 11. concerning perfect men for it is written that a Genes 6.9 Noah was a iust man and perfect in his generation walking with God b 2. Chro. 15.17 The heart of Asa was perfect all his daies c 1. Cor. 2.6 We speake saith S. Paul wisdome among them that ar● perfect And elsewhere d Philip. 3.15 Let vs as many as be perfect be thus minded By these examples and many others it appeares as it seemes vnto them that many haue perfectly kept the Commandements of God for otherwise they should not be said to be perfect II. It hath bin proued that euen these men haue transgressed the Law and haue neuer attained in this life vnto the perfection of the righteousnesse of the Law in whose ballance if the most perfect works of the most perfect were weighed they should be found all too light all too imperfect Surely Asa who obtained witnesse that e 2. Chro. 15.17 his heart was perfect all his daies is in the same place accused that he tooke not away out of Israel the high places and in the Chapter following f 2. Chro. 16.7 reproued by Hanani the Seer to haue relied on the King of Syria and not on the Lord his God g Vers 10. and to haue put in prison the Prophet Hanani for reprouing of him in the name of the Lord and to haue oppressed some of the people the same time And h Vers 12. being sicke and diseased in his feete vntill his disease was exceeding great yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord but to the Phisitians He notwithstanding with the rest aboue mentioned haue not for all that left to be called perfect for diuers considerations III. First there is a double perfection The perfection of parts the one is of this mortall life the other of life eternall in this life that man whom the Spirit of Christ reneweth is sanctified in all the parts of his soule and of his body his vnderstanding is enlightened his heart softned and made pliant of a stonie one it is made fleshie or rather of a stone it is made flesh his affections are freed from the bondage of sinne and ranged vnder the conduct of the vnderstanding and of the will all the members of his body al his parts and limmes his eyes his eares his tongue his feete his hands c. are sanctified to serue vnto righteousnesse in holines But it is so that in euery part there is alwaies some imperfection in this life for the light of the vnderstanding is mingled with
ad me non est qu● eas nisi per me Saint Austin to this purpose brings in Christ speaking after this manner Wilt thou walke I am the Way Wilt thou not be deceiued I am the Truth Wilt thou not die I am the Life thy Sauiour tells thee this thou hast no other where to goe then vnto me nor by no other then by me II. Now that we may the better goe vnto him who is the Life and by him who is the way and that going by him vnto him we stray not from him hee himselfe takes vs by the hand and leades vs with his two hands by the hand of his Spirit within and the hand of his holy Word without For euen as we must haue light without for the chasing away and dispelling of darkenesse and also light in our eyes and a cleere sight if we meane to trauell and soiourne in this valley of miserie and manage the ●hings of this life it being impossible that the most quicke eyed yea though he had the eyes of an Eagle can see in the dark vnlesse he be outwardly enlightned or that he that is blind and bereaued of his sight can see the fairest Sun-shine day euen so if we vndergo the way of life and mannage holy and celestiall things holily and to our saluation wee must bee enlightned without with the Lampe of Gods words as Dauid saith g Psal 119.105 Thy word is a lampe vnto my feete and a light vnto my path and enlightned within by the illumination of the holy Spirit of the which Saint Paul saith h Rom. 8.9 If any man haue not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his that is to say hee is not a Christian For to be a Christian is to be anointed of the holy Ghost in some measure as to be Christ is to be annointed of the holy Ghost without measure as it is written i Psalm 45.7 O God thy God hath anointed thee with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy fellowes And so the Apostle praies for the Ephesians and in their persons for vs all that k Eph. 1.17.18 The God of our Lord Iesus Christ the Father of glorie would giue vs the spirit of wisdom and reuelation in the knowledge of him to wit The eyes of our vnderstanding being enlightned that we may know what is the hope of his calling and what are the riches of the glory of his Inheritance in his Saints III. Now as touching the word which teacheth vs how God will bee serued of vs and how hee will reward saue and glorifie vs we hold that that word of God is comprehended in the holy writings of the Prophets Apostles and Euangelists For euē as God in the beginning created the light which gaue light to the world some certaine dayes without Sun Moone or Starres l Gen. 1.3.14 and afterwards created the lights in the Firmament of heauen into the which he did infuse and shut vp that light which hath not since beene imparted vnto the world but by those two great Lights Euen so God in the beginning gouerned the celestiall world which is his Church and did enlighten it by his holy word one and simple without any Scripture but since he hath clothed and adorned her with the Scriptures hath lodgd and harboured her as it were in a faire Pauillion and Tabernacle in the diuine holy books which he himself hath composed by the hands of Moses the Prophets and Apostles m August de consens Euangelist li. 2. cap. vlt. who when they haue writtē the things that God hath shewed them related we must not say that he himself hath not written them for he hath commanded them to write as it were with his owne hands all that he would haue vs to reade both in his words and workes which they haue so faithfully and perfectly performed that wee may confidently affirme n Idem de doctrina Christi li. 2. ca. 9. In ijs quae apertè in scripturis posita sunt inueniuntur illa omnia quae continent fidem morésque viuendi that all things appertaining to faith and the rule of life are plainely expressed in the Scriptures Art thou an ideot and simple let not the depth and height of them affright thee o Psalm 19.7 The testimonie of the Lord is sure making wise the simple Art thou wise doe not despise them for p Prou. 1.5 A wise man will heare and will increase learning and a man of vnderstanding shall attaine vnto wise counsels Art thou pensiue and grieued with the feeling of thy sinnes and by the apprehension of Gods anger q Psal 19.8.9 The Law of God is perfect conuerting the soule the Statutes of the Lord are right reioycing the heart r Rom. 15.4 For whatsoeuer things were written aforetime were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope Art thou blind in Gods matters ſ Psal 19.8 The Commandement of the Lord is pure inlightning the eyes Art thou young and desirest thou to know the direct and ready way to vertue and godlinesse Doest thou aske the Lord with Dauid t Psal 119 9. Wherewithall shall a young man cleanse his way Dauid will answere thee in the name of thy God t Psal 119 9. by taking heed thereto according to thy word and will prooue vnto thee his answere by his owne example saying u Psalm 119.99.100 I haue more vnderstanding then all my Teachers for thy Testimonies are my meditation I vnderstand more then the Ancients because I keepe thy precepts Art thou desirous of the true wisdome which is to saluation and of the true profession which makes the Man of God the Euangelist the Preacher of Gods word and so with good reason euery Christian to abound in all spirituall gifts necessarie for thee in thy vocation in thy conuersation to leade and bring thee vnto faith in Christ and to instruct thee to liue according to Christ x 2. Tim. The holy Scriptures are able to make thee wise vnto saluation through faith which is in Christ Iesus All Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproofe for correction for instruction in righteousnesse that the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished vnto all good workes y 2. Cor. 5.2 Doest thou sigh and grone earnestly desiring to bee clothed vpon with thy house which is from heauen according to the example of the Saints z Iohn 5.39 Search the Scriptures saith he that is the Prince of life for in them ye thinke ye haue eternall life It is not an estimation of an humane opinion but a firme perswasion of diuine certaintie and true knowledge if the Spirit of truth that cannot lie do not deceiue vs when he saith that a Iohn 20.31 These things are written that ye might beleeue that Iesus is the Christ the son of God that beleeuing ye might haue life through
maiestie i 1. Cor. 2.6 7 8 9. They containe the wisedome not of this world nor of the Princes of this world that come to nought but the wisedome of God which none of the Princes of this world knew but as it is written eye hath not seene nor eare heard neither haue entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that loue him They being of God k Matth. 11.27 none can know them but God and vnto whom God will reueale them For as amongst men none knowes the things of man saue the spirit of man which is in him l 1. Cor. 2.11 Euen so the things of God knowes no man but the Spirit of God For this first reason God must reueale them vnto vs by his Spirit m 1. Cor. 2.10 For the Spirit teacheth all things yea the deepe things of God The second reason is our incapacitie and insufficiencie for not onely haue we our eyes obscured and darkned with some certaine cloudes of ignorance but we haue them also so blinde that the Scripture calles vs n Ephes 5.8 darkenesse and plainely saith of vs and of the fairest and best things we haue by nature that o 1. Cor. 2.14 The naturall man receiueth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned VVhere the Spirit of God chargeth vs with two things o 1. Cor. 2.14 the priuation and want of all facultie aptnesse and abilitie to vnderstand and comprehend the things that are of God Secondly an euill and peruerse disposition and inclination for wee cannot only not comprehend the things of God but also we esteeme them foolishnes according to that which the Apostle saith p Rom. 8.7 The carnall minde is enmitie against God and therefore hee addes that q 1. Cor. 2.14 15 these things are spiritually discerned and that he which is spirituall iudgeth all things Dauid wrote that it was so when he prayed vnto God saying r Psal 119.18 Open thou mine eies that I may behold the wondrous things out of thy Law when Saint Peter confessed the Lord to ſ Matth. 16.16 be Christ the sonne of the liuing God The Lord presently taught him that it was so saying t Matth. 16.17 Blessed art thou Simon Bar-Iona for flesh and blood hath not reuealed it vnto thee but my Father which is in heauen The Apostle hath confirmed the same where he prayes God in his Epistles to giue his Spirit vnto them vnto whom hee writes that they may comprehend these things and assuring vs that u 1. Cor. 12.3 no man can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost VI. But here is the question for they demaund Where is the Spirit In whom is the Spirit A question easie to bee resolued for as if one aske where the soule and life of man is a child would answere that it is in mans body and in euery part of the body though more sensibly and with more efficacy in one part of the body then in the other euen so when they demaund Where is the Spirit of Christ The childe of God will presently answere that it is in the body of Christ which is the Church vnited to Christ his head and in euery member of this body x Iohn 3.34 In Christ who is the head without measure in the other members with measure in some extraordinarily as in the Prophets and now ordinarie in all those that are come since in these a greater measure in those a lesser measure in some more in some lesse y Rom. 12.3 according as God hath dealt to euery man the measure of faith To doubt therefore if any one hath the Spirit of Christ in him is to doubt if he be a member of the body of Christ that is to say if he be a Christian for no man is a Christian but by the holy Spirit vniting him to Christ and inspiring him and quickning him that he liue to Christ CHAP. V. I. The words of Micah vnfitly and to no purpose alleaged cannot bee vnderstood by allegorie but of the Church in generall whose children are directed by the holy Spirit in the vnderstanding of the Scriptures II. Hee is an Heretick who obstinately defends a sense contrary to the Scriptures III. The argument whereby the Letter binds vs to depend and relie on the interpretation of the Fathers because Christ hath said nothing but that he hath heard of God his Father is impertinent and ridiculous IIII. In what consisteth our conformitie with Christ V. The argument retorted against the Author thereof VI. It is proued by the Scriptures and Fathers that wee are not to relie on the exposition of the Fathers WHen as therefore the Author saith in his Pastorall Letter that wee must not stand to our owne sense to know the sense of the Scripture Pag. 7. but follow the counsell of the Prophet Micah saying a Mica 4.2 Come and let vs go vp to the mountaine of the Lord and to the house of the God of Iacob and hee will teach vs of his waies and we will walke in his pathes Although that these words of Micah are to bee vnderstood literally of Sion and of the Citie of Ierusalem as it appeares by the words following For the Law shall goe forth of Zion and the word of the Lord from Ierusalem If by the mountaine of the Lord and the house of the God of Iacob hee vnderstands the Church of Christ Iesus it is most certaine that we ought to go and retire there to haue the sense meaning of the Scripture For there is the Scripture and there is the Spirit inspiring the whole Church in generall and euery true member of the same in particular according to the gift and wil of euery one When therfore the Scripture is read by a true member of Christ or is preached vnto him he hath the holy Spirit on his right hand and in his heart inspiring the true sense and meaning thereof and this inspiration is no other thing but that which S. Paul names b Ephes 1.18 the eyes of our vnderstanding enlightned to see comprehend the mysteries propounded in the Scriptures as it happened vnto Lydia c Acts 16.14 whose heart the Lord opened that she attended vnto the things which were spoken of Paul And it happens vnto all the Saints according to that which the Apostle saith d 1 Cor. 2.12 We haue receiued not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely giuen to vs of God And S. Iohn writing to young babes young children young men and fathers e 1. John 2.20 Ye haue an vnction from the holy One and ye know all things The one and the other after their Ma●●er who hath decided this controuersie with this notable sentence No f Ioh.
and filled with violence then when m Genes 6.2 the sonnes of God saw the daughters of men and tooke them wiues of all which they chose To proue this we neede but enter into great Cities and may iustly cry against them as in old time the Prophet cried against Ierusalem n 〈◊〉 3.1 Wee to her that is gluttenous fi lt his and polluted to the oppressing Citie The strong are within her roaring Lions they are night-wolues which leaue no bones to gnaw vpon in the morning of whom the Prophet Micah prophesied o Mica 2.1.2 Wee to them that deuise iniquitie and worke euill vpon their beds when the morning is light they practise it because it is in the power of their hand and they couet fieldes and take them by vilence and houses and take them away so they oppresse a man and his house euen a man and his heritage The women and maides do paint their faces and tire their heads like p 2. King 9.30 Iezabel They dance as the daughter q Mat. 14.6 of Herodias did They go abroad with a Mercers shop on their shoulders of whom it is written as otherwhiles of the daughters of Sion r Isai 3.16.17 Because the daughters of Sion are haughtie and walke with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes walking and mincing as they goe and making a tinckling with their feete The Lord will smite with a scabbe the crowne of the head of the daughters of Zion and the Lord will discouer their secret parts There are but few that can say with this young Lord that they haue not committed adulterie that they haue kept the Commandement in regard of the outward righteousnesse of the Law yea few that know the Commandements yea that will heare speake of them few therefore whom our Lord Iesus Christ loueth as he loued this young man although he loued him not with that speciall loue wherof S. Iohn witnesseth that hauing ſ John 13.1 loued his owne which were in the world he loued them vnto the ende Hee loued him because he saw in him a desire to profit but he loued him not as hauing profited much He loued him to conuince him of sin but he loued him not to conuert him from his sinne He loued him to warne and admonish him of that which he should doe but he loued him not to make him to doe it He loued him to instruct him he loued him not to saue him He loued him with that measure of loue wherewith he loued the Doctor of Law who although he asked him which is the great Commandement in the Law in tempting him t Mat. 22.35 hee omitted not to approue the good he found in him and to say vnto him u Mark 12.34 Thou art not farre from the kingdome of heauen But he loued him not with that loue wherewith he loued his disciples x Iohn 15.9.13 As my Father hath loued me so haue I loued you greater loue hath no man then this that a man lay downe his life for his friends In a word he loued him with a common loue of a Doctor teaching with mildnesse those which came to him but he loued him not with that speciall loue of a Sauiour wherewith he hath loued none but his Church as it is written y Ephes He loued the Church and gaue himselfe for it that hee might sanctifie and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word that he might present it to himselfe a glorious Church not hauing spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish Louing him therefore with that common loue of a Doctor and Teacher he proceedes to instruct him and saith vnto him X. a Mat. 19.21 If thou wilt be perfect goe and sell that thou hast and giue to the poore and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen and come and follow me What is that to say If thou wilt be perfect It is as much as to say saith Bellarmine b Bellar. de monach c. 9. §. 18. Si nones contentus vita aeterna sed aspiras ad excellentem gradum in ipsa vita aeterna as if thou art not content with eternall life but doest aspire vnto an excellent degree in eternall life O man wherewith can he content himselfe that is not contented with eternall life which is the gaine of the death of the Sonne of God and of all that which God promiseth which God giueth vnto those he loues all that the Saints sigh after the Abstract and epitome of all that which they beleeue all which they desire and indeuour to apprehend all that which they obtaine apprehēd Where hath Christ Iesus taught any not to content himselfe with eternall life Where is it written that to be perfect is as much as not to be content with eternall life as much as to aspire vnto a more excellent degree in eternall life How can such a glosse agree with the Text For let them tell me if this young man had already merited eternall life or no If hee had merited it then it would follow that hee that is no Christian that is not iustified in the bloud of Christ that is not sanctified by the Spirit of Christ that hath not acknowledged Christ but a good Master and Doctor and not for his good Sauiour that neuer followed Christ that refused to follow Christ can merit eternall life Now if eternall life can be gotten without Christ Christ came into the world in vaine in vaine is he dead and hath fully finished the worke of our redemption in vaine If he had merited it how went hee away sorrowfull when Christ counselled him to sell all that he● had and to follow him How came it to passe that he went not rather away altogether ioyfull and content For hee enquired onely of eternall life and Christ gaue him this testimonie if we beleeue Bellarmine that hee had already merited eternall life there was then great occasion of great ioy And as touching the words Goe and sell that thou hast it was saith Bellarmine but a Counsell which Christ left to his choice either to doe it or to leaue it vndone without danger There was then no subiect no cause of sorrow except they will affirme that the Saints which neuer wore a Monkes Cowle nor euer haunted a Cloister shall haue wherewith to bee sorrowfull in heauen seeing themselues depriued of that more excellent degree of glory which is nothing else but the Aureola in that part there to the end the holy Ghost may be condemned of falsehood in the description of the eternall happinesse which hee setteth downe saying that there shall be no more sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more paine And if he hath not fulfilled the Law he hath not deserued eternall life as his owne conscience witnessed against him when he went away sorrowfull as our Sauiour Christ declared after he was gone saying d Mark
a ● Ier. 23.30.31 steale my word euery one from his neighbour that vse their tongues and say He saith They borrowed of the true Prophets the words of God which they abused to giue luster and sway vnto their impostures b Ier. 2.3 17. They say still vnto them that despise me The Lord hath said ye shall haue peace and they say vnto euery one that walketh after the imagination of his owne hart no euill shall come vpon you To them that hearkned vnto them they cried c Ezech. 13.10 Peace peace and there was no peace but prophesied disasters curses and death against those that would not giue eare vnto their lies d Ezech 13.18.19 Will ye hunt the soules of my people saith the Lord vnto them and will ye saue the soules aliue that comes vnto you and will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of Barley and for pieces of Bread to slay the soules that should not die and to saue the soules aliue that should not liue by your lying to my people that heare your lyes Who would haue beleeued them now the greatest part of the people beleeued them they saw the Visions of God they were Gods Messengers they prophesied the words of God the beginning and conclusion of all their lyes was The Lord hath said who beleeues God and but few beleeued him e Jer. 23.21 He hath not sent these prophets yet they came he spake not to them yet they prophesied f Ezech. 13.2 They were prophets that prophesied out of their owne hearts foolish prophets that follow their owne spirit and haue seene nothing They haue seene vanitie and lying diuination saying The Lord saith and the Lord hath not sent them and they haue made others to hope that they would confirme the Word They haue spoken vanities and seene lies and haue seduced Gods people hunting their soules and all for filthie lukers sake for handfuls of Barley and for pieces of Bread all of them being like foxes in the desarts which being hunger-starued hunt on all sides after their prey and doe cast themselues on it hastily and rauenously II. Saint Peter prophesied g 2. Pet. 2.1.3 that as there were false prophets among the people so there shall bee false teachers amongst vs who priuily shall bring in damnable heresies and through couetousnesse shall with fained words make merchandise of vs. And notwithstanding the world shall become so brutish h Vers 2. that many shall follow their pernitious waies by reason of whom the way of Truth shall be euill spoken of Saint Iude saith of them i Jude 16. that their mouth speaketh great swelling words hauing mens persons in admiration because of aduantage he saw in his daies the fulfilling of Saint Peters prophecie We see the like also in our daies abounding as much in this kind of people as any other that hath been since the beginning of the world wee neede no other witnesses then the Patrons and fautors of the Monasticall life in these our daies who with great swelling words doe display lay open and expose vnto the view of the whole world this Monkish life k Bellar. praefat in lib. de monach §. 1. That it is a kinde of life more strict more sublime and eminent then the diuine or humane Law prescribes which the infirmitie also and weakenesse of many men cannot beare l Ibid. §. vnto the which God hath promised a hundred for one in this world an honourable seate in the day of iudgement a place and name in the kingdom of heauen greater and more noble then is that of sonnes and daughters yea a marke whereby they shall be knowne amongst all the rest of the blessed a marke which our good Doctors terme aureola which is say they m In lexico Theologico quaedam decentia pulchritudo singulari● repraesentatiua aureolae praedicatorim ore virginibus in ill● parte martyribus in cicatricibus vel alijs partibu● corporis secundum geni● martyrij vt statim ex aspect● corporis sciatur qualis quisque fuit virgo martyr aut Doctor words that I am ashamed to expound and expresse what more The rule and order of Cordeliers or Gray-Friers of Saint Francis order n Libr● confor is the book of life the hope of saluation the marrow of the Gospell the key of Paradise the state of perfection the contract of the euerlasting Couenant All they which being of this Rule and Order dye are saued In a word o Bernardin in Rosario Thomas in lib. 4. sentent distinct 4. the same grace descends on him that takes an Habit or Garment of Religion which descends on him that is ba●tised the taking and wearing of a Monkes Cowle conferrs a full remission of sinnes both in regard of the fault as also of the punishment That is good for him but that is a small matter he is borne for others he merits for others he doth more then the Law of God or man doth prescribe And by his ouerplus by his Masses Orisons Preachings Fastings Contemplations by his Watching and Waking Abstinency Cloisterlie and Monasticall Discipline Deuotion Songs lessons Labour and other good-deeds he redeemes the liues of those that desire to be made partakers of the merits of his order and societie That is that which they terme Workes of Supererogation properly seeing it is more then the diuine or humane Law prescribes and God approues and allowes of saying p Deut. 4.2 Ye shall not adde vnto the word which I command you neither shall ye diminish ought from it and notwithstanding prudently according to the world for these good Fathers that are not of this world barter and exchange their superstitions for the goods of this world and make good traffick and trade of them according to Saint Peters prophecie giuing their spirituall goods for corporall eternall for temporall the fruit of their contemplations and monasticall occupations for the fruit and profit that the poore abused and gulled worldling hath got with the sweate of his brow and labour of his hands the fruite of their merits which these goodly mē know in their cōsciences are nothing but chymeracs and idle conceits for gold siluer houses rents possessions and other reall substantiall and perdurable things And that wee may know how wise and prouident they are in their generation they neuer giue any thing but of what they superabound and exceede in purueying and prouiding first for themselues their brethren and companions of their Order and Society of so great and good store of merits as they haue need of for to carrie l' Aureola in illa parte when they shall be in the Kingdome of heauen if this be the meanes to attaine vnto it and then making largesse of that which shuld be to them euery way superfluous and vnprofitable both here and there wise in comparison of Lucullus who offered all his tapistrie to him that had neede of it q Horat. epis 6.
being past feeling haue giuen themselues ouer vnto lasciuiousnesse to worke all vncleannesse with greedinesse This is the description of a man not regenerated and renewed of the Iew as well as of the Gentill of him that is vnder the Law as well as of him which is without the Law of the Christian who is in the Church as of the Infidell which is out of the Church II. g Isai 64.6 New we are all as an vncleane thing and all our righteousnesse are as filthie raggs This is the description of the regenerate and renewed the confession of the greatest Saints which say h Dan. 9.5 c. we haue sinned and committed iniquitie and haue done wickedly and haue rebelled 〈◊〉 by departing from thy precepts and front thy iudgements neither haue we hearkened vnto thy seruants the Prophets which spake in thy name O Lord righteousnesse belongeth vnto thee but vnto vs confusion of fa●et to our Kings our Princet and our Fathers because wee haue trespassed against thee As the prayer of euery one is Forgiue w●●●● trespasse● Those can doe no good they haue neither the will nor the power These say with Saint Paul i Rom. 7.18 To will is present with me but how to performe that which is good I find●●●t Therefore these also cannot keepe the Law in that perfection which it requires of men in this life they aime and make towards the perfection and doe aduance and draw neere vnto it more and more but they shall not attaine vnot it vntill that being vnclothed of this body of sinne which doth beset them they bee clothed vpon with their house which is from heauen and that will we proue by fiue arguments III. First the most regenerate and holy are not more renewed more holy then the holy Apostle who said of himselfe and of all the Saints k Rom. 8.23 We haue the first fruits of the Spirit The first fruites are as it were an handfull taken from the whole heape our sanctification therefore in this life is little in comparison of the full haruest which wee shall rape in the life to come for we are regenerated and renewed but in part successiuely and by degrees much of the old infirmitie remaining in vs and drawing vs to sinne with such vigor and force that the Apostle himselfe complaines saying l Rom. 7.21 I finde a law that when I would doe good euill is with me He had that from the originall malice which remained as yet in him and m August in Ioan trac 41. Minuitur in vita proficientium quod in vita consumitur perfectorum which diminisheth onely in the life of those which profit and goe on as it is fully consumed in the life of those which haue attained vnto perfection whence else-where he saith of himselfe n 2. Cor. 4.16 Though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day Which words Saint Austin hath well peised and pondered and from whence he bath drawne this doctrine o Aug. de peccat merit lib. 2. c. 7. Prefect● qui de die in diem ●dbuc renouatur nondum totus est renouatus in quantum nondum est renouatus in tantum adbuc in ve tustate est He which is renewed day by day is not as yet wholly renewed and in as much as he is not altogether renewed so much is hee in his old nature And by consequent a child of this world euen as in so much as he is renewed he is the childe of God and such are all the regenerate of whom the Apostle saith that in them p Gal. 5.17 The flesh Insteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other so that yee cannot do the things that ye would The flesh is that which is not as yet renewed in the minde in the will in the affections as it appeares by this that the Apostle attributes to the flesh a certaine q Rom. 8.7 wisedome r Col. 2.18 reason and vnderstanding and placeth among the works of the flesh ſ Gal. 5.20.21 Idolatrie and the heresies that are conceiued and borne in the minde and exhorts vs t Ephes 4.23 to be renewed in the Spirit of our minde In which respect he saies of himself * Rom. 7.18 I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing vnderstanding by his flesh not his body for if he said vnto the Corinthians u 1. Cor. 6.19 Know ye not that your body is the Temple of the holy Ghost did hee not know that his was but this infirmitie or rather peruersitie which did as yet dwel in al the parts of his soule although it did not rule there was indeede mortified but not as yet dead The Spirit therefore is that which is renewed in the minde in the will in the affections and in all the parts of the soule and of the body The flesh is the old man the Spirit is the new man these two men are in euery true Christian they are both together at one time in one and the same subiect of the minde of the will of the affections in the minde and vnderstanding knowledge and ignorance of the same thing faith and vnbeleefe in the will confidence and distrust in the affections loue and hate c witnesse the father of the lunatick who confessed saying x Mark 9.24 I beleeue and thereupon presently prayde to Christ saying helpe thou mine vnbeliefe It is with the regenerate man Similitude 1 who is flesh and spirit as with a man raised vp from a long and grieuous maladie who makes a few turnes in his chamber but trailing his leggs after him and will stand vpright but it will be in leaning on his staffe hauing in him as yet by reason of the reliques of his sicknesse an vniuersall indisposition in all the parts of his body Or else it fareth with such a man Similitude 2 as with the aire in the dawning or breake of day which is not altogether cleare and light as it is at noone it is not partly light partly darke as the Moone is in the increase and waine but is in all her parts cleare and blacke obscure and enlightned Wee may also compare it vnto luke-warme water Similitude 3 which in all her parts is mixed with heate and cold Similitude 4 or vnto a liquor mingled with water and wine wherein is neither pure wine nor pure water but the whole is wine and water together euen vnto her most insensible parts although such a liquor will sauour somtimes more of water then of the wine and again somtimes more of wine then of water as the regenerate man in the beginning of his regeneration is more carnall then spirituall and in the progresse of the same is more spirituall then carnall These two men therefore doe fight in vs in lusting the one against the other the flesh lusteth two waies First it
Luke 18.13 God be mercifull to me a sinner and I am assured that I shall returne to my house iustified because x Psal 145.18 the Lord is nigh vnto all them that call vpon him to all that call vpon him in truth CHAP. IX I. The Righteousnesse of the Saints in this life consists rather in the remission of sinnes then in the perfection of vertues II. The first obiection God hath promised to circumcise our hearts to the ende we loue him with all our heart III. An Answere to this obiection IIII. Second obiection Many haue this testimony that they haue kept the Law and haue loued God with all their heart V. An Answere to this obiection VI. According to Dauids words in the 119 Psalme VII And the consent of the Ancient Fathers THe a Psal Law of the Lord is perfect The Testimonie of the Lord is sure the Statutes of the Lord are right the Commandement of the Lord is pure the Iudgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether In this word therefore there is nothing imperfect nothing doubtfull nothing crooked nothing impure nothing false nothing that bends to one side there is no opposition no contradiction By it haue we proued that there is no thought word or action of the holiest men which being ruled and leuelled by the Law of God is not found crooked and oblique For S. Austin said b August in Psal 42. How streight and vpright soeuer I seeme to my selfe thou drawest a rule from thy treasurie thou measurest and squarest me by the same and I am found crooked and awry Whence I concluded and doe conclude againe c August de Ciuit Dei lib. 19. cap. 27. that our righteousnesse it selfe although it be true hauing respect vnto the end of true good wherevnto it is referred and applied is notwithstanding such of that nature in this life that it consists rather in the remission of sins then in the perfection of vertues Witnesse saith S. Austin the prayer and supplication of the Citie of God which is a Pilgri●esse on earth which cries to God in all her members Forgiue vs our debts By this word notwithstāding they that are ashamed to be too much bound vnto God and presume to haue obtained plenteously grace of Christ to haue no more neede of Christ indeuour to improue and impugne this truth and opposing the Scripture to it selfe doe seeke in it men that haue perfectly kept the Law and arguments concluding that the Law may be kept by him that is here liuing on earth assisted with the grace of God II. God say they hath promised so to worke in men 1 Obiection that in the time of the new Testament he may be loued with all the heart with all the soule and Moses said vnto the people d Deut. 30.6 Bellar. de monach c. 13. §. 24. The Lord thy God will circumcise thine hart and the hart of thy seed to loue the Lord thy God with al thine hart and with al thy soul● that thou mayest liue And there are many such like promises in the Prophets wherefore either God hath lied which cannot bee or this Commandement is simply fulfilled in this life III. e Rom. 3.4 Let God be true but euery man a lyar as it is written that thou mightest f Psal 51.4 be iustified in thy sayings and mightest ouercome when thou art iudged That which he promiseth hee performeth but he hath not promised that we shall loue him in this life with a perfect loue wherein nothing is omitted nothing can bee desired but onely that hee will circumcise our hearts that we may loue him with al our hearts which he doth by order and successiuely giuing vs here the beginnings and proceedings and so prosecuting that which concernes vs vntill he folly consummate it and finish it in the Kingdome of heauen vnto which is reserued the prerogatiue to bee inhabited by the Saints which haue neither wrinkle nor spot nor any such like thing IIII. 2 Obiection Bell. ibid. §. 2● But there haue been some found that haue kept the Law God saith of Dauid * 1. King 14 8. He hath kept my Commandements and hath followed me with all his heart to doe that onely which was right in mine eies And of Iosiah g 2. King 23.25 like vnto him was there no King before him that turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soule and with all his might according to all the Law of Moses neither after him arose there any like him Dauid witnesseth also of himselfe before God and saith h Psal 119.10 With my whole heart haue I sought thee * Bellar. de iustificat lib. 4. c. 11. §. 11 12. 13. Saint Luke writeth of Zacharie and Elizabeth his wife i Luk. 1.6 They were both righteous before God walking in all the Commandements and ordinances of the Lord blamelesse And Iesus Christ saith of his Apostles k Iohn 17.6 They haue kept thy Word these therefore haue kept the Law V. Surely if they speake of a soueraigne and singular perfection and such a one as the Law requireth vnder paine of eternall damnation condemning concupiscence and all the first bad motions of the Spirit wee haue heretofore proued and conuinced that no man liuing hath so kept the Law Iesus Christ onely excepted l Thom. 2.2 q. 184. art 3. Est autem infimus diuinae dilectionis gradus vt nihil supra eum aut contra eum aut aequaliter ei diligatur A quo gradu persectionis qui deficit nullo modo implet praeceptum The lowest degree of the dilection or loue of God is that nothing be beloued aboue him or against him or alike to him whosoeuer failes of this degree of perfection accomplisheth in no wise the precept saith Thomas None therefore hath euer kept the precept for since the fall there neuer was found any which hath attained vnto this lowest degree of diuine charitie yea that hath not been exceeding farre from it For seeing that m Eccles 7.20 there is not a iust man vpō earth that doth good and sinneth not as Salomon saith and that Dauid Iosiah Zacharie the Apostles haue sinned as we haue seene it cannot be but that they haue loued in regard of the flesh sinne aboue God and against God seeing that sinne is against the will of God and displeaseth infinitely the Maiesty goodnesse holinesse and iustice of God The Saints therefore are said to loue God with all their heart because they loue him sincerely and truly without fraud and hypocrisie For sometimes the Scripture opposeth all the heart vnto a double heart witnesse that which is said of those of Zebulun to establish Dauid King ouer Israel n 1. Chro. 12.33 they kept their ranke without a heart and a heart that is expounded by these words these men of warre that could keepe their ranke came with o Vers 38. a