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A12211 A friendly advertisement to the pretended Catholickes of Ireland declaring, for their satisfaction; that both the Kings supremacie, and the faith whereof his Majestie is the defender, are consonant to the doctrine delivered in the holy Scriptures, and writings of the ancient fathers. And consequently, that the lawes and statutes enacted in that behalfe, are dutifully to be observed by all his Majesties subjects within that kingdome. By Christopher Sibthorp, Knight, one of his Maiesties iustices of his court of chiefe place in Ireland. In the end whereof, is added an epistle written to the author, by the Reverend Father in God, Iames Vssher Bishop of Meath: wherein it is further manifested, that the religion anciently professed in Ireland is, for substance, the same with that, which at this day is by publick authoritie established therein. Sibthorp, Christopher, Sir, d. 1632.; Ussher, James, 1581-1656. 1622 (1622) STC 22522; ESTC S102408 494,750 610

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by the controversies that are betweene the Protestants and the Papists how much even the learned professed Divines themselves be divided in opinions In this case what shall we doe that be Lay-men shall wee bee of no religion untill these be agreed But when will that be or what if in the interim anie of us in such a case should die were it not extreamely perillous or shall a man at all adventures betake himselfe to one of the two Religions not caring or not knowing whether it be right or wrong which he betaketh himselfe unto were not that over-great levitie a blinde resolution and a strange inconsiderate rashnesse Yea doe we not all say and hold that extra veram Ecclesiam non est salus out of the true Church there is no salvation There is then so farre as I perceive a direct necessitie laid upon as manie of us as be able to make search not onely to search but to finde out also whether of these be the true Teachers and which is the right faith and the true Church and to ioyne our selves thereunto For which purpose ought wee not studiously and diligently to reade and revolve the Scriptures For is there anie other sure rule of truth beside them or anie other infallible or better Iudge for the deciding of these controversies then God himselfe speaking unto us in those his sacred and divine Writings But to take away all doubts let it be examined Would anie then have the Church to be the Iudge Why the Church it selfe is the thing that is chiefly in question the grand and principall Question betweene the Protestants and the Papists being Whether of them is the true Church and when the Church it selfe is in question she is not to iudge but to be iudged as even Bellarmine also himselfe declareth Or would anie have Councils to be this Iudge Godly Councils that be assembled in the name of Christ and aime onely at truth and that have the Word of God onely for their rule and direction be I confesse much to be honoured and respected but Councils at all times follow not nor doe according to that rule whereupon it commeth to passe that they sometimes erre and goe astray and consequently cannot be infallible Iudges For first it is granted aswell by Papists as by Protestants that Provinciall Councils may erre even in matters of faith and why then may not generall Councils also possibly erre in matters of faith sometimes For is not the holy Ghost the spirit of truth if he so please as well able to keepe a Provinciall Councill at all times from erring as a generall What then is the difference or wherein doth it consist Will anie say it consisteth in this that in a generall Councill there is a greater number or multitude then is in a Provinciall But truth goeth not alwayes by multitudes or the greatest number but is somtimes found in the lesser number and in few against manie as in times past it was found in one Michaiah against foure hundreth For which cause it is also written Thou shalt not follow a multitude to doe evill nor agree in a controversie to decline after manie to overthrow the truth Neyther indeed do the Popish Teachers themselves hold the reason of their supposed non-errabilitie of general Councils to be because of the greater number or multitude but because of the promise of the holy Ghost made unto them which holy Ghost they neverthelesse cannot denie to be promised aswell to a Provinciall as to a generall Councell yea Where but Two or Three be gathered together in my Name saith Christ there am I in the midst of them Seeing then it is granted that a Provinciall Councill may erre notwithstanding this promise of the holy Ghost it must be granted that a generall Councill may sometime also erre by the same reason that a Provinciall may notwithstanding that promise For as touching the reason that some bring that if a general Councill may erre then the whole Church may erre faile in faith it is no consequent inasmuch as all the Bishops and Pastors within Christendome without exception be not alwayes present at a generall Councill much lesse be all the faithfull throughout the whole world there present and therefore also doth even Panormitan himselfe reiect that reason and inference as frivolous For saith he though a generall Councill represent the whole universall Church yet to speake truth the universall Church is not there precisely but by representation because the universall Church consisteth of All the Faithful and this saith he is the Church which cannot erre Wherby it is not un-possible that the true faith of Christ may abide in one person onely therefore the Church is said not to faile or not to erre if the true faith remaine in anie one And thus saith Pighius also though an Arch-Papist Certum est Concilia non esse universalem Ecclesiam it is a thing certaine that Councils be not the vvhole or universall Church Where he further affirmeth those two Councils of Constance and Basil to have erred notwithstanding they were generall Councils Yea this is so cleere a case with him that Generall Councills may erre even in matter of Faith that hee saith againe most directly and expressely thus In fidei definitionibus errasse etiam universalia sanctorum Patrum Concilia comperimus Testimonio sunt de universalibus Concilijs imprimis Ariminense Vniversale haud dubie c. Insuper Ephesinum secundum ipsum Vniversale c. Testimonio inquam haec sunt errare posse etiam universalia Concilia etiam legitimè congregata We finde that even generall Councils of holy Fathers have erred in their decrees or determinations of matters of faith Witnesse hereof concerning generall Councils is especially the Councill of Arimine a generall Councill without doubt c. And moreover the second Ephesine Councill which was likewise a generall Councill c. These I say be Witnesses that even generall Councils may erre though they be never so lawfully assembled For although most true it is that the holy Ghost cannot possibly erre and that the same holy Ghost is promised and given to godly Councills as likewise he is to everie godly man faithfull member of Christ yet it pleaseth the holy Ghost not to extend and shew forth his vigor force and power at all times but sometimes to withhold it and so to leave men to themselves in which case it is then a verie easie matter for Councils either Generall or Provinciall as also for anie other godly man or particular member of Christ to erre sinne or goe astray neither is it Gods Spirit which doth disagree from his Word And consequently whosoever teacheth anie thing concerning Faith and Religion not according to Gods Word but out of his owne braine and fancie must be supposed to speake not by Gods spirit whatsoever he pretendeth but by his owne as S. Chrysostome also informeth us Wherefore
in vaine it is for men or Councils to say they be undoubtedly guided by the holy Ghost the spirit of truth unlesse they have the Word of truth for their rule and direction and can so prove the spirit whereby they speake and decree to be Gods Spirit and not their owne But againe yee know that in Councills aswell Generall as Provinciall things be caryed and over-ruled by the most Voyces and where things be so caried and ruled by the greater number of voyces there it is experimentally found to be a thing verie easily possible for the most voyces or greater number sometimes to over-rule the better part being the lesser and consequently Councils whether generall or particular because they may sometime possibly erre can not be held for anie absolute and infallible Iudge or infallible rule of truth in these controversies Or would anie think the Bish. Pope of Rome to be an infallible Iudge Why in the glosse upon the Popes owne Law that opinion also is reiected saying thus Quaero de qua Ecclesia intelligas quod hic dicitur quod non possit errare Si de ipso Papa certum est quod Papa errare potest Respondeo Ipsa congregatio Fidelium hic dicitur Ecclesia I demand of what Church it is meant when it is said as here That the Church cannot erre If of the Pope himselfe it is certaine he may erre I therefore answer that the whole company of the Faithful is here meant by the Church Where beside that you see what Church it is that cannot erre you see it directly affirmed that certum est quod Papa errare potest it is a thing certaine that the Pope may erre Gerson also the Chancellor of Paris telleth us that tam Papa quam Episcopus deviabiles à fide aswell the Pope as anie other Bishop may go out of the way of Faith Alfonsus that wrote so earnestly against Luther yet touching this point said thus Non credo aliquem esse adeo impudentem Papae assentatorem ut ei tribuere hoc velit ut nec errare possit I doe not beleeve that any man is such an impudent flatterer of the Pope as to attribute this unto him that he cannot erre Which words were in his first edition but are not now in the last but yet even in his new copies although he qualifie his termes he holdeth the same opinion verie directly saying Omnis homo errare potest in fide etiamsi Papa sit Every man may erre in faith yea even the Pope himselfe And againe he saith that Papa in fide errare potest ut melius sentientes tenent etiam ex hijs qui Papatui plurimùm favent inter quos est Innocentius ejus nominis quartus in cap. 1. de Summa Trinitate The Pope may erre in matter of faith as the better opinion is even of them that favour the Papacie most of all amongst whom is Pope Innocentíus the fourth of that name writing upon the first chapter De Summa Trinitate Well therefore doth Erasmus also confute this new conceit strange opinion For If it be true saith he which some say that the Bishop of Rome can never erre Iudicially vvhat neede is there then of Generall Councils Why are men skilfull in the Lawes and learned in Divinitie sent for to Councils if he in his speakings cannot erre To what purpose be so manie Vniversities troubled with handling Questions of faith when thc truth may be had from his mouth Yea how commeth it to passe that the Decrees of one Pope be repugnant to the Decrees of another What Wresters of Scripture then do some Papists in these later times here appeare to be that abuse it to give an infallibilitie of judgement and an immunitie or priviledge from error to the Pope of Rome Arboreus a Doctor of Paris and one not of the meanest Sorbonists confesseth likewise and teacheth this truth saying Papa in fide errare potest Et tota mihi aberrare via videtur qui aliter sentit Assentantur sanè Romano Pontifici qui faciunt eum immunem à lapsu haereseos schismatis The Pope may erre in faith And he seemeth to mee to be in an extreame error that thinketh otherwise Surely they doe but flatter the Bishop of Rome that make him free from falling into heresie and schisme And how can it in reason be otherwise For if Provinciall Councils wherein be manie Bishops may erre in matter of Faith which is a thing that the Popish Writers themselves do grant yea if Generall Councils may possibly erre in matter of Faith which is also a thing confessed by some of the Popish Divines and cannot iustly be denied by anie is there anie likelyhood that any one Bishop singly considered by himselfe should be so priviledged as that he could not possibly erre Yea even a general Councill namely the Councill of Basil saith Saepe experti sumus legimus Papam errasse Wee have often found it by experience and know it also by reading that the Pope hath erred And againe they say Cum certum sit Papam errare posse Forasmuch as it is a thing certaine that the Pope may erre Whereupon it must be concluded that therefore the Pope also cannot be held for an unerrable or infallible Iudge Shall then the ancient Fathers be this Iudge They are I grant in all respects to have that due reverence that belongeth to them but themselves will by no meanes assume that high honour to themselves to be infallible Iudges or such as cannot possibly erre Yea they acknowledge that they may erre and therefore would have no man further to beleeve them then there is warrant for what they write and speake in the Canonicall Scriptures I cannot denie saith S. Augustine but that there be many things in my Workes as there be also in the Writings of my predecessors vvhich justly and without anie rashnesse may be reproved And when S. Cyprian was obiected against him hee answered thus I am not bound by his Authoritie For I doe not account Cyprians Writings as Canonicall but weigh them by the Canonicall Scriptures and that in them which agreeth with the Canonicall Scriptures I allow to his praise but that which agreeth not by his favour I refuse Againe he saith If anie thing be proved by the manifest Authoritie of the divine Scriptures which in the Church be called canonicall it must be beleeved without any doubting but as for other testimonies thou mayst beleeve them or not beleeve them according as thou shalt see cause to trust them And therefore he giveth this prerogative to the sacred and canonicall Scriptures that amongst all the Writings in the world they onely cannot erre and that all other may erre For which cause he saith againe thus Solis eis Scripturarum libris qui jam canonici appellantur didici hunc timorem honoremque deferre ut nullum eorum Authorem scribendo
without further search and examination For all their Councells bee they never so generall consist of men and of such men as may possibly fall into error and be themselves deceived either through ignorance and want of sufficient knowledge or through corruption partialitie or through some one meanes or other Their Councels I am sure are not better then those that were in Gregory Nazianzens time nor altogether so good and yet he saith out of his owne observation of the Councels of his time that The lust of strife and desire to beare rule did raigne there many times And Eusebius saith likewise of those times that The chiefe Rulers of the Church forgetting Gods commandements vvere enflamed one against another vvith contention emulation pride malice and hatred And therefore it appeareth to be a thing possible enough even for general Councels aswell as for Provincial sometime to erre and goe astray For example They remember the general Councels wherein the Arrian heresie was established whereof that of Arimine was one as also the second Ephesine Councell which decreed for the Nestorians Did not these generall Councels erre that even in matters of Faith I am sure they will grant that they did for so the Rhemists and other Papists themselves confesse Why then may not their generall Councels likewise erre which make decrees in maintenance of their Poperie as those other did which decreed in maintenance of their Arrianisme and Nestorianisme The Rhemists answer That those Councels wanted the Popes assent assistance or confirmation and therefore they erred howbeit that is not the reason why they erred but the true reason and cause of their error was because they decreed not according to the holy and Canonical Scriptures but contrarie thereunto For even Councels also which had the Bishop of Romes assent were not therefore priviledged from error as appeareth by the second Councell of Nice which decreed that Angels and mens soules also be corporeall for this the Papists themselves cannot denie to be an error Yea how is it possible that by the Popes assent or confirmation anie Councell should or can be ever the more priviledged from error when even the Popes themselves have no such priviledge in that behalfe For it is well knowne that Pope Liberius erred and that not onely personally but iudicially also and defin●tively and in a matter of Faith when hee subscribed to the Arrian heresie as testifieth Athanasius Apolog. 2. ad solitariè vitam agentes S. Hierome in Catalogo Damasus in Pontificali Marianus Scotus Petrus Damianus epist. 5. cap. 16. c. Honorius also Pope of Rome was a Monotbelite and did not onely fall into that heresie but in a Decretal Epistle did also publish and confirme the same as is proved by the Councel of Constantinople the sixt where he was condemned Constant. 6. act 13. Pope Innocentius likewise erred in a matter of Faith when he held that Infants could not bee saved unlesse they received the Communion for this the Papists themselves confesse to be an error and yet Pope Innocentius held it as S. Augustine witnesseth cyting the Decretal Epistle of the same Pope to the Bishops of Numidia for proofe thereof cont duas epistol Pel. ad Bonifac. lib. 2. cap. 4 cont Iul. lib. 1. cap. 2. If Popes then may erre and become Heretickes as both here and before and afterwards also is verie evident it is thereby manifest that their assenting subscribing or confirming of Councels can give the same Councels no more priviledge from error then formerly they had But they then alledge that the Holy Ghost is promised to Councels and therefore they cannot erre I demand of them whether the Holy Ghost is not promised to Provincial Councels as well as to General They cannot denie but he is And yet the Rhemists and other Popish Teachers grant that a Provincial Councel may erre in matter of Faith notwithstanding this promise of the Holy Ghost whence is rightly inferred that a General Councell may by the same reason likewise erre in matter of Faith as well as a Provincial notwithstanding that promise For you must ever remember that it is not in respect of a greater Number or Multitude but in respect of the promise of the Holy Ghost that this priviledge from Error is pretended and supposed But yet further observe that the holy Ghost the spirit of truth is promised and given to everie particular godly Pastor Doctor and Minister of Christ as well as to Councels yea everie true Christian and faithfull member of Christ hath also the holy Ghost to guide and direct him as the Scriptures doe plainly testifie By vertue then of this reason drawn from the promise or giving of the holy Ghost I may as well conclude that no godly particular Pastor or Doctor or other Minister of Christ can possibly erre in a matter of Faith yea inasmuch as the holy Ghost the spirit of sanctification is also promised and given to everie godly man I may aswell conclude that no godly man therefore can possibly erre at any time as touching life conversation for the holy Ghost is as well able to guide a man continually in a good and not erring life as in a right not erring faith But touching this matter S. August saith That evē general Councels which are gathered out of all the Christian world be oftentimes corrected the former by the latter when by any triall of things that is opened which before was shut that is known which before lay hidden And therefore also was it appointed that even in a general Councel it selfe they should pray unto God that hee would Ignorantiae ipsorum parcere errori indulgere spare their ignorance and pardon their error Doth not this cleerly declare that even a General Councell may also possibly erre as well as a Provinciall Yea your selves doe grant that a Generall Councell may erre in matters of fact notwithstanding this promise why then wil you not grant that it may by the same reason possibly erre also in a matter of faith For is not the holy Ghost promised to a General Councel as powerfull to preserve and keepe from error in the one case as in the other No question but hee is Concerning this point therefore ye must not forget that which I said before namely that although most true it is that the Holy Ghost cannot possibly erre nor anie men or Councels so long as he guideth them that they follow his directions yet because Men and Councels be not alwaies guided and directed by him but be suffered sometime to follow their owne concei●s fancies and affections for the Holy Ghost may at his owne good pleasure and doth sometimes leave men to themselves not extending nor shewing forth his strength vertue force and efficacie at all times In such cases and at such times it is a most easie matter for men and Councels to erre sinne and goe astray Wherefor S. Chrysostome
at my vvords But thirdly be not Lay-men of the Church of God aswel as those that be Church-Ministers And may not these be Theodidactoi that is taught of God and instructed by his spirit aswell as others for the right understanding of the Scriptures especially in all points necessarie to salvation Yea doe wee not see and finde experimentally that manie great Scholers and learned men doe notwithstanding all their learning erre verie much in the exposition and understanding of the Scriptures for why else doe they differ so much and hold contrarie opinions All which what else doth it shew but that indeed not anie humane spirit how learned soever but a divine spirit onely is the opener and the right expositor and understander of those sacred and divine writings And this S. Paul also hath before assured us that the things of God no man knoweth but the spirit of God Now this Spirit of God none can denie to be grantable as well to lay-men as to those that be of the Ecclesiasticall Ministerie Yea everie childe of God hath Gods Spirit given unto him For if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ the same is none of his as S. Paul witnesseth Inasmuch therefore as lay persons have received or may receive the spirit of GOD whereby it is that the Scriptures be rightly understood and are of the number of Gods Church and people no reason can be shewed why they should be debarred by others or why they should debarre themselves from the reading and searching of those Scriptures which they may possibly understand by the grace power of Gods Spirit within them aswell as others especially if they reade and search them as I said before in the feare of God and with all humble reverence and with often and earnest praiers unto God for the right understanding of them and with a godly purpose of minde to beleeve follow and doe thereafter For as S. Paul saith againe The spirit of God searcheth all things even the deepe things of God If anie finde difficultie and hardnesse in some places of the Scriptures he must not thereby be discouraged but provoked rather to use so much the more diligence in them For that which is difficult and hard in one place is as the ancient Fathers themselves have told us made more plaine and easie by another And touching such places of difficultie beside praier unto God and conference of Scriptures together it will be good also to reade Interpreters and to consult with godly and learned Pastors and Teachers and use all such good meanes for the understanding of them as God hath allowed For the godly and learned Pastors and Teachers be Gods own ordinance in his Church to them usually above others doth he give more speciall gifts for the edifying and instruction of his people and for the opening and unfolding of those harder and difficulter places of the Scripture so that they are not to be neglected but to be resorted unto and to be evermore much honored reverently esteemed If peradventure by all meanes used a lay-man or an ecclesiasticall Minister shall not understand some hard and obscure Scripture yet let him reverence as becommeth him that which he understandeth not and therein suspend his judgement and opinion untill it please God further to enlighten him For whereas some alledge that lay persons should not reade the Scriptures lest through misunderstanding of them they might possibly fall into some errors or heresies it hath beene before answered that such a reason is verie feeble and of no weight inasmuch as it may as well serve to disswade Pastors Doctors and Ministers of the Church from reading the Scriptures because there is also a possibilitie for them as well as for lay persons in the reading of them to misunderstand them and so to fall into errors and heresies as wee finde experimentally that sundry of them heretofore have done and still doe And whereas some againe imagine and feare not to say that the permitting of the Scriptures to bee read of the lay people in the vulgar tongue is the cause of all the schismes sects errors and heresies that now flow in the world they are herein mightily deceived by mistaking the cause for not the reading of the Scriptures either by lay persons or ecclesiasticall Ministers but the misunderstanding and misapplying of them through the frailtie and corruption that is in mens minds wresting and forcing them to serve their owne humors fancies and conceits is the cause of all those schismes sects heresies and errors and this is not the right using but abusing of the Scriptures Now even Reason and Philosophie doe teach as well as Divinitie that Of vvhat things there may be an use of the same things there may be also an abuse and it is a Ma●●ime with all that abusus rei non tollit usum an abuse of a thing doth not take away the lawfull use of it Manie men you know doe abuse meate and drinke to surfetting gluttony and drunkennesse shall that be therefore made an argument to perswade anie from all eating or drinking or is therefore eating and drinking the cause of mens gluttonie and drunkennesse or is not their owne excesse and intemperate humor the cause of it So albeit manie abuse the Scriptures wresting and wringing them to a wrong sense and to their owne humors and fantasies as doe Papists Anabaptists and other Sectaries and Heretickes yet must that bee no argument therefore to disswade anie from the reading of them or from taking that lawfull use comfort profit and benefite that may be had out of them and for which they were ordeined Yea the true cause both of the beginning and continuance of all the schismes sects errors and heresies that now be in the world is in verie deed for that men will not suffer themselves to be over-ruled by the Scriptures but will contrarie to the Scriptures and to the true sense of them follow their owne waies conceits and inventions or the devises of other men Let none therefore pretend or alledge excuses for their owne sloth or negligence in this case but with all alacritie betake your selves even ye that be lay persons as well as the rest to the reading of the Scriptures with reverence humilitie praier and a right inclined minde and affection to beleeve live and doe thereafter And then shall yee not need to make anie doubt of Gods blessing or good successe and profit unto you by the reading of them yea then shall yee see and discerne the errors heresies Idolatries filthinesse and other abhominations of the Popish Church and Religion which otherwise ye will not be able to discerne This is the condemnation saith Christ that light is come into the vvorld and men loved darkenesse rather then light because their deeds vvere evill for every one that evill doth hateth the light neyther commeth hee to the light lest his deedes should be reproved But