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A16539 The last battell of the soule in death diuided into eight cof̃erences ... : whereby are shown the diuerse skirmishes that are between the soule of man on his death-bedde, and the enemies of our saluation : carefullie digested for the comfort of the sicke / by Mr. Zachary Boyd, preacher of Gods word at Glasgow. Boyd, Zacharie, 1585?-1653. 1629 (1629) STC 3447; ESTC S881 434,219 1,336

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Beasts fed on the bare commons are not so neere the slaughter as these that goe into fatter pastures B●…ware of all vncleannes Make a couenant with your eys not to behold wine women keepe carefullie your vessels cleane in sanctification and honour If yee slippe in anie sinne beware to sleepe in it for that is death Vita in vigilia est Godlie men in olde age regretting their former haunts are lessons from God to teach Youth not to plot the pleasures wherewith God is displeased Manie sinnes of Youth be called tricks but it is a terrible tricke to goe to Hell People foolishlie cloake Fornication with a tricke of youth but the Spirit of GOD giueth it a scarlet cloake dyed in red with the blood of three and twentie thousand Bee yee wise in time let the rememberance of the shrill sound of the last trumpet euer hold your heart in a stirre so soone as yee see the least appearance of euill Thinke no sin litle seeing it is against so great a Majestie For eating of a tree Ada●… was banished out of Paradise For touching the Arke shaken with the Oxen Vzzah lost his life For looking into it fiftie thousand three score and tenne men were slaine at Bethshemeth For gathering sticks vpon the Sabbath God declared that the man should bee stoned vnto death without the Campe Such thinges are written for our learning As for you stand in awe to sinne in a thought To clippe the Kings Coyne were it neuer so little is an high ●…reason Be affraide at the first gloumes of your GOD Crouch so soone as hee beginneth to shake his rod at you In all companies be constantlie godlie like the Sunne in his light Too manie like the Moone now glister with reflexes of light and anone are darkened Now and then they appeare with diuerse faces now with Saul they are Prophets among the Prophets and anone as reuoking all former godlinesse they runne rȳot with gluttons and reuellers O my beloued thinke neuer shame to be godlie among scorners Care not that by your conscio●…able cariage the wicked bee gauld and grieued in their madde moode they will call all godlinesse but outwardnesse and formalitie Tak good he●…d to all your ways set a guarde about your thoughts and a watch before your mouth Seeing the tongue is mans glorie let it not bee abused with rotien words Let not your eares bee open for to receiue the scowring of other mens filthie mouthes Bee calme and quiet in all your wayes Bee not rash or hastie looke before yee leape bee not selfe-willed proude contemners of your betters Aspire not aboue your pitch Care not so much for mans d●…spight as for Gods displeasure Let God be the caruer of all your car●…s Abhorre to be idle like these who sitting in the Chire of sloth passe their time at handie dandie Loyter not while yee should labour The first word that Pharaoh said to Iaakob his sonnes was What is your treade or occupation Be painefull and faithfull in your calling liue not litherlie as these that are giuen to sleepe the sluggardes lingring sicknesse Hee is of a base spirit who sluggishlie gaping and stretching himselfe lyeth lusking on the downe Vp vp from the feathers earelie in the morning striue with the Cocke in watchfulnesse and rise with the chirping of the birdes Ioyne watching against euill with wishing and prayers for that which is good It is good that the bodie bee moistned with the morning dew earelie rising bringeth health to the bodie and increaseth the number of mans dayes I remember of a verse which while I was young serued for a wakener for to rouse mee from my morning sleepe Sanctificat sanat dit at quoque surgere mane That is it maketh holie whole and rich to rise earelie in the morning for this cause earlie buckle your selues to your businesse Bee wise and watchfull In all your enterprisses haue an eye vpō your God doe all as into his sight bee not too cast down in aduersitie nor too puft vp in prosperitie If mans applause make you to ouerweene your selues at anie time chasten your loftinesse with the memorie of manie infirmit es which are nested within you in all thinges feare the worst and hope the best That which seemeth to man vnliklie is not with God impossible Let your life in a godlie sober ciuill cariage shine before men that they seeing it may glorifie your heauenlie Father Striue not to bee called Doctours and Rabbies though ye bee men of letters but aboue all striue to bee teachers of others by good example and not by word onlie lest yee bee like the Fyle which smootheth all other thinges but it selfe remaineth rough Beware of all sinfull pleasures which like faire Ladies come with alluring propines to woo and catch the vnstable soule In the verie throng of all your adoes draw your selues to a set dyet of priuate deuotion Mine heart beginneth to faint of force I must make a pause After that I am refreshed with a little rest I shall declare to you all that is in my minde and memorie O my Soule seek sigh for grace Be carefull for a neerer acquaintance with the Lord of Heauen Shortlie thou shalt embrace him whom the Fathers by faith saluted but a farre off The Pastour Lord heare thou in Heauen the groanes of thine humble supplicant mak him fullie freelie to taste and partake of the pleasures of thy graces til he come to glory Roll his wearied Soule within these compassions which in thy mercie are rouled together O deare Iesus besprinkle thou his heart with thy precious Soule-sauing blood which is euer louelie to the mercifull eye of the Father Take breath a little Sir that yee may continue in such precepts such heauenlie sentences were neuer bred nor brewed vpon the earth The Lord himselfe hath put the Roll of these things into your mouth which yee haue eaten and which make your breath to haue the sauour of life vnto life Certainelie in some measure the Lord Iesus hath breathed vpon you as hee did vpon his Apostles when hee said vnto them Receiue the holie Ghost The sicke Man Lord imprint thine Image into my Soule afresh My Spirit is reuiued a new power is entered into mee Blessed be hee who giueth power to the faint and who increaseth strength to them that haue no might Giue eare now againe vnto my speach O yee my deare Children Incline your eares vnto the wordes of my mouth See that yee liue in loue a rent is the forerunner of a ruine If yee would liue die in honestie practise all Christian dueties Feare God loue the Church honour your King bee faithfull to your Countrie reuerence your Mother Bee pitifull bee courteous liue in loue together Your strength is in vnitie like a sheafe of arrowes A
Pastour hee is come hee is come whom my Soule loueth I am my Beloueds his desire is towards mee The lost sheepe is found The vnthriftie Son is come home againe All the snares of destruction are broken My Soule is escaped like a Birde I am now at a point infinitlie desirous rather to goe to my God than to sojourneanie more on earth Mine heart is more in God than in my selfe I haue a begunne possession of Heauen by the first fruites I looke for perfection in fulnesse of joye and pleasures fore euermore O blessed Iesus set me as a Seale vpon thine heart O deare Sauiour the Roote and the Rocke of my Saluation loe I come stretch out thine Armes and take my Soule into thy bosome yet a little while and I shall bee no more a stranger vvith thee and a sojourner The Pastour O blessed bee our God for euermore who hath made you to triumph so ouer all your enemies after such vnuterable groanes of griefe where your mind was sore perplexed at the first Hold fast now that which yee haue Your heart is now richlie stored with the true treasures of godlinesse Yee are but sipping of these joyes wherof in Heauen ye shal drink in a full cup. The sicke Man Christ the Lord is mine Hee is mine Hee is to mee hoth in life and death aduantage My comforts are in my Bosome The Angelicali Guardes are heere about mee I dye in the Faith of Iesus Come euen Lord Iesus come quicklie and loose this Soule a prisoner in clay groning to bee at liberty O my Soule returne vnto thy rest for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee Now may I say This poore man cryed and the Lord hath heard him deliuered him out of all his troubles The Pastour The Lord is with you who ere it be long shall fulfill all your hearts desires yea hee shall doe aboue all that yee can thinke or wish Now Sir yee haue him whom your soule loueth His Spirit is in the verie bosome of your heart Hold fast the grip yee haue Dye in his Armes sleepe in the blessed bosome of your God Full libertie is at the doore readie to enter in Yet a little and yee shall haue a joyfull meeting with Christ and all his Angels in the Kingdome of your Father Till yee come out of this bodie sticke fast by Faith to Christ your Redeemer Claime boldlie that which hee hath deerelie purchased by his Blood O deare Iesus his Staffe and his Strength wrape now his Soule into the white winding-sheete of thy righteousnesse While hee hath life liue thou in him that while he breaths hee may liue to thee and after death may liue with thee for euer Let neither life nor death bee able to separate him from thy loue The neerer death approacheth for to separate his Soule from his bodie d●…aw thou the neerer vnto his Soule till thy Spirit the Spirit of Life fullie finallie in all perfection liue into him the Soule of his Soule Fixe your eye nowe vpon the heart of Christ deadlie wounded for your transgressions Behold that Speare-hole in his heart which hee suffered for to sa●…e you Consider his bleeding woundes all dropping the balme of mercie which hath proceeded from the bowels of his compassions Hee it is who hath died for your sinnes and is risen againe for your righteousnesse The sicke Man I know that my Redeemer liueth his blood of an vnualuable price is the onelie ransome of my Soule Hee onelie is the joye of mine heart and the health of my countenance The Pastour Holde fast that confidence Let your Soule repare vnto the euerlasting Armes of his loue Shroud shelter your selfe vnder the winges of the Almightie Yee are nowe neere the ende of the Race The Lord guarde you with his Grace that no temptation of Satan be able trippe your heele before that yee be entered in his rest Nowe the lowring showring seede-time of teares is past and the Haruest of joye is hard at hand Now Sir Christ is at the doore Beholde hee standeth at the doore and knockes hee is nowe for to suppe with you on earth that yee may suppe with him for euer in the Heauens Behold hee is with you The sicke Man I haue found him whom my Soule loueth I will surelie hold him and will not let him goe My Soule hath already taste of the fruite of Canaan by the report of the spye of my faith Christ now is mine The Pastour Seeing yee haue him wrap your soule into the bowels of his euerlasting compassions waite on perfectiō is the last gift Lift vp continuallie the eyes of your spirit to the worthy woundes of Iesus In them behold read in great Capitall characters the vnspeakable loue of the Father The sicke Man O Lord I haue waited for thy Saluation Remember mee nowe while as thou art into thy Kingdome Father into thine handes I commend my Spirit my Soule I giue to thee who hast giuen it to mee The Pastour Now Sir your wished houre is come Christ is laying his Arm●…s about you for to receiue your Soule in his bosome Solace your selfe in your Sauiour who hath made it free of al weights that swiftly without anie let it may flee vp to its God O the loue of Iesus towardes you Hee hath not onelie beene an Inte●…cessour to pray for you but an Advocatalso to pleade for you By the vertue of his Blood your cause is win And therefore homage ye now your heart sealed with the sense of his loue Yeelde and surrender your Soule into the Armes of his mercie that hee may perfect his graces in you with glorie in immortalitie The sicke Man Lord Iesus receiue my Spirit and glad it with thy glorie The Pastour He againe is fallen into a traunce His battell is now neere an end Let vs waite a little see what he doth Hee now beginneth a little for to stir There is yet some life into him as I perceiue Now Sir be glad Christ is knocking at the doore for to call foorth your Soule from bondage to libertie from your banishment to an heauenlie home from a prison of paine to a palace of pleasures for euermore That we may haue assurance that ye die in the Faith of Iesus shew vs some signe Lift vp your hand in token that yee are assured to goe to God Behold how he hath lifted vp his hand Cortenet quod lingua tacet His hande telleth what is in his heart O but this poore Soule since the beginning of this bloodie Battell hath beene miserablie mangled howed and hacked vpon by most bitter and bloodie temptations what carnall what spirituall Now blessed bee God from all his troubles he is come to his good things We are all oblished to giue praise vnto God who hath set out this man before vs as an excellent example and mirrour of his mercie It is the
shall hold your peace That is ye shall seale vp your thoughtes in silence and let God bee doing So doe yee bee silent for a space daine not Sathans temptations with an answere feare not stand still and see the Saluation of the LORD As Moses said of the Egyptians so will I say of all your temptations within a short space The Egyptians whom yee haue seene to day yee shall see them againe no more for euer The sicke Man Oh that with Iob I could lay mine hand vpon my mouth and with Iacob waite for Gods saluation But alas I am laden with iniquitie Sathan besiegeth mee so that I cannot keepe silence Sathan hath laide downe a bloodie libell before mee wherevnto hee vrgeth mee to make answere The Pastour If yee must needes make answere learne that notable speach of Bernard on his death bed * About an houre before his death hee beeing as hee thought presented before the great Tribunall of his Iudge where hee found himselfe seuirelie charged with the accusation of Sathan forsooke himselfe for to relye vpon Christ alone I freely confesse said he that as thou affirmest I am most vnworthie and that by no worthinesse of mine can I merite eternall life yet I am assured that my Lord Christ hath a double right to heauens glorie one by heritage and another by conquest The first is sufficient for himselfe the other is for mee ex cujus donojure illud mihi vendicans non confundor which by right of gift I claime and chalenge and shall not bee confounded Vpon this Rocke yee must cast the anchor of your soule The Lord is able to doe vnto vs aboue all that wee can aske or thinke Take courage Sir Let Sathan make out his processe your deare and louing Brother is both your Iudge and your Aduocat The sicke Man Oh that I could take that counsell and keepe silence waiting till the Captaine of Saluation bring mee thorow this red sea of bloodie temptations Oh that I could lay hold vpon that right of heauen which Christ hath conquered But alas I can find no ground or warrant in mine heart that such a conquest can belong to mee for I know that in mee dwelleth no good things The Pastour The greatest foe the faith of the godlie hath and the chiefest cause of their trembling troubled heart is that often they seeke in themselues grounds warrāts of Gods fauour as though the Lord could not loue them vnlesse there bee in them such vertues as in euerie point should be Because they want perfectiō they thinke they haue nothing By this meanes Sathan shaketh sillie Soules to and fro like Reedes with the winds of distrust Make the right vse of such temptations let them drawe you from your selfe for to rely onelie vpon the mercie of your Lord Bee earnest to finde Gods marke in your Soule euen Sanctification the Saluation mark whereof the marrow is Christs satisfaction From this marke presse toward the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus The sicke Man Faine would I haue grace so to doe But out vpon mee I haue taken such surfet of sinnes that I find my selfe voide of all grace O death death death doolefull is that separation of a Soule dead in sin from the bodie dead for sinne I am so defiled and deformed that while I remember judgement it maketh mee all to shake and to shiuer Fye on mee a gracelesse creature wallowing in a myre of miserie Oh but for a dramme of Gods grace Oh for the greatnesse of the pickle of mustarde seede thereof The Pastour He that desireth grace is not altother gracelesse It is Gods goodnesse that hath giuen you this small and weake desire of grace in this Gods good hand is vpon you Hee who giueth grace to desire grace shall giue also grace for grace God often giueth to a man aboue his hopes I sought but life saide Dauid yet the Lord gaue him to bee a King God who in sicknesse giueth you the desire of grace shall before yee die giue you grace for grace a grace which at last shall make you to sing I sought but grace yet God hath giuen mee glorie If yee feele and feare his wrath seek the more earnestlie for his mercie This was that good counsell which Zephaniah gaue to Israel before the decree of wrath come out Seeke righteousnesse seeke meeknesse it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lords anger Christes cry is Seeke Aske Knocke. Seeing God desireth to be asked hee longeth to giue seeing hee desireth vs to seeke him hee desireth to bee found seeing hee desireth vs to knocke his desire is to open God is more rich and liberall than wee are poore His hand is wider for to giue giftes than our heart can bee for to receiue Hee who will not belieue that God can bee mercifull to him is twise in the wrong to God After that hee hath broken the law of his Iustice by offending hee is not content except that hee wrong his mercie by distrust Gods delight is to bee with the Children of men on earth as also to haue them with himselfe in heauen Now Sir beeing assured of th●… loue embrace this Lord with all 〈◊〉 armes of your affections Seeke earnestlie the Spirit of Grace for hee is powred on thirstie grounds I will powre water said the Lord vpon him that is thirstie and floods vpon the dry ground The sicke Man Oh but for one droppe of that water Oh that my Soule were watered with the dropping bowels of his mercie In the meane time my bones with sorrow are dryed vp like an hearth The terrours of the Almightie sticke within mine heart and my Spirit sucketh out the vennome thereof I thinke that I am in the verie gorge pipe of hell If this wrath continue doubtlesse it shall bee my bane The Pastour Gods wrath is fearefull I confesse but God will not bee long wroth with his Children I will not said the Lord contend for euer neither will I bee alwayes wroth For the Spirit should faile before mee and the Soules which I haue made So soone as man beginneth to be wearied of his sins God beginneth to be wearied of his wrath yea which is strange In all our afflictions he is afflicted There is but a moment in his wrath but his mercie endureth for euer There is such a mercie in God that in comparison thereof all the mercies of men are but scrofe and scumme a myte of his mercie shall remoue the mountaines of your miserie in Christ is a mine of mercie The sicke Man I know that it is so But I as yet haue no sense of such a mercie While I seeke and cry for helpe God either answereth not at all or when hee maketh answere it is like that which Elisha said