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A44342 The application of redemption by the effectual work of the word, and spirit of Christ, for the bringing home of lost sinners to God ... by that faithful and known servant of Christ, Mr. Thomas Hooker ... Hooker, Thomas, 1586-1647. 1656 (1656) Wing H2639; ESTC R18255 773,515 1,170

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they neither see the evil of their sins by it nor yet receive any spiritual Direction from it nor indeed know any such thing and therefore though their carriages are somwhat reformed yet their inward corruptions are not observed at least not reformed or they made sensible of them As it is with a pur-blind man he may see things of a greater bulk as a great Print or the like but the smallest Print or the least pricks he perceives not So it is with a pur-blind Christian who cannot see afar off 2 Pet. 1. 9. If there be some loathsom and gross sins discovered he can see them but to see the stirrings of sin in his Nature and the secret inclinations of his soul to sin and the base aims and ends that are up and down in his heart in the performance of holy Duties to see the smallest Print of the Law discovering secret and spiritual wickedness in the Heart that a man that hath no more than Nature cannot see And therefore for we come to the Point the Spirit of Bondage is required which may let in the light of the Law into the mind and set on the power of it mightily upon the consciences of sinners and so dazle their Eyes and daunt their hearts with the dreadfulness of their sins Rom. 8. 15. You have not received the spirit of Bondage again to fear as who should say it 's a gift and it must be received or else we shall not by all that we can do attain the bondage and thraldom of that base condition in which we are whereof more afterward in Conviction The Law is a Hammer but it will not break the Flint unless the hand óf the Spirit take it and use it a Hammer in the hand of a Child will not move the stones so the Law in the hand of a man or Minister it is as a Rod to whip us unto Christ but unless the Spirit take it into his hand we shall never feel the blow or smart and so be forced to go Hence that Phrase John 16. 8 9. I will send the Spirit and he shall convince it 's his Prerogative he is appointed by him it 's only performed The two former may agree to a false-hearted Hypocrite he may have a lighter stroke of the Spirit of Bondage and the Law may convince him and his own heart condemn him and he may go away in dreadful horror for his sins and yet it doth not remove the Rule of Ignorance and darkness out of the mind but the Saints of God have the two former and they have this further viz. such a through stroak of the spirit of bondage as takes away the rule of darkness and removes the Soveraignity and Authority of it from the mind this I take to be the meaning of that phrase Acts. 26. 18. to turn them from darkness to Light When the Lord wil work throughly he wil not onely scatter the sogs and disperse the grossest of the dimness and darkness of a mans mind and leave the soul under the power of it for all that The hypocrite may be dazled and astonished by the light of the truth breaking upon him but yet his understanding is under the power of darkness but the Saints of God are turned from it that is their understandings are delivered from under the power of that darkness that was in them before Conceive it thus when the night comes darkness overspreads the face of the Earth and though there be Moon-light or some flash of Lightning sometimes that may something take off the grossness and blackness of darkness but yet it is dark stil the Moon-light or Starre-light doth not remove the rule of darkness but when the Sun ariseth in the East we say it is day break and you shal see apparently when light comes with a Command of the Sun it scatters the darkness that was in the ayr it removes the rule of it and it rules there it self So it is with the spirit of bondage when he comes to an hypocrite he enlightens him with Star-light or Moon-light as it were so that the grossness of darkness and blindness is scattered that now a terrified hypocrit sees his sins and is able to Discourse of sin and of the Law of God and to Discover it to others and yet it is but Moonshine it makes not day the root and rule of Darkness is there stil which stops and hinders the entercourse of the dispensations of God unto the soul. But now in a Godly man whose understanding is turned from darkness to light when the truth and light of it hath by the spirit of bondage been 〈◊〉 on upon the mind and Conscience you shal see day breaking as it were he then sees himself and his sin and he sees God and Christ as the sun of righteousness shining gloriously in his Eyes dazling of him with such a light as he never saw nor knew before so in Acts. 9. the scales of ignorance and blindness fell from the Eyes of his mind and he was turned from the power of darkness and that light which was let in to his understanding could never be overcomē again by al the darkness inthe world 4 When the spirit of God hath let in this light of the law in the specification of it as it belongs unto the Saints and so hath turned the understanding from darkness he leaves a sett upon the understanding God-ward that its ready it s that way-ward to receive any truth that comes in the impression of it and this is the turn of the understanding to light it was before turned from God and sett hell-ward sin-ward under the 〈◊〉 of darkness and acted therby wholly to bestow it self upon the creature in the room of God As when Adam sinned the whol man was turned from God to the creature and sin so now in Conversion the whol man is turned from sin and the creature to God again and therfore the understanding from darkness to light And Hence it is that a poor ignorant creature that hath come many years to the Congregation and hath learned nothing he understands nothing remembers nothing or if out of the strength of memory he remember something yet he knows no more the thing than a Parrat But when God hath once turned him and left this sett upon his understanding and the day is broken as it were and the rule of darkness removed a new light set up there now he never comes but he takes somthing he can understand it and remember it there is no subject but he will get somthing of it because his understanding is heaven-ward I have known some by experience that though they have been wise and wittie enough for outward things yet so senceless and sottish in the things of God that they could sit and hear a Sermon of an hour long of those very sins they have been guilty and yet it hath been to them as though it had never been yet afterward they have professed it that
world The 〈◊〉 abilities of wit and learning the nobility of birth the priviledg of our place and state The Lord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whol course of carnal excellency he chooseth the 〈◊〉 to confound the wise the weak to confound the mighty base things that are not to bring to nought things things that are nothing of any probability or possibility in an ordinary way that might have attained any good being wholly set against it nothing of ingenuity or moderation or common 〈◊〉 but when they grow desperatly wicked yet then the Lord doth good that no flesh may glory in his presence that it is not in your wealth or parts or endeavours or outward pomp behold these poor base creatures base in their condition and yet more base in their carriage scant worse in the bottom of Hel yet these are called Oh how wil it confound the wise to see the foolish of the world brought to the knowledg of Christ when they never knew the things belonging to their peace how wil it confound the Civilian and subtil hypocrite who had painted over his profession with appearance of Godliness to see a prophane wretch whose leudness time was when he loathed as though his person were not fit to be looked on yet now pulled out of his sink and dunghil made a glorious saint in heaven when he shal be cast out amongst dogs So the Prophet Ezek. 16. last Look we at the Work it self There is also a depth of infinite wisdom in this Dispensation to bring that about in many hearts and that by this means and that with most success the Lord suffers many to go to a great excess of sin before he laies hold upon them or seems to take them to task that the grossness of the evils might make way for their more easie conviction and so for the entry of the Word upon their souls and their subjection to the power and evidence thereof Men or Hypocrites of a smooth refined carriage when they carry a conformity in their course to the waies of Godliness and have strength of carnal reason to make the best of an unblameable life it 's hard for any to come within them either to pass a Sentence of their present condition because love hopes the best when it can bring no evidence of the contrary evil much less to perswade their estate is unsafe and not sincere but when the Lord lets loose Satan or some loathsom lusts upon them that they become scandalous and notoriously 〈◊〉 and their 〈◊〉 appears in their fore-heads then they yield to go out of the Camp and confess they are unclean As the Physitian when he would cure the cold Palsey he is content to cast his Patient into a burning Feaver because he can tel how to come the better to the Cure So here our Savior wisheth Rev. 3. 17. I would thou wert either hot or cold because then he could tel how to deal with her if either truly good he would encourage if openly naught he would then convince her he knew how to apply the means and she would be content to receive it bu when she conceives her self rich she wil receive nothing wise she wil hear nothing So I have known some in experience that would take it in indignation that any should question their Grace until the Lord left them to some foul fals gross cozenage scandalous drunkenness c. that hath made them go deeper c. The 〈◊〉 operation of the Word the breaking and so converting the heart of a sinner depends not upon any preparation a man can work in himself or any thing he can do in his corrupt estate for the attaining of life and Salvation For had the Lord expected the good use of a mans free wil in the imployment and exercise of the works of civility and outward moral behavior had he looked for the husbanding of the stock of those moral abilities which are left in corrupt nature or 〈◊〉 by the 〈◊〉 of providence in the restrainning strokes of common grace or had the Lord stayed until these 〈◊〉 had either valued the worth of the Apostles and their administrations and painfully improved the advantages of the means of grace and 〈◊〉 now brought home to their dores or brought a teachableness of spirit to the ordinances If either the preparation and saving conversion of the souls of men had depended upon any such emprovement of themselves it 's certain they had not now been made broken-hearted sinners or savingly brought unto the Lord and for ought any man can tel had never attained it But when cross to the course of humanity they mocked and scorned both 〈◊〉 persons message of the Apostles contrary to truth they cast reproaches and contumelious contempt upon them 〈◊〉 men are ful of new wine nay when they were carried with professed opposition malignant enmity against their persons and dispensations yet now the Lord presseth in upon them by the prevailing power of his spirit and word and doth good to them when they set themselves by al the policy and rage they could to oppose the work of the Lord and their own everlasting welfare clear it is therefore that this spiritual dispensation of breaking or calling of them home depends not upon any preparation which was done nor any performances al which for the present were professedly opposite to their own welfare but meerly upon the power and good pleasure of the Lord and the work of his spirit which he puts forth when it seems best unto himself it s not in him that wills or runs sayes the Apostle he puts both together and denies success unto both that so he may take off al the cavils that could be made or indeed pretended For had it been said the means were powerful and in a plentiful manner bestowed but men would not do what they might and ought may be there was a slight 〈◊〉 some powerless wishing but there wanted the strength of endeavor behould he excludes both It 's not him that wils only nay let him run for it put to the best of his abilities that wil not do the deed It 's not there but in the good pleasure of him that shewes mercy Rom. 9. 17. And hence it is that the very spirit of bondage terror and astonishment and sensible troubles of heart which many times wicked men that fal finally short of saying grace yet attain in some measure or degree even that is beyond the reach of a mans own power Wee have not received the spirit of bondage to fear Rom. 8. 15. even that is a gift and must be received and is dispensed freely al that a natural man can do cannot cal for his old terrors and troubles which out of his sensuality he hath devised wayes to wear out unless the Lord wil set them on by his hand And hence the Apostle makes the exception so general to Timothy 2. Tim. 1. 9. Who hath saved us and called us with a holy calling not according
opposeth that only the Lord by the mighty impression of the powerful operation of Spirit over-bears that opposition in the soul and forceth the soul to feel the stab and venom of sin though it use all means and waies it can to avoid the stroak of it but al in vain for the Arrows of the Almighty stick fast in him And all this is done and may be without any prejudice to any Liberty that the Lord hath put into the will for the will may be forced to suffer even against it's will without any wrong to the liberty thereof as the damned do in Hell at this day and shal through all eternity and shal never be able to get from under the terrors of the Almighty For the meaning of that received expression the Will cannot be compelled is this In all the acts the Will puts forth she is a cause by counsel and acts from the inward power and ability that is implanted in her to be compelled is to act by constraining force from without now for the will to act from her own power inwardly and yet to be acted by a contrary power from without are Contradictions The will then in a word cannot be constrained to do but it may be constrained to suffer without any the least prejudice to liberty and so it is here in this work I now mention a meer sufferer Thus Job 36 10. The Lord said to command men from iniquity he not only directs but by a soveraign power carries the soul from iniquity thus lamenting Ephraim intreats Jer. 31. 18. Turn me and I shall be turned thou art the Lord my God And Paul was sent Acts 20. 18. To turn men from darkness to light and so the whol frame of Scripture runs they are said to be wounded burdened 〈◊〉 when they should avoid the blow and remove the burden were in their choyce but they are pressed under the hand of the Lord which they are not able to escape though not able to undergo it Hence it is that though by reason of the presence of the body of death that yet remains there will be some stirrings of distemper which wil raise up some mutinies and conspiracies against the work and preventing Grace of God yet there will never be power nor possibility so far to resist as to hinder the work of Conversion and effectual bringing of the soul to God As in an Army wholly defeated and routed and scattered their Commanders slain and strong Holds taken and their Country possessed though some roving Troops may happily pilfer and forage up and down here and there in secret when they are not observed yet they are never able to make head or come into the Field So here Lastly When this resistance is removed and the right power and challenge which sin made disanulled the soul comes yet further to yield consent that there should be an everlasting divorce made between it and her former lusts and lovers and is in earnest content they should for ever be estranged from her and she from them And in this consent which the soul yields for this separation which is the great knot it moves only as under the power and in the vertue of the motion of the Spirit So that Divines thus speak This consent is not of our selves though not without our selves There is no power in the soul by which as a principle and beginning of the work it 's carried to the work but acts as prevented by the impression of the power and motion of the Spirit in vertue whereof it 's acted and enabled to this consent so that the act of Gods exciting and working Grace doth not concur with the power that is in the will to put forth this consent but as a principle leaves an impression of power upon the will by the vertue whereof it 's moved and so moves in and to this consent As the will of a child of Adam in generation it turns from God to sin not by any first power of its own but by the perverting work of the next Parent who under the vertue of the Curse and Gods Divine Justice turned it from the Lord and the Authority of the Law and put it under the Authority of fin So the will of him that comes to be begotten of the Second Adam doth turn from sin unto God not by any power or principle it hath of its own but by the impression of the operation of his Spirit by which it is turned and in vertue of that it turns Take an instance Suppose the first Grace offered or the voyce of Gods Call tendered unto the will that now hath the resistance taken off the Question now grows How the will comes to give her consent to this Act or first Grace this consent must come either from the will only or partly from the will and partly from Grace or from Grace only To say from the will only is Heretical and perfect Pelagianism in the highest degree which exalts Nature above Grace nay to make it perfect without it If from Grace and the will both as divers principles then there is a concurrence of our will by a power of its own with the power of Grace at the same instant to this work of consent then there is an ability in the will to begin its work and to meet and concur with Grace without Grace so far in a Spiritual Act As for instance The Father and the child both draw a Boat the Father puts more strength to the work the Son also from a principle of its own puts forth some strength and both these concur and meet in the motion the beginning is several from each as several causes though both meet in the act So that Grace concurs with the power of the will to this motion doth not give power and principle whereby it moves And this also is Heretical and Pelagianism for thus far and in that beginning the will closeth with Grace without the power of Grace which is cross to the Apostle and to all the former conclusions Whereas it is in this consent The first call of Grace prevents and wholly moves the will and the will in the 〈◊〉 of that motion moves to the call and consents As it in the Eccho the Voyce stirs the Air the Air in vertue of that stir returns the Voyce again Among some searching Disputes I meet with such an expression which I shal propound and explicate because it makes way for the understanding of the thing in hand The Will doth consent or will but doth not make it self to consent but is made so by another Their meaning is this 1. The Will doth put forth the Act of Consent and so far it 's the cause of it 2. But it was not the cause of that power by which it was enabled to consent but that it received and by that it was enabled to it So that this seems to be the order in which God proceeds God takes away that resistance by the