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A27387 Theophila, or, Loves sacrifice a divine poem / written by E.B., Esq., several parts thereof set to fit aires by Mr. J. Jenkins. Benlowes, Edward, 1603?-1676.; Collier, Jeremy, 1650-1726.; Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654. 1652 (1652) Wing B1879; ESTC R22902 113,211 344

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Caesar for his Glorie Absolon for his Beauty Achitophel for his Policie Dives for his Wealth or Iudas for his Office Seeing then that Happinesse consists not in the Affluence of Exorbitant Possessions nor in the Humours of fickle Honour all external Splendors being unsatisfactory let Christians neglect terrestrial Vanities and retire into the Recesses of Religion nothing being so great in humane Actions as a pious knowing Minde which disposeth great Things and may yield such permanent Monuments as bring Felicity to Mankinde above the Founders of Empires being an Antepast to the overflowing FEASTS of ETERNITIE Man endued with Altitude of Wisdom in the sweetnesse of Conscience and Height of Vertue is of all Creatures sub-Angelical the ALMIGHTIES Masterpiece the Image of his MAKER a Candidate of DIVINITY and Model of the Vniverse who in holy Colloquies Whisprings and secret Conferences with GOD findes HIM a Torrent of Pleasure a Fountain of Honour and an inexhaustible Treasure whose divine Life is a Character of the DIVINE NATURE by taking GOD for the Text Truth for the Doctrine and Holinesse for the Use without which the highest Endowments of the most refined Wit are but the quaint Magick of a learned Lunacie Most wretched therefore are they beyond all Synonima's of Misery whose undisciplin'd Education leaves them unfurnisht of Skill to spend their Time in any Thing but what in the prosecution of Sin tends to Death Wealth and Greatnesse rendring them past Reproof ev'n ready to tempt their very Tempter whereby they are wholly enclin'd to Sensualities being in their Entertainments commonly intemperate in their Drink humerous their Humours quarrelous their Duels damnable concluding a voluptuous and brutish Life in a bloody and desperate Death preferring the Bodie before the Soul Sence before the Spirit Appetite before Reason temporary Fooleries phantastick Visits idle Courtships gay Trifles fascinating Vanities as if the Pleasure of Life were but the smothering of pretious Time in those things which are meer Puffs in Expectation Vanitie in Enjoyment and Vexation of Spirit in Departure before solid Goodnesse and eternal Exultations To divert thee therefore from such Shelves of indiscreet Vice and to direct thee to the safe and noble Channel of Vertue ev'n to Faith with good Works to Piety w th Compassion to Zeal with Charity to know the End which distinguisheth thee from a Beast and to chuse a good End which differenceth thee from an evil Man be so much thine own Friend as to peruse seriously this spiritual Poem which treateth on Sub-coelestials Coelestials and Super-coelestials whereby a delightful Curiousness may steal thee into the Pleasure of Goodnesse Know then that Sub-coelestials or Sublunaries have their Assignment in the lowest Portion of the Universe and being wholly of a corporeal Nature do enjoy Spiritual Gifts the Chief of which is Life by Loan onely where there is no Generation without Corruption no Birth without Death From the Surface of the Earth to the Center is 3436 Miles the whole Thickness 6872 Miles the whole Compsse 21600 Miles from its Center to the Moon is 3924912 Miles Now Coelestials or aethereal Bodies are seated in the middle which participating of a greater Portion of Perfection impart innumerable rare Vertues and influential Efficacies to Things below not enduring a Corruption only subject having obtained their Period to change The glorious Projection and Transfusion of aetheral Light both of the Sun and of the Stars of the six Magnitudes constitute by astronomicall Computation more than 300 Suns upward to the EMPYRAEAN HEAVEN A Starre in the Equator makes 12598666 Miles in an Hour which is 209994 Miles in a Minute a Motion quicker than Thought Super-coelestials are Intelligencies altogether Spiritual and Immortal excellent in their Beings intuitive in their Conceptions such as are the glorious Quire of the Apostles the exulting Number of the Prophets the innumerable Army of crown'd Martyrs triumphing Virgins charitable Confessors c. or the blessed Hierarchie of Angels participating somewhat of GOD and Man having had a Beginning as Man and now being immortall with GOD having their Immortality for his Sempiternity void of all Mixture as is GOD and yet consisting of Matter and Form as doth Man Subsisting in some Subject and Substance as doth Man yet being incorporeal as is GOD They having Clarity Impassibility Subtility and Agility having Understanding without Errour Light without Darkness Joy without Sorrow Will without Perturbation Impassibility without Corruption pure as the Light ordained to serve the LORD of Light They are local and circumscribed by Place as is Man yet are they in a place not properly by way of Circumscription but by way of Definition though they cannot be in several Places at once yet are they able in a Moment to be any where as GOD alwayes is every where of admirable Capacity and Knowledge resembling GOD yet ignorant of the ESSENCE of GOD much lesse see they all Things in IT in that like Man Ev'n these Incorporeal Substances would pine and starve if an All-filling and infinitely All-sufficient and Superabundant GOD were not the Object of their high Contemplation whose Blisse of theirs is the neerest Approach to that Divine MAJESTIE WHO is a true real substantial and essential NATURE subsisting of HIMSELF an eternal BEING an infinite ONENESSE the radical PRINCIPLE of all Things whose ESSENCE is an incomprehensible Light His POVVER is Omnipotency and his BECK an absolute Act WHO before the Creation was a BOOK rowl'd up in HIMSELF having Light only in HIMSELF WHO is a SPIRIT existent from everlasting to everlasting One ESSENCE Three SUBSISTENCIES whose DIVINE NATURE is an essential and infinite UNDERSTANDING which knowes all Things actually alwayes which cannot possibly be comprehended by any finite Creature much lesse by Man groveling on Earth in the Mud of Errour and grosse Ignorance who are unable by any Art or Industrie to finde out the true Nature Form and Vertue of the least flie or gnat The whole Vniverse is the Looking-glasse of GODS Power Wisdom and Bountie HE loves as Charitie knows as Truth judges as Equitie rules as Majestie defends as Safety works as Vertue reveals as Light c. HE is a never deficient Brightnesse a never weary Life a Spring ever-flowing the Principle of Beginning c. If any Creature knew what GOD is he should be GOD for none knoweth HIM but HIMSELF who is Good without Qualitie great without Quantitie present without Place everlasting without Time WHO by a Bodie is no where by Energie every where Above all by Power beneath all by sustaining all without all by compassing all within all by penetrating all being absent seen being present invisible of WHOM to speak is to be silent WHOM to value is to exceed all Rate WHOM to define is still to encrease in Definition INFINITENESSE being the right Philosophers Stone which turns all Metals into Gold and one Dram of IT being put not only to a Seraphin or to a whole Element but even to the least gnat
refin'd it doth It self abroad display IV. Mount Fancie then through Orbs to GLORIES Sphere Wilde is the Course that ends not there You who are VIRTUES Friends lend to her Tongue an Ear. V. Let not the wanton Love-fights which may rise From vocal Fifes Flame-darting Eyes Beauties Munition Hearts w th Wounds unseen surprize VI. Whose Basilisk-like Glances taint the Air Of VIRGIN purenesse and ensnare Entangled Thoughts i' th' Trammels of their Ambush-hair VII Loves Captive view who 's Daies in warm Frosts spends On 's Idol dotes to Wit pretends Writes blots rends nor heeds where he begins or ends VIII His Stock of Verse in Comick Fragments lies Higher than Ten'riffs Pique He flies Sols but a spark Thou outray'st all Diamonds of the Skies IX Victorious Flames glow from thy brighter EYE Cloud those twin-lightning ORBS They 'l ●rie Anice-vein'd Monk cloud Them or PLANET-struck I die X. Indians pierce Rocks for Gems Negro's the Brine For Pearls Tartars tohunt combine For Sables Consecrate all Off'rings at HER SHRINE XI Crouch low -O Vermeil-tinctur'd CHEEK for thence The Organs to my Optick Sense Aredazled at the Blaze of so bright ANGELENCE XII Does Troy-bane Hellen Friend with ANGELS share All Lawlesse Passions Idols are Frequent are fuco'd Cheeks The Virtuosa's rare XIII A Truth authentick Let not skin-deep white And red perplex the nobler Light O' th' Intellect nor mask the SOULS clear piercing Sight XIV Burn Odes Lusts Paperplots Fly Playes its Flame Shun guileful Courtisms Forge for Shame No Chains Lip-traffick and Eye-dialogues disclaim XV. Hark how the frothy empty Heads within Roar and carouse i' th' jovial Sin Amidst the wilde Levalto's on their merry Pin XVI Drain dry the ransackt Cellars and resign Your Reason up to Riot joyn Your Fleet sail by Sugar-rocks through Floods of Wine XVII Send Care to dead Sea of Phlegmattick Age Ride without Bit your restive Rage And act your Revel-rout Thus on the tipling Stage XVIII Swell us a lustie BRIMMER more till most So Vast that none may spie the Coast Wee 'l down with ALL though therein sail'd LEPANTO'S Host XIX Top and Top-gallant hoise We will out-rore The bellowing Storms though shipwrackt more Healths are than tempting'st Syrens did inchant of yore XX. Each Gallon breeds a Ruby Drawer score'um Cheeks dy'd in Claret seem o' th' Quorum When our Nose-carbuncles like Link-boyes blaze before'um XXI Such are their Ranting Catches to unsoul And out-law Man They stagger rowl Their ●eet indent their Sense being drunk with Circes Bowl XXII Intombed Souls Why rot ye thus alive Melting your Salt to Lees and strive To strangle Nature and hatch Death Healths Health deprive XXIII The sinlesse Herd loaths your Sense-stifling Streams When long Spits point your Tale Ye Breams In Wine and Sleep your PRINCES are but Fumes and Drea●s XXIV I 'd rather be preserv'd in Brine than rot In Nectar Now to Dice they 're got Their Tables snare in both Then what can be their Shot XXV Yet Blades will throw at A●l sans Fear or Wit Oa●h● black the Night when ●ice do'nt hit When Winners lose at Play can Losers win by it XXVI Egypts Spermatick Nurse when her spread Floor Is flow'd 'bove sev'nteen Cubits ore Breeds Dearth And Spend-thri●ts waste when they enflame the Score XXVII Tell me ye pybald Butterflies who poise Extrinsick with intrinsick Joyes What gain ye from such short-liv'd fruitless empty Toys XXVIII Ye Fools who barter Gold for Trash report Can Fire in Pictures warm Can Sport That stings the mock-sense fill How low's your HEAV'N how short XXIX Go chaffer BLISSE for Pleasure which is had More by the Beast than Man the Bad Swim in their Mirth CHRIST wept nere laught The Best are sad XXX Brutes covet nought but what 's terrene HEAV'NS Quire Do in eternal Joyes conspire Man 'twixt them Both does intermediate Things desire XXXI Had we no Bodies we were ANGELS and Had we no Souls we were unmann'd To Beasts Brutes are all Flesh all Spirit the Heav'nly BAND XXXII At first GOD made them One thus by subjecting The Sense to Reason and directing The Appetite by th' Spirit But Sin by infecting XXXIII Mans free-born Will so shatters Them that They At present nor cohabite may Without ●Regret nor without Grief depart away XXXIV Go cheating World that dancest ore thy Thorns Lov'st what undoes hat'st what adorns Go idolize thy Vice and VIRTUE load with Scorns XXXV Thy luscious Cup more deadly then Asps Gall Empoys'neth Souls for Hell Thou all Times Mortalls dost enchant with thy delusive Call XXXVI Who steals from Time Time steals from him the Prey Pastimes passe Time passe HEAV'N away Few like the blessed Thief do steal SALVATIONS Day XXXVII Fools rifle Times rich Lott'rie Who mispend Lifes peerlesse Gemme alive descend And Antidate with Stings their never-ending End XXXVIII Whose vast Desires engrosse the boundlesse Land By Fraud or Force Like Spiders stand Squeezing small Flies Such are their Nets such their Hand XXXIX When Nimrods Vulture-Talons par'd shall be Their Houses Name soon chang'd you 'l see For their Bethesda shall be turn'd to Bethanie XL. Better destroy'd by Law than rul'd by Will What Salves can cure if Balsams kill That Good is worst that does degenerate to Ill. XLI Had not GOD left the BEST within the Power Of Persecutors who devoure We had nor MARTYRS had nor yet a SAVIOUR XLII SAINTS melt as Wax Fools-clay grows hard at Cries Of that scarce-breathing Corse who lies With dry Teeth meager Cheeks thin Maw hollow Eyes XLIII GOD made Life Give 't to Man By opening Veins Death's sluc'd out and Pleuretick Pains Make GOD thy Pattern Cure thy self Alms are best gains XLIV HEAV'NS GLORIE to atchieve what scantling Span Hath the frail Pilgrimage of Man Which sets when risen ends when it but now began XLV Who fight with outward Lusts win inward Peace Iudgements against Self-Iudges cease Who face their Cloaks with Zeal do but their Woes increase XLVI The Mighty mighty Torments shall endure If impious Hell admits to Cure The best Securitie is ne're to be secure XLVII Oaks that dare grapple with HEAV'NS Thunder sink All shiver'd Coals that scorch do shrink To Ashes Vap'ring Snuffs expire in noysom Stink XLVIII Time strip the writhel'd Witch Pluck the black Bags From off Sins grizly Scalp the Hags Plague-sores shew then more loathsom than her leprous Rags XLIX 'T was She slew guiltlesse Naboth 't was she curl'd The painted Iezabel she hurl'd Realms from their Center She unhing'd the new-fram'd World L. Blest then who shall her dash 'gainst Rocks her Grones Our Mirth and wash the bloody Stones With her own cursed Gore repave them with her Bones LI. By Salique Law She should not reign Storms swell By her which Halcyon Dayes dispell Nought's left that 's good where she in Souls possest does dwell LII 'T was her Excesse bred Plagues Infecting Stars Infesting Dearth Intestine Wars Surfeit with Graves the Earth 'mongst Living
Children or I die LOVE rest Thy Head upon the Pillows of my Breast When me THOU shalt impregn'd with Vertues make 50. A fruitful Eden All the Frutage take Thy Passion Ionathan below did move Rapt SPIRITS in high Excess flame with intensest Love 51 My Life is hid with THEE in GOD Descry THY SELF ô THOU my plighted SPOUSE that I May ever glorious be That my joy'd Soul 52. With THEE may make up Marriage and my whole Self THEE for Bridegroom have My Hope still sends Up Come that I may enter with thy feasted Friends 53. O That long-long'd for COME ô COME mine Eyes LOVES Sentinels watch like officious Spies Strike Sparks of JOY t'enflame LOVES Tinder make 54. The Exile view her Home the Dreamer wake Tears raise the Fire of LOVE Ease Sighs of Air Fires Passion watry Tears and earthy self Despair 55. My Sighs condens'd to Drops compute Hours spent Cancell the Lease of my Clay-Tenement Which payes deer Rent of Groans ô grant a Writ 56. Of Ease I languish out not live Permit A Passe to SIONS MOUNT But I resigne My green-sick Will though sick of LOVE to that of Thine 57. Waitings which ripen Hopes are not Delayes Presence how great how true's LOVE Absence saies While Lungs my Breath shall organ I 'l press still 58. Th' Exinanition of my o'regrown Will Behold I quickly come O're-joyd I'm here O Come Till then each Day 's an Age each Hour a Year 59. JESU That NAME' 's Ioyes Essence hasten on Throng amorous Sighs for Dissolution Fastidious Earth avant With Love-plumes soar 60. My Soul to meet thy SPOUSE Can'st wish for more Only Come give a RING Re-eccho then O Come Even so LORD IESV Come Amen Amen LXI Who 's this Inamor'd VOT'RESSE Like the Morn From Mountain unto Mountain born Who first with Night-drops dew'd seem'd Turtle Dove forlorn LXII But now e're warped Body neer Decay Stands Bow-like bent to shoot away Her Soul Ere prone Looks kiss her Grave e're her last Day LXIII She LOVE-fill'd wants no Mate has rather one Body too much I' th' SPIRITS Throne CHRISTS Peace is fullest Quire Such Loneness least alone LXIV When soft-flying Sleep Deaths Sister Wings do's spread Over that curtain'd Grave her Bed Then with prophetick Dreams the HIGHEST crowns her Head LXV Behold a comely PERSON clad in white The all-inlightning Sun lesse bright Than that illustrious FACE of HIS which blest her Sight LXVI To Her in MAJESTIE His Way HE broke And softly thus to Her HE spoke Come Come away My JESUS saies She. So She woke LXVII Her Pray'rs more passionate than witty rise As Sols Postilion bright her Eyes Wrastling with GOD for GRACE bedew Loves Paradise LXVIII Betimes when keen breath'd Winds with frosty Cream Peri'wig bald Trees glaze tatling Stream For May-games past white-sheet peccavi is Winters Theme LXIX Those Day-breaks give good Morrows which she takes With Thanks so doubly Good them makes Who in GODS Promise rests in GODS Remembrance wakes LXX SAINTS nothing more SAINTS nothing lesse regard Than LOVES SELF than self-Love unscar'd Though rackt into an Anagram their Souls being spar'd LXXI Through Vertuous Self-mistrust They acted move Like Needle toucht by th' Stone of Love Blest Magnet which attracts and Souls directs ABOVE LXXII Were She but mortal She were satisfy'd So GOD liv'd in Her till She dy'd His WORD her Deed his WILL her Warrant BOTH her Guide LXXIII Thus this DEVOTA breaths out yerning Cries Let not Dust blinde my sensual Eyes When as my Spirits Energie transcends the Skies LXXIV VIRTUES raise Souls All 's FILIAL to ABOVE Low'st Step is Mercenary Love Fraternal are the Sides that SAINTS Ascent improve LXXV Manna to my enamour'd Soul art THOU The SPIRIT of Heav'n distill'd do's flow From thy ASPECT By That from Brutes we ANGELS grow LXXVI Had I ô had I many Lives as Years As many Loves as Love hath Fears All All were THINE had I as many Hearts as Hairs LXXVII From THEE my JOY-EXTENSIONS spreading flow Dilating as Leaf-gold be n't slow O THOU my All and more Love-lorn THEE still I woo LXXVIII The Widow press'd till THEE to grant She bound The VIRGIN sought THEE till she found The Publican did knock till opening knocking crown'd LXXIX Though nought but dross I in my self can spie Yet melted with THY beaming EYE My Refuse turns to Gold by mystick Alchymie LXXX Then whet thy blunt Sythe Time and wing thy Feet Life not in Length but Use is sweet Come Death the Body brought a bed o' th' SOUL Come fleet LXXXI Be Pulse my passing-Bell be Skin my Herse Nights sable Curtains that disperse The Rayes of Day be Shroud Dews weep my funeral Verse LXXXII Pittie me Love-sick Virgins Then She swound O'recome with Zeal She sunk to th' Ground Darts of intolerable Sweets her Soul did wound LXXXIII She lay with flaming LOVE empierc't to th' Heart Wak't As She bled She kist the Dart Then sigh'd Take all I am or have All All THOU art LXXXIV Then sunk again Reviv'd LOVES BOW She bent And marry'd String to Shaft and sent Ejaculations which the Skies like Lightning rent LXXXV Piercing Them through feather'd with Sighs to show She little pay'd yet much did owe The Feathers sung and fir'd as they did upward go LXXXVI No ice-fring'd Cloud may quench LOVES soaring Flame LOVE is more strong then Death or Shame Grown up all Soul the Flesh sinks in a triple Qualm LXXXVII I charge ye SION VIRGINS let Her still Enjoy her disencloystred Fill In These high Extasies of UNION and WILL. LXXXVIII Do not with Claps of Hands or noise of Feet Awake Her from what is more sweet Till the bright rising Day-star light Her to HEAV'NS Street LXXXIX Yeeld Her what her unfetter'd Rapture gives Since She 's more where She loves than lives Transanimations scaling HEAV'N break carnal Gyves XC In LOVES triumphant Chariot plac't She is Concentrick are her JOYES with HIS Encharioted in Fire her Spirit HEAV'N-ripe for Blisse XCI They 're only sound who Thus are lost in Trance Transported to the High'st Advance With Him who was in Spirit rapt to ' expreffeles Glance XCII Return'd She cry'd O slay me thus again Ne're lives she who thus ne're is slain How sweet the Wounds of LOVE No Pleasure to LOVES pain XCIII In furnac't Pyrausta-like I fry To live is Faith 't is Gain to die One Life 's enough for Two THOU liv'st in me not I XCIV How mid'st Regalios of LOVES Banquet I Dissolve in Sweets Extremitie O Languors Thus to live is in pure Flames to die XCV Three Kings three Gifts to th' KING of Kings did bring Myrrhe Incense Gold to Man GOD King For Myrrhe Tears Incense Pray'rs Gold take Loves Offering XCVI O take Loves Hecatomb Then through her Eyes Did LOVE inamoring Passions rise HIGH'ST GLORY crowns THEOPHILA's Love-Sacrifice XCVII Not She Mortality alone did die Death's but Translation to the Skie All Virtues fir'd in her pure BREAST their Spicerie
to gild thy Way conspire 17. Love may Them lead by Verse whom Sermons fright Bring Them where Faith comes not into Heav'ns Light 18. O may our Numbers in sweet Musick flow Nor the least Harshnesse of Elisions know 19. Shade me ô LORD I seek not Virgils Tree Hence Springs prophane Glide Siloam by me 20. Trampling vain Labours with loose Wits defil'd The Hallow'd BRAIN brings forth a Spritely Childe 21. What 's Life a Vapour Beauty Ashes Gain An Idol Honour Bubble the World vain 22. Life flits away and Beauty wanes at full Gold cheats and Honour fades the World is dull 23. Life Pleasure's short and Pleasures Life is vain It knowes not highest Blisse GODS LOVE to gain 24. That Torch which flam'd so bright in Hero's Room Did light her lov'd Leander to his Tomb. 25. To Death a thousand Wayes to Life but one For Sin who groans not he for Sin shall groan 26. Arm'd Wrath perfidious Tyrants throwes from high They conquer Right Sin Them Th' AVENGER'S nigh 27. Sinners first Steps Sins Seed and Fruit avoid Many by neer Infection are destroy'd 28. Kill Vice i' th' Egge Iohn Ioseph Robelesse fly Peter Thou stay'st and stay'st but to deny 29 By Night and Day at Home and when Abroad Guilt stings the Soul and thereon layes its Load 30. Of Decalogue Creed Supper of the LORD Though Laws speak loud our Church hath scarce a Word 31. Hence Flocks are pin'd The JUDGE in Time will come Unthought of Neer to Guilt 's the AVENGERS Doom 32. Nor Pray'r nor Price nor Fraud nor Rage nor Art Can help Ah fear then Flames eternal Smart 33. Wet-cheekt how oft I 've moan'd to THEE my DEAR All Night awake alone ô Cure appear 34. Seest THOU and suff'rest Stop Sins Course Birth Let not that Hand bear Arms that sowes the Earth 35. LOVES Pow'r's infus'd from GOD a free-giv'n Grace THEOPHILA from Love takes Name and Race 36. Thou burn'st pierc't THEOPHIL with firie Dart If blessed Heat enflames thy vigorous Heart 37. The more Thou burn'st the more be Bellows still As thy Flames grow Let those Flames Others fill 38. Heat the Luke-warm to Those more hot give Fire Bless GOD Refresh with GRACE enflame Desire 39. The Poets Pharos be that sets forth sail While he steers sheet-fill'd with a holy Gale 40. Pure Wit 's the Sails quick Iudgement Oars Thou th' Star Pilot the Scribe Sea Vein the Ship Hymns are 41. I give Wits Tackling to thy guiding Hands Honour in giving Love in taking stands 42. Binde up what 's loose what 's rash new-mold refell What 's ill lame help smooth rough depress what swell 43. Thou slight'st Earths ratling Squibs with Sulphur fill'd Kingdoms such Nests are as the Birds do build 44. Above all Worldly Wealth thy Riches rise Thy Microcosm the Macrocosm out-vies 45. Thou lay'st out hoarded Gold the Poor to aid So with GODS Love thy Love to GOD's repaid 46. Thy sacred Skill imparted Reverence breeds Thy Worship's Practise and thy Words are Deeds 47. Fiends Hate Saints Prize whence Lyrick Strings sound clear Of spotless Faith pure Minde to th' HIGHEST dear 48. The Emerald-Grove envies thy golden Hair Whose Curls make GRACES blush Themselves more fair 49. As many Ioyes thy starry Beauties shed As Bees in Attis Gems in Skies are spred 50. The Diamond sparkleth Rage at thine Eye-Beams Whose chast Orbs brandish thence their sacred Gleams 51. The Coral Die is blankt at Lips so red And livid Grapes at rosie Cheeks hang head 52. I 'd gaze o' th' Lili'd Cheek and the Lips Rose But ô thy Cheek thy Lip surpasseth those 53. Grace pours sweet-flowing Words from charming Lips Sparkling 'bove Nectar which i' th' Crystal skips 54. Rare PSALTRESSE with Heav'n-drops inebriate What Sweets to Mouth and Ear dost Thou create 55. Sweet Violets Saffron Balm Myrrhe from Thee flowes Bdell Incense Cedar Cinn'amon Nard the Rose 56. The Rose Swains Spice Such Heav'n-dew'd Verse dost frame As sweet as Honey-comb as bright as Flame 57. While Combs and Flames divine from THEE are cast I 'm fed as fir'd Ev'n Flames do nurse my Taste 58. The Swan pines at thy Neck This Milkie Way Doth Steps begun to th' Holy LAMB display 59. There fals on thine Alp-Breasts a lasting Snow To which Snow's black Swans foul the Goose a Crow 60. The hoary Frost turns Durt vi'd with thy Hand And where thy Fooot does tread it prides the Land 61. On Lilies Milk on Violets Purple throw On Saffron Gold Scarlet o' th' Rose bestow 62. Wreaths worthy Thee fair Flora ne're can weave Nor can our highest Strains THEE higher heave 63. With all-bred Flowr's glitt'ring Buds THOU beam'st As if t' have cropt all Paradise THOU seem'st 64. Each Vertue 's in thy Life so pois'd so fine What 's first This That or T'other since All shine 65. Love to thy Soul deriv'd is from Above Where Honour reigns sparks Beauty triumphs Love 66. In Chymick Art Thou my Elixir be Convert to Gold the worthlesse Dross in me 67. Fire makes of Ashes Glass makes Metals shine This Fire my Body may to Spirit calcine 68. Enamour'd Ir'on does to the Magnet flie Yea Sparks in hardest Flints concealed lie 69. Nothing more hard than Stone more soft than Fire Yet Stones are melted by inflam'd Desire 70. Is 't so who 'd not dissolve in Flames of Love Be THOU the Grace Thou my Thoughts Loadstar prove 71. Mindes Gemme Eyes Apple Hearts intenser Flame THOU shew'dst the Way I 'll prosecute the Same 72. For GOD created bright in VIRTUES Train Weigh'st Right quell'st Passions o're Deeds dost reign 73. GOD is thy Life Law Virtue Glorie CHRIST HIM who leads Thee by Love Thou lov'st HIM high'st 74. CHRIST to endure the Cross what did THEE move The Pledge of Bitterness was Pledge of LOVE 75. IS GOD both Meat and Lover CHRIST thy Food What Banquet is This LOVER As Sweet as Good 76. CHRIST's Spice Thou say'st Light Triumph Praise to me Musick Wine Feast Fame Crown GOD All to Thee 77. LORD Thou art All in All Thou lost All 's nought How base seems muddy Earth where HEAV'N is sought 78. Earth's Exile Death the Gate my Home's Above My Staff's Hope Faith Companion Leader Love 79. Turn Indie into Iewels HEAV'N to Verse Nor Indie can thy Worth nor HEAV'N reherse 80. Let me Thee fear and love Fear Loves Heat blowes Fear is DEVOTIONS Fount whence LOVE o'reflowes 81. Thy Word 's my Rule I cleave to THEE my Vine LORD Thou art All to me I 'm wholly Thine 82. O hear my Pray'r my Suff'rings bear my Task Take off redresse my Wrongs grant what I ask 83. With Pray'r Desire Faith Zeal Hope Deed I call Laud seek love pray worship THEE All in All. 84. If I behold THEE I 'm all flaming Spice If not behold THEE I 'm congeal'd to Ice 85. Adde Flames to Flames that I may melt away Be I belov'd of THEE or else Deaths Prey 86. Sweet Seas light
precor impellat sanctior Aura ratem I felix rapidas diffindas Caerula Syrtes Te Divina regit DEXTERA Sospes abi NON NOBIS DOMINE THEOPHILAS LOVE-SACRIFICE The Summary of the Poem THEOPHILA or Divine Love ascends to her BELOV'D by three Degrees By Humilitie by Zeal by Contemplation In the First She is Sincere In the Second Fervent In the Third Extatical In her Humiliation She sadly condoles her Sin in her Devotion She improves her Grace In her Meditation She antidates her Glory and triumphantly congratulates the Fruition of her SPOUSE And by three Wayes which Divines call the Purgative Illuminative and Vnitive She is happily led into the Disquisition of Sin by Man of Suffering by CRIST as SPONSOR of Salvation by HIM as REDEEMER In the Purgative Way she falls upon Repentance Mortification Self-denial helpt in part by the Knowledge of herself which breeds Contrition Renuntiation and Purpose of Amendment In the Illuminative she pursues Moral Vertues Theological Graces and Gospel-promises revealed by CHRIST as the Great APOSTLE which begets in her Gratitude Imitation and Appropriation In the Vnitive she is wholly taken up with Intuition of supercoelestial Excellencies with beatifical Apprehensions and Adherencies as to CHRIST in Bodie to the Holy GHOST in Spirit to GOD the FATHER in a bright Resemblance of the Divine NATURE All which are felt by the Knowledg of CHRIST as MEDIATOR whence flow Admiration Elevation consummated in GLORIFICATION And were Mysteriously intimated in the Symbolical Oblations of the Star-led Sophies Who by their Myrrhe signify'd Faith Chastity Mortification the Purgative Actions by their Incense implied Hope Prayer Obedience the Illuminative Devotions by their Gold importing Charity Satiety Radiancie the Vnitive Eminencies And it is the only Ambition of THEOPHILA to offer these presents to her BELOV'D by whom her Sin is purged her Understanding enlightned her Will and Affections enflamed to the Communion of all his GLORIES Thus She by recollecting past Creation present Corruption and future BEATIFICAL VISION endeavors to rowze us up from Hellish Security Worldly Solicitude and Carnal Concupiscence that being rais'd we may conform to the will submit to the Power and sympathize with the SPIRIT of CHRIST by a total Resignation of Self-comforts Abilities Ends and by the internal Acts of Love Devotion Contemplation She makes Sense subservient to Reason Reason to Faith and Faith to the written Word By Faith she beleeves what he has reveal'd and yields him up all her Vnderstanding By Hope She waits for his Promises and refers to Him all her Will By Charity she Loves his Excellencies and resignes to him all her Affections And by all these She triumphs over Sin Death Hell in the sensual World and by his Virtue Grace Favour enjoyes an eminent Degree of PERFECTION in the Intellectual THE AVTHORS PRAYER O THOU most High distinct in PERSONS undivided in ESSENCE Eternal PRINCIPLE of all Substances essential BEING of all Subsistencies CAUSE of all Causalities LIFE of our Souls and SOUL of our Lives Whose DEITIE is as far beyond the Comprehension of our Reason as thy OMNIPOTENCIE transcends our Impotencie We wretched Dust acknowledge that Adams Fall as it depriv'd us of all Good so hath it deprav'd us with all Evil for from our production to our Dissolution our Life if strictly discussed will be found wholly tainted alwayes tempted with Sin We discover our Condition to be more corrupt than we can fully discover The Sense of our Sin stupifies us the Sight of it reveals our Blindness and the Remembrance thereof doth put us in Minde of our forgetfulnesse of THEE The Number of our Transgressions surpasseth our Skill in Arithmetick their Weight is insupportable depressing us even to the Abysse their Guilt more extense than any thing but thy MERCIE O LORD we have loved Darknesse more than Light because our Deeds were evil therefore THOU hast shew'd us terrible Things We have sucked out the Dregs of deadly Wine Our National Crimes have extorted from thy JUSTICE National Iudgements Our hellish Sins enflame thy WRATH and thy WRATH enflames Hell-fire against us We want so much of Happinesse as of Obedience our Beatitude consisting in a thorough Submission of our Determinations unto thy Disposings and our Practise to thy Providence which causeth us with humbly-pressing Importunitie to implore thy GOODNESSE for HIS SAKE who of mere Love took upon Him a Nature of Infirmities to cure the Infirmities of our Nature that THOU would'st give us a Sense of our Senselesness and a fervent Desire of more Fervency and true Remorse and Sorrow for want of Remorse and Sorrow for these our Sins O Steer the mysticall Ship of thy CHURCH safe amidst the Rocks and Quicksands of Schism and Heresie Superstition and Sacriledge into the fair Havens of PEACE and TRUTH Give to thy disconsolate Spouse melting in Tears of Bloud the Spirit of Sanctitie and Prudence May the Light which conducts her to thy Coelestial CANAAN be never mockt by new false Lights of apostatizing Hypocrisie nor extinguished by Barbarism Thou our FATHER art the GOD of Peace thy SON our SAVIOUR the Prince of Peace Thy SPIRIT the Spirit of Peace thy Servants the Children of Peace whose Dutie is the Studie of Peace and the End of their Faith the Peace of GOD which passeth all Vnderstanding Let All submit to thy SCEPTER adore thy JUDGEMENTS revere thy LAWS and love THEE above All for thine OWN SAKE and others ev'n their Enemies for THY SAKE having THEE for our Pattern thy PRECEPTS for our Rule and thy SPIRIT for our Guide And now in particular I throw my self who have unmeasurably swarved from thy Statutes upon thy Mercies beseeching THEE to give me a deep Sense of my own Vnworthiness and yet withall sincere Thankfulnesse for thy Assistancies Grant that my Sorrow for Sin may be unfeigned my Desires of Forgiveness fervent my purpose of Amendment stedfast that so my Hopes of HEAVEN may be advanced and what THOU hast sowen in thy MERCIE THOU mayest reap from my Duty Let Religion and right Reason rule as Soveraign in me and let the irascible and concupiscible Faculties be their Subjects Give me an Estate balanc'd between Want and Waste Pity and Envie Give me Grace to spend my Wealth and Strength in thy Service Let all my Melancholy be Repentance my Ioyes spiritual Exultations my Rest Hope my Peace a good Conscience and my Acquiescence in THEE In THEE as the Principle of Truth in thy Word as the Measure of Knowledge in thy Law as the Rule of Life in thy Promise as the Satisfaction of Hope and in thy Vnion as the highest Fruition of Glory O Thou Spring of Bountie who hast given thy SON to Redeem me Thy Holy SPIRIT to sanctifie me and Thy SELF to satisfie me give me a generous Contempt of sensual Delusions that I may see the Vanity of the World the Deceitfulnesse of Riches the Shame of Pleasures the folly of Sports the Inconstancie of Honours the Danger of
Greatness and the strict Account to be given for All O then give me an undaunted Fortitude an elevated Course of Contemplation a Resignation of Spirit and a sincere Desire of thy Glory Adde O LORD to the Cheerfulness of my Obedience the Assurance of Faith and to the Confidence of my Hope the Joyes of Love O THOU who art the Fountain of my Faith the Object of my Ioy and the Rock of my Confidence guide my Passion by Reason my Reason by Religion my Religion by Faith my Faith by thy Word be pleased to improve thy Word by thy SPIRIT that so being established by Faith confirmed in Hope and rooted in Charitie I may be only ambitious of THEE prizing THEE above the Delights of Men Love of Women and Treasures of the World Nothing being so pretious as thy Favour so dreadfull as thy Displeasure so hateful as Sin so desirable as thy Grace Let my Heart be alwayes fixt upon Thee possessed by Thee established in Thee true unto Thee upright toward Thee and entire for Thee that being thus inebriated with the sweet and pure streams of thy Sanctuary I may serve Thee to the utmost of each Faculty with all the Extension of my Will and Intension of my Affections till my Love shall ascend from Earth to HEAVEN from small Beginnings to the Consummati●n of a well-regulated and never ceasing Charitie O GOD who art no lesse infinite in Wisdom than in Goodness let me where I cannot rightly know Thee there reverently admire Thee that in Transcendencies my very Ignorance may honour Thee Let thy Holy SPIRIT inflame my Zeal inform my Judgement conform my Will reform my Affections and transform me wholly into the Image and Imitation of Thy Onely SON Grant that I may improve my Talent to thy Glory who art the Imparter of the Guift the Blesser of the Action and the Assister of the Designe So that having sowen to the Spirit I may by thy Mercies and Thy SONS Merits who is the SON of thy Love the Anchor of my Hope and the Finisher of my Faith reap Life everlasting And now in his only Name vouchsafe to accept from dust and ashes the Oblation of this weak yet willing Service and secure the Possession to THY SELF that Sin may neither pollute the Sacrifice divide the Guift nor question the Title Fill my Mouth with Praises for these happy Opportunities of Contemplation the managing of publick Actions lesse agreeing with my Disposition and though my Body be retir'd yet let my Soul be enlarged like an uncaptiv'd Bird to soar in the Speculation of Divine Mysteries O be praysed for that in this general Combustion of Christendom THOU hast vouchsafed me a little Zoar as Refuge in which my Soul doth yet live to magnifie Thee But above All for my Redemption from the Execution of thy Wrath by the Execration of the SON of thy Love having made Innocence to become guilty to make the guilty innocent and the Sun of Righteousness to suffer a total Eclipse to expiate the Deeds of Darkness Be THOU exalted for the Myriads of thy Mercies in my Travells through Europ as far transcending my Computation as Compensation But chiefly for the Hope Thou hast given me that when I have served Thee inhumbly-strict Obedience to the Glorie of thy Name THOU art pleased that I shall enter into the GLORY of my LORD to all Eternitie where I shall behold THEE in thy Majesty CHRIST thy SON in his Glory the SPIRIT in his Sanctity the Hierarchy of Heaven in their Excellencie and the Saints in their Rest in which Rest there is perfect Tranquillitie and in this Tranquillity Ioy and in this Ioy Variety and in this Variety Security and in this Security Immortality with Thee Who reignest in the Excellencies of Transcendencie and in the infinite Durations of a blessed Eternitie To WHOM with the IMAGE of thy GOODNESSE and the BREATH of thy LOVE ô most glorious TRINITY and ineffable UNITIE be all Sanctitie and Adoration sacrificed now and for evermore Amen Amen INto the most Holy TREASVRIE Of the ever-glorious PRAISES Of the MEDIATOR between GOD Man CHRIST JESUS The Empyraean Flame of the DIVINITY Indefinible Interminable Ineffable The Immaculate Earth of the HUMANITY Inseparable Inconfusible Inconvertible Mysterious in an Hypostaticall UNION WHO is The true LIGHT enlightning the World The ETERNAL WORD By ENERGIE Incarnated Embrightning our knowledge Enlivening our FAITH Quickning our HOPE Enflaming our LOVE Prostrated dust and ashes With an adoring Awfulness trembling Veneration To his INFINITE MAJESTIE Doth humbly cast this Mite Acknowledging from GOD all Opportunities of Good to be improved by His GRACE to His GLORY THEOPHILAS LOVE-SACRIFICE CANTO II. The Humiliation ARGUMENT Vnde superbit Homo cujus Conceptio Culpa Nasci Poena Labor Vita necesse mor● Totus homo pravus Caro Mens Natura Voluntas Coelicus act Hominis Crimina tollit AMOR. The Deiform'd Soul deform'd by Sin repents In Pray'rs and Tears her Grief She vents And till Faith cheer her by CHISTS Love Life Death laments STANZA I. ALMIGHTY POWER Who did'st All Souls Create Who did'st Redeem their faln Estate Who still dost Sanctifie and them Redintegrate II. Sourse River Ocean of all Blisse instill Spring-tides into my low-ebb'd Quill Each graceful Work flowes from what works all Grace Thy Will III. LORD Thou before Time Matter Form or Place Wast All E're Natures mortal Race Thy SELF Host Guest and Palace Natures total Space IV. When yet though not discern'd in that Abysse CREATOR WORD and SPIRIT of Blisse In UNITY the TRINE one GOD adored is V. E're THOU the Chrystal-mantled HEAV'N didst rear Or did the Earth Sols Bride appear First Race of Intellectuals mad'st THEE to revere VI. Praise best doth Inexpressibles expresse Soul Th' ARCHITECT of Wonders blesse Whose All-creating WORD embirth'd a Nothingnesse VII Who brooding on the Deep Production Dispos'd then call'd out Light which on The formless Worlds rude Face was all dispers'dly thrown VIII When callow Nature pluckt from out her Nest Of Causes was awak'd from Rest Her shapeless Lump with fledg'd effects He trimly drest IX Then new-born Day HE gilt with glittering Sun Contracted Light with changing Moon He Night adorn'd and hung up Lamps like spangled Bullion X. The Earth with Water mixt HE separates Earth Plants brought forth and Beasts All Mates The Waters Fowl and Fish to yield Man delicates XI Then did of th' El'ements Dust Mans Bodie frame A perfect Microcosm the Same He quickned with a sparkle of Pneumatick Flame XII More Heav'nly specify'd by Life from th' WORD That Nature doth This Grace afford And Glory from the SPIRIT design'd as threefold Cord. XIII Man ere a Childe by ' Infusion wise though He Was of yet not for Earth though free Chanc'lour install'd of Edens Universitie XIV His Virgin-Sister-Wife i' th Grove He woo'd Heav'ns Nursery new Fruit his Food Skin was his Robe Clouds washt Winds swept his Floor All good XV. Envie that GOD should so love Man
are Hell-proof THEOPHILA'S Soliloquie STANZA 1. WHen Heav'ns LOVE Paramount HIMSELF reveals And to the suppliant Soul her Pardon seals At feard-Hopes doubtful Gate w th trembling fell 2. Who Heav'n-ward sails coasts by the Cape of Hell That Her HE deigns to take She joyes in Woes To have in Labour pass'd the Parturition Throes 3. All Travell-pangs all New-birth Heart-deep Groans All After-births of Penitential Mones Are swallow'd up in living Streams of Bliss 4. When as the Heav'n-born Heir the New-man is By th' quickning SPIRIT of the HIGH'ST reborn Time past hath pas'd her Night present presents her Morn 5. See Ioy in Light See Light in Ioy O see Poor worthless Maid Fruit brought thee from Lifes-Tree By th' SPOUSE SPIRIT Saints sole Supporters Rise 6. Then Hells Apostate and be Heav'nly wise THOU art Lets interpledge our Soul my ONE My ALL though not by UNITIE by Vnion 7. Ineffably mysterious Knot begun Saints mount as Dew allur'd by beckning Sun Loves faithful Friends what parallels your Guard 8. Where Truth is Sentinel and Grace the Ward The Way is Flow'r-strown where the Guide is Love His SPIRIT with you below your Spirit with HIM Above 9. Reciprocal Excesse of Ioy Then soar My Soul to HIM Who Man became Nay more Took Sin it self to cleanse thy fully'd Clay 10. But took it only to take it away O SELF DONATION peerlesse GUIFT unknown Now since that HE is Thine be never Thou thine own 11. O Prodigie of Great and Good Faith sound This LOVES Abysse that do's so strangly bound ALMIGHTINES IT SELF From Whose Veins see 12. Unsluc't LOVES purple Ocean when His Free Red-streaming Life did vanquish Death Hell That thou might'st live HE dy'd That thou might rise HE fell 13. GOD so lov'd Man that Naturalists may deem GOD to set Man before HIMSELFE did seem When Man with seeing blinde 'gainst GOD arose 14. And slew his only FRIEND GOD sav'd his Foes Sol mour'nd in blacks Heav'ns Vice-roy Nature swounded Excess Loves Reason was Immensitie Love bounded 15. Ye Twins of Light as Sun-flow'rs be enclin'd To th' SUN of RIGHTEOUSNES Let Taste refin'd Like nothing as LOVES Heav'nly Manna and 16. Let all but CHRIST feel rough as Esaus Hand Let nought like 's Garment smell Let Ears rejoyce But in expresles Dictates of LOVES whisp'ring Voice 17. HE 'S thy bright Sun 'twixt WHOM and thy Souls Bliss Thy earthie Body interposed is Whereby such dread Eclipses caused are 18. As fam'd Ast●●●omers can ne're declare Yet oft HE shines Then vanish servile Fears Then Heav'n-ward filial Hopes dry up thy trickling Tears 19 Spiritual Light Spirituals clears In HEAV'N Thou 'lt view that full what now by Glimps like Steph'n Thou can●st but spy There shalt thou Face to Face 20. His Light His Ioy His Love His Pow'r His Grace And His ALL-FILLING GLORY clearly see In optick Emanations from ETERNITIE 21 I' th' RING of boundless LUSTER from whose Ray This petty World gleaneth its peep of Day Thou shalt be Crown'd with Wreaths of endless Light 22. Here oft's an Enterview in Heat and Might By Inter-lucidations from ABOVE Twining Embraces with 's ensphearing ARM of LOVE 23 Most blessed Souls to whom He do's appear Folded within your Arms chast Hemisphear O Condescend How 's LIPS shed Love Life Merit 24. He makes his Angels Court of Guard By 's SPIRIT HE crowns you with his Grace So with his BLOOD When HE Redeem'd you and consign'd His FLESH for Food 25 Meat came from th' Eater from the Strong did Dew Sweetnesse when as incomparably true OMNIPOTENCIES SELF did largely shed 26. His mystick Oil of Ioy upon thy● Head Then trample Sin in Babylons golden Cup Treasures away She trifles Trifles treasures up 27 Oyl of this Lamp obsequious Soul lights Thee To thine approaching HEAV'N In Sancti●ie Be actuated then Being up assum●d 28. By this bright Sun with this rich Oyl perfum'd Th' art prepossest with Heav'nly Comforts which With their Soul-chearing Sweets both ravish and enrich 29 Poor panting Heart Loves Seat yearn for Ioys Pith To have thy highest Bliss Communion with The FATHER the SON one SPIRIT with CHRIST 30. And One in THEM as THEY are One Thou fly'st Through Grace to GLORY VISION shall sublime Thy Faith FRUITION Hope ETERNIT● thy Time THEOPHILA'S LOVE-SONG STANZA 31. SELF ô how mean an Harmonie it breeds JESUS All Names this NAME of Names exceeds This Name 's GODS Mercie at full Sea 't is LOVES 32. High Tow'r Ioyes Loadstone This my Spirit moves Hark Rise my Love my Fair One Come away Lingring breeds Losse I am thy Leader Light and Way 33. What Speed Speeds self can make Soul flie withall GREATNES and GOODNES most Magnetical Shoot like a Flashof Fire to th' ruby Wine 34. His precious BLOOD transcendently Divine How poor those costly pearls were drunk by Some My LORD drink Blood to me Let It to th' Worlds Health come 35 All Hope 's unanchor'd but in THAT THOU art 'Bove Indies Womb rich to my Love-sick Heart Flesh-fair Endowments are but Skin-deep Brags 36. Varnisht Corruption Wealth is but Cares Bags The Bag impostom'd choaks Gold Beauty Fame Are sublunary Mysts to SAINTS Seraphick Flame 37 JESUS THIS fans my Fire which has at best But Grains of Incense Pounds of Interest Go Int'rest Take the Principal Thine own 38. Divine LOVE loves thy LOVELINES alone What Flames to THINE proportionable be LORD had'st not first lov'd Man Man could not have lov'd THEE 39 Why lov'st us but because THOU would'st O why For Lepers would the UNDEFILED die That Pen was dipt i' th' Standish of thy Blood 40. Which wrot th' Indenture of our termless Good O LOVE 'bove Wish Never such LOVE enroll'd Who think their utmost Flames enough for THEE are cold 41. Whose HIGHNES did not to be low disdain Yet when at Lowest Highest did remain Who bow'dst HEAV'NS Altitude refresh with Flowrs 42. With JESSES Sov'raign Flow'r my fainting Pow'rs Which sink as shaft-struck Hart embost twixt Grief And Ioy Grief for my Sin Ioy for thy free Relief● 43. Wrackt is with bitter-sweet Extreams my Minde Shell'd sheath'd cag'd coffin'd in her treacherous friend Her always tempting mass of Flesh She bears 44. Her Hopes did they not sprout from Thee were fears HOPE Thou Perfume of LOVERS for thy Sake LOVE'S generous throws at All Life 's but a petty Stake 45 Scarce worth the Prize LOVE makes two Spirits but one Me Counterpart to thy Indenture own I active then as Light tread Air and Flame 46. Without or Wing or Chariot and disclaim All the faint Sweets of Earth Thy SPIRIT views How in Loves torrid Zone thy sweltring Martyr stews 47 Row me ye Dove-wingd Oars whom Hope do's buoy To wisht-for Hav'n flowing with Tides of Ioy Yet wish I not my Joy thy Ioyes Above 48. Meerly for Ioy nor Pleasures of thy LOVE Only for Love of Pleasure No let free Spiritual Languors teem Fruitful yet Virgins be 49 Give give me
place XL. One Word did th' All-surrounding Skie-roof frame With all its Starrie sparkling Flame Not all created Wisdom can spell out THY NAME XLI Supreme COMMANDER of the rowling Stars Thy LAW sets to their Progresse Bars Does Epicycle their obliquely gliding Cars XLII No Lines Poles Tropicks Zones can THEE enthrall First MOVER of the Sphearick Ball Above Beneath Without Within Beyond them All XLIII What could but thy All-potent HAND sustain Those Magazines of Hail Snow Rain Lest They should fall at once and deluge All again XLIV By Them THOU Plenty dost to Earth distill And Mans dependent Heart dost fill Windes are Van-Curriers Postilions to THY WILL XLV 'T is That the ominous Cause of Earth-quakes bindes In Subterranean Grotts That findes Strange Ruptures to enfranchise th' ever-strugling Winds XLVI Thy Sandy Cord do's proudest Surges bound And Seas unfathom'd Bottoms sound Thy semi-circling Bow i' th' Clouds thy Covenant crown'd XLVII Earths Hinges hang upon thy Fiat set Midst Air-surrounding Waters yet Stand fixt on That like Which what is so Firm so Great XLVIII Yet Earths fast Columns at thy Frown do quake And Oceans dreadful Horrors make Flints melt the Rocks do rowl the airie Mountains shake XLIX Yea HEAV'NS SELF trembled and the Center shook With thy amazing PRESENCE strook When POWER of Pow'rs on Sina's Mount His Station took L. Each Ens as linkt to PROVIDENCE thy Chain Is govern'd by thy FINGERS Rein THOU seeing us we GRACE we THEE do GLORY gain LI. WHO hast no Eyes to see nor Ears to hear Yet●eest ●eest and hear'st All-EYE All-EAR WHO no where art contain'd yet art THOU every where LII The optick Glass we of thy PRAESCIENCE may Call th' Ark where all Idaeas lay By which each Entitie THOU dost at first pourtray LIII Future Events are praeexistent here As if they lately acted were Then any new dissect Anatomy more clear LIV. Each where at once THOU totally art still The same unchang'd yet at thy Will THOU changest All Who though THOU art unmov'd dost fill LV. Things that are most remote In whose Forecast Contingencies do crowd so fast As if past Things were now and Things to come were past LVI Though Acts on Earth crosse to thy WILL are done Besides thy WILL yet acteth None Preceding and succeeding Will in THEE are One LVII Of whose vast MANNOR all the Earth's Demains Though Earth nor Air nor HEAV'N contains Yet each obscurer Grott thy OMNIPRESENCE gains LVIII Though nought accrues to Thy unbounded STATE From Spirits which THOU didst create Yet They thy GOODNES and thy LOVE shall still dilate LIX THOU who mad'st All mad'st neither Sin nor Death Mans Folly first gave them their Breath That did ●base whole Nature with it self beneath LX. But Sin to cure THOU in a Crib gav'st Man EMANUEL DIVINE humane WHO diff●ring Natures joyn'd Whose REIGN no Ages scan LXI And THOU O MEDIATOR THOU whose PRAISE Like Morning Dewes to first of Dayes Was sung by Heav'nly CHORISTERS in SERAPH LAYES LXII GOD by the HOLY ●HOST begat THEE LORD Flesh took by the ETERNAL WORD Whose Self-Eternal EMANATION None record LXIII As thy Eternal EMANATION's past So to ETERNITY shal't last In the beginning was the WORD shews still THOV wast LXIV There GOD in ESSENCE One in PERSONS Three Here NATURES two in One agree THOU sitting in the Midst of TRINAL-UNITY LXV At Heav'ns High Councel-Table dart'st such Rayes As strike ev'n CHERUBS with amaze Of which the School disputing All it nothing sayes LXVI Search we the Ages past so long ago None None this MYSTERY could show Till in that Maiden-Birth t was acted here below LXVII A Dove hatch't in that Nest THY SELF did build A LAMB that Thine own Flock does shield A Wintersp FLOW'R that fram'd from whence it sprung the Field● LXVIII The Iewish Shepherds all affrighted are When HERALDS THEE proclaim'd i' th' Air Yea Magi came t' adore led by a new-born Starre LXIX Yet though thus wond'rously begot thus born SPONSOR for us faln Race forlorn T'ingratiate us with GOD becam'st to Man a Scorn LXX The GRACE SELF th' Honour t' Evangelize The sacred FUNCTION as a Prize Thou took'st yet That not on till call'd in Aarons Guize LXXI Which GOD t' Apostolize did bring to passe By th' HOLY GHOSTS Descent at Face Of Jordans then blest Streams of Which John Witness was LXXII Thence led by th' HOLY GHOST to th' Wilderness There tempted by the Fiends addresse Him overcam'st by Scriptum est Hence our Release Then forth thou wentst LXXIII Thy SERMONS Oracles ACTS Wonders were THOSE Faith begot THESE OTHERS Fear By BOTH thus wrought in us to THEE our selves we rear LXXIV THOU gav'st the Lame swift Legs the Blinde clear Eyes THOU heal'dst all humane Maladies THOU mad'st the Dumb to speak THOU mad'st the Dead to rise LXXV And art to Dead Men LIFE to sick men HEALTH SIGHT to the Blinde to th' Needy WEALTH A PLEASURE without Pain a TREASURE without Stealth LXXVI LORD in not of this World Thy KINGDOM is Thy chos'n Apostles preacht thy Blisse That none of all thy Creatures might SALVATION misse LXXVII Abra'ham long dead before yet saw THY DAY In Isaack born and Vowes did pay Type first then Antitype and quicknest every way LXXVIII Thy Gospel WISDOMS Academie shew'd Thy Mercy JUSTICE calm'd Life view'd Is TEMPERANCE Thy Death the Flag of FORTITUDE LXXIX Thou Altar Sanctuary Sacrifice Priest Bread of Life do'st All suffice N'ere cloying Feast where Appetite by Food doth rise LXXX And SON of MAN dost Sin of Man forgive To be THY Victimes Hearts do strive Who liv'dst that Life might die and di'dst that Death might live LXXXI Yet dy'dst THOU not but that Spîrit quickned free THOU might'st Saints Paradised see Rejoyc'd Assurance give to Them rejoyc'd in THEE LXXXII And that from thence to Satans gloomy Shades Made Prison for the damned Hades Thou mi●ht'st Thy CONQU●ST shew Thy GLORY that ne're fades LXXXIII Thence loos'd Deaths Chains from BODY up to rear IT That when RAIS'D STATE THOU dost inherit THOU might'st become to us an ever-quickning SPIRIT LXXXIV The FATHER to reveal gives to his SON THEE HOLY GHOST thus THREE in ONE Of All peculiar SANCTIFYER yet not Alone LXXXV The FATHERS Love and SONS Adoptions Seal The SPRING of Sanctitie The WEAL O' th' Church THY SELF in Light of fiery Tongues reveal LXXXVI O LIGHT unscann'd Of Wisdom every Glance Beams only from Thy COUNTENANCE Whose STORE when empty'd most It self most doth advance LXXXVII Whose Fruits are Gentleness Peace Love and Joy All crown'd with Blisse free'd from Annoy Which neither Time World Death Hell Devil can destroy L●XXVIII THOU art a Feast fram'd of that fruitfull Fare Which Hungers wast not but repair A rich Perfume no Windes can winnow into Air LXXXIX A Light unseen yet in each Place dost shine A Sound no Art can e're define A pure Embrace that Times Assault can n'ere untwine XC Flouds of unebbing Joyes from THEE do rowl Which
regain the Field XXXVI●I The SPIRIT is true GOD from Ever HE Did reign with BOTH The TRINITIE COEQUAL COETERNAL COESSENTIAL be XXXIX The FATHER 's full though th' SON hath All engrost Nor yet is ought of this All lost Though th' FATHER give HIM SELF to th' SON by th'H●LY GHOST XL. For though HE freely thus give All his STORE Yet hath He INF'INITE as before Conceive for Glimps●some ●some endless Spring or Mine of Ore XLI What Soul will have this TRIAD for his Book With Faith must on the Back-parts look For with HIS glorious FACE blind are ev'n SERAPHS strook XLII By Speculation from Sols Substance● we The FATHER from its Splendor see The SON from 's Heat the HOLY GHOST Here One is Three XLIII The Intellect the Memory the Will Resemblance make o' th' TRINE These fill One Soul yet are distinct in outward Workings still XLIV Thus to restore from Fall we may descrie THE TRINITY in UNITY Inscrutable ABYSSE rebates our weaker Eye XLV Be Ever-Ever-Ever blest ô TRINE Ever UNITEDNESSE divine WHO dost as well in Ants as in ARCHANGELS shine XLVI The Principats Thrones Dominations all Archangels Pow'rs Coelestial Are Ministers attending on thy SOVERAIGN CALL XLVII The Government 'bove Star-embroidred Hall Thus truly is Monarchicall Where All are Kings and yet one KING does rule Them All XLVIII Lesse then the thousand Part I have exprest Mans Weaknesse cannot bear the Rest. For thy Expresselesse NATURE LORD be ever blest XLIX SOUL of all Sweets my Love Life Joy and Bliss To ' enjoy THEE'S Heav'n Hell THEE to misse What 's Earths Ev'n Heav'n hath its Beatitude from THIS L. Remove the Needle from the Pole-Star and 'T is still with trembling mot●on fann'd Till it returns No Fixure but in GOD does stand LI. To Saints all other Objects prizelesse be In GOD the ALL of All we see Feast to the Taste all Beauty to the Sight is HE LII Musick to th' Ear and Those whom HE unites Partake with HIM in high'st DELIGHTS Spring-tides of Pleasures over-whelm their ravisht Sprites LIII But Contraries when opposite best show As Foils set Diamonds off we know See Hell where Caitives pine yet still their Tortures grow L●V As Metals fierie Waves in Furnace swell That Founders run to cast each Bell This not endur'd more Rage ten thousand Times is Hell LV. Where Souls still rave adust with horrid Pain They tug they tear but all in vain For them from raging Smart HOPE never shall unchain LVI O that for trash these Esaus sold their BLISSE For Sin that worse than Nothing is This desperates their Rage How they blaspheme at This LVII This Viper clings corrodes 'gainst which no Ward GODS BEATIFICK SIGHT debarr'd Renders their Case 'bove all the Pains of Sense more hard LVIII O never-sated Worm unpity'd Woes Unintermitted what Sin owes Hell payes The Damn'd are Anvils to relentless Blowes LIX Fiends forfeit not their Energie There Cain Fries but for one Lamb by him slain O what Flames then shall Butchers of CHRISTS Flock sustain LX. Earths fatal Mischief prosp'rous Thief that Thunder Which tore the Nations all asunder Whom Just Fate flew i' th' Worlds Revenge that conqu'ring Wonder LXI That Ghost of Philips hot-brain'd Son may tell Heart-breaking Stories of his Hell Too late He findes one Soul did his whole World excel LXII There curs'd Oppressors dreadful Rackings feel Whose Hearts were Rocks and Bowels Steel O scorching Fire cryes Dives for one Drop I kneel LXIII Oblig'd is Man GODS Steward to supply Brethren in CHRIST Coheirs who lie Gasping in stiff'ning Frosts no Cov'ring but the Skie LXIV Whose wither'd Skins fear as the saplesse Wood Cleave to their Bones for want of food Seem Natures Monsters thrown a Shoar by Mis'ries Flood LXV Though all their Physick's but a Diet spare Have no more Earth than what they are Nor more o' th' World than Graves yet in Heav'ns Love they share LXVI Inestimable LOVE from None bereav'n HEAV'N sunk to Earth Earth mounts to HEAV'N Just JUDGE to Dives Hell to Laz'rus Heav'n is giv'n LXVII LOVE Disengage us of our selves LOVE has Nor Bi● nor Reins Rich 'bove Earths Mass Fixt in Idaeas of LOVES Soul-inliv'ning GRACE LXVIII O LOVE ô HEIGHT above all Height to THINE Thy FAVOUR did to Foes encline Unmeasurable MEASURE endlesse END of Line LXIX LOVE darts all Thoughts to its BELOV'D doth place All BLISSE in waiting on His GRACE It languisheth with Hope to view HIM Face to Face LXX And ushers in that BEATIFICK LOVE Which so divinely flames Above And doth to VISION UNION and FRUITION move LXXI Ice is a thing distinct from th' Ocean wide But melted by the Sun does glide Into 't becomes one with 't and so shall e're abide LXXII Desire 's a Tree whose Fruit is Love the Show'rs That ripen it are Tears the Flow'rs Are Languors Leaves Afflictions Blossoms Pray'r-spent How'rs LXXIII O Mental PRAY'R thy Ioyes are high Resort By Thee 's to GOD Thou art the Port Of inward Peace from Storms The Path to SIONS Court LXXIV By Pray'r GOD's serv'd betimes Remember Who The Blessing got by Wrastling so Who early pray they healthy holy happy grow LXXV Then pray before Lights rosie Blush displayes I' th' Orient Sols enchearing Rayes When He from 's Opall East to West oblikely strayes LXXVI Before the Cock Lights Herald Day-break sings To 's Feathr'ie Dames ere roost Lark springs Morns Vsher when the Dawn its mungrell hour forth brings● LXXVII PRAY'R Thou art Lifes best Act Souls silent Speech The Gate of GRACE Saints GOD beseech By Prayer but joyn'd with Alms Fasts they HIM besiege LXXVIII Fasting the Souls delicious Banquet can Adde Strength to PRAY'R feast th' inner Man And throw up to ETERNITY the Bodies Span LXXIX Fasts sackcloth ashes groveling on the ground SAINTS study'd have with Pain and found VVith Ioy that what degrades the Sense in HEAV'N is crow'nd LXXX Prize FAITH the Shield of Martyrs Ioyes Confection Souls Light the PROPHETS sure Direction Hopes Guide Salvations Path the Pledge of all Perfection LXXXI In Faiths mysterious EDEN make abode VVith Iacobs Staff and Aarons Rod Frequents its Grove where none are but the LOV'D of GOD LXXXII The Radiations of FAITHS Lamp excite Such a Colosse of sparkling Light That Saints through worldly Waves may steer Lifes Course aright LXXXIII Being in not of this World They Comforts rear Above the Pitch of servile Fear Terrestrial Blossoms first must die ere Fruit They bear● LXXXIV No clogging Fetters of impris'ning Clay No wry-mouth squint-ey'd Scoff can stay Their swift Progression soaring in their HEAV'NLY Way LXXXV Thoughts on the endlesse Weight of GLORY shall Render ev'n Crowns as Dung and all Afflictions light as Chaffe chas'd on Earths empty Ball. LXXXVI The Torch that shines in Night as Eye of Noon Is but as Darkenesse to the Sun Run after Shades they fly fly after Shades they run LXXXVII All worldly Gayes are Reeds without Support Fitly with Rain-bow gleames they