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A26034 The best treasure, or, The way to be truly rich being a discourse on Ephes. 3.8, wherein is opened and commended to saints and sinners the personal and purchased riches of Christ, as the best treasure, to be pursu'd and ensur'd by all that would be happy here and hereafter / by Bartholomew Ashwood. Ashwood, Bartholomew, 1622-1680. 1681 (1681) Wing A3999; ESTC R16623 259,580 565

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Ability to revive her dead Brother she believed indeed he should rise at the last day and not before why saith Christ they that shall then rise from the dead shall rise by my Power and if I will raise up the dead then I can as easily do it now The hour is comming in which all that are in their Graves shall hear his Voice and shall come forth they that have done Good unto the Resurrection of Life and they that have done evil unto the Resurrection of Damnation Joh. 5. 28. 29. And I will raise him up at the last day Joh. 6. 54. That there shall be a general Resurrection of the dead at the last day when every Body though now consumed shall be raised up and reunited to the Soul and be brought to the final Judgment is not questioned by those that believe and know the Scriptures The Author of this Resurrection is God as God but the second Person the Lord Jesus is delegated to accomplish this Work which he shall do by his own Voice saith Christ himself by a Shout by the Voice of the Arch-Angel and with the Trump of God saith the Apostle 1 Thes 4. 16. with a great Sound of a Trumpet saith the Evangelist Mat. 24. 31. That is the Lord Jesus shall at that last day by his mighty Voice pronounced by the Arch-Angel cause all the dead both small and great to arise in their same Bodies though chang'd into an immortal State and suitable Capacity to that Condition to which they are intended to receive their Soul and to come to Judgment And is not this a mighty Work to quicken the dead a work peculiarly ascribed to God 2. Cor. 1. 9. For we had the Sentence of Death in our selves that we should not trust in our selves but in God which raiseth the Dead 'T is the work of God and of none but God to raise the dead 'T is a work full of Wonder and Amazement beyond all Principles of created reason to conceive how those Bodies dissolved to dust mingled with other Bodies in the Grave digested into other Natures by Beasts Fishes Fowls that have devoured them should yet return and be separated from other Dust and Natures into the same Individuals is such a Miracle as is only fit matter for Faith not Sense and a firm Foundation for the Believers Hope and Comfort It may be thou seest nothing but Deaths on thy Graces Frames and Capacities thou findest Decayes in thy Soul the Spirit of Life seems to be departed from thee thou canst not pray hear converse with that sweetness and delight as heretofore Comfort thy self Believer He that is the Life is the Resurrection also He that quickned thy Heart when Dead will revive it when decay'd 'T is as easie with him to restore thy Spiritual Frames as to bestow them He that can raise the whole World from their Bodily total Death can easily and will in due time cure thy Soul-dyings also Again This will chear drooping Sion who faints at her Desolations and fears what will become of the destruction on her Interests 'T is lamentable to observing Souls to see how Religion goes down daily Holiness is departed from the Earth The Rod of the wicked lies on the back of the Righteous the wicked are exalted and the Righteous oppressed The House of David waxes weaker and weaker and the House of Saul waxes stronger This is a sad Spectacle yet in this case Relief is to be fetch'd from an Omnipotent Jesus who hath said His dead men shall live who can open his Peoples graves and revive his decay'd Interest and cause a Nation to bring forth in a day and Overturn Overturn Overturn till his Kingdom be established in the Earth CHAP. III. The Humane Nature of Christ distinctly consider'd it 's Reality proved His Personality or the Divine and Humane Nature in one Person shewing what kind of Vnion it is and the glorious Consequents and Advantages thereof WE have a little enquired into the Divine Nature of Christ the Beams of whose Glory but darkly seen yield a wonderful splendor and reviving to a believing Eye In the next place let us consider his Humanity The Nature of Man which the second Person assumes into a Personal Union with himself He is perfect Man as well as God The Woman's Seed Made of a Woman made under the Law Gal. 4. 4. Made of the Seed of David according to the Flesh Rom. 1. 3. For he took not on him the Nature of Angels but the Seed of Abraham Heb. 2. 16. The Children being partakers of flesh and blood he likewise took part of the same ver 14. And was in all things made like to his Brethren ver 17. Called the Son of Man the Man Christ Jesus having the Substante of the Humane Nature though not the Personal Subsistence thereof He did not take the Person of Man into Union with himself for then he would have had two Persons and so have been no true Mediator The Mediator being one 1 Tim. 2. 5. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and Man the Man Christ Jesus But if the Lord Jesus had taken the Person of Man then he would have consisted of two Persons the Divine Subsistence and the Humane and so there would have been two Mediators or Persons mediating which is contrary to Scripture Neither did he take on him the vicious Qualities or Accidents of the Humane Nature being holy harmless separate from Sinners the Holy Spirit overshadowing the Virgin Mary and purging the Humane Nature of all its sinful dregs forming it of the Substance of the Virgin not of his own Essence whence the Holy thing begotten by the Spirit was not God but Man called the Holy Child Jesus purely conceived in the Womb of a Sinner without the least participation of her Sin or vicious Defects of her Nature receiving only the perfect Substance of Man Having the Essential parts of the Body Soul Humane Nature A true and real Body and not a Phantasme and Airy Vehicle as the Marcionites and Hereticks of old held He had Flesh and Bones which a Spirit hath not Luke 24. 39. Handle me and see me for a Spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have This was after his Resurrection when the Disciples doubted that it was an Apparition and not him and even then Christ had a real Body palpable and visible the object of External Senses A Natural and not an Heavenly Body as the Manichees affirm'd from 1 Cor. 15. 47. The first man is of the Earth Earthy the second man is the Lord from Heaven But to this I answer with Zanchy The Apostle doth not speak here of the Essential Body of Christ but of his Heavenly Spiritual Power which he lets out in raising the Dead as in the former verse The first man Adam was made a living Soul the last Adam was made a quickning Spirit He speaks not here of the Nature but of the person of the
second Adam as Mediator the Difference between whom was great the first Adam but a Creature this a Creator or Quickning Spirit the first Adam had his Rise from the Earth this second Adam as to his person from Heaven whence saith Paraeus 't is evident the Apostle doth not speak here of the matter of Christs Body but of the Original and Dignity of his Person for he grants in this whole Discourse that Christ's Body is one and the same with ours else how can his Resurrection be a proof of ours and 't is said As by man came death so by man came also the Resurrection of the Dead 1 Cor. 15. 20 21 22. And if Christ had not a real natural Body then he could not be the Seed of the Woman neither had his Death been a real Death or a satisfactory Propitiation if the same Nature that sinned had not also suffered And therefore it must needs be that Christ had a Natural Body He Eat Drank Spake Walked was weary smitten bound crucified which are also demonstrations of a Natural Body And as he had a perfect Body so had he a Soul also contrary to the Doctrine of Apollinaris or else he could not be a perfect Man and in all things made like unto his Brethren for 't is said when God made Man He breathed into his Nostrils the Breath of Life and man became a living Soul Gen. 2. 7. Hence saith Lactantius A Soul-less Body is no Humane Body 'T is said His Soul was exceeding sorrowful even unto Death Mat. 26. 38. Had not Christ a real Soul he had not been a living man nor could be said to have died when he cried out Father into thy hands I commit my Spirit Luke 23. 46. And having said so he gave up the Ghost This Spirit the Lord Jesus gave up into his Father's hands was not his Divine Nature for that was one with and ever with the Father and therefore must needs be his Soul which was his Life and that departing he is said to dye and give up the Ghost Besides That Knowledge in which he is said to increase with those Humane Affections that manifestly appeared in him and those Acts of his Natural Will plainly proves his Soul these being the Essential Faculties of a Rational Spirit Neither could he have perfectly transacted the Office of a Mediator and undergone all the Sufferings that were to be borne for the Sin of Man had he not consisted of a Humane Soul as well as Body part of these Penalties yea the greatest part being Spiritual and such as none but the Soul could be fully sensible of And in point of Justice the Soul of man having sinned there must be a Soul also in the Redeemer to undergo Sufferings wherefore he must needs be perfect man in the Essential Parts of the Humane Nature Body Soul He had also the Properties of the Humane Nature both Essential and Accidental The Essential Properties of man as well of the Soul as Body were in him The Essential Properties and Faculties of the Soul which are the Understanding Will Affections were seated in his Nature he had a created Understanding that eminently shin'd out in his youthful years being able at Twelve years old to dispute with the Learned Doctors of his Day even to the astonishment of his Hearers Luke 2. 46 47. And they found him in the Temple sitting in the midst of the Doctors both hearing them and asking them Questions and all that heard him were astonished at his Vnderstanding and Answers And ver 52. Jesus increased in Wisdom and Stature He had likewise Natural Affections so as without sin He loved the young man in the Gospel for those Excellencies that were in him Mark 10. 21. And had a peculiar degree of Affection to John above the rest of the Disciples Joh. 19. 26. He had compassion on the multitude Mat. 9. 36. And was grieved for the Heart hardness of his Disciples Mark 3. 5. And had indignation against Peter's tempting him to decline his Redemption-work Mark 8. 33. He had also the Essential Properties of a Humane Body such as do flow from the Essence thereof and are so absolutely necessary to it as that without these the Body would cease to be a Body as Quantity Figure Members Dimensions He had a Material Body consisting of Flesh and Bone with its Lineaments and Members Face Hands Feet he had a Stature in which he grew as other men do Luke 2. 52. A Body circumscribed in a place that must needs have a Circumference and be in one place at once circumscriptively not definitively as Spirits are Neither does its Union with the Divine Nature or its glorified state in Heaven alter this Essential Property of a Body Nor is the Omnipotency of God a sufficient Argument to warrant the Body of Christ to be in Heaven and Earth and in divers places at once seeing God's Absolute Power never crosseth his Actual Power or infer a contrariety to his Truth and to the natural Being of things Neither did he assume the Parts and Essential Properties of Man only but the Infirmities also and accidental Properties of the Humane Nature though not those which were Personal and Vicious and procur'd by Personal Sins or defection in their particular Natures as Diseases Blindness Lameness Deformity which were not the absolute and universal Products of Original Sin incident to every one but arising from some particular Causes and peculiar to some Persons onely these our Lord Jesus did not take upon him but such Infirmities as were accidental to the whole Nature for that he himself also is compassed with Infirmities Heb. 5. 2. not sinful as culpable Ignorance and Errour but Natural Infirmities such as were incident to our Natures Sin excepted and such as were the Effects and Punishment of Sin these Christ took on him as inculpable Ignorance Humane Passions of Sorrow Fear Anger in the Soul Hunger Thirst Weariness Pain bloody Sweat and Death in the Body Mark 13. 32. Mark 11. 13. Math. 26. 38. Math. 9. 36. Mat. 16. 23. Joh. 19. 28. Joh. 4. 6. Heb. 5. 8. Luke 22. 44. Mat. 27. 50. And O what enriching Priviledges and full Consolation do flow to Believers from the Words assuming the Humane Nature into Personality with himself And what glorious Excellencies are in Jesus Christ as he is God-Man in one Person infinite Treasures which can never be traced out nor fully understood by the Children of men as will appear if we consider the kind of this Union and the Consequents of it First Consider the kind of this Union between the Divine and Humane Nature of Christ and O what a glorious Mystery is it First It is a real Union 't is not Nominal in Name onely or Metaphorical in Shew or Similitude but in Reality and Truth The Divine and Humane Nature do constitute one Person which is Jesus Christ We have already proved that Jesus Christ is perfect God and perfect Man he is really so in one
person Joh. 1. 14. The Word was made Flesh and dwelt amongst us and we beheld his Glory The Word that is the divine Nature the God-head of Christ was made Flesh that is united to the humane Nature and this in a visible way and dwelt amongst us it was not a Fiction but really Christ God-man dwelt amongst us and we beheld his Glory it was obvious to our view 1 Tim. 3. 16. Great is the Mystery of Godliness God was manifest in the Flesh justified in the Spirit seen of Angels If this be not real what can be so He was manifest in the Flesh How By way of real Union Justified in the Spirit by the divine Nature here 's Flesh and here 's the divine Nature in one person Jesus Christ God-Man seen of Angels Rom. 1. 3. 4. Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord which was made of the seed of David according to the Flesh and declared to be the Son of God with Power according to the Spirit of Holiness by the Resurrection from the Dead Here 's a Person consisting of both these Natures real man born of the Seed of David then real God thus the Divine Nature was manifested to be in Christ by the Resurrection of the dead Rom. 9. 5. And of whom as concerning the Flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed for ever Here both Natures are attributed to one Person Jesus Christ as concerning the Flesh descended from Abraham he came from David that is he received the humane Nature from the Virgin Mary and he is God over all blessed for ever The God-head is said to dwell in him bodily Col. 2. 9. Secondly It is a very near Union the nearest Union that possibly can be As the Soul and the Body make up one man so the divine and humane Nature of Christ make up one Person It is set forth by way of Inhabitation Col. 2. 9. In him dwells all the Fullness of the God-head bodily God manifest in the Flesh and justified in the Spirit makes up one entire Person As the Matter and the Form makes up one Being so this divine and humane Nature makes up one person Thirdly It is a mystical and unconceivable Union There 's a relative Union between Man and Wife making one Flesh a real Union between the Head and Members constituting one Body but this cannot reach this Union it is unconceivable above all Conception 1 Tim. 3. 16. Great is the Mystery of Godliness God manifest in the Flesh We may admire it and adore it but we cannot fathom the depth of this Union between the divine and humane Nature of Christ Fourthly It is a pure and unmixed Union as to each Nature In regard of Essence the divine Nature cannot be converted into the humane nor the humane into the divine but each Nature remains distinct and it's Properties are distinct Rom. 1. 3. 4. So that there are in Jesus Christ two Natures two Wills a divine Will and a humane Will he hath the Will and Affections of a man though fully sanctified and glorified he wills whatever the God-head wills but still as to his humane Nature it is with a humane Will so that something of the workings of Christ are by the divine Power and something by the humane Nature This Union consists in the Communication of the divine Nature with the humane the God-head and the humane Nature agree so that the divine Nature of Christ communicates all its fullness as far as may further Redemption-ends for the Sanctification and Salvation of the whole body of Christ and for the fulfilling of all Redemption-Work 1 Pet. 3. 18. This is a glorious Union but it is worthy to be known Ah how little of Christ is known as to these two Natures how little a portion do we know of him Fifthly It is an inseparable Union it can never be parted more Therein lies the Happiness of Believers that Jesus Christ is God-man to all Eternity never can there be an end of this Relation Jesus Christ God-Man is the same Yesterday to day and for ever Heb. 13. 8. He was the same while in his obediential Work on Earth he is the same in Glory and will be the same to all Eternity This Union of Christ's two Natures must be eternal or else he cannot be said ever to live to make Intercession But he ever lives to make Intercession Heb. 7. 25. That which made Christ's Redemption infinite was that he was God as well as Man Christ the Interceder God-Man is now in Heaven and this must be for ever O what a glorious Truth is this that there can be no Cessation of this Union could this Union be separated as Nestorius holds then Redemption-work would cease He is over all God-Man blessed for evermore Rom. 9. 5. If the Saints Union with Christ be inseparable and their Interest in the Love of Christ inseparable then Christ is unalterable but because the Saints must have an eternal Union with him and he is an eternal Jesus he must be eternally God-Man Romans 8. 34 35 36 37 38 39. Joh. 17. 21. 23. 24. Secondly What are the Effects and Consequents that flow from and issue out of this Union between the divine and humane Nature ●● Christ First from this Union of these two Natures in Christ there follows a Communication of Properties so that which is said to be done by each Nature is applied to the whole Person of Christ O this is a very glorious Mystery as this Christ's Sufferings in the humane Nature is applyed to the whole Person of Christ therefore the Blood of Christ which was but the Blood of the humane Nature is called the Blood of God Acts 20. 28. Feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own Blood being of infinite Value and Worth So the Sufferings of the humane Nature are ascribed sometimes to the divine Nature and to the whole person of Christ so 1 Tim. 3. 16. God manifest in the Flesh and justified in the Spirit yet both these applyed to the person of Christ whatever the divine nature can do is applyed to the Person of Christ by a Communication of Properties ●●owing from this Union Secondly From this Union flows this Consequence That there is Fullness of Grace plac'd in Jesus Christ to be given out to all his Seed The God-head fills the humane Nature of Christ Jo. 3. 34 God hath not given the Spirit by measure to him When we read of Christ's receiving any thing understand it of his humane Nature for the divine Nature cannot be capable of receiving any thing it is as full of Grace as ever it can hold And as the Breast is full of Milk for the Poor Babe so is Jesus Christ full of Grace in his Humane Nature to distribute to his Children His pity moves him to give out this and the other Grace to his People and it is in him to bestow it He wills the best good to all his People and what he wills
an hour of Salvation O Sinner be not wise too late Fourthly It is a most dreadful tremendous thing to leave the World without an Interest in Christ to be summon'd to Judgment and have nothing to help them no Mediator to plead for them no Righteousness to cover them no Duties to accompany them no Eye to pity them Isa 57. 12. chap. 30. 13. Jer. 5. 5. This is sad indeed when all Bowels are gone and boundless Miseries to be undergone Fifthly Of all perishing Sinners such as perish under the Gospel have the most dreadful Miseries Matth. 11. 21. 22. The Heathens and Pagans Publicans and Harlots shall have a more tolerable place in Hell than such as refuse a tender'd Jesus How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation Heb. 2. 3. O miserable Sinners sleight not Salvation tenders despise not Gospel calls but hasten away to this Redeemer Secondly Let the People of God be exhorted first to bless God for this Mediator Eph. 1. 3. Christ is the Fountain of Blessings the Author of Salvation the Gift of God and have you no Hosanna's for the Enjoyment of so rich a person 1 Joh. 4. 9 10. Secondly Ply hard the Throne of Grace find Work for Christ Heb. 4. 15 16. Let us come boldly to the Throne of Grace make known your Requests unto God Phil. 4. 6. Consider Soul You have always need of Mercy not a Moment but you want Supplies from God for Soul and Body your Corruptions are alwayes resisting the Spirit Gal. 5. 17. never at peace with Grace but as a Bow that is bent are still pressing after their former Liberty and as Waters penn'd back are striving to force their way therefore Christians you alwayes need the Spirit 's help and fresh Supplies of Grace your Guilt is always encreasing James 3. 2. The Righteous falleth seven times a day hence daily Sacrifices were appointed because of daily Sins Heb. 7. 27. Your Temptations are continually renewed 1 Pet. 5. 8. New Tryals are daily falling on you new Difficulties are frequently occurring your Life new Troubles and Afflictions are constantly betiding you This is God's appointed way in which he will give out Mercy Ezek. 36. 37. Matth. 7. 7. 'T is true sometimes God hears before we ask but yet preventing Mercy doth not excuse from Duty and we have no ground to expect Mercy out of the way of Duty You are invested with a holy Priest-hood on purpose that you may be much employed in this Work 1 Pet. 2. 5. Your Work and Offices lies in this to offer up daily Sacrifices to God by Christ The Lord Jesus waits in Heaven to receive your Prayers 't is his Business and work in Glory to pursue your Advantages and therefore he expects to hear from you 9. Heb. 24. As an Agent that expects to hear from his Clyent and receive Intimation about his Condition as a Friend in a forreign Country that is hearkning for Letters from his Friend Christ in Heaven desires to hear from his People on Earth not that he is ignorant of them or needs to be put in Remembrance but this way are his Graces in them exercised their Love and Duty maintain'd and himself glorified Isa 30. 18. Therefore will the Lord wait that he may be gracious In the Original it is he longs and as it were greedily and enlargedly desires an Occasion to be gracious he waits in Heaven to be pu● in Remembrance to do his People good This way is their blessed Intercourse maintained betwixt Christ in Heaven and Believers on Earth by this Christ hears from them on Earth and they from him in Heaven Cant. 2. 14. chap. 8. 13 14. Thou that dwellest in the Gardens the Companions hearken to thy Voice cause me to hear it 'T is in the Original Cause to hear me which occasions a twofold reading First Cause me to he heard they are Christs Words to his Spouse Let me be the Subject of thy Discourse to others Secondly Cause me to hear it that is let me be spoken to let me hear thy Voice in Prayer as a man desires to hear from his Wife when absent and in the next vers She eccho's back the same Request to Christ that he would hasten his Return to her that she might have his Company also by Prayer Christ and Believers have sweet Intercourse with each other Cant. 1. 7 8. chap. 2. 5. 8. The Lord Jesus is wonderfully delighted to hear from his People Cant. 2. 14. chap. 4. 11. chap. 6. 13. Return Return O Shulamite c. This word Shulamite comes either from Solomon and so her Husbands name is named on her or from Salem Peace which is Jerusalem shewing her Descent to be from Jerusalem above hence Christ desires her Company because it was pleasure to him to look upon her her Countenance was as two Armies it is in the Original Mahanaim the same word that Jacob puts on the place where God met him Gen. 32. 1. 2. As if Christ should say thy Sight is Angelical to me tho thou art impure in thy self yet thou art fair in mine Eye 'T is a mighty thriving way there 's no such course can be taken to grow rich apace in divine Treasures Prayer is the Key that opens Christ Treasury and fetches out the Riches of Heaven because such may have of God what they will Joh. 15. 7. God is always giving where gracious Souls are rightly asking God's readiness to give should be an Argument always to crave as Sir Walter Raleigh when Q. Eliz. ask'd him when he would leave off beging answered when your Majesty leaves off giving Thirdly Trust to an interceding Jesus expect all your Mercies from him Psal 5. 3. In the Morning I will direct my Prayer to thee and look up the Arabick and some other Versions have it I will prepare or stand before him and he will see me But this agrees not with the Original where 't is I will order or dispose my Prayer as a General doth his Army and will look out as a man that watches on a Tower to see what I can espy and what Answer he will give By a Metonomy it signifies to expect or look for some thing Matth. 22. 21. In his Name shall the Gentiles trust The Lord Jesus is the sure and certain Object of a Believers Trust O Christians is Christ entred into Heaven there to appear for his People O then depend upon his Intercession expect all your needed Mercies by him take up your Acquiescence in his Mediation for you rest satisfied Believers that your case is good and it shall be well with you in every Condition because Christ intercedeth for you Now to strengthen your Dependance on Christ Consider His Engagement to the Father to become your Advocate Heb. 10. 9. Joh. 6. 39. His Promise to Believers to pursue their Cause in Heaven Joh. 14. 16. And his full Accomplishments with whatever is needful to compleat this Work He is infinitely wise and knows how to
His belly is as bright Ivory overlaid with Saphires His tender Bowels and boundless affections to his people are wonderfully lovely and delighting they are pure firm and fixed in their nature and they are chearing and enriching in their effects O Christs love is not fleeting 't is firm as Ivory set with gold overlaid with Saphires O how rich are his affections what a Treasure to those that have him His legs are as Pillars of Marble set upon sockets of fine gold The gracious motions and efficacious workings of his Spirit are exceeding mighty and glorious full of strength He hath power to bear up all those that follow him His legs are strong he can carry his Lambs that are committed to his arms there 's no burden too heavy for Christ his loins are strong he can bear what is laid upon him the weight of all the Saints on Earth is nothing to him He can carry on all his intendments and interest in the World his legs are as Marble able to bear his Body quick in motion O what a lovely Christ is this display'd in the Gospel His countenance is as Labanon excellent as the Cedars Those discoveries the Lord Jesus Christ makes of himself in his word and works are wonderful taking exceeding enriching Christ's word is fruit fullizing O when he speaks to the hearts of his Children what a deal of vertue goes through his lips Grace is poured out of his lips Milk and hony is under his tongue His appearances carries excellency riches and glory with them His mouth is most sweet yea he is altogether lovely His discourses the openings of his mind is wonderful pleasing The word of Christ never cloys the spiritual part Thus you see what a Person Jesus Christ is O Sinners consider his beauty O how lovely an object is he what can you object against his Person why you will not espouse him Thirdly Consider his lovely dispositions O Sinners will you accept of him He is of an excellent Spirit of a very sweet nature full of grace and goodness His sweet dispositions have been largely opened already he is full of mercy and compassions meekness gentleness patience long-suffering slow to anger ready to forgive great in kindness free and bountiful of a generous Spirit true and faithful Sinners you may trust him with your secrets you may venture your Souls upon him He is harmless and inoffensive he doth wrong to no man his company is lovely and desirable His converses are pleasant and profitable O what a person is Christ O Sinners never was such a one offer'd you as Christ is why will you not come unto him Fourthly Consider his quality and high dignity he is no mean Person but a mighty Potentate 1 Tim. 6. 15. The sole and only superintendent of the whole World the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 19. 16. He hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords He is not only a King but the King the only true Potentate from whom all ohters derive their glory a King not only of Men but of Saints not only of Saints but of Angels of Thrones Principalities and Powers Math. 26. 53. And can command them down now he is in Heaven for the service of his elect Heb 1. 14. Are they not all Ministring Spirits sent forth to Minister for them who shall be heirs of Salvation O Sinners shall this prevail with you to accept of him Fifthly Take notice of his potency He hath power as well as honour Math. 28. 18. All things are put under his feet Heb. 2. 8. All the Armies of Heaven and Earth are deliver'd over to him He is Lord of Hosts He hath the Keys of Heaven Death and Hell Rev. 1. 18. Who then can lock out Christ or exclude him from doing what he pleaseth seeing all things are at his beck He doth whatsoever pleaseth him in Heaven and in Earth in the Seas and in all deep places Psa 135. 6. He sitteth in the Heavens and laughs the Counsels of the Potentates to scorn he makes no reckoning of their combinations but derides their ambitious attempts against him Psa 2. 4. He shall pass thorow and over-flow and break all their consederacies in pieces Isa 8. 8 9 10. Let all the subtleties of Hell be woven together to make a web to catch the interest of Christ in it shall all be as a spiders web that can soon be swept away O admire the Kingdom of Christ the glorious power of Christ nothing is too hard for him He hath an absolute unlimited and uncontroulable power He is the supream over all persons and all things in all places Lands and Countries O what power hath he not only Authority but likewise Might 2 Chro. 20. 6. In his hand there is power and might and none is able to withstand him O Sinners come away to Christ he can protect you and defend you from dangers Sixthly Observe his wisdom too this is taking with some to have a head that hath intellectuals in him and marry one that hath exquisite parts and eminency of knowledge Now all Treasures of wisdom are in him Col. 3. 3. His judgments are unsearchable and past finding out Rom. 11. 33. His judgments his acts in the World his Righteous deeds and the way he takes to accomplish his designs O how wonderful deep are they The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the Spirit of wisdom and understanding the Spirit of Counsel and might the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord Isa 11. 2. He is of quick understanding full of judgment called The wonderful Counsellour Isa 9. 6. The only wise God from whom all wisdom is fetch'd that fills Men and Angels all the World do light their Candles at his Torch He is the Sun that fills the whole Creation with beams There 's no searching of his understanding he can bring to light the hidden things of darkness 1 Cor. 4. 5. He hath eyes can reach where men cannot he can reveal the deep things of God 1 Cor. 2. 10. O Sinners what an excellent one is Christ O how worthy of your choice Seventhly Weigh the glorious and blessed effects of your closing with the Lord Jesus Christ Sinners the very day you marry Christ he will pay all your debts and they are many he will pardon all your sins blot out all your iniquities remember them no more He will free you from all your Bondages deliver you from all your fears secure you from all your dangers if you will but espouse him O the very day you marry Christ he will wipe off all your shame and remove your reproach He will heal all your wounds and sicknesses he will begin to heal them immediately and never leave till he hath perfectly cured your Souls He will strip off all your filthy garments and cloath you with broidered rayment he will advance you to highest dignity he will lift up your heads above
God and one another Creature-affections are but streams deriv'd from this Ocean Candles lighted at this Sun We love him because he first loved us 1 John 4. 19. The ascending Love of Saints is a faint Reflection of the descending Love of Christ the same Waters that empty themselves into the Sea have their Birth from it Seventhly An active love Creature-affections are dull and sluggish and savour rankly of the Vessel they are in but Christ's are vigorous and laborious a parental Love that sets his Wisdom on designing his Faithfulness on securing and his Power on accomplishing the chiefest Concernments and highest good of his Children Lastly a fruitful Love full of good Works 't is commended love Rom. 5. 8. manifested love 1 John 4. 9. Not love in the Womb or abortive but love in the Birth I shall name some of it's Fruits to his People First the giving of himself for them Eph. 5. 25. Who loved me and gave himself for me Gal. 2. 20. This is the highest Testimony of his Love imaginable he could not have bestowed a better thing he that gives himself gives all He gave himself to procure a purchased Treasure to enrich them to destroy the partition Wall and fill up that bottomless Gulf that lay in their way to glory he gave himself to discharge their Debts remove their Guilt justifie their Persons fulfil all Righteousness and make good the new Covenant Secondly The opening of his heart to them John 15. 14 15. I have called you Friends for all that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you O! the wonderful Love and Kindness of Christ to his People that he communicates his Secrets and opens to them the Thoughts of his Heart from all Eternity he leads them into his retired Chambers and secret Recesses and feasts them liberally with hidden Manna and excellent Discoveries of the things freely given them of God Saints cannot ascend up into Heaven and see the Length Depth Breadth and Height of those glorious things God hath prepared for them but they have the Priviledge to wade deep into sanctuary Waters and the Spirit of Grace is freely given them to reveal the Depths of divine Love Thirdly The Communication of all good things to them He will give Grace and Glory and no good thing will he withhold Psa 84. 11. Psal 34. 10. O boundless Love indeed he may bestow some sublunar Portions on his Enemies but his Children only shall have the Inheritance they shall have his Wisdom to direct them his Goodness to supply them his Power to protect them and his Spirit to instruct them Joh. 16. 13. 14. And O what a wonderful Gift is the Spirit he will shew them their Duty reprove them for their Sin answer their Doubts clear up their Way and enlighten them in their Darkness he will open their Hearts enlarge their Souls regulate their Wills illuminate their Minds and sanctifie their Persons he will communicate Counsel reveal Christ discover their Inheritance and seal them up to the day of Redemption Fourthly His minding and pursuing all their Concerns in Heaven the Business Believers have in another Country where they cannot come is very weighty they need Receptions of more Grace every day Strength against Corruption Wisdom in their Difficulties Patience in their Sufferings and Faith in their Temptations now Christ doth agitate their Cause becomes their Factor and dispatches their Work Exod. 28. 29. Heb. 7. 25. Isa 49. 15. 16. Fifthly His gracious Presence with them Joh. 14. 18. I will not leave you comfortless Heb. 13. 5. Jer. 32. 40. 2 Cor. 6. 16 He may hide his face for sometime and suspend the gracious light of his Countenance he may stand behind the Wall and step behind the Curtain yet these are but momentary not continual and imaginary not real Sixthly His bearing with them and forbearing of them 1 Cor. 13. 7. Charity beareth all things it cannot easily be overloaded what gross Indignities and abusive Injuries doth Christ patiently receive from the hands of his People Amos 2. 13. Psal 95. 10. Seventhly His thinking often and well of them and his being a Friend to their Friends and an Enemy to their Enemies where a mans Affections are there will his Thoughts be also the Adulterers Thoughts are on his Uncleanness the wordly man 's on his Treasures and the Ambitious on his Honours but Christ's are on his People Isa 43. 4. They are his Hephzibah's the delight of his Soul his Jewels and Treasures Isa 62. 4. Mal. 3. 17. He esteems their Enemies as his Exod. 23. 29. and favours their Friends with peculiar Blessings Exod. 1. 20. Gen. 39. 5. Eighthly His being troubled with their Troubles and delighted with their Welfare Joh. 11. 33. 35 36. when the Lord Jesus came to raise Lazarus from the dead and saw Mary weeping and the Jews that were with her 't is said He groaned in Spirit and was troubled nay when he came to the place where Lazarus lay he wept whereupon the Jews said Behold how he loved him and his Heart is the same now in Heaven Isa 63. 9. True love will suffer in the Tryals of it's Friend Acts 9. 4. hence the Afflictions of Saints are call'd the Afflictions of Christ Col. 1. 24. what Hester said concerning her people may be more truly spoken by Christ Hester 8. 6. How can I endure to see the Evil that shall come upon my people He is grieved at the Evil of their Sins or Sufferings Mark 3. 5. Eph. 4. 13. and takes wonderful Pleasure in their Welfare Poov 8. 31. no tender parent can more earnestly desire the Happiness and rejoyce in the Advantages of his Children than Jesus Christ in his Psal 147. 11. If the Joy of his Ambassadors doth much depend upon the Prosperity of the Souls of their Auditors 3 Epist Joh. ver 4. Then surely himself is not altogether unconcern'd Lastly His preparing a Heaven for them John 14. 2 3. In my Fathers House are many Mansions I go to prepare a place for you c. The Lord Jesus knows that his departure from the World with the sad Consequences thereof would breed great Trouble in the Hearts of his Disciples therefore labours to prevent it by telling them of the occasion of his Departure that it was for their sakes and in their business and though the World would abuse them when he was gone and cast them out of their House and Country yet he tells them he had a Father in Heaven that would receive them and he was going thither to prepare a place for them and there was store of room for them in Heaven The word translated Mansion here signifies an abiding fixed place Here you dwell in Tabernacles but in Heaven are places for you out of which you shall never be turned more Don't expect much Happiness in the World but look to Heaven for all your satisfying Comforts There 's a Rest for you after all your wearying Duties and Troubles there are
2 Thes 1. 6 7. Psal 116. 7. H●b 4. 3. Fifthly Sin shall never more have dominion over them Rom. 6. 14. Sixthly God will withhold no good thing from them Rom. 8. 32. No temporal blessing Math. 6. 33. No spiritual blessing 1 Tim. 4. 8. No instruction Jer. 31. 33. Isa 54. 13. Joh. 14. 26. No sanctified correction Heb. 10. 10 11. Rom. 5. 3 to 5. No consolation Isa 51. 3. 2 Cor. 1. 4. No edification and increase in Grace Eph. 4. 12 16. Nay all things shall work together for good to them that love God Rom. 8. 28. Lastly They can never forfeit their state of Grace and interest in the Favour of God Joh. 13. 1. 2 Cor. 7. 10. They shall be sure to be kept by the mighty power of God unto Salvation 1 Pet. 1. 5. There is not the least room left for a falling off from Grace Because First Salvation is purchased for them and if the end be purchased then all the means to the end and God in Justice is bound to make good Christs purchase and to deliver what he bought and paid for 2 Tim. 4. 8. Secondly Preservation in grace is ingaged to them Jer. 32. 40. 1 Thes 5. 23 24. The very God of peace sanctifie you wholly and I pray God your whole Spirit Soul and Body be preserved blamelesse unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it Here we may see both Sanctification and Salvation is secured to all that are savingly called of God Salvation is the End and sanctification is the Means and both are sounded not on the will of Man or on his care and fidelity but as depending on the act and faithfulnesse of God not only the first Act of Sanctification but Preservation continuance and growth in Grace is the work of God and it's perseverance is laid upon divine preservation to which God hath bound himself by promise to every Soul that is truly sanctified and his Faithfulness is engag'd to make it good Thirdly They are put into the Hands of Christ on purpose to be secured in Grace to Glory Joh. 10. 28 29. They shall never perish neither shall any pluck them out of my hand They are engraven on the palms of his hands their walls are continually before him Isa 49. 16. Their Walls that is their safety This was spoken in a time when the Walls of Jerusalem were broken down Yet at that time God had Walls about them to secure them which they saw not Both Believers themselves their Graces and all the Promises are put into the hands of Christ hence they cannot fall away Fourthly True Grace is of an abiding nature 1 Joh. 3. 9. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed abideth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not at constantiam penitissimam inhaesionem saith one 'T is an abiding and constant inhesion of Grace Some to evade the evidence of this Truth would pervert the sense of it taking it for the new Creature which is born of God whereas the Original is clear against it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Masculine Gender which notes a person not a thing Again it would be a Tautologie to add a reason why such a one cannot sin because he is born of God and his seed remaineth in him whereas the new Creature and the seed of God are all one but here they note two things First A Person Secondly The Regenerate part of the Person which is fully explain'd in the following ver where he that is born of God or the Child of God is opposed to the Child of the Devil which is meant of a distinct Person not a different Nature in the same Person and this seed of God is of an abiding nature wherever it comes it comes never wholly to depart more Isa 59. 21. Fifthly Because their Life is hid in Christ and therefore cannot be lost and perish at their pleasure Col. 3. 3 4. The Believers Grace is sure in the Root however it be in the Branch and therefore Christ engages to his people that they shall live because he lives Joh. 14. 19. Lastly They have an Inseparable union with the Spirit of Grace that dwells in them Rom. 8. 11. He that raised up Jesus from the dead shall also quicken your mortal Bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you Where the Article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as one observes ever notes the Person of the Holy Ghost not his Graces so that the Saints have an abiding union with the Spirit of God the third Person and so cannot perish for want of Grace but are kept by the power of God through Faith unto Salvation He can never want Water that may have access to the Fountain or Ocean nor can any Soul be destitute of Grace that is united to the Spirit of Grace The Graces of Saints are sure their Faith their Preservation is sure O what a glorious priviledge is this that flows to Believers from this purchase of Christ that their Salvation is sure and they may know it to be so CHAP. XVIII Sanctification and Holiness is purchas'd for Believers by the Death and Sufferings of Jesus Christ ANother part of Christs purchased Treasure for Believers is Fourthly The Sanctification of their Natures and Persons Here I shall shew 1. That the Lord Jesus hath Purchased Grace and Holiness 2. For whom this Holiness is purchased 3. What this Holiness is he hath purchased 4. That this is part of Christs Treasure First That the Lord Jesus hath purchased the sanctification of the Natures and Persons of his people This I shall prove by several Arguments First All the Types under the Law do imply so much and darkly open this great truth to Believers We find that Christ in the non-age and Infant state of his Church and People dealt with them in Figures and Shadows So the Laver and Sacrifices the Priests pure and white Robes and Vestments and the washing of their Garments when they were to approach the Divine Majesty were Typical of this Holiness which he was to procure for his people in the fullness of time so much the Apostle imports Col. 2. 17. Which are a shadow of things to come but the Body is of Christ The shadow goes before and the body follows These Types are precedaneous to the coming of Christ and his full accomplishment of the things intended and signified by them thus Christ is the Altar that sanctifies the gift In him we have those true and solid good things which were shadowed out in those Ceremonies under the Law saies Daven on the place Secondly The Names and Titles given to Christ import so much He is called Jesus because he shall save his People from their sins Mat. 1. 21. He is called a Redeemer to deliver them from their Bondages and hard Service He is termed the Sanctifier For he that Sanctifieth and they that
Kingdom at all is the reward of all such labours Sixthly 'T is work that will surely end in death Let men work never so hard yet they must dye and be damn'd at last for falling short and this is bondage-work indeed but the Children of God are freed from this work Rom. 7. 6. But now we are delivered from the Law that being dead wherein we are held that we should serve in newness of Spirit and not in oldness of the letter Again As they are freed from bondage-work so are they freed from bondage-wrath The wrath of God is upon all the Children of disobedience all Christless Souls are Children of wrath bound over to an Inheritance of wrath Eph. 5. 6. Chap. 2. 3. Because the Law worketh wrath Rom. 4. 15. It brings all its Servants under wrath under the curse and under death Rom. 6. 23. But from this also are all the Sons of God freed Heb. 2. 14. And destroyed him that had the power of death that is the Devil And not only from the Devil but from the works of the Devil 1 Joh. 3. 8. Rom. 6. 14. Chap. 8. 2. Gal. 3. 13. Again they are free from all yokes of bondage laid on their Consciences by Men. Gal. 5. 1. 1 Cor. 7. 23. Ye are bought with a price be not ye the Servants of Men Do not give up your Faith and Conscience to their Commands obey not them contrary to the Command of Christ Gal. 1. 10 11. if I yet pleased men I should not be the Servant of Christ This is the first part of liberty the Children of God are brought into even a liberty from Servitude Secondly They have a liberty to service in the Worship of God Their service of God is free and ingenuous Service their offerings are free-will Offerings Psa 119. 108. Accept the free-will offerings of my mouth That is those offerings or vows which my mouth hath freely offered The Children of God are a willing people Psa 110. 3. They serve the Lord freely from the heart Rom. 6. 17. They obey from the heart that form of Doctrine deliver'd to them They delight in the Law of God after the inner Man Rom. 7. 22. The strictest Service of God is to them the most desired liberty the Commands of God are no wayes grievous to them that is to their inner Man indeed so far as flesh and Corruption get head they drag heavily to duty when the spring of their motions even their child-like love to God is abated and all the Indispositions of a child of God flow from decaies of love to God and some abatement of the Adoption-Spirit in him The Children of God are never in their Element or as they would be but when their hearts slow out after God and they can run the paths of his Commandements this they pray and labour for Psa 119. 32. I will run the way of thy Commandements when thou shalt enlarge my heart So ver 69. I will keep thy precepts with my whole heart Their hearts move naturally after God when in their right temper As the Waters run towards the Sea and the Sun runs his race Their service of God comes from a new Principle even from Faith that works by love and is directed to new and higher ends than all the services of Hypocrites The sense of divine love constrains them to duty that they cannot but chuse the things that please God further than they are bound back by Corruption and Temptation their works are wrought in God from a Principle of life raised and revived by grace They have no mercenary aimes in their Duties to attain any carnal selfish end below God but their Motives are high and heavenly pure and spiritual as the Love of God and care they have to please him They see a beauty in Holiness and a pleasantness in the ways of God and find a sutableness in their hearts to love these though under never s● great discouragements and disadvantages a● to flesh and blood hence 't is a Child of God cannot cast off God and his Worship though he see nothing of good or comfort coming in by them nor be perswaded to consent to any thing that is sinful though to save his purse person yea life it self All the threatnings of Men or visible dangers in his way can't bring his heart to comply with ungodliness or speak or do any thing against God his people or wayes 2 Cor. 13. 8. We can do nothing against the truth None but a Judas can come with a Band of men and Officers against Christ to apprehend him or his people for owning him Micaiah would speak nothing against the truth though to please a King 1 Kings 22. 17. Nor Jacobs Soul enter into the secret of the wicked in their sinful enterprise A fearful Peter may forsake the professing of Christ for a time but he will not be seen on the side of those that do oppose him no this is far from the true Spirit of Gods Children We read of the Christians in the primitive times that left their preferments rather than they would be seen against Christ people and the whole Legion chose rather to lay down their lives than to oppose their fellow Christians Such shufflings and Compliances are opposed to the Spirit of the true Children of God they can run after God in a Wilderness but cannot be drawn against God by all the World Secondly They have new Rights and Interests Believers being once entred into the Family of God by Christ are presently invested with new and Glorious Rights whic● they never had before nor any besides the Chil●ren of God have or can ever have which will appear in these fix things First They have a right to the special and blessed presence of God the Father Son and Spirit Psa 140. 13. The upright shall dwell in thy presence The upright that is the faithful the Children of God these shall dwell in thy presence in thy special presence for all Men and Devils are in the general presence of God but the Saints shall be in Gods special presence and not step into it only as strangers may but continue for ever as Sons Joh. 8. 35. The servant abideth not in the house for ever but the Son abideth ever Psa 26. 6. Secondly They have a right to the purchase of Christ to all the fruit of his Obedience and sufferings His blood is theirs with all the procurements of it Isa 53. 5. He was wounded for our Transgressions he was bruised for our Iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed whatever Christ dyed for according to the agreement betwixt the Father and him is the Right of his Children Joh. 17. 9. Thirdly They have right to the Promises 2 Pet. 1. 4. Whereby are given to us exceeding great and precious promises Whereby that is by the knowledge of him as ver 3. Or through Faith in him that is by Jesus Christ we come to have
right to the promises for all the promises are in him Yea and Amen 2 Cor. 1. 20. The promises of this Life and of that which is to come all are theirs 1 Tim. 4. 8. Fourthly They have Right to Communion with and to the blessing of the whole Family of Christ Being entred into Gods Family they have a Right to fellowship with all his people 1 Cor. 12. 13. For by one Spirit are we baptised into one Body whether we be Jews or Gentiles Bond or Free and have been all made to drink into one Spirit The great design of the Apostle in this chap. is to shew that all Believers are brought into nearest Union with Christ and each other even into one body this he proves in this ver by the end of the Ordinances of Baptism and the Supper both which do signifie and seal up Believers into the nearest Union and Communion by reason of which they have equal right to one another and the whole body they have right to Communion with Angels and Saints All the Sons and Daughters of God have right to his House to his Church and all the priviledges of it Isa 56. 5. Ordinances and Ministers are theirs 1 Cor. 3. 22 23. Yea they have right to the blessings of God on all Psalm 3. 8. Thy blessing is upon thy People Eph. 1. 3. Fifthly They have a right to all the good things of this Life Rev. 21. 7. He that overcometh shall inherit all things Even the good things of this Life Ps 37. 9. They that wait on the Lord shall inherit the Earth They are Heirs with Christ who is Heir of all things Heb. 1. 2. They have through Christ a Right to all the good things of this world so far as God sees it best for them they have their right in the Second Adam who is Lord of all this is a New-Covenant-Right not over other mens rights to invade or break the civil properties of any but to those Creatures God gives them and to the good of all things even wants and enjoyments and have a sanctified use of them which none but the Children of God have Tit. 1. 15. Sixthly They have Right to the inheritance of Glory Tit. 3. 7. 1 Pet. 1. 3 4. Heaven is the Country Home and Inheritance of all Saints Their Title is founded on the Purchase of Christ and Adoption of Grace not upon their Merit or Holiness and therefore 't is called on the account of Christ the purchased possession Eph. 1. 14. Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the Redemption of the purchased Possession That is until we are actually redeemed from Corruption and put into the possession of purchased Glory yea their Reversion in Heaven is so freely procured for them without any of their money or price duties or obedience further than 't is the way to walk in to Glory that Eternal Life is said to be the gift of God Rom. 6. 23. Death comes by Man's merit but not Life and Salvation and is not this a glorious state and blessed condition to be made Heirs and Coheirs with Christ Rom. 8. 17. And if Children then heirs and Joynt-heirs with Christ partakers of the same Rights with him Heirs of the Righteousness of Faith Heb. 11. 7. So was Abraham and so are are all Believers they have a right to Justification by believing and a right to the Kingdom of Glory Jam. 2. 5. Heirs of the Kingdom They have as good a Title to this by Grace and through the purchase of Christ as any man to an Inheritance here on Earth yea and far more sure of it for men may be turn'd out of their Rights and Properties here but Believers cannot be deprived of their Title and Inheritance through Christ Seventhly They have an interest in Gods love they are upon his Heart at all times Joh. 16. 27. For the Father himself loveth you He loves with an infinite Love a Love passing knowledge and transcending the love of all Creatures Isa 49. 15. A Mother may forget her Child but God cannot forget his He loves at all times Eternally and unchangeably He loves his Children ardently when they have but little love to him He loves them notwithstanding their unkindnesses and provocations Psal 89. 31 32 33. He loves them when he seems to be angry with them and is forced to correct them Heb. 12. 6. He always thinketh on them for good Jer. 29. 11. I know the thoughts I think towards you saith the Lord thoughts of Peace and not of Evil. He is very tender of them and hath the bowels of a Compassionate Father towards them Psal 103. 8 13. Mal. 3. 17. And I will spare them as a man spareth his Son that serv●th him Eighthly They have a right to the Spirit of Grace the Spirit is put into their Hearts Gal. 4. 6. Not the spirit of Bondage but of Adoption Rom. 8. 15 16. They have union with the Spirit never to be seperated more v. 11. they have the Spirit of Grace and Supplication Zach. 12. 10. To quicken teach influence assist in Duty and make intercession for them Rom. 8. 26. O what a blessed priviledge is this to have the Spirit of the Son whereby they can go to God as a Father and to have the Spirit working in them the disposition and working for them the actions of Sons Thirdly They have holy and reverential boldness to come into the presence of God through his Son Ps 26. 6. I will wash my ha●ds in innocency and so will I compass thine Alter Eph. 2. 18. For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father They can come to God at all times and behold his Face in Righteousness unless their sins do cause him to hide himself for a time Eph. 3. 12. And plead their cause through Christ with boldness Heb 10. 19 20. And they are not only free to come but sure to speed Joh. 16. 23 24. 1 Joh. 5. 14 15. Fourthly Instruction is another Priviledge of Sons They shall be taught of God Isa 54. 1● He will teach instruct and shew them things they know not He will lead th●m into all truth Joh. 16. 16. The Spirit searcheth the deep things of God and revealeth them to the Saints 1 Cor. 2. 20. He wll teach them all things which they are able to bear They shall have the openings of Christs mind to steer their course whiles in this Wilderness of the World and shall receive the revelation of all truths necessary to Salvation Fifthly They have choice and delicate provisions and rich maintenance this is the duty of Parents to provide for their Obedient and indigent Children 1 Tim. 5. 8. But if any man provide not for his own House he hath denyed the Faith He cares for his Children Mat. 6. 31 32. 1 Pet. 5. 7. He that gives his Son how can he but with him freely give us all things Rom. 8. 32. Phil. 4. 19. My God shall supply all your wants
the Spirit too for Christ is not divided He that hath Christ hath the Father and the Spirit for these three are one Now a Soul that hath the Spirit of Christ may know it by the effects of it The Spirit of Christ is a quickening Spirit it begets a principle of Life The Soul that was dead to God and holiness now hath a new life a heart to move after God it works from other motives even from love to God Dost thou find thy heart always dead to every act of Grace No heart to pray hear c. and is this habitual O then here 's no fruit of Christs Spirit The Spirit of Christ is a sin-opposing spirit always quarrelling with Lust always convincing troubling humbling the Soul for sin Gal. 5. 17. Tit. 2. 11 12. It gives no peaceable possession to it but always opposes it as fire doth water Where the Spirit of Christ is 't is a leading guiding Spirit Rom. 8. 14. Christians what is it leads you Is it your own Spirits if you have received the Spirit of God you may know it by those Scripture ways it takes to put you upon duty such a one is co●vinced by the word and perswaded and help'd by the word to this and the other duty Again The Spirit of Christ is a praying Spirit A Soul that is in Christ cannot live without prayer though no eye see it and no good come by it yet he cannot omit secret prayer Zach. 12. 10. Rom. 8. 15. 'T is not enlargement of affections parts abilities and expressions in prayer but the inditings of the Spirit inward breathings sighs and groans of the Spirit A man may pray like a Saint or an Angel and yet not have a jot of the Spirit of prayer but it is the encouragement of the Spirit to wrestle with God by Christ the inward suggestions of hope when a Soul can go to God as to a Father when the very heart goes out to God in prayer and when prayer is wing'd with Faith and Love These are the effects of a Spirit of prayer and the fruit of a Souls reception of Christ Thirdly They that have obtain'd an interest in Christ have crucified the flesh with the lusts there of Gal. 5. 24. They and only they that are in Christ have crucified the flesh that is the body of death original sin The general Nature of sin the universal extents of sin come under the workings of this Crucifixtion O try Souls ●ath the Axe been ever laid to the root of sin Have you ever found felling stroaks upon the bodie of your Corruptions are you baptiz'd into the death of Christ and as he died for sin so do you die to sin and by vertue of his death and wounds do you fetch power and strength from him to crucifie it There 's a difference between the curbing and the crucifying of sin sin may be chain'd up imprison'd and not crucified Hypocrites that are under a seeming change do restrain and confine sin yea they may punish sin but do not crucifie it The crucifying of sin is the giving it a deadly mortal wound fetch'd from the blood and death of Christ Faith fetches vertue from the Grave of Christ to destroy the power of sin nothing so mortally stabs this Leviathan as a believing reflection on our propriety in Christs Crucifixtion and a laying hold on promises by Faith in order to the application of the benefit of a crucified Christ Rom. 6. 4 6. Our old man is crucified with him The putting our lusts into the side wounds and grave of Christ A levelling the Ax to the body of sin doth strange work to the crucifying of it Trie then are your corruptions Pride Passions Earthliness as strong as ever deceive not your selves this will never assure your interest in Christ till sin be destroyed 't is true when the wound is given sin doth not immediately die but the bodie of sin is dying and the believing Soul finds his corruptions hath less strength every day as a man that loseth his blood weakens more and more so a Soul that crucifies Lust finds it to weaken day by day Fourthly Another effect of a Souls union with Christ is this There will be some resemblance of Christ 1 Joh. 4. 17. As he is so are we in this World As Christ was Crucified in the flesh so are his Crucified to the flesh And as Christ was risen and justified in the Spirit so are they sanctified by the Spirit and have the nature and Image of Christ Hence we are said to be made conformable to the Image of his Son Rom. 8. 29. They that are Christ's are in some measure of truth like him 1 Joh. 3. 3. They have something of Christ's Nature and Spirit Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus Phil. 2. 5. Christ's mind was off from and above the World and herein lies as great an evidence of interest in Christ as in any thing that Soul is dead to and wonderfully loose from the World Gal. 6. 14. Christ's mind was heavenly he favour'd the things above his meat and drink was to do his Fathers will If you are Christ's you will be of the same mind nothing in the World will so much delight you as to do something for God Christ's mind was heavenly to do his work and hasten home and if you are Christ's this will be your mind to dispatch your work and hasten home Christ was full of mercy humility meekness If you are interested in Christ so it will be with you Lastly They that are interested in Christ do interest Christ in themselves and in all that is theirs 2 Cor. 8. 5. They first gave themselves to the Lord Such do devote and make over themselves and all to Christ and glad they have any interest parts capacities that Christ will accept of they cannot keep back a part no were it a thousand times dearer Christ shall have all Can. 6. 3. I am my Beloveds and my Beloved is mine The keeping back of part lost Ananias and Saphira they were undone and damned for ever Act. 5. If Christ be yours you will entitle him to all you are and have And thus are we come to a Conclusion in this matter That Soul that can come to seal to those things is a happy Soul O blessed Soul indeed Then mayst thou boldly say The Lord is my helper God Christ the Spirit the Promises the Kingdom and glory is mine Thus much for the use of Examination CHAP. XXX Containing a Vse of Exhortion pressing Believers to several duties HAving already dispatch'd Motives Counsels and Directions to Sinners about their coming to this Christ I shall only apply this last use of Exhortation to those who are interested in this rich and glorious Jesus Christians you that are made happy in your Relation to Christ and invested with a Title to these glorious Treasures of all persons you are most obliged to duty Christians be you advis'd and exhorted to
with Laodicea Rev. 3. 17. And with those Jews Acts 2. 23 36. Opens to them their cursed damning Sin and wretched state by reason of sin that their hearts might be pricked and wounded So the Jaylour was this way prepared for Christ Acts 16. 30. He was made to see his doleful state Thus the Law is School-Master to bring to Christ Gal 3. 24. To beat and wound the sinner that he may see his need of a healing Jesus Thus the Spirit is promised to convince the World of sin Righteousness and Judgment Joh. 16. 8. And so did God deal with the unconverted under the Gospel 1 Cor. 14. 25. Secondly Another requisit to the Souls getting this title to Christ is this that there be a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ his sutableness and sufficiency to save his grace and real willingness to heal and cure all that come to him Heb. 11. 6. hence Eternal Life is said to lie in the knowledge of Christ Joh. 17. 3. that is in the knowledge of his sufficiencie and willingness to save therefore when Paul came to obtain Christ in order to it says he It pleased God to reveal his Son in me Gal. 1. 15 16. True faith carries knowledge with it Faith is not hoodwinkt and blind but hath his discerning By faith we come to understand hence the Gospel is to be preached to every Creature what is the Gospel but the opening of Jesus Christ his sufficiencie and willingness to save sinners while persons lie in a state of ignorance they cannot come to have a true title to Jesus Christ Thirdly 'T is necessary that the Soul see the worth and excellency of Christ to satisfie That were there no Heaven at the end yet Christ himself were Heaven enough So Paul saw an excellencie in Christ Phil. 3. 8. And the Apostles also Joh. 1. 14. The Soul that comes to Christ must see him to be the chiefest of ten thousand the onely desirable one none in Heaven but Christ and none in Earth in comparison of him Psa 73. 25 He that only eyes Salvation in comming to Christ takes him upon necessity not upon choice Fourthly Another requisite to this comming to Christ is that the Soul be brought to a real and actual willigness to part with all for him yea to a throwing all over board to take him in Phil. 3. 8. For whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them dung to win Chrisi It was no small sum these Converts parted with before they could close with Christ Acts. 19. 19. They brought their Books and burned them and counted the price and found it fifty thousand pieces of Silver which amounts in our money to one thousand five hundred sixty and two pounds and ten shillings hence 't is said That he that will be saved must pluck out his right Eye and cut off his right Hand Math. 5. 29 30. And the want of which made the Young man go away from Christ sorrowful Fifthly In order to a closing with Christ 't is necessary that the Soul see an utter poverty and inability in himself ever to come to Christ without Christ Draw me and we will run after thee Cant. 1. 4. No man cometh to me says Christ except the Father which sent me draw him Joh. 6. 44. They must see themselves poor that come for satisfaction in Christ Isa 41. 17. Thou must deny thy own Abilities and Rigteousness and see thy self utterly unable so much as to look to Christ till he give an Eye Math. 11. 5. Lastly The Soul must be brought to close with all the terms of the Gospel propos'd to him and made heartily willing to take Christ on his own conditions Math. 16. 14. A person is never fit for Christ till he can give him a blank and bid him write his own terms unfeignedly saying Lord command me any thing I stick at no proposals so I may be thine he that would fain beat down the bargain shall never have Christ Isa 44. 5. now to such a reception of Christ 't is needful that things be plainly opened and all the demands of Christ be known and considered Luk. 14. 28. So that there may be a known and hearty consent to Christ and a full compliance with all his conditions 4. What are the certain fruits and effects of the Souls obtaining Christ Ans First That Soul that hath an interest in Christ is a new Creature 2 Cor. 5. 17. If any man be in Christ he is a new Creature old things are past away all things are become new As the Lord Christ when he was crucifi'd was laid in a new Tomb so when he is received he must be lodged in a new heart In redemption work all things are new there 's a new Covenant Heb. 8. 8. A new Mediatour the first Covenant had none Heb. 9. 15. Souls are now brought into a new state of new and glorious Priviledges They were dead but now are made alive Eph. 2. 1. There 's a new Law also the Law of the Gospel called the Law of the Spirit of life Rom. 8. 2. Therefore 't is necessarie that the Soul be renewed also this is promis'd under the Gospel Isa 65. 17. Behold I create new Heavens and a new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness so 2 Pet. 3. 13. there will be a wonderful change wrought in that Person above what flesh and blood can do an inward change a new heart and a new Spirit Ezek. 36. 26. new desires Ps 63. 1. Before the Soul did long after the world pleasures vanities but now My Soul breaks for the longing it hath to thy Judgments at all times Ps 119. 20. Ps 42. 1 2. New affections to God Ps 116. 1. new love to Christ 1 Cor. 16. 22. new love to the Law of God Ps 119. 97 127. new love to the people of God 1 Joh. 3. 14. new love to the name and glory of God Ps 26. 12. Psa 145. 15. new affections for the Cross of Christ and reproach for his name Gal. 2. 14. Heb. 11. 26. a new will to loath sin and cleave to God and Holiness Rom. 7. 19 Act. 11. 23. a new Conscience Heb. 10. 27. 2 Tim. 1. 3. and they have a new Convesation Rom 6. 4. Eph. 2. 10. Phil. 1. 27. They will walk in newness of the Spirit Rom. 6. 4. They are created to good works to walk in them Eph. 2. 10. At least they design it though they fall short of it Thus a Soul that is come to Christ is a new Creature That Soul that hath no renewings in him that hath the same Spirit desires affections will conscience that ever he had cannot prove his interest in Christ Secondly Tha● Soul that hath received Christ hath received the Spirit of Christ Rom. 8. 9. If any man hath not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his 1 Cor. 12. 13. for by one Spirit we are all baptiz'd into one Body None can receive the Son but he must have