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A19468 Fruitfull lessons, vpon the passion, buriall, resurrection, ascension, and of the sending of the holy Ghost Gathered out of the foure Euangelists: with a plaine exposition of the same. By Miles Couerdall. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1593 (1593) STC 5891; ESTC S122132 168,229 312

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atturney your aduocate mediatour so that ye haue lacked nothing neither hath any man hurt you Seeing now I haue hitherto neuer failed you I wil also from henceforth not forsake you but pray vnto my Father who shall sende vnto you the holy Ghost The same shall perfectly bring to your remembrance and be your teacher in al that I haue shewed you hee shall exhort and admonish you aide succour and comfort you so that yee shall not be without consolation He shall be your tutour and defender neither shall he be with you onely for a time as I haue beene but euen in your heartes shall he dwell with you and neuer depart from you Of this helper comforter teacher and tutor shall yee also haue neede for great trouble and persecution shall the world moue against you To ouercom the same is your flesh too feeble therefore will I send you downe from heauen a power whereby in all aduersitie ye may be able to stand fast and to haue the victorie O the vnspeakeable loue of our Lord Iesu Christ who taketh such diligent care for vs and endueth vs with so excellent a gift namely his owne holy spirite With what modestie and sobernesse with how pure and honest behauiour ought wee to walke seeing that God hath into our hartes giuen his holy spirite who vtterly abhorreth and loatheth all vice and all filthines of sinne Great diligence ought we therfore to applie in keeping cleane and vndefiled our bodies and soules which God through his holy spirite hath purified and consecrated to bee his owne dwelling place and temple least we expell the chast spirite of God For in no froward soule abideth hee neither dwelleth hee in that bodie which maketh it selfe slaue and thrall vnto sin The eares of our minde ought we to open and to harken whereof this spirite admonisheth vs and what doctrine hee in our Sauiours words doth teach vs and his motion ought we to followe Afraid ought we not to be he that is in vs is stronger than all our enemies This spirite hath Christ by his prayer and merites obtained of his Father for hee prayed with weeping and teares and was heard for his worthines sake He is called also the spirite of trueth because hee proceedeth of the truth teacheth the trueth and maketh vs true we are else of our owne nature altogether lyers inconstant vntrue and dissembling hypocrites and whatsoeuer the world speaketh doth it is nothing but vanitie and lyes Blessed therefore are they vnto whom God giueth the high gift of his trueth The world that is to say fleshly men and children of the world receiue not this spirite for they despise the word of Christ and laugh it to scorne Therefore God sheweth not himselfe vnto them for they loue him not which thing they declare in that they refuse his word But who so receiueth his word sheweth thereby that he loueth Christ and God him wil God loue againe and open himselfe euer more and more vnto him This is a high reward which God giueth vnto his louers that hee commeth vnto them maketh his dwelling and abideth alwaie with them working all good things in them and by them Therfore ought wee earnestly to heare his worde to loue him and to keepe his commandements And so euen the same his owne spirit which hee gaue vs at the beginning shall hee still graunt vnto vs more perfectly from time to time Thus shall that spirite poure out loue in our harts and indue them with more perfe●tion The loue of the world which is not of God the Father shall this spirit roote out and daily consume but the loue of God it shall continually plant and increase The more loue there is the more groweth the knowledge of God yea the more Gods knowledge increaseth the more feruent perfect is loue Grant vs ô gratious Father thy holy spirit to take possession of our heart that it may onely trust in thee loue thee aboue all things keepe thy commandements cleaue still vnto thee for euermore Amen THese things haue I spoken vnto you beeing yet present with you But that comfort which is the holie Ghost whom my father will send in my name he shal teach you all thinges and bring all thinges to your remembrance whatsoeuer I haue taught you Peace I leaue with you my peace I giue vnto you Let not your hart be troubled neither feare Ye haue heard that I said vnto you I go and come vnto you If ye loued me ye would verely reioice because I said I go vnto the father for the father is greater than I. And now haue I shewed you before it come that when it is come to passe ye might beleeue Hereafter will I not talke many words with you for the ruler of this worlde commeth and hath naught in me But that the world may knowe that I loue the father as the father gaue me commaundement euen so do● I. Arise let vs go hence Doctrine and fruite THe Lord Iesus continueth his Oration in comforting his Disciples and in telling them what the office of the holy Ghost should be Whereby we learne that all reading and hearing yea and al doctrine bringeth vtterly no fruite if the holy Ghost do not giue vs vnderstanding and teach vs the word of God For the Disciples were ignorant and forgetfull Many thinges that Christ had tolde them they vnderstood not many thinges had they forgotten in many thinges they doubted Such like happen also vnto vs therefore ought wee at all times to pray vnto God that he will send vs his holy spirite to admonish and prouoke vs to comfort and strengthen vs to instruct and teach vs all thinges that are necessarie for vs to saluation Hee is the right heauenly schoolemaister when hee commeth into vs hee expelleth all ignorance away But forasmuch as there remaineth much trouble and aduersitie vnto all faithfull beleeuers while they liue in this time Christ doth therefore promise them his peace against the turmoyling vnquietnes and trouble of this world In the world are many hurley burlyes and aduersities In Christ we find true peace and quietnesse And Christ vnto those that are his giueth such a peace as surmounteth all vnderstanding in the which peace they beeing coupled and knitte are able valiauntly to ouercome all enemies and aduersitie For in as much as they knowe and be vndoubtedly assured through faith that their sins are forgiuen and taken awaie by Christ that the father of heauen is fauorable and gracious vnto them that they be his owne children and inheritours they doe little passe what thing outwardly happeneth vnto them All aduersitie and trouble that outwardlie is layde vpon them is through the inward ioy and peace which they haue in God cleane swallowed vp and so forgotten They settle and staie their harts vppon saluation and eternall peace The peace of the world seeketh quietnesse rest of the bodie throweth awaie the crosse
wildernesse through much trauell and labour Blessed are they that in patience without murmuring suffer the Lorde to worke and doo faithfully follow him All this and more than I can saie ought to be the consideration and exercise when we celebrate the supper of the Lord Iesu that wee so sprinkle the bloud of Christ in our heartes and drinke it into vs that it may worke in vs and bring forth fruit Our eies and hearts we ought to lift vp in to heauen and consider what the bread and wine pointeth vs vnto namely vnto the bodie of Christ that was offered vp vpon the crosse for our sinnes and to his bloud that was shed for the washing awaie of our offences and that we fashion our selues vnto his image and practise also such loue one towardes another This is the proofe that Paul speaketh of with the which a faithfull beleeuer ought to exercise himself before and in the Lords supper examining well his faith and loue which out of the loue of God towards vs is kindled and increased First ought a man to consider the excellent loue of our Lord Iesus Christ who so loued vs that he died for vs. And seeing that he biddeth vs to so high a feast of his grace we ought also to ponder the same in such sorte that wee bee thankfull vnto him and prepare our selues thereafter Saint Paul saith that there is a feeding with milke and a feeding with strong meate which is to bee obserued according to the nature and propertie of those that receiue the meate And in the Church of God there be three sortes of men as the same by the high illuminated goodwise teacher Augustine and by others is written First there be men which hauing spent their former time past in pastime and wantonnesse of the world and considering the carefull end thereof as they be inwardly moued by the grace of God haue vndertaken to cease and refraine from sinne and from all occasions of sinne in most diligent wise as neere as they can with the assistance grace and helpe of God to be circumspect and warie thereof albeit they are yet weake and haue not so strong a spirite as to laie aside and despise all worldly things out of hand And these are the right true beginners of repentant and penitent persons though they be not new beginners yet are they vnto God the Lord so deare that all things cannot sufficiently commend and praise it This is witnessed vnto vs by the holy Gospell of the vnthriftie sonne who when with shamefull riot hee had wantonly consumed his inheritance did in time of his extreame hunger conuert and turne againe to his louing Father and receiued not onely gracious forgiuenesse of his trespasse but also speciall tokens of his fathers loue as the garment the kisse the fat calfe the sweete minstrelsie and melodie This is the first anker of true repentance This is the first state concerning the blessed swineheard who forsaking the hogges wiih the coddes draffe or swillinges that hee sometimes greedily filled his belly withall and returning to his louing father is now in his first comming againe to his mercifull father graciously taken vp receiued and rewarded Who so now with this vnthriftie sonne forsaketh his sinnes and comming agayne in true and heartie repentance vnto God his most louing and gracious Father saith meekely O Father I am not worthie to bee called thy sonne for I haue sinned against heauen and before thee O make nice one of thy hired seruants To him shall the father denie nothing Who so nowe with an vnfained heart and mouth may speake this vnto God and truely and vnfainedly seeketh Iesus assuredly hee findeth him and hath with him a cheerefull supper Looke vnto whom God in his great mercie giueth such a tast of his geace let him render thanks and praise vnto almightie GOD let him nowe looke for it that the Father who hath receiued him will also nourture him in his owne schoole and through manifolde aduersities furnish him prepare him and make him more perfect Hee hath beene fedde with the milke hee must learne also to knowe what harde meate meaneth Through aduersitie and trouble some chaunces hee must bee tempted and proued whether hee haue ought in him of the blessed seede that groweth vpwardes vnto eternall life Which thing shall well appeare and bee made manifest if in time of temptation and troubles hee bee not choaked with the thornes nor troden downe by the high waie side nor withered among the stones but founde fruitfull in a good and fertill ground Other men there bee which are called reformers to whome belongeth somewhat more than there doth vnto the other For like as it appertaineth to the first repentant or prnitent persons that they continually and feruently with the confession of their sinnes vnto God with sorrowe and lamentation with praier watching and chastising of the the bodie doo breake out a waie from theyr olde sinnes harnessing and arming themselues agaynst others for to come and earnestly withstanding and forsaking their owne euill and naughtie customes if they minde to bring foorth fruite and not to fall awaie againe Euen so the reformers in the seconde order and manner after the harde rooting out of vice and wickednesse must still exercise them selues in the will of God and in good works seeking diligently experience thereof in holy Scripture and of those teachers who by reason of long practise and by the Scriptures can declare and teach the same waie When these men in such a stedfast purpose to walke and practise themselues in the will of God with his grace and power doe goe vnto the supper of the Lord they inwardly with ioy and fruit of the godly feast are nourished and refreshed For who so desireth to cleaue vnto vertue and to a godly life shall no where find the same so euidently and plaine as in Christs passion whereof hee is mindfull at the supper with faith and thankesgiuing The third sort of men are ●●lled perfect not that anie man here in time may be perfect as to lacke nothing or to haue no sinne in him but therefore are they named perfect because theyr exercise is such that after long accustomate doing of vertuous deeds after many spiritual fruits brought forth by them in patience after many temptations which they with the help of God haue ouercome They haue so wholy humbled and cast downe themselues before God being reconciled with him that they are become one spirite with Christ their head whom they cleaue vnto whose crosse and holy passion they follow without fainting so farre as theyr wit and power may suffer being dead from the world the flesh following onely the Lord Iesu Christ suffering with him and liuing with him These with their minds harts step somwhat higher than the others hauing their dwelling in heauen in the sweet contemplation beholding of Gods Almightinesse wisedome and goodnes with feruent deuotion Which men also by inioying of the said feast
the world through me publish ye vnto all men though yee must loose your life therefore IF the world hate you yee know that it hated mee before it hated you If yee were of the worlde the world would loue his owne Howbeit because yee are not of the worlde but I haue chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you Remember the word that I said vnto you the seruaunt is not greater than the Lord. If they haue persecuted mee so will they persecute you If they haue kept my sayings they will also keepe yours But all these things will they do vnto you for my names sake because they knowe not him that sent mee If I had not come and spoken vnto them they should not haue had sinne but now haue they nothing to cloake their sinne withall Hee that hateth mee hateth my Father also If I had not doone workes amongst them which none other man did they had not had sinne but nowe haue they seene and haue hated both mee and also my Father euen that the saying might bee fulfilled which is written in theyr owne lawe They haue hated mee without anie cause Doctrine and fruite LIke as Christ in the aforesaid words hath giuen vnto his Disciples and to vs that beleeue in him an excellent consolation in his loue which is infinite great towardes vs so dooth he now comfort vs against such trouble and aduersitie to come as outwardly happeneth vnto vs and against the hate and persecution wherewith the children of the world recompence vs for our loue and well dooing Loue ought wee to haue towards all men such godly loue shall moue vs earnestly to further Gods glorie to bring all men to the knowledge and loue of God and to withdraw them from fleshly lustes and worldly vices When wee now of a godly zeale beginne thus to rebuke vice and to reprehend the carnall lustes of the children of the world then they that are drowned in the shamefull vices of the world and the flesh may not suffer it but hate trouble and vexe vs molest persecute vs and put vs vnto death contemning and despising the worde which wee offer them from GOD whereby they might bee saued and going about by all meanes to roote it out But all this ought not to driue vs backe or discourage vs For in this world must we seeke no high honour nor praise but willingly humble and submit our selues vnder the rebuke and crosse with Christ our head Christ also exhorteth vs to folow his footsteppes and to doe after his example and not to forsake the truth and loue of our neighbour for theyr hatred but constantly to proceed and do our best to guid all men vnto God And if for such our vnfaithfulnes and loue there happen reproach and trouble to vs we ought to reioice that God dooth vs so great honour as to graunt vs to suffer somewhat for his name sake If we liued as do the children of the world wee should not bee hated of them and happily wee needed to feare but little daunger But Christ hath taken vs from the world and chosen and called vs to good works and to innocencie of life Nothing hath he omitted that might serue to our welfare faithfully therefore ought we to follow his vocation not do as the vnthankfull Iewes that despise his doctrine and workes He talketh yet daily with vs prouoketh and calleth vs therefore ought we to cease from sin and not to fashion our selues after the world For if we would liue to please the world to serue it and to hunt after the fauour and praise of it wee should not be faithfull Ministers of Iesus Christ We ought not to look for worldly honor but to haue respect to the eternall glorie which wee shall haue with Christ our head yea so farre as we suffer rebuke and dishonour with him When he liued in this time and practised the truth against the Pharisies hee was reuiled put to shame and death The same happeneth also vnto vs for we are not aboue the Lorde An euill token were it if the world loued vs. Paciently therefore and with ioy ought we to beare such rebuke and shame as happeneth vnto vs for his name sake by those that hate the truth For our honor and reward is great in heauen but after our trouble shall the same be first opened as it happened also vnto Christ our head first after the crosse BVt when the comforter is come whom I will send vnto you from the father euen the spirit of truth which proceedeth of the father he shall testifie of me And yee are witnesses also because ye haue beene with me from the beginning These things haue I saide vnto you that ye should not be offended They shall thrust you out of their synagogues excommunicate you yea the time shall come that whosoeuer killeth you will thinke that he doth seruice vnto God And such thinges shall they doo vnto you because they knowe not the father neither me But these things haue I told you that when the houre is come yee may remember that I tolde you These thinges said I not vnto you at the beginning because I was with you But now I go my way to him that sent me none of you asketh mee Whither goest thou But because I haue said such things vnto you your harts are full of sorrow But I tell you the truth It is expedient for you that I goe awaie For if I go not away that comforter will not come vnto you But if I depart I will send him vnto you Doctrine and fruite FOr as much as it is our bounden duetie to beare witnesse vnto Christ with our mouth and life yet our weake flesh feareth the hatred and resistance of the worlde Christ therefore promiseth vs heere that hee will sende vs strength from heauen namely the holy Ghost first in our harts to bear witnesse vnto Christ and then to open our mouthes that we may testifie the Lord Christ and his trueth manfully and without feare Certaine it is that all they which will liue here godly in Christ Iesu must suffer persecution But seeing that to suffer such aduersitie our flesh is farre too slow colde and feeble God giueth vs the spirit of his son to mooue strengthen and preserue vs in all goodnes This spirit poureth out loue into our hartes expelleth all feare and terror as we see in Peter on Whitsonday maketh vs to ouercome all aduersitie We are braunches in Christ the true vine albeit as yet verie weake and tender soone blowne awaie with the winde or smitten downe other waies but for as much as out of Christ wee receiue yet the sap and vertue of spirite and life wee are in life preserued that wee wither not away Of this now must we bee mindfull in all aduersitie so that without ceasing we pray vnto GOD for his holie spirite who is our instructer comforter and
teacher Wee ought to haue respect vnto our fore-goer and finisher of our faith remembring that wee suffer not as theeues and euill dooers but for his sake yea and that of the wicked This shall make our aduersitie and crosse the more easie and light when wee feele the comfort of the spirite and beholde how shamefull a death Christ suffered for vs. Therfore should there no feare make vs to shrinke from the confession of Christ and his trueth Wee are not they that speake but it is the spirite of the Father which speaketh in vs. Wee maye not feare those that kill the bodie we may not bee ashamed of him so shall hee also knowledge vs and make vs honourable in his fathers sight The honour of this world should not bee dearer vnto vs than the glorie of God And though wee die for it yet ought we not to shrinke or stirre from the confession of the trueth This ingendreth manie times much heauines and feare in vs that wee consider onely that which is present little regarding that which is to come and euerlasting And because wee thinke that when GOD thrusteth vs into aduersitie he is farre from vs whereas hee then is most of all with vs by his grace comfort and strength and tryeth vs through the crosse standing behinde the wall and looking through the grate vppon our conflict and battaile yea helping vs to fight and to ouercome Therefore must we not alwayes bee children wee must not hang still at the brest seeking milke as children doo but growe to a perfect age learning to knowe Christ the Lord after the spirite as hee now gouerneth and is a mightie king vnder whose banner wee must fight valiantly and indure the crosse vnto the death throwing behind vs all thinges in this worlde and lifting vp our eyes and harts into heauen whence our helpe commeth and into the which Christ is gone to prepare for vs an euerlasting dwelling ANd when the spirit is come he will rebuke the worlde of sinne and of righteousnes and of iudgment Of sin because they beleeue not on me of righteousnesse because I go to my father and ye shall see me no more of iudgment because the prince of this world is iudged alreadie I haue yet many thinges to say vnto you but yee cannot heare them now Howbeit when hee is come which is the spirite of truth he will lead you into all truth For he shall not speake of himselfe but whatsoeuer he shall heare that shall he speake and he will shew you thinges to come Hee shall glorifie mee for he shal receiue of mine and shal shew vnto you All things that the Father hath are mine Therefore said I that he shal take of mine and shew vnto you Doctrine and fruite IN these wordes doth Christ shew vs the office of the holy Ghost and what he worketh by his disciples and by all faithfull beleeuers in the worlde The whole world is sette vpon wickednesse and iniquitie and when that is rebuked it hateth and persecuteth those that rebuke it Whereout it followeth oftentimes that through imbecillitie and weakenesse of the flesh we cease from rebuking of vice and sinne Now when we find it to be thus that the infirmitie of our flesh and the terrible threatening of the world will hinder vs or vtterly drawe vs backe from the free rebuking of vice wee ought to praye vnto God our Father for to giue vs the spirit of his sonne that he may powre out loue into our hearts and expell all feare that with stoute stomacks and wordes we may reprehend the vyces of the world and valiantly resist them This spirit shall teach vs the thing that neither our flesh nor the world is instructed in All we of nature doe erre and euery one wandreth his owne waie that is euery one foloweth his owne purpose and intent and if we beleeue not in Christ we perish in our sinnes And this is the greatest sin of all wherein the world is wrapt afore it receiue the truth Not to beleeue in Christ is a sinne out of the which all vyce and wickednes dooth grow● How great this sinne is no man is able to knowe onely the spirit of God openeth it therefore the spirite teacheth vs how farre we goe astray And if we come to Christ from this erronius waie of vnbeliefe all sinnes are forgiuen vs through Christ and not imputed vs to our damnation Neither is it enough to knowe that wee haue erred or doe yet erre but wee must know also which is the right waie wherein when error is forsaken wee must walke to attaine vnto godlines and blisse This right waie doth the spirit also shewe to be euen Christ who is our waie our righteousnes and goodnes which waie neuertheles the world will not goe To beleeue in Christ is the true way to attaine vnto righteousnes and saluation who so now departeth not from the erroneous waie of vnbeliefe and vice and will not walke in Christ the way of all vertue and goodnes which all the world alas so abhorreth the same is conuict that the iudgement of eternall paine doth righteously fall vpon him seeing the light is set before him and he will rather abide perish in darknesse But is not this a iust iudgement that the world should perish in sinne and be punished for euer considering that God hath graciously sent vnto them his owne sonne promising euerlasting lyfe and saluation in him who with his bloud hath washed awaie our sinnes mightily ouercome death sin and the prince of this worlde deliuered vs out of his power and heauie yoake and taken possession of the kingdome and glorie with his father And yet they will not know receiue nor honour Christ as theyr chiefe king and Lord but still serue the prince of this world in vice sin not submit themselues vnder the easie yoake of Christ of his loue and vertues O deare children let vs departe out of the kingdome of darknes into the kingdome of Iesus Christ the sonne of God let vs regarde his word with diligence let vs hearken what God speaketh in vs and though there bee many things that as yet we knowe not many that we do not vnderstand and perceiue we will earnestly praie vnto God for his spirite who is the right schoolmaster and teacher Hee shall lead vs into all truth he shall renue vs in the spirite of our minde and teach vs to vnderstand what the good acceptable and perfect will of God is He shall plant and roote vs in loue that we may comprehend with all Saints what is the length the breadth the height and deapth that wee may also knowe the exceeding loue of the knowledge of Christ that we might bee filled in all godly perfectnes Thus the spirite teacheth vs all truth when he poureth loue into our harts This schoolmaster teacheth all beleeuers here in time euerie
the ministers of the word to desire that God throgh his holy name power will defend strength comfort and preserue them in all aduersitie but principally that hee will giue them grace to bee one coupled together in the band of peace loue and vniformitie that they may be of one spirite and of one mind that in one spirite they may further and plant the honour of God that like as Christ neither spake nor did anie thing but that which was acceptable and wel pleasing vnto the father they also in their sayinges and dooinges may haue respect vnto Gods glorie and that they being rooted and fortified in loue bee not vanquished nor ouercome of the pleasures or threateninges of this world Secondly that in all their labour and trauaile in al aduersitie and persecutions hee will put into theyr hartes his owne comfort and spirituall ioy For the worlde hath manifolde mirthes pastimes and pleasures much bragging and wilfulnesse vseth it in the riches and fleshly voluptuousnes thereof But the true Ministers of Christ seeing hee hath seuered them from the worlde must and ought to refraine and absent themselues from all worldly ioy and voluptuousnes yea it is they that ought to diswade the worlde from such wantonnesse and vanitie by meanes of whose faithfull admonition there falleth much hatred and trouble vpon them Neither were it to the furtheraunce of Gods honour and our commoditie to haue them vtterlye taken away out of this worlde Therefore dooth Christ desire and so must wee with him that from euill namely from the Deuill the Prince of this worlde who stirreth the world against them they may of the father in the world be defended and kept Thirdly that he will sanctifie and cleanse them afore other men that they may be holy and pure vessels in the house and temple that is in the Church of God for they are means instruments by whō God ministereth his grace and truth vnto men therfore is it also conuenient that they be pure and holy This commeth throgh the truth that God putteth in their mouth and heart by the holy Ghost which inwardly purifieth them But then are they holy when they teach truth and liue godly Into the worlde hath Christ sent thē as the father sent him into the world The father sent Christ into the world that he should destroy the kingdome of the deuill and of the world that he should declare vnto the world the grace and mercie of God towardes mankinde that he shoulde bring men from sinne and from false idolatrish faith to the true liuing God and to a vertuous conuersation that he with the light of truth should shine vpon those which sate in darknes that he should bring the knowledge of God into the world exhort men to the amendement of life Euen this hath Christ giuen in commission to his Apostles and to all ministers of the worde to doo This is their office this is their ministration vnto this haue they greate neede of the grace power and assistance of God therefore ought we most earnestly to praie for them for if they fail or fal it hurteth the whole Church yea out of the same there groweth slaunder vnto the name of God in the sight of the vnbeleeuers and an occasion of falling to such as are weake of faith Therefore Christ also offered himselfe to the father for them and sanctified them that they might bee pure and holy not in outward apparance but from the heart and in the truth that through their vniformity loue through the word of truth which they preach through the holynes of their doctrine and liuing all men and the whole world might know and vnderstand that God hath sent them yea that God sent his son Christ into the world vnto whome they with mouth and life beare record and who also euery where shineth out of them with wordes and deeds Not onely for them hath Christ praied but also for vs as many as hearken and beleeue the worde of truth preached by them Wherein first wee may perceiue and see the loue faithfulnes and great care of Christ for vs how earnestly the trustie shepheard of our soules committeth his poore sheepe into his fathers protection how faithfully our mediatour and aduocate praieth for vs whereby also he setteth forth a doctrine vnto vs how and what we shal pray of the heauenly father First that he will make vs one by his holy spirite in the truth in the vnitie of faith and in loue vnseparable that we all may be of one mind one body and one spirit in Christ Iesu our head and to keepe the vnitie of the spirit in the bond of peace that we all being illuminated by his spirit may in word and deed yea in our whole life seeke and further the glorie of our heauenly father that we all may bee one among our selues with God whereby all the worlde may spie see and perceiue that we are Gods children and Christs disciples Secondly that of his fatherly goodnes he will defend saue preserue vs his own poore sheep which be in the midst among wolues manifold dangers And seeing we being yet in the world do not liue after the world that it will please him to keepe vs from the euill namely frō the prince of of this world that thogh the same our enemie doth tempt plague vs he neuer yet haue power to preuaile against vs. Thirdly that inasmuch as we being in sin conceiued and borne haue hetherto liued in sinne seeing that albeit we are cleansed alreadie by his word and faith yet the vncleannes of the flesh and of the world doth daily defile vs it wil please him throgh his truth to purge and sanctifie our bodies our soules and our whole life that wee may become an holy temple of his grace pure cleane holy vessels consecrated sanctified to Gods own vse He hath once purified hallowed vs through the bloud of his son and vnto the father hath Christ sanctified and offered vp himselfe an holy acceptable sacrifice for our sins but the deuill the world and our flesh is euer busie to lead vs away againe from God from true holines Therefore must wee daily pray vnto him that through his holy spirit through his holy truth he wil continually purge clense sanctifie vs that we be not dissēbling hypocrites but godly and vnfained euen from our harts that we be not stained in the filthines of this world but to refraine from all vncleannes thorogh the assistāce of his grace that we may also offer vp our bodies an holy acceptable sacrifice to ●od the Lord as he offered vp himselfe vppon the crosse for our sakes FAther I will that they which thou hast giuen me be with me where I am that they may see my glory which thou hast giuen me for thou louedst me before the making of the world O righteous father
Iesus who being refused of wicked men vpon earth but chosen of God the Father is crowned with eternall glorie and godly honour in heauen No euill saying or curse ought to ouercome vs considering that for the same there is so exceeding ioy prepared for vs of God THen Pilate took Iesus therfore scourged him the souldiers wound a crowne of thorns and put it on his head And they did on him a purple garment and came vnto him and said haile king of the Iewes and they smote him on the face Pilate went foorth againe and said vnto them Behold I bring him forth to you that you may know that I finde no fault in him Then came Iesus foorth wearing a crowne of thorne and a robe of purple And he saieth vnto them Beholde the man When the high Priestes therefore and ministers saw him they cried saying crucifie him crucifie him Pilate saith vnto them Take ye him and crucifie him for I finde no cause in him The Iewes aunswered and said vnto him Wee haue a lawe and by our law hee ought to die because hee made himselfe the sonne of GOD. When Pilate heard that saying hee was the more afraid and went againe into the iudgement hall and sayth vnto Iesus Whence art thou But Iesus gaue him no aunswere Then said Pilate vnto him Speakest thou not vnto mee Knowest thou not that I haue power to crucifie thee and haue power to let thee loose Iesus aunswered thou couldest haue no power at all against me except it were giuen thee from aboue Therefore he that deliuered me vnto thee hath the more sin And from thence forth sou●ht Pilate meanes to loose him but the Iewes cryed saying If thou let him go thou art not the Emperours friend for whosoeuer maketh himselfe king is against the Emperour Doctrine and fruite HEre in Pilate we learne how hurtful it is when euery one in his office and vocation looketh not diligently about him but slenderly letteth the thing slippe and passe that he earnestly ought to bring to effect Pilate was the deputie of a countrey and knew that Christ had wrong wherof he himself also many times beareth him witnesse with his owne mouth Seeing then that he was a Iudge it appertaineth to his office to iudg right not to suffer the innocent to die For though Pilate doth as if he would discharge Christ yet he mindeth it not earnestly Hee goeth about to let Christ loose neuertheles so farre as hee displease not the Iewes and the Emperour so farre as hee loose not the fauour and friendshippe of men While Pilate now fainteth in the righteousnesse that hee knoweth and is sure of and holdeth not on stoutly as he should to deliuer Christ God suffereth him still to fall till he come to this point that he condemneth the innocent to death against his own conscience Thus goeth it with al those that for the grace of GOD lent vnto them are vnthankfull vnfaithfull in the little It is the part of a righteous Iudge to maintaine iustice and to defend the innocent thogh it should cost him body honour and goods The pride also of Pilate that presumed by reason of his authoritie is brought downe with the wordes of the Lorde there is no power but from aboue therefore should it bee godly vsed the higher powers are Goddes Ministers In the which wordes of Christ the faithfull beleeuers that bee in aduersitie are comforted knowing that no man hath authoritie nor power ouer them except it bee giuen him of God Christ is bound to deliuer vs from the bandes of our sinnes and to place vs in eternall freedome Hee is scourged to take from vs the stripes that we should suffer by reason of our sins yea to heale our wounds is hee sore wounded himselfe Altogether suffereth hee for our sakes thorow his stripes are wee made whole His backe as Esay saith Esay 50. offereth he to the smiters and his cheeks to the nippers to purge vs from all filthinesse of sinne Hee became without beautie as a leper despised spitted vppon and mocked to deliuer vs from eternall shame punishment Wee had deserued all this hee did nothing worthie thereof wee are the cause of his martyrdome Oh the great burthen of our sinnes that the Sonne of the eternall GOD must suffer so sore stripes and cruell payne for vs to reconcile vs with his Father Oh the exceeding great loue which he declareth vnto vs in that hee taketh all rebuke vppon himselfe for vs Oh that wee considered this with true deuotion so that wee might say with Christ and Dauid I am readie to bee scourged and my plague is alwaies before mee O Iesu kindle vs with the fire of thy exceeding loue which thou in so much aduersitie hast well tryed towardes vs. Graunt vs the helpe of thy grace to the strengthening of our weakenesse when the heauie burdens of aduersities fall vppon vs that thorow the terrible ouercharge of them wee be not opprest and throwne downe Giue vs grace so to chasten and subdue our body and flesh that it maye bee subiect vnto the spirite and obedient vnto thy will in all things WHen Pilate heard that saying he brought forth Iesus and sate downe to giue sentence in the place that is called the Pauement but in the Hebrue tong Gabatha It was the preparing of the Easter about the sixt houre And he saith vnto the Iewes Behold your king They cried away with him away with him crucifie him Pilate saith vnto them shall I crucifie your king The high Priests aunswered We haue no king but the Emperour And the high Priestes with the Elders of the people accused him in many things but he gaue no answere Pilate asked him further and said makest thou no answere Seest thou not in how many and great thinges they accuse thee But Iesus moreouer gaue no answer so that the deputie maruelled sore at it At the feast he had a custome to let one vnto them loose whom they would desire Now while the people pres●ed on Pilate began to aske them as hee alwaies did said Whom will yee that I let loose vnto you Barabas or Iesus who is called Christ While Pilate sate in iudgement his wife sent to him said Haue thou nothing to doo with that iust man for this night in sleepe haue I suffered much for him But the high Priests the Elders perswaded the people inticed them that they should aske Barrabas require Iesus vnto death Then answered Pilate and said vnto them whom will ye of these two that I shall let go loose vnto you They said Barrabas Then said Pilate vnto them What shall I then do with Iesus who is called Christ Then said they al let him be crucified The deputie said What euill then hath he done Neuertheles they cried yet more let him be crucified When Pilate saw that he profited nothing but that the vprore was greater he tooke water and washed his hands before the people
a bone of him And againe another Scripture saith They shall looke on him whom they pierced Doctrine and fruite OVt of the side of him that sleeepeth vpon the crosse runneth the fountain of wholsom water with the which our vncleannes is washed away and the whole world sprinkled purified and cleansed therewith The heart is opened and wounded loue floweth out the bloud gusheth forth to the washing away of all our sins This is the true stonie rocke which being smitten vpon giueth water vnto our thirstie soules like as Eue was taken fashioned out of the rib side of her husband that slept so is the holie Church the spouse of Christ shapen out of the side of her husband This gate is opened wide to all faithfull beleeuers hee that hideth himselfe in this hole is sure from all hurt and harme Of this holie and godly fountaine who so drinketh once or taketh a draught of the holie loue dooth forthwith forget all his aduersities and griefes and shall bee whole from all wicked heate of temporall lustes and bodilie prouocations feruently shall hee bee kindled in loue and desire of eternall thinges and shall bee replenished with the vnspeakable goodnesse of the holie Ghost and in him shall bee a fountaine and well of liuing water flowing into eternall life By this creepeth the poore sinner into the louing heart of Iesus Christ which with exceeding great kindnes is pierced through and there findeth hee rest and quietnes in the stony rocke Here are opened the conduites and well pipes of life the way of our health wherein we finde rest vnto our soules shadow for heate and trauaile this fountaine of grace is neuer dried vp This is the well of the godly 〈◊〉 that floweth out of the middest of paradise to wate● the whole earth to moysture the drie hearts to wash away sinne Out of this plentifull well ought wee with great desire to draw and drinke that from henceforth wee liue not in our selues but in him who for our sakes was wounded so deep Our hart must we giue whollie vnto him that hath opened his heart so wide His heart and ours must bee all one Nothing requireth he of vs but the heart Sonne saith he giue mee thy heart Our hart must we giue to the Lord not to the world to eternall wisedome not to lightnes There do the true heardmans sheepe find pasture there are the water brookes of life there may they goe in and out Nothing is there vppon earth that so kindleth draweth and pierceth the heart of man as dooth Christes loue declared vppon the crosse When wee thus surrender our heart vnto the Lorde when wee thus wholly and fully giue ouer our heart into the Lordes hands that hee may keepe and possesse it for euer then haue we blessed peace O Lord Iesu Christ drawe thou our hearts vnto thee ioyne them together in vnseparable loue that they may feruently burne that wee may abide in thee thou in vs that the euerlasting couenant betweene vs may stand sure for euer O wound our hearts with the fiery darts of thy pearcing loue Let them pierce through all our slouthfull members and inward powers that wee beeing happily wounded may so become whole and sound Let vs haue no louer but thy selfe alone lette vs seeke no ioy nor comfort but onely in thee Thus haue we the passion and death of our Lord and redeemer Iesus Christ Now as Paule saith let vs go foorth of the tentes vnto him that for our sake is despitefully crucified without the Citie of Hierusalem and lette vs helpe him to beare his rebuke giuing him thankes and praise for his great loue In his death standeth our life for in his death is our death slaine the sting of death and firme is taken awaye Heere finde wee true life and eternall saluation here sinne is forgiuen and pardon graunted A poena culpa heere mercie is denyed vnto no man for the vertue and merites of the Lordes holie passion is bottomlesse Through his shame commeth eternall honour and glorie vnto vs. His passion is the wholesome playster for all woundes his crosse the ouerthrow of all enemies and victorie against all vice From our whole heartes therefore ought wee to reioyce in the great and blessed fruites of thy holie passion O Lorde Iesu whilest wee are in this feeble life graunt vs so to liue that wee maye direct all our workes desires and intentes according to thy godlie will and pleasure that this our temporall course may bee founde and finished in thy grace that after the ouercomming of all temptations and carefull things we may come to the reward of eternall saluation Teach thou vs dayly to die and by the spirit to subdue the flesh that when the flesh corrupteth the spirit may be taken to eternall rest Graunt vs grace chearefully and continually to cleaue vnto thy holy crosse O giue vs blessed teares of true repentance while the doore of grace standeth open graunt that we may stedfastly blessedly finish the thing which commendably is begun Let our daily exercise bee in the confideration of the passion of Christ let him be our mirrour continually let vs not shrinke from the crosse but indure with Christ in life death with him on the crosse with him in the graue and death so shal we continue in rest peace and quietnesse that when Christ our life shall appeare we may rise vp with him in glorie God the Father Sonne and holie Ghost grant this vnto vs all Amen THE BVRIALL OF IESVS CHRIST OVT of the holie Euangelists NOW when it was late for as much as it was the day of preparation afore the Sabaoth there came a rich man of Arimathia named Ioseph such a principall famous Senatour as was iust and righteous The same had not consented to their counsaile and doings for he also was one of those that waited for the kingdome of God a disciple of Iesu but secretly for feare of the Iewes Boldly went he in vnto Pilate and begged the bodie of Iesu But Pilate wondered if he were now dead alreadie And when hee had learned of the Captaine that it was he graunted him the bodie of Iesu and commended it to bee giuen him Ioseph had bought a white linnen cloth and tooke downe the bodie of Iesus and wrapt it in the faire linnen cloth There came also Nicodemus who was come to the Lord afore by night brought mirrhe and Aloes vppon an hundred pound mixt together So taking the body of Iesu they wound it with clothes and prepared it with sweet ointments according as the maner of the Iewes was to burie And by the place where Iesus was crucified there was a garden and in the garden a new sepulchre There Ioseph laid Iesus in his owne new sepulchre which he had caused to be hewen out of a rocke into the which no man had yet been laid Forasmuch then as it was the Iewes day of preparing the
sepulchre being at hand they laide Iesus into it and Ioseph weltred a great stone afore the entrance of the sepulchre and went his way Now followeth the doctrine and contemplation IN the former little Booke we haue heard of the passion of Christ Nowe if our great sinne put vs in feare making our conscience vnquiet and presse vs with the terrour of euerlasting death damnation wee ought to remember that the lambe of GOD beeing slayne and hanged vp vppon the Crosse for our sinnes hath himselfe satisfied for them all and washed them cleane awaye This holy sacrifice was offred vnto God the father for our welfare and euen the same it is that hath taken awaie the sinne and wickednes of all the world Whatsoeuer is read and spoken concerning the passion of Iesus Christ it is altogether done for our eternall wealth and comfort Now is it described of the holy Euangelistes with what honour and glorie his holy body was buried and that not of mean persons but of noble and famous iust men Ioseph and Nicodemus who while Christ yet liued fauored him and were secretly his Disciples But nowe after his death they steppe forth somwhat more stoutly and boldly begging of Pilate the body of Iesu to burie it In the which act is declared their worthy and valiant beliefe and loue vnto the Lord Iesu For their bodies their estimation and goods must they needes put in ieopardy and procure vnto themselues the hatred and displeasure of all the world if they honorably burie him who in his life time was taken to be an euill doer a deceiuer a sedicious murtherer and so was condemned vnto death But thus it pleaseth God in weakenes to declare his owne strength and glorie Thus the dead wheat corne bringeth foorth fruit in the death of Christ and thus appeareth the power of his death For though he verily and trulie died as touching the body yet after the spirit and in mighty power he liueth yea hee himselfe is the life of all things This is the power and fruite of his passion when a mightie and strong spirit dooth exercise it selfe in faithfull beleeuing harts They that afore were ashamed to go openly vnto the Lord steppe now foorth manfully all fearefulnes sette apart ieoparding their bodies and goodes For besides that they put themselues in perill of loosing their life and estimation they bestow also great cost in linnen cloth in costly sweet ointment For they bury not Iesus as an euil doer but as an honourable man and friend of God according to their custome Loe what a thing it is to cleaue somewhat vnto Christ how feeblie soeuer it bee doone it bringeth alwaie great fruite in his time No man therefore ought to bee reiected that cleaueth anie thing vnto Christ and earnestly seeketh him Faith is strengthened in affliction and aduersitie the death of Christ giueth power vnto the fearefull In death beginneth his honour and glorie to appeare there are all thinges faire and beautifull Centurio giueth testimonie and maketh an honourable confession and so doo they that were vnder him Necessarie it was we should beleeue and confesse that Iesus verilie died vpon the crosse therefore do the Euangelists describe it so perfectly howe his bodie was taken downe from the Crosse by Ioseph and was laid in the Sepulchre To the intent that wee also might beleeue and confesse that he hath broken the bands of death and is from death mightily risen againe For life might not bee holden captiue in death neither might death with the rules thereof alwaies binde him that of all thinges is the life in whome wee liue mooue and haue our beeing Heere we must learne to know the eternall infallible foresight and prouidence of God who for his annointed appointeth afore hande an honourable Sepulchre and mooueth the heartes of his elect to burie the bodie of Iesu which els vndoubtedly had bene vilely cast out remained still vnburied How be it his buriall and rest must needs bee honourable as the Prophet saith Esa 11. For when hee by death had finished the course of his life and the woorke of his father this rest appertained to his honour and the father heard him as hee praied afore Father make thy sonne honourable or glorifie thy sonne This began in the buriall there was the faire white linnen cloth the new sepulchre the honorable men and excellent dead buriers as witnesses of his death there were the hundred pounds of pretious costly oyntment All these thinges were euidences of a glorious new and immortall life which Christ had in his bodie as the firstling of his deed and as we also shall haue according to our measure The sepulchre is newe partly to preuent all wrong suspition for if anie man had lyen in that sepulchre afore it might easily haue beene suspected or talked that Christ was not risen againe from the dead but some other partlie to declare the newnesse of lyfe in Christ and in those that are his as it is sayde afore By this also wee see into what pouertie Christ submitted himselfe hee that in his life time had neyther house nor place where to lay his heade is nowe couered with straunge cloth and layde in a straunge Sepulchre In the which thing though Christs bodie was alwaie vncorrupt we are taught fruitfullye to consider the corruption of our body We are earth and to the earth must wee yeelde and paie earth againe Ashes wee be and into ashes wee must returne Why bragge wee then Why are we proud and high minded seeing that shortly we shall become foule doong and carrion Why haue wee such desire to the wicked worlde considering it casteth vs out so vilely We should alwaie remember that within a small short time we shall be laid down into a foule pit There is the harborow of all fleshe There lie the rich and poore together in one bedde There is no difference betweene noble and base of bloud There neither goods helpe the rich nor subtile craft the wittie There the tender is worms meat and he that a little while agoe went bragging vp and downe in costly apparell is now an vglie smell to the nose There the hardie Giant is faine to play stoupe gallaunts parte The praise and commendacion of such as are puft vp in foolishe pride departeth as the dust before the wind Thus passeth away all mankind and all flesh falleth to the place whence he came being dissolued by reason of originall sinne Wherfore let vs learne in this time so to liue and so to subdue the flesh through the spirite that when the flesh corrupteth our soule may bee taken into eternall peace and rest For all we that be baptized into Christ Iesus are baptized into his death beeing buried with him rhrough baptisme into death that as Christ was raised vp from the dead through the glory of his father so we likewise might walke in the newnesse of life For if we be grassed in him through the
the thinges that had happened Then gathered they themselues with the Elders and tooke counsaile and gaue large money vnto the soldiers saying Say ye that his Disciples came by night and stole him away while yee slept And if this come to the rulers eares wee will perswade him and saue you harmelesse So they tooke the money and did as they were taught And this saying is noised among the Iewes vnto this day Now as the women were in the way going they saide among themselues Who will roule vs the stone away from the doore of the Sepulchre for it was a verie great one as they looked they sawe that the stone was rolled awaie Then went they into the Sepulchre and found not the bodie of the Lord Iesu but saw a young man sitting at the right side clothed in a long white garment and they were afraid But the Aungell sayde vnto them Feare not I knowe whome yee seeke Ye seeke Iesus of Nazareth that was crucified Hee is not heere he is risen as he saide Beholde the place where they laide him But goe yee and tell his Disciples and Peter that he is risen againe from the dead Behold hee goeth before you into Galilee as he said vnto you Lo I haue tolde you Doctrine and fruit THE resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead is verie diligently and perfectly described of the foure Euangelistes for right profitable and necessarie is it for the strengthening and stablishing of our beleefe in Christ And whereas in the description of this historie they speake not all alike the same happeneth to our wealth through the ordinaunce of the holie Ghost that we should exercise our faith therein and applie our diligence perfectly to learne and comprehend the same Resurrection of Christ For where that is right conceyued and beleeued there is faith perfect The Euangelistes nowe in describing Christes Resurrection doo most of all declare to what high honour Christ came after death and that in one order and degree according as our beleefe and weakenesse increaseth and groweth towards perfection At the first is faith in vs feeble and vnperfect but through the grace of him that hath giuen it it daily groweth Verie hard also is it for our naturall reason to receiue and beleeue the resurrection of the dead therefore doe the Euangelistes right diligently and with manie wordes set forth the same resurrection of Christ that our beleefe therein might be assured and stedfast For whosoeuer truely and constantly beleeueth the resurrection of Iesu Christ is readie prepared to beleeue all that concerneth Christ Neither is there anie thing that maketh a man more ioyfull then when he beleeueth that at the comming of the Lorde he shal rise againe and receiue a glorified bodie after Christ and with Christ What can be tedious to suche a faithfull beleeuing man when hee beholdeth so high a rewarde from God Diligently therefore ought we to heare what the holy Euangelists write of his resurrection and to giue credence to the witnesses that saw it First wee heare agayne the great zeale and the feruent loue and diligence of these deuout women in that they desire to shew honour vnto the Lorde being dead but the Angell a messenger of his resurrection commaundeth them to declare this ioy vnto the Disciples and to get them vnto the Lord nowe being aliue Heauenly is the messenger and proclaimer of the resurrection for it passeth farre all natural reason and all flesh Therefore are the women also afraid of him and at the faire brightnes of his countenance and apparel For our feeble flesh is not able to sustaine the glorious shine of the heauenly light and godly clearenes but is afraid at it and feareth Neuerthelesse God by his Angell doth right soon comfort the womens weakenes taketh from them their feare speaketh louingly vnto them maketh them Apostles that is messengers and proclaimers of the ioifull resurrection So little doth God reiect our weaknes that he maketh euen women to be the declarers of his resurrection for he euer delighteth of the last to make the first Forasmuch then as they were the beginners of death in sinne they are heere first afore the Apostles chosen to bee declarers of that immortall life which euen out of death is come forth vnto vs in Christ As Christ with the earthquake died on the crosse so riseth hee with the earthquake which also was heard in the sending of the holie Ghost This signified that through his death and resurrection and by the power of the holy Ghost when the Apostles declare the same in the world the whole world should be moued and chaunged And though the vngratious falshood of the high Priestes vndertooke with their lies to hide and suppresse the trueth of Christs resurrection yet God did directe it an other waie Loo●●her with they minded to oppresse the truth 〈◊〉 with the same haue they helped to set it forth and thereby was it signified how the Iewish people should bee blinded and refused And forasmuch as they had no loue vnto the trueth but reiected it it it was moche that they should be blinded and darkened in lyes and that there shoulde errour and blindnsse enough fall vpon them The Angel is not ashamed to call Iesus the crucified for the crosse is the token of Christes victorie through the crosse beganne his honour and glorie through the crosse was death ouercome the crosse is the glorious token of all Christians In the crosse is the exaltation of Christ the heade and of all his members Wee ought not therefore to bee ashamed of the crosse of our Lorde which was crucified for therein standeth our health life and resurrection all our reioicing and glorie Commission is giuen that vnto Peter before other disciples they should declare the Lords resurrectiō that from the feare wherin he stood by reason of the denial he might be deliuered and so comforted He sendeth them to Galilee thither wil he go before them that they might bee safe from the feare of the Iewes which at that time raged horribly Grant vs O God an earnest zeale and loue vnto the poore in whom we may highly honor Iesus thy son And wheras we throgh the weaknes of the flesh are inclined to bee faint hearted and not able of our selues to behold the bright shine and clearnes of his glorious Resurrection strengthen and comfort thou vs by thy holie Angell that wee may constantly beleeue the Resurrection of thy sonne whereby 〈◊〉 receiuing an holy hope of the life to come 〈…〉 immortall Resurrection of our bodies may be 〈◊〉 also to comfort and strengthen others that be 〈◊〉 O make thou this hard earth of our fleshe to 〈◊〉 and mooue through the power of thy spirit to holie fruitfull pennaunce amendment and confession of our life Preserue vs that wee neuer resist the truth nor take part with lies Graunt vs loue vnto the truth keepe vs from errour and blindnesse Let our ioye bee in the crosse
of Iesu Christ thy sonne and our life in his resurrection that wee with him in him may truly rise againe hereto a godly righteous and sober life and in the world to come to the blessed life euerlasting Amen AND the women went out quickly and fled from the sepulchre for they trembled and were amazed Neither said they any thing to anie man for they were affraid Mary Magdalen ranne and came to Simon Peter and to the other Disciple who Iesus loued and said vnto them They haue taken the Lord away out of the Sepulchre we wote not where they haue laid him Then went Peter foorth and the other Disciple and came to the Sepulchre They both ranne together and the other Disciple out-ranne Peter and came sooner to the sepulchre And hee stouped downe and saw the linnen cloathes lying yet went he not in Then came Simon Peter following him and went into the Sepulchre and saw the linnen clothes lying and the napkin that was about his head not lying with the linen cloths but 〈◊〉 togeather in a place by it selfe Ther went in 〈…〉 Disciple which came first to the Sepulchre 〈…〉 and beleeued For as yet they knewe not the 〈…〉 hee should rise againe from death And the 〈◊〉 Disciples went away againe vnto their owne home But Marie stood without at the Sepulchre weeping And as shee wept shee bowed herselfe into the Sepulchre and saw two Aungels in white sitting the one at the head the other at the feete where they had laide the bodie of Iesus And they said vnto her Woman why weepest thou She said vnto them For they haue taken away my Lorde and I wote not where they haue laid him When shee had thus said she turned her selfe backe and saw Iesus standing and knew not that it was Iesus Then said Iesus vnto her Woman why weepest thou Whom seekest thou She supposing that he had beene a gardener saide vnto him Sir if thou haue borne him hence tell me where thou hast laid him and I will fetch him Iesus said vnto her Marie She turned her selfe and said vnto him Raboni which is to say Maister Then said Iesus vnto her Touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father But go to my brethren and say vnto them I ascend vp vnto my father and your father vnto my God your God Marie Magdalene came tolde the disciples which had been with the Lord now were weeping and mourning that she had seen the Lord and that he had spoken such things vnto her But though they heard that he was aliue that Mary had seen him yet they beleeued not Doctrine and fruite THE Euangelists do most diligently set forth to vs the resurrectiō of Christ as a thing necessary profitable and ioyfull vnto all faithfull beleeuers For in the resurrection we see how Christ 〈◊〉 and what hope we haue in him But this resurrection do the Euangelists teach according as mans 〈◊〉 ●standing may comprehend it For if Christ had sodainly at once opened himselfe to his Disciples so that other exhortations warninges were not gone before then should they haue taken it but for a plain fantasie and vision as they did when the Lorde appeared vnto them vppon the water Therefore the Euangelistes describe the matter verie distinctly and sundrie wayes so that no man can bee able to suspect anie deceyte First how the women and men came to the sepulchre looked and went in and how they viewed euerie thing throughly not once but oft and manie times the clothes wherein the Lorde was wrapped the heade kerchiefe euerie thing folden together in his seuerall place and how they saw and perceyued that the bodie was not there that the Sepulchre was open the stone rolled away and how the Aungels and heauenly spirits testified that hee was risen agayne Yet for all this they are weak and beleeue it not stedfastly but bee as yet in a doubt Thus GOD permitteth them to wauer and to bee feeble of beleefe and doth not throughly perswade them forthwith and that altogether for our sakes Hee might well sodainely haue certified and assured Thomas and them at the first but thus is it better both for them and vs. For the more a sicke man feeleth his owne disease and woundes the more acceptable is the medicine vnto him The weaker that our beleefe is the more cause haue wee to call vpon God for the increase of faith the more weaknesse we find in our selues the farther are we in debt and the more bound to praise God When hee maketh vs strong and seeing it is his onely strength that staieth vs we ought the lesse to reioyce in our owne Christ in his life time had oft tolde them afore of his resurrection but their mind was so dul that they vnderstood it not neither perceiued they that great mysterie The resurrection of the bodies they could not comprehend but alway vnderstood it otherwise There was much written thereof and that with euident woordes in the Scripture as in the sixteenth Psalme and in the figure of Ionas and yet could not they vnderstand it Which thing neuertheles to beleeue Christ had giuen them occasion sundrie wais As in that hee raised vp Lazarus other which were dead and made them aliue againe In all his preaching and doctrine he declared that this was vnto him in no wise vnpossible by reason of the diuine power working in him For all this the disciples are yet so weake that they vnderstand it not all Therfore doth the godly wisedome lead them still by little and little to make them stronger declaring vnto them certaine assured euidences as that the bodie was not in the sepulchre but that the clothes lay there wrapt together for these were vndoubted tokens that he was risen vp againe For if any man had taken him out of the sepulchre as Magdalen thoght he could not haue had so much time and leisure as to loose vp the bands and to vndoo the clothes from the bodie but had taken and carried awaie the clothes and bodie together For the clothes dyd cleaue hard fast to the bodie partly by reason of the 〈◊〉 and partly through the Aloes and Myrrhe than the bodie was dressed withall But for all this they are weake still and in doubt vntill such time as the Lord himselfe doth strengthen them Therefore euen Marie also as feruent as shee is iudgeth not the bodie to be risen againe but to bee stollen and priuily carryed awaie thus God openeth himselfe vnto whom and when hee will for though wee see sometimes many great and wonderfull workes though wee reade and heare much of the Scriptures yet remaineth our hart still ignorant neither doth the doctrine take effect till Christ open it and till he himselfe be schoole-master within Who so would rather haue another and higher sense or exposition than this it may bee vnderstood that Christ appeareth vnto those which mourne and weepe and
they might not think What should we poore simple bodies doe against so many learned wise men Who wil arme vs against those that are so mightie Therfore he breatheth vpon them saith Receyue the holie Ghost whome hee there giueth them and therewith strengtheneth them inwardly but with much more power and might vpon Whitsonday whereupon he commandeth them to wait at Hietusalem where he will send them the promise of the Father cloathing the weake with heauenlie strength as with a garment and arming them as with a shield What good thing then can hee lacke or what euill thing can hurt him which is his messenger that hath all power in heauen and in earth and with whome such a king is euer abiding But when Christ would send out his disciples he saith vnto them As my father hath sent me so send I you Whereunto did the father send his sonne into the world Euen that hee should open the glorie of the father vnto the world that he should declare the will of the heauenly Father that hee shoulde offer health vnto the worlde This to doe Christ also sent foorth his Disciples He sent them not to seeke after vaine-glorie after power and riches after bodilie pleasure and worldly pompe but to do as he himself did Christ sought the lost sheepe brought men vnto the knowledge and loue of the true liuing GOD taught them to lead a vertuous and honest life Hee was a Phisition went to the sicke helped them and healed them he was not come to do his owne will but the will of his Father hee was not come to condemne the world but to saue it In all this ought the ministers of the worde to followe Christ and to do as he did Vnto this new heauenly and godlie life and worke Christ giueth them the holie Ghost For like as hee himselfe was risen into a newe life Euen so through his holie spirite will hee graunt and giue a newe life vnto those that are his Therefore breatheth hee vppon them to declare that it is hee who at the beginning made man and nowe by his death had quickened him and renewed him and that euen he is the fountaine and giuer of the spirite Thus vnto his Disciples he gaue the firstlinges of the promised spirite and with it a taste of more and greater perfection as an earnest pennie All this declareth what belongeth to true Apostles and Ministers of the worde which are sent of Christ for no man sendeth himselfe what their office is and that they which seeke the pleasures of the bodie honor praise and riches are not followers of Christ and successors of the Apostles Wherefore most diligently ought wee to pray vnto GOD that he will giue vs faithfull Ministers of the worde which looking truelie to the worke of Christ maye leade vs vnto God But forasmuch as without the holy Ghost nothing can be fruitfully done we must neuerthelesse praie for his holy spirite who may in vs stirre vp holy thoughts and deuout desires directing and mouing our will and so giuing power and strength to accomplish the works of God and steadfastly therin to continue and that the same holy spirit may illuminate and kindle our minds and prouoke them vnto all good and godly works Considering then that the keies which were promised vnto Peter in him to the whole Church Matthew 16. are heere giuen of Christ wee will also intreate somewhat thereof These keyes are nothing else than the Gospell Christ now deduceth his oration from the common custome of men Like as things corporal are shut and opened with the key so be the consciences of men shut or bound with the Gospell Thus are these the keies which Christ giueth vnto the Apostles vnburdening of consciences and souls And that commeth to passe when the holy Ghost illuminateth the mind that it vnderstandeth the misteries of Christ committeth it selfe therevnto To bee discharged or vnbound is when the minde that hath despaired of health or saluation is lifte vp to an assured and vndoubted hope To binde is to leaue the obstinate vnbeleeuing minde vnto it selfe Iesus therefore sendeth foorth his disciples to publish this health vnto the whole world and to exclude separate no man from this grace But first he giueth them the holy Ghost as Iohn sayth that is he openeth their mindes that they may vnderstand the Scriptures as Luke saith for what is it else to open the vnderstanding but to giue the holy Ghost Meete is it also and conuenient that they which by the Gospell should beare Christ throughout the whole world should receiue the holy ghost For if they should preach Christ it was necessarie they had Christs spirit seeing that Christ they had one manner of thing in hand as Christ was sent of God so were they sent of Christ Without fruit verily should the ministers of the word preach the gospel if they were not endued illuminated and inspired with the holy Ghost Preach saith he the gospel that is the key wherewith the gate of heauen is opened Who so beleeueth the Gospell when hee heareth it preached and vnderstandeth it feeleth comfort in his conscience that he is deliuered from sinne Now doth the Gospell set before vs not onely the grace of God by Christ throgh the which grace our sinnes are forgiuen vs but also it teacheth and requireth a new life Neyther doth anie man begin a new life vnles he first be ashamed of the former old and wicked life Therefore saith Luke that Christ opened the mindes and vnderstanding of the disciples that they might perceiue the Scriptures namely that he might thus and thus suffer and rise again and that in his name that is in his commandement and power conuersion of life and forgiuenesse of sinnes should bee preached and declared among all people Therefore when the poore sinner through the preaching of the holy Ghost heareth his wicked and sinfull life for the holy gospel rebuketh the world of sinne he beginneth to knowe himselfe a sinner and to be displeased repentant and sorrie for his sinnes he considereth also that he is well worthie of eternal punishment and damnation By meanes whereof through the multitude and greatnesse of his sinnes he vtterly dispaireth in his owne power and righteousnesse and eternall saluation But therewithall he heareth also that Christ by reason of his sins came downe from heauen and dyed for him vppon the crosse washed away al his sinnes with his bloud hath reconciled him with God made him Gods child an eternall inheritour of his kingdome And this he stedfastly beleeueth I pray you doth not such a mans heart leape for ioy when hee heareth that thorough Christ he is discharged of all the sinnes that so sore pressed him The keies therefore are the pure word of God which teacheth men to know themselues and to put their trust in God through Christ With that word with those keies do the ministers of the worde open
gracious father who can right well order and dispose them how when he will as he thinketh best to further his glorie and to edifie his elect children Our care ought rather to bee how we may lead a godly life and beautifie the faith of Christ with good woorkes Wee must looke that wee bee neither vngodlie nor hypocrites but to liue vertuously and innocently in his sight and paciently at his hande to wayte for our deliuerance The kingdome of Christ that is published and offered through the Gospell is not a corporall but a spirituall kingdome neither consisteth it in outward things but in a pure and faithfull beleeuing heart and yet reacheth it throughout the whole worlde and amongst all nations In the hearts of all faithfull beleeuers doth Christ raigne through his spirite and there ouercommeth hee the deuill sinne and death And to the intent they shoulde well vnderstande this kingdome he commaundeth them to waite for the holy spirite whom he had promised them as if he would say Now goe I to my Father now enter I into my kingdome that I may mightily raigne vpon the earth this thing yee vnderstand not but when the spirite is giuen you yee shall perceyue it well All thinges in heauen and in earth are giuen into my power In those that are mine shall I raigne and make them righteous through fayth yea inuincible shall I make them against all enemies heereof shall yee beare witnesse when yee are baptized through the holie Ghost This my kingdome shall ye publish in all nations from one ende of the world to another Thus shall I raigne from sea to sea of the which my kingdome the Prophetes spake so much before Of this kingdome dooth Christ take possession through his ascending vp to the Father at whose right hande and in this kingdome hee sitteth raigning much more mightily in his Church and working more effectuously in those that be his than hee did before when he liued yet corporally with him Thus taking his leaue hee giueth them louing wordes comforteth them and admonisheth them of their office that they all may be diligent therin that they continually direct and lift vp their heartes into that kingdome and that they take in hand to bring all men to the same into the obedience of Christ His blessing hee giueth them saluting them wishing them good and praying hartily vnto his Father for them Thus was hee taken from them and carryed into heauen By the heuen we vnderstand the incomprehensible light in the which God dwelleth which no mortall man can attaine vnto From thence came Christ vnto vs and thither is hee gone againe euen into the inuisible glorie and clearenes of God For the eternall worde and power of GOD dwelling in Gods incomprehensible light from euerlasting became man and had his conuersation vpon earth in all partes sinne excepte as a verie true man But when hee had fullie finished and throughly ended the worke that was giuen him in commission of his heauenly Father and had obeyed him euen vnto the death for as much as in all thinges hee had honoured and glorified his Father vppon earth it was conuenient that the Father also shoulde glorifie his Sonne And therefore raysed hee him from death and tooke him vp into heauen not after the Godhead for so was hee alwaies in heauen but after the manhoode For his true humane nature which hee tooke vppon him for our sakes is carryed and taken vp out of this world into the inuisible honour and glorie into the highest incomprehensible and into the perfect fruition of the Godhead In this honour and glorie Christ dwelleth and raigneth and yet amongst those that are his doth he finish and performe all things by his spirite hauing gouernance in the harts of the faithfull through beliefe through loue through patience and innocencie of life To the intent now that this kingdome might be erected in the hearts of men it was necessarie that he should giue his disciples commission to publish the same and to prepare mens minds thervnto through the preaching of the Gospell But first hee made the mindes of his disciples readie and apt to receiue the holy ghost whom he afterwards poured into others by them and therefore he commaunded them vntill the spirite appeare and open the worke to waite still at Hierusalem from the which place the kingdome of Christ was afterwardes planted in all the world Of the promise of the spirite reade Esay 44. Iere. 31. Ezech. 36. Ioel. 2. Iohn 19.16 Considering that the mysterie of Christs ascention is great and excellent and that there is notable power contained therein to those that be faithful beleeuers the Euangelists doe therefore describe verie perfectly the time the place the persons with all circumstances and assured testimonies thereof Hee ascendeth vp before his disciples that they might openly and euidently see it with theyr eyes there did appeare Angels as messengers and witnesses from heauen euen two of them that in the mouth of two all trueth might bee established The white apparrell signifieth the euident glorie into the which Christ is taken vp as a noble royall and mightie king and conquerour entring into his heauenlie kingdome Thus the high and glorious king cloathed with our nature is entred into our royall pallace as one that mindeth faithfully to dispatch our matters Hee is our owne mediatour and aduocate in the presence of the Father notwithstanding our sinnes committed wee haue a free entraunce vnto GOD by him Our flesh hath hee in himselfe carryed vp and exalted our nature vnto the right hande of GOD the Father Wherefore wee that are bones of his bones and flesh of his flesh doe iustly conceyue a comfortable and assured hope that our mortall bodyes also shall bee taken vp and haue immortall and eternall ioye The earnest pennie of his spirite hath hee giuen and left behinde him vnto vs and contrariwise hee hath of vs taken an earnest pennie and pledge namely our sinfull and wicked flesh which hee in himselfe hath carryed vp into the kingdome of heauen Nowe where the parcell is there shall also bee the whole summe By this wee that are flesh and bloud haue a comfortable and assured trust that in Christ wee shall haue the possession and inheritaunce of heauen Our sinnes in him are recompenced heauen in him is opened in him is the hope of immortall life sealed and made sure vnto vs Christ the victorious glorious conquerour is able to defend his church So that from henceforth no man shall haue power to condemne his elect and faithfull beleeuers Rom. 8. Heb. That his flesh is with-drawne from vs and taken into heauen it is our great profite to the intent that all our deuotion and Gods seruice may bee directed vpwardes in the spirite and that the mindes of faythfull beleeuers maye bee drawne from earthlie vnto heauenly thinges euen vnto the place where Christ sitteth on the right hande of GOD the Father When the Disciples
sawe that theyr Schoolemaister was taken away from them into heauen they perceiued and considered the thing that they knewe not before although Christ had told it them Iohn 6. Namely that by the Ascension they should receyue vnderstanding Therefore they worshipped Iesus Christ and according vnto his commaundement they returned to Hierusalem where they kepte themselues vntill the time that the spirite came neyther were they idle but continued in the holie fellowshippe and godlie exercises with praier and deuotion preparing and making themselues readie vnto the comming of the spirite By occasion heereof all nicenesse curiositie and contentious questions all pride vaine-glorie and fonde affections and desires sette aparte wee ought with vpright mindes and with the eyes of faith to be alway taken vp into heauen and there to haue our dwelling where Christ our head sitteth at the right hand of God king and Lord of all thinges our faithfull aduocate and mediatour Then shall true godlynesse increase then shall vertue blessedlie grow and bring forth fruit in vs if wee with steadfast faith doe consider that our Lord Iesus Christ dyed for our sakes rose againe from death and is exalted at the right hand of God raigning mightily aboue all things in heauen and finishing our saluation if wee in spirite and in the truth worship and honour him as the eternal God confessing with a true faith that all power is giuen vnto him of God the father that he careth for vs and that for our healths sake hee ruleth and shall raigne vntill all things be brought vnder his feet In the meane time he dayly in his church purifieth al his members by his spirit cleansing them still more and more from all their sinnes And when hee shall haue rooted out all sinne in his elect ouercomming death the last enemie so that God shall be all in all then shall Christ also giue vp his kingdome vnto God the father namely the mediation for our sinnes the purging of the same defence against the deuill and deliueraunce from death For then shall there be no more sinne in the elect so that he shal not need to be mediator for them to purge from sinne to defend against the deuil or to deliuer from death Oh mercifull father graunt vs perfectly to know thy blessed and glorious kingdome of Christ thy sonne drawe vp our hearts in such sort that we with all obedience maye yeelde our selues into this kingdome seeing and regarding onely those thinges that are aboue and wholy applying our selues vnto this ende that the same heauenly kingdome may be farre spread abroad and knowne vnto all men To the intent that as for all worldly things wherin many foolish people set all their saluation but in vaine men may vtterly refuse them and hartily with bodie and soule and with their whole life may giue ouer themselues perfectly vnto the onely Lord Iesus Christ the true God For thy good pleasure it was O God that in him all perfectnes should dwell and that by him al things towards thee should be reconciled and pacified through his bloud whether they be in heauen or in earth Graunt vs O God vnitie and brotherly loue in thy holie Church kindle our harts to feruent and deuout prayer make vs diligently to watch circumspectly to waite for the comming of thy beloued sonne that we neither be drunken in excesse and bodilie lust nor intangled with the snares of this world but that we hauing alwayes the eyes of our heart open and praying with vpright mindes may chearefully meet our redeemer ioy with him for euer To him be eternall praise and honor Amen THE SENDING OF THE HOLY GHOST WHen the fiftie daies were come to an end they were all with one accord together in one place and sodainely there came a sound from heauen as it had beene the comming of a mightie winde and it filled all the house where they sate And there appeared vnto them clouen tongs like as they had bin of fire and it sate vpon each one of them and they were all filled with the holy Ghost and beganne to speake with other tongues euen as the same spirit gaue them vtterance Doctrine and fruite HEere the Euanglist Luke describeth how that after Christ entered into his glorie the Gospell euen the heauenly doctrine and grace was opened vnto the world downe from heauen by a glorious and great miracle For though the lawe which is the will of God and also the Gospell that is his grace hath from the beginning beene alwayes in the worlde namelie in the heartes of Gods elect children yet was each one of them at seuerall times gloriously vttered vnto the worlde by manifest and apparant myracle And like as the holie Ghost was in the heartes of the faythfull beleeuers for after the Resurrection hee gaue the spirite vnto the Disciples euen so heere hee giueth them the spirite with an open myracle and with a more perfect woorking and power For the spirite which Christ gaue them after his Resurrection when he breathed vpon them was euen this day with more perfection that is to say his operation and strength declared it selfe more euidently and more perfectly and shewed his presence by the visible miracle Thus is it heere described how the promise of Christ and of the Prophets made as concerning the holie Ghost were fulfilled and how the same holie Ghost who is the teacher of the trueth the earnest pennie of saluation the wedding ring of grace and ioye of the minde was giuen Nowe when it is saide that the holie Ghost is giuen vnto men the same may bee vnderstood of the giftes and operations of the holie Ghost for though GOD may bee comprehended of mans minde yet can he not bee included or shut therein Neuerthelesse his giftes according to his will and pleasure are poured and measured into our heartes vnto euerie one so much as maye ferue● 〈…〉 ●fite Who so is desirous to knowe 〈…〉 Ghost is promised vnto faithfull bele● 〈…〉 reade Ezech. 36.39 Ioel. 2. Math. 3. Now 〈…〉 God the Father hath promised by his Mini● 〈…〉 same also doth Christ his sonne promise where● wee may see that the sonne hath like power with the father and that there is but one onely spirite of them both as wee may reade Luk. 12. Iohn But before wee come to the sending of the spirite wee will first substantially and well peruse the storie and looke what maye bee gathered thereof For heere is nothing written or sette downe in vaine The Euangelist doth heere make mention of the fift day vpon the which this great wonder was don In the which there lyeth hidde a notable mysterie The Iewes from the day that they offered the Easter Lambe told fiftie dayes and vpon the fiftith day was the feast of weekes In the which feast they kept holyday offering vnto GOD a willing sacrifice of the first fruites when they cutte them downe Wee beginne to number from the resurrection of Christ
that Images must bee had in Churches that pardons must bee bought with money and such lyke things which are not grounded in the doctrine of Christ nor of the Apostles nor mencioned in the Articles of the right and true auncient beleefe but inuented by the fantasie couetousnes of men The second thing that must bee constantly and inuiolably kept in the Church of God is the communion and fellowshippe namely that none looke vnto his owne singular profite that no man seeke himselfe but that euerie member looking one to another what hee lacketh supplye the same helping him and comforting him and giuing him the best counsell he can This friendly loue and louing fellowshippe ought to bee among Christians All temporall and outwarde goods ought to bee common among them Not as some fondly thinke that I must defraud another of that which is his or take it agaynst his will whether hee wyll or no or that I shoulde goe idlely and loytering eating and consuming that which other men labour and trauaile for or to thinke that when I doo seruice and am profitable to no man euery man shall giue and serue mee Christian loue which groweth out of the beleefe and doctrine of the Gospell must distribute the goods and make them common it must not bee anie mans greedie desire presumption nor wilfulnesse that shall doo it All faithfull beleeuers are one bodie nowe lyke as in the bodie one member serueth to the profite and wealth of another so ought one Christian to helpe and serue another in loue The eye looketh not to himselfe onely but vnto the whole bodie the mouth eateth for the whole bodie and for all the other members the stomacke digesteth for all the whole bodie and for all the members Thus ought it to bee lykewise among the spirituall members of the bodie of our sauiour Iesus Christ No man must bee wise and learned for himselfe onely no man ought to be rich for himselfe but euerie mannes giftes must serue to the profite one of another and to the edyfieng and sustaining of the whole bodie Euery one is bound to serue the bodie according to the gift and measure which the spirit of God hath distributed vnto him Among all liuing creatures there is none created to a more louing and friendly societie and fellowshippe than man Heerevnto serue all sciences and handie crafts that men after a friendly manner agreeing among themselues may relieue one anothers necessitie and want and helpe beare one anothers burthen Heereunto serue all inwarde giftes of the minde as reason and iudgement will and remembraunce Also the speech giuen of God vnto man whereby one is knowen and discerned and made priuie one to another And therefore is man borne into this world without anie defence or weapon bare naked and feeble whereas all other creatures liuing in this worlde bring with them euerie one his weapon and defence The Beare hath his clawes and teeth the horse his hoofe the oxe his hornes the hedghegge his prickes and the serpent his poyson c. Onely man is borne smooth and vnweaponed to signifie that hee must not bee madde furious and terrible but milde louing and gentle there must bee one minde one meaning and one will Man also commeth into the worlde bare and naked weake feeble and impotent not able to doo anie manner of thing to helpe himselfe but must stande vnto the curtesie of another for if he be not helped releeued and succoured he coulde not choose but perish there were no remedie Whereby almightie God will declare that there is no man that eyther may or can liue without the helpe and comfort of another Thus the poore wretched and distressed childe lying vppon all foure whome if it were not for pittie no man woulde take vp but let it lye still is helped nourished and brought vp of the mother nourse c. Other folkes must cherish it by other folkes helpe must it liue for nothing doeth it bring with it into this worlde wit must begge and borrowe euerie thing and therefore it weepeth and crieth This teacheth vs to doo good to bee obedient louing and thankfull to our parents and vnto those which bring vs vp and doo cherishe vs that wee recompence them according to our power By this also wee learne to helpe others and to haue compassion of them when they are in need remembring and considering out of what miserie and pouertie other folks haue helped and brought vs. Who is hee that is at this present so rich so mightie and strong in this worlde if hee wyll liue but hee must vse the helpe and seruice of poore and feeble folkes as the Husbandman the Miller the Baker the Shepheard the Weauer c. yea the higher and greater anie man is in office or authoritie so much the more must he vse and haue the helpe of other people that are not so great as himselfe Therefore doeth GOD sette vp some so high that they must make prouision and helpe all those which are ynder them seeing that they must haue the vse of them all For the poore and they that bee vnder must supporte and beare vp the rich and mightie as pillers doo the house that they fall not For without the helpe and seruice of such are not they able to liue in theyr dignitie and calling one daie Therefore it is ordayned of Almightie God in his secrete wisedome that certayne Countries lacke some things whereof others haue sufficicient and too much that one might bee sustayned by another and that no man shal be inough to him selfe GOD hath giuen vnto man remembraunce to the intent that hee shoulde neuer forget the benefites which hee from his youth vpwardes hath receiued of others and dayly doth receiue without the which hee cannot liue And also agayne remember and forget not howe and in what manner hee ought to behaue himselfe in loue in compassion in succour and in faithfulnesse towardes those that haue anie wayes neede of his helpe To this is hee moued when he considereth and pondereth in his thoughts the weaknesse feeblesse and necessitie of mannes corrupt nature which constraineth vs to lacke so manye things Heereof groweth vnitie loue and fellowship among men when we cast and call to our minds thus eyther hee hath beene or is nowe profitable vnto vs or he doth good vnto ours of whom wee haue profite or heereafter hee may doo vs some good This to bee so there is not anie man that can denie And whereas wee perceiue not this and are not of one minde friendly and fellowes in loue and good wyll one towardes another but giuen vnto such variaunce dissention strife and discorde it commeth through the darknesse of our owne wicked and frowarde natures and dispositions Forasmuch now as our eies are so blinded that wee see not Gods ordinance and creation in man our eares are so stopped that wee will not heare the playne and perfect voyce of nature our vnderstanding and remembrance so dull and blunt
thou thorough thy Gospell doest send vnto vs for without him is no safegard but eternall death damnation From which keep vs good Lord for thy mercies sake Amen FINIS Iohn 13. Luk. 22. 1. Cor. 5. Esay 53. Iohn 1 Exod. 12. 〈◊〉 67. 1 Pet. 1. 1. Iohn 1. 1. Cor. 11. 1. Cor. 9. 1. Pet 2. Iohn 6. Iohn 15. Iohn 13. 1. Ioh 2.3.4 Iohn 15. Loue. Humblenes The exhortation and warning of Christ The presumption rashnes of Peter The dignitie and worthines of the disciples The foreknowledge of Christ The presumptuousnes of Iudas Treason commeth of the deuill Loue. Aduersitie Patience Meeknes The feare of God Faith Eternall reward Christes death our life The fruite of the death of Christ Christ is the onely way He that loueth worketh Psal 34. Gods commandement All things possible to beleeuers Loue ouercommeth all things Faith Loue keeping of the cōmandements The office of Gods spirite Comfort strength in aduersitie We must all be ●aught of God which is don by the spirite The peace of Christ through the spirit Phil 4. Worldly peace Our nature exalted in Christ Comfort in aduersitie The deuill hath nothing in the faithfull We must suffer that we may bee obedient vnto the father To abide in Christ Eph. 2 Col. 2. What it is to abide in Christ Punishment of vnthankfulnes How the faithfull are cleane 1. Pet. 1. Faith bringeth fruite The good workes are not open What wee ought to p●a●e Entirely doth Christ loue those that are his Iohn 4. Loue is an euidence of faith What foloweth out of the loue of God Tokens of Gods loue to vs. Iohn 1. 1. Cor. 2. Rom. 5. Ephes 1. Rom. 5. We are chosen to bring forth fruit We ought to indure in loue Phil. 2. The commandement of God is loue Iohn 13. 1. Pet. 2. Exhortation to patienes 1. Pet. 3. Iohn 13. Acts. 5. Rom. 12. Math 26. Acts. 1. Rom. ● 2. Tim. 3. Rom. 8. Rom. 5. Acts· 2. Iohn 15. 1. Pet. 4. Math. 10. Luke 9. Iohn ●● Cant. ● 1. Cor. 14. Heb. 5. Psal 120. Iohn 1● 1. Iohn 5. 1. Ioh. 4. Isa 53. Ioh. 8. Vnbeliefe is the originall of all vices Ioh. 14. 1. Cor. 1. Ioh. 3. Col. 1. Psal 84. Ephe. 4. Rom. 12 Ephe. 3. 1. Cor. 13. 1. Cor. 2. 2. Cor. ● Iohn 4 2. Cor. 4 Heb. 1 1. Cor. 13 Iohn 17. How wee should pray The sanctifiyng of Gods name should we chiefly desire What it is to honour the Father Iohn 14. Christ is the way to God The knowledge of God eternall life The order of our health What it is to keepe Gods commandements Iohn 17.9 How the Ministers of the word should be praied for Math 5. Ephe 4. Phil. 2. Col. 2. Iohn 15. 1. Cor. 4. Ezech. 36 Phil 2. Ephe 2. Iohn 13. Math. 10. Psal ●3 1. Cor. ● 2. Cor. 6 Iames· ● Iohn 17 Eph. 2 Math. 5 Col 3. Phil. 1 2. Cor. 3 1. Thes ● 2. Cor. 4 Iohn 3. Heb. 2. Rom. 7. Gal. 5. Esa 53 Iohn 10 Iob. 2 Math. 5 Rom. 12. Esay 53. 1. Thes 5. Ephes 4. 1. Tim. 3. Math. 15. 2. Tim. 2. Iohn 8. Esay 9. 1. Pet. 3. Gal. 5. Math. 11. Zach. 13 Apoc. 2. Psal 83. ● Psal 119. Ephes 5. 3. Pet 1. Heb. 10. Thes 5. Psal 22. Esay 53. 1. Pet 2.3 Math. 24. Phil. 2. ● Tim. 2. Ezech. 18. Iohn 3 Math 9. 1. Thes 4. Psal ●● Esay ● Iohn 17. 2. Tim. 4. Iohn 11 Iohn 3. Heb. 10. Exod. 12. Zach. 11. Ephes ● Iohn 7. Heb. 12. Math. 27. Marke 15. Luk. 23. Iohn 19. Iohn 19. 1. Cor. 1. Iohn 12. Iohn 17. Rom. 6. 1. Cor. 15 Marke 16. Luk. 24. Math. 28. Iohn 20. Math. 28. The crosse is the glorious victorious token of the faithfull Marke 16. Iohn 20. Angus he beleeued that the bodie was taken away Math. 14. Math. 20. Iohn 11. Luke 7. The number of seauen for many Mark 16 2. Cor. 5 God is a spirit with th● spirit will h● be worshipped Col 3. Phil 3. Psal 22. Rom. ●● Iohn 15. Iere. 31. The glory of the faithfull is hid vnder the crosse Rom. 6. 1. Iohn ● Math. 28. Acts 9. Luk. 24. Luke 24. Luk. 10. 2. Tim. 2. Apoc. 2. Acts. 2. Rom. 10. Iohn 2. Rom. 8. Math 10. 1. Cor 9. 2. Thes ● Iob. 5. Luke 15. Acts. 2. Heb. 11. Rom. 4. 1. Cor. 14 Iohn 4. Iohn ● Luk. 7. Iohn 6. Phil. 3. Math. 16. Petrus of the rocke Iohn 10 2. Cor. 5. Rom. 7. Math. 26. 2. Tim. 4. Math. 28. Esay 2. Psal 109. Iohn 5. Math Iohn Marke 28. Marke 16. Luke 19. Psal 2. Psal 109. Iohn 17. Phil. 2. Math. 10. Iohn 17. Iohn 10 Math. 16. Ioel 2. Luke 15. Math. 9. Iohn 6. Iohn 3. Of the keies Luk. 24 The holy Ghost that worketh in the Apostles forgiueth the sinnes Note this conditiō wel Luke 1● Heb. 13. 1. Tim. 5. 2. Cor. 5 Iohn 13. Math 28. Acts. ● Ezod 25. Deut. 16 Math. 9. Iohn 4. 〈◊〉 2. Mich. 4. Note Ephes 4. Col. 4. Of signes Genes 6. Rom. 8. Sap. 1. Iohn 20. Heb. 1. Col. 1. Gal. 4. Iohn 16. Math. 28. Col 3. Ephes 4. Mal. 2. 1. Cor. 8. Acts. 2. 1. Cor. 2. 1. Cor. 1. Math. 11. Math. 11. Luk. 24. Ioel. 2. Ierem 31. Math. 11. 1. Cor. 12. Esay 11. Psal 75. Iohn .11 Esay 40. Ierem. 31. Luk. 24. Esay 13. Ierem. 15. Amos. ● Esay 56.57 Ezech. 5. Psal 88. 2. Reg 7. Psal 109. Psal 11● Eph. 4 Math. 22. Col. 1 Iohn 1. Mark 16. Rom. ● 1. Ioh. 2. 1. Tim. ● Mat. 7 16● Eph. 4.