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A16859 The Christians guide For his better, and more comfortable passage through the wildernesse of this troublesome world, vnto that promised rest in that heauenly Canaan, the kingdome of glory. Consisting of diuers holy meditations and prayers seruing to that purpose. Alliston, Joseph. 1614 (1614) STC 376.7; ESTC S115949 163,621 588

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them any longer Iere. 17.9 Iohn 8.4 Let them know what they are and whose they are and let them as they haue cause feare and tremble whiles they thinke of it and labour by all meanes to dispossesse that euill spirit that heretofore hath had the rule sway ouer them and in stead therof to haue the holy sanctifying spirit of God dwelling and abiding in them crucifying and mortifying their wicked and corrupt nature quickening them vnto a spirituall life and leading them forward continually to the constant and conscionable practise of all the duties of righteousnesse and holinesse required of them that hereby they may haue the Lords seale set vpon them Rom. 8.14 and be marked out for the redeemed of Christ Iesus those whom he hath bought from this world and Sathan to liue with him in glorie for euer Gratious LORD as it hath pleased thee of thy free and vndeserued grace to redeeme me by the bloud of Christ my Sauiour to vnite me to him by a true sauing and iustifying faith apprehending and laying hold of his merits and absolute satisfaction for my full reconciliation vnto thee so vouchsafe also in the riches of thy mercies and for thy promise and couenant sake Ier. 32.40 Ezek. 36.26.27 made with mee in that beloued One to indue me with the spirit of Christ vnto true sanctification and holinesse both of heart of life and of conuersation poure out those cleane waters vpon my soule which may purge and cleanse me from all iniquitie let me finde the flesh daily more and more crucified in mee with the sinnefull lusts and affections thereof and let mee feele the spirit powerfull and effectuall in mee yea mightily preuailing within me to the mortifying and abolishing of the olde man of sinne and to the subduing of euery corruption especially those which heretofore haue bene the strongest in mee and had the greatest hand ouer mee as also to the quickening and increasing of euery sauing grace in mee faith loue hope ioy peace long-suffering gentlenesse goodnesse meekenesse sobrietie temperance patience godlinesse and the rest that so not onely liuing but also walking in the spirit yea hauing the spirit of thy Christ ruling and raigning in me I may be more assured daily vpon good euidence that I am not of the world nor of Sathan but that I am a true and liuely member of the mysticall body of the Lord Iesus redeemed by his pretious blood shed for mee that I am his and he is mine Cant. 2.16 Ioh. 17. ver 10.23 24. Ephes 2.6 4.10 Ioh. 14.2.3 and that together with him after a while I shall be raised vp vnto those heauenly places into vvhich hee is already ascended and where I shall enioy that blessed fellowship and communion of thee the euer-liuing God in the fulnesse of ioy and blessednesse lauding and praising thee vncessantly with all thy chosen Saints and elect Angels for euermore and that onely through the merits of my blessed Sauiour to vvhom with thee O Father and thy gracious Spirit three distinct persons but one most wise ●●d glorious God be ascribed as due is all honour might and maiestie dignitie and dominion both now and euermore Amen Hypocrisie the vanitie and danger of it HOW great is the folly of those that chuse rather to serue God in hypocrisie then in truth and sinceritie to seeme to be holy then to bee so indeed They please not God yea rather they are an abhomination vnto him Psal 5.6 his soule loaths them because they make the outward badge and cognizance of his children a cloake of their impietie and wickednesse They want that vvhich is the life of a Christian true spirituall comfort and constant and heauenly ioy Iob 20.5 They lose that blessed reward vvhich is promised vnto them and them onely that walke in vprightnesse and singlenesse of heart before him Gen. 17.1 Prou. 10.9 and that vizzard which through vanitie they haue put vpon them to delude the world withall shall at length be plucked off from their faces to their shame and perpetuall reproach and infamie For that vvhich is fained and counterfait cannot stand long Mat. 21.19 and it is a true saying Hee that begins Religion in Hypocrisie ends in Apostasie O blessed LORD let my heart be alwayes vpright before thee Let it be my desire euer rather to bee more then I seeme to bee then to seeme to bee that vvhich I am not for alas what will it auaile mee to dissemble before thee my God who art of so cleer● eyes that nothing can be couered or hid from thee Iob. 26.6 who art the seer and the searcher of the very heart and reines Heb. 4.13 Pro. 15.11 and discernest the secretest thoughts and intents of the minde and soule yea long before they are O farre be it from me to turne aside into crooked wayes vvith those that are workers of iniquitie Psal 125.5 Iob. 15.34 27.8 Matth. 24.51 23.27 whom thou hatest and to whom thou hast threatned endlesse and euerlasting destruction and confusion without recouery but let it be my continuall care and endeuour to serue thee in spirit and in trueth all my dayes and to walke continually as in thy presence seeking to please thee and to increase more and more in all the fruites of righteousnesse and perfect holinesse that so my vvhole course may bee acceptable vnto thee I may bee filled vvith the ioyes of thy spirit heere Iob. 8.21 15.11 those sweet and heauenly refreshings which the hypocrite may talke of but neuer soundly tasted of and bee crowned vvith glory heereafter in thy kingdome for euermore Amen God beareth with the frailties and weakenesses of his Children PARENTS delight in their Children not onely vvhen they are come to mans estate but also vvhen they begin first to creepe on the ground and to speake some few words in an imperfect manner And vvill GOD our heauenly Father despise the poore endeuours of his vveake and little ones Psal 119.5 vvho cry vnto him continually for strength and abilitie to performe that which hee requireth of them Rom. 7.24 and grieue yea mourne vncessantly that they are not able to walke with more stedfastnesse and sinceritie in his wayes Farre be it from vs once to thinke or imagine this for what were this else then to make the Lord lesse pittifull Psal 86 15 and 145.8 lesse tenderly affected and compassionate towards his then earthly Parents are vnto theirs the very thought whereof is no small sinne but exceeding displeasing vnto him whose loue towards his children doth infinitely surpasse and exceede the naturall affection of any Parent whatsoeuer Psal 27.10 euen as farre as the heauens exceede the earth Psal 103.11.13 their loue being but a shadow of that which is in him in an infinite and vnspeakeable manner yea what were it else then to call his truth and faithfulnesse into question and to deny
in his wayes but scorning and hating them that seek to bring them to a holy submission vnto him Psal 1.1 Prou. 1.22 29. and to his blessed ordinances Some againe though not so bad as they yet bad enough seeme to make some profession outwardly and would be called and accounted Christians and yet liue like Heathen Pagans Turks Infidels if not worse hauing their liues stained very fouly with many enormious crimes yea such whereof the very Heathen vvould haue beene ashamed and which cause the sacrilegious Turks and Mahometans to blaspheme our religion to scorn our most holy profession in disdainful maner It were infinite to reckon them vp Rom. 1.29 fornications adulteries murthers vsury oppression pride maliciousnesse and many such like cursed fruits which neuer sprung from that Religion which those that practise them vniustly make profession of Others againe make indeede a goodly shew and a glorious profession 2 Tim. 3.5 hauing the forme of godlinesse but denying the truth and the power thereof viz. all glozing hipocrites and counterfeite dissemblers with whom the Church of God hath beene alwayes pestered to the wounding and disgracing of true Professors Mat. 23.14 their condemnation is the greater Thus if wee goe thorow all sorts of those that are outwardly called yea amongst vvhom the true Religion wherein saluation onely is to be found is entertayned vvee shall see that euen the number among them that shall be saued is but small Mat. 7.21 Not euery one that saith Lord Lord not euery one that is an outward professor shall enter into the kingdome of Glory Now then if the number euen of Christians and professors who haue the way of life and saluation plainely described before their eyes and called vpon daily to walke therein yea encouraged vvith many and forcible reasons and allurements to set forward therein with all speede that may be if the number of them that are saued is but small as it is so cleare a truth that none neede once to doubt of it nay cannot except hee vvill gaine-say him vvho is the Truth it selfe vvhat then I beseech you is their number in comparison of the whole vvorld which is so vvide and spacious and of so large extent that it makes them that haue any discerning of it to vvonder at it Sure they are but euen a handfull to speake of Luk. 12.32 a little flocke as the shaking of an Oliue tree Isay 24.13 or as the grapes when the Vintage is ended The number vvhen it is cast vp vvill be gathered into a short summe Rom. 9.28 In a vvord as there are more Nettles then Roses more Weeds then Flowers more Brambles then Vines more Earth and baser Mettall then pure Gold or Siluer so the number of them that shall be damned is farre greater then of those that shall be saued and made partakers of the blessednesse of the Saints in glory Oh therefore how great is the securitie of the most that goe on so boldly in their wicked and vngodly courses neuer thinking of this narrow way to life How is it that they are so carelesse of their estate seeing so few shall be saued so many damned How hath Sathan bewitched and besotted them that though they heare and know these things yet they dare presume to goe forward in that broad way because they see so many vvalking in it more blinde then blinde Balaam Numb 22.23 that saw lesse then his Asse or if not as blinde yet as desperate rushing forward to their owne destruction when God causeth though not his Angell yet his Ministers and Messengers vvho are also called his Angels to stand in that broad way Reu. 2. vvith the drawne sword of his threatning sentence Rom. 8.13 to turne them out of it that they perish not vvith the multitude and to inforce them in a manner to take the narrow vvay vvhich is before them telling them oft that the number of them that shall be saued is but small in regard of them that shall be damned eternally How should this terrifie them how should it amaze them yea how should it awaken all of vs and quicken vs in the way which leadeth to life and saluation making vs to walke wisely and circumspectly Eph. 5.15 not once daring to set our foote in the wrong vvay If wee were assured that all in the world should be saued except some one how ought euery one to looke about and to prouide so that hee might not be that one how much more behooueth it vs now to bestirre our selues whiles this soundeth in our eares that the fewest shall be saued the most damned If we vvere to goe ouer some high or steepe mountaine where there were a narrow bridge or a strait passage and that very slippery and dangerous insomuch that we saw the greatest part of them that went before vs for want of heedfulnesse and sure footing tumbling downe in fearfull manner among the craggy rockes vnto the bottome of that deepe gulfe that was vnder them to their present and irrecouerable destruction how carefull would wee be except wee were desperate and mad-men to looke with all diligence to our footing that we slip not and to take the surest course that possibly vvee could How much greater care and diligence should wee vse in seeking to goe forward in the safest manner that may bee in this straite passage to life especially seeing that so many thousands doe miscarry therein and that the danger of missing it is tenne thousand times more then the falling from the toppe of an high mountaine into a deep valley that being onely the beating out of the braines or the bruising of the body to a temporall destruction this the vtter ruine and confusion both of body and soule for euer Or if wee were to passe thorow a field or a high-way wherein many theeues lye lurking on euery side so that few escaped vvith their liues would we not be much afraid of the imminent danger and therefore seeke to prouide for our safetie in our iourney as much as possibly wee might Doubtlesse wee would Well then being now all of vs to passe thorow the vast Wildernesse of this sinfull and dangerous world wherin the Diuels euen many thousands of damned Spirits our most cruell and malitious enemies and deadly aduersaries the very Cut-throates of our soules who alwayes seeke by all meanes to worke our destruction lye continually in waite for vs as it vvere so many troopes in secret ambushment against vs so that few escape eternall death and damnation and come to life and saluation ought not we much more to be afraid and to bee carefull by all meanes to escape that great danger and to come vnto that exceeding glory Haue wee any cause to be carelesse and secure as the most are Is it meete that vve should giue ouer our selues to our vaine pleasures and sinfull courses eating drinking playing sporting as those in the dayes of Noah Luk. 17.26
vnto him in a more strait and neare vnion then the members of the naturall body are knit and vnited vnto the head For they may be seperated from it and so perish but there is no seperation no diuision no dis-vnion possibly to be made betweene d Rom. 8.39 Christ and any one of his members much lesse the whole Church Againe for I had rather bee too plentifull then too sparing in the illustration of this so excellent and so heauenly a truth as all the members of the body are vnited vnto the head and quickened by one and the same soule vvhich animates them and conuayeth naturall life vnto euery one of them So all the faithfull vvhether they be in Heauen aboue or in Earth below of the Church militant or triumphant are ioyned and vnited vnto CHRIST by one and the selfe-same Spirit vvhich comming from the Head CHRIST IESVS giueth spirituall life quickening and motion vnto them so that the vvhole body being coupled and knit together e Ephes 4.16 by euery ioynt receiueth increase of grace by degrees and groweth vp daily more and more till the body of CHRIST vvhich is his CHVRCH bee fully perfected and consumated receiuing the f Ephes 4.13 accomplishment of all Grace and Glory in the highest heauens This is the first meanes whereby this vnion is made betweene CHRIST and the faithfull euen this sacred bond of the Spirit And from this efficacie and operation of the spirit vniting vs vnto CHRIST it is said by the Apostle that wee euen all beleeuers haue drunke into the same g 1 Cor. 12 13 Ephes 4.4 Spirit And againe that wee are baptized into one body that is wee are made one Body vvhereof Christ is the Head Now that other bond by vvhich they are tied and vnited vnto Christ and that on their part is Faith For the Spirit of God hauing begotten a true and liuely faith in vs by the preaching of the Word by meanes of this excellent grace we are vnited vnto Christ For thereby we lay hold on Christ with all his merits and h 1 Cor. 1.30 2 Cor. 3.18 Phil. 3.21 1 Ioh. 3.2 Gal. 2.20 benefits and apply them in particular to our selues and so become one vvith him all vvhich he hath done for mankinde being made as proper vnto vs as if it were our owne And hence it is that Christ is said to dwell in our hearts by i Ephes 3.17 Faith Faith is the hand as it were whereby vvee receiue Christ being offred vnto vs in the Word by meanes of it Christ is made ours and we his by an inseparable vnion And thus wee haue at large described that spirituall and mystical vnion vvhich is betweene Christ and the faithfull his members So neare and so strait a vnion that the holy Ghost in Scripture giueth sometimes as was sayd the name of Christ himselfe vnto the Church and calleth it by his owne name euen as the name of the husband by reason of that vnion betweene them is giuen vnto the Wife and she called by his name As k 1 Cor. 12 12. the body is one saith the Apostle hath many members euen so is Christ that is the Church of Christ Such is the nearenesse and efficacie of that spirituall coniunction of Christ and the faithfull that he cals them not onely Christians as sometimes they are l Acts 11.26 named or his Spouse his Sister his m Cant. 5.2 Loue his Doue his Vndefiled c. but euen Christ his owne name Whence also it is that that vvhich is done to the Church or any member thereof he accounteth it as done to himselfe whether it be good or euill The workes of Loue and Charity done to his poore members in the day vvhen hee shall sit vpon his Throne to iudge the World he will pronounce them to haue beene done vnto himselfe I was a hungry n Mat. and ye gaue ME meate I thirsted and yee gaue ME drinke naked and yee clothed ME sicke and ye visited ME c. In as much as ye haue done it vnto one of the least of these MY Brethren yee haue done it vnto ME. And when Saul persecuted the poore Saints of God and breathed out threatnings slaughter against them Christ looking downe from heauen and beholding him cries out vnto him with a loud voice o Acts 9.4 Heb. 4.15 Zach. 2.8 1 Cor. 12.26 Saul Saul why persecutest thou Me The Foote is wounded on earth and the Head feels it and complaines of it from Heauen The persecution or wrong done to his Church or any member thereof he esteemeth it as done to himselfe O my soule raise vp thy selfe vnto the oft and serious consideration of this spirituall and mysticall vnion of the faithfull with Christ their head and Sauiour Oh how full is it of sweetnesse much comfort and inward solace Thinke of it and beleeue it without all wauering and doubting Say not as carnall men are wont and as Nicodemus did in a point of like nature How can this be p Iohn 3.9 6.42 How can Christ being in heauen so farre distant from vs in regard of bodily presence be vnited vnto vs Reason not so as flesh and blood will suggest vnto thee but beleeue this stedfastly and assuredly as if thou beest spirituall and not carnall thou wilt and canst not doe otherwise The trueth of God hath sealed it the Scriptures in many places ratifie and confirme it and it is a great measure of infidelitie to denie it or to doubt of it Thou seest it not vvith the eyes of thy body What then vvilt thou beleeue nothing but that which thou seest with thy bodily eyes then thou wilt not beleeue that there is a Vnion betweene thy soule and thy body for thou seest it not with thine eyes and yet if it were not thou wert a dead man and a liuelesse carkasse Thou wilt not denie but that there is a Vnion betweene man and wife though they be distant in place yea though the one of them be in this country and the other in that for it is a receiued Maxime or rule granted of all that distance of place dissolueth not the marriage-bond both Gods law and mans law so determineth it and wilt thou be so faithlesse as not to beleeue that there is a Vnion betweene that heauenly bridegroome Christ Iesus though he be in heauen and his faithfull members many of them on earth Shall not faith be of more efficacie then nature Thou wilt not denie that which experience teacheth thee except thou beest blinde that the sight of the eye of thy bodie in a moment of time as it vvere and in an instant doth reach vnto the Starres in the firmament and is in a sort vnited vnto them though so many thousand miles distant from thee and wilt not thou graunt much more that faith which is the eye of the soule and of a farre more powerfull and piercing nature may
they what they do whē they do ill vnto thee they strike against the Rock which will dash them in peeces q Isay 8.15 they kicke against the pricke r Act. 9.5 Touch not mine annoynted s Psal 105 15 saith the Lord those that are annoynted with the heauenly graces of my holy spirit yea which is more touch not harme not those that are vnited vnto mee that are as neare vnto me as mine own flesh bones the t Zachar. 2 8 apple of mine eyes most deare and tender vnto me Christ cannot indure this he will not suffer it to goe vnpunished O it is a fearefull thing to be an enemie to the least of Christs redeemed ones Feare v Isay 8.12.13 not therefore the feare of any man that in opposing thee setteth himselfe against Christ thy Sauiour but let them feare and tremble whiles they doe it and trust thou in the Lord and cleaue fast vnto him in all things And seeing he hath linked thee vnto himselfe so neare making thee his Spouse and professing himselfe to bee iealous of x Exod. 20 5. Hos 2.2.7 thy loue see that thou preparest thy selfe so as thou mayest alwayes be ready to bee presented vnto him as a y 2 Cor. 11.2 pure Virgin that so hee may delight z Prou. 8.31 Cant. 4.10 in thee and in thy loue continually O mercifull LORD doe thou vvorke and frame my heart vnto these things daily more and more I humbly beseech thee especially inflame my frozen and benummed affections and kindle in me the sparkes of true and vnfained loue vnto thee who hast dealt so exceeding graciously with me aboue all merits or deserts of mine Oh what a vvonderfull and vnspeakeable loue is this of thee my GOD and Sauiour that thou shouldest picke and cull mee out of the a Gal. 1.4 vvorld a sinnefull vvretch a forlorne person not worthy of the least degree of thy loue a branch of that cursed b Rom. 11.17 5.12 17. roote the sonne of Adam the childe of vvrath perdition for so I must needs confesse I was by c Ephes 2.3 Tit. 3.3 nature as well as others and vnite me so nearely d Ephes 2.13 vnto thine owne selfe as to bee flesh of thy flesh and bone of thy bone one with thee as thou art one with the Father O the depth e Ephes 3.18 of thy loue and infinite compassions towards me It cannot be conceiued it cannot bee expressed vvhat a marueilous degree of loue this is It is vnsearchable boundles bottomlesse O let the meditation of it euen rauish my heart and soule and cause me to breake forth vncessantly into praise and thankefulnesse vnto thee and to seeke by all meanes to shew my loue vnto thee who hast magnified thy Grace Mercy so richly towards me in making me of so wretched a creature so blessed and glorious though the vaile be yet so spread before mine eyes that f Col. 3.3.4 1 Ioh. 3.2 I cannot perfectly see or discerne what my blessednesse and glory is but shall haue it fully manifested both vnto my selfe and others vvhen thou who art my life and hope shalt appeare in glory and be made marueilous in g 2 Thes 1.10 all them that beleeue in thee How Christians are to liue in regard of that neere vnion that is betweene them and Christ THE bodie of euery true beleeuer is a member of Christs a 1 Cor. 6.15 body How carefully therefore ought they alwayes to keepe them from being the instruments of sinne or the weapons b Rom. 6.19 of vnrighteousnesse sith Christ thereby is so greatly dishonoured Shall the members of Christ be made the limmes of Sathan Shall his tongue speake vvickednesse his eyes see vanitie his hands worke iniquitie or any part of his mysticall body be made an instrument to commit sinne and vnrighteousnesse God forbid Blessed Lord seeing it hath pleased thee of thy free grace through faith to vnite me vnto Christ my head and blessed Sauiour to ingraffe me into his body and to make euen this weake and fraile body of mine a true member of his mysticall body graunt I beseech thee that I may labour continually to keep this vessell of mine holy and vndefiled free from all pollution and defilement of sinne and from being an instrument to commit any wickednesse lest thereby I should dishonour my head shew my selfe vnworthy c 2 Cor. 6.14.15 to be ioyned vnto him in so neere and happy a vnion yea let it bee my endeauour alwayes to preserue my body in puritie and holinesse and to giue all the parts and members thereof seruants vnto righteousnesse yea to serue thee continually both in body d 1 Cor. 6.20 and spirit that so honour and glory may redound to Christ my Sauiour who with thee O Father and thy Spirit be blessed both now and for euer Amen How Christians are to be affected one towards another in regard of their vnion to Christ and each to other ALL that are true Christians being vnited vnto Christ their head are a 1 Cor. 12 members of the same body vnder Christ their head vnited each to other as they are all to Christ members one of another b Ephe. 4.4 liuing by the same Spirit and looking for the same glory c 1 Pet. 1.3 Ioh. 17.24 euen that immortall and neuer-fading inheritance reserued in the heauens for them where they shall dwell vvith Christ their Sauiour for euermore How then should they enuy hate and maligne one another and seeke to procure what mischiefe they can each to other What an vnkinde and vnnaturall thing is this Doth one member of the body euer hate d 1 Cor. 12.20.21 or enuie another yea the basest and meanest though indeed euen the basest and vncomliest haue not onely a vse and conueniencie for the rest but also a kinde of beautie and comlinesse in themselues howsoeuer in the present estate of this sinneful life couered with the shew of indecencie and morall dishonestie yea doth not one care for the other e 1 Cor. 12.25.26 suffer with the other and reioyce vvith the other So is it with all that are true Christians naturall and liuely members of that mysticall body of Christ Iesus There is a mutuall sympathy betweene them They are as it were of one heart and of one f Acts 4.32 soule They cannot but loue and affect those in whom they see euident or likely signes to perswade them that they are true Christians grafted vvith them into the same stocke they can not hate them from the heart they can not vvish or procure their euill but desire and seeke their good in all things and so much the more will their loue abound towards them as they see that they are more nearely vnited vnto Christ their Head and Sauiour Eyther therefore shew thy entire and Christian affection vnto all the Saints the members of Christ or else
neuer deceiue g 1 Ioh. 4.20 thy selfe with the vaine dreames of thine owne braine but know thy selfe and confesse as the trueth is that thou art not yet vnited vnto Christ that thou hast no part in him but art a stranger from him from that life of grace and glory which flowes from him yea that thou art of that serpentine h Gen. 3.15 seed which is alwayes at enmitie with the redeemed of Christ one of that vvicked race and of Sathans brood i Ioh. 3.10 a childe of the curse and an heire of perdition k Phil. 1.28 who could neuer abide the sonnes of the promised l Gal. 4.29 If thou sayest thou art in the light thou giuest God the lie m 1 Iohn 2.9.11 nay thou art couered vvith darkenesse and walkest like one blinded vnto thine owne destruction in that place of vtter darkenesse and euerlasting desolation Gracious Lord as thou hast in the riches of thy mercies vnited me vnto CHRIST and so through him to all that are his making vs all members of one body vvhereof he is the Head so vnite my heart and soule I humbly pray thee in an entire loue and affection vnto thee and vnto thy Sonne my blessed Lord and Sauiour and in him and for his sake to all those in vvhom I can see any signes or euidences that they are ingraffed into that mysticall body together with me children of the same Father brethren of the same Sauiour and Heires of the same grace and glory which thou hast freely promised to all thine O let mee neuer hate despise or vvrong the least of them in any sort for thereby I should shew my selfe to be very vnnaturall but let mee loue them delight in them n Psal 16.3 and seeke to doe o Gal. 6.10 them vvhat good I can by any meanes Let mee root out of my heart all sinister conceits and wicked surmises which are the very bane of true Christian loue and Charitie and let me bend my selfe alwayes to thinke the best of p 1 Cor. 13 them and to doe the best for them according to their necessitie and my ability yea let them alwayes bee deare vnto mee and precious in mine eyes and so much the more as they shall appeare to be more neerely and firmely vnited vnto thee that thus I may please thee and haue assurance that I am a liuely member of CHRIST IESVS the Head of his Church and my blessed LORD and Sauiour to whom with thee and thy Spirit be all prayse and glory both now and euermore Amen A wicked life and the profession of Religion how ill they agree AS is a precious Pearle in the dirt or a Iewell of Gold in a Swines snout so is the name of a Christian or the profession of Religion in one of a wicked and prophane life How vnbeseeming a thing is it How ill doe they agree How is the glory and beautie of the one stained and blemished by the vilenesse and basenes of the other Either therefore let men neuer take this honour vnto themselues to be called and accounted Christians and to weare the badge and cognisance of Christs holy and redeemed ones or else let them as it is meet they should cast away the cloaks of shame wherewith they haue couered themselues heretofore and abandon all their former sinfull and euill courses wherein formerly they haue walked to the dishonour of God a Rom. 2.24 the disgrace of their profession b 1 Pet. 2.12 Tit. 2.5 yea and to the increase of their owne condemnation if they continue in their wickednesse c 2 Pet ● 21 O blessed Lord as it hath pleased thee in the riches of thy mercies to call me to the knowledge and the acknowledgement of thee to the profession of thy glorious name euen of thy Christ to be called a Christian and to stand vpon the priuiledges and royall prerogatiues which belong vnto those that are indeed his redeemed ones bought with his most precious bloud so I humbly beseech thee to make my life and conuersation euery way answerable to my calling and profession Let me consider oft and seriously of the dignitie and excellency whereunto I am aduanced aboue those that are aliants from thee strangers from thy couenant d Ephes 2.12 without Christ without God and without the name of Christianity and godlinesse children of the night e 1 Thes 1 5.5 and of darkenesse and let me alway be ashamed to doe any thing whereby I may in any sort bring a staine vpon that which is and should be my glory or a dishonour to that blessed and glorious name after which I am called causing others through my folly and wickednesse to speake euill of thee and of thy grace and truth yea let the very thought of this that I should be so ouertaken at any time as Lord thou knowest what my fraily and weaknesse is if I be not continually strengthened and supported by thee let it euen cause me to blush within my selfe and to hang downe my head with griefe and sorrow and withall to stirre vp my selfe to walke more carefully f Ephes 5.15 and circumspectly all my daies striuing and indeauoring as to haue the name of a Christian so to follow the example of Christ g 1 Pet. 2. to tread in his steppes and to walke as he hath walked setting him alwaies as a patterne and president before me as to haue the shew so likewise the power of godlinesse in my whole life and conuersation and to walke worthy of the vocation h Ephes 4.1 wherewith thou hast honoured mee shining forth as a light in this sinfull world i Phil. 2.14 1 Pet. 2.9 and shewing forth the vertues of thee my Lord and Sauiour who hast called me out of the darknesse of sinne and ignorance into that maruellous light of thine both of grace and of glory that thus they that are enemies to thy trueth and seeke by all meanes to bring reproch vpon that glorious profession vvith vvhich thou hast graced thy seruants hauing nothing concerning me to speake euill of iustly thy great name may be glorified thy Gospell adorned that worthy calling vvhereunto thou hast called me beautified my soule and conscience comforted and both bodie and soule eternally saued in that great day vvherein thou hast appointed to iudge the world in righteousnesse by him vvhom thou hast ordayned Lord of all things Christ my righteousnesse to vvhom with thee O Father and thy blessed Spirit be all praise and glory both now and for euermore Amen A Christian eyther the best or the worst of all men most happie or most miserable A CHRISTIAN is eyther the most happie of all other men or the most miserable Most happie if he hath the trueth of that vvhich hee beareth the name of being a Christian not onely in outward profession but also in inward affection manifesting it selfe by action and outward conuersation Most miserable if
grace here and glory hereafter Thus the loue of God entering into their spirits doth purge and purifie them throughout it doth presently void out that filth and corruption both of originall pollution actuall transgression vvhich was before in them and smothereth vp their carnall earthly and sensuall loue by a greater force at least it striueth so to doe for the old man will not be quite dead as long as they liue in this vvorld It vvorketh mightily and very forcibly in them and is of marueilous efficacie for the clensing of them from all sinne and fitting and preparing them both in body soule to be temples and mansion-places for the holy Ghost the glorious spirit of God to rest and to dwell in What should I say They hauing tasted of the bounty and superabundant loue of God in Christ their Sauiour towards them and hauing in them the holy Ghost testifying r Rom. 8.16 vnto them assuring them that they are the sonnes of God yea sealing this vnto their soules and consciences haue such a sincere entire and pure loue kindled in their breasts that they doe desire vnfainedly to abstaine from all sinne which they know is so displeasing vnto him and to please him in all things and vvhen they are sollicited either by Sathan or their owne corrupt nature to the commission of any thing which is euill they say with righteous Ioseph s Gen. 39.9 How can I doe this great wickednesse and so sinne against God who hath beene so good and gracious vnto mee Hath the Lord loued mee with so great a loue and shall I not loue him againe and manifest my loue towards him by a care to keepe his Commandements This is such a flame that it cannot but breake forth out of the heart into the life This is such a fountaine as cannot but send foorth the streames of pure water into the actions of the life This in a word causeth them to leaue and to abhorre that which is euill and to cleaue vnto that which is good to desire and endeauour in trueth and sinceritie to keepe all the righteous Commandements of God The loue of God shed abroad into their harts kindleth inflameth their hearts towards him and so maketh them to hate euill because hee hateth it and to loue righteousnesse because hee loueth it yea their hearts are so heated and so inwardly affected with the sense of the loue of God which the spirit of grace stirreth vp in them that they euen melt in loue and entire affection vnto God and desire vnfainedly to please him in all things and to shew themselues zealous for his glory because hee hath so commaunded them euen for the loue which they beare vnto him who hast shewed himselfe to be so louing and gracious a God so kinde and tender a Father towards them in CHRIST IESVS Nay they desire that others also should haue experience of that which they haue felt euen of the vnspeakeable loue of GOD in CHRIST towards those whom hee imbraceth in him They desire vvith the t Ioh. 4.28 29 vvoman of Samaria that euery one should taste of that which they haue had so comfortable experience of in their soules and spirits and that others also as well as they might abstaine from all kinde of sinne and wickednesse they mourne and groane within themselues their hearts are grieued and their eyes v Psa 119.136.139 drop down teares in abundance when they see it is otherwise As they haue no x Ioh. 3.4 greater ioy then to see God honoured by the diligent keeping of his Commandements so there can be no greater griefe vnto them then to see him dishonoured by the neglect and contempt thereof Oh this is a vexation and euen a torment vnto their soules as it was vnto righteous Lot y 2 Pet. 2.7 when hee beheld the abhominations of the cursed Sodomites It is as it were a hell to them to be in the company of such as blaspheme the name of the Lord and set themselues to worke wickednesse to the prouoking of his glorious Maiestie And hereby it doth appeare that they loue God in truth and not in word and tongue onely as the most doe If it be thus with vs we haue cause to blesse God and to reioyce in the assurance of this that our hearts are sincere and vpright before him and that wee loue him and are z Pro. 8.17 and shall euer a Ioh. 13.1 be loued of him But if this be not in vs at least in some measure our loue which wee professe towards him is but a counterfait and hypocriticall loue vvhich he hateth yea if we be not thus affected if vve say that wee loue him wee are lyars and thee is no truth in vs our words fight with our actions like vnto them that strucke CHRIST saying b Ioh. 19.3 Haile Master wee are so farre from louing him that vvee doe not so much as c 1 Ioh. 2.4 know him by an effectuall and sauing knowledge neither are knowne or in any sort approued of him yea he loaths vs and so much the more as we dissemble vvith the vvorld and make shew of that loue towards him vvhich is not in vs. O blessed LORD how vnspeakeable is thy loue how vnsearchable are the riches of thy grace and mercy toward mee in CHRIST IESVS in whom thou hast imbraced mee with an infinite and an euerlasting loue before all worlds yea thou still louest me and wilt loue me vnto the end for thy loue is as thy selfe vnchangeable d Rom. 11 29. Euery day thou * Lam. 3.23 renewest thy compassions vpon me Thou vouchsafest to giue mee many pledges and sure euidences therof yea thou sealest the same to my soule and spirit by the testimony e Rom. 8.16 2 Cor. 8.16 of thy blessed Spirit and by that inward ioy whereby thou causest mee to reioyce euen in the midst of mourning f Psa 94.19 2 Cor. 1.4 Oh that thou wouldst draw g Cant. 1.3 my heart vnto thee and cause mee to loue thee againe entirely and vnfainedly O that thou wouldst inflame these frozen affections of mine and cause mee euen to melt and to burne in loue towards thee O that it would please thee to change all that carnal that earthly and that sensuall loue and affection of this vvorld and the things thereof vvhich is yet remaining in mee into a holy and spirituall loue of thee my GOD and Sauiour my kinde and tender Father in CHRIST IESVS that so I may loue nothing but thee or in thee and for thee And let this loue of thee cause me to hate all sinne which thou hatest with so great and so infinite a hatred to hate it to abhorre it and vtterly to forsake it though neuer so pleasing to my corrupt nature neuer so profitable or gainfull to me in any respect and to loue all righteousnesse vvhich thou louest and wherein thou delightest that thus
preparation yea scarce once thinking or considering with themselues vvhat they are before whom it is that they are to stand and what businesse they haue in hand which if they did sure it would make them to stirre vp their lumpish and drowsie affections and to settle themselues vnto it in another manner then they doe yea with farre more reuerence and preparation then if they were to appeare before the greatest Monarch on earth and that when he were in his greatest State and Royaltie attended with all his Nobles and Peeres in the most maiesticall manner that could be O most mightie and most glorious God let me be alwayes affected vvith the consideration of thy glorious and diuine presence as I ought to be especially when I approach nearer vnto thee eyther to offer vp my humble suites and supplications by prayer vnto thee for the obtayning of grace and mercy at thy hands or to attend vpon thee in that holy ordinance of thine to heare thee out of thy word teaching me what thy will and pleasure is towards mee or to be couersant in reading meditation or any other holy and religious exercise whereby I may be furthered in the wayes of grace and saluation Farre be it from me to thrust my selfe into thy holy and sacred presence as the manner of the prophane and vngodly ones is without a carefull and conscionable endeuour to haue my heart rightly prepared and my affections truely sanctified O Lord this is not in my power more then in any other it is thy grace onely let it please thee therefore to giue it vnto me Purge my heart I beseech thee from all things which cause mee to offend free my minde from euery thing which might be a cause of any distraction vnto me lift vp my soule farre aboue all earthly cogitations and desires and possesse mee with such an entire loue and such a holy reuerence of thy Maiestie that thou maiest alwayes be truely glorified of mee Leuit. 10.3 whensoeuer I draw neare vnto thee and enter into thy presence to performe any duetie which thou requirest of mee Heare mee O Lord and that onely for the merits and mediation of thy Sonne and my blessed Sauiour and Redeemer Christ Iesus in whose Name alone I poure out all my suites and supplications vnto thee and looke to obtaine grace and mercy from thee Humilitie the way to true knowledge and spirituall vnderstanding MAny there be that haue taken great paines and beene very industrious in searching after many things the knowledge and vnderstanding whereof although excellent in it selfe and worthy the labouring for yet they could neuer attaine vnto because they sought not for it with a meeke and humble heart and with a purpose to vse it to the right end and for the greatest benefit both of themselues and others but for sinister and by-respects They that are most humble shall be best learned and receiue the greatest blessing in the vse of the meanes which God hath appointed The Lord reuealeth his secrets vnto them Psal 25.9 which are hid from the proud Mat. 11.25 1 Cor. 2.11 12. and such as are wise in their owne eyes They shall vnderstand the wonderfull things of God the great things of his Law those deepe Mysteries contayned in his word euen those things which the vvisest of this world and the learnedst Scribes amongst men cannot reach vnto shall they comprehend and vnderstand because the Lord hath promised to giue them the teaching of his Spirit that holy annoynting 1 Ioh. 2.27 and will send downe that light from aboue vvhich will so illuminate and inlighten their mindes Ephe. 1.17 18 Ioh. 7.17 that they shall see clearely into those things which are darke and obscure vnto others Good Lord I humbly bowe the knee of my heart and soule before thy glorious Maiestie suing vnto thee earnestly and instantly in the mediation of thy Son for a further increase a greater measure of that heauenly grace for this I will pray yea cry vnto thee daily and vncessantly Doe thou therefore vouchsafe to grant it vnto mee and more and more to increase it in me Giue mee a meeke spirit a lowly minde and an humble heart a heart which may be set not for the seeking of my selfe for that were wickednesse but for the aduancement of thy glory referring all my studyes and endeuours to the end which thou hast appoynted that vvee should ayme at continually and then I know that thou wilt reueale thy will vnto mee and giue mee vnderstanding of thy word as farre as is requisite and necessary for mee yea that thou wilt cause me to conceiue and comprehend those things which are wonderfull and which none can search into or finde out but those alone that haue thy Spirit to be their teacher which thou hast promised vnto them onely that are of a meeke spirit and of an humble minde which is a thing exceeding pleasing vnto thee Iames 4.6 and wherein thou much delightest but abhorrest all those that are of a proud heart and deniest thy grace vnto them Humilitie the fruit of true sauing knowledge HE that knoweth things aright as hee ought to know them especially if he hath attained vnto the knowledge of himselfe and of his maker the better he knoweth and vnderstandeth these things the more lowly the more base and vile will hee bee in his owne eyes and the more will hee magnifie and extoll his God the Creator and the Lord of all things They are but smatterers 1 Cor. 8.2 1 Tim. 6.20 and nouices of true knowledge and vnderstanding whatsoeuer they may seeme to themselues or others who haue not as yet learned to esteeme meanly of themselues Gen. 18.27 Isai 40.17 and verie highly of the God of glorie the aduancement of whom is the chiefe end vnto which all knowledge should tend and aime most directly Grant O Lord that I may vse all meanes whereby I may come vnto that knowledge which is necessarie and conuenient for me especially that I may know my selfe aright euen what I am in my self and of my selfe a worme of the earth a wretched and sinfull man dust ashes and thee the mightie Creator and glorious God of heauen and earth the possessour of all things infinite in power and maiestie the brightnesse of whose glorie the Angels themselues cannot fully comprehend that hereby I may learne alwaies to humble and abase my selfe and to glorifie and extoll thy name for euer and euer The right vse and end of all knowledge IT is an ordinary thing amongst men to studie rather to know much then to liue well from whence it commeth as euerie one that is of any discerning may easily see and obserue that many whiles they haue their heads stuffed with multiplicitie and varietie of learning yet haue their liues barren and altogether fruitlesse and vnprofitable How doe such deceiue themselues whiles they professe themselues to be wise Rom. 1.22 yet herein they
vvhiles I walke in this narrow way seeing that it tends to life and saluation but let me goe forward vvithout faynting at any time yea with much cheerefulnesse and delight knowing that all these light and momentary afflictions are no waies worthy of that glory Rom. 8.18 vnto which through the straitnesse of this gate I shall shortly haue passage All that are of the Church visible or militant shall not be of the Church Inuisible and Triumphant MAny haue accesse into the Princes outmost chamber who are not admitted into the chamber of Presence but excluded and shut out from hauing entrance thereinto In like manner Many are brought to the fellowship of the visible Church which is as it were the outmost chamber of the house of God the palace of that great King and a fauour it is that is vouchsafed them herein for all doe not attaine vnto it Psal 147.19.20 but few are so blessed as to be led by the spirit further into that secret and priuie chamber where God shewes his familiar presence Cant. 2.4 and vnto vvhich none are admitted but they vvho are of the communion of Saints Hebr. 12.22.23 of the court of heauen heires of the glory of that coelestiall kingdome where they shall alwaies attend vpon the Maiestie of the highest the great God of the vvhole world O Lord it is thy mercy that thou hast called mee to haue a place in the visible Church here on earth and to liue among thy Israel thy Saints and chosen to enioy thy word and Sacraments and to looke as it vvere Cant. 2.9 through a c●euis into the holy of Holies for the greatest part of the world haue not obtained thus much How many thousands of Iewes Turkes heathen doe we see at this day excluded and cast out from the lists and outmost bounds of thy Church Reuel 11.1.2 But it is thy vvonderfull and vnspeakeable goodnesse towards me that thou hast admitted me into the chamber of Presence calling me to the blessed fellowship and communion with thy Saints yea vvith thine owne selfe making me one of thy Israel Iohn Gal 2.20 Phil. 3.10 Reue. 3.20 one of thy Saints and chosen a true member of the Church militant heere on earth and heire of the glorious and triumphant Church in the highest heauens where I shall liue with thee for euer Iohn 14.2 17.24 O blessed be thy name for the riches of thy loue infinite grace vouchsafed vnto me herein through Christ Iesus my Lord. Thou mightest iustly haue excluded me as well as others yea euen from the outmost courts of thy Sion but it hath pleased thee O Father to magnifie thy great mercy towards me thy poore and vnworthy creature that so my heart might be drawne vp the more vnto thee and inflamed vvith an vnfained loue of thee O therefore that thou vvouldest knit my heart and soule vnto thee and cause me to set all the affections of my loue ioy and delight in thee to vvhom onely they are due and to whom alone I desire they may be giuen And teach me withall to seeke daily more and more to presse forward and to striue to get nearer accesse vnto thee indeauouring by a holy life and godly conuersation to obtaine full and comfortable assurance that thou hast called me into the communion of thy chosen ones admitted mee into the chamber of thy gracious presence Iohn 8.35 and that I shall abide in thy house for euer euen in those glorious mansions and heauenly habitations vvhere thine honour dwelleth and where all thy Saints shall reigne and triumph vvith thee for euermore The blessed estate of a true Christian in regard of that spirituall and heauenly vnion that is betweene Christ and him OH how blessed a Vnion is there betweene Christ and euery true Christian Who is able to expresse it who doth not admire and vvonder at it It is a great matter for them to be accounted his friends Ioh. 15.13 15. Mark 3.34 Leuit. 25.25 Heb. his kinsmen his brethren his children as all these names and titles he giues vnto them in the Scriptures But this is not all it is not one halfe for they are not onely tyed vnto him by these strait and sacred bonds of friendship kindred and brotherhood but they are made one with him one flesh Ephe. 5.31 Ephe. 5.30 1 Cor. 12.12 Hebr. 2.11 one bodie yea in a sort himselfe hauing his owne name giuen vnto them as afterwards To shadow out this vnion vnto thee by those types as it were and semblances by which the Scriptures haue declared it vnto vs in that maner that our fraile nature is able to conceiue of it for the vveakenesse and shallownesse of our capacity is such as it is not able fully to comprehend it in the excellencie of it Seest thou not what vnion there is betweene the head and the members of the bodie So it is betweene Christ and true Christians They are knit vnto him as it were by the sinewes of the spirit and by the bond of faith as the members of the bodie are vnto the head and from him as from the head Ephe. 1.22 5.23 Gal. 2.20 life floweth into the whole bodie the life of grace and spirituall motion and action is conueyed and communicated vnto the Church and all the faithfull members thereof vvhich are the bodie of Christ 1 Cor. 12.27 Eph. 4.12 Againe this vnion betweene Christ and them is compared to that which is betweene the Vine and the branches So Iohn 15 1.2 that as the stocke and the branches grow together so the faithfull being rooted in Christ and set as it were into him a Rom. 6.5 as branches of that heauenly Vine receiue life and sappe from him growth of all spirituall and heauenly graces It is compared to a fountaine and the waters issuing and steaming therefrom b Ioh. 4.14 Likewise to the corner-stone in a building and the stones that are built vpon the same c Ephe. 2.20.22 For so Christ is often in Scripture compared to the corner-stone vpon which as their manner of building in old time in those parts was the whole building was fastened combined and so reared vp and the faithfull compared to liuing d 1 Pet. 2.5 stones built vpon that sure foundation and thence also called the temple of the holy Ghost e 1 Cor. 3.16 6.19 Ioh. 14.23 Reue. 3. wherein God himselfe dwelleth f ●0 and will dwell for euer It is compared also to the bodie and the apparrell vvhich clothes and couers it and shelters it from cold and raine and from the iniury of the weather whence the faithfull are said to put on Christ g Rom. 13 14 Gal. 3.27 And lastly to the Husband and his Spouse whence Christ is often called the Husband of his Church h Ephes 5.23 Mat. 25.6 the Bridegroome which is preparing for his marriage solemnities and
the Church his Bride i Reuel 21 2. 22.17 his loue k Cant. 1.8 5.1.2 his doue his vndefiled Spouse a pure Virgin l Psal 45. 2 Cor. 11 2. prepared for him and in whom he greatly pleaseth and delighteth m Psal 11.13.15 himselfe We know how neare and strait the vnion is between the husband and his deere and louing Spouse they are according to Gods owne ordinance but one flesh n Gen. 2.14 Ephe. 5.30 31. Such is the vnion in this spirituall mariage betweene Christ and his Church and euery faithful member of the same Thus then thou seest what a neare and strait vnion and coniunction there is betweene Christ and the true Christian euen all that are iustified by his grace and sanctified by his spirit They are in him and he is in them Hee is their head they are his o 1 Cor. 6.15 12.27 members flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone they are ingraffed into him and become one with him p Iohn as he is one with the Father He dwelleth in them and they in him q Ephe. 3.17 1 Cor. 6.17 Iohn 6.56 But lest thou shouldst conceiue of this amisse consider seriously what manner of Vnion this is how it is wrought A heauenly meditation and vvorth thy best attention First then know that this vnion is not carnall but spirituall not naturall but supernaturall and mysticall It is not a carnal or a corporall vnion as if Christs body vvere turned into our bodies as the Papists faine in that new-deuised Transubstantiation and strange metamorphosis of theirs nor ioyned vnto them in a locall or bodily manner Thou must not imagine any such matter for that were with the Capernaits r Ioh. 6.41.52 to conceiue grossely of Christ our Sauiour and vvith Nicodemus s Ioh. 3.4 to shew thy selfe altogether carnall inconceiuing these heauenly mysteries It is against the nature of Christs body which is t Eph. 1.20 4.10 ascended into Heauen and there sitteth at the right hand of God in glory therefore cannot be vnited vnto vs in that maner being on earth so many thousand miles distant from him But it is a spirituall and heauenly vnion It is not a reall transfusion of the substance of Christ vnto vs as some Heretikes haue dreamed but an essentiall communication of himselfe and his graces vnto vs in a spirituall manner More distinctly First the faithfull are vnited vnto his flesh and to his humane nature then by meanes hereof vnto his diuine u Ioh. Hebr. 10.10.20 nature His flesh is as it vvere the vaile by which they haue entrance into the holy of Holies and became in a sort partakers of his diuine x 2 Pet 1.4 nature Their whole person is vnited vnto Christ whence they are sayd to be his flesh and his bones not as they are men but as they are Christians and ingraffed into him and so with him make one body vvhereof hee is the head they the members Whole Christ is vnited vnto them both his humane his diuine nature and they are wholy vnited vnto him both their soules and y 1 Cor. 6.15 bodies their whole person For to giue some proofe of this which some otherwise happily may doubt of they are coupled to Christ the second Adam as He●ah was ioyned to the first Adam for that vnion betweene them was a type of this spirituall vnion betweene him and his Church his Spouse Now the whole person of Euah was ioyned and vnited to the person of Adam whence they are said to be no more two but z Ge. 2.24 Ephe. 5.31 one flesh Againe not the soule onely or the body onely of euery beleeuer is redeemed and saued by Christ but both and therefore not one but both must needs be ioyned and vnited vnto Christ for out of him there is no saluation a Acts ● 12 neither for one nor other Moreouer the whole person of the Sonne of God assumed and vnited vnto himselfe the vvhole nature of man not his flesh only or his soule onely but both and therefore by vertue of that vnion the whole nature of man must be vnited vnto him Lastly Christ whole Christ in his diuine nature and in his humane nature in his soule and body euen consisting of these together ioyntly and not seperatly is the b Eph. 5.23 head and and Sauiour of all his faithfull members and therefore their whole person must of necessitie be vnited to him otherwise how shall he be the head of both and the Sauiour of both euen of the whole man Thus then there is a true a reall an essentiall and entire vnion betweene the faithfull and Christ if wee respect the things vnited viz. Christ and his members but if wee regard the manner of this vnion it is wholy spirituall mysticall and supernaturall farre aboue the reach of the natural c 1 Cor. 2.14 man yea of any man fully to conceiue and comprehend it nay it is a great and a vvonderfull mysterie firmely to be beleeued as an article of our Faith and not curiously in a carnall and sensible manner to be searched into And therefore the Apostle shadowing it out vnto vs by the vnion which is betweene Man and Wife coupled together in mariage-bond breakes forth into this d Eph. 5.32 speech This is a great Secret or a * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 great Mysterie viz. this vnion beweene Christ and his Church It is a great mystery not to be comprehended by sense and carnall reason but to be beleeued and apprehended by faith onely which is that supernaturall light by which we see things that are e Heb. 1.11 invisible cannot be otherwise seene or discerned Happy are they that haue felt by comfortable experience what it is that we say Hauing seene what this vnion betweene Christ and the faithfull is it is next to bee considered how it is wrought in them This vnion therefore and spirituall coniunction is wrought by the spirit on Christs part and by faith on our part These are the two bands of it First the spirit through the effectuall operation and working thereof knitteth them vnto Christ As the nerues or sinewes being diffused from the braine into all the parts and members of the body doe ioyne and vnite them al vnto the head from whence they receiue life and action So the Spirit of of Christ proceeding from him who is the head of the Church is diffused as it were and communicated vnto his whole body which is the Church a 1 Cor. 12 27. and vnto euery member of the same euery particuler beleeuer and so knitteth and vniteth them vnto Christ their head so that they haue communion with him and receiue from him all spirituall grace b Ioh. 1.16 life and motion according vnto their measure c Rom. 12.3 1 Cor. 12.11 Ephes 4.7 yea it knitteth them
hee vvant that vvhich cannot be vvanting in any true Christian hauing onely the title and outward badge of a Christian and not the inward indowments of those heauenly vertues and graces of Gods holy and sanctifying spirit a Galat. 5.24 nor the outward ornaments of a godly and religious life vvherewith all that are true Christians indeed are beautified and adorned miserable are such men of all others if they could see it Better were it for them to be Turkes Pagans and such as neuer heard of the name of a Christian and easier shall it bee for the most rude and barbarous nation in the world that know not God nor Christ yea for those vile and monsterous people the wicked Sodomites whom the Lord branded with a note of perpetuall infamie b 2 Pet. 2.6 and made spectacles of his vvrath and vengeance to all ensuing ages easier I say nay Christ himselfe hath spoken it with his owne mouth shall it be for that wicked and cursed generation in the day of iudgement then for them euen those false and counterfeit Christians vvhich are the very staine of the name and profession of Christianitie and godlinesse c Math. 11 24 causing by the vvickednesse of their liues the name of Christ to bee blasphemed d Rom. 2.24 among the heathen and by their vnseemely actions and shamelesse conuersations bringing this honourable calling into contempt and reproach among those that are strangers from God and his Christ and iudge of the truth of our Religion not by that vvhich is the true touchstone and cannot deceiue viz. the Scriptures and glorious vvord vvhich wee beleeue but by the liues and carriages of those that are the professors of it or beare the name of Christians or Professors concluding though falsely that that Religion cannot bee good nor to bee embraced of any vvhich they see to bring forth no better fruits in those that are the professors of it or haue the name of such as are professors of it for they make no difference yea Tit. 1.16 2 Pet. 2.2 Rom. 8.9 as or vvorse then they see in that blindnesse of Turcisme or Paganisme wherein they liue Fearefull is the estate of such titular and seeming Christians or indeede rather no Christians although they haue a place in the Church and liue among Christians as the Chaffe among the Wheate men of wicked and corrupt hearts and liues of which there be multitudes among vs the shame and reproach of the Christian vvorld yea of Christ himselfe fearefull and wretched is their estate and condition of all their condemnation shall be greatest for so the Truth it selfe hath threatned against them and will surely accomplish it in due time This is the e Ioh. 3.19 condemnation that is this is the cause of that great and fearefull condemnation that light is come into the world and men loue darknesse rather then the light Children of night and of darknesse f 1 Thes 5.5 yea of the curse and perdition how thinke you yee shall escape the vengeance that is to come except as you haue taken vpon you the name of Christians so you liue as it becommeth Christians except you change your liues g Mat. 3.8 Acts 3.19 and bring forth fruits worthy amendment of life not thinking it to be sufficient to say wee haue Christ to be our Sauiour and Redeemer except you shew your selues to be such as are redeemed from sinne and loosed from the bands of h Ioh. 3.8 Luke 1.75 Iohn 3.36 Psal 2.12 iniquitie the vvorke of the Diuell vvhich vvas the end of Christs comming and which all that are redeemed by him must finde to be wrought in them If you beleeue and obey not * Iohn 3.36 2 Thes 1.8 assuredly you shall perish the wrath of God abideth on you and shall be poured forth vpon you in the day of the vvrath and of the declaration of the iust iudgement of God Christ shall no wayes profit you hee shall not be a Sauiour to redeeme you but a Iudge to condemne you and to render vnto you according to your wayes i Isay 3.11 and workes that yee haue done Heare this you that haue the name and shew of Christians and are not heare it consider well of it and tremble at it and learne at length to be Christinns not in shew and profession onely for that vvill turne to your greater condemnaton but in deede and in truth which wil bring you much peace and ioy heere k Rom. 2.7 and infinite and vnspeakeable happines and glory hereafter when as Christ that blessed hope of ours shall appeare in glory l 2 Thes 1 10. and be made marueilous in all them that haue beleeued in him and beene obedient to him Gracious Lord who art the author and finisher of euery good gift and grace which is vvrought in any of thine perfect I beseech thee that vvorke of grace which of thy free mercy and goodnesse it hath pleased thee to beginne in mee O let mee neuer be of the number of them that haue a shew of godlinesse m 2 Tim. 3.5 but deny the power thereof professing themselues to be Christians and yet liue as those that are enimies to Christ bruitish and Heathenish people Farre be this from me for so I should heape the greatest measure of thy vvrath vpon mee bring my selfe to endlesse vvoe and miserie hauing my portion among them to whom Christ in the day of his appearance in flaming fire n 2 Thes 1.7.9 shall render vengeance because they were not obedient to thy blessed Gospell but graunt that as thou hast vouchsafed me the tytle and honour of a Christian so I may walk worthy of that holy and glorious profession endeuoring to keepe a good conscience alwayes both before thee and before men and to liue righteously iustly and vnblameably as it becommeth one of those whom thou hast separated from this vile and sinfull world this naughty and crooked generation and called vnto thy kingdome and glory by the preaching of the Gospell of thy Christ that so being made like vnto my Sauiour in righteousnesse and holinesse here and seeking to glorifie thee in all things I may hereafter obtaine the glory of our Lord Iesus Christ liuing with him in those heauenly mansions according to that promise of his vvho is faithfull and true in all his sayings and being made partaker with him of that felicitie and happinesse o 2 The. 2 14. Ioh. 17.24 vvhich is endlesse and vnspeakable and that only through thy mercies in Christ in whom it hath pleased thee to accept me and to vvhom with thee and thy good Spirit be all prayse now and for euer Amen Another to the same effect THE sinne of Christians is the greatest of all others and so their punishment likewise God being alwayes iust to render vengeance a Rom. 6.2 according to the qualitie of the offence First that their sinne is greatest vvill easily appeare to him
this is the folly of the most in the vvorld euen such as otherwise are men of vvisedome and vnderstanding they will by no meanes forgoe the earth and the sinfull profits and pleasures of it which are but drosse and vanitie a Isa 55.2 for the enioying of heauen and happinesse it selfe How hath Sathan bewitched and besotted them It is marueilous strange to consider that the reasonable soule of man should be so seduced and deluded through the craft and wilinesse of Sathan who lieth in wait to deceiue and to bring men vnto confusion b 2 Pet. 5.8 Blessed Lord let the things of this world be vile and base in mine eyes in comparison of the felicitie of thy Saints and the glory of thy kingdome Keepe me now and alwaies from the foolishnesse of the wretched worldling and make me wise to see the difference betweene those most excellent and glorious things and these which are but fading and transitory Worldlinesse meere dotage VVE would wonder at him that would dote vpon a Strumpet a Pro. 7.7.22 that sought his life Such a one is euery couetous worldling or whosoeuer else is enamoured with the things here below pleasures profits honors The world with the sinfull and deceitfull shewes thereof doe secretly fight b 2 Pet. 2.11 against the soule of man yea seeke the vtter ruine both of soule and bodie they are the Deuils nets c 1 Tim. 4 6.9 and snares And the worldling is strangely besotted with this inchantresse he very fondly doteth vpon her and is drawne away with her allurements to his owne destruction And though he be often warned and admonished to take heed of her baites and to auoyd the mischiefe which she euen vvhiles she laughs and smiles vpon him seekes to bring him vnto yet he will not be drawne from her nor from her adulterous loue but runneth a d Hose 2.5 Iam. 4.4 whoring after her and is so bewitched with her that hee will not leaue her till shee hath wrought his vtter ouerthrow Mercifull LORD let not this world nor any thing that is in this world euer be able to preuaile against me so that I should perish with it But be thou powerfull in me by thy Word and Spirit draw my heart euery day more and more from these fading and perishing things and cause it to be set wholly vpon thee e Prou. 23.26 to whom of right it belongeth Discouer vnto mee daily more and more the f 1 Tim. 6.17 Eccle. 1.14 deceitfulnesse and vanitie of all things here below Let mee not vvith those vvhose eyes Sathan hath blinded with the false shewes of this deceiueable world dote vpon any earthly thing but let my loue be set vpon thee my ioy and delight be onely in thee and those blessed and glorious things which thou hast prepared for me in the heauens and in comparison of which all the things of this earth are but meere vanitie A Christian must not liue as one of this world A CHRISTIAN is not a man of this vvorld he is a soiourner and a stranger here vpon earth So haue a Gen. 23.4 47.9 1 Chro. 29 15. Psal 39.12 119.19 2 Cor. 5.6 Heb. 11.13 Hebr. 12.22.23 Abraham Iacob Dauid and other holy men of GOD acknowledged themselues to bee Heauen is his Country there is his mansion and dwelling place where he shall haue his abode for euer there is his God and blessed Sauiour his life and hope there are his best friends his neerest kinsefolke vnto whom hee is linked with the straitest bonds of perfect loue and amitie there are his chiefest riches and treasures euen that b Eph 1.18 1 Pet. 1.4 glorious inheritance that celestiall kingdome which shal haue no end no change Oh then why doe wee not vveane our hearts more from this vvorld vvhy doe we not shew ourselues strangers here by estranging c 1 Pet. 2.11 our affections from these things here below and lifting them vp vnto the desire and contemplation of those excellent things vvhich are aboue d Col. 3.2 vvhy doe wee not liue as Citizens of that heauenly Countrey If wee be Christians heires of glory vvhy is not our e Phil. 3.20 conuersation in heauen but on earth as if vvee were men of this world to liue here for euer and had no better * Heb. 11.16 things prouided for vs then those which the wicked of the vvorld enioy and which shall perish with them Is our Sauiour in the Heauens and doe wee lye groueling on this Earth like mucke-wormes Is our portion with the Saints in glory and doe wee in a base and seruile manner fasten our affections vnto this world which is but our prison vvherein vve are detained till the time of our libertie and redemption f Rom. 8.23 come O blessed Lord as in the riches of thy vnspeakeable mercies thou hast called me out of this world vnto the hope of g 1 Pet. 1.3 glory giuing mee some comfortable assurance of the full poss●ssion of those glorious mansions h Ioh. 14.2 prouided for mee and all thy Saints in the highest Heauens so draw my heart I beseech thee daily more and more vnto thee Raise vp my soule and all the affections thereof from Earth to Heauen Let mee vse this world i 1 Cor. 7.31 as if I vsed it not Let me carry my selfe as a stranger and one that is from his owne home alwayes ready and willing to depart from hence k Phil. 1.23 yea euer in my thoughts aspiring vnto that heauenly country l 2 Cor. 5.2 desiring and longing to bee with thee my God and Sauiour and to haue the fruition of that glory and happinesse vvhich thou reseruest for me and which I am no wayes worthy of but that it hath pleased thee graciously to respect me in the merits and worthinesse of thy Sonne in whom and through whom thou hast done great things for me and to whom with thee and thy good Spirit bee all praise and glory now and for euer Amen Another IT ought to be the continuall and earnest desire of euery true Christian that his heart may daily be more and more alienated and withdrawen from the things of this world a Psal 73.25 1 Cor. 7.31 which are but shadowes and meere vanities and more neerely vnited vnto God in whom alone that true comfort and happinesse is to be found which is not elsewhere to bee obtained O LORD increase this desire in mee and be gracious in giuing mee to see the desire of my heart therein fulfilled and accomplished vnto mee and in mee O draw mee from the inordinate loue of this vaine and sinnefull world wherevvith many are so much insnared let mee finde my affections euery day more estranged and separated from the same and graunt that I may be wholly vnited vnto thee my GOD delighting continually in thy presence and receiuing from thee that plentifull increase of the heauenly graces
to ouerturne all Religion and Pietie * Tantum abest quin decorum ordo nisi ista politia moderatione obseruari possit vt praesentissima impendeat Ecclesiae perturbatio ruina si dissoluatur j. In briefe The neglect of the Sabbath day is the ruine of the Church Caluin Instit lib. 2. cap. 8. sect 32. A notable politie of that wilie serpent And a marueilous eyther blindnes or presumption in them who are so bewitched by him For what God hath hallowed how should man once dare to prophane or to accoūt common vnhallowed But those vvhom God who is the light of our eyes hath caused the light of his sauing grace to shine more clearly vnto are otherwise minded otherwise affected They acknowledge it not only a iust equal thing that the Lord should haue one day of many dedicated wholy deuoted to his seruice a shame it were that any should deale sparingly with him herin who hath bin so prodigal to them but also they accoūt it a great argument and euidence of Gods speciall care ouer them and singular goodnesse towards them vvho in this estate of their frailetie and weakenesse hath in mercy appointed so excellent a helpe and so necessary a meanes for them to gather spirituall strength and increase of grace vvhereby to stand out against Sathan their deadly foe and to walke on cheerefully comfortably and constantly through the wildernesse of this troublesome vvorld to that promised rest that heauenly Canaan yea they reioyce greatly in it g Isai 58.13 finde much sweetnesse and delight in it long for it before it comes and when it is come solace themselues in it exceedingly And no marueile for they see and finde that it is the market-day of their soules vvherein according to Gods appointment they gather that heauenly Manna that bread of life vvhereby they are nourished and strengthened all the vveeke after and increase daily in that spirituall life of grace and godlinesse till they come vnto that measure vvhich GOD hath allotted vnto them They see how hereby they recouer themselues from sinnes past arme themselues against sinne to come grow in knowledge increase in faith hope patience and all other Christian vertues haue the inward man repaired and in a word vvhereas on other daies their mindes are troubled and distracted vvith worldly businesse this day they haue libertie to recall themselues as it were to draw neere vnto the Lord and sweetly to repose themselues in him who is their peace rest and happinesse and therefore they ioy reioyce herein Againe their Sabbath-day heere on earth as it doth expresse * Ambros in Psa 119. calleth aeternam vitam magnū Sabbathum August lib. 22. de ciuit Dei ca. 30. Sabbathum maximum where he saith it prefigureth the rest of the bodie and soule so it doth put them in minde of that eternal Sabbath which they shall celebrate for euer in the heauens that peace that ioy and that perfect rest and happinesse vvhich they shall shortly bee made partakers of for euer in those glorious mansions those celestiall habitations It is as it were a mappe or an Embleme to them of that Angelicall life which their soules longeth after and the very remembrance vvhereof doth vvonderfully refresh their grieued minds and languishing spirits vvhiles they vvander in this wearisome vvildernesse where they haue so many enemies continually assayling them so many difficulties with vvhich they are continually incumbred The sanctifying of this day doth bring them as it were from Aegypt to Canaan and from Babell vnto Sion i Heb. 11.10.16 It cals them home to their owne countrey giues them a view of it though a farre off and affords them a tast of that spirituall and heauenly life vvhich afterwards they shall liue for euer in glorious manner How therefore can it bee but that they should reioyce in it and in no vvise thinke it burdensome vnto them as carnall and worldly men doe O my God forgiue me that I haue had no more care of this dutie heretofore and teach me to be more mindfull of it hereafter As thou hast appointed this day to be wholly bestowed vpon thee and thy seruice so I humbly pray thee to guide me therein vvith thy grace and spirit that it may be my delight to consecrate it as * Isa 58.13 glorious vnto thee O let me not by any meanes pollute it by doing mine owne waies nor seeking mine owne will no not so much as speaking a vaine word but let me giue my selfe therein wholly to the duties k Act. 16.13 Psal 122. Nehe. 8.8 Act. 17.11 Psal 92.1 145.5 Mal. 3.16 1 Cor. 16.1.2 vvhich thou requirest of me both publique and priuate as hearing thy word preached with all reuerence and carefull attention reading the same prayer meditation and godly conference whatsoeuer else whereby I may be furthered or a means to further or helpe forward others in the wayes of grace and godlinesse that thus being obedient vnto thy commandement vnto which I am tied by so many bonds thy blessing may be vpon me thy spirit may dwell with me I may daily more and more be built vp in sauing knowledge and true holinesse I may grow strong in thy feare finding the powers of sinne and Sathan euery day more and more weakened in me and after that I haue at thy appointed times indeuoured to keepe a holy and religious Sabbath heere on earth I may hereafter keepe an eternall Sabbath with thee in the heauens praysing and magnifying thee vncessantly and enioying that perfect rest and happinesse which thou hast promised and I daily expect and hope for that only through the merits of thy deare Son my blessed Sauiour to whom with thee thy spirit be all praise now for euer Prophanenesse how fearefull the end of it will be THe Fig-tree a Math. 21 19 was accursed because it had leaues onely but brought forth no fruit how much more they then that haue cast away the leaues also hauing not so much as the shew and outward profession of religion and godlinesse It 's a heauie and dreadfull sentence which is to be pronounced against the vnprofitable seruant that hath not improued the Lords talent which he gaue vnto him and made the best vse of it for his masters aduantage so as might be most for his glory and the good and benefit of others amongst whom he liued b Math. 25 30 Cast that vnprofitable seruant into vtter darkenesse there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth O then what shall become of those that are not onely fruitelesse and vnprofitable in their course but prophane and openly euill so as the world doth point at them and cri● shame vpon them though they are so hardened many of them that they neuer blush for it c Ier. 5.3 6.15 nor will be ashamed but d Hose 7.10 glory in it that doe not onely omit that which is good setting themselues
to turne my feete g Pro. 4.14 from their pathes and to walke before thee in truth and sinceritie and in singlenesse of heart that so whereas they shall euer be wretched and miserable I may haue assurance that I am and shall be blessed both now and euer Amen The godly life the onely happie life ALL things in this life are vaine a Eccle. 1.8.14 and come to nothing riches health beautie strength glorie or whatsoeuer the heart of man can desire or which might seeme to promise vnto men the greatest felicitie happines VVho is so blinde that seeth not how fading and transitorie they are euen those that are of the greatest perfection and excellencie aboue others They haue an end and passe away as if they had neuer beene b Eccle. 1.11 Psal 119.96 But the feare of the Lord indureth for euer c Psal 19.9 Psal 112. True Religion and Godlinesse they abide with vs in life and in death and for euer This is as the tree of life in the Paradise of God vvhich giueth life d Pro. 12.28 22.4 19.23 happinesse to them that delight not onely to tast but also to feede and fill themselues with it This is as it were a cleare fountaine of liuing waters e Ioh. 4.14 vvhich spring vp to euerlasting life and glory in the kingdome of God It crownes a man vvith many graces f Prou. 10 27 Deut 28.3 c. Psal 1.19 and blessings heere and hereafter vvill giue him enterance into the fulnesse and perfection of all blessednesse when all other things shal appeare to be as they are vaine shadowes dreames and fancies that shall satisfie the soule with the abundance and accomplishment of all glorie and happinesse Oh then how great is the folly of those that seeke more after these fading g 1 Cor. 7.31 1. Ioh. 2.27 and perishing things then after that which is farre to be preferred before them that labour more to be h Psal 4.6 rich healthfull strong honourable c. then to be truly religious men fearing God and such as delight to walke conscionably before him in his wayes that striue more to abound in the pleasures profits and preferments of this world which are but as smoke and soone vanish away i Psal leauing the owner of them neuer a vvhit the better then in grace and godlinesse which hath the promises of blessednesse both in this life * 1 Tim. 4.8 and in the life to come O LORD indue mee daily more and more with that wisedome which is from aboue discouer vnto me yet more and more the vanitie of all things here below Let me consider how * Psa 82.7 146.3.4 Iob 21.33 Princes the greatest men die and how their fauour and honour fadeth with them let me consider how one generation goeth and k Eccl. 1.4 another commeth and how euen those things which are of greatest perfection * Psal 119.96 and in greatest account amongst men perish come to an end quickly though insensibly to them especially that haue not eyes to discerne the course of them And on the other side cleere my dimmed sight by the cleere shine of thy grace and blessed Spirit that I may behold how great the reward of true Religion and godlinesse is what perfect and constant yea euerlasting blessednesse there is in walking vprightly before thee in the vvayes which thou hast prescribed vnto me that so making a choise of the better part * Luke 10.42 I may be truly blessed of thee both in life and death and for euermore The godly life is the onely comfortable and contented life MAny are afrayd to be religious for feare they should loose the comfort content which before they enioyed in their sinful vanities l Eccl. 11.9 lead a more heauy a dumpish discomfortable life wanting those sweet morsels with vvhich they were wont to glut themselues till they surfetted on them O vain man that so fondly imaginest that thou shalt finde comfort and happinesse vvhere it is not to be found m Eccle. 1.14 and that thou shouldest depriue thy selfe of it by taking that course wherby thou only mightst attaine vnto it n Eccl. 12.13 Why dost thou suffer thine owne heart thus to deceiue thee yea Sathan with his sleights o 2 Cor. 2.11 thus to beguile and delude thee causing thee to follow after shadowes and to let goe the substance euen that onely vvhich can make thee happy thy life comfortable and full of desired sweetnesse whereas now for want of it thou languishest in vaine hopes restles pursuite of that which is elsewhere to be found then thou dreamest yea euen by those very meanes by vvhich thou fearest thou shouldest depriue thy selfe of it Know at length thine errour and learne to get true vnderstanding and a right discerning of those things which concerne thy * Luk. 19.42 peace happinesse The godly life onely it is vvhich is the truly comfortable and contented life If thou wilt not beleeue the Saints of God p Psal 4.4 Rom 5.1 1 Pet. 1. Phil. 11.12 who speake out of their owne experience q Ioh. 3.11 euen those things which they haue felt and tasted of through the Spirit of grace vvhich dwels in them hauing had proofe also of both estates euen that wherein thou who art yet a carnall and vnregenerate man now art as also of that wherin through the mercy of God they now stand being sanctified and regenerate by the Spirit of God and such as vvould not returne to their former estate wherin thou liuest nor exchange the●r present comforts for their former ●a●ities though they might haue I say not with Balaam r Num. 12.28 a house full of Gold and Siluer but the whole world yea tenne thousand worlds if it might be If thou wilt not I say beleeue these vvho notwithstanding ought to be credited being well acquainted with those things vvhich they testifie yet beleeue God himselfe vvho hath sayd and sealed it in those diuine Oracles for a certaine and vndoubted truth vvhich none except hee vvill proclaime himselfe to bee a profest Atheist one vvhich denies God and his Word which is of infallible truth dare euer denie or once call into question in any sort viz. that the life of the wicked is nothing but vanitie and s Eccles 1. miserie they being like a restlesse and raging Sea t Isa 57.20 vvhich casts out mire and dirt continually their fear●s and sorrowes v Iob 15.21 being many and the euils x Psal 32.10 vvhich attend vpon them infinite the godly on the other side ful of comfort heauenly solace peace y Prou. 24 20. Rom. Psal 97.11 Pro. 15.15 Phil. 4.4 ioy and much sweetnesse such as none know nor can conceiue of but they that haue tasted of it z 1 Pet. 2.3 and which after they haue once tasted
34 29.30 For they shall shine as the brightnesse of the Firmament n Dan. 12.3 as the Starres yea as the Sunne it selfe o Mat. 13.43 when it shineth in his greatest strength and dazeleth the eyes of all the beholders Nay as the Sunne of righteousnesse p Mal. 4.2 CHRIST IESVS himselfe VVee know how glorious his body was in his transfiguration vpon the mount q Mat. 17.2 when he gaue those three Disciples but a glimpse of that resplendent brightnesse wherewith his bodie doth now shine most gloriously Such as was then yea such as is now the glory of his body in the highest heauens such then also shal theirs be For their bodies shall be made conformable vnto his s Phil. 3.21 Now we are the sonnes of God saith that beloued Disciple of Christ Now we t 1 Iohn 3.2 are the sonnes of God euen all the faithfull but yet it doth not appeare what wee shall be But wee know that when hee shall appeare we shall be like him They shall be made like vnto him in glory though not equall They shall haue the same kinde of glory put vpon them though not the same degree and measure As their bodies were some-wayes comformable vnto his in his humilitie and abasement in regard of their sufferings as the Apostle speakes of himselfe v Gal. 6.17 I beare in my body the markes of the Lord Iesus and in regard of their manifold weaknesses and infirmities whereunto they are now continually subiect so then they shall be made conformable vnto his glorious body being beautified with the same glory and shining with the same brightnesse Such as is the Head such shall be the members As the Sunne giueth light vnto all the other Lights of heauen so shall CHRIST vnto all the Saints by communicating his owne glory vnto them Or as the Ayre being inlightned by the light of the Sunne is so transformed into the brightnes thereof that it seemes not so much to be lightened as to be light it selfe so the bodies of the Saints being inlightned with the beames of the glory of GOD and his Sonne Christ Iesus which shall shine vnto them x Ioh. 16.22 and in them shall be euen transformed into the glorious Image of God shining clearely with the brightnesse of that glory which is in the Son of God himselfe When the glory of the Lord reflected vpon Moses vvhiles hee was with him certaine dayes vpon the Mount it made his face to shine so brightly as it was formerly said that the people could not behold him but were afraid to come neare him for the glory of his y Exod. 34.33 2 Cor. 3.7.13 countenance so that hee was faine to put a couering vpon his face and to vaile himselfe because otherwise they were not able to talke with him and to heare that Message which hee had vnto them from the Lord Oh then how glorious must not onely their faces but their whole bodies be who shall not be certaine dayes or yeares but continually in the presence of God in his heauenly Mountaine vvhere hee shall cause all the beames of that vnspeakeable brightnesse and glory of his to be euer reflecting euer shining vpon them Adams body in his integritie was glorious and had a kinde of Maiestie vpon it so that all the Creatures stood in awe z Gen. 2.19 20. Psal 8.6.7 and reuerence of his presence much more shall theirs when liuing in that coelestiall Paradise they shall be made like not that earthly but that heauenly Adam CHRIST IESVS our blessed Lord and Sauiour whose Image they shall then a 1 Cor. 15 48.49 beare The Sunne that glorious creature vvould not so much dazle our eyes if wee should looke full vpon it in the greatest brightnes thereof as the bodies of euery one yea of the least of the Saints would if wee should now behold them in the glory wherewith then they shall be inuested in a wonderfull manner What should I say more The tongue of man is not able to expresse the greatnesse of their glory In briefe then to inlarge this no further whiles the bodies of the wicked like loathsome carkasses shall be vile contemptible inglorious full of shame and confusion yea an abhorring to all flesh b Isa 66.24 theirs shall shine in that brightnesse of glory which is vnspeakeable and rather with comfort to be expected then with words sufficiently expressed They onely who shall be made partakers of it shall know what it is And as their bodies shall be made thus glorious so much more their soules Nay the glory hereof shall as much exceede the other as the Soule it selfe doth excell the body which they that are of any vnderstanding vvill grant to be exceeding much Great yea marueilous great shall the glory thereof be They shall be changed and renued and of a farre more excellent condition then they now are changed I say not in regard of their essence for that shall remaine the same without any difference any alteration but in regard of their qualities which shall be refined and much altered from that they were before of a new stampe and impression as it were inriched with new endowments new ornaments yea the glory of them shall be wonderfull farre aboue that wee are able to thinke or conceiue of them More particularly The Image of God c Eph. 4.24 Col. 3.10 and of Christ which now through sinne is much defaced in them shall then shine forth in them in most glorious manner It is begunne in them here d 2 Cor. 3.18 it shall be perfected there Their Vnderstandings shall bee inlightned to know whatsoeuer may make for their happinesse Whereas now they are ouer-shadowed with much darkenesse then they shall shine most clearely most brightly They shall vnderstand perfectly the whole Mystery of e 1 Tim. 3.16 Godlinesse They shall know God yea see him as he is euen face to f 1 Cor. 13.12 face as much as the nature of a finite and humane creature is able to comprehend the glory of so infinite and so glorious a Maiestie There shall be no darknesse of error or ignorance in them for they shall liue alwayes in the light yea where hee that is the Father of lights g Iam. 1.17 shall continually cast forth his shine vpon them illuminating and inlightning their vnderstandings with the bright beames of his Spirit and making them partakers of the rich treasuries of all heauenly vvisedome and true spirituall knowledge and vnderstanding Great was the knowledge which Adam had in Paradise before his fall when as at the first veiw hee was able to giue vnto euery h Gen. 2.20 creature both Fowles of the Ayre and Beasts of the Field a name according vnto their nature but it was not so great as that which the Saints shall haue in Heauen I list not here to feede the curious Reader with nice speculations of things not reuealed i Deut. 29 29.