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A16354 The life of the holie father S. Francis Writen by Saint Bonauenture, and as it is related by the Reuerend Father Aloysius Lipomanus Bishop of Veron. In his fourth tome of the life of Saintes; Legenda maior beatissimi patris francisci. English Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, ca. 1217-1274.; Montagu, Anthony Maria Browne, Viscount, 1574-1629. 1610 (1610) STC 3271; ESTC S112955 142,663 258

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overpassing the night according to his vsuall manner in the praier of God albeit that he were then in bodie absent from his children Behold yet even aboute the verie pointe of midnight some of the bretheren being bent to sleepe and some other of them continuing in praier a fierie chariote of marveilous splendoure entring in at the dore of the house whirled vp and downe the place one while one way and one while another vntill it had at length gone three severall times rounde about the roome vpon the toppe whereof might be seene to rest a globe of shining beames as bright as the sunne which caused the darke some night for the time to seeme as cleere as the day Heere with all the watchfull were amased and the sleepy both waked and astonished every of them finding no lesse clearenes in their harts than outwardly vpon their bodies it being effected by the power of this marvailous light that the naked consciences of them all were discovered one to another For they did all of them agreably vnderstand every of them seing into each others harte that the holy Father being absent in body but present in spirit and in such apparence transfigured was with the beames of brightnes from aboue inlightened and inflamed and out of supernaturall power in a shining and fiery Chariot by God represented vnto them that as true Israelites they might follow after him who as an other Elias was by God ordained to be the Chariot 4 Reg. 2.11 and Chariot Driver of spirituall men And verily good cause we haue to belieue that he who opened in former time the eies of a Boie 4. Reg. 6.7 wherby to see the mountaine filled all with horses and fiery Chariots in compasse of Aeliseus did now also at the praiers of his holy Servant Saint FRANCIS in like manner open the eies of this simple company that they might see and behold the woonderfull workes of God But the holy man after this returning vnto his brethren beganne to sift the secrets of their consciences to refresh their spirits vpon occasion of this marveilous vision and to foretell many things concerning the increase of the Order At what time disclosing vnto them many and sundry points which far surpassed all humane vnderstanding the brethren well perceyued that the spirit of our Lord had in so great aboundance setled it selfe vppon this his servant Saint FRANCIS that it should be their safest and most certaine course to imitate his life and doctrine After this S. FRANCIS the Pastor of that litle flock being guided and directed by the grace of God conducted this poore number of twelue brethren to the Church of Saint Mary of Portiūcula to the end that where the order of the Friers Minors had by the merits of the Mother of God taken his beginning there also by her helpe it might take increase And in this place also being made a preacher of the Gospell he went about preaching through the Citties and townes Not in the learned words of humane wisedom but in the power of the spirit denowcing the Kingdome of God He seemed vnto all that sawe him to be a man of another world for as he was allawayes intentiue to heaven both in minde and countenance so did he seeke with his whole endevour to draw all men thither with him And even now about this time Of virgins were converted by him to imbrace perpetuall chastity false it is that it is mipossible to keeps Virgiuity beganne the vineyard of Christ to bud forth the buds of the sweete smels of our Lord and having brought forth the flowers of sweetnes Honor and Honestie did yeild a plentifull and fruitfull harvest For many both men and women inflamed with the zeale of his preaching serving our Lord in the Chastitie of wedlock according to the forme receaved of the servant of God did binde themselves vnto new lawes of Pennance whose manner of living the said servant of Christ decreed to be named The Order of the brethren of Pennance For as the way of pennance is one and the very same vnto all such as desire to come vnto heaven so likewyse this order S. Clare now glorified in heauen is worthily worshiped in earth of the Church admitting both the Clergie and the lay pepple Virgins and Married folkes of both sexes of how great merit it is in the sight of God it is manifest by many miracles which some of them haue wrought as may be knowen to the world Even now also divers Virgins were by him converted vnto perpetuall chastity among which Saint Clare that notable Virgin and most deare to God was the first plant and most beautifull blossome of all the rest who as as pure springing flower gaue a sweet savour of holynesse and glimmered forth her beames as a bright shining star she being now glorified with God in heaven is worthely honored of the Church in earth who being the daughter in Christ of the holy poore Father Saint FRANCIS did also become the Mother of the poore And many not only moved with devotion but inflamed with desire of Christian perfection contemning the vanity of wordly things did follow the steeps of Holy S. Francis Who increasing daily more more were quickly spreede forth to the end of the world For that same holy poverty which was the only thing they desired to carrie with them for the defray of their charges made them evermore ready vnto all obedience strong in sustaining of labours and nimble in prosecuting their iourneis And for so much as they possessed no earthly thing nothing did they loue nothing did they feare to loose but were in every place secure never assailed with feare never distracted with care wherby living as men in every point free from all manner of trouble of minde they had patience in expectance of their morning and nightly sustenance Many and sundry reproaches they sustained in diuerse parts of the world as men contēptible and vnknowen but the loue of the Gospell of Christ had endewed them with so perfect patience that they sought in those places rather to be were they might suffer persecution in body than where vpon observation of their vnfained holinesse they might haue occasion to glory in the favour of the world And even that very penury of all things which they continually sustayned seemed vnto them a superaboūdant plenty meane while that according to the wisemans Councell In steed of a great thing the least did contente them For some of the brethren comming into the infidells countries it happened that a certaine Saracin moved with pittie offered them mony for their necessary foode which he perceiving them to refuse wondered not a litle thereat seeing them notwithstauding to be both poore and needy But at the lenght perceiuing that having voluntarily made themselues poore for the loue of God they would possesse no mony he was thereby conioyned vnto them in so great loue and affection that he offered to Minister vnto them all
after Christ he put speciall confideuce her he made an aduocate for himselfe and his bretheren according as he sometimes familiarly declated vnto his companiōs He burned with an admirable fervour of al his hart soule towards the blessed Sacrament of our Lord his body woondering with an vnspeakable amazement at that most charitable condiscending and most condiscending charity He did oftentimes communicate and that with so great devotion that he made others also to be devoute by his example whilest he at the sweete tasting of the immaculate Lambe was as one drunck in spirit ravished for the most part into an extasie of minde He loved the mother of our Lord Iesus Christ with an vnspeakable loue for that by her the Lord of Maiestie is be come a brother vnto vs and we by her haue happily obtained mercy In her next after Christ he reposed his principall confidence her he did most especially choose to be the Advocatrix for himselfe and all his brethren And to her honor he did most devoutly fast from the feast of the holy Apostles Saint Peter Saint Paul vntill the feast of her Assumption Vnto the Angelicall spiritts also considering them to burne with a maveilouse fire of excessiue loue towardes God and of inflaming the soules of the elect therwithall he was conioined with an inseparable band of loue and for devotion towardes them he fasted fortie daies from the Assumption of the glorious virgin attending all that time vnto continuall praier But vnto blessed Saint Michaell the Archangell for that it belonged vnto his office to represent the soules he was the more devoted in an especiall bonde of loue the rather for the fervent zeale he bare vnto the salvatiou of all the elect And as concerning the Saints out of the remembrance of all them as out of fierie stones he grewe to be more aboundantely inflamed in the vnquencheable zeale and loue of God bearing towardes all the Apostles and specially to Sainct Peter and Saint Paule for the exceeding charitie which they had towardes Christe a most principall and rate devotion and for the reverence and loue of them he dedicated vnto our Lord a peculiar Lenten observance This poore man of Christ had no more but two mites his body namely and his soule to giue vnto God with liberall charitie But these two he spated not for the loue of Christ to offer vp so cōtinually that as it were all his life time he sacrificed his body by the rigour of abstinence and his spirit by the fervour of desire exterioutly in the Porche of his body immolating the burnt sacrifice and in the temple of his soule inwardly beginning the sweete smelling incense of devotion But yet for all this so was he borne alofte to divine things by the excessiue devotion of charity that neuer thelesse his affectuous benignity did dilate it selfe vnto his Copartners in nature and grace For whome the singular pietie of his hart had made to be a brother vnto all creatures besides him it is no marvaile if the charity of Christ did make to be much more a brother vnto creatures ennobled with the Image of their creatour and redeemed with the bloude of theire maker And therefore he reputed not himselfe to be the friend of Christ vnlesse he did cherishe the soules which he had redeemed He saied that nothing was to be preferred before the wellfare of soules approvinge the same especially by this that the only begoten soone of God vouchsafed for the loue of them to hang vpon the Crosse And from hence proceeded his combatte in praier his discourse in preaching and his excesse in giving good example Wherevpon so often as ouer much austerity was reprehended in him he made answere that he was giuen for an example vnto other men For notwithstanding that his innocent flesh which had now willingly and freely subiected it selfe to the spirit stoode no waies in neede of any scourge at all for his owne offences yet for examples sake he daily renewed both paines and burdens vppon himselfe keeping hard waies for other mens instruction For he vsed to say If I speake with the tongues of men and of Angells and haue not Charity in my selfe whereby to giue example of vertue vnto my neighbours I profite others but litle and my selfe no white at all And with a fervent inflammation of charitie he did emulate the glorious triumphe of the holy Martirs for that in them neither could the flame of loue be extinguished nor yet could the stability of fortitude be any way infeebled Wherfore being wholy set on fire with that perfecte charity which casteth out feare he also desireth by the flame of Martirdome to offer himselfe as a liuing sacrifice vnto our Lord to the end he might make requitall according to his power vnto Christ that suffered death for vs vpon the Crosse and might also provoke others by his example vnto the loue of God For in the sixt yeare after his conversion burning altogether in desire of Martirdome he purposed to passe the seas vnto the partes of Siria to preach the Christian faith and pennance vnto the Saracens and other infidelles And being gotten aboarde into a cerraine shippe that made for those partes by meane of contrary winds he was inforced to put a shore vpon the coaste of Salauonia Where having made some tyme of aboade and nor having founde any shippe in all that space prepartd to passe the Seas he thereby perceiving himselfe to be disappointed of his desires made earnest request vnto certaine Marriners euen then prepared for Ancona that for the loue of God they would take him along with them But they obstinately refusing him as not having wherewith to deftay his charges the mā of God singulerly reposing vpon the goodnesse of our Lord entred secretly into the shippe himself and his companion with him At that time fortuned to be there a certaine man of Gods owne sending as is to be thought for the relief of his poore servant who bringing with him necessary provision of victuals and calling vnto him one of the shippe that had the feare of God before him delivered the same vnto him saieng keepe these things faithfully for the poore brethren that lie secret in the shippe and in the time of neede imparte thereof friendly vnto them And so it came to passe that when the shippemen labouring by sorce of the windes for many daies together and all that time not being able to get to lande had in the meane while exspended all their provisions yet still vnto poore Saint Francis remained of that Almes which was by Gods appointement reserved for him Which nevertheiesse though it were but very small was yet by Gods devine power so marveilousely multiplied that they making very many daies aboade vpon the Sea it aboundantly supplied all their necessities euen vntill they came vnto the very Porte of Ancona The marriners therefore perceiving themselues by meane of the servant of God to haue escaped many daungers of
the beginning of his exhortation he was wonte in this manner to salute them saiyng Our Lord giue his peace vnto you For this manner of salutation he learned of God according as himself afterwards affirmed And there vpon it came to passe that according to the saying of the Prophet himselfe also being inspired with the spirit of prophesy he did denounce peace he did preach salvation and did with healthfull admonition associate very many vnto the true peace euen such as had binne before time disioyned much from the favour of Christe and had thereby straied farr away from the porte of Salvation Now therefore when this holy servant of God did growe to be better knowen vnto many aswell for the truth of his sincere doctrine as of his life certaine other man also moved by his example beganne to be animated and stirred vp vnto Pennance and reiected all the impediments of this world that they might be conioyned vnto him both in habite and life The first of which number was the venerable man Bernardus who be the special vocatiō of God merited to be the first borne of the blessed Father aswell in priority of time as in priviledge of holy conversation For he having had experience of the holinesse of the seruant of Christ and purposing by his example perfectly to contemne the world demaunded of him direction for the better performance of his purpose Which the servant of God vnderstanding was replenished with great consolation of the holy-Gost for the conception of this his sonne said vnto him that this councell was to be sought at the hands of God Wherefore betimes in the morning they entered into the Church of S. Nicolas and there after humble prayers exhibited the devout servant of the blessed Trinity S. Francis three severall times opened the booke of the Gospells instantly beseeching Almighty God that by a triple testimony he would wouchsafe to confirme the holy purpose of Bernard In the first openning therefore of the book he lighted vpon that place which saith If thou wilt be perfect go and sell all that thou hast and giue vnto the poore In the second Take nothing in the way But in the third Mat. 19.21 Marc. 6.8 Ma. 16.24 If any man will come after me let him denie himself and take vp his Crosse and follow me This is saith the holy man our life and Rule and of all them who will conioyne thē selues to our society So therefore if thou willt be perfect and performe the thinges thou hast heard delivered Not long after it fell out that fiue other men also were called by the same spirit wherby the nūber of the spirituall children of holy S. Francis was increased to sixe among whom the third place befell vnto the Holy Father Aegidius a mā also full of Gods grace worthy to be held in famous memory For being afterwards most rarely exercised in heauenly vertus according as the seruāt of God had foretold of himself although he were a simple and vnlearned man yet was he exalted vnto the top of Celestiall contemplation For continewing long time togeather without intermission intentive vnto heavenly actions he was ravished also with so frequent excesse of contemplation in God as I my self have with mine eies observed that he was esteemed rather to haue led the life of Angels then of men though living and couersing among men Aboute the same very time vnto a certaine Priest of Assisium named Syluester a man of honest life and conversation our Lord vouchsafed to shew a vision very worthy to be remembred For finding in himself an especiall loathing and avertion from the manner life of S. Francis and his brethren least that he might haply be indangered for the rashnes of his iudgement thus was he visited by the favour of Gods heauenly grace He beheld in his sleep the whole Citty of Assisium to be environed rownde with a mōstrous Dragon by reason of the vnmeasurable hugenes whereof the whole country seemed to be in danger of vtter wast and distruction After this he might see a certaine Crosse of gold issueing forth of the mouth of S. Francis the topp where of reached vnto heauen and the armes to the vtter most bounds of the worlde at the glittering aspect wherof that ougly and horrible Dragon was vtterly put to flight This vision being three times in this manner represented vnto him he therevpon esteeming it as the very Oracle of God declared the same in order to the man of God and his brethren and it was not long after but himselfe also leaving the world did with such perfection adheare vnto the footesteeps of Christ that the life by him ledd in the order gaue good credit and authority to the vision he had seene in the world Vpon the report and publication whereof no whitt was the man of God ezalted in humaine glory but acknowledging the benefits of God and the greatnes of his goodnes he was more and more incouraged to withstād the crafte of the auncient enemye and therewithall to preach and extoll the glory of the Crosse of Christ But it befell vnto him vpon a day that walking in a certaine solitary place and there recounting with himselfe his yeares mispent as he did in the bitternes of his harte bewaile them the gladsome comfort of the Holy-Ghost comming then vpon him he was fully certified of the plenarie remission of all his offences And being afterwardes rapt as it were aboue himselfe and having his vnderstanding marveilously inlightened he evidētly perceyved what great matters were in tyme to come to be fall vnto himselfe and his whole progenie after him Whervpon returning vnto his brethren Be of good comfort quoth he my most dearely beloved and reioyce in our Lord be in no wise eyther sad or sorrowfull for that yee be but few in number neyther yet be yee desmayed eyther out of myne or your owne simplicity for so much as our Lord hath certainely revealed vnto me that he will make vs increase to a great and mighty companie and will with the sweet blessing of his heavenly grace multiply and augmente our noumber many and sundrie wayes At the same time also another devout man entred the religion among them whereby the issue of the man of God did now amounte vnto seaven Then the good Father calling all his children about him and speaking many things vnto them of the kingdome of God of the contempt of the world of the denying of their owne will and of the chasticement of the body withall declared vnto them his purpose to send them into the foure partes of the world For now the holy simplicity of the holy Father having brought forth seaven children did also desire to beget the whole company of the faithfull vnto Christ our Lord by calling them to the mournefull works of Pennance Go your waies quoth he sweet father to his welbeloved children and denouncing peace vnto men preache vnto them Pennance for the remission of sinnes
thinges necessary so long as he should haue in the world to giue them O inestimable price of poverty by the admirable force whereof even Barbarours cruelty was chaunged into so great a sweetnes of mercy Wherefore it is a thing most horrible and a wickednes vnexcusable for a Christian man to tread vppon so pretious a pearle which an infidell Saracin held in so great a reverence About this time Moricus a Religious man of the Order called Cruciferi being miserably afflicted in an Hospital neare to Assisium with a long and greivouse disease through the violent force whereof the Phisitions were in vtter despaire of his recoverie made humble request to the man of God by a messenger sent for purpose with instant desire that he would vouchsafe to pray for him Whervnto the blessed Father with a willing minde assenting after praier devoutly made taking cartaine crummes of bread into his hand and mingling the same with oyle taken from out of the Lamp which burned before the Altar of the Blessed virgin brought it at lenght as it were to a certaine kinde of electuary which he sent vnto the sicke man by the handes of his brethren saying Beere ye this medicine vnto our brother MORICVS where by the power of Christ will not only restore him vnto perfect health againe but will make of him a strong and hardy warriour and shall further adioyne him perpetually vnto our troupe and company No sooner had this sicke man tasted of that exquisit medecine made confected by the Holy Ghost his invention but rising vp forth with now perfectly whole and well he obtained of God so much strength both of body minde that within a litle while after entring into the Religion of the holy man he was contended with one only slender coate Behold the wonderfull abstinence of the holy man who for a long space tasted neither bread nor wine and wasfed only with rawe meats vnder which also he ware for long time together a coate of maile next to his skinne vsed no other diet than raw meates as hearbes fruits and such like other things as he gathered vpon the earth not tasting for many and soundrie years either of bread or wine All which notwithstanding he still continewed in good health and strenght of body And as the merrits of the vertue of these litle ones of Christ did daily more and more increase so the sweet smell of their good opinion spreading it self ronde about drew many out of divers parts of the world to come in person to see the holy Father Among whom there was a curious inventor of secular songes who having binne for that cause crowned by the Emperour and called the king of verses determined to go see this man of God the contemner of wordly things And finding him preaching in a certaine Monastery at the Castle of Saint SEVERINVS the hand of our Lord comming then vpon him be beheld Saint FRANCIS the preacher of the Crosse of Christ ensigned with two swordes one overthwarr the other in the forme of a Crosse the one of them stretched along from his head to his feete and the other Crosse-wise along his breast from on hand to the other Wherby although he knew not the contenance of the servāt of Christ yet was he fully secured that this very man was he by the admirable apparence of so great a miracle At the sodain aspect whereof being much amased he beganne to propose vnto himselfe better things in his minde and being at the lenght compunct by the force of his words no lesse than if he had bin stricken through with the sword of the spirit issueyng out of his mouth vtterly contemning all secular pompes he conioyned himselfe in profession with the blessed Father Wherevpon the holy man seeing him to be perfectly converted frō the trouble of the world to the peace of Christ called him by the name of Frater Pacificus He afterward increasing in al holinesse before such time as he was made provinciall Minister in France for he was the first that bare that office there merrited once and againe to see the greeke letter T. in the forehaid of holy S. Francis the same being distinguished with such seemely variety of colours as did wonderfully adorne his face and countenance This signe the holy man did reverence with great affection this signe he did commend with frequent speeches and in his letters which he vsually dispatched he evermore with his owne hand subscribed the same Ezech. 9.4 as if all his study were to make the signe T according to the saieing of the Prophet vpon the foreheades of them that sighed and mourned and were vnfainedly converted to Christ Now when the number of brethren was in processe of time increased the carefull Pastor beganne to call them together vnto a general Chapter then to beholden in the place of our Lady of Portiuncula that in the measure of divine distribution he might giue vnto every one his portiō of obedience in the land of their poverty Where although there were great penurie and the brethren sometimes came together aboue fiue thowsand in number yet by the help of Gods mercie they had sufficient foode together with health of body and aboundance of spirituall ioy But for so much as he could not be in body present at the provinciall Chapiters he was therefore in spirit by the diligent care of his governement by the instancy of prayer and by the efficacy of benediction evermore present at them notwithstanding that sometimes by the marvailous power and worke of God he did visibly appeare For as Saint Anthony that worthy preacher who is now a notable Confessour of Christ was preaching in the Chapter at Arles of the title of the Crosse Iesus of Nazareth King of the Iewes a certaine brother of approued vertue called Monaldus looking as the will of God was towardes the Chapter house doore sawe with is corporall eies the blessed Father Saint FRANCIS lifted vp alofte in the aire ad blessing his brethren with his handes stretched out as it were in the forme of a Crosse At which very time all the brethren did feele thēselues to be replenished with so great vnvsual-a consolation of spirit that the inward testimony which they felt in their hartes did sufficiently secure them of the vndoubted presence of the holy Father though afterwardes it was not only by evident signes but also by the said holy Fathers owne wordes externally confirmed And well it may be believed that the same power of Almighty God which granted the devout and holy Bishop Saint Ambrose to be present at the in tombing of the glorious Bishop Saint Martin to the end that he might with devout reverence honor the devout Bishop deceased did also by an especiall favour present his servant Saint Francis at the sermon of his true preacher Saint Anthony that he might approue the words of truth those especially of the Crosse of Christ whereof himselfe was a continuall
and feeble flesh so invincible a power of the spirit admired with himselfe thereat and extolled this divine miracle faying I tell you plainly brethren I haue seene wonderfull things to day For the holy man was now come vnto that excellent degre of purity that by a wonderfull sweet consent harmonie his flesh did agree with his spirit his spirit did wholy conforme it self vnto God it was by a divine ordināce brought to passe that the creature obeying the Creator was miraculously subiect to his will cōmandement As may also be seene by this other exāmple of the same holy servant of God who being sicke one time of a most dangerouse disease in the Desert of S. VRBANE feeling then directly in himselfe the defect of nature demaunded a cup of wine to be brought vnto him S. Francis making the ●igne of the Croste turned puer Water into most excilent wene whervpon answere being made that there was no wine there to be had he required them to bring him water which being donne he blessed the same with the signe of the Crosse Immediarly therevpon that which was before very naturall watter was now turned into●●ost excellent wine and that which the poverty of the place could not afforde the same did the purity of the hol● men deserue to obtaine By the taste also whereof he so spcedily recovered himselfe againe that both the newnesse of the rast the present reuewing of his imapired health alter ring supernaturally both the thing tasted him that was the taster therof did by a double testimony confirme the absolute dispoiling of the olde man and the perfect putting one of the newe And not only was this manner of obedience by the creatutes of God to his holy servant exhibited but the providence also of the Creator did every where condiscend to satisfie his wil and desire For his body being vpon a time ouer-dulled with the concurrence of many diseases together he founde in himselfe a desire to heare some harmonicall kinde of sounde that thereby he might be reviued and receiue more comforte of spirite but it not beseming his life and profession to procure it by the ministerie of man behold the service of Angels was ready to accomplish the Holy mans desire For as he was waking one night meditating vpon God so dainly there sounded a Harpe of most wonderfull harmony and of most sweet and pleasant melodie At what time he saw not any man but might well perceive the passage and returne of the Harper by the alteration of the sounde of the musicke as it was sometime nigher and sometime further from him Wherefore directing his spirit vp to God he was so singularly delighted in that most sweet soūding musicke that he did almost thinke himselfe to haue bin in another world This also could not be hidden from his brethren who did oftentims by certaine and vnfallible tokens perceiue that he was visited by Almightie God with so excessiue frequent consolations that it was not possible for him in any sorte to conceale them An other time also as the man of God went to preaeh betweene Lombardie and the Marquisate of Tervisium being then accompained with one of his brethren travailing along by the Riuer Poe the darkenesse of the night sodainly came vpon them By meane whereof the way being subiect vnto many and sundry perilouse daungers as wel in regarde of the Fenns thereabouts as also of the River it selfe the brother associate spake vnto the holy man saying make thy praiers good Father vnto God that we may be delivered out of these imminent daungers To whom the man of God answeared with much hope an confidence in this wise God is able no doubt my brotherr if it stand with the good pleasure of his sweet disposition to dispearse the deepe darkenesse of this obscure night and to vouchsafe vnto vs the benefit of light Which wordes he had no sooner vtteted but by the power of God such an aboundant light beganne to shine about them that the night being darke to others they neverthelesse did see in cleare and perfect light not only the way but very many things on every side aboute them being by the conduct thereof both corporally directed spiritually comforted whereby they came safe the last to the place of their lodging by the passage of no small space of grounde which they ioyfully overpassed with singing Himnes and praises in honor of Almightie God See now consider vnto how great vertue and wounderful purity this holy man had attained at whose beck the fire did temper his heat the water did change her tast the melodie of Angels did recreate his spirits whome the light of heaven did guide conduct in his way that so it may fully appeare that vnto the sanctified sences of Gods holy servant the whole frame of the world did readilie yeild an obsequious kinde of obeisance THE SIXTH CHAPTER Of his humility and obedience and of Gods fauourable condiscending vnto all his desires THE guardian and ornament of all vertues humility had in so aboundant manner replenished this holy servant or God that in his own reputation he was nothing els but a wretched sinner whereas in very deed he was a perfect mirrour and amost gloriouse ressemblance of all māner of holynesse Vpon this grounde worke he determined to build vp himselfe having as a wise Architecke laid that very same foundation which he had learnd of our Sauiour Christ For this cause he saied that the sonne of God did come downe from the highnes of his Fathers Bosome to these our contemptible things that being our Lord Maister he might aswell by his owne example as by his worde teach this excellent vertue of humility vnto vs. And therefore as the true disciple of Christe his praier was to seeme vile and base both in his owne and other mens eies remēbring the same which is said by the most superexcellent Maister That which is high amonge men is abhomination with God Thervnto also adding this saying of his owne that Looke how much a man is the sight of God so much he is and no more And therefore he held it for a very vaine and foolish thing to be extolled with the favours of the world reioycing much to be reproached and sorrowing no lesse to be commended For he had farre rather heare himselfe reuiled and reproched than praised or commended knowing that the one might provoke him to amende and the other might giue occasion to fall And for that cause oftentimes when the people extolled in him the meritt of holinesse he commanded one of his brethren to vtter some words of debasement and reviling against him in his owne hearing Which when the brother did although much against his will calling him a rusticall and rude body an vnskilfull and vnprofitable hireling he was marveilously exhilerated therat aswell in minde as in countinance whereby he answered Our Lord blesse thee my most dere sonne for thou
death as men who had seene the horrible daungers of the Sea and had also well observed the wonderfull workes of our Lord in the deepe gaue thanks therfore vnto Almighty God who sheweth himselfe alwaies in his friends and servants to be marveilouse and worthy to be beloued But the servant of God having now left the Sea and beginning to walke vpon the lande casting vpō the grounde the seede of saluation reaped thereof fruitfull handefulles in the time of harvest Yet neverthelesse for so much as the fruit of Martirdome had so farre forth allured his harte that aboue all the merites of vertues he longed to suffer a preciouse death for Christ he tooke his way towardes Morocco there to preache the Gospell of Christ vnto Miramolin● and his people if so by any meanes he might attaine vnto the desired crowne of Martirdome For he was borne along with so fervent a desire therof that albeit he were very weake of body he did neverthelesse outgoe his companion in travell and being full of speede to bring his purpose to effect did flie away as it were for very drunckenesse fervour of spirite But being now already comme into Spaine by Gods sweete disposition which reserved him for other things there came vpon him a most grievous infirmitie whereby he was so hindered that he could in no wise accomplish what he so much desired The man of God therefore perceivinge that his life in the flesh was yet necessary for the yssue which he had begotten albeit that he esteemed death as a gaine for himselfe therefore returned to feede the sheepe which were by Almighty God vnto his care commended But the burning fire of charity more then inforcing his spirit vnto Martirdome he yet the third time adventured for spreading abroade the faith of the holy Trinity to travell into the parts of the infideles For in the thirtenth yeare after his conversion hastening towardes the partes o● Siria he constantely exposed himselfe vnto many daungers that he might comme to the Souldan of Bahilon For at that time was betweene the Christians the Sarasens a warre so implacable and the Tents also of the Armies on either part so closely pitched that no way of mutuall passage remained but with imminent danger of death For the Soldan had given out a cruell edict that whosoeuer could bring the head of any Christian should receaue a golden crowne of Bizance for his rewarde But the hardie warriour of Christ Saint Francis hoping that now shortly his purpose might be obtained determined to vndertake the iourny being nothing terrefied with the feare of deathe but much provoked with the desire thereof Werfore after praier before hand made he being comforted and strenghned by the hands of our Lord did confidently sing that verse of the Prophette For although I shall walke in the middest of the shaddow of death I will not feare euills because thou art with me Taking with him therefore a companion Psal 22.4 brother Huminatus by name a man verely both of light vertue as he was entred in his way he met two litle sheepe vpon the sight whereof the holy man was marveilously reioiced and said vnto his companion Be of good hope in our Lord my brother for in vs that word of the Gospell is fulfilled Behold I send you as sheepe in the middest of wolues Mat. 10.16 But being gone a litle further they mette with Saracene officers who running as very wolues inded vpon the poore sheepe and feircely laieng hands vpon them the seruants of God did in very cruell and contemptible manner intreate them dishonoring them with reproaches afflicting them with stripes and binding them in bands Vntill that hauing binne many and soundry wayes afflicted and distressed they were at length by Godes divine providence brought vnto the Souldane according to the man of Gods desire Who beeing of that great Prince demaunded from what persons to what pursose and in what maner they had bin sent as also by what meanes they had so farre arrived the servant of Christ Sainct Francis with a couragious harte made answere that he was not sent from man but from God Almighty himselfe to shew vnto him and his people the way of salvation and to preach vnto them the Gospell of truth But with so great constancy of minde with so efficacious power of the soule and so rare a fervour of spirite did he preache vnto the foresaide Souldan one only God in Trinity and Iesus Christ the Saviour of makinde that in him that place of the Gospell well appeered to be accomplished Luc. 21.18 which saieth I will giue you a mouth and wisedome which all your aduersaries shall not be able to resist and gainesay For the very Souldan himselfe beholding in the man of God an admirable fervour of spiritte and singuler vertue therewithall did both willingly giue eare vnto him and did also the more instantly invite him to make longer aboade with him But the servant of Christ enlightened with Gods divine Oracle if thou wilt said he with thy people be converted vnto Christe I will for his loue willingly remayne amonge you But if you make doubt for the faith of Christe to refuse the law of Mahomet commaunde then a very great fire to be kindled and I together with thy Priests will enter into the same that yet so at least thou maiest well discerne Which faith is of very right to be held for more holy and certaine Where vnto the Souldan answeared I doe not belieue that any of my priests wil for defēce of their faith ether expose thēselues to the fire or otherwil vndertake any kind of tormēt For he had sene one of his priests a mā of special years authority immediatly vpon the hearing of those words to haue withdrawen himself out of his sight Then said the holy man vnto him If thou wilt for thy self thy people make promise vnto me tocome to the service of Christ if I shal without harm passe through the fire I wil enter into the same my self alone if I shal be burnt be it imputed to my sins but if the mighty power of God shal protect me acknowledg then Christ the power wisdome of God to be himself very God vndoubted Lord saviour of al mākind But the Soldā answered that he durst not accept of this conditiō for that he feared a seditiō among the people Neverthelesse they offered vnto him many pretious rewards al which the man of God being no waies covetous of wordly things but altogeather desirouse of the saluation of souls did vtterly reiecte as durt Whereby the Souldan perceiving the holy man to be so perfect a contemner of wordly things being also moved with admiration therof conceyved in himself a far greater devotion towards him And albeit that he would not or that perhaps he durst not receiue the Christian faith yet did he instantly beseeche the servant of Christ to accept of the forsaide guifts to
be for his soules health bestowed vpon Christian poore people or to the vse of their Churches But he for that he esche wed the burden of mony and did not see the rote of true piety to be in the mind of the Souldan would in no wise be perswaded there vnto And furthermore perceiving that he did not prevaile in the converfion of that nation neither yet could attaine vnto his purpose therein vpon forewarning by revelation from heaven receaved he made his returne vnto the partes of the faithfull And so both mercifully and marveilously it came to passe by the clemencie of God soe ordaining and by the vertue of the holy man promerriting the same that this friende of Christ did for his loue seeke after deathe with all his whole desire and could by no meanes find it whereby he might nor want the metrite of most desired Martirdome but might be yet reserved to be afterwardes insigned with a singuler priviledge And by that meanes was it also effected that that divine fire did yet more perfectly escape and boile in his harte that after wardes it might more powerfully flame and burst out in his flesh O holy man most truly blessed whose flesh although it be not cut with the sworde of the Tyrant doth not yet wante the similitude of the Lambe that was slaine O truly and perfectly blessed I say whose life although the sworde of the persecutor did not take away yet did he not loose the Glory of Martyrdome THE TENTH CHAPTER Of his diligence and fervency in praier THE holy servant of Christ Saint Francis perceaving that in body he was as yet a pilgrime from God albeit that vnto earthly desires 2. Cr. 5.7 he was already through the charity of Christ become altogether insensible 1. Thes ● 17 yet to the ende he might not be without the consolation of his wellbeloved attending vnto praier without intermission he endeavoured to offer vp his spirit before the presence of God And praier Beholde how necessary prater is to a religious man dovbtlesse was a solace vnto him in his contemplation meane while that in the circuite of the heavenly mansions he being already made a fellow Cittizen of Angells did with fervent desire seeke after his welbeloved from whom none other thing but the wall of his flesh did now disioyne him This also was a helpe vnto him in worke labour namely that in all the thinges he tooke in hande distrusting his owne industrie and firmely reposing vppon Gods heauenly piety he did by the instancy therof cast all his thought vpon our Lord. He firmely avowed that promptenesse in praier was aboue all things to be desired on the parte of a religious man verely believing that without the same no man might be able to prosper in the service of God he did by all the meanes he might stirre vp his brethren vnto the diligent exercise thereof For walking and setting within doores and abroade labouring and recreating hewas evermore so attentiue vnto praier that he seemed not only for what was in him either in harte or body but in labour also and time to haue dedicated and devoted all wholy therevnto He was alwaies heedefull at no time negligently to ouerpasse any visitation of the spirite For when i● was offered vnto him he followed the same and so long as our Lord vouchsafed to graunt it he comfortably enioied the sweetenesse thereof And even at such very times as he was seriously intentiue to trauell 2. Cor. 6.1 when he founde in himselfe any sweete motions Gods heauenly spiritt he suffering his brethren to goe before him did for a while make stay in the place and by that meanes converting the new inspiration vnto a present fruition he did not receaue the grace in vaine Oftentimes he was lifted vp with so great an excesse of contemplation that being ravished aboue himselfe and finding within him something beyond humane sence and vnderstandinge he did not know what was exteriourly donne about him For pasling one time through the Borough of Saint Sepulcher a Towne doubtlesse very populous and well replenished he beeing then borne vpon an Asse by reason of the feeblenesse of his body did meete a great multitude of people which came thronging vpon him for very devotion But being by them pulled halled and detained as also crushed and many waies pressed he seemed to be in all those things vnsensible and as a body devoided of life did not obserue what was donne about him In so much having now a good way passed the towne and being freed of the multitudes when he came vnto a certaine Hospitall of the Leapours the contemplator of hevenly things returning euen then as it were from another world demaunded diligently of his company when they should come nigh to the Bouroughe For verely his minde being fixed in the beames of heauenly Glory did not discerne the variety of places and times nor yet of the per●ons that frequently came to meete him And the like hearevnto the manifold experience of his companions hath well testified very often to haue befallen vnto him And for so much as in praier he had fully perceaved that the much desired presence of the holy-Ghost did so much the more familiarly offer it self vnto them that attend vnto praier by how much as he did finde them to be more alienated and enstraunged from the disturbance of worldly things he therefore seeking after solitary places did in the night tyme resorte by reason of praier into the Deferts and Churches at that time vnfrequented Howbiet that in those places he very many times sustained most horrible assaults of the Divells whoe sensibly entring into combatte with him endevoured to disturbe him from the exercise of praier But be armed with Gods heavenly wepons looke how much the more vehemently he was assailed by his enemies so much the more strong did he become in power of resistance so much the more fervēt perseverant he was in the accomplishment of his praier Confidently v●sing this speachevnto Christ Vnder the shaddow of thy wings do thou protect me Psal 16.8 from the face of the wicked who haue afflicted me But vnto the D●uels he said spare not to worke vpon me al that you are able O ye malignāt deceitful spirits For yee can doe nothing but as the hand of God letteth loose the reines vnto you and I for my parte am ready with all willingnesse of minde to sustain whatsoever he hath determined to be inflicted vpon me Which constancy of his minde the proude Divels not being able to abide departed away from him with shame and confusion But the man of God now remaining solitarie vndisturbed filled the woodes with dolorouse groanes he sprinkled his places of abode with teares he beate vpon his breast with his hand and having gotten as it were a secrete place of residence he had free conference with his Lord and Maister There be made answeare for himselfe before his Iudge there
inward director did without the help of any guide or Marrmer in the sight of them all and to the greate admiration of every one withdraw it selfe a prety way from the land And being now launched out as it were some reasonable space into the dept of the sea there stoode the shippe vnmoveable amiddest the waues meanewhile that the holy man preached vnto the people that stood expecting vpon the shore But the Sermon being ended when the multitude that had seene this Miracle was with his benediction departed that they might now no further molest him the ship of it selfe returned back to the land Who is there therefore of so obstinate and impious a minde as to contemne the preaching of holy Saint Francis by whose wonderfull vertue it came to passe that not only creatures vnreasonable should frō him receaue instruction but also that bodies devoide of life should serue him in his preaching as thoughe they had bin with life endewed And evermore doubtlesse was present with this his setvant Saint Francis in all his enterprises he who had annointed and sent him the spirit of our Lord and the very power and wisedome of God Christ himselfe to the ende he might overflowe with wordes of wholesome doctrine and might illustriously shine with miracles of mighty power For his speach was as a burning penetrating the most secrette parts of the hart filling the mindes of all men with admiration in that they pretended no florish of humane in vention but sweetely savoured of the odoriferouse blasts of divine revelation For being one time to preach before the Pope and his Cardinalls by the procurement of the Lord Cardinall of Hostia and having then cōmitted to memory a certaine sermon by himself studiously composed see whē as he stoode in the presence of that assembly to propose vnto them the wordes of edification he had so cleane forgotten the whole that he was not able to vtter any word at all But having discovered the same by humble acknowledgement of the truth and so betaken himself to invocate the grace of the boly Ghost he beganne sodeinly to abounde with so effectuall words and with so poverful a force to moue the minds of those great men to compunction that it was manifestly to be discerned that not he himself but the spirit of our Lord This is the best manner of learning when a man doth not only exhorte therwith words but alsa with example did speake within him And for as much as he had in real action alredy perswaded himself vn to that whervnto in words he perswaded others he therefore without feare of any reproover did confidently preach the truth For he had no skil merly to touche the faults of any but to searche them even downe to the bottome nor yet coulde he smothe vp the liues of sinners but strike them home with a sharpe rebuke And with the same Constancy of minde he spake vnto greate personnages and others of lesse accounte as also with like alacrity and ioye of spirite he did spake vnto many and vnto few Every age and every sex made hast to heare and see this new man given from heauen vnto the world But he himselfe going through divers Countries did preach with great fervour and zeale Our Lord working withall Marke 16.20 and confirming the worde with signes that followed For in the force of his name this preacher of the truth Saint Francis did cast our Divels did heale the sicke and which is more did by the efficacy of his speache mollifie the mindes of the obstinate vnto pennance as also he restored health both to their soules and bodies as some of his workes do well approue which shall be for example sake now presently specified In the Cittty of Tuscanella being devoutly intertained of a certaine souldier and by him earnestly requested to heale his sonne who had ben contracted in his members ever from his natiuity he lifting him vp by the hande did sodeinely so restore him to health againe that in the sight of all men all the parts of his body were forthwith made sounde and the youth himselfe being now perfectly whole and strong presently rose vp walking leaping and praising God S. Franc is with the signe of the Crosse restoreth one sicke of the paulsey to his former health So also in the Citty of Narnium at the instancy of the Bishoppe making the signe of the Crosse from the heade to the foote vpon one that being sicke of the palsey was destitute of the vse of all his members he thereby restored him to perfect health In the Bishoppricke of Reate a certaine boy who had binne so marveilously swollen in his body ever since he was but fower years of age that by no meanes he could see his owne thighs being by his Mother with teares presented vnto the holy man so soone as he had touched him with his handes With the ●●me signe 〈◊〉 doth ●ll soe help a boy was presently whole and well At the Cittie of Orta there was another boy whose body was so drawen togeather in a compasse that be bare his heade with his feete besids that sundry of his bones were also broken but being at the lamentable praier of his patents by him signed with the signe of the Crosse he was sodeinely stretched our to length and forthwith wholy delivered With the signe of the Crosse also he health a woman which had her hand withered A certaine woman of Eugubium having both her hands so shrunke together and withered that with them shee could doe no manner of worke by his making the signe of the Crosse vpon her in our Lord his name was presently brought to soe perfect vse of them that returning home by and by shee like another Saint Peters mother in law did with her owne hands prepare victualles to Minister vnto him and his poore brethren He also restored fight With the same sign he also restored sight to the blind vnto a certaine blinde girlde in the Castle of Me'vantum by annointing her eies thrice with his owne spittle in the name of the Trinity Likewise a certaine woman of the Citty of Nar nium being stricken with blindnesse receaving from him the signe of the Crosse recovered therby her desired sight Againe at Bononia therewas a boy whoe having one of his eies so blenished that he could neither see any thing therwith nor yet could be holpen by any remedy yet when the servant of our Lorde had made vpon him the signe of the Crosse from the heade to the foote did thereby recover so cleare a sight that entring afterwards into the Order of the Friers Minors he affirmed himselfe to see more clearely of the eye that had bine before blemished than of the other which was alwaies sounde In the towne of Saint Geminianus the seruant of God being entertained He expelleth away the Diuell with a praier of acertain devoute man whole wife was vexed with a Divell after praier first made
it were therevnder that no part of him could outwardly be seene They therefore that were present did al of them runne togeather calling for the mightie help of Saint Francis Behold more miseracles donne by in vocating the holy Father S. Francis And his Father also who for the numnesse of his members by reason of sorrowe was not able to moue himselfe out of the place did yet by inwarde vowes and outewarde voice offer his sonne to Saint Francis Well they at the length remooued that deadely waighte from ouer the boy And behoulde he whom they thought to haue bin deade did as one awaked out of a steepe in cheareful manner appeare before them hauing no manner of shewe of any hurte aboute him He therefore as soone as he was fowerteene yeares olde became a Frier minor growing afterwardes to be a learned man and a famouse preacher in the order The men of Lentinum had hewen an exceeding greate stone out of the mountaine the which was to be put vnder an alter of a Churche of S. Francis that was shortely to be consectated But where as wel nighe forty men indeauoured often times to put it into a carte it fel at the length vpon a certaine man and couered him in manner of a graue Where vppon the men being confused in minde and not knowing what to doe the greater parte of them departed away without hope of helpe But tenne of the men that remained behinde invocating S. Francis with mourneful voice and desiring him not to suffer a man soe horriblie to dye in his seruice taking at length good harte vnto them did with so great a facillitie remoue the stone that no man might doubte but that the power of Saint Francis was present amongst them The man finally rose vp strong and sounde in all his members and more ouer he obtained the cleare and perfect sighte of his eies which had bin before duskish and obcured that so all men might be geuen to vnderstand of howe efficacious preualent power the merittes of S. Francis be even in desperate hopelesse accidēts The very like happened at Saint Severines in the Marquisate of Ancona For as a greate stone being brought from Constantnople vnto a Church of S. Francis was drawen along by the strength of many men it fell most terribly vpon one of them that drewe it And whereas it was generally believed that he was not only dead but was also broken and crushed to pieces by the helpe of Saint Francis who lifted vppe the stone he casting of the waight thereof did leape vppe safe and sounde without any hurte at all One Bartholomewe also a Cittizen of Caieta labouring not a litle in the building of a certaine Church of Saint Francis by meane of a certaine beame that having binne but slightly set did fall and light vppon his neck was therewithal grievously bruised Wherevpon being even now readie to die he as he was a faithfull and Godly person craved of one of the brethren his voyage provision The which for soe much as it was not in the brothers power so sodeinely to bring vnto him he therefore considering that he was thought to be in very present danger of deathe vsed vnto him the worde of Saint Augustine saying belieue and thou hast eaten But in the night following Saint Francis with eleven brothers in his company appeared vnto him and bearing a little Lambe vpon his brest did come vnto his bed side calling him by his name and saying vnto him Bartholomewe doe not feare because the enemy who would haue hindred thee in my service shall not prevaile against thee Loe heere is the Lambe which thou diddest craue to haue ben given vnto thee whom also in regarde of thy good desire thou hast receaved by whose power thou shalt obtaine the perfect welfare both of thy soule and body And so drawing his hād along over the woundes he willed him to returne vnto the worke he had taken in hand Who rising vp therefore very timely in the morning and presenting himselfe sounde and well before them that had left him even at deathes doore did bring vppon them both wonder and amazement And furthermore he stirred vppe their mindes vnto the reverence and loue of the blessed Father as wel by his owne example as by the miracle of the Saint A certaine man also of the towne of Ceperanum named Nicholas did fall one day into the handes of his mercilesse enemies who in the fencenesse of their savadge cruelty heaping wounds after woundes in great store vpon him did in so excessiue a degree exercise their fury vpon the miserable man that they tooke him either to be dead outright Here one whichdoth in vocate the Saint is delivered from danger of death or at the least to be vpō the very point of death But the same Nicholas when he receaved the first blowes did with a loude voice cal vpon Saint Francis sayeng O Saint Francis defend me O S. Francis helpe me And this voice divers heard a great way of although they were not able to relieue him But heing carried home at length al begoared in his owne bloode he cousidentllie avouched that he should not see death by meane of those woundes nor yet that he did even then feele any paine of them for that Saint Francis had succoured him and had obtained of God for him time to doe pennance in Which the evente ensuing confirmed For being washed from the bloud he was forthwith beiond al humane hope clarely delivered Also a certain noble mans sonne in the towne of Saint Geminianus being taken with a grievouse sicknesse and past hope of any better recoverie was finally brought vnto the very exigent and point of deathe For a streame of bloud yssued forth of his eies as it is commōly seene to do out of a vaine in the arme And by other vndoubted tokens also of death approaching as appeared in the other partes of his body he was of al men iudged reputed for a dead mā As also being in regard of the weakenesse of his spirit and strength deprived of the vse of his sence motion he seemed to be already departed His parents therfore and frinds being gathered togeather as the custome is in way of lamentation and thinking of noe other thing but of his buriall his Father yet conceaving hope in our Lord ranne speedily vnto the Church of Saint Francis which was built in the same towne and hanging a girdle about his necke did withall humility prostrate himselfe vpon the earth and soe making his vowes and multiplying his praiers Heere we may see the Saints to assiste as patrons before our Lord Iesus Christ those which are devout vnto them did with sightes and groanes obtaine of Christ to haue Saint Francis to be his Patrone He therefore returning straight waies vnto his sonne and finding him to be restored to health againe chaunged his former Mourning into ioye and exultation The very like also our Lord