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A15976 The Psalmes of David translated into lyrick-verse, according to the scope, of the original. And illustrated, with a short argument, and a briefe prayer, or meditation; before, & after, every Psalme. By George Wither; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Wither. Wither, George, 1588-1667. 1632 (1632) STC 2735; ESTC S102335 151,742 322

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Foes acknowledging Gods regard of her suffrings professing assurance in him promising to be thanckfull c. It is vsefull to those ends c. HAve Mercie Lord for man hath sought To swallowe vp mischeeve mee My Foes with mee have daylie fought And Lord most high they many bee Thou art my hope when doubts arise Thy word hath brought me comforts to On thee alone my hart relies And fearles is what Flesh cann do 2 They wrest my words Lord ev'rie day To worke me harme they still devise They meet vnseene they mark my way And how they might my Soul surprise Therfore in thy just wrath oh God! Correct them for this Crime of theirs And as thou dost my Faults record Recorde botle vp my teares 3 For thou wilt save me Lord I knowe When thee I seek my Foes flie back Thy promise makes mee joyfull growe And of thy word my songs I make My trust oh God! is all in thee And of man's powre I fearles am Thy vowes are all perform'd on mee And I will praise thee for the same 4 For thou hast freed my Soul from death From falls thou dost my footing stay To walke by thee within that Path Which leads to Life a lightsome way Oh thou faithfull preserver of all who put their trust in thee Our visible invisible Adversaries do continually seek the destruction of our soules bodies by many secret mischeevous devises But our trust being placed vpon thee wee need not fear the malice of any Adversarie Grant vs grace therfore so to depend on thy promises so to lament our errors with teares of true Repentance that as our enimies mark our wayes to entrap vs wee our selves may mark them to prevent ensnarings that thou observing their hatred our penitence mayst cause vs to walke ioyfully in the way of eternal life through Iesus Christ Amen Psal 57. To the cheef Musitian Altaschith A Psalm of David when he fledd from Saul in the Cave It mystically expressed the Iewes persecutinge Christ even vnto his Grave wee that are his members partake in his suffrings may sing it to declare our iniuries to pray praise God for deliverances c. LOrd grant oh grant me thy compassion For I in thee my trust have placed Display thy wings for my Salvation Vntill my greefs are over-passed To thee I sue oh God most high To thee that canst all want supplie 2 From their despights who seek to rend mee Let help oh Lord from heav'n be daigned And let thy Truth Love defend me For I with Lions am detained With men inflam'd whose biting words Are shafts spears naked swords 3 Let over heav'n God's praise be reared And through the world his glorie showed For they who netts for mee prepared They who my soul to ground had bowed Ev'n they with in those trapps are caught Which for my fall their hāds had wrought Selah 4 Oh God! my hart now ready maketh My hart is for thy praise preparing My Tongue my Harpe my Lute awaketh And I my selfe betimes vprearing Will speake sing in praise of thee Where greatest throngs of people be 5 For Lord thy Mercies forth are stretched As farr as are the Sphears extended Thy Truth vnto the Clouds hath reached And thou thy self art high ascended Let still thy Fame praise oh God! Through heav'n earth be spread abrode Oh Lord to whome Mercy belongeth have mercy vpon vs let the Wings of thy protection be gratiously spread over vs vntill the Stormes of this life be overpast For so great so manyfold are those dangers those Miseries wherewith wee are alwaies enclosed by spirituall temporal foes that they have brought our bodies to the Grave our seules near vnto Hell Oh! let thy Truth Love defend vs from our Lion-like persecuters that our Harts being timely cheared our Thoughts Words Actions may harmoniously agree in manifesting thy praises And seeing thy holy Spirit hath plainely declared the Vniversality of thy proffered Grace let not vs presume to sett Limmits there vnto but publish thy glorie as vniversaly as thou hast extended thy Mercies through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psa 58. To the cheef Musitian Altaschith Michtam of David It reprehends characters that Serpentine generation whoe are obstinate enimies to the Gospell of Christ prophecies illustrates their destruction c. It is vsefull to encourage vs against their malice c. YEe congregation said yee right Yee Mortalls are your Doomes vpright No for you muse on works of Sinn Your hands with mischeevs filled are You from your Births vntoward were And from the wombe have liers binn 1 Your poyson like the serpents flowes Deaf-Adder-like your eares you close Though powrfull Charmes are wisely sung Oh God! their mouthes of teeth disarme And that their Fangs may do no harme Make tootheles Lord the Lion's young 3 Like sudden Flouds their furie slale When they would shoot their arrowes breake Yea make them quite consume away Like snailes consume them from the earth Or els like some vntimely birth Destroy them er'e they see the day 4 Before wee feel them prick or burne Them whirle-winde-like Lord overturne And sweep them hence in wrath alive Which Vengance when the Righteous vewe And vewing Sinn receive her due They joyfull thancks to thee shall give 5 Yea they shall trample on their bloud Who have bene Foes to doeng good And ev'rie man shall say see That Righteous men shall have their meed And that there is a God indeed By whome the world shall iudged be Keep vs oh Lord from having fellowship in the Congregations of those who are perverted in their Iudgment mischeevous in their Conversation Draf to good Instructions Obstinate in their heresies willfull continuers in all their natural Corruptions Deliver us from their malice Breake their Instruments of mischeef and let their deserved confusion fall suddenly vpon them That the Faithfull Congregation may vewe it that all men may see confesse thee to be the Righteous Iudge of the world the rewarder of all those who put their trust in thee Amen Psa 59. To the cheef Musitian Altaschith Michtam a Psalm of David when Saul sent they watched the house to kill him It cheefly prophecied the Iewes dogged crueltie to Christ that they should be preserved to wander in a vagabond Condition as wee see at this day for an example to others c. It serves to warne vs that wee resist not God's grace once offred c. MY God protect mee from my Foes From them who strive with mee From Sinners gard mee from those That bloodie-minded be For loe the mightie do combine They waite my soul to teare And without cause or fault of mine With speed there to prepare 2 Lord God of Hoasts Isr'el wake To heed succour mee The Gentiles Curbe vengance take Where sinns malitious be Selah At
I. I will no other aide emplore Then what thou shalt afford To bring me succours now therfore Thy healp defer not Lord. Healp vs oh Lord for thou only art our healper wee have no other hopes but in thee Make us not the spoile or scorne of those who desire practise the destruction of our soules But grant rather oh God! that all they who fear thee may be comforted in our speedy deliverances Reioice in thy Mercies relie on thee in their necessities ascribe all thancks honour glorie to thy blessed Name for ever more Amen Psa 71. The Church acknowledgeth God's preservation of her in her severall Ages from her manyfold Oppressers desiring to be preserved also in her last worst age c. wee on whome the worst Age is come should vse it as a prayer to be delivered from the same KEep me from shame for Lord in thee I trust Incline thine ear to healp set mee free Yea save thou mee oh Lord as thou art iust My Rock my Fort my Refuge daigne to be For Lord my strēgth thou help dost promise me 2 Mee from the powre of sinnful men defend And from their hands oh Lord that cruel are My soul on thee did in the wombe depend And since my birth thou hast of mee had care For which my tongue shal stil thy praise declare 3 Thou art my hope though wondred at I be And I will fing thy praises all the day When I am weake old Lord leave not mee For with despight my haters mee gainsay And for my soul they plotts engines lay 4 God leaves him quite say these persue take He now hath none to rescue him from thral But come oh God! speed to healp me make Oh come smite my soules Oppressors all Bring scorn shame on those who seek my fal 5 Thē still I 'le hope thy love I 'le still commend Yea still relate what favours thou hast done And of thy grace since I perceave no end Thy strength Lord God I will depend vpon And magnifie thy Righteousnes alone 6 Till now oh God! thy Marvailes I have told As from my youth I have bin taught by thee Oh leave me not when I am gray olde Till Ages all thy powre have learn'd of mee And then extold thy Iustice Lord shall be 7 None ever did such works as thou hast wrought And though my soul thou keptst awhile in paine At last as one who from the grave was brought Me to my ioyes thou didst restore againe For which my harpe to praise thy Name I strain 8 My tongue likewise in setting out thy prais Oh thou cheef saint of Isr'el part shal bear So shal my soul whose price thy bountie paies And ev'rie day thy Iustice I 'le declare Because my foes defam'd ruin'de are Oh Lord in the wombe wee had extraordinarie nourishmēt breathing for our bodies no doubt our seules had there a due nourishment by thy Spirit Being borne wee are brought into thy visible Church by Baptisine long time after sustained by thee both in soul body without having any outward work required at our hands when we are capable of the outward Covenant al thou requirest is but to give thee that hart which thou hast prepared so to doe Yet helps vs oh God in this dutie never leave us in our own hands And as thou hast in all her former ages preserved thy Church both from the rage of Iewes Gentiles Heriticks so in this her old worst age preserve her from those Hypocrites lukewarme professors who have added seacret mischeeves to publike oppressions Yea preserve her us oh God from those all other Adversaries that thy Truth may be continued to all ages the ioye of her Children restored thy blessed Name glorified for ever end ever Amen Psa 72. A Psalm for Solomon It setts forth the maiestie of Christ his kingdome for only of that Salomon are many passages of this Psalme verified it declares his Universal iudicature The Churches happines therein His marvailous Incarnation The extent Riches peaceablenes of his Kingdome c. Wee should sing it to glorify God for those things c. THe King oh God! with judgment blesse And give thy Iustice to his Sonn That to thy people in destresse With judgment Iustice may be done Then Truth Iustice florish will On ev'rie great litle hill 2 Then poorest men shall be secure For he will all Oppressors tear And whilst the sunn Moone endure From age to age they him shall fear On Earth like dropps descend he shall Like those which on the Fleece did fall 3 The Iust shall whilst he rules have peace So long as doth the moone remaine He from the River to the seas And quite throughout the world shal raigne The salvages adore him shall And all his foes before him fall 4 Arabia's prince Saba's Kinge The Lords of Seas Ilands to Shal guifts to him with homage bring So shall all Kings people doe For when they crie he setteth free The pore meek that helples be 5 The pore humble he respects He saves their soules that healples are From fraud force he them protects For in his eye their bloud is dear To him they Sheba's gold shall give And he shall prais'd prayd for live 6 His Corne shall from a handfull growe To cover all the mountaines topps Like Libanon his fruit shall showe And fill the Citties with his cropps His Fame through Ages all shall runn As everlasting as thee sunn 7 In him the Nations all abrode Shall blessed be praise him to Oh praise the Lord ev'n Isr'els God For he alone cann wonders do Still blessed be his glorious Name And earth still filled with his Flame Amē Amē Sweet Iesu who being invisible in thy Deitie didst become visible in thy humanitie by descending miraculously into the Virgines wombe like raine into Gideons fleece Grant wee beseech thee thy divine spirit may so infuse it selfe into our harts that Iustice Peace Charitie encreasing continueng vpon the earth all thy afllicted Children may be comforted secured the barbarous Nations converted thy Kingdome enlarged thyne enimies be brought into subiection thy feilds become abundantly fruitfull heaven earth be filled with thy glorie world without end Amen Psa 73. A Psalm for Asaph It expresseth how the faithfull are sometime discouraged by the prosperities of the wicked is an excellent description of such conflicts as are between the Flesh the spirit in everie Christian c. We may vse it to comfort vs in such tēptations to remember vs whither to repaire in such conflicts NO doubt God counts his Isr'el dear And loves the righteous man Yet was my foot quite gone wel-near And I to fall begann For when I fooles did honor'd vewe And Sinners lifted high And that nor sick nor weak they grewe Their weal I
I will those wonders thou hast done That men from age to age may speak of thee Ev'n of thy Fame glories I will treat And shewe how rare thy wondrous workings are For when thy dreadfull Acts I shall repeat Then other men their largnes will declare Great speach of thy great goodnes they shal make And singing of thy Iustice they shalt showe How apt thou art compassion still to take How prone to pitty to wrath how slowe In doeng good to all thou Lord art free Thy Mercies are vpon thy Creatures all Kept glorious by thy deeds thy praises bee And therfor all thy Saints confesse thee shall Lord of thy kingdome 's glorie they shall tell And shewing ev'ry where what powre thou hast Make knowne how much thy mighty Acts excell And with what state thy royall Throne is plac't Not as a king that 's only temporall For endles eternall is thy throne On thee who e're depends though he should fall Thou Lord wilt lift him vp when he is down Plac'd are on thee all creatures eyes oh God! And thou dost give them food in season still Quite open thou dost reach thy hand abrode Each living Creatures longing to fulfill Right just thou art oh Lord in all thy wayes And as in all thy works thou holy art So thou art near to ev'ry one that praies To all that seek to thee with honest hart To thē that fear thy Name their wish thou giv'st And such as call vpon thee thou wilt save Vngodly men of safety thou depriv'st But all thy Lovers thy protection have Wherefore oh Lord to publish out thy fame In praisefull wise my mouth shall still endeaver Yea all flesh shall blesse thy holy Name And praise the same for ever for ever Oh Lord thy spirit hath said thou art good to all that thy Mercie is over all thy Works Stop the mouthes therfore of all those perverters of thy Truth and blaspheamers of thy most glorious Attribute who dare affirme that thou hast eternally Dereed purpossely Created irrevocably necessitated that the greatest number of soules should be vessells of wrath condemnation without any respect vnto Sinn Good God let this damnable blasphemy spread no further Give all men grace to perceave that they who pretend to honour thee by this doctrine do consequently vnavoydably impute vnto thy sacred Majestie all the wickednes both of men Devills contrary to all piety contrarie to thy expresse Word which is perverted to maintaine this heresy contrarie to that which naturall Reason hath written in our harts Lord these are they which have made thousands hide their Talent by sayeng that thou expectest to reap where thou sowedst not they have soe corrupted their owne iudgments most of their hearers that there is no meanes to prevent this pestilence of the soul but by prayer Vnto thee therfor wee pray Oh hear us even for thine owne honor sake for thy Mercie sake in Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Psa 146. Haleluiah It stirreth vp the soul to perpetuall thanksgiving to depēdance vpon God alone giving reasons for the same c. Wee may sing it to minde vs of those duties MY soul praise thou the Lord As long as thou hast breath In song his praise record And honour him till death No credit place In earthlie kings or such vaine things As humane race 2 Breath failes dust they be One day their pompe destroies Right blest therefore is hee That Iacob's God enioyes And hopes in him Who framed these heav'n earth seas And all in them 3 For God is faithfull still Men wrong'd assist will hee The hungry he doth fill And setts the pris'ner free He Sight bestowes Loves men vpright maketh streight What crooked growes 4 The stranger he receives To Orphanes help imparts The widdowe he releives And Sinners paths subvarts The Lord therefore Oh Syon shall be king of all For evermore Haleluiah Almightie God Creator of heav'n earth the sure healper of all who trust in thee pitty our oppressions satisfy our spirituall hunger free vs from the bondage of sinn cure the blindnes of our Understandings be mercifull to vs in all the rest of our necessities infirmities Grant also that renouncinge all other Confidence depending only on thy favour wee may praise thee for these all thy Mercies in Christ Iesus Amen Psalme 147. It exhorts to praise God for encreasing building his Church typyfied by Ierusalem for many particuler mercies to his people for overthrowing the proud c. The vse is apparant OH glorifie the Lord For of God's praise to sing With justice doth accord Yea 't is a pleasant thing Ierusalem Hee will erect and recollect His Flock to him 2 The Contrite hart hee heales Hee cures their bruises all The Starrs he also tells And them by Name cann call This Lord of our In wise foresight is infinite And great in powre 3 The Lord the Meek doth raise The proud he brings to ground Oh therfor sing his praise Let Harps his praise resound He Clouds doth bring And shewres distills which on the hills Makes grasse to spring 4 Ev'n Beasts Ravens yonge He feedeth when they call In horse or footmen strong He ioyeth nought at all God loves all them Who in his grace their hopes doe place And honor him 5 Syon Salem blesse The Lord your God in song Who doth your seed encrease And hath your Gates made strong His Peace hath yet Your bounds vphild you he fild With flowre of wheat 6 Through earth his Mandates goe His word with swiftnes flies Like wooll he giveth snowe His frost like Ashes lies And then beside He forth doth slice cold flakes of Ice Which who cann bide 7 He speakes streight it thawes He breaths water flowes His statutes his Lawes He to his people showes No nation els His Iudgments know therfore soe With none he deals Haleluiah Most mercifull God who buildest vp thy heavenly Ierusalem by the gathering together of all the faithfull Not only taking notise of them who have starr-like perfections but even of vs also whoe are of those Blind and Lame whome thou hast caused to be called to thy banquet Nay though wee are as brute Beasts or vncleane Birds thou art ready to extend thy Mercy whensoever wee seek thee Oh make vs thanckfull for thy great Bounty Send out thy word to compell us by Stormes or to allure by Calmes according as it shal finde vs disposed let the graces of thy Spirit so thawe our congealed harts that the teares of true penitence may flow from vs produce all such other effects as may cause vs to know thy Iudgments to be of those people whome thou lovest in Iesus Christ Amen Psa 148. Halelujah All Creatures are here in a Poetical manner exhorted to glorify their Creator Wee should vse it to remember vs that God requireth all his Creatures