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A15970 The vvhole Psalter translated into English metre, which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes. The first quinquagene; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Parker. Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575.; Tallis, Thomas, 1505 (ca.)-1585. 1567 (1567) STC 2729; ESTC S102297 215,780 544

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Through c. ¶ The Argument Psalme XII This Psalme declarth for truth so falne to ground The poore mans care for truth so falne to ground When pride bearth sayle But God will it confound No truth preuayle But God will it confound 1 HElpe Lord so hye this case for why not one good man is more The faythfull gone scant any one theyr children mynished sore 2 They talke so frée of vanitie one neyghbour neyghbour to In tong they glose it double gose their hartes dissemble so 3 All lips so vayne God will them strayne and plucke them vp by roote Oh that he wrung the boasting tunge to treade it vnderfoote 4 For thus they rayle we wyll preuayle our tonges must matters breake For who dare thus be Lord to vs our tonges must onely speake 5 For thys the stresse of comfortlesse for sighes that poore men make Now ryse wyll I sayth God most hye and helpe theyr part to take 6 Gods worde is sure it is as pure from earth as siluer quit Though tryde be golde in fire seuen folde his worde yet passeth it 7 O Lord so graue thou vs shalt saue and euermore preserue From all thys route that be so stoute for euer thée to serue 8 These walke most wyde in wycked pryde all cruelty they frame Whyle they so far exalted are poore men be put to shame ¶ The Collecte HAue mercy of our frailtie most louing father and graunte that we may keepe thy holy wordes with pure chaste hartes to escape the manifold deceites of mad and vayne talkers in errour Through c. ¶ The Argument Psalme XIII For patience In trouble Dauid crieth For Gods desence In trouble Dauid crieth Lest deadly might Good hope in God he spieth Should blynd his sight Good hope in God he spieth 1 HOw long wilt thou forget me now for euer Lord my guyde How long wylt thou not me alow how long thy face wylt hyde 2 How long shall I thus heauely in soule séeke counsayle so How long my hart shall féele this smart to be thus vext wyth foe 3 O Lord my God represse thy rod heare now consider mée Myne eyes wyth lyght O cleare thou bryght dead sléepe lest they do sée 4 Lest that to hye myne enemye myght boast of hys preuayle If downe I were thys baratter would ioye to sée me quayle 5 But all my trust lyeth fully iust in thy good mercy still My hart thy helth shall ioy it selfe Gods goodnes laude I will The Collecte TOurne not thy face awaye from vs O God of all might and consolation lest our enemies preuayle against vs and so endue the hartes of vs thy seruantes with the reioysing spirite of thy saluation that we escape the dreadfull sleepe of second death Through Christ. c. The Argument Psalme XIIII This Psalme set out of sinners obstinate The carelesse route of sinners obstinate How far is syde which hold with God debate They wander wyde which hold with God debate 1 THe foole hath sayd in hart astrayd that God there is euen none In workes they are corrupt so far not one doth good not one 2 The Lord casth eye from heauen to spye the trade of Adams broode If that as there some wyse man were which God would séeke so good 3 But all astray haue take theyr way abominable made There is not one to do well none they all from truth decayd 4 For throtes they haue lyke open graue theyr tonges haue vsed deceyt And vnderslips theyr poyson lips of Aspes the venome beyt 5 Theyr mouthes do swim wyth cursings brim all bitternes to fyll Theyr féete make spede mans bloud to shede they force not whom they spyll 6 Destruction confusion in all theyr wayes do ryse Of peace no day they know the way Gods feare sée not theyr eyes 7 Haue they no mynd in hart so blynd in myschiefe how they go Who lyke as meate my people eate and God they call not to 8 But they shall there be once in feare where nought they feard in déede For God is spide most strong to bide wyth iust mans righteous séede 6 Where vaynly now ye mocke and mow at poore mans purpose iust When he is bent wyth fast entent in God to put his trust 7 Who els can spéede poore Iacobs séede wyth helpe from Zyon hill When God shall call hys people thrall reioyce all Iury will ¶ The Collecte VOuchsaue O Lorde to looke from thy holye heauens vpon the children of men and graunte vs to knowe the way of peace that we auoydyng the bondage of synne may haue the fruition of thy habitatiō in heauenly Ierusalem Through Christ. c. ¶ The Argument Psalme XV. Here Dauid craueth whom God alowth in sight And answer haueth whom God alowth in sight The sprite so sayth to worke by loue aright Who hath a fayth to worke by loue aright 1 WHo Lord shall byde by thy swéete syde In tabernacle sure Or who shall styll hold fast thy hyll which holy doth endure 2 Who walkth in state immaculate who blameles lyfe ensueth And rightwise déede fulfilth in spéede who speakth from hart the truth 3 Whose tonge in spyte doth not backebyte ne doth hys neyghbour euill Who cannot beare wyth quyet eare hys neyghbour slanderd still 4 And he whose eyes the bad despise and lawdth Gods fearefull men Who swearth also hys neyghbour to and chaungth not it ageyn 5 Who will not plie to vsurie hys coyne for lucres loue Who bribeth nothyng the iust to wryng oh he shall neuer moue ¶ The Collecte GRaunt we besech thee O bountiful lord god immaculate that we may walke in thy church without spot withdrawn wholy from the harmful workes of this wretched worlde so that while we labour to obserue the preceptes in earth we may at last attayne to thy heauenly habitation where thou raignest eternally one God the father the sonne and the holy spirite to whome be all honour and glory worlde wythout ende Amen ¶ The Argument Psalme XVI That Christ did pray and when himselfe did sue For his alway and when himselfe did sue His buriall the Prophet told full true His rise withall the Prophet told full true 1 O God of trust preserue me iust In soule and body to For why to thée my hope doth slée to none els will I go 2 O soule in sprite thou saydst aright to God who thée so wrought My God thou art of faythfull hart my goodes can vayle thée nought 3 All my delyght to sayntes full bryght is set which trauell here In vertues all celestiall they do excell so clere 4 Who multiplie theyr Idols hie and after them do gad Their sacrifice I whole despise I hate theyr names so mad 5 The Lord alone is porcion of myne inheritaunce My cup he is my crosse to blisse my lot he wyll aduaunce 6 My lot ful brode by lyne and rod so fayre did fall to mée That I reioyce the goodly choyce
O Lord I cry my rocke on hye rest not thus still forsake me not Or els should I resemble nye the déede that be in pit bewrapt 2 Heare my request of humble brest whan I so méeke do sue to thée Agaynst thy seate of mercy swéete my handes on hye when lift they bée 3 And draw my hart from wycked part wyth them O Lord that worke so euill Theyr tonge cryth truse w●●h hart refuseth theyr myndes all set to stroy and spill 4 As is theyr déede so let them spéede retort their craftes they vse to delue Theyr malice great the same to get wyth lyke by ryght to quite themselue 5 Theyr myndes disdayne Gods actes to frain● hys stately workes to marke euen so He shall them stroy and not employ theyr lyues no tyme in wealth to go 6 Well worthy prayse is God alwayes my mouth in song shall hym forth sound He heard my grone my prayers mone he dyd not me wyth shame confound 7 God is my shield my strength in field he helpt me iust as I beleued For this good chance my hart may daunce and sing in laudes so wel releaued 8 To my small host God praysd be most that tymely health he soone dyd bryng The Lord is strength and fence at length to his most true annoynted kyng 9 Thy people saue O Lord I craue and blesse wyth ioy thyne heritage Féede them as guide promoote them wyde to prayse thée God from age to age ¶ The Collecte O Lord most strong forte and refuge to all thy people preserue vs from such as goe downe into the pit of schisme and dissention and knit vs together in vnitie of mynde beyng children of one onelye God and of one fayth so that we may holde fast in harte that we outwardly professe in mouth through c. ¶ The Argument Psalme XXIX This doth inuite to note Gods mighty power All stately might to note Gods mighty power Hym iust to serue and els can them deuoure Who can preserue and els can them deuoure 1 YE sonnes of God sprede ye abrode the Lordes great power and strength Bryng ye your lambes of mighty rambes to God hys laudes at length 2 The Lord ensue wyth honor due extoll his myght and name And eke expresse his holines hym laude in court of fame 3 His voyce so grand on sea and land note how the floudes it stayd Gods maiesty you then dyd sée on them when thunder brayd 4 Hys voyce rulth sea how houge it be hys voyce is sterne and stout His voyce is thus most glorious when it dryueth leuyn out 5 This voyce so frée breakth Cedre trée no force can it repell It dryueth euen downe of Lybanon hys Cedres though they swell 6 He made them skip in rootes to flip as calues do vse to praunce So Lybanon and Syrion as Unicorne to daunce 7 The Lord by voyce the fiery noyce of flames in partes can send The cloudes among he lightneth strong wyth shoures he fyre can blend 8 It can distres all wyldernes yea Cades desert wyde The beastes I say which there do stray it make themselfe to hyde 9 This voyce doth bynde to calue the Hynde thicke trées it open layth Therfore men all in temple shall hys honour prayse in fayth 10 Where they shall sing that God as kyng hath rule of waters all On whom he setth as kyng is fit and so for euer shall 11 The Lord all wealth and stable health shall geue hys people kynde God them shall blesse wyth full increase all peace and rest to fynde ¶ The Collecte GRaunt we beseche thee Lord vnto vs constancye in thy worde and make vs the temple of thy blessed sprite so that we may reuerence thy godly voyce to rebound the same to all powers of this world that they may be compunct therby to present themself to thy honour wyth due sacrifice of thankefull hartes through c. The Argument Psalme XXX Thankes here be ment for iust deliueraunce To God so sent for iust deliueraunce And here ye spie in Gods good gouernaunce All suertie in Gods good gouernaunce 1 LOrd thée all whole I will extoll for thou hast lift me hye Thou wouldst not make my foes to crake agaynst me ioyfully 2 O Lord of myght my God of ryght to thée I cryed in griefe Thou gauest an eare to heare me neare thou sentst me healthes reliefe 3 Thou broughtst ful wel my soule from hell O Lord thou didst wythsaue Thou me releuest my strength thou kepest thou pluckst me quyte from graue 4 To God sing ye ye saintes agrée hys prayses eleuate And mynde ye still hys holy will his graces celebrate 5 Hys heauy wrath short time it hath lyfe standth at hys good grace At nyght we wéepe yet after sléepe at morne we myrth embrace 6 Whan well I was in ioyfull case I sayd as then I thought That I no day should fele decay and neuer moue to nought 7 For thy good will so strenghtd my hill O Lord most stedfastly But whan thy face had tournd hys grace I than fell troublously 8 In thys my payne I was full fayne to cry to thée for might My God wyth cry I dyd apply and prayd both day and nyght 9 What gayne sayd I hath lyfe thereby if death cut short my dayes Can dust declare thy power in care in graue to tell thy prayse 10 My God therfore spare me the more O Lord I thée desire My simple sprite despyse not quyte but helpe I thée requyre 11 Thou tournst from mée my wo and grée to myrth in cherefull voyce The mournyng wéede thou changest in déede so fensd I dyd reioyce 12 Wherfore euen still all good men will thy glory sing and prayse O Lord of loue my God aboue I thée wyll laude alwayes ¶ The Collecte MOst louyng and mighty protector almighty God suffer not our enemies to triumph ouer vs we beseche thee but so strength vs wyth thy strong hande that after heauines is turned into gladnesse we maye geue condigne thanks and laudes in due remēbrance of thy holynes through Christ c. ¶ The Argument Psalme XXXI Thus Dauid prayed from Saule so scapte in letter thankth he so But Christ is ment vvith all hys church for sprite bodies vv● 1 IN thee O Lord I put my trust let me neuer be shamde Rid me in thy true righteousnes which thou for me hast fram●● 2 Bow downe thine eare make hast to me deliuerd that I be Be thou my fort my rocke so ferme so stabled iust by thee 3 Thou art my rocke castell sure my fortres large and wide For thy names sake lord lead me forth be thou my light and 〈◊〉 4 My foote O Lord draw out of net full priuy set for me Thou art my strength as I haue said al hope doth rest in thee 5 To thy good hands I yelde my sprite O lord to thy great ruthe ▪ Thou hast redemd me certenly O lord thou God
vs poore miserable wormes crepyng here on earth and also doost not suffer vs to bee confounded with shame for euermore we beseehe thee to fulfill our lyps wyth thy worthy prayse and exercise our hartes in continuall meditation of all thy goodnes declared to vs Through Christ c. The Argument Psalme LXXII In letter prayd king Dauid playne His sonne to spede in all hys raigne In sprite more true yet m●nt it is Of Christes God sonne and king of blis 1 BEstow O God thy iudgements true Upon the kyng annoynted due Thy iustice eke geue thou therto To this kings sonne in it to go 2 Then shall he iudge the people ryght The good to saue the bad to smyte He shall the poore afflict defend The meke to quyte the proud to bend 3 The mountaines great swete peace shal bring Unto thy folke in gouernyng The smaller hils shall righteousnes So sprede a lyke in faythfulnes 4 The simple sort in misery To holde their right he shall applye The poore mans childe he shall protect And briber stroy that him so wrect 5 They shall feare thée in reuerence As long as sunne hath influence Or while the moone her face doth showe From age to age from hye to lowe 6 He shall come down as rayn from seas On grasse new shorne or woll the flease As showers swéete on earth do lyte To cheare all thing in fruitfull sight 7 In his good dayes all rightwise men Shall floryshe then and rise agayne Swéete peace shal be on euery side As long as Moone ▪ her sphere doth ryde 8 From sea to sea his rule shal be From Palestyne to déepe red sea From Euphrates to holy land From cost to cost how wyde it standth 9 The Ethiopes in wildernes Full méeke to hym shall bowe their knées His foes shall séeme to licke the dust All prostrate ligh to hym they must 10 Of Tharsys kings and other Iles shall gifts present him otherwhiles Of arabye and saba kings shall humbly bryng their offeryngs 11 To make short tale what kings there be In earth must geue hym homage frée Yea nations all shall them submyt To hold of hym and kysse his féete 12 For he the poore shall soone releife The crying wretch to ryd from griefe The nedy man all comfortles Without all helpe he will release 13 I saye agayne he will be good To nedy man and poore of bloud Though here he be both torne and brent Their soules to saue he will consent 14 Their soules from fraude in vsurye He will them ryd that tyranny Theyr names to him shall shine full cleare Their bloud his sight shall count full deare 15 And liue he shall to hym shal be So geuen the golde of Arabye He shall for poore make sute alway The poore for it shall prayse hym ●ye 16 One hand full sowen of wheate on hyll For growth and length then shake it will In Lybanon eke trées so hye As gréene as grasse all townes shall lygh 17 Hys name shall still and aye endure Before the sonne it was full sure Hys grace shall blesse all people iust All heathen him ▪ shall prayse and trust 18 This God our Lord he blest full well Euen iust the God of Israell He wondrous thinges doth worke alone All mysteries by hym be done 19 Hys name be blest in vnitie For euer one in trinitie This name shall fill the earth agayne Say we therto Amen Amen ¶ The Collecte WE acknowledge O God almighty thy holy name to be worthely magnified wherunto we now resort with humble supplication besechyng thee to suppresse all hostilitie of our oppressours who enuye thy prosperous and blissefull raygne of thy sonne our Sauiour Christe geue vs thy people such peace wherby we may ensue all righteousnes godlines through the mediation of our said Lord sauiour who wyth thee c. ¶ The ende of the second booke Here beginneth the thirde Booke of Psalmes ¶ The Argument Psalme LXXIII This musing Psalme by Dauid made to A●aph put to sing Doth shew the endes of good and bad what vice what vertue bringth 1 O Good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the swéete And good men féele the smart 2 But yet my féete wel nye were gone to dout of godly wayes My steps of lyfe almost were slipt to renne in lyke astrayes 3 For why I fret ▪ all who●e in zeale to note how sinners were In peace wyth blisse all whole beset the good men all in feare 4 For they of death féele no distresse nor much it doth them fret Theyr strength is fresh in euery part well fed and fat they iet Yet good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the sweete And good men feele the smart 5 Misfortune none befalth these men no labour pressth them hard They haue no scourge as other men all welth is theyr reward 6 Of this ariseth their hawty pride wherin they vaunt so stout All clad they bée wyth wyckednes and wrong euen round about 7 With falnes foule theyr eyes be sweld their gullets féele no ●hurst Their paunches ful their helth so quart theyr hartes excede in lust Yet good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the sweete And good men feele the smart 8 And others they corrupt with talke they speake all that is nought They do blaspheme euen God aboue such rage dewraith their thought 9 For vp to heauen ▪ they cast their mouth Gods prouidēce to scorne Their tong in earth must beare the rule by them the poore is lorne 10 This makth all folke to fall to them to sue their wealth vnto Their water cups to drinke in part to ease theyr want and wo. Yet good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the sweete And good men feele the smart 11 The people mad tush say they all do God such matters know Hath God aboue respect or care of thinges so done below 12 For lo say they these wycked men they prosper well in all The world is theirs as ioly men all goodes to them befall 13 And some of them sayd thus agayne my hart I clensd in vayne To purge my lyfe from suttle art I count it folish payne Yet good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here the sweete And good men feele the smart 14 Thus vext I went afflict in hart all day by wycked sect In early morne sore scourged I was to haue this ca●e detect 15 I had almost sayd euen as they lo then I had bene wood For so should I haue euill reproued thy flocke of children good 16 I sought and sought to search it out O Lord what this might be But thou O God so secret wart it was to hard for me Yet good is God to Israell To them of perfect hart Though wycked men haue here
God detect That truth was raisde and lyes deiect 1 THe lyuing Lord doth raigne as king The erth therfore full glad may sing The iles may ioy so many sene That he is come to make thē clene 2 Thicke cloudes and darke be him about On wycked men to thunder stout Both iustice right and equitie Of his high throne the bases bée 3 The fyre him goeth before in sight Wyth blasing leames of fearefull lyght By which full wyde he doth enflame Hys foes to burne which scorne his name 4 His lighteninges shyne the world full out On euery side whote sparkes to spout The earth at sight for feare doth quake No puissance can resistence make 5 The mountaynes hye as ware did melte At God his face thus present feit I say at face of Lord so hye The earth dyd feale his maiestye 6 The heauens declare his rightwisnes When he by them strikth wickednes All peoples thus his glory sawe How drad he is whom all should awe 7 A shamde be all which Idols serue Who chose vayne gods from God to swerne Ye angels all which seruauntes be Come worship hym bowe downe your knée 8 So Sion ioyed in hearing this And Iury ioyd in townes of hys O Lord for these thy domes entent That such should haue sharpe punishment 9 For thou O Lord doost all excell That here by low in earth do dwell Exalted far in name thou art Aboue all Gods so new vpstart 10 O ye that loue thys Lord so hye Hate ye all vyce of mawmetrye He kéepth theyr soules who serue hym pure From wycked hand to ryd them sure 11 Now lyght is sprong to ryghteous man That day from darke ▪ discerne he can And ioy is falne to rightfull hart From whence no power can hym depart 12 Then ioy ye iust in thys your Lord Thys lyght hys grace alway record Hys holines well thynke and thanke Hys name confesse therin be franke ¶ The Collecte O Lord the preseruer of all thy faythfull sayntes on whom as on thyne electe portion thou doost perpetually raigne inspire we besech thee into our harts the bright beames of the scriptures of thy prophets and apostles that what soeuer as yet remayne in our hartes as sauoring the olde carnall blyndnes of our originall darknes may be illitened by the heauenly lyght of thy holy sprite to whom c. The Argument Psalme XCVIII Here thankes be done that God in worde most true Sent Christ his sonne mans losse agayne to cure All thinges that bee must laud hym euer due Such peace to see restord in earth so sure 1 SYng ye all new to God a song on hye For he most true hath meruels newly wrought Hys able hand hath wonne hym victory Hys arme so grand this helth to man hath brought 2 The Lord of loue thys health hath open layd So man to moue to serue in hart aryght Hys righteousnes he hath full plainly splayd For theyr redresse to Gentiles eyes and syght 3 He cald to mynde hys gentle mercies frée To Iacob kynde hys truth and fayth to kepe ▪ The earth all whole thys helth dyd fully sée O hym extoll thys God our Lord so meke 4 Thou earth sing out all whole I say full glad In voyce most stout with gentle musikes sound To God thy Lord reioyce for mercy had Thy songes record thou art most duely bound 5 Yea sing in harpe to God and Lord so hye Sing round sharpe wyth all thy tunes and stringes Wyth harpe bid I with note of Psalmodie Your voyce apply to ioy these heauenly thinges 6 With trūpets blow wyth shaulme so swetely sing Both hye and low extende your harty strength Make iubilies before this heauenly king For Lord he is to serue I say at length 7 Let eke the seas rose out in merie chere Thys Lord to please wyth all her fishe in store The world so round and all the dwellers there your voyce rebound to prayse this Lord the more 8 The floudes a like Let them now clap their hands This Lord to seke wyth man in ioyfull hart The mountayns hie so houge aboue the landes Let them be by to daunce wyth man in part 9 To God do this let it in sight be plyed For come he is as lord to iudge the land Hys iustice sword the worlde shall iudge and guide Hys equall word to all shall euenly stande ¶ The Collecte POure into our harts O Lord thy healthfull grace which thou hast reuelde to all Gentiles so spred by the rightwisnes of thy gospel we hūbly besech thee that as thou once camest to be iudged and condemned for vs most misera le sinners so at thy next returne thou would graunt vs mercy to escape thy fearefull iudgement for whom thou tokst vpon thee to be condemned for the raunsome of our sinne to whom with the father c. ¶ The Argument Psalme XCIX Swete Christ his raigne this Psalme compristh As Rabins all can say no lesse God graunt that they with vs would ryse To sing these thankes to hym in fleshe 1 THe Lord to raigne is bent therin All folke ought than his presence dread He sitteth betwixe the Cherubin Let all the earth then quake I reade 2 This Lord is great in Zion séene Where power he sheweth ruleth with loue And hye he is on all the Heathen If they a like their hartes would moue 3 O let them all thy name confesse The bad to beate the good to blisse For greate it is in fearefulnes The power therof most sacred is 4 All Princely power loueth equitye And equitye thou broughtst in sight In Iacobs stocke thou didst applye To iudgement true and iustice right 5 Our Lord this God O magnifye Both Iewes and Gréekes your wayes relēt To his fotestole his sacrarye Bow downe your knées most reuerent 6 As Moses méeke so Aaron graue Were chiefe his priestes so Samuell Among them were his power to craue They cryed to God he hard them well 7 To them in cloud spred pillour like He spake as all the people sawe They did his hests and statutes kepe Which he them gaue in pact for law 8 O Lord our God thou hardst them iust And spardst them Lord for thine owne sake Yea when with plagues thou didst thē thrust For foule attempts which they did make 9 Extoll this God our Lord so frée Fall downe before his holy hill For God our Lord in maiestye Most sacred is and iust in will ¶ The Collecte THou art both Lord and king we most humbly cōfesse it right deare sauiour although the Iewishe phariseyes saye the contrary thou only gouernst the hartes and conscience of men and by thy only grace doost iustifye the same we beseche thee so to rayse vp the piller of thy heauenly light to shyne to our soules that we may be alway defended from all errour and aduersitie to offer vnto thee the sacrifice of prayer in thankes geuing who liuest raignest one god with
hys fame Hys worthy deedes recorde 44 And last he gaue them whole the gentils landes by met They all possest for heritage for which the people swet 45 To th end that they should kepe hys statutes true and ryght That they should aye obserue his lawes prayse ye this lord of might O prayse in voyce the Lorde Syng out wyth iust accorde Exalt hys name searche out hys fame Hys worthy deedes recorde ¶ The Collecte WEe sue vnto thee most louyng Lorde besechyng thee by the power of thy name that where our fathers were conducted therby to the ministration of thy heauenlye aungels foode that thou would so vouchsaue to feede and comfort vs wyth thy misticall nourishment of thy body bloud to whome with the father and holy ghost be The Argument Psalme CVI. The Iewes which dwelt in Babilon thus sang their thankes in harte They do confesse gods onely grace they blame their owne desarte \ \ THe Lorde so good with thankes confesse Who can hys power expresse Well true men bee then Lord teache mee Thy seruauntes state to see 1 The Lord so good with thanks confesse sing prayse laud him hie All good he is for why hys grace for euer standth full nie 2 Who fully can his power expresse wyth tong he Lord so great Or cause be harde hys prayses all who can hys grace extreat 3 Wel true men be in hart most blest who iudgemēt true performe Which worke alway that righteous is in iust and lawfull forme 4 Thē lord I craue teach me ful kind haue mind to work my welth As friendly thou thy people mindst to me resort wyth helth 5 Thy seruauntes state O Lord to sée shew me their blisse at eye ▪ That I reioyce wyth thy good folke and thanke thée ioyfully The Lord so good wyth thankes confesse Who can hys power expresse Well true men be then Lorde teach mee Thy seruauntes state to see 6 We all to thée haue sinned sore as oft our fathers dyd We haue gone wrong and done amisse most wickedly in déede 7 Thy noble faytes in Egipt done our fathers noted seald Of thy great loues no mynd they had at red sea they rebeld 8 Yet he full kynd dyd them preserue for loue of his great name To make hys power so notable the world to feare the same 9 The sea so red he dyd rebuke then soone vp dryed it was And through great déepes he led them dry as desert men do passe 10 And he by strength defended them from aduersaries power He ryd them sure from enemies hand they could not them deuour 11 The waters depe so whelmed such as them dyd vexe and greue That none remaynd not one of them he them dyd quite remeue 12 Hys stable word they then beleued to spy theyr foes distresse And then they sung an hymne of thankes to prayse hys worthines The Lord so good with thankes confesse Who can hys power expresse Well true men be then Lorde teach mee Thy seruauntes state to see 13 In their great heat though hast they made his works they soone forgot No tyme they would his counsailes byde no tary would they not 14 They fondly longd in wycked lust for meat in wyldernes ▪ They tempted God in desert hye wyth shamefull sturdines ●5 And there euen there he gaue them full their asking redily But yet theyr bane they tooke therin theyr lyues destroyd therby ●6 And Moses guide yet they prouokt with wrath in their own tentes Yea Aaron eke Gods holy priest wyth foolish brablementes 17 Wherfore in hast the earth dyd ryue swalowd Dathon quyte It couerd whole the route and band of Abyram in sight 18 The fyre frō heauen fell whote and fierce amids their company The flame dyd burne those wycked men wyth all theyr familie 19 Eftsoones as God a calfe they made at Horeb mount most fond They worshipped this moltē worke which made theyr proper hand whole 20 And thus they turnd Gods onely glore who was their worship To shap of calfe but eatyng hay which they did hye extoll 21 They God forgot and left full soone who them to grace dyd take Who wrought as god in Egipt land ▪ strange dedes for al their sake 22 Great thyngs to sée O wonderfull in land of Cham I say And thynges of power most terrible at red sea there in way 23 To stroy them he then full decréed if Moses his elect Had not in sight vp start to treate his wrath to stay vnwreckt 24 And they despisde and lightly scornd that land delicious No fayth they gaue vnto hys word but went contrarious 25 They did in hart eke grutch and moyne in all theyr tents vnkynd They heard no tyme gods holy word it was to them but wynd 26 By liftyng vp his irefull hand God sware vnto them all That he would them in wildernes destroy wyth shamefull fall 27 And that he would cast shortly out their séede where gentils byde And sparple them as runnegates in countries farly wyde 28 Yea yokt they were and knit in hart to Baal Peor fast They glad dyd eat the sacrifice to dead men which was cast 29 Thus they all out dyd him prouoke to wrath by filthy vyce So hie that néedes Gods heauy plage on them did sharply ryse 30 Then Phinées stoode vp in zeale as iudge he vengeaunce tooke And strait the plage did stay cease gods wrath so them forsooke 31 Which godly zeale reputed was to hym for righteousnes From age to age Gods prest to be wyth all hys séede no lesse 32 They also greued and angred God at waters namde of stryfe That Moses meke gate harme for them for God abridgd hys lyfe 33 For they prouokt hys gentle sprite wordes doubtfull out to lashe Wherby he spake without aduise with lips to swift and rashe The Lorde so good wyth thankes confesse Who can hys power expresse Well true men be then Lorde teach mee Thy seruauntes state to see 34 They did not eke in warre destroy the Heathen peoples sect As God them bad most earnestly that they should them reiect 35 But myxt and ioynd they were full nye among the gentils sort And learnd their workes outragious wherof they made but sport ●6 Wherby full soone they honoured and serued theyr idols gay Which were a snare so sought by them to brede their own decay ●7 So far as blynd they doted than vnnaturall and mad That they to diuels did sacrifice their sonnes daughters glad 38 Much giltles bloud they spild shed● of their own childers brood To Idols slayne of Canaan the land foule staynd wyth bloud 39 Thus foule to foule with their self workes they were defild staind A whoryng far their fancies straid no fayth to God remaind 40 Thē iustly gods most dreadful wrath his own good people brent That he abhord his heritage where stoode hys regiment 41 So that he gaue them wholy vp to Gentils cruell handes That they them ruld which hated them before
fame For euer prayse and magnifie His blessed holy name Rectors O Angels hie of God The Lord your ornament Ye heauens so clere waters eke Aboue the firmament Quire * Prayse ye the kyng of kynges Blesse ye the Lord of fame For euer prayse and magnifie Hys blessed holy name Rectors O all ye powers of God Ye sunne and moone also Ye starres of heauens ye showres dewes The Lordes rough wyndes that blow Quiere * Prayse ye the kyng of kynges Blesse ye the Lord of fame For euer prayse ▪ and magnifie Hys blessed holy name Rectors O fyre and partching heate Ye winters Sommers all Ye dewes and frostes ye frostes and cold Ye snowes and Yse that fal Quiere * Prayse ye the kyng of kynges Blesse ye the Lord of fame For euer prayse and magnifie Hys blessed holy name Rectors O nights and dayes so bright Ye lights and darkenes dimme Ye lightnings cloudes and earth so round Extoll and laude ye him Quiere * Prayse ye the kyng of kynges Blesse ye the Lord of fame For euer prayse and magnifie His blessed holy name Rectors O hils and mountaynes great Grene thyngs on earth that growe Ye wels and springs ye Seas and flouds And Whales in deepes by low Quiere * Prayse ye the kyng of kynges Blesse ye the Lord of fame For euer prayse and magnifie Hys blessed holy name Rectors O all ye fethred foules Ye beasts and herds abroade O ye the sonnes of mortall men O Israell prayse the Lord. Quiere * Prayse ye the kyng of kings Blesse ye the Lord of fame For euer prayse and magnify his blessed holy name Rectors O priests of God aboue And seruants true of hys Ye sprites and soules of righteous men Extoll the Lord of blisse Quiere * Prayse ye the kyng of kings Blesse ye the Lord of fame For euer prayse and magnify His blessed holy name Rectors O men of hart so meeke And holy soules in mynde O Anani and Azari And Mi●aell so kynde Quiere * Prayse ye the king of kings Blesse ye the Lord of fame For euer prayse and magnify His blessed holy name Benedictus O Blest be God of Israell The Lorde guide we know full well He visited hys people all He them by grace redéemd from thrall And raisde he hath saluation Most mighty now for vs eche one Of Dauids stocke so vertuous His seruauntes line and noble house As he dyd speake in tymes of olde By holy Prophetes mouthes so tolde Which were his will to vtter than And haue bene since the world began That we should be in fréedome quite And saued be from enmies spite To scape the handes and cruell state Of all the men that vs do hate The mercy plight to fathers sage To them performe from age to age And eke recount hys noble acte To call to minde hys sacred pacte His othe to kepe so sworne and plight To Abraham our fathers right Which he in tyme so bounteous Would iust performe and geue to vs. That we so rid from enmies handes From cruell yoke of combrous bandes Myght serue hym styll in ioyfull cheare Without all griefe all care and feare In holines and righteousnes So hym to serue in stablenes Before hym thus all voyde of strife To passe all dayes of this our life And thou good child shalt haue the name Of Prophet great most chiefe in fame For thou shalt go before Gods face To shew before hys wayes of grace To geue vnto his people sone To knowledge healthes ▪ saluation This health to shew the grace of his For all theyr faultes and sinnes remisse Through mercy great and tender loue Of God the Lord that raignes aboue Wherby the day that spring from hie Us visited so ioyfully Them lyght to geue that placed bée In darkenes great and miserie And eke in shade of death no lesse And guide our féete in w●y●s of peace ¶ Magnificat MY soule the Lord doth magnifie Who shewth his power so mightely Thus hath he done ▪ by his gret might Of onely grace that he hath plight Also my sprite both day and hower Reioyceth in God my sauiour Not me my selfe but thée O Lord I do extoll in hartes accord For he hath thus regarded mée His handmayd true of low degrée Whose poore estate and simple house He doth accept so bounteous And now behold the kyndreds all Shall me henceforth right blessed call So thou hast sayd by thy good worde As aungels voyce doth well recorde For he that is most mighty tride Hath me set vp and magnified By his good grace he doth the same For holy is his worthy name And mercy great that he doth beare Is shewd to all that do hym feare On kinredes all by him alone He helpes vs now and hearth our mone Wyth hys good arme he strength hath shewd And scattred cleane the proud and lewd In their conceiptes ▪ and fansies vayne This is our God that still doth raigne The mighty downe from seat he threw And humble hartes exalted due Thus God hath done by power so hie The worldly riche full low do lie The hungry soule he filde in all Wyth eche good thyng so liberall The riche in wealth wyth all their ray With empty handes he sent away Remembring still hys grace that fell Hys seruaunt holye good Israell Which promisd was our fathers gray And Abraham hys séede for aye Nunc dimittis LOrd now thou lettest thy seruant go To peacefull rest thou good art so Thy loue to me thou doost aforde Accordth thereto thy holy word For these my eyes saw happely Health long desird so ernestly Thy sauing health thou geuest alone My eyes haue seene saluation Which thou hast thus preparde aright Before thy flock and peoples sight Theyr eyes do sée thy loues entent And goodnes great which thou hast sent To be a light to Gentels all To lighten them that lye in thrall That thy good flock in ioy may dwell To glory great of Israell Grace before meate MOst louing Lord to thee we cry All vs to blesse our borde be nye Thy giftes to vse in this repast No spoyle to make hereof in waste And that our want while we do ●yll Our hart and tong expresse none euell Grace after meate PReserue vs Lord which all hast wrought As thou of loue vs all hast bought Refresh our soules with godly feare For these good giftes kind hart to beare Our tyme to spend ech day by day At our liues ende reioyce we may Quicunque vult WHo saued will be before all thinges He must true fayth fast hold in all which safe sound who kepth it not Without all doubt he perish shall This is the fayth calde Catholike Euen through the world full out so famde To serue one god in Trinitie In Trinitie but one so namde Confounding not theyr persons three Their substance sundred cannot be The father sonne and holy goste Be diuers yet in persons three The godhed yet of them all one Of father sonne and
holy Sprite Theyr glory lyke their maiesty All one eternall is aright The father such the sonne is such The holy gost is such a lyke The father hie the sonne euen so The holy gost vncreat eke The father god the sonne the sprite Incomprehensible they be all ▪ Eternall god eternall sonne The holy goste eterne we call Yet they not three eternals be But one they stande eternally Not three distinct in power or tyme But one all whole in vnitie The father houge of power he is The sonne the holy ghost euen so Not thrée almighties so be sayde But one almighty knowne no mo The father God the sonne is God The holy ghost euen so is God Not yet three Gods but one is God In all the world so long and broade The Father Lord the Son is Lord The holly Ghost is truely Lorde Not yet thrée Lords but one is Lord We say and singe in true accord As we ech person God and Lord Be bid by Christian truth to name Forbidden so we be by fayth thrée gods or els thrée lords to frame The Father made of none nor born Of none begotten well we know The sonne of God alone not made Nor created begotten thoughe The sprite is iust of God and so Of Christ not got proceding yet One Father so one son one sprite Not thrise in name these persons set In Trinity ▪ not one beforne Nor yet behynde more great or lesse These persons thrée all equall be Eterne a like we must confesse So that in all this vnity In trinity I say agayne The trinity in vnity We must adore as one full playne Who saued will be most rightly iuge The Trinity forsooth euen thus And helth eke aske to think the Christe Incarnate was made flesh for vs. For this is fayth both right sounde That we beleue and iust confesse That Iesus Christ the sonne of God Is God and man our Lorde no lesse Of God his substaunce God begot Before the worlde was made in sight And man he is of Maryes flesh His mother him in world so dight He perfect God and perfect man Of soule with reason most indued Of humayne flesh subsistyng is By whome our nature was renued Christ equall is in Deity To God so great his father iust Yet greater he and Christ the lesse For birth in manhoode so discust Who though he be both God man One Christ he is in déede not two To ●lesh his godhed did not chaunge But taking flesh on godhed so Of substance whole he is vnmixte By person yet he is but one As soule wyth wit and flesh one man One Christ is so both God and man Who suffred death for all our health And downe he went in sprite to Hel He did yet ryse from death agayne The thyrd day iust as scripture telth To Heuen he ●●ied and there he sitth On gods right hand which mighty is from whence he shall return to iudge The quick and deade all right I wis And when he comth all men shal ryse In bodies dead reuiued agayne And geue they shall accompt full due of al their thoughts works so plain And they that haue done good I saye Shall enter sure to life eterne And they that haue done euill to fyre To darknes cast that is externe This is the fayth most Catholike Which any man if it mistake And faythfully doth not beleue No wight him saued once can make Veni creator COme holy Ghost eternall God Which doost from God procéede The father fyrst and eke the sonne One God as we do reade Oh visite thou our minds and harts Thy heauenly grace inspire That we in truth and godlinesse May set our whole desire Thou art O sprite the comforter In woe and hard distresse The heauenly gift of God so highe Which tongue cannot expresse Thou fountayne art and liuely spring Of ioy celestiall The fyre so bright the loue so cleare and vnction spirituall For thou in gifts art manifold Whereby Christs church doth stand And wrightst thy loue in faythfull hartes The power of God hys hand And like as thou hast promise made Thou geuest the speach of grace That through thy helpe the prayse of God May sound in euery place O holy Ghost to moue our wits Sende downe thyne heauenly light Inflame our harts our God to serue With loue both day and night Our weaknes strength confyrme vs Lord Both féeble faynt and frayle That nether flesh the world ne deuill In vs do once preuayle Put backe from vs our enemies And graunt that wée obtayne Swéete peace of hart with God and man From grudge and proude disdayne And graunt O Lord O leader sure That we by thée as guide May safe eschue the snares of sinne From thée no tyme to slyde And plenty Lord of thy good grace Graunt vs we humble pray Be thou our ioy and comforter To scape that dreadfull day Of stryfe and foule dissention O Lord dissolue the bands And knit the knot of peace and loue Through out all Christen lands Graunt vs O Lord through thée to know The Father most of might That we of his beloued sonne May sure obtayne the sight And that with perfect stable fayth We mought acknowledge thée The sprite of them ▪ of both I say One God and persons thrée Be laude to God the father hye And God his sonne prayse ye Be prayse to God the holy sprite One God in Trinity Pray we that Christ the sauiour Uouchsafe his sprite to send To all which true professe his name Till all the world doth ende THe 150. beyng the last Psalme is a serious and earnest inuitation to the prayses of God and so most agreably placed as last to knit vp the ende of all that is treated in the fiue seueral bookes of Psalmes so deuided by the Hebrues In whiche fiue bookes bee insparsed abroad matter of Prophecy of Christ and hys church of History of Doctrine of Instruction of Inuitation of Exhortation of Reformation of Insultation of Consolation of Gloriation of Inuocation of Obsecration of Meditation of Patience and such lyke So that all breath voyce and sound of worde sunge sayd or thoughte should tende wholy in the ende to prayse the Lorde whych is the first the mydst and finall worke and sacrifice wherunto all should be referred Furthermore because in rhe thyrd fourth and fifth verses onelye musicall instrumentes be recyted lest they should be but bare instrumentes wythout distinction or signification of sound in them be added for supplement the three appropriates ascribed to God in Trinitie as Power and Authoritie whereby all thynges were created and wrought Wysdome and Prouidence wherby all thynges be iustly gouerned and ruled Goodnes and Bountie wherby all thinges be preserued from whence procede all graces and giftes both bodely and ghostly Thus this Psalme whych is the last beyng conformable to that whych is the first which is also tracted by certayne Triades describyng the felicitye of man doth resemble the same