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A15431 Tetrastylon papisticum, that is, The foure principal pillers of papistrie the first conteyning their raylings, slanders, forgeries, vntruthes: the second their blasphemies, flat contradictions to scripture, heresies, absurdities: the third their loose arguments, weake solutions, subtill distinctions: the fourth and last the repugnant opinions of new papistes with the old; of the new one with an other; of the same writers with themselues: yea of popish religion with and in it selfe. Compiled as a necessarie supplement or fit appertinance to the authors former worke, intituled Synopsis papismi: to the glorie of God for the dissuading of light-minded men from trusting to the sandie foundation of poperie, and to exhort good Christians stedfastlie to hold the rockie foundation of faith in the Gospell. Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. 1593 (1593) STC 25701; ESTC S119967 179,229 213

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as they vse in their Eucharist not a spanne in breadth without destruction of the partes and dimensions of the bodie Fourthly that one and the same body of Christ in the same instant may bee sayd to bee Sursum deorsum Aboue and belowe Remotum propinquū Neare vnto the earth and farre distant from it that it may bee in motion in one place and yet rest and bee at quiet in an other as the soule in the body as it is in the feete is neere to the earth as in the head it is further off Bellarm. de sacram Eucharist lib. 3. cap. 4. These are absurdities contrary to the rule of reason that contradictorie speeches should in one instant be true of the same bodie or subiect And what is heresie if this bee not to resemble and compare the fleshe of Christ to a soule or spirit that as the soule is in the body in no certayne place but euery-where so the flesh of Christ should bee in the world for this followeth of the Iesuites comparison betweene the soule of man and the flesh of Christ. 5 Corpus Christi incipit esse in altari sayth Bellarmine per conuersionem panis in ipsum The bodie of Christ beginneth to be in the altar by the cōuersion or turning of the bread into his body Lib. 3. de sacram cap. 4. What great blasphemie is this to affirme that Christes fleshe is made of bread for these are their owne wordes that the bread is not annihilate that is turned into nothing but into the body of Christ. And Bellarmine also confesseth that Christes body in the Eucharist is made of bread as the wine was of water by our Sauiour Christ Iohn 2. But in that myracle it is certayne the water was the matter whereof the wine was made for otherwise Christ would not haue bid the seruauntes fill the water-pottes with water if hee had purposed to create wine of nothing rather then to chaunge water into wine Bellarm. de sacram Eucharist lib. 4. cap. 24. Thus Christ by popish diuinitie shall haue a breaden body 6 That after the words of consecration there remayne onely the accidentes of bread and wine as their colour taste roundnesse and such like the substances of thē being changed And so they confesse against the rule of nature and reason grounded vpon scripture that accidentes haue a being and substance of their owne without a subiect Harding defens apolog 305. pag. And it is the generall opinion of all papistes So in their opinion there may bee the whitenesse roundnesse and taste of bread and yet no bread the rednesse tartnesse and other properties of wine and yet no wine If a man then should aske what round or whyte or red thing is this they can not say bread or wine for there is none left Neither will they say that the body of Christ is eyther white or red and thus are they driuen to their shiftes Whereupon some of their schoole-men haue sayde Accidentia illa sunt in aēre tanquam in subiecto The accidents are in the ayre as in their subiect De consecrat distinct 2. Species in glossa 7 They are the accidents of bread wine which are eaten chawen or rent by the teeth Bellarm. lib. 1. de sacram Eucharist cap. 11. respons ad argum 5. And which goe downe into the bellie and nourish and feed the body Harding defens apolog pag. 305. Thus by popish philosophie the accidentes of wine make a man drunke the accidentes of breade may feede a man and make him fatte without eyther bread or wine 8 That Christ would not haue the externall figures and shapes of the elementes chaunged but remayne still because man woulde abhorre to eate humane flesh in the proper shape Bellarm. lib. 3. de sacram Eucharist cap. 22. But what an absurde thing is this as though Christ would commaund any vnseemely thing or contrarie to humanitie And how could the Apostles commaunde the Gentiles to abstaine from strangled and from blood Actes 15. when as by their doctrine they did cate daily in their assemblies the raw flesh and blood of Christ 9 If the consecrate host as they cal it chaunce to putrisie and corrupt or to be burnt with fire or deuoured of a Mouse or any other vermine by the negligence of the priest they say it ceaseth to bee the body of Christ and that God in that verie instant supplyeth some other matter Bellarm. lib. 3. de Eucharist cap. 24. ad argum 6. Or else it returneth into the nature and substance of bread againe as other papists affirme Fox p. 496. So there is no lesse myracle wrought by occasion of the priestes negligence then was before by the words of consecration And it is not enough for God to worke miracles for men but euen for Mise also yet Bellarmine telleth vs very soberly that all this is done Sine miraculo without a miracle But how I pray you can bread be turned into flesh flesh againe into bread without a miracle 10 Yea some of them are not ashamed to write thus Si Canis vel porcus deglutiret hostiam consecratam integram non video quare corpus domini nō simul traijceretur in ventrem canis vel porci If a Dogge or a Hogge shoulde deuoure a whole consecrated host I see no thing to the contrarie but the body of Christ may passe withall into the bellie of the dogge or hogge Alexander Halens part 4. quaest 25. memb 1. And the allowed Glosse sayth Corpus Christi potest euomi The bodie of Christ may bee spued or vomited vp agayne De consecr distinct 2. Si quis in Gloss. 11 They suffer not the lay people to bee partakers of the Cuppe but to receiue in one kinde onely alleadging these and such like weighty causes as the danger of spilling sheading and shaking the bloud out of the cup or the souring or else sticking vppon mens beardes and such like Bellarm. lib. 4. de Eucharist cap. 24. Fox pag. 1150. Are not these thinke you matters of great moment and importance to frustrate and make voyde the institution of Christ Vnto these and such like absurdities of pope-catholike Religion wee may adioyne also the profound and weightie questions and deepe discourses of popish Diuines as to begin with their captaynes and ringleaders and first fathers of superstition Austine the Monke that was sent into Englande by Gregorie the first sent vnto his maister to know his iudgment and resolution in these and such like weightie matters First whether a woman great with child ought to be baptized Secondly after how many daies the children that are borne ought to be baptized Thirdly if she be in her monthly course after the disease of women whether then she may enter into the church receiue the communion 4 Whether it be lawfull for the man after company had with his wife before he be washed with water to enter into the Church These and such like graue questions this
the signe of the crosse and whereas the originall onely hath Hauing his fathers name written in their fore-heads they put in this clause Hauing his name and his fathers name after the vulgare latine So in the canon of the masse they adde these words vnto the Gospel Mandueate ex hoc omnes Eat ye all of this whereas Christ said onely after the cup Bibite ex hoc omnes drinke ye all of this Bellarmine faith it is supplied by ●adition de sacram Eucharist lib. 4. ca. 25. So 1. Ioh. 4. 3. where the authentical Greeke hath Euery spirit which confesseth not Iesus they read after their corrupt latine text Euery spirit which dissolueth Iesus Without any senso whereas the text approueth the former reading for the 2. verse speaketh of spirits confessing Iesus so that consequently this verse must treat ofspirits not confessing Iesus Vnto this place may be added al the corruptions of the vulgar latine translation which are maintayned by the Church of Rome disagreeing from the true originall in Greeke Lastly they do not onely alter and chaung scripture but make scripture of their owne as one of their side prooueth the Pope to bee Dommus rerū temporalium Lord ofall worldly goods por illud dictum Patri dabo tibi omnia regna mundi by those words of Peter I wil giue thee al the kingdoms of the world These wordes notwithstāding Peter neuer spake but they were spoken by the deuill a fit text sure to ground the popes Lordlike dominion vpon Archidiacon Florentin ex citation Iuel pag. 615. defens apolog More who list to see of our aduersaries maner of corrupting scripture I referre them to that which hath beene before said of this matter 1. Piller part 3. a loc 46. ad 5● I say vnto them now as Augustine to certaine heretikes in his time Mortuus fine sensuiacet valent verba ipsius sedet Christus in coelo contradicitur testamento eius A man lieth deede without sense and his will remaineth in force Christ sitteth in heauen and dieth not yet his testament is gainsaid in Psal. 21. Thus wee see the weake answeres and beggerlie shiftes which our aduersaries through the weakenesse of their cause are driuen vnto Who may fitly be compared to vse Augustines comparison vnto subtle crafty foxes Vulpes solent habere tales foueas vt ex vnaparte intrent ex alia exeant Foxes are wont to haue such holes that they may goe in one way and goe out another Euen so doe our aduersaries seeke starting holes playing fast and loose with vs sometime denying the fathers sometime affirming with them sometime appealing to scripture otherwhile running from scripture to tradition so going in and out at their pleasure Sed ad vtrung foramen as Augustine saith captor vulpium retia posuit But the fox-taker seeing their craft hath laid his nettes in both holes that comming in and going out they are sure to be taken in Psal. 80. So God be thanked our Sauiour Christ this wise taker of foxes hath so armed the defenders of his trueth that whether these wilely foxes goe in or goe out pretend scriptures fathers or goe against them we doubt not buttheir feete shalbe caught with the snare of trueth Sophisticall distinctions and cunning sleightes deuised for the maintenance of popery Part. 3. VEe are now come by the grace of God to shake one of the principall pillers of papistrie for herein lyeth the very strength of their cause the very pith of popish schoole-diuinitie in deuising and inuenting subtile and sophistical distinctions thinking thereby to obscure the light of the trueth and to shift off most euident places of scripture The chiefe of their distinctions though not all yet some and the better part of them we will set down in their order and weigh them in the balance of Gods word that their lightnes may appeare Distinct. 1. I will beginne with that distinction concerning the authoritie of scripture they say that secundumse of it selfe the scripture and in it selfe is of sufficient authoritie but Quoad nos in respect of vs it dependeth of the approbation of the Church that we can not know neither are boundto beleeue the scriptures but because of the testimonie and allowance of the Church Bellarm. de concil lib. 2. cap. 12. Rhem. annot Galath 2. sect 6. Ans. This is but a subtile sleight to steale away the credit of the word of God for the scriptures were wholly written for vs our vse al the authority they haue is for the benefit of men in respect of vs If then they haue no authority with vs nor we bound to beleeue them vnlesse the Church doth approue them then they receiue their authority frō the Church for scripture was written for men not for God himselfe or Angels So this distinction is contrary to the word of God I receiue saith Christ no witnes of mē Ioh. 5. 34. But the scripture is the voice of Christ therfore it needeth not the approbation of men The spirit beareth witnesse that the spirite is the trueth 1 Ioh. 5. 6. That is the scriptures are discerned known by the same spirit the which they were written withal The Church in deed is to testify of the trueth but the trueth is to be beleeued for the truths sake although it haue no testimony of men for my sheepe saith our Sauiour heare my voice Ioh. 10. 2. Distinct. They distinguish of the word of God there is Verbū Dei scriptū the word of God writtē which is contained in the scriptures Verbū Dei non scriptū the word of God not written that is their traditions Bellarm. de scriptur lib. 4. cap. 2. Ans. This is a vaine distinction for the whole word of God reuealed is conteined in scripture as outof scripture we proue it thus The word written that is the holy scriptures are able to make a man perfect to euery good worke 2. Timoth. 3. 17. and so vnto saluation But whatsoeuer is ouer and beside that which is perfect is superfluous But no part of Gods word is superfluous therefore no part of the worde beside scripture 3 Distinct. The Church is built say they vpon Peter and Peters faith but faith here hath a double consideration for it may be eyther absolutely considered or with relation to Peters person But faith generally and absolutely respected is not the foundation of the Church but as it was in Peter Bellarm. de Roman pontif lib. 1. cap. 11. Rhemist annot Math. 16. sect 1. Ans. That Peters faith which was in Peter by Peter confessed as a portion Indiuiduū of the general sauing faith of the Church is the foundation of the same Church wee denie not But Peters personall faith cannot be this foundation forthen when Peter died his faith being a particular accidēt to his person going away with him the Church should haue wanted a foundation Againe in Peter these two thinges are respected his person faith
all sinnes and make the offender guiltie much or little Otherwise there should not haue needed any sacrifices to be prouided in the law for sinnes done of ignorance Leuit. 4. Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Rom. 14. 23. He sayth not whatsoeuer is done of malice or wilfulnes but whatsoeuer is not of faith that is of a sure ground done with certaine knowledge and perswasion and according to a good conscience as Bernard expoundeth the place De fide vera non falsaputo dixisse Apostolum omne quod non ex fide peccatum quia fides falsa fides non est Non autem ex fide vera bonum creditur quod malum est I thinke the Apostle spake of a true not a false faith in that place Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne because a false faith is no faith and by a true faith a man can not beleeue that to be good which is euill lib. de Dispensat Therefore all sinnes done ignorantly and simply though the intent be neuer so good do make the partie that sinneth guiltie and faultie Distinct. 57. There is a double certaintie of saluation Certitudo infallibilis an infallible certitude which a man cannot haue in this life certitudo humana moralis a morall and humane certitude and this is sufficient for a man to rest himselfe vpon Bellarm. de Sacram. lib. 1. cap. 28. Contra. First they speake contraries for how can there be a certitude not vnfallible for that that is certaine is vnfallible and what is fallible is vncertaine Secondly The Apostle saith otherwise Giue diligence to make your calling and election sure 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sure without staggering or wauering For if ye do these things ye shall neuer fall 2. Peter 1. 10. Is not this an vnfallible certitude whereby a man shall be assured neuer to fall If this might not be attained vnto in this life S. Peter would not exhort vnto it Distinct. 58. I let passe here their idle fansies and fonde schoole distinctions not fit to bee vsed by boy Sophisters much lesse by men that would be counted graue diuines As how there are causae morales iustificationis aliae causae Physicae Morall causes of our iustification and Physical or naturall causes Bellarm. de effect sacram lib. 2. cap. 11. Contra. This distinction is repugnant to the Iesuites own doctrine for faith is no Morall but a Theologicall vertue as he distinguisheth them but it is faith that iustifieth Rom. 5. 1. Ergo no morall vertue Themselues also exclude the workes of nature from being any cause of iustification how then can there be any Physicall causes for in deede our iustification is no Physicall or naturall but a metaphysicall and supernaturall worke Distinct. 59. Not much vnlike to this is that distinctiō of dolor summus intensiuè appretiatiuè Our sorrow is greatest intensiuely when it is in the highest degree It is the greatest appretiatiuely or in estimation when as wee sorrow not for a thing as much as wee can yet wee had rather loose other things than loose that As a godly man may mourne intensiuelie for the death of his children more than for his sinnes yet hee had rather loose his children than the fauour of God True contrition then requireth sorrow in the highest degree appretiatiuè but not intensiuè Bellarm. lib. 1. de poenitent cap. 11. Contra. It is not possible that a man should weepe more for that which hee lesse esteemeth And if a man mourne more for a temporall losse than for his sinnes hee mourneth not a right Therefore sorrow for our sinnes ought to be the greatest in the highest degree intensiuè And thus true sorrow is described in the Scriptures Wee roare like Beares and mourne like Doues Esay 59. 10. Beholde O Lorde how I am troubled my bowels swell my Liuer is powred out vpon the earth Ierem. Lament 1. 20. O that my head were as the waters and mine eies as fountaines of teares Ierem. 9. 1. Cut off thine haire O Ierusalem and cast it away and take vp a complaint Ierem. 7. 29. They shall mourne like Doues smiting vpon their breastes Nahum 2. 7. In that day shall there be great mourning in Ierusalem as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddo Zachar 12. 11. Thus the Prophets did vse to describe true sorrow for sinne than the which none could be greater as Moses saith Seeke the Lorde with all thine heart and all thy soule Deut. 4. 29. Wherfore sorrow for sinne ought to be the greatest and chiefest of all other euen intensiuè as wee haue said Distinct. 60. Many such goodly distinctions they haue as to shewe that two bodies may be in one place they haue inuented this distinction there is duplex diuisio extrinseca respectu locs intrinseca ratione subiecti There are two kindes of diuision of one thing from another the externall diuision in respect of place the internall in respect of the subiect And so when two bodies are in one place they are internallie distinct from themselues though they be not distinct and diuided in place the first diuision is taken away not the second Bellarm. lib. 3. de Eucharist cap. 3. See what iugling here is and all to breede an impossible conclusion for seeing euery bodie hath his proper place yea spirites haue their proper definite places much more bodies two bodies then must haue two places vnlesse they be mingled and incorporate together and so make but one bodie Thus they distinguish of the being and subsistence of the accidents of bread and wine in the Eucharist without their subiects sunt in se negatiue non positiuè they haue a being in themselues negatiuely not positiuely Bellarm. lib. 3. de Eucharist cap. 24. Is not this good stuffe I pray you what is esse negatiue to be with a negatiue that is put the negatiue non to esse and so non esse by this skilfull Philosophie shall be esse not to be is all one with to be Such toyes these vaine men do traine vp their schollers in and thinke by them to deceiue the worlde I will trouble the Reader at this time with no more of their stuffe by these examples alreadie set foorth wee may giue our iudgement of the rest That their distinctions are lewd sophisticall and vaine inuentions to obscure the truth withall and not woorth a rush all distinctions wee condemne not wee knowe they haue their profitable vse for the finding out of truth and discouering of falshood but such distinctions as serue to countenance errour superstition against the manifest truth of Gods worde such as are these Popish distinctions wee vtterly abhorre condemne Of such distinctions we may say as one of their owne fellowes said of that distinction of Simonie There were Simoniaca de sui natura there were Simoniacall things by nature forbidden by the worde of God as to buy or sell Sacraments Simoniaca iure positiuo Simoniacall things by the positiue lawe and constitutions of