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A14653 The doctrine of the Sabbath Wherein the first institution of the vveekly Sabbath, with the time thereof, the nature of the law binding man to keep it, the true ground, and necessity of the first institution, and of the observation of it, on the severall day in the Old Testament, and also of the moving of it to the first day under the Gospel, are laid open and proved out of the Holy Scriptures. Also besides the speciall dueties necessarily required for the due sanctification thereof, those two profitable points are proved by demonstrations out of Gods Word. First, that the Lord Christ God and man, is the Lord of the Sabbath, on whom the Sabbath was first founded...2. That the faithfull under the Gospell are as necessarily bound to keep the weekly Sabbath of the Lords day... Deliverd in divers sermons by George Walker B. of Divinity and pastor of St. Iohn Evangelists Church in London. Walker, George, 1581?-1651. 1638 (1638) STC 24957; ESTC S103296 151,861 168

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of them My reasons are First because creating of naturall holynesse in any thing is a worke of creation But God rested from all works of creation on the seventh day and from making any thing which belonged to the naturall being of any creature or to the natural frame and perfection of it witnesse the wordes of my text and the wordes of the Lord him selfe Exod. 20.13 Secondly the Scriptures which are the onely rule of faith and so all Doctrines of this kind do never mention any naturall holynesse in any creature which God made in the whole created frame of heaven and earth all though God did create man perfect in his kinde even in his own image Yet I doe not read that this image comprehended any more in it but naturall gifts and endowments onely as light of understanding libertye of will most free to good onely and well ordered affections all upright also a comely frame and excellent temperatur of the body fitt to be the seat subject instrument of a liveing reasonable naturall soule and spirit and to rule over all other creatures Salomon the wise preacher describeing the image and excellent frame wherein God created man makes no mention of any holynesse but onely of naturall uprightnesse God saith he made man upright We never read of holynesse naturall to any but onely to God Thirdly true holynesse is a gift of supernaturall grace given onely in Christ and proceeding f●om the holy Ghost shed on men through Christ and dwelling in them as the immortall seed of God It belongs not to the naturall image of God wherein the first earthly Adam was created but to the spirituall and heavenly image of the second Adam Christ who is a quickening spirit the Lord from heaven heavenly whose image no man can bear but in the state of regeneration when he is borne of the spirit and begotten of God to a lively hope to the inheritance incorruptible and undefiled which fadeth not a way as I have largly here to fore proved by divers Scriptures which appose the image of true holynesse and undefyled righteousnesse which men have in Christ to the image of the first Adam but that upright image wherein he was first made and that corrupt image where in to he was transformed by his fall as appeares most plainely 1. Cor 15.45.49 Eph. 4.23.24 The thing which deceives many learned men and carries them to thinke that holinesse was apart of mans naturall image in which he was created is this First they take it for granted that all vprightnesse purity of man in heart soule life and conversation by which he is conformable to the law of nature and to Gods will revealed and his commandements given to him is true holinesse and is so called in Scripture Secondly they reade that Adam was made by God vpright and had that purity vprightnesse which made him conformable to Gods law and revealed will and this was Gods image in him herevpon they conclude that Adam was created in true holinesse To this I haue heretofore vpon another textfully answered by laying downe a plaine distinction gathered from Gods word and daily experience and by applying it to this purpose For I haue distingu●shed purity and uprightnesse by which man is conformable to the revealed will and law of God into two sorts First there is a created naturall purity vprightnesse founded upon naturall principles which God gaue to man in his fi●st creation by he which was conformable to Gods revealed will to the law of his nature in the state of innocency but this vprightnesse having no other roote or foundation but mans mutable nature and frame was also mutable and was quickly defaced and corrupted by the subtilty of the tempter and mans fall Secondly there is a renewed or new created uprightnesse and purity of man in his heart and soule life and conversation which is found onely in Gods elect faithfull regenerat Children by which they are here in some measure made conformable to the law and will of God this although it is much ecclipsed and obscured by the remainders of naturall corruption which still dwell in Gods Saints in this fraile life and mortall body and doth not shine forth in the true brightnesse of it yet it proceeds from an eternall fountaine the pure waters whereof spring vp unto life eternall and cannot be defiled but remaine pure though they passe through the dead sea of Sodom the filthy lake of mans naturall corruptions which dwell still in this body of death this pure fountaine is the spirit of regeneration which God sheds through Christ on the elect as our Saviour himselfe teacheth Joh. 14.4 8.38.39 And because this spirit even the holy Ghost which daily renues them being shed on them in there new birth Tit. 3.5.6 doth dwell in them as the mortall seed of God abides with them for ever Joh. 14 16. and is stronger then the spirit of malice the Devill which overthrew our first parents and ever since rules in all worldly men 1 Iob. 4.4 Therefore it is true puritie and vprightnesse which cannot faile nor deceive us as Adams did and this is that which the Apostle cals the new man and the righteousnesse and holinesse of truth Ephess 4.24 in the same sence that spirituall supernaturall and heavenly graces are called the true riches that is the riches durable and incorruptible which will neverly vnto vs nor by failing deceive vs Luk. 16. As for the created purity and vprightnesse by which the first Adam was conformable to the law it is never in all the Scriptures called by the name of holinesse neither is it or any morall virtue in any vnregenerate man any true holinesse because it proceeds not from the holy Ghost who dwels in the regenerate and works all true holinesse in in them I wish that all the learned would seriously weigh this truth embrace it with their hearts and beare it continualy in their minds and memories For this will at one blow raze to the very foundation all pelagian Popish Armian Hoeresies concerning the power of mans fre● will the efficacy and merit of mans naturall workes don before regeneration and the falling away of men regenerate and justified from the grace of God and from justifying faith and true holinesse also concerning vniversall grace given to all men by which they haue it in their owne power to be saved And if it would please the Lord to open the hearts of our people r●ghtlie conceive this difference betweene the image of the first and second Adam and betweene the created naturall vprightnesse of Adam and the spirituall vprightnesse and infused holinesse wherein the second Adam was conceived and framed by the holy Ghost This would ravish their hearts and fill them with admiration of the singular loue of God to his elect in Christ and of the singular excellencie of the grace holinesse and of those high prerogatives which the regenerate
mear and drinke offerings of fine flower mingled with oyle and such like and incense and gummes and spices they where but tipes and shaddowes of Christ his substanciall sacrifice and in that respect holy by Consecration And though divers of them were indifferent and tollerable while the bodily Temple was yet standing Yet when God hath cast them out by the destruction of the materiall temple the chaunge of the weekly Sabbath they are growne unlawfull to be practised and the reviuing of the practise of them is called abomination Dan. 12. And apostacy from Christ Gala. 4 5. turning againe to weak and beggarly elements and rudiments and becoming slaues to them Gal. 4.9 Wherfor we are now onely to observe in our sanctification of our holie weekly Sabbath such holie duties and exercises as are holie at al● times and in all ages both before and under the law and now also under the Gospell which in their owne nature are either trulie holie or t●nde to beg it increase and cherish holie graces in men And because God hath by the Gospell shined into our hearts to giue us the light of the knowledge of his glorie the face of Iesus Christ 2 Cor. 4.6 And hath shed his spirit on us aboundantly through him Tit. 3.6 And soe made us more spirituall because also our Saviour himselfe hath taught vs in the Gospell that God is a spirit they are true worshippers who worship him in spirit Iohn 4.23.24 Therefore the chiefest duties by which the Sabbath is sanctifi●d are the most speciall duties of Gods worshippe and the more spirituall the more pleasing to God more beseeming Christ●ans Soe that the first rule which is here to be giuen and to be observed is this That all Gods people doe chiefely labour to stirre up and quicken the grace of God in their hearts and holy heavenly and supernaturall aff●ctions in their soules that with pure mind● and spirits they may performe all duties and actions of Gods worship and seruice both publick and priuate It is true that all times and on all daies we ought to keepe our whole spirit and soule as well as our body pure and blameles to serue God as well with inward affection of heart and purity of spirit as ou●ward visible sencible actions and gestures of body But because the Lords day is the most blessed daie of the w●eke sanct●fied set apart for the holy worshippe and immediate service of God and for publick and priuate service devotion and Religious duties onelie therefore we all ought to haue as great care to furnish our soules with spiritual beauties of holinesse more abundan●ly in greater measure as we haue to make cleane and neate our houses and to decke and adorne our bodies with our best and cleanest holy daie apparell on the Lords day For though outward bodily actions gestures are required as r●quisit and necessary in the publick worship of God and without them it is as impossible to do that publick duty and service to God which belongs to mutuall edification of Christians in this life to the solemne lauding and praising of him in publick assemblies as it is to performe visible senceable actions of this life by the soule only without the body Yet bodily service worship of God as coming duly diligently to the house of God to publick assemblies hearing the word withall attentions and speaking it with great vehemency Praying worshipping and giving thankes in the best forme of wordes which can be devised and with most humble and reverent gestures of devotion as bowing down the body to the ground knocking of the breasts sighing groaning lifting up the hands and eyes to heaven and the like they all without spirituall affection and devotion of the heart are no better then a dead karcast without a soule yea they are filthy hyp●crisie and mockerie of God and lothsome abomination in his sight as the Lord by the Prophet testifieth Isa. 1 c 10 to the 16 verse 29 13 And therefore let our first and chiefest care bee about the fitting and preparing of our hearts and filling and replenishing our soules with spiriruall affections and quickening and stirring up inward and spirituall grace within us for these are the life and soule of all religious duties of all holy worship of God without them we can̄ot in the least measure sanctifie Gods holy day nor performe any least duty of sanctificatiō acceptable to God Now the speciall means which serve for the quickning of spirituall grace kindling of spirituall devotion in our hearts are diuers The First is that which J haue spoken of befor in the duties which concerne Rest to weet a totall sequestring of our selues from all worldly businesse puting away all earthly thoughts cares delights that our whole heart and soule all our affections being purged from all such drosse may haue roome for holinesse only and for spirituall devotion and motions of the spirit For no man can serve two Masters at once God and the world Cast out earthlie carnall thoughts and spiritual and heavenlie affections will easilie enter and beare sway And because this sequestring of our selves from cares of the world must go befor true sanctification in order time therfor undoubtedlie the beginning of the Lords Sab daie is there where the old Iewish Sab ended that is in the evening of the Saturdaie And certainlie when men taking their Rest from labour the whole night befor the Lords daie for sequestring themselves from worldlie businesse fitting of their soules with spirituall devotion and stirring vp of grace in their hearts then do they most profittablie begin their Sabbath for by the meanes the time of preparation and quitting of the minde from worldlie troublesome thoughts shall go before the time of practise and publick assemblies Wherein they are to appeare before God and to performe the maine duties of Sanctification and of his holy worship And her● J cannot passe by without some reproofe that evill carnall custome most worthy to be condemned which is to common among our Cittizens who defer their reckoni●g with their worke-men untill the evening and night which beginns the Lords day Let me here admonish you all to forsake this practise if you loue the Lord and will honour his holy Sab. The second meanes is to meditate on those things which may stirre up our dull spirits and quicken grace in our hearts as first upon the greatnesse holinesse and gl●rie ●f the Lord and more specially to present our selves when the light of the day commeth both to speak to him in praier and praises to heare him speake to us in his word read and preached This must needs moue and stirre up spirituall devotion and affection as we see by experience in worldly things how carefull we are to trimme and fit our selves when we are to go before an earthly King or some great Nobles Secondly to consider what holinesse and purity especially of
discouerie of his nakednes and sowing of figge leaues together for aprons Gods voyce was heard walking in the garden in the coole of the day that is after the sunne was gone down the seventh day begunne that Adam hid himselfe the words of the text affirme plainly in the third Chapter Also that after the conventing examining and arraigning of the man the woman and cursing of the serpent and also of the earth passing sentence of punishment on the persons of the man and woman to weet sorrowes labours in this life in the end thereof bodily death and returning to durst God for a comfo●table remedie of all these evils promised Christ to redeme man kinde from them all and to purchase for them eternall life and glory the history as it in the same third chapter laid downe shewes most clearly and I do verily beleeve that all reasonable men especially all true Christians will most freely confesse and willingly grant That Christ in the day wherein hee was first promised and did actually undertake to redeeme the world brought in a greater perfection vnto the worke of creation or the things created then they had befor given to them on the six dayes in there creation to weer supernaturall grace and heauenly and spirituall gifts of holinesse which exalt man to astate immutable and eternall Now seeing it is a truth most manifest that in the seventh day God the Father promising the blessed seed Christ to destroy the workes and to breake the head and power of the D●vill the Old serpent and the Sonne of God actually vndertaking mans redemption and beginning to mediate for man And God the Holy-Ghost inspiring by the promise and through Christ grace and faith into both the man the woman to beleeue that out of her who was the instrument of death to man should Christ spring who is the life and light of men and so shee should become Chavab that is the living one or mother of all living there was a supernaturall perfection brought into the world And God brought his worke which hee made to a better estate and shewed a further end of things created Surely it should be too much perverstnes in us and too grosse resisting of our owne reason guided by the text it selfe If wee should d●ny or refuse to beleeue that this perfecting of Gods worke is here meant in this place and is the true ground of blessing the seventh day to be the Lords holy Sabbath And thus J hope I haue fully discovered the true sence meaning of the first words shewed how we are to vnderstand this which is here said to weet And on the seventh day God ended or perfected his w●rke J proceed to the next words And on the seventh day God rested from all his worke which he had m●de to which I ●dde the repetition of the same w●rds with some addition in the later end of the third ver namely that he rested from all the worke which he created even from making any more so the words in the Hebrew do runne Now for the word rested it is in the originall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Shabath of which the name of the Sabbath is derived and it doth not signifie a resting of God for to refresh himselfe as being weary nor resting from all working absolutly and simply but ceasing from making any more kindes of creatures for God doth alwaies as a provident Lord and Father work in the continuall generatiō of particular creatures in multiplying preserving ordering and disposing of them as our Saviour shewes Iohn 5.17 Here therefore we are to vnderstand that on the first sixt dayes the Lord shewed his good will and pleasure in making every thing very good and perfect with naturall perfection So in the seventh day hee rested wholy fro making any new kinde of creature by way of former creation And man being fallen and hauing brought confusion into the world and corruption and vanity vpon the creatures Christ is promised and actually vndertakes and begins to enterceede for man and to be his redeemer and Saviour and by this meanes God may bee sayd to rest divers wayes First whereas the rigour of justice required that man should dye and perish in the same day wherein hee sinned and the creatures made for his vse should together with him be distroyd so should God haue bin busied in executiō of justice destroying his former work in making a new world of creatures the eternall word the Sonne of God vndertooke mans Redemtion brings rest to God by that meanes from destroying the former and making a new or second worke of creation which is truely called resting from all the worke which he had made Secondly the naturall estate and b●st being and perfection which man and other creatures had by creation shewing it selfe mutable by mans fall so appearing If God should haue proceeded and gone on in the same manner of working as he had done in the sixt dayes of the creation there should haue been no rest nor end of his work of making remaking But Christ vndertooke the worke of redemption and as an alsufficient Saviour to perfect for ever them that are sanctified by the cōmuniō of his spirit spiritual supernaturall grace to renue them after his heavenly Image of true vncha●gable holines doth this way bring rest to God f●ō the work or busines of creation sets on foot a new more admirable work in which God resteth and on which he taketh much delight and by which his creatures are reconciled and made pleasing and acceptable to him Thirdly Christ who was promised to become the seed of the woman for mans redemption b●ing the eternall wisdome and mighty word of God and able to beare vp the pallace of the earth when it and all the whole tents thereof were disolued and the first foundations thereof were out of course as the Psalmist speakes Psal. 5.3 82 5.8 God doth justly settle his rest on him and commits to him the ruling governing and judging of the world as he is medidiatour and the Sonne of man So our Saviour himselfe affirmes Iohn 5.22.27 Now that on the seventh day God did not barely rest from his worke of creating and making creatures but also that in and by Christ promised on that day hee found rest and rested the sever●ll wayes before named the holy Scriptures and also common reason doe plainly shew First a bare resting from creation and not working is not a matter of such moment benefit that it should be the ground of blessing and sanctifying of one day in seven every week to the solemne memory of it Holy dayes and feasts mentioned in the Scriptures haue alwaies beene appointed by God and set apart for the commemoration of some great extraordinary workes delivering Jsraell out of Egypt giving of the Law and such like Secondly that Gods resting on the seventh day was more then this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
in Christ we are called to be Saints and sanctified 1 Cor. 1.2 Secondly there is no thought or hope of eternall rest in heaven but in and by Christ hee brings us into that and by going before us makes way for us Heb. 6.20 9 24. Jt is that which never entered into the heart of man his reason conceives it not till God doth reveale it by his spirit given though Christ 1 Cor. 2.9.10 Thirdly no man can haue accesse vnto God but in Christ there is no approach to the throne of grace but in him Heb. 4.16 It is Christ alone who for his peoples sake sanctified himselfe that they also might be sanct●fied Ioh. 17.19 And there is no growing up in grace holinesse but in him and by vnion and communion in one body with him as our head Eph. 13·16 vpon these infalible premises it followes necessarily that the proper end and use of the Sabbath presupposing Christ the first institution thereof must needes be grounded on Christ also Fourthly if Christ as he is the Sonne of man vnited in one person vnto God and so our mediatour be the Lord of the Sabbath so that the alteration and chaunge of it from one of the seven dayes to another is onely in his power and depends wholy on some chaunge in him then the institution of it is grounded one the promise of him and upon his mediation Now the Antecedent is manifest by our Sauiours owne words Mat. 12.9 where hee calls himselfe Lord of the Sabbath day And by his resurrection and becomming the head stone of the corner the Sabbath is chaunged from the day of him promised vnto the day of the full exhibition of him aperfect actuall redeemer in his resurrection as David foretold Psal. 118. And the practise of the Apostles in all Churches of Christian Gentiles doth aboundantly declare Act. 20.7 and 1 Cor. 16.2 wherefore undoubtedly Christ promised was the first ground of the institution of the Sabbath as our Saviour in that place of the Gospel Mat. 12.9 affirmes it was made for man that is not only for mens use but also for him the son of man upon the promise undertaking of him to become man the seed of the women for mans redemption for destroying the workes of the Divill VSE This Doctrine thus fully proved confirmed is a Doctrine of speciall use to worke in the hearts of all true Christians who have all their hope confidence in Christ an high holy reverence esteeme of the Lords holy weekly Sabbath to provoke stirre them up to a carefull conscionable diligent observation thereof in all their generations for the promoting propagating of pietye for the increase of devotion and advauncement of Religion in all succeding ages If the observation of the weekly Sabbath were but a dictate of nature written in mans heart in the creation then were the chiefe end and ayme of it no more but an earthly felicitye and the fruition of a naturall life in an earthly paradise It should be no better then one of the duties which belong to the old couvenant of life justification by mans owne works which is abolished and made void by mans fall And It is wholy frustrated of the proper end use of it which was justification life by workes of a mans own doing And so being not a part of the wisedome which is from above it should be of lesse esteme and of common and ordinary account with holy Christian Saintes Or if the Sabbath were a legall rite and ceremoniall ordinance onely such as were sacrifices burnt offerings circumcision and legall purifications which were shadowes of things to come then should it be abolished by the full exhibition of Christ and the observation thereof among Chistians of the beleeveing Gentiles were no better then setting up of abominations which make desolate by cutting men of from Christ. But here we are taught better things concerning the Lords holy weekely Sabbath to weet that it is an holy Heavenly Euangelicall ordinance wholy grounded upon Christ and depending onely upon him first instituted upō the promised Christ limitted to the seventh day of the weeke in which he was promised to be mans redeemer did undertake in some measure begin actually to mediate and to intercede for man with God and commaunded to be kept onely on that seventh day during the tyme of the old Testament while Christ was onely promised the fathers sought salvation in him to come And now ever since the full exhibition of Christ a perfect redeemer in his resurrection necessarily imposed on all Christians and limitted by virtue of the first institution and foundation of it upon Christ to that day even the first day of the weeke which is the greatest day of Christ appearing in the nature of man on earth that is the day of his resurrection to glory and immortalitie and the day of his complete victory and triumph in his owne person over sin death the Devill all the powers of darknesse So that though the particular dayes of the weekely Sabbath that is the seventh of the weeke in the old Testament and the first in the new and under the Gospell may truly be called temporarye and caeremoniall because they have their set tymes and seasons the one the tyme and season onely under Christ promised the other the tyme and season under Christ fully exhibited that is the whole tyme of grace under the Gospell vntill we come both in soules and bodyes to the etternall Sabbath and rest in heaven when Christ Mediatour haveing destroyed all enimyes and delivered up the Kingdome to God his father God shal be all in all Yet they are such ceremonies as are holy in their seasons not by signification and consecration to holy and supernaturall use only as legall shadowes were but also materially and in respect of the very duties which are performed in observation of them yea and effectively because the due observations of them properly tends to begitt and increase true holynesse in Gods people Besides if we consider the observation of a weekely Sabbath simply in it self without limitation to a particular day so it is a perpetuall ordinaunce of God which bindes all mankind to the end of the world And there is none of all Adams posteritye but by Gods first institution he is bound to keep the holy weekely Sabbath upon that very day of the weeke which by the word of God and the ground of the institution appeares to be most seasonable in the age and the state of the Church under which thy live and have their being on earth Now these things being soe how it is possible that any true syncere Christian who as by one spirit and by a true lively faith soe also in his whole heart and in all holy affections is vnited vnto Christ and hath all his h●pe confidence in him as in his only Redeemer Lord Saviou● should not
and faithfull receive and enjoy through him which indeed soe farre exceed all that belonged to man in the state of innocency as Christ the second Adam in his humanity exceeded the first Adam and immutable grace exceeds mutable nature and as eternall fruition of God in heavenly grace excels the fruition of fading pleasures in an earthly paradise CHAP. 6 Secondly Gods sanctifying of the seventh day was not the creation or infusing of any spirituall or supernaturall holinesse into it by which it did excell all other dayes of the weeke For first all spirituall and supernaturall holinesse is created infused by the holy Ghost only into reasonable creatures Angels and men and cannot be in any thing void of reason vnderstanding free will and affections Although things without life and creatures void of reason are called holy by way of relation because they are dedicated to an holie use Yet nothing is called holie by holinesse of qualification that is by holinesse inherent heavenlie grace qualitie and perfection but onelie man and the holie Angels who are partakers of the holie Ghost and haue him dwelling working in them For this holinesse is unstained puritie and vnspotted vprightnesse which possesseth and informeth the vnderstanding will desires affections and inclinations of resonable creatures makes them conformable to Gods revealed will and the rule of his law S●e that to imagine holines infused into any time place or any other thing which hath not reason vnderstanding and will is a mere dreame dotage and superstition Times and places as holy daies and holie temples are holie in Scripture not for any holines inherent in them which they communicate to Gods people but because these daies and places are dedicated to holie use and in them God is pleased by his spirit working with his word and ordinances to beg it increase and stirre vp holy aff●ctions in men and to come and enable them to performe holie actions according to Gods will Secondlie all true infused inherent holinesse created and wrought by the holie Ghost springs from an eternall fountaine and is founded vpon a sure rock which can never bee removed but standeth firme for ever Where Gods spirit once informeth or taketh possession and worketh true holinesse ther he abides for ever Ioh. 14.16 The Devill and all the powers of darknesse cannot prevaile nor dispossesse him for he is greater then they all 1. Ioh. 4.4 Soe that if God had sanctified the seventh day by infusing holinesse and conforming it with the holy Ghost it could never haue beene profaned polluted and defiled by men neither could there haue beene any chaunge of it from the holy Sabbath to a common and ordinary day of the weeke as now wee see by Christs resurrection It should haue continued Gods holy weekly Sabbath for ever even as men once truly regenerate and sanctified by the holy Ghost are by that spirit sealed vnto the day of full redemption Ephess 4.30 CHAP. 7. THE affirmatiue positions wherein J will shew how God sanctified the seventh day are three First God did on that day reveale himselfe to man a most pure and holy God more then in all the six daies of the creation For in creating all things of nothing he shewed his power And omnipotencie in making al things good and perfect in there kind And in setting the heavens and the earth and all creatures in such an excellent comelie order hee shewed his wisdome and goodnesse And in making man vpright in his owne image giving him dominion over all living creatures to order them according to his will and to the law written in mans heart he declared his righteousnes But on the seventh day by promising Christ a perfect redeemer and Sauiour he manifested and revealed his most perfect purity holinesse diverse waies First by his suffering of man to liue in his sight and to approach to his presence when he was corrupted by his fall and become filthy and abominable and in the strictnesse and rigor of justice worthy to be destroyed with eternall death God did plainly shew that he is a God infinitly holie and cannot receive the least spot and staine of mans corruption approaching to his presence but appeares most pure and glorious and shines forth bejond all measure by making an holy vse of mans vncleannesse and ordering and disposing it to the more full manifestation and communication of his glorie goodnesse to his elect in Christ For as the purity of gold doth more appeare by abiding most pure and perfect in the midst of consuming fire and a furnace of fire full of uncleane ashes and after the touching of things most vncleane Soe Gods perfect purity and holinesse appeares most infinit and vnspotted in that he suffers vncleane man made filthy and abominable by sinne to live in his sight and presence doth order dispose his uncleannesse to an holy end doth meddle with it touch it yet is no whit diminished or obscured therby but made more bright and resplendent in the eyes of the world Secondly God by his promising of Christ to become mā in mans nature to make a ful perfect satisfaction to justice for mans sin did shew his infinit purity holy hatred of sin more then by any worke of creation In that rather then mās sin filthines should not be punished to the full his justice fully satitisfied he would giue his own Son a person of infinit value to bear the cur●e sufferedthe whole punishment of sin in mans nature and so to make full satisfaction for it Thirdly the revealing of Christ and promising of him to be a second Adam who is the Lord from heaven heavenly and a quickening spirit through whom he doth richlie shed his spirit on Adam and all his elect seed in their generation which holy spirit doth dwell in their frail earthly sinfull bodies as in a Tabernacle temple all the time of this fraile life is not stained nor defiled with their corruptions but doth abide most pure and holy and doth overcome mortifie and kill by a long and lingring death the old man of sinne in them and workes in them that spirituall purity and holinesse which though it be not like a grain of mustard seed yet cannot bee destroied or defiled but increaseth more and more and prevaileth against all powers of darknesse this doth aboue all shew the infinit puritie and holinesse of God and of his spirit And therfore J conclude that God by promising and revealing Christ on the seventh daie did then first shew himselfe infinitly pure and did manifest vnspotted holinesse more then in all the six daies of the creation and this is the first point of his sanctifying of the daie to bee an holie Sabbath of rest vntill the full exhibition of Christ a perfect actuall redeemer on the day of his resurrection CHAP. 8. SEcondly God on the seventh daie did though Christ promised ●●ed the holie Ghost
on our first parents begittēth of his immortal thē seed sanctifie them and worke faith and all saving graces in them so that they bele●ved the promise and found rest in Christ. And so this was the daie wherein God did first make man actuall partaker of his spirit and did make in him true holinesse and conforme him to the Image of Christ This appeares by three things First by Adams words chapt 3.20 where not withstanding Gods passing of the sentence of bodilie death against him and of his returning to dust in the grave in the words next before yet ●e by faith laies hold on one eternall life in Christ the promised seed and being strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man doth call his wife Chavah which signifieth life because by Christ promised to be come her seed shee sh●uld bee the mother of all liuing and not onely all his naturall seed should by Christ haue naturall life for a time and being on earth continued vnto them but also after death his wife and al their elect seed should haue life eternall in him This is a strong argument of a lively faith and of the quickening spirit given to Adam vpon the verie daie of the promise which was the seventh day Secondly that our first parents had the holy spirit given them on that daie by faith were instituted made partakers of the righteousnes of Christ the coats of skins doe shew which God fitted to them put vpon them For undoubtedly these skins of cleane beasts which God taught and commanded them to kill and offer in sacrifice as tipes figures and pledges of their redemption by the death and sacrifice of of Christ and these coats made of the skins of beasts sacrificed and put upon our first parents by God himself did plainly forshew the covering and clothing of all the faithfull with the Robes of Christ satisfaction and righ●iousnesse were a token and pledge to them that they were justified by faith in Christ to come and cloathed with the garments of salvation For all Gods works are perfect he gives to no men by his own hand immediatly the outward pledg seale without the inward grace Thirdly Adams teaching of his sonnes Caine and Abell to sacrifice and to bring offerings first fruits to God which were tipes of Christ and of Gods rest in his mediation and fulls satisfaction and that at the end of daies that is the seventh which is the last of the week Gods holy weekly Sabbath these J say doe testifie Adams faith in the promise his holy obedience to Gods commandment of keeping holy the seuēth day and his holy care to teach his Children holy obedience also Now this being manifest that of the seventh day God did first sanctifie man by his holy spirit and did bring in holinesse into the world among men we must needs acknowledg this a second point of Gods sanctifying that day and making it fit to bee his holy weekely Sabbath and the day of his holy worship CHAP. 9. THirdly the Lord God for a memoriall of these supernaturall heavenly things first revealed done on the seventh day and for a pledg to man of the eternall rest in heaven did also by his word and commandment appoint every seventh day to be vnto man a day of rest from his owne works which concerne this worldly life and to be kept an holy Sabbath to the Lord his God and this is the third point of Gods sanctifying the seventh day and setting it apart for holy and heavenlie vse and for holy worshippe service and religious duties which tend to begit and increase holinesse in men and so to bring them to see and enjoy God in the eternall rest of glorie This point because it is of greatest weight and moment comprehends in it many of those things which are necessary to be laid open made knowne for the distinct and profittable understanding of the Lords holy weekly Sabbath the right obseruation thereof together with the duties which belong thereunto are therein required Therefore I will doe my best endeavour to handle this point more fully to laie open distinctly the speciall things therein contained and that in this method order First I will proue this maine point to weet That Gods blessing and sanctifying of the seventh day did include the giving of a law commandement for the keeping of an holy weekly Sabbath Gods giving of this commandement was a maine speciall part of his sanctifying of it Secondly I will enquire search out the nature of that law commandement how farre in what manner it bindes Adam and all his posteritie Thirdlie because everie law which God gives to man doth impose a dutie upon man and bindes man to the performance of it therefore the uerie words of the text binds me to handlle at large mans dutie which this commandement of God this word by which hee did blesse and sanctifie the seventh day doth impose upon Adam all his posteritie even their sanctifying keeping holy the Sabbath day For the proofe of the maine point we haue three notable argumēts First we haue the plaine testimony of God himselfe Exod. 16.28 where he cals this his blessing sanctifying of the seventh day by the maine of a commandement law tels the Isralites that they not keeping of an holy rest but going out togather Manna on the seventh day did refuse to keepe his commandements and lawes that is his commandements and lawes which he had given from the beginning in his blessing and the sanctifying of the seventh day For of other speciall lawes and commandements given beefore that time concerning the Sabbath there is no mention at all in Scripture neither did God giue any besides that from the beginning untill hee spake unto them afterward from mount Sinah and in the fourth Commandement called upon them to remember the Law of old giuen for keeping holy the Sabbath and renewed it againe to them Secondly In all the Law of God and in all the Scriptures wee never read of any thing truly hallowed sanctified and set apart for holy vse but by speciall Commandement of God and by the direction of his word the first thing which is said to bee sanctified after the seventh daie is the first borne of Israell Exod 13.2 and this was by Gods speciall commandement and therefore hee saith that he hallowed them On that day which he smote the first borne of Egypt Num. 3.13 The next sanctified mentioned in Scripture is that of the people of Israell when they were to come into the sight and presence of Gods Majestie at mount Sina Exod. 19.10 and that was by Gods direction and commandement as is there testified in expresse words The third sanctification mentioned in the Scriptures is that of the Sanctuary and the Altar and all the holy Uessels and implements therof And Aaron and his sonnes the
observation and service as is of use onely in and under Christ and mainly tends to lead men to salvation in him Sixtly if we consider the necessity of resting one whole day in every weeke from all our worldly affaires First that with one consent the Church and congregation of Gods people may all generally meet together in their set places of holie assemblies to heare and learne the Doctrine of saluation and word of life and to honour God with publick holy worship and service and with joynt prayers to call upon him in the name and mediation of Christ for all blessings Secondly that every man may instruct his family in private also at home and by constant exercising of them a whole day together in religious duties every weeke may make them to grow and increase in grace and religion and in knowledge and skill to order and direct all their weeke dayes labours to Gods glory their owne salvation and the comfort and profit of their Christian Brethren Without which religious observation once every weeke at the least especially upon the particular day of the week which God hath blessed with the most memorable work belonging to mans redemption it is not possible for people to be well ordered in a Christian Church nor Gods holy worship to bee either generally known or publickly practised nor the vulgar sorts of Christians to bee brought to the knowledge and profession and practise of true religion neceessary to salvation These things I say considered we must necessarily grant that the law of the Sabbath is an Evangellicall universall and perpetuall law such as the commandements of beleeving in Christ repenting from dead workes reforming of our lives worshipping and invocating of God in the name mediation of Christ and by the motion direction of his holy spirit all which Commandements binde all Gods people of all churches and ages from the first day wherein Christ was promised in one measure or other So that without obedience in some degree vnto these Evangellicall lawes it is not possible for any man to be and to continue a true child of God and to attaine salvation in and by Christ. And this law thus farre and in these respects cōsidered can no more be abrogated and abolished then Gods covenant of Redemption of salvation made with mankinde in Christ. But all mankinde even every one who seekes salvation in Christ is at all times in all ages bound to obserue this law of sanctifying a seventh day in every weeke and of resting from all worldly affaires that they may serve and vvorship and seeke God in Christ. Lastly if we consider the Lords Sabbath as it is a significatiue éven a signe to us of the eternall Sabbath in Heaven and as it is in respect of the particular day of the weeke and some ceremoniall worship used in it chaungable and mutable according to the chaunges and motions of Christ the foundation and Lord of it and according to the seuerall estates of Gods Church and Gods seuerall dispensations of the misteries of salvation and severall waies of reuealing Christ in the old Testamēt and before and after the comming of Christ in the flesh We must of necessity confesse that the law of the Sabbath is in these respects a Ceremoniall law commanding things which are temporary and mutable and fitted for some times and seasons onely First as it commanded the seventh day of the week to be kept holy as the most holy day because therein Christ was promised to be the redeemer of the world and God rested in his creation and perfected the creation by bringing in redemption which was the greatest blessing of the old Testament And as it required hallowing of the day by sacrifices and other outward service and worship which were tipes and figures of Christ to come and by preaching and rehearsing the promises of Christ out of the lavv and Prophets beleeving in the Saviour in heaven Soe it was a ceremoniall and temporary lavv and did stand in force and binde all Gods people to the obseruation of the last day of the weeke all the time of the old Testament vntill Christ vvas fully exhibited a perfect Redeemer in his resurrection And it vvas not in the povver of the Church to chaunge the Sabbath to any other day of the weeke that power rested in Christ the foundation and Lord of the sabbath It also bound the faithfull of these times to the ceremoniall ●●nctification and to that tipicall seruice vnhich looked towardes Christ to come as well as to the seventh day onely and no other during ●hat nonnage of of the Church Secondly as the law of the Sabbath which requires that day to bee kept for an Holy rest in which God hath revealed the greatest blessing so hath blessed it aboue all other dayes of the weeke doth now ever since the perfecting of the worke of redemption in Christs resurrrection binde all Gods people to keepe for their Sabbath the first day of the weeke which by Christs victory over death obtained fully in that very day became the most blessed day aboue the seventh day and all other daies of the weeke And as under the name of hallowing keeping holy the Lords Sabbath it enioines such worship as God requires of his Church in her full age more perfect estate to weet spiritual sacrifices of praise thanksgiving preaching teaching faith in Christ crucified fully exhibited aperfect redeemer praying vnto God in the name mediation of Christ seeking accesse vnto the father in him by one spirit And as this law imposeth this holy weekly Sabbath to be a pledg to the faithfull of that Sabbathisme of eternall rest in heaven which remaineth for the people of Gods as the Apostle testifieth Heb. 4.9 So this law is like the commandements of Baptisme the Lords supper It is ceremoniall commanding such duties to be performed such a day to be obserued as are fitted to the time season of the Gospel yet it is so ceremoniall as that it is also perpetuall binding all Christians during the season time of the Church during the time in the new Testament under the Gospel that is perpetually to the end of the world vntill we come to the eternall rest in heaven And as there shal be no chaunges in Christ nor of the state of the Church vntill Christ shall come in glory to receive us into that eternall rest So there shal be no chaunge of the Sabbath to any other day of the weeke neither hath the Church or any other whatsoever any power to alter either the day or the sanctification obseruation of it no more then to bring in such an other Chaunge in Christ and such an alteration of the estate of the Church as that was from Christ promised and obscurely revealed in the old testament to Christ fully exhibited CHAP. 12. NOW hauing discouered the severall kindes of lawes and commandements which God hath giuen to
in the creatione neither is the law of it written in mans heart in the the creation it was the fall of man and his corruption which caused his to stand in need of a weekly rest and of holy Sabbath exercises to worke good in him and to bring him neerer to God And being made for mans use he may in case of necessity dispence with outward obseruations of the Sabbath the same must giue place to works of necessity which cannot be omitted either without losse of life or some certaine losse or mischiefe The third clause Therefore is the sonne of man Lord also of the sabbath doth giue us to understand that the use of the Sabbath was founded on Christ promised to be Lord of the sabbath and was in under him made man and necessary for the profit of man corrupted not for man in innocency Therfore C●rist the son of man is Lord of the Sabbath that is he hath th● true proper right and propriety in it for to make it serve for his use being the Lord possessor of it and he hath authority and power ouer it so that it is at his command either to be or not to be in vse either the seventh day or upon some other day of the weeke Now we never read that Christ exercised any Lordship ouer the Sabbath as hee is the son of man either to command it or to chaunge it but only in thes● two respects First that he brought it first into the world by undertaking to be the seed of the woman the sonne of man so it was setled on the seventh day in which he was promised during the time of the old Testament while he was a redeemer pr●mised Secondly that he by his resurrection in which he perfected redemption did consecrate the first day and made it the most honourable day fit to be the Sabbath of the new Testament and also gaue commandement to his Apostles so to ordaine in all Churches Besides this Lordship and power of Christ as sonne of man ouer the Sabbath we cannot conceiue or imagine any other Therefore undoubtedly he hath chaunged it to the first day of the weeke and as Lord of it hath given commandement for this chaunge and alteration The sixth Arg. is drawne from Gods sanctifying of the Lords daie by his sonne Christ more fully and excellently then he did the seventh day in the first institution of the Sabbath For seeing the making of the seventh day to be the Holie Sabbath is the sanctifying of it as the words of my text shew and also the words of the law Exod. 20.13 It must needes hereupon be granted that what day God by his Son Christ hath in all respects more fullie and excellentlie sanctified then the seventh day was sanctified when God made it the Sabbath That daie God by Christ hath made his Holie Sabbath and so it is worthie to bee esteemed and soe is to be observed in the new Testament But now it is most certaine and manifest That the Lord God by his son Christ hath in all respects more fullie and excellentlie sanctified the first daie of the weeke in which Christ arose from death as appeares by diuers things which I haue formerlie touched First he in that daie more abundantlie revealed his holines to the world in that he declared Christ our Redeemer and the head of the whole bodie the Church To be the Sonne of God with power according to the spirit of Holinesse by the resurrection from the dead Rom. 1.3 Secondlie he then opened as it were the flood-gates of Heaven that Holinesse might be more abundantly with his spirit powred out upon all flesh when Christ was raised up and exalted by Gods right hand that he might shed his spirit on all sorts of people of all nations as wee read Act. 2.33 Yea in that in the feast of Pentecost which was the first day of the weeke and the 49. day after Christs resurrection the Holie Ghost was sent downe vpon the Apostles to sanctifie them and to lead them into all truth and to giue them the guifts of tongues to preach the Gospell unto all nations which they presently did and the same day converted 3000. soules herein he both shewed his Holinesse more abundantly then before Thirdly It is piously held by manie Divines that among other things which after his resurrection Christ spake to his Disciples concerning the Kingdome of God that is the Church under the Gospell this was one namely of the keeping of the Holy Sabbath and holie assemblies or gathering of the saints togither vpon the first day of the weeke For immediatly after the Apostles observed that day and all churches in all ages since haue followed their example Therefore it is God who by his Sonne Christ hath made this first day that is the Lords day the weekly Sabbath of Christians J might here adde for further proofe of this truth an observation of diuers godly and learned writers to weet that our Saviour sanctified the first day of the weeke more then any other day by his promise and example in that he did most commonly appeare to the Disciples after his resurrection and came amongst them when they were assembled together on that day and taught and instructed them and breathed on them so we reade Luk. 24.13.36 Ioh. 20.19.26 Seventhly That which the Apostle taught by word and writing and ordained in all Churches of Christian Gentiles and confirmed by their constant practise is undoubtedly a Commandement which they received from the Lord Christ so it appeares Act. 15.28 where they professe that what they prescribed to the Chirstiā Churches was the dictate and sentence first of the holy Ghost and then of them joyntlie And our Saviour tells us that the Holie Ghost leads men into all trueth by speaking his word onely to them and calling it to their remembrance Ioh. 16.13.14 therefore it was Christ his word and ordinance St. Paul also professeth that he deliuered unto them such traditions as be received from the Lord 1 Cor. 11.23 And againe he saith 1 Cor. 14.37 Jf any man thinke himselfe to be a Prophet or spirituall let him know that the things which J write unto you are the Commandements of the Lord. Now it is manifest in the Gospel and in the writings of the new Testament that it was a constant practise of the Apostles to keep their assemblies with one accord on the first day of the weeke so we read Ioh. 20.19.29 Act. 2.1.2 and in those their assemblies the Lord Christ presented himselfe to them bodily and by the visible appearance and powerfull operation of his spirit Also Act. 20.8 St Paul on that day kept an holie assembly at Troas and there he preached and administered the sacrament of the Lords supper and performed Holie exercises of the Christian Sabbath And the same Apostle gaue a precept and commandement to the Corinthians even the same which he there saith hee had ordained in the
writings of the most godly diuines and builders of our Church Gods people are vrged by the law of God even the fourth Commandement to keepe holy the Lords day for the Christian weekly Sabbath and in our divine service after the publicke rehearsing of that commandement in the congregation are injoyned to pray in these words Lo●d haue mercy upon us and incline our hea●tes to keepe thy law And this you see the first generall duty of the Sabbath to weet Resting from worldly affaires clearly proved and that while their is a Sabbath or weekly day of holy assemblies either under the Gospel all men are bound to observe this rest The second generall duty necessa●ily to be performed in the keeping of the Sabbath is sanctification which is by mens devoting of themselves wholy to divine worship such religious actions as God requirs in the times of the Church in which they live such as are publick assemblies for praising God praying to him preaching reading expounding and hearing of his word commemoration of his great works and rehearsing of his promises for common edification Also private praier● and meditations on heavenly things domesticall instructions and the like All these are necessary Sabbath duties to be observed of al men in all ages both under the old new testament First the words wherin Moses here in my text discribes Gods first institutiō of the Sabbath proue this fully For here it is said that God sanctified it that is set it apart for holy exercises in the performance whereof men do sanctifie it For sanctifying is either by infusion of holinesse into the thing sanctified or setting it apart to holy use and exercise but it had no holinesse infused into it as I haue else where proved Therefore it was sa●ctified by consecration that is setting apart to holy use Secondly it is called the holy Sabbath that is such a day of rest as is to be kept Exod. 16.23 before the giving of the fourth commandement as Moses shewes saying To morrow is the rest of our holy sabbath to the Lord that is this is a rest not of idlenesse but from common affairs that men may be exercised in holy duties onely Thirdly in the giving of the law from mount Sina God commands expresly that all his people doe remember to sanctifie and keepe holie the sabbath which cannot be but by exercise of holy duties and performance of holy service and worshippe vnto God Exod. 2● 9 L●stly in all the scriptures of the law which speake of the sabbath in the old Testament it is called the Lords holy sabbath And sanctification of it is required as appeares Exod. 31.15 5.2 Deut. 5.12 And in the Evangellicall Prophets which speake of the sabbath both of old and also in the last daies of the Gospell it is called the Lords Holy day Isa. 58 13 66 23 and it is said that all flesh that is true Christians of all nations Shall from one Sabbath to another come to worship before the Lord Ezech. 44.24 They shall hallow the Sabbath But here some perhaps will object That none can truly sanctifie the Sabbath nor performe a●y holy duty who are wholy carnall unregenerate and haue not the spirit of God dwelling in them sanctifying them such are many even in the bosome of the true Church And therfore sanctification of the Sabbath cannot be a generall duty performed by al men nor requi●ed of all but is a special duty pr●per to the elect Saints who are truly sanctified others were neuer able to sanctifie the sabbath and therefore it is not a duty which God can justly require of all in generall Jt is true indeed that as a bitter fountaine corrupt can send forth no sweet and pure water so no naturall man can performe a true holy duty Holines is a supernaturall guift of the holy Ghost and he it is who enables men to performe all workes which are eternally holy But as ther is a two fold sanctification the one internal which is the wo●k of the holy Ghost in men the other externall which is the consecrating setting apart of things naturall and artificiall to be imployed to an holy vse and to supernaturall end so also there are two sorts of holy exercise Some which are eternally holy as holy prayers and praises and all workes of true piety which onely holy men performe by the power of the holy Ghost working in them and mouing them Others are only externally holy by outward consecration seperation because the are appointed to be done for holy use to be used in the worship of God such are all outward religious duties as sacrificing and such like performed by Hipocrites and carnall professours in the old Testament such as Caine Saul and Elis wicked sonnes were And reading preaching set formes of prayer and gestures of worship performed by Hipocrites both before and under the Gospel These later are in the power of Hipocrites and unregenerate men who by a common guift and generall grace are enabled to performe farre more in this kinde then they do or are willing to do Now though all men cannot performe the first yet so farr as they are able they are bound to performe the later sort of dut●es among which are the externall sanctifications of the Sabbath as frequenting holy and publick ass●mblies singing of Psalmes joyning with the Church in publick prayers and the like which as they are able to do so they are bound to do and if they refuse in such things to conforme themselves they are punis●ed both by God for disobedience to his law and also by the Censures of the Church The third generall duty necessarily required of all in the observation of the Sabbath is That they keep for their holy Sabbath that verie day of the week whether it be the first or seventh which God hath blessed aboue all other daies with the greatest blessing and which he hath sanctified aboue all other daies by more full relation of his own holines to the world and opening of a more wide doore of holines for the san●tifying of all his people Thus I prove First most plainly from the words of my text which describe Gods first institution of the Sabbath First by blessing it aboue other daies with that greatest of blessings even the promise of Christ a perfect Saviour and Redeemer of mankinde Secondly by sanctifying it in revealing his holinesse to man and sanctifying man by his spirit the promise and thereupon appointing it to be kept holy As I haue fully before proved Secondly the Lord God himselfe both in giving the law from mount Sina and often repeating of the fourth Commandement by Moses still vrgeth the obseruation of the weekly Sabbath upon this groūd because he hath on that day Redeemed them out of the house of bo●dage with a mighty hand streached out arme Deut. 5.15 in oth●r places for indeede on the Sabbath he redemed them and
from home about worldly affaires on the sabbath Exod. 16.29 bringing in and carrying out loads and burdens Ier. 17.27 exercising themeselves in the workes of their ordinary calling trade as buying selling keeping market and faires on that day So also the Homily condemnes them as transgressours profaners of the Lords sabbath who on the sunday which is the Lords day and Christian sabbath do not spare to ride and journey bring and carry row and ferry buy and sell keepe markets and faires and so use the Lords holy dayes and worke dayes both a like Thirdly as the law and the Prophets commanded Gods people in the old testament to rest in holynesse Exod. 31.14 35.2 and not pollute the sabbath by doing their owne pleasure but to honour the Lord not doing their own wayes nor finding their own pleasure nor speaking their owne words Isa. 58.13 So also the Homily requires of all Gods people the same Holy rest on the Lords day in that it condemnes them who follow vain and carnall sportes and fleshly pleasures and all such exercises as cause brawling and railing and tending to wantonnesse as a worse sort of people then they that breake the sabbath by working and doing all their businesse in it For these are the words of the Homily The other sort is yet worse for though they will not travell and labour on the sunday as on the weeke day Yet they will not rest in holinesse as God commandeth but they rest in vngodlinesse and filthynesse praunsing in their pride pranking and pricking pointing and painting themselues to be Gorgeous and Gay they rest in excesse and superfluity in Gluttony and drunkennesse like Rats and swine they rest in brawling and rayling in quarrelling and fighting They rest in wantonnesse ●oyish ●alking and filthy fleshlynesse So that it doth evidently appeare that God is more dishonoured and the Divell better served upon Sunday then all other dayes of the week besides And I assure you the beasts which are commanded to rest one the sunday honour God better then this kinde of people Now by these expresse words of the Homily we se most clearly that both this and the former position are not any new Doctrines or factious opinions of my owne devising as some malicious catchers false traducers haue slaunderously reported both of them mee But the true Orthodox Doctrine of the Scriptures in the law the Prophets new Testament the divine doctrin pubklickly receiued in the Church of England by law established For the further confirmation whereof J could say much besides the strong Arguments which I haue brought to proue the former position which doe ouer and aboue most strongly proue this also For 1. Jf the Lords day be a more blessed day then the seventh daie was in the old Testament 2. Jf it bee a more holie day a daie of more holy convocations assemblies 3. Jf we haue as much as manifold use of rest cessation as they had more 4. Jf we be bound by Gods law by the Gospel to be more spirituall more sequestred from the world because we haue more abundant gifts of the spirit more cleare sight knowledg of heavenly eternall rest more hope of eternall life glory Then it must needs follow that we by Gods law are as strictly bound to rest cease from all worldlie cares bodily workes sports and pleasures as the Fathers were in the old testament But because slaunderous traducers shal haue nothing here to object against me in this point except they can desperately harden their hear●s and faces to accuse blaspheme wound thr●ugh my sides the holie Scriptures and the publick doctrine of the Church of England by the law established and royall authoritie maintained I will content my selfe desire you my hearers to be satisfied with this which I haue said you haue heard alreadie And so I passe to the third point befor propounded concerning the dutie of rest even the manner measur● of it in what cases Gods law permits bodily exercises on the L day CHAP. 21. HOwsoeu●r all worldlie workes and labours are forbidden and rest From them all is commanded in the law yet the equitie of the law permits some labours and exercises and in some cases allowes such bodilie workes as are ordinarilie vnlawfull to be done on the Lordes holie Sabbath daie First of all it is lawfull for Ministers and preachers of Gods word to doe some painfull and laborious workes upon the Lords daie even all such as are necessarie for the better sanctification of the daie and for the edification of the people and flock in publick Though they are not allowed to neglect their studies on the six daies but are bound to read study meditate for help of their memories to write downe the heads points and proofes of their Doctrine before the day of assembly Yet because few or none are so perfect as to preach publick with good order Method and readinesse of speach and memorie that which they haue studied without searching and reading ouer the testimonies of Scripture which they haue collected and studied noting down writing some which come new fresh to their mind serious meditating upon that which they are to speak for better imprinting of it in their mem●ries Therefore their is a necessity laid on them to labour in this kinde on the Lords Sabbath A●d though it be a great labour of the body to stand up preach in the congregation with intention of the voyce earnestnes of affection doth more spend the spirits strength of the body makes drops of sweat run downe the face more abundantly then the tilling of the ground Yet the matter in which they deale is holy all their worke is religious their labour tends to an holy supernatural end is necessary for a ful sanctification of the day therf●re it is not only allowed but also required commandement by the law of God If any doth make a doubt or question of this truth we haue very strong proofe thereof in the holy Scriptures Th● first Argument is drawne from the hard bodily labours artificiall practises of the Preists which they vver● by the law bound to performe in their double sacrifices offerings on the Sab day in the old Testament they were bound to flealambs to dresse wash the flesh the intrals to offer them up in sacrifices on the Altar thy were bound to lay them upon wood on the Altar to kindle the fire burne the fat some part of the flesh also they were to take a tenth deale of flower to mingle it with oyle to make the drinke offering thereof also to offer all to God as we read Num. 28.9 Now if God by his law allowed commanded such bodily works on the Sab day because they were needfull for sacrifices Circumcision which were but a ceremoniall
tipicall seruice of the Lord which he in his temple required by a ceremoniall law for the sanctification of the Sab. Then much more doth Gods law allow cōmand his publike ministers to labour sweat spend their bodily strength spirits in preaching his word in the holy Christian assemblies where Christ who is greater then the temple is present by his spirit in many of his members who are so many temples of the Holy Ghost and of God The second argument is drawne from the practise and example of Christ and his Apostles For as the Priests and learned scribes did of old read and expound the law and the Prophets in all their sinagogues every sabbath day And our Saviour approued this by joyning with them in some practise preaching teaching in their sinagogues in great throngs assemblies of people which thronged after him undoubtedly made him sweate as appeares Mat. 4.13 Iohn 5.10 So also the holy Apostles did on the first day of the week the Lords day labour in the word as we see by the example of St. Paul who at Troas continued his Preaching till midnight because he was to depart the next daye Act. 20.7 Now what they did performe as a duty taught by the law and moued by the spirit of God Jn that all their faithfull successoures are bound to immitate them Therefore the laboures and paines of Ministers and preachers are allowed on the Lords day being holy and religious workes and fittest of all for the holy day and holy place A second sort of workes alowed to be done on the Lords day are bodily workes and laboures which are soe necessary for the fitting and enabling of Christians to sanctifie that day and for bringing them vnto holy and publick assemblies and places of prayer and of Gods worship and holy service that wit●out such working and labouring even on that day they neither can be so fit and able to serue God joyfully and to worshippe him with cheerefull hearts neither can they as the present case stands come unto holy Sabbath assemblies to heare the word to pray and to worship in publick As for example in places of restreant and of trouble and persecution where publicke Sabbath assemblies of true Christians are not tollerated but in Churches which are remote diuers miles and in barren countries where the Churches are foure or fiue miles distant from some houses and vilages in the parrish men may lawfully ●rauell on foote and ride one horses or make their horses labour in drawing them to the Church in Coaches And because men cannot be soe Cheerfull in the seruice of God nor soe hartily rejoyce before him not with strength and delight spend the whole day in Sabbath duties wit●out warme and wholesome food and plentifull refreshing of their weake bodies therefore the dressing boyling baking and rosting of meate is lawfull on the Lords day soe farre as it more helps then hinders holy duties and the service of God This is manifest by the words of the law Exod. 12.16 where the Lord forbidding all manner of worke on his holy Sabbaths excepts labour and worke about that which people were to eate and which was necessary for the upholding of an holy moderate feasting on those daies This was practised by the Ph●rises and by our Saviour and his Apostles who on the Sabbath day came to a feast to the house of a chiefe Pharise Luk. 14.1.2 Also the speech of the Shanamite to his wife 2 King 4.23 doth import that for the solemn observation of the Sabbath they were wont to ride and travell to the Prophets and to places where they might worship God and be instructed in the knowledge of his will and worship For when shee desi●d an asse to ride on and a young man to attend her unto Carmell where Elisha ●he man of God was Wherefore wilt thou saith he got to him to day seeing it is neither New Moon nor sabbath But here let me giue a caution That Christian people bee not too heedlesse setting their inhabitations in places Remote from the Church for some worldly commodities when they may with a litle lesse conveniency dwell neere And that they do not by vnnecessary feasting and superstitious dressing of meate hinder or wholy disable some of their fam●ly from keeping holy the Lords day a fault to common in our daies Thirdly all works actions of bodily labour which are works of mercy and of Charity which cannot without convenience or danger be deferred or which may be done without hindering of our soules in Gods publick worship and to the great comfort of our brethren are lawfull and may be done on the Lords day As for example visiting of the si●k and of them that are in prison or in any great distresse and applying and ministering comfort and healing medicines to them offering and gathering of collections for the Reliefe of poore Saints labouring to set men at ●nity and to Reconcile jarring neighbours These are holy pious workes as our Saviour shewes and hee accounts such deeds when they come from a sincere heart as if they were don to himselfe Mat 25.40 Yea he himselfe did commonly on the Sabbath day practise such deeds soe often as he found occasion as we read Mat. 12. Luk. 6 Paul by inspiration of the spirit and by Commandement from the Lord Christ doth ordaine and appoint such vvorks to be done on the Lords day 2 Cor. 16.1 2. And from the daies of the Apostles all true Churches of Christ did practise such vvorkes of mercy pietie and Charity as Justine Martyr vvitnesseth and divers others in alter ages And such works the Ecclesiasticall constitutions of our English Church commanded and commend on the Sundayes holy daies of the Lord. Fourthly all bodily workes of great and extreame necessity which concerne the life and safety of men and of their cattell the preseruation of necessary creatures other good things of good use value and moment serving for mans being and welbeing may lawfully be done on the Lords day As for example 1. Fighting for our liues and for the safety of our country or city against enimies which invade us and set upon us and taking advantage if God doth offer it to us on the Lords day as Ioshua did at Jerico in compassing the City by Gods appointm●nt and by circumstances it is probable taking it on the seventh day and offering a bloudy sacrifice in fire to God as a Cherem or Anathema devoted and seperated to God for the first fruites of the land of Canaan after they came to Jordan from which no man might without sacrilege detract any thing as Achan did and was cut off for it Josh. 6. If Ioshua did compasse the Citty seven daies together as the text saith then one of the seventh must needs be the Sabbath most likely the last of the seventh wherein the Citty was taken and offered up in fire as a devote thing to God God offering the occasion
with the spirituall and heavenly obseruation of the Lords holie day in which God requires serious sanctification and graue and sober conversations as our own Ecclesiasticall Constitutions do affirme the reason is the same in both Thirdly in all other things consecrated by God himselfe and by his word and commandement to holy and heavenly use it hath alwayes beene counted a greevious offence to ad our owne naturall inventions and diuises to them or to turne them to common civill and mere naturall use either in whole or part except in case of necessity So undoutedly it is by the same reason a greevious offence willingly and purposly to imploy the Lords holy daie or any part thereof to common naturall and civill sports and delights Now the first is manifest by the word and law of God Nahab Abihu the sonnes of Aron were consumed by fire from the Lord when they offered sacrifices with common fire Lev. 10. Because they added to the holy offering that which was common Alsoe the sonnes of Ely did sinne greeviously in turning any part of the consecrated flesh to feede their owne bellies 1 Sam. 2. Saul in turning Gods sacrifice to a prophane use and forcing himselfe to doe it in ordinately that he might make the people to stand to him and keep them from scattering sinned and lost his Kingdome 1 Sam. 13. And when the Jewes prophaned Gods house of praier which was the holie place by buying selling and money chaunging it was so vile in our Saviours eyes and so wicked that he who in other things was a meeke Lambe being moved with zeale did like a Lyon Roare against them fell violentlie upon them and whipt them out with disgrace Iohn 2. Now the Lords Sabbath is an holie day sanctified by God immediatlie after the Creation and commanded in the fourth Commandement to be kept holy And our Sauiour by his Resurrection hath consecrated blessed the Lords day aboue all other dayes of the weeke and made it the Lords Sabbath more holie then the first as haue beene before abundantly proved And as all true Christian Churches so our Church more especiallie both by Doctrine and practise hath openlie approved this for the Lords Sabbath Therefore no part of this day ought to be turned to nautrall ciuill or carnall sports and delights Lastly though our Churches the places of our holy assemblies and our communion tables haue no particular expresse commandement for them from God but onely are consonant and agreable to the houses of God in Israel and we haue no other warrant for them but the example of Gods people in the Old Testament our own experience reason teaching that they are very necessary for publick assemblies and holie service the plot of ground is chosen by men and the materials and framing of them and the forme of them are all the workes of men God hath neither appointed the place as in the temple of Ierusalem nor the materials the forme as in the Tabernacle the Arke Altars which were built by Moses Yet we would count a great offence to turn any part of the Church to be a place for common sports plaies or a dancing Schoole and to play at dice or Cards or other profane games vpon the Communion Table Now then seeing we count it unlawfull to profane the places consecrated to holy vse by men inimitation of God and not by expresse commandement given for the separation of the ground or the place We ought more to count it unlawfull to spend any part of Gods holy day in carnall sports being a time sanctified by his expresse word and blessed with the greatest blessing Fourthly and in the last place whatsoever recreations and exercises of body and mind are necessary required for the bettering of our sanctification of the Lords day the enabling of us to perform with more cheerfulnesse strength and courage the holy worship of God and the work and service of his holy Sabbath and which are also intended by vs onely to that end and use them we may vse And so farre as they serve to further and in no wise to hinder Gods holy worship and the immediate works and duties thereof This is manifest by Gods allowing to his people in the law dressing of meat Cheerfull feasting on his Sab and holy daies Which are needfull to cheere up men and to provoke them to worship him with all thankfulnesse of heart also to put on our best apparell that we may come decently to Gods house As these are lawfull being directed to holy use so undoubtedly honest refreshing with recreations which cheer up the heart refresh the spirits are lawfull when they are helpfull to holy exercises and are directed to that end as stirring of the body walking in to gardens or fields to take fresh aire being found very helpefull to Preachers to reviue their spirits s●rengthen their loynes cleare their voyces sharpen and quicken their wits and memories and being done only to that end are lawfull So also walking into the corne feilds in ●ommer o● harvest or into meddowes or Pastures in the spring both to refresh our Bodies spirits and to give vs occasion to admire Gods bountie in clothing the bodies and his Fatherlye providence in making the ear●h so fruitfull and to laud and praise him is lawfull for vs. And if after publick private exercise we doe soe walke about diuers together conferring of heavenly things taking occasion by sight of earthly blessings to provoke one another to thankfulnesse acknowledgment of Gods loue this no doubt is a recreation fitt for the Lords day and helps much our devotion and this seemes to haue beene practised by our Saviour who went through the corne feilds on the Sabbath day Mat. 12.1 and his Disciples with them CHAP. 22. IN the last place J come to the speciall Duties of holinesse by which The Lords Sabbath is especially said to be sanctified which I will run through as breifly as I can so far as brevity may stand with plainesse perspecuity And first of all you shall see that the most strict sanctification of the Lords day which is taught and urged by the godly learned both auncient and moderne Christian Divines Is no Judaisme I would haue you to take speciall notice that whatsoeuer things the Iewes and naturall Isralites were bound by the law ●o perfo●me in the sanctification of the old Sabbath which were meerely tipicall and ceremoniall and were ordained and practised onely to signifie some things which are fullie accomplished in Christ that we hold to be so abolished and made void that Christians ought in no case to obser●e or practise them on their new Sabbath the Lords day For they are all removed with the chaunge of the day we ought to a voyd them as much as we avoyd the old Sab which was the seventh day from the begining of daies in the creation As for example offering the sacrifices of slaine beasts and