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A14133 An exposycyon vpon the chapters of Mathewe which thre chapters are the keye and the dore of the scrypture, and the restoring agayne of Moses lawe corrupt by ye scrybes and pharyses. And the exposycyon is the restorynge agayne of Chrystes lawe corrupte by the Papystes. Item before the boke, thou hast a prologe very necessary, conteynynge the whole sum of the couenaunt made betwene God and vs, vpon whiche we be baptysed to kepe it. And after thou haste a table that ledeth the by the notes in the margentes, vnto al that is intreated of in the booke.; Exposicion uppon the chapters of Mathew. Tyndale, William, d. 1536. 1536 (1536) STC 24441.3; ESTC S104299 120,671 258

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that the bodye can not syt styll rest in one place and cōtynue in hys worke nor the mynde perseuer and endure in our purpose Let them prouyde that ther be diligent fysshynge in the se and cōmaunde the se coste and townes whyther fyshe may easely come to fast fryday saterday and wēsday to if nede be and on the fryday to eate no whyte meate And let the countryes whiche haue none aboundance of fyshe yet haue whyte meate ynough fast fryday saterday from fleshe only And let those contreys where scasty of bothe is faste frydaye from fleshe only and eate fleshe wensday and saterday But absteyne from super or from dyner or eate soberly those dayes And let them so moderate theyr fastes that the people maye beare it a prouysyon made for the olde the sycke and feble c. whiche faste shalbe a temporall thynge ▪ for a temporall comen welthe only and not a seruyce to God Then let the prestes preache fyrst the law● truly and teache the people to se theyr synnes and so brynge them to repentaunce And secondarelye the faythe of Chryste and the forgyuenes of synne thorowe faythe And thyrdlye almose prayer and fastynge which are the hole lyfe of a Christen man and with out which ther is no Christen mā a lyue And let them preache the true vse of theyr almose whiche is to helpe thy neyghboure with councell with bodye and goods and al that is in thy power and the true vse of prayer whiche is to brynge hys necessyte thyne owne before God with a strong fayth in hys promyses and the true vse of fastynge which is to tame the fleshe vnto the spirite that the soule may attēde to the worde of God and pray thorowe faythe By these thre we kepe the spirite of God and doth contynue and also growe in ryghtwysnes and waxe perfecter and perfecter in soule and body And yf these fayle or that we vnderstāde not the ryght entent we lose the spirite agayne and the ryghtwysnesse of faythe and the true vnderstandyng of the scripture and al our lernynge shalbe but darckenes And then what a blyndenes is that when the darcknes of hell is called the lyght of heuen As it is of almose and prayer so it is of fastynge iudge of al thre where any one of them is there are they all thre and where any one is awaye there is none at all we muste haue the professyon of al thre euer wrytten in our hartes I must euer loue my neyghboure and be redy to helpe and when occasyon is offered then do it I ought to consyder and knowe that al cometh of God and to knowledge that same to him in myne hart And what soeuer we nede we ought to know that we must receaue that of God and therfore to cal euer to him with a strong fayth Euen so I must euer fyght agaynst my fleshe therfore euer withdrawe from it al that moueth it to rebelle agaynst the spirite So nowe fastinge standeth not in eatynge and drynkynge only and muche lesse in flesh alone But in abstynence of all that mouethe the fleshe agaynste the spirite as longe sleapynge ydlenes and fylthye communycacyon and al world lye talkynge aa of couetousnes and promocyon and suche lyke and wanton company softe clothes and softe beddes and so forth which are that ryght hande and ryght eye that must be cut of and plucked out that the holeman peryshe not And as ye can put no generall rule of almose or prayer no more can ye of fastyng But I must be all waye redye to cut of what so euer I perceaue to strenght the fleshe against the spirite And I muste haue a dylygent eye to the fleshe and hys complexyon and yf ought scape me in worde or dede seke whence the occasyō came and attonce cut of that ryght hande and plucke out that eye If this fast be truly preached then is fastynge good and not afore for makynge of ypocrytes as Christ wolde not let his disciples fast before they were lerned leste they shulde thereby haue ben no better then the pharesyes And then the outwarde fastynge ordeyned by the temporal rulers helpeth much for the weakes sake ye though the lande were so plenteouse that it nede not to commaunde suche fast for to auoyde derth ye they ought to set suche vp because of them that can not rule them selues for whose sakes they ought to forbyde excesses of tauerns and ale houses and ryotyng out of season For if the people coulde rule them selues what nede rulers More ouer if any man pryuatlye shewe the preste hys infyrmytyes and the prestes se any maner of abstinence or chastifyng apte for the person that let him councel him to do for the subdewinge of the fleshe and not cōmaunde as a tyraunt vnder payne of dampnacyon and to make satysfaccyon Thus wyse let hym say brother or syster ye be bounde vnder payne of deedlye synne to tame your fleshe by some maner of waye that ye synne not agaynste God and I knowe no better then this my councell and my desyre therfore is that ye vse thys tyll ether ye haue no more nede or tyll God shewe you some better c. And let the elders consyder dyligently the course of theyr youthe and with wysdome councell and dyscrete gouernaunce and helpe the yonger to auoyde the perelles and ieoperdyes whiche they haue lerned by theyr owne experyence to be in y t daungerous iorney More ouer when the people be fallen from their profession and from the lawe as it shalbe impossyble for the preacher to kepe the greate multytude to gether if the temporal swerde be slacke and necglygent in punyshynge open offenses as they euer haue and wylbe saue in those poyntes onely wherin lyeth the pythe of theyr owne profyte and aduauntage and the weyght of theyr honour and mauntenaunce of theyr dygnytyes and when God also as hys promyse is hathe brought vpon them the curses of the lawe hungre derth batayle pestilēce and al maner of plages w t all mysfortune and euell lucke Then let the true preachers be importune and shewe the people the causes of theyr mys●●d wretched aduersyte and expounde the ●awe to them and brynge them to knowledge of their synnes and so bynde their conscyences and drawe them to repentaunce and to the apoyntmente and couenaunt of the lorde agayne As many holy prophetes prestes and kynges in the olde testamente dyd call the people backe and brought thē agayne in tyme of aduersyte vnto the apoyntmēt of the lorde And the preste prophete or kynge in Goddes stede smote handes with thē and toke an oth of thē to be y e lordes people and to turne agayn to the lordes couenaunte for to kepe hys lawe and to beleue in his promyses And God ymedyatly withdrewe his hande and rydde thē out of all captyuyte and daunger and be came as mercy full as euer before But we
the beste and taketh for syn none at al a thousande thinges of which the leste were ynoughe yf a man loued not to goo to lawe for and to trouble and vnquyet an hoole towne and somtyme an hoole realme or two And the offyce of hope is to comforte in aduersyte and make pacyent that we faynt not and falle downe vnder the Crosse or caste it of our backes And thus ye se that these .iii. inseperable in thys lyfe haue yet seperable and sondry offyces and effectes as hete and dryeth beynge inseperable in the fyer haue yet theyr seperable operacyon For he dryeth onely expelleth the moystnes of al that is consumed by fyer and hete onely destroyeth the coldenes For dryeth and colde may stande togyther and so maye hete and moystenes It is not all one to saye the dryeth onely and dryeth that is alone nor all one to saye faythe onely and fayth that is alone Goo to then and desyre God to prynte thys professyon in thyne harte to encrease it dayly more and more that thou mayst be ful shapē like vnto the ymage of Christ in knowledge loue meke thy selfe and crepe lowe by the grounde and cleue fast to the rocke of this profession and tye to thy shype this anker of faythe in Chrystes bloude with the gable of loue to easte it out agaynste al tempestes so set vp thy sayle get the to the mayne se of Godes worde And rede here the wordes of Chryste with thys exposycyon folowynge and thou shalte se the lawe fayth and workes restored eche to his ryght vse and true meanynge And therto the clere dyfference betwene the spiritual regyment and the temporal and shalt haue an ●ntraunce and open waye into the rest of all the scrypture wherin and in all other thynges the spyryte of veryte gyde the and thyne vnderstandynge So be it ⸫ ⸫ The .v. chapter of Mathewe WHen he sawe the people he wente vp into a mountayne and sat him downe hys dysyples came to hym and he opened hys mouthe and taught them saynge Blessed be the poore in spirite for theyrs is the kyngdome of heauen Chryste Here in his fyrst sarmone begynneth to restore the lawe of the ten commaundementes vnto her ryght vnderstandinge agaynste the scrybes and Pharyses whiche were ypocrytes false prophetes and false preachers and had corrupte the scrypture with the leauen of theyr gloses And it is not without a great mystery that Chryst begynneth hys preachynge at pouertye in spyryte whiche is nether beggery nor agaynste the possessynge of rychesse But a vertue contrarye to the vyce of couetousnesse the inordynate desyre and loue of reches and puttynge truste in rychesse Ryches is the gyfte of God geuen man to mayntayne the degrees of thys worlde and therfore not euell ye and some muste be poore and some ryche yf we shal haue an order in thys worlde And God our father deuydeth rychesse and pouertye amonge hys chyldren accordynge to hys godlye pleasure and wysdome And as rychesse dothe not exclude the from the blessyng so dothe not pouertye certefye the. But to put thy truste in the lyuynge God maketh the heyre therof For yf thou truste in the lyuynge god Then yf thou be poore thou coueteste not to be ryche for thou art certefyed that thy father shall mynystre vnto the fode and rayment and be thy defender and yf thou haue ryches thou knowest that they be but vanyte and that as thou brough teste them not into the worlde so shalte thou not carye them out and that as they be thyne to daye so maye they be another mannes to morowe and that the fauoure of God onely bothe gaue and also kepeth the and them and not thy wysdome or power and that they nether ought els can helpe at nede saue the good wyll of thy heuenly father onely Happy and blessed then are the poore in spyryte that is to saye the ryche that haue not theyr confidence nor consolacyon in the vanyte of theyr rychesse and the poore that desyre not inordynatly to be ryche but haue theyr truste in the lyuynge God for fode and rayment and for all that partayneth ether to the body or the soule for thers is the kingdome of heuen And contrary wyse vnhappy and accursed and that with the fyrste and depest of all cursses are the ryche in spirite that is to saye the couetouse that beynge ryche and trust in thir rychesse or beynge poore longe for the consolacyon of rychesse and comforte not theyr soules with the promyses of theyr heuenlye father confyrmed with the bloude of theyr Lord Christ For vnto them it is harder to enter into the kyngedome of heuen then for a camell to enter thorowe the eye of an nedle Mar. 10. No they haue no parte in the kyngedome of Chryste and God Ephe. v. Therfore it is euydent why Chryste so dylygentlye warneth all hys to be ware of couetousnes and why he admytted none to be hys dyscyples excepte he fyrste forsake altogether For there was neuer couetous person true yet ether to God or man Yf a couetous man be chosen to preache goddes worde he is a false prophete immedyatlye Yf he be of the laye sorte so ioyneth he hym selfe vnto the false prophetes to persecute the truthe Couetousnesse is not onely aboue all other lustes those thornes that choke the worde of God in them that posesse it But it is also a dedelye enemye to all that interprete goddes worde trulye All other vyces thoughe they laugh them to scorne that talke godlye yet they can soffre them to lyue and to dwell in the contre But couetousnes can not reste as longe as there is one that cleueth to goddes worde in all the land Take hede to thy preacher therof and be sure yf he be couetous and gape for promocyon that he is a false Prophete and leueth the scrypture for al his c●yenge fathers fathers holy chyrch and fyftene hundred yeres and for al hys other holy pretenses Blessed are they that mourne for they shalbe comforted Thys mournynge is also in the spyryte and no kynne to the soure lokynge of Ypocrytes nor to the impaciēt weywardnes of those fleshly which euer whine and complaine that the world is naught because they can not obtayne and enioye theyr lustes therin Nether forbydyth in alwayes to be mery and to laugh and make good chere nowe and then to forget sorowe that ouermoche heuynes swalowe not a man clene vp For the wyse man saythe sorowe hath cost many theyr lyues And prouer .xvii. and heuy spirite dryeth vp the bones And Paule commaundeth Phili. iiii to reioyse euer And Roma xii he sayth reioyse with them that reioyse and sorowe with them that sorowe and wepe with thē that wepe which seme two contraryes This mournynge is that crosse without which was neuer any dysciple of Chryst or euer shalbe For of what so euer state or degree thou be in thys worlde yf thou professe the
❧ An exposycyon vpon the chapters of Mathewe which thre chapters are the keye and the dore of the scrypture and the restoring agayne of Moses lawe corrupt by y e Scrybes and Pharyses And the exposycyon is the restorynge agayne of Chrystes lawe corrupte by the Papystes ¶ Item before the boke thou hast a prologe very necessary conteynynge the whole sum of the couenaunt made betwene God and vs vpon whiche we be baptysed to kepe it And after thou haste a table that ledeth the by the notes in the margentes vnto al that is intreated of in the booke ¶ CVN PRIVILEGIO Vnto the reader HEre hast thou deare Reader an Exposicion vnto the and .vii. Chapters of Mathewe wherin Christe our spirituall Isaac diggeth agayne the welles of Abraham which welles the scrybes and phareses those wycked and spiteful philistines hade stopped and fylled vp with the erthe of theyr false exposicyons He openeth the kyngdome of heuen which they had shut vp that other men shulde not enter as they them selues hade no luste to go in He restoreth the keye of knowledge whiche they hade taken awaye and broken the wardes with wrestynge the text contrary to his due and naturall course with theyr false gloses He pluckethe awaye from the face of Moyses the vayle which the scrybes and phareses hade spred theron that no man myght perceaue the bryghtnes of hys countenaunce He wedeth out the thornes and busshes of theyr pharesaicall gloses wherwith they hade stopped vp the narowe way and strayt gate that fewe coude fynde them The welles of Abraham are the scrypture And the scrypture may well be called the kyngdome of heuen whiche is eternall lyfe and nothynge saue the knowledge of God the father and of his son Iesus Christe Iohan. xvii Moyses face is the lawe in hir ryght vnderstandyng And the lawe in her ryght vnderstandynge is the keye or at the leest way the fyrste and princypal keye to open the dore of the scrypture And the lawe is the very waye that bryngethe vnto the dore Chryste as it is wrytten Gala. iii. The lawe was our scole mayster to brynge vs to Chryste that we myght be iustefyed by faythe And Roman x. the ende of the lawe that is to say the thynge or cause why the lawe was gyuen is Chryste to iustefye all that beleue That is to saye the lawe was gyuen to proue vs vnryghtuous and to dryue vs to Chryste to be made ryghtwyse thorowe forgyuenes of synne by hym The lawe was gyuen to make the synne knowen say the saynte Paule Rom. iiii and that syn commytted vnder the lawe myght be the more synfull Roma vii The lawe is that thynge which Paule in his inwarde man graunted to be good but was yet compelled ofte tymes of hys members to do those thynges whiche that good lawe condemned for euell Roma vii The lawe makethe no man to loue the lawe or lesse to do or commytte synne but gendereth more lust Roma vii and increseth syn Roma v. For I can not but hate the lawe in as moche as I fynde no power to do it and it neuertheles condemneth me bycause I do it not The lawe setteth not at one with God but causeth wrathe Roma iii. The lawe was gyuen by Moyses but grace and veryte by Iesus Chryste Iohan. i. Beholde thoughe Moyses gaue the lawe yet he gaue no man grace to do it or to vnderstande it a ryght or wrote it in any mānes harte to consente that it was good and to wyshe after power to fulfyl it But Chryste geueth grace to do it and to vnderstande it a ryght and wryteth it with his holy spirite in the tables of the hartes of men and maketh it a true thinge there and no ypocresy The lawe truly vnderstande is those Fyrye serpētes that stonge the chyldren of Israel with present dethe But Chryste is the brasen serpent on whome who so euer beinge stonge with conseyence of synne loketh with a sure faythe is heled immediately of that styngynge and saued from the paynes and sorowes of hel It is one thynge to condemne and pronounce the sentence of dethe and to stynge the conscyence with feare of euerlastynge payne And it is another thynge to iustyfye from synne that is to saye forgyue and remytte synne and to hele the conscyence and certefy a man not onely that he is delyuered from eternall dethe but also that he is made the son of God and heyre of euerlastynge lyfe The fyrste is the offyce of the lawe The seconde partayneth vnto Christ only thorowe faythe Nowe yf thou geue the lawe a false glose and say that the lawe is a thynge whiche a man maye do of hys owne strength euen out of the power of his frewyll and that by the dedes of the lawe thou mayste deserue forgyuenes of thy fore synnes Then dyed Chiste in vayne Galat ii and is made almoste of no steade seynge thou arte become thyne owne sauyoure Nether can Chryste where that glose is admitted be otherwyse taken or estemed of Chrysten men for all his passyon and promyses made to vs in hys bloude then he is of the turkes howe that he was a holy prophete and that he prayeth for vs as other sayntes do saue that we Chrysten thynke that he is somewhat more in fauoure then other sayntes be thoughe we ymagyne hym so proude that he wyll not here vs but thorowe hys mylde mother and other holye sayntes whiche all we counte moche more meke and mercyfull then he but hym moste of myght and that he hathe also an hygher place in heuen as the graye freres and obseruauntes set hym as it were from the chynne vpwarde aboue saynt Fraunces And so when by this false interpretacion of the lawe Chryste whiche is the dore the waye and the grounde or foundacyon of al the scrypture is lost cōcernyng the chefest frut of his passyon and no more sene in his owne likenes then is the scripture locked vppe and henceforth extreme darkenes and a mace wherī if thou walke thou wotteste nether where thou a●te nor canste fynde any waye out It is a confused Chaos and a mynglynge of all thynges togyther with out order euery thynge contrarye to another It is an hedge or groue of bryers wherin yf thou be caught it is impossyble to gette out but that yf thou lowse thy selfe in one place ' thou arte tangeled and caught in another for it This wyse was the scrypture locked vp of the scrybes and phareses that the Iewes coude not se Chryste when he came nor yet can And though Chryst with these .iii. chapters dyd open it agayne yet by suche gloses for oure vnthanke fulnes sake that we hade no luste to lyue accordynge haue we Chrysten loste Chryste agayne and the vnderstandynge of the moste clere texte wherwith Chryste expoundeth and restoreth the lawe agayne For the ypocrytes what so euer semeth ympossyble to theyr corrupte nature vnrenued in
also he hathe ordyned rulers bothe spirituall and temporall to teache them and exorte them to warne thē and to kepe occasyons from them that with custome of syn● they fall not from theyr possessyon Nowe when they that take vpon them to be the elder bretherne are become ypocrytes and turned to wyly foxes and cruel wolues and ferc● lyons and the offycers be waxen euyll and ser●uauntes to Mammon mynystrynge theyr office● for theyr owne lucre onely and not for the pro●fyte of theyr bretheren but fauorynge all vyce● wherbye they maye haue auauntage Then i● God compelled of his fatherly pytye to scourg● his weke hym selfe with pouertye oppressy on wronge losse daunger and with a thousand● maner of deseases to brynge them agayne y● they be fallen and to kepe theyr hartes faste to theyr professyon So that Diligentibus deuz on● usa co operantur in bonum Roma viii They that loue God that is to saye the lawe of God for that is to loue God vnto them God turneth al to the best and scourgeth them with the lustes of theyr owne weakenes to their owne saluaciō ▪ Another conclusyon is thys God receaueth both perfyte and weake in lyke grace for Chri●stes sake as a father receaue the all hys children bothe smal and great in lyke loue He receaueth them to be hys sonnes and maketh a couenaun● with them to beare theyr weakenes for Christes sake tyll they be wa●en stronger and howe so ofte they fall yet to forgyue them yf they wyll turne agayne and neuer to caste of any tyll he yelde hym selfe to syn and take synners parte and for affeccion and luste to syn fyght agaynsts his owne professyon to destroy it And he correcteth and chastyseth hys chyldren euer at home with the rodde of mercy and loue to make them better but he bringeth them not forthe to be iudged after the condemnacyon of the lawe Another conclucyon is thys euery man is ●wo men fleshe and spirite whiche to fight parpetually one agaynste another that a man muste go ether backe or forwarde and can not stande ●onge in one state Yf the spirite ouercome the ●emptacyon then is she stronger and the fleshe ●eaker But and yf the fleshe get a custome then ●s the spirite none other wyse oppresseth of the ●leshe then as thoughe she had a mountayne vpō●ere backe and as we sometyme in oure dremes ●hynke we beare heuyer then a mylstone on our ●reastes or when we dreme nowe and then that ●e wold ronne away for feare our legges seme ●enyer then leade Euen so is the spirite oppres●ed and ouer ladē of the fleshe thorowe custome ●hat she struggeleth and stryueth to get vp and to ●reake louse in vayne vntyll the God of mercy ●hiche hereth her grone thorowe Iesus Chryste ●ome and louse her with his power and put his ●rosse of trybulacyon on the backe of the fleshe ●o kepe her downe to minyshe her strengthe and ●o mortefye her wherfore euery man must haue hys crosse to ●ayle hys fleshe to for the mortefyenge of her Nowe if thou be not stronge ynough and dyscret ●herto to take vppe thy crosse thy selfe and to ●ame thy fleshe with prayer and fastynge watchynge ● dedes of mercy holye medytacyons and readynge the scrypture and with bodely laboure and in withdrawynge all maner of pleasures from the fleshe and with exercyses contrary to the vyces whiche thou markeste thy bodye moste enclyned to and with abstaynynge from all that courage the fleshe agaynste the spiryte as readynge of wanton bokes wanton communycacyon foolyshe testynge and effemynate thoughtes and talkynge of couetousnes whiche Paule forbyddeth Ephesy v. and magnyfyenge of worldly promocyons And takest I say vppe suche a crosse by thyne owne selfe or by the counsayle of other that are better lerned and exercysed then thou Then muste God put his crosse of aduersyte vpon the. For we muste haue euery man his crosse in this world or be damned with the worlde Of this ye se the dyfference betwene the syn of them that beleue in the bloude of Chryste for the remyssyon of synne and cōsent and submitte them selues vnto the lawe and the synne of them that yelde them selues vnto syn to serue it c. The fyrste synne vnder grace ● and theyr synnes are venyall that is to saye forgeueable The other synne vnder the lawe and vnder the damnacyon of the lawe and fyght for a great parte of them agaynste grace and agaynste the spirite of grace and agaynst the lawe of God and fayth of Christ and corrupte the texte of the couenaūt with false gloses and are dysobedyent to God and therfore synne dedly Of this also ye se the dyfference betwene the lambes of true beleuers and betwene the vnclene swyne that folowe carnal lustes and fleshly lybertye and the churlyshe and ypocrytyshe dogges which for the blynde zele of their owne ryghtwysnes persecute the ryghtwysnes of the faythe in Chrystes bloude The effemynate and careles swine which contynue in their fleshlynes and cease not to walow them selues in their olde podell thynke that they beleue very well in Christes bloude but they are deceaued as thou mayste clerly perceaue because they feare not the dānacyon of euyl workes nor loue the lawe of good workes and therfore haue no parte in the promise 〈…〉 and doggyshe ypocrytes whiche take vpon them to worke thynke they loue the lawe whiche yet they neuer sawe saue vnder avayle But they be deceaued as thou mayste perceaue by that they beleue not in Chryste for the forgeuenes of synne wherbye also I meane they that beleue not thou mayste perceaue that they vnderstande not the lawe For yf they vnderstode the lawe it wolde ether dryue them to Chryste or make dyspare ymmedyatly But the true beleuers beholde the lawe in her owne lykenes and se the ympossybilite ther of to be fulfylled with natural power and therfore fle to Chryste for mercy grace and power and then of a very thankefulnes for the mercy receaued loue the lawe in hyr owne lykenes and submytte them selue to lerne it and to proffyte therin and to do to morowe that they can not do to day Ye se also the dyfference of all maner of faythes The faythe of the true beleuer is that God iustefyeth or forgeueth and Christe deserueth it and the fayth or truste in Christes bloude receueth it and certefyeth the conscyence therof and saueth and delyuereth her from fere of deth and damnacion And this is that we meane when we say faythe iustefyeth that faythe I meane in Christe and not in oure owne workes certefyeth the cōscience that our synnes are forgeuen vs for Chrystes bloude sake But the faythe of ypocrytes is that God forgeueth and that workes deserue it And that same false faythe in theyr owne workes receaueth the mercye promysed to the merytes of theyr owne workes And so Chryste is vtterly excluded And thus ye se that faythe is the thynge that
they nede but saye the worde and theyr wyll is fullfylled And as for theyr neyghboures they haue no compassyon vpon them to brynge theyr complayntes before God But with theyr prayers robbe thē of that ●ytle they haue and so make them more myserable Of entryng into the chamber and shuttynge the dore to I saye as aboue of that the lefte hande shulde not knowe what the ryght hande doeth that the meanynge is that we shulde auoyde all worldly prayse and profyte and praye with a syngle eye and true entent accordynge to Goddes worde and is not forboden therby to praye openly For we muste haue a place to come to gether to pray in generall to thanke and to crye to God for the comune necessyte aswell as to preache the worde of God in where the prest ought to pray in the mother ●onge that the name of God maye be halowed and his worde faythfully taught and truely vnderstande and fayth and godly lyuyng encreased and for the kyng and rulers that God wyl gyue them his spirite to loue y e comune welth and for peace that God wyll defende vs from all ennymyes for wederynge and frutes that God wyll kepe away pestylence and al plages And the preste shulde be an ensample to the people how they shuld pray There be of suche thynges as the prestes and other bable not praye many good collectes that shulde muche edifye the people if they were spokē in the mother tonge And then whyle the prestes synge psalmes let euery man pray pryuatly and giue God thankes for suche benefytes as his harte knowed he hath receyued of God and comend to God hys pryuate necessytes and the pryuate necessytes of his neyboures whiche he knoweth and is pryuy to Nether is there in al suche any ieoperdy of vayne glory But and if God haue gyuen any man the spyryte of prayenge as all men haue not lyke gyftes that he pray oft and when other do not then to haue a secrete place to pray in both for the auoydyng of vayne glorye and speche of people and that thou mayst be fre to vse thy wordes as the lusteth what so euer gestures and behauoures do moue the most to deuocyon is necessarye and good And fynally what so euer necessyte thou hast though thou fele thy selfe a great synner yet yf thyne harte be to amende let not that dyscourage the. But go boldly to thy father seynge thou haste his commaundement euer to praye and promyse that he wyl heare the not for thy goodnesse but of hys goodnesse and for hys truthe Moreouer when we praye babyll not muche as the hethen do For they thynke that they shalbe harde for theyr muche bablynges sake Be not therfore lyke vnto them For your father knoweth of what thinges ye haue nede before ye axe hym Of thys maner therfore pray ye Our father which art in heuen honoured be thy name thy kyngedome come Thy wyl be fulfylled Gyue vs thys day our dayly brede euen in earthe as it is in heuen And forgyue vs our trespasses as we forgyue our trespassers And leade vs not into temptacyon But delyuer vs from euell For thyne is the kyngedome the power and the glorye for euer So be it As before he rebuked theyr false entent in prayenge that they sought prayse and profyte of that worke whiche ought to be dyrecte to God alone eyther to gyue hym thankes that is to saye to be a knowen and to confesse in the harte that all we haue cometh of hym or to cal vpon hym for ayde and socoure in temptacyōs and all necessyte Euen so here he rebuked a false kynde of prayenge wherin the tonge and lyppes laboure and al the body is payned but the harte talketh not with God nor feleth any swetnes at all nor hathe any confydence in the promyses of God but trusteth in the multytude of wordes and in the payne and tedyousnes of the lenght of the prayer as a coniurar do the in his cyrcles Characters and supersticyouse wordes of his coniuracyon As ye se nowe to be among our fryers mōkes chanons nunnes and euen through out al the spyrytualty whiche as I haue proued aboue haue with theyr false entent of prayenge excluded al occasyons the whole matter of true prayeng and haue turned it into a bodely laboure to vexe the tonge lyppes eyes and trouth with roryng and to wery al the mēbers so that they say and may truely sweare it that there is no greater laboure in the world then prayer for no labour what soeuer it be when the body is cōpelled and the harte vnwyllynge can be other then greuous paynful But true prayer if they cōplained sought helpe eyther for thē selues or for theyr neyghboures trusted in the promyse of God wold so conforte the soule courage the harte that the body though it were halfe deade more wolde reuyue and be lusty agayne and the laboure wolde be shorte and easy as for an ensāple if thou were so oppressed that thou were wery of thy lyfe and wentest to the kynge for helpe and haddest spede the spirites wold so reioyse that thy body wold receyue her strēgth agayne be as lusty as euer it was euen so the promyses of God worke ioy aboue al mesure where they be beleued in the harte But our hyrelinges haue no Goddes worde saue truste in the multytude of wordes length of bablynge and payne of body as bounde seruauntes Nether knowe they any other vertue to be in prayer as ye may se by the ordynaunces of all foundacyons Kynge Henry the fyfte buylde Syon and the Charterhouse of sheue on the other syde the water of suche a maner that lyppe laboure may neuer cease For when the fryers of Syon rynge out the Nunnes begynne And when the Nunnes rynge out of seruyce the Monkes on the other syde begynne And when they rynge out the fryers begyn agayne and vexe them selues nyght and day And take payne for Goddes sake for whiche God must gyue them heuen Ye and I haue knowē of som yere this that for vere payne and tedyousnesse haue bydden the deuell take theyr founders They call Lente the holyes●e tyme of the yere But wherin is that holynes verely in the multytude of wordes and tedyous● length of the seruyce For let them begynne at syxe and it wylbe twelue or they can ende In which tyme they be so weryed that by the tyme they haue dyned they haue lust to nothynge saue to slepe And in the ende of all they thynke no farther then that God must rewarde theyr payne And yf thou axe howe they knowe it They wyll answere he muste rewarde it or be vnryghtwyse No God loketh not on the payne of thy prayer but on thy fayth in hys promyse and goodnes nether yet on the multytude of thy wordes or longe babyllynge For he knoweth thy matter better thē thou thy selfe And though the Iewes and the hethen were so
e loueth the better then such a churle that geueth the ●●ught ye thou art more bounde to fauoure hys cause ¶ God sayth sel and geue almose ¶ Māmon sayth lay vp to haue ynough to mayntene thyn estate and to defende the frō thyn enemyes and to serue the in thy age For as muche then as God and Mammon be two so contrary maysters that who so euer wyl serue God must gyue vp Mammon and all that wyl serue Mammon must forsake God it foloweth that they which are the sworne seruauntes of Mammon and haue his holy spirite and are his faythful churche are not the true seruauntes of God nor haue hys spirite of truthe in them or can be hys true churche More ouer seynge that God and Mammon be so contrarye that Goddes worde is dethe in Mammons ear● and hys doctryne poyson in Mammons mouthe it foloweth that yf the ministers of Goddes word do fauour Mammon they wyl so fassyon theyr speche so sounde their wordes that they may be plesaunt in the eares of Mammon Fynally al only to haue rychesse is not to be the seruaunt of Mammon but to loue it and cleue to it in thyne harte For yf thou haue gooddes onely to maynteyne the offyce whiche God hath put the in and of the rest to helpe thy neybours nede so art thou lorde ouer thy Māmon and not his seruaūt ▪ Of them that be riche howe shalt thou knowe the mayster of Māmon frō the seruaūt verely fyrst by the gettynge secōdarely when his pore neybour complayneth yf he be Mammons seruaunt Māmon wyl I shute vp his harte and make him without cōpassyon Thyrdly the crosse of Christe wyl trye them the one from the other For when persecucyon aryseth for the worde then wyl the true seruaūt of Christ byd Mammon a dewe And the faythful seruaūt of Mammon wyl vtter his ypocresy c. not only renounce the doctryne of Chryste but also be a cruel and a sharpe persecuter therof to put awaye all surmyse and that hys fydelyte whiche he hathe in hys mayster Mammon maye openly appere Therfore I saye vnto you care not for your lyues what ye shal eate or what ye shal drinke nether for your bodyes what ye shal put on Is not the lyfe more then mete the body more then the rayment He that buyldeth a costely house euen to the tylynge wyl not leue there lose so great cost for so smal a tryfle more No more wyll he that gaue the so precyous a soule and so beutyful a body let ether of them perishe agayne before the day for so smal a thing as fode or raymēt God neuer made mouth but he made mete for it nor body but he made reymēt also How be it Māmon blyndeth our eyes so that we can nether se nor iudge a ryght Beholde the fowles of the ayer how they sow not nether reape nor gather into store howses and yet your heuenly father feadeth them And are not ye farre better then they Whiche of you with takynge thought is able to put one cubette vnto hys statute He that careth for the lest of his creatures wyll muche more care for the greattest The byrddes of the ayre and beastes preache all to vs that we shulde leue caringe and put our trust in our father But Mammon hathe made vs so dul and so clene with out capacyte that no exsample or argumente be if neuer so vehement can enter the wyttes of vs to make vs see or iudge a ryght Fynallye what a madnes is it to take soo greate thought for fode or raymente when the welthe helthe lyfe of thy bodye and al to gether is out of the poure If al the world were thyne thou couldeste not make thy selfe one ynche lenger nor that thy stomacke shall dysgest the meate that thou puttest into it No thou art not sure that which thou putteste in to thy mouth shal go thorwoe y e or whether it shal choke the. Thou canst not make whē thou lyest or syttest downe that thou shalt aryse agayn or when thou sleapest that thou shal awake agayn or that thou shuldest lyue one houre lenger So that he which cared for the when thou couldest not care must care for the styl or else thou shuldest peryshe And he wyll not care for the to thy soules profyte yf thou mystrust hī and care for thy selfe And for reymente why take ye thought Beholde the lylyes of the felde how they growe they labour not nether spyn And yet I saye to you that euen Sa●om●n in al hys glory was not apparailed like one of thē Wherfore if the gras whiche is to daye in the feldes and to morowe shal be caste into the furnace God so clothe howe muche more shall he do the same vnto you O ye of lytle fayth Not only fowle and beast but also tre erbe and al the flowres of the erth do cry vnto vs to trust God to cast awaye all care that is coupled with couetousnesse of more then suffycyent to beare the charges which we haue in our handes by the reason of the state we be in the worlde and al care that is anexed with mystrust y t God shuld not mynister ynough to beare al our charges if we endeuer our selues to kepe his cōmaūdementes to do euery man his craft or offyce he is in truly and when God to proue vs sofferyth vs to haue nede of our neyboures we fyrst cōplayne to God desyre him to prepare the hartes of our neyghboures agaynst we come to desyer theyr helpe But Māmon pypeth another songe sayenge yf thou shuldeste make no nother maner of laboure for a benefyce then as yf thou careddest not whether thou haddest it or haddest it not 〈◊〉 wolde be longe yet thou gattest one al wolde be take out of thyne hande I answere as the labour was to get it suche shalbe thy behauor in it as thou flatteredest to haue it so shalt thou in it And as thou boughtest and soldeste to get it so shalte thou fell in it to be fauoure and to be set by in the worlde If thy pryncypal entend that thou sekeste a benefyce for be lucre then take hede to the ensāple of thy fore father Symon magus Let thy care therfore be to do thy office that God putteth the in truly the blessynge that he coupleth therto y t take with thankes and nether care nor couet farther Take no thought therfore sayenge What shall we eate or what shall we drynke or what shall we put on al these thynges the hethen seke ye your heuenly father knoweth that ye nede al these thinges But seke fyrste the kyngedome of God and the ryghtwysnesse therof and all these thinges shalbe mynystred vnto you Be not lyke the hethen which haue no trust in God not hys worde nor beleue any lyfe to come let them vexe them selues and eche be a deuell to another for worldlye thynges But
stycke nor cut teachynge deed workes without fayth loue whiche are the life y e hole goodnes of al workes the only thynge why they please God And therfore their audiēce abode euer carnal fleshly mynde without fayth to god loue to theyr neyboures Christes wordes were spirite and life Io. vi That is to say they ministred spirite and lyfe and entred into the harte and grated on the cōscience and thorowe preachynge the lawe made the herars perceyue theyr dutyes euen what loue they ought to God and whAt to man the right dāpnacion of al them that had nat the loue of God man written ī their hartes and thorow preachyng of fayth made al y t cōsented to the lawe of god ●ele the mercy of God is Christ and certefyed thē of theyr saluacion ●or y e word of god is a two edged swerde that perceth and deuydeth the spirite and soule of man a sonder Hebre 4. A man before the preaching of Goddes worde is but one man all fleshe the soule consentyng vnto the lustes of the fleshe to folowe them but the swerde of the worde of God where it taketh effecte diuideth a man in two and setteth hym ●t variaunce agaynst his owne selfe The fleshe ●alynge one way and the spirite drawynge a ●other y e flesh ragyng to folowe lustes the ●pirite callynge backe agayne to folowe the ●awe and wyll of God A man al the whyle he ●ōsenteth to the fleshe and before he be borne ●gayne in Christ is called soule or carnal But when he is renewed in Christ thorowe y e word of lyfe and hath the loue of God and of his neyboure and the fayth of Christe wrytten in his harte he is called spirite or spirituall The lorde of all mercye sende vs preachers with power that is to say true expounders of the worde of god and spekers to the harte of man deliuer vs from Scribes Phareseyes ypocrites and all false prophetes Amen ☜ ❀ ☞ w. T. ❧ The table whiche shall sende you to all thynges conteyned in this boke The table ALmose prayer and fastyng are inseperable Folio lxxvii s ii Anointe the heed what it is fo 76. s i Almose prayer and fastynge howe necessarye Fo. lxxvii s ii Aduoutrye ❧ ❧ fo xxxix s ii Angrye Howe a man may be angrye and synne nat Folio xxv s ii Absolucion Goddes couenaunt is a sure absolucion Fo. lxxi s ii ❧ Baptyme Folio lxxiiii s ii Breade daylye breade Fo. lxv s ii Baptyme the ryght baptyme what fo ix s i. Beame Fo. xciii s i. Belefe To beleue in God what it is fo xcv s i Beleuers without workes and workers without fayth are buylt on sande fo C.vii. s ii ❀ Ceremonies must be salted Fo. xxv s ii Couetousnes what a pestilēce it is fo 81. s i Care Folio xc s i. Couenaunt kepe couenaunt with God and he shall kepe promyse with the. fo lxxxix s i Couetousnes causeth darkenes Fo. 84. s i. Cursed most accursed who Fo xxiii s ii Care Fo. lxxxviii s i. Couetousnes maketh a false prophete Folio lxxxiii s i. Couetousnes maketh the salt of goddes word vnsauery Fo. lxxxiii s i. Churche of Christe what Fo. ix s i. Clothynge shepes clothynge what fo C. s ii Ceremonyes Folio xciii s ii Ceremonyes He that breaketh vnite for zele of ceremonies vnderstandeth nat the lawe Folio xciii s i. Couetousnes can nat but erre fo lxxxi s ii Care what care euery man ought to haue Folio xci s i. Care what care is forboden fo xci s i Churche what fo 31 s i. Chambre To shut thy chambre dore what it meaneth fo lxiii s ii Couenaunt Goddes couenaunt is a sure absolucion Folio lxxi s ii Couenaunt fo 71. s ii Couetousnes Fo. lvi s ii Cheke To turne the other cheke what it meaneth Fo. lxvii s ii Couetousnes By couetousnes is a false prophete knowen fo xiii s i. Couetousnes is contrary to the worde of god and to the ministres of the lawe Fo 13. s i ❀ Darckenes all knowledge is darkenes tyl the knowledge of Christes passion be in the harte Fo. xxvi s ii Doctrine False doctrine is cause of euell workes fo xxix s ii Doctrine True doctrine is cause of good workes fo 29. s ii Dogges ☜ ❀ ☞ fo xciiii s i. Darckenes Fo. lxxxiii s i. fo 84. s ii Dogges loue nat the lawe fo viii s i. Darckenes Fayth in workes is darckenes fo lxxxiiii s ii ❀ Darckenes Fo. 85. s i. Doutes Howe to assoyle doutes fo xcvii s ii Fayth The office of fayth Fol. x. s ii Fayth fo C xiiii s i. fo lxxvi s ii Fayth is our victorie fo xiiii s ii Fayth the differēce of faythes howe it is to be vnderstande fayth iustifieth fo viii s ii Fayth Fo. lxxiiii s ii Fayth of swyne what fo viii s ii Fayth maketh the worke good acceptable fo C.iii. s i Fayth loue and hope are inseperable in this lyfe fo v s ii Fayth iustifieth what it meaneh fo lxxiii s ii Fayth in workes is darckenes fo lxxxiiii s ii Fayth and the lawe be of contrary operaciōs folio 3. s i. Fayth is the kernell of all our good workes folio C.iii. s i. Fayth hope charite are īseperable fo x. s i Faythe true fayth is coupled with loue to the lawe fol. 8. s i. False prophetes what theyr wickednes is folio xcvi s i. False prophetes howe to knowe where they be fo s ii ❧ ❧ Fastynge is nat in eatynge and drinkynge onlye fol lxxvii s ii Fast howe the Iewes dyd fast fo lxxx s i Fastynge the true entent is awaye in the popes fast ▪ ❧ ❀ ❧ fo lxxx s i. Ferthynge the last ferthynge fo xxxviii s ii ❀ Glorie he that seketh his owne glorie teacheth his owne doctrine and nat his masters Folio 31 s ii fo 32. s i. Glorie he that seketh his owne glory altereth his masters message Folio xxxii s i. ¶ Hate whan a man may hate his neyboure Folio xxxvii s ii Henry the seconde fo xiiii s ii Herted Impure herted who fo 20. s i. Hope the office of hope· fo xii s i. Honoure to honoure the name of God what Folio lxvii s ii Hundred folde fo xvi s i. Handy craftes are Goddes commaundement Folio C. iiii· s i Holynes of ypocrites fo C.v. s ii ☞ Iustifye Fayth iustifyeth what it meaneth Folio· lxxiii s ii Impure herted who fo xx s i Iudgynge what Iudgynge is rebuked Folio xcii s ii Ignoraunce excuseth nat fo s ii ☞ Keye what it is· Folio 2. s· ii Kynges ought to be lerned fo xxvii s ii Kyngedome of heuen what fo lxxxix s ii Kynge Iohan. fo xiiii s ii Kyngdome of heuen what it is fo ii s i. ❧ Lawe Folio· xlv s ii Lawe the lawe is restored fo xxxv s i Lawe what her office is fo 2. s ii Lawe
to God Fo. xx s ii Venge the priuate person may nat aduenge but the officer must Fol. xvi s ii Violence nat to resyst violence fo xlix s ii wyfe howe good a thynge she is Fol. xl s ii warre howe to be awarry oure fo li. s i way few fynde the narowe way fo xcix s i wolues Rauenynge wolues fo C.i s i workes iustifye nat fo lx s ii fo 4. s ii workes make ypocrites yf the true entent be awaye Folio lxxviii s i workes must be seasoned with goddes worde Folio ☜ ❀ ❀ ☞ lxiii s ii workes what they do fol. lxii s ii workes are sacramentes fo lxxiiii s i. worde Goddes worde altered is nat his worde Folio xxx s ii ❧ Ypocresye it is ieopardous to salte it Folio ☜ ❀ ☞ xxiiii s ii Ypocrites the holynes of ypocrites wherin it is Folio C v s ii ❀ Zele of ryghtwysnes what it is Fo. 18. s ii ¶ Cum priuilegio regali Abrahams wellos The kyngdome of heuen who it is The keye what it is The lawe is the waye that ledeth to Chryste lawe what ●er office is The brase● serpente Num. xxi The lawe and faythe be of contrary operacyons The scrypture howe it is locke● vppe Christ vse● no tēpora● regyment ▪ Christ is a gyfte gyuē only to thē that loue lawe and professe it He that professeth not ●he lawe ●ath no par●e in the ●romyses Yorkes ●o not iu●yfye ii Cor. v. The lawe by kepyng y e lawe we contynue in grace Fayth loue and hope are inseperable ī this lyfe The lawe they that loue not the lawe can not vnderstande the scrypture to saluacyon Care howe God careth for the weake Rulers why they were or dayned why God scourgeth hys the cōdycyons of the couenaunt Fleshe and spirite Crosse To syn vnder grace and to syn vnder the lawe Lambes Swyne Dogges Swyne haue no fayth Dogges loue not the lawe True fayth is coupled with loue to the lawe The differēce of faythes and howe it is to be vnderstāde fayth iustfyeth Fayth of ypocrytes Faythe of swyne The ryght baptyme The church of Chryste ●hey that ●aue not y e ●awe wryt●en in theyr ●artes can ●ot vnder●tande the passyon of Chryste to ●aluacyon A short repetynge Thau Fayth ho●pe and ch●●rite are in●seperabl● ▪ Faythe ●●●pe and ●●●ryte are knowen one by the other The offyce of faythe The offyce of loue The offyce of hope Pouertye in spyryte Ryches Ryche in spirite Couetousnes is a thynge contrary to the worde of god and to the mynysters of the same By couetousenes is a false prophete chefely knowen Godlye mourninge Kynge Iohan. Henry the seconde Fayth is our victory The mourners for ryghtwysnes are saued w● God taketh vengeaunce on the vnright wyse Mekenes possesseth the erthe Hundred folde The pryuat person may not aduenge But the officer muste Ryghtwysnes Monke Monkes why they ronne into relygyon Luc. vi Monkes be cursed To be mercyful what ●t is Monkes Couent· Oyle Holy oyl● must be aduenged ●ele of ●yghtwys●es what ●t is Care howe ●e spiritual ●are for y e ●ēporal co●ē wealth The fylthynes of the harte what The purenes of the harte what Impure ha●●ted who Peace ma●kyng wha● Prynces what they ought to do yer they make war ▪ ●engeaūce ●artayneth ●o God ●nely peace the peace of Chryste is peace of conscyence Payne No bodely payne can be a satysfaccyon to God saue Chrystes passyon what the moste cruel ꝑsecucyō is Set the ensample of Chryst before the. Cursed Moste accursed who workes iustyfye not It is a ieopardous thynge to salte ypocrysye Salt who is mete to salte Monkes why thy ronne to cloystures Spirytuallye why they be dyspysed Ceremonyes muste be salted Darkenes ●ll know●edge is ●arckenes ●ntyll the ●nowlege ●f Christes ●loude she ●lyng be in ●he harte Laye The laye ought to haue the gospell Gospell The propertye of the gospel Gospell The true gospell not hyd in dennes Kynges ought to be learned The order howe euery man maye be a preacher and howe not False doctryne cau●het euell workes True doctryne is the cause of good workes Grace and truthe thoroughe Iesus Chryste Gloses They that destroy the law of god with gloses must be cast out The church Lawet Excepte a man loue gods lawe he can not vnderstand y e doctrine of Chryste The ryghteousnes of pharyseys Glorye H● that seketh hys owne glory teacheth his owne doctryne and not his masters Glorye He that seketh hys owne glory altereth his masters message worde gods word altered is not his worde To loue is to helpe at nede Prayer The prayer of Monkes robbeth helpeth not Loue prayeth Scrybes Pharyseys what they were The pharyses myght better haue proued thē selues the true chyrch then our spyritualty maye The promyses are made vpon the profes syon of the keping the law of God so that the church that wyl not kepe Goddes lawe hathe no promise y t they can not erre The wyckednes of the Pharyseys what it was Preacher why the true preacher is accused of tresō and heresy Ypocrysy why ypocrysy muste be fyrst rebuked thoughe it be ieoꝑdy to preache agaynste it The lawe is restored Racha how a man may be angrye without sīnyng Loue is the kepyng of the lawe Synners he y t helpeth not to men●de synners muste suffer with them when they be ponyshed Hate when a man may hate hys neyghbour Offeringes or sacrefyces what they mente Laste ferthynge Loue is the fulfyllynge of the lawe Aduoutry Fylthye A wyfe how good a thynge Ryght eye Ryght hād The offyce of a preacher Law what foloweth the keping of the lawe Law what foloweth the breakyng of y e lawe Tyrantes why God gyueth vs vp and leuethe vs in the handes of tyrantes in al myserye An admonycyon Swerynge To swere by God Swerynge Charite moderateth y e lawe Othe To performe an euell othe is double synne Cheke To turne the other cheke what it is Mekenes Pollynge howe to aduoyde it Two maaer states degrees of regymētes Euery man is of y e spyrytualty of the temporaltye bothe Loue. He that loueth not his neyghboure hath not the true faythe of Chryst● The temporal regimēt Vyolence Not to resyst vyolēce hawe it is vnderstād An ex●pul of two reamentes How to be a warry ou● Goodes ●ath 25. To go to lawe Prynces whether they maye be resysted or putte downe of theyr subiectes in any case Gooddes Regymentes Euery man is vnder bothe regimētes A preacher of the gospell maye vse no vyolence Couetousnes Iaco. 2. Publycans what they were To be perfecte what it meaneth Iohan. 16. Trōpettes To blowe trompettes what Lefte hand Vayne glory A good remedy● agaynste it workes iustefye not from synne ●ether deserue the rewarde promysed Crosse workes what they do Promyse he that professeth not a newe lyfe hathe no promise of mercye in Chryste Prayers workes must be seasoned with gods word if they shal please god Prayer what it is Chamber To shutte thy cha●ber dore what it meaneth Prayer Gods commandemēt and promyse shuld moue vs to praye False prayer is paynfull true prayer is plesaunt Syon Shene The Pater noster is expounded To honour gods name what it is A couenaūt where with god is bonde to forgyue vs we to forgyue eche other Gods couenaunt is a sure absolucyō to al y t kepe it Leuen Fayth Loue is ryghtwysnes Fayth bryngeth loue workes Loue. Faythe that faythe iustefyeth what it meanethe Faythe workes are sacramētes Baptym Chryste Faythe To annoīt the heed what it meneth Fastynge Almose Prayer Fastynge Almose Prayer and fastynge howe necessarye Almose Prayer and fastynge are inseperable Fastynge is not in eatyng and drynkynge onelye workes make ypocrytes yf the true entent be awaye Rulers be ordeyned for them that cā not rule them selues Preacher the offyce of a true preacher Payne howe God delyteth in our payne takynge Fast The entent of fastynge what it is Fast Howe the Iewes faste Fast The popes faste Fastynge The true entent is awaye from the Popes fastynge Monkes made the Pope a God for his dyspensacyons Couetousnes what a pestylence it is 2. Pe. 2. Couetousnes can not but erre More Luc. 12. Luke 14. Couetousnes maketh the salte of Goddes worde vnsauerye Couetousnes maketh A false prophete Darkenes Couetousnes causeth Darkenes Darkenes Faythe in workes is darkenes Darkenes Mammon what it is Mammon is a God Mammon make men dysgyse thē selues The seruaūtes of Mammon are not of Chrystes churche The seruaunt of Mammon is no true preacher To be Māmons seruaunt what it is Mammon seruaunt howe is he knowen Birdes and bestesteche vs to put away care Care Nammon Actes 8. Couenaunt kepe couenaunt with God and he shall kepe promyse with the. Kyngdom of heuen what Ryghtwysnes of the kyngdome of heuen what it is Care Tempte why God letteth his chyldren be tēpted with aduersite what care is forboden Care what care euery man ought to haue Goddes cōmaundement is mannes lyfe Exod. 20. why God soffereth tyraūtes to prospere Iudgynge what iudgynge is rebuked The beame Ceremonies he that breaketh vnite for zele of ceremonies vnderstandeth nat Goddes lawe Ceremonyes Measure Dogges Swyne Prayer is a commaundement Belefe To beleue in God what Luke 18. Prayer By prayer we wynne the vyctorye onely and therfore is it of all thynges moste necessarie False prophetes what theyr wekednes is Marc. xiii Mat 24. The ryche must praye for daylye breade Fayth must be ioyned to our prayers ❀ Doutes howe to soyle doutes Nota. Nota. Law what the fulfyllynge therof is Strayte gate The narowe way Few fynde the narowe way and why Peter Paule Christe The false prophetes who Shepes clothynge what 2. The. 2. Shepes clothynge Raueninge wolues The obedience pouertye wylful chastite of our spiritualtye Pouertye Chastite Charite Fastynge Prayer Thornes beare no fygges A corruptetre beareth no good frute Fayth is the kernell of all our good frutes Fayth maketh the worke good and ecceptable ❀ Handy craftes are the cōmandement of God Nota. The holynes of ypocrites wherin it is Axe the Austen fryers why they murthered one of theyr felowes at London who is the spirituall Ignoraūce excuseth nat yf we wyl nat se False prophetes howe to know wher they be Beleuers without workes and workers without fayth are buylt on sande Fayth Loue.