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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13065 A proceeding in the harmonie of King Dauids harpe That is to say, an exposition of 13. psalmes of the princely prophet Dauid, from the 22. vnto the 35. psalme, being a portion of the psalmes expounded by the reuerend Doctor Victorinus Strigelius, professor in Diuinity in the Vniuersity of Lipsia in Germany. Translated out of Latin into English by Richard Robinson, citizen of London. Anno Christi 1591. Seene and allovved. ...; Hypomnēmata in omnes Psalmos Davidis. Psalm 22-34. English Strigel, Victorinus, 1524-1569.; Robinson, Richard, citizen of London. 1591 (1591) STC 23359; ESTC S101002 113,808 186

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well knowne Let mee be grounde wyth the teeth of beastes so I be made fitte bread for GOD. Last of all to the end the doctrine of this Psalme may be the more euident let these benefits of God be considered Our creation the manifestation of God the sending of his Sonne the bestowing of his word and Gospell the giuing of his holy Spirit promise of eternall life good bringing vp defence of body and soule the vanquishing of the deuill the setting forth of learning and true doctrine Gods gouernment in our conuersation and enterprises successe of our counsels happinesse of our studies and vprightnesse of iudgement prosperitie of our children good examples and eschewing of offences good report publique concord peace and meane state of pollicie and a sounde estate or constitution of the Church These benefits if in minde we embrace we shal the more acknowledge the fatherly louing kindnesse of God and accuse our owne vnthankfulnes and with vnfained sorrow of hart craue of God to enflame in vs the motion of a thankfull hart and a desire to shew foorth our thankfulnesse for all our life time ❧ A PSALME OF DAVID Domini est Terra c. The Argument THIS Psalme of Dauid is verily short in verse but full of learning For it instructeth the Reader as touching the Church and also the offyce and dutie of the Magistrate The Church it sayth is a company gathered out of all mankinde tyed vnto the King and head Christ which Church without hypocrisie performeth inward and outwarde worshippings agreeable vnto the Gospell and againe which from Christ receiueth righteousnesse and blessing that is forgiuenes of sinnes the holy Ghost and life euerlasting Thys discription appertaineth vnto the Church properlie called that is vnto the Congregation which is borne a new of the holy Ghost For in a generall name of the Church wee comprehende all those which are not enemies but hearers of the Gospell yea though they be without true feare of God and without fayth And seeing the Church hath neede of succour thys Psalme exhorteth all Princes and Gouernours of Common-weales that they would vouchsafe theyr honest and peaceable succours vnto such as teach and learne the Gospel and not to exercise crueltie against thys poore needy Congregation which retaineth the heauenly doctrine But howe few such personages doe yeeld vnto thys exhortation the matter it selfe and the euent thereof sheweth For many Princes sette foorth theyr written decrees euen wyth blood against the Confessors of the true doctrine Others take vppon them the defence or patronage of fanaticall Teachers Some trifle or dallie with the Bishoppes that they may catch or gripe into their hands the riches of their Collidges or Ecclesiastical promotions But although the greater part of Princes doe swarue from the rule of theyr dutie yet notwithstanding God turneth the minds of some so that they acknowledge the doctrine of the Gospell and for to nourish the Church as it were banished in the world such Princes both doe vnderstand and execute theyr functions or offices giuen them from God For these sayings are knowne full well viz. Psalme 82. I sayde yee are Gods c. That is you are Gods Vizegerents or deputies and doe impart Gods benefits vnto men namely The Law of of God righteousnes and peace Againe as in Esay 49. Kinges shall be thy Nursing Fathers and Queenes shall be thy Nurses verse 23. ❧ The Psalme and exposition thereof Verse 1. The earth is the Lords and all that therein is the compasse of the world and they that dwell therein THE Prophet heere beginneth his discription of the Church from the heade and the place wherein the Church is gathered For although the Church is not tyed vnto tytles of Bishops and ordinary succession as they call it yet is it not with out a Head and Gouernour For the Heade of the Church is the Sonne of GOD vnto whom from the eternall Father all power is giuen both in Heauen and Earth Thys Gouernour wise and mightie gathereth vnto himselfe a Church euen out of all mankinde by the preaching of the Gospell and defendeth the same from the tyrannie of the deuil that it may be his euerlasting inheritance and out of this place is taken manifold doctrine and consolation For first it witnesseth that Christ is truly and by nature God and for because the Name of the true God is giuen vnto Christ and that the worke of creation is properly ascribed vnto the nature of the omnipotencie onely it is néedfull that there bee in Christ a nature both diuine and omnipotent Let therefore thys testimony be adioyned vnto other sayings which make most plaine and notable manifestation of the diuine nature of the Messias Secondly he admonisheth great and small to remember that they are not Lords of the earth but onely Court keepers or Bailiffes and that they must render vp accounts of theyr Stewardship administred of thys sentence if Gouernours or Rulers woulde be earnestly mindfull vndoubtedlie they would doo their duties in the feare of the Lord in humilitie neyther woulde they with such libertie exercise tiranny rapine At thys day because many doo falsly imagine that they are Lords properly called of theyr owne riches they beare sway with puffed pryde and carrie hautie mindes doo fléese theyr Subiects with immoderate exacting them but after a while they shall render accounts to the Lord of the Feoe and like vassals vndutifull shall suffer great and iust punishment with the losse of their Feoe Thirdly he teacheth of Christian libertie in the which sence verily it is cited by S. Paule in the 1. Cor. 10. Whatsoeuer commeth into the shambles of that eate yee asking no question for conscience sake The earth is the Lordes and all that is therein verse 25. Let therefore the dreames of difference in meates be refelled and with giuing of thanks let vs eate eyther of flesh or of fishe and let vs not vnder a certaine superstition feare any offence wherein there is none offence Fourthly hee giueth consolation vnto the godly ones which for the profession of the true doctrine doo liue in exile For seeing the earth is the Lords let vs not doubt but hee taketh care of thē that the godly ones may haue meane harbours and succours according to that saying of Christ In my Fathers house are many dwellings c. Iohn 14 verse 2. And we see at this present day many notable examples of Christes prouidence preparing for his Church and the godly exiles safe dwelling places and giuing Halcyon dayes euen in the midst of the raging seaes and stormes of Germanie Let vs therefore craue and expect of Christ the Lorde of all the worlde succours and harbours and other benefits necessary for this life and let vs not discouraged with feare of banishments cast away our profession of the Gospell for as much as hys promise is true and nothing fallible namelie First seeke ye the kingdome of God and all other things shall
thy Names sake that is for thy promise wherein thou affirmest that thou wilt helpe them that call vpon thee and for thy glories sake For the acceptable glory of God is spred abroade of the godly ones who after theyr deliuerances are true iust as I haue elsewhere oftentimes said also the blasphemous clamors of the enemies are refuted when examples are proponed which doe shew that God hath care of the poore and needie Congregation trusting in the Name of the Lord. Verse 5. Drawe me out of the nette that they haue priuilie layd for me for thou art my strength Hée craueth to be defended not onely against manifest violence but also against vngodly fraude of the enemies of the Gospell for there is no man so wise which without the safegard of the Sonne of God can eschew all the snares and deceypts which are layde by the enemies of the true doctrine for they know how to colour smoothe and faire causes wyth vniust dealings and with soft spéech how to dissemble Therfore there is no watchfull warinesse equall vnto the most craftie practises of the enemies but it hath neede of the Sonne of GOD to safegard and preserue the same Verse 6. Into thy handes I commende my Spirit for thou hast redeemed mee ô Lord thou God of truth A conclusion full of Fayth as if he sayd I doo well consider that I am not sufficiently furnished and armed against the violence and craft of the enemies Therefore béeing destitute of mans counsaile and helpe I flée to thee for refuge and yeeld my selfe wholly vnto thee in thy hand I repose all that I haue for I know that thou wilt keepe thy purpose with a firme fayth séeing also thou hast oftentimes before deliuered me For fayth béeing confirmed with remembrance of former deliueraunces beleeueth that God is not onely rich in those things promised but beleeueth also that he most aboundantly performeth the same hee hath promised and conceiueth a most assured hope of his deliuerances in time to come But seeing the Sonne of God rehearsed this verse a little before the seperation of the soule from the body who doubteth the same forme of words is to be vsed not onely in other dangers of life but also in the midst of death For then must we cry out with Stephen Lorde Iesus receiue my Spirit Acts. 7. verse 59. For Christ our Lorde not onely will but also can with a mighty hand plucke and deliuer our soule flitting out of thys frayle mansion and set the same free from the deadly assault of the deuils themselues séeing hee is both the Creator and Redeemer of our soules according to that saying I giue them eternall life and no man shall take them out of mine handes because I and the Father am one John 10. verse 28. Into thys hande therefore excelling in fayth and power let vs deliuer our selues wholy without doubting which when wee shall doo the thing it selfe shall shewe they are not vaine delectations which are said in this verse Thou hast redeemed mee ô Lord God of truth Verse 7. I haue hated them that tolde of supersticious vanities and my trust hath beene in the Lord. He amplifieth the proposition of y e Psalme by comparison of contraries that is of a True hope and Carnall hope for like as a true hope is not cōfounded because it dependeth of God so all other hopes are frustrate which depende vpon a rotten thredde for so humane helps seeme woorthily to be called for their incertainty and vnconstancie but if any man doo iudge these to be vaine delectations let him heare the complaints of wisemen confirming the purpose which I haue sette downe Cicero in his ninth Booke of Epistles concerning Pompeyes defences writeth thus Thou knowest well that Cnaius Pompeyus was neither safe in the glorie of hys fame nor of his acts nor with the sutes and seruices of Kings and kingdoms which he was oftentimes wont to boast of c. Cicero plainely affirmeth that Pompey was neyther wyth his owne possessions nor hys friends helps safely enough preserued against the assault of fortune for what so is sayde of the likenesse or forme the same euen in like manner may be sayd of the whole nature or kinde of any thing for al humane helps hold by a slender thred and things which haue beene of force suddainly fall to decay We shall therefore remember that against confidence in humane helps there are many sentences deliuered vs from God as in the 146. Psalme Trust not in Princes nor in the Sonnes of men in whom there is no helpe verse 2. And in that of Ieremie Chap. 17. Cursed is euerie one which putteth his trust in man Verse 8. I will be glad and reioyce in thy mercie for thou hast considered my trouble hast known my soule in aduersities Verse 9. Thou hast not shut me vp into the hande of the enemie but hast sette my feete in a large roome The effects of a true hope are heere descrbed wyth great excellencie of words Pompey béeing ouercome of Caesar was ouerwhelmed into Epicuriall opinions disputing as it were that God cared not for mens matters But Dauid beeing banished from hys kingdome beleeued that God both regarded and helped him with thys fayth when he is supported there followeth a consolation and a féeling of gladnesse For he was not shutte vp in the hands of hys Sonne Absalon like as K. Zedechias in his fleeing away was brought backe againe and at the Conquerours commaundement had his eyes put out but he was restored into his kingdome Therefore it is farre better to trust in God then in humane helps for God considereth both the painefull trauaile and the sorrow of the godly ones as it is written in the tenth Psalme and knoweth the way of the iust that is he not onely alloweth but also helpeth them And as furthermore S. Peter sayth The Lorde knoweth howe to deliuer his out of trouble or tentation 2. Peter 2. verse 9. Verse 10. Haue mercy vpon me ô Lorde for I am in trouble and mine eye is consumed for very heauinesse yea my soule and my body Verse 11. For my lyfe is wexen olde with heauinesse and my yeeres with mourning Verse 12. My strength fayleth me because of mine iniquitie and my bones are consumed Albeit the name of tribulation dooth comprehend all these words which in effect may happen vnto a miserable man Yet is it lesse to say the whole then all to effect lesse perceth as it were this breefe messenger Wherefore he layeth open all things that are included in one word to the end he may shew his miseries vnto God For as the onely daughter poureth out into her Fathers bosome her cares and griefes and orderly rehearseth euery euill affected part so Dauid and all the godly ones doo open themselues wholy vnto God and make manifest particularly the greefe or sorrowe of euery member vnto him But some man will heere obiect what needeth all this recitall seeing
she is cast out of her stacion examples of knightly personages doe shew touching which I haue spoken in another place doubtlesse nothing is more vncertaine then the wealth of thys world and he is soone a poore Irus which of late was a rich Craesus Which things sith so they be let vs lift vppe our harts for the Lords sake who can giue vs the principall the best the greatest yea the euerlasting endlesse good which no assiduitie or continuance of time can exhaust or dry vp In the third verse there is a consolation or comfort whereby hée exhorteth the vniuersall Church to worshyppe and magnifie GOD. For as in our prayer we ought to aske and craue those things which are for the peace of Ierusalem vnto the peticion to adioyne supplications for our owne busines or necessities for the welfare of the whole bodie so Thanksgiuing must be referred to thrée purposes whereof the first is that glory may be giuen vnto God for his power and presence in in the Church and that Epicures Stoicks and other blasphemous persons may be refuted The second is that we admonish our selues benefits are not bestowed vppon vs by chaunce but that God indeede hath care ouer vs that he heareth our prayers and that the same God helpeth vs. The third is that thys our confession may be a testimony amongst other men touching Gods prouidence and confirme others to beleeue vndoubtedly that God hath care ouer humane matters and that the prayers of the Church are heard of him Verse 4. I sought the Lord and he heard me yea he deliuered me out of all feare Verse 5. They had an eye vnto him and were lightened and theyr faces were not ashamed Verse 6. Loe the poore cryeth and the Lord heareth him yea and saueth him out of all his troubles Hée passeth heere from the figure Hypothesin that is frō the grounde of the matter vnto Thesin that is his determinate purpose That is to say hee setteth downe his owne example to be followed by the vniuersall Church for wee must not imagine that Gods promises doo pertaine but onely to a few as priuiledges belong vnto certaine persons onely but let vs most stedfastly beléeue that the promise touching the Gospel is vniuersall fréely made according to Christes saying Come vnto me all yee which labour and are laden and I will refresh you Math 11. verse 18. Also as S. Paule sayth Therefore is it of fayth freely that the promise may be sure Gala. 3.14 These things sith so they be let vs learne that though wée be wretched and vnworthy yet we are regarded helped and heard of God and when we be helped let vs acknowledge confesse and declare vnto our selues and to others that God is the Actor of our benefit and that not by chance or humane industry but by God our helper dangers are driuen away Verse 7. The Angell of the Lord tarrieth round about thē that feare him and deliuereth them Héere is a notable consolation touching the watches and safegard of Gods Angell ouer vs for the deuill cruelly assaulteth the Church as the verse sayth VElut celsum oppugnat qui molibus Vrbem Aut montana sedet circum castella sub armis Nunc hos nunc illos aditus omnemque pererrat Arte locum et variis assultibus irritus vrget AS one with mightie Engines which assaults a Cittie great Or all in Armes about the Bulwarks stately hath his seate Now giues he these attempts nowe others and by euery sleight Inuades each place with diuers faults yet vaine both force and fight Against thys enemie we are enuironed with necessary defences and sauegardes of Angels which represse danquish the violent rages of euill spirits these things though we see not with eyes and prophane persons doo déeme them thinges fabulus yet that thus indeede it is with vs many notable testimonies in hystories and among the sayings Propheticall and Apostolicall sufficientlie doo shew the same The histories of Iacob Elias and Elizeus are knowne and Dauid sayth For he shall giue his Angels charge ouer thee to keepe thee in all thy waies Psal 91. verse 11. Let vs therefore render thanks vnto God that he hath giuen vs his Angels to be our preseruers and with so much more quiet mindes let vs dutifully employ our selues in our vocation Verse 8. O taste and see how gracious the Lord is blessed is the man that trusteth in him A conclusion celebrating the goodnesse of God and the confidence in hys vnspeakeable goodnesse and although no spéech may suffise for the greatnesse of such a matter yet I wil follow the principall poynts of things and will briefely shew how gracious the Lord is and how much a friend vnto mankinde First of all it is sufficiently apparant that all euery other thing was made for the vse of mankinde and the same man so created and expressed to the Image of God that God was delighted and full pleased in him as in his last and most excellent worke for that signifieth the Saboth which GOD ordained after the creation of the man and the woman But afterwards when they had fallen deserued euerlasting perdition amongst the deuils God of hys vnspeakeable mercie restored hys ruined Church by setting forth his promise of the Sauiour to come which beeing heard wretched man woman then knewe that they were receiued againe into Gods fauour and thereby conceiued assured hope of life euerlasting Thys promise did he after that eftsoones repeate and make knowne in speaking with the Fathers or Patriarks Prophets and at length according to hys promise so often repeated God sent his onely begotten Sonne taking vpon him our nature and pacifying by his death the most iust wrath of God against our sinnes he also poured out of hys owne and hys Sonnes bosome hys holie Spirit vpon his Apostles and other true beleeuers which bare witnesse that wee are the Sonnes of God and healeth our infirmitie and sanctifieth vs vnto life euerlasting Thys vnspeakeable goodnes of God dooth S. Paule celebrate or reuerence in the thyrde Chapter to Tytus saying But when the bountifulnesse and loue of God our Sauiour toward man appeared Not by the workes of righteousnesse which we had doone but according to his mercy he saued vs by the washing of the newe birth and the renuing of the holy Ghost Which he shed on vs aboundantly through Iesus Christ our Sauiour That we being iustified by his grace shoulde be made heyres according to the hope of eternall life verses 4 5.6.7 But goe to that wee speake not alwaies of spirituall gyfts what haue wee that is not bestowed vppon vs by the bountifull hand of God towards the sustentation of this our mortall lyfe For he is our life and the length of our dayes through his goodnes the sillie bird indéede sterueth not as I may say with the Christian Poet. By the graunt and gyft of thys Lord we enioy peace habitations meane gouernments in