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A10318 A directorie teaching the way to the truth in a briefe and plaine discourse against the heresies of this time Whereunto is added, a short treatise against adiaphorists, neuters, and such as say they may be saued in any sect or religion, and would make of many diuers sects one Church. Radford, John, 1561-1630. 1605 (1605) STC 20602; ESTC S115540 239,684 640

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is a great glorie in the profession of cookery to bee able to make of one kinde of stuff as for example of eggs alone sixteene or twenty diuers dishes but to doe that feate much labour many spices and sawces greate compositions and mixtures are required Christ in steede of all those shiftes vsed blessing and working words of thankesgiuing which were so sure to worke their intent that some mē haue doubed whether he gaue thankes first because he fore-saw the whole purpose out of hand should be obtained as himselfe wished or else which is more probable whether the very working of the feate were not the selfe thankes-giuing for the worke For his blessing and thankes-giuing was the saying ouer the bread This is my body ouer the wine This is my bloud By vertue of which wordes his body bloud beeing made of the creatures of bread wine as wel were a thankful sacrifice themselues to God as Christ also in his visible forme hauing wrought this did praise and thanke his Father for such an excellent effecte the which body and bloud his Apostles eating and drinking were made pertakers of the greatest most excellent banquet that euer was made on earth For the better vnderstanding whereof it may please a man to repeat in his minde howe God in the beginning adorned this world First with Angels heauenly spirits secondly with the heauens themselues thirdly with the elements of fire ayre water and earth and as the Angells occupie the highest place so doe the heauens with the lightes starres in them occupie the second place and the fower elements are beneath them When things were come after this sort frō the highest order of Seraphins to the earth which is the lowest element of al thē it pleased the wisedome of god to make as it were a reuolt of al things to return his creatures frō the bottome of the earth vpwarde again towards himselfe he therfore made the earth to bring forth greene grasse with al such kinde of things as haue animam vegetiuam in thēselues to growe increase of which kind al hearbs springs trees be aboue those in a higher degre were birds fishes beasts which haue a life sensitiue being able to moue from place to place Lastly god made mā who hath not only vegetatiue power sensitiue in his soul but also reason vnderstanding in whose body are the vertues of the fower elements with the influence of the heauens in whose soul is free will and power to gouerne agreable to the nature of Angels and of heauenly spirits for this cause this creature hath beene worthelie called euen of the Christian philosophers Microcosmos a litle world for that he alone hath in him all the degrees of creatures both liuing and with out life both sensible and reasonable therefore hee is called in holy scripture Omnis creatura All creatures Nowe when the sonne of God taking pittye that this little world the worke of his great power was by the diuell seduced came downe and tooke flesh of the virgin Marye being true God true man in one person at that time were al things breifly brought againe to God whence they first were created brought forth Christ alone is all in one In his Godhead he is all that is aboue the heauens and that filleth the worlde In his manhoode which is the foote-stoole of God he is all that is in or vnder the heauens in this manhoode are al creatures most perfectly compiled without blemishe of nature of mind or of body so that seing this body of Christ wherein also all the fulnes of the Godhead dwelleth is giuē eaten at a banquett there is no doubt but the same is such a banquett as cannot bee made with all the creatures of heauen and earth gathered together In this one dishe is a composition most delicate of Angels heauens elements of herbs fishes birdes beasts of reasonable men and of God himselfe no kinde of salett meat sause fruites confection no * Vnderstand here that I mean not that any earthly thing is in the B. Sacrament after Consecration saue only the very Body and Bloud of Christ who because it pleased him after a humane sorte to conuert by eating drincking bread wine and other visible creatures into his sacred Body and Bloud therefore though the proprietie of such creatures be changed in substance yet iuxta aliquid in some manner and sort they be set on that table still but wholly conuerted into the Body and Bloud of Christ kinde of wine aqua-uitae aqua-composita liquors sirrops can be founde in nature made by art deuised by witt but it is all se●t vpon this table and that in a small roome where it cloyeth not with the abundance or annoyeth with the vncleane handling it filleth without lothsomenes it prouoketh the appetite without danger of surfeting to be short were it not a banquett prouided by the sonne of God no mā would think it possible to haue such a feast made in the de sart of this wicked world Thus do we catholiks teach of the supper of our lord beleue it agreable to his word worthy his worshipp this banquett feedeth the whole man There is a reasonable soul to feed our reasō a natural substāce of flesh to feed nourish our flesh ther is the spirit of God which quickneth both soul flesh to life euerlasting This is the true Manna which containeth the tast of all sweetnes hath in it selfe all manner of pleasāt refectiō this is the food of life the which who so eateth worthely shall liue for euer This is the feast wherof Salomon speaketh Hoc itaque visum est mihi bonum Eccles 3 5. 7. c. This therfore seemeth to me good that a man eat drinck enioy gladnes of his labour which words S. Aust expoūdeth thus Non est bonum homini nisi c. It is De ciuit Dei li. 17. cap. 20. not good for a man but that which hee shall eat drinck what more credibly is he vnstood to say then that which belongeth to the partaking of this table which he himselfe a preist mediator of the new testament offreth or giueth according to the order of Melchisedech of his bodye bloode If then the Prophet hath affirmed the greatest good that mā hath in this life to be eating and drincking that eating drincking be long to the supper of our lord Christ we may perceiue right well that the matter substance of Christs supper cōsisteth not in bread wine for then we might not be better occupied thē in eating and drincking but in the reall flesh blood of Christ wherin al goodnes spiritual corporall is collected into one heape giuē vnto vs vnder the form of bread wine for so God hath appointed Instaurari omnia in Christo que in celis que in terra c. To renue al things
in Christ which are in the Heauens and which are in the earth in him Al those eatings drinkings which were in the law of nature in the law of Moises in faith spirit are so far behind the supper of Christ after his manhood really assūpted as the faith of Christs Incarnation is behind the Incarnatiō it self mark for being deceiued with fals doctrin Christ by his incarnatiō gaue a real truth to the faith of the fathers and not a newe spirit So in his last Supper he giueth the same spirituall gifte to vs that he gaue to Abell Noe Abraham c. but he giueth vs another kind of trueth than euer he gaue them The trueth made by Christ is the true fleshe bloud which he tooke of his Mother the giuing of that trueth to be eatē is the giuing of that fleshe bloud vnder the formes of bread wine Therfore they that nowe say Christ giueth bread wine with spirituall giftes wherin our soule eateth drinketh Christs flesh bloud they graunt a good thing one way but another way they take away the greatest goodnes that euer was giuē to mā Their spiritual eating is not euil but it lacketh some trueth how so Because the whole man is not fed for faith feedeth but the soule yet the name of feeding is proper to the body thence is transferred to the soule that feeding therefore is not fully true which eateth not in mouth which it eateth in harte wheras the true supper of Christ is meat in deed and drinck in deed and must be the eating of that in our body which our mind soul doth eate The meaning of all those suppers sacrifices feastes in the olde time eaten with mouth were to shew that in time to come the same Messias that they looked for and in whome they beleeued should so truely come for our sakes into earth that he should come also into our bodies to dwell by his flesh eaten in vs that we might dwell in him The whole man in Paradise was ouercome by eating with mouthe of the forbidden fruite Thus then Christ cured the whole man against the Diuell perswading Eue to disobey God hee sent the Archangell Gabriell to perswade the B. virgin Marye to consent to his will against the Apple-tree hee planted the Crosse of our redemption For the disobedience of Adam hee himselfe the second Adam came to be obedient to his father euen to death For the apple of the forbidden tree vnlawfully eaten he gaue himselfe the fruite apple of that Crosse which is the tree of grace lawfully and needfully to bee eaten and his bloud to be droncken As therefore the apple that Adam did really eate against the cōmādemēt of God doth make vs al that were in his body at that time guilty of disobedience the childrē of wrath so the real eating of Christs flesh according to the worthy eating therof which Christ cōmanded doth make vs all free frō the paine of euerlasting death the children of grace glory But as euery man did not eate the prohibited apple in his own person by his own act but by the act of our father mother as being in them of them so it is not needfull that euery man in his owne person eate the flesh of Christ which is giuen vs in the Sacrament to be eatē But it is absolutely needful that some or other eat it as really to saluation as euer the apple was eatē to dānation that al the rest who by Baptisme enter into the same body may be one perfectly with Christ whilst they are one mystically with thē who really eate the substance of Christs flesh being the substance of our true sacrifice trulye rosted vpō the crosse truely ●ising frō death to the intent it might be truly eatē of vs without any corruptiō or perishing therof So that the B. Sacrament of the Altar is a medicine against that poison which Adam first in him al we toke by tasting the apple against the cōmandemēt of god It is not only profitable but necessary that as the poisoned apple entred in at Adams mouth was not only receiued by faith spirit vnder stāding but by hand tongue iawes was digested into his bowels poisned Vnderstand our flesh greatly infirme and sore infected though as the creature of God still good but pestilent through our owne fault al his flesh wherby the flesh that we took of Adā was also pestilēt poisoned our soules vnited to that infected flesh were also infected Euen so the medicine which is the body and blood of Christ made of bread wine must not only be receiued by spirit faith vnderstāding neither only the figure of it must be receiued in at our mouthes so conuaid in to our bowels but the body of Christ it selfe must come to our bodies it must be receiued as reallye into them by our mouthes as euer the apple came into the mouth of Adā Who euer hard that whē a mans body was really poysoned it should be sufficiēt to think of a certaine true medicine to receiue with all the figure or signe thereof into his body not at al touching and receiuing reallye the medicine it selfe yet such is Caluines doctrine But he vrgeth how the holy Fathers call the blessed Sacrament a figure yea true but not a figure alone or a bare figure but such a figure as Christ is a figure of his fathers substance and yet his substance in deed so the sacrament is a figure of Christ and yet Christ in deede Ther can be no more grosse or blasphemous conceipt then to thinke the word of God like the worde of man Looke what oddes is betwixte God and man So much betwene his naming figures of the olde testament all other figures But some will say will Christ giue his body to be eaten and swallowed vp of drunckeardes whore-mongers blasphemours and euill persons Yea without doubt for Christ thought it lesse euill that euill men should eate his body then that his Sacramentes by any our infidelity shoulde be made voide or the gifte of his grace shoude be vncertaine But heretickes that seeme to stand so much vpon scripture I would gladly here of them where they find in holy scripture the body of Christ in the sacrament called a figure Truly from the beginning of Genesis to the latter end of the Apocalipes we finde not our Lordes supper termed a signe figure or token of the body and bloud of Christ Christ the sixe of S. Iohn calleth it the meate which perisheth not but tarrieth into life euerlasting He saith his bread which he will giue is his flesh which hee will giue for the life of the world Hee calleth it the flesh and the blood of the sonne of man meate in deede and drin ke in deed his flesh and his bloud the eating of him the bread which who so eateth shal
Sacrament actuallie that naturall dimension and occupying of place which it hath otherwise but as hee hath ordayned it to be so is it vnder diuers formes of bread in diuers places at once by his omnipotencie to whome nothing is impossible Here I am sure many will stand with mee and say they beleeue not so to whome I aunswere that by so saying they haue condemned themselues Iohn 6. 64 to bee of those of whome Christ sayed There are some of you whoe beleeue not For if CHRIST sayed by that which vvas bread before his blessing which still seemed bread if Christ said thereof This is my body and gaue it vnder twelue peeces or formes seeing they for the most of them I thinke confesse him to be able to make his body present vnder diuerse formes and to haue promised to giue his flesh and to haue said This is my body and to haue giuen it to twelue how can they denie that his bodye was present at that supper vnder twelue dyuers formes of bread beeing whole and all vnder each forme The confessing also of that which Christ said is a thing appertaining to faith because the speaker is God to whom all faith belongeth to beleeue this that God saieth must needes bee a vertue and to discredit it is a great vice But some will still perhappes alleadge that The flesh profitteth nothing Iohn 6. the wordes of Christ are spirit and life That is true and therefore I beleeue that vvhen he said Take eate this is my body he gaue his body not without life and spirit but yet as really as euer by saying Gen. 1. Let the light bee made hee made the light for his words be not deadfleash which profiteth nothinge but quicken and giue life how and whensoeuer it pleaseth him much better then the spirit and soule of a man is able to quicken and make liuelye the bodye wherein it is These two saying This is my body and my wordes are spirit and life stand so well together that I beleeue the one for the others sake Christs wordes neuer want spirit and life power to quicken other things euen as his fleshe neuer lacked all kinde of spirite in it selfe For when the soule was out of it yet the God-head remayned and corporallye dwelte in it and the soule returned to it againe the third day Collos 2. Therefore when Christ said This is my body which is giuen for you I am bound to beleeue that his bodye is neither without soule nor godhead for else it were not truly said it is giuen sor vs if it vvere not profitable to vs. Thus you see that I beleeue all the wordes of Christ together and that you not doing so are without you repent certaine to bee condemned sor not beleeuing these words Take eate this is my body you will say you beleeue these wordes yet not carrially but spiritually as it is meete for Christs wordes to bee beleeued O Sir he that assigneth a meane how he wil beleeue Christs words in that very fact sheweth himselfe not to beleeue them For beliefe inuenteth nothing of his owne but followeth the authority of God that speaketh I beleeue in deede that Christs wordes cannot be carnall as you take carnall words for foule grosse meanings but I see it to be a very cleane and pure meaning that the most pure substance of the flesh of Christ should be giuen vnder the forme of bread to the end it may be eaten of vs and the chiefe and the cleanest thing we vse to eate is bread to giue therefore the chiefe and most healthfull flesh in the worlde to be eaten vnder rhe forme of the purest eatable thing is a very pure and cleane worke farre from carnality You will say it is more pure if it be rather beleeued to be eaten only of the hart of man by faith and spirit then by mouth and body I answere that it is no pure eating of a corporall thing which taketh away the truth of corporall eating Againe both waies of eating are better then one of thē alone I beleeue his reall flesh to be eaten with hart and mouth to be eaten with body mind to be eaten in deed in faith Here faileth your beliefe because of two true things you beleeue but one the other you discredit To be short let vs imagine him that beleeueth the real presence of Christs body and bloud vnder the formes of bread and wine to stande before the seat of Gods iudgment and that Christ asketh him why he did beleeue and worship his body and bloud vnder the formes of bread and wine may he not well answere in this vvise I beleeued so and did so because your Maiestie taking bread and hauing blessed it doubted not to say This is my body which wordes all my forefathers vnderstoode to be spoken properly and to be true as they sounded and therefore at the commandement of my Prelates I a dored your bodye vnder the forme of bread If CHRIST reply that hee had Preachers whoe taught him otherwise cried to him to beware least he committed Idolatry First that obiection might not bee made to any man that died aboue 80. yeares past because no Preacher taught publikely any such doctrine Secondly if so much were said to one of our time he might answere that hee had moe forefathers and moe Preachets and those much more auncient and more honest men who required him to beleeue Christs wordes and to worship the body of his maker Well nowe wee are come to the point all the Catholickes haue preached with one accorde that it is the true body of Christ and the Gospell witnesseth that CHRIST said This is my body here is the worde of God and the tradition and preaching of man ioyned togither I aske whether it bee possible for CHRIST vvhoe requireth of vs nothing so earnestly as be●iefe to condemne that simple man who being otherwise of good life beleeued his worde and his forefathers and the Preachers agreeable with both or no answere me for what fault shall this poore man be condemned First to beleeue Christ it is no fault Secondly Christ said This is my body Thirdly he beeing an infant was of his parentes taught that to be the body of Christ which was holdē ouer the Priests head Fourthly as many and moe preach to him when he commeth to lawfull age say this is the body of Christ as there are that afterwarde preach the contrary tel me then what was his fault for which hee may bee condemned If you say his eyes tould him it was not the body of Christ hee vvill ansvvere that for the reuerence he bare to the worde of God hee denied the sensible instruction of his eyes as giuing more credit to Christ then to himselfe is that a fault If you replie that by that means he might haue worshipped the rock in steede of Christ hee will answere he knoweth not what you meane he neuer had any rock
whole is incorporated by Baptisme the whole redeemed by death and the whole shall be crowned with glory therefore the true eating is to eate that meate which of it selfe consisteth of body soule and Godhead to eate it I say in body soule and spirite and not by faith only Chap. XXVI of the blessed Sacrament of the Altar shewing how conueniently it was ordained for our reparation and what preparation we ought to make to the same BVT it is not my purpose here to recount the shifts of our aduersaries or rather deceipts of the Diuell speaking by them his instruments to delude the simple to their damnation but rather for our instruction and comfort Let vs note here the prouidence of God sweete disposition in the ordinance of this most diuine mistery Our first parents by pride in coueting to bee as Gods and in incredulity beleeuing the serpent and mistrusting God fell from God contra●● 〈…〉 vs like God in deede and to recall vs 〈…〉 heauenly Paradise which our parents lost by eating the forbiddē fruit Christ hath ordeyned a remedy quite contrary giuing vs in this B. Sacrament himselfe the fruit of the B. Virgin that bread that came downe from heauen that so with humility beleeuing Christs worde and promise far aboue our reason forsaking our selues submitting our reason to faith in Christ wee may receaue him his B. body that happy fruit of endlesse life and by vertue thereof recouer the possession Eue lost by her vnbeleeuing and tasting the forbidden fruit Leaue vaine disputes then of this blessed Sacrament and with steedfast faith imbrace the truth for this high mistery farre exceedeth mans reason For of all the workes that euer God wrought this is * So S. Thomas calleth it miraculorū maximū if any can finde a greter vnusquisque abūdet in sensu suo Psal 100. most wonderfull and miraculous insomuch that herein God sheweth as it were the periode summe and perfection of all his workes as he spake before by his holy Prophet Memoriam secit mirabilium suorum miserator et misericors Dominus escam dedit timentibus se GOD herein hath made a memorye of his wonderfull vvorkes hee hath giuen meate to those that feare him So that this heauenly food is giuen to the saluation of those only that with reuerent loue with perfect faith come vnto this diuine banquet for what a wonderfull and mitaculous worke of Christ is this to feed man with the food of Angels for that Christ whose glory is the repast dainty and satiety of Angells in heauen is the foode of poore pilgrimes in this B. Sacrament here in earth nay herein God hath exalted man aboue Angels giuing the Preist power by his mighty word to consecrate his body so that that which before was bread nowe is no more breade but his body which power he neuer graunted to Angell Againe as God is all in all and in euery place in heauen and earth and yet not deuided but whole perfect God and as saith the Apostle In ipso viuimus mouemur sumus In him wee liue be moued and are Euen so though the Blessed body of Christ be not in all places at once where his God-head is as the Lutherane Vbiquitary Heretickes that so they might coarcte the mistery of this Blessed Sacrament in their reasons do dreame yet it is most certaine according to our beliefe and Godes truth that Christ euer sits at the right hand of his father most glorious and yet is here sacramentally and in a mistery in the B. Sacrament and as fullye Christ here perfect God and man as hee is in heauen and in many places and diuers Altars in all coastes of the worlde at once and yet not many but one and the same Christ indiuisible Yea in euery litle parte or particle of the holye Host and B. Sacrament is as whole and perfect Christ as in the vvhole host and looke where the Blessed body of Christ is there is his bloud and where his body and bloud is there is his God-head by vertue of that vnion of the diuine and humane nature in one person therefore it followeth that where the holye Sacrament is there is God the sonne And because the workes of the Trinity be indiuisible though no person but the second ●erson in Godheade was incarnate an● tooke vpon him our nature yet there 〈◊〉 present the Father and the holy Ghost three persons and one GOD in Trinity by vertue of the concomitance as wee tearme it and hypostaticall vnyon whome all creatures doe worshippe to whome Angells singe out perpetuall prayses and before whome heauen and earth doe tremble and quake O vnspeakable and dreadfull mistery An other miracle in this B. Sacrament is that though it be daily eaten yet is it neuer consumed nor any thing impaired though manye vncleane persons and traytors like Iudas doe ofte vnworthely receaue the same yet in it self it is euer vndefiled As you see the cleare sonne that shineth vpon the foule clay is nothing darkned but still remaineth pure in it self which as it is noysome to the watrye and euill disposed eye so is it comfort to the cleare and vvell disposed euen so Christ the sonne of righttuousnes giuen vs in this B. Sacrament is comfort health and saluation to the well disposed but euerlasting death damnation to those that come with vncleane consciences ●oaden with mortall sin without cleansing their soules before that is without contrition and lowly confession for the same not because the fault is in Christ but because the thing that receaueth him is impure and vncleane yet Christ alwayes perfect glorious in himselfe without defect and no meruaile for if he suffred himselfe to bee abused and shed his bloud with wonderfull blasphemies against him by those traiterous villaines hanging vpon the Crosse passibly no meruaile I say though in this B. Sacrament impassible he suffereth himself to be vnworthely receaued of hypocrites and wicked men whereof some will not sticke to stab their daggers in this By stab vnderstand pricke thrust or strike Blessed Sacrament and tread it vnder feet al which he suffreth wicked men to worke not with-drawing his diuine presence that the good bee not defrauded of so vnspeakeable a benefit for by this their abuse they hurte and soile themselues but not him who is immortall impassible Hereby we may answere the sond obiections of heretiks that say what if cat or rat should eatiet no doubt whatsoeuer taketh or abuseth it it is neuertheles the very body of Christ still but when the outward species or forme of the Sacrament passeth away from that vnseemly vessell then Christs B. Body and Bloud also passeth can be there no more abused An other wonderfull miracle we see and by daily experience proue in this B. Sacrament that is that whereas Christ hath ordeyned this B. Sacrament vnder the formes and liknes of those things that be most vsuall and familier to vs that is vnder the formes
thee the euerlasting truth and beleeue or followe any brainsicke hereticke in the worlde what shoulde I aunswere or howe durst I appeare before thy face I confesse then it is most certaine and sure which thou hast saide of this blessed Sacrament This is my Bodie This is my Bloud And that euery heretike that saieth This is a figureof thy Body This is a figure of thy Bloud is a most blasphemous and impudent hereticke and lyar Chap. XXIII Wherin is declared that we ought as really and truely to receaue his Body with our mouthes to health saluation as Adam did eate the forbidden apple to death and damnation BVt it is a woonder what shiftes these false Prophets the heretickes haue to couer their lyes vnder some shewe of trueth as though we were to eate Christ at his Fathers right-hand and so to delude the simple for as a learned man of our time writeth of this matter in this sorte Concerning that Caluin willeth vs to goe into heauen by faith to eate Christes body know you not because our nature was not able to clime vp to the seat of God in heauen therfore the sonne of God came downe from heauen to earth to lead and lift vs vp to the fruition of his father Know you not that because our body more quickly draweth our soules downwarde then our spirite is able to drawe our body vpward therfore Christ toke not only the soule but also the body of man giuing vs in his last supper that body of his to the intent that our bodies taking holde in the Sacrament of the Alter of his bodye might be caried into heauen to haue the sight of God because faith without the Incarnation of Christ cannot lifte vp our bodies therefore Christ fulfilled faith with trueth and hauing taken of the Virgin our nature gaue his body in deede to our bodies and soules that we againe might in body and soule be lifted vp with it It is not then sufficient to eate Christ by faith only but to arise againe in Christ the second Adam we must eate him in this blessed Sacramente as reallye and verily as our first father Adam wherein we all fell did eate the forbidden fruit The fruite of the tree forbiden entred into the mouth and damned the fruit of the blessed Virgin of the tree of the Crosse must enter into our mouths and spiritually worke effect in our soules and thereby wee shal be saued For as a man that is cast into a deepe pitt calleth by the meane of his tongue for helpe but when a cord is lett down to him for the ayde and succour of him it is not then sufficient to vse his tongue still to let his hands alone Euen so our faith called for Christ to come from heauen to helpe vs to let downe the corde of his humanity and of his fleshe and bloud and shall we nowe when it is let downe to be fastened in our bodies and in the bottome of our hearts by eating it really shall we nowe refuse it and say we will goe into heauen by faith our selues and there take holde of Christ whereby we may be saued and deliuered out of the deepe vale of misery As though neede were that the corde shoulde haue beene let downe if we coulde haue fastned our bodies to any thing in heauen and yet our bodies are they which weigh downe our soules cheifly Authorities to proue the vndoubted trueth of this most blessed Sacrament bee almost inumerable For if I should reckon vp all holy Saints and blessed Fathers that haue written of the trueth of this B. Sacrament I should neuer make an ende S. Ambrose saith Lib. 4. de Sacram. This bread is bread before the words of the Sacrament but when Consecration commeth to it of bread is made the body of Christ and howe at Masse the Priest prayeth for Kings Princes and the people but when he commeth to the most venerable renowmed Sacrament then he vseth not his owne wordes saith he but the worde of our Lord Iesus God commaunded saith he and heauen was made earth was made all creatures were made thou seest then saith he of what vertue the worde of Christ is If then God made thinges before of nothing that were not how much-more able is he to make things to be that were before and to change them into another As for example to make that which before was bread wine by consecration his Body and Bloud and before the wordes of Christ saith he the Chalice is full of wine and water but when the wordes of Christ come thereunto there is then the Bloud that redeemed the people All the holy Doctours as Saint Chrysostome Saint Cyrill Saint Ciprian both the holy Gregories Saint Hierome Saint Augustine Saint Barnarde bee full of the like testimonies for this matter many of them recording woonderfull miracles that haue beene wrought by vertue of this Sacrament Saint Augustine amongst De. ciu Dei the rest recordeth howe a place beeing troubled with euill spirits One of his bretheren a. religious mā that was a frier or a moncke went and offred there the healthfull Sacrifice as much to say as he said Masse and so the euill spirites were driuen away Hard you euer anye such miracle wrought by their Communion all this time I haue probably hard how the Diuell hath appeared in some of their Churches of late and in the beginning of this Queenes time when Paules steeple was burnt the very communion table from all other thinges about it was burnt in token of Godes wrath and indignation against that venemous bread of theirs whereby they poyson the souls of the simple people In the four general Councels that S. Gregorie did honour as the fouer Gospells you shall finde the blessed Sacrament of the Altar spoken of in most reuerent sort as called An honorable Sacrament called a most pure and vnbloody sacrifice of Christs body blood a pure and vndefiled host the lambe of God and the like by vertue whereof as wee read in Saint Gregories dialogues and other holy Fathers the deaffe haue beene made to heare the dumme to speake the lame to walke many other cured of incurable diseases Being abused by Iewes Heretickes and Infidles it hath issued out of blood and sometimes bin seene with streames of glorious lighte proceeding from the same as auncient histories doe recorde and blessed Saints in their writings doe witnes To be breife then this blessed Sacrament and our pure and most blessed vnbloody Sacrifice being so plainlye declared to bee Christes blessed bodye and blood by Christes owne words the holy Apostles and Euangelistes and all good men that euer writte since Christes time by the generall practize of the Church by generall Councells that cannot erre because Christ hath promised his holy spirite to assist them and his Church in all truth and by so many and wonderfull miracles we may firmely conclude with that holy Father Saint Hillary I am de
Christ towardes vs for loue you knowe deserueth loue againe but what greater loue could Christ shewe vs in not onlye dying for vs but still in this vnspeakable mistery remaining with vs Was there euer Pellicane that so tendred her young ones who though she fedde them with her bloud yet in the end she forsaketh them was there euer mother that so dearly looued her childrē as christ doth vs who said and persormeth it that If a mother can forget the onlye sonne of her wombe yet will he neuer forget nor forsake vs who not only feedeth vs with the sweet milk of his holy word the fruit full dewe of his grace taketh compassion vpon vs euen with shedding his bloud imbrasing vs with his stretched out armes of mercy vpon the Crosse but also still remaineth with vs euen to the end of the world fostring vs with his very body be dewing and washing vs also with his most sweet and precious bloud O hart why dost thou not relent why art thou so harde how canst thou abstain from teares for pure loue of that sweet Sauiour and Redeemer vvhy art thou not appalled with feare vvhy art thou not stricken with loue vvhy art thou not wholy inflamed with deuotion which is oft afforded to the deuout receauers hereof for by how much this mistery is aboue mans reason by somuch the feruēt loue deuotiō bestowed on vs by the fountaine of Gods grace giuē vs therin is of more vertue and aboundance If S. Peter when he had but one glimce of Gods glory whē he but tasted as it were a droppe of his loue in Mount Thabor thought it good to stay there and neuer to depart When wee receaue heare a fountaine of his loue a pleadge of his glorie the coelestiall dewe of all grace why shoulde wee not fully content satiate and repose our selues herein O if such disposition is made for the receipt of some noble King in his subiects house howe ought wee to cleanse our hearts and mindes to purifie our bodies to sweepe our spirits vvith compunction and penitent sorrowe of harte for our sinnes which bee the only things that bee foule in Gods sight and displease him to confesse vvith mouth to satisfie vvith deede to applie all the members of our bodies and powers of our soules to entertaine him that so our soules and bodies may be an habition for Christ and tabernacle of the holie Ghost But O sweete Sauiour if my vessell were of the purest mettall farre more excellent then golde and precious s●ones it were too base for thy Maiestie whome those glorious Angelicall spirits or the heauens cannot comprehende and where is then thy habitation but onlie in pure mindes and soules Giue me then grace good Lorde to flie sinne to serue and loue thee so to dwell in thee that thou m●yst inhabite in mee For in thee I can doe all thinges but without thee nothing thou art the high Priest and true Sacrifice thou art the offerer and pure oblation it selfe CHRIST IESVS our Lorde and God the true MESSIAS and Sauiour of the vvorlde thou be blessed for euermore To bee briefe you see nowe by this little vvhich is saide the vvonderfull goodnesse of CHRIST in leauinge vs his blessed body and bloude in this holy Sacrament whereby vvee all haue life and grace and saluation in our soules for as our bodies cannot liue vvithout breade so our soules cannot liue vvithout this breade of life Christes body giuen vs herein as hee saide Vnlesse you Ioh. 6. 53. eate the flesh of the sonne of man and drinke his bloude you shall not haue life in you whereby you see howe these newe lying Masters heretikes bee worse then murderers that pine and murder mens soules in that they depriue and rob you of so vnspeakable a benefitte as Christs bodye and most blessed bloude giuen at Masse giuing you poyson in stead thereof a peece of poluted bakers bread wherein is no saluation but alas quite contrary as before I haue proued No other remedy then if you will saue your soules but flie their company and Communion and so by cleansing your selues from sinne by healthfull contrite Confession that you may bee iustified make your selues apte vessells to receaue grace that is become Catholickes reconcile your selues to God to the househould of faith to CHRISTS holy Catholicke Church wherein only and no where els assure your selues as before God the euerlasting truth you shall receaue the bread of life and saluation You haue heard here howe that vvhich CHRIST left vs at his last supper is a Sacrament and Sacrifice the very body and bloud of our Redeemer vnder the forme or likenesse of bread and wine beinge perfectly and wholy transubstantiated or conuerted into CHRISTS bodye and bloud and hovve vvith diuine honour we ought to adore and vvorship the same By the vvay also I haue touched a litle summe of the vvonderfull effects and fruites of the same that vvee daily receaue and what perill of soule you bee in for vvant of the same till you come to better estate Hasten then out of Babilon that is sinne and heresy that you may offer in Ierusalem Sacrifice vvhich only may please God vvhome only vvee ought to serue and that is in the vnity of his holy Catholicke Church The lawfull Minister of this Sacrament is a lawfull Preist wherefore n● Protestant Minister can consecrate because wanting lavvfull vocation and authority hee is no Preist The matter to consecrate vvith all is vnleauened bread and vvine of the grape whereunto is putt some water for a mistery whereunto when Gods sonne CHRISTS owne worde spoken by a lawfull Preist with intention to consecrate commeth of bread and wine is made the bodye and bloud of Christ whoe gaue that power to a Preist hee neuer did to Angells nor his Blessed mother that is to consecrate his bodye This Sacrament as I haue said ofte before is farre aboue reason but submitting our reason to true faith it greatly increaseth our merite For as saith Saint Gregory Gods worke is not merueilous if it bee comprehended in reason neither hath faith merite where mannes reason giueth experience The chiefe thing then of this blessed Sacrament is Christes bodye and bloud vvith the vvounderfull graces and gifts of God bestowed therein commonly called the effects and fruits thereof vvhich that wee may not vvith Iudas receaue to our damnation but vvith Saint Peter to our rising againe and endlesse Saluation I beseech our LORD that wee may bee armed vvith true and firme faith pure and innocent life feruent loue and charitye that as for our sinnes for wante of these vertues it now many yeares hath by Gods Iudgment and wrath beene taken from vs to our vnspeakeable losse and the continuall griefe of all good men So by renewing these vertues againe in vs and by amending our liues it once againe by Gods speciall grace may be restored to vs to the honour and glorie of his holy name to the confusion of the
in pointes of Saluation nor lead her children amisse Here vppon it commeth that the Catholike Romane Church the house of Christ dispersed through out the whole worlde is not diuers but one as Christ her head is one who is Sauiour of his body This church you shall finde to preach teach vse one vniformity of Sacraments yea and for the most part of ceremonies through out the whole worlde the same order and time of Fasting of Praier one and the same beliefe of al points of religion in euery coast in the earth not nowe one Faith and to morrow another but the same that was planted by Christ his Apostles that which with perpetuall peace consent vnity and concord shee kepeth vndefiled shal keep euen vnto the end of the world Here upon it commeth that when as heresie heretiks in the beginning seeme plausible and be greedily receiued yet for that they be not grounded in Christ the truth in the end become loathsome hateful to al mē being deuided destroy one another Cōtrary the Catholike Church being founded on christ the head corner stone and fast lincked together in vnity concorde and charity in all hir members euer encreaseth as she is more persecuted and is Tanquam acies bene ordinata As the forefront of a most strong armie well sett in battaile array terrible to the diuell and al his power and euer increaseth I say the more shee is afflicted for besides the herytikes haue stirred many vp that before were a-sleepe to search out the truth yea and many to shedde their bloode in the Catholike cause we haue not lost so many Christians by heresies in these parts of the world but God hath stirred vp others that hane raised many moe in other parts of the worlde which if this heresie had not troubled our quietnesse here perhaps some of those Apostolike men had not so speedely sought to haue planted the Faith in other Countries Wherein you see so good and mightye is God which woulde neuer permit euil but that he knoweth to gather good of it to turne their euill to our good and encrease of his Church who by vnitye and concord thus obtaineth the victory as that Babilonicall strumpet heresie is euer the ruine of her selfe To be briefe you see by this little that is saide that none can haue the spirit of God and the truth but those only that haue amongst themselues the spirite of peace vnity concorde which when it is euer hath beeue wanting amongest Protestantes and other heretikes of this time therefore it must nedes folow their sect and congregaton is not the true church of Christ because none els saue Catholike Christians which they call Papists doe consent and agree in all poyntes of Faith and religion liuing Tanquam vnanimes in domo As brethren all of one minde together in one house Therefore we may most certainlye conclude that none other sauing only the catholike Romane Church which euer hath doth liue in vnity consent of Faith Religion in all pointes is the true Church of Christ Chap. V Of the fourth certaine note of the true Church THe fourth and last most certaine marke of the true Church is the lawful succession of Apostolike Priestes Bishoppes in the Catholike Church which succession of Bishoppes as it was a stay to S. Augustine against the Donatists and other heretikes of his time to keepe him within the vnity of Godes Church so is it likewise a sure pillar for vs Many things there be saieth he that keepe me most iustly within the bosome of the Church the vniforme consent of people and nations the authority cōfirmed with miracles norished with hope increased with charity finally the succession of Bishopps in Peters seat to this day to whome our Lord committed the charge of his fllock to be fed keepeth me herein This lawful succession of Bishoppes loe that ledd Saint Augustine to the knowledge of the true Church and conserued him in the lappe thereoff is and iustlye may bee no lesse a guide and staye to vs in the same which lawfull succession of Bishoppes because the heretikes want therefore they bee not sent by God For two kindes of vocations there bee the one is ordinary the-other extraordinarye by miracle both which because the Heretikes want they cannot bee of God for as touching the first that they want ordinary vocation by succession it is plaine as for example who sent Luther Caluin and the rest If they say God so claime an extraordinarye vocation where then be their miracles that testifie they bee sent from God They haue none you see to proue their extraordinary vocation and yet the sonne of God himselfe would not be beleued without miracles saying Si Ioh. opera non fecissem in eis que nemo alius c If I had not wrought such workes amongst them as no other man did they should not haue sinned and must wee beleeue Caluin and his fellowoes for their bare wordes no their fruites be not so good you see it is vnfit As for their ordinarie vocation by succession that euery man seeth they want For before Luthers time there was neyther Patriarchall nor Bispopps seate nor yet euer any honest persons chaire of his Gospell to bee found throughout the worlde as all men may most easilye knowe but to make the matter more plaine by an example at home aske now the superintēdent of Yorke or Canterbury whome they succeed perhappes they can name you two or three predecessors of their hereticall crew hut appose thē a little more and they can goe no farther wheras he that was last lawfull and true Archbishoppe of Canterburye Cardinall Poole for exāple could haue shewed his lawfull succession from his next lawfull predecessor to an other many hundred yeares together euen to Saint Augustines time who was sent by Saint Gregorie the great then Pope Saint Gregory succeeded Pelagius Pelagius his predecessour Benedictus and so lineally euery of those Bishopps in that seat could shew theyr predecessor from whose handes by lawfull ordinary succession and vocation they receiued their faith and apostolike authority euen to Saint Peter who was sent by Christ as by all ancient writers we can proue Then as I sayd when as protestantes and all other heretikes of this time want both these vocations first ordinary not called of god as Aaron was and much lesse extraordinary by miracle for though meruailes they shew many yet miracles none no not asmuch as the healing of any lame creature therefore it followeth they be none of Godes messengers but such as of whome hee complaineth by his word Ipse currebant ego non mittebam eos They ranne and I sent them not that is bee intruders of themselues not true messengers of Christ not pastors but robbers not simple true teachers but wily foxes not raisers vp of Gods house entring in by the dore but breakers down of the wal deuouring the flocke Now how euidently
right truly said that holy father Extra ecclesiam non est salus without the Church there is no Saluation and that you may better perceaue this reason the holy Apostle S. Paul 1. Cor. 12. compareth Christs misticall body the church in some sort vnto a natural body wherein euery member you se hath his office and function the eye seeth the eare heareth the hand helpeth the legg and the legge carieth hand the whole bodye euery member is necessary one to the other and euery member is ruled by the head receiueth life frō the body but deuide but a member cutt but a leg or an arme from the body it dieth you see the reason is because it is not of the body euen so it is in Christs mistical body his spouse the holy Catholike Church whereof hee our good Lorde Sauiour that tooke vpon him our seruile nature for vs is the true head for all catholike Christians that beleue as hee teacheth and liue in vnitiy vnder his Vicar the true cheife Pastor of our Soules worthely frequenting his sacraments abstaining from all other sectes in their prayers Sacramentes and Ceremonies these bee truely called members of his visible Catholike Church and receiue grace and mercie from Christ the head yea that which is more because there is as we beleeue a commuion of Saintes euerye one is partaker according to his good disposition and due desertes of anothers good prayers workes and actions yea in each of the praiers and good deedes not only of those in earth so we be in state of grace but also of the merits praiers Promodulo nostro of the Blessed Saintes in Heauen as both they we with praiers good deeds helpe the faithfull departed in that cleansing fire of Godes iustice called Purgatorie But if one bee deuided from this common companye of Christes Church either by Heresie or Schisme as but onely going to the Church there to praye or to be present or praye with Heretikes then loe is he deuided from the body of Christ the Catholike Church for no mā can serue two Masters and so hee hath not the fruit of life and grace in him as long as he remaineth so deuided in that state the reason is because being deuided from the body he cannot haue influence of grace from christ which is the head thereupon it commeth that what fasting prayer almesededs soeuer a man doth without Gods Church it nothing auaileth to eternal saluation the reason is because our works if they be not seasoned or imbrued with the blood of Christ and watred with the deaw of his grace cānot be meritorious nor acceptable in his sight For by christ our lord and head perfect God and man by his grace in his passion our workes be meritorious beyng as he is God the principal and efficient cause of our iustification and merittes as hee is man the mediation for our sinnes and onlye Christ is the cheife cause of our merit though Tit. 3. Ephes. 1. 2 Conc. Trid. ses 6. cap. 7. we once preuented with Gods grace bee workemen with him to our own meritt and saluation and the Sacraments be instrumental causes of our iustification so that by heresie or schisme wee be deuided frō the Church his body thē consequently we be deuided from him our head and so void of his grace without which our doings be nothing till we return backe to him in becoming true mēbers of his body the Church Yet in what soeuer state a man be it is far better to do vertuous actions deeds thā otherwise as by Fasting Praier Almes-deeds the like because in so doing ones damnation is the lesse and because it is a disposition to better that in the end God wil powre downe more plētifully his grace bring him to perfection who worketh his gifts commonly in matter disposed yet first preuenteth or disposeth that a man may so dispose himself but yet as I said how so euer let him worke neuer so much yet if he be not in the ende a member of Gods Church he cannot be saued for the reasons aboue-saide And therefore a man ought to feare nothing more than separation from Christs Church suffer his soule rather to be separated from his body yea loose many liues if he had them than euer be deuided from Christs Catholike Church without which no true life of grace nor saluation can be found and when a man is once within the vnity of the Church then Celum ruat though the worlde turne vp-side downe if he sticke to th● rocke and liue accordingly to the rules thereof he needes not be afraide God is of his side he shall lay such a sure foundation of the rocke that hee needes not feare to bee caried away nor be wauering with euery blast of new doctrine Wherefore if you desire to knowe the trueth to be guided with trueth not to erre from the trueth then presently become a member of Christes body that you may be guided by the spirit of trueth that proceedeth from the heade Let no loue of the worlde riches nor worldlye promotions no loue of your selfe wife kins-folkes or children no feare of imprisonment persecution or death separate you from t●e knot of vnity and charity in Christ Iesus and in his blessed sweet spouse the Church inseparably ioyned together Then in al doubts you m●y be resolued to perfect quietnesse in God in heart conscience When you haue thus founde out and thus ioyned your selfe to the Catholike Church you neede not then staggar or stande wauering vngrounded neuer resolute in your selfe what to beleeue or doe by reason of this opinion or that nor neede not to leane vpon this man or that but vpon the infallible trueth that can neuer faile and without all doubt in all perplexities say and firmelye protest the Article of the Creede I beleeue the Holye Catholike Church See the goodnesse of God in prouiding our saluation for no man vnlearned is so simple but he maye doe this and be saued and none so learned and wise but if he exceed this limitte trusting to himselfe hee shall erre and be damned Wherefore thus we must with humility beginne to beleeue subiecting our iudgement and our reason vnto Faith and all our repose next to Christ in the holy Catholike Church and then we shall vnderstande otherwise we shoulde be as wauering reedes ●uer vnconstant for Nisi credideritis non First beleeue and after vnderstand Esaias intelligetis Vnlesse you beleeue sai●th God by his holy Prophet you shall not vnderstande wherefore perfectelye to vnderstande the trueth you must first learne to beleeue and followe the holy Catholike faith and Church otherwise you shal neuer be certaine nor at a-stay if you seeke for saluation For shee euer directed with the holy Ghost as Christ promised is a strong fortresse for great ones and a quiet repose for little ones and a Nurse and Mother for al. Chap. VII Of the
malecontent went his way This minister you see in his action declared what their communion bread is nothing but bare bakers bread in deede speake they neuer so gloriouslye of it to deceaue the simple and so bad that it is not worth the taking vp vvheras I haue proued to you before by most sure authority that the Blessed Sacrament that Christ left vs is no more bread but his very body and bloud in deed But they say you must receiue it in faith spirit how in faith spirit they speak a thing that neither they themselus nor any man els vnderstādeth for to say the truth there Communion is such a minion that they know not what to define or make of it or what to affirme such is the blindnes of heretikes when they haue once lost the high way for was there euer any that hard how a mā could eat Christ in a peece of bread nothing but breade or may we thinke them so strong in faith and spirit that with S. Paul they bee alwaies rauished when they come to their comuniō to the third heauen that so they may ●ate Christ at his fathers right hande but these slender ●uasiōs be shifts for simple babes ouer childishe sauing that they wante not malice to bee answered Truthe it is the holye Catholicke Church teacheth two kinds of receauing the one is Sacramentall that is whē we receiue the body bloud of Christ not with hart only earnest desire but also really truly and substantially in the B. Sacrament Christ god mā which euery christiā is bound to do at due times when he can come to it Another manner of receiuing is with spirit feruent desire whē a man cānot or is not prepared sacramentally to receiue of this kind of receiuing S. Aust saith Crede manducasti beleiue thou hast eaten Now heretikes cōfound both these māners of receiuing sacramental spirituall together so that when the holy Fathers speake of spirituall receiuing by Christiā charitable faith desire which euery good christiā mā as oft as he think eth of this B. Sacrament or is present at it ought to haue that so more mor● he may be fast lincked vnited and incorporate with Christ then do they either ignorantlye or maliciouslye vnderstand and peruert the holye Fathers as though they speake of Sacramentall receiuing and so in brabling of receiuing Christ by faith alone would exclude him out of the holy Sacrament contrary to his institution and so in that Sacrament by denying of Christ wherein our faith is cheifly excercised they lost both Christ therein yea faith deuotion religion and all But the holy Fathers which heretikes seldome reade or if they doe little vnderstand or not beleiue them when these blessed men I say spake of spirituall receauing as oft they doe they not onlye teach vs the great and stedfast faith earnest desire we ought to haue to this blessed Sacrament but the due preparation we ought to make worthely to receiue the same which is by innocent life and pure conscience remaining in Christ by feruent loue charity which is spiritually to receiue Christ that so he may remaine in vs we in him with this preparation if a man could not come to receiue sacramētally the blessed Sacrament al the dayes of his life yet no doubt he should be saued for that thus spiritually he eateth Christ In like maner the holy Doctors namely Saint Augustine tearme this B Sacrament a signe or figure which we deny not for euery Sacrament is a figure of signe otherwise it could not be a Sacrament but in that the heretikes call it a bare signe as it were or an only figure and signe that by the holy Fathers doctrine we vtterlie denye and by Gods worde proue the contrary For the Sacrament of the Altar is both a signe or figure and yet the thing it selfe also which it signifieth or figureth as for example you see a loafe of bread stand before the bakers shopp to be sould it is both a signe that bread is there to be sould and yet very bread it selfe so the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is a signe of Christes body and yet his very body it selfe How a signe of Christs body will you say Marry a figure and signe of Christes body dead broken crucified in an other quality then we receiue him in the blessed Sacrament For in the blessed Sacrament wee receiue Christes bodye though a very true and naturall bodye yet not subiect to those alterations and qualities our bodies bee and therfore wee receiue him with al if I might so tearme it which is verelie naturall a supernaturall bodye an impassible bodye a glorified body though in very deede before his Passion also hee gaue to his Disciples the very same bodye we nowe in the same Sacrament receiue giuing his owne body in his owne handes to his Disciples by his mighty diuine power vnited to that body to which power nothing is impossible So that as saith a late famous writer wee verely teach beleene the figure and the truth to stand together the supper of our Lord to bee the signe of Christs body and to bee his owne bodye the weaker parte is the signe the greater is the truth but both doth not only stand together in one Sacrament but furthermore the true nature of euery Sacrament of Christ is to haue both that is to say to haue one certaine truth and one certaine signe of the same truth the truth is hidden vnder the signe the signe is witnesse of the truth which once being declared you shall se the vaine doctrine of the Protestants The signes and miracles Christ wrought outwardly were tokens of his Godhead hidden from our eyes likewise the supper of Christ is both a signe of his body also his true body a signe outwardly and the true bodye inwardly a signe by the sound of words when it is first made and a truth by the inwarde working of the holy Ghost by consecration So that Christ intending to leaue certaine holy misteries vn to his Church thereby to conuey vnto her the fruit of his Passion and death as well for regard of his owne self in whose person two natures were vnited as for regard of vs who consist of bodye and soule made the said holy Sacraments to bee of a double sorte and nature so that the one parte thereof might appeare to the sences the other should lye priuye and onlie bee seene by faith Saint Chrisostome in an Homely of the treason of Iudas saith Sacerdotis ore c. that is The wordes are spoken with the Priestes mouth and by the vertue and grace of God the thinges set before our eyes are consecrated This is saith he my Body by this worde the thinges proposed be consecrated It is to be noted that how many Fathers soeuer call the Sacrament a Figure yet none of them all teacheth these words This is my Body and This is my
this respect of the representation of Christs Passion and knitting togither of his members with him the very and most B. Body of our Lorde giuen vs at his last supper is called a signe or Sacrament and yet neuerthelesse the thing it selfe that is his B. Body and Bloud not figured or signified by bread and wine but giuen vnder the formes or likenes of bread and wine For that which before consecration was bread wine is now by Christs wordes transubstantiate or wholy turned into the Body and Bloud of Christ as I declared before though to our outwarde eyes and carnall sences there seemeth no other thing then before yet by our faith we be taught farre otherwise as that it is most certainly without all doubt the very Body and Bloud of Christ without which diuine Sacrament a reall coniunction betwixt his fleash the fleash of man cannot be made by faith spirit and vnderstanding only for that is the coniunction of minde but not of fleash and bones as the man and wife by consent of mariage cānot be one body vnlesse they come togither neither doth Christ come from his Fathers right hand corporally to be ioyned with our flesh but bread by consecration is turned into Christs flesh to the intent it may be receiued and made one with our flesh to the end we may be Concorporei as the auncient Fathers tearme vs one fleash and body with Christ Chap. XXV Declaring how it implieth not contradiction that Christ is in heauen and in the Sacrament in many places at once but only declareth an infinite and Almighty power of God that Diuine honor is due hereunto YOu see nowe in some maner and sort by this which is said in the former Chapter the excellencie of this most diuine mystery as our infirmity is able to declare to you and in what respect this B. Sacrament is called a signe or figure and yet the very thing it selfe wherefore you se the heretikes doe most pitifully and wickedly abuse the poore people to both their damnations that contrary to Christ the receiued faith of the Church and al auncient doctors would haue the B. Sacrament but onlie a bare peece of bread in signe figure Reade the holy Fathers and Doctors and when they speake of the Sacramentall receiuing of this B. Sacrament they so plainly without all tropes signes and figures call it verely really and substantially his bodye and bloud so often so pithylie with so firme reasons and so plainly that if they had spoken against the Sacramentaries heretickes of our time they could haue spoken no more plainly For what wordes can be playner then those of that most famous Councell of Nice wherein Arrius the enemy to the sonne of God by more then three hundred holy Fathers was condemned The wordes of the Nicene Councel to our purpose are these Iterum etiam hic diuina mensa c. Againe here also in the holy table let vs not basely attend the bread and cuppe set before vs but lifting vp our minde let vs vnderstand by faith that Lamb of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world Situm ●sse to be put and laid on that holy table Incruente a sacerdotibus immolatum to bee vnbloudely Sacrificed of the Preistes and that wee vere truly and in deed taking his owne pretious Bodye and Bloud doe beleeue this to be the misticall tokens of our redemption For this cause wee take not much but little that wee might knowe wee take not to fill vs but for holinesse Thus farre the Councell The blessed noble and most glorious Martyr S. Ciprian Decena Domini of the supper of our Lord is as plaine Panis iste c. That Bread saith hee which our Lorde gaue to his Disciples being changed not in outward forme but in nature through the almighty power of the word is made flesh And because mans heart is not quiet till it rest in God and because nothing can truly fil or content man saue only God therefore S. Hillary that strong pillar of Gods Church againste the Arrians teacheth vs in his 8. booke of the Trinity how Christ in this holy Sacrament naturally dwelleth in vs. St vere ● if the worde sayeth hee bee verely made flesh and wee verely take or receiue the worde flesh in our Lordes meate howe is he esteemed not to dwell naturally in vs Seeing then God is by nature the only euerlasting meate which perisheth not and seing he must be giuen to vs in his owne nature and wee are not able to receiue him as he is a spirit hee hath done for vs as good mothers and nources doe for their babes the mother eateth bread and by her eating turneth it into milke and that milke shee giueth to the infant and by that meanes the infant eateth bread and milke In the reall fleshe of Christ is the substance of God only made meate to bee eaten of man Faith is a great gift of God but yet a creature only wherein the fulnesse of the Godhead dwelleth not and therefore it is not able to attaine to the vnion of Gods nature and much lesse able to giue it by eating of Christ we corporally haue and carry God in our bodies corporally no otherwise in the worlde can be deuised for it As for the figure of bread it is the only true figure because it is a figure without substance of bread For whereas S. Augustine in his third booke sixteene chapter de doctrina Christiana vpon these wordes Nisi manduca●eritis c. Vnlesse you eate the flesh of the sonne of ●an and drinke his bloud c. saith videtur facinus c. how Christ seemeth to commande a heynous act or sinne it is a figure therefore saith he but vnderstand you of the Passion of our Lord commanding vs sweetly to rest in Christ c. These wordes are to be vnderstood of the maner of eating not as a dead carcase is torne in peeces in the shambles but Christ is to be eaten in a mistery and a Sacrament though verely and really yet after a spirituall maner Eor as the figure which was in that Paschall Lamb did not diminish the reall killing and eating thereof but only did refer it to a higher truth so the figure which is in eating Christs flesh doth not diminish the true eating thereof but only declareth the eating to be a figure because it is referred againe to a higher truth both in Christ whose flesh that once died is now eatē in vs who eate it not so much for to eate it corporally as to feede spiritually of God him selfe who maketh that flesh profitable August in Iohn tract 26. 27. that S. August though so it is euident by his owne words vpon S. Iohn Ye know not what is this maner of eating this flesh but except yee eate it Lo the maner of eating was secrete but the thing that shoulde bee eaten was naturall flesh these also be his wordes to the same
effecte Carnem sic c. They so vnderstande flesh as it is torne in a carcas or solde in the shambles and not as it is quickned with the spirite or Godhead Here is reported wherein the Iewes did ●rre they tooke the worde flesh amisse not cōcerning the substance of it which must be really eaten but cōcerning the maner of eating it is not modo Latin for the maner Is not quomodo as much to say as by what maner the Iewes vnderstood the name of flesh Quomodo dilaniatur non quomodo vegetatur that is by what maner it is torne a peeces and not by what maner it is quickened doe not these wordes import that the Iewes erred in the maner of eating Christes fleshe Doth not hee that findeth fault only with the maner of eating Christes fleshe sufficiently allowe the eating of the fleshe it selfe if it be donne after a good maner It is the Passion of Christ and the spirituall maner of eating in respect whereof Christs speech is called of S. Augustine figuratiue For if Christes flesh were eaten only to fill the bellie without further accompt of spirituall grace and life then were the eating of that fleshe naturall sensible accustomable and without all figure should be eaten by cutting tearing and wasting it but in that case fleshe profiteth nothing the flesh we speak of must be eaten as a figure as a misterie as a Sacramēt as a holy signe of a higher truth wrought in the soule then that bodelie eating doth work So likewise in Baptisme wee are washed in a figure because the washing hath a farther and higher end thē only to clense the body That speach therefore wherein Christ commandeth his flesh to be eaten is figuratiue not that we should deny the true eating of his flesh but because that eating is referred to a greater purpose then to the feding of the body for Christs flesh is meate in deed that is to say is eatten in deede as I could proue vpon that place but it is not eaten only that it shoulde be corporally receiued but to the end wee should pertake of the spirit Godhead which is in it and so by merite of that Hill de Trinit Lib. 8. flesh really present in vs obtaine life euerlasting with it Wherevpon Saint Hillarie disputing against the Arrians that Christ is not only of one will but also of one substance with his father saieth De naturali in nobis Christi veritate c. That we say concerning the naturall truth of Christ being in vs except wee learne it of him we say it foolishly vngodly for himselfe saith my flesh is meate in deed he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud tarieth in me I in him there is no place of doubting left concerning the truth of fl●sh and bloud for now both by the profession of our Lord and by our own● faith it is truly flesh and truly bloud and these things taken and swallowed are the cause that we tarry in Christ and Christ in vs is not this thing the truth it may well chance not to bee true to them who deny Iesus Christ to b● true God So that Christ as truly as he is God so verely really is he in the B. Sacramēt though in an inexplicable miraculous maner sort inuisible and hidden from our corporall senses For as after the resurrection the spirituall being which our bodies shall haue doth not deminish the truth of their nature but declareth a wonderfull abettering of them in that they be made in maner equal to spirituall substance euen so the body of Christ in his supper is spiritual not for any lack of his true substāce vnder the formes of bread wine but because it is fully possessed replenished with the Godhead and is present after the maner of a spirit as being neither seene or felt nor tasted but only bel●ued therefore this B. Sacramēt is worthely called of the church at the consecratiō thereof yea of S. Paul 1. Tim. 3. misterium fidei a mistery of faith So that you see we must vnderstād that though in the B. Sacramēt we truly whē we sacramētally receiue doe receiue in very deed his B. body bloud yet we do not receiue eate Christs B. body after such a carnal sort as the Caphernaits Iewish Heretikes vnderstood blaspheme For the lexes when they heard Christ promise his body to be eaten of vs thought Christ would hane giuē his body to haue bin cut in peces rosted ●●tē as I said before as the dead carcas of an oxe is wherevpon some of his disciples so vnderstāding departed thinking it a hard saying of Christ that hee would giue his body to be so eaten but he answered thē right worthely the spirit Ioh. 6. 63. it is that quickneth but the flesh it profiteth nothing How doth the flesh of Christ profit nothing what doth that flesh profitte nothing that redeemed the whole world God forbid any christian should so imagin how thē must we vnderstand Christs wordes the flesh profiteth nothing but according to S. Augustins interpretatiō that is the carnall or fleshly vnderstāding of Christs words profiteth nothing but hurteth much but put a spiritual diuine vnderstāding to Christs flesh according to his promise worde giuen vs in the B. Sacrament thē the flesh profiteth much as for example the wicked Iewish heretikes of this time thus blaspheme What dost thou say they eat the very body of Christ indeed in the Sacrament how chaunceth it thou feelest not rawe flesh what can so great a substāce be vnder the liknes of so litle a pece of bread How canst thou swallowe his bones o blasphemous heretike Lo here you see these mens vnderstanding that thus with the Iewes so grosly conceiue of Christs body in the Sacrament the flesh profiteth nothing but hurteth much But if they would vnderstand as Christ taught and the Church beleeueth that we receiue Christs Body verely in the Sacrament not after such a grosse manner but after a spirituall sort and in an vnspeakeable mistery that is though a true and naturall body yea the very flesh and bloud that was borne of the B. Virgin Mary and suffred death vpon the Crosse yet with all a supernaturall miraculous diuine glorified and impassible body Such a body as was conceiued by the holy ghost without know ledge of man and that was borne of the B. Virgin without in any sort opening or violating her sacred wombe Such a body as by his diuine power therein with his B. handes multiplyed fiue loaues of bread to the feeding of many thousands Such a body as being attempted to bee stoned of the Iews passed through them and was not seene Such a body finally that arose from death the sepulchre fast shut and such a body that after his Resurrection likwise appeared to his disciples the gates fast shut without deuiding asunder or opening the same Such a body that declared himselfe
mighty power to whome nothing is impossible But o how happy was the time when men beleeued stedfastly and doubted nothing of Godes promise in this his so vnspeakable a gift and so worthelye receaued the fruites thereof whereas miscreantes now both deny the truth and shewe themselues most ingratfull in not only denying the truth but thinking most basely of his diuine ordinance O horrible ingratitude in steed of the Prince and king of heauen and earth left vs in this Sacrament to feed men with a peece of beead like to the vncleane hogg that refuseth the precious pearle and feeddeth of the pease shaling in the clay O vvhat coulde CHRIST haue done more for vs then he did and how more vnthankfull can these men shew themselues to him then they doe which most displeaseth him and hindreth his bountye towardes vs for this vnthankfullnes is a vice that drieth vp the fountaine of Gods grace in mans soule Flie then such lying Masters I saye and their wicked deuises taste no more of their baite that draweth to death but beleeue and prepare your selues with al purity of body and soule to receaue in the blessed Sacrament Christ the food of life and so you shall reape the wonderfull fruites thereof which bee many infinit First by worthy receauing of this most venerable Sacrament manie sinnes we could not remember in confession bee forgiuen vs so hot is the fire of GODS loue towardes vs herein if wee receaue him with feruour that it againe boileth and consumeth in vs al defects and imperfections with the relikes of sinne as fire purifieth mettalls from drosse and corruption which was signified by the Pascall lambe rosted and those holocausts or whole burnt sacrifices of the lawe Besides this it giueth most plentifully of grace to the well disposed it infeebleth our passions and inordinate motions maketh lesse and weaker all tentations bodely and ghostly giueth strength that wee consent not to them but to our great merit may ouercome them Wherefore saith a blessed Father If thou feele not so ofte violent tentations of the fleash thanke Christ for the grace that this holy Sacrament worketh in thee Moreouer in this B. Sacrament we cheifly exercise faith to our greatest merit beleeuing Christ aboue reason and not our sences and that right worthely For if as we reade of a sort of Phylosophers they would c●edit what their Masters said and neuer reason the matter but say Ipse dixit our Master said it accounting it a sure ground great reason then haue we Christians to giue credit to our Master Christ the truth whose wordes cannot faile reasoning no farther but say Ipse dixit Christ our Master said This is my body that hee saide it this is a sure grounde Likewise in worthy offering receauing this B. Sacrament we giue due thankes to God for his wonderfull benefits which of our selues we coulde neuer be able whereupon the holy Prophet in spirit long before considering the wonderfull benefits of God bestowed herein which of himselfe man could neuer be able to requite burst our into these wordes Quid retribuam Domino Psal 115. c. O what shall I requite to my Lord God for all his goodnesse bestowed on me I will saith he take the Cup of our Lord call vpon his holy name See the mercy of God who bestoweth such benefits vpon vs that none is able to requite and yet we in receauing these pretious gifts and offering his benefits to him againe he accepteth it for a sufficient requitall Also in this B. Sacrament as I saide before we represent mostliuely Christs Passion before our eyes and imitate him therein This is a sacrifice propitiatory both for the quicke and the deade which with the three Sages we ought to honour with all diuine honour and worship prostrate both in body and minde as the holie Prophet foretolde saying All the families of nations shoulde worshippe in his sight Psal 21. And in an other place Adorabunr sca●ellum c. they shall worshippe his footestoole that is as S. Augustnie vnderstandeth his body or humanity the seate or his footestoole as vnited to his diuinity By this Sacrament and sacrifice we worshippe God and chiefly acknowledge there is a true God by this sacrifice Gods wrath is chiefly auerted yea and sufficiently appeased for our I meane it is sufficient of it self as the example of that vpon the Crosse but to vs according to our disposition sinnes which sacrifice euer acceptable in his sight he neuer denieth as being most glorified thereby which is his only most deare sonne So that it is ioyfull to Angels in heauen comfortable to men in earth and healthfull to the faithfull departed and the chiefe honour to God here on earth neither is there any thing so sufficient a remedy to release the faithfull departed speedely of their paines and bring them to the glory of God as this Sacrament and sacrifice To be briefe this blessed Sacrament and our pure and vubloudy sacrifice Christs very body and bloud in deede is the very body and bloud that was borne of the B. Virgin and suffered death vpon the Crosse by meanes vvhereof vve be incorporate vnited or knit vnto Christ our head made one flesh of his saered flesh and bloud by meanes vvhereof we receiue herein a pleadge most soueraigne to appeare glorious vvith him at the last day Who is it then but for to be worthely partaker of so great a benefit if he well consider but woulde vvillingly loose two hundred markes for that paine besides imprisonment O dolefull daies English statutes set downe for hearing one Masse For so long as vve remaine in the knot of peace vnity and charity that is be members of Christs misticall body the Church by worthely receauing this venerable Sacrament his very body so long we be the very flesh and body of Christ flesh of his sacred flesh and bloud and may say with a reuerent Father to our vnspeakable comfort we are thy flesh and bloud O Iudge of the liuing and the dead we are thy members how vnworthy soeuer yet thy members haue we neuer left off or ceased to be we neuer from thy body by heresy or schisme deuided our selues thy flesh good Lord then wilt thou not despise thy fleshe thou wilt not hate thy flesh thou wilt neuer condemne we haue no hope no trust no other glory but that thou art our flesh and we thy flesh Chap. XXX Containing a breife recapitulation of things touched in the treatise of this Sacrament and declaring that lay persons be not desrauded of the bloud of Christ nor healthfull fruite of the Sacrament in receauing vnder one kinde O The infinit loue of Christ to mankinde that with such sweet pure and vndefiled kisses imbracings of loue and charity knits and tieth vs fast togither vnto him O Lorde it is meruaile that o●r harts doe not for loue as it were burst asonder when we consider the most deare and tender loue of
auouch can prooue because we are authorised by Christs holy word that in S. Peters chaire that is when any of S. Peters successors defineth a matter of faith intending to binde the vvhole Church though in priuate as a man he may erre otherwise yet therin he neuer hath nor can erre as being assisted by Gods holy Spirit For the benefit of the whole Church I haue prayed for thee Peter Luc. 22. 32. that thy saith may not faile said Christ in somuch that we reade of none that euer herein quailed that gods word may be true Nay in the olde Testament before Agg. 2. 12 Christ when there was doubt of any matter of religion they had recourse to the high Priest those of the stocke of the Leuites in whome God euer conserued true faith though in a number it quailed in Israell But the heretikes whē they cannot answere by reason authority then they turne to scoffing rayling either commonly by lying or else like cursed Cham as he did at his fathers secrets scoffe in scoffing and deriding the same So doe they in discouering sinnes and defects of Popes Prelates of the Church deride their parents though in deede aboue thirty of the Popes next after S. Peter did all suffer martyrdome for Christ and many glorious Saints and Doctors were of them since that time Who more eloquent then S. Leo who more holy then S Gr●gory which both were Popes with many moe But these heretiks maliciously conceale if there were any that as men had sins or defects those they publish to the world We graunt in deede that Popes as they be men may sinne but why for that O heretike dost thou slaunder the chaire of S. Peter wherein the Catholicke faith shall euer vndefiled continue Why dost thou not remember that God can shewe the truth by an euill man yea by a dumb beast what did not Caiphas though an euill man yet for that he was the Bishop and high Priest spake true prophecying of Christ that it was expedient that one Ioh. 11. 50 shoulde die for the people that the whole should not perish Nay did not Christ him selfe say Vpon the chaire of Moyses doe Math. 23 2. 3. sit the Scribes and Pharisees doe that they say but doe not as they doe for they say and doe not If therefore any Pastors of the Church lead euill liues they shall beare their owne burden neither ought wee to follow them therein but to doe as they bid vs that is to follow the truth touching matters of faith wherein the the chiefe Pastor cannot erre yet if we see defects in our spirituall Pastors it is not for vs as heretiks doe to slaunder them vncouer their defects and that which is worse to forsake the true faith for their sakes but rather with holy Sem and Iaphet to couer their nakednes or as that Christian Emperour Constantine did who said that if hee saw a Bishop doe a thing inconuenient he would rather couer it with his cloake then reueale it The reason is that God● name the truth for mannes fault should not be blasphemed Yet God be blessed the Church of Christ hath euer in al Countries had some good Pastors wheras amongst heretikes can possibly be none good Chap. XXXIII Of Gods seuere punishment of diuers for arrogating to them selues Priestly office and how● wee are to obay our Pastors BVt admit that many were bad of life must therefore Gods ordenance bee altered and therefore any temporall King or Prince yea that which is more absurd tinckers and coblers take vpon them to be Pastors and rulers in spirituall causes O why doe they not remember and be afraide how Allmighty God of olde from time to time punished such Luciferian pride and intollerable presumption and arrogancy Chore Dathon and Abyron with Numeri cap. 16. a number more of their conspiracie who being not called or chosen of God to the high Priestly office and function and yet sacrilegiously would presume to to offer insence and doe Sacrifice did not fire from heauen consume them the earth swallowe them vp quick to hell to the terror of al generations That false King Ieroboam that vpon the Altar 3. Reg. 13. in Samaria offered sacrifice did not god strike him lame And in like sort did he not plague those perfidious treacherous kings of Israel with sundry plagues from time to time for their rebellion against that Catholicke I●da that Preistly Princely tribe his holy Church Nay did not God strike Oza with sudden Oza 2. Reg. 6. death but for only touching with desire to vpholde the same the arke of God but a figure only of Christs very or misticall body the Church not to bee touched or gouerned by lay men but by Preists Bishops lawfully called by God as Aaron was For to them and to none other Christ gaue charge of his ●locke at his departure nay there was neither King nor mighty Prince of many yeares after Christs time that were Christians and yet the Church neuer wāted her head gouernours in spiritual matters those were the Apostles Bishops their lawful successors vnto whōe the holy Apostle exorteth vs to submitt our selues saying Obedite praepositis vestris Heb. 13. 17. subiacete eis obey your Prelats c. for they watch as to giue account for your soules such Priests as rule gouerne the Church wel the holy Apostle 1. Tim. 5. 17. accoūteth worthy double honour those that labour in doctrine in preaching the truth For to them the holy Apostle gaue the charge Attend saith he Act. cap. 20. 28. to your selues and the whole flocke wherein the holy Ghost hath ordeyned you Bishoppes regere Ecclesiam Dei to rule or gouerne the Church of God By these and many like places of holy Scripture it appeareth that not temporall Kings Princes but lawfull Bishops be gouernours and haue supereminent power and authority in the Church This that noble Emperour Constantine that was the first Christian Emperour that most honoured enriched the Church sonne to S. Helene that noble Empresse that went pilgrime to Hierusalem and miraculously founde out the holy Crosse this I say he well considered that it was the office of a King to be head of temporal matters in the common weale only as to execute iustice to punnish the offenders to rule and commaund in taxes tribute and in martiall affaires but not to be ruler at the Altar not to be head in the Church not to giue first censure or iudgement in spiritual causes in so much that this noble Emperour being called to that first and most holy general Councel at Nice where in the Arrian heretickes 1300. yeares agoe were condemned vvoulde sitte at that Councell in no other place but in the lowest place of all acknowledging right worthely Priests and Bishops in spirituall causes his farre betters and superiours he well knew his duty and would
asketh you what reason you haue for this or what Scripture for that or what beleeue you of this or of that Say you no more but I beleeue the holy Catholicke Church as shee belieueth in al things so do I if he aske you againe and againe how shee beleeueth answer the heretick euen as I beleeue I beleeue as the Catholick Churche beleeueth and so stay quietre your self and so first beginne to beleeue then after to vnderstand For as God saide by his holy Prophet vnlesse you beleeue you shall not vnderstand yea it is sufficient to saluation if your life be according though you cannot vnderstand the chiefe highest misteries nor bring Scripture for euerie thing so you beleeue as the Catholicke Church doth grounding your self therein who is able to direct and guide you from and out of all errors incombrances and darknes of this world into a most sure and stable light For to the holy Catholick Church Christ promised to send his spirite the holy Ghost after his departure to bee with her and guid her in all truth euen to the end of the world I haue many thinges to say to you saieth our Sauiour to his Disciples but you cannot beare them away now but when I shall goe I wil Ioan. 16. send you the holy ghost the comforter he shal teach you all truth Lo you se by Christ promise his holy Spirite shall guide his church in al truth that it neuer faile erre nor be deceiued that is as I haue proued before at large only the true Catholicke Apostolick Romaine church no other in this Church what simple man so euer containeth him-selfe and truly followeth the same hee cannot goe astray and out of this Church if hee were the greatest Philosopher or learned man in the worlde as there bee some Falsi nemmis scientiam sibi promittentes Yet most certainely hee shall erre bee deceaued To this Church then without which is no Saluation ioyne your selfe her obay her follow her beleeue in al things you cannot erre my soule for yours nor goe astray to damnation this Church if you forsake as I said before if you had all the wisdome of men or al the learning of Aristotle and the wisest Philosophers that bee or haue beene you should without al doubt erre walke in darknes and perrish for euer Chap. LXXVIII Against schisme that it is altogether vnlawfull and forbidden vnder paine of damnation to goe to the churches of hereticks or schismaticks to their prayers sermons Sacramentes spirituall exercises or in any sort directly or indirectly to communicate participate yeeld consent or assent to the s●me also a precaution is giuen to beware of dissembling Catholikes which indeede are schismaticks BVT when you bee thus once established in the one only truth of Christ and his ●oly Church though this be the foundatiō first to beginne to beleeue well yet you must then do according to true faith beleeue els you can not be saued for saith as I said before out of S. Iames without good workes is dead Epist Iacobi cap. 2. take heede then when you be once well groūded in true faith religiō that you not only flee sinne and seeke to exercise good works true vertue but withal beware of dissembling Catholiks that flatter thēselues to be Catholiks be none indeede they cōsesse thēselues to knowe Christ in words and yet deny him in deedes These men bee as daingerous as heretikes them selues in some respects worse and will vnder pretence of religion more easely deceaue the simple and those wee call Schismatiks not only lay persones but suche as bee and were preists of olde and yet for feare of loosing their liuings will teach you as thee tearme it to beare a little with the time till a better world come and in the meane time vnlooked for death cometh For thus they will come vnto you and say O Sir you keepe a good house you might badly bee spared amongst your neighbours infaith this world will not last alwalyes and then he will with Iudas whisper in your eare tell you how you shal heare newes erre it be long then will say vnto you Cānot you goe to church in the meane time and keepe your conscience to your selfe by God there is neuer a knaue of them all shall take aduantage of mee and yet God knoweth my mind Lo this dissembling Schismatike with these and others foolish perswasions which come of loue of his flesh and want of loue and feare of God he deceaueth him selfe and others For the truth is whatsoeuer you beleeue yet if you doe contrary to your beliefe you damne your owne soule doing contrary to your conscience For we may not dissemle with God For he that denieth mee before men saith Christ I will denie him before my father which is in heauē For God hath not only made mans hart and soule to beleeue in him but hath giuen him a body And mouth to confesse Rom. 10. him which wee must doe to bee saued For wee beleeue in heart to righteousnesse as saith Saint Paul and confesse in mouth to Saluation Now to goe to the heretiks church is to deny Christ for Christ is the truth Who as hee is God in all and all in all so is he wholy in euery parte of the truth and therefore hee that denieth any article of his faith denieth the trueth and so denieth Christ yea but you wil say I say nothing there but sitte downe and say my praiers yea but your very being there your very action or deede is an allowing of their euill doings or sayings for Christ and his holy Sacraments be there abused and blaspheamed so be his blessed mother and his Saints and therefore if I be present in such a company ioyning my selfe with them by my presence I alowe of them whatsoeuer I thinke to the contrary you see if one be drawne in amongst theeues perhaps partly against his will to be at a robbery as to hold the horses he shal be hanged for his paines The Church indeed was built by our forefathers for Gods seruice and good purposes and was dedicated to God consecrated or hallowed but now is defiled with vncleane birds become worse then a denne of theeues as haunted by the Diuels and ministers that daily blaspheame Christs truth holy Sacraments Wherefore if you will not be damned with them she such dānable company if you were in company where your Lord Master were euill spoken of you should giue them courage by your presence and silence do you think your Master would not plucke his coat oft from your backe thrust you out so God wil deale with dissemblers cast them out of his kingdome and seruice that see him heare him dishonoured and dissemble it besides many dangers ghostly that follow by going to heretiks prayers and Churches so that if you will be a Catholicke Christian and knowe the truth to