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A08598 The harmonie of Holie Scriptures vvith the seuerall sentences of sundry learned and vvorthy vvriters : collected for the comfort of all such as are desirous to seeke after theyr soules health / by I.B. Bentley, James. 1600 (1600) STC 1891.5; ESTC S1177 217,904 567

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so great and the pleasures thereof so small and fewe to make vs the more desirous of the heauenly life which is nothing els but ioy and pleasure And surely it seemeth by the speech of the Apostle that he knew well which was the better choyse of the twaine vvhen hee said * I desire to be dissolued or loosed Philip. 1 23 from this flesh and to be with Christ which is best of all For we know saith he that if our earthly house of this tabernacle be destroied we 2 Cor 5 1 2 haue a building giuen of God that is an house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens And therefore doe wee sigh desiring to be clothed vvith our house which is from heauen §. 2. These things being thus ô howe happie Rauisius were it nowe saith Rauisius for vnhappie man if forgetfulnesse deceiued him not to remember the sickle estate of his life both how short it is and also how full of miserie vanitie and woe an approued exile and hath nothing in it permanent But is euen a continuall conflict strife Mar. Aur●l warre a wandering wildernesse and a vale of wretchednesse wherin we are continually compassed with most terrible fierce and feareful enemies to the deadly wounding sleying and ouer-throwing both of body and soule into hell All these miseries considered why should man then haue any desire to liue in this wretched world to abide in such a lothsome and laborious life VVere not death much rather to be desired VVere not the howre of death much better then the continuaunce of such a life For to the godly death is no death but rather the most happie messenger and quick dispatcher of all such displeasures the end of al trouble and sorrow the bedde of all rest the doore of good desires the gate of gladnesse the port of Paradice the hauen of heauen the entrance to felicity the manumission from all griefe and misery and the beginning of euerlasting ioy and blessednes Death therefore ought rather to be desired H●rmes then despised for it changeth vs from this world of vncleanenes shame to the pure world of worship and worth From this transitory life to life euerlasting from a worlde of folly and vanities to a worlde of wisedome reason and truth and from a world of trouble trauaile and paine to a world of rest comfort and consolation Let each man therfore wisely consider of Pacuuius his own estate let him also feare to offend the maiestie of Almightie God and not feare the day nor howre of death but alwayes abide with patience his appoynted time and vvhen hee perceiueth that his turne is come let him giue thanks vnto his Maker for his change ¶ Of the parting of the soule from the bodie and of the immortalitie thereof §. 1. TO all thinges saith Salomon there Eccles. 3 1. 2 is an appointed time and a time to euery purpose vnder the heauen a time to be borne a time to die a time to plant and a time to pluck vp that vvhich is planted For here haue we no continuing Citty Heb. 13 14 but we seeke one to come All flesh waxeth old as doth a garment Ecclꝰ 14. 17 and this is the condition of all times Thou shalt die the death For vvhat man is he that liueth shal Psal 89 48. not see death Sith that law is generall which cōmaundeth Salust to be borne and to die §. 2. All things that are of the earth saith Sirach Ecclꝰ 40 11 shall turne to earth againe and they that are of the waters shall returne into the Sea But the soule or spirit of man being immortal Eccles. 12. 7 shal returne vnto God that gaue it For as the beginning of our creation cōmeth Aristotle from GOD so it is meete that after death our soule returne vnto him againe §. 3. GOD hath created saith Beda three Beda kindes of liuing Spirits the first incorporeall proper to Angels onely the second couered ouer with flesh but not mortall or dying there-with that is the soule or Spirite of man dwelling in his body the third carnall and dying with the flesh namelie the spirite or life of beastes The soule of man also beeing once Augustine made shall surely endure for euer eyther in the body or out of the body For it should neuer beare the name to bee made according to the Image of Gods own likenesse if it might possibly be enclosed in the bonds of death §. 4. The most precious excellent creature Hermes that God hath created here on earth saith Hermes is man the most worthy thing in him is his soule or spirit vvhich endeuouring in this life to follow goodnes shall after death be rewarded with eternal glory For this is to be beleeued that the soules Socrates of good men so soone as they are foorth of the bodie they passe speedily into a better life but the soules of the wicked goe from this world to a worse If death were the dissoluing both of bodie Plato and soule then happy were the wicked which beeing once ridde of theyr bodie should also for euer after be ridde of theyr soule and wickednes but forasmuch as it is euident that the soule is immortall there is no comfort left for the vngodly to trust in For the immortalitie of the soule excludeth all hope from the wicked and establisheth the good in theyr goodnes §. 5. By the iustice of God saith Plato the Plato soule must needes be immortall and therfore no man ought to liue carelesse or negligent thereof For though the body die yet the soule Solon dieth not but by the stroke of death it passeth foorth of the body into another world more swiftly thē any bird that flieth Yea the soules of all men doubtlesse Socrates are immortall but the soules of the godlie are both immortall and diuine Wherefore if thy soule be good the Basill stroke of death cannot hurt thee for thy spirit shall thereby liue blessedly in heauen §. 6. But for better proofe of this matter then the speech of any Philosopher in the world can affoord we finde it plainly affirmed in the Gospell of S. Luke by the testimonie Luke 16 22 23. c. of Truth it selfe that the soule of Lazarus was no sooner out of his body but it vvas immediatly carried vp by the Angels into Abrahams bosome Contrariwise the soule of Diues after his death was speedily borne to hell torments The first to ioy pleasure the last to paine greefe Betweene which two places also there is such a great gulfe or swallowing pit sette that there cannot possibly be any passage from one of them to the other Saint Iohn likewise witnesseth in the Reuelation that whē the 5. seale of the booke Reue. 6. 9. of God was opened he saw vnder the Alter in heauen the soules of them that were
in his flesh vpon the Crosse the God-head and manhood vvere still together but his Godhead did not suffer that we might be iustified not onely in his flesh but also in his Diuinitie and that we might be saued both in his God-heade and manhood together For we could neuer haue beene deliuered Augustine by that one onely Mediatour between God and men the man Christ Iesus vnlesse he had beene also God The benefites which we d●ily receiue by Ambrose his death are foure The first is the change of our naturall death The second is in that he hath quite taken away the second death from those that are in him The third is that his death is a meanes to satisfie his last will and Testament The fourth is that it doth serue to abolish the originall corruption of our sinfull harts The meanes also of our saluation by him Augustine are two his Merrite his Efficacie The first is in that by his obedience to the Law and by his death he made full satis-faction vnto his Father for all our sinnes freed vs from death and reconciled vs vnto God The second is in that he gaue his Spirit to mortifie the corruption of our natures that we thereby may daily die vnto sin and liue vnto righteousnes haue true comfort in terrors of conscience and in the pangs of death Beleeuing assuredly that what-so-euer Caluine Christ hath suffered hee hath suffered for vs and that all his righteousnes through fayth is made our righteousnesse For hee himselfe alone hath fully discharged by his death the debt which all vvee owed and hath made vs by his obedience the sonnes of God fellow heires with him of euerlasting glory For hee hath put out the hand-vvriting Colos 2 14 15. that was against vs contained in the Lawe written which was contrary to vs he euen tooke it out of the way fastned it vpō the crosse hath spoiled the Principalities Powers hath made a shew of thē openly triumphing ouer thē in the same crosse §. 8. The Lawe saith S. Iohn was giuen by Iohn 1. 17. Moises but Grace and Truth came by Iesus Christ For God sending his owne sonne in the Rom 8 3 similitude of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sinne in the flesh that the righteousnesse of the Lawe might be fulfilled in vs which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit And wee through the spirit waite for Gala 5 5 the hope of righteousnes through faith Be it knowne vnto you therefore men Acts 13 38 39 brethren that through this man Christ is preached vnto vs the forgiuenesse of sinnes from all things from which we could not be iustified by the Law of Moises by him euery one that beleeueth is iustified For the Lawe made nothing perfit but Heb 7 19. the bringing in of a better hope made perfect whereby we draw neere vnto God And albeit that we in time past beeing Ephe. 2. 11. 12. 13. Gentiles and vncircumcised people in the flesh were indeede without Christ and were aliants from the common-wealth of Israell and strangers from the couenaunts of promise and had no hope and were without God in the world yet nowe by the meanes of Christ Iesus we which once were farre off are made neere by the blood of Christ For hee being our peace hath made of Ephe 2. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. both one and hath broken down the stop of the particion Wall that was betweene the Iewes and vs in abrogating through his flesh the hatred namely the Lawe of Commaundements which standeth in ordinances for to make of twaine one nevv man in himselfe so making peace And that he might reconcile both vnto God in one body thorow his Crosse and sley hatred thereby he came preached peace both to vs vvhich were a farre off and to them also that were neere For through him vvee both haue an entrance vnto the Father by one spirit And GOD vvhich is rich in mercie through his great loue wherewith he loued Ephe 2 ● 5 6 7. vs euen whē we were dead by sinnes hath quickned vs both Iewes and Gentiles together in Christ by whose grace we are saued and hath raised vs vp together and made vs sitte together in the heauenly places in Christ Iesus That he might shew in the ages to come the exceeding riches of his grace through his kindnes towards vs in Christ Iesus Not by the vvorkes of righteousnesse Titus 3 5 6 7. which we had doone but according to his mercie hee saued vs by the washing of the newe birth and the renewing of the holie Ghost which he shed on vs aboundantlie through Iesus Christ our Sauiour that we beeing iustified by his grace shoulde bee made heires according to the hope of eternall life For God so loued the vvorlde that hee Ioh 3 16. hath giuen his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him shoulde not perrish but haue euerlasting life And heerein was the loue of God made 1. Ioh 4 9. manifest amongst vs in that hee sent his onely begotten sonne into the world that we might liue through him Yea heerein is loue not that wee loued 1 Ioh. 4. 10. GOD but that he loued vs and sent his Son to be a reconcil●ation for our sinnes For Christ vvhen we vvere yet of no Rom 5 6 strength at his time died for the vngodly And hee beeing very God equall vvith Philip. 2. 6 7 8. the Father in power and glory made himselfe notwithstanding of no reputation taking on him the forme of a seruaunt and was made like vnto men and was found in shape as a man Hee humbled himselfe became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the Crosse That hee might he●eby deliuer vs from the wrath of God and from the danger of Becon eternall damnation whereunto through our Father Adams transgression vvee all remained subiect Likevvise then as by the sinne of one Rom 5 18. namely Adam there sprang vp euill on all men to condemnation euen so by the righteousnesse of one namely Christ ●pringeth good vpon all men to the righteousnes of life For as by one mans disobedience many verse 19 were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many also be made righteous §. 1. CHrist saith the Apostle is risen from 1 Cor. 15. 20. the dead was made the first fruites of them that slept For since by man came death by man verse 21 22 came also the resurrection of the dead and ●● in Adam all die euen so in Christ shall 〈◊〉 be made aliue Yea Christ himselfe and no other for him did by his owne power raise himselfe Augustine to life Which proueth that hee was not onely man but also true God VVherefore if he were able to giue lyfe Ierome vnto himselfe beeing deade and buried then much more now beeing aliue and in
learne in youth then in age to be vnskilfull §. 6. Sanctifie the Lorde God in your harts 1 Pet 3 15. 16. saith the Apostle and be ready alwayes to giue an aunswere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you and that with meekenes reuerence hauing a good conscience that when they speake euill of you as of euill dooers they may be ashamed which blame your good conuersation in Christ Yea let the vvord of Christ dwell in Colos 3. 16. you plenteously in all wisedome teaching and admonishing your owne selues in Psalmes and Hymnes spirituall songs singing with a grace in your harts vnto the Lord. And whatsoeuer yee shall doe in vvord verse 17. or in deed do all in the Name of the Lord Iesus giuing thanks to God euen the Father by him For God is a Spirit and they that worship Iohn 4. 24 him must worship him in spirit and truth He is likewise a God of wonderfull great Tertullian power might and majestie and therefore we ought alwaies to serue him truely with feare and reuerence §. 7. I beseech you brethren by the mercies Rom 12. 1. 2. of God saith S. Paule that yee giue vp your bodies a liuing sacrifice holy acceptable to GOD which is your reasonable seruing of God And fashion not your selues like vnto this world but be ye changed by the renewing of your minde that yee may proue vvhat is the good vvill of God and acceptable and perfect Lay apart all filthines and superfluitie Iames 1 21. 22. of maliciousnes and receiue with meekenesse the vvorde vvhich is grafted in you which is able to saue your soules And bee yee dooers of the vvord and not hearers onely deceiuing your selues For if any man heare the word doe verse 23 24 it not he is like vnto a man that beholdeth his naturall face in a glasse For when hee hath considered himselfe he goeth his way and forgetteth immediatly what manner of one hee was But who so looketh in the perfect Lawe verse 2● of libertie and continueth therein he not beeing a forgetfull hearer but a dooer of the worke shall be blessed in his deede For the hearers of the Law are not righteous Rom 2. 13 before God but the dooers of the lawe shall be iustified And not euery one that saith vnto Christ Math 7 21. Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but hee that doth the will of God which is in heauen Take heede therefore that yee vvalke Ephe 5. 15. 16 circumspectly not as fooles but as wise redeeming the time for the dayes are euill That is that ye cast off concerning the Ephe 4 22 23 24 conuersation in time past the olde man which is corrupt through deceiueable lusts and be renewed in the spirit of your mind And put on the newe man which after God is created in righteousnes true holinesse For the grace of GOD that bringeth Titus 2. 11. 12. saluation to all men hath appeared and teacheth vs that we should denie vngodlines and worldly lusts and that we should liue soberly righteously and godly in this present world Looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the mightie God verse 13. 14. and of our sauiour Iesus Christ who gaue himselfe for vs that hee might redeeme vs from all iniquitie and purge vs to be a peculier people vnto himselfe zealous of good workes §. 8. Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered ● Pet. 4 1. for vs in the flesh arme your selues likewise vvith the same minde which is that hee vvhich hath suffered in the fleshe hath ceased from sinne that hee hence-foorth should liue as much time as remaineth in verse 2. 3 the flesh not after the lusts of men but after the will of God For it is sufficient for vs that wee haue spent the time past of the life after the lust of the Gentiles walking in wantonnes lusts in excesse of wines in excesse of eatings in excesse of drinkings and in abhominable Idolatries Therefore if any man be in Christ let 2. Cor. 5. 17. him be a newe creature For they that are Christes haue crucified Gala 5 24 the flesh with the affections the lusts §. 9. The night saith the Apostle is past Rom 13 12 13. 14 the day is at hand let vs therefore cast away the works of darknes let vs put on the Armour of light so that we walke honestly as in the day not in gluttony and drunkennes neither in chambering and wantonnesse nor in strife enuying But put yee on the Lord Iesus Christ take no thought for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof * For if yee liue after the flesh ye Rom 8 13 shal die but if yee mortifie the deedes of the body by the Spirit ye shall liue VValke then I say in the Spirit and yee Gala. 5. 16 17 shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh for the flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh and these are contrary one to another so that ye cannot doe the same things that ye would Striue therefore to enter into heauen at Luke 13 24 the straite gate for many will seeke to enter in and shall not be able §. 10. If yee be risen with Christ seeke those Colo 3 1 2 things which are aboue vvhere Christ sitteth at the right hande of God Set your affections on thinges which are in heauen and not on things which are on the earth Gird vp the loynes of your minde be sober and trust perfectly on the grace that is 1 Pet 1 13. 14 15 16. brought vnto you by the reuelation of Iesus Christ as obedient children not fashioning your selues vnto the former lusts of your ignoraunce but as hee vvhich hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of conuersation because it is written Be yee holy for I am holy Let no corrupt communication proceed Ephe. 4. 29. out of your mouthes but that vvhich is good to the vse of edifying that it may minister grace vnto the hearers For euill speakings corrupt good manners 1 Cor 15 33. And those thinges are alwaies vnhonest Iraeneus to be spoken of vvhich are filthy to bee done Onely let your conuersation be as it becommeth Philip. 1. 27 the Gospell of Christ That ye may walke worthy of the Lord Colos 1 10 and please him in all things beeing fruitefull in all good works and increasing in the knowledge of God Who hath saued vs and called vs with 2. Tim 1 9. 10 an holy calling not according to our workes but according to his owne purpose and grace which was giuen to vs through Christ Iesus before the vvorlde was but is now made manifest by the appearing of our Sauiour Iesus Christ who hath as I haue already declared abolished death and hath
brought life and immortalitie vnto light through the Gospell §. 11. Deerely beloued saith S. Peter I beseech 1 Pet 2 11 you as strangers and pilgrimes abstaine frō fleshly lusts which fight against the soule And haue your conuersation honest among verse 12. the Gentiles that they which speake euill of you as of euill dooers may by your good workes which they shall see glorifie God in the day of visitation Yea let your light so shine before men Math. 5 16. that they may see your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in heauen §. 12. Be sober also and watch for your aduersary 1 Pet. 5 8 9. the deuill walketh about like a roaring Lyon seeking vvhom hee may deuoure whom resist stedfast in the faith Ioyne moreouer vertue with your faith 2 Pet 1 5 6 7 8 and with vertue knowledge and vvith knowledge temperance and vvith temperance patience and with patience godlinesse and with godlines brotherly kindnes with brotherly kindnes loue For if these things be among you and abound they will make you that yee neither shall be idle nor vnfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ §. 13. Be yee therefore followers of God as Ephe. 5 1. 2. deere children and walke in loue euen as Christ hath loued vs and hath giuen himselfe for vs to be an offering and a sacrifice of a sweete smelling sauour vnto God But fornication and all vncleanenes or verse 3 4 couetousnes let it not bee once named ●mong you as it becommeth Saints neyther filthines neither foolish talking neyther iesting which are things not comelie but rather giuing of thanks For this yee know that no whoremonger verse 5. neither vncleane person nor couetous person which is an Idolater hath any inheritance in the kingdome of Christ and of God Wherefore be yee not vnwise but vnderstand Ephe 5 17 what the will of the Lord is And be not drunke with wine wherein Ephe. 5 18 19 20 21 is excesse but be fulfilled with the Spirit Speaking vnto your selues in Psalmes and hymnes and spirituall songs singing and making melodie to the Lord in your harts Giuing thanks alwayes for all things vnto God euen the Father in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ and submitting your selues one to another in the feare of God §. 14. Flee fornication euery sinne that a man 1 Cor 6 18. doth is without the body but he that cōmitteth fornication sinneth against his own bodie And who will count him iust that sinn●th Ecclꝰ 10 30 against himselfe or honour him that dishonoureth his owne soule Know ye not that your body is the temple 1 Cor 19. 20 of the holy Ghost which is in you whō yee haue of God ye are not your own for ye are bought for a price glorifie God therefore in your body and in your spirit for they are Gods Know yee not likewise that to whomsoeuer Rom 6 16 you giue your selues as seruaunts to obey his seruaunts yee are to whom yee obey whether it be of sinne vnto death or of obedience vnto righteousnes Know you not also that all wee which Rom. 6. 4. haue been baptized into Iesus Christ haue been baptized into his death We are buried then vvith him by Baptizme into his death that like as Christ was raised vp frō the dead by the glory of the Father so we also should walke in newnes of life For all that are baptized into Christ Gala 3 27. haue put on Christ And if we be grafted with him to the similitude Rom. 6. 5. 6 7 of his death euen so shall we be to the similitude of his resurrection knovving this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sinne might be destroyed and hence-foorth wee should not serue sinne For hee that is dead is freed from sinne Wherefore if wee be dead with Christ Rom 6 8 9. 10. 11. wee beleeue that wee shall liue also vvith him for in that hee died hee died once to sinne but in that hee liueth hee liueth to God Likewise thinke yee also that ye are dead to sinne but are aliue to God in Iesus Christ our Lord. Let not sinne raigne therefore in your verse 12 13 mortall body that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof Neither giue yee your members as weapons of vnrighteousnesse vnto sinne but giue your selues vnto God as they that are aliue from the dead giue your members as weapons of righteousnes vnto him For the wages or reward of sinne is Rom 6. 23. death but the gift of God is eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Mortifie therefore your members which Colo 3 5 6 are on the earth namely fornication vncleanenes the inordinate affection euil concupiscence and couetousnes which is idolatry For the which thinges sake the vvrath of God commeth on the chyldren of disobedience §. 15. Furthermore These are the thinges Zach 8 16 17. that yee shall doe Speake yee euery man the truth vnto his Neighbour execute iudgement truly and vprightly in your gates and let none of you imagine euill in his heart against his Neighbour Neither loue any false oath for all these are the thinges that I hate saith the Lord. See that none recompence euill for euill 1 Thes 5 15 vnto any man but euer follow that which is good both toward your selues and toward all men If it be possible as much as in you is Rom 12 18 haue peace with all men And let loue be without dissimulation Rom 12 9 Abhorring that which is euill and cleauing vnto that which is good Also seeing your soules are purified in obeying the truth through the Spirit to 1. Pet 1 22. 23. loue brotherly without faining loue one another with a pure hart feruently beeing borne a newe not of mortall seede but of immortall by the word of God who liueth and endureth for euer Let all bitternes and anger and wrath crying euill speaking be put away from Ephe 4 31 32 you with all maliciousnesse And be yee curteous one to another and tender harted freely forgiuing one another euen as God for Christes sake freely forgaue you Be all of one minde one suffer with another 1. Pet. 3 8 9 loue as brethren bee pittifull bee curteous not rendering euill for euill neither rebuke for rebuke but contrariwise blesse knowing that yee are there-vnto called that yee should be heyres of blessing Blesse them which persecute you blesse Rom 12. 14 15. 16. I say curse not reioyce with them that reioyce and weepe with them that weepe Be of like affection one towards another be not hie minded but make your selues equall to them of the lower sort Be not wise in your owne eyes But rather pray vnto the most High that Ecclꝰ 37 15 hee will direct thy way in truth §. 16. Yee haue heard that it hath been said Math 5
of the glory of God Neythe● doe we●so● onely but also vvee Rom 5 3 ● 4. 5. reioyce in tribulations knowing tha● tribulatio● bringeth forth patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of GOD 〈◊〉 abroade in our harts by the holy Ghost which is giuen ●nto vs. Thus much for fi●●th onely §. 14. NOwe as we finde true fayth in Iesus Christ to be the chiefe onely means of our iustification so may vvee likewise certainly assure our selues that it is also the very vvell-spring or Fountaine 〈◊〉 whence al●●e all good works ●oe flow For surely it is as much impossible for true ●ayth to be without good workes as it is for a man to speake without a to●●g●e to see wanting eyes or to liue lacking a hart A● example further to confirme vs in the vndoubt●d truth ●eereof may be read in the story of Zacche●s who had no sooner ●●c●iued Christ●into his house and much m●re into his ●art by fayth but presently hee brake forth into these sp●●ches saying ● Behold Lord the halfe of ●●y Luke 19 8 good●● giue vnto the p●ore and if I haue taken from any man by false or vnlawfull meanes ● restore him foure fold Againe vvhat 〈◊〉 it my Br●●heren Iam 2 14. 15 16 17 saith ● Iames though 〈◊〉 say ●ee hath fayth when ●ee hath no works Ca● that fayth saue him For if a brother or a sister be naked and d●stitu●● of daily f●●de and one of you say vnto thē Depart in peace God send you warmnes and foode Notwithstanding you giue them not those things which are needfull to the body what helpe●h 〈◊〉 Euen so the ●ayth if it haue no work●● i● dead in itselfe But some man might say Thou hast the Iames 2 18 ●aith and I haue workes Shewe mee thy faith out of thy workes and I will shewe thee my faith by my workes Thou beleeuest that there is one God verse 19. thou doost well the deuils also beleeue it and tremble But wilt thou vnderstand ô thou vayne verse 20 21 22 man that faith vvithout workes is dead VVas not Abraham our Father iustified through workes when he offered Isaac his sonne vpon the Altar Seest thou not that the fayth wrought vvith his workes and through the works was the faith made perfect And the Scripture was fulfilled which verse 23 saith Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnes he was called the friend of God Yee see then how that of workes a man verse 24 is iustified and not of faith onely For as the body vvithout the Spirit is verse 26. dead euen so the fayth without workes is dead §. 15. Wee must not yet heere thinke that the Augustine sayings of the two Apostles S. Paule and S. Iames are contrary one to the other where as Paule saith A man is iustified without workes And Iames saith Fayth without workes is vai●e For Paule speaketh of the workes that goe before fayth and Iames speaketh of the vvorkes vvhich follovve after fayth Our Religion likewise doth not discerne Augustine the righteous from the vnrighteous by the lawe of workes but by the lawe of faith vvithout the which euen those works that seeme good are turned into sinnes For vvhatsoeuer is not of fayth is sinne Rom 14 23 And where faith is not good vvorkes is Augustine not The intent indeede maketh a good worke but fayth directeth that intent Besides good workes make no man to be accounted iust or righteous in the sight of God but a man being once iustified by faith doth good workes through loue Also in Iesus Christ neither Circumcision Gala 5 6. auaileth any thing neither vncircumcision but fayth which worketh by loue For like as the goodnesse of a Tree is Luther alwayes knowne by the good fruite which it bringeth foorth euen so the fayth of a godly man is euermore declared vnto the world by his religious obedience towards the law of GOD and his workes of charitie towards his neighbour VVee are iustified therfore by that Beza liuely fayth which doth apprehend all the mercifull promises of God made towards vs in Iesus Christ VVhich fayth neyther sleepeth nor is Beza idle but alwayes awaketh and is continually busied about the performing of some good worke Resting fully perswaded that good Bernard vvorkes are the vvay to the kingdome of heauen though they be not the cause of raigning there ¶ Of Feare §. 1. FEare as Pacuuius saith is a diuine Pacuuius affection or passion of the minde by a feeling regard conducting vertue to all the actions of the soule It groweth from an vndoubted beleefe in GOD and maketh a man carefull to lead his lyfe pleasing in the sight of his Creator But before I enter any further into the discourse of this Vertue I am to enforme the Reader that there are two sorts of Feare The one Se●uile or slauish the other F●liall or chyld-like The Seruile or slauish feare is that which euery bond-man beareth to his bodilie Maister or wicked offenders to wise Iudges This feare is also a defect of the minde and a harmefull hinderance to all vertuous resolutions killing courage by cowardise and pietie through distrustment It many times causeth the tongue to controle the hart and maketh the mouth to marre the meaning of the minde It teacheth men to talke according to the time and enforceth faint-harted subiects to sooth the sinnes of their Soueraigne Like vnto those people of whom Plutarch Plutarch speaketh Whose hearts saith hee harbour hatred against an vngodly Tyrant for his bad gouernement yet notwithstanding with the labour of their lyps they neuer cease fearefully to flatter him in his folly to the end hee should not hurt them But the Filiall or Chyld-like Feare vvhereof I onely meane in this place to speak is a diuine chastiser of euill in it selfe hauing in it such force that it causeth concupiscence to flie and maketh a man to abstaine from all sinne and wickednes It dependeth not on hate but on loue not resembling the feare of seruaunts but the feare of sonnes not like the trembling and despayring feare of * Saule when sathan in 1 Sam 28 19 20 the forme of Samuell fore-told him how little awhile he had to liue But rather like the reuerent and religious feare of Dauid * when hee kept Abisha● his Captaine frō 1 Sam 26. 9 killing the Lords annoynted This 〈◊〉 feare as wee finde in diuers places of the holy Scripture hath alwaies been a guide vnto the godly to direct their dooings and a Tutor to teach them the perfect pathway to eternall felicitie §. 2. Plato the Prince of Phylosophers affirmeth Plato that this excellent feare was so excellently excelling in the harts of the Heathen that in Sparta they built a Temple to true Feare in which they daily vsed to burne thev● first sacrifice
8 of thine house the place where thine honour dwelleth The zeale of thine house ô Lord hath Psalm 69 6. eaten mee vp One day in thy Courts is better then a Psal 84 10. thousand other-where I had rather be a Doore-keeper in the house of my GOD then to dwell in the Tents of the vngodly As the Hart brayeth for the Riuers of Psal 42 1 2 water so panteth my soule after thee ô Lord. My soule thirsteth for God euen for the liuing God When shall I come appeare before the presence of God I will loue thee deerely ô Lorde my Psal 18. 1. strength VVhom haue I ô Lord in heauen but Psal 73 25. thee and there is none vpon earth that I desire in comparison of thee I haue longed ô Lord for thy saluation Ps 119. 174. and thy law is my delight Oh how I loue thy law It is my meditation Psal 119. 97 continually Oh teach mee thy statutes ô Lorde Psalm 119. 26 27. make mee to vnderstand the vvay of thy commaundements and I will meditate in thy wondrous workes Teach mee ô Lord the way of thy statutes Psal 119 33 34 I will keepe it vnto the end Giue mee vnderstanding and I will keepe thy Law yea I will keepe it with my vvhole hart Direct me in the path of thy commaundements verse 35 for therein is my delight Behold I desire thy commaundements verse 40 quicken me in thy righteousnes And incline my hart vnto thy testimonies verse 36 Deale with thy seruaunt ô Lord according Ps 119 124. 125. to thy mercie and teach mee thy statutes I ô Lord am thy seruaunt graunt mee therefore vnderstanding that I may know thy testimonies Looke vpon mee and be mercifull vnto Psalm 119 132. mee as thou vsest to doe vnto those that loue thy Name Direct my steps in thy Worde and let verse 133. none iniquitie haue dominion ouer me Teach mee to doe thy will for thou art Psal 143. 10 my God Let thy good Spirit lead me vnto the Land of righteousnesse By these and manie moe such like sayings in the Booke of Psalmes dooth thys princely Prophet make manifest as I said before with vvhat earnest zeale feruent affection hee alwayes loued the Lord and his Law The true and perfect loue also of man to his Maker was as it seemeth deeply rooted in the hart of old Eleazer when he refused all the friendship worldly fauours 2 Mac 6 28 that were offered vnto him by the seruants of Antiochus and chose rather to suffer death by torments then to saue his life by breaking the rules of his Religion With the like loue and constancie did the seauen brethren and their mother endure 2 Mac. 7. death by tortures vnder that wicked Tyrant Antiochus and left behinde them a woorthy remembrance of their feruent affection to the Lawe of the Lorde their God VVe reade also in the Newe-testament that Saint Stephen the first Martir after Acts 7 59. Christ through his religious loue to his Lord and Maister willingly suffered himselfe to be stoned to death commending his spirit into the hands of his Creator And such like diuine and holy loue to Christ our Captaine ought euery Christian professor to harbour in his heart else may it greatly be doubted that hee shall shoote short of life euerlasting §. 6. But as I said in the beginning this loue is both diuine and charitable First mouing man to loue the Lord and his lawe for the sundry blessings and benefits which God both already hath and daily doth bestowe vppon him through Christ Secondlie to loue his neighbour or brother as himselfe because GOD in his holy Worde hath so commaunded him and for that hee is the very forme of his own Image or likenes With which kinde of charitable loue of man to man or man to his neighbour was the heart of the Samaritane softned vvho Luke 10. 33 34 35. finding a stranger in the high-vvay halfe dead first bound vp the wounds of his body then setting him vpon his own beast brought him to an Inne and made prouision for him commaunding the Host of the house to take care of him and looke quoth he what-soeuer the charges of this man commeth vnto more then the two pence which I now giue thee at my next comming hether I will pay thee all But with more then charitable loue of man to his neighbour was the hart of holy Moises moued when through his great affection hee prayed vnto the Lord to pardon the foolish and Idolatrous sinne of his people Yea such was his feruent affection more thē charitable loue towards them that he desired of GOD in his prayer to Exod 32 32 graunt that theyr foule offence might be forgiuen or else his owne name to be rased out of the Booke of life And vvith more also then charitable loue of man to his neighbour was the Apostle Saint Paule acquainted when verie zeale for Gods glory and loue to his owne Nation enforced him to say * I vvould Rom 9 3. wish my selfe to be separated from Christ or to loose mine owne saluation for my Bretheren that are my kinsmen according to the flesh I terme these two last ensamples more then charitable loue because it made these men ready to refuse their ovvne soules health rather then their Brethren should be vnpardoned and cast from their Creator for their offences §. 7. By which few examples onely wee may sufficiently perceiue the forcible effect of true and perfect loue and iustly may wee confesse with the afore-named Apostle That * although we speak with the tungs 1 Cor 13 1 2 3. of men and Angels and haue not loue we are but as sounding Brasse or a tinckling Cymball And though wee had the gift of prophecie and knewe all secrets and all knowledge yea if we had all fayth so that we could remoue mountaines and had not loue we were nothing And though vvee feede the poore with all our goods giue our bodies to be burned haue not loue it profiteth vs nothing For God hath chosen vs in Christ Iesus Ephe 1 4 before the foundation of the World that we should be holy and without blame before him in loue And this commaundement haue we of 1 Ioh 4 21. him that he which loueth GOD should loue his brother also For as a King is honoured in his Image Bernard so God in man is either loued or hated hee cannot hate man who loueth GOD neither can hee loue GOD who hateth man Also like as the body without the soule Fulgoti●● enioyeth no life so all other vertues without godlie loue are but colde and fruitlesse §. 8. If wee loue one another saith S. Iohn 1 Ioh 4 12 God dwelleth in vs and his loue is perfect in vs. Also hee that loueth his Brother abideth 1 Ioh 2 10 in the
bayte of beautie forgot himselfe so fell in loue vvith another mans vvife from loue hee fell to vnlawfull lust from lust to dissembling and counterfet shewe of kindnes towards her innocent husband And in the end when he could deuise no other shift to couer his owne shame hee caused Vriah himselfe to carry a letter to Ioab his cheefe Captaine wherin was politiquely plotted the death of him that brought it Moreouer a rash and wicked eye that Plat● delighteth to behold vanitie may well be called the windowe of death for it is the deadly minister of the harts cōcupiscence and the fore-runner of filthy facts thefts robberies extortions sundry other iniquities §. 5. All men are indeede by nature naturallie Aeneas Siluius giuen to feele in themselues the boyling and raging lusts of the fraile and vnconstant flesh Notwithstanding hee that suffereth himselfe to be led captiue in the filthy sinne of whoredome and adulterie falleth thereby into innumerable inconueniences For first of all this wicked euill cleane taketh away from a man his good name and credite It also consumeth his substance and bringeth him in the end to plaine beggery It killeth at once both the strength and beautie of the body It decayeth and greatly hurteth health It ingendereth many bad diseases It disfigureth the flower of youth long before the time It hasteth or draweth on riueled ill-fauoured age It diminisheth the strength and quicknes of the wit It dulleth the sight of the minde It draweth from him all honest studies maketh him delight in nothing but that which is vile and vnhonest It taketh away the vse of reason which is the natiue propertie of man It maketh a young man peeuish melancholy slaunderous It maketh an olde man odious wretched filthy * Demonax Finally it is a pleasure bought vvith paine a delight hatcht with disquiet a content passed with feare and a sinne finished with sorrowe §. 6. Can a man saith Salomon carry coales Prou 6 27 28 29. in his bosome his clothes not be burnt or can a man goe vpon coales his feete not be hurt So hee that goeth in to his neighbours wife toucheth her shall not be guiltlesse Flie therfore the filthy lusts of the flesh Hermes and as thou wouldest willingly for thy bodily healths sake abstaine from hurtfull meate so oughtest thou to abstaine from sinne for the saluation of thy soule For when lust hath conceiued it bringeth Iames 1 15 forth sinne and sinne vvhen it is finished bringeth forth death §. 7. Know yee not that your bodies are the 1 Cor 6 15 16 17. members of Christ shall I then take the members of Christ and make them the members of an harlot God forbid Doe yee not knowe that hee which coupleth himselfe with an harlot is one body For two saith hee shall be one flesh But hee that is ioyned vnto the Lord is one spirit Know yee not also that the vnrighteous 1 Cor 6 9. 10 shal not inherite the kingdom of God Be not deceiued neither fornicatours nor idolaters nor adulterers nor wantons nor buggerers nor theeues nor couetous nor drunkards nor raylers nor extortioners shall inherite the kingdome of God §. 8. Woe then be vnto that man which contemning Socrates the excellencie of his own nature and the diuine part that is in him serueth onely his bodily lusts defiling his ovvne soule through his lasciuious desires and beastly delights For hee ceaseth to be a man and is indeed Plato no better then a brute beast that leaueth the rules of reason giueth his mind solely to the fulfilling of his fleshlie inclinations Besides if they bee counted miserable Aristotle which haue cruell Maisters although they may be released from them hovve much more are they miserable which serue theyr bodily lusts as theyr maisters from vvhich they cannot flie For hee that hath enthraled himselfe to Hermes the fulfilling of his fleshly motions is therby more bound then any bond-man else what-soeuer Yea such a man neuer ceaseth to waste Pa●●uius consume the strength of his owne bodie hee daily spotteth and polluteth the beauty of his soule hee continually draweth vnto himselfe diuers diseases walketh hourely in danger of eternall damnation §. 9. Enforce thy selfe therefore vvith all the Erasmus might thou maist to abstaine from vngodly lusts and the better to bridle the vnrulie passions of thine ovvne affections endeuour diligently to study and follovve vertue for the desires that are good vvill euermore mortifie and destroy the desires that are euill But if so be that thou canst not abstaine 1. Cor 7 9. thou maist then vse the lawful remedy that God hath appoynted namely marriage For it is better to marry then to burne Also to auoyde fornication let euerie 1 Cor 7 2 man haue his vvife and let euery vvoman haue her owne husband For marriage is honourable among all Hebr 13 4 men and the bedde vndefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will iudge ¶ Against stealing lying slaundering falsewitnes-bearing and coueting of our neighbours wealth §. 1. YEe shall not steale saith the Lord our Leuit 19 11 God neyther deale falsely nor lie one to another Let him that stole steale no more but Ephe 4 28 let him rather labour and worke vvith his handes the thing that is good that he may haue to giue vnto him that needeth §. 2. My sonne saith Sirach sow not a lye against Ecclus 7 12 13. thy brother neyther doe the same against thy friende Vse not to make any manner of lye for the custome thereof is is not good Aristotle beeing demaunded what vantage Aristotle a man might gette by lying aunswered To be vnbeleeued vvhen hee telleth the truth §. 3. Doubtlesse a lie is a wicked shame in Ecclꝰ 20. 23 a man yet is it often in the mouth of the vnwise A thiefe is better then a man that is accustomed verse 24. to lie but they both shall haue destruction euerlastingly For by lying the truth is broken God Hermes himselfe greeuously offended the state of our neighbour our selues greatly impaired §. 4. The conditions of lyers are alwayes vnhonest Ecclꝰ 20 25 their shame is euer with them He that is knowne to be a lyer shal commonly Thales be helde in contempt amongst all men such onely as before thought well of his company will afterward care verie little for his acquaintance Besides hee that is accustomed to lying Becon looseth not onely his credite good name amongst men but also shutteth himselfe out from the grace and fauour of GOD and most horribly ioyneth himselfe to the deuill who hath no truth in him But is a lyer from the beginning the Iohn 8 44 father of lyes VVherefore cast off lying and speake Ephe 4 25 euery man the truth vnto his neighbour for we are members one
his vertuous patience thorowly prooued Iob 42 12 13 14. c. we find in the latter end of his booke that it pleased God to blesse him not onely with twise so much riches as he lost but also with as many sonnes daughters the length of an hundred and fortie yeeres life So that before hee died hee sawe his sonnes and his sonnes sonnes euen foure generations §. 6. Thus God as Salomon saith prooueth Wisd 3 5 6. the righteous and findeth them meete for himselfe Hee tryeth them as the golde in the fornace and receiueth them as a perfect fruite offering Hee also chasteneth them measurablie Wisd 12 2. that goe wrong and vvarneth them by putting thē in remembrance of the things wherein they haue offended that leauing theyr wickednesse they may beleeue in him Yea whom-soeuer the Lorde loueth Heb 12 6 him he chasteneth and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receiueth If ye endure chastening God offereth verse 7 himselfe vnto you as vnto Sons for what sonne is it whom the Father chasteneth not But if yee be without correction whereof Hebr 12 8 all are partakers then are ye bastards not sonnes §. 7. My sonne saith the wise-man refuse Prou 3 11 12. not the chastening of the Almightie neyther be thou greeued with his correction for the Lord correcteth him whom hee loueth euen as the father doth the childe in whom he delighteth And as a Father nurtureth his sonne so Deut 8 5 the Lord thy God nurtureth thee His rodde or scourge of affliction is no Fulgosius signe of his disfauour to those that beare it with patience but rather a most necessarie meane to put a man in remembrance of his former iniquities and to cause him to liue more godly euer after for feare of some further chastisement It is a heauenly Herrald sent from God Hermes to forewarne men to leaue the loue of transitory pleasures and to seeke after such things as cause comfort in death It is a speciall benefite vnto all the chyldren Iust Mar of GOD in that it reformeth them from vnrighteousnesse and maketh them meete to receiue wisedome and vnderstanding §. 8. Thus much in effect confesseth Dauid in the 119. psalme where hee saith * It is Psal 119 71 good for mee ô Lord that I haue beene afflicted that I may learne thy statutes Before I was afflicted I went astray but Psal 119 67 now ô Lord I keepe thy word Also in the 94. psalme hee plainly pronounceth those men to be blessed whom it pleaseth the Lorde to correct saying Blessed is the man whom thou chastisest ô Psalm 94 12 13. Lord and teachest him in thy Lawe that thou maist giue him rest from the dayes of euill whiles the pitte is digged for the vngodly And blessed likewise doth holy Iob account Iob 5 17 the man whom GOD correcteth therefore refuse not thou the chastising of the Almightie For hee maketh the wound bindeth verse 18 19 it vp hee smiteth and his handes make whole Hee shall deliuer thee in sixe troubles and in the seauenth the euill shall not touch thee He will not forsake for euer But though Lam. 3 31 32 hee send affliction yet will hee haue compassion according to the multitude of his mercies For hee will not lay on man so much Iob 34 23 that hee should enter into iudgement with God §. 9. VVee haue had saith the Apostle the Heb 12 9 fathers of our bodies vvhich corrected vs and we gaue them reuerence should vvee not much rather be in subiection vnto the Father of spirits that we might liue For they verily for a few daies chastened verse 10 vs after theyr owne pleasure but hee chasteneth vs for our profit that we might be partakers of his holines If we would iudge our selues we should 1. Cor 11 31 not be iudged But when we are iudged we are chastened of the Lord to the end we should not 1 Cor 11 32 be condemned with the world §. 10. Let not then the force of anie affliction Ignatius ouer-throw the vertue of thy patience For patience and perseuerance in vveldooing Tertullian are two speciall notes whereby the children of God are truly discerned from hypocrites counterfets dissemblers But rather follow the counsell which S. Iames giueth saying * If any man be afflicted Iames. 5 13 let him pray For the Lorde is neere vnto them that Psal 34 18 are of a contrite hart and will saue such as be afflicted in spirit Yea the Lorde our God is good and Nahum 1 7 as a strong hold in the day of trouble and hee knoweth them that trust in him Hee is neere vnto all that call vpon him Psal 145 18 Yea to all that call vpon him in truth Hee will fulfill the desire of them that verse 19 feare him hee also will heare theyr cry and vvill saue them * Because they trust in Psal 37. 40 him For he knoweth how to deliuer the godly 2 Pet 2 9 out of tentation to reserue the vniust vnto the day of iudgment to be punished §. 11. My brethren saith the Apostle count Iames 1 2 3 it exceeding ioy when yee fall into diuers tentations knowing that the trying of your fayth bringeth forth patience and let patience haue her perfect worke that yee may bee perfect and entire lacking nothing For this know that trouble affliction Eugeniu● is sent of God vnto good men not vniustly or cruelly but for a good consideration and most louing intent like vnto the dooings of a kinde and discreete Father who greatly desiring to bring his son whō he loueth to perpetuall honour dignity by such manner of exercise most aptly trieth his vertue and proueth his patience It is also very necessary that the chyldren Gueuara of God should be often tryed in thys life by trouble and affliction that thereby they may the better be brought to knowe theyr owne weakenes thorowly taught in all theyr conflicts to lift vp theyr eyes vnto heauen for helpe succour Besides as yron except it bee sundry Pet. Lomb. times scoured will speedily corrupt and wexe rustie so the vncleane hart flesh of man except it be often scoured with the whetstone of aduersitie it will quickly forget God and soone be ouer-growne vvith the rust of all filthines and sinne §. 12. Indeed it cannot be but that the mindes Cicer● of men are oftentimes through trouble affliction moued with vexations griefes but yet a meane must be kept in all calamities what-soeuer beyond the which no man that is wise ought of right to passe For although no chastising for the present Heb 12 11 time that it lasteth seemeth to be ioyous but greeuous yet afterward it bringeth the quiet fruite of righteousnesse vnto them which are thereby exercised And euery man ought for his