Selected quad for the lemma: spirit_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
spirit_n blow_v mine_n undermine_v 36 3 16.1274 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50820 A new dictionary French and English with another English and French according to the present use and modern orthography of the French inrich'd with new words, choice phrases, and apposite proverbs : digested into a most accurate method : and contrived for the use both of English and foreiners / Guy Miege ... Miege, Guy, 1644-1718? 1677 (1677) Wing M2016; ESTC R917 1,845,474 1,160

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homme to look like an honest man Vous le prendriez à sa mine pour un honnête homme you would take him by his looks for an honest man On diroit à sa mine qu'il est tout un autre homme one would think by his looks that he is quite another man Une mine joieuse a merry pleasant or cheerful countenance Une mine triste a sad look or countenance Faire ou tenir bonne mine à quêcun to pretend fair to one Faire à mauvais jeu bonne mine to set a good face on a bad matter to bear out crosses with a cheerful countenance to affront miseries with a shew of mirth Faire mine d'étre fàché to seem to be angry to look as if one were angry Voiez la mine du personnage look upon the man observe his countenance Je conois à sa mine qu'il me veut mal I know by his looks that he hates me Il me porte la mine de ne valoir rien he looks in my mind like a rogue Il en a bien la mine he looks as if he were so Je ne le conois pas ni ne sai quelle mine il a I know him not so much as by sight MINE f. demi sétier the half of a Setier and the four and twentieth part of a Muid which comes to six French Bushels and about two of our London Bushels Minot m. quart de sétier the half of a mine or three French Bushels MINE f. Veine de metal a mine or vein of metal Mine d'or d'argent d'étaim fer ou plomb a gold silver tin ●on or lead mine Mine fosse soûterraine en fait de Siege de Place a mine or ●●ve digged under ground Faire une mine to spring a mine Conduire une mine dans un Fort to carry on a Mine into a Fort. Remplir de poudre une Mine pour faire sauter une Place to fill a Mine with powder for the blowing up of a Place Faire jouër une mine to blow up a Mine La Mine sit sauter une partie de la Tour the Mine blew up part of the Tower Eventer une mine to countermine Mineral m. a mineral Miner to mine or undermine Miner une muraille to undermine a wall Miner ses forces to spend his spirits or his strength Miné mined undermined Mineur m. mineur de metaux a Miner or Mine-digger Mineur d'Armée the Miner of an Army Attacher le mineur to fix the Miner Miniere f. a mine of metals or minerals MINEUR m. qui n'a pas l'âge de gouverner one that 's in minority or under age Minorité f. minority or under-age MINIATURE f. peinture en miniature miniature a sort of painting in small or in little and in water-colours Peindre en miniature to paint in miniature * Miniere V. Mine MINIME couleur minime a light soot-colour having an eye of gray in it Minime minime blanche en fait de Musique a minum in Musick Minime noire a crochet Minime Ordre Religieux A Name of Friars instituted by François de Paule a Man renowned for holiness of life during the Reign of Lewis the Eleventh who sent for him into France in a hope that by his means his life should be prolonged MINISTRE m. Ministre d'Etat a Minister of State Ministre Ministre du S. Evangile a Minister or a Parson * Minorité V. Mineur * Minot V. Mine MINUIT m. midnight Sur le minuit about midnight Se lever à minuit to rise at midnight MINUTE f. regître original d'Acte public the minutes or first draught of a publick Writing Un Testament couché sur la minute du Notaire a Will registred Minuter ce qu'on doit écrire to conceive in his mind what one hath to write Minuter rediger par écrit un Testament to draw a Will Minuter la mort de quècun to contrive a mans death Minuté conceived in mind also drawn in writing MIPARTIR to divide into two equal parts Miparti divided into two equal parts Chambre mipartie ou Chambre de l'Edit V. Chambre MIRACLE m. effet surnaturel ou miraculeux a miracle or a wonder Faire des miracles to do miracles Miraculeux miraculous wonderful or marvellous beyond nature past common understanding Miraculeusement miraculously wonderfully or marvellously MIRE f. mire d'arquebuse the level or little button at the end of a piece Il tira le Canon dans la Cavalerie qui étoit en belle mire he discharged the Cannon among the Horse which lay very open to it Mirer prendre sa mire to aim or level at Mirer droit to level right Se Mirer se regarder au miroir to look in a glass Se mirer sur les actions d'un autre to take example by another mans Miroir m. a looking glass Un Miroir fidelle a true looking glass Un miroir ardent a burning-glass * Mis. V. Mettre Misaine Voile de Misaine a mizzen-sail or the fore-sail of a Ship Mât de misaine the mizzen mast * Mise V. Mettre MISERE f. malheur misery trouble calamity pain Etre dans la misere to be in misery Etre accablé de misere d'affliction to be overwhelmed with miseries and afflictions Miserable malheureux miserable wretched unfortunate Vous serez toûjours miserable you will ever be miserable Miserablement dans la misere miserably wretchedly Miserablement pitoiablement wofully Miserere m. maladie qui fait rendre aux patiens leurs excremens par la bouche Miserere mei a Disease so called which is a voiding of the excrements at the mouth Misericorde f. mercy pity compassion tenderness Crier misericorde to cry out for help Misericordieux merciful pitiful compassionate Misericordieusement mercifully pitifully compassionately * Missel V. Messe MISSION f. envoi mission Mission de personnes Apostoliques a mission of Apostolical persons for the preaching of the Gospel Missive f. lettre a Letter or Epistle sent MISTION f. mélange a mixture or medley Mistion de drógues a mixture of drugs Mistionner to mix mingle blend or temper with Mistionné mixed mingled blended tempered with Du Vin mistionné sophisticated wine Mistionnement m. a mixing mingling or blending Mixte mixt Corps mixtes mixt bodies MITAINE f. sorte de gan d'hiver mittain or winterglove † MITAN m. the middle of any thing † Mitoien paroi mitoienne a partition wall MITE ou Miton ver naissant dans les fruits le fromage the little worm called a Mite MITHRIDAT m. mithridatum MITRE f. Mitre d'Evêque a Miter a Bishops Miter Mitrer to set a Miter upon ones head Mitré mitred wearing a Miter * Mixte V. Mistion M O * Mobile Mobiliaire Mobilité V. Mouvoir MODE f. mode fashion way A la mode à la nouvelle mode à la mode du tems a la mode in the new mode of the times A la vieille mode after the old fashion Langage à la mode a language à la mode or after the mode Habit à la