Selected quad for the lemma: spirit_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
spirit_n accuse_v calm_a calm_v 24 3 16.0727 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50820 A new dictionary French and English with another English and French according to the present use and modern orthography of the French inrich'd with new words, choice phrases, and apposite proverbs : digested into a most accurate method : and contrived for the use both of English and foreiners / Guy Miege ... Miege, Guy, 1644-1718? 1677 (1677) Wing M2016; ESTC R917 1,845,474 1,160

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chose la fermer au cadenat to shut a thing with a padlock CADENCE f. cadence Danser en cadence observer en dansant la cadence des violons to observe the cadences of the Musick in dancing La cadence d'une periode the cadence of a period Donner de la cadence à son discours pour donner de l'agrément à ses Auditeurs to observe his cadences in a discourse to please his Auditors to keep true periods Son discours a une agreable cadence his discourse hath a very agreeable cadence Tous ces mots ont une même cadence all these words have the same cadence Cadencé as Une periode cadencée an exact a true period CADET m. le plus jeune des freres the youngest brother Il est mon cadet he is my younger brother Cadette f. la plus jeune des Soeurs the youngest sister CADETTE f. pierre de taille pour paver a square stone to pave withall Cadetter to pave with square stones CADIS m. sorte d'étoffe a kind of woollen stuff CADRAN m. a diall CADUQUE perissable caduke feeble Il est fort caduque he is very feeble Biens caducs vaquans escheated goods Le mal caduc the falling sickness † CAFARD V. Hypocrite CAGE f. a cage Oiseau de cage a cage-bird Mettre un oiseau en cage to put a bird in a cage Cageoler ou Cajoler to prattle or jangle like a Jay in a cage Cajoler flater de parole to cajol to flatter coxe or fawn on Cajoler une femme to court a woman or make love to her to endeavour to win her by flattering discourses Cageolé ou Cajolé flaté cajoled coxed flattered or fawned on Cageoleur Cajoleur causeur m. a prattler a great and idle prattler one that like a Jay in a cage jangles much to little purpose Cajoleur flateur a flatterer a coxer Cajoleur de femmes a lover of the sexe one that is alwayes pratling with or courting of women Cageolerie f. babil a pratling Cajolerie flaterie flattery coxing Cajolerie d'amour making of love CAGOT ou hypocrite an hypocrite a dissembler Cagoterie f. hypocrisy CAHUETE f. cabane a cottage CAILLE f. sorte d'oiseau a quail CAILLER faire cailler quêque chose to curd curdle or turn into curds to coagulate Le baume fait cailler le lait balsam turns the milk into curds Se cailler devenir caillé to curd or curdle neut Caillé curded curdled or turned into curds coagulated CAILLOU m. a flint-stone * Cajoler c. V. under Cage CAISSE f. a chest or coffer Caisse de Marchand ou Banquier une Caisse où l'on tient l'argent a cash Caisse de tambour the barrel or wood of a drum Caisse ou tambour a drum Battre la caisse battre le tambour to beat the drum Battre la caisse lever des troupes amasser des Soldats to beat the drum in order to raise Souldiers Caisse de mort a coffin Cassette f. petit coffre a little shallow box or case Cassetin m. où les Imprimeurs mettent leurs lettres the Case where Printers keep their letters Cassolette f. a little box or casket to put sweet or precious things in Caissier m. faiseur de caisses a chest or coffer maker Caissier qui a soin de la Caisse d'un Banquier a Cash-keeper CAL m. durillon peau endurcie a thick and unsensible skin hardned by much labour Callosité f. callosity or the brawny hardness of the skin CALABASSE f. bouteille de courge a bottle made of an empty'd gourd CALADE f. a pavement made of square stones CALAMENTE f. sorte d'herbe Calamint the name of an herb CALAMINE f. pierre minerale a yellowish mineral or stone whereby copper is turned into brass CALAMITE f. petite grenouille verte a kind of little frog living among green corn Calamite espece d'aimant a kind of load-stone CALAMITE f. calamity misery adversity Soûfrir toute sorte de calamitez to suffer all manner of calamity CALCEDOINE f. sorte de pierre precieuse chalcedony a kind of onyx stone CALCINER to calcine or to calcinate to burn unto dust or reduce unto powder by fire any metal or mineral L'Or se calcine avec le mêlange de trois parties de sel Gold is calcined with the mixture of three parts of salt Calciné calcined calcinated burnt to dust reduced by fire unto powder Calcinement m. a calcining or reducing of metals unto powder by the fire a purifying of metals or minerals by fire CALCONS V. Caleçons CALCUL m. supputation a calculation computation reckoning an account or casting of accompts Calcul pierre ou gravelle the stone in the bladder or more properly in the reins Calculer supputer to compute reckon or calculate Calculé supputé computed reckoned calculated Aiant calculé toute la depense having computed all the charges Toutes choses bien calculées all things rightly computed CALE f. Cale de Navire le fond le plus bas d'un Vaisseau the hold of a Ship CALECHE f. sorte de Carosse ouvert a Charret CALECONS m drawers such drawers as men wear under their breeches CALEMAR m. étui de plumes a thing to put pens in CALENDES f. le premier jour de chaque mois selon les anciens Romains Calends the first day of every month according to the old Romans Calendrier m. a Calender an Almanack CALENDRE f. sorte de petite alouëte sans crête a kind of lark Calendre ver rongeant le blé the corn-devouring m●te Calendrer des toiles les lisser les polir V. Lisser CALER les Voiles d'un Navire to strike sail Caler voile ou se soûmettre to yield or to submit CALFEUTRER un Navire to caulk a Ship to stop or fill the rifts or chinks thereof with ockam or tow Calfeutré caulked Calfeutreur de Navires m. a Caulker of ships Calfeutrement m. the caulking of a ship CALIBRE m. étendue d'une chose en grandeur grosseur the size greatness or bigness of a thing Ces poutres sont d'un même calibre these beams are of the same size Calibre diametre d'une piece d'artillerie the bore of a great gun Canon de gros calibre a Cannon of a wide bore CALICE m. a chalice or cup to drink in * Callosité V. Cal. CALME tranquille calm still quiet Calme m. bonace a calm a quie● and still time on the Sea without tempest or storm Calme de l'esprit tranquillity of mind Calme de la conscience peace of conscience Calmer quêque chose la rendre calme to calm a thing to appease or pacify it La tempête étant passée la Mer se calme as soon as the storm is over the Sea is calm Calmer les esprits to pacify the spirits of men Calmé rendu calme calmed appeased pacify'd CALOMNIE f. calumny slander false accusation forged imputation or spightfull detraction Repousser une calomnie to clear himself of a scandalous reproach Calomnier quêcun to calumniate slander or accuse one falsely Calomnié calumniated slandered or falsely