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A59929 Eiphnikon, or, A peaceable consideration of Christ's peaceful kingdom on earth to come Rev. 20. 4, Rev. 5. 10 : to be added to the Prodromos or fore-runner : wherein the proof and confirmation that such a kingdom shal [sic] be is abundantly established ... : whereunto is added an appendix concerning the first resurrection ... Sherwin, William, 1607-1687? 1665 (1665) Wing S3399; ESTC R34221 107,789 130

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expresly Act. 10.41 But not so glorious as will be after in the highest heavens which the Saints on earth could not abide as being too great for mortal eys c. And in that state our Saviour is recorded to have spoken to them in the 40. days after he arose from the dead concerning this Kingdom of God we speak of as is likely Acts 1.3 which might occasion the Disciples asking Vers 6. whether at this time he would restore the Kingdom to Israel And he also might then promise to them the New Heavens and the New Earth as 2 Pet. 3.13 And whereas some make great stir against the manifest drift and scope of Rev. 20.4 because the souls are said to live besides that in Scripture Idem souls are taken for persons frequently Gen. 40.20 Psal 16.10 Luk. 12.19 c. How fitly may that be resolved by considering them vissionally in the state they were represented to Saint John then and were to be in when they were to have their bodies quickned which is plainly the drift of that Revelation in that text● for it had been no Revelation to have said their souls only lived nor that their souls thence should raign unless in a state sutable to Christ with bodies and to be with them on earth And the like Decypherings of the deceased Saints were then also Rev. 7.13 14. where they are said to be arrayed in white robes c. Namely as they shall be when they shall be raised and raign with Christ on earth and so Chap. 6.11 White r●bes were given to every one of them which is spoken of the same souls but then represented unto him in vision in what manner those souls will appear when their bodies shall be raised at Christs Kingdom And this is further evident from the Antichesis of them that lived not again then namely in respect of their bodies so that these must then live again in respect of their bodies Thirdly They must live again in that respect they were before dead that is of their bodies for their souls always lived only their bodies were dead therefore those and only those then lived again Fourthly They must then so live as will be most suitable to Christs state of reigning on earth as being their head who is therefore the first fruits of the resurrection he eminently shewed his power and pleasure in this at his very death as a preludium what he would do when he came to raign more generally for the Saints Mat. 27. when many dead Saints arose and went into the holy City when Christ for a time after his resurrection was in such a middle condition in regard of his body and who would have thought of such a thing to be done then if the Scripture had not so clearly recorded it So that as Paul said before King Agrippa Act. 26.8 Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you that God should raise the dead So why that then he will so raise them when his word fully testifies it sormerly more and more clearly and at last most clearly therefore saith he when the Son of Man shall come namely at that coming we speak of shall he find faith on the earth This was prophesied by Zach. chap. 14.5 typified in the Israelites as buried in the Red-sea Exod. 15. alluded to in this particular case Rev. 15.3 besides the places spoken of above Again on the other side that those souls living or as is said of the other sort v. 6. living again is not to be understood Spiritually lay together all the ensuing considerations First It is not agreeable to the Prophesie for they always so lived since the departing out of this life Secondly To understand it spiritually was no new Revelation for that was a plain known truth ever believed and acknowledged in the Church of God Thirdly The living there is not of the souls spiritually because this is of a living peculiar to that time not to be before nor after but at the last more general resurrection Fourthly Because they can only in a particular manner to that time only live in such sence as they could before be said to be dead not spiritually but only bodily Fifthly They cannot spiritually be said to raign with Christ that thousand years in such a spiritual manner as the Text imports because spiritually they did so before Sixthly They are not suitable to the outward glory of Christs Kingdom in the world then if they have not their bodies Seventhly Many peculiar promises to the Fathers and Prophets c. imply it must be bodily and not ●piritual only Eightly as we before hinted the spiritual raign without the bodily will not be suitable to the state nature and end of Christs Kingdom for then according to his prayer Job 17.24 Father I will that they be with me where I am that they may behold my glory not only spiritually but bodily wherein that vision will much consist Again adde as he is the first fruits of the resurrection in regard of body not soul so they in respect of their bodies will be a great part of the harvest hallowed by that first fruits Again consider the Doctrine of the resurrection as we hinted before hath been set forth by degrees it was but rarely and darkly taught in the Old Testament hence our Saviour to confute the Sadduces out of Moses who would be his Disciples in presence by an inference repells their errour not by plain words God is the God of the living not of the dead but he is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob therefore they live and little we find but Jobs profession of his own faith and the promise to Daniel and Esays mystical prophesie Chap. 26. and some few miraculously raised by the Divine power of Christ as types of that to come which the most of them if not all seem to have reference unto this very time of Christs beginning to raign as we shall endeavour by and by to make evident and for Saint Paul in the New Testament he sets forth many things concerning the resurrection after he had 1 Cor. 15. in the beginning of the Chapter strongly proved it against that Sadducaical opinion especially by the resemblances betwixt the first Adane and the second and by the dying and quickening of grain which was our Saviours own resemblance for his own death Except a Corn of Wheat he cast into the earth c. So when the Apostle in the said Chapter goes on to speak of the Doctrine thereof he sets forth many particulars of it the ground or cause Christ the first fruits the order first Vers 23 24 25 26. those that are Christs at his coming namely this coming when only the Saints will be raised then shews what will be before the end namely all rule all authority of the evil world must be subdued by Christ and even the last enemy to be subdued will be death and then shews a mystery afterward about that point yea many mysteries
out how earnestly the Holy Ghost doth enforce the beleiving of what is set down in the last part of the Revelation strongly and frequently asserting the things in and about those times to be accomplished with calling in the Prophets Testimony 6. Since the Testimony of the Prophets is so earnestly called in for evidence of what is described to be to come in the thousand years in the three last Chapters of that book we shall endeavour to add some Prophesies suitable threunto and tender sundry Texts of the New Testament speaking to the like purpose 7. To make some profitable improvement of this Doctrine for all sorts of persons CHAP. II. Shewing how according to the eternal decree upon the fall of man the Office of Mediatourship was committed to the second person of the Trinity Jesus Christ the onely begotten Son of the ever living God to be executed in his three great Offices of a Prophet Priest and King not onely in respect of particular beleiving souls but in a general consideration more eminently in respect of the three great periods of the World 1. In his prophetical Office under the Old Testament revealing by his Spirit in his Messengers all the counsel of his Father concerning his Church 2. In His Priestly Office under the New Testament By offering himself an oblation for and after by making intercession for the sins of his people at the right hand of God And 3. will also execute his Kingly Office delivering them from all their enemies actually in this world at his appearing and in the thousand years unto the end of the world and thenceforth for ever THe first thing we named to be done See the quotations of Scripture added in the forerunner was the laying down of those Theses or positions agreeing to the holy Scripture and the Analogy of Faith that may make way for Doctrines of this nature which are these that follow First That as the infinite excellency of the nature and being of the Trin-Vne Dietie was everlastingly incomprehensible in it self saving onely so far forth as the same Divine essence hath been pleased to communicate any discovery of it self by word or works or both unto any creatures in Heaven or earth so hath the Trinity of persons in the Unity of the Divine essence both in the eternal decrees and in the execution of all joyntly in their order concurred and so will do from eternity through all times unto all eternity Secondly That all the glory of God the Father was by the eternal decree to be manifest in Jesus Christ his onely begotten Son the Lamb slain in the eternal decree of the Father before the foundation of the World was said and according to the said eternal decree the Holy Ghost one God co-essential and co-equal with the Father and the Son proceeds from the Father and the Son the Mediatour between God and man as the sole efficacious worker and accomplisher of all spiritual good in and for Men and Angels and all real good in all creatures which in their several orders and natures they were capable of receiving Thirdly Accordingly in the creation God made the world by his wisdom the eternal word Joh. 1. The Spirit sitting as it were upon the surface of the waters then covering the earth powerfully to produce the creatures then to be made and so both the Heavens with the Angels as Divines conceive and the earth were made the first day Gen. 1.1 as all that were made in the whole world afterward in the five following days which the word Elohim in the Plural number put with the Verb Barah in the singular number denoting the Trinity of persons in the unity of essence seems to declare whose concurrence in the making of man is likewise very remarkably exprest when God said Let us make man in our own image after our likeness c. Gen. 1.26 Fourthly The making of Angels in Heaven and man and all creatures in the world was in the execution of the eternal decree of the said incomprehenfibly glorious Trin-une Diety in their several orders natures stations and conditions Fifthly As no other but the holy and good will and pleasure of the infinitely glorious incomprehensible God was the reason and cause why they were all made absolutely as they were so that they should be for himself as his word witnesseth as their utmost end and no other inconsistent reasons or ends ought to be given or assigned by men Sixthly As the whole creation was all good suitable to the Author of it so the preserving ordering over-ruling and disposing of all creatures according to his good pleasure by his infinite wisdom power providence and goodness is not to be measured or judged by any scantling of any created capacity who will notwithstanding be justified in his saying and clear when he is judged there being in such his proceedings so many fathomless depths in respect of creatures which it is not lawful for any men to search into further then Gods word doth warrant them but in things not revealed or forbidden they are not to enquire Seventhly Since God according to his said eternal decree and good pleasure of his will at the fall of our first parents in Paradise revealed and testified his wonderful powerful grace That the blessed●eed of the woman should break the serpents head there is sufficient ground for ever to humble all mankind and for ever to exalt Gods free and rich grace therein and all men are thereby engaged to use all Gods means to obtain their part therein Eighthly According to the declaration of that wonderful rich and free grace of God for the salvation of his people and for carrying on of his great design therein as the Father Son and Holy Ghost by an eternal decree had purposed so to be wonderfully glorified in the powerful redemption and salvation of his elect people in such a way of free grace So in the creation of all things all sorts of creatures were made in a capacity to carry on that design and from that very period of their first being holily most wisely over-ruled and disposed of in reference thereunto and so ever since have been are and shall be most wonderfully holily and powerfully though many times secretly and unsearchably throughout all ages by the joynt concurrence of all the said three persons of the most sacred Tri●ity in their order of working to the infallible perfecting and compleating of the said design decree and purpose Ninthly That the management and administration of the great work of Mediatorship between God and man ever since the said promised seed was revealed to our first Parents hath been committed to Jesus Christ the Son of God who in his Word commands all men to hear him by acknowledging receiving and obeying him Tenthly that the management and administration of Mediatorship between God and Man hath ever since been executed by Christ in his three great Offices wherein he and he onely is to appear most
powerful wonderful gracious and glorious to his Church upon earth as her great Prophet Priest and King Eleventhly Christs execution of the said three great Offices is two ways to be considered 1. More generaly for his universal Church in respect of the several seasons wherein in order he was to execute them severally most eminently until his work of Mediatorship should perfectly be accomplished and full reconciliation made between God and all his elect people his mystical body the true Church being compleat in all the members of it and perfect union and communion attained with himself as their mystical head together with the Father and the Holy Spirit as also with the glorious Angels and one with another in most happy enjoyment of all good to all eternity 2. It is again considerable particularly and specially in respect of every truely beleiving soul in the particular application of the efficacy of those three great Offices to them by his holy Spirit making good means and ordinances effi●acious to every faithful soul so exhibiting himself to them 1. As their great Prophet inwardly powerfully and savingly teaching them all necessary truth and doctrine 2. As their great High-Priest in the like way evidencing their peace and reconciliation with God through that expiation he should or hath made for their sins 3. In the like-way also to evidence to them at one time or other that he is their powerful King and Protector that hath and doth and will subdue all his and their enemies and keep them in a loyal and good condition by Faith and Grace unto salvation Twelfthly Consider that the general more eminent and glorious execution of those three great offices for his universal Church more remarkeable in the world is in those three great periods of his manifesting himself in the world according to all that his father had given him to do 1. As the great Prophet of his Church by his spirit of wisdom and revelation in all his immediate Messengers till his coming in the flesh and so Christ is said to preach in the time of Noah to the Spirits in prison as St. Peter speaketh 1 Pet. 3.19 20. 2. As the great High-Priest in the second Period after his coming in the flesh where putting an end to all the types and shadows of his Priesthood he actually undertook in his person and executed the work and office of Priesthood as the great High-Priest having made a full and perfect attonement and satisfaction for the sins of all his people he ascended into the holy of holies the highest Heavens there sitting at the right hand of God the Father powerfully and gloriously there to execute and improve that office by making intercession for his people till his coming again 3. In the third great period of the world under or after the seventh Trumpet Christ will appear most eminently in executing the great office of a King in this general confideration in respect of his universal Church subduing wonderfully and manifestly in the world his own and his Churches enemies powerfully and graciously enabling his Saints to walk in the obedience of his laws taking away in a great degree the evil of sin and suffering with the causes of both by binding Satan and destroying the wicked powers of the world c. I say in a great degree though not then totally nor finally Lastly Consider how Christ hath and doth and will work in these three great Periods of the world In the first he wrought by his Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation making known the Will of the Father in all things for substance respecting Faith and Obedience In the second by his Spirit of grace and truth powerfully sanctifying his people more eminently and largely then in the former In the last when he will take to himself his Kingly power Rev. 11.15 and 19. He will work by his Spirit of Power and Domination Now from the former Theses duly weighed and considered these particulars ensuing or the like may be inferred viz. That 1. If the design of the Trin-Une Diety was to be eminently glorified in Christ the Mediator his three great Offices of being the great Prophet Priest and King of his universal true Church then that greatest glory must needs shine forth in the most eminent way of executing of them But the general performance thereof in the said three great periods is the most eminent way of executing them Therefore That design hath and will be therein most accomplished 2. If the drift and end of the great works of Creation Support and Providence in all things ever since time was and until time shall cease to be was in reference unto Gods glorifying of himself in such general management of these Offices of Christ for his universal true Church then in that respect he is most glorified But their drift and end is so in reference thereunto Therefore God is most glorified in such management of them 3. If such general execution of them in reference to the universal true Church be the foundation and securing thereof to particular beleiving souls or secondly in respect of any more special times or special conditions of the Church as will hereafter appear then all the good of the other is procured and secured by that general execution of them But such Christs general execution of these Offices it he soundation and securing of both the other Therefore The good of both the other is secured and procured thereby 4. If the great works of Creation Support and Providence have been all along ordered in reference to Chrifts carrying on of his great work of Mediatorship cheifly in those three great periods forenamed then such consideration of them is of great concernment to the true universal Church But all those said great works have been ordered all along in reserence to Christs carrying on his great work of Mediatorship therein Therefore Such consideration of these three great periods fore-named for the general managing of all the Mediators Offices is of great concernment to the true Universal Church 5. If such Christs general prophetical Office in the first great period hath revealed the substance of the whole counsel of God in respect of all to be done successively in such Priestly and Kingly Offices so generally considered in the other two succeeding great periods it shall so be done But it hath so revealed and in a great part hath been so fulfilled accordingly by suitable dispensations at all times hitherto Therefore What is so revealed for the future shall accordingly be fulfilled also 6. If according to Scripture experience hath manifested the glory of the Mediators office most eminently for what is past in such general consideration and doth witness the like for the time to come then in due time will be like execution for the general in regard of what remains to be done But according to Scripture it hath been so accomplished in experience in what is past Therefore According to Scripture it shall be so in the time to
vespertina as he sometimes speaks in breif of things far distant as Vers 4. and Vers 7. one of the Primitive times the other of the end of Antichrists time or else of the resurrection after Christs reign on earth only at the last judgment which will then be general both of quick and dead good and bad But thirdly I conceive the best answer is according to the fittest analogie of the two Prophets Ezekiels and Daniels Prophesies and reality of the matter of which they both speak that it is to be understood of both the civil and spiritual resurrection of the twelve tribes that in appearance had long lain like dead bones Eze. 37. but according to both Prophesies should then be as raised from the dead of which at first there will be some of two sorts as we formerly noted some continuing to shine gloriously by their perseverance others falling to shame and contempt by therievoltings about that time of the matutina resurrectio Now for improvement only these two hints First How should the consideration of this Doctrine comfort Christs faithful Saints and Servants against all worldly discouragements which they may for his cause hereafter meet with in any kind for even in respect of this recompence here set before them which they shall enjoy in this world the said thousand years all their sufferings will not be to be compared to that glory which will then be revealed and enjoyed over and above that which will after be added and perpetuated unto them to all eternity Secondly How should it quicken and incite them diligently to endeavour to live to him here with whom they have so abundant evidence that they shall live and reign hereafter Yea and not only to incite them to dye with him too but likewise for him if he require it as is storied of Christians in the Primitive times who from their strength of faith as respecting this Doctrine were desirous of Martyrdom that as the Apostle Paul speaks Phil. 2.10 they might obtain a better resurrection even to have their part in this resurrection of the just whereby will be further most certainly secured to them That on them the se●ond death shall have no power Rev. 20.6 but being perfectly holy they thenceforth perfectly happy will doubtless certainly know that upon their rapture to meet Christ they shall be perfected in glory for evermore in heaven THE Penmans Humble Cordial and thankful acknowledgement unto God the fountain of goodness MOst holy and heavenly Father most glorious and merciful Saviour grace-working and truth-teaching sanctifier three in persons one in essence I bless and magnifie that great and glorious name that thou hast been graciously pleased by any of thy wise and holy dispensations of providence by any help of other means so far by degrees to work any apprehensions of these things concerning the glorious Kingdom of my Saviour with his Saints to come on earth as thou hast been pleased through many ages of the world to publish and record therein thy word by thy holy Prophets faithful Servant and Apostles and to affect the soul of thy poor servant therewith who of himself otherwise was every way unfit and unable for such a work being abundantly sensible of his own manifold infirmities both of body and mind above many hundreds or thousands of his brethren in the office of the Ministery But it is thy way whereby as thou art wont by Babes and Sucklings so by other weak instruments to set forth thy praise The glory thereof belongs to thy Divine Majesty who hast therein strengthned me with strength in my soul unto whom I desi●e ever to ascribe it for the many strange workings and ●pp●ehensions of these things upon my spirit in the silence of the night suitable to what thy word held out and for strengthening thy servant in the often recalling and inlargeing in the day-times the things impressed before upon his mind with frequent burnings of his heart within him as sometime upon thy Disciples of old upon the discoverie of the evidence of these things and of thy grace towards him therein who may not conceal thy goodness nor much less take the praise thereof unto himself which is thy due as thou hast been graciously pleased to strengthen and comfort his soul with this good Gospel news above what earthly prosperity could have have done So bless thy own work by such a weak and unworthy instrument to thy own good ends in respect of all sorts of thy faithful people That we may together learn by faith with faithful Abrabam aforehand to rejoyce in the goodness of thy chosen and glory with thine inheritance and by thy divine and gratious assistance accordingly walk in new obedience that so abundant entrance may be administred unto us not onely into the New Jerusalem in Christs Kingdom upon earth but with him and all the members of his mystical body together in its time may sing our perpetual Halelujahs with all the blessed and glorious Angels to thee the most blessed and glorious Jehovah to all eternity Amen To ' Glory 's God all Glory 's due for aye To him alone this due let all his pay 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The End 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 THe Doctrine of the Kingdom and Reign of Christ under the seventh Trumpet is in this tract by the Reverend Author learnedly discussed and the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of it clearly and convincingly proved by demonstrative arguments from the holy Scriptures both in the Old and New Testaments especially of the Revelation of St. John into which mystical book much light is given in this Treatise and I judge it worthy of publique view T.P.