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A29533 Two treatises both lately delivered to the Church of God at Great Yarmouth, and now published as useful and seasonable by John Brinsley ... Brinsley, John, 1600-1665. 1656 (1656) Wing B4736; ESTC R36519 171,517 320

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with him Being made one with him they come to participate of what is in him Now this Union is by and through faith Hereby Christ cometh to dwell in the soule That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith Eph. 3. 17. And dwelling there he communicates and giveth forth this quickning spirit to beleevers whereby they come to live Thence saith the Apostle of his newe life The life which I now live I live by the faith of the Son of God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not onely in the faith that is in the hope and assurance of obtaining eternall life which Christ hath promised as Grotius expounds it but by the faith this being the instrumentall cause of that life which he then lived Being by faith United unto Christ he came to be made partaker of that new life whereof Christ was the roote and spring even the life of grace And in this way seeke you this life Being convinced that by nature you are dead dead in trespasses and sins and so unable to doe any thing as of your selves towards your quickning come unto Iesus Christ that you may have life from him never giving rest unto your soules untill you finde this newe life begun in them that you can say with the Apostle Now we live And having received a Principle of Spiritual life from Iesus Christ then looke unto him both for the preserving and increasing of it Both these doth the Sun to the plant having quickned the seede it maintaineth that life and increaseth it untill it come to full maturitie and perfection And for both these looke we unto this Sun of righteousness the Lord Iesus that having received such a principle of Spiritual life from him we may through the continued efflux of that Spirit of his have that life preserved and maintained in us which otherwise of it self is ready to dye And not only maintained but increased I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly saith our Saviour speaking of his Elect all true beleevers Ioh. 10. 10. that is that that spiritual life which they have received from me may alwayes increase in them untill it come to its perfection till grace be swallowed up of glory This benefit have beleevers by Christ. He being the Authour he is also the finisher of their faith as the Apostle describeth him Heb. 12. 2. And so of all other graces And therefore looke we up unto him for this every day as it were fetching new life from Iesus Christ. This doth the plant Drooping in the evening in the morning it receiveth a new life from the Sun to which lifting up the head it looketh And thus doe we feele any decaying or weakness of grace looke we up unto the Lord Iesus who is full of grace as Saint Iohn saith of him Ioh. 1. 14. As full of grace as the Sun is of light To him lift we up our heads looking unto him by faith that so of that his fulness we may receive grace for grace which the same Apostle there saith all true beleevers do verse 16. One grace after another and one degree of grace after another until we shal have 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Graces answerable and in some measure proportionable to those graces that are in Christ and in the end for the grace of free Iustification receive the grace of Eternal Glorification as that Text is by some expounded Here is the second of these Operations 3. The third is Chearing Refreshing This operation hath the Sun upon hearbes and flowers And the like hath Iesus Christ upon the hearts of his people He is their Comforter And here seeke we our Consolations Not from Creatures which what ever they be are but like the Stars which though they be many yet they give but a dim light Such and no better is the Comfort which the Creatures are able to yield Though a man be surrounded with never so great a conflvence of them yet is it but a poore comfort which they are able to afford him If the Sun be absent it is night for all the Stars And so is it with the soule what ever other comforts it enjoyeth without Christ it is but in a sad condition And so it will be found when God cometh to open the eye of it so as to make a man truly apprehensive of it Now for all those sparkes he seeth himselfe in the darke And therefore thinke not to derive true comfort from them Nor yet from any thing in our selves our owne Righteousness our owne graces or works what ever we have done or can doe The Lord speaking by the prophet Isaiah to the Jews concerning their false-confidences Isai. 50. last Behold saith he all ye that kindle a fire that compass your selves about with sparkes walke ye in the light of your fire and in the sparkes that ye have kindled This shall ye have of mine hand ye shall lye downe in sorrow They hearing the Iudgements of God denounced against them by the Prophets comforted themselves with their vaine apprehensions that they should escape those evils by their own wit and policie their Artes and Inventions These were the sparkes which they compassed themselves about with seeking comfort from them Even as men in a cold wet winter season gather sticks and make a fire of them to warme themselves with But what saith the Lord This shall ye have at my hand ye shall lye down in sorrow What ever they fondly flattered themselves with they should find this in the end that notwithstanding all those false fires they should wander in the darke meeting with nothing but perplexity and confusion in the end And no better may they expect and looke for who seeke for comfort from any thing in themselves from their own good workes workes of righteousness or holiness which they have done trusting in them and resting upon them let them looke to lye down in sorrow in the end They who shall make a fire of these sticks to warme themselves by may well expect the like event to that which happened to Paul from that fire which he having gathered a bundle of sticks made to warme himselfe withall after his shipwrack out of which there came a Viper and seazed upon him Act. 28. 3. Such will be the issue of those false confidences which men place in and comfortes which they take up from their owne workes without Christ they will prove dangerous and if not shaken off deadly to them And therefore renouncing our selves with all sublunary comfortes as to any trust and confidence in them seeke we the warmth of comfort from this Sun from the face of Iesus Christ. Here is the fountaine of all true Consolation If there be any consolation in Christ saith Paul to his Philippians Phil. 2. 1. Supposing that to be the choicest cheefest consolation And so it is Even as the warmth of the Sun excelleth the warmth of
He will fight against them with the sword of his mouth executing upon them those judgements which he hath threatned in his word Temporal or Eternal It may be temporal Thus is he said to slay the Isralites with the words of his mouth in that place forecited Hos. 6. 5. And thus shall he go forth against Antichrist and his party as you have it set forth Revel 19. 15. Out of his mouth goeth a sharpe sword that with it he should smite the Nations Thus shall the Lord Jesus execute upon that grand enemy of his that man of sin and his adherents the judgements denounced and threatned in his Word And thus let all obstinate and rebellious sinners fear lest Jesus Christ whose Word they now contemn should thus come forth against them here thus fighting against them with the sword of his mouth executing upon them Temporal judgements But if not so yet let them know there is a judgement to come which they shall not escape even that last and Eternal judgement And then shall they both see and feel this sword coming out of the mouth of Iesus Christ when they shall hear that terrible sentence put out of his mouth As for those mine enemies that would not that I should reign over them bring them hither and slay them before me as you have it Luk. 19. 27. O how will this sword then pierce through their soul Now thus knowing the terrour of the Lord as the Apostle speaketh 2 Cor. 5. 11. taking notice of this sharpe two edged sword going out of the mouth of Jesus Christ the refore we perswade men and that it might take place with all you that hear it that they would stand in awe fearing before him Fourthly And thus standing in awe of his Person now hear and receive his word Receiving it from the mouth of his Ministers The Priests lips should keep knowledge and they should seek the Law at his mouth saith the Prophet Malachy Mal. 2. 7. And this let the people do seek the Law of Christ at the mouth of his Ministers Receiving it as his word Though spoken by man yet so have and receive it as coming from the mouth of Iesus Christ. So did those believing Thessalonians receive the word which came from Pauls mouth as he giveth testimony of them 1 Thes. 2. 13. When ye received the Word of God which ye heard of us ye received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the Word of God And thus let the word which is spoken to you by the Ministers of Christ in his Name be heard and received not as their word but as his word as coming out of his mouth Fifthly And being so looked upon let it be heard and received with holy fear and trembling To this man will I look saith the Lord even to him that trembleth at my Word Isai. 66. 2. letting it into the heart labouring to find and feel effectual working of it upon your souls to find it there as it is here represented and set forth as a sharpe two edged sword First Pricking your hearts with Godly communication and contrition for sin Which who so have not in measure felt they may conclude they have not yet heard Iesus Christ speaking to them His word is a sword Secondly And thus pricking suffer it to pierce further even to the dividing a sunder of the soul and spirit and of the joynts and morrow making a full and thorow discovety of the frame and temper of your hearts and souls so as the secrets of your hearts may thereby be made manifest to your selves that you may be thorowly convinced of the corruption of your natures the lusts of your hearts and errour of your lives Thirdly Thus piercing labour also to find and feel the killing and mortifying property of it as in making you to see your selves dead men by reason of sin so in killing the body of sin mortifying all sinful and inordinate lusts in your souls Fourthly And thus feeling the killing labour also to find the quickning power of it This is the two fold operation of this two edged sword as I told you it both killeth and maketh alive Labour to feel this efficacy of it that whilest you are dead unto sin you may be alive unto God through Iesus Christ. Thus feeling the power of this sword of Jesus Christ the sword of his Word here yea shall then feel of that other sword of his the sword of judgement and vengeance which he is said to whet against all obstinate sinners Psal. 7. 12. and wherewith he will wound the head of his enemies and the hairy scalp of every such a one as goeth on in his trespasses Psal. 68. 21. FINIS THE Mystical Sun In the Face of JESUS CHRIST And his Countenance was as the Sun shineth in his strength HEre have we the last branch of this Description which our Evangelist and Apostle giveth of this Sun of Man which appeared unto him in the midst of the seven golden Candlesticks Iesus Christ in the midst of the Churches Wherein he giveth us an account of the most noble and principal part of his Body his Face his Countenance That ordinarily sheweth what the the man is And so it here did what this Son of man was No ordinarie person but one far surpassing all other of the Sons of men His face had a radiant Majestie in it such as never was seene in the Face of any mere man It was as the Sun as the Sun shining as the Sun shining in his strength Quest. And what was hereby represented and signified Ans. Here againe I finde different apprehensions among expositors 1. Some looking upon this as a representation of the glorie of the mysticall body of Iesus Christ his Church which is and shall bee Glorious here Thence are called the Glorie Isai. 4. 5. upon all the Glorie shall be a defence saith the Prophet speaking of Gods protection and his Church under the Gospell which is called the Glorie in as much as it is the habitation of the God of glorie as the Arke upon the same account also was called The glorie is departed 1 Sam. 4. 22. where he manifesteth his presence in the midest of his ordinances The Church glorious here much more hereafter As glorious in the Kingdome of grace so much more in the Kingdome of glorie where all the members of the misticall Bodie shall be made conformable to their glorious head when Christ who is our life shall appeare then shall ye also appeare with him in glorie Col. 3. 4. And this glorious condition of theirs some looke upon as represented here by this glory in the face of Iesus Christ. 2. One and but one I meete with who in this glass fancies a representation of the splendor and glorie of the Roman Church which in regard of externall pomp and state must be acknowledged to be paramount for
that when he shall appeare we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is 1 Ioh. 3. 2. Like him in Glory When Christ who is our life shall appeare then shall yee also appeare with him in glory Col. 3. 4. Thus is Iesus Christ fitly resembled by the Sun in regard of his illuminating property being fons luminis the fountaine of all light inlightning all that are inlightned in what kind so ever 2 And inlightning hee also enliveneth quickneth This doth the Sun in a naturall way it quickneth vegetables hearbs and plantes and trees and some other creatures which seeme dead in the winter yet by the returne of the Sun they are quickned in the spring And the like doth Iesus Christ in a supernaturall way Hee quickneth men Thence called their life in that place last mentioned When Christ who is our life shall appeare Col. 3. 4. Quickning them and that both in their soules and Bodies Their soules The Son quickneth whome he will Ioh. 5. 21. This doth he here to the soules of men Finding them dead in trespasses and sins Chap. 2. 1. hee quickneth them Which he doth by sending his spirit into their hearts as the Sun quickneth the hearbs and plants by sending his warme beames into the bosome of the earth And as the soules so the Bodies of men Having quickned the soules of his elect here he shall quicken their Bodies hereafter This is the Fathers will who hath sent me saith our Saviour that of all that he hath given me I should loose nothing but should raise it up againe at the last day Ioh 6. 39. And this shall he doe by the same spirit So the Apostle tels his Romanes C. 8. 11. If the spirit of him that raised up Iesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodyes by his spirit that dwelleth in you That spirit of Christ which here quickneth the souls of his elect in the first resurrection shall by the like power also quicken their bodies in the second Upon which double account he is called by the Apostle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Quickning spirit 1. Cor. 15. 45. The last Adam was made a quickning spirit The last Adam Iesus Christ who is the head and roote of all his elect as the first Adam was of all mankind he is ordained by God to be the fountaine and Author both of a spirituall and Eternall life unto them quickning them by the Communication of his spirit unto them quickning their Souls here and Bodyes hereafter Thus is he as the Sun vivifiying quickning 3. Quickning he also cheareth and comforteth This doth the Sun which is as it were the Ioy and comfort of the world without which there is nothing but melancholie darkness and sadness Such is Iesus Christ the joy and comfort of his Church The Consolation of Israel as he is stiled Luk. 2. 25. refreshing chearing comforting the hearts of his people Even as the Sun by the warm beams of it cheereth and refresheth the herbes and plants making them lift up the head which drooped before Even thus doth this Sun of righteousnes arise with healing in his wings Mal. 4. 2. Comforting the hearts of his people chearing up their drooping and dejected spirits comforting them I even I am he that comforteth you saith the Lord Christ to his people Isai. 51. 1. This is the proper office of Iesus Christ as the same Prophet sets it forth Isai. 91. 1. 2. The spirit of the Lord is upon me and hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the meeke He hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted to comfort all that mourn To appoint unto them that mourn in Sion to give unto them beauty for asshes and the oyle of joy for mourning the garment of gladness for the spirit of heavines Even as the Sun arising upon the earth putteth a new garment upon it instead of that sable mantle of darkness wherewith it was covered it put on it a robe of ●ight and so alters the habit of it making all things chearfull and comfortable So doth Iesus Christ coming to a dejected soule he causeth light to shine forth into it even the light of spirituall joy and comfort so changing and altering the state of it Which also he doth by his spirit Even as the sun whilst the body of it is in heaven yet by sending downe its beames it cheareth and comforteth those creatures which are here below Thus doth the Lord Iesus though he be in person in heaven yet by sending his spirit he comforteth the hearts of his people That is the Promise which he maketh unto his Apostles when he was to take his leave of them as to his bodily presence yet he would not leave them comfortles Ioh. 14. 18. I will not leave you comfortless I will come unto you viz. by his spirit Even as the Sun though at a vast distance from the earth yet daily cometh to it vi●iteth it by sending down his beams upon it Thus ●he Lord Iesus though keeping his residence in heaven yet he cometh to his people upon earth by sending his Spirit to them which is their Comforter When the Comforter is come whom I wil send unto you even the spirit of truth c. Ioh. 15. 26. 4. Againe Thus chearing the hearts of his people he also maketh them to fructifie So doth the Sun to the earth to trees and plants by ●hining upon them it maketh them beare fruit which otherwise standing in the shade would be barren What ever fruites the earth bringeth forth it may thanke the Sun for it And thus the Lord Iesus by sending his spirit into the hearts of his people he maketh them fruitful who otherwise without him would be barren as he himself setteth it forth fully Ioh. 15. 4 c. By this meanes they who of themselves are not sufficient so much as to thinke a good thought as the Apostle hath it 2 Cor. 3. 9. come to abound in good workes and to be filled with the fruites of righteousness which are by Iesus Christ to the Praise and Glory of God as the same Apostle prayeth for his Philippians Phil. 1. 11. Which fruits are the fruites of the spirit so called Gal. 5. 22. 5. To which I might yet add As he causeth them to fructifie so also he purifieth them Thi● doth the Sun rising upon the earth it clarifieth purifieth the ayre freeing it from those annoyances which in the night season had fallen upon it And this doth the Lord Iesus rising upon the heart of his people by his spirit he purifieth them Thence compared to a refiners fire Mat. 3. 2 3. But I shall not give way to further inlargments Thus you see how Iesus Christ is as the Sun to his Church performing the like office to his people that the Sun doth to the world I might yet goe on and shew you how he is
earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked which Calvin and divers others understand of the Word of Christ. Virga or is tantundem valet ac sceptrum verbale The rod of his mouth is the scepter of his word the breath of his life which a word is Herewith doth Jesus Christ not onely smite hut also slay his enemies doing Spiritual executions upon them In this way and by this means it is foretold that Christ shall destroy that Arch enemy of his the great Antichrist 2 Thes. 2. 8. And then shall that wicked one 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that lawlesse one a terme fitly agreeing to that Antichrist of Rome who by himself and his party is voted to be solutus omni lege humana not subject to any humane law daring also to dispence with the divine Law be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth that is by his word the pure and powerful preaching of the Gospel thereby giving him a deadly and incurable wound Such use doth Jesus make of his word he useth it as his sword to destroy his enemies with With this sword it is that he goeth forth against those grand enemies of his Kingdome Sin and Satan as also against all other his adversaries This is the Bow wherewith he that sate upon the white horse went forth conquering and to conquer Rev. 6. 2. even the powerful preaching of the Gospel which is elsewhere called his Arrows Psal. 45. 5. as both those places are by many expounded And this is the axe and sword wherewith he heweth and slayeth obstinate sinners as the Prophet Hosea hath it Hos. 6. 5. Therefore have I hewed them by my Prophets and slain them by the word of my mouth Hewed them by sharpe reprehensions which are as the stroakes of the Axe to a crookd or knotty peece of timber And slain them by terrible denountiations of judgement and vengeance threatning them with death Temporal and Eternal Thus doth Jesus Christ slay his enemies first by the sword of his mouth before he do it by the sword of his hand first threatning and denouncing judgement before he execute it Thus is the word a sword And secondly a sharpe sword 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Such are those Arrowes before spoken of by the Psalmist Thine arrows are sharpe in the heart of the Kings enemies His word penetrating and percing into the souls and consciences of men And such is this sword a sharpe sword So the ProPhet Esay describeth it Isai. 49. 2. where speaking in the person of Christ and of his being sent by his Father he saith He hath made my mouth like a sharpe sword i. e. By the powerful operation of his Spirit he hath made my word effectual And such is the efficacy of the word when it is thus accompanied now it is like a sharpe sword That is the Apostles comparison Heb. 4. 12. For the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper then a two edged sword And wherein so The next words explain it Piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joynts and marrow c. This doth the Word of God not onely Christ himself who is sometimes so called Ioh. 1. 1. his essential word to whom that properly agreeth which there followeth in the next verses Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do But also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word written and preached This is also of such a penetrating nature like a sharpe sword it goeth thorow a man pierceth the heart entreth into the soul discovering a man to himself shewing him what before lay hid So the Apostle saith of it in that known place 1 Cor. 14. 25. where speaking of prophecying preaching and the efficacy thereof he saith that thereby the unbeleever cometh to be convinced judged so as the secrets of his heart are made manifest Those wicked lusts and false perswasions which before lodged and lurked in the secrets of his heart unespyed of others and undiscerned of himself by this means they come to be discovered Thus doth this sword likewise as the souldiers speare did to our Saviour it enters the pericardium the Call of the heart nay the heart it self piercing it thorow As Simon told the blessed Virgin in another sense that a sword should pierce thorow her soul meaning that sharpe sorrow and heart grief which she should suffer for her Sons sufferings Luk. 2. 35. Even so may it be said of this sword the word being accompanied by the Spirit now it pierceth thorow the soul working compunction and contrition in the hearts of poor penitent sinners Such effect it had upon those converts of whom the story tels that at Peters Sermon they were Pricked at their hearts Act. 2. 37. This doth the word Which also it doth with great facility and ease Even as a sharpe sword though there be but a weak hand to manage it it enters with ease So doth this word though it be dispenced by the hands of weak instruments which are the Ministers of the Gospel yet through the power of the Spirit it setting an edge upon it it now becometh mighty through God as the Apostle saith of it 2 Cor. 10. 4. mighty to do great and wonderful executions Thus it is a sharpe sword And thirdly A sharpe two edged sword 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Such a sword is looked upon as the sharpest sword penetrating more easily then a Back-sword will And in this respect the word is fitly represented by it So the Apostle formeth the comparison in the place even now named Heb. 4. 12. The word of God is sharper then a two edged sword But besides there may be conceived yet to be a further Mystery in the frame and fashion of this sword First A two edged sword Such is the Word which consisteth of Law and Gospel being as the two edges of this sword and both going out of the mouth of Christ as I shall shew you anon Secondly A two edged sword in regard of the double execution which it doth Not onely upon the Bodies but also upon the Souls of men Therein doth the Spiritual differ from the Secular Temporal sword The one reacheth onely to the Body Fear not them which kill the Body but are not able to kill the soul saith our Saviour speaking of tyrants Matth. 10. 28. But the other as the Prophet Ieremy in a borrowed sense saith of the sword of war Ier 4. 10. it reacheth unto the soul denouncing judgement against both both body and soul. Both which are as it were slain by this sword Thirdly A two edged sword as our juditious Perkins goeth before me in regard of the two-fold operation of it A two edged sword cutteth two wayes yea two contrary wayes And so doth this sword going forth
of the mouth of Jesus Christ his word it hath a double yea a contrary operation being both a killing and a q●ickning word Both these doth the Lord in a literal sense The Lord killeth and maketh alive saith Hannah in her song 1 Sam. 2. 6. And both these doth the Lord Jesus in a Spiritual sense and that by his word So the Apostle setteth forth the two-fold property of it 2 Cor. 3. 6. The letter killeth but the Spirit giveth life The letter The letter of the Law which is litera occidens a killing letter in as much as it requireth part from man which in his now corrupted estate he is no wayes able to perform and so is a sword at his heart giving him a deadly wound Whence it is that is called in the verses following 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Ministerie or Ministration of death vers 7. and in the 9 th verse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Ministration of condemnation Because it layeth men under the sentence of eternal condemnation Such is the Ministery of the Law But now the Spirit and the Ministery thereof in the preaching of the Gospel that giveth life 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it quickneth maketh alive First putting a new life into a dead soul raising it up from the death of sin to the life of holinesse to the life of grace here and glory hereafter Whence it is called by the Apostle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word of life Phil. 2. 16. And then reviving and chearing it with the sweet promises thereof Thy word hath quickned me saith David Psal. 119. 50. Thus hath the Word like a two edged sword a double and contrary operation upon the soul. And so it hath to prosecute this point yet a a little further both upon different subjects and upon the same First In different subjects or persons it hath a different opperation So it hath upon beleevers and unbeleevers Elect ones and Reprobates Working upon both but in different yea contrary waies This the same Apostle setteth forth most clearly in the chapter there foregoing 2 Cor. 2. 15 16 For we saith he speaking of himself and other Gospel Ministers are unto God a sweet savour of Christ in them that are saved and in them that perish Their service in preaching of the word is acceptable unto God through Christ though it do not produce the same effect in those that hear them but have a contrary work according as it needeth with different subjects So it followeth To the one we are a savour of death unto death and to the other the savour of life unto life Such contrary smels and savours there are in nature as Grotius notes upon it some poysonous and deadly as of those Lakes Avernus and Asphalties others again so recreating and refreshing that being put to the nose they will revive the spirits of a fainting person And of such a contrary operation is the sword in the preaching of it Meeting with persons of different dispositions it is to the one 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the other 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the one a sweet savour a savour of life So is it to Gods Elect to whom believing it it is made the power of God to their salvation as the same Apostle elsewhere saith of it Rom. 1. 16. A savour of life unto life quickening them up as I said before to the life of grace here and glory hereafter But on the other hand to unbelivers it becometh a savour of death unto death A deadly savour Not that the Gospel is so of it self being in its own nature as I said even now the word of life but accidentally it becometh so to them through their rejecting of it Now it is to them not onely an occasion but a cause of their just and greater condemnation Even as it is with the Proclamation of a Prince which he maketh to his rebellious subjects wherein he maketh offer not onely of pardon but of grace and favour to those that will lay down their armes and forthwith come in shewing themselves loyal and obedient but on the other hand threatneth extremity of punishment to those that shall yet stand out This Proclamation with the same breath breatheth both life and death Life to those which will hearken to it which is the proper end and intent of proclaiming it but death to those that oppose themselves against it Even so it is with the Evangelicall Proclamation the Doctrine of the Gospel it preacheth life and death after the same manner Life to penitent believers who readily accept the offers of grace and mercy there tendered Death to obstinate and rebellious sinners who reject them Thus is Iesus Christ who is the proper subject of the Gospel according to Simeons Prophesie at his Birth Luk. 2. 34. Behold saith he this childe is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel Even as the same Star as our new Annotators glosseth upon it is at the same time both 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 both morning Star and evening Star To some the morning Star bringing the light and day to them To others the evening Star bringing darknesse and night Thus is the Lord Iesus that Star of Jacob being held forth in the Gospell to some those that believe on him he is what he calls himsel Rev. 22. 16. The bright morning Star bringing to them the light and day of Grace here and Glorie hereafter But to others such as reject him will not receive him as their Saviour and Lord as the evening Star bringing to them a night of everlasting darknesse Such is the different and contrary operation of the word upon different persons 2. And in the second place such is the operation of it in and upon the same Persons A different nay a contrary operation So it hath in and upon Gods Elect upon all true believers of whom it may be said not onely that they were dead and are alive This my sonne was dead and is alive again saith the Father of his Prodigall sonne being returned home Luke 15. 24. And you hath he quickned who were dead in trespasses and sins saith Paul of his believing Ephesians Eph. 2. 1. But also that they are dead and alive both at the same time So that the Apostle tels his Romanes Rom. 6. 11. Likewise reckon ye your selves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto God And both these they are the effects of the word Which first killeth them which it may be said to do two wayes First by showing them their naturall state which is a state of death Such effect it had in and upon the Apostle as he sets it forth Rom. 7. 9. I was alive without the Law once but when the ●ommandment came sin revived I died Whil'st he was a Pharisee he thought well and highly of himself that he was in a happy condition he apprehended himself to be in perfect health as
what ever fire which of what ever materials it be made yet is it not so kindly so chearly so comfortable as that warmth which cometh from the Sun Nor yet is it so durable The warmth which a man receiveth from the fire in the winter season it is presently gone so as he returnes to his former temper againe nay is the colder after it and for it Truly so is it with the Consolations of this world they are fading vanishing though the heart may thereby be cheared for a time yet they afterwards leave it sad yea sadder then before especially where there hath beene any inordinacie in the use of them A truth which needeth no other proofe but the experience of those who solace and drown themselves in carnall pleasures when they have spent the day in them their hearts are often sad and melancolie in the evening the cause whereof is because they finde themselves gulled and deceived by them not meeting with what they expected finding onely a shadow where they looked for a substance But it is otherwise with the warmth of the Sun That as it is a kindly and comfortable so it is a lasting and durable warmth And such is that Consolation which a Christian hath in and from Iesus Christ. It is a sweete a substantiall a durable lasting everlasting Consolation That is Pauls Epithite 2 Thes. 2. 16. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Everlasting Consolation O let every of us seeke after this Consolation that we may but see the face of Iesus Christ shining upon us through the promises of the Gospell so as we may have assurance of our interest in him and his love to us being able upon good grounds to say with the blessed Apostle that We live by the faith of the Son of God who hath loved us and given himself for us Gal. 2. 20. this will be to us a spring of Consolation a comfort both in life and death I pass to the fourth and fifth particulars of which breifly 4. The Sun maketh plants and trees to fructifie And this benefit also seeke we from this Sun the Lord Iesus that by and through his spirit we may be made fruitfull in every good worke as the Apostle prayeth for his Colossians Col. 1. 10. This it is to walk worthy of the Lord as he there speaketh And hereby shall we evidence our union with Christ and interest in him our being in him and his being in us He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit saith our Saviour Ioh. 15. 5. This God expecteth at the hands of all those upon whome the name of Christ is called specially from those to whom Christ is more clearly revealed upon whome his face shineth in the preaching of the Gospel And that is our condition This Sun standeth over our heads See that our fructification be in some measure answerable to the meanes injoyed 5. Againe the Sun as you have heard purifieth the Ayre O that we may all of us finde and feele the like efficatious operation of this Sun of righteousness the Lord Iesus upon all our souls That his Spirit may be to us a purifing Sanctifing spirit purging and purifing our hearts from these sinfull and inordinate lusts ●mpure and corrupt affections which doe in any kind● anoy them This is the proper worke of ●he spirit of Iesus Christ which being a pure and holy spirit maketh the soule where it cometh a 〈◊〉 lodging for it selfe by clensing and purifing 〈◊〉 in measure from all spirituall anoyances O that we may all of us finde this blessed Operation That we may feele Jesus Christ thus coming to us by water Which he doth wherever he cometh by blood This is he that cometh by water and blood saith Saint Iohn 1. Ioh. 5. 6. washing away the filth of sin by his Spirit where he taketh away the guilt of it by his blood Every of us who would be assured of the one labour to finde and feele the other Thus seeke we the face of Iesus Christ that we may not onely see him but feele him feele him to us as the Sun as the Sun shining yea which is yet behind as the Sun shining in his strength Exercising those other Powerfull Operations upon us Of which breifly 1. Dissipating and dispelling of what ever mists of Ignorance or Infidelitie or inordinate feares which lye upon our soules Such mists the best of Gods Saints are here subject to Being somtimes exercised with feares and doubtings touching their spiritual and eternall condition Such a conflict we finde the holy Psalmist David or Asaph uncertaine whether under Psal. 77. Where we may hear him sadly complaining of Gods casting him off verse 7. and of the failing of his promise verse 8. of his forgeting to be gratious unto him and shutting up his tender mercies in anger against him verse 9. And Heman the like Psal. 88. 14. Where we may heare him after the like manner expostulating the matter with God Lord why castest thou off my soule why hidest thou thy face from me A good man under a sad desertion And such temptations are the dearest of Gods Saints subject to which lye as mists upon their soules clouding and darkning of them bringing them into and holding them in a disconsolate condition Now for the dissipating and dispelling of these look we up unto Jesus Christ by faith earnestly begging that he would shew us his face causing it to shine forth to us as the Sun in its strength clearing up unto us the evidences of his love and favour towards us Confirming in us our faith This is the boon which the father of that Demoniack beggeth from our Saviour Mark 9. 24 Lord I beleeve helpe mine unbeleife And the Disciples put up the like request Luk. 17. 5. Lord increase our faith And thus feeling the infirmitie and weakness of that grace in our selves seeke we the Confirmation and Augmentation of it from Iesus Christ that by the cleare revealing and manifesting himself to us he would dispell all mists of Infidelitie Secondly Thawing and melting our frozen hearts not suffering them to lye under any sinfull obduracie but bringing them to and keepe them in a melting relenting frame and temper making them truly tender as Iosia's heart is sayed to be 2 Chro. 34. 27. So as they may alwayes be ready and willing to yield to what ever impressions the Spirit by the word shall make upon them Thirdly And lastly warming and heating of them with the sense and apprehention of his love so as with Mary we may feele our spirits rejoycing in God our Saviour joying in him in all estates and conditions doing what the prophet Habakkuk resolves upon Hab. 3. 17 18. Although the figtree shall not blossome neither shall fruit be in the vines c. Yet will I rejoyce in the Lord I will joy in the God of my salvation In all conditions when all other comforts faile yet there is matter enough of
life and of Gods grace is but a day This your day A Day is of no long continuance specially a winters day A few houres the Sun is above the Horizon but then it setteth and leaveth a sable darknesse upon the face of the earth Such is the life of man a day and that to make the best of it a winters day stormy and short Brethren the time is short saith the Apostle speaking of the time of mans life upon earth 1 Cor 7. 29. How short who knoweth oftimes doth the Sunn go down upon man before it be well up Oh therefore now up and be doing The day is a time for Action the night for rest Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour untill the evening Psal. 104 23. And so is the day of this life This is the time for the working out of our salvation And therefore now set upon this work I must work the works of him that sent me whil'st it is day saith our Saviour in that Iohn 9. 4. the night cometh when no man can work The night of death There is no worke nor device nor knowledge nor wisedome in the grave whither thou goest saith the Preacher Eccles. 9. 10. And therefore as he there maketh the use of it whatsoever thy hand findeth to do do it with thy might Thus do we the work of the particular calling much more of the generall the working out of our salvation the making of our Calling and Election sure This do we and that in this our day To day if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts whil'st the day of life and the day of grace lasteth Behold now is the accepted time now is the day of salvation saith the Apostle to his Corinthians 2 Cor. 6. 2. And therefore as he there presseth it upon them ver 1. Let not us receive the grace of God in vain This do they who injoy the outward meanes of salvation but are not bettered by them like the earth which receiveth the seed which is cast into it by the hand of the Husbandman and drinketh in the former and latter rain and yet remains barren Let not us so receive the grace of God tendred and held forth unto us in the preaching of the Gospel But let it into our hearts that taking root there it may bring forth Gospel-fruits in our lives And this do we now Now whil'st it is called to day Remembering that the time of grace and of our life is but a day 2. And secondly remember that this is our day In this thy day This was Ierusalems day the Iews day wherein grace and mercie was offered unto them The next was the Gentiles day or the next was Gods day wherein he would visit them after another manner in judgment not in mercy And therefore saith our Saviour here Oh if at least in this thy day And hear we him speaking the like to every of us this day Oh that you in this your day The time of this life is our day A day that hath no morrow And the time of grace is our day Shall we let slip this day then expect we God's day even that diem ultionem the day of vengeance Such days our Saviour foretelleth were coming upon the Iewes Luke 21. 22. These be the dayes of vengeance speaking of the time of Ierusalems destruction wherein the Lord would severely revenge all those indignities offered to his Son And such dayes of vengeance God hath for all obstinate sinners It may be in this life If not yet at that last day which wil be a day of blacknesse and darknesse a day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God Now knowing the terrour of that day Oh! that all of us would be perswaded now in this our day to look out to take notice of what belongs to our peace and comfort at that day This is our day a time allotted us by God for this purpose to husband for the good of our souls And 3ly this is but one day As for the Labouring-man he hath many dayes allowed him to do his work in And so if he have lost one he may yet recover it get it up again at another time But as for us we have but one day If that day be past there is no recovery Soles occidere redire possunt The Sunn setteth and riseth again upon the earth But if the Sunn of our life and the Sun of God's graee be once set upon us never look that it should rise upon us again O! therefore in the fear of God be wee all of us awakened and stirred up that we may not sleep nor trifle away this our day either in doing of nothing or that which is worse Remember that upon this our day depends our Eternitie And therefore now whil'st it is called to day all of us look out to what belongs to our eternall peace Behold at this day the Lord Iesus is riding in triumph in the midst of his Ordinances as here he did to Ierusalem in the midst of his Apostles and Disciples O that there were such a heart in every of us that wee might now Lift up set open those everlasting doors the doors of our souls that this King of Glorie might enter in that the Lord Iesus might come and take a full possession of all our hartes so as to rule thereby his Word Spirit Then quàm faelices beati how blessed and happie shall wee be Such use make wee of this Generall day this day of Grace Wherein there are also particular days particular times and seasons in which Christ cometh unto men as here he did to Ierusalem offering himselfe to them after a more speciall manner This is that which he tells the Laodicean Angel Rev. 3. 20. Behold I stand at the doore and knock So he doth at the doors of mens Consciences where he knocketh both by Outward means by his Word by mercies Chastisements every of which is a knock at this door and by inward motions of his Spirit Now is it so that Jesus Christ thus knocketh at any of our hearts at this or at any other time let us forthwith open unto him That is the meaning of every such knock It is the voice of my beloved that knocketh saith the Spouse saying open unto me Cant. 5. 2. And this doe we receiving him into our hearts by Faith that he may dwel theare as a Saviour a Lord. And this do wee forthwith Not knowing but this may be the last knock as this was the last time that ever our Saviour knocked at Ierusalem's gates which if it be and shall be sleighted then what remaines but a just retaliation even that which we meet with Luke 13 25. That the doore being shut wee should stand without and knock receiving no other Answer but that which is there returned I know yee not whence ye are Or that which wee finde in the close of the Text that ihe
not the knowledge of thy Law This do too many even among our selves though with their tongues they dare not yet with their hearts and in their lives they speak as much plainly manifesting to the world by their words and actions what the thoughts of their hearts are viz. That they do not desire to have any acquaintance with God or his Word to know his minde and will that they may do it And thus are the things which belong unto their everlasting peace hid from their eies O most sad and deplorable condition what hope can there be of such an one Upon this account our Saviour here looketh upon Ierusalems estate as most forlorn and desperate She neither had nor would see what belonged to her peace So as through her wilful ignorance this was hid from her eies And therefore let her now make account of what followeth The daies shall come upon thee when thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee c. And even such is the condition of all wilful and obstinate sinners who shut out the light of Gods truth out of their hearts will not give way to the admonitions directions convictions of the Word and Spirit so as to be wrought upon by them to be changed and reformed in their hearts and lives let them make account that the like daies shall come upon them daies of blacknesse and darknesse daies of judgment and vengeance it may be temporal which they have just cause to fear continually hanging over their heads however eternal And O that now the terrour of the Lord might fall and take hold upon every one of you whose condition this is that being awakened you may be also perswaded to open your eies to set open the doors and windows of your souls to let in the Sun of righteousnesse to let in that heavenly light which shineth forth unto you that so the things which belong unto your peace your eternal peace and happinesse they may be no longer hid from your eies which if they still be through your obstinacie and wilfulnesse for other cause you can assign none then take heed lest that God whose patience you have abused and whose grace you have rejected do in his most righteous judgment seal up your eies passing an irrevocable sentence upon you that seeing you will not see therefore you shall not see but that these things be now from henceforth for ever hid from your eies And so I am fallen upon the second Particular the second ground and cause of this blindnesse in Ierusalem The things belonging to her peace were hid from her eies as through her own wilful obstinacie so also through Gods righteous judgment And thus they were hid not onely for the present but also for the future 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 But now they are hid from thine eies That is from henceforth so as now thou shalt not see them and that through the righteous judgment of God hiding them from thee Thus it is Daies of Grace have their dates Mark it This is the Observation which this passage naturally yieldeth us Daies of Grace have their dates Times and seasons wherein the Grace and Mercie of GOD is offered and tendered to the Sons of men for their acceptance they are limited they have their terms and boundaries beyond which they shall not extend Hence is it that they are called by the name of Daies If thou hadst known in this thy day Now a Day is a determined time However there are Winter-daies and Summer-daies some shorter others longer yet each is limited and measured by the motion of the Sun And so are the Seasons of Grace which God vouchsafeth unto the Sons of men upon earth though some are longer then others yet all limited all determined by God What the Prophet Habakuk●aith ●aith of Prophetical Vision Hab. 2. 3. The Vision is for an appointed time the same may be said of these gracious dispensations the offers and tenders of grace and mercie they are for an appointed time Daies of Grace have their dates their limits So have both National and Personal daies 1. National daies wherein God offers mercie to communities of men these are limited So it was we know with the old world concerning which we may hear God declaring his purpose Gen. 6. 3. My spirit shall not ever strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his dates shall be an hundred and twentie years A long time God had striven with the men of that generation He had so done and that both outwardly and inwardly Outwardly as by his Works so by his Word which was preached to them by Noah whom Saint Peter calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Preacher or publisher of Righteousnesse of the righteous judgments of God in case they should not repent to which in the name of God he perswaded them By him it was that Christ went and preached to the spirits in prison as the same Apostle hath it 1 Pet. 3. 19. This he did by the Ministerie of Noah or some others who were inspired by him In and by them he preached to the men of that generation who were then alive but at this time when Peter wrote that Epistle dead and their spirits their souls many of them in the prison of Hell And besides this Outward striving by his Word he did also strive with them Inwardly by the inward motions and operations of his Spirit pressing and urging their consciences to Reformation and Repentance Thus he had striven with them and that long but he will not ever so do My Spirit shall not ever strive with Man And thereupon hee limits them a time for their Repentance The daies of Man shall be an hundred and twentie years Not that the time of man's life should not afterwards exceed that number of years for we finde diverse after the Flood living much longer but so long should their day of grace and mercie last So long a time out of his gracious indulgence God would yet allow to that generation to bethink themselvs to reform their hearts and lives in which if once past and not improved for the end to which it was allotted them then they must look for no more mercie but a deluge of vengeance should sweep them off from the face of the earth To this I might subjoin that of Nineveh which had her fortie daies and no more allowed unto her for the same end Fortie daies and Nineveh shall be destroied Ion. 3. 4. viz. except within that time they repented which condition God reserved to himself Thus there is a time appointed and determined by God which though he do not declare to others yet he hath set down with himself how long hee will strive with a Nation a people how long he will wait for their Repentance which time being past then the date of mercie is out So it was with Ierusalem here she had had her Day a day of grace and that a long day wherein
upon Gospell tearmes 3. And 3ly as to themselves so long as they live they stand obliged to accept of these offers which still refusing to do their sin is therby aggravated and heightned through that continued contempt 4. But yet in the 4th place If we speak of Gods secret decree and purpose questionlesse the day of grace may determine unto a man before the day of his life So it did there to Ierusalem She still liveth and flourisheth for a time Her day of prosperity was yet continued but her day of grace was now at an end Now are these things hid from thine eyes And questionlesse so may it be with some particular persons whom God in his just judgment hath given up to final impenitence so delivering them up unto Satan and themselves as that from thenceforth they never shall know the things belonging to their peace Obj. But what then may some say may not this be our case And if so then it is in vain for us to strive to seek for what is not to be found to knock at that door which is shut uppon us as it shall not be opened A. In answer to this I shall deal as tenderly as I may so as I may not discourage or dishearten any soul that intertaines but a thought of returning and coming in unto God that begins so much as to cast a glance heaven-ward Wherein I shall do no other then what the Lord Jesus himself doth of whom it was prophecied that he should not quench the smoaking flax Matth. 12. 20. Such was and is the gracious lenity and clemency of the Lord Jesus in his dealing with poor sinners in whom there are as yet onely some weak desires after grace some slender beginnings of conversion and faith And so shall I deal with all such 1. Willing them in the first place to take notice what is their Rule to walk by Not the secret but the revealed will of God Secret things belong unto the Lord but those things which are revealed to us and to our children for ever Deut. 29. 29. This is that which we are to look at and take notice of And therefore let not any upon this account disquiet and trouble their own soules with such anxious disquisitions as neither they nor any other for them whether man or Angel is able to resolve But apply themselves to the use of means This will men do as concerning their temporall estates They ne-over stand prying into Gods decree to enquire what portion in his secret purpose he hath layed out for them but they set about the work of their calling applying themselves to the use of means And so do you touching your spirituall and eternall estates Stand not to enquire how God hath disposed of you in his secret purpose but go about the work of your general calling apply your selves to the use of such means as God hath appointed to bring you home to himself by so waiting upon his good will and pleasure This is that which the Lord requires you to do And therefore in obedience to his command do it with that Poor impotent person Iohn 5. lying at the pool untill the Angell shall come down and stir the waters attending upon Ordinances untill God by his spirit concurring with them shall please to work effectually by them inclining your hearts to look towards himself giving you a sight and sense of your own sinfulnesse and miserie making you to see and feel the need you have of Jesus Christ and heginning to draw your hearts towards him Which when you find let this be a comfortable evidence unto you that your day is not yet past Onely be not you now wanting to this grace of God in giving intertainment to these motions of the spirit in opening of the doore of your hearts that so the Lord Jesus who is now knocking at them may enter in Which in the feare of God be ye now perswaded to do Not knowing but that this may be the last knock this the last sermon that ever we shall heare or the last mention of the spirit that ever you shall feele Now therefore even now before you goe from this place strike up the Covenant betwixt Iesus Christ and your soules accepting and receiving him in all those Gospell Relations not onely as a Saviour casting your soules upon him so as to rest upon the al sufficiencie of his merit for the pardon of sin and eternall salvation but also as a Lord a Husband a Head giving your selves up unto him to be guided and governed by him by his word and Spirit so receiving him into your hearts as that he may dwell in you and rule over you and that for ever This being done now know you for your comfort that you are through grace and mercie exempted out of this black list out of the number of those from whose eies the things belonging to their peace are hid God having thus revealed his Sonne Christ not onely to you but in you as the Apostle saith of himself Gal. 1. 16. not onely revealed him to your eares but to your hearts as by his word so by his spirit inclining your hearts to close with him to receive him upon these Gospel tearms now he hath made you to know the things which belong unto your peace Which whilest he hath hid from others he hath revealed to you For which differencing mercie to close up all in a word blesse you God giving unto him the glorie of this his free grace which hath put such a difference betwixt you and others This doth our Saviour in the behalfe of his Disciples in the Text forecited Math. 11. 25. I thanke thei O father Lord of heaven and earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes The great misteries of this Kingdome God had revealed them unto the poore and simpler sort of people the poore received the Gospell whilest in the meane time they were hid from the Scribes and Pharises men worldly wise and learned And this our Saviour there acknowledgeth to be his work an art of his meere good will and pleasure Even so father for so it seemed good in thy sight v. 26. And the like doe you for your selves Seeing God hath now revealed unto you those things which he hath hid from others many others who upon a Naturall or Civill account are far your betters being preferred before you as in place and estate so in understanding and worldly wisedome Give ye unto him the glorie of this mercie acknowledging it to be an art of his free grace a singular favour vouchsafed unto you For which let your soules for ever bless him prasing and magnifying him who hath thus now made you Children or light whereas others the greatest part of the world still sit in darknesse in the shaddow of death some of them having their eies already closed up so as they neither do nor ever
shall see the things belonging unto their peace being already doomed and adjudged to everlasting darknesse You are now called into that marvellous light as Saint Peter calleth the grace of the Gospell 1 Pet. 2. 11 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not undeservedly so stiled in as much as therein are revealed those 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the wonderfull things of God As the Apostles auditors of them at the day of Penticost that they heard them speake the wonderfull workes of God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 magnifica the magnificent great and admirable things of God Such are the ministers of the Gospell wherein those wonderfull acts and Counsels of God touching the salvation of his Elect by Christ are revealed and held forth A misterie which the Angels themselves do earnestly desire to looke into as Saint Peter telleth us 1 Pet. 11. 2. Being much taken there with when they sawe it more clearly revealed under the Gospel then it had been under the Lawe they even stooped bowed down as it were for so the word there used properly signifieth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as desirous to prie and looke narrowly into it Now these are the things which God hath revealed unto you And for this do you praise and magnifie his name for ever Taking this as a pledge and assurance of what hereafter you shall see Your eyes being thus opened to see Christ by faith here you shall see him hereafter when you shall have a full sight of him see him as he is see him in his glory Which when you shall do then shall ye be made like unto him as St. Iohn assureth you 1 Ioh. 3. 2. like him in glorie When Christ who is our life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in glory Col. 3. 4. Which beautifull vision the Lord of his free grace and mercie in Iesus Christ vouchsafe to everie soul of us Amen FINIS The mysterie opened Seven Stars what Vid. Cornel. A Lapide in Text. The Angels of the seven Churches Stella●us jaspide futro E●sis erat Virgil. Aeneid 41. Obs. Gospel Ministers Stars Resemblances betwixt them Ministers set by God in the firmament of his Church They have their several Orbs. Of different Altitudes and Magnitudes Set up for Lights shining 1. By Doctrine 2. By Example 5. Their light is borrowed They are Influential They have a power of Binding and Loosing Applic. To Ministers Ministers Duties why to be opened before the people Ministers are to do office of Stars Provided first that they be Stars Set in the Church by God Illuminated themselves Then shining before others By Doctrine preaching the word which they are to do Voluntarily freely Faithfully and sincerely Constantly and assiduously An incouragement for faithful labourers Example Ministers wherein they are to be Examples to others In Purity In Zeal Their zeal must be well tempered In Humility In Sobriety Modesty Gravity In Regularity and Constancy In Patience and undanted Resolution Ministers should be heavenly minded Not clashing with their Brethren In what cases Ministers may and must ap●eare ●gainst their Brethren Not pragmaticall Busibodies Vigilant over their flocks A modest enquiry touching the Ministers of the Church of England Some not deserving the name of Stars Many Meteors Comets Intruders upon the Office Exhalations Blazing Stars Falling-Stars Bitter stars Vse 2. Application to the People who ought To take notice of their Ministers as set over them by God Bless God for them if able and faithfull Praying for their Lives and Liberties Giving respect to their Office and Persons Making use of their Light Of Doctrine Their Example Following them as they follow Christ. Gospell Ministers in the right hand of Iesus Christ. The Mysterie explained Christs properties and interest in his Ministers Their Office is from him Right hand Blessings speciall blessings Gospell Ministerie a great Blessing to the Church Their Mission from him Their Commission from him Gospel Ministers ordered and governed by Iesus Christ. Supported and maintained by him The efficacy and successe of their labours is from him Application To Ministers Let them remember whose Ministers they are Approve themselves unto Jesus Christ. During his will and work Seeking his glory Commit themselves to him Submit unto him Encourage themselves in him Against the contempt of the world Against Opposition in and from the world Looking for success unto Jesus Christ. Going on cheerfully and courageously in their work Take heed of provoking him in whose hands they are Vse 2. To the people Take notice whose Ministers they are which are set over them Not daring 〈◊〉 oppose them Arguments to deter men from such oppression Faithful Ministers to be s●ught from Iesus Christ Due respect to be given to faithfull Ministers Not undervaluing ●hem Christ honoured in his M●nisters Not esteeming too highly of them Receiving them specially their Doctrine The Mystery opened What signified by this sword Some understand hereby Divine judgement Corn. à lapid ad Text Others the Word The Word a Sword Christs Sword the Sword of his Mouth The word a cutting and killing Instrument The Word a sharpe sword peircing the heart The word a two edged sword Law and Gospel the two edges of this sword The word having a double execution The word having a double and contrary operation Vpon different persons beleevers unbel●vers Vpon the same persons Beleevers dead and alive at the same time Both the effects of the word which Killeth them and that two wayes Quickeneth them This sword the word going forth of the mouth of Iesus Christ both Law and Gospel Application To Ministers what sword they are to use But one sword The sword of the mou●h The sword goingforth of the mouth of Christ. Ministers to make use of this sword Ministers to preach both Law and Gospel This sword to be used for Christ. To the people This sword sufficient for them Private Christians to make use of this sword Not in a publick way But in a private All to stand in awe of Christ and his word Christ fig●●●ng against ●●stinate s●●●●●s By temporal judgements By eternal judgment The word of Christ to be ●eceived as his word The word to be received with fear and trembling The word to be felt as a sharpe two edged sword Pricking Piercing Killing Quickning Christs face sheweth him to be no ordinary person The Sun in his face Mystical What hereby signified various cōjectures about it The glory of his mystical body Of the Romane Church Aleazac ad lec Of the Asi-Churches Brightman Of the Evangelical Church Of Christ himselfe which is insisted on Three branches of this description Branch 1. Christ as the Sun Cornel. à Lapide ad Text. In respect of his Personal properties Powerful operations Personal properties His Oneness Many stars one Sun One Lord in the Church * Preached Decem. 26. Romish Mediators 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 His transcendent excellency His Omniscience 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Poet. His Purity Powerful operations of Jesus Christ. His