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A04606 The arte and science of preseruing bodie and soule in healthe, wisedome, and Catholike religion phisically, philosophically, and diuinely deuised: by Iohn Iones phisition. Right profitable for all persones: but chiefly for princes, rulers, nobles, byshoppes, preachers, parents, and them of the Parliament house. Jones, John, physician. 1579 (1579) STC 14724; ESTC S119245 104,818 142

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be deuided as maye be proued by the lawes that Promotheus gaue the Egiptians that Sole● Solimon gaue the Greekes that Moses gaue the Hebrues that Licurgus gaue the Lacedemonians that Numa Pompilius gaue the Romaines that Brutus gaue vnto vs Britons and Howell Da sithence to the same Welchmen that Christe oure Redeemer hath giuen to all nations that haue grace to desire it Power by the iustice doth wisely rule Wisedome by the power doth iustly guide Iustice by the wisedome doth mightely preserue The Sacred and Canonized Scriptures shewe the absolute power of Princes as doth also the neede and profite that groweth of kingly gouernment with the mightie armies noble victories and glorious triumphes resting in the Magnificence of the Prince subiect to no forreyne power worthinesse of the state abilitie number vse and loyaltie of the Nobilitie as well of the Clergie as of the Laitie Gentilitie Commons Subiects Inhabitants and Souldiors The high knowledge declareth the excellent wisedome by holy Religion chiefly declared as doe Phisicke Law Science Artes Counsels Statutes Decrees Leagues Ministration and Traffiques And the Equitie the Iustice as is beste perceyued by defending of the faith the auntient and catholike religion assisting of the sicke and feeble releeuing of the oppressed and in giuing to euery one his own first to God that is Gods to Caesar that is Caesars and in doing to oure neighbour as wee would be done vnto And as the graces of the Deitie of the Trinitie are contayned withoute limitation in one godhead The Celestiall aunswerable to euerye Theoricall mansion And the Humaine according to the more and the lesse in eche manhoode So are the Theologicall vertues practised in the actions and deedes of euery of the electe And the Kingly in the Christian rule and healthy education alone Of the whiche healthie preseruation and Christian education after I had deliberately considered of the profite as well as of my duetie if suche a treatie were deuised agreeable no lesse to the holy Writ in ech part than to Philosophie and Phisike in euery pointe profitable for the preseruation as well of the healthie body as beneficiall to the guiding of the persite and godly minde I deemed then so meete for none as for youre highnesse the defence and protection bycause there is no Prince to whome God hath giuen the title of Defender of the Faith And besides that that he hath yet in our dayes as of old dealt so gratiously and bountifully withall as to endue with full and absolute power and rule for the bodily and ghostly direction and preseruation ouer both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall causes as youre inuincible Maiestie alone And this preseruation Horace willeth vs earnestly to praye for that in a body sound a healthie spirite may be found Menander likewise sheweth that health of all things is the beste Planudes the Philosopher affirmeth the same more earnestlye for it is no life saith he excepte we liue in health Diuine Plato also testifieth suche a Sympathia to be betwene the bodye and the soule that if either exceede the meane the one suffereth with the other Galen Prince of Phisitions teacheth that if the minde bee troubled it affecteth the whole body and contrarily T the wisest of the Hebrues writeth that there is no profite aboue the profite of the health of the body Paule the Apostle of vs the Gentiles plainely proueth such a consent felowshippe and sufferaunce to be betwene the body and the mind that if the soule yeelde to the vices of the body that they shall feele the griefes and punishment thereof not only in this mortal life both togither but also in the euerlasting life to come Saint Ierome that reuerend Doctor and holy Father auoucheth that ouer-much weakenesse of the body doth quaile the force of the minde and maketh the sharpenesse of the witte to wither and vanishe Gregorius Magnus that I may conclude as briefly and effectually as I can althoughe not so compendious and eloquent as I woulde writeth that they that be sounde and whole be admonished that they keepe this health of their bodies and practise it to the health of the soule whose holesome counsell I do thinke good to folow herein and the same in sorte to deliuer to this fraile age as wel diuinely and Philosophically as Phisically for all ages immediately and mediately That the graces of the Deitie maye the more earnestly bee desired dreaded and serued The Celestiall or Heauenly to Gods glory and our profite the wiselier foreseene considered applied and preuented The Humaine rightlier vnderstoode vsed and preserued The Vertues diuine more exercised the powers of christian Regiment of euery subiect the willinglier obeyed and suche rashe Libertines and disobedient persons as contemne the lawes of God and your Maiestie maye be speedily stayed and reformed Whereof there wil be no doubt if the things naturall perfectly obtayned in the reasonable body bee rightly handled knowen and ordered The things according to nature well vsed kepte and practised The things annexed to nature not sleightly weyghed The things not natural orderly applied receiued and ministred The bringing vp answerable to eche temperature calling state and condition in Vnitie and holy Religion And the Politicall lawes and meanes of al Kingly and absolute Rule vnder your highnesse seuerely with al equitie executed in this discourse answerable to the other ages to be desciphered And therfore vnto your most mightie maiestie according to my loyaltie do I moste humbly and faithfully consecrate these Princely principles with all the buildings therevppon erected bycause that in the opinion of eche godly wight not onely the aforesaide benefites abounde in your Maiestie as in a graine yarde but also that your highnesse right godly and learnedly can iudge of these things and therwith hath a most earnest princely prudent and puissant regarde motherly care and louing liking towarde all your loyall and liege subiectes and all other of the housholde of Faith that they may be so defended maintained fedde and instructed in these your moste blessed and happye dayes that for euer hereafter they maye rightly glorifie God duetifully serue their Prince and liue in al health peace vnity loue welth one with another The Science or Doctrine of this firste Booke work or age as it is termed of the Greekes not farre amisse Pardetrophia So I entitle it not altogither improperly The Arte and Science of preseruing Bodie and Soule Which verily had in the middle quailed although diuerse noble personages honourable Pastors learned Doctors and worthy parentes dyd stil instantly vrge and continually pricke me forward if the great goodnesse in your Maiestie alone tried daily toward all suche as set forth the glory of God serue your highnesse that benefite youre people did not alwayes put me in sure hope to take it in good worth For this kinde of framed foundation first laide once sure against all assaultes and giuen into your moste sacred hands is the greatest care if I bee not deceiued and youre
Emperiall Maiestie do accept this new Peere in good parte and do giue it your gracious safe conducte for a guide that it may the willinglier be embraced of all your beloued subiects people of God it shal not only giue me abilitie courage and countenance to performe the rest that I go about but also shal prouoke diuers others to doe many thinges farre exceeding my wit or cunning not to be battered suncke or ouerwhelmed in your diuine name and for the weale publique Which peraduenture may make more healthie more godly and of longer life your people with their posteritie and more acceptable and more beloued eche to other and more seruiceable to your highnesse to their Country vnto their parentes and vnto themselues Long I beseech God the giuer of all rule in al royaltie may your Maiestie liue Many prosperous yeares Iesus Christe the wisedome of the father grant your highnesse ouer vs to raigne in al blessednes Alwaies the mercy loue of God the holy ghost defende guide accōpany your excellēt Maiestie in all your affaires The very mainteiner rewarder and aduauncer of euerye grace gift and commendable Vertue The paterne of al Power Wisedome and Iustice And the sampler of al godlinesse mercie and quietnesse Your highnesse most faithfull and obedient subiecte IOHN IONES Faultes escaped in the Printing in the absence of the Author the Copy beyng in many places obscure Page Line Fault Correction Sect. 1. Page 10. 30 bould bloud Sectio 2. Page 1. 17 Bathsayd Bathes Ayde 31 11 noted notes 33 14 defined desired 39 16 enimies himnes 45 12 sunning fining 49 14 beds besides eadem 27 Montuus Montanus 51 22 which with 84 9 Grimbald Grimald 88 33   reade shall be 101 2   reade and lore of grace 105 26   reade knowing as he c. 107 10 feare Pharao ibid. 31   read with a ful wind c. 113 18 déedes endes 115 31 the then 116 12   read vehement opinion 117 3 vanities rashnesse ibid. 5   omit the. The Arte and Science of preseruing Bodie and Soule in all Health Wisdome and Catholique Religion Liber Primus Sectio Prima CHAP. 1. What writers ought to consider and wherfore the Author hath made this worke COnsideringe with my selfe howe necessarie it is after the iudgement of right reason dayly experience and common knowlege of al learned writers for him that wil deliuer anye preceptes or doctrine auailable to this learned expert and cunning age principallye to weighe whether it be possible profitable and plaine whiche he teacheth or no and that otherwise it is but labor lost deluding of the studious and a very deceiuing of the time bycause of impossible things there is no abilitie of vnprofitable no gaine of riddles Sophismes and Oracles but euerie mans construction Therefore least I in these dayes wherin al Artes abound might séeme to take in hande the like to teach impossibilities to allow things vnprofitable and to commende impostures as Cornelius Agrippa hath done verie vainely other obscurelye and some fantasticallye besides other some that séeme to write as they knowe in their proper tong Englishe and yet their termes must be altogither forsooth in Latin and Gréeke or in some other forraine speach as though our lāguage could not comprehend so muche as their freshe wittes can discourse or that truth cannot be deliuered but in vnknowen words and termes far set clean contrarie not onlye to the iudgemente of our Elders but also to the beste of oure dayes as in the skilfull workes of oure countrey menne Chaucer Gowre Surrey Cheeke Chaloner Recorde Phaire Wilson Iewel d ee Digs Fox Holenshead c. is apparante So that as far forth as my learning and leasure will serue mée I do take this way I doe laye the best approued reasons principles groūds that I can gather following the example of the Bée out of euery floure aunswerable to al vertues subiect to our common phrase or talke for my rules dayly experience for my proofe and lawful authoritie for my warrant And although the high knowledge of Philosophie of many base wits and vnlearned is rather had in contempt vniustlye than commended as it ought lawfullye I haue notwithstanding chosen some of the wisest sayings of sundrye of the beste sectes as I haue condemned diuerse others of the worst according to the counsel of Saint Augustine that most famous diuine who willeth that whatsoeuer is true and appertinent to our faith that we ought not to feare it but to chalenge it for our owne from them which are no right owners thereof that if ordinarie meanes iuste lawes wise councels and holy decrées nor the heauēly doctrine the blessed word may not restraine vs from vice from sinne nor perswade vs to preserue both bodie and Soule wherein all felicitie consisteth as Montuus affirmeth agreable to al diuine instructions that yet at the least the very Infidels and Paganes following only the morall vertues may admonish vs to refraine from disobedient wicked wais to foresee both the one and the other when as we loke into their vertues voyde of spiritual grace he finde them to surmount ours that he borne vnder it that in baptisme haue promised to renoūce al wickednesse to embrace al our liues long the fruits of the spirit the déeds of grace But bycause the duties appertayning to Soule and Bodie of eache age state and condition shall be prosecuted in this and the ages following I will presentlye according to the reuerende rule of Phisicke shew what kinde of Nurse is beste to prouide for infantes that yonglyngs endued with the humaine graces or spirites the naturall vital and animall actions vertues powers or offices may haue these kept in them healthyly as also be instructed in all the other mētioned in the Epistle naturally christianly and ciuilly For vnlesse we handle first the natural dyet political discipline méete for infants howe shall we orderly come to the rest of our intent For this is certain that vnlesse there be a like additiō added to the naturall parts answerable to euery age as Galē most excellently argueth in stead of that which wasteth daily frō thē as in my discourse of growing liuing things I haue partly shewed a framing of the mind in al godly knowledge holy religiō by instruction neither can there be a soūd bodie long kept nor at al a vertuous religious soule found except it be by inspiratiō By reason wherof I do thinke best that the one the other be as soone as may be put in vre The holesome nourishmēt for the healthy bodie conuenient from the ve●ys birth the ordinarie instruction for the witting minde from the first perseuerance or vnderstanding And this doubtlesse in all such as are perfitly endewed with the things naturall expressed in the tenth Chapter of this worke shall the better be preserued if the things not natural as ayre meate and drinke sléepe
that the power wisdome and iustice of kings princed and rulers is the gouernement of God they be his presi●●●ts for by me sayth he Princes rule as in the holy volume most plainely and very often is expressed Whyche I woulde that some pastours preachers and ministers woulde wiselyer weye and warne in their Synodes Sermōs parishes not to suffer others that haue no licēce to preach their inuentiōs contrary to the Quéenes procéedings as I wish that they in their houses wold observe that al other by them might take example to kepe Lent and suche fasting dayes as by the lawes of God and men are commaunded of Courtiers and Lawyers better vsed than of some diuines althoughe the Apostles themselues ordayned Lente and Telesphorus Quinquagesima as Polidor writeth wherby the bodie may be brought obedient to the spirit that Name better maintained land encrease more cherished and the more subiectes be bred and nourished with two partes in sixe of household diet saued the bodie healthilier preserued and the more people exercised let some Libertines busie belly bodies neuer so cunningly voyde of feare or duetie colour the cōtrary Howbeit nine sorts of people by lawes haue ben always tollerated as the case hath required Sick Soldiers Sailers Infants Nurses womē gret longing or lying in Childe bed aged persōs prisoners wayfaring mē whō of late they named Pilgrims The seconde from inordinate and vnlawfull touching or venerie as from coueting of goods vnlawfullye as sayth Clemens Alexandrinus as in the last Section where all actuall sinnes are expressed shal be shewed The thirde not only from vnsitting toyes but also from al other vnlawfull déedes be it of séeing hearing or smelling so that through this vertue Temperance the actions inwarde outwarde of vs vppon this earth are kepte in their meane as the heauenly Sunne through his mouing light and influence in the middle Sphere giueth his meane temperature yéelding by gods appointment to this lower world with the rest of the celestiall bodies all flourishing comfort growth and encrease Wherevpon the diuine Doctor Saint Hierome saith that be which obserueth Temperaunce liueth like a reasonable treature but he that doth not like a bruite beast And Bullinger sayeth vnlesse we liue and leade a temperate 〈◊〉 life we are vtterly vnworthy to beare the name of Christians of the louing bush and therefore that feareth god obeyeth his Prince lawes or regardeth reason alwayes to be considered as wel as of the woman bycause hir bodie is subiect to the vertuous man as the sacred Scriptures most diuinely doe teach the Homilies instructeth Peter Lawne handleth and as experience amongst all good Christians sheweth not seuering themselues as it is too commonly practised but rather louingly the one to embrace the other except a lawful and manifeste cause according to the Scriptures and not liberty do cōstrain it seeing that they be both but one fleshe two immortal soules the creatures that be only endued with reason courage and 〈◊〉 with power Iustice and wisdome that must abide the terrible sentence according to their déedes to whom al creatures as wel heauenly as earthly serue and obeye as long as they vse folowe and practise the workes of the spirit and forsake the wicked workes of the fraile flesh as by Tobias it is euidētly expressed and of Paul the chosen Apostle in the Acts in his Epistles at large declared which briefly in this last part is vttered Prayer not being the leaste for through it as the Prophetes Apostles and Doctours of the Churche doe affirme namely Saint Augustine S. Ambrose Saint Ierome Saint Chrisostome with all other holye fathers of the primatiue Church as wel as of latter time as by our godly and lerned Homilies and pestils dayly redde therin appeareth fleshly affections are thereby not only quenched but also God euen our god which guideth al things is therwith best pleased after the phrase of men as the Scripture doeth by the figure Anthropopathia with Lodouicus Viues I speak it and therfore it shall dayly and nightly he vsed The kingly Prophet Dauid hath so willed it of diuerse in our ●ong deuoutlye and dutifullye deuised in their bookes of ●●●red prayers of all the zealous sort highly to be imbraced the Meditations and selfe talke of Saint Augustine latelye translated And so before meate shall exercise for Hippocrates hath so willed it that labour should goe before meate that the bodie may be made more pure and cleane for the vncleane the more you nourishe them the more you hurt them CHAP. IX In what aire exercise should be of the force thereof whiche is best and how to know it THys bréeding bringing vp and exercise shold be in a good ayre as the child it selfe must be brought vp in when as the ayre can more alter the bodie and spirits than any nourishment or foode as Diodorus Siculus Consiliator Martin Curtez and Peter Martir of Anglera affirmeth séeing that of the matter of it is breathing as Galen proueth which if it shal be euil or infected the liuing creature can not long be sounde as Rhasis Agricola and Benedictus Victorius testifye and as our valiant trauellers finde true in their Nauigations to Perrow China and Cataya Hence may be proued that the aire is not so hurtful as some iudge especiallye for them that be brought vp and accustomed therevnto neyther in Hollande Holdernesse Rumney marsh Brint marsh the Lowes in Lancashire and hundreds in Essex c. for as muche as in all these and many others that I name not as well in forraine soyle as in our own countrey I haue séene as wel sundry olde men as diuerse healthye and lustie persons The wholesomest ayre as all the Philosophers and Phisitions do affirme is that that is of pure substaunce and that when the Sunne ariseth doth soone waxe hot when it setteth doth soone coole as Mont. declareth as is affirmed to be in i● Slemarge in Irelande being the very cause of their greate health and length of life as a hundred sixescore seauenscore yeares and vpwards as they there enformed me the seconde yeare of the raigne of Quéene Mary And as that learned mā Maister Iohn Chaloner hir highnesse secretarie in Ireland ●ā testifye There be diuerse meanes by whiche the holesomnesse of the aire and place may be knowen as be places frée from stāding waters and quickly dispatch of the cloudes of the night as Palladius sayeth and that be likewise from the Sea as Plato sheweth bycause that as the Sea of his owne nature is ●●try and stormie so the inhabiters mindes do alwayes like it 〈◊〉 and flowe Whiche of my selfe to praise or disprayse according to the nature of places to me for the most part vniuersally knowen throughout all this lande I thinke not requisite for sundrye considerations of the wise easily coniectured This onelye I wish
according to instrumēts and offices from the mediate graces in mankinde it worketh déedes the Arteries con●●yeth the spirituall bloud from the heare the Vaines the nutritiue frō the Liuer sinewes sense from the Braine to al parts and they againe feeling with the ●●●ctes fibres and rest of the sinew●s of heate cold harde soft rough and smooth c. So that if they be letted be it in the wrest for example by woūd dislocatiō or Fracture vntill they be vnited againe by Nature and that noble part of Phisieke termed Chirurgery as at Leith Barwike I had no smal experiēce after the assault in the beginning of the second yere of the Quéenes Maiesties raigne the hand instrument before al instruments shall lose his operation And euen so we maye say of the eye the scous●watch of outwarde actions glasses of the inward soule which if it be affected and encōbred wyth ●●th of Catarike by Surflot Lake Philip Moore and Grey dayly handled right artificially doth trie no colours vntil it be c●ched so without Gods gift Naturall reason the perfit operation of the animal spirit being in man as Iob affirmeth albeit it is the inspiration of the Almightie that giueth Vnderstanding for as Themistius sayth there is nothing more diuine Whiche vnderstanding in ideots through defecte is wanting in Infantes and extreame old age as in the Litargie Mania and Melancholie by reason of Sicknesse and as in the Frensy Ielosie and Heresie through too much Musing wrong instruction affection extreame loue and trouble of the mind Without blessed Gouernemente holy discipline and dayly instruction we coulde not learne so muche as to speake our owne language or any tongue in vse muche lesse knowe any Religion Law or dutifulnesse forasmuch as Paule sayth the Faith being the substance of things looked for afore defined deuided commeth generally by the Sense of Hearing an instrument to the reasonable office belonging and hearing by the word of truth therefore Clemens Alex teacheth that there is no knowledge without faith nor faith without knowledge Which must be vnderstood by the sight soūd of the Caracters or Letters forelearned or by visiōs or inspiratiōs answerable to the inuētion vnderstāding of ech reasonable person in euery Nation as of the learned and godly Nowel in the latter parte of his Catechismes is verye well noted out of the word Loqui to speake and singularly well approued of Maister Ralfe Leuer in his Witcraft and lately founde true by experience in the Brute people brought in by Captain Frobisher except it be miraculously But that hapneth not to all persons neyther at all times nor in all places for if it had or did at anye time or in any age the Heauenly Writ would not haue said againste the Godlesse Libertines detestable Southsayers and dissembling destinators To them that knocke in Faith shal be opened but whether they knocke in beliefe or not they shall enter It woulde not haue sayde againste the olde Arians newe Familie of Loue and late Anabaptists wherof some had grace to recant of late yeres at Paules Crosse thorough the godly Doctrine and wise perswasion of a right gracious Pastor in the Churche of God euerye where worthilye known to them that beleeue and that be baptised is saluation belonging It woulde not haue sayde against Loyterers Roags and all euill doers to them that do well of the housholde of Faithe is the Kingdome of Heauen to them that do euill Hel fire Hence manifestlye appeareth the error of Origen although some defende him in that he taught al men shoulde be saued as I haue hearde some ignorauntlye affirme leauing no matter subiecte for the triumph of Gods Iustice Hence likewise the Scripture proueth that Lucifer for pride and ambition with his adherentes were into perpetual torments condemned wishing that all children were hereof instructed that they might no lesse regarde the meane and refraine the extreame than some of the elder sorte wantyng wisedome grace due consideration do little estéeme or auoyd Not knowing belike or not regarding Tobias words to hys sonne how that of Pride beganne all destruction neyther yet the confession of thousandes at their examinations and execution howbeit in the ages following it shal at large be handled if that already here sayd may not suffise and Opius law deliuered that teacheth a meane to be kepte in aparrell vnlesse such sumptuousnesse abroade where it néedeth not and attyre that ought not be not forthwith amended For hereby doubtlesse Vice is furthered Hospitalitie hindered Liberalitie condemned Charitie neglected and abilitie to serue the Prince when néede shall be diminished But it woulde haue saide whether they do well or euill the euerlasting ioy is determined These things the holy Ghoste hath not vttered bicause the truth cannot be againste it selfe and that is the light Lampe which we are bound to folow or else the Apostle would not haue saide that the vnrighteous shall not inherite the kingdome of Heauen Be not deceiued herein saith he to the Corinthians Galathians and Ephesians And this that hée spake as he spake it doubtlesse by the spirite of God so the faithfull in all their doings are to consider it forasmuche as all the workers of iniquitie he willeth to departe from hym And truth it is Babes otherwise howe shoulde it cause the wicked and disobedient from euill to refraine and to tourne vnto the Lord or comfort the faithful iust and honest to continue in vertue and earnest zeale of godlinesse as the godlye haue alwayes done if vertue hath not his reward here and in Heauen and the vice his punishment both vpon earth and in hel And this is the Catholike beléefe that they that haue done well shal go into life euerlasting they that haue done euill into hell fire CHAP. XLII Wherein a good common weale consisteth and howe the Gentiles as well as Christians hadde allurementes and meanes to drawe menne therevnto A question why Christ suffered That God is no lesse iust than he is mercifull How Princes take their regimente from God in that they punishe the euill and aduance the good The fruites of the Spirit declared The works of the flesh desciphered Our sauiors sermon vpon the mount touched That the Morall lawe is continuall and in some part the Iudicall but not at al the Ceremoniall How al men be created to do good works A briefe conclusion vppon the drift of this whole worke That euery Country is to liue within the limites of their owne lawes THe Gentiles as wel as the Gréekes and the Romanes kept this course in al their gouernments as maye appeare by the lawes of Solon Licurgus and Pompilius with infinite other nations for Solon affirmed constantly to the Athenians that a good commō wealth consisted in these two in preferring the good and in punishing euil The Romanes saith Tullie founded Temples in memorial hereof in such sorte as none