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A47542 A golden mine opened, or, The glory of God's rich grace displayed in the mediator to believers, and his direful wrath against impenitent sinners containing the substance of near forty sermons upon several subjects / by Benjamin Keach. Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. 1694 (1694) Wing K69; ESTC R18541 471,831 520

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Divine Wrath hath made so sweet a Calm that God declares in him i. e. in his Son he is well-pleased and that Fury is not in him now no more for ever towards Believers who can or shall then condemn them Jesus Christ hath turned away God's Anger by impairing of his Right and Soveraignty without derogation from his Perfections So that now he can and doth receive us who believe into his Eternal Love and Favour through the Death of his own Son it being the Judgment of God that they who sin are worthy of Death But that Death which Sin incurred and the Sinner deserved Christ hath endured for his Elect and delivered them for ever from the Pain and Punishment thereof and stand acquitted of and justified from for ever Thirdly It is because Jesus Christ who was the Antitype of the Scape-Goat hath carried away all our Sins who do believe The kill'd Goat made the Atonement for the Sins of all God's Israel and because one Goat could not prefigure the whole of Christ's Undertaking therefore there were two Goats appointed And Aaron shall lay both his Hands upon the Head of the live Goat and confess over him all the Iniquities of the Children of Israel and all their Transgressions in all their Sins putting them upon the Head of the Goat and shall send him away by the Hand of a fit Person into the Wilderness And the Goat shall bear upon him all their Iniquities unto a Land not inhabited c. Brethren pray observe here is mention four times of all the Sins of the Children of Israel all their Iniquities all their Transgressions all their Sins And again the Goat shall bear upon him all their Iniquities The Goat was a Type of Christ to shew that not one Sin of a Child of God shall ever be laid upon him charged upon him because Christ had them all laid upon him and he hath carried them all away all their Sins great Sins as well as smaller Sins Sins before Grace and after Grace were all laid upon Jesus Christ yea Sins of all sorts Sins of Commission and Sins of Omission no Sin could be expiated without the Death and Blood of Christ Also a full and free Confession was to be made upon the Head of the Scape-Goat of all Sins Brethren as the smallest Sins needed such a Sacrifice such an Atonement namely the Death of Christ so the greatest Sins were not excluded from that Atonement and blessed Benefit of his Death Moreover the Scape-Goat carried all their Sins away into the Wilderness or into an unknown Land or into a Land of Forgetfulness never to be remembred any more this hath our Lord Jesus done Christ hath put away Sin and put it away for ever and that by the Sacrifice of himself once for all He hath laid on him the Iniquities of us all and also all our Iniquities He could not be supposed to have suffered for our Sins if our Sins respecting the Guilt of them were not laid upon him or charged upon him and imputed to him his Sufferings otherwise would have been Arbitrary and Unjust had he not been substituted by the Father and called forth as our Surety nor could his Death been accepted the Law no where condemning or punishing any one who in a Law-sense is an innocent Person He was made Sin without knowing Sin He knew the Guilt by Imputation but he knew not Sin any otherwise neither Original nor Actual He was born without Sin and lived without Sin in his Mouth was found no Guile yet he had our Sins upon him and carried them away he being the Antitype of the slain Goat satisfied for all our Sins and as he is the Antitype of the live Goat he hath born them away for ever Arg. 4. If any one Sin of the Children of God shall ever be charged upon them as to that Vindictive Wrath that is due to Sin so that they may come under Eternal Condemnation of it then hath not Christ born all their Sins nor carried them away into the Land of Forgetfulness But Christ hath born all their Sins and carried away all their Iniquities as he is the Antitype of the slain and living Goat therefore their Sins shall never be charged upon them as to the Vindictive Wrath that is due to them so that they can never come under Eternal Condemnation Fourthly None of Christ's Sheep or no Believer can fall so as eternally to perish upon the Consideration of the Death of Christ 1. Because Christ hath by his Death delivered them from the Curse of the Law as well as from the Guilt of Sin the Law is the Strength of Sin it is by that Sin condemneth the Sinner The Law lays every Man under the Wrath and Curse of God and unless it be answered God might be said to change his Will should he justify any Man nay it would seem to reflect upon his Holiness the Precepts must perfectly be kept by Man or his Surety the Breach we had made of it by Sin must be satisfied for both these Jesus Christ hath done not for himself he needed not to have come to keep the Law to justify himself for as God he is infinite Holy but as Mediator he did this for us he obtained a perfect Robe or Righteousness to give away and put on us He hath brought in everlasting Righteousness and made an end of Sin How made an end of Sin Not that there shall be no Sin any more in the World No but he has made an end of the condemning Power of it the strength it had to kill and damn the Soul is took away for ever from all that believe from all that he hath put his Righteousness upon God's justice being satisfied we are furnished with an exact and compleat Righteousness that shall last for ever 't is an Everlasting Righteousness that every Believer hath in Christ Who therefore shall condemn Christ hath delivered us from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for us Sin is our Sickness Sin is that by which we stand charged and the Law condemns us pronounces a Curse against us but Christ hath cured us of this Sickness and delivered us from this Curse As it is written Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the Book of the Law to do them Till we believed we lay under that fearful Curse but from this we are discharged and Christ hath undergone that great Curse for us and there is no other Curse can come on Believers all separation from God and Wrath is by the Curse of Law but this is ended and gone for ever to every one that believeth Nothing therefore now can separate them from God the Curse is taken away and the Blessing is put on us 2. From hence it appears that the Veracity of God is ingaged to acquit all them that believe in Christ as his Justice is obliged to leave Sinners under the Curse of
do appropriate part of it to my self which is the worst part of Popery They say that Christ's Merits with their own good Works do justify and save them And what do the Arminians say less who join Faith Inherent Righteousness and Sincere Obedience with the Merits of Christ both in Justification before God and in the Salvation of their Souls They say all Men are in a capacity or have Power to work out their own Salvation if they will Mr. William Allen says on that Text Rom. 4. Now to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the Vngodly his Faith is counted for Righteousness That they are the Works of the Law he doth not say That he that loves not c. So that Love Gospel-Obedience and Holiness according to these Men are not excluded as the Matter of our Justification before God but are a part of it They plead for Gospel-Works in point of Justification though not for the Works of the Law Pray what Difference is there between these Mens Doctrine and that of the Papists But I having lately in my Treatise called The Marrow of Justification so fully confuted this Grand Error I shall add no more to it at this Time but come to examine the Text. 1. It is evident that the Persons to whom the Holy Apostle wrote this Epistle were Saints and Justified Persons or such who were quickned renewed or regenerated by the Holy Spirit Therefore 2. Let us consider what Part of Salvation it was which they were required to work out 1. They could not appease the Wrath of God nor satisfy Divine Justice that sure was not in their Power to do nor is it here intended 2. They could not deliver themselves from the Curse of the Law because by their uttermost endeavour they could not arrive to a compleat or perfect Righteousness nor satisfy for the breach of it by Original Sin and by Actual Sins formerly by them committed 3. They could not change their own Hearts or create in themselves a new Heart they had no creating Power certainly they dare not say they had Power or were capable to form Christ in their Souls or restore God's lost Image in them Again 4. They could not raise themselves from the Dead for they were once dead in Sins and Trespasses and sure they will say that to raise and quicken the Dead is Christ's Work only You hath he quickned he does not say you have ye quickned 5. They could not bind the strong Man armed who formerly had the ruling Power in them and in whose Chains and Fetters they were once bound Will they say that all Men have a greater Power in them than is the Power of Satan so that Man may translate himself if he will out of the Power and Kingdom of Satan into the Kingdom of God's dear Son as all Believers by the irresistable Power of God are 6. They could not believe of themselves because Faith is a Fruit of the Spirit of God and 't is said expresly It is not of our selves but it is the Gift of God Now all things are as parts of our Salvation or appertain thereunto and none of all these things can be here meant by the Apostle because the Persons to whom he wrote had all these things work'd out for them and in them before Quest What Work is it then What were they to work out Answ I answer The Apostle means that good Work of Mortification of Sin and all Works that are the Fruits of Faith that is they should lead a Holy and Godly Life they having received a Principle of Grace from Christ to this very End there being a Necessity that the Tree be first made Good before the Fruit can be Good and that a dead Man have a Principle of Life infused into him before he can either move or work Quest But can the Creature do these things you mention of himself Answ The Apostle seems very jealous of these Saints lest they should catch up some Arminian Notion which is too much rooted in Man's corrupt Nature and therefore to vanquish Free-Will or the Power of the Creature for ever nay the Power that is in regenerated Persons he adds For it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his own good Pleasure who worketh in them powerfully effectually carrying on the Work through all Difficulties and Obstacles with victorious Efficacy God works not only Grace in them at first but still by his Spirit through fresh Supplies does aid influence and assist them and will until the Work is perfected or until the Day of Christ We cannot mortify Sin pray nor do any good Work without the Spirit If ye through the Spirit saith Paul do mortify the Deeds of the Body ye shall live So then this is the Sum In Holiness and all good Works we act and do But how even as we are acted moved and influenced of God It is as when God acts works and moves in us by his Spirit And as to do all with fear and trembling this is only to shew how low we should lie at the Foot of God and be humble and not lifted up with Pride since all our Power and Sufficiency is of God But so much to this Text and Objection Object 8. But what say you to that Text in Jer. 22. 24. Though Co●iah the Son of Jehojakim King of Judah were the Signet upon my right Hand yet would I pluck thee thence This Place of Scripture is sent me as a grand Objection against Final Perseverance Answ We must distinguish between one that might be near to God or as dear as a Signet on the right Hand in respect of Place or External Dignity as a King and God's bringing him from thence by Temporal Punishment and one that is a Signet upon God's right Hand in respect of Divine Grace and Favour in Jesus Christ or as touching his Eternal Election the latter this Text does not refer unto Object 9. Is it not said If ye abide in me and my Words abide in you c. Answ The Supposition If ye do doth not always denote a Possibility that a Person may not do so See John 15. 10. If ye keep my Commandments ye shall abide in my Love even as I have kept my Father's Commandment and abide in his Love Was it possible for Christ not to abide in his Father's Love Our Saviour uses these Expressions as an Argument of Comparison 1. This shews how acceptable Holiness and Obedience is to God 2. It also implies thus much i. e. That God hath ordained his Saints to Faith Love and Obedience as well as to Eternal Life If my Word abide in you c. Now elsewhere God saith to Christ And the Words which I have put into thy Mouth shall not depart out of thy Mouth nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed which are Believers they shall have his Word abide in them for ever The Law of God
torment for a refreshment Fifthly It will be intolerable because the punishment of Hell is to satisfie Divine Justice to pay the just Debt owing to God for the breach of his holy Law true because sin is an infinite wrong and the Creature is but finite they can never pay the Debt nor make a satisfaction for the injury done to God therefore they must suffer eternally they are always a paying but can never fully pay what they owe Justice requiring the utmost farthing Nothing can surely set forth the dismalness of their torment more than this Oh take a view of Divine Wrath in the sufferings of our Blessed Saviour when he stood in our stead and was to satisfie for the Sins of all the Elect how did it bring him down prostrate to the ground and made him sweat great drops of blood and to Cry out My Soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto Death Tho' he was God as well as Man and had the Strength of the infinite Deity to support him Ah Sirs this wrath laid upon finite Creatures will sink them down to the lowest Hell and grind them to Powder Sixthly It will be Wrath-amazing and very terrible Wrath because it will seize on the Soul of the Sinner it will put the Soul into the fire The Soul hath been the chief sinner here and therefore shall be the chief sufferer in those Regions of Sorrow and how unsupportable is that Wrath which is let out on the Soul or Spirit of man you have had a taste in Spira and Child If Sirs a spark of Divine Displeasure when it falls upon the guilty Conscience tears it pieces what will be those floods of Divine Wrath poured forth in Hell on the Souls of Men and Women who can stand here whilst in this World before an Angry God or encounter with Offended Omnipotency such is the sharpness of his Sword the heaviness of his Rod when laid on by the hand of his Wrath that every stroak is deadly and no doubt Satan greatens the wounds on the Conscience he charges the guilt upon their Spirits with all the Soul-killing aggravations and strives to hide Divine Mercy and Rob the Soul of the precious Blood of Christ the only lenitive and choice balm to heal a wounded Spirit O what visions of horror what sence of fear and perplexity were presented to the distressed minds of these two miserable Creatures before mentioned the guilty Conscience turns all Joy into Sorrow all Light into Darkness the sweet Promises of the Gospel that assure of favour and pardon to believing Sinners afford no relief but are turned into arguments of Despair by reflecting on their former Iniquities and abuse of Mercies so that Christ himself they see is become their Accuser ' Whatever the wounded Sinner sees and hears saith a worthy Minister afflicts him whatever he thinks of torments him all the diversions in the World Business Pleasures Merry Conversations Comedies are as ineffectual to give him freedom from those stings and furies in his breasts as the sprinkling of holy Water is to expel the Devil from a possessed Person those who in their Pride and Jollity have despised serious Religion either as a fond Transport and Extasie or a dull Melancholly and Dejection about the Soul c. yet when God has set their sins with all their killing circumstances before their Eyes how changed how confounded are they at that apparition how restless in the dreadful expectation of the doom that attends them ' But alas alas what is internal Wrath let out on the Soul in Hell as he notes for the Aprehensions of the Soul will be enlarged and their spirits work with the quickest activity Here tho' they have no hope at present yet they know not what God may do in a moment to turn their Sorrow into Joy and their Night into Noon-day here are many things to divert their thoughts and they meet with some intermission of their horror and perplexity as Mr. Child intimated but in Hell there 's none of this Seventhly It will be intolerable misery because it shall be Torments on the Body and Soul too not on the Soul only but on both O it will be a dismal Meeting when they two old Companions meet together at the last day I mean the miserable Soul and Body of a wicked man at the Resurrection and hear the dolesom Sentence Go ye cursed Spira and Child had direful Sorrow and Anguish in their Souls but their Bodies were not much tormented they both being in a state of Health as to the outward man but the fire of Gods Wrath will extend to and seize upon the Body as well as on the Soul in that day every Faculty of the Soul and Member of the Body which have been Instruments of Sin shall then be in Pain and under fearful Torture and Misery Now the Spirit of a man may support or sustain his bodily Infirmities and Afflictions but in Hell the Spirit cannot afford any Relief to the Body because it cannot sustain its own misery both must and shall suffer Eighthly All the Perplexing Passions and Faculties will then be let out upon the wicked beyond whatever they have been here whilst in this World 1. The Conscience in a fearful manner shall torment the damned May we not conclude Conscience will terrifie them after this manner O thou Wretch what a God hast thou lost who is a most infinite suitable seasonable and a Soul-satisfying Good what a Christ art thou deprived of who died for poor Sinners how often did he knock at thy Door calling upon thee intreating thee to let him in who stood with his Arms spread open to embrace all that came to him and what a Heaven and endless Joy hast thou contemned and this for one base Lust for bruitish Pleasure for a moment for a little Earthly Profit and sinful Honour How didst thou hearken to thy vile Companions and close in with them rather than adhere to me who accused thee for thy cursed Evils thou wouldst not mind those Checks and Lashes thou hadst from me in thy Bosom did not I tell thee what thy Pride thy Lying thy Swearing thy Whoreing thy Theft thy Cheating thy Covetousness and Cruelty to the Poor or Unmercifulness thy Neglect of the means of Grace and of Gospel or Christian Duties thy Hardness of Heart thy Unbelief thy Hypocrisie and Formality would bring thee to in the End This is the gnawing Worm that dyeth not O how fearfully will Conscience terrifie and torment the Soul of the Damned then now it is Blinded Misled Deceived may be seared with a hot Iron but then it will be throughly awakened and all Vails taken off it will lay unmerciful Blows upon the Soul and make it cry yea roar and none to speak a word to allay or appease its Acclamations and its fearful Outcries You may judge of the Nature of a Tormenting Conscience in Hell by what those have sound and experienced to be
reprove thee and set them in order before thine Eyes that is thy Sins and secret Works of Darkness He considers it Will he not consider it Many Men know much of their own Wickedness and of the Wickedness of others but they lay it not to Heart they do not consider it But God knoweth and seeth Wickedness after another rate He considers observes it and weighs the Nature of the Crime and the Aggravations of it the vile Purposes End and Intention of the Person doing it and how it is done wilfully against Light and the clear Convictions of his own Conscience He weigheth the Nature of their Wickedness as in Ballances as it is said of Belshazzar Thou art weighed in the Ballance and art found wanting thy horrid Pride filthy Lusts Counsels Policies and all the Contrivances of thy Heart and Government are weighed The Ways of Man are before the Lord and he pondereth all his Paths He puts them into a Ballance and doth not only see them but consider them ponder and weigh them Consol Lastly This may be also Matter of Comfort and Consolation to all the Sheep of Jesus Christ or holy and sincere Children of God Christ knows you I know my Sheep Job was glad that God knew him Thou knowest I am not wicked He doth not say thou knowest I am not a Sinner a Man of any Infirmities No but not an ungodly Sinner an Hypocrite one that lives in Sin loves Sin makes a Trade of Sin as wicked Men do 'T is no matter how Job or Paul are censured reproached or condemn'd by Men whilst they had the Testimony of their Consciences touching their Sincerity My Integrity saith Job I hold fast I will not let it go mine own Heart shall not reproach me so long as I live And saith holy Paul Our rejoicing is this the Testimony of our Consciences that in Simplicity and godly Sincerity not with fleshly Wisdom but by the Grace of God we have had our Conversation in the World The consideration of this that their own Hearts cleared and did acquit them of all those foul charges of Friends and false Brethren and also that God knows that they are what they profess themselves to be O this was matter of great Comfort to them and may be so to all sincere and gracious Christians Christ knows our Fears our Straits our Temptations our Wants and all the Wrongs and Injuries we have sustained Is not this matter of Consolation O poor drooping Saint lift up thy dejected Spirit All thy Wants are in Christ's sight he sees the Place where every Sheep and Lamb of his dwells and what their Wants are And his Love Bowels Care and Compassion is infinite he that laid down his Life for his Sheep for this and that poor afflicted tempted and dejected Soul will not he think you seeing he knows your Condition supply support strengthen heal feed and comfort you whosoever you are if one of his Sheep He that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things He that hath given himself shed his own precious Blood for us will not deny us a little Bread to feed our Souls nor Balm to heal them nor any Comfort he sees good will he deny or withhold from us He that gave the greater will not stick to give the less 2. Christ knows whatsoever you have done for his Glory and he is not unrighteous to forget your Work and Labour of Love which ye have shewed toward his Name in that ye have ministred to the Saints and do minister You have forgot what you gave to such and such poor Saints may be ten twenty or thirty Years ago yea but Christ hath not forgot it True there is no Work of ours that deserveth any thing from the Hands of Christ in point of Merit yet what though Rewards of Grace as I have often told you will exceed all Rewards of Merit A Cup of cold Water shall have a Reward of Grace the Gift of a Penny given in love to Christ when thou caust give no more shall have a glorious Reward at the great Day As I once told you of a King who meeting with a Baker's Boy as he was carrying Bread into the Town he being very hungry and lost his Nobles having been a hunting desired the Boy to give him a Penny Loaf which he readily did And for this the King knighted the Boy and gave a yearly Estate to him and his Heirs for ever O Sirs Christ's Rewards of Grace and Favour will exceed all that we conceive or can comprehend though we deserve nothing 3. Nay Christ knowing our good Intention and what we would do had we Power or were we able to do it he will reward that accept of that as if we actually had done it as in David's Case who had it in his Heart to build God's Temple though God would not have him to do it yet did accept it as if he had done it 4. Christ also knowing what we have suffered for his Name 's sake though we have forgot it yet he will remember it at the great Day JOHN X. 27. My Sheep hear my Voice and I know them and they follow me BELOVED I have shewed you what a kind of Knowledg Jesus Christ hath of all his Sheep Fifthly I shall now proceed to the fifth General Head and give some of the Characters or Properties of the Sheep of Christ But before I do this I shall shew you why the Saints are compared to Sheep 1. First it is from their clean and mild Nature Wicked Men from the consideration of their filthy and ravenous Nature are contrariwise compared to Lions Wolves Foxes Dogs Swine and the like But now God's People have through the Operation of Divine Grace their unclean and filthy Nature changed that brutish perverse and swinish Disposition which they brought into the World with them is gone Such were some of you but you are washed but you are sanctified but you are justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God Sheep are of a clean Nature they like not to wallow in the Mire as Swine do So the Saints have a clean and holy Nature wrought in their Souls or spiritual Habits infused through the renewing of the Holy Ghost having obtained a true Righteousness in which they stand justified and appear without Spot before God even in the perfect Righteousness of Jesus Christ which is counted to them for Righteousness to their Justification and are sanctified through the Spirit of Holiness 2. Sheep are a harmless and innocent sort of Creatures not crafty like the Fox nor devouring like the Lion So the Saints are harmless and innocent they seek the Hurt of no Man but desire to live peaceably in the Land and not like Romish Wolves who delight in nothing more than in Blood and Rapine They are like unto their
considered as the Head and all the Father hath given him as the Members of his Body chosen in him and united to him Therefore their standing in Christ by virtue of Election is like that of the Election of their Head Now can Christ cease being an Elect Head Every one will say No that is impossible No more can they cease from being Elect Members This of Election in Christ presupposeth an Union and there was a decretive Union from Eternity and that influenced their actual Union in Time and as certainly as Christ died rose again and ascended in the fulness of Time who was decretively a Lamb stain before the Foundation of the World so will God's Decree of Election in Christ as certainly bring in all the Elect into actual Union with Christ and carry them all to Heaven whither their Head as the Forerunner for us is already entered as sure as he is now there But you will hear more of this when I come to speak of that Argument simply taken from their Union with Christ 3 dly That the Saints of God or Sheep of Jesus Christ by virtue of their Election cannot fall away so as to perish for ever doth appear evident from one or two express Scriptures see Rom. 8. 28. We know all things work together for Good to them that love God who are the Called according to his Purpose For whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son that he might be the First-born among many Brethren Moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified See here and I beseech you consider it and weigh it well for this Text is enough to convince one would think all the Opposers of this glorious Truth in the World or silence them for ever The Apostle begins the Happiness and eternal Salvation of all that shall be saved and the certainty of it in Election Whom he did foreknow that is whom he in his good Pleasure did pitch upon or think good to give to his Son to be his Spouse or Members of his Mystical Body he also did predestinate them and all them them and none but them he elected chose or appointed them to be conformed to the Image of his Son that is in Holiness c. but more of that by and by and whom he so predestinated or elected he called and them he justified and them and every one of them he glorified or will so call justify and glorify This is that place of Scripture which is called by some the Golden Chain by others the Chain of Salvation and it may very well be so called nothing can be more clear than this viz. That those who are elected shall be called justified and be all as certainly glorified 'T is not in the Power of all the Enemies of the Soul to break this Chain one part is so linked to the other it begins in Election and ends in Glorification So that our Election is a forcible Argument to prove there is no final falling for any one of the Sheep of Jesus Christ 4 thly It is because the Means is ordained by the unalterable Decree of God as well as the End True we grant Without Holiness no Man shall see the Lord And it is he that indureth to the End that shall be saved or such only that mortify the Deeds of the Body or Who by continuance in well-doing seek for Glory and Honour and Immortality Eternal Life But pray Brethren consider that God hath ordained all his Elect Ones to be holy and without blame before him in love or as Paul in that to the Romans before mentioned to be conformed to the Image of his Son Grace shall be given to them to renew them and to carry on and finally at last perfect Holiness in them For we are his Workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good Works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them No Man can do good Works until created and formed by the Lord This People have I formed for my self they shall shew forth my Praise They shall bring forth Fruit to the praise of his Glory see that emphatical Text John 15. 16. Ye have not chosen me but I have chosen you and ordained you that you should bring forth Fruit and that your Fruit should remain Not only ordained to Eternal Life as the End of their Election but also ordained to bring forth Fruit as the Way and Means of obtaining it Nay more that they shall persevere in bringing forth Fruit that your Fruit should remain 1. They shall not cease bearing Fruit because united to such a Root a Root that hath so much Sap in it or grafted into such an Olive Tree and they shall be made Partakers of the Fatness thereof Because I live ye shall live also Because their Root lives they shall live or because their Head lives they shall live Christ is the Head of Election the Head of his Mystical Body and of every Member of it a Head of Influence and he lives therefore they that are his true Branches or his Members according to Election shall live also they shall live a Life of Holiness the Life of Grace here and the Life of Glory hereafter 2. They shall bring forth Fruit because the Holy Spirit is given to them and shall remain in them for ever This Water will make them fruitful They spread forth their Root by a River and shall not see when Heat cometh but their Leaf shall be green and shall not be careful in the Year of Drought neither shall cease from yielding Fruit. Now if this be so if they are elected to use the Means or ordained to be Holy if it is the absolute Decree of God that they shall hold on their way and are united to such a Head that their Fruit shall remain and they shall not cease yielding Fruit then they cannot finally fall away Election secures them they shall not perish but have Everlasting Life But all this is true therefore they cannot perish 5 thly I argue from the Nature of the Election of the Blessed Angels All the Angels that stand were elected and it was this that secures them and preserves them from falling Those that fell were not elected and as evident it is not one of the Elect Angels are fallen nor can fall I marvel any thinking Christians should doubt of Election as it results from the absolute Soveraignty of God's Grace or good Pleasure of his Will since God by Election took hold of some of the Angels as well as some of the lost Sons and Daughters of Adam Was God unjust because he did not secure by his unchangeable Decree the standing of all the Angels but left some of them and only fix'd upon so many as he in his own Wisdom thought good They may as well charge this upon the
Life of Grace here and the Life of Glory hereafter Arg. 8. If there is no Condemnation to such who are in Jesus Christ or have Union with him if they have Everlasting Life because they have Union with the Son and are passed from Death to Life and shall not come into Condemnation then this Sacred Union secures and saves all that are united to Christ from falling away so as eternally to perish But that all this is true we have proved and it is in plain words asserted by the Holy Ghost therefore this Sacred Union secures and saves them all from eternal perishing Arg. 9. If Christ in us is a certain and sure Ground of the Hope of Glory and that Hope is the Anchor of the Soul both sure and stedfast that cannot be lost then Union with Christ gives all such an assurance of Salvation and that none of them that have Union with Christ or have Christ in them can eternally perish But that this is so the Holy Ghost doth positively assert therefore none of them can so perish Arg. 10. Lastly If Faith in the Habit of it through which by the Spirit we come to have this Actual Union with Christ can never be lost or shall not fail then none that have Union with Christ shall ever perish But that Faith in the Habit of it cannot be lost or shall not fail our Saviour affirms it being one part of his Prayer when on Earth and no doubt it is part of his Intercession now in Heaven I have prayed for thee that thy Faith fail not And he never asked any thing of the Father but it was granted him And I know thou hearest me always Therefore they can never perish I might add here that Communion which flows necessarily from this Union which affords a strong Argument for the Saints final Perseverance Union cannot be without Communion for whilst the Members are united to a living Head there will be as one observes an Influx of Animal Spirits whereby they shall partake of Life and Motion and though a Believer I grant may lose the sensible Experience of Communion with Christ yet the Spirit from their Mystical Head will be working in them providing for them and standing by them To conclude with this Argument I argue 1. If our Union be by the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit 2. If our Union with Christ be a Conjugal Union a Marriage-Union 3. If it be as near a Union as is between the Body the Members of the Natural Body 4. If it be such a Union as is between the Tree and the Branches 5. If it be such a Union as is between the Father and Son as Christ is Mediator 6. If it be a Union of Spirits as if but one Soul was in two Bodies 7. If it be such a Union that Believers partake of the Divine Nature 8. If it be a Vital Union 9. If it be such a Union that cannot be dissolved by all the Powers of Darkness the Seed of Grace remaining Then it is impossible for any Believer that hath Union with Christ to perish Eternally But all these things are true therefore no true Believer can Eternally perish APPLICATION First These things being so we may infer that our Union with Christ is a most glorious Spring of the greatest Comfort to Believers imaginable 1. From hence Brethren comes in your Actual Justification No Man is personally justified before he receives Christ by Faith before he has actual Union with him But every Soul that is in Christ is actually justified and discharged from all the Guilt of his Sins and stands in Christ compleat in his perfect Righteousness without Spot before the Throne of God 2. Such are made near and dear to Christ O how near is the Wife to the Husband or the Members to the Body even so near and dear is every Soul that hath actual Union with Christ unto him 3. From hence flows our Communion with Christ for by virtue of our Union we come to have our Natures changed It is hereby that we come to behold as in a Glass the Glory of the Lord and are changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord. It is impossible that a brutish and swinish Creature as all unrenewed Men and Women are should have Communion with the Holy God or with the Holy and Blessed Jesus What Fellowship hath Righteousness with Vnrighteousness Or what Communion hath Light with Darkness Or what Concord hath Christ with Belial If we would have Communion with Christ we must be Holy and touch not the unclean thing And impossible it is that we should be Holy until we come to have Union with Jesus Christ by which means we come to partake of his pure Nature and have the evil Habits of our vile and filthy Hearts and Souls changed The Tree must be first made good and then the Fruit will be good Man naturally is united to the Devil and to his own Sin and Iniquity and hath Enmity in his Heart against God The Prince of Darkness is the Head of this dark and wicked World The Vnderstandings Wills and Affections of all Men are under diabolical Influence ever since Adam betrayed us into the Enemies Hands and abide so until that Union be dissolved by the Power of Divine Grace and the Soul united by the Spirit unto Jesus Christ We are united to the first Adam by a Likeness of Nature and how can we be united to the Second without a Principle of Life by which another a new Nature is formed in us We were united to the First by a living Soul and we must be united to the other by a quickning Spirit By Nature Man is dead in Sins and Trespasses and how can he have Communion with a living Christ without a Principle of Life Would any go about to join a stinking Carcass to the Holy Jesus Would not any think it a great Plague to him if he had a dead and rotten Carcass united to him O remember it is from your Union with Christ your Communion with him follows yea and your Communion with the Saints too you can take no delight in Heavenly Company nor Heavenly Things without an Heavenly Heart 3. By this Union you that are Believers come to have interest in and a right unto all things Jesus Christ hath purchased by his Death nor shall any ever have any share or part in all those Spiritual and Eternal Blessings except they obtain this Union As the Cyon cannot partake of the Sap and Fatness of the Olive-Tree without it is grafted into the Stock no more can we partake of the Fatness and glorious Fulness of the true Olive Jesus Christ unless we are grafted into him by Faith and have the Indwellings of the Spirit and then all things that Christ merited for us and are laid up in him for us are ours 4. It is by virtue of this Union that we have
perpetually to be continued the Death of Christ hath special influence unto the mortification of Sin in the Death of the Cross Our Old Man is crucified that the Body of Sin might be destroyed Sin is mortified and we are sanctified by virtue of the Death of Christ and we hereby through his Grace come to be planted into the Likeness of his Death And as Paul in another place saith Being made conformable unto his Death This Conformity is not in our Natural Death or in our being put to death for him but Christ dying for our Sins is the procuring Cause of our dying to Sin therefore we must look for the Death of our Sins in the Death of Christ as the proper Effect thereof Virtue goeth from the Death of Christ to the subduing and destroying of Sin his Death was not only a Passive Example but is accompanied with Power conforming and changing us into his Likeness 'T is the great Ordinance of God to this very End it is by a fellowship or participation in his suffering we are never made conformable to the Death of Christ till we die to Sin the Death of Christ was designed to be the Death of Sin And as certain as Christ died for the Sins of all the Elect so certain it is they shall all first or last feel the powerful Effects thereof in the Death of their Sins The Corn fell into the Ground and died and shall produce all the Increase that virtually was hid in it Christ is our Life the Spring Fountain and Cause of it therefore we have nothing but what we derive from him Object He is say some the Author of Life and as he taught the Way of Life so he is our Life Answ He is our Life as he is our Head and it would be but a sorry Head that should only teach the Feet to go or the Members to act and move without communicating Strength unto them and to the whole Body Christ Brethren is an Head of Influence and in these spiritual Influences or Life that Strength which he communicates to us doth consist in the killing of Sin He loved his Church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of Water that he might present it to himself a glorious Church not having Spot or Wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be Holy and without Blame And if this was his End in his Death be sure his Death shall perfectly effect this glorious Work in the End upon every Soul of his Tenthly and lastly Glorification is also an Effect of the Death of Christ it is the Fruit of his Suffering it was by his own Blood he entred as our Head and Representative once into the Holy Place having obtained Eternal Redemption for us The Crown of Glory is the Purchase of his Blood and as sure as his Righteousness his Holy Life and Obedience and Meritorious Death carried him to the Father and set him down at the right Hand of the Majesty on high so will his Merits as certainly bring all the true Heirs to that Glory above where the Fore-runner is for us already entered For it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many Sons to Glory to make the Captain of their Salvation perfect through Sufferings First he brings those Sons into a State of Grace as the Effects of his Death and Resurrection and unto a State of Glory And whom he justified them also he glorified I shall draw up the Sum of this Argument If such are the certain Fruits and Effects of Christ's Death 1. If it hath appeased the Wrath of God for all that are in him 2. If it hath made their Peace and for ever reconciled them unto God 3. If the Holy Spirit is purchased and procured as the Effects of his Death for them by which they are renewed quickned and helped to mortify Sin and is to them an Earnest a Witness and Seal of Everlasting Life and shall abide with them for ever 4. If Justification is the Effect of Christ's Death and they are for ever acquitted from all Sin and accepted as Righteous in Christ's Righteousness 5. If all that believe in him are sanctified as the Effects of his Death and shall be perfected for ever 6. If Pardon of Sin is an Effect also of Christ's Death and all Believers have and shall have their Sins forgiven for ever or remembred no more 7. If they are adopted Sons and Daughters to God as the Effect of Christ's Death 8. And also if Glorification is an Effect of his Death and as certain as is the Cause the Effect will be or as sure as Christ is glorified in Heaven all that are his Members shall be glorified Then it is impossible that any one of them should so fall away as eternally to perish But all these things are true and none dare to deny them so to be therefore they cannot fall so as eternally to perish I shall apply this and come to the next Argument APPLICATION First To Sinners 1. Hath the Death of Christ such Virtue in it even to renew quicken regenerate all that believe in him Is God through the Death of his Son reconciled and shall all that take hold of him be justified c. O then Sinners look up unto him and never cease looking until you find the Effects of his Death in your own Souls Object 1. But alas Sir I am a vile and abominable Sinner Answ Well notwithstanding that yet there is Virtue enough in Christ to save you Object 2. But I have been a Drunkard a Swearer an Adulterer a Thief Answ So had some of those Paul speaks of 1 Cor. 6. 11. Such were some of you but you are sanctified but you are justified Object 3. But I have been an Old Sinner Answ Well let it be so yet but a Sinner and Christ died for Sinners for the chief of Sinners therefore there is hope for you nay if you can believe and apply the Virtue of Christ's Blood you shall find Mercy Object 4. But I fear Christ did not die for me Answ 1. If he died for the Chief of Sinners why not for thee And if those that crucified him found Mercy why not thee 2. Thou hast as much ground to believe that Christ died for thee as any ungodly Person hath that dwells on the Face of the whole Earth Sinner look up Nay 3. Thou hast as much ground to believe that Christ died for thee as any of those had once who now feel the Effects of his Death 4. Did ever any Sinner throw himself at his Feet as a poor lost and undone Creature and take hold of him that was rejected Query What is the first Effect of Christ's Death Answ The first Effect of Christ's Death in the Soul is Life Life is infused And if thou hast a vital Principle in thee thou wilt cry out under the Sense of thy
Law perfectly is cursed but no Man can keep the Law perfectly therefore all Man naturally are cursed and impossible then to be blessed until delivered from that Curse and this therefore Christ came to do him hath God sent to bless us which Blessing we could not have 〈…〉 Christ puts himself in our place and bears the Curse away from us Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law by being 〈◊〉 a Curse for us for it is written Cursed is every one that 〈◊〉 on a Tree He that was hanged on a Tree under the Law was hanged for transgressing of it and was cursed of God and when 〈◊〉 is said Christ was made a Curse for us it signifies his bearing that Wrath and indignation of God which was due to us for our Sin and his he must do if ever we are justified and eternally ●●ved from that Eternal Wrath and Vengeance Sin had brought upon every Soul of us 5. As our Lord Jesus if he procure Salvation for us must die and become a Curse for us so he must also raise up himself from the Dead or be discharged of the Bonds of Death he must destroy Death and be freed out of Prison He therefore rose again from the Dead for our Justification His Discharge was virtually a Discharge for us or for all he died for our Lord Jesus must subdue all our Enemies and bring not Death only but the Devil also and all the Powers of Darkness under his Feet or there could be no Salvation for our poor Souls Forasmuch then as the Children are partakers of Flesh and Blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through Death he might destroy him that had the Power of Death that is the Devil And deliver them who through fear of Death were all their Life-time subject to Bondage Christ and Believers are of one and the same Nature they are as it were but one Man or are so united as to be considered as one Mystical Body This was held forth in his Incarnation in his assuming our Nature He took not only an Humane Soul but our Humane Flesh into Union with his Divine Nature that both our Souls and Bodies might be brought into Union with him and that our Bodies might also be raised from Death to a State of Life and Glory at the last Day and be fashioned like unto his Glorious Body Who hath abolished Death and hath brought Life and Immortality to light through the Gospel Had not Christ conquered Death and the Devil who had the Power of Death we had been lost for ever He hath not only taken away Sin the Sting of Death but he hath and will be the Death of Death The last Enemy that shall be destroyed is Death The Body as well as the Soul is brought into Union with Christ he is the Head of the whole Believer the Body as well as the Soul Shall I then take the Members of Christ and make them the Members of an Harlot Both Body and Spirit are the Lord's our Body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost Brethren what a Conquest hath Christ made how hath he subdued all our Enemies that so he might work out a full and perfect Victory for us in every respect For this Corruptible must put on Incorruption and this Mortal must put on Immortality 1 Cor. 15. 53. So when this Corruptible shall have put on Incorruption and this Mortal shall have put on Immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written Death is swallowed up in Victory Ver. 54. O Death where is thy Sting O Grave where is thy Victory Ver. 55. 6. And lastly And as Christ must conquer the Devil the World Sin Death and the Grave for us and in our Nature so he must by his mighty Power destroy the Devil and Sin 's great Power in us and vanquish that natural Enmity that is in our Hearts against God and his Ways and thereby restore the Image of God in us which we had lost HEB. II. 3. How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation Ninthly GOSPEL-Salvation is great if we consider the Subject thereof or what is delivered and saved for ever namely the Souls and Bodies of his People First The Soul that is it Jesus Christ came to save which is very precious as I shall shew you in a deduction of several Particulars Certainly the Salvation of the Soul must needs be a great Salvation What is it to save our Estates our Liberties our Healths the Members of our Bodies our Eyes Arms Legs or our natural Lives to the saving of our precious and immortal Souls The Soul is more worth than all the World What shall it profit a Man to gain the whole World and lose his own Soul 1 st To demonstrate the great Worth Excellency and Preciousness of the Soul consider that it was first formed in the Image of God in Righteousness and true Holiness Our Souls had a glorious Impression of God's Image stamp'd upon them in the first Creation which we lost by Sin and Transgression But this Blessed Image is restored again as you have heard by the Grace of God in this Salvation 1. Pray Brethren remember that the Soul of Man is capable of a Divine Impression of God's glorious Image it is made I mean of such a Nature that it is capable of this great Blessing therefore to be deemed a very precious thing God will not stamp his Image upon low and base Metal if I may so speak with reverence 2. There are three things I find which the great God glories in as being peculiar to himself or his own glorious Prerogative alone The Burden of the Word of the Lord for Israel saith the Lord which stretcheth out the Heavens and layeth the Foundations of the Earth and formeth the Spirit of Man within him The first is his stretching out of the Heavens O what a great and glorious Work was that The second is his laying the Foundation of the Earth the hanging it upon nothing what a wonderful thing is that considering its great Weight and wonderful Body The third is his forming of our Souls Certainly the Spirit or Soul of Man is a glorious thing that God should account the Creation of it amongst those chiefest Parts of his admirable Handy-work Why is not the forming the Blessed Angels who are glorious Spirits rather mentioned it is worthy of serious Contemplation Our Bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made they are no small part of God's Wisdom and curious Workmanship if the Nature and Order of every Part was considered as some Artists who study Man's Humane Body will shew you But what is the Formation and Excellency of our Bodies to our Souls 3. The Soul is capable of Divine Union with Jesus Christ through a Communication of the Holy Spirit and by Faith of the Operation of God and thereby the whole Man partakes of the like Union also