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A96468 Truth further defended, and William Penn vindicated; being a rejoynder to a book entitutled, A brief and modest reply, to Mr. Penn's tedious, scurrilous, and unchristian defence, against the bishop of Cork. Wherein that author's unfainess is detected, his arguments and objections are answered. / By T.W. and N.H. Wight, Thomas, ca. 1640-1724. 1700 (1700) Wing W2108; ESTC R204122 88,609 189

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replied that they Preached no New Gospel but the same which was confirmed before by Miracles and therefore needed no new ones to confirm it and also that John the Baptist with many of the Prophets tho' immediately and extraordinarily called yet did no Miracles that we read of and the same answer may serve for us while we have always been ready to confirm our Doctrine by holy Scripture but altho' such extraordinary Gifts of Tongues c. are ceased yet it doth not therefore follow we ought to neglect the inward teachings and dictates of the holy Spirit of God which is given to Christians as a standing perpetual rule and more immediate guide under the New Covenant to walk by and without which they cannot rightly perform their duty to God as we have shewn before p. 54. As to that Text 1 Cor. 13. 8. brought by the Bp. 'T is plain those Gifts there mentioned were to cease by giving way to what was more excellent more perfect see p. 10. 11 12. following vers and not by being succeeded by what is more carnal and destitute of the Spirit but leaving this at present we shall attend the Bp's Objection which relates to the Ministry viz. that none can now Preach in the Demonstration of the Spirit and power To which we answer If that were so then none can preach as the Oracles of God nor in preaching be beneficial to the People since the holy Scripture tells us that the Spirit is a necessary and essential qualification to constitute a Minister of Christ which we shall prove 1st from Jesus Christ himself when he gave the Apostles that commission Matt. 28. 19. to Preach he tells them thus Vers 20. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you alway even to the end of the World We hope none will be so trifling as to say this Command extended only to the Apostles if any so weak to think so then the foregoing Vers 19. about Baptizing which they suppose Water must likewise extend no farther but supposing none so weak thus to object yet some m●y Query how was Christ to be with his Ministers to the end of the world Was it not by the holy Scripture the outward means now left to Christians To this we answer 't was by his Spirit which we prove from Christs ●wn words John 14. 16. I will pray the Father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you for ever Vers 17. Even the Spirit of truth he dwelleth with you and shall be in you Ver. 26. The comforter the holy Ghost he shall teach you all things saith Christ John 15. 5. Without me saith Christ ye can do nothing from these with more Texts of Scripture 't is plain that Christ by his Spirit was to be with his truly constituted Ministers to the end of the World by whom they were taught all things and without whom they could do nothing and pursuant to that commission and promise of Christ the Apostles were called commissionated and did Preach by the Spirit according to 2 Cor. 3. 6. Gall. 1. 11 12. 1 Cor. 2. 4. and we do not find the Apostles did confine the Spirit to themselves only but did recommend the same Gift of the Spirit as the necessary qualification to the constituting a Minister of the Gospel thus 1 Peter 4. 10 11. As every Man hath received the Gift even so minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold Grace of God If any Man speak let him speak as the Oracles of God If any Man minister let him do it as of the ability which God giveth that God in all things may be Glorified Which we take to be as much as if he had said none ought to speak or minister about the things of God but by the Gift of his holy Spirit and who ever doth not so speak or minister cannot in so doing do it to the Glory of God We could cite more Scriptures to the same purpose which for brevity sake we omit these may suffice to shew that whoever pretends to be a Minister of Christ cannot be truly such without the Qualification of and being Commissionated by the holy Ghost And as to the Bp's saying that W. P. nor none can now Preach in demonstration of the Spirit and Power 't is but his bare assertion and more then he can prove But as to the Bp's part we may be sure he cannot so Preach since he denies it to all and while he thus asserts he will do well to consider how he came by his Ministry since Christ promised to be with his Ministers to the end of the World and that his Spirit was to continue with and in them for ever from which Gift of his Spirit they were to speak according to the Apostle as the Oracles of God which to be sure cannot be but in demonstration of the Spirit and Power Having thus Proved the Spirit to be a necessary Qualification to the constituting a Minister of Christ we now come to consider the Bp's outward way to Holyness and Spirituallity in which we shall find him as much out of the way as in the last The Bp. Proceeds P. 23. People are now made holy by the use of outward means and grow up in Grace by degrees yet in both cases as to Gifts as well as Holiness there are those who by Analogy and Proportion may still be termed Spiritual that is there are persons who by study and industry attain to speak with tongues c. Others who having from the holy Scriptures which were indited by the Spirit of God learnt the mind of the Spirit and being in their hearts perswaded of the Truths and Duties they have thence learnt and felt their Soul strongly moved by the Power of the Spirit under the Ministry of the Word to the performance of such Duties have yielded themselves and submitted to the Conduct of the holy Ghost leading them by Scripture into all truth as well as Holiness Thus Reader we have given thee this long Citation of the Bp's that his own words may fully speak his mind Answ The Bp. hath here asserted upon his own authority and without proof that People are now made holy by the use of outward means and that there are those who by Study and industry attain to speak with tongues may be termed Spiritual But contrary hereunto the holy Scriptures do abundantly prove viz. That People are made holy and Spiritual by inward means as we shall plainly shew only before we proceed we will here again give the holy Scriptures their due place and allow them to be whatsoever they say of themselves according to these or any other Texts Rom. 15 4. 2 Tim. 3. 15 16 17. believing them to be the best Writings extant in the World and we love honour and esteem them beyond all others and are so far from laying them aside as useless that we say they are
and altho' this controversie has happened with the Bp. yet we may justly say 't was neither desired nor sought for by us and had the Bp. continued to be as easie with his Pen as he was in not persecuting the Quakers otherways there had been no occasion for all this publick controversy the Bp. tells us p. 26. he hindered a certain person from publishing Memoirs of Mr. P's Life of his turning Quaker and of his business at saint Omers c. Answ So far as the Bp. really did so in tenderness to the good name of W. P. it is to be commended in him tho' such Memoirs were ever so untrue However we tell the Bp. whatever his mind was heretofore yet the giving such a slant of being at St. Omers don't now look very kind We farther tell the Bp. that W. P. is no stranger to malitious lies and forgeries both upon himself in particular as well as upon the Quakers in general and as to the true reason of W. P's turning Quaker whatever Malice may frame or suggest yet we think no considerate and Impartial Man can possibly believe he had any other motive or consideration to his turning Quaker but the good of his Soul while the way to Quakerism so called is so very contrary to the greatness Honour and preferment with other such like worldly considerations which are most commonly the motives to great Changes and that at the same time W. P. turned Quaker he turned his back upon all these things Next as to the business of St. Omers This Instance shews what sort of Memoirs these were like to be This Story is as old and thread bare as it is false and if lying charges and stories were proofs W. P. was not only at St. Omers but had received Orders at Rome and had dyed a Papist many years past But why do not all his false Accusers prove his being there by assigning a credible witness or witnesses who saw him there or some way or other demonstrate he was there No that was never done and indeed for a good reason because it could not in truth be done Now this blind story we confront by a publick Print written by W. P. in answer to a friend of his who importunately desired him for satisfaction to the credulous and such who knew not W. P. that he would in a Publick maner answer that among other lying stories the Letter is Dated October 1688. wherein W. P. makes return to those lying Aspersions p. 11. and Solemnly declares that he was not only no Jesuit or Papist but that he never was at St. Omers in all his Life nor did he so much as know or ever correspond with any one there Here W. P. put it upon the test his lying Enemies had then a fair opportunity if they could to prove him a Lyer and in so doing would have had good ground to suspect him a Papist too Ibid. p. 26. and 27. The Bp. concludes his Book first telling of W. P's vile Treatment and calls his Defence an unhandsome piece then proceeds with a Prayer that God will forgive all to Mr. P. and his brethren and bestow upon them a Spirit of true Faith meekness and peace of heavenly mindedness Charity Mortification and all the Graces they pretend to and that their hearts may be one day found as void of Errour Pride Scorn and peevish rancour as Mr. P's Book is full of the expressions of them all Thus ends the Bp. Answ As to the vile Treatment and the Expressions of Errour Pride Scorn peevish rancour c. the Bp. tells us is in W. P's unhandsom piece we say they are hard words and sooner said then proved and the Reader may remember the Bp. throughout his Reply has been readier at charges then proofs most of which we think has in the end fallen upon himself instead of W. P. as we have shewn and in this case we do deny what the Bp. hath asserted and for Umpirage i● the matter refer our selves to the Impartial Reader who have been most guilty of these and such like expressions W. P. in his Defence or the Bp. in his Reply Next as to the Bp's Prayer If the Bp. had been more sparing to misrepresent villifie and abuse W. P. and the Quakers then he hath been it might have come with less suspition of its reality but we think its next to impossible that any Man who endeavours to abuse and misrepresent another can at the same time Pray truly and heartily for him And as to those Graces the Bp. mentions tho' on the one hand we will not boast of them yet through the mercy and goodness of God some of us can in humility of Soul say we have in measure witnessed the work of Mortification in our Souls through the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ And now to conclude We can in sincerity say we have not according to the best of our understandings either misrepresented the Bp. or wilfully overlookt his sense but so far as we understood the Import of his words and where the force of his Arguments lay we have as truly stated them and thereupon answered with uprightness and whether we have thus done by the Bp. and he hath done so by W. P. or not is left to the Impartial Reader and so we conclude this Rejoynder Cork the 15. of the 11. Month 1699. T. W. N. H. The END THE Author's Absence from the Press hath occasioned several Errors in the Printing the most Material whereof are here Corrected and those of lesser Note which have escaped the Reader is desired to Correct with his Pen or over-look ERRATA PAge 1. line 6. for himself thanks Read himself thanks l. 15. abated and r. abated and. p. 13. l. 2. Doctrine by r. Doctrine by p. 14. l. 1. r. First Impression p. 19. l. 13. blot out Heb. 10. 35. p. 24. l. 21. deny r. deny c. p. 39. l. 1 blot out then p. 53. l. 1. p. 9. r. p. 14. p. 61. l. this r. thus p. 62. l. 11. Bp's r. Bp. p. 66. l. 9. W. P's r. W. P. p. 83. l. 11. blot out and. p. 86. l. 25. p 29. r. p. 57. p. 90. l. 23. 1 John 1. 12. r. 1 John 1. 1. p. 93. l. 23. love r. leave p. 100. l. 2. what have r. what Rule have p. 106. l. 7. Matt. 43. r. Matt. 73. p. 110. John 5. 8. r. John 3. 8. p. 126. l. ult blot out appearance Ibid. second coming r. second outward coming p. 131. l. 2 and 3. blot out which we do not l. 4. the occasion r. on the occasion p. 133. l. 2. viz. no. r. viz. that no. p. 143 l. 8. Psal 66. 17. r. Psal 66. 16. p. 145. l. 14. p 54. r. p. 80. l. 18. blot p. l. 19. vers r. verses p. 148. l. 29 being r. been p. 151. l. 2. blot out 1 Cor. 6. 19. p. 159. l. 18. strongly r. strangely p. 161. l. 15. excepted r. accepted p. 163. l. 11. Matt. 6. 21. r. Matt. 6. 31. p. 170. l. 7. as a Mercenary r. as Mercenary