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A91187 A fresh discovery of some prodigious new wandring-blasing-stars, & firebrands, stiling themselves nevv-lights, firing our church and state into new combustions. Divided into ten sections, comprising severall most libellous, scandalous, seditious, insolent, uncharitable, (and some blasphemous) passages; published in late unlicensed printed pamphlets, against the ecclesiasticall jurisdiction and power of parliaments, councels, synods, Christian kings and magistrates, in generall; the ordinances and proceedings of this present Parliament, in speciall: the national covenant, assembly, directory, our brethren of Scotland, Presbyterian government; the Church of England, with her ministers, worship; the opposers of independent novelties; ... Whereunto some letters and papers lately sent from the Sommer-Islands, are subjoyned, relating the schismaticall, illegal, tyrannical proceedings of some Independents there, in gathering their new-churches, to the great distraction and prejudice of that plantation. / Published for the common good by William Prynne of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1645 (1645) Wing P3963; Thomason E261_5; ESTC R212456 96,461 90

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in their own Fancies not yet fully discover'd nor set down in writing nor agreed on among themselves nor published to others for their better satisfaction The serious Consideration whereof may happily reclaime our Independents here from the error of their seperating destructive ways and ease the oppressed Planters of those Islands from that Independent yoake of Bondage under which they so much groane as to cry out to You for releife of their sore oppressions in their Letters which I shall beseech your Honors in their behalfe since they have made their addresses to your Tribunall by my mediation seriously to lay to heart and seasonably to redresse Thus humbly craving Pardon from your Honorable Assembly for my true-hearted Zeale to do you faithfull service by this unburthening of my conscience and presenting You with this Fresh discovery of those New Wandring-starres and Firebrands who revile oppugne your Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction Proceedings Ordinances disturb the much-desired peace of Church State which we should all earnestly endeavour in these distracted Times I humbly recommend all your faithfull undertakings for the security tranquility of both to Gods owne blessing with my devoutest Orisons to the throne of Grace and ever remaine Your Honours the Republikes Churches most devoted Servant WILLIAM PRYNNE A fresh Discovery of prodigious New-Wandring-Blasing-Stars and Fire-brands stiling themselves NEVV-LIGHTS Firing our CHURCH and STATE into New Combustions THe Apostle Paul led by a Propheticall Spirit hath left us such an exact Character of the last times and of the exorbitant tempers of many Christian Professor living in them as never suited with any age so fitly as this wherein we live nor with any generation of people so well as those New-Lights and Sectaries sprung up among us who being many of them Anabaptists have all new-christned themselves of late by the common name of Independents This character we finde recorded 2 Tim. 3. 1. to 10. This know also that in the last dayes perillous times shall come and what times were ever more perillous then the present For men shall be lovers of themselves coveteous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to Parents Naturall Civill Ecclesiasticall unthankefull unholy without naturall affection trace-breakers false accusers incontinent fierce dispisers of those that are good Traytors heady high-minded lovers of pleasures of their own bellies lusts wayes opinions fancies more then lovers of God having a form of Godlinesse but denying the power thereof FROM SVCHTVRNE AWAY But some might demand of him by what distinguishing marke may we know who these persons are The Apostle therefore subjoynes such a symptome as suits most exactly with our new Separating Lights Conventiclers who forsake the publike assemblies and creep into private houses working principally as the * Devill did at first upon the weakest Sex For of this sort are they WHICH CREEP INTO HOVSES thus interpreted by the Apostle Heb. 10. 25. Not forsaking the assembling of our selves together or the publike Assemblies as the MANNER OF SOME IS and of our Sectaries now and lead Captive SILLY WOMEN laden with sinnes led away with diverse lusts EVER LEARNING AND NEVER ABLE TO COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRVTH as those Independent Seekers are who like * Wandring Stars gad every day after New-Lights New-fashions of Church Government wavering like empty Clouds without wa●er or waves of the sea driven with the wind and tossed not knowing yet what Government they would have or where to fix Believing and practising all things with a reserve to alter their opinions and practise every day upon discovery of further light 〈◊〉 the Independent Apologists professe for themselves and advise all others to do Now because such House-creepers and New-lights have usually lofty conceits of their own opinions judgements wayes as if the truth of God were monopolized unto them and therefore all the World should speedily submit to their foolish dictates and erronious by-paths the Apostle immediately passeth this censure of their persons and proceedings Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt mindes reprobate or of no judgement concerning the faith but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was The very detection of their abominable seditious seducing practises shall put a stop to their proceedings and frustrate all their expectation Now if any man should doubt whether this prophesie of the Apostle were really intended of Separatists and Sectaries the Holy Ghost hath resolved it in direct termes in the generall Epistle of Jude v. 17 18 19. But beloved remember that the words which were spoken before of the Apostles of our Lord Iesus Christ and among others of the Apostle Paul in the for ecited Text How that they told them there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lusts not after the Spirit and Word of God which they most pretend to and would you know who these are These be they who SEPARATE THEMSELVES sensuall having not the Spirit To which the Apostle Peter addes these further descriptions of them 2 Pet 2. 10 11 12 14 18 19. That they despise government are presumptuous felfe-willed speak evill of Dignities bring railing accusations against them speak evill of the things they understand not beguile unstable soules having hearts exercised with covetous practises being clouds carried with a tempest Wels without water who when they speak great swelling words of vanity allure through the lusts of the flesh through much wantonnes of spirit as well as flesh those who are clean escaped from them who live in error While they promise them liberty the liberty of conscience to professe what Religion they list to use what Church government they please without controll of Parliament Synod or Magistrates they themselves are the servants of corruption and as Iude v. 13. prove Raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame wandring starres to whom the blacknesse of darknesse is reserved for ever All which descriptions how properly they suit with our NewIndependent-lights and Incendiaries I shall clearly demonstrate out of severall clauses in their late seditious Anti-Parliamentary Impressions betraying the rottennesse of their hearts the pride sedition and rebellion of their spirits which I shall reduce to these ten Sections 1. Seditious scandalous libellous and uncharitable passages against the authority and jurisdiction of Parliaments Synods and temporall Magistrates in generall in Ecclesiasticall affaires 2. Against sundry Ordinances and proceedings of this present Parliament in particular 3. Against the Nationall Covenant prescribed by Parliament 4. Against the present Assembly of Divines sitting and acting by order of Parliament 5. Against the Directory ratified by Ordinance of Parliament 6. Against our Brethren of Scotland whom of late they much applanded 7. Against Presbyterians and Presbyterian government in generall 8. Against the Church of England her Worship Ministers and Government in generall 9. Against such who have out of conscience
A Fresh DISCOVERY Of some Prodigious New Wandring-Blasing-Stars Firebrands Stiling themselves NEVV-LIGHTS Firing our Church and State into New Combustions Divided into Ten Sections comprising severall most Libellous Scandalous Seditious Insolent Uncharitable and some Blasphemous Passages published in late UnlicensedPrinted Pamphlets against the Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction and Power of Parliaments Councels Synods Christian Kings and Magistrates in Generall The Ordinances and Proceedings of this present Parliament in speciall The Nationall Covenant Assembly Directory our Brethren of Scotland Presbyterian Government The Church of England with her Ministers Worship The Opposers of Independent Novelties and some Seditious Queres Incitations Practices to stir up the Commonalty rude Vulgar against the Parliament Assembly Ministery worthy both Houses and all Sober-minded Christians serious consideration detestation and crying for speedy exemplary Justice on the Libellersand Libels to prevent our Churches Religions Parliaments Kingdomes eminent ruine Whereunto some Letters and Papers lately sent from the Sommer-Islands are subjoyned relating the Schismaticall illegall Tyrannicall proceedings of some Independents there in gathering their New-Churches to the great Distraction and prejudice of that Plantation Published for the Common good By WILLIAM PRYNNE of Lincolns Inne Esquire Take heed therefore that the Light which is in thee be not Darknesse If thine Eye be evill thy whol body is full of Darknesse If therefore the Light that is in thee be Darkenesse how great is that Darknesse Luk. 11. 25. Mat. 6. 23. These filthy Dreamers despise Dominion and speak evill of Dignities These are raging waves of the Sea foaming out their own shame WANDRING STARS for whom is reserved the Blacknesse of Darknesse for ever Jude 8. 13. LONDON Printed by John Macock for Michael Spark senior at the sign of the blue Bible in Green Arbour 1645. TO The High and Honourable Court of PARLIAMENT MOst Religious and Judicious SENATORS I here present to your saddest thoughts and serious deliberations an abstract of sundry most scurrilous scandalous seditious railing Libels lately published to the world in Print by some Anabaptisticall Independent Sectaries and New-lighted FIRE-BRANDS wherein the undoubted Priviledges Ordinances just Proceedings of Parliament the Reverend Assembly of Divines our Brethren of Scotland the Church of England with her Government Ministers Worship the Nationall Covenant Directory Presbytery professed Defenders of the Parliaments Priviledges Ordinances against their Licentious Schismaticall Practises according to their Solemn Vow and Covenant are so audaciously affronted oppugned slandered railed against and the Common people so earnestly excited to mutiny against the Parliament Assembly Presbytery Government and Ministers of our Church of England that I am confident no former Age did ever produce such Monstrous Insolencies such detestable virulent Libels which neither the Honour Justice nor Wisdome of that Soveraigne Court of Justice wherein you are Assessors nor the Peace and Safety of our Religion Church State nor your own personall security nor the Nationall Vow and Covenant engaging both your Honours and all others who have taken it against these pernitious Mutiniers can any longer suffer you patiently to tollerate as hitherto you have done without exemplary proceedings against and punishments upon the Authors Printers Publishers Dispersers of these most scurrilous and mutinous Pamphlets Wherein they most injuriously and falsly revile traduce all such for Persecutors Fighters against Christ and his Kingdome Enemies to the wayes of Christ pulling his royall Crown from off his head his kingly Scepter out of his hand Oppugners of the most religious conscientious Godly best-affected Party as they Pharisaically and falsly terme themselves dividers betweene the Parliament and their best their faithfullest Freinds Prophane Apostates Popish Jesuiticall Incendiaries haters of Gods people and the like who out of conscience solid Judgment and cordiall affection to the safety tranquility of Religion Parliament Church Kingdome dare openly by word or writing maintain the undoubted Jurisdiction of Parliaments Synods Magistrates in Ecclesiasticall affaires or oppose their factions schismaticall Independent wayes and Innovations destructive both to Magistracy Ministery Vnity Parliaments and that blessed Reformation so much desired For my owne particular I have with much Patience and Contempt endured without any Reply at all their false unchristian Invectives against my self only for Writing in Vindication of the undoubted Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction directive and coercive power of Christian Emperours Kings Magistrates Parliaments in matters of Religion and Church-government in my Truth triumphing over Falsehood Antiquity over Novelty published with Your speciall approbation and my Independency Examined which have much incensed this waspish Generation unable to give any satisfactory answers to them and I should have continued silence still had my own private interest only been concerned But when I discerned them to be so audaciously licentious presumptuous as To set their mouth against the Heavens to revile the very Gods themselves and curse the Rulers of the people to despise Government and speak evill of Dignities to bring railing accusations against and resist the Higher Powers publishing Libell after Libell against the Proceedings Ordinances and Jurisdiction of the present Parliament and Assembly yea with Antichristian pride to oppose and exalt themselves above all that is called God or that is wershipped as they have lately done in the Pamphlets hereafter mentioned and in the Nativity of Sir Iohn Presbyter c. freshly published since the rest every of these latter Libels being more seditious and pernitious then the former and Barrabas like to stirre up sedition and insurrection among the people against the Ordinances Votes of Parliament and that Ecclesiasticall reformation and Pre-byteriall government You have resolved to establish My bowels my bowels were pained within me at my very heart so that I could not hold my peace nor keepe silence any longer because thou hast heard O my soul the sound of these seditious Trumpets and the alarme of this Schismaticall Anti-Parliamentary war Yea should I now refraine from writing the very stones themselves would immediately cry out against their most infamous Libels and mutino●s presumptuous Practises opposite to all publike Order Government Authority And the rather am I necessitated to this ungratefull worke because their very Libels actions speeches proclaime a plotted avowed Confederacy among some furious Ringleaders of these Independent Sectaries though I presume the more moderate are not guilty of it against the Parliament Assembly and all their Resolves in matters of Religion or Church-Government yea against our very Church Ministers and Tithes the meanes of their support as their Libellous Passages against the Ecclesiasticall Power proceedings of the Parliament and Assembly their publike oppositions against the Nationall Covenant Directory the Ordinances prohibiting disorderly unlicensed Printing of Libellous Scismaticall Pamphlets against Lay-mens preaching in the Army or else-where for due Payment of Tythes c. recited in the ensuing Sections will at large declare And that which further confirmes me in this opinion is First the New
own case it was never mine What I have done against the unjust usurpations and illegall excesses of either I did it in a just and Legall way upon such grounds and Authority as was never yet controuled and this I dare make good without vainglory that I have done more reall cordiall service with my pen against the Usurpations of Regality and Prelacy in defence of the Subjects Liberties and Parliaments jurisdiction then all Independent Sectaries whatsoever and that only out of a zeal to Gods glory and the publick good without the least private end or Interest which never yet entred into my thoughts having suffered as much as any man of your Sect if not more for the Publick without either seeking or receiving the least recompence or reward having spent not only my time and Studies but some hundreds of Pounds in the Republicks service since my inlargement without craving or receiving one farthing recompence in any kinde whereas if I had sought my self or been any way covetous or ambitious I might perchance have obtained as advantagious and honourable preferments as any Independents have aspired to if not challenged as their right for lesse meritorious publick services and sufferings then the least of mine As for my importuning the Parliament for continuance of their favours to that people you speak of surely when I finde them more obsequious to the Parliaments just Ordinances and commands lesse willfull and more conscientious I shall do them all the offices of Christian love but whiles contumnacy obstinacy licentiousnesse uncharitablenesse and Schisme are most predominant in them the greatest favour I can move the Parliament to indulge them is to bridle these their extravagances with the severest Laws and to prefer the publike safety of Church and State before their private Lawlesse conceits and phantasticall opinions He addes That I am in this as cruell a Task-master as Pharaoh and that the Son of God and his Saints are but little beholding to me Surely to confine Licencious lawlesse consciences to the rules of Gods word the justLaws of the Realm and rectified reason can Proclaime me no Egyptian Task-master but rather decl●re your Sect meer Libertines who will not be Regnlated by nor confined within these Bounds yea I trust the Son of God and his true Saints are as much beholding to me in your sense as to the greatest Patriarchs of your Independent Tribes be they whom they will This Libeller being questioned before the Committee of Examinations concerning this Letter by their speciall favour returned his Reasons why he sent it in writing which he no sooner exhibited but published in Print the next day after to defame and slander me among his Confederates who give me now no other Epithites in their discourses but a Papist a Persecutor of Gods Saints an Enemy of Christs Kingdom vvho deserve to lose my head for opposing them in this cause c. which I no more value Then the Moon doth the barking of a lousie Cur. In this new unlicensed Paper first he vaingloriously relates his own sufferings and deserts Secondly Traduceth the justice of the Parliament and others against some seditions Sectaries misreciting many of their proceedings to the scandall of Publick justice and the Parliament pag. 3 4. Thirdly pag. 5. He pretends my Books against Independents Licensed by Authority of a Committee of Parliament to be the principall causes of the rigid Proceedings against Separatists especially my Truths Triumphing over Falshood which being subsequent in time to all the particulars he recites could certainly be no occasion of them and therefore he playes not only the Sophyster but Slanderer in this particular Fourthly pag. 5 6. He misrepeats and misapplies some Passages of mine to all of his Sect in generall and to HIMSELF and SVCH AS HE IS in the ARMY and ELSEWHERE Whereas there is not one Syllable in my Passages to that purpose but only against some particular Authors I there mention and such of their Confederates who maliciously and audaciously oppugne the undoubted Rights Priviledges and just Proceedings of Parliament contrary to their Solemne Covenant League and Protestation and if you proclaim your self or any other in the Army or elsewhere to be of this Anti-Parliamentary Regiment as now you do I then professe my self an opposite to you and shall make good against you what ever I have written when and where you please Fiftly He writes That I eagerly endeavour to incense the Parliament against him and such as he is in the Army and elsewhere and in the Conclusion of my Independency examined presse the cutting of them off by the sword executing wrath and vengeance on them upon pain of contracting the guilt of highest Perjury A most malicious scandall For first I never mentioned him or his in particular neither knew I how he stood inclined Secondly In my Independency examined I only in a generall discourse affert that Kings and Civill Magistrates have by the Law of God a Lawfull coercive power thought not to restrain the sincere Preaching of the Gospel and truth of God yet to suppresse restrain imprison confine banish the brea●hers of Heresies Schismes Erronious seditious Doctrines Enthusiasmes or setters up of new Formes of Ecclesiasticall Government without Lawfull Authority to the en●●ngering of mens souls or disturbance of the Churches and Kingdoms Peace These are my formall words which I there make good by Scripture Presidents in all Ages will justifie by Gods assistance upon any occasion against all Sectaries Independents whatsoever After which I close up this discourse in these very words And if any Hereticks false-Teachers Schismaticks chuse which of these three ranks you and yours will fall under obstinatly refuse conformity after due admonition and all good means used to reclaim them the Poets Divinity and Policy must then take place as well in Ecclesiasticall as civill and naturall maladies Cuncta prim tentanda sed immedicabile Vulnius Ense rescidendum est ne pars syncera trahatur Is this any urging of the Parliament To cut you and yours off by the sword and to execute wrath and vengeance on you If you be such obstinate Hereticks Schismaticks or false-Teachers who fall within the compasse of my words God forbid but the sword of Iustice should be drawn out against you as well as others at least to chastise and reduce you to obedience though not finally to cut you off unlesse in case of absolute necessity But if you are none of this obstinate Hereticall Schismaticall Brigade as I make you not unlesse you make your selves my generall indefinite words will relate neither to your self in person whom I never once minded in my writings nor to any of your Tribe And therefore in this particular I charge you for a malicious slanderour and false Informer demanding justice and reparation from you for this and all the forementioned passages wherein you have wilfully done me wrong Sixtly pag. 6. He injuriously chargeth me as guilty of being an Incendiary betwixt