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A87593 Hosannah to the Son of David: or A testimony to the Lord's Christ. Offering it self, indifferently, to all persons; though more especially intended for the people, who pass under the name of Quakers. Wherein not so much the detecting of their persons, as the reclaiming the tender-hearted among them from the error of their way, is modestly endevoured, by a sober and moderate discourse, touching the Light and law in every man; referring to what is held forth by them in their several books and papers, herein examined and discussed. By a lover of truth and peace Jackson, John, fl. 1651-1657. 1657 (1657) Wing J78; Thomason E927_5; ESTC R202615 156,564 177

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shineth in the dark heart of every man is the Vnction of the holy one given of the Father whereby we need not teach one another c. I say how doth it appeare that this is spoken of that little light as being that Vnction when there is not so much as one word mentioning that little light at all in this entire passage of Scripture nor any other that I doe know of If there be any I wish it were produced nor can it satisfie to say its meant so for meanings have received their sentence already in the former branch Nay the contrary is evident that the Apostle is so farre from speaking of the Light in every man and calling it the Vnction of the holy one given of the Father c. That he speakes of that holy Anoynting which they to whom he there writes viz. the little children the young men and the fathers were made partakers of viz whose sins were forgiven for his names sake and who had knowne the Father and overcome the wicked one 1 John 2.12 13. Such as in whom the darknesse was past and the true light now shined vers 8. These were they who had received the Vnction from the holy one and did know all things the anoynting which they having received abideth in them according to that which was promised John 14.16 Even the Spirit of truth who was to abide for ever with them to whom he should be given vers 27. who being come should teach them all things vers 26. To the persons who through beleeving were borne againe not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God who as little children had obtained Remission of sinnes for his names sake as young men had overcome the wicked one as fathers had knowne him from the beginning I say to such as these are and of such as these are this Scripture gives Testimony that they had received the Vnction of the holy one i. e. the Spirit of truth which should lead them into all truth and teach them all things and abide with them for ever according to the promise of Christ John 14.16 17 26. John 16.13 14 15. Which Vnction of the holy one i. e. the Spirit of truth is not a light in every one shining in the darke heart and teaching them all things but is so in such only as doe beleeve for to as many as received him to them he gave the priviledge of Sonneship And because they were Sonnes he sent forth the Spirit of his Sonne into their hearts crying Abba Father Gal. 4.6 Which is not the state or case of every one as is evident for all men have not the faith 2 Thes 3.2 Without which men cannot be the Children of God Gal. 3.7 26 28. nor receive the Vnction of the holy one so as not to need any one to teach them but as the anoynting teacheth them Object The words by thee first repeated as taken out of the booke called Mans returne mention not these words viz. Every one but only the little light which shineth in the darke heart Where the words Every one doe not follow notwithstanding thou doest often mention them as if they were there expressed Answ 1. To speake roundly and plainly to the Principle That which is said of the little light which shines in the dark heart as being the powerfull word of faith or as being the Vnction of the holy one c. is true of it as it is in every one or is not true of it at all in any one according to this Principle which saith The Light is but one in all 2 That Christ is the light which hath enlightned every one that comes into the world Thou that hatest this light thou hast it to this the current of these writings give testimony and in particular this very Author of mans returne hath these words viz. Fox way to the Kingdome Pages 1.6 All you enslaved Captives of Babylon hearken diligently to Jesus Christ the light which lets you see the evill of your hearts to be guided by it c. Mans Returne Page 26. Every one minde your conditions see what guides your mindes for the Kingdome of Christ is within you and that is the light which lets you see the evill of your hearts Page 27. O thou enslaved soule under the power of Babylon in thee come forth minde the light in thee which is the sure word of Prophecy whereunto ye do well to take heed 2 Pet. 1.19 By which severall passages it is evident that the light which enlightneth every one is the little light which shines in the dark heart of every one and is so intended even by this Author as by others and accordingly so applyed and spoken to Object Doth not the Scripture say 1 Cor. 12.7 The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withall How then dost thou restraine it to some men as thou hast done Answ It is evident that all have not the Spirit of Christ Rom. 8.9 If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his and Jude doth testifie of some persons that they are sensuall haveing not the Spirit vers 19. Therefore the Apostle speaking of the manifestation of the Spirit which was given forth in the Church of Corinth in the diversity of its gifts the differences of administration and the diversity of operations To one was given a word of Wisedome to another a word of Knowledge to another faith to another the gifts of healing to another the working of miracles to another Prophecy to another discerning of Spirits to another kindes of tongues to another interpretations of tongues Now all these were divers manifestations of the Spirit in that Church of Corinth diversly distributed and divided to every man severally vers 11. Now all these worketh that one and the selfe same spirit divideing to everyman severally as he will as appeares vers 28 29 30. Now God hath set some in the Church c. Are all Apostles are all Prophets are all Teachers are all Workers of miracles have all Gifts of healing doe all speake with tongues doe all interpret By which it doth appear that the manifestation of the Spirit as it was different so it was differently distributed and is restrained to some Persons v. 30. have all doe all are all c. And the word every man in the 7. verse is explained by the same words every Man in the 11. vers And the end of this distribution of the Spirit or manifestation of the Spirit is given to no man for himselfe but it is to every man to profit withall to edify and build up and doe service in the body as an hand foot or eye or some other member of the body according to the similitude of a body used in that Scripture not that the Spirit or the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man i. e. to every individuall Person Forasmuch as some men are
shake it out thy soul was afflicted distressed in its season the iron pierced and grieved thee sore the wounds which the archers had given thee were not throughly healed notwithstanding all thy medicines plaisters and thus thou remainedst till the time the word of Jehovah came the word of the Lord tryed thee as the Goldsmith tries metal in the fire 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 conflavit purgavit Esay 1.25 Was not thy soul then put upon it to make diligent search to see upon what foundation thou hadst been building all this while Did not this word or some such like as an arrow from the Almighty enter into thy soul other foundation can no man lay then that is laid which is Jesus Christ or this neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved or the like wast thou not as one in the fire under examination and tryall Did not thine heart throb within thee and was not the voyce of the Spirit in this word applying it with power to thy soule evidencing and demonstrating to thee that thou wert as yet unacquainted with the Lord Jesus as being the foundation of thy rest and peace that name that only name besides which there is none other given among men for salvation this name thou wert a stranger unto and never hadst any knowledg of this begot strange work in thy soul great were thy strivings and struglings to maintaine thy former building But this error in the foundation put thee to a great stand thou consultd'st thy friends with whom thou hadest mourned and fasted and prayed thou calledst up thy former experiences thy tendernesse of conscience which rendred thee exemplary to thine observers thy reformations vowes covenants resolutions strict performances both publique and private and concludest these could not grow in natures garden therefore sure it was some great temptation which had seized upon thee to make thee to question thy former evidence and to empaire thy former goodly structure and to rase the foundation thereof thus thou wouldest have healed the breach which the Spirit of God had begun to make in thee by the reasoning of thine own spirit drawne from thien own former experiences and the suffrage of thy friends and companions But this work of conviction being from the Lord and put into the hand of his owne spirit to effect he mightily and irresistibly convinced thee of unbeliefe and as the words of the men of Judah were said in another case to be fiercer then the words of the men of Israel so was the voice of the Spirit of God more powerfull in convincing reproving and silencing all the arguments of thine owne Spirit testifiing plainly that whatsoever thou had'st done hitherto not being founded upon Christ Jesus nor done as an obedience of faith thou wert but laying another foundation besides Christ which no man can or ought to lay that thou wert not building upon Christ the Foundation Gold Silver precious stones c. But thou wert laying these or something like these for a Foundation instead of Christ mean while he that the Father hath anointed to be the Corner stone elect and precious his name thou knewest not nor wert acquainted with either the necessity or the excellency of him whom to know is eternall life But thou contrarywise wert building a Towre to reach up to heaven to mount up by a Ladder of thine owne makeing the one end whereof though it were upon the earth and had it's footing in natures excellencies improved by education and other qualifications yet it would and should reach to the highest attainment and besides it there needed no other to give thee full fruition of thy soules desires Thy both foundation was laid in selfe that was the rise thereof and the top stone was selfe that was the end thereof selfe was at ends of the worke and this was discovered to thee by this convinceing spirit who caused thee to see where thou wert and the evill of what thou wert doing That thy very righteousnesse which to thee appeared so and which was commended of others for such was not the righteousnesse of faith but at the best a righteousnesse of works upon the beauty whereof the Spirit of the Lord did blow and the flower thereof past away faded and whithered as the grasse or flower of the feild fadeth and falleth off The glory of the Lord revealing it selfe in power through that word I will make waste Mountaines and hills and dry up all their hearbs and I will make the Rivers Islands and I will dry up the pooles and I will bring the blinde by a way that they knew not I will leade them in paths that they have not known I will make darknesse light before them and crooked things streight these things will I doe unto them and not forsake them Heare ye deafe and looke ye blinde that ye may see Thus wast thou convinced of thine error thine ignorance blindnesse and unbeliefe thy mountaines were laid waste and thy pooles dryed up and thou received'st the sentence of one deafe and blinde notwithstanding all thy former excellency which as a flower was now blown upon by the breath of the Lord and thy building discovered to have been begun in sand and not on the rocke the Lord Jesus of whose name and nature thou wert yet ignorant Neverthelesse the Lord who leaveth not himselfe without witnesse in the soules of his not only began his good worke in mercy truth and faithfulnesse convinceing thee of sin even in thy holy things viz. of unbeliefe which wrought no small stir in thee to see thy building which had been the fruit of many years wherein thou had'st with no small cost and travaile been exercised to see it all tumbled down in a moment and laid levell with the ground and not a stone left upon a stone but a new foundation discovered by thee not hitherto known nor understood where nor what it was And not only so but putting under his left hand he susteyned thee and kept thee from sinking under this conviction by opening a crevis of light discovering the righteousnesse of God in opposition to thine owne unrighteousnesse and to thy former seeming righteousnesse wherein thou seemest to have made such progresse nor was this a bare discovery that such a thing there was but what it was and how attainable viz. by faith in Jesus Christ who is made of God to the beleever wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption thus he convinced thee not only of sin but also of righteousnesse discovering and revealing the fountaine thereof Nor was this all but the same spirit led thee on to further measures of knowledge in order to the attainment thereof not suffering thee to be satisfied with the knowledge thereof at a distance but raised up in the strong desires and earnest longings to be possest thereof and to be made one therewith partly to quench the fiery sting and
works in thee that thou canst not give up nor give over though thou knowest not whether ever thou shalt recover thy sight of him againe to see him as thou hast seen him the goings of thy God and King in his Sanctuary Now the remembrance of the kindnesse of thy youth and the love of thine espousalls and thy free and willing following of the Lord through the wildernesse in hard and difficult and untroden pathes when the day of his power was upon thee while thou meditatest on these things thy heart meditates terror forasmuch as thou discernest that as thou hast in great measure forsaken the Lord and gone backward so hath he also withdrawn himselfe in very great measure and caused thy Sun not to stand still nor to goe backwards many degrees as a testimony and signe of his presence with thee as of old with Joshuah and Hezekiah but to goe down while was yet day withdrawing the testimony of his presence the light of his countenance That whereas thou wert wont to speake before him and unto him as a friend speaks with his friend to be visited and supped with to be caused to sit under his shaddow with great delight and to be refreshed with the tasts of his loves but and now not finding it so as heretofore this is thy gall and thy wormwood and to consider thou hast procured this to thy self this is the gravell in thy teeth the arrow in thy reines and the Iron that enters into thy soule though thy nights and dayes be filled with terror and anguish under these considerations yet still thou art secretly drawn after the Lord for the return of the light of his countenance through a secret perswasion that as its of his mercy that thou art not consumed so certainly it is the love of God which is at work upon thy heart and which thus constraines thee to seeke after him and which will not suffer thee to give him any rest till he make thy soule which as Jerusalem is now as a plowed field a joy and a praise through the lifting up the light of his countenance by restoring the years which the Locust the Catterpiller and the Kanker-worm hath eaten The sence of thy guiltinesse cannot drive thee from God but thou inclinest toward him and cleavest unto him and wouldst faine lye under his feete laying thy mouth in the dust if so be there may be a reviving certainly concluding the seed is yet alive which his holy hand as the blessed seeds-man hath sown that the Covenant he hath made with thee is a Covenant of salt it 's fixt as to him though thou hast started aside like a broken bow yet as to him it is ordered in all things and sure and that he will cause thee to revive as the Corn after a sore Winter sometimes such workings of heart as these have been upon thee and thou hast had a little reviving But when the thoughts of thine unkindnesse have been renewed together with the silence of God to thy teares and cryes Then are thy sorrowes repeated which have raised up in thee an holy Indignation and revenge against thy selfe that ever thou shouldest be so unkinde so unfaithfull and so treacherous as thou hast been to him who hath been so deare to thee In these workings and counter-workings that have been upon thee the most holy blessed and tender God and Father hath preserved the vitall and radicall principle intire thou hast not been suffered to give up all and to say all was hitherto nothing and so give the lye to all the former workings of God toward thee But wast still kept upon and close to the foundation thou remembredst and often saidst thou hadst an husband and he was still thine though withdrawne through thy unfaithfulnesse and unstedfastnesse thy Father thy Former and Maker was thy husband thou remembred'st his visits and thy vowes and those vowes were upon thee thou hadst been treacherous in not keeping stedfast yet thou durstest not add to all the rest this viz. to renounce the Covenant nor the witnesse thou hadst born thereunto Thus thy root was preserved and thou hadst a little strength and wert helped with a little help in this great hour of thy temptation when many quit their help and their hope to seeke for another foundation then that which had been laid yet the most high kept thee from turning after the flocks of thy Companions And though this were to thee as an hour of sore travaile wherein thy hands were upon thy loins and palenesse in thy cheeks and thou wert a wonder to many when none but the most high God who susteyned thee was acquainted with thy griefe and anguish yet the fire did not burn thee nor the waters which came into thy soule were not suffered to overflow thee because his arme was under thee and susteyned thee keeping up in thee the acknowledgement of the interest wherein thou stood'st related to him as to a Father an husband though thou wert made and kept sensible of being a rebellious child and treacherous wife yet now thou wert a soul-sick fainting languishing and almost dying both wife and child and cryed'st out often Oh that one would give thee of the waters of Bethlem to drink no waters like those to thee if thou mightest have but a look from thy father but a line from thy husband for thou assuredly knewest thou hadst both a Father and a Husband thus thy rellative interest being preserved in this storm of temptation wherein thy Father and Husband heard thee and saw thee and secretly susteyned thee though thou wert not aware thereof and there was a doore of hope further opened to thee by the presentation of those passages of the holy Scripture which discover the bowells of God in his restoring and healing which when it was given thee to consider thou foundest the Lord had manifested great tendernesse to such as had dealt very unkindly with him and thou hadst many hints thereof darted into thy soule encourageing thee to waite and expect the discovery of the light of his countenance which thou so earnestly and uncessantly Soughtest And besides That it was said unto thee refraine thy voice from weeping and thine eyes from teares for there is hope in thine end by which word a doore of hope was opened unto thee which gave thee incouragement not to wax weary nor faint in thy minde Thou hadst this further testimony from the Lord at a certain time made forth with clearnesse and set upon thine heart I will not contend for ever neither will I be alwayes wroth for the spirit would faile before me and the soules which I have made For the iniquity of his coveteousnesse I was wroth and smote him I hid me and was wroth I have seen his wayes and will heale him I will restore comforts to him and to his mourners Now thou cam'st to consider where thou began'st to turn thy back upon thy God and to goe out from his presence and
and answerable to the sentence the Law pronounceth will be the Excusation or Accusation of the person according to Rom. 2.15 Which shew the work of the Law written in their hearts their consciences also bearing witness and their thoughts meane while excusing or accusing one another As the Lamp Torch or Candle which the Lord lighted up in Man though it is become exceeding dim in comparison of what it was before the theef took it yet is not annihilated nor ceaseth to be for then man could not exist he should also cease to be So likewise the Law of God which at first was plainly to be read being written in man's heart is now not so obliterated or obscured but that there is yet left sufficient to render God righteous in his proceedings against the sons of men who hold that measure of the knowledge of God which is left in them in unrighteousness or who like not to retain God in their knowledge so farre as he is manifest in them or shewn unto them viz. in his eternall power and God-head which they not abiding in the acknowledgement of will render God righteous in his proceeding against them and leave them inexcusable before him Should there not be so much of the Law as to discover the actions which are done in the flesh to be good or evill and set the conscience upon the work of accusing or excusing where else should the Lord have a witness for himself in Men and how else should God be just in judging the world stopping every mouth and declaring his proceedings righteous in rendring to every man according to his deeds which time is called the day of the Revelation of the righteous judgement of God Rom. 2.5 6. Seeing then 't is the property of light to make manifest or discover and this at most is but science the exercise whereof is either direct or reflex respecting the time past present or to come wherein it hath a most ample latitude to expatiate it self according to the variety of objects whether within it or without it even to wonder and admiration yea and so farre as to me appears beyond my expression Neverthelesse it looks upon its Objects as it finds them though it makes manifest every thing within its sphear as to matter of fact yet it gives being to nothing it s all eye as I may so say it sees all that 's done but does nothing it neither likes nor dislikes approves nor disapproves but as it s in conjunction with a law and hath reflection upon it and thence proceeds the names of good and evill of lawfull and unlawfull thence also the arguing and redarguing the accusing and excusing and now science is become conscience By all which it doth appear that the candle of the Lord or the spirit of a man is a great light though but a candle yet it s of the Lords lighting up and though it fall beyond all utterance or conceiving short off the virtue which once it had having this blot upon its glory that whereas when it first came forth of the hands of him that formed it who is the Father of spirits Heb. 12.9 it was then conversant with him primarily and immediately yet since it hath been dimmed and well nigh extinguished as it was in the transgression it s now exercised mostly and principally about the things of the belly the things of a man the things of it self it hath therein a great ability in point of manifesting and discovery not only as they are obvious and apparent but as they are occult hidden searching out the secret things of the belly Nor is its ability only though most here but it is able to feel and seek after God his Creatour Acts 17.27 28. and in a great capacity of knowing much of him as such at least his eternall power and God-head Rom. 1.19 20. Yet its excellency is heightned and much advantaged by its concomitant the Law of its Creatour which as a glasse reflects and returns face for face and discovers not onely the face but the spots also that is in it Hence there is a necessity of considering somewhat further touching the Nature of the Law in conjunction with the light in every man by which will appeare what the light in every man can do and consequently what it cannot doe Forasmuch as together with this Light or Candle of the Lord there is a law impress'd on mansheart upon which this light reflects which doth as truly discover the quality of his actions as the light discovers the actions themselves And as Adam gave names to the creatures and as he named them so were they called even so doth the law in man's heart give names to all his actions according to the proper nature of their agreement or disagreement with the mind and will of God and this respects as well the secret thoughts and intents of the heart Heb. 4.12 as the outward actions and in this respect the Law is called light in like forme of speaking as this is used Matth. 24.27 28. the Cup for the wine in the Cup. This law considered as it is in God is but one as in the fountain of wisdom and justice as the light in him is but one though diversly communicated and distributed yet he onely is the father of lights So in him the law is but one though differently exhibited and made known according to the variety of the subjects who are to be governed by it among whom man is chief As man is considered the subject of it so it is distinguished according to Scripture phrase into the Law of works Law of faith Rom. 3.27 both these are distinguished again into the Law written unwritten the subjects of the law under the first consideration i. e. of works though they have the law written on their hearts and do by nature things contained in the Law yet many of them not having the positive or written law as others had these are said to be without law as they indeed were in comparison of those to whom the outward positive written Law was added Gal. 3.19 Neverthelesse they were not positively without Law for then they could not have been guilty in any respect for its evident that where there is no law there is no transgression Rom. 4.15 but comparatively they were without a positive declared written Law according to that divine testimony Psal 147.19 20. He sheweth his word unto Jacob his statutes and his judgements unto Israel He hath not dealt so with any nation and as for his judgements they have not known them These having the law written upon their hearts and by the Candle of the Lord so farre legible as to evince God his eternall power and God-head leaving them therein without excuse Rom. 1.19 20. Manifesting that this God whose eternal power and God-head revealed in them or shewed unto them was to be loved with all the heart and all the minde and withall the soul implyed in that word as
before hath been declared Psal 95.6 Psal 100.2 3. Making and serving being correlatives his making and our serving being necessary dependents as the Apostle argues the same case in the point of redemption saying Ye are bought with a price c. therefore glorifie God with your bodies and spirits for they are his 1 Cor. 6.20 but of this anon in its place this I take to be the summe of the first Table of the Law and is written on the heart of the naturall man The other Branch or Table of the Law comprehended in these words Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self or whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you do ye likewise unto them This also is written on the table of the heart of every man notwithstanding it be not written in Characters i. e. letters and syllables and become a positive law to them yet it s there and men doing as the Apostle phraseth it by nature the things contained in the law though they be in comparison of others without law are a law to themselves and hereby they shew the work of the law written in their hearts Rom. 2.14 15. which is a cleere demonstration of the truth hereof It is witnessed by our blessed Lord Jesus Mat. 22.37 38 39 40. that to love the Lord with all the heart with all the soul and with all the mind and to love ones neighbour as ones self on those two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets it is evident that this in its measure is effected by them who are said by nature to do the things contained in the law whence else springs all those stumblings upon a Deity and groping and feeling after a worship and religion suitable to what is apprehended of God and herein though the candle burn so dimme that the poor soul feels after this as they for the door of Lots house yet in the other part or table of the law they have much more cleerness of discovery of the things of a man accounted the morall virtues they declare with a broad day-light as it were that these are written there The whole amounting to this that those who live without the law i. e. the law as it was committed to writing and delivered by the hand of Moses according to the appointment of God yet in these God hath not left himself without witness but hath written on their hearts the same law for substance which he afterwards enlarged by the hand and administration of Moses and added this to the former because of transgression either to reduce the transgressor or to aggravate the transgression that sinne might be made exceeding sinfull And therefore God may justly proceed in judgement against the transgressions which are committed against him and his law as the Apostle argues he having left all men without excuse by giving them a light or candle in their heart by which they might see to read the things contained therein But if those who have onely the law of nature and do not by nature the things contained in the law be punishable and Gods proceedings therein justifiable as indeed it is as hath been often minded before of how much sorer punishment think we shall they be thought worthy who transgress under this additional declaration of the Will and Law of God committed to writing with those large annotations and marginal notes as it were this must needs be a great aggravation this new edition of the law must needs bring a further addition of guilt to the transgressours thereof Man or the children of men thus differenced and thus enlightned by the candle of the Lord in them are the subjects of the law in the first sense as it is called the law of works Rom. 3.27 or the old covenant In which consideration God hath concluded all under sin Rom. 3.9 and stopped every mouth and rendred all the world guilty before him by the sentence of the law considered as afore Rom. 3.19 forasmuch as the tenour of the law being this viz. Do and live and Cursed be every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the law to do them finds no man able to perform it in all things for that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God Rom. 3.23 the Spirit of God testifying that the law though in it self holy righteous and good yet was weak through the flesh Rom. 7.12 Rom. 8.23 So that what could not by it be effected was accomplished by the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus Rom. 8.2 opposed to the law of sinne and death as the law of faith is to the law of works Rom. 3.27 Touching which Law as being the next branch in the distinction and the light accompanying it it will be necessary to speak The law of faith which is the second branch in the distinction is a law founded in God as in the fountain and as the former that is the law of works or of the first covenant proceeded from the Wisdom and Justice of God as being a just and equall thing that he should be served by those whom he made to serve him so this law of faith ownes it self to the mercifulness and goodness of the same God towards such as had forfeited all into the hand of justice for it had been a righteous thing with God to have taken vengeance upon the forfeiture The foundation of which law of Faith or second Covenant was laid in that word of Grace or rather on Christ in the promise that is the seed of the woman shall break the head of the Serpent Gen. 3.15 and is of as large extent as the former of works if we consider 1. The Object thereof 2. The Subject of it The Object is the Lord Jesus who is propounded in the promise as the repairer of the breach and the restorer of the paths to dwell in according to that testimony Psal 75.3 The earth and all the inhabitants of the earth are dissolved I beare up the pillars of it And thus by him all things consist Col. 1.17 holding forth a ground of return to God from whom man by the transgression was turned aside and through fear had hid himself Gen. 3.10 The Subject was the first man and in him all man-kind who were not onely privileged by this promise by being put into a possibility and capacity of being renewed again by repentance which condition the first covenant had in it for that left no roome for repentance but they were also hereby obliged to believe in him who was promised to break the Serpents head to destroy the destroyer and to lead captivity captive How farre the Law of faith may be said to be written on every mans heart as the former law of works is not given unto me to understand only this glimpse I have of it that it appears to have had an influence on the heart of man from the proposing of the promise aforesaid by those sacrifices which were offered
up to God before the publication of the positive law wherein as well Cain as Abel offered sacrifice Gen. 4.4 I therefore call their offerings sacrifice because they are so called Heb. 11.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 10.18 Abels sacrifice was mingled with faith offered up upon the true Altar witnessed unto by Gods acceptation and by faith he obtained a good report among the Elders Heb. 11.4 with whom he had received the same spirit of faith But with Cain and his sacrifice it was not so nor accepted as such nevertheless it appears to me from hence that there was the power of a Law of faith as of works upon them both and they equally obliged thereby only the one offered a sacrifice as an obedience of faith the other in form without faith and as it were by the works of the Law Rom. 9.32 Nevertheless in obedience to the same law of faith for as much as he offered sacrifice also though not in faith the one had faith in his heart and Christ in his eye as a redeemer and restorer the other was wanting at least in faith which should have seasoned his sacrifice They both had equal obligation from one and the same law of faith which looked at Christ as its object as the law of sacrifice did imply whether propitiatory Heb. 9.22 or gratulatory Levit. 7.12 15. Psal 107.22 Both yeelded obedience to the law of faith in what was outward in the Act only Abel had an eye open to him that was invisible as the object of his faith carrying him above the Act. So that the law of faith doubtless respected all the race and generation of mankinde by way of obligation from the giving of the promise but the children of the promise are counted for the seed like as it is said All are not Israel who are of Israel Rom. 9.6 though all the family of Abraham were greatly privileged Rom. 3.2 and 9.4 and obliged So likewise all the race of mankinde are greatly privileged by virtue of the promise or promised seed in whom all the nations are blessed yet not all Nations but the children of the promise are counted for the seed according to the tenour of that word 1 Tim. 4.10 Who is Saviour of all men especially of them which beleeve A common Salvation is extended to all Men by Jesus Christ Jude 3. and all men are bound to beleeve and repent that they may be saved Act. 17.30 John 3.16 But the special Salvation is to them only who have obtained like precious faith 2 Pet. 1.1 i.e. the faith of Gods elect Tit. 1.1 the faith of the operation of God Col. 2.12 these are they which are reckoned or counted for the seed Gal. 3.7 9 29. these are they to whom the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ is manifested unto all and upon all them that beleeve Rom 3.21 22. As the law in the first consideration i. e. of works was Gods first-born and man was fitted for the work thereof while his bow abode in strength God having made him upright Eccles 7.29 So the Law in the second consideration i. e. of faith whose foundation was laid in that blessed word of promise Gen. 3.15 lay in the same womb and bosome of eternity for they were twins And though that stept out first declaring the Majesty of him whose Image it bore yet this caught its Brother by the heel declaring the infiniteness of the Mercy and compassion of him whose Law it was proclaiming the Lord the Lord gracious long-suffering c. No sooner is the Transgression detected but the Redeemer is promised Oh the heighth and depth of the riches of mercy who kissed Justice and overcame it Psal 85. Mercy and Truth met together Righteousness and Peace kissed each other nor doth this latter destroy the former nay it establisheth it Rom. 3.30 31. Like as when the Law of the first Covenant was engraven on tables of stone it did not at all diminish or lesson the glory of that which was written upon the heart nay it did augment the luster thereof and made it more legible so neither doth the Law of faith destroy the Law of works nor make it void nay it doth establish it for as much as it no way dispenseth with its subjects service nor acquits them of their duty save only of the manner and end of the service As it was performed in the oldness of the letter now it must be performed in the newness of the Spirit Rom. 7.6 but it must be obedience still Loving the Lord our God with all the heart with all the minde with all the soul with all the strength and our neighbour as our selves this is not diminished or made void by the Law of faith it only requires Newness of Spirit in lieu of Oldness of letter These two considerations of the Law went hand in hand together all along thorough the old administration From righteous Abel to the end of the Catalogue of all the cloud of witnesses who were subjected to the first dispensation dying in faith saluting though not possessing the promises they seeing him who was invisible their faith did not at all lesson their obedience nay it winged their obedience It was the salt that salted every sacrifice Mark 9.49 For without faith its impossible to please God Heb. 11.4 6. This Law of faith however it ran along as the bloud in the veins and was that which led to God through every service and in every sacrifice was nevertheless veiled under great obscurity and under much darkness The Spirit thereof did testifie of the suffering of Christ and of the glory which was to be revealed but it testified of them as of things a great way off the promises whereof they saluted but possessed not the way into the most holy not being open or made manifest while the first Tabernacle was yet standing Heb. 9.8 This double kinde of sacrificing ran all along thorough out the whole dispensation in as many as retained the Law of sacrifice and cast not off utterly the Knowledge of God which the most part did as the Apostles argument Rom. 1.21 26 28. makes it evident For as much as all along there was a Remnant having an eye upon the promise obtained a good report and the Savour of them in Divine Testimony remains to this day as a Cloud of witnesses This Law of faith as it sprung not with mankind in Nature but was added by occasion of the Transgression for it succeeded that as a plaster doth the wound it was not written in the heart of the natural man as a thing just and equal For God to remake and to redeem faln man into whose heart it could not rationally have entred that there should ever have been a way found out in justice or equity or with a due saving of the truth of him that made the Covenant that man should be put into a capacity or come under a possibility of being preserved having
though with all possible brevity Reply That the Gospel is the power of God to salvation may not be denyed Rom. 1.16 for it is so to every one that beleeveth and let him be accursed that preacheth any other gospel than that which is so Gal. 1.9 But where the gospel which is the power of God to salvation is preached if it be not mixt with faith in them which hear it it is not the power of God to salvation to such according to the testimony of that Scripture Heb. 4.2 For unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard So that the gospel is not the power of God to salvation to any but to such as beleeve it and by faith receive the glad tidings and message thereof and become obedient thereunto Rom. 1.17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written The just shal live by faith The gospel which in it self is the power of God to salvation so named already may be prerched not only in word but also in power and in the holy spirit as twice to the Thessalonians 1 Thes 1.5 in demonstration of the spirit and power as to the Corinthians 1 Cor. 2.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it may be powerfully ratified and confirmed by signs and wonders and mighty deeds yet not powerfull to salvation except received by faith in them that hear it Such a gospel was it to the Thessalonians 1 Thes 1.5 It was brought to them in mighty power and received by them in much assurance as the very word of God to which they yeilded the obedience of faith 1 Thes 2.13 14. As the Romans also did Chap. 15.18 19. Wheresoever the Gospel is preached in Evidence and demonstration of the spirit and received by faith in them that hear it it is the arm and power of God to salvation to such and doth powerfully incline them to yeild obedience in word and deed to whatsoever is therein revealed unto them He that receives the light and is obedient to it receivs the gift of God and shall receive the power the light rejected no power received Reply It hath been said before by this friend to whom I now reply That Christ is the light and That Christ is the gift of God To which may be added that which is testified 1 Cor. 1.18 That Christ is the power of God as it is expressed by the Apostle Now let it be considered what is spoken by the friend in this parcel of words above recited and whether it amount not to a repetition and Tautology of words He that receives the light and is obedient to it receives Christ for Christ is the light receives the gift of God that is Christ for Christ is the gift of God and shall receive the power that is Christ for Christ is the power of God and such as receive Christ and obey him reject not the light nor can be without the power forasmuch as he whom they have received and obeyed is both the light and the power and the gift and is no more than if it had been thus express'd He that receives Christ obeys him receives Christ and shall receive Christ Christ rejected no Christ received Your heart shall fail and your eyes wax dim that look for another way or another Gospel than that which redeems out of sin Reply It hath been said before that Christ is the way Let their heart fail and their eyes wax dim that expect salvation by any other way than by him who is the Way the Truth and the Life Forasmuch as there is no other name given under heaven whereby we can be saved and that Gospel which tenders salvation by Christ to sinners without redemption from sin let it indeed be Anathema from the Lord. For it is witnessed of the true and only Lord Jesus that his name should be called Jesus that is Saviour for that he should redeem his people from their sins Mat. 1.21 and save them to the utmost that come unto God by him everliving to make intercession for them Heb. 7.25 even for them who by him do beleeve in God purifying their souls in obeying the truth through the spirit being born again c. 1 Pet. 1.21 22 23. Which testimony is born up in the hearts of the children of the regeneration who are made the sons of God by faith in Christ Jesus having received the adoption of sons they cry unto him in spirit incessantly night and day that this redemption from the body of sin and death may be compleated in them saying how long Lord holy and true fighting the good fight of faith keeping up the watch and warre of the Lord as knowing that the God of peace will shortly tread Sathan under their feet I say their feet as really within them as he hath troden him under his own feet for them without them And further knowing that they shall assuredly reap in due time if they faint not this being their victory even their faith by which with patience they possess their soul being confident of this one thing that he is faithful who hath called them who will also do it and having begun a good work in them will also perfect it perform or finish it untill the day of Christ having this hope they purify themselves in the power of him who of God is made to them righteousness and sanctification as well as wisdome and redemption The name of Christ is pleasant in the outward sound in as much as thereby men think to have their sins taken away but the Gospel is the power of God that redeems out of sin Reply Who ever names the name of Christ is to depart from iniquity and he who naming the name of Christ how pleasant soever he count that name yet if such an one depart not from iniquity but rowl his sinne under his tongue as a sweet morsel and bless himself in his heart saying I shall have peace though I walk in the Imagination or stubborness of my heart to adde drunkenness to thirst the Lord will not spare him but the anger of the Lord and his jealousie will smoak against that man there 's no such use of the name of Christ as to make it a Cloak for sin for the wrath of God is revealed against all unrighteousness in men Whatsoever and in whomsoever it be and he that regards iniquity in his heart hath a root of gall and wormwood that will eat out all the pleasantness that may seem to be in the name of Christ in the outward sound Deut. 29.18 19 20. Yet for asmuch as there may be some snare and temptation lie upon some souls touching those words before minded and repeated viz. the Gospel is the power of God that redeems out of sin Whence some persons do conclude that they are redeemed out of sin and that the body of sin is destroyed in
them they are come unto mount Sion to the Citty of the living God to the heavenly Jerusalem to the spirits of just men made perfect hence proceeds that frame of spirit of judging others with severity austereness who dare not so say of themselves but through the spirit wait for the hope of righteousness contrary to the spirit of meekness and lowliness of mind wherewith each should account and esteem others better than themselves according to the rule of Christ given by the Apostle often repeated Ephes 4.2 Col. 3.12 which requireth a shewing all meekness to all men Tit. 3.2 Jam. 3.13 to the end as our Lord Jesus himself left example who quenched not the smoaking flax Mat. 12.18 19 20. who said Learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart Mat. 11.29 Others on the other hand judging themselves because they cannot so say of themselves that they are not redeemed out of sin but go mourning and bowed down and are in fear continually because of the fury of the oppressor the evil they would not that they do and the good they would that they do not and are crying out in bitterness as Ruben for Joseph Alas for the Lad is not and I whither shall I go or as she If it be so why am I thus There might be some good use made of a seasonable word to each of these if it might please the Lord to direct therein Are there some redeemed out of sin and come to the spirits of just men made perfect and is it so indeed with them What means then the bleating of the sheep and the lowing of the oxen which are heard in such I mean such as say they have attained but in measure I am not free to instance in personal or perticular discoveries But this wotd in measure declares plainly that such are not at home they are not in the City they are at most but travailers towards it they have certain Miles yet to travail before they arrive Who ever saith he knows in part declares plainly he is short of perfection 1 Cor. 13.10 12. and who ever saith he knows perfectly he knows not how imperfect his knowledg is Therefore to the first sort I would say why boastest thou O vain man of that which is not who so boasteth of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain Or if thou dost not pretend to have attained and to be arrived at end of thy journey and to be perfect as the heavenly father is perfect Why dost thou judg thy Brother and why dost thou set at nought thy Brother who is in his way as well as thou we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ Rom. 14.10 who then art thou that judgest another mans servant contradicting that rule of Christ Jam. 4.11 12. Mat. 7. the five first verses Iudge not that ye be not judged c. Take with thee therefore these two Cautions viz. 1. Boast not against thy Brother neither glory in a false gift for thou art not perfect while thou knowest but in part and hast attained but in measure 2. Despise not the day of smal things in another while as yet thou thy self art not perfect but remember that command of Christ Learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart Mat. 11.29 shewing all meekness to all men Tit. 3.2 break not the bruised reed Remember the parable which our Lord Jesus spake unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others Luk. 18.9 To the Second Sort. To those who are bowed down in their spirit for fear of the fury of the oppressor of whom it 's said in truth and sincerity of heart the evil that I would not do that I do the good I would do I do not whose soul goes forth in them for deliverance from the body of sin death by Jesus Christ according to the Gospel the power thereof to such it may be said notwithstanding they may be judged and despised by the former yet the foundation of God is sealed who will bring forth judgment into victory and perfect the work which himself hath begun in them having laid the foundation will lay the topstone also to the praise of the glory of his grace for faithful is he who hath promised who will also do it according to the tenour of those words Ezek. 17. last And all the Trees of the field shall know that I the Lord have brought down the High tree have exalted the Low tree have dryed up the green tree and have made the dry tree to flowrish I the Lord have spoken it and have done it Thou thy self art not ignorant of the many forms which cry Lo here and lo there yet the way is but one Reply I am not unacquainted that there are indeed many forms which do pretend to that one way That only way the Lord Jesus Among which the present form now under debate between us is one touching which I have met with these passages viz. Sinck down into the eternal love and thou wilt see me and the rest that we are in unity of that one spirit Rich. Farn. discovery of faith p. 4. Though ten thousand times ten thousand yet they are but one in the body one faith one seed one baptizing one Supper one Covenant one God and Father all one heart and one soul serving God in one way worshipping him in spirit and with one mouth glorifying his great and glorious name Who are of this seed are of Abraham Rich. Farn. Rant discov pag. 17. The contrary to which the most High and holy Lord hath been pleased to suffer to discover it self most eminently in the Schism which hath been made in the body of this so much adored admired profession which I cannot but take notice of being so opportunely led into it by this Appeal which is made to me touching my not being ignorant of many forms to all which the Lord hath suffered the addition of this one more and that also increased into more than one by dividing the heads thereof which many dear to the Lord in holy fear and trembling say touching this matter What hath God wrought While they consider that the unity so much gloried in being as the band or girdle which bound up the bundle and was made an Eminent Character of the verity of the persons their Doctrine and practice by which it was exalted magnified in opposition to other peoples of whom it was said that they were in division and confusion but themselves were in unity of one heart and of one way as in the passages last recited out of Rich. Farnworth beside many others which might be named For the most high and holy Lord in his great wisdome to permit that this band or girdle should be rent in sunder without hand no man contributing toward the doing thereof but themselves this is not a smal thing in the eyes of the impartial and sober minded
him but a common thing could this be possible if he had been the alone object of thy soules desire and delight is it not apparent that it was not He but His not his person but his revenue his Salvation his peace his deliverance which when thou hadst attained it was enough had he all thy heart all thy might all thy strength all thy soule was he indeed thy all Nay thou knowest he was not was not selfe the wheele which turned every motion was it not the center where they all fixt No mervaile then that all this is come upon thee which hath befallen thee that the most high hath suffered thee to make thine abode with the Beasts of the field and forrest to shew thee thereby what was in thine heart which thou before didst not know nor could'st beleeve but now canst set thy seale to it as true in thine own sad experience Thou doest now understand what an influence that grand Idoll Selfe had upon every motion and how it was first and last in every action which thou wert conversant in this discovery is now made forth unto thee with fulnesse of evidence which thou couldest never have beleeved touching thy selfe before Therefore now thou abhorrest Selfe in dust and ashes and cryest unto the Lord night and day that thou maist be delivered from this secret soul-deceiver that henceforth it may no more be as formerly that not Thy selfe but Himselfe may be the object of thy soules seeking nor not so much His as He may be thy soules solace joy and delight that he would glorify himselfe in thee and by thee makeing manifest his strength in thy weaknesse his power in thy nothingnesse that thou maist now know him in power and not in word or in forme only that he would be indeed thy life to act thee and lead thee to guide thee and preserve thee that he would perfect the work which himselfe hath begun in thee that thou mayst in all persons and things thou hast to doe with converse with him and behold him treating thee and administring unto thee whether it be in plenty or scarcity in abundance or in want in crosse or in more fair appearances if Shimei curse let him alone for God hath bidden him if Jonathan shew kindnesse he hath his Commission from him who is thy God thy Rock if when thou callest he answers thee not it is that thou mightest owne his Soveraingty over thee as knowing best what and when and how to doe thee good according to what he knowes to be best for thee if waiting for thy mercy be best thou shalt be made to waite and susteyned in waiting wherein faith shall be exercised and patience be perfecting being raised up into an expectation of the promised good for which thou art waiting for as much as it is healing and restoring that thou wantst and prayest for and God hath promised to thee and given thee to beleeve that he will heale thy backsliding and restore comforts unto thee thou art in good measure quieted in him resting upon his goodnesse by which he made this promise and upon his faithfulnesse by which thou beleevest he will make good this promise in expectation whereof through patience thou possessest thy soule Hearkning what God the Lord will further speak unto thee who will speake peace unto his people and to his Saints and they shall not turne againe to folly For he will be as the dew unto them they shall grow as the Lilly and cast forth roots as Lebanon they shall revive as the Corne and grow as the Vine and be beautifull as the Olive tree and all this not in themselves but in him in whom their fruite is found even in him who is the Roote and off-spring of David who loves them freely and therefore will heale them perfectly Psal 107.43 Who so is wise and he shall understand these things prudent and he shall know them for the wayes of the Lord are right and the Just shall walke in them but the transgressors shall fall therein Hosea 14 9th FINIS These faults being omitted at the Presse the Reader is desired to mend as followeth 1 PArt P. 2. l. 1. r. 2 Cor p. 10. l. 30. r. of things p. 11. l. 14. r. Mat. 26. p. 12. l. 3. r. was p. 13. l. 27. r. of fai●h p. 14. l. 25. r not p. 16. l. 14. 32. r. lessen p. 34. l. 32 r. newcrea●e p 39. l. 26. r. Ps 44.11 l 38. ●●r 31. r. 24 25. p. 41. l. 4. r. unison p. 44. l. 12. r. 13. 2. p. 45. l. 19 dele all 2 Part. p. 1. l. 18. r. society l 26. r every p. 4. l. 10. p. 47. l. 16 p. 49. l 23. r. the word p 9. l. 32. dele mentioned before l. 37. r. as l. 40. r. God manifested p 16. l. 4. dele viz. Fox way to the kingdome p. 17. l. 18. dele to p. 18. l. 3. r. a more l. 22. r. as l. 36. r. 1 Joh. 1.1 p. 19. l. 12. r. 1 Pet. 1. p 32. l 28. for eyes r. ages p. 27. l. 33. r. 1 Joh. p. 32. l. 1. 1. Ezek. l. 3. r. privatively l. 6. r. not l. 38. r. decision p. 33. l. 34. r. Farneworth p. 36. l. 2 5. add adm●… p. 37. l. 23. r. reviewing p. 46. l. 36. r. there p 50. l. 36. r. neither did Part 3. p. 25. l. 16. r. 1 Chr p. 32. l. 33. for spirit r. first p 41. l. 35. dele both l. 37. add both p. 45. l. 32. r. vie i● p. 43. l. 7. r. reclaimed p. 49. l. 15. r. glorifying p. 52. l. 19. r. aside p. 54. l. 20. r. vile
manifest But in the fulness of time the fountains of the great deep were broken up and the windowes of heaven were open and the treasure of wisdome and Counsel which had comparatively been hidden from ages and generations not positively so for every Age had its proper measure in proportion to the dispensation under which it was yet in comparison of what was further made out by the appearing of the grace of God giving testimony of his great love to the world in sending his own Son Rom. 8.3 To dye for sinners Rom. 5.8 Yea while they were yet sinners and at enmity with him then to reconcile them to God Rom. 5.10 Then I say and at this time for the Word to be made flesh and Tabernacle among the sons of men and cause his glory to be beheld as the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth without controversie this was the great Mystery of Godliness God manifested in the flesh c. He had been hid in God long before but now was made manifest bringing immortality and life to light by the Gospel preparing a way into the Holyest of all which way was not yet open but shut up under veiles and shadowy darkness whilst the first Tabernacle was yet standing and this God hath done upon terms not of the first covenant that is to say of works called the old Covenant but upon the terms of the second Covenant or Law of faith bringing in everlasting Righteousness upon the account of that better hope by which we draw nigh to God Heb. 7.19 Thus as that first Covenant or law of works which was witnessed sufficiently in mans heart so far as to justifie God and render man inexcusable for transgressing it yet through the bountiful goodness of God was afterward engraven on Tables of stone and so became a written and legible Law the keeping of the Oracles whereof was committed eminently to Abrahams posterity yet so as that the sound thereof went forth among the Gentiles far and near who also might be admitted upon the terms thereof into the family of the then Israel of God and many taking hold of that Covenant of God were admitted to whom there was but one Law as well to the stranger as to him who was born in the house Exod. 12.48.49 In like manner this new Covenant which God made with miserable fallen affrighted run-away hidden Adam touching the seed of the woman which should break the head of the serpent as in the promise Gen. 3.15 this in process of time comes to be drawn from under the veil and so immortality and life comes to light through the gospel Which notwithstanding it were so sufficiently manifested from the time it was first promised as that the heirs of Salvation did see through these veils and beheld him that was invisible and all others might have seen and many did see that which left them without excuse for with whom was he angry but with those who had not faith Heb. 3.11 18 19. as with those to whom the Gospel was preached but did not profit them not being mixt with faith Heb. 4.2 Yet out of the super-abundant goodness and riches of grace Eph. 2.7 commending his love to poor sinners God makes this new impression thereof in such large and capital letters as that it may be read and seen of all men to whom the tidings thereof comes making publication of this joyful message by the Acclamation of that heavenly Host who praising God said Glory to God in the Highest on earth peace good will toward men Luke 2.13.14 bringing good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people the sum of which was There is born this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord Luke 2.10.11 or the Lords Christ v. 26. a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of his people Israel v. 32. Which voyce of this heavenly Host was not like that on mount Sinai wherein the mount was altogether on a smoke like the smoke of a furnace where the whole Mount quaked greatly and the people which were in the Camp trembled Exo. 19.16 18. but contrarywise it was here Peace on Earth good will towards Men and glad-tidings of great joy to all people These were the blessed openings of the Fathers bosome bringing life unto light Revealing the Counsels of his heart which had been kept secret from the beginning of the world but was now made manifest for the obedience of faith among all nations according to the tennor of that Scripture John 3.16 17. God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son that whosoever beleeveth on him should not perish but have everlasting life Now is the first promise unbowel'd and declaration is now made who is the seed of the woman and what is the Law of faith and also who are the proper subjects thereof Every one to whom the sound thereof comes is under the obligation thereof but they only which do beleeve in Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life and these also are reckoned for the seed This then is the tennor and tendency of the Law of faith That whosoever beleeveth on Jesus Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life and this not occultly but openly declared Together with this new Edition of the Law of faith the Subjects thereof are likewise declared to be such as are to be renewed to be new made to be born again and to have a light implanted in them suitable to this Law as they had a light implanted in them suitable to that of works That like as the former light sprang up with them in the natural birth Man had his candle from the beginning of his Creation to see his Creator and a Law sprang up with him to serve his Maker that is to love him with all his heart with all his soul c. So now in this new Creation is he in like manner to be endued with a light suitable to his birth he must be born of the Spirit or from above and therewith to be enlightned to have this Law written in and on his heart this is a branch of the new Covenant I will write my lawes in their hearts c. This is that which was pointed at all along thoroughout the old dispensation in all the types and sacrifices they looked unto Jesus the Mediatour of this new Covenant whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his Righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God That he might be just and the justifier of him that beleeveth in Jesus Rom. 3.25 26. and by this law of faith to exclude boasting The Law of works speaking on this wise do and live or the man that doeth these things shall live in them sets man upon doing for life or that he may live and while man is doing he is apt to be boasting as he Luk. 18.11 I am
as he hath any stock of his owne so long as he hath one penny to go to the Physicians with he 'l spend it there but to be made a beggar and to be saved of alms to receive salvation of gift he likes not to be accompted so lame and impotent so sick yea dead proud man cannot bear thus nor will not beleeve this Nor is this spoken to discourage any from waiting on the Lord in the use of his appointments in order to their salvation Nay it is required of all that they work out their salvation with fear and trembling Yet withall to remember that it is God that worketh in them both to will and to do of his own good pleasure but it is spoken to mind thee that there is an ambitious mind in me and thee and we would think we are not so poor as we are nor so beggarly as we are nor so unable to help our selves but we can contribute much upon accompt of the stock we have in hand our Candle will serve the turn well enough we do not stand in so much need of the sun we may work by Candle-light sufficient to answer what 's required of us Whereas the scope and tendency of the Gospel is as to leave man without excuse for not improving what is left with him so it is to cut off glorying and boasting from man in the utmost of his improvements that he should reckon himself to have done nothing but to have been an unprofitable servant even then and there where and when he is most conversant in what is required of him and to be so far from bearing himself in hand that any work of righteousness which he can do hath in it a vertue whereby to declare him righteous as before God that the very unrighteousness of his righteous action either as to matter or manner would silence him in that perswasion if his eye were open to see it as it is seen by God If the most high should enter with thee into judgement thou wouldest not be able to answer him one of a thousand of thy miscarriages and transgressions which pass thee untaken notice of in the day of thine own judgement which would not nor could not if thine eye were open there are sins of ignorance as well as of knowledg yea sins cleaving to thy most holy things sufficient to abate thy glorying Those things which are now of price unto thee in which thou confidentest thy self are but creaturely excellencies and may be found in such as whom thou in comparison wouldest not set with the Dogs at thy Table I mean those whom thou in thy own judgement infinitely surpassest in vertue and goodness would blame and shame thee if compared with thee be therefore content to be stript of thy seeming glory which indeed hath a beauty if considered by it self as that of Moses also had in its day of dispensation but considering it as that which was to be done away and so the glory thereof was inglorious it had no glory in comparison of that glory which excelled The face of Moses did shine but it was veiled the schollers then could not behold it with open face But this veil is done away in Christ in whose face the glory of God doth shine with more clearness and with less terror and amazedness so as that the disciples the scholers and followers of the Lord Jesus those who having heard and learn'd of the father come unto him God who commanded light to shine out of darkness shines in their hearts to give them the light of the knowledg of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ which they beholding not as under a veil but as in a glasse with open face are changed into the same Image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord. To the Regenerate man upon the accompt of his first manifestation And is it so indeed that notwithstanding all thy hitherto zealous strict and religious appearance putting it self forth in reformations humiliations resolutions austere and strict obligations for piety for purity for bringing under the body of sin by vows covenants holy purposes performances in religious duties and services neglecting of the body through watchings fastings abstinence from necessary supplyes and all this in order to the attainment of the true peace which is after God the peace which passeth mans understanding which thine awakened and wounded Spirit thirsted after the attainment of and could not be satisfied till it was enjoyed and in these supposed to have found it but it was but at times however it was liable to breaches yet those breaches were healed and made up with some one or more of these and this was the case of thy soul for many days perhaps for many years sometimes 't was day with thee otherwhile 't was night sometime thou sawest nor Sun nor Moon nor stars for many daies sometimes thou wert confident thy estate was good and safe thy heart melted into tears of compassion for others which were not so as thou wert and saw not that which thou sawest and in this thy confidence thou becamest a guid to the blind a light to them which were in darkness an instructer of the foolish a teacher of babes Thou prayedst with and for them thou weptst and madest supplication over them this or something like this thou bearest testimony unto as having been the frame of thy spirit neverthelesse in this thy bow abode not in strength 't was not alwayes bent sometime when thou wert reproving others thou thy self wert secretly reproved in thy self either for the same or some other evil when thou wert comforting others thine own heart was in doubt whether thou wert truly comforted of God while thou wert helping others with strengthning arguments against distrust despair couldst thou thy self believe that thou wert indeed translated from death to life when others thought highly of thee and their souls blessed thee and God for thee did not thine own heart at times tremble within thee lest thou after thou hadst comforted others shouldest thy self become a cast-away whence might this proceed these ups and downs these yeas and nays why did the mountains skip why was Jordan the river of judgment driven back why did the earth tremble the state which seemed to be founded upon a rock to move and step backward was it not because it did but seem to be so founded It was but earth and therefore trembled the bow was not the bow of Joseph therefore it abode not in strength the bogh was not Josephs bogh therfore not increasing it was not rooted in him who was the excellency of Jacob not strengthned by the arm of the mighty God of Jacob and therefore no marvail it admitted of such variety mutability notwithstanding its seeming excellency and stability Thy garments were but prison garments and thou in thy prison house though thou knewest it not the iron was entred into thy soul and thou couldest not
with God with whom thou had'st confidence in thine addresses but thy discoveries being now of another kinde thou applyest to the meeting with God in them after another manner then thou wast wont Now thou soughtest and enjoyed'st God and the Creature under a pretence and specious shew of seeking to enjoy God in the Creature Nay did not the Creature eye it with God and take place of God and require that of thee which is proper only to God did'st not thou by hearkening to this deceiver who beguiled thee as he beguiled Eve didst not thou love and feare and seek after and delight in the Creature more then the Creator didst thou indeed glorifie God as God in proportion to what thou knewest of God and such discoveries as he had made forth of himselfe in thee when he caused his glory to shine in thy heart through the face or appearance of Jesus Christ but thou pretending to more wisedome and professing thy selfe to be wise becamest a foole and changed'st the glory of the incorruptible God into corruptible Images and worshipped'st the imaginations of thine owne braine Golden Gods or Silver Gods or such as were formed out of baser mettall the God of this world having deluded thee put out thine eyes and made thee to grinde in his mill serveing and loveing prizing and delighting in lying vanityes under pretence of liberty in Spirit or Christian freedom in the use of the Creature by which thou wert cheated as Solomons fool was by that whorish woman who notwithstanding her lips drop as an honey combe and her mouth is smoother then oyle yet her end is bitter as wormwood sharp as a two edged sword They which yeeld to goe after her flattering lips they goe as fooles to the correction of the Stocks till a dart strike through their liver and are as a bird hasting to the snare not knowing that it is laid for her life for she hath cast downe many wounded yea many strong men have been slaine by her Oh the number of valiant ones how faint and feeble are they through the subtill insinuations of the God of this world who hath poysened them with this deadly potion in a Cup of gold mixing his poyson with these two glittering ingredients Liberty Spirituallity To the Virgins that having knowne the depths of Sathan and have kept their garments pure abideing in the councill of the Lord rooted and established in him and growing up in him bringing forth fruit unto him O Blessed are ye of the Lord be not high minded but feare But to the rest with whom it is not so let it be said doe ye thus requite the Lord Ah foolish people and unwise is he not thy father that hath bought thee shouldest thou sell thy rock thy God for a lye a vanity Oh that ye were wise and would consider thine own wickednesse shall correct thee and thy backslidings will reprove thee remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do thy first works To the relapsed or back-sliding Christian considered either as unsensible or sensible thereof To the first How is the gold become dim how is the fine gold changed the precious Sons of Zion comparable to fine gold how are they esteemed as a common thing The Nazarites which were once purer then snow and whiter then milke more ruddie then Rubies and polish't as the Saphir their visage now is blacker then a coale they are not known in the Streets Because they have forgotten the God of their Salvation And have not been mindfull of the Rock of their strength But have trusted in their owne beauty And as it s testified in another case Ezek. 16. Thou hast taken of thy fair Jewells of my Silver and my gold which I had given thee and madest to thy selfe Images of men and didst commit whoredome with them How weak is thy heart saith the Lord God seeing thou dost all these things and that which is the more to be lamented is this that although grey haires are upon thee here and there yet thou knowest it not but presumest all things are with thee as yesterday and heretofore saying I am innocent I have not sinned but doe seeke the Lord daily and delight to know his way not forsakeing his ordinances but approach his presence with delight Neverthelesse thou considerest not where thou art nor what thou art doing nor what will be the issue thereof when the most high shall recount with thee and bring upon thee the remembrance of thy wayes saying to thine heart What hast thou to doe in the way of Aegypt to drink the waters of Sihor or why hast thou gadded so about to change thy way hast thou not embraced this present world and the gloryes thereof have not the sparkling glittering appearances thereof taken thine eye and thy heart what a share have the promotions and the preferments thereof in thine estimation and affection where and what is become of thine ancient tendernesse and meltingnesse of soule Art not thou in the way of Assyria and hast not thou drunk of the River thou knowest the time when thou wouldest have preferred one moments comunion with God before all the earthly gloryes if thou mightest have enjoyed them Nay thou forsookest these that thou mightest enjoy that thy kindred thy Country and thy Fathers house were not deare to thee in comparison of thy being entertained into fellowship and comunion with him whom thou esteemed'st more then thy life thine all what things were gain to thee then thou then counted'st dung and drosse in comparison of the excelleney of the knowledge of Christ Jesus thy Lord for whom thou wast content to part withall that before time had been deare to thee but he suffering thee to be tryed that thou mightest know what was in thine heart how is thy heart become as weake as water and how hath the God of this world blinded thee makeing thee to joyne in affinity with his Gods of Silver and Gods of Gold The Honours Titles dignityes preferments wealth houses Lands the Revenues of this earth which are the portion of the children of the earth of which thou wert once affraid least thy heart should be deceived therewith but now it is otherwise with thee thou embraced'st lovest pleadest for huntest after them as though thou couldest never have too much nay scarce enough thereof This is a lamentation and shall be for a lamentation and it will so appeare to thee when this thy wickednesse shall correct thee and this thy backsliding shall reprove thee and thou thereby be brought to see where thou art and made to confesse thine iniquity giveing glory to the God of heaven in whose hands thy breath is and who is acquainted withall thy wayes In order whereunto thou hast been under-dealing more then once whereby thou mightest have been retained from the error of thy wayes but thine eares were stopt and thine eyes were closed thou sawest no evill in thy way nor regardest much to know the end and cause