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A81992 Seismos megas. Or Heaven & earth shaken. A treatise shewing how kings, princes, and their governments are turned and changed by Jesus Christ as [brace] King of Kings, and King of Saints. / By John Davis, M.A. sometime lecturer at Christ Church in London, and now pastour of a congregation in Dover. Davis, John, pastor of a congregation in Dover. 1655 (1655) Wing D422; Thomason E1601_2 153,991 331

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they are in the darke and that your zeale may provoke very may You must hold out the word of life you have not onely the word of light but the word of life within you which to you is a quickning word dividing asunder between the joynts and marrow and this word of light and life this living word you are to hold out for your light must shine before men that they may see your good works before men most men are in darknesse and sit in darknesse carnal sensual men cannot receive the things of God and yet God requires such a shining in you that these men these blind men may some way see and here again observe it must be good works and good works with light not barely good words or good profession that will convince them you may talke long enough and these men will never see any good unlesse you worke it frequently and constantly You must glorifie your Father which is in heaven and they by you It was Christ his work upon earth and it s yours and he finished that work and so should you Joh. 17. Herein is my Father glorified that you bring forth much fruit so shall ye be my Disciples You must be abounding and abounding alway in the work of the Lord knowing your labour is not in vain filled with the fruits of righteousnesse which are by Christ to the glory of the Father giving all diligence and adding to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience to patience godlinesse and to godlinesse brotherly-kindnesse and to brotherly-kindnesse love These things must be in you and abound in you that ye may not be barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ You have been the servants of sin long enough now it concerns you to obey from the heart the form of Doctrine into which you were delivered It lies upon you to raise common things by holy ends and to turne outward objects into spiritual converse If you do but eat and drink walk or work work or recreate what ever ye do in word or deed it must be all to the glory of God in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ giving thanks to God the Father by him Eating and drinking are but natural actions but they must have Gods glory as their end Nature may teach you to give thanks but it s the Gospel that teacheth you in your thanksgiving to haverecourse to God the Father in the Name of the Lord Jesus The meanesse of your condition must not hinder the raisednesse of you holinesse Suppose you are servants the Gospel teacheth you how to make your service to become divine Col. 3. 22. Servants obey in all things your Masters not with eye-service as men-pleasers but in singlenesse of heart fearing God and whatever you do do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive a reward for ye serve the Lord Christ You must obey your Masters but so as you must declare you are fearing God while you are obeying them you must render them service but not eye-service God requires the heart for himselfe and when he requires your respect to another he requires your heart thereto How unlike is your complemental expression of saying Your servant your humble servant Sir to the singlenesse of heart here mentioned You must please men and yet not be men-pleasers but please God in the pleasing of them you must do and do heartily but as to the Lord and not to men and there 's good reason for it for of him you must receive the reward for ye serve the Lord Christ he tells you of serving men and serving Christ yea serving Christ in serving men and thus you greaten little and highten low things You should be persons of a raised manner of behaviour in all actions states and conditions in all holy conversation and godlinesse But most of all when you come to worship God who will be sanctified in his nigh ones and glorified before all the people Levit. 10. 3. To worship God is to be neer to him you are then under a promise of his special presence But then he will be sanctified either you must sanctifie him or he will sanctifie himselfe he must be sanctified either in and by you in the holinesse of your hearts or upon you in the execution of his just judgements You must not think to content your selves with pretence to worship God alone in your Closet or Family but you must worship him also before all the people and that is a glorifying him You must worship the Father Joh. 4. 24. but it must be in spirit and truth Gospel-worship hath lesse outward pompe and ceremony then that under the Law and therefore it must have more of plainesse and purity else God should be a loser You must pray alwayes Eph. 6. 18. with all manner of prayer and supplication not prate but pray repetition of words in form of confessions or petition are not prayer your praying must be in the spirit your spirits in prayer must be drawn forth and acted by Gods spirit your affections must be spiritual or you cannot pray it may be babling and howling but praying it is not unlesse it be in the spirit your heads may work and your lips may move but it s no prayer if the heart lie still the voice of words is not the voice of prayer but the sighs and groans that cannot be uttered Rom. 8. 26 27. You must lift up your souls in prayer lay hold on the strength of the Almighty and wrastle with him not letting him alone until he blesse you Jesus Christ hath set up and set open a Throne of grace and given us a boldnesse of accesse Eph. 3. 12. You must come in his Name with confidence Aske and you shall bave seeke and you shall finde knock and it shall be opened to you You must watch and pray yea watch unto prayer with all perseverance and joy Eph. 6. 18. You lose many sweet praying opportunities by not watching your season you lose the acting and improvement of many graces and obtaining of many precious comforts and sweet returnes by not persevering in prayer Far be it from you to pray as a task or as a work which you are soon weary of and glad when it is over but you must persevere in prayer and pray with joy and joy to pray You must attend at the posts of Wisdomes door Prov 8. 34. Laying aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisies and envyes and all evil speakings as new born babes desire the sincere milke of the word that you may grow thereby 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the sincere milke the form of wholesome words not sugared with the wisdome of words but coming in the demonstration of the spirit and with power That word desire and desire as new born babes out of
their rest and weaken the quiet of their minde by their dayly expectation of such successes as they presumptuously speak of and shall never come to passe For shame for shame let us redeem our selves from this Captivity God hath not subjected your reason and will to Angels then surely not to Stars or Star-gazers Angelus non potest aliquam formam imprimere in imaginatione nisi mediante sensu extrinseco nec potest voluntatem nostram mutare Aquin. An Angel cannot imprint any forme upon our imagination but by the interposition and mediation of the sense which is outward neither can an Angel change our will Let us blush to attribute that to Stars and men that Angels have not 7. The last argument we shall name taken from the nature of things contingent Now there we have this rule Futurorum Contingentium non est determinata veritas that is the Truth of future contingent things is not determined and yet how peremptorily doe they conclude concerning these things As about marrying a wife about what kinde of life or imployment this or that man shall be of whether he shall dye by war or by water that in such a yeare of his life he shall be sicke that he shall be deare to Princes and such like Now these are things that are undetermined that is they may fall out this or that way how can they have any knowledge of them Contingens dicitur quod aliter esse potest A thing is said to be contingent that might have been otherwise then it is that although in time it come to passe in this or that shape yet as to the causes producing it might as well have been in another shape God retains the determination of these things in his own will and therefore he knows them but men cannot Things are said to be contingent inwardly or outwardly The actings of the will of man make that contingency that is called inward Outward contingency ariseth from some outward help or impediment Now that God hath removed these acts of the will from the Stars we heard before and no lesse removed are the helps or hinderances that doe fall out in the producing of particular effects to which the Stars can give you no light but leave you in the darke But doe not many things they speake of come to passe and fall out as they foretel and doth not this mightily commend their way You say that Experience is the mother of Arts and they have many experiences and how will you or can you answer them I answer diverse wayes 1. I deny that they have so many experiences as they brag of Somewhat that seemes to favour their proceedings may be taken notice of by those who affect and admire such a way and no marvel then if it be commended far beyond what it was for the commendations follow the affection of the commender and not alwayes the nature of the thing commended And what if men to spread their lyes farther will print them must they be true because they are in print And what if some things reported be of some antiquity will that make them authenticke They have not so much to brag of as they pretend for mauy things are said to come to passe that did not 2. Suppose such and such things doe come to passe it s not from any causing virtue in the Stars If you could heare their voice you would have them disclaming of their influences to such effects They come to passe t is true but are there no other causes then the Stars are there not other things that are neerer to which they may be ascribed surely there are 3. Blind men sometime hit the white and dreames sometime sute with what after falls out and so many Astrologers among many falshoods speake something that may prove true and no marvel seeing their Predictions are like the dubious answers of the Oracles which may admit a diverse sense and speake in general termes which credulous men apply as they think fit 4. The coming to passe is the strongest argument against them It comes to passe but not by any thing in the nature of the Stars foretelling it nor by any Art nor by any revelation from God Then may you not justly feare that such discoveries arise from him who is the enemy of God and your souls the lyar and the father of lyes the prince of darknesse and of the power of the aire who workes effectually in the children of disobedience and were you not much better to want such Predictions then take them up by such a hand 5. It may come to passe in a way of Judicial vengeance your mindes are set upon lyes and vanities and God may answer you according to the visions of your own heart Ezek. 14. 4. Every man that putteth the stumbling blocke of his iniquity before his face and cometh to the Prophet I the Lord will answer him that cometh according to the multitude of his Idols If God answer him that comes to his Prophet according to the iniquity of his heart How much more will he answer them that come to Astrologers Satans Prophets according to their iniquity 2 Thess 2. 9. Antichrist cometh after the working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders Now vers 10. Because they receive not the truth in love Verse 11. God sends them strong delusions that they should beleeve a lye or it may be God comes to try you Deut. 13. 1 2 3. See how the case is there stated If there arise a Prophet that giveth thee a signe or a wonder and the signe or the wonder come to passe whereof he spake unto thee saying let us goe after other Gods Thou shalt not hearken to the words of that Prophet or dreamer of dreams for the Lord your God proveth you whether you love the Lord your God with all your Heart and with all your Soul A word of Application 1. To those who are professors and teachers of the Mathematickes I have one word to you and would to God it might finde acceptance with you I honour all Art if not too much I am sure enough and I hate not that pleasing and profitable study of the Mathematicks although I confesse my selfe no proficient therein I would humbly intreate you to keep to what is Art and the wisdome of God in the creature and that will render you wise not Cunning men Surely Piety is the best Policy and the feare of the Lord the beginning of wisdome I appeale to your own consciences should you not tremble when in your Predictions you aspire to what i● proper to God and not communicable to man It s enough for our narrow compasse and to keep us humble to recall a little of what is past and to know ●ot very much of what is present before us but least of all what is to come The Apostle Paul would not have the Corinthians should thinke 1. Cor. 4. 6. above what
is written 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Be not angry with me if I wish you so well that I would not have you to think or write above what God hath written in his word or workes There be some things in all Arts that God hides from men as Sympathys and Antipathies in natural Philosophy the returnes of Agues by set fits in Medicinal practice and in your own way the cause of the ebbings and flowings of the Sea You are not infallible in what you think you know you are apt enough to erre as you are men Humanum est errare but how much more apt if you proceed by erroneous principles and doctrines Is it nothing to you that God hath stirred up the spirits and pens of those who are godly and wise to appeare against your way I should much suspect my selfe to be in the way of Balaam when I should meet with so many Angels Ministers Messengers of God coming against me You may mistake and so mispeake as that Divination may easily turn into a lye Isa 44. ●5 and God may blast that reason into madnesse that is so abused and then how sad will your case be when you must be ranked with those who are without whose property is described to be such who love and make a lye Rev. 22. 15. Oh remember how unduely and nnworthily you have perplexed and rejoyced the hearts of people you have put them in feare where no feare was and rejoyced them when you had no good ground for it You have raised up hopes in them like spiders webbs which a little time hath easily swept away and you have driven many to despaire when God gave no cause for such desperation How infectious have your principles and practices been How many have been misled by you Think on your Schollers whom you have trained up to follow your steps if you walke awry how can they walke right Doth it not or may it not pitty your heart to see so many young ingenious hopeful Gentlemen to be corrupted by you It may be God may give you repentance which I heartily wish but they may be hardned in their vanity and never returne and will not that fall sad on you when you shall remember that you have a generation in the pit beneath whom your false teaching and corrupt example hath begotten You cannot be so inobservant in your own way but you doe know that God from heaven doth beare witnesse against your weather-wisdome making that prove faire that you foretel to be foul and foule to be fair Now if you are so much out in that which is lowest in your way may you not much more mistake in higher pretences Surely since you are so confident of things to come which yet God and Nature hath not actually determined you might be more bold to call up things past if you can tell a person what shall befal him you may as well tell what hath befallen him Why doe you not bend your thoughts that way and not this is it not because it would not be so taking with men and withal it would decry your skill Remember and forget not you must give account of your wayes and workes thinke seriously of it Will your proceedings be owned by Christ another day will he say to you Euge bone serve Well done thou good and faithful servant thou hast been faithful in thy Predictions I will make thee Lord of ten Cities enter into thy Masters joy Will he not rather accuse you for abusing your selves and others for mispending your parts and paines and snarling at those who reproved you Your sins are great but not unpardonable Oh that God would give you repentance unto life like those we read of in Acts 19. 19. Many believed and among those Many that used curious Arts brought their Bookes together and burned them before all men If you will stile your dealings Arts others and rightly too will call them Curious Now there was cause enough to burne their Books then May there not be as much in your Books now I shall adde no more onely leave it to God and your consciences and descend to give a word to your disciples I cannot but from my soul pitty you to see your youth and ingenuity so dangerously intangled Astrological Predictions are fine cobwebs to catch young wits Give eare to a plaine word It s possible you may meet with something that is and may be called Art But is there nothing else is there not something far worse No evil was ever so audacious at first as to appeare unmasked and in its own colours the worst of things sometimes put on the best of names and pretences I should be too impudent in writing against what is Art and so Gods wisdome in the creature and you would be too negligent and grosse if you espouse mens phantasies and wickednesse for Art for Gods wisdome in the creature All men desire to know and those that know something desire to know more Scienti● non habet inimicum nisi ignorantem I blame not your desire of knowledge but wish you to goe on in it and that your desires may end in attainment but take heed what and how you know All knowledge of excellent objects innobles the minde Excellens objectum intellectum perficit I beseech you weigh whether such principles as you are taught and have sucked in will make your minde one jot better and not rather much worse I know they insinuate not barely by pretending to augment your knowledge but knowledge in relation to your practice of something to be done by you and that hereafter nay of what God will doe by you and to you and these considerations are taking and snaring To pretend to advance knowledge onely without practice would be vaine speculation to know onely what concerns other men would seeme a busibodinesse to tell you what is past is but to recall what you had some knowledge of before but to tell you what is to come and to come from God this takes much with you But deare hearts be not deceived How came the spirit of God to them that they can reveale so much to you They goe but God sent them not and they declare but what the visions of their own heart I am not ignorant that there is somewhat of singularity by which they ingraciate themselves men affect to be and doe something more then others to be as all men are to know as all men know is but a common being and knowledge but to be of higher straines and extract to be of more accomplisht perfection is that which men strive for and they pretend to bring you unto Bona verba These are good words indeed but looke well to it lest while you aime to be higher then other men you fall not beneath the lowest Christians and while you strive to know what you should not you grow ignorant of what you should The knowledge of God and a mans selfe are the greatest Sciences and they