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A80754 The covenant of God with Abraham, opened. Wherein I. The duty of infant-baptism is cleared. II. Something added concerning the Sabbath, and the nature and increase of the kingdome of Christ. Together with a short discourse concerning the manifestations of God unto his people in the last dayes. Wherein is shewed the manner of the spirits work therein to be in the use of ordinary gifts, not by extraordinary revelations. / By William Carter minister of the gospel in London. Carter, William, 1605-1658. 1654 (1654) Wing C679; Thomason E811_5; ESTC R207606 118,861 192

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proper work where your advantage is and though your desires and intentions in the main are good yet you 'l mscarry and come short of what you seek in stead of advancing forward you 'l go backward in Religion and the work of God in stead of getting higher you will be low and poor and beggarly even in the dust and as Children caried about with every wind of Doctrine by the craftynesse of men whereby they lie in wait cunningly to deceive This hath always been the policy of Satan he passes not how strong or fervent your affections are about the matters of the soule so as you are besides your work for so the work of God is hindered and his work goes on Vse 3. Hence also learne how to study and to heare the word with profit There are mistakes as in the matter or the Object so in the manner of our study Now from the point which hath been opened this is the rule that we hear and study as those who are spoken to by the Son and that in three particulars especially First you must give the more earnest heed to the things which are spoken This is the Use made of this point by the Apostle Heb. 2. 1. having in the former chapter proved this Doctrine that God hath spoken to us by his Sonne and withall set forth his dignity above the Angels that is his conclusion Therefore saith he let us give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard least at any time we let them slip This is the great impediment whereby the saving vertue of the Gospel is obstructed and it becomes so fruitlesse in the soules of men because other things are heeded so so much and that so little Dogges and Horses are regarded by us but when God hath written to us the great things of his Law they are accounted as a strange thing Hose 8. 12 This is the cause why after so much meanes enjoyed so little good is done when after many Messengers the Lord hath sent his Sonne in stead of yielding him the fruits of his Vineyard the sons of men conspire to kill the Son that so the Vineyard may be theirs Christ hath said enough to overcome the hardest heart he shews the plenty of his Fathers house the priviledge and blessed state of the sonnes of God the sweetnesse of a pardon the glory of the life to come but alas it is not a carelesse slothful or bare hearing that will doe the work Hearken diligently unto me says God so hear and your souls shall live Isai 55. 1 2. Stirre up your selves then when ever you engage in this work think who it is that speaks and what he sayes and know that if you slight him now you shall not do it long the time is near at hand when you must stand before his seat of judgement and receive your sentence from his mouth for life or death eternal Secondly you must continue in his word and not be tossed to and fro with every wind of Doctrine as clouds without water as the Apostle speaks Jude 12. If ye continue in my word saith Christ then are ye my Disciples indeed and ye shall know the truth Joh. 8. 31. Such therefore as are ever wavering and flitting to and fro without establishment so far at least as they are so unconstant and unsetled they are not taught by him but by their own corrupt and sinful ends or they take up things on trust from men and so as the tide turnes they turn and float about according to the stream and current of the times or as they are biased from their own corruptions Two things must be in this continuing in the word of Christ First the understanding must be established in the truth and you in some measureable with your own eyes to see it and to charge it home upon your souls as the truth of God Secondly your practice must be answerable he that is not a doer of the Word is a forgetful hearer James 1. 25. The seed sown is not preserved in the earth except it grow Thirdly The truth must make you free Joh. 8. 32. Then are ye my Disciples indeed saith Christ and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free if ihe son makes you free then are ye free indeed Two things there are in this freedome First a freedome from the raigning power of sinne Secondly an establishment with a free spirit in the service of the Lord. It is not enough that you continue in the word unlesse it hath this powerfull saving work upon you to change the heart to sanctifie it and to subdue the soule to the power of the truth and grace of Christ Fourthly you must labour to receive the Word not in the letter only but the spirit also with the word The Spirit is received sayes the Apostle by the hearing of faith Gal. 3. 2. And beleeving ye were sealed by the holy Spirit of promise Ephes 1. 13. which being a peculiar blessing upon and effect of the Sons speaking as we have heard therefore that you may hear as those who are spoken to by the Sonne this also must be added These are the revelations to be expected and which you are to labour for and this is the onely way to be above external formes and outsides not to lay formes aside for so you are besides them not above them but by a right use of them to labour after higher things for which they are designed I through the law am dead to the law sayes the Apostle Gal. 2. 19. that is by a right use of the Law he was dead to the Law so by a right use of formes which is whether it be the preaching of the Word or any other Ordinances to be made partakers of the Holy Ghost in the use of them in a right sense understood wee are above them It is most true to rest in any formes even in the Letter of the Word it selfe that is in the meer notion or understanding of it without the Spirit is low and poor and beggarly but by way of prevention or redresse hereof to seek and wait for extraordinary revelations is out of one extreame into another and in striving to be above formes to neglect and lay aside the ordinances and wayes of God which he hath sanctified and set apart to be the way and method of a blessed enjoyment of himselfe Nor will this do the work pretended this seeking after extraordinary revelations is as low and poor a matter as the other Those were usefull onely in the time of the Churches infancie or when foundations were in laying as was shewed before therefore whilst men seek that way to be above they are below even in the dust The fruit of every ordinance in the worship is an anointing with fresh oyle even a further participation of the Spirit of God so the comfort of a Sabbath is exprest in that Psal 92. 10. entitled A Psalm or Song
for the Sabbath day and so the blessing of the house of God is set forth Psal 23. 5 6. As for instance In prayer our heavenly father giveth the Holy Spirit to them that ask him Luk. 11. 13. And by one Spirit are we baptized into one body 1 Cor. 12 13. In the supper of the Lord we have the communion of the body of Christ namely in partaking with our head in the same anointing with the holy Ghost 1 Cor. 10 16. are all made to drink into one spirit 1 Cor. 12. 13. And so in all the rest The worke therefore to be done in this also of hearing the Word is that by the hearing of Faith we receive the Holy Ghost Gal. 3. 2. and that upon our beleeving we are sealed by the holy spirit of promise Ephes 1. 13. that is that there be First A powerful impression by the word upon the soule from the spirits witness to it setting of it home with life and vigour begetting and confirming faith changing the heart subduing it unto the power of the truth of God so making it unto the soul a creating word without which work it is but a dead letter to it Secondly The Image of Christ as it were stamped upon the soule in that impression elsewhere called his being formed in us Gal. 4. 19. in reference to which the word is called an immortal seed that liveth abideth for ever by which we are begotten in the new birth 1 Pet. 1. 23. called also an ingraffed word James 1 18 21 because it turneth us into its own nature and makes us like to Jesus Christ which image consisteth in our likenesse to him in his death and resurrection Philip. 3. 10. in the mortification of sinne and a spiritual resurrection unto newnesse of life Rom. 6. 5. Thirdly A witnesse of the spirit to the soule of our interest in God upon this new birth and giving us the earnest of our inheritance Ephes 1 14. in our enjoyments of him in communion with all the persons of the Trinity Father Sonne and Holy Ghost 1 Joh. 5 6 7 8. Rom. 8. 16. 17. Vse 3. A third use of the point may be a confutation of that opinion entertained by some that there are not now in being any true Ministers of Christ who can as Ambassadours from Christ in the name of God and in his authority speak unto the people because there are none that can take upon them to preach by an infallible spirit The reason alledged is because those who speak so in the name of God as his Ambassadours or as in his stead must do it by a Word which is wholly undoubtedly and meerly true that so they may be certainly known both to themselves and others to be so commissioned from the Lord and that both preachers and hearers may be infallibly assured that it is indeed the word of God which they preach Thus say they the first lawful preaching of the Gospel was performed by word of mouth and that such as was syncere 1 Pet. 2. 2. Sound Doctrine Titus 1. 9. Such as was received not as the word of men but as it was indeed the word of God 1 Thes 2. 13. And therefore since God hath nowhere commanded nor licensed that what was begun by such a word of truth should afterwards be carried on by a word not wholly and meerly true that those who now take upon them to perform that office of a Minister in the worship of God speaking in the name of God and as his Ambassadours unto the people in as much as they cannot pretend to such infallibility do act without commission and are guilty of will-worship and are not to be reputed the ministers of Christ in as much as all Administrations in the Church are to be by his institution and command Now from that which hath been said in opening this point we have a full and satisfying answer unto this namely First that however in laying the foundations of the Church of the New Testament and in setting down the institutions of the worship it was necessary that God should make use of persons of infallible gifts which accordingly was done in Christ and his Apostles and Evangelists yet that it was never intended that the work should be carried on by such but that in building upon those foundations and in the Churches growing up even to the measure of the stature to which it is intended in this world Ephes 4. 12 13. the work of God should goe on and prosper in the hands of his servants by the use of ordinary gifts in studying the Scriptures and in teaching and instructing one another in the knowledge of the Gospel and so as each teacher in the Church hath need to be taught and is supposed to be subject unto errour as hath been shewed from 1 Thes 5. 19. pag. 145. which will yet be more clear from that place if it be considered that those duties there mentioned by the Apostle in that golden chaine from vers 16. to 21. are linked together in such order as they are depending one upon another in a Christians practice as if we should read them thus That ye may rejoyce evermore pray without ceasing for that end in every thing give thanks for that end quench not the Spirit and so of the rest as you would not quench the Spirit despise not prophesie and for that end prove all things and hold fast that which is good for he that proves them not despiseth his teachers doctrine as not worthy to be considered or examined Now this connection betweene these duties being the Apostles scope it appears that the Spirit is quenched by despising that prophesying wherein there may be some errours and mistakes Therefore however the Apostles and Evangelists who were to write the Scripture had an infallible gift yet ordinary Elders of Churches even in the Apostles time had it not but were subject to mistakes as we see in the Angels of the seven Churches Rev. 2. 3. And of the Elders of Ephesus it is said that even from amongst themselves should men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them Acts 20. 30. Secondly We see also that the state and condition of the Church of the New Testament bespeaketh as much that the Church should be built up by the use of such gifts onely and that extraordinary gifts should cease as hath been shewed in the third Reason of the point God had otherwise in part lost his end in speaking to us by his Sonne of which his speaking one end was that he might bring down the knowledge of himself so farre to our capacity as that in the use of ordinary gifts by search and study of the Scriptures we might understand the great and deep things of God without the help of gifts infallible and extraordinary Thirdly the nature of the office of a Pastour and Teacher in the Church speaketh no lesse in as much as they are
called Elders and leaders 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not as Lords over Gods heritage but as examples to the flock 1 Pet. 5. 3. to go before the people in the same work wherein the whole Church is engaged namely among other things in the search and study of the Scriptures therefore supposed to be endued but with the same gifts for kind with the rest of their brethren the difference betweene them and others in respect of gifts being onely in degree and eminency not in kind as hath been shewed chosen therefore they are by the Church from amongst themselves and according to certain rules set down in Scripture as in 1 Tim. 3. Titus 1. which might not be in case they should be persons extraordinarily inspired and could speak by an infallible Spirit and known such to be for such can be chosen onely by God himself either immediately from Heaven or by a Prophet or an Apostle in which case the Lord also giveth Testimony to such choice by the gift of miracles Heb. 2. 4. Nor is it any disadvantage to the Church to be taught by such who are themselves subject unto errour since we are not to take any thing meerly upon trust from our Teachers but are commanded to try the spirits and to prove all things And if we says the Apostle or an Angel from Heaven preach another Gospel unto you let him be accursed Gal. 1. 8. Nay I may adde that since our work and duty is to search the Scriptures it is for our advantage that our Leaders who go before us therein are persons of the same gifts and subject to the same infirmities with our selves because hereby that wherein they excell will be a provocation and encouragement to us to be industrious in the same study and labour And that wherein they are defective layeth a necessity on us to search and study so much the more lest we be misled And had the Lord continued persons of such infallible gifts it had been a means to take us off from that laborious and diligent search and study of the Scriptures which now we are necessitated to as was shewed at large in opening the point Quest If the Question be how such persons then can speak unto the people as Ambassadours from God and in his name so as the people may receive it in his authority and may be assured that what they receive is indeed the word and truth of God To this I answer Answ That it is true indeed if when we receive the truth as spoken to us in the name of God it were to be supposed that we receive it onely upon trust from those who are our Teachers it must then be granted that none can speak to us in the name of God but only such as have an infallible gift and of whom we can be certain of their faithfulness therein but that is not our work to build our faith onely upon the credit of our Teachers although that is not to be denied its due respect but what ever certainty we have of their faithfulness and ability our faith hath a further ground to fix upon namely First upon the selfe-evidencing property which is in light and truth for which cause it is that the Apostle himself saith 1 Cor. 10. 15. I speak as to wise men judge what I say and Gal. 1. 8 9. If we or an Angel from heaven preach any other Gospel unto you then that ye have received let him be accursed Therefore also 2 Cor. 4. 2. he saith that he and his fellow-labourers did not take any other course or use any other meanes to gain upon their hearers but by manifestation of the truth commending themselves to every mans conscience Such things revealed concerning God and Christ and man so put together in one body of light each part thereof bearing witness to illustrating and bespeaking the other all agreeing in such full consent and harmony of truth so far beyond the wit of any creature to have invented is discerned and acknowledged by true beleevers to be the truth of God and in some sort not unlike as light is known to be light by him that sees it therefore I say that is one thing upon which our faith in beleeving the truth of God depends beyond the credit of our teachers how great soever it be And yet this is not enough because such is mans impotency and corruption being left unto himself as his light is his darknesse so as by how much the stronger his reason is so much the more he is infatuated and deluded seeing he seeth not and hearing he doth not understand nor yet perceive Matth 6. 23 13. 13. therefore I must adde That our faith dependeth Secondly upon the inward testimony and work of Gods spirit opening the heart and inabling us to see this light and to beleeve the truth And without this work of the spirit whatever may be said in reason a full beleefe thereof as the truth of God cannot be Joh. 14. 26. The Holy Ghost shall teach you all things Joh. 16. 13. He shall lead you into all truth 1 John 2. 20. 27. Ye have an unction from the holy one and ye know all things 2 Cor. 1. 21. 22. He which establisheth us with you in Christ and hath anointed us is God who hath also sealed us and given the earnest of his spirit in our hearts Therfore when the Lord Christ himself preached Joh. 6. the Jewes despising him and saying Is not this the Carpenter our Saviour saith the reason was because they were not taught of God vers 43. Quest If the Question be how the Spirit doth this Ans I answer First not by extraordinary or immediate revelations as was shewed from John 16. 13. p. 137. The spirit shal not speak of himself c. The spirit wil not come to any man and say in so many words this is truth or this is Scripture or this the word of God But Secondly The spirit doth it by sanctifying us through the truth John 17. 17. Sanctifie them through thy truth thy word is truth So John 7. 17. If any man will do the will of him that sent me saith our Saviour he shall know of my doctrine whether it be of God or not 1 Pet. 1. 23 24 25. The Apostle to prove the word to be the immortal seed of God saith it liveth and abideth for ever thereby intimating that it abideth not where it liveth not therefore by its being made a sanctifying word it becomes an abiding word in that soule A sanctifying word is when together with it we receive the spirit which is a fountain of life in every believer Three things there are in this his sanctifying us through the truth wherby we are brought to believe it to be the truth of God First in this sanctification a man is by the spirit wrought to give up himselfe to the power of this truth of God as his and that in every facultie for that is the
they all are separated things But we finde not in the new Testament what it is but in the old we must search and there we finde it often made opposite to that which is common that is which is and worketh onely within the common road of nature therefore we finde that then a thing is separated when it is set apart for a supernaturall efficacy and end of which nature all the Ordinances of the worship then were and are so still So for the Sabbath where shall we find that the first day of the week is to be remembred and kept holy as the Rest day of the Lord as the Seventh day was if you have not recourse to the fourth Commandement where the command is fixed upon the generall duty of remembring and keeping the Rest day whatever that day fall to be as was before observed Page 75. I might give many such instances I shall name but one more and that is this the applying of the token of Abrahams Covenant to infants which must have been more particularly appointed in the new Testament had not the command of God when he gave to Abraham that Covenant and the seal thereof been so expressely fixed upon the generall duty of keeping the token of the Covenant yea whatever that token prove to be for God did intend to change it as was shewed And withall the application of it to the Infant so expressely made an essential part thereof as being that wherein was signified and sealed that branch of Abrahams Covenant which made it to be his and to differ from what was given before in reference to which also and to the seals thereof he was called the Father of them that believe and therefore receiv'd both the one and the other both for himselfe and us as was shewed before namely a blessing upon families in order to the multiplying of the spiritual seed Which being considered the silence of the new Testament in this matter of Infant-baptisme is an argument rather for it then against it because had it not been taken for granted and as a thing commonly received by all the Churches from the light of the old Testament that this token of Abrahams Covenant should also be applyed unto Infants those who had so many questions and disputes to be decided by the Apostles had never let so great a priviledge go so quietly without so much as a question put about it And it had been necessary that the Lord should have given a caution for leaving Infants out of this new administration that we might have known his minde had he so intended Vse 4. Hence we see a reason why the Apostle faith of the children of beleeving parents that they are not common or uncleane but holy 1 Cor. 7. 14. one reason is because they come under this word of blessing from God in as much as that word was confirmed not only unto Abraham but also to all beleevers Blessing I will bless thee and thou shalt be a blessing and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed That which God blesseth he sanctifieth and separateth from that which is common or unclean As it is said of the Sabbath day he blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it that is made it a day which should not be reputed common but holy Nor are the children of beleevers under a blessing onely in a common way of providence as he blesseth the corne and the beasts of the field as hath been shewed although according to the ordinary course of causes and things in nature it must be acknowledged a blessing to be born and brought up of beleeving parents for if that were all it would not make their children holy It is said that Christ upholdeth all things by the word of his power Heb. 1. 3. so as the common course of things in nature is not without a word of blessing from God The earth which drinketh in the raine that cometh oft upon it and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed receiveth blessing from God Heb. 6. 7. So Psal 107. 38. yet here is no holiness in all this because this is done in the common course of nature and that which maketh any thing to be holy is something which is spiritual and supernatural or separated from that common road And this is the case of Infants of beleeving parents they are not onely under a word of common providence but also under such a particular word of blessing from God by meanes whereof beleevers are made blessings to their children in that which is spiritual and supernatural even to the conversion of their soules to God without which word of blessing all prayers and good example or meanes of education whatsoever are not so effectual thereunto Hence it is that the Apostle puts that difference between the Gentiles and the Jewes as between a wild Olive and a good Olive tree Rom. 11. 24. If thou wert cut out of the Olive tree which is wild by nature and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good Olive tree That which made this difference was not to be found in that which was meerly natural for the Jewes were borne in originall sinne and corrupted thereby as much as the Gentiles but in something supernatural namely because the Jewes though they were sinful too yet they were under the means of grace and they had God engaged by covenant to them and their children for their good But as for the Gentiles he left them to their natural condition without such means to mend them nor was God engaged so to them for their good but they were under the curse of God therefore they grew wild as a tree in the Wildernesse that hath none to order it And so were all those that came of them such children of such parents alike under the curse of God in sinne and not looked after or regarded by the Lord as it is said Acts 14. 16. He in times past suffered all the Gentiles to walk in their own ways And whereas the Jews are called the natural branches of this good Olive tree and are said to be Jewes by nature and not sinners of the Gentiles Gal. 2. 15. this is not spoken because this difference was from nature onely and not from that which is supernatural but because this priviledge they had by birth according to the covenant of God with Abraham And we see by that of the Apostle Rom. 11. that look what priviledge the Jewes had of this kind the beleeving Gentiles do now enjoy since their being graffed into the same Olive tree from whence the Jewes for a time are broken off and that when the Jewes shall be again graffed into it they shall enjoy the same again as was shewed p. 39 40 41 c. Therefore I say this is one thing which makes this difference between the children of beleevers and of unbeleevers that they are holy and these common or unclean because they are under such a word of
are unnatural unsafe and false are quickly taken up and so the issue is according and in stead of setting up his Kingdome ere they are aware they are ready to set up something else wherein that I say no more no blessing is to be expected It is the blessing of God upon persons not their abilities how great soever whereby they are made active in being blessings unto any chiefly in managing affaires of his Kingdome which is a blessed Kingdome And we see that he conferreth blessings still according to his covenant as all that he hath ever done or doth for any of his people hath ever been and is according to a covenant And however we are apt to think that an omission of an ordinance or duty therein required makes no great matter yet he putteth much upon it and proceeds accordingly as he sees fit in giving and denying of his blessing and in leaving marks of his displeasure upon such as doe transgresse therein 2. As you would be blessings to Families and Nations as you are to have that priviledge by vertue of Abrahams Covenant so you must follow Abrahams steps Be not slothful saith the Apostle in the words next before my Text Heb. 6. 12. but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises If ye were Abrahams children saith our Saviour Joh. 8. 39. that is so as to inherit Abrahams promise and blessing for otherwise they were his natural seed ye would do the works of Abraham Think not therefore to be blessings to your neighbours or to your owne children or servants as Abraham was unlesse you follow his steps And that in three things especially 1. You must teach your Families as Abraham did Gen. 18. 19. I know him saith God that he will command his children and his houshold after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgement that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him Implying that if family-duties be neglected notwithstanding the promise the blessing will not take effect God carries on his work of sanctification so as to take his people into communion with himself therein and to make them active in the work therefore he conferrs his blessings of that nature upon us by the use of means and they such as are fittest and most natural and proper to bring his work to passe Among all the means of grace there is none more effectual then family-instruction and example by means hereof are persons fitted and prepared for made more capable of benefit by publique preaching the younger sort especially Hereby the parents or family-governours authority example and interest is improved to a very great advantage to cause attention wakefulnesse of spirit readinesse to hear to read to ponder and consider the truth revealed in the Gospel That respect and love which usually is mutual in such relations is of mighty force to make endeavors of this nature happy and succesful The Lord knew this and therefore would not lose it therefore hath he promised to water such endeavours with the dew of his blessing He loveth there to blesse where there is something to be blessed by him Matth. 13. 12. 25. 29. Knowing therefore of what use his Saints might be to bring in others to himself especially those under their power guidance and tuition he hath therefore promised to make beleevers blessings unto families kindreds and nations Upon this account it was that Joshuah could undertake not only for himself but also for his house Jos 24. 15. Chuse ye whom ye will serve but as for mee and my house we will serve the Lord. Thus we read that Timothy knew the Scriptures from a Child 2 Tim. 3. 15. And this because the same faith dwelt in him which dwelt first in his Grand-Mother Lois and his Mother Eunice 2 Tim. 1. 5. We read also how the wise Solomon was instructed by his Mother This therefore is your way to encrease the Kingdome of Christ And yet this is not all 2. Another thing wherein you are to follow Abrahams steps is uprightness and singleness of heart in what you do for God Gen. 17. 1. Walk before me and be thou upright and I will make my covenant between me and thee and I will multiply thee exceedingly So Psal 112. 2. The generation of the upright shall be blessed A great part of a Christians work in his walking with God lieth in family-duties Now if he be but formal in it taking up a form of Godliness because he loveth to seem religious although he abound in duties of all sorts albeit a form of Godlinesse is better then nothing yet little good is done in such a case He that in sincerity and singlenesse of heart sets himselfe to glorifie God and to save the souls of such as are about him he it is that is a blessing where he liveth Such uprightnesse of heart engageth his affections in the work therefore what counsel or instruction he administers or what example he giveth taketh more impression What cometh from the heart goeth to the heart and there it fixeth with more authority and power A formal Christian is like unsavory salt that seasons not 3. You must not satisfie your selves with this Abraham must be followed yet one step further You must labour to be friends of God as Abraham was James 2. 23. that is you must be spiritual and heavenly Christians walking close with God no strangers to him observing narrowly his carriage towards you applying your selves to please him in all things to gaine upon his love to encrease in favour with him Such as keep acquaintance dayly and converse with God such persons alwaies are a blessing where they live As our Saviour saith they are like leaven apt to season such as are about them with the fear and love of Christ He that converseth much with God hath an humble meek and savory spirit He is rich in faith much of God appeareth still in all his conversation His presence therefore and example is a check to wickedness a provocation and encouragement to holiness of life As a friend of the Bridgroome he is a blessed meanes to bring many soules into the arms of Christ On the other side whoever he be that neglecteth this friendship is in very small capacity to be an instrument of spiritual good to any especially to those who are nearest to him who most observe his wayes and see into his actions A friend of the Bridegroome and the Bride must be a friend of God FINIS A SHORT DISCOURSE Concerning the MANIFSTATIONS of GOD unto his People IN THE LAST DAIES Wherein is shewed the manner of the Spirits work therein to be in the use of ordinary gifts not by extraordinary Revelations HEBR. 1. 1. God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in times past to the fathers by the Prophets hath in these last daies spoken unto us by his sonne IN these words we have
nature of sanctification it is a giving up or a separating of a thing to God Rom. 12. 1. 2 Cor. 7. 1. and in voluntary agents it is a giving up of themselves to God else the will is not given up to him and so the man is not sanctified therefore in the sanctification of the understanding it is made active in its own illumination and gives up it selfe to the power of the word of truth and to God therein hence it is that whilst the spirit of God sanctifies us through the truth it begets in us a beliefe that it is the truth of God Secondly by this sanctification so far as it prevaileth for it is but in part in this world we are delivered from the corrupt biasings of the heart which are the cause of all our darkness and unbeliefe of all those shifts evasions wherby we are kept from owning his authority in his word men of corrupt minds they are who are reprobate concerning the faith 2 Tim. 3. 8. Thirdly in the work of sanctification the soule findes the infinite power of God in this truth in mortifying sinne in a new birth to righteousnesse and in filling of the soule with comfort which however is a work secretly carried on in the soule and so many times the power of the sanctifying word not much taken notice of in actual thoughts yet the soule wherein it is accordingly doth secretly owne and acknowledge this power of the word and God himselfe therein yea even when actual thoughts from the corruption of the unregenerate part are reasoning against it and would not see it Thus we see upon what further ground our beliefe of the truth as the truth and word of God depends besides the credit of the persons by whom we are instructed and taught therein Who notwithstanding may be acknowledged as Ambassadours from Christ who speak to us in the name of God and in his Authority upon a twofold account First from the nature of their work which is to instruct us in the truth of God in which although much of the truth slips besides our faith and knowledge because of the weaknesse both of Teacher and Hearer and it may be but very little of it is discovered unto us yet something is done in that behalfe so as we can say of this and that particular truth which we have learned by their meanes that it is indeed the word of God and how small soever that be yet it cometh upon our soules from our Teachers in the name of God and in his authority because as it will be granted that when we receive the truth of God in his authority it is not therefore to be supposed that we are presently possessed of all the truth of God at once nor of all that truth which is spoken to us should it be by persons of infallible gifts because we receive no more then what we understand so it is as true that how small soever that part of the truth of the Gospell be that we receive as truth we cannot but receive it in his name and authority because he is the God of truth and the things revealed in it are such as none else could reveale but he therefore called his truth John 17. 17. Sanctifie them through thy truth thy word is truth And indeed that onely doe we receive in his name and authority which we receive as truth were it by persons of infallible gifts therefore I say so far as they are able to fasten any truth upon our understandings they are truly said even from the nature of their work to speake to us in the name of God Secondly from the nature of their office which is such as they are therein consecrated and appointed by a creating word of institution to be in this thing in stead of Christ himself unto the Church so as he saith to them He that receiveth you receiveth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me Luke 10. 16. and 2 Cor. 5. 20. We sayes the Apostle are Ambassadours for Christ as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christs stead be ye reconciled to God This the Apostle speaketh of himself and others as those to whom God had committed the ministery of reconciliation vers 19. Now that ministerie was committed not onely to Apostles and Evangelists He gave also Pastours and Teachers for the work of the ministerie Ephes 4. 11. 12. So Heb. 13. 7. Therefore I say by vertue of his word of institution they are in this capacity not by vertue of any infallibility or freedome from errour in their teaching The ministery is that Ordinance of God whereby the truth of God is by degrees to be discovered and whereby that which is discovered to be his truth should come upon the soule in the same Authority and Power as if God himselfe did speak it to us God could as easily have spoken to us himselfe from time to time but he chuseth rather and finds it necessary to deal with us according to our capacity that his terrour may not make us afraid as Elihu said to Job Job 33. 7. and to bring downe the knowledge of himselfe to such wayes and meanes agreeable to our condition as that we may receive it in earthen vessels and yet be assured that it is the word and truth of God and so as that in this Ordinance of the ministery we have that which is equivalent unto his speaking to us himselfe This is the manner of Gods dealing with his people in bestowing himself upon us that what we cannot have immediately by himselfe by vertue of his ordinances we should have in equivalency or in effect made good unto us which is one reason why the Scripture calleth a false Ordinance an Idol or a false god namely because that is the nature and use of the ordinances of the worship of God to be to us as in his stead or to be equivalently or in effect as Christ himselfe unto our soules Thus in the supper of the Lord we have his body and blood though not his body and blood in nature or by transubstantiation yet because that supper is his ordinance wherein we do enjoy the communion of his body and blood the bread and wine in that use and administration is equivalently or in effect the body and blood of Christ unto us So the Church wherein we worship God is called the body and house of Christ though as in it selfe considered consisting but of a few and of them it may be a great part Hypocrites it cannot properly or primarily be so called yet that being his ordinance wherein we enjoy communion with him as members of his mystical body and as the temples of the holy Ghost and wherein we do the work and enjoy the comfort which belongeth unto us as such therfore in equivalency and in the way of an ordinance that Church is to us the body and house of Christ 1 Cor. 12. 27. The Church of Corinth is called his body